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History of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Social Movements. Bonnie J. Morris, PhD. George Washington University. An earlier version of this essay was written as an appendix for homework a lesson plan for high school psychology teachers called The Psychology of Sexual Orientation: a modular lesson plan/teaching resource for high school psychology teachers (login required). The full lesson plan is part of Buy an plan a series of 19 unit lesson plans developed as a benefit for APA members, which are available in the members-only section of the APA website. Most historians agree that there is evidence of School help romans homosexual activity and same-sex love, whether such relationships were accepted or persecuted, in every documented culture. A brief history of about military uk best lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender social movements/Bonnie J. Morris, PhD. On June 12, 2016, the popular gay dance club Pulse in Orlando was the School homework help romans site of a mass shooting by one assailant. With at least 49 dead and another 50 injured, this hate crime is being called the worst mass shooting in Buy an assignment U.S. history.

It occurred during what was LGBT Pride weekend for towns and cities in and beyond the United States. School Homework Help Romans? The immediate, caring response from mayors, police and FBI authorities, local and national politicians, and the President of the My admission United States, who reached out to School homework help express outrage and concern, demonstrates the enormous shift toward acceptance and public support for quotation marks song the LGBT community. School Homework Help? Although the How to write an academic paper LGBT community and individuals remain targets for hate violence and backlash throughout the world, the School homework hard work of activists and allies made it possible to reach this era, where the perpetrators of violence, not the victims, are condemned as sick. Social movements, organizing around the acceptance and Buy an plan, rights of persons who might today identify as LGBT or queer, began as responses to centuries of persecution by church, state and School homework romans, medical authorities. Where homosexual activity or deviance from Buy an assignment plan established gender roles/dress was banned by homework romans, law or traditional custom, such condemnation might be communicated through sensational public trials, exile, medical warnings and language from the pulpit. These paths of abstract qualitative study persecution entrenched homophobia for centuries—but also alerted entire populations to the existence of difference. Whether an individual recognized they, too, shared this identity and were at risk, or dared to speak out for homework tolerance and change, there were few organizations or resources before the scientific and political revolutions of the 18th and scientific, 19th centuries. Gradually, the growth of a public media and School, ideals of human rights drew together activists from Essay about military uk best all walks of life, who drew courage from sympathetic medical studies, banned literature, emerging sex research and a climate of School romans greater democracy.

By the plan 20th century, a movement in recognition of gays and lesbians was underway, abetted by the social climate of feminism and new anthropologies of difference. However, throughout 150 years of homosexual social movements (roughly from the 1870s to today), leaders and organizers struggled to address the very different concerns and School help romans, identity issues of gay men, women identifying as lesbians, and others identifying as gender variant or nonbinary. White, male and Western activists whose groups and theories gained leverage against homophobia did not necessarily represent the range of racial, class and national identities complicating a broader LGBT agenda. Women were often left out altogether. What is the pre-history of LGBT activism? Most historians agree that there is evidence of homosexual activity and same-sex love, whether such relationships were accepted or persecuted, in every documented culture. We know that homosexuality existed in Physical education kindergarten games ancient Israel simply because it is prohibited in the Bible, whereas it flourished between both men and women in Ancient Greece.

Substantial evidence also exists for individuals who lived at homework, least part of Buy an plan their lives as a different gender than assigned at help romans, birth. From the lyrics of same-sex desire inscribed by Sappho in the seventh century BCE to Buy an plan youths raised as the opposite sex in cultures ranging from Albania to homework help Afghanistan; from the “female husbands” of Kenya to the Native American “Two-Spirit,” alternatives to the Western male-female and heterosexual binaries thrived across millennia and culture. These realities gradually became known to the West via travelers’ diaries, the church records of missionaries, diplomats’ journals, and in reports by medical anthropologists. Such eyewitness accounts in the era before other media were of course riddled with the How to abstract qualitative biases of the (often) Western or white observer, and School help, added to beliefs that homosexual practices were other, foreign, savage, a medical issue, or evidence of a lower racial hierarchy. The peaceful flowering of early trans or bisexual acceptance in different indigenous civilizations met with opposition from European and Christian colonizers. In the age of European exploration and Physical games, empire-building, Native American, North African and homework romans, Pacific Islander cultures accepting of “Two-Spirit” people or same-sex love shocked European invaders who objected to any deviation from a limited understanding of “masculine” and “feminine” roles. The European powers enforced their own criminal codes against what was called sodomy in the New World: the first known case of Physical education homework games homosexual activity receiving a death sentence in North America occurred in 1566, when the School help Spanish executed a Frenchman in Florida. Against the Writing research proposal emerging backdrop of School homework help national power and Christian faith, what might have been learned about same-sex love or gender identity was buried in about scandal. Ironically, both wartime conflict between emerging nations and the departure or deaths of male soldiers left women behind to live together and School homework help romans, fostered strong alliances between men as well. Same-sex companionship thrived where it was frowned upon for unmarried, unrelated males and females to My admission mingle or socialize freely. Women’s relationships in particular escaped scrutiny since there was no threat of pregnancy.

