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obtain there own opinions, usually do not realize that other people might not have the same stance as them, and that their opinions might have actually been . formed very logically. More often than not, there are two or maybe even three generalized viewpoints about any given topic. An author who is trying to use comparison as effectively as possible will usually broadcast his or her own opinion to as large of an audience as possible by homework tudor, presenting the two general, but explicitly different ideas of the. Cesare Borgia , Florence , Literature 1175 Words | 4 Pages. to write a sample essay, as everyone is studying different texts. But here is the bread and Web mat, butter of it all. In essence, you will be asked to write . along the help tudor following essay titles (modes of comparison): - cultural context - vision and viewpoint - theme or issue as explored in 3 texts. Usually 2 of 3 come up every year. This is an artificial division in terms of essay titles.

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Clearly different forms of reality, the author’s . irony are similar. Two distinctive settings appear as visuals of the event taken at paper conclusion different viewpoints . There are many opinions of the Literature homework help tudor exact theme for these particular stories. One may say that “The House on Mango Street” shows sympathy and hope. Others may argue that “I felt a Funeral in my Brain” indicates insanity and troi be tho, grievance. Literally. Audience , Audience theory , Emily Dickinson 735 Words | 2 Pages. Phi-105 Week Five Checkpoint - Moral Character View Points. CheckPoint: Moral Character View Points PHI/105: Intro. To Philosophy Due Date: 10/05/2011 Instructor: Geth Allison Moral Character . View Points Referencing week four discussion concerning moral character, one viewpoint my discussion group overall agreed upon including me is that habits develop from repeatedly doing something and can reflect on a person of good or bad moral character. For example, if a child was taught to help tudor, say yes sir while growing up by the time.

English-language films , Ethics , Habit 428 Words | 2 Pages. Opposing Viewpoints- Vegetarianism. ? Opposing Viewpoints When it comes to viewpoints there will always be an opposing side. You must . develop your strongly focused opinion with examples and/or reasons. In order for a reader to accept your side you must use clear, powerful, and direct language to really capture them. Express your opinion clearly, and then base it on factual, researched or first-hand information. Hard facts and first-hand experience are so convincing to readers. The way to convince your audience to accept your opinion. Diets , Health , Health care 1012 Words | 4 Pages.

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17 June 2011. Climate change , Global warming , Heat wave 1196 Words | 4 Pages. Mentor: English Department Introduction to literary theory Viewpoints in literature . (Essay) Sarajevo, February 2010 A viewpoint in literature is the point of view from which the narrator tells us the story. The basic division of viewpoints is external and internal viewpoints . Apa Research Paper. External viewpoint is Literature homework tudor used if the humanity narrator is not a part of the story himself, but is rather telling us about help tudor other people who are participants. Fiction , First person , Grammatical person 850 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing Viewpoints: Same-Sex Marriage Equality. Opposing Viewpoints Paper: Same-Sex Marriage Equality Introduction If you had a child that grew up to love someone of the same . Help Chemistry. sex, and homework tudor, wanted you to acknowledge their love for each other by being at their wedding, would you? Unfortunately, many Americans would sadly answer no to this question even when it involves their own child and his or her biological makeup.

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They were kids who were saying things that they have over heard about in their household or have been taught growing up. Stereotyping is still an . issue in society today and I feel as though everyone stereotypes. Help Tudor. There are many different viewpoints from every individual in the world from their race, background, gender, as well as their age groups. Should Letter. According to homework help tudor, Joi Downing, stereotyping is My dream english formed many different ways and for many different reasons. Joi states that “stereotyping is formed to. African American , Stereotype , Stereotypes 677 Words | 4 Pages.

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The United States of American is Literature homework help made up of different socioeconomic backgrounds. Constitution , Democracy , Executive 1431 Words | 4 Pages. Opposing View Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) both involve the practice . of deliberately ending another’s life to put an end to pain and suffering. Paper Conclusion. More often than not these practices are performed by a doctor on homework help, a consenting terminal patient. But is this the right thing to do? It wasn’t too long ago when having diabetes or smallpox were considered to Paying someone to write on someone's, be potentially fatal, with no cure or a way to manage either disease. Literature Homework Help Tudor. However.

Death , Euthanasia , Medical ethics 1036 Words | 3 Pages. The Opposing Viewpoints of Slavery in the United States around the 1400s. a positive good. What side did each side marshall in support of the case? The opposing viewpoints of Should be banned letter, slavery in the nation by Literature tudor, . the 1400’s were very defined and My dream essay writing, profound. Morals, intentions, and homework help, motivational factors all came into essay, play with the controversy. Furthering the homework help development of the nation was quite difficult with the northern abolitionists and southern proslavery advocates voicing their different viewpoints . Homework Letter. Abolitionists Stand: The abolitionists were mostly northern citizens.

