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Cahier d’un retour au pays natal d’Aim Csaire (1939) « Mais qui tourne ma voix ? Qui corche ma voix ? Me fourrant dans la gorge mille crocs de bambou. To Do Homework In Public. Mille pieux d’oursin. Essay Introduction Proposal. C’est toi sale bout du monde. Homework. C’est toi sale haine. Online. C’est toi poids de l’insulte et cent ans de coups de fouet.

C’est toi cent ans de ma patience, cent ans de mes soins juste ne pas mourir. Places On Sunday. » extrait de Cahier d’un retour au pays natal. Why Study. Cahier d’un retour au pays natal est la premire œuvre potique publie par Aim Csaire. Places Homework In Public. Elle est l’acte de naissance d’un des plus grands potes francophones du vingtime sicle, elle comporte pour la premire fois l’emploi potique du terme ngritude autour duquel se cristallise un nouveau mouvement littraire et politique composs d’artistes et intellectuels noirs et fait preuve d’anticolonialisme radical. An Assignment Condo Hua Hin. C’est donc une œuvre majeure dans lequel art, histoire et politique ne peuvent tre dissocis. Aprs avoir russi le concours d’entre l’Ecole normale suprieure en 1935, Aim Csaire qui n’a pas les moyens de retourner chez ses parents en Martinique est invit passer l’t sur les ctes de la Dalmatie chez son ami croate Petar Guberina. Places To Do. Il trouve le pays magnifique, ce qui lui rappelle la Martinique. Stats Answers. C’est l qu’il dbute la rdaction de Cahier d’un retour au pays natal qu’il finit entre 1937 et 1938, peu avant sa sortie de l’Ecole normale suprieure. On Sunday In Public. Le style du pome est lyrique : il reflte la subjectivit de Csaire, rvolt face au dsastre que reprsente ses yeux la colonisation et sa honte d’avoir presque cru ce mensonge, de s’tre laiss aliner par le regard et la pense europenne.

Ayant pass ses tudes en France, d’autant plus qu’il y a tudi les humanits, Csaire - sur le point de quitter cette terre d’accueil pour retourner enseigner chez lui, en Martinique – ressent avec douleur l’cartlement entre ces deux cultures dans lesquelles il a navigu tout en sachant que sa terre, son identit, ses racines, c’est la Martinique et non la France. How To Write A Literature Essay In Research Proposal. Il peut mme imiter avec prcision la violence raciste l’gard de ces ngres que l’on mprise. To Do In Public. Il rappelle une anecdote o il s’est laiss prendre au jeu hideux du racisme pour mieux dnoncer, dtruire, exorciser le dmon de ces paroles dgradantes qui psent depuis des sicles sur son peuple, l’empchant de s’estimer sa juste valeur et de crer : « Un soir dans un tramway, en face de moi, un ngre. C’tait un ngre dgingand sans rythme ni mesure. Stats. Un ngre dont les yeux roulaient une lassitude sanguinolente.

Un ngre sans pudeur et ses orteils ricanaient de faon assez puante au fond de la tanire entrebille de ses souliers. To Do Homework On Sunday. La misre, on calc ne pouvait pas dire, s’tait donn un mal fou pour l’achever. To Do. Elle avait creus l’orbite, l’avait fard d’un far de poussire et de chassie mles. Et l’ensemble faisait parfaitement un ngre hideux, un ngre grognon, un ngre mlancolique. Why Study Law Personal. […] Un ngre comique et laid et des femmes derrire moi ricanaient en le regardant. On Sunday In Public. Il tait COMIQUE ET LAID, COMIQUE ET LAID pour sr. Why Study. J’arborai un grand sourire complice… Ma lchet retrouve ! » A la fin du pome Csaire refuse cependant la tentation de la haine pour le colonisateur.

Ce qu’il souhaite c’est œuvrer pour la paix, l’galit, l’amour. Homework On Sunday. « Ne faites point de moi cet homme de haine pour qui je n’ai que haine. How To Write Introduction. Car pour me cantonner en cette unique race. Homework In Public. Vous savez pourtant mon amour tyrannique. Write A Literature Introduction In Research Proposal. Vous savez que ce n’est point par haine des autres. Places To Do In Public. Que je m’exige bcheur de cette unique race » Si le pome est par moments difficile lire o dchiffrer, cela est d d’une part l’extrme richesse du vocabulaire et de l’imaginaire csairien et d’autre part l’influence surraliste sous laquelle le jeune tudiant a dvelopp sa plume. Buying Condo Hua Hin. Rappelons que le Manifeste du surralisme d’Andr Breton est publi en 1924 et que dans les annes 1930 la pense surraliste est en plein essor : le jeune Csaire n’y est pas rest insensible. Une fois achev, Csaire envoie une premire fois son manuscrit, qui est refus par un diteur parisien. Places To Do In Public. Un professeur de l’ENS, M. A Narrative Report. Petitbon, dcouvre la vocation potique de son tudiant et lui conseille d’envoyer son texte Georges Pellorson, directeur de la revue Volonts. To Do On Sunday. Le pome est publi en aot 1939 aprs quelques retouches demandes par l’diteur. How To Write Report. Noy dans l’agitation militaire qui annonce le dbut de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le pome passe inaperu en dpit de son caractre politiquement subversif. To Do. La position que dfend Csaire rapport la situation coloniale de la Martinique est claire : il appelle les martiniquais la dcolonisation politique et culturelle.

Il veut dcoloniser corps et esprits. Why Study Law Personal Statement. En avril 1941, Andr Breton dcrt « anarchiste dangereux » par les forces ptainistes, fuit la France en bateau pour les Etats-Unis avec le peintre Wilfredo Lam et l’anthropologue Lvi-Strauss. Places. Lors de leur escale de trois mois Fort-de-France, Breton et Lam rencontrent Csaire et nouent une amiti indfectible. How To A Literature In Research. Lam, inspir par Csaire et la fort d’Absalon peint La Jungle en 1943 tandis que Breton dcouvre la revue Tropiques anime par Aim et Suzanne Csaire, puis le Cahier oubli en France, dont Csaire lui fait cadeau. Places. Ebloui, enthousiasm, Andr Breton crit en 1943 l’essai « Un grand pote noir » o il dcrit ce qu’il a ressenti la premire lecture de mots de Csaire : La Jungle de Wifredo Lam (1943) « Toutes ces ombres grimaantes se dchiraient, se dispersaient ; tous ces mensonges, toutes ces drisions tombaient en loques : ainsi la voix de l’homme n’tait en rien brise, couverte, elle se redressait ici comme l’pi mme de la lumire. Write A Literature. » Il y dclare que c’est le « plus grand monument lyrique de ce temps ». Homework On Sunday. L’essai sert de prface l’dition de 1947 et assure la postrit de l’œuvre dans la France de l’aprs-guerre. Calc Limits Answers. Depuis le 6 avril 2011, Aim Csaire repose au Panthon, hommage tardif l’engagement et la ferveur de cet esprit indomptable qui vingt-deux ans crivait dans un pome : « Accommodez-vous de moi. Je ne m’accommode pas de vous ! » Achetez des livres à propos de Orlando de Sally Potter chez l'un de nos partenaires. To Do Homework On Sunday In Public. Retrouvez les grands moments. Write A Literature Introduction In Research Proposal. du Festival de Cannes Molière, ce grand peintre de l'homme tel qu'il est. To Do Homework In Public. Shakespeare seul a enfanté une humanité aussi large et aussi vivante. Stats Answers Online. Emile Zola, 1881.

Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Places On Sunday In Public. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. Calc With. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : Mère décédée. Homework In Public. Enterrement demain. Why Study Statement. Sentiments distingués. Cela ne veut rien dire.

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okeanos essay In Greek mythology, the Titans were a primeval race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven), that ruled during the to do homework on sunday legendary Golden Age. An Assignment Condo Hua Hin. They were immortal giants of incredible strength and stamina and were also the first pantheon of Greco-Roman gods and goddesses. In the first generation of twelve Titans, the Places in public males were Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius and Iapetus and the females - the Titanesses - were Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea and Themis. The second generation of Titans consisted of Hyperion's children Eos, Helios, and Selene; Coeus's daughters Leto and Asteria; Iapetus's sons Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius; Oceanus' daughter Metis; and Crius' sons Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses. The Titans later gave birth to other Titans, notably the introduction in research proposal children of Hyperion (Helios, Eos, and Selene), the daughters of Coeus (Leto and Asteria), and the sons of Iapetus - Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, and Menoetius; all of these descendants in the second generation are also known as Titans. The Titans were overthrown by a race of on sunday younger gods, the write a literature essay in research Olympians, in a ten-year war called the Titanomachy (War of the Titans) - a series of battles which were fought in Thessaly between the on sunday two camps of deities long before the worth the cost existence of mankind.

This Titanomachia is also known as the Places to do homework on sunday Battle of the Titans, Battle of Gods, or just The Titan War. It represented a mythological paradigm shift that the Greeks may have borrowed from the Ancient Near East. The 12 Titans gods, also known as the elder gods. Their ruler was Cronus who was dethroned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Is college worth debate, Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus. Greeks of the Classical age knew of Places homework on sunday several poems about the war between the gods. The dominant one, and the only one that has survived, was in the Theogony attributed to homework answers online, Hesiod. Places On Sunday. A lost epic Titanomachy attributed to the blind Thracian bard Thamyris, himself a legendary figure, was mentioned in passing in an essay On Music that was once attributed to Plutarch.

And the Titans played a prominent role in the poems attributed to Orpheus. Although only scraps of the Orphic narratives survive, they show interesting differences with the Hesiodic tradition. These Greek myths of the How to write a narrative essay report Titanomachy fall into a class of similar myths of a War in Heaven throughout Europe and the Near East, where one generation or group of gods by and large opposes the dominant one. Sometimes the Elder Gods are supplanted. Sometimes the rebels lose, and are either cast out of power entirely or incorporated into the pantheon. On Sunday. Other examples might include the wars of the law personal statement Aesir with the Vanir and Jotuns in to do on sunday in public Scandinavian mythology, the Babylonian epic Enuma Elish, the Hittite Kingship in Heaven narrative, and the obscure generational conflict in Ugaritic fragments. The rebellion of Lucifer from Christianity could also fall under this category. In Hesiod's Theogony the twelve Titans follow the Hundred-handers and Cyclopes as children of Ouranos, heaven, and How to a literature essay proposal Gaia, the Earth.

Ouranos considers Cronus monsterous, and so imprisons him in the bowels of the Earth. Cronus, aided by the Hundred-handers and Cyclopes, then sets upon his father, castrates him, and sets himself up as king of the gods, with Rhea as his wife and queen. Rhea bears a new generation of gods to Places to do homework on sunday, Cronus, but in fear that they will overthrow him, he swallows them all one by one. Do Pre Calc. Only Zeus is saved: Rhea gives Cronus a stone in swaddling clothes in his place, and Places to do on sunday in public places him in Crete to be guarded by the Kouretes. Once Zeus reaches adulthood, he subdues Cronus by force. Using a potion concocted with the help of Gaia, his grandmother, forcibly cause Cronus to vomit up Zeus's siblings. A war between the younger and many of older gods commences, in which Zeus is aided by the Hundred-handers, Gigantes, and Cyclopes, who have once again been freed from Tartarus.

Zeus wins after a long struggle, and casts many of the Titans down into Tartarus. And yet the older gods leave their mark on the world. Some of them - like Mnemosyne, Gaia, Rhea, Hyperion, Themis and Metis - had not fought the Olympians, and become key players in How to essay the new administration. The Titans also leave behind a number of offspring, some of whom may also be counted as Titans, most notably the sons of Iapetus - Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, and Menoetius. Many ancient sources follow Hesiod closely, with minor variations: Apollodorus adds Dione as a thirteenth Titan. Surviving fragments of Orphic poetry in particular preserve some variations on the myth.In one Orphic text, Zeus does not simply set upon his father violently.

Instead, Rhea spreads out Places to do homework on sunday in public a banquet for Cronus, so that he becomes drunk upon honey. Zeus chains him and castrates him. Rather than being consigned to Tartarus, Cronus is dragged - still drunk - to the cave of Night, where he continues to dream and prophesy throughout eternity. By and How to write essay large Neopagan views of Titans can be considered 'New Age'. Many of the ancient myths are often conveniently reinterpreted as metaphor or seen as man's account of the divine. As such rather or not most modern beliefs regarding the Titans are grounded in actual mythology is often irrelevant to Places homework in public, many Neopagans of today.

In the United States Hellenistic Neopagan sects often have a special place for the Titan gods of ancient Greece, in particular Gaia, Cronus, Hecate, Hyperion, Theia, and Themis. It is sometimes argued that most of the beliefs regarding these Titan gods are inspired by essay in research proposal, popular fiction and entertainment media and not by actual mythology. Oceanus or Okeanos refers to the ocean, which the Greeks and to do in public Romans regarded as a river circling the world. Strictly speaking, it was the ocean-stream at the Equator in which floated the habitable hemisphere In Greek mythology this world-ocean was personified as a Titan, a son of Uranus and calc answers Gaia. In ancient Greek beliefs this Titan is often depicted as having the upper body of a muscular man with a long beard and Places on sunday horns, and the lower torso of How to write a literature essay in research proposal a serpent. Oceanus' consort is his sister Tethys, and from their union came the ocean nymphs, also known as the Places to do three-thousand Oceanids, and all the rivers of the world. Some scholars believe he originally represented all bodies of salt water, including the Mediterranean Sea and Do pre limits the Atlantic Ocean, the two largest bodies known to to do on sunday, the ancient Greeks. However, as geography became more accurate, Oceanus came to represent the stranger, more unknown waters of the Atlantic Ocean (also called the Ocean Sea), while Poseidon ruled over Buying hua hin the Mediterranean. In most variations of the war between the Titans and the Olympians (Titanomachy), Oceanus, along with Prometheus, and Places to do homework Themis, did not take the side of his fellow Titans against the Olympians, but instead withdrew from the conflict. In most variations of this myth, Oceanus also refused to side with Cronus in the latter's revolt against statement, their father, Uranus.

