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Do my homework history right after school

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Jan 27, 2018 Do my homework history right after school, write my essay, paper -
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Book Review of the Outliers by homework right after school, Malcolm Gladwell essay. Born in Hampshire, England to a psychotherapist mother and a mathematical and engineering professor father, Malcolm Gladwell is a renowned author who has not only written several compelling books, but has also written several interesting articles for various newspapers and magazine firms (Shaywitz, 2008,). He is Essays value service, still working at the New Yorker as the editor. His critics and supporters concede that his upbringing played a significant role in making him what he is today- a great writer. One of Gladwell’s compelling literary pieces is the Do my homework after book Outlier, which was published by the Little Brown and Company in 2008. Due to its easy to understand writing and comprehensive analysis of the subject matter, the book debuted at number one on the bestseller lists for the Global Mail and New York Times for over eleven weeks. Through a series of self-encapsulated, short and engaging histories, Gladwell enlightens the reader on the factors that contribute to people’s success in life. In this book, Gladwell examines and discusses the phenomena of innate individual talent, hard work, high achievement, and different fantastic stories of success that are often attributed to write application individuals’ tenacity . He clearly points out that success can only be achieved through hard work. In the first part, the author introduces the right reader to renowned high achievers and various conditions that surround their success. He is able to bring out his arguments by community service, incorporating the 10000 Hour Rule (Gladwell, 2011).

Gladwell holds that for anyone to be a master in any field, be it music, programming, sports, and chase, he or she must the 10,000 Hour Rule in practice to achieve success. The writer borrowed the term outlier from science and uses it to Do my right after refer to the death men and women with special abilities that make them unique from the rest (Shaywitz, 2008). Do My Homework History Right After School? However, the book discusses that millions of these outliers are being ignored by the society and only few with opportunities and have the strength and Argumentative junior high, presence of mind to seize the opportunities. On his website he says that he wrote the outliers out of frustration because he was surprised by people’s definition of success he termed people’s way of thinking about Do my homework history success as crude. Thus, he wrote the book to provide newer, better and refined definition of success. About The Death? The books purpose is to prove that success is not all about personal traits as most books on success put it. Rather, success involves the Do my right environment such as culture, family and generation around successful individuals. However, he says that success is can be controlled by australia, an individual despite the fact that it is influenced by his/ her environment. Therefore he is blending the two theories surrounding success. The book has very simple and easy to understand language and the writer avoided the jargon in the field of discussion. He believes too much in some astrology or stars and he concludes that peoples date of Do my right after birth play a major role in their success either in business or any activity that they perform.

For example, he believes that most successful hockey players were born during the first months of the year. He concludes the book from a personal view, which might make his conclusion very wrong as a result of How to college application japanese perceptual error. Though, most critics are fine with that, I do not. By using himself as an example, Gladwell is using limited facts to generalize about whole of the successful humanity (Grossman, 2008). Though, he needs to know that through making people to believe or think in a particular way, it influences their way of Do my right after life. For example, astrologers put it in the newspapers that if you were born on about, this date then you are likely to behave in this way (Flanagan, n.d). If people read this from the homework right school source that they trust most, the newspaper. They are going to volunteering condition themselves in those ways and eventually become one.

This is because the mind sees what it wants. Moreover, whatever the mind believes and conceives it is Do my homework, what the mind achieves. If his theory is correct then what answers does he have to successful parents whose children are failures? Why is it that all people born during a particular period of time are not successful? Secondly, if these people born during this period are successful, are they really outliers? This is because if everybody in the society can achieve something then that is not extraordinary but common therefore do they deserve to be called outliers?

How is Essay penalty, his book going to Do my history after school help those people who lack families, relatives or inheritance? Are these people doomed to fail or they will never be outliers? The book is totally biased and believes that people from a particular culture cannot be achievers. It is working from most stereotypes, which demonstrate how naïve the writer is and such cases when believed globally might cost people from a given culture or group their fortune and opportunities. It is Essays on the of public, making other individuals to appear superior to others. Traits and skills are both learnt. Do My Homework History? Coming from Common app essay basketball volunteering a given culture has nothing to history right school do with an Argumentative help high individual’s success though one should not underestimate the Do my homework right after fact that if individuals come from different cultural backgrounds and are not willing to drop some of their attitudes that affect their success, then, there is a probability that they may fail.

He also insists that every successful man or woman always observe the 10,000 hour rule of practice (Grossman, 2008). The writer has shallow understanding of the Essay subject and has mixed it with perceptual errors, which sent him generalizing ideas. This makes his conclusion untrustworthy and after all maybe the book has achieved its purpose, well dedicated to Do my homework Daisy his grandmother. It was supposed to the death penalty please the family members. The book is fit for entertaining the brain but not to encourage people to work on their success.

For example, how will the Do my after school book encourage those who it says that their culture does not allow them to excel at essay high work places? Therefore, it is unfit material for global consumption.

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Jan 27, 2018 Do my homework history right after school, write my essay online for cheap -
Should I Do My Homework Right After School, Best Academic Papers

my spiritual essay Printed from Peter Russell's site The Spirit of Now. Intellect takes you to the door, but it doesn't take you into homework history right the house. Talk given at on the of public service 'Alternatives', St. Jamess Church, London, November 1989. (This is homework school, unedited transcript - so a bit rough in places.) Tonight is going to Essay schools, be different, certainly for me. I've never done anything like this before, may never do it again - so it's a special night. When William first came up with this idea and asked me, he said We'd like you to after, kick the Essay community service, series off. My initial reaction was Oh great, fine, that would be nice to do, a bit of fun, straight forward etc.. I remember I rang him up a few days later and said, My god!

What have I said yes to? I began to realise how difficult it was. The first question that came to my mind was, What journey? What spiritual journey? As I thought more about it, I thought who am I to start talking about spiritual journeys - in the sense that we're all on a spiritual journey. What have I got to say that anybody here couldn't say? We've all been on our own paths, our own explorations. I started thinking what is a spiritual journey anyway.

In some senses everything that happens in Do my history right, life is part of one's spiritual journey. If I'm going to stand up here and How to japanese, give an autobiography, I might get up to year 2 in Do my homework history school, 45 mins - or might not. On my 40th birthday I decided to Essays value service, recap on my life, set aside a few days to homework, try and actually just recap everything that had happened. At the end of the 3 days I got up to Essay schools, age 8. I just realised that when you start going back and Do my right, remembering, so much stuff comes up. So I started thinking more about this and jotting down ideas that came and seeing other problems and service, difficulties. In the end I decided to try and pull it all together and trust that it resonates with your own journey. I think one of the homework school, dangers here is that its easy for me to get into 'ego thing' - this is what I've done. One of the about penalty, challenges I think I face is not to do that. Although its focussing on Do my history right after, me and homework, my work, I want to go beyond that. I suppose the things I want to pull out are more what's been going on behind it - the Do my homework history right after school, processes I went through, the about penalty, motivations, the values, the difficulties.

And there's a lot of homework right after, material in that, and I find myself probably for the first time in years actually needing notes to Essay the death, give a talk. I realised as I went into this there were so many little things which were actually important, which if I just start talking, I'm going to start forgetting some of the small things - which the more I've looked into it over homework history the past few days, I've seen just how critical some of these things are. In fact the while process of write college application essays, preparation has probably been the homework, most valuable thing about this. I mean if William now stood up and Common volunteering, said we couldn't have a talk tonight after all, it probably wouldn't bother me at all. The fact of having to Do my after, prepare for it has actually been most interesting, and might suggest that if there's one thing you take away from this its maybe the on the value of public service, inclination to homework right after school, sometime to put aside half a day or something to look at your own spiritual journey. Fascinating what comes up when you start looking at it. So first of all thank you William for having given me this opportunity to explore it myself. I noted one of the challenges is just to be truthful, to really look at actually has happened - what is true rather than the Do my, idea. So as I look back in the past, things get very muddled sometimes between what was actually the truth and what I thought happened or was going on. The other two things I think are important.

One, as I already mentioned, is not to get into the position of me here and you there - to try and see it as something which is resonating with all of homework right after, us, a common pattern which comes up in Argumentative please high, me in Do my homework history after school, my particular way. I also realised there's a danger of almost belittling one's spiritual journey. Its probably the most important part of Do my, our life. Right After School. And just realising how easy it was to say, Oh but that didn't matter, that was insignificant. That's another challenge I want to hold - really actually giving things their due importance as we go along. The next question I looked at was how to do it. How to actually organise it. The route I've chosen is the obvious one - to do things in a temporal order, to go through what's happened in time because that seems the Essay about the death penalty, most logical flow. In that bringing out some of the patterns and some of the issues which I've seen going on. So where did it all start? Birth I suppose.

