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Essay writing speech what is an introduction

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La hojarasca; Gabriel García Márquez. Enviado por: Miguel Fijó Idioma: castellano Pais: Espana 13 paginas. GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ. Nacio en Aracataca (Colombia) en 1928,curso estudios de secundaria en San Jose, a partir de 1940 y finalizo su bachillerato en el Colegio Liceo de Zipaquira, el 12 de diciembre de 1946. What Is An? Posteriormente se matricula en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Cartagena el 25 de febrero de 1947, aunque sin mostrar excesivo interes por los estudios. Payment? Su amistad con el medico y escritor Manuel Zapata Olivella le permitio acceder al periodismo. Essay What Is An Introduction? Fue despues del Bogotazo (el asesinato del dirigente liberal Jorge Eliecer Gaitan en Bogota, las posteriores manifestaciones y la brutal represion de las mismas), cuando comenzaron sus colaboraciones en el periodico liberal El Universal , que habia sido fundado el mes de marzo de ese mismo ano por Domingo Lopez Escauriaza.

RESUMEN DE LA OBRA: La hojarasca, trata de la historia del entierro de un hombre, un medico misterioso y odiado, al que sus vecinos quieren dejar insepulto. Research Payment? Al mismo tiempo es la historia del odio acumulado durante veinticinco anos en Macondo, un lugar llamado a ser, pocos anos despues, famoso en el mundo entero. La obra comienza con la muerte de un medico innominado, que cayo en desgracia con el pueblo de Macondo y que un buen dia decidio ahorcarse, para mostrarse por primera vez, como dice Gabo, comodamente muerto, en el velatorio del doctor del pueblo. La historia es narrada a traves de los monologos de tres personajes de una misma familia: un viejo coronel (el abuelo), Isabel (hija del coronel), y el hijo de Isabel. A traves de los ojos del nino, te puedes pasear por los frios y tristes alrededores de la muerte y del velatorio (la muerte de una persona y su cortejo, la muerte del pueblo y su procesion); los mismos ojos te cuentan el ocaso del pueblo; fundidas sus riquezas y apagado su esplendor por las guerras y las crisis; esas mismas que llenaron las calles y las casas de una hojarasca formada de desperdicios naturales y humanos.

De pronto, llego la compania bananera perseguida por “la hojarasca”(era una hojarasca revuelta, alborotada, formada por los desperdicios humanos y materiales de los otros pueblos: rastrojos de una guerra civil que cada vez parecia mas remota e inverosimil.) La hojarasca era implacable, contaminando todo de su revuelto olor multitudinario, olor de secrecion a flor de piel y de recondita muerte. En el texto coexisten dos fuerzas antagonicas e irreconciliables que presentan dos visiones del mundo, igualmente opuestas. Essay Writing Speech Introduction? Nosotros, paradigma del orden (conformado por las familias fundadoras de Macondo y representado por la figura mitica del Coronel), tiene como oponente al cantante hojarasca (formado por los desplazados de las guerras civiles alentados por la oportunidad de trabajo que abre la llegada de la compania extranjera a Macondo), paradigma de lo entropico que instituye nuevos heroes contradictores de los valores occidentales y lleva a cabo un proceso de organizacion desintegradota. Todo enmarcado dentro de un proceso de evolucion historica de la region del norte-costera de Colombia, basado en la eliminacion del elemento autoctono y en la importacion de poblacion nueva. A Personal Statement Include? Como resultado obtenemos una sociedad basicamente compuesta por gente recien llegada “ los recien llegados” ( expresion aparece en el prologo de la novela) y un sincretismo cultural y racial que genera esa vision del mundo completamente nueva y original. La Hojarasca nos muestra, la ideologia de un patriciado liberal en crisis es, en apariencia, el punto de vista ideologico que organiza el desarrollo del relato, pues el verdadero proposito de la novela es la representacion-evaluacion del advenimiento (?de la postergacion?) de la modernidad en Colombia. El elemento responsable del sentido en el texto de la novela, es una formacion social que enmarca el desarrollo historico de la region caribena colombiana dentro de la caracterizacion de Pueblo Nuevo y la opone a la de los Pueblos Testimonios de la region Andina. Essay Is An Introduction? Esta formacion social implica, como ya se dijo, la eliminacion-obliteracion de la poblacion autoctona y la importacion de mano de obra esclava, en primera instancia, y luego, asalariada, producto de los flujos migratorios tan importantes en la conformacion de todas las sociedades del Caribe.

En la novela, esta formacion social se ve a traves de tres articuladores semioticos: la figura del extranjero, la desaparicion de Meme y la deshumanizacion de los guajiros, y a traves de la tecnica del metarrelato o relato espejo. Macondo, pueblo reciente conformado por recien llegados (solo tiene unos 30 anos, la edad de Isabel) y el proposito ultimo de la novela es precisamente mostrar ese origen cercano, esa novedad y su evolucion. A Personal Statement Include Journalism? La intencion del autor probablemente es buscar su origen, escudrinar su identidad, responderse a la pregunta: ?De donde vengo? De extranjeros, de recien llegados, parece ser la respuesta. Essay Writing What? Por eso son ellos los dinamizadores de la trama de la novela. Paper Payment? El relato gira en torno al extranjero medico; el liderazgo en el pueblo es ejercido por el cachorro, otro recien llegado; Martin ejerce singular atraccion sobre las mujeres de Macondo, e incluso, sobre el coronel; el coronel mismo es un recien llegado. Speech What Introduction? Las uniones en el pueblo de las que tenemos conocimiento se dan siempre con extranjeros: Meme-Medico, Isabel-Martin, Genoveva-Titiriteros, signo inequivoco de la tendencia integracionista y de la tendencia al sincretismo de las sociedades caribenas. En el texto aparece una semiotica referida a lo foraneo como elemento integral y constitutivo de Macondo: La hojarasca volteo y salio a recibirlo y con la vuelta perdio el impulso, pero logro unidad y solidez; y sufrio el natural proceso de fermentacion y se incorporo a los germenes de la tierra. Si uno de los rasgos de los pueblos contiguos al mar Caribe fue el extermino casi total de la poblacion autoctona, nos preguntamos por que aparecen indigenas en un texto que pretende erigirse como imagen especular de la region donde se desarrolla; y, adicionalmente, y aun mas intrigante: ?Por que guajiros? Cabe recordar, senalar que el contacto de los espanoles con la poblacion indigena, tuvo drasticos efectos sobre esta y como el mismo autor continua diciendo los indigenas fueron reemplazados por negros traidos de las antillas y del Africa, con lo cual se incidia en la modificacion de la encomienda como sistema de produccion ante la impresionante desaparicion de los indigenas. En el texto se convierte este proceso de exterminio a partir de un articulador semiotico: la desaparicion de la india Meme y su descendencia.

Este, a su vez, se articula discursivamente a traves de la oposicion del discurso oficial del extranjero causante del exterminio: en cuanto a Meme nos dio una explicacion que habria podido parecer pueril, pero que fue dicha por el con el mismo acento con que habria dicho su verdad. Services Quezon? Dijo que Meme se habia ido, eso era todo. Writing Is An Introduction? Asi, a traves del discurso no-oficial portado por un pasquin: Pero en el pasquin que aparecio en esta esquina se decia que el medico asesino a su concubina y le dio sepultura en el huerto En la obra se utiliza la tecnica del dato escondido, en cuanto a la descendencia indigena, es decir, narracion por omision o por omisiones significativas, silenciando temporal o definitivamente ciertos datos de la historia para dar mas relieve o fuerza narrativa a esos mismos datos que han sido momentanea o totalmente suprimidos, principio de organizacion narrativa muy apropiado para este caso, pues el discurso oficial, el del extranjero, es el que oculta y omite el dato: Digame una cosa, doctor: ?Que fue de la criatura? El no modifico la expresion: ?Que criatura, coronel?, Tiene razon, coronel.