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1918 , 1922 , 1928 565 Words | 3 Pages. Snow Child: The Feminist Viewpoint. important person to the Count at the time was the child which is help why she was covered and the Countess was bare. Paper Abstract. This is help a symbol of homework be banned letter, male patriarchy that . women are homogenous and Literature tudor, ‘toys’. In conclusion, the Snow Child is someone to write papers on someone's a story that supports feminist’s viewpoints of women being conformed to the actions of men. They are made to accept that men have more power over them and there is help tudor not much they can do about Help lab report chemistry it. . Comes , Count , Count von Count 920 Words | 3 Pages. ? Manigault Conflicting Viewpoints Essay M. Lakeisha Manigault Professor Sharon Thomas Strayer University October 19, 2014 Conflicting . ViewPoints Peter Elbow’s introduction to “The Believing Game” and “The Doubting Game” is undeniably the homework easiest way for anyone to acclimate themselves into the art and the concept of critical thinking. Someone On Someone's Life. Some of us are already predisposed to unconsciously operate in some of the homework principles explained by Mr.

Elbow and use it daily. While others of us had no idea. Cannabis , Critical thinking , Law 1043 Words | 5 Pages. ? Ethical and Legal Viewpoints Geneva Moore Grand Canyon University Abstract Professional counselors are always . Humanity Essay. confronted with “ethical dilemma” that arises from conflicts in maintaining standards of right or wrong in specific counseling practice. Therefore, counselors must be alerted to the professional ethical standard and use it as a guidance in rendering services to the clients. This paper will discuss volunteerism; the legal issues that can surface from volunteering. Business ethics , Ethical code , Ethics 748 Words | 5 Pages. Critical Issue Analysis of Opposing Viewpoints on Aborting a Handicapped Fetus. Critical Issue Analysis of homework help tudor, Opposing Viewpoints On Aborting a Handicapped Fetus The continued debate between anti-abortion . Essay English. lobbyists and pro-choice activists regarding the ethics of abortion has ensured a steady stream of written opinions. With fairly recent advances in prenatal screening, doctors can detect whether a fetus is healthy or not and more abortions are being performed due to this awareness.

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indicates that his success is inspiring black youth and states quotes from black young voters: “It’s our time to shine.” and “It's a great time for Blacks in . America.” The overall style of the letter cover story is informal, positive and informative. Literature Help Tudor. Its viewpoint reflects the write college pride that the JET magazine’s black audience of the Literature homework magazine is feeling at seeing Sen. Obama’s success. The Network Journal’s May 2008 cover has the to write title of the magazine printed in large, bold and red text block with white formal. African American , Barack Obama , Black people 967 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing Gun Control Laws Eng. / 102 May 30, 2012 Opposing Gun Control Laws Watch out! Murder and mayhem is surely on the . horizon as gun control laws are being dropped, and penalties could be imposed on those who do not comply. The debate over Literature help tudor the use of guns in troi, the United States can be traced back as far as 1791. The United States has the greatest percentage of Literature help, private firearm ownership in the world. Most people do not just own one gun they own two or more guns. The average citizen comes to.

Cannon , Firearm , Gun 1904 Words | 5 Pages. ?In the light of the above statement, compare the general vision and paper, viewpoint in at help tudor least two texts you have studied in your comparative . course. Throughout my study of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Sive by John B.Keane and Casablanca directed by Michael Curtiz, there was no doubt that each text presented me with an outlook on Web mat be tho, life which shaped my general vision and view point to either one of positivity or in many cases, negativity. In all three texts which I have studied, the author’s use. Catherine Earnshaw , Emily Bronte , Heathcliff 1674 Words | 4 Pages. Miller 1 Into The Wild Two Viewpoints Into The Wild is the story of a young man Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch) who is trying to break . away from the norm’s of society and the overbearing influence that his parents try to Literature homework help tudor, have in his life. Lab Report College. Christopher graduates from Emory University and help, has the grades to go to adventure of a lifetime, tramping his was across the western United States with the final goal of his adventure, living alone in the wild of conclusion, Alaska. Critics Roger Ebert of the Chicago.

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor , Chicago Sun-Times , Christopher McCandless 1063 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing Arguments: Abortion Introduction: Why abortion is immoral by Don Marquis is the start of two discussions pertaining to whether . abortion should be acceptable in our modern society. Literature Help. The argument, Marquis makes, is Love that abortion actually deprives the fetus’s “future-like-ours.” Many philosophers support Marquis’ belief by Literature help, arguing that fetuses have their own possibilities; thus, killing fetuses is absolutely wrong (Marquis, 105). Write. Nevertheless, there are also other philosophers who criticize. Abortion , Abortion debate , Developmental biology 2214 Words | 6 Pages.

Name: Course: Professor: Date: Personal ethical viewpoint My seven years of working in homework tudor, HMO as a marketing manager has made me gain a lot of My dream, . skills and Literature, experience. Since my arrival, I have interacted with the company’s employees at a personal level and essay english, inspiration has worked both ways. The employees have been a source of Literature homework tudor, inspiration to me in as much as I have been to them. My top notch in the marketing area has given me the ability to be able to plan and put business strategies into execution. I. Librarian , Literacy , Marketing 843 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing Gay Marriage Nearly seventy percent of people in the United States oppose gay marriage. There are a lot of reasons why gay marriage . Apa Research Paper. should be opposed. Marriage is an institution between one man and Literature help tudor, one woman.

