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Art Critique Essay Essays and Research Papers. ?Saira Nicole O. Raymundo HU 101 sec 6 ART . CRITIQUE MC GALLERY OF WOMEN'S ART The moment I entered the gallery of Women's Art I really felt something different.. because it was cold, I really liked that temperature because it is very hot outside. Essay? Upon entering a smiling guard came to essay very, us and lectured us some rules to follow while visiting the gallery. I was really proud of essay money, my gender because of the works I saw. All. Ateneo de Manila University , Color , Corazon Aquino 1218 Words | 2 Pages. ENG 112 Critique Instructions For this paper you will be writing a critique of one of the . argument articles you worked with for your summary (in Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum), or you may choose an argumentative article of your own, but if you choose an article that is not from revision ks3 cells games, one of our books, please provide a copy of your article with your finished critique . The article you choose will need to be complex enough for you to be able to discuss it for. Argumentation theory , Debate , Essay 1004 Words | 3 Pages. 12/05/12 Critique of Essay Who’s going to hell? That is the question.

Well, it is at least for Bernard Lewis, Author of “I’m . right, you’re wrong, Go to hell’—Religions and the Meetings of Civilizations”. In the essay Lewis discusses the different views of religions and how the subdivisions of those religions affect it as a whole. It is apparent to Argumentative money key happiness, see that this topic arouses the author, as he exudes much passion and noticeable knowledge of the Essay quiz subject matter. The point of the essay is not very. Argument , Christianity , Civilization 958 Words | 3 Pages. Journal 1, Humanities, Museum/Fine Art Gallery Visit The Saint Louis Art Museum’s architecture is key happiness, beautiful.

There are many . roman influences to Good essay writing very, the outside of the building including round arches, tall stone columns and roman statues of persons in robes and sandals. The building itself is very inviting and enjoyable to money key happiness, view just from the essay writing website outside. When entering inside, one will notice the gorgeous marble floors, the lofty ceilings and the roman style pillars, wall trim, steps and hallways. The. Art , Art museum , Cliff 845 Words | 3 Pages. What comes to mind when you think of art class in an elementary classroom?

Most people would think of students painting, drawing, cutting, . gluing, or creating some project. Few people realize that art instruction includes much more. Money? Art education encompasses four areas of emphasis: dance, music, theater, and visual arts . Each area is equally important in creating a well-rounded art education. This essay will explore the four areas of art emphasis, their content, and examples of how to teach. Art , Art education , Arts 945 Words | 3 Pages. Arundhati Roy has dedicated her writing career to politics and social causes and is a vehement critic of neo-imperialism and globalization. Her . Writing Very? essay , “How Deep Shall We Dig?” was published in a national Indian newspaper ‘The Hindu’ on 25 April, 2004 against the backdrop of the essay money 14th General Lok Sabha Elections in India.

In her essay she attempts to portray the harsh conditions prevalent in the entire India due to unjust laws and an increasingly fascist approach towards governance by the ruling parties. Arundhati Roy , Fallacy , India 2121 Words | 6 Pages. Art Essay The body has been used as a sign or symbol in art for centuries. The body was used to symbolize . perfection in ancient Greece, and in Egypt, to give a precise image for zweig, the God of the After-life. Not to mention their colossal monuments which promote power and glory, and are used to intimidate. However contemporary artists use the body as a symbol which conveys a whole range of different kinds of layered meaning, although the Argumentative essay money simple symbol of quiz, power has not been lost over Argumentative essay key happiness, the centuries. Ancient Egypt , Art , Art in ancient Greece 983 Words | 3 Pages. Help? ?Ashlee Aukerman Professor Parks ENLG 1101-U02 21 October 2013 Critique Essay In Jonathan Kozol’s essay “The . Argumentative Essay Money? Human Cost of an Illiterate Society” Kozol relies on touching the How to a policy about yourself reader’s heart rather than presenting the statistics that would prove his point without a shadow of a doubt. Argumentative Essay Key Happiness? Kozol strikingly relates to the reader the many things that an illiterate person cannot do on Good essay, a day to day basis.

His accounts of illiteracy are appalling and heartbreaking to Argumentative essay key happiness, read about, but without the heaviness. Democracy , Emotion , Functional illiteracy 930 Words | 3 Pages. The Art of the Essay It is the fall of 2008, and a 14 year old kid is quiz online, sitting in his Freshman Introductory English class. Key Happiness? . Classes essentially just started and like always, the Dissertation new freshmen are still giddy in the excitement of a new school with new classes. Kids walk around with their class schedules in their back pockets, stopping and investigating the Argumentative essay money potential of ks3 cells games, each and every one of their friends' list of essay key happiness, classes. On Lack To Sex? Freshman English, Freshman Science, Algebra I, World History, and Fundamentals. American football , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1980 Words | 5 Pages. ? Art Essay Question: Explain how artists can represent their ideas by using materials and techniques The artists Frida Kahlo . and Marion Borgelt both use materials and Argumentative money key happiness techniques in quiz online, their art making practice to represent their ideas. This is Argumentative, evident in Kalho’s The Little Dear’, ‘Self-portrait with cropped hair’ and ‘the flying bed’ and Borgelt’s ‘Lunar Circle 2007’, ‘Liquid light: 46 degrees 2007’ and ‘Strobe series no 17, 2007’.

Frida Kahlo de Rivera, (July 6th, 1907 – July 13th, 1954) was. Ks3 Cells? Diego Rivera , Frida , Frida Kahlo 1810 Words | 5 Pages. ESSAY : The artist Robert Barry states that “nothing keeps renewing itself the essay way art does” the meaning behind this statement . can be supported by analysing the still life or vanitas of painting in western culture whilst looking through the post-modern frame. The use of the post-modern frame is to Dissertation on lack of consent to sex, primarily analyse and interpret an artwork, taking into essay money key happiness, account the post-modern and School temporary influences and how this many affect the making amp; meaning of the artwork. It is used to examine how changing. Allegory , Audrey Flack , Hyperrealism 1190 Words | 4 Pages. Essay Key Happiness? ? Art Essay - The context, of which art is created, clearly reflects its history and where it is from.

Society’s . Magazine Jason? values are further highlighted by Argumentative money the piece and give us insight into writing very, what life was like. This is essay key happiness, interestingly interpreted by Juan Bautista de Espinosa’s exuberant baroque style painting, with a heavily catholic influence from Spain in the late 1500’s, as well as Margaret Olley’s contrasting and simplistic sensibility of the mid 20th century. Each artist’s aesthetic, although significantly. Baroque , Juan Bautista de Anza , Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail 1433 Words | 5 Pages. Ana Guizar English 102 Mr. Koestler “Confusion on Americans’ Addictiveness” “Want-Creation Fuels Americans’ Addictiveness” is a confusing title as . much as the quiz online essay belonging to it. In the essay , which initially appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, Author Philip Slater poorly emphasizes that American society has contributed and amplified Americans’ addiction behavior. The article is initially engaging to a reader, however, the transitions between topics can lose the essay money key happiness reader’s. Addiction , Drug , Drug addiction 1196 Words | 4 Pages. ? Critique of “The Myth Of The Millennials” Critique of “The Myth of the Millennials” . After analyzing Edwin W. Koc’s article, “The Myth of the Millennials,” he demonstrates disbelief that millennial students are more than “self-indulgent, entitled, and romans dependent as adults and employees.” His point specifies that millennial parents emphasize their children’s needs first by often working more than one job, these millennial parents ensured that their children could. Generation X , Generation Y , Generation Z 1020 Words | 4 Pages. include evidence of her reasoning.

Also she fails to explain the negatives that come with social networking sites, which may include becoming addicted to . creating fantasies, stalking others, and putting your life in extreme danger. Stites opens her essay with a few of the online communities she is involved with. She explains how before she even brushes her teeth she checks for notifications on Argumentative essay money key happiness, her sites. Stites then turns to her phone to magazine jason zweig, check where people were the Argumentative key happiness night before. Science Ks3 Cells Games? It is her opinion that. Facebook , Instant messaging , MySpace 1296 Words | 4 Pages. Money Key Happiness? former seems to have correct point of view when unemployment, growth rates, exports, currencies and Money zweig capital flows deteriorates especially in developing . countries. In conclusion, full employment should be restored as the top economic policy goal.

Critique Firstly, I would like to criticize the Argumentative essay money content aspect of the article. The topic of the article on global unemployment issue is very captivating and meaningful to audiences because almost all the people in this world inevitably will be affected by. Developing country , International Monetary Fund , Macroeconomics 853 Words | 3 Pages. ?The Magic Flute Review Kristyn Davis Dr. Eubanks November 28, 2011 Liberal Arts “ Art is one way whereby man seeks to . Money Jason? understand the world.”. Money? This is revision games, a quote from Argumentative essay money key happiness, Oscar Brockett’s book, The Essential Theater. Over the weekend the Ouachita Baptist University: School of Fine Arts , division of music put on an opera entitled The Magic Flute. Originally composed by Mozart, the students in quiz, the production did an excellent job of bringing his composition to life. Going into the opera, my expectations.

Art , Music , Opera 794 Words | 4 Pages. Argumentative Essay? ! Modernism and Postmodernism in Australian Art : ‘Australian Identity’ When westerners first came to Australia in the late 1700’s, we found . ourselves extremely disorientated in this mysterious world, causing confusion within ourselves and loss of identity in place. But now as we are evolving, we begin to heal ourselves through learning to live in Dissertation on lack of consent, a more empathetic relationship with the land, being influenced and Argumentative money key happiness influencing the ancient soils we stand upon. As we began to acknowledge that nature. Australia , Culture , Indigenous Australians 1465 Words | 5 Pages. Critique 1 When considering the painting “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso we must first consider why the piece meets the criteria of an actual work . of art . Of Consent? First, we define wether the Argumentative money key happiness piece was made by an artist and why this artist is accredited. This painting was done by Picasso, one of the most renowned painters of his time. Essay Quiz? When mentioning the art of painting, Picasso is the first name that comes to the forefront of Argumentative money, many minds. All artists and people alike recognized and Science revision ks3 cells continue to recognize Picasso’s. Art , Bombing of Guernica , Cubism 934 Words | 3 Pages.

In this essay I intend to compare and contrast the artist Lucian Freud and the photographer Narcis Virgiliu. I have chosen Freud because his . paintings focus on money key happiness, nude models and he paints exactly what he sees. Science Revision Ks3 Cells? However, in Virgiliu’s photography work he uses slim models, the total opposite of Freud’s work. The artist and photographer I’ve chosen links to my theme in my own work as it involves body image and how people perceive different body shapes. Lucian Freud was one of the best known British. Human body , Lucian Freud , Oil paint 1005 Words | 3 Pages. make a person more attractive to the opposite sex.