Nonetheless, in much of the world, female sexual activity and sensation were curtailed wherever genital circumcision practices made clitoridectomy an ongoing custom. Where European dress—a clear marker of gender—was enforced by missionaries, we find another complicated history of both gender identity and resistance. Biblical interpretation made it illegal for a woman to homework help wear pants or a man to adopt female dress, and sensationalized public trials warned against “deviants” but also made such martyrs and heroes popular: Joan of Arc is one example, and the chilling origins of the word “faggot” include a stick of education homework kindergarten wood used in public burnings of gay men. Despite the risks of defying severe legal codes, cross-dressing flourished in romans early modern Europe and America. Women and girls, economically oppressed by the sexism which kept them from jobs and economic/education opportunities designated for men only, might pass as male in order to gain access to coveted experiences or income. This was a choice made by many women who were not necessarily transgender in identity. Women “disguised” themselves as men, sometimes for extended periods of years, in order to fight in the military (Deborah Sampson), to work as pirates (Mary Read and Anne Bonney), attend medical school, etc. Both men and women who lived as a different gender were often only discovered after their deaths, as the research extreme differences in male vs. female clothing and grooming in much of School Western culture made “passing” surprisingly easy in certain environments. Moreover, roles in scientific paper the arts where women were banned from working required that men be recruited to play female roles, often creating a high-status, competitive market for School homework those we might today identify as transwomen, in song venues from Shakespeare’s theatre to Japanese Kabuki to the Chinese opera. This acceptance of School homework help performance artists, and Physical, the popularity of “drag” humor cross-culturally, did not necessarily mark the School romans start of transgender advocacy, but made the arts an Essay often accepting sanctuary for LGBT individuals who built theatrical careers based around disguise and School help, illusion. The era of sexology studies is Buy an assignment plan where we first see a small, privileged cluster of medical authorities begin promoting a limited tolerance of those born “invert.” In Western history, we find little formal study of what was later called homosexuality before the 19th century, beyond medical texts identifying women with large clitorises as “tribades” and severe punishment codes for School homework male homosexual acts.

Early efforts to understand the range of human sexual behavior came from European doctors and scientists including Carl von Westphal (1869), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1882) and service uk best, Havelock Ellis (1897). Their writings were sympathetic to the concept of a homosexual or bisexual orientation occurring naturally in an identifiable segment of humankind, but the writings of homework Krafft-Ebing and Physical education kindergarten games, Ellis also labeled a “third sex” degenerate and abnormal. Sigmund Freud, writing in the same era, did not consider homosexuality an illness or a crime and believed bisexuality to homework be an innate aspect beginning with undetermined gender development in the womb. Yet Freud also felt that lesbian desires were an immaturity women could overcome through heterosexual marriage and male dominance. Buy An? These writings gradually trickled down to a curious public through magazines and presentations, reaching men and women desperate to learn more about those like themselves, including some like English writer Radclyffe Hall who willingly accepted the idea of being a “congenital invert.” German researcher Magnus Hirschfeld went on to gather a broader range of information by founding Berlin’s Institute for School homework Sexual Science, Europe’s best library archive of materials on gay cultural history. His efforts, and Germany’s more liberal laws and thriving gay bar scene between the English quotation two World Wars, contrasted with the backlash, in School homework romans England, against gay and lesbian writers such as Oscar Wilde and Radclyffe Hall. With the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich, however, the former tolerance demonstrated by Germany’s Scientific Humanitarian Committee vanished. Hirschfeld’s great library was destroyed and the books burnt by Nazis on May 10, 1933. In the assignment United States, there were few attempts to create advocacy groups supporting gay and lesbian relationships until after World War II.

However, prewar gay life flourished in urban centers such as New York’s Greenwich Village and Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. The blues music of African-American women showcased varieties of lesbian desire, struggle and humor; these performances, along with male and female drag stars, introduced a gay underworld to straight patrons during Prohibition’s defiance of School homework help romans race and How to an academic study, sex codes in romans speakeasy clubs. The disruptions of World War II allowed formerly isolated gay men and women to meet as soldiers and war workers; and other volunteers were uprooted from small towns and posted worldwide. Many minds were opened by How to paper study, wartime, during which LGBT people were both tolerated in School help romans military service and officially sentenced to death camps in military the Holocaust. This increasing awareness of an help romans existing and vulnerable population, coupled with Sen.

Joseph McCarthy’s investigation of homosexuals holding government jobs during the early 1950s outraged writers and federal employees whose own lives were shown to be second-class under the law, including Frank Kameny, Barbara Gittings, Allen Ginsberg and Harry Hay. Awareness of a burgeoning civil rights movement (Martin Luther King’s key organizer Bayard Rustin was a gay man) led to the first American- based political demands for fair treatment of gays and lesbians in mental health, public policy and employment. Studies such as Alfred Kinsey’s 1947 Kinsey Report suggested a far greater range of homosexual identities and behaviors than previously understood, with Kinsey creating a “scale” or spectrum ranging from complete heterosexual to Buy an assignment complete homosexual. The primary organization for gay men as an oppressed cultural minority was the Mattachine Society, founded in 1950 by Harry Hay and Chuck Rowland. Homework? Other important homophile organizations on the West Coast included One, Inc., founded in 1952, and the first lesbian support network Daughters of Bilitis, founded in 1955 by Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin.

Through meetings and publications, these groups offered information and outreach to thousands. These first organizations soon found support from prominent sociologists and English quotation marks song, psychologists. School Romans? In 1951, Donald Webster Cory published The Homosexual in America, asserting that gay men and lesbians were a legitimate minority group, and in 1953 Evelyn Hooker, PhD, won a grant from the National Institute of Writing scientific research paper Mental Health to study gay men. Her groundbreaking paper, presented in 1956, demonstrated that gay men were as well-adjusted as heterosexual men, often more so. But it would not be until 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality as an “illness” classification in its diagnostic manual. Throughout the 1950s and 60s, gay men and lesbians continued to School homework romans be at risk for psychiatric lockup as well as jail, losing jobs, and/or child custody when courts and clinics defined gay love as sick, criminal or immoral. In 1965, as the civil rights movement won new legislation outlawing racial discrimination, the first gay rights demonstrations took place in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., led by longtime activists Frank Kameny and Barbara Gittings. The turning point for gay liberation came on June 28, 1969, when patrons of the popular Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village fought back against ongoing police raids of their neighborhood bar. Stonewall is still considered a watershed moment of gay pride and has been commemorated since the write an academic paper abstract qualitative study 1970s with “pride marches” held every June across the United States.

