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Archetype Examples In Essays and Research Papers. ? Archetypes in Literature EECE 441 Prof. My Dream Essay! Sibley Definition of Archetype : “A universally recognizable element . . . that . recurs across all literature and life (Latrobe 13). Psychologist Carl Jung called these elements a kind of essay for college application review “collective unconscious” of the human race, prototypes rather than something gained from experience. The word is derived from the Greek: arche, original, and My dream typos, form or model; thus, original model (Latrobe 13). Ru! An archetype is the first real example or prototype. Antihero , Archetype , Carl Jung 936 Words | 6 Pages.

Examples of Archetypes Characters: Hero * “The main character leaves his or her community to go on an adventure, . performing deeds that bring honor to My dream essay, the community”. Mother figure * Fairy Godmother (surrogate mother) - comforts and directs child, especially when he or she is confused and needs guidance. Represents powers that can be called on for help when it is needed. Helps young person to solve own problems. * Earth Mother - associated with birth, warmth, protection, fertility. Antagonist , Antihero , Archetype 601 Words | 3 Pages. Handwriting Wristbands! Characters A. The Hero – Lord Raglan in The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama contends that this archetype is so well defined that . the My dream life of the protagonist can be clearly divided into a series of well-marked adventures, which strongly suggest a ritualistic pattern. Raglan finds that traditionally the hero's mother is a virgin, the circumstances of his conception are unusual, and at birth some attempt is made to kill him.

He is, however, spirited away and reared by foster parents. Archetype , Baron Raglan , Character 1127 Words | 4 Pages. ago has similar plot structures and themes of handwriting paper modern literature? These recurring ideologies are not pure coincidences; they have symbolic meaning and have . been traced to the depths of unconsciousness, having been recently categorized into archetypes . Archetypes are a development of psychologist, Carl Jung, referring to a pattern of character types, images, descriptive details, and My dream essay situations that find their way from our minds, to our literature, and to our lives. This idea of predisposed mental. Adam , Adam and Chemistry equations answers Eve , Book of Genesis 973 Words | 3 Pages. My Dream Essay! English 123 1 March 2012 Archetypes in ru, Mythological Stories An archetype is defined as an original model on My dream, which . similar things are patterned ( Archetypes ). They are reoccurring themes that represent experiences. The power of the archetype comes from their ability to evoke themes that a mast majority of people can relate to ( Archetypes ). Myths and other stories that have been told for generations have had a significant impact on Customized paper, the human psyche. Archetypes are present in all mythology. Essay! Alfred Pennyworth , Arkham Asylum , Batman 659 Words | 4 Pages. the essays theme of the novel, Hesse appeals to the readers' senses and essay aides them in grasping the novel.

Included in these techniques are symbolism, metaphor, . allusion, and archetypes . He compares many issues that Siddhartha faces to everyday objects and forces, making the novel easier to understand. Three of the main archetypes Hesse uses to get his point across are trees, rivers, and sleep. One of the Personal essay application service more obvious symbols used in the novel is a tree. Cross-culturally, it is extremely common. Fiction , Hermann Hesse , Literature 889 Words | 3 Pages. Angela I. Hyse Valerie Doner English IV Honors 4 October 2012 Archetype Essay Courageous feats against evil, self-sacrificial acts for essay . justice, and invincible God-given stamina which happens to university deadline, accompany a chiseled robust frame that contours the perfect shadow in essay, any light devises a common image.

This recurring concept of the undaunted hero is archetypal; these symbols represent things that have been experienced throughout human existence. They are continuously used by Customized handwriting, writers and artists. Archetype , Carl Jung , Heracles 1167 Words | 3 Pages. has been around since the My dream essay beginning of Personal time. Almost every ancient culture had mythological stories about dragons. Some of the My dream many ancient cultures with . dragons include the Greeks, the ancient Chinese, and even Babylonian culture use the dragon archetype . Personal Essay Application Service! In Greek mythology, the heroic Hercules had to My dream essay, fight a dragon on his epic quest to prove himself to statement hobbies, the king. “ The Indian relationship to animals is in contrast to our relationship . Ancient history , Babylonia , Culture 1204 Words | 3 Pages. The Tragedy Archetype : The Rebirth Within Prim Lerthirunvibul Y10D (Blue) The seven archetypes is My dream a theory in which there are . seven ways of story-telling namely Quest, Voyage and Return, Rebirth, Comedy, Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches and Tragedy. The Tragedy archetype is one of the seven archetypes used in story-telling mentioned by Christopher Booker in The Seven Basic Plots. This archetype is known to expect a specific reaction from the readers often using grief, destruction and death. Albert Camus , Ancient Greek theatre , Antihero 1486 Words | 4 Pages. Archetypes in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

Archetypes in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Virtually all literature contain instinctive trends in the human consciousness to represent certain . themes or motifs, these are defined as archetypes . Archetypes can be thought as blueprints or as bundles of psychic energy that influence the manner in which we understand and react to life. There are two different categories of archetypes ; the How to a literature theme quote plot archetype and the character archetype . Essay! The orphan, martyr, wanderer, warrior, magician, villain, wise child. Archetype , Character , Frankenstein 1098 Words | 3 Pages. Rice Essays Deadline! people and My dream essay beliefs throughout American's thinking. From early on balancing answers, we learn to associate certain cultural differences to certain individuals. The cartoon . representations on The Simpsons are a perfect example of such associations. Each character from the long-running, prime time television show is an archetype of individuals in the American society. Homer, Lisa, Barney, and all the rest give us a look at what typical Americans should act like while, at the same time, critiquing their attitudes and behaviors. Bart Simpson , Homer Simpson , Lisa Simpson 930 Words | 3 Pages. Nick Concklin November 29, 2007 ENGS 25: World Literature Research Paper The Archetype of Lilith The question “Who is Lilith?” has no . Essay! one answer.

Lilith is a demon temptress of the Help personal hobbies night . Lilith is the first wife of Adam, the first man according to Abrahamic tradition. Lilith is an My dream archetype for statement independent, obstinate women . My Dream! She is present in the mythological folklore of almost every Middle-Eastern and European culture to have developed since she first appeared in Sumerian mythology. Adam and Eve , Demon , Epic of Gilgamesh 1953 Words | 6 Pages. Carl Jung and the Theory of Archetypes. CARL JUNG AND THE THEORY OF ARCHETYPES Background Carl Gustav Jung was born July 26, 1875, in Help statement hobbies, the small Swiss village of Kessewil. He was . surrounded by essay, a fairly well educated extended family, including quite a few clergymen and some eccentrics as well. [Jung’s father] started Carl on Latin when he was six years old, beginning a long interest in language and literature -- especially ancient literature. Besides most modern western European languages, Jung could read several ancient ones, including. Analytical psychology , Anima and animus , Archetype 2602 Words | 7 Pages.

Exploring Archetypes in Short Stories Archetypes are recurring symbols, characters, landscapes, or events found in myths and zakaz . literature across different cultures and eras that help us organize events into categories. There are three main types of archetypes which include situational, character, and My dream essay symbolic. All three are easily relatable to. Firstly, an example of a unhealable wound in a situational archetype can be found with Mrs. Maloney in “Lamb to ru, the Slaughter.” An example of a scapegoat. Archetype , Capital punishment , Fiction 456 Words | 2 Pages. Wise Old One Running head: THE WISE OLD ONE ARCHETYPE 1 The Wise Old One Archetype Felicia Meagher American Pacific . University February 18, 2009 Wise Old One Abstract In order to progress along our path, or to complete our journey, it is often necessary to seek and acknowledge the advice of My dream essay those who have gone before us. The archetype of the Personal essay review service Wise Old One represents the one who provides information, guidance and My dream gifts to assist a person to continue in their journey. Through our own personal.

Analytical psychology , Carl Jung , Collective unconscious 1890 Words | 6 Pages. Archetypes in Beowulf Archetypes stir profound emotions in the reader because they awaken images stored in the collective . unconscious. In Seamus Haney’s translation of deadline Beowulf this is essay used in the form of character types. Beowulf is a hero and encounters many triumphs with different types of people on his journey in this epic poem. Essays! There are three archetypal characters in Beowulf that are particularly effective and intriguing. My Dream Essay! These are The Creature of Dissertation zakaz Nightmare Grendel, The Mentor Hrothgar, and. My Dream! Archetype , Beowulf , Carl Jung 801 Words | 3 Pages. universality of archetypes : a reoccurring motif in literature that is used as a literary device to convey a wealth of meaning. B. In . Huckleberry Finn and My Antonia, the archetypical terrible mother is used in similar but also different ways, where one is an older woman too intolerant of those who are unreligious to properly teach and help raise a young boy, and a young woman who is too open-minded and could never settle down to a life as awful as family life. The terrible mother archetype is defined. Adventures of Personal essay service Huckleberry Finn , Archetype , Boy 1016 Words | 2 Pages. social sciences and humanities.

Many ethnomusicological works are created not necessarily by 'ethnomusicologists' proper, but instead by anthropologists . examining music as an aspect of a culture. A well-known example of such work is Colin Turnbull's study of the Mbuti pygmies. Another example is Jaime de Angulo, a linguist who ended up learning much about the music of the Indians of Northern California [2]. Yet another is Anthony Seeger, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who. Essay! Anthropology , Community building , Ethnomusicology 1424 Words | 5 Pages. Archetypes on Much Ado About Nothing. 2012 Archetypes on Much Ado about Nothing Archetypes are defined as universally understood symbols, terms, or behaviors. They . are often used in stories to define characters and influence the reader. In David Lindenfeld’s article, “Jungian Archetypes and the Discourse of History,” Carl Jung is accredited with saying that archetypes are like plastic sets of dispositions whose specific manifestations are shaped by culture and situation (217).

In Much Ado about Nothing, three types of archetypes can. Analytical psychology , Archetype , Carl Jung 1100 Words | 3 Pages. AP Literature 8 October 2012 Archetype Research Project Archetypes are “An inherited idea or mode of Dissertation zakaz thought in the . psychology of C. G. Jung that is derived from the experience of the race and is present in the unconscious of the individual” ( archetype ). Archetypes are central in all cultures across the world and can provide important lessons and outlooks on essay, the common aspects of human life. The journey, is an archetype in handwriting paper wristbands, which the essay main character is in search of some sort of truth and How to theme quote typically. Albert Camus , Archetype , Jane Eyre 1916 Words | 5 Pages. the My dream essay Laws of Help personal Supply and Demand The simulation in essay, the text is about a small city by the name of Atlantis. Atlantis is a well-maintained city with many . positive aspects for the community. Personal Essay For College Review! All of the aspects make it a pleasant living environment. For example , the My dream essay city has maintained streets, maintained sidewalks, large parks and Personal essay for college jogging paths. My Dream! To rent an apartment in the community of Atlantis an individual would have to go through Good life Management. The current vacancy rate is at 28 percent of availability.

Economics , Elasticity , Income elasticity of Chemistry help balancing demand 1569 Words | 3 Pages. Archetypes to essay, Kill a Mocking Bird. Scout Jem “Boo” Radley Bob Ewell Dill Miss Maudie Tom Robinson Calpurnia . Archetype Function He is the Mentor because he is an older wiser teacher, serving as a role model. He is Customized paper one of the My dream few residents of Maycomb who is not racist and believes in equality, which serves as an example for his children. He teaches scout how to see in other people’s perspective instead of only Customized handwriting paper wristbands her own. She is the Hero of this novel.

As the narrator. Atticus Finch , Character , Good and evil 922 Words | 4 Pages. My Dream Essay! 2: Allowing free trade between countries can be beneficial, but it also imposes costs. Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to research the costs and benefits . of Customized handwriting allowing free trade. Discuss aspects of free trade that some may consider unfair.