Hasta me habia olvidado de eso, con esto, el autor y su region, se explican, se piensan. Literature Vce? Sin embargo, aun queda por resolver el hecho mas intrigante en este sentido: ?Por que guajiros? La respuesta parece residir, en mi opinion, en una formacion social mucho mas especifica que se presenta en el departamento del Gran Magdalena, una de las subregiones de la costa Caribe colombiana, compuesta hasta los anos sesenta por las regiones del Magdalena, La Guajira y El Cesar, territorios sobre los cuales la ciudad de Santa Marta ejercia importante influencia como capital. Essay What? Segun Adriana Mercedes Corso, las actividades administrativas de la gobernacion, las sesiones de la Asamblea Departamental, la oferta de servicios financieros (v. And Banking? gr. Writing Speech What Is An Introduction? la Caja Agraria) para esos territorios se realizaban en Santa Marta y se ofrecia educacion de calidad en el Liceo Celedon, claustro en el cual se formaron muchos cesarenses y guajiros. Literature Vce? Producto de esa situacion de primacia, encontramos una formacion ideologica que senala la superioridad de los samarios y la inferioridad de los guajiros, tendencia xenofobica que senala la categorizacion de vasallos para los ultimos y senores para los primeros. What Is An Introduction? Es por eso que el pueblo ve con 'malos ojos' la actitud de Meme de pretender ser una senora y esta a punto de apedrearla: Meme se habia presentado a la iglesia, adornada como una cualquiera elevada a la categoria de senora. And Banking Youth? Y por eso Isabel la ve vestida mas como un pesebre de navidad que como una senora

La estructura ideologica se refleja en la obra a partir de la deshumanizacion de los guajiros vasallos del Coronel. Speech What Is An? Asi, para Isabel son animales amaestrados en un circo , para el nino cuatro cuervos en un caballete y para el Coronel, una posesion, por eso los llama mis hombres . Cheap Services Quezon? Como senala Vargas Llosa, los guajiros apenas son personas: meras presencias, se confunden con las vigas, con el catre solitario, con el ataud. El relato espejo: La parte mas importante de la mise en abime de la region caribena hecha por el autor esta en la narracion hecha por el nino. Essay Speech What Introduction? La pregunta obligada parece ser: ?Por que es el nino quien inicia y termina narrando en La Hojarasca, si el desconoce en su mayoria los datos de la historia? Mi hipotesis se orienta a que la insercion de su narracion no tiene nada que ver con la historia del doctor narrada por los otros dos personajes, y a que, mas bien, estamos en presencia de un metarrelato o relato espejo que pretende ser una explicacion, una revelacion del proposito central de la novela: la formacion de un pueblo nuevo o pueblo caribeno. Los monologos del nino son la representacion de un despertar, de una iniciacion: Por primera vez he visto un cadaver, He pasado frente al espejo de la sala y me he visto de cuerpo entero, . Find Studies Essential Standards? Y he pensado: ese soy yo, como si hoy fuera domingo.

El nino aparece, entonces, como simbolo de ese pueblo naciente, nuevo, inocente, en proceso de aprendizaje. Introduction? Un pueblo sin pasado mitico y sin conciencia de futuro. English Literature Essays? De ahi que la narracion del nino se desarrolle casi siempre en presente. Si bien el personaje que tiene relacion con el Mersault de Camus es el medico, el discurso existencial aflora, de manera explicita, en los monologos del nino como signo inequivoco de esa busqueda identitaria, de esa filosofia del ser. Essay What? Garcia Marquez, al igual que Hector Rojas Herazo, poeta y companero del grupo de Cartagena, sigue la linea heidegeriana del existencialismo ateo en la que el ser no se concibe de modo indirecto por via del pensamiento intelectivo sino tan solo directamente revelandose al hombre a traves de su existencia personal. What Does Statement Include Journalism? Como en el autor sucreno, el conocimiento del mundo se hace a traves de los sentidos asi lo vemos en frases como : veo que tienen la cabeza acerada y un panuelo amarrado a la mandibula., veo que tiene la boca un poco abierta , Y senti ese olor a desperdicios , y oigo a lo lejos el pito del tren que se pierde en la ultima vuelta, Yo conozco los cuartos por el olor. La aparicion del discurso existencial se explica, en razon a una formacion ideologica asociada al centralismo como actitud dominante en Colombia desde la decada del 40 que de acuerdo con Jacques Gilard, se mostraba 'inmune a las disonancias de unas periferias cuya existencia no se reconocia sino en dosis homeopaticas' y que a finales de los 40 fue defendida y sustentada por el suplemento literario del periodico El tiempo, por unos anos la publicacion cultural de mas amplia difusion en el pais y cuyos colaboradores (German Arciniegas, Eduardo Caballero Calderon, entre otros) eran enemigos acerrimos del pensamiento existencialista. Writing What Is An Introduction? El mismo Garcia Marquez corrobora su apego al existencialismo en una entrevista con Jose Luis Diaz-Granados, al ser consultada su opinion sobre un cuento de este ultimo: Esta bueno el cuento. Wallpapers? Pero no es existencialista. Asi vemos que, la narracion del nino se constituye en metarrelato, es decir, relato que habla de si mismo; en relato espejo que se constituye en 'senal' del texto basico que ayuda a clarificar el proposito central de este.

Vision caribe del mundo y panteon de heroes caribenos. Del mismo modo , la novela patenta la emergencia de una vision caribena sui generis que instituye valores igualmente singulares, en marcada oposicion a los valores occidentales fundamentados en la moral cristiana, introduciendo, de paso, un nuevo tipo de figuras heroicas que, como lo senala el profesor Avella , no siguen las reglas del juego sino que se juegan la regla. De los personajes que caben resaltar en la novela es, quiza, El Cachorro, la representacion del anti-sacerdote, religioso que no preconiza las bondades de la moral cristiana, defiende a un ateo y no lee la Biblia. Essay Writing Is An? El Cachorro es poco ortodoxo y menos doctrinario y, por tanto, muy caribe. What Statement Include Journalism? Es uno de los representantes del desorden y aunque nacio en el pueblo, tambien es un extranjero que llego junto con la hojarasca. Speech Introduction? Para todos tiene caracteristicas heroicas, incluso para el coronel, representante del orden, por ello es uno de los elementos que corrobora la desestabilizacion de la vision del mundo occidental y de la ideologia conservadora-moralista que va de la mano con ella por parte de la vision caribena.

La figura del sacerdote en “no religioso parece surgir de una tendencia social y religiosa escenificada a partir del Segundo Concilio Vaticano en una nueva generacion de sacerdotes que, en palabras de Jaime Eduardo Jaramillo, expresan una vision notablemente mas secularizada que muchos de sus antecesores expresada en una ensenanza religiosa mas moderna, tolerante y pragmatica El cachorro, a su vez, determina otra figura en el panteon caribe: el almanaque Bristol, reemplazando a uno de los simbolos mas sagrados del mundo occidental: La Biblia. Writing Services City? El mismo Coronel lo deja ver: De todos modos, lo que suceda tenia que suceder, como si lo hubiera anunciado el almanaque. Essay What Is An? Claro esta que el ataque de Garcia Marquez a la religion, en este sentido, tambien se encuentra ligado al papel de la iglesia catolica como aparato ideologico y represivo del Estado durante la hegemonia conservadora de mitad de siglo. La otro personaje heroico caribeno reflejada en la novela, es la del trickster, tal vez la de mayor recurrencia en las manifestaciones folcloricas de todo el gran Caribe (recordemos a Ananse, por ejemplo). Writing Quezon City? Martin, el esposo de Isabel, es la clara representacion del ser astuto que logra enganar a todos valiendose de los mas ingeniosos ardides, consiguiendo la admiracion de todos por ello. Speech? Asi, Martin desposa a Isabel con el objetivo de ganarse la confianza del Coronel y llevar a cabo una empresa con el respaldo de los bienes de este. Find Social Studies Essential? A pesar de que ha desaparecido desde hace nueve anos, el Coronel piensa: han transcurrido nueve anos pero no por ello tengo derecho a pensar que era un estafador.

No tengo derecho a pensar que su matrimonio fue apenas una coartada para persuadirme de su buena fe. Essay Writing? . Services Quezon City? Sin embargo, en el fondo, el Coronel sabe que ha sido enganado por un especialista en timos y por eso senala mas adelante: si ambos nos equivocamos al confiar en Martin, corre como error compartido. Essay What Is An? Ademas, el coronel deja entrever cierta admiracion por el astuto joven: llego a mi casa con un saco de cuatro botones, segregando juventud y dinamismo por todos los poros, envuelto en una luminosa atmosfera de simpatia . On Money And Banking? Isabel advierte esa situacion: Martin parecia vinculado a mi padre por una entranable y solida amistad y este hablaba de aquel como si fuera el y no yo quien iba a casarse con Martin. El juego de las reglas se puede ver en la conversacion del alcalde con el Coronel acerca del entierro del doctor. Essay Writing Is An Introduction? El alcalde se erige como el deshonesto, el hombre que se enfrenta al mundo adverso y sobrevive en una situacion precaria jugandose la regla: Y entonces comprendo que es deliberadamente ilogico, que esta inventando trabas para impedir el entierro. Written Wallpapers? Es aqui donde la desestabilizacion de esa vision del mundo occidental, logica y racional, llega a su punto maximo. Speech What Is An Introduction? Es la vision caribe, anti-logica y entropica la que organiza claramente el desarrollo del relato y las relaciones de los personajes, pues el Coronel comienza a tener una vision menos ortodoxa: Coronel, esto podriamos arreglarlo de otro modo. Vce? Y yo, sin darle tiempo a terminar, le digo: «Cuanto» . Finalmente, cabe resaltar que La Hojarasca es obra fundacional del Caribe Colombiano, en tanto se erige como espejo de su evolucion historica a traves de la duplicacion de las estructuras socio-historicas que dieron origen a ella. Speech What Introduction? El texto presenta, paralelamente, una vision del mundo particular a la region caribena que emerge desestabilizando e imponiendose, en definitivas, a la vision aparentemente dominante, la vision del mundo occidental, cristiano-moralista, e instaurando, de paso, un nuevo panteon heroico que contraviene los valores y patrones axiomaticos introducidos por esa moral cristiana. En el texto, este proposito se refleja al establecerse una red semiotica que apunta hacia el realce de lo extranjero, de lo recien llegado, y al rebajamiento de lo autoctono. Wallpapers? Del mismo modo se logra a partir de la introduccion de la tecnica del relato espejo y del discurso existencial y a traves de la utilizacion de heroes investidos de anti-valores, anversos de los arquetipos tradicionales. La suposicion de que Remedios, la bella, poseia poderes de muerte, estaba entonces sustentada por cuatro hechos irrebatibles.

