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atom for peace essay [1]Madame President, Members of the General Assembly: [2] When Secretary General Hammarskjold#8217;s invitation to address this General Assembly reached me in Bermuda, I was just beginning a series of conferences with the My favorite, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of Great Britain and Writing an admission describing of France. Our subject was some of the My favorite season writing, problems that beset our world. [3] During the remainder of the Bermuda Conference, I had constantly in mind that ahead of me lay a great honor. That honor is mine today as I stand here, privileged to address the General Assembly of the United Nations. [4] At the same time that I appreciate the distinction of addressing you, I have a sense of. exhilaration as I look upon this assembly. [5] Never before in history has so much hope for so many people been gathered together in. a single organization. Your deliberations and decisions during these somber years have already realized part of those hopes. [6] But the great tests and the great accomplishments still lie ahead. And in cover letter the confident. expectation of those accomplishments, I would use the office which, for the time being, I hold, to assure you that the Government of the United States will remain steadfast in its support of this body. This we shall do in the conviction that you will provide a great share of the wisdom, the courage, and the faith which can bring to season, this world lasting peace for all nations, and happiness and well-being for all men. Writing. [7] Clearly, it would not be fitting for me to take this occasion to present to you a. unilateral American report on Bermuda. Nevertheless, I assure you that in our deliberations on that lovely island we sought to season, invoke those same great concepts of universal peace and human dignity which are so cleanly etched in your charter. [8] Neither would it be a measure of this great opportunity merely to recite, however. Statement. hopefully, pious platitudes. My Favorite Season. [9] I therefore decided that this occasion warranted my saying to you some of the things. that have been on the minds and hearts of my legislative and executive associates and on mine for thesis statement, a great many monthsthoughts I had originally planned to say primarily to the American people. [10] I know that the American people share my deep belief that if a danger exists in My favorite paper the world, it is a danger shared by alland equally, that if hope exists in the mind of one nation, that hope should be shared by all. [11] Finally, if there is to be advanced any proposal designed to ease, even by the smallest. measure, the tensions of today#8217;s world, what more appropriate audience could there be than the members of the General Assembly of the United Nations? [12] I feel impelled to speak today in writing coach a language that, in a sense, is newone, which I, who have spent so much of My favorite season paper my life in the military profession, would have preferred never to use. [13] That new language is the language of atomic warfare. [14] The atomic age has moved forward at writing uk such a pace that every citizen of the world should have some comprehension, at least in My favorite writing paper comparative terms, of the extent of this development, of the utmost significance to thesis statement, every one of us. Clearly, if the peoples of the world are to conduct an season intelligent search for peace, they must be armed with the significant facts of today#8217;s existence. [15] My recital of atomic danger and power is necessarily stated in United States terms, for these are the only incontrovertible facts that I know. I need hardly point out to this.

Assembly, however, that this subject is global, not merely national in character. Describing. [16] On July 16th, 1945, the United States set off the world#8217;s first atomic explosion. Since. that date in 1945, the United States of America has conducted 42 test explosions. [17] Atomic bombs today are more than 25 times as powerful as the weapons with which the atomic age dawned, while hydrogen weapons are in writing the ranges of millions of tons of Nursing thesis TNT equivalent. [18] Today, the United States#8217; stockpile of atomic weapons, which, of course, increases. daily, exceeds by many times the total equivalent of the total of all bombs and all shells. that came from every plane and every gun in every theatre of My favorite war in buy happiness debate all the years of World. [19] A single air group, whether afloat or land-based, can now deliver to season paper, any reachable. target a destructive cargo exceeding in Can money debate power all the My favorite, bombs that fell on Britain in Can money buy happiness debate all of. [20] In size and variety the development of atomic weapons has been no less remarkable. The development has been such that atomic weapons have virtually achieved conventional status within our armed services. In the My favorite season, United States, the Army, the Navy, the writing, Air Force and the Marine Corps are all capable of putting this weapon to season paper, military use. [21] But the dread secret, and the fearful engines of atomic might, are not ours alone. [22] In the Phd dissertation, first place, the secret is possessed by My favorite season paper our friends and allies, Great Britain. and Writing essay yourself Canada, whose scientific genius made a tremendous contribution to our original discoveries and the designs of atomic bombs. [23] The secret is season writing paper, also known by the Soviet Union. [24] The Soviet Union has informed us that, over recent years, it has devoted extensive. resources to atomic weapons. During this period, the Soviet Union has exploded a series of. atomic devices, including at least one involving thermo-nuclear reactions. Statement. [25] If at one time the United States possessed what might have been called a monopoly of. atomic power, that monopoly ceased to exist several years ago. Therefore, although our earlier start has permitted us to accumulate what is today a great quantitative advantage, the My favorite season writing paper, atomic realities of today comprehend two facts of cover essay even greater significance. [26] First, the knowledge now possessed by several nations will eventually be shared by. others, possibly all others. [27] Second, even a vast superiority in numbers of weapons, and a consequent capability. of My favorite writing devastating retaliation, is no preventive, of itself, against Can money, the fearful material damage. and toll of human lives that would be inflicted by surprise aggression. [28] The free world, at least dimly aware of these facts, has naturally embarked on My favorite season paper a large. Nursing Thesis Statement. program of My favorite season paper warning and defense systems. That program will be accelerated and expanded. [29] But let no one think that the expenditure of Can money buy happiness vast sums for weapons and systems of. defense can guarantee absolute safety for the cities and citizens of any nation. The awful.

arithmetic of the atomic bomb does not permit of any such easy solution. Even against the. most powerful defense, an aggressor in possession of the My favorite season, effective minimum number of atomic bombs for a surprise attack could probably place a sufficient number of Essay writing coach his bombs on the chosen targets to cause hideous damage. My Favorite Writing Paper. [30] Should such an Writing a research paper conclusion atomic attack be launched against season paper, the United States, our reactions. would be swift and resolute. But for me to Nursing statement, say that the defense capabilities of the United. States are such that they could inflict terrible losses upon an aggressorfor me to say. that the My favorite season writing, retaliation capabilities of the United States are so great that such an aggressor#8217;s. land would be laid wasteall this, while fact, is not the Writing letter essay, true expression of. the purpose and the hope of the United States. [31] To pause there would be to My favorite writing paper, confirm the hopeless finality of a belief that two atomic. Writing Cover Cv. colossi are doomed malevolently to eye each other indefinitely across a trembling world. To. stop there would be to accept helplessly the probability of civilization destroyedthe. annihilation of the irreplaceable heritage of mankind handed down to season, us generation from. generationand the condemnation of Nursing mankind to begin all over again the age-old struggle. upward from savagery toward decency, and right, and My favorite season writing paper justice. [32] Surely no sane member of the Phd dissertation reviews, human race could discover victory in such desolation.

Could anyone wish his name to be coupled by history with such human degradation and destruction? [33] Occasional pages of history do record the faces of the #8220;Great Destroyers#8221; but the My favorite writing, whole book of history reveals mankind#8217;s never-ending quest for peace and mankind#8217;s God-given capacity to build. Phd Dissertation. [34] It is with the book of history, and not with isolated pages, that the United States. will ever wish to be identified. My country wants to be constructive, not destructive. It. wants agreements, not wars, among nations. It wants itself to live in freedom, and in the. confidence that the people of every other nation enjoy equally the right of choosing their. own way of life.

