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le resume de cinna Avec Horace (1641), Corneille entame une série de tragédies à thème politique qui reprennent divers épisode de l'histoire romaine, qui assurent sa renommée de son vivant et pour la postérité. Mba Assignment Kl! Dès sa deuxième tentative, il semble atteindre à la perfection: Cinna , d'emblée reconnue comme l'une de ses meilleures pièces, restera au répertoire, ainsi que dans les programmes scolaires. To Do Homework Forgot! Pourtant, elle subira aussi les foudres de la critique, en particulier de l'abbé d'Aubignac, théoricien sourcillieux des règles néo-aristotéliciennes et dramaturge raté. Octave César Auguste . Helper Kl! Neveu adoptif de Jules César, empereur romain. Phd Proposal Writing Help History! Arrivé légitimement au pouvoir absolu, il se demande néanmoins s'il devrait abdiquer pour rendre à Rome son statut de république. Cinna . Mba Assignment Helper! Favori d'Auguste, il se considère pourtant comme son ennemi en tant que petit-fils de Pompée, l'adversaire malheureux de César lors de la guerre civile, qui avait péri assassiné. Phd Thesis How To Write! En fait, la conjuration qu'il organise contre son protecteur résulte surtout de la volonté de vengeance de celle qu'il aime, Emilie. Emilie . Mba Assignment! Fille de Toranius, ancien tuteur d'Auguste éliminé lors d'une purge, elle veut absolument tirer vengeance de l'empereur, qu'elle considère comme l'assassin de son père, et alors même qu'il l'a finalement adoptée. Ks2! Elle compte utiliser l'amour que lui porte Cinna (et qu'elle partage) pour accomplir son but, en se refusant à celui-ci tant qu'il n'aura pas tué Auguste.

L'acteur Michel Baron dans le rôle de Cinna à la Comédie-Française en 1680. Mba Assignment Helper! Il porte le costume à la romaine des héros de tragédies. Phd Thesis How To! Gravure de François-Séraphin Delpech. Mba Assignment Helper Kl! Hippolyte Lecomte, Costumes de Théatre de 1670 à 1820 . Essay Helper! Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, 4-TB-33. Mba Assignment Kl! Cliquer sur l'image pour voir une version plus grande. Maxime . Writing Help! Conseiller d'Auguste. Helper! À la fois ami et rival de Cinna, il participe à la conjuration surtout par amour pour Emilie, et son manque de conviction profonde le poussera à trahir ses associés. Livie . Persuasive Essays Display! Femme d'Auguste.

Elle n'apparaît que très brièvement à la fin de la pièce pour livrer une vision prophétique de la gloire de l'empereur. Fulvie . Mba Assignment! Confidente d'Emilie. Polyclète . Writing Essays! Affranchi d'Auguste (ancien esclave libéré resté au service de son maître). Evandre . Mba Assignment! Affranchi de Cinna. Euphore . Writing! Affranchi de Maxime. Neveu adoptif de Jules César, dont il a repris le nom, Octave a d'abord puni les assassins de son oncle (Brutus et Cassius) avant de former un triumvirat avec Antoine et Lépide. Helper Kl! Ce gouvernement à trois a dégénéré en guerre civile: Antoine, qui a succédé à César comme amant de Cléopatre, est battu à Actium et se donne la mort; Lépide est forcé à l'exil. Write Term Notes! Seul maître de Rome --- qui est encore nominalement une république ---, Octave accède à la dignité que César avait toujours refusée, celle d' imperator . Pour venger la mort de César, les triumvirs ont fait procéder à des proscriptions, purges politiques lors desquelles leurs ennemis sont soit bannis, soit exécutés. Mba Assignment Helper Kl! Devenu empereur, Auguste regrette cette campagne de terreur, tout en reconnaissant qu'elle était nécessaire à la stabilité de l'État.

Synopsis de l'intrigue. (1) Emilie expose son désir de vengeance contre Auguste, en depit des dangers qui menaçent sont amant Cinna, chef des conjurateurs devant assassiner l'empereur. To Do! [ à lire ] (2) Elle écarte ses scrupules et repousse les objections de Fulvie, en glorifiant l'acte criminel que Cinna va accomplir, sous prétexte qu'il rendra à Rome sa liberté. (3) Ce dernier se déclare motivé par la haine ancestrale qui l'oppose à Auguste en tant que petit-fils de Pompée; confiant de sa réussite, il sait néamoins que les Romains pourront le traiter en criminel aussi bien qu'en libérateur. (4) Lorsqu'on vient mander Cinna auprès d'Auguste, les amants pensent que le complot a été éventé, et Cinna se prépare à défier l'empereur jusque dans la mort. (1) Auguste fait part à Cinna et à Maxime de sa lassitude du pouvoir et s'en remet à eux pour décider s'il doit abdiquer. Kl! Surpris de cette déclaration, les deux hommes rassurent l'empereur sur la légitimité de son pouvoir et sur la nécessité d'une autorité forte pour assurer la cohésion de l'Etat, puis lui conseillent de renforcer l'empire en désignant un successeur. Best Essay! Auguste offre alors à Cinna à la fois sa couronne et la main de sa pupille Emilie, et nomme Maxime gouverneur de Sicile. Helper Kl! [ à lire ] (2) Restés seuls, les deux conjurés débattent du bien-fondé de leur projet criminel: Maxime hésite devant la générosité d'Auguste, et surtout parce qu'il croit qu'Emilie est attachée à son tuteur, mais Cinna se montre déterminé à aller jusqu'au bout. (1) Maxime explique à Euphore que c'est son amour pour Emilie qui pousse Cinna à tuer Auguste, bien que ce crime ne lui paraisse plus vraiment nécessaire. Writing Display Ks2! Lorsque l'affranchi lui suggère alors de trahir Cinna, il semble reculer devant l'énormité d'un tel acte, craignant d'attirer la répression sur tous les conjurés, et même sur la jeune femme. (2) Cinna revient, semblant s'être ravisé; cette fois-ci, c'est Maxime (pour les raisons qu'on devine) qui l'exhorte à mener à bien son projet.

(3) Cinna examine sa situation, et conclut qu'il doit obéir à la décision que prendra Emilie, en priant les dieux qu'elle se montre sensible à ses arguments contre la nécessité de l'assassinat. (4) Emilie est rassurée: le secret du complot a été préservé. Mba Assignment Helper! Cinna se résoud à lui faire part de sa répugnance à tuer de sang froid un empereur qui s'est montré si généreux envers lui. Persuasive Ks2! Celle-ci réagit avec violence, incapable d'admettre qu'on puisse épargner Auguste, et se propose de le tuer elle-même si nécessaire, ou de se donner la mort. Mba Assignment! Cinna cède à regret au chantage, non sans reprocher à son amante son intransigeance, et en annonçant qu'il se tuera immédiatement après avoir poignardé son bienfaiteur. Writing Help History! [ à lire ] (5) Cinna parti, Emilie laisse éclater son chargin, mais ne peut se résoudre à renoncer à sa vengeance. (1) Euphorbe révèle à un Auguste incrédule la conjuration, censément au nom de Maxime qui aurait eu des remords au dernier moment. Helper Kl! L'empereur donne des ordres pour faire arrêter Cinna, mais se déclare prêt à pardonner à Maxime en raison de son repentir; Euphore lui apprend alors que son maître, désespéré, s'est noyé (2) Méditant sur l'incroyable ingratitude de son favori, Auguste conclut néanmoins que la répression dans le sang ne ferait que prolonger la discorde au sein de la société romaine, et décide d'épargner Cinna. Essay Helper! Finalement confondu par l'impossibilité de règner pacifiquement, il change d'avis, et s'apprête à faire périr le traître, même s'il doit lui-même y laisser la vie. Mba Assignment! [ à lire ] (3) Fulvie tente en vain de convaincre son mari qu'il doit faire preuve de clémence pour raffermir son autorité. (4) Lorsque Fulvie apprend à Emilie que Cinna et tous les autres conspirateurs viennent d'être arrêtés, cette dernière se prépare à être exécutée avec héroïsme. (5) Maxime réapparait, expliquant à Emilie que sa mort n'était qu'une fabrication d'Euphorbe, et lui propose de s'enfuir pendant qu'il en est encore temps.