Aunque algunos hombres ligeros de palabra se complacian en decir que bien valia sacrificar la vida por una noche de amor con tan conturbadora mujer, la verdad fue que ninguno hizo esfuerzos por conseguirlo. Speech What? Tal vez, no solo para rendirla sino tambien para conjurar sus peligros, habria bastado con un sentimiento tan primitivo, y simple como el amor, pero eso fue lo unico que no se le ocurrio a nadie. Literature Essays Vce? Ursula no volvio a ocuparse de ella. Writing What? En otra epoca, cuando todavia no renunciaba al proposito de salvarla para el mundo, procuro que se interesara por los asuntos elementales de la casa. And Banking Youth? Los hombres piden mas de lo que tu crees, le decia enigmaticamente. Is An Introduction? Hay mucho que cocinar, mucho que barrer, mucho que sufrir por pequeneces, ademas de lo que crees.

En el fondo se enganaba a si misma tratando de adiestrarla para la felicidad domestica, porque estaba convencida de que, una vez satisfecha la pasion, no habia un hombre sobre la tierra capaz de soportar asi fuera por un dia una negligencia que estaba mas alla de toda comprension. Written Wallpapers? El nacimiento del ultimo Jose Arcadio, y su inquebrantable voluntad de educarlo para Papa, terminaron por hacerla desistir de sus preocupaciones por la bisnieta. What Is An Introduction? La abandono a su suerte, confiando que tarde o temprano ocurriera un milagro, y que en este mundo donde habia de todo hubiera tambien un hombre con suficiente cachaza para cargar con ella. Literature? Ya desde mucho antes, Amaranta habia renunciado a toda tentativa de convertirla en una mujer util. Essay Introduction? Desde las tardes olvidadas del costurero, cuando la sobrina apenas se interesaba por darle vuelta a la manivela de la maquina de coser, llego a la conclusion simple de que era boba. What Does Statement Include? Vamos a tener que rifarte, le decia, perpleja ante su impermeabilidad a la palabra de los hombres. Essay Speech What Is An? Mas tarde, cuando Ursula se empeno en que Remedios, la bella, asistiera a misa con la cara cubierta con una mantilla, Amaranta penso que aquel recurso misterioso resultaria tan provocador, que muy pronto habria un hombre lo bastante intrigado como para buscar con paciencia el punto debil de su corazon.

Pero cuando vio la forma insensata en que desprecio a un pretendiente que por muchos motivos era mas apetecible que un principe, renuncio a toda esperanza. What? Fernanda no hizo siquiera la tentativa de comprenderla. Essay Speech Introduction? Cuando vio a Remedios, la bella, vestida de reina en el carnaval sangriento, penso que era una criatura extraordinaria. Essay And Banking Youth? Pero cuando la vio comiendo con las manos, incapaz de dar una respuesta que no fuera un prodigio de simplicidad, lo unico que lamento fue que los bobos de familia tuvieran una vida tan larga. Essay What Is An? A pesar de que el coronel Aureliano Buendia seguia creyendo y repitiendo que Remedios, la bella, era en realidad el ser mas lucido que habia conocido jamas, y que lo demostraba a cada momento con su asombrosa habilidad para burlarse de todos, la abandonaron a la buena de Dios. Studies? Remedios, la bella, se quedo vagando por el desierto de la soledad, sin cruces a cuestas, madurandose en sus suenos sin pesadillas, en sus banos interminables, en sus comidas sin horarios, en sus hondos y prolongados silencios sin recuerdos, hasta una tarde de marzo en que Fernanda quiso doblar en el jardin sus sabanas de bramante, y pidio ayuda a las mujeres de la casa. Essay Speech Introduction? Apenas habia empezado, cuando Amaranta advirtio que Remedios, la bella, estaba transparentada por una palidez intensa. -?Te sientes mal? -le pregunto. Remedios, la bella, que tenia agarrada la sabana por el otro extremo, hizo una sonrisa de lastima. -Al contrario -dijo-, nunca me he sentido mejor.

Acabo de decirlo, cuando Fernanda sintio que un delicado viento de luz le arranco las sabanas de las manos y las desplego en toda su amplitud. Written Wallpapers? Amaranta sintio un temblor misterioso en los encajes de sus pollerines y trato de agarrarse de la sabana para no caer, en el instante en que Remedios, la bella, empezaba a elevarse. Writing Speech Is An? Ursula, ya casi ciega, fue la unica que tuvo serenidad para identificar la naturaleza de aquel viento irreparable, y dejo las sabanas a merced de la luz, viendo a Remedios, la bella, que le decia adios con la mano, entre el deslumbrante aleteo de las sabanas que subian con ella, que abandonaban con ella el aire de los escarabajos y las dalias, y pasaban con ella a traves del aire donde terminaban las cuatro de la tarde, y se perdieron con ella para siempre en los altos aires donde no podian alcanzarla ni los mas altos pajaros de la memoria. Para concluir senalar que La Hojarasca , primera novela de Garcia Marquez, cabe analizarla a la luz de los procesos socio-historicos que configuraron la region caribena colombiana (modernizacion, procesos identitarios, de urbanizacion, de poblamiento) y presentar una lectura sociocritica de la misma que ilustre la emergencia de una vision Caribe del mundo al lado de la mise en abime de un proceso de transformacion socio-economica de un Pueblo Nuevo como elementos estructurantes del relato y como manifestaciones de una manera especular de ver la realidad. Bloom, Harold (editor). Research Paper Payment? Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Nueva York: Chelsea Books, 1989. Writing Speech Is An? El gran critico americano recopila aqui 18 importantes trabajos criticos que analizan al novelista desde diversos angulos metodologicos. Cebrian, Juan Luis. Services? Retrato de Garcia Marquez. Speech What? Barcelona: Circulo de Lectores, 1989.

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15 Quick Tips for a Winning Resume. by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. As part of the celebration of Quintessential Careers#8217;s 15th anniversary, we#8217;re presenting lists of writing what is an introduction, 15 tips on writing, some of the writing speech most essential topics in college, job search, and career. Yikes! You find yourself in a position to craft a resume or update an existing resume. So much resume advice floats around out there, making you wonder about the What a personal include journalism best approach. The tips we offer here capture the most important aspects of an is an introduction, effective resume. You can scarcely go wrong if you incorporate these nuggets into your next resume. Here#8217;s our list of the 15 best tips for job-seekers in crafting a winning resume. Your resume must be sharply focused and target your desired career goal with precision. Job-seekers tend to forget that employers review resumes extremely quickly #8212; often in just a few seconds.

An employer taking such a quick glance should be able to Essay and banking immediately grasp what you want to do and gain a sense of the Essay writing what introduction value you can contribute to the organization. What Statement Include! The resume must focus on key strengths that position the candidate to writing what introduction meet a specific need and target specific jobs/employers. In other words, employers don#8217;t consider resumes that aren#8217;t focused on a job#8217;s specific requirements to be competitive. Include Journalism! Employers and recruiters expect your resume to be precisely tailored to Essay introduction the position you#8217;re applying for. And Banking Youth! The reader should be able to Essay what introduction tell at services quezon a glance exactly what job you#8217;re targeting and what need you will fill. The reader should never have to guess or wade through copious text to determine what job you want and what you#8217;d be good at. An unfocused resume is a time-waster for the employer. Ways you can sharpen your focus include a headline atop your resume stating the type of job you seek, a branding statement that positions you for what is an, a specific job or type of job (headlines and Cheap services quezon branding statements are often used in combination), a Qualifications Summary or Professional Profile section, a section listing your Core Competencies/Proficiencies/Areas of writing is an, Expertise, strategic organization of your resume to position you for the job you seek, and on money youth bullet points describing your experience in a way that is specifically tailored to the position you seek.

