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art lange resume PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR MILITARY LAW AND THE LAW OF WAR. Fsu Admissions Essay? En effet, si Convention des Nations Unies du 10 d©cembre 1982 sur le droit de la mer traite de la piraterie, la transposition en droit interne de ces dispositions est n©cessaire afin de pouvoir effectivement exercer des poursuites en Belgique. Il revient donc aux Etats d€™©tablir leur comp©tence juridictionnelle interne l€™©gard des personnes suspect©es d€™avoir pos© des actes s€™assimilant de la piraterie. Il n€™y a pas d€™uniformisation sur ce point et la coop©ration entre Etats n€™est que partielle, ce qui porte pr©judice l€™efficacit© du r©gime international de lutte contre la piraterie maritime. Number Ky? La Belgique s€™est, elle dot©e d€™une l©gislation qui, sans pr©voir une comp©tence universelle, lui donne n©anmoins une comp©tence extraterritoriale permettant aux autorit©s judiciaires belges de poursuivre des pirates pr©sum©s en Belgique, en fonction des int©rŞts belges mis en danger. Fsu Admissions Deadline? La l©gislation belge r©primant la piraterie maritime n€™a donc pas pour objectif de poursuivre tous les pirates pr©sum©s qui seraient appr©hend©s par nos militaires.

Cette l©gislation est bien ©videmment en accord avec la jurisprudence de la Cour europ©enne des droits de l€™Homme, qui a balis© la privation de libert© hors du territoire national. What Is 3/4 Of 32? Le pr©sent article traite du cadre juridique international et national dans lequel s€™inscrivent les actions entreprises par la marine belge ainsi que du droit sp©cifique applicable l€™op©ration Atalanta de l€™Union europ©enne, en ce compris des contraintes inh©rentes aux transferts de pirates pr©sum©s dans des pays de tradition juridique anglo-saxonne. Enfin, la r©glementation r©gissant le statut et la mission des ©quipes de protection embarqu©es est ©galement examin©e. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? Whereas piracy is covered in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the to accounting Sea of Fsu admissions deadline 10 December 1982, these provisions have to Custom homework help physics be transposed into essay domestic law to be able to services for research video actually institute proceedings in essay deadline, Belgium. Homework Physics? Thus, it is deadline, up to Writing services the states to deadline establish their national jurisdiction with regard to to accounting income persons suspected of Fsu admissions having committed acts considered as piracy. What Of 32? There is Fsu admissions essay deadline, no standardization on homework this point and Fsu admissions essay only partial cooperation between states which is Homework number, detrimental to the effectiveness of the international regime to essay deadline fight maritime piracy. Homework Number? Belgium has introduced laws that, without providing for deadline, universal jurisdiction, nevertheless grant it extraterritorial jurisdiction allowing the services for research paper Belgian judicial authorities to Fsu admissions deadline institute proceedings against suspected pirates in Belgium, subject to Custom homework help the Belgian interests that have been jeopardized. Therefore, the purpose of the Fsu admissions deadline Belgian legislation repressing maritime piracy is not to Help with english use comma institute proceedings against Fsu admissions all suspected pirates apprehended by Writing services Belgian servicemen. Deadline? Obviously, this legislation is in Writing for research paper video, accordance with the Fsu admissions deadline case law of the with english writing use comma European Court of Fsu admissions essay Human Rights, which has circumscribed deprivation of to accounting homework income liberty outside of the essay national territory.

This article discusses the Help with use comma international and national legal frameworks of the actions undertaken by essay deadline the Belgian navy as well as the specific law applicable to Essay the European Union operation Atalanta, including the constraints inherent in deadline, the transfer of Custom homework help suspected pirates to deadline countries with an Anglo-Saxon legal tradition. Finally, the for research video regulations governing the status and Fsu admissions essay deadline mission of Answers homework income Vessel Protection Detachments are also examined. Fsu Admissions? Want hoewel het Verdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake het recht van de Zee van 10 december 1982 piraterij behandelt, moeten deze bepalingen in nationale wetgeving worden omgezet om in Custom physics, Belgi« daadwerkelijk vervolgingen te kunnen instellen. Fsu Admissions Deadline? Het is english writing use comma, dus aan de staten om hun nationale rechterlijke bevoegdheid vast te leggen ten opzichte van personen die verdacht worden van het verrichten van daden die als piraterij beschouwd worden. Essay Deadline? Op dit punt is What is 3/4, er geen standaardisatie en slechts een gedeeltelijke samenwerking tussen staten, wat nadeel berokkent aan de doeltreffendheid van het internationaal regime van de strijd tegen piraterij op zee.

Belgi« heeft een wetgeving aangenomen die, zonder te voorzien in essay, een universele jurisdictie, niettemin een extraterritoriale bevoegdheid verleent waardoor de Belgische rechterlijke autoriteiten vermeende piraten in physics, Belgi« kunnen vervolgen, afhankelijk van de Belgische belangen die in gevaar gebracht zijn. Essay Deadline? De Belgische wetgeving ter bestrijding van de piraterij op zee heeft dus niet tot doel alle vermeende piraten die door onze militairen gearresteerd worden, te vervolgen. Deze wetgeving is service learning, duidelijk in deadline, overeenstemming met de jurisprudentie van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens die de vrijheidsberoving buiten het nationale grondgebied afgebakend heeft. Of 32? Dit artikel gaat in Fsu admissions deadline, op het internationale en nationale juridische kader waarin de acties van de Belgische marine passen evenals op het specifieke recht dat op de operatie Atalanta van de Europese Unie toepasbaar is, met inbegrip van de beperkingen in Answers to accounting income statement, verband met de overdracht van vermeende piraten aan landen met een Angelsaksische juridische traditie. Ten slotte wordt ook de reglementering met betrekking tot het statuut en de opdracht van de beschermingsteams aan boord van schepen onderzocht. Wenngleich Piraterie in essay deadline, der Seerechtskonvention der Vereinten Nationen geregelt ist, mĽssen deren Bestimmungen in Writing services paper video, nationales Recht umgesetzt werden, um diesbezĽglich Verfahren in Fsu admissions essay deadline, Belgien durchfĽhren zu k¶nnen. Es obliegt daher den Staaten, die nationale Gerichtsbarkeit fĽr Personen, die der Piraterie verd¤chtigt sind, zu begrĽnden. Hotline Ky? Es besteht keine einheitliche Handhabung dieser Angelegenheit und nur eine teilweise Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Staaten, was der Effektivit¤t des internationalen Kampfes gegen die Piraterie abtr¤glich ist. Fsu Admissions Essay? Belgien hat Gesetze eingefĽhrt, die €“ ohne eine Zust¤ndigkeit nach dem Weltrechtsprinzip zu schaffen €“ eine extraterritoriale Zust¤ndigkeit begrĽnden, die es belgischen Justizbeh¶rden erlaubt, Verfahren gegen verd¤chtigte Piraten in for research, Belgien einzuleiten, falls belgische Interessen gef¤hrdet worden waren. Deadline? Das Ziel der belgischen Gesetzgebung zur Bek¤mpfung der Piraterie ist es daher nicht, gegen alle von belgischen Soldaten festgenommenen und der Piraterie verd¤chtigten Personen Verfahren einzuleiten. Writing Services Paper Video? Diese Gesetzgebung ist in Einklang mit der Rechtsprechung des Europ¤ischen Gerichtshofs fĽr Menschenrechte, der den Freiheitsentzug auźerhalb des Staatsgebiets begrenzt hat.

Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht den v¶lkerrechtlichen und den nationalen rechtlichen Rahmen fĽr die von der belgischen Marine durchgefĽhrten Handlungen sowie die auf den EU-Einsatz Atalanta anwendbaren rechtlichen Bestimmungen, einschlieźlich der einem Transfer der der Piraterie verd¤chtigten Personen in Fsu admissions deadline, L¤nder mit angels¤chsischer Rechtstradition immanenten Aspekte. Services For Research Paper? Zudem werden die Vorschriften Ľber den Status und das Ziel von Vessel Protection Detachments behandelt. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? Nonostante la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare, del 10 dicembre 1982, tratti la questione della pirateria, tali norme devono essere recepite dall€™ordinamento nazionale interno affinch© possano effettivamente essere istituiti dei procedimenti in Belgio. Spetta, dunque, agli Stati stabilire la propria competenza nazionale per perseguire persone sospettate di atti riconducibili alla pirateria. Non vi ¨ uniformit in Writing services for research video, materia, e la cooperazione fra gli Stati ¨ solo parziale, con risvolti negativi per l€™efficacia della lotta internazionale contro la pirateria marittima.

Il Belgio si ¨ dotato di una legislazione che, pur non prevedendo la giurisdizione universale, gli accorda tuttavia una giurisdizione extraterritoriale che consente alle autorit giudiziarie belghe di avviare procedimenti giudiziari sul proprio territorio contro i sospettati di pirateria, posto che gli interessi nazionali del Belgio siano stati lesi. Essay Deadline? Pertanto, lo scopo della normativa belga in materia di repressione della pirateria marittima non ¨ quello di avviare procedimenti contro tutti i presunti pirati che sono arrestati dalle forze dell€™ordine Belghe. Essay Learning In Schools? Questa normativa ¨ chiaramente in Fsu admissions, linea con la giurisprudenza della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell€™ Uomo, che ha circoscritto la privazione della libert al di fuori del territorio nazionale. Il presente articolo discute sia il quadro giuridico nazionale ed internazionale delle azioni intraprese dalla marina Belga, sia la legislazione specifica applicabile all€™operazione Atalanta dell€™Unione Europea, inclusi gli obblighi inerenti al trasferimento dei presunti pirati nei paesi di tradizione giuridica anglosassone. Infine, ¨ esaminata la regolamentazione che disciplina lo status e la missione dei Distaccamenti Militari a Protezione delle Navi. Services For Research? En este sentido, mientras que el fenłmeno de la pirater­a estˇ previsto en las disposiciones de la Convenciłn de las Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar de 10 de diciembre de 1982, sin embargo, estas tienen que ser incorporadas previamente al Derecho interno belga para que las acciones contra la pirater­a sean leg­timas. Por consiguiente, se hace necesario en ocasiones que cada Estado implemente medidas normativas adicionales antes de someter a su jurisdicciłn nacional la persecuciłn de individuos sospechosos de haber cometido actos de pirater­a. Fsu Admissions? No existe una actuaciłn uniforme o estˇndar en este ˇmbito y la cooperaciłn entre los Estados es solo parcial, lo cual va en detrimento de la eficacia de la lucha internacional contra este fenłmeno. B©lgica ha promulgado leyes que, sin llegar a establecer una jurisdicciłn de carˇcter universal, reconocen, no obstante, la competencia extraterritorial de sus tribunales para someter a la acciłn de la justicia a sospechosos de pirater­a siempre que el inter©s nacional belga haya resultado afectado. Services Video? La finalidad de la legislaciłn belga contra la pirater­a en el mar no permite necesariamente que todo sospechoso de haber cometido actos de pirater­a y que sea aprehendido por fuerzas de la Marina belga pueda luego ser llevado ante los tribunales nacionales de ese pa­s. Obviamente, se trata de una legislaciłn en l­nea con la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de los Derechos Humanos, la cual ha delimitado los supuestos en que una autoridad nacional puede privar a un individuo de libertad fuera del territorio de su jurisdicciłn.

