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atractive resume Now You Can Win Your Next Job Using Highly Attractive CV Templates, the Knowledge of. CV Writing Experts and Interview Secrets. Guaranteed to Make Sure You Impress. Simple but Amazingly Powerful CV Writing Techniques. to Save You From the Employer's Trash Bin. You might be surprised to know that you only have between 5-10 seconds at the most to impress and be shortlisted. In those 5-10 seconds, it is not necessarily the most qualified person who will be put in University for admission the shortlist pile, but it is the one who is the best at being able to get noticed by his or her CV . Upon Roast! This requires a combination of good content and attractive appearance . Four Steps a Recruiter Takes to. After looking at these factors, the final interview list will be prepared which can be less than 5 candidates. So, have you got a CV or resume that will survive these four steps? The reality of the recruitment process shows that you need a targeted and focused CV or resume that not only grabs attention by showing a skills match, but is also crafted, worded and formatted to give you an edge over other candidates.

They have a tight deadline to get the CV sent to the employer or recruiter. These are the University essay, most common problems facing Jobseekers, and there are many more. The fact is that the vast majority of jobseekers embark upon Conclusion writing CVs without even the slightest of knowledge about the essay, whole CV writing process. This is in essay, why often the most competent and qualified person for University for admission the job doesn't get it because he or she was a very poor marketer. And this is what the job seeking process is about - being a highly effective marketer using the CV document. 14 February 2005 17:38. Hi, Got the job today - first interview. CV went down really well - only one page long - perfect.. 7th April 2005 13:01. 12th December 2004. Buy Case! 1st January 2006.

17th December 2005, 12:15pm. 24th December 2005, 08:05am. You need to really understand and remember the above statement. Chronological Format opening with objective statement and key skills. Chronological Format opening with profile and relevant skills. A nice two colum layout beginning with objective and University essay for admission, summary of qualifications, followed by zoo border, remaining elements. A very attractive and professional template - suitable for new job seekers. A nice two column layout following the chrono-functional format. Opening focuses upon core skills and competencies with room to expand upon detail using work and education histories. Follows the resume format, a functional style placing heavy emphasis upon University essay for admission core skills and skill headings with brief summaries of employment and education histories.

Follows a resume style, brief and Write english literary youtube, concise. Starting with profile and key competencies with summaries of remaining elements. Follows a chrono-functional format, opening with objective, qualification summary and achievements. A results oriented template with room for adding further detail in employment history. Following a chrono-functional format, this is a nice basic template opening with focus on core skills with room for additional detail in career and essay for admission, education histories. A chronological template with a nice clean layout. Focus on case help arthritis joint profile and established career history. Follows a chrono-functional format, opening with a very specific objective, followed by essay, qualification summary and achievements. This is a nice template for targeting a specific job within a specified company. Follows a chrono-functional format, containing an objective, followed by qualification summary and achievements.

This is a nice corporate design. Assistance A Paper! An extremely attractive one page CV / Resume with a focus on an established career history with a view to illustrating experience. A very concise one page CV / Resume using bullet point format to present a strong achievement background. Can be used with powerful effect with the right content. One page CV / Resume focusing upon an established career. Can be used to concisely highlight achievements from University essay employments illustrating depth of experience and competence. Subject: Re: Thanks for a quality product! Update: Hey! I got the job! Only three weeks after I used the essay youtube, CV templates and the knowledge from MyCVBuilder.Com to create a highly targeted CV for my job area, I won the job . Not only that, I have been offered a higher paid job within the same organisation after three months of trial employment for the first job. I have been employed by IBM.

One thing that I feel it is important to essay for admission, mention again is what the recruiter said to me about my CV, . it stood out amongst all the others . I'd like to thank you for making an invaluable tool like MyCVBuilder.Com, it is extremely powerful. I will be using the site again in the future. In Writing A Paper Zoo Border! 7th January 2005. Essay For Admission! 19th November 2004. You must have this knowledge if you want to upon roast pig meaning, succeed and beat off the competition . The knowledge of how to write one's CV data is what separates the winners from the University, losers. This is a fact. The skills that make a person employable are not so much the ones needed on the job as the Assistance in writing, ones needed to get the job , skills like the essay for admission, ability to find a job opening, complete an application, prepare a resume, and survive an interview. The key is knowing how to effectively market yourself and to get yourself noticed.

This requires a combination of good CV format and Conclusion in essay, layout and of course effective presentation and University essay for admission, writing of the actual content. Relevant and appropriate content is of utmost importance to your CV. Attractive templates are only a part of your success. Lets face it, most people are not expert CV writers . Buy Case Study Harvard! At best, you may be able to create an attractive CV template, but do you know how to write highly targeted CVs? Do you know the techniques and methods used by CV writing professionals that seem to produce results time and for admission, time again? The answer for most people is No!.

To give you complete and comprehensive help and to Neurosurgery, give you a competitive edge over your competitors, we are happy to share some of for admission our expert knowledge and instruction in the following bonuses. How To Write A Powerful Covering Letter To Win Interviews Every Time! Most people forget that the covering letter is the literary, introduction to the CV or resume, and not the other way round. The covering letter has just as much importance and potential impact upon an employer's decision to interview, as the CV or resume itself. The Key to Writing Effective and Attention Grabbing Profiles. Essay! A personal profile is short paragraph at the beginning of a CV summarising your main selling points.

This part of a CV summarises the most important skills, knowledge, experience and aptitudes you have to offer a potential employer. In Writing A Paper! Get it wrong and essay, the recruiter will not even bother to read the rest of your CV. Conclusion! An extremely important and must have guide on how to write effective profiles. Essay For Admission! Gain a Strong Competitive Edge by Knowing How to Write Powerful Achievements on Write essay youtube Your CV and Resume. In the recruitment process, there are several stages before the employer chooses a candidate. University Essay! Before the final stage, which is the stage of interviewing, there are usually from 2 to up to 15-20 candidates who might be shortlisted. These candidates will have been shortlisted from a larger list because their CVs or resumes stood out and Neurosurgery, provided them with a competitive edge over other candidates. University Essay! The Killer Technique of Strategically Embedding Keywords To Boost the Effectiveness of Assistance in writing CVs and Resumes. With the advancement of technology and the use of databases to University for admission, store candidate CVs and resumes, employers are increasingly depending upon keywords to find suitable job candidates.

The Internet has made the Best study harvard, hiring process a lot easier for employers and recruiters who upon receiving CVs and University essay for admission, resumes, simply dump them into in essay, their growing database. Keyword searching for University essay for admission relevant phrases or skills can then be performed to find an initial pool of Evolve study rheumatoid arthritis with prospects. Ten Covering Letter Templates Ready to Use! Not sure how to start or end your covering letter! Or what to tell the employer? These templates are brief and concise with good opening statements and University essay, contain the ingredients of a good and powerful letter.

The covering letters can be used by graduates, experienced professionals, and those applying for jobs through recruitment agencies. Using these templates and personal statement, the additional knowledge in the excellent bonus article on writing cover templates (see BONUS! 1) you will be able to prepare VERY powerful cover letters to essay for admission, go with your CV / Resume. Power list of over 500 action words ordered into categories in alphabetical order. You can use this list to make your CV achievement oriented - something that will make you stand out from Neurosurgery all the other candidates. Essay! Most people fail to realise that where the Conclusion in essay, applicants skils and University essay for admission, qualifications are equal, it is the achievements that will make one person stand out over the others. Gain a head start by Conclusion, collecting and identifying all the power verbs to University essay, highlight your achievements. A guide on how to in essay, deal with your weaknesses.

In short-listing for interview, some recruiters take the approach of University essay for admission looking for reasons not to select you for interview, as opposed to looking for reasons to Write essay youtube, select you. This is why identification of perceived weaknesses is important. So far as CV writing is concerned, you need to be aware of areas which a recruiter might regard as being a weakness that could have an adverse impact on the success of University your application. Evolve Help Rheumatoid Arthroplasty! Five Simple Ways to Dramatically Improve Your CV. Once you have finished your CV, there is still much that can be done to for admission, improve it. In fact, your CV will always need constant updating and improvement. Here we discuss five simple techniques to bring dramatic changes to your CV, and to get you noticed. Twelve Things You Do Not Want On Your CV!

As your CV forms the essay youtube, basis for your interview you should ensure that it only for admission, contains positive information about buy case study harvard, you. Some information about yourself may be left out of your CV and what follows is a suggestion of what type of information this could be. What Type of CV Format To Use In Applying For A Job. Each basic CV format has its advantages and disadvantages. University! You must decide what works best for Conclusion you in your particular circumstances. The pros and cons of each basic approach as outlined in this article should give you some guidance as to which approach may be more appropriate. Thank you very much. 21st November 2004. Your CV is your ultimate marketing tool.

So it is important to know exactly what you are marketing and selling. It is vital that you have a thorough understanding of you skills, knowledge, experience and achievements. This understanding and knowledge is the repository from which you can pick qualities, skills and achievements to demonstrate that you have what it takes to fulfill the requirements of the job. Essay! In essence, this relates to what you have to offer, and this should be apparent from your skills audit. Almost every job requires a combination of four types of study harvard recommendations qualities or skills. For this reason you must ensure that in the way that you craft your CV, elements of these four types of for admission qualities or skills must come across strongly. Knowing the job you want has two stages. Firstly, knowing the company, and secondly knowing what the essay youtube, job requires. For Admission! It is important to know about the company because it provides an understanding of the context in which the job operates. Dissertation! For example, a position in a small privately owned business will require different skills and aptitudes to University essay, a similar position with the same job title in a large multi-national organization.

Making the match is what it is all about. The match is between the skills required for the job and the skills you have to offer. Unless you can demonstrate a strong match in your CV, then you are unlikely to be picked for an interview. We have now reached the stage where you can start putting it all together. By this point you should have the Write literary, groundwork in place to write a CV with the right content. Essay! The following are some of the main issues that should be considered when putting together your CV.

When the employer or recruiting manager looks at upon your CV, it must generate interest and also be pleasing to look at. Essay For Admission! Not only does the content have to be relevant and targeted, the look and feel must also be right. Evolve Case Rheumatoid Arthritis With Joint! You may have the best content, brilliantly written, but if your CV is University essay for admission, not aesthetic and pleasing to look at, it might simply get rejected. There are three main issues regarding style and presentation. When you have put it all together and you have something to look at, there will always be room for improvement.

You can use the in writing a paper, following factors to review and improve your CV or resume. Answering these questions will help you to University essay for admission, present a clear, strong and more memorable image of your skills and achievements. Since the content of your CV or resume determines its effectiveness, it is worth your while to personal statement, really think about ways in which these questions relate to you. With these questions you will rewrite, improve and update the information gathered from University essay for admission your skills audit. Learn how to create a better impact by using efficient sentence structure and content. Quantifying your experience with appropriate facts and figures helps to create a better impression. The use of appropriate job titles or skill headings is a crucial part of the CV or resume. These titles or headings are one of the major factors in your image projection to case arthritis with, the employer. It is crucial therefore that you know and University for admission, understand the impact that job titles can have on employers. The career objective should be short and may consist of a paper zoo border up to a few sentences.

It should include two pieces of essay for admission information. The position you are seeking and what experience or skills you possess that qualify you for this position. Roast! To employers unfortunately, gaps in essay for admission employment history can raise questions such as This person has a problem, or There might be something to hide here, This person is roast, not dedicated or serious and so on. To remove any negative thoughts in the mind of the potential employer or hiring manager, you will need to address these gaps in your employment. There are many reasons why your CV or resume can be rejected. Some of the most common reasons are covered in this section. Make sure you avoid them! CREATE ENERGETIC AND ACHIEVEMENT-ORIENTED CVS. Many hundreds of effective action words categorised into ten skills set areas. You will have this goldmine of action words to energise your CV and make it achievement-oriented - the proven formula for winning CVs.

Know the essay, intention behind every interview question so that you answer appropriately. Equipped with the right knowledge, you can come out Write english youtube, trumps in any job interview you attend - without sweaty palms, without a shaky voice, and for admission, without being stumped by trick interview questions. The 5 things all interviewers want to know about you. Warm up questions Work history questions Job performance questions Education and training questions Career goal and objective questions Organization specific questions Self-assessement questions Decision-making questions Motivation and leadership questions Management, supervisory and conflict resolution questions Communication skills questions Stress and pressure question. Illegal questions that interviewers might ask and how to tackle them. To get you off to Neurosurgery, a great start, whether you have an existing CV or not, there are 15 great CV templates suitable for all career levels and comprising the University essay, various CV formats - chronological, chrono-functional and Evolve help with arthroplasty, the skills based (resume) format. These templates have been designed with attractiveness, appeal and for admission, lots of upon white space . You can be sure to stand out for admission, from the crowd with some of the design elements in these CVs.

However, a good looking CV on its own will not do the job - you need targeted content. The Complete CV Writing Guide (60 pages) gives you the proven methodology by a paper zoo border, which highly targeted CVs are created - taking you through a skills audit, job advert analysis, making the essay for admission, match, and other core elements of creating CVs. The additional chapters in the E-book deal with more specific and technical issues of CV writing, giving you further edge over competitors. To give you even more expertise, there are eight bonus instructional articles covering some very important aspects such as writing profiles, achievement statements, what CV format to use, addressing weaknesses on your CV, and Evolve case help arthritis arthroplasty, what not to include on your CV. To make sure you are not stuck for words, or for content, you will also get a comprehensive list of 500 action words and ten categories of stand out action words that allow you to express any of a group of administrative, technical, communication, office support skills, sales, financial and mentoring skills (see below). Essay! A CV needs to be introduced by a covering letter - you also get ten sample covering letters which follow a proven formula.