To ensure a sharp focus, you will likely need to create multiple versions of writing speech is an introduction, your resume, building a boilerplate version that you then customize to each specific positions. Wallpapers! Today#8217;s resume must be keyword-rich. The majority of resumes submitted to employers today are handled by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which Wikipedia defines as software applications #8220;that enable the electronic handling of writing speech what introduction, corporate recruitment needs.#8221; The systems store #8220;candidate data inside a database to allow effective searching, filtering, and Written wallpapers routing of applications.#8221; Because applicant tracking software and Essay speech is an keyword-searchable databases dominate today#8217;s hiring process, successful resumes must feature cutting-edge industry jargon in the form of keywords. To read more about using keywords in resumes, see our article Tapping the social studies standards Power of Essay writing speech what introduction, Keywords to Enhance Your Resume#8217;s Effectiveness. When your resume is seen by the human eye, it needs to does a personal include journalism catch attention and be simultaneously reader-friendly.

The print version of an effective resume must be sleek, distinctive, and clean yet eye-catching. Your resume should feature conservative, easy-to-read fonts, plenty of white space, a layout/design that goes beyond ordinary yet is what not so far out as to turn employers off, and graphic elements that add interest, such as rule lines, boxes, shaded areas, and Cheap tables (for print version only, as these graphic elements will likely not hold up when entered into employers#8217; Applicant Tracking Systems.) Avoid instantly recognizable Microsoft Word resume templates. Employers have seen a million of them, so they don#8217;t stand out. Resumes, especially for career changers, need to portray skills as applicable and transferable to Essay writing speech what is an the position the job-seeker is targeting. You need to show the employer that the skills you#8217;ve polished will contribute to the bottom line, even if you seek a job different from on money youth, what you#8217;ve done in the past. For more about transferable skills, read our article, Strategic Portrayal of Essay introduction, Transferable Job Skills is a Vital Job-Search Technique. Social Essential! Focus on accomplishments #8212; not duties and responsibilities #8212; that set you apart from other job candidates. Essay Writing Speech Introduction! In each job, what special things did you do to set yourself apart? How did you do the job better than anyone else or than anyone else could have done? What did you do to Find social studies standards make it your own?

What special things did you do to impress your boss so that you might be promoted? What were the problems or challenges that you or the organization faced? What did you do to overcome the problems? What were the results of your efforts? How did the what introduction organization benefit from your performance? How did you leave your employers better off than before you worked for them? For more about how to essays identify your accomplishments, see our article For Job-Hunting Success: Track and Leverage Your Accomplishments and our Accomplishments Worksheet to help you brainstorm your accomplishments.

Spotlight your best selling points up front. #8220;The Resume Ingredients Rule,#8221; set forth by Donald Asher, author of numerous resume books (see our QA with him), notes that information on a resume should be listed in order of importance to the reader. Therefore, in listing your jobs, what#8217;s generally most important is your title/position. So list in this preferred order: Title/position, name of employer, city/state of employer, dates of Essay what introduction, employment. On Money And Banking! Also consider whether your education or your experience is speech your best selling point and which should therefore be listed first. Generally, brand-new graduates list education first, while job-seekers with a few years of experience list experience first. Don#8217;t bury relevant skills, such as technical and foreign-language skills, at the bottom of your resume. If computer skills are relevant to your field, list them in a Summary or Profile section atop your resume. That way, they#8217;ll catch the reader#8217;s eye in the first third of the document. Similarly if language and international-business skills are important in the type of job you seek, list them prominently, not at does a personal include journalism the end of your resume. Communicate your personal brand in your resume. Writing! The branding expressed in vce your resume captures your career identity, authenticity, passion, essence, and image, as well as the promise of the what is an introduction value you bring to the employer.

For a branded resume, integrate a distinctive appearance, a consistent branding message woven throughout the document supporting the branded message you intend to convey, as well as a branding statement that defines who you are, your promise of value, and why you should be sought out. Learn more with our Personal Branding Career Self-Marketing Tools for Job-Seekers and Career Activists. Make your resume a sales pitch that conveys your distinctiveness, passion, and Research paper payment unique understanding of the business environment. It must answer the employer#8217;s question: Why you over any other candidate? Clearly, uniqueness is what is an closely related to both branding and focus. If your resume conveys a sharp focus, the reader can instantly visualize you in the position you seek. If your resume is branded, it immediately communicates your promise of value. The uniqueness factor takes your resume to the next level by portraying you as not only in the position but the best person for the position, even the Written only logical choice for Essay writing speech what introduction, the position. When you imbue your resume with your uniqueness, you show the employer that you completely comprehend the challenges the organization faces and that you are overwhelmingly qualified to meet those challenges. Essay Youth! If you have adequately sold your uniqueness, the reader reviewing your resume should say, #8220;This person gets it.#8221; Eliminate clutter from your resume. Speech What Is An! Among the elements can clutter up your resume and impede readability are unnecessary dates (such as dates of involvement in professional or civic organizations); parentheses (no need to set off dates of employment with parentheses; just use commas), articles #8212; those little words, #8220;a,#8221; #8220;an,#8221; and #8220;the,#8221; most of which aren#8217;t needed; and on money and banking the line #8220;References available upon request#8221; (unnecessary because it is a given that you will provide references upon request.) Structure your accomplishments as stories #8212; but tell them in reverse order.

You#8217;ve probably heard of a story structure commonly suggested for job-interview responses: Situation Action Result, sometimes expressed as Challenge Action Result or Problem Action Result. Since a hiring decision-maker reads your resume so quickly, you need to tell the story backwards. Grab the reader#8217;s attention by giving away the ending first. So, instead of Situation Action Result, resume bullet points should be told as Result Action Situation. Quantify wherever possible. Employers love to see numbers #8212; metrics that provide tangible evidence of results you#8217;ve achieved. Use metrics such as percentage by which you#8217;ve increased sales or cut costs. Essay Writing! Take steps to What a personal statement journalism ensure your resume is free of misspellings, grammar flaws, and typos. Proofread it. Set it aside overnight, and then proof it again.

Then have a friend, family member, or colleague who is well-versed in proper language use proof it for you. Errors can kill your chances with many employers, so keep your resume error free. Writing Speech What Introduction! Keep your resume fresh and updated. Your resume should not be a static, stagnant document; change it as needed. If it#8217;s not working for you, have it critiqued by a professional to see what you can improve. Update it the wallpapers minute you start a new job.

Track your accomplishments so you can add those to the document. Final Thoughts on Creating a Successful Job-Search Resume. Resume-writing isn#8217;t easy, but it#8217;s not as overwhelming as it may seem. Get a feel for Essay speech introduction, an effective resume by Research payment looking at samples, and consult the copious resume resources here on Quint Careers. If you still feel like you can#8217;t do it, there#8217;s no shame in consulting a professional resume writer. Writing Speech! Questions about some of the terminology used in Research this article? Get more information (definitions and links) on key college, career, and job-search terms by going to our Job-Seeker#8217;s Glossary of Job-Hunting Terms. Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of writing is an introduction, Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and blogger who provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits QuintZine , an electronic newsletter for jobseekers, and blogs about storytelling in the job search at and banking youth A Storied Career . What Is An! Katharine, who earned her PhD in organizational behavior from Union Institute University, Cincinnati, OH, is author of Dynamic Cover Letters for What include, New Graduates and A Foot in the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market (both published by Ten Speed Press), as well as Top Notch Executive Resumes (Career Press); and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters , Write Your Way to a Higher GPA (Ten Speed), and The Complete Idiot#8217;s Guide to Study Skills (Alpha). Visit her personal Website or reach her by e-mail at kathy(at)

Check out Dr. Hansen on Essay writing, GooglePlus. Literature Essays Vce! Enhance your career! Take advantage of all of our expert free career development advice, tools, and more in speech introduction our Career Resources Toolkit for Job-Seekers. Building Tools That Build Better Work Lives. Since 2005, LiveCareer’s team of career coaches, certified resume writers, and savvy technologists have been developing career tools that have helped over 10 million users build stronger resumes, write more persuasive cover letters, and develop better interview skills. Writing Quezon! Use our free samples, templates, and writing guides and our easy-to-use resume builder software to help land the job you want. Dr. Randall S. Hansen. Dr. Randall S. Hansen is founder of Quintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the Web, as well CEO of Essay writing speech is an introduction,

He is also founder of and He is publisher of Quintessential Careers Press, including the English literature essays vce Quintessential Careers electronic newsletter, QuintZine. Dr. Essay Speech What! Hansen is also a published author, with several books, chapters in social books, and hundreds of articles. He’s often quoted in Essay writing what introduction the media and conducts empowering workshops around the country. Finally, Dr. Hansen is English literature also an educator, having taught at the college level for Essay speech what is an introduction, more than 15 years. Visit his personal Website or reach him by email at Check out Dr.

Hansen on English vce, GooglePlus. Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and Essay speech introduction blogger who provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits QuintZine, an electronic newsletter for jobseekers, and blogs about Find essential standards, storytelling in the job search at A Storied Career. Katharine, who earned her PhD in organizational behavior from Union Institute University, Cincinnati, OH, is author of Dynamic Cover Letters for writing what introduction, New Graduates and A Foot in the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market (both published by Ten Speed Press), as well as Top Notch Executive Resumes (Career Press); and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters, Write Your Way to a Higher GPA (Ten Speed), and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills (Alpha). Visit her personal Website or reach her by e-mail at What a personal include journalism Essay What! Check out payment Dr.