For example : a. Distribution of My dream costs and benefits of free trade. In other words, does everyone share in Personal essay application review, the gains and the costs equally? b. Competing with different labor restrictions (or lack thereof), such as slave or child labor. My Dream! c. Differences in environmental. Economic surplus , Economics , International trade 1169 Words | 2 Pages. The Two Brothers Archetypes Research Paper. “The Two Brothers” Archetypes Archetypes are found in all tales books, or poems alike, they are a way to make the story more . About Quote! interesting, and the fairy tales written by the Grimm’s brothers implement many archetypes in their stories. An archetype is My dream essay like an original example of something, like a movie script before it is edited (Bennett). In the tale of personal hobbies “The Two Brothers,” it is about two brothers that grew up with their adopted father who taught them to be huntsmen. The two brothers split paths. Brothers Grimm , English-language films , Fairy tale 1716 Words | 4 Pages. Archetype Analysis of Lord of the My dream Flies. used and attributes lots of symbolic meanings to the characters and events. The story thus becomes vivid and profound. This paper aims at using Swiss . psychologist Carl Gustav Jung’s collective unconscious and archetypal theories to handwriting, interpret the archetypes of My dream essay characters, natural scenes and themes.

Key words: symbolism, Lord of the help Flies, collective unconscious, archetypal theory 0. Introduction Lord of the Flies is the My dream masterpiece of William Golding. Chemistry Balancing Equations Answers! With its medium size, the author exerts. Analytical psychology , Archetype , Carl Jung 2452 Words | 7 Pages. ? Organizational Archetypes Grantham University Abstract The purpose of My dream essay this paper is to examine . Mintzberg’s organizational archetypes and to explain why an organizational template is a good idea. It will also explore briefly, the subject of teamwork and leadership and why there are not enough true leaders today. Organizational Archetypes To be successful, an organization has to be made up of quality people. It also has. Decision making , Henry Mintzberg , Management 1362 Words | 7 Pages. Peter Pan, J. Ru! M. Barrie uses archetypes and motifs that establish the story as a fairytale. Essay! Among the features of the fairytale are having the . setting in ru, a magical land, having a hero and essay a villain and having major characters on a quest.

Barrie creates the Neverland as the land of dreams where these archetypes and motifs come to life to tell a story of escape, adventure and journey, putting this story clearly in the fairytale genre. Barrie uses a variety of archetypes but among the most that strengthen. Fairy , Hook , Lost Boys 1034 Words | 3 Pages. Archetype : The Garden The Garden is a mythological archetype that is well known as one of the famous four . archetypes . The Garden is a representation of peace and sanctuary, because of its holy essence. This archetype has been portrayed for Help many years as a place of sanctuary and solitude for the fact that there was a place needed for people of all kinds to live in peace. The word paradise is also used most commonly to describe the setting of The Garden, it is most commonly known as a place where.

Alexander the Great , Amytis of Media , Fertile Crescent 1150 Words | 3 Pages. Going to a Movie: Archetypes in the Star Wars Movie. Millions applaud its classical texture: the slight taste of fairy tale archetypes that appeals to a variety of audiences. These same paradigms . Essay! also complement an underlying theme of the trilogy. Within Star Wars: A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, archetypes exist that exemplify the theme that good can triumph over Customized paper evil through perseverance. Primarily, symbolic archetypes flourish within George Lucas' masterpiece. My Dream! As an example , the contrast of colors in Luke Skywalker's clothing represents a loss. Balancing Equations Answers! Anakin Skywalker , Darth Vader , Jedi 1677 Words | 4 Pages. Essay! ? Archetype Story, literature, and the world of fantasy are constructed of archetypal roles. Every character has it . How To A Literature Essay About! distinguish feature, which make them different and special from the others. The events in My dream essay, story which they establish can possess a theme, or important meaning to the spectator.

First of How to write a literature essay about theme all, what is archetype ? From the My dream old origin in paper, Greek, it serves a definition of My dream original and a literature old, it could also mean pattern and model. Combine the meaning together, psychologist. Cheshire Cat , Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz , Fictional mad scientists 485 Words | 2 Pages. Archetypes in Taming of the essay Shrew. marries first. The script brings up a lot of attention in the feminist theory.

But, Shakespeare’s play reflects on the archetypes of handwriting paper wristbands . characters, situations, and symbols. These connections are made in the play to make the audience familiar with the text and My dream provide a deeper understanding. The first form of archetypal theory that will be expressed on How to write a literature, is the character archetypes found throughout the story. Petruchio is a gentleman from Verona. Very loud, eccentric, and frequently drunk, he has arrived. Archetype , Bianca Minola , Character 1239 Words | 4 Pages. Essay! “ Archetypes for a Contemporary Audience” Myths are an Chemistry equations important cultural aspect that were, and are to essay, this day, used commonly to help teach . morals and life lessons. Strength, courage, and fortitude are just a few characteristics addressed in personal hobbies, mythology. The archetypal layout of an exemplary story is composed of the Twelve Stages. The Twelve Stages of a hero’s journey are the steps every person must take in order to prove one’s self as a hero.

Mythical heroes such as Theseus, Sigurd, and Beowulf. Beowulf , Epic poetry , Evil 1577 Words | 4 Pages. Gandalf as a “the Guide” What is Gandalf’s Archetype ? The dictionary defines it as the original pattern or model from which all . things of same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit is a story of growth that centers on Bilbo Baggins a Hobbit who is perfectly happy in essay, his Hobbit hole eating, drinking and smoking. Everything in Bilbo’s life is as he likes it, until the day that Gandalf the Grey strolls into his. Bilbo Baggins , Gandalf , Middle-earth 1222 Words | 3 Pages.

Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain utilizes the archetypes of the Unwilling Hero, the Shape Shifter, and Haven vs. Wilderness to show . that Huck Finn and write a literature about quote Jim can find freedom all along the banks of the Mississippi River. Huck portrays the My dream unwilling hero because he puts a lot of Rice university essays thought into something before he does it, even though it will benefit everybody. He is also very hesitant to perform heroic acts. The King and Duke show the archetype of the shape shifter because they are constantly lying. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , Jim , Mark Twain 2038 Words | 5 Pages. Do Dead Poets Use Archetypes Too? Directors use many different techniques when filming a movie. Unlike other forms of storytelling, movie . directors have completely control of My dream essay what the viewer sees. An author picks words to describe what they see, but most words have multiple meanings.

This can lead to Rice essays deadline, confusion about many scenes in My dream essay, numerous books. Stage directors can pick the set, the costumes, and the actors, but what an audience member sees is still up to the work of Customized paper wristbands others. Also, no two shows. My Dream! Audience , Creation myth , Dead Poets Society 1931 Words | 5 Pages. ? Archetype and Stereotype Journal 9/16 Toni Heo Entry #1 : (Commercial 1) Got Milk? TV Commercial In this commercial, the Dwayne . Essay Review Service! Johnson, the main character, could be labeled as a hero. This man is My dream showing us an image of an archetype because in this 30seconds commercial, while he was trying to catch the milk truck to drink some milk, one little kid asked him to put down her kitty out Rice essays deadline, of the tall tree. When bank rubbers faced with this man, they were panic and ran away. Other old lady. Ballet , Billy Elliot , Calvin and Hobbes 1771 Words | 13 Pages.

The twelve archetypes are divided into ego types, self types, and soul types. 1) The Four Ego Types 1. The Innocent Motto: Free to be . you and me Core desire: to get to paradise Goal: to be happy Greatest fear: to My dream essay, be punished for How to essay about theme doing something bad or wrong Strategy: to My dream essay, do things right Weakness: boring for all their naive innocence Talent: faith and optimism The Innocent is also known as: Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer. 2. The Orphan/Regular Guy. English-language films , Game theory , Jester 877 Words | 4 Pages. Archetype and Mythical Element in Film. behaviour (Dickerson and O’Hara). Zakaz! It has influenced many aspects of modern life such as a film. Myth in film also deals with Carl Jung’s theory about essay . archetype which is considered as a connection between the psychology of Personal for college review people and to universal cultural patterns and symbol covering the character archetypes , archetypal symbols, and My dream essay situational archetypes (Smith Brown, 2007). Ru! In addition, the My dream essay common pattern of storytelling, the ru Hero’s Journey, will be our discussion as well to know how this structure.

Alice in Wonderland , Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , Cheshire Cat 2145 Words | 6 Pages. ?Disney Archetypes ? 1. Essay! Hercules The Young Man from the Provinces Hercules--His adoptive parents had no idea where he came from and Help personal statement hobbies they . Essay! took him in Personal service, as their own The Initiate Hercules--He was trying to My dream essay, prove to How to write about theme quote, his father that he was worthy of living on Mount Olympus Mentor Philoctetes (Phil)--He teaches Hercules the ways of a God and how to fight off Hades' demons Friendly Beast Pegasus--He is Hercules' partner, best friend; he is My dream essay there when Hercules needs him The Devil Figure Hades--He. Camp Rock , Demi Lovato , Devil 1230 Words | 5 Pages. ? Eduardo Palacios Week 6 assignment Archetype Love Based on Romeo and . Wristbands! Juliet. My Dream Essay! In the movie Romeo and Juliet, film directed by Franco Zeffirelli in 1968. Balancing! I chose love as archetypal. “Why do we struggle with love or why does love so often get so difficult? We as people are all born with the character of love and most people want to be in a relationship. So why do so many relationships go wrong? As with Shakespeare’s Romeo. 2007 films , English-language films , Franco Zeffirelli 581 Words | 3 Pages. This essay will use the mythological criticism approach to My dream essay, compare two stories, “A Story of an Hour,” by Kate Chopin, and “A Rose for Emily,” by write a literature, William . Faulkner by showing that both stories have similar archetypes embedded within their narratives. By definition and according to our text, archetypes are “characters, images and themes that symbolically embody meanings and My dream essay experiences,” (2059, Meyer).

In both of these stories, I see that the main characters are involved in a quest for feminine self-discovery. Antihero , Character , Hero 997 Words | 3 Pages. Archetype Analysis in Personal for college application review service, The Catcher in The Rye and Cool Hand Luke. Archetype Feature Analysis Timed Essay Archetypes were first described by Carl Young because he saw similarities between pieces . of literature. My Dream Essay! There are several archetypes in most stories and Personal essay for college application many stories may have some of the same archetypes . This is evidently true in the movie Cool Hand Luke and also in the book “The Catcher in My dream, the Rye”. Luke, in Cool Hand Luke, and handwriting Holden, in The Catcher in the Rye, exhibit similar archetypal features such as the Christ-Figure, the essay Anti-hero and their experience. Antihero , Archetype , Cool Hand Luke 980 Words | 3 Pages.

Myth and Archetypes in the Manticore. Essays Deadline! 06/06/2013 Redemption within archetypes In life, there are certain symbols that affect our lives and make us who we are. These symbols and . motifs is what defines us as persons and helps us better understand the role we play in this world. These symbols and motifs are called archetypes and My dream essay they are mostly originated from myths created by our ancestors to help explain the unexplainable and Help personal statement hobbies fulfill psychological functions. In The Manticore, the realization and My dream acceptance of wristbands archetypes that are evident in David’s. Fifth Business , Gender role , Jungian archetypes 2129 Words | 6 Pages. There are countless examples of women being underrepresented in the past, such as the privilege to serve in combat, war, voting and the . government. This magazine article focuses on positivity women are getting in My dream essay, the workforce in modern times, “THE economic empowerment of women across the rich world is one of the most remarkable revolutions of the past 50 years. It is remarkable because of the extent of the change” (Bertrand).

One last modern representation that shows the archetype of women underrepresentation. Charles Darwin , Gender , Gender role 1472 Words | 5 Pages. to as an archetype . An archetype is a complex literary term that can be found and understood by examining literature. Help Statement! The first . place that archetype can be examined is in Cinderella stories. The Traditional Cinderella story that we have all heard sets our standard for archetype in different cultural stories having Jewish, Indian, Chinese, and modern-day settings. In the Indian Cinderella story, The Rough Faced Girl, there are many archetypes that are seen but the Cinderella archetype stands out. Antihero , Archetype , Character 521 Words | 2 Pages. Archetypes: Strategic Management and essay Firm Specific Advantages. ?1. A Literature Essay Quote! Which are the archetypes does Verbeke distinguish?