Hyperion was the Titan god of light, the father of the Places to do on sunday three shining gods of heaven - Eos the Light of calc limits answers Dawn and Day, Helios the Sun, and Selene the Moon. In the Homer's Iliad and Odyssey the on sunday in public sun god is called Helios Hyperion, 'Sun High-one'. But in the Odyssey, Hesiod's Theogony and the Homeric Hymn to Demeter the sun is once in each work called Hyperonides 'Son of Hyperion' and Hesiod certainly imagines Hyperion as a separate being in other places. Hyperion is often considered the 'God of Observation' and is the brother of Theia the 'Goddess of Sight.' In later Greek literature Hyperion is Do pre with limits answers, always distinguished from Helios as a Titan, the son of Gaia 'Goddess Earth' and Uranus 'God Sky', and the father of Helios 'God Sun', Selene 'Goddess Moon' and Eos 'Goddess Dawn' by his sister Theia 'Goddess Sight'.

Hyperion plays virtually no role in homework on sunday in public Greek cult and little role in mythology, save in lists of the law personal twelve Titans. Later Greeks intellectualized their myths. Of Hyperion we are told that he was the Places to do on sunday in public first to understand, by diligent attention and observation, the movement of both the sun and the moon and the other stars, and the seasons as well, in that they are caused by these bodies, and to make these facts known to others; and that for this reason he was called the father of these bodies, since he had begotten, so to speak, the How to write a literature introduction proposal speculation about them and their nature. Modern interpretations of on sunday Hyperion by Neopagans, particularly Hellenistic sects in the United States, include the interpretation that he is the all seeing, and subsequently all knowing, god of Why study observation. Others believe that Hyperion holds ultimate reign over in public the positions of the stars and the heavens, and can at times reveal celestial messages to careful observers. Hyperion is seen as impartial and unconcerned with mortals. Hyperion is believed to play a role in Why study law personal the final judgment of a mortal soul, particularly making observations about one's virtuous and ill deeds before Hades, and adding weight to the scales held by Themis.Some modern pagans burn oils and incense to Hyperion and pray for worldly knowledge, or in some cases extended sight. To Do On Sunday. There are those who believe that extended sight is impossible to control, and that some things in Do pre with limits answers the universe are beyond mortal comprehension and should remain unseen. Others claim that extended sight can include seeing into Tartarus (hell) and may result in madness, thus some sects discourage active worship of Hyperion. Most sects that include the worship of to do in public Hyperion also include the worship of Hecate, and more commonly Theia.

Such sects typically encourage experimentation with the paranormal. In Greek mythology, Coeus (also Koios) was the Titan of intelligence. was one of the Titans, the giant sons and daughters of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). His equivalent in Latin poetry - though he scarcely makes an appearance in Roman mythology he was Polus, the embodiment of the celestial axis around which the heavens revolve. Like most of the Titans he played no active part in write introduction proposal Greek religion - he appears only in lists of Titans - but was primarily important for his descendants. Places On Sunday In Public. With his sister, shining Phoebe, Coeus fathered Leto and Asteria. Condo Hua Hin. Leto copulated with Zeus (the son of fellow Titans Cronus and Rhea) and bore Artemis and on sunday Apollo.

Along with the other Titans, Coeus was overthrown by Zeus and other Olympians. After the Titan War, he and all his brothers were banished into Tartarus by Zeus. Koios (Coeus) was the Titan of the law personal north, wisdom and farsight. He controlled the to do axis, and was released from Do pre Tartarus by Places, Demeter's grief, changing the seasons. Coeus fled to the north from Zeus, and was regarded as the north star Polaris. Cronus horned), also spelled Cronos or Kronos, is How to a narrative report, often confused with Chronos/Khronos.

In Greek mythology, Cronus was the leader and Places to do homework on sunday the youngest of the first generation of Titans. His mother was Gaia, and his father was Uranus, whom Cronus envied. Uranus hid the youngest children of Gaia, the one-hundred armed giants (Hecatonchires) and the one-eyed giants, the Cyclopes, in Tartarus so that they would not see the light, rejoicing in this evil doing. Statement. This caused pain to Gaia, so she created a great sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to ask them to obey her. Only Cronus was willing to Places on sunday, do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and set him in ambush. Cronus ambushed his father and castrated him, casting the severed member into the sea. From that which spilled from Uranus and fell upon the Earth came forth the a narrative Gigantes, Erinyes, and to do in public Meliae. From that which was cast into worth the cost, the sea came forth Aphrodite. For this, Uranus called his sons Titans, meaning strainers, for they strained and did presumptuously a fearful deed, for which vengeance would come afterwards. Cronus was identified in antiquity with the God Saturn of Roman mythology. The period of his rule was said to be a golden age on Earth, honored by the Saturnalia feast.

Beginning on Places to do homework on sunday in public, December 17 of each year, during the festival known as the Saturnalia, the law personal statement Golden Age was restored for seven days. All business stopped and executions and to do military operations were postponed. It was a period of goodwill, devoted to banquets and How to write essay the exchange of Places homework on sunday in public visits and gifts. A special feature of the festival was the freedom given to slaves, who during this time had first place at the family table and were served by their masters. In an alternate version, a more benevolent Cronus overthrew the wicked serpentine Titan, Ophion. In doing so he released the world from bondage and for Is college worth a time ruled it justly.

After dispatching Uranus, Cronus re-imprisoned the Hecatonchires, the Gigantes, and the Cyclopes and set the monster Campe to guard them. He and Rhea took the throne as King and Queen of the gods. This time was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did right, so there was no need. Cronus sired several children by Places, Rhea: Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon, but swallowed them all as soon as they were born, since he had learned from Gaia and Uranus that he was destined to be overcome by his own son as he had overthrown his own father. But when Zeus was about to be born, Rhea sought Uranus and a literature proposal Earth to devise a plan to save him, so that Cronus would get his retribution for his acts against Uranus and his own children. Rhea gave birth to Zeus in Crete, handing Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes (also known as the Omphalos Stone) which he promptly swallowed.

Then she hid Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida in homework Crete. According to varying versions of the story: 1. He was then raised by Do pre, Gaia. 2. He was raised by a goat named Amalthea, while a company of Kouretes, soldiers, or smaller gods danced, shouted, and clapped their hands to to do on sunday, make noise so that Cronus would not hear the baby's cries. 3. Law Personal Statement. He was raised by a nymph named Adamanthea. To Do Homework. Since Cronus ruled over the earth, the heavens, and the sea, she hid him by Is college worth debate, dangling him on a rope from a tree so he was suspended between earth, sea, and sky and thus, invisible to his father. Cronus was worshipped as a corn god, from his association with the Golden Age. He was a god of the harvest, grain, nature, and agriculture. He was usually depicted with a sickle, which he used to harvest crops as well as castrate his father. In Athens, on the twelfth day of every month (Hekatombaion), a festival called Kronia was held in honor of Cronus and to celebrate the harvest. Cronus as Saturn Time, Omega and to do homework Related.

In Greek mythology, Crius (Kreios, the Ram) was one of the Titans in the list given in Hesiod's Theogony, a son of Uranus and Gaia. The least individualized among them, he was overthrown in the Titanomachy. M.L. West has suggested how Hesiod filled out the worth the cost video complement of Titans from the Places homework on sunday core group, adding three figures from the archaic tradition of Delphi, Koios, Phoibe, whose name Apollo assumed with the oracle, and Is college worth video Themis. Among possible further interpolations among the Titans was Kreios, whose interest for Hesiod was as the father of Perses and grandfather of Hekate, for Places whom Hesiod is an enthusiastic evangelist. Consorting with Eurybia, daughter of Earth Gaia and Sea Pontus, he fathered Astraios and Pallas as well as Perses. The joining of Astraios with Eos, the Dawn, brought forth Eosphoros, the other Stars and the Winds. Joined to fill out lists of Titans to form a total that made a match with the Twelve Olympians, Crius/Kreios was inexorably involved in the eleven-year-long war between the Olympian gods and Titans, the Titanomachy, however without any specific part to Do pre calc with answers, play.

When the war was lost, Crius/Kreios was banished along with the others to the lower basement of Hades called Tartarus. From his chthonic position in the Underworld, no classical association with Aries, the Ram of the zodiac, is ordinarily made. In Greek mythology Iapetus, or Iapetos, was a Titan, the son of Uranus and Gaia, and father (by an Oceanid named Clymene or Asia) of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius and through Prometheus and Epimetheus and Atlas an ancestor of the human race. Homework On Sunday In Public. Iapetus is the one Titan mentioned by Homer in a narrative essay the Iliad (8.47881) as being in Tartarus with Cronus. Iapetus' wife is normally a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys named Clymene or Asia. But in Aeschylus's play Prometheus Bound, Prometheus is son of the goddess Themis with no father named (but still with at least Atlas as a brother).

Since mostly the Titans indulge in marriage of brother and sister, it might be that Aeschylus is Places in public, using an Do pre calc with answers, old tradition in which Themis is Iapetus' wife but that the Hesiodic tradition preferred that Themis and Mnemosyne be consorts of Zeus alone. But it would be been quite within Achaean practice for Zeus to have taken the wives of the Titans as his mistresses after throwing down their husbands. Iapetus is sometimes equated by Places on sunday, Creationists with Japheth, the son of Noah, based on the similarity of their names, though scholars of Indo-European linguistics dispute such an equation vehemently.

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The list of men who made great music but were not always great people is expansive. We are a lucky species, in that we are able to hold more than one thought in our heads at homework on sunday in public once. We can enjoy films that may not be in line with our political ideology, dance to music created by assholes, and appreciate art made by idiots. In fact, this is mostly what we do all the time. If we didn’t, we would have very few options for entertainment. The reality is that most of our favorite actors, musicians, and write essay report, artists are… Wait… Maybe you should sit down for this one… I hate listening to radio interviews with actors and musicians I love because they are almost always disappointing idiots. I am exhausted by a culture that desperately wants our celebrities to be everything: intellectuals, political commentators, spiritual guides… It’s ridiculous.

Actors are actors, rock stars are rock stars, artists are people who make art. On Sunday In Public! None of Do pre calc answers these qualities necessarily makes these individuals qualified to to do, do anything more than that. Why Study Statement! If they happen to be intelligent, political beings on the side, great. But it’s just as rare to find that our idols also share our ethics and politics as it is to find this in Places to do homework in public, any other very wealthy narcissist. This reality is compounded when we’re talking about male stars. This is because we live in write essay introduction in research proposal, a misogynist society that not only Places homework on sunday teaches men that women are not so much full human beings deserving of respect, but that women are more like cars or fancy watches: things that are more easily acquired with fame and fortune. “Money, power, women” is the male American dream and it’s one that treats commodities as priorities and Stats homework, women as among those commodities. Wholly interconnected to this is rape culture — that thing where sexualized violence and male entitlement to sexual access to women is so normalized that even what we understand to be “consensual” sex is steeped in the same values.

Sex is something men “get,” through whatever means possible and, when they succeed in “getting” said sex, they are congratulated, made to feel powerful and virile — like real men — rather than punished. Knowing all this, is Places to do homework in public, it any real shock that so many of our favorite male artists and entertainers turn out to condo, be abusive dirtbags? I don’t say this to excuse men’s behaviour — this is not a “boys will be boys” argument, rather it’s an argument that says: Don’t idolize your idols. Particularly when they are men. Rock stars are not gods. To Do Homework On Sunday! And when it turns out that your favorite comedian, director, or musician is online, a rapist or an Places to do abuser, try not to let idolization fog that reality. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to unlike whatever music that man created or forget the essay ways in which that art impacted your life or created a soundtrack for your formative years, but it also doesn’t mean you ignore the truth about these men, simply because it makes your desire to bask peacefully in the warm glow of Places nostalgia more difficult. On that note, here is a list of debate video men who created what many consider to to do homework in public, be great music who were not necessarily great people: 1) Jimmy Page kidnapped 14-year-old Lori Maddix and raped her. (We’re all aware that kidnapping a 14 year old and having sex with her never counts as “consensual,” right?) 3) James Brown was an extremely violent abuser who beat his second wife, Deirdre Jenkins, to a pulp on a regular basis.

She wasn’t the only one. His third wife, Adrienne Rodriguez, had him arrested four times on charges of assault and in 2005 a woman named Jacque Hollander accused him of raping her in How to write, 1988. 4) Um, Michael Jackson… 6) Rolling Stones guitarist, Bill Wyman, “dated” 13 year old Mandy Smith when he was 47, eventually marrying her. 7) In 1993, Tupac was arrested for on sunday in public sexually abusing a 19-year-old-woman. Stats Homework Answers Online! From the sounds of it, he participated in Places on sunday in public, a gang-rape with three of his friends. (This is a tough one for law personal statement me, I’ll be honest…) 10) Ozzy Osbourne tried to kill his wife (and was subsequently arrested for domestic abuse) in to do homework in public, 1989. 13) It’s common knowledge that Ike Turner viciously abused Tina Turner while they were together. 14) Elvis Presley began pursuing Priscilla Presley when he was 24-years-old and she was only Do pre limits answers 14.

Looking back on their relationship, she said, “I was someone he created. To Do Homework On Sunday! I was just a kid and I was consumed by him. All I desired was not to disappoint him.” 16) R. Kelly, who some might not consider “great,” but I was a fan and many others are/were too, raped girl after young girl. (He also married Aaliyah when she was 15.) 17) At 27, Steven Tyler convinced 14-year-old Julia Holcomb’s mother to Do pre limits, sign over guardian rights to him so he could take her across state lines with him while he was on tour. Of her relationship with Tyler, Holcomb said, “I was subordinate to him as in a parent relationship and felt I had little control over Places to do in public my life.” She also pointed out that Tyler referred to her as “my Little Oral Annie” in his memoir. 18) And finally, Lori Mattix told Thrillist that, in the early ’70s, “[David Bowie] escorted me into the bedroom, gently took off my clothes, and de-virginized me.” She went on: “Two hours later, I went to check on Sable.

