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Needless to say that even in the coldest night of the year, a snowball would melt and evaporate long before you could finish humming a few bars of “Silent Night.” Ever since I fell in love with Hans Christian. Echo , English-language films , Hand 1340 Words | 4 Pages. The Christmas Holiday in our home. May, 29th, 2012 If someone was to simply ask what their favorite holiday of the year is, . Do My? they would expect Christmas to be the answer. For most of the people who have the pleasure of being able to celebrate this holiday , they would usually agree. In my family , this would certainly be the automatic response. The holiday Christmas, means a lot of memorable family time and a breath from our chaotic lives. My two oldest sisters are able to return home from. Christmas , Christmas carol , Christmas Eve 1087 Words | 3 Pages.

Why Is Family So Important? | Document Processing – BN 1228 | | | | Daisy Martinez | 4/16/2013 | | E ver heard . the saying, “blood is School thicker than water”? If yes, you know it means no bond is tighter than your family . For Me? In our families we love, serve, teach, and learn from each other. School Essays For Kids? We share our joys and our sorrows. Do My Australia Economics? Family ties may bring us difficult challenges, but they also give us strength and some of our greatest happiness. Through my own personal perspective, if. Family , Family values , If You Have to Ask 1581 Words | 4 Pages.

you already know, is about my family . Essays For Kids? My family is writing a descriptive narrative a nuclear family (a couple with . their unmarried children) of five. School For Kids? They are: ? My father, Jai Chand Prakash (Aged 40) ? My mother, Reshmi Babita Prakash (Aged 36) ? Myself, Raina Prakash (Aged 14) ? My little sister, Neha Prakash and I need writing essay narrative (Aged 13) ? My brother, Jash Prakash (Aged 4) These are the Prakash Family members. There is also a family tree on School for kids page 4 for better understanding. My family resides in a house in Complete, Wainisasa. Extended family , Family , Father 1297 Words | 3 Pages. I grew up in a nuclear family . There are four people in my family , consists of my father, mother, . my sister and essays for kids me.

My father is 62 years old. He’s working as a insurance agent. My mother is 10 years younger than my father. She used to work as a store manager before she gave birth to me. She quitted her job in order to take care of me and Pay for friend my sister because she believes that the mother daughter bond can grow stronger day by day by spending time with us. My sisters and I are four years apart. She is. Family , Father , Mother 1888 Words | 5 Pages. sweet memorable events of my life From the very little, like from School essays class five I was stay outside the Does my essay home on the hostel at . Muradpur Ramakrishna mission. There the base of essays, my life was built with very strong.

But I was distance from my mamoni,bapiamp; dada’s love, affection, illusion amp; delight. Then I was bounded under the mission’s four wall boundaries. Complete Assignment? I always fond of these love, affection, illusion amp; delight, but I never got it properly. When I was in class ten, after the test exam dada. 2008 singles , Hyderabad State , Koi Kaze 1362 Words | 3 Pages.

Family is where love begins and School for kids never ends. Having someone to Does my essay for me uk much, love is family . Having somewhere to go is home and having both is School essays a . blessing. I Need Writing Essay Narrative? My family unlike others is small. We enjoy spending time with each other and making memories we will cherish forever. My mother had my brother at a very young age but unlike any other teenager at for kids her age she did what she thought it was right which was keeping my brother. Since that day my mother has worked very hard to Ways, provide for School essays, me and my siblings. A year ago.

English-language films , Family , Father 1377 Words | 3 Pages. My Memorable Event: My Shadow And God. My Memorable Event: My shadow and God Introduction: - What is human life? Everybody has some . memorable events in life; some are good and Some are bad. For Writers Pdf Kate Turabianвђ™s? What is the relationship with human and School God? I believe in God because of some experience. Ways To Conclude? My first experience: - Departed to meet the School for kids girl but don't know how, when, or where? Some buddy helped get information she is coming next day some place Some time. No choice but to take an older person. Crying and asking for help; I feel so happy to see.

2002 albums , Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles , English-language films 1370 Words | 4 Pages. 10/29/2011 Food in my family English: . Does For Me? 1841 I come from School essays for kids a very diverse ethnic background, with many variations of what maybe considered cultural foods. To Conclude? I have many fond memories of family reunions and School essays all the interesting dishes my relatives would prepare. A Manual For Writers Papers Turabianвђ™s? Food in for kids, my family holds so much meaning; it’s the A manual papers turabianвђ™s glue that has held us together for many years even before I was born. Food in my family isn’t just a substance. Cooking , Flavor , Food 922 Words | 3 Pages. 1 My Trip to Muir Woods . Stephanie Johnson American InterContinental University- Online Outline 1. Introduction. A) Everyone has had a memorable trip. 2. Essays? First paragraph. B) My first trip to Muir Woods. Complete Need Only? 3. School For Kids? Second paragraph.

C) Driving up to Muir Woods. 4. Third paragraph. D) My roommate’s driving habits. 5. For Me Uk Much? Fourth paragraph. E) Walking into. English-language films , Golden Gate , Golden Gate National Recreation Area 752 Words | 3 Pages.

? MAY THEIN KYAW ENGL 0310 February 2 , 2014 My Most Memorable Trip . My country is Myanmar. It is one of the countries is School for kids South-East Asia. It is important neighboring countries are China, India, Laos, and Thailand. There are many interesting and help beautiful places all over School the world. I had a most memorable trip in two years ago. I went to a range of hills known as Kayik –Ti-Yo, the ancient city of Bagan and Pyin Oo Lwin. Complete One? First of all, we had t scramble up. Burma , Pyin U Lwin , Southeast Asia 643 Words | 2 Pages. Devin Greenlaw 3/2/13 2nd Period Love the Holiday (Billie Holiday Report) Born Eleanora Fagan on April 7, 1915 in . Philadelphia, PA; the amazing jazz vocalist never imagined she was going to become one of the biggest jazz musicians of all time.

Rose Primarily in Baltimore, MD with her mother, Sady Fagan, who gave birth to Billie at the age of nineteen. Billie was raised primarily with her mother. Her father, believed to be Clarence Holiday who was a successful jazz musician himself, wasn’t. Benny Goodman , Billie Holiday , Jazz 900 Words | 3 Pages. My last holiday It still haunts me till this day. It was the essays for kids most scariest moments I have ever encounter in . my life.

How wrong was I to make that decision. Why I did not listen to my friend. Complete Need Only One? How I wish I could turn back the time. On my last holiday , my friends and I have decided to essays, finish up our homework at Jason’s house. We wanted to go to the nearby shopping mall after completing our homework. That is why we choose Jason’s house which is A manual for writers of research papers nearby a shopping mall called “Prangin Mall”. So we were.

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The memorable events could be from the assignment worst to the best that I couldn’t explain it myself. But, there was this one moment where I could not get it off my mind for School essays, the very moment. I Need Help Essay? The best day of my life was definitely when Mum announced that we are going to South Korea for vacation. School For Kids? I could not believe my ears. Could it be an April Fool? It couldn’t be, it wasn’t. Administrative divisions of South Korea , Busan , Hallasan 783 Words | 3 Pages. 3 Most Important Things in My Life.

The Most Important Things in my Life By Vasilios Politis Professor C. Simpson ENC 1101-293 17 June 2008 Politis i . Outline T: The three things that are most important to me are my family , basketball, and Complete only one most importantly, being remembered for something great. I. For Kids? The most important thing in to conclude an essay, my life right now is School essays my family . A Manual For Writers Of Research Papers Pdf Kate? A. My family will always be there for me and give me the guidance and School essays for kids support that I need. 1. My family has helped me to get my act together and get back. Chicago Bulls , English-language films , Game 999 Words | 3 Pages. The most memorable event in my life. ?The most memorable event in my life Hi everyone, I am Paul. Today I’m going to tell you the most . memorable event that had happened in need only one, my life. When I was only six years old. In the School essays summer vacation before my elementary school, my mom took me to a music school to have me learn the piano.

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In the Disney movie “The Beauty and The Beast,” the dining room is a memorable scene to many viewers. However, as time has progressed, the dining room has lost attention and has only School, become useful for a few special occasions and family gatherings. For example, many households have been designed to I need help writing a descriptive narrative, include a door from the kitchen to the dining room. This door is. 18th century , Chair , Furniture 1236 Words | 3 Pages. My Role in the Family Every man and School essays for kids woman, boy and girl, possesses a certain role within their family . Despite . the frequently used titles of sister or daughter, my role in for writers papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, the family delves much deeper than that; I am more than just a daughter to my mother, a sister to for kids, my elder sibling, and the baby of the family ; I bring a sense of comfort, comedy, and completion to it. I am the confidant, the Do my australia best friend, and the final child who completes the essays family to a satisfactory degree. Of Research Pdf Kate? My role of the School essays for kids sarcastically.

Bedroom , Family , Father 1548 Words | 4 Pages. The Holidays The meaning of holidays is essentially a time we embark moments and share time with love one’s. In the United . Sates, holidays are a very superior time that many of us embrace. Do My Assignment Australia Economics? Many can think back on essays for kids holidays that they’ve encountered and recollect favorable moments. For many, it is the time of the year when people seem to of research pdf kate turabianвђ™s, grasp inside of one another and School essays distinguish the A manual for writers of research papers best of things. Clearly, to some amount the “ holiday season” gives people a sense of pleasure. All Saints , All Souls' Day , Christmas 659 Words | 4 Pages. Jzhane Jones October 22nd, 2014 52332226 The most memorable day in essays, my life is when I meet . my best friend Kyla.

I was dating this boy named Quinlynn for about 2 ? years and we first started dating we went about it all the wrong way. We snuck around and lied to our parents and made really horrible mistakes. Then one day we made the biggest mistake and my parents found out. When my parents found out they told his mother and I need help a descriptive narrative we all meet at my house and had a discussion about our mistake. Essays For Kids? His.

Calzone , Mother , Parent 501 Words | 1 Pages. The unforgettable Christmas The most wonderful time for me as a child was the winter. I will never forget when in late November I was . waiting for the first snow. In the morning when I woke up, I looked out of window and saw snow-covered trees and buildings, I could not have been happier. Because snow from the point of view of a 6 year old child, meant really good fun. I Need Help Writing? My friends and I made snowmen, went tobogganing, and pretended to be detectives tracing each other from our footsteps.

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Classroom , David Crane , English-language films 706 Words | 2 Pages. Family Analysis Paper from Family Interventions both formal and informal. Pay For My Essay? Introduction: My . family shows signs of being a healthy family for the most part with a few exceptions. The biggest exception is essays that the individuals are not assigned to particular roles. My Essay For Me Uk Much? This means that our roles as individuals provide organized chaos as we rotate from School essays situation to situation.

These role rotations allow my family to experience both enmeshment and disengagement. For Me? An example of this would be when. Family , Father , Individual 1040 Words | 3 Pages. My Most Frightening Day Most people don’t have any idea when their most frightening day will be, it . could have been when they were young or maybe it has not quite happened yet. School Essays? I did not have the luxury of surprise although I also didn’t exactly have a day marked on my calendar. I knew my most frightening day would come when a doctor called my house and informed my family that my great grandpa Papahualo had two weeks to live, and I need help writing essay my dad informed me that we were going to fly out there to be with.

Aunt , Debut albums , Family 1285 Words | 3 Pages. Vietnamese New Year: The Biggest Traditional Holiday of the Year. Hung Truong ENGL 098 01/23/2013 Remembering an School essays for kids Event In Vietnam, just like here in the United States of . America there are many holidays . Ways? But Vietnamese New Year is the biggest traditional holiday of the year. It is the School essays for kids first and last moments of a year and it’s a time for families to gather all together on New Year Eve with the firecrackers, special food. Does? This also is the for kids opportunity for students like me to meet old friends after one year abroad, to Do my assignment, embrace. Chinese New Year , Family , Fireworks 953 Words | 3 Pages. Most of all I want to travel all around the world. I want to see new places and learn about different cultures.

I love travelling so travelling . around the whole world would be a dream come true. There are so many places I want to School essays, visit. I have been in 8 countries. One? One of them is England. I want to tell you about that trip, because it was a dream holiday . The trip lasted for 4 days. It was a girl trip, only me and my mum. We had to take the coast bus to Haugesund very early at the morning.

We. Bed and breakfast , Elaine Benes , Haugesund 1325 Words | 3 Pages. ? My family consists of only four members, my mom, my two brothers and me. It was bigger when . my dad was alive. He died from School essays a cardiac arrest when I was nearly four, not realizing how tragic and irrevocable the event of his death was for assignment, my mom and my siblings, I could not utter even a tear, I was not being merciless or cruel toward my father, for I loved him so much and tried to spend as much as time with him as I could. My mother became a single parent at 29 with three children. Time goes by. English-language films , Family , Father 877 Words | 2 Pages. Family History Interview The person I choose to School essays, interview was my mother Elizabeth . The reason I chose to Ways to conclude an essay, interview her was that . School For Kids? I wanted to gain a closer bond with her. Help A Descriptive Narrative? She is the closet relative living from which I could gain the most knowledge. (Q11) She was raised by both of her parents. (Q1) Her father Marlyn , was the School essays for kids Mayor or Morgantown, WV, as well taught law at WVU. Her Mother was Jerry , a graduate of WVU with a bachelor’s degree in of research papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, zoology.

Jerry was a woman of many talents. For Kids? She sold. Family , Father , Friendship 1656 Words | 4 Pages. Douglas Douglas 1 2-6-12 My family history In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage - . to I need a descriptive narrative, know who we are and where we came from. School Essays For Kids? Without this enriching knowledge, there is need only one a hollow yearning.

No matter what our attainments in essays for kids, life, there is still a vacuum, emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness.” –Alex Haley This quote explained to me the importance of my grandparent’s legacy and Do my australia economics their history. A long twisting family tree inspires one who does not know. Family , Genealogy , Grandparent 999 Words | 3 Pages. . What is School essays for kids a Home in my view A home is defined as: the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. A home is much more than where you just live, it doesn’t have to be the greatest biggest fanciest place ever, it’s the Complete assignment one place you were brought up where you were raised and brought up feeling.

Family , Father , Learning 1670 Words | 4 Pages. Holiday 1) a time of rest from School essays work, school etc [= vacation American English] 2) a period of time when you travel to another place for . pleasure [= vacation American English] 3) a day fixed by law on which people do not have to go to work or school. E.g.The 4th of I need writing essay, July is a national holiday in the US. 4) the holiday season, the essays holidays a) American English-the period between Thanksgiving and for me New Year b) British English-the period in the summer when most people take a holiday . Bible , Christianity , Christmas 857 Words | 3 Pages. The Most Extraordinary Person in for kids, My Family. know an extraordinary person in your family that you find interesting? Gilda Plouffe, my grandmother is the most . interesting relative I know.

Having a great personality that everyone loves makes someone interesting. My grandma is the best by for writers of research papers pdf kate, far. She has so many great qualities about her. Gilda has time for everyone in School for kids, the family , including over twenty grandchildren and her boyfriend, still works as a full time waitress and is such a great person inside and out. My grandmothers amazing personality. English-language films , Family , Father 599 Words | 2 Pages. physically appearance (as opposed to dancing ability) in the dance world?

Do you agree with the prevailing attitude? Why or why not? Mikaela Esquivel . Of Research Papers Turabianвђ™s? Advanced Dance Silver 2 Topic 9 Physical appearance Introduction: Include a hook (Grab my attention! Make me want to read on!), summary of the topic (Why are you writing – give me an overview, nothing specific), and essays a thesis statement (e.g. “There are three differences between dance and an aesthetic sport, [1], [2], [3]…”) Topic 1 –. Dance , Greek loanwords , Psychology 392 Words | 3 Pages.

1101 29 January 2014 My Christmas Nightmare We never really think about economics, death until tragedy happens and we're forced . to face the inevitable. We make plans for our future not realizing at any moment life can be taken away. I never really thought much about it myself, I mean who wants to School essays, think about something so saddening? That all changed when I was faced with the irrefutable veracity of my uncle's passing. . Family , Mind , Sibling 951 Words | 6 Pages. My Family vs the my essay uk much Traditional Family. Joshua Guillen Elchlepp English 101 6-30-13 My Family vs. The Nuclear Family During the . 1950’s, the for kids ideal American family consisted of a homemaker mother, a breadwinner father, and australia economics a few children who all lived in a house in the suburbs. The family was generally of Christian faith.

The father would be the sole provider who goes to School for kids, work all day to make money to buy the families necessities while the Do my assignment australia economics mother would stay home all day, taking care of the essays for kids kids, prepare food, and. 1950s , Family , Father 942 Words | 3 Pages. the most memorable day in to conclude, my life. ?Life is full of various events and School experiences. But all of Ways to conclude an essay, these are not equally important, enjoyable and memorable . School Essays? All days we come across . in our life are not the same. Some are memorable . Memorable day is the funniest and need one happiest day of our life. However, memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven.

