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book report savvy Plugged In exists to shine a light on the world of Essay uk, popular entertainment while giving you and your family the essential tools you need to proofreading, understand, navigate and impact the culture in which we live. Through reviews, articles and discussions, we want to spark intellectual thought, spiritual growth and a desire to follow the Essay editor command of Colossians 2:8: See to application music, it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and editor, the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Family uses Plugged In as a ‘significant compass’ I am at a loss for words to adequately express how much it means to proofreading, my husband and me to know that there is an organization like Focus that is rooting for us. Just today I was reading Psalm 37 and thinking about how your ministry provides ways to 'dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.' We have two teenagers and an 8-year-old in our household. Plugged In has become a significant compass for our family. All three of our kids are dedicated to their walk with Christ but they still encounter challenges.

Thanks for all of your research and persistence in helping us navigate through stormy waters. Plugged In helps college student stand-up for his belief. Thanks for Essay, the great job you do in posting movie and television reviews online. I’m a college freshman and I recently had a confrontational disagreement with my English professor regarding an College application music R-rated film. It is her favorite movie and she wanted to show it in class. I went to your Web site to research the Essay editor uk film’s content. Although I had not seen the movie myself, I was able to write application, make an educated argument against it based on the concerns you outlined. The prof said that she was impressed by my stand and decided to poll the whole class and give us a choice. We overwhelmingly voted to watch a G-rated movie instead! I’ve learned that I can trust your site and I will be using it a lot in the future.” Plugged In brings ‘Sanity and editor, Order’ to Non-believer. “Even though I don’t consider myself a Christian, I find your Plugged In Web site useful and thought-provoking. How To Write School Many Credits! No one reviews movies like you do.

Instead of being judgmental, you put entertainment ‘on trial.’ After presenting the evidence, you allow the jury of your readers to decide for themselves what they should do. In my opinion, you bring sanity and uk, order to my homework is too, the wild world of modern day entertainment. Uk! Keep up the good work!” Mom thinks Plugged In is the ‘BEST Christian media review site’ Our family doesn't go to Difference zip, the movies until we go online and Essay editor uk, check out your assessment of a given film. I think this is the Body effects BEST Christian media review website that I've found, and I recommend it to my family and friends.

Keep up the editor good work! Our hope is that whether you're a parent, youth leader or teen, the How to school application credits information and tools at Plugged In will help you and your family make appropriate media decisions. We are privileged to do the work we do, and are continually thankful for editor, the generosity and support from you, our loyal readers, listeners and friends. This coming-of-age fantasy book by Ingrid Law is published by Dial Books for Young Readers, Penguin and is written for kids ages 9 to 11. Sale My Hometown! The age range reflects readability and not necessarily content appropriateness. Mississippi (Mibs) Beaumont nervously anticipates her 13th birthday. She knows that at editor uk 13, everyone in her family has discovered their savvy and can't wait to find out between and research, hers. Savvy is a supernatural power that manifests itself differently in each Beaumont. It's an inherited quality — a special kind of know-how that goes beyond an average person's ability — that one must learn to control. Examples of savvy in the Beaumont family: One of Mibs' brothers can control electricity with his mind; another can control water.

Her grandfather's moods can make the earth shift and quake. A tragic car accident leaves Mibs' dad (Poppa) unconscious in a hospital far away. Mibs is Essay editor uk determined to Writing service nz, get to him. At first, Mibs thinks her savvy is that she can wake things up, which is what she wants to do to her father. She, two of her brothers and the pastor's kids stow away on the pink bus of a Bible salesman named Lester, hoping he will take them where they need to go. But when the bus heads in the opposite direction, the kids find themselves on an unforgettable road trip. Over time, Mibs realizes her savvy is that she can actually hear people talking to her through ink on Essay editor uk their bodies, whether it's a tattoo or someone writing on his hand with a ballpoint pen. The stowaways finally reach Poppa, and Mibs urges him not to give up fighting for his life. Poppa survives, though not without the write a high school credits need for extensive rehabilitation, and Essay uk, Mibs learns that there is good to be found even in Difference papers zip the midst of difficult experiences and Essay, pain. Mibs isn't always sure whether God hears or understands her. When Will Junior (the Pastor's son) says he's praying for her father, Mibs tells readers that she sometimes prays about hard, her impending savvy and has occasionally prayed for sick relatives, but she hadn't thought to pray for editor uk, her Poppa.

Later, she prays no one will attend her birthday party that Miss Rosemary (the pastor's wife) is planning. Though Mibs feels Miss Rosemary believes God will help make the party a success, she (Mibs) hopes that God has better things to do and How to school application credits, will stay out of uk, it. Momma makes the nz whole family go to church every Sunday, which Mibs refers to as the Lord's Day. Essay! Momma also notes that everyone should keep hoping and praying for Poppa, because those are the and research zip things they can all do. Mibs says Poppa's recovery may be a miracle. Mibs says at uk one point that Bobbi's eyes look like they're shooting out voodoo vibes. Mibs also suggests her younger brother has a type of human magic that manifests itself when a person demonstrates concern for sale my hometown, his fellow man. Poppa is a kind man, but he technically doesn't have savvy because he's married into the Beaumont clan — though Mibs later tells him his savvy is Essay editor uk that he never gives up. Poppa's perseverance gained him the wife of his dreams and may have also saved his life after the car accident. Writing My Hometown! Momma's savvy is perfection.

She's a compassionate, involved parent like Poppa. Miss Rosemary, the pastor's rule-driven wife, expects others to Essay editor, follow her beliefs. Out of Christian duty, she takes charge of the Beaumont kids when Mibs' father has his accident and Momma leaves to be at his bedside. Pastor Meeks gives Lester a loud tongue-lashing in the church office for bringing him pink Bibles. In the final pages, he seems a little more humble as he appears to be thanking God for the safe return of his children. Lill, the waitress Lester picks up on their journey, is motherly and sale my hometown, protective of the kids as they try to get to Poppa. Some of Mibs' classmates nickname her Missy-P---y. Editor! Bobbi curses a few times, as does a maintenance man in the hospital, but no actual profanity appears in the text. Will kisses Mibs (once, quickly) in the hotel pool. She later tells him she really likes him, but she's not ready to be kissing him yet.

He tells her he can wait. School Application! While on editor uk the run, 13-year-old Mibs shares a motel bed with Lill. It's completely innocent, but Mibs has just met Lill so it might not have been the wisest move. Get free discussion questions for this book and others, at Several people in College essay services music the story have tattoos. Poppa has a mermaid from his Navy days; the Essay editor uk preacher's daughter, Bobbi, wears a temporary tattoo of an angel with a devil's tail; Lester, the Bible salesman, has several in honor of an old girlfriend and his mother; bikers and a homeless man have them as well. Since Mibs' savvy involves hearing people's thoughts through the ink on sale their skin, these tattoos are integral parts of the story. Tattooing is neither applauded nor condemned in the book.

The kids lie to Lill, telling her they have called their parents to let their parents know they're safe. In fact, Bobbi has faked her mother's voice on another phone line for Lill's benefit (which she has also apparently done to Essay editor uk, get out of going to school at Writing proofreading service nz times). The kids also lie to Lill about why they're on the road with Lester. Mibs later feels remorse for her lies and deception, fearing in part that they will get Lill and Lester in trouble with the law. As the group escapes from the diner where Lill has just been fired, they steal a pie. Walden Media has acquired the rights to turn this book into a feature film. Book reviews cover the content, themes and Essay, world-views of fiction books, not their literary merit, and school many, equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for editor, their children. A book's inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family. You can request a review of a title you can't find at

Dial Books for service, Young Readers, Penguin. Essay! Newbery Honor Book, 2009; Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, 2008; Boston Globe- Horn Book Award, 2008. Get weekly e-news, Culture Clips more! PLUGGED IN is a trademark and SHINING A LIGHT ON THE WORLD OF POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT is a service mark of Focus on Essay writing sale my hometown the Family.

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Research in Brain Function and Learning. Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, LP, ABPdN, University of Minnesota Medical School. The brain begins to mature even before birth. Although it continues to mature throughout most of editor life, the between and research papers zip, brain does not mature at the same rate in each individual. This should not be surprising.

After all, our bodies grow at different rates — we reach puberty at different ages and our emotional maturity at different times as well. Why should our brains be any different? Just because you have a classroom full of students who are about the Essay uk, same age doesn't mean they are equally ready to learn a particular topic, concept, skill, or idea. It is important for teachers and parents to understand that maturation of the brain influences learning readiness. Application Essay Services Music? For teachers, this is Essay uk especially important when designing lessons and selecting which strategies to use. As a teacher, all children need to be challenged and nurtured in order to profit from your instruction. Instruction that is above or below the maturity level of a child's brain is Body effects instructions not only inappropriate; it can also lead to behavior problems in your classroom. Essay Uk? Inappropriate behaviors — such as avoidance, challenging authority and aggression towards other students — can be explained by a failure to match instruction to the brain maturity of your students. You should also know that all brain functions do not mature at the same rate . Effects? A young child with highly advanced verbal skills may develop gross and fine motor control more slowly and editor have trouble learning to write clearly. Another child may be advanced physically but not know how to manage his/her social skills.

Others may be cognitively advanced but show emotional immaturity. For all of these reasons, it is Body instructions important to understand how our brains mature as well as the differences that may be present at each stage of normal development. The recommendations below are supported by evidence. Be aware of developmental differences among your students. These differences have implications for behaviors that students display in your classroom. Understand that normal development varies widely within the same age and Essay the same grade. Pay For My Homework? Our educational system is set up for the convenience of teaching large numbers of children in a grade-level classroom. The age for entrance into a particular grade is not necessarily linked to uk, brain maturity for all children. Writing Sale My Hometown? Although you do not determine which children are in your class, you should be sensitive to the variety of developmental levels presented in your classroom.

Be aware that children who are born prematurely may not be at the same developmental level as others of their chronological age. Children who are born more than 8 weeks early may not catch up to their peers until they are 3 or 4 years old. Although premature children over the age of 4 are often indistinguishable from children who were not premature, there may be prematurely born children who continue to uk, show delays. Writing Service Nz? Be aware of this possibility when discussing a child's progress with his/her parents. - Adjusting his/her pace of school work. - Receiving a more overt display of understanding and encouragement by his/her teacher. Don't assume that a child has a disability just because his/her learning is delayed.

Be aware that the development of cognitive and other skills is often uneven. Don't assume that delays a child is showing today will get better over time. If a child does not improve his/her progress, it is important to gather more information and then refer the editor, child for further evaluation if indicated. Don't adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Experienced teachers vary skills and activities for different students within a grade. Some of this variability works because of the different life experiences of children and some works because of differences in brain maturity.

But, for either reason, variety is a good thing. Don't place children in groups based solely on age. For some children, learning to read is Writing nz a struggle. Many are not ready to Essay editor, learn to College, read until they are seven years old, while others are ready at age four. (This may be particularly true for uk, boys.) Social maturity does not correlate with other learning skills. Both social and College application essay services music learning characteristics need to Essay editor, be addressed separately to College, determine appropriate placement. Don't judge ability based on physical appearance. It's very important not to judge children based on their physical appearance. Children who are taller and/or more physically mature may not be cognitively advanced. And children with cerebral palsy often have average to above average ability despite significant problems with motor and speech production.

Children learn in different ways. And although the maturity of the brain is an important factor when it comes to learning differences, the real story is more complicated than that. Essay Editor Uk? The way children learn depends on age, level of development and brain maturity. Learning differences are also related to genetics, temperament and my homework is too environment, but in Essay, this module we will focus on how and when the brain matures. Different brain structures mature at different rates and follow different paths, but maturation begins long before birth. As a fetus grows, nerve cells (neurons) travel to their eventual locations within the brain. Service Nz? The survival of any one neuron is not guaranteed. There is competition among neurons for limited space and those that do not find a home — a place where they can live and thrive — are pruned back and Essay uk destroyed.

It is not yet known why some neurons find a home and others do not, but after a neuron settles down it continues to is too, grow and develop within its region of the brain. When pruning does not happen or is incomplete, disorders in learning and/or behavior can be the Essay editor uk, result. Development of the brain from 25 days to essays papers, 9 months: At birth, both motor and sensory systems of the editor uk, brain are already up and running. A newborn infant has enough motor control to feed and to move away from painful or other unpleasant stimuli.

Although visual and Writing auditory systems are present at birth, they continue to develop in the first few months of life as the brain reacts to uk, the environment (Carlson, 2014). In healthy children, motor and sensory systems continue to develop during toddlerhood and the preschool years. Auditory and visual skills improve during this time too. Since brain development after birth is between papers influenced by inputs from the Essay editor uk, environment, and because those inputs are unique to each child, every human brain is unique. Note: Inputs from the environment are not always a good thing. Children born prematurely are thought to associate the initial noise and clatter around them as painful. Essay Sale My Hometown? Research indicates that a quiet environment allows these children to catch up as their neurons make connections (Rothbart et al., 2003). Although the Essay editor uk, age at which a child is ready to essays zip, learn a specific skill becomes hard-wired as the uk, brain develops, learning itself is also environmentally determined. For example, a child is ready to learn to read when his or her auditory system is developmentally ready to distinguish one sound from How to, another. But if reading instruction is not provided, or if the child's parents do not enrich the environment by Essay editor reading to him or her, learning to read will be delayed.

Conversely, a child whose auditory system is not ready when reading instruction is Pay for my homework is too provided will also be delayed in learning to read. The ability to read is also enhanced by editor the development of the auditory cortex and the development of skills involved in Body instructions, remembering what is taught and applying that knowledge to real problems. Note: A key predictor of reading readiness is a child's ability to editor uk, understand rhyming (Semrud-Clikeman, 2006). This ability translates into skills in between essays papers, understanding how sounds differ and in turn predicts a child's success with phonics instruction. At every stage of uk development, it is important to give children age-appropriate tasks. But, be careful when you combine tasks. One age-appropriate task plus another age-appropriate task doesn't necessarily make for an age-appropriate experience.

For example: In the early grades, children learn how to coordinate fine motor skills and visual skills. How To A High? They are able to copy letters and uk figures they see. Although this simple task is automatic for you, it takes a lot of concentration for is too hard, them. Therefore, a child should not be asked to copy items from the Essay editor, blackboard and solve problems at the same time unless the act of copying has become automatic. During the early elementary years, fibers continue to proofreading service nz, grow between neurons and the white matter of the brain (also called myelin ). The growing neural networks of connected neurons and fibers are essential to the transmission of information throughout the brain. Essay? As the brain matures, more and more fibers grow and between essays and research papers the brain becomes increasingly interconnected.

These interconnected networks of neurons are very important to the formation of memories and Essay uk the connection of sale my hometown new learning to previous learning. As neural networks form, the child learns both academically and Essay editor socially. At first, this learning is mostly rote in nature. As skills become more automatic, the child does not have to think as hard about what he or she is learning or doing, and brain resources are freed up to be used for How to write school application many credits, complex tasks that require more and Essay uk more attention and writing processing. Skills in reading, mathematics and writing become more specialized and developed.

The late elementary and middle school years. From late elementary school into middle school, inferential thinking becomes more emphasized in schools, while rote learning is de-emphasized. This shift in Essay uk, focus is supported by the increased connectivity in the brain and by chemical changes in the neuronal pathways that support both short and long term memory. Service Nz? These chemical changes can continue for hours, days and even weeks after the editor, initial learning takes place (Gazzaniga, Magnun, 2014). Learning becomes more consolidated, as it is effects instructions stored in long-term memory. During the early elementary years, the child develops motor skills, visual-motor coordination, reasoning, language, social understanding and Essay memory.

As learning is consolidated into neural networks , concepts combine into meaningful units that are available for later use. Between Essays And Research Zip? An ability to generalize and abstract begins at this stage and uk continues into adulthood. Also during this time, the child learns about perspective-taking and Essay sale social interaction. The ability to understand one's social place is Essay uk crucial for the development of Writing proofreading service nz appropriate relationships with other people. These skills are closely tied to development of the tracts of the right hemisphere as well as in the areas of the brain that are tied to emotional processing (also called the limbic system ) (Semrud-Clikeman, 2007). Editor? (A tract is Difference and research papers a pathway that connects one part of the brain with another, usually consisting of myelin-insulated axons. Tracts are known collectively as white matter.) During the later elementary years and early middle school years, the child's brain activity is mostly in the posterior regions where the areas for auditory, visual and tactile functioning intersect. This intersection is called the association area of the brain and generally contains information that has been learned and is now stored. This is the information that is commonly measured on achievement tests and verbally based ability tests.

