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Argumentative Essays Surrogate Mothers Essays and Research Papers. Bournemouth! A Surrogate Mother is defined as an adult woman who enters into an agreement to bear a child conceived through assisted . conception for Turabian style, intended parents. The couple is usually referred to as intended parents who enter into an agreement providing that they will be the parents of Online dissertation binding a child born to a surrogate through assisted conception, using an Get rich writing books, egg or sperm of at dissertation bournemouth, least one parent. Turabian! 1 RIGHT - Surrogate motherhood is a right entitled to those who are ready and able to take on the responsibility. A.G.R. v. Bournemouth! D.R.H S.H. , Assisted reproductive technology , Baby M 1144 Words | 4 Pages. cannot conceive a baby by themselves choose to use a surrogate mother , where another woman carries their child. Style Research Paper! One way of . Dissertation! surrogacy is when a woman who's unable to carry a baby to term, but is otherwise fertile, has her embryos transplanted to the surrogate mother . The eggs might be fertilized by the biological father or by artificial insemination if the male has fertility issues. Will! In other cases, a surrogate mother is in fact the biological mother of the child as her very own eggs are used to Online dissertation create. Artificial insemination , Assisted reproductive technology , Family 882 Words | 3 Pages. | Breastfeeding is better for your baby | Argumentative Essay | | | Islas, R. Turabian Style! Argumentative . essay Among the dissertation binding bournemouth, many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to Reading rates long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only binding, means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Essay Writing Help! Many women are oblivious to Online dissertation bournemouth the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed.

Baby bottle , Baby food , Breast milk 1314 Words | 4 Pages. ?A Quick Note Before You Begin Argumentative essays are also commonly known as persuasive essays . Reading Rates Gym! However, there . are some differences between the two even if they’re commonly considered to be the same. Persuasive essays are short, around five to six paragraphs. Binding Bournemouth! They usually focus on Essay writing help, your side with occasionally one paragraph devoted to the opposing side. Persuasive essays focus more on Online bournemouth, the emotions of the style, reader. Dissertation Binding! Argumentative essays are usually longer in length, ranging from as little as five paragraphs. Conclusion , Debut albums , Essay 863 Words | 4 Pages. Surrogate Mothers, Ethical Or Unethical.

Surrogate Mothers Ethical or Unethical For most surrogate mothers they are expected to give up the . child she has borne over approximately nine months willingly and if not by legal contract. The mother is not to have a relationship with the style paper, child after birth so that the Online, child will only know its nurturing another couple and shall not be confused. Public controversy over surrogate motherhood is accelerating. Because surrogacy questions cherished culture beliefs and Get rich writing ideals regarding the mother - infant. A.G.R. Online Binding Bournemouth! v. D.R.H S.H. , Assisted reproductive technology , Baby M 1018 Words | 3 Pages. Essay On Life! ENGLISH 101 ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY GUIDELINES for the Argumentative Essay : Using the Online dissertation, documentary . Reading College Rates Gym! Pakistan’s Taliban Generation write an argumentative essay that addresses the following questions. Pay special attention to the content (answers to the questions below) and the organizational structure of the essay (introduction, body, conclusion; prioritizing the information and Online bournemouth arguments; smooth transition between the paragraphs). 1. What is religious extremism? Make use of the narrative and. Argument , Argument map , Counterargument 586 Words | 3 Pages. Argu1nentative Essays Mani stones, Nepal An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree . or disagree with an Essay writing students, issue, using reasons to support your opinion.

Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right. Binding Bournemouth! Argumentation is books, a popular kind of essay question because it forces students to think on dissertation, their own: They have to take a stand on an issue, support their stand with solid reasons, and Essay students support their reasons with solid evidence. Bournemouth! In a general writing test such as the TOEFL. Argument , Argument map , Argumentation theory 694 Words | 3 Pages. Argumentative -Persuasive Essay Argumentative -Persuasive Essay Page 1 Kathleen Rice ENC 1101-12 . Argumentative -Persuasive Essay Argumentative -Persuasive Essay Page 2 List of possible topics: 1. Pros and Cons of Birth Control 2. Pros and Cons of Turabian paper Adoption 3. Pros and Con of Illegitimate children 4. Why Teenagers should wait to have sex 5. Parents need to have sex talk with their teenagers Controversial Issues: . Online Dissertation Binding Bournemouth! Family , Family law , Howard Staunton 1580 Words | 5 Pages. ? Argumentative Essay Braden Rawson Social Networking or the on life, use of specific websites or applications to Online binding bournemouth interact with other . users is Help beatles bpm, one of the dissertation, many key and snow driving factors today in Online binding bournemouth our world. We find ourselves lost for many minutes or possibly hours at a time on any particular app or website. Looking deeper into the issue of social networking and its impact on writing students, our life, I highly doubt we have accomplished anything at all. A very smart man once said, “Time is dissertation binding bournemouth, money.” If that quote is true do we.

Facebook , MySpace , Orkut 941 Words | 3 Pages. ?Sirisakul Ratanachomsakul Argumentative Essay Girls love dolls and boys love trucks is what we have been taught by our . grandparents, parents, and teachers generation by generation and has become gender stereotypes. Help Beatles! Women are expect to marry and binding have children. She also put her family’s welfare before her own; be loving, compassionate, caring, nurturing, and sympathetic. For that female is my college essay on life, often seen as a symbol of a weaker gender comparing to male who are bigger, stronger, and financial provider. Discrimination , Female , Gender 1260 Words | 4 Pages.

How to write an argumentative essay. your opinion. Argumentative Essay How to write an Argumentative Essay : Outline, Structure, . Format, Examples, Topics How to write an dissertation, argumentative essay ? The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the presented point of view is the style research paper, correct one and dissertation binding bournemouth possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions. The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the Get rich books, theories of the argumentative essay . If the author fails. Dissertation Binding Bournemouth! Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 569 Words | 3 Pages. Outline B. Appendix B: First Draft C. Appendix C: Printed materials (main points amp; supporting details must be highlighted) . Reading Gym! 7. Online Bournemouth! Final Draft - Essay form: 3 - 5 pages 8. Submission on Final Term paper- Has to be bound with a cover page ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY TOPICS 1. Violence in television programs leads to violence in our society.

2. Text books should be replaced by I-Pads and style research online resources 3. The mass media plays an Online dissertation binding, important. Grammar , Linguistics , Rhetoric 558 Words | 4 Pages. a student is. Consequently this takes him to the counter part of my college essay on life his story were his son was awarded for using his imagination in an essay at . school. The evidence strengthens Ho’s argument of that the school system gives a student freedom to choose and Online gain more confidence when awarded for trying new ways. When looking at the quality of someone do my his sources the argumentative appeal weakens a lot. He draws a conclusion from his own experience and dissertation assumes that “disgruntled American parents forget…[that] their. Creativity , Education , Education in the United States 1331 Words | 4 Pages. used material, but this could be more dangerous due to residue of the chemical in Help beatles the new items. However, the things that we already used should not be . around to recycle for several reasons. In this essay , I am going to talk about three weaknesses of recycling. Firstly, I will start with the argumentative , and then analyze emotional appeal.

The first reason is that the processes of recycle costs are very high. Dissertation Binding! For many years, people always hear that paper, plastic, aluminum should be recycled. When. Aluminium , Paper , Paper recycling 926 Words | 4 Pages. ?IGCSE First Language English: Coursework Paper 4. Name: Kevin Koku Donkor Essay Type: Argumentative Topic: Does foreign aid . continue to be beneficial to African countries? All over the world, aid is given by individuals, private organizations, or governments to countries in need, especially countries in on life Africa. Foreign aid can be described as the international transfer of dissertation capital, goods or services in the form of grants or loans. Aid can be given to a country in the event of college rates gym a crisis, for developmental. Africa , African Union , Sub-Saharan Africa 948 Words | 3 Pages. ? Argumentative essay College Composition I 10-15-2014 Should drivers of automobiles be prohibited from using cellular . phones? Driving requires a lot of concentration in order to bournemouth keep the road, and ourselves safe. Nowadays, many people have a license without being able to drive in a manner that is Reading college, responsible.

This raises the question of cell phones. There are many factors that contribute to accidents. Eating, drinking, reaching for Online binding, fallen objects and talking to passengers are also some. Automobile , Cellular network , GSM services 753 Words | 4 Pages. What Money Cant Buy; Surrogate Mothers. degradation argument back in Help beatles the essay ; buying a child would just cheapen its value compared to having one the traditional way. Dissertation Bournemouth! So while we do . Reading College Gym! love our pets, in most cases they are slaves themselves, never truly knowing what the freedom to do whatever you want outside of the restrictions of your owners feels like. At least its free room and board for pets though. What about surrogate mothers ? Is that not essentially buying a baby in a sense? Contracts for “ surrogate motherhood,” as the practice is. Surrogacy 1221 Words | 3 Pages. Brandon Aponte, Sarah Jerez, Karen Huot, and Shams Fardeen?? 701 Mrs.

Schwibner English Language Arts Argumentative Essay ? The . word traditional means to follow older styles and year round schools mess with these systems. A reason to support this is dissertation bournemouth, that it costs more to run year-round schools due to air-conditioning bills and other expenses. Paper! Secondly, it disables the activities that you can accomplish over the long summer because year round vacations have shorter break periods. Lastly, it forces. Buffalo Bills , Education , Extracurricular activity 959 Words | 3 Pages. How to Write an Argumentative Essay. Online Binding! The Writing Lab – D204d 425-564-2200 How to Write an Argumentative Essay An . argumentative essay uses reasoning and writing books evidence—not emotion—to take a definitive stand on a controversial or debatable issue. The essay explores two sides of a topic and proves why one side or position is the best.

The First Steps Choose a specific issue to discuss. Some debatable issues cover a wide range of topics. For example, “legalizing drugs” is Online dissertation, too broad a subject because. Cat , Dog , Neutering 1602 Words | 5 Pages. English 102: Argumentative Essay ( Essay #1) May 14th 2012 outline I. Homework Snow! Introduction: 1. Binding! Background: . Nowadays, Television is an unavoidable part of college gym modern culture. It plays an important role in our life. We always depend on television for news, entertainment, education, weather, sports, and even music, since the advent of Music Television. 2. Thesis statement: Television has both advantages and Online bournemouth disadvantages, and I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantage.

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And here is my argument. . Education , Gender , Single-sex education 982 Words | 3 Pages. What On Life! ? Argumentative Essay About Internet Censorship Censorship has been defined as “The removal of material that is deemed or . judged offensive to any sector of the population. Online Dissertation Binding! Many have wondered, “Just how beneficial is censorship to man, when is it enough and does it help”? It is my view however; that there is Get rich books, no clear answer to the question, for censorship has its fair balance of advantages and disadvantages. I argue that the censorship of the binding bournemouth, internet in Will snow the modern digital era is “Ludacris” ridiculous. Broadband Internet access , Censorship , Freedom of speech 1524 Words | 4 Pages. ? 1 . Online Dissertation! LTCA Argumentative Essay April 16, 2013 Why our country should have universal healthcare? In America there are so many people who live without healthcare. Get Rich Books! President Obama has tried hard to Online binding change that known fact by introducing and passing his new Obama Care Act. It is very important for people to have proper healthcare coverage. Barack Obama , Health care , Health economics 992 Words | 4 Pages. ? The Scarlett Letter Argumentative Essay In the Scarlett Letter by Hawthorn, public humiliation is used as a form of my college essay on life . punishment. In that place and time period, the seventeenth century, Puritanical Boston, Massachusettes, this form of punishment was quite common. There was no separation of church and state at Online dissertation binding, that time and since Puritan beliefs were based on good versus evil, it was a common practice to humiliate, chastise, and berate people as a scare tactic to writing keep order.

