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Physics Textbooks: Homework Help and Answers: Slader

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Physics Textbooks: Homework Help and Answers: Slader

a true essay of love Love is physics, one of the broadest emotions; there are dozens of different levels of love, aren't there? I beg to differ. There is only one type of assignment jan 2013 love, true love. Anything else is just a cheap imitation. But what is true love? Is it Disney's fantastical prince on the white horse who will carry you off to his white palace in the sunset? Does happily ever after really describe true love? No, love is something more than the picture-book fairy tales. True love is, in essence, what you make it. To prove that love is what you make it and nothing more, I asked many people of different age and gender, what true love is. The results were surprising to say the Custom, least.

True love doesn't exist, it's a fanciful idea young girls entertain and Disney extorts for profit, says Ryan Slate, 22. While there were a few cynics like Ryan, out of the 35 people polled, 23 said that true love exists. True love is two people who were meant to be together and know they were meant to be together, says Shanna Trojanavich, 17. Eternity, destiny and selflessness were three very common traits I found in the responses. Selfless love is something everyone searches for, ironically, in an age of independence and greed. How can such a thing survive? Through personal experience, I can tell you that it does. My boyfriend, Sean, and I are a perfect example of selfless love.

We say I love you every time we part, but those three little words are just meaningless things anyone can say. There is a phrase I once heard, You can say 'I love you' in a moment, but I'd rather you take a lifetime to show me. I have mixed feelings about this quote because I believe loving actions speak louder than words but I also believe that not letting someone know you love them is Short story site, foolish. So, to compromise, I do both. I tell him I love him, and I show him I love him. I give him a call every morning to help physics, tell him to have a good day and he calls me every night to tell me sweet dreams. What allows us to transcend the What makes college, meaninglessness of words and actually show our love for one another is something I cannot really explain. It's the connection we both felt the homework help physics, moment we met. How or why this connection came to be, I cannot say, I can only What makes college application, testify to Custom homework physics, its existence. Professional Dissertation Help Uk? I cannot explain what it is, only physics, that it is what makes us inseparable. The two of us are both Catholic, we met through my Church, and site, we both have similar home lives.

Other than that, he likes rock music and I, country; he wants to be a firefighter and Custom physics, I a cop. He likes to Short, rock climb and Custom help, I like to shop. Nothing else about us is compatible and nothing can really explain why we fit so well together, except that connection we feel. Sean and I finish one another's sentences and understand one another so well that you'd think we've known each other since we were children. That is not the case. We can read each other's emotions flawlessly and makes application essay, talk about physics anything knowing our opinions will be accepted in the eyes of the other. Without this relationship with him, I believe this essay would be very different. Prior to dissertation uk, meeting Sean, I didn't believe in true love. Custom? It was only logical that I didn't believe in it though, every marriage I saw around me fell to pieces and Top custom has anyone used, ended in divorce. What kind of homework help physics example does that set?

How could true love exist if marriages always failed? Regardless of these poor examples, I believed in love; after all, I loved my family, but I did not believe in soul mates and the like. Essay Science In The? I am not saying that Sean and homework help, I are soul mates, but I am saying that if this relationship comes to fruition, it will be nothing short of that. True love is knowing that no matter what happens, we won't desert one another, no matter what pain we endure, there will always be a shoulder to cry on, and no matter what happened in the past, we live for the future and only draw strength from past horrors. I still, after meeting Sean, do not believe in Essay in the of humanity the concept of happily ever after. Love is something that must be worked for. Help? There is no white palace awaiting a couple after they marry. The world is still hard, as is life, but true lovers pull together. Partners who love one another know that the hardest times call for Do my homework australia website, them to come together, not to break apart. Custom Homework? True love is that force that draws two people together at night when they've fallen asleep after a big fight, says Seth Caraway, 22.

While it is Cs401 3 solution jan 2013, uplifting to hear so many people believe in true love, I wonder how many are expecting that white horse that will never come. Custom Help Physics? Perhaps society's idealized love is actually hurting relationships. If you believe that true love is happily ever after then what will you think when you first fight with your husband? No wonder so many people are divorced, they keep searching for something better. Not to say that people should settle for a lesser degree of Top custom essay happiness, but people should not spend their whole lives looking for this surreal relationship that they're never going to find. For me, the relationship Sean and I share is Custom physics, beyond surreal. We do fight, I won't deny that for a moment, but the key point is Essay of humanity, that we overcome the physics, hardships we face, and story site, persevere. If a relationship cannot handle hardship, it is not true love. Homework Help? This imitation is like a friend who is with you when you're happy, but when you need to be comforted, you find yourself alone. While I do believe in australia true love, and I do believe in homework the concept of a soul mate, I believe there are people who (sadly) feel like they are not loved.

Not to homework website, sound stereotypical, but often, Teenagers believe that they are unloved. I've had many a late night chat with friends that supports my opinion as such. This is my foundation for one of the many rules I live by. Being able to show someone you love them is an homework incredible gift and some cannot even recognize love when it is shown so I believe that the three simplest words in the world are the solution to Essay science services, all the hate. I love you.

If everyone would say this to Custom, at least one person a day, you would brighten that person's day and convince him or her to makes essay, pass that joy on to another. If you can only offer a smile, I believe that's plenty. It is Custom help, hard to assignment, express love, but it is necessary for each human being to feel loved. Custom Homework? Love is a necessary element to life. One cannot live without love, but not the fairy tale love we all dream of that does not exist. How can I say that? Simply. Cs401 Jan 2013? The most accurate literary portrayal of true love, is not a happily ever after story, in help fact, it is a terrible story of suffering. Jesus Christ died on Do my the cross for our sins. He gave up His life to save us. Dying that painful and humiliating death, He sacrificed Himself for our eternal salvation.

Likewise, His father made the Custom help, ultimate sacrifice; He gave up His son. Throughout literary history, never has a truer tale of Love been portrayed than the passion of Christ. Science In The Services Of Humanity? That God Himself would give up His life to save the filthy souls of a bunch of mortals is the ultimate sacrifice. Never again will such a display of true love be found. His path was not an easy one and Custom homework physics, His story did not end in happily ever after but it is Professional help, a prime example of true love. Love, one of the most illusive and yet one of the help, most sought after emotions, is something that can only be described by Essay science services of humanity the person who feeling it. Love is Custom help physics, different for every person. Some people spend their whole lives looking for a love that they will not recognize because that is not what love is to them. There is Cs401 jan 2013, only one definition of Custom homework physics love I think that everyone can relate to. It is an all-encompassing definition that describes love in its purest and truest form. Love is patient, love is Do my australia, kind.

It is Custom homework help physics, not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoiced with the help, truth. It bears all things, believes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will fade. For we know partially and we prophesy partially, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

When I was a child, I used to help, talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child when I became a man, I put aside childish things. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. So faith, hope and love remain, these three; but the greatest is love. Do My Homework Website? (1Cor 13: 4-13)

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La grande distribution en Russie Perspectives pour les groupes etrangers. Professeur permanent, groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne. Custom Help. Manuscrit clos en septembre 2007. Sommaire des nouveaux numeros. ALERTES EMAIL - REVUE Le Courrier des pays de l'Est. Votre alerte a bien ete prise en compte. Vous recevrez un email a chaque nouvelle parution d'un numero de cette revue.

Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de votre alerte. Vous avez deja enregistre cette alerte. Do My Australia. Vous pouvez gerer vos alertes depuis le menu Mon Avec une croissance moyenne de 6,4 % entre 2002 et 2006 [1] [1] Le PIB russe a atteint 984,6 milliards de dollars en. Physics. et d’importantes perspectives de developpement, la Russie est devenue l’une des destinations preferees des groupes de la grande distribution en quete de nouveaux espaces. Cs401 Assignment. En hausse de 19 % en 2005, le chiffre d’affaires du commerce de detail connait une progression trois fois plus rapide que celle du PIB, et represente plus d’un quart de ce dernier [2] [2] Le chiffre d’affaires du commerce de detail en Russie. Custom Homework Help. . Do My Homework Australia. Le secteur alimentaire qui pese 100 milliards de dollars et s’accroit de 15 % par an, est le plus dynamique, mais le non alimentaire commence egalement a apparaitre sur les ecrans radar [3] [3] A. Help. Ostrovsky, B. Essay Has Anyone Used. Benoit, « Metro Unveils ˆ1bn Plan. Custom Homework Help Physics. . Professional Dissertation Help. Au-dela de l’effet produit par ces bonnes performances, les previsions de certains « agents d’influence » occidentaux sont encourageantes : ainsi, en 2003, la banque d’investissement Goldman Sachs, dans un rapport sur les BRIC (Bresil, Russie, Inde, Chine), situait la Russie a la cinquieme place mondiale en termes de PIB d’ici 2030.

De meme, le pays arrive dans les tout premiers rangs en ce qui concerne l’indice d’attractivite du marche pour la grande distribution internationale, etabli chaque annee depuis 2003 par le cabinet de conseil AT Kearney [4] [4] La Russie a conserve sa deuxieme place en 2006. Custom Help. . La Russie sovietique ignorait le concept de grande distribution moderne. Makes College Application Essay. L’offre, quand elle existait, etait mal distribuee et les conditions d’achat ressemblaient a un parcours du combattant. Homework. L’appareil de distribution actuel est un melange entre heritage sovietique et nouvelle Russie : outre les grandes surfaces sovietiques de qualite variable, tel les univermags et universams des quartiers residentiels, on Top custom essay writing trouve les Goums et Tsoums des centres-villes [5] [5] Dans le systeme sovietique, les univermags (acronyme. Custom Homework Physics. . Short Story. Les anciens petits magasins de proximite, privatises, continuent leur activite sous les enseignes d’antan, tel Produits alimentaires ( Prodoukti ), qui representent toujours plus d’un tiers du nombre total d’etablissements commerciaux. Viennent ensuite les successeurs des marches kolkhoziens sovietiques, qui permettaient aux paysans d’ecouler une partie de leur production privee, avec environ un quart des parts de marche. Custom Help Physics. Bien que mieux reglemente aujourd’hui, ce mode de distribution est toujours assez « sauvage » et repose sur une myriade de kiosques et de points de vente en plein air.

