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blair waldorf resume Na primeira parte da temporada o Dan namorou com a estrela de cinema Olivia e a Serena namorou com o Carter. Parts. Finalmente a meio da temporada a Lily e o Rufus, perceberam o quanto ainda gostavam um do outro e CASARAM-SE!! Mais tarde as coisas mudaram e o Dan e a Vanessa foram o NOVO CASAL e a Serena namorou com o Tripp (tio de Nate) e mais tarde o proprio Nate!! A Jenny foi aceite no baile e tornou-se a nova rainha da Costance School. Para alem disso foi nesta 3? temporada que ela gostou de Nate e mais tarde ela perdeu a virgindade com Chuck.

Ja Chuck, procurou e encontrou a sua mae verdadeira (era o que ele pensava - spoiler). Thesis Abstract. A Blair e o Chuck namoram durante toda a temporada, ate ao episodio 3x19 em que ACABARAM, porque o Chuck estava em risco de perder o hotel para o tio. Dissertation. Ele recuperou o hotel em troca de perder Blair (aquela cena do sexo com o tio dele)!! Foi no fim da temporada em que houve reencontros de familias: a Lily e o Rufus descobriram que tiveram um filho, o Scott, a uns anos atras e nao sabiam! Na altura nao queriam destruir a imagem da socialte Lily e ele acabou por viver com pais adotivos de qualquer maneira. Proposal Abstract. E a Serena que conheceu o pai William!! Ainda no fim da temporada: os casais Blair e Chuck, Serena e Nate e Dan e Vanessa acabaram todos!! O Chuck levou um tiro e a Georgina apareceu gravida de Dan? Ainda no inicio da temporada descobre-se que afinal o filho de Georgina nao era de Dan e ela foi-se embora. Dissertation. Ja Blair e Serena mudaram de faculdade e ficaram ambas na Columbia!! Nesta temporada todos os protagonistas namoram outras pessoas: Chuck esteve com a Eva e a Raina; Nate namorou a Juliet e a Raina; Serena com o Colin e o Ben.

No meio das relacoes, no inicio e no meio Serena teve muitas duvidas se gostava do Dan ou do Nate, mas depois ela acabou por ficar com nenhum. Paper Introduction Page. A Juliet, a Vanessa e a Jenny juntas montaram o plano das mascaras em que tiraram tudo a Serena e ela acabou drogada no hospital! A Blair e o Dan aproximaram-se e tornam-se #8220;amigos#8221;. Parts. Blair fez 20 anos e o Eric 18! Blair fica noiva de Louis! Houve episodios do genero: Paris, foto de familia, dia de acao de gracas, namorados, festa rosa. A Sociology Paper Introduction Page. No fim: afinal foi pai de Raina quem incendiou o predio e eles acabam mal. Dissertation Parts. Pareceu mesmo que Blair ia ficar com Chuck, mas foi uma dura despedida e ela ficou noiva e feliz com Louis. Abstract. Afinal Charlie era uma atriz contratada!! Vanessa publicou livro de Dan sem ele saber.

Final perfeito com todos a planearem as suas ferias. Dissertation Parts. A temporada comecou com a Serena, o Chuck e o Nate de ferias na California, onde la eles conheceram a personagem Dianna. Ja Blair e Dan passaram o verao como amigos proximos que nunca tinha acontecido. Paper Introduction. A temporada comecou tambem com a bombastica noticia de que Blair estava gravida!! Ela escondeu a gravidez mas depois assumiu perante a realeza! Entretanto a Vanessa publicou o livro de Dan sem o seu conhecimento e todos os amigos de Dan ficaram chateados com ele porque o livro era indiretamente sobre a historia deles e a boa vida das familias ricas de Manhattan. Dissertation. Apesar disso o livro tornou-se um sucesso e foi a partir dai que Dan ganhou fama como escritor. Help. Na primeira parte da temporada foram os preparativos para o casamento real da Blair e do Louis, e ela teve sempre duvidas de quem era o bebe e se ela ainda gostava de Chuck.

Entretanto Blair perdeu o bebe num acidente de carro quando tentava fugir com Chuck. Parts. No episodio 100 da serie a Blair CASOU-SE com Louis e logo depois disso percebeu que o casamento deles seria uma farsa e quem ela amava era o Chuck. Buy Narrative. Mais tarde Blair TEVE UMA RELACAO SECRETA com Dan mas (felizmente) nao durou muito tempo e ela conseguiu divorciar-se de Louis. Parts. Esta temporada tambem foi muito acerca da personagem Charlie. Essay. Ao longo do tempo ela fingiu ser da familia, ia sendo descoberta varias vezes, ate ao episodio 16 em que finalmente os Van Der Woodsen descobrem que ela era uma atriz contratada para que a verdadeira filha de Carol nao conhecesse o estilo de vida dos socialite . Dissertation. Mais tarde a familia conheceu a verdadeira Lola Rhodes, super simpatica tambem com sonho de ser atriz. Ao longo da temporada a Serena tentou sempre descobrir quem era a Gossip Girl e chegou-se a pensar que era Georgina, mas nao. Proposal. De qualquer modo esta cada vez mais proxima de se saber quem e. Dissertation Parts. Tambem ao longo da temporada Nate trabalhou como o dono do NYSpectator. Psychology Help Addiction. O fim da 5? temporada foi cheia de surpresas: descobriu-se que a Lola e filha de William (o pai de Serena), ou seja, elas tem o mesmo pai, elas sao meias-irmas e nao primas!!; descobriu-se a VERDADEIRA MAE de Chuck, e a Diana!!; o Bart Bass afinal ainda esta vivo!! A temporada terminou com o fim do casamento da Lily e do Rufus e o Bart Bass de volta; com Nate e Lola juntos; Dan e Serena solteiros e Blair e Chuck FINALMENTE JUNTOS!! Ainda nesta temporada a Cece Rhodes (avo de Serena) morreu e no episodio 22 mencionaram Portugal na conversa das personagens.

No ultimo episodio, Serena ia-se embora, ate que. Dissertation. leu a boa versao que Dan tinha escrito acerca dela, acerca de toda a historia dos dois e foi aqui que nos aproximamos do momento mais esperado da serie. Como e que Dan fez as pazes com Nate? Deu-lhe a noticia da revelacao da GG que Nate publicou no NYSpectator que lhe permitiu regressar ao jornal em grande!! Como e que Dan fez as pazes com Serena e eles ficaram juntos? Ela leu o ultimo texto sobre toda a historia de amor deles.

A derradeira cena final mostrou a proxima geracao de jovens de Upper East Side e que afinal no meio dela, poderia estar a proxima Gossip Girl. Essay Jealousy. mas isso. Dissertation. e um segredo que eu nao vos posso contar. Writing Analogy Essay Paragraph. xoxo Gossip Girl.

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328 Official GRE Essay Topics to Practice With. ETS has published the complete pool of Dissertation 328 GRE essay topics which will ever appear on the Analytical Writing section of the test. Buy Narrative. While these collections of prompts provide unparalleled Analytical Writing practice, some test takers may find the sheer number of possible essay topics to be a bit overwhelming. In this article, we’ve assembled over 60 official GRE essay topics for both the Issue and Argument tasks and used them to illustrate the 14 different kinds of GRE writing prompts you could see on test day. With this expert analysis, you’ll know how to tackle any GRE essay prompt that comes your way. feature image credit: Female Typing/used under CC BY 2.0/Resized and Dissertation cropped from original. GRE Essay Topics Pool: How It Works. ETS has publicly listed all the essay topics that will ever appear on How to a sociology, the GRE for both the Analyze an Issue and the Analyze an Argument Analytical Writing tasks. There are 152 different possible GRE essay topics in Dissertation parts the GRE Issue pool and 176 different GRE essay topics in the GRE Argument pool , which means it’s unlikely you’ll run out of official prompts to practice with. And while there’s only Thesis, a 1/328 chance that one of the GRE writing prompts you practice with ends up being on Dissertation parts, the test, that’s still better odds than if you practiced with non-official prompts, especially if you end up using a lot of practice prompts.

Each set of GRE essay topics can further be broken down by the specific task you’re asked to complete in your answer . We’ll start by looking at help addiction, the six different possible GRE Issue essay topics. Quick side note: we've created the world's leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure what to Dissertation parts study? Confused by how to improve your score? PrepScholar guides you, step by Thesis step. I want to be clear - you don't NEED a prep program to get a great GRE score. But we believe PrepScholar is the parts, best GRE prep program available right now , especially if you find it hard to organize your study schedule and don't know what to study.

Each Analyze an Issue essay topic “consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue” (source: ETS). The specific words used for the topics might be a little different on the test, but in general what you see in the GRE issue pool is what you’ll get. ETS also warns test takers that there might be some mix-and-matching of different issues with different task instructions among the prompts , so don’t skip over the prompt if you recognize the Writing analogy paragraph, issue; it’s possible that you’ll have written about the issue before in response to a different task. The specifics of the parts, task you’re asked to do differ depending on the prompt, but the core of all the Issue tasks is this one question: Do you agree or disagree with this (statement, view, claim, conclusion, recommendation, policy) and/or its basis? There are 152 different pairings of issues and tasks in the GRE issue pool. Among these GRE essay topics, however, there are actually only six tasks you’ll be asked to perform , and not all tasks are equally common. Below, we’ve analyzed these six GRE essay prompts. In addition to presenting each task as it will appear on the GRE , we’ve also determined the likelihood of the task showing up on the test and provided a sampling of the issues that you might see paired with the task. Donuts/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and resized from Thesis abstract, original.

Issue Task 1: Agree/Disagree With a Statement. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to Dissertation parts which you agree or disagree with the writing companies united states gender roles, statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with a given statement . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 54/152 ( 35.5% ) Examples of the statements to be analyzed. To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions. There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts – especially at a great cost in money and jobs – to save endangered animal or plant species. Dissertation Parts. Unfortunately, in write paper introduction contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image. Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.

The best test of an argument is the Dissertation parts, argument’s ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint. If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people’s efficiency so that they have more leisure time. Proposal Abstract. We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little. Dissertation Parts. True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one sets for My dream essay, oneself. goal/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Resized from original. Issue Task 2: Agree/Disagree With a Recommendation. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with a recommendation for parts, a course of action . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 24/152 ( 15.8% ) Examples of the recommendations to Buy narrative jealousy be analyzed.

Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. Parts. College students should be encouraged to write a sociology introduction page pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs. Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on parts, areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people. Nations should suspend government funding for Buy narrative jealousy, the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. Educators should base their assessment of students’ learning not on students’ grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. Candid/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. Issue Task 3: Agree/Disagree With a Claim. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for Dissertation parts, agreeing or disagreeing with a claim . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 25/152 ( 16.4% ) Examples of the claims to be analyzed. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study. It is no longer possible for a society to How to write a sociology paper page regard any living man or woman as a hero. Critical judgment of Dissertation work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in My dream essay that field. Parts. In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge. Nations should pass laws to addiction preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state. Issue Task 4: Which view aligns with your own? Write a response in Dissertation parts which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. What they’re really asking : Explain which two views you most agree with and back it up with reasoning. Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 18/152 ( 11.8% ) Examples of the views to How to a sociology introduction page be analyzed.

Some people believe it is Dissertation, often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed. Essay Writing States Gender Roles. Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by looking at Dissertation, the achievements of essay paragraph its rulers, artists, or scientists. Others argue that the surest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, the general welfare of all its people. Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to Dissertation parts promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate.

Others believe that the only responsibility of Buy narrative essay jealousy corporations, provided they operate within the parts, law, is to make as much money as possible. Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to My dream essay promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the Dissertation, only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible. Issue Task 5: Agree/Disagree With a Claim and Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to proposal which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is parts, based. What they’re really asking : Analyze an issue by explaining your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with not just the claim, but the reason on which the claim is based . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 19/152 ( 12.5% ) Examples of the claims to be analyzed. Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and proposal abstract suggestions of their students.Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to Dissertation parts which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in proposal abstract the future.Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. Dissertation. Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is proposal abstract, possible without the Dissertation, constraints of established habits and attitudes. Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.Reason: We are not able to My dream essay make connections between current events and past events until we have some distance from both. Want to improve your GRE score by 7 points? We have the industry's leading GRE prep program. Built by world-class instructors with 99th percentile GRE scores, the program learns your strengths and Dissertation weaknesses through machine learning data science, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Try our 5-day full access trial for free:

Issue Task 6: Explain Your Views on a Policy. Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and essay paragraph explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and Dissertation supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your stance on a policy . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on paper, this task : 12/152 ( 7.9% ) Example of a policy to be analyzed. In any field – business, politics, education, government – those in power should be required to step down after five years. Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Dissertation Parts. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of Thesis proposal implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. For the Argument task on the GRE, you’ll be asked to read a short passage containing an argument and then analyze that argument according to instructions.

As with the Issue task, there might be some very slight variations in wording between the way the tasks are written on the test as compared to the way they are online, but for the most part what you see online is what will be on the GRE. Similarly, there may be some arguments that are repeated across prompts in the GRE Argument pool, but they’ll each be followed by a different task, so it’s important to read the entire essay prompt (including the task) before beginning your analysis . There are some commonalities across all of the Dissertation parts, essay prompts on the GRE Argument pool page, even beyond the fact that every task asks you to look at a2 level help addiction, some kind of Dissertation argument and Buy narrative jealousy analyze it. Of the Dissertation, 176 possible Argument topics , there are just eight different tasks you’ll be asked to perform, and of those eight tasks, numbers 3, 4, 6, 8 below are all basically different ways of asking you to “evaluate this stance and explain why you’ve determined whether or not it has a reasonable basis.” Below, we’ve presented each of the companies in the roles, eight GRE writing prompts as they will appear on the exam, figured out parts how likely the task is to show up , and given some examples of arguments you might be asked to analyze. Argument Task 1: Evaluate an Argument and How to write a sociology introduction Evidence. Write a response in Dissertation which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. What they’re really asking : Discuss how different, specific evidence could weaken or strengthen the argument.

Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 52/176 ( 29.5% ) Examples of the arguments to be analyzed. The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice to a client. “Homes in My dream essay the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Dissertation Parts. Last year that region experienced twenty days with below-average temperatures, and local weather forecasters throughout the essay paragraph, region predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes have been built in this region during the past year. Because of these developments, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil.” The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station. Parts. “To reverse a decline in listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current rock-music format. The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement. We must make listeners of paper introduction these new residents.

We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. Dissertation. Instead we should change to a news and Thesis talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area.” Three years ago, because of Dissertation flooding at the Western Palean Wildlife Preserve, 100 lions and Buy narrative jealousy 100 western gazelles were moved to the East Palean Preserve, an parts area that is home to most of the essay, same species that are found in the western preserve, though in larger numbers, and to the eastern gazelle, a close relative of the western gazelle. The only difference in climate is that the eastern preserve typically has slightly less rainfall. Unfortunately, after three years in the eastern preserve, the Dissertation, imported western gazelle population has been virtually eliminated. Essay. Since the slight reduction in rainfall cannot be the Dissertation parts, cause of the virtual elimination of Psychology a2 level help addiction western gazelle, their disappearance must have been caused by the larger number of predators in Dissertation the eastern preserve. The following appeared in a recommendation from the president of Amburg’s Chamber of Commerce. “Last October the city of in the states gender Belleville installed high-intensity lighting in Dissertation its central business district, and vandalism there declined within a month.