Sometimes, it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us. Be it either good or bad, it will still be the part of for kids, us, our life. It will remain in us. American films , Anxiety , English-language films 674 Words | 2 Pages. hyped up over, parents planning activities for Do my australia economics, the family to essays for kids, spend quality time with and for writers of research papers pdf kate school children ( as well as teachers) jumping for . joy. Hello, waking up late, celebrating, goin for tuition and for kids best of all, vacations! In myy case, a holiday I would never forget is a fruitful one I expereinced five years ago, where my family I spent six days in my essay, the land of K-Pop and ' kimchi '- Korea. Finally, after ages of School essays, waiting, our family arrived in beautiful Korea.

Stepping out of the friend plane. Dissociative identity disorder , Hotel , Korean cuisine 1190 Words | 3 Pages. definition of family is defined in essays, various ways to many different people. Many people may say their family includes the . family of assignment only one, orientation, extended family , and essays family of procreation. It all depends on how the child is raised. Pay For My Essay? Three important factors, out of six, that I consider to be the School essays main functions of Pay for my essay friend, family are socialization, economic cooperation, and care, protection, and intimacy.

Some families may very well address these functions, while others may not. School For Kids? And because of that, family may be quite. Economics , Family , Father 1573 Words | 4 Pages. My Favourite Holiday Destination I have been to several places around the world, Mumbai and Goa in my essay friend, India, Paris in France, . Hamburg in Germany, Rome and Venice in Italy, Vatican City, Singapore, Hong Kong, Melbourne and School essays Sydney in Australia but my personal favourite is the my essay Brisbane-Gold Coast trip which also happens to be in Australia. I liked it very much since Gold Coast had 2 huge theme parks and an amazing water park.

It was the 16th of December we were on our way to Dubai International Airport. Amusement park , Gold Coast, Queensland , Marine biology 2694 Words | 7 Pages. ? Family is where we all belong to and from where our identity comes from. A person is valued based on his family and upbringing. . For Kids? We all belong to a family and it is our family that keeps us together through thick and thin. Without having a family , no person is complete and the completeness comes with good family bonding. Now what is a family ? By just saying that you live with your family does not hold any values to being a part of the family . Four or five persons living under one roof does not become. An American Family , Divorce , Family 2188 Words | 5 Pages.

Prime Number and Ways an essay Memorable Childhood Experience. | 10. | How to become a millionaire? | 11. | My most unforgettable moment during my school.. | 12. For Kids? | . My favorite super hero in my childhood…. | 13. | Share with us your dream holiday | 14. | My biggest concern for the future is… | 15. | What characteristics make ideal hero and Complete assignment need only why? | 16. School For Kids? | The most important lesson of my life so far… | 17. | If I ruled the world…. | 18. | Intelligence is for me not enough | 19. | Who has been the essays most influential person in Ways an essay, your life and why? | 20. English-language films , Prime number , The 100 771 Words | 3 Pages. Memorable Moments with My Sibling. Memorable moments with my sibling A relationship with a . sibling is everlasting: last longer than the bond with a spouse, parent, or friend. Have you ever thought about the times you have spent with your siblings? Those are memorable moments that I would always cherish. The bond with my sibling taught me many lessons in life. My childhood relationship with my sibling has changed since I became an School for kids adult. Narrative? The communication and the.

Adolescence , Birth order , Family 871 Words | 3 Pages. Most Influential Event in My Life. 26 th of january. Republic Day of India. Bhuj, home to School essays for kids, my aunt and the place where i have been spending my . holidays for the past 10 years or so. It was 8:55 in Does uk much, the morning. Everyone was ready for School essays, breakfast except me.

I was always late on the dining table and Ways an essay often made mom angry. School Essays? But that day mom didnt get angry. Do My Assignment Australia Economics? Wondering why ? Bhuj and neighbouring places had just witnessed a powerful earthquake that rocked the School for kids whole of gujarat. The word earthquake always evoked something-but that something was. Earthquake , Nature 936 Words | 3 Pages. 1130 Essay 2 Final draft Tis the Season For most people the I need help writing essay narrative holiday season is a very happy time. School For Kids? It is a time for laughter . and Pay for friend rejoicing. It is during the School holiday season that we begin to Does for me uk much, see and hear from loved ones that may not always be in for kids, touch. Friends and family from everywhere begin to make contact during this time of year in hopes to send merry wishes for the year and year to come. However not all people are overcome with the “ holiday spirit,” but are rather plagued with the feeling. Christmas controversy , English-language films 1173 Words | 3 Pages.

?Tania Vega English 115 Professor Voorhis October 4, 2013 My Path, My Anchor, My Life, My . Family Family is help writing narrative broadly defined. It can be perceived as a vile illusion—the mere presence of School, a mother and father whom lack the Do my assignment australia ability to essays, care for, love, and nurture their child. A Manual For Writers Papers? Family also has the power to symbolize happiness and strength: a mother and father who desire the happiness and success of their child far greater than their own. These loving, caring, nurturing parents set their personal ambitions.

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chemical essay An Online Research Center on the History and Theory of Anarchism. #147;The Problem of School essays Chemicals In Food#148. Within the past few decades, tremendous quantities of chemicals have been introduced into the cultivation and an essay, processing of food products in the United States. The annual production of bread alone is estimated to involve the addition of about 10,000,000 pounds of chemical emulsifiers by thousands of bakers throughout the country. During the six-year period since the end of the war, at least 700 to essays 800 chemicals have been discovered for assignment use in essays American food products.

These substances cover nearly every aspect of production: from fertilizers and pesticides to substitutes for organic nutrients, preservatives, flavouring and colouring matter, and a legion of processing agents. There are some foods on the market that are almost entirely synthetic; the chemical content in a certain instances has been increased in Pay for my essay friend piece-meal fashion to such an extent that these foods no longer contain the organic contents from which they were originally derived. This is the ad absurdum of chemicals in food; a natural product is converted by the continual addition of chemical materials into a synthetic or near-synthetic product. Often, from the standpoint of public health, no satisfactory reason can be adduced by either the manufacturer or food technologist. The principal motives for chemicals in essays food arise from reasons of profit and essay, industrial competition. The use of chemicals in food has, in fact, become so extensive and reckless that mass poisoning is now a real danger to the American population. Instances of acute toxic effects have already approached the point of national disasters. In one case, a marketed drug, #145;Elixir of essays Sulphanilamide#146;, killed over a descriptive essay a hundred people before it was tracked down by governmental agencies. In another case, frozen peaches were confiscated which contained a large amount of thiourea. When these peaches were fed to experimental rats by the Food and Drug Administration, the rats died overnight.

Yet neither governmental legislation nor scientific experimentation has proved adequate to this type of problem. School Essays For Kids? The burden of proof for deleterious chemicals often rests not with the food manufacturer but with the Food and Drug Administration. The government is usually required to show that a chemical is definitely harmful rather than unnecessary for health and nutrition before it can be prohibited in food production. Even this task may require fairly long judicial proceedings by an agency that is understaffed and has access to limited funds. Do My Economics? Moreover, scientific standards of toxicity are frequently open to doubt. Agene, for example, was used for decades in bleaching flour. It was adjudged by chemists and physiologists as harmless until British scientists recently found that dogs fed a diet of 80 per cent. white bread acquired #145;running fits#146;. An equally interesting case is the School variance of scientific opinion on thiourea as a preparation which prevents the browning of certain sliced fruits. As late as 1943 this chemical was described as harmless to man. Further study, however, revealed that thiourea acts upon the thyroid gland to inhibit the formation of thyroxin, and may result in the development of thyroid adenomata and tumours of the liver.

Finally, one of the most remarkable disputes centers around the use of monochloracetic acid. Friend? This acid was first described in a French patent as a useful food preservative more than eighteen years ago. After extensive pharmacologic tests, the use of monochloracetic acid was regarded as harmless #145;even in continued daily ingestion by infants#146;. Only after the acid came into fairly widespread usage did reports indicate that this substance irritates the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea and vomiting. Yet Dr. Essays For Kids? Franklin C. Bing, an eminent authority on for me nutrition and food chemistry, testified that one of the food scientists who originally characterized monochloracetic acid as harmless to human beings, #145;still holds that monochloracetic acid is perfectly harmless and ought to for kids be used#146;.

Dr. Bing recounts the story of a food manufacturer #145;who wanted to submit a product for consideration by our council [American Medical Association]. He had a little monochloracetic acid in Do my assignment australia his product as a preservative, and my duty as secretary of the council was to ask him what evidence he had as to its harmlessness, and he brought that in, and I told him I did not think that the School council would accept it, and the council did not. And I remember vividly getting a couple of telephone calls from assignment australia economics outstanding pharmacologists of this country saying that they thought we were wrong in School essays for kids not giving approval to assignment australia that particular product#146;. But by far the most fundamental problem of chemicals in food is the danger of chronic toxicity. Within very recent years, especially during the last decade, chemicals without an immediate toxic effect have found their way into food products. These chemicals may, in the long run, produce incalculable damage to public health. School Essays? For damage of this sort, scientific experimentation is extremely complex and woefully inadequate, even if the best intentions are kept in mind. Proper control, in such instances, cannot end with tests on individual experimental animals; they must cover entire generations over Does fairly long periods of School essays for kids time and at considerable financial expense.

More must be learned of animal physiology than is to-day even faintly suspected by the most eminent biologists in the United States. #145;I have spoken to students many times about the newer knowledge of nutrition,#146; declared Dr. Bing in assignment need only one his testimony to the House Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in for kids Food Products (U.S. Does For Me? Congress), #145;and I use the term somewhat glibly, but in the final analysis, I think I would have to admit that we know very little compared to what remains to be found out. #145;Some of the things that we do know are that the essays body has mechanisms by which it can handle substances commonly or naturally found in food materials, and it may have some difficulty in handling substances which are not naturally found in foods, even though they differ only slightly in chemical configuration. So I should think that any foreign substance, any substance which is not found to a fair extent in foods, is pdf kate, open to some suspicion when you take it into the body. In the meantime, the essays for kids use of chemicals in Does my essay uk much food #150; tested, for the most part, only for acute toxicity, and this often with extreme superficiality #150; has increased by leaps and essays, bounds. Dr. Bing observes: #145;You can pick up almost any issue of the technical magazines which come to the attention of the Do my australia chemists in the food industries, and find some little advertisement in them about essays, new emulsifying agents, or something that is Ways, a plasticizer, or food improver, as they sometimes call them. Essays For Kids? That is only, a good term, too, which, well, it is written up so that you are intrigued by it. And it seems that just as human beings like to take a pill to relieve their illnesses or their lack of sense of well-being, so it seems to School be typical of a man in the food industry when something comes along, some problem in technology, he likes to have chemical aids to solve it. That seems to be inherent in human nature, perhaps.

So this problem to-day is much bigger and broader than it was fiver years ago, and certainly tremendously increased over what it was ten years ago.#146; Chemical Fertilizers in Agriculture. The danger of chronic toxicity, to-day, arises at a fairly remote point from the industrial processor and consumer. It beings in my essay agriculture and essays, cattle-breeding, with a vast array of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, fruit colouring matter, hormones and growth stimuli. These chemicals (some of to conclude an essay which are little understood by industrial chemists, still less by physiologists) are allowed to enter into great natural cycles whose ramifications touch upon the processes of life itself. School For Kids? Since natural processes are intricately tied together, an isolated view of the effect that any single chemical has upon life and nature is Ways to conclude an essay, scarcely a basis for knowing how several of these chemicals will react together. For example, grazing animals, which have received hormones to increase their weight may leave behind chemical traces in manure long after they have been slaughtered and consumed. How the soil, as well as the public, is affected is little known. If, as often happens, the same area of land is treated with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with insecticides, these substances may very well combine to produce a totally unpredictable effect. The dangers inherent in this problem cannot be overestimated.

Instances are already known where insecticides have so completely saturated the top-soil that cultivation must be restricted to School only certain kinds of food. It is often maintained that insects, not insecticides, and soil exhaustion due to increased population, not chemical fertilizers, are ultimately responsible for the difficulties created by chemicals in food. This may be regarded as a spurious treatment of a very serious social question. More fundamental are the ecological disturbances that profit-minded businessmen have produced throughout the American countryside. For decades, lumber companies and railroads were permitted a free-hand in Does my essay for me destroying valuable forest lands and wild life. The attendant results are widespread erosion and the removal of School many natural enemies of insect life. The normal balances that were responsible for help writing essay narrative soil preservation and insect control are no longer present in many parts of the United States. At the same time that irreplaceable top-soil is washed into the rivers of the country, it is School essays, accompanied by industrial wastes that probably abet the multiplication of insects and diseases detrimental to crops. An equally important social reason for chemical substances in agriculture is the historical shift from small- to large-scale farming. For centuries, as far back as the threshold of Do my economics history, food cultivation remained in the hands of essays for kids small rural families.

The individual farmer who worked the land, whether he was a serf, peasant or yeoman, brought a certain amount of personal interest to A manual pdf kate agriculture. The care of crops usually fell within the horizon of an individual, who felt himself more implicated in the quality of agricultural food than large-scale absentee land-owners. Even when social oppression underlay agriculture, the School individual farmer who performed the work could not escape the to conclude responsibility for the crops he produced. Much attention, interest and concern were involved in earlier agricultural practices, and the farmer usually took great pride in essays for kids the quality or food output. Fairs, local markets, contests, and australia, finally a real sense of responsibility to the surrounding community often induced the farmer to bring his best efforts to food cultivation. Agriculture in past eras depended upon essays for kids a material technique that had not changed in many respects for thousands of years. Labour was arduous and famine remained a continual threat. But the Does my essay farmer had the satisfaction of knowing that drought, insects and crop diseases were seldom the result of man-made difficulties. Nor has modern science removed many of the essays natural disturbances that entered into earlier food cultivation. The greatest difficulties of the past were solved when machines or knowledge of ecology, not synthetic chemicals, were brought to the farm. To Conclude An Essay? The advances made in soil chemistry and crop rotation during the eighteenth century were based entirely on organic and essays, natural resources.

Charles Townshend, for example, taught the Complete need English farmer the four-course rotation of wheat, turnip, barley and clover. Bakewell formulated the pragmatic orientation toward the selection and for kids, breeding of cattle. My Essay? There is School essays for kids, no better description of the agricultural advances of the eighteenth than the world #145;husbandry#146;. Ways An Essay? The rule-of-thumb researches of the period were intent on garnering, rather than substituting for, the forces of nature. The #145;conquest of nature#146; meant a rational use of natural resources, not a disruption of the biological processes around man. It can never be too strongly emphasized that every tract of soil and every area of countryside compromises a relatively unique ecological situation. Just as climate, land, vegetation and for kids, wild-life may very greatly from Does for me uk much one part of the School for kids country to another, so every square mile presents in some degree a distinctive balance of natural forces.

Food cultivation by man, which must be regarded as a form of botanical #145;domestication#146; imposed on Ways to conclude what was originally virgin and wild land, always threatens to upset this balance. In many cases, of course, uniform conditions completely outweigh ecological differences, and large-scale farming is not only feasible but even necessary. For the most part, however, successful agriculture depends upon School essays how the farmer adapts himself to the small differences he is likely to find. He must understand not only my essay gross variations in soil, but particularly his own soul as it is affected by the local vegetation, insect and animal life it supports. He must ask himself how far he can interfere in his given situation without causing irreparable damage. This can only for kids come with personal familiarity, with fairly extended experience and understanding. The farmer must bring not only insight to my essay the specific characteristics of his land, but also sympathy, interest, and essays, a socially-responsible attitude. With the shift to large-scale farming, the emphasis of agriculture changed from the for me uk much quality to the quantity of School for kids food cultivation. This meant that the land was to be exploited like any other resource under capitalism #150; in a drastic and one-sided manner. The #145;success#146; of large-scale, quantitative farming depended upon a uniformity of resources, and #145;average#146; in the agricultural situation. Assignment Only? Since nature never presents uniformities or averages in such simple terms, they had to essays be created.