La jeune femme refuse avec indignation, et repousse ses déclarations d'amour avec mépris. Good! [ à lire ] (6) Maxime se rend compte qu'il s'est totalement déshonoré et qu'il a tout perdu. (1) Auguste apprend à Cinna qu'il est au fait de sa conjuration, et lui fait remarquer qu'il sera incapable de s'affirmer comme successeur une fois son forfait accompli, ce qui livrera Rome une fois de plus à la guerre civile. Mba Assignment! Cinna reconnaît son échec et se déclare prêt à être châtié. Best Essay Helper! [ à lire ] (2) Emilie fait son entrée, et revendique son implication dans le complot, s'affirmant également prête à mourir. Mba Assignment Helper Kl! Lorsque Cinna tente de la disculper en s'attribuant toute la responsabilité de la conjuration, la jeune femme persiste et demande à l'empereur de les unir non pas dans le mariage, mais dans la mort. Writing For College Application! [ à lire ] (3) Arrive Maxime, dont Auguste pense qu'il lui est seul resté fidèle, pour révéler non seulement sa participation au complot, mais aussi sa trahison et sa lâcheté. Mba Assignment Helper! Effrayé de découvrir que tous ceux dont il croyait être aimé et respecté le haïssaient secrètement, Auguste décide alors de leur pardonner afin de gagner leur affection et leur loyauté par une magnanimité extraordinaire. Write Good Term Notes! Emilie, Cinna et Maxime sont transportés de reconnaissance, et Livie prédit que ce geste inouï garantira à l'empereur un règne paisible dans l'admiration universelle de ses sujets . Quelques axes de lecture.

Le fait que Cinna a été admirée en son temps pour sa fidélité à l'histoire montre la conception particulière que s'en fait le XVIIe siècle. Kl! Certes, la conjuration contre Auguste est attestée par les documents (et commentée par Sénèque dans le De clementia ), mais le temps historique a été considérablement comprimé pour faire entrer dans les vingt-quatre heures règlementaires tous les événements nécessaire. Homework In College! Par ailleurs, les personnages d'Emilie et de Maxime, indispensables au n?ud, ont été inventés de toutes pièces, et celui de Cinna, qui a bel et bien existé, mais à une autre époque, a été adapté pour les besoins de la cause. Mba Assignment Helper! Le vraisemblable est néanmoins respecté, puisque chacun de ces éléments semble plausible. Le pouvoir d'Auguste est-il légitime? La manière dont Auguste y a accédé—à la fois par héritage de son oncle César et par la violence, voire le meurtre—est-elle justifiée?

Ces deux questions traversent toute l'intrigue de Cinna , et apparaissent souvent dans le personnage d'Auguste lui-même. Writing Essays Display Ks2! L'un des griefs des conjurés réside dans la tyrannie d'un empereur qui aurait ravi à la république romaine sa liberté ; mais il s'agit là d'un argument fallacieux, car l'alternative qui se dégage de la pièce oppose un pouvoir fort au chaos qu'entraînerait une illusoire liberté. Kl! En se montrant ferme, en usant à bon escient d'une juste violence, Auguste a éloigné le spectre de la guerre civile qui hantait la république romaine, si bien qu'abandonner la monarchie absolue, comme il l'envisage à l'acte II, serait à coup sûr replonger Rome dans l'instabilité. En bon rhétoricien, Corneille fait valoir la supériorité de l'absolutisme en feignant d'abord d'en faire la critique par la voix des conjurés; or, ceux-ci finissent par reconnaître eux-même que leurs motivations initiales étaient viciées par des considérations personnelles (amour, jalousie, vendetta familiale) dissimulées sous un discours politique, et qu'Auguste n'a pas privé Rome de sa la liberté, mais la lui a au contraire donnée en assurant la stabilité de l'État . Avec dix ans d'avance sur le Leviathan de Hobbes, Corneille développe donc ici une apologie du pouvoir fort, légitimé à la fois par l'approbation divine et par l'expérience empirique des hommes de l'époque. Writing! C'est Cinna lui-même qui prononce cette formule programmatique : Le pire des États, c'est l'État populaire (vers 521, II, 1). Cette légitimation du pouvoir absolu est à l'ordre du jour en 1642, lorsque la monarchie est de nouveau sérieusement menacée et que la plupart des arguments avancés pour justifier l' imperium d'Auguste pouvaient être adaptés au trône de Louis XIII, fragilisé par les cabales, les révoltes, et les conjurations parfois menées par les membres de la famille royale ou les plus grands personnages du royaume. Mba Assignment! L'homme fort du régime n'est pas le roi, mais son premier ministre, Richelieu, qui se charge de déjouer les conspirations et de renforcer une monarchie aux assises précaires, et dont les plus sombres heures sont encore à venir (la Fronde, en 1648-1652). Write Term Paper! En 1642, justement, c'est un complot qui défie la chronique: il se terminera par la double exécution du marquis de Cinq-Mars, favori de Louis XIII, et de l'intendant de Thou—deux autres comparses d'un rang encore plus considérable, les ducs de Bouillon et d'Orléans, échappant aux sanctions. De fait, les diverses tentatives de prise de pouvoir, toutes vouées à l'échec, ne donnèrent pas lieu à des purges sanglantes parmi les priviliégiés, et les princes qui avaient pris les armes contre le roi (coupables donc de haute trahison), comme Condé ou Gaston d'Orléans, furent même pardonnés au nom de la réconciliation nationale—alors que les nombreuses révoltes populaires de l'époque (croquants, va-nu-pieds. Mba Assignment Helper! ) étaient réprimées par les armes. Phd Thesis Write! On voit donc à quel point la conjuration de Cinna et de Maxime évoquait des événements et une ambiance contemporaine pour les spectacteurs parisiens des années 1640.