Men generally received moko on Argumentative essay, their faces, butts and thighs. Women usually wore . moko on their lips and chins. I found this tribe interesting mainly because of the art of the tattoos and how much work and elegance is put into every single piece. In todays modern culture it is very rare to see people representing their own culture in public unless it is for just one special event. Many people associate the color of a persons skin to . Culture , New Zealand , People 595 Words | 2 Pages. The man behind the table is ks3 cells games, not just an ordinary salesman, he is Argumentative essay money key happiness, a slave trader. The dealer is intently looking at the sales papers while the son is looking . away. The father seems both at ease and disturbed by the proceedings. Noble makes a visual critique of his own about the patriarchal presumptuousness of romans, a slaveholder. Modern patriarchs sacrifice their own sons- and not for essay money key happiness, any command but merely for a little money.

Slaveholding at that time was experienced and represented as the male head of the. African slave trade , Arab slave trade , Atlantic slave trade 1260 Words | 4 Pages. Running head: Research Article Critique Essay Research Article Critique Essay . Sandy Maalouf University of San Francisco Running head: Research Article Critique Essay Introduction: Pain is considered chronic when it is continuous or recurrent and lasts more than three months. Chronic pain has a negative impact on zweig, an individual's quality of life, affecting sleep, diet, relationships, ability to work, and functionality, among other aspects of daily life. . Reasoning 973 Words | 6 Pages. Contemporary Art Expressions Synthia Saint James and Jack Keats style of painting is similar in the way they use vivid and essay money key happiness muted colors to . depict a scene in there paintings.

There brush strokes are similar in magazine, the way they outline the essay key happiness details in their paintings, as well as how they use abstract facial features to define the expressions on faces. Saint James “Le Village” and Keats “Pet Show” are both illustrations on canvas using acrylic and/or oil paint. Keats the “Pet Show” was painted in. Brown , Color , Green 2056 Words | 5 Pages. Bass The artists who have recently caught my attention are Saul Bass and the Beggarstaff Brothers.

They were very similar in style as their . art was simple but communicated information efficiently. Saul Bass and the Beggarstaff Brothers designed posters, which included simple images and few words. The Beggarstaff Brothers' work was that of English Art nouveau and had great influence on How to a policy paper about yourself, the illustration of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. In the late 19th Century, Toulouse-Lautrec and other French artists. Alfred Hitchcock , Beggarstaff, J. W. , Film poster 1584 Words | 4 Pages. Persuasive Essay - the Arts in the Education. THE ARTS IN EDUCATION Lehonti Ramos Index: ? ? ? Directions Essay Where the key happiness information for revision, the essay came . from 1 2 2 Directions: Write a persuasive essay about the relative importance of the arts in education. Money? (First read at Money magazine zweig, least two of the following). ¦ The Arts are Nice, But. Arts %20in%20Education/The%20Center%20for%20A rts%20in%20the%20Basic%20Curriculum/perrin1.htm Music and the Mind

Brain , Education , High school 831 Words | 3 Pages. ?‘The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.’ -Pablo Picasso How can events in the life of an essay, artist influence the . work they produce? Although the ideas that shape an Good writing very, artist’s work come from essay, within, their inspiration comes from the outside world: their own experiences within it and reflections upon it. Homework Help Romans? Pablo Picasso painted Guernica in response to the bombing of a village in northern Spain, perhaps finding some relief in transferring uneasy thoughts sparked by the tragedy. Andre Breton , Frida Kahlo , History of painting 1338 Words | 4 Pages. Killian Wengler Mr.Sysol E-302 26 September 2012 Fine Arts Critique Dracula Are you into horror, drama and a good scare? . If you answered yes then Dracula at Argumentative money key happiness, Actors Theatre of Louisville is the Essay quiz play for you. The play was directed by Argumentative essay money key happiness William McNulty. This play was absolutely astonishing and I personally loved every minute of it. Dracula’s plot consists of a villainous vampire named Count Dracula and several brave men and women working together to try and defeat Dracula.

The play is homework help, a summary. Abraham Van Helsing , Count Dracula , Dracula 816 Words | 3 Pages. Visual Arts Analysis Essay This world is full of so many different art . types and styles. Essay Money? For example there is drawing, painting, sculpture (such as carving, modeling, assemblage and construction) architecture, printmaking, electronic media such as computer and digital graphics, ceramics, visual design, collage, photography, postmodern appropriation and recontextualisation, and start a policy graffiti. Argumentative? See us as scholars we have learned a lot from many artists like Banksy. Science Revision Ks3 Cells? Art , Banksy , Graffiti 1872 Words | 5 Pages. Argumentative Essay Money Key Happiness? ?Visual Art Essay - The Body Analyse how artworks represent and document cultural histories Renowned art curator . and critic David Elliot states “ art reflects our time, it is about our culture.” By studying throughout time artist’s material and revision games conceptual practice it is clear how artworks represent and Argumentative money document cultural histories. These practices are affected by the culture at the world of the time. The oxford dictionary defines culture as “The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular. Culture , Edouard Manet , History 2161 Words | 7 Pages. Reflection on Art . How To Start Yourself? 1 Essay Seminar I: Exploring the Liberal Arts Ottawa University Amy Hanridge Christine Paquette 09/12/2013 Refection on Art 2 “In order correctly to define art , it is necessary. Art , Feeling , Good and evil 667 Words | 3 Pages.

Germaine Armstrong Professor Hale MU2313 Critique Paper When I went home last weekend I attempted to go to key happiness, the Arlington Museum of start paper about, . Art . Unfortunately the essay money museum was closed due to the fact that they where changing exhibits and would not reopen until the following week. I returned back to San Marcos and paper decided I would go to The Wittliff Collections here on campus. To my surprise it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Essay Money? Being on just one floor of a building I thought it would be a. Concert , Dionne quintuplets , Display case 2707 Words | 6 Pages. Science Revision Ks3 Cells? Factory Cherie Diggs Art Appreciation- Art 100 Adam Veil November 21, 2014 I decided to do my museum visit . Argumentative Essay? essay paper on the Torpedo Factory Art Center. I chose this particular museum because it’s located in Old Town Alexandria about ten minutes from homework help romans, my house. So when I dropped my son off for Argumentative, school I hopped on the bus and went there early Friday morning. Dissertation Of Consent? During my visit to the Torpedo Factory Art Center on November 21, 2014 I got to see many different forms of art and although this. Aesthetics , Art , History of painting 902 Words | 4 Pages. in which the money use of Money jason zweig, appropriation and re-contextualisation was developed to Argumentative money key happiness, test previous conventional depictions of gender in Science revision ks3 cells games, the visual arts . . Essay Money? Artists Yasumasa Morimura, Julie Rrap, Anne Zahalka and Cindy Sherman have each employed the use of appropriation to question the on lack of consent to sex historical ideologies of gender, particularly in relation to Argumentative essay money, women, and their role in art and society. Dissertation To Sex? They all borrowed past paintings and promoted them with new context to portray and explore different meanings towards gender. Art , Female body shape , Gender 1524 Words | 5 Pages.

Review Essay of Arts , Inc. In the book Arts , Inc., Bill Ivey, who is the former Chair of the NEA. Essay Key Happiness? His argument . is simply that the combination of the increasing corporate dominance of the United States “cultural system” and the exfoliation of the increasing technology have destroyed the historical richness and diversity of culture. His second argument is that artistic heritage is online, a set of public assets, which should benefit all. Considered about the existing cultural institutions are often squandered. Art , Arts , Copyright 909 Words | 3 Pages. Task - Research Essay Explain how artists engage and sustain an audience's interest in the contemporary world?

Artists use a wide variety of . methods to engage and Argumentative money sustain an Good writing, audience's interest in the contemporary world. In the money key happiness case of installation art , this can include audience participation and changes due to the location of the Money jason exhibition, light, and audience interaction. Argumentative Essay Key Happiness? I am going to Dissertation, use two works by both Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, and Christo and Jeanne-Claude to explain some of the methods used. Art , Audience , Christo and Jeanne-Claude 1509 Words | 4 Pages. This essay will consider two artists that work are defined as being characterised by signs and symbols and use art as means of . communicating with the world they live in; Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) and key happiness Australian artist Brett Whiteley (1939-1992).

Signs and symbols form the basis of how art is online, observed and interpreted. They represent an idea that an artist is trying to convey to their audience. Essay? Signs and School homework help romans symbols can be in the colour scheme, the Argumentative key happiness depiction of subjects and the art elements. Archibald Prize , Art , Brett Whiteley 1443 Words | 4 Pages. considerations for installation artists” Discuss this statement with reference to the work of Janet Laurence and two other artists Installation . Essay Online? artists require an interactive atmosphere to effectively utilise and express their art works to their audience. Over the years, in Argumentative essay key happiness, the art world, choice of materials, site specificity and audience experience have become paramount considerations for Money magazine jason zweig, installation artists to gain the correct response from viewers. Artists such as Janet Lawrence, Kurt Schwitters. Andy Goldsworthy , Art , Conceptual art 1058 Words | 3 Pages.

Art Theme Essay : Deception The art of lying and deception has developed over centuries of mistruth, to become . in today's modern world a necessity of life. Essay Money Key Happiness? Thus, the theme I chose for my body of works is deception. Deception is the act of misleading another to believe information that is false. In this case, my body of works are trying to decieve the person's perspective as if it was a surreal moment. Money Magazine? I chose this theme because it relates to our modern society and it will give the audience a chance. Charcoal , Drawing , Graphite 1037 Words | 3 Pages. Greek Art and Architecture Essays. Essay #1 The Palace of Knossos, a Minoan mud brick and key happiness timber structure on a shallow stone foundation, featuring a central courtyard, was . constructed on an acropolis. It was a place for Money, rulers to reside, shrines for religious ceremonies to be worshipped, the industrial production of objects, and administrative duties. Ample hallways, stairways, chambers, and light wells supplemented the ambitiously built structure.

There were plenty of columns to mark he four awe inspiring entrance passages. Ancient Greece , Athena , Bronze sculpture 2474 Words | 7 Pages. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is . an ESSAY . The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of essay writing which involves both the way the essay is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of an writing, essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. Art History Final Essay May 1st, 2014 In the novel Seeing the Divine Image in essay money key happiness, India, Diana Eck’s interpretation of Darsan and . the spirituality of Dissertation of consent, Hinduism are quite extensive. Hinduism is a religion of great depth with many layers of Argumentative, symbolism, which are not always apparent to those who are unfamiliar with the religion.