[35] So my country#8217;s purpose is to help us move out of the dark chamber of horrors into the light, to find a way by which the minds of men, the season writing paper, hopes of Can money men, the souls of men everywhere, can move forward toward peace and happiness and well-being. [36] In this quest, I know that we must not lack patience. [37] I know that in a world divided, such as ours today, salvation cannot be attained by. one dramatic act. My Favorite Writing Paper. [38] I know that many steps will have to be taken over many months before the world can. look at itself one day and truly realize that a new climate of mutually peaceful confidence. is Phd dissertation, abroad in the world. [39] But I know, above all else, that we must start to take these stepsnow. [40] The United States and its allies, Great Britain and France, have over the past months. tried to take some of these steps. Let no one say that we shun the conference table. [41] On the record has long stood the request of the United States, Great Britain, and France to negotiate with the Soviet Union the problems of a divided Germany. [42] On that record has long stood the request of the same three nations to My favorite season writing, negotiate an. Austrian Peace Treaty. [43] On the same record still stands the request of the United Nations to negotiate the. problems of Korea. Thesis Statement. [44] Most recently, we have received from the Soviet Union what is in effect an My favorite season expression. of willingness to Can money buy happiness debate, hold a Four-Power Meeting. Along with our allies of My favorite paper Great Britain and France, we were pleased to see that this note did not contain the unacceptable preconditions previously put forward. Nursing. [45] As you already know from our joint Bermuda communique, the United States, Great Britain, and France have agreed promptly to meet with the Soviet Union. [46] The Government of the United States approaches this conference with hopeful sincerity. We will bend every effort of our minds to the single purpose of emerging from that conference with tangible results toward peacethe only true way of lessening international tension. [47] We never have, we never will, propose or suggest that the Soviet Union surrender what is rightfully theirs. [48] We will never say that the people of Russia are an enemy with whom we have no desire ever to deal or mingle in friendly and fruitful relationship. [49] On the contrary, we hope that this coming Conference may initiate a relationship with. the Soviet Union which will eventually bring about a free intermingling of the peoples of the. East and of the Westthe one sure, human way of developing the understanding required for confident and peaceful relations. [50] Instead of the discontent which is now settling upon Eastern Germany, occupied Austria, and the countries of Eastern Europe, we seek a harmonious family of free European nations, with none a threat to the other, and least of all a threat to the peoples of Russia. [51] Beyond the turmoil and strife and misery of Asia, we seek peaceful opportunity for these peoples to develop their natural resources and to season writing, elevate their lives. [52] These are not idle words or shallow visions. Behind them lies a story of nations lately.

come to independence, not as a result of war but through free grant or peaceful negotiation. There is a record, already written, of assistance gladly given by nations of the West to needy peoples, and to those suffering the Phd dissertation, temporary effects of famine, drought, and natural disaster. [53] These are deeds of peace. They speak more loudly than promises or protestations of. [54] But I do not wish to rest either upon the reiteration of past proposals or. the restatement of past deeds. The gravity of the time is such that every new avenue of peace, no matter how dimly discernible, should be explored. [55] There is at least one new avenue of season paper peace which has not yet been well explored?n avenue now laid out by the General Assembly of the United Nations. [56] In its resolution of November 18th, 1953, this General Assembly suggestedand I. quote#8220;that the Writing an admission describing, Disarmament Commission study the desirability of establishing a sub-committee consisting of representatives of the Powers principally involved, which should seek in private an acceptable solution . Season Writing. . Can Money Debate. . and report such a solution to the General Assembly and to the Security Council not later than September 1, 1954.#8221; [57] The United States, heeding the suggestion of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is instantly prepared to meet privately with such other countries as may be #8220;principally involved,#8221; to seek #8220;an acceptable solution#8221; to the atomic armaments race which overshadows not only the peace, but the very life, of the world. [58] We shall carry into writing paper these private or diplomatic talks a new conception. [59] The United States would seek more than the mere reduction or elimination of atomic. materials for military purposes. [60] It is Writing an admission essay yourself, not enough to take this weapon out of the hands of the soldiers. It must be put. into the hands of those who will know how to strip its military casing and adapt it to the arts of peace. [61] The United States knows that if the fearful trend of My favorite season writing atomic military build-up can be. Buy Happiness Debate. reversed, this greatest of destructive forces can be developed into a great boon, for season, the. benefit of all mankind. Nursing Thesis. [62] The United States knows that peaceful power from atomic energy is no dream of the. future. That capability, already proved, is herenowtoday. Who can doubt, if the entire body of the world#8217;s scientists and engineers had adequate amounts of fissionable material with which to test and develop their ideas, that this capability would rapidly be transformed into My favorite paper universal, efficient, and economic usage? [63] To hasten the day when fear of the atom will begin to disappear from the Writing a research, minds of. people, and the governments of the East and My favorite season writing West, there are certain steps that can be taken now. [64] I therefore make the following proposal: [65] The Governments principally involved, to Writing letter essay, the extent permitted by elementary prudence, to begin now and continue to make joint contributions from their stockpiles of normal uranium and fissionable materials to an International Atomic Energy Agency.

We would expect that such an agency would be set up under the aegis of the United Nations. [66] The ratios of contributions, the procedures and other details would properly be within. the scope of the #8220;private conversations#8221; I have referred to earlier. [67] The United States is prepared to undertake these explorations in good faith. Paper. Any partner of the United States acting in the same good faith will find the United States a not unreasonable or ungenerous associate. [68] Undoubtedly initial and early contributions to this plan would be small in Writing quantity. However, the proposal has the great virtue that it can be undertaken without the irritations and mutual suspicions incident to any attempt to set up a completely acceptable system of My favorite paper world-wide inspection and control. [69] The Atomic Energy Agency could be made responsible for the impounding, storage, and protection of the contributed fissionable and debate other materials. The ingenuity of our scientists will provide special safe conditions under which such a bank of fissionable material can be made essentially immune to surprise seizure. [70] The more important responsibility of this Atomic Energy Agency would be to devise methods whereby this fissionable material would be allocated to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind. Paper. Experts would be mobilized to apply atomic energy to the needs of agriculture, medicine, and other peaceful activities. Essay Writing Coach Uk. A special purpose would be to provide abundant electrical energy in the power-starved areas of the world. Thus the contributing powers would be dedicating some of their strength to serve the needs rather than the fears of mankind. [71] The United States would be more than willingit would be proud to take up with others #8220;principally involved#8221; the development of plans whereby such peaceful use of atomic energy would be expedited. [72] Of those #8220;principally involved#8221; the Soviet Union must, of course, be one. [73] I would be prepared to submit to the Congress of the United States, and with every. expectation of approval, any such plan that would: [74] First, encourage world-wide investigation into the most effective peacetime uses of. fissionable material, and with the certainty that they had all the material needed for the. conduct of all experiments that were appropriate;

[75] Second, begin to diminish the potential destructive power of the world#8217;s atomic. [76] Third, allow all peoples of all nations to My favorite season paper, see that, in this enlightened age, the. great powers of the earth, both of the East and of the West, are interested in human aspirations first, rather than in building up the armaments of war; [77] Fourth, open up a new channel for peaceful discussion, and initiate at least a new. approach to the many difficult problems that must be solved in both private and public. conversations, if the world is to shake off the inertia imposed by cover essay cv fear, and is to make. positive progress toward peace. [78] Against the dark background of the atomic bomb, the United States does not wish merely to present strength, but also the desire and My favorite season paper the hope for peace. [79] The coming months will be fraught with fateful decisions. In this Assembly; in the. Thesis. capitals and writing paper military headquarters of the world; in the hearts of men everywhere, be they. governed or governors, may they be the decisions which will lead this world out of fear and. [80] To the making of these fateful decisions, the United States pledges before youand. therefore before the worldits determination to help solve the Writing a research paper conclusion, fearful atomic dilemmato. My Favorite Season Writing. devote its entire heart and mind to Can money debate, find the way by which the miraculous inventiveness of. Writing. man shall not be dedicated to his death, but consecrated to his life. Writing Paper Conclusion. [81] I again thank the delegates for the great honor they have done me, in inviting me. to My favorite, appear before them, and in listening to me so courteously. Buy Happiness Debate. Thank you. Maegan Parker Brooks. Season. Voices of Democracy: The U.S. Oratory Project. Shawn J. Parry-Giles. Department of Communication. 2130 Skinner Building.

University of Maryland. College Park, MD 20742-7635. Questions/comments about the Nursing thesis statement, VOD website may be directed to.

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Welcome To All Competitive Exams Portal. ”I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” India is a vast country, with people belonging to season writing different religions living amicably for Can money buy happiness, centuries together. The rich traditions of tolerance, perseverance, plurality and assimilation have kept the My favorite writing paper, identity of the country intact, and civilization thriving. Declared a secular country in debate the constitution, India has several provisions for protection of minority communities.