On peut se demander dans quelle mesure Cinna correspond effectivement aux critères de tragédie, puisque le dénouement en est doublement heureux, et que personne n'y meurt. Mba Assignment Helper Kl! Cette particularité permet justement de démontrer que, dans l'esthétique néo-aristotélicienne, le tragique n'est pas forcément lié à la mort du héros, comme on essay le croit souvent, ni même à une catastrophe finale, ce qui prouve qu'un auteur aussi orthodoxe que Corneille pouvait enfreindre l'un des principes fondamentaux d'Aristote pour produire une pièce universellement admirée. Cinna est d'abord tragique par la qualité de ses personnages, et par la nature de l'action: un empereur et des hauts dignitaires aux prises avec une affaire d'État. Helper Kl! L'élément amoureux renforce le n ? ud mais ne le justifie pas à lui tout seul : il s'agit bien d'un complot politique, compliqué par des querelles entre grandes familles et la voix du sang , autres ingrédients indispensables de la tragédie. L'autre élément important est le péril qui menace tous les personnages principaux qui, sans exceptions, risquent a un moment ou a un autre d'être tués, et même qui évoquent chacun le suicide. Helper! On constate souvent dans la tragédie classique une sublimation de la violence ou de la mort, très rarement montrée sur scène, et parfois même complètement éliminée pour des raisons très diverses: la précision historique—l'épisode de la conjuration de Cinna est bien connu des contemporains à travers Sénèque, puis Montaigne—mais aussi l'exemple à montrer, car il fallait en 1642 souligner les vertus de la magnanimité pour bien faire comprendre qu'il ne s'agisait pas de faiblesse (cas de figure d'ailleurs évoqué pour mieux le réfuter).

Le destin implacable joue normalement un rôle important dans la tragédie; dans Cinna , il se manifeste sous la forme de l'héritage familial qui pousse les personnages vers des actes qu'ils savent contraire à leur bien-être, ou à la logique. Mba Assignment Helper! Cinna et Emilie, comblés de bienfaits par Auguste, sont en partie motivés dans leur désir de meurtre par la rivalité ancestrale entre Pompée et César pour l'un, et par une volonté aveugle de vengeance chez l'autre: seule l'extraordinaire équanimité d'Auguste permet d'éviter la catastrophe. Essay! La catharsis tragique est préservée car l'obstination des conjurés peut susciter crainte et pitié sans devoir être suivie d'effets: l'issue funeste, sublimée, ne se manifeste que dans l'évocation discursive—et dans le sacrifice des personnages secondaires, traités ici comme des pharmakoï , victimes expiatoires que l'on charge de la responsabilité de toutes les fautes. représentation de Cinna au théâtre de Guénégaud dans les années 1680. Mba Assignment Helper! Gravure de Jean Le Pautre, d'après Alexandre, Cabinet des beaux-arts de Ch.

Perrault (1690). A Essay For College Application! Paris, BNF. Examinez attentivement la distribution des acteurs : que (ne) nous apprend-elle (pas) sur les personnages ? Que dire de l'ordre où ils sont disposés?

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Analysis Of Mintzberg’s Management theory. Need essay sample on Analysis Of Mintzberg’s Management theory ? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you for only $12.90/page. Time and again various theories have been put forward on management in general and the nature of a manager’s job. Henry Mintzberg is kl a leading management theorist and Phd thesis how to introduction, writer who also propounds a theory on Mba assignment helper kl, a manager and his job. Mintzberg claims that while all leading management writers present some facets of management they completely ignore other facets. Motivation In College? Mintzberg talks about management literature by well known writers and says “Together perhaps they cover all the parts but even that does not describe the whole job of managing”(Mintzberg 1994, p.1)”.

He has attempted to repair this fault and give us what gives us a very ‘well rounded’ and composite view of a manager and essentially managing. In order to analyze and understand these theories by Henry Mintzberg an interview and case study was done of a real life manager. Subsequent analysis and interpretation of the data collected during the interview while considering the helper management theory helps to understand the relation and relevance of the management theory to the real world. It also helped to prove some of the tenets of the theory. Brief description of the manager interviewed. Anabel was the manager interviewed.

She is Writing for college killer a first level manager in a private service sector Australian based multinational organization. The organization is a major telecom concern having their main office in Mba assignment kl, Sydney that has presence worldwide and employs more than a 100 people. The manager has the position of Team lead. She has her team members as direct reports. She is the first point of contact for escalation from her team members, managers and customers. She ensures that her team works towards achieving organizational goals while achieving individual and team goals. She finds her role very demanding and challenging but at the same time fulfilling and rewarding.

Mintzberg’s managerial roles and their reflection in real life. Mintzberg maintains that a managers job can be segregated or viewed as consisting of various “roles”. These roles can be classified into three main categories. Mintzberg says, “ formal authority gives rise to 3 interpersonal roles, which in turn gives rise to three informational roles; These 2 sets of roles enable a manager to Motivation homework in college forgot play the 4 decisional roles.”(Mintzberg 1975, p.54) Hence roles are classified as interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. When analyzing the Mba assignment work of the Anabel it was found that the tasks and responsibilities of Anabel could be grouped to Write term paper be a responsibility of one of the roles as described by helper Mintzberg. Motivation Homework In College? As per Mintzberg a manager has formal authority over Mba assignment the people of the Write good term notes unit for which he is responsible. This formal authority gives rise to Mba assignment helper kl interpersonal interactions and implies a number of interpersonal roles. Anabel as a manager was involved in write introduction, playing the interpersonal roles defined by Mintzberg.

Anabel was routinely involved in recognition programs for her direct reports. Such recognition programs, though more of a ceremonial nature, are essential in Mba assignment helper kl, the best interests of the organization. She was also involved in to do in college, attending supplier service review meetings and providing feedback to the suppliers. Although this is not necessary to achieve organizational objectives, she performed this as an obligation due to Mba assignment her position of a manager. This is in accordance with Mintzberg’s definition of the role of figurehead of a manager. Anabel displayed a leadership role as defined by Mintzberg in various ways. The manager regularly conducted team meetings to communicate organizational goals and to a essay killer decide how best to helper kl achieve them. In order to achieve the organizational goals Anabel also regularly used performance metrics reports to analyze the performance of individuals and the team and identify areas of improvement and ensure that appropriate action is taken to improve performance. Also she was to a certain extent involved in understanding the technical aspects of the product delivery and directing and training team members to achieve desired targets.

Thus she was involved in Phd thesis introduction, encouraging and motivating team members to Mba assignment align their own goals with organizational goals and to achieve them. Thus Anabel as a manager satisfies Mintzberg’s criterion that “Managers encourage and drive people of their units-motivate them , inspire them, coach them , nurture them, mentor them , push them and so on”(Mintzberg 1994, p.19). Anabel was involved in regularly maintaining contact with managers of those teams that the team regularly interacted with. This would happen through in-house training sessions conducted for various teams , or just by informal communication among the Motivation homework in college various workgroups. Helper? This helped the manager to maintain a strong communication network that ultimately helped the Best helper team achieve its tasks easily.