The first time I think I actually saw that there was a spiritual journey to Do my homework after, be undertaken in one's own personal life was round-about the age of 19-20. That was when I was first really conscious that there was something that was happening which one could call 'a spiritual journey'. But looking back I can see that a lot was going on in childhood which was part of that , although I didn't appreciate it at the time. The first thing I can actually sort of Common volunteering, look at Do my homework history right and anchor upon was when I was about 7 or 8 when I first learnt to read to the stage where I could go to the local library and on the service, take out books. I found myself just taking out all the books I could find that were simple enough for me to read on dolphins and whales.

Somehow this intuitive fascination with dolphins and homework history, whales - I can't recall why or what it was about, but I just knew that was all I wanted to read about. I think I devoured everything that was available for children of value of public, that age group. Homework After. That became an on-going interest through out my life. This resulted in dolphins having been some very important spiritual teachers for me. Another thing I see that was going on in my childhood a bit later was the fascination with physics. In particular mathematics. Looking back I can see very much the desire to really understand what the universe was about. This was the way it first began to manifest.

Mathematics for on the of public me was, and Do my history right after, still is, fascinating because - there are actually two types of mathematicians. Essay Community Service In High. There's mathematicians who believe that maths is something that humanity has created, and theres' mathematicians who believe that mathematics pre-exists the universe. I'm one of those who believe that mathematics exists even without a universe. So it was fascinating study for me: In studying mathematics one was actually studying something which was absolutely transcendent, in my view, to the universe. Other things which I noted down which I sort of Do my homework right, thought interesting: I was reading a lot of science fiction. A lot of people disregard science fiction. For me its a fascinating area of writing, but particularly a lot of science fiction is actually concerned with issues around consciousness, with spiritual development. Homework Website. Particularly in the 50's-60's a lot of the leading writers of science fiction were actually playing with I think some very very important ideas. Homework School. And science fiction was the only place really they could write about them, and get them listened to - a lot of interesting stuff going on essay help high, there. And I was interested in yoga and all these strange this that went on in the East.

Not in Do my, any spiritual was, I just thought it was fascinating that people could do all these strange things - lie on beds of nails. . Essay About Penalty. Something going on in the mind, obviously. I remember at school: long philosophical debates on right school, the nature of mind and free will and determinism and those sorts of things. All of which now seem to fit into place, which didn't seem very significant then. I was also exploring altered states of consciousness in help junior, my own way. Do My Homework History. I'm sure there were things you all did, like lots of deep breathing, hyperventilating, spinning round, getting people to squeeze you and you found you went into funny altered states of value of public, consciousness. I remember I read a book on out-of-body experiences and started trying to do that. Wasn't very successful, fortunately. And I also came across this technique which I developed which lasted for a couple of Do my homework history right, years - which i used to do as I was lying in bed at help junior night. I don't know how I did it, but it was almost like remembering some state where I would actually put myself into Do my history after a state - it had a very string metal image which I could best describe as a desert, but wasn't in any way a feeling that we have with the desert. It was a very warm feeling, but in which the mind became absolutely like a desert and it just went out in on the, all directions.

And just like this image I had for how my mind went. I used to really enjoy doing this before I went to Do my homework school, sleep, when I was lying in bed. I used to get myself into Essays value service this position, lying on my back, and sort of Do my history after, cruise off into this state which I thought was a lot of fun at the time - it just felt good. What also felt very interesting - I didn't actually think what it was, just a vaguely interesting state to go into. So things like this were going on - obviously something happening, and I'm sure you can look back in your own childhood and see lots of little things that were your own searching for something more. Probably, or may not have, crystalised into the idea of australia website, a spiritual journey. But I think the actual awareness that there was some spiritual journey actually came when I left school and Do my homework history right after, went to university. I was fortunate enough to go to Cambridge, which was particularly fortunate because the attitude at Cambridge is not one of 'you come here for 3 years to get a degree, study hard and get a good degree, that's what you're here for'. The attitude was 'sure there's lectures to go to, the occasional exam to take - but this is an opportunity for personal development and growth. You have here some of the best minds in the country - play with them.' Lectures were minimal. That's when things suddenly started opening up.

Because here were 10,000 other students, 10,000 other people my age, among whom were some who actually had sort of overt spiritual interests, who were actually exploring things in Do my australia website, one way or another. Very quickly through that first year, I sort of gravitated to homework right after school, people who were exploring similar things. I suppose I got to know about about 50 people or so who were playing around with looking at exploring themselves. Not just in the university - interesting enough it was a sort of culture that crossed the university and into the town. A lot of people from the normal town community were part of this sort of 'alternative group'. It was also totally anti-class.

There was a lot of class groupings at universities like Cambridge - people tend to Do my homework history right, stick with their classes. This group was a complete spectrum of the English classes and beyond England. We're now talking about the late 60's. How To Write Application. I went up in '65. That was the other great thing: actually being at Cambridge at that time, the late 60's - because there was a whole social shift going on which was particularly focussed in the student population. Do My Right. I think the thing that really pushed me into it was that also at that time people were discovering a lot of new ways of producing altered states of consciousness.

Basically Chemical ways, which was in a sense very much a symbol of the community service schools, 60's. I found myself spontaneously initially drawn into that. It was like - here was something that was fascinating. And that was a phase which just lasted just a reasonably short while. But it was fascinating looking back to see how it wasn't something that was put onto me, it was that something took me there looking for something in it. I suppose I really got involved in that whole social shift, almost upheaval, that was going on which was a complete challenging of almost all values, all established ideas. In one way or another we threw almost everything we'd been taught out the window.

We were the long-haired rebels. Everything was thrown out - it was like starting from scratch almost, in terms of Do my homework history, our values of what was right, what was wrong, what was important, how did one do things. It was a fascinating time to be living through. I think I feel eternaly blessed to Essay about, have been born at the time I was, to have been in my late teens and early 20's through that period of history - and to have been at Do my homework after school Cambridge ( or one could have been at Oxford or a few other places) but where there was that openness and opportunity to explore. (And there was something else - I didn't note it down - will probably come back to me later) There came another realisation that was going through this whole phase in society, which happened towards the app essay basketball volunteering, end of the 60's. Very much was the feeling that biochemical means of producing altered states of consciousness were not the Do my history right, way. I think a lot of people went through the Do my homework australia website, shift: They realised there had been a fantastic door - a fantastic window if you like - onto Do my school different ways of looking at reality that allowed one to take down some of the old ways of seeing reality, and looking at things in Do my homework australia, a completely different way. But there was the realisation that anything that could be done with chemicals could be done naturally.

This produced the whole fascination with Eastern religion, mysticism. It was probably best exemplified by the Beatles, who in '67 suddenly made that shift and got involved in right after school, meditation. That was very much a reflection of what was happening in society. The Beatles were actually almost like mirrors that were held up to Essays on the of public, society at that time. I often ask myself why is it that pop stars got so into society that it wasn't just kids who loved them , but the history, old ladies as well, housewives - people in almost all sectors of society - why did they get their OBE's (or MBE, whatever) - how come? And there was something that they were actually reflecting back through their songs which was happening in society. It wasn't just the community schools, Bealtes, it was people like Dylan, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane - lots of people were doing this reflecting back what was happening to society through music. It was almost like music was the communication medium of the time, the Do my homework history right, lyrics. It wasn't coming out in writing, but it was music where people sharing their experiences, breakthroughs that were happening.

And the Beatles were very much channels for that - they like many others suddenly went though the basketball volunteering, shift of 'hang on! There's something here that's much deeper', and turning to looking at spiritual development in a much more classic way, and saying what was happening in Do my after, the East. That was something which became part of my own shift. I began, I think for the first time really seriously reading a lot about different religions. I remember reading Tibetian stuff, Buddhist, Sufi, started reading various Zen books. This was really an active searching now: looking for where was this truth, this wisdom; and beginning to go along to start meditation. In Cambridge, again one of the great opportunities: There were many different meditation groups, and the death, meditation teachers around. I started practising a form of Buddhist meditation, and looking at various things. Then one day I was walking through the library, and this book sort of Do my homework after, fell off the shelf into my hands.

You know - it didn't literally, but I was walking along and australia, it 'fell off the shelf into my eyes' first of history right after school, all, and so my hand went up and took it down. Service. I flipped through it, and Do my history right after, thought this looks interesting, and put it together with a pile of 5 or 6 other books I'd picked up, and took it back to my rooms in Cambridge. Essays On The Value Service. It sat there at the bottom of the desk for about a week. I finally got through to it, and opened it. It was I think Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's first book The Science of Being and Do my history after, Art of Living. I started reading this and something just happened. Everything he was saying was the exact opposite college essays, of everything I'd been reading, or had been taught, or had thought. He was going counter to everything. Yet it made much much more sense. Basically what he was saying was that there was a process that spiritual teachings go through with time, whereby things get distorted over Do my homework time. App Essay. Spiritual messages never get clarified as one person passes them onto another.

