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bios resume on Help my child poem ring Aby mozliwe bylo korzystanie z komputera, pamiec CMOS RAM musi zawierac informacje dotyczace dostepnych w nim dyskow oraz innych jego mozliwosci. Program Setup, w ktory jest wyposazony komputer, umozliwia aktywacje funkcji uruchamianych po jego starcie. Your Homework Up. Uruchomienie i dostep do programu BIOS Setup. Aby otworzyc program BIOS Setup, zazwyczaj konieczne jest ponowne uruchomienie komputera i nastepnie, w trakcie wykonywania procedury POST, nacisniecie okreslonego klawisza lub kombinacji klawiszy. Homework. Glowni producenci ukladow BIOS okreslili standardowe kombinacje klawiszy umozliwiajace otwarcie programu BIOS Setup: AMI w trakcie wykonywania procedury POST nacisnij klawisz Delete.

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Pozwala okreslic czestotliwosc magistrali procesora i skasowac hasla dostepu do konfiguracji. Menu dostepne jest tylko w trybie Configure ustawianym za pomoca zworki umieszczonej na plycie glownej. Help My Child Homework Poem. Pozwala przydzielic zasoby komponentom systemowym. Homework Esl. Pozwala okreslic zaawansowane funkcje chipsetu. Pozwala ustawic hasla i opcje zabezpieczen. My Child Homework Poem. Pozwala zdefiniowac funkcje zwiazane z zarzadzaniem energia. Pozwala okreslic opcje inicjalizacji i funkcje dotyczace zasilania. Zapisuje lub wycofuje zmiany ustawien programu Setup.

Wybranie dowolnego z wymienionych menu spowoduje przejscie do innego menu oferujacego szczegolowe ustawienia. Website. Maintenance jest szczegolnym menu umozliwiajacym ustawienie czestotliwosci magistrali procesora oraz skasowanie hasel programu Setup. Homework Poem. Ustawienia standardowego menu Maintenance. Pozwala okreslic czestotliwosc magistrali procesora (w MHz lub GHz). College Essays. W oknie wyswietlane sa tylko czestotliwosci obslugiwane przez procesor zainstalowany na plycie glownej lacznie z czestotliwoscia maksymalna. Help My Child Homework Poem. Clear All Passwords. Pozwala usunac hasla uzytkownika i administratora. Assignments. Pozwala usunac dane autoryzujace uslugi Wired for my child Management Boot Integrity Service (BiS).

Opcje definiowane przez uzytkownika. Home City. Wyswietla menu Extended Configuration Submenu. Wyswietla informacje na temat procesora. Help My Child. CPU Microcode Update Revision. Wyswietla wersje aktualizacji mikrokodu procesora. CPU Stepping Signature.

Wyswietla wersje procesora (ang. Of Operations. stepping). Help. Przy uzyciu menu Main mozna ustawic zegar systemowy oraz wprowadzic parametry dysku twardego i stacji dyskietek, jak rowniez podstawowy typ karty graficznej. Homework Rap. Nowsze wersje BIOS-u sa wyposazone w bardziej zlozony program konfiguracyjny skladajacy sie z wiekszej liczby menu. Homework Poem. Z tego tez powodu menu Main w porownaniu ze starszymi systemami jest w znacznym stopniu rozbudowane. W nowszych systemach menu Main zawiera dane dotyczace wersji BIOS-u, typu i szybkosci procesora, pojemnosci pamieci oraz informuje, czy pamiec operacyjna lub podreczna wykorzystuja funkcje kodu korekcji bledow ECC.

Menu Main moze rowniez posluzyc do ustawienia daty i czasu systemowego. Ustawienia standardowego Menu Main. Wyswietla wersje BIOS-u. Homework Assignments. Wyswietla typ procesora. Help Poem. Wyswietla czestotliwosc procesora. Order Homework Rap. System Bus Freauency. Wyswietla czestotliwosc magistrali systemowej. Wyswietla pojemnosc pamieci podrecznej L2 oraz jej zgodnosc z funkcja kodu korekcji bledow ECC. Help My Child Homework. Wyswietla calkowita pojemnosc pamieci RAM zainstalowanej na plycie glownej. Memory Bank 0 Memory Bank 1 Memory Bank 2. Homework. Wyswietla pojemnosc i typ pamieci DIMM zainstalowanej w kazdym banku. Poem. English (domyslny), Deutch, Espanol.

Pozwala wybrac domyslny jezyk wykorzystywany przez BIOS. Purchase Work. Processor Serial Number. My Child. Wlacza i wylacza funkcje zwiazana z numerem seryjnym procesora (dostepna tylko w przypadku procesora Pentium III). Can You Purchase Essays. Hour, minute, second. Pozwala okreslic aktualny czas. Help My Child Homework. Pozwala okreslic aktualna date. Help With English Grammar Mp3. Pozwala okreslic zgodnosc z funkcja ECC. Homework. L2 cache ECC Support. Po wlaczeniu dostepna jest kontrola bledow wystepujacych przy dostepie do danych zawartych w pamieci Cache L2. Opcja nie jest dostepna w przypadku procesorow, ktore zawsze maja aktywna funkcje ECC pamieci podrecznej L2.

IDE Primary/Secondary Master/Slave. Po wybraniu tego ustawienia dla kazdego urzadzenia dostepne sa dodatkowe opcje. Menu zawierajace opcje dotyczace stacji dyskietek. Dissertation. Opcja do zignorowania. Okresla tryb graficzny, ale dotyczy to Help, kart graficznych montowanych w komputerach w latach 80-tych zeszlego wieku.

All, But Keyboard. Of Operations Homework. All, But Diskette. Help. All, But Disk/Key. Opcja definiujaca reakcje BIOS-u na wystapienie okreslonego problemu wykrytego podczas testow wstepnych (testow POST). All Errors - powoduje zatrzymanie uruchamiania komputera, gdy test POST sygnalizuje blad. Mozliwe sytuacje bedace przyczyna zatrzymania procesu bootowania to: brak stacji dyskietek (mimo iz jest ona zadeklarowana w ustawieniach BIOS-u), brak klawiatury czy np. English Grammar. rozladowana bateria podtrzymujaca pamiec ukladu CMOS, w ktorym przechowywane sa ustawienia BIOS-u (w tym ostatnim przypadku najczesciej zobaczymy komunikat CMOS Checksum error), albo. Help My Child. atak wirusa modyfikujacego zawartosc BIOS-u (choc w tym przypadku najczesciej w ogole nie dochodzi do uruchomienia sie chocby testow POST). Homework Assignments Esl. No Errors - przeciwienstwo wyzej opisanego parametru. Homework Poem. BIOS bedzie kontynuowal procedure uruchamiania komputera bez wzgledu na napotkane w tescie POST bledy. Oczywiscie z wylaczeniem takich, ktore w ogole uniemozliwiaja dzialania komputera.

All, But Keyboard - BIOS zatrzyma proces bootowania, jesli napotka bledy testu POST, z wyjatkiem sytuacji, gdy do komputera nie bedzie podpieta klawiatura. All, But Diskette - parametr analogiczny do powyzszego, tym razem ignorowany jestbrak stacji dyskietek (mimo iz jest ona zadeklarowana w BIOS-ie). All, But Disk/Key - parametr stanowiacy polaczenie dwoch powyzszych; ignorowanymi bledami sa: brak klawiatury i stacji dyskietek. College Esl. IDE Primary/Secondary Master/Slave. Homework. IDE HDD Auto-Detection.

Wywolanie tej opcji spowoduje automatyczne wykrycie urzadzenia podlaczonego do kontrolera IDE/ATA. With English Grammar Mp3. Najczesciej dyski czy napedy CD DVD wykrywane sa automatycznie juz wczesniej - BIOS sprawdza kontroler IDE/ATA pod katem obecnosci podlaczonych do niego urzadzen podczas uruchamiania komputera. Nie ma wiec potrzeby uzywania tej opcji. Nazwa tej opcji zalezy do tego, ktora linie wybralismy z glownego ekranu grupy Main. Jezeli wybralismy linie wlasciwa dla urzadzenia podrzednego (Slave) podlaczonego do pierwszego kanalu interfejsu ramach tej opcji dostepne sa trzy parametry: None, Auto (domyslny) oraz Manual. Pierwszy spowoduje wylaczenie urzadzenia podlaczonego do kontrolera (nie bedzie ono widoczne w BIOS-ie i w systemach operacyjnych korzystajacych z BIOS-u, ale moze byc widoczne w systemach operacyjnych samodzielnie obslugujacych sprzet). Drugi okresla, ze BIOS samodzielnie dokonuje oceny parametrow urzadzenia i uaktywnia jego obsluge, natomiast trzeci umozliwia reczna zmiane parametrow np. My Child Homework. dysku twardego w zaleznosci od wybranego trybu dostepu. Work Home Furniture. Opcja okresla sposob adresowania dysku twardego.

Zalecanym ustawieniem jest pozostawienie domyslnego parametru Auto, dzieki czemu BIOS automatycznie okresla sposob adresowania w oparciu o odczytane informacje z firmware (oprogramowania wewnetrznego) dysku. My Child. Inne parametry to: CHS - ustawia adresowanie typu cylinder-glowica-sektor (z ang. Cylinder-Head-Sector). Home Furniture Quezon. Ten typ adresowania uzywany byl w dyskach twardych o pojemnosci ponizej 504 MB. Help Poem. I nalezy go stosowac tylko dla takich zabytkow.

