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En parallèle, elle entame sa toute-première relation amoureuse avec Oliver, qui se sert d’elle car elle est une Forrester, mais qui finit par éprouver de vrais sentiments pour elle. Amber est un personnage désorienté, qui sème généralement la zizanie sur son passage. How To On A Book Video. La jeune femme aspire à trouver un homme riche et séduisant afin de passer le restant de sa vie avec lui mais ses méthodes de séduction sont pour le moins controversées. Homework. Elle a eu une relation avec Rick dont elle était la baby-sitter lorsqu’il était adolescent, puis avec Deacon avec qui elle a un enfant : Eric Jr. How To Write Paper Book. Elle est la cible des attaques de Sheila et sa fille, Erica, mais Taylor lui vient en aide.

Plus tard, elle kidnappe son propre enfant dont Deacon a la garde et divorce de Rick. Homework History. Elle a une relation avec Thomas avant de quitter la ville, puis fait diverses apparitions à Los Angeles au cours desquelles elle séduit Oliver, Liam et Marcus, avec qui elle a un enfant. Professional. Hélas, aucun d’entre eux ne reste avec elle et Rick, son ex-mari refuse à son tour de lui donner une nouvelle chance lorsqu’il apprend qu’elle a drogué Hope. Bill est le fils illégitime de Bill Spencer Sr, un magnat de la presse dont il hérite la moitié de Spencer Publications, en collaboration avec sa demi-sœur, Karen. Helper Games History. Manipulateur et sournois, il épouse Katie au grand dam de Brooke et Donna, persuadées qu’il l’utilise. Important. Il tente en effet de prendre la tête de Forrester Creations mais Steffy use de ses charmes pour l’en empêcher. Helper Games. Il met ensuite tout en œuvre pour séparer son fils aîné, Liam, de Hope, la fille de Brooke, dont il finit par tomber amoureux. Personal Medical School Application. Il est également le père de Will, qu’il a eu avec Katie, et de Wyatt, avec Quinn Fuller. Brooke est la femme fatale de la série. Games History. Elle fait partie des personnages principaux présents dès les tout débuts du soap et est connue pour avoir été la grande rivale de Taylor et de Stéphanie. Custom College Essay Customer. Brooke n’est pas seulement une dangereuse séductrice, c’est également une femme d’affaires accomplie et une véritable passionnée.

C’est la sœur de Donna et de Katie et elle détient un record en terme de mariages : avec Grant Chambers, Thorne Forrester, Whipple Jones, Nick Marone, 2 fois avec Eric et pas moins de 6 fois avec Ridge, son grand amour Elle est la mère de Rick, Bridget, Hope, R.J. Homework Helper Games History. et Jack. Caroline est la fille de Karen Spencer. Custom College Essay. Elle a été élevée par sa mère ainsi que la compagne de cette dernière et n’a fait connaissance avec les Forrester que tardivement. Homework Games. Ridge et Brooke proposent rapidement un poste à la jeune femme au sein de l’entreprise familiale afin de distraire Rick d’Amber. Cost Papers. Ce qui fonctionne très bien pour Rick mais Caroline, quant à elle, tombe sous le charme de Thomas. Homework Helper. Lorsque Ridge donne une promotion à ce dernier au lieu de Rick, Caroline constate des changements chez Thomas et se tourne vers Rick. Remove Joomla. Plus tard, ce dernier la quitte pour Maya. Games. Caroline se révèle très ingénieuse et met tout en œuvre pour le récupérer.

Elle parvient à ses fins et se marie finalement avec Rick. Carter est le frère adoptif de Marcus. Cost Of Acca Papers. Il est arrivé à Los Angeles pour lui rendre visite mais a fini par accepter un travail chez Forrester Creations. Homework Helper. Immédiatement attiré par Maya, il rejoint le casting d’une web série pour se rapprocher d’elle. Of Acca Papers. Ils finissent par sortir ensemble mais après de multiples trahisons de la jeune femme, avec Oliver et Rick, il la laisse tomber et prend sa revanche le jour où l’on apprend qu’elle est en réalité transgenre. Donna est la sœur cadette de Brooke et l’aînée de Katie. Helper Games. Après une relation tumultueuse avec Thorne, elle quitte Los Angeles pour ne revenir que des années plus tard. Cost Of Acca Professional. Elle tombe alors amoureuse de Ridge mais comprend rapidement que celui-ci sera toujours lié à Brooke.

Pour se venger, elle s’engage alors dans une nouvelle relation avec Thorne, qui échoue à nouveau, puis avec Eric, qui divorce de Stephanie pour l’épouser. Homework History. C’est ainsi que commence sa longue guerre avec Pam, la sœur de Stephanie. On Customer Service Important. Le mariage se solde par un divorce et Donna épouse Justin Barber avec qui elle a un fils : Marcus. Homework History. Peu de temps après, Donna se sépare également de Justin, mais tous deux décident de rester amis. Cost Professional. Après le décès de Stephanie, elle réconforte Eric et se fait une ennemie en la personne de Quinn Eric est le patriarche de la famille Forrester et le fondateur de l’empire haute-couture Forrester Creations . Games. Présent depuis le début du soap, en 1987, il est l’époux de Stéphanie depuis le tout premier épisode jusqu’au décès de cette dernière, en 2013. Personal Medical Application Do. Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de commettre de nombreuses incartades au fil des années dont Brooke et Taylor ne sont que les plus renommées ! Il est le père de Thorne, Kristen, Felicia, Angela, Rick et Bridget, et le père adoptif de Ridge. Hope est la fille de Brooke et de Deacon Sharpe, qui n’est autre que l’ex beau-fils de cette dernière. Helper History. Il s’agit d’une jeune femme douce, raisonnable et un brin conservative, à l’inverse de sa mère. College Essay. Après avoir de justesse échappé à un viol, elle se promet d’attendre avant de se donner à l’homme qu’elle aime. Homework. Elle fait alors la connaissance d’Oliver mais Steffy ne tarde pas à se dresser en travers de leur chemin.

Sans parvenir à le séduire, elle s’arrange pour détruire leur relation et fait tout pour humilier la jeune femme. Custom College Essay Service. Par la suite, Hope rencontre Liam et tous deux tombent amoureux. Helper. Hélas, une fois encore, l’ombre de Steffy jette un voile sur leur relation. Thesis. Hope désire se préserver jusqu’au mariage et Steffy en profite pour séduire Liam. Homework History. Au départ, il ne s’agit que de manipulation de la part de cette dernière, mais par la suite, elle développe de vrais sentiments pour Liam et un long triangle amoureux se met en place. Thesis Sidebar. Après bien des souffrances de part et d’autre, des unions et des séparations, Liam retrouve Hope et Steffy s’envole pour Paris. Homework Games. Mais l’arrivée de Wyatt, le demi-frère caché de Liam, vient une nouvelle fois tout perturber. Cost. Fou amoureux de Hope, il fera tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour la séparer de Liam et parvient à ses fins avec le concours de Steffy, revenue de Paris. Homework History. Mais Liam n’a aucune intention de laisser tomber et continue à tout faire pour regagner le cœur de Hope, qui éprouve de son côté des sentiments pour les deux garçons. On Customer. Sans compter que Wyatt et sa mère, Quinn, ont de nombreux secrets et sont également des as de la manipulation

Katie est la plus jeune des sœurs Logan. Homework History. Elle a fait des apparitions récurrentes dans le soap jusqu’en 2007, où elle devient l’un des personnages principaux. Personal Statement Nurse. Depuis que Storm, son frère, lui a tiré dessus avant de se suicider pour lui offrir son cœur, elle a une santé fragile. Homework Helper Games History. Après une relation mouvementée avec Nick, elle tombe amoureuse de Bill. College Customer. Mais elle n’est pas au bout de ses peines car il s’avère terriblement manipulateur et infidèle. Homework Helper. Malgré tout, lorsque la vie de la jeune femme se trouve en danger, il comprend qu’il éprouve des sentiments profonds et sincères pour elle. On Customer Service. La jeune femme a également eu une relation avec Ridge, le mari de Brooke, après la trahison de cette dernière avec Bill. Homework Helper. Katie est la mère de Will. Après la mort de sa mère (Kelly Hopkins), Liam emménage à L.A. Personal Help Online. pour retrouver son père biologique, Bill. Homework Helper History. Avec le soutien de Hope, qui est rapidement devenue son amie, il se rapproche de ce dernier.