In addition, the Conclusion, instructional article on writing compelling covering letters will give you an edge over your competitors. The Complete Interview Guide (60 pages) has everything you need to know about interviews. Polished with the knowledge of interview skills you will be on your way to impressing interviewers with your poise and confidence. This guide contains over 200 questions you can be asked, as well as questions you can ask that will deeply impress the interviewers. You will be entering interviews knowing exactly what to essay for admission, expect - which will give you more edge over other candidates. In Writing Zoo Border! withdrawn without notice. Our customers have had excellent success with our package which comprises great value.

Numerous suggestions were made to provide pre-written content for University certain industry sectors that can be directly inserted into a CV to add even further value to our package. We have added this new feature and are currently doing some market testing. The price of this package will definitely be increasing significanty after this market test as we are selling way too low for the amount of value being offered. Dissertation Upon Roast! And you will receive all the additional bonuses for taking immediate action today. + Free Access to Power Skills Headings and Sentences (One Time Offer Only) The skills that make a person employable are not so much the ones needed on the job as the ones needed to essay for admission, get the job , skills like the ability to find a job opening, complete an application, prepare a resume, and survive an Evolve case study rheumatoid arthritis joint arthroplasty interview. University Essay For Admission! package in less than a minute. Even if its 2:00 AM! 11th February 2005. Dr.

Amjad Rafiq, PhD (Essex, UK) 14 February 2005 17:38. Hi Amjad, Got the job today - first interview. CV went down really well - only one page long - perfect..

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Why is there a need to further describe a student that chooses to essay youtube, play interscholastic or . University Essay For Admission. intercollegiate athletics? We do not tend see students that participate in the science club or on in essay a debate team as student -scientists or student -orators. The answer lies in our culture's promotion of sport participants to a level of recognition not set aside for other extracurricular activity team members. From kids to essay, collegians, we loudly applaud those who can run faster, throw. College , College athletics , Education 841 Words | 3 Pages. watch television, they are exposed to what the articles, pictures and the media think how they should look. Even though mass media does not take full . responsibility, advertising influences young girls to develop eating disorders because they feel pressure to stay thin and ads use thin women to essay youtube, promote beauty products and diet supplements. Here are some basic facts about University for admission, eating disorders. According to National Eating Disorders Organization (2005) eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and.

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They believe that good and evil spirits. Aeta , Central Luzon , Luzon 1855 Words | 6 Pages. Peer pressure at school By Justin Coulson | The school playground is Assistance zoo border often a mine field of potential social challenges for many children. . While some children thrive in the playground, few are immune to at least some difficulties with their peers. For Admission. This article highlights seven common peer problems your children may face at school. Teasing and bullying Teasing and bullying are unfortunately still common in the school yard. Write English Essay Youtube. These issues will often not occur until after age seven or eight, and.


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Some people say that good peer pressure is when you get pushed into something that you didn't want to do and it turned out statement, well. Essay. Well, this may be nice, but ask yourself this question: how do you know ahead of time whether what you are doing will turn out good or bad? Can you? Most people can't, but if you can, your problems may be solved! Respected. Adolescence , Friendship , Interpersonal relationship 1589 Words | 5 Pages. certain opinion can introduce an individual to new behaviors and a paper viewpoints that may be different from his or her own. Academic Performance of the . students shows on how he or she excels on the school. Especially to the college students it is essay for admission really hard for them to case help rheumatoid arthritis with joint arthroplasty, maintain a good academic performance throughout every semester.

As a college student we can encounter lots of problems most probably when it comes to University, their peers and parents. According to American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. Adolescence , Developmental psychology , Erik Erikson 1506 Words | 5 Pages. to under aged drinking due to essay, peer pressures , bad parenting, attention seeking, and many other irresponsible reasons. Growing up as a teenager . your body goes through many different phases and changes, some for University the better others for the worse. Throughout this passage we will be discussing the Neurosurgery personal statement, damages that can come from underage drinking. Essay For Admission. As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest reasons minors decide to drink is because of peer pressure . A Paper Zoo Border. However, this peer pressure has to start from somewhere. From. Adolescence , Alcohol law , Alcoholic beverage 1711 Words | 4 Pages. hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to University essay, pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. Be it school, college or . workplace - making friends is important, and so is Dissertation upon roast pig meaning socializing, but there are ways to University essay, forge new ties and mix up with people without being pressurized by the peers.

Friends never make you lose your identity, making friends is about appreciating the differences and respecting individual tastes and still being together. Be comfortable with identity of personal who you are, and. Alcoholism , Childhood , Cochrane Collaboration 1760 Words | 5 Pages. ?Page 1 College Pressures Students face peer pressure , parental pressure , anxiety, and financial . issues throughout their college experience. Entering school as a freshman nobody truly comprehends what is in store in the feeling of meeting new individuals, how to University essay, handle being far from home, flexibility and so forth. At times this could turn into an issue. The writer, William Zinsser, proposed to readers that freshman for the most part experience peer pressure . I accept that any school understudy. Anxiety , Education , Feeling 1212 Words | 6 Pages. morality and Dissertation pig meaning how it relates to being a student.

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Introduction Peer pressure is a social influence exerted on an individual by others in order to buy case study harvard recommendations, get that person to for admission, act or believe in a similar . way. It is used by personal, a social group, often with the implication that everybody's doing it. University Essay For Admission. This influence can be negative or positive, with a successful result being a change in a person's behavior. Nearly all children experience some form of peer pressure , whether at school, at church or at home among siblings. In Essay. As a kind of social pressure , it dominates preteen. A Great Way to Care , Adolescence , Childhood 1468 Words | 4 Pages. blood pressure testing during a clinical simulative skill session The clinical skill that I have decided to reflect on University essay in this essay is the buy case harvard recommendations, . manual blood pressure test that I have performed on for admission one of my colleague during a simulative clinical skills session. The aim of this essay is to reflect on this experience, so as to learn from it, identify areas of concern and increase competence in this skill accordingly.

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Both students and U.S. University Essay For Admission. university are responsible for the students ' well- being . Study Recommendations. In the past one or two decades, the amount of students who go abroad for further learning, especially in America has increased rapidly. International students have ideal expectations about essay for admission, their adjustment to personal statement, college; however, not everyone can easily and smoothly adjust to for admission, the new life in the U.S., and they seem to experience a more tough transition period than their initial thought. International student , Problem , Problem solving 922 Words | 3 Pages. Research San Pioquinto Elementary School Effect of Peer Influence in the Behavior of a Student in School Introduction One of the . sources of a teenagers’ acceptance, trust and understanding is Conclusion in essay their peer. They usually replace their family with their friends as the center of University for admission young individuals’ social life. A lot of students have been influenced by upon, the pressure of University for admission their peers and as a result they become confused. A student’s behavior is affected by rheumatoid arthroplasty, his or her peer because he or she who spends. Adolescence , Peer group , Peer pressure 1840 Words | 6 Pages. Being Successful by being healthy. ? Being Successful by Being Healthy By: English 101. . For most young adults, college is the four-year period that they have been looking forward to for admission, since junior high. It’s the time to get out there and Evolve study help rheumatoid arthritis with joint arthroplasty meet lifelong friends, experience new things, get involved with different activities, and develop the skills and knowledge that will be necessary for future career paths.

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Utilizing Assessment to essay for admission, Improve Student Life The process of pre-University admission assessment can serve an Assistance in writing a paper, important role in enhancing . student motivation and achievement. Professors can help enhance student performance by sharing clearly defined learning goals. Through student involvement in the assessment process, students learn to essay for admission, take responsibility for their own learning. This feeling of upon roast accountability and control may increase the students ’ intrinsic motivation to learn and can heighten. Assessment , Education , Educational psychology 1577 Words | 3 Pages. Tum Tum Souriyamath Mr. Sumner A3 – Sociology April 1, 2013 Peer Pressure Teenagers are at the stage in their life where they are trying . to University, figure out Dissertation upon roast, their role in society.

During your teenage years is University for admission where you learn more about what the Dissertation roast, world has to offer. While you are growing up you gain many freedoms, you start becoming your own individual, and you're put in situations where you have to University, make your own decisions and choices. Some choices that teenagers make during this point in time may even. Adolescence , Decision making , Need 818 Words | 3 Pages. research about the effects of academic pressure of case rheumatoid arthritis joint major subjects to the well being of 3rd year Notre Dame of essay Marbel University. individuals have undergone through stress and pressure ; this has molded them into what they are now, but there are those unfortunate enough to . have been devoured by case study help rheumatoid arthroplasty, stress and pressure that instead of conquering it fell in its clutches. This chapter will present the studies that the essay for admission, researchers have gathered related to the topic. Academic Pressure According to studies, pressure can result to misconducts and unhealthy behaviors. Recommendations. Students who have experienced pressure to essay, succeed have been cheating, pulling.

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The pressure to essay, be skinny. Evolve Case Help With Arthroplasty. a. Weight loss programs b. Tumblr pictures c. Eating disorder example IV. Mental illness a. Comparing . yourself to others and believing you are unworthy b. Anxiety c. Singer example V. Conclusion a. Conclusion strategy: Recommendation or call to action Fortune, Abigail ENG 111 20 Illustration Essay 17 Oct. 2013 The Pressure Is On. Young women have unrealistic appearance expectations to live up to. University Essay For Admission. Do you realize that the pressure for buy case recommendations young. Dieting , Girl , Mental disorder 984 Words | 3 Pages. PRESSURE GROUPS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF ANY SOCIETY.

CRITICALLY DISCUSS. According to Duncan Watts, a pressure . group can be an organized group that seeks to influence government policy or protect or advance a particular cause or interest. They can also be described as ‘interest groups’, ‘lobby groups’ or ‘protest groups.’ Some people avoid using the term ‘ pressure group’ as it can mistakenly be interpreted as meaning the for admission, groups use actual pressure to achieve their aims, which does. Advocacy , Advocacy group , Direct action 1594 Words | 4 Pages. refers to the books that students might be able to consult to while studying or doing their assignments. All the students are . sitting in Dissertation roast pig meaning a group.

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Bipolar disorder , Dead Poets Society , Major depressive disorder 1155 Words | 3 Pages. Pressure Ulcer Prevention: The Nurses Attitude Towards Skin Care Joy L. Teems Grand Canyon University: NRS-433V April 7, 2013 . Pressure Ulcer Prevention: The Nurses Attitude Towards Skin Care Pressure ulcers continue to be a concern among healthcare providers and patients, especially patients who have had recent surgeries, health issues, or are currently in long term care facilities. Best Buy Case Study. Pressure ulcers can have long term effects on patients and staff which can include lawsuits. This article. Health care , Health care provider , Medicine 1093 Words | 4 Pages. Adolescent Peer Pressure Between the ages of for admission twelve and nineteen is a period in Assistance in writing a paper a teenager's life that determines what kind of University essay adult . In Writing Zoo Border. he or she will become. For Admission. This period of adolescence, also known as the formative years, is the subject of much study and research to Dissertation roast, determine why adolescents are vulnerable to the phenomenon called peer pressure . The disturbing number of incidents of teenage drug use, teenage pregnancy and teenage suicide is most assuredly the reason that fuels the need for. Adolescence , Childhood , Peer group 1471 Words | 4 Pages. Description Around the world, company managers are creating a new business order by University, internationalizing corporate activity. Assistance A Paper Zoo Border. This course focuses on concepts . For Admission. that should be known by students intending to be involved in global commerce.

Credit Status One Credit. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to: 1. Explain the importance to Canadian managers of thinking international and learning how to operate outside of Canada. 2. Understand how country differences. Academic dishonesty , Business , Business school 1250 Words | 6 Pages. Models represent what clothes should look like on women. With the occupation relying purely on looks, models are under a lot of pressure from . agents and designers to have the personal, perfect body image. University Essay For Admission. In western society, this image means that they all have to be thin. It affects not only the youtube, models, but also the public who desire to look like them. To achieve this size 0 body image, women often develop eating disorders or turn to drugs. To stop this epidemic, designers need to stop hiring waif looking.

Adipose tissue , Anorexia nervosa , Body fat percentage 1437 Words | 4 Pages. and taught everything in diversity approaches from their parents and for admission the community. Some people who cannot behave well need to Dissertation upon roast pig meaning, spend much time on what they . For Admission. like to do most, but some need others for guidance. Study Recommendations. That what is happening today for some students . This essay will discuss on the behavior’s theory in University terms of applied behavior analysis, four ways to Dissertation upon roast pig meaning, reinforce existing behavior or teach new ones and University for admission also how to master learning in the classroom. According to personal statement, The Treatment Integrity of essay for admission School. Applied behavior analysis , Behaviorism , Classical conditioning 1537 Words | 5 Pages. Peer Pressure has been very controversial topic over study harvard the years.

Today, the media has transformed the issue into a topic that is discussed every . day. Many people are sometimes misinformed about topics because the essay for admission, media twist facts enough to make anyone believe what they tell them. The media has gotten the public to believe that peer pressure is all bad and only certain people deal with it, but peer pressure can be used positively or negatively depending on Neurosurgery personal the situation. Peer pressure is when a person. Adolescence , Educational psychology , Peer group 1082 Words | 3 Pages. How To Handle Peer Pressure By: Kristina Failla Submitted to: Dr. Jaballah M. Hasan Specific Goal: I would like to essay, inform the audience . Dissertation Pig Meaning. how to handle peer pressure Introduction: 1. What is essay for admission Peer Pressure ? A. Peer Pressure is when one person tries to talk another unwilling person into doing something.

B. Best Study Harvard Recommendations. Peer Pressure can happen anywhere and anytime between people of University essay for admission all ages, but mainly around students in school. C. Many that pressure others are known to be the “popular kids” and. Atmospheric pressure , Cigarette , Lung cancer 821 Words | 4 Pages.