Everybody distorts them from their own level of ignorance. That what you end up with after time are relics often turned completely inside out. He was showing how it had happened in time, and how all spiritual traditions go though this process. What he was talking about in terms of the true nature of the human mind - he was talking about the ultimate nature of the mind being one of happiness, and the need to homework history after school, recognise that actually made meditation a simple process, effortless process. Where all these other teachers were talking about the effort, and the discipline that was required. Everything was juts turned inside out, but in a way that made sense to my own experience. It also made sense of what the other teachings were really getting at. That was a profound experience. I just remember I read this book, sat down almost at one sitting. My next act was - whatever he's writing, whatever's behind this I must try. So I got myself down to London about a week later.

London was the please, only place you could learn Transcendental Meditation in those days. So I traveled down, actually commuted I remember, from Cambridge for a few days, and got myself taught by history right school somebody who became very important in my life for several years - particularly for about 6 months to Essays value service, a year (who some of you may know/remember) - Dr. Do My Right. John Alison, who was a medical doctor who had got very interested in about, T.M. Do My History After School. himself about 10 years previously when Maharishi had first come out to the West, teaching T.M.. Dr. Alison was somebody who had a wonderful Western mind in terms of thinking, analysis. Essay In High. There was no woolly thought here. A wonderful perception also of what meditation was. I spent a lot of time with him, particularly over the following 6 months, just sitting in groups, listening to him,. Right. often just sitting with him, chatting about ideas.

What he gave me, which I needed so much, was an service intellectual satisfaction. He really satisfied my thirst for a complete water-tight understanding of what meditation was and how it fitted in to right after school, all the homework australia, different traditions. I want personally to acknowledge how important that was for Do my homework history right school me, having somebody who could fulfil that for me. Essays On The Value Of Public. Different people have different needs, but for that, for me, was the key thing: Being able to really fit it into my intellectual understanding. About the same time I actually started a meditation group in Cambridge. I wasn't teaching it then, but I started a meditation group with a friend there. We brought teachers in. Do My History Right After. So I was beginning to move on in a way, particularly with meditation. T.M. How To Write College Application. seemed to homework history school, me - What Maharishi had done was in a way take a technique which was the essence of a lot of Essay the death, meditation processes, and Do my right after school, find a way of delivering it to the general public, in Do my homework, a way that wasn't unduly tied up with all the spiritual paraphernalia and homework history right, doctrines that normally surround things. You didn't have to get on with all this other stuff.

You could just meditate - that was the fascination for me. Plus of course the experience. About. I was actually now introduced to something which was on a daily level, daily spiritual path. This triggered another shift in Do my homework history after school, terms of application essays japanese, what was happening at Cambridge. Up until this time I'd been doing physics - actually applied mathematics which is very close to physics. I'd done that because I was fascinated by it, I was good at it, it was my best subject at school - and if you don't think too carefully you go to Cambridge and you do what you were best at at school - it makes sense. And it was a fascinating intellectual achievement to be able to homework history right after, sit down and Do my australia website, with pencil and paper: from Do my homework history right school first principles, these mathematical principles which I believe lie beyond the universe - using these principles to actually calculate that the atomic element hydrogen must exist, must take a certain form etc, and How to write application essays, behave in a certain way.

One can actually mathematically predict the existence of hydrogen. A fascinating intellectual achievement. I Probably couldn't do it now - I've forgotten all the maths - but it was a fascinating achievement. And yet it suddenly struck me: So what? Hydrogen is Do my after school, just the beginning of the universe, the first simplest atom. Nobody could actually go on with the next stages mathematically. Essay Help Junior High. And it was telling me nothing about human beings - the other end of evolution, the human mind - it was telling me nothing about that.

And so I went through a crisis. It manifested as a major depression for me, which went on for about six weeks or so. Not feeling at all happy with what I was doing. I had a tutor at homework after Cambridge who was quite wise in penalty, retrospect, in the way he handled it. He walked up to Do my after school, me one day and said, You're obviously unhappy with what's going on. And I bumblingly told him. Do My Australia. (I'd done nearly two and half years of maths by Do my homework history right now.) He said, Either finish off your degree in essay junior high, maths at the end of this year, or go away - take a year off and think what you want to do, come back and do something completely different, or come back and do maths. And you have to decide by mid-day on Saturday. Do My Homework History After. - which was the wise part. At one minute to midday on Saturday I had no idea what I was going to do. At mid-day I decided to take a year off - step back from the whole thing for a while - I won't go into that story. The question was I thought I wanted to come back and Argumentative please high, do philosophy, but I realised at Cambridge doing philosophy was just doing more mathematics.

I chose to do psychology, which at Cambridge was much more the direction I wanted to Do my homework right school, move in - which was really understanding 'this thing' (mind). What is the human mind, how does it work? So I went back and on psychology, finished my degree in that. And all the of public service, time I was deepening my work with meditation, and realising that as soon as I finished my degree and got freedom from Cambridge, what I wanted to homework after school, do was actually go out and study meditation in depth. Application. So I took myself off to India, where the Maharishi was running training courses to Do my after school, train teachers in meditation. I decided I didn't want to teach meditation. That's not what I was about. But since he was running this course which gave the most wonderful background in meditation, it was a wonderful opportunity and Essays of public service, I wasn't going to tell anybody I didn't want to be a teacher. I was just going to go there and enjoy the opportunity.

Which was one of the most - odd to say one of the most important times in my life - it was a very important time, just to be sitting with somebody like that with a relatively small group of Do my right school, people. How To Write Essays Japanese. Not just listening to him talk, but to be able to Do my homework history right, have somebody of Argumentative please, that stature, and os that spiritual experience, to be able to just sit with them in their bedroom late at night and pin them down on spiritual issues and homework school, questions. And we had this group of people who'd somehow congregated there at please junior high this time, who nearly all had come from a similar background - they were all students - mostly, a large percentage of students, a lot from America - with this real quest. Homework Right. I think we grilled the Maharishi like he'd never been grilled before - he had to be exact on Do my homework, everything. Plus doing some very long meditation retreats. AT one stage we were meditating virtually solid for a week, 24 hours a day, which was fascinating - as again the whole emphasis was on not just having the learning, one's got to Do my right school, have the experience. Anyway to cut a long story short - I could talk all day about that period in India - At the end of it I was desperate to become a teacher!

I remember one of my concerns was that he wouldn't make me a teacher. Anyway, came back to England and Essays on the value service, got very involved in the T.M. Right School. movement for some years. I ran a meditation centre in Cambridge. I went back and Do my australia, did a post-graduate degree in Computer Science, and at the same time ran a centre. Which actually came by incredible syncronicity. - It seemed incredible at homework history right after the time - one thing I've learned through all of this is How to, syncronicities seem to be right-on. By syncronicity I mean those strange experiences, where things just absolutely fit into place. You walk around the corner and there is the perfect person you should meet - those sorts of situations - those coincidences without any reason, which always seem to right, be perfect for Essay about community your next step or whatever it is. - I got back from India and I arrived in Cambridge. I can't remember quite how it happened but I met somebody either that night or the next morning. I remember the next night I was sitting in somebody's room who was saying he wanted to set up a whole food restaurant in Cambridge and a meditation centre, and Do my homework after, would I set up the meditation centre upstairs.

He'd already bought the premises for the wholefood restaurant downstairs. And so we did (some of Essay about community in high, you may know Arjuna in Cambridge. The reason it was called Arjuna actually went back to Do my right, stuff from India and Argumentative essay help please high, the Bagavad Gita). That was syncronicity. And syncronicities started happening time and time again. I've noticed in my life: When I'm in touch with my self, syncronicities happen. If they don't happen, if life seems to be a drudge of trying to make it work, and things aren't falling into place, its usually a sign that I'm not in place inside myself. I got very involved in the movement.

I was running something called The Students International Meditation Society in history right after school, London, then became trustee of the Do my australia website, T.M. charity. That led me, amongst other things, to writing my first book on meditation - The T.M. Technique . In fact it was my first book. Interestingly, I thought I wasn't a writer - I thought I couldn't write, cause all I'd ever done was write mathematical equations. I later realised that you can use that principle to write books and Do my history school, papers. I actually started writing a few papers on the whole issue of mind/brain relationship. Do My Australia. Almost accidentally ended up writing - I didn't mean to. I sort of had this idea of doing a book, and wrote something up on it, and school, a curious syncronicity happened that night: I met an How to application essays old friend who introduced me to another friend, who happened to know somebody else who was a writer, and said to me, Oh you want to get an agent. And rang me up the homework, next day and gave me the write college application essays japanese, phone number.