She was all fucked up in the living room, walking around, fogging up windows and writing, “I want to Buying an assignment hua hin, fuck David.” I told him what she was doing and that I felt so bad. Bowie said, “Well, darling, bring her in.” That night I lost my virginity and had my first threesome. The next morning, there was banging on Places to do homework on sunday in public, the door and it was fucking [Bowie’s wife] Angie.” This took place when Mattix was around 13 or 14-years-old (some sources say she was 15, but in a vh1 documentary, Mattix says this happened before she was with Jimmy Page (at which point she was only 13 or 14). He also faced rape allegations in 1987. This list could go on… And while we are free to continue to value and enjoy the an assignment condo hua hin music these men produced, the desire to appreciate said music shouldn’t override the truth about rape culture and in public, violence against women that exists behind it. In fact, denying this truth perpetuates the very culture that allowed these abuses to limits, happen in the first place. Meghan Murphy is a freelance writer and journalist. She has been podcasting and Places homework in public, writing about feminism since 2010 and has published work in numerous national and How to write essay in research proposal, international publications, including New Statesman, Vice, Al Jazeera, The Globe and Mail, I-D, Truthdig, and more.

Meghan completed a Masters degree in the department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University in to do homework, 2012 and lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her dog. Like this article? Tip Feminist Current! I’ve been thinking a lot about this (and re-read the piece on “Pedophile Culture”). First off, everyone thinks it’s normal for Stats men to be attracted to pubescent girls as young as 13, even if it’s not considered right to act on on sunday in public, it (but celebrities get a free pass, as they do for rape–until it catches up with them, like Cosby–and drugs, etc.). But it is considered completely *abnormal* for women to like young pubescent boys.

This is why there is even more of an Is college debate outcry about female teachers having sex with young students (not because it’s usually more condemned and prosecuted the other way around). I mean sure, there might have used to be a “good for Places to do on sunday in public you” attitude about boys having sex with grown women, presuming all males constantly want sex and are never hurt by it (also a patriarchal attitude), but not so much anymore, and certainly any grown woman in her 20’s, 30’s and beyond who openly said it was normal for women her age to How to write a narrative essay, be attracted to 13 or 14-year-old boys would be greeted with incredulity and scorn. So is it that biologically men are attracted to homework in public, a greater age range, as women are attracted to a greater gender rage of sexual activity (male-on-male, male-on-female, and female-on-female), regardless of orientation? (I mean, most of these stars also had sex with grown women too, including women who were older than them). Is it conditioning? A mix of worth the cost both? The truth is, it shouldn’t matter because neither excuse is justification.

It is potentially *damaging* for an adult to have sex with someone that young, and that should be enough, and celebrities shouldn’t get a free pass (and yes, of course amazing and even brilliant people do awful things, which they may know very well are awful; Pablo Picasso, Alfred Einstein and Roman Polanski come to mind. Human beings are complicated). Personally I think the attraction to very young girls (in the absence of true pedophilia) is often about ego. Older women don’t get as starstruck, even by stars. They are more their own people and less malleable. Places Homework On Sunday! I guarantee when these same men wanted a little more interesting fare or the calc thrill of the chase, they went after a beautiful, less available grown woman.

When it comes to “sexual liberation” and the orgies Bowie liked to be involved in–I admit I am of homework in public two minds (as I am of most important questions about Stats online sexuality). On the one hand it sounds like it could be super fun. On Sunday! On the other hand it sounds like it could be super-exploitative. I think in a world in Stats homework online, which we did not have a gender hierarchy and Places, other glaring imbalances–racial and How to a narrative report, economic–free love might work. Homework On Sunday! In the world we live in calc with, it will always remain rife with opportunities for exploitation and Places on sunday in public, abuse. I think you might be right that it’s partly about ego — men don’t want to be around their equals, they want to be around women or girls who idolize them and Buying condo, don’t challenge them.

I think the attraction is Places to do homework on sunday, partly about the Buying an assignment condo hua hin young girls not knowing the creeps they’re dealing with are indeed creeps and not actually demi-gods, but I also think that many males get off and Places homework in public, destroying and taking things that don’t belong to them. They love hurting young girls. And who knows how many early/mid 20th century male music icons of the new western music industry had dark pasts? Their secrets are long buried with the culture that allowed them to use and abuse with impunity (and in many cases even more fame for their ‘wild’ lifestyles). The most heartening thing about your list is that it exists. It is a small list and likely only the tip of the iceberg but if a feminist had tried to write a narrative essay report, make such a list in 1970 they would have found no public evidence – even Priscilla was regarded as a fortunate beneficiary of star adulation then. Times change. People change. We all are not the to do in public same people we were 30 or50 years ago.

As a practicing Christian, one of the foundations of my faith is “forgiveness” and I have been given forgiveness for Do pre with limits my short comings so, I extend that same to others. We need to concentrate and focus on the “here and now” and to do homework on sunday in public, our vigilance and Why study law personal, the where we are going in this “hand basket”. I see how much has changed though my times and homework, I am pleased. I am 67 years old. JaneCatherine. Eeeeeewwww that forgiveness crap stinks to high heaven.

Telling women that they need to be forgiving of rapists is Is college the cost, disgusting. Thank you for Places in public writing this piece! I’ve been struggling with this topic in limits, the days since David Bowie’s passing. I have to admit, my first reaction toward the faction of people on the net who immediately (in my eyes) began to to do homework in public, drag him and even shamed people for daring to mourn him was that of extreme irritation. On the other hand, as a feminist who tries to be cognizant of exactly this kind of pervading rape/pedophile culture and the constant excusing of it, I felt like I was copping out by not judging him as harshly as I probably would someone I wasn’t a fan of (Woody Allen, for example). And so I’ve been listening to his greatest hits, feeling equal parts guilty and sentimental. In the end, I think people on either extreme are just trying to make things easier for essay themselves. If he (and male celebrities like him) can be given a free pass then there’s no need for guilt to sour the Places on sunday enjoyment of his catalog. If you can completely condemn him as a terrible person who’s misdeeds rob him of all artistic/personal worth, then there’s no need to examine how deeply, terrifyingly mundane his behavior is Why study law personal, even among the non-famous. In the meantime, I’ll go on with the thorn in my side… I think they were “willing,” yes.

But they were also 13… Is an adult man having sex with a 13-year-year old girl ok with you? On a related note, I find it discouraging that girls and young women are still more likely to fantasize about being groupies than about to do homework in public becoming musicians themselves. Totally. Do Pre! When you read/watch interviews with Maddix she talks about Places homework on sunday in public these experiences as though they were the highlight of her life and Buying condo, that it the highest a woman could reach. I mean, sure maybe it was fun, but fawning all over rock stars doesn’t seem like a particularly fulfilling thing to me. As a teenager perhaps I might have thought this way (and yet I’m pretty certain, even then, I had other ambitions…), but as an on sunday in public adult? Naw. sadly many people never do grow up. If you read the article you’ll see that the estimated age of calc limits 13 is based on her own testimony. And yes, the sex was technically consensual, but that doesn’t make it ethical. Statutory rape laws exist for a reason.

Right. And anyone who understands power should understand that even if a girl “pursues” a grown man, it is still not ok for him have sex with her. Why is this such a hard thing to understand? Yes I think you’re right. I didn’t mention Axl Rose because I don’t think he’s really regarded as an important/great musician so much as a joke… Am I wrong? i dunno about him being a joke, but his music is obnoxious anyway lol. Maybe some not so greats here but: Vince Neil and Tommy Lee – Motley Crue.

Slash, Steven Adler and Axl Rose – Guns and Places homework in public, Roses. Scotty Weiland – Stone Temple Pilots. Rick Allen – Def Leppard. Jerry Lee Lewis. Ian Watkins – Lost Prophets. Yep. Knew about Is college most of these dudes. To Do Homework! (As you likely guessed, I left them off because I tried to Why study, choose more well-regarded musicians…) I suppose Eminem might count, though I’ve never been a fan myself. Should be on homework in public, this list.

Miles Davis. That one’s hard. A lot of men deliberately seek out underage girls and then pretend they didn’t know when they get caught. It’s an old trick. These guys called them ‘baby groupies’ because they knew they were underage. Calc Limits Answers! They knew exactly what they were doing and to do homework, took actions to avoid. being caught. They took advantage of the fact that they were powerful celebrities and that people would let it pass because ‘it was just the times’ or ‘just the lifestyle’. Condo! But statutory rape was illegal in the 70’s and homework in public, 80’s.

People will make any excuses for their heroes, especially if they’re men. That’s the point. This is a good point, considering how many keep saying “things were different in the 70s.” Things may have been different but it seems clear these men still knew they were doing something wrong… Picasso and Einstein. Both have an How to write a literature iffy reputation re: their spouses/partners. Picasso had a reputation for being cruel towards his partners. Einstein’s reputation seems to vary according to the biographer or account. To Do On Sunday In Public! In some he is reputed to be cruel towards his first wife. He is known to have had extramarital affairs.

His relationship with his children is also a bit tenuous but the accounts vary. I’m with you tinfoil hattie. Stats Answers Online! It’s not that hard. Don’t feed the beast. On Sunday In Public! Support women’s art. A 15 year old is condo hua hin, more mature than someone in their 20s? That just seems like a BS rationalization.

Teen girls want to have relationships with older men, uhm, no. I remember being hit on by someone in his fifties when I was 12 and visiting his home. I also remember going to the local university to research my high school papers and waiting at the bus stop and being asked by a boy my age whether I was a university student. Was I mature enough psychologically to be considered someone in my late teens? No, I was not. I don’t know how liberated my sister felt when she became pregnant (she was on birth control but after a blow up with my mother (who found her birth control) I don’t know if she was, I assume not) and attended a sort of wayward girl’s school (pregnant teens) for the remainder of her high school education. Places To Do On Sunday! Her boyfriend basically abandoned her. I think you would have to have been on law personal, some mind altering substances to think the 1970s was a sexually liberated age for all. The consequences were entirely different for teenage girls, in to do, particular. There is always an imbalance of power between children and write essay report, adults. Differences in physical and psychological maturity, real world experience, and Places to do homework on sunday, economic dependency would still be in play.

I think Robin Morgan says it best in her essay “Goodbye to Is college worth, All That”. Re: sexual revolution. “Goodbye to Places to do homework, the Weather Vain, with the homework online Stanley Kowalski image and theory of Places to do on sunday free sexuality but practice of sex on demand for males.” “Goodbye to Hip culture and the so-called Sexual Revolution, which has functioned toward women’s freedom as did the Reconstruction toward former slaves—reinstituting oppression by another name.” “To hell with the answers simplistic notion that automatic freedom for women—or nonwhite peoples—will come about Places to do zap! with the advent of Stats answers a socialist revolution. Bullshit.

Two evils pre-date capitalism and Places on sunday in public, clearly have been able to calc with limits, survive and post-date socialism: sexism and racism.” I’m not sure what your point is. We’re talking about adult men who have been through puberty preying on children who have barely begun it. Assault/rape and Places in public, other allegations aside, I think one of the worth reasons it’s really difficult to find any artist with intelligence these days is partly/mainly because of the Hollywood Blacklistings during the anti-Communist witch-hunts that went on Places on sunday, decades ago. Many artists who were creating social commentaries through music, writing, acting, etc, were barred from work and that has had a lasting negative affect on what is currently being produced half a century later.

Furthermore, as a result, these days, in order to Why study statement, really “make it” in to do on sunday, the industry one will most likely have to sacrifice one’s intellectual integrity, or else one must remain artistically obscure in order to maintain principles. It’s a tragic dilemma. So in terms of misogyny, it’s not surprising it’s so prevalent. There’s hardly anyone left after the purge to challenge the status quo. Why Study! I don’t think it’s that most artists are just dumb. Places To Do Homework On Sunday! Those are simply the write in research ones that made the grade, the ones who don’t make waves. That is a very good point.

In today’s climate, it’s hard to imagine anyone but a mindless neoliberal getting anywhere in to do on sunday, Hollywood/pop culture. And honestly, I can’t even really blame mindless neoliberals because I used to be one. I think the real problem lies in being unwilling to change one’s opinion when confronted with the Stats homework answers evidence that one’s opinion is just completely wrong. You have to have intellectual integrity to do that. I think a neoliberal can have intellectual integrity, but they’d also have to to do homework, eventually stop being a neoliberal in order to maintain it lol. what is How to write a literature essay in research proposal, with all the homework biological determinists on this site lately?

“Even adolescent teenagers at fifteen have desires for older men which is why most countries in Europe acknowledge consensual sex from 14 and 15 years of age.” What does “acknowledge” even mean? Acknowledgment of hua hin “consensual” sex when it’s an adult male with a 14 year old girl in a patriarchy means diddly squat. The power imbalance is unethical. The end. P.S. Most teen girls don’t want to fuck old guys.

Yeah, loads of teenage girls want to to do homework on sunday in public, have sex with older men. Most of my friends did even if I did. A Narrative Report! Sexuality is not black and white and what is patriarchal is telling girls who they should desire. Bowie was also a kid by the way. Look at footage of him in this era…he was a 25 year old with no control of Places to do on sunday in public his life, very much out of calc with limits it. Made was clear about this–she was not raped, she wanted to have sex. I say people ought to respect her and leave her alone. I did not want to Places to do homework on sunday in public, have sex with older men when I was a teenager. I did not want to have sex at all when I was 13 years old. How To Write A Narrative Essay Report! A 25 year old man having sex with a 13 or 14 year old girl is not ok.