Draw the My dream essay figures associated with these archetypes . Verbeke distguish . between 4 types of archetypes and they are the following: Centralized exporter: Home country managed firm. Firm specific advantage in personal statement, its final products. Standardized products manufactured at home. Only the transferable firm specific advantages are taken to the host country, meaning that they try to make exporting successful in international markets. My Dream Essay! No development of location. Core business , Core competency , Firm 1628 Words | 7 Pages. Downey English 9 11/13/12 Archetypes in statement hobbies, The Odyssey In Homers epic poem “The Odyssey” there are many archetypes , many of . My Dream! which were the How to write a literature essay about quote origin of the archetype . An archetype is a character type, place, or symbol, every culture shares. In “The Odyssey” Homer uses archetypes to essay, evoke meaning to the story. Some examples of archetypes in “The Odyssey” are the temptress, and the father-son conflict.

In the Rice deadline story “The Odyssey” there are a couple temptress’. Two examples are Calypso and the sirens. Circe , Epic poetry , Greek mythology 704 Words | 2 Pages. was built, is a huge building bustling with life and high ideals. My Dream! Castle walls are meant to house an entire community of workers and statement farmers belonging to a . My Dream Essay! mid-ranged lord, or landowner. King Arthur and his ideas of equality, Camelot, are a perfect example . However, on the flip side of this coin, if you add three or four hundred years to the castle you get a story that includes a run-down, gloomy, nearly empty, gothic mansion. The owner of the neglected estate is usually the descendent of a dying royal. Garden 1258 Words | 2 Pages. bigger role throughout the literature and statement hobbies culture of his age. In Homer’s The Iliad and My dream The Odyssey Achilles and Odysseus represent typical Grecian heroes. . Theseus, Persius and Oedipus, three other famous heroes also represent the Greek heroic archetype . These heroic tales were well known to Grecians of the time and had a great impact on the Greek culture. When speaking of the Help personal statement Iliad Moses Hadas writes that, “throughout their history the Greeks were as closely familiar with its text as Puritans. My Dream! Achilles , Epic Cycle , Hero 1899 Words | 5 Pages.

Below is an excerpt from Brand You, which is due for publication in May 2009. We also recommend The Hero and Personal for college application review service the Outlaw – Building Extraordinary Brands . Through the Power of Archetypes , by Margaret Mark and Carol S. My Dream! Pearson (McGraw-Hill 2001). Your Brand Identity We have discussed your talents, values, unique combination and purpose. Our next topic is your brand identity, which expresses all of them. It consists of the symbols, signs, language, images and colours that distinguish you from other. Archetype , Brand , Brand management 5058 Words | 16 Pages. Archetype Changes Archetypes help define who a person is, whether they are loving and caring, powerful like a sovereign, tricky . like a wizard or jester, or hostile like a warrior or fighter. How To Essay Theme! No one's archetype stays the same throughout their entire life. At some point in essay, everyone's lives, their archetype changes due to the unpredictable changes in life. A piece of literature that establishes how characters can change from one archetype to another is the story “Sweat”, by Zara Neale Hurston. In the.

Archetype , Change , Zora Neale Hurston 572 Words | 2 Pages. Archetype Paper-Loyal Retainers Made Heroes compared between Beowulf, The Lord of the Rings, and current leaders in today's society. times of need, and their role becomes the defining moment of a great victory. Through all facets of zakaz literature, film, life and its experiences, . archetypes of loyal retainers appear as underlying roles of a greater picture. My Dream Essay! From the literary piece Beowulf to the box office hit The Lord of the Customized paper Rings to essay, even the current leaders of paper wristbands today's society, archetypes of loyal retainers portray similar comparisons to each other based on My dream, a model that their heroism is revealed through the bravery and loyalty they. Beowulf , Character , George H. W. Bush 799 Words | 3 Pages. Dissertation Ru! The Analysis of “Loser-hero”, “Tragic loser-hero” and “Failed loyalist hero” Archetypes in Japanese Literature.

The Analysis of “Loser-hero”, “Tragic loser-hero” and “Failed loyalist hero” Archetypes in Japanese Literature In the book . “Warriors of Japan as Portrayed in the War Tales”, as the title suggests, author Paul Varley studies numerous war tales from hundreds of years of Japanese history, throughout the My dream essay rise of the help balancing answers samurai warrior culture and the societal change that went along with it. From ancient war tales like the Shomonki to tales firmly in the medieval times like the Taiheiki, the. Archetype , Character , Fujiwara clan 1422 Words | 4 Pages. The Outcast Archetype Movies and films are important parts of not only our education, but also our life. Some teach us historical information . or life lessons, and some just make us laugh.

When we watch movies, we realize that many characters are just like us. As Linda Seger says, “Whatever our culture, there are universal stories that form the basis fall all our particular stories.” (Seger 386-387). One character that always seems to steal the audience’s heart is the one that doesn’t always fit. Baseball , Leigh Anne Tuohy , Michael Oher 1246 Words | 3 Pages. My Dream! Archetypes of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Richey 1 Katelynn Richey Mr Ricketts AP English Literature and equations Composition 08 December 2011 Term Paper Carl Jung, an analytical . psychologist, stated that “ archetypes are a tendency or instinctive trend in the human unconscious to essay, express certain motifs or themes” (“Dreams, Health, Yoga, Mind Spirit”). In the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams, Williams uses many archetypal images and personas, such as the tragic hero or the stern father figure, to convey the overall. Antihero , Archetype , Character 1466 Words | 4 Pages. archetypes of edward scissor hands. Perez Emily Chahede Archetypes of Dissertation Edward Scissor Hands In the words of Carl Jung, a well-known psychologist, an archetype . is “An innate tendency which molds and transforms the essay individual consciousness.

A fact defined more through a drive than through specific inherited contents, images etc.; a matrix which influences the human behavior as well as his ideas and concepts on Personal essay for college review service, the ethical, moral religious and essay cultural levels”(Jung). This research paper provides different archetypes that are present in. 1990 in film , Archetype , Edward Scissorhands 2075 Words | 6 Pages. Adolescent Archetype An archetype is defined as a universally understood pattern of behavior or a prototype upon handwriting which others . are copied or patterned. Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was and still is the basis for which authors use for My dream essay their characters in their writing. Huck Finn’s adolescent archetype is based off his characteristics.

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From the essay Editors: Common method variance in international business research. JIBS receives many manuscripts that report findings from analyzing survey data based on same-respondent replies. This can be problematic since same-respondent studies can suffer from common method variance (CMV). Currently, authors who submit manuscripts to JIBS that appear to suffer from CMV are asked to perform validity checks and resubmit their manuscripts. This letter from the Editors is designed to outline the current state of best practice for Personal application service handling CMV in international business research.

A large number of papers submitted to JIBS use data collected from a survey instrument. When self-report questionnaires are used to collect data at the same time from the same participants, common method variance (CMV) may be a concern. This concern is My dream essay, strongest when both the dependent and focal explanatory variables are perceptual measures derived from the same respondent ( Podsakoff Organ, 1986 ). CMV is essay service, “variance that is attributable to the measurement method rather than to the constructs the My dream essay measures represent” ( Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, Podsakoff, 2003 : 879). Personal. CMV creates a false internal consistency, that is, an apparent correlation among variables generated by their common source. For example, this could occur if a researcher asks respondents to evaluate an MNE's organizational capabilities and the firm's international performance in the same survey. My Dream Essay. In such cases, self-report data can create false correlations if the ru respondents have a propensity to provide consistent answers to survey questions that are otherwise not related. Thus, common methods can cause systematic measurement errors that either inflate or deflate the observed relationships between constructs, generating both Type I and My dream Type II errors.

Scholarly views of Chemistry help balancing equations answers, CMV differ. Essay. Campbell (1982 : 692), a former editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology , provides a strongly negative assessment (italics added): “If there is no evident construct validity for essays the questionnaire measure or no variables that are measured independently of the questionnaire , I am biased against essay, the study and believe that it contributes very little”. On the other hand, some scholars argue that the CMV problem may be overstated ( Crampton Wagner, 1994 ; Lindell Whitney, 2001 ; Spector, 1987 ), and even an “urban legend” ( Spector, 2006 ). A recent exhaustive review of research on Rice CMV in behavioral research reaches a more balanced conclusion: “common method variance is often a problem and researchers need to do whatever they can to control for it” ( Posdsakoff et al., 2003 : 900). The specific details of the My dream essay research methodology are clearly relevant in determining the likelihood and degree of common method bias. Handwriting Paper. Podsakoff et al. (2003) explore four general sources of CMV: the use of a common rater, the essay manner in review service which items are presented to respondents, the context in which items on a questionnaire are placed, and My dream essay the contextual influences (time, location and Chemistry help balancing equations media) used to measure the constructs. 1 Some CMV sources may be more problematic than others, for example, perceptual data from single raters may be more worrisome than the manner in which items are presented in the survey instrument. Essay. A manuscript that suffers from Help personal hobbies, more potential sources of My dream, CMV should, in general, be more problematic than one with fewer sources. The most worrisome example of statement hobbies, CMV, according to the authors (2003: 885), occurs when “the data for both the predictor and criterion variable are obtained from the same person in the same measurement context using the same item context and similar item characteristics”. The JIBS editors see CMV as a potentially serious concern for researchers using survey-based data, 2 especially where the dependent and independent variables are perceptual and from the same source. 3 JIBS editors and reviewers must therefore assess not only whether CMV exists, but also how likely it is to generate Type I and Type II errors. Our position is to inform potential contributors that they should, prior to journal submission, deal with potential CMV biases in My dream their research both seriously and Customized handwriting explicitly.

HOW CAN CMV BE ADDRESSED BY RESEARCHERS? The obvious strategy is, of My dream, course, to avoid any potential CMV in the research design stage by using other sources of information for some of the key measures. In particular, if possible, the dependent variable should be constructed using information from different sources than the independent variables. A number of Personal review, procedural remedies in My dream designing and administering the questionnaire, from mixing the university deadline order of the questions to using different scale types, can reduce the likelihood of CMV. Complicated specifications of regression models reduce the likelihood of CMV. Specifically, respondents are unlikely to be guided by a cognitive map that includes difficult-to-visualize interaction and non-linear effects. This is less likely the more complicated the model. There are several statistical remedies to detect and control for any possible CMV.

A post hoc Harman one-factor analysis is often used to check whether variance in the data can be largely attributed to a single factor. Additionally, other statistical procedures can be applied to partial out common factors or to control for them. Remedies 1 and 2 are ex ante approaches implemented in essay the research design stage. Remedy 1 is clearly the best option since, by definition, spurious correlations due to CMV cannot occur. Remedy 2 can also ex ante reduce the likelihood of the personal hobbies consistency motive and essay theory-in-use biases in the informant responses. Remedies 3 and 4 are ex post approaches implemented after the research has been conducted. A Literature Essay About Quote. Remedy 3 implies that the likelihood of CMV can be reduced by essay, specifying complex relationships that are unlikely to be part of the respondents’ cognitive maps, while remedy 4 corrects for Personal essay for college CMV through a variety of statistical procedures. We first discuss these four basic remedies below and then offer our advice to international business scholars on how to My dream essay handle the possibility of Rice university deadline, CMV in their research. REMEDIES 1 AND 2: AVOID CMV IN THE EX ANTE RESEARCH DESIGN STAGE. The best way to avoid or minimize any potential CMV bias is to collect measures for different constructs from different sources (remedy 1).

Ideally, the dependent variable(s) are collected from essay, a different source than the independent variables are collected from. 4 For example, subsidiary-level autonomy or decision-making power of a subsidiary-level manager could be measured with a local survey, whereas a subsidiary performance measure could be constructed from information provided by the multinational headquarters or from a local archival source. If it is not possible to obtain data from essay theme quote, different sources, another possibility is to collect data at different points in time. Preferably, all this is part of the essay ex ante research design. A second best strategy would be to collect such additional information ex post . Another ex ante research strategy involves the way the deadline questionnaire is designed and administered (remedy 2). Respondents should be assured of the anonymity and confidentiality of the study, that there are no right or wrong answers, and My dream essay that they should answer as honestly as possible. 5 Moreover, more fact-based questionnaire items are less likely to be associated with CMV. Podsakoff et al. (2003 : 888) state that “these procedures should reduce people's evaluation apprehension and make them less likely to edit their responses to be more socially desirable, lenient, acquiescent and consistent with how the researcher wants them to respond”. Additionally, great care must be taken to systematically examine the construction of items so as to ensure that ambiguous, vague and unfamiliar terms are not included, and that the questionnaire as a whole and the individual items are formulated as concisely as possible (see Harrison, McClaughlin, Coalter, 1996 ; Lindell Whitney, 2001 ; Podsakoff et al., 2003 ). These methods reduce problems in Personal for college the comprehension stage of the response process. Of course, these strategies reflect standard survey practices in any case, whether or not CMV is an issue. Specifically related to CMV, Podsakoff et al. (2003 : 888) suggest that “another way to diminish method biases is to use different scale endpoints and My dream essay formats for the predictor and Chemistry help balancing answers criterion measures”.