Hinduism places a lot of emphasis on the connection between nature and our five senses. A main part of Hinduism’s religious rituals is seeing one of the deities known as Darsan. Deity , Deva , Hindu 1216 Words | 2 Pages. Klee’s New Harmony. C) Gustav Klimt’s Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I. D) Conclusion. Foreword: This essay discusses the peculiarities of . two paintings of the different artists, New Harmony by start a policy paper yourself Paul Klee and Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Argumentative Gustav Klimt, in on lack of consent, terms of color tonality. Thesis: Color tonality serves as one of the means of money, artist’s expression of feelings in zweig, the work of art presented via two exemplary paintings by P. Klee and G. Klimt.

First of Argumentative essay money key happiness, all, before I begin my analysis. Expressionism , Gustav Klimt , History of painting 965 Words | 3 Pages. ? David Cadillon WRTG 391 Advanced Research Writing Critique Essay 20 October 2013 Now a . day’s technology is such a common part of our lives no one really stops to question what it’s taking away from society, if anything. But in 1992 Neil Postman, an author of over 200 magazines and newspaper articles, wrote the book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology to explain the many ways technology was taking over. In his book Technopoly, Postman makes. Human , Religion , Science 879 Words | 3 Pages. family. Through realizing her alliance Adah was able to find herself by finding her strengths in knowledge and acceptance of the African people. Good Website Very? According . to Argumentative essay money, a critique this observation is correct. Through her realization Adah returns to paper about, America and becomes a doctor to not only practice in America but in Africa as well. Literary critique Stephen Fox stated “It is clear that Adah’s dysfunction are completely socially marked. When she redefines herself as a unique and worthy, the stigma of her disability. Africa , African people , Barbara Kingsolver 831 Words | 3 Pages. Key Happiness? ?Barbara Gomez Mrs.

Melissa Qualls EPP 150 10/23/2013 The Art of Reading by Lin Yutang At the quiz online beginning of essay money key happiness, this essay , . Yutang starts speaking about the differences between the mind of a person who reads and of someone who does not read. Lin show his point of Essay quiz, view very cleary telling us how small can be the thoughts of someone who does not read can be when His life falls into a set routine, (90) a non reader can be easily impressed by the world outside because, Lin says, he only sees. Aerosmith , Flavor , Kate Winslet 1569 Words | 4 Pages. Film Critique Essay The film, “Australia” (2008), opens with a scenic backdrop as well as information on pre-World War II and Argumentative essay money . its effect on How to start about, Australia, specifically in the northern area. The film then transitions to the issue of Stolen Generations- the attempt of ‘whites’ to send mixed aboriginal children to mission homes on far islands to phase out their culture, setting the stage for the many complications and dramatic events in line to take motion. With the main characters of Lady Sarah Ashley. Australia , Bomb , Culture of Australia 1080 Words | 3 Pages. Art Appreciation semester final essay. Essay Money Key Happiness? ?Compare and Contrast Essay In this essay you will be comparing and contrasting two different types of paintings. The same . subject matter but different ideas of the same subject.

I will be writing about homework help The Last Supper, which was painted by Giampietrino, after Leonardo da Vinci. He used oil on canvas while painting the piece of art . Argumentative Essay Money? The year that Giampietrino painted this picture was in a policy paper, 1520. Another work of essay money key happiness, art that I will be writing about will be The Last supper by Francesco Fontebasso. He painted. Art , Color , Composition 1006 Words | 3 Pages. How To A Policy Paper About Yourself? My expressive essay concerns the portraits of two artists, Francis Bacon and Pablo Picasso.

Two such protraits are self protrait 1971 by . Bacon and weeping woman 1937 by Picasso. Argumentative Essay? I believe that both these paintings have been strongly influenced by Dissertation to sex their own life experiences. Argumentative Money? Francis Bacon was born on the 28th of October 1909 and he died on the 28th of April 1992. Bacon was born in Dublin, to parents of British descent. Good Website? Captain Anthony Edward Mortimer Bacon, his father, was a veteran of the.

Collage , Cubism , Gertrude Stein 1163 Words | 3 Pages. Fitzgerald: A Candid Portrait. Essay Money Key Happiness? New York: Holt and Winston, 1963. Stallman, Robert W. Gatsby and The Hole in Time,” Modern Fiction Studies, November, 1995 . Tyson, Lois. “Critical Theory Today” New York, 2006: 50-76. essays /Marxist-View-Of-The-Great-Gatsby-586201.html The voice of working class in narrating “The Great Gatsby” And Materialism critical point of view Sareh Ramezan Islamic Azad University, Karaj. Arnold Rothstein , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Jay Gatsby 1059 Words | 7 Pages. Art Critique, The Battle of Issus by Amra. AMRA ARIF KAREEM (NCA) Greek era mosaic, The Battle of Issus Art Critique - 2011 The artwork I’ve chosen for my report is . the famous mosaic from the Greek era: “the Battle of Issus”. This mosaic depicts a war scene in the c 80 B.C. This marks the defeat of a very influential rival of Alexander the great in the uneven coastal plain of Issus. Website? Alexander’s victory over essay, King Darius II proves Alexander as a strong warrior which was capable of revision, conquering vast lands.

Alexander is quite famous. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? Achaemenid Empire , Alexander the Good essay writing website very Great , Ancient Rome 1084 Words | 3 Pages. Art History I, Response Essay The piece I have chosen for this Response Essay is a Hydria Offering (Funerary . Water Pitcher) attributed to the Mound Painter; it is dated c. 340-330 BC. This particular piece is located at the British Museum in money key happiness, London. The material is ceramic and is one of the best examples of a funerary pitcher that would be placed in Dissertation to sex, a tomb. The vessel is symmetrical and Argumentative has a sense of purpose, to Essay online, commemorate the death of the occupant of the key happiness tomb with the presenting of gifts. Burial , Coffin , Color 874 Words | 3 Pages.

1. Nayip Puente-N 2. Art History II, 1304, 12-Week Session 3. Dissertation On Lack Of Consent To Sex? Essay #1 Section 1: DESCRIPTION Part 1 of The Videotape #3 . entitled The Early Renaissance Italy; depicts the Masaccio’s Holy Trinity (1425-1427). Argumentative Essay? This work of art is painted in Essay quiz online, fresco in the Dominican Church of Santa Maria Novella, in Florence, Italy. This is one of the essay money first paintings to depict deep space, uses one-point linear perspective to of consent to sex, create a “tromp l’oeil” (French for deceive the eye ) or an effect that fools the. Florence , Fresco , Italian Renaissance 1538 Words | 4 Pages. Art 1030: ART APPRECIATION Dr. Carol Ventura Study Guide for First Test Spring 2015 You do not have to know the names of . artists or their work for this test.

The first test will be multiple choice and will cover terms and media only. These words are from the text, lectures, and Argumentative videos. I suggest you make a flashcard for each word with the word and a photocopy of the writing website example from the book (if there is one) on one side and the meaning and Argumentative money context on on lack of consent, the other. When you study with the money flash cards. Arch , Barrel vault , Color 487 Words | 2 Pages.

Ancient Greek Art Ancient Greece was a remarkable place of learning and civilization. Online? Many of the institutions developed at the time are still . in use today, such as universities and democratic governments. Ancient Greece is Argumentative, also known for its incredible artworks, which have influenced many cultures through centuries. As with all things, the Ancient Greeks were innovators in the field of art and developed many new styles and techniques which have been used by countless artists ever since. Ancient. Science Revision Ks3 Cells? Alexander the Great , Ancient Greece , Ancient Rome 1061 Words | 3 Pages. ‘What I like so much about contemporary art now is its ambiguity, its uncertainty.

It is precisely this quality that engages and unsettles us’ . Argumentative Essay? – Benjamin Genocchio, art critic. How does this view challenge traditional ideas about Money magazine jason art ? Discuss particular works such as installations, happenings and site-specific works. Audiences make pretentious judgements on artworks due to their ambiguity and uncertainty. However, traditionally site-specific art was created to Argumentative money, exist in a specific place, rather. Art , Contemporary art , Damien Hirst 1433 Words | 4 Pages. Taylor Olivier February 23, 2013 Irene Neuro ART106 “Pareidolia” Body- Art Critique I went to the art exhibit . in Dissertation on lack of consent, the Gallery at Southeastern University on Thursday, February 21. I chose a work of art called “Pareidolia” Body to write my art critique about. This piece of art is called “Pareidolia” Body It was created by Argumentative essay Maya Erdlyi, and is made from cut-paper collage and used for a Stop-motion film in 2012. This work is very unique because the artist used different paper materials to create.

Art , Art critic , Human 749 Words | 2 Pages. Museum of Science revision, Art : Paper After visiting the Raleigh Museum of Art , I discovered two paintings that conjured up opposite feelings . that I will compare and contrast. The painting I liked most was titled, Jungle Camp, 2000 an Acrylic on canvas 72 x 60 in. (182.9 x 152.4 cm), from one of North Carolina’s most respected artists, Maud Gatewood. Her paintings record the Argumentative essay money key happiness varied experiences of a wandering life. Writing on the back of the canvas, the artist notes the origins of School help, this picture: Trapped in Argumentative essay key happiness, the Amazon. Acrylic paint , Art , Golden Artist Colors 894 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Quiz? faced many rejections and abuse throughout her childhood which is money, conveyed in her artwork. As an artist, Dowling concerns herself with the ideology of . Aboriginal identity and Essay quiz online their ancestors’ perspective of Australian history. Consciously merging the money key happiness art styles of European and indigenous conventions into her work, Dowling establishes the essay writing links between her background and that of her relatives. Dowling draws upon many experiences, but mostly from what she describes as “. a culturally disposed family. Art , Bringing Them Home , Indigenous Australians 1642 Words | 4 Pages. meaning any number of things, it is up to the reader to make sense of what he is trying to Argumentative, say, the Money magazine jason zweig same goes for art . Art is not . made to be some commercial poster to be hung on a dorm room wall, art is far more than that, and it is the essay window into the imagination, the truth of an artist. My thoughts on Warhol’s quote is that he is trying to say that everyone has the ability to create art , art is the imagination creating things on paper, if you want a portrait of someone, take a photo, if you really want.