Marriage is for procreation (The Divine Institution of Should homework letter, Marriage). Gay and lesbian couples would represent a profound change in the meaning of marriage. I strongly disagree with same sex marriage because it is against the laws of nature, society and religion. Tudor. First let’s look at. AIDS , Bible , Gay 1329 Words | 4 Pages.

Opposing Perspectives and Solutions of Distracted Driving. naturalistic argument by taking statistics found from researchers and Paying to write papers on someone's life, trusts their results as facts. He is able to conclude that built-in technological . devices allow drivers to keep their attention in front of them, similar to tuning a radio. Tudor. An opposite lab report college viewpoint is taken by Reynolds, who argues against the data that is obtained by traffic accident studies. He offers three separate forms of evidence as to why these results cannot be trusted. First, the people that are used for homework tudor, these studies are aware of. Automotive industry , Cellular network , Cigarette 934 Words | 3 Pages. the perspectives of reporters at CBS and Senator Joseph McCarthy in viewing McCarthy's actions as he, takes charge… of Communist infiltration. Just as . To Write Papers Life. Hughes' relationship with Plath raised questions from public opinion, but he dismisses their viewpoints through his emotional poetry.

Clooney uses Edward R. Murrow to expose Senator McCarthy as a fear monger of communism in his television segment, See it Now, as he presents his story from a low angle shot. Literature Tudor. This presents Murrow in a powerful position. 1908 births , Edward R. Murrow , George Clooney 997 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing The Death Penalty Taking this course has made me ponder on Should homework, many issues which I never deemed worthy of my thoughts. I always . considered the death penalty one of those things which I never had to concern myself with. First of all I'm not planning to Literature homework help tudor, commit any vial crimes, and I don't think anyone I care about has those plans either. Secondly, I've never been conscious or concerned with the likes of criminals.

When we began speaking on writing, the subject, I thought we were only going to. Capital punishment , Capital punishment in the United States , Crime 1103 Words | 3 Pages. Opposing Forces Civil Rights Movement. Opposing forces When looking back on the Sixties, one of the most dominating themes of that period was the Civil Rights Movement. The quest . for civil rights had been started long ago, when the Literature homework tudor black man was freed from the abstract conclusion bonds of slavery. Over a hundred years later, the problem of blacks being treated as second-class citizens still persisted. What could be done to correct the present situation? Some, both blacks and whites, believed that non-violence was the only means to achieve civil rights. Black people , Black Power , Black pride 2317 Words | 7 Pages. There are many distinct differences between the Literature help northern and southern settlers that came from Europe to inhabit the new world. My Dream. Ranging form religious to help, . economic backgrounds, these differences eventually lead to opposing viewpoints on slavery.

The Protestants, mainly the Puritans, settled the north. My Dream English. Their strong religious convictions stemming from Literature tudor, religious persecution in England and lack of a long growing season lead to an independence from Apa research paper conclusion, slavery. Homework Help Tudor. The southern parts of the colonies were settled. Anglicanism , Bishop , Catholic Church 594 Words | 2 Pages. An Inspector Calls: Issues and Priestly's Viewpoint. An Inspector Calls: Issues and be tho, Priestly's Viewpoint 22nd March 1997 Martin Howitt 11W Discuss some of the issues raised in An . Inspector Calls and tudor, show how Priestly expresses his own viewpoint in the play.

The play is set in the 1912 on an English street scene in the evening. The plot of An Inspector Calls is papers on someone's about a police inspector who interrupts an elegant engagement dinner party to question the family and their guests about an unsuspected suicide of homework, a young working-class girl. An Inspector Calls , Family , J. B. Priestley 1157 Words | 4 Pages. ? Interview with the Opposition: Gay Marriage I chose to use this assignment as an homework letter, opportunity to discuss my viewpoints on gay marriage . with my wife. We tend to homework help tudor, agree on most other subjects and really feed off of each other’s opinions and beliefs, so I thought maybe this assignment would help shine some light on why exactly we disagree. And maybe more importantly, which one of Paying someone to write papers life, us is right (ha-ha-ha). I think it’s important to mention that we both come from very similar backgrounds. Having. Bible , Biblical studies , Criticism of the Bible 638 Words | 2 Pages. Same-sex marriages: Viewpoints and Theories. question this article poses is, should same-sex couples have the same rights to marriage as opposite-sex couples?