El art­culo examina el marco normativo nacional e internacional bajo el cual opera la Marina belga as­ como el Derecho aplicable espec­ficamente a la Operaciłn Atalanta de la Uniłn Europea, incluyendo los l­mites inherentes a la transferencia de sospechosos de pirater­a a pa­ses de tradiciłn jur­dica anglo-sajona. Essay? Por şltimo, tambi©n se examinan las normas que regulan el estatuto y misiłn de los equipos militares de escolta y protecciłn (€śVPDs€ť) a bordo de los buques mercantes.

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People With Bad Manners Essays and Research Papers. Bennett English 061 19 May 2013 Opportunity to essay deadline, Succeed American Dream can mean anything and may have different opinions from Essay service in schools every single person. It . Essay? can mean anything from freedom to What is 3/4 of 32, be wealthy or just having a good comfortable life. Most often people dream of owning a house or having a family but in essay Friday Night Lights the with english use comma, American Dream for the town was to win the football championship. Essay Deadline? Friday Night Lights is an example of how many individuals struggle to accomplish their dream, which is not. American football , Association football , Friday Night Lights 2764 Words | 7 Pages. We Are Surrounded by People with Bad Manners.

explicit language. Help English Use Comma? Laurie Kimpton-Lorence’s essay: •Technique: the manner and ability with which an artist, writer, dancer, athlete, or the . like employs the technical skills of a particular art or field of endeavor. •Discipline: training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline. •Culture: the Fsu admissions deadline, quality in a person or society that arises from of 32 a concern for what is regarded as excellent in Fsu admissions essay arts, letters, manners , scholarly pursuits, etc. •Technical vocabulary •Precision: the. Deception , Human , Slang 1000 Words | 4 Pages. good and bad with many factors in hand. What Of 32? What I may think is essay, bad can be good to others and what I think may be good could be . horrible to others. In other cases something may be wrong morally.

Something may be wrong because society says so. Of 32? It’s a matter of opinion. Here are a few examples to justify my argument. Essay? A child for instance can be brought up with a family that society sees as near perfect and still turn in the complete opposite direction in life going down a path of violence or bad decision. 2006 singles , Ethics , Evil 1099 Words | 3 Pages. Manners and etiquette .Importance of Good Manners “With Americans, anything goes.” It seems that Americans are quite casual and . What Of 32? don’t care much about their behaviors. Most Americans attitudes about good manners relate to showing respect and consideration for others.

They believe that all people are entitled to equal opportunity and Fsu admissions, respect. So no one is privileged and with, no one is worthless. A person who acts in a humble and timid way will make his/her friends feel quite uncomfortable. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? On the other. Etiquette , Euphemism , Friendship 1510 Words | 4 Pages.

Do manners matter? Yes, they do; however, since most parents have gone to Answers to accounting homework income statement, work, children have fewer chances to sit with their parents and to . learn manners from Fsu admissions essay them. Answers Homework Statement? Although America is a melting-pot of cultures with various ideas of manners (Packer 22), and Fsu admissions, the subject of manners is complicated (Hall 185), the standard of good manners of various cultures is similar. Good manners are the same as civilized behaviors and in schools, moral etiquette that have respect, consideration, generosity, and thoughtfulness. Education , Etiquette , Manners 929 Words | 3 Pages. Josephine King English 110 Mrs.

Carson 15 May 2014 Bad Things Happen To Good People When bad things happen to Fsu admissions, . good people only services for research video a tragedy can result. William Shakespeare wrote one of the best known tragedies of all time. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because the main characters are of noble birth, are basically good people , and have tragic flaws that lead to their death. Both Romeo and Juliet are born into rich families. Our first clue that they were of the upper class is, Two. Christopher Marlowe , Hamlet , Nobility 825 Words | 3 Pages. Good Bad Manners Good Manners have a deep Affect on our minds. As bad manners . produce bad results in society, good manners produce good results.

Good manners are unconsciously acquired in our childhood, but they can also be cultivated later on. Essay? Every human being should be treated with due respect and for research video, dignity. The animal instinct in us makes us rough and vulgar, but a cultured and civilized man is gentle and polite. By good manners we understand the way in which a person should behave in Fsu admissions deadline society. Agriculture , Etiquette , Human 444 Words | 2 Pages. MANNERS MATTER! Try four easy ways to teach kids how to behave © 2002 By Dr. Charles Fay In all parts of their lives, children with . Homework? great manners have a powerful advantage over those who do not. They make friends easier, get along better with their teachers, and eventually make much better employees and spouses. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? Here are four techniques that will give your child this life-long gift: Tip No.

1: Make a list Sit down with your kids and make a list of the specific behaviors polite people. 2008 singles , Belching , Black-and-white films 560 Words | 3 Pages. It is very difficult to define good manners . But broadly speak­ing they may be said to be well established standards of decent conduct in . social life. Answers Homework? Manners include words, gestures, movement, mode of speech, courtesy, politeness, sympathy and many such other things. They are the outward expressions of one’s personality and the real ornaments of a gentleman. Etiquette means the essay, rules of behaviour among polite people . Man has to live in with writing use comma society and lead a social life. He cannot remain in isolation. Agriculture , Debut albums , English-language films 962 Words | 3 Pages.

Good and bad manners in Russia. Observing etiquette and having good manners can make life of foreign . people more convenient and helps to and adapt to different national features. Many norms of behavior in Fsu admissions essay deadline Russia are the Essay learning in schools, same as in the whole world, but there are some special conventional rules of conduct which differs from manners of Fsu admissions essay deadline other countries. With? I want to list some of typical manners which exist in Russia: * For example, it’s a good manner to give up your place to woman or old person in. Etiquette , Friendship , Good and evil 478 Words | 2 Pages. nersManner of articulation In articulatory phonetics, the Fsu admissions essay deadline, manner of Essay service learning in schools articulation is the configuration and interaction of the articulators . (speech organs such as the essay deadline, tongue, lips, and palate) when making a speech sound. One parameter of Writing paper video manner is stricture, that is, how closely the speech organs approach one another.

Others include those involved in the r-like sounds (taps and trills), and the sibilancy of fricatives. The concept of manner is Fsu admissions deadline, mainly used in discussion of Essay in schools consonants, although the movement. Articulatory phonetics , Consonant , Manner of articulation 1954 Words | 6 Pages. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People ? A belief by Fsu admissions deadline, definition is a confidence in the truth or proof of existence. Your . beliefs determine the Help with english use comma, meaning you assign to Fsu admissions essay, any event in life.

No event is either good or bad until you decide then assignment is given. Writing Services? This is your reality. Fsu Admissions Deadline? Whatever the hardships or challenges you face, it can be interrupted as an opportunity for spiritual growth. The knowledge can be used to evolve as a person. Our desire to assign meaning to. 2005 singles , Book of Job , Book of Revelation 672 Words | 4 Pages. of Good Manners The larger a population grows, it seems the worse manners become.

That is too bad , because in a . Homework Number Ky? large, busy society, good manners become even more important. Common courtesies such as holding a door open for essay someone, saying please and writing, thank you, and allowing an elderly or disabled person to go to the head of the line all make the world a nicer place to deadline, live in. Custom? Good manners do not cost anything, and Fsu admissions, it takes little extra time to practice them. Benefits Good manners help put. Bad , Etiquette , Faux pas 1055 Words | 3 Pages. Good manners are a courtesy to others In essence, good manners mean you don't make others uncomfortable around you. Hotline Ky? It's not . just eating quietly and neatly, it's paying attention to the person who is talking to you, not gossiping, laughing even if the joke isn't funny (as long as it is not crude). Good manners are a form of caring. They are also a bridge between cultures and lifestyles. Knowing the protocol of the other culture is Fsu admissions essay deadline, a form of good manners . Allowing others to have the spotlight. 2001 singles , Cud , English-language films 863 Words | 3 Pages.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People. When Bad Things Happen to Good People When someone does something good, great, amazing; however it is said, a reward is Essay, . expected. That’s just the way the human brain has been trained in many cultures. People think just that with every good deed that is Fsu admissions, done. What Of 32? Movies have taught us that the “ bad guy” never wins and that a hero will always triumph in deadline the end. Not so much in the real world. Religious views, daily decisions, and just pure coincidence, if you will, all influence the Homework hotline, outcome of a good.

Brain , God , Good and evil 1010 Words | 3 Pages. Importance of Fsu admissions essay Good Manners in Islam. Importance of Good Manners in Islam Indeed you have in the messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone who follows him, who has hope . and looks to is 3/4, Allah and the Final Day and Fsu admissions essay deadline, remembers Allah a lot. (suratul Ahzaab, verse 21) Intizar Ahmad Email:- In the name of Allah, and praises and Writing services paper, peace be upon the Prophet of Allah. There is no God but Allah the Kind and Merciful, and thanks be to Allah, the lord of the essay, Great Throne. We ask that you bring upon us your. Allah , Hadith , Islam 1833 Words | 4 Pages. Why do bad things happen to Good People. Barbara J McCoy PSY101 Extra Credit Paper July 27, 2014 Out of the three books that I purchased I was able to complete “When Bad Things . Happen to Good People ” by Harold S. Kushner. Kushner wrote this book after the death of his son Aaron due to premature aging. Kushner was not only a father but he was also a Rabbi and hotline number ky, helped his congregation through turmoil of their own.

Even as a man of essay faith the personal tragedy he experienced left him to think and Custom physics, question his own beliefs in God and the. Evil , God , Good and essay, evil 810 Words | 2 Pages. “That Young People Are Impetuous and Rash” Are young people more likely to behave in an impetuous manner ? Does age necessarily affect your behaviour and Answers, decisions in deadline a . negative way? Colin Cobuild English Language Dictionary defines impetuous as - “Someone who is impetuous is likely to Help with english writing use comma, act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful.” I believe that while the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare clearly portrays its youthful characters as being quick to act without thought or caution, this is not the case for all young people. Characters in Romeo and Juliet , Juliet Capulet , Mercutio 946 Words | 3 Pages. a public place where others might see them. Many people really dislike seeing someone pick their nose. It’s particularly offensive when the . Fsu Admissions Deadline? nose picker picks with relish, as though he were embarking on services for research video an exploring expedition to some unknown land.

If you need to pick your nose, you should do it in private to avoid upsetting anybody else. Bear in mind that your car is not a public place. If you decide to pick your nose on the commute to essay, work, people in other vehicles on english writing the freeway will see you digging. Flatulence , Guitar pick , Mobile phone 804 Words | 3 Pages. Good Manner and essay, Right Conduct in Office. ‘Good Manners And Right Conduct In The Office’ et to consider the impact that their words or actions will have on other people . . In an hotline number, attempt to be efficient and productive we take a few liberties with our manners at Fsu admissions essay work. Perhaps, at one time, we apologetically said, I'm sorry, we have to stop the discussion and move onto the next point. But now we blurt out, Next! or Let's get on Writing services for research with it, people ! While the Fsu admissions essay deadline, intention may be the Custom help physics, same, the Fsu admissions essay, degree of bluntness, or even rudeness, used nowadays.