“Most teen girls don’t want to Places to do homework in public, fuck old guys”. Especially if they have a psychologically and write, physically abusive father. Men my father’s age never appealed to me. The abuse didn’t lead me to homework, seek a surrogate daddy or male role model. Or to latch onto any male who showed me the slightest kindness. It just gave me the sense that people were self-serving idiots or jerks … because they thought that my dad was a great guy.

And would not listen to any accounts to the contrary, including my mother’s account. I really hated the music of my so-called era. So, I had no admiration for any of the rock or pop stars, They produced mindless pap in my opinion. And it doesn’t hurt that I don’t seem to How to write a narrative essay, have a romantic bone in my body (except for voyages that involve the circumnavigation of the globe). So, betrayal in love, lost love, whinging about your ex-lover, expressing lusty feelings, just turned me off. I didn’t purposely listen to the radio (or turn one on myself) before discovering CBC’s FM station.

I played the Places to do piano, was a member of school choirs, sang in church. My exposure to online, popular music occurred by happenstance – when my siblings or friends played their music. Or when I attended weddings and a band played (fiddling music was big amongst Quebec Anglos (my father’s family) who had moved to other parts of Canada). I think discovering music from a variety of eras and peoples is the Places to do homework on sunday most prudent course of action. Berlin cabaret songs sung by Ute Lemperer featuring talented composers and librettists, e.g. Spoliansky’s The Smart Set. Authentic blues as sung by Odetta. Amazing harmonizers like the Fairfield Four (gospel singers).

Emma Kirkby (just an Why study amazing voice). Jane Sibbery. The McGarrigle Sisters, a Canadian folk duo. More modern folk musicians like Ani DiFranco, Tracy Chapman, and Iris Dement. I even like some punk, but not what most would consider the Places homework in public good stuff. Kashtin, Canadian folk group (indigenous). Kronos Quartette.

Quartetto Gelato (Canadian and have a sense of Stats homework answers online humour). “Blow up Hollywood” (studio musicians who perform their own work) … don’t know how to classify them. Places To Do Homework On Sunday! World music (Vartinna, Zap Mama, Jai Uttal, Black Uhuru, Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, etc.). There is so much amazing music in the world … why limit yourself. This is gross and irrelevant. This sounds like a “she was fully developed and looked older than her age” excuse for predators to calc limits, prey on youth.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if a girl has gone through puberty. Her MIND and JUDGEMENT are not adult. Maddix looks soooo young in those photos. Those men knew full-well how old she was. Good thing a lot of the on sunday in public metal bands I like keep their personal lives personal.

Nope, just reality. Girls want to have sex and should be able to. Essay Introduction Proposal! Which is why less prudish countries than the US acknowledge female sexuality. It’s really simple. Umm… The US LOVES the idea of sexualizing young girls for adult men. What are you talking about. Female sexuality = girls, to you. No women. Interesting.

Yes because she’s French Canadian and the age of consent in Canada was 14 until 2008 when it was raised to Places homework, 16. Yes and Buying an assignment, Celine Dion is also French Canadian. Places To Do Homework In Public! The age of consent in Canada was 14 until it was raised to 16 in 2008. I know a lot of people who find this relationship uncomfortable. I scoured the internet yesterday, looking for interviews that she said this, but couldn’t find any… Any chance you are aware of any French interviews where she has said so? I have, like many others, long been disgusted by this relationship, where it seems pretty clear he was a ‘father figure’ and groomed her… I find it incredibly strange how Canada is treating him as some kind of god. I think that’s fair — that is, to point out that this kind of law personal thing was condoned and even encouraged by society at large, that it wasn’t *only* about these individual men. It wasn’t just the attitude s of men. Four of these men – (Five if you believe Mattix claims that Jimmy ask her mothers permission for him to see her – which again is stated by Mattix in Places to do homework on sunday in public, the supporting text this article is using) where actively supported by the women’s families in these act. Chuck Berry had family knowledge that he was travelling with their child, Holcomb’s mother signed her over to Steven Tyler, Bill Wymen’s mother-in-law travelled with them on their honeymoon (all of this in Why study law personal, this documents supporting text) and Places on sunday in public, when Tina Tuner went to her mother for Do pre with limits safety she was not only sent away, her mother famously call Ike so he could intersect her bus and Places on sunday, drang her home.

It wasn’t just mens behaviour thats actions were questionable it was the whole culture and worth the cost video, the way women were treated even by other women and the people who where supose to be looking out and protecting them. Well, to be fair, the law exists, not in Places to do homework, order to Is college the cost debate video, “tell a fifteen year old when and to do homework, with whome to have sex,” but in How to write essay proposal, order to Places to do homework on sunday in public, tell adult men they may not fuck children. Diversion. We are saying that adult men are doing something wrong in sleeping with teenagers — we are not talking about Is college worth debate “punishing” teenagers, we’re talking about punishing men. I’m reading this a year after my original comment above, and after a very abusive relationship with a character-deficient person…it’s interesting; when I was 17 years old and a virgin, smart but very vulnerable (after childhood trauma and Places to do in public, some sexual abuse), I got involved with a 24-year-old man who sexually abused me.

Technically I was at the age of consent in my state, but what he did was abuse: he never used a condom, he would come inside me, he trained me to a literature essay introduction in research, give him blow jobs, he never once made a single gesture toward foreplay (I never once had an orgasm). I would come over just to hang out with him and his friends, and he’d push me in on sunday, the next room and unzip his fly. He had sex with me in my sleep. Condo Hua Hin! He raped me rather brutally one day in the shower. It took me a long time and a lot of revictimization to identify any of this as what it was. Last year, at the age of 32, when extremely vulnerable I went on a dating site. I had been researching highly triggering subjects for a book, alone, in an apartment in Mexico, after shattering my ankle and tearing four ligaments trying to run from the police because I was scared of rape (after being tracked down on the beach with my boyfriend)–as it turns out, I was right to be scared, as I was threatened with it by to do homework on sunday in public, the officer who tracked us down, and I’m sure had I been a Mexican woman rather than a U.S. citizen he would have done it. I had also been taken advantage of by two men I thought were my friends that year, who got me drunk to try to tag-team me when I was sad after a break-up, and I had, in with limits answers, a despairing kind of “repetition compulsion” gotten myself into to do in public various scrapes with gross rapey men.

I had stood up to my insane, tyrannical and abusive boss, while being scapegoated, unsupported, and shouldering the burden of Why study statement my colleagues’ fear and Places homework on sunday in public, hatred of her (and betrayal by some who were my friends). I had lost some of Why study law personal my friend group because I did not want to go back and hang out Places to do homework on sunday with the calc with answers circle of young artists who included the two men who had taken advantage of me. I had broken up with my boyfriend, who left after I shattered my ankle on to do homework on sunday in public, the beach, because it was just too much of Buying an assignment a burden taking care of me when I was alone, jobless, and unable to walk, stranded in my apartment without a fridge or AC (standard for poor Mexicans, but no joke in the tropics). To be fair to him, he was young, immature, and at in public least took care of me long enough until I could hobble to my bike and ride around to get food and write a literature, ice for my cooler. Insanely enough, in this horrible time I decided to use the to do time I was laid up with this injury to try to write the book I was writing about sex tourism in Mexico.

The research I did was profoundly triggering. Since all of this–since what happened to me this last year–I have done a lot of research about revictimization and Stats online, I know that in a sense for a long time I have carried that same air that naive young girls have that makes character-disordered men so want to despoil them…I have had a target on Places to do homework, my back for a long time. In any case, I returned to the United States, to my hometown, not having worked out ANY of the How to write essay introduction trauma from in public Mexico (or from any of the homework rapes or violence I had experienced in to do on sunday in public, my teens and twenties), and, being very lonely and down, went on Is college debate, OkCupid. I basically found this sort of to do on sunday man: somebody who wants a powerful, intelligent woman (or thinks he does), because he’s a narcissist and answers online, wants someone he can feel proud to be the partner of, but also someone who is, as I said, a narcissist (as in, he has narcissistic personality disorder, I’m convinced–a serious character disorder similar to psychopathy) and so he wants a vulnerable partner that he can control. He hit the jackpot with me: he saw me as attractive, intelligent, talented, and Places in public, extremely, extremely vulnerable. I was so vulnerable when I met him that I told him about past sexual abuse before we met in person, simply because we had gone to college in statement, the same town and knew some of the homework on sunday in public same people, people who knew me when I was going through a really rough and crazy time because of sexual assaults I experienced in college. I usually have avoided even opening up to boyfriends after quite a while together, finding they can’t handle it or they have a completely inappropriate response to it (yes, I have not picked good boyfriends; even the non-abusive ones have not been the Buying mature individuals I’d like to be dating. I tend to have too much empathy and attract people who feel insecure, and to do on sunday, date them partly because I feel bad for them. I need to get over Do pre calc with limits answers my fixer tendencies, they’re terrible, and a disservice to everybody).

I think it shows how vulnerable I was that I told him about to do on sunday this BEFORE I MET HIM. I think his dark side was basically like, “cha-CHING!” I think that, at the age of 32, I was as attractive as a naive and vulnerable 14-year-old, to Buying an assignment condo, him. Places Homework On Sunday! I was SO vulnerable, and all I wanted was love (just like a young girl). Write Introduction In Research! I was SO tired of Places to do on sunday in public being treated that way, but I naively thought (again) that if I went into it with the How to write a literature essay introduction proposal right intentions (that is, if I went into homework in public it wanting to love and Stats, give love), everything would work out in public all right, and I just needed to How to essay in research, give it a fair shake. I hadn’t given it a fair shake before that, either holding back on Places homework, loving my partners because of trust issues or (I suspected) in some relationships looking for abuse. I didn’t want either of those things with this new man; I just wanted someone to love who loved me, and in the cost video, spite of intellectually knowing it was a bad idea I was still used to Places to do in public, equating sex and essay, sexually pleasing with love and loving (what I really needed was a therapist, and homework in public, any decent man listening to Do pre calc with limits, me spill my guts on OkC would have gently told me that, and not dated me; and homework on sunday in public, certainly not pressured me into debate video sex on Places homework on sunday in public, our first date despite our agreement to take things slow, and my “no’s”). Looking at pictures of How to write a literature proposal me with him, I even LOOK young.

I am young-looking anyway, but it’s not so much my skin or features as my expression; in the picture he took of me before he posted our relationship status to Facebook, the morning after he first sexually assaulted me, I am wearing no makeup, and look about the same as I did when I was sixteen–extremely young, naive, sweet and innocent. Places On Sunday In Public! I sort of blush and close my eyes and smile, or look up and away–too shy to Is college the cost debate, look at the camera. To Do Homework On Sunday! I had already forgiven him for what he’d done, because he’d been so horrified with himself for How to write a narrative doing it (though he didn’t actually apologize), and homework, I felt bad for in research proposal him. Places Homework In Public! I think the romantic day he planned the Why study next day, and his rush to publicize our relationship, were both a way of covering up what had happened and homework on sunday, avoiding talking about it–typical abuser behavior. I wonder if women who are traumatized as girls (pre-pubescent or pubescent), especially from sexual abuse or battering, maintain the allure of young naive, “corruptible” girls, for these type of men who get a high out of with limits abusing women (although with young girls there is the high of being their FIRST abuser, and them remembering you forever as having “despoiled” them–if that doesn’t come from a serious hatred of women, I don’t know what does; but abusing someone who’s been abused before, especially being supportive first and then pulling the to do homework on sunday in public rug out from an assignment hua hin under them, that has its own special kick).

Of course, this boyfriend ended up raping me too. I have spent an entire year (in which he has continued to try to prey on me) processing this, and thinking how I arrived at this juncture in spite of being an intelligent woman (at this point typing that only brought a sting of tears to my eyes for Places in public a moment). I see attracting him as the natural endpoint to a fifteen-year cycle that began with the law personal first man who ever raped me, when I was 17 (that man to whom I lost my virginity, the to do homework on sunday in public one who “groomed” me for abuse). I have never dealt with any of it and so it’s repeated itself throughout my life, often when I’m not looking for How to essay it, even when I’m totally minding my own business. We have energetic auras that I am convinced are as strong as chemical signatures. People who have been mugged are more likely to be mugged again, people who have had their homes burgled are more likely to have their homes burgled again…we project our particular fear, and to do, predators can smell it, like blood in a literature essay proposal, the water. I am no longer afraid of being raped.

I went through hell this year, and am not sure I could go through much worse. To Do Homework On Sunday! I also came to a very intimate understanding of just exactly what a character disorder is. I armed myself with knowledge. And when I realized I was trying too hard to How to, learn about the sad condition of the person who did this to me, I began to try to learn about to do in public myself. Narcissism has a scientifically proven correlation with rape. Of course celebrities are more likely to be narcissistic (whether they have the full-blown disorder or not; it’s a spectrum). Men are also more likely to be narcissistic.

I think that’s because men are RAISED to be narcissistic, and women to Why study statement, be their supply (to be neurotic and over-empathetic; narcissists love to in public, prey on empaths. My ex-boyfriend is STILL trying to use pity ploys to prey on my empathy and get me to see him, so he can sleep with me again and toy with me some more. I feel sorry for an assignment condo hua hin him. I think deep down he does want love and realizes just how bad he blew it…but it’s like a monster inside of him, which is how he characterized it himself. However, I should not feel sorry for him in a self-sacrificing way, and forget just how badly he traumatized me, or that I was diagnosed with PTSD and am taking medication for it). Narcissism, though thought to be at Places to do homework on sunday least partially hereditary, is encouraged by a mixture of the cost debate video spoiling and neglect (for example, a mother who dotes on to do on sunday, her son and a father who neglects or belittles him).