Au final, la distribution moderne occupe entre 10 % et 13 % du marche (les estimations varient), position nettement minoritaire. Cs401 Jan 2013. Avant la crise financiere de 1998, cette part etait encore moindre, et c’est de cette annee-la que date l’entree definitive de la grande distribution dans le paysage commercial russe. Custom Help. La devaluation du rouble et l’arret des importations ont rendu en effet la production domestique plus competitive, l’essor de la grande distribution etant alors apparu dans le sillage de ce renouveau. College Application Essay. Le plus grand producteur de boissons, Wimm-Bill-Dann, donne de cette evolution une excellente illustration. Homework. Fonde en 1992, le groupe ? qui disposait d’une seule chaine de production dans une usine moscovite et commercialisait une seule marque ? n’avait pas les moyens de concurrencer l’offre beaucoup plus allechante des multinationales. Do My Australia. Depuis la crise, la firme a acquis plus d’une douzaine de chaines de production et d’emballage et propose 450 types de produits differents. La plupart des analyses concordent sur le potentiel considerable de la distribution en Russie, estime au moins au double du l’existant.

Ces evaluations se fondent sur la hausse du pouvoir d’achat des menages. Custom Homework Help. Ce dernier a beneficie de la fin de la periode de non-paiement des remunerations, de relevements successifs du salaire minimum, du retour de la croissance, ainsi que, indirectement, d’une meilleure redistribution de la manne energetique. Selon une etude realisee par la branche moscovite de la Deutsche Bank, les depenses du Russe moyen dans le commerce s’elevaient en 2001 a 1 007 dollars, ce chiffre devant tripler d’ici a 2010. En termes absolus, la consommation russe est en train de rattraper celle des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale. Globalement, le chiffre d’affaires du commerce de detail russe est passe de 199 milliards de dollars en 2004 a 250 milliards en 2005. Australia. Les estimations sont de l’ordre de 400 milliards de dollars d’ici a 2010 [6] [6] AT Kearney, 2005 Global Retail Development Index ;. Custom Help Physics. . Site Necklace. Avec un salaire moyen d’environ 300 dollars (2005) et le developpement d’une classe moyenne [7] [7] Le groupe Metro evalue la classe moyenne a 20 % de. Custom. , des sommes considerables vont etre consacrees a la consommation. Has Anyone Used. La Russie est deja le cinquieme marche pour l’alimentation en Europe. Custom Homework Help. Les Russes atteignent ce niveau de consommation relativement eleve pour diverses raisons : meme si les salaires restent inferieurs a ceux verses en Occident, une plus grande partie est disponible, en raison des bas niveaux des taux d’imposition et d’epargne, de la modestie des depenses pour le logement et l’energie, et enfin du relevement des salaires minima, sans oublier l’importance de l’economie parallele. Se basant sur l’augmentation des depots en banques et des abonnements de telephonie mobile, une etude realisee en 2003 chiffrait a 45 % la part de l’economie « grise », et a 40 % la sous-evaluation du PIB par les statistiques officielles [8] [8] « Top 100 Emerging Companies of the Cs401, Russian Consumer. Custom Help Physics. . Assignment Jan 2013. Finalement, un nouveau comportement d’achat s’impose a mesure que s’estompe le souvenir des annees 1990, lorsque les salaires etaient couramment verses avec retard (ou pas du tout).

Dans le meme temps, le panier moyen commence a se modifier, avec une diminution de la part relative des produits alimentaires au profit des meubles, des biens electromenagers, des voitures ainsi que des loisirs [9] [9] La part des depenses alimentaires dans le budget moyen. Custom Homework Help. . L’extension des facilites de paiement et du credit a la consommation contribue egalement a cette evolution ; entre 2004 et 2005, ce dernier a double, atteignant 41 milliards de dollars. Le secteur de la grande distribution en Russie se distingue par le nombre des acteurs locaux, contrairement par exemple a la Pologne ou les grandes enseignes occidentales se sont partage le marche, ne laissant aux entreprises locales qu’une place marginale. L’histoire de Pyaterochka, maxidiscounter devenu numero un dans l’alimentation, est caracteristique a cet egard. Essay Services Of Humanity. Disposant de deux entrepots en gros a Saint-Petersbourg, il avait deja 17 supermarches en 1999, au lendemain de la crise financiere. Custom Homework Help Physics. Apres que la Berd eut pris une participation dans son capital, le mouvement s’est accelere et il a realise un chiffre d’affaires de 1,6 milliard de dollars en 2004 [10] [10] 2005 GRDI. Necklace. . Cette expansion rapide s’est faite grace au systeme de la franchise, puis le groupe s’est consolide avec l’acquisition de petits operateurs regionaux et des implantations dans les autres pays de la CEI. Help. En 2006, a l’heure de sa fusion avec Perekrestok (carrefour en russe), premiere chaine de supermarches du pays (detenue par Alfa Group, de Mikhail Fridman), le groupe comptait environ 1000 magasins, pour la plupart a Moscou et a Saint-Petersbourg. Science In The. Ce nouvel acteur, appele X5 Retail Group, ambitionne de doubler son chiffre d’affaires (2,4 milliards de dollars en 2005) a moyen terme, et concurrence directement Auchan et Metro.

La chaine de supermarches Sedmoi Kontinent (Septieme Continent ) , fondee au debut du processus de privatisation, en 1994, a connu un developpement tout aussi etonnant. Custom. Ainsi, son chiffre d’affaires est passe de 100 a 300 millions de dollars entre 2000 et 2002. Australia Website. En 2003, elle a inaugure son premier hypermarche, Mosmart, et envisage d’en ouvrir a Moscou de 30 a 35 a court terme et meme 70 a long terme. Physics. Elle gere aujourd’hui 67 magasins dans la capitale, et detient une part de marche de 15 %. Essay In The. Le dynamisme du marche russe se traduit egalement par le developpement des enseignes specialisees. D’autres elements revelateurs du dynamisme des enseignes russes resident dans les mouvements de consolidation recents, avec les fusions de discounters et de super- ou hypermarches, ainsi que de groupes moscovites et petersbourgeois. Custom Homework Physics. Outre la fusion de Pyaterochka (auquel appartient deja l’hypermarche Karoussel) et de Perekrestok, a eu lieu celle du discounter petersbourgeois Dixi avec la chaine d’hypermarches moscovites Megamart. Homework Website. Dans une meme logique d’extension, des magasins Pyaterochka et Paterson ont ete ouverts en Ukraine et au Kazakhstan. Custom Help Physics. Plusieurs groupes ont lance des OPA, dont Sedmoi Kontinent, Dixi, Magnit, Lenta.

L’entree en scene des groupes etrangers. Meme si les motivations d’une installation a l’etranger peuvent varier, une majorite de groupes etrangers cherche avant tout a echapper a la saturation des marches occidentaux ou ils assurent deja l’essentiel de l’activite commerciale. Makes A Good College Application. La comparaison du niveau de penetration dans plusieurs pays en donne une bonne illustration. Pour autant, la Russie n’est pas un nouvel Eldorado. Custom Homework Help Physics. Une demarche qui se contente de reagir sans anticiper a peu de chances de l’emporter sur un marche au contexte tres particulier en matiere de competition. Les premiers groupes etrangers a s’aventurer sur le marche russe ont ete le turco-russe Ramenka, avec ses hypermarches Ramstore, en 1997 et la chaine suedoise IKEA, en 2000. Homework Australia Website. Ces investissements vont produire aussitot des effets boule de neige, se manifestant par l’arrivee de nouveaux modes de distribution.

Comme pour leurs equivalents russes, la sante retrouvee de la production nationale et la viabilite de multinationales comme Danone ou Nestle, rassureront les etrangers. Custom Physics. Le premier Cash and Do my australia website, carry est introduit par le groupe allemand Metro en 2001. Ce dernier est bientot suivi par son compatriote REWE, avec son reseau autrichien de supermarches Billa, puis par Spar, avec ses superettes et surfaces un peu plus grandes. Custom Help Physics. Le premier hypermarche russe, cree par le pionnier francais du format, Auchan, ouvrira la meme annee. Short. La derniere vague d’implantations compte la chaine specialisee britannique Marks Spencer. Celle-ci se lance en 2005 avec deux franchises a Moscou, et y ajoutera sept autres sites en 2006 ? dont deux a Saint-Petersbourg, un a Nijni-Novgorod et un encore a Ekaterinbourg. Custom. Face a des taxes a l’importation elevees et a une sensibilite aux prix grandissante de la part du consommateur, le sourcing local s’impose pour tous les groupes etrangers. Assignment 3 Solution. Ainsi l’approvisionnement de Ramstore est russe a 85%.

Pourtant, constituer un reseau de fournisseurs locaux, element critique de toute internationalisation d’enseigne, est un defi particulier en Russie. Help. En effet, la strategie en matiere d’offre suppose de proposer plusieurs categories de produits pour satisfaire une clientele la plus large possible, avec d’un cote des articles a prix casses pour le consommateur moyen, et de l’autre des biens importes pour le consommateur plus exigeant. Moscou demeure le lieu de predilection des groupes etrangers. Do My Homework Australia. Avec une population de 14 millions d’habitants, et un segment important de la nouvelle classe moyenne (15 a 20 % de la population), dont le niveau de salaires est plus eleve qu’ailleurs, la ville a de quoi seduire, puisque 30 % du commerce de detail y est realise (48 milliards de dollars en 2003) [11] [11] Le chiffre correspondant pour Paris est d’environ 80. Custom. . Etant donne la specificite des grandes agglomerations russes, dont la majorite des habitants vivent dans des zones-dortoirs situees a la peripherie, toute implantation doit cibler un lieu de passage oblige, comme les points de liaison metro-bus, ou un quartier a forte densite de population. Cs401 3 Solution Jan 2013. AMoscou, le boulevard peripherique (MKAD) est tres prise. Help. Trois zones commerciales extra muros , mais a proximite de quartiers tres peuples, ont accueilli la plupart des enseignes etrangeres, comme les centres commerciaux MEGA a Teply Stan, Khimki et Belaia Datcha, au sud-ouest, nord-ouest et sud-est de la capitale. Of Humanity. D’un point de vue strategique, les plus grands groupes installes dans ces lieux sont les deux fondateurs ?IKEAet Auchan ?ainsi que la chaine specialisee allemande OBI, le finlandais Stockmann et le russe M. Custom Physics. Video. Do My Homework Website. S’y ajoutent environ 200 petites boutiques, appartenant a diverses enseignes specialisees etrangeres et russes tels Polo, Adidas, Yves Rocher, l’Etoual, Marks Spencer, Douglas, SportMaster.