Behavior , Etiquette , Human behavior 807 Words | 3 Pages. competitive and, with them, go aggression, which is enjoined with a certain amount of discourtesy and bad manners – signs of . unkind hearts. Arrogance and Answers homework statement, aggression pay and “kind hearts” be damned, seem to Fsu admissions, be the creed of the modern smarties. Many old timers (believers in services video ‘those were the days’ philosophy) will agree with me that the present time is characterized more by Fsu admissions, dysphoria – a cluster of bad feelings than euphoria. They may also nod with me that “kind hearts” frequently result in bleeding hearts.

Etiquette , Manners , Shut up 1451 Words | 4 Pages. 2013 . Services For Research Video? Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britt's Neat People Vs. Sloppy People and Dave Barry's Batting Clean Up and Fsu admissions, Striking Out both author's examine just complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both share certain literary elements, but differ immensely. Dwele , Edgar Allan Poe , On That Point 1148 Words | 3 Pages. table manner between china and What of 32, america.

Table Manners between China and America Manners reflect one’s personality. Table manners are . art that reveals one’s culture. There are many table manners around the world. It is also necessary to learn more table manners because of the deadline, rapid process of globalization. Using utensils, eating gestures, and serving food are different between China and America. Frist, using the utensils is different between China and America. In the Help, United States, people would like to Fsu admissions essay, put their. China , Chinese character , Chinese language 1464 Words | 4 Pages. people “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” ? Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture tags: advice, . last-lecture, life, randy-pausch 1317 likes like “Experience is is 3/4 of 32, what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. Essay? And experience is income statement, often the most valuable thing you have to offer.” ? Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture tags: experience 1051 likes like “The key question to keep asking is, Are you spending your time on the right things.

Carnegie Mellon University , Jeffrey Zaslow , Randy Pausch 574 Words | 4 Pages. September 15, 2013 Manners Johnny use to open the door for Alice and it was more than okay, it was expected. Now if Johnny tries to open the . Essay Deadline? door, one of two things can happen. Either Alice will be offended because she is Homework hotline, equal and perfectly capable of opening the door on essay her own. Essay Service In Schools? Or, Alice assumes that he is trying to make a move on her and sums him up as a pervert. This situation brings up the Fsu admissions essay deadline, questions: What has our culture done to Homework number ky, the art of manners ? And how are manners viewed in our society. Bad , Etiquette , Eye contact 648 Words | 2 Pages. ?Language and People Manner in Communication By Putri Radanti Saraswati Abstract The importance of language in . communication is undoubted. It is the nature of essay deadline language as a means of communication. Writing Services For Research? There are two kinds of communication depends on the way it is delivered, namely verbal and deadline, non-verbal communication. Verbal communication refers to spoken and help physics, written language through words, however non-verbal communication deals with the body movement, unspoken and unwritten language.

In communicating. Communication , Eye contact , Language 3060 Words | 10 Pages. The Importance of Good Manners in Modern Society. THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD MANNERS Essay One of the first most visible characteristics that distinguish a person from the 21st century, from . most of his predecessors, is the way in Fsu admissions deadline which our contemporaries behave themselves. Humanity has existed long enough on this Earth to understand, that there are certain unwritten laws, which govern our everyday life. It wouldn’t be a far-fetched statement if I say that obeying these universally accepted rules ensures if not a successful social life, then. Etiquette , Manners , Psychology 2677 Words | 7 Pages.

risk-management policy and corrupt organizational culture. For Research Paper? The author believes that people who join organizations with full of enthusiasm often . feel cheated by deadline, organizations, and then begin in to accounting turn to cheat organizations in unconscious ways. People begin to essay, hide their real selves at work and operate out of a persona that they adopt exclusively for the workplace. Help Writing? Although there are many reasons why good people do bad things in the workplace, it is a key point that managing for an ethical workplace is. Business ethics , Ethics , Management 955 Words | 3 Pages. employers. Drug testing at work can be one way to implement a more efficient work environment and deadline, control or monitor such difficulties.They also had random . Number? drug testing were they would pick a certain percentage of the employees and randomly choose people to take the test. In conclusion these drug tests make the workplace more productive, safer, and overall better for the environment. i also learned lot of things from the topic citizenship on the phillipines. The documentaries that we have watched. Addiction , Drug , Drug addiction 1382 Words | 4 Pages. Business Etiquette and Manners Liberty University Business Ethics 472 02/10/2013 . From the beginning of development we were taught the basics of manners . Table manners , manners with elders, manners when visiting with friend’s families, and even manners when talking on the phone.

It is how we based the foundation of our everyday moods and essay deadline, ethical standards. How we were looked at as children were our manners in public. The elder community. Culture , Etiquette , Etiquette in North America 2269 Words | 8 Pages. GOOD NEWS BEARS CLUB BIBLE DISCOVERY “Good Manners ” Recommended for: Junior LESSON AIM: Teaching children the importance of Homework ky good . manners and hospitality MEMORY VERSE: “Love is essay, patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Writing Services Paper Video? It is Fsu admissions deadline, not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians13:4-7 . Manners , Mother , Paper 676 Words | 3 Pages. majority of people Russia is a wild and cold territory inhabited by rude and Homework ky, unfriendly people , however it is completely wrong . opinion.

Russia is a big and essay deadline, multicultural country with a variety of nations and homework, religions. Deadline? It is often said that Russians are few emotional people . What Is 3/4? And this is a fact that I can’t deny. Russia is the northern country with a harsh climate and it’s really difficult to smile all the time while you are walking outside in -30’C)). Nevertheless, most of the people are very polite. Belarus , Poland , Russia 475 Words | 2 Pages. The Good and Bad Side of Fsu admissions Advertising. Compare and Contrast the ‘Good’ and hotline, ‘ Bad ’ side of Advertising PLAN TITLE: Compare and deadline, contrast the ‘good’ side and ‘ bad ’ side . of advertising. PATTERN: Block Format INTRODUCTION CONTEXT: Communal Issue SUBJECT: Advertisements LIMITED SUBJECT: ‘good’ and ‘ bad ’ side ISSUE: compare, contrast THESIS: It states the similarities and Answers to accounting income statement, differences but in emphasis on ‘good’ and ‘ bad ’ side of advertising.

Similarities- “Good” side of Advertising Paragraph 1: Creates deep impression. Example: Hyundai Commercials. Advertising , Advertising Standards Authority , Coca-Cola 1651 Words | 5 Pages. Bad Habit Mark Twain mentioned one time: “There are a thousand excuses for failure, but never a good reason”, I agree. Fsu Admissions Deadline? . Some psychologists think that bad and good habits people get through lifetime period. If so, then people can get rid of undesirable habits, but how?

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One of them is to accounting homework statement, his Play: The Flies, where he depicts his philosophy and Fsu admissions essay deadline, ideas. The Flies relates the story of Orestes, son of King Agamemnon, who returns to Custom homework help physics, his native city fifteen years after Aegistheus murdered his father. In the play, Orestes meets his sister Electra, who has waited for his arrival in deadline order to What is 3/4, avenge their father’s death. Agamemnon , Being and essay, Nothingness , Existence precedes essence 1419 Words | 4 Pages. Bart Solbach Hist 584 Professor Greene October 31, 2012 The Will of the People In modern warfare, it is important to consider, effectively . winning the hearts and minds of the people . Learning? This is especially important if the Fsu admissions deadline, war being fought is a civil war, as ultimately the most a government has to fear is its own people . Homework Help? Successfully doing so is to show your force as more of a power for good than that of Fsu admissions deadline your enemy, or barring that being the Homework hotline number, lesser of two evils.

The CCP succeeded due to the peasantry. Chiang Kai-shek , Chinese Civil War , Communism 1331 Words | 4 Pages. Eric J. Matteson K. Poff English 1302.091 October 24, 2012 Unsociable Manners Forceful events in the lives of people , like . Deadline? wrongful imprisonment or the Custom homework help, murdering of their family, are very powerful forces to change the core of that person. It takes the gloves off, so to Fsu admissions, speak, and makes them more dangerous individuals who no longer care for services for research the rules of society. The Misfit from Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find” will never change, as evidenced by his encounter with the grandmother. A Good Man Is Hard to Find , A Story , Family 1213 Words | 4 Pages. MODULE 7 Socialising Topic 3. A world guide to good manners . How not to behave badly abroad. 1. Study the vocabulary how to make . generalizations. Write 15 sentences of Fsu admissions deadline your own with these phrases and Essay service learning in schools, underline the phrases you have used. Fsu Admissions Essay? It is services paper, (not) important to do smth It is (not) usual to do smth It is (not) acceptable to do smth It is (not) acceptable for smb to It is a rule to do smth It is (not) okay It is (not) respectful It is rude / polite . Manners , Meal 1196 Words | 5 Pages.

English 151 April 27, 2014 Society’s Attitude towards Young People Why doesn’t society give . Deadline? people of young age a chance? Everyone is different. Not all are violent, wear hoodies, and are ignorant. Some of us are mature, do well in income statement school and are on the right path in life; so to be stereotyped into one category by older adults is unfair. Young people in our society today are viewed in a negative way. They are often frowned upon by society based on a few. Ageism , Gerontology , High school 1411 Words | 5 Pages. prevent the misunderstanding and offending which might come along. The same apply for Fsu admissions essay deadline cyberspace environment, internet has its own culture, and you might . offend people unintentionally.

Or might misinterpret other peoples speaks and take the offense. Above all, in online world it is easy to forget that we are interacting with other real people . “The word etiquette means the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life. Etymologically, it comes. Etiquette , Internet forum , John Cavil 2611 Words | 6 Pages. who had the great specialty to look far beyond the horizon, a genius who could peep into Custom physics the future. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was a maestro who did not follow the . direction of the wind but made a new direction in which the wind could move and Fsu admissions, millions of people followed the wind that was led by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in is 3/4 the British-founded town of Mhow an important military center near Indore, Madhya Pradesh .He was the fourteenth and essay, last child of Ramji Sankpal and Bhimabai Murbadkar. B. R. Is 3/4? Ambedkar , Caste system in India , Dalit 1031 Words | 3 Pages. Video games are bad for Children Stop the debate as to whether children who love playing video games should be encouraged to continue or . should they be stopped. Several people think children need to play video games because they make them active, but still, numerous other people also believe video games are not good for children.

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The weakness that is portrayed is that there are heroes around when. Archives of the History of essay American Psychology , Diffusion of responsibility , Human 1332 Words | 4 Pages. Table manners From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may . also include the hotline number, appropriate use of Fsu admissions utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for of 32 table manners . Each family or group sets its own standards for essay deadline how strictly these rules are to number ky, be enforced. Contents [hide] • 1 United Kingdom • 2 North America • 3 India • 4 China • 5 South Korea • 6 See also • 7 References • 8 External links [edit] United Kingdom . Diner , Dishware , Eating 2403 Words | 7 Pages. Bad Drivers! Story: So you’re out driving, enjoying the music playing in deadline the background the wind blowing through your hair and Essay, you notice a . car speed up in front of you and it kind of essay deadline takes you off guard? Then as you continue to homework physics, drive you notice the car slow down and essay deadline, suddenly push the brakes? No blinking right signal or anything! Then as you continue on your way the is 3/4, driver decides he or she will make a very SLOW right turn into a little street. So what bothers me?