The city of Amburg has recently begun police patrols on bicycles in its business district, but the rate of vandalism there remains constant. My Dream Essay. We should install high-intensity lighting throughout Amburg, then, because doing so is Dissertation parts, a more effective way to combat crime. By reducing crime in this way, we can revitalize the declining neighborhoods in our city.” The following appeared in Buy narrative a memo from the vice president of Butler Manufacturing. Dissertation Parts. “During the past year, workers at Butler Manufacturing reported 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than workers at nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. A recent government study reports that fatigue and My dream essay sleep deprivation among workers are significant contributing factors in many on-the-job accidents. Dissertation. If we shorten each of our work shifts by essay one hour, we can improve Butler Manufacturing’s safety record by ensuring that our employees are adequately rested.” The following appeared in a letter to the editor of Parson City’s local newspaper. “In our region of Dissertation parts Trillura, the majority of money spent on the schools that most students attend – the city-run public schools – comes from taxes that each city government collects. A2 Level Help Addiction. The region’s cities differ, however, in the budgetary priority they give to public education. Parts. For example, both as a proportion of its overall tax revenues and in absolute terms, Parson City has recently spent almost twice as much per abstract year as Blue City has for Dissertation, its public schools – even though both cities have about the jealousy, same number of residents. Clearly, Parson City residents place a higher value on providing a good education in public schools than Blue City residents do.” Milk and dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium – substances essential for Dissertation, building and maintaining bones.

Many people therefore say that a diet rich in dairy products can help prevent osteoporosis, a disease that is linked to both environmental and genetic factors and that causes the bones to weaken significantly with age. But a long-term study of Thesis a large number of people found that those who consistently consumed dairy products throughout the years of the study have a higher rate of Dissertation bone fractures than any other participants in the study. Since bone fractures are symptomatic of How to write a sociology paper page osteoporosis, this study result shows that a diet rich in dairy products may actually increase, rather than decrease, the risk of osteoporosis. The following appeared in a memo at XYZ company. “When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resumes and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Laid-off employees have benefited greatly from Delany’s services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not. Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in Dissertation place of Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the workers we laid off at that time found jobs within a year. Moreover, Delany is clearly superior, as evidenced by its bigger staff and larger number of branch offices.

After all, last year Delany’s clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh’s clients took nine.” An ancient, traditional remedy for insomnia – the scent of lavender flowers – has now been proved effective. In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in writing in the united states roles a controlled room where their sleep was monitored electronically. During the first week, volunteers continued to take their usual sleeping medication. They slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. At the beginning of the second week, the volunteers discontinued their sleeping medication. Dissertation. During that week, they slept less soundly than the previous week and felt even more tired. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than in the previous two weeks. Therefore, the jealousy, study proves that lavender cures insomnia within a short period of Dissertation time.

Argument Task 2: Examine Assumptions and Implications. Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. What they’re really asking : Discuss assumptions made in the argument and Writing essay body how the argument would be strengthened or weakened if the assumptions are wrong . Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 50/176 ( 28.4% ) Examples of the arguments to be analyzed. Nature’s Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products, is parts, opening its next franchise in the town of Plainsville. The store should prove to be very successful: Nature’s Way franchises tend to be most profitable in areas where residents lead healthy lives, and clearly Plainsville is abstract, such an parts area. Plainsville merchants report that sales of proposal running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. Dissertation Parts. The local health club has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. Finally, Plainsville’s schoolchildren represent a new generation of potential customers: these schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness-for-life program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age.

The following was written as a part of an application for a small-business loan by a group of developers in essay jealousy the city of Monroe. “Jazz music is extremely popular in the city of Monroe: over 100,000 people attended Monroe’s annual jazz festival last summer, and Dissertation the highest-rated radio program in Monroe is ‘Jazz Nightly,’ which airs every weeknight. Also, a number of well-known jazz musicians own homes in Thesis Monroe. Nevertheless, the nearest jazz club is over an hour away. Given the popularity of jazz in Monroe and a recent nationwide study indicating that the typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz entertainment, a jazz music club in Monroe would be tremendously profitable.” The following appeared in Dissertation a letter to My dream essay the editor of a journal on environmental issues. Dissertation Parts. “Over the past year, the Crust Copper Company (CCC) has purchased over 10,000 square miles of land in the tropical nation of Thesis abstract West Fredonia. Dissertation Parts. Mining copper on this land will inevitably result in jealousy pollution and, since West Fredonia is the home of several endangered animal species, in environmental disaster. But such disasters can be prevented if consumers simply refuse to purchase products that are made with CCC’s copper unless the company abandons its mining plans.” Humans arrived in the Kaliko Islands about 7,000 years ago, and within 3,000 years most of the Dissertation, large mammal species that had lived in the forests of the Kaliko Islands had become extinct. Yet humans cannot have been a factor in the species’ extinctions, because there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the mammals. Further, archaeologists have discovered numerous sites where the bones of Buy narrative jealousy fish had been discarded, but they found no such areas containing the bones of parts large mammals, so the Essay writing companies, humans cannot have hunted the mammals. Dissertation. Therefore, some climate change or other environmental factor must have caused the species’ extinctions. The following appeared in a memo from the Thesis proposal, vice president of marketing at Dura-Sock, Inc. “A recent study of our customers suggests that our company is Dissertation parts, wasting the money it spends on its patented Endure manufacturing process, which ensures that our socks are strong enough to last for two years.

We have always advertised our use of the Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks’ durability, our average customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months. Furthermore, our customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Socks’ stylish appearance and availability in many colors. These findings suggest that we can increase our profits by discontinuing use of the Endure manufacturing process.” When Stanley Park first opened, it was the largest, most heavily used public park in town. It is still the largest park, but it is no longer heavily used. Video cameras mounted in the park’s parking lots last month revealed the park’s drop in body popularity: the recordings showed an average of only 50 cars per day. In contrast, tiny Carlton Park in the heart of the business district is visited by more than 150 people on a typical weekday.

An obvious difference is that Carlton Park, unlike Stanley Park, provides ample seating. Thus, if Stanley Park is ever to be as popular with our citizens as Carlton Park, the town will obviously need to provide more benches, thereby converting some of the unused open areas into spaces suitable for socializing. While the Department of Education in the state of Attra recommends that high school students be assigned homework every day, the data from a recent statewide survey of Dissertation high school math and science teachers give us reason to proposal question the usefulness of daily homework. In the district of Sanlee, 86 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week, whereas in parts the district of Marlee, less than 25 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. Yet the students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to Thesis proposal abstract be required to repeat a year of parts school than are the students in Sanlee. Therefore, all teachers in our high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week. The following appeared in a memo to the board of directors of Bargain Brand Cereals. “One year ago we introduced our first product, Bargain Brand breakfast cereal. Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the a2 level help addiction, top-selling cereal companies. Although the companies producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices and although several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to parts continue making a profit. Given our success in selling cereal, we recommend that Bargain Brand now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible.” The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company. “Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity.

One graduate of the course was able to read a 500-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an Writing analogy body assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read would cost Acme only $500 per employee — a small price to Dissertation parts pay when you consider the benefits. Included in this fee is Essay companies united gender roles, a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course.” Argument Task 3: Evaluate a Recommendation and Dissertation parts Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and Essay writing companies in the gender the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to parts explain how the answers to proposal abstract these questions would help to evaluate the Dissertation parts, recommendation. What they’re really asking : Discuss the different, specific questions that would need to write a sociology introduction be answered to determine how reasonable the recommendation is.

Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on Dissertation parts, this task : 24/176 ( 13.6% ) Examples of the recommendations to Essay companies united roles be analyzed. The following appeared in parts a memo from a vice president of Alta Manufacturing. “During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had thirty percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many accidents is fatigue caused by sleep deprivation among workers. Writing Analogy Essay Paragraph. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta, we recommend shortening each of our three work shifts by Dissertation parts one hour. If we do this, our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep.” Write a response in Thesis proposal abstract which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in Dissertation parts order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Proposal. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the Dissertation parts, recommendation. Since those issues of Newsbeat magazine that featured political news on their front cover were the poorest-selling issues over the past three years, the publisher of Newsbeat has recommended that the magazine curtail its emphasis on politics to focus more exclusively on economics and personal finance. She points to a recent survey of readers of general interest magazines that indicates greater reader interest in economic issues than in Writing analogy essay political ones. Newsbeat ‘s editor, however, opposes the proposed shift in editorial policy, pointing out that very few magazines offer extensive political coverage anymore. Write a response in Dissertation parts which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is My dream essay, based are reasonable.

Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. The following appeared in an article in the Grandview Beacon . “For many years the city of Grandview has provided annual funding for the Grandview Symphony. Last year, however, private contributions to the symphony increased by 200 percent and attendance at the symphony’s concerts-in-the-park series doubled. The symphony has also announced an increase in ticket prices for next year. Given such developments, some city commissioners argue that the symphony can now be fully self-supporting, and they recommend that funding for the symphony be eliminated from Dissertation, next year’s budget.” Write a response in proposal abstract which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Parts. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. Essay Companies Gender. Twenty years ago, Dr. Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia. Using an parts observation-centered approach to studying Tertian culture, he concluded from his observations that children in Tertia were reared by an entire village rather than by their own biological parents.

Recently another anthropologist, Dr. Karp, visited the group of writing companies in the gender islands that includes Tertia and used the interview-centered method to study child-rearing practices. In the interviews that Dr. Karp conducted with children living in this group of islands, the children spent much more time talking about their biological parents than about other adults in the village. Dr. Karp decided that Dr. Field’s conclusion about Tertian village culture must be invalid. Some anthropologists recommend that to obtain accurate information on parts, Tertian child-rearing practices, future research on the subject should be conducted via the interview-centered method. Argument Task 4: Evaluate Advice and Questions.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in a2 level help order to decide whether the Dissertation, advice and abstract the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to Dissertation parts evaluate the advice. What they’re really asking : Discuss the different, specific questions needed to determine if the paper, advice and Dissertation parts the argument it’s based on are reasonable . This task is pretty much the same as task 3; the main difference is in the way the prompt is worded (as advice vs. a recommendation being given). Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 2/176 ( 1.1% ) Examples of the advice to be analyzed. The following appeared in essay a newsletter offering advice to investors. “Over 80 percent of the respondents to a recent survey indicated a desire to reduce their intake of foods containing fats and cholesterol, and today low-fat products abound in Dissertation parts many food stores. Since many of the essay, food products currently marketed by Old Dairy Industries are high in fat and cholesterol, the company’s sales are likely to diminish greatly and company profits will no doubt decrease.

We therefore advise Old Dairy stockholders to sell their shares, and other investors not to purchase stock in this company.” Want to improve your GRE score by 7+ points? Check out our best-in-class online GRE prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your GRE score by Dissertation 7 points or more. PrepScholar GRE is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of practice questions, 2 official GRE practice tests, and companies in the united states gender roles 1-on-1 scoring and parts feedback on your AWA essays. Check out our 5-day free trial now: Argument Task 5: Evaluate a Recommendation’s Likely Results. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the How to paper introduction page, recommendation is Dissertation parts, likely to Essay gender roles have the Dissertation parts, predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the My dream essay, recommendation.

What they’re really asking : Discuss specific questions and information that would be needed to show the recommendation would have the expected outcome . Number of Dissertation parts topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 21/176 ( 11.9% ) Examples of the recommendations to be analyzed. The following appeared in Buy narrative jealousy a letter from the Dissertation parts, owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to Essay writing companies states gender roles its manager. “One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately one-third of its original flow. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the twenty floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further.” The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants. “Butter has now been replaced by Dissertation parts margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States. Only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. Furthermore, many servers have reported that a number of My dream essay customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. Dissertation. Clearly, either these customers cannot distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term ‘butter’ to refer to either butter or margarine. Thus, to avoid the expense of purchasing butter and to increase profitability, the My dream essay, Happy Pancake House should extend this cost-saving change to its restaurants in Dissertation the southeast and My dream essay northeast as well.” The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council. “An innovative treatment has come to Dissertation parts our attention that promises to analogy essay significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where consumption of the plant beneficia is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds.

Clearly, eating a substantial amount of Dissertation parts beneficia can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from Psychology help, school and work, we recommend the daily use of nutritional supplements derived from beneficia. We predict this will dramatically reduce absenteeism in our schools and parts workplaces.” The following appeared in an e-mail sent by the marketing director of the write introduction, Classical Shakespeare Theatre of Bardville. “Over the past ten years, there has been a 20 percent decline in the size of the average audience at Classical Shakespeare Theatre productions. Parts. In spite of increased advertising, we are attracting fewer and fewer people to our shows, causing our profits to decrease significantly. We must take action to attract new audience members. The best way to companies united states roles do so is by parts instituting a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ program this summer. Two years ago the nearby Avon Repertory Company started a ‘Free Plays in the Park’ program, and its profits have increased 10 percent since then. If we start a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ program, we can predict that our profits will increase, too.” Lego Shakespeare/used under CC BY 2.0/cropped and resized from original. Argument Task 6: Evaluate a Prediction and Its Basis.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to Psychology a2 level be answered in Dissertation parts order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on Essay companies in the united states gender, which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to Dissertation these questions would help to evaluate the prediction. What they’re really asking : Discuss the specific questions that need to analogy body be answered to determine how reasonable the prediction and its basis are . Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 14/176 ( 8.0% ) Examples of the predictions to be analyzed. The following appeared in Dissertation a memorandum from the manager of KNOW radio station. “Several factors indicate that KNOW radio can no longer succeed as a rock-and-roll music station. Consider, for example, that the number of people in our listening area over fifty years of My dream essay age has increased dramatically, while our total number of listeners has declined. Also, music stores in our area report decreased sales of rock-and-roll music. Finally, continuous news stations in neighboring cities have been very successful. We predict that switching KNOW radio from rock-and-roll music to Dissertation 24-hour news will allow the station to attract older listeners and make KNOW radio more profitable than ever.” The council of Maple County, concerned about the county’s becoming overdeveloped, is debating a proposed measure that would prevent the writing in the united gender, development of existing farmland in the county. But the parts, council is also concerned that such a restriction, by limiting the addiction, supply of new housing, could lead to significant increases in the price of housing in the county. Proponents of the measure note that Chestnut County established a similar measure ten years ago, and parts its housing prices have increased only analogy body paragraph, modestly since.

However, opponents of the Dissertation, measure note that Pine County adopted restrictions on the development of new residential housing fifteen years ago, and its housing prices have since more than doubled. The council currently predicts that the help addiction, proposed measure, if passed, will result in a significant increase in housing prices in Maple County. IMG_2529/used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original. Argument Task 7: Discuss Alternative Explanations. Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the Dissertation parts, proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.

What they’re really asking : Discuss alternative explanations that would reasonably explain the evidence discussed in My dream essay the argument. Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 11/176 ( 6.3% ) Examples of the explanation and argument to be analyzed. The following appeared in a memo from the director of parts a large group of hospitals. “In a controlled laboratory study of liquid hand soaps, a concentrated solution of extra strength UltraClean hand soap produced a 40 percent greater reduction in harmful bacteria than did the liquid hand soaps currently used in our hospitals. During our recent test of regular-strength UltraClean with doctors, nurses, and visitors at our hospital in Worktown, the Essay writing companies in the united states gender roles, hospital reported significantly fewer cases of patient infection (a 20 percent reduction) than did any of the other hospitals in parts our group. The explanation for the 20 percent reduction in patient infections is the use of UltraClean soap.” There is now evidence that the relaxed pace of life in write a sociology paper small towns promotes better health and Dissertation greater longevity than does the hectic pace of life in Psychology help big cities.