From my extensive study of it, it strikes me as a dissociative type of How to report disorder (not with fully-formed split personalities, which is homework in public, extremely rare and in fact controversial as to homework, whether or not it truly exists); but its existence is predicated upon cognitive dissonance. Someone who scores high on the narcissism checklist is someone who feels at once massively entitled and extremely insecure. It is also a character disorder based in denial, which again makes it a dissociative type of disorder; the person must deny the evils they have done and project a false glory in Places to do, order to live with themselves–and they need admiration and attention like other people need air (again, this is How to a narrative, a spectrum, and many people might be highly narcissistic but not actually have a full-blown disorder, or they might fit the criteria for the disorder at some points in their life but not at others; that is to on sunday in public, say, it varies, and an assignment condo hua hin, can get better or worse depending on life circumstances and to do homework, comorbid disorders, as well). Think about the cult of masculinity. How To Write! What IS it if it’s not a mixture of insecurity (males needing to do certain things in order to retain their “man card”) and entitlement (males raised to believe they are superior to females)? In a sense ALL superior positions in a hierarchy are based on this kind of narcissistic dichotomy between the fragility of one’s position and the sense of entitlement to it; and ALL inferior positions in Places in public, a hierarchy are based on a similar push-and-pull dichotomy of enabling (serving the write oppressor) and resentment.

So, in a sense, for someone who is Places homework on sunday, SERIOUSLY crippled by the one-two punch of having been raised a white man within the hierarchies of race and sex, born with a genetic predisposition and/or subjected to Stats homework online, the common nuclear family reality of a mother who idealizes the oldest son and Places homework on sunday, a father who neglects him (Freud was onto something when it comes to Stats homework answers, familial jealousy, though I think it has more to do with patriarchy, going back to the ancient Greek tales of Oedipus and Elektra, than it does with anything innate), despoiling the innocent is EXACTLY the kind of thrill that makes them feel powerful; and even having only one or two of Places to do on sunday those ingredients–say, internalizing toxic masculinity plus a bad family, or internalizing toxic masculinity plus a genetic predisposition to be an asshole (and how many millions, if not billions, of Why study men might fit this profile?)–is probably enough to make a lot of men secretly (or, in your colleague’s case, not-so-secretly) desire to corrupt an to do homework on sunday in public innocent? (And, as I mentioned earlier, a mixture of hatred for and desire for law personal statement women has something to in public, do with it too…most older women are too difficult as targets; get ’em while they’re young, is some resentful men’s thinking). There are also the relatively more brave men who get off on breaking intelligent women, who will go after older and more accomplished women and How to write essay in research proposal, ruthlessly exploit their weaknesses (my ex was like that). You are absolutely right when you say this is a “character disorder.” The difference between a personality disorder (like borderline personality disorder) and Places to do homework on sunday, a character disorder is How to write essay in research proposal, someone with a personality disorder doesn’t understand what they are doing is wrong (or they are not willfully and maliciously trying to hurt others), they are just disordered in Places to do homework on sunday in public, their relations to others, often because of experiencing abuse themselves; whereas someone with a character disorder knows what they are doing is wrong and either they are doing it maliciously or they just don’t care that damaging another person is a byproduct of their behavior, because they see other people more as objects than people (low empathy). And again, of answers course, people in Places to do on sunday, general are conditioned to How to a literature, see women and girls as objects and not as people (children too; only Places in public men are automatically considered to be full people). I do think that some of Is college the cost these men are quite complicated and traumatized in their own right. To Do Homework On Sunday In Public! Men who suffer abuse are more likely to grow up to be abusers, whereas women are more likely to grow up to be revictimized, and fail to protect themselves or their offspring (this is true in rhesus monkeys too, though whether it’s been studied in other primate populations I don’t know). A Literature Essay In Research! This, again, could be a product of on sunday in public patriarchy rather than biology, as the brain is so plastic (and so could be helped with therapy). Roman Polanski’s most famous film hinges on a monstrous, sexually abusing narcissist, the reveal of which is the most shocking and unforgettable moment in the film; as someone else mentioned in this comment thread, Woody Allen was capable of writing extremely well-rounded women characters. My ex-boyfriend is a writer who also wrote a moving story with insight into the characters of women who feel ignored. Is College Video! Whether or not this is about pretending, or about Places to do in public conscience and statement, a desire for redemption because they are aware on Places to do on sunday, some level of the terrible ways they treat women, or about a true desire to How to introduction, understand women’s experience I don’t know.

Narcissism has been called “emotional autism” by some. Having dealt with a character disordered person (and learned to decode his manipulations, which he is sometimes aware of but often, I think, not aware he is doing), I can see that in Places in public, many ways emotionally he is like a six-year-old (or even like a toddler). Children often do impulsive, cruel things when they feel slighted or ignored or not given enough attention (fortunately they are usually too young, small, and intellectually unformed to do any real damage–unlike grown people with childish temperaments, who can lie, manipulate, and do terrible, terrible things, with their adult bodies and intellects). The children who have been naughty then blame others, lie, gaslight (pretend, deny), etc; nothing is ever their fault, and they can’t stand any criticism at all. They have to be trained out of this behavior. They are also, however, kind and altruistic at times, and we try to Stats answers online, encourage this behavior in them. (Interestingly, we train that behavior less out of boys than out of girls, and encourage kindness and homework, altruism less in boys than in Is college worth, girls–the “boys will be boys” attitude and its corollary, “ladylike behavior”–more evidence that men are raised to be narcissistic and women to be empathetic). Highly narcissistic people are like these children. They have low empathy (which isn’t to say they don’t have feelings–they definitely do–but they only Places homework in public feel their OWN feelings). People who are narcissistic CAN feel empathy, if they choose to–if they direct their energies to it–or if asked to imagine themselves in another’s situation (selective empathy); they just choose not to, most of the time, so they can continue doing what they’re doing and Stats homework answers online, serving their own selfish purposes (pleasure, power, control).

Again–a character disorder; they can feel empathy but they choose not to (in fact, since they consider these symptoms ego-systonic–they are fine with them and not anxious to change them–the best thing to to do homework on sunday in public, do for such people would be to convince them that their lives might work better if they didn’t do such things; that these tactics really aren’t working out for THEM. Appeal to them on a selfish basis). In the case of my recent ex-boyfriend, I am not sure if his continued desire to see me is Stats homework online, because he just wants me to feel sorry for homework on sunday in public him now so I won’t out him in homework answers online, the community, if he just needs supply (attention), if he thinks I am one of the few who understand him and Places on sunday, yet don’t hate him (in spite of an assignment hua hin what he did to me), if he feels, at some level, really ashamed of himself for what he did and feels he needs my forgiveness, if he feels resentful of me for feeling that feeling and Places homework in public, wants to abuse me again to feel powerful, if he identifies me as someone he respects or admires or envies and so wants to abuse me to feel powerful, or if he, on some level, actually likes or feels affection for me (mixed with resentment, since he so utterly killed the condo possibility of any sort of relationship between us). I suspect it’s some combination. (I know that, like all men who believe that power is more important than love, even if love is Places homework in public, what they most desire, or would benefit from, he believes my empathy and desire to homework, see the best in people is a weakness; he believes my weakness is contemptible; and he believes that he should point out that I need to cut that shit out by ruthlessly exploiting my over-empathy and my inability to stand up for myself, sexually, and Places to do homework on sunday, probably feels justified in exploiting me sexually to satisfy himself, toy with me and Stats online, feel powerful because of how contemptible he thinks said inability to Places to do homework, stand up for myself or think I deserve better really is. I suspect he also partially envies my ability to see the Do pre with answers best in people, to Places to do on sunday in public, feel compassion for Is college worth the cost debate video them and to not want to exact horrific revenge, as he does; he probably also resents my pity, even though he is definitely not above using it to manipulate me, which itself probably gives him a chuckle while he’s doing it. It’s complicated, and I understand it all a little too well now to let him–or anyone–do it to Places on sunday, me again).

So, basically these men are emotionally immature. I think that’s why we have the statement running joke that men never grow up, emotionally (“when do men finally mature?” “About six months after they’re dead”), and I think that’s why so many men–particularly insecure men, particularly vainglorious men, particularly men who subscribe to the cult of masculinity–prefer the company of Places to do homework on sunday girls to women. Either they want to despoil the How to write a literature essay in research proposal young girls, and they like to have their egos stroked, or they are intimidated by the grown women, and Places to do in public, don’t want to be the more vulnerable (weak) or besotted, or some combination (or because they are child-like themselves, and still “feel” like teenagers, emotionally, and relate more to young girls, or because they feel their waning virility as they get older and feel flattered by and revitalized by the attention of young girls and younger women, and again don’t have the Is college the cost debate video moral sensibility bred into them to Places to do on sunday in public, see the power differential there and why it’s problematic, or because they like the Buying condo idea of having a younger woman on their arm because of entitlement mixed with insecurity again–that toxic combo–after all, who wants an old woman on their arm, women are accessories and it’s all about impressions, and on and on etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum). My ex is to be given credit for at least going after women he finds in some way strong or intelligent or age-appropriate, even if it’s only because it’s a reflection, in his own mind, of his own importance (or what he’d like to be and Places to do homework on sunday, feels he deserves), and a part of his “mask” (he fancies himself an intellectual, likes to play the role of the “good guy” and, after all, men with much-younger girlfriends do look ridiculous); and even if, in his mind, when he begins to feel insecure or things don’t go right he must “win” and write a narrative report, prove himself superior by to do in public, abusing and breaking the woman he is How to write a narrative essay, feeling inferior to and insecure about. I mean, it’s super-shitty that he goes after vulnerable women (or women he finds intelligent but who are vulnerable in particular ways), and that he does horrible things to ex-girlfriends, but at least he’s not raping children (a low bar, to Places to do on sunday in public, be sure; it’s sad).

All this is to say that it all comes down to Do pre calc, the same thing…toxic masculinity (or masculinity in general), and Places homework on sunday, how it creates men who are emotional children, massively insecure, needy, selfish, and statement, entitled at the same time, who think they should be able to do anything they want and then be cute and charming to on sunday, mummy and daddy (the public) and get away with it. This is of course going to video, be more common among celebrities as they are nearly always going to be more narcissistic than the general public (why they go to such lengths to be special and celebrated), but many of them feel conflicted about Places to do on sunday in public it, and answers online, do have other depths, and may mature out of it, if their work and later lives are any indication (none of which is to excuse them or their behavior, early or late). I think it’s very sad that men’s emotional characters are so limited under patriarchy. Emotions are the foundation of what make us human, and contrary to the Spock-like stereotype of pure unemotional rationality, emotions are necessary to make reasonable and rational decisions. Love and Places homework, vulnerability are an essential part of the human experience, and it must be strange to be expected to love someone you are raised to feel superior to, and end up feeling so afraid and resentful of in addition to feeling entitled and How to write a literature essay introduction, superior to (massive cognitive dissonance all around).

It’s certainly strange on our part to be expected to love someone we are raised to feel inferior to homework on sunday, (resentment is Is college video, bound to Places homework, come up, unless we embrace our subservient social position). I also think it’s horrible that men abuse women and children, and Is college the cost debate, I think it’s awful that there are women who are raised to feel less than human because of constant sexual and physical violence; I know how much it has affected me (I have felt defined by it for a long time, and to do in public, if there’s one silver lining to the horrible experience of this last year it’s that after being abused yet again at this advanced age, after going into a relationship with someone I had everything in worth debate video, common with and with the best of intentions, I am finally seeking therapy, and feel, in some sense, that this experience has highlighted for me the importance of in public letting go of that identity–of not believing in the message the How to a narrative men who abused me were sending, as it has nothing to Places in public, do with me and everything to do with them), and I haven’t experienced it to Stats answers, the level of a prostituted woman or girl, or a victim of sex trafficking. I think it’s horrible that some men cannot or will not try to love their equal, and Places to do homework on sunday in public, that we think it is normal for men to function emotionally on the level of children, and Buying an assignment condo hua hin, claim they go after young, easy-to-impress, suggestible girls for “biological” reasons rather than that they are easy to exploit and control; or that, in this stereotype’s corollary, the man’s reward for marrying and to do, being a “good” man is Is college worth, that he should get a mommy for life, who takes care of him and his needs as if he were a child. It’s disabling to him and horrible for women and girls everywhere, whether we are the wives or the homework disposable sex toys, or both. All of which is to Is college worth the cost, say…yeah. Narcissistic, spoiled man-children abound, and they are dangerous (but I still feel sorry for them, and the kicker is Places to do on sunday in public, I don’t know if it’s because I was raised to). One more thing to end this epic comment (and I know I’ve talked a lot on this site about my experience with this particular ex-boyfriend this year that I’ve been processing, but I feel I have a learned a lot, more than ever before, about many things–men, women, character disorders, the patterns we are raised to repeat, because of this relationship): narcissism is often characterized as “emptiness,” or the destruction or burial of a core self (a real self) and its replacement with a false self, because the real self in Do pre, childhood is seen as disappointing, inferior, not measuring up (I can imagine this happening to to do, boys who feel emotions and Buying hua hin, don’t fit the horrible notions about what it is to be “masculine;” you know, “boys don’t cry,” “man up,” “you throw like a girl,” etc.); because this happens so early on, emotional development is stunted, and Places, everything else is Do pre, a projection. Narcissism is Places to do, also about “winning” at all costs, competition, admiration, attention; people with the full-blown disorders will be chameleons, changing depending on with whom they’re speaking; they “mirror” what they think others want to hear or experience. Similarly, with partners or other people they get close to, in the “devaluation” and “discard” phases they will mirror that person’s particular problems back to them (you could think of this as “gather intel on Stats homework answers, them during the wooing phase and then ruthlessly exploit that knowledge to gut them during the breaking phase”); I think, however, it’s more about them, in a sense, showing the other person their vulnerabilities and also “absorbing” them, or taking them on and provoking or acting out to do on sunday those vulnerabilities (which can happen in a lot of relationships, particularly dysfunctional or co-dependent relationships, and is called “projective identification”). How To Write A Narrative! Needless to Places to do homework, say, acting out of women’s vulnerabilities (or anyone’s, really, but particularly women’s) can often lead to abuse. If my hypothesis is correct, and men are raised to be narcissistic, though the Do pre calc with limits answers majority of them may not become full-blown narcissists they are nevertheless raised to not have complete “selves.” It seems paradoxical, as men are considered the “default human;” nevertheless, as George Orwell notes in Places to do, “Shooting an Elephant,” the worth the cost debate video tyrant becomes a kind of Places homework on sunday in public puppet, his strings pulled by the oppressed masses he is lording over; one misstep and the illusion is shattered (again, the paradox of the fragility of power; the flip side is the power in vulnerability–love.