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Capital punishment , Capital punishment in the United States , Crime 1207 Words | 5 Pages. Argumentative Essay (Introduction) Guantanamo Bay did a good thing for Help beatles, America. Guantanamo Bay is located in a small area in . Cuba off of American soil. America's most recent president, Barack Obama wants to shut the prison down and Online bournemouth suspended it for a short period of time in the beginning of January this year. Style Paper! (My position And Thesis) I believe that Guantanamo bay should never be shut down because the prison led United States and other countries' to terrorists and Online dissertation binding bournemouth it punished those who planned. Al-Qaeda , Human rights , KILL 1059 Words | 3 Pages.

Argumentative Essay The legalization of marijuana is a current growing issue in British Columbia (BC). Marijuana, which . comes from the cannabis sativa (or hemp) plant, has been used for ten thousand years and will continue to be used for a very long time. People smoke it, with a pipe or water pipe, or in loosely rolled cigarettes called “joints”. It is also brewed with tea and mixed with cakes and brownies. Marijuana is so popular with the public that it has developed many aliases, such as. Cannabis , Decriminalization , Drug addiction 962 Words | 3 Pages. ?Sahra Sheikhnur Argumentative Essay Terrorism has made a major impact in The U.S in the past 10 years. Terrorism is Essay help students, very . dangerous and has led to many lives being lost. Recently, there have been many terrorist acts going on, which led the U.S. government to wonder if individuals should use censorship to prevent terrorist speech. The United States government should completely renounce coverage of terrorist speech because the ongoing coverage can lead to Online dissertation bournemouth more threats and dangers.

The media is a great. Al-Qaeda , Censorship , Freedom of speech 1106 Words | 4 Pages. “ Argumentative essay assignments are useful learning tools for Reading rates, helping students to both understand key concepts and in helping . students to dissertation binding think critically.” Module 3 Case Assignment Nassal R. Help Beatles Bpm! Braimbridge Trident University If you have ever attended college at some point you have had to dissertation write an argumentative essay . It is used to convey your thoughts, insights, and point of Get rich view to an audience in an attempt to persuade them. Extensive research is required to provide the facts. Argument , Critical thinking , Educational psychology 790 Words | 3 Pages. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? Thesis Statement: In the dissertation binding bournemouth, modern day, with growing knowledge and Will do my homework snow . curiosity of teens about the real world, as well as the Online dissertation bournemouth, desperation of people caused by research poverty, curfews nowadays, though believed to keep teens safe and controlled, anything like crimes can happen in any time, so curfews do not really keep teens out of trouble. OUTLINE: I. Introduction A. Background information B. Definition of the binding bournemouth, topic C. Thesis statement . Homework! Mind , Modern history , Present 1950 Words | 5 Pages. violence always occurs, how could we say those parents are good? Great parents or not doesn’t depend on parents gender; it depends on the love for Online binding bournemouth, children. Get Rich! . A longitudinal study published in Pediatrics on June, 2010, found that children of lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and binding academic competence and had fewer social problems (Gartrell and Bos).

Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein argues, “We should begging homosexual couples to adopt children. We should. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 1599 Words | 6 Pages. Women are rightfully entitled to abort their pregnancies. Making the act illegal, as in the past would violate peoples freedom, promote unwanted pregnancy, . and Will someone snow would definitely harm the dissertation binding, physical health of to write on life embryos and the psychological health of mothers to be.

Freedom is binding bournemouth, guaranteed to citizens of the United States. In 1973, the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision permitted abortion. The decision stated that a woman could choose to abort in early stages of pregnancy without legal limitations. In. Abortion , Abortion law , Drug addiction 906 Words | 3 Pages. ?Caleb Madison ENG 101 10/3/13 Argumentative Essay From fire to light bulbs, and pagers to smart-phones, humans have always . Essay Writing Help! sought progress. The average person can agree that most new things are for the better. If humans didn’t grow and progress then one could question whether or not we even have a purpose. Online Dissertation Binding Bournemouth! One thing that humans have lacked the Help beatles, necessary progression in dissertation binding bournemouth is the place that homosexuals have in society.

Same-sex marriage has recently begun to be legalized by several states. At this. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 2058 Words | 6 Pages. Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage. Wesley King Grammar and Composition lesson 75 Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Marriage is the . ceremonial binding of two people, male and Turabian style research female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the Online dissertation bournemouth, institution when a man and someone do my a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of Online dissertation one another and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring. Civil union , Homosexuality , Lesbian 842 Words | 2 Pages.

Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines. Will Someone Do My Homework! Writing Handout E-5: Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines Structuring a Argumentative (Persuasive) . Bournemouth! Essay A persuasive essay is Essay, simply a writer’s attempt to convince readers of the validity of a particular opinion on a controversial issue. Online Dissertation! The following steps should help you write a persuasive essay . 1. Get Rich Writing Books! Carefully select a topic Choose a topic that interests you. An argument does not have to dissertation binding be a burning issue, but it must be a debatable topic. It can be anything you feel strongly about.

Artery , Boxing , Brain 857 Words | 4 Pages. ?ENGLISH AS A MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION For many years, the importance of English has increased because it has became a very common language all over the . world. Owing to this situation, there are lots of homework argumentative topics which are about the power of dissertation bournemouth English. One of them is What my college essay on life, about the medium of instruction at Online dissertation, Turkish universities whether it should be English or not. First of all, the definition of the English as a medium of instruction can be made. Haagen – Schutzenhofer Mathelitsch (n.d.) explain.

Education , English medium education , Language education 1098 Words | 4 Pages. English 0099 Argumentative Essay 25 March 2013 Say No to . Birth Control Oral contraceptives have been around for more than 4,000 years. In 1843, prior to discovering that conception occurs when the Reading college rates, sperm enters the female egg, Scientists assumed women had no role in the creation of life. After realizing women played a part in conception Scientists have begun creating ways for women to dissertation prevent pregnancy. There have been many types. Birth control , Combined oral contraceptive pill , Condom 1497 Words | 4 Pages. ? Argumentative essay : The 25th of November, 2011 is to be tattooed in all Moroccan’s memories and style paper hearts as it was a . quite significant day in dissertation binding Morocco’s history. PJD, the Party of Justice and Turabian style Development, came out winner of the Online binding bournemouth, harsh competition that was to oppose the Get rich writing, Moroccan parties because it seemed to have made quite tempting promises to the Moroccan populace. Its message was straightforward and obviously promising to the millions of citizens who have been hoping for change for numerous.

Africa , Corruption , Cycle of dissertation binding poverty 1830 Words | 6 Pages. Do My Homework! ?Michael Todd Wright English 111 25 April 2012 Argumentative Essay High Gas Prices What defines gas prices and the negative . impacts on Online dissertation binding, America? Gasoline prices are on the rise due to several factors. Sometimes the Will homework, oil refineries do not drill enough oil. Other times, conflicts in Online binding the Middle East break out, and that causes the cost of writing barrels of oil to dissertation go way up. Reading College Rates! A ripple effect is created because of the costs rising. When gas prices rise, the rise in Online dissertation binding bournemouth prices is do my, usually passed on to the consumer.

Cost , Diesel fuel , Hydrocarbon 1957 Words | 5 Pages. Dissertation Binding Bournemouth! favor or be a disadvantage to our society? At this rate, technology will in fact affect us negatively. One of the gym, reasons technology will be a detriment to . our society is obsession. Many people seem to Online binding be obsessed with technology. According to students a mother of three teenagers named Susan Maushart, her children “inhabit” media. She said “Did I say they do their schoolwork like that?

Correction. They do their life like that.”(Maushart, Winter) This is true for a lot of people out there that use technology. Distraction , Facebook , Fahrenheit 451 1375 Words | 6 Pages. to finally appreciate the female race and Online bournemouth respect them for their abilities and physical attributes. Stylistic Choice Based on Pollitt’s Essay . I chose this essay to style research integrate the binding bournemouth, obvious differences between the Reading rates, male and dissertation binding bournemouth female gender. I used it to also convey a point to my college differentiate between male and female’s participation within the bournemouth, sport world. Pollitt’s essay points out the countless arguments regarding how much two genders can be the complete opposites in Turabian style research paper so many ways. I chose to base my arguments. Discrimination , Female , Gender 1055 Words | 5 Pages. a high school diploma. It is proven that 83% of teen girls who get pregnant result in raising their child alone (FDA).

New teenage mothers . include feelings of depression, emotional liability, self-esteem issues, body image issues and personal feelings regarding control and binding bournemouth anxiety disorder. Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for a mother , but for homework snow, some teenage mothers , they felt that it was a worst experience. Emotional feeling and dissertation binding bournemouth hormones level during pregnancy are fluctuating and this can lead. Adolescence , AIDS , College 1024 Words | 3 Pages. Turabian Style Paper! Surrogacy: Artificial Insemination and dissertation binding bournemouth Surrogate Mother Views. Surrogacy Research Paper Comp ll Acordreia M. Pratt 8/31/2010 A surrogate mother is do my, a woman who carries a . child, usually for an infertile couple. The process involves artificial insemination technology, where by the husband sperm is transferred and the surrogate mother conceives the child. Making a decision to Online dissertation binding become a surrogate mother or hiring a surrogate requires a lot of planning, thought, and preparation. In my opinion surrogacy is a wonderful idea because there is the thought. Artificial insemination , Assisted reproductive technology , Egg donation 1111 Words | 3 Pages. What My College! needed in the future.

References Facts Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from How Much Does an . Dissertation! Abortion Cost? The Lives of Essay writing students a Mother and Child | (n.d.). Retrieved from mother -and-child/ Pro Choice. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pro-Life Debate #4 - 77% of Anti-Abortion Leaders are Men. 100% of Them Will Never . Abortion , Abortion debate , Childbirth 1321 Words | 6 Pages. have given them, unless they open illegal sexual intercourse. Live with them honorably; if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and dissertation binding Allah . brings through it a great deal of good” (“The Women” 4.21). Help! As for mothers , it is confirmed in a hadith that mothers are given three times the precedence over Online dissertation binding fathers with regard to kindness and respect (Al-Hashimi 165). With, Islam ended the pre-Islamic Arab practice of Essay help students female infanticide with the Quran explicitly forbidding both male and. Basketball , Dirk Nowitzki , Islam 1576 Words | 5 Pages.

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY FORMAT When writing an argumentative essay , a student must first choose a . topic. The topic must be one that has two sides to it, and ideally, will have supporters for both sides of the binding bournemouth, topic. For a basic argumentative essay , a student should structure the essay so that there are five paragraphs. What Essay On Life! The first paragraph will be the introduction, the second and third paragraphs will be the support paragraphs, the fourth paragraph will be the counter argument with rebuttal, and. Alternative medicine , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1335 Words | 4 Pages. future. If all turns out Online binding, well, there is a possibility of raising their own kids the same way, setting them up for success. “An October 2012 article in . ‘U.S. News Health’ reported that strict mothers could positively affect behaviors in their children’s friends. Friends of adolescents with strict mothers were less likely to smoke, binge drink or use marijuana” (Mann np). Not only is it difficult on the kids, but it is difficult on the parents. An interviewee relates to her parenting stating.

Child , Childhood , Developmental psychology 2217 Words | 6 Pages. playing field and gets them away from one-upmanship on designer labels. It also gets kids used to taking care of their clothes. Getting rid of status symbols . prevents children from being teased because they aren't wearing $150 jeans. Carol O'Neil, mother of two boys from East Kilbride, Scotland: I am totally for school uniforms as they keep children dressed the same and What my college essay on life stop all of the nonsense with kids wearing designer gear. If kids are dressed the same, then they are less likely to be bullied. Dress code , Education , High school 953 Words | 3 Pages. ENG 113 Section 3007 . 9/29/14 Essay #2 Garcia 1 Lupita. Online Binding Bournemouth! Automobile , Cellular network , Crash 1193 Words | 3 Pages. “investors” out of their hard earned savings, there are thousands of Essay writing help students historically documented events that lend credibility to this age old saying, however, . like so many other generalised statements, it is used more as an excuse than as a reason. This essay will present evidence to refute the claim that Money is the root of all evil. Money is not the root of all evil.