Businesses in the small town of Leeville report fewer days of sick leave taken by individual workers than do businesses in the nearby large city of Masonton. Furthermore, Leeville has only one physician for its one thousand residents, but in Masonton the proportion of physicians to residents is parts, five times as high. Finally, the average age of My dream essay Leeville residents is significantly higher than that of Masonton residents. These findings suggest that the relaxed pace of parts life in Leeville allows residents to live longer, healthier lives. Yes?/used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original. Argument Task 8: Evaluate a Conclusion and Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be addressed in order to help decide whether the Dissertation, conclusion and the argument on How to write, which it is based are reasonable. Parts. Be sure to explain how the answers to in the united states gender roles the questions would help to evaluate the conclusion. What they’re really asking : Discuss the Dissertation parts, specific questions that need to be answered to determine if the conclusion and addiction its basis are reasonable . Number of topics in Dissertation parts the GRE argument pool on this task : 2/176 ( 1.1% ) Examples of conclusions to be analyzed.

A recent sales study indicates that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by 30 percent during the past five years. Yet there are no currently operating city restaurants whose specialty is Buy narrative, seafood. Moreover, the majority of families in Bay City are two-income families, and a nationwide study has shown that such families eat significantly fewer home-cooked meals than they did a decade ago but at the same time express more concern about Dissertation, healthful eating. Therefore, the new Captain Seafood restaurant that specializes in seafood should be quite popular and profitable. GRE Essay Prompts: 3 Terrific Tips. No matter which of the GRE essay topics you encounter on test day, the write paper introduction page, following tips will help you prepare. When you’re working on Dissertation parts, practice GRE writing prompts, make sure you stick to a strict 30-minute time limit for each Analytical Writing prompt. If you need to essay build up to Dissertation parts writing within this time limit, you can start out by giving yourself extra time and then working your way down to 30 minutes. How To A Sociology Introduction Page. However, try not to only practice with extra time , or you’ll be unprepared for the real GRE Analytical Writing essays. To get the best practice for Dissertation, the computer-based GRE, you should write all your practice essays on a computer . If possible, use the abstract, simple word processor in the PowerPrep Test Preview Tool or practice tests to do every practice essay.

You’ll need to parts get used to the lack of spellcheck and familiar shortcuts or features of your own word processor that you might not realize how often you use, like select all, copy, cut, paste, or undo; it’s surprising to find how much not being able to proposal use CTL+A to Dissertation select all or CTL+V to paste can affect your writing and editing speed. Even if you’re not writing about the GRE essay prompts given in PowerPrep, you can still use the text box and Buy narrative timer in the test preview tool or one of the practice tests to write practice essays on other prompts . Just be sure to parts save your essay into a separate document on a2 level help, your computer so you can go back and read and parts score it afterwards. Once you’ve written your practice Issue and Argument essays, score them by using the Psychology addiction, essay rubrics and by Dissertation comparing your writing to the sample essays ETS provides at each score point . The rubrics for the Issue essay and the Argument essay are similar when it comes to the importance of How to paper page clarity of writing and adherence to Dissertation parts standard English grammar, spelling, and punctuation; they only really differ when it comes to introduction page assessing the Dissertation, specifics of the issue or argument analyses. You can try using the rubric yourself on Psychology a2 level, your own essays and determine where on the rubric your essay fits; alternatively, you can see if you can find a GRE buddy who is willing to Dissertation parts grade you and give you feedback based on the rubric, since it’s sometimes easier to Thesis be objective about someone else’s work. While the rubrics are useful as guidelines for what to include in your essays, however, it can be difficult to envision what a perfect scoring essay might look like from the laundry list of Dissertation parts qualities alone. That’s why the best way to Writing analogy essay body paragraph learn what makes a difference between different essay scores is studying examples of high-scoring essays, analyzing what they do well, and finding the differences between them and lower-scoring essays on the same topic . We do this analysis for you in our articles on parts, how to My dream essay get a perfect 6 on the GRE Issue essay and Argument essay. The object of Dissertation grading your essays is not to feel bad that you didn’t live up to Thesis proposal abstract the ideals of a perfect essay score but instead to zero in on your weak spots so you can improve. Whether it’s disorganized writing, running out of time (and so not finishing your essay), insufficient analysis, or some other issue entirely, identify the main issues with your essay, then focus your practice on improving those areas. unsheathed/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/resized and cropped from original. Ready to parts improve your GRE score by 7 points?

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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Lyrics. Parts. For most bands, the songwriting is the key factor in their success. Essay Writing Companies States. And while we certainly don#8217;t want to underplay the Dissertation parts importance of writing unique music, it is the lyrics that often make the Thesis proposal abstract difference between remarkable and unremarkable songs. Dissertation. So what makes a great, remarkable lyric? Below are a list of five common mistakes that you should avoid when writing lyrics, as doing so will strengthen the Thesis proposal abstract overall quality of your songs: 1. Attempting to present too many ideas. Good lyrics often tell a story or explore a theme. It is this focus on one idea that makes the overall song have a cohesive feel from parts, verse to verse. Write A Sociology Introduction Page. A mistake that many make is to attempt to parts present multiple ideas within one song, which more often than not will make each separate idea feel isolated from the rest of the song. Your goal is to have your listener remember the song far after it has finished as that is what will turn them into a fan and keep them coming back time and time again. An obvious hook line is addiction, crucial to the success of a song, as it is what will make it remarkable. With few exceptions, any classic song example that we could give, songs that have stood the Dissertation parts test of time, have an obvious hook line in it.

Here#8217;s one: There is nothing wrong with metaphoric and/ or philosophical ideas, but without a grounded underlying idea or theme that listeners can connect with, the essay body paragraph ideas will fail. Parts. Frame of reference is Buy narrative, key. Pink Floyd#8217;s Dark Side of the Moon is a great example; while it was most certainly philosophical and metaphoric, it#8217;s themes were also deeply rooted in the struggles of England at that time. 4. Parts. Writing in awkward, backward phrasing. A mistake that many make when trying to proposal seem #8216;interesting#8217; or #8216;artistic#8217; is the write in parts an awkward, backward style, breaking up a phrase in a way that doesn#8217;t make sense, but only serves to be #8216;different#8217;. Proposal Abstract. Lyrics are always at their best when written in a way that makes sense to the listener. Be it a conversational style or otherwise, lyrics that a straight forward will make it far easier to connect with the listener. If you#8217;re not political, if you#8217;re not a romantic, etc., don#8217;t try to be.

A disingenuous lyric will come off as such very quickly and is a great way to lose your listener. No matter what your idea or theme is in parts your song, your lyrics need to writing united states connect with you in Dissertation order for them to take a life of proposal, their own. Otherwise the lack of conviction behind them will make the Dissertation parts lyrics feel stale. Which lyrical mistakes have you made? The best way to learn from these mistakes is to outline which have been made most often in the form of a comment below, so that together we can discuss the best solutions for each.

90 thoughts on “ 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Lyrics ” 6. Boring song title. It#8217;s going to be difficult if not impossible to turn #8220;I Miss You#8221; etc into something ear-catching. Proposal Abstract. Great point Brian! Song titles are critical. Dissertation Parts. Unfortunately, the cliche of #8216;don#8217;t just a book by it#8217;s cover#8217; has never been more present than it is companies united states gender roles, now with unlimited access to music now being the universal standard with services like Spotify, people are now more judgmental than ever if the title stinks, there is no way the song will be checked out#8230; Well I am not so sure about that how about #8220;toothbrush#8221; A band called DNCE made a song called Toothbrush. I get torn between using the most obvious title and choosing an interesting one.

1. Dissertation. Be practical in the Main Title. 2. If you want a Creative, #8220;interesting#8221; Title (that one might not have guessed), put it in parentheses. #128578; As a listener, there#8217;s almost nothing worse than hearing a song you want, but not being able to find it—because of an impractical title. My Dream Essay. #128578; Yes, with the age of the Internet, I think it#8217;s really imperative not to be too obscure with your song titles, at Dissertation, least in the beginning when you#8217;re just trying to get discovered by My dream essay, fans out there in listenerland. If someone hears your song but doesn#8217;t know the Dissertation parts title offhand, when they get home they#8217;re most likely to search for How to a sociology paper page, the song according to the lyrics that most stuck out to them. If the song is written, and parts more importantly sung correctly, then the lyrics the listener remembers are more likely to Thesis abstract be the ones you named the song after. RandomGuy is 100% correct. Dissertation. I just want to add that most of the time, #8220;the lyrics that most stuck out to them#8221; will mean the 4th part of the chorus.

Sometimes it will be the proposal 1st part of the chorus too/instead, but it#8217;s usually the 4th part of the chorus. u can use it as a back up lyric instead of song tilte write a catch phraze use that as title put it in beggin and end. leave rest of Dissertation, song same. if ure torn betwwe titles reread song write new 1 ull like it better iit could be as easy as ganging same words @ I shook my head when I first saw the Essay in the united states roles song title #8220;N**gaz in Paris.#8221; But Kanye and Jay turned it into a memorable song. Dissertation Parts. u can use it as a back up lyric instead of abstract, song tilte write a catch phraze use that as title put it in beggin and parts end. leave rest of song same. hmmmm #8230; Miss You #8230; seemed to work pretty well for essay jealousy, the Stones. Also for Blink 182 haha. Completely agree there is at least 5 mainstream songs named let it go. Apart from parts, Blink 182 who had probably their most famous mainstream hit #8216;I miss you#8217; but other than that#8230; Very true. they are also payola. too many songs in abstract the web they mostly crappy. Firstly I would listen to the music groove.

That#8217;s what attracts. Not title. I see some really nice titled songs only to be disappointed. Dissertation. Listen to once. Shut the radio if I hear it again. I see a not so good title but the song reflects a person or it#8217;s live with great beat and unique structure. I listen to that repeatedly. A2 Level. Blink 182 dude!! They made #8220;I Miss You#8221; into a HIT song. (ehem The Rolling Stones) blink 182. Dissertation. I miss you. very catchy song.

Making me think of, I believe, Dr. Hook#8217;s #8220;One#8221;. My heart#8217;s on fire. Blink 182 though. I have rule that is Buy narrative, if I wouldn#8217;t say it in a conversation then I don#8217;t write it in a song. Awesome! Great rule Helen. Parts. I think all too often people try to get TOO poetic with their lyrics.

Not that I don#8217;t appreciate poetry or the romanticism it can infuse into a song, but if it becomes to cumbersome it will just hurt the Psychology overall quality of the song. That#8217;s a good way to avoid bad poetry, because most people are bad poets. But there#8217;s nothing wrong with having abstract but brilliant poetic lyrics if you#8217;re a brilliant poet. On poetry, I think, #8220;David Gates#8221;. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes but#8230;.I think the hook needs to be fused with the Dissertation parts emotion presented by the music. That#8217;s what raises the Buy narrative jealousy hair on the back of the listener#8217;s neck#8230;. yes 4 intsance i just stared on song last night the catprase is downhome handout title few more people like ,me.

I need help I wanna write a memorable sin and to be a singer but nothing come to mind. Dissertation Parts. Here us what I have so far #8221; my soul is trapped, there is essay paragraph, no space my mind is Dissertation parts, full of fear I#8217;ve shed my tears these wounds won#8217;t heal this pain is real you bring me back to life my spirit is alive your my immortal your not full gone you will go on My dream essay my immortal#8221; please help. All common sense. Lyrics should roll off the tongue easily, invoke images and make a good read. (Jagger and Taupin come to parts mind.) Having said that there are still some lame-ass lyrics aou there that grab ya.

This is Thesis proposal, a good article that will help some struggling songwriters, but anyone with some musical knowledge can think of countless exceptions to each of these #8220;mistakes.#8221; I think this article is parts, strictly referring to How to western style pop music and parts misses out on a key component. While lyrics are indeed powerful, I think it#8217;s the human voice that can carry those lyrics beyond any of the words. Thesis Proposal Abstract. I say this because some of the most powerful music i have listened to is not English speaking. Some are in Spanish, some are in French, Even nonsensical babble such as The Sigur Ros who don#8217;t actually say anything, yet it hasn#8217;t stopped people from Dissertation, #8220;feeling#8221; them. Almost all of world music i can#8217;t understand what they#8217;re saying.

That#8217;s true, my all time favorite song is in korean (What Should I Do, by Jisun), and i don#8217;t speak korean#8230; I don#8217;t even need to understand, I just love it. so true 4 istance godsmak voodoo any1 else sings song and its not same lol. I totally agree. While some people rely on the lyrics to essay be unique I believe true uniqueness comes from the voice. Kurt Cobain, for example, has a truly unique voice that I find captivating. He expresses his emotions through sounding emotional. Dissertation. Ex: screaming to express anger, or whinning (sad sounding) to express pain and sorrow. While he does have some clever lyrics, his voice was by far his gift of uniqueness.

Um, Sigur Ros doesn#8217;t sing in #8220;nonsensical babble#8221;, Julio Montero. Actually, Jonsi Birgisson (the singer) sings mainly in Icelandic, but sometimes uses a combination of Icelandic and Vonlenska. So, no, he doesn#8217;t sing in #8220;nonsensical babble#8221;, and neither do any other singers who choose to use a different language. Proposal Abstract. English is definitely not the only language singers can choose to Dissertation use. Just saying. Can u teach me how to be a good songwriter?? Check out the first in a series of Writing essay body, posts from songwriter, Billy Seidman for Dissertation parts, more songwriting tips! If you can#8217;t understand what they#8217;re saying, it#8217;s SCAT singing. I#8217;m a songwriter/lyricist and I need a publisher, I write r@b, hiphop, jazz, and country lyrics. I need someone to tell me where I can get my songs published. I want the world to hear my songs from the best singers in the world!!

I need a publisher, Please people, check me out on YouTube under Rick Patterson ( I gotta blame myself) r@b, hiphop!! I#8217;m too struggling to write song lyrics, as I#8217;m still a beginner in writing lyrics, even though I#8217;ve been writing poetry for years. The first and second mistake always happen on me :(. Thanks for the great tips and hopefully I will improve as I write more. Write Paper Introduction Page. if you have a good rythum use that 2 write and stay in u rythum even if u cant play it go verr rythum in ure head over and over and then write song. learn music notation its very important . i think notation are almost everything and always present one idea and Dissertation parts a very catchy chorus beacause those are the most important points in writing #8230;. A=verse B=chorus C=bridge the simpliest form of writing is My dream essay, AABA or ABA best song representing the Dissertation parts ides entirely are Blitzen Trapper#8217;s #8220;Furr#8221;, Macklemore#8217;s #8220;Same Love#8221;, Bob Dylan#8217;s #8220;The Times Are a Changin'#8221;, Patsy Cline#8217;s #8220;I Fall to Pieces#8221;, or Janis Joplin#8217;s #8220;Piece of My Heart#8221;.

I write songs, I have written 2000+ songs on pages and notebooks, My only mistake is that How to get sponsors to make my music album. I have got new Ideas to mark up in my music album, I have done video Editing course also, I love to sing my songs, But my songs will never be for free for others at this time., I can challenge to win Grammy awards for my lyrics, Out of 2000+ I can challenge with my 50+ songs are the very best of my own, and jealousy those no one can compete it, I can make record in parts the Genius Bool of records, for some reason from my songs, I cant say it by now, will prove it only after my 5th or after 7th album. Essay United States Gender. I have my thoughts that I will make it only after getting sponsors the Big one, OR my songs will be in Vein, washed off as unknown. I contacted few by email but selfish did not answer, i say sorry for them and parts Good Bye. if any one calls me its My Ego, what on analogy paragraph my mind, is and will my heart rules my thoughts. selfish pages are Off my Mind, searching to go with the Dissertation new. just now i saw that even there is demand of fees from song writers at beginning, I am not interested on this. Thesis Proposal Abstract. What to Dissertation say sorry to this. I give it also a bye. How do you write Grammy award winning lyrics with such broken English? I am the guitarist and my friend is the Writing analogy body drummer. Dissertation. And we write the music. By music I mean the whole music and the melody for singing. But very big problem for us has always been and My dream essay is to write LYRICS.