I went along to see her and she said she'd never done anything like this before, don't know anything about meditation - maybe we'll see what happens. She rang me up three days later and homework history right, said, Something very surprising happened while I was at a cocktail party the Common, other day. This publisher came up to me and said do you know anybody who might want to Do my homework right after school, write a book on Transcendental Meditation? That's syncronicity. And that began another phase, which I call 'my phase of about community service in high schools, difficulty' with the history school, T.M. movement. When the book was published, a lot of people liked it. Write Application Essays. Then they started not liking things I said in it - people in Do my homework right school, the movement. And this book had the dubious distinction of value of public, actually being banned in the U.S.A. by homework right after the T.M. How To Essays Japanese. movement. The reason was that I started talking about Do my history school spiritual things, and tried to set T.M. in Argumentative help please junior, a spiritual context - which was exactly what it was for me - a technique which was a very efficient spiritual process. Do My Homework After School. There was only one chapter in which I tried to set it in a spiritual context.

But the whole movement in America was trying to say T.M. Is NOT a religion. About In High. And here was this book saying you know there's something spiritual about it. So the book got banned, by homework right the T.M. Essay About The Death. movement. Not in the shops - but it meant no one was allowed to talk about it, or T.M. centres weren't allowed to sell it. Homework Right. (No, it didn't get burned in the street. . .) There was a process I then went through, which was like: I discovered because I was involved in teaching T.M. About Penalty. I was expected to homework right after, think certain ways and say certain things, and behave in certain ways. For me the please junior high, issue was trying to express what was true for me. The reason I wrote the book was because I felt there was a lot that was being said about history right TM that was blatantly untrue, by people who didn't know what it really was. Also a lot of very muddled thinking going on about it.

I just wanted, from the best of m,y perception to about community schools, try and Do my history right after school, put down a really clear survey of of public service, what it was. So it was slightly shocking to Do my history right after, find it sort of service schools, thrown back like this. But then worse was to right after, follow. I wrote a few papers where again I was trying to express what I felt was true, and these became disapproved of. I then committed a major sin - which was that I produced a (tape?) for Encyclopedia Britannica on relaxation. They asked me to produce this (tape?), and I though it would help people, a relaxation technique; nothing to do with TM that I could see. But suddenly I discovered that if teach one sort of meditation you're not allowed to get involved in anything else. But my ultimate crime was I got asked by the BBC to Do my australia, produce a radio series on meditation in which I surveyed, I think it was 5 or six, sorts.

I looked at TM, Buddhism, Bagwan Ragnish, Christian meditation, Swami (Muktananda?) - basically surveying what I saw as some of the main movements in meditation. This of course was a major sin, and as a result was I got excommunicated. People were told not to speak to Do my homework history after, Peter Russell - I'm serious - and ti was a very painful time. I say this not out of Essay about the death penalty, - I was actually wondering whether or not to history, talk about this at all, not normally something I talk about - I really want to Essay about the death penalty, mention it because of what it meant for me in terms of the Do my homework history after school, hurt I went through, the pain at the time. Common Basketball. Its interesting just going back, its still there, some of it. Its something that I really felt so strongly for, and was wanting in my own way to Do my homework right school, support. It was like having everything pulled out from Common basketball volunteering underneath me. Do My Homework History Right School. I think the greatest pain of all in app essay basketball volunteering, that was the homework history right school, fact that I then lost my personal contact with the Maharishi. Up until that time I'd probably been spending - going out, spending 3,4,5 times a year, maybe a week at a time, fortnight here and there - just sitting with him, meditating, listening, being with the Essay the death, latest developments of history right after school, his thinking. Suddenly I found the volunteering, door closed.

Not that he closed it, but people around thought I should be separated in some way from Do my homework history school what was going on. Essay About Penalty. So it became very difficult. And that was also sad on an outer level, though I felt on an inner level that inner connection has never been severed. I suppose there was a choice - in history right school, one way there wasn't a choice. I mean the choice was I could tow the party line, and everything would be fine. But that was no choice. For me, I had to follow my own truth. That truth took me on into other areas.

It was the Argumentative help junior high, close of a phase. There had been about 7 years of this phase. I didn't stop doing TM by the way - I still do. Its always been an important technique and I will probably use TM as a core meditation technique as long as I live. Do My History After. But I then discovered theres a lot of other things I began to learn from other people. It was probably good that I was in this way thrown out, because I then broadened my social context. I'd become very much involved in please junior, that movement of people, and nearly all my friends at Do my homework after school the time - all the other friends that weren't involved in meditation sort of Essays on the of public service, drifted away, distant contact - my main friends all involved in Do my history right, meditation. Suddenly I went through a process of a whole new area of friends opened up.

Which I can best describe as people were in Argumentative help please junior high, the consciousness movement - what is now sadly being called the 'new age group' (and I wish it never had) - people who are now household names, people like Jean Houston, Marilyn Ferguson, Willis Harman, those sorts of people. We sort of homework right after, gravitated together, exchange of ideas - we started meeting at conferences. I found myself having a love relationship with California, almost commuting to California. I found there was so much that was going on in the States, particularly in California - really exploring how to website, take on Do my homework history right, the development of consciousness. I also found, interestingly, nearly everybody I met in the consciousness new age movement, TM had been a major trigger for Essay about community service in high schools them, and then something had thrown them out. Do My History Right After School. Just seeing what it had done in terms of website, setting a basis from which people had then moved on into other things. Also at that time I came across somebody who quite a few of you here probably know: Tony Buzan in England, and got involved with him, a lot of work on Do my right after, left/right brain.

We started taking a lot of the psychological research on personal development, particularly on learning and things, taking that out into essay please business. And a whole other area - which may not sound very spiritual - teaching in corporations, but that opened up and has been something I've been doing for the last 10-12 years now. It was actually, and still is, a very spiritual process for Do my history right after me. Essay Community Service. For a start I consider it a forum where one can really explore how to take ideas or insights, or spiritual learnings, which are really important for me, and translate them into the language and metaphors of somebody who thinks their only concern is achieving corporate goals, and staying in history school, the job so that they can look after their family (well, I'm putting it too simply perhaps - ) but people who see their life as basically living in the world, not as a spiritual life. How can you take what I consider to Essay about service in high schools, be some of the key spiritual teachings, and put them in a way that they can relate to and understand and derive something from. Because I believe there's no difference between me and Do my history after, somebody in a suit, apart from the fact that he wears a suit (and most of the time I'm working in business I wear a suit anyway, so there's no difference between us at all) -we're all people with the same basic underlying search. Community Service In High. And i always like to remind myself that when I finally left Cambridge after doing a degree in computer science, I very nearly joined IBM, very nearly joined their research department. But then I got offered a post doing research into meditation at London University and took that , because that's where my heart was.

But I always have to remember that if I joined IBM, where would I be now. I might still be in IBM, as a manager, or I think more likely I would probably be running my own software company in California - or probably far more likely actually, I'd probably now be retired. But I would still have the same spiritual questions, inclination, and probably be much more frustrated than I am. And I am fascinated by the number of Do my right, people who are in business who want to explore these issues. So working in business is a different way of teaching for me, a different way of Argumentative essay junior, spiritual teaching. Its not 'here I'll teach you meditation', its finding a different routine. And that's a very interesting challenge. Another thing that happened in Do my homework history right after school, all this was coming across A Course in Miracles.

I was round at a friend's house one day and basketball, this box of Do my after school, books arrived on his doorstep. How To Application Japanese. He said, Oh yes, this is something that Judith Skutch has just decided to publish in the States - some book she's come across. And she said she'd send some over Do my homework history right after as soon as they were published. Some sort of course or something, let's see what it is. So we opened this box up and there inside it was some books called A Course in Miracles.

So we opened them up and junior high, started thumbing through it, and he said, This look like the sort of thing you'll be interested in - here, have a set - Judith's just sent them to homework history right after, me, I'm not sure what to do with them, have a set. Essays On The Value Of Public. So I said oh thank very much, and took them back and put them on my desk. This time I didn't get to read them, because a friend came the next day and said what's this? I said I don't know, its something that Judith Skutch is publishing in the States she's just found. He said,'Can I borrow it?' - Sure I said, have it! I haven't seen him since!

Although I did find his name in homework school, a magazine the other day - if he's here, shhh. Essays Of Public Service. I probably wouldn't recognise him - Richard are you here. It was about five years later I started coming across A Course in Miracles again and again through friends, and homework after school, finally decided right I'd better get my own copy, and start work on it. I went through a similar process as I went through with TM, when I first came across TM: finding the same thing happening: everything turned inside out, upside down, and yet making absolute sense - both in Essays value of public service, terms of my experience, and also tying it back in to other spiritual traditions. And by this time I'd read an enormous amount more about other spiritual traditions.

So in some senses the Do my history, depth of that connection was even more powerful. Particularly I think with Christianity. When I'd gone through my relationship with Eastern religion, I'd done a lot of work looking at penalty the relationship between eastern religion and Christianity and the common ground. I think what the Course in Miracles did was actually really enliven in Do my history right after school, a completely new way my insight into what Christ and the Gospels is all about. So that set me off on a whole other exploration which actually resulted in last year me going to Do my australia, church for the first time in about 20? 30? years probably - at Christmas which was an interesting experience - apart from coming to St.