There are many different . viewpoints and theories related to this ethical dilemma, which include egoists, social contract theory (Thomas Hobbes), consequentialist and utilitarian beliefs, Immanuel Kant and deontological ethics, and virtue ethics. Each viewpoint and system of belief differs from tudor, another, yet they all make very strong, convincing points. Egoists only do what would be in their. Deontological ethics , Ethics , Gay 1730 Words | 5 Pages. VIEWPOINT NEUTRALITY AND GOVERNMENT SPEECH. VIEWPOINT NEUTRALITY AND GOVERNMENT SPEECH Joseph Blocher* Abstract: Government speech creates a paradox at the heart of the First . Amendment. To satisfy traditional First Amendment tests, the government must show that it is not discriminating against a viewpoint . And yet if the government shows that it is Web mat be tho condemning or supporting a viewpoint , it may be able to invoke the government speech defense and Literature help tudor, thereby avoid constitutional scrutiny altogether. Government speech doctrine therefore rewards. First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution , First Amendment to the United States Constitution , Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 31617 Words | 108 Pages.

should deviate from the goal of maximizing profit to take others responsibilities that help to promote the total welfare of the to write papers whole society. I will first . discuss these two viewpoints and help, give my opinions on humanity, such reasons then, finally, draw up my conclusion on CSR. Literature Homework. Discussion of the essay Friedman point of view: From the Literature homework tudor Friedman viewpoint , businessmen who seriously take the CRS such as fighting poverty, avoiding pollution… are “unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis. Corporate social responsibility , Government , Milton Friedman 3078 Words | 8 Pages. Difference between Classical Approach to Management and Behavioral Viewpoint. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CLASSICAL APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOURAL VIEWPOINT : The classical view point is all about the . different-different methods and different ways for manage work and Web mat be tho, organizations more effectively. The classical view point includes the Literature help tudor three types of approaches such as : 1. Apa Research Paper Abstract. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 2. BUREAUCRATIC MANAGEMENT 3. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT These approaches are related to Literature, mostly at the top level of paper conclusion, management which include systematic and scientific analysis. Abraham Maslow , Fundamental human needs , Management 1302 Words | 5 Pages. The contrast in viewpoints between Huffington Post and Fox News in general could not be more pronounced, as each endeavor to Literature homework help tudor, cater to specific . viewpoints ; in the case of Paying to write, Huffington Post more Liberal, and Fox News more Conservative leaning.

However because this story relates to Literature help tudor, a proposal that is being put together by both Lindsey Graham from the Apa research paper Republican Party, and homework tudor, Chuck Schumer of the Democratic Party the content on Fox News is somewhat more centrist than the be banned letter usual fare, to emphasize the help working. Democratic Party , Human migration , Illegal immigration 551 Words | 2 Pages. Opposing Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Opposing Embryonic Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has a lot to offer in the way of treatments, or even cures to some devastating . diseases that humans face. However, research using human embryonic stem cells that can only to write be obtained by killing a human embryo can not be condoned or paid for by the United States Government.

Federal funding needs to focus on the adult stem cell research that has already been proven successful and can be obtained without destroying a human life. Ethics. Adult stem cell , Biotechnology , Cell 1763 Words | 5 Pages. Review Two Articles in the Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database in the University Library. Read One for Promoting Renewable Energy and One Opposed to Renewable Energy. Write a 350- to 700-Word Essay in Which You Do the Following: Review two articles in the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database in the University Library. Read one for promoting renewable . energy and one opposed to renewable energy. Write a 350- to Literature help tudor, 700-word essay in which you do the following: Summarize the Apa research conclusion issue. State your position on the issue. Explain the perceptual blocks and habits that hinder your thinking when looking at the opposing view and defending your own view.

Describe what you can do to overcome those perceptual blocks and habits. Barack Obama , Coal , Fossil fuel 445 Words | 2 Pages. 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Tudor. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. Wilson, Lee. Web Mat Troi Be Tho. Video Games Are Useful Educational Tools.

Media . Violence. Homework Help. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Write Chemistry. Opposing Viewpoints . Rpt. from Getting It Wrong: Slaying Myths about Video Games. Homework Help Tudor. Technology and Learning (15 Sept. Web Mat Troi. 2007).

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. Homework Help. 25 Apr. Essay. 2012. Borja, Rhea R. Video Games Can Improve Learning, Scientists' Report Says. Homework Help. Education Week 25 Oct. Help College. 2006: 12. Gale Opposing Viewpoints. Dave Grossman , Entertainment Software Rating Board , Media violence research 861 Words | 2 Pages.

Marijuana Legalization an Analysis of Opposing Arguments. who are advocates for homework tudor, the legalization of marijuana often end up being labeled as “pot heads” in society, while the people who are against the use and My dream, . legalization of marijuana use misleading studies and homework, information to support their argument. These opposing views often lead to heated debates with the marijuana advocates still being over powered by what the law says. In the CNBC article by Dr. Should Letter. Robert L. DuPont he uses many statistics and studies to reinforce his ideals that marijuana should stay illegal. Cannabis , Law 1588 Words | 5 Pages. Opposing Viewpoints: Jefferson and the Lousiana Purchase. Jefferson Goes Against His Own Philosophy: Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by tudor, the United States of conclusion, America in 1803 of . 828,000 square miles of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana.

The Louisiana territory encompassed all or part of tudor, 15 current U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. At the time, the purchase faced domestic opposition because it was thought to be unconstitutional. Although Thomas Jefferson agreed that the U.S. Constitution did not contain. Federal government of the essay english United States , Louisiana , Louisiana Purchase 716 Words | 2 Pages. Finding Out Personal Viewpoint by Means of Grammatical Features.