This should reduce method biases caused by commonalities in essay scale endpoints and anchor effects. In a recently published JIBS article on the international location decision, for instance, Galan, Gonzalez-Benito, and Zuniga-Vincente (2007) measured the dependent variable in two different ways so as to avoid potential CMV with independent variables that were operationalized as perception-based measures. Moreover, counterbalancing the order of questions relating to different scales and constructs makes CMV less likely, as the respondent cannot then easily combine related items to cognitively “create” the correlation needed to produce a CMV-biased pattern of responses ( Murray, Kotabe, Zhou, 2005 ). One option is to randomize the order of the questions using survey software. For instance, in a JIBS article examining the influence of ru, parent control on conflict in international joint ventures, Barden, Steensma, and Lyles (2005) used different response anchors across measured constructs, separated measurements in time, and essay manipulated the order of Rice essays, questionnaire items in such a way that CMV across dependent, independent and My dream control variables became very unlikely. REMEDIES 3 AND 4: DEAL WITH CMV IN THE EX POST STATISTICAL ANALYSES. CMV is more likely to emerge in models that are overly simple. A third approach is therefore to specify relationships among the dependent and independent variables that are not so simple that these relationships are likely to be part of the Customized paper wristbands individual raters’ cognitive maps. In this context, Harrison et al. My Dream Essay. (1996 : 248) refer to paper wristbands the cognitive miser principle. For instance, take a questionnaire in My dream which local subordinates are asked about the effect of the frequency of handwriting paper, their expatriate leader's communication with his or her subordinates on the subordinates’ stress level.

Suppose that the essay theory predicts that this effect is statement, non-linearly moderated by the subordinates’ locus of essay, control trait. Including a non-linear interaction term in the model is likely to reduce CMV because such a complex relationship is, in all likelihood, not part of the Personal essay application service respondents’ theory-in-use. A problem with this approach is that interpretation of the empirical results is made more difficult by the complexity of the arguments. My Dream. As a result, the remedy of overcomplexity could be worse than the disease of CMV. 6 Basically, adding complexity such as mediating, moderating and/or non-linear effects makes sense only if guided by a good theory. In the end, sound theory that directs design and method is, of course, the bottom line that characterizes all good research, be it survey-based or not. The fourth remedy is to Personal essay application review service apply ex post statistical approaches. Indeed, there are quite a few of them; here, we only briefly refer to some of the essay more popular ones since there are several other papers with more details (please refer to the references attached to this Letter). Perhaps the most common but ineffective response by authors to address CMV (other than ignoring it) is to rely on Harman's single-factor test to assert that their research is not pervasively affected by CMV. This method loads all items from each of the constructs into Personal for college application service, an exploratory factor analysis to see whether one single factor does emerge or whether one general factor does account for essay a majority of the covariance between the measures; if not, the application review service claim is that CMV is not a pervasive issue. However, Podsakoff et al. (2003) explain that this claim is likely to be incomplete because Harman's test is insensitive.

It is unlikely that a single-factor model will fit the data, and there is My dream essay, no useful guideline as to what would be the acceptable percentage of explained variance of a single-factor model. The JIBS team therefore believes that simply reporting seemingly reassuring outcomes from Harman's single-factor test is insufficient to prove that CMV is essay for college, not a pervasive issue. Lindell and Whitney (2001) , Podsakoff et al. (2003) and Malhotra, Kim, and Patil (2006) review several statistical methods that are more sophisticated than Harman's test, which can be used to test and possibly control for CMV. Different statistical remedies are available for different types of research settings and different sources of CMV. Promising statistical remedies include a partial correlation procedure and a direct measure of a latent common method factor.

The former method partials out the first unrotated factor from the exploratory factor analysis, and then continues to essay determine whether the theoretical relationships among the Rice university essays deadline variables of interest do still hold. My Dream Essay. The latter method allows questionnaire items to load on their theoretical constructs, as well as on a latent CMV factor, and examines the significance of theoretical constructs with or without the common factor method. Both methods have their own limitations, however, one of which is the assumption that the sources of CMV can be well identified and Chemistry answers validly measured. Essay. 7 A recommended solution is to use multiple remedies, not just one remedy, in order to assuage the various concerns about ru CMV. JIBS receives many manuscripts that report results from My dream essay, estimating models that use same-source surveys and thus may suffer from common methods problems. However, while psychology journals have worried about CMV since the early 1980s, and have implemented techniques to handle this problem since at least the mid-1990s, the essay for college review common methods issue has been slow to be recognized, and is much less addressed, by international business scholars.

Best practices in the “macro” disciplines appear to have lagged behind those in the “micro” disciplines, probably because the micro areas (e.g., organizational behavior and human resource management) rely most heavily on surveys, whereas the macro areas (e.g., strategic management and organizational ecology) are more likely to use archival datasets. In March 2009, we reviewed all the articles published in JIBS between 2000 and the present for evidence of essay, potential sources of CMV. Of the 430 articles examined, 40% (173 articles) relied on either primary surveys and/or quantified interviews as the data source. The 173 articles were then characterized by potential sources of common methods bias. Almost all the articles (167 articles) contained one or more sources of Rice essays, CMV, and most appeared to have multiple sources. Only 65 of the 167 articles (about one-third) mentioned or addressed common methods in their paper. Of this group, half the articles (32) used Harman's single-factor test or something similar to My dream test for CMV. Fifteen articles used another approach. Only nine articles used both Harman's test and at least one other correction method to control for CMV.

These statistics, of course, tell us only how frequently common methods appear in recently published JIBS articles, not the magnitude of the potential bias from CMV in these articles. Previous research estimating the Dissertation magnitude of the effects did not include JIBS articles; see for example, Doty and Glick (1998) and Cote and My dream essay Buckley (1987) . So, the most we can say is there may be a problem based on ru frequency of usage of common methods, but at present we have no estimates of the magnitude of the problem. Based on this short survey, it appears that common method bias has not been recognized nor addressed by most IB scholars, even in JIBS , the top journal in the field of international business. We recognize, of essay, course, that standards for rigor in empirical work are continually rising. Customized Paper Wristbands. What were acceptable methodological practices even five years ago can easily and rapidly become unacceptable as social science scholars better understand the limitations of their empirical techniques and develop more rigorous methods for identifying and essay correcting for potential biases in their work. The purpose of our Letter from the Editors is therefore not to criticize earlier research, but rather to encourage IB scholars to implement current best practices in research methods. Paper Wristbands. We argue that the My dream essay hurdle barrier must now be set higher in JIBS vis a vis CMV. It is time for Personal essay IB scholars to address, and reduce or offset where feasible, the use of common methods in their empirical work. We conclude that many JIBS submissions in the past, when the data came from surveys (and/or “quantified” interviews, for that matter), have ignored the issue of essay, CMV. Where the authors have addressed CMV, the typical response has been to report seemingly reassuring results from Harman's single-factor test. The JIBS editors believe this approach has been insufficient.

For the current editorial team, it is now standard practice to return a manuscript to the author when it appears to suffer from Rice university deadline, common method bias and the issue has been ignored in the manuscript. The desk rejection letter asks the author to perform validity checks and My dream essay resolve any CMV issues before resubmitting the Customized wristbands manuscript. Addressing CMV only My dream after desk rejection is not the ideal strategy, of essay for college review service, course. The first-best strategy is to prevent potential CMV at the research design stage using remedy 1, that is, by collecting data from multiple sources. Ex ante , before running any analyses, the essay collection of key information from other sources should be planned, using where possible archival data and multiple respondents. Ru. Alternatively, additional information can be collected afterwards. An example of remedy 1 is My dream, Carraher, Sullivan, and Crocitto (2008) , who surveyed expatriate employees but obtained their expat performance measure from company records filed by the individual's supervisor rather than from the expat respondents themselves. Approaches for handling common method variance (CMV). More often than not, a perfect solution is help balancing, out of reach.

If ex ante methods are not doable, the JIBS editors recommend that IB scholars use multiple ex post procedural remedies including possibly a more complex model specification, and partialing out or controlling for CMV (remedies 2, 3 and My dream 4). What we ask for is that CMV-related methodological issues should be discussed carefully and explicitly in any manuscript submitted to essay for college service JIBS that uses single-respondent data. My Dream. This will often imply the need to Personal essay review service apply a number of the remedies referred to above. My Dream. While the problems with CMV were not well understood by Chemistry help balancing, IB scholars in My dream essay the past and, as a result, there were many JIBS articles published that might suffer from multiple sources of essays, common methods bias, the standards have changed and IB scholars must adopt current best practices. Of course, all other validity and reliability tests should also be conducted and reported in the manuscript. In singling out CMV in My dream essay this Letter from the essay for college application review Editors we do not want to give JIBS authors the impression that they should ignore other validity and reliability tests of their quantitative and qualitative research methods – they should not. We advance the field not only essay through theory development, but also through careful and thorough empirical work using best practices. As international business researchers, we also recognize that sometimes common methods cannot be totally avoided, for example, if the research probes into difficult waters where data of Rice essays deadline, any kind are scarce such as in severely understudied parts of the world (Africa, the Middle East), or where the research undertaken is so novel or insightful that this may be considered over My dream essay standard methodological considerations. Editors and How to write a literature essay theme quote reviewers should not reject innovative manuscripts that push the boundaries of our knowledge of international business solely on My dream the grounds of Personal essay application review service, common methods.

In such situations, the gains in creativity and impact might outweigh the loss of My dream, methodological purity. Another example where CMV may be tolerated is large-scale research projects involving multiple countries where obtaining separate data sources for all the countries is impossible. Personal Hobbies. Such large-scale projects typically deal with potential national differences in response bias by using within-subject standardization, mean centering the scores of individuals, or using regression approaches to control for national differences in response biases. These studies also typically link some sort of aggregate nation scores to a separate source archival predictor or criterion. Cross-country comparative studies where the My dream essay intent of the study is to treat cognitive structures and processes of a population as a dependent variable might well want to use same-source correlations as a good indicator of shared aspects of cognition, with a national indicator as a separate-source predictor of these same-source correlations. Lastly, we want to make it clear to the JIBS community that it is not our intent in this Letter from the Editors to Help personal privilege IB researchers who use large, readily available datasets such as Compustat, Orbis or SDC Platinum. My Dream Essay. Rather, we want to encourage primary and qualitative research in international business – including surveys – but at the same time increase awareness among IB researchers of potential CMV biases so that they can be avoided in the design stage. Customized Paper Wristbands. Except for several special circumstances as illustrated above, if common method bias is a potential issue in essay an IB research project, the authors should address this issue – as they already do for other validity issues – before submitting their research to JIBS . We are looking for more careful examination from all IB researchers in proving the robustness of their results, and hope this Letter from the Editors will help raise the quality standards for write a literature theme quote empirical research by My dream essay, future IB scholars. For example, a researcher may be interested in a hypothesized relationship between constructs A and B (for example, A can be an organizational characteristic of an Chemistry MNE and My dream essay B the handwriting firm's international performance).

If the measures of A and B are derived from information provided by a single rater within each MNE, aggregated across multiple MNEs, there may be spurious systematic correlations between these two measures. In this instance, the essay correlations are superficial connections imposed by Chemistry equations, using the same source rather than demonstrating “actual” patterns in practice. As a consequence, without any appropriate correction for CMV, estimates from questionnaires could well be spurious. The estimates may not reveal any real underlying theoretical relationship, but rather the My dream artificial cognitive maps of reality that are hidden in the respondents’ minds. Consequently, the reported analyses are likely to suffer from Type I and Customized handwriting wristbands Type II errors. CMV is by no means a problem only for My dream primary researchers. Many large archival datasets, including official government statistics, are also gathered through same-source surveys and thus can also suffer from CMV and other methodological biases. Thus, researchers using archival data sources should also be aware of potential biases and Rice university deadline address them in a proper manner. Many journals routinely desk reject papers with any type of essay, sloppiness.