Bad drivers and Fsu admissions deadline, their bad driving. Automobile , Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs number-one singles , Driver's license 827 Words | 3 Pages. It seems that rude people are everywhere today: in the workplace, at the grocery store and sometimes right in our own homes. It can be very . difficult dealing with rude people , especially if you are exposed to one on What is 3/4 a daily basis, such as the essay, office jerk or the less-than-considerate spouse. To Accounting Homework Income? However, there are strategies that you can employ to attempt to essay, alter the rude behavior in a not-so-rude way. Sometimes these strategies can be highly effective and number ky, sometimes not so much, depending on Fsu admissions the person. Customer service , Deviance , Etiquette 1254 Words | 4 Pages. by older people , who aren’t as involved in social media as younger people today that kids only pay attention to what’s in to accounting front . of them, that they don’t care about Fsu admissions deadline, anything what so ever. Service Learning? “Kids today, we’re telling you!-don’t read, don’t write, don’t care about anything father in Fsu admissions front of them than their iPods” (Goldwasser 237) is it true? Teenagers I see today like to keep up to date with their friends and love ones, making sure they’re okay, making sure they’re not sad, or nothing bad is happening. A Great Way to Care , Facebook , MySpace 1481 Words | 4 Pages. Patient information from the BMJ Group Bad breath Bad breath is a common problem.

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Rebekah Johnson Mrs. Tencza Late European History 21 November 2012 Do’s and Don'ts of Pride and Prejudice In 19th century England, manners . played a big role. In her book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen portrays many different aspects of English social manners in the 1800s, and these facets of English etiquette, including traveling etiquette, social propriety, and dancing, greatly affect the hotline ky, plot of the book. One aspect of English social etiquette was the set of strict rules for how one was. Elizabeth Bennet , Etiquette , Fitzwilliam Darcy 1810 Words | 5 Pages. Project: «Japanese Table Manners » Made by Oleh Hurskiy Group - 11 Say Itadaki masu! In Japan, you say itadakimasu (I gratefully . receive) before eating. O When eating from Fsu admissions shared dishes, move some food from the Homework number, shared plates onto your own with the opposite end of your chopsticks or with serving chopsticks that may be provided for that purpose. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? Chopsticks are used to Essay learning in schools, eat most kinds of Japanese foods, with some exceptions. Some of the most important rules to remember when dining with.

Alcoholic beverage , Beverages , Coffee 316 Words | 15 Pages. Obscenity: Profanity and Nice Manners. been deemed “ Bad ” or “Curse” words, Vonnegut’s use of Fsu admissions deadline them was not the first time they have been added to writing and it will not be the last. . Homework? Further into the reading, Vonnegut begins to speak of his childhood and how what he has said has always been seen as obscene even by essay, his parents. He talks of himself when he was in fourth grade speaking to some of his parent’s friends that he very fittingly refers to as “silly shitheads”(2) . He states “My father hit me for Writing services for research video my bad manners in front of essay guests. Breakfast of What is 3/4 Champions , Essay , Kurt Vonnegut 1296 Words | 4 Pages. Rough Draft Good Boss versus Bad Boss How would you feel if you called in to work sick and your boss sympathized but asked when the project . you were working on would be finished?

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Old Testament Research Paper Writing. Old Testament research paper due and Fsu admissions essay deadline don’t know how to begin researching for paper video, it? Here is Paper Masters’ suggestion for researching Old Testament theology: The Old Testament is considered by essay deadline many an services for research paper, obsolete compilation of biblical history that has little bearing on Christianity today. A dedicated study of the Old Testament however would prove that this opinion is essay deadline, largely unfounded. You may want to emphasize in your Old Testament research paper that it presents a fertile groundwork for any researcher or student attempting to understand and homework income statement explicate God’s plan for His people, both Jew and Gentile. Although it deals predominantly with old laws and covenants, its content has significant bearing on the context of the New Testament.

As such, it also has significant application to the lives of Christians today. There are many parallels in the events and personalities of the Old Testament and those exhibited today, which reinforces the Fsu admissions deadline importance of the Old Testament as a guide for contemporary living. Despite the backdrop of an ancient setting, the people of the Old Testament, their problems and triumphs as well as their spiritual aspirations, are not very unlike those of modern man. Similarly, the implications of Old Testament principles and teachings can be applied for both. A prime example can be found in the likeness of man’s sin and its penalty demonstrated in positions of power, particularly in the sexual transgressions exhibited by King David and those of former President Bill Clinton. Although II Samuel deals predominantly with the power and authority demonstrated in the consolidation of all of Israel under David, it also reveals the human weaknesses of man regardless of position. The Old Testament and hotline Research Today. The books of the bible that relate to Samuel, specifically II Samuel, reveals King David’s desire for the wife of another man (II Samuel 11), Bathsheba, and the activities he would resort to in order to have her, which included murder (II Samuel 11).

As reprehensible as David’s behavior was, his faithfulness and deadline ultimate repentance to God was returned with the faithfulness of God’s forgiveness and he continued to serve the Lord until his death. As for the similar sexual transgression demonstrated by Bill Clinton, one can never know whether he had a sincerely contrite heart and asked for God’s forgiveness, however it is clear that his behavior may have played a significant role in the Democratic Party’s failure to secure another term in Presidency. At the same time, it had a profound effect on the moral fabric of American society. On a similar vein, the importance of national obedience to God is also demonstrated in the Old Testament, which is replete with examples of the nation of Israel’s failure to abide with God. In spite of their deliverance by God from the hand of Egypt (Exodus 14), the Israelites would several times demonstrate their loss of faith in Writing services for research paper video, God when things were not going as they had expected or when their desire for signs that God was with them were not offered. Fsu Admissions Deadline? For example, when Moses had ascended Mount Sinai and failed to learning, return in a timely manner, the Fsu admissions deadline Israelites hastily fashioned an idol and offered sacrifices to it (Exodus 32). Although God plagued the people of Israel for their sin (Exodus 32:35), He still promised them deliverance from their enemies (Exodus 33:2).

The Israelites responded with repentance by service learning stripping themselves of the ornaments of pagan worship. (Exodus 33:5) The behavior of the Israelites at deadline the foot of Sinai is not unlike the futility demonstrated by a contemporary society that has lost sight of or faith in God’s promises. Even further, it is often not until the ramifications of contemporary society’s sinful nature are played out that the What confidence of embracing God’s faithfulness becomes significant. The Relevance of Old Testament Research Paper Topics Today. While the new covenant revealed in the New Testament is accompanied by new principles for leading a Christian life, many of the essay principles revealed in What is 3/4, the Old Testament are applicable even today. Clearly, the principles laid out in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) would appear to Fsu admissions deadline, be the most frequently embraced by believers and Writing for research paper non-believers alike. Fsu Admissions? There are few that would argue the Homework hotline number ky applicability of tenets such as “Thou shalt not kill” and “Thou shalt not steal”. Nevertheless, the principles “Thou shalt not commit adultery” and “Honor thy mother and thy father” bear just as much significance today, despite the essay proclivity of believers and non-believers to give them less consideration or heed. Even more, the disregard for What is 3/4 of 32, the command that “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” is evidenced in Fsu admissions, the proliferation of divers religions around the world. Consider also the laws ascribed in Leviticus. Although many of those laws, such as the mandate of blood sacrifice and the exclusionary rules of the temple have been erased by the new covenant, there are many that, when applied to contemporary life, can facilitate an Essay learning, even closer adherence to Christ-like behavior today.

Even more, they can offer a defense from Fsu admissions essay, many of the social afflictions that are evidenced today. Leviticus speaks of the penalty of retribution for with english writing, the sin of deceit or violence against a neighbor (Leviticus 6), which is not unlike the penalties exacted in the contemporary justice system. Although modern examples of retribution are not followed by a sin offering made to God by the guilty party, reparations to essay, the injured party are frequently required. And, while it is not mandated by the laws of men, a contrite repentance before God would clearly follow the example found in Leviticus. The book of Leviticus also defines the customs of marital and sexual behavior, which although they are often ignored in modern society, formed the Essay service in schools basis productive and Fsu admissions essay deadline righteous living in the Old Testament. The Israelites were strictly commanded not to homework income statement, form a sexual association with certain kinsmen, married neighbors or with beasts. (Leviticus 18) The abomination that such associations represented to God during Old Testament times are just as abhorrent to God in Fsu admissions essay deadline, modern times.

The Impact of the Old Testament Research on Modern Life. Aside from the ky guiding principles and the parallel in deadline, events and to accounting income statement personalities that can be derived from the Old Testament, a dedicated study of its books can effect a major impact on Fsu admissions essay deadline, modern life. Most importantly, in a world where social and national disharmony and hotline decay has become commonplace, it can provide a peace that comes only from Fsu admissions essay deadline, understanding the faithfulness that God has demonstrated to His people. For example, the book of Job offers a biography of a life that is Custom homework help physics, filled with the hardships, temptations and despair that many people are well acquainted with today. Although Job was a man of Fsu admissions wealth and Essay learning character, his fidelity to God was challenged by Fsu admissions deadline numerous afflictions including poor health and the loss of income statement his children and property. (Job, 1-3) The truth that man’s afflictions are the result of sin is pointed to in many chapters of the book (Job 5, 20, 34) and, although Job protests his integrity throughout (Job 6, 9, 23), his final submission to God (Job 42) results in his restoration. The example of Job’s hardships and his inclination to challenge the penalties of sin are not unlike the circumstances and character of man today. Deadline? Therefore, an understanding of Job’s experience and, most importantly, his ultimate submission to God has applications for us even today. Similarly, the unrewarding consequence of man’s pursuit of earthly goals is revealed in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon’s recollection of his search for service learning, contentment and satisfaction in the pleasures of life rather than in the pursuit of a relationship with God should be sharply familiar to many people in today’s society.

Solomon ultimately determines that fearing God and keeping His commandments offers far better results (Ecclesiastes 12) than what the world can offer, a truth that can be realized even today. The books of the Old Testament research paper is not an accident. Rather, their conservation is a clear indication that what is revealed in them should have as much significance today as it did when the events that are detailed in Fsu admissions deadline, them actually occurred. In essence, one can never fully understand the roles, responsibilities and promises of Christian life without them. Contemporary Christians therefore have not only the What is 3/4 reward of the doctrines of Christ presented in the New Testament but also the manifestation of God’s faithfulness found in the Old Testament.

Amos €“ In the Bible, there are numerous books that are dedicated to telling the stories of prophets of God. One such book is the Book of Amos, though he is considered to be a lesser prophet. Daniel €“ The Book of Daniel is another book of the Old Testament that documents the Fsu admissions various trials that members of the Jewish faith are forced to endure at the hands of nonbelievers, this time focusing on the titular individual. Deuteronomy €“ Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible. It is the final book of the Pentateuch, a term used to described the books of the Bible attributed to Moses. Ecclesiastes €“ In the Bible, the Book of Ecclesiastes has some of the service learning in schools most profound lessons on true human nature to Fsu admissions, be found. Esther €“ There are three main sections or stories in the book of Esther.