To a large degree this task devolved upon chemicals. Thus fertilizers were used to compensate for differences in soil; chemical hormones were employed to standardize the size of crops; and growth stimuli were discovered to replace the results of Do my assignment australia economics variations in School essays climate. The most elementary lessons of man#146;s relationships to the soil and nature have since been abandoned for #145;synthesis#146; #150; for artificiality not only in agriculture but also in nature. In short, #145;husbandry#146; has been replaced by #145;chemistry#146;. But just as capitalist farming has #145;created#146; an Does my essay uk much, #145;average#146; agriculture, so it has created an #145;average#146; farm worker. Wherever the farmer has been dispossessed by School essays, huge corporate growers, he has also been replaced by rural labourers who view the intimate problems of crop management with complete indifference. On large estates to-day, #145;farmers#146; often include aviators who spray insecticides, tractor drivers and sales#146; agents; not to mention harvesters who never sow and sowers who never harvest.

The division of labour in for writers of research pdf kate large-scale farming often precludes a total view of the agricultural situation. Even the agricultural technician, who can provide an over-all view, must change his orientation to meet the School needs of Ways #145;average#146; farming. As a result, the complex requirements of co-operation with nature and natural processes are fractured into numerous, unintegrated tasks. Management is often supplied #150; at least in motivation #150; from remote heights above, by business interests which include little appreciation for the problems of the soil. Demands imposed upon the land are shaped neither by the needs of the public nor by the limits of School for kids nature, but by the exigencies of profit and competition. All the gaps in the picture #150; from the variations of the land to the indifference of farm labourers #150; are filled by chemicals. Fertilization by organic and inorganic (chemical) fertilizers plays a decisive part in A manual for writers pdf kate turabianвђ™s altering various soils for School essays for kids #145;average#146; farming. In making these alterations, a number of very important principles are involved.

Under natural conditions, the fertilization of land by organic materials is a process in assignment need one the course of which complex substances are broken down into simpler plant nutrients. For example, nitrogen in proper quantities is indispensable for plant nourishment. Essays? Ordinarily, this element is an essay, provided through the well-known #145;nitrogen cycle#146;. When proteins decay, they are eventually reduced to carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, and School for kids, free nitrogen. Soil-dwelling bacteria act upon ammonia to produce nitrate compounds that are suitable for my essay plant nourishment. For Kids? When excessive nitrogenous compounds exist in the soil, denitrifying bacteria may reverse the process to produce a suitable balance. Excesses of this sort are no longer a serious issue because animal proteins play a very small part in supplying the land with nitrogen. Burial conventions require that a human body shall not be used to further the cultivation of Pay for my essay food, and the human body, in turn, consumes the proteins of cattle that once eventually reached the soil.

But other means exist. Leguminous plants like beans, peas, clover, and alfalfa support nitrogen-fixing bacteria that use free nitrogen in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the School essays fecal deposits of many living animals (including man) are also rich in nitrogen. I Need Essay Narrative? In the past, and to-day to a great extent in the Orient, these resources have been carefully husbanded and restored to the land. The major principle behind chemical fertilization is to introduce these simpler nutrients directly, often without intermediate steps through bacteria. By industrially combining atmosphere nitrogen with lime or soda ash, the nitrogen-fixation process is performed in the factory instead of in the soil.

Phosphates are usually obtained commercially for agriculture by treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid. In fact the acidulation technique has a wide variety of uses in preparing chemical fertilizers. It often not only supplants the work of bacteria but also brings to the soil a bewildering number of chemicals that are not always necessary for agriculture. The added chemicals often play no role whatever in soil fertility. They either represent residual substances that cannot be avoided because of the acidulation technique itself, or at best they are added to render inorganic fertilizers soluble or absorbable. Often, they remain in the soil where they do nothing for plant nourishment as such, accumulating over the years to serve no special purpose for School essays for kids agriculture. Do these new accretions harm the soil? Do they play any role in human health? Generally speaking, is enough known of the effect of chemical fertilizers have on of research papers pdf kate the soil or on the human body to lend inorganic fertilization to adequate controls? Behind each of these questions are even more obscure problems.

During the School essays for kids hearings of the Select House Committee, for example, Mr. J. I. Rodale of the #145;Soil and Health Foundation#146; suggested the complexities that are introduced by inorganic fertilizers as part of his objections to such fertilizers. My Essay? #145;In some cases they (chemical fertilizers) are caustic. They actually have a burning quality that will kill bacteria. In other cases they are too soluble. School Essays? It is Complete one, as if an individual were forced to eat when he were not hungry. It forces itself on School essays for kids the plant, crowding out I need a descriptive narrative, important trace mineral elements. #145;The most important reason why some chemical fertilizers are harmful,#146; continued Rodale, #145;is because they contain more than one element. The one element that they need to School essays for kids feed the Do my australia economics plant in order to make it soluble is tied in with some other element which gives it that solubility and which is there practically only for that purpose.

#145;An example is a very common fertilizer called superphosphate. What they are after is to feed the School essays for kids plant phosphate. But is it mixed with sulphuric acid to give it that solubility. The plant takes up a great deal of phosphate but very little of the sulphur. When sulphur piles up in the soil there are certain kinds of bacteria, called sulphur-reducing bacteria, which begin to multiply to work down that sulphur. As they work they have to feed.

It so happens that those sulphate-reducing bacteria feed on of research papers pdf kate a very important soil organism, which is needed to break down organic matter. Therefore when you have a lot of School essays sulphur piling up in the soil there are bacteria multiplying which are killing off certain organisms which the my essay farmer needs to break down organic matter.#146; This problem, which was first introduced because of the acidulation technique, reaches even further back. #145;When you grow a crop of anything,#146; concludes Rodale, #145;that root that remains in the soil must break down for the next crop. The roots are very valuable. Essays For Kids? The roots of the preceding crops give nourishment to the next. If the soil does not contain enough of this breakdown bacteria it will not be able to furnish the my essay food in time for the next crop.#146; Rodale#146;s testimony may be regarded as a very unorthodox view in the United States.

It was opposed at School essays for kids, the hearings by a battery of #145;experts#146; who vehemently argued for chemical fertilizers, #145;judiciously#146; mixed with organic substances. Although the #145;experts#146; freely acknowledged that organics keep the soil friable, easy to work and permeable to water, they pointed up transport difficulties and, in fact, the entire arrangement of modern society as objections to supplying the land with enough organic materials for agriculture. #145;It is economics, neither economically feasible nor physically possible to rely upon organic manures exclusively in our present-day agriculture,#146; observed Dr. School For Kids? Richard Bradfield of of research papers turabianвђ™s Cornell University, who particularly tried to place inorganic fertilizers in perspective from the specialist#146;s standpoint. #145;Organic gardeners make a great deal of what they call the #147;law of returns#148;, by which they mean the return to the soil of all the elements which the crop removes from it. School For Kids? Such a system is feasible in a primitive, sparsely populated area in which practically the Pay for entire population is engaged in farming, and in which there is a high proportion of the population which can collect and transport city wastes to the farms which feed the cities. School Essays For Kids? If we stopped to think for a minute, it would become apparent how difficult it would be to apply this law literally in the United States at the present time.#146; In support of Ways an essay inorganic fertilizers, Bradfield insisted that such fertilizers supply elements in the same form that they are released by organic substances.

In fact he found organic fertilizers of very limited value because #145;the organic matter which is School, generally available for use on soils does not contain these elements in the proportions in which they are needed to Pay for give the best growth of crops on most soils.#146; Now we may reserve the social problems raised by the exclusive use of organics for later discussion. But Bradfield#146;s unfavourable comparison of organic with inorganic fertilizers may be regarded as resting on entirely spurious premises. Dr. School Essays For Kids? A. F. Camp, Vice Director in charge of the University of writing essay narrative Florida Citrus Experimental Station makes the essays for kids observation that #145;the difference between trees fertilized with organic fertilizers and those fertilized with chemical fertilizers lay primarily not in the field of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and calcium but in the lack of the so-called minor or secondary elements such as magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and boron which were present as impurities in the organic materials but not present in appreciable amounts in the chemical materials. Thus, in the case of bonemeal which was credited with containing only nitrogen, phosphorous, and calcium, it was found that one of the my essay friend most important elements it supplied was magnesium which is universally deficient in Florida citrus soils and for which citrus trees have a very high requirement. Superphosphate contained only traces of magnesium and School essays for kids, when substituted for bonemeal resulted in trees that were acutely deficient in magnesium. Ways To Conclude An Essay? All of School essays for kids these so-called minor elements which are actually as necessary to the development of citrus as the so-called major elements were found as sizable impurities in a descriptive essay narrative the natural organic materials because, just as in citrus, they were necessary to the growth or development of the organisms from which these organic materials were derived#146;. Indeed, it hardly tells us much to criticize the efficacy or proportions of School for kids organic fertilizers that are #145;generally available#146;. What is help writing a descriptive essay, #145;available#146; has a very restricted meaning in the lexicon of experts to-day. To the average farmer, organic fertilizers are almost completely represented by manures, which are admittedly a limited source of soil fertility. Even if we include the best composts in use to-day (and this being exceptionally generous) the term #145;organic fertilizer#146;, as it is currently employed, would ignore a wide range of potentially valuable substances which could be brought to the soil.

Curiously enough, the #145;experts#146; carry the greatest responsibility for for kids this situation. They have almost completely evaded, and directed attention away from, research into new and assignment australia, better organics. Indeed, the current emphasis on inorganic fertilizers in agricultural laboratories and projects has reduced organic substances to an #145;indispensable#146; but entirely ancillary position in for kids food cultivation. Bradfield went on to deny that #145;valid evidence exists#146; to show that #145;crops grown with chemical fertilizer are more attractive and nutritious to assignment need only insects and plant pathogens#146;. This too will be discussed elsewhere. His denial, however, that evidence exists as to whether #145;crops grown with chemical fertilizers are less nutritious to School essays men than those grown with organic fertilizers#146; is extremely questionable. Slowly and in the face of Pay for my essay friend extreme hostility from the #145;experts#146;, a number of soil scientists and School, practical farmers are producing evidence that inorganic fertilizers may seriously reduce the quality of crops. My Essay Friend? The discussion is School essays, still being cast in a strictly adaptive framework, as part of a general reconciliation to the use of chemicals.

It is widely accepted that the contemporary social scene renders the use of to conclude an essay inorganics necessary and few are willing to abandon chemical fertilizers as such. For Kids? But, as Dr. K. C. Beeson pointed out, #145;Fertilization with large quantities of nitrogen can also result in some lowering of certain nutritive constituents in the plant. For example, in some experiments with turnip greens, applications of nitrogen reduced the percentage of calcium in the greens in twenty-four to thirty experiments. Fertilization with the uk much ammonium salts of nitrogen has resulted in a reduction of vitamin C in School for kids plants, but fertilization with the Ways to conclude nitrates under the essays for kids same conditions did not affect vitamin C. The reasons for the difference are unknown.#146; Perhaps the most strongly emphasized point made by all the A manual for writers of research papers #145;experts#146; in favour of inorganic fertilizers is the conclusion that chemicals increase crop yield. #145;The most important reason for the use of fertilizers,#146; said Bradfield, #145;is that they increase the yield of practically all crops on all but our most fertile soils. School Essays For Kids? This point is my essay uk much, so generally appreciated that detailed elaboration is unnecessary#146;. Very well, then #150; let us elaborate! By leaning on poorly-evaluated experimental facts, the #145;expert#146; generally knows that the addition of certain chemicals to the soil can increase the size of crops. Although impressive yields can be produced, more and for kids, more evidence has appeared to show that these yields often drain the soil of valuable substances.

Dr. William A. Albrecht of the University of Missouri astutely observed at help narrative, the Hearings that #145;a fertilizer balancing the supply of nutrients in the soil is merely a help to take all the other things out faster. So if you fertilize a soil with nitrogen, which is deficient, and grow a bigger crop, you merely have taken all the other things out faster and by virtue of that observation people will say, #147;Oh, yes, fertilizers ruin your soil#148;. Well, they have just helped you wear it out faster. That is all.#146; But is that all? #145;We have built up the lime, the phosphorous, the potash,#146; continues Albrecht, later in his testimony. #145;Now we come along and School essays, shove under the nitrogen and my essay friend, that is very demonstrative for the first year or second year until we pull the other things down. School Essays? We had the same thing with limestone.

The moment we build up the one thing that is deficient, we get a glorious effect until something comes in as a deficiency, and then we are in trouble. . . . Lime is a necessity but like alone is not enough. Many years ago the farmer, who did not know any chemistry, gave us a very interesting jingle which is very true: #147;Lime and lime without manure make father richer but son poorer.#148; #145;A very find old truth, very fine, because when you lime, the calcium next to the hydrogen serves to push the other things out. So when you lime, a crop gets greener and a crop gets bigger, but not because the lime did that in the crop but because it pushed out other things and balanced up the thing to help it.#146; Before chemicals can replace organic substances without leading to disaster, more must be known of the factors which enter into soil composition, of the soil itself and finally of plant and animal nutrition; in short, of a stupendous natural process concerning which agronomists know surprisingly little. The soil, as Dr. Beeson has put it, is #145;a highly complex dynamic system of minerals, inorganic chemical compounds, organic compounds, living organisms, air and water#146;. Yet soil cannot be synthesized in assignment australia the laboratory; and entire areas of plant nutrition, including photosynthesis, remain a complete mystery. In fact, as Beeson tells us, #145;There is no known laboratory method or group of methods by School for kids, which all the nutritive constituents in Do my assignment economics food can be measured and evaluated in terms of the nutrition of man or animals. Consequently, there is no single unique value that can be assigned to essays a food to express its nutritive quality.

All of the constituents contributing to nutritive quality have probably not yet been recognized, and there are no adequate methods for quantitative measurement of many constituents that we do recognize. Therefore, no measurement of the over-all nutritive quality of a food has ever been made#146;. In some cases, soil scientists have even discovered that an element which is unnecessary for plant growth (but which is I need a descriptive essay narrative, derived from the essays for kids consumption of plants) is indispensable to proper animal nutrition. Soil deficiencies of cobalt, for example, have resulted in I need writing essay narrative nutritional disturbances in cattle and sheep. Other of School for kids these so-called trace elements are probably even less understood.

The point is that whereas the #145;experts#146; tend to break up, simplify and Pay for, crudely manipulate the agricultural situation, supporters of organic farming usually predicate themselves on the complexity and far-reaching character of food cultivation. There is more than a difference in technique. It is a basic antagonism in outlooks toward natural phenomena. The organic farmer essentially argues that man can know and for kids, husband nature, but he cannot replace natural processes without serious detriment to himself and society. Insects, Insecticides and the #145;Human Bug#146; If the rejection of chemical fertilizers rests on the complexity and obscurity of the agricultural situation, there are very direct reasons for regarding other chemicals in agriculture as detrimental to human health. Perhaps the most significant category of I need writing a descriptive chemicals suspected of being dangerous to man are insecticides and pesticides.

The problem that these substances presents is very simple: All are poisonous to for kids one or several forms of lower life. They are employed on the principle that they either do not remain in foods that finally reach the consumer market or that the human body finds them harmless in the amounts that do remain. Both #145;principles#146; are now open to grave doubts by physiologists and biochemists. The extensive application of insecticides to crops in the United States reaches back before 1870 with the use of Paris Green for the control of the Colorado potato beetle. Afterwards, a number of for writers papers extremely toxic chemicals came into use.

Lead arsenate, for example, was widely employed against the codling moth in apple and pear orchards. It is still used to-day, although it has been regarded by many health workers as a danger to agricultural labourers and the public since the School for kids first World War. The use of insecticides has now grown to Pay for my essay incredible dimensions. With the passage of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947, about 16,000 brands of insecticide preparations have been registered with the government. These brands range from poisons absolutely deadly to man to very questionable #145;hormone#146; herbicides like 2, 4-D dichloro phenoxy acetic acid. For Kids? #145;One of the disturbing things about the writing a descriptive recent advance in insecticides, in School essays the discovery of new insecticides,#146; said Dr. Dunbar to the Select Committee, #145;has been that a great many very potent and A manual for writers of research pdf kate, valuable insecticides have been developed on which very little is known, either about their chronic or acute toxicity or about their fate after they are applied to essays for kids food. #145;In many cases we do not know whether the insecticide after application is absorbed into for writers pdf kate, the body of the food, whether it is destroyed on essays weathering, were even insecticides put out for which no chemical method of identification or analysis is known.#146; Many insecticides and pesticides are known in some way to only affect higher animal organisms, including man. Hydrogen cyanide, a fumigant commonly used on grains and cereal foods, is described by a Food and Drug official as #145;moderately to School essays extremely poisonous; however, under normal conditions of use the fumigant volatilizes so that no significant [ ! #150; L.H.] residue remains on the food products and no hazard results to the consumer. An exception [ ! #150; L.H.] occurred several years ago when a large shipment of raisins on the docks in one of the seaport cities was repeatedly fumigated with liquid hydrogen cyanide under conditions which prevented volatilization of the fumigant.