Cher et sature, le centre-ville de Moscou ne se prete pas a l’accueil des grandes surfaces et est devenu la chasse gardee des magasins de luxe. Custom. Le seul grand projet au c?ur de la ville est le nouveau centre commercial Atrium Kourskaia, lequel a accueilli des enseignes prestigieuses de plus petite taille, ainsi qu’un supermarche Sedmoi Kontinent. De leur cote, les regions cherchent a s’affirmer face a la capitale pour attirer les investisseurs, Saint-Petersbourg notamment s’y employant depuis de nombreuses annees. Makes A Good College. Plus que la flambee des prix de l’immobilier et les risques de saturation du marche, c’est le manque de terrains qui detourne les investisseurs des rives de la Moskova. Anticipant les futures contraintes et pour assurer son developpement dans la capitale, Auchan a signe, fin 2006, un accord de partenariat avec le groupe immobilier Tsentourion, dans lequel une deputee de la Douma detient la majorite de controle. Custom Help Physics. Deja a Moscou, la demande pour des espaces de stockage correctement equipes serait superieure de 40 % a l’offre. Makes Essay. S’ajoute a ces difficultes le decret du maire de la capitale, Iouri Loujkov, qui interdit aux magasins situes au-dela du boulevard peripherique, sur le territoire des communes limitrophes, de posseder des panneaux publicitaires intra muros . Custom. En consequence, les dix autres villes russes de plus d’un million d’habitants, qui se trouvent pour la plupart dans l’ouest du pays, sont la cible des prospecteurs. Une envolee de la grande distribution dans les regions, sur le modele de ce qui s’est produit a Moscou, est tout a fait envisageable, a condition toutefois que la croissance russe poursuive sa trajectoire actuelle. Professional Dissertation Help Uk. Il n’y a donc rien d’etonnant a ce que le groupe francais Carrefour ait decide de lancer fin 2007 sa premiere implantation en Russie ? un magasin de 10 000 m? ? sur les rives du Don, a Rostov. Custom Homework Help Physics. L’exemple de Marks Spencers, avec son systeme de franchise, se situe dans la meme logique.

Les derniers arrives realisent qu’il leur faut desormais eviter la capitale, ou la concurrence est devenue trop forte [12] [12] Une application directe du concept de « l’avantage. Top Custom Essay. . Custom Physics. Carrefour en est bien conscient. Essay In The Services. Pionnier en Russie, ou il avait un projet des la fin des annees 1990, il s’est retire apres la crise financiere de 1998, laissant le champ libre a Auchan, son principal rival a l’international, qui saura en profiter. Custom Homework Help Physics. Carrefour tente maintenant de revenir sur le marche russe, et vise une dizaine de grandes agglomerations regionales ou, face a une forte demande, les leaders des marches moscovite et petersbourgeois n’assurent qu’une presence discrete, quand ils ne sont pas completement absents. Story. Les hypermarches ne s’adressent pas en effet a la petite elite qui se rend frequemment dans les deux capitales, mais a la classe moyenne qui est plutot sedentaire (contrairement a l’epoque sovietique ou, en raison des tres grandes disparites d’approvisionnement et du tres faible cout des transports, les Sovietiques n’hesitaient pas a venir de tres loin pour faire leurs courses a Moscou). Physics. Le fait que le sentiment de fidelite a la marque soit peu developpe en Russie ne peut que renforcer les chances de tout nouvel arrivant dans les regions. L’experience de ce groupe offre des enseignements instructifs. Do My Australia Website. Quand il installe son premier magasin moscovite en 2000, les attentes concernant le comportement d’achat de la clientele ne se verifient pas : au lieu de s’interesser aux accessoires et petits objets, la demande s’est immediatement portee sur des categories de produits plutot inattendues, comme les cuisines. Custom Homework Help. Pour IKEA, le marche russe a surtout surpris. Do My Australia Website. par son absence de surprise et son acceptation sans reserve de la standardisation, qu’il s’agisse des produits, ou de l’agencement des magasins [13] [13] L’experience d’IKEA est atypique, sinon l’adaptation. Custom Homework. . Un autre objectif d’IKEA etait d’implanter un centre de production dans un pays low cost . Has Anyone. Des droits de douane de 25 % sur les meubles importes rendent necessaire de recourir au sourcing a hauteur de 30 %, pour rentabiliser l’operation. Help Physics. Le groupe souhaite donc utiliser les capacites de production du pays pour approvisionner son reseau mondial de magasins.

Avec une demande globale pour les produits IKEA, qui double tous les quatre ans, la securisation de l’approvisionnement represente un enjeu majeur. Assignment 3 Solution. Dans ces conditions, un partenariat s’impose avec la Russie, qui detient un quart des reserves mondiales en bois, mais possede egalement des potentialites importantes s’agissant des matieres plastiques et de l’aluminium ; son interet va aussi a la reactivation des capacites dormantes des industries textile et de la ceramique. Custom Homework Help. D’apres Lennard Dahlgren, dirigeant d’IKEA en Russie, la qualite de la production locale y serait tres superieure a celle d’autres pays, contrairement a ce que l’on a coutume d’entendre. Top Custom Essay Has Anyone Used. Le sourcing local d’IKEA s’est chiffre a 50 millions de dollars en 2002. Homework Physics. Pour permettre aux fournisseurs russes d’acheter l’equipement industriel necessaire, le groupe a depense 400 millions de dollars. Help Uk. De plus, il a ouvert sa propre unite de production a Saint-Petersbourg. Custom Help. La lourdeur des frais d’etablissement peut expliquer que le groupe soit reste deficitaire jusqu’en 2005, bien que ses magasins russes soient parmi les dix les plus visites au monde et que les ventes aient depasse les previsions [14] [14] Le leader parmi les magasins IKEA en Russie a attire. Professional Dissertation Help Uk. . Une autre implantation reussie est celle du groupe allemand Metro qui, ayant adopte une strategie d’internationalisation pour echapper a l’atonie du marche allemand, a pris pied en Russie en 2000, et a ouvert un Cash and homework help, carry en novembre 2001. Cs401 Jan 2013. Ce calcul consistant a compenser la mauvaise conjoncture allemande par de nouveaux marches etrangers s’avera judicieux, puisque ces derniers representent desormais plus de la moitie du chiffre d’affaires du groupe, avec en tete l’Asie et l’Europe de l’Est [15] [15] Au troisieme trimestre de 2006, les hausses ont ete. Homework Physics. . Essay In The. La Russie, ou les ventes ont progresse de 75 % en 2004 et de 66 % en 2005 (depassant 1,5 milliard de dollars au cours de cette annee), compte pour beaucoup dans cette performance. Custom Homework. Apres avoir rode son concept Cash and Top custom essay has anyone, carry, Metro a lance ses hypermarches « Real » en 2005, puis, un an help plus tard, sa troisieme enseigne, Media Markt, qui fut la premiere chaine etrangere d’electronique a s’etablir dans le pays.

Metro propose deux marques de distributeur ?Aro et Metro Quality ?ainsi que les plus grandes marques russes. What Essay. Comme la plupart des autres distributeurs etrangers, le groupe se procure l’essentiel de ce qu’il vend en Russie, soit 140 000 produits differents, venant de 2 000 fournisseurs russes. Help Physics. Tout comme IKEA, le groupe compte utiliser la Russie comme centre d’approvisionnement de son reseau international de magasins. Jan 2013. Le fait de cultiver l’image de « l’entreprise citoyenne » ( Good corporate citizen ) et de renforcer les liens entre les parties prenantes contribue non seulement au developpement du groupe, mais rend plus aisee l’acceptation de cette entreprise etrangere. Metro evite les oligarques, mais soigne ses relations avec un pouvoir relativement perenne, en l’occurrence la mairie de Moscou. Custom Homework Physics. L’appui de cette derniere fut decisif pour l’implantation de tous les magasins du groupe qui, sur ce plan, fait presque figure d’exception parmi les operateurs etrangers [16] [16] Les trois IKEA desservant la ville sont tous situes. Writing Has Anyone. . Custom Help. Pour souder les liens, Metro communique sur ses actions de bienfaisance et relevant de sa responsabilite sociale : en coordination avec la mairie, il a mis a la disposition des orphelinats et d’autres institutions sociales moscovites, nourriture, vetements et moyens de chauffage pendant l’hiver 2005-2006.

La cooperation avec la mairie porte aussi sur un projet commun de production biologique de viande, qui sera expediee dans les Cash and a good college, carry europeens. Metro fait souvent valoir le nombre d’emplois crees, surtout dans les regions, ainsi que son module de formation Metro Education dont beneficie un millier de jeunes cadres russes par an. De leur cote, les fournisseurs de Metro voient leurs produits beneficier d’une plus grande notoriete grace a la certification internationale demandee et obtenue par le groupe. Help. Ce dernier cherche manifestement a s’implanter durablement en Russie et est engage dans des projets de consolidation de son reseau dans la partie europeenne du pays, ainsi qu’en Siberie, notamment a Novosibirsk et Omsk. Top Custom. Selon son PDG Hans-Joachim Koerber, la Russie devrait se placer a breve echeance parmi les cinq premieres implantations du groupe dans le monde, tant en ce qui concerne les ventes que le nombre de magasins a l’etranger [17] [17] « METRO Group Further Expanding Strong Position in. Custom Help. . Auchan a fait son entree sur le marche russe en 2001. Dissertation Uk. Pour rester competitif, il a du adopter, des le debut, une strategie discount , les prix des fruits et legumes devant se situer au meme niveau que ceux des Cash and Custom help, carry et des marches en plein air, principale reference du consommateur russe. What Makes. Pour attirer ses clients, Auchan s’est inspire pour ses magasins des marches, ou le consommateur peut, tout en se promenant, faire ses courses. Help. En ce qui concerne son ancrage dans le tissu economique et social du pays, il procede de facon assez similaire a IKEA et Metro. Top Custom Essay Writing. Sa recette est le fruit de son experience en Pologne, ou le groupe ne se contentait pas de sa propre implantation, mais essayait de devenir le maitre des lieux, valorisant des terrains avec la construction de galeries marchandes autour de l’hypermarche, qui accueillent petits et grands commerces.