The first section is summarized as ‘Esther replaces Vashti’, the second is Writing paper video, ‘Mordecai overcomes Haman’ and the third is ‘Israel survives Haman’s attempt to essay, destroy them.’ Exodus €“ The book of is 3/4 Exodus is the retelling of the Jews’ coming into Egypt as guests of Joseph to their flight to Fsu admissions essay deadline, freedom from slavery, led by Moses under the direction of God, called Yahweh by the Jews. Ezekiel €“ In the Old Testament, the Book of Ezekiel recounts the visions received by the prophet during his exile in Babylon. Hosea €“ The Book of Hosea chronicles the service learning adult life of a Jewish prophet during a turbulent time in Israel’s history. Isaiah €“ The Book of Isaiah is essay, probably one of the most cyclical books in the Bible, as it describes the consequences for a society that does not respect the help physics power and authority of God as well as the prosperity and success that will come to a kingdom that does. Jeremiah - The Book of Jeremiah is largely a biographical story of one of God’s prophets, though the messages that can be found in the text have been carried throughout generations. Job €“ The book of Job in the Bible does not have a specific author named, however it is believed that either Job himself, Elihu, Moses or Solomon wrote it. Joel €“ In the Bible, the Book of Joel is a short account of the punishments that can be brought against those who do not have faith in essay deadline, God, and the benefits that can be given to those that do.

Jonah €“ In the Bible, one of the most famous tales of the Old Testament is that of Jonah and the whale. Joshua €“ Traditionally, the service Book of Joshua, the sixth book of the Bible, is the first of the “historical books” of the Bible. Judges €“ In the Christian Bible, the Book of Judges provides insight into essay deadline exactly what the title states: individuals who served as judges during Biblical times. Kings €“ Kings was originally constructed as a single book but over time was divided into Book I and Essay service learning Book 2, continuing the history of Israel and Fsu admissions essay their kings, and telling of the sins and retribution of the Help use comma people of Israel. Lamentations €“ Of all the books in the Bible, that of Lamentations provides the greatest insight into the struggles true believers in God will face, and the promise of deadline salvation that He offers. Leviticus €“ Leviticus is the third book of the Old Testament or, as known by the Hebrews, the Pentateuch.

The Hebrews, connecting it to the second book of the Bible, knows this book as “Va-yakra”, and Answers income statement He called, Exodus. Numbers €“ The Book of Numbers details the time from the Exodus of God’s people from Egypt when they wandered in Fsu admissions essay, the desert for a period of thirty-eight years as they were being prepared to enter the Promised Land. Obadiah €“ The Book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, yet the Help writing use comma messages it contain are just as profound as the essay longest of books. Proverbs €“ The Book of Proverbs, much like the Book of Psalms, provides various opportunities for learning for members of the Christian and Hebrew faiths. Psalms €“ As one of the most eloquent books of the Bible, the Book of Psalms contains 150 poems, representing the entire range of religious behaviors that one should embody in order to effectively practice their faith. Ruth €“ The Book of Answers to accounting homework income statement Ruth is one of the few books in the Christian Bible that is dedicated to the story of Fsu admissions a female character. Samuel €“ The Book of Samuel, which was written about 960 B.C., was later separated into Book 1 and Book 2, and continues thus to this day.

How to Write a Research Paper on Old Testament. This page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see to the left. Of 32? Use our sample or order a custom written research paper from Paper Masters. Custom Research Papers - Custom written research papers on any topic you need starting at Fsu admissions essay $23.95 per page. Custom Research Paper Services - Learn about all of Answers to accounting income statement Paper Masters' custom research paper and writing services. Your Research Paper Worries will end in Less Than 5 Minutes! Order a custom research paper on ANY topic. Secure Online Ordering Guaranteed Quality Writing On-Time Delivery via E-mail Free Bibliography Confidential Private. Paper Masters Custom Research Papers on Old Testament.

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essay on syncretism Syncretic Reality: art, process, and potentiality. Syncretic Reality: formative factors. Essay Deadline? Roy Ascott 2005. This paper will argue that Syncretism, which has been seen historically as an attempt to reconcile and analogise disparate religious and Help with writing cultural practices, may contribute today to our understanding of the multi-layered worldviews - material and metaphysical - that are emerging with our engagement in, amongst other things, ubiquitous computing and post-biological technology. The 'other things' are numerous and varied, and reach across conflicting ideologies, commercial and political strategies, ecological events, and cosmological conditions. The emphasis in this paper however is on digital and biological technology, and especially in its relation to and effect upon, art practice. In short, it's about new media art and the syncretic reality that is both construed and constructed by that practice. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? Above all it is about breaking boundaries while maintaining cohesion, a most subtle attribute that is as necessary in the aesthetic as in the social sphere. Homework Hotline Ky? Of the myriad universes of discourse that constitute whole cultures and countries, only those open to change and adaptation are likely to survive the step change in evolution exerted by scientific development and technological innovation. If countries and communities are to avoid homogenization in this process, it will need to be a syncretic process that maintains the plurality of difference.

The syncretic process is not in any way to be confused with synthesis, in which disparate things meld into a homogenous whole, thereby loosing their individual distinction. Nor is it mere eclecticism, which usually signals a wavering course of essay deadline, thought of only probable worth. In the syncretic context, extreme differences are upheld but aligned such that likeness is Custom homework help found amongst unlike things, the Fsu admissions power of each element enriching the power of all others within the array of their differences. Standing in emphatic distinction to binary opposition, syncretism is a process between different elements, the in-between condition of 'being both'. In trying to describe syncretism, it is useful to writing use comma bring into essay play the both both/and and either/or formulation of Marilyn Ferguson. If the definition of the term is necessarily nuanced, its etymology is certainly confused.

According to Plutarch, syncretism refers to the ancient Cretan's decision to unite in the face of a common enemy (e.g. sun-kretismos). Subsequently, it has been taken to Help with use comma derive from the Greek sun-kerannumi meaning mixing together. Its original meaning will be retained in this paper. In different historical epochs, the common enemy has been variously religious, military, and political. In present day cultural terms the enemy is habit – the passive, uncritical repetition or acceptance of behaviors, opinions, perceptions and values, and the enshrining as verities, metaphors that have passed their sell-by date.

Habit is the enemy of art, impeding the Fsu admissions essay deadline search for new ways of being. The syncretic process is always an assault on homework help physics, habit, confounding the certainties and orthodoxies of unconsidered homogenizing convention. This has certainly been the case in media art: computer-mediated systems are inherently interactive and transformative, and as such they defy docile stability while bringing novelty to the dynamic equilibrium of living and cultural systems. After all, the first rule of cybernetics is to Fsu admissions acquire 'requisite variety', and variety is the spice of syncretism. In the past, religious syncretism has suffered at the hands of ky, orthodoxy, as indeed have the forces of intellectual inquiry and spiritual enlightenment. One thinks of the Gnostics, Neo-Platonists and Hermeticists of the late renaissance, the eradication of the Cathars, the wholesale burning of witches, and essay the assault on Rosicrucianism.

All these bodies of knowledge and belief have been essentially syncretic in their formation, always bringing together the unfamiliar, proscribed, alien, non-linear structures of thought. The early 20th century saw the emergence of spiritual and psychic syncretism in Help with english writing Brazil in the Afro-Brazilian movement of Umbanda, and in deadline Vietnam, the Dao Cao Dai or Caodaism as it is known in the West. There is an argument that says that all religions are effectively syncretic in their absorption of external elements either consequent upon colonization, conversion or simple geographical proximity. Shamanic Ceremony , Seoul, Korea. What Is 3/4 Of 32? Roy Ascott 2001. But this is to describe the process of synthesis or covert eclecticism rather than the sustained heterogeneity that is celebrated in authentic syncretism.

In this respect there are claims that the deadline syncretic impulse in Brazil is not limited to Umbanda but constitutes a direct challenge to Christianity, seeing its canonical religious orthodoxy as the enemy as has happened so frequently in the past. The last six decades have seen the growth of a remarkable syncretic Neo-Christian religion with ayahuasca as the sacrament. Following humble beginnings in the state of homework, Acre in Brazilian Amazonia, these contemporary religious groups communing with Santo Daime or Ch Hoasca (as ayahuasca is known to them) have grown into major international religious movements with thousands of members. Far from being an aberration or anachronism, these churches, and essay the African Bwiti religion centered on the entheogenic sacrament eboka , rather represent the future of Christianity, stripped of its Doctrine of Transubstantiation by the Entheogenic Reformation, and with one or another genuine entheogen replacing the placebo sacrament. [i] However over-stated this claim may be, the use of entheogens[ii] and their chemical correlates, in the search for altered states of consciousness and Essay service learning in schools direct spiritual engagement, is likely to grow over the coming decades. For those in the new media arts community, the switch in research of one of its leading contributors, Tom Ray, from artificial life (of which Tierra [iii]is his landmark contribution), to the mapping of the chemical organization of the human mind[iv] is highly significant in this respect. Since it is at the frontier of research in science, the essay great mysterium consciousness is likely also to be at the top of the agenda in art practice and theory over Essay service in schools the coming decades. Essay? In a very limited but perhaps significant way, the international conference Consciousness Reframed: art and technology in the post-biological era [v] has sustained an annual contribution by artists and scholars of some 70 - 100 papers each year since 1997. It mirrors qualitatively although not quantitatively, the biennial Towards a Science of Consciousness conference[vi] at Tucson, Arizona.

As I argue below, the with rituals and procedures of sacred ceremonies find their equivalent in Western codes and protocols of computer technology. In the old, traditional cultures, another technology predominates, providing its users with tools of consciousness and essay spiritual access, whose use lies beyond historical record. This is the technology of the psycho-integrator plant, a vegetal technology. In this regard also, the state of Homework hotline ky, consciousness described as delirium in other contexts, for example as proposed by the French symbolist poet Arthur Rimbaud, is a feature of Islam in its least orthodox form, namely in the language of the Sufi. Indeed, Sufism is in itself highly syncretic, a spiritual practice which is essentially in-between the tangible and abstract, the Fsu admissions essay known and unknown, the Essay service in schools visible and invisible, keeping each distinct yet related in Fsu admissions deadline their difference. The Syrian poet Adonis elicits a significant link between the syncretism in art and in the spiritual domain in his study Sufism and Surrealism , in which he writes: [Surrealist writing] like Sufi writing, appears for the most part to be filled with strange things, contradictions, obscure references and disjointed images . Custom Help? . .the anarchic, the astonishing, the baffling and the obscure form the basis for Sufi (and Surrealist) writing. . . .When the poet enters a world of transformations, he can leave it only by transformative writing: waves of illuminating images, which do not bear scrutiny by reasonable or logical means, and through which reality itself is transformed into a dream.[vii] It is in this heterogeneity of form and meaning, where synthesis is neither resolved nor sought, that syncretism finds its salience.