It#8217;s even harder for us because we want to sing in English but we#8217;re Russian and writing really good lyrics for us is a huge problem. If you could agree to try to cooperate it would be great. kirill.kovzel(at) You make songs people like. If people like them, they#8217;ll want to hear them. If they want to hear them, they#8217;ll pack places you play. if you pack places, people will come and see you. If you make money with your music, someone else will also want to make money with your music. That will be agents, sponsors, labels, companies, and car manufacturers. Simple. heres a test people i have [ yea some call us saint some thoght we were gone thats right we aintstill goin strong all the others just hate and Dissertation all the wanna bs cant and Writing analogy body paragraph we#8221;d be a lot better off if change didnt lead us to the sea. with a few more people like me ] this is parts, some of a song i wrote last night coorect it rewrite it add on too it but keep the theme the jealousy same. Your lesson is Dissertation, very interesting just want to know best way to write a sociology paper compose songs. Glad you found it interesting!

There is Dissertation, no one or best way to compose songs, you just have to go with what you feel. Look through our blog if you#8217;d like more tips. Happy writing! I#8217;ve just started writing. I find the easiest way to name a song is by the chorus. Nearly all my favorite songs#8217; titles are in the chorus. Thanks for Psychology a2 level, shains this.. I am song lover and parts now i want to try to write lyrics. Buy Narrative Essay Jealousy. Hi, I read your comments and found some insightful. But you didn#8217;t mention when words just #8220;flow into your mind#8221; and parts you have to rush to write them down or type or record them. What is body, that?

A gift or just your mind writing poetry. It happens to me in parts one room in my home. Only that room. If I need lyrics to add to a song I#8217;m writing, I go into that room and words always come to me. The theme of the song may be different but the words are always there. I don#8217;t have to despair. Write A Sociology. Welcome your thoughts, Penny Love. John Fogerty sat in the same room and stared at a blank wall. If you have found your special place.

Use it. For some it#8217;s a garden. It comes from Dissertation parts, inside.however just because you may think you know about a theme or idea doesn#8217;t make it real to the listener. Sometimes you may need to do a little research. As you read about the subject, more words, themes and Essay writing gender ideas will form in your mind and inspire you. Your words will resonate more because they are truth. Dissertation. Keep writing because the world wants to Buy narrative hear what you want to say.

I would like to know this answer too. Nicely written tips. Anybody can learn by Dissertation parts, practicing your tips. Proposal Abstract. However, if anybody want professional mentoring in order to parts write hindi lyrics writing from Ibrahim Ashk a legendary Bollywood lyrics writer fill form now or call at +91-7869501685. Thesis Proposal. The worst offence to number five is parts, writing ingenuine sexual lyrics. Political lyrics may make you sound like a sheep, romantic stuff may sound awkward and artsy stuff may make you seem pretentious, but ingenuine sexual lyrics make you seem outright perverted. For example, Geoff Tate. James Taylor#8217;s #8220;Steamroller Blues#8221;. People love ingenuine sexual lyrics. I agree with almost all the How to paper introduction page comments here.

Great to read what others are doing. I can only say people, if you ain#8217;t getting it with a theme or idea. Start again! Put it aside, come back to it later. We evolve as poets, the more we record and produce.

Berny Taupin was not a great song writer when he started with Elton. I dare say there were other things they may have had in common which kept them together in the early days. But look how that evolved. Also don#8217;t bog yourself down into Dissertation parts one genre. Have a go at rap or even a world song. I wrote an old time country song once that was turned into a great blues song by my producer and Thesis vocalist.

Just have a go. Using software can help obviously, to find rhyming words faster. I wrote down a lyric but don#8217;t know how good it is. I will need a hand on it. When it comes to writing songs I find myself trying too hard to use extensive vocabulary, just keep it simple and speak the truth! [#8230;] Songtrust, a blog about music, song publishing, and the works, has an parts, article titled #8220;5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Lyrics#8221;, written by the author Jon Ostrow. It lists tips and tricks on how to write the best lyrics, or at least not terrible ones. [#8230;] Hi, guys. I am the guitarist and my friend is the drummer.

And we write the music. Writing Analogy Essay Body. By music I mean the whole music and the melody for parts, singing. But very big problem for us has always been and is to write LYRICS. It#8217;s even harder for us because we want to sing in English but we#8217;re Russian and Thesis abstract writing really good lyrics for us is a huge problem. Could somebody give me a piece of advice where we may find a lyrics writer. Thank you in advance for your help. kirill.kovzel(at) Dissertation. Green fades through, the My dream essay hills of white. Snow#8217;s melting, spring delight. Dissertation. I#8217;m pleased.

Charmed by spells. of a warm breeze. Buy Narrative Jealousy. Rivers churn, to break the Dissertation parts ice. Writing Analogy Essay. A palette of blue reflects the sky. Selected by you, am I? To love you year by year. Dissertation. Don#8217;t know where to Thesis abstract go with this#8230; [#8230;] the most common songwriting method out there. If you’re trying to dive in straight away and write out lyrics but it’s not working, try taking a different approach.

Go into your DAW and open up a new MIDI [#8230;] While all of this is completely true, I think it#8217;s important to Dissertation recognize that what most fans, myself included, enjoy and what will turn a listener to fan is your melody composer. Including an example is a song i#8217;m almost finished w but I released the beat along with the hook or chorus included. I#8217;ve always been a music lover and Thesis never have I ever became a fan of parts, someone who just didn#8217;t cut it on the melodic build of any song. . From rap to country and rb or pop, Melody to me, is what will keep me coming back 20 xs after first hearing it. How To Write A Sociology Page. Melody is the foundation and helped me create my lyrics on countless songs. I personally have always felt, if you can win em w the melody you will have them period! Great article!! I#8217;m working on a chorus, at the moment all I have is.

Something Something in the moooorning. Ok, so I want to make a metal song, but my mind is forgetful and Dissertation parts I forget the lyrics by My dream essay, the time I get a peice of paper. What do I do? Hello everyone, my name is Dissertation, William and help I am only Dissertation parts knew to here. Companies United Roles. Some of your post are interesting and quite helpful. In response to some of Dissertation parts, them however. I feel that one#8217;s song must be able to move an audience both lyrically as well as musically. I have always said and will continue to Writing body paragraph say that if you we do not feel it in the music or the words or both then no one else will feel it either. At that point it would be either scrap it or rewrite it time.

I also promote the idea of writing commercially influenced from a natural flow rather than something forced and restrictive in personal passion. I have personally been writing now for 28 years and not been too concerned with quantity, but rather quality. I have often heard it said that a songwriter will write 100 bad songs to find 1 good song. Parts. My personal philosophy on this is Thesis proposal, why not write 100 good to find that 1 extraordinary song? Also while elegant long winded ballads can be simply beautiful to a listeners ears, nothing moves a crowd like a song with a great groove. Obvious points with Junior High explanations. Dissertation. How about at least going into more details and giving some examples. best way to avoid mistakes when writing a song lyric is, avoiding of repeating the same words, feelings, emotion, alliteration, simile, personification, etc. Great article, I totally agree with all these points. Especially, I think it#8217;s important to write about help something the listener can relate to, to become emotional about. Btw, I wrote an article about general songwriting tips and Dissertation would really appreciate your feedback, if you have the time: Do what you love and How to a sociology paper don#8217;t give up.

Maybe you#8217;ll learn to love other forms of parts, writing or art. My Dream Essay. Sorry just writing a general comment. Good article and Dissertation tips. I work right now with coversongs I change the lyrics in if I feel that I can#8217;t stand for the lyrics. I like to be artistical and free, like words could even be a act, a play. But at the same time I feel that I will have to Psychology help addiction stand for it and that the audiens will however thinks it me speaking no matter what. Dissertation. So then I have to companies states gender roles change lyrics to fit as much as possible my feelings. Here comes a new dilemma. When I do it sometimes click and I am happy but some other times I get like a pathetic feeling.

Here comes also the Dissertation line between positiv and negativ. Buy Narrative Jealousy. Sometimes when I hear a song I think that the message is an importent one that reveals problems that needs to be thought about in parts the sosity, but when I try to sing and make my own verson of it, I have to go in to gender sinerity to be truthful. Then the lyrics can end up being with more hope wild I at the same time tryes to anyways light the issu. Parts. Because there was something to the song that capture my attention in the first place. Something of truth that clang in me. But it wasn#8217;t qiut when I gonna be perfectionist and preform my type of verson.

Often it could be that the most dark in the lyrics are soften up. But then the result can end up feeling pathetic when I turn angryness and a sociology paper introduction hopelessness into hope but vage explinations of the issu. And I don#8217;t want a song to end up feeling pathetic because that is really not what I#8217;m looking for in poetry. Everybody wants to feel selfconfident in Dissertation the lyrics and a yes feeling about deliver the lyrics. Psychology A2 Level. I should feel like a, yes I finally find the right words and feeling proud. And are iger to get it out. Instead of half shy about it. And hoping that people would understand what I ment about it. Even thought I felt that my words around it wasn#8217;t at the maximum. And that I hope they would sence whats under right.

Isn#8217;t lyrics what everybody find as a tool to finally say what they couldn#8217;t find the right words to. And still remain proud and confident with it. But lyrics that says something importent but are way too sad to Dissertation represent, like for example if it says that the hope is complitly lost. What about the #8220;the secret#8221; the law about attraction and the positive law. So how avoid caming out pathetic with it? What makes a song pathetic?

What is it that makes that feelings in some lyrics and in jealousy others not? Even if the message are quit the same? How to be more concious about parts it? Write your song, and Essay united states gender maybe record it. Dissertation Parts. Then put it away for a month. Take it out, and read it, or listen to How to write a sociology introduction page it. See if it sounds as good as when you wrote it. Such a wonderful Blog! I agree. Dissertation Parts. I am a Brit, yet one of the How to a sociology paper introduction most moving peices of music ever, (IMO) is that Ladysmith Black Mambazo song Inkanyese Nezazi (the star and the wiseman), off the Dissertation parts Baked Beans advert for those older folk here. Lyrics dont really have too much importance to the emotiveness or emotion in Writing analogy essay body the song itself.

I mean hell, alot of Dissertation, Michael Jacksons lyrics, especially the essay paragraph later stuff, was like, Whats he saying? but they were cracking songs nonetheless. Very Cool and Interesting #128578; Mistake can it be possible that I make every one of those on this list I feel like quieting but that#8217;s not going to parts help ideas anyone. I have made all of the above so I think I have to Change the way I#8217;m writing now completely so thank you guys for My dream essay, all of the help. Parts. I subconsciously wrote lyrics while listening to someone else#8217;s song, they#8217;re good lyrics (IMO), but I can#8217;t disconnect them from the tune/structure of Writing essay body paragraph, this song. Dissertation. Ugh.

[#8230;] the introduction page most common songwriting method out there. If you’re trying to dive in Dissertation parts straight away and write out lyrics but it’s not working, try taking a different approach. Go into write paper page your DAW and open up a new MIDI [#8230;] Advanced Songcraft Tools for Professional Songwriters. Songtrust is an efficient, simple, and cost-effective solution to collecting publishing royalties.

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Create your free Business Plan now. Make an investment-worthy business plan easily with our free template. Select a Industry Fill in the Form. Complete your Business Plan. Print and Download For Free. Business Plans: Writing Guides, Downloadable Templates, and Samples. Updated February 15, 2017 by Legal Templates.

1. Free Business Plan Template Download. Are you an entrepreneur looking to download a free business plan? If so, you have come to the right place. Legal Templates is parts happy to essay provide you with a hassle-free document downloads. Click the buttons below to download (1) a blank document, and (2) a document that is Dissertation parts filled in for you to writing gender roles reference. Related Business Documents: Click to parts View. What’s included in the blank template: In the first download, you will find documents with all of the chapters, section titles, and section subtitles that you will need to successfully complete your plan. Our first plan contains the 8 chapters of a basic business plan including: Chapter 1: Executive Summary: The executive summary provides investors with a general layout of proposal your company.

This chapter is essentially your hook to convince potential financiers that your model is worthy of Dissertation parts their investment. Chapter 2: Company and Financing: In this chapter, the essay goal is to outline the legal and operational structure of your company, financing requirements, the history behind the company, mission statement and the management team. If you are forming a corporation, be sure to include your Articles of Incorporation here. Dissertation Parts! Chapter 3: Products and Services: This section describes what products and/or services your business will sell (now and in the future), and how you will build, assemble and deliver them. It also offers a comparison of your company and your direct and indirect competitors. Chapter 4: Customers and Market Analysis: The customers and market analysis page indicates your target customer segments, what needs you are filling for them , and essay body, the latest trends among these consumers in terms of growth and behavior. Chapter 5: Marketing and Sales: The marketing and sales chapter allows you to describe how you will sell your product/service. Particularly what are your company’s strategies for Dissertation positioning, pricing, promotion and My dream essay, distribution. Chapter 6: Strategy and Implementation: This chapter will give you an opportunity to parts set the key milestones that help establish a timeline of progress towards your goals. Additionally, it includes subsections like SWOT analysis, competitive edge, and strategic alliances.

Chapters 7 + 8: Financial Plan, Sales Forecast, Financial Statements: In the My dream essay final two chapters, entrepreneurs must define and calculate the financial variables that will go into the creation/expansion of Dissertation your idea, including its expenses, your anticipated sales forecast, personnel plan, cash flow assumptions, and Essay writing companies united states gender, more. If you are purchasing an existing company, you should also include the business purchase agreement in your plan. What’s included in Dissertation parts, the template with sample text: In the second download, we give you a completed ice cream shop plan to Thesis proposal reference. Each section gives an example of Dissertation parts what you should write.

Our guide also includes example graphs and charts, so that you are aware of the help addiction types of financial calculations, plans, and forecasts that a plan should offer to attract investment. For guidance on what you should include in parts, your plan, and My dream essay, why, please reference our How to Dissertation parts Write a Business Plan set of articles below. Downloading this small business plan comes at no cost, so feel free to start your download and get started. However, you should be aware that there are some pros and cons to using free business templates, rather than using professional software or an experienced writer. Writing a business plan is a prerequisite to your company’s success. A solid plan is necessary to help found your company and ensure that your goals remain on track over time. Your plan can and will change as you encounter the unpredictable variables that come with starting your own company. If you have an existing company, crafting a solid plan is equally important if you’re hoping to attract investment and expand your company beyond the limits you’ve already reached. Your business strategy should account for Buy narrative jealousy the next 3-5 years in parts, advance, and cover every aspect of Writing essay paragraph your industry, including the critical relation between marketing and parts, sales to your company’s finances. Your plan should include the jealousy following sections before you submit it to investors. Click each accordion to read a how-to guide for Dissertation each chapter: “How to Write a Business Plan” Table of Contents:

How to Write the Executive Summary. The executive summary contains all of the essential information about what makes your business strong and worthy of investment . It covers the major highlights of the My dream essay rest of your plan’s chapters. The goal is to briefly tell your reader what your company will do, where you want to take it, and parts, why your business idea will be successful. If you are seeking financing, the executive summary is your first opportunity to grab a potential investor’s interest. The executive summary will be the first chapter of your business plan, though it’s actually the last section that you should write . First, you’ll need to do heavy research to ensure that your plan is sound before you can write the united states roles executive summary. This section will be different depending on Dissertation, if you are an established business or a new startup.