Money is dissertation bournemouth, simply a means used by people to obtain what they already desire in life. In order to demonstrate this point, we need to have. Bible , Crime , Crimes 1219 Words | 3 Pages. can harm students' chances for college admissions. College administrators scan Facebook profiles for Turabian research, evidence of illegal behavior by students. A 2012 Kaplan . Test Prep survey found that 35% of college admissions officers discovered information like essay plagiarism, vulgarities, or illegal activities on social media that negatively impacted prospective students' admission chances (up from 12% in dissertation binding bournemouth 2011). Social media posts cannot be completely deleted and all information posted can have unintended. Facebook , Internet , MySpace 1631 Words | 5 Pages. In my argumentative Essay , I am arguing that abortion is wrong and not to be mistaken with 'Abortion should be made illegal.' I . will explain later why I have made this statement. Abortion is the termination of an unborn child in Reading college rates its mother's womb for up to twenty four weeks of the dissertation binding bournemouth, pregnancy or in special circumstances e.g.

Disability diagnosis a termination right up until the mother goes in to labour. I think the above definition is an easier and less harsh way of saying that abortion. Abortion , Adolescence , Birth control 1075 Words | 3 Pages. Argumentative Essay Packet Essay format Title Page I. Introduction a. Attention Getter b. General Information . c. Specific Information d. Thesis Statement II. Counter Argument a. Topic Sentence b. Evidence c. Explanation of Evidence d. Explanation of Why Your Argument is Still Correct III. Supporting Body Paragraph a. What To Write My College Essay On Life! Topic Sentence b. Explanation of Argument c. Evidence d. Explanation of Evidence e. Closing Statement IV. Online Dissertation! Supporting Body paragraph a. Topic Sentence b. Explanation. Critical thinking , Essay , Five paragraph essay 632 Words | 4 Pages.

Writing and Well-rounded Argumentative Essay. an argumentative essay ? The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to . investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and Reading rates gym establish a position on dissertation, the topic in a concise manner. Please note: Some confusion may occur between the argumentative essay and the expository essay . These two genres are similar, but the argumentative essay differs from the Help beatles bpm, expository essay in the amount of pre-writing (invention) and dissertation bournemouth research involved. The argumentative essay. Article , Essay , Essays 1102 Words | 4 Pages. ENGLCOM-WC A new step-up to globalization: An Argumentative Essay (Post- Essay ) Submitted by: Famela Anne . Madamba (NO1B) Submitted to: Ms. Karen Gabinete December 1, 2012 Philippines is books, one of bournemouth those countries that values education a lot.

Statistics shows that Filipinos are more diligent than of those people of the other country when it comes to Get rich education. Despite the numerous international awards that our fellow Filipinos are getting, there are some children or adult especially. Curriculum , Education , Filipino people 2047 Words | 6 Pages. Essay 5: Argument Rough Draft The people of America are categorized into dissertation binding bournemouth, different classes: the upper class, middle class, lower class, and What to write my college essay . the (sometimes mentioned) working class. In Gregory Mantsios’s article “Class In America – 2009,” he explains that there are distinct differences between each class through every day life-styles as one example, explaining how a person lives determines not only their social statues, but also their economic status. Diana Kendall’s article on bournemouth, “Framing Class”.

American middle class , Bourgeoisie , Household income in the United States 917 Words | 3 Pages. Reflective Essay This semester in 1010 has definitely been challenging for me, but I have learned a great deal. Although I’m not a fan of . writing papers, I do have to agree it has helped me increase my knowledge in English composition. Before this semester, I had no clue in the world what rhetorical skills were, and now I am writing a paper on them. As a result of English 1010, my ability to think rhetorically has improved greatly. This semester in English 1010, I have learned how to use attributions. Academia , Critical thinking , English-language films 1122 Words | 3 Pages. identified that in advertising women are less often used in work representations compared with men (as cited in Jacobson Mazur, 2007, p. 217).

In the . Snow! advertisements of house appliances, especially, women are typically equated with housewives and mothers . Even when women are portrayed in professional environments, they are often in subordinate positions, receiving instructions. Hence, professional women are reduced to bournemouth order-takers. Men, on the other hand, are commonly associated with power, leadership. Advertising , Consumerism , Gender 1182 Words | 4 Pages. Surrogate Advertising ' Surrogate Advertising' is a form of advertising which is used to promote banned products like . cigarettes and alcohol, in the disguise of another product.This type of advertising uses a product of a fairly close category ex- club soda, or mineral water in someone homework case of alcohol, or products of a completely different category ex- music CD's, playing cards etc to hammer the bournemouth, brand name into the heads of consumers. Essay Help! The banned product (alcohol or cigarettes) may not be projected directly.

Advertising , Alcoholic beverage , Brand 1393 Words | 6 Pages. Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage. Argumentative Essay : Should Gay Marriage be Legalized? Gay marriage has been a critical topic in many countries since 1924. . Around the year 2000, countries such as America and the UK started approving gay marriages, although not everyone agreed with this decision. Still in Online 2013, homosexuals are fighting for their right to on life get married to someone of their same sex.

People against gay marriage feel that if it was to be legalized, the importance of marriage would fade away and some people would. Civil union , Homosexuality , Love 855 Words | 3 Pages.

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Where Can I Find MBA Dissertation Topics. I have been asked on my occasions by students on where to find quality MBA dissertation topics. Well, I responded by saying that you can find them in Online dissertation bournemouth a university library or on the internet on credible websites. Before we go any further on my college, explaining how to find relevant MBA dissertation topics it is vital that we establish what an MBA dissertation is. Dissertation Binding! Firstly, An integral part of any MBA degree is the Help beatles successful completion of a research dissertation. In near enough every case, you must complete an Online binding MBA dissertation before graduating you cannot elect to sidestep the dissertation requirements of an MBA degree. As you are already aware, an MBA degree is a study into style research paper, the theory and application of business management principles, often applied to binding bournemouth, a variety of real world business situations. It would be prudent to base your MBA dissertation topic on the most common components or subject areas of an MBA degree; Accounting Operations Management Business Management Finance Marketing Information Technology Management Strategic Risk Management Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management E-Commerce Economics. We will attempt to highlight areas of interest and typical dissertation titles that MBA students across the globe undertake. One of the most satisfying aspects of writing your own MBA dissertation topic is style research paper, that you chose your own dissertation title and you have the opportunity to contribute to the field of study you have chosen.

Below are some MBA dissertation topics that have been written in their respective field that may help to guide you. Accounting MBA Dissertation Topics. An MBA Accounting Thesis is not restricted to Online dissertation bournemouth, one major category or subject area. You have the ability to What my college on life, think outside the box and generalize about wider subject matter which fall into Online dissertation, the accounting field. You could begin to look at new global accounting principles, account practices across boarders, how information technology affects traditional accounting techniques, or base your research on the performance of a specific company while considering a whole host of external factors, the list goes on. Research! Below is a list of accounting based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Operations Management MBA Dissertation Topics. An MBA Operations Management Thesis will not be limited to one common operations management technique. Online Dissertation Binding! You would have gained enough operations management knowledge during your MBA degree to Help beatles, adequately compose a dissertation in this field. It is tempting to add more knowledge to Online dissertation binding, an existing topic but you should relish the Essay help students opportunity to contribute something new to the operations management field of dissertation bournemouth study. You could begin to look at global supply chain management, inventory control, performance management, TQM, statistical process control and quality management within prestigious organisations.

The following is a list of operations management themed MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Business Management Dissertation Topics. When undertaking an Will homework MBA Business Management Thesis you will discover that the subject is not limited to one particular organisation or management technique. Business management is probably the broadest business subject area out there. Management techniques go back centuries and there has been a lot of academic contribution within this field, but with changes in culture and global management techniques you should have a wealth of information at your disposal in order to adequately compose a dissertation in Online binding bournemouth this subject field.

It is tempting to write about existing management techniques and how they are applied to organisations but you should embrace the opportunity to contribute something new to the business management field of study. You could begin to look at global management techniques (challenges and opportunities), business performance and evolving management techniques within prestigious organisations or profitability challenges faced by organisations, the list goes on. The following is a list of management theory based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Writing an MBA Finance Dissertation is an exciting prospect to say the least, there is so much happening within the field of finance and you will have the opportunity to write a remarkable dissertation in this field. Finance is probably one of the most talked about subjects out Will do my homework snow, there at the moment. Finance is becoming a global phenomenon and Online binding changes on Reading college rates gym, a daily basis with the influence of stock exchanges and Online dissertation bournemouth governments. It is Essay help students, safe to say that you will have a plethora of information at your disposal when compiling your dissertation in this subject field. For an insight you could begin to look at Online binding, global finance techniques, financial performance of global organisations, global money markets, and financial comparisons of countries, the list goes on and on.

The following is a list of finance related MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Marketing MBA Dissertation Topics. Similar to gym, business management, the Online binding bournemouth field of marketing is a very common research preference for MBA Students. Writing an MBA Marketing Thesis will be an exciting opportunity to write a cutting edge dissertation. The field of marketing is often seen to cross over into other fields of college study but you can remain on topic and Online base your dissertation purely on marketing theories and techniques. The marketing discipline is wide and beatles bpm varied and you can start to binding, look at relationship marketing, advertising, branding, cross-culture marketing, direct marketing, consumer behavior, online marketing and marketing ethics. The following is beatles bpm, a list of Online bournemouth marketing based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates in 2014 / 2015; Technology Management MBA Dissertation Topics.

Constructing an MBA Technology Management thesis on technology management can be a demanding task due to the fact that information technology changes at What to write essay on life, such a rapid rate. Don’t be put off by this as writing a technology management MBA dissertation is fulfilling and grabs attention as business graduates with information technology skills and knowledge are a rare commodity. Be sure to write your dissertation on up to date technologies and organisations, it is not advisable to dissertation bournemouth, investigate outdated research or defunct organisations in Help this field. Why write an MBA technology management dissertation on outdated technologies? You should look into Online dissertation bournemouth, cutting edge research fields such as nanotechnology, IT outsourcing, global IT Infrastructure, ERP systems, VoIP technology, e-learning and key IT mergers and acquisitions. Snow! Try to relate you research to the business management field and try to Online dissertation binding bournemouth, avoid writing a scientific dissertation that would detract from you MBA degree. The following is a list of information technology based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Strategic Risk Management MBA Dissertation Topics. Basing you MBA Thesis on strategic risk management suggests that you are writing a piece of Get rich writing research that would help organisations to reduce exposure to risk or adverse trading conditions.

It is safe to say that strategic risk management will be rigorously covered in the MBA degree and binding you will have built up a significant amount of to write my college on life knowledge relating to this field, you should be able to apply the knowledge and techniques gained into Online dissertation, an MBA dissertation. You could look at the volatility of global stock exchanges, social risk in Turabian style paper global organisations, risk management in derivative markets, risk management within the supply chain and risk factors affecting shareholder value. This list goes on. The following is a list of Strategic Risk MBA Dissertation Topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics.

Developing an MBA thesis on entrepreneurship is a very interesting proposition for Online dissertation bournemouth any MBA student. Entrepreneurship has a lot of exposure on most MBA taught degrees and many successful entrepreneurs hold an MBA, it is common knowledge that an MBA and entrepreneurs sit side by side in the business world. For inspiration you could look at Essay help, competitiveness of Online nations, investigate business enterprise, outsourcing, or ask whether entrepreneurs born or made? There are many interesting topics surrounding enterprise and entrepreneurship. The following is a list of Entrepreneurship based MBA Dissertation Topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics.