En Russie, Auchan renouvellera ce concept, cette fois en cooperation avec IKEA dans le cadre des Megas Malls, cooperation qui a permis de parer une tentative d’extorsion de pots-de-vin, a l’occasion du lancement du deuxieme centre commercial moscovite, en 2004. Help. Auchan est plutot proche du gouverneur de la region de Moscou, Boris Gromov, avec lequel il a deja renouvele son accord de developpement de 2001. Cs401 Jan 2013. Cependant, il ne veut pas abandonner le centre-ville, comme en temoigne son partenariat avec le groupe immobilier Tsentourion. La concurrence dans le segment des hypermarches ?cense etre particulierement porteur ?est rude et Auchan a vite ete copie par plusieurs chaines russes et etrangeres, dont Sedmoi Kontinent, Spar, Metro (« Real »), O’KEI et plusieurs autres. Help Physics. Le positionnement de Mosmart, l’enseigne hyper de Sedmoi Kontinent, est illustre par son slogan sans equivoque : « Un kopek moins cher qu’a Auchan ». Cs401 3 Solution Jan 2013. La valeur ajoutee d’Auchan n’est pas exclusive d’une autre. Custom Help Physics. Avec une offre de 80 % de produits locaux, la copie est assez simple a realiser, et meme en etant moins competitifs, les groupes russes ont des chances de gagner la bataille, du fait de leur meilleure connaissance du jeu politique.

Toutefois, la question-cle est celle de la compatibilite a long terme du concept « d’hyper » avec le marche russe [18] [18] Ace sujet, voir Graham Roberts, « Auchan’s Entry into. In The Services Of Humanity. . Help Physics. Le succes de cette formule repose sur trois piliers : des surfaces importantes ou sont proposes produits alimentaires et non alimentaires, des prix bas et des parkings. Essay Used. Et c’est la que les premiers problemes apparaissent : maintenir des prix bas depend de la structure de la chaine logistique et la situation en Russie est telle que les fournisseurs peuvent dicter leurs conditions. Custom Homework Help. En 2001, les groupes russes avaient reagi en concluant une alliance destinee a combattre le pouvoir dont jouissaient leurs partenaires, sous la houlette de Sedmoi Kontinent et de Perekrestok. Cs401 Assignment 3 Solution. IKEA a certes choisi de creer sa propre chaine d’approvisionnement, mais les moyens d’action des hypermarches occidentaux semblent relativement modestes. Help. Par ailleurs, faire ses achats dans un hypermarche signifie disposer d’une voiture, ce qui n’est pas encore le cas general en Russie. Professional Dissertation Uk. Les quantites achetees restent donc limitees a ce que peuvent contenir des sacs portes a la main. Homework Help. La visite le week-end a l’hypermarche est ainsi reduite a de la curiosite, ce que revele une affluence superieure, mais un chiffre d’affaires inferieur a ceux d’un hypermarche francais. Do My. Le developpement de chaines couvrant tout le territoire fait face a un defi culturel, qui tient a la variation, selon les regions, du niveau de sensibilite aux prix et des preferences du consommateur. Help. De fait, les prix pratiques connaissent des ecarts considerables, de meme que les comportements de la clientele. Il est difficile de savoir si le succes actuel des hypermarches en Russie est ou non un effet de mode passager.

En tout cas pour l’instant, les formes traditionnelles de distribution ont la vie dure. En general, les Russes sont persuades que seuls les marches en plein air peuvent offrir une combinaison optimale entre qualite et prix. Assignment. De plus, les comportements de consommation herites de l’URSS perdurent, les Russes preferant les achats journaliers en petites quantites dans les commerces de proximite aux courses importantes et hebdomadaires en peripherie. Homework Help Physics. La chaine russe Mosmart a beau predire l’implantation a long terme dans la region de Moscou de 70 hypermarches, un taux de penetration de meme ordre que celui observe dans l’Union europeenne est peu probable en Russie, en raison de la corruption ainsi que d’une application asymetrique des regles du jeu, qui favorise les acteurs russes. Cs401. Les chances des groupes etrangers de participer a cet essor ne doivent donc pas etre surestimees. Custom Help. Comme pour enfoncer le clou, le bureau d’etudes Planetretail juge le developpement d’Auchan trop lent. Science In The Services. Le retrait partiel du turc Ramenka, qui a du fermer dix de ses Ramstores (sur un total de 60), donne egalement a reflechir. Quels sont les ressorts de la reussite des trois exemples decrits ci-dessus et quels peuvent etre les axes du developpement futur des enseignes commerciales etrangeres en Russie ? Comme sur tous les marches emergents, la profitabilite en Russie s’inscrit dans une perspective de long terme. Custom Homework Help. Ainsi, Auchan n’espere pas faire de benefices avant plusieurs annees et IKEA a depasse le « point mort » en 2005 seulement. Short Story Site Necklace. Dans ce contexte, les societes non cotees sont avantagees par rapport aux societes cotees soumises a la pression des actionnaires. Custom Homework Help. En consequence, elles ont toute latitude pour reagir aux fenetres d’opportunite qui s’offrent a elles pendant cinq a dix ans.

La penetration d’un marche tel que la Russie exige egalement une main-d’?uvre de qualite. Do My Australia. Or, meme si le pays compte chaque annee environ 1 million de diplomes et a deux fois plus d’etudiants inscrits dans le superieur que la Chine [19] [19] 7 millions contre 3 millions pour la Chine. Custom Homework. , grosso modo le systeme d’education est toujours fonde sur l’acquisition de connaissances plutot que sur le developpement de competences. Top Custom Essay Has Anyone Used. Si les jeunes recrues russes d’IKEA ont un bon niveau d’instruction, elles se montrent peu capables de mettre leurs acquis en pratique. Custom Help. Le systeme educatif produit un grand nombre de juristes et d’economistes, mais peu de managers et ?en opposition flagrante avec la tradition sovietique ? peu d’ingenieurs. En meme temps, les groupes doivent adapter leurs politiques de fidelisation et de remuneration, car la concurrence entre eux au sein de ce petit pool de professionnels qualifies est rude. Writing Used. Cette gestion du personnel renvoie a un troisieme element essentiel : les trajectoires d’apprentissage d’un groupe etranger, son knowledge management (management des competences) et son knowledge sharing (echange des competences). Au lieu de se baser sur des etudes de marche ou des informations abstraites, IKEAa mise sur l’acquisition active de connaissances et de competences : ainsi, la politique de recrutement et des ressources humaines, ainsi que les relations avec les fournisseurs et decideurs politiques sont primordiaux dans ce processus d’apprentissage. Help. La fluidite des relations releve de la culture de l’entreprise, c’est-a-dire du degre de hierarchisation, des caracteristiques du management, de l’attitude face au risque, de la transmission des valeurs, de la presence d’outils permettant l’echange, de « l’ouverture » de l’entreprise aux employes, clients et partenaires. Quelle peut etre la valeur ajoutee des groupes etrangers ? Premierement en implantant des complexes qui englobent grande distribution, petits commerces et lieux de divertissement. Assignment. C’est le cas des Mega Malls qui associent IKEAet Auchan.

Reprenant l’idee de l’« achatplaisir », le premier Mega moscovite basait sa campagne publicitaire sur le slogan « Faire des achats en Europe ? sans visa, sans voyage », qui revele une bonne connaissance du referentiel culturel russe. Homework Help Physics. Deuxiemement, les groupes etrangers sont competitifs dans le discount (surtout le hard discount ), en raison de leurs economies d’echelle et de la qualite de leur logistique et de leurs fournisseurs europeens (ou mondiaux). Cs401 3 Solution. Malheureusement, pour l’instant, ce potentiel n’est pas encore valorisable, mais l’adhesion de la Russie a l’Organisation mondiale du commerce pourrait modifier la donne. Manifestement les creneaux representes par les hypermarches, les maxidiscounts (mais aussi les enseignes specialisees) sont les plus porteurs. Physics. L’essor de certains types de distribution correspond aux differentes phases que connait le marche. Cs401 3 Solution. La Russie est, en effet, en train de passer du stade de marche croissant a celui de marche culminant (et bientot en declin), ou certains formats de vente commencent a avoir davantage de succes et d’autres moins. Help Physics. Pendant cette phase, on Essay in the of humanity observe generalement une redistribution des cartes, le nombre de supermarches diminuant essentiellement au profit des hypermarches et des discounters, tandis que disparaissent des formats traditionnels comme les marches en plein air, les kiosques et les petites epiceries. Simultanement, un marche en declin s’illustre par la resurrection des petits formats, mais cette fois au sein de chaines. Custom Homework Help Physics. En Russie le mouvement est deja engage. Site Necklace. Neanmoins, la recomposition se fait assez unilateralement au benefice des discounters, secteur entierement domine par les groupes russes. Mais ceci pourrait changer si les leaders allemands du hard discount europeen, Lidl et Aldi, decidaient de s’implanter dans le pays.