For good advice on this, albeit from a different discipline, see Method 1, however, faces a potential ethical barrier if the survey respondents were anonymous since survey data (e.g., leadership perception) must be matched with information from other sources (e.g., employee appraisal) that could compromise the balancing equations respondents’ anonymity. We recognize that researchers who have promised anonymity must ethically provide it, even though doing so increases the difficulty of finding external corroborative sources. Note that providing anonymity, however, creates ethical dilemmas for method 1, as discussed in the previous endnote. See, for instance, McClelland and My dream essay Judd (1993) , who point out difficulties in ru detecting and interpreting interactions and moderator effects. Note that a complete identification of all sources of CMV is not necessary. For instance, partial correlation adjustment works if a variable theoretically unrelated with others, preferably the dependent variable, can be identified and essay used in the adjustment ( Lindell Whitney, 2001 ; Malhotra et al., 2006 ).

This letter reflects the opinion of the JIBS editors. We thank Wendy Boswell and How to write essay quote Duane Ireland for helpful early discussions about CMV. We particularly appreciate the My dream essay empirical work by Li Dai (PhD student at Chemistry equations answers the Department of Management at Texas AM), who browsed through many issues of JIBS in search of CMV best practices, and Les Graham (Durham Business School, UK), who provided an excellent overview of the literature. We gratefully acknowledge the essay excellent suggestions made by other JIBS editors and members of the JIBS Consulting Editors and Editorial Review Board. This letter went through two rounds of single-blind review. In total, we received about 30 reports from editorial board reviewers, many of How to write theme, them providing multiple pages of My dream, detailed comments. We tried to Chemistry help equations accommodate as many comments as possible, within the essay constraints of the Letter format. In particular, we thank Laurence Booth, Roger Calantone, Dave Gilliland, Klaus Meyer, Mark Peterson, and Arndt Sorge for extensive comments; any remaining errors or omissions remain the Help responsibility of the authors.

For those interested in the underlying conceptual and technical details, please consult the articles and My dream essay their bibliographies that are referenced in this Letter. Sea-Jin Chang Arjen van Witteloostuijn Lorraine Eden 1 Email author 1. Department of Management Mays Business School, 415D Wehner, TAMU 4221, Texas AM University College Station USA. Published in personal statement hobbies cooperation with. .RIS Papers Reference Manager RefWorks Zotero. .BIB BibTeX JabRef Mendeley. .RIS Papers Reference Manager RefWorks Zotero. .BIB BibTeX JabRef Mendeley. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips.

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Jan 27, 2018 My dream essay, write my research paper -
My essay: Essay 3: My Dream

An Analysis of the 2011 England Riots. This essay examined the role and behaviour of the police in the 2011 English riots, which occurred from August 6 to 10. The main objective of the essay is to My dream, understand to what extent the 2011 riots might have been aggravated by the behaviour of the police. The analysis revealed that the role and behaviour of the police in Dissertation the riots has two dimensions: (a) Police’s treatment of certain groups were viewed as harsh and discriminatory, especially the stop and search practice, which resulted in anger and resentment from some members of the community; and (b) Police response was inefficient in handling the rioting and essay looting, which resulted in the incident lasting for five days and causing extensive damage. The 2011 English riots occurred from August 6 to 10, as thousands of people took to the streets in several London boroughs and How to a literature about cities and towns across England.

This resulted in looting, arson, robbery, violence, and injuries. My Dream? Scores of police officers were deployed in order to regain peace and stability in the affected areas. The incident garnered much media publicity, as well as public concern and scrutiny (Guardian 2011; Joyce Wallis 2011). This event has been viewed from various perspectives. Government authorities and several mass media outlets have referred to the incident as ‘riots’ and equated the for college actions of participants to criminal behaviour. On the other hand, sympathisers have described them as a protest, revolution, and rebellion against inequality and the state’s inefficiencies (Joyce Wallis 2011; Smith 2011; Finchet-Maddock 2011; Democracy Now 2011; White 2011; Peralta 2011).

There are many assumptions, theories and speculations on what caused the 2011 English riots. The media, government authorities, and essay academic community have posed several possible reasons as the main drivers behind the incident. Some of the Personal essay for college application review service common explanations are: anger with police; weak police response; high rates of youth unemployment and poor job prospects; poverty; social and economic inequality; racism and racial profiling; social exclusion; rank opportunism; welfare dependence; austerity measures or spending cuts which removed many support mechanisms; poor parenting; commercialism; and social media (BBC News 2011a; The Guardian 2011; Taylor, Rogers Lewis 2011; Travis 2011; The Week Editorial Staff 2011; Euronews 2011; Riddell 2011). This paper aims to essay, understand the riots from the context of the role and behaviour of the police before and during the event. As such, this essay will attempt to discuss to what extent the 2011 riots might have been aggravated by the behaviour of the police. This paper will provide an personal objective and critical analysis of the subject by using information from various sources, such as news articles, opinions, and essay academic reports. The analysis will also be viewed from different angles (i.e. from the perspectives of the public, media, government authorities, and the police). This is to ensure a fair and Chemistry balancing equations answers balanced analysis of the subject.

Background Information on the 2011 English Riots. The 2011 English riots were believed to have been triggered by a protest march in Tottenham, which was organised by the relatives and friends of Mark Duggan (who was shot and killed by My dream essay a police officer on help answers August 4, 2011). According to essay, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), Duggan was killed during a planned arrest as part of Operation Trident (Bolesworth et al 2011; Laville et al 2011). The Trident is a Metropolitan Police Service unit, which investigates gun crime within the Afro-Caribbean communities in London. There were contradictory media reports regarding the shooting of Mark Duggan and this is believed to have played a big role in creating conflict between the police and sympathizers of Duggan. Initial reports indicate that Duggan had fired on the police; however, his family and friends insisted that he was unarmed. The IPCC later acknowledged that Duggan had not fired a gun and admitted that they may have misled journalists into believing that shots had been exchanged (The Australian 2011; Press TV 2011; Vasagar 2011). Duggan’s death generated a lot of media publicity and raised public outrage in the Tottenham community. On August 6, the relatives, friends, and other supporters of Duggan, held a protest rally to demand justice and police explanation for his death (Press TV 2011; Bolesworth et al 2011). The protest for Mark Duggan was initially peaceful but later turned violent as participants in the march remained dissatisfied with the response that they received from police (Smith 2011; Bolesworth et al 2011; Laville et al 2011).

Shortly after the protest, the first incident of rioting and looting were reported in Tottenham. This was later followed by more rioting and looting at Tottenham Hale retail park. What started as a small, local protest spiralled out of control as people, especially the youth, took advantage of the Rice university deadline situation when they realised that the police could not be everywhere at My dream essay, once and could not address all the cases, especially if it was done on a great scale. With the use of mobile phones and social media networks, word got around quickly and many masked, young people were quick to cash in on the chaos (Euronews 2011; Smith 2011). As news spread and rumours about the Tottenham riots abounded, other districts in essay London were affected by extensive looting, arson, robbery, and violence. Riots were also reported in Birmingham, Bristol, Gloucester, Gillingham, Nottingham, Leicester, parts of West Midlands and Greater Manchester, and Merseyside in north-west England. The incidents occurred mostly at night as rioters and looters took advantage of the cover of darkness to go about their plans (BBC News 2011b; The Guardian 2011; Riddell 2011). Examining the Role and Behaviour of the Police before and during the riots.

Various analysts and experts have pointed out My dream, that the police’s handling (or mishandling) of the Mark Duggan case had incited feelings of Personal review anger and injustice from the community, especially from blacks and youths from My dream essay, impoverished areas, because it was seen as another example of excessive police brutality. Essay For College Application Review? The community already had feelings of resentment towards the police and My dream the death of Chemistry balancing answers Mark Duggan only ‘incensed the already raw community’ (Finchet-Maddock 2011, p.55). The shooting of Mark Duggan was not an isolated case. There have been accounts of police violence and harassment and deaths of My dream essay suspected felons under police custody. Moreover, the treatment of police, particularly its singling out of specific areas and zakaz ru individuals for essay, monitoring and Rice university deadline stop and My dream essay search practices, was identified as a key reason for the suspicion and resentment of some sectors of society (especially among blacks and minority ethnic groups) against the police.

This is believed to be one of the Help motivating factors for My dream, the riots (Riddell 2011). A study conducted by the Guardian and the London School of help balancing Economics found that based on My dream essay interviews with 270 rioters, the riots were triggered by ‘widespread anger and frustration at the way police engage with communities’ (Lewis et al 2011, p.1). Interviews with rioters revealed their deep-rooted antipathy and distrust towards the police. Analysts pointed out Chemistry equations answers, that this distrust and hostility towards the police were one of the My dream essay key drivers for the riots. The study also showed that although the rioters identified various political grievances, the focal point of their complaints was their feeling of injustice, especially in terms of police treatment.

They specifically mentioned their intense frustration at the way members of their communities are subjected to ‘stop and search’ by the police. This finding was echoed in a government report conducted by an independent panel, wherein stop and search was identified as one of the motivational factors for black and Asian rioters. Many of the participants also admitted that they felt like they were clearly engaging in anti-police riots. They identified policing as the statement hobbies most significant cause of the riots. This was incited by the anger they felt regarding the police shooting of Mark Duggan. However, the independent government panel report contradicted this finding as it concluded that there was ‘no single cause for the riots’ (Lewis et al 2011, p.1). According to Smith (2011), the rioting was primarily aimed at taking control of essay certain areas from the police, usually for Personal essay for college application review, a short period of time. Essay? This was seen as a way of ‘sticking two fingers up to authority’ or payback against the police (sec.2). Smith’s study also identified inappropriate policing as one of the drivers behind the riots. Specifically, the Personal review service author explored two types of policing: (a) Long-term policing practices, and (b) Police reaction to events. Long-term policing practices refer to My dream, the use of ‘stop and search’ and ‘stop and account’ in some communities, especially in zakaz ru impoverished areas.

These practices also seem to be related to racial stereotyping and discrimination, especially for My dream essay, blacks and Personal Asians, and have caused significant resentment among certain groups of young people (Riddell 2011; Lewis et al 2011; Smith 2011)). The riots were then seen by many participants as an opportunity to essay, get back at the police. Smith (2011) postulates that ‘more than anything payback appears to have been, or probably, the key motivating factor in terms of the rioting element of the Help personal statement disturbances’ (sec 5). Essay? Another dimension of policing is the police’s response during the Dissertation ru riots. The police’s mishandling of the My dream situation regarding the shooting of Mark Duggan and their failure to provide sufficient response to the subsequent incidences of riots, looting, and violence have contributed to the escalation and handwriting paper worsening of My dream events. There were not enough police on the streets, especially on the second night of disturbances, and the media’s depiction of police retreating or standing by while looting and rioting took place are believed to have empowered more people to join in or duplicate the activities in other areas. The absence of police officers to intervene in Rice essays the wide-scale looting and violence led to a breakdown of order and enabled the incident to last for five days (Smith 2011; Riddell 2011; Euronews 2011).

From the My dream point of view of the police, their inability to scale up their responses to the riots was due to a combination of two essential factors. First is that they were trying not to Chemistry help equations answers, inflame the situation by exercising caution and extreme restraint when dealing with protesters and essay rioters. This was due to the criticisms they received from their previous handling of Chemistry balancing equations student demonstrations. Secondly, the police argued that it takes time to muster enough forces, increase their response, and modify it based on developments. It is worth noting that the essay tactical response of the police had to be significantly altered as the Customized handwriting protests turned into rioting and looting (Smith 2011). As such, the police had to stretch its resources and My dream change their tactics as the incident worsened.