Writing an MBA HRM Thesis is What to write my college on life, not restricted to one organisation or technique, HRM has become a global phenomenon due to cross boarder training practices, worker migration and organisations trading on dissertation, a global scale. If you need a starting point for your HRM dissertation you can look at global recruitment trends, staff motivation within organisations, analyse staff retention techniques and staff training and engagement. There is so much to Get rich books, explore within the field of HRM. The following is a list of HRM based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by dissertation bournemouth, successful MBA graduates; Similar to technology management, writing an MBA E-Commerce Thesis can be a tricky proposition due to the fact that electronic commerce changes on Turabian research paper, a daily basis.

This includes stocks, shares and any organisation that trade online. Be sure to write your dissertation on up to date methods and organisations, it is not advisable to investigate outdated research or defunct organisations as e-commerce has come a long way in a short period of dissertation time. Writing an e-commerce MBA dissertation on eBay or Amazon is old hat and rates gym uninspiring to a large extent. If you need inspiration for your e-commerce dissertation you can look at security risks and threats to organisations, the emergence and impact of online shopping, e-commerce strategies and business process re-engineering. The following is dissertation binding, a list of e-commerce themed MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; When writing your MBA Economics Thesis you will discover that the subject is writing, not confined to a particular economics theory or technique. We are all exposed to economic conditions these range from domestic to global factors all of which make a firm foundation to base you economics dissertation on. Business economics is such an encompassing subject and Online binding bournemouth there are many areas to investigate, you could start to college rates gym, look at global economic trends, hyperinflation, macroeconomics, economic policy, influence of the Online bournemouth IMF and economic development.

Below is a list of economics based MBA dissertation topics that have been written by successful MBA graduates; MBA Dissertation Topics. How MBA Dissertation Examples Can Help You. As you can see, there are a lot of possible MBA dissertation topics for you to choose from, and we have pointed you in style paper the direction of quality pre-written MBA dissertation topics. Bournemouth! The material is to Will, be used to structure your own MBA dissertation we do not encourage you to copy or plagiarize any reference material you encounter during your studies. Hopefully, we have given you a positive insight on how to bournemouth, begin and research your own MBA dissertation topic. Good luck and all the best! Click Here To View MBA Dissertation Topics.

My name is Steve Jones and I’m the creator and college gym administrator of the Online dissertation dissertation topics blog. I’m a senior writer at writing, and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here from dissertation binding bournemouth London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to beatles bpm, a book and have an interest in economics theory. Online Dissertation Bournemouth! View all posts by Steve Jones. 44 thoughts on What to write my college essay, “MBA Dissertation Topics” Thanks for finally talking about MBA Dissertation Topics and dissertation binding bournemouth Liked it, As an MBA student I found this post really interesting and valuable as I am about to start writing my own MBA dissertation Q1 2015. Do you have any dissertations relating to Operations Management at a North American SME? Thanks Ivan.

Thanks for the response Ivan, I suggest you search all the MBA dissertation topics in the link provided at the bottom of the post. Turabian Style Research! I’m sure you will find a dissertation topic relating to binding, your MBA studies. Let me know. I’ve been having so much trouble getting started on Essay writing help students, my e-commerce dissertation. As you mentioned, my stumbling block is the fast changing nature of the field.

But it’s growing so fast that I know it’s a good area to binding bournemouth, get into. I’m taking a look at your topics now, hopefully it can get me started! No problem, let me know if you need anything in particular if you’re unable to beatles bpm, find the binding dissertation topic on the website. I have my MBA dissertation coming up and have been struggling with finding a topic idea that I feel comfortable with. I was so relieved come across your website – you have some really good, practical suggestions here. I enjoy writing, so have no problem with that part. My big fear is correctly citing my sources after I’ve written the dissertation.

Do you have any suggestions or good sites I could go to help with that? Hi, referencing should not become a problem if you follow your university’s guidelines.mthis blog contains posts on Turabian, referencing and citing the dissertation binding bournemouth work of others appropriately. Also, our main website should provide you with the information you’re looking for. Good luck. This is an excellent MBA sample dissertation. Get Rich! I’m in accounting, and have to say that whoever wrote this really knows their stuff. I appreciate the fact that you post examples so those of Online dissertation bournemouth us who are flailing around trying to Get rich writing books, decide how to go about dissertation binding, this can benefit. I’m grateful to the friend who directed me here. Turabian Style Research! Thanks for providing a great service. Steve- I left Ireland in September 2008 for the UK and my Masters dissertation in Manchester was on the Global Financial Crisis a history showing the role of US, Japan, The Asian Tigers and leading to the demise of major economics post 2008, I’ve created a timeline of events (up to mid-2013) at Online dissertation binding bournemouth, present but have information up to date.

This will give a chronological history of UK, EU, US events 2008 to date. It will be published early 2015. It is the US people have had to pay dearly for Reading college rates gym the toxic assets bought by Nama. Banks in Ireland are not lending, nor are they in the UK. I did here a figure mentioned that a third of the UK commercial lending was done by Irish banks. How can Nama be increasing lending when a lot of dissertation bournemouth toxic assets have simply been “parked” by banks to be released shortly at knock-down prices onto Help the market? Thanks so much for all this work! I’m blown away by the level of detail you’ve gone into.

On some other sites I’ve looked at the content really only skims the surface and doesn’t take the reader in depth with a chance to binding bournemouth, really develop ideas and give a helping hand regarding this type of Will homework snow content. Binding Bournemouth! I know I have a million questions for you but I’m off to read other pages here and collect my thoughts before I bombard you. No problem at all, be mindful that we have uploaded more MBA dissertation topics since you posted your reply. Hopefully, there are more titles that will interest you further. Hi i have trouble in finding topic of What essay my mba thesis.

I’m looking on dissertation binding, regional economic management area. can you help me. I’m very intrigued with the material on offer – Can you custom write an MBA dissertation or do you only paper supply pre-written / submitted MBA dissertations? Hi do u have any topics related to health care financing or health economics. I’m kinda lost. Hi do u have any topics about promotional strategy and tool for dissertation binding any company. Yes, I do.

I suggest you check out the to write essay on life business dissertation pages, I’m sure you will find what you’re looking for. Cheers, Steve. Hello Steve got an interesting topic and I am in Online dissertation bournemouth China really wonna reed it I am doing my MBA – The Impact of TQM on the Service Industry. Style! Help! How can I get that. Thank you for starting up with such an initiative. I would like to know whether I can get any good Dissertation topics in Operations management (Supply Chain Management) prior to dissertation bournemouth, the Middle East (UAE). Hi, please take a look at the business management dissertation pages.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Online bournemouth Tips. Sometimes writing—especially writing for standardized tests—can feel like something you get or don't get. That's primarily because it's very difficult to explain and Reading college rates teach writing in a mechanical way, especially when you're up against time limits. In this article, we've broken how to write the ACT essay into 8 steps that work for Online binding bournemouth every essay, every time. Then, we show you exactly how to do it with an What to write my college essay on life, actual ACT essay example. Many students ask us how to write an ACT essay, and while the answer is simple enough to explain in binding bournemouth 8 steps (as we do below), it's not necessarily simple to do . As with any skill, the key to learning how to write an ACT essay is to study a good model (which we are going to cover in this article) and then practice, practice, practice. Tackling ACT Writing, Step by Step. The ACT essay plan below has been modified from our ACT Essay Tips article to fit the new ACT Writing Test.

The template includes 3 sections: planning, writing and revising. If you practice using this template to write ACT essays, you'll get much faster and (probably) more precise. Here's the sample prompt we'll be responding to: Many of the goods and What to write my college essay services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of our phone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticated technologies.

We can now buy goods at dissertation a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety and Will prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives. Perspective One: What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of Online our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people. Writing Books? Perspective Two: Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at Online dissertation binding high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for Reading college rates everyone. Perspective Three: Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and dissertation bournemouth machines toward new, unimagined possibilities.

Write a unified, coherent essay about the Help beatles, increasing presence of intelligent machines. It may feel like you won't have time to plan your essay before you write, but really, it's something you can't omit. Trust us. Organizing your thoughts as you write will cost you way more time than if you take the time to plan out your essay before you begin writing. Step 1: Read the Prompt and the Perspectives Provided, Then (Tentatively) Choose a Position. Because addressing the relationship between your perspective and at dissertation least one of the other three perspectives is an integral part of the essay task, you need to make sure you understand what each prompt is saying. Writing Help Students? The good news is that each perspective includes both a general assertion about intelligent machines as well as an opinion that places the topic in a broader context, saving you some work in Online coming up with your own, independent perspective. While it is possible to come up with a fourth point of view on the topic, I don't recommend it, as the Will someone do my homework snow, added time you'll have to spend coming up with your own point of view could be better spend developing your comparison of your perspective to at least one of the other perspectives. Online Dissertation Bournemouth? If your perspective is Help beatles bpm a blending of multiple perspectives, then that's also fine, as long as you make sure you compare your blended perspective to each of the perspectives it combines; otherwise, you won't fulfill the binding, analyze the Will someone snow, relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective part of the Online dissertation bournemouth, task. Bottom line: choose the Reading gym, perspective you think you can support the dissertation, best. For this sample ACT essay, I'm going to tentatively choose to Will someone do my homework, argue Perspective Three (that intelligent machines challenge long-standing ideas about humanity, which in turn pushes humans and machines toward new, previously unimaginable possibilities), simply because that happens to be the position I think I'll be able to support the best.

Step 2: Quickly Brainstorm Evidence and Explanations to Support Each Perspective. Because the ACT essay involves discussing the relationship between your perspective and at least one of the other perspectives given, not just the one you agree with, you'll have to use multiple pieces of evidence in your essay. Dissertation Bournemouth? At this point, if you find that you're able to college rates, find more convincing evidence to binding, support a different perspective than the one you've chosen, you can always switch - after all, you're still planning. Also, you don't have to writing, write in complete sentences, or phrase things as elegantly as you will in the actual essay, so don't worry about that. Opening paragraph of the prompt : If you haven't already, read through the paragraph at the beginning of the essay prompt. You can appropriate some or all of the examples in it to use in Online dissertation your own essay. Personal Experience : you can tell any story (real or not) about you or someone else you know (or make up) that supports any one of your points.

Statistics : again, these can be real or made up. You could invent a research study that looked at recordings of phone calls and found 80% of people end up cursing while using automated phone menus (to support perspective one), make up statistics that show automated cashiers are able to process 3x as many check-outs as human cashiers (to support perspective 2), or come up with any other kind of statistics that support one of the Get rich writing books, perspectives. Specifics from Sources : use knowledge of binding events from history or current events to support your points. If you're not certain of the details, it's all right - the essay graders won't deduct points for factually inaccurate information. For this essay, you could use the invention of the printing press (and its effects) as an example of how mechanization can lead to unimagined possibilities. Here's the evidence I came up with for my essay: Perspective One: What we lose with the Get rich books, replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and Online dissertation bournemouth tolerance for other people. Evidence : Many of our phone conversations are conducted not with people, but with sophisticated technologies. that don't necessarily work at 100% Explanation : People get so frustrated with the Get rich, technology that when they press 0 to speak with a real human they are often rude and binding bournemouth discourteous. Perspective Two: Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at research high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and Online dissertation binding bournemouth progressive world for everyone.

Evidence : Robots build cars on assembly lines. Explanation : Lower cost, decreases risk of injury to human workers. Help Beatles Bpm? Perspective Three: Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities. Evidence : Brain-computer interfaces that allow people to control computers with their brains are a thing. Explanation : Allow people to dissertation, overcome physical limitations, inspire us to continue researching and expanding knowledge. Step 3: Brainstorm Your Counterarguments to, or Analyses of, the help students, Other Perspectives.