La grande distribution specialisee est le troisieme point fort des groupes etrangers. Homework Physics. Pour l’instant, les investissements dans ce secteur ont peu d’envergure, surtout en comparaison avec ceux effectues dans d’autres pays emergents, comme la Chine ou le Bresil. Science In The Services Of Humanity. La plupart des enseignes occidentales preferent toujours passer par un distributeur local ou avoir recours a la franchise, comme en temoigne le cas d’Yves Rocher, present sur le marche depuis 1990 [20] [20] La firme est actuellement en train de revoir sa strategie. Custom Homework. . Essay Services Of Humanity. Dans le secteur pharmaceutique, par exemple, il n’y a encore aucun distributeur etranger [21] [21] La plus grande enseigne britannique, Boots the Custom homework help, Chemist. Short Site. . Physics. Meme si le commerce alimentaire represente environ 40 % du chiffre d’affaires de la distribution de detail, la situation est en train de se modifier, avec l’augmentation de la part du revenu affectee par les menages a d’autres consommations. Le succes de la strategie de joueur de niche adoptee par IKEA, mais aussi l’envolee rapide de Marks Spencer montrent qu’il existe une place pour ceux capables de repondre a une demande non satisfaite par la concurrence russe. Dissertation Help Uk. C’est dans des domaines autres que le commerce alimentaire, que le succes des chaines internationales s’affirme. Homework Help Physics. C’est notamment le cas pour les secteurs de l’electronique et des objets pour la maison et le bricolage, dont l’expansion correspond a l’evolution du comportement de consommation.

Si le mouvement des introductions en bourse de societes russes se poursuit, le developpement pourrait aussi passer par la voie des acquisitions. In The. Dixon, leader britannique de la distribution de produits electroniques, a sans doute ete precurseur en la matiere, en signant un accord de cooperation avec le Russe Eldorado, qui s’accompagne d’une option d’achat, valable jusqu’en en 2011. Tout au long de cet article, on help physics a pu constater que le boom russe de la grande distribution n’est pas un de ces exercices en trompe-l’?il dont la Russie a la reputation. Short. En meme temps, force est de reconnaitre que les enseignes commerciales etrangeres sont moins a meme de faire valoir leurs avantages competitifs que les entreprises industrielles qui generalement peuvent s’appuyer sur une cooperation interetatique. Custom Help. La Russie d’aujourd’hui eprouve un besoin urgent de biens industriels ?equipements mecaniques, lignes de production, usines cle en main ?, afin de renouveler sa production et d’ameliorer ses infrastructures de transport. Dissertation Uk. Mieux vaut alors un produit unique et inimitable, qualite que la majorite des biens de consommation ne possedent pas. Custom. Neanmoins, l’implantation en Russie complete parfaitement les portefeuilles des groupes de la grande distribution internationale, et. Le PIB russe a atteint 984,6 milliards de dollars en 2006, Country Briefings « Russia » , The Economist Intelligence Unit. Le chiffre d’affaires du commerce de detail en Russie s’est eleve a 180 milliards de dollars en 2005, alors que le PIB etait de 764,2 milliards de dollars, voir AT Kearney, The 2006 Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) ; The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Briefings « Russia » . A. Writing Has Anyone Used. Ostrovsky, B. Homework Help. Benoit, « Metro Unveils ˆ1bn Plan to assignment 3 solution jan 2013 Capitalise on homework Growth in 3 solution jan 2013 Russia », Financial Times , 11 juin 2003. La Russie a conserve sa deuxieme place en 2006. Dans le systeme sovietique, les univermags (acronyme pour magasin universel), grandes surfaces ou etaient vendus principalement des biens non alimentaires, etaient situes dans les villes.

Les universams (acronyme pour magasin universel en libre-service) qui proposaient en libre-service des produits alimentaires et non alimentaires, se trouvaient dans les zones residentielles. Homework Physics. Les Goums (magasin universel d’Etat), dont celui, bien connu, de Moscou, aujourd’hui privatise, et les Tsoums (magasin universel central) relevaient de la premiere categorie dont ils etaient les fleurons et etaient installes dans le centre des grandes villes. AT Kearney, 2005 Global Retail Development Index ; Consulat general de France a Saint-Petersbourg, Mission economique, La grande distribution a Saint-Petersbourg , 18 juillet 2006. Le groupe Metro evalue la classe moyenne a 20 % de la population totale. « Top 100 Emerging Companies of the Cs401 assignment jan 2013, Russian Consumer Market », Interactive Research Group , Moscou. La part des depenses alimentaires dans le budget moyen aurait baisse de 54 % a 39 % entre 1998 et 2004. Le chiffre correspondant pour Paris est d’environ 80 milliards d’euros. Une application directe du concept de « l’avantage au premier entrant ». L’experience d’IKEA est atypique, sinon l’adaptation s’impose, sous la forme d’une revalorisation de la « russite », avec des touches contemporaines. Le leader parmi les magasins IKEA en Russie a attire 40 millions de visiteurs en 2004. Au troisieme trimestre de 2006, les hausses ont ete de 15,5 % en Europe de l’Est et meme de 17,9 % dans la zone Asie-Afrique.

Les trois IKEA desservant la ville sont tous situes dans la region de Moscou. Homework Physics. Auchan a seulement quatre de ses dix enseignes moscovites sur le territoire de la ville meme. « METRO Group Further Expanding Strong Position in What college Russia », 24 aout 2006. Ace sujet, voir Graham Roberts, « Auchan’s Entry into help physics Russia : Prospects and What makes, Research Implications », International Journal of help physics Retail and Cs401 assignment 3 solution, Distribution Management, 33(1), 2005. 7 millions contre 3 millions pour la Chine. La firme est actuellement en train de revoir sa strategie, en envisageant des acquisitions en Russie et en Chine. La plus grande enseigne britannique, Boots the Custom help physics, Chemist, se preparerait a entrer sur le marche russe. La Russie qui connait une croissance forte depuis plusieurs annees et voit le niveau de vie de sa population s’ameliorer rapidement presente pour la grande distribution un potentiel prometteur. Cs401 Assignment. Cette derniere, apparue dans le paysage commercial seulement apres la crise financiere de 1998, se developpe d’ailleurs tres rapidement : de 199 milliards de dollars en 2004, le chiffre d’affaires du commerce de detail est passe a 250 milliards en 2005 et pourrait atteindre 400 milliards vers 2010. Physics. Contrairement a ce qui s’observe dans les PECO, les acteurs locaux sont tres presents en Russie et, a la suite de mouvements de concentration successifs, dominent largement le marche.

Les groupes etrangers, arrives de fraiche date, s’installent majoritairement a Moscou ou est realise 30 % du commerce de detail et certains, comme IKEAet Auchan, sont a l’origine de gigantesques centres commerciaux, les Mega Malls, a la peripherie de la capitale. A Good College Application. Mais le manque de terrains, la flambee des prix de l’immobilier et le risque de saturation du marche les incitent de plus en plus a envisager des implantations en province. Help. Par ailleurs, ces groupes etrangers cherchent le plus possible a se fournir aupres de producteurs russes, y compris, comme le fait IKEA, pour approvisionner son reseau mondial de magasins. Short Site Necklace. L’etude de ce cas, ainsi que de ceux de Metro et d’Auchan permet de preciser les strategies adoptees par les grandes enseignes occidentales en Russie, qui ont pour principal atout, face a la concurrence russe, quelques acquis inimitables comme, notamment, la pratique du hard discount, l’experience de la creation et de la gestion de grands complexes commerciaux, les competences en matiere de chaines specialisees et de marches de niche. Large-Scale Retailing in Custom Russia The Outlook for dissertation uk, Foreign Groups Russia, which has enjoyed strong growth for Custom, several years and necklace, has seen the Custom, standard of Cs401 3 solution living of help physics its population rapidly improving, shows great potential for dissertation, large-scale retailing and help, distribution.

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essay to do good Read the topic and sample essay, then study the comments. Click on the highlighted text for comments about academic writing conventions; click on the notes in the margin for commentary on the essay. Birth rates are falling in developed countries. There is one simple reason for this - young people nowadays are just too selfish and too self-centred to have children.

And this is particularly true of women. To what extent do you agree with this view? Support your argument with relevant readings and evidence. Countries in the developed world have seen a big shift in attitudes to population growth. Several generations ago, it was generally believed that too many babies were being born, and that societies should try to reduce their populations. Nowadays, however, the concern is the reverse - that birthrates are falling too low and Custom physics that urgent action is Professional dissertation help uk needed to encourage people to Custom homework help physics, have more children. But what are the causes of this trend?

And how much are the attitudes and lifestyles of young people to Essay, blame? This essay will consider a number of explanations for the so-called baby crash. My argument will be that to hold young people responsible is neither valid nor helpful. The best explanation, I believe , is to be found in help physics the condition of increased economic insecurity faced by the young. The birth rate has fallen dramatically in many parts of the world. To take several examples, in Europe in Short 1960, the total fertility rate (TFR) was about 2.6 births per female, but in 1996 it had fallen to Custom homework physics, 1.4 (Chesnais, 1998) . In many Asian countries, similar declines have been experienced. Japan now has a birthrate of only about 1.3, and Hong Kong#039;s has fallen to Essay science services, below 1.0 (Ichimura and Custom homework help Ogawa, 2000) . A TFR of below 2.0 means that a country#039;s population is not replaced, and thus there is Top custom essay has anyone used a net population decline. This ageing of the population has the Custom homework help physics potential to create serious problems. Makes A Good Application! Fewer children being born means that in homework help the long term, a smaller proportion of the populace will be economically productive, whilst a larger proportion will be old and in the services of humanity economically dependent - in the form of pension, health care and other social services.

Most experts agree that these greying societies will not be able escape serious social and economic decline in the future (Chesnais, 1998). So what are the causes of help physics this trend and what can be done to stop it? One common approach has been to lay the college application essay blame on young people and their supposedly self-centred values. It is argued that in Custom physics developed societies, we now live in a post-materialist age, where individuals do not have to be so concerned about basic material conditions to survive (McDonald, 2000a). Thus people, especially the young, have become more focussed on the values of self-realisation and the satisfaction of 3 solution jan 2013 personal preferences, at the expense of traditional values like raising a family. Homework Help! A strong version of this view is put forward by Japanese sociologist, Masahiro Yamada (cited in Ashby, 2000) . He uses the term parasite singles to refer to grown children in their 20s and 30s who have left school and are employed, but remain unmarried and continue live at home with their parents. Story Necklace! These young people are spoilt, he says, and interested only in their own pleasure - mainly in the form of shopping. According to Yamada , it is this focus on self, more than any other factor, that is responsible for Japan#039;s languishing birth rate (Ashby, 2000). Help! In other developed countries, there is a similar tendency for in the the young to remain at home enjoying a single lifestyle - and a similar tendency for older people to Custom homework help, interpret this as selfishness (McDonald, 2000a). But is it reasonable to attribute the baby crash to the pleasure-seeking values of the young? The problem with this view is that whenever young people are surveyed about Essay, their attitudes to family, not only do they say they want to have children, they also express preferences for physics family sizes that are, on average, above the replacement level (McDonald, 2000a).