Plus tard, Amber tente de lui faire croire qu’il est le père de son enfant mais Liam, profondément amoureux de Hope, refuse ses avances. Write A Critique On A Video. Il se rapproche également de Steffy qui exerce sur lui une tentation constante tandis que sa fiancée désire se préserver jusqu’au mariage, ignorant que la jeune femme le manipule pour les séparer. Homework Helper History. C’est ainsi que commence un dangereux triangle amoureux. Cost Of Acca Professional Papers. En effet, Liam va s’apercevoir qu’il est amoureux des deux jeunes femmes et ces dernières vont s’arracher sa préférence sans merci. Helper. Finalement, Steffy part pour Paris lorsqu’elle apprend qu’elle est stérile et Liam retrouve Hope. Statement Medical School Application. Pour peu de temps car son demi-frère, Wyatt, qui vient de faire son apparition, va lui aussi tout tenter pour gagner le cœur de la jeune femme, ce qui va donner lieu à une guerre entre les deux garçons. Homework Games. Liam perd alors Hope mais refuse de se résigner Maya est une jeune femme très mystérieuse. Essay On Customer Important Representative. Elle débarque à Los Angeles à sa sortie de prison pour un crime qu’elle n’a pas commis, pour retrouver Dayzee, qui l’a aidée avant son incarcération à faire adopter son bébé. Homework Helper Games History. Elles apprennent rapidement que celui-ci est mort dans un accident.

Maya fait connaissance avec Rick et commence à travailler pour Forrester Creations. Personal Help Online Qualified Nurse. Ils entament une relation mais Caroline va tout faire pour y mettre un terme avec l’aide de Bill. Games History. Ils parviennent à leurs fins lorsque Maya trompe Rick avec Carter, son partenaire dans la série qu’elle tourne. Cost Professional Papers. Plus tard, tous deux se fiancent mais Maya est toujours amoureuse de Rick, à présent marié à Caroline. Helper History. Elle est également très attirée par Oliver. Thesis. Plus tard, elle retrouve Rick, son grand amour, mais elle a une confession de taille à lui faire : elle est en réalité transgenre Dominick Nick est le fils de Massimo et de Jackie Marone, et donc le demi-frère de Ridge. Helper Games History. Ancien capitaine de bateau, il est directeur de Jackie M Designs. Medical. Dès son apparition dans la série, il développe des sentiments pour Brooke qui vont créer une rivalité entre Ridge et lui.

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C’est également la mère de Wyatt, qu’elle a eu avec Bill à qui elle a jusqu’ici caché l’existence de son fils. Personal Statement Help Online Qualified Nurse. Manipulatrice, Quinn va faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour séparer Liam et Hope avant de se mettre en tête de conquérir Eric, puis Bill. Helper Games. Elle épousera finalement Deacon Sharpe. Rick Forrester est le fils aîné de Brooke et d’Eric. Representative. Depuis toujours, il est jaloux de Ridge et de sa relation avec son père ainsi que de sa position au sein de Forrester Creations. Homework Games History. C’est pourquoi il a toujours mal vécu la relation de ce dernier avec sa mère et n’a pas n’hésité à séduire ses filles, Phoebe puis Steffy, et enfin Taylor, leur mère. Thesis Remove. Par la suite, il fait la connaissance de Caroline Spencer avec qui il débute un long chassé-croisé amoureux. Games History. Suite au départ de Ridge à Paris, Eric lui confie la présidence de la société au grand dam de Thomas et lui en laisse les rennes, même après le retour de son aîné. A Critique Paper Book Video. Il tombe également amoureux de la mystérieuse Maya, ce qui va attiser la jalousie de Caroline.

Après une brève relation avec la première, il épouse finalement la deuxième. Homework. Mais ses sentiments pour Maya ne sont pas tout à fait éteints Ridge est un personnage incontournable de Top Models. How To A Critique On A Book Video. Pendant très longtemps incarné par Ron Moss, il apparaît aujourd’hui dans la série sous les traits de Thosten Kaye. Homework Helper Games. Il est l’aîné des enfants d’Eric et Stéphanie et le petit favori de son père, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre, assez tardivement, qu’il est en réalité le fils de Massimo Marone et donc le demi-frère de Nick ! Designer de talent, le playboy travaille lui aussi pour Forrester Creations. Essay On Customer Service. Son cœur a longtemps balancé entre Taylor et Brooke, le grand amour de sa vie. Helper Games History. Il est le père de Thomas, Steffy, Phoebe, R.J. Personal Statement Online Nurse. et le beau-père de Hope. Steffy est la fille de Ridge et de Taylor, la sœur de Thomas et la sœur jumelle de Phoebe. Homework Helper Games History. Elle apparaît comme un personnage fort et provocant mais très souvent aussi vindicatif et cruel.

Sa personnalité de garce s’explique par une jeunesse difficile : en effet, elle a été kidnappée par l’ex de son père, sa mère a été laissée pour morte pendant des années et sa sœur jumelle est décédée dans un accident de voiture. Personal Statement Help Online Qualified Nurse. Depuis sa tendre enfance, elle voue une haine immense à Brooke et sa fille, Hope. History. Diaboliquement intelligente, elle fait tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour les pousser hors de Forrester Creations en séduisant Bill, pour réunir Ridge et Taylor, et enfin, pour voler le petit-ami de Hope, qu’il s’agisse d’Oliver ou de Liam, dont elle va finalement tomber amoureuse. Cost Papers. Elle n’aura de cesse d’interférer dans la relation sentimentale de ce dernier avec Hope et finira par épouser le jeune homme, mais suite à un accident qui la laisse stérile, elle part pour Paris et le laisse à Hope. Homework Helper Games History. Pour quelques temps en tous cas Stephanie est l’un des piliers de Top Models.

Elle a partagé la vie d’Eric pendant la plus grande partie de la série et a eu cinq enfants avec lui : Thorne, Kristen, Felicia, Angela, décédée très jeune, et enfin Ridge, dont le père biologique est en réalité Massimo Marone. Essay. Mais la relation la plus tumultueuse vécue par Stephanie est sans doute celle qu’elle a entretenue avec Brooke, son ennemie jurée des années durant et l’épouse de ses deux fils, Thorne et Ridge, qui va pourtant devenir une véritable amie à la fin de sa vie. Homework Games History. En vraie matriarche, elle a mené sa famille d’une main de fer, sans hésiter à passer sous silence tout ce qui aurait pu la détruire : la maladie d’Angela, l’identité du vrai père de Ridge, ou encore son propre cancer des poumons À présent décédée, elle a néanmoins marqué de manière indélébile l’esprit de tout son entourage. Thorne est le plus jeune des fils d’Eric et Stephanie. Personal Statement School. Souvent jaloux de Ridge, il parvient d’ailleurs à épouser Caroline, le premier amour de ce dernier. Homework Games History. Plus tard, il épouse Brooke puis Macy et Darla avec qui il a une fille : Alexandria Aly . Essay Important Representative. Il occupe une place importante au sein de Forrester Creations mais suite à une confrontation avec Ridge, Eric lui retire la présidence de la société. Helper History. Plus tard, lorsque Steffy partage les parts de la société, Thorne est à nouveau mis à l’écart et il part à l’étranger. Custom College Service. À son retour, il est nommé directeur de Forrester International.

Wyatt est le fils de Quinn Fuller et de Bill Spencer, et donc le demi-frère de Liam, son grand rival. Homework Helper Games. Il a été élevé par sa mère et n’a fait connaissance avec Bill qu’à l’âge adulte, grâce à Hope. Statement Medical Application. Compétiteur et sûr de lui, il ne reculera devant rien pour gagner le cœur de cette dernière, quitte à partir en guerre contre son frère. Homework Helper. Mais il est sincèrement et profondément amoureux de Hope, qui fait ressurgir le meilleur en lui. Oliver est le jeune frère d’Agnès. Thesis Joomla. À son arrivée à L.A., il trouve un travail de DJ et fait connaissance avec Hope qui lui plait beaucoup. Homework Games History. Mais Steffy est déterminée à s’immiscer dans leur relation afin d’avoir le dessus sur la famille Logan. Thesis Sidebar. Elle ne parvient pas à gagner le cœur d’Oliver mais apprend qu’il a eu, par mégarde, une aventure avec Brooke et se met à faire chanter cette dernière. Games. Il perd finalement la jeune femme au profit de Liam, son grand amour. Thesis Remove. Il a par la suite une relation avec Amber, pour rendre Hope jalouse, sans succès. Homework. Il est embauché au sein de Forrester Creations en tant que photographe et fait ainsi connaissance avec Maya et Aly. Custom Essay Customer. Il utilise tout d’abord cette dernière pour son nom mais finit par éprouver des sentiments pour elle.

Ivy est la nièce d’Eric et la fille de John et Claire, sa seconde épouse. Helper Games. Elle est donc la demi-sœur de Jessica Forrester. Essay On Customer Important. Elle a grandi en Australie (à l’instar de l’actrice), auprès de sa mère. Homework Games History. Créatrice de bijoux de talent, elle est très rapidement embauchée chez Forrester Créations par Rick et Eric, afin de remplacer Quinn, alors qu’elle rendait simplement visite à sa famille. Thesis Remove Sidebar Joomla. Elle s’installe donc à Los Angeles et commence à travailler aux côtés de Wyatt, avec qui elle entretient de très bons rapports. Games. Elle devient également l’amie de Liam et le soutient lorsque Hope épouse finalement son demi-frère, suite à un épisode clef à Paris, au cours duquel la jeune femme a fait une chute dans la Seine. Personal Help Online Nurse. Elle entame ainsi une relation avec Liam et devient la grande rivale de Hope dans le cœur du jeune homme. Homework Helper. Mais Hope, à présent mariée à Wyatt, décide de lui rester fidèle.

Suite à une fausse couche, elle part pour Milan, laissant ainsi le champ libre à Ivy pour mener une vie heureuse auprès de Liam. Professional. À moins qu’une certaine Steffy ne fasse justement son grand retour, bien déterminée elle aussi à le reconquérir Nicole est la petite sœur de Maya. Homework Helper Games History. Elle a grandi avec ses parents dans l’Illinois, avant de débarquer à Los Angeles. Essay Important Representative. Elle se présente chez Forrester Créations et prétend être étudiante à UCLA, alors qu’en réalité elle a laissé tomber ses études et rêve de devenir mannequin. Homework Helper History. Inspirée par le succès de Maya depuis qu’elle a quitté le domicile familial, elle souhaite tenter sa chance à son tour dans l’industrie de la mode et nouer des liens avec sa sœur. Custom Essay. Celle-ci, cependant, se montre sur la réserve et ne semble guère enthousiaste à l’idée de passer du temps avec Nicole. Homework Helper History. Pensant bien faire, Rick propose à la jeune fille de s’installer dans la maison Forrester. Personal Statement Application Do. Il ne se doute pas à ce moment-là que Nicole détient un secret sur Maya qui pourrait bien chambouler leur vie Elle n’hésite pas, d’ailleurs, à s’en servir pour forcer sa grande sœur à lui offrir un travail chez Forrester. Deacon est le père biologique du Petit Eric , le bébé élevé par Amber et Rick. Helper Games. Il tombe d’ailleurs amoureux de la jeune femme, mais ne parvient pas à gagner son cœur. Personal Help Online Qualified Nurse. Il entame ensuite une relation sentimentale avec Bridget, qu’il finit par épouser.

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Women: Essay on The Position of Women in India. Essay on The Position of Women in India! The position of women in ancient India has been a very complicated one because of the paradoxical statements in different religious scriptures and sometimes in the same text at different places. Homework Games! Some have described their status as ‘equals to men’, while others have held not only in Personal qualified disrespect but even in Homework positive hatred. This is why it has presented many problems to remove joomla sociologists while evaluating women’s status in India. The cultural history of India reveals that in India theoretically women enjoyed the status of history, devi (goddess) as described in many religious texts of Hindus, the majority community in India. Though woman enjoyed the theoretical importance which these texts outline for the wife who was defined ardhangini (better-half), but in practice she had a subservient position than man. Cost Papers! She was regarded as a ‘chattle’ (a corporal moveable property) with no rights. It was generally seen and believed that women had lower status with reference to power and influence than men in all spheres of life—family, community, religion and politics. Till recently, it was held that up to helper history marriage, she is protected by Personal statement school do, her parents, during married life, she is looked after by Homework, her husband, and after the death of her husband, she was used to spend remaining years of her life under the Thesis, roof of her children without any will or desire and rights in the family. She was not allowed to decide how money would be spent or invested.

She did not have any money at her disposal. She had to take permission to spend money from her elders—father, brother or husband or any other male or female elder person in helper history the family. In brief, she had no personality of her own. Some scholars have explained this inferior status of women as a result of patriarchal code of living. The rigid codes of behaviour as outlined for Custom women in Brahmanical texts were also responsible for the low status of women in India.

In the following paragraphs we will survey, in Homework helper games brief, the position of Custom college essay service, women in India from Rigvedic period to modern times. It is generally upheld on the basis of the instances depicted in history religious texts (e.g., Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis, epics like Ramayan and Mahabharat and other Dharmasastras) that in ancient India, especially in Rigvedic period, women enjoyed equal status with men. They had an honourable place in the society. They were not secluded from men and freely participated in Personal medical public life. They attended great assemblies and state occasions. They studied the Vedas and composed hymns. They also distinguished themselves in science and learning at their times.

They were considered intellectual companies of their husbands, as the friends and Homework helper games history loving helpers in the journey of life of their partners, in their religious duties and the centre of their domestic bliss. In Vedic times, women were not treated as inferior or subordinate but equal to men in all matters of life. They were given education and had a voice in the selection of their husband. Marriage was regarded as a religious bond. Child marriage was unknown. Often there were love marriages known as Gandharva Vivaha. Monogamy was a general rule. Polygamy was almost unknown. Women enjoyed complete freedom in Personal statement medical application household matters.

In the religious field, women enjoyed all rights and regularly participated in religious ceremonies. In fact, the performance of religious ceremonies was considered invalid without wife joining her husband as she was regarded as ardhangini (better-half). The references in the Rigveda to the life of a widow are very few but it was not characterized by restrictions and Homework history austerities as in Thesis remove sidebar joomla the post-Vedic days. Remarriage of widows was allowed. There are a number of Homework history, references to the custom of Niyoga where a brother of the deceased husband/or any other person could marry the sidebar joomla, widow. The earlier Dharamsastra writers allowed divorce; Kautilya gave detailed rules of divorce. As regards sati, burning of the widow, Shakuntala Rao Sastri writes that the Rigveda does not mention anywhere the practice of the burning or burial of widows with their dead husbands.

As regards property rights, according to Vedic hymns, both husband and wife was joint owner of the games history, property. Women inherited and possessed property, but their rights were limited. As a daughter, she had no share in her father’s property. Similarly, as a wife, a woman had no direct share in her husband’s property. As a widow, she was supposed to lead an ascetic life and How to write paper video had no share in husband’s property. Homework History! Thus, it may be concluded that in college essay customer Vedic period women had equal rights with men. Their status was fairly high and they were treated as equals with men in almost all spheres of helper, life. Post-Vedic Period (Upanishads, Puranic and Smriti Periods) : The position enjoyed by women in Vedic period deteriorated in remove joomla post-Vedic period. It was gradually degraded in the Puranic and Smriti periods.

The description of position before BC 300 shows that she enjoyed a fairly high status, though not to the extent that she enjoyed in Vedic period. It appears that several drastic changes that took place in the Indian society from about BC 300 to the beginning of the Christian era led to games history the curtailment of freedom of women. Imposition of Brahminical rules and code of sidebar joomla, conduct, rigid restric­tions imposed by caste system and Homework helper games history joint family system were the main reasons for lowering of status in service important this period. A daughter began to be regarded as curse. They were denied the right of inheritance and ownership of games, property. Pre-puberty marriages came to be practised. She was forbidden to offer sacri­fices and prayers and undertake pilgrimages. Cost Papers! Practice of polygyny came to be tolerated. Some of the Dharamsastras mention about the prohibition of Niyoga and widow remarriage. The widow was asked to devote herself to Homework helper an ascetic life at home.

Marriage became an irrevocable union as far as the wife was concerned. The Smriti writers preached that the How to a critique video, wife should look upon her husband as God. Widows were required to spend a life of penance and austerity. Homework Games History! Sati had become popular by the 7th century AD. In this period, women were regarded just as a means of satisfying the physical desires of men. Just to refer one instance of Mahabharata, it is said that ‘there was no creature more sinful than man … woman is the root of of acca, all ills’. This simple quotation is sufficient to Homework history prove that how disrespect was shown towards women.

However, it is on a not out of place to mention here that Indian scriptures are full of paradoxical statements. At one place, women were regarded as goddess, held in high esteem, where at other place in the same scripture, in some other context, they were regarded, no better than just slaves or chattels. Disre­garding what was practised at any particular time, the ancient Indian scriptures and documents (Mahabharata, Ramayana, Vedic hymns, and various codes of the law of Manu) gave women a very high and protected place in their basic moral codes. Husband and wife stood as equals before God. Up to this period purdah (veil) was not commonly observed by women.

Divorce was, however, not permissible to them. But then, it was not permis­sible to games history men either. Their position was not one of complete disability but one dictated by justice and fairness. Women used to paper on a video help their male members of their family in Homework helper games economic pursuits. They sometimes accompanied their husband or other members of the family in hunting and remove joomla agricultural pursuits. The period between 11th century to 18th century witnessed further deterio­ration in the position of women due to the impact of Muslim culture. In this period, female infanticide, child marriage, purdah system, sati and slavery were the main social evils affecting the position of women. The birth of a female child began to be regarded as curse, a bad luck.

They were almost confined to the doors of their homes. There was further curtailment of freedom of women in matters of education, mate selection, public appear­ances, etc. Purdah system came to be rigorously followed. Women education was almost banned. More and more feeling of conservatism increased about helper games history women. She not only continued to hold low status in and outside home rather her position worsened in this period. It is often said that in India the purdah (veil) system came into existence only on customer important, after the arrival of Moghuls. A.S. Altekar, in his book. The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization (1962) writes: ‘This for nearly 2000 years from BC 20 to 1800 AD, the position of women steadily deteriorated though she was fondled by the parents, loved by the husband and helper revered by her children. The revival of Sati, the prohibition of remarriage, the spread of Essay on customer service important, Purdah and the greater prevalence of games history, polygamy made her position very bad.’ Thus, there was a vast difference between the service important, status of women in the early Vedic period and Homework history the subsequent periods, stretching from post-Vedic to the medieval period.

The dual standards of morality set by Manu Smriti and other Smritis continue to prevail right up to now though some changes are visible in urban educated women. During the period of British rule of about 200 years (early 18th century to the first half of 20th century) some substantial progress was achieved in elimi­nating inequalities between men and women in matters of education, employment, social and property rights and so forth. Sati, purdah, female infanticide, child marriage, inheritance, slavery, prohibition of widow remar­riage and the lack of medical application, women’s rights in different fields were some of the problems which attracted the attention of British Raj. Though the British rulers initially decided not to history interfere with the traditional social fabric of Indian people (Hindus) and as such they took no steps to bring any change in the status of women in India. It is only in the latter half of the sidebar joomla, 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century that they took some steps to abolish or change some social customs through legislative measures. For such measures incentive was provided to them by some social reformers, such as Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Keshab Chandra Sen, Swami Vivekanand, Maharashi Karve, Justice Ranade, Mahatma Gandhi and others. Through the efforts and the various movements launched by these great social leaders of the 19th century before independence, it had been possible to get many legislations passed and public opinion mobilized in favour of some issues of social reforms. These steps have paved the way in removing the Homework helper games, obstacles in the progress of on customer service representative, women. Not only this, it had helped in eliminating inequalities between men and women and history giving proper respect to the other-half of the society. The most significant legislations relating to the problems faced by the Indian (Hindu) women passed during British period were as follows:

1. Abolition of Sati Act, 1813. 2. The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act, 1856. 3. Civil Marriage Act, 1872. 4. Married Women’s Property Act, 1874. 5. The Child Marriage Restraint Act (Sharda Act), 1929. 6. Hindu Law of Inheritance Act, 1929.

7. Hindu Women’s Rights to Property Act, 1939. 8. Hindu Marriage Disabilities Removal Act, 1946. Besides these Acts, many provincial governments also enacted some legislation. In 1779, infanticide was declared to be a murder by the Bengal Regulation XXI. In 1804, this was extended to other parts of the country. Another significant feature of the Personal statement nurse, 19th century was the attempt made by social reformers to educate Indian girls. For more than 2,000 years, from about BC 300, there was practically no formal education for women.

Only a few women of the upper castes and classes were given some education at home. The ideas of imparting education in Homework helper history a formal manner first emerged during the British period. Christian missionaries took great interest to impart education to the girls. Statement Help Qualified! It was in 1824 when the first girl’s school was started in Bombay (Mumbai). In 1882, girls were allowed to pursue higher education. Since then, to pursue there has been a continuous progress in the field of education of games history, girls in India. In the last decades of 19th century, a marked change took place in the outlook of both men and women about the education and employment of women as teachers, nurses, doctors, etc. This changed outlook towards women’s education also helped in raising the age of marriage and enacting legislation to ban sati. Thus, the ground prepared by the 19th century social reformers and their untiring efforts led to the emancipation of women. This also helped them to Custom college essay service take their rightful place in society.

In addition to the measures to uplift the status of women in India initiated by games history, Britishers, many vigorous steps (legal, social, economic and political) have been taken by Government of India after independence by removing the hurdles put in Custom college essay service customer their way by games, traditional past. The efforts of the social reformers and their movements launched in the pre-independence period also bore fruits. The Indian National Movement also led to Custom college service the emancipation of Indian women. The leaders of the national movement realized that the Homework games history, liberation of the country from the bondage of imperialism was impossible without the on a video, active participation of women who constituted half of the population of the Homework helper, country. Most of the Custom college essay service, social reformers and Homework games thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries were influenced by the tenets of the liberal philosophy of the of acca papers, West, which empha­sized the principle of contract rather than status, a rational outlook of life and problems, freedom of speech, criticism of authority, questioning of games history, accepted dogmas and finally the recognition of the Thesis sidebar joomla, value of the helper history, individual and Essay service important insis­tence on the rights of man as opposed to Homework helper history his duties.

They also got impetus from Upanishads and other Hindu scriptures. The decades after independence have seen tremendous changes in the status and position of the women in Indian society. The Constitution of India has laid down as a fundamental right the equality of sexes. But, the change from a position of utter degradation of women to school application a position of equality is not a simple case of the progress of Homework helper games history, women in the modern era. To uplift the status of women, many legislations pertaining to Cost of acca professional papers women were enacted after independence. These were mainly related to marriage, divorce, inheritance of property and employment. Some of the important Acts are mentioned below: 1. The Hindu Marriage Validity Act, 1949. 2. The Special Marriage Act, 1954. 3. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (amended in 1986 and 2010).

4. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956. 5. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. 6. The Sati Prevention Act, 1987. 7. Helper! The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. 8. Cost Papers! Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986. 9. Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2007. 10.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. 11. Compulsory Registration of Marriage Act, 2006. Besides, the Acts especially related to employment are: 1. The Factory Act, 1948. 2. Employees Insurance Act, 1948. 3. Games! The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. 4. Personal Help Online Qualified Nurse! The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.

The above legislations and helper history many other emancipatory actions of the social reformers have no doubt raised the status of women in India but still much is to be done in this field. The institution of professional, bigamy (man marrying any number of women) has almost come to an end; if detected, it has become a punishable offence. Today, both sexes have the right to a civil marriage. The age of marriage without parents’ consent has been increased to 21 for boys and 18 for girls. Thus, monogamy along with facility of judicial separation, nullity and divorce (even on mutual consent), inheritance (equal share in paternal property), adoption, widow remarriage and games history sati abolition are some of the salient features of statement medical school, post-independence era which put men and women on history, equal footings from the point of view of legislative measures. However, social legislations have not been very effective in India because of many reasons. Thesis Remove! One important reason is that most of the women are not fully aware of the measures adopted by the state for their upliftment and even if aware they do not use them because of the old social values that are still persisting.

These traditions and values inhibit them to take any revolutionary steps. Legal or legislative sanctions alone cannot bring any substantial change in the downtrodden position of women unless there is helper history a marked change in their attitude and consciousness of men and women both. How To Write A Critique Paper Book Video! In this regard, their illiteracy is one of the great hindrances. According to the 2001 Census, 45.84 per cent and 2011 Census, 34 per cent of women are still illiterate in India. Even literate women also do not exercise their right of equality wherever it is required. Thus, the status of women has been raised in the eyes of law, but they are still far from equal to men in every sphere of life.

In practice, they continue to suffer discrimination, harassment, humiliation and exploitation in Homework helper games history and outside home. Theoretically, women might have been given more freedom but in practice, they still suffer many hardships, inhuman dignities and unworthy treatment everywhere. Within the online qualified nurse, home, she is still not treated at par with her male counterpart. Homework Helper! Barring a few urban educated families, a baby girl is write paper video never welcomed with as much eclat and happiness as a baby boy. Sometimes, the birth of a girl is regarded as a bad omen. They are not treated as equals to men, and not given due respect in the family (75 per games, cent women are in paper on a book video labour force but only helper history, 0.01 per cent has property rights). Essay Service Customer! Male’s roles as father and husband still dominate over both his children and wife.

The power to govern the home and the authority still rests in the hands of male head of the household. The dominant father model still persists in most of the middle and lower class families. Games History! Leaving aside a few, in the so-called modern families wives have not become equal partners to their husbands even if they are well-educated or more educated to their husbands. Most of the decisions of the household—from purchasing daily household items to college service customer decide about the education and marriage of history, their children—are taken by father/husband. There is no significant change in the attitude of the males even in the families where females are working outside the home. Women as daughters or wives have to seek permission from their fathers/husbands for Cost papers going outside home or for receiving higher education. In some families, it is helper games history seen that husbands do not allow their wives of the same caliber and education to take up any job assignment of the same status outside the home. They prefer their educated wives should utilize their energies just in home management and rearing and caring of children or old parents.

Women’s lower status in on customer representative Indian society contributes to early marriages, lower literacy, poor nutrition and helper games history high fertility and mortality levels, especially during the Thesis joomla, reproductive age. In professional field their condition is also not better. Till recently, women from the higher castes were not allowed to work outside the home for some remunerative job. They do not enjoy equal rights in Homework many matters in the occupa­tional fields also. They do not hold office of the higher rank, leaving aside a few popular cases. A woman executive may be of the Personal help online qualified nurse, same rank as a male executive, but because she is a woman, she may not receive the same honour and prestige, he receives. The case of super cop Kiran Bedi is well known. She was superseded for the post of Delhi Police Commissioner by Homework helper games, a man two years junior to her in service.

Similarly, a woman IAS officer Reva Nayyar did not make it as Cabinet Secretary and Veena Sikri, IFS was not appointed as the Foreign Secretary. There are still any numbers of of acca, other victims who wither unseen. Twenty-one years ago Wall street Journal had coined the term ‘glass ceiling’ to helper games history refer to apparent barriers that prevent from reaching the top hierarchy that still hold true, barring a few exceptional cases. Furthermore, women earn less than men have less access to more prestigious better paying occupations even when they are equal in all respects. The best example is How to a critique on a provided by the rural India, where in theory women are equated with goddess, but in actual practice, they are treated as drudges. The problems of inferiority, inequality, dependence and the exploitation experienced by women have not much changed in the villages, where most of the Homework helper, India lives, even after 65 years of independence. Ill-treatment is coupled with no equal opportunity for social participation in spite of the immense amount of work which is Personal statement online nurse expected of them in the home as well as in agricul­tural field or in some employment. One of the main characteristics of women is her multi-tasking dexterity. She is helper history usually the one who handles home as well as occupational field or office. To conclude, let us quote Jessie Bernard (1981) who argued that the status of women cannot be compared with that of men.

It is generally said that men have higher status because they are usually better educated and have more organizational skills and experience than women. In addition to these, women acquire their status from college essay service, their husbands, that they are socialized to Homework history think themselves as inferior, and they are physio-psychologically conditioned, to use the modern term, they are programmed to be wives and mothers, non-competitive with men because they are less able to compete. Furthermore, women earn less than men have less access to more prestigious, better paying occupations even when they are equally qualified or experi­enced. Even having children increases the husband’s power, for the wife becomes more dependent. Leave a Reply Click here to Personal statement help qualified cancel reply.

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Essay Why I Chose To Study Business Administration Essays and games, Research Papers. This is why I chose to study Business Administration concentrating on . Management. Help Nurse! Because, I believe that I can effect positive change in my country, and in the world through Business , since, Business principles can serve as the backbone for economic, political and social systems at Homework games all levels. Certainly, a degree in Business Administration is a extremely practical area of study , since the Essay on customer service important, curriculum provides students with so much real-world experience. Since I was born and am living in Egypt. Administration , Business , Business school 576 Words | 2 Pages. Why I Write People write for many reasons. Some write to Homework history learn about themselves, express themselves, or to educate . Thesis Remove Joomla! others. Still others write in an attempt to create a permanent record of Homework helper games history, thoughts, or to create a fictional world that can be shared with their readers.

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Business Administration has over history, the years taken the form of a formal field of knowledge, besides engineering medical and even closely-related Economics. In the 20th century, with the development and growth of business schools in America and Europe, the Cost of acca professional papers, dynamics of business administration changed. With more research conducted. Administration , Business , Business school 1795 Words | 6 Pages. Collins English 1105 15 September 2014 Essay 1: Personal Narrative It was April of 2014. Games History! I had a month to make my college . Qualified Nurse! decision and I had no idea where I was going to go. It was between three schools, and none of them really stood out Homework from the How to write paper, rest. One weekend my parents decided to take me to each school to get a feel for them. After a short trip to the first school, we made our way to Blacksburg. About five hours away, Virginia Tech was the furthest school I got in helper games to.

For that reason, my mother. Atlantic Coast Conference , College , Football 1571 Words | 4 Pages. Assesment Business Administration. Business and Administration (Level 2) - Induction Part 1 – How prepared am I for online study . success? 1. Use the Personal medical school, box below to introduce yourself in less than 50 words. You may wish to include in your introduction any specific learning objectives you want to achieve through studying this course. hi my name is laura and games, i am 23 years old. i applied for statement school application do this course because i have dreamed of becoming a successful business women. with the Homework games, demands of family life and working i have not been. Auditory learning , Business , Business school 887 Words | 3 Pages. Myself: College and Business Administration. ?Myself I am Light Rain. I am 20 years old. I belong from a muslim family.

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Then we need to qualified nurse understand what role organizations are playing in our life and why it is games essential to study them. As we can imagine, there are different types of organizations. All of them have their own structure and purpose. In this essay I would like to focus on business organizations: how they appeared. Change , Employment , Human resource management 1867 Words | 5 Pages. international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entrainment. English is remove sidebar one of the games history, official . languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modern music and statement help, international tourism. Homework Helper Games! English is the most useful language. Being good at service important representative English, i can travel to any place or any country which i like. English is commonly spoken throughout much of the world due.

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I finished my High school in India which is very different from here. After passing 10th grade we have to decide whether to take Commerce or Science. This courses are differentiate. Academic term , College , Essay 1524 Words | 4 Pages. Case Study Business Policy Vesagas. ? Business Policy: Case Study Vesagas, Micah Elijah A. Remove! BSBA Marketing Management 3 Study Questions and Answers: 1.) . Given the corporate identity of San Miguel Corporation as well as the nature of its core businesses, what are possible “new opportunities” that the company can venture into, and why ? Answer: New opportunities usually mean in the Oxford dictionary as a favourable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances, it also means a chance for progress or advancement, as in a career. Conglomerate , Corporation , Holding company 759 Words | 3 Pages. bs in games history business administration in philippines. ?BS in Business Administration in the Philippines Introduction I . How To A Critique Paper Book Video! The Bachelor of Science in . Business Administration program (BSBA) is designed to produce graduates that possess a deep familiarity of helper history, business operations and equip them with critical decision making skills for strategic and executive work necessary for competing in the ever-changing world of global business . II. The program empowers students with a basic and clear understanding of the functions of every division in a company. Business , Business process , Business terms 1022 Words | 4 Pages. and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is How to write on a book video clearly marked with your name, the . course title and helper games, the Unit and college, Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 5 pages and is made up of 4 Sections. • Name: Patricia Hayton Section 1 – Understand the purpose of information technology in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with), identify at least two. Business , Business ethics , Corporate social responsibility 792 Words | 5 Pages. Teaching English: A Motivational Essay. Nguyen Nhut Minh Study Location: HCMC, Vietnam MOTIVATIONAL ESSAY I intend to study Finance at . the Copenhagen School of Homework, Business . My interest in studying Finance stems from a long-term desire in helping the Economic and Financial obligations of my country.

The study of Finance involves creativity and prudence as one has to be acquainted with implications of policy making and Personal help online nurse, how it goes to offer better assistance to the ordinary citizens of a country. This is because firstly, I intend working. Business , College , Economics 1168 Words | 3 Pages. school, along with their lessons in cooking and Homework helper history, housecleaning. When I was in secondary school, I had learned sewing lessons in . secondary school and was never good at it. All girls in Form Two grades were required to take sewing for half of the year and cooking the essay, other half.

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Reason for Pursuing Graduation degree in Heath care Administration. Degree in Health Care Administration Each individual has his own reason for pursuing a graduate degree. Essay On Customer Representative! Professionally, a graduate degree . Games History! shows that the important, person has the motivation, ambition, and dedication to improve and thus strive to obtain a position in which s/he can apply and expand his/her knowledge base. The choice to seek additional education after investing four years in an undergraduate degree shows commitment to learning and helper games, recognition of self-worth. I chose to pursue a Master’s. Bachelor's degree , Health , Health administration 679 Words | 2 Pages. Report on Business Administration. Business Administration is the study of the performance and management of a business , including . important decision making. There are many different duties related to Business Administration , including office manager, business support, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and many others. Most companies have a dedicated group of administrators.

The main areas in Business Administration are management, logistics, human resources, operations, economics, and organization. An administrator checks all these. Academic degree , Administration , Bachelor's degree 879 Words | 3 Pages. Why I Chose to Become a Mental Health Counselor. Why I chose to become a mental health counselor Counseling others is a difficult job that requires people to . listen, take notes, and respond in ways that are positive and Personal medical application do, helpful. It is important that trust be built between the counselor and the patient so that the patient will feel comfortable speaking about issues that are private or embarrassing. There are many different types of counselors including drug counselors; marriage counselors, grief counselors, job counselors, diet and exercise counselors. Counseling , Health insurance , Licensed Professional Counselor 1282 Words | 4 Pages. of family-owned corporations that were all heavily involved in government projects. The company consists of a series of more than twenty businesses owned in . whole or part by the Addams family. While with the history, CPA firm, Candy was involved with the business consulting end of the relationship in conjunction with Artifice’s government work and was involved in a number of the recent review engagements done by statement medical school do, Ima for Artifice.

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During the semesters, we participate in group discussion, online discussions or in analyzing case studies . All the lectures are maintained by helper games history, PowerPoint presentations, movies, and in case u missed the lecture by Cost professional papers, some reason it’s easy to find it online on the university’s website. It’s perfect. Administration , Business , Business school 609 Words | 2 Pages. those questioning his play, Millers explains, “the best proof of the sincerity of your confession was naming others whom you had seen in the Devil company – . an invitation to private vengeance, but made official by the seal of the theocratic state” (“ Why I Wrote’). Spectral evidence was a damning indication of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials, but the pressure to helper games history save oneself from Thesis remove sidebar joomla acquiring a destroyed reputation was also a motivating factor. The people accused during the Salem Witch Trials. House Un-American Activities Committee , John Proctor , Joseph McCarthy 838 Words | 3 Pages.

“Millions of people saw an apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why ”, said Bernard Mannes Baruch (1870 – 1965) an advisor to more than . Homework History! 40 Presidents. And that is why I chose the major Engineering, because I just want to Essay service representative know why . Why do planes fly? Why does the Sun shine? I believe that Engineering is the answer to all of the scientific questions asked. The definition of Engineer is Homework history a person that is an statement help online qualified, expert in technology. They design machines, computer programs, buildings, and chemical. Bachelor's degree , Engineer , Engineering 1572 Words | 4 Pages. Why Do You Think It Is Important to Study Economics? In this essay , it is my objective to be able to illustrate the importance and significance of economics in our daily lives. The Internet was . mostly used as assistance in helper completing this essay . Also, the information here are gathered and Thesis joomla, reviewed from various Internet web pages and textbooks which can be found in helper history the list of references at the end of this assignment. To begin with, I shall start with the definition of economics.

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Dear Resume: You’re Not Fooling Anybody. I wanted to spend some time today talking about an games, particular irritation that a (un-named) buddy shared with me. After he mentioned it I realized that I also see it all the time, and those that do it probably think that it is helping them out. How To Write Paper On A! I think they do it because they realize the number of years of games experience they have is so important in the business of being a landman. At first I thought that it was a very simple thing, and maybe not worthy of a blog post all its own, but on remove sidebar some reflection I think it’s an important conversation to have. I’m sure I’ll get a few comments at the end of the article on both sides of the helper games, fence. A few examples of things I’ve seen on resumes, cover letters and postings from people looking for Personal help nurse work: I have ten years of experience in leasing and management. I have seven years of title research experience. History! I have been in Personal statement help nurse, the oil gas industry for over 20 years. Now, as you might guess when you read these examples, these individuals don’t have all of their experience as a land professional in the oil gas business.

The first one was a manufacturing manager, the second did title searches for a mortgage company, and the third was on pipeline construction crews. Games! While all of these things may have helped the Personal medical school do, person develop applicable skills, I feel they are (at a minimum) misrepresenting their level of experience. I’m sure that a few of Homework history you are saying “Now Randy, it’s not that big of a deal, the Thesis remove joomla, experience section of the resume should tell the whole story.” Many times it does. Homework Helper Games! My issue isn’t really with the fact that these folks aren’t telling me up-front with open language about Custom essay, their experience level. My issue is helper games, that for many of those who review resumes — it might make them feel like the applicant thinks the reviewer is stupid. Or, at a minimum, that the applicants thinks they are putting a positive spin on their experience – but are really turning off the reviewer. When you use these tools in your resume it can backfire on you, like when you go to a website and it immediately starts talking to you or playing music (90% of statement online people will immediately hit the ‘back’ button on their browser). Homework Games! That isn’t to say that there isn’t a way to spin that experience, so I’ll offer some suggestions as to how I might handle it:

For the medical, previous 2 years I have been leasing minerals in Ohio, I leased over 6,000 acres. Prior to that I managed a production facility with 45 employees. Homework Helper! That experience will allow me to Custom essay customer grow with your brokerage and take on new tasks as I gain experience. I’ve been performing patent to present mineral research for the last 3 years. In the four previous years I worked for a mortgage company clearing title to real estate loans. While the real estate loans were typically surface title, I do know my way around the courthouse and have working relationships with several abstract companies in the area. I’ve been purchasing rights-of-way for the past 18 months, and for the rest of the Homework helper history, last twenty years I’ve worked right of way construction projects performing a variety of tasks.

I’ve found landowners appreciate the fact that I can talk with them about Thesis remove sidebar, what to expect on their property from a realistic perspective. Now, if you were the one doing the hiring would you feel better about the first set of examples or the second set? Obviously I’d pick the second because I wrote them. What is the take away? Be honest, be truthful, be direct. Homework! Tell me how you would represent the experience in these examples in the comment section.

Why Am I in the Energy Business? Giving Back to How to write a critique paper book video the Land Profession. The Young and the Restless: Old Hands vs New Blood. Into the Deep: Who is Chesapeake without Aubrey McClendon? Have You Gone to Work at 2 AM?

Chesapeake CEO Aubrey McClendon Steps Down. Randy is a land consultant with experience in Homework games history, field and statement help qualified nurse in-house land work, land administration, and software consulting with systems used in the land management business. He is an active member of the AAPL, HAPL, and NHAPL and is a regular attendee of industry functions. Randy's latest projects have included land data systems integrations, with a focus on Quorum Land System. Click Here to Leave a Comment Below. We see it so much that I expect it out of non AAPL members, so we usually ask them in games, the phone interview to tell us about that period the How to write paper on a book, Who What Where Questions. If we don’t get that warm fuzzy from the interview and do not know anyone who knows them to vouch then we will pass. Those who do come onboard are highly encouraged to join the AAPL as an affirmation to the code of helper games history ethics. I’ve noticed it is becoming more common for Custom college service brokers (and operators) to Homework helper history require their field people to be AAPL members. Of Acca! I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’ve heard it is not as common up north in history, places like Ohio, but I suppose that is a function of time.

Thanks for Personal school application do the input! I believe that to be correct as well, for helper games history the people we have hired in Ohio many of them coming in were not members however they had verifiable work experience in the area. After coming on board they joined the AAPL. Joining the AAPL doesn’t automatically give someone ethics. Agreeing to abide by their professional code of ethics as per Personal school do membership doesn’t mean that they will.

If they falsify/mislead in a resume, how much will the code mean to Homework games them. I have worked very diligently to have my years of experience, one week at Personal help online qualified nurse, a time. (Almost 20) and when joining a new broker, they phone interview me. It only takes a few minutes of conversation to know that I am for real. You can’t fake that! So the faked resume only works when brokers are in a hiring frenzy and desperate. I agree that those faked resumes fool NO ONE. Thanks for Homework helper history the comment Jenn. Customer! I think that folks with many years of experience really aren’t the focus of these “AAPL Membership Required” efforts. It’s for the newer folks that might not really understand what is appropriate to do or not do.

In addition, it’s good for helper games history public relations for statement an operator to have their field personnel be a member of a professional organization. As independent contractors, we should not even be required to provide a resume or cover letter for a new assignment with a broker. When was the last time you asked a mechanic or painter for his resume or a cover letter before you would hire them? Independent contractors acquire work by recommendations, advertising or previous working relationships. Comments like “I’ve found landowners appreciate the fact that I can talk with them about what to expect on helper their property from a realistic perspective” should not be of interest for joomla a contractual relationship between a broker and sub-broker (contracted Landman).

It should be about Homework helper, “if” the Independent Contractor can explain what is on customer representative, about happen to the landowners property and how the helper games history, Landman is Personal medical application do, going to go about explaining the procedure. AAPL membership on the other hand should be considered! Using the example above, wouldn’t you feel more comfortable if your mechanic an independent contractor was a member of the Automotive Service Association or your painter was a member of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America or at the very least certified (RL, RPL, CPL)? We are not employees applying to be hired, we are Independent Contractors looking for work. We have to advertise (sell) our work ethic, products, skills, certifications and use websites (music/talking or not)to get the point across to our market (the placement Broker) JUST as Landman and the Brokerage Companies have done in their market. Just an opinion! Thanks for taking the time to respond Hypatia. The only thing I wouldn’t be in agreement with is Homework games history, your example about Essay on customer representative, contractors not providing resumes.

Car mechanics, for instance, typically provide a warranty. That doesn’t really exist in the field landman world, most field landmen don’t carry their own E#038;O insurance. I’d submit that some examples of contractors who provide resumes are computer programmers (tech contractors more generally), attorneys (who quite often work on a contract basis), and even geologists. If you have enough experience to Homework history make phone calls to movers and shakers and get hired via an informal process you probably don’t need a resume. However, most field landmen don’t have those types of connections and have to rely on some amount of canvassing. That means using a resume as part of a larger ‘marketing’ system. Again, thanks for the comment! It let’s me know people are reading, and that’s why I write.

If everyone agrees with me then it means I’m being too ‘safe’. Hey Randy, I liked this. It actually helped me. I have sent out Thesis remove joomla, quite a few resumes and I, for the most part never even get a reply via email, which is Homework helper history, puzzling to me as if they are reading the email why not take the time to at least say, “we do not have a spot right now, we will let you know, even tell me you are not interested” Anyway, that said I see I have been sending the Thesis remove sidebar, wrong, for the most part, cover letter. Games History! I have done this for almost 17 years and joomla I have not worked for helper a lot of different brokers as when one job ended I just got sent somewhere else, or my husband would make a couple of calls and off we would go. We are not working the same job now because of the if the job ends in Personal statement medical application, one place, the other will have a job. Anyway, after all that rambling, this helped. Is the above what people want to read in a cover letter?

Or if not I wish someone would post one that they want to see because as I said, I have never had to send resumes, I just went from job to job. I will put an article on cover letters on my list of aeticles to write. In the Homework history, meantime, email me a copy of your resume and cover and I will give you a review of it. PS: I also agree,I think all landmen should belong to AAPL. I really do have 25 years of experience and will often put that in the Re: when emailing a resume and in my cover letter, but I can back it up. Thesis Remove Joomla! Yet I still can’t seem to get an interview. Homework History! Any suggestions? Do you specify a dayrate in your initial cover letter/resume? Does your resume accurately specify your experience (i.e. It shouldn’t just say “Joan’s Land Service Company” From 1980 – Current, Performed x,y,z.

That isn’t verifiable, or informative information.)? Good article and fresh perspective, Randy. Ms. LaCour invoked some provocative points to the discussion. Personal Statement Qualified Nurse! I believe in professional affiliations, for reasons obvious to me. However, I understand the thinking of the very independent and to their lack of Homework my goals within the industry. Too, I’ve even heard that affiliating with an help nurse, organization, like AAPL, leans towards joining a union; that thought alone within the OG Industry can be a ‘spark’. I haven’t ever really thought of the AAPL as a union, but I can see the thought process.

Thanks for the insight. Thank you for the advice on job descriptions with a CV. I have always had difficult finding my vioce so that I can communicate what I want to say in writing. The examples you provided certainly help me with the structure and purpose of what I am trying to communicate. This is Homework, very helpful and I would greatly appreciate a review of my resume. I’ve even had brokers say they received my resume and would look it over and give me a call today — then I never hear back from them. I believe that it is all about your resume being on the right desk/inbox at the right time. Timing is very important in this industry!

Should the How to write paper on a video, cover letter say what our day rate is? I think that is a very fact-specific question and could go either way. Homework Helper Games History! It is really your call. Essay On Customer Representative! If you are asking for helper history a very above-market rate then your resume better reflect that rate. If you are asking for a below market rate that could also work against write video, you. If you are right in the ‘market rate’ area, it might be unnecessary to even mention it. Many people would like to see it so they know if you are in the ‘ball park’ or not. If you are a little high that isn’t a big deal, if you are $100/day high then you might get thrown out of the pile. Yes Randy, everyone appreciates all your articles and Homework helper they are good. Statement Online Qualified! I have 2 points on this one I agree with.

1)With reference to your comment doing title abstracting as being surface only. Helper! That is totally untrue. Cost Papers! If you sought to purchase a tract of land, a home or a business, would you feel you had the right to know both the surface and subsurface estate of the Homework helper games history, property? Yes, everything that has to do with that piece of property has to be reported. If you did not own minerals to the property you sought to purchase and the title company did not report that to you a lawsuit is in order. 2) As you listing your company’s name and the services that you perform as being incorrect. I disagree.

One of the first reasons of “why” you want to do that is Cost professional, you are an independent landman…you own your own business. That is Homework helper, how a business resume is set up. Nurse! Continually setting up instruments such as a resume like an employee where it lists dates with names of who you did work for helper only further gives rise the IRS’ possibility of Thesis remove sidebar joomla deeming you an Homework helper history, employee. The resume should be set up as a business resume and papers then the reference sheet should be set up with the brokers or other people who have had direct contact with your work product. Hi Lisa, thanks for the comment.

Of course you can’t address every single situation in Homework helper games history, a ‘generic’ article. Cost! In many states mortgage title does not examine mineral interests, and does not certify it either. I know in Louisiana and Texas this is ‘typically’ correct, but other states may have different practices. As to a ‘business resume’, I think your approach is fine if you include a reference sheet showing who you’ve worked for (brokerages, direct contracts with operators, etc) — but most people who use this approach don’t do this. They just say that Jane Doe worked for JD Research LLC for 12 years. Homework History! Again, in my experience, the typical industry standard for field landmen is to Personal statement help qualified nurse list the people they have contracted to Homework games history and dates. Hi Randy, I have to beg to differ again as to what a title researcher would be required to Cost of acca professional obtain in history, a title search. While emphasis is on the surface estate, in Texas all minerals are considered a part of the real property and, therefore, must be reported.

While it is Custom college customer, true that it is usually shown as an exception to helper title on Schedule B to How to write paper on a book a title policy, it is searched and Homework reported and listed therein. Title researchers in their career would also be subjected to many commercial searches which are normally not only Personal statement school application do, full abstracts of title but also include environmental searches on the property as well. The only thing that a title researcher would not encounter in Homework games history, that a landman would do is Personal school do, actually calculate the interest of the mineral owner and prepare the Mineral Owner Report. History! Here is an article by Thesis remove, an attorney where it is not only important to report it on the title report, but in the contract of Homework helper games sale as well. Also in recent years, with the Personal statement help, mortgage companies having mortgages that require royalties to paid over to Homework helper games the mortgage company to Personal help online qualified reduce the loan amount, it would be imperative for them to have the knowledge of whether or not the helper games, mortgagor has mineral rights or not. You are certainly allowed to disagree Lisa, and I’ll agree to disagree with you on this #128521;

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