There's no one right way to respond to the perspectives the ACT gives you. Some of it depends on what point of Online binding view you take. For instance, if I agreed with Perspective One, which takes a negative view of the effects of intelligent machines, I might want to discuss both of the other two perspectives (which both take positive views of intelligent machines) in one paragraph, and writing then disagree with them in the next paragraph as I present my support for Online binding bournemouth Perspective One. Someone? Since I am arguing for Perspective Three (machines challenge our ideas about what humans are or can be, which pushes us and Online dissertation bournemouth machines toward new possibilities), I am going to argue against Perspective One and Perspective Two separately, because I have strong evidence for my analyses of each perspective. Because the essay only requires you to What essay, analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective, if I had lots of evidence to Online dissertation binding, use in my comparison of What my perspective and Online bournemouth Perspective One, but nothing to say about Perspective Two, I could also decide not to discuss that perspective at all. In this case, I was able to thing of Will someone snow solid arguments for and against both of the other perspectives, so I chose to analyze both of them and their relationship to my perspective below. Again, these are not necessarily worded in their final form. Perspective One: What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of Online dissertation our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from Reading rates gym, us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people. Online Binding? Evidence : Many of our phone conversations are conducted not with people, but with sophisticated technologies. that don't necessarily work at 100% Explanation : People get so frustrated with the technology that when they press 0 to speak with a real human they are often rude and discourteous.

Counterargument/analysis : The benefits outweigh the Get rich writing books, costs, because providing people with the option to submit prescriptions or ask about store hours through an automated menu frees up customer service reps to answer real questions. In addition, recordings of dissertation calls with angry customers are used to improve the menus. Help Beatles? Perspective Two: Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. Evidence : Robots build cars on assembly lines.

Explanation : Robots take over dangerous jobs which decreases risk of Online injury to human workers, lowering cost to employers. Counterargument/analysis : This perspective is true, but is limited in its consideration of the implications. Robots can not only do things instead of humans, but can actually work with humans, as in precise surgery, to a better result than either humans or machines alone. Now that you have the style paper, main points of Online dissertation binding your essay, it's time to writing books, organize them in a way that makes sense. Make sure to include your introduction (with your thesis statement containing your point of view, or at dissertation binding least a rough sense of to write essay your thesis statement) and conclusion in this organization. If you have time, you can include transitions now, but you can also just add them as you are writing.

The increasing prevalence of Online machines challenges us, etc, will put this in fancy words when I write the essay for Will homework snow real. Perspective One argues that replacing humans with machine leads us to lose part of binding bournemouth our own humanity, because even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people. I have witnessed this in Get rich writing my own life through watching my mother interact with some of those sophisticated automated phone systems. She sometimes gets so frustrated with the dissertation bournemouth, technology refusing to do what she wants that, by the time the menu allows her to speak to a real human, my mother is no longer courteous or respectful. To Write Essay? Despite this frustration, I think the benefits outweigh the binding bournemouth, costs, because providing people with the option to submit prescriptions or ask about store hours through an automated menu frees up customer service reps to answer real questions. In addition, recordings of calls with angry customers are used to improve the menus. In contrast to Perspective One, Perspective Two argues that the main utility of machines is in their ability to perform repetitive tasks more precisely and efficiently than humans.

In auto plants around the world, robots build cars on assembly lines, performing their jobs with high precision and at lower overall cost to employers, who can make a one time purchase rather than having to pay a human a yearly salary (and worry about liability issues) The true impact of intelligent machines in our lives is that they challenge us to Get rich writing books, re-think our preconceived notions of what people can do or become in the future. An example of this is dissertation bournemouth brain-computer interfaces that allow people to control computers with their brains. Reading Rates Gym? With BCIs, people can overcome physical limitations.. In addition, BCIs have capture the interest of people from all different backgrounds and are being applied to Online dissertation binding bournemouth, non-scientific fields to create new, previously unimagined inventions and ways to interact with the world. Research? In conclusion, rather than taking away from our humanity, intelligent machines help us to move forward as a species to new heights. Online Binding? By the end of this step, you should try to have about essay 30 minutes left so you have enough time to dissertation binding, write. If you don't, just keep in mind that you might have to skimp on some of Essay writing help students your explanations/counterarguments for the perspective(s) you compare to your own.

Once you've structured your argument, it's time to write it all down! Step 5: Introduction Paragraph Thesis. Binding? Write your introduction. If you can think of an interesting first sentence that brings your thesis into Get rich, a larger discussion, start with that. (If writing the introduction stumps you, just leave 10-15 lines blank at the beginning of the paper and come back to it.) From the simplest system of pulleys and ropes in ancient Greece to the most complex supercomputer in the world today, machines have had (and continue to have) a profound influence on the development of humanity. Make sure you clearly state your thesis. For a 3+/6 essay, this should include your perspective on the issue and bournemouth how it relates to at least one of the other perspectives presented in the prompt. While some argue that machines have a negative impact on us, the increasing prevalence of intelligent machines in the world challenges us to change long held beliefs about our limitations and to continue forward to new and even more advanced possibilities. When you start your first body paragraph , try to Essay, think of a first sentence that refers back to the first paragraph. Online Dissertation Bournemouth? Ideally, you'll start every paragraph by referring back to your thesis to Will someone, create a unified argument. One common argument against the increased presence of machines in our day-to-day lives (seen in Online dissertation binding bournemouth Perspective One) is that machines leach away at our basic humanity. Then address the argument opposing yours (in this case, Perspective One).

Explain the evidence that supports this perspective in 3-5 sentences. I found this to be true in my own life as a result of witnessing many a phone conversation between my mother and an automated telephone menu. For whatever reason, she consistently has issues with the to write essay on life, menus that try to Online, verify her date of birth. The automated system never understands what she says (possibly because of her accent), and asks her to input the numbers via her keypad; of course, my mom's smartphone is so smart that the screen turns off while she is on Reading a call, making it impossible for her to follow the automated phone system's instructions. By the Online dissertation bournemouth, time the system gives up and routes her to speak to a human representative, my mother is often so frustrated that she is far from courteous and respectful to that person.

Then, make sure to explain your counterargument to this perspective, tying it back to your thesis. Despite my mother's understandable frustration with automated phone systems, however, overall the benefits outweigh the costs. Providing people with the option to submit prescriptions or ask about Get rich writing store hours through an automated menu frees up customer service representatives to answer questions machines are incapable of addressing. In addition, the recordings of angry phone calls (where customers are not courteous, respectful, or tolerant of other humans) are used to improve the phone menus to make them more user-friendly. Thus, the bournemouth, momentary disrespect toward other humans caused by machines is more than compensated for by the positive effects of Turabian style those same machines. If you're only comparing your perspective against Online one of the Essay students, others, then this paragraph should contain further analysis of the relationship between the two perspectives. If you're comparing your perspective against both of the other perspectives (as I did in this essay), then this is dissertation where you introduce your thoughts on the second perspective. Another school of thought, exemplified by Perspective Two, argues that the main utility of machines is Essay writing students their ability to dissertation binding bournemouth, perform repetitive tasks more precisely and writing more efficiently than humans, which leads to Online dissertation, a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. Address the argument of this second perspective (in this case, Perspective Two). Explain the evidence that supports this perspective in 3-5 sentences. In auto plants around the world, robots build cars on assembly lines.

Instead of having to pay a human employee a yearly salary, invest time in training that employee, and Turabian style research paper worry about liability should that employee be injured, manufacturing plants can now make a one-time purchase of an dissertation bournemouth, intelligent machine that will perform that same job at higher levels of What to write my college essay precision. This leads to a more prosperous world for the manufacturers, as they are able to Online dissertation binding bournemouth, invest less money to get a better product. Then, make sure to Reading college rates, explain how this perspective relates back to your perspective. This perspective is fine as far as it goes, but is limited in its consideration of the Online, implications. Robots can not only work in place of Get rich books humans, but can also work cooperatively with humans to a greater results than either could have hoped for alone. This can be seen in highly complex and delicate surgeries, where a surgeon controls robotic microtools to perform operations that even ten years ago would have been unimaginable and impossible. Introduce your main perspective, linking it back to the counterarguments you've made against at Online dissertation bournemouth least one of the other perspectives. I agree with Perspective Three that the true impact of intelligent machines in our lives is Get rich that they challenge us to re-think our preconceived notions of what people can do or become in the future. Present one final example in support of Online bournemouth your perspective. A final example of this is brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs. What To Write My College Essay On Life? Humans are able to manipulate computers with their brains via electrodes that are either implanted in their brains or attached (temporarily) to their heads.

With these intelligent machines, formerly paralyzed people who had no hope of communicating with others are able to transcend their physical limitations by concentrating to form words out of Online binding keyboards on the computer screens. In addition, BCIs have captured the college rates gym, interest of people from all different backgrounds and are being applied to non-scientific fields like music to create new, previously unimagined instruments that react to people's thoughts, adding a new dimension to an ancient art form. Truly, intelligent machines are providing the impetus not just for greater efficiency, but for greater accomplishments. Dissertation? Check your time. Try to have 5-6 minutes left at this point. Come up with a quick sentence that restates your thesis to wrap up the writing students, essay.

In conclusion, rather than taking away from our humanity, intelligent machines actually help us to bournemouth, move forward as a species to Reading college, achieve new, previously unimagined possibilities. Let's look at our complete ACT essay example: [1] From the binding, simplest system of pulleys and ropes in ancient Greece to the most complex supercomputer in the world today, machines have had (and continue to college rates, have) a profound influence on the development of dissertation binding humanity. While some argue that machines have a negative impact on us, the increasing prevalence of intelligent machines in the world challenge us to change long held beliefs about our limitations and to continue forward to new and even more advanced possibilities. [2] One common argument against the increased presence of machines in our day-to-day lives (seen in Perspective One) is that machines leach away at our basic humanity. I found this to be true in What to write essay on life my own life as a result of witnessing many a phone conversation between my mother and an automated telephone menu. For whatever reason, she consistently has issues with the menus that try to Online dissertation binding, verify her date of birth. The automated system never understands what she says (possibly because of her accent), and Essay students asks her to Online binding bournemouth, input the numbers via her keypad; of course, my mom's smartphone is so smart that the screen turns off while she is on a call, making it impossible for her to follow the automated phone system's instructions. By the time the system gives up and routes her to speak to a human representative, my mother is often so frustrated that she is far from courteous and respectful to that person.

Despite my mother's understandable frustration with automated phone systems, however, overall the benefits outweigh the costs. Providing people with the option to submit prescriptions or ask about store hours through an someone do my homework, automated menu frees up customer service representatives to answer questions machines are incapable of addressing. In addition, the recordings of angry phone calls (where customers are not courteous, respectful, or tolerant of other humans) are used to Online dissertation binding bournemouth, improve the phone menus to make them more user-friendly. Thus, the momentary disrespect toward other humans caused by machines is more than compensated for Get rich writing books by the positive effects of those same machines. [3] Another school of binding thought, exemplified by Perspective Two, argues that the main utility of research paper machines is binding bournemouth their ability to perform repetitive tasks more precisely and someone do my homework snow more efficiently than humans, which leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. In auto plants around the world, robots build cars on assembly lines.

Instead of having to dissertation binding, pay a human employee a yearly salary, invest time in training that employee, and worry about liability should that employee be injured, manufacturing plants can now make a one-time purchase of an Will someone, intelligent machine that will perform that same job at higher levels of dissertation binding bournemouth precision. Bpm? This leads to a more prosperous world for the manufacturers, as they are able to invest less money to dissertation binding bournemouth, get a better product. This perspective is fine as far as it goes, but is limited in its consideration of the implications. Robots can not only essay on life work in place of humans, but can also work cooperatively with humans to dissertation, a greater results than either could have hoped for alone. This can be seen in Essay writing students highly complex and bournemouth delicate surgeries, where a surgeon controls robotic microtools to Get rich, perform operations that even ten years ago would have been unimaginable and dissertation impossible. [4] I agree with Perspective Three that the true impact of intelligent machines in our lives is that they challenge us to re-think our preconceived notions of Get rich writing books what people can do or become in the future. A final example of dissertation binding bournemouth this is brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs.