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Mental Health Tech II - Human Restorations. Oklahoma City , OK 73163. Role Purpose: Under supervision and in collaboration with other mental health care professionals, assist in performing a variety of key happiness, Center of magazine zweig, Behavioral Medicine activities for patients. Responsibilities: * Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for own practice, continuing education, competency and quality. Participate in committees, teams, councils and work groups.

Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of growth and development and proficiency in assessing, treating, and caring for patients according to their age-specific needs. Apply knowledge of group dynamics in participating in therapeutic groups and maintaining the milieu. Receive patient care assignments from Registered Nurse in charge of unit. Initiate delegated tasks based on demonstrated competence in performing program activities for essay money, patient population served. Science? Apprise Registered Nurse of any changes in Argumentative essay key happiness, patient condition, of patient complaints and of patient/significant other educational needs. Orient new patients and significant others to the program and prepare patients for discharge and accompany them upon dismissal as indicated.

Participate in the orientation of new Mental Health Techs on unit activities and procedures. Perform mechanical and manual operation of equipment as recommended in user manual with ability to How to start a policy paper, recognize common mechanical problems and initiate corrective action or notify nurse in essay, charge. Utilize automated processes and clinical information systems appropriately and efficiently. Ks3 Cells? Follow infection control practices for essay, cleaning equipment and spills. Maintain and enhance professional clinical skills and How to paper yourself, remain current in program techniques and technologies as the Mental Health Technician role develops and Argumentative essay money, changes. Facilitates and/or participates in assigned or scheduled milieu functions including rehab, therapeutic groups, outings, etc unless reassigned other duties by charge nurse. Assist Therapists and Dissertation on lack, Teachers in groups/school/activities by actively promoting, encouraging, and motivating patient's participation. Documents and participates in the program by collecting data for assessment and Argumentative essay, reassessment in patient record. Documentation is clear, legible and on lack of consent, accurately describes any changes in patient condition, treatment progress/goals/interventions and Argumentative money key happiness, precautions and 8 hour assessments, therapeutic/milieu groups or patient progress notes, and Dissertation of consent, other patient safety documentation duties. As delegated, transport patients in a designated hospital vehicle to and from specific program activities. Ensure compliance with hospital, city, and state rules and essay money key happiness, regulations including an active driver license and annual driving record.

Perform other related duties as directed that correspond to the overall function of this position. Minimum Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Mental Health, Chemical Dependency or related field -or- one year of behavioral rehab group experience -or- successful completion of SAH Mental Health Tech I internal career development program. Current CPR (Heartsaver). Must be 21 years of to sex, age. Must possess high school diploma or GED or obtain within one year of employment in this position. CAPE training and any unit specific training must be completed in Argumentative essay, accordance with the unit policies and procedures. Preferred Qualifications: * Previous related mental health tech experience preferred. Recent experience with ages and School homework help, specialization served preferred. About SSM St. Essay Money Key Happiness? Anthony's Hospital St.

Anthony Hospital is a 601-bed regional referral facility specializing in cardiology, oncology, surgery and behavioral medicine. Good Writing? The hospital, established in Argumentative key happiness, 1898, is located in Midtown Oklahoma City and serves the needs of Central Oklahoma, as well as many counties throughout Oklahoma, through its large rural affiliate network of hospitals. Four St. Anthony Healthplex campuses provide convenient emergency and games, outpatient service access to the outlying communities of the metropolitan area. Argumentative Essay Key Happiness? St.

Anthony added urgent care services in May 2015 at St. Anthony North. St. Anthony has received numerous awards including the Oklahoma Quality Award for Excellence, Certified Healthy Business, Premier QUEST Award for High-value Healthcare Citation of Merit, among others. Healthsights ranks St. Anthony at performance levels for quality and patient satisfaction higher than local competitors and many national health care organizations. Organization: St. Anthony Hospital Primary Location: Oklahoma-Oklahoma City-St.

Anthony Hospital Job: Behavioral Health Shift: Variable Req ID: 17011725. Create a job alert for Mental Health Tech II - Human Restorations at Oklahoma City, OK. Great! You'll now receive job alerts for Mental Health Tech II - Human Restorations at Oklahoma City, OK. Create a job alert for Mental Health Tech II - Human Restorations at Oklahoma City, OK. Posted 2 days ago. VIEW JOBS 10/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 2017-12-30T00:00 ## Description **Role Purpose:** Under supervision and in collaboration with other mental health care professionals, assist in performing a variety of Center of School help, Behavioral Medicine activities for patients. **Responsibilities:** * Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for own practice, continuing education, competency and quality.

Participate in committees, teams, councils and work groups. * Demonstrate knowledge of the Argumentative money key happiness, principles of growth and development and proficiency in assessing, treating, and caring for patients according to their age-specific needs. Revision? * Apply knowledge of group dynamics in participating in therapeutic groups and maintaining the milieu. * Receive patient care assignments from Registered Nurse in charge of unit. Initiate delegated tasks based on demonstrated competence in performing program activities for patient population served. Apprise Registered Nurse of any changes in patient condition, of patient complaints and of patient/significant other educational needs. * Orient new patients and Argumentative essay key happiness, significant others to the program and Science, prepare patients for Argumentative key happiness, discharge and accompany them upon dismissal as indicated. Participate in the orientation of new Mental Health Techs on unit activities and procedures. * Perform mechanical and manual operation of equipment as recommended in user manual with ability to Good writing website very, recognize common mechanical problems and key happiness, initiate corrective action or notify nurse in charge. Utilize automated processes and clinical information systems appropriately and efficiently. Good Writing? Follow infection control practices for cleaning equipment and spills. * Maintain and Argumentative essay money key happiness, enhance professional clinical skills and remain current in How to start a policy paper about yourself, program techniques and technologies as the Argumentative money, Mental Health Technician role develops and changes. * Facilitates and/or participates in assigned or scheduled milieu functions including rehab, therapeutic groups, outings, etc unless reassigned other duties by charge nurse. Assist Therapists and Teachers in groups/school/activities by actively promoting, encouraging, and motivating patient's participation. * Documents and participates in Dissertation, the program by collecting data for assessment and reassessment in patient record.

Documentation is clear, legible and accurately describes any changes in patient condition, treatment progress/goals/interventions and precautions and 8 hour assessments, therapeutic/milieu groups or patient progress notes, and other patient safety documentation duties. * As delegated, transport patients in a designated hospital vehicle to and from specific program activities. Essay Money Key Happiness? Ensure compliance with hospital, city, and state rules and regulations including an active driver license and annual driving record. * Perform other related duties as directed that correspond to magazine jason, the overall function of this position. ## Qualifications **Minimum Qualifications:** * Bachelor's degree in Mental Health, Chemical Dependency or related field -or- one year of behavioral rehab group experience -or- successful completion of SAH Mental Health Tech I internal career development program. * Current CPR (Heartsaver). * Must be 21 years of age. Must possess high school diploma or GED or obtain within one year of employment in this position. CAPE training and any unit specific training must be completed in accordance with the unit policies and procedures. **Preferred Qualifications:** * Previous related mental health tech experience preferred. * Recent experience with ages and specialization served preferred. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? **About SSM St. Anthony's Hospital** St. Anthony Hospital is a 601-bed regional referral facility specializing in cardiology, oncology, surgery and behavioral medicine.

The hospital, established in 1898, is located in a policy, Midtown Oklahoma City and serves the needs of Central Oklahoma, as well as many counties throughout Oklahoma, through its large rural affiliate network of hospitals. Four St. Anthony Healthplex campuses provide convenient emergency and outpatient service access to the outlying communities of the metropolitan area. St. Anthony added urgent care services in May 2015 at St. Anthony North. St. Anthony has received numerous awards including the essay key happiness, Oklahoma Quality Award for Excellence, Certified Healthy Business, Premier QUEST® Award for Dissertation of consent, High-value Healthcare Citation of Merit, among others. Healthsights ranks St.

Anthony at performance levels for quality and patient satisfaction higher than local competitors and essay money key happiness, many national health care organizations. On Lack To Sex? *Req ID:* 17011863 *Primary Location:* Oklahoma-Oklahoma City-St. Anthony Hospital *Schedule:* Full Time, 8 Hour Day, Rotating Weekends *Shift:* Evening Job *Schedule Hours Per Pay Period:* 3pm-11pm *Call Rotation:* no *Normal work hours:* 80 *Job:* Behavioral Health *Organization:* St. Anthony Hospital *Weekend Rotation:* every other weekend *Posting:* Sep 15, 2017, 4:53:42 PM-Ongoing SSM Health Oklahoma City OK. St. Mary's Good Samaritan. Posted 2 days ago.

VIEW JOBS 10/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 2017-12-30T00:00 ## Description **Role Purpose:** Under supervision and in collaboration with other mental health care professionals, assist in performing a variety of Center of Behavioral Medicine activities for patients. **Responsibilities:** * Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own practice, continuing education, competency and quality. Money? Participate in committees, teams, councils and work groups. * Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of quiz online, growth and development and proficiency in assessing, treating, and caring for patients according to their age-specific needs. * Receive patient care assignments from Registered Nurse in essay money, charge of unit. Initiate delegated tasks based on demonstrated competence in performing program activities for patient population served. Apprise Registered Nurse of homework romans, any changes in patient condition, of patient complaints and of patient/significant other educational needs. * Orient new patients and significant others to the program and Argumentative, prepare patients for discharge and accompany them upon dismissal as indicated. Participate in the orientation of School help romans, new Mental Health Tech I on unit activities and procedures. * Perform mechanical and manual operation of equipment as recommended in the user manual with ability to recognize common mechanical problems and initiate corrective action or notify nurse in Argumentative money key happiness, charge.

Utilize automated processes and clinical information systems appropriately and efficiently. Quiz? Follow infection control practices for cleaning equipment and spills. * As delegated, transport patients in a designated hospital vehicle to and from specific program activities. Ensure compliance with hospital, city, and state rules and regulations including an active driver license and annual driving record. Argumentative Essay? * Participate in assigned or scheduled milieu functions including rehab, therapeutic groups, outings, etc unless reassigned other duties by online charge nurse. Assist Therapists and Teachers in groups/school/activities by actively promoting, encouraging, and motivating patient's participation. * Documents and participates in the program by collecting data for assessment and reassessment in essay money, patient record. Science Ks3 Cells Games? Documentation is clear, legible and accurately describes any changes in essay money key happiness, patient condition, treatment progress/goals/interventions and precautions and 8 hour assessments, therapeutic/milieu groups or patient progress notes, and other patient safety documentation duties. * Maintain and enhance professional clinical skills and remain current in program techniques and technologies as the Mental Health Technician role develops and changes. * Perform other related duties as directed that correspond to the overall function of this position. Start Paper Yourself? ## Qualifications **Minimum Qualifications:** * Current CPR (Heartsaver). * CAPE training and any unit specific training must be completed in accordance with the unit policies and procedures. Key Happiness? * Must be 21 years of age. **Preferred Qualifications:** * High School diploma or GED preferred. Dissertation? * Previous related mental health tech experience preferred. Essay Money? Recent experience with ages and specialization served preferred. **About SSM St. Anthony's Hospital** St.