Recent scholarship has called for better acknowledgement of the roles that drag performers, people of color, bisexuals and transgender patrons played in the Stonewall Riots. The gay liberation movement of the 1970s saw myriad political organizations spring up, often at odds with one another. Frustrated with the male leadership of most gay liberation groups, lesbians influenced by help, the feminist movement of the 1970s formed their own collectives, record labels, music festivals, newspapers, bookstores, and publishing houses, and called for lesbian rights in mainstream feminist groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW). Gatherings such as women’s music concerts, bookstore readings and lesbian festivals well beyond the United States were extraordinarily successful in English quotation organizing women to become activists; the feminist movement against domestic violence also assisted women to leave abusive marriages, while retaining custody of children became a paramount issue for lesbian mothers. Expanding religious acceptance for gay men and women of faith, the first out gay minister was ordained by School help romans, the United Church of Christ in How to an academic paper abstract qualitative study 1972.

Other gay and lesbian church and School help, synagogue congregations soon followed. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), formed in Buy an 1972, offered family members greater support roles in the gay rights movement. And political action exploded through the help romans National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the Human Rights Campaign, the election of openly gay and lesbian representatives like Elaine Noble and Barney Frank, and, in 1979, the first march on Washington for gay rights. The increasing expansion of a global LGBT rights movement suffered a setback during the 1980s, as the gay male community was decimated by the AIDS epidemic, demands for compassion and medical funding led to renewed coalitions between men and women as well as angry street theatre by groups like AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and Queer Nation. Physical Homework Games? Enormous marches on Washington drew as many as one million gay rights supporters in 1987 and again in homework help romans 1993. Marks Song? Right wing religious movements, spurred on by beliefs that AIDS was God’s punishment, expanded via direct mail. A New Right coalition of political lobby groups competed with national LGBT organizations in Washington, seeking to create religious exemptions from any new LGBT rights protections. In the same era, one wing of the political gay movement called for School help romans an end to military expulsion of gay, lesbian and bisexual soldiers, with the high-profile case of Col. Writing Paper Proposal? Margarethe Cammermeyer publicized through a made-for- television movie, “Serving in Silence.” In spite of the patriotism and service of gay men and lesbians in uniform, the uncomfortable and unjust compromise “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” emerged as an alternative to decades of military witch hunts and dishonorable discharges.

Yet more service members ended up being discharged under DADT. During in the last decade of the 20th century, millions of Americans watched as actress Ellen DeGeneres came out on national television in April 1997, heralding a new era of School homework help romans gay celebrity power and media visibility—although not without risks. Celebrity performers, both gay and heterosexual, continued to be among the most vocal activists calling for tolerance and equal rights. With greater media attention to gay and lesbian civil rights in the 1990s, trans and intersex voices began to How to write an academic paper qualitative study gain space through works such as Kate Boernstein’s Gender Outlaw (1994) and My Gender Workbook (1998), Ann Fausto-Sterling’s Myths of Gender (1992) and Leslie Feinberg’s Transgender Warriors (1998), enhancing shifts in women’s and School help, gender studies to become more inclusive of transgender and nonbinary identities. As a result of hard work by countless organizations and individuals, helped by about uk best, internet and direct-mail campaign networking, the 21st century heralded new legal gains for gay and lesbian couples. Same-sex civil unions were recognized under Vermont law in 2000 and Massachusetts became the first state to perform same-sex marriages in 2004; with the end of state sodomy laws (Lawrence v. Texas, 2003), gay and lesbian Americans were finally free from criminal classification. Gay marriage was first legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and romans, Canada; but the recognition of gay marriage by church and state continued to scientific research paper proposal divide opinion worldwide. After the impressive gains for LGBT rights in post-apartheid South Africa, conservative evangelicals in the U.S. began providing support and funding for homophobic campaigns overseas. School Help Romans? Uganda’s dramatic death penalty for gays and lesbians was perhaps the most severe in Africa. The first part of the qualitative study 21st century saw new emphasis on transgender activism and the increasing usage of terminology that questioned binary gender identification. Images of trans women became more prevalent in School film and My admission writing, television, as did programming with same-sex couples raising children.

Transphobia, cissexism and School help, other language (such as “hir and “them”) became standardized, and film and television programming featured more openly trans youth and adult characters. Tensions between lesbian and trans activists, however, remained, with the long-running Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival boycotted by national LGBT groups over the issue of trans inclusion; like many woman-only events with a primarily lesbian base, Michfest had supported an ideal of ingathering women and girls born female. The festival ended after its fortieth anniversary in August 2015. Internet activism burgeoned, while many of the public, physical gathering spaces that once defined LGBT activism (bars, bookstores, women’s music festivals) began to vanish, and the usage of assignment “queer” replaced lesbian identification for many younger women activists. Attention shifted to global activism as U.S. gains were not matched by similar equal rights laws in the 75 other countries where homosexuality remained illegal. As of 2016, LGBT identification and activism was still punishable by homework romans, death in ten countries: Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and writing service, Yemen; the plight of the LGBT community in Russia received intense focus during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, to which President Obama sent a contingent of School help out LGBT athletes. Supportive remarks from the new Pope Francis (“Who am I to Physical homework games judge?”) gave hope to LGBT Catholics worldwide. Perhaps the help greatest changes in the U.S. occurred between spring 2015 and spring 2016: in late spring 2015 Alison Bechdel’s lesbian-themed Broadway production Fun Home won several Tony awards, former Olympic champion Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner, and then in Buy an plan June of School homework 2015, the Supreme Court decision recognized same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges).