The frontal lobes begin to mature more fully in middle school. The maturation continues through high school and adulthood (Semrud-Clikeman Ellison, 2009). The frontal lobes are a more recent evolutionary development in Essay editor uk, brains and allow humans to evaluate and adapt their behavior based on past experience. The frontal lobes are also thought to be where social understanding and empathy reside (Damasio, 2008). The refined development of the frontal white matter tracts begins around age 12 and essay music continues into the twenties. This region of the brain is crucial for higher cognitive functions , appropriate social behaviors and the development of formal operations . These tracts develop in an orderly fashion and experience appears to contribute to further development. If you are teaching adolescents, you should emphasize inferential thinking as well as metacognition . For some adolescents, brain development matches our educational expectations. For others, the two do not coincide and there is a mismatch between biology and education. In this case, the adolescent is Essay unable to obtain the maximum benefit from instruction and is often unable to understand more advanced ideas.

Although learning problems may be due to immaturity, they may indicate more serious learning or attentional problems. As connecting tracts in the frontal lobes become more refined, adolescents are expected to think about their behaviors and to change these behaviors. Unfortunately, this is the time when adolescents are more risk-prone and impulsive than adults. Some of this tendency is linked to changes in hormonal development as well as in brain changes. The figure below shows the white matter tracts in a mature brain. Notice the colored areas that reveal the tracts from front to back of the brain, allowing for good communication both from front to back as well as from right to left. Brain changes in the frontal lobe continue at a fast pace during adolescence and the healthy individual becomes better able to control more primitive methods of my homework hard reacting (such as fighting or being verbally aggressive) in favor of behaviors that are adaptive.

Adolescents and Essay editor uk young adults start to see the world through the eyes of others and they become better at my homework hard, relating to other people. Their progress toward more independence can be an Essay editor exciting but also daunting task. When the transition to more adult behavior is problematic, the difficulty may be due to is too, brain maturation. Essay Editor Uk? That's where a teacher can help. Some adolescents need more structure; others need more freedom. A teacher is in a unique place to help parents and adolescents to understand these boundaries and to tailor their guidance to each situation. Schools are also beginning to recognize that smaller groupings and Pay for my homework hard more contact with adults helps, too. These changes are very appropriate and in tune with the social and emotional needs of adolescents — as well as brain maturation — that are occurring at this crucial time.

In each stage of development, it is important for teachers to understand the relationship between neurological development and learning. This understanding is particularly important when there is a mismatch between development and educational expectations. The mismatch may be due to brain maturational differences or it can be due to a developmental disability. Research has found differences in brain structure, activation and development in children with learning disabilities (Aylward, E. H., et al., 2003; Maisog et al., 2008; Shaywitz, 2004), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Siedman et al., 2006; Swanson, et al., 2007) and in editor uk, mood disorders (Konarski, et al., 2008; Pliszka, 2005). Further research is needed in effects, all of these areas. Myth: You can train certain parts of the brain to Essay uk, improve their functioning. Fact: This has been an attractive and sometimes lucrative idea for many entrepreneurs. However, it is not possible to target a specific brain region and teach just to College application services, that part of the Essay editor uk, brain.

The brain is highly connected. Neurons in the brain learn remember and forget, but they do not do so in isolation. Skills need to hard, be broken down into their component parts and these parts can be taught. Editor? However, we do not totally understand how this learning takes place nor do we know exactly where in application, the brain that learning is stored. Evidence from victims of stroke and head injury show that injury to the brain of one individual may not result in the same loss in the brain of another person (Goeggel, 2012). Brains are like fingerprints — although there are commonalities, there are differences that make each brain unique. Myth: You are born with certain abilities and these do not change over time. Fact: At one time, people believed that the brain developed into Essay editor uk, its full form by the age of three, and that what developed afterwards was just a matter of refinement. In fact, we now know that the brain is How to write school application credits plastic — it changes with experience and development. Evidence shows that rather than ending development at editor uk, the age of 5, or even 12, brain development continues into one's twenties.

For some adolescents, the How to write school many credits, maturation of the frontal lobes may not end until age 25. For others, frontal-lobe maturity may be reached by the age of Essay editor uk 18 or 19. For this reason, some adolescents may require additional time before they are ready for college, while others are ready at Body instructions, an earlier age. A child with a learning disability will always have the disability. While a child with a learning disability , or with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) , may show continuing problems in these areas, there are treatments that may help the child compensate for the problems. (These interventions are discussed in other parts of uk this module.) The brain changes with experience and the direct teaching of a high school many credits appropriate skills is the most important aspect of learning for editor uk, children with special needs. Writing Nz? Shaywitz (2004) reports success in teaching compensation skills to children with severe dyslexia beginning at an early age and continuing throughout school. Essay Editor? Gross-Glenn (1989) found that adults with an early history of dyslexia, who had learned to read, had developed different pathways compared to those without such a history. The evidence from Essay writing my hometown, this research indicates that new pathways can be formed with intervention. Although these pathways are not as efficient as those generally utilized for these tasks, they can function adequately. Response To Intervention is a method that can help tailor an intervention to a child's needs (Fiorello, Hale, Snyder, 2006).

The environment can improve a child's ability. The environment can increase ability or it can lower it. A child with average ability in editor uk, an enriched environment may well accomplish more than a bright child in an impoverished environment. Although it is heartening to believe that enrichment can be effective at any point, recent research indicates that early enrichment is more beneficial than later enrichment. The brain grows in Writing proofreading service nz, spurts, particularly in the 24th to 26th week of gestation, and between the ages of one and Essay two, two and instructions four, middle childhood (roughly ages 8 to 9) and Essay editor uk adolescence (Semrud-Clikeman Ellison, 2009). These brain growth spurts are roughly commensurate with Piaget's stages of development. They coincide with periods of fast learning of language and Pay for my homework hard motor skills in the one to four year old child; concrete operations in middle childhood; and formal operations in adolescents. These areas need further study, particularly with regard to interventions. Skills such as working memory, planning, organization and attention develop over time with brain maturation and Essay with practice . Working memory is the ability to keep information in mind while solving a problem.

For young children, teachers need to give directions one at a time. For late elementary school children, directions can be given in a limited series of steps. For children with difficulty in my homework hard, this area, it is helpful to have them repeat the directions to make sure they recall what is asked of them. Listing steps on the blackboard can also be helpful. Problems in working memory can be linked to editor, difficulties with distractibility and/or attention. Executive functions are those skills that allow a person to evaluate what has happened, to Essay writing, review what was done, and to change course to an alternative or different response (Diamond, 2006). Uk? Executive function skills allow children to understand what has happened previously and to change their behavior to writing my hometown, fit new situations. Teachers can help with executive function development by Essay including exercises that ask what do you think may happen next in writing sale my hometown, the story? or they can provide story maps. Planning and organization is the ability to plan and organize is a skill that develops along with the brain's ability to consolidate information. Essay Editor Uk? These skills develop slowly and with experience and development. Teachers can assist in developing these abilities by initially asking the child to proofreading service nz, think about the steps needed to complete a project.

Teaching the child how to analyze a problem is Essay uk also helpful — what do you need to do first? What do you need to do next? For older children, direct teaching of outlining can assist them with writing. The use of day planners and calendars can also help students plan for the completion of longer assignments. Do you ever go to a telephone book to look up a number and remember it just long enough to dial it? That's an a high application many example of working memory.

If you get distracted between looking up the number and uk dialing the Pay for is too hard, number, you will forget it. In order for something in working memory to be stored, it must be rehearsed and practiced. For a young child, this is editor uk particularly difficult because attention and distractibility significantly impact working memory. Music? In addition, working memory is generally a frontal lobe function and for younger children the frontal lobe is not as well developed as in older children. Editor? Therefore, asking a young child to do more than one, or at the most two things at a time will not be successful — their brains are simply not ready. My Homework Hard? For elementary school children, working memory improves as the brain matures. Most children in elementary school are able to follow up to four directions at one time. Editor Uk? For those who are younger, it is possible to practice one direction at a time or to have the Pay for is too hard, child repeat the directions — practicing these skills improves performance. For adolescents, working memory may fail due to distractions. To improve the functioning of Essay working memory it is helpful to Difference essays and research papers zip, make sure the person is listening to you. In addition, even for a fully developed working memory, the memory buffer is sensitive to overload.

If a student is asked to do (or remember) too many things at once, he/she will not be able to process this information. Similarly, in Essay editor uk, a lecture format, information needs to be provided both visually and orally in order for sufficient material to Pay for is too, make it into the working memory buffer. The use of lists, rehearsals and day planners have all been found to be helpful in remembering information that would otherwise overload working memory (Diamond, Lee, 2011). Evidence suggests that these skills primarily reside in the frontal lobes and develop over time. Although young children have some ability to Essay uk, improve their executive functioning skills based on feedback from teachers and parents, executive functions improve with age. Older children become more adept with these skills and use them more flexibly. It is interesting to note that executive functions are negatively affected by lack of Pay for is too focus, and children with ADHD frequently have difficulty with executive functions. Recent research also indicates that when material is editor emotionally charged in a negative way (such as the pressure to learn something for a test, or the pressure of being called on by the teacher and made to answer a question), executive functioning decreases. Body Effects? This happens to some degree in every child, but it is particularly true for children with ADHD (Castellanos, Songua-Barke, Milham, 2006).

When you are asking any child to Essay uk, perform a task that requires concentration and planning, it is important to provide as much scaffolding as possible for the child in Body, order for him/her to profit from Essay editor, instruction. With maturity, executive functioning is related to appropriate behavior in How to write a high application credits, a variety of situations. In Posner's model of attention, both posterior and anterior regions of the brain form a complex network that includes subcortical structures such as the caudate nucleus for uk, processing attention-related activities (Posner, Rothbart, 2007). In this model, there are three networks believed to sale, be involved: alerting, orienting and executive. The alerting network lets a person know that something different is occurring. The orienting network orients the person to an event — where the event is, what the event is, etc. The executive network coordinates input of information and determines appropriate actions and reactions. Right frontal lobe dysfunctions are related to deficits in editor, the alerting network, bilateral posterior dysfunctions are consistent with deficits in the orienting network, and left caudate nucleus dysfunctions correspond to deficits in my homework hard, the executive network. Similar to Posner's theory, Corbetta and Shulman (2002) suggest that networks in various parts of the brain are involved in attentional functions.

They say that the anterior of the brain is involved in selecting or detecting items to be attended to and preparing goal-driven behavior. The second system is in the temporal-parietal region and the lower frontal regions of the right hemisphere. It is this system that is Essay uk specialized for the selection of application services relevant stimuli particularly when an event is unexpected. This second network pays attention to Essay, environmental events that are important because they are either rare or surprising. As such, this system would be a protective system to writing sale my hometown, channel attention to particularly threatening or rewarding stimuli. For further recommendations for skills also see Lynn Meltzer's Executive Function in Education: From Theory to Practice (Meltzer, 2011). Reward good behaviors quickly and Essay editor uk as frequently as possible. Please refer to the module on giving praise.

Follow through with consequences. When a child breaks the established rules, warn once. If the behavior continues, follow through with the promised consequence immediately. For excessive activity: Use activity as a reward. Alternate a seat-based activity with a more physical activity. For example, send the child to and research papers, the office with a note for editor uk, the secretary or give an activity that removes the child from the situation. My Homework? Solicit active responses. Examples include talking, moving or organizing responses. Do not try to reduce physical activity. Uk? Encourage non-disruptive movement. Allow students to How to write application, stand while doing seatwork.

Positively reinforce effort as well as success. For example, tell the child how well he/she is working. Essay Editor? Give clear, concise instructions. Have a child repeat directions to you aloud. Reinforce directions with a visual reminder when appropriate. For example, provide a list on the blackboard of what is expected and the approximate amount of service time that each step should take. Essay? Allow limited choice of tasks, topics and activities. Use a child's interest whenever possible in designing activities or introducing material. Match a child's learning ability and my hometown preferred method of Essay response.

Allow alternate response modes (computer, taped assignments) with every assignment. Provide a predictable routine in your class. Encourage the use of color coded folders or other forms of personal organizers. Make tasks as interesting as possible. Allow children to work with partners. Alternate high and low interest tasks. Give targeted children priority seating close to the teacher. Increase or provide novelty at later stages of the task to keep the child motivated. Decrease the length of the tasks you assign. Break up tasks into write school application many credits, smaller parts.

Have tasks arranged so that children complete smaller parts after longer parts. Essay Editor Uk? For every task students tend not to How to a high many, prefer, engage in two preferred tasks. Let students know that this will happen. Essay Editor? Give fewer math or spelling problems. For example, have the child do only the odd or even problems. Or put fewer problems (words on Essay writing sale my hometown one page). Use distributed (rather than mass) practice for problems beginning a task. Increase structure and/or add emphasis to relevant parts of a task or assignment. Ask a child to Essay editor uk, repeat directions. Use written directions.

Set realistic standards for acceptable work. Point out is too hard topic sentences, headings, etc. to improve task completion. Use lists and assignment organizers. Substitute verbal or motor responses for written responses. Have a child work on easier parts of a task before tackling the more difficult ones. Underline key words in directions. Essay? Allow quiet play. Encourage note taking for older children in high school. Application? Reward short intervals of patient waiting.

Don't assume that impulsive behaviors are aggressive. Essay Editor? Cue the child to upcoming difficult times when extra control is effects needed. Bring distracters or toys that are quiet and editor uk absorbing. School Many Credits? Encourage after school activities. Essay Editor Uk? Develop the child's sense of confidence and responsibility. Encourage targeted children to play with children who can serve as positive role models. My Hometown? Model good behavior. Reward good behavior.

There are few direct studies of Essay differences in brain development between girls and boys, and few to none on application services ethnicity. However, there are a number of studies looking at differences in brain structure and functioning in children with learning disabilities (LDs), autistic spectrum disorder or ADHD. Findings shed light on the difficulties that can arise when brain development does not go according to plan. The next paragraphs briefly review the literature on Essay gender differences, learning disabilities and ADHD. The review is not exhaustive, as research in this area is ongoing. School? It continues to contribute to our understanding of how the brain matures and give us ideas about interventions that can be used to Essay editor, alleviate problems. Although there are few studies looking at gender differences in young girls and boys, it has been found that adult women have a larger corpus callosum (a bundle of myelinated fibers connecting the two hemispheres) than men (Semrud-Clikeman, Fine, Bledsoe, 2009). This may mean that in women the two hemispheres communicate better with each other.

In addition, there are indications that women have their skills spread throughout the brain, while males tend to have their skills in specific regions of the brain. It is not clear whether these differences are universally present. As a result, much more research is needed. More and more we are learning that children with learning disabilities have brains that are different. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , many studies have found that the brain area involved in matching sounds and letters is compromised in children with dyslexia (Maisog, Einbinder, Flowers, Turkeltaub, Eden, 2008). These smaller brain areas correlate with poorer performance on tests of between and research papers reading achievement, word attack and rapid naming ability of letters, numbers and objects (Gabrieli, 2009). The corpus callosum has also been found to differ in children with dyslexia. The differences are found in regions connecting areas involved in language and reading (Fine, Semrud-Clikeman, Stapleton, Keith, Hynd, 2006).

These differences appear to be due to decreased rates of pruning during the fifth and seventh month of gestation (Paul, 2011). Functional MRI (fMRI) findings are beginning to suggest that children with LDs process information differently from those without LDs. Frontal brain regions are more efficient in fluent adult readers compared to editor, children who are beginning to read (Schlaggar, 2003). As a child develops, the Pay for my homework is too hard, left frontal region becomes more active. But, fluent reading appears to be related to this region too. Essay? More fluent readers activate this area more than children with reading difficulties (Schlaggar et al., 2002). Moreover, children with learning problems show more activity in the wrong places. For example, their parietal and occipital areas are more active, and How to a high school many credits they show more activity in the right hemisphere than the editor uk, left. Body? In contrast, children without learning problems activate the editor, frontal regions and the left hemisphere with less activation in application music, the right hemisphere. Activation of the brain is more diffuse when children are beginning to learn to read. The activation gradually becomes more specialized as reading improves.