A startup company’s executive summary will need to be interesting and paper introduction, convincing to capture the attention of investors. Your company will lack the historical data and trends that existing companies are able to provide, but there are strategies to mitigate these factors. First, you’ll need to Dissertation parts briefly explain who you are, the background of your management team, and your reasoning behind starting a business in Writing essay body paragraph, your chosen niche. Secondly, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve done quality research that supports how you’ve conceptualized your business. Investors know that talk is parts cheap – do you have the data and analysis to back up your claims? Even in abstract, a standard plan, the executive summary for an existing business has no set template, although there are several suggested guidelines that you can find around the Dissertation web.

We suggest the following basic template – feel free to add or subtract sections according to your own needs: Summary Management Team Products and Writing essay body paragraph, Services Customers Marketing and Sales Financial Forecast Financing Requirements (optional) Describe the purpose of the parts plan (e.g.; to raise a specific amount of debt financing to expand a store location) as well an overview of the write a sociology introduction page company (name, location, company type, products sold, founder(s) and founding date). Describe the Dissertation key milestones or objectives that you want to achieve with this business (these are the tangible results in which you use to prove success of the jealousy venture). This statement should be concise and to the point. Summarize the members of the management team, including highlights of their expertise and experience . Describe how each member contributes to the success of the organization.

Keep this section brief, as you will go into parts more detail in Psychology a2 level addiction, the Products and Services section. Products and parts, Services. Describe the products and services you are providing and who the competitors are within the My dream essay industry . Keep this section brief, as you will go into more detail in the Products and Services section. Describe whom your customer groups are and whom your key customers are , as well as how you will market to them. Keep this section brief, as you will go into more detail in Dissertation, the Market section. Describe briefly how you will market your product or service. Summarize the Writing major points in the Marketing and Sales chapter, which may include market positioning, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Summarize the most important points from the parts Financial Plan section here. Addiction! This should include your sales forecasts and Dissertation parts, projected expenses as well as the logic behind the projections.

If you are a new company, describe when you expect to Psychology help addiction turn a profit . If you are an parts, existing company, highlight past financial performance. 7. Financing Requirements (Optional) Summarize the write a sociology paper amount of Dissertation equity and/or debt financing that you are seeking, when you need it, the use of the Psychology a2 level funds, and parts, when you expect to reach your next milestone event and/or start paying back the loan. Keep this at an overview level , as you will go into more detail later on in other chapters. Note: This is essay paragraph a complex question that you cannot answer until you complete your plan, so it is Dissertation highly recommended you work your way through the entire writing process first . In particular, complete the Thesis financial planning process before attacking this section.

Only then will you be able to identify the amount of money you will need to raise. With these sections fleshed out, you’ve finished your executive summary. How to Write the Company and Financing Chapter. The company and finance section of your plan is important, because introducing the management team is critical for both start-ups and established companies alike. Investors will use this information to gauge the future likelihood of success. Company and Financing Sections. Company Overview Management Team Required Funds (optional) Exit Strategy (optional) Mission Statement (optional) Company History (optional) Location and Facilities (optional) There are many variations and approaches on how to Dissertation lay out the various components of a business plan. Our approach for Thesis proposal abstract the company overview section is to provide the reader with the company’s legal information, address and a brief description of the company’s history.

Since there are follow up sections in this chapter that over go the company’s location and history in more detail, you will want to keep this short (2-3 sentences). A BRIEF PRIMER ON COMPANY TYPES. The optimal company type is best determined by Dissertation parts, a credible Attorney. The primer below is meant only to explain the broad differences between the My dream essay most common company types. A sole proprietorship, according to the IRS: “A sole proprietor is someone who owns an unincorporated business by him or herself.” While the most simple to set up and Dissertation parts, the most common, there is a significant drawback: you will be personally liable for any obligations. So for write introduction example, if you sell someone a cupcake and they sue you because they found a hair in it, and Dissertation, you lose in court, the creditors can legally go after your personal possessions – such as the roof over your head. A partnership, according to the IRS: “A partnership is the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business.

Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the company.” A partnership has certain advantages compared to a LLC, such as not needing to file formation documents when setting up a partnership, and a2 level, not needing to file dissolution documents if dissolving the partnership. However, similar to sole proprietorships, partners in a partnership have unlimited liability for the company’s debts and Dissertation parts, liabilities. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) LLPs are different from traditional partnerships in that there are two classes of proposal partners: (1) General partners that have full management and control but also full personal liability and (2) Limited partners that have no personal liability beyond their investment in the partnership interest.

Limited partners are often times “silent partners” that wish to invest in parts, the venture but limit their exposure to liability. A corporation is a separate legal entity owned by shareholders. A corporation is commonplace for businesses that anticipate seeking venture capital financing. My Dream Essay! The downside to parts a corporation is the problem of “double taxation” since the corporation’s profits is taxed at the corporate level, and a sociology introduction page, then any dividends distributed to shareholders are then taxed again at the personal level. You can elect a special tax status with the parts IRS to have your corporation not be taxed at the corporate level (instead, it would be taxed as a pass-through entity). Some of the drawbacks include not being able to have more than 100 shareholders , and not being able to have non-US citizens/residents. A popular choice among many small businesses , a LLC limits the member’s personal liability and only taxes profits at Psychology help the individual level (acts as a pass-through entity). Describe the parts type of company you plan to open, along with the Thesis registered name you plan to use. Explain your rationale – for example, if you are starting a company where you plan on Dissertation, seeking venture capital financing, then you will want to a2 level help start a C-Corporation as majority of VCs will insist on this legal structure. If you have a home office/no dedicated business address. Include your current office setup and your future office plans once your company expands, if applicable.

For start-ups, and Dissertation parts, especially those seeking financing, the Management Team section is especially critical. Write! With the lack of parts history, there is Thesis little investors can go by to gauge the future success of a venture. The question lenders and investors will ask: Why should we trust your team with our money? You must demonstrate your team’s ability to execute on the stated goals. To accomplish this, you should highlight: Background of Dissertation each member of the management team (education, relevant work experience, etc.) Roles and responsibilities within the company. Tip: Don’t include details about members of the Management Team that are not relevant to the reader. My Dream Essay! Everything presented should reinforce why your team is the right team to execute on the company’s vision. If you have an established business the information you want to present is the same. Keep in mind, however, that you also want to demonstrate that your team has the capability to manage growth of the company.

As a company grows from Dissertation, start-up to established business, the management team must also change. Psychology A2 Level! They must be able to parts manage employees, institute standardized systems, and ensure the business’s ability to scale operations while keeping profitability stable. If you already have a Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board, list these individuals and a brief description. In a publically trading company the Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders and is the highest authority in the management of the company. For our purposes (context of a private company that is jealousy most likely a startup or small but growing business), a Board of Directors is comprised of Dissertation parts investor(s), founder(s), CEO and independent board member(s) who have substantial business and industry experience. A Board of Director’s typical responsibility is to Essay writing states set broad policies for the company, determine compensation for company management, and approve annual budgets. An advisory board is a group of Dissertation parts business leaders that can help guide your company and provides it with assistance when needed. Choose individuals with knowledge in your industry and are willing to writing companies in the gender play a role in your company . While some advisors are compensated, it comes down to a case-by-case basis, frequently depending on how much time the member is Dissertation committed to your company. Tips on building your Advisory Board: Choose a well-respected and well-known individual as the first member of your Advisory Board. My Dream Essay! This will help you to parts recruit other members of the Board.

Choose individuals that have strengths and relationships your business will need. Essay Writing Companies In The United States Gender Roles! As your business evolves, so will the members of your Advisory Board. Feel free to shake up the line up over time. In this section you will tell the reader how much money you need to raise, what you are going to Dissertation use it for, and how you got to the requested amount. Important note: This is My dream essay a complex question that you cannot answer until you complete your plan, so it is highly recommended you work your way through the parts entire writing process and in particular, complete the financial planning process. Only then will you be able to identify the amount of money you will need to raise. There are two primary financing options: equity and debt. The primary difference between equity and debt financing is that debt financing is essentially a loan that is backed by your assets or via a personal guarantee.

If your company is body already in existence and Dissertation parts, has trading history, then you may also secure a loan off of your receivables. In contrast, equity financing is essentially you exchanging a stake in your company for a specific sum of money from an investor . My Dream Essay! Therefore, the amount you are able to Dissertation parts raise from investors comes down to how much they value your company. There are three fundamental questions every savvy investor will ask you: Cool idea, how do you make money with it? How much money do you need, and why and when? What do you think your company is worth? If you are seeking financing (regardless of its equity or debt), that most likely means that your financial model shows your company taking a loss in the initial stages, followed by break-even and subsequent profitability. The money you are seeking to raise will simply allow you to have enough cash to cover the Thesis proposal initial period where you will be taking a loss so that you can eventually make a profit. This is a simplification; you may be raising money to Dissertation further grow your company, which may already be profitable.

Or you might use the My dream essay financing to get your product to the next stage in its product development lifecycle (i.e.; milestone event). But the Dissertation general concept is the How to introduction same; the parts investment you are seeking bolsters your company’s cash position , allowing it to grow revenue and/or profitability. Cool idea, how do you make money with it? / How much money do you need, and why and My dream essay, when? The financial statements provide the answer to Dissertation parts the first two questions (which is why we recommend you complete your plan first). To answer how much money you need, analyze the cash flow statement to a2 level help addiction determine the cumulative cash flow. Parts! The lowest point on this curve will tell you what your maximum financing needs are , and at what point in time. What do you think your company is worth? The third question is much harder to answer, especially for essay a new company. At the end of the day it really comes down to what an investor thinks your company is worth (which is more art than science). However, there are three popular methods of valuing a company that can help you come up with a valuation to facilitate the negotiation. Cost approach (asset based approach)

The cost approach seeks to determine a company’s value by analyzing the market value of its assets. In other words, in this approach the company is worth the sum of all its assets if they were to Dissertation be liquidated . This approach may be appropriate for some industries such as real estate where the asset value may actually be worth more than the a2 level addiction going concern value (present value of Dissertation future cash flows generated by the asset). However, for many companies the value of its branding and reputation, along with its ability to Psychology a2 level generate profits, will exceed the value of its assets. The market approach seeks to determine a company’s value by parts, analyzing recent sales of How to paper introduction page similar assets, with the theory that valuations of similar companies can serve as a good proxy. Dissertation Parts! This is a common approach in the real estate industry.

The income approach seeks to determine a company’s value by using its expected profit over time and then placing a value on that future stream of income in today’s terms . Since there is inherent uncertainty with a future stream of income, there are numerous ways to discount that expected income to account for essay risk. Now you have all the pieces to complete the equation. Dissertation Parts! You have the My dream essay amount of parts money you need by looking at jealousy cumulative cash flow. You also have an idea of how much money your company will be worth. Equation to determine how much equity you should offer: Equity to offer = Company Valuation / Money needed.

If raising debt, you are not exchanging equity for cash. Instead, you should focus on parts, the loan’s interest rate and payment schedule. Make sure you will be turning a profit that is both large enough and help addiction, soon enough to ensure there is no delinquency on servicing the loan. For equity financing, answer the following: Investment amount needed When you need it How much time it will buy you / When you expect to turn a profit or get to the next milestone event % of parts equity offered and at what company valuation (you may wish to keep exact figures vague in order to Buy narrative jealousy further negotiate) Exit strategy. For debt financing, answer the following: Loan amount needed When you need it When you will be able to Dissertation pay back the loan The amount and frequency of loan payments. In addition to the information above, you should also summarize how you plan to use the funds. My Dream Essay! The level of detail should be at a high level ; if the investor or lender wants to see expenses in more detail that will be available in the Appendix within the Profit/Loss statement.

Construction of new kitchen: Kitchen remodeling, March 1, 2014, $25,000 Kitchen hardware, April 1, 2014, $50,000 Total Loan Amount: $75,000. If based on your financial model you anticipate relatively small yet variable expenses month to month, a line of credit may be a good choice. With a line of credit you draw upon it when you require the funds and pay interest immediately on the money as it is borrowed. It works very similarly to a credit card in that you typically have a pre-set limit to how much you can borrow, the major exception that since you may be able to secure the line of Dissertation credit with assets, you may be able to get better terms. In the Quick Start Guide we briefly went over help the different strategies available and how thinking about your company’s eventual exit will help shape your business model. It’s recommended you review the Quick Start guide and practice that exercise. Depending on your company, there are various exit strategies available, including: Selling your business Passing it down through the parts family Taking the company public (IPO) Liquidation. If you are seeking equity financing, then your investors will pay close attention to Psychology this section. Angel investors and parts, VCs demand a large return on their investment since they are taking a large risk by investing into your company.

Therefore, you need to include detailed information on how you intend to sell the company or take it public. Demonstrating a large market opportunity. If investors are going to take a big risk, they demand a big return. You need to demonstrate your business has the potential to either take substantial market share from an incumbent competitor, or create a new market. Investors like to be in Psychology a2 level, hot, growing industries such as biotechnology, mobile e-commerce and healthcare. Dissertation Parts! These are all industries that have huge upside growth potential and ones that investors are more inclined to Thesis proposal invest in. Solving a larger company’s problem. If your exit strategy is to parts sell your company to a larger company, then identify how your company’s product solves that larger company’s stated problems and/or goals. For example, Apple’s mapping software is playing catch-up to Google Maps. Essay Companies In The States Roles! If your company can help Apple improve its software, your company would become an attractive acquisition target.

The mission statement reflects the Dissertation parts core purpose and vision of the company. It’s a statement your employees and customers can get behind. Some tips on writing a well-crafted mission statement: Keep it short. 1-2 sentences max.

Don’t use “fluff” words. How To Write A Sociology Paper Introduction Page! Make the statement mean something. A mission statement, if done well, should encapsulate both what the company does (what it sells) as well as the culture/vision/purpose. Examples of Fortune 500 firms that really get it right: A. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (PHARMACEUTICALS) Mission Statement: “To discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases.” Why it’s great: The keywords “discover, develop and deliver” demonstrate the company’s capability to in delivering an end-to-end solution.

By using the words “innovate” and “prevail over serious diseases” it serves as a rallying call for Dissertation parts their thousands of employees that what they are doing is Essay companies (1) cutting edge and (2) has a higher purpose then themselves. Mission statement: “ We will be the parts easiest pharmacy retailer for Buy narrative jealousy customers to use.” Why it’s great: In one short sentence, the company has managed to (1) describe what it sells (2) how it will win in the marketplace. Dissertation! It is a pharmacy retailer and it will solely focus on making itself easier for the customer to use (that could mean so many things, such as innovating online to fulfill prescriptions to improved customer service within their stores). Example of poorly written mission statements. A. Writing Essay Body Paragraph! FORTUNE 500 FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANY.

Mission statement: “ The Company’s primary objective is to maximize long-term stockholder value, while adhering to the laws of the jurisdictions in Dissertation, which it operates and at all times observing the highest ethical standards.” Why it’s horrible: It does not serve as a rallying call for employees, suppliers, or partners. Its objectives are obvious (what company does not want to maximize value) and borderline absurd (are there companies that do not want to adhere to local and federal laws)? Lastly, it does not mention what the company actually does. B. FORTUNE 500 VEHICLE PARTS SUPPLIER. Mission Statement: “ We are committed to a sociology paper page attracting, developing, and keeping a diverse work force that reflects the Dissertation parts nature of our global business.” Why its horrible: While a diverse workforce is certainly not a bad thing, only companies states gender stating that as the company’s mission statement is ineffective, lacks direction or focus, and Dissertation, completely misses the point of having a mission statement. This is predominately for My dream essay businesses that have previous trading history, but can also be used by new companies that want to highlight relevant history on how the company came to existence, work completed to date, milestones achieved, etc. Some information you may want to include: Start date First location First product/service Significant milestones/events. Reminder: keep in mind that there is no set rule as to the level of parts detail you want to include.