The State does not discriminate on My favorite season writing the basis of reviews, any particular religion. There are constitutional provisions for My favorite writing, equality of opportunities for writing, all. Despite precautionary, preventive and My favorite paper positive measures having been envisaged in Phd dissertation the constitution, to rule out any feeling of being left-out, communal disturbances keep recurring. My Favorite Season Writing Paper? The Government had, often expressed its commitment toward maintaining communal harmony in the country, and has been taking steps- statutory, legal, administrative, economic, and writing coach uk so on. The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, while speaking at My favorite season writing paper the Communal Harmony award ceremony, 2009 reiterated the need for Phd dissertation, communal harmony and national integration. He said “India has been home to all the My favorite season writing, great religions of the Phd dissertation, world. While some were born here, others took root in this ancient land of ours. The sub-continent has for centuries provided a unique social and season intellectual environment in Phd dissertation which many distinct religions have not only paper co-existed peacefully but have also enriched each other. It is the Phd dissertation, sacred duty of each one of us to carry forward this great tradition. I believe that both the paper, government and civil society groups must continuously watch and raise our voice against coach uk groups and My favorite season paper individuals who use violence in the name of Nursing thesis, religion.

No religion sanctions violence. My Favorite Paper? No religion preaches hatred. Nursing Thesis Statement? No religion endorses animosity towards another human being. Those who use religious symbols and My favorite writing paper forums to talk of Writing essay describing yourself, violence, sectarianism and paper discord cannot be said to Phd dissertation reviews be true spokesperson of My favorite, their respective religion. However, we also know that all societies, including ours, have to writing uk contend with such preachers of disharmony and season writing disagreement. That is why it is Writing an admission, all the more important to recognize and My favorite applaud those - like today's distinguished award winners - who work selflessly for Essay, communal harmony and season national integration. It is our obligation to Writing an admission yourself nurture such voices of sanity”. Gandhiji, the My favorite season writing paper, father of the Nursing thesis, nation, commented “Communalism of the virulent type is a recent growth.

The lawlessness is a monster with many faces. It hurts all, in the end, including those who are primarily responsible for paper, it”. The Government has taken initiatives to Writing an admission describing promote communal harmony. These include constitution of the National Integration Council (NIC) (1960s), setting up of the My favorite writing, National Foundation for Communal Harmony (1992) and Writing a research paper laying down of the guidelines for the promotion of My favorite season writing paper, communal harmony from time to Writing an admission time. The NIC, comprising of prominent members of various sections of society, besides several union ministers and My favorite season paper chief ministers of yourself, states, has been meeting regularly, to writing paper discuss and sort out the buy happiness, issues of My favorite paper, discord. Since the Writing conclusion, decision makers at My favorite writing the Centre and reviews the States are members of the My favorite, council, a patient hearing is Can money buy happiness, given to season writing paper the grievances of various sections of society. The vision of the National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) is to Writing a research conclusion have India free from communal and all other forms of season, violence, where all citizens especially children youth live together in peace harmony. For this, the Foundation promotes communal harmony, strengthens national integration and Phd dissertation fosters the spirit of writing paper, unity in diversity through collaborative social action, awareness programs, reaches out to Writing an admission describing yourself the victims of violence especially children, encouraging interfaith dialogue for season paper, India’s Shared Security, Peace Prosperity. It provides financial assistance to the child victims of societal violence for their care, education training, aimed at Can money buy happiness debate their effective rehabilitation. It promotes communal harmony and national integration by organizing variety of activities either independently or in association with State Governments, NGOs other organizations.

It confers awards for outstanding contribution to writing paper promotion of Can money, communal harmony and season writing paper national integration. Writing Coach? It undertakes activities to highlight and strengthen the paper, bonds of unity and Phd dissertation affinity between different religious groups in the country, and encourages activities to promote belief in the principles of writing paper, non-violence in resolving disputes. There is no denying the fact that the Writing paper, maintenance of communal harmony, and My favorite paper the prevention/avoidance of Writing cover letter essay cv, communal disturbances/riots and, in season the event of an admission describing, any such disturbances occurring, action to control the season writing paper, same and measures to provide protection and relief to statement the affected persons, is season paper, a prime responsibility of the State Governments. Writing Coach? The Central Government has issued guidelines for maintenance of communal harmony, which cover preventive and Administrative Measures, Personnel Policy, and relief and rehabilitation measures. They reiterate the My favorite paper, fact that if due vigilance is maintained, careful planning done and a research paper conclusion preparatory measures put in place, many possible incidents of communal violence can be pre-empted and prevented; and, wherever, despite this, communal violence does occur, it can be contained effectively, and much human suffering avoided, if it is tackled with promptness, grit and determination. Utmost care and attention requires to be given to the planning and implementation of My favorite season writing, a range of Can money buy happiness, measures to alleviate the My favorite, sufferings of those affected by any incidents of writing coach, communal violence, including the provision of My favorite paper, relief and Writing cover essay rehabilitation assistance to the victims of such violence. The guidelines underline the My favorite, fact that preventing a communal riot is Nursing thesis, far more important than containing it. It is the duty of the District Administration to My favorite season paper carefully assess the communal situation in the District on Nursing thesis a regular basis and prepare a profile of the My favorite season, District, identifying the areas which are prone to communal sensitivities and tensions. The police officers should keep a close watch on Writing an admission essay the situation in such areas, periodically visit them for season paper, promoting public contact and interface with the civilian population and community leaders. Manpower requirements for Nursing thesis, these areas should be realistically assessed, and My favorite season writing all vacancies filled up and manned.

In the Writing letter essay cv, sensitive/hyper-sensitive areas, detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and contingency plans to deal with escalated situation/riots, etc., should be kept ready. My Favorite Season Paper? The unregulated use of loudspeakers, which is often a cause for Essay, arousing passions and evoking violent reactions among different groups of My favorite season writing, people, need to be checked. Various kinds of thesis statement, religious processions, which very frequently lead to My favorite season communal confrontation and clashes as often various organisations tend to cover letter organise, and season writing view, processions on essay cv religious occasions as a show of strength, which could itself become a cause for provocation, should be checked. There should be involvement of identified respectable members of the My favorite season writing, community, in debate the peaceful conduct of paper, processions. The use of technology, like Video/Audio coverages of events and Nursing thesis processions could also act as deterrent. Effective and meaningful action needs to be taken to writing paper curb and check rumours, and proper assignment of nodal responsibility and modalities for information management needs to be ensured. Phd Dissertation? Adequate steps need to My favorite be taken to cover letter cv ensure that no damage is caused to places of worship, The guidelines stipulate that composition of the police force, especially those deployed in communally sensitive areas, should be representative of the social structure of the region so as to ensure its credibility, and season help in creating a feeling of confidence among all sections of the Nursing thesis, people. In communally sensitive and riot prone areas police and administrative officials of proven integrity, efficiency, impartiality and My favorite season writing non-partisan outlook should be posted.

Every public servant should exercise the lawful authority vested in him/her to prevent commission of any communal violence, protect or provide protection to an admission describing yourself any victim of My favorite, communal violence in Nursing thesis a strictly neutral manner, and season writing paper any malafide act or omission should be severely dealt with. Due recognition should be given to Can money buy happiness debate the services rendered by the district administration in preventing and season writing dealing with communal disturbances. In a communally-sensitive area, small shopkeepers, entrepreneurs and Writing letter cv daily-wagers are most prone to loss and paper damage to life and property, if the buy happiness debate, situation goes out of control, leading to arson or violence. They are most likely to face economic burden, due to My favorite season writing loss of income or property, most of which is not covered under any type of writing uk, insurance. They can thus be the My favorite writing paper, most willing partners in thesis maintaining peace and communal harmony in My favorite season paper the area. Essay Uk? Similarly, women who are the worst sufferers in such situations may also be keen to ensure communal harmony. My Favorite Season Paper? The district administration can tap the writing coach, resources and energy of season writing, these people/groups in ensuring peace.

Many voluntary organisations in the country are working in statement the field of promoting peace, national integration and season communal harmony. Such Organisations usually have motivated and well-intentioned volunteers and workers. The district administration should mobilize support of, and thesis encourage, such organisations, in their efforts to maintain communal harmony, and My favorite season writing diffusing tension if a communal situation arises Whenever any communal incidents are apprehended or occur, prompt and Nursing thesis immediate preventive/enforcement action may be taken, including, imposition of prohibitory orders/ curfew, and paper strict and cover essay neutral enforcement of the My favorite writing paper, same, apprehension /arrest of the Can money buy happiness debate, potential miscreants/ those indulging in violence, arson, etc., registration/institution of cases. My Favorite Season Writing Paper? Prosecution of all offences relating to communal violence/ rioting should be carefully monitored and, wherever necessary, Special Investigation Teams (SIT) may be constituted for ensuring fair and impartial investigation. A lot of uk, resentment is My favorite season writing paper, generated on account of non-payment of timely relief/ex-gratia to the riot victims. Can Money Buy Happiness? Interim relief may be provided immediately to My favorite season paper the individuals for any loss or damage suffered due to thesis communal violence. While providing assistance and relief to the victims of communal violence, it should be ensured that there is no discrimination on My favorite paper the ground of sex, caste, community, descent or religion. Writing Yourself? The district administration should ensure timely provision of essential supplies/services such as food, milk, medicines, water and electricity, etc., in areas affected by My favorite paper communal violence.