Finding out personal viewpoint by Literature, means of college, grammatical features Cinthia E. Scholles Universidad Nacional del Litoral – UNaM Abstract . Literature Homework. When expressing ideas a speaker or writer has to make the very personal decision to state his/her point of view subjectively or objectively, denying responsibility for humanity essay, what is help being expressed. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the humanity grammatical features used in a written text to express writer’s personal point of view about what is said. It. Functional grammar , Grammar , Human 2003 Words | 6 Pages. GMFs have been on the market for a decade, and they were also twice as aware (33%) than opponents (17%) that approximately two-thirds of help tudor, foods in troi, U.S. Literature Homework. . markets contain some sort of GM crop. This information did not have a noticeable impact on essay, the opposing group, although it did reinforce the Literature help tudor views of the supportive group. Conclusion The profiles of those who support GMFs and those who oppose GMFsshow opposite Paying someone on someone's beliefs on all issues.

Profile Comparison When those who oppose GMFs were informed about. Bacillus thuringiensis , Genetic engineering , Genetically modified food 4297 Words | 6 Pages. Bioethics Interview 1 Bioethics Interview Jennifer D. Williams HLT-520 Legal amp; Ethical Principles in Healthcare Dr. Damien Brandeis April 13, . 2011 Bioethics Interview 2 Individuals find themselves having to make important decisions every day. Unfortunately situations may occur that prevents a person from being able to make a decision about their medical care. The decision can be a legal or ethical one. In the medical arena someone has to make this tough decision. Bioethics , Decision making , Decision theory 1446 Words | 5 Pages. Unit 7 Project Part 3: Opposing Sides. failure with assisted suicide and Literature, euthanasia would be extreme.

Nor is there any reason to homework, believe that the practices, whatever safeguards are erected, will . be unaffected by the broader social and medical context in which they will be operating. Opposing Position A state's categorical ban on physician assistance to suicide as applied to terminally ill patients who wish to homework help tudor, avoid unendurable pain and hasten inevitable death substantially interferes with this protected liberty interest and cannot. Autonomy , Death , Federal government of the United States 912 Words | 3 Pages. If your audience agrees with your position and trusts your credibility, you don’t need a highly reasoned argument dense with facts, examples, and humanity essay, statistics. . 2. Readers may be open to what you have to say but may not be committed fully to your viewpoint or perhaps they’re not as informed about the subject as they should be. 3. Literature Tudor. You should avoid emotional appeals because they might seem irrational, sentimental, or even comical.

Instead, weigh the Apa research paper abstract essay heavily in favor of logical reasoning and hard-to-dispute. Argument , Belief , Critical thinking 482 Words | 3 Pages. Sistine Chapels the Creation of Adam and Literature homework, the Two Opposing Responses. than the true value and Love humanity essay, symbolism of the homework help tudor intended meaning. Apa Research Abstract. However, it would be interesting to think what especially Martin Luther and William Shakespeare . would have to homework help tudor, say about Michelangelo's work. These two individuals have completely different opposing outlooks on Apa research paper, life which makes it interesting to think how they would react to the painting of The Creation of Adam compared to the significance of the panel in this day and Literature homework, age. Martin Luther was a theologian who analyzed and studied the on someone's religious. Domenico Ghirlandaio , Fresco , Michelangelo 1307 Words | 4 Pages. Homosexuality: a Comparison of Western and Literature homework tudor, Eastern Viewpoints. HOMOSEXUALITY: A COMPARISON OF WESTERN AND EASTERN VIEWPOINTS The purpose of this paper is to shed a positive light on homosexuality. . The paper will also look at how religion has shaped the views that people have regarding homosexuality.

It will be seen that, for the most part, Christianity in Web mat, the West has encouraged people to take a negative attitude on the subject. Literature Help Tudor. By contrast, the Eastern religion of Buddhism has taught people to Help college, have a more tolerant attitude toward homosexuality. . Bisexuality , Buddhism , Heterosexuality 2848 Words | 9 Pages.

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Downloading any file using ASP, FSO and the ADODB Stream object. In this article, we will see how to allow users to download any file from a web server by Literature homework tudor, streaming it through ASP. They will see a prompt, giving them the option of Should homework, opening or saving it, rather than simply opening it which is the homework default. We can achieve this using the FSO and ADODB objects. There are times when you want users to paper abstract download a file instead of opening it up in tudor, a browser; like images, text files, ASP code files, MS Office files like Powerpoint or Word files, etc. That’s easy to do for a ZIP file for example, but hard with a GIF or TXT. The reason is that anything that the browser recognizes as a valid format, it will open right away without giving you the option to Should homework be banned save it. Literature Help Tudor? We want the user to receive a prompt though, asking them if they want to save or open the file, like below: We can achieve the above for any file, by simply editing the Should homework be banned letter Response that the browser receives from our web server. By editing the Literature homework help header and the content type, we can prepare the browser to accept binary streams, which would then save as attachments.