This is dictated by the relevancy of the My dream essay information to the reader and how this information helps strengthen your plan’s ability to build credibility for your company. Every company is parts made of milestones. Milestones for a business are achievements that demonstrate the business is on the right track. They are best when quantifiable and measureable. For example, achieving a working prototype of your product, or getting to break-even, are both huge milestones that showcase your ability to execute and reduces subsequent risk of your company. Key concept: The more uncertainty that you can take off from the table, the better valuation you can get for your business. For businesses that have a retail or manufacturing component, this is an important section of your plan. Information you may want to include: Size (e.g.; in Essay writing in the states gender roles, sq. Dissertation! ft.) Location/Address Other notable facts, such as equipment at the facility. Location is Buy narrative jealousy important for Dissertation a large number of My dream essay retail businesses, whether you are a restaurant or purveyor of Dissertation consumer products.

If possible, provide statistics about the retail location you have chosen or are planning to choose. Describe the lease terms you are able to paper page secure, and if there are any laws that protect the lessee from unreasonable price increases. You can read a detailed article about what to look for in a lease agreement here. Provide detailed information on the manufacturing facilities. For example, your operation may require a reliable source of Dissertation parts electricity and water. Describe how the facility provides the jealousy business with these resources. If the facility is pre-existing equipment or structures that can be leveraged, make mention of that. Location can be an important aspect of your business even if you are not in retail or manufacturing. For example, you might want to parts open your software company in Silicon Valley as that provides a competitive advantage from an employee recruitment and fundraising perspective. If you operate out of a home office. Describe your future expansion plans, including expected date of expansion.

Upon completing these sections, you will then be finished with the company and My dream essay, financing section of your business plan. Writing the Products and Services Chapter. The products and services chapter of your business plan should be written clearly and descriptively, to help give investors a comprehensive understanding of the bread and butter of your business. Your products and services section should include the following sections. Products and parts, Services Chapter Sections. Products and Services Competitors Sourcing and Fulfillment (optional) Technology (optional) Intellectual Property (optional) Future Products and Services (optional) Your products and services are the lifeblood of your business – it’s what your customers need, and proposal abstract, if you get this right, everything else will follow . Dissertation Parts! Commonly referred to as “product lift”, which essentially means getting the Psychology a2 level addiction secret sauce working. It means that customers want to Dissertation parts buy your product/service, and you are filling a need that was previously not satisfied. Thinking in terms of benefits vs. My Dream Essay! features.

What is the consumer really buying? For example, a person buying a Rolex watch is not only Dissertation parts buying a device to tell time, but the Essay in the united roles prestige and status that comes with a luxury product. Think about what end benefit your product/service delivers. Of course, the functional aspects of your product/service are also important. Depending on Dissertation parts, what you are going to Psychology a2 level sell, think through the Dissertation features it will provide, packaging, design, branding, quality, and other aspects that help position and/or differentiate it from Thesis, competing products/services. You may have heard the business adage that acquiring a new customer is Dissertation indefinitely more expensive then keeping an existing customer.

One of the reasons this is true is the potential to sell additional add-ons, upgrades and substitute products/services to existing customers . Think about essay how you can drive incremental revenue. Whether it’s via subscriptions, repeat business, or annual contracts, you may be providing products/services that generate a recurring revenue stream. This is a good thing, because (1) your revenue can be more predictable and stable (2) you are maximizing earning potential . Think how you can generate recurring revenue, which is expressed with a metric called Lifetime Value per customer. You will complete the parts price you want to set your products/services in the Financial Plan chapter, and we also have a section for you to describe your pricing strategy; however it is advisable to start thinking about how you want to price your products/services. Competitive analysis is an paper introduction, extremely useful tool and one that should be revisited often as the Dissertation competitive landscape changes over Writing analogy essay time. It starts with competitive analysis. Background (location, history, ownership) Financials (revenue, profitability) Products (product line, services, patents, licenses) Marketing (channels used and budget, pricing, alliances/affiliates) Personnel (headcount, notable executives, compensation, job openings) Market share Strengths, Weaknesses. Tips on how to perform competitive analysis. The Internet makes this much easier then in days past. Some ideas:

Google search using keywords that your customers would use to find you Look up industry association websites Look up directories such as Yahoo or Crunchbase Use to find your competitor’s job openings Competitor’s websites Find your competitor’s management team members on LinkedIn. Not only Dissertation parts do you have to worry about current competitors you can see, but you have to be vigilant and be on the lookout for new entrants. For example, a company that already sells to your customer base may see your industry as a logical next step. You should consider the likelihood of new entrants high if: The industry sees high margins (its super profitable) There is Thesis unmet demand (more customers then suppliers) There are no major barriers to entry (does not take much to start competing) There is Dissertation parts future growth potential (such as mobile apps) Much of this is essay common sense – if you see a market opportunity that no one is competing in yet, don’t expect that you will be alone for long.

Sourcing is Dissertation parts simply the process of procuring goods and My dream essay, services from suppliers that are required for your company to make its products or deliver its service. Some things to consider when choosing and managing your suppliers: Cost: This is an obvious one – the lower the price, the Dissertation parts higher your profit margins will be. Payment terms: The longer you have to pay your suppliers, the more working capital you have on hand. Reliability: You must consider how reliable your suppliers are and what would happen to your ability to operate if they cannot deliver. Scalability: As your business expands, will your suppliers be able to writing united states roles meet your needs? Fulfillment is simply the process of how your company delivers its products/services, from point of Dissertation sale to delivery. There are several popular fulfillment options:

Engineer to order: the product is designed and built to customer specifications (e.g.; large construction projects) Build to order: the product’s design is standardized but manufacture of Thesis proposal final product is based off of customer specifications (e.g.; aircraft and Dissertation parts, yachts) Assemble to order: the Thesis proposal abstract product is assembled to the customer’s specifications using pre-fabricated components (e.g.; Chipotles burritos, Dell computers) Make to stock: the product is Dissertation manufactured in Essay companies gender, quantity based on Dissertation parts, expected sales of the product (e.g.; retailers) If you are going to be selling physical products and expect to How to a sociology introduction page hold inventory, then you should pay very close attention to how you forecast the parts amount of inventory you need to meet your projected sales. Too little inventory and Thesis abstract, you may not be able to meet demand. Too much inventory and you tie up all of your cash on excess inventory. Some key points: Have accurate sales forecasts. Use historical sales data if you have it, and make sure you account for seasonality. Have accurate inventory tracking. Parts! Use bar code scanning or equivalent to How to write introduction page ensure there are no data entry errors. Utilize inventory management software.

QuickBooks, Sage, and a plethora of other vendors provide a cloud-based solution for you to manage and maximize your inventory levels. Technology in today’s business environment is becoming more and Dissertation, more important and serves as a source of competitive advantage. Take Wal-Mart or FedEx as two examples of companies that provide services (low-cost products and shipping), but utilize technology as a critical means of delivering those services. Wal-Mart uses a sophisticated supply chain management IT system to ensure its low prices. FedEx uses technology to optimize delivery routes and times, which enables it to jealousy ship to practically every corner of the globe, seamlessly and with very low error rates.

Think about how technology plays a part in your business and Dissertation, if it is critical to your business operations. If technology is critical to My dream essay your business operations, then you must think about your disaster preparedness and contingency planning . Depending on your business, you may want to create back-up copies of parts data and My dream essay, software, routine security checks, and securing physical assets. Dissertation! What would happen if you lost access to Thesis proposal abstract the technology? Think about alternatives that you could utilize. For example, if you license a piece of software and later down the road decide that the cost is too high, is there a competitor who can license you an Dissertation parts, alternative? If you have exclusive rights to a technology, either through a patent or through an exclusive license agreement, this is a great competitive advantage and My dream essay, one that you will want to describe in Dissertation, detail. There are two types of intellectual property that may be applicable to a business: industrial property (such as patents and trademarks), and copyright (such as novels and movies).

If you have intellectual property that you want to protect, it is advisable that you seek the professional advice of a good Patent/IP Attorney , since this is How to a sociology a great way to provide a barrier to parts entry for essay your business. Intellectual property type 1: Industry property. These include inventions (patents), trademarks and industrial designs (trade secrets, trade dress). If you have any proprietary process or technology then it is recommended that you apply for Dissertation a patent to protect your invention. You should apply for a trademark for your company name and in the united, logo as well. Intellectual property type 2: copyright. These include literary and Dissertation parts, artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. In 2011, counterfeit copyrighted and Buy narrative, trademarked goods were a $600 billion dollar industry worldwide. Enforcing your intellectual property may be feasible from a legal point of view, but many times is not practical in Dissertation parts, practice. For example, Microsoft cannot possibly prosecute every single instance where its popular operating systems are copied and downloaded. IP and Psychology a2 level, your employees and contractors.

It is just as important to secure your intellectual property in relation to your employees and Dissertation parts, contractors. Everyone should be required to sign an invention assignment agreement, which basically states that the company owns all works produced while contracted by Writing analogy body, the company. Dissertation! In addition, you may consider handing out serialized notebooks for employees to My dream essay use , so that if there is ever a conflict as to whom owns a piece of Dissertation parts intellectual property, there is analogy essay paragraph a physical record. If you have future products and parts, services planned, it is Writing essay a good idea to describe the parts product roadmap and strategy behind it . Abstract! A key concept is that of product lifecycle, which describes the stages of the Dissertation life of a product. During this phase, your product will incur heavy promotional costs as you get the word out. You may discount the price of the Psychology a2 level product to encourage new customers. During this phase, you may focus on expanding your product to new segments in the marketplace, and Dissertation parts, expand the product line (for example, with new colors or other variations). During this phase, you are enjoying the My dream essay fruits of your labor.

You may add new features to your product to stay competitive and to further differentiate your product from competitors. Marketing spend for your product starts to dissipate as sales of your product are in steady decline. After including all of parts this information, you’ll have completed the Buy narrative essay jealousy products and services chapter. Writing the Customers and Market Analysis Chapter. The customers and market analysis chapter will give you an opportunity to describe what your customer segments are, what needs you are filling for them, and how these groups of customers are trending in terms of Dissertation growth and behavior. This chapter also includes any regulatory restrictions specific to Buy narrative essay jealousy your industry. Customers and Market Analysis Sections. Market Overview Market Needs Market Trends (optional) Market Growth (optional) Industry Analysis (optional) Key Customers (optional) In the market overview section you are going to calculate the total market (referred to as Total Addressable Market) for your products, and parts, then the segment of a2 level help that market your business can capture.

Total addressable market can be thought of in several distinct levels. At the highest level is an estimate of the total market given 100% saturation. Another way of looking at this is parts what would be the total market if one company had 100% market share. Once you have the total addressable market, then you can estimate what percentage of this you can realistically capture. This, of course, is much harder to predict with accuracy. So the important thing to remember is to Psychology help utilize strong sources for your assumptions.

For example, lets say you plan to open a high-end steakhouse in Dissertation, downtown Miami. To calculate your total addressable market, you might count how many high-end restaurants are in the downtown area and research the average annual sales for each restaurant. Then multiply the Writing analogy body two to Dissertation parts get the total sales for all high-end restaurants. This would be your total addressable market. Using the example above, we can then drill down to the next level and determine what percentage of the market you can realistically capture. Companies In The States Gender! You might assume that you will take an equal share of the market, thereby decreasing all other competitor’s shares in the market.

Or you might offer cheaper prices, which you assume would take a larger percent of the market. Whatever your assumption, make sure it is well documented and Dissertation, logical. To obtain jaw-dropping product-lift you must solve a difficult and painful problem for the customer. And if there are competitors, you must solve the problem better than them, and enough so that customers are willing to switch to your company. Describe what problem your product is solving. If you are targeting multiple customer segments, make sure you go into My dream essay detail on how your product serves each customer segment. Parts! Describe how your solution better solves customer’s pain points then your competitors. We as consumers are inherently lazy. Writing Companies Gender! We do not want to go through the time and cost of switching from one company’s product/services unless it is compelling enough, which is dependent on parts, the switching cost.

For example, there is Essay writing united gender roles virtually no cost to switch from Coke to Pepsi. On the other hand, there is high switching cost associated with migrating from Dissertation, a Mac to a PC. To overcome this problem, describe how your product either is able to overcome customer’s inherent adversity towards switching products, or if your product is able to reach new customers and bypass switching costs altogether (in other words, instead of taking customers away from your competitors, you are creating a new market for your products). Understanding market trends at the macro level is critical for various aspects of Essay writing companies in the united your business. A growing or shrinking market is described in more detail in parts, the market growth section. Below are some of the other factors that will affect market trends: The overall economy has a disproportionate effect on My dream essay, some businesses. For example, dog-walking services usually see a decline in sales as households reduce spending on non-essential purchases. Government regulations and policies can completely alter an parts, industry, so it is My dream essay imperative that you are up to date on upcoming changes. For example, the parts Jobs Act of 2012 allowed for the first time non-accredited investors to participate in private placement of securities. This in turn has created a new market for crowd-funding websites to emerge to connect startups with all types of investors.

You may be in analogy paragraph, an industry where political conditions have an Dissertation, impact on writing in the gender, the bottom line. For example, if you count the Dept. of Dissertation parts Defense as one of your clients, then the across-the-board budget cuts (i.e.; Sequestration in the Budget Control Act of help 2011) would surely have a negative effect on your business. If you build your business on top of a technology platform that will soon be replaced with a more cost affordable, powerful, and easier to use technology, then that will surely put you in a less advantageous position. Knowing technology trends is valuable in ensuring you are gaining a competitive advantage through the parts use of technology. Your customers may change their sensitivity to price depending on a variety of factors, including competition, macroeconomic conditions, and changing consumer tastes. Introduction Page! Keeping an eye on this trend will ensure you optimize your pricing strategy. Market growth, mathematically, is simply measuring the Dissertation change in market size from one time period to the next (usually in years). So if the market in the first year was $100 million and $150 million the second year, then the market can be said to have grown by 50%. You will find that measuring market growth using historical market size data is much easier then forecasting market growth. Utilize publically available data sources, trade publications, market research firms, and government agencies to find much of this research. Being able to demonstrate a market is growing is obviously important – for example, the market for Blackberry accessories is clearly a declining market.

Most investors and write a sociology page, lenders will not want to see a new business chase after dwindling customers. On the other hand, the market for parts Apple and Samsung phone accessories have seen great growth and abstract, will continue to parts grow as those companies continue to My dream essay add new customers. Your industry is defined as the group of companies that are related to parts you in terms of Writing body paragraph what you sell/how you derive your revenue. For example, Ford and Nissan are both in the automotive industry. Ford and parts, Nissan’s market (i.e.; customers) would be the end consumers who buy their cars. You will want to describe your industry name/classification (SIC/NAICS Code), which can be found on the Dept. of Labor website. Understanding your industry’s dynamics is imperative to knowing it’s profit potential and attractiveness. Thesis! A popular framework for conducting industry analysis is Porter’s five forces analysis, which analyzes an industry’s competitiveness (and therefore attractiveness). By performing this analysis you will have a clear picture of your competitors and parts, how your company fits within the competitive landscape. If your industry has low barriers to Essay companies in the united states gender entry and low switching costs, then expect increased competition, as there is little standing in the way for new entrants to parts enter the market and compete.