As an example, McDonald quotes an Australian study that found that women aged 20-24 expected to have an average of 2.33 children in their lifetime. Professional Help Uk! Findings like this suggest that the values of the young are not at all incompatible with the idea of having a family. It seems then that, as young people progress through their twenties and thirties, they encounter obstacles along the way that prevent them from fulfilling their plans to be parents. Some conservative thinkers believe the main obstacle is the changed role and status of women (eg. Norton, 2003). According to Custom help, this view, because young women now have greater educational and career opportunities than in previous generations, they are finding the idea of family and motherhood less attractive.

Thus, educated middle class women are delaying marriage and Cs401 assignment 3 solution jan 2013 childbirth or even rejecting motherhood altogether. It is claimed that women#039;s improved status - which may be a good thing in itself - has had the homework help unfortunate consequence of threatening population stability. But there are several problems with this argument. For one, the lowest TFRs in Europe are found in Spain and Italy (around 1.2), both more traditional, male-oriented societies, which offer fewer opportunities to women. In comparison, Sweden which has been a leading country in advancing the rights of women enjoys a higher TFR (1.6 in 1996) - even though it is still below replacement. Chesnais (1998: p. 99) refers to this contrast as the Essay of humanity feminist paradox and concludes that empowerment of women [actually] ensures against homework a very low birth rate (my emphasis) . Another problem with trying to link improved education levels for women to low birth rates is that fertility in developed countries seems to be declining across all education and class levels. In a recent survey of makes application essay Australian census data, Birrell (2003) found that, whereas the non-tertiary-educated group was once very fertile, its rate of Custom homework partnering is now converging towards that of tertiary educated women. We can summarise the Short site necklace discussion to this point as follows: Young people today, in spite of what#039;s said about their values, still express a desire to have children. However, few end up having as many as they say they would like.

The improved education and Custom help career opportunities for women does not seem to be the makes a good application essay decisive factor in reducing the homework help number of children that a woman has. These conclusions suggest that there must be something else involved. Many writers are now pointing to Professional dissertation, a different factor - the economic condition of young people and their growing sense of insecurity. Peter McDonald (2000a) in his article #039;Low fertility in Australia: Evidence, causes and Custom help policy responses#039; discusses some of the things that a couple will consider when they are thinking of having a child. One type of thinking is what McDonald calls Rational Choice Theory, whereby a couple make an assessment of the 3 solution relative costs and benefits associated with becoming a parent. In traditional societies, there has usually been an economic benefit in having children because they can be a source of Custom help physics labour to help the family. In developed societies, however, children now constitute an economic cost, and so, it is Do my argued, the Custom benefits are more of a psychological kind - for example, enjoying the status of being a parent, having baby who will be fun and will grow up to love you, having offspring who will carry on the family name etc. The problem, McDonald suggests, is that for many couples nowadays the economic cost can easily outweigh any perceived psychological benefits. McDonald (2000b) discusses another type of decision-making - Risk Aversion Theory - which he says is also unfavourable to the birth rate.

According to this theory, when we make important decisions in our lives life, if we perceive uncertainty in our environment, we usually err on the side of safety in order to avert risk. McDonald points to Essay in the services, a rise in economic uncertainty which he thinks has steered a lot of young people away from life-changing decisions like marriage and parenthood: Jobs are no longer lifetime jobs. There is a strong economic cycle of Custom homework physics booms and Essay of humanity busts. Homework! Geographic mobility may be required for employment purposes (McDonald, 2000: p.15).

Birrell (2003) focuses on increased economic uncertainty for men. Referring to the situation in Australia, he discusses men#039;s reluctance to form families in terms of perceived costs and risks: Many men are poor - in 2001, 42 per cent of men aged 25-44 earnt less than $32,000 a year. Only two-thirds of men in this age group were in full-time work. Young men considering marriage could hardly be unaware of the risks of marital breakdown or the long-term costs, especially when children are involved (Birrell, 2003: p.12).

And Yuji Genda (2000) in Japan, responding to Yamada#039;s analysis of parasite singles, argues that the failure of Cs401 jan 2013 young Japanese to leave home and start families is not due to self-indulgence, but is an understandable response to increasingly difficult economic circumstances. Genda (2000) notes that it is the young who have had to Custom physics, bear the brunt of the decade long restructuring of the assignment Japanese economy, with youth unemployment hovering around 10% and a marked reduction in secure full-time jobs for the young. Young people around the world seem to have an increasing perception of economic uncertainty and contemplate something their parents would have found impossible - a decline in living standards over their lifetime. Help! According to a 1990 American survey, two thirds of respondents in Short site necklace the 18-29 age group thought it would be more difficult for their generation to live as comfortably as previous generations (cited in Newman, 2000: p.505). Physics! Furthermore, around 70% believed they would have difficulty purchasing a house, and around 50% were worried about their future.

Findings like these suggest that the younger generation may be reluctant to have children, not because they have more exciting things to do, but because they have doubts about their capacity to provide as parents. If we accept that economics has played a significant role in story young people choosing to have fewer babies, then the homework help key to 3 solution jan 2013, reversing this trend is for governments to take action to remove this sense of insecurity. A number of policy approaches have been suggested. Some writers have focussed on the need for better welfare provisions for families - like paid parental leave, family allowances, access to child care, etc (Chesnais, 1998). Others have called for more radical economic reforms that would increase job security and Custom help physics raise the living standards of the young (McDonald, 2000b).

It is hard to know what remedies are needed. What seems clear, however, is Do my australia that young people are most unlikely to Custom, reproduce simply because their elders have told them that it is selfish to do otherwise. Castigating the young will not have the effect of making them willing parents; instead it is likely to just make them increasingly resentful children. Ashby, J. (2000). Parasite singles: Problem or victims?

The Japan Times. 7/04/02. Birrell, B. (2003). Fertility crisis: why you can#039;t blame the essay writing has anyone blokes. The Age 17/01/03 p. 14. Chesnais, J-C. (1998).

Below-replacement fertility in Custom homework help the European Union: Facts and Policies, 1960-1997. Review of Population and Short story Social Policy, No 7, pp. 83-101. Genda, Y. (2000). A debate on Japan#039;s Dependent Singles, Japan Echo, June, 2000, pp. 47-56. Ichimura, S. and N. Ogawa (2000). Policies to meet the challenge of an aging society with declining fertility: Japan and other East Asian countries. Paper presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, USA. McDonald, P. (2000a).

Low fertility in Custom homework Australia: Evidence, causes and policy responses. People and Place, No 8:2. pp 6-21. McDonald, P. (2000b). Website! The toolbox of public policies to impact on fertility - a global view. Paper prepared for the Annual Seminar 2000 of the European Observatory on Family Matters, Low Fertility, families and Public Policies, Sevilla (Spain), 15-16 September 2000. Norton, A. (2003). Student debt: A HECS on fertility? Issue Analysis No 3. Melbourne: Centre for Independent Studies. Newman, D. (2000). Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life.

California: Pine Forge. Notice what the homework help question is makes a good application asking students to do - in this case saying how much they agree with the #039;view#039; in Custom the topic. What do you think? Is this a reasonable explanation for the declining birthrate? Hint: always spend some time looking over and thinking about an essay topic before you start your planning and reading for it. As part of assignment this thinking, you should give some thought to what your position (argument) could be.

Notice how in the introduction, this student writer: introduces the topic area in help physics a general way (ie. declining birthrates) introduces the main issue to be covered in the essay (ie. why this is happening). Hint: there are many different ways you can begin an essay - if you are stuck, try beginning with i) and ii). In the last part of the assignment 3 solution introduction, the student introduces his argument. Notice how he disagrees with the explanation in the topic, and then offers an physics alternative explanation. Hint: in Do my homework website the introduction it is always a good idea to state what you intend to argue. In this paragraph, the Custom homework help student considers the makes a good college essay first part of the Custom physics topic - that birth rates have fallen. This is presented as background information. Notice how the student begins the paragraph with a claim (that the writing has anyone birth rate has fallen dramatically in physics many parts of the world) and then supports this with relevant evidence (statistics from Europe and Asia). Hint: in your writing be aware when you are making claims - be aware also of the need to support them with some evidence.

After giving some background in paragraph 2, the student reminds the reader what the main issue is - why birthrates have declined? Notice also that the student has seen the issue as a #039;problem#039; - and site necklace asks What can be done about homework help, it? Hint: always be aware what the writing has anyone main issue is Custom you are addressing in your work. This paragraph mainly summarises the ideas of essay used those who think young people are to blame for declining birthrates. Homework Help! Notice how in the first part of the paragraph, these ideas are discussed in a general way. In the second part, the student focuses on story necklace, the ideas of Custom a single writer (Yamada) as a specific example of this view. Hint: always try to assignment, find opportunities in your work to engage with the ideas of individual writers.

The previous paragraph was concerned with summarising some ideas. Notice how in this new paragraph, the student provides a critique of these ideas. (Recall the student#039;s argument in the introduction: . to hold young people responsible is Custom neither valid nor helpful). Notice too that the student provides some supporting evidence for this critique - mainly from the work of McDonald. Hint: it is quite OK to criticise the ideas of other writers - in fact many essay topics will specifically ask you to do this. But if you are going to be critical, you need to provide good reasons for your critique. Recall that the topic suggested that young people were to dissertation help, blame for physics declining birthrates - and then went on to single out women. In this paragraph, the student takes up this gender issue.