Thus Anabel also fitted into the role of a liaison defined by kl Mintzberg . Mintzberg says that a manager enjoys several informational roles as he is the data bank of the organization. A manager generally knows more information than anybody else in Write good notes, the organization because he obtains information through his subordinates and Mba assignment kl, liaison contacts. Anabel also displayed these qualities as she was the main hub of Motivation to do, information in her team and maintained a strong information network. One of the strong aspects of work of Anabel is the strong interpersonal communication that she shares with her subordinates and peers .She encourages open communication of helper kl, feedbacks, suggestions and concerns which are verbal and vital to help history an organization. She plays the role of monitor as she satisfies Mintzberg’s criteria that a manager is on the constant lookout for information as a monitor. Anabel was responsible for sharing information that she gathered from outside contacts to team members. Mba Assignment Kl? Anabel regularly attended supplier, customer, management meetings and gathered information such as feedback or information concerning team members, which was then relayed, to the team members. This information which is vital to the team to perform its tasks, remain motivated, to achieve organizational objectives and improve quality is otherwise inaccessible to the team. Anabel regularly played the role of Best essay helper, a spokesman where she represented the organization outside. She attended supplier, customer and stakeholder meetings. Mba Assignment Helper Kl? She communicated information about the for college killer expectations from and towards the organization.

She communicated to customers the manner of processing of a customer order, information regarding customer accounts, requirements and the operational needs of the business and various other processes involved. According to Mintzberg ultimately information is vital only because it aids us in decision making i.e. to perform some vital actions. There are 4 decisional roles that Henry Mintzberg talks about in his management theory which Anabel’s work correlates to. Anabel was involved in regularly deciding the Mba assignment kl structure of the team by evaluating information and performance metrics available regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the team members and making sure that vital tasks which have to be done regularly are not affected by absence of any of the a essay killer team members. This was done along with improvement of processes and working practices within the team and hence performance of the helper team. b. Disturbance handler. One of the vital roles that a manager can play according to Motivation to do homework in college Mintzberg is the role of a disturbance handler. Within any organizations there would be significant amount of pressure, escalations and disturbances that have to be resolved and handled well. The manager interviewed served as the first point of contact for escalations from team members, managers and customers and thus played the role of a disturbance handler. c. Resource allocator. Anabel played the role of resource allocator by regularly analyzing his team members their strengths and weaknesses and deciding how to delegate various tasks to them.

She also decided on the structure of the team so as to optimize performance and hence provide better customer service and satisfaction. Also allocating her own time for helper these tasks and delegating the tasks that she needs to be performed are a part of her role as a resource allocator. Anabel played the role of Phd proposal writing history, negotiator by managing customer expectations regarding timelines, delivery of an order, management of customer accounts and so on. She was the first point of contact for Mba assignment team members, customers and management during escalations , she handled them and resolved any conflicts. After analyzing Anabel’s work it is seen that her various tasks as a manager are part of one atleast one of the roles as given by writing essays ks2 Mintzberg satisfying Mintzberg’s claim that a manager is an aggregate of all these roles. Helper? However it is impossible to clearly define boundaries and segregate the various roles and subsequently group tasks of a manager unambiguously under these roles. Writing Essays? No role can be performed independent from any other role. In Anabel’s case in order to decide on Mba assignment helper, the structuring and Phd thesis write introduction, resource allocation within the team she would essentially be playing a decisional role of a resource allocator.

However to play this role she also needs to play the role of a leader and a monitor where she evaluates the performance and skill sets of various team members and based on the information obtained decides how various resources are to Mba assignment kl be utilized. Persuasive Writing Display? From all of the above observations after attempting to correlate Anabel’s work as a manager with Mintzberg’s management theory it is seen that a correlation does exist and Mintzberg’s theory is useful to helper kl explain the work of Anabel as a manager. Anabel’s work as a manager requires her to writing ks2 play effectively the 10 roles that have been outlined above. None of her tasks can be clearly separated as belonging to helper kl one of the roles. All the Persuasive writing ks2 roles are integrated and to perform any of the kl roles effectively it is essential to perform some other role. Hence Mintzberg’s claim that “The manager who only communicates or only Best helper, conceives never gets anything done while the manager who only does ends up doing everything”(Mintzberg 1994, p.22) is satisfied Hence it is essential that a manager performs the Mba assignment helper kl various roles effectively to perform a well rounded job. Phd Proposal History? Mintzberg’s theory does indeed relate to real life and is definitely an explanation of Mba assignment kl, Anabel’s work as a manager but does not enable us to Persuasive writing display interpret the work of a manager any more easily.

Lamond, D (2003) #8216;Henry Mintzberg vs. Kl? Henri Fayol: Of Lighthouses, Cubists and the Emperor’s New Clothes#8217;, Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, v8 n4, p5-24. Mintzberg, H (1975) #8216;The manager#8217;s job Folklore and fact’, Harvard Business Review, v 53 n 4, July August, p49-61. Mintzberg, H (1994) #8216;Rounding out the Managers job#8217;, Sloan Management Review, v 36 n 1 p 11-26. Hales, C.P.(1986) What do managers do ? A critical review of the evidence. Journal of management studies ,23(1),88-115.

Mintzberg, H (1897) #8216;Crafting strategy#8217;, Harvard Business Review , pp 66-75.

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cognos skills resume Atlanta, GA 30338. Accomplished Senior IT professional with a background in business intelligence, reporting systems, data quality (including ETL), software design and full life-cycle development. Helper Kl! Capable of managing numerous projects while leading cross-functional teams to meet and exceed overall IT initiatives. Demonstrated consultative process skills with emphasis on technical, written, and relationship development.

Business Objects Enterprise ETL (Data Services -- BODI / BODS, SSIS) Reporting (Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, Crystal Reports) Highlights of skills: Business Intelligence Data Warehousing Process Improvement Team Leadership Effectiveness. Strategic Planning Analysis Reporting Systems Architecture Process Implementation Software Design Development. Business Objects 4, XI r3, r2, r1, 6.5, …; WebIntelligence 4, XI, 6.5, …; UDT/IDT; Data Integrator 6; Data Services 4, XI 3.2, 4; DQM; SAP HANA; SSIS; Ab Initio; BEx Query Designer; PowerDesigner; Sagent; BrioQuery; Cognos; Genio; Erwin; Crystal Reports 2011, XI, 8.5; Xcelsius 2008; Lumira; IIS; Visio. Basic 6; PL/SQL; SQL; Transact-SQL (T-SQL); ASP; JavaScript; VBScript; HTML; DHTML; Ajax; JQuery; CSS; JSON; XML; XSLT; eBay, Indeed, YQL, Google APIs; SAS; Cobol. SQL Server 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000, 7.0, 6.5; Oracle 11g, 10g, 9i, 8, 7; Teradata; Neteeza; SAP HANA; Hyperion Essbase; MySQL; MS Access; UDB; DB2; Sybase; Filemaker. SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Salesforce; Oracle ERP. MM, MDM, FICO, PI, PUR, COPA, CAPEX, MFG, SD, PP, QM, PM, MRP, UOM, WM, HCM, SCM, VM.

Windows Server 2012/2008/2003/7/Vista/XP/2000/NT/98/95/NT; Unix/Linux; Mac OS; Mainframe. OLTP, OLAP, ODBC, ADO, RDO, OLE DB, SOAP, SSL, SAP Bank Analyzer, Forecasting, Trend Analysis, Star and Snowflake Schemas, Executive Dashboards, CDC (change data capture), 3-Tier Programming, TCP / IP, FTP, HTTP, ISO, LDAP, SSO, RPC. Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Inmon, Kimball, object oriented programming (OOD), rapid application development (RAD), Accelerated SAP (ASAP). Consumer Products, Banking, Lumber, Legal, Logistics, Health Care, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Dept. of Defense, Energy, Electric, Automotive, Government, Politics, Insurance, Data Quality, Telecommunications, Building Materials, Financial Services, Commodities, Fleet Management, Furniture, Food Beverages, Mining, Coal, Debit Credit Cards, Pet Food, Animal Feed, Incentives, Marketing, Education. Teradata Certified Professional, Teradata Certified SQL Specialist. Development of BODS objects supporting multiple change data capture styles that include thousands of Persuasive writing essays display, mappings and over seventy SAP DSO destinations.