James's and going to weddings and baptisms and Do my history right school, those sorts of things. I hadn't actually voluntarily gone to Essay about service in high schools, church. So, the Course in Miracles set me off on a whole new thing, which - the homework right school, word which came up when I was thinking about giving this talk - was 'spiritual surfing'. The idea of the metaphor being how the surfer catches the wave - when you catch the Common volunteering, wave suddenly you're carried forward. And for a period of 5 years or so I felt like there was some wave I was being carried forward on, and development was happening in many different ways. I was going through a lot of inner awakening, a lot of insight into what spiritual development really seemed to be, and what was actually going on in myself. It was a real opening of homework history right school, my heart - not in an emotional way, but - I'm not sure I can find the right adjective in essay high, England, but I know it was a development of the heart that was gong on, rather than the mind. Although the process was very much one of homework history, insight and understanding of myself.

I think one thing that shifted was - that until then I think I'd seen enlightenment as something you gain, like something that happens to you. And all the time meditating, doing all that stuff was 'working towards some goal' that was enlightenment, and about penalty, it was going to homework history, happen when things were going to be different, because one's mind was suddenly filled with this wonderful white light, and whatever it was, golden light. You know you're on some amazing trip or something, to put it coarsely, that's how I started thinking about it. And just realizing it wasn't that at all. Homework Australia Website. That it was more just a recognition of what one always was, but had forgotten, and had got totally confused about in oneself. I began to see a lot more what the zen teachers were trying to homework history right after, get at. There's a zen saying that came up very early on Essay about in high schools, in this period which was You are already enlightened. The only problem is you don't know it.

It was one of those things you think about, and homework right, you try to analyse, and think well, that's O.K. but its no help whatsoever, cause I don't know it - so what's the help in telling me I am already - you know, one of these meaningless statements. Then I realised its like there's a fence. One side of the fence everything is confusion and you wonder what all these spiritual people are talking about.. On the other side of the fence it is all so clear and Do my homework website, obvious, and makes absolute sense, and nothing has changed. Except you're just seeing things from the other side of the fence, the other side of some line.

And the history after, whole thing was how does one change one's perception from website one side of the fence to the other. And nearly all the time one's stuck into seeing things - or how I best describe it now as through the Do my history, eyes of the physical world, through the eyes of the material world. The other side of the fence is How to college, seeing it through the eyes - maybe as (?who) says 'through the eyes of God'. And when your eyes become the eyes of Do my homework history right after, God it all makes absolute sense.hat's the recognition: just the Do my homework website, shift in the way one sees things. Of course doing that is a much harder problem. But it became clearer and clearer that a changed state of consciousness is the changes perception. Things started becoming simpler and simpler and simpler.

In terms of understanding. A different state of consciousness is just a different way of seeing - that what consciousness is, is perception, seeing. So a different state of consciousness is a different way of seeing. I could go into this a lot more, but I think I should move on because of the time. There's all about realising how much we held onto - how much I held on to my beliefs, my judgements, my attachments to things, and how the process of letting go - when I did it, the other side of letting go was all the peace, the Do my homework history after school, happiness, the unconditional love that I'd been seeking - was just the other side of letting go. Write College Essays. And this process of letting go became very much a focus for my own work.

As I say, its one thing to talk about Do my homework history it, or one thing to see it and understand it - doing it seems impossible at times. About Penalty. And I found myself almost coming round to realising how difficult is history right after school, this spiritual journey we're on. Almost in How to write college, some ways it seems impossible. And yet seeing that the key area that became clearer and clearer for me, the key area in we - in which I have to work are our relationships. In a sense we're in a relationship with everything the whole time, whether its our environment, our selves, or other people. But if we're talking about a changed perception, we're also talking about a changed relationship with what's around us. And realising more and more that the key area we're given to work with, or I was given to work with - I believe we all are - are our relationships. And the relationships that really get us are our personal relationships.

There's a teacher that some of homework after school, you here may know from California called Marianne Williamson, who outs it very nicely. I won't try and homework australia website, imitate her - she speaks at about 75 words per second in a raucous LA accent. But basically she says, You want a spiritual relationship? You think that's going to be easy? You get a spiritual relationship and that's going to be the most difficult relationship you've ever had. History Right After. We think spiritual relationships are going to Essay about penalty, be all nice and bliss, and we all agree on the same definition of God, and we all meditate the Do my homework after school, same way, and hold hands and look beautiful. About Service In High. It isn't. A spiritual relationship, as she points out is going to Do my right school, be one that pushes every single button you've got. If it doesn't, its not doing the job. The one that makes you feel uncomfortable at Argumentative essay please high every other turn. But in pushing every button you've got, it presents you with the opportunity, first of homework history school, all to see those buttons, and then, if one has a really caring relationship, the opportunity to have somebody else work with you or support you in dealing with whatever particular bit of rubbish you've just discovered.

And something Baba Ram Dass said on that - which I think has become one of my little mottos I suppose - he said, Relationships are the yoga of the West. Argumentative Essay Junior. Yoga remember in its root meaning means 'one's path to unity'. Relationships are the yoga of the west, because its in the west that we get so hung up on Do my history after school, our relationships in one way or another. And its through really using our relationships they can be our path to unity. As I say all this is not easy, it just seems in How to write college application japanese, some ways to get more and more and more difficult. I'm more and more discovering what an enemy is this little thing called the ego that one's trying to get rid of homework after, - how much it holds on. The last thing that wants to go is the ego. One wants to Essay about the death, give up, transcending the ego, and Do my history after school, living without ego, and the ego's saying 'No way mate!'. The way I define the ego now for myself is as a belief - a very core belief that runs through my life - which says, If I'm going to happy, I have to have the world be certain ways, and have people be certain ways.

And if they're not that way then the fear is I may not be happy, and so I start trying to change things. That's the about, ego for me. And that ego 'creates' various 'needs' - for security, recognition, those sorts of things - approval stimulus. And then drives me to history after school, find ways to Essay about, satisfy those needs, and gets me worried and fearful when I think those needs aren't going to homework history after school, be satisfied. And that takes over about penalty so much of the time - you know, one can talk about spiritual stuff, write about it, but is one living it? And that seems the Do my homework after, real battle. That Armageddon - I feel more and more I'm reaching Armageddon, and the death, its not a nice battle.

I don't know how long it goes on for, may go on for centuries. Armageddon is the homework history after, battle between the Christ and the antichrist, the final battle between the Essay, Christ and antichrist. Do My Homework History Right After School. And just seeing that is a continual battle each and every day. The antichrist for me is the the death, ego, the bit that is antichrist - i.e. anti my own higher knowing. Do My Homework History Right. The bit that wants to tell me that my salvation lies in - whatever it is, having a comfortable living space, security, not being on the streets, approval - all these things, that's the Argumentative please junior, antichrist. Do My History. The Christ is the service in high schools, other bit that knows that all that is homework after, absolute rubbish, but hardly ever gets a chance to say it.

Coming to where I am now, I suppose the realisation: I can't do it alone. I suppose so far the journey has been very much an How to college japanese inner journey - and Do my after, still is. Argumentative Essay Help Please Junior. But just how much one needs first of all the Do my homework history, support of of public, others. That continual mirroring reminding of what it is that life is really about. Because the whole of society is set up to condition you from birth onwards that matter is Do my right after school, primary and spirit is secondary. The truth is Essays value of public, its the other way around, but the whole of Do my history school, society is essays, telling us that. That's one's conditioning, and every day as you walk down the street, the newspapers, the advertisements, the general conversation you have with people, nearly everything you see on television is telling you the homework history right, world of matter is what's important. The reminders for me come from people more than anything now. And that is so valuable for me, its just those meetings you have with people. Its almost like how many meetings can I get in in a day.

Where during the meeting I'm reminded of what its really about. Cause its so so easy to Essay about the death, forget, so easy to forget. Knowing it is Do my history after school, one thing, living it is another. The other area is Essays value, help from the inside. Just recently I've begun to see prayer in a new way, to see what prayer can be as an asking for help. Saying, This ego stuff is Do my homework history right after, more than I can handle, I need help. And there's a process which is app essay basketball, important for me at the moment, which is one of actually turning within.

First of homework history after, all recognising that help can come from one's inside - whether you call it you own self, or the Holy Spirit, whatever you want to call it - the quiet voice within. I actually find it useful to remember that that's happened in the past: that one is not alone; one's not alone on the inside as much as one's not alone on the outside. Then to ask, just to ask for guidance, but not in terms of what to do. I've discovered it doesn't work for me to ask for guidance on what to do. Partially because I can never quite trust it. I mean how do I know this is the australia website, Holy Spirit telling me what to do, or my own garbage? Different people have different theories about how you can tell the difference. I don't know, I haven't found a way that works for me. But what one can ask for, and in fact for me is the only thing one actually needs is guidance on how to see it differently. its just 'help me to homework history right after, see this situation differently'.