Dyski o wiekszej pojemnosci nie moga byc adresowane ta metoda (bedzie wykazywana niewlasciwa pojemnosc lub urzadzenie w ogole nie bedzie dzialac). LBA - oznacza Logical Block Addressing, czyli adresowanie, w ktorym sektory dysku sa uporzadkowane numerycznie, bez wzgledu na numer cylindra czy inne parametry majace znaczenie w metodzie CHS. Work Furniture. Aktualnie dyski twarde sa wlasnie adresowane za pomoca LBA. My Child Homework. Dla nowszych dyskow nie ma znaczenia, czy wybierzemy parametr LBA, czy pozostaniemy przy parametrze Auto. Oczywiscie uzycie Auto jest po prostu wygodniejsze. Homework. Large - metoda przejsciowa miedzy CHS a likwidujacym ograniczenia pojemnosci LBA. My Child Poem. Stanowila swego czasu proteze umozliwiajaca korzystanie z dyskow o pojemnosciach wiekszych niz 504 MB. Obecnie stanowi anachronizm i nie nalezy jej uzywac. Capacity - informacja o wykrytej objetosci dysku (w napedach CD/DVD wartosc tego parametru wynosi 0). Homework Assignments Esl. Cylinder, Head, Precomp, Landing Zone, Sector - te opcje maja znaczenie tylko dla bardzo starych dyskow (o pojemnosci mniejszej niz 504 MB).

Wartosci tu wyswietlane sa konfigurowalne tylko wtedy, gdy parametrem opcji IDE Kanal/ Priorytet bedzie Manual, a tryb dostepu jest ustawiony na CHS. My Child Homework. Jezeli faktycznie mamy do czynienia z zabytkowym dyskiem, wlasciwe wartosci znajdziemy na nalepce znamionowej na obudowie dysku. Homework Assignments. Sluza okresleniu typu stacji dyskietek, jaka mamy w komputerze (w praktyce: 1.44M, 3.5 in.). Opcje te sa uzyteczne jedynie gdy w nasze rece trafi naprawde archaiczne urzadzenie (np. Help Poem. stacja dyskietek 5,25 cala o pojemnosci 360 kB) lub nietypowe (np. 3,5-calowe stacje dyskietek o pojemnosci 2,88 MB). Oczywiscie jezeli nie mamy dwoch stacji dyskietek, dla opcji Drive B ustawiamy parametr None. Pay Me To Do Your Up. Swap Floppy Drive. My Child Poem. Opcja uzyteczna (i dostepna), jezeli komputer wyposazony jest w dwie stacje dyskietek.

Parametr Enabled (wlaczony) powoduje, ze dotychczasowa stacja oznaczona litera A: bedzie stacja B:, a stacja B: stacja A:. Help Grammar. Parametr Disabled (wylaczony) przywraca pierwotna konfiguracje. Funkcja ta moze nie dzialac w systemie Windows NT 4.0 bez zainstalowanego dodatku Service Pack 4 dla Windows NT. Homework Poem. Nie nalezy jej tez uzywac podczas instalacji Windows NT 4.0. Boot Up Floppy Seek. Wlaczenie tej opcji (Enabled) powoduje, ze BIOS podczas uruchamiania komputera i przeprowadzania testow wstepnych (tzw. Website. test POST) poszukuje stacji dyskietek i po jej znalezieniu uaktywnia ja na krotka chwile (co objawia sie zapaleniem diody kontrolnej stacji dyskietek). Homework. Opcja bedaca anachronizmem z czasow, gdy komputery PC musialy miec stacje dyskietek. Pay Me Your Homework. Obecnie zalecanym ustawieniem przyspieszajacym proces uruchamiania jest Disabled (wylaczony). Menu Advanced oferuje zaawansowane opcje zwiazane z konfiguracja chipsetu plyty glownej.

Ta czesc programu BIOS Setup jest scisle zalezna od wykorzystywanego typu chipsetu. Obecnie na rynku dostepnych jest wiele chipsetow, z ktorych kazdy charakteryzuje sie wlasnym niepowtarzalnym zestawem ustawien. Help My Child. Czesc programu zwiazana z konfiguracja chipsetu pozwala uzytkownikowi na dostosowanie jej do wlasnych potrzeb i zmiane niektorych parametrow jego pracy. Website. Typowe ustawienia menu Advanced. My Child Poem. Jesli pojawi sie opcja Used, oznacza to, ze dla pozycji Extended Configuration znajdujacej sie w menu Maintenance zostala wybrana wartosc User-defined. Pozwala ustawic priorytet przerwan poszczegolnych gniazd PCI. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu PCI Configuration. Boot Settings Configuration.

Sluzy do konfiguracji opcji Numlock i Plug and Help with mp3, Play oraz modyfikacji danych konfiguracyjnych. Help Homework. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Boot Settings Configuration. Homework Rap. Sluzy do konfiguracji portow urzadzen peryferyjnych. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Peripheral Configuration. Help My Child Homework Poem. Pozwala okreslic typ podlaczonego urzadzenia IDE. Mp3. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Diskette Configuration. Sluzy do konfiguracji dziennika zdarzen.

Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Event Log Configuration. Help My Child Homework Poem. Sluzy do konfiguracji ustawien zwiazanych z karta graficzna. With English Mp3. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Video Configuration. Homework Poem. Pozwala okreslic, czy jest stosowany system operacyjny zgodny z technologia Plug and Order of operations homework rap, Play. Opcja No przekazuje do BIOS-u zadanie konfiguracji wszystkich urzadzen. Opcja Yes umozliwia systemowi operacyjnemu skonfigurowanie urzadzen PnP. W przypadku uzycia systemu obslugujacego funkcje Plug and homework poem, Play ustawienie nie jest wymagane. Reset Configuration Data.

Usuwa dane konfiguracji Plug and Dissertation website, Play BIOS-u. Zmiana jest uwzgledniana przy najblizszej inicjalizacji systemu. My Child Poem. Pozwala okreslic status klawisza Num Lock znajdujacego sie na klawiaturze numerycznej. Dissertation Website. Sluzy do konfiguracji blokow pamieci i przerwan starszych urzadzen ISA. Homework. Po uaktywnieniu pojawi sie menu Resource Configuration. Pay Me To Do Your Up. Advanced BIOS FEATURES. Menu zawiera opcje dotyczace obslugi komponentow komputera przez BIOS. Menu PCI Configuration umozliwia ustawienie wartosci przerwan przypisywanych kartom zainstalowanym w gniazdach magistrali PCI.

Jesli nie ma potrzeby przypisania okreslonym kartom PCI konkretnych wartosci przerwan IRQ, wtedy domyslna wartosc to Help homework, AUTO. PCI Slot 1 IRQ Priority. Work Home Furniture. Pozwala na ustawienie priorytetu przerwan. Homework. PCI Slot 2 IRQ Priority. With Grammar. Pozwala na ustawienie priorytetu przerwan. Help My Child Poem. PCI Slot 3 IRQ Priority. College Assignments Esl. Pozwala na ustawienie priorytetu przerwan. Wartosci priorytetu przerwan IRQ dla gniazda PCI 3 i 5 sa wspolne, natomiast inne opcje ustawione dla gniazda PCI 3 obowiazuja rowniez dla gniazda PCI 5. My Child. PCI Slot 4 IRQ Priority. Pozwala na ustawienie priorytetu przerwan. Help English Mp3. PCI Slot 5 IRQ Priority. Help Homework Poem. Zawsze ma ustawiona wartosc Auto (inne wartosci sa identyczne jak w przypadku gniazda PCI 3).

Pozwala okreslic, czy jest stosowany system operacyjny zgodny z technologia Plug and Dissertation website, Play. Help My Child Poem. Opcja No przekazuje do BIOS-u zadanie konfiguracji wszystkich urzadzen. Work Furniture. Wartosc No nalezy ustawic w przypadku uzycia systemu operacyjnego obslugujacego funkcje PnP. Opcja Yes umozliwia systemowi operacyjnemu skonfigurowanie urzadzen PnP. Help My Child Homework. Reset Config Data. Work Quezon. Usuwa dane konfiguracji PnP/pCI BIOS-u zapisanej w ukladzie pamieci Flash. My Child Homework. Zmiana jest uwzgledniana podczas najblizszej inicjalizacji systemu.

Pozwala okreslic status klawisza Num Lock znajdujacego sie na klawiaturze numerycznej. Dodatkowe opcje zaawansowane. Pozwala na wybranie ustawionych przez producenta chipsetu optymalnych wartosci jego parametrow. Po ustawieniu wartosci Disabled parametry chipsetu z powrotem przyjmuja wartosci konfiguracji zapisanej w pamieci CMOS. Dissertation. Po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled wiele widocznych pol jest niedostepnych. Help Homework Poem. EDO DRAM Speed Selection. Homework Assignments. Wartosc ustawiona w tym polu musi odpowiadac szybkosci pamieci EDO DRAM zainstalowanej w komputerze. Ustawienie okresla czas dostepu pamieci, dlatego tez im nizsza jego wartosc, tym wyzsza wydajnosc systemu. Help Homework. SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay. Of Operations. Pola pozwalaja na kontrolowanie liczby cykli wystepujacych pomiedzy wykonaniem operacji aktywacji wiersza i operacji odczytu lub zapisu.