Hint: aim to structure your essays so that all issues in the topic are covered - and in some logical sequence. In this paragraph the student seeks to dismiss the story site necklace view that young women are to blame. (There are several problems with this argument).Notice that the student then goes on to explain these problems (For one. ; Another problem is that . ). Hint: the providing of a well-organised critique is something your lecturers will value highly in your work. Recall the second part of the Custom student#039;s argument stated in the introduction: The best explanation is to be found in the condition of increased economic insecurity faced by the young. The student now elaborates on this part of the argument. Hint: remember that the argument is the key to any essay you write. In the body of your essay, you need to be sure that your argument comes through clearly. Providing evidence for the argument.

The student is arguing that economic insecurity experienced by young people is the makes college main reason why the birthrate is in decline. Notice how in the rest of the essay, he seeks to Custom homework, support this argument with various forms of evidence. The student presents a range of has anyone used evidence: several theories discussed by McDonald some research by Birrell comments by Genda results of a US survey. Hint: it is Custom homework help physics important to have an argument in your essay. But it is equally important to provide support for what you are arguing. Your essays will be judged mainly on help, your ability to do these two things. There are a number of things happening in the conclusion. In the first sentence, the student restates his argument - if we accept that. . He then goes on Custom help physics, to discuss what could be done to deal with the problem.

In broad terms this is makes application essay a discussion of the implications of the help physics students#039; argument. Notice also how the student mentions the negative implications of the Top custom essay writing blaming approach. Hint: a conclusion that only restates the argument can be a bit uninteresting. You might also like to Custom, consider the implications of your argument - but you should do this briefly. Think: I have argued for Short story this position - so what might follow on from this. You may have noticed that this essay is quite tightly structured. Its paragraph structure can be set out thus: Introduction Background to issue Explanation point 1 - summary student#039;s critique Explanation point 2 - summary student#039;s critique Student#039;s alternative explanation - Evidence 1 - Evidence 2 - Evidence 3 Conclusion.

Hint: always try to map out a structure for your essay. Do this before you do too much writing. You may have noticed that the essay is free of spelling, typographical and grammatical errors. Hint: always read your work very carefully before you submit it. Avoid doing your editing on the screen. Always print out and edit from a hard copy. Note in the references section, you need to list all the texts you have referred to (cited) in the essay - not all the texts you have read, as some students mistakenly believe. Notice that the sample essay refers to a total of nine texts.

This is a good number, and indicates that the student has done a fair amount of reading. Hint: try to include a reference to most of the texts that you read for an essay - so that you can build up a reasonable list of references. Custom! Of course, all references have to Professional, be relevant to your argument. Notice how the Custom homework student uses I in his essay: The best explanation, I believe, is. And in the previous sentence, another first person pronoun is used: My argument is that . Some students have the impression that they are not allowed to science services, use these words in their written work. Custom Help Physics! But in fact they can often be found in academic writing. Website! In general, the best place to use them is in the introduction - when you are presenting your argument. But if you are concerned that it is not OK to use I, you can use other expressions - which avoid self-reference, but which mean much the same thing, e.g.

This essay will argue that . Remember though, that the really important issue is Custom help physics not the words you use to in the services of humanity, present your argument - but that your essay actually has a clear argument. Try to keep your paragraphs a reasonable length. (Most paragraphs in this essay are around 7-8 sentences long.) Citations are used to indicate the source of the ideas you have used in your essay. Custom Homework Physics! Note that there are two main citation systems: the author-date system (also known as Harvard); the Do my homework australia footnote system (also known as Oxford). In this essay, the author-date system has been used. (Always check which system is required in each of your subjects.) Citation 2 (Ichimura and help Ogawa, 2000) Citations can be set out in a number of ways. One method is to present some information and then provide the in the citation immediately after it to indicate the source.

These are known as #039;information-prominent#039; citations eg: Japan now has a birthrate of only about 1.3, and Hong Kong#039;s has fallen to below 1.0 (Ichimura and Ogawa, 2000). Other formats are considered further on. Citation 3 Masahiro Yamada (cited in Ashby, 2000) This citation means that the student is dealing with the ideas of Yamada, but actually read about help physics, them in Ashby#039;s text. Whilst you should make an effort to read ideas in their original form, this is not always possible.

In such cases, use the Top custom has anyone used #039;cited in#039; format. When you are summarising the Custom help physics ideas of a writer, you need to use reporting expressions like the ones used here: He [Yamada] uses the What a good college essay term . According to Yamada. You use these to distance yourself from certain language. Homework Help! eg. when you are using an informal expression, or a term used by college essay, others that you don#039;t necessarily agree with. In this paragraph, the student wants to reject the view in the topic - that young people#039;s selfishness is to blame for the declining birthrate.

Notice how he does this in a careful way, by using expressions like: Findings like this suggest that . It seems then that . Being careful about the Custom help physics way you express your claims is website a distinctive feature of academic style. When you quote an author (like Chesnais here) you need to use quotation marks, and indicate the exact page number in the citation. Sometimes you may need to change the homework help physics wording of the assignment 3 solution quote slightly so that it fits into your sentence. If you need to add/change any words, use [ ]; if you need to delete words, use . (Whilst it is OK to change the wording of a quote, you must never change its sense.) Use italics when you want to emphasise a word. (When you do this in a quote, you need to indicate that it is your emphasis.) It#039;s OK to use dot points in an essay (or numbered points here), but use them very sparingly. Citation 4 Peter McDonald (2000a) . discusses.

Notice how in some citations the author can be part of the sentence: Peter McDonald (2000a) . discusses some of the homework things etc. Professional Dissertation Uk! This is known as an #039;author-prominent#039; citation and is very common in academic writing. Notice the use of reporting verbs in this citation type (discusses). Use #039;inverted commas#039; for the title of an Custom help article. Use italics for the title of a book. Notice some of the other reporting expressions used in the student#039;s summary of Peter McDonald#039;s ideas: . Essay Writing Used! what McDonald calls. . McDonald points to Custom homework help physics, . . which he thinks. It#039;s very important to make it clear to your reader when one paragraph ends and a new one begins. In this paragraph (#9), there is story site some potential for confusion. Notice how the student has used indenting to make this clear.

Quotes of more than one sentence in Custom physics length should be separated from the main text. Essay Used! Notice how these are indented and are in Custom homework physics a slightly smaller font. Again you should indicate the australia page number. You only have to provide a separate list of references when you use the author-date system. Entries should be set out in homework alphabetical order. Each entry should generally be set out in the following order and format: Author family name, Initial. (date). Title.

Place: Publisher. It is becoming increasingly common for Professional dissertation students to refer to sources from the world wide web in their essays. In addition to Custom physics, providing author and title of site, you need to include: the URL for the site when you accessed the site. Although web references can be very useful, you obviously need to exercise some caution - there is a lot of junk around. Check all sites carefully to story, be sure the information provided has credibility (.edu and .org sites are generally the more reliable). Problems?

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Custom Employment or Labor Laws essay paper writing service. Employment or labor laws have been developed to facilitate smooth relationship between employers and employees. Employment laws provide rules and regulations that should govern both the employer and the employees in Custom homework help their places of site work. Employment laws discuss issues related to child labor, wages and salaries, retirement, working conditions, compensations, incentives and employment benefits among others. The major objective is to ensure the employer does not exploit the employee and on help the other hand, the employee honors the terms and conditions of the job as presented by the employer.

In Lieberman verses Business Development Bank of Canada the employees felt that the bank had breached its fiduciary duty by awarding retirement benefits to the active members only. Do My Homework Website? The pension plan had been amended by the employer and therefore the employees felt that the employer was not entitled to do this. The court held that an employee is both a sponsor and administrator of any plan under the employment. Homework Help Physics? Posner (1995) observes that the employer is not prevented from amending or terminating the plan under any circumstances. However, since the amendment will affect the What a good essay employees it is important for the employee to Custom help physics act in good faith as a duty but not as a fiduciary duty. The labor laws require that the Do my australia employer provides incentives, allowances, compensation and other benefits in addition to wages or the salary.

Incentives are offered to exemplary performance of an Custom help, employee or the organization at large. The employment law requires that when an organization has made great profit it should also give bonuses to its employees. Allowances can be provided as housing allowances, medical or health allowances or transport allowances among others. Short Story? Allowances are usually given to employees who are on permanent basis of Custom physics employment. Employment laws do not provide for a fixed rate on allowances, but the Essay science in the amount should cover actual amount incurred by an employee on the expense. The case of homework help Mckee verses Reids Heritage Homes is a good illustration on the issues related to employment law. McKee was a 64 year old sales manager in her own incorporated business Nu Home Consulting Services. Through this business McKee sold some houses on behalf of Reids Heritage Homes, the defendant.

Later on McKee entered into a sale and advertising agreement with Reids Heritage Homes on behalf of Nu Home Consulting Services. In this agreement Reids Heritage homes was to supply sixty nine homes for Nu home Consulting Services to science in the services of humanity sell for a fixed commission. Reids Heritage Homes continued to help supply Nu Home Consulting Services with the story necklace houses for sale but a third party performed the advertisement. Reids Heritage Homes made McKee the Custom physics Sales Manager and as the business expanded McKee hired sales agents to Cs401 assignment assist her. Reids Heritage Homes was paying commission to Nu Home Consulting Services on Custom homework help physics the number of houses it sold. Nu home used some of the commission to pay the sales agents.

Reids Heritage homes later hired a new Corporate Sales Manager and took McKee and the sales agents as mere employees. The Corporate Sales Manager was to Short story necklace give McKee one hundred houses to sell but he failed to honor the agreement. The Corporate Sales manager offered a standard employment contract to McKee but she denied the offer and claimed wrongful dismissal. The main issue was whether McKee was an employee thus entitled to Custom help damages for wrongful dismissal or an independent contractor. The court held that McKee was an employee of Reirds Heritage Homes and not an Professional help uk, independent contractor. The judge was concerned with the degree of the relationship between an employer and an employee. Homework Help? The main area of duties for Reids Heritage Homes was to sell houses and McKee totally engaged herself in this. Therefore, the Court concluded that McKee was an employee of Reirds Heritage Homes and was entitled to notice of employment termination and college application, damages thereof. In relation to labor laws, the physics case explains the required conduct between the employer and the employee during work termination. The employer is required by law to provide the employee with a letter or notice of termination before the actual date. Keating (p.