If your industry is supplied by very few suppliers with little alternative but to source from those suppliers, then expect downward pressure on your margins. If your industry only has a small number of buyers, or there are many alternative products to choose from, then expect downward pressure on your margins. If there are many substitute products in your industry and the switching costs between them are low, then expect substantial competition. An industry is very competitive if there are many competitors about the same size, there is little differentiation between competitor’s products, and it is mature with little growth (so the only way to grow is to take a competitor’s market share). Although your product may cater to many different sets of customers, you want to focus on a select group that will be the most likely to purchase your product/service and My dream essay, account for the lion’s share of Dissertation parts your company’s revenue.

For many businesses, you will soon realize that a large portion of Thesis proposal your revenue comes from a small percentage of Dissertation your customers. For example, Starbucks may realize their key customers are white-collar business types that purchase a cup of Buy narrative essay jealousy coffee every day, versus the student type that comes in once a month. When you can name your key customers. If you are in a business where volumes are low and prices are high, then you should be able to name your key customers individually. In this case, you should describe in detail your relationship with each of them separately.

If you’ve filled out this chapter, congratulations. Doing market research and customer analysis is a complicated and time consuming task. Time to move on to the next chapter! Writing the Marketing and Sales Chapter. The marketing and sales chapter gives you an opportunity to parts describe how you will manage your sales force and what sales activities they will conduct in order to My dream essay close sales. Overview Positioning Pricing Promotion Distribution.

In this section, summarize your marketing plan, being sure to parts include: Positioning: Are you going to be the Psychology a2 level addiction lowest cost provider or provide a differentiated product? Pricing: How will you price your products/services? Promotion: How will your market your products/services? Distribution: Where will your product/services be available? Tip: It will be easier to write this section after you complete the subsequent sections as the overview section summarizes key findings from the other section. Keep this section at the summary-level, as you will go into further detail in the subsequent sections. Describe how you position your company within the competitive landscape.

Will you compete on Dissertation parts, price, or will you differentiate your offering and stand out from your peers? For example, Wal-Mart positions itself as the jealousy low-cost provider in an industry, while Apple designs premium products to reach the luxury end of the parts market. Provide your product/service at the cheapest price point in the marketplace. Write A Sociology Paper! There are three primary ways to achieve this: Economies of Scale: For example, being able to turn more tables in a restaurant or produce more widgets in a factory. Dissertation! The more you are able to produce from your asset, the cheaper it becomes. It will also be harder for your competitors to enter the market since you have fixed assets and experience that requires a large investment.

Low operating costs: Keeping costs down across all aspects of the business, including: Standardization: Limited customization Outsourcing: Outsourcing labor to low cost production centers Thrift: Limiting advertising and RD spend Optimized supply-chain: By lowering inventory and negotiating with suppliers, companies can substantially improve their profitability and cash flow. Making your product/service unique by My dream essay, targeting a specific segment of the market is a compelling strategy, especially if: Your customers are not price sensitive The market is competitive Your are targeting a specific niche You can provide a product/service that is not easily copied. You can also achieve differentiation through branding and parts, marketing – for example, Starbucks sells premium coffee at a premium price point, primarily through the strength of their branding and not through the taste of their coffee. Determining the Essay companies in the united states gender optimal price for your products/services will require you to think through several factors: If you are going shooting for the low cost provider strategy, then you will want to parts price yourself accordingly. Likewise, if you are going for the luxury end of the abstract market, then a higher price is often times a proxy for quality. How price sensitive are your customers? If your customers are making their purchase decision primarily based on price, then you will want to Dissertation parts be sensitive to this. The price you set must be high enough to Psychology a2 level help over your costs so you can turn a profit. There are, of course, exceptions.

For example, you might want to achieve economies of Dissertation parts scale by maximizing units sold, or you might be maximizing revenue to Buy narrative achieve dominant market share. There may be regulatory/legal constraints on Dissertation parts, how much you can charge. For example, payday loan vendors are restricted in how much they can charge their customers. Looking at what your competitors charge can give you a understanding of what current customers are accustomed to paying and Buy narrative essay jealousy, will likely be willing to pay for Dissertation your products/services. There are price points that consumers are psychologically more accustomed to, such as amounts ending in .99 or .95. In this section, you move from describing your marketing plan onto Writing body paragraph, how you will convey your marketing message to your intended audience. What marketing channels will you utilize to reach your target customers? Depending on your business, traditional media may be an important component of your complete marketing toolbox.

These would include television, radio, billboards, flyers, etc. In today’s environment few companies can afford not to have a strong online presence. There are a myriad of parts options available. Each marketing channel must be carefully measured for effectiveness, as online marketing can quickly add up and consume a small business’s entire marketing budget. A website is a key component of your digital marketing efforts as it will be the destination in which your online leads will first visit. Some online marketing options include: Search engines (i.e.; Google, Bing) Directories (Yelp, Angies List) Daily deals (Groupon) Email marketing Social media (Facebook, Twitter) Word of mouth marketing is by far the most profitable and powerful marketing channel available to any business. New customers that are referred to your business are more likely to a sociology paper introduction page purchase and more likely to continue referring your company.

There are ways to boost word of mouth marketing, especially with the advent of social media. For example, asking a satisfied customer to like your business on Yelp and Facebook will potentially reach hundreds of their contacts, all with one click. Integrating social media into your word of mouth marketing strategy is invaluable for every business. Blogging/Becoming a subject matter expert. Having a leading voice in your industry will help your business gain credibility from customers, suppliers, partners and competitors.

You can start by participating on public forums and blogs related to your business and adapting the Dissertation parts adage “give more to get more”. How will your products be available? On one end of the spectrum is proposal direct marketing, whereby you sell directly to your customers. Or if you manufacture your products, you might sell through distributors, who in Dissertation parts, turn sell to How to write paper page retailers, who in Dissertation parts, turn sell to consumers. Three common models: Product is stocked in mass-market distribution channels. Examples include soft drinks, magazines, etc.

Product is specialized and sold through specialized channels. Examples include nautical computers and Psychology a2 level addiction, tooling/machinery. Product is only sold through an Dissertation parts, exclusive channel. My Dream Essay! Examples include luxury products such as high-end motorcycles or designer handbags. The Internet presents an unparalleled opportunity to reach customers directly, as well as working with online channel partners to reach and sell to customers.

Writing the Strategy and Implementation Chapter. The strategy and parts, implementation chapter will give you an Buy narrative, opportunity to define the key milestones that mark meaningful progress towards your goals. Parts! It also includes sections that further elaborate on your competitors. Strategy and Implementation Sections. Milestones SWOT Analysis (optional) Competitive Edge (optional) Strategic Alliances (optional) Milestones are the key events that demonstrate progress is being made , such as completing the company’s first prototype or breaking even. These provide a tangible way to write a sociology paper introduction page measure the success of the business venture. Milestones are so incredibly important to a business yet are one of those things that can be easily overlooked. Why are milestones so important?

Because they are a way to measure meaningful progress of a company that in parts, effect, makes that company less risky (and therefore more valuable). A new company has an extremely high-risk profile – but as it meets tangible milestones, such as completing a prototype or breaking even, the company’s risk decreases. It becomes more apparent that the Psychology a2 level help addiction venture will succeed. Investors and lenders will be looking at what milestones your company has reached in order to create a fair valuation. Milestones might include: Assembling company team First working prototype Filing/receiving patent or other IP Securing physical location for parts store First paying customer Breaking even Turning a profit* *If you can demonstrate not only turning a profit, but also sustaining that profit, then that is a huge milestone.

SWOT Analysis is My dream essay a useful technique for understanding your company’s strengths and weaknesses , while identifying both the parts opportunities open to a sociology introduction your business and Dissertation parts, the threats it faces. Strengths and Weaknesses refer to internal factors in My dream essay, your company, such as: Employees and parts, staff Physical assets such as equipment and facilities Financial assets. Opportunities and Threats refer to Psychology a2 level addiction external factors facing your company, such as: Market trends Regulatory and legal Macroeconomic conditions Competitors. Competitive edge can be bucketed into four primary areas: cost, differentiation, innovation and operational effectiveness. Are you providing a product/service at a lower cost then your competitors? This is a straightforward competitive edge that is very difficult to deliver. Providing the lowest cost may require operating on razor thin profit margins or heavy investment in Dissertation, fixed costs in My dream essay, order to achieve economies of scale. Are you providing a product/service that your competitors are not offering or cannot offer?

This is a common strategy whereby you provide differentiated value in order to better serve customers and/or reach a portion of the market that may be under-served. Are you leapfrogging your competition and providing a notably superior or new product/service? Popularized by Dissertation parts, the book “Blue Ocean Strategy”, creating new demand in an uncontested market space is a powerful business strategy. Do you provide superior time to market or customer service? For example, your customers may be willing to pay a higher price for better customer service . Nordstrom’s is an example of a company that uses superior customer service as a competitive advantage. Forging strategic alliances is My dream essay a commonplace occurrence in business. There are a wide variety of alliances you might encounter, with various parties in which you do business. Even if you do not have any alliances, there may be an opportunity for a partnership in the future and that should be included in parts, this section. You might have a supplier who has a disproportionate amount of Buy narrative essay jealousy influence and Dissertation, power of your business. Analogy Body! Striking a partnership in parts, this case may decrease those risk factors and Buy narrative jealousy, provide a competitive advantage over your competitors.

You might have a large portion of your revenue coming from several key customers. Inking an exclusive agreement to lock in parts, revenue would, for instance, give you predictable cash flow. It is not uncommon to partner with competitors under certain circumstances – for example, to set standards for the industry or to help further adoption of a technology. For example, Sony and Panasonic partnered together to increase the adoption of Blu-ray DVDs. Aligning your brand with another company is frequently used, especially if both brands are targeting the same demographic. For example, Samsung is the official sponsor of the Olympic games and will provide free mobile phones to all Olympic athletes. Upon completing these sections, your strategy and implementation chapter will be finished. Writing the Financial Plan, Statements, and Sales Forecast Chapters.

Writing the financial plan, financial statements, and sales forecast will be the most difficult part of your entire plan. It requires making a large number of intelligent assumptions about the size of the market you can realistically target, and Buy narrative, the costs associated with making your product or rendering your services. These sections are the red meat of your plan — these are the Dissertation chapters that any seasoned angel investor or venture capitalist will dig into to make sure they know they’re making a solid financial investment. Chapter 7: Financial Plan and body paragraph, Sales Forecast Sections. Sales Forecast Personnel Plan Budget Cash Flow Assumptions Loans and Investments Starting Balances Historical Financials Key Metrics for Success. Define the price in which you will sell your products and services, the Dissertation parts cost it will take to produce or sell the product/service, and My dream essay, the number of units you will sell. Be conservative when making your estimates on Dissertation, the number of units you will sell, ensuring you have a reasonable methodology when making your forecast. It is highly recommended that you first complete the a2 level help following sections as they lay the foundation for parts defining the Essay companies united roles sales forecast.

Products/Services section: Defines what you will sell and at what price point; also seeks to define the Dissertation parts production cost Target Market section: Defines the size of your target market and what quantities you can sell. Tip: Your sales forecast should sync with your Sales and Marketing plan. For example, if you plan on Buy narrative essay jealousy, hiring several sales people nine months from the start of your business, you should forecast an parts, increase in sales thereafter. This is the price you will sell your products/services. Fixed price: Suitable for most sales forecast modeling Price changes over My dream essay time: The price of your product/service may increase/decrease in price over time for parts several reasons: Keep up with inflation Keep up with increased cost of raw materials or components Seasonal product – discount to offload excess inventory Promote new product – discount upfront to encourage sales, then increase later. This is the direct cost of producing your product/service (at the Psychology a2 level addiction unit level).

Otherwise known as cost of Dissertation goods sold (COGS). Fixed costs: Suitable for most sales forecast modeling % of sales: A good way to Writing analogy essay body paragraph forecast costs; as sales increase you can set the cost as a % of sales on a sliding scale. Costs vary each month: The cost of your product/service may increase/decrease in price over Dissertation parts time for several reasons: Economy of My dream essay scale: the Dissertation parts more units you produce, the cheaper it becomes to produce them Bargaining power: the more units you buy from your supplies, the cheaper they become Seasonality: cost of raw materials may fluctuate based on time of year. This is the expected number of My dream essay units you will sell. My units are constant: Not particularly suitable as most businesses will expect to have some growth over time.

Units sold changes over time: The quantity sold of your product/service may increase over time for several reasons: Growing market share Finding new markets. Sales tax requirements vary by country and by products/services sold. In the Dissertation United States, there is no sales tax at the federal level; however, many states levy selective sales tax on particular goods or services. Check with your state department of essay taxation if you are required to collect sales tax. Dissertation! If yes, you collect the sales tax from your customers and then remit the tax to the state each year. If the individual assumptions used for each component of the sales forecast is accurate, so will the overall sales forecast. You should be able to explain where each number comes from, citing studies/research that validates your assumptions. The costs of hiring personnel are often the largest expense of any business.

In this section, you will enter forecasted employees and contractors you plan to hire. The number of personnel you plan to hire and at what time is a sociology paper introduction page more of an Dissertation parts, art then a science. Too much staff too soon and you’ll burn through your working capital. Writing Analogy! Too few staff and you’ll run the risk of alienating your customers and partners when you can’t deliver. A good way to parts think about your personnel plan is to write a sociology paper page think about the milestones you want your business to accomplish and what personnel are required to get your business there. You can always revise your estimates, so start off with your best estimate and come back to Dissertation this section later. Tweak as needed so that your business model demonstrates profitability within your target time frame. The type of company you are building and the financing required also makes a big difference in your staffing plan. For example, if you are seeking venture capital that mean you are going to want to hire and My dream essay, scale quickly in parts, order to generate large revenues. Help! Conversely, if you are seeking debt financing, you want to operate as lean as possible and Dissertation, maximize profitability so you can service your loans. Fixed amount: Suitable for most situations.

Changes over writing companies united states time: You might want to define a compensation plan for sales personnel that have an annual bonus component, for example. Employee: If choosing employee you will have to consider certain employee taxes and other considerations. Parts! Contractor: If selecting contractor, ensure that you are classifying said contractor correctly. In the United States, for example, you are legally required to provide employee-type benefits in certain situations even if you classify the personnel as a contractor. If hiring employees, you will be responsible for additional costs such as (but not limited to) payroll taxes, worker’s compensation and health insurance, paid time off, training and Buy narrative essay, travel expenses, vacation and sick leave, pension contributions and other benefits. Dissertation! This is referred to the burden rate, which provides a truer picture of write a sociology paper introduction total labor costs than payroll costs alone. Burden rate only affects employees and not contractors. Dissertation Parts! If unsure what to enter, 15% is a fair estimate. Explain the assumptions and Buy narrative jealousy, methodology used to define the parts personnel your business plans to retain, including how you came up with your compensation figures and burden rate.

For example, you might explain that as you plan to hire several sales people to coincide with the release of a new product. Enter expenses you plan on incurring for your business. A good way to make sure you capture majority of your business’s expenses is to analogy paragraph think through costs associated with each functional area of your business, such as product development, marketing and Dissertation, operations. Categorize expense into groups, such legal and Writing analogy essay body paragraph, administrative, rent and Dissertation parts, leases, and telecommunications. Do not include fixed asset expenses (assets whereby you derive value from for more than 12 months) such as a company van or computers.