Wherever it becomes necessary to Writing essay describing set up relief camps, proper arrangements for security and other appropriate amenities should be made, including arrangements for My favorite season writing paper, medical examination/ assistance, etc. Phd Dissertation? Wherever required, on account of damage to residential and commercial property, an appropriate mechanism may be established for speedy disposal of insurance claim and My favorite season writing assistance from debate financial institutions by way of loans/ rescheduling of loans, etc. The Central Government has launched a Central Scheme for assistance to victims of season writing, terrorist and communal violence, whereunder there is provision for one time payment of a research paper conclusion, Rs.3 lakh to My favorite season paper the affected families in writing coach uk addition to writing paper any ex-gratia relief that may be provided. The Government has enacted “The Religious Institutions (Prevention of Writing letter essay cv, Misuse) Act, 1988”, with a view to My favorite season writing paper maintaining sanctity of Phd dissertation reviews, religious places and to prevent their misuse for My favorite paper, political, criminal, subversive or communal purposes. Writing Essay Describing? It casts responsibility on My favorite paper the manager to cover inform the writing, police in the event of Essay writing uk, misuse of the My favorite writing, place of Can money debate, worship. My Favorite Season Writing? The Act also prohibits storage of arms and ammunition inside any place of worship. The Places of Can money buy happiness, Worship (Special Provisions) Act 1991, is the law to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of paper, any place of Essay writing coach, worship as it existed on My favorite writing paper the 15th day of August, 1947. According to writing coach it, no religious institution or manager thereof shall use or allow the My favorite writing paper, use of any premises belonging to Essay coach the institution for the promotion or propagation of season, any political activity, or for the harbouring of any person accused or convicted of an offence under any law for the time being in force.

No arms or ammunition can be stored, nor can it erect or put up any construction or fortification, including basements, bunkers, towers or walls without a valid licence or permission. Thesis? Such premises can’t be used for the carrying on of any unlawful or subversive act prohibited under any law, or for the doing of any act which promotes or attempts to season promote disharmony or feelings of thesis, enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities. All the religions have the My favorite season, fundamental teaching of describing yourself, love and the feeling of brotherhood towards fellow beings. When such is the season, basic tenet of each religion, where is the scope of discord, hatred and violence. Writing An Admission Essay? It is amply clear that some people misconstrue or misinterpret the religious teachings for their selfish, egoistic and short-term gains, and sometimes fan communal feelings. It is also commonly known that usually the writing paper, communal disturbances sprout from small, trivial incidents but with vested interests, they take the shape of a giant. India is an admission essay, a developing country, and an emerging economy.

The vision of our leaders to make India a developed nation and My favorite paper an economic powerhouse, can’t fructify unless the internal security of the nation, particularly communal harmony, is intact. Can Money Debate? Maintenance of Communal peace and tranquillity occupies lot of writing, Government attention and an admission essay energy, and in case peace prevails, an ambience of My favorite season writing paper, trust will develop between various communities, leading the nation on a research conclusion the path of My favorite season writing, development and economic advancement. ???? ?? ????? ??? ??, ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ???-??? ?? ???? ? ??? ???? ?????????, ???-??????? ?? ???-????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ????????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ????? ? ???, ???? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ???-??? ???????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ???????, ??????, ?????????, ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ??????, 2009 ??? ???????????? ??. 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39 Fantastically Creative Resume and CV Examples. A creative resume or curriculum vitae is one document you can#8217;t skimp and this is true for anyone but especially designers and My favorite season writing paper other creative professionals. When applying for a job, the first impression you create is the strongest and longest lasting one. Phd Dissertation! The same is true when making contact with a new potential client. That first impression has to help you stand out from season writing your competitors. Buy Happiness Debate! Most of the time, that first impression is made online via an online application, your website, an email, or even social media. Writing! Hopefully, you already have a strong website, either a personal portfolio or your freelance business site.

And hopefully your social media pages continue your personal or business brand look and feel. Reviews! But what about your resume? Most job applications ask applicants to attach a CV or a resume. And after an initial, brief research on your website or social media accounts, a prospective client will often ask for a CV if they don#8217;t find the information they need or if they need to present a list of freelancers to their boss. As such, no matter if you are searching for a job or for season paper, clients, your resume design could be what differentiates you from a competitor with similar skills and level of thesis statement experience. My Favorite Season Writing! The following are some excellent creative resume and CV examples to help get ideas flowing for coach uk, your own resume design. Writing Paper! Notice that some tend to Phd dissertation reviews remain more straightforward and business-like with a hint of creativity thrown in, while others go over the top in the creative aspect. Others strike a nice balance between the two extremes. My Favorite Writing! You will need to Writing an admission essay describing yourself make a calculated decision on your own CV design. If your brand look and style of work is highly artistic, then by paper all means, go all out.

If, however, you are applying for a job in a less creative field, you may want to Nursing statement tone down tons of season writing graphics and colors, and stick with a more corporate look that still creatively reflects your own personal brand. Check out the ready-made templates for Writing cover letter essay, purchase over on GraphicRiver if you#8217;re looking for something new. Creative Resume by My favorite paper Jahangir Alam Jisan. Jisan#8217;s creative CV uses icons, color, and Writing letter cv bold banners to add creativity to his resume design. Plus, the unusual layout helps the information to stand out well while still maintaining a professional and organized look. Personal Resume Promotion by Tibor Brink. Brink#8217;s personal resume is certainly a bit more corporate in its look and feel, but definitely includes some unique touches. The large block quotes and graphs draw the season writing, eye well, and the blue color adds personality while remaining professional in appearance. Personal Presentation: CV by Lenka Kubisova.

The problem with most curriculum vitae#8217;s is that they are difficult to read due to tons of content. The brochure layout for this CV design allows Kubisova to keep all of her information to a single page spread, essentially, without looking crowded or overwhelming. Cheektocheek certainly used her creative resume to show off her design style. The design is still organized and easy to read a great example of Writing cover balancing creativity with readability. I love the odd angle of this creative resume. He also does a great job of breaking up the text using paragraph symbols, and the call to My favorite writing action (Hire Me) stands out Writing an admission describing well on the bold, red ribbon graphic.

Self-promotional Poster by season writing Paula IP. Definitely visit Paula#8217;s Behance page to see the full design, as this creative resume is only a part of the awesome self-promotional mailer. The entire layout, when opened fully, becomes a poster that includes a portfolio of this designer#8217;s skill with hand-made creations. Sometimes the server industry can be rough, especially when the restaurant is a popular one. An employer may receive too many applications to remember them all, so usually just chooses the first few that stand out. With a creative resume like this one, a server is Phd dissertation reviews guaranteed to get noticed! My Graphic Design Resume by MrSunnyBlack. Instead of using the more common graph or chart to show his talents and season writing skills, Sunny modeled his design after a roulette table found in a casino. His #8220;No gamble involved#8221; note in the bottom corner further reveals his fun personality. Baez#8217;s resume design is buy happiness definitely one that maintains a more professional, corporate look.

The graphs, charts, icons, and My favorite other visual graphics give this one more personality than a regular resume, though. Baez has graciously offered his design for Phd dissertation reviews, free, so simply click on the image to download it for your own use. This is another creative resume design that shows off the My favorite season writing, designer#8217;s humor as well as his wide range of skills. Even with the creative illustration and extra information, the design is Writing still clean and organized, which says a lot about his engineering side as well. Curriculum Vitae by Anton Yermolov. Both clean and colorful, Yermolov#8217;s CV design stands out well with neat columns and paper colorful icons. His illustrated self-portrait is Nursing a nice alternative to a photo, and season writing paper ensures it will look nice even if a client uses their own poor printer to print a copy. This is Writing yourself another free curriculum vitae design that has both a creative as well as professional look and My favorite paper feel. By, this CV shows just how easy it is to add a unique touch with the use of creative fonts. CV Take a Look Inside by Amber Van Mieghem. Nursing Thesis Statement! Both the format and My favorite writing paper the fold of this CV design is fantastically creative.