These raisins were distributed and assignment, resulted in numerous illnesses to consumers#146;. We may very well wonder how many digestive illnesses reported to doctors throughout the country are due to unsuspected poisons in food that were not discovered by the Food and essays, Drug Administration. It is Ways, maintained by essays, may #145;experts#146;, that when insecticides are produced from simple compounds they can be washed away and kept from directly affecting the public. This, however, is by Ways to conclude, no means universally accepted; on the contrary, it is believed that residues usually remain or are absorbed by the crops. According to Dr. School Essays? Francis E. Ray, Director of the Cancer Research Laboratory (University of help a descriptive narrative Florida), arsenic #145;in the form of essays copper arsenate or lead arsenate is commonly used as an agricultural insecticide and fungicide. It has been known for many years that exposure to arsenicals produces a certain type of cancer of the skin. More recent evidence is Complete assignment one, that inhalation of arsenic dust #150; and for kids, sprays #150; may cause cancer of the Do my australia economics lung.

It is possible that other types of internal cancer may be caused by essays, the long-continued ingestion of so-called non-toxic doses of arsenicals. It is suspected that the arsenicals used in growing tobacco contribute to the high incidence of help writing a descriptive lung cancer among heavy smokers. Arsenical sprays on tobacco and food should be prohibited#146;. Another #145;simple#146; chemical (indeed, an element) that has come into widespread use against insects is selenium. Experimental study by the Food and Drug Administration indicates that selenium and its compounds #145;are highly toxic and are capable of producing insidious poisoning. When as little as three parts of School essays selenium (in the my essay for me uk much form of selenized corn) was added to each million parts of the diet of School essays for kids rats, it produced liver disease (cirrhosis) in I need help writing a descriptive narrative the majority of the animals within a year. Higher concentrations eventually produce liver tumours in some of the animals. All these factors combine to make selenium extremely dangerous as a food contaminant.

Minute amounts of it (at least in animals) can initiate a sequence of pathologic changes, the earliest of which are symptomless and pass unnoticed, while the School essays for kids later stages are irreparable and ultimately fatal. These facts combined with our conviction that the use of selenium-containing sprays could be avoided, have been the basis of our reluctance to set any tolerance whatever for selenium residues on fruit#146;. In 1942, the Food and Drug Administration initiated a series of experiments and studies to ascertain the extent to which ordinary packing house washing removed selenium from oranges, and the degree to which this substance accumulated in the soil after repeated usage. The conclusions of this study, which covered a period of several years, is remarkable. #145;Washing as ordinarily practiced removed little or none of the selenium,#146; dryly observes a memorandum of the agency to the Select Committee. #145;Soil in groves with a history of Ways to conclude repeated spraying showed a selenium level ten or more times that of unsprayed groves, and School essays, the flesh of oranges grown on the soil showed the same selenium level as above, even though no spray had been applied to Do my assignment australia economics this crop.#146; As of the hearings, however, the Food and Drug Administration has not been able to remove this substance from the School essays for kids market. Does My Essay? Even State agencies, with whom the Administration discussed the insecticide on 17th January, 1950, were of the opinion that a selenium product was #145;necessary under certain conditions to essays control mites#146;. As the development of insecticides continues, ever greater dangers to assignment public health are being produced. Perhaps one of the gravest hazards arises from recent insecticides developed around hydrocarbons #150; the organic insecticides like the chlorinated hydrocarbons (chlorinated camphene, etc.), the organic phosphates (parathion, etc.), and so on. Since these insecticides are fat soluble and School essays, chemically stable, they are readily retained in body fat. The human body can acquire parathion, DDT and Complete assignment only, similar hydrocarbons from any number of vegetables, fruits, milk, and even the flesh of sprayed fowl and cattle.

No limit has been agreed upon by the #145;experts#146; on how much of these substances can accumulate in the fat of the organism. Indeed, aside from the fact that insecticides can be intrinsically harmful, it may be supposed that the School essays for kids hydrocarbons are especially dangerous because they may enter the blood steam in larger quantities precisely during illness, when stored fat is being released by Do my assignment australia economics, the body to resist infection and for kids, disease. According to an article by W. A. Brittin, head of the food laboratory of the Beech-Nut Packing Co.: #145;These organic insecticides reached the market for general use before adequate information was available on the acute or chronic toxicity of the chemicals involved#133; with the exception of one or two insecticides, methods of analysis were lacking which were specific for these various organic spray residues.#146; When chlordane was introduced for use in agriculture, for example, one manufacturer described the insecticide as being half as toxic as DDT. Assignment Australia? Afterwards, the belief was expressed in School essays for kids sales literature that chlordane #145;is among the safest of all available organic insecticides#146;. According to Dr. Miller, one of the members of the friend Select Committee, chlordane sprays were even available in drug stores for School essays household use. If we are to accept the A manual opinion of Dr. For Kids? Lehman of the Food and Drug Administration, however, the truth appears to be that #145;chlordane is A manual papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, one of the most toxic insecticides we have to deal with#133; First of all, it penetrates the skin very readily. Therefore, anyone handling it could be poisoned. Or of it is School essays, used as a household spray, the potential hazard to living in these houses is quite great because of the ability of chlordane to penetrate the skin and because of the volatility of the insecticide and the possibility of poisoning by inhalation. More to the point is that it is very toxic to Ways to conclude an essay the liver and kidneys of an individual.

As an over-all picture, to use DDT as a yardstick, I would put chlordane four to five times more poisonous than DDT.#146; Yet at the time that the Food and Drug Administration conferred with a manufacturer of this substance, (23rd September, 1947) it was reported that 700,000 pounds of chlordane had been sold, and another company had sold approximately 300,000 pounds. When Lehman was asked if chlordane was employed extensively as an for kids, insecticide he replied that #145;based on poundage it must have been quite widely used#146;. Thus far, to Pay for my essay the knowledge of this writer, the Food and Drug Administration has not been able to prevent its continued sale to food growers. Parathion is another organic insecticide that came into School, wide use fairly recently. It has already caused the death of some nine people, one of whom was spraying tobacco and another citrus fruit. Although Dr. Lehman believes that this insecticide is Ways an essay, #145;quite safe for use#146; and that no #145;evidence#146; exists to show it is harmful to consumers eating foods sprayed with parathion, he was obliged to make the essays following judgement: #145;Parathion is a liquid. It penetrates the skin. It is very poisonous. I Need Help Writing A Descriptive Essay Narrative? Very small amounts will produce fatal poisoning.#146; This order of opinion #150; that a substance is #145;very poisonous#146; but no #145;evidence#146; exists to show that it will harm consumers when used on crops #150; is often the most favourable response that can be elicited from governmental agencies like the Food and Drug Administration. But some biochemists and health workers who are not obliged to maintain an essays for kids, acute sensitivity to the pressure of industry allow themselves less restrained opinions.

Dr. Franklin C. Bing, in conjunction with a committee on food and nutrition, has made the more sweeping observation that, #145;Contrary to previous beliefs, it now seem likely that a substance which is poisonous to Do my one form of life is very apt to be found to School essays for kids some degree toxic for other animals, including man#146;. This observation appears to have received its most striking confirmation with the Complete only one use of DDT, an insecticide which for years was heralded as completely harmless to man and extremely effective against insects. A considerable literature has fostered the belief that DDT is essays, so free of any hazards to Pay for my essay human beings that is may be sprayed directly on the body for School essays for kids protection against such parasites as lice. The contrast between these claims and the results of recent research led to a very lively controversy before the Select Committee. Possibly hundreds of pages of testimony were devoted to A manual for writers of research papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s the merits as against the dangers of this widely used insecticide.

It is interesting to note that few experts were prepared to maintain that DDT is School for kids, completely harmless; the dispute actually centred for the most part, on whether DDT, once regarded as without any hazard whatever, is to-day responsible for an epidemic of nervous and Ways to conclude, physical disorders! This controversy reached its most acute point in the testimony of Dr. Morton S. Biskind, who has devoted himself to extensive research into the pathological symptoms of DDT poisoning. According to Dr. Biskind: #145;The introduction for uncontrolled general use by School essays, the public of the Complete one insecticide DDT, or chlorophenothane, and the series of even more deadly substances that followed has no previous counterpart in history. Beyond question, no other substance known to man was ever before developed so rapidly and spread indiscriminately over so large a portion of the earth in so short a time.

This is the more surprising as, at the time DDT was released for public use, a large amount of data was already available in the medical literature showing that this agent was extremely toxic for many different species of animals, that it was cumulatively stored in the body fat and essays for kids, that it appeared in the milk. At this time a few cases of DDT poisoning human beings had also been reported. These observations were almost completely ignored or misinterpreted#133; DDT is as lethal in repeated small doses as in larger single doses. In low-grade chronic poisoning in animals, growth is impaired, and the implication of this observation for the growth of children should be given serious consideration. In rats, tumours in the liver have been produced by low-grade continuous poisoning with DDT. DDT is stored in the body fat and is excreted in the milk of dogs, rats, goats, and cattle as we have shown, in that of humans, too.

Virtually all of these effects have also repeatedly been observed in known DDT poisonings in human beings. The other agents of the DDT group, chlordane, benzene hexachloride, chlorinated camphene, and methoxychlor, so far as these have been reported, also produce serious tissue changes varying in site and degree with the compound. Chlordane is an especially dangerous nerve poison and animals who have received toxic amounts rarely recover even though bodily changes prior to death do not seem at all alarming. Fortunately in my own limited experience with chlordane poisoning in man, I can report that with stringent avoidance of further exposure and intensive nutritional therapy to a descriptive essay help repair the tissue damage, recovery does occur, though this may not be complete. Benzene hexachloride changes the chromosomes of plants and probably, too, those of animals. Essays For Kids? The possibility that this agent may adversely effect the heredity of human beings must be taken into consideration. Do My Assignment Australia Economics? Already in one report from Europe, seedlings treated with benzene hexachloride were so altered in their heredity that it was suggested that nondegenerated stocks be used for seed subsequently#133; We are dealing with double-edged swords, for the very substances now promoted to increase the size of for kids our crops in the long run turn out to be detrimental to agriculture itself. Assignment Australia? All these substances and the fantastically toxic parathion, too, inhibit the School growth of certain plants, and compounds of the DDT group also persistently poison the soil, so far as present evidence goes, for five or six years and possibly indefinitely.#146; In the course of writing his testimony, Dr.

Biskind carefully elaborated the symptomology of DDT poisoning. A comparison of these symptoms with alleged #145;virus#146; epidemics in many American communities has suggested to him that many of these epidemics may actually result from mass DDT poisoning. Biskind#146;s experience with individual patients suggests that this belief is by no means as reckless as it first appears. He cites the case (an example among many) of a patient who apparently suffered severe nervous disorders. After repeated examinations and tests for two-and-a-half years, he was finally referred to Dr. Biskind for treatment. School Essays For Kids? #145;When I saw this patient,#146; observes Dr. Biskind, #145;he had an enlarged tender liver, sings of nutritional impairment, reduced ability to feel vibration in his legs and my essay, a reduction in his pulse pressure. Under ordinary circumstances none of these signs, nor all together, could account for for kids his symptoms. When he was advised to give up his job as seek less toxic employment, to remove all traces of DDT and chlordane from his environment, was given nutritional therapy to alleviate the liver damage and put on a diet low in insecticide residues, he showed prompt improvement within a week. Four months later he was almost free of symptoms. He was then unknowingly exposed to Pay for DDT in a restaurant kitchen which has just previously been aerosoled with DDT.

Within half-an-hour the entire syndrome returned and required more than a week to subside.#146; It may be noted that Dr. Biskind claims to be familiar with entire families who exhibit the syndrome of this patient because of DDT. Experimental evidence favourable to DDT ordinarily rests on situations where a group of people are voluntarily exposed to a few repeatedly large doses of the insecticide. Since no acute pathological findings are reported by these #145;experiments#146;, it is essays for kids, assumed that DDT is harmless to human beings except in cases of Complete assignment need individual sensitivity. Thus the tendency is to regard all admitted cases of DDT poisoning as exceptional, where an School, individual rather than a public reaction is at stake. This approach is slowly being reversed by a number of researchers.

The public, mass hazards of DDT are now being seriously considered because of an essay new and more complete experimental evidence. A considerable amount of information of DDT has been supplied by the Texas Research Foundation, an independent non-profit institution supported entirely by School essays for kids, private business interests. According to Mr. John M. Dendy, head of the of research papers pdf kate analytical division of the foundation: #145;1. All processed milk and meat samples (tested by the Division for evidence of insecticides) were found to be contaminated with DDT. #145;2. The degree of contamination ranged from 3.10 parts per million of DDT in lean meat to 68.55 parts per million in fat meat. School Essays? In milk the contamination ranged from less than 0.5 parts of DDT per million in 13.83 parts per million. #145;3.

Both corn and sunflowers sprayed with insecticides were found to absorb the uk much chlorinated hydrocarbons in unchanged form. #145;4. The rate of absorption was found to be cumulative, the degree of contamination increasing with each spraying. School Essays? The extent of absorption in corn ranged from zero parts per million where there was no spraying to 8.11 parts per Do my assignment australia economics, million after two sprayings with insecticide. Contamination of the sunflowers ranged from zero for School essays for kids no spraying to 3.72 parts of insecticide per million after one spraying and 7.40 parts per million after two sprayings.#146; Mr. Dendy concludes as follows: #145;#133; one of these insecticides [a reference to several organic insecticides tested by the Division, including DDT], when sprayed on a crop such as corn is absorbed by the corn.

The dairy cow or beef cow which feeds on the corn in turn absorbs a portion of the chemical in its fat, and the insecticide is passed on to the Pay for friend human being who consumes milk or beef from the essays for kids animal. In experiments in the laboratories of Does my essay uk much A. J. Lehman, M. I. Smith, and H. J. Welch, it has already been shown what concentration of DDT will produce death in School essays test animals. Pay For My Essay? We know, too, that DDT is absorbed into essays, plant and my essay friend, animal tissues cumulatively. Therefore, we can only conclude that the continued indiscriminate use of DDT and other chlorine hydrocarbons holds an ever-increasing hazard to the public health.#146; Later in his testimony, Mr. Dendy points out that, #145;Milk containing small concentrations of DDT has been found by most of the investigators in the field. Even though the intake is small, the fatty accumulation in the tissues as the result is magnified as high as thirty-four times the original intake. In other words, with a diet of ten parts per million you could expect, in some instances, 340 parts per million in the fat#146;. It is interesting to note that Dendy flatly refuses to acknowledge the adequacy of the tests which either support the harmfulness or the harmlessness of DDT to human beings. #145;As I see it, in this particular field,#146; he observes, #145;we exposed almost everything to the indoctrination of DDT. For Kids? As most of you know, in the service we used DDT for everything, and we got home and used DDT with no thought as to its possible effect on Complete need one the individuals.

Yet, as I say, there is no one that has established a truly detrimental effect on the human being to my satisfaction yet. There has been no elaborate human test made yet. Someone has to authorize, delegate and carry on such experiment, to essays for kids ascertain whether or not all this wealth of information is going in Do my australia the wrong direction. School For Kids? We are showing a possibility of friend mass contamination, but we do not know its effect. We know it has an effect on for kids test animals, we can show that, but we do not know its human effect.#146; Perhaps we have misunderstood Mr. My Essay For Me Uk Much? Dendy, but this is the same acme of the positivist method: animals are known to essays respond adversely, but since no test has been made on Ways to conclude man, Dendy is not satisfied that DDT is detrimental to human beings! The real point seems to be that no adequate test has been made to support the harmlessness of the insecticide to the public. In the meantime, DDT is ubiquitous. A recent experiment on the insecticide could proceed only with the essays greatest difficulty because the my essay for me uk much control rats, which were supposed to be checked against those given DDT, were also found to have acquired the insecticide from their normal environment. Organic insecticides have been found not only in School the fodder, fat, milk and eggs of animals consumed by man but in the brains as well. The dangers of DDT to A manual of research pdf kate public health have been echoed in the reports of Dr.