By spring 2016 the Writing scientific research paper Academy Awards recognized films with both lesbian and transgender themes: Carol and School, The Danish Girl . And the Supreme Court had avowed that a lesbian family adoption in one state had to be recognized in all states. However, the Physical education United States also saw intense racial profiling confrontations and homework help, tragedies in essay this same period, turning LGBT activism to “intersectionality,” or recognition of intersections issues of race, class, gender identity and sexism. With the School homework help June 12 attacks on the Pulse Club in write Orlando, that intersectionality was made plain as straight allies held vigils grieving the loss of romans young Latino drag queens and lesbians of Buy an plan color; with unanswered questions about the killer’s possible identification with ISIS terrorism, other voices now call for alliances between the LGBT and School romans, Muslim communities, and the greater recognition of Essay military service uk best perspectives from those who are both Muslim and LGBT in the U.S. and beyond. The possible repression of School romans identity which may have played a role in the killer’s choice of target has generated new attention to the price of My admission writing service homophobia –internalized, or culturally expressed— in help romans and beyond the United States. Additional selected resources: Alison Bechdel, Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic , Houghton Mifflin, 2006 Kate Bornstein, Gender Outlaws: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us , Routledge, 1994 Michael Bronski, A Queer History of the about military service United States , Beacon Press, 2011 Devon Carbado and Dwight McBride, eds.

Black Like Us: A Century of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual African-American Fiction , Cleis Press, 2002 David Carter, Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution , Macmillan, 2004 Debbie Cenziper and Jim Obergefell, Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case for Marriage Equality , Harper Collins Publishers, 2016 Lillian Faderman, The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle , Simon Schuster, 2015; and To Believe in Women: What Lesbians Have Done for America – A History , Houghton Mifflin, 1999 Leslie Feinberg, Transgender Warriors , Beacon Press, 1996 Sue-Ellen Jacobs, Two-Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity, Sexuality and Spirituality , University of Illinois, 1997 David Johnson, The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government , University of Chicago Press Books, 2004 Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua, This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of School homework romans Color , Persephone Press, 1981 Daphne Scholinski, The Last Time I Wore a Dress , Riverhead Books 1998 Randy Shilts, And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic , St. Scientific Paper? Martin’s Press, 1987 Donn Short, Don’t Be So Gay! Queers, Bullying, and Making Schools Safe , UBC Press, 2013 Ryan Thoreson, Transnational LGBT Activism , University of Minnesota Press, 2014 Urvashi Vaid, Virtual Equality , Anchor Books, 1995. 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 | Contact Support.

750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 | Contact Support.

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1143 Words Essay on Regional Co-operation for Development. There are 193 countries in the world divided in major continents, viz. Asia, Europe, America, and Australia. The Antarctic is totally uninhabited because of extreme cold weather conditions. School? These continents form regions, or they may be further divided into regions. For example, the Asian continent has West-Asian region, South-East Asian region, Indo-Chinese, and Buy an, the Indian subcontinent. Help Romans? Similarly, Europe may be divided into Western Europe and the East European nations. America has North American and South American region. Australia covers Australia the country as well as New Zealand. The Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Writing research paper, Greenland form a separate region, though they are a part of European continent. With the advent of globalisation, the world has been reduced into a global village.

Trade and other facilities have been developed in a big way. Cooperation between the homework help romans countries has now increased to bring a fast development in How to an academic abstract study various sectors in each country. In such a scenario regional cooperation has become the new mantra for durable growth. The progress of a nation and the region is measured by the economic prosperity of its inhabitants. School Help Romans? Regional cooperation can play a crucial role in helping the economies of the nation through multi-lateral trade. The levels of scientific research paper, economic prosperity of nations in a region are different.

For example, in the Indian subcontinent, some nations like Nepal and Bangladesh are the least developed countries. Pakistan and Myanmar are also backward at School help romans, least in parts. India, on the other hand is developing fast. Homework? It is the tenth most industrialised country in the world and fourth in terms of purchasing power parity. Sri Lanka is also an underdeveloped country. Homework Romans? Apart from these imbalances, these countries also have different and varied levels of resources. With cooperation, these countries cannot only essay, cover one another#8217;s deficiencies in sources but also uplift their people from persistent poverty.

Image Source : India of course, has to help, play the leading role in Buy an helping the other nations. Being far ahead of School homework romans, others in technology and human capital resources it can guide the other nations through technology transfer agreements. Buy An Assignment Plan? It can also undertake hi-tech turnkey projects in these nations. For this to happen there needs to be a peaceful atmosphere and cordial mutual relations. School Homework Help Romans? Healthy and helpful economic relations cannot be developed in conditions of distrust. India and Pakistan, despite having cultural affinities and climate similarities, have not been able to develop good trade relations because of proposal, political differences.

They have fought two major wars making each other economically weaker and romans, politically intolerant. The Kashmir issue is still unresolved. Pakistan is even harbouring terrorists to Writing research paper proposal, indulge in subversive activities against India. Such intentions have prevented India for a long time to develop trade relations with Pakistan. Things are improving now, but still it will take a long time before durable trust is built wherein these countries can be mutual partners in regional development. The internal problems of Pakistan like demolishing of democracy, defiance of Supreme Court orders and curbing freedom of the press have prevented Pakistan from developing economically. A country can look upward for trade and other relations only when its society is free from troubles and turmoils. Similar has been the case with Nepal where King Birendra had long been ruling as an autocrat before being rendered out of School help romans, power by an academic, the public. Sri Lanka has been afflicted by internal war between the government forces and Liberation of Tamil Tigers Eelam (LTTE) for over two decades, which has weakened the country. Bangladesh has also been troubled by help romans, political disturbances.

Turning away from the Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia is a rapidly developing region. The major countries in this region are Japan, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Korea and other small island nations. During the last two decades, this region has scripted a new story of development. Being nearer to one another and having similar geographical conditions, the nations of this region have cooperated fully in developing one another#8217;s economy through multi-lateral trade. They don#8217;t have a developed agriculture, but have developed on the basis of manufacturing of electronic goods, trade and services. My Admission Essay Writing Service? Some of these countries like Malaysia are rich in romans resources like tin, rubber, etc. They have set up export-oriented industries to earn valuable foreign exchange and strengthen the economy.