Anthony Hospital is a 601-bed regional referral facility specializing in Essay quiz, cardiology, oncology, surgery and behavioral medicine. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? The hospital, established in 1898, is located in Midtown Oklahoma City and serves the needs of Good essay writing very, Central Oklahoma, as well as many counties throughout Oklahoma, through its large rural affiliate network of hospitals. Four St. Anthony Healthplex campuses provide convenient emergency and outpatient service access to money key happiness, the outlying communities of the metropolitan area. St. Anthony added urgent care services in May 2015 at St. Anthony North. St. Anthony has received numerous awards including the Oklahoma Quality Award for Essay, Excellence, Certified Healthy Business, Premier QUEST® Award for High-value Healthcare Citation of Merit, among others. Healthsights ranks St. Anthony at performance levels for quality and patient satisfaction higher than local competitors and many national health care organizations. *Organization:* St.

Anthony Hospital *Primary Location:* Oklahoma-Oklahoma City-St. Anthony Hospital *Job:* Behavioral Health *Shift:* Day Job *Req ID:* 17007332 St. Mary's Good Samaritan Oklahoma City OK. Posted 2 days ago. VIEW JOBS 10/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 2017-12-30T00:00 ## Description **Role Purpose:** Under supervision and in collaboration with other mental health care professionals, assist in performing a variety of Center of Behavioral Medicine activities for patients. **Responsibilities:** * Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own practice, continuing education, competency and Argumentative key happiness, quality. Participate in committees, teams, councils and work groups. * Demonstrate knowledge of the Good very, principles of essay money key happiness, growth and development and proficiency in assessing, treating, and caring for patients according to their age-specific needs. * Receive patient care assignments from Registered Nurse in charge of Dissertation to sex, unit.

Initiate delegated tasks based on demonstrated competence in performing program activities for essay key happiness, patient population served. Apprise Registered Nurse of any changes in patient condition, of patient complaints and of patient/significant other educational needs. * Orient new patients and significant others to the program and prepare patients for discharge and accompany them upon dismissal as indicated. How To Start Paper? Participate in essay key happiness, the orientation of essay writing website very, new Mental Health Tech I on unit activities and procedures. * Perform mechanical and Argumentative essay money key happiness, manual operation of equipment as recommended in the user manual with ability to recognize common mechanical problems and Good essay website very, initiate corrective action or notify nurse in charge. Utilize automated processes and clinical information systems appropriately and efficiently. Follow infection control practices for money key happiness, cleaning equipment and magazine jason, spills. * As delegated, transport patients in a designated hospital vehicle to and from essay, specific program activities. Ensure compliance with hospital, city, and state rules and regulations including an active driver license and magazine jason zweig, annual driving record. * Participate in assigned or scheduled milieu functions including rehab, therapeutic groups, outings, etc unless reassigned other duties by charge nurse. Assist Therapists and money key happiness, Teachers in groups/school/activities by actively promoting, encouraging, and motivating patient's participation. * Documents and participates in the program by collecting data for assessment and essay writing, reassessment in patient record. Documentation is clear, legible and accurately describes any changes in patient condition, treatment progress/goals/interventions and precautions and 8 hour assessments, therapeutic/milieu groups or patient progress notes, and other patient safety documentation duties. * Maintain and enhance professional clinical skills and remain current in program techniques and technologies as the Mental Health Technician role develops and changes. * Perform other related duties as directed that correspond to the overall function of this position. Argumentative Essay Key Happiness? ## Qualifications **Minimum Qualifications:** * Current CPR (Heartsaver). * CAPE training and any unit specific training must be completed in accordance with the unit policies and procedures. How To Start Paper? * Must be 21 years of age. **Preferred Qualifications:** * High School diploma or GED preferred. * Previous related mental health tech experience preferred. Recent experience with ages and specialization served preferred. **About SSM St.

Anthony's Hospital** St. Anthony Hospital is a 601-bed regional referral facility specializing in cardiology, oncology, surgery and behavioral medicine. Argumentative Money? The hospital, established in 1898, is How to a policy paper about yourself, located in Midtown Oklahoma City and key happiness, serves the Good essay very, needs of Central Oklahoma, as well as many counties throughout Oklahoma, through its large rural affiliate network of hospitals. Money? Four St. Anthony Healthplex campuses provide convenient emergency and outpatient service access to the outlying communities of the metropolitan area. St. Anthony added urgent care services in May 2015 at Essay quiz online St.

Anthony North. Money? St. Anthony has received numerous awards including the Oklahoma Quality Award for Excellence, Certified Healthy Business, Premier QUEST® Award for High-value Healthcare Citation of writing very, Merit, among others. Healthsights ranks St. Anthony at performance levels for quality and patient satisfaction higher than local competitors and many national health care organizations. *Req ID:* 17007332 *Primary Location:* Oklahoma-Oklahoma City-St. Anthony Hospital *Schedule:* Part Time (Benefit Eligible), 8 Hour Day *Shift:* Day Job *Schedule Hours Per Pay Period:* 7:30am-4:30pm, some variations *Normal work hours:* 64 *Job:* Behavioral Health *Organization:* St.

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The Life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Need essay sample on The Life of essay key happiness Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you for only $12.90/page. Date assignment is due. The Life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Nowadays, overwhelming majority of the world’s developed nations opted for building their life on democratic principles of social organization. Turkish society, with its extensive social freedoms, democratic laws and government, is not an exception.

But everyone, who visits Turkey or is interested in its modern life, can see that the concept of personality cult, which is considered to be a characteristic feature of Essay quiz communist or authoritarian systems, is still practiced there. There’s hardly a modern nation in the world, which would honor the name of its founder with more respect and admiration. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the Father of the Turks), a heaven born leader, a creator of modern Turkish state and a victorious military commander, is simply worshiped by Turkish nation for his contribution to social development of the country, ideological innovations and numerous important social, economic, cultural, legal, political, educational reforms, which completely changed social life of the Turks in the beginning of the twentieth century. There is a portrait of Ataturk in every governmental office, and a monument to him is essay key happiness built next to every school in the country. His name is written with giant letters on many important governmental buildings, and it is impossible to find a city which does not have the main street named after Ataturk. Future Father of the nation of Turks was born as Mustafa (in those times there was no system of surnames in the Ottoman Empire and How to start, people had only several first names) in spring of 1881, in a small town of Salonika (Selanik). His father, Ali Ryza (Ali R?za Efendi), who was a police officer and then worked as a merchant, was a man of Macedonian origin. His mother, Zoobeide (Zubeyde Han?m) was a native Turkish. Argumentative? Mustafa had 5 more siblings, but 4 of them (except his sister Makbule) died in early ages. The boy started his education in primary Hafyz Mehmet Efendi’s (Haf?z Mehmet Efendi) school, and later on his parents insisted on transferring him to Shemsi Efendi (Semsi Efendi) religious school.

After finishing Moolkie Rooshtiye (Mulkiye Rustiye) secondary school in Salonika, Mustafa, who dreamt about becoming a military officer, joined Manastir (Manast?r) military high school. He was a brilliant and very diligent student. As an appreciation of his academic success, Mustafa was given the second name “Kemal” (the Perfect) by his math teacher, who was also Mustafa (Columbia Encyclopedia 3234). School Homework Help? Mustafa Kemal demonstrated great talents on many subjects, that is why he successfully finished the Argumentative money school and was invited to enter the Military Academy in Istanbul. In 1905 he graduated from the Academy with great prospects to start his professional career as a military major and a policy paper about, succeed in his life. In those times, Mustafa Kemal started his social activities by joining revolutionary progressive movements of young people.

This resulted in his participation in preparation for so called the Young Turks Revolution, which was an early attempt to launch constitutional government in money, the Empire. However, active position of Turkey on Money magazine jason zweig international stage and numerous territorial misunderstandings with neighboring countries diverted the essay money attention of young protester to pursuing his career goals. Thus, in 1909 he was assigned for the military activities in Syria, and in games, 1910-1911 he served in Libya during the military campaign against the Italians. Essay Money Key Happiness? In 1911 Mustafa Kemal became a commander and won several principle combats, including the battles at Tobrook (Tobruk) and Derne (Derne). In 1913 during the Balkan War, the young commander participated in the battles against Bulgarian army. His troops contributed greatly to several victories in Essay, modern region of Trakiya (Trakya): in particular, they liberated the city of Edirne, an important cultural center of the Empire. As a result, Mustafa Kemal was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and received a diplomatic mission to Sofia. During the World War I, Mustafa Kemal demonstrated his leading abilities and became a national hero. While defending the lands from the Argumentative key happiness French and British forces, which were ordered to win access to the Black Sea, the young commander managed to motivate his soldiers and did not allow the enemy to enter the Dardanelles.

This principle battle is known as the quiz online Battle of Chanakkale (Canakkale) and it was one of the most memorable fights in essay money, the whole history of the Ottoman Army. Mustafa Kemal’s courage and Dissertation, determination became legendary, and many soldiers could never forget the orders of their commander: “I do not order you to money, attack, I order you to die” (Karpat 88). For this successful military campaign, in essay writing website, 1915 Mustafa Kemal received the Argumentative essay money key happiness rank of colonel. He continued his service in other parts of Turkey, including the eastern regions (the city of Diyarbakyr) and the areas of Caucasian region (the cities of Bitlis and Mush). In 1918, the 37-year-old commander was back to Good very, occupied Istanbul, where he joined the movement of money national resistance. He became one of the most influential national leaders, who were able to mobilize the forces and prepare them for the War of Independence. As one of the main organizers of the independence movement, Mustafa Kemal started forming the armies in the south and in School homework, the west of Turkey. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? Moreover, his idea was to change governmental and magazine, social structure of the key happiness country, using the benefits of the situation. In June 1919, together with his supporters, Mustafa Kemal issued his famous Amasya Circular (Amasya Tamimi), in ks3 cells, which he called for joining the efforts of all Turkish people and fight for their independence. Argumentative Money Key Happiness? He wanted to form alternative democratic elites and obtain independence not only from foreign invaders, but also from the old Ottoman rulers.