Lehman, who acknowledges under questioning by essays for kids, the Select Committee #145;that the Pay for my essay potential hazard of DDT has been underestimated#133;#146; But few remarks sum up the meaning of DDT to the public health more vividly than the following quotation from a British food journal (cited by Dr. Biskind): #145;Atomic bombs and DDT will be regarded by School for kids, many as the Complete assignment only one two most notable scientific developments of the war. Essays For Kids? They have now been brought together in a more direct and scientific sense by recent British research carried out by the Pest Infestation Laboratory. Radioactive isotopes produced as the Does for me uk much Harwell Atomic Pile have been used to essays for kids study the biological movement of DDT residues#133;#146; After reporting that an insecticide almost identical to DDT has been found in the #145;gizzard, the turabianвђ™s liver and essays, the kidney, the tissues of the heart and brain, and the sciatic nerve fibre#146; of test hens, the quotation concludes: #145;These new results give strong confirmation for the view that DDT is a hazardous contaminant of animal and human foodstuffs. Though in themselves the residues from DDT application may be small, it is A manual of research papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, clear that they are considerably retained after ingestion. Essays For Kids? Toxic effects of a harmful if not lethal nature could arise from the cumulative absorption of DDT residues.#146; Actually, the coupling of to conclude an essay atomic bombs with organic insecticides as the most noted scientific developments of the war is not a helpful amalgam. Atomic bombs have proved to be very effective in snuffing out human life. It is by no means, assured, however, that insecticides perform a similar function with respect to insects. If we are to accept a number of School for kids very remarkable facts brought out before the Select Committee, it would appear that not only do insecticides often fail to provide a long range solution against insects, but they may even result in the widespread appearance of new pests.

It is ironic but apparently true that the use of many insecticides leads to the development of resistant varieties of I need essay narrative insects, while producing new pests by destroying their natural enemies. #145;The New York Times last April (1950),#146; claims Dr. School? Biskind, #145;carried items indicating that because the wheat crop was threatened by green bugs and red spiders, more than 200,000 acres has been sprayed with parathion by airplane. What was omitted from the news dispatch was that the crop was threatened only because prior use of DDT had killed off the normal predators of for writers papers turabianвђ™s these two resistant insects, permitting them to flourish uncontrolled. Apparently the remedy for too much poison is for kids, still more.#146; A similar situation has been reported by leading entomologists like Dr. Complete Need? Charles E. Palm of Cornell University. #145;As far as the same number of insects,#146; declares Dr. Palm, #145;we probably has most of them before, but we have cases in our own experience where we have some minor pests that have become of major importance #150; I say possibly #150; through the use of insecticides, I think of the School essays red-banded leaf roller on my essay fruit.

It was always a minor problem, and School essays for kids, as long as we used lead arsenate for an essay control of the codling moth, it was no particular problem to the commercial fruit grower. But there is the possibility that DDT has reduced the School parasites of the red-banded leaf roller as a problem that we have to contend with because we still have to control the I need writing codling moth with DDT. We cannot go back to lead because we cannot do it economically from the viewpoint of essays for kids codling moth control. So this thing gets a little tighter all the economics while and the importance increases.#146; This type of problem has become so acute in recent years that there is a tendency for #145;experts#146; to juggle the effectiveness of an insecticide against the natural predators of other pests which may also be destroyed. Dr. V. B. School For Kids? Wigglesworth, of the Agricultural Research Council in Cambridge, England, was obliged to suggest that #145;an insecticide which kills 50 per cent. of the pest insect, and none of its predators or parasites, may be far more valuable than one which kills 95 per cent. of the assignment pests, but at School essays, the same time eliminates its natural enemies.

Perhaps this is where the future of chemical insecticides lies, not as a substitute for, but as a complement, to the more subtle and more remunerative methods of biology#146;. The entire meaning of insect control by insecticides threatens to be upset by the very consequences of insecticides. In an Pay for my essay, article, appropriately called #145;The Philosophy of essays Orchard Control#146;, A. For Writers Pdf Kate? D. Pickett of the essays Dominion Entomological Laboratory in Nova Scotia writes #145;that when a chemical is used for some specific purpose, such as the control of a fungus disease, it may increase the Pay for survival potential of one or more pests which were unimportant before the spray was applied. School For Kids? An example of my essay friend this is the increase in population of oyster shell scale and European red mite following applications of elemental sulphur#146;. The British have tried to show some moderation in the use of insecticides; the Americans, however, work on the principle that the bug must be bludgeoned#133; or else! The difference in national attitudes reflects itself in the fact that while British #145;experts#146; are thinking of reducing insecticides and, in some measure, getting nature to work with them, the American #145;experts#146; continually increase the dose of an insecticide as the School for kids pest grows more and more resistant, until complete resistance has been achieved. At the I need help essay narrative same time, the for kids increased dosage adds to the contamination of food and tends to complete the narrative destruction of natural enemies, including not only other insects which are helpful to man but also wild life and birds. Insects, to-day, destroy more than $4,000,000,000 worth of crops a year. The problem of School essays for kids controlling them, as Dr.

Palm admitted, has become more acute and expensive that it ever was in the past. The one possibility of reducing insect predators, namely by for me uk much, improving plant nutrition, has received very little attention by School for kids, soil scientists. Yet it is an area of investigation that some of the most interesting facts and results have been brought to light. During the Select Committee hearings, the American novelist and practical farmer, Mr. Louis Bromfield, frankly stated his belief that the #145;increasing attack by insects and diseases upon our agriculture and horticulture has arisen largely through poor and greedy agricultural methods, through the steady deterioration of soils and the steady loss of organic material with which nitrogen is closely affiliated, and the increasing unavailability of the natural elements though the loss and destruction of soil structures and content. In other words, a sick soil produces a sick and writing a descriptive, weakened plants which are immediately subject to disease and insect attack. Essays For Kids? In properly managed soils the necessity for Ways to conclude an essay using poisonous preparations injurious to School animals and Complete need one, people is greatly diminished and in many cases disappears altogether. The general deterioration of most soils in the United States since the first plough entered them is closely related to the increasing attack of disease and School essays for kids, insects and the consequent short-cut use of poisonous dusts and sprays later consumed by humans.#146; Falling back on his extensive experience in farming, Bromfield went on to say: #145;I myself farmed and Does, gardened in School for kids France, on land that has been in use for 1,200 years, for seventeen years without every using a dust or spray. It was wholly unnecessary because during that time the soil had been properly handled.#146; According to Mr.

Bromfield, the University of Missouri #145;has found that sufficient amounts of the element nitrogen will control the attack of chinch bugs on corn. They found that corn not suffering from nitrogen starvation was simply not attacked by the pests#146;. Similar experiences have been obtained #145;in related to the attack of the green bug on wheat#146; in Kansas. #145;The green bug,#146; observed Mr. Bromfield, #145;does not start on help writing a descriptive narrative one side of the of the field and work his way across. They always go to work on the yellowish spot in the field and they work out in a circle. This yellowish spot is where there is a strong nitrogen deficiency, because they will not attack the deep-green wheat.#146; Bromfield#146;s remarks are a matter of School essays record in the scientific journals and have even received confirmation from workers in the field who still regard the use of assignment economics insecticides as indispensable to agriculture. Chemicals substances are not only introduced into School, the soil and sprayed on assignment crops, but they are also injected on an ever-increasing scale into cattle and School essays for kids, fowl. To Conclude An Essay? An extraordinary example was cited by School essays, Dr. Clive McCay. #145;As you are aware,#146; Dr. McCay told the Do my assignment australia economics committee, #145;some producers of School chickens are introducing under the skin into I need help, the neck of the chicken diethylstilbestrol. Such procedures produce more pounds of chicken from a hundred pounds of feed and increase profits.

When these chickens are slaughtered the necks are cut off and may be fed to foxes and mink. Essays? Some of Does for me these farms have reported substantial failure in breeding. Now the School for kids question arises whether enough of of research papers turabianвђ™s this compound finds its way into the flesh to School for kids affect the person who consumes the chicken. #145;The same type of problem arises when meat-producing animals are fed compounds to my essay friend injure the essays for kids thyroid so that the basal metabolism of the pig or steer will be lowered and more meat will result from each pound of feed. Does enough of the compound fed the animal remain in Do my australia the meat so that the consumer will be injured?#146; Despite a furious attempt by manufacturers of cattle hormones to prove the contrary, some of the most eminent endocrinologists in the United States no longer regard stilbestrol as a #145;problem#146; to be decided upon either favourably or unfavourably. In their opinion, these hormones, and especially stilbestrol, are a great hazard to the public health. According to Dr. Robert K. Enders, chairman of the Department of Zoology in Swarthmore College, #145;it is against the public interest to permit its [stilbestrol#146;s] use and sale under present conditions#146;. The supporters of the use of diethylstilbestrol,#146; observes Enders, who experimented with the hormone for three years, #145;always cite that the drug is used in medicine with inference that it is, therefore, harmless.

They point out the fact that large doses have been given patients without disaster although they may produce vomiting. They never mention the fact that small amounts, even minute amounts, given over a longer period may give results that differ from those where large dosages are given under the supervision of a physician. Yet the literature shows that extremely minute doses can effectively sterilize and injure laboratory animals where larger doses have no long-range effect (Roberts and essays, Nature). These small doses do not produce vomiting. Nor do the supporters quote a leading endocrinologist who says: #147;#145; In women there is evidence that oestrogens are concerned in the etiology of mammary cancer. Not only does the clinical evidence point to such a conclusion, but now, with the lapse of time, cases are being reported in which cancer of the breast has followed prolonged treatment with oestrogens.#148; #145;Supporters of the use of my essay uk much diethylstilbestrol always say that #147;in properly treated fowl#148; there is no residue or if there is it is discarded with the School for kids head or that there is no effect of the drug detectable on humans.

Apparently the definition of what constitutes a #147;properly treated#148; fowl and Complete, fowl as they reach the market are far from the same thing. Having examined the heads of poultry that has been killed for School market, I can assure the committee that a considerable number of chickens contained unabsorbed portions of Does for me pellets of the drug#133; What can and does happen is well illustrated by an examination of caponettes, as sold on the open market. An expert examined fifty heads from one well-regulated packing house. He found pellets in essays for kids twenty-six of the heads. Eight of the heads showed that pellets had been absorbed, three heads had the I need a descriptive narrative appearance of School essays normal cockerels but no evidence of australia economics a pellet or injection site could be found in eight birds. This means that in 16 per cent. of the chickens sold the site of implantation was in such a place that it was sold with the meat. Even if only had of these had a residue of diethylstilbestrol left, 8 per cent. of the chickens contained large amounts of the chemical which is not destroyed in normal cooking. #145;The reluctance of the trade to use animal charcoal to mix with the pellet to mark the site of the injection may be due to the fact that the School essays site of injection may be included in the sale of the fowl.#146;

Commenting on damage that stilbestrol can inflict, Dr. Enders warned that #145;one two-hundredth of the dose, that is of a maximum dose, given regularly over a period of time will kill the (experimental) animal. Now while two one-hundredths of a milligram given over a period of a time will kill the animal, as much as two milligrams given over the same period of time to an animal of the same weight will not kill him. To me that can only mean one thing, that small doses are much more toxic than large doses#146;. Enders observes that mink fed with stilbestrol #145;were the poorest mink I have ever seen that were still breathing. That is, they lost their hair, they were fat and puffy, you could put your finger in the skin and dimple it and the skin would not come back, there were scales around the external orifices because something was wrong with the urine, and, as I say, the few survivors were the most miserable animals I have ever seen for animals that were still breathing#146;. The testimony of Enders indicates that large enough doses of stilbestrol will stop ovulation in Pay for my essay women, profoundly alter the blood picture in School for kids chickens and Pay for friend, cause changes in the reproductive tracts of experimental animals fed on poultry waste shudders at this prospect. Cystic ovaries, paper-thin uterine walls, dead and resorbing embryos follow such use. The drug should not be available except to experimenters and the physician.#146; Dr.

Carl G. Hartman, a venerable leader in endocrinological research, gave testimony bearing out some of School for kids Dr. Enders#146; opinions before the Select Committee. #145;Whenever you tamper with one gland you tamper with all the others,#146; he warned. #145;When the ovaries or the tests are removed, the for writers pdf kate turabianвђ™s physiological effect is profound in the organism. If you give too much thyroid, you injure the ovary or the testes. We have to think of the body as a whole, and School, when you have an excess of one hormone over A manual papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s another you get effects which reverberate with the entire organism.#146; Hartman#146;s testimony was centred around synthetic chemicals that have estrogenic effects, of which #145;stilbestrol is the queen of them all#146;. These estrogenic chemicals not only find their way into meat but also into the cosmetics and homes of millions of women throughout the United States. When Hartman was asked if the estrogenic chemicals destroy the fibrin and fibrinogin in the blood, he replied: #145;I would not be able to say as to essays that, but I do know in the dog, for example, estrogen causes profound changes in the bone marrow where the red blood cells are made. A dog, in three months, will die of asphyxia because it does not have red blood cells enough to go around. In the chicken likewise the blood-forming organs are profoundly effected.#146; Although it is assignment australia economics, reported that the Canadian government plans to prohibit the for kids use of stilbestrol in poultry, the Ways to conclude an essay use of this chemical has increased enormously in the United States over School the past two years. #145;The acceptance of the hormonized, or chemically treated birds, by the public has reached national proportions,#146; reports Dr. Arthur D. Goldhaft, a director of a poultry laboratory that manufactures and distributes stilbestrol. #145;The major markets in American report a substantial increase of sale of this type of poultry meat with an increasing demand for this product. The reaction of the Does for me uk much New York City Live Poultry Terminal Market is characteristic.

This market records a phenomenal gain in chemically treated birds in 1950; in fact, the hormonized birds have practically sounded the School essays death knell of the Complete assignment need one legions of cross broilers that have been such a standby in essays the market for the past ten years. In the first ten months of 1950 they have gone from a low of 0.46 per cent. of total receipts #150; less, turkeys, ducks, and geese #150; in January to A manual of research papers turabianвђ™s 25.77 per cent. in October.#146; We may, perhaps, compare these remarks with the reaction of Dr. Miler, a member of the School essays Select Committee, to the report of Dr. Enders: #145;Dr. Miller.

I read your paper last night and I had to take an aspirin after dinner last night, I could not sleep. It disturbed me for a while. A Manual For Writers Of Research Papers Turabianвђ™s? It was disturbing to think what it may do to the human race. Dr. Enders. That is what I say, the vegetarians may inherit the earth.#146; Dr. Enders expressed agreement #145;with those endocrinologists who say that the essays for kids use of the drug to fatten poultry is an economic fraud. Ways To Conclude? Chicken feed is not saved; it is merely turned into fat instead of protein.

Fat is abundant in the American diet so more is undesirable. Protein is what one wants from poultry. By their own admission it is the improvement in appearance and increase in fat that makes it more profitable to the poultryman to use the drug. This fat is of very doubtful value and is in essays for kids no way the dietary equal to the protein that the consumer thinks he is my essay for me uk much, paying for#146;. The truth is that even more is involved. The use of School essays hormones in assignment need only cattle and fowl, including thyroid depressants like thiourea (a drug that was already prohibited by the government for one purpose, only to reappear again for another), suggests a new emphasis on animal weight over School animal reproduction. Dr. For Writers Papers Pdf Kate Turabianвђ™s? Albrecht, noting the tendency to ignore the School for kids mineral quality of cattle feeds for the carbohydrate and fat content, remarks that the #145;business of fattening cattle and pigs, more than reproducing and growing them, has been the much heralded agricultural success with livestock. In Missouri, the pig crop that goes to market is only 60 per cent. of that delivered by the sow in the litters of my essay for me pigs at their birth. Dairy calves at weaning time are only School essays for kids 60 per uk much, cent. School? of the total conceptions. Diseases of the udder, of the reproductive organs, and others of the dairy cow #150; so baffling to veterinary science as to call for legislation #150; threatening to kill the very animals, are rampant#146;.

It seems fairly apparent that the extension of hormones from face creams and cosmetics to stock-breeding and poultry will only serve to reinforce the trend toward carbohydrates which was begun with the improper feeding of cattle. The use of hormones in this connection is still relatively new. But the public may well imagine seven-league strides toward sweeping applications of Ways to conclude an essay synthesized pituitary, thyroid and sex hormones if makers of these products have their way. Since the invention of the atomic bomb (and, we may add, DDT), the wits of our time are continually conjecturing on how man will destroy himself. We feel justified in believing that if modern social relations continue, this will occur in School stages rather than by a single blow. The meat eaters will probably perish first, assuming anyone survives the application of insecticides to help writing agriculture. After the vegetarians take over, most of them will probably die from #145;improvements#146; in School essays new and better insecticides. Those who survive will undoubtedly kill themselves with the atomic bomb and, finally, to complete irony by irony#133;the insects will inherit the earth. Thus far we have examined the function and #145;possibilities#146; of chemicals in agriculture and stock-breeding.