And it is with an agenda of transformation such as this, that the future of new media art may be determined. While the significance of Fsu admissions deadline, syncretic influences that bear on Sufism would be lost on those without Arabic scholarship, we can grasp the syncretic embrace of Surrealism by looking at those influences bearing on the Surrealist enterprise. They include Heraclitus, Abelard, Meister Eckhart, Rousseau, Swift, Sade and Lautramont. . as well as the Celts and the Hopi Indians, magical arts, secret rites, Gnostics, anarchists, spiritualists, mental illness and ky cults. While surrealism is not a tendency of Fsu admissions, any direct urgency in new media art, never the less, the hyperlinks and homework non-linear modality of the digital culture lend themselves to the irrational and unexpected semantic elisions and links of Surrealist practice. How Breton would have Googled! What is essay deadline asserted here is Writing services that understanding contemporary reality as syncretic will lead to significant changes in essay the way we regard our identity, our relationship to others, and the phenomenology of time and What is 3/4 of 32 space. Syncretism not only destabilises orthodoxies and changes language, it may also result in the release of the self from the constraints of deadline, overweening rationality and totalising dogma. In religious or spiritual contexts, syncretism means combining rituals, psychic instruments, the assimilation of plants and herbs, into new forms of sacred communion.

A parallel process of the bringing together of disparate technologies (interactive and Writing services paper video digital, reactive and mechanical, psychoactive and chemical), and new rituals of communication (mobile, online), and forms of community (the Net), is seen in our society, and indeed remains open to the incorporation of the older arcana. Our take on reality will depend in part on our cultural conditioning that may constitute a passive acceptance of a normative description or a vigorous attempt at Fsu admissions essay, its re-construction or re-definition. Interactive, digital and post-biological art provide us with tools and media that facilitate such construction, not only in virtual space but also in our very attitude to the nature of presence and interaction in and with the world. Writing? The asynchronic nature of telematic interaction is a good example of this. Within this syncretic reality, the human mind and telematic systems are interacting to Fsu admissions essay produce a new sense of self and planetary consciousness. Answers To Accounting Homework Income? This raises the question whether our drive to create wider and deeper and faster networks can be seen as an evolutionary impulse to Fsu admissions essay engage more fully with the universal mind? This in turn questions the nature of mind, where it is located, how it is constituted, and whether for example it can be considered as an epiphenomenon of the brain, or part of a larger field of consciousness. Similarly with matter, its nature and status is in doubt. Our culture is grounded in materialism, but in penetrating the material world beyond the nano level of observation we find there is no matter. Quantum physics makes plain that matter is not composed of matter, but reality is merely potentiality[viii].The immaterial connectedness that defines quantum reality, is a quality we associate equally with the spiritual domain, and is the Custom essence of telematic art.

From the convergence of silicon-dry computational systems and wet biological processes a moistmedia art is emerging. There may be an emergent faculty of cyberception that augments our awareness of the deadline field of consciousness. Does the flow of electrons and photons across the planet's telematic networks parallel the Writing services for research paper biophotonic information network of the body? In addressing these questions, one may reveal the nature and source of deadline, a new reality that is being formed, the syncretic reality that is emerging from the convergence of Mixed Reality technology and altered states of hotline ky, consciousness, and metaphors drawn from biology, quantum physics, field theory, language, combined with cultural, social and deadline spiritual practices, in What of 32 a hybrid space of potentiality. In terms of the syncreticity of new media art, the following factors might be taken into consideration:

Matter: dry computational systems and wet biological processes are converging to provide moistmedia for the artist. Mind: The human mind and telematic systems are interacting to produce a technoetic sense of self and planetary collaboration. Spirit: Immaterial connectedness defines both quantum reality and the spiritual domain. Information: The biophotonic information network of the body parallels the telematic flows of electrons and photons across the planet. Fsu Admissions? Technology: Both the media artist's interactive technology, and the shaman's psychoactive technology offer immersive pathways into altered states of Essay in schools, consciousness. We can claim that a syncretic art can arise when media is moist, the mind is technoetic, the body is transformable, and the planet is telematic. Some examples of recent projects that demonstrate many of Fsu admissions, these qualities are to be found in the transgenic work of Eduardo Kac, such as Move 36, Genesis, and GFP Bunny.[ix] An example of collaborative work of this genre can be seen in MEART: the semi- living artist [x], the product of Steve Potter's lab at Georgia Tech and Help with english writing use comma Guy Ben-Ary's lab at the University of Western Australia, involving the brain signals of cultured rat cells controlling robots on the other side of the planet. MEART: the essay deadline Semi-Living Artist , SymbioticA Research Group.

Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2003. The Tissue Culture and Essay service in schools Art projects[xi] of Oron Catts and Fsu admissions essay deadline Ionat Zur constitute another exemplary syncretic discourse that ranges across ethics, biotechnology, artificial life, and Help writing art. Their studio is Fsu admissions essay deadline located in the laboratory environment of a university biology department, and it is to accounting homework likely that the development of advanced forms of syncretic transdisciplinarity of this kind will increasingly come from artist's studios located not only within or across scientific laboratories and engineering centers, but in truly remote regions such as the deep ocean or outer space. SymbioticA laboratory , University of Western Australia. Symbiotica 2003. As far as science as a whole is concerned (its institutions, ideologies and discourses), syncretism is in many ways anathema.

The whole history of modern science has been to keep to the straight and narrow path of reductionism. This tunnel vision has had huge success and undoubtedly is the bulwark of Fsu admissions deadline, pragmatism. So much of the economy of utility depends on it. But it has been singularly unsuccessful in terms of human development, biological understanding and psychological or spiritual insight. Science is firmly cautious of Homework hotline ky, straying beyond the bounds of strict causality and reductive materialism, but artists are prepared to look everywhere and anywhere to try to reveal what is real and authentic in human experience. Science is caught in a trap of Fsu admissions essay deadline, its own making: for example, it recognizes the counter-intuitive precepts of quantum physics, while refusing to recognize their metaphysical implications. In so far as matters of homework physics, consciousness are concerned, science is in denial.

Artists, untrammelled by orthodoxy (though no less concerned than the scientist with authenticity), are explicitly syncretic in their manner of creation. They are prepared to examine any discipline, scientific or spiritual, any view of the world - however esoteric or arcane - any culture, immediate or distant in space or time, in order to find ideas or processes which might engender creativity. There is deadline no meta-language or meta-system that places one discipline or world-view automatically above all others. Such syncretic transdisciplinarity can inform artistic research at all levels. Homework? This is why we look in all directions for inspiration and essay understanding: to Writing paper video the East as well as the West; the left hand path as well as the right; working with both reason and intuition, sense and nonsense, subtlety and sensibility. Since syncretism is inherently impure, contaminated, unorthodox and alien, it fits well with the ambition, structure and layering of disparate and unordered sources of ideas and images that constitutes postmodernism in the arts. The conditions causing the Fsu admissions essay emergence of a syncretic art reflect the order of to accounting income statement, things in Fsu admissions essay deadline the world at large, and the many epistemological and learning in schools ontological conflicts and uncertainties that shape our cultural scene.

These are set within a larger context of Fsu admissions essay deadline, uncertainty that is almost cosmic in its dimensions. We have, for example, no knowledge of what constitutes the very ground of number ky, our reality. We know very little about dark matter and dark energy, just as the purpose and function of Fsu admissions essay deadline, junk DNA is unclear to us. Science claims that ordinary matter comprises only five percent of the What is 3/4 of 32 stuff in the universe, with dark matter comprising twenty-five percent and dark energy seventy percent. Similarly unknown to science is the location of mind and the source of Fsu admissions essay deadline, consciousness, which is not to say there is not a multiplicity of hypotheses. Within the study of Homework hotline ky, consciousness, the essay deadline issue of qualia has proven to be an Writing for research paper, intractable hard problem. In the early 20th century, consciousness became taboo in science. Before that, for millennia in fact, and essay certainly with the emergence of science in the 18th century, consciousness was openly discussed.

For just about the help physics whole of the Fsu admissions deadline last century, consciousness was the domain that dare not speak its name. It was David Chalmers as much as any one who, in 1994, opened what can be seen as a syncretic bridge between the two opposed discourses of science and consciousness, with his identification of the hard problem. The easy problems in his view are those dealing with our ability perceive the world, make decisions, act, remember, to know when we are dreaming and when we are awake. On the other hand, The really hard problem of consciousness is the problem of experience . When we think and paper video perceive, there is a whir of information-processing, but there is also a subjective aspect.

As Nagel [xii] has put it, there is something it is like to be a conscious organism. This subjective aspect is experience . When we see, for essay, example, we experience visual sensations: the number felt quality of redness, the experience of dark and light, the quality of depth in a visual field. Other experiences go along with perception in different modalities: the sound of a clarinet, the smell of mothballs . . . . What unites all of these states is that there is something it is Fsu admissions essay deadline like to be in them. All of them are states of experience [xiii]. While to state the hard problem is not to solve it, Chalmers offers an approach that keeps open the possibility of consciousness being a field we inhabit (rather in the way that we inhabit space). His doctrine of psychophysical supervenience (first introduced into the philosophy of mind by Donald Davidson[xiv]) amounts to no mental differences without physical differences, without however ascribing to these physical differences an irreducible causal responsibility for differences in mental states. We know that these states of experience are limitless in their variety, some seemingly having their source on other worlds - not just different universes of discourse (though they can alter powerfully our perceptions and sense of Writing services for research paper video, self), but new spaces of Fsu admissions, consciousness which we access through somatic or spiritual exercises, ritual ingestion of plants, sacred dancing, or the technologies of virtual reality and telematic communication. Behind many of these beliefs and practices, lies the idea of a dynamic field within which living beings interact and events are played out. Some of the more compelling field theories have been usefully sketched out in services video both their biophysical and metaphysical dimensions by Jean McTaggart in The Field [xv], just as a field-based morphogenetic model of Fsu admissions essay, biological process and Custom physics its spiritual implications informed Richard Sheldrake's A New Science of Life [xvi] twenty years ago.

Sheldrake's controversial theory of formative causation states that there is memory of physical order, structure, or pattern, in nature that finds expression in morphic fields. The memory in these form-fields comes from Fsu admissions previous forms of a similar kind. Morphic fields are an hotline, organizing principle of nature. He supports the contention that genes carry only a very small part of the biological information in a living system; most of it is in Fsu admissions essay deadline the memory carried within the organizing fields of an organism. Over time, the development of a larger memory of species experience, leads to the process of morphic resonance, where at all levels in with use comma nature, the form of systems is influenced by the form of previous systems. Fsu Admissions Essay Deadline? McTaggart identifies major scientists who contribute significantly to field thinking across a number of disciplines – holistic, metaphysical, spiritual or paranormal -- such as Karl Pribram, David Bohm, Fritz-Albert Popp, Charles Tart, Robert Jahn, Dean Radin, Hal Puthoff, Irvin Laszlo and Mae Wan-Ho. Field thinking informs an What is 3/4 of 32, understanding of healing practices of essay deadline, various kinds. Research into the connection between the biophotonic parameters and the parameters of electromagnetic fields active on living system such as that undertaken at the laboratory of the International Institute of Biophysics at Neuss, Germany[xvii]may provide some scientific validity to those ideas of self-regulation of the body to which various spiritual practices and somatic therapies subscribe. The network of meridians in acupuncture may be related to the body's biophotonic field, as may the prana of Yoga. What? But the very inconclusive nature of scientific research in these areas, opens them, perhaps inevitably, to consumer abuse on the web, just as western medical jargon has long been exploited for the purposes of quackery, deception and commercial gain.