Mieghem does an excellent job of creating intrigue and keeping attention by leading to the next page with the fold. Curriculo Criativo by Samuel Profeta. Done as a project, this is certainly one of the most creative resume ideas I came across. Profeta designed his CV like a packaging label for a milk or juice carton. A Research Paper! While not exactly practical, it does inspire some out-of-the-box thinking.

While the text lines run a bit too close together, significantly reducing readability, this curriculum vitae stands out considerably. My Favorite! The grunge look reminiscent of old typewriters and ink quill pens with some modern graphics thrown in, and is certainly a creatively unique look for an applicant with an interesting combination of skills. Phd Dissertation! Shameless Self-Promotion by Kyle Robertson. A personal logo is always a safe way to add some originality to a resume that needs to remain more on the corporate side. Robertson doesn#8217;t stop there, though. His beautiful choice in fonts also adds to the appeal of his creative resume design. Fitting a lot of information onto a single page is one of the season, more difficult parts to Essay uk a resume, but darthkix solves this problem quite beautifully. The silhouette graphic on My favorite season writing, the background is a brilliant way to break up his information neatly but uniquely.

My Own Graphic Resume by a research Saransh Solanki. The secret identity/ Batman theme on solanki#8217;s graphic resume doubles as a fun element but also makes a point of his varying skills. His creative resume design stands out visually right away and shows off his abilities as a graphic designer, illustrator, and paper web designer. Infographic CV/Resume by Robert Kostrzewa. The infographic look is an Writing, excellent idea for a CV design. My Favorite Writing! You can fit a ton of information both neatly and creatively onto a single, long page. Even printed out, it will still look excellent and make sense due to the infograpic poster design. Self Promotion: Resume and Job Application by Vidar Olufsen.

You#8217;ll want to check out the Writing essay cv, rest of the pieces to Olufsen#8217;s self-promotional package, as all are extremely well-done and, well, brilliant! Obviously, Olufsen humorously modeled his design like a top secret report with his CV design as the passport what a way to stand out! This creative resume definitely shows off icART#8217;s fine art skills. Paper! The left side shows off photography as well as design and retouching skills. The fonts are also stunning in this design. Phd Dissertation Reviews! Callens#8217;s CV design sticks to her brand look very well. The entire design is quite clean and organized, easy to writing paper quickly browse. Yet it still looks pretty and shows off her graphic design skills. I love how this creative resume organizes so much content so neatly onto Writing an admission essay describing a single page.

At first glance, it is almost overwhelming, but the lines and other graphics help to draw the eye from one section to the next quite easily. The Resume 2013 by Riccardo Sabatini. The colors in this curriculum vitae brochure are fantastic! Again, a folded brochure is an excellent way to keep interest from page to page as well as break up lots of My favorite season writing content. An Admission Describing Yourself! The bright colors in this creative resume by Bobadilla are stunningly balanced out by the excellent, clean layout of content. Plus, the custom fonts add a very nice, original touch to the entire design. My Favorite Season! The hand-drawn look of this gorgeous CV resume shows off Trevino#8217;s unique set of skills very well. Plus, the layout is very easy to follow, not to mention fun. Self Promotion / Personal Branding by Caitlin Walsh.

While quite minimal in lack of color, Walsh#8217;s resume creatively uses a folded booklet layout with a beautiful, textured cover to pique the curiosity and make quite the impression. The inside includes icons and Writing other graphics in season paper, a highly organized layout. Personal Branding by Cristiana Costa. Costa#8217;s CV design creatively uses graphics in place of text in her #8220;Skills#8221; and Writing cover letter cv #8220;Things I Enjoy#8221; sections, which helps keep the rest of the text easy to digest. Her use of a color scheme is quite stunning and shows off her design eye. A Very Personal Identity by Mike Norrington. My Favorite Season Writing! Some may argue that this resume is not creative at all. I, however, found it creatively minimal.

I love the Phd dissertation reviews, layout of the letters in My favorite, #8220;MIKE#8221; as well as the large, yellow title font on buy happiness debate, the background. His social media along the My favorite, footer of the Nursing statement, page stands out My favorite season paper strikingly well as compared to other resumes that lump social media with other contact information in the header. This is another #8220;top secret#8221; styled resume that I found to be quite clever. The #8220;Skilldex#8221; creatively helps Branko#8217;s skills stand out from the Can money, rest of the content and adds to paper the visual appeal. Infographic Resume by Chen Zhi Liang. Liang shows just how easily a resume for a creative professional can replace text with graphics. The layout shows off both of Liang#8217;s experiences: print and writing interactive design/ development.

Curriculum_Vitae by Francisco Hidalgo. I highly urge you to visit Hidalgo#8217;s Behance page to view his curriculum vitae in full effect, as the My favorite season paper, images above to not do his gorgeous illustration justice. Writing An Admission Describing Yourself! Not only does his design show off his illustration skills but it also keeps his information easy to read and digest in a memorable viewing experience. Beautiful! Minimal Resume / CV / 12 Pages by Egotype. The design itself is minimal, but using all 12 pages for a CV seems a bit overwhelming. You could choose to eliminate most of season writing paper these pages in this downloadable design, however, if you decided to use it for your own. Put together as a booklet or a uniquely folded brochure could be interesting.

Handwritten fonts and illustrations are a stunning touch in this creative CV by Soto. I love how each section is divided into boxes, like graphic cards on a web page. This two-sided infographic-styled resume displays original, unique graphics. Can Money Buy Happiness! The entire look is geometric, organized, neat, and highly creative! I really love how this website resume could also double as a poster-like print resume design. Roberta does an excellent job of keeping a visitor scrolling with uniquely phrased section headers and the dotted lines.

Her illustrations and My favorite writing custom fonts are stunning! How to Writing a research conclusion Make a Kick Butt Resume by Whitney Blake. My Favorite Season Paper! Whitney#8217;s resume is actually part of a tutorial on her website, and she certainly shows what a resume needs to Phd dissertation reviews stand out. The boxes break up lots of content very well, and other aspects really add to the creativity, such as her logo and textured background. Paper! Xiruxiru#8217;s creative resume follows a clever theme: #8220;Full of Vitamin Creativity.#8221; Each of the Phd dissertation, sections of information then includes a fruit with text in My favorite writing, corresponding color. And the technical skills section definitely stands out an admission essay with blue strawberries as the graphic.

This CV resume definitely makes a lasting impression right away. The creative design remains professional and corporate, but the season writing, little extras such as the ribbon banners give it a nice visual appeal. #8230;to make a lasting first impression. How creative is Can money your resume or CV design? Are you confident yours will stand out from the rest of the pile? If not, then you may want to use one of the creative resume and CV examples above to model your own design, but don#8217;t forget to consider your audience. And have fun with it so that your creative passion shines through loud and clear. Do you have a creative resume or CV design you#8217;d like to share? Please do in the comments below!

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Crime is My favorite, a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. Get to grips with the IELTs sample writing task 2 with this example crime essay! IELTS Sample Writing Task 2 – Model Essay Answer. Crime is unquestionably one of the an admission, most prevailing and season writing, worrying aspects in Writing cover cv any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long-term investment would pay dividends in season paper the future. Nursing. A safer region would encourage trade, investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations.

For example, crime has dramatically been reduced in season writing the Favelas around Rio de Janiero in Brazil. This was achieved largely through the government committing large funds of reviews, money to stationing police headquarters in and around the slums. Writing Paper. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the Writing paper, community. Secondly, due to My favorite season, the large-scale severity and Writing cover letter essay, the global impact that crime has in some areas of the season writing paper, world, global cooperation is critical. Operating in a different way would incur significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile. For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Writing An Admission Essay Describing Yourself. Only through large-scale international cooperation was policing the area possible. Therefore, crime reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries. To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global economy; however, through large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal.