258) states that the labor laws require the employer to pay the employee the employment benefits based on the number of years of service and Short site necklace, the kind of work. Help Physics? In many cases benefits are awarded to Short story site employees under both casual and permanent basis. The employer should ensure that the employers are awarded their rightful amounts since it is Custom help, much left at the discretion of the employer. Therefore, McKee was entitled to a notice of termination and service or employment benefits. The case of Hammer verses Dagenhart illustrates labor laws related to child labor.

Hammer prohibited trading of science products created by a child which was done through shipment. In addition, taxation was not to be done on Custom homework help physics profits made by factories and mines that employed children. The justice held that such taxation was a threat to Professional help uk the sovereignty of a state because it was a regulatory and for purposes of revenue. The law provides that children should not be engaged in work for Custom help physics, employment purposes. The labor law recognizes a child as any person under the age of eighteen. An employer is not allowed to provide an employment to a child, that is, to a person under the age of eighteen Wood (1968). Time-offs can also be granted due to sickness as provided by the labor laws. The labor laws provide that employers should be strict and Do my homework, serious on issues related to time-offs because employees may have a tendency of lying. The employees should provide the employer with proof of sickness such as medical certificates. The employer is responsible of measuring the credibility of this information before granting sick leave. Under the labor law, sickness leaves are paid for unless otherwise because much of this is left at the discretion of the employer.

The employment laws address issues related to time-off. The most recent development in employment law is to provide paternity leave to male employees who become fathers. In the earlier times only maternity leave was granted to female employees who become mothers. Therefore, as provided by homework help, the labor laws both parents are supposed to site necklace go for homework physics, leave in case of parenthood. The labor law requires this kind of leave to be payable, which is, an employee on either paternity or maternity leave should still be considered to be on the payroll. In many circumstances, the labor law requires a longer period on maternity leave than on dissertation help paternity leave. In addition, the leave periods vary from one country to another. However, many countries are still having this labor law on paternity leave as a draft until it is enforceable. The case of Simcoe (county) verses OPSEU addresses the homework physics issue of employees rights related to their safety in work places. In this case David Rogers had been employed as a paramedic by the County of Simcoe.

David was diagnosed with an ailment that interfered with his visual acuity and as a result of help this he was unable to hold a Class F License as a minimum requirement for paramedic. David requested to work as an attendant paramedic but the Ministry of Transportation declined to the request. David filed for a suit claiming that County of Simcoe denied providing him with an accommodative workplace (Blalkle, p. Custom Homework Physics? 5). The court held that the 3 solution jan 2013 requirement was important for homework help physics, the beneficial purposes of the safety of the patients and the public. Australia? However, the homework help requirement was not reasonably necessary for purposes of achieving safety. The court passed a rule as part of labor law, that an employee's human rights will not supersede an employer's right to adopt a mandatory requirement for the safety and health of workers and the public. The employer is entitled to provide certain job requirements to all of its employees and it is writing has anyone used, a mandatory duty of the employees to ensure that they meet such job requirements.

The case of Nursing Care Management verses Ohio Civil Rights Commission addresses the Labor law on parenthood leaves available to employees, that is, paternity and maternity leaves. In this case Pataskala Oaks Care Center provided twelve weeks leave for employees who had worked for a minimum of one year. Tiffany MCfee an employee at Pataskala Oaks Care Center had worked for a period of eight months until her doctor requested for a sick-off for Custom help, Tiffany because of swelling due to her pregnancy and that she could be allowed to resume duties after six weeks of delivery. Later Pataskala Oaks Care Center terminated her employment after three days of her delivery since she was not qualified under the provisions of Pataskala policy. The court held that this was unlawful termination. Pataskala Oaks had unlawfully terminated Tiffany's job based on sex discrimination, since Tiffany was lawfully entitled to a reasonable maternity leave that Pataskala failed to grant. Australia? The labor law provides that where there is Custom homework help physics, insufficient or no maternity leave available from an Do my, employer, termination of employment based on disability to Custom homework physics perform due to pregnancy will constitute unlawful sex discrimination.

Therefore, there was no maternity leave for Tiffany at the time of her disability to work (Jan 2010). If an employee requests for a maternity or paternity leave it must be granted and she or he is entitled to re-absorption after the leave period is 3 solution, over. The employee should still be handled like any other employee. There are also regulations related to Additional Paternity Leave (APL) which entitle eligible employees to take up to twenty-six weeks leave if the physics mother or adopter fails to recover in full during her leave period. In cases of same-sex marriages, the mother partner or the adopter is the one entitled to the paternity leave. The adopter or the father must have worked for twenty-six weeks continuously before the expected week of birth of the child.

If the Additional Paternity Leave is taken during the Essay science statutory paid leave for the mother or the partner, it will be paid. The same standard rate for statutory maternity pay applies to the statutory paternity. The employment laws also address the issue related to homework help physics workplace privacy and surveillance. It is important to note that employees have a right of privacy, for themselves and information they can provide. In the case of State farm verses Privacy Commissioner of Canada, the State Farm hired a private investigator to Professional help uk survey the plaintiff who claimed that he had been injured by a motor vehicle of State Farm driven by its insured driver. The State Farm did not disclose the material as required by PIPEDA and the plaintiff claimed that State Farm violated the requirement of Custom homework PIPEDA. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act under Section 4.01 that information collected should be used and disclosed for sole purposes of the organization. Therefore, the State Farm had failed on this and the involvement of a third-party was beyond the requirement of the privacy policy. Information about employees or the dissertation help uk employer should be used exclusively for the purposes of which it was collected and within the physics organization.

The employers should ensure that employees play a role in deciding which personal information about them should be accessed by everyone (Blalkle p.30). The employees may be required to provide only their personal basic information such as date of Essay science birth, gender and help physics, their names. The employer should not be coercive in requiring information that employees feel that it is very personal to them. The information acquired can only site necklace, be used to within the premises of the help employer and only for australia, the purposes for which it was acquired for. The employer should also show a level of concern on what are employees' feelings towards surveillance. There are other time-offs allowed by labor laws that are available for employees. These time offs may be required by the employee for training purposes and in cases of sickness. However, to be eligible for time-off for training an employee should have worked for a minimum period of twenty six weeks for the same employer. Section 63F(7) of the Employment Rights Act, 1996 provide reasons related to the business that can make the employer refuse to honor an employee's request for time-off to train. In addition, if the employer refuses an application for time-off to Custom physics train, an employee can submit a claim before an Employment Tribunal (Erling and homework australia website, Lamm, p.57). Another issue related to Custom homework help employment law is retirement age.

The case of Western Airlines verses Criswell set out guidelines for defending an age limit. Western airlines required its employees to retire at the age of assignment 3 solution jan 2013 sixty years. Custom Homework? This retirement age applied to employees of the flight crew and not to employees who operated flight controls. The major reason behind this was for Western Airlines to ensure safety of Essay science in the services of humanity its clients. The Supreme Court disagreed on this goal holding that age limit is not a reasonable factor to influence safety and that the retirement age should apply to all employees (Gregory 2001). The Labor law ensures that there is homework help, no discrimination between the retirement ages of individuals holding different position within the same workplaces under the same employer. The Employment law stipulates retirement age of sixty five years. However, this varies from one country to another. Story Site Necklace? The retirement age should be uniformed to Custom homework help physics all employees regardless of their experiences and position. After retirement employment regulations bodies require the employer to Essay science pay the retiree his service benefits and thereafter monthly pension.

Some private employers are very reluctant on this though it is a legal requirement. Zurich American Insurance Co. Physics? v. Beneficiary of Troy McVey case illustrates employment law related to Cs401 assignment compensation of workers. This is one of the cases where the court of law has to consider the 'come and going' rule. Troy McVey was an operations manager of TruGreen Landcare Company. Homework Physics? The company provided Troy with a truck so that he could easily travel to other places of work for supervision on Top custom essay writing used other workers. Homework Help? Troy would use the Top custom essay writing has anyone used tuck to travel from his home to TrueGreen and then to other sites. On one particular day, TrueGreen required Troy to attend a company leadership conference in Houston and would travel using the homework help physics truck. He had decided that he would pick one of his co-workers who happened to live along the route to Houston. On his way to pick the co-worker Troy was involved in a fatal crash.

Following this the dissertation help insurance company refused to compensate Troy on the basis that though he was travelling to work Troy decision to pick the co-worker was not within scope of his employment duties. This is where the issue of 'come and going' rises when dealing with workers' compensation which provides an exception to workers compensation. Physics? Injuries sustained while one is travelling to work are covered except in cases where transportation is fully paid for by the employer. In this case, TrueGreen had provided Troy with a truck for travelling, but still there is need to show that the employee was acting within the scope of his duties. Since Troy was to go for employment duties that is, the conference for consecutive days, the 'come and going' rule did not apply, hence he was compensated.

According to Top custom essay writing the employment law employees should be compensated for injuries caused in relation to homework help the line of their work. The employee may be within the working premises of the employer. While without the premises, it is upon the employer's duty to know whether the employee suffered was injured when offering services for the employer. The employer should make procedures related to What a good injuries and compensation well known to the employees. Custom Homework Help Physics? The employer should tackle compensation as one of his duties and therefore compensation should be made promptly and for the right amount. Employment or labor laws are enforceable by any employer and are there to be followed strictly. Australia Website? Generally the labor laws are there to guide employers when handling issues related to employment. Even when applying a labor law to make a rational decision, an employer is supposed to analyze the issue at hand.

Employees' rights should be safeguarded and employees should not exploit their rights. The employers should ensure employees also respect the Custom physics workplace requirements and conditions. Employers' job requirements should be based on the overall employment laws in consideration of the employees. Buy Employment or Labor Laws essay paper online. Do you want to get an.

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