Similarly, when asked to read single words, normal readers show left hemispheric activation, whereas those with dyslexia show more right hemispheric activation (Breier, et al., 2002; Papincolaou, 2003). Brain regions in the left hemisphere and temporal region have been found to Essay, be more active in good readers compared to those who had compensated for their dyslexia and were able to read adequately (Raizada, Tsao, Liu, Holloway, Ansari, Kuhl, 2010). In addition, Gabrieli (2003) found that improvements were found in activation following remediation of auditory processing ability. It is not yet clear whether these changes continue over time; further study is needed to understand possible brain response to remediation. This finding is important because activation of the left hemisphere, a region specialized for language functions, plays an important role in reading while the right hemisphere has generally been implicated for processing of novel stimuli . Since children with learning disabilities activate the right hemisphere when they read, this seems to indicate that they find reading to be a more novel task than a learned task. Early reading uses visual-perceptual processes generally located in the posterior portion of the brain. As the reading process becomes more automatized , the frontal systems become more active. College? Thus, the progression from simple letter and word calling to actual reading comprehension requires a maturation of neural pathways linking the back of the Essay uk, brain to the front (Shaywitz, 2004). Changes from right hemispheric processing to left hemispheric processing have also been found to occur with improvement in reading skills and improvement in language functioning.

Such changes are not found for children with dyslexia, and their reading skill does not become automatic and effortless. Additional research is progressing in learning disabilities in older students. There have been several studies of the possible structural differences between children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Bledsoe, Semrud-Clikeman, Pliszka, 2009; Castellanos, Sonuga-Barke, Milham, Tannock, 2006; Cherkasova, Hechtman, 2009; Shaw, Eckstrand, Sharp, Blumenthal, Lerch, Greenstein, . Rapoport, 2007). A study of total brain volume found a five percent smaller volume in the brains of the group with ADHD compared to a control group. This difference in volume was not related to How to write a high application many, age, height, weight, or IQ. Another structure of interest has been the caudate nucleus . The caudate nucleus is located in the center of the brain and is associated with the neurotransmitter dopamine . The caudate has been found to be smaller in children with ADHD, possibly indicating less availability of dopamine — the neurotransmitter that assists with focusing of editor uk attention and impulse control (Semrud-Clikeman et al., 2006). Volumetric studies have also found smaller frontal lobe volumes in children with ADHD particularly the white matter volume of the frontal lobe. Writing Proofreading Nz? Differences have also been noted in the white matter in the posterior regions of the brain particularly for those children who did not respond to stimulant medication such as Ritalin (Hale, Reddy, Semrud-Clikeman, Hain, Whitaker, Morley, . Jones, 2011). 3-D illustration of the editor uk, Caudate.

Coronal slice showing white matter. The finding of College application essay reduced white matter volume in the right frontal and editor uk posterior regions of the brain, as well as caudate asymmetry differences, suggests that systems commonly associated with sustained attention are different for children with ADHD. This finding may help to explain the difficulty children with ADHD have in more advanced attentional functions, such as self-regulation and executive function . Reduced white-matter volume leads to less communication between the frontal and posterior areas. The posterior region of the brain is responsible for accessing information from previous situations while the frontal region of the brain applies this knowledge to College services music, the current situation at hand. When there is not enough communication between these two centers, the child will have difficulty either accessing previously learned information or applying it correctly to the new situation.

This corresponds to the finding that a child with ADHD has difficulty applying knowledge (or rules) even though he/she may be able to tell you the Essay uk, rule. A fairly new avenue of investigation is the gene X environment interaction to help understand the etiology and course of ADHD. Nigg et al. (2010) reviewed the literature and Essay sale my hometown found that psychosocial factors contribute to attentional difficulty. For example, a child may do adequately if family stresses are lower. However, if family disruptions (divorce, contentious parenting) occur, significant impairment may ensue. ADHD has a relatively high heritability meaning that it tends to run in families. In these families there may be genetic liability that in turn will interact with environmental triggers.

Thus, when working with families with a history of ADHD, it is important for educators to uk, provide information as appropriate and to be aware of these vulnerabilities. The development of fewer connections between brain areas may well impact the efficiency of these connections — resulting in a poorer level of functioning but not a total loss of function (Fair, Nagel, Bathula, Dias, Mills, . How To Write A High School Application Credits? Nigg, 2010; Makris, Buka, Biederman, Papadimitriou, Hodge, Valera, . Uk? Seidman, 2008; Nigg, 2006). Functional neuroimaging , which allows one to writing sale, view what the brain is doing when the person is Essay uk completing a task, showed lowered activation in the regions of the frontal lobe and caudate nucleus when the child is asked to effects, inhibit a response. (Not respond when he/she would like to respond) (Pliszka et al., 2006). Less activation may well indicate fewer connections being made between neural networks and poorer attention to detail. Additional study is needed in this area to more fully understand differences that may be present in children with ADHD and those without. fMRI axial slice image.

Children with autism have been found to have larger heads than the general population (Verhoeven, De Cock, Lagae, Sunaert, 2010). It has been found that the brains of toddlers with autism are 10 percent larger than same-aged peers, with the editor, largeness of the head decreasing with age. They continue, however, to be larger than matched aged peers throughout life (Anagnostou, Taylor, 2011). Interestingly, there is no difference in head size at birth (Keller, Kana, Just, 2007) and the brain growth that later occurs may be due to early overgrowth of neurons, glial cells and a lack of synaptic pruning . Autopsy studies have found that children with autism had both greater total prefrontal neuron counts and brain weight for their age than control children (Courchesne, et al., 2011). Findings have suggested that the extra tissue that causes the increase in size is instructions not well utilized or organized — thus resulting in poorer skill development (Aylward et al., 2002). Specific additional findings indicate an increase in gray-matter volume particularly in the temporal lobes (Herbert et al., 2002; Rojas et al., 2002). Using structural MRI analyses, Courchesne et al. (2003) found smaller amounts of white matter compared to uk, gray matter in toddlers and Pay for my homework hard adolescents. Other studies of adults with autism have found reduced size of the corpus callosum (Hardan, Minshew, Keshava, 2000), a structure that connects the two hemispheres, as well as difficulties with inter-regional integration (also a white matter function) (Hadjikhani, Joseph, Snyder, Tager-Flusberg, 2006). Essay? Some studies have suggested that the larger brain, higher white matter volume and disrupted gray matter cellular columns may contribute difficulty that a person with autism has in integrating information and generalizing this information to service nz, new situations (Schultz et al., 2000). These difficulties may interfere with the person's ability to put information together into an understandable whole.

fMRI autism vs. healthy control activation pattern. MRI autism vs. healthy control volume comparision. The amygdala, anterior cingulate and hippocampus are part of the limbic system — the emotional part of the brain. The amygdala is important in emotional arousal, as well as processing social information. The hippocampus allows for the short-term and eventual long-term storage of information while the anterior cingulate works as a type of central executive, directing attention where it is most required. Autopsies of autistic individuals have revealed abnormalities of both the hippocampus and the amygdala including fewer connections and smaller hippocampi. This finding could lead to difficulties in forming new memories or associating emotions with past memories (Carlson, 2014), and may contribute to difficulties seen in people with autism with respect to social reciprocity and social awareness. Structural neuroimaging studies of children with autism show the volume of the amygdala and hippocampus to be enlarged (Groen, Teluij, Buitelaar, Tendolkar, 2010), although further research is needed in these areas. Some have suggested that the amygdala may be important for mediating physiological arousal and if it is not as active, the person may well not be as motivated for participating in social activities (Murphy, Deeley, Daly, Ecker, O'Brien, Hallahan, Murphy, 2012). More recent studies have begun evaluating discrete areas of the brain that may be disrupted in people with autism.

An area of the temporal lobe that has been found to be important for recognizing faces has been studied in editor, children with autism. This area has been found to be underactive in people with autism and the degree of under-activation is highly correlated with the degree of write school credits social impairment (Schultz et al., 2001). Of additional interest is editor uk that this area of the temporal lobe has also been implicated in successful solution of Theory of Mind tasks , skills that are also impaired in effects, people with autism (Castelli et al., 2000; Martin Weisberg, 2003). Both the Essay, frontal lobes and the upper area of the temporal lobes are important for understanding and Difference essays and research zip perception of social interactions as well as interpretation of facial expressions. The frontal lobes have also been implicated in the ability to take another's perspective — or in social cognition. These areas are intimately connected to the limbic system as well as the Essay, temporal lobe areas discussed earlier in College music, this section. Studies of brain metabolism have found reduced activity in these regions of the brain in patients with autism particularly when asked to Essay uk, perform tasks that tap social cognition and perception (Harms, Martin, Wallace, 2010). Anagnostou, E., Taylor, M. J. Zip? (2011). Review of neuroimaging in autism spectrum disorders: what have we learned and Essay uk where we go from here.

Mol Autism , 2 , 4-4. Aylward, E. H., Richards, T. Body Effects? L., Berninger, V. W., Nagy, W. E., Field, K. Essay? M., Grimme, A. C., . Cramer, S. C. (2003). Instructional treatment associated with changes in brain activation in children with dyslexia. Neurology , 61 , 212-219. Aylward, E. Instructions? H., Minshew, N. J., Field, K., Sparks, B. Essay? F., Singh, N. (2002). Effects of essays and research age on Essay editor uk brain volume and College essay music head circumference in autism. Neurology, 59, 175-183. Bledsoe, J., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Pliszka, S. R. (2009). A magnetic resonance imaging study of the cerebellar vermis in editor uk, chronically treated and treatment-naive children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder combined type. Biological psychiatry , 65 , 620-624. Breier, J., Simos, P. G., Fletcher, J. M. (2002).

Abnormal activation of tempoparietal language areas during phonetic analysis in children with dyslexia. Neuropsychology, 17, 610-621. Carlson, N.R. (2014). Physiology of nz Behavior (11 th edition). Bloomington, MN: Pearson. Castellanos, F. X., Sonuga-Barke, E. J., Milham, M. Editor? P., Tannock, R. (2006). Characterizing cognition in ADHD: beyond executive dysfunction. Trends in How to write a high credits, cognitive sciences , 10 , 117-123.

Castelli, F., Frith, C., Happe, F., Frith, U. (2002). Autism, Asperger's syndrome and brain mechanisms for the attribution of mental states to animated shapes. Brain, 125, 1839-1849. Cherkasova, M. Essay? V., Hechtman, L. (2009). Neuroimaging in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: beyond the frontostriatal circuitry. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Essay Writing? Revue canadienne de psychiatrie , 54 , 651-664. Corbetta, M., Shulman, G. L. (2002). Control of goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention in the brain.

Nature reviews neuroscience , 3 , 201-215. Courchesne, E., Mouton, P.R., Calhoun, M.E., Semendeferi, K., Ahrens-Barbeau, C., Hallet, MJ, Barnes, C.C., Karen Pierce, K. (2011). Neuron number and size in prefrontal cortex of children with autism. Editor Uk? Journal of the school, American Medical Association, 306 , 2001-2010. Damasio, A. (2008). Descartes' error: Emotion, reason and the human brain . Random House. Diamond, A. (2006). The early development of executive functions. Lifespan cognition: Mechanisms of change , 70-95. Diamond, A., Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4 to 12 years old.

Science , 333 (6045), 959-964. Fair, D. A., Posner, J., Nagel, B. J., Bathula, D., Dias, T. G. C., Mills, K. L., . Nigg, J. T. (2010). Atypical default network connectivity in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Uk? Biological psychiatry , 68 , 1084-1091. Fine, J. G., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Keith, T. Effects? Z., Stapleton, L. M., Hynd, G. Editor? W. (2007). Reading and Writing proofreading service nz the corpus callosum: An MRI family study of volume and uk area.

Neuropsychology, 21, 235-241. Fiorello, C. Essay My Hometown? A., Hale, J. B., Snyder, L. E. (2006). Cognitive hypothesis testing and response to intervention for editor uk, children with reading problems. Psychology in the Schools , 43 , 835-853. Gabrieli, J. D. (2009). Essay? Dyslexia: a new synergy between education and cognitive neuroscience. Science , 325 , 280-283. Gabrieli, J. (2003). Neuroimaging evidence about the brain basis of dyslexia. Uk? Paper presented at the International Dyslexia Association conference in San Diego.

Gazzaniga, M. S., Mangun, G. R. (2014). Cognitive neuroscience (4 th ed). Boston: MIT Press. Goeggel, S. B., Berger, S., Hagmann, B. B., Steinlin, M. Music? (2012). [Traumatic brain injury in children]. Praxis , 101 , 317-324. Groen, W., Teluij, M., Buitelaar, J., Tendolkar, I. (2010). Amygdala and hippocampus enlargement during adolescence in autism. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry , 49 , 552-560. Gross-Glenn, K., Duara, R., Barker, W. W., Loewenstein, D. (1991).

Positron emission tomographic studies during serial word-reading by normal and dyslexic adults. Essay Editor Uk? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 13, 531-544. Hadjikhani, N., Joseph, R. Services Music? M., Snyder, J., Tager-Flusberg, H. Essay Editor Uk? (2006). Anatomical differences in the mirror neuron system and social cognition network in autism. Cerebral cortex , 16 , 1276-1282. Hale, J. B., Reddy, L. A., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Hain, L. A., Whitaker, J., Morley, J., . College Application? Jones, N. Editor? (2011). How To School Credits? Executive impairment determines ADHD medication response: implications for academic achievement. Editor Uk? Journal of learning disabilities , 44 , 196-212. Hardan, A. Y., Mishew, N. J., Keshavan, M. S. (2000).

Corpus callosum size in autism. Neurology, 55, 1033-1036. Harms, M. Writing Proofreading Service? B., Martin, A., Wallace, G. L. (2010). Facial emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorders: a review of behavioral and editor neuroimaging studies. Neuropsychology review , 20 , 290-322. Herbert, M. R., Ziegler, D. A., Deutsch, C. K., O'Brien, L. M., Lange, N., Bakardjiev, A., et al. And Research Papers Zip? (2003).

Dissociations of cerebral cortex, subcortical and cerebral white matter volumes in uk, autistic boys. Brain, 126, 1182-1192. Konarski, J.Z., McIntyre, R.S., Kennedy, S.H., Rafi-Tari, S. Soczynska, J.K., Ketter, T.A. (2008). Volumetric neuroimaging investigations in mood disorders: Bipolar disorder versus major depression disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 10 , 1-37.

Maisog, J. M., Einbinder, E. R., Flowers, D. L., Turkeltaub, P. Write A High Application Many Credits? E., Eden, G. Essay? F. (2008). College Essay Music? A Meta ? analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Dyslexia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1145 , 237-259. Makris, N., Buka, S. L., Biederman, J., Papadimitriou, G. M., Hodge, S. M., Valera, E. M., . Editor? Seidman, L. Effects Instructions? J. Uk? (2008). Attention and is too executive systems abnormalities in adults with childhood ADHD: A DT-MRI study of connections.

Cerebral Cortex , 18 , 1210-1220. Martin, A., Weiberg, J. (2003). Neural foundations for understanding social and mechanical concepts. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 20, 575-587. Meltzer, L. (2011). Executive function in education: From theory to practice . Editor Uk? New York: Guilford Press. Murphy, C. M., Deeley, Q., Daly, E. M., Ecker, C., O'Brien, F. M., Hallahan, B., . Murphy, D. School Application Many Credits? G. (2012). Anatomy and aging of the Essay uk, amygdala and hippocampus in autism spectrum disorder: an in vivo magnetic resonance imaging study of Asperger syndrome. Application? Autism Research , 5 , 3-12.

Nigg, J.T. (2006). What causes ADHD? Understanding what goes wrong and editor uk why. New York: Guilford Press. Nigg, J.T., Nikolas, M., Burt, S.A. Pay For Is Too? (2010). Measured gene-by-environment interaction in relation to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the Essay editor, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49 , 863-873.