Also, spreading the expense through international cooperation the resources invested can be significantly more effective in paper reducing criminals’ effectiveness abroad. Alternatively, why not try writing your IELTS essay from a different plan: IELTS Speaking | 052 Quick English Pronunciation Practice for IELTS Part 2 of 2. IELTS Speaking | 052 Quick English Pronunciation Practice for IELTS Part 2 of 2. Meet pronunciation expert Georgina Taylor – from buy happiness In this episode Georgina shares: A quick technique to My favorite season, improve your English pronunciation. A guide to the schwa sound! […] IELTS Speaking | 051 Quick English Pronunciation Practice for describing, IELTS Part 1 of 2v. IELTS Speaking | 051 Quick English Pronunciation Practice for IELTS Part 1 of 2v.

In this podcast I interview Pronunciation expert Georgina Taylor – from Season Writing. Georgina is a speech pathologist and has an amazing online course to help students perfect their pronunciation. Here are 3 quick tips to get started: Slow down. -This improves pronunciation, accuracy, and coherence. Volume. -Try to speak a little bit louder, you will help the Writing, examiner understand what you are communicating. Mouth position. -Look at a good speaker and My favorite writing paper, try to copy them, become aware of your own problems by Nursing looking in the mirror. In this podcast we learn: A technique to My favorite season paper, centre your attention on Writing essay yourself HOW to say the words rather than WHAT to say. […] IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Education – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Education – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS TOPIC VOCABULARY: EDUCATION Sir Ken Robinson discusses changing the education system.

He makes a case for creating a new way to teach that encourages creativity, curiosity, innovation, and energy. Traditional schooling is My favorite season writing paper, out of statement, [. ] IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Crime – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Crime – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS TOPIC VOCABULARY: Crime What is a pickpocket? Apollo Robbins is the My favorite season paper, worlds best. Watch this funny video to find out. Uk. See if you can spot the terms in the table below.

All criminals should [. My Favorite Season Paper. ] IELTS Writing | 050 5 Easy Ways to a research conclusion, Improve Cohesion in IELTS Writing Task 2. IELTS Writing | 050 5 Easy Ways to Improve Cohesion in season IELTS Writing Task 2. In this podcast explain 5 simple ways to improve your cohesion in the IELTS writing task, specifically Task 2, the fifth point is buy happiness, really simple. Download the podcast here. For an introduction on season writing how to start IELTS Writing Task 2 click here: |Download | Stitcher | iTunes | 5 easy ways to improve cohesion.

The IELTS writing task. Cover Letter. My name is My favorite season, Ben Worthington and you’ve probably heard my voice at Writing cv, maybe some other English learning website. And today, we’re going to focus entirely on improving cohesion. And the good thing is, it’s relatively easy. Season. So let’s start. Let’s get straight to it. So first of all, I want you to look at collocations. And especially four word collocations. These are really interesting facets of the English language. Right?

First of all, I’ll go over this pretty quickly, alright? First of cover essay, all, they make you sound more natural and writing paper, more cohesive because they just flow in you. The listener (probably a native speaker) is expecting this combination so they don’t have to focus that much. It just flows. So if you can incorporate these into your writing, it’s going to sound much better and most importantly you’re not going to essay, make as many mistakes. Because you’ve got a string of words which are perfect together and therefore there’s less chance of paper, making a mistake. Phd Dissertation. Okay? So you’re reducing the error, using grammatically perfect constructions. This will increase your score for My favorite writing paper, grammatical range and accuracy. Now, if you have a pen, write these down.

Write these down for a number of reasons. Firstly, it will help you remember them. Secondly, you can use them in buy happiness debate your essays when you start writing one. (Hopefully today. Hopefully this afternoon maybe or this morning… whatever.) And thirdly, it’s good practice. It’s good practice for your listening, for associating sounds to words and maybe if there’s a new word there, you’ll understand how it’s pronounced first, rather than looking at it, which can be misleading sometimes. So copy these down. May be due to the… Okay? May be due to the… Alright? This may be due to the various aspects of the new technology. Okay?

Next one. There are a number of… 5-word collocation there. There are a number of My favorite season writing, reasons why. There are a number of different sources of Can money buy happiness debate, pollution. Next one. Is one of the season paper, most… Is one of the statement, most… This is really helpful, actually because not only is it superlative but it’s also… You can use this in the examples which we’ll look at My favorite season writing, in a second. For example: London is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

If you’re writing these down, I’d recommend you write down the example sentences I give as well, so you can use then into context. Maybe write a few sentences of you own, using the collocations. So, next one. Is one of the most important… Russia is one of the most important natural energy suppliers in the world. Phd Dissertation Reviews. Okay?

Next one. Play an important role in… Play an important role in… The United States plays an important role in administering trade contracts, or enforcing trade pacts (for example). My Favorite Writing. The results of this study (this is another good one)… The results of this study… Because if you’re given an example, sometimes you will use studies from the IMF and then you can say, “The results of Essay coach uk, this study (or these studies) show that gender inequality is still a dream to be reached.” Or something like that. Now, I’ll go over the next ones a little bit faster. It can be observed that… This may be due to… That’s just another way to My favorite season, say “because” but you’re saying “because” in Writing paper conclusion 5 words.

This may be due to… Okay? Then if you really want to go a little bit further, you can say “This may be due to the fact that 9 out of 10 people in Britain love the weather.” Whatever. Okay? The results of My favorite writing paper, this study… (Like we said before.) An important role in the… Okay? An important role in the… Europe has an important role in thesis statement the agreement of trade deals, internationally. (For example) In the case of… In the case of Italy, conditions were changed drastically. (For example) In the case of… Or in the case of the third-world blah, blah, blah. Okay? Now, these ones… I have a list of the 10… No, I think… Of the 20 most common four word collocations found in academic texts.

And I extracted the ones I felt most useful for My favorite writing paper, an IELTS essay. So these ones are very common in academic writing. So another reason why you should be writing them down. Now, let’s have a look at some of these collocations actually in the introduction to Nursing thesis, your IELTS test 2 writing. So we’re going to look at “is one of the most,” and “due to My favorite paper, the fact that…” So we could say, “Economic development is one of the Writing cover essay cv, most critical elements of My favorite paper, government policy due to essay describing, the fact that… blah blah blah. And here, we can just change that to any topic.

If we have a question about education (public and My favorite writing, private for Writing, example), we could say “Public education is one of the most important challenges facing the western world today.” Next sentence. My Favorite. “This may be due to the fact that…” blah blah blah. And if we are going to use this in our introductory sentence to the essay… Which I think is a good idea because in that first sentence, 50% of the words you used are going to be perfect. Absolutely perfect. Which is a very good way of starting your essay. Writing A Research Paper. Now, if you are going to use it, be careful because you have to adapt it.

Singular-plural agreement. So if you are talking about health issues as your topic, if that’s the question you’re given, you would say “Health issues are some of the paper, most important matters facing the Phd dissertation reviews, west due to the fact that…” Okay? So we adapt it. Writing Paper. Now, if you’ve got a question about Essay writing coach uk pollution or congestion in the city or city congestion, you would say “Environmental issues are some of the most common challenges facing developing countries in Europe nowadays.” Just change that and say “Environmental issues are some of the most common challenges facing developing countries in My favorite season writing paper Africa nowadays. It can be observed that…” Another collocation for an admission describing yourself, your second sentence. “It could be observed that these problems largely stemmed from mismanagement, government corruption, or whatever.” So, good work. My Favorite Writing Paper. And now, perhaps the most useful use of the collocation is not only in setting off our Task 2 essay to a perfect start. But we can also use them very effectively in the examples.

Now, examples are required for practically all of the Task 2 questions. So it makes sense to statement, master this skill. Season Writing. Because it’s going to be necessary and you can use it for 2 of your body paragraphs. So if you can get this skill under control and how to give a good example then you’re going to get more points in the bag. You’re going to guarantee yourself more points. And the Can money buy happiness, good thing is that giving an example is largely… It’s pretty much the same way you give… Let me rephrase that. Giving an example, you’re going to My favorite season, give it the same style or similar structure for every essay you write especially an IELTS essay. So you can learn a set structure and then just adapt it to any topic. I’ll show you how.

So we can say, “For example, it should be noted that recent studies by the IMF show that London is one of the most important financial centres in Writing cover letter essay the world. This may be due to the…” Okay? So the collocations I used there are: For example, it should be noted that (then I say) recent studies by the IMF by the WWF Wildlife Fund by season the OECD (Whatever) show that London Paris Marrakech (Whatever) is one of the most important cultural centers in the western world. (or whatever) So that structure you can use. And once again, 50% of the reviews, words used in that example are the My favorite season writing paper, collocations, and they’re perfect. Grammatically perfect. So you just guaranteed yourself a good quantity of points by using that said structure. Let’s have another look. Just a word of warning: Avoid using the same collocations that you use in your introduction that you use in your example. Change them.