Hansen on GooglePlus. I AM A CAREER CHANGER This page is your key source for all things career-change related. You#8217;ll find some great free career-change tools and Essay writing speech is an introduction resources. Changing careers can be traumatic, especially if you have been in your current career for a long time, but you do not have to go through the process alone or [] Quintessential Careers: Career and Job-Hunting Blog. Quintessential Careers: Career and Find studies essential Job-Hunting Blog Career and job-search news, trends, and scoops for Essay writing speech what introduction, job-seekers, compiled by the staff of Quintessential Careers.The Quintessential Careers Blog has moved!! These pages remain as an archive of our previous blog posts. Please check out the new and improved Quintessential Careers Blog for Job-Seekers and Careerists. Interview Advice Job [] The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers.

The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers Where job-seekers can go directly to Cheap quezon city the job/career/employment section of Essay writing speech, a specific employer#8217;s Website.Because more and more companies are developing career and employment centers on their corporate Websites, Quintessential Careers has developed this directory, which allows you to go straight to the career and paper employment section of the [] Quintessential Careers: I am a Career Coach or Counselor. Essay Is An! The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers Where job-seekers can go directly to does the job/career/employment section of a specific employer#8217;s Website.Because more and more companies are developing career and employment centers on their corporate Websites, Quintessential Careers has developed this directory, which allows you to go straight to the career and writing is an employment section of the Written wallpapers [] Mighty Recruiter Mighty Recruiter. Customer Service Customer Service. 800-652-8430 Mon- Fri 8am - 8pm CST. Writing Speech! Sat 8am - 5pm CST, Sun 10am - 6pm CST Stay in touch with us.

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die hard essays Critical essays and appreciations on the very best of cinema. Essay by Brian Eggert June 25, 2007. An alternative to homogenized Hollywood action films, Die Hard incorporates qualities otherwise absent from action heroes prior to the film’s release: Personal shortcomings, vulnerability, and fallibility. In a word, humanity. These are the Essay writing speech introduction components that make Bruce Willis’ John McClane the Research paper screen’s most affable and relatable action hero, and what have bonded audiences to him for over twenty-five years. Considered through a series of trials seemingly designed to test and therein reaffirm his pointedly New Yorker masculinity, McClane represents a hero cop the likes of which moviegoers had never seen in Essay is an introduction 1988, just as the social studies standards film itself was so unique and brightly innovative within its genre. Released by Twentieth Century Fox to thundering success, the Essay is an introduction film launched the career of star Willis into that of a screen icon, began an entertaining franchise that followed with multiple sequels, and spawned countless copycats trying to achieve the same thrilling claustrophobic magic of the original. But the first remains the gold standard for Research paper payment action filmmaking; what action movie tropes Die Hard doesn’t follow, it reinvents or altogether originates, and all of them have yet to Essay writing speech what, be bettered. Developed from Jeb Stuart and Steven E. A Personal Include Journalism? de Souza’s adaptation of Richard Thorp’s source novel, Nothing Lasts Forever , the what introduction film became another project on which producer Joel Silver and director John McTiernan, who made Predator together the year before, could collaborate. Their budget was a staggeringly low $30 million; if produced today, Die Hard would surely pass the hundred million dollar mark.

Casting inexpensive actors kept costs down. On Money And Banking? Aside from Blind Date (1987) and his 5-year run on TV’s Moonlighting , Bruce Willis was a relative unknown chosen only after Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Richard Gere turned down the Essay speech what is an McClane role. Written Wallpapers? Stage actor Alan Rickman, hired for his first motion picture by Silver, created the archetypal Euro-trash villain with Hans Gruber, and in the years to come would be hired for other villain roles in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1990) and Essay is an introduction Quigley Down Under (1991). Somehow, test screenings received poor feedback, which Fox believed due to Willis’ unproven status as an action star. Unfavorable testing meant Fox had all but written off Die Hard as a guaranteed flop.

And though the film’s eventual $80 million box-office take also sounds paltry when compared to today’s popular franchises, it nearly tripled its budget and Essay on money and banking surprised everyone involved when it performed so well. What makes Die Hard such a unique experience, when set apart even from its sequels, is the feeling that McClane is Essay speech what not an action hero—he’s just a normal guy in Research the wrong place at the wrong time. Outmatched and writing what outgunned, he bitches about his bad luck and copes with his impossible situation through sarcasm. Written? Long before McClane ever took a fire hose-assisted dive off Twentieth Century Fox headquarters (standing in for Nakatomi Plaza), action heroes like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and the various James Bonds were performing similar stunts in speech popcorn-munching shoot-em-ups and withstanding infinite blows with nary a scratch. McClane is What a personal include journalism not an impervious robotic warrior carved from the template of the action movie gods. Essay Writing What Introduction? Embodied by Willis with pitch-perfect humanism, McClane bleeds, cries out in pain and What statement emotional desperation, and has imperfections that become his trademark. One of the film’s most memorable characteristics is how much physical punishment McClane endures and how such wear amasses on him through the course the film.

His physical and writing is an psychological vulnerability and deep-seeded flaws are what make him believable, enduring, and what ensure the viewer’s immersion. Wallpapers? McClane, in his first of many man-alone-against-terrorist-group scenarios, may seem formulaic today, but only writing speech is an introduction because Die Hard originated the writing services quezon formula. A New York cop, McClane visits his estranged wife Holly (Bonnie Bedelia) for Essay Christmas in Los Angeles, and a group of international terrorists, headed by Rickman’s refined Hans Gruber, take over her workplace in Written Nakatomi Plaza. In hiding and Essay writing is an taking out the terrorists one by payment, one, McClane’s conflict proves unlike most battles in the action genre, in that he’s not just fighting the terrorists—he’s reclaiming his male authority over Holly. Writing Speech Introduction? Subverting terrorists is simply a means to that end.

When John arrives at payment Nakatomi, he finds Holly has done well for herself in an executive role under her maiden name, Gennero, and for Essay writing speech is an introduction her hard work she’s earned a Rolex prize, a symbol of her success as a modern woman who has no apparent need for a husband. Holly and John’s respective West Coast/ East Coast living arrangements, John’s threatened male ego over on money youth Holly’s use of her maiden name Gennero, and Holly’s Rolex-rewarded success at Nakatomi—these are the most immediate conflicts for Essay introduction McClane to resolve. Does A Personal Journalism? Mere terrorist threats provide McClane the opportunity to Essay speech what is an, place himself in control (albeit indirectly); fortunately, Holly is in a position that she needs to be rescued, and social studies essential standards therein she needs her estranged husband to survive. Innately heroic, sympathetic, and heterosexual, John McClane contains qualities that go hand-in-hand with his status as a New Yorker. After all, the stereotypical New York persona of 1988 could be personified by a tough heterosexual male. Indeed, Die Hard would not be Die Hard if McClane hailed from Delaware.

McClane confirms his heterosexual status early on, both in sexual and modernized cowboy terms. He displays hetero characteristics not by his association with Holly, but rather through his wandering eyes that scope-out women on the plane and in the airport, his aversion to speech what, a male kiss at the Nakatomi Christmas party, and every time he revisits a naked pin-up girl cutout posted on a maintenance wall in Cheap writing quezon city Nakatomi Plaza. When first arriving in Los Angeles, McClane finds himself virginal to West Coast ways. “Only in L.A.” becomes his motto, as if L.A. is is an introduction silly, off somehow, and perhaps effeminate or homosexual, whereas New York is effectually masculine and standards heterosexual. Essay Speech Is An? McClane is English literature a tough New York cop; whereas one Los Angeles SWAT team member shouts “Ow!” after he bumps into a rose bush thorn. Consequently, McClane is established as a newly envisioned but classical Western hero—an Easterner “goin’ out West” to tame the frontier. What Is An? Gruber, McClane’s nemesis throughout the film via walkie-talkie, even points this out What does journalism, later by writing speech, referring to What does a personal include, McClane as a cowboy. McClane’s masculinity and human susceptibility are further defined by his body. When the terrorists break in, McClane has been washing up after a long flight wearing nothing but a white undershirt, slacks, and bare feet—his garb for the film’s duration. Not protected by Essay writing speech is an, bullet-proof vests or Robocop armor, McClane is, for all intents and purposes, stripped down.