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Hope this helps! We suggest using our ‘Entry-Level’ template. Good luck with the internship! Good Day Resume Genius.I’m a midwife by profession an University essay has worked in a military hospital for 16 years in KSA. I’m trying to apply as a home based ESL educator and an email respondent . Since I’m from the medical profession, I’m having difficulty in choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is more on the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for appointments and Neurosurgery personal summary, interpreter and essay for admission my part time informal english lessons to Dissertation, native speaking arabs. University Essay! What template should I use? Try the ‘Murray’ template. Good luck! Hello. Which is good for cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in service.

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Good luck with the University, job hunt. I have worked 32+ years as a nurse, the last 4 years taking care of my elderly father and online work. Now seeking to get back into Evolve case rheumatoid arthritis with the job market for extra income, not necessarily in essay for admission, the health field, just to Evolve study rheumatoid arthritis with arthroplasty, earn some income and socialize. What resume do you suggest? Try the ‘Job Hopper’ template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for University, a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is Assistance a paper our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use..

Try using the for admission, ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the download link for the template pack of your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to Neurosurgery, Write a Resume” guide to get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to essay, best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to in essay, check out University essay for admission which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there.

All of the in writing a paper zoo border, templates were created by professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of University essay for admission, them — it just depends on your preference. Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for. Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Study Arthritis! Check out this page and choose the one you find most fitting, that should be a good start:

Good luck on the job hunt! Hey there hbil036, This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to the job application. As an aside, you may want to look into whether you’re qualified to get back into accounting after that many years outside of the field. I understand that some regulations and rules change over the years — it may just be a matter of taking a test or updating your certifications, but I’m not certain. If that doesn’t seem to be a problem then go with the functional resume for sure. Good luck on for admission, the job hunt! If you are lacking in major experience, I’d recommend using a reverse chronological format for your resume. Our “Classic” template on this page should do the trick: Good luck at the job fair!

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42 Amazing Resume Tips That You Can Use in 30 Minutes [Examples] Maybe you’ve finished writing your resume, maybe you’re just starting. Either way, you could probably use some quick resume tips. What are the best tips for writing a resume? It’s easy to overlook things when you’re worried about finding a job. The best tips help you remember the smallest details of resume writing. So, here are 42 of the best resume tips we could find for every step of the resume writing process.

For your convenience, we’ve divided the University for admission tips into two , five , and thirty-minute tips . Next to each tip you will also see a star rating that ranks the tips in importance on a scale from one to five. Our five-star tips are those that we highly recommend every job seeker use especially if you don’t have time for anything else. These Resume Tips Will Take Two Minutes Tops. 1. Create a professional email address. Out of all of the resume tips listed, this may seem too obvious. But it’s worth mentioning because the use of an unprofessional email address will get you rejected 76% of the time.

So, if you haven’t already done so, ditch that email address you’ve been using since high school. Choose a professional email provider like Gmail or Outlook. Use your name. 2. Conclusion? Update your contact information. For Admission? After you change your email address, make sure the rest of Write english essay youtube, your contact information is up to date. You don’t want to miss an interview because you put the wrong phone number on your resume. Also, exclude information like your birth date or marital status. You do not have to respond to essay for admission, questions about religion, race, or gender on an application. US employers cannot take these aspects into consideration when accessing you. If you’re applying for a job out of state or country, also consider omitting your current address.

That way a hiring manager won’t think you’re confused about the location of the job. 3. Set your font size to 10-12 points. Conclusion In Essay? While choosing a font is essay important, making sure that it is the right size is paramount. Keep your font size between 10-12 points so that a hiring manager can easily read it without squinting. For your education section, put your highest degree first. For your experience section, put your current job first. 5. Align your content to Assistance in writing a paper zoo border, the left to make it skimmable.

The first thing a hiring manager is essay for admission going to do is skim your resume for relevant keywords from the Assistance job description. Aligning your text to the left makes this easier for them to do. For Admission? 6. In Writing? Make strategic use of bold, caps, and italics. Be consistent with your choices. If you’ve made one of your subheadings bold - make them all bold. Essay? Try not to overuse anything. Neurosurgery? The point is to make important information easier to find.

7. Choose an attractive and readable font. You may think fonts are trivial in the larger scheme of University, things, but the right font is upon pig meaning going to University essay for admission, do a lot for Best buy case study harvard your resume. Stick to fonts that sound like the names of hipster children: If you choose a font that is hard to University essay for admission, read or childish, a hiring manager might toss your resume in the trash. 8. Only add jobs you’ve had in the past 10-15 years.

You do not need to list every job you’ve ever had on your resume. Make sure that every job you have added was a job you held in the last 10 or 15 years. 9. Case Study Arthritis Joint Arthroplasty? Give your sections simple subheadings. Regardless of what layout you choose, make sure your sections are visible and easy to find. University Essay For Admission? You can do that by giving them simple subheadings. You’ll want to write simple subheadings for all sections. That way Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software can find them.

Pro Tip: Deciding what skills to help arthritis joint, put on your resume is one of the for admission biggest tasks that lie ahead of new resume writers. Make sure that they are easy to find and Write literary essay youtube, easy to skim as well. 10. Include URLs to social media profiles, personal websites, and your blog. If you have a professional website or blog, take a moment to include the URL in your contact section. University Essay? Add any relevant social media handles as well. For most professionals, that will include your LinkedIn URL and your Twitter handle. Creative professionals could also consider adding relevant links to Instagram, Youtube, or Pinterest profiles. Take an extra couple of minutes to make sure that your URLs are live and to hyperlink them in Dissertation upon roast pig meaning, the text so they are accessible. 11. Choose a resume format that works for you.

What are the essay for admission best formats for a resume? Well, that depends. There are three types of resume formats: Reverse-chronological Combination Functional or Skills-based. Most of you will opt for the reverse-chronological format . It’s the most common and Assistance in writing a paper zoo border, you can play with the layout. In almost every situation, the functional resume format is not a good choice because it kills your experience section. And even if you don’t have experience, that’s not the best way to handle it. Pro Tip: Consider a format that gets your strongest information closest to the top of your resume where hiring managers will be sure to University essay, see it right away.

12. Consider using a professionally designed template. Templates can save you a lot of time and effort. Imagine not having to fool around with margins in Word. Pick one out, and study rheumatoid joint arthroplasty, you’re ready to go. 13. Consider putting your education section first.

Once you’ve chosen a format, it’s a good idea to make a quick decision about the layout. How do you build a strong resume? After your contact information , start your resume with either a resume summary or a resume objective . University Essay? More on that later. But what should come next? Your education or your experience section? If you’re a professional with tons of experience , your experience should come first.

But let’s say you’re a student and your educational background is your strongest selling point. A Paper Zoo Border? In that case, consider putting your education section first. 14. University For Admission? Lose the phrase “References Available Upon Request.” It is Conclusion in essay no longer necessary to place this phrase at essay for admission the bottom of study harvard recommendations, your resume, as hiring managers know that they can request your references. Adding it only takes up valuable space that you could use for something else. Essay? Only Have Five Minutes? Here are the Best Resume Tips. 15. Read the job description and then read it again. Okay, reading the job description may sound like one of the most obvious resume tips ever. Assistance In Writing Zoo Border? Of course, you’ve read the job description.

Right? In fact, most people spend an average of 76 seconds reading a job description. And that’s why hiring managers find that 50% of for admission, applicants are unqualified for the job. You’ve got to make sure you have the skills necessary for the job in the first place. Read the statement job description. Make sure you’re qualified.

Read it again. Mine it for keywords. Put it through a cloud generator. University Essay? Take it on a date. Buy it Tiffany’s. Neurosurgery Personal? Get married to it. Because that job description is your best friend when it comes to building a great resume. Seeing a job title that sounds right, sending your resume immediately. Reading a job description is as close as you’re going to University for admission, get to reading the recruiter’s mind.

16. Make sure you’ve created margins. Margins are important. That’s because resumes with text crammed edge to edge look messy and unprofessional. Do you know where messy resumes go? You know. If you do need a little more space, it’s okay to Neurosurgery statement, drop your bottom and top margins to 0.5” and your side margins to 0.75”. Anymore and University essay, you’re resume will suffer. 17. Balance your text and Conclusion, white space. Balancing your text and white space is the same thing as adding margins.

It makes your resume aesthetically pleasing and essay for admission, easy to read. Do not sacrifice white space in the name of fitting everything onto one page. There are other ways. 18. Consider adding a coursework description.

This is Assistance one of the best resume tips for students. If you’re learning how to make a student resume , adding a coursework description is University a good start. Your education is still your strongest asset. Case Help Arthritis? Listing or describing courses can show recruiters that you have skills related to the job. Coursework descriptions can also benefit professionals who are making a career change. It shows that you’ve got relevant knowledge that goes beyond your past work experience. It is important to name your files properly. Your resume could end up in essay, an inbox with hundreds of other resumes. And if they’re all named “ resume ,” then the study harvard chance of your resume standing out is slim to none.

20. Match your cover letter to University essay, your resume. Best Buy Case Harvard? The two best cover letter tips are: Write a cover letter. For Admission? Match the content of personal statement, your cover letter to your resume. Yes, you still need to write cover letters . University? And yes, they need to match your resume so that you’re telling the hiring manager one cohesive story.

If there was something you feel needs an explanation, write about it in your cover letter. 21. Draw attention to your promotions. Make sure you’ve mentioned any promotions you’ve received. Upon Pig Meaning? You don’t have to University for admission, list the name of the company more than once in in essay, the case of internal promotions. Write the name of the company once. Then list your various titles with their accompanying responsibilities. 22.

Cut the fluff in your experience section. Is your resume is a bit longer than the recommended length for resumes (one to University for admission, two pages)? Then an easy way to cut fluff is to start by deleting bullet points in your experience section. Limit yourself to around six bullet points. List responsibilities that demonstrate the buy case harvard skills and experience you’ll need for your new job. Essay For Admission? Also, consider listing responsibilities that you can illustrate with achievements. Don’t list every responsibility you had at previous jobs. 23. Write English Essay Youtube? Write explanations for large gaps in your career history.

Address significant gaps in for admission, your career history by Evolve case help rheumatoid arthritis with writing brief explanations next to the jobs where the gaps occur. Essay? Gaps can happen for all sorts of Evolve help rheumatoid joint, reasons. University Essay? A brief explanation will reassure recruiters that it was unintentional or beneficial for study rheumatoid arthritis with you. As in the case of a layoff or a break to have a child or go back to school. 24. Insert action verbs wherever possible. Take a quick glance at your resume. How many times have you used the phrase “ responsible for ?” A million? It’s not uncommon. The good news is that it only takes five minutes to replace that sad phrase with action-packed verbs . Using action verbs as often as possible is one of the essay for admission best resume tips out there. Remember, not all verbs are action verbs.

Try to avoid weak verbs like “ managed ” or “ communicated. ” Here are some alternatives: The person interviewing you may not be familiar with the technical jargon that goes with your territory. Especially if you are in upon roast pig meaning, a jargon-heavy industry such as engineering, law, or medicine. Try to use layman’s terms or simplified equivalents wherever possible. Wrong: Dramatically cloudify viral innovation. University Essay For Admission? Right: Create digital backups for popular campaigns. 26. Buy Case? Run your job description and resume through a cloud generator. Before you start writing, run your job description through a cloud generator.

Which words are the most prominent? You can use the words that appear as a content guide while writing your resume. When you’re finished writing, send your resume through the cloud generator. University? Do the same words appear? A cloud generator is a quick way to check that you’ve tailored your resume to meet the needs of the hiring manager. 27.

Consider saving a copy of your resume as a PDF. Saving your resume as a PDF is one of Best buy case, those resume tips that might not work for everyone. The benefit of saving your resume as a PDF is that the formatting will not change when it’s opened. The downside is that if a company is using ATS, a PDF might not be the essay best format for your resume. Pro Tip: It’s often best to Assistance in writing, save your resume in a couple of file formats so you can send whatever is essay for admission more suitable.

It’s up to you to Neurosurgery, decide. These Resume Tips Take 30 Minutes, But They’re So Worth It. 28. Tailor your resume to the job description. You do that by identifying keyword skills in the offer and then add these skills throughout your resume. It sounds like a lot of work, but these keywords are what you should put on your resume above all else. That’s because keywords are what hiring managers are looking for when they scan your resume. 29. University? Add achievements to your experience section.

If tailoring your resume to the job description is the king, adding achievements is the queen of resume tips. Illustrating a skill or responsibility with an achievement puts you five steps ahead of Neurosurgery statement, candidates with the same skill set. That’s because you’re showing what it looks like when you put your skills to work. Essay For Admission? To generate user engagement , I performed multiple A/B tests , resulting in a 20% decrease in bounce rates and a 15% increase in sales conversions . Case Study Help Rheumatoid Arthritis With? I won an employee of the year award. 30. Add numbers and details where possible. Adding numbers and details to emphasize skills is by far one of the best resume tips you can follow. Anytime you can illustrate an achievement or skill with numbers or details - do it.

Responsible for sales. Numbers draw the essay eye of the recruiter and details give them a tangible sense of Evolve case help rheumatoid with, what it looks like when you use a skill. Maybe you increased sales, efficiency, or user engagement. University Essay? Maybe you slashed costs. Whatever it is that you’ve achieved try to make it quantifiable. 31. Neurosurgery Personal Statement? Make good use of the for admission top third of your resume. Assistance In Writing A Paper? Think of the University for admission top third of Assistance in writing a paper, your resume and “the penthouse.” It’s here that you want your best skills, experience, and achievements to appear. Try to put the best stuff at the top. Because when a recruiter scans your resume, they will focus on the top third of the document.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for in a few seconds of scanning, they will reject your resume as irrelevant. 32. Include a resume summary or objective. So, how do you get your best information in the top third of your resume? Include a resume summary or a resume objective. Essay For Admission? It’s three sentences of who you are, where you’re going, and why you’ll bring value to the company. Dedicated Sales Manager seeking fulfilling work in children’s retail sector. Dedicated Sales Manager with 5+ years of experience in Conclusion, the retail industry. Wishing to decrease returns for PeaPod Babywear by University essay for admission 15%. 33. Use a proofreading tool like Grammarly.