All information sourced from and Mba assignment helper kl, writing to SAP HANA. Created BODS specific portions of Writing application killer, mapping documents, including CDC information. Mba Assignment! Design (modeling) and construction of SAP HANA tables, functions, procedures, and Writing a essay application, views using a combination of helper, Data Services, PowerDesigner, and HANA Studio. Helper! Performed modeling with HANA, using attribute, analytic, and calculation views. Migration of information from multiple source systems (out of SAP HANA) into SAP Bank Analyzer, with various data profiling and quality checks and use of a composite table to ease maintenance/LI Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SAP HANA, SAP Bank Analyzer, DB2, PowerDesigner, Windows 7. Creation of executive dashboard illustrating volumes, imbalances, accounting details, and customer information related to acquisition. Improvement of existing dashboards – organization and Mba assignment kl, bug fixes.

Ensured data accuracy and providing of most important and up to date details by Motivation forgot meeting with business analysts and management in multiple locales. Developed several multi-source IDT universes referencing relational databases, containing derived tables. Provided key and timely details in user-friendly dashboard to help management make informed decisions. Conversion of existing dashboards from Mba assignment helper kl Xcelsius to Lumira, for comparison purposes. Environment: Xcelsius 4.1, SAP Lumira, IDT, MS Access 2012, SQL Server 2012, Windows 7. Successful and rapid conversion of multiple Ab Initio processes to for college killer, Data Services, implementing methodologies to Mba assignment kl, increase maintainability, including simplification, logging, and inline documentation. Data analysis, modeling, and profiling using SQL Server and Data Services, to provide new and improved structures and aid in Best data quality checks related to conversion efforts. Cost savings through replacement of scheduler with scripting involving file watcher loops and, or database flag checks, moving files to staging and production folders, and helper, emailing of Writing a essay application killer, results, including attachments. Executed technical leadership on the use of the Mba assignment technology platform and tools, mentoring in Phd thesis optimal use of BODS in helper a SQL Server, SAP, and Unix environment.

Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, SAP, Ab Initio, Acorn, Windows 7, Unix. Created and optimized executive summary and several linked dashboards, including hierarchical selectors, flash variables, and dynamic sales and marketing information based on live SAP BPC data. A Essay For College Application! Built Crystal Reports detail reports connected to helper kl, BI services pointed at Web Intelligence blocks containing BEx query details. Phd Thesis Introduction! Reports launched by and received prompts from Xcelsius dashboard. Acted as go-to for the team for technical concerns and idea development. Mba Assignment Helper! Significant contributions to Phd proposal writing history, dashboard and ETL architecture and helper, design, including best practices. Constructed reusable templates to speed batch and real-time ETL development in BODS and provide auditing functionality.

Led training sessions explaining usage of templates and gathering ideas for improvement. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Dashboard Designer (Xcelsius), Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT, IDT), Crystal Reports 4, SQL Server 2008, Neteeza, XML, Windows 7. Provided administrative assistance, including fixing of scheduling errors, performance tuning, permissions management, and migrating jobs between systems. Creation of new repositories and configuration of existing ones. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Oracle, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7.

Constructed website to create, update, and delete batches of Phd proposal help, listings to eBay through XML using the eBay API and process related responses. Added code to send and process listing status checks to eBay. Mba Assignment! Created code to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information used in website. Developed code in website, stored procedures, and functions that wrote results to Writing a essay, SQL Server database. Scheduled listing creation (based on database contents) and status checking. Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, JQuery, XML, JSON, eBay API, SQL Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7. Converted data conversion processes from BW to ECC sources, using Data Services integrated with SAP. Created reporting system, including data model and dictionary, ETL, and WebI reports, based off SAP ECC material master information.

Involved frequent discussions with offshore team members and business analysts. Troubleshooting of reporting, universe, and Mba assignment, ETL issues with onshore and offshore engineers. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT), Oracle, SAP BW and ECC, Windows 7. Acted as systems/software engineer for system architecture planning, technical design, software development and test, and software, hardware, and interface integration. Installation and configuration of Business Objects Enterprise and Data Services, including Data Quality. Creation, improvement, and documentation of HR reports and related universe, including standardization and applying best practices. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2, SQL Server 2008; Win Server 2008.

Engineered conversion projects, using a self-designed standardized process, for migrating information between SAP 4.7 and 6.0. Converted information from SAP modules, including manufacturing, material master, basic data, fico, general plant, mdm, mrp, purchasing, qm, sales data, units of good term notes, measure, warehouse mgmt, and work scheduling. Built and Mba assignment helper, implemented validation projects to ensure quality data migration. Frequent daily interaction with SAP functional analysts and writing essays display, business to review requirements and results. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Oracle 9i; SQL Server 2008; SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Win XP. Converted and enhanced Cognos into WebI, Crystal, and Xcelsius reports with SAP data (HCM and SCM). Mapping of reporting requirements from helper kl business terms into writing, SAP objects. Creation and maintenance of OLAP universes sourced from Mba assignment BEx queries. Writing and editing of SAP BEx queries using Query Designer. Writing of test scripts for accuracy, formatting, and performance. Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SAP ECC 4.7 – HCM, SCM, SD; SQL Server 2008; Win XP.

Guided and played key role in design document production, including ETL field mappings for 500+ fields in four systems (2000+ fields total), data dictionary, universe and in college forgot, report documents, and helper kl, DDL scripts. Constructed universe and related star schema database, with focus on user-friendly configuration of writing, classes and objects. Universe automatically updated with self-created automation tool. Led report development effort, including creation of many Web Intelligence reports. Designed and implemented Business Objects architecture, including hardware and software requirements, CMS information, security, and migration from Mba assignment XIr2 to XIr3. Championed standardization of how to write, field mappings, data dictionary, and universe and report documents. Coordinated offshore ETL efforts, including meetings and answering of daily questions. Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Designer SDK; Crystal Enterprise SDK, Win XP. Designed, created, implemented, and tested dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs for multiple projects.

Troubleshooting and performance tuning which reduced several jobs from Mba assignment kl several hours to less than one. Full lifecycle project focusing on a essay application killer, surveys, including Data Services and Designer (universe) components. Helper Kl! Migrated dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs between repositories. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Windows Server 2008, Windows XP. Created and Best essay helper, ran ETL jobs to load and manipulate Material Master and Vendor SAP information. Kl! Generated, put into successful production, and trained others in data validation / testing tool, using Data Services and Phd thesis how to write, SQL Server procedures and functions. Administration and configuration of kl, multiple datastores and good term paper notes, servers.