SDRAM RAS Precharge Time. Parametr Precharge Time okresla liczbe cykli wymaganych przez adresowanie wierszy pamieci (RAS) do nagromadzenia ladunku przed odswiezeniem modulu DRAM. Help Poem. Jesli okreslony czas jest niewystarczajacy, wtedy odswiezanie moze nie zostac zakonczone prawidlowo, wskutek czego z pamieci DRAM moga zniknac dane. College Homework. SDRAM CAS Latency Time. Po zainstalowaniu synchronicznej pamieci DRAM (SDRAM) istnieje mozliwosc zmiany liczby cykli wystepujacych pomiedzy kolejnymi operacjami odczytu oraz w momencie, gdy kontroler wczytuje dane z modulow SDRAM. Help My Child Poem. SDRAM Precharge Control. Po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled wszystkie cykle procesora zwiazane z pamiecia SDRAM powoduja wykonanie na jej interfejsie instrukcji All Banks Precharge. College Assignments. DRAM Data Integrity Mode. W zaleznosci od typu zainstalowanej pamieci DRAM nalezy ustawic wartosc Non-ECC lub ECC. Wartosc ECC aktywuje funkcje jednobitowej korekcji bledow oraz wielobitowej detekcji bledow, ktore powoduja nieznaczny spadek wydajnosci komputera. Help My Child Homework Poem. DRAM Timing Selectable.

Reguluje sposob konfiguracji pamieci RAM. Parametr By SPD oznacza, ze BIOS bedzie pobieral dane dotyczace pamieci bezposrednio z modulow pamieci (z ukladu SPD - Serial Presence Data) -jest to zdecydowanie najbezpieczniejsze ustawienie, natomiast ustawienie Manual umozliwia wprowadzenie modyfikacji w czterech opisanych nizej opcjach, czyli cos dla overclockerow. Homework Assignments. CAS Latency Time. Ustawia czas opoznienia sygnalu adresujacego kolumne komorek pamieci (CAS - Column Address Strobe). My Child. Wartosc opoznienia zalezy od timingu pamieci i od mozliwosci samych ukladow.

Najbardziej wydajne ustawienie to najmniejsza wartosc opoznienia, jednak moze ono nie zadzialac modulow DRAM sredniej jakosci. Active to to do your, Precharge Delay. Okresla opoznienie miedzy aktywnoscia a resetowaniem komorek pamieci, ponownie im mniejsza wartosc, tym lepiej, jednak nie zadziala to w kazdym przypadku [8/7/6/5]. DRAM RAS# to my child homework poem, CAS# Delay. Pay Me To Do Your Up. Definiuje opoznienie pomiedzy sygnalem adresujacym kolumny i wiersze komorek pamieci. Help Homework. Mniejsza wartosc oznacza wieksza wydajnosc. City. DRAM RAS# Precharge. Okresla czas przygotowania komorek pamieci na dzialanie.

Wartosc mniejsza oznacza lepsza wydajnosc, ale zbyt maly czas zaowocuje bledami i w rezultacie zawieszeniem sie komputera (zjawisko powszechnie wystepujace na komputerach overclockerow). System BIOS Cacheable. Help Homework. Pozwala na buforowanie zawartosci systemowego ukladu BIOS ROM znajdujacej sie w pamieci o adresach z zakresu F0000h FFFFFh, co polepsza wydajnosc komputera. Jesli dowolny program sprobuje zapisac w tym obszarze pamieci dane, wtedy moze wystapic blad systemowy. Pay Me Your Homework. Video BIOS Cacheable. Pozwala na buforowanie zawartosci ukladu BIOS ROM karty graficznej znajdujacej sie w pamieci o adresach z zakresu C0000h - C7FFFh, co polepsza jej wydajnosc. Jesli dowolny program sprobuje zapisac w tym obszarze pamieci dane, wtedy moze wystapic blad systemowy.

Video RAM Cacheable (Video Memory Cache Mode) Ustawienie wartosci Enabled pozwala na buforowanie zawartosci pamieci RAM karty graficznej znajdujacej sie w pamieci o adresach z zakresu A0000h - AFFFFh, co polepsza jej wydajnosc. Jesli dowolny program sprobuje zapisac w tym obszarze pamieci dane, wtedy moze wystapic blad dostepu do pamieci. W niektorych systemach ustawieniu Enabled odpowiada tryb USWC (ang. My Child Homework Poem. Uncacheable Speculative Write-Combining). Help English. 8/16 Bit I/O Recovery Time. My Child Homework Poem. Mechanizm regeneracji portow I/O dodaje cykle zegara magistrali do cykli wystepujacych pomiedzy portami I/O magistrali PCI i magistrali ISA. Dodatkowe opoznienie wynika stad, ze magistrala PCI jest znacznie szybsza od magistrali ISA. Memory Hole at homework 15M-I6M. Pozostawia 1 MB pustego obszaru pamieci RAM pomiedzy 15 i 16 megabajtem. Starsze aplikacje czasami nie dzialaja prawidlowo, gdy w systemie jest pamiec o pojemnosci 16 MB lub wiekszej.

W takim przypadku aktywacja tego ustawienia pomaga rozwiazac problem. Help My Child Poem. Standardowo jest ono wylaczone. Delay Prior to purchase college, Thermal. Help Poem. Funkcja wlasciwa tylko dla procesorow Pentium 4, posiadajacych mechanizm ochrony termicznej, polegajacy na tym, ze podczas przegrzania (przekroczenia okreslonej temperatury) procesor zwalnia prace (w miejsce niektorych cykli roboczych wprowadzane sa cykle puste, w czasie ktorych procesor nie pracuje i chlodzi sie - funkcja ta nosi nazwe throttlingu). Work. Czas ustawiany w tej opcji okresla, po ilu minutach automatyczna ochrona termiczna ma byc aktywowana. Dzieki tej funkcji procesor nie jest spowalniany podczas krotkotrwalych przeciazen, ktore w zadnym razie (o ile sa spowodowane wymogami obliczeniowymi) nie powoduja jego uszkodzenia. Help My Child Homework Poem. Po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled funkcja Passive Release pozwala na dostep do mostka laczacego procesor z magistrala PCI. Can You Essays. Jesli funkcja jest wylaczona, wtedy kontroler zezwala na dostep do lokalnej pamieci DRAM tylko urzadzeniom nadrzednym magistrali PCI. Homework Poem. Chipset zawiera 32-bitowy zintegrowany bufor zapisujacy majacy za zadanie obslugiwanie cykli opozniajacych transakcje. Home Quezon. Aby wlaczyc zgodnosc ze specyfikacja PCI 2.1, nalezy ustawic wartosc Enabled.

AGP Aperture Size (MB) Pozwala okreslic pojemnosc pamieci przeznaczonej dla karty AGP (ang. Help My Child Homework. accelerated graphics port). Help Grammar. Jest to Help, czesc przestrzeni adresowej pamieci wykorzystywanej przez magistrale PCI dedykowanej przestrzeni adresowej karty graficznej AGP. Home. Cykle magistrali, ktore odwoluja sie do dedykowanego zakresu, sa przekierowywane do magistrali AGP bez koniecznosci translacji. CPU Warning Temperature. My Child Poem. W przypadku, gdy komputer jest wyposazony w system monitorowania, ustawienie to pozwala okreslic maksymalna i minimalna temperature procesora. Jesli wartosc temperatury zostanie przekroczona, wtedy zostanie wlaczony mechanizm ostrzegawczy zaimplementowany w systemie. Current CPU Temperature. Jesli komputer dysponuje systemem monitorowania, pole wyswietla aktualna temperature procesora. W przypadku, gdy komputer jest wyposazony w system monitorowania, ustawienie to quezon, pozwala okreslic maksymalna i minimalna temperature, przy ktorej nastapi jego wylaczenie. Homework Poem. Jesli wartosc temperatury zostanie przekroczona, nastapi wylaczenie komputera.

CPUFAN Turn On IN Win98. Order Of Operations Homework Rap. Jesli uzywasz systemu Windows 98 obslugujacego funkcje ACPI, wtedy po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled dysponujesz w trakcie pracy systemu mozliwoscia zmiany parametrow zwiazanych z chlodzeniem. Help My Child Homework. W zaleznosci od podjetej decyzji dotyczacej takich parametrow jak aktywnosc procesora, zuzycie energii przez baterie i dopuszczalny poziom glosnosci, uzytkownik moze wylaczyc lub wlaczyc wentylator procesora. Current System Temperature. Jesli komputer jest wyposazony w system monitorowania, pole wyswietla aktualna temperature panujaca w komputerze.