You cannot afford to help with joint, have typos or grammar errors in your resume. The majority (61%) of recruiters will throw out a resume immediately if they see typos. University For Admission? Microsoft Word or Google Docs will do a good job of detecting spelling errors, but the Grammarly app or Language Tool will catch grammar mistakes and typos. Evolve Study Arthritis With Arthroplasty? You need to University essay, proofread your resume before sending your resume, and an app will help you catch things you can’t see. 34. Have a human proofread your resume.

Apps are great for catching mistakes, but another human being is priceless. Grab whoever you can find with the patience to read through your resume. They can also give you feedback about your tone and how you’re selling yourself. Study Rheumatoid Arthritis? It’s not always enough to write a great resume and for admission, ace an interview. The show isn’t over until you’ve also written a thoughtful thank-you email. When you’re just learning how to create a resume , you may forget that hiring managers also search for you online.

Make sure that you’ve cleaned up “public” information on english essay youtube your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Change your Facebook privacy settings to University for admission, “Friends” to Write english youtube, keep future posts from becoming public. Essay For Admission? And do a quick sweep to make sure nothing else unsavory is lurking out in writing zoo border there on the Internet. Enter your name into Google and see what turns up in the results. 37. Create a professional persona for essay yourself. A professional persona is a two or three-word description of Write english literary essay, yourself that should stick in the head of the recruiter when your name doesn’t.

It’s like when you try to essay, describe someone from last night’s party. Remember the girl who graduated from Harvard and case joint arthroplasty, talked about goat cheese for an hour? It’s like that except less goat cheese. 38. Reinforce your professional titles by showing career progression. Putting a bunch of flashy titles on your resume isn’t the most impressive thing you can do believe it or not. What is impressive is the essay telling the story of your career progression . See, you can be a social media manager for Dissertation pig meaning your cousin’s pizza place without any prior experience.

But when you can show that you progressed to essay for admission, that position through hard work, that’s impressive. Write Literary Essay? The trick is trying to make each past role reinforce your place in the next one. Planned and implemented promotional campaigns. Cooperated with interactive agencies. Conducted market research. University? Assisted during promotional campaigns . 39. Consider adding a Hobbies and Interest section to your resume. That’s because companies are beginning to emphasize work culture . Which makes finding a candidate with a fitting personality increasingly important.

Just be sure to research your company. Choosing hobbies and interests that match the company’s culture is a good strategy. Work Culture: Corporation participates in charity marathons. Hobbies and Interests: Volunteer Work and Athletics. Religious, political, or sexual hobbies. If the person reading your resume has an opposite opinion, it could hurt your chances of getting an upon roast, interview. 40. Trim any unnecessary fat from your resume. Having problems keeping the length of your resume in check?

You will want to trim the fat: Make sure every word you’ve used is necessary. Keep your bullet points to essay, six at most. Trim your resume summary or your skills section without killing the value. And kill any extra sections that aren’t mandatory. Assistance In Writing A Paper Zoo Border? 41.

Try to find the personal email address of the hiring manager. You can always attach your resume to for admission, a generic email and send it to a generic inbox. Or you can attach your resume to a personalized email and literary essay youtube, send it to your hiring manager. Some hiring managers may not appreciate receiving unsolicited resumes. At the same time, if you know how to send an email to a hiring manager you know that you aren’t sending it unannounced.

You establish contact via a referral or LinkedIn before sending your resume. Sending a cold-call email to an unknown hiring manager. Instead of waiting around for a phone call, track your email so that you know the moment a hiring manager opens it. You can use a free tool like Mixmax to see if a hiring manager has read your resume. That give you a better idea of for admission, when to send follow-up or thank you emails. It can be easy to forget small details when you’re trying to figure out how to write a great resume. But if you follow these resume tips and tricks you can rest assured that you’re on the right track. Write English Literary Essay Youtube? Always take the University for admission time to check your resume. Can you think of any more quick resume writing tips that we forgot? What are some little-known resume tips you can share?

Let us know in the comments. Best Buy Case? Natalie is University essay a writer at Uptowork. She loves writing about roast resumes and eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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ceng 100 homework So the Megaden is nearing completion. For Admission. Standing on stilts, it's made from mainly reclaimed timber. The doors and windows we picked up from gumtree, the Write english essay youtube, main supports are scaffold boards from a local farmer and the walls finished with pallet wood. We did have to buy some new parts for for admission it including the roof, insulation, waterproof builders membrane, the electrics and screws and a paper zoo border, coach bolts, but I think its still mainly eco friendly from University essay for admission reclaimed tree hugger materials. It is a whopping 3.6 meters by 2.4 meters inside. Outside has a covered deck which is Dissertation roast, another 3.6 meters by essay for admission 1.7 meters.

I have to personal, say I have loved every minute of the build. There is University essay for admission, something so satisfying working with wood, and especially nearly free wood at that. Building something is also brilliant and gives a great sense of upon, achievement. So whats a Megaden? Its a place the boys and me can hang out, play games and chill. It is a hideaway at the end of the garden that is University for admission, removed from the house. I had many, many designs in Best buy case, my head before I started, I had it sketched out on paper long before I started. How big would it be?

What shape would it be? how would the roof pitch, how does everything join together? How would I get electrics to it? How would I make it water tight? I have been collecting materials for years, squirrelling away timber round the garden. The doors and windows have been lying under tarpaulins for over a year behind the shed.

A length of about 30 meters of armoured cable for the electrics has been hanging on my garage wall for essay for admission about 15 years. It was left over from a job my Dad did many moons ago. So Ive not posted a blog for a couple of help rheumatoid with arthroplasty, weeks. I have been super busy with other projects. Poor excuse. Its actually quite hard to keep up a schedule of once a week.

I did my first post back in September last year and was able to keep up a run of 43 consecutive weeks posting each Friday. Then I slipped up a couple of weekends ago and I was gutted. University. In the end it doesn’t really matter but I am the sort of Write literary essay youtube, person when I start something it quickly becomes routine and I have to keep it going or I beat myself up about University essay, it. I follow a couple of YouTube vloggers who do daily uploads. Where do they get the time? I guess they don’t have full time jobs and kids. YouTube is their job, but still it must be a big pressure to keep it up every day with thousands of followers eagerly awaiting your daily post. I will keep going with my weekly blog and if I miss a week its no big deal. Some good news from my CodeClan Cohort 7 this week. Conclusion In Essay. 21 out of 21 are now employed in the software development industry. And most in Scotland.

The last of us to secure a software developer job was the other week. Woo hoo! Go Us! Unfortunately one was not kept on beyond a 6 month probation. I'm not sure of the details but it's a real shame and I imagine it is more to do with the company than the graduate. Based on University essay for admission the 100% success rate they should get something else soon. I happened to be in Edinburgh last week and Conclusion, popped in to see how things were in CodeClan.

A few cohorts have passed through since I was last there. Essay For Admission. It was project week for some so it was busy with students working on their projects. It was great to Dissertation upon roast pig meaning, catch-up with the folk and particularly one of my fellow graduates who has gone on University to be an Assistance in writing a paper instructor there. He never got to leave. So I need another project like a hole in the head. But when The Most Complete Arduino Starter Kit appears on Amazon prime at University for admission more than 50% off, Hey it would be rude not too. I looked at Dissertation roast pig meaning all the accessories and found myself clicking the buy with one click button and less than 24 hrs later it arrived.

Tech Christmas Day. The box was full of all sorts of coloured bits. This is the 3rd Arduino I've bought over a number of years. The first was a simple learn to program an Arduino kit and came with some basic electronic components. An Arduino is University essay for admission, a solid state micro computer with on-board input and output pins exposed. It's basically a circuit board with a controller about the size of a playing card. It's blue, not that it matters. Conclusion In Essay. It's like a mini PLC or Programmable Logic Controller.

It can sence the outside world with connected sensors and University for admission, be programmed to do something that can affect that world. Best Study. So you could connect a light sensor and measure when it gets dark. University Essay. When it does it can switch on upon roast a light. It can be so much cleverer than that though. It can measure how dark it is and can be programmed to adjust how bright the light is. That was about as far as my projects got with the first one. Although I did make a bubble machine for the boys. It used a servo to dip a bubble eye in a bowl of fairy liquid, raise it up rotate it and for admission, a fan would turn on and blow bubbles. It would then lower back into the liquid and repeat.

It wrecked the servo eventually as the fairy liquid dripped into its gears of the servo. It was fun when it lasted and the boys enjoyed it. The second one I bought a few years later was an Arduino Yun (posh model with Wifi) it was bought with a plan to solve my leaving the garage door open problem. I can't see the Best buy case study, door from the house so would forget and go to bed and wake in the morning to the realisation that the door had been open all night. Not another Excel spreadsheet to University for admission, track bugs?

Trello to the rescue! So I have an affliction making stuff. I always have some project or other on the go. I get a whacky desire to make something and mull it over for weeks, months or years before having to start. If I don’t start I just keep thinking about it and statement, thinking about it! I am either planning, making, fixing or repurposing something. For Admission. I have many projects on the go at Assistance in writing one time. I have to say I enjoy the whole process.

I see something and think I can make one of essay, those. I don't have much of Conclusion in essay, a desire to University essay for admission, buy it, but given the chance to Write english essay, build or make it. How can I build that?, and then Im off… The perfect project is something that takes a long time and has many stages to it. University. It can evolve and be shaped. I love to harvard recommendations, spend time subconsciously sketching out in essay for admission, my mind how I can make parts, how I can adapt parts, how I can engineer something. Its those moments when I am waiting or daydreaming I will be engineering something in my head. Building the boys Jeep was a perfect example of this. It had lots of parts, it required research, it needed different types of skills and I had to adapt and repurposing things. The front steering mechanism was a problem I spent ages thinking about. I needed a way of having a 3 axis mount that could swivel in all three directions.

Id sketch out diagrams, play with bits of metal, Lie in bed awake thinking how to solve the Evolve case study arthritis with, problem. Inspiration and essay, a final solution came while in the local hardware store. Large eye bolts normally used for gates bolted together in an X-Y-Z orientation were a quick and reasonably cheep and strong solution. Dissertation Upon Pig Meaning. Relief, I can stop thinking about that problem. So a little over University essay for admission 4 years ago I finally got my finger out to apply to be a Chartered Engineer. Years of procrastination and Write english literary, false starts the application form, the process and the thought of an interview had me stalled. I had the University essay for admission, necessary qualification, I had plenty of experience and I was a member of the Write essay youtube, IET, I just lacked the personal motivation to University for admission, get my finger out. I was comfortable in my job I didn't need to be chartered. Case Joint Arthroplasty. It would be nice but not a must have.

The biggest blocker was compiling my experience in for admission, chronological order on the application form. I had been working for 20 years so remembering and cramming it all into Assistance a paper zoo border, a few pages was daunting. The shove I needed was when I looked to move up a grade at work. My boss blocked me with a job description. Basically a badly written list of must haves to perform the upgrade in position.

Lots of essay for admission, airy fairy statements plucked out of Conclusion in essay, thin air that the person must meet to perform the job. I was doing the job already but had to University, prove it. So I set about Assistance in writing zoo border, formulating a case that showed and was backed with evidence of my experience that I could meet the must haves. I spent a few weeks with a text document open on the side of essay, my desk top, quickly adding experience when I remembered. reliving my past 20 years. The document grew and Write, grew and gradually I had recounted all the for admission, projects I had worked on. I had ticked off all the Neurosurgery personal statement, job requirements (must haves) and provided real evidence how I met them. I polished it a bit adding in real must haves the job holder should have and forwarded it to my boss and was moved up a grade. The bonus was I now had a full career review down on paper (or digitally). The dreaded application form for chartered engineer would be easy now. Sitting next to the Queen of Tech. So I'd consider myself part of the team now at University essay for admission Aberdeen City Council.

Ive managed to get into the swing of how things work, I have lots of new friends and colleagues, and roast, I am really getting into the hot desking. I get to sit in a different desk each day and University essay for admission, get to sit with different people most days. Although the folk I work with directly in the Team generally sit in the same area. I have had a few days working from home and its good. Case Study Rheumatoid With Joint Arthroplasty. Probably the easiest login from home I have ever had or used yet.

No hassle, no dongle, no phone app and University for admission, no code to remember. Some days I find myself sitting next to Conclusion, the Queen of essay, Tech or princess Leia of ACC leading the rebel army on the war on embracing technology from the dark lords (you will know who you are). Assistance Zoo Border. I get to hear all the great tech initiatives that are going on in Aberdeen and the City Council. We met by coincidence just before I started at ACC when she was giving a talk at the Business Gateway Hub in University essay, Bridge of Don as part of the roast, Elevator program. A couple of interesting tech project I heard about this week are Smart Benches and City Lab. My 10 favourite things (inanimate objects) So its been a super busy week and my usual write my blog on the bus time did not pan out. I keep meeting interesting people.

What I have written this week I did a while a go. I am a bit of a hoarder and essay, like things with sentimental value. Anyway here are my 10 favourite things. Note this does not include friends and family, I should maybe title it my 10 favourite inanimate objects. So this week I met someone on the bus. Best Study. I have met her before and this time we started chatting. She is a chemistry teacher in a high school. I liked the essay for admission, idea of buy case, learning chemistry when I went to secondary school.

It sounded exciting, mixing and burning things. I was however completely put off by my chemistry teacher. Dr Pockets, he wore a tweed jacket and the black gown. University Essay For Admission. He wasn't very good but worst of Assistance in writing a paper, all would come up behind you and poke you in essay for admission, sides with two fingers. I didn't like that or him so I completely switched off from chemistry and dropped it as soon as I could. Perhaps that is why I became an engineer. So yea, I read this week that picking your nose and eating it is in essay, good for you. It boosts your immune system.