You will enter these in the next step. Advertising Expense Amortization Expense Auto Expense Bad Debt Expense Bank Charges Cash Over and Short Commission Expense Depreciation Expense Employee Benefit Program Freight Expense Gifts Expense Insurance – General Interest Expense Professional Fees License Expense Maintenance Expense Meals and Entertainment Office Expense Payroll Taxes Printing Postage Rent Repairs Expense Salaries Expense Supplies Expense Taxes – FIT Expense Utilities Expense Gain/Loss on Sale of Writing essay body Assets. Enter long-term asset expenses here. Long-term assets are comprised of two types: tangible and intangible assets. Fixed assets are tangible assets that provide value for Dissertation parts more than 12 months, such as a company van or computers.

Fixed assets are depreciated over Psychology help addiction its useful lifetime. Dissertation! This is an accounting method that allows the business to allocate the costs of the asset over its life by gradually reducing its value. Common fixed assets: Land and Buildings Motor vehicles Furniture Office equipment Fixtures and fittings Plant and machinery. Intangible assets are long-term assets that are not physical in nature. Intangible assets are amortized over Buy narrative its useful life. These might include: Intellectual property (items such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologies) Goodwill Brand recognition. Enter other short-term assets here, which most likely will be any prepaid expense that lasts for less than 12 months. Besides prepaid expenses, other current assets also include short-term investments and securities that are likely to turned into cash within a year.

A prepaid expense can be described as such: A 12-month office lease is signed with the Dissertation total lease amount of $12,000 being paid upfront. Classifying this as a regular expense would not be accurate because then the PL Statement and My dream essay, Cash Flow Statement would both show the $12,000 as a one-time upfront payment on the month it which it was made. This type of expense is better described as a prepaid expense, since the Dissertation use of the office is spread out over a 12-month period of time and can be considered an asset on the Balance Sheet that is Psychology a2 level expensed over Dissertation parts time. By classifying this as a prepaid expense (or an amortized short term asset) then the PL Statement would show the Essay writing in the united roles $12,000 prepaid expense spread across 12 months at $1,000 each month, while the Cash Flow Statement would reflect the $12,000 payment on month in which it was made. Under Assets, the Balance Sheet would then show the amount of Prepaid Lease that is remaining at the end of the accounting period. Enter an estimate for income taxes you expect to pay, which should be a summation of federal, state and local income tax.

Do not include other taxes such as property tax (should be entered as a separate expense) or employee-related taxes (this is covered in the Personnel Section as the Burden Rate). As this is only an estimate, 100% accuracy is not required (if unsure what to enter here, use 20%). Dividends and distributions (for corporations and Dissertation parts, LLCs/partnerships, respectively) are payments to the company’s shareholders/owners, taken from the company’s profit. Dividends are typically paid out at the end of the fiscal year, while distributions can be given out at the discretion of the owners. You may want to set this to analogy essay body paragraph zero initially and see how the financials of your business model work out; then you can work backwards and determine how much of retained profit you want to distribute to owners/shareholders. Here you can explain any regular costs that are associated with running your business. What are the monthly or ongoing costs that you must pay to keep the parts business up and running? For example, this could be paying monthly utilities and rent expenses for your office space, insurance, or any marketing or advertising costs. For a start-up, remember that there are always up-front costs or one-time costs associated with getting things started, so be aware of any of these expenses and include them in your budget.

Accounts receivable is defined as sales that the company has made but has yet to collect the money from the purchaser. Most companies operate by a2 level, allowing some portion of their sales to be on credit. These types of sales are usually made to frequent or special customers who are invoiced periodically, and parts, allow them to avoid the hassle of physically making payments as each transaction occurs. Thesis Proposal Abstract! You want your accounts receivable to be as low as possible to increase your cash flow. Defining what percentage of your sales will be on credit. You want this percentage to be as low as possible, while keeping in mind that for some businesses it is Dissertation parts preferential to My dream essay provide some credit to your best customers.

Defining how long it will take to collect payment. Of the Dissertation parts customers that you provide credit to, you need to define when they are to pay you back. The faster, the better your cash flow will look like. It is typical to provide net-30, which is analogy essay 30 days. Accounts payable is defined as short-term debt owed to parts suppliers and banks. It is to your advantage to negotiate longer payment terms with your suppliers, as it will improve your cash flow. When looking at writing in the gender accounts receivable (what is owed to you) and accounts payable (what you owe), the key thing to Dissertation remember is that you want to be paid as soon as possible, and Writing analogy essay body, you want to pay others as late as possible (cash on hand is king). Defining what percentage of your purchases will be on credit. You want this percentage to Dissertation parts be as high as possible, as that will improve your cash flow. However, ensure you are able to pay your vendors on the purchases made on credit. Defining how long it will take to collect incoming payments.

How many days will it take, on My dream essay, average, to collect incoming payments? Select the Dissertation parts typical number of days between when you make a credit sale and when the payment arrives. Keep in mind that shortening this period can vastly improve your cash flow. If your business will sell physical products and you plan on keeping inventory on hand, then you need to define how many months of inventory you wish to keep on hand. The more months of inventory you hold on hand, the more cash is Psychology a2 level addiction tied up in inventory. This will affect your cash flow.

How much inventory should you carry? The ideal amount varies from Dissertation parts, industry to industry, and business to business. A good place to find more information is trade associations for your industry. In order to improve your company’s inventory management, you will need to start by collecting good records on your inventory. Using inventory turnover rate as an indicator. Inventory Turnover Rate = Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) / average cost of inventory on hand. A low inventory turnover rate means that you may have too much inventory on hand. Understanding and managing cash flow is very important to any business. In The United States! The time period for credit sales and Dissertation, payments may depend on your suppliers or your industry. Paying and getting paid later rather than earlier can entirely change your cash flow projections. You can utilize this section to explain any assumptions about cash flow, including details on the time period in which you will make and a sociology introduction, receive payments.

How did you come to Dissertation parts these assumptions and how will it affect your business? When taking out a loan, you borrow an amount of My dream essay money (principal) from a lender, and are obligated to pay back at a later time (usually in Dissertation, installments). You will typically pay interest on the loan. If you are seeking a loan then enter the amount, as you want to a2 level forecast the financials assuming you have secured the loan. Personal vs Commercial Loans. For many small businesses, taking out a personal loan to finance growth is commonplace.

These might include credit cards, home equity line of credit (HELOC), and installment loans. If you have an existing small business, commercial loans can be obtained, which are based on a variety of factors. Secured vs Unsecured Loans. A secured loan is a loan in which you pledge some asset (equipment, property, etc.) as collateral. Parts! Unsecured loans (credit cards, personal loans) are not secured against a borrower’s assets. Interest rates will be higher for unsecured loans versus secured loans, for a sociology page obvious reasons. If you have a pre-existing loan, then you can specify those details in the Starting Balances section. A line of parts credit is Psychology a2 level help addiction similar to a loan with the difference being that interest is not charged on Dissertation parts, the part of the line of credit that is writing in the gender roles unused, and the borrower can draw on the line of credit at any time that he or she needs to. If you are seeking a line of credit then enter the amount, as you want to Dissertation forecast the financials assuming you have secured the line of credit.

The line of credit may be classified as a demand loan, which means that any outstanding balance will have to be paid immediately at the financial institution’s request. Investments include injections of cash into the business from you, other shareholders or owners, or investors. This typically refers to equity investments where investors contribute cash to the business in Buy narrative essay jealousy, exchange for equity (ownership). In this section, you can describe how your business will be funded. If you are a startup, it is likely that the money you make from sales will not cover all your business expenses so you may need additional sources of funding, such as taking out a loan, receiving investors’ capital, credit lines, or other ways of borrowing money. What type of funding will you acquire? At what point in Dissertation parts, your plan are you expecting these funds? For existing businesses only. The starting balances will be used to Thesis abstract adjust the Dissertation balance sheet to take into account your company’s financial history. Important: all starting balances should be entered as they are at the start of your plan.

Enter starting balances for assets: Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Other current assets Long term assets Accumulated depreciation. Enter starting balances for liabilities: Enter starting balance for Capital and Earnings: Enter your Recent Sales: One month before start date Two months before start date Three months before start date Four months before start date Five months before start date Six months before start date.

If you are an essay, existing business, you can enter past financial data here. Dissertation! This is optional and will be used to calculate historical financial ratios in the Financial Statements section. For each year of your company history , include: $ Sales $ Gross profit $ Income from operations $ Net profit $ Current assets $ Current liabilities $ Inventory $ Total assets $ Total liabilities $ Total owner equity. Every business model has several key metrics that management can use to see if the business is healthy. For example, a restaurant might use the number of tables it can turn per How to write a sociology paper, night and the average revenue per dinner. Think about Dissertation what levers make the most impact to your business.

You will want to continuously track and monitor these metrics to ensure your business model is working. Chapter 8: Financial Statements Sections. Profit and Loss Statements Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Financial Ratios. The Profit Loss (i.e.; income statement) shows your revenue, expenses, and profit. It is the Essay writing in the united most common of the three reports as it provides a view into the company’s projected “bottom line”. The statement here is a read-only display, calculated automatically from the information you entered in the Sales Forecast, Budget, and Personnel Plan sections. If you wish to edit or change any information, you may do so by going back to those sections. The statement here will update automatically. The balance sheet gives a snapshot of your company’s financial position at a given point in time, usually the last day of a fiscal period. It is called a balance sheet because assets (what you own) will always equal the sum of your liabilities (what you owe) and parts, stockholder’s equity (your investments from stockholders plus money that your business earned that is put back into running your business). The balance sheet here is a read-only display.

If you wish to My dream essay change the balance sheet, you can do so by going back to the builder in the Financial Plan section. If you are an existing business, you have the option of adding starting balances under the parts Financial Plan section. The cash flow statement displays the cash inflows and outflows from a sociology introduction, your operating, investing and Dissertation, financing activities. Rather than providing an overview like the essay paragraph balance sheet, the parts cash flow statement will measure the Thesis change in cash during a period. In other words, how much money did you start and end up with?

The statement here is a read-only display. You can go back to edit the sections in the Financial Plan section in order to change the accounts affected in the cash flow statement. The Financial Ratios section gives a general overview of the health of your business. Dissertation Parts! The report here is a read-only display. If you wish to change any of the Essay writing companies in the united gender roles information, you may do so by Dissertation, editing the relevant financial information you’ve entered previously.

The ratios here will update automatically. The Liquidity Analysis shows how solvent your company is, or how easily convertible to cash is the company in case. My Dream Essay! This is important in determining the ability of the business to Dissertation parts meet its obligations, or paying off what it owes in Thesis, debt. Parts! The Profitability Analysis shows the overall performance of the company in Thesis proposal, its ability to make a profit. The ratios show how much of sales revenue is actual profit after taking costs and Dissertation parts, expenses into account. The Debt Ratio shows how much of the business’s assets are financed by debt and how much of the business’s assets are financed by stockholders’ equity.

The Investment Measures show ROI (Return on Investment) which is the abstract percentage of the return (net profit) of the business divided by the cost of the investment. The most common method of calculating ROI is to Dissertation divide net profit by total assets. Finishing these chapters represents a massive achievement in completing your business plan. It is by far the Psychology a2 level addiction most difficult chapter, as it requires doing somewhat complicated math to generate accurate financial statements. In all likelihood, you will need to hire an expert or accountant to help you create an accurate and detailed plan that adheres to realistic outcomes. To finish it off, you’ll need to Dissertation parts write an appendix and a glossary of terms. Your appendix will be a more detailed version of the financial statements detailed in How to paper, this chapter, and Dissertation, your glossary of Buy narrative jealousy terms will simply define the Dissertation terms of your business that an investor may not understand.

Upon including those chapters, your plan will be complete. Feeling inspired to start a business, but don’t know how to write a plan? We have a sample database of plans that you can look through to learn the different chapters and sections necessary to attract equity investments and loans. Although our examples are specific to each industry, keep in mind that every plan will be unique depending on your location, your customer base, and your own vision, so these will only Writing serve as a starting point for you and your dream. Click the Dissertation images to view our full business examples. 4. Writing Companies United States Gender Roles! The Pros and Cons of Downloading a Business Plan Template. 1. Write with confidence — you won’t be forgetting any important information.

Using this free template can help you write your own plan, without the hassle of figuring out how to order your chapters, or the worry of feeling like you might be missing a section. We provide the Dissertation entire bare bones skeleton of a business plan within this Microsoft Word .doc download. After you download it, it’s up to help addiction you to flesh out the details and ensure that each section is as well researched and Dissertation, intelligently conceived as possible. 2. Writing Body! Step-by-step writing guide and writing samples included. Our plans come with a complete how-to guide with examples from our professional business plan samples to help steer you through your writing.

3. Completely free – no hidden costs, just download and start writing. This plan is completely free. You may encounter other people or websites on the Internet charging a price to download the parts guide. Do not purchase them – there is Psychology no benefit at all to purchasing a pre-fabricated plan. None of the information will be relevant to your company, and Dissertation parts, you’ll be gaining nothing but the order and structure of the plan – something that you could easily research and re-create on your own. Sound good? Keep in My dream essay, mind that while this guide may give you a better idea of how a it should be structured, that represents only Dissertation parts about 5% of the heavy lifting of writing an actual the complete document. Don’t forget that every plan needs well structured elevator pitch.

1. You’ll have to Writing analogy do complicated business planning math and calculations yourself — or pay an expensive rate for someone else to do them. You’re going to have to do the financial calculations, plans, and parts, forecasts that a plan should offer to attract investment — all by yourself. Creating these sections requires years of training, math skills, market knowledge, and investment savvy. This requirement is beyond the scope of most peoples’ abilities, which is why entrepreneurs turn to professional writers and accountants to do the heavy lifting for them. Keep in My dream essay, mind: You may have a brilliant idea, but until you’ve subjected your product/service to meticulous research, and calculated your potential market as conservatively as possible, your business idea will be nothing but empty words and blather to a seasoned investor. 2. You’ll need to manually create visual graphs and charts to make the parts calculations easily understandable. You’ll need to take the a2 level help numbers you calculated and parts, create attractive graphs, charts, and tables for your plan. Essay Writing United Gender! Making your data attractive and easy to comprehend is no easy task. Professional planning software can not only do the calculations for you, but will also turn them into relevant graphs, charts, and tables presented in Dissertation, the appropriate order, according to How to write a sociology paper introduction page how equity investors and Dissertation parts, bank loan officers expect to proposal see them. 3. A basic template won’t allow you to track your business’ progress.

You won’t be able to keep your company’s information up to date easily. One of the major benefits of using software is parts that you can continually update your numbers based on your real expenses and earnings, allowing you to track the progress of your business easily and without a major hassle. Nonetheless, we encourage you to download this document and get started with writing out your product/service concepts and marketing plan. If or when you encounter the financial sections, we’ll be looking forward to helping your progress through the major obstacles of writing a successful strategy that will help you get funding for your ideas. Crafted by write a sociology introduction, licensed attorneys Updated regularly Applicable to all 50 states. Create your free. Business Plan Template document in only 5-10 minutes! Copyright 2017 Legal Templates LLC. Legal Templates LLC is not a lawyer, or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of parts law.

Legal Templates cannot and does not provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software and Psychology help addiction, services provided on the site are for informational purposes and self-help only and are not intended to be a substitute for Dissertation parts a lawyer or professional legal advice. Use of Thesis abstract this site is subject to our Terms of Use. Preview Document - Business Plan Template. Make an investment-worthy business plan easily with our free template.

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