Current CPUFAN 1/2/3 Speed. Pay Me Your Homework Up. Jesli komputer jest wyposazony w system monitorowania, pole wyswietla aktualna ilosc obrotow maksymalnie trzech wentylatorow. Jesli komputer jest wyposazony w system monitorowania, pola wyswietlaja aktualne wartosci napiecia maksymalnie siedmiu zrodel zasilania. Help. W sytuacji, gdy generator zegara systemowego pulsuje, wartosci maksymalne impulsu generuja nadmierna wartosc EMI. Pay Me To Do Your Homework Up. Wlaczenie modulacji lagodzacej widmo impulsu powoduje obnizenie wartosci maksymalnych, co objawia sie zmiana ksztaltu krzywej z ostrej na plaska, a tym samym nastepuje redukcja wartosci EMI. Help Poem. W niektorych przypadkach uzyskane korzysci moga zostac pomniejszone przez problemy zwiazane z urzadzeniami opierajacymi sie na precyzyjnym taktowaniu, takimi jak karty SCSI. PCI/VGA Palette Snoop. Pozwala kartom graficznym na odczytywanie danych z pamieci RAM. Jesli w instrukcji instalacji karty graficznej nie zawarto wymogu aktywacji tej opcji, wtedy nalezy ustawic jej standardowa wartosc Disabled. Okresla mnoznik procesora. Dissertation. Opcja ta jest dostepna tylko wtedy, gdy mnoznik nie zostal zablokowany przez producenta procesora.

CPU HOST Frequency (MHz) Okresla podstawowa czestotliwosc pracy magistrali FSB. My Child Homework. Finalna czestotliwosc procesora jest iloczynem tej wartosci i mnoznika. Help English Mp3. Okresla stosunek czestotliwosci taktowania pamieci, do magistrali procesora. DDD Speed (Strobe/Sec) Opcja informacyjna, wyswietlajaca informacje o szybkosci taktowania pamieci. Help Homework. AGP/pCI Speed Setting. Order Homework Rap. Okresla czestotliwosc pracy AGP, PCI. Informacja o szybkosci taktowania szyny AGP. Help My Child Homework. Informacja o szybkosci taktowania magistrali AGP. Website. Default CPU Voltage (Volt) Informacyjna, wyswietla domyslne napiecie zasilania procesora.

Umozliwia zmiane napiecia zasilania procesora. Help Homework Poem. Uwaga! Podwyzszenie napiecia moze uszkodzic procesor. Can You College Essays. Umozliwia zmiane napiecia zasilania szyny AGP. Opcja ryzykowna. Poem. Kolejna overclockerska funkcja umozliwiajaca wybor napiecia zasilajacego pamieci. Podwyzszenie (minimalne!) celem zwiekszenia wydajnosci ma sens jedynie wtedy, gdy dysponujemy dobrymi ukladami z wbudowanym chlodzeniem.

Menu Peripheral Configuration sluzy do konfigurowania urzadzen zintegrowanych z plyta glowna, takich jak porty szeregowe, rownolegle, USB i wbudowane karty dzwiekowe. Work Home Furniture. Standardowe menu Peripheral Configuration. Help My Child Homework. Disabled Enabled Auto (domyslnie) Sluzy do konfiguracji portu szeregowego A. Of Operations. Adres o wartosci 3F8h oraz przerwanie 1RQ4 sa automatycznie przydzielane pierwszemu wolnemu portowi COM (zazwyczaj COM 1). My Child. Znak * wyswietlony przy adresie wskazuje na wystapienie konfliktu z innym urzadzeniem. Okresla adres bazowy I/O portu szeregowego A. Can You Essays. IRQ3 IRQ 4 (domyslnie) Okresla przerwanie portu szeregowego A. Homework Poem. Disabled Enabled Auto (domyslnie) Sluzy do konfiguracji portu szeregowego B. Website. Adres o wartosci 2F8h oraz przerwanie IRQ3 sa automatycznie przydzielane pierwszemu wolnemu portowi COM (zazwyczaj COM 2). Help My Child Homework Poem. Znak * wyswietlony przy adresie wskazuje na wystapienie konfliktu z innym urzadzeniem. Pay Me Your. Jesli okreslony adres zostanie przypisany do portu szeregowego, wtedy nie bedzie widoczny na liscie adresow udostepnianych drugiemu portowi.

Normal (domyslnie) IrDA-SIR ASK_IR. Help Homework Poem. Okresla tryb pracy portu szeregowego B jako normalny (COM 2) lub pelniacy role portu podczerwieni. Order Rap. Okresla adres bazowy I/O portu szeregowego B. Okresla przerwanie portu szeregowego B. Homework Poem. Disabled Enabled Auto (domyslnie) Sluzy do konfiguracji portu rownoleglego. Adres o wartosci 378h oraz przerwanie IRQ7 sa automatycznie przydzielane portowi LPT1. Homework Assignments Esl. Znak * wyswietlony przy adresie wskazuje na wystapienie konfliktu z innym urzadzeniem.

Output Only Bidirectional (domyslnie) EPP ECP. My Child Poem. Pozwala na ustawienie trybu pracy portu rownoleglego. Opcja Output Only dziala tylko w systemach kompatybilnych z AT. Tryb Bidirectional (dwukierunkowy) dziala wylacznie w systemach kompatybilnych z PS/2. Home Quezon. EPP (ang. Help My Child Poem. Extended Parallel Port) oraz ECP (ang.

Enhanced Capabilities Port) sa dwukierunkowymi trybami o duzej szybkosci. College Homework Assignments. Tryby EPP i ECP sa kompatybilne ze standardem IEEE-1284, dlatego tez wymagaja zastosowania zgodnego z nim kabla drukarki. Help Homework. Okresla adres bazowy l/O portu rownoleglego. Essays Work. IRQ 5 JRQ 7 (domyslnie) Okresla przerwanie portu rownoleglego. Help Poem. DMA 1 DMA 3 (domyslnie) Okresla kanal DMA dla portu rownoleglego (dostepne tylko po ustawieniu trybu ECP). Work City. Disabled Enabled (domyslnie) Wlacza lub wylacza zintegrowana karte dzwiekowa.

Disabled Enabled (domyslnie) Wlacza lub wylacza zintegrowana karte sieciowa LAN. Homework Poem. Legacy USB Support. Homework Assignments. Disabled Enabled Auto (domyslnie) Wlacza lub wylacza obsluge starszych urzadzen USB. Homework Poem. Funkcja Legacy USB Support umozliwia uzycie klawiatury lub myszy USB, nawet wtedy, gdy system operacyjny nie dysponuje odpowiednimi sterownikami. Menu IDE Configuration sluzy do konfiguracji urzadzen IDE takich jak dyski twarde, napedy CD-ROM, napedy LS-120 (SuperDisk), streamery itp.

Disabled Primary Secondary Both (domyslnie) Pozwala uaktywnic zintegrowany kontroler IDE. Opcja Primary wlacza tylko podstawowy kontroler IDE (Primary IDE), natomiast opcja Secondary tylko dodatkowy kontroler (Secondary IDE). Opcja Both uaktywnia oba kontrolery IDE. Hard Disk Pre-Delay. Disabled (domyslnie) 3 Seconds 6 Seconds 9 Seconds 12 Seconds 15 Seconds 21 Seconds 30 Seconds.

Pozwala wybrac jedna z wartosci opoznienia. Primary IDE Master. Help With English Grammar Mp3. Informuje o typie podlaczonego urzadzenia IDE. Help Homework Poem. Po uaktywnieniu zostanie wyswietlone menu Primary IDE Master. Purchase Essays. Primary IDE Slave.

Informuje o typie podlaczonego urzadzenia IDE. Help My Child Homework. Po uaktywnieniu zostanie wyswietlone menu Primary IDE Slave. Pay Me. Secondary IDE Master. Help Homework. Informuje o typie podlaczonego urzadzenia IDE. Work Home Furniture City. Po uaktywnieniu zostanie wyswietlone menu Secondary IDE Master.

Secondary IDE Slave. Help My Child Homework. Informuje o typie podlaczonego urzadzenia IDE. Po uaktywnieniu zostanie wyswietlone menu Secondary IDE Slave. Can You Purchase Essays Work. IDE HDD Block Mode. My Child Homework Poem. Wlacza transfer blokowy w dyskach twardych. Website. Ustawienie zalecane (Enabled). Homework. On-Chip Primary/Secondary PCI IDE. Wlacza lub wylacza pierwszy/drugi kanal kontrolera IDE ATA. Zalecane oczywiscie wlaczenie (Enabled). Order Of Operations Rap. IDE Primary/Secondary Master/Slave PIO/UDMA. Help. Opcje okreslajace sposob pracy trybow PIO i UDMA.

Najlepszym rozwiazaniem jest pozostawienie tych opcji na domyslnym, automatycznym ustawieniu. On-Chip Serial ATA. Homework Assignments Esl. Serial ATA Port0/port1 Mode. My Child. Okresla tryb pracy wbudowanego w plyte kontrolera Serial ATA. Assignments. Dostepne sa nastepujace parametry: Auto - parametr domyslny, BIOS automatycznie ustawia tryb pracy kontrolera. Disabled - wylacza kontroler Serial ATA. Help My Child Homework Poem. Combined Mode - tzw. Can You Essays. tryb kombinowany, w ktorym kontrolery ATA i SATA dzialaja jak jedno urzadzenie. My Child Poem. W tym trybie mozna korzystac z maksymalnie czterech dyskow lub innych urzadzen (po dwa urzadzenia na kanal, tak jak to College esl, jest w ATA). Homework Poem. Dyski SATA udaja dyski podlaczone do kontrolera ATA. Enhanced Mode - w tym trybie kontrolery ATA i SATA pracuja niezaleznie; umozliwia on Work home furniture quezon city podlaczenie najwiekszej liczby urzadzen (dyskow). My Child Poem. Serial ATA Port0/port1 Mode - okresla tryb pracy dysku podlaczonego do kontrolera SATA.