Papanicolaou, A. C. (2003). Brain imaging in normal and impaired reading: A developmental-educational perspective. Paper presented at my homework is too, the International Dyslexia Association conference in San Diego. Paul, L. K. (2011). Developmental malformation of the corpus callosum: a review of typical callosal development and Essay uk examples of developmental disorders with callosal involvement. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders , 3 , 3-27. Pliszka, S. (2005). The neuropsychopharmocology of Difference and research Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Biological Psychiatry, 57 , 1385-1390. Plizska, S., Glahn, D., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Franklin, C., Perez III, R., Liotti, M., (2006). Neuroimaging of inhibitory control in treatment naive and Essay uk chronically treated children with ADHD. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1052-1060. Posner, M. I., Rothbart, M. K. (2007). Research on attention networks as a model for the integration of Body psychological science. Editor Uk? Annu. Application Services Music? Rev. Psychol., 58, 1-23. Raizada, R. D., Tsao, F. M., Liu, H. M., Holloway, I. D., Ansari, D., Kuhl, P. K. (2010). Linking brain-wide multivoxel activation patterns to behaviour: Examples from editor uk, language and math.

NeuroImage , 51 , 462-471. Rojas, D. Write Application Many Credits? C., Bawn, S. Essay Editor? D., Benkers, T. Hard? L., Reite, M. Uk? L., Rogers, S. J. A High School Many? (2002). Smaller left hemisphere planum temporale in Essay editor uk, adults with autistic disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 328, 237-240. Rothbart, M. K., Ellis, L. K., Rosario Rueda, M., Posner, M. I. (2003). Developing mechanisms of temperamental effortful control. Journal of personality , 71 , 1113-1144.

Schlaggar, B. L. (2003). FMRI and Difference essays zip the development of single word reading. Paper presented at the International Dyslexia Association conference in San Diego. Schlaggar, B. L., Brown, T. Editor? T., Lugar, H. M., Visscher, K. M., Miezin, F. M., Petersen, S. E. (2002). Functional neuroanatomical differences between adults and school-age children in processing of single words. Science, 296, 1476. Schultz, R. T., Romanski, L., Tsatsanis, K. (2000). Neurofunctional models of autistic disorder and Asperger's syndrome: Clues from Pay for is too, neuroimaging.

In A. Klin, F.R. Volkmar, S.S. Sparrow (Eds.), Asperger's syndrome (pp. 19-209). New York: Plenum Press. Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2007). Editor? Social competence in children and adolescents. New York: Springer. Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2006). Neuropsychological aspects for evaluating LD. Essays And Research Papers Zip? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 563-568.

Semrud-Clikeman, M. Ellsion, P.A.T. (2009). Essay Uk? Child Neuropsychology. New York: Springer. Semrud-Clikeman, M., Fine, J.G., Bledsoe, J. (2009). Neuroimaging in women . In E. Fletcher-Janzen (Ed.), Neuropsychology of Women (pp. 1-37). Boston, Springer. Semrud-Clikeman, M., Plizska, S., Liotti, M., Higgins, K., Lancaster, J. L. (2006). Pay For Is Too Hard? Neuroimaging in children with ADHD, treated and treatment naive.

Neurology, 67, 1023-1027. Shaw, P., Eckstrand, K., Sharp, W., Blumenthal, J., Lerch, J. Essay Editor? P., Greenstein, D., . Essay? Rapoport, J. L. (2007). Editor? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterized by a delay in Pay for hard, cortical maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 104 , 19649-19654. Shaywitz, S. (2004). Overcoming dyslexia. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Seidman, L. J., Valera, E. M., Makris, N. (2005). Structural brain imaging of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological psychiatry , 57 (11), 1263-1272.

Swanson, J. M., Kinsbourne, M., Nigg, J., Lanphear, B., Stefanatos, G. A., Volkow, N., . Essay Uk? Wadhwa, P. Body Effects Instructions? D. (2007). Etiologic subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: brain imaging, molecular genetic and environmental factors and uk the dopamine hypothesis. Neuropsychology review , 17 , 39-59. van Zomeren, A. H., Brouwer, W. H. (1994). Clinical neuropsychology of attention. New York: Oxford University Press. Verhoeven, J. S., De Cock, P., Lagae, L., Sunaert, S. Service Nz? (2010). Editor Uk? Neuroimaging of autism. Neuroradiology , 52 , 3-14. Abstract: Higher-level reasoning or understanding. Amygdala: An almond-shaped cluster of neurons in the limbic system thought to be involved in processing emotions and memory.

Anterior cingulate: Anterior section of the cingulate cortex. Asymmetry: favoring one side or the other. Difference Between Essays And Research? Also called laterality. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Mental disorder that consists of behaviors such as impulsivity, hyperactivity and difficulties with inhibition and self-regulation. Automatized: To make a skill so automatic that one does not need to think about it while performing it. Caudate nucleus: Part of the Basal-Ganglia, the Caudate nucleus is thought to be involved in regulation of movement, learning and memory. Corpus Callosum: A white matter structure that connects the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Thought to contain approximately 250 million axons that allow right and left hemisphere communication.

Dopamine (DA): Part of the catecholamine family of neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine), Dopamine is naturally produced in editor uk, the brain and zip is thought to be involved in reward-based cognitive functions. Dyslexia: A learning disability that causes difficulties in reading and writing. Empathy: The ability to Essay, recognize and vicariously experience another person's emotional state. Executive function: Higher-order cognitive processes that allow one to control organization of thought, and writing sale apply context specific rules in order to execute a task successfully. Formal operations: The skill to think systematically about Essay editor, all of the parts of a problem and to arrive at a reasonable solution. Frontal lobes: Area of the brain made up by effects the front portions of Essay right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. These areas are involved in memory, planning, organization, language and impulse control. These areas also have been linked to personality. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): A technique in which neural activity is measured by application many changes in blood flow.

Brighter areas on an fMRI images indicate higher amounts of uk blood flow and greater activity. Generalize: To apply a conclusion beyond a specific example. Glial cells: Cells of the nervous system that provide physical support and nutrition for neurons. Essay? Higher cognitive functions: See executive functions. Hippocampus: Part of the uk, limbic system involved in storing new knowledge.

Impulsive: Behaviors that are not thought out. Inferential thinking: Reading between the lines, often involves meaning that is Body effects implied rather than explicit. Inhibition: The ability to regulate behavior or impulses. Inter-regional integration: Neural connections that are similar in location. Language: A system/group of symbols used in verbal and visual communication.

Learning disability: Difficulties in the development of Essay editor uk language, reading, mathematical reasoning or other academic undertakings compared to Pay for my homework hard, expectations of one's ability. Believed to Essay, be neurological in nature. Left hemisphere: The left side of the cerebral cortex, thought to mediate language and service verbal communication. Limbic system: A multistructural system involved in emotions, memory and physical regulation. Structures such as the amygdala, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, ammillary body, nucleus accumbens, orbitofrontal cortex, and thalamus are all structures of the limbic system.

Memory: Ability to store and Essay editor uk recall conceptual, social, emotional and physical information. Metacognition : Thinking about one's own learning, thinking or perception. Myelinate: The white matter in the brain. It is made up of lipids (fat) that help impulses move more quickly along the nerve. Myelination: Process during development by which Myelin is formed over the neurons. Neuronal pathways: These are pathways through which nerve messages travel as they move among the various parts of the brain. Neurons: Cells that make up the nervous system, they process and transmit signals electrically. Neurotransmitter: Nervous system chemicals that relay, amplify and modulate electrical signals from one neuron to another neuron. Perspective-taking: The ability to Essay sale, understand another person's point of view or beliefs.

Processing of novel stimuli: Analyzing new information that the brain has not seen before. Pruning: Process by which brain cells die off in order to make room for more efficient connections between neurons. Reasoning: Mental process that deals with one's ability to perceive and respond to editor uk, feelings, thoughts and emotions. Right hemisphere: The right side of the cerebral cortex, thought to mediate spatial, social and emotional understanding. Risk-prone: Susceptible to taking chances and making mistakes.

Rote: Learning by memorization. Self-regulation: Ability to control one's behavior and cognitive processes. Social understanding: Ability to manage and function in Writing proofreading nz, social settings such as peer relationships. Sustained attention: The ability to maintain one's focus on an activity or stimulus of choice. Synaptic pruning: When weaker neural connections are thinned and replaced by stronger connections. Temporal region: The side region of the cerebrum thought to be involved in auditory processing. Theory of Mind tasks: Tasks that evaluate whether one has the ability to consider another's personal beliefs, needs, desires and intentions.

Transmission fibers: Axonal connections involved in neural communication. Visual-motor: Coordination of visual and motor processes, like tracing letters. Visual-perceptual processes: Ability to correctly interpret visual stimuli, like reading words. White matter fibers: Myelinated axons. White matter volume: Quantified amount of myelinated axons. 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 | Contact Support. 750 First St.

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Why There Are Little to No SEO Case Studies Out There. Have you noticed how few SEO case studies are really out there? Take a minute and think about the last time you saw a comprehensive SEO case study that showed traffic growth, website interaction, conversion metrics and Essay editor, most importantly, how much money the search marketing campaign brought in. You might recall seeing one at some point, but I’m willing to bet that most people reading this just said the following: “ Wow, he is right. I can’t think of the last time I saw something even close to that.” What do we see instead? Ranking reports. Every SEO company loves to show off ranking reports that show a bunch of keywords ranked in the top few positions. The keywords are always blurred out instructions, because they don’t want to Essay editor uk, expose their clients, their websites and essay services music, their niches. Ranking reports alone don’t prove anything.

Notice that no SEO agencies every show a ranking report and then also disclose the Essay editor uk links that they used to Pay for my homework, achieve those rankings? Showing only Essay, ranking reports is useless, and is too, this is why: If you were to see the editor actual report, you would see that most of the top ranking keywords are brand terms, like the business name or the naked URL . These terms rank with just good onsite optimization. My Homework! They are terms that usually don’t bring in buyers. Uk! What if one of the keywords was at the number two position when the application SEO company took the client on and it then moved to the top position after 8 months and only after the editor previous number one website was penalized. Writing Nz! That number one ranking suddenly isn’t impressive at all when you know the true back story. Editor! Keyword rankings don’t indicate that there is any money being made. Sale My Hometown! They don’t prove that there were leads generated, phone calls placed, or that the Essay editor SEO investment made the business any money. There are many reasons why we don’t see SEO case studies.

Here are the most obvious reasons ( hint: I saved the best for last) : It isn’t that most SEO companies are horrible at what they do, they are just lazy and essay music, don’t want to take the extra time to Essay editor uk, put together detailed case studies. The amount of businesses looking for a SEO company (or a new one because they got burned) is service, always going to uk, be high. New businesses are started every single day and in order to compete you need an online presence, so SEO is in demand. Also, with so many bad providers out there it creates another huge segment, which is businesses seeking a new option because they either didn’t get the results they were promised or the company tanked their website. The SEO industry is booming, but personally I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to shy away from showcasing abilities with detailed case studies. 2. Most SEO providers wouldn’t know an Body effects instructions analytics report if it slapped them in the face.

This is a major problem. I recently consulted with a company that was looking for a new provider because they weren’t seeing any sales come in. The business owner told me: “I don’t understand it. The current SEO company is Essay, building our traffic up every month. We have been with them for proofreading 12 months and the first month we received 1,200 visitors and Essay editor, now we are at over 200,000 visitors a month but sales are almost nothing. Writing! It doesn’t make sense.” I thought he was exaggerating the editor uk traffic numbers. I assumed the SEO company was lying to him, but sure enough, those numbers were correct.

But there was a big problem. Those 200,000 visitors from the How to write school credits previous month were all referral spam (here’s how to Essay editor, cure it btw) . After all the fake traffic was filtered out the website was receiving about 80 visitors a month and the average time on the site was a few seconds and application essay, the bounce rate was at uk almost 100%. The sad reality is that this SEO company most likely wasn’t trying to pull one over on the client. They probably genuinely believed that they were doing a great job and increasing the traffic. Opening up Google Analytics and selecting the date range will show all the traffic numbers. They might have had an intern looking up this and write many credits, entering that data into a report template. 3. Essay Uk! Most SEO providers only understand ranking reports. This relates back to the fact that SEO companies are so stuck on proofreading service ranking reports. It’s all they know.

It takes zero effort to understand or analyze a ranking report. For example, a tool like produces professional reports and the only thing you need to do is input the URL ’s and editor, keywords. Write A High School Many! It handles everything. The simpler the report, the less explaining that is Essay editor uk, required. Any business owner can read a ranking report and understand what is going on. They see the keywords, the Writing positions, the movement over the last month and the movement over the entire campaign. You could be completely oblivious to what SEO is and fully understand a ranking report. If an SEO company starts to Essay editor uk, put out instructions, detailed case studies that break down every aspect of how the Essay uk SEO campaign improved the business it is going to spark a lot of service questions from potential clients. Can you do this for my business? What kind of Essay editor results should we expect?

Similar to these? There isn’t a shortage of effects SEO customers, so why go through the trouble of putting a case study together? Because it shows that you actually give a crap about the uk client. If you want long term clients and want to writing sale my hometown, stop scrambling to Essay editor, fill the holes when a client leaves, then start putting together case studies that show you understand how a business can justify paying your company money every month. It’s time for instructions a major wake up call within the SEO industry. 4. Most SEO providers don’t know how to Essay editor uk, structure and manage an SEO campaign because they outsource 100% How can someone put together a case study when they couldn’t rank a website to save their life?

My company does the actual “work” for some of the largest SEO companies all over the world. They have huge advertising budgets and win awards for sales volume, but guess what? They don’t know SEO . They know how to sell and they have amazing sales teams, but if you told them that they needed to rank a local website in order to save their business they would be closing their doors. I know my company isn’t the only outsource provider in the game, but I do know one thing: we deliver great results, which allows our customers to keep selling and not have to use case studies to pull clients in. They are great sales people and they have a good partner doing the service. But what about Pay for is too hard those clueless companies that are reselling Fiverr gigs? If you knew how many SEO agencies that portray themselves as industry leaders are throwing together five gigs ($25) and charging their clients thousands of dollars a month it would blow you away. If someone is Essay editor uk, using Fiverr gigs, do you really think they understand SEO or even care enough to put together a case study?

They can’t do it, therefore they don’t. 5. Most SEO providers would be out of Writing business if they put together a case study of their actual results. This is the reality of the Essay uk current SEO industry. There are far more disappointed and How to a high many, dissatisfied customers than there are happy customers that rave about their current SEO company. The fact that there are more bad companies than good SEO providers is the main reason this industry has a black eye. There are some small boutique agencies that have a few clients and they remain satisfied because they do very comprehensive work and do a hell of a lot more work than just blasting a link package at a website.

These companies tend to fly under the radar. They aren’t spending millions of dollars on AdWords campaigns and they don’t have call centers or send out Essay editor uk, mass spam mail to How to, sucker business owners in. They keep the Essay same clients’ year after year and in the event that they are able to bring on one more there is usually a referral waiting and ready. The companies that come up in a Google search and the ones robocalling and my hometown, email spamming are the editor ones that the unsuspecting business owners hire and they are the ones that either don’t care that they are providing a crap service or they don’t know any better. Either way, they aren’t in the position to put together a case study. The results would look like crap and Writing service, showcasing their “work” would do more harm than good. 6. Most SEO providers do not want to admit that they build links or sell links. Building links to game the search results is against Google’s terms of Essay editor uk service.

Want to know something? Every single SEO company is building links. Links that aren’t naturally occurring. Links that aren’t the outcome of “compelling content” and all of those other fancy terms. SEO companies have relationships with editors and writers to drop links and they all have their own private blog networks that they use to give their clients’ websites a boost in the SERPS . Difference Essays! Nobody is going to Essay editor, come out and publicly admit to doing this. This is hands down the number one reason we don’t see a lot of case studies. Links are the Essay writing sale most important SEO factor, yet no SEO company can admit this part in a case study. Imagine if a large SEO company published a thorough case study and mentioned that they paid a contributor on editor Forbes $1,000 for a link and dropped a few dozen links on their private blog network to get their results? Heads would spin and Matt Cutts would probably come back from his extended leave of proofreading service absence. It really all boils down to the fact that there is a never ending supply of businesses that are seeking out SEO and editor, unfortunately they don’t know what to How to write school many credits, look for or how to differentiate a good company from one that is going to take their money and underperform.

So, it is ultimately up to the SEO companies to Essay, decide to rise above. With all this being said, it is Difference between papers zip, time for Essay editor uk a change within our industry. I’m in the process of launching a new personal blog, and I plan to Writing proofreading service nz, fill it with real case studies that show the good, the bad and the ugly of SEO . I believe full transparency is the future of this industry and it starts with us. If you are in the SEO industry I encourage you to Essay uk, join me, and Pay for my homework, commit to producing more case studies. Together, we can help eliminate the editor uk “snake oil salesmen” label that some business owners automatically associate SEO companies with. When full transparency becomes the norm, it will push the low quality providers out of the picture. The cream will rise to the top and the bottom feeders will be left fighting for the scraps. This post might piss a lot of the self proclaimed “ SEO gurus” off, but frankly, I don’t care. The only people this post will upset are the scam artists that don’t have a clue about SEO and those that are ruining websites and businesses rather than helping them.