Practically, those were the first revolutionary steps of revision ks3 cells games Mustafa Kemal. In 1920 he gathered the Turkish Grand Assembly, which was planned to become the first democratic government of the country. Nevertheless, rescuing Turkish lands from the Greek, British, French and other invaders was the primary task. Therefore, Mustafa Kemal agreed to lead national patriotic army. Due to brilliant intuition and wise strategic decisions of the commander, Turkish forces successfully defeated American armies in the east of the country (the battles of Kars, Chukurova, Gaziantep, etc.), and won a number of principle battles in the western parts of Turkey, including the battles for Argumentative essay money key happiness Izmir, Sakarya and magazine zweig, the Great (final) Attack. In spring of 1923, after signing the essay money key happiness Peace Treaty in Lausanne, Turkish Independence war was over, and Mustafa Kemal was honored by receiving the rank of marshal. As a result of How to start paper about yourself this glorious victory of the Independence war, Mustafa Kemal freed the nation from old-fashioned Ottoman rule and mobilized a group of his supporters to make serious social changes. In October 1923, the Turkish Republic was established and Mustafa Kemal, the nation’s spiritual leader and liberator, became the first President. For the next several years he worked on creating an extensive system of radical reforms, which were aimed on making Turkey a developed, advanced and modern society.

For his infinite patriotism, resolution and progressive social ideas, Mustafa Kemal was honored with the name of Ataturk (Ataturk), which means the Father of Turkish Nation. General idea of money Ataturk’s reformative revolutionary strategy was to create a secular state and separate the government from religion. Science Revision? At that, Islam was supposed to remain as a sovereign symbol of faith. A number of important reformations were implemented by essay money, Ataturk in economic sector. They included, first of all, creating a specific plan for economic modernization and development of the Science Turkish Republic. Argumentative Key Happiness? Such tactical steps as abolition of some taxes and improvement of fiscal system, launching the system of governmental support of industrial companies, creating more favorable environment for investments, especially in transportation infrastructure, etc. resulted in certain economic rise. In addition, a lot of principal and important reforms in political, legal and governmental sectors were implemented. One of the Money main purposes of these revolutionary changes was abolition of the Caliphate and the rule of Sultan, that is money key happiness why Ataturk’s supporters seized the power and established a new democratic regime. Following the ideas of democracy, Ataturk introduced a new Turkish Civil Code, which was very progressive for Essay online those times. It offered a great deal of new civil rights, as well as new opportunities for improving social life of Argumentative key happiness Turkish nation. Therefore, the country became the first Islamic community, where women were granted equal rights with men to get married, to participate in public vote, to website very, receive education, and so on.

Another contribution of Ataturk to economic sector was launching the program directed on encouraging farming and Argumentative money, support of revision agricultural sector. Argumentative? However, in essay writing website very, order to boost economic development, the President had to face and find solutions for such problems, as unemployment, absence of qualified workforce and massive illiteracy. That is why he concentrated his efforts on total reformation and reconstruction of the country’s educational system, which had serious lack of facilities and competent teachers. Ataturk was the first to Argumentative, organize and support several colleges and very, universities throughout the money country. In addition, a series of social reforms and innovations, introduced by paper about yourself, Ataturk, had enormous positive effects, as they set the nation on the way of westernization and integration into European societies. He introduced international system of measurement and Gregorian Computation. Also, he introduced Latin alphabet instead of difficult Arabic one, as well as launched new trends in Turkish linguistics, making Turkish language to be oriented on European speeches.

He put to Argumentative essay money key happiness, order the system of social identification, abolished nicknames and titles and introduced a system of surnames. Finally, Ataturk completely changed common dressing code of the Turks, trying to promote modern Western-style outlook ( Undoubtedly, all these reformations and innovations can be called revolutionary, and School homework help, it was very hard for conservative Turkish society to adopt such great number of social changes and accept them. That is why in that historical period, not every innovative idea of Ataturk was receiving positive feedback and public understanding. Several acts and movements of public disagreement and protests against Argumentative, new rules of writing, new requirements as to the outfit and other regulations took place throughout the country and contributed in online, discrediting new policies of the President and his allies. In addition, Ataturk’s reformations were severely criticized by the representatives of old Ottoman patriotic elites and supporters of the Sharihat, who demonstrated a lot of antagonism to essay key happiness, political reformations and, especially, to westernization of the country. They did everything possible in order to interrupt Ataturk’s programs, especially legal and language reforms. As a reaction on secularism and minimization of the role of religion, many were blaming Ataturk for his hidden aspiration to weaken the influence of Islam and How to paper yourself, destroy the country’s religious traditions (Karpat, 215). It is impossible to money key happiness, deny that some ideas of Ataturk were not implemented properly or proved to be too liberal for Turkish society of those times. However, his reformations brought to numerous social improvements and cultural progress.

Undoubtedly, Ataturk’s reformist ideology was absolutely constructive, balanced, rational, and all his innovations were aimed only on help romans social or political modernization. Finally, Ataturk was a true patriot of Turkey, who laid down his life on serving his nation. That is why modern Turkish society honors his memory and achievements with unprecedented passion and gratitude. Ataturk served as the President of Turkey for Argumentative money key happiness 15 years. During the last years of his life, he continued vivid social activities and participated in several charity campaigns. He was supporting orphan houses and different cultural programs. Essay Very? He was found of theater, dancing, reading and leading active life-styles.

Ataturk died in November 1938 in Istanbul and Argumentative essay key happiness, was buried according to Islamic traditions. Years later, in 1953 Ataturk’s remains were transferred to the capital Ankara, to the Anitkabir (An?tkabir, the Ataturk’s Mausoleum). The strong personality, determination and effective leadership style of Ataturk influenced other political and social leaders, both in Turkey and abroad. Ataturk had a lot of admirers among the essay writing website members of local social and military circles, who helped and supported his reforms and innovations. His close associate Ismet Inonu (Ismet Inonu) was a significant figure during the money key happiness establishment of the republic and solving numerous military conflicts. He was Ataturk’s successor as the President of the Turkish Republic and, together with his ally Shurku Sarachoglu (Sukru Saracoglu), he continued following the path of reforms. Ataturk’s revolution had a great impact on many worlds’ leaders and inspired them for vivid activities directed on improving people’s social life and School, welfare.

In particular, the leader of Russian revolutionary movement Vladimir Lenin was highly evaluating the Argumentative essay money key happiness achievements of Ataturk: “Mustafa Kemal … is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader… I believe that he will break the website very pride of the imperialists and that he will beat the Sultan together with his friends” (Madak). Another significant reformer and important political personality Jawaharlal Nehru was highly impressed with personal charisma, ambitiousness and incomparable leadership qualities of Ataturk: “Kemal Ataturk … was my hero during my youth. Argumentative? I was very moved when I read about his great reforms. I met with great praise the general efforts made by Ataturk on the course of modernizing Turkey. His dynamism, undauntedness and School homework romans, unawareness of fatigue created a great effect on people. He was one of the builders of the modern age in the orient. I continue to be among his greatest admirers” (Madak). Finally, the personality of Ataturk was a point of great interest of many American political leaders, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Key Happiness? Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, as well as of our other numerous political ideologists and ks3 cells, historians. Key Happiness? Such enormous domestic and international appreciation and acknowledgment of the achievements, career, personal identity and political legacy of the How to start paper about yourself Father of Turkish Nation entitle specialists to consider Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to be one of the most significant and influential personalities of the twentieth century. Karpat, Kemal H. Studies on Turkish Politics and money, Society: Selected Articles and Dissertation, Essays.

Boston: Brill, 2004. Madak, Ozgur. “World Leaders Praise Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.” Turkish Time. Assembly of Turkish American Associations. June 2003. 19 Apr, 2008 . “Mustafa Kemal.” The Columbia Encyclopedia. Sixth Edition.

New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.

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Do not bring valuables as you may be asked to leave them in an area of the exam room out of your line of Argumentative essay, sight. Do not bring backpacks, pencil cases, pagers, music players, cell phones, unauthorized calculators, or electronic dictionaries. The use of a cell phone as a watch is How to start a policy paper about yourself not permitted. Do not take unnecessary articles of clothing, bags, laptops, etc. You may be required to store them in essay key happiness a distant part of the room during the exam.

In the event of an emergency, you will be required the vacate the room immediately, and you may need to School homework help romans leave your belongings behind. Do not bring anything that you are not prepared to be without for several hours. Show up to the exam room 10-15 minutes before the exam begins. Argumentative Essay Money Key Happiness. LISTEN to the remarks at the beginning of the exam . Often these are just announcements about how long the exam period is and so on, but sometimes there is Essay quiz crucial information about typographical errors and other things which require your attention. Put your name on it and date on the exam. And especially check to see if there is any auxiliary materials for Argumentative essay money key happiness the exam being passed out — handouts with formulas or statistical tables or what have you. Arrange these materials front-and-center on your desk. Step 1: Brain dump . In the jason first 90 seconds of the exam period, do a complete brain dump of any important information that you will need for the exam which is not printed on the exam itself and which is not firmly in your memory (literary terms, etc.). Once the information is out of your head, you don’t have to worry about remembering it. Try doing this on scrap paper. Practice doing this while studying - it will make things easier during the exam.

Step 2: Fly-through. Having done your brain dump, now spend at most three minutes doing a front-to-back fly-through of the money entire exam. You want to accomplish two things here. First, you want to map out the jason overall content and organization of the Argumentative money exam . Of Consent. Second, while mapping the exam out, you want to Argumentative key happiness gain a sense of where you are likely going to need the most time or energy . See the formats above - this will help you to prepare ahead of time. Step 3: Time budget . Do a quick calculation of the average amount of time you should spend on each thing. For example, if you are working an exam with 10 problems and you have two hours in which to do it then you should plan on spending about 12 minutes per problem. Every time you go over that average time value on a problem, that time has to come out of some other problem. So this average is a critical number to Essay know — it will tell you at what point you need to put a problem down and essay key happiness either come back to it later or else cut your losses on it and essay move on. Using knowledge you already have to remember new information. This example uses your knowledge of the essay money sandy desert and your cravings for dessert to help remember which word has one 's' and which word has two.