In this raw form, he overpowers foreign enemies without benefit of protection, as though his most simplified nature and manhood are enough to mow down terrorist threats. And yet, when not armored to the teeth, action heroes are often rippling and shirtless, another heroic stereotype McClane avoids. From the Written wallpapers naked appearance of future cyborgs who have traveled into back in time in The Terminator movies, to John Rambo’s sweaty shirtlessness, male action heroes often necessitate their own visually remarkable musculature, proving their exceptional masculinity to the viewer by way of their biceps and pectorals. Willis does not reduce his character to speech what is an introduction, a faceless, muscle-bound body however; his body is not the typically ripped male action hero physique. He has strength and dexterity to be sure; he’s lean, but lacks the veiny, sinewy, herculean body of a Schwarzenegger or Stallone. Already an underdog compared to other action heroes, McClane’s unassuming physique and barefoot state leave him much to overcome, as does the femininity that this state implies. In the first scenes, a fellow airplane passenger suggests McClane “make fists” with his toes to relieve jetlag. McClane offers a look of skepticism, perhaps because of the ridiculous or feminine nature of the act.

Toes or feet are often a metonym for essential femininity (rarely are there women with foot fetishes in film); nonetheless, minutes later, McClane is Essay writing speech what introduction barefoot in Holly’s office curling his toes. Clenching them into fists acknowledges that McClane resists stereotypical, absolutist tough-guy ideals—that his feminine side is indulged in this private act (one he would certainly not perform in Cheap front of Holly or Gruber)—and also twists that femininity into writing speech is an introduction something symbolically male: fists. McClane’s male and female egos seem to be at war. Cheap Writing Services? While he can curl his toes to writing speech what is an, relieve jetlag, he still must rescue his wife and Research paper payment solidify his status as the dominant male in their relationship. Secretive admittances of speech what is an femininity aside, in Find social studies essential standards contrast McClane’s entire ascension to the top of Nakatomi Plaza signifies an unprecedented phallic growth, complete with an “explosive climax”. Rather than accepting capture by Gruber’s threatening male presence, McClane escapes, preventing symbolic castration. Proving his undeniably brash and predominant masculinity, he climbs a suggestively-shaped building, killing terrorist after terrorist along the way, all the while usurping Gruber’s threat to McClane’s manhood—the next best thing to a pissing contest. And what better way to illustrate McClane’s superior New York masculinity over L.A.’s dainty, comparatively feminine persona, than coming all over it? Male dominance and substantiation become Die Hard ’s underlying theme and is an introduction central conflict, whereas the basic “saving the day” plot feels secondary. McClane resolves said conflict by What does statement include, reaching a C4-induced orgasm, rescuing his damsel-in-distress, and writing speech introduction reestablishing solidity in Essay on money and banking youth his otherwise broken marriage to Holly.

The building itself, a glass tower, describes the fragility of masculinity—just how threatening a challenge is for speech what the male ego. And what challenges there are: Gruber, aggressive SWAT teams, FBI assault choppers, and LAPD armed carriers. At any moment McClane could shatter, but with broken glass all around him, he walks right over Research paper payment it, barefoot and bleeding. Though his bare feet might suggest vulnerability or femininity in another hero, McClane owns this state by Essay writing what introduction, sprinting across the Written wallpapers glass while dodging bullets. His feet gush blood in an obviously painful moment, but McClane, talking to writing is an, his compatriot Sgt.

Powell (Reginald VelJohnson) on a walkie-talkie, remains calm and collected in voice. Those of us in the audience see his face, wincing in pain. McClane even becomes a shoulder to What a personal statement, cry on as Powell confesses he accidentally shot a child on the job, allowing for writing what is an introduction a moment of male bonding that unfurls feminine qualities in both. Cheap City? McClane is at Essay is an introduction his weakest when pulling glass from Find social studies essential standards, his foot, eventually weeping as he communicates to Powell his goodbye message and apology to Essay writing what introduction, Holly, a message she never hears because McClane survives; had she heard such a tearful confession, doubtless McClane’s male ego could not have been restored. By the end of the film, both officers’ problems are solved and male egos intact: Powell guns down the last surviving terrorist to redeem himself and does statement journalism McClane reclaims Holly. Also necessary is writing introduction McClane’s need to squash out his competition. In his plot to invade Nakatomi Plaza under the guise of international terrorists, Gruber’s master plan, quite cleverly, is an elaborate heist that leaves Holly’s male coworkers, McClane’s initial competition, dead when they interfere. As Gruber has seized control of the glass phallus, McClane’s eventual orgasmic and explosive victory also signals Gruber’s masculine failure. Throughout the film, Gruber attempts to gain control of the building, asserting his power over this massive phallic symbol, and thus declare his own masculine identity. Each time one of Gruber’s terrorists is pumped full of lead or an entire floor is detonated, Gruber loses men, thus control over the phallic glass tower.

McClane, a self-proclaimed “fly in the ointment”, eventually stomps-out Gruber’s masculinity atop Nakatomi Plaza, thwarting the final plan in What does a personal include journalism a shower of flames and raining-down office paper. McClane even goes so far as to drop Gruber out a window by unfastening Holly’s Rolex, and in this action solves two problems at once: he kills the Essay what is an introduction bad guy, but he also unfastens Holly from her symbol of Written success, feminine independence, and occupational authority over her husband. For all the speech what is an introduction Freudian interpretation this film provides, it also provides a nationalistic interpretation as well. Does Statement? American exceptionalism, closely related to male exceptionalism in film, rears its head as the dialogue between McClane and Gruber sets Die Hard up as a modern-day Western in Essay writing speech which McClane is the good American cowboy and Gruber is a villainous foreign invader (perhaps even a Native American). English Vce? After making a High Noon reference, Gruber is proved un-American and writing speech thus criminal almost exclusively through his knowledge of Hollywood movie trivia. English Literature Vce? Gruber, a German-born Brit, claims John Wayne starred in High Noon , and McClane, the American, corrects him to the fact that it was Gary Cooper.

By association, this underlines several Good Guy vs. Bad Guy scenarios from Westerns, using High Noon ’s classic standoff between Marshall Will Kane and criminal Frank Miller as a model. It suggests the cowboy McClane and criminal Gruber engage in a uniformly classic struggle of writing speech is an introduction pure good vs. pure evil, thus idealizing their conflict as something “classic” in the viewer’s eyes. Given High Noon ’s intended allegory to wallpapers, McCarthyism, we see their duel illustrated in terms of McClane’s American purity vs. Gruber’s pro-communist (in metaphor only) un-American impurity. In fact, the Essay writing is an film’s most memorable line comes as an embrace of traditional Western heroes, using McClane’s own ironic humor as a postmodern shift for traditional cowboy war-cries like yippee-ki-yay . In Die Hard ’s sequels the line is used as garnish; only in its original use did it have any meaning:

Gruber: You know my name but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of Cheap services quezon a bankrupt culture who thinks he’s John Wayne? Rambo? Marshall Dillon? McClane: Was always kinda partial to Roy Rogers actually. Writing Speech What Is An Introduction? I really dig those sequined shirts.

Gruber: Do you really think you have a chance against literature vce us, Mister Cowboy? McClane: Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. In this most famous of writing speech movie lines we see how, whether running barefoot across broken glass or just barely catching an Research paper, opening as he falls down a ventilation shaft, McClane does the impossible, and yet makes it all very plausible not only Essay speech what introduction through his vulnerable male ego, but his wisecracks throughout the situation. McClane’s dialogue is Written wallpapers filled with witty comebacks, one-liners, and pop-culture references lost on Gruber. Not that Gruber is always there to hear them. “Now I know what a TV dinner feels like,” he quips to himself as he squeezes through a vent. Some of Essay speech introduction McClane’s best moments are by himself as he talks himself through the situation.

Whereas stone-faced lone heroes had machine-gunned their way through countless bad guys in action movies before, McClane just an average cop, after all, not even a super-cop. When the terrorists first arrive, his first instinct is to escape and on money youth call for help. “Why the fuck didn’t you stop them, John?” he asks himself after first running. “Because then you’d be dead, too, asshole,” he answers. Writing Speech Is An? In this unpolished treatment of McClane, and the character’s ability to make observations about his own situation, he becomes instantly “real” when compared to his unstoppable counterparts. He’s also completely sympathetic as an underdog fighting a much larger opponent, while contending with the bureaucratic nonsense of local authorities: Deputy Police Chief Dwayne T. Robinson (Paul Gleeson) and FBI Agents Johnson and Johnson (Robert Davi and Grant L. Bush). Male action heroes are now typically flawed, sarcastic, unhappy individuals, made heroic through whatever conflict they face. Paper? They get shot, dislocate shoulders, have mental disorders, drink too much, and on writing speech what, rare occasion even sacrifice themselves. Find Social Studies Essential Standards? McClane started it all. In succeeding years, actioners from Under Siege (1992) to Dredd (2012) pilfered from Die Hard ’s harmony of claustrophobic space and Essay speech what introduction big action thrills.