Upgrade of First Logic / Data Quality to Data Services, with data and multiple country address cleansing. Developed, published, and scheduled batch and real-time jobs. Produced contact duplicate checking ETL project, including match transforms and adjustable parameters. Mba Assignment! Constructed dashboards to review data validation results. Environment: Data Services XI r3.1, 3.2; SQL Server 2005; SAP (extracts); Xcelsius 2008; Windows XP. Directed and coordinated organizational strategies of employees responsible for conceptualizing, designing, constructing, testing and implementing business and technical solutions for telecommunications data. Partnered with software and architectural teams to plan and build out new systems, understand scalability and Phd proposal history, constraints of software, and manage disaster recovery and business continuity planning. Mba Assignment Kl! Acted as key developer, leading a team of four (mostly remote) developers in the creation of Webi reports, universes, and Xcelsius dashboards consisting of essay helper, proprietary telecommunications information. Implemented ETL related to helper, numerous systems, including creating and term, manipulating tables with raw SQL/SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and conversion of SAS into Mba assignment kl, packages and Writing for college application, SQL. Guided and Mba assignment helper, developed the Business Objects teams, including providing hiring recommendations, training, mentoring and monitoring staff performance to Best essay, effectively adhere to company’s “best practice” initiatives.

Environment: Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Designer, CMS, Admin); Crystal Reports XI; Crystal Xcelsius 2008; SQL Server 2005; Teradata; SSIS; Netezza; SAS; Aqua Data Studio; Windows XP. Responsible for creating Business Objects universes and Mba assignment helper, reports to provide information on clinical trials. Writing Ks2! Successfully migrated universes and reports from development to Mba assignment kl, test to production. Phd Proposal Help! Created Oracle functions and Mba assignment kl, stored procedures to helper, supply comma-delimited lists and date information. Created functional and technical documentation for all reports and universes, outlining processes to create an easily readable roadmap of Mba assignment helper, all procedures for end users. Environment: BusinessObjects XI r2; Oracle 9i; ARISg; Windows XP. Led efforts in Writing application the successful extraction and transformation of information from Excel to Mba assignment kl, SQL Server database, designing a database geared towards OLAP reporting and later Essbase loading. Created over two thousand transformations to alter information extracted from good notes Excel. Helper! Developed ETL program using VB with features for types of processes to display and run, status lists, storing metrics, HTML help, and options to skip process with errors to convert text values to zero’s. Environment: SQL Server 2005; Visual Basic 6; Hyperion Essbase; Microsoft Excel 2003; OLAP; Windows XP. Responsible for gathering customer requirements, architecting prototypical solutions, acquiring customer acceptance, and managing software processes from initial design to final implementation and deployment.

Primarily responsible for migrating Sybase, Business Objects (6.x), and Oracle Sagent data warehouses to provide commodities-related financial information to client and Writing for college application killer, internal business users. Kl! Key Projects: Migrated three reporting systems to Phd thesis how to introduction, Business Objects XI and Crystal Reports XI, with Oracle 9i. Administration using Central Management Console to schedule reports, configure user and group security, and manage categories, folders, universes, and Mba assignment, licensing. Created and tested reports and universes with information about commodities, futures, and Write term paper notes, options. Installed, tested, and maintained Business Objects XI (including Crystal) client and server software. Environment: Oracle 9i; Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Crystal Reports, Performance Management, SDK); Sagent; Visual Basic 6; Scripting (VB, Java, batch); ASP; HTML; XML; CSS; SDLC; Cisco VPN; Windows XP. IT Consultant 1995 to 2006. Key Clients: LeasePlan, Lockheed Martin, WPAFB (Air Force), Haworth, HPFS, ATT, Travelers, CIT, Cigna, Anheuser-Busch, Peabody Group, MasterCard, Ralston Purina, Maritz, Davis Interactive Client:nbspnbsp LeasePlan -nbspAtlanta, GA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2005 to 2006) Created a Business Objects data warehouse to provide leasing information to 100 key clients.

Designed and rolled out an innovative reporting system using Webi, including linked reports. Created conversion utility supporting improved (Excel) and unavailable formats (Word and HTML). Mba Assignment! Client:nbspnbsp Lockheed Martin (US Navy) -nbspNew Orleans, LA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2004 to write introduction, 2005) Gained acceptance of a conversion of an Access reporting system into Mba assignment kl, Business Objects. Write Term! Developed, documented, and performance tuned thirteen reports and associated universes. Conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis to define project scopes and technical criteria. Created many Data Integrator jobs, workflows, and dataflows supplying source data for systems. Collaborated with key internal and external decision makers to recommend process enhancements, including creation of Mba assignment helper, conversion utility for perfecting Word and Excel files from Excel exports. Recipient of the “Lockheed Martin Outstanding Performer” Award (2004). Client:nbspnbsp WPAFB (US Air Force) -nbspDayton, OH,nbsp Business Objects Technical Support Analyst (2005 to writing history, 2006) Provided expert analysis and assistance for the Air Force Knowledge System application, supporting over 450 tickets arising from over 300 users.

Tested and troubleshot WIS and INF errors, training, and network, database and helper, universe issues. Troubleshot invalid data resulting from for college application killer universe and database problems. Client:nbspnbsp Haworth -nbspHolland, MI,nbsp Data Integrator Developer (2005 to 2006) Gathered specifications and developed, tested, and rolled out transformations and universes for AP, PO, and FA segments of Oracle Financials using Business Objects Data Integrator and Designer. Client:nbspnbsp HPFS -nbspMurray Hill, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Served as financial reporting analyst, balancing data related to a conversion of a loan system. Mba Assignment Kl! Provided support to users for report requests and maintenance, creating and to do homework forgot, testing 30 reports. Analyzed, documented, and implemented recommendations for Mba assignment, SQL Server DTS scripts. Client:nbspnbsp ATampT -nbspBedminster, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Reporting analyst/administrator for a data warehousing project targeted to to do, analyze and improve call center performance and processes. Responded to daily maintenance requests, streamlining processes through the helper kl installation, administration and configuration of Writing for college, Business Objects, including Publisher. Mba Assignment Kl! Client:nbspnbsp Travelers -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Business Analyst (2002 to 2003) Main point of contact in a Focus mainframe, SAS to Best essay, client-server (Business Objects, Crystal Reports) migration and conversion of the Annuity Reporting System. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop 42 reports including prototype creation, testing, documentation, performance tuning, and requirements gathering and design.

Conducted in-depth data analysis including data dictionary, physical data model, entity relationship diagrams, and helper, PL/SQL queries for balancing and reviewing integrity of data. Client:nbspnbsp CIT Group -nbspLivingston, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2002) Served as lead financial reporting analyst in a Citation mainframe to client-server (ALS) Business Objects implementation of a data warehouse (Oracle, Sybase) for leasing. Partnered with end-users and to do in college forgot, key internal decision makers on Mba assignment helper, requirements gathering. Full life-cycle development and helper, performance tuning of 54 flawless reports using Business Objects Reporter, Designer, Supervisor, and Broadcast Agent. Trained, mentored and monitored new and kl, existing developers, instilling “best practices” to adhere to internal protocols and Phd proposal history, procedures. Helper! Client:nbspnbsp Cigna -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Data Warehousing Consultant - Genio / Brio (2001 to term paper notes, 2002) Responsible for the enhancement and maintenance of a customized Brio data warehouse reporting application for investment data, including transforming source data (Genio). Gathered scopes and specifications to test and provide daily support of Brio and Genio. Taught end users on helper kl, the capabilities, enhancements, and limitations of Brio. Client:nbspnbsp Anheuser-Busch, Inc. -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Senior Business Objects Developer (1999 to 2001) Implemented full lifecycle design of a 60 report data warehouse for pricing and promotions, that aided retailer sales tracking and marketing applications.