Japan, a small country of this region has developed so fast that it is one of the strongest economies in the world. Seeing the development of this region, India has envisaged a policy called #8216;looks east policy#8217;. Being an active member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) India has committed to extend financial, technological and raw material support to other members. The trade between these countries is increasing by over 10 per cent annually. India is the Physical kindergarten leading country in ASEAN, and has fought for the cause of the group in World Trade Organisation (WTO) forums and other international trade meetings. India has received huge assistance from these nations in the shape of foreign direct investment, export orders for various kinds of goods and homework, services, technological know how from countries like Japan. Delhi#8217;s Metro Rail Project which has been highly successful, small car projects through Maruti and Hyundai and other projects in computer hardware and electronics have been established with Japanese collaboration. Apart from trade, regional cooperation is needed in addressing the most urgent issues of international security and stability, including the evolving threat posed by the spread of How to write paper abstract, weapons and materials of mass destruction. It is increasingly being realised that greater efforts are needed in the coming years to help, construct additional destructional facilities for chemical weapons and to expand cooperation in the field of submarine disarmament. Although global initiatives are needed to combat terrorism and check nuclear proliferation, yet maintaining a high level of security is not possible without regional cooperation.

Sharing the borders or being in the same geographical region enables the countries to plug the holes against essay writing, the terrorists and thwart their evil designs. The biggest example of regional cooperation can be seen in the European Union (EU). The twenty-five countries of the continent of Europe have sunk their past differences and School, joined together to develop economically, socially and technologically to become wealthy nations with high per capita income, low unemployment, high literacy and quotation, negligible poverty. Homework Romans? Trade and exchange barriers have been broken through a common currency, euro. The ideological differences between the West European countries like England, France, Germany and Spain- which are capitalist economies, and Writing scientific paper proposal, the East European countries like Hungry, Romance, Poland, etc. which are socialist economies have joined hands to homework romans, march towards development. The EU nations have soft borders. Transportation of goods and movement of people within these countries is How to write paper abstract, extremely easy. There is a plan to School homework help, make an Asian Union as powerful and effective as the European Union. In the present times of globalisation and fast communication and information technology, regional cooperation can usher in a new era of all-round prosperity.

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contest cover letter Jimmy is the president of CareerJimmy, and author of the brand new, Amazing Cover Letter Creator. Stop writing cover letters the hard way! Here's how to School help get your phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews and job offers faster than you could ever imagine. In Only 3½ Minutes, You Can Quickly And Easily Crank Out A Killer Cover Letter That Is Guaranteed To Have Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With Hot Job Interviews And Top Job Offers. Just Fill-In-The-Blanks ! Just Click A Button, Copy 'n' Paste, Fill-In-The-Blanks And Voila. Out Pops A Brilliantly-Worded And Perfectly-Crafted Cover Letter 100% Customized For You ! Date: Friday, October 6, 2017. Location: Calabasas, CA. Most job seekers don't have a clue about getting their foot in the door for a job opening. not a clue. Forget about job offers . About Military Service Uk Best! many people see months fly by without landing ONE decent job INTERVIEW.

It's no secret we're living in homework help some of the most stressful and Essay about military uk best difficult times in years — and today's job market is a killer . But if you'll keep an open mind and give me a few minutes of romans your time right now. . I'll show you how to flood your calendar with more hot job interview requests and top job offers this month than most of your competition will land all year. 3 Little-Known Job Search Secrets. That Will Continue To Keep Your. Competition Stuck In The Mud For Years To Come. 1. Nothing happens — and Essay military service uk best I mean NOTHING HAPPENS! — until your phone rings for the job interview. Homework Romans! Landing that first job interview. getting your foot in the door is ALL that matters!

This is How to write study, where ALL of your focus needs to homework help be. (Read that again). 2. A perfect resume is highly overrated . Yes, you read that correctly. Don't get me wrong, you need a resume; but don't worry yourself sick if yours isn't perfect. Resumes are not nearly as important as you might think they are. My Admission Essay Writing Service! (Oh boy, I can hear the career-industry experts screaming already). 3. School Help! Cover Letter Magic: A simple, carefully written cover letter sprinkled with a few proven, magical marketing ingredients can fill your calendar with quality job interviews, faster and easier than you'd ever imagine.

Why? Because A Truly Amazing. Cover Letter Is Not A Cover Letter. At All. It's A SALES Letter! Your cover letter is the English song, ONLY chance you have to sell yourself for the opportunity to be interviewed for the job. Resumes DO NOT sell . They're not built to sell. And most of the homework romans, time, unless your resume is Buy an assignment plan, outstanding, it can actually end up hurting your job search! (I'll bet you never heard that before.) The vast majority of your competition simply throws together any old cover letter, just so they have something to attach to their average resume.

Y ou are knee deep in your job search. You're stressed out and money is School romans, tight . You get everything back from the writing service and Physical homework boy, does it look impressive! You can hardly believe it's YOU they've written about! They've even included a free cover letter with your expensive resume order. You eagerly send off your cover letter and resume to School help several contacts and Physical homework kindergarten sources.

You daydream about your phone ringing off the hook with interview requests, discussing multiple job offers, negotiating salaries. You wait for a response. and help romans wait. and wait some more. Your daydream turns into Buy an a nightmare as you slowly start to realize. How maddening! The resume writer guaranteed you'd land job interviews because her company is the biggest and best around. School Homework Help! They've been in business for years. Writing Scientific Paper Proposal! They also charge the most. (Over $300. School Help Romans! ouch!)

Here's what REALLY happened. With 267 applicants all applying for the same job as you, the stack of song cover letters and resumes to sort through was enormous, and School your application, like almost everyone else's, was passed over like yesterday's newspaper and tossed right in English marks the trash can. As usual, 95% of the cover letters didn't even get a second glance and help their respective resumes were ignored altogether . Not one cover letter had a PERSONAL, ATTENTION-GRABBING element that stimulated the employer enough to give you the foot in the door you need to land the My admission, job interview. Sad and typical. but it doesn't have to be this way for you. I'm about to show you how to land more job interviews than you'll know what to homework do with. It's so incredibly easy to stand out from the marks, crowd when 99% of ALL job-seekers keep doing the same thing everyone else does ! A Dirty Little Secret That The Big, Expensive Resume-Writing Companies. Hope You Never Find Out About. They hope you never find out that a perfectly written cover letter is actually more important to your job search than the resume!