Looking back, a faster, more reactive, and stronger police intervention could have reduced the scale of Customized rioting and looting (Smith 2011). However, it cannot be assured that such a response could have effectively resolved the incident. The situation prior to the riots was already very fragile due years of pent up frustration against the police. A tougher police intervention could end up being counter-productive. Although it may help to curb the rioting and looting, it does not guarantee long-term peace and stability. My Dream? It can be argued that the stricter treatment of the police in certain areas and towards some groups is due to the high incidence of crime in these communities. In fact, the stop and university essays deadline search practice was implemented to lessen gun crimes and selling of drugs.

However, over the years, this has created a backlash among the members of these communities because they feel discriminated by essay the police. As such, the police are placed in a dilemma: how do they enforce law and Customized handwriting order in communities with high crime rates without imposing stricter treatment and My dream practices? In a sense, the escalation of the English riots can be attributed to this moral dilemma. The police’s harsh treatment towards certain sectors of the community had led to resentment and anger, which exploded in the wake of Mark Duggan’s shooting. As the police tried to exercise restraint during the Help subsequent rioting and looting – lest they be accused of more police brutality – the disturbances only increased as people thought that the My dream essay police was incapable of Customized stopping them.

The police erred and was harshly criticized for their treatment of some members of the community. However, they were criticized even more when they failed to promptly stop the rioting, looting, and violence. Whichever action they took, they ended up bearing a significant portion of the blame for the 2011 English riots. This paper aimed to analyze the role and behaviour of the police in the 2011 English riots, specifically to understand to what extent the riots may have been aggravated by the behaviour of the police. Results of the analysis show that the police’s behaviour prior to and during the riots had a significant impact on the situation. My Dream? Prior to the riots, the police’s harsh treatment towards some groups (especially blacks and other ethnic minorities) had already resulted in Customized handwriting paper wristbands anger, frustration, resentment, and sense of injustice which was felt by some members of the community, particularly in impoverished areas. The police shooting of Mark Duggan brought these feelings to the fore and incited certain sectors to join the rioting. The situation later escalated to looting, arson, robbery and violence as participants realized that they can take advantage of the situation and payback at My dream, the police. Police response during the initial days of How to essay rioting was insufficient and only caused more people to be empowered to join or copy the disturbance. Essay? As such, the police’s failure to promptly address the situation further worsened the situation. In conclusion, the police’s behaviour before and during the riots combined to aggravate the Customized handwriting wristbands riots.

This is supported by My dream the fact that many studies and investigations conducted about the Dissertation ru 2011 English riots pointed out that inappropriate policing was one of the key drivers behind the incident. BBC News. (2011a). The competing arguments used to explain the riots. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. BBC News. (2011b).

England riots: Maps and timeline. Available: My Dream Essay? Last accessed 5th December 2012. Bolesworth, S, Neild, B, Beaumont, P, Lewis, P Laville, S. (2011). Tottenham in flames as riot follows protest. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Euronews. (2011). Behind the London Riots: A Multitude of Causes. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012.

Joyce, J Wallis, H. (2011). England riots: Days of looting, arson and violence. Chemistry Help Answers? Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Laville, S, Lewis, P, Dodd, K Davies, C. (2011).

Doubts emerge over Duggan shooting as London burns. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Lewis, P, Newburn, T, Taylor, M Ball, J. (2011). My Dream Essay? Rioters say anger with police fuelled summer unrest. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Peralta, E. (2011).

Who are the London Rioters and Why are they Rioting. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Press TV. (2011). #8216;Media misled on Mark Duggan death#8217;. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Riddell, M. (2011). Rioters say anger with police fuelled summer unrest. Essays Deadline? Available:

Last accessed 5th December 2012. Smith, M. (2011). Young people and the 2011 riots in England – experiences, explanations, and implications for youth work. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Taylor, Rogers Lewis. (2011). England rioters: young, poor and unemployed. Available:

Last accessed 5th December 2012. The Australian. (2011). My Dream? Mark Duggan did not fire his weapon at police. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. How To Essay About? The Guardian. (2011). Reading the Riots: Investigating England#8217;s Summer of My dream Disorder. Available:

Last accessed 5th December 2012. Help Personal Hobbies? The Week Editorial Staff. My Dream? (2011). What caused the London riots? 5 theories. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. Paper? Travis, A. (2011). UK riots analysis reveals gangs did not play pivotal role. Available:

Last accessed 5th December 2012. Vasagar, J. My Dream? (2011). Mark Duggan did not shoot at police, says IPCC. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012.

White, M. (2011). Is Rioting Revolutionary. Available: Last accessed 5th December 2012. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Dissertation Zakaz? Including student tips and advice. Enter your email address below to receive helpful student articles and tips.

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Essay On Traffic Problems Essays and Research Papers. [pic] A research Report on Traffic problems in Big Cities (Islamabad) [pic] By: Aqsa Shahzadi (100827) Basharat Jamil . (100811) Kaneez Amna (100869) Sidra Tul Muntaha (100809) Hamza Ashraf (100803) Submitted to: Mr. Naveed Ahsan Business communication BBA-3B [pic] Air University Islamabad [pic] Table of Content Contents Page No 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Core issue: 3 1.2 Purpose: 3 1.3 Scope 3 . Arterial road , Intelligent transportation system , Islamabad 1077 Words | 7 Pages. HOW TO SOLVE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS INTRODUCTION: The physical use of roads by vehicles, when traffic demand is great . enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, this results in some congestion. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam or traffic snarl-up. Traffic congestion has a number of negative effects, wasting time of motorists and passenger’s congestion reduces regional economic health. Delays, which. Arterial road , Freeway , Road 1215 Words | 4 Pages. Traffic problems in big cities. In last few years the population of the world is increasing day by day and people are facing . traffic problems in big cities.

Unfortunately we have little road sense and perhaps, no respect for essay, the traffic rules. Theme Quote. This fact has also added to road miss-haps. My Dream. Therefore, this is the duty of every citizen to think over the causes of traffic accidents and help the administration in solving the problem . No doubt, bad roads are the main cause of traffic accidents, almost. Automobile , Bus , Driving 933 Words | 3 Pages. Technical Problems Traffic Accidents. King Fahd University Of Petroleum and Minerals English Language Department (ELD) English 102 – Term Report Final Draft Technology . Traffic Accidents in KSA Name – Mohammad Ba-Azeem Outline Thesis: This report will discuss technical causes, effects and help balancing equations answers solutions of traffic accident in KSA. Also, it will compare and contrast the solutions, then, recommend the essay best solution and How to essay about theme show how it can be applied in KSA. My Dream Essay. Introduction I. Causes amp; effects of technology car accidents.

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Marty Starr, SWU’s . president, has asked University Planning Committee to see how they can solve this problem . Based on traffic projections, Dr. Starr would like to have sufficient capacity so that 35,000 cars per hour can be accommodated to travel from the newly-built stadium to the interstate highway. Anticipating this problem , some of the current streets leading from the university to Rice, the. Flow network , Freeway , Lane 1584 Words | 7 Pages. of Air Pollution Potential pollutants may exist in the materials entering a chemical or combustion process (such as lead in petrol), or they may be . produced as a result of the process itself. My Dream Essay. Carbon monoxide if inhaled in excess can cause lung problems , loss of Customized paper wristbands, oxygen in the blood finally cause death .In December 1984 deadly methyl isocyanate gas was leaked from a chemical plant in Bhopal, causing the My dream deaths of at Dissertation zakaz, least 3,300 people. Water Pollution, contamination of water by foreign matter. Air pollution , Human , Ionizing radiation 1318 Words | 5 Pages. Traffic jam in Dhaka Metropolitan City is spiraling day-by-day defying all efforts of keeping this menace under control.

Learned experts on essay . this subject have so far suggested various measures, but results are not encouraging. Some have blamed railway level crossings for interruption to free flow of road traffic during passage of personal statement hobbies, trains, and My dream have suggested shifting of Dhaka Railway Station from Kamalapur to Tongi or Gazipur. Such a proposal needs to be examined in details and then come to a conclusion. Commuter rail , Locomotive , Multiple unit 991 Words | 3 Pages. ? Traffic in Rice, the cities.

Evaluation Argument Essay A paper submitted to Webber International University In partial . fulfillment for My dream essay, the Bachelor of Science degree in Management. By: Miguel Zapatero Date: March 20, 2013 Course: ENG1113 Semester: Spring 2013 Instructor: Dr. Pat Nickell Paper: 4 During these holidays we have in the spring, spring break, I made a road trip with my friends through several cities and states of the U.S. coast. Automobile , Congestion pricing , Intelligent transportation system 798 Words | 3 Pages. ? PROBLEM -SOLUTION ESSAY A problem -solution essay is an essay in which you analyze a . problem and propose a method for solving it. Actually, the major part of a problem -solution essay is university essays, explaining what the solution to My dream, the problem is and arguing that this solution will be effective, easy to help balancing equations, impliment, better than other solutions and My dream cost-effective.

A problem -solution essay should have the following characteristics: • a problem that needs to be solved • a thesis statement that identifies the problem. African American , Black people , Human skin color 822 Words | 2 Pages. also carries germs. Question: The germs stick to________ of the flies’ | Answer | Is Correct? | a | | wings | | | b | legs | | c | | . arms | | | Question: Germs cause ____________. | Answer | Is Correct? | a | | problems | | | b | | infections | | | c | | diseases | | | Question: We should not eat the food if there is _______ on essays deadline it. | Answer | Is Correct? | A | | dust | | | B | | layer | | | C | | sand | | | Question. Carry , Fever , Malaria 330 Words | 4 Pages. freeway with many lanes and heavy traffic . Essay. Traffic on roads may consist of pedestrians, ridden or . How To Essay About Theme Quote. herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using the public way for My dream essay, purposes of travel. Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles, while rules of the road are both the laws and Dissertation zakaz ru the informal rules that may have developed over time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow of traffic . Organized traffic generally has well-established.

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Automobile , Pedestrian , Road 663 Words | 2 Pages. This is a basic case study about urban problems in essays deadline, Amsterdam, Netherlands. My Dream Essay. Problems described are prostitution drugs and traffic. This essay has 1155 words Urban problems in Amsterdam Introduction:Amsterdam, a city of exquisite beauty and university unimaginably rare . cultural items artifacts. That's how we all know Amsterdam to be, that is essay, what one call's a stereotype. Unfortunately, the truth is far from this. Personal Application. In fact, there are quite a few extremely severe urban problems there. The reason why I chose Amsterdam as the target city of my essay is My dream, my sincere interest in this city. I have always been fascinated by the rich culture of. Addiction , City , Drug 1121 Words | 4 Pages.

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Cambodian roads can vary considerably in Chemistry help balancing equations, quality Cambodian roads can vary considerably in essay, quality The only traffic laws that are regularly enforced are ones that involve small fines for essay for college, improper licenses or lack of rear-view mirrors, rather than more serious moving violations. Accidents , Cambodia , Idea 926 Words | 3 Pages. TRAFFIC PROBLEMS Traffic is one of the essay major concerns for the city hall. They remodel streets and roads to help . avoid traffic . It is one of the things that contaminates the cities, not only with the use of gas but also acoustically with the claxon when people get anxious. Personal Application Review. Traffic is form by cars, which is the first choice for some people. Traffic is the flux or passage of motorized vehicles, un motorized vehicles, and pedestrians on essay roads; or the commercial transport and exchange of Dissertation, goods; or the. Gridlock , Road , Road traffic management 658 Words | 2 Pages. ?Jose Antonio Hilado Problem -Solution Essay . My Dream Essay. ENGLCOM C36B Prison Colonies as Solution for essay for college application review, Prison Overpopulation Prison Overpopulation remains to be an unresolved problem that the Philippines is facing and which has been facing since 2000. Essay. Yet we have never heard about it being solved.

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As a result of wristbands, ineffectiveness of My dream, existing devices and methods in reduction of bottlenecks, it is more obvious to zakaz ru, discover new strategies rather than constructing new alternatives and expansion in public transportation infrastructure. Congestion pricing , Electronic toll collection , Road pricing 1302 Words | 4 Pages. Traffic Congestion in Cities Is a Problem Throughout the World. Evaluate the Effectiveness of One Official Initiative Undertaken to Tackle This Issue. Traffic congestion in cities is a problem throughout the world. My Dream. Evaluate the effectiveness of one official initiative undertaken . to tackle this issue. The increase of the number of vehicles on roads is a significant and Rice essays deadline detrimental problem , which exists in My dream essay, many developed cities around the world. It is particularly noticeable in Customized handwriting paper, London, which remains at the top of the My dream list of the most congested cities in Europe, beating Paris and Dublin (Great London Authority 2011, 2). Traffic congestion is a reason. Congestion pricing , London congestion charge , Road pricing 1108 Words | 3 Pages. ? Rebecca Walters Problem Solving Essay EDUC 301-B02 February 16, 2015 In the article Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say, . by Steven Reinhart, he tells his journey of realizing that his students did not comprehend his teaching methods.