Let me know what you think of writing this post in the comment section. I welcome intelligent and well thought out SEO discussion any day. Shows how many different websites are linking to this piece of content. As a general rule, the more websites link to you, the higher you rank in Google. Shows estimated monthly search traffic to this article according to Essay editor uk, Ahrefs data.

The actual search traffic (as reported in Google Analytics) is usually 3-5 times bigger. 47,058 marketers are already subscribed to Ahrefs blog. Leave your email to How to a high school application credits, get our weekly newsletter. I’ve got to editor uk, say I’ve seen a lot of this around… I’m glad to say I work for an agency that does published very detailed case studies that do actually cover real detail, and not just rankings! (Shocking that there are still people basing their reports on rankings alone!?) I know they drive real leads as well. I guess it’s all about making sure you show potential clients what could be possible without telling them directly what is possible.

That’s the between papers key to case studies in my opinion. We use them as a representation of what we’ve achieved in Essay editor the past, not an Body effects example of what we can achieve for any particular prospective client. Exactly Sam! This is what I’ve been just saying in the other comments here.. We don’t have to uk, be giving them an exact step by step, link by Body instructions, link guide.. but compiling a detailed case study is still very doable while keeping sensitive info to ourselves.

Clients want to be confident that the guys handling their work actually know what they’re doing, have a track record for Essay uk doing it and write a high school application credits, are not afraid to show that.. Essay Uk! Case studies are perfect for showing all of this and more. Do you want to writing sale, see test seo? followed #seopazzo on Essay editor uk Google+. How To Write A High School Credits! Very good article, telling the truth in many cases. No way an SEO company would genuinely think that they are growing traffic for an entire year when 90% of the uk traffic is coming from College essay services music and Essay,… Haha Had a good laugh reading this #128512; I think most people are scared that they will lose their jobs when a dip in traffic appears (hence the my homework hard vague reports)…but it comes down to not being able to read and uk, analyse data. I had a client who’s traffic declined but revenue almost doubled just because I was removing all the noise and Writing proofreading, clutter and honing in on the theme of editor his site/services. It also comes down to people not understanding Google Analytics itself and where to look for different results (Like linking your Search Console with GA to get search queries tracked) and to Writing, see increase in impressions,click throughs on valid search terms, etc. Keep up the great articles!

Haha very true, we might have a lot of unemployed SEOs! But I do feel that we could be a lot more see through and compile detailed case studies while at the same time keeping “sensitive” company practices private. Thanks for the feedback #128578; Indeed… I just read it. Essay! Awesome article and Difference essays and research zip, you covered some really cool techniques I had not really thought of. I guess there is one another fear that restricts the SEO ’s from sharing their case studies is competition, the competitors can easily follow the steps and get closer, feels like giving competitors a road path, but honestly speaking any SEO with little analytical skills can easily gauge whats been done on the website, they can track their competitors link building tactics with Ahrefs tool, (the anchor texts used, the publishers, forums) So hiding all that doesn’t make sense now, in fact i agree with Tommy on Essay uk this that by sharing successful SEO case studies you will increase your trust and it will also let you improve by eliminating the unnecessary work in future projects. I am junior in this field with just 2 years of experience but constantly trying to grab good insights from experts like you:)

looking forward for making case studies, keep up the great work! Yeah that’s a very valid point.. Effects! although case studies can still be done without giving EXACT details away. No one would expect full disclosure, some of the “case studies” I have seen by agencies boil down to Essay uk, “we increased his traffic”.. which certainly doesn’t count as a case study. Exactly.. Difference Between Essays And Research Zip! anyone even a little SEO savvy can find most of the links coming in to their site, so there is no sense in trying to hide it and that excuse is nonsense now. Thanks for the feedback man #128578; Just looked on your site. Think since you offer packages from $250 per editor, month we’re probably doing two quite different types of music SEO to be honest. I used to work for an agency a few years back when we worked with small business, and it was a different ball game. Some of what you say will still work in those cases so I can see why you say as you do. Curious though, where are these case studies you mention? — nothing I can see on editor your site. Well those are for forum and wholesale buyers most of those being “agencies”..

I’d call them marketing companies, they buy links and essays and research zip, market SEO . We cater to a number of clients then on Essay uk custom packages, you can also see that on the site. Some of those are in Difference between zip much higher price brackets.. Essay Uk! so I do hear you. You can find some of my case studies on BHW . The site you are looking at is only just one of the College application essay services music projects I’m involved with. I’m currently working on a blog to editor uk, ramble on, I’ll be working on some case studies there.. keep an eye out for it. There seems to my homework is too hard, be some confusion. Our agency is not ‘scared’ of using case studies. We have them and Essay editor uk, we use them for pitching, etc… With permission of the business concerned. However, we don’t publish them. Between Zip! The only Essay, ones that do get published is when it’s to Body effects instructions, do with awards. The reason for this is not fear from our agency but client preferences about sharing their strategies.

Yes, these could be uncovered with some work anyway, but it’s understandable I think, to editor uk, not make that easier for competitor analysis. Agreed, Clients should be asked as sometime’s they don’t want their competitor to know that they even invested on SEO , but on the other hand SEO ;s want to share the success to inspire other businesses (maybe clients direct competitor too) to invest in SEO and gain benefits, in Pay for my homework order to increase clientele. For this reason i would advise clients to be in contract for editor uk longer terms and Writing proofreading service nz, don’t just end the contract if they have achieved the goal. Case studies however are the editor best way to Difference between and research zip, inspire other businesses and even if the competitor of your client get to Essay editor, know what you doing, he cannot go with the same strategy easily, but i still agree that we should try to proofreading service nz, keep it ambiguous for competitors. very nice case study to read, congrats. People tend to editor, see the world in what they experience around them. I’m afraid that’s why the author feels that ‘most SEO providers’ do XYZ . But actually that’s not true. It means most providers he notices or comes across (especially as an admitted frequenter of BHW ) are that way… that doesn’t speak for school application many credits everyone else.

Our agency has tonnes of SEO case studies, but like other such agencies we can’t publish most publicly because it’s against the client’s wishes and Essay uk, we’re usually under an NDA . Large brands do not want their strategies revealed to How to write a high school application many, their competitors. Most SEO ‘providers’ I converse with stopped buying links pre-penguin because they already figured out it had a shelf life and was a poor long term strategy… and they’re all massively into their data, so expert with analytics, etc… If the author wishes to editor, generalise about ‘most’ people of an industry including tens of thousands or more, he should probably walk in some different industry circles first. Personal experience is never representative of anything. No not necessarily Steve.. While I do frequent those forums the majority of our business is service nz, done outside of them.

We’re also used by some very large agencies that outsource most of their work to Essay editor uk, us. Difference Essays Papers! So I see a lot of sides of the industry and there is Essay editor uk, a lot more going on “around me” than you seem to think. Great.. But you don’t need to use a clients site though to do a case study. Set up some sites of your own then full disclosure is no issues.. right? People may claim not to be purchasing links, but I can tell you now they’re all still reaching in to their wallets and buying links hand over fist. This is huge business man and if you think it’s not going on then you are seriously misinformed. Again I’ve seen more of the College industry than you seem to uk, think.. The amount of essays and research zip time, resource, funds required to replicate a large functioning site with existing brand and product awareness to make a relevant case study, which would also require other marketing channels active to show attribution and Essay uk, context would be crazy.

Might as well suggest we make a new business and build it up for years to make a case study out of it. Might work for small business sites but that’s not what I’m referring to, and I can only assume that your suggestion to do that must mean it’s only what you’re referring to. Also, calling BS on non-link buying SEO merely demonstrates my point. If you genuinely believe that everyone’s doing it, when a vast number aren’t displays a somewhat cocooned view of the industry. I used to do it and Writing proofreading service nz, know plenty who still do, but the Essay editor majority who did, no longer do. And many agencies would not risk their clients in writing my hometown that way… not to mention many businesses are more clued up now and editor uk, wouldn’t risk it themselves.

Having done many link clean ups for companies that were penalised after link buying from previous agencies, I can assure you that they’re careful not to go down that same path again. I think you’re over thinking it. We don’t have to build fortune 500 companies here to do a few case studies. A site can be built up over time, most large case studies I have followed have done just that.. updating them weekly or monthly. Body Effects Instructions! I’ve also written smaller ones myself targeting affiliate products. It’s all relevant.. it’s all showing clients what you can do and elements of how you do it.

No not everyone of course not. Editor! There is some people out there that don’t. From what I’ve seen though.. A LOT have bought and continue to buy links. They buy links from all manor of sources. So I’m not necessarily talking low quality here that would end up with you penalized like you mention.

Good luck getting a link on a high school many the likes of Forbes, Inc, HuffPo etc without getting your wallet out. Editor! Agencies are paying for these sorts of links all the time. We manage it through creating original and newsworthy content, often with new data, and of course PR . Not in the sites you’ve mentioned there to-date but plenty of others of similar authority, and often smaller local or niche news sites. I’m afraid I still don’t see the point in building up our own sites for the sake of case studies. We simply don’t need to, so why bother. Re the building of sites for case studies… since our clients tend to have hundreds of thousands of pages and are in How to a high school many credits highly competitive markets, we wouldn’t be able to replicate that very easily enough to uk, make the case study relevant for them. In fact if we pitched to essays and research papers, them with some site we built as a case study which bore no comparison to their size, they’d probably think we’re not right for Essay editor uk them anyway.

I have got links of nz both of those sites without paying — I do agree with the article. but i disagree about Essay getting links from the Body top sites without paying, its hard and not as easy as getting the wallet out but it can be done. I even managed to get one from themetro to my personal blog site by having something useful on their, something a bit different. I think Steve and Tommy are both right. There is a huge presence of link buying and borderline blackhat tactics, and these are more effective at editor uk fooling clients and taking their money than providing good SEO . Writing Sale My Hometown! On the opposite end we have real OPM companies that actually do what it takes to Essay uk, help their clients achieve their goals. I think that educating the application music market for SEO services about SEO services is one of the biggest hurtles of the SEO industry. So many people just have no idea — and Essay, scoff when they see a quote — the reality hits them, and sale, so they try to wander off the uk right path, and fall down a thicket and into the swamp, where the companies that Tommy describes dwell, waiting to prey on small and big business alike. Agreed, to be successfully at SEO or anything you need to “ LIKE ” what you do and not care all about the money. Writing! Yes there is a lot of potential to Essay uk, make $$$$ but you will never offer the best services or have long term business if your just doing it for money. Proofreading Nz! That being said if your doing SEO just for Essay editor quick buck then its probably time to get out! And good post by the way!

Nice stuff, You have mention that point which are currently practice by numerous of company in term of SEO service vs top rank in Google SERP . I want to ask how do you think that you are different from search engine marketing ? while you are also selling traditional and only promotional SEO package. Application Essay Music! which is nothing more than lucrative some else. Unfortunately, these are very valid points. It’s sickening when I read Forbes posts or other large sites and I can spot a “paid” link. To validate it, simply look up the author in LinkedIn and see if they freelance. Then look up the questionable link in uk Ahrefs and spot 10 other similar articles. My Homework Is Too! It certainly changes your perspective on journalism. Finally someone with a bit of sense and editor, not afraid to speak it. This is big business man.. Essay Music! I’m not sure if the critics on this post are unaware or prefer it not spoken about Essay editor #128578; This SEO is now considering taking her business elsewhere. Writing Nz! Why would I want to give my money to a company that thinks so little of what I do?

That places more value on Essay editor a piece of garbage linkbait than on effects understanding what honest SEOs need from them? Honestly, why would any of you? It’s appalling to see such a well-established company stooping so low. This article is bang on. I used to offer up case studies and even disclosed publicly a few clients … until those clients started getting hit with negative SEO and all kinds of weird tactics. The industry is in for a change, what worked last year regarding PBNs does not work the same way today. Bloggers and publicity can be so openly bought right now it just comes down to editor, systemizing and scalability. The web, and society (now with social media and everything shared) is developing a CREDIBILITY system. But it’s not there yet. And the SERPs certainly aren’t yet either.

a really great case Damir, I really wish there were more like this. Case studies are good — but I don’t have the time to Pay for, create them… I really don’t, and that sucks #128577; Its kind of shame for low level SEO Firms. Loved this article! Just about to put together some case studies myself (not just ranking reports!) and am excited to dig in deeper to my past projects and processes and get it on paper.

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900 Word Essay Essays and Research Papers. ? Ambiguous Words Essay Question: “Southerners maintained that secession was the ultimate expression of democracy, while . Essay? Lincoln claimed it was rejection of democracy. How did they explain and justify their principles.” On December 20, 1860, the Confederacy was born when South Carolina seceded from the federal Union. The Union and the Confederacy severely clashed in their views on the Constitution; the South felt that individual states should have the right to nullify. American Civil War , Confederate States of America , North Carolina 979 Words | 8 Pages. one needs to understand the origin of words . Etymology, according to Yule(2006) is Pay for is too “the study of the origin and history of a . word ” (p.35). This process is used in uk, the evolution of words today, the internet is the building block of this process. The internet is a catalyst for a number of new words that have become normal in everyday language. This has raised some fundamental questions about the nature of services music, such words being included in the dictionary. This essay will argue that although change is inevitable.

English language , Etymology , French language 1231 Words | 4 Pages. in a more accurate way. WELL, that is how I feel about what I write. Since coming home for the summer, I’ve revisited old papers and essays . for further refinement and uk fine tweaking just because I think it’s fun (and because I’m a perfectionist, whoops). So some of the essays I post are more loved and tended to than others, but today I am posting the first essay I wrote for the Nonfiction Writing class I took this past spring at KU. It’s come a long way since then, and write I’m certain I will pay it. Essay Editor Uk? Microsoft Word , Political correctness , Word 2077 Words | 6 Pages. Mark G. Period 6 01.24.12 AP Literature Othello Words Essay The word “heaven” is one of the most frequently . Pay For? used words in the play Othello. Throughout the play, the editor, word is used in Body effects, various forms with numerous connotations, often including multiple ones in a single incident. “Heaven” is used in the first few acts mostly as a “power or majesty of heaven, or as God”(“Heaven” Def. 7a). The people refer to the heavens as a God or a divine being, such as when Cassio says “Oh, let the editor uk, heavens Give him.

Connotation , Dictionary , English language 887 Words | 3 Pages. the Writing proofreading, Usage of the “N” Word When discussing the definition, effects, and the history behind the “N” word , it is interesting how . this word has managed to change over time from having a descriptive meaning, to editor, a negative connotation, and to a positive controversial meaning. That is why there are those who believe that the “N” word should and should not be used, and there are those that believe that only some (or the accepted ones) should use it in order to avoid conflicts. This essay will go over some. Black people , Hip hop , Hip hop music 918 Words | 3 Pages. The Odyssey Translations Essay WORD. Difference Between Essays And Research Papers? ?The Odyssey Translations Essay The Odyssey is an epic poem, written in Essay editor, classical Greek, describing Odysseus's adventures in his ten year . attempt to return to Ithaca after the College, Trojan War. Since this 2,500 year old book was written, there have been several English translations that are believed to be the closest interpretations to editor uk, the original version of The Odyssey. Alexander Pope, Emile V. Rieu, Robert Fitzgerald, and Robert Fagles each wrote a translation of his own. These translations are read. Essay Sale My Hometown? Aeneid , Cyclops , Homer 865 Words | 3 Pages. ?Assignment The student should complete a brief essay analysing the use of technologies to enhance your own learning and Essay teaching.

This should . Writing My Hometown? also include the benefits and limitations of using technology in learning and teaching. Essay Editor Uk? (400 words minimum) Technology has moved on in leaps and bounds within the last thirty years and can be a great benefit but may also be frustrating for some that do not understand how to use it. From my own perspective the internet (computers, tablets and phones) has helped. College? Learning 916 Words | 2 Pages. The 500- word Essay : Some Thoughts Gordon Thompson The 500- word length is consistent with many other kinds of Essay editor uk, . professional writing, from blogs to between essays and research zip, book reviews. Moreover, if you want to capture and hold your audience's attention, the three-section statement maximizes your opportunity. The statements below provide ideas on how you might successfully write.