Understand this: A well-written cover letter can literally flood your calendar with more quality job interviews — even when you lack experience or have a weak resume . Yes, I know, you've always been told the exact opposite, that the resume is by homework far the most important career document. Of course you need a resume, it's a standard career document. But as I said before, don't worry yourself sick if yours isn't flawless. As you're about to find out, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does. The only research paper thing that REALLY matters, the help, bottom line is getting your foot in the company door. About! Agreed? The most-overlooked moneymaking secret in today's job market is the 'humble' cover letter.

Perfectly focused cover letters are the School homework help, fastest, easiest way to dramatically increase your job interviews and job offers, PERIOD . Just ONE Amazing Cover Letter Can Truly. Land You The Job Of Your Dreams. I've written more than 150 articles — published in homework games the Job Seeker Weekly, Career News, Net-Temps, Job Bank USA, and the Star Tribune just to name a few — on the topic of writing highly effective cover letters . School Homework! Recently, I started off one of my articles by saying, Cover letters get no respect. Boy, is that the truth! Most job seekers will slap together any old letter — just so they have SOMETHING attached to English song their resume. MASSIVE mistake. One typical, average cover letter attached to your resume can KILL months of School homework romans your precious time , producing little to no results and costing you thousands of dollars in lost income while providing you nothing but stress and anxiety in return. While Your Competitors Wait By The Phone.

Hoping For It To Ring. You'll Be Booked For A. Month Solid With Quality Job Interviews! I'm About To Turn. Your Tired, Worn-Out, Run-Of-The-Mill, Stiff, Stale, Overly Professional, Big-Worded, Long Winded, Booooriiiing Cover Letter, Into. About Military! An Attention-Getting, Interview-Grabbing, Job-Landing, 'Dynamite' Cover Letter! Your Job Search Is A Marketing Campaign . Help! YOU Are The Product. My Admission Essay Writing! And Your Cover Letter Is The Salesperson! Remember This Fact: A Resume Can't SELL . A Cover Letter MUST. My name is Jimmy Sweeney and for the past 23 years, I've been a professional copywriter and the President/CEO of School a unique marketing and about military service uk best advertising company located in romans Calabasas, California.

I Write Results-Focused Sales Letters For A Living. And For The Last Several Years, I've Been Writing The. World's Most Effective Cover Letters For Thousands Of. Thrilled Men And Women All Over The Globe. As a business owner , I receive countless cover letters and resumes from My admission, job seekers. Over the past 20 years, I've personally reviewed hundreds of job applications. That is a RARE event. You're much more likely to spot Big Foot running through the woods on your next camping trip! Even when a cover letter does get noticed, it always makes employers work way too hard trying to School homework help figure out How to abstract, whether they should call the person in for the interview. One afternoon, I thought to myself, Boy, it'd be so easy for homework job seekers to stand out scientific research paper, from the crowd in any field — landing the exact job interviews they desire — if only romans they had the properly worded cover letter.

So, one day I decided to write a couple of job search cover letters sprinkled with some of my best magic sales letter dust. I sat down and did just that. They were fantastic letters, and I knew they would bring in results like never before. Then I selected a few job seekers who could put these special letters to the test. The results?

Two words: PHONE CALLS! A massive increase in assignment plan job-interview requests . I was excited, but to be honest, I was not surprised at all . These special letters did something no cover letter had ever effectively done before: They actually made the interview decision easy for the employer! WHY? Because I'd written them with the major emphasis on getting the job seeker called for the interview! The main focus was on getting employers to romans say to scientific research paper proposal themselves, Hmmm. you know what, I want to meet this person. I like the tone of this letter. it's straight to homework help romans the point. About Military Uk Best! I'm going to book an interview right now. (You see, these letters clearly and help directly ASKED for plan the opportunity to help romans be interviewed in a way that practically forces hiring managers to call. Writing! They want to speak with you).

That's the secret. that's the difference! Two years later, I took the School romans, career industry by storm when I unleashed my breakthrough job-seeker tool, the new Amazing Cover Letter Creator. If You Typed Just 4 Words Into Google: Circled in red at the top of the page, you can see there are 21,100 pages of results! Now, I don't show you this to My admission writing service boast or brag. I just want to offer some real proof that when it comes to the topic of School homework help romans writing highly effective cover letters, I'm the Buy an assignment plan, guy who can help you achieve results beyond your wildest expectations. I am the only professional sales and marketing copywriter I've ever seen who has ever applied these trade secrets to creating powerful cover letters for romans job-seekers. My amazing cover letters can instantly cut your job search in My admission essay service half, saving you time, energy, stress and money . AND TIME IS MONEY. BIG MONEY. WARNING AND TIP: If you see ANYONE claiming to be a career expert or resume/cover letter writer make sure you always do this first: Type the homework, person's full name into writing service Google along with related keywords like (cover letters, resume, career, etc.) and then carefully look at the search results.

You will immediately find out if he or she is telling you the truth. or not. Homework Help Romans! (Do this with every web site to protect yourself.) Special Note: Below you will see many customer comments and testimonials that we have on Writing research proposal file in my office. They are 100% real . We receive wonderful, unsolicited letters every single day of the week. When customers give us permission, we will share their comments and success stories with you on homework help this page. I tell you this because there are so many fake testimonials floating around the Internet. English Quotation! I want you to know these are the actual word-for-word letters and emails we keep on file that were sent to us from real people who found this web site just like you have today. Here's What People Are Saying. About Jimmy Sweeney, And The. Amazing Cover Letter Creator.

Now I'm working in my dream job. for which I had no experience at all. I just had to say thank you. I've never paid for a program such as yours. and yes, I have to admit I had buying anything on line can.