Using acronyms to make a sentence. This example forms a sentence that helps to remember which notes are on the lines of the musical treble clef. Picturing the information in your notes, in your textbook, etc. Essay Online. as it is without looking at it. Look briefly over Argumentative essay money key happiness the entire book or article to get a feel for its structure and how its argument or arguments will proceed. Essay Online. Pay particular attention to introductory and concluding paragraphs . Argumentative Key Happiness. These often contain summaries of important points. Look for certain words and Dissertation to sex phrases that can tip you off that something important is coming up, such as In sum, The point is, Most importantly, and key happiness so on. Consider reading the conclusion first . It's like doing a maze backwards: If you know where you're trying to end up, you can find and understand the path better. Look back over the book or article the next day, reading only the highlighted material . Do so again in Science ks3 cells about a week. This will help the material stick better in your mind. Some people prefer to try marking in the margins with a pen or pencil , instead of using a highlighting pen.

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Use adjectives to on lack to sex enhance the description of what you are saying. For example, instead of saying I was near the ocean you could say something like I was near the money vast , salty ocean. Dissertation On Lack To Sex. What other adjectives can you think of to describe the ocean? Remember to use adjectives to jazz up your writing. Do you see how adverbs can also enhance the quality of Argumentative money key happiness, a description? Use adverbs to make the reader feel the description.

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Head on over to the PremiumPapers homepage to get started. Get Your Essay Done by Argumentative essay money a Specialist. NB: Click Our Prices for more. Our starting prices are as shown below! Military retirement and supplementary. There is a need to ensure that one is financially prepared to exit the workforce. To do this, a person should take the Good essay writing website necessary steps during employment to ensure that indeed he or she lives a comfortable life after retirement. Knowledge is power, and this certainly holds true when it comes to retirement planning. It is critical to understand that retirement planning often involves much more than finances and most of the factors depend largely on the income one expects in his or her retirement years. The Military retirement system can be described as arguably one of the best retirement deals that exist in the country.

It is critical to understand that unlike most retirement plans, the Armed forces offers a pension, with benefits that often start the Argumentative money day one retires, and Essay quiz online this is despite the age. Argumentative Essay Money Key Happiness. It is important to note that indeed as an Science games, officer in the military, one often contributes a very large portion of their pay towards a thrift saving plans. In fact, it can be argued that indeed the retirement savings plan is similar to the 401k and the 403b. If one has served in the military for over forty years, one might receive 100 percent of the pre-retirement base salary. It is critical to understand that although these are often payments that are large, there is no military retirement plan that can be said to qualify as a nonqualified deferred compensation plan. The service members that remain on active duty or serve in the reserves of the guard for Argumentative essay, a sufficient period (usually a minimum of twenty years may retire and subsequently receive their pay. On the other members that become disabled while on duty may be medically retirement and they are entitled to online, a disability retirement. It is critical to understand that there are often four basic retirement plans that exist in the military. They consist of the money key happiness final pay, the high 36-month average, the REDUX as well as the disability retirement plan. Science Ks3 Cells Games. All the retirement plans, therefore, determine the initial month retired pay by being able to take the money key happiness member’s retired pay base and subjecting it to a percentage multiplier.

Therefore, in this case the retirement options for the person in question is that he is School homework romans, 33 years of essay key happiness age and wishes to retire after 21 years of active military duty and will retire at the rank of either Major, Lieutenant Colonel or that of Colonel. How To Start Paper About Yourself. The main aim of this paper is to supplement the retirement with other different options for the person to reach the goal of $1 million by the age of 60 years. In order to make this happen, there is a need to essay, ensure that the military retirement is well supplemented and that there are different strategies that are carried out to ensure that one can get the How to start a policy milestone that he or she requires. This paper calculates the military pay for Argumentative money, the individual and the different supplements that can be used to reach the individual’s target. It also looks at several policy issues in the retirement of the Science games military and makes several recommendations. To better understand the problem, there is essay key happiness, a need to understand the Dissertation of consent to sex military retirement system.

The military retirement system can be described as a cliff vesting 20 years defined benefits plan that often provides a monthly pension payment immediately after one retire from the active component. The monthly pension is often determined by three methods, and they are based on the date a service member first entered service. In effect, retirees who have 20 years of service often receive monthly allotment that is equal to essay key happiness, around 50 percent of their base pay while in uniform. On the other hand, the 30-year retirees often receive the writing very maximum allotment that often equals 75 percent of their base pay. For those that have been in service for less than twenty years, their calculation rather than using the final base pay, the Argumentative essay key happiness pension is often determined based on the average of the highest three years of Money magazine jason service pay and it is often known as the High three. Argumentative Money Key Happiness. Lastly, it is Good writing website very, critical to understand that for those that entered service and have served only for money key happiness, a few years can either chose the homework aforementioned high three or they can often opt for a $30,000 bonus for fifteen years of service as well as tiered retirement pension which often pays out one percent less for each year of service under thirty years when under the age of Argumentative essay money key happiness 62 and high three rates after. This system is often known as Redux and those with twenty years of service often receive a pension that is equal to forty percent of How to start about yourself their high three service pay until the age of Argumentative money key happiness 62. After this, there is a return to fifty percent at 62. The Redux it is important to note is the least popular retirement plan, and this is because there are less than one percent of current retirees in the United States that select this option. How To Start A Policy Paper Yourself. On the Argumentative key happiness other hand, the disability retirement is often available for the persons that qualify. A service member that is retired for disability might often choose a retirement plan that is essay writing, based on the different years of service or based on the severity that comes with the disability.

It is critical to Argumentative money, understand that indeed service members can decide to participate in a federal thrift saving plan, which can be defined as a plan similar to that of the private sector 401 k. However, it is critical to understand that in this plan, unlike that of the private sector, the government does not offer matching contributions. It is of the essence to note that indeed the participation in the program often varies depending on the service as well as the different pay grade. In this case, the serviceman is Essay quiz online, 33 years of age and will have clocked 21+ years of active military duty. Therefore, it is important to understand that indeed the serviceman is Argumentative money key happiness, eligible for the final pay upon retiring. This is because the serviceman will have stayed in active service for more than 20 years, and is, therefore, eligible to receive a pension that is based on the percentage of basic pay. It is critical to How to start a policy paper about, ensure that there are enough supplements for the serviceman to have reached the $1 million mark at the age of 60 years old. For this to happen, there is a need first to examine what the serviceman is entitled to Argumentative, in the of consent final pay retirement system. Further, there is a need to essay money, look at Dissertation the current pay regarding servicemen that are in the rank of lieutenant colonel. The different investment options that will be taken into consideration include the use of key happiness real estate trusts, annuities, and Essay direct investment plans. It is critical to Argumentative money, understand that these will supplement the military retirement and will be extremely important in ensuring that the individual hits the Science revision games $1,000,000 mark at the age of 60 years.

To ensure that all the objectives are fulfilled, there will be a need to use a retirement planner that will be essential when it comes to computing the plan that maximizes the annual retirement spending. It is critical to understand that before retirement, the retirement planner will be able to note which retirement savings account that contributions should be made. After retirement, the plan will be important when it comes to money key happiness, the spreading of the different saving withdrawals across the Good writing website very term of the retirement. Further, to supplement the retirement from the military, there will also be an investing in annuities that are contracts that exist between an individual and an insurance company. It is Argumentative essay money key happiness, critical to understand that the annuities are important as they often provide an income stream during retirement. The annuity that will be invested in is the indexed annuities.

In this annuity, the insurance company will be contracted to grow the investment at homework help romans a specified interest rate and by a percentage of a particular index growth. In this case, there will be the use of SP 500 composite stock price index. There will be the Argumentative money key happiness allocation of 20% to both the money market fund and two stock funds. Secondly, there will be the use of a dividend reinvestment plan, often referred to as the DRIP which is How to start paper about yourself, a plan that often helps to automatically reinvest any cash dividends by purchasing additional shares as well as fractional shares on the dividend payment date. It is important to understand that in this method, instead of receiving the quarterly dividend check, the entity that is managing the DRIP will be able to put the money towards the purchase of additional shares. Argumentative Money Key Happiness. This will be important as it will offer a convenient method of reinvesting and the necessary math will be carried out to essay website very, ensure that the cash flow from the dividends is well reinvested. To better understand the money that will come from the military, there will be the use of final pay calculator. The use of this calculator will estimate the retirement pay flow under the final pay retirement system.

It is critical to Argumentative essay money key happiness, understand that this calculator will be used in the generation of charts as well as tables. Also, the calculator will take place several future economic assumptions such as the Dissertation on lack of consent inflation rates. The years of essay key happiness service at retirement that are used in this paper is 21. The grade retirement that is used is that of a lieutenant colonel that is an O-5. The economic factors that assumed in the calculation are as follows, the School homework help romans inflation rate will be at Argumentative money key happiness 3.5%, the annual active duty raise will stand at 3.5%, and the tax rate will stand at 28%.

Data collection was analyzed using expressive tables and tools. This provided a more graphical depiction for data analysis. Bar graphs, pie charts, and homework help romans tables were used for pictorial representation. After the tables are derived and interpreted, they were analyzed with allusion to the literature that was reviewed. Attempts were then made to illustrate relations as to whether a fastidious finding was supported or not by the reviewed literature.

One of the methods that will be used to supplement the military income is the acquisition of different assets in the asset allocation. The asset allocation can be described as the mix of events that one is required to essay, have to diversify. In this case, there will be an investment in the real estate investment trust. Start A Policy. There will be the purchasing of the shares directly on an open exchange and other funds will be invested in a mutual fund that specializes in Argumentative, public real estate. There is Good essay website, a need to look at the issue of interest rates and taxes as they are part and parcel of the plan. Monetary policy heavily relies on the interest rate targets. When considering issues such as investment, the level of unemployment and the rate of inflation, the interest rate targets of a country are vital. When Central banks of a country or their bank reserves want to increase investment, they opt to lower the interest rates. This also increases spending in essay money, the country economy. However, lowering the Essay quiz online interest rate of Argumentative money key happiness a country can have diverse severe implications on the economy of a country leading to an economic bubble.

Studies have shown that the How to start a policy paper about interest rate of a country does have a major impact on the retirement plans of an individual. In the United States, the federal government has a higher hand in controlling the interest rates. Argumentative Essay. The retirement plans of individuals can be affected by changes in the interest rate. Interest rate affects the rate of inflation. When interest rate drops, the inflation rate rises and more often it outpaces the rate of interest. This means that individuals will be forced to dig deeper into their pockets thus exhausting all their savings leaving them with no future savings.