I took great pleasure it telling my boys this. Both are bogie munchers and they were delighted with this news. I had been told for the past 46 years it was bad for you and I have been dutifully passing on this message. University Essay. I won't take up this habit but the boys will be boys and it will save me from Conclusion telling them off for it. It got me thinking what else have we been told when growing up is University for admission, bad for Write english essay you but might be good. Living in our nanny state maybe boogies are not alone. The 2025 fuel crisis and the end of University essay, Big Oil. So I'm on a train on my way down to Cumbernauld for the weekend.

I have Jamie (age9) with me and he is delighted to be on a train. It's a diesel electric. On boarding I pointed out the massive turbo on the side of the train just below the Conclusion, level of the platform. (I'm an engineer, I notice these things. ) The Diesel engine powers a generator to make electric energy to turn a massive induction motor that makes it move, I tell Jamie. It's quiet, but you can just hear the engines dull drone as we fly through the countryside. I'm guessing being diesel electric it is more efficient than pure diesel and also cleaner. I was also on a bus this morning on the way to essay, work. It was one of Aberdeens new hydrogen powered fleet.

Diesel busses have been abandoned in favour of turning hydrogen into electricity which again powers a motor to make the bus move. This bus is almost silent apart from some transmission noise on the move. When stopped there is no noise at study harvard all. Great for commuters like me tapping on my iPhone writing my blog. I like both these forms of transport in terms of where we are with the tech. I am however a massive car fan… a petrol head at heart and essay for admission, I feel a sense of gloom coming. I like my petrol and Diesel engines. I have a few cars. All of Best buy case study, them older. A big 4x4 with a Diesel engine in it. I love the torque and the feeling of go anywhere it gives, and University essay, its 500 miles or so range.

I have a lotus seven kit car with a revey 16v Toyota engine that makes it fly. I also have an Abarth 500 which has a little 1.4 litre turbo charged engine. Its got twin intercoolers and one of my favourite exhaust notes of any car I have owned. I have promised the Abarth to Jamie when he is old enough to drive. Last week CodeClan contacted me and asked if I would write them an article for their website. Neurosurgery Personal. Of course I would be delighted to. Apparently someone had been in touch and University essay for admission, was looking to upon, change career, they hated their job and would like to study coding. However they thought at for admission 46 they were too old. Well I am 46 (old?) and I did it (I actually started at CodeClan when I was 45, but thats splitting hairs)

So this week I was in study harvard, training for a couple of days. University For Admission. In the old days this would have been a game of listen and try to stay awake. However after 16 weeks of intensive teaching at CodeClan a couple of days was a breeze. The training was in the customer experience platform CEP of a product by a company called FirmStep. It goes hand and with their Content Management System CMS. You can think of the CMS as the website and in writing a paper zoo border, the CEP as the application for forms, process and workflows for essay for admission customers visiting the a paper zoo border, website site. The guy training (Mathew) had traveled up from Edinburgh for the couple of days. The training was very hands on and we were quickly creating process, designing forms, making data and essay, integrations. Mathew spotted my cohort 7 sticker proudly displayed on my laptop and queried what it was from.

It's the class sticker for my cohort when I studied at Assistance in writing zoo border CodeClan. It turns out that Mathew is University essay, also a CodeClan graduate from Best buy case cohort 3. He graduated in April 2016 and joined FirmStep. So I get to University for admission, be hands on again. I spent years in my last job working my way up the ranks from junior software engineer to engineer, senior, lead and then principal. I picked up a growing team peaking at Conclusion in essay about 10 folk. It became inversely proportional to the amount of University, hands on meaningful work I actually did. Dissertation. It was more about meetings, plans and justifying what you needed to do. I have always thought when a company employs you as an engineer they want you for your brilliant engineering skills, Then you do a good job and University for admission, they promote you. you then do less engineering, and they want you to deal with Faff (office politics, brown nosing, failings of others).

Your not trained in Neurosurgery, Faff and your not good at it but you manage. So they promote you again and you do even less engineering and have to deal with more Faff (runny noses, time sheets, holiday forms). Before you know it your are promoted again and you find yourself as a engineering manager (a job you are not trained for) and you no longer do any engineering whatsoever. So you are now doing a job you are not very good at and don't do any work that you are good at. Now I am at ACC I'm back in the role where I am employed for something I am good at, I have no Faff to deal with, I get to do hands-on, meaningful work and I'm loving it. So is Aberdeen missing out on essay the tech industry boom? The tech industry in Scotland is personal statement, reported to essay, be worth ?5 Billion! The bulk of this is in essay, scooped up by Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow. SkyScanner, FanDuel and FreeAgent plus more in Edinburgh, Thriving Games industry in Dundee, and a new Tech hub in Glasgow. There is University essay for admission, a real buzz right now around tech companies and startups.

Is Aberdeen being left behind and Conclusion in essay, missing out? Aberdeen could do with a boost at this time. In 2016 Scotland employed 84,000 people in tech. And this year there is even more demand. Web and mobile developers are like hot cakes! ( Who me? ) What does Aberdeen need to University essay, do to get more of a share? It doesn't need any natural resources (sorry oil!) it doesn't need to a paper, be geographically located near anywhere. University Essay For Admission. It doesn't need huge investment, It doesn't even need good weather and sun. Have been 20 years… (actually only 4 days). Im gonna buy a dinghy. Gonna call her dignity.

I started on Tuesday at the Marischal Collage office in the center of harvard, Aberdeen. Wow, what a nice place to be. I thought working at essay the new AIBP office in Dyce would be hard to Dissertation upon pig meaning, beat. But I think Marischal collage has it by a nose. University For Admission. Super new, clean, open, wired for tech, great architecture and right in the center of town. My first day was a quick drive in to the park and ride in Bridge of Don and jump on a bus. I had to laugh as on the bus was a mate from Udny also off to his first morning in his new job. Buy Case Study Recommendations. We both had a report time of University, 9:30, we both had our smart new clothes on, and had our packed lunches and playpiece in our school bags.

It was good to pass the time on the first bus ride for Conclusion a while. So Im starting my new job on Tuesday next week. Im super excited to move into a new career and see what its like to be a full time Web Developer. I need to figure out how to get to University, the center of Aberdeen from out in the sticks of Udny Station each day. Its either bus all the way or park and ride part of the way. I might have to get my old mountain bike running again and personal, take up cycling part of the way too. Anyway thats next week. Myself and Jamie have been busy with Udny Designs over the past couple of University essay for admission, weeks. We have been bombing round Aberdeenshire building robots with kids holiday clubs. We had made simple to construct kits in the shed along with small wooden hammers and put all the Assistance a paper, parts in essay for admission, little zip lock bags.

We made 50 in help rheumatoid joint arthroplasty, total and had a good production line going on in the house. Tuesday and University essay for admission, Wednesday last week we found ourselves in Banff and Conclusion in essay, Peterhead in local schools. The classes had about 8 to 10 kids, and we would step by step take them through the construction of their individual robots. Starting with adding the goggly eyes to the head, then with the University essay for admission, hammer and lots of noise, banging adding the Conclusion, neck to the head and then to the body. A pair of legs and feet had them standing up, then shoulders and arms had them waving or impersonating super man.

We had printed off some stickers and essay, each kit included a couple of body, arms and head stickers. was included on the sticker for a little bit of free advertising. So my Dad had his own business when I was growing up. Tuckwell Cable Vision Enterprises. He worked for the British Telecom and left to english youtube, start his own business. Inspired by a cable television system he installed in our village he set up on his own to bring TV signal to other villages in the highlands. This was back in the late 70s and essay, many villages did not receive Television signal.

Our village North Kessock was no exception shielded from the in essay, local transmitter by the hills behind. Dad came up with a plan to put an Ariel on the hill with good TV signal and through a distribution network of cables and amplifiers pipe the signal down to all the for admission, villagers. A lot of work, cables and amplifiers gave North Kessock 3 channels to watch. My claim to fame is pulling the main feed cable under the Neurosurgery statement, newly built A9 dual carriageway. A small child size pipe carried the Drumsmittal burn under the University, road. A lot of study, head scratching on how to University essay for admission, get the Dissertation roast, cable to the other side till I piped up “I’ll crawl through it”.

Wet and muddy I appeared from the other side triumphant with cable in hand. So I have new contract and new job title. University. For the Conclusion in essay, next 12 to 18 months I'm going to University essay, be a Web Developer for Aberdeen City council. Well chuffed. It makes my time at CodeClan a worthwhile leap of faith to change career from oil and gas into Best buy case recommendations, something less industry specific. I had a brilliant interview with some lovely people. A few difficult questions on languages I'm not familiar with, but with my recent learning experience I am happy I will be able to essay, pick up anything new quickly. I mean in the past 6 months I have learnt the Conclusion, bones of Ruby, Java and University, Javascript, it can only be a hop, skip and Conclusion in essay, a jump to C#. Essay. If I can find time I'll try a few tutorials with Code Academy before I start.

Speaking of a leap of faith. I watched an interesting clip on YouTube this week describing the Tarzan method. It rang true to me on a number of levels. It seems to be what I have been doing over the last few months. So I am developing my own software application. Its a medical app to help people with a certain condition. Its early days and I think it is possible. I cant say exactly what it is but it could be mobile for use during the day, and an online interface for a more detailed view and review later.

It had me thinking about Write english literary youtube, how I would monetise it. We buy the occasional app from the App Store for my boys, normally I get them to aim for free apps, but every so often there is for admission, one they want for 79p or ?1 something. Conclusion. I think the most I have been persuaded to pay was ?3.99. So its been a super busy couple of for admission, weeks. Ive been to in writing a paper zoo border, Business Gateway a few times, Ive been fielding work requests, and I went for a sort of interview, not for a job but to attend an entrepreneur workshop. Super interested, it will be 2 days a week for 12 weeks and I will be in Cohort 1 as its the first time its being run (another Cohort?). I don't want to say too much at this stage as its just in the early stages and I may not get in or it may not get funding (it will be free if it does). Essay For Admission. Heres hoping it does as it should be a good experience and from what I have seen of the curriculum it will be great for Udny Solutions. Speaking of Udny Solutions. Case Study Help Joint Arthroplasty. In other news and this is a biggie… Udny Solutions received its first job last Friday.

Hurray! we are up and running. University For Admission. Its not massive but its a start and Im feeling really privileged at Write youtube the opportunity. Im an engineer, and have interests beyond coding and software. I like to get my hands dirty and build things mechanical too. So I built an for admission electric car. Assistance Zoo Border. Its a few years old now and has to be maintained and University, repaired occasionally but it gets good mpg and lots of use.

It took quite a few skills to build it, including woodworking, welding, mechanical design and Dissertation pig meaning, electrical work. I bought plans for the car as a kit back in 2008 shortly after Jamie was born. University Essay. They came with a build manual and large A1 sheets of paper detailing the cutting patterns for the bodywork. You have probably guessed by now from the pictures that the electric car is intended for kids. The plans came from, which makes 1/3 scale replica Landrover and Jeeps. The plans I bought were for the Geepstar, which is a replica Willies jeep from Conclusion America. So this week I had a couple of University for admission, meetings at the Business Gateway Hub in Aberdeen. Assistance Zoo Border. A cool and trendy place for business startups. Bright colours, breakout spaces, hot desks, a cafe and a real buzz. For Admission. Its a fun place to visit and network with like minded people.

I spent quite a lot of Evolve case help rheumatoid, time there last summer before heading off to Edinburgh. But now Im back and ready to do my own thing I can go back to University, attending the business startup seminars. These are great and free to attend in subjects related to setting up and pig meaning, running your own business. The first one I attended last year was Business Startup Awareness. A very open and for admission, informal group of about 15 people being instructed on best practices on Assistance zoo border how to setup and start their own business. Lots of practical tips and University essay, hints starting from the minute you enter the literary essay youtube, room. University For Admission. Kickoff was a quick round the room with each person doing their elevator pitch. “Hi Im Adrian and Im a software engineer and I am going to change the Assistance, world” So a job title describes someone’s job or position in a company.

I have had quite a few over the years. My earliest job title was when I was 15 as Sales Assistant in Boots the Chemist the University essay for admission, Eastgate centre in Write english literary essay youtube, Inverness (and yes after playing havoc with their computers I went on to work there) I worked on University essay the record and photography counter. I had a name badge with my position on it. Check me! Next up I started working with my Dad in his own business (Tuckwell Cable Vision Enterprises) fitting TV and background music systems. I didn't have an official title but was an Apprentice Engineer . I learnt a lot about running in personal statement, cables, using tools and connecting and commissioning systems.

We installed some of the first satellite dishes in the highlands, and at the time they were 1.8m across and came in petals. I then went to University and for admission, became a Student , 2 summers were spent working with my Dad and I continued to be an Apprentice Engineer gaining more hands on skills. In 3rd summer I was offered a job in the Highland council to a paper zoo border, be a IT assistant where I was responsible for maintaining network backups and doing print runs working on a shift rotation. I also became an expert in University essay for admission, fixing the pole tax collating machine, which took ordered forms folded them and put them in envelopes. Neurosurgery. It was temperamental to say the least. Have I become an Education Junkie? So this is it. No more student, Ive finished and submitted all my CodeClan continuous assessment work for my PDA. Its just a matter of University essay, waiting for my certificate to appear in Assistance in writing, the post and I’ll have a Professional Development Award in Software Development.

I guess it can go in the drawer with my Being In Electrical and for admission, Electronic Engineering, my Diploma in Design and Innovation and my Certificate of Dissertation roast pig meaning, User Interface Design and Evaluation. Have I become an education junkie? I'm Adrian Tuckwell and University essay, This is How I Work. CodeClan - I am a graduate of Scotlands first and only Digital Skills Academy. So Im writing this from home in in essay, Aberdeenshire, I have left Edinburgh and my CodeClan learning experience has finished.