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Now I'm working in English quotation marks song my dream job. for homework romans which I had no experience at all. . and the first thing my employer told me when she called me for my interview was and I quote: You had an My admission essay writing service AMAZING COVER LETTER ..and that is why I am calling you to offer you an interview! I have seen many, resumes and homework help cover letters before but none were like yours. Needless to say. I got the job! Of course! Thanks Jimmy. truly for your amazing cover letters!

And helping me get my dream job! I'll make this brief but I just had to quotation tell you that after 3 years, THAT'S 3 years of sending out resumes, cruizin' the homework, web, hiring a career consultant (waste!), and working bridge jobs trying to get back on track I came across an Essay service article written by School homework help you in Net-Temps career news. It changed my life. Shazaam, I took a stroll down your website and education homework decided to invest in help a no-risk offer and ordered your AMAZING COVER LETTER CREATOR. I actually took advantage of the whole package (with the quotation marks, generous help of my mother-in-law who just moved here from School homework romans, California) and followed your advice.

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As Gomer would say, Thank ya, Thank ya, Thank ya. You have my signed, sealed and delivered permission to. use this letter to Essay military tell the world that it works. . I have received numerous calls and interviews. Jimmy, I feel as if I know you. Homework Help! You've been an incredible support inspiration throughout my job search journey and I wanted to not only.

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Thanks for everything, Jimmy. I cannot write to save my life. My wife is an. Good afternoon Jimmy, I've now used the letter and School romans I plan to really make it work for me. Thank you!

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How to write a 3,000 word essay in a day. Updated 30 August 2017. There's nothing like an approaching deadline to give you the motivation (and fear) you need to get writing – don't stress though, we're here to help you out! We know – you had every intention of being deadline-ready, but these things happen! At some point during your time at university, you're bound to find you've left coursework to the very last minute, with fewer hours than Jack Bauer to complete a 3,000 word essay. But don't sweat, cause 3,000 words in a day is totally doable!

Not only this, but you can even produce an help romans essay you can be proud of Buy an assignment plan, if you give it everything you got. Between nights out, procrastination and homework romans other deadlines to juggle, the time can easily creep up on you. However, the worst thing you can do in research proposal, this situation is panic, so keep calm, mop up the cold sweats and read on to find out help romans how to nail that essay in unbelievable time! Just to clarify – we're certainly not encouraging anyone to leave it all to the last minute, but if you do happen to find yourself in a pickle, you're going to need some help – and we're the guys for English song the job. Credit: Dimitris Kalogeropoylos – Flickr. Fail to plan and you plan to fail – or so our lecturers keep telling us. Reading this, we suspect you probably haven't embraced this motto up till now, but there are a few things you can do the morning before deadline that will make your day of frantic essay-writing run smoothly.

First thing's first: Fuel your body and mind with a healthy breakfast, like porridge. Help. The slow-release energy will stop a mid-morning slump over your desk, which is something you really can't afford right now! Not in the mood for My admission essay service porridge? Check out our list of the best foods for brain fuel to School help, see what else will get you off to a good start. Choose a quiet area where you know you won't be disturbed. You'll know whether you work better in the library or at home, but whatever you do – don't choose somewhere you've never been before . You need to be confident that you'll be comfortable and Essay about military uk best able to School homework, focus for as long as possible.

Be organised and come equipped with two pens (no nipping to How to an academic paper abstract qualitative, the shop because you ran out of ink), bottled water, any notes you have, and some snacks to use as mini-rewards. This will keep you going without having to take your eyes off the screen (apparently dark chocolate is the best option for homework romans concentration). Try to Essay about military service uk best, avoid too much caffeine early on, as you'll find yourself crashing within a few hours. This includes energy drinks, by the way! Procrastination is every student's forte, so turn off your phone (or at least switch notifications off) and refrain from checking Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or any other social media channels you're addicted to. We mean it! A good tip is to get a friend to change your Facebook password for homework romans you for 24 hours and make them promise not to tell you it, even if you beg (choose a friend that enjoys watching you squirm). Otherwise, you can also temporarily deactivate your account. Time management is of utmost importance when you have 24 hours before deadline. We know, water is wet, but you clearly haven't excelled in this area so far, have you! By setting yourself a time frame in My admission essay writing service, which to reach certain milestones before you start typing, you'll have achievable goals to work towards . This is a great method of working, as it makes the prospect of conjuring up 3,000 words from thin air much less daunting if you consider the time in small blocks.

Let's say it's 9am and School homework help your essay is due in first thing tomorrow morning. Buy An Plan. Here's a feasible timeline that you can follow: 9:00 – 9:30 – Have your essay question chosen and argument ready 9:30 – 9:45 – Break/ snack 10:00 – 12:00 – Write a full outline/plan of your essay 12:00 – 13:00 – Write your introduction 13:00 – 14:00 – Take a break and grab some lunch (you deserve it) 14:00 – 16:00 – Get back to your desk and do all your research on School homework, quotes etc. that will back up your argument 16:00 – 20:30 – Write all of your content (with a dinner break somewhere in the middle) 20:30 – 22:30 – Edit and improve – extremely important step, so take time with this 22:30 – 23:00 – Print and essay prepare ready for the morning 23:00 – (morning) – If you've not finished by homework help this point, don't worry – completing in time is still possible. Just make sure you've eaten well and English quotation have enough energy to homework, last you until the early hours of the morning. Also remember to schedule in a few breaks – you need to spend the whole 24 hours productively, and you can't be on form for Buy an plan a full day without short breaks to rest your eyes (and your brain!). These breaks should be active – give your eyes a rest from the screen and School homework help get outside to stretch. We recommend a ten minute break at My admission essay service least every 1.5 hours . If you've been given a choice of essay questions, you should choose the one you feel most strongly about, or have the School romans most knowledge about (i.e the topics you actually went to My admission writing service, the lectures for!). 24 hours before deadline is help, not the Writing time to learn a new topic from scratch – no matter how much easier the question seems! Also, beware of questions that seem easy at first glance, as often you'll find that the shorter questions or the ones using the most straight-forward language can be the hardest ones to tackle. Next, decide your approach.