So, it will always prompt the users to save the Help lab report content. 56 Responses to Downloading any file using ASP, FSO and the ADODB Stream object. Just FYI, there is a little “problem” with your script: You can use it to download ANY file in your server, including ASP files, that might contain important information that you do not want people to know about Literature help, (like username and password for a DB). Apa Research Paper Abstract? To avoid this, you can add these lines to Literature homework tudor the “error checking” part: ElseIf Right(strPath,4) “.jpg” Then ‘ …specify the file format(s) to allow download. Response.Write(“File extension not supported.”) Thank you for humanity essay the useful code. p.s.: Can I include your script in a “classic asp framework” that I’m coding? #128578; @Phillipe Calmet Williams: Absolutely.

You make a great point. If one was to add this to their site, then they should definitely think about restricting downloading certain types of files, and ASP files are probably the first ones. Thanks for pointing that out! And feel free to use this in any way you find it useful. I am just glad I could help. How can i download from other server.. Help Tudor? because i have got bandwith problem and Should be banned letter, i put my files to other free ftp servers.. but i can not use this script to download from other servers… are there some methods. Of course you could use either pure ASP code or any free/paid components to Literature homework help tudor FTP the file in Web mat be tho, the background from Literature help tudor your FTP servers to Apa research abstract conclusion our website, and then stream the help tudor file to your user like I show. Apa Research Paper Conclusion? You can look for examples online on how to help tudor FTP a file in the background using ASP – there are plenty out there. However, that would result in Help lab report chemistry college, your web server serving the file to the user and Literature homework help, it would increase your bandwidth out, which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place, so I am not sure if there is lab report, a solution for Literature help tudor you. Why don’t you simply link to the FTP site for Help write lab report the download directly? You could do this using a READ-ONLY FTP account with a username and password, or a READ_ONLY FTP folder with no credentials:

Thanks for your code! Do you know a way to Literature tudor track the success of the download? I made some research on Google, but so far, with the method you show, I found nothing useful. Interesting idea. I have never tried it myself, and Web mat troi, I think it would be hard to do. Without any tests, I am thinking of a couple of different scenarios for you here. 1) Perhaps break up the file into smaller chunks (pieces) and measure which chunks made it to the client. So, if your file is made up of 4 chunks, and a download was started, and the 3rd chunk was requested but not the homework 4th, then you can assume that 3/4 of the file was downloaded.

This is write college, not accurate and again, past the last but one chunk or for small files, you will never know if the full file was downloaded or not. 2) Use web sockets to capture the Literature help interaction between the server and the client and be banned letter, perhaps respond back to the server if a successful and complete download was made. What do you think? I want to add this script to enquiry form. when a person add the form like name,email,message and homework help, submit the Love essay button.After submitting automatically download pdf file. can u please help me for this code. What are you having difficulty with? From what you describe above, you just want to add my code in the postback section of your page. You can check if something was posted using the REQUEST.QUERYSTRING for Literature homework help tudor URL parameters or REQUEST.FORM for form variables. So, just just to make sure that your required fields (name, email, message, etc.) have been filled in homework be banned, and then include my code. Unless I am not understanding your requirements, it should work just fine. i try to thsi code.. but everytimes i see “No file exist”.. the asp page on web site root and the file on web root.. but the file not found… :((( must i change something on my web server?

How are you passing the Literature file to be downloaded into the code? If you doing so through a URL parameter, make sure you are escaping the characters. Watch out for Love humanity essay strange filename characters or spaces. Post some code here if you are still having issues (you can paste code within code/code). i copy your code for test because i need this code… i just change strpath parameter… i did not use querystring… my asp file name is download.asp in web root and help, my file test.rar also in same place… i try to paper abstract other files but i can take same mesaj… if i will success about Literature tudor, this code, i can customize and use this code…

I followed your scenario and chemistry college, placed the download file in homework help, the root folder together with a RAR file and then pointed the RAR file inside the Web mat download. Everything worked without any changes needed to Literature help the file. Something else must be preventing the script from working on your site. Have you tried to Love humanity essay download another type of file (a JPEG, GIF, etc.)? Hi, I am not sure exactly how to help pass the parameter via the url. This is how I am passing the Help filename. I have tried various options but just get a Server error 500 as a result. 500 – Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. The http log shows this.

2013-02-08 11:22:30 server ip address GET /download.asp file=”banner.jpg”|2|ASP_0140|Page_Command_Out_Of_Order 80 – my ip address HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+Media+Center+PC+6.0;+InfoPath.3;+.NET4.0C;+.NET4.0E) ASPSESSIONIDAAQQDCTS=BAGJJGMBAJJPMJCPADCFOEHG;+ASPSESSIONIDSACBDCSB=PNCNMHGCBAHPDACDLCMKDHPJ;+ASPSESSIONIDSCBBDDSA=KLKBAJGCNPDMJLMJEBIFFHBN 500 0 0 1404 719 31. OK, I found the 500 error, I had some session check code in the first line of the asp and this broke the help tudor original code. With that out of the way, I must still be doing the linking wrong as the file is not being served. All I see in the log is. GET /download.asp file=”banner.jpg” error 200. Don’t use any quotes. Should Letter? Try something like this, where the banner.jpg file is located at the root of the website: I have just tried that, using both /banner.jpg and just banner.jpg with the Literature help tudor same results. Paper Abstract? Yes, the banner.jpg is sitting in Literature, the root. Please click here to download the video.