After 16 weeks of full time study, lectures, homework, projects and no life I have graduated. Go me! I did it and have a certificate to prove it. I am a trained coder. A certificate from the for admission, Scottish Qualifications Authority should also follow shortly.

I am one of upon, a about 100 graduates from Scotlands first and only digital skills academy. How cool is that! Now I have finished, the essay, first thing I would say is I miss the routine and the people having spent so many hours over Dissertation the 16 weeks living and breathing code and hanging out with my cohorts. Looking back and having come from 20 years in an office enviroment it was an University for admission odd experience at first but I soon got used to it. I imagine its what it is like to work at Write literary youtube Google, People huddled round laptops, dress down Friday every day, chill out University, spaces and table tennis room. With hindsight we were fully absorbed into a little CodeClan cocoon and the environment was set up with the purpose of Dissertation, learning to University for admission, code and do it supported by your tutors, support staff and fellow cohorts. It was a brilliant place to english literary youtube, study and work. Before I go into what I have learnt here are key some figures from University essay for admission my time: CodeClan week 16 - The Gladiators have been thrown to the pit! So its the last week and we are now fully trained Coding Gladiators. The week has become a bit surreal as everyone is personal, competing against each other for the glory of a new job.

Some are performing coding tests set by prospective employers, some are attending group interviews and some are having cozy chats. What was once a close group of 21 friends who worked together and had each others back has changed into Gladiators coding to University essay for admission, the death. There will be casualties… This week is final project and statement, the brief is we can do anything we want from what we have learnt over for admission the last 16 weeks. The only caveat is that we need to show evidence of architecture design and Neurosurgery personal, planning, and University for admission, we have to learn something. We have 6 days to create something and come back and Dissertation upon roast pig meaning, present on Thursday in class. I chose to do a Ruby on essay Rails app and I set myself a project brief: “Create a personal portfolio app that I can use to continue to develop my coding skills when I leave CodeClan” I set my MVP (Minimal Viable Product) to: be a Ruby on Rails project be live on the internet (to date all apps we have developed have only Dissertation existed on servers on University essay our MacBooks) be a sandbox to add further projects over the next 52 weeks include a database with data served as API to applications have Javascript with TDD setup.

The 52 weeks is the key for me and Best buy case harvard, although I have learnt a huge amount since I started the essay for admission, course it has been a frantic learning process and moving from one language to another and one technique to another with little or no time to practice. Evolve Study Rheumatoid Joint. What I need now is practice, and practice on what I have been taught before I forget it all. Thankfully I have taken a lot of notes and these are backed up by some excellent class notes for all lessons. CodeClan week 15 - This baby corners like it's on Rails. So its week 15 and the penultimate week at CodeClan. The mood at standup has changed as cohorts are stressing about applying for jobs and the realisation that soon it will be all be over and we will be cast back into the real world outside cozy CodeClan. Exciting times ahead but we still have work to do. This week we are learning about Ruby on Rails, and using it as a back end framework for our web apps to serve up API data. Monday 9:00 standup and the talk was about the homework and about how much or little people managed to do over the weekend. It was hard. The task was to create a guess who game app with Javascript React.

I completed some of essay, it but did not get a fully working game. Id like to say the main reason is I ran out of time which is partly true, but I did get stuck with a bug in serving up my API data (Rails where are you?). Thank goodness for one on one instructor homework reviews! Lessons start with an Assistance in writing a paper introduction to Rails, and in a 2 minute whirlwind of commands we had a fully functioning website, although just flat HTML it was a website. What was generated in a few commands had previously taken us days to University essay, code from Dissertation scratch. I can see the power of Rails and instantly like it. Coding is University, fun but if something like Rails can do the boring bones for you quickly Im ok with that. CodeClan week 14 - Speed Dating with potential Employers. So after a couple of Conclusion in essay, weeks off Im back in Edinburgh CodeClan for week 14. Much excitement to see my fellow cohorts who have now firmly become good friends.

It is tinged with a hint of sadness as I know that we have only two weeks left after this one and we will all be off on University for admission our ways back out into the real world. 9:00am standup had stories of Best buy case, some that had coded over the Christmas and University essay, the New Year and some that had not and feared that they had forgotten everything. I was between the Best study harvard recommendations, two as I had done some work towards the evidence for my PDA. It need submitted soon. Monday classes start with an introduction to frameworks. Essay. We will be learning two frameworks over the next couple of weeks. React for Assistance in writing Front-end Javascript and Ruby on Rails for the Back-end.

Frameworks are intended to add more structure to essay, the code. Using React this quickly becomes apparent as code and its component parts start to fall into place and code becomes easier to manage. Less Like Jekyll and upon roast pig meaning, Hyde and no more Spaghetti. 2017 - Happiness and in my control. So here is the plan… I have just turned 46 and its the start of a new year. The most common question I have been asked since I was made redundant last year is essay, “What are you going to do?” “Im going back to school to learn to be a Software Programmer” has been my response for the last few months and has worked well but the reality is I finish my PDA in Software Development in Neurosurgery personal statement, just 3 weeks time. That takes up January and the question is back.

Its odd how we define ourselves by what we do for University essay a Job and who we work for. In reality I would like to in writing, say my main Job is being Dad. It is the thing that I will be spending my most time doing for at least the next 10 years (any beyond). So Dad is what Im doing next and in the time when the boys are at school I’d like to do many things: 2016 - A good year with one tiny exception. So to essay, get the exception out of the way first. Redundancy! After a number of odd events I found myself at risk in the 3rd round of redundancies at Aker Solutions Aberdeen. Id been there for 23 years and on the most part had a great time.

It was a great company to work for. Buy Case Study. However in the year up to redundancy the cracks were showing, Little in the way of University, new or interesting work, lack of any real direction in Write english, the department I worked for and a total lack of leadership. So on the day after I was put at risk, or should I say my ‘position’ was put at risk, I was asked to work overtime, work the weekend and cancel a weeks holiday… So it was time to take some control back. I could possibly have put up more of a fight and argued but I was done. Its a strange feeling having to give up something you had worked for and enjoyed for University essay for admission so long. The timing couldn't have been better.

It was the upon roast pig meaning, start of the school summer holidays and essay, I had as much free time as I wanted to spend with my boys (Jamie 8 and Thomas 5). We had a brilliant summer riding bikes, playing in Dissertation upon, the garden, playing lego, going to the park and essay, camping. I noticed quickly my health was improving, I was sleeping better and generally feeling good…was I ill? During the summer I also attended some career events and met with a few people who made some good suggestions as to recommendations, what to do next. Become a teacher? Yea that sounds good where do I sign. I applied and was rejected! I don't have higher English.

Unfortunately 30 odd years ago when I was planning to become an Engineer I had chose Technical Drawing over Higher English. The rejection letter was interesting in that it had quite a few grammar errors in for admission, it which made me laugh, My english isn't the best but hey I was going to be teaching computer programming. Work for Assistance a paper myself? I attended a number of brilliant training courses run by the Business Gateway in University, Aberdeen. With the theme of Digital Boost they provide free courses that help with setting up your own business.

They also provide a coach to english, help you through the process. I have one waiting in the sidelines till Im ready. CodeClan week 13 - Group Project Week. So this is University for admission, group project week. Just over literary essay 10 weeks ago we sat in on Cohort 6 making their presentations for their group projects. University For Admission. At that time we were 3 weeks in and the thought was how on earth will we be ready to create projects like that. All were brilliant and well executed. Now Its our turn… Last Wednesday we were split into out teams using the CodeClan randomiser. Assistance In Writing A Paper. I was first team member up and University essay, was then quickly joined by Evolve case with another 3 team mates.

In all there are 6 teams of 3’s and 4’s. University For Admission. Keeping in upon roast pig meaning, mind what we had learnt and sticking to Cohort 7 rules (-see right) we had a week to ourselves to execute our project. We were set a number of project challenges that we could pick from, all with an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) that we must meet, and given free reign to add as many extras as we wanted. We formed a huddle in the canteen area and went through each project. We quickly discounted a couple and essay, homed in on roast 3 projects that we would then discuss in University essay, detail. First up we discussed ‘Astronaut Dashboard’. We sketched out on a A3 what we could make with this and searched for API’s that we could pull data from. Second was an Educational App where we could produce a website app with a theme that again could pull from API’s and present the data in a teaching way. The third and the one that enthused the team the most was a ‘Trip Planner’ app, where a user could plan a trip using visuals from Dissertation upon roast Google Maps API.

I had attended a presentation with VisTech in the Code Base building (next to CodeClan) a few weeks ago there was a project discussed was to develop an app that would help improve tourism along the A9 after the route from essay for admission Perth to Inverness becomes a dual carriageway. The Trip Planner seemed similar and has a real world need for Dissertation upon pig meaning it. CodeClan week 12 - Worshiping at the Cathedral of essay for admission, code. So we have been working toward a full stack JavaScript web application for a couple of weeks now and as one cohort suggested we have been drip fed all the parts to build a cathedral but we are not yet able to see the cathedral. This week we have been given the last few parts. We now have the full box of Dissertation, lego bits. Essay. Some are unusual and comprise of odd shapes and sizes but we have them all. Have we built a cathedral? not quite. We built a bank app that could persist data. it needed 4 terminal windows all running various processes and had no CSS but it was good to see and understand all the parts and what they did.

It was more of a shed application than a cathedral, but hey I like sheds. The Cathedral will come next week. Monday was a standup as usual at 9:00 followed by an individual instructor review of the weekends homework. Again I did the Best buy case harvard, bulk of it on the train on the way home on the previous Friday. This time it was to essay for admission, pull movie data from an API and display it in a browser and add some CSS to make it look good. Code Clan Week 11 - Meeting the Best buy case study, DOM.

So the wheels almost came off JavaScript bus this week. It started harmlessly enough with Monday morning standup with cohort stories of the weekend and how they got on with the weekend homework. I had done the bulk of mine over University essay for admission the weekend and then finished it off on the train to to Edinburgh. The task was to recreate Rocking Ricks Record Store in upon roast, Java Script, and make record objects and stock Ricks store. He was able to buy and for admission, sell records with the he cash in the store going up and down depending on sales and stocking. Rick could also do stock checks to get a total value for his store and cash. The lessons started us off into the world of JavaScript in the browser.

Developed specifically to improve the end user web experience javascript is now very powerful and is used to create lots of functionality in the web front end. Spotify and in essay, AirBnB are examples of websites that are now more like apps than websites because of Javascript. Code Clan Week 10 - JavaScript. use a semicolon if you want! So I'm now in University, double figures of being a full time coder. We have done Ruby, done Java and now we are being thrown into the deepend with JavaScript. Its actually not that bad, lots of the concepts we have learnt to date apply to JavaScript and getting up and running making programs is quite quick. And yes as I have mentioned before Java and Conclusion in essay, JavaScript are not the same language. Java is a compiled language, JavaScript is not. Monday morning standup had us discussing the previous week and a like for the computer science teaching, but not so much of University, a like for the CV and Assistance in writing zoo border, cover letter teaching.

I think the latter adds some reality that we will need to get a job at the end of the course and will be competing against University each other for vacancies… Anyway Monday starts with JavaScript and we are quickly learning the basics of Operators, Loops, Arrays and Best buy case study, Functions. All very familiar and its amazing how quick it is to for admission, get basic programs running compared to day one Ruby. CodeClan Week 9 - Happy 1st Birthday CodeClan! So Im past half way of the Code Clan software development course (already!) and into week 9. The Weeks are flying by. Monday 9.00am Standup saw my fellow cohorts and study harvard recommendations, I looking fully recovered from the previous weeks project.

A new Cohort (Cohort 9) started this morning so we now have 3 cohorts (7, 8 and 9) all doing standup in parallel. This is making the office really busy but giving it a new buzz. University Essay For Admission. Lots of new faces and personalities round the building. This week is Computer Science theory week (zzzz) and also preparing for job applications week (double zzzz). Coding where have you gone we miss you?. Its not so bad as in preparation for the job application process we have been given a typical coding test that you may be asked to do prior to an interview. We have the week to implement during spare time. I really enjoyed this task and it showed that what Im learning and Java is starting to Dissertation upon, take hold. It was just a simple shopping basket where you had to add items, update the total for BOGOF items, apply discounts.

I was able to perform the task with minimal fuss and minimal googling and managed to get the methods and tests passing relatively quickly. A Computer Science degree is a 4 year full time course so to cover it all in a week is a big ask and the course doesn't try to replicate that, however it does give you some basics of the concepts. During the mornings this week, computer science theory covered topics of Algorithms and for admission, introduced to Big O notation and how to Dissertation roast pig meaning, win quickly at the kids Guess Who Game. Essay. We were introduced to parallel programming which was brilliant to see the performance improvements that could be made in a resource expensive process by adding parallel threads. We were shown a really good video from Neurosurgery personal Mythbusters that shows the University for admission, concept applied to Evolve study rheumatoid arthritis joint arthroplasty, a Graphical Processing Unit. (Link Here). There was a morning of going through various terms applied to University for admission, OOP including the 4 pillars again.

Much needed refresher and the terms are starting to take hold, I can talk the talk. A representative from study recommendations a company called 13 coders came in on the Monday afternoon and went through a workshop on their current recruitment process and what we might encounter when applying for essay vacancies. This was an excellent afternoon of practical hands on exercises: We split into small teams and did a whiteboard exercise on how we would break down a Monopoly Game into a software program. Trying to do this in the allotted 25 minutes is impossible but shows how you interact with others and make a start on Conclusion a complex task. Failure was always going to be the result and it was interesting to see how far you could get, and University for admission, how people would become disappointed that they did not complete the in essay, full Monopoly program. We were split into twos and given a real world ‘pair programming’ task of creating a Linked List with tests in essay for admission, Java, with only 25 minutes to do so. Having not covered Link Lists in Java as yet it was a panic google to find out what they are and frantically recreating the concept using Array Lists.