How are you going to tackle the romans question? When time is limited, it is important to English quotation marks song, choose to write about romans things you are confident in. Remember that it's your essay and as long as you relate your argument to the question and construct a clear, well supported argument, you can take it in write paper abstract qualitative study, any direction you choose. Use this to your advantage! You may need to Google around the topic to get a clear idea of what's already been said on your chosen argument, but limit this research time to 20 minutes or you could be there all day…and no checking facebook! Now, type out 3-5 key points that you'll aim to tackle in School help romans, your argument, and underneath these use bullet points to list all the information and opinions, supporting arguments or quotes you have for each point. Start with the most obvious argument , as this will provide something to link your other points back to – the essay writing service key to homework help, a good essay.

Once you've done this, you'll now find you have a detailed outline of the body of your essay, and it'll be a matter of filling in an academic paper abstract qualitative, between the School homework help romans lines of each bullet point. Essay Service. This method is perfect for writing against the clock, as it ensures you stay focused on your question and romans argument without going off in scientific research paper, any tangents. Credit: Steve Czajka – Flickr. Sometimes the introduction can be the most difficult part to School help romans, write, but that's because it's also the How to an academic paper abstract qualitative most important part! Don't worry too much about making it sound amazing at School homework this point – just get stuck into introducing your argument in response to your chosen question and education homework kindergarten telling the School help romans reader how you will support it. You can go back and make yourself sound smarter later on when you're at write paper the editing stage. Create something of a mini-outline in homework help, your introduction so you signpost exactly what it is you're planning to argue.

Don't use the introduction as a space to English quotation song, throw in School romans, random references to quotation marks song, things that are vaguely relevant. When in doubt, leave it out! Credit: Photo Monkey. Now it's time to gather outside information and romans quotes to Writing research proposal, support your arguments. It's important to limit the School romans time you spend on this, as it is easy to uk best, get distracted when Google presents you with copious amounts of irrelevant information. However, you will find your essay easy to write if you're armed with lots of relevant info, so use your judgement on homework, this one. Choose search keywords wisely and My admission essay writing copy and paste key ideas and quotes into a separate 'Research' document. If using reference books rather than online, give yourself ten minutes to get anything that looks useful from the School help library, skip to chapters that look relevant and essay writing service remember to use the index!

Paraphrase your main arguments to homework help, give the essay your own voice and make clear to Essay service uk best, yourself which words are yours and which are someone else's. Plagiarism is School homework help romans, serious and could get you a big fat F for your essay if you don't cite properly – after all this hard work! Alternatively, use Google Books to find direct quotes without spending time going through useless paragraphs. There's no time to read the full book, but this technique gives the impression that you did! While you gather quotes, keep note of your sources – again, don't plagiarise! Compiling your list of citations (if necessary) as you work saves panicking at the end. Take quotes by other authors included in about service uk best, the book you're reading. If you look up the references you will find the original book (already credited) which you can then use for your own references. This way it looks like you have read more books than you have, too. Sneaky!

Also, if you're using Microsoft Word (2008 or later) to write your essay, make use of the automatic referencing system. Simply enter the details of sources as you go along, and it will automatically create a perfect bibliography or works cited page at the end. This tool is AMAZING and could save you a lot of extra work typing out your references and School help romans bibliography. Credit: Rainer Stropek – Flickr. Get typing! Now it's just a matter of beefing out your outline until you reach the word limit! Get all your content down and don't worry too much about writing style. My Admission Essay Writing Service. You can make all your changes later, and it's much easier to think about style once you have everything you want to say typed up first. More ideas could occur to you as you go along, so jot these ideas down on a notepad – they could come in handy if you need to help, make up the word count later!

Use the research you gathered earlier to support the key ideas you set out in your outline in a concise way until you have reached around 2,500(ish) words. If you're struggling to essay, reach the word limit, don't panic. Pick out a single point in your argument that you feel hasn't been fully built upon and head back to your research. There must be an additional quote or two that you could through in to make your point even clearer. Imagine your essay is a bit like a kebab stick: The meat is your essential points and you build on homework romans, them and build around each piece of uk best, meat with vegetables (quotes or remarks) to make the full kebab… time for a dinner break? Ensure that all the points you wanted to help, explore are on paper (or screen) and education explained fully.

Are all your facts correct? Make things more wordy (or less, depending on your circumstance) in order to hit your word limit. You should also check that your essay flows nicely. Are your paragraphs linked? Does it all make sense? Do a quick spell check and make sure you have time for potential printer issues. We've all been there! A lot of students overlook the importance of spelling and grammar. It differs from uni to homework, uni, subject to subject and tutor to tutor, but generally your writing style, spelling and grammar can account for up to 10-20% of your grade. Buy An. Make sure you edit properly! If you take your time to homework help, nail this then you could already be 1/4 of the way to passing!

While completing essays 24 hours before the Physical education games deadline is far from recommended and unlikely to get you the School homework help romans best grades you've ever gotten (try our top tips for getting a first if that's your goal), this guide should at least prevent tears in the library (been there) and My admission essay the need for any extensions. Remember, this is a worst case scenario solution and not something you should be making a habit of! Now, why are you still reading? We all know you've got work to School homework, do! Good luck! Exams coming up? Check out our guide on how to Writing scientific paper, revise in one day too. Homework Help. If you're starting to feel the pressure mounting up, we've also got some great tips for beating exam stress, too.

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It does not constitute financial advice. Save the Student and its authors are not liable for how tips are used, nor for content and services on external websites. School Homework Help Romans. Common sense should never be neglected! We sometimes use affiliated links which may result in essay writing, a payment following a visitor taking action (such as a purchase or registration) on an external website. Homework Help Romans. This helps keep Save the Student free. The user experience shouldn’t be any different, and our editorial decision making is not effected by such links. Like most sites, we use cookies to My admission writing, optimise your experience and serve personalised content. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies.

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