And always what comes is seeing things in a different light that's usually a light that's free from the ego. Its that shift, that healing of perception out of which can come whatever action is appropriate. But that is as I say the stage I seem to app essay basketball, be at the moment. This battle, and recognising one can't do it alone. And to Do my after, finish - I almost feel I've hardly begun on this journey of whatever it is. I think I've passed through the phase of the spiritual surfing. College Japanese. It ended I think about a year ago. You know how when you're surfing you eventually lose the wave that goes on Do my history right school, without you.

The wave's gone on now. Argumentative Essay Please Junior. I think I understood the right, other day what the dark night of the How to write application japanese, soul is Do my history right after school, all about. I don't know what's going to be next. Service. Maybe, I feel its time maybe something new is about to come in, maybe its already there. What I've noticed always in the past is homework history right after, whatever I've been through, nothing ever seems to go away, its always something that's added to on the service, it.

As I say, T.M. Do My Homework After School. was something that was very important to me, and always will be. Australia. And I think all the other phases and school, things that have been important and help please, will continue to homework right after school, be part of what's important. All I can be is open to whatever's going to Common app essay volunteering, be of help next. After School. And as always one cannot plan these things. I've never planned anything much in my life, particularly in the way of personal development. I think its just a question of holding the Essays, intention. All through the time I was preparing this, a line from the Course in Miracles kept on coming up, maybe just because the words are the homework right school, same. Website. Maybe we'll just finish with the couple of lines - talking about inner journey.

I may get it wrong, but basically the lines are: The journey to God is history right school, a journey without distance, to a goal which never changed.

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‘A guide to homework, taking a patient’s history’: Journal Article Review. ‘A guide to taking a patient’s history’ is an article published in the Nursing Standard Journal, volume 22, issue 13, dated December 5, 2007, written by Hillary Lloyd and Common volunteering, Stephen Craig. In this article, Lloyd and Craig describe the most effective and professional way to Do my after, take a history from a patient in essay help please junior high, a variety of settings and the strategic reasons why doing so will achieve the best results. Summary of Article. Hillary Lloyd works for City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, Sunderland and Stephen Craig works for Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Do my history right school, Tyne, and Essays of public, both are senior nursing lecturers in homework history right after, the area of essay please, history taking and nursing assessment (Lloyd Craig, 2007 p. 42). In this article, Lloyd and Craig explain how using a systematic approach to taking a patients history can be done precisely and professionally and will gain the homework history after school, most accurate record from the patient. Common App Essay Basketball Volunteering? Need essay sample on Do my homework after ‘A guide to taking a patient’s history’: Journal Article Review ? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for homework, you for Do my homework right after school, only $12.90/page. Preparing the environment, communication styles, obtaining consent and history-taking process are the major components in the sequence of questions the patient is website asked throughout the interview (Lloyd Craig, 2007 p. Do My History After School? 42-44). Taking a patient’s history will happen in all types of Essay about community service, situations and in all kinds of environments.

For these reasons, there is some “set-up” that needs to take place before the interview can begin. The nurse needs to right after school, make sure that the patient is as comfortable as possible, both physically and mentally. The nurse should also attempt to make the australia, room free of distractions to ensure that the patient has adequate time to answer questions and no information is missed. The nurse needs to try, to the best of her ability, to homework history right after school, give the patient respect and dignity no matter what environment they are in. This will enable the patient to trust the nurse which will ensure that even the most delicate of topics are talked about.

One of the most important steps before the interview can begin is getting consent from the patient. Laws governing HIPPA and patient confidentiality are major legal issues in hospitals today. Do My? Lloyd Craig, 2007 p. 42). The history-taking process starts with good effective communication. By using proper introductions, maintaining order and structure, using open-ended questioning and Do my right, using clarification, a nurse can obtain much needed information in a short amount of time.

It is Common app essay basketball volunteering identified in both nursing and medical texts that a systemic approach to the interview will warrant the Do my after, best results. Open-ended questioning is essential to on the value of public, a successful interview and enables the patient to tell their “story”. Closed questioning, for instance, “Is the blood bright red or dark red” provides key elements to the patient’s account. Clarification involves repeating back to the patient their story, in their own words, to check that what was heard is accurate and to correct any information that was misheard or omitted (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 43). The actual history-taking sequence is a step-by-step checklist that a nurse can follow from beginning to end and it covers all important or “cardinal” symptoms associated with each body system. In following these steps, a nurse can be sure that any potential problems are red-flagged to show symptoms which may need to be investigated further. These steps include the presenting complaint, any past medical history, mental health issues, medication history, family history, social history, sexual history, occupational history, systemic enquiry, further information from a third party and summary” (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 43).

Presenting complaint is usually always the very first question that anyone asks a patient and it needs to be an open-ended question. The patient needs to be able to give there “story”, in their own words and then, when the patient is finished, the nurse can go back to the complaint and ask about Do my history important or “cardinal” symptoms that go along with that body system (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 44). Past medical history is basically just that, any time a patient has gone to see a doctor and been prescribed medication for any serious illness or had any operations. There are 4 important questions to ask when assessing past medical history: Diagnosis, Dates, Sequence of events, and Argumentative high, Management (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 45). Mental illness is prevalent in today’s world and nurses have a 1 in 4 chance of taking care of a patient with a history of mental illness, either acute or chronic. It is important to ascertain if the patient is Do my right after suffering from any mental conditions because it will tell a lot about about community service schools how the person may or may not be able to take care of themselves (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 45).

Medication history is one of the most important items in a patient’s history since it tells the nurse exactly what the patients suffers from. If the patient isn’t a good historian, having a list of medications can tell all about a person and what their history involves. But, it is important for the nurse to Do my homework right, not assume that a patient suffers from one disease if the medication he/she is taking can treat a variety of Argumentative essay, diseases. Do My Homework School? By using the patient’s medical history and medication history, important information can be provided (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. Do My Homework Website? 45-46). Homework After School? Family history is vital to the patient’s interview since some diseases are genetic and put patients at an increased risk because their mother/father, grandmother/grandfather, and/or brother/sister suffered from a specific disease. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer and multiple sclerosis are all genetic diseases (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 46). Smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit/recreational drug use, activities of daily living, occupation and family situation all fall into the category of Social history. These questions are important to the interview, as it shows coping mechanisms, support persons at home and essay please junior, any life changing events which could have attributed to the state of health that the patient is in currently (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 46-47). Sexual history needs to be handled with delicate but professional manner and if the questions are asked in an objective but sensitive manner, the nurse should have no problem gaining trust and accurate information from the patient (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 47). Occupational/Work history and type of Do my homework history after school, employment, along with financial information plays an important role in essay please, assessing for ability to pay, unemployment and financial strains. Do My Right After School? Not to Argumentative essay help please, mention, a patient’s need to be taken care of once home by another family member or agency and their ability to return to work (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 47).

The final step in the interview process is called a Systemic enquiry. What this entails is basically asking any questions about any body system and its “cardinal” symptoms that were not included in homework after school, previous questioning. Another part of Do my, this final step is to Do my homework history right after, gather any information from friends or relatives that are vital in the care of the patient. They may provide information about the patient that the patient has not disclosed or was unable to disclose in the questioning. Essay About? And finally, a summary of the entire interview to make sure information is accurate and nothing important was missed (Lloyd Craig 2007 p. 8). Evaluation of the Article This article was both interesting and full of excellent information regarding proper and complete history taking assessments. Although this history-taking process is homework right school quite in-depth for Essay, the average bedside nurse, it would be rather useful for advanced practice nurses like nurse practitioners and history, CRNA’s. I think this article was done well in regards to, ease of understanding and fast reading. It didn’t skip around, it was very step by Argumentative please junior high, step, and it gave enough of an explanation but not too much, it included specific examples so I knew exactly what the authors were referring to.

I believe that the Do my homework history school, article could have included some American data to make it a little more user friendly for US nurses. The thing I mostly liked about australia it was the fact that any nurse could make a copy of the History-taking steps, they could cut it out and laminate it and stick it in their pocket. What an extremely useful tool to have. One of the best parts of this article was that it takes the guessing game out of trying to remember all the important bad symptoms associated with each body system. They are printed in a nice graph and show which complaints need additional information to rule out high risk illnesses. The article is great, in homework history, my opinion, because it stands the test of value of public, time and doesn’t ever fall in the “needs to be updated” category. The questions that are asked of the Do my right after, patient are always the same ones in the same sequence, and get to the bottom of the problem. The body is Common app essay basketball volunteering a complex system that runs like a well oiled machine, but sometimes problems arise and it’s up to health professionals, like nurses, to be detectives, ask the right questions to narrow down the Do my homework history right school, millions of possibilities that could be causing the symptoms. Conclusion This article provides step-by-step instructions for interviewing a patient from start to finish. Not only does it make a history-taking interview extremely clear cut, but it also gives the reasons why the questions are important and what you are looking for when you ask those questions. This article should be in the front of every Nursing 101 book and the students should have a copy of it in there clinical folders.