Humans are able to manipulate computers with their brains via electrodes that are either implanted in their brains or attached (temporarily) to Turabian paper, their heads. With these intelligent machines, formerly paralyzed people who had no hope of communicating with others are able to transcend their physical limitations by concentrating to form words out of dissertation binding keyboards on the computer screens. In addition, BCIs have captured the interest of people from all different backgrounds and are being applied to non-scientific fields like music to create new, previously unimagined instruments that react to people's thoughts, adding a new dimension to an ancient art form. Truly, intelligent machines are providing the What, impetus not just for greater efficiency, but for greater accomplishments. [5] In conclusion, rather than taking away from our humanity, intelligent machines actually help us to move forward as a species to achieve new, previously unimagined possibilities. In these last 2-4 minutes, you want to read over dissertation binding bournemouth, your essay and What to write essay on life trying to pick up a point or two by revising. In this time, you can do a number of things. You can, of course, correct mistakes : Paragraph 1, Sentence 2: [subject/verb agreement; change is bolded] The increasing prevalence of intelligent machines in the world challenges us to change long held beliefs about our limitations and to continue forward to new and even more advanced possibilities. You can replace dull or problematic words or phrasing with fancier words or clearer turns of phrase:

Paragraph 2, last sentence. Thus, the momentary disrespect toward other humans caused by machines is more than compensated for by the Online bournemouth, positive effects of those same machines. We can change it to: Thus, any momentary disrespect my mom might show to Turabian style research paper, a customer service representative (as a result of frustration with the Online dissertation binding, automated system) is more than compensated for by the positive effects of beatles those same machines. There you go! Now you know how to write a good ACT essay. If any part of binding this was confusing, re-read that section. Paper? Then try to do it yourself with a sample ACT essay prompt.

Practice planning your essays in 8-10 minutes before you start writing . The time limits above should be your goal; start by giving yourself more time and then shrink it down. You can use the list from our ACT essay prompts blog post or any list of ACT-like questions and start with the planning stage . Don't forget to check out our full analysis of the ACT Writing Rubric, with strategies and explanations that can guide you in your essay planning! Our blog post about Online binding ACT essay tips has more in-depth information about the details of planning and arguing in the ACT essay. If you've already taken the ACT and are wondering how the new essay differs from the old ACT Writing test, definitely be sure to check out our article on the enhanced ACT Writing section. Get Rich? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more.

Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of binding bournemouth your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out writing, our 5-day free trial: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on dissertation binding bournemouth the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school. You should definitely follow us on social media. You'll get updates on our latest articles right on your feed. Follow us on all 3 of our social networks: Have any questions about Will someone homework snow this article or other topics? Ask below and we'll reply! Series: How to Get 800 on Each SAT Section:

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East Of Eden Essays and Research Papers. Literary Analysis of East of Eden The Author and His/ Her Times: The author of East of Eden is John . Steinbeck. Steinbeck was born in Salinas California, one of the Online binding, settings in Turabian style paper East of Eden . His mother, a former school teacher, and helped him build his passion for reading and the written word. He speaks of her and her family in dissertation binding bournemouth his book. They play a vital role in the progression of the book. Many of Steinbeck’s novels could be classified as social novels. His novels usually deal with economic problems. East of Eden , Good and Will someone snow, evil , James Dean 2492 Words | 6 Pages. James Bryce once said, “The worth of dissertation binding, a book is to be measured by what you carry away from it.” Any good piece of literature should both challenge and enrich . you, and John Steinbeck’s East of Eden is no exception. More than a mundane reiteration of a biblical tale, East of Eden explores the enduring issue of man’s battle with sin.

Steinbeck wove the story of Cain and What my college, Abel into Online dissertation binding the fabric of the Salinas Valley, giving it fresh perspective and proving the battle between good and evil remains relevant. Cain and Abel , East of Help beatles bpm, Eden , Good and evil 986 Words | 3 Pages. English 2 (H) 10; 1 10/5/2003 Cain and Abel: The Symbolic Trio of Pairs “Why are you so angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is . right, will you not be accepted?” so flows verse 7, genesis 4. In John Steinbecks novel, East of Online dissertation, Eden several allusions are made to the biblical story of Cain and Abel, the most significant of which revolves around the idea of Get rich writing books, “timshel:” which is embodied within this quotation. Repeated through the two generations the dissertation binding bournemouth, novel spans are three examples. Adam and Get rich books, Eve , Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel 919 Words | 3 Pages.

than a feeling of rejection. Binding. In East of Eden and The Kite Runner, many characters find the task of love daunting and insufficient . to their expectations. Love presents itself in every aspect of both novels and therefore is a major theme. Whether it was love from family or lovers, both novels explore the idea of style research paper, unrequited love and its consequences on the characters lifelong journeys. The theme of love is a major underlying cause of many problems within East of Online dissertation binding bournemouth, Eden for it creates a feeling of rejection. 2003 in literature , A Thousand Splendid Suns , East of Eden 1261 Words | 4 Pages. Comparison (Kite Runner and East of Eden)

William Hall once said, “People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not.” This fact was made evident through reading The Kite . Do My Snow. Runner by Khaled Hosseni and dissertation binding, East of Eden by John Steinbeck, two novels about the lives of people thousands of miles apart but take on the similar challenges and try to lead decent and fulfilling lives. There were minute differences between the Essay help, novels, but for the most part the dissertation bournemouth, books were very similar. Through analyzing themes, motifs and symbols. Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel , East of writing students, Eden 1871 Words | 5 Pages. East of Online dissertation binding, Eden: John Fontenrose Response.

East of Eden : John Fontenrose Response The basis for the story of good and evil is most often the Christian biblical stories in . the book of Genesis. The classic battle of good and evil with good always triumphant over evil often stretches farther out and into our many cultures. This archaic tale is ever prevalent in all of Help beatles bpm, mankind’s greatest stories in many different variations. John Steinbeck often brings this struggle to dissertation different methods of What essay on life, thought especially on dissertation bournemouth, how we view evil, as well as good. Cain and Abel , East of writing help, Eden , Evil 1471 Words | 4 Pages. Moby Dick, East of Eden, and Sophie's World Comparison. adventures aboard the Online bournemouth, whale ship, Pequoud, which mainly include chasing a whale called Moby Dick.

In Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder, Alberto Knox . encourages Sophie to think about her life philosophically through various examples from Turabian history. In East of Eden , John Steinbeck follows the life of the Trusk and Hamilton families, a basic portrayal of good vs evil, and how you can choose which one to be. Throughout Moby Dick, the theme of an Online binding bournemouth unavoidable destiny is clear as demonstrated by Captain. Cain and Abel , Choice , Destiny 892 Words | 3 Pages. Biblical Allusions to Sibling Rivaly in East of Eden.

? East of Eden Essay While writing East of Eden , John Steinbeck had brainstormed many potential . titles for his hitherto unnamed novel, including Cain Sign. Beatles Bpm. Of course before he published East of Eden in 1952, he came up with its current title, but the aforementioned former title is significant. Steinbeck undoubtedly wanted to convey that Cain and Abel were momentous to East of Eden . In many different aspects, Charles and Adam and Cal and Online bournemouth, Aron are clear allusions to Get rich books Cain and Abel. Dissertation. Throughout East of. Adam and What to write my college on life, Eve , Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel 1161 Words | 5 Pages. East Of Eden Chapter 28 Formal Outline.

Nth PAP English II xx-xx-xxxx East of Eden Chapter 28 – The Story of Lee, an Appreciation I. Steinbeck’s . purpose for Chapter 28 is to tell a story and explain to the reader the importance of a parent and Online dissertation binding, the honesty they provide. Most of the chapter is told in first person by Lee who uses educated and standard language to recount his dark beginning and the unfortunate fate of Essay students, his mother. II. In Chapter 28 of John Steinbeck’s East of Eden , Lee is a communication of the ongoing. East of Eden , Father , James Dean 958 Words | 4 Pages.

EAST OF EDEN In the binding, book, East of Reading gym, Eden , by Online dissertation binding, John Steinbeck has many allusions to the bible . throughout the story. There are Charles and Adam, Aron and Cal, who relate closely to the bible characters Cain and Abel. Steinbeck has many allusions to the story, but he also strays away from the bible story. Paper. In the book, Charles becomes jealous of Adam because their dad favored Adam the most. Mr. Trask liked Adam gift that was a puppy over Charles gift, an expensive knife. John Steinbeck is following.

Adam and Eve , Bible , Book of Genesis 468 Words | 2 Pages. Steinbeck#8217;s work East of Eden John Steinbeck is considered to be one of the most talented American writers of all . Online Binding. time. Most of his works are regarded highly by critics and celebrated as magnificent forms of Essay writing help, twentieth-century literature. Steinbeck#8217;s style remains consistent throughout many of his works; he almost always incorporates the Online, Bible. There are few better examples of Steinbeck#8217;s style than East of Eden . Throughout Steinbeck#8217;s novel East of Eden , he exercises the. Adam and Will someone homework, Eve , Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel 1340 Words | 3 Pages. John Steinbeck, one of America's favorite authors, wrote the novel East of Eden in 1952. The story takes place in Online Salinas, . California, where Steinbeck was born and Get rich, raised.

His mother's family name, Hamilton, is one of the names used in Online bournemouth his novel. According to Riddel, East of Turabian style research, Eden is a symbolic story about the need for brotherhood. Joseph Fontenrose, one of Steinbeck's critics, states, The design and magnitude of East of Eden , and Steinbeck's own remarks about it, indicate that it was meant to. East of Eden , Elia Kazan , James Dean 3465 Words | 8 Pages. Published in September of 1952, East of Eden deplores many religious matters, specifically, the concepts of sibling rivalry and . the age old battle between good and evil. Dissertation. In the biblical Book of Genesis, the brothers Cain and writing, Abel offer God the father a sacrifice. Online Dissertation Binding Bournemouth. God favors the shepherd Abel's sacrifice of his best lamb over the farmer Cain's grain. Subsequently, in a jealous rage, Cain kills his brother Abel, only to be marked by God and banished to wander the books, earth. Stanford dropout, John Steinbeck. Adam and Eve , Book of Online dissertation binding, Genesis , Cain and Abel 753 Words | 2 Pages.

the choice of what to do. Central to John Steinbeck's East of Eden the theme of good vs. evil shows through the description of . landscape, Samuel Hamilton, who represents supreme goodness, and Cathy Ames Trask, the most evil character in the novel. From the first chapter, the author outlines the central structure of good and evil in the form of the symbolic landscape of the Salinas Valley in California. The narrator learns to tell east with its good sunlit Gabilan Mountains from the western. East of What, Eden , Gabilan Range , Good and dissertation bournemouth, evil 549 Words | 2 Pages. James Dean as the Iconic Rebel Figure. resists authority, control, or convention” . These are the characteristics of James Dean’s screen personas in Nicholas Ray’s Rebel Without a Cause and Elia . Kazan’s East of Eden . Beatles. In a time where conformity was a dominant ideology in society, rebellion became a way to display your own individuality. Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden both respectively deal with the Online, vexing problem of the asocial youth who remain stubbornly delinquent against the nuclear family. Each respective film touches upon. East of Eden , Elia Kazan , Family 2387 Words | 6 Pages.

Dolly Moore Mr. Barrows Honors English January 25, 2013 Plot Overview East of Eden is a novel written by John Steinbeck . and published in 1952. Writing Books. It follows the lives of two families, the Hamiltons and the Trasks, and illustrates how the families lives intertwine. The novel starts out with a short introduction of Salinas Valley and Samuel Hamiltons's family, then quickly jumps into introducing the Trask family. Adam Trask then described his childhood on his father's farm in Connecticut. He. Adam and Eve , Book of Genesis , Cain and Online binding, Abel 3626 Words | 9 Pages. Adam Trask’s twin sons, Aron and Cal Trask, born from Adam’s former wife, Cathy, Cal is probably the most complex person in John Steinbeck’s novel . East of Eden . Cal was from birth more of the devilish than his brother Aron, and took after his mother much more than Aron did, which made Adam’s favorite much easier to see.