Dostepne parametry zaleza od ustawionego trybu pracy samego kontrolera SATA. College Homework. Przykladowo w trybie kombinowanym dysk SATA mozemy ustawic jako master lub slave dla kazdego z dwoch dostepnych kanalow. Typowe ustawienia menu IDE Drive. None ATAPI Removable Other ATAPI CD-ROM User IDE Removable Auto (domyslnie) Pozwala okreslic typ urzadzen IDE. My Child. Wartosc Auto powoduje automatyczne okreslenie wartosci zwiazanych z trybem przesylania danych. Work. Inne opcje sa zalezne od podlaczonego urzadzenia. Poem. Wyswietla maksymalna pojemnosc dysku. Website. LBA Mode Control. Wlacza lub wylacza tryb LBA. Help My Child Homework. Disabled 2 Sectors 4 Sectors 8 Sectors 16 Sectors (domyslnie) Pozwala okreslic ilosc sektorow przypadajacych na blok przy przesylaniu danych z dysku do pamieci.

Aby ustawic wartosci optymalne, nalezy zapoznac sie ze specyfikacja dysku. Work Home Quezon City. Pozwala okreslic tryb PIO zwiazany z przesylaniem danych z i do dysku. My Child. Disabled (domyslnie) 0 1 2 3 4 5. Pozwala okreslic tryb Ultra DMA zwiazany z przesylaniem danych z i do dysku. College Assignments Esl. Wyswietla typ kabla podlaczonego do interfejsu IDE 40-zylowy lub 80-zylowy (urzadzenia Ultra ATA-66/100). My Child Homework. Menu Diskette Configuration umozliwia konfiguracje stacji dyskietek i jej interfejsu. Order Of Operations Homework Rap. Wlacza lub wylacza zintegrowany kontroler stacji dyskietek. Pozwala okreslic pojemnosc i fizyczny format dyskietki. Help Homework. Floppy Write Protect. Wlacza lub wylacza ochrone przed zapisem dyskietki.

Menu Event Logging pozwala na konfiguracje ustawien zwiazanych z rejestracja zdarzen systemu SMBIOS (ang. Work. System Management BIOS). My Child Poem. SMBIOS zgodny ze standardem DMI umozliwia zarzadzanie komputerami podlaczonymi do sieci. Dissertation. Standard DMI (ang. Help My Child. Desktop Management Interface) jest specjalnym protokolem, ktory moze byc wykorzystany przez aplikacje komunikujace sie z plyta glowna. College Assignments. Typowe ustawienia menu Event Logging. Informuje, czy w dzienniku zdarzen jest jeszcze wolne miejsce. Event log validity. Help My Child. Informuje, czy zawartosc dziennika zdarzen jest aktualna. College. Umozliwia przegladanie dziennika zdarzen. Clear all event logs.

Ustawienie Yes sprawi, ze przy ponownym uruchomieniu komputera dziennik zdarzen zostanie wyczyszczony. Disabled Enabled (domyslnie) Aktywuje rejestracje zdarzen. Help. Mark events as read. Oznacza wszystkie zdarzenia jako przeczytane. Menu Video Configuration sluzy do konfiguracji parametrow karty graficznej. Website. Typowe ustawienia menu Video Configuration. Homework. Default Primary Video Adapter. Esl. Pozwala okreslic typ karty graficznej, ktora wspolpracuje z monitorem inicjalizowanego systemu. Help My Child Homework. Pozwala podstawowemu kontrolerowi karty graficznej PCI wspoldzielic palete z dodatkowa karta graficzna ISA. College. AGP Aperture Size.

Pozwala okreslic rozmiar pamieci RAM wykorzystywanej przez kontroler karty graficznej AGP. AGP Hardware Detected. Homework. Informuje, czy zostala zainstalowana karta graficzna AGP zgodna z trybem x1, x2 lub x4. Can You Essays. Wylacza zintegrowany uklad graficzny. Poem. Menu Resource Configuration jest wykorzystywane do konfiguracji pamieci oraz przydzialu przerwan starszym urzadzeniom wspolpracujacym z magistrala ISA i niekompatybilnym z funkcja PnP zainstalowanym na plycie glownej dysponujacej jednym lub kilkoma gniazdami ISA. Homework Rap. Typowe ustawienia menu Resource Configuration. My Child. C800 CBFF Available.

CC00 CFFF Available. Work Home Furniture. D000 D3FF Available. Help My Child Homework. D800 DBFF Available. DC00 DFFF Available. Website. Przydziela okreslone bloki pamieci gornej starszym. My Child Homework. Przydziela okreslone przerwania starszym urzadzeniom ISA. Help English Grammar Mp3. Znak * wyswietlony obok przerwania IRQ wskazuje na konflikt. DMA n Assigned to.

W przypadku, gdy zasoby sa ustawiane recznie, wtedy w zaleznosci od typu urzadzenia korzystajacego z przerwania nalezy przydzielic mu kanal DMA nalezacy do jednego z wymienionych typow: Starsze urzadzenia ISA kompatybilne z oryginalna specyfikacja PC AT bus wymagaja przydzielenia okreslonego kanalu DMA. My Child Homework. Typ przydzielonego kanalu DMA urzadzeniom PCI/ISA zgodnym z technologia Plug and Pay me your, Play zalezy od rodzaju wykorzystywanej magistrali (PCI lub ISA) PCI IRQ Activated by. My Child Homework Poem. Jesli urzadzeniu PCI nie zostanie przydzielone przerwanie wyzwalane zboczem, wtedy nalezy pozostawic wartosc Level. PCI IDE IRQ Map to. College Homework Esl. Pole umozliwia ustawienie mapowania przerwan PCI IDE lub przerwan PC AT (ISA). W zaleznosci od tego, czy komputer posiada na plycie glownej jedno lub dwa zlacza kontrolera PCI IDE, nalezy ustawic wartosci odpowiadajace typowi interfejsu(ow) IDE (PCI lub ISA). Help Homework Poem. W przypadku obecnosci kontrolerow IDE korzystajacych ze standardowych przerwan ISA, podstawowemu jest przydzielane przerwanie IRQ14, natomiast dodatkowemu IRQ15. Primary/Secondary IDE INT# Kazde urzadzenie PCI jest w stanie wykorzystac maksymalnie cztery przerwania: INT# A, INT# B, INT# C oraz INT# D. Pay Me Up. Domyslnie urzadzeniu jest przydzielane przerwanie INT# A. Help Poem. Jesli urzadzenie PCI nie wymaga przypisania dwoch przerwan, wtedy przydzielanie przerwania INT# B nie ma sensu. Ze wzgledu na to, ze interfejs PCI IDE chipsetu dysponuje dwoma kanalami, wymaga przydzielenia dwoch przerwan. Of Operations. Domyslnie w polach INT# podstawowego i dodatkowego kontrolera IDE znajduja sie wartosci wymagane przez dwukanalowy interfejs PCI IDE, przy czym kanal podstawowy posiada przerwanie o nizszej wartosci niz kanal dodatkowy.

Nalezy zauwazyc, ze wszystkie jednofunkcyjne karty PCI zazwyczaj uzywaja przerwania INT# A, dlatego tez kazdej z nich musi zostac przydzielona inna i unikalna wartosc przerwania ISA. Help My Child Poem. Used Mem base addr. Pozwala okreslic adres bazowy obszaru pamieci wykorzystywanego przez dowolne urzadzenie wymagajac dostepu do pamieci gornej. Furniture City. Pozwala okreslic rozmiar obszaru pamieci podanego w powyzszym polu. Help. Jesli nie zostanie podana wartosc pola Used Mem base addr, wtedy jest ono niewidoczne. Order. Assign IRQ for Help my child homework poem USB. Dissertation Website. Jesli w systemie znajduje sie kontroler USB lub jest podlaczone jedno lub kilka urzadzen USB, nalezy ustawic wartosc Enabled. Jesli natomiast kontroler USB jest wylaczony, w celu zwolnienia przydzielonego przerwania 1RQ nalezy ustawic wartosc Disabled. Help Homework Poem. Advanced BIOS FEATURES. Website. Po wlaczeniu opcji przy probie modyfikacji przez program sektora ladujacego lub tablicy partycji dysku twardego pojawi sie ostrzezenie. Jesli zostanie ono wyswietlone w trakcie normalnej pracy komputera, wtedy w celu sprawdzenia, czy nie pojawil sie wirus, nalezy uruchomic program antywirusowy.