With two of case joint arthroplasty, you working on the task it is amazing how fast you can come up with a solution. In the enemy fellow cohort and I managed to get about 80% complete and had the code uploaded to Git Hub with all associated tests passing. Essay For Admission. Again to complete the test in the 25minutes would be difficult at the best of times but in an interview environment who knows what it will be like. We were split into groups and provided question cards and had to ask each other mock code related interview questions. Please explain what Encapsulation is? Whats the difference between Overriding and Write english literary essay youtube, Overloading?

What is essay, Abstraction? The whole exercise was both off-putting and good fun at Neurosurgery personal statement the same time. Code Clan Week 8 - Android - Like putting your pants on two legs at a time! So Im at the halfway mark (Trumpets and fireworks) 8 weeks down and 8 weeks to go. This week was the second full project week and the task was to to create an essay for admission Android App on in writing a paper zoo border Android Studio and Java. The task I picked was to create a basic ToDo list. Simple in principal when you have pen and paper, but gets hard when you want to program it in Java, and even harder when you add in Google Android operating system. No matter I set about the task on the previous Friday and planned out University essay, a basic application in a used case diagram and imagined what classes I would need to create.

I had been given some notes on how to use list views so put them into practice making a very basic application. I wanted to add more functionality and have the ability to save any tasks created into the app. I had been recommended a book called Android the Big Nerd Ranch, so after a quick look on english literary line it found its way into my Kindle. Monday I spent my time adding Java functionality and getting to grips with fragments and adding to a basic app. Tuesday I added SQL lite and made my data persistent and saved it to memory. Wednesday I spent the day playing with Androids equivalent of CSS and messed about with how the App would look, changing colours, fonts and adding a splash screen. Thursday was big presentation day where each Cohort had 15 minutes to demonstrate their project and explain how they had coded it and discuss how they got on. Code Clan Week 7 - Java + Android = Cool Apps. So week seven and we are being introduced to the world of Android. University For Admission. What?

Being fully entangled into the apple ecosystem with iPhone, iPad, iMac and macbook this was a bit of a shocker but needs must. Combining java and Dissertation upon pig meaning, Android studio lets us write our own apps and have them installed and running on (our) Android mobile devices. A quick pitstop to Amazon has a cheap 7 (?34) Android tablet is in the post. Thanks NUS student card and Amazon Prime. The week starts on University essay for admission the Monday with a standup and a review of the weekend homework .The exercise to in writing a paper zoo border, create a card game in essay for admission, Java left a few broken people. This was a tuff assignment and took a bunch of case rheumatoid joint, time at University essay the weekend but I managed the majority of it and managed to get to the stage where I was able to simulate (with tests) the basic Pontoon functionality and compare two hands for highest value. The days lesson moves us into Android studio and into an an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

To start off and keep things simple the IDE is used to buy case study recommendations, just for coding Java. Initially its quite a change, but quickly the benefits become apparent: The IDE checks the code on essay the fly as you are typing and will underline anything formatted incorrectly with red and underline. It also, with the use of TAB key suggests and harvard, auto completes input text, which speeds up the typing. Tuesday - had us building our first App as part of a Code along. A simple magic 8 Ball app where you could ask a question and it would give you a random answer. The Java code used android libraries and for admission, we had it running on pig meaning an Android phone emulator on our desktops.

Brilliant to see the University for admission, process of making a couple of simple screens and have Java code control them on a phone. Wednesday - and Conclusion in essay, we were given a group lab where we were split into teams of 3 and tasked with making a Rock/Paper/Scissors app. The timescale was about 4 hours and as a team we had to do the Java code and essay for admission, the Android front end have a working app by the end of it. This was a real high and the 4 hours zipped past before we were ready to present to the class. Buy Case Study Harvard Recommendations. Some premature high fives in the team had the first play show a draw, second play another draw and the third play also a draw. Some minor tweaking and for admission, debugging code we had it working in time for presentation. Thursday - gave us some more tools in the form of Menu's and toasts (popups) that could be used in our apps and then some instruction on how the personal statement, apps could be downloaded to real Android phones and Tablets. In the afternoon we were set our project task for the coming week. There was a choice of for admission, 6 briefs that we could choose from. Conclusion In Essay. These were a range of University essay, Java and Evolve case study help rheumatoid arthroplasty, Android app suggestions that we would need to plan, version control code test and present on the following Thursday. Code Clan Week 6 - They put Java in my Ferrari!

So Im back in Edinburgh for week 6. There was no homework at the weekend so it was a good opportunity to recover from last weeks project by not writing any code. This week we are moving away from Ruby and off into University for admission, the world of Java programming and into a Compiled language. Monday starts with standup at Dissertation upon roast pig meaning 9:00 with 21 relaxed cohorts ready to be thrown into University, the deep end of a new language. Lots more learning and at an even more rapid pace than before. Java was intended to let developers write once, run anywhere (WORA) meaning that compiled Java code can run on all sorts of platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. So it is possible to Evolve case help joint arthroplasty, run it on the operating system on your PC, your Mac, your toaster or even your Ferrari.

Although Ive said 'rapid learning' above Java did not seem as painful as Ruby day one. University. The Java code did look familiar, with variables and methods similar but in camelCase and lots of semicolons. Neurosurgery Statement. The days lessons were on for admission Classes and Multiple classes and had us building dogs, cats and bear coding examples. Oh and remembering to compile the code. Ruby is an interpreted language and with arthroplasty, does not need compiled. Java does. Tuesday and University essay, after standup we had probably the hardest day yet. Long and so much to take in. A Bear example saw us learning about Evolve case study help arthritis joint, Array lists Casting and Polymorphism. Arrays in Ruby you can shovel any old thing into them. Java you cant and essay for admission, you have to define their size before you start.

Array lists help us get round this. Polymorphism! Joy! ..this is the Conclusion, ability for something to take on many forms. So if you have a Car Class and a Ferrari Class, the essay for admission, Ferrari can go into Car Shaped memory and also go into a Ferrari shaped memory. The Afternoon was a lab expanding what our bear from Monday could do and giving him ability to eat Salmon and Conclusion in essay, Humans, and dance salsa. Wednesday.. hmmm it was harder than Tuesday!

We learned about Abstract Classes and Template patterns and an announcement that we would be making a card game for our weekend homework. So the afternoon lab task was to split into pairs to discuss and plan how you would build a card game in Java. What classes you would need and how they would interact. University Essay. Sounds easy but is quite complicated to break it down into its component parts. #SCADA; #PLC; #HMI; #WONDERWARE; #InTouch; #ICONICS; #Genesis32/64; #KEPware; #KEPServer; #LinkMaster; #WebDesign; #RESTful-Routes; #HTML; #Git; #HTML; #Ruby; #OPC; #Modbus; #PCS; #Rockwell; #AllenBradley; #Siemens; #SQL; #Agile; #SystemEngineer; #ProjectEngineering; #Testing; #ConditionMonitoring #GEFanuc; #UserInterface; #Alarms; #SubseaEngineering; #SoftwareDevelopment; #SystemsEngineering; #ControlLogix; #TheKnack; #OilandGas; #SoftwareSystems; #TeamLead; #ChangeControl; #ContinuousImprovement; #IET; #CEng; #Chartered; #AkerSolutions; #Kvaerner; #SIL; #CodeClan; #Controls; #DCS; #AndroidStudio; #Unix; #Jimdo; #MCS; #ProcessControl #PrincipalEngineer; #RequirementsCapture; #FunctionalSpecifications; #SAP; #ControlSystemDesign; #CSS; #Sinatra; #Coder; #Programmer; #Java; #Android; #scrum; #JavaScript; #TestDrivenDevelopment; #ReactFrontEndFramework; #RubyOnRails; #Node; #Dom; #FirmStep; #WebDeveloper; #ContentManagementSystem; #CustomerExperiencePlatform;

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Le Complexe d'Oedipe - Analyse d'un mythe fondateur. Je met sur cette page, la disposition de tous, cet admirable expos, crit par Eve PREVOT et Estelle GUIZOL, qui explique la lgende d'Њdipe, le complexe qu'en a tir Sigmund Freud, ainsi que la place que le hros grec occupe dans le milieu artistique et dans l'art lui mme. Analyse d'un mythe fondateur. III/ Extraits de la pice Њdipe Roi. L'histoire d'Oedipe, qui appartient au cycle des lgendes thbaines, est l'une des plus importantes de la mythologie grecque.

Le personnage a inspir des chefs-d'њuvre tragiques, qui ont trac de lui le portrait d'un homme tortur par un destin insupportable. University Essay? Les diffrentes versions du mythe d'Oedipe divergent sur de nombreux points, qui modifient parfois sensiblement le sens des pisodes. De ce fait, il nous a paru normal et essentiel d'aborder dans le but d'une tude de la mythologie, une grande phase travers ce mythe incontournable. In Essay? Ainsi, tout au long de ce dossier, c'est une unique version de cette lgende, la plus raconte au fil des sicles que nous aborderons. En plus de l'histoire du hros, des extraits de la pice comptant son rcit mais aussi une explication du complexe d'Њdipe seront ultrieurement dvelopps au cours de notre travail. La lgende d'Њdipe a t reprise par Sophocle (-496 -406) qui en a fait une pice de thtre, Oedipe-Roi. University For Admission? Cet auteur, qui a vcu Athnes retransmet travers ses pices l'cho de ce qu'il juge bon tre exprim.

Le combat d'Oedipe est porteur d'espoir : la civilisation, symbolise par Athnes o il se rfugie, l'emporte sur les forces obscures. Case Study Rheumatoid Joint? Aussi, symbole de l'homme traqu par le destin, Oedipe est un hros qui a de tout temps inspir les crivains comme par exemple Eschyle, ou encore Sophocle (vers 425 avant J.-C., souvent considr comme le chef-d'њuvre de la tragdie grecque), comme nous l'avons dj mentionn. Њdipe, fils de Laos et de Jocaste, est le personnage central des mythes grecs. University Essay? L'oracle avait prdit Laos que, s'il avait un fils, celui-ci le tuerait, pouserait sa femme et prendrait son royaume. Assistance In Writing Zoo Border? Ds sa naissance, Њdipe est donc condamn mort. Essay For Admission? Mais celui qui doit le tuer ne peut s'y rsoudre et l'abandonne dans la montagne. Literary Essay? Un berger au service du roi de Corinthe passe par l, recueille l'enfant et l'lve comme son propre fils. University For Admission? Brillant par son courage et son intelligence, Њdipe est finalement adopt par le roi Polybe, qui n'a pas d'enfant. Neurosurgery Statement? Il en oublie lui-mme son origine. Essay For Admission? Quittant peine l'adolescence, Њdipe consulte l'oracle de Delphes et apprend avec pouvante qu'il tuera son pre et pousera sa mre. Write Literary Essay Youtube? Pour fuir son destin, il quitte Corinthe et se rend Thbes.

Sur la route, il croise l'quipage d'un cortge et une altercation se produit alors : durant celle ci, il tue un vieillard inconnu. University Essay For Admission? Ce vieillard est en ralit son pre, Laos, mais Њdipe ne l'apprendra que plus tard. Lorsqu'il arrive Thbes, un double malheur vient de se produire : en effet, le roi vient d'tre assassin. Evolve Arthritis Joint Arthroplasty? En plus de cela, le pays est boulevers par une bte monstrueuse, le Sphinx, qui dvore chaque jour des jeunes gens du pays. Essay For Admission? Jocaste, la reine, annonce alors qu'elle pousera celui qui dlivrera la cit de ce monstre, et que son royaume sera sien, en remerciement de cet acte de bravoure et de hardiesse. English? Њdipe, se prsente alors devant ce Sphinx insolent et rpond le premier l'nigme que celui-ci pose tous ceux qui tombent entre ses mains, et que par ailleurs, il massacre lorsque la rponse ne vient pas leurs esprits audacieux. Triomphant de cette preuve, Њdipe pouse Jocaste et devient le matre de ce grand pays. University Essay? Pre de quatre enfants ports par son pouse Jocaste il jouit d'un grand bonheur lorsqu'un malheureux jour, la peste s'abat sur la cit de Thbes. Dissertation? Questionn sur le moyen de faire cesser l'pidmie, l'oracle de Delphes rpond qu'il n'existe qu'un seul et unique remde ce drame : chasser le meurtrier de Laos, dont le crime impuni rpand la souillure sur tout le pays. Essay? Њdipe mne alors lui-mme l'enqute. Dissertation Upon Pig Meaning? Se croyant toujours le fils de Polybe, il dcouvre peu peu avec effroi et horreur son double crime : d'une part, l'assassinat de son pauvre pre, et de l'autre, l'inceste.

Effondre, choque a tout jamais, Jocaste ne trouve aucune autre issue que celle du suicide, elle se pend. For Admission? Њdipe, tout aussi dgout de ses actes criminels se crve les yeux pour ne plus voir la lumire du jour et part en exil, poursuivi par la maldiction de tous. Evolve Case Study Help Arthritis Arthroplasty? Seule sa fille Antigone lui restera fidle jusqu' la mort. Essay? La maldiction s'abat cependant sur toute sa descendance : ses deux fils s'entretueront pour la possession du royaume. English? Antigone, quant elle sera excute sur l'ordre de Cron le tratre, frre de Jocaste, qui convoitait depuis toujours la succession de ses neveux. Aussi bien ton destin n'est-il pas de succomber par moi : Apollon s'en charge; c'est lui d'en finir avec tout cela. C'est de Cron ou de toi, tout ce roman-l ? Cron n'est pour rien dans ton malheur: c'est toi que tu le dois. richesse ! trne royal ! savoir qui a su l'emporter sur la science ! Quelle jalousie vous veillez contre une existence que vous faites trop envier!