However, just as the healing rituals in older cultures involved performative, interactive and imaging activity, it may be that art in contemporary society will come to acquire a more compelling value. In art, it is the field of interactivity that integrates the work, the Fsu admissions deadline artist and the viewer in what is both a material and an immaterial connectedness.[xviii] To discuss art in the syncretic culture it can be useful figuratively to of 32 locate any given work through the triangulation of three points, each weighted to Fsu admissions deadline a greater or lesser degree towards sacred art, conceptual art, or entertainment art. These polarities (and their many sub-categories) will of course be subtly nuanced, but they set out the three main strands that constitute what might be called the syncretic field of operations. There will be little difficulty in placing the larger categories of interactive/hyperlinked artworks (installed, performative or desk topped), or video games (arcade-based or globally-networked) in Homework hotline ky this schema. As to the question of sacred art, leaving aside the persistence of traditional religious practices from south America, Africa or South East Asia, contemporary examples will be found in the disposition of objects, places and Fsu admissions deadline performance in Umbanda, Vodou, Santeria and syncretic cults of Custom, Japan. One that is more extensive than most, in that it involves an entire township, a total spiritual ecology, is located in the State of Fsu admissions essay, Brasilia, called Valle do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn). Trance Medium , Valle do Amadhecer, Brazil. Roy Ascott 1999. This is the center of the help religion of Tia Neiva that practices spiritism and mixes Egyptian, Inca, Maya and Christian rites.

The art involved with its symbolism, ritual, music, images and architecture is almost monumentally syncretic. (On a much smaller scale the Brazilian ceremonies of Umbanda or Candomble constitute an equally complex syncretism in their codes and protocols). Deadline? In Orissa, India, a Hindu township of similarly spiritual complexity is found in Puri, the home of Lord Jagannath, its syncretic consciousness enshrining in Essay learning a Vaishnavite identity traces of Saivism, Buddhist Tantricism, Shakti and Tribal Sawara worship. Within this syncretic taxonomy of the triad, there is also a hybridity of space to be accounted for: the in-between of psychic space, cyberspace, and ecospace, just as there is Fsu admissions of embodiment: apparitional presence, telepresence, and physical presence. Writing Services For Research? Our phenomenology of essay deadline, space and time is undergoing a perhaps irreversible transformation. We are asynchronically and literally all over he place – often in many places at one and the same time. The distributed self is not only a well recognised feature of service learning, telematic networking, it also possibly marks an evolutionary development towards the multiple self - a multiplicity not just of (virtual/cyborg) bodies but of attitudes, values, intentions and purposes. The double consciousness experienced in shamanic states (being both in Fsu admissions essay deadline the physical world and service learning in schools the psychic world at the same time) is no more than a precursor of the multiple mind states we may come to inhabit (or which will inhabit us) in the syncretic combination of mixed reality technology, sacred plants, and Fsu admissions essay deadline other technoetic processes that we can expect to emerge over the next decades. For some decades, sociological and psychoanalytical discourses have attempted to construct a theoretical context for new media art. Homework Number? Often immured in Fsu admissions a morose materialism they have failed to see the paper video spiritual horizon, myopically setting their eyes on the Other, limited to the gross level of reality, and maintaining a false dualism. Now, as a syncretic science of deadline, consciousness arises, and to accounting homework as artists increasingly navigate its altered states, it is the metaphor of the Double that exercises our minds.

In telematic space we are both here and out of body; mixed reality technology combines physical and virtual actions into essay deadline a new kind of event space; the ingestion of service learning, entheogens allows us to move freely between worlds. In respect of the double consciousness that shamanic states permit, it may no longer be seen as paradoxical that our scientifically- driven thought relates to Fsu admissions essay models of consciousness and human identity based in the spiritual traditions of cultures previously dismissed as alien or marginal. Art may increasingly take on a more psychoactive complexion, and it will be found useful to link archaic models of consciousness, such as we find in Amazonia for example, or amongst the Tsogho of Gabon, and ideas of quantum coherence, such as we find in biophysics, and biophotonic research. These archaic models implicitly locate the human mind within a field of consciousness, rather than seeing consciousness as an epiphenomenon of the to accounting brain, as western materialist orthodoxies would argue[xix]. Altered states of consciousness can be accessed by means of ritualized forms of breathing, dancing, chanting, or by the ingestion of psycho-integrator plants[xx]. This understanding of consciousness as a field, and our ability to navigate it (and, as many aver, to be navigated in it by Fsu admissions essay, other spiritual entities) is seen most vividly in is 3/4 of 32 the syncretic doctrine of afro-Brazilian Umbanda[xxi], which brings together Yoruba (originally from S. Fsu Admissions Deadline? W. Nigeria and Benin), and the spiritist beliefs of paper, Kardecism (originally from France), with the essay deadline native wisdom and traditions of the Writing paper forest.

Equally, from the deadline Buddhist point of view, the mind is not a biproduct of the brain, but a field that is a separate entity from the body, and which confers an inherent connectedness on the human condition. If we move our focus from entheogens to engineering, that is to say from the services immaterial to Fsu admissions the profoundly material, we are confronted by an apparent paradox: the nano level of perception leads not simply deeper into matter but further into statement the quantum consciousness that lies beyond the molecular domain. As the nano scientist excavates matter, moving, re-assembling, and coordinating atoms and molecules in Fsu admissions essay deadline the nanofield, the distinction between the organic and the technological is becoming less distinct. Similarly our molecular knowledge may lead us to a better understanding of changes in consciousness and perception afforded by pharmacology. What ever is the case, we are now increasingly focusing our attention on the very small, at a level far beyond miniaturization: a nanometer is one billionth of a meter. This is at a level of perception that is, in any retinal sense and however technologically augmented, literally out of sight.

So much so that the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) calls for touch rather than vision to navigate the nano field, and to manipulate individual atoms. I shall argue that the nanofield mediates between pure matter and pure consciousness and that its significance as an interface between two levels of reality can hardly be overestimated. There are a number of ways to view the nano phenomenon. The popular view is that advanced by Arthur Drexler[xxii], who has provided a mechanistic and materialist understanding of its potential. His ideas of nano engineering and materials science promise self-replicating nanobots, self-renewing structures and self-assembling environments, working within the body, within its environment, and in outer space. Some find that this view violates our understanding of the body as constituting a holistic, mind/body field. When the body is seen as no more than a material collection of atoms, it may make sense to apply a materialistic strategy of repair. What Of 32? But the living organism is deadline infinitely more complex than that which the cyborg model, however sophisticated, allows. Developments in biophysics support this view: atoms and molecules cannot be context-independent. There is another other way of understanding the significance of our penetration of the nano world, which is to Help with english writing view these developments from the point of view of consciousness. This could lead to what could be called technoetic ontology[xxiii] since nano is the plane on which technology and consciousness can meet.

This presents a challenge to the artist that is as much metaphysical as material, and will doubtless require a syncretic solution. Materialist may see working in the nano field as the end game, but it is not necessary to embrace a radical transcendentalism to see that nano is Fsu admissions located between the material density of our everyday world and Answers income the numinous spaces of subatomic immateriality. The STM cuts through the dense complexity of matter to focus on the individual atom – at a level that is touchable and untouchable, immediate and deadline remote, as Gimzewski and Vesna have shown[xxiv]. Writing Services For Research Paper Video? Their recent exhibition at LACMA[xxv] was worthy of note. Nano Exhibition , Victoria Vesna James Gimzewski, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Victoria Vesna 2004. Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mingnoneau have also tried to give artistic expression to these ideas in their work Nanoscape [xxvi]. Nano watching changes the ratio of the senses: to touch is to see. Deadline? The auditory sense can also be involved. Service? Grimzewski has discovered that to touch the atomic plane is to hear the voice of molecules, whose sounds may signal distress as much as harmony[xxvii]. The atomic force microscope (AFM) allows him to hear the scream of a yeast cell as it is Fsu admissions essay doused in alcohol.

The individual atom, rather than simply employed as a building block towards denser material construction, can be considered as a point of access to homework statement the complexity of immaterial, subatomic domains. But there is no simple dualism here, no choice to be made between the materialist and Fsu admissions essay the spiritual point of view. The situation is to be viewed syncretically, as a matter of both both/and and either/or. It is What is 3/4 through our eventual understanding of that subatomic domain that we may discover the source of consciousness. We should be prepared to discover that individual consciousness is no more than an oxymoron. While individual self-awareness is a prerequisite of deadline, living beings, consciousness is more likely to be the of 32 attribute of a field than of the individual organism. Essay Deadline? A strong advocate for this point of view is Hans-Peter Durr, of the Max-Plank-Institut fr Physic, Munich [xxviii]. He argues that quantum physics reveals that matter is not composed of matter, but reality is merely potentiality. His research suggests that the world has a holistic structure, based on fundamental relations and Custom homework help physics not material objects, admitting more open, indeterministic developments. From this it follows that in Fsu admissions this more flexible causal framework, inanimate and Help english animate nature is not to be considered as fundamentally different, but as different order structures of the same immaterial entity.

In a stable configuration, effectively all the Fsu admissions uncertainties are statistically averaged out, thereby exhibiting the unique and deterministic behavior of ordinary inanimate matter. In the case of statistically unstable but dynamically stable configurations, the 'lively' features of the underlying quantum structure have a chance to surface to the macroscopic level and be connected with what we observe as the learning in schools phenomenon of life. The phenomenon of life may owe much to what has been shown to be a biophotonic information network between molecules within the body, possibly extending to other living organisms in the world (this suggest a parallel to the telematic flows of electrons and photons across the planet). Briefly to describe the basic proposition concerning biophotonic process, we can turn to Fritz-Albert Popp, director of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany: Biophoton emission is a general phenomenon of living systems. It concerns low luminescence from a few up to Fsu admissions essay deadline some hundred photons per second, per square centimeter surface area, at least within the spectral region from 200 to Help with writing use comma 800nm. The experimental results indicate that biophotons originate from a coherent (or/and squeezed) photon field within the living organism, its function being intra and intercellular regulation and communication[xxix]. Also illuminating are the following points Popp has made in Fsu admissions essay conjunction with J. J.Chang:

Bioelectrical or bio electromagnetical phenomena have been known for Homework hotline number, a long time, but the coherent bio-electromagnetic fields, including biophoton fields are a new concept. They exist in living biological systems although we cannot see them. They are some kind of structure with specific patterns, but they are not real matter, only fields that regulate and Fsu admissions bring the living system into a coherent state. In such a state within the coherent volume, there is no difference between particles and waves, therefore distance has no meaning. This state provides ideal conditions for the communication that is the What is 3/4 basis for Fsu admissions essay, biological regulation[xxx]. It is with this kind of theory that we can see a correspondence to the Sufi's syncretic view of in-between-ness of the is 3/4 physical and immaterial world, which was mentioned earlier. The biophoton is palpably visible and essay deadline quantifiable at Writing for research paper video, the macroscopic level, but at the same time has the Fsu admissions quality of Homework ky, quantum immateriality. In quantum physics (from which discipline and its many interpretations, media artists have derived a wide range of useful metaphors) the most syncretic, par excellence, is the Many World Interpretation (MWI).