Something else must be at play here. I just copied-pasted the lab report code into a file called “download.asp” in the root folder of a new site, added a JPG called “banner.jpg”, and then called the JPG file from the download script just fine. It worked right off the bat for me. I’ve been using your script for quite some time (successfully) – thank you! #128578; Just came across a problem though – it can’t handle files larger than 4meg. You just get a “not found” error. Not sure the workaround yet.

This is usually caused by the maximum buffer size of 4GB (you DO mean GB right, and not MB like you mentioned) set by IIS and some older browsers. There are ways around this. The easiest way is to increase the buffer size in IIS (see this Microsoft support article), or using the GUI: in Literature, server manager click on ASP, change buffer limit 4mb to Apa research abstract 64mb, apply and Literature homework help tudor, restart. Another way is to enable Response.Buffer and Web mat be tho, then read a large file in homework help tudor, chunks and flush each part out using the Response.Flush command. You could also try my code above and try switching off Response.Buffer, by adding something like this after the Response.Clear: I haven’t actually tested any of the above, so let me know how it works for you. What is the Maximum file size we can download? Like I mentioned above, this is usually set at 2/4GB, and it’s a server setting which you can overwrite. See the link to the Microsoft support article I posted above. Can we increase or overwrite the download size to 100gb in the server setting?if not as you mentioned “enable Response.Buffer and then read a large file in chunks and essay, flush each part out Literature homework help tudor, using the Response.Flush command.” will this help to download 100gb file.

100GB is a lot, although I suppose you could theoretically do it. It will all depend on the connectivity between the browser and your server for a successful download – the longer it takes for a download to finish, the Web mat troi more things that can go wrong. Try it and help, see how it works for you. Hi there, thanks very much for this code, have had to humanity essay search for a while to find something I can get working! – Interestingly, I could only get this to homework work by adding “response.flush” after response.binarywrite. – On my localhost, I have increased the buffer size so that I can use bigger files (only about 9mb needed for me), however, my webhost obviously has a 4mb buffer limit set. Any chance you could help point me towards how we can modify the script so that it can read 4mb chunks into the buffer, flushing each time? Using response.buffer=false doesn’t solve the problem. I think you can remove line 54 above which reads: and replace it with something like this:

That should break up your file in My dream essay writing english, chunks of 3670016 bytes and avoid running into the 4GB limitation. I haven’t tested it myself, but something like that should work. Click Download File Information…Click any file for download. fail to here(never true): “If objFSO.FileExists(strAbsFile) Then” show “No such file exists” I can get right file name (strAbsFile path) when I use “response.write strAbsFile and response.end”. Can you help me? thank you. I logged into the site and tried your download. Literature Homework? When I click on a link I get something like this in Love essay, the URL: So, you want to make sure that for one the “%2E” character is replaced with a simple “.” instead, and second, the link assumes that the JPG file is in tudor, the same folder as the “download.asp”, which apparently it is Love, not. You need to figure out what the proper URL is for your images and add it in tudor, there. So, if for example the images are located under the “/images/downloads” folder on Love humanity your site, you would use something like this:

Is posting that username/password here safe? I can edit your comment and Literature help, delete that for Web mat you if you like. Thanks for Literature help the information. Also try Long Path Tool. It helped me with Error 1320 in Love humanity essay, Win 7. #128578; I am trying to copy picture files that have the help ampersand () symbol in them. They are wedding pictures like “HenryMary.jpg” When I try to copy them, it fails dues to the Is there anyway to circumvent this, I am using the following code (sample) fso.CopyFile fromFolder “” picNameFull , toFolder “” PicNameNew. Appreciate any advice.

Hopefully NOT one to rename files, there are over 400 of them and in addition other programs count on conclusion the presence of the sign to distinguish regular pictures from wedding pictures. Have you tried encoding the homework help symbol “#038;” to Web mat troi see if it works for you? You could do something simple like: Encoding does not seem to Literature help tudor work. I believe Server.MapPath will fail if your filename contains an Web mat be tho ampersand (#038;). See here for more details: Although you might not be calling Server.MapPath per Literature tudor, se, perhaps the fso.CopyFile method is doing so behind the scenes and that’s why it doesn’t work.

A workaround might be to read the contents of your file into a ADODB.Stream object and Help, then create a new file at the destination folder and write that stream into the file. I know it’s a long way of doing it, but it might work. Thanks for the followup. I have already decided to NOT have such a character in the name. That was probably a poor choice in Literature help tudor, the first place. Your procedure is working fine for me. I uploaded your script and be tho, changed the strPath to a path for Literature homework help a file I know exists, when I run the script all I get is Help lab report, a blank window, no prompts, errors. I am presuming I should get a dialog window asking where to save the file but I get nothing.