This is not the same as saying “subs have the law personal statement power” in BDSM because of homework on sunday in public SO MANY REASONS that can all be boiled down to “the socialization of patriarchy,” but yes, there is in research, a power in vulnerability, and a paradoxical powerlessness in the fight to retain the powerful position). Homework On Sunday In Public! So, if men are raised ONLY to impress, and to project an “image” of the powerful, then perhaps they don’t feel they have a “self” without defining it through traditionally “masculine” activities like competition, violence, and plunder; unlike women, they don’t have menstruation or childbirth; they need rites of passage, they need to How to write essay, define themselves in homework in public, opposition to femininity, and position themselves as superior for so many reasons (envy, fear, justification for subordination, faulty logic due to confirmation bias that doesn’t take into account environmental factors shaping societies, and so on). If Freud was most wrong about anything, it was the concept of “penis envy;” we can see this both in the much higher prevalence of MtF than FtM transgender people, and in How to write in research, the way men relentlessly push “progress” both because of the fight against mortality but also because they can’t, as women can, give birth–create life out of homework their own bodies, which is part of the Buying an assignment condo hua hin same fight for to do homework on sunday immortality and also the reason for Do pre calc the existence of patriarchy, to control how and when women give birth and ensure their own “line.” And if part of narcissism is “mirroring,” this explains both the infatuation with the co-dependent love story in most cultures (men sweeping women off their feet and Places homework on sunday in public, becoming what they think the Why study women want to woo them) and with their later abuse of homework on sunday in public women (they are mirroring to them their own vulnerabilities, and condo, the way they capitulate to Places in public, patriarchy by ignoring their own needs and putting the needs of others–namely, men–first, as they have been taught); they ruthlessly exploit this. None of which is to answers online, victim-blame but to to do homework on sunday in public, say that perhaps a lot of the hatred of women is, in fact, not only men’s fear of us realizing our power or resentment of that power but envy; that women are perceived to have more of a “self,” and therefore more integrity; and that women MUST stand up to men, quit over-empathizing and demand respect if we expect men to cut it out and have some respect for Stats homework answers us. AND that, of course, collectively we need to to do homework, get rid of these ideas of the worth the cost debate video gender hierarchy to give men back their souls and take the homework burden off of women to be the law personal statement soul-tenders of the human race. To Do On Sunday In Public! (The relationship between victimizer and victim is a complex dance; shamans call it “the dyadic relationship that exists between narcissist and victim,” and How to essay, neuroscientists call it the to do on sunday in public “neurochemical reward system” at play in both parties within an abusive relationship).

We need to change this dominant way of looking at male-female dynamics–this destructive gender hierarchy that wreaks such havoc upon sexuality, emotional and moral development, and relationships– and then (since in Why study law personal, our brain-changing self-awareness we are among the to do in public most “plastic” of species) all this so-called “biological” behavior will disappear. TL;DR: You are exactly right, TheClaw, that the massive defense of the incredibly common phenomenon of a narrative essay report male heterosexual ephebophelia is symptomatic of Places on sunday in public men’s feelings about women and women’s place under patriarchy, and of the calc limits answers character disorder which is Places on sunday in public, masculinity. (I just reread Franzen’s “The Corrections,” and as much as I hated his women characters and his characterization of rape in How to write essay proposal, “Freedom,” and think he is a douche for homework on sunday in public his characterization of Jodi Picoult’s writing, his description in How to essay in research proposal, that book of teenage Denise’s abuse by Places homework, a much-older man who is her summer-job colleague is spot-on and chilling; it reminds me very much of my own abuse when I was a teenager, and Buying, thinking how it was “flattering” or I “couldn’t resist it” or “had to do it because he wanted it and I in some way compelled it…” I wasn’t even attracted to my abuser and homework on sunday in public, was out of Do pre calc with limits his league in every way; had I been older I would never have dated him–except, of course, if I had been in a bad place, and vulnerable, as I was last year when I got back from to do on sunday in public Mexico). *Note to person who excuses the Why study law personal statement behavior condemned in this piece for sketchy “biology”-based reasons: people of the age of these “baby groupies,” no matter how intelligent or physically developed, do not have full capacity for making good decisions; the Places to do on sunday in public frontal cortex doesn’t mostly finish forming until the mid-twenties and doesn’t completely finish forming until the answers mid-thirties. And society would also find it strange if women of homework in public all ages found fully-formed late-adolescent boys to essay in research proposal, be the most attractive of males, since women are expected both to be submissive to a dominant (older) male and are also held to homework on sunday in public, higher moral standards than men are (expected not to objectify males the way men are expected to objectify females). “The pedophilic quality of rape culture,” as you put it, grooms girls and women for abuse forever (or until they can somehow fight their way out of it). It’s what perpetuates patriarchy, and always has. No it’s politicized sexuality by Do pre answers, male supremacy that is the cause in both cases. Psychological deficiencies are a diversion.

Bob Marley beat his wife more then once. He reportedly, allegedly, slept with Traci Lord’s before she was legal age. But legally too young to.consent. I really don’t think most young girls the age of 13, 14,15 etc. Want ot sleep with older men. I don’t think we are puritanical to Places to do homework, say men should leave them alone. But that still does not make a girl the equivalent in power to Why study law personal, an adult male.

Of course not, I don’t get your point. The new Zelda video game is improved, but can’t escape the industry’s princess problem. It’s no mystery why ‘the queerest generation ever’ hasn’t managed to address women’s oppression. If the work we produce here at in public Feminist Current is work that you value and support, please consider donating. Your support means the world.

Thank you. What’s Current: Journalist Kim Wall stabbed 15 times on Danish inventor’s submarine. How Hugh Hefner represents neoliberalism’s win. What’s Current: Roman Polanski accused of raping former actress Renate Langer when she was 15. Copyright © 2016.

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Analysis of a Horses by Edwin Muir Essay. forget the past and live in the present. However, Edwin Muir’s ‘Horses’ is a poem of past memories only. The. interesting part is Places homework in public, that it deals with many conflicts and issues which. are prevalent even today. It is thus a bridge between the past and. Is College Worth The Cost! present and is expressed in the form of a piece of literature. Muir. himself said that in writing about horses in this poem, he was. reflecting his childhood view of his father’s plough horses, which. must have seemed huge, powerful and mysterious to a boy of Places on sunday four or. five. Some of his poems, including ‘Horses’, have a close equivalent. truth. The way these symbols of “power” trod, allows the reader to. infer another thought. Muir talks about the “ritual” of trodding. hooves turning the hua hin field beneath to brown.

This can relate to the. nuclear tests taking place, the desire for power and how it would. destroy the to do homework earth just as the horses’ trodding was literally. How To A Literature Essay Introduction Proposal! destroying the earth underneath. The line, “Gleamed with a cruel. apocalyptic light,” has an even greater significance when he talks as. if an apocalyptic war has taken place and the world has come to an. end. In Muir’s time, this could obviously refer to Places homework the World War or. perhaps a civil war and maybe future wars as well. The manner in which. the poet expresses great anguish at the fact that this anger and blind. hatred has left nothing in its wake, throws light on where the world. privileged over homework answers online, the Underprivileged. The “conquering hooves” show the. might of the powerful class who dominate the suppressed and force them. into subservience. Muir is depicting the power struggle and hegemony. that will always be prevalent in Places to do on sunday in public the world despite opposing views of. Charles Edward Markham.

The latter, states in his poem, ‘Man with the. Hoe’, after the “Silence of centuries”, how the answers oppressed took back. to “Eden” – all with clear biblical association. It seems to me that Muir must be thinking about God’s will and His desire to have created a moral world where mankind followed His laws and commandments. Homework In Public! Clearly, in destroying itself, mankind has brought about the Apocalypse promised to St John on online, the Isle of Patmos and revealed in homework in public the New Testament. On the subject of optimism, however, we must surely see the arrival of the horses as a message from God that He is prepared to give us a second chance I believe that this is an extremely good image to Stats homework use and it paints the picture of the fear that the people had during the to do homework in public war. This makes me feel the image of war is more real, the seriousness of war comes to life in this poem, that the people in wartime really do get hurt. On lines seven and homework online eight it talks about that the radios failed, and their was no answer, that means that everyone had been destroyed but notice that the poet left out the horrific images of to do homework in public Edwin Muir#x27;s Poem The Horses Essay. And it is the How to write a narrative essay report horses, a representative of Places to do in public nature, who save earth, and not technology.

The failure of technology is very important in this poem. Not only do most of the world’s population die, the use and respect for write, technology dies. The radios lie “dumb”, a personification which resembles the “impenetrable sorrow” in which whole nations lie. The author uses words like gulp and Places homework swallowed to show that, in a way, Mother Earth has devoured her own children. This shocking cannibalism shows just Analysis of The Rocking Horse Winner Essay. order to gain that admiration. Thus he is determined to find this luck and his passion grows to the point where all he is thinking about is how he can gain this luck. Lawrence describes his rise to luck in the situation when he is riding his rocking horse. This situation describes the a narrative report point where Paul chooses to conform and begins his pursuit of luck.

As Paul makes A Critical Analysis of The Rocking-Horse Winner and The Destructors important attribute was trying to overcome multiple obstacles to get to their goal. In The Rocking-Horse Winner, Paul found his rocking horse and the ability to pick winning horses the way to to do homework show his mother how successful he was along with the money that he won. Write Introduction In Research! He exerted himself mentally and physically to get to his goal. He is seen in the nursery ..on his big rocking horse, charging madly into Places on sunday, space, with a frenzy that made the little girls peer at him uneasily. his eyes Essay Biography of Edwin Stephenson. The life of Edwin Stephenson could be considered pretty typical to a person who lived from the late 1800’s to the mid 1900’s. Calc With Answers! During the 57 years that Stephenson lived, from 1887 to 1945, he would have lived through some of the most important events in Places to do homework United States history. A few of these events include World War 1, World War2, and the Great Depression.

So a typical life of someone who lived during this time period would be very eventful and the cost video different from someone who lived during another time red shifts. While the 200-in. telescope was being built, Hubble asked if he could use the telescope for half of its available time. This shows his devotion because he wanted to use the telescope in order to further enhance his research (17). Edwin Hubble’s curiosity about the universe started at Places to do homework on sunday, youth and has grown.

Without this, he would have no desire to study the stars or galaxies. Hubble’s interest in an assignment condo hua hin astronomy at the age of eight. On his eighth birthday party he spent the night with his Analysis of Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson Essay. Judging by the poem, the story is homework in public, told from that of Why study law personal one of the townspeople. This can be shown by looking at the second line of the poem where it states, we people on the pavement looked at him (line 2). This person seemed to be confused as to why a man held in such high regard would take his life. He seems to be confused that a man, a man everyone wanted to be like, would commit suicide. Although it is not directly stated in the poem as to why everyone is confused about Places to do homework on sunday in public his death, the tone of the Do pre calc with limits Muir creatively informs the reader just how much the main character truly loves nature. The same marvel and beauty is shared in the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.” After a long climb over a high hill he finds his reward a valley shining with a huge field of daffodils. “Besides the lakes, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in Places to do homework in public the breeze.” As Wordsworth explains the introduction scene.

As each scene pops out of the Places to do homework on sunday poem, a new addition to the painting in your mind appears each time. The painting may He will suffer the Buying condo lost of his wife and abate his grief by observing a pertrified forest. John Muir really was a man of the mountains. I believe that John Muir was a very hard working and determined man. The fact that he overcomes the struggles of his life to accomplish all that he did makes him an to do on sunday in public even more remarkable man.

I think that it is great that there is a man that would speak out for such a wonderful thing like nature in a time where people didn't care. Why Study Law Personal! He has accomplished so much in

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Communication Skills: Speaking and Listening. It is more fun to to do on sunday in public, talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like What about lunch? Effective spoken communication requires being able to Buying condo hua hin, express your ideas and views clearly, confidently and concisely in speech, tailoring your content and style to the audience and promoting free-flowing communication. Be clear and concise. Places Homework On Sunday! Vary your tone, pace and Is college worth debate video, volume to enhance the Places to do homework in public communication and encourage questions Persuading and Negotiating Arriving at an agreement that is agreeable to both sides: a win:win situation. Back up your points with logic. Show tact to those you disagree with. Making a speech in front of an audience : presenting your message in an interesting way, structuring your presentation, using audio-visual aids effectively and Why study law personal statement, building a rapport with your audience.

Communicating effectively in a team Ask for help when you need it. Research suggests that asking for Places homework in public help with something (within reason) makes you more liked by the person you ask! Some people talk to Why study law personal, animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem . Winnie the Places to do homework on sunday Pooh.

Make effective use of body language and speech. Be sensitive to the other person's body language as well as what they say: eye contact, gestures, appropriate humour and analogies. Use appropriate body language yourself: face the person with an open, attentive posture and limits answers, maintain good eye contact (look at the speaker a lot, but don't stare all the homework time), smiling and How to write a narrative essay, nod your head from time to time. The “Top Ten” Skills shortages among graduates. Source: Association of Graduate Recruiters “Skills for to do on sunday Graduates in the 21st Century” Listen More Than You Talk - Richard Branson Be aware of any prejudices or misconceptions you or the speaker may have. Good listening builds a rapport and an assignment condo, understanding with the speaker and allows them to freely express their views. It motivates them to say more. Poor listening makes assumptions, creates resistance and hostility, demotivates the speaker, inhibits their development and creates dependence on the listener.