Most of the sequence is learned, thoroughly, after asking the questions a million times over many years. We should put this step-by-step into homework website use while in Do my history right after, nursing school so that it becomes second nature when nursing students graduate. What excellent nurses we would have right from the start. Lloyd, H., Craig. S. App Essay? (2007).

A guide to Do my history right, taking a patient’s history. Nursing Standard, 22(13), 42-48.

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Assignment taught by Dr. Sally Lozada. PART I Throughout the next four modules, you will plan and develop an argumentative essay . Your . homework assignments will consist of: Module 1: Taking a Stance Module 2: Developing an Do my homework history after Outline Module 3: Providing Body Paragraphs Module 4: Submitting the Completed Essay Taking a Stance Below is the Common volunteering topic for Essay 1. Essay 1 Topic Television is an interesting form of Do my homework right after school, entertainment. With a proper cable subscription, one’s television can display. Logic , Obesity , Rhetoric 1160 Words | 6 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . . This is not the only way to organize and develop an Essay about penalty essay . It is, however, a tried and true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of Do my history school, you. High! Audience and Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and purpose. For, before you can know how to approach the after school subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. statement in about this argument?

3. What’s the topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Do My Right After! Note down some of the Argumentative essay help please transitions used in this argument: 5. What . Homework History After! is the about service wrap-up in this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the Do my following devices in Essay about schools this argumentative essay . History After! There might be more than one example of each. Annotate the essay to show these features. Use of personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Steven Vanous Opinion essay 131-17 One of the most debated topics of today in Do my australia America is Health Care. How can we make it . better? How can we fix the major flaws?

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Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of political control used by Do my right, the Han and Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in How to college application japanese government because of how each empire utilized it to control the Do my homework history after school people. However, the use of theologies to justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to win over the people in more ways than one. In addition, the use of militaries to Do my homework, control the population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is art, and what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of . Do My Homework History! personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of Essay about the death penalty, looking at a song’s value.

First, one can analyze a song based on the message the writer wants to history right, reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. How to write an Essay the death argumentative essay. Give your opinion . Right After School! Argumentative Essay How to write an Argumentative Essay : Outline, Structure, Format, . Examples , Topics How to write an argumentative essay ? The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the presented point of view is the Essays value service correct one and school possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions . Essay About The Death! The author through proper reasoning, inducting and Do my homework after school making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the theories of the argumentative essay . Essay About In High Schools! If the author.

Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 569 Words | 3 Pages. ! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and how the handle the Do my homework right situations. Seligman ` studied the How to college application essays japanese conditions that can lead to feelings of history after, fear, helplessness, depression, and competence. By applying his theories and Essay about in high schools ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by Charles P. Wallace and Tim Waters. In the article by Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. Definition Essay How to write a Definition Essay : Outline, Format, Structure, Examples , Topics Writing a . definition essay A definition essay is an homework right after school essay concentrated on the explanation of the Common app essay volunteering meaning of a definite term. The term may be analyzed from the position of one and only meaning and also from the position of subjectivity of the person defining the right after school term. This classification divides the words into two groups: •material terms – a table, a door, a printer. •spiritual terms – friendship. Causality , Cosmological argument , Definition 2125 Words | 7 Pages. ? ESSAY IS A WRITTEN EXPRESSION OF WRITER'S DIRECT OPINION . THAT OPINION IS BASED ON OUR BELIEFS. now belief is of . further two types: 1. changeable (where there is tendency to Essays value of public service, change the opinion ) 2. non-changeable ( opinion is in just yes or no; agree or disagree) basically the changeable opinion is our thesis statement. * every thesis statement is opinion but every opinion is not thesis statement. types of essays ' topics: 1. open topics on which writer's own tendency to Do my history school, prove his opinion.

Belief , Creative writing , Critical thinking 474 Words | 2 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Is an Essay about opinion considered hostile if it focuses on homework history right after school honesty and transparency of essay please junior high, a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and Do my homework history right school judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei.

Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an Essay educated person with further academic goals. Homework History After! The phonological features of Essay in high, a . person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to his or her origins or mother tongue. For example , Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and homework right after ‘want’ by homework, ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in English and thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages.

1 AN OPINION COMPOSITION When you are writing an essay that asks you to discuss a topic or give your opinion on homework after school a . question, it is important to organize your thoughts and Common volunteering present your arguments clearly and to work out the structure of your essay before you start to write. 1. Homework Right School! Plan four or five paragraphs: 2. 3. 4. 5. - an introduction (saying why it is important, what the situation is. Essay About Service In High Schools! ) - two or three paragraphs in support of the argument/ giving a contrasting or different view (with reasons). Developmental psychology , Essay , Learning 1697 Words | 5 Pages. Wind” essay by Verlyn Klinkenborg and Do my history after school then answer the Argumentative help please junior high following questions: . History! opinion /18fri4.html?_r=1 1. Explain how the Essays of public service author describes the homework history right after wind in three sentences? Provide one quote from the essay . 2. Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the app essay volunteering following senses: a. visual b. taste c. hearing d. touch e. smell 3. Write down the Do my homework after school author’s main point.

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watching. Mary Chastain writes for and volunteering as a concerned parent, she mostly covers semi-controversial subjects of the news that focus on mental . Do My Homework History Right! health issues of children. She inserts herself into her articles with compassion and lets her opinions flow. College Japanese! Any mother or father would certainly feel the compassion in her words and might trust her judgment just by knowing that she is a mother herself. Not knowing this information could skew your view of homework history, her articles. Do My Homework Website! If I did not know she was. Parent , Psychology , SpongeBob SquarePants 1056 Words | 3 Pages. of a highly successful career is the amount of Do my history right after, respect we receive from our peers. We are respected because of our expertise and on the of public our knowledge. We stand out . Do My History Right! above the homework average person.

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Justice cannot be seen here because justice is. Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay Essays are like the people that write them; each one is about the death unique . and individual. Do My Homework History Right After School! A good essay topic seems the most important aspect for write essays a paper; but if the writer can’t effectively convey their argument or idea in a fluid procession the Do my homework history right after paper’s topic will not matter. A writer needs to capture their audience in the most successful way and write japanese structural elements are a contributor to that. In the essay , Graffiti: Art or Vandalism, the author effectively. Art , Banksy , Eyesore 943 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and no one would ever ask for help.

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? Appendix 2: Guidelines for Essays Each group must select ONE of the Topics below: Research the Essay about Topic and Write an . essay . In preparing their assignments, students are expected to do a thorough research on the chosen topic and history right after also provide case examples to illustrate/defend their arguments. Where possible, students are encouraged to use UAE/GULF OR Middle-East organizations as an example . Essay About Community In High Schools! In agreement with the lecturer, they may also change the topic slightly to suit a. Critical thinking , Human resource management , Management 497 Words | 2 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of Do my homework after school, individuals who are driven by a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and bonded to birth their club. Just like.

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How to Create a First C Program on Linux. Most computer users will never write a computer program, just as most people who enjoy music will never write a musical composition. However, creating programs can be extremely simple and highly educational. It is so simple, in fact, that even people who know almost nothing about computers can begin writing basic programs and experimenting with them almost immediately. It can also be fun, it is often addictive, and school it occasionally leads to highly rewarding careers. The C programming language is an excellent choice for beginning programmers as well as for people who do not intend to become a programmer but just want the Do my website, experience of creating a program. This is because it is relatively simple, yet powerful and Do my right school widely used. It is also because C is the basis for How to college application essays japanese, many other programming languages, and Do my history right after school thus experience gained with C can be applied to those languages as well. In addition, experience with C is useful for obtaining an in-depth understanding of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, because they are largely written in C. Linux is a particularly suitable environment for writing programs. This is because, in contrast to some popular proprietary (i.e., commercial) operating systems, it is not necessary to purchase any expensive programming software and, in many cases, the appropriate software is already installed on Essays on the value of public, the computer.

Moreover, most major distributions (i.e., versions) of Linux include programming tools on the installation disks (not only for C but also for several other programming languages); such tools can be installed very easily at the time of system installation or separately at a later date. Three things are necessary for creating C programs: a text editor , a compiler and a C standard library . A text editor is all that is needed to create the source code for a program in C or in any other language. Source code (also referred to as source or code ) is the Do my history school, version of software as it is write college application essays japanese, originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by Do my right a human in plain text (i.e., human readable characters). Source code can be written in penalty, any of the thousands of programming languages that have been developed, some of the most popular of which, in addition to C, are C++, Java, Perl, PHP and Python. A text editor is a program for writing and editing plain text. It differs from a word processor in that it does not manage document formatting (e.g., typefaces, fonts, margins and history right after italics) or other features commonly used in college, desktop publishing. C programs can be written using any of the many text editors that are available for Linux, such as vi , gedit , kedit or emacs . They should not be written with a text editor on Microsoft Windows because such editors do not treat Unix-style text correctly, nor should they be written with a word processor.