Any suggestions. Thxs. What is the path you added to homework tudor the strPath variable? Try to My dream essay writing use relative as well as absolute file paths: That worked, I used the help relative path.

Thanks so much for your script. Glad it worked out! Excellent!! Helped me a lot. Great script. Has saved me much time. With regards to Phillipe’s comments on restricting the file type.

Even with this restriction in place would it still not be possible to download any files on the machine of Love humanity essay, that particular type? Say for example, I had some personal photos in C:Photos and this script was in C:inetpubwwwroot, it would be possible to pass file=../../Photos/0001.jpg”? I know its highly unlikely that someone would correctly guess that I had a photos folder on my C: drive with a file called 0001.jpg, but I think there needs to be a path check or restriction also. Maybe something along the tudor lines of… If objFile.ParentFolder.Path “C:inetpubwwwrootimages” Then. Please do correct me if I’m wrong. I’ve just seen this in Should letter, your code… Response.Write(“Illegal folder location.”) Foot-in-mouth moment! My apologies!

#128578; No problem sir! Glad the Literature help tudor code was helpful. I’m currently trying to use this for My dream writing english a .xlsx file it works for every other type but not this one. Just wondering if you have ever managed to do this ? I have not tried it with the newer Excel files, so I couldn’t say. It’s weird that it doesn’t work just for those types. Thank you for this script. Will google index this page? If google does index this page what will the indexed reference look like?

If you mean the Literature “download.asp” file, then that would depend on whether you have a meta tag in the HEAD of the document to index or not. Someone To Write Papers Life? You could also add it to the robots.txt file as not indexed, but that could be a potential security risk as devious people could see that file and use it to try to homework help tudor download stuff they shouldn’t. If you mean the files to Should be banned letter be downloaded, again that would depend if the files are on a public site or outside of the web root. Literature Homework Help Tudor? If an Love humanity indexing engine can get to a file, and you don’t ask it not to index it, it will do so – regardless if it’s an HTML page, a PDF document, an Excel or an MDB file. Does that answer your question? I’m trying your code out in my localhost (W7). Literature? When i anter an URL like “http://localhost/sample/download.asp?file=/db/accessfile.mdb” i’m getting the reply telling me that “No such file exists.”. But it is Should homework, there. What am i doing that’s not correct? I read earlier thet this does not support “xlsx”-files.

Is it the same with Access-databases? i made a posting the other day about a problem i have with your code, but it seems as if it has disappeared. i have a MsAccess db file (3 MB) in a subfolder to the webroot in which the help “download.asp” resides. Troi? When i’m trying to dl the file with “http://localhost/download.asp?file=/db/dbase.mdb rhe page just replies “No such file” (or something similar). Literature Homework Help? If i move the Apa research paper conclusion file to homework tudor the root i’m getting the same reply.

If i try to dl a small text fileit works as expected. Any ideas about what the write chemistry college problem might be? Does your code support dl from Literature homework subdirs? Doesn’t Office files woerk, or what? Looking forward for your reply. If you are getting a 404 error, make sure to Love humanity enable downloading MDB files on your IIS configuration. Here’s a good explanation of the possible issue and how to fix it:

Summary of changes here: The same would apply for any type of files you are having an issue with – you would need to add the file extension permission in Literature help, the web.config of the website (or machine.config of the server to change all the sites). I’m not recieving a 404-error. In fact: I’m not recieving any errors what so ever EXCEPT this “No such file exists”. I’m not so sure how to Love essay fix this due to the sad fact that my Web hotel won’t let me do anything with the Literature web server.

But I’ll check this out as soon as i return home. Have you tried to add those extension handlers anyway? Since the file loading is humanity essay, wrapped in an IF FILE EXISTS statement (lines 37 and 58-61), you might not see the 404 error but it’s there. You could also remove that entire IF block to see what happens. Gheia sas Evagoras, j don’t succeed to download a compressed folder with more than one file. When I try to decompress the folder the programm goes on error : End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a Zip file, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part Zip file. Thnak you for your attention, many greetings. Set DownLoad = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Stream”) if IsNull(Dove) then Response.end. if Dove=0 then Response.end.

Select Case Ext. Response.AddHeader “Content-Length”, CStr(DownLoad.Size) Response.AddHeader “Content-Disposition”,”attachment;filename=” OutputFile. Do While Not DownLoad.EOS. Great script.

Thanks a lot! Has saved me much time. Literature Homework Help? I changed the script and insert a path. This way I do not show the real path to my visitor. It is working fine! Hello Evagoras Charalambous. I use your code to someone download exe file but I can not download exe file to succes. exe file size = 856 KB.

Hi, I am trying to download a .epub file and gives a me a 0bytes file. the strange thing is Literature help, that if I try with a PDF which is in lab report college, the same location it works. I have a scenario where i have to provide the download count of a file, in that case if the User cancel the download, those i should not consider. How can i get whether user saved or open or cancel. Is it Possible ?

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