The short essays for editor this seminar have several goals. 1. They provide you with an opportunity to explore a topic we have covered in our discussions. English passive voice , Essay , Grammar 1108 Words | 3 Pages. 800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on instructions, individuals and communities today and in the . future. Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the editor, issues that society faces regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and write school many safer world for our future.

The food industry has a large impact on individuals and will affect wider communities in the future. Essay? The rush of today’s society has pushed food production to become more commercialized with prepackaged/premade. Fast food , Food , Health 826 Words | 3 Pages. 346). In his essay , “Slurring Spanish,” Luis Rodriguez highlights the difficulties of bilingual speakers, specifically Spanish speakers, in . America. He concentrates on the challenges that Spanish speakers face in school from having English forced as the language to be spoken at all times, moreover Rodriguez points out two Spanish-speaking students that experienced the hardships of Difference papers, bilingual speakers in editor, an “English Only” education system. Although Luis Rodriguez could have written his essay in papers, his native. Bilingual education , English language , French language 1061 Words | 4 Pages. ?2000 Word Essay on editor uk, Disrespecting an NCO by SPC BUTLER On November 21, I received a negative counseling for Writing proofreading disrespecting a Non . Commissioned Officer, though it was warranted by a series of events I didn’t agree with I should have found a more appropriate way to editor, voice my concerns. The online dictionary defines disrespect as an expression of lack of respect and a fashion that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous. I define disrespect as putting one down verbally, physical or emotionally. In.

Corporal , Non-commissioned officer , Officer 2059 Words | 3 Pages. How To? A Definition Essay on the Word Romance. The Attraction of editor uk, Romance Romance: the word the puts the art in heart, the word describes the actions that take place to imprint . your name in a girls head, the word that everyone thinks about when two people are madly in love with one another. The Oxford English Dictionary tells the word came from 1497 from a time when chivalry was the key to love. In this time, the word meant to a high school, be chivalrous, but in modern times to romance someone is to “put your moves on them” to dazzle someone with your personality. English language , French language , Kid Rock 925 Words | 3 Pages. ?One word essay : HARMONY Confucius once said “Let the states of equilibrium and Harmony exist in Essay, perfection, and a happy order . Application Essay Music? will prevail throughout heaven and earth, and all things will be nourished and flourish.” Harmony is defined as the Essay editor uk, state of being in agreement or concord. Singapore is services a bustling metropolis and Essay editor uk a multi-racial society, where people of different ethnic groups co-exist and lived harmoniously. Singapore has thrived rapidly because of our openness to international trade.

Ethnic group , Race 916 Words | 4 Pages. ? Hemza Salem History 313 Doctor Adams February 18th 2015 Industrialization of America The U.S. economy is essentially a free market economy which is an . economic market that is run by supply and demand with certain government regulation. In an actual free market economy, buyers and sellers operate their own business without any government policies however there is an argument among politicians and economists on the actual policies. For example, based on a mutual agreement on price without state intervention. Adam Smith , Capitalism , Corporation 892 Words | 4 Pages. College Application Essay Services? Words are powerless when looked at individually but they have the potential for good or evil, when someone who can properly use them to his . or her advantage.

That is what Nathaniel Hawthorne quote means, and I fully agree with him. An example of Essay editor, words being used for evil could be a dictator trying to College application, convince his people that he is best for the country. An example of words being used for good could be a civil rights activist trying to persuade people to get along and to treat everyone with respect. Core issues in ethics , Evil , God 1292 Words | 4 Pages. on the use of “forbidden words ” in the media, the individual responsibility of uk, using curse words has increased. In this research . I have found that the use of application music, curse words has heightened some people’s sensitivity to these words . Children are the most affected and the parents are not far behind. The use of Essay editor uk, curse words in our media has changed our perspective; children and Writing service nz teens use them sometimes on the daily basis, but is this change a good thing? The common curse words , some starting with S’s and.

Curse , Fuck , Minced oath 1426 Words | 5 Pages. Uk? Typography and Out-of-class Essay Choose. EAC 150 Topics for Out-of-Class Essay Choose ONE of the following topics. 1. In both “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” and “A Good Man is application essay services . Hard to Find” the day-to-day life of the editor, characters is disrupted by a stranger. Compare and/or contrast the effects instructions, effect of the angel and the Misfit on others. 2. “A Good Man is Essay uk Hard to Writing proofreading service, Find” and “The Garden Party” both feature troubled families. Compare and/or contrast the sources and/or the Essay, consequences of the family problems in Body effects, both stories. • Use.

Left-handedness , Microsoft Word , New Universe 1730 Words | 6 Pages. ne. pas negative form, Descartes' extraordinary fondness for editor uk multiple negatives and the desire of services music, many translators to render his words . exactly into English and you commonly get a text which is editor constructed of double, treble and at least one octuple negative. This does not make for easy reading. It has been an extraordinarily complex task to clean-up M.Descartes words , to correct his appalling syntax and remove his fondness for repitition and so squash the Meditations to How to a high application many, about 1/8th its original size. Cogito ergo sum , Concepts in metaphysics , Consciousness 910 Words | 3 Pages. For this assignment I chose to read A Loss for Words : A story of Essay uk, deafness in a family, by Lou Ann Walker. She recounts growing up hearing with . two deaf parents.

Once I started reading I was surprised to find that Walker grew up in Indiana! Her father is from Montpelier, her mother is from Greencastle, and the author came of age in Indianapolis. Lou Ann’s story begins as her parents are driving her to Difference essays and research, Harvard. She went to Ball State for editor uk her first two years, but decided it was not enough of a challenge. Deaf culture , Deafness , Family 1866 Words | 5 Pages. 1000 Word Essay On The Importance Of Accountability In The Army. 1000 word essay on the importance of College services, accountability in Essay editor uk, the army Free Essays on 5000 Word . Essay On Accountability Responsibility for students. Between Essays And Research Zip? Accountability in Essay editor, the army is important because soldiers as well as equipment, ammunition, food, water and other various 1000 Words on my homework, Accountability. Free Essays on Military Gear Accountability for students.

310 Words / 1 Pages. Essay Editor? Gear Accountability. GEAR ACCOUNTABILITY There are many important reasons to be checking your gear constantly to essay, keep proper issued. Accountability , Army , Essay 1140 Words | 4 Pages. on the creative arts as much as academics in Essay editor, order to How to a high school application credits, keep creative ideas flowing in our society. Essay Editor? The points he offers in his speech, about between papers childhood and . losing site of our creativity by educating it out, is why I chose his talk to write this essay . His reasoning hits home for Essay me because I currently have four children in different stages of the education system. It is clear to see that the education system falls short in challenging the creativity of between essays and research papers, our future society after a few years in the. CBC Radio One , Creativity , Education 765 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Editor? limit, and Body instructions applicants and counselors frequently debated whether a tight 450- word essay was a wiser approach than a detailed . 900 - word piece. In 2011, that decision was taken away as the Common Application moved to Essay editor uk, a relatively short 500- word limit. With the August 2013 release of CA4 (the newest version of the Common Application), the guidelines have changed once again. Between Essays Zip? CA4 sets the limit at 650 words (and a minimum of 250 words ). And unlike earlier versions of the Common Application, the length limit.

Cash flow , College admissions in editor, the United States , College application 736 Words | 4 Pages. Kerrigan Lebloch., 2014) I learnt how communication is linked to some of the domains in How to school application many, the professional capabilities framework (PCF) this domain . highlighted how communication is essential to social work professional practice when we were given an essay in professionalism at the beginning of the module. The link are domain 1, 2, 3,4,5,7 and 8. Essay? 1. Hard? Professionalism: this domain identify and tell us to behave as a professional social worker, this mean I will need to make use of my skills as part of my. Essay Editor Uk? Communication , Nonverbal communication , Paralanguage 2125 Words | 6 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. Application Essay? formal an attempt or effort. Editor? a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. Essay Writing My Hometown? attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. Essay Uk? How to Avoid Going Over an Essay Word Limit. ?AfraSiab Mohal 03454644423 How to Avoid Going Over an Essay Word Limit 1.Write first and edit later. This is writing sale very important: . If you constantly worry about word limits, it is quite likely that you will end up discarding ideas that add to your paper. Essay Editor Uk? Alternatively, consider adding bullet-pointed thoughts as they arise if it bothers you to write too many words that will later require cutting back 2. Replace phrases with single words . There are always opportunities to say more with less. For. English passive voice , Passive voice , Phrase 1801 Words | 6 Pages. Write Application? used.

2. Do you agree that “what a word means today is what it meant in the past?” Please explain what etymology???can help with today’s . meaning of a word . I don’t agree because language would change gradually as the uk, time went by. Essay Sale? It would cause semantic and meaning change.The study of etymologies may throw light on how a present-day meaning developed or reveal something about the Essay editor, working of the human mind, but it doesn’t help in determining what a word means today. 3. What is Pay for hard language. Compound , English language , Etymology 785 Words | 4 Pages. ESSAY #1: SUMMARY / CRITICAL RESPONSE ESSAY OBJECTIVES: ? This essay assignment will help you do the following: . ? Improve your ability to read critically and analytically ? Improve your ability to respond objectively to uk, a controversial text and evaluate a writer’s rhetorical strategies ? Improve your understanding of how to Difference between essays papers, compose an effective thesis statement, and editor uk develop detailed, persuasive and How to write school application coherent support ? Improve your ability to use MLA documentation style OVERVIEW: Summarizing. Academia , Critical thinking , Peer review 1032 Words | 5 Pages. Submit the essay to the Assignments page by going to the lefthand navigation bar of the main class page and clicking on Essay #1. . Essay? Submit either as a .doc or .docx or .rtf file. Writing? The Essay is Essay editor uk considered on time or late depending on when it arrives in services music, my Assignment inbox and not when you send it. Uk? Double space.

The essay should have an introduction, a multiparagraph body, and a conclusion. You must use specific facts from the assigned textbook reading and you must cite those facts in the body of the. 18th century , Charles I of England , Charles II of England 1058 Words | 3 Pages. stand.” The Sword of The Spirit . and a high many credits the sword of the Essay editor uk, spirit, which is the word of God: What is The Sword of The Spirit? . How To Write A High Application Many? The word of God! The rhema; or ‘spoken’ word of God. What is the word of uk, God? Psalms 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ‘God’s word - The Holy Bible illuminates. It reveals to us the good and the bad, the wise and the unwise. The word of God is the ultimate tool in learning how to live a righteous life. A life free from wickedness. Bible , Christianity , God 1038 Words | 6 Pages. ? Essay Instructions You will write 4 essays (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font).

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By betraying his own kin Momutu decided to give up his humanity, while on the other hand, Amoo gave up his own freedom to protect his family. . Uk? Testing with success series The Essay Exam Organization and neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words , listings, etc, as they are fresh in your mind. Essay Writing? Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to write the Essay, later questions. This will reduce clutching or panic. African slave trade , Answer , Atlantic slave trade 857 Words | 4 Pages. Don’t be afraid of failure; as it teaches you what strategies to use the How to write school application many, next time around. If all who accomplished what they wanted was afraid to fail, they . never would have succeeded.” --- Happy Sunday!

Real Talk … “Be mindful of your actions, words , actions and deeds. “Forgiving is the easy part, it's the forgetting that's difficult.” Food for Essay Thought … “When your foundation is strong, the only way it falls is when there’s a weak link. Be mindful, it only takes one leak to sink a great. Human , Monday , Sunday 1961 Words | 7 Pages. My Homework Hard? Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an Essay author's personal point of view, but the definition is Pay for my homework hard vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Essays can consist of Essay editor uk, a number of How to write school, elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g.

Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages. Bankers Adda How to write Essay in SBI PO Exam? Dear readers, as you know that SBI PO 2014 Paper will also contain a Descriptive Test of Essay, . 50 marks (1 hour duration), which will consist of Essay, English Language Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing Essay ). So, here we are presenting you How to Essay, write Essay ? and few points to remember while writing an essay in the exam, which will be important for upcoming SBI PO exam. How to write an College application services music essay ? 1. Essay Editor? Analyze the prompt. Difference Between And Research Papers? Note exactly what. Essay , Jawaharlal Nehru , Linguistics 812 Words | 4 Pages. Editor Uk? PFC Thiel Dillon F 26 October 2012 Article 92 Essay 760th ORD CO (EOD) While at his NTC rotation PFC Thiel was tasked by Writing proofreading service nz SFC Graff with . being at the trucks at 0630 to uk, begin the duty day. PFC Thiel along with a few others were late to the trucks. As a result everyone in the company lost the Essay my hometown, privilege of going to the shoppete to editor, get supplies by punishment of SFC Graff.

While on guard duty the between essays and research papers zip, night before going to the field PFC Thiel was unable to clean his weapon because he did not have. Editor Uk? General orders , Non-commissioned officer , Petty officer 1061 Words | 3 Pages. The Book Thief - Power of Words Essay. Paradis ENG2D 8th April 2014 The beautiful, ghastly, and immense power of is too hard, words . Words … words are things we . use and uk hear literally all of the How to write school application credits, time, although they give us the power to communicate, they are certainly not as influential or manipulative as they have the ability to be. Nazi Germany is Essay editor a place where the Difference between essays and research papers zip, use of the immense power of combined letters is perfected. In the editor, novel, The Book Thief, by application services music Markus Zusak, words are used to Essay uk, create goodness, comfort, and sanity in a time of war. College Application Services Music? When. Adolf Hitler , Fuhrer , Nazi Germany 1670 Words | 6 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Is an editor uk opinion considered hostile if it focuses on Writing proofreading, honesty and transparency of a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by editor uk Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by service nz Shonagon.

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1,000 Word Essay on the Love Story. small. College Application Essay Services Music? All of Essay uk, these little details are left out in the movie. Although it doesn't seem like a great deal, the little details do play a large part in the . importance of the Essay my hometown, Postal Office in the story. Although the story seems more simple in the word sense, it also leaves a lot of room for the mind to wonder what it is like back in the 1800's. Therefore the uk, story is more open for the mind and it is more pleasing. Writing Service? A girl in a high-necked dark dress with cameo brooch at the collar. Her.

Human physical appearance , Mind , Post office 1104 Words | 6 Pages. symbols which can be understood and manipulated by uk someone who is culturally literate. Second, being literate can mean having knowledge or competence. For . example, we speak of people being computer literate or politically literate. For your first essay , try to focus on a moment or a period in your life when you realized the significance of being literate in this fashion. Pay For My Homework Is Too Hard? Did you have trouble using a computer to register for classes? Did you fit into Essay a subculture because you learned to speak its. Essay , Knowledge , Literacy 1120 Words | 4 Pages. such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and my hometown inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will . be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. answer questions based on academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Q: Skills for uk Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University. Cambridge , Essay , Latin 401 Words | 3 Pages.

ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . Pay For Is Too? . Essay Editor Uk? This is proofreading not the editor uk, only way to between and research, organize and develop an essay . It is, however, a tried and true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Uk? Audience and Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and purpose. For, before you can know how to approach the subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. ?Gina Narrative Writing: 900 words She read the Body, text message on her phone. Essay? She paused, gasped and write school many credits took a very deep . breath. “Why is Essay editor uk this happening to me?!” she screamed as tears ran down her soft pale face. She got out of College application essay music, her old beat up car and ran to her room, slamming every door in her path. As she laid in her bed, sobbing into her feather pillow, she wondered if this was the time for her to die. She has been dreading this day for over two years now, and finally it is here. Editor Uk? Every day. Anxiety , Bathroom , Crying 921 Words | 2 Pages.

4U1-02-Period 1 September 20, 2012 The Word and How Should One Read a Book? : The importance of words to Writing proofreading, society . One should never live without knowing how affective words are towards the structure of society. In Pablo Neruda’s The Word and Virginia Woolf’s How Should One Read a Book? The authors present words as a source of power obtained by Essay editor consumers and those who are willing to live by it. Within both works of art, there are evidence of how words are important for the use of communication. Alastair Reid , Chile , Language 1384 Words | 4 Pages.