Administered Business Objects repository, security, setup, universes, and how to write, report scheduling, including an upgrade from version 4 to 5. Constructed automated universe and report documentation with Business Objects SDK. Mba Assignment Helper! Participated in Oracle ETL (transformation) related efforts, including creation of PL/SQL functions, packages, stored procedures, views, tables, indexes, explain plans, and types. Client:nbspnbsp Peabody Group -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Business Objects Developer (1999) Production included report creation, design, and prototyping security, universe maintenance and Write term paper notes, origination, data definition and manipulation, testing and layout. Client:nbspnbsp MasterCard -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1998 to 1999) Accountable for the conception of financial reporting system and helper kl, associated graphical user interface, generating financial reports using Crystal Reports, VB, and Oracle. Client:nbspnbsp Davis Interactive (Interchange Technologies) -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1995 to 1999) Responsible for design and support of multimedia projects with Macromedia Director and VB.

Created graphical user interfaces and database engines to writing essays, interact with databases and kiosks. Assembled software for reusable client incentive system (CIMS for Mba assignment, Windows). Performed database administration, including backups, scheduling tasks, and setting up users and groups. Designed, developed, and Persuasive writing essays display, tested reports and associated interface using Visual Basic and Crystal Reports. Produced reusable Visual Basic tools, including batch form dynamic link library, report executable creator, system administration form creator, data source creator, and SQL Server administrative software. Environment: Visual Basic 6; Crystal Reports; SQL Server 6.5; Filemaker; Windows NT. B.S. Accounting; Minor: Business Management, December 1996.

Recipient of Academic Scholarship. Tutor: General Statistics, 1995-97. Teradata Certified Professional; Teradata Certified SQL Specialist.

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Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. I’ve gotta admit, I have a real bias towards Douglas Hofstadter, one of the real Renaissance men of science and literature. Mba Assignment Helper Kl. He’s truly one of the rare cutting-edge scientists who can write a damn entertaining book. Despite being over Write paper notes 700 pages and touching on Mba assignment helper, tons of good term paper, topics, the central thesis of helper kl, his most famous book isn’t quite as revolutionary as you might think, and is certainly nowhere near as daring the Persuasive essays display other scientists featured in my “I’ve got a theory” report. And this is a good thing — If I were a betting man (and I am), I’d put my money down on Hofstadter as the one most likely to be right. “GEB” (as the folks-in-the-know call it) might be completely unique among popular-science books — I can’t think of another book that combines such deep scientific and philosophical issues with such a flair for the literary. This isn’t just a well-written science book (like Carl Sagan’s books), it’s a book with actual artistic and literary quality to Mba assignment helper kl it — if you squeezed out the sections that focus on writing, science, you’d still have enough left over to cobble together a book for a college english class. The danger with a book like this is Mba assignment kl, that there’s hardly anyone qualified to paper notes be a “target audience” — the uber-tech-nerds who truly understand all of the science and Mba assignment math likely don’t care about the literary styling (if they noticed it at all), and the poets who can appreciate Hofstadter’s penchant for Phd proposal writing help history a cool turn of helper, phrase aren’t likely to get very far into the book without feigning a stroke so they don’t have to read about to do in college number theory. And yet, it still works — the book is good enough that nearly everyone recognizes it as a tour de force, even if hardly anyone understands the whole thing. Mba Assignment Helper Kl. Although perusing the reviews on Phd thesis how to write introduction, Amazon confirms my suspicion — the very few people who didn’t like the book are either 1) crusty hard-core experts in mathematical logic or cognitive science who had no patience for the artsy stuff, or 2) artsy people who aren’t afraid to admit they didn’t get any of the science and so the book is Mba assignment kl, lost on them.

Speaking of not getting it, it’s fun to see where this book winds up getting shelved in bookstores. Math? Good try, but the homework forgot main point of the book isn’t concerned with math. Physics? Not even close. Mba Assignment Kl. “General science”? Come on, you’re not even trying.

Art? Music? Puh-leez. To Do Homework. This is actually a cognitive science book, a sweeping statement about Hofstadter’s theory of the mind (and specifically of how consciousness arises), despite the extensive time spent on Bach (the composer), M.C. Escher (the artist), and Kurt Godel (the logician and mathematician), plus forays into solid-state physics, zen buddhism, computer programming, language translation, and some funky stuff about a video camera filming its own video screen. The far-ranging topics of GEB reflects the far-ranging interests of Hofstadter. Mba Assignment Kl. Get this — he’s a professor of cognitive science at Indiana University, with a joint appointment in computer science (impressive, but not that uncommon), but is also an adjoint professor in Write term paper, History and Philosophy of Mba assignment, Science (makes sense), Philosophy (now that’s reach!), Psychology (eh?), and writing display Comparative Literature (really?). Is there anyone else on earth who is listed on helper, brochures from both computer science and comparative lit departments at their college? Oh, and writing ks2 his PhD is in solid state physics.

And his first love in Mba assignment helper kl, college was number theory. Now explain to me again, why exactly did you drop down to 12 credits that one semester in college, so you could “find yourself”? That cost you adjunct positions in at least two or three departments… I’m being a little glib calling his work a “Grand Theory of Everything”, because while his theories cover a broad range including cognitive science, philosophy, math, and even humanities, he puts forth perhaps the Persuasive writing essays display most modest claims among any of the Grand Theorizers. While other folks I review (Roger Penrose, Stephen Wolfram, etc etc) put forth preposterous theories-of-everything that are generally ignored or ridiculed by the scientific mainstream, Dr. Mba Assignment Helper Kl. Hofstadter presents a very similar broad survey of the same kinds of topics (Godel’s theorem, human consciousness, theories of Phd proposal writing history, computation, etc.) but comes just short of actually connecting them together with some preposterous theory. His books aim to explain human consciousness, but he readily admits the topic is extremely complicated — in fact the real power of GEB is how clearly it depicts the intricacy and strangeness of consciousness. Nobody poses the problem of consciousness better than Hofstadter. Hofstadter’s key tool is the Mba assignment helper analogy — telling one story to help tell another, seemingly unrelated story. Write Good Term Notes. The book presents a slew of analogies, examples of complex systems with many interacting and recursive parts that share some interesting feature with human consciousness. He walks through at least a half-dozen of these examples (including number theory, DNA, musical fugues, and even ant colonies) in detail.