Use ACTIVE LISTENING. These reflect back what the speaker is saying in other words to clarify understanding: you paraphrase and repeat back key points. They may summarise and bring new interpretations to the speakers words. They show you're listening carefully and checks you are understanding correctly what they are saying allowing the speaker to confirm or correct your feedback. Places Homework On Sunday In Public! They encourage the speaker to elaborate and to Is college worth the cost video, define their problems.

It is to do homework, often the most useful way of giving positive feedback to someone : I hear what you're saying and take it seriously. You can't keep saying uh-huh or yes for too long without it sounding false. Empathy means being open to the ideas of others and write essay in research proposal, sensitive to their values and feelings : trying to see things from the other person's perspective. Homework! It is law personal statement, about demonstrating that you understand , that you can listen from other person's point of view and reflect their meaning Each individual has a unique perspective which should be valued. Places To Do Homework On Sunday! We each occupy our own private world and never completely know what's going on inside other people's minds. Be prepared to disclose your own feelings and beliefs to encourage others to write a narrative essay, do the same: be open with other people. Questioning and gathering information.

Demand simple yes or no answers with no chance to elaborate. Limit the gathering of information, fail to explore possibilities and get overly simple answers. Places To Do! They typically start with : Could . Answers! Couldn't . Homework On Sunday In Public! Should . Would . How To Essay Introduction In Research Proposal! Have . Are . Is . Homework In Public! Will . They can sometimes be useful for quick checking of with facts or to show that you have been listening carefully to the other person: Now if I understood you correctly you meant that . These are similar to in public, closed questions. They predict a particular answer and should be avoided. These can sometimes be good for analysis but may demotivate the interviewee from talking. These are prompts to get the other person to talk about a topic They require longer, more detailed detailed answers , produce more, better quality information and write, open up possibilities. Places To Do Homework In Public! They help the person crystallise their thoughts and an assignment condo hua hin, help you to understand their views, feelings and Places to do in public, attitudes. They may start with: How . Condo! ? When . Where . What . Which . To Do! Why . Who . Stats Homework Answers! What . Homework! If . These delve more deeply into the interviewee's answers, and allow you to dig down to reach the introduction important information. These are hypothetical questions These questions are used precisely because it's impossible to work out on sunday, your answer beforehand, thus it tests your ability to Do pre calc with answers, think quickly, and in public, reason logically. How would you deal with a staff member caught stealing a packet of biscuits from the shop? How would you deal with an calc limits answers, irate customer?

These reflect back what the homework on sunday speaker is saying in Stats other words to clarify understanding: you paraphrase and repeat back key points. They may summarise and bring new interpretations to the speakers words. Places Homework! They show you're listening carefully and checks you are understanding correctly what they are saying allowing the speaker to confirm or correct your feedback. They encourage the speaker to elaborate and to define their problems. These questions are provocative. Often, they reflect the opposite How to write essay introduction in research proposal, view to the real view of the questioner and can lure out any hidden prejudices you may have. If you have a difficult or complex question , introduce it first with I know this will be tough to answer so please take your time . This is more likely to elicit a considered response and doesn't put the other person on the defensive. Ask your question and try to stay silent until you get an answer: the longer it takes to get answer, the on sunday more powerful the answer is likely to Why study statement, be.

The university of the present is hypermodernised and characterised as diversified, liquefied, globalised, edgeless, marketised and Places on sunday, technologised. Source THES A statistically risible exercise in neoliberal populism. (U niversity of Brighton) While I am open to the initial nature of an assignment, I am decidedly disposed that it be so oriented as to at least partially incorporate the Is college the cost video experience enjoyed heretofore and that it be configured so as to ultimately lead to the application of more rarefied facets of to do homework on sunday in public financial management as the major sphere of responsibility. Ask yourself exactly what you want to condo, gain from the conversation : a lack of to do clarity can lead to How to a literature essay proposal, confusion and poor decisions. Asking clarifying questions : How?, Why?, When?, Who?, What?, Where?, will help the other person crystallise their thoughts. Summarise the main points in simple language. Get the other person's agreement that your summary is Places to do on sunday in public, accurate. Define the problem and then move the focus to the solution : separate the points that relate to the problem and those that relate to the solution. Agree on the action you will both take : even if this is that there will be no action. Homework! ` A survey of to do in public managers by the Institute of Leadership found that the most most irritating jargon/management speak phrases were thinking outside the box , going forward and let's touch base , so try to limits answers, avoid such phrases when applying for jobs. Use simple words and clear unambiguous language.

Be succinct: take time and effort to homework on sunday in public, distill ideas to essay, an absolute minimum. Make simple points that everyone agrees on. NOT: We need to incentivize our best of homework in public breed to Why study law personal, think outside the box in Places focusing our core competencies on mission critical key deliverables. BUT: We should motivate our staff to use their skills on important tasks . For help with removing jargon see the Plain English Campaign. Feedback has also been called constructive criticism . Only give feedback if the gain will exceed the pain : only use it for important things.

Praise more than you criticise! Identifying and developing strengths is more effective than focusing too much on negatives. Constructive criticism which shows the person how they can improve. Is College The Cost! Not Debbie was hopeless! , but Debbie made some very useful contributions but her voice was a bit quiet. I couldn't hear her very well, so she needs to raise her voice a bit in to do in public future. It's a good idea to ask permission: Do you mind if I give you some feedback? . The Cost! This gives the person time to prepare. Try to give feedback immediately : on the spot if possible: it's most effective when fresh in the person's mind. The more quickly it is given the Places on sunday in public more relevance and Do pre with, power it will have. Be direct and honest.

Get quickly to the point, don't have long and embarrasing introductions, although starting with some genuine praise based on what the person has actually done will help (see the praise sandwich below). Give feedback in private if at Places to do homework, all possible, it's insensitive to do this in front of others. Focus on the most concrete and recent example Stick to a single clear issue, don't pack in too much criticism as this can be disheartening. Don't repeat the same point over and over: this will just build up resentment. Only criticise behaviours that can be changed : You need to improve your computing skills rather than You're stupid ! Give feedback on a person's behaviour not about the person themselves. Give accurate descriptions of behaviour not comments about the person's qualities and worth as an individual: You have been late for work a lot in the last month rather than : You're lazy ! Don't compare the write essay introduction in research person with other people , as this can build jealousy: Jane is always punctual Use I not You statements: I feel upset not You made me feel upset. Use specific examples.

Don't say You're hopeless at this , say We need to give you training on Places in public how to do this ! describe the behaviour describe your reaction explain why you feel this way show you understand what's behind their behaviour suggest a different way of law personal statement behaving Stick to facts : describe behaviour but also what happened as a result. To Do On Sunday In Public! The best decisions are those people reach for themselves. Try not to tell the other person directly what they should and shouldn't do. An Assignment Condo Hua Hin! Let them explore their behaviour and in public, say themselves what needs to be done. This avoids the build up of resentment. Allow the criticised person to express any concerns they may have. How To Write In Research! Use tentative words such as sometimes and perhaps rather than always and never: these allow the other person to avoid argument by saying that always is not strictly true.

Keep your emotions under control . At the end, Check understanding: Does what I've said make sense to you? and homework, summarise what you've agreed . Talk openly about your own concerns if necessary. Include positive comments . With Answers! The praise sandwich can be an effective way to give criticism to someone without alienating them: First make a positive statement to to do homework on sunday, the person: I think you are really trying your best Then the criticism But you need to structure your essay more logically. Make another positive statement to finish However it's a very good first attempt Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. There are two types of people who don't say much: those who are quiet and those who talk a lot. You can close more business in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by the cost debate video, trying to get people interested in you.

Tell people something they have done that you like or what you like about them. Give them thank s if they have done something for you. Even a simple thank you can make a big difference. Give encouragement . If someone is not sure that they are able to do something, give them encouragement if you think they can do it. Describe positive behaviour and it's effect in concrete terms I really appreciate how you took the time to . Respond to praise by thanking the Places homework on sunday person.

Being able to Do pre calc with answers, say sorry if you have done something wrong, but in an assertive rather than a passive way. Malcolm Gladwell: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Researchers at the University of Arizona Washington University tracked conversations of 79 students. They assessed how many conversations were trivial and how many substantive, based on whether the Places homework information exchanged was banal: “Hot today isn't it?” or more serious: “I'm really worried about her relationship with him . ”. The authors suggest that adding five substantive conversations to your weekly social calendar could boost your spirits dramatically. “Just as self-disclosure can instill a sense of intimacy in a relationship, deep conversations may instill a sense of Why study law personal statement meaning in the interaction partners.” Should be two way with both parties equally involved and interested. It is a shared experience. It is a partnership like a dance: you respond to each other's movements and are both winners. To Do On Sunday In Public! Build them around respect: t reat other people the way you want to be treated yourself. How To A Literature Introduction Proposal! The atmosphere should feel comfortable: like plants, conversations need good ground to take root and flourish.

Talk about mainly positive things. People who talk about good news tend to cheer people up whereas people who always talk in negatives tend to Places to do in public, depress the people they are talking to! Obviously there must be a balance, as sometimes we must talk about unhappy events, but make sure you don't do this too much. You wion't go far wrong if you use the old adage: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! There should be a willingness to be open on both sides. Each person has the Why study law personal opportunity to express their point of view and feelings. Relationships develop through conversations where we open up and exchange details to create closeness. Always address someone by their first name if you know this.

It shows that you are treating them as an individual. A good conversation makes a difference ; something useful happens and it has a satisfying conclusion. Places To Do On Sunday In Public! Nod your head from time to homework, time to encourage the Places to do homework on sunday speaker. Leave spaces: stay silent for a few seconds. Don't talk for too long: our attention only worth debate, lasts a few minutes before we need a break. Places To Do Homework On Sunday! Cut your story into bite sized chunks to allow breathing space.

Make descriptions specific : don't generalise or use cliches. Be precise and concrete. Ask the speaker to elaborate on major points. Regularly summarising can improve the quality and accuracy of your conversations. Feed brief summaries back into the conversation. When starting conversations show that you value the other person's attention: I'd really like your opinion about . We make guesses and assumptions rather than listening properly. Assumption is the Buying enemy of good communication; we assume that the other person is just like us. Avoid prejudice and presumption. Similarities between people make communication possible, but differences make it worthwhile.

We score points off each other and Places on sunday in public, apply pressure. Our opinions and feelings are denied: we feel under attack, ignored, patronised, put down and threatened. Progression of conversations with people you don't know. The fundamentals of How to a literature in research proposal conversation haven't changed much in 200 years. Even then there was a progression from small talk to more serious topics: The hindrance thrown in the way of a very speedy intimacy . prevented their doing more than going through the first rudiments of an to do homework in public, acquaintance, by informing themselves how well the other liked Bath, how much she admired its buildings and surrounding country, whether she drew, or played, or sang, and Is college debate video, whether she was fond of riding on horseback. On Sunday In Public! Northanger Abbey by Stats online, Jane Austen. Managing turn-taking when talking to another person. First the speaker makes eye contact The speaker then looks away whilst speaking but makes eye contact from time to time to see whether listener wants their turn to speak If the listener doesn't want to speak they will nod or break eye contact or say something like uh huh or yes

If the listener wants to to take their turn to Places to do homework on sunday in public, speak they will look the speaker in Buying an assignment hua hin the eye or lean forward or perhaps raise their finger in the air. Research found that what you say about others reveals as much about about you as the person you are describing. A person's tendency to describe other people in positive terms is an important indicator of the to do on sunday in public positivity of the person's own personality. Students who rate their peers positively were found to be trustworthy, nice, enthusiastic, happy, kind-hearted, courteous, capable and emotionally stable . They reported greater life satisfaction, less depression, better grades and were more liked by others. They were seen as being agreeable and conscientious. Women tended to Stats online, rate others more positively than men. Those with negative opinions of others were more apt to be disagreeable , antisocial and narcissistic and were more likely to be depressed and to have personality disorders. “You stand to learn a number of things about a person from just observing whether the on sunday person describes others positively or not. Your words could reveal a lot about your own personality traits.” said Dustin Wood, assistant psychology professor.

Dustin Wood, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010; vol 99: pp 174-190. Here are answers to the sort of question you might get on application forms or at interview to test your communication skills. Getting involved in a debating society. Working as a receptionist in a vacation job. I had a lot of trouble managing my finances during my first year at University. I ignored the first couple of letters from the bank manager but eventually I had to Why study, meet her to explain the homework on sunday in public situation and persuade her to let me run quite a large overdraft until the end of the academic year. Before I went to Is college worth the cost debate, see the bank manager, I drew up a cash flow forecast to Places homework on sunday, show how I would economise through the rest of the Is college the cost debate video year how much I would still need to to do homework on sunday in public, spend on essentials. I also found a job in Why study law personal a pub for two evenings a week. The bank manager was very impressed with my figures and let me have a larger overdraft than I'd expected! With my part-time job and another job in the summer vacation I managed to pay off the overdraft by the start of to do on sunday in public my second year. I won't say that I've never been in debt since because its quite hard to manage as a student, but I've never let my finances get out of control again.

How have you used your communication skills to persuade others to follow your lead? I have been involved with the Parent-Teacher Association at the local primary school since my elder son first started there. The PTA organises a number of fund-raising events which have involved me in persuading people to buy raffle tickets, display posters in calc with answers shop windows, donate prizes, etc. Three years ago, the PTA produced a book to mark the school's 25th anniversary and, as a member of the on sunday editorial committee, I helped to decide on Stats homework answers the content and format of this book. The school governors wanted an homework, official history, but I represented the Why study law personal PTA in arguing that a collection of reminiscences of past pupils would be more readable and saleable.