So if you’ve used “There are a number of” or “The most important” or whatever, don’t use it in Can money your example. Because the examiner can’t give you points in My favorite season writing that. You have to show range. Phd Dissertation Reviews. So, let’s go to the next example. “For instance, there are a number of” “For instance, there are a number of studies by various governmental bodies that show that (In fact, that’s quite universal. You could use that in practically any essay.” “For instance, there are a number of studies by various Governmental bodies that show that equality in the work place… that show that a clean-air policy… that show that (you could put anything in there) plays an important part in the society… in season writing the global economy… in an admission essay yourself the socio-demographic makeup of the country…” (whatever) Then once again “This may be due to the fact that…” So if you’re writing these down, I want you do be using them in the next essays you write. Now, another way you can improve the season writing paper, cohesion and Writing essay cv, coherent is repetition. And you can do this by repeating key nouns in your paragraph. So if you are writing an My favorite writing paper essay about thesis currency-stability, you can use a “currency-stability” quite a few times. And that’s okay. If you’re going for a lower grade, that’s okay.

However, if you’re going for a higher grade (band 7) then what you want to do is use the same policy by repeating it, but use synonyms. Ensure the examiner that you’ve got a very wide vocabulary. So if I was writing about evolution, I would say: These fumes, The smog, Air contamination, This serious issue… (For example, if I’ve ran out of synonyms I would say, “This serious issue needs to be dealt with by My favorite season paper the government.” And then I could say, “It needs to be dealt with severely using regulations from the state.”) (So we’ve got “fumes,” “smog,” “air contamination,” then if we’re running out Writing letter essay, we could say “This serious issue…”) Now then… Transition signals. Transition signals is My favorite writing paper, just a fancy word for: “First… Second… Next… Finally…” Like the light traffic signs; it’s just indicating where you have to go, giving directions to Writing cover letter essay cv, the reader. And if the My favorite paper, reader’s got directions then it’s going to Writing an admission describing yourself, be much easier to follow the My favorite paper, actual writing.

So during your essay you can say “First…” “Second…” “Next…” “Finally…” To introduce a conclusion you can say: “Clearly…” “In summary…” “In conclusion…” And then to introduce a result you can say: “Accordingly…” “As a result of…” “As a consequence of…” A few different ones there, I’m sure you’ve heard them before. And these ones usually go at the beginning of the Phd dissertation, sentence. My Favorite Season Paper. The 4th point is using consistent pronouns. This means that you avoid changing from singular to plural. Let me give you an example.

One example might be: “You can see how students have changed over the last decades, in the 60s a student was often seen as struggling in economic hardship.” If I was editing this, if I was correcting it, I would write: “It can be seen how students have changed over the last decade, in the 60s they were often seen as struggling in an admission essay describing yourself economic hardship.” First of all, I changed it from second person to the passive. Season Paper. I used the passive structure saying “It can be seen” because you can see it is debate, quite conversational. The next change I did was I kept it in the plural just like in the original. Season Paper. ‘Cause it said in Nursing statement the original “You can see how students have changed over the last decade.” I kept that the same and then I changed the second one which is in writing the singular. In the first version, it says “… in uk the 60s a student was often…” And then I changed it: “… in the 60s they were often seen as struggling in economic hardship.” I did this just to keep it consistent and writing, it’s easier to follow. If it’s easier to follow, I’m improving the cohesion. An Admission Essay Describing. Now this rule, you may need to bend it a little bit just to show the examiner that you’ve got a wide range of vocabulary. But perhaps the My favorite season, most important thing here is just avoiding the “You can see…” and giving it a more academic tone.

Now then, final suggestion to keep your essays very coherent and uk, cohesive is just to My favorite season writing, stick with one idea in Writing a research paper each paragraph. Because at the end of the day you’ve gonna get points for your English, not for My favorite writing paper, the quality of your ideas. So you just put one idea that’s valid and Nursing, it makes it easier to follow. And just as a side note (this isn’t in the note but I just remembered), one idea and even just one view point. Because if you’ve got one viewpoint, you’re not jumping from side-to-side, from different angles, trying to demonstrate the paper, argument in different ways. If you’re a very good writer then it could be an option to do this. But in general, I tell all my students (all my online students) that just go for one point of view. It’s easier to write, it’s easier to follow, and you’re going to pick up points for your cohesion and coherence.

And this is especially important because in the IELTS Task 2 you’ve got 250 words. Buy Happiness. So it’s not much at all. So if you do want any more help from My favorite season writing me just go to the website. You can sign up to the mailing list. I’m sending out Phd dissertation, advice, sample essays, tips to improve the clarity… I’m sending out lots of things every week to help students. My Favorite. I’m quite happy because Julia, she got 7.5. She’s off to Cambridge. It probably helped the Phd dissertation reviews, interview. Vitali, he got in My favorite writing paper contact.

He took his exam twice. First, he got a 7.5. He wasn’t happy so he went back in March and got an 8. Think like that. Before he was using the sentence guide, he just got a 6 and a 6.5. So well done, Vitali. Writing Essay Yourself. Excellent there. And yes, if you also want to improve your grade and if you’re fed up, frustrated, just send me an email. I’ll always reply. At the My favorite season, most is a day later but yeah, just get in contact and Writing an admission, we can do it. My Favorite Season Writing Paper. Really. I’ve got lots of success now.

I’m quite happy about it. So please just send me an email. And also, well done, Cornelia. She got a 7.5. She’s off to New Zealand. She might have read the review on the website. Describing. So it’s not impossible.

You just need to get your head down, get some work done, get in contact if you’re having any problems, find help. You’re not in this alone. My Favorite Paper. There’s lots of Essay uk, students doing it and lots of teachers willing to help as well. So just keep going. Alright, thanks for listening. […] IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Politics – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS Topic Vocabulary – Politics – with Ted Talk presentation. IELTS TOPIC VOCABULARY: Politics The former Greek prime-minister offers an interesting insight as to why democracy is going down a blind alley. Nowadays some argue that democracy is under its biggest threat since inception, some argue that due to My favorite paper, global capital markets the electorate has lost control of their government.

What do you think? Give reasons and examples to statement, support your position. Topic specific vocabulary terms: CAMPAIGN DEFICIT ELECTION TRANSPARENCY […]

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Investment Banking Analyst Resume Samples. Headline : Experienced, driven finance professional with 3 years in investment banking, providing Merger and Acquisition advisory services to middle market technology firms. Strong analytical and My favorite season financial modeling skills developed from creating robust financial models to support even the most complex businesses in thesis the technology sector. Skills : MS Office , SP Capital IQ , Thomson Reuters , Bloomberg , @Risk. Summary : Technology-focused investment banker providing strategic MA advisory and capital raising solutions to firms in the middle corridor.

Lead deal execution, develop strategic positioning, financial model, marketing materials and buyer outreach. Coordinate information flows and served as the primary contact between buyer, seller and internal team. My Favorite. Advised leading, independent e-commerce shipping platform, an embedded software company, SAAS property tax management platform, on a sell-side MA transaction. Achieve outlier indication of interest (significantly beyond transaction comps) from the reviews, creation of highly Support turn-key origination, pitching, and execution efforts of the My favorite writing paper, transaction one of three on buy happiness, deal team. Reposition company marketing message for accelerating growth based on My favorite season writing, geographic and vertical. Create comprehensive financial and information package for outreach to 80+ strategic and financial buyers.

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Headline : Seven Years of experience as financial analyst on Investment Banking. Invaluable experience of private equity, asset management and corporate finance. Season Paper. Hands full of experience in analysis (Equities securities analysis, Economic analysis, Macroeconomic analysis, Company analysis, Profitability analysis, Credit analysis) Extensive experience in cash flow and calculating discount/risk premium. Skills : Analytics, Project Management, Microsoft Office, Research, Finance, Accounting, Teamwork, Communication. Summary : Analyzed and configured multiple sets of client company financial data for cover letter cv, management review and presentations. Worked with quantitative analysts on the ongoing development of the derivative team reporting framework, including, but not limited to, the profit and My favorite season paper loss quantification and attribution of the a research paper, equity indexed derivative portfolio against the equity indexed derivatives embedded in SBC's funding portfolio. Learned how to season writing build different types of financial models to help derive an accurate valuation of the Writing letter, client's company and My favorite input the data into Phd dissertation a database for further analysis. Coordinated with program/project managers, clients, and other stakeholders as appropriate as the business/functional counterpart for season paper, solution identification. Supported creation of an admission essay, business case(s) outlining cost impacts and value drivers of proposed solutions.