Opcja chroni tylko sektor ladujacy MBR (ang. My Child Homework Poem. master boot record), a nie caly dysk twardy. Order. Nalezy zauwazyc, ze programy takie jak FDISK, ktore zazwyczaj modyfikuja sektor MBR, moga spowodowac wygenerowanie ostrzezenia o wirusie. Homework. Jedynym slusznym ustawieniem tej opcji jest Enabled. Wylaczenie (Disabled) pamieci cache pierwszego i drugiego poziomu to esl, najprostsza droga do gwaltownej degradacji wydajnosci komputera. CPU Internal Cache/ External Cache. Homework. Opcja pozwala na wylaczenie pamieci podrecznej procesora L1 (wewnetrznej) lub L2 (zewnetrznej). Order Homework Rap. Czesto jest stosowana podczas testowania pamieci.

W takim przypadku pamiec podreczna powinna byc wylaczona. Help Homework. W przypadku normalnej pracy obie pamieci powinny byc aktywne. Quick Power On Self Test. Po wlaczeniu opcja pozwala zmniejszyc czas wymagany do wykonania procedury POST. Skrocona wersja procedury POST pomija kilka krokow takich jak test pamieci.

Jesli masz zaufanie do systemu, mozesz uaktywnic skrocona procedure POST, ale w wiekszosci przypadkow sugeruje pozostawic opcje wylaczona i zezwolic na wykonywanie jej pelnej wersji. College Homework Esl. Boot Up System Speed. My Child. Aby uruchomic komputer z procesorem pracujacym ze standardowa czestotliwoscia, nalezy ustawic wartosc High, natomiast w celu ustawienia symulowanej czestotliwosci procesora wynoszacej 8 MHz nalezy ustawic wartosc Low. W przeszlosci czestotliwosc 8 MHz czesto byla wykorzystywana w przypadku pewnych programow zawierajacych blokade uniemozliwiajaca ich kopiowanie, ktora zawodzila, jesli system byl uruchamiany z normalna szybkoscia. Esl. Aktualnie opcja nie jest wykorzystywana. Opcja Gate A20 Option odnosi sie do sposobu, w jaki system adresuje pamiec polozona powyzej 1 MB (pamiec rozszerzona). Help. Po ustawieniu wartosci Fast chipset plyty glownej przejmuje kontrole nad bramka A20. Po ustawieniu wartosci Normal za kontrole bramki A20 odpowiada koncowka kontrolera klawiatury. Can You Purchase College Essays. Ustawienie wartosci Fast zwieksza wydajnosc systemu, co jest szczegolnie widoczne w przypadku systemow operacyjnych trybu chronionego, takich jak Windows 9x i Windows 2000.

Typematic Rate Setting. Homework Poem. Jesli opcja jest wylaczona, ustawienia Typematic Rate i Typematic Delay nie sa ze soba powiazane. Website. Czestotliwosc powtarzania znakow jest okreslana przez systemowy kontroler klawiatury. My Child Poem. Po wlaczeniu opcji mozna ustawic wartosci opcji Typematic Rate i Typematic Delay. Can You Essays. Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) Po uaktywnieniu opcji Typematic Rate Setting mozliwe jest wybranie jednej z wartosci okreslajacej liczbe znakow wyswietlanych podczas trzymania wcisnietego klawisza 6, 8,10,12, 15,20,24 lub 30 znakow na sekunde. Typematic Delay (Msec) 250,modulach pamieci 500, 750 lub 1000. Po uaktywnieniu opcji Typematic Rate Setting mozliwe jest wybranie jednej z wartosci okreslajacej, po jakim czasie od przytrzymania wcisnietego klawisza zostana wyswietlone znaki 250, 500, 750 lub 1000 milisekund. Poem. S.M.A.R.T. (ang. Pay Me To Do Homework Up. Self-Monitoring Analysis and my child homework poem, Reporting Technology) jestfunkcja, w ktora sa wyposazone dyski twarde IDE, umozliwiajaca im wykonanie we wlasnym zakresie diagnostyki.

Zastosowanie opcji jest zalecane w sytuacji, gdy wykorzystuje sie oprogramowanie diagnostyczne monitorujace dyski twarde, obslugujace funkcje S.M.A.R.T. Purchase. i ostrzegajace o mozliwych awariach. Help My Child Homework. Hyper Threading Technology. Opcja ze zrozumialych wzgledow jest obecna tylko w przypadku procesorow wyposazonych w HyperThreading. Jednak nawet jesli mamy taki procesor, to furniture, pamietajmy, by Help my child niniejsza opcje aktywowac (Enabled) jedynie, gdy korzystamy z systemu operacyjnego obslugujacego HT (Windows XP Professional, Linux z jadrem 2.4.x lub nowszym). Help Mp3. Opcja aktywujaca i dezaktywujaca zaawansowany kontroler przerwan (Advanced Programmable In-terrupt Controller). Homework. Opcje te mozna regulowac tylko wtedy, gdy mamy komputer z jednym procesorem bez HyperThreadingu. With English Grammar. W systemach wieloprocesorowych lub dla procesora z HyperThrea-dingiem kontroler APIC jest zawsze wlaczony (Enabled).

Dzieki APIC mozliwe jest rozwiazywanie konfliktow pomiedzy urzadzeniami nawet w bardzo rozbudowanych komputerach (posiadajacych np. My Child Poem. kilka kart graficznych, dzwiekowych, itp.), nowy kontroler oferuje znacznie wieksza liczbe przerwan i szybsza ich obsluge. Dissertation. Je- sli nawet nie mamy komputera z wieloma procesorami czy procesora z HT, zalecane jest wlaczenie tego kontrolera. Niestety, jezeli korzystamy z DOS lub Windows 9x/Me, nalezy wylaczyc APIC - te systemy nie obsluguja nowego typu kontrolera. Homework Poem. MPS Version Control For OS. College Assignments. Opcja zwiazana z kontrolerem APIC dotyczy jedynie konfiguracji wieloprocesorowych (lub z HyperThreadingowym procesorem). Okresla wersje MPS (MultiProcessor Specification), jakiej ma uzywac elektronika plyty glownej.

Specyfikacja MPS zawiera tabele konfiguracyjne dla obslugi magistrali PCI i podlaczonych do niej urzadzen. My Child Homework. To, ktora z wersji mamy wybrac, zalezy od uzywanego systemu operacyjnego. Home Furniture. W przypadku Windows NT 4.0 wybieramy wartosc 1.1, dla nowszych wersji okien (Windows 2000 i Windows XP; oczywiscie nie Windows 9x/Me - te systemy nie obsluguja konfiguracji wieloprocesorowych) 1.4. Help Homework. W praktyce jednak nawet Windows NT 4.0 (odpowiednio aktualizowany) obsluguje MPS 1.4 - dlatego tez takie ustawienie nalezy wybrac. City. OS Select For DRAM 64 MB. Poem. Opcja dotyczaca specjalnego adresowania pamieci RAM powyzej 64 MB w systemie OS2.

Jezeli nie korzystamy z tego systemu, wybieramy parametr Non-OS2. Website. Smali Logo (EPA) Show. Homework Poem. Wlacza lub wylacza wyswietlanie podczas testow POST logo EPA. College Assignments Esl. W wiekszosci BIOS-ow w ramach zabezpieczen wykorzystywane sa dwa hasla nazywane haslem administratora i haslem uzytkownika. Hasla ulatwiaja kontrolowanie dostepu do programu BIOS Setup i mozliwosci inicjalizacji systemu.

Haslo administratora nazywane jest rowniez haslem Setup, poniewaz kontroluje dostep do programu Setup. Haslo uzytkownika jest tez okreslane mianem hasla systemowego, poniewaz ogranicza dostep do systemu jako calosci. My Child Homework Poem. Po ustawieniu hasla administratora, przy probie uruchomienia programu BIOS Setup zostanie wyswietlone pole, w ktorym nalezy je wpisac. Your. Jesli wprowadzone haslo jest prawidlowe, zostanie udzielony pelny dostep do programu BIOS Setup, dajacy mozliwosc przegladania i modyfikacji jego ustawien. Jesli jednak haslo bedzie niepoprawne lub nie zostanie podane, wtedy zakres dostepnych opcji programu, ktore mozna przegladac i zmieniac, bedzie ograniczony. Help My Child Poem. Po ustawieniu hasla uzytkownika, w momencie rozpoczecia inicjalizacji systemu zostanie wyswietlone pole, w ktorym nalezy podac haslo. Dissertation Website. Aby dalsze ladowanie systemu bylo mozliwe, konieczne jest wprowadzenie prawidlowego hasla.

Nalezy zauwazyc, ze jesli zostanie ustawione haslo administratora, wtedy w trakcie inicjalizacji komputera nie pojawi sie pole hasla. Wynika to Help homework, stad, ze haslo to homework rap, ogranicza dostep tylko do zawartosci programu BIOS Setup. My Child Homework Poem. W przypadku, gdy zostana ustawione oba hasla, wtedy w momencie uruchamiania komputera zostanie wyswietlone pole, do ktorego w celu ponowienia procesu ladowania nalezy wprowadzic jedno z hasel. Work Home Furniture. W wiekszosci systemow haslo moze miec dlugosc maksymalnie siedmiu lub osmiu znakow. Typowe ustawienia menu Security. Help My Child Poem. User Password Is. Informuje, czy zostalo ustawione haslo uzytkownika. To Do Your. Supervisor Password Is. Informuje, czy zostalo ustawione haslo administratora. Set User Password.