These copycats are often described as “ Die Hard- on-a…” (bus, plane, boat, train, etc.) to acknowledge their obvious derivation. This is not only writing services quezon because of the Essay introduction film’s box-office success or sheer, breathless entertainment value, but because director McTiernan made a wonderfully crafted picture teeming with visual and subtextual purpose as outlined above. Beyond the wellspring of Find studies essential symbolism throughout the film, cinematographer Jan De Bont (who in 1994 directed his own Die Hard- on-a-bus riff, Speed ) incorporates countless visual flourishes to keep every frame interesting: he projects light through blinds, grills, and grates; he uses steam and lens flares to fill the frame; he bounces light off of writing speech introduction water for a glittering reflective effect. Find Social Essential? Editors John F. Link and Frank J. Urioste piece together De Bont’s slick lensing to make every action scene clear, even gorgeous, especially when compared to Essay what is an introduction, today’s shaky standards. Cheap Quezon City? Production designer Jackson De Govia created the whole skyscraper setting by using an actual in-construction building and augmenting it with touches of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Japanese-inspired architecture. Overall, McTiernan’s production is an accomplished piece of filmmaking whose influence in Essay writing speech is an the genre is English literature vce still evident. As an aside, one would be remiss if Michael Kamen’s score went unnoticed. Along with the Christmastime setting, the composer plays a deepened orchestral version of “Ode to Essay writing what introduction, Joy” from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Find Social? Now considered a holiday favorite, “Ode to Joy” finds itself bonding directly to Gruber’s crew, whereas McClane has no significant riff of Essay is an his own, aside from the occasional whistle of “Jingle Bells”. Primarily due to Kamen’s use of “Ode to Joy” and the inclusion of Cheap writing services city “Let it Snow” at the film’s finale, Die Hard , a violent, R-rated, family-unfriendly blockbuster set in the snowless (unless you count falling paper in Essay writing the finale) winter of Los Angeles, is now strangely a Christmas classic. Come this Holiday season, consider forgoing your annual dose of A Christmas Story or It’s a Wonderful Life for something less family-oriented and writing more actionized.

Nothing says “Happy Holidays” like McClane’s bloodied terrorist arriving by elevator with “Now I have a machine gun. Ho-ho-ho” stenciled in blood on his sweater. Though Die Hard is less an escape into mindless action than one man’s desperate mission to reclaim his family and assert himself as paterfamilias, the writing speech what is an introduction film’s divergence from standard Hollywood actioner tropes is what makes the film great, timeless even. Justifying male power in every other scene, Die Hard subjects audiences to McClane’s hard-edged, unyielding attempts to boast masculinity through his occasional feminine qualities. And granted, if reading the film from a feminist point of view, one might find the subtext questionable. Still, that there is a subtext involving a hero whose primary conflict is the writing quezon city dynamic between his masculine and writing speech what is an feminine sides elevates the film from paper payment, its brethren.

McClane’s macho behavior is easily dismissed because, quite simply, the picture is just too damn fun, smart, barely dated, and undoubtedly readable beyond traditional action movies. Die Hard changed the genre forever. Essay Writing? Its triumph resides in the complexity of John McClane. Put any other hero-type in his place and the film fails, or becomes banal and common. Rarely does an action blockbuster take such risks and offer a hero whose vulnerability and humanism outweighs the picture’s violence, even as it supplies expertly-arranged action.

That Die Hard achieves this unlikely equilibrium makes it perhaps the best film of its kind. Deep Focus Review 2006-2017. All rights reserved.

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essay on Essay what is an introduction a dollhouse Role play seems to be the name of the game in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House . The main characters in the play pretend to be someone who others would like them to be, instead of being their true selves. The person that stands out the most as a character whose role play is almost impeccable to the point where it seems she leads two different lives is Nora. She is Torvald’s loving and childish wife, and unknowingly, a strong, independent woman. As the does a personal journalism, play progresses, Nora’s persona shifts from that of the everyday playful, trophy wife seen by Essay what is an Torvald and friends, to that of a self-empowering, willing woman. Nora’s first impression on the audience is of an Find essential standards obedient, money-loving, childish wife.

In the first act, Nora seems to just want money from her husband Torvald. Essay Speech Introduction! In the wallpapers, first encounter with Torvald after showing him what she just bought for their kids, she doesn’t delay herself in asking for money. Even when asked what she would like for Christmas, money is her answer. It is impressive how Torvald addresses Nora as she was just a little girl, or even a pet, “my little lark mustn’t droop her wings like that. What? Is my squirrel in the sulks?” (Ibsen 842). It seems as if he is talking to a little child. And he says that as he is giving her money, which makes their interaction seem almost of Essay writing speech a grown grandparent giving money to his precious, favorite young granddaughter. All of English literature which makes Nora seem more like a prized possession than an equal partner in marriage. This is how Ibsen first introduces Nora to the audience, as a simple minded, obedient trophy-wife.

Little does the audience know, though, this is but the role Nora plays in Essay writing speech what is an introduction the household. As the writing services city, play progresses, the audience comes to learn that due to a sickness Torvald had in the past, Nora in order to pay for a trip needed to save Torvald’s life was forced to take a loan from a rich man known as Mr. Essay Writing Speech What Introduction! Krogstad. There is a little subtlety, Nora not only got this loan behind Torvald’s back, but in Essay and banking the legal process of obtaining it, she was forced, due to the circumstances, to forge a signature so that she could get the money in time to save her husband’s life. It is impressive that Nora was able to get the Essay what introduction, loan as Nora’s friend, Mrs. Linden, remarks “a wife can’t borrow [money] without her husband’s consent” (Ibsen 848). Does Statement Include Journalism! This implies Nora is not completely a money loving fiend who just follows every instruction given by her husband, but she is a willing and determined individual who does what is needed for is an introduction, the best of her loved ones.

The plot of the play becomes increasingly interesting when the audience finds out does a personal journalism, that now Krogstad is one of the employees of Torvald, and Torvald plans on firing Krogstad. Krogstad knowing now of the writing what is an, forgery, blackmails Nora on the condition that if she doesn’t persuade Torvald to not fire him, Krogstad would tell Torvald and everyone else that she forged that signature; in does a personal statement journalism which case it would have legal consequences for Nora. Yet most significant to Nora, knowing Torvald’s abhorrence towards dishonesty and debt is Essay speech is an, her fear of English literature essays ruining her family’s image. The revelation of this secret to the audience completely changes the perception of writing speech is an introduction who Nora truly is, or at least leaves the audience in a state of Find social studies essential momentary confusion without knowing how to label Nora. This secret shows the strength of her character to carry with a burden she shouldn’t have had to carry on her own. Essay Speech Is An Introduction! Not only is she paying back for What does statement include journalism, a debt that shouldn’t be hers, but she has been paying back by saving half the money she is given for clothes and by doing “a heap of writing what is an introduction copying” (Ibsen 849) books. It is admirable what is now known of Nora. She has spent years of her life paying back a debt by working on the side without letting others know of the troubles she has had. On Money! Specially the writing speech what introduction, fact that the money she got she didn’t use for clothes or drinks; the money was used to save her husband’s life.

Some may say it is cowardly of her to hide the reality from her husband, but is it really? The fact that she has chosen to face this debt by herself without the help of anyone is mind-blowing. Picture a 1700’s woman with no stable income, two children, and having every one looking down at you. Instead of asking for help to pay it back and telling Torvald it was money used on him and for him, she takes the hard road by What a personal statement include choosing to work what little she can by earning whatever she can. This shows bravery, determination, and will; all admirable features of an integrous character. Finally, when Torvald finds out of the writing speech is an introduction, debt and Nora’s forgery, he rages on at Nora for Find standards, what she has done. It is then when Nora finally seems to come to an understanding of speech what is an introduction what she has lived and what is to be done. She now understands that she hasn’t been herself throughout her marriage with Torvald. As she defends her position on her actions she states, “When I look back on it now… I lived by performing tricks for Essay on money and banking, you, Torvald. But you would have it so” (Ibsen 885). It is clear to her now that she has been nothing more than a means of entertainment to speech is an her husband as he would have her dance for paper, him and such.

And Torvald, as much as he might have critiqued her in the end for her childish behavior, Nora points out Essay speech what, that it is for performing those tricks he loved of Find social studies standards her. Nora’s ultimate decision to leave the house, she explains by asserting that she must learn about herself, that she “shall try to writing speech what introduction learn. Services Quezon! I [Nora] must make up my mind which is writing speech what is an, right - society or I” (Ibsen 886). Nora is services city, now presented as a confident, conscious human being who knows that not everything that one is told one must follow. She understands there are aspects of society and its conventional values that she might not agree with and might possibly be wrong. Torvald then offers to teach her and Essay speech is an introduction she rejects him because she is conscious that she has to educate herself or at least away from him. English Literature Essays! She also points out that they never spoke of Essay speech is an introduction serious things, which could be the reason why she believes he isn’t right to teach her; along with the fact that he has been looking down on her since they’ve met.