?Cloud Computing Is cloud computing a new rage, just a fad, a nebulous idea or a far-reaching trend? Cloud computing has become a buzz word in . working and learning environments around the globe. Writing Proofreading? Newsstands and Internet pages everywhere are inundated with articles, whitepapers and websites dedicated to defining the many facets of Essay editor uk, cloud computing such as hosting a website on the cloud, building a cloud infrastructure, cloud security, vulnerabilities, capabilities, pros and cons and Difference cost. Essay Editor? Cloud computing , Google , Joni Mitchell 871 Words | 5 Pages. stories, news articles, and especially essays begin with good hooks because a writer is often judged within the school application many, first few sentences. Just as . the news tries to Essay editor, stimulate our fears by hard announcing a “danger in our water supply,” a writer must try to bring the reader from his or her world into the world of the essay . Editor? This is done with a few choice words at the beginning of the essay : the infamous hook. It is zip not easy to Essay uk, think of Writing nz, how to make someone want to Essay editor uk, read an essay about Body instructions a novel. It’s not even easy to. Essay , Good and evil , Human 609 Words | 3 Pages. Centre for Language Study Pre-Sessional Course A 2013 WRITING TASK 4: Assessed Essay WRITING TASK 4 is your assessed essay . and you will need to write an essay of 1200-1400 words . This is the Essay, same length as the essay in WRITING TASK 3. Essay Music? WRITING TASK 4 will form 80% of your mark for writing on the Pre-Sessional course. Please select a title from the list here: 1. Discuss the uk, impact a particular theory has had on your area of study in terms of application, use and limitations.

2. Explain the problems. Citation , Essay , Marketing 1150 Words | 4 Pages. School Many Credits? language. Some words have been lost, changed, and Essay added. Application Credits? This language often coincides with the American culture of the time. As the culture . Essay Editor? changes, so does the language. Offensive language has become common in today’s American culture, and stands as a regular part of the English language. The amount of offensive language heard on Essay writing my hometown, an everyday basis is astounding. There is no escaping it.

Excessive amounts of people have come to editor uk, embrace most of this language, but there are still certain words and phrases. African American , Black people , Negro 1380 Words | 4 Pages. Actions Speak Louder Than Words essay. Than Words It is difficult, if not impossible, to maneuver through life being oblivious to reality. Writing? This must leave a person unprepared for . potential risks or obstacles that occur without any notice.

In “The Bystander Effect,” Dorothy Barkin explains how the psychological factors, which are unknown to many people, play in the behavior of people when faced with emergencies. The two main factors that should be addressed are level of ambiguity and Essay editor moral diffusion. In Martin Gansburg’s essay “Thirty-Eight. Essay My Hometown? Bystander effect , Crowd psychology , Diffusion of responsibility 1460 Words | 4 Pages. Editor Uk? How to Add 300 Words to Your Essay in 15 Minutes. How to Add 300 Words to writing sale, Your Essay in Essay editor, 15 Minutes Here’s the problem: you’ve typed a page or so, which amounts to about 250 . words or thereabouts. And now you’re staring at the blank piece of Body instructions, paper, thinking the following thoughts: • • • Why do I have to write this stupid essay ? ! I’m not even a Writing major – why do I have to do this? Why can’t the word requirement be one page?

What, there’s not enough out there in the world for Essay my professor to read? • When am I ever going to finish this? Hey. 2000s American television series , Caroline Botelho , Essay 1761 Words | 6 Pages. ENGLISH-A CLASS XI Full Marks – 100 1. Prose – 20 marks 2. Verse – 20 marks Textual Grammar – 16 marks 1. Writing Service? Essay writing [350-400 . words ] – 12 marks 2. Rhetoric – 12 marks 3. Project – 20 marks Prose and editor Poetry – (40 m/40P) Prose 1. One of Difference and research papers zip, these Days-Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2. The Sunder-bans Inheritance- Bittu Sehgal 3. Making Writing Simple- J.B. Priestley 4. Through the Tunnel- Dorris Lessing Poetry 1. Stolen Boat – William Wordsworth 2. You who never arrived – Rainer Maria Rilke 3. Snake- D H Lawrence. Charles Lamb , John Keats , Poetry 1980 Words | 7 Pages. Analytical Essay of Donald Halls’ “A Hundred Thousand Straightened Nails” Donald Halls’ “A Hundred Thousand Straightened Nails” is a . symbolic presentation of the decay of New Hampshire the author uses the Essay uk, life of Washington Woodward to show the pointless existence that is experienced in a place as lifeless as New Hampshire. Pay For My Homework Hard? He uses the contrast of Essay, his own opinion and the beliefs of Woodward to show how after a while it is impossible to escape a pointless mindset. Washington finds joy in discarded. Death , Family , New England 1234 Words | 3 Pages. essays /nursing/nosocomial-infections.php Nosocomial infections Nosocomial Infections 4 Running . Head: NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS Nosocomial infections. Nosocomial infections are those that result because of a treatment process normally carried out in a health care facility like a hospital.

Typically these infections will appear two days after admission into the facility or hospital and up to one month after discharge from the hospital. Nosocomial infections. Acinetobacter baumannii , Antibiotic resistance , Bacteria 1740 Words | 3 Pages. Pay For My Homework Is Too Hard? ?Luis Hernandez English 3A Period 5 9/28/12 When someone describes their selves they usually say a ton of words that best fit them. Essay Editor? . Although many words help describe a person sometimes just one word is Body instructions enough. The word that would best describe me I think would be pursuer. One thing that makes me a pursuer is my family, they raised me to never give up on my dreams and I want to uk, do achieve my goals to give back to them.

Along with that another reason is essay services I am a pursuer because I try hard for. Essay Uk? 2006 singles , Language , MTV Video Music Award for How to write a high application many credits Best Female Video 557 Words | 2 Pages. with an argument?) Relevant - If you are responding to an assignment, the thesis should answer the question your teacher has posed. In order to stay . focused, pay attention to editor uk, the task words in the assignment: summarize, argue, compare/contrast, etc. 1. A thesis is hard never a question. Readers of uk, academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered. A question (“Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?”) is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead.

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Free Essays on Louis Xiv Absolutism. March 13, 2012 World civ honors Absolutism and Democracy The most effective form of government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is Absolutism . Absolutism was the most effective form of government according to King James I of England in 1609, King Louis XIV of France in 1660, and uk Machiavelli. Compare and Contrast Absolutism in Fran. and Contrast France and Roman Absolutism Absolutism is the acceptance of, or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters. French absolutism started with Louis XIV and Russian absolutism started with Peter the Great. Louis XIV ruled from 1643-1714 and Peter. Kangxi vs. Louis XIV - Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to Writing proofreading nz rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between. LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE AND ABSOLUTISM QUESTION: In Louis XIV’s view, what were the qualities of an effective monarch?

In his opinion, what were the main obstacles to absolute rule? Louis XIV is known as being one of the most remarkable monarchs in history. He reined for seventy-two years (1643-1715). ? Louis XIV : The Greatest King of France Shadi Zaker Ms. Piperias CHY 4U1 Tuesday December 17th, 2013 A country like France has developed over many years and continues to flourish.

French history is well known to countless people for the reason being the famous blood. Hope, a balloon rabbit, two children playing, and a life-size bust of Louis XIV . Koons himself states that the collection is a commentary on art and society as a whole: “On one end I had Bob Hope, and on editor uk, the other end, I had Louis XIV . But I was really trying to application essay services music show the history of art since the French. ? Louis XIV L'Etat, c'est moi. Louis is the embodiment of an absolute monarch. Editor. He is the chief example of absolutism throughout the second half of the 17th century. Greed is defined in the dictionary as selfish and grasping desire for possession; especially of wealth for one self’s benefit.

It is. ? Louis XVI and the French Revolution John Hardman, a biographer of Louis XVI, argues that the king at the time of the French Revolution fails to my hometown live down to his abysmal reputation. Louis XVI of France wearing a phrygian cap, drinking a toast to the health of the sans-culottes.The reputation of Louis. nobility. Minister under Louis XIII Duc de sully- French minister under henri iv. Essay Editor. Henri IV- Born catholic but converted to Protestantism. Extreme religious TOLERATION (PARIS IS WELL WORTH A MASS). Edict of Nantes- 1598.

Religious toleration for Pay for my homework, all Protestants. Revoked by editor uk, Louis XIV under Edict of Fontainebleau. helpless victim of fortune. Marie Antoinette was given a complete new lifestyle at age fourteen. She was married off to Austria’s enemy, France, and Louis the 16th was only sixteen years old, to form an alliance. Because of between essays and research this hatred from the French people, she quickly gained the nickname 'L'Autrichienne'.

The Glorious Revolution of Essay editor 1688-1689. becoming merely a satellite state, under the Essay writing my hometown, control of an all-powerful Catholic monarch, (in the editor, era of the Glorious Revolution, identified with Louis XIV of writing sale my hometown France). This conspiracy theory was given credibility by the existence of some genuine catholic subterfuge, most notably the Gunpowder Plot of. Absolute monarchy is when one person has all the Essay, power and nobody else is application essay services music more powerful than him except God. Essay Editor. According to Essay writing sale document 2 it shows Louis XIV controlling everyone with strings. He’s doing that because he was an absolute monarch. He called himself ‘The Sun King”. He had the palace of Versailles. leader and country they are adopted by.

Pros of absolutism are that if the ruler has the uk, people’s best interest at heart then he will lead the state effectively toward a better future. Also decisions can be made in a short period of time. The cons of absolutism , which was adopted by France, Austria, Prussia. 11 October 2011 Louis XIV and Absolutism Over the write application many credits, past hundreds of years, many monarchs have used absolutism to rule over editor uk their nations. Louis XIV used absolutism to Body effects keep his subjects loyal to him. There were many different aspects in Louis’s absolutism including fear and power. Essay Uk. Louis created different. to Crisis: Absolutism By: Gavin Conrad, Hunter Quilici, Emily Wetherington and Gerald Talbott Absolutism 1. Effects. Absolutism - the acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters. 2. Example - France is the editor, best example of absolutism in the early.

Research Essay Absolute rulers like Louis xiv and Essay my hometown Peter the Great strengthened there countries butweakened them economically. They made great improvements to the armies and social aspects of the kingdom. But when they were improving all of editor these things it ended up costing them a great. a lot of historical events deeply rooted. Different events had changed the country and the history: a long period of kings’regime (Francois 1er, Louis XIV called “Sun king”. ), the French revolution to access to Writing service freedom and liberty, French colonization. Essay Uk. France is also multi-ethnical country due to.

Ethical and Cultural Relativism Compared and Contrasted with Ethical Absolutism. or practices are ethical or not we are introduced to three theories that are most relevant: ethical relativism, cultural relativism, and services ethical absolutism . Standards of conduct differ from society to society, therefore there can never be a single standard that dictates what is ethical and what is not. Dr. L. Essay Editor. Swart European History Oct. 29, 2008 Question: Louis XIV declared the goal was: “One King, one law, one faith.” Analyze the methods the king used to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to College application which he was successful.

Absolutism is a political system that concentrated power in the hands. evolution from editor, 985 to 1947. Charlemagne's son, Louis I (emperor 814–840), kept the empire united; however, this Carolingian Empire would not survive his death. In 843, under the Treaty of Verdun, the empire was divided between Louis ' three sons, with East Francia going to Louis the German, Middle Francia to Lothair. place from 1789 to 1799 was a crucial period in application the history of French, European and Western Civilizations. The uprising that brought the regime of King Louis XVI to its end is known as the French Revolution. This was the Essay editor uk, phase, when absolute monarchy was overthrown and Republicanism took its place. Is Too. During. Dance at Court: the editor, Use of Dance and Opera at the Cort of Versailles Under the Sun King. Before Louis was even born, France was struggling with disintegration despite the efforts of CardinalRichelieu for instructions, cultural unity by regulation of uk language and literary expression. The king, Louis XIII had been very sickly his whole life, struggling with tuberculosis, and by 1637, his health began its.

How successful was Louis XIV in achieving religious unity in Body effects instructions France in the years 1661-1715? ?How successful was Louis XIV in achieving religious unity in France in the years 1661-1715? (24 marks). For Louis XIV , achieving religious unity in France was of major concern as it was a challenge to his absolutism . Being a devote Catholic, Louis wanted to unite France under Catholicism as the presence. Marsilio Ficino Sandro Botticelli Heinrich Isaac Pico della Mirandola 5. (TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? (Points : 5) Charles II Louis XIV Henry IV James I 6. (TCO 2) During the editor uk, early 18th century, which of the following areas was most closely associated with London’s very poor. Turning Points: the French and Russian Revolutions.

the mid-1600s, Louis XIV aimed to glorify France and did so by my homework hard, fighting a series of wars, spending loads on troops and arms. His personal palace, Versailles, which was built in 1661, cost $100 Million dollars. His insane spending left the Essay uk, country heavily in debt. In 1774, Louis XV died and left. It is said that Louis XIV proclaimed I am the state! Whether or not he really said it is debatable, but the meaning of such a statement is clear. Through the Difference essays papers zip, course of the 17th Century various regimes across Europe began to model their states of off the very theme of Essay editor I am the state,; that is, the. often associated with the palace of Versailles, which was built Louis XIV . In the production of this grand structure there was no cost spared. It became a symbol of France, and a model by is too, which all other palaces would be judged.

Louis XIV received a great deal of criticism from onlookers as he used. “ Deficit Would Not Have Produced the Revolution, but in Concurrence with the Price of Essay editor Bread. the social tensions of services music France in a tremendous explosion was the bankruptcy of the monarchy. The Royal finance was inadequate since the Essay editor uk, reign of Louis the xiv , and finally succumbed under the essays and research zip, burden of the American War of Independence. The end of the war left the monarchy with a burden of debt in the region. Curriculum Vitae Michael S. Kimmel. EDUCATION: B.A.

Vassar College, with distinction, l972. M.A. Brown University, l974. Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1981. dissertation: Absolutism and its Discontents: Fiscal Crisis and Political Opposition in editor Seventeenth Century France and England AWARDS: Carnegie Scholars Program, 2004-6. into the streets.

The National Guard, a citizen militia of bourgeois Parisians, defected from King Louis -Philippe, and the army garrison stationed in Paris joined the revolutionary protesters as well. Writing My Hometown. Louis -Philippe attempted reform, but the Essay, workers rejected the halfhearted changes. The king fled and the. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. country for the best. Louis XIV was born in France in 1638. He took the throne as king at the tender age of four years old in 1643. Between And Research. It wouldn’t be until he was twenty-three were he would take personal control of editor his empire due to the death of his Prime Minister. Louis ruled France for seventy-two. The Navigational Acts of the English and French from 1650.

and West Africa respectively and thus impaired the profit margin of their trading companies. In France, Colbert, the financial minister of Louis XIV , surmised that there was a particular amount of trade available in the world.[12] This was due to the mercantilist view that was still prevalent in. ? Louis XIV , King of France A man of many women and Writing nz children By Brendan J. Essay. Herger Louis XIV , King of France a Man of many Women and children While the reign of Louis XIV is well noted for many commendable achievements-a more united, stable France, the palace at Versailles, and a court that. national government and the monarchy, this age in my homework hard European history is generally called the Essay editor, Age of Absolutism (1660-1789). It begins in the reign of instructions Louis XIV and ends with the French Revolution. Essay Editor Uk. The way Louis XIV ruled France, provided a model for other absolute monarchs.

The Enlightenment was a foreshadowing. She was born in Austria on November 2, 1775. Her arranged marriage to Louis XIV was for the Franco-Austrian alliance, which some people didn’t seem to agree with. When she was 16, she moved from Austria to instructions France and Married Louis XIV . She was 20 when she took the throne as queen. France and editor uk America showed. Marsilio Ficino Sandro Botticelli Heinrich Isaac Pico della Mirandola 1. Write Many Credits. (TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? (Points : 5) Charles II Louis XIV Henry IV James I 1. (TCO 2) During the early 18th century, which of the uk, following areas was most closely associated with London’s very poor? (Points. Who Was the Better Leader, Louis Xiv or Peter the Great? October 10, 2012 Who was the better leader, Louis XIV or Peter the Great? ---A Better France Under the Rule of Sun King: Louis XIV Louis XIV and Peter the Great were two of the most famous absolutism monarchs in Europe. Difference Essays And Research Papers. In my point of view Louis XIV did a better job as a leader. In the Essay uk, 17th century. and his brother were New Englanders who were converted under the preaching of Whitefield; became Baptist * * * Chapter 5 * * - Louis Joliet- French explorer; launched from Green Bay in 1673; went with Jacques Marquette * * -Jacques Marquette- a Jesuit priest; canoed down.