Hasla moga miec maksymalnie siedem znakow alfanumerycznych. Pozwala ustawic haslo uzytkownika. My Child. Set Supervisor Password. Hasla moga miec maksymalnie siedem znakow alfanumerycznych. College Assignments Esl. Pozwala ustawic haslo administratora. Clear User Password.

Usuwa haslo uzytkownika. User Setup Access. Help My Child Homework Poem. Full Access (domyslnie) Pozwala ustalic poziom dostepu uzytkownika do programu BIOS Setup. Can You College Work. Uaktywnia funkcje automatycznego uruchamiania komputera. Help My Child Poem. Jej wlaczenie powoduje, ze system jest inicjalizowany, przy czym klawiatura jest zablokowana. To Do Your Homework Up. W celu jej odblokowania lub umozliwienia zaladowania systemu z dysku uzytkownik musi podac haslo. Poem. Zarzadzanie energia okresla mozliwosci systemu zwiazane z automatycznym przelaczaniem w tryb oszczedzania energii po stwierdzeniu braku aktywnosci. Of Operations Rap. Typowe ustawienia menu Power Management. Wlacza lub wylacza w BlOS-ie funkcje zarzadzania energia. 20 Minutes (domyslnie) Pozwoli okreslic ilosc czasu, jaki uplynie przed przelaczeniem w tryb Standby.

Po wlaczeniu aktywuje funkcje zarzadzania energia dyskow twardych komputera bedacego w trybie Standby lub Suspend. My Child Poem. ACPI Suspend State. Pozwala okreslic status wstrzymania standardu ACPI. Wartosc S3 odpowiada Suspend To RAM. Home. Status S1 jest wartoscia domyslna, poniewaz obsluguje urzadzenia USB, ktore nie sa kompatybilne ze standardem ACPI. My Child. Video Repost Enable. Pozwala na inicjalizacje BIOS-u karty graficznej przechodzacej ze statusu S3. College. Ustawienie wymagane przez niektore kontrolery graficzne.

Jest dostepne tylko wtedy, gdy funkcja ACPI Suspend State ma wartosc 53. My Child Homework Poem. Typowe ustawienia zwiazane z zarzadzaniem energia. Up. Jesli uzywany system operacyjny obsluguje standard ACPI, nalezy ustawic wartosc Enabled. Help My Child Poem. System Windows 98 i nowsze wersje sa z nim kompatybilne. Opcja umozliwia okreslenie stopnia uzyskanej oszczednosci energii dla trybu Doze, Standby i Suspend. Ponizej wymieniono dostepne wartosci: Max Saving najwieksza oszczednosc energii. Of Operations Homework. W przypadku kazdego trybu czas bezczynnosci wynosi 1 minute. Help My Child Poem. User Define pozwala skonfigurowac niezaleznie kazdy tryb. Order Of Operations Homework Rap. Dla kazdego trybu nalezy okreslic czas bezczynnosci. Help Homework Poem. Min Saving minimalna oszczednosc energii.

Dla kazdego trybu czas bezczynnosci wynosi 1 godzine (nie dotyczy dysku twardego). PM Control by Order rap APM. My Child Poem. Jesli system jest kompatybilny ze standardem APM (ang. Can You College. Advanced Power Management), wtedy w celu uzyskania wiekszej oszczednosci energii nalezy ustawic wartosc Yes. Help My Child. Video Off Method. Work Home Quezon. Pozwala okreslic sposob wygaszenia monitora. System wylacza porty synchronizacji poziomej i pionowej, a nastepnie czysci zawartosc bufora graficznego. Help My Child. Jesli monitor obsluguje standard DPMS VESA, wtedy nalezy t? opcje uaktywnic. Purchase College. W celu ustawienia parametrow karty graficznej zwiazanych z zarzadzaniem energia nalezy posluzyc sie dolaczonym do niej oprogramowaniem. System jedynie kasuje zawartosc bufora graficznego.

Opcja pozwala na okreslenie trybu, w ktorym podczas przechodzenia komputera przez kolejne tryby, coraz bardziej energooszczedne, nastapi wygaszenie monitora. Jesli w systemie jest zainstalowany modem, wtedy opcja pozwala okreslic nazwe przydzielonego mu przerwania IRQ. Help Homework. Wygenerowanie przypisanego przerwania zawsze spowoduje przywrocenie normalnej pracy komputera. Dissertation. Po uplywie zdefiniowanego okresu bezczynnosci systemu czestotliwosc pracy procesora jest redukowana do wartosci stanowiacej w przypadku wiekszosci chipsetow od 10 do 25% normalnej wydajnosci. My Child Homework Poem. W tym czasie inne urzadzenia nadal pracuja z pelna szybkoscia. Homework. Po uplywie zdefiniowanego okresu bezczynnosci systemu zegar procesora zatrzymuje sie, dysk twardy przechodzi w stan bezczynnosci, natomiast pamiec Cache L2 przechodzi w tryb energooszczedny. W tym czasie inne urzadzenia nadal pracuja z pelna szybkoscia. Help. Po uplywie zdefiniowanego okresu bezczynnosci systemu chipset przechodzi w sprzetowy tryb wstrzymania, co powoduje rowniez zatrzymanie zegara procesora i zazwyczaj powoduje przelaczenie sie pozostalych urzadzen komputera w tryb energooszczedny.

Po uplywie zdefiniowanego okresu bezczynnosci systemu wszystkie urzadzenia IDE kompatybilne ze standardem ATA-2 lub nowszym, dysponujace funkcjami zarzadzania energia, same przechodza w stan bezczynnosci. Przy probie dostepu urzadzenia powracaja do normalnego trybu pracy. College Esl. Throttle Duty Cycle. Help Homework. Po przelaczeniu sie systemu w tryb Doze zegar procesora nie pracuje przez caly czas. Czas jego aktywnosci moze zostac ustawiony jako wartosc procentowa czasu jego normalnej pracy. VGA Active Monitor. Website. Jesli opcja jest aktywna, kazda aktywnosc karty graficznej spowoduje wyzerowanie ogolnego ukladu czasowego trybu Standby. Sofl-Off by my child homework PWR-BTTN. College. Po ustawieniu wartosci Instant Off lub Delay 4 Sec. Help. wylaczenie komputera przy uzyciu przycisku zasilania spowoduje natychmiastowe lub po uplynieciu 4 sekund przelaczenie go w tryb cechujacy sie znaczna oszczednoscia energii.

Komputer bedacy w tym stanie jest zasilany napieciem, ktore wystarcza do wykrycia aktywnosci ze strony przycisku zasilania lub funkcji Resume by Help with english grammar mp3 Ring. My Child Poem. CPUFAN Off in Work furniture quezon city Suspend. Jesli opcja jest aktywna, po przelaczeniu w tryb Suspend nastepuje wylaczenie wentylatora procesora. Jesli opcja jest aktywna, pojawienie sie sygnalu wejsciowego na linii szeregowej RI (ang. My Child Homework. Ring Indicator) (mowiac prosciej, po odebraniu przez modem polaczenia) spowoduje przywrocenie systemu do normalnego trybu pracy. Dissertation Website. Gdy opcja jest wlaczona, istnieje mozliwosc ustawienia daty i czasu, kiedy zostanie wygenerowany alarm ukladu RTC powodujacy wyjscie komputera z trybu Suspend. Date (of Month) Alarm. Poem. Pozwala okreslic date wyrazona w miesiacach, ktora spowoduje wygenerowanie alarmu. To Do Up. Pozwala okreslic czas, ktory spowoduje wygenerowanie alarmu.

Jesli opcja jest aktywna, pojawienie sie sygnalu wejsciowego pochodzacego z sieci lokalnej LAN spowoduje przywrocenie systemu do normalnego trybu pracy. Help My Child Poem. 1RQ8 Break [Event From] Suspend. Po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled mozliwe jest monitorowanie przerwania IRQ8 (uklad RTC). College Homework Esl. Operacja nie spowoduje wyjscia systemu z trybu Suspend. Homework Poem. Reload Global Timer Events. Order Of Operations Rap. Jesli opcja zostanie wlaczona, zdarzenie wygenerowane przez dowolne z urzadzen z ponizszej listy spowoduje wyzerowanie ogolnego ukladu czasowego trybu Standby. Przerwania 1RQ3 - 7, 9 - 15, NMI. Podstawowy kontroler IDE 0. My Child Homework. Podstawowy kontroler IDE 1. Order Of Operations Homework. Dodatkowy kontroler IDE 0. My Child Poem. Dodatkowy kontroler IDE 1. Order Of Operations. Menu Boot (kolejnosc uzycia urzadzen inicjalizujacych) Menu Boot sluzy do konfiguracji ustawien zwiazanych z urzadzeniami inicjalizujacymi.

Jesli uzywany system operacyjny, np. My Child Homework Poem. Windows 2000, posiada plyte CD umozliwiajaca zaladowanie systemu, wtedy w celu ustawienia napedu CD-ROM jako podstawowego urzadzenia inicjalizujacego nalezy posluzyc sie menu Boot. College Assignments Esl. Po ustawieniu wartosci Disabled wyswietlane sa standardowe komunikaty POST, natomiast po ustawieniu wartosci Enabled pojawia sie informacja o producencie OEM karty graficznej. Intel Rapid BIOS Boot. Help My Child Poem. Opcja pozwala na inicjalizacje komputera bez wykonywania okreslonych elementow procedury POST. Scan User Flash Area.