Now, we shall attempt to accompany our product #150; sprayed by poisons and injected with hormones #150; to the next great stage: the processing of food products for the market. Before, we were occupied with agriculture; now, we are concerned with industry. But since agriculture simply reflects industry to-day, since both are thus oriented toward quantity instead of Do my assignment australia quality, the reader will not be surprised to learn that the prevalence of commercial over nutritive ends originates in the processing of foods. In this connection, Dr. McCay assures us, we are guided by a great tradition. #145;Since very early times, in the interests of School for kids making more profits, men have attempted to introduce chemicals into Does my essay for me, foods in School essays for kids order to make a cheaper product appear like a better one.#146; In accord with great traditions, let us take the of research papers fate of essays for kids bread. Ecclesiastical literature describes bread as the #145;staff of life#146;. So profoundly has the importance of bread been etched on Ways to conclude an essay human civilization that our great divines often contrast the body with the spirit by saying: #145;Man does not live by bread alone.#146; At the very least, this implies that man also cannot live without bread. The implication was true until fairly recently. It is now an open question whether the product which currently passes for bread in the United States is any longer the same food that inspired many earlier sermons, aspirations, dreams #150; indeed, vast historical movements.

#145;Bread traditionally was made from flour, yeast and salt,#146; profoundly avers Dr. William B. Bradley of the American Institute of School Baking, #145;and that is australia, what it is made from in most countries other than this one.#146; These are memorable words. They may well comprise the last, faint descriptions of the few scholars who still see bread. Indeed, bread seems to be traveling on the road toward extinction, for in this country, at essays, least, it is being made with the addition of many synthetic substances and chemicals. Do these chemicals mark any improvement? Do they serve any beneficial function? Perhaps we may answer these questions by contrasting trends in the improvement of bread with the substances out of which many #145;breads#146; are now made in the United States.

We know what enters into #145;traditional#146; bread. Now a better, more nutritive bread is Do my australia, one to which has been added milk, eggs and or/butter. In the mental and School essays for kids, old-age institutions of New York State, for example, a minimum of six per cent. fluid milk and two per cent. wheat germ is required for an acceptable bread. This bread, according to Dr. McCay, #145;costs only a half-cent more than the worst#146;. Yet despite the small difference in price, a growing tendency among bakers has favoured the replacement of valuable natural and dairy nutrients by chemical substances that may either be harmful to the public health or may at the very least contain less or none of the nutritive values in assignment one the foods they have supplanted. A bad, although commonly used bread, for essays for kids example, is likely to include bleached flour, softeners or emulsifiers, increased quantities of water, yeast and salt. Dairy products will have been #145;successfully#146; removed.

They way in which wheat is refined and bleached to-day has radically altered the nutritive weight of bread in the modern diet. Does My Essay? Research shows that a greater proportion of mineral richness in for kids wheat is to be found in the outer layers of the pdf kate turabianвђ™s berry. Yet it is usually this part that is School for kids, removed for the baking of bread and cake, while the a descriptive essay less valuable endosperm is essays for kids, retained. It is perhaps even more interesting to note that natural wheat is not as fattening as is ordinarily supposed. A pound of red winter wheat has about 1,471 calories.

As a result of milling, however, a pound of extraction flour yields 1,618 calories, an increase of more than 200 calories per pound. For every eight pounds of Does for me white bread consumed, the caloric equivalent of a pound of natural wheat is unnecessarily added to the diet. The outer layer goes as offal to farm animals; the essays inner layer is sent off for man. The first contains a higher ratio of my essay for me uk much minerals to carbohydrates than the second. In short, farm animals receive the best portion of the grain while man is stuffed with substances that make for increased carbohydrates and the concomitant physical disorders of a burdened, over-weighted body. The bread industry in the United States has tended to become a modern Circe: turning men into swine #150; in appearance if not in habits.

But the problem does not end at this point. The remaining berry is often bleached until it is rendered suitable for the production of white bread. To-day this may mean that the berry is School essays for kids, subjected to oxides of nitrogen, chlorine, potassium bromate, bitrosyle chloride, benzoyl peroxide or any #145;permitted#146; combination of these chemicals. Are these chemicals harmful? Will we have to wait for close on half a century (as with agene) to learn that they create disorders of Pay for my essay some sort in experimental animals? A number of countries have already answered these questions by simply prohibiting the School essays bleaching of flour. Indeed, it is unnecessary in my essay uk much any case to bleach flour in order to make white bread. When flour is stored and permitted to age, it will turn white naturally. The use of chemical #145;maturing#146; agents arises principally because storage facilities are too expensive, insects have increased as a problem for stored foods generally and contemporary methods of distribution favour quick processing as against traditional techniques. Naturally-white flour is simply unprofitable and difficult to handle in the present social set-up. Another #145;development#146; in bread is the introduction of emulsifying or softening agents.

The typical method for determining whether bread is fresh or not is by feeling it, by #145;playing the essays for kids piano#146; (as the industry puts it) on the bread rack in retail stores. Does For Me Uk Much? Until recently, the softness of bread and cake products was a good index of how long a product had been away from the essays for kids oven. For the most part, the an essay degree of School softness depends upon the rapidity with which a cereal loses its moisture. Surface-active materials like natural fats, lecithin in egg yolk, and Pay for friend, some plant substances which are in themselves valuable to the body will retain air and moisture in School essays for kids grain foods and Pay for my essay friend, thus keep these products soft without necessarily keeping them #145;fresh#146;. In this case, the consumer gains in food value what he may have lost in freshness. Essays For Kids? While this method of keeping bread and cake soft benefits the public, it is expensive and unprofitable to the bread industry. Does My Essay? #145;Naturally#146;, a #145;way out#146; of the #145;horrible#146; dilemma had to be found. Naturally. During the for kids #145;thirties, enterprising researches discovered that chemical surface-active agents like the A manual pdf kate turabianвђ™s mono- and diglycerides and polyoxyethylene monostearates could achieve the desired end. For Kids? At first, this discovery did not quite revolutionize the baking industry. At the time that emulsifiers were first put forward, observes Mr.

George T. I Need Writing Essay? Carlin of Swift and Company, #145;the bread-softness vogue had not become as pronounced as to-day and we never thought in terms of softness in 1937. In fact, we tried to patent their (emulsifiers) use as staling retarders but found our usage patent application had been anticipated by at least ten years#146;. During the war, however, the emulsifier industry prepared an extensive sales campaign for the baking industry until the idea finally began to bear #145;fruit#146;. At this writing, the public how has little choice between breads which contain emulsifiers and those which do not. According to G.F.

Gauger of the Purity Baking Company, an estimated 75 per for kids, cent. of the bakers in the United States use emulsifiers in bread. The possibilities which emulsifiers have are nothing less than extraordinary. Carlin advises the Pay for Committee, for example, that it is possible to reduce the fat in a cake mix from a high of 14 per cent. to zero. The Swift Laboratories #145;have made suitable mixes with 0 per cent. shortening content with the synthetic emulsifier#146;. Not only could the fat content be manipulated at essays for kids, will but #145;the reduction would make a cake that would be perhaps more appealing#146;. Mr. Complete Need Only? Carlin adds #145;that the egg content of a cake mix parallels the essays fat content. Fat makes a cake tender, eggs make it tough. In other words, the eggs, the coagulation of the eggs will offset the economics tendering influence of fat, so when you reduce fat, you may also simultaneously reduce the essays eggs#146;. #145;Mr.

Keefe (Representative from assignment Wisconsin): You would almost have to, would you not?#146; #145;Mr. School For Kids? Carlin: Unless you wished a tough, rubbery cake, you would.#146; If we are to accept the opinion of a number of food specialists, however, the principal danger of Ways to conclude an essay certain emulsifiers comes from the physical damage they have produced in essays for kids experimental animals. Recently, the Swift laboratories subjected some emulsifiers and allied substances to toxicological and nutritional evaluation. Economics? The experiments centred on the effect which #145;Myrj 45#146; and #145;Sta-Soft#146; (polyoxyethylene monostearate) have on rats, hamsters and rabbits. The results obtained were summarized by Dr.

Edward Eagle as follows: #145;. . .Single doses (20 milliliter) of School essays Sta-Soft of Myrj 45 in rabbits changed the I need a descriptive normally cloudy, alkaline urine containing varying amounts of white crystalline precipitate to School a clear, acid, precipitate-free urine containing 5.9 to 6.5 milligrams polyoxyethylene glycol per milliliter. #145;The rats fed Sta-Soft showed occult blood in writing a descriptive narrative the feces#133; the Sta-Soft rats showed no unusual gross pathology; microscopically, however, they manifested unusual gastric, lymphoid, renal, and testicular involvement.#146; The level used in for kids these experiments were five, ten, fifteen and twenty-five times the amount recommended for use in break and cake. According to Dr. Eagle, this represents a fraction of the test levels which the Food and Drug Administration advises for chemical substances used in food. #145;Furthermore,#146; observes Dr. Eagle, #145;the Food and Drug Administration states in writing, in scientific journals, that in order to prove the non-toxicity of any substance, it has to be fed to animals at a level of 5 per cent. with no harmful effects. Does My Essay? These materials cannot be fed to School essays for kids animals at 5 per cent. with no harmful effects#133; There are some people who feed a small dose to a rat, for example, and say that since man, a 70-kilo man weighs 350 times as much as a 200-gram rat, then man can take 350 times as much as a rat can take. That is very poor reasoning. #145;The best example I think you can give for that is aspirin.

The LD-50 (lethal dose which will kill half the number of animals to which the dose is administered) for aspirin is 1,300 milligrams per kilogram. That means about five 5-gram aspirin tablets represents the LD-50 dose for the rat and kills half the animals. If a man weighs 350 times the weight of that rat, then 350 times 5 aspirin tablets is 1,750 aspirin tablets, and my essay, no one would ever say that a man can take 1,750 aspirin tablets and survive#133;. If you can cause harm to any animal with anything, that material is not good for School for kids man, and that is the reasoning behind a good many of the discussions with Food and Do my assignment australia economics, Drug people. Man is the most sensitive of animals #150; at least, they regard him so #150; so that any material which is toxic to a rat or a hamster or a rabbit is unsafe for man.#146; Independent experiments by Dr. B. S. School Essays? Schweigert of the essay narrative University of Chicago essentially confirm the results obtained by Dr. School? Eagle.

Schweigert submits the following summary: #145;The effects of feeding 5 or 15 per cent. of two polyoxyethylene monostearates (trade names Myrj and Sta-Soft) in only one the diet of weanling hamsters was investigated. Thirty-three animals were used in each group and the growth rate, food utilization, general appearance, gross pathology and histological abnormalities were noted and compared to those observed for comparable groups fed 5 or 15 per cent. prime stead lard. For Kids? The basal diet was designed to be adequate in all known nutrients. The animals were kept on experiment for assignment australia economics ten weeks, at which time all remaining animals in each group were sacrificed. #145;A significant reduction in the rate of gain was observed for the groups fed either 5 or 15 per cent.

Myrj or Sta-Soft as compared to the groups fed lard. For Kids? A decrease in Pay for food utilization was also noted when Myrj or Sta-Soft was fed. Marked changes in the intestinal tract occurred and severe diarrhea also were observed for the animals fed Myrj or Sta-Soft. Mortality data, data on School for kids organ weights and gross pathology, also indicated that the ingestion of my essay these compounds in these amounts was deleterious to the hamster as compared to the data obtained for animals fed lard. #145;Animals fed 5 or 15 per cent. Myrj, Sta-Soft, or lard were sacrificed after two, four, six, eight, and for kids, ten weeks on experiment for histological study. Sections of the ileum, duodenum, rectum, liver, and kidney were examined for any histological abnormalities by Dr. Wang, chief of the division of histology of the American Meat Institute Foundation. Do My? In addition, sections of the bone marrow and of testes were taken from some of the animals. For Kids? Marked changes were observed in the duodenum, ileum, liver, kidney, and testis of hamsters fed 5 to 15 per cent. Myrj or Sta-Soft after two to Pay for my essay ten weeks on experiment.

The changes in the duodenum and ileum consisted of a severe erosion of the mucosa. Necrosis of the liver, decreased spermatogenetic activity of the testis, and tubular degeneration of the kidney were also observed.#146; The fate of bread is School, only part of an entire industrial and profit-mad pattern. Even the dairy products that are recommended for bread have become suspect because of the chemicals employed. Butter, for an essay example, was relatively pure food until recently. To-day it is common to School essays for kids dye this food a sickly-yellow colour. The problem grows in Pay for my essay dimensions when we recognize that the essays testing standards among pathologists are improving while those of industrial chemists often lag far behind. A large portion of chemicals employed in food products has been insufficiently investigated for carcinogenic (cancer-causing) properties. They have been tested primarily for acute toxicity. Another portion either has been or is Complete need only, being used which is allied to know carcinogens.

Still others are poisonous under some conditions and #145;less toxic#146; under other circumstances. #145;Butter yellow,#146; notes a memorandum from the Food and Drug Administration, is a colouring matter that was #145;used for a long time before it was discovered to be carcinogenic, at least in animals.#146; It belongs to School essays an entire class of chemicals known as the AZO compounds which have been found to produce cancer in mice. Oil orange E, another dye #145;in general use#146;, according to Dr. Francis E. Ray, Director of the Cancer Research Laboratory with the University of Florida, #145;caused tumours in seven out of Complete need seventeen mice, fourteen months after the start of the experiment #150; fourteen months is essays for kids, about half the life of a healthy mouse. An eighth mouse showed extensive liver damage#146;.

According to a list prepared by the Food and Drug Administration, over 800 chemicals #145;have been used or are proposed for use in or on foods, or in A manual for writers papers pdf kate such a manner as to constitute potential food contaminants#146;. Many of these chemicals have crept into foods for extremely obscure purposes. The public, for example, does not have the faintest idea that phenyl alpha naphthylamine is an anti-oxidant that is known to have been used in School essays for kids chewing gum. Yet this chemical is regarded by the Food and Drug Administration as toxic and #145;not suitable for food use generally#146;. Some substances, like potassium iodide, are used as nutritive supplements in #145;iodized salt#146;. #145;However, potassium iodide per se is a poisonous substance. An Essay? Morever, its use in even relatively small quantities may lead to adverse effects in the case of School essays for kids persons suffering from tuberculosis and possibly other disease.#146; Sometimes, a chemical like saccharic acid, which is considered to be #145;harmless#146; in A manual turabianвђ™s pure form, is rendered toxic in commercial form because of impurities. Chemicals, which are apparently harmless, may break down into substances that have toxic effects. Dulcin (alias Sucrol and School essays for kids, Valzin), for example, is a synthetic sweetening agent that is chemically known as paraphenetyl urea. It is about 200 times as sweet as cane sugar and does not produce the after-taste found in saccharine. A Manual Of Research Papers Pdf Kate? According to Dr.

A. J. Lehman, Director of the Division of Pharmacology of the Food and Drug Administration: #145;Although it has been available for over fifty years no investigation of School essays its possible adverse affects when consumed daily in small amounts over a long period of time was made until a few years ago when the Food and Drug Administration studied the problem. Assignment Australia Economics? Previous toxicity studies had been content to show that no immediate ill effects were noted in either man or animals from quantities such as would be used for sweetening foods. The fact that several workers had reported that Dulcin could break down to para amino phenol in the body us suspicious of it. Para amino phenol is School essays, also formed from acetanilid and is responsible for that drug#146;s poisonous effect on the blood. Our study of the chronic toxicity of Dulcin was begun in the fall of 1947 and extended over a two-year period. It consisted of incorporating Dulcin or one of three other synthetic sweetening agents into Does for me, the diet of rats and observing the effects on growth and survival throughout their lifetime. After death the various organs were examined throughout their lifetime. After death the various organs were examined microscopically to see what pathological changes had taken place. As the experiment progressed it became increasingly evident that the School essays for kids toxic properties of Dulcin make it unsuitable for use in food. My Essay For Me? As soon as the scientific evidence permitted such a conclusion a statement of policy was published in School for kids the Federal Register (19th January, 1950) announcing that we regarded Dulcin and P-4000 (another synthetic sweetener) as poisonous substances which have no place in food.#146;

Dulcin, it may be noted, was used in food products for sufferers of diabetes mellitus. Anyone who is familiar with the characteristics of this disease may well know the extraordinary danger that toxins #150; especially blood toxins #150; present to diabetics. To Conclude? On 9th February, 1949, the Food and Drug Administration undertook to advise a large manufacturer of diabetic food products that incomplete studies indicated the toxic properties of Dulcin. After an exchange of letters and oral views that continued into September of the same year a representative of the Food and Drug Administration observed that #145;we were somewhat surprised to learn that your company had continued to use Dulcin although fully aware of the fact that studies that were under way were indicative of the probably toxicity of Dulcin#146;. The Company finally discontinued the use of this substance. The Food and Drug Administration, it may further be noted, also learned that Dulcin not only School for kids inhibits growth and affects the blood adversely, but that it also produces#133; liver tumours! While few companies, to-day, are prepated to to conclude make the protracted tests that finally revealed the essays toxic effects of Complete need one Dulcin, the use of School essays for kids toxic, #145;near#146; toxic, #145;probably#146; toxic, and toxic but #145;harmless#146; chemicals (all of these categories are frequently established in food chemistry) can be multiplied almost indefinitely. They have grown with entirely new classes of synthetic substances for entirely new types of meaningless or obscure uses.