In the Essay on money youth, end, Nora comes out writing speech what is an, as a strong willed, independent woman who knows what she wants. Nora is not only Ibsen’s vessel to show women’s strong character, but serves the purpose of showing women as equal human beings. Essay On Money Youth! Nora also helps point out that there might some aspects of Essay speech society which might be incorrect besides the perception of on money and banking women as the less sharp sex; the law of Essay what is an introduction those days for example. All of these are shown with Nora’s possession of a secret life. In the surface she appears as a beautiful, fun toy to her husband, father, and even to her friend Mrs. Linden, but it is only when they find out of her secret life when they start to appreciate her for and banking, more than a beautiful girl that she is. Essay Writing What Is An Introduction! That second life of hers allows Nora to show that she can work, that she can withstand enormous amounts of pressure, and that she is literature essays vce, capable to do things when she is determined. It is this secret life that eventually leads to her being freed from that doll house, as she calls it, and ultimately allows her to speech introduction leave without being afraid to study and English vce learn about Essay speech introduction herself and society.

Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House. Damrosch, David and David L Pike. The Longman Anthology of World Literature . Trans. William Archer. 2nd Edition. Wallpapers! Vol. E. Pearson Education, 2009. 840-888. This is a very sound and well-resented essay with a perceptiveness in its thesis. There are a few glitches in what is an introduction some of the sentences, but not enough to detract for the overall impression of intelligent commentary.

I think you might have made your thesis a little more clear in your opening. For instance, you might have said: Even in the life she lives with Torvald, there are signs that beneath the twitterbird and squirrel, there is a strong and capable woman functioning in secret. It is this secret Nora who emerges in the end, ready to openly seek an independent life where her attributes needn't be concealed. And, as I mention below, you might include some notice that Torwald himself is Essay, not altogether what he seems to be. Again, some fine thinking through the implications of the play and writing speech is an introduction a clear exposition. This is a good example of an A paper. Written Wallpapers! I would probably give it in speech introduction the vicinity of a personal statement include journalism a 96.

Role play seems to speech what is an be the name of the game in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House . The main characters in the play pretend to be someone who others would like them to be, instead of being their true selves. The person that stands out the most as a character whose role play is almost impeccable to the point where it seems she leads two different lives is Nora. She is Torvald’s loving and Written childish wife, and unknowingly, even to herself, a strong, independent woman. As the play progresses, Nora’s persona shifts from that of the everyday playful, trophy wife seen by Essay speech is an introduction Torvald and friends, to that of a self-empowering, willing woman. This is a good, clear opening. As is, you are describing the story.

You might close with a kind of thesis statement to indicate what you are going to do with theis information. Nora’s first impression on the audience is of an obedient, money-loving, childish wife. In the first act, Nora seems to just want money from her husband Torvald. In the Research paper payment, first encounter with Torvald after showing him what she just bought for their kids, she doesn’t delay [herself] in asking for money. Even when asked what she would like for Essay what is an introduction, Christmas, money is her answer. It is impressive how Torvald addresses Nora as she was just a little girl, or even a pet, “my little lark mustn’t droop her wings like that. What? Is my squirrel in the sulks?” (Ibsen 842) [This sentence in which you include the What does include journalism, quote in grammaticaly incorrect as a sentence] . . It seems as if he is talking to a [little] child.

And he says that as he is giving her money, which makes their interaction seem almost of a grown grandparent giving money to his precious, favorite young granddaughter. All of which makes Nora seem more like a prized possession than an equal partner in Essay writing what marriage. This is how Ibsen first introduces Nora to the audience, as a simple minded, obedient trophy-wife This sentence repeats phrasing you've already used. . What Include Journalism! Little does the audience know, though, this is [merely] but the role Nora plays in the household. As the play progresses, the audience comes to learn that due to a sickness Torvald had in the past, Nora , in order to pay for a trip needed to Essay what is an save Torvald’s life , was forced to take a loan from a rich man [a moneylender] known as Mr. Cheap Writing! Krogstad. There is a little subtlety, Nora not only got this loan behind Torvald’s back, but in the legal process of obtaining it, she was forced, due to the circumstances, to forge a signature so that she could get the money in time to what save her husband’s life.

It is does a personal, impressive that Nora was able to get the loan as Nora’s friend, Mrs. Linden, remarks “a wife can’t borrow [money] without her husband’s consent” (Ibsen 848). This implies Nora is not completely a money loving fiend who just follows every instruction given by Essay speech what is an her husband, but she is essays vce, a willing and writing what determined individual who does what is needed for the best of her loved ones. Your explication of Research paper payment this aspect of Nora and our understanding is very clear--well presented. The plot of the play becomes increasingly interesting when the writing speech, audience finds out that now Krogstad is one of the employees of Torvald, and Torvald plans on firing Krogstad. Literature! Krogstad knowing now of the Nora's forgery, blackmails Nora on the condition that if she doesn’t persuade Torvald to not fire him, Krogstad would tell Torvald and everyone else that she forged that signature; in which case it would have legal consequences for Nora. Essay Writing Speech Is An! Yet most significant to Nora, knowing Torvald’s abhorrence towards dishonesty and debt is her fear of ruining her family’s image. This might be stated more precisely. It seems to me that what she fears is that Torvald will take the full blame for her bad actions, (which would indeed ruin the family. The revelation of this secret to the audience completely changes the perception of who Nora truly is, or at least leaves the audience in a state of momentary confusion without knowing how to label Nora. This secret shows the strength of her character to carry with a burden she shouldn’t have had to carry on her own.

Not only is she paying back for a debt that shouldn’t be hers (why not?) , but she has been paying back by saving half the money she is given for clothes and by doing “a heap of What does a personal include journalism copying” (Ibsen 849) books. Essay Writing Speech Is An Introduction! It is admirable what is now known of Nora. She has spent years of her life paying back a debt by working on the side without letting others know of the troubles she has had. Specially the fact that the money she got she didn’t use for Find social standards, clothes or drinks; the money was used to save her husband’s life. Some may say it is cowardly of her to hide the reality from her husband, but is it really? The fact that she has chosen to face this debt by herself without the help of anyone is mind-blowing . (You might look for less slang-y phrses to use in your essay. is staggering to consider.) Picture a 1700’s woman with no stable income, two children, and having every one looking down at you. Writing Speech Is An Introduction! Instead of asking for help to pay it back and Find essential standards telling Torvald it was money used on him and for him, she takes the hard road by choosing to work what little she can by earning whatever she can. This shows bravery, determination, and Essay speech introduction will; all admirable features of an integrous [not a word] character.

Finally, when Torvald finds out of paper about the debt and Essay writing speech what introduction Nora’s forgery, he rages on at Nora for what she has done. It is Essay on money and banking, then when Nora finally seems to come to an understanding of what she has lived and what is to be done. She now understands that she hasn’t been herself throughout her marriage with Torvald. As she defends her position on her actions she states, “When I look back on it now… I lived by Essay speech is an performing tricks for wallpapers, you, Torvald. But you would have it so” (Ibsen 885). It is clear to her now that she has been nothing more than a means of entertainment to her husband as he would have her dance for him and such. And Torvald, as much as he might have critiqued her in the end for her childish behavior, Nora points out that it is for performing those tricks he loved of her. I think here it would show an speech what is an extension of studies standards your theme to point out the Torvald, too, shows that he is Essay writing what introduction, not what Nora expected him to be--instead of heroic self-sacrifice, he shows a petulant and Cheap city cowardly desire for self-protection.

Nora’s ultimate decision to leave the house, she explains by asserting that she must learn about herself, that she “shall try to learn. Essay Introduction! I [Nora] must make up my mind which is right - society or I” (Ibsen 886). Nora is now presented as a confident, conscious human being who knows that not everything that one is told one must follow. watch awkward phrasing. Written! One needn't blindly follow everything one is told or something like that. She understands there are aspects of society and its conventional values that she might not agree with and might possibly be wrong.

Torvald then offers to teach her and she rejects him because she is writing speech what is an, conscious that she has to educate herself , or at least away from him find herself independently of him . She also points out that they never spoke of serious things, which could be the English vce, reason why she believes he isn’t right to teach her; along with the fact that he has been looking down on her since they’ve met. In the end, Nora comes out as a strong willed, independent woman who knows what she wants. Nora is writing speech, not only Ibsen’s vessel to Written show women’s strong character, but serves the purpose of showing women as equal human beings. The character of Nora also helps point out that there might some aspects of society which might be incorrect besides the perception of women as the less sharp sex; the law of those days for example. All of these are shown with Nora’s possession of a secret life. In On the surface she appears as a beautiful, fun toy to her husband, father, and Essay speech what introduction even to and banking her friend Mrs. Linden, but it is only when they find out of Essay writing is an her secret life when they start to appreciate her for more than a the beautiful girl that she is. That second life of hers allows Nora to show that she can work, that she can withstand enormous amounts of English literature pressure, and that she is capable to do things when she is determined. It is this secret life that eventually leads to her being freed from that doll house, as she calls it, and ultimately allows her to what introduction leave without being afraid to study and learn about herself and society. Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House.

Damrosch, David and David L Pike. The Longman Anthology of World Literature . Trans. Written! William Archer. 2nd Edition. Vol. E. Pearson Education, 2009. 840-888.

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