Throughout the book East of Eden , Cal faces many trials and temptations of the devil and does give in sometimes, but other times he stands up to What to write my college the evil and over powers it. To his. Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel , East of Eden 662 Words | 2 Pages. ? East of Eden Rhetorical Analysis Excerpt John Steinbeck’s purpose of the excerpt with Alice and Cathy subsists on Cathy that . finds a place to get away from her enemies, being lonely and hated by the world. In order to make his purpose expedient he writes, “Alice was her friend, always waiting to welcome her to Online dissertation binding bournemouth tininess. All this so good-so good that it was almost worthwhile to style research paper be miserable. But good as it was, there was one more thing always held in Online binding reserve. It was her threat and her safety. Academy Award for Best Actress , Alice in Wonderland , Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1369 Words | 3 Pages. James Dean, an American Actor and Icon. death at a young age, his true success could never be measured.

He is an icon, best known for Turabian style research paper his film, Rebel Without a Cause, in which he starred as a bad . kid in Los Angeles. The other two roles that started up his career and being famous were in East of Eden playing Cal Trask, and in the movie Giant, were he played Jett Rink. Dean's popularity and fame is legendary because of Online binding, his performances in these three films. James Dean was the help students, first actor to Online binding bournemouth receive an Help Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and. Academy Award for Best Actor , Actor , East of Eden 1497 Words | 5 Pages. He personified the rebellious nature. The film REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE defined him as the sensitive teenager, an independent and clever outsider with a grudge . against his parents and authority, but with a big heart.

Yet, it was his previous film EAST OF EDEN that proved Dean was a remarkably gifted actor. In this Steinbeck story of good and bad brothers, it was Dean who played CAL, a misunderstood son unable to win his Father's affection. Teenagers all over the world can relate to a young man trying. Academy Award for Best Actor , Automobile , East of Eden 1104 Words | 3 Pages. Timshel Timshel, the Hebrew word for Online dissertation binding “thou mayest” embodies the reality of writing, autonomy. Free will, a concept, which has baffled philosophers, finds its . refuge in binding this word, timshel. East of Eden , by John Steinbeck, deals with the repercussions of this word in the context of the gym, original story of Cain and Abel in the Old Testament. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck writes the story of Cain and Abel twice, across two generations, attempting to elucidate the subtleties of autonomy. The retelling of. Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel , East of Eden 1039 Words | 3 Pages. Lee’s Function in East of Eden: a Spokesman of Steinbeck’s Thought and the Oriental Philosophy.

been a seedbed in his indigenous thought where a seed of Lao Tzu was sown, germinated, and at last bloomed into Online a beautiful and fragrant flower so attractive . for the Oriental reader. Thus, the style research paper, purpose of this paper is first to focus on Lee in East of Eden , then to make clear the relationship between non-teleology and the philosophy of Lao Tzu, and finally to show how closely Lao Tzu’s philosophy is related to the idea of Online binding bournemouth, timshel. Someone Do My. 2. Lee as a servant and binding bournemouth, philosopher As is paper, well known to his. Chinese philosophy , East of Eden , Good and evil 2982 Words | 8 Pages. Comparative Essay of East of Eden and One Hundred Years of Solitude. ?Unattainable Perfection Everything is ruined if an binding eye is not kept on the entire picture of the situation. Reading. The novel East of . Online. Eden , by John Steinbeck, and the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, both emphasize the negative outcomes that are met during the futile attempt to create a perfect world. College Rates. Attempting to create a world where everything runs without difficulty can be extremely difficult in itself. Characters use land as an output when they are put in Online binding bournemouth these difficult. Adam , Adam and Eve , East of What to write my college essay, Eden 3329 Words | 9 Pages.

Anthony Masanque Reynolds English 112 03/03/13 East of Eden East of Eden is a classic tale that . incorporates many themes and motifs within the storyline. Throughout the film, Steinbeck makes numerous references about good versus evil. Dissertation Binding Bournemouth. The characters Cal and Aaron Trask are based upon the biblical characters Cain and Abel. Aaron represents everything good while everyone considers Cal “bad.” The film starts off with Cal finding out a deep family secret. Adam Trask is a farmer, the Help beatles bpm, war draft board. Adam and Online dissertation binding, Eve , Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel 561 Words | 2 Pages. of 350 actors to research land the role of Malcolm in Macbeth. At that time, he also began acting in James Whitmore's workshop.

In January 1951, he dropped out of dissertation, . UCLA to Help pursue a full-time career as an actor.[11] Acting career[edit] in Online dissertation East of Eden (1955) Dean's first television appearance was in a Pepsi Cola television commercial.[12] He quit college to act full time and Help beatles bpm, was cast as John the Beloved Disciple in dissertation binding Hill Number One, an Easter television special, and three walk-on roles in. Academy Award for Best Actor , East of Eden , Elia Kazan 3747 Words | 12 Pages. Book Analysis East of style paper, Eden By Jon Steinbeck This unforgettable novel, East of Online bournemouth, Eden , was . incredible for its time and without a doubt is Steinbeck’s most memorable and philosophically poetic classic. Reading a book like this really made me come to Will someone do my homework snow the realization that even though this book was set in the late 19th-20th century that the meaning behind the message is more relevant than ever before. I suppose there is binding bournemouth, more than one message but not one is more or less important than the Reading college rates gym, other. The. AARON , East of Eden , John Steinbeck 3178 Words | 8 Pages. and integrity. On the Online binding, contrary, evil is defined as pertaining to immorality, malevolence, and dishonorable actions.

Although there are widely accepted . definitions of rates gym, good and evil, the final decision is Online binding bournemouth, up to Essay writing students the person facing the situation. In East of Eden , John Steinbeck believed that one can only be deemed good or evil after the person has died, however I find that belief to be faulty. As independent thinkers, individuals cannot and should not be defined as solely good or evil. Even though individuals. Adolf Hitler , Definition , Evil 889 Words | 3 Pages. East of Eden : Is Evil Nature or Nurtured? John Steinbeck's novel East of Eden was inspired by . a message he wished to send to his sons. Steinbeck created this epic story to carry his voice and advice to the two young boys whom he loved immensely. Online Binding Bournemouth. He wrote the story of good and evil, including love and hate, demonstrating how they are inseparable. Help Beatles. ( East of Eden , Kirjasto) Steinbeck wanted to describe to Thom and John IV, the Salinas Valley, the treasured place in which he grew up.

He aspired. Adam , Adam and Eve , Book of Genesis 1567 Words | 4 Pages. East of Eden - Anger and Online dissertation binding bournemouth, Rejection. Rejection and Help beatles, its resultant anger are two pillars around which East of Eden’s plot is built. Dissertation Bournemouth. The story is heavily influenced by beatles bpm, these two . principles, and Online, they constitute the vast majority of books, thematic and binding, pivotal plot points in the novel. The overarching theme is illustrated in its majority through Steinbeck’s repeated instances of bpm, rejection and anger. Online Dissertation Bournemouth. Steinbeck illustrates these emotions most clearly in the characters of Charles, Cathy, and Turabian research paper, Caleb.

Their characters are wildly different, but their. Aggression , Book of Genesis , Cain and Abel 900 Words | 3 Pages. East of Eden: A Story of Good and Evil. narrator in East of binding, Eden , John Steinbeck says that there is only one story in the world, that of good and evil (Steinbeck 412). . The original story of good and evil can be traced back to college gym the biblical tale of dissertation binding, Cain and Abel, from Turabian style which Steinbeck picked his title and formed many central characters around. In his novel East of Eden , John Steinbeck explores the constant collision between good and evil and forms a parallel between his story and that of Cain and Online dissertation binding, Abel. In his criticism of East of Eden by John. Adam and Eve , Book of Genesis , Good and bpm, evil 1528 Words | 4 Pages. Comparison of East of Eden and Online, Frankenstein with the Book of Genesis.

?Bailey Hatch Mr. Kirkpatrick AP English 25 August 2014 Comparison of East of Eden and Frankenstein with the Book of Genesis . What To Write. The basic story ideas in the Book of Genesis could be found in every novel written if one looks deep enough for them. However, in John Steinbeck’s East of Eden and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the Online, similarities are very prominent and easy to connect with the biblical tales. Many of the characters have similar personalities and are named in a similar fashion or with a certain. Adam , Adam and Eve , Book of Genesis 908 Words | 3 Pages.

The Bean Trees and East of Eden: Writing Techniques and Themes. Compare and Contrast Essay Authors possess many different techniques when writing their novels. The Bean Trees and East of . Eden are examples of Turabian, two similar, but contrasting books. One focuses on find oneself through motherhood, while the other literary work is centered around good and Online dissertation binding bournemouth, evil. Both Kingsolver and Steinbeck’s novels acknowledge the battle between finding oneself, but include different writing techniques, tones, and diction.

Both novels revolve around self-identity, use different. Evil , Fiction , Good and evil 1093 Words | 3 Pages. East of Eden Essay: Power of Get rich, Money and Greed. In the novel, “ East of Eden ”, John Steinbeck uses the controlling power of dissertation bournemouth, money to overcome greedy, curious, and desperate . characters. Knowing money is necessary in life, most people will desire it, but in East of Eden it affects the lives of some of the main characters. Some in the book have an aspiration for someone do my homework snow money, while others find it come into their lives out of nowhere. The perception of wealth changes in characters. While some may find that money is the only wealth in life, others may see.

American films , Debut albums , English-language films 958 Words | 3 Pages. Moby Dick, Sophie's World, East of Eden. control over our lives exercised through free will in our choices, others believe an binding entirely different power is at hand in controlling our lives. These . Will Do My Homework. issues often find themselves associated in literature, with examples such as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden , Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. Among these books, there are different interpretations on the role of fate and free will in human life. In particular, these three different works of literature express varying. Choice , Free will , God 2310 Words | 6 Pages.

East of Eden: The Discovery of Innocence on the Western Frontier. LI 532 Paper #3 February 27, 2008 East of Eden : The Discovery of Innocence on the Western Frontier What happens in . the West? What kind of change takes place when an individual crosses over the boundary separating what has been settled from Online dissertation bournemouth what has yet to writing help students be— the frontier. Over the last few weeks I have continued to probe the Online bournemouth, idea of the West as a place that has yet to be defined. Many times, authors and help, people are not even sure where it starts as it is an invisible border that exists. American Old West , Cowboy , Frontier 1769 Words | 5 Pages. the Eden Project: (Johnson, Scholes and dissertation binding, Wittington, 2008) Political Factors Since the political environment in the United Kingdom and . also in the region of Cornwell is stable, this factor also deals with the issue of local and national government support for tourism. In the case of the Eden Project, one can state that there are several governmental resources, especially financially: Internationally the Eden Project is supported by the European Social Fund of the European Union ( Eden Project.

Cornwall , Economics , Eden Project 2026 Words | 6 Pages. AP Language Monday, October 14, 2013 East of Eden by John Steinbeck Humans are in an internal war of good and evil. John . Steinbeck, the author of Will someone do my homework, East of Online, Eden , used the internal conflict of virtue and my college essay on life, vice in the development of his characters. While some characters have evil in their souls, others have a passion of good. In the case of the novel being biblically allegorical, the ironies of the symbols and situations may cause one to psychoanalyze the Online dissertation binding bournemouth, initial intention of Steinbeck in writing. Devil , Evil , Fiction 637 Words | 2 Pages.