Pour l'amour de ce sceptre dont la cit m'a fait hommage, qu'elle m'a mis en main sans que je l'aie sollicit, Cron. Essay For Admission? Ce fidle, cet ami de toujours, se livre des menes souterraines ; il ne rve que de me supplanter, en soudoyant cette espce de sorcier, avec ses tissus d'intrigues. Best Buy Case Study Recommendations? ce charlatan retors, qui n'y voit que pour ses profits, mais dans son art, radicalement aveugle ! Car voyons, dis-moi, o est-elle, ta clairvoyance divinatrice ? D'o vient qu'aux jours o le Sphinx faisait ici peser ses enchantements tu n'ouvrais pas la bouche pour en dlivrer tes concitoyens ? Cette nigme, il n'tait pas donn au premier venu d'en donner le mot : il y fallait le don de divination - tu as assez montr que tu ne le possdais pas, ni d'aprs le vol des oiseaux, ni par inspiration divine. Essay? J'arrive alors, moi qui ne sais rien, Oedipe la dupe, et je suis venu bout du Sphinx. Dissertation Upon Roast? C'est ma sagacit qui m'a fait tomber juste : je n'avais pas eu d'oiseaux pour me renseigner !… Et voil celui que tu entreprends de chasser ? Tu comptes trouver une place aux cts de Cron sur les marches de son trne ! M'est avis qu'elle cotera lourd, toi et son instigateur, cette puration sacre ! Tu as de la chance que je te voie si vieux, sans quoi tu aurais dj appris tes dpens ce que vaut au juste ton discernement. notre sens, c'est la colre qui a dict ses paroles, mais elle dicte aussi les tiennes, Њdipe, semble-t-il. Vous devriez quitter ce ton. Essay? Comment satisferons-nous le mieux l'oracle ? Voil la seule chose examiner. Tu es le roi, c'est entendu. Buy Case Recommendations? Mais il y a au moins une galit que je revendique : celle de rpliquer en gal. University? Moi aussi en cela j'ai des droits souverains. English Essay? Ma vie n'est pas tes pieds, mais ceux de Loxias : je n'aurai pas recourir au patronage de Cron.

Je te le dis - puisque tu es all jusqu' me faire une insulte d'tre aveugle - toi, tes yeux sont ouverts, et tu ne vois pas dans quelle horreur tu baignes, sous quel toit tu demeures, et avec qui. University? Sais-tu de qui tu es le fils ? Tu ne te doutes pas que tu es abominable aux tiens, en ce monde comme dans l'autre. Upon? Doublement assene sur toi par ta mre et ton pre, te chassera de ce sol, affreuse, talonnante, la Maldiction…Tu vois clair prsent, mais alors tu ne verras plus que tnbres ! En quel lieu ton cri n'ira-t-il pas jeter l'ancre, et de quelle falaise ta voix bientt n'veillera-t-elle pas les chos, lorsque tu auras reconnu en quelles pousailles. University For Admission? sur quels brisants tu es venu te jeter pour btir ton foyer, aprs ton heureuse croisire ! Les maux qui t'attendent encore en foule, tu ne les connais pas : ils te rendront ton vrai rang, et mme rang qu' tes enfants – Aprs cela, tu peux cracher sur Cron, et sur moi qui te parle : jamais homme ici-bas n'aura t plus atrocement broy que tu ne vas l'tre. Peut-on tolrer les normits de cet individu ? Va t'engloutir o tu le mrites! Et plus vite que cela ! Oui ou non, vas-tu faire demi-tour, vider ma demeure et t'en retourner ? Va-t'en ! Je ne serais pas venu de moi-mme. Conclusion? C'est toi qui m'as convoqu. Pouvais-je savoir que tu tiendrais des propos dlirants ? Sinon j'aurais regard deux fois avant de te mander en mon palais ! Ainsi va de moi : pour toi, je dlire, mais pour tes parents - ceux dont tu es n ! J'avais tout mon discernement.

Quels parents ? Attends! Quel est donc ici-bas dont je suis n ? Ce jour t'apportera ta naissance et ta perte. Comme tu parles toujours mots couverts, nigmatiques ! N'est-ce pas ta spcialit de les claircir ? C'est un don que tu as. Des insultes de ce genre, soit : tu ne sauras en cela qu'clairer ma grandeur. C'est pourtant prcisment cette chance-l qui t'a perdu. Si j'ai sauv cette cit, peu m'importe le reste. Eh bien, je me retire. University? [ l'enfant qui l'accompagne.] Allons, mon enfant, emmne-moi. Qu'il t'emmne, oui. Write Essay? Dbarrasse-moi de ta prsence, elle m'est odieuse. Essay? Disparais, ce sera un soulagement pour moi. Je me retire, mais je te laisse la rponse pour laquelle je suis venu.

Ton sourcil ne me fait pas peur, tu ne peux rien pour m'abattre. Dissertation Pig Meaning? En vrit, je te le dis, cet homme que tu cherches depuis quelque temps, en faisant des proclamations comminatoires sur le meurtre de Laos, cet homme est ici. University Essay For Admission? Il passe pour un tranger, un immigr, mais son origine se rvlera: il est authentiquement thbain. In Writing? Et il n'aura pas se louer de l'vnement. Essay? Car il sera aveugle, lui, dont les yeux sont ouverts; il mendiera, lui, qui est dans l'opulence ; vers le sol tranger, ttonnant devant lui avec son bton, il ira cheminant. In Writing Zoo Border? On dcouvrira qu'il a prs de lui des enfants dont il est tout ensemble le frre et le pre ; que de la femme dont il est n, lui, le fils, il est aussi l'poux; qu'il a ensemenc le mme sillon que son pre; et qu'il est son meurtrier. For Admission? Va, rentre chez toi, mdite mes paroles. Neurosurgery Personal Statement? Et si tu me prends t'avoir menti, alors je te permets d'affirmer que je n'entends rien la divination.

Њdipe, devenu roi de Thbes, s'entretient avec le devin Tirsias, qui est venu lui prdire un oracle hors du commun : celui de l'assassin de Laos, homme que recherche Њdipe. Si Њdipe ne fait pas le lien entre l'homme concern par l'oracle et sa propre personne, c'est sans doute car sa position d'homme puissant, et la sensation de servir pour le bien de sa cit l'aveugle trop. Essay? Il chasse mme avec une attitude discourtoise ce devin qui selon lui n'est qu'une perte de temps, et un profanateur d'neries. Study Joint? Srement Tirsias sait-il qu'Њdipe perdra sa prestance et son honneur quand sera faite la lumire sur ses origines et la gravit de ses actes, mais il ne s'tend pas plus loin que sur son oracle. Ignorant du drame ancien, Њdipe a couru sa perte, et plus rien ne pourra l'en sortir : il a accomplit son terrible destin, et occuper le trne royal ne peut rien y changer. Nous avons affaire un pisode particulirement important qui installe le drame et claire son protagoniste d'un jour trs cru. For Admission? l'ouverture de la pice, Cron, porte-parole d'Apollon, a clairement pos le problme, trouver et vacuer la souillure qui affecte Thbes. Roast? Dans cet pisode, qui consiste en un change particulirement violent entre le devin Tirsias et l'enquteur Њdipe, Sophocle attire d'emble l'attention sur Њdipe, et sur le destin.

Plus prcisment, sur celui qui est l'objet ou le jouet du destin, sur les modes d'nonciation de ce dernier, et sur ses ractions. Cet pisode ouvre vritablement la pice, en mettant nu la fois le protagoniste (Њdipe), le ressort (retournement), et en rvlant sa potique fonde sur le mystre. Essay For Admission? On a parl parfois d'Њdipe Roi comme d'une pice policire, et elle a mme t rcemment rcrite dans cette perspective. Write English Youtube? Ce rapprochement n'est acceptable qu'en prcisant que le coupable est mis jour ds la premire scne. University For Admission? Il faut accepter Њdipe Roi pour ce qu'elle est, c'est dire une tragdie, fonde davantage sur l'aveuglement de l'homme en proie des forces qu'il ne contrle pas, que sur une enqute qui suppose la matrise d'un sujet sr de lui-mme. Best Harvard Recommendations? Un statut auquel Њdipe, au terme de cet pisode, ne peut plus prtendre. Le complexe d'Њdipe est un ensemble organis de dsirs amoureux et hostiles que l'enfant prouve l'gard de ses parents. University Essay For Admission? Sous sa forme dite positive, le complexe se prsente comme dans l'histoire d'Њdipe-Roi : dsir de la mort de ce rival qu'est le personnage du mme sexe et dsir sexuel pour le personnage du sexe oppos. Buy Case Harvard Recommendations? Sous sa forme ngative, il se prsente l'inverse: amour pour le parent du mme sexe et haine jalouse du parent du sexe oppos.

En fait ces deux formes se retrouvent des degrs divers dans la forme complte du complexe d'Њdipe. Nombreux ont t les psychanalystes intresss par le complexe d'Њdipe. University For Admission? L'un d'entre eux, Freud s'y est tout particulirement pench. L'expression de «complexe d'Њdipe» n'apparat que tardivement dans l'њuvre de Freud (1910). Dissertation Roast Pig Meaning? Sa dcouverte est cependant prpare depuis longtemps. University Essay? Freud est amen par son auto-analyse reconnatre en lui l'amour pour sa mre, et envers son pre une jalousie en conflit avec l'affection qu'il lui porte. En 1897, il crit son ami Fliess: «J'ai trouv en moi comme partout ailleurs des sentiments d'amour envers ma mre et de la jalousie envers mon pre, sentiments qui sont, je pense, communs tous les jeunes enfants.» Freud ajoute: «Le pouvoir d'emprise d'Њdipe-roi devient intelligible, […] le mythe grec met en valeur une compulsion que chacun reconnat pour avoir peru en lui-mme des traces de son existence.» C'est ainsi que d'emble Freud affirme l'universalit de l'њdipe: « Tout tre humain se voit imposer la tche de matriser le complexe d'Њdipe… » Il s'agit de l'ensemble organis des dsirs la fois amoureux et hostiles que l'enfant prouve vis--vis de ses parents lors de la phase phallique*. Write English Essay Youtube? Selon Freud, cette phase se situe chez l'enfant entre 3 et 5 ans. Essay? Son dclin correspond pour lui l'entre dans la priode de latence*. In Essay? Lors de la pubert, le complexe d'Њdipe connat une sorte de rsonance que l'adolescent surmonte avec plus ou moins de succs.

Le complexe d'Њdipe est un «procs» qui doit conduire la disparition de ces dsirs. Selon Freud, le complexe d'Њdipe joue un rle fondamental dans la structuration de la personnalit et dans l'orientation du dsir humain. On pourrait relier Њdipe et son complexe l'actualit. Essay For Admission? Dans la vie courante, bon nombre de jeunes garons admirent leur mre et la voient comme une divinit, comme le modle exemplaire suivre et esprent dtrner leur pre en pousant leur mre un jour. Evolve Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Arthroplasty? Ce fait prouve que l'humanit n'a pas chang et d'ailleurs ne changera pas de sitt, Њdipe est donc encore bel et bien d'actualit.

On peut aussi aisment retrouver le contexte similaire celui d'Њdipe dans un cadre de famille contemporain mais sans le dsir de mariage ou bien la haine envers un parent que peut prouver l'enfant dans une autre situation. Un peintre comme Picasso en est l'illustration mme. Ainsi, quand Picasso avait 13 ans, son pre, amateur passionn de peinture, lui cda ses pinceaux avant de cesser totalement de peindre. University Essay For Admission? Cet vnement prit une grande signification psychologique dans la vie de l'artiste qui fit un parallle entre le parricide* et le fait d'avoir tu la crativit de son pre. Upon Roast Pig Meaning? Puis, Picasso dclara un jour : En art chacun doit tuer son propre pre. Picasso reconnaissait la relation troite entre le meurtre symbolique de son pre et le complexe d'Њdipe selon Freud. For Admission? Il adopta mme Њdipe comme un alter ego secret. Statement? Њdipe fut un thme la mode chez les surralistes et chez ceux qui frquentaient Picasso dans les annes '20. La ccit* tait un autre thme trs important pour Picasso, pour qui la peinture tait un mtier d'aveugle. University For Admission? On peut percevoir un lien entre ce thme et Њdipe puisqu'il se creva les yeux lorsqu'il ralisa qu'il avait tu son pre et qu'il s'tait mari avec sa mre. Une tude d'Њdipe rvle instinctivement un lien avec la ralit malgr les apparences. Conclusion? Certes, l'aventure de ce Roi et le tragique de sa destine peuvent paratre compltement absurdes et fantaisistes de par son surralisme et l'incrdibilit qu'il en mane.

Mais, il faut prciser qu' l'origine, se cache derrire cette tragdie un phnomne rel et pas si irraliste que cela n'y parat. Le scnario de mythe n'est qu'une couverture derrire laquelle se dissimule une ide philosophique importante et toujours d'actualit. Ces raisons nous ont rendu cet expos agrable raliser puisque attirant d'une part grce son ct fantastique mais aussi et surtout grce ce que l'on peut en tirer et en analyser. Essay? Comparer un mythe aussi ancien l'actualit est il est vrai intressant et nous a motiv approfondir ces recherches incessantes et les rendre moins superficielles. Cette lgende incomparable autant qu'incontournable a bel et bien travers les poques ainsi que les ges proposant encore au moderne les plus hautes leons de morales et de posie. Tous ces lments, on youtube, l'espre, vous auront satisfait et auront t traits comme il se doit, la hauteur de ce sujet incomparable. Stade phallique : stade durant lequel a lieu le dveloppement de la sexualit infantile, qui succde au stade oral et pendant lequel l'intrt de l'enfant mle se porte sur la verge. Priode de latence : temps d'arrt dans le dveloppement de la sexualit, du dclin de la sexualit infantile au dbut de la pubert. Parricide : meurtre commis par un enfant l'gard d'un parent.

Ccit : tat d'une personne prive de la vue. Merci d'avoir lu cet expos, j'spre qu'il vous a plu ! N'hsitez pas passer voir mes autres articles !

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