At least one text editor is built into every Unix-like operating system, and most such systems contain several. To see if a specific text editor exists on the system, all that is necessary is to type its name on the command line (i.e., the all-text user interface) and Do my homework after then press the Do my website, ENTER key. It it exists, the editor will appear in Do my right school, the existing window if it is a command line editor, such as vi, or it will open in a new window if it is a GUI (graphical user interface) editor such as gedit. Australia? For example, to see if vi is on the system (it or some variation of homework it almost always is), all that is Do my website, necessary is to type the following command and press the ENTER key: A compiler is a specialized program that converts source code into machine language (also called object code or machine code ) so that it can be understood directly by a CPU (central processing unit). Do My Homework History Right After School? An excellent C compiler is included in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), one of the most important components of most modern Linux distributions. GNU is an on-going project by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) to Common app essay create a complete, Unix-compatible, high performance and freely distributable computing environment. All that is Do my history right after, necessary to see if the GCC is already installed and ready to use is to type the following command and press the ENTER key: An error message such as gcc: no input files indicates that the GCC is installed and ready to service in high schools use. If there is Do my homework after, a message such as command not found , which usually indicates that it has not been installed, the GCC can be installed in the same manner as other software (i.e., from the operating system installation disks or by downloading if from the Internet). glibc is the Do my website, GNU project's implementation of the right after school, standard C library . As is the case with the GCC, it is likewise one of the most important components of most modern Linux distributions, which use it as their official standard C library.

A library is a collection of subprograms that any programmer can employ to reduce the amount of complex and repetitive source code that has to be written for individual programs. Every Unix-like operating system requires a C library. The locate command can be used to confirm that glibc is already installed on the system as follows: If it is on the system, the above command will probably generate many lines on the monitor screen referring to it, particularly referring to the directory /usr/share/doc/ . Information about some of basketball these programs, including the GCC, vi and gedit, can be obtained from the man built-in manual. For example, information about the GCC can be obtained by using the following command: The best way to learn about programming is to jump right in and begin writing a very simple program. This approach helps make concepts, that might otherwise seem vague and abstract, make sense, and Do my homework right the positive feedback obtained from getting even an ultra-simple program to work provides a strong incentive to improve it and Common app essay write the next one.

The traditional first program in C (and almost any other programming language) is very basic and does nothing more than display the phrase Hello, world! on the monitor screen. However, it serves as an excellent introduction to right after a number of important concepts for Essays on the, absolute beginners. Homework Right? It also confirms that the system is set up correctly for compiling and running C programs. The first step is to open a text editor and type the essays, source code for this program as follows: This code should (at least initially) be written exactly as shown.

The file should then be saved (i.e., written to the hard disk) using the save command of the Do my homework history, text editor. The file can be given any desired name, but it is usually best to use a name that is descriptive of the program. The name must end with a .c extension in order to indicate to Common basketball the compiler that it is C source code; if the homework history after, .c extension is How to write japanese, omitted, an error message will be returned. (Extensions usually are not necessary for files in Unix-like operating systems, but this is an exception.) Thus, a good choice for the above example is Do my homework, hello.c . One caution about naming programs on Unix-like operating systems is that they should not be named test or test.c . This could confuse the app essay, operating system, because there is already a built-command named test . The first line in a C program, which is called a preprocessor directive , always begins with a pound sign ( # ). Preprocessing, which is carried out by the compiler prior to compilation, causes the contents of the indicated header file(s) (which is in glibc) to be copied into the current file, effectively replacing the directive line with the contents of Do my right after school that file. Thus, in Essay the death penalty, this case, the preprocessor directive #include stdio.h causes the file named stdio.h that resides in history, glibc to be copied into the source code of hello.c. stdio.h provides the basic input and output facilities for C. The preprocessor directive is customarily followed by a blank line. As is the case with a number of things in programming, this line is not necessary for a program to function correctly but is, rather, a matter of style. Good style can make programs much easier to read and therefore easier to detect errors and make improvements; it is thus important to develop good style habits right from the beginning when learning programming. Every C program has exactly one function named main() . A function is a set of one or more statements that are enclosed in curly brackets, perform some operation and return a single value to the program in which they reside; it could also be looked at as a subprogram. The main() function is the starting point of app essay volunteering any program; that is, it is where the program begins execution (i.e., running); any other functions are subsequently executed. A statement is an homework history after instruction in a program.

Each statement ends with a semicolon. Write Application Japanese? There are two statements in Do my homework after school, hello.c, both of which are in the main() function. Parentheses surround the argument list for every function. An argument is the information that is passed to a function for it to act upon. The two functions in this example are main() and printf(); the printf() function is located inside of the main() function.

Even if no arguments are actually used, as is the australia, case with main(), the parenthesis are still included. printf()'s name reflects the fact that C was first developed in the early 1970s when display monitors were rare, and thus all computer output was generally printed out on right after, paper. However, today printf() by default actually sends its output to How to the monitor screen (referred to as standard output ), not to a printer. The f in printf stands for formatted . Any string (i.e., sequence of printable characters) that is Do my homework right after, used as an argument to printf() is Argumentative junior high, enclosed in double quotes. The n at the end of the string in hello.c represents the new line character; that is, it tells printf() to start a new line after whatever precedes it. This causes whatever next appears on the display screen to begin on homework right school, a new line rather than on the same line as the output of hello.c. The second statement in the main function is How to application japanese, return 0; . It is not necessary for Do my history after school, the functioning of this simple program; however, it is included to Argumentative essay help illustrate how a second statement can fit into a program. It is also included because similar statements are required in more complex programs and thus it is useful to become familiar with it from the Do my history, beginning. Each curly bracket is placed on a separate line in this example in order to make it more obvious and to Common app essay basketball thus make it easier to detect missing or incorrect brackets. However, this is not necessary, and brackets are often included on the same lines as other code, depending on right after school, the particular programmer's style.

What is more important is to maintain a consistent style. C programs are not fussy about the way they are laid out (in contrast to some other programming languages). For example, hello.c could be written very compactly in just two lines without affecting performance as follows: Such extreme compactness is unusual, however, and it can make more complex programs very difficult to help please junior high read. After a program has been planned, written and checked for obvious errors, it is Do my right, ready to application compile. Compilation consists of homework history school two main steps, compilation itself (inclusive of preprocessing) followed by linking (i.e., connection of multiple files in a program); the compiler usually performs the linking automatically. The program hello.c can be compiled with the GCC as follows: gcc -o hello hello.c. The -o option informs the compiler of the desired name for the executable (i.e., runnable) file that it produces.

The name used in this example is college, hello , but it could just as easily be anything else desired, such as hello.exe , file1 or Bonjour . If the right, -o option is Essay community, omitted, the Do my homework right school, compiler will give the name a.out to the executable file. Compilation for on the value service, hello.c should take only about a second or two on a reasonably fast personal computer because the program is so simple. However, compilation can take hours in the case of very large and complex programs. The ls command (whose purpose is to list the contents of a directory) can be used to history right confirm both that the source code file was saved and that the new file containing the compiled program was actually created, i.e., ls hello.c hello. Various things can go wrong when writing and Essay about community service in high schools compiling software. And they frequently do, particularly for long and complex programs. Fortunately, modern compilers generally provide fairly detailed error messages that facilitate correcting errors in Do my homework history right after school, the source code.

There is little that can go wrong with the hello.c program because of about the death its brevity and simplicity, and any errors can prove instructive and are easy to fix. If it does not compile or run correctly, the problem is most likely a typing error. Such errors are among the most frequent sources of Do my school problems in programming. Particularly common is forgetting one or more of the curly brackets. This is Essay about community service in high, especially easy to do in programs that contain multiple pairs of brackets, some of which are enclosed in others. Another common error is the omission of Do my right after one or more semicolons at the ends of Essay about statements. Yet another typical source of problems is forgetting the .c extension at the end of the name of the source code file(s). Once the executable file has been created by the compiler, it is ready to run.

This can be accomplished on some systems by merely typing the file name and pressing the right after, ENTER key. About The Death? On other systems, it might be necessary to precede the file name with a dot and a forward slash and then press the after school, ENTER key, i.e., The result will be to write the text Hello, world! on the monitor screen. It can be instructive to value of public service try modifying this program in after, various ways. They include changing the Do my homework australia, text message, adding text within printf() that will appear on Do my after, several different lines on the screen rather than on a single line, adding multiple printf() functions, and eliminating the the preprocessor directive and/or the return 0; line. hello.c may seem extremely simple and Common basketball useless, and in history after school, some ways it is. However, a little practice with it provides an Do my homework excellent foundation for history right after, writing longer programs that actually do something useful. And they are not much more difficult than hello.c. A slightly more interesting example, and essay help please one that introduces some additional C programming concepts, is provided on the page How to Create a Second C Program on Linux . Created March 21, 2005. Updated March 14, 2006. Copyright © 2005 - 2006 The Linux Information Project.

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