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Problem of evil and suffering essay. ?2ai) What may the problem of suffering signify to a religious believer? Examine one solution to this problem . (21 marks) . Suffering is caused by evil. The problem of suffering is a factor which can hold back one’s faith and beliefs in God as well as religion. God’s classical theism goes against My dream, the idea of evil and suffering existing, it almost seems irrational for Customized wristbands, the classical theism of God to My dream, exist alongside evil and suffering. Some scholars also believe that the classical theism of God cannot. Adam and Eve , Free will , Garden of Eden 998 Words | 2 Pages. underestimated and help placed in a box for My dream essay, generations. In America, television and media has portrayed the “typical” family to ru, be a Caucasian bread winning . father, homemaker wife, and there 2 kids all living under one roof. Essay. But according to Eitzner’s book “Social Problems ”, the actualization of how a family looks under one roof is based on economic conditions, and the typical family portrait never applied to a literature about quote, immigrants and racial minorities because these people were denied equal opportunities to earn a family wage. Adolescence , Extended family , Family 1022 Words | 3 Pages.

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Academic degree , College , Debt 1639 Words | 6 Pages. the headworks at Palar and Ponnai rivers. Steps being taken on water problem : Minister Special Correspondent VELLORE: The Minister for . Law, Courts and Prisons, Durai Murugan, said at Gudiyatham on Dissertation zakaz Tuesday that he had apprised Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi of the acute water problem faced by the people of Vellore district, and that the latter had asked the Public Works Department to My dream, take necessary steps to ease the problem . Rice Deadline. Mr. Durai Murugan was replying to a request by essay G. Latha, Gudiyatham. Aquifer , Groundwater , Hydrogeology 900 Words | 3 Pages. Traffic congestion is one of the Dissertation main problems in big cities like London, New York, Copenhagen, and My dream essay Delhi. Essay For College Application Service. The primary causes of . it are high population and movement of people. With progress in essay, engineering, humanity invents many initiatives to solve this problem . One of the that is public transport area, particularly Metro. The Metro is an underground railway system of the city. According to Business Traveler (2012) the oldest subway was built in London in 1836 and to Help personal hobbies, date the London Metro is the.

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Bloods , Crime , Criminology 1636 Words | 5 Pages. ? Problem /Solution Essay College Writing II Parent/Teenager Relationships: How Can We Improve Them? If you were asked to rate . your relationship with your teenager from 1 to 10 what would your answer be? Can you give it a 10/10 with confidence and without any doubt? A lot of times we hear parents say that their teenagers are rebellious and refuse to listen to them, while teenagers complain that their parents don’t understand them and are total “control freaks.” As time goes by My dream and generations change. Adolescence , Educational psychology , Family 1762 Words | 5 Pages. Future of Jakarta Jakarta faces a number of problems as it develops.

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Occasionally different subjective interests give rise to conflicts of My dream, interest between contracting partners. These conflicts of interest may result in turn, in Chemistry help, one or both parties undertaking actions that may be against the interest of the other. Agency cost , Board of My dream essay, directors , Management 1388 Words | 5 Pages. Nicholas Howell 03/24/2013 ENGL 1020 Problem Solving Essay It’s a G.I.S. World Cartography: The art, study and practice . of making maps. Cartography has been used and practiced since the human race has needed to personal statement hobbies, understand and My dream essay be aware of the How to a literature about quote environment around them. Mapping has been used for many millennia and My dream is used in many aspects of lives today; whether it is Customized handwriting, directions from point A to My dream essay, point B, or aiding in the interpretation of property lines. Dissertation Zakaz. Maps are used to My dream, make life easier. . Cartography , Computer-aided design , Contour line 1072 Words | 3 Pages.

shareholders to help balancing equations answers, the loss of the debtors. CAUSE OF THE AGENCY PROBLEM Finance theory assumed with the aim of the goal of essay, economic society . How To Write Essay. is to make the most of stockholders' assets. Accomplishment of this objective was not a matter when holders were also manager. Therefore, in the present day, corporate ownership has become increasingly diffused, with very few companies still being owned by their managers. The majority frequent agency problem is adverse selection. Adverse selection is the stipulation. Adverse selection , Agency cost , Asymmetric information 918 Words | 3 Pages. city has a big traffic problem . Everyday, we walk out of My dream, our apartments and step into the sidealk and Help personal see cars in My dream, front of us . parked on Customized paper both sides of the street, driving down the street, stuck in traffic , speeding and honking. Although some measures have been taken to improve the My dream essay city traffic , the traffic problems are not totally solved. So other measures are being sought continuously.

Some people suggests that more roads should be built in order to speed up the flow of the traffic , and others insists. Automobile , Bus , Public transport 913 Words | 3 Pages. Food security is Rice deadline, a global problem and associates with complex issues that impact . different people in essay, different locations, which can be understood as a wicked problem . Food security refers to ‘when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to write a literature essay quote, sufficient, safe and nutritious food’ (FAO 2009). Essay. This can be identified as a wicked problem as the growing competition for land, water and energy, as well as the effects of climate. Agriculture , Famine , Food 916 Words | 4 Pages.

The Trolley Problem is set up in two parts. The first part of review, this problem puts the reader in a passive position to choose . My Dream. between shoving a large person onto the track causing one person to die to Help personal, save the five other people and refraining and doing nothing would allow the five to die and the one person to live. The second part of this scenario would put Frank in a very personal position to choose to do something about the My dream essay situation at hand, or to let five people die; or deliberately push a large. Categorical imperative , Deontological ethics , Ethics 2004 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Inequality as a Social Problem. ?Social problems are conditions which undermine the well being of Dissertation zakaz, all or some members of a society that are also a matter of public controversy . (Eitzen and Bakka-Zinn). Poverty is an My dream essay important social problem around the world and in the U.S. it is Help personal statement hobbies, mostly due to income inequality.

The textbook tells us that the government defines poverty as families living with income below a poverty line roughly equal to three times the cost of essay, food. Income is distributed unequally in the United States with the richest. C. Wright Mills , Cycle of poverty , Economic inequality 896 Words | 2 Pages. Every inhale of a cigarette is another tick closer to a time bomb. People who choose to . ignore the facts and the serious consequences smoking can do, dies a tragic death. Tobacco smoking and Customized handwriting paper tobacco companies have become the biggest and most neglected problem in America. Especially the problem with people starting their addiction to tobacco at a young age. As humans, we have the freedom to My dream essay, make our own choices, but tobacco products have taken control of America. Theme Quote. Unless people stay locked in their smoke­free homes forever. Cigarette , Lung cancer , Nicotine 3773 Words | 13 Pages.

Car Accidents – Problem and Solution Essay. html). Essay. As you can see, preserving car accidents not only saves the lives of the people, but also saves the money for their countries. This makes everyone to . be involved in car accidents happen in their countries. So what causes the problem ? There are many different reasons why car accidents happen. Some people are distracted while driving. They are on the phone, sending text messages, fixing their make-ups, and Customized paper wristbands most of the drivers are distracted because of My dream, rubbernecking.

They set their. Accidents , Automobile , Driving 949 Words | 3 Pages. believe that some tactics are not really racial profiling. The search for specific suspects is not racial profiling, but the Dissertation ru search for people who belong to . Essay. a general category is profiling (Clegg, Profiling Terrorist). In other words, it is essay for college, not a problem if the police set standards to classify among terrorists’ characteristics including ethnic group, religion or age and apply those specific elements to find terrorists. John Ibbitson says the racial profiling is My dream, both necessary and statement hobbies desirable (“Why racial. Al-Qaeda , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Federal government of the United States 1008 Words | 3 Pages. objective may not always be the priority for essay, managers as they may rather prefer to maximize their own wealth or further other personal interests of theirs. . This conflict of interest between the Chemistry help equations two is an example of the principal agent problem . The principal agent problem occurs due to two reasons. The first is the My dream essay separation of ownership from control - the principal or the shareholders may own a corporation but it is the agent or manager who holds control of it and acts on their behalf.

This gives. Management , Principal-agent problem , Share 1509 Words | 5 Pages. going green is important. We should not continue to Help statement, allow them to use these dangerous chemicals on our properties and in our neighborhoods. The . My Dream. problem is paper wristbands, that most companies use an active ingredient called 24-D in their weed control formulas, because of how well it works. It is used for My dream, dandelions, clover and other hard to control weeds. The only Help personal, problem is it is a cancer causing agent. They apply it during windy days and even when it is raining. My Dream Essay. These chemicals can seep into the water supply.

Chemical substance , Grass , Lake 961 Words | 3 Pages. Traffic Congestion The traffic congestion in the city gets even worse day by day. Handwriting Paper Wristbands. One of the Indonesian problems . My Dream Essay. which still cannot be addressed yet is traffic . Indonesian people, especially for those who live in the big city such as Jakarta and Surabaya, experienced traffic congestion almost every day. Customized Paper Wristbands. According to Wikipedia (2012), “Kemacetan adalah situasi atau keadaan tersendatnya atau bahkan terhentinya lalu lintas yang disebabkan oleh banyaknya jumlah kendaraan melebihi kapasitas jalan”. Congestion pricing , Gridlock , Indonesia 1235 Words | 4 Pages. Home » Recreation » Tour Travel » Question i want a essay on traffic rules Asked in Travel at 4:44 PM on December 31, . Essay. 2007 Tags: essay , traffic , rules ! This question is closed Report abuse silpa silpa Profile | QA Rate this : 10 Write your answer here. And keep checking whether it's been chosen as the Best Answer. * Enter Answer Please enter answer before submitting. Your mail ID: Enter your email * We don't SPAM your inbox Help us avoid Spam: refresh image Enter characters. Freeway , India , Pedestrian 565 Words | 3 Pages. Chastity Here’s an issue that many have theorized on the prevention of: teenage pregnancy. There have been innumerable discussions and scholarly . publications on the matter of teenage pregnancy and prevention.

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How to Answer the 31 Most Common Interview Questions. The Muse Editor. Wouldn't it be great if you knew exactly what a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? While we unfortunately can't read minds, we'll give you the next best thing: a list of the 31 most commonly asked interview questions and answers. While we don't recommend having a canned response for every interview question (in fact, please don't), we do recommend spending some time getting comfortable with what you might be asked, what hiring managers are really looking for in your responses, and what it takes to show that you're the right man or woman for the job. Consider this list your interview question study guide. 1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? This question seems simple, so many people fail to prepare for it, but it's crucial. Here's the deal: Don't give your complete employment (or personal) history. Instead give a pitch—one that’s concise and compelling and My dream essay, that shows exactly why you’re the Help personal, right fit for the job. Start off with the My dream, 2-3 specific accomplishments or experiences that you most want the interviewer to know about, then wrap up talking about how that prior experience has positioned you for this specific role.

2. How did you hear about the position? Another seemingly innocuous interview question, this is actually a perfect opportunity to stand out and show your passion for and connection to the company. For example, if you found out about the gig through a friend or professional contact, name drop that person, then share why you were so excited about it. If you discovered the company through an event or article, share that. Even if you found the listing through a random job board, share what, specifically, caught your eye about the role. 3. Chemistry Balancing Equations? What do you know about the company?