You get an in-depth tour of how DNA is Mba assignment helper kl, used to make proteins, for example, ultimately to Phd proposal writing help serve as an analogy to help you appreciate his view of how the mind works. Many of the examples feature simple interacting parts that collectively produce intricate, “emergent” behavior that you might not expect from such simple components. Most of them also involve what Hofstadter calls “strange loops”, meaning that some sort of hierarchy is present in the system, and goings-on in one level can “jump out” to Mba assignment affect other levels, often in good, mind-bending ways — like a Rubik’s cube solving itself, or an author becoming a character in helper, his own book. Or a pack of gooey neurons becoming aware of itself. Writing. He brings up examples of systems from other domains to get you acquainted with some of the key ideas, just in Mba assignment helper, time to broach consciousness itself by the last few chapters of the Writing for college killer book. One of these analogy-for-consciousness examples, Godel’s incompleteness theorem, is so compelling and rich in its own right that you can be forgiven if you come away from this book believing that it’s a book *about* Godel’s incompleteness theorem. It’s a theorem from number theory, discovered around the same giddy early 20th-century period that produced Quantum mechanics in physics and Cubism in helper kl, art, that turns out to be fascinating in its own right, and a real stroke of good term notes, genius on Hofstadter’s part to serve as one of his analogies for consciousness. Godel’s theorem did to mathematics and logic what Quantum mechanics did to physics — just as turn-of-the-century physicists cringed when uncertainty and helper kl randomness crept into their beloved physics, mathematicians were horrified to learn of Godel’s discovery — basically it did for mathematics and logic what Relativity and Quantum Mechanics did to physics, so it’s really a wonder that it’s not more famous.

Godel’s insight, in a nutshell, was that a certain level of uncertainty and randomness exist even in systems of logic. Remember your high school geometry? You start with a handful of given “axioms”, from which you try to prove new theorems (or fail to prove them). Typically you chain together small steps of reasoning (using axioms and other theorems you already proved) and hope you stumble along the right path to emerge, sweating and feverish, at Write good term, the theorem you were trying to prove. Around the turn of the century, mathematicians were daring to Mba assignment kl imagine if this process could somehow be automated, whether you could envision proving all possible theorems derivable from a given set of writing history, axioms, by just chaining together every possible series of steps. If you could do this, you could in theory prove *everything* that could be proven — any true statement about any scrap of geometry, for helper example, could in theory be proven by write introduction, chaining together the helper kl handful of introduction, axioms in every possible way. Number theory is another regimented “logical system”, like geometry, where a couple of axioms that are “given” can operate on Mba assignment, some simple idealized things — think of the basics of addition, subtraction, etc. operating on homework in college forgot, whole numbers, which somehow leads to helper kl complicated ideas like prime numbers and Fermat’s Theorem. Persuasive Display. Godel managed to prove, amazingly enough, that there are theorems in number theory that can’t be proven by Mba assignment kl, the axioms of number theory — in other words, he found a mathematical statement that is *true*, and yet completely *unprovable*. Strange, eh? “How the hell could you ever *prove* something like that. ” you yell, sitting in essay, your easy chair in your overalls, waving a spent chicken wing for emphasis.

Easy partner, put the Mba assignment kl gun down, I’ll explain. To Do. To horribly oversimplify, Godel found the helper equivalent of the statement “This sentence is writing essays, False” within number theory. Of course the trick with “This Sentence is False” is kl, that it’s talking about itself, in Persuasive display, fact contradicting itself. Godel was able to Mba assignment construct a theorem made out of the usual math-y bits (you know, greek letters, backwards E, upside down A, the usual) that stated that it could not be proven within number theory. Make sense?

No? Well, it took Hofstadter 700 pages, and how to *he* won a Pulitzer for it, so fat chance I’m going to have. Hofstadter is fascinated with the idea of a theorem, a bit of logic, talking about *itself*, and furthermore making a bold claim on the abilities of mathematicians to prove it. It’s one of helper kl, many cases of “strange loops” that he describes so well. And this theorem deserves to be Puliter-ed. Good. It literally crumbled the foundation of mathematics and logic when Godel published it, as it showed that the logical system underpinning number theory (and therefore all of mathematics) contained some truths (i.e. theorems) that were *unprovable*, completely unreachable using the tools built into the system. And furthermore, the same result applies to *any* logical system — doesn’t have to be number theory, it could be *any* collection of axioms and rules that operate on simple elements. That’s what shook the math geeks of the day, that their beloved system had a flaw, an inherent uncertainty to it, and it was built into the system — if they escaped the problem by moving to a completely different system, the “flaw” was still there, since Godel’s theorem still applied. It did to math exactly what the double-punch of helper, quantum mechanics and relativity did to classical physics, introducing inherent messiness into a supposedly pristine crystalline theory. Here’s where things get weird.

As a college physics teacher of mine once said, things that are weird and to do in college forgot unexplained often get lumped together, for example the many people who believe quantum mechanics underlies the seeming randomness in human consciousness. You would be forgiven for pondering whether Godel’s theorem is Mba assignment helper kl, not just an analogy for the human mind, but might actually *apply* to the human mind. Helper. After all, the brain is at helper, core a bunch of simple parts behaving under the laws of physics, which you could consider to be a kind of logical system. It’s a pretty attractive idea — could Godel’s Theorem be somehow at play in Phd thesis how to write, the brain, perhaps even be responsible for kl consciousness? Hofstadter’s book spends hundreds of to do homework in college forgot, pages on Godel’s Theorem and consciousness — could this be what he’s driving at? You might find yourself, as I did, spending the first 500 pages of the book anticipating that this will be the Mba assignment centerpiece of his Grand Theory, the grand punchline at the end of a grand book. But no, Hofstadter has no intention of asserting that Godel’s incompleteness theorem actually can be applied to the human mind, instead leaving it solidly in the camp of an Write paper, analogy to, not a description of, consciousness. It’s a little disappointing to see him arguing against it’s involvement in consciousness, but it’s probably the correct conclusion.

Plenty of other people *have* dared to connect the kl dots, to suggest that Godel’s theorem applies to the human mind, and is responsible for what separates us from Persuasive writing display ks2, stale “soulless” computers. It’s a compelling idea, that since Godel’s theorem suggests there are true statements in helper kl, logic that cannot be proven, perhaps we (as instantiations of a logical system of sorts) are capable of knowing things that cannot be proven by science or performed by a computer. What’s more, some argue that Godel’s theorem must apply to the laws of physics, since after all, physics at Best essay helper, base level is a handful of Mba assignment, simple rules acting on Phd proposal writing help, elementary objects (and so qualify as a system of axioms). These kinds of grand ideas are more than enough for some pseudo-scientist to run with, perhaps build a whole cult around. But Hofstadter wisely shoots down or ignores these tangents — after all, he says, there is plenty enough power and complexity in a standard-issue brain for consciousness to emerge, without the need to invoke Godel’s theorem or quantum mechanics or any other funny business. Moreover 1 , it isn’t clear how to helper find the true-but-unprovable statements that must exist, other than the simple one that Godel used in his proof, if indeed any others exist at all.

It could be (as some logicians believe) that these mysterious statements are all of the same self-referring family as the one Godel used in his proof, and that none of them actually state anything profound or meaningful. Good Term Paper. I’m not sure if anyone has to date found any other of Mba assignment, these true-but-unprovable beasts that the romantically-inclined suggest lurk out in the fringes of mathematics and logic. Hofstadter is in in college, a category of his own among the scientists I survey, namely the category of “might actually be a correct theory”, by virtue of his *not* espousing that Godel’s theorem actually applies in the brain. It’s a bit of a tease, in my opinion, to go on so heavily about Godel’s theorem if in the end it’s only an Mba assignment helper, analogy for but not applicable to the brain, but I grudgingly accept it because he makes such a compelling analogy. And he’s such a damn good writer.

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