This also translates to games, the fact that in the long run an individual will lose their spending power (Baker, Logue Rader, 2005). It is critical to understand that in the military, there is the presence of Argumentative essay key happiness Retirement Cost of Essay quiz online Living Adjustments. The cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) are given annually based on Argumentative essay money key happiness the augment in How to a policy about yourself, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a gauge of inflation. Under the Final Pay and High-3 Systems, the Argumentative essay money yearly COLA is equivalent to CPI. This is a dissimilar index than the one used for active duty annual pay raises. The index used for active duty pay raises are based upon quiz standard civilian wage increases. Argumentative Essay. Thus, retirement compensation COLAs and annual active duty pay raises will differ. Often, people tend to forecast their retirement income requirements by considering the inflation rates and their mortgage charges. Retirement savings can be set aside by taking a portion of games one’s monthly net pay and setting it aside in a personal retirement savings account. By doing this, one aspires to Argumentative essay key happiness, save sufficient money to meet their designed goal.

Regrettably, when the interest rates decline, one forgoes some of their needs so as to Science ks3 cells games, try set aside more money than they were used to, so as to reach their retirement goal. Conversely, an individual can decide to let go of their savings plan so as to satisfy his needs fully. Baker (2005) states that prolonged low-interest rates will compel individuals to make complex decisions on choosing between inflation and principle risks. An individual can either choose to keep their retirement investment in accounts that have low risks and alternatively risk losing their spending power. On the other hand, one can risk investing in stocks that will gain minimal amounts when the rates are low. Argumentative Essay Money Key Happiness. Faced with all this dilemmas due to the low-interest rates prevailing in the country, people tend to either put off retirement or when retirement is inevitable their only retirement benefit is financed through direct contributions. A pension plan is start a policy about yourself, a form of a retirement benefits scheme. It is usually outlined in the form of life insurance. These insurance contracts are called annuities.

Considering the nature of one’s job and Argumentative money key happiness how long one has been in service, an Good essay writing website very, income payment is guaranteed monthly. Essay Money Key Happiness. However, the insurance companies undertaking these plans must have sufficient funds so as to take care of this long-term costs. When the Science ks3 cells games rates of interests are low, the insurance companies also lower their payments guarantees. Pension plans are funded by the employees of a company. Employers sign contracts controlled by Argumentative essay key happiness the public sectors and others by the private unions. Start A Policy About Yourself. This, therefore, means that it would be tricky or even impossible to Argumentative essay key happiness, cut pension benefits. Due to the low-interest rates, the contributions are either increased, or the benefits reduced. The pension plans that are vastly affected by the low-interest rate are the defined-benefit pension plans (Brigham Houston, 2009). Most insurers, whose annuities are essentially the savings accounts, constitute the quiz life insurance companies do get their side hit by the low rates of interest. They mainly put their investments in bonds, expecting to earn high yields in high-interest rates. Others invest in mortgages and securities.

Due to low interest, their yields decline worsening their portfolios and are thus forced to reduce the Argumentative money benefits they offer. Also, the policies they propose are tight-fisted and at times they also tend to Essay quiz online, raise prices. Brigham Houston (2009) suggest that Raising the money key happiness premium prices and the lower yields realized on products can greatly impact on essay sales. This results to a drop in key happiness, sales of insurance products. Insurance companies are susceptible to interest rates because the premiums that policyholders invest in them need to gain a decent return so as to cover future claims. Good Website. As a result of prolonged low-interest rates, insurance companies are forced to withdraw from the market because the returns on premiums are very minimal barely covering their risks and profit margins. This will force an individual who was relying on insurance companies as part of their retirement scheme to go and try elsewhere. Governments of a country raise money through the sale of Treasury bonds and key happiness securities. Science Revision. When individual want to invest, they will opt to choose the kind that will give them higher returns. Argumentative Money. Interest rates that are set by the federal government dictate on Dissertation on lack of consent to sex what kind of investment the investors will choose. Bonds prices and interest rates are inversely related.

When interest rates decline, bond prices go up (Nawalkha, Soto Beliaeva, 2005). When the rate of interest decline, individuals can easily borrow money from banks. Demand for higher-yielding bonds rises, thus pushing up the bonds prices. Argumentative Money. Those that hold long-term bonds more so as a pension plan and homework the other investors tend to suffer. Bonds create fixed income, therefore when the interest rate falls, these bonds are worthless. The long-term bonds respond faster to changes in the interest as compared to short-term bonds. This would mean that individuals will shy away from investing in bonds . Thus their retirement fund will include less money earned from interest earning bonds.

As interest rates decline, most retirees who have mostly depended on interests earned from savings that have accumulated over the years won’t have enough money to last them through their retirement years. Essay Key Happiness. In this sense, the government has to come in and support these retired seniors. Hence they become sort of a burden to the government. Most governments have a fund allocated to the elderly, seeing that life expectancy is rising in most parts of the world, which is allocated in the annual budgets. This, therefore, costs governments in the long run (Nawalkha, 2005). Low-interest rates bring about the diverse effect on Essay quiz people, insurance companies, and essay key happiness the government. Plans for the retirement benefits scheme are affected as individuals tend to shy away from interest-bearing investments such as bank account savings, pension plans offered by insurance companies and government bonds. The low-interest rates translate into low interests earned thus they are less attractive forms of investment for future gains. Therefore, in order to be able to homework romans, have $1,000,000 by the time of retirement, there will be the need to ensure that several options are taken into consideration in order to supplement the military retirement plan that is the money main source of retirement funds. The first will be the use of annuities; secondly, there will be the use of real estate funds and lastly, the use of start a policy paper yourself direct investment plans. In regards to the current military system, there are several policy changes that are proposed and might take place in the future.

Therefore, there is a need for a better understanding to Argumentative key happiness, calculate better the exact figures. In this, the researcher also makes several recommendations for a better military system and why it is important to have it. The military retirement system involves several processes including the benefits and pensions paid to the retired officers. Science Ks3 Cells Games. The system has been implemented for a long time now, but the money key happiness government has considered changing the terms of the jason zweig benefits. This has come as a result of reports which outlines that these benefits to the military retirees are more expensive and generous compared to people serving in private sectors. Therefore, the benefits have become unfair and unaffordable (Michel 2006). However, the reduction of benefits for the retired military officers has raised concern to retirees and officers in service.

They have to increase their savings to offset the loss of the benefits for retirement. The officers have to aim at having a firm for military families to cater for their financial needs. The recommendations to reduce the money retirement benefits have not taken into account the importance of the current system of retirement in maintaining the soldiers in the military. There are many soldiers who have multiple tours of duty that are double which requires them to have these benefits for them to operate (Mace 2010). The retirees joined the Science ks3 cells army to serve their country, to get the job security and stay in the military for the pension plan. The benefits serve as the biggest rewards to the retirees after their service of diligence. The reduction of the benefits will affect the officers in service and the retired troops because they will be anxious. The soldiers may experience worries about the financial problems they might encounter in the course of their service and the effect this will have on the well-being of Argumentative money key happiness their families. However, the proponents of the School help proposal point that the system of retirement for the military provides the members of military with half of their pay for Argumentative money, a lifetime in exchange for service of start 20 years.

The percentage of essay money money increases for those serving for a longer period than 20 years. This amounts to large sums of money required to maintain the system. The proposal of reducing the writing retirement benefits advocates for Argumentative money, a 401(k)-type arrangement and establish a program that will pay benefits to the members after hitting the age of 60-65 (Lund 2004). It is estimated that, through this plan, the government will save $250 billion over jason zweig, a period of 20 years. This is relevant in this period of economic crisis because the essay money key happiness government is Dissertation on lack to sex, required to save a lot of money. The costs of maintaining the military retirement plan are growing fast which puts more pressure to reduce the benefits.

The health care and pensions for military retired troops costs the government a $100 billion a year. There is an expectation of an increase with the increase in the life expectancy. Also, the retirement system has been unfair to the younger troops who only serve in the military for fewer than 20 years. They do not receive retirements and are not accrued to get any benefits. Therefore, this system only provides benefits that are generous to the few members who stay for at least 20 years. The larger percentage of roughly 80% represents service members who only stay for less than 20 years. Therefore, the proposal for the reducing military retirement benefits is Argumentative essay money, effective because this will provide a sustainable financial system.

The government predicts that the current benefits are unsustainable and Money magazine zweig should be reduced especially with the economic crisis. The proposal of the government to reduce the benefits should be taken positively because it provides for alternatives including the 401 (k) styles. The government has not advocated for the withdrawal of all the benefits but the reduction. Essay Money. The proposed system is sustainable for the government funding and Science revision is fair to all the officers. This includes those who stay longer in the service and the younger officers who may not serve for the longer period of more than 20 years (Asch 1998). The proposal to reduce the benefits is effective as it serves to ensure that the soldiers manage their funds well. The savings and investments will support their families during service and in retirement. The sustainable system is Argumentative key happiness, effective because the government will not strain to maintain. This will reduce any chances of imposing heavy taxes on the citizens in support of the retirement system.

The new system cuts the cost of benefits through sharing where the Dissertation of consent government contributes 16.5 percent of the essay annual pay to the members. The members contribute $16,500 as the tax on their payments. School Homework. There is a proposal for the retired military members to Argumentative essay money, contribute towards the How to start a policy yourself federal health care programs. This will generate a total of $20 billion savings for ten years. The current system of retirement is not sustainable because the military members start to collect the benefits after their 20years of service (Michel 2006). Asch, Beth J., Richard Johnson, and Argumentative John T. Warner (1998).

Reforming the military retirement system. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Baker, A. J., Logue, D. E., Rader, J. S. (2005). Managing pension and retirement plans: A. Brigham, E. F., Houston, J. F. (2009). Fundamentals of online financial management. Mason, fixed income valuation course. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley. guide for employers, administrators, and other fiduciaries. New York: Oxford. Logistics Management Institute. Key Happiness. (2001).

Estimating the military retirement health care liability. McLean, Virg: Logistics Management Institute. Lund, John V. Online. (1994). Military pay, benefits and retirement. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Mace, Don. (2010) 2011 FERS retirement planning guide for federal employees retirees. Glen Allen, Va.: FEDweek. Michel, Christopher P.(2006). The military advantage: a comprehensive guide to your military veterans benefits. New York: Simon Schuster Paperbacks.

Nawalkha, S. K., Soto, G. M., Beliaeva, N. A. (2005). Interest rate risk modeling: The. Nordman, D. (2011). The Military Guide to Financial Independence Retirement. Lanham: Impact Publications. OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

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