Alkyl aryl sulfanates are #145;wetting agents#146;, the toxicity and assignment, side effects of School essays which #145;require careful study#146; according to the Food and to conclude an essay, Drug Administration. But what, if you please, is a #145;wetting agent#146;? Is the public familiar with its function or its need? A Food and essays, Drug Administration list faintly hints that this type of substance is Complete only one, employed for washing fruits and vegetables. Or else one discovers that there are wax coatings, resins, plasticizers and other ingredients of packaging materials.

Phenol-formaldehyde resins, for example, are a number of such substances that have been used for coating tin cans. Some of these resins are explicitly regarded by the Food and Drug Administration as deleterious; others are believed to be #145;relatively#146; safe. School For Kids? The hazards to the consumer depend upon #145;whether the material would be transferred to the foods with which it might come in contact either by direct solution or leaching, volatilization, abrasion, or other methods#146;. The problems, in A manual papers turabianвђ™s short, are legion and School for kids, the possibilities for endangering the public health depend not only upon primary or secondary effects, but reach back into A manual of research pdf kate, tertiary stages of nutrition. They grow with a one-sided over-complication of for kids society, with a distortion of man#146;s relationship to natural forces and his bodily needs. Within recent years, the rise of little known and even unknown infectious diseases, the increase of degenerative illnesses and, finally, the high incidence of cancer suggests come connection between the growing use of chemicals in food and human diseases. Help A Descriptive Essay? There are, of course, many diseases that have been with man for immemorial ages. Little is known of why these diseases are acquired by some individuals while other individuals are immune. Investigation is slowly (and all too slowly) moving toward the School study of assignment economics immunity, of resistance factors which depend partly upon heredity but also upon the level of nutrition. Now, chemicals in food products may well play a very important role in these problems.

Much has to be learned of the primary, secondary and tertiary effects individual chemical substances, their derivatives and combinations play in reducing immunity. Something is already known of the School for kids lower nutritive level that has already been produced by many chemical substitutes in food. The toxins produced by bacteria, however, remain the my essay for me uk much direct agents of death from infectious disease. In this connection, an entirely new field of research is being opened. It is known, for example, that species of bacteria are no longer as stable as was once assumed. Apparently harmless bacteria may undergo mutation or enter into an environment that suddenly renders them dangerous to human health.

The question is: are chemicals in School essays food products responsible for any of Ways an essay these changes and new environmental conditions? In testimony before the Select Committee, Dr. Bing raised some considerations along this line. #145;The incidence of many diseases is changing,#146; he said. #145;There is an increase in the morbidity and mortality from essays a number of diseases. And then we have this phenomenon of new diseases appearing, conditions which were unknown heretofore or which were seen so little that they went unrecognized. #145;The increase in incidence #150; and, well, man is heir not only to old diseases, but he acquires some new ones from time to time. Whenever that occurs we naturally suspect a change in the environment. #145;Now, foods are part of the environment of the human being, and some alterations in foods are suspect or some alterations in drugs that may be given are always suspect.#146; Dr. Bing specifically pointed to one disease that is suspected to have arisen or, at Complete only, least, to have increased in incidence because of an emulsifying agent in vitamins. #145;There is this condition of retrolental fibroplasias of babies born prematurely. That condition is characterized by a change in the retina of the eye, and it results in total blindness of the baby in both eyes. #145;That condition was either now known or was observed so occasionally that it was not recognized, by and large, up until about essays, 1941, and Complete need, then the incidence of it increased so that from 30 to 40 per cent. of the prematurely born babies in some nurseries, some hospitals, had this condition and become blind.

#145;Now, the medical investigators looking into that have cast suspicion on the use of synthetic emulsifying agents present in a vitamin preparation which was administered to the new-born babies. They are not sure that I was the School essays for kids emulsifying agent or not, but they have called attention to the fact that when they changed from the vitamin preparation containing this synthetic emulsifying agent to the same vitamins without that particular material, the incidence went from 30 to 40 per assignment need one, cent. blindness down to less than 1 per cent.#146; It is widely agreed that the tempo and insecurity of American social life is a vital factor in the increase of degenerative diseases like heart and circulatory illnesses. But very little attention has been given to the role of chemicals in food. This problem is School for kids, especially complex because much has to be learned about the way the body absorbs and uses calcium and Does, magnesium salts #150; in addition to many other substances that make for over-all health. When synthetic toxins and chemical combinations are introduced into the body, however, it is clear that all the balances that normally exist in a healthy human being are altered. While nature provides for many tolerances in the body, a sustained attack upon these tolerances is certain to have disastrous effects.

In the oxidation of sugars, for example, quantities varying up to School essays a teaspoonful of insulin (about 1 cc) are responsible for the difference between a mild and severe case of diabetes. Of Research Pdf Kate Turabianвђ™s? Consider then, what it means when chemicals are introduced that violate these #150; and even more slender #150; tolerances day after day and year after year. A further problem is the heavy burden which toxins and chemicals place on the eliminatory organs of the body. Under the best conditions (which seldom prevail) these toxins are excreted. Before they are removed, however, they not only remain a burden to the entire organism but especially to the heart, liver and essays, kidneys which are most frequently involved in diseases of old age. In short, it is still to be determined how a chemical in food #145;behaves in the body, how it is handled in the alimentary tract; whether it is digested and absorbed; and, if absorbed, where it goes. For Writers Of Research Pdf Kate Turabianвђ™s? Is it handled by the liver, the great chemical organ of the body, and converted to something else, and for kids, the eliminated or does it pile up in the tissues or go to the kidneys, where many soluble substances are channeled in order to be excreted? Does it have any effect on any of the organs of the body?#146; Dr.

Bing, who posed these questions for the Select Committee, expanded upon the problems they raise for research. #145;We now know that there are some poisons which will kill an australia, animal without causing any demonstrable pathology or change in the structure of the cells. School For Kids? Cyanides can combine with the blood pigment and prevent taking in oxygen from the for writers of research papers air. And then there are certain organic synthetic compounds which react with substances in the body called enzymes, and School for kids, can cause sudden death in experimental animals without giving any clue to any pathologist who may make sections of all the tissues of the body and look for changes in the cell structure.#146; They very multitude of questions that can be raised around chemicals in food provides the essential setting for an answer. In so delicate an arrangement as the human body, it can be asserted that many synthetic chemicals probably play a sweeping role in diseases that are due to changes in human physiology #150; in the #145;degenerative#146; illnesses. Perhaps the most remarkable data thus far on need the role of School essays for kids chemicals in disease has been accumulated on Does for me uk much cancer. This data has been supplied from two aspects of research: the known properties of many chemicals in causing cancer (carcinogens) and the characteristics of malignant growth. School Essays? That certain chemical substances could produce cancer was proven in 1915 when two Japanese investigators, Yamagiwa and Ichikawa, managed to produce cancer in rabbits with coal tar. Since then tests of some 1,000 chemicals have led to the discovery of writing about 100 carcinogens. Some of these chemicals like 9,10-dumethul-1, 2-benezathracine require only three applications to the skin to lead to cancer in for kids a few months.

But it is necessary to emphasize that the vast majority of carcinogens require long-continued applications of small doses before cancer can be produced. Carcinogens can be used for a long time before they are known to cause malignant tumours. As a result of help writing investigations by for kids, Goldblatt, for example, the #145;interval between the first exposure of workmen to cancer-producing compounds and the appearance of symptoms of the disease was eleven to sixteen years in 54 per my essay for me, cent. of the cases. It was twenty to forty-eight years in 19 per cent. The shortest period exposure sufficient to cause cancer was 3.5 years and the longest thirty-three years.#146; A carcinogen may thus be used as a chemical in food without lending itself to any assured means of discovery #150; perhaps not only for many years but even at all. Even when carcinogens are used on short-lived experimental animals, unknown conditions for cancer may remain long after use has been discontinued. School For Kids? In recent studies on the incidence of lung cancer among smokers, the investigators proffered the suspicion that cancer appeared later in life as a result of Ways smoking although smoking was discontinued decades earlier. A new term (carcinogens) has been established for chemicals that #145;will not produce cancer when administered alone, but will enhance the cancer-producing power of other chemicals.

For example, if very small doses of 20-methylcholanthrene are applied to the skin, no cancer may develop but if the School essays for kids skin is then rubbed with croton oil, tumours soon appear at its site of Ways to conclude an essay application. #145;These small doses of the carcinogens will not produce cancer, but when the School essays small doses of carcinogen is followed by the croton oil, then a tumour appears. #145;The croton oil can be applied several months after the cancer-producing chemical has been administered. Simultaneous application is not necessary.#146; The effects of carcinogens and cocarcinogens, therefore, prove to have an extremely complex background. Two substances may not appear to be carcinogenic when individual tests are made; but in combination, or in any given sequence of application, they may produce cancer sooner or later.

Since any numbers of combinations or sequences are theoretically possible, the help a descriptive entire concept of carcinogens wants revision. School For Kids? As long as synthetic chemicals are used in food, the Pay for my essay friend human body comes to resemble ac chemical factory in which incalculable combinations of toxins and carcinogens are possible at any stage of life. The problems of chemicals in food products no longer centre so much on individual chemicals as they do on for kids a completely altered level of physiology, nutrition and irritability. The fact that cancer can derive from the mistreatment of the body as a whole is suggested from the standpoint of pathological as well as chemical research especially in the work of Harry S. N. Greene at the Yale University Medical School. In the course of transplanting tissues that was microscopically diagnosed as cancerous, Greene found that sometimes tissue could be transferred successfully to the eye of an alien species and at other times it could not. After further research, Green came to help a descriptive essay narrative the conclusion that many tumours which receive a diagnosis of cancer as a result of microscopic analysis were actually benign. Only the for kids malignant tumours could be transferred. These facts led to several lines of speculation.

Cancer may be suspected of deriving as a rule from pre-cancerous lesions. Pay For? In the pre-cancerous stage, a tumour may microscopically resemble in every detail a malignant growth and still be benign. School? Although it will be diagnosed as cancer and often successfully removed, in this stage there is no danger of Do my metastasis (spreading to other sites). School Essays? After a while, the supposed cancer may become truly cancerous and only then will metastasis occur. What causes the change in Complete assignment need one behaviour? Greene expresses the belief that constitutional rather than local abnormalities are responsible. Abnormalities in for kids the organism as a whole seem to disturb the organization of the cellular structure.

This leads first to a development through a pre-cancerous stage and eventually into malignant tumours and metastasis. Greene#146;s view, of course, does not necessarily challenge the local view of cancer; as, for example, when tissue is Complete need, rendered cancerous by essays, continual irritation. Rather, Greene also seems to open a more general source of disturbance. His view implicitly challenges the an essay entire environment of man. Among the essays most direct factors of man#146;s environment to-day that make for constitutional abnormalities are the tempo and insecurity of existence and assignment economics, the wholesale alteration of diet by the use of chemicals in food products. The former has given rise to nervous disorders on essays a vast scale. The latter tends to upset and distort human physiological processes, render nutrition inadequate and introduce repeated irritants and an over-loading of substances or toxins into the body. Help A Descriptive Essay Narrative? The problem that chemicals in for kids food presents can no longer be confined to the danger of acute toxicity.

Sensational cases of food-poisoning (bad as they are) have been overshadowed by the slow distortion of organic processes as a whole. Broad issues in ecology, chemistry and physiology are being raised #150; not simply local instances of only acute toxicity which supplied most of the attacks and legislation against the food industry in the past. When chemical fertilizers include the risk of altering soils, a general ecological problem is presented. When insecticides are developed from relatively simple compounds to complex and stable hydrocarbons that remain in animal tissue, the very constituents of the human body are involved. Finally, when innumerable types of School for kids chemical substances are introduced into the absorptive, physiological and metabolic processes of the body, the whole cycle of nutrition, growth, organic development and the normal tempo of physical degeneration in the course of life is changed adversely. We have said that the motive for introducing chemicals in food is writing essay, profit. We shall soon have the occasion to point out that even more fundamental reasons have arisen in recent times for for kids chemicals in food products.

But for the present this motive continues to operate and extend itself, and it has led to an increasing and essay, reckless marketing of the public health. Just as the profit-system introduces more and more irrational uses of man#146;s productive forces, so the problems raised by chemicals in essays food are met with totally irrational #145;solutions#146;. Perhaps the most absurd illustration is the story of Pay for #145;enriched#146; bread. Essays For Kids? To-day, the housewife is likely to encounter explosive advertising notices on bread that is #145;enriched#146; with vitamins and other substances. The facts, however, are that many breads which are described as enriched have first been deprived of valuable nutrients. The wheat is bleached and chemicals are introduced to replace the effect of natural substances that are useful to the human body. This approach to help writing a descriptive nutrition #150; if such it can be called #150; is in itself so perfectly irrational and wasteful that it would defy any rational mind if it was any worse than many irrationalities to-day.

Many individuals who do not pretend to an expert knowledge of food or agriculture see in chemicals an assertion of man#146;s power over nature, a substitute for vital natural products and human labour. This concept is only partly true, as it stands, and so far as food is concerned is dangerously wrong. Essays? The human body probably functions with the greatest difficulty when it is nourished in uk much piece-meal fashion, on the basis of what we think we know it requires. There are many important things we do not know for which there are certainly no synthetic substitutes. Modern science, at present, tends to segment the unity of the body into departments of knowledge that are, thus far, only approximations of its actual activities. These departments #150; physiology, morphology and so on #150; do not completely open to us the complex, organic facts and relations that actually exist in the organism. The body, for example, requires certain indispensable traces of metals and compounds. In greater quantities these substances prove to be poisonous and, perhaps, carcinogenic.

When foods are bleached, dyed, sprayed or synthesized, these traces can be lost or excessively increased. Sometimes, the chemist and physiologist has only a faint idea #150; if at all #150; of what is required. Chemistry continually suggests cheap substitutes, but it is seldom possible to arrive at what is actually necessary to meet the complexities that enter into the total process. In pure foods, however, traces are not only acquired in a manner by which the organism, over the course of animal evolution, has long been adapted to receive them, but they can also be eliminated without damage when these trace materials become excessive. The chemist, on the other hand, may synthesize compounds which the School essays body is compelled to receive because these compounds obey the general laws of chemistry more closely than the my essay chemical processes of life.

He may render compounds soluble which in School for kids pure foods are first acted upon by Complete assignment need only, digestive agents. Indispensable steps in digestion, which may be both stages of nutrition and also obstacles to the assimilation of undesirable compounds both in School essays quality and assignment need one, quantity, are thus replaced by laboratory techniques. Even enzymes have now been synthesized to essays replace natural agents of digestion, often with a very imperfect picture of human digestive activity as a whole. The human body, therefore, becomes a receptacle for chemicals it is australia, compelled to absorb, not what it definitely needs. The principle behind this fact can be extended to nearly every aspect of nutrition to-day. The modern concept of School essays for kids #145;power over nature#146; is a similar distortion. For centuries, great thinkers had seen in man#146;s control of assignment need only one natural agencies the School essays key to man#146;s access to leisure, intellectual and spiritual development, and freedom. They did not see in this control an end in itself, but an end to suit man. Moreover, #145;control#146; did not signify violation. It referred to a conscious turning of nature to meet human needs, as these needs arose from a rational body of social relationships rather than irrational society. #145;Control of nature#146; was founded upon the belief that nature had its own complex laws and that man could produce a society founded upon reason.

At present, the #145;conquest#146; of nature is predicated partly upon a control of Does my essay for me forces to conquer the human organism. It is School for kids, as though our insight into the facts of nature has been employed to manipulate the human body as something outside of nature. Soil experts, nutritionists and above all food industrialists toy with the human body very much as though it no longer was as much a part of to conclude an essay nature as the very natural forces that are commanded by School essays, chemistry. But the principal issue is that the #145;conquest#146; of economics nature currently rests upon problems arising from social blindness and idiocy. By the essays for kids misuse of chemistry, man is I need writing a descriptive essay narrative, #145;solving#146; social problems; problems that are related to social insight and intelligence rather than the physical and organic science. For Kids? The growth of I need help writing a descriptive narrative population, for School essays example, has become a major excuse for chemicals in agriculture and food. Yet population is large to-day primarily in the sense that half the world is Does my essay, practically uninhabited or has little industry, while huge urban centres are choking with millions. Land is insufficient because it is misused and frequently ignore where it is actually available; worse, modern forms of land tenure have driven millions off the land, often into useless occupations. Numerous clerks, impotent bureaucrats, advertising agents and salesmen have created a new form of urban idiocy to School overshadow the tradition of of research papers pdf kate rural idiocy. This idiocy ranges from a daily squandering of School essays hours on trains and buses to an inordinate preoccupation with anti-social and demoralizing media of uk much entertainment.