? Louis XIV An absolute monarch is a ruler who governs alone and a high school application is not restrained by laws, or a constitution. Absolutism is the belief that one ruler should hold power within a country. Uk. This could be caused by war , religious conflicts, or simply people wanting stronger leaders or protection of some. Absolutism in France versus Constitutional Monarchy in England. The political, economic, religous and is too hard social effects on England and editor France. whether growth or decline, this change was drastic. After Elizabeth I died at the turn of the century, James I took the throne of England and took absolutism with him. He and the next five successors would oversee the growth of England from an erratic, absolutist monarchy to a working, stable Constitutional. The Crisis of the 1780s, the Aristocratic Revolt and the Origins of the French Revolution. the royal state lurched into financial crisis after 1783, the writing sale, changing economic and Essay cultural structures of French society conditioned responses to Pay for my homework Louis XVI’s pleas for assistance, Increasing costs of war, maintaining an expanding court and bureaucracy, and servicing a massive debt impelled the monarchy.

? Absolutism In the Essay uk, course of the 17th century, absolutistic regime spread, with varied degrees of success, across much of Continental Europe. In most countries, absolute monarchy became the form of the government. College Application Essay Services. In England, although the monarch had no absolute power, its parliament, a governing body. War for uk, Independence, so they needed to end the nobility’s tax exemption. Everyone was pushing back against nz the absolute monarchy established by Louis XIV , but now being operated by his tension-ball heirs. However, you can’t understand what happened unless you realize that France was a huge electrical. Louis XIV : The Sun King “I am the state.” This quote refers to why Louis XIV was called The Sun King. Louis took the sun as the symbol of uk his power. He stated, “Since the Essay writing, sun stands at the center of the solar system, The Sun King stands at the center of the nation.” Louis XIV ruled France from Essay editor uk, 1643-1715.

during a period known as the write a high school many credits, Enlightenment. Their extreme views and Essay editor uk ideas made the people of write school many France, who were being governed under the editor, absolute monarch Louis XVI, begin to question society, the monarch and religion, and although not all of Writing proofreading nz them apposed absolute monarchy, what they wrote sparked off an age. Confederate States side the battle was headed by Major General Alexander P. Stewart. Major General George H. Thomas was in charge of only one group: XIV Army Corps. Major General Alexander P. Editor Uk. Stewart was in charge of five groups: Bate’s and Johnson’s Brigades, Stewart’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, the Army. Catherine, Frederick and Louis - Unenlightened Tyrants in an Enlightened Age. CHY 4U - Modern Western Civilization - The West and the World Catherine, Frederick and Louis - Unenlightened Tyrants in sale an Enlightened Age It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. Editor. -- Niccolo Machiavelli, - The Prince The Enlightenment is touted by modern historians as a time of. Me as a Mirror in the Hall of Mirrors. I am a mirror. I know it is a bit odd but I have a great story to tell. It is of a great man, the king of essays and research zip France, Louis XIV , the sun king.

I am no ordinary mirror, but one of mirrors in editor the hall of between zip mirror and not only Essay editor uk, that I am the first one. I was made by glass maker who never made a mirror before. three large European nations colonizing America, attempted to make themselves allies with Native Americas for support in helping them expand. Sale. King Louis XIV of France was able to centralize the monarchy’s power like never before, and strengthened everything in preparation for further colonization in America. Moral Relativism and Absolutism Morality is the glue that holds society together. Essay. It dictates our actions, beliefs and Pay for is too behaviours in order to promote harmony.

In a sense it defines and Essay editor uk separates the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ 4. Writing Service. However, it should not be confused with the law’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Although. Response paper 2 Louis XIV I read many fascinating things in chapter 21. Uk. During the times between 1550 and 1750, absolutism spread across Europe and Asia. Proofreading Service Nz. Even in the Muslim world, people were claiming their power was from god directly. France was ruled by uk, the great King Louis XIV , who referred to. Brief History of Haute Couture Haute Couture has come a long way since the days of Louis XIV who promoted French fashion through Fashion Dolls. The fashion history of Haute Couture truly began in France in the 18th century with couturier Rose Bertin as Minister For Fashion and continued with. following years. ** Louis and Pay for Toussaint* Jamaica remained relatively uninvolved in the events taking place on Hispaniola, despite requests by the governor and Essay editor uk settlers for help. Jamaica provided aid, but sent no forces to the island until 1793 when French King Louis XIV was killed. After that the.

In reference to my homework is too hard our text, The French Revolution of 1789 can be linked to a number of factors. First, the growing resentment of royal absolutism and Essay editor an out of control aristocracy. Second, The growing influence of enlightenment ideas. Third, severe food shortage in the years immediately prior to the. Revolution was the anointing of humanity. (Hugo). The king who reigned before Louis XVI was his grandfather Louie the Pay for my homework, XIV who spent too much money during his reign and caused the government to go into a downward spiral. Louis XVI followed in his grandfathers path and continued to not cut down on his expenditures. about 3:30 minutes. Political Alliances 1. Why did Louis XIV build Versailles outside the city limits of Paris? – He wanted to uk put distance between his subjects and himself 2. How old was Louis XVI when he married? – He was 15 years old 3. Why did Louis and Marie marry? – Their marriage created a political. Staging Absolutism The Model for Absolute Royal Authority began with absolute monarchy during the fifteenth century in Europe. The ultimate goal of maintaining power and wealth was the primary focus for a high school credits, the rulers of Spain, France, Italy and Germany.

The strategies developed by kings and nobility. absolute monarchy making it a centralized government. One absolute monarch was Louis XIV who was well respected and ruled for seventy years. The building of Versailles and usage of propaganda directed by Chapelain made Louis the XIV more powerful and Essay uk made the French nation to gain strength. However, This. intuitions. He was against Absolute Monarchy stating that ‘Man is born free, but today he is everywhere in chains’ . Charles Louis de Montesquieu was noted for his contempt of absolutism and was amongst the earliest critics of services music this.

He had a great respect for English liberty which he encountered during extensive. Revolution Thomas Jefferson - American author of the Declaration of Independence; drew heavily from Enlightenment political philosophy Enlightened Absolutism In the later years of the Enlightenment, absolute monarchs in several European countries adopted some of the Essay editor, ideas of Enlightenment political philosophers.

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How This Simple Resume Model and Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job. Need a resume makeover? See the before and after of a resume transformation. Use this powerfully simple resume model and career portfolio as your guide. The days of slapping together a resume and Essay editor uk, getting results long gone. Effects Instructions. The days of just having a resume are pretty much over as well.

Meet Ken Cordova. Essay Editor Uk. As he finished his master’s degree, he wanted to proofreading service nz, put himself out editor there to essay, explore new career opportunities. Essay. His problem? His resume. Here’s his resume before: Here’s his powerfully simple resume after: Ken went through a resume transformation. He developed a simple resume and career portfolio to application essay services music, land his dream job. Essay Editor Uk. I’ll walk you though how you can do the same.

Ken supplemented his resume with a great career portfolio. It took some time and my hometown, effort, but it quickly paid off as he soon landed a dream job. In fact, he turned down interviews at one point. I’ll walk you through what Ken did to build this simple resume model and Essay editor uk, career portfolio example. As I always say, simple is hard. Essay Sale. I’ll keep it as easy as possible for you and show you how to editor uk, replicate these as well as the tools he used. Even if you aren’t in the job market, I still recommend you keep your resume updated and build a career portfolio. At some point, you’ll likely need both. Don’t wait until that time to start frantically building them.

Components of Pay for my homework hard, a Powerfully Simple Resume Model. Recruiters and hiring managers are scan readers. Essay Uk. They need to check a ton of resumes in a short time so they skim most of them. If something catches their attention, they’ll actually read the How to a high many credits resume, which drastically increases your chances of a first interview. The resume content and keywords are important but scannability is critical. Essay. If you can’t get a hiring manager’s attention, great content gets you nowhere. The importance of content comes to College application services, play after you’ve caught their attention. So what do you do? Rethink your resume design by understanding how people initially scan a web page. Without knowing the science of how people read web content, which version of Ken’s resume would you be more likely to read?

Remember, you have hundreds of resumes to go through in a short period. What makes a simple resume powerful? How easy it is to visually scan. Not only is the uk new, simple resume more visually appealing, it’s also easier to scan. Here’s the science behind it. Content is organized in instructions an ‘F’ formation. Although it might sound odd to uk, design a simple resume as a web page, hiring managers use the same approach as people use to scan a website. According to a Nielson Group study, people quickly scan web content in an F-shape pattern. After the Writing scan, they decide if they commit to reading the content in more detail.

Now doesn’t this sound like the typical hiring manager approach I just described? Hiring managers scan content like users scan content on a web page before deciding to commit. Essay Editor. Ken’s more simple resume makes it easy to scan the content. The GIF image below simulates for you a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Click on it to activate it. Click on the image to activate an animation that simulates a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Which one would make you stop? Visually, which one is most appealing and stands out most? Ken’s simple resume is my hometown, easy to uk, scan. As you design your resume, make it easy to scan.

Ken’s resume is easy to scan and digest the writing sale content. Essay. Given the ‘F’ pattern, here is how a typical person scan’s his resume: This resume model is easy to Difference essays and research zip, scan which makes a commitment to reading more likely. The first scan is likely to go from left-to-right. His picture is at the end, which catches attention and continues the scan. You might try putting a headline with this first scan as well. Keep this section as simple as possible as to Essay editor uk, not overwhelm the reader. Scan 2 and essays and research papers zip, 3 can go either way. Likely, there is a slight scan down to the left and uk, then off to the right. That second scan catches keywords such as: If you were hiring someone for application music a leadership position, wouldn’t you want to keep reading after quickly scanning those words?

He made great use of not only the keywords but the placement of Essay editor, them based on how people scan a resume. Depending on hard, where scan 2 started, the third scan is Essay editor, slower (especially based on the resume keywords and placement). This is where commitment to finish reading his resume happens. Visually organized resume content. Ken’s more simple resume is effects instructions, visually organized. This makes the content easier to read and digest. Once the scanning stops, the reader has to decide if it is going to be ‘easy to Essay, read.’ This resume model is organized into three sections. Much like a website header, this resume header gives a visual sign of order and a quick overview. The picture is a powerful way for someone to put a person to Difference between essays and research papers, the page.

Ken’s resume model makes effective use of a sidebar that is visually separated by the background color. The information has great keywords and Essay, summary information for anyone scanning this content. He further separates the content into sections with headers. Easy to scan and easy to digest. Ken separates the main content with a white background.

He further organizes content with separators. Although there is plenty of content here, it appears brief and easy to How to application, read thanks to the visual organization. Ken uses the editor uk action-result formula for his resume structure instead of simply listing tasks. He quickly tells a story of the value he brings to Pay for my homework is too hard, the business. Tools resources to Essay editor, build this simple resume. For developing content, keywords and College essay services music, organizing this resume model, Ken used a collection of resume strategies I developed. He also didn’t rush it. He took his time and went through each part thoroughly.

As a part of the Essay editor uk toolkit, Ken discovered hundreds of templates at Canva. He used a combination of the Difference between essays papers pre-designed templates. The service and templates are free. I also have a list of Essay editor uk, other free templates in my hometown a resume development toolkit chapter on resume design and customization. Essay. I list lots of options there! So the question that many of essays zip, you are probably asking is: How did he fit 20+ years of experience on a one-page resume? He didn’t and you don’t need to either. Essay. Pick the most recent and relevant experience based on your position targets.

Ken made fantastic use of a supplemental professional career portfolio. Here’s how he did it and my homework hard, why you should do it too. Career and Professional Portfolio Example. With the latest trends in talent acquisition moving to uk, digital, people want to know you before they meet you. Body Effects Instructions. The first thing people will do is editor uk, Google you. Make sure they immediately find the right information. A career portfolio is a digital display of your professional experience and accomplishments. Professional portfolios range in length from a single page to a high application many credits, a thousand-page website that includes case studies, references and visual galleries (especially for photographers). Most people hear ‘website’ and think ‘I. It’s not difficult.

I’ll show you a simple way of creating a simple but powerful career portfolio. Why is a career portfolio important when looking for Essay editor uk work? When someone types your name into a search bar, the displayed results are called SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Service Nz. The more authoritative web properties associated with your name, the more information displayed in your SERP. Here is the Essay SERP for Kris Fannin as an example: A career and professional portfolio will increase your exposure, authority, and SERP when people search for you. Why does your SERP matter? Because I guarantee people will search for you while looking for work. A career portfolio helps them find what they want and write a high, learn more about you as a person and a professional.

Additionally, a professional portfolio provides you exposure even when you aren’t looking for a job. It brings opportunities to you and not you chasing opportunities down in a reactive way. Career portfolios are not just a copy and paste of your resume, although they should contain your resume. Ken did an editor excellent job of developing a simple yet powerful portfolio together. He used the Wix platform for building and hosting his site. The current version of Ken’s portfolio can be found here.

He had never built a website before, although you wouldn’t know that looking at it. At the end of this section, I’ll give you some other options to build yours. Let’s walk through the sections and content so you can use a similar format. Career portfolio ‘Home’ and essay music, introduction page. Use this section to give a brief introduction and catch their attention. Be professional and personable. A career portfolio is a perfect complement to a scannable, simple resume. Just under the introduction, Ken provides a CTA (Call to Action) to editor uk, learn more about him.

Include a simple contact form and link to your active social profiles as well. Career portfolio ‘About Me’ – be human. This is an area to Writing service, let people know the value you bring as a professional. Notice – and this is very important – Ken did NOT just copy and Essay, paste the a high school content of his resume. He gives a short overview of his career, what he’s looking for and personal traits that make him successful. He has another CTA that invites the user to explore his resume.

He includes some personal information below, which I highly recommend. Why? Hiring managers are looking for an organizational culture fit. They want to know more than your skills and experience. They want to know you as a person.

This is Essay, also an opportunity to connect with a potential employer as a human – not just a resume. Seriously? How could you NOT start to like Ken after seeing and reading this? Make sure your career portfolio includes some personal content. It helps to connect with the person reading it and makes you an actual human. Career portfolio ‘Resume’ and my homework is too, ‘Skills’ sections. Ken broke these into two different pages, and there is a reason. First, he has a page with his resume content.

Notice, it is editor uk, not exactly the same as his actual resume which is key. Be slightly more descriptive. He also added a video background to Essay my hometown, the header of the page. Because this content can be more ‘dry,’ this is a great strategy to engage a user immediately. He then takes it a step further by adding a ‘Skills’ page. Why did he separate the two? Because he made it conversational. It has great wording and visuals and further builds his ‘case’ to a potential employer. Make your career portfolio conversational and Essay, appealing. Ken added a separate ‘Skills’ page to his portfolio which further engages a potential employer and is too hard, builds his case.

Career portfolio ‘Education’ and ‘Contact’ sections. Although rather straightforward, these are important sections for a professional portfolio. You might be tempted to put them on one page, but I recommend you separate them. Separate sections allow you to go into more detail. Additional sections to consider for your career portfolio. Although not included in Ken’s, some extra content and sections to consider adding to your portfolio include: Video or a video introduction . What better way for someone to ‘get to know you’ than a video introduction? If you decide to include one, I would put it on the first page.

These aren’t difficult to make. Just dress professionally and fire up your webcam. FAQ section . What questions do potential employers ask you? What are some unusual questions you’ve been asked in Essay uk an interview that you are confident you answered well? Include them in an FAQ section! You could also answer each question on video. Take a look at Intelivate’s FAQ section for ideas on how to Writing proofreading service nz, organize them. Alternatives to a dedicated website.

If you don’t want to build a dedicated site, here are a couple of great alternatives. All three have free and premium products. You have just about everything you need to build a great, simple resume and career portfolio. I know it can be overwhelming, so take it one step at a time. Bookmark this and Essay editor uk, come back to sale, it as you start each part. Remember, even if you aren’t in the job market, please do both of these proactively now before you ‘need’ them later.

At the least, you’ll open the door to new opportunities. I know I gave you a lot of information here. Uk. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know over on Twitter or Facebook. Writing Proofreading Service Nz. I’d love to connect as well! Don’t forget to subscribe above to get more business and career insights delivered directly to you. Related solutions to help you with your resume and Essay editor uk, career portfolio.

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