Experience in designing systems for retrieving structured and unstructured data desirable. Conducted business and financial due diligence with company management in addition to a sum-of-the-parts valuation of the company using selected companies, selected transactions, and discounted cash flow analysis. Investment Banking Analyst - Mergers Acquisitions. Headline : Young finance professional with 7 years substantial experience in My favorite Mergers and Phd dissertation reviews Acquisitions transactions, and investment banking. Skills : Financial Modeling, Business Evaluation, Mergers And Acquisitions, Investment Banking, Financial Analysis, Valuation Analysis, Due Diligence, Industry Analysis, Microsoft Office, Capital IQ, LexisNexis, Hoovers, Mandarin. Summary : Conduct various financial analyses including discounted cash flow (DCF) models, working capital and weighted average cost of capital (WACC) analyses, and comparable company and transaction analyses. Research and My favorite season writing paper analyze various industry trends and responsible for the firms marketing publications: the annual aerospace defense yearbook, the quarterly industry update, and the monthly industry operating data pack. Conducted quantitative and qualitative analysis of target company's products and supporting platforms to find potential synergies for the client; resulted in statement strong client interest that led to a high valuation and bid. Analyzed the My favorite season paper, effects of section 338(h)(10) election and tax-benefits of the target company's historical net operating losses (NOLS) on a research paper conclusion, the sale value of the My favorite season paper, company. Codeshare service and with lenders to restructure aircraft fleet, leading to the extension of revenue.

Prepared in-depth analysis of reviews, company financials and developed valuation ranges. Acquirers, valuation analysis modeling, and due diligence information flow management. Headline : Seeking an opportunity to work with a market leader who will build upon My favorite season, my foundation of knowledge and guide my development, with the goal of a research paper conclusion, becoming a top analyst. Skills : Cap IQ And EDGAR, MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word And Outlook Coding In Java. Summary : Developed, maintained, and delivered monthly analyses and season paper reports ensuring the accuracy of the information and outlining key drivers. Performed general ad hoc analysis of financial and operational data for trends and variances. A Research Conclusion. Using historical information along with changes in market and business environment. Created one-page briefs that included a high-level business description, valuation, and industry. Developed financial models and added valuations for financing, structure, and cash flow.

Compiled company information into professional power point presentations for use with investors. Organized communications for My favorite writing paper, the quarterly report filing to the sec for two client companies. Headline : Seven plus years as a Financial analyst capable of Nursing thesis statement, Deal execution, due diligence, industry research and modeling and My favorite paper preparation of financial report Research expertise in healthcare, IT (big data and digital media), oil and gas and green tech industries. Strong ability engaging executives and cultivating relationships. Skills : MS Excel/VBA, Access, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Quick Books and Essay SAS Licensed in Series 28, Series 99, and SAS Base. Summary : Evaluate and execute all phases of transactions, including deal origination, preparation of offering documents, investor packages and facilitating closing documentations. Complete due diligence analyses by season, reviewing client's financials, conducting industry research, asking certain key questions and investigate the current practices of process and policies. Build financial projections, analyze industry data, and Phd dissertation reviews maintain an season intra-company database using excel. Uk. Prepare financial reports, business plans, pitch and presentation materials to potential investors.

Conduct broker-dealer's monthly computation of net capital and submit the financial report to FINRA and SEC. Introduced and communicated a/r and season paper P. O. Financing to investors; oversaw the preparation of investor package; conducted detailed financial projections; advised on modifying the existing capital structure and use of funds. Initiated preparation of Can money debate, business plan, acquisition targets presentation materials working closely with client CFO; prepared valuation using public company comparables and DCF. Global Investment Banking Analyst. Headline : Experienced and bilingual investment banking professional. My Favorite Season. Have broad investment banking knowledge based in US and China markets. Engage the whole process of transactions from reviews, start(pitch/marketing) to finish(close/pricing). Skills : Investment Banking, Deal Origination, Financial Modelling, Valuation, Financial Statement Analysis, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Industry Research, Equity Research, Capital IQ, Public Speaking. Summary : Independently work on deal sourcing, identify, research and season paper analyze potential investment opportunities based on the U. S. And China market.

Engage the Nursing, whole process of transactions analysis and execution from start (pitch/marketing) to finish (close/pricing), and directly report to the senior managing director. Develop and maintain complex financial models, and perform valuation analysis by using DCF, comparable company trading multiples, and precedent transactions. Draft and prepare bilingual (English and Chinese) marketing materials including pitch books, teasers, and investor presentation slides and other documents such as term sheets. Conduct company research, comps analysis, industry research, and transaction research by using capital IQ, and maintain a strong insight into the sector specific business dynamics. Season. Screen and target potential institutional investors/buyers by using capital IQ and Writing axial to market transactions. Focus on identifying and meeting client needs, build and sustain relationships with clients. Headline : Investment Banking analyst , project finance and asset based financing experience. Highly ethical with excellent communication, analytical, organization and writing paper leadership skills.

Hands-on competence in writing coach uk qualitative, quantitative and analytical research. Skills : Advanced Excel, Visual Basic For Applications, PowerPoint, Word, SQL, Sharepoint, Access, Bloomberg. Summary : Conducting company and industry research for new transaction opportunities. Communicating with potential investors and identifying actionable next steps for eleven live transactions in agriculture, food supplement, mortgage banking, renewable energy and specialty finance. Support clients understanding of enterprise value by reviewing financial models, multiples and other financial metrics. Collaborating with senior management in the development of client pitch materials. Season Writing Paper. Managing all interns and transferring daily working experience to new interns. Performed analysis to aid in the negotiation of Writing cover essay, long-term contracts with legacy carriers to season writing paper provide. Statement. Additional responsibilities include monitoring restructuring opportunities and researching distressed investment. Investment Banking Analyst - Oil Gas.

Headline : A bi-lingual, highly motivated, detail-oriented, and My favorite writing analytical finance professional with 6 years of experience in thesis Mergers and Acquisitions, Valuation, Financial Modeling, and Budgeting. Skills : Investment Banking, Mergers And Acquisition, Valuation, SaaS Metrics, Financial Modeling,, Chinese, Mandarin, QuickBooks, Excel, Word, PointPoint, Financial Reporting And Analysis. Summary : Identify, research, and contact potential acquisition targets for buy-side clients. Manage due diligence process, maintain public comps sheet, and conduct company and industry research. Mergers and Acquisitions, Financial Modeling, Financial Analysis, Valuation. Produced list of strategic and financial investors based on business strategy or investment thesis. Conducted valuation of companies using multiples, comparable company analyses and discounted cash flow analyses.

Collaborated with management in developing a reasonable forecast and pro forma analysis for the opening. Executed five successful transactions and season writing paper worked on numerous other deals, including sell-side and buy-side MA. Investment Banking Analyst (Energy Group) Headline : To obtain a position in the field of finance with a special interest in investment banking, financial analysis and financial services that will utilize my skills, experience and education. Skills : MS Office, MS Excel,Philanthropy, Outdoors And Sports; Ice Hockey, Hiking, Camping, Yoga, Snowboarding, Auto Mechanics. Summary : Supported daily operations through the valuation of conclusion, prospective clients with financial analysis and research on pending Mergers/ Acquisitions. My Favorite. Internal analysis of potential clients through 10-k and other sec filings, following a review of each company's business plan. Focused on growth companies with capital development plans in the public and private space. Expanded the firm's client database to ensure organization of private capital in association with companies seeking to finance whether it is significant contract opportunities or expansion through partnerships or acquisitions. Performed a valuation of the target using selected companies, selected transactions, and uk discounted cash flow analyses to assess the value of the target against the purchase price. Established a novel system for the director of investments to season maintain client investment in accordance with the firm's compliance department.

Create valuation models for different financial assets across corporate capital structures including debt, preferred equity, common equity, warrants, options and other securities.

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