This was agreed and Places to do, we then contacted ex-pupils through mailshots based on old school registers and features in the local newspaper and on Buying condo local radio. The response was excellent and the only problem was in sifting and editing the letters we were sent. I then negotiated with local printers to find the best quote and. persuaded local shops of all kinds (not just booksellers) to sell the publication. See our competencies page for more about homework on sunday, how to answer these types of question. Teamworking skills Interactive exercise and tips for group work exercises in assessment centres. Making a presentation Persuading, influencing and negotiating skills Leadership skills including a leadership styles exercise Interview skills Telephone interviews Competency-based interviews Body language in interviews Quiz on non-verbal communication.

Assertiveness in interviews 150 common interview questions and how to answer them Practice interviews. What can I do with my degree. These pages are copyright of the Why study University of Kent Careers and Places to do on sunday, Employability Service. The information and advice given in these pages is an assignment hua hin, primarily for the benefit of University of homework Kent students and graduates. You are most welcome to law personal statement, link to these pages but should not use content in other ways without our permission.

Page maintained by Bruce Woodcock Please email me if you wish to make any suggestions which would improve our services.

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Essay on the Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy. Essay on the Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy – The term “bureaucracy” finds its origin from the French word “bureau” which means desk, and a government which is in public run from table is called a bureaucratic government. The word implies a particular system of How to a literature in research proposal, administration. Historically, it has been associated with the rule of Places on sunday in public, government and governmental officials. In this form of the government there is concentration of answers online, power in the hands of departments. Sociologists regard bureaucracy as a form of administration that is found in formal organisations pursuing a wide variety of to do, goals. As a technical term in sociology, “bureaucracy” is a narrative report associated with Max Weber.

He gave it a precise definition and suggested that it was the best administrative form for to do in public the rational pursuit of organisational goals. Image Source: Definition of Bureaucracy : Bureaucracy is “a type of law personal statement, hierarchical organisation which is designed rationally to co-ordinate the work of many individuals in pursuit of Places on sunday in public, large scale administrative tasks.” Weber also said that “bureaucracies are organised according to rational principles, officials ranked in a hierarchical order and operations are characterised by impersonal rules.” 2. Talcott Parsons: “The relatively large-scale organisations with specialised functions loosely tend to be called bureaucracies.” 3. Wallace and Wallace: “Bureaucracies are large-scale formal organisations which are highly differentiated and organised through elaborate policies and procedures in a hierarchy of authority.”

Weber – The Prime Architect of the Buying an assignment hua hin “Theory of Bureaucracy” : Weber is the first sociologist to analyse the functioning of bureaucracy from the sociological point of view. Weber’s theory of Places to do homework on sunday in public, bureaucracy is a significant contribution to the field of Buying an assignment condo, sociology. Weber’s interest in the nature of power and authority and his realisation of the inevitability of ration­alisation in on sunday the operation of write essay, large-scale modern organisations – led him to establish a “theory of bureaucracy.” Weber felt that the operation of to do on sunday, modern large-scale enterprises or organisations in the political, administrative, and economic fields would be impossible without bureaucracy. Bureaucratic co-ordination of activities is the write a narrative distinctive mark of the modern era, he maintained. According to Weber, bureaucracy refers to an instrument that has become indispensable “for the rational attainment of the to do homework on sunday in public goals of any organisation in worth the cost debate industrial society.” Bureaucracies can be understood as large-scale formal organisations of the modern society with specialised functions. Bureaucratisation and rationalisation go together, because bureaucracies are organised according to rational principles. Characteristics of Bureaucracy : Max Weber was the first to give a detailed sociological account of the development of bureauc­racy. According to to do on sunday, him, bureaucracy reveals the online following characteristics. 1. To Do Homework On Sunday In Public! Fixed Official Jurisdiction Area:

Bureaucracies normally have their own official fixed jurisdiction. Bureaucracy consists of various statuses each of which has its own fixed official duties. There are clear cut written rules governing each status. 2. Hierarchy of Authority: Bureaucracy has its own hierarchy of report, statuses. To Do! Officials who occupy these statuses are governed by the principle of super-ordination and subordination. There is the Is college worth debate supervision of the lower offices by the higher ones.

3. Clear-cut Division of Labour: The entire task of the bureaucratic system is governed by a stipulated system of Places on sunday, division of labour. Who should do what work and who should shoulder what responsibility is homework decided by this system. 4. Appointment Based on Eligibility: Bureaucracy has its own system of selecting employees and to do homework giving them promotions on the basis of seniority, technical competence, specialised knowledge or skill. 5. Fixed Salary, Allowance and Pension: The officials of the bureaucracy are paid monthly salary and other types of allowances and a literature pensions as per the written rules.

6. Office and Maintenance of Files: Bureaucracy as an organisation functions through an Places homework in public, office wherein all the an assignment matters and transactions relating to to do homework in public, its area of operation are maintained in the form of files. It has a system of written documents defining its procedures and manner of functioning. 7. Appointment of officials on Buying hua hin, full time and long term service basis: Appointment of officials in a bureaucracy is normally made by to do in public, the higher officials and not by election. Normally the position of the bureaucrat is held for life as specified by the contract or order. 8. Difference between private matter and official issues: The officials of the bureaucracy are expected to make a clear distinction between the Why study statement official issues and pure private or personal matters. They are not entitled to make use of official facilities for personal needs except as defined by written rules.

9. Supervision of work by higher officials: Officials of the bureaucracy are expected to Places on sunday, work according to the written rules. Still there is the system of supervision of the write a narrative report work of lower officials by the higher officials. 10. Systematisation of official relations with officials: The officials of bureaucracy maintain contact and communication among themselves in a particular way. Orders and communications among them always proceed through “proper channels.” 11. Political Neutrality: Officials of Places homework, bureaucracy are expected to be very objective in the official discharge of essay in research, business. They are expected to Places to do homework on sunday, be politically neutral in their dealings.

12. Guidance by past procedures: Bureaucrats are mostly guided by the past procedures. A good bureaucrat is How to essay report one who always tries to be upto date with the subject with which not only Places to do homework in public, he is dealing at present but he may be required to deal at any subsequent stage. The characteristics stated above, cannot be found in any existing bureaucracy in their true or complete form. Never before in history such bureaucracies existed. Worth The Cost Video! As Max Weber has said, the Places homework on sunday concept of bureaucracy associated with these rules represents the “ideal types.” The existing bu­reaucracies or any particular instance of a bureaucracy can only be compared with or evaluated in relation to this ideal type. Is College! Weber was quite aware of the increasing importance of the bureaucracies in the modern world. Factors Contributing to the Development of Bureaucracy : Bureaucracies did exist in Places to do homework on sunday in public the ancient world in the great empires of India, China, Rome, Greece, Egypt and so on.

They are found today. As Weber has rightly prophesied the importance of bureauc­racy has reached immeasurable proportions in the modern world. According to Weber, following factors contributed a great deal to How to write a narrative essay report, the development of modern bureaucracy. (i) The development of to do homework on sunday in public, money economy guarantees a constant income for maintaining bureauc­racy through a system of taxation. (ii) Modern industries and states which require a big army of administrative officials necessi­tated bureaucracy. (iii) Qualitative changes in the administrative tasks also led to bureaucratisation. Modern states which claim themselves to be “welfare states” have to How to a literature essay, maintain an elaborate system of transport and communication including mass media. They naturally tend towards bureau­cratic system. (iv) Bureaucracy as a form of organisation seems to on sunday in public, be technically superior to any other form of organisation.

(v) Demand for objective experts: The modern culture demands “the personally detached and strictly objective experts.” This nature of the modern culture encourages the Buying hua hin development of bureaucracy. (vi) Mass Democracy: Modern political parties are functioning on to do homework in public, a mass scale which necessi­tates bureaucracies. (vii) Concentration of material means: The development of big capitalist enterprises and the giant public organisations such as the Stats homework answers state or army require the modern bureaucratic system. (viii) Rational interpretation of law: Modern states guarantee to their citizens equality before law. It is a guarantee against arbitrariness.

This has given rise to the bureaucratic form of administration and judiciary. Functional and Dysfunctional Aspects of Bureaucracy. Positive or Functional Aspects of Bureaucracy: 1. Bureaucracy provides opportunity for division of labour: Some of the Places to do homework on sunday modern organisations consist of lakhs and millions of members. Such organisations are institutionalised through bureaucracies.

2. Performance of complicated tasks: Some of the complicated tasks of the modern society such as, conducting census, capturing criminals, collecting taxes, arranging for voting in elections, etc. are more efficiently undertaken in bureaucracy. 3. Performance of repetitive tasks: Some of the modern bureaucracies, for example, industrial corporations, universities, advertising agencies, etc. regularly repeat their work. Modern bureaucra­cies have been able to perform that work without much difficulty.

4. Maintenance of law and order: There are certain organisations [such as police, court, army, temple or church, religion, college, etc.] that deal with people’s actions in a normative manner. Write Report! Here the right type of behaviour is to be encouraged and the wrong type is too regulated. Bureaucratic method is better suited to do this. 5. Mobilisation of resources and their rightful usage:

The heads or the leaders of the state could mobilise and centralise material resources and make necessary arrangements for their most effective use only through bureaucracy. In feudal times, for example, power was dispersed in a variety of centres. Only through bureau­cratic machinery at present economic resources are being mobilised while in the pre-modern age they remained untapped or improperly managed. “Bureaucratic organisation is to Weber, the privileged instrumentality that has shaped the modern polity, the modern economy, the modern technology.” Just as a machine production is superior to hand-made articles so the Places to do in public bureaucratic types of with answers, organisation are technically superior to all other forms of administration. 6. Control of the waste of time: In comparison with any other type of Places homework in public, organisation bureaucracy has been found to be less expensive, less conflicting and more efficient and useful.

Negative Aspects or Dysfunctional Aspects of essay, Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy has its own ugly face. It has its own demerits and Weber, the champion of the on sunday in public theory of bureaucracy, was aware of this. Abraham and Morgan have stated: “Having granted its virtues and its unquestionable advancement of modern society, Weber was the first to concede the vices of bureaucracy.” Some of the main drawbacks or dysfunctions of bureaucracy may be enlisted here. 1. Static Rules for Dynamic Situations:

The unchanging static rules of bureaucracy many a time fail in Is college worth debate its very purpose of serving the human needs. Bureaucracy becomes dysfunctional when the rules remain static even while the social situations undergo fast changes. 2. Unnecessary Waste of Time and Redtapism: Since there is a hierarchical arrangement in this system every paper or file is to pass through several stages before a final decision is taken. This delay leads to waste of time and sometimes to unwanted consequences. 3. Quarrel among Officials: As Dahrendorf has pointed out junior and senior officials of bureaucracy always quarrel among themselves lowering its dignity and efficiency.

In fact, this quarrel among these officials has necessitated the beginning of trade unions. 4. Blind Rules and Uncreative Officials: Officials of the bureaucracy become rule bound and Places to do on sunday extremely formal. They act according to the written rules, and verbally stick on to them. “The uniform and How to write essay introduction in research proposal rational procedures of bureaucratic practice largely prevent spontaneity, creativity and individual initiative. The impersonality of official conduct tends to produce “specialists without spirit. Weber also wrote: “It is horrible to think that the world would one day be filled with little cogs, little men clinging to little jobs and striving towards the bigger ones. 5. Ever Expanding Army of Employees: Bureaucracy goes on expanding and new members are recruited regularly whether there is a need for the same or not. Hence it becomes expensive at one time; officials who become lethargic give more importance to their salary, promotion, increments, allowances, facilities, etc. rather than to the services. 6. Human Relations are made to become Mechanical:

Too much of bureaucratisation leads to depersonalisation. As a result, human relations become extremely mechanical devoid of human touch. Places To Do Homework In Public! Weber too had foreseen “the possibility of men trapped in their specialised routines with little awareness of the relationship between their jobs and the organisation as a whole.” 7. Bureaucracy unsuited to Face Emergencies: Officials of the bureaucracy find it difficult to face an emergency situation. They search for solutions only within the framework of existing rules and procedures and write a narrative essay report do not take the risk of facing the to do homework challenges. 8. Other Disadvantages or Deficiencies: (a) Bureaucracies become corrupt and puppets in the hands of the vested interests: Since bureaucrats have vast powers, vested interests try to corrupt them and provide them all tempta­tions to get decisions in their favour. Ex.: The Tehalka Dotcom episode which has rocked the Indian Parliamentary discussions during the recent days is an example in this regard.

(b) Bureaucracies tending to exist even after the achievement of their goals: Ex.: Bureaucratic committee formed to offer famine relief or flood relief, or earthquake relief to the people may continue to exist even after the settlement of the problem. It is said that bureaucrats are new despots. Since they have knowledge and expertise, they wish that even decision should be taken to answers online, suit their whims and Places on sunday in public wishes. Usually bureaucrats come from educated families and enjoy certain social prestige and economic privileges.

After joining services they enjoy more of it. How To Write Essay! They thus suffer from superiority complex. Weber who had recognised some of the dysfunctions of bureaucracy also knew about its inevi­tability. Bureaucracy today has come to stay. We have to find out ways and means of making it more efficient and less problematic. In the absence of any other alternative, it seems that the Places to do on sunday present bureaucracy will reign supreme in the years to come. Weber argued that the bureaucratisation of the modern world has led to its depersonalisation. The more fully it is realised the more it depersonalises itself. The bureaucrats may function as “emotionally detached” “professional experts.” The bureaucrat functions to the exclusion of feelings and sentiments, of love and hatred in the execution of official tasks.

According to Weber, bureaucratisation and rationalisation are almost an Stats answers, “inescapable fate.” Like a reformist, Weber hoped that some charismatic leader might arise in future to provide some relief to mankind which is gripped by the tentacles of bureaucracy. Like Marx, he never visualised an emancipator struggle or revolution that would help them to become free from the shackles of bureaucracy. Weber thought it more probable that “the future would be an ‘iron cage’ rather than a Garden of Eden.” Welcome to! Our mission is to provide an Places to do on sunday, online platform to help students to Is college debate, discuss anything and everything about Essay.

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