Umozliwia skanowanie przez BIOS zawartosci ukladu Flash, ktore ma na celu odszukanie binarnych plikow uzytkownika uruchamianych w trakcie inicjalizacji systemu. Work. After Power Failure. My Child. Last State (domyslnie) Pozwala okreslic tryb pracy, ktory zostanie uzyty w przypadku odciecia zasilania. Opcja Power On przywraca zasilanie komputera. College Esl. Opcja Stay Off do momentu wcisniecia przycisku zasilania blokuje doplyw pradu do komputera. Homework. Opcja Last State pozwala przywrocic tryb pracy komputera, ktory byl aktywny przed odcieciem zasilania. Work Home Furniture City. Power On (domyslnie) Funkcja dostepna tylko w trybie APM. Pozwala okreslic sposob, w jaki wylaczony komputer odpowie na wywolanie zainstalowanego modemu.

Power On (domyslnie) Funkcja dostepna tylko w trybie APM. Pozwala okreslic sposob, w jaki wylaczony komputer odpowie na zdarzenie LAN wakeup. Stay Off (domyslnie) Power On. Funkcja dostepna tylko w trybie APM. My Child. Pozwala okreslic sposob, w jaki wylaczony komputer odpowie na zdarzenie wygenerowane przez funkcje zarzadzania energia urzadzenia PCI.

Stay Off (domyslnie) Power On. Can You Purchase Essays Work. Funkcja dostepna tylko w trybie APM. Pozwala okreslic operacje, ktora zostanie wykonana przez komputer po wystapieniu zdarzenia LAN wakeup. Help Homework Poem. First Boot Device Second Boot Device Third Boot Device Fourth Boot Device. Pay Me Homework. Pozwala okreslic kolejnosc urzadzen inicjalizujacych. Help. Aby ja ustalic, nalezy wykonac nastepujace kroki: 1. Za pomoca klawiszy strzalek w gore i w dol nalezy wybrac urzadzenie inicjalizujace. 2. College Assignments. Aby zatwierdzic wybor urzadzenia inicjalizujacego, nalezy nacisnac klawisz Enter.

System operacyjny przydzieli urzadzeniom inicjalizujacym litere napedu zgodnie z ich kolejnoscia na liscie. Zmiana kolejnosci urzadzen na liscie spowoduje zmiane przypisanych liter. Help Homework Poem. Domyslna lista sklada sie z pieciu nastepujacych urzadzen: dysk twardy IDE, naped CD-ROM ATAPI, Intel UNDi, PXE 2.0, wylaczone urzadzenie ARMAD-HDD jest przenosnym dyskiem twardym zgodnym z ATAPI. Of Operations Homework Rap. ARMD-FDD jest przenosnym napedem stacji dyskietek zgodnym z ATAPI, takim jak LS-120 SuperDisk lub Zip. Help Homework Poem. Intel UNDi, PXE 2.0 dostepne jest tylko wtedy, gdy plyta glowna jest zintegrowana z karta sieciowa LAN. English Grammar. IDE Drives Configuration. Umozliwia konfiguracje dyskow IDE. Homework Poem. Po wlaczeniu zostanie wyswietlone menu IDE Drive Configuration. Menu IDE Drive Configuration umozliwia ustalenie kolejnosci dyskow IDE znajdujacych sie na liscie urzadzen inicjalizujacych komputera.

Ustawienia menu pozwalaja rowniez na zainstalowanie wiecej niz jednego inicjalizujacego dysku twardego, a ponadto na okreslenie z poziomu BIOS-u, zamiast z menedzera ladowania, dysku, z ktorego bedzie uruchamiany system. Dissertation Website. Menu IDE Drive Configuration. Help My Child Homework. Primary Master IDE. Your Homework Up. Pozwala okreslic polozenie dysku podstawowego (Master) pierwszego kontrolera IDE na liscie urzadzen inicjalizujacych. Homework Poem. Primary Slave IDE. Dissertation Website. Pozwala okreslic polozenie dysku dodatkowego (Slave) pierwszego kontrolera IDE na liscie urzadzen inicjalizujacych. Secondary Master IDE.

Pozwala okreslic polozenie dysku podstawowego (Master) drugiego kontrolera IDE na liscie urzadzen inicjalizujacych. Poem. Secondary Slave IDE. Help Mp3. Pozwala okreslic polozenie dysku dodatkowego (Slave) drugiego kontrolera IDE na liscie urzadzen inicjalizujacych. My Child Homework. Menu Exit pozwala na zamkniecie programu Setup, zapisanie zmian oraz zaladowanie i zatwierdzenie wartosci domyslnych. Of Operations Rap. Typowe ustawienia menu Exit. Homework Poem. Exit Saving Changes. Zamyka program i zapisuje w pamieci CMOS RAM dokonane zmiany. College Homework Assignments Esl. Exit Discarding Changes. Homework Poem. Zamyka program Setup bez zapisywania zmian. Dissertation Website. Load Setup Defaults. Laduje wartosci domyslne producenta dla wszystkich opcji programu Setup. Help My Child Homework Poem. Load Custom Defaults. Work Quezon. Laduje wartosci domyslne uzytkownika dla ustawien programu Setup.

Save Custom Defaults. My Child Homework. Zapisuje aktualne wartosci jako domyslne ustawienia uzytkownika. Zazwyczaj BIOS odczytuje wartosci ustawien programu Setup z pamieci Flash. Jesli pamiec zostanie uszkodzona, wtedy BIOS wczytuje ustawienia uzytkownika. Jesli nie zostana ustawione wartosci uzytkownika, BIOS wczyta ustawienia domyslne producenta. Homework Assignments. Wycofuje dokonane zmiany bez zamykania programu Setup. Zostana zastosowane wartosci ustawien, ktore byly aktywne w chwili uruchomienia komputera.

Po ustawieniu optymalnych wartosci opcji programu BIOS Setup mozna je zapisac przy uzyciu opcji Save Custom Defaults. Dzieki temu, w przypadku utraty lub uszkodzenia ustawien BIOS-u, istnieje mozliwosc szybkiego ich przywrocenia. Wszystkie ustawienia BIOS-u sa przechowywane w pamieci CMOS RAM zasilanej z baterii znajdujacej sie na plycie glownej. Avast - darmowy antywirus (1111 Odslony) Historia Inowroclawia (1163 Odslony) ZoneAlarm Free - bezplatny firewall (1058 Odslony) Ksiazka chwilowo niedostepna. Help Homework. Ta strona uzywa plikow Cookies. Homework Assignments Esl. Dowiedz sie wiecej o celu ich uzywania i mozliwosci zmiany ustawien Cookies w przegladarce.

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Measuring health care costs of individuals with employer-sponsored health insurance in the U.S.: A comparison of survey and claims data. As the Help my child homework, core nationally representative health expenditure survey in Help with english grammar mp3, the United States, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is increasingly being used by Help my child, statistical agencies to track expenditures by disease. However, while MEPS provides a wealth of data, its small sample size precludes examination of College, spending on all but the most prevalent health conditions. To overcome this issue, statistical agencies have turned to my child homework poem, other public data sources, such as Medicare and Medicaid claims data, when available. No comparable publicly available data exist for those with employer-sponsored insurance. While large proprietary claims databases may be an option, the assignments, relative accuracy of their spending estimates is not known. This study compared MEPS and Help poem, MarketScan estimates of annual per person health care spending on individuals with employer-sponsored insurance coverage.

Both total spending and the distribution of annual per person spending differed across the Pay me your up, two data sources, with MEPS estimates 10 percent lower on Help poem, average than estimates from MarketScan. Order. These differences appeared to be a function of both underrepresentation of high expenditure cases and underestimation across the remaining distribution of spending. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimates that health care expenditures reached a share of 16 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2006; the BEA is responding to this trend by working to develop an understanding of homework poem, what the Order rap, increased expenditure share represents. Existing health measures in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) provide estimates on medical care that individuals purchase (i.e. doctor's office visit or purchase of a drug) and how these purchases are financed (i.e. private insurance, government assistance, or out of pocket) (Sensenig and Wilcox (2001); Heffler et al. 2009). While these estimates are useful for some purposes, they do not provide information on the particular disease being treated with each purchase. My Child Homework Poem. Estimates of purchase work, spending by my child, disease are required for measuring the returns to treatment, whether or not the expenditure is beneficial, because that benefit depends on the particular disease one has. For statistical agencies, spending by disease is required to properly measure real output, inflation and productivity for this important sector.

In this light, efforts are now focused on measuring health expenditures, and creating subsequent health care price indexes, by disease (Rosen and Cutler 2007; Rosen and Cutler 2009). To take on website, such a task requires data on the health conditions driving spending. Initial efforts have turned to the national expenditure surveys for these data #x02013; most notably, the Help homework, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, or MEPS (Bradley et. al 2009). While MEPS provides a wealth of data, its small sample size precludes examination of spending on all but the most prevalent health conditions (Machlin et al. English Grammar. 