Any candidate can read and regurgitate the company’s “About” page. So, when interviewers ask this, they aren't necessarily trying to My dream, gauge whether you understand the mission—they want to know whether you care about it. Start with one line that shows you understand the company's goals, using a couple key words and phrases from the website, but then go on to make it personal. Chemistry? Say, “I’m personally drawn to this mission because…” or “I really believe in this approach because…” and share a personal example or two. Again, companies want to hire people who are passionate about the My dream, job, so you should have a great answer about why you want the position. Write Essay About Quote? (And if you don't? You probably should apply elsewhere.) First, identify a couple of key factors that make the role a great fit for you (e.g., “I love customer support because I love the constant human interaction and the satisfaction that comes from helping someone solve a problem), then share why you love the company (e.g., “I’ve always been passionate about essay, education, and I think you guys are doing great things, so I want to be a part of Customized, it”). This interview question seems forward (not to My dream essay, mention intimidating!), but if you're asked it, you're in luck: There's no better setup for Rice university essays you to sell yourself and your skills to essay, the hiring manager. Essay Review Service? Your job here is to craft an answer that covers three things: that you can not only My dream do the work, you can deliver great results; that you'll really fit in with the team and culture; and that you'd be a better hire than any of the other candidates. 6. What are your greatest professional strengths? When answering this question, interview coach Pamela Skillings recommends being accurate (share your true strengths, not those you think the interviewer wants to Customized handwriting wristbands, hear); relevant (choose your strengths that are most targeted to this particular position); and specific (for example, instead of “people skills,” choose “persuasive communication” or “relationship building”). Then, follow up with an My dream essay, example of how you've demonstrated these traits in a professional setting.

7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses? What your interviewer is really trying to do with this question—beyond identifying any major red flags—is to gauge your self-awareness and honesty. So, “I can't meet a deadline to save my life” is not an option—but neither is “Nothing! I'm perfect!” Strike a balance by thinking of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve. Balancing Equations Answers? For example, maybe you’ve never been strong at public speaking, but you've recently volunteered to run meetings to help you be more comfortable when addressing a crowd. 8. What is My dream, your greatest professional achievement? Nothing says “hire me” better than a track record of Dissertation ru, achieving amazing results in past jobs, so don't be shy when answering this interview question! A great way to do so is by using the essay, S-T-A-R method: Set up the situation and for college, the task that you were required to My dream, complete to provide the help equations answers, interviewer with background context (e.g., “In my last job as a junior analyst, it was my role to My dream essay, manage the invoicing process”), but spend the Dissertation, bulk of My dream essay, your time describing what you actually did (the action) and what you achieved (the result). For example, “In one month, I streamlined the How to essay about theme, process, which saved my group 10 man-hours each month and reduced errors on My dream essay invoices by 25%.” 9. Tell me about How to write a literature about theme, a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and My dream, how you dealt with it.

In asking this interview question, “your interviewer wants to get a sense of how you will respond to Dissertation, conflict. My Dream Essay? Anyone can seem nice and pleasant in a job interview, but what will happen if you’re hired and Gladys in Compliance starts getting in your face?” says Skillings. Again, you'll want to ru, use the S-T-A-R method, being sure to focus on how you handled the situation professionally and productively, and ideally closing with a happy ending, like how you came to essay, a resolution or compromise. 10. Where do you see yourself in five years? If asked this question, be honest and specific about your future goals, but consider this: A hiring manager wants to Chemistry help balancing equations, know a) if you've set realistic expectations for your career, b) if you have ambition (a.k.a., this interview isn't the first time you're considering the question), and c) if the position aligns with your goals and My dream, growth. Your best bet is to think realistically about where this position could take you and answer along those lines. And if the position isn’t necessarily a one-way ticket to your aspirations? It’s OK to say that you’re not quite sure what the future holds, but that you see this experience playing an review, important role in essay helping you make that decision. Along similar lines, the interviewer wants to uncover whether this position is ru, really in line with your ultimate career goals.

While “an NBA star” might get you a few laughs, a better bet is to talk about essay, your goals and ambitions—and why this job will get you closer to them. 12. What other companies are you interviewing with? Companies ask this for a number of reasons, from wanting to How to write essay about theme, see what the competition is for you to sniffing out whether you're serious about the industry. “Often the essay, best approach is to mention that you are exploring a number of other similar options in university deadline the company's industry,” says job search expert Alison Doyle. My Dream? “It can be helpful to mention that a common characteristic of all the jobs you are applying to Help personal hobbies, is the My dream essay, opportunity to apply some critical abilities and skills that you possess. For example, you might say 'I am applying for several positions with IT consulting firms where I can analyze client needs and translate them to development teams in order to find solutions to technology problems.'”

13. Why are you leaving your current job? This is a toughie, but one you can be sure you'll be asked. Definitely keep things positive—you have nothing to gain by being negative about handwriting, your past employers. Essay? Instead, frame things in a way that shows that you're eager to take on new opportunities and that the Rice, role you’re interviewing for is a better fit for you than your current or last position. For example, “I’d really love to be part of product development from beginning to My dream essay, end, and I know I’d have that opportunity here.” And if you were let go? Keep it simple: “Unfortunately, I was let go,” is a totally OK answer. OK, if you get the admittedly much tougher follow-up question as to why you were let go (and the truth isn't exactly pretty), your best bet is to be honest (the job-seeking world is small, after all).

But it doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. Share how you’ve grown and how you approach your job and life now as a result. If you can position the learning experience as an advantage for this next job, even better. 15. What are you looking for Customized handwriting wristbands in a new position?

Hint: Ideally the same things that this position has to offer. Be specific. 16. What type of work environment do you prefer? Hint: Ideally one that's similar to the environment of the company you're applying to. Be specific.

The best managers are strong but flexible, and that's exactly what you want to My dream essay, show off in your answer. Customized Handwriting Paper Wristbands? (Think something like, “While every situation and every team member requires a bit of My dream essay, a different strategy, I tend to approach my employee relationships as a coach. ”) Then, share a couple of your best managerial moments, like when you grew your team from essay theme five to 15 or coached an My dream, underperforming employee to Personal essay for college application review, become the company's top salesperson. 18. What's a time you exercised leadership? Depending on what's more important for the the role, you'll want to choose an example that showcases your project management skills (spearheading a project from end to end, juggling multiple moving parts) or one that shows your ability to confidently and effectively rally a team. My Dream? And remember: “The best stories include enough detail to write essay about, be believable and memorable,” says Skillings. My Dream Essay? “Show how you were a leader in this situation and essay application review, how it represents your overall leadership experience and My dream essay, potential.”

19. What's a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work? Everyone disagrees with the boss from time to time, but in asking this interview question, hiring managers want to statement, know that you can do so in a productive, professional way. “You don’t want to My dream, tell the story about the time when you disagreed but your boss was being a jerk and you just gave in to Help personal statement, keep the peace. Essay? And you don’t want to tell the one where you realized you were wrong,” says Peggy McKee of Career Confidential. “Tell the Chemistry balancing, one where your actions made a positive difference on essay the outcome of the situation, whether it was a work-related outcome or a more effective and Rice essays, productive working relationship.” 20. How would your boss and co-workers describe you? First of essay, all, be honest (remember, if you get this job, the hiring manager will be calling your former bosses and co-workers!).

Then, try to Rice essays, pull out strengths and traits you haven't discussed in other aspects of the interview, such as your strong work ethic or your willingness to pitch in on other projects when needed. 21. Essay? Why was there a gap in your employment? If you were unemployed for a period of time, be direct and to the point about what you’ve been up to (and hopefully, that’s a litany of impressive volunteer and other mind-enriching activities, like blogging or taking classes). Then, steer the conversation toward how you will do the job and ru, contribute to the organization: “I decided to take a break at My dream essay, the time, but today I’m ready to contribute to this organization in the following ways.” 22. Can you explain why you changed career paths? Don't be thrown off by this question—just take a deep breath and explain to essay for college review, the hiring manager why you've made the career decisions you have. More importantly, give a few examples of how your past experience is My dream, transferrable to the new role.

This doesn't have to be a direct connection; in fact, it's often more impressive when a candidate can make seemingly irrelevant experience seem very relevant to the role. 23. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? Choose an answer that shows that you can meet a stressful situation head-on in a productive, positive manner and let nothing stop you from accomplishing your goals, says McKee. A great approach is to Personal, talk through your go-to stress-reduction tactics (making the world's greatest to-do list, stopping to My dream, take 10 deep breaths), and for college review, then share an example of essay, a stressful situation you navigated with ease. 24. What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role? Start by Customized handwriting wristbands, explaining what you'd need to do to essay, get ramped up. What information would you need? What parts of the company would you need to familiarize yourself with?

What other employees would you want to sit down with? Next, choose a couple of areas where you think you can make meaningful contributions right away. (e.g., “I think a great starter project would be diving into Customized paper, your email marketing campaigns and setting up a tracking system for them.”) Sure, if you get the job, you (or your new employer) might decide there’s a better starting place, but having an answer prepared will show the My dream essay, interviewer where you can add immediate impact—and that you’re excited to get started. 25. What are your salary requirements? The #1 rule of answering this question is Chemistry help balancing answers, doing your research on what you should be paid by using sites like Payscale and Glassdoor. You’ll likely come up with a range, and we recommend stating the highest number in My dream that range that applies, based on your experience, education, and skills. Then, make sure the hiring manager knows that you're flexible.

You're communicating that you know your skills are valuable, but that you want the job and zakaz ru, are willing to negotiate. 26. What do you like to do outside of work? Interviewers ask personal questions in an interview to “see if candidates will fit in essay with the Dissertation zakaz, culture [and] give them the opportunity to open up and display their personality, too,” says longtime hiring manager Mitch Fortner. “In other words, if someone asks about My dream essay, your hobbies outside of work, it’s totally OK to open up and share what really makes you tick. (Do keep it semi-professional, though: Saying you like to How to write a literature essay quote, have a few beers at the local hot spot on Saturday night is fine. Essay? Telling them that Monday is usually a rough day for Personal you because you’re always hungover is not.)”

27. If you were an animal, which one would you want to essay, be? Seemingly random personality-test type questions like these come up in interviews generally because hiring managers want to see how you can think on your feet. There's no wrong answer here, but you'll immediately gain bonus points if your answer helps you share your strengths or personality or connect with the hiring manager. Pro tip: Come up with a stalling tactic to buy yourself some thinking time, such as saying, “Now, that is for college application, a great question. I think I would have to say… ” 28. How many tennis balls can you fit into My dream, a limousine? 1,000? 10,000?

100,000? Seriously? Well, seriously, you might get asked brainteaser questions like these, especially in quantitative jobs. But remember that the interviewer doesn’t necessarily want an exact number—he wants to make sure that you understand what’s being asked of you, and that you can set into help balancing equations, motion a systematic and logical way to respond. Essay? So, just take a deep breath, and start thinking through the math. (Yes, it’s OK to Personal for college service, ask for a pen and paper!) 29.

Are you planning on having children? Questions about your family status, gender (“How would you handle managing a team of all men?”), nationality (“Where were you born?”), religion, or age, are illegal—but they still get asked (and frequently). Essay? Of course, not always with ill intent—the interviewer might just be trying to make conversation—but you should definitely tie any questions about Dissertation, your personal life (or anything else you think might be inappropriate) back to the job at My dream essay, hand. For this question, think: “You know, I’m not quite there yet. But I am very interested in the career paths at your company. Can you tell me more about a literature essay about, that?” 30. My Dream Essay? What do you think we could do better or differently? This is a common one at startups (and one of our personal favorites here at The Muse). Dissertation Zakaz Ru? Hiring managers want to know that you not only My dream have some background on the company, but that you're able to think critically about it and Help statement, come to the table with new ideas. So, come with new ideas!

What new features would you love to see? How could the company increase conversions? How could customer service be improved? You don’t need to have the company’s four-year strategy figured out, but do share your thoughts, and more importantly, show how your interests and essay, expertise would lend themselves to the job. 31. Do you have any questions for Dissertation zakaz us? You probably already know that an My dream, interview isn't just a chance for a hiring manager to grill you—it's your opportunity to sniff out whether a job is the right fit for you. Rice University Essays? What do you want to know about the position? The company?

The department? The team? You'll cover a lot of this in the actual interview, so have a few less-common questions ready to go. We especially like questions targeted to the interviewer (“What's your favorite part about essay, working here?) or the Rice essays deadline, company's growth (“What can you tell me about your new products or plans for growth?) Photo of interview courtesy of Thomas Barwick/Getty Images#46;

Hmmm, seems you've already signed up for this class. While you're here, you may as well check out My dream all the for college service, amazing companies that are hiring like crazy right now.

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