East Is East East is Turabian research, East is Online dissertation, a play by Ayub Khan-Din, first produced by Tamasha Theatre Company in . co-production with the Royal Court and Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Reading College. It is often cited as one of the key works to bring Asian culture to mainstream British audiences. The play is published by Nick Hern Books. Online Bournemouth. Ayub Khan-Din (born 1961 in Salford, Lancashire) is a British Pakistani actor and playwright. “When I began to write East is East , I was sitting at my kitchen table pouring. British Asian , Family , Fish and chips 627 Words | 3 Pages. ? EAST OF EDEN ESSAY In John Steinbecks book, East of Eden , the Trask family shows predator/ prey . relationships created when emotionalism takes place within the novel.

By definition emotionalism means the unwarranted expression or display of emotion and Steinbeck used this to create dynamic situations between his characters. Charles and Caleb have many of the same qualities and grew up with the same resentment caused by their fathers lack of attention and profuse neglect while there brothers, Adam. Abuse , Bullying , Emotion 617 Words | 2 Pages. In John Steinbeck’s novel, East of do my homework, Eden , the deprivation of a sound conscience is a theme that is associated with Cathy Ames, and . afflicts the binding, people around her. The author uses foreshadowing to portray the future of Cathy and her multiple victims. Will Someone Homework Snow. By doing so, the dissertation binding bournemouth, author builds onto college rates gym, the characterization of Cathy, revealing how truly malevolent she is.

From birth, Cathy is foreshadowed to Online dissertation develop into something monstrous. Essay Writing. The author claims that he “believe(s) there are monsters born in the world. Andreas Wilson , Foreshadowing , Human anatomy 646 Words | 2 Pages. MODERN GARDEN OF EDEN DRAWS MILLIONS IN U.K. Eleanor Stables for National Geographic News February 6, 2003 An isolated, abandoned industrial . site in Cornwall, England, a region long scarred by mines and slag heaps, has been reclaimed; the dissertation binding bournemouth, former clay pit is Turabian research paper, now a virtual garden of Online binding bournemouth, Eden . Showcasing 4,500 plant species, the Eden Project is designed to increase public awareness of our dependence on writing books, plants, support research and conservation projects around the world, and provide a vision for bournemouth a sustainable. Biome , Clay pit , Cornwall 1773 Words | 5 Pages. ? The Eden Alternative The Eden Alternative is a fascinating and to write essay on life, relatively new philosophy that has had an enormous impact . on nursing homes and long term care facilities across the country. Founded by Dr. William Thomas in 1991, the Eden Alternative has seen tremendous growth and expansion. Researching this topic I spent a lot of time on the Eden Alternative website reading about their philosophies, values, and principles.

The Eden Alternative is a nonprofit organization that with the help of. Activities of daily living , Care of residents , Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 2645 Words | 10 Pages. ?Presentation of Jack London's novel «Martin Eden » I want to share with you one of the most fascinating novels I have ever come across: . “Martin Eden ” by Jack London. Plot summary: We are first introduced to Martin Eden as a poor uneducated sailor. former sailor from a working-class background, who falls in love with the Online binding, young, bourgeois Ruth and What to write on life, educates himself to Online become a writer, aiming to win her hand in Get rich writing books marriage. Dissertation Binding. But one day he was invited to Morse house, because of Martin meets his paramore.

Bourgeoisie , Marxism , Middle class 801 Words | 3 Pages. walnut to elaborate moldings and baseboards, To add to the unique look, he built no two windows or doors the same size. Dinsmoor , the artist and social . commentator, spent the years between 1907 and 1928 creating the Cabin Home and the Garden of Eden . Writing Books. He located his sculptural environment in a residential area, within walking distance of Main Street businesses and binding bournemouth, visible from the principal railroad track. Essay Help. It appears that Dinsmoor selected the location with the public in Online dissertation bournemouth mind. The environment was.

Adam , Adam and Eve , Benjamin Franklin 769 Words | 3 Pages. Explore your blind spot Discover how the mind hides its tracks by Tom Stafford Smashwords Edition (version 1.36, 24 January 2012) Copyright 2011 Tom . Stafford This work is Reading college rates, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Thank you for downloading this free eBook. You are welcome to Online dissertation binding share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for to write my college essay non-commercial purposes. You can even modify it, as long as the modified version is. Blind spot , Brain , Daniel Dennett 1856 Words | 9 Pages.

Edens Lustgard ar skriven av Ernest Hemingway och publicerades ar 1986 vilket ar 25 ar efter hans dod den 2 juli 1961. Hemingway levde ett . valdigt aktivt liv vilket han speglade i sina noveller och romaner. Binding Bournemouth. I sina senare ar overlevde han tva flygkrascher men skadade njurar och lever men fick pa grund av detta ett hogt blodtryck. Medicineringen han fick ledde till depression vilket paverkade hans forfattarskap och gjorde sa att han inte kunde skriva. To Write. Han borjade da dricka mer och mer innan han tillslut. 1030 Words | 3 Pages. Flowers for Algernon and The Garden of Eden. fictional story, Flowers for Algernon, drew on themes, patterns of events, and character types from the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden . . Both stories had a mutual theme: Ignorance is bliss. Both stories also shared a similar pattern of events. Charlie Gordon, the Online dissertation binding, protagonist in Flowers for Algernon, and Adam and Eve, the bpm, main characters in the Garden of Eden , all started out in a state of innocence, unaware of evil, until they were encouraged to Online dissertation binding bournemouth become smarter. After they had gained intelligence.

Adam , Adam and What my college essay, Eve , Book of Genesis 818 Words | 3 Pages. THE CASE STUDY OF EAST ORCHIDS AREAS OF CONSIDERATION: The East Orchids is an orchid farm in the campus grounds of the Online dissertation binding bournemouth, . University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. It was formally opened on Get rich writing books, May 31, 1989, by Mr. and Mrs. Max Prieto. East Orchids sold both cut flowers and plants. As a typical with orhidariums, the farm has a 3,000 sq. m. Canopy enclosure of Online bournemouth, green netting that covering a huge inventory of orchids.

HISTORY The Prieto’s family was one of the prominent families in Davao. Business , Entrepreneurship , Management 1330 Words | 4 Pages. The East African community commonly refers to the three East African states namely Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, within the recent . Help Beatles. past it has been used to refer to binding bournemouth Rwanda and Burundi which are pushing forward to join the block and be it's forth and Fifth member states. My College. Sometimes the term is used to refer to a wider geographical region covering even the Online dissertation binding, wider Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. The region (EA) boast of a huge population of around 100 million people currently, like the rest of sub-Saharan. Africa , East Africa , East African Community 1012 Words | 3 Pages. Mohanad Alharbi Middle East Middle East The middle . east is characterized by Get rich books, several features that makes it a unique part of the world. The middle east is considered as the ancient world where the ancient Egyptians lived and built their magnificent addition, The Middle Eastern region, like every other, is socially constructed based on race, language and religion. Dissertation Bournemouth. The region, which by most accounts spans.

Arabic language , Asia , Christianity 799 Words | 5 Pages. actually happing in the middle east . These so called nations are Israel and the Palestine state that is not yet a nation. In the middle . east this is everyday life and all they know is that there government doesn't care for them so they continue to to write my college on life fight for a cause that will never be settled because their government doesn't want to come to an agreement. The United States is for peace and freedom for all people but they aren't doing enough to dissertation binding help out the middle east . What Essay On Life. The United States must take. Egypt , Israel , Jordan 2628 Words | 6 Pages. The tiny south pacific nation of East Timor has had a long and Online binding, tumultuous history. While it has been touted as the first independent country . of the 21st century, the government originally declared its independence in November of 1975. East Timor had spent over 300 years under Portuguese rule and books, the colonial influences did much to shape Timorese culture and society. As a result East Timor developed very differently from bournemouth its neighbours and had little in common with the former Dutch colony that. Asia , East Timor , Indonesia 1628 Words | 5 Pages. Eden Project Case Study Introduction to Eden Eden Project is one of the largest greenhouses in the world, it is . a top Cornwall’s tourist attraction and an educational charity that attracts millions of tourist every year to come and see an Reading rates gym outstanding collection of dissertation binding, plants placed inside huge artificial biomes.

Eden Project is not only a popular tourist attraction, it is a social enterprise that aims to “inspire people to go on a journey of discovery about the kind of society we want to live” (Eden. Cornwall , Eden Project , Environment 1848 Words | 7 Pages. Middle East Part 1 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Many issues still remain . today between the two groups. These include mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement and legalities concerning refugees. The violence resulting from the conflict has brought international actions, as well as security and human rights concerns, within, between both sides, and. Fatah , Israel , Jordan 846 Words | 2 Pages. ?Krishia Marie P. Tadena IS 41 – XB Chapter 1: The Making of college rates gym, Middle East Politics The Middle East is made up of 20 . countries with a population of about 320 million people. Online Binding. The vast majority of people living in all Middle East countries save Israel are Muslim. Indeed, a majority of the world’s Muslims live outside of the Middle East . Clearly, then, there is considerable distinction in the region when it comes to land, population, and indicators of to write my college on life, development.

One of the main things. Arabic language , Egypt , Iran 1125 Words | 4 Pages. Free Will vs. Determination (East of Online binding bournemouth, Eden) Freewill vs. Determinism Good vs. Style Research Paper. Evil What makes a decision evil is when it is Online dissertation binding bournemouth, made completely with regard to others.

What makes a decision good . is Reading college rates, when the person who made it can look back and feel like what he choose was wholly right. It is completely up to a person whether or not they take others into consideration or even decide to look back long enough to care, just like it is up to that person to choose where they go in life. Whether it’s up the Online binding bournemouth, good path or down the evil path isn’t. Choice , English-language films , Evil 1008 Words | 3 Pages. Isolation Form Love in the Film East of Eden East of Eden by John Steinbeck is an optimistic film about a boy becoming a man and trying desperately to earn the love of his . Help Beatles Bpm. father and mother in the troubled times of the Great Depression. Dissertation. Cal, the rates gym, main character is a troubled teen who lives with his entrepreneur father, and a brother who is dissertation binding bournemouth, following closely in his fathers steps. Cal's mother left him and his brother to become a madam of a whorehouse.

The struggle takes place between Cal and his father due to his fathers lack of compassion. Client Access License , Family , Father 644 Words | 2 Pages. Representation of the 1970s in Help beatles the Film East Is East. Moyano, Analia Panzachi, Ana Prof. Calvete, Marcela Comunicacion Integral 2012 August 24th, 2012 Representation of the dissertation binding, 1970s in the film . East is help, East There are several references which allow the viewer to infer that the cinematographic production East is dissertation binding bournemouth, East is set in the 1970s. Some of these references tap into a political background, while others into more tangible icons of the decade. Immigration is a central theme in the motion picture, as well as the British natives’ reaction towards. 1970s , Bangladesh , Bangladesh Liberation War 2394 Words | 7 Pages. Case Study to perform a SWOT analysis Example [pic] Task 1 – The Town of Eden Bay We will now work through the following Scenario . to Will someone do my snow produce a SWOT analysis. You can do this in groups and then compare the outcomes with other groups.

The town of Eden Bay owns and maintains a fleet of vehicles. You are a systems analyst reporting to Dawn, the town’s IT manager. Read through the attached ‘Town of Eden Bay’ scenario included in Extract 2 then answer the following questions: a). Fleet , Fleet vehicle , Maintenance 1450 Words | 6 Pages. ? Case # 10 EAST ORCHIDS Padecio, Alvin Francis Pajarillo, Angeline Mae Landingin, Maria Nilda Prof. Rosalinda . Binding. Lacerona MGE 11A- BSA2J/3:00-4:30PM Time Context 1992 SUMMARY: East Orchids is an orchid farm located in the campus grounds of the University of the Philippines in Turabian paper Diliman, Quezon City.

It was formally opened on May 31,1989 by Mr. Mrs. Max Prieto. The farm has 3,000 sq. m. canopy enclosure of green netting.

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