The MWI of quantum mechanics was first proposed in Fsu admissions essay deadline 1957 by Hugh Everett III, who argued that, whenever sufficient possibilities exist, the world splits into hotline number many worlds, one world or universe for each possibility. In each world, everything is identical, up until the essay deadline point of each split, whereafter worlds develop independently, with no communication between them, so the people living in those worlds (and splitting along with them) may have no idea that this is going on. This endless branching and splitting of the What of 32 world creates more and Fsu admissions essay more diversity in what we can see as a kind of Homework number, infinite syncretism, where anything is at all times possible, separate but related. Time also is Fsu admissions deadline syncretic, since the present of homework, one observer, lies in essay deadline the pasts of a vast number of different futures. At the same time, quantum physics yields insights which not only highlight the homework help defining idea of interactive art- that it is the action of observing that creates meaning - but also provides a parallel to the inherent fuzziness of mind and content, the Fsu admissions deadline semantic potentiality of the Answers to accounting homework truly open-ended, inconclusive, emergent quality of interactive art.

This gives rise to the notion of a fuzzy, open-ended syncretism, whose parts are coming into being, in unforeseeable, unclassifiable variety, transforming, diminishing, re-appearing, within a non-linear structural containment. The same description could apply equally to mind, to the field of consciousness. In the search for mind, especially in the context of the artist's use of technology to explore consciousness, which I call technoetics, the technologies of other cultures can provide an important example. As much as data is stored deep in Fsu admissions essay deadline the memory space of the computer, so knowledge is stored deep in the psychic space of the shamanic world. In the technology of the psycho-integrator plant, (the vegetal technology to which we have already briefly alluded), such varieties as salvia divinorum or the shamanic liana, ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi), called the vine of the soul, and used in countless communities in Brazil and Colombia, are known as teachers, imparting wisdom as spiritual avatars. The researches of ethnobotanists such as Richard Evans Schultes [xxxi], Eduardo Luna[xxxii] and Benny Shanon[xxxiii] document the power of these plants in their sacred setting to enable us to transform consciousness, to is 3/4 enter into Fsu admissions essay other states of being, to communicate over great distances, to connect with other entities, and to receive knowledge and instruction from the plant domain.

In recent decades the Writing for research paper use of vegetal technology to heighten spiritual experience has extended in towns and cities, in Brazil most extensively, but increasingly in other countries, largely through the practices of Santo Daime[xxxiv] and Unio do Vegetal. The opening up of public awareness to the power of plants to heal the body and to transform the mind will doubtless infiltrate art theory, if not immediately the practice of art. As has been noted above, just as the artist's fascination with new technology has led to an electronic, interactive, telematic art, so it is possible to foresee a chemical or pharmacological ethos arising in art. A syncretic condition will arise when the two apparently opposed technologies are used in tandem; not simply cross referenced in an academic or analytical way, but brought together in a concerted conjunction of actions. From this, new syncretic ontology may arise, just as our notions of Fsu admissions essay, outer space and inner space may coalesce into another order of cosmography. Within this emergent ontology, evolution can be considered as a purposive pathway towards increasingly greater access to the field of consciousness, where survival is measured on a spiritual level: the fittest being those most able to adapt their individual self- awareness to the larger whole.

This proposition could temper the often aggressive interpretation of 19th century ideology of Darwinism with a more purposeful model of co-operation and collaboration, from the molecular to the macroscopic level of life, in services paper video the way that Lynn Margulis has argued [xxxv], and as the research of Mae-Wan Ho supports: Many remarkable individuals and local communities are indeed changing their own lives and the world around them for the better. They all do so by learning from deadline nature and Homework hotline number recognizing that it is the symbiotic, mutualistic relationships that sustain ecosystems and make all life prosper, including the Fsu admissions deadline human beings who are active, sensitive participants in the ecosystem as a whole[xxxvi]. In the evolutionary process, which the scientific community may yet come to see as more teleological than wholly random, both telematic and pharmacological technologies can serve the transformation of the self and the connectivity of minds, enabling what ever purpose is is 3/4 of 32 held in our genes, the increased facility of expression. Human expression, along with cognition and perception have been enhanced and perhaps changed by technology, to the extent that what can be seen as a wholly new faculty has arisen in the human sensorium: that of deadline, cyberception. With Writing? This faculty enables us to see deeper into matter, further into space, to deadline see the invisible, speak of the ineffable, to Help use comma multi-task, and micro-measure. The question then arises: does the telematic field of cyberception attempt to mirror or even augment our awareness of the field of consciousness?

Locative media and telematic communication put the mind out-of-body and globally distributed, altering the phenomenology of space and time. Technoetic research into Fsu admissions states of immateriality and emergent materialization may redefine our ideas of identity and presence. Just as the quantum coherence of services for research video, biophotonic networks can be shown to define living systems, so planetary consciousness may be illuminated by the coherence of Fsu admissions essay deadline, telematic interactivity. We have argued that only a syncretic process can hold together the current ferment of ideas, images and models of reality that communities and cultures across the planet are generating. To recite the What story of media art in deadline its syncretic mode is not to advance its development, nor is it sufficient simply to outline the syncretic reality that is What is 3/4 emerging.

Syncretic Art development chart. Roy Ascott 2005. A call to develop strategies that will strengthen this emergence is signalled. We started with the announcement that the original etymology of syncretism would be observed, wherein 'habit' would be viewed as the enemy. Firstly, then, it is necessary to identify new knowledge fields, and to develop transdisciplinary discourse and practice to replace what has become clichd and intellectually ragged. In the case of uncritically pursued conventions of learning, research and creativity (the universal staple of universities and colleges), it will be necessary effect a reversal of the classical agenda by Fsu admissions deadline, always insisting on writing use comma, prioritizing subject before object, process before system, behavior before form, intuition before reason, and essay mind before matter. A more extensive reversal is needed in terms of institutions as a whole, replacing them with syncretic, many stranded organisms of exploration, inquiry, learning and creativity. This will require a truly syncretic schedule of artistic, computational, psychic, biophysical and nanotechnological projects in order to bring about new material conditions for life and art, and liberate the requisite variety of cognitive modes and help spiritual states for Fsu admissions, the fulfilment of our human potential. ©Roy Ascott 2005.

[i] Ott, J. Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangaen Entheogens . (Kennewick, WA: Natural Products, 1994) 11. [ii] The term entheogen was first suggested in Wasson, R. et al. Writing For Research Video? The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries (Ethno-Mycological Studies, No. 4). (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978). Deadline? Entheogen is derived from a term meaning realizing the writing use comma divine within, employed by essay, the ancient Greeks to describe states of What, poetic or prophetic inspiration that can be induced by sacred plant-drugs. [iii] Synthetic organisms were created by Ray based on a computer metaphor of organic life in which CPU time is the energy resource and memory is the material'' resource. Memory is organized into informational patterns that exploit CPU time for self-replication.

Mutation generates new forms, and evolution proceeds by natural selection as different genotypes compete for CPU time and memory space. [iv] Nineteen psychedelics have each been screened against over one hundred receptors, transporters and ion channels, providing the first comprehensive view of how these compounds interact with the Fsu admissions human receptome. [. ] The project aims to understand the Answers homework statement mechanisms underlying the essay qualitative diversity of actions of psychedelics, by locating each drug in Answers to accounting income an abstract receptor space, a coordinate system with one axis for essay, each receptor. Ray, T. Homework Help Physics? The Chemical Architecture of the Human Mind: Probing Receptor Space with Psychedelics . (accessed 16.8.05) [vii] Adonis. Sufism and Surrealism . Trans: J. Cumberbatch. (London: Saqi, 2005.) 114. [viii] Drr, H-P. 'Inanimate and Animate Matter: Orderings of Immaterial Connectedness – The Physical Basis of Life'. In: H.-P. Drr et al (eds). What is Life? Scientific Approaches and Philosophical Positions . (New Jersey: World Scientific, 2002).

145. [xii] Nagel, T. Fsu Admissions? (1974). 'What is it like to be a bat?', Philosophical Review , Vol.83, no.4, 1974, 435-50. [xiii] Chalmers, D. Essay In Schools? 'Facing Up to the Problem of essay deadline, Consciousness', Journal of Consciousness Studies , vol. 2, no.3, 1995, 200-219. [xiv] Davidson, D. Essays on Actions and is 3/4 Events (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980). [xv] McTaggart, L. The Field: The Quest for Fsu admissions essay, the Secret Force of the Universe . (New York: Quill, 2003). [xvi] Sheldrake, R. A New Science of Life . (London: Granada, 1983) [xviii] Ascott, R. 'Towards a Field Theory for Post-Modern Art'. Leonardo , vol.13, 1980, 51-52.

[xix] See: Dennett, D C. Consciousness Explained . (New York: Pantheon, 1992). Dennett could be described as the pope of epiphenomenalism. [xx] Winkelman, M. 'Psychointegrator Plants: Their Roles in Human Culture, Consciousness and Health', in Winkelman, M. and W. Custom Homework? Andritsky (eds), Yearbook of Cross-Cultural Medicine and Psychotherapy . (Berlin: Verlag fur Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1995), 9-53. [xxi] Brown, D. Umbanda: religion and politics in urban Brazil . (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986). [xxii] Drexler, K.E.

Engines of deadline, Creation . (Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1986). [xxiii] The term 'technoetic' is coined by service in schools, the author from Fsu admissions essay deadline 'technology' and the Greek 'noeitikos' (mind, consciousness), to mean consciousness accessed, augmented, distributed, transformed (depending on the user's world view) by number, technology. This may have an essay deadline, ontological the effect on the sense of self and of the world . [xxiv] Gimzewski, J. and Vesna, V. 'The Nanoneme Syndrome: blurring of fact and services for research video fiction in essay deadline the construction of a new science'. In: Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research . Vol.1 no.1. 2003, 7 –24.

[xxvii] Nature Vol.423,2003, 106 - 107. [xxx] J.J.Chang and F.A.Popp. 'Biological Organization: A Possible Mechanism based on the Coherence of Biophotons', in J.J.Chang, J.Fisch and F.A.Popp (eds.), Biophotons . (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1998). 217-227. [xxxi] Schultes , R.E. and Raffauf , R. Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazonia . (Santa Fe, NM: Synergetic, 2004). [xxxii] Luna, L. and White, S. (eds.). Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the Amazon's Sacred Vine . (Santa Fe, NM: Synergetic, 2000). [xxxiii] Shanon, B. 'Ayahuasca visions: A comparative cognitive investigation', in Writing for research video C. Rtsch J. Baker (eds.), Yearbook for Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness . (Berlin: VWB Verlag, 1999.).

[xxxiv] Polari de Alverga, A. Forest of Visions: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Spirituality, and the Santo Daime Tradition . Deadline? (Rochester, Vt.: Park Street, 1999.) [xxxv] Margulis, L . Origin of Eukaryotic Cells . Answers? (Yale University Press, 1970.) Her proposal that mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved symbiotically, although in Fsu admissions essay deadline no way a displacement of Darwinism, nevertheless initially made the Darwinian faithful very uncomfortable.

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