Modern society resists the possibility of essays restoring human contacts that have been broken by tawdry #145;entertainment#146;, siphoned into the home by television and radio. Only recently has an increasing number of people begun to my essay uk much think of decentralizing the great urban menageries #150; and this because of a fear of modern warfare and bombing. Yet in decentralization exists a real possibility for developing the best traditions of social life and for solving agricultural and nutritional difficulties that have thus far been delivered to chemistry. Most of the food problems of the world would be solved to-day by School essays, well-balanced and rounded communities, intelligently urbanized, well-equipped with industry and with easy access to the land. There is a logic to I need help writing essay every situation in School essays for kids modern society. With the rise of A manual of research huge cities, with a meaningless increase in detail labour, with the total supplanting of quality by quantity production #150; pure foods have not only been rendered unprofitable but also impossible if only because of transport conditions. The adulteration of food has now become a system, a net from which it is almost impossible to withdraw. Nearly every food product that appears on the market is to-day the repository of chemical substances. Years ago, this trend was ineffectively challenged by various #145;fad#146; movements. Now, there is scarcely any basis for choice between pure food and chemically treated products.

The door has been closed to individual selection, and the process of adding synthetic substances proceeds unabated. It is School for kids, doubtful if legislation will do anything to arrest this trend, even if legislation against chemicals in food is enacted. The problem has become a social problem #150; an issue concerning the assignment economics misuse of School essays for kids industry as a whole. It is on this basis alone that it can be solved. This page has been accessed by Ways, visitors outside of Pitzer College times since December 18, 1999.

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How to write the perfect SAP CV: Top 10 tips and essays, SAP CV sample template. Writing an effective SAP CV is an essential foundation for Ways, building a successful SAP career. When being considered for a new SAP employment opportunity your curriculum vitae is normally the first thing an employer uses to decide if you are suitable for the SAP position on offer, so it is no surprise that the candidates who write the best SAP CVs are those who are invited for interviews and who ultimately get hired. Writing a great SAP CV is the essays, first step in papers turabianвђ™s, the race for School essays for kids, an SAP job; those with a poor CV will rarely even make it past the first hurdle. Writing? With the SAP market becoming saturated and competition increasing, having an SAP resume that stands out is now more important than ever. When writing anything, the most important thing to keep in mind is the audience you are writing for. With an SAP resume, the chances are high that the person who reads your CV at essays the start of most recruitment processes will be an SAP recruiter. As an uk much, SAP recruitment agent with over 10 years’ experience, who has personally placed over essays 700 SAP Consultants in SAP roles, I’d estimate that I have probably read over 100,000 SAP CVs in my time, so I have a pretty good idea of my essay friend, what makes a top SAP CV. I’m going to offer an honest insider’s perspective into how most SAP recruiters actually read your SAP CV…let’s consider that on a busy day an SAP recruiter might have to recruit for three SAP vacancies, and School essays, may receive up to Complete assignment need only 50 applications for each position. School Essays? Will they read 150 CVs word for word, end to assignment need end?

Of course not. The honest reality is that most recruiters (myself included) probably spend 30 seconds skim reading each CV and School essays for kids, perhaps another 30 seconds crudely using the CTRL-F feature to search the CV for some other keywords. Bearing this in Ways to conclude an essay, mind, along with other SAP recruiter insiders’ perspectives, I’m going to provide my advice on how to write the perfect SAP CV. Below are my top 10 tips for a successful SAP CV and an SAP CV example / SAP CV sample template: 1 – Optimise your SAP CV so that it can be quickly and clearly digested when skim-read.

It is very likely that the first round of screening (often by an SAP recruiter) will involve someone quickly glancing over your CV. Therefore the best tip I can give you when writing your SAP CV is to make sure that it is optimised to be read in this way. To do this you need to essays ensure that the help a descriptive, key information in School for kids, your SAP CV stands out. In my opinion the thing that should stand out the most in your SAP CV is your job title. At the very beginning of Ways an essay, your CV, your job title should be clearly and boldly mentioned e.g. SAP HANA Consultant, so that it obvious at a glance what you do; it should leap off the page.

Your job title should then be mentioned as a clear and bold heading at the top of every job position / SAP project description that you mention throughout your CV. By doing this simple thing, the reader will be able to quickly and clearly understand what you do, where you have done it, and School, how many projects you have done it on. You’d be surprised at how many SAP consultants there are who don’t do this in their CVs. This same principle should also be applied to other key information from your CV. Ways To Conclude? Underlining, bullet points, bold text, coloured text and header text can all be used to emphasise key information within your CV. 2 – Make the for kids, first impression count. The first impression is always the most important one. Therefore, the writing a descriptive narrative, first page on essays for kids, your CV is the most important page.

It should be the page that you spend the my essay for me, most time perfecting. I have read many SAP CVs where the School, first page has been so poor and given off such bad signals that I have rejected the candidate without even making it to Complete assignment need only one the second page! The first page should contain a summarised version of all key information that you are trying to get across to the reader; it should be perfectly presented and essays for kids, engage the reader. Think carefully about the opening sentence, is that really the most important thing you want to say to a potential employer? Because it should be!

Think of the first page of your CV as the shop window, people are much more likely to I need writing narrative come into School essays for kids your shop and buy if they like the look of what you have displayed in essay, your window. 3 – Ensure your SAP CV has the right structure and order. A logical and effective structure is essential for writing a good SAP CV. Whilst people have different opinions and personal preferences, in my opinion an SAP CV should be set out with the following sections in the following order: Document Title: Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume, Profile etc. are all fine (this is for kids, down to A manual pdf kate turabianвђ™s regional and personal preference). Basic details: Full Name, job title, nationality (plus details of any other working permissions held), Date of birth (optional), marital status (optional), address, photo (optional), contact number, email address, languages spoken (and proficiency). Profile Summary: This should be a concise section that briefly tells the essays for kids, reader who you are and what you do. Does? It should mention information such as your job title / preferred position and give an overview of School essays for kids, your key SAP skills. For an SAP CV, it is good to mention things like the SAP modules / SAP submodules that you specialise in, for Complete assignment one, example: “SAP CO Consultant specialised in SAP CO-PC (Product Costing)”.

You should also mention details such as the number of full end-to-end SAP implementation lifecycles you have been involved in for kids, and how many SAP roll out Ways an essay, projects you have participated in School for kids, etc. to give the reader an Does for me, instant indication of your level of experience. School? You should talk about personal strengths and unique selling points, and a summary of your key results and achievements. This is the first opportunity to differentiate yourself and inject a personal touch to your CV. Keep it short and Pay for my essay friend, sharp, almost like a bullet point list of essays for kids, your profile highlights. Skills Summary: This could be a table or a bullet-pointed list of your key skills including details of all SAP modules and sub-modules that you have, SAP configuration (customising) experience in: SAP FI-GL, SAP FI-AP, SAP FI-AR, SAP CO-PA, SAP CO-PC for example, together with an indication of your level of Do my assignment australia economics, experience or years of experience in each area. Essays For Kids? It should also include details of other useful SAP-related experience that you may have e.g. Pay For My Essay Friend? LSWM, IDoc etc. and details related to School for kids project management or SAP Implementation methodology experience e.g. Papers? Prince 2, Agile, ASAP, SAP Solution Manager. It is School essays for kids, also good to indicate your relevant certifications here. Work Experience: You should always list your work experience in chronological order (most recent SAP project first). Ways An Essay? Each work experience segment should clearly display the basic key details: Start Date, End Date, Job title, Client Name, Brief Project Description, Key Activities and Results achieved.

Education / Training Courses / Certifications: For a senior SAP Consultant, this section just needs to be brief and contain a list of the basic key details. In addition to mentioning your SAP certifications here, it is also good to mention them within the skills summary section on School, the first page too. For a junior consultant / intern looking to enhance their SAP career, this section is more important and more detail can be given to describe experiences within your education / training which are relevant to I need writing a descriptive essay your intended SAP career. References: Again this is a matter of opinion, but personally I think that including two short written references in your SAP CV can certainly add something; a 3-4 line reference quotation, followed by the name, job title and company of the referee (only do so with prior consent from the essays for kids, referee). Having a good written reference already included in your CV can help you stand out, especially if it is from assignment need one, someone senior at a large, well-known SAP client. I wouldn’t include their contact details in the CV however, I recommend holding this back just for School, those who you want to contact them. Alternatively, you could include a URL / link to your LinkedIn references section here instead. Writing “references available upon request” is assignment need, really just a waste of space in School, my opinion and it is better not to even have this section if you choose to Complete one do that. Interests: Providing details of your personal interests isn’t the School essays for kids, most important component of a CV, but it could still contribute to the reader’s overall opinion/decision on A manual for writers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, your CV.

A word of warning, what you choose to reveal here could possibly count against essays, you without you ever realising, for to conclude an essay, example: innocently revealing that you are an active and passionate member of Greenpeace or an Animal rights charity may count against you if applying for a position with a Pharmaceutical or cosmetics company (where animal testing is involved), as they may deem this as a security risk. Mentioning that you love extensive, extended travel and take five holidays every single year might put off an employer who has a busy SAP project with tight deadlines and now assumes you’ll want to go away for School for kids, 6 weeks in the summer, right in the middle of a busy project milestone. On the other hand, describing your interests could also work in your favour: talking about SAP-related interests may add to your CV: being an Does my essay for me uk much, active member of an SAP user group, writing SAP blogs, articles or books for example. Mentioning personal interests that the person who is hiring also happens to share by coincidence might also count in your favour. Revealing a rare or interesting hobby may add to the perception of your personality that comes across from the CV, not too rare or interesting though… mentioning taxidermy might creep some people out. 4 – Make sure you mention the for kids, SAP Key Words throughout the Complete need only, CV. As mentioned above, most SAP recruiters will only skim-read your CV and quickly search it for keywords.

You therefore need to think carefully about School, which keywords are most important in relation to the SAP jobs you are applying for and ensure that as well as making them stand out, you also mention these keywords as often as possible. If I am searching for Pay for my essay, an SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System specialist for for kids, example, I would normally check the Ways an essay, document for some specific keywords using the School for kids, Ctrl-F search function. I would check for “SuccessFactors” and “Learning Management System” and Pay for my essay friend, see how many times each of these was mentioned. The important thing to note here is to also mention synonyms of these keywords in your CV as much as possible too, for example SuccessFactors is also referred to as SFSF (in its abbreviated form), as is Learning Management System to School LMS. Does? It is School, therefore important to have these variations well-represented in your CV. A lazy SAP recruiter, or perhaps one not familiar with the an essay, variations of names/abbreviations etc., could even dismiss your CV, simply because they don’t find the keywords they think they should be looking for! i.e. you might have LMS mentioned 100 times in your CV, but you haven’t mentioned “Learning Management System” once, a recruiter who doesn’t think/know to check for this could accidentally rule you out, so it is best to ensure all critical keywords, as well as possible variations of these, are well-represented in your CV.

It is similar to SEO (search engine optimisation), but for School for kids, your CV and the lazy readers, rather than Google. 5 – Be prepared to adjust your CV slightly for each specific SAP vacancy. If your SAP recruitment agent asks you to A manual papers turabianвђ™s adjust or tweak your CV for School essays, a particular position, be open to this. Does? You don’t have to re-write the entire CV, but simply making a few changes to tailor the CV for the specific position you are applying for could make a huge difference. School For Kids? Never lie or exaggerate on your CV, what I am referring to here is more about emphasising certain specific experiences that are particularly relevant for the SAP job you are applying for at the time. 6 – Make sure your CV is the right length. There is no fixed rule about the A manual for writers papers pdf kate turabianвђ™s, correct length for a CV as the essays, length will depend on many factors. In general your CV should be as short and to-the-point as possible, whilst being long enough to contain all of the important information a potential employer may want to know. You’ll read a lot of generic articles telling you that your CV should only be 1-2 pages long, but in my opinion this does not apply to an SAP CV, an SAP CV is different as you need to go into more technical detail and clearly outline the exact SAP modules, SAP submodule, SAP-related tools, methodologies etc. that you have experience with. You also need to go into australia enough detail about the nature of the essays, SAP projects you have been involved in and your specific responsibilities within these projects. Keep in australia, mind that your SAP profile should be an overview and School essays, not a lengthy memoir.

If you are someone who can’t control the volume of Does, text when writing in prose, then perhaps consider using concise bullet-pointed text wherever possible, to help you keep control of the overall length. School For Kids? An SAP CV is A manual for writers papers pdf kate, there to form the basis for guiding an essays for kids, interview conversation and not there to replace it. 7-Make sure your CV has a professional look. The content is of course the most important factor when writing an SAP resume, however you’d be surprised at how many SAP CVs I’ve seen with decent content which have been ruined by the aesthetic presentation. Choose a sensible and professional font.

Its fine to Do my australia economics go with something slightly different, but Times New Roman is certainly overused. Fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Candara, Georgia, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS or Verdana would be fine. I would avoid fonts like Berlin Sans FB, Comic Sans, Courier new and essays, Vijaya. In my opinion a fairly conservative colour scheme is best, classic black text is tried and tested, so I’m always bewildered when SAP Consultants send me rainbow coloured CVs. If you want to emphasise or differentiate certain areas or headers using different colour text, using one or two additional colours is Does my essay, more than enough. Personally, I prefer conservative options such as blue or grey for these parts, but it is a matter of School for kids, personal taste.

Subtly and assignment, sparingly using some brighter coloured text for headers/titles can also work, especially if you’re trying to integrate the main colour from essays for kids, your company logo/branding into the CV. 8- Make sure your CV is saved in the right format! I would recommend providing your CV to SAP recruiters in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format where possible, making sure the file isn’t password protected or locked for editing. As an alternative you could provide your CV as a PDF file, however PDFs cannot be edited unless the recruiter has the Adobe Acrobat MS Word converter (which many don’t). Even in cases where PDF is Does, converted to MS Word, it is often troublesome to edit or reformat.

You might be thinking to yourself that you’d prefer for your CV not to be changed by anyone else so this is a good thing, but in most cases this will do you more harm than good: An SAP recruiter should never change the real content of School, your CV without asking your permission, and Complete need one, any decent recruiter would never do this. However, a recruiter may want to School for kids make some superficial changes to your CV to improve the presentation for example and having a non-editable file prevents this. The recruiter might need to Pay for my essay friend convert CVs into a certain format, or insert a client-specific coversheet on the front page of the School for kids, CV (which is a mandatory requirement for help a descriptive essay narrative, some client’s recruitment processes). The recruiter may be required by School essays for kids the client to to conclude submit CVs without logos only, or they may wish to School essays for kids remove your direct contact details from the CV before submitting it to a client. Help? Preventing the recruiter from having the CV the way they need it will ultimately slow down your application and may even mean you miss out on an opportunity because of it. For those who are limited to PDF files, I would suggest removing any logo and School essays, contact details from your CV when sending it to a recruiter (ensure you provide your contact details within the Ways, email you send them though, so they can still reach you!). Occasionally I receive SAP CVs in Powerpoint or other even stranger CV file formats. School Essays For Kids? I don’t understand why people do this, and certainly wouldn’t recommend doing so!

9- Always have an updated SAP CV ready – Speed is key! Writing the perfect SAP CV is of no use if you don’t have it with you when it is needed. Make sure you have access to Ways to conclude a copy of your CV at all times, you never know where or when you might need it. Similarly, you need to make sure that you constantly keep it updated. Being away on holiday and only having a copy of your CV on essays for kids, your home desktop could cause you to australia economics miss out on the SAP career opportunity of a lifetime, or having to delay your application by 24 hours while you update your CV may also cause you to miss out. 10- Get someone else to check over your CV! Your Curriculum Vitae is a reflection of you, it should be logically ordered, consistent, well presented and without errors. Nothing would put me off more than an ABAP developer who’s CV was full of typos!

No matter how perfect you think your SAP CV is, always get a fresh pair of essays, eyes to look over it. Have it proofread for spelling errors and Pay for friend, grammar by a fellow SAP colleague, a professional proof-reader or perhaps your favourite SAP recruiter. So now you’ve read my top ten tips, giving my best, most honest advice, you’re ready to write the School essays for kids, perfect SAP CV. I wish you the best of luck with writing it and hope to place you in your next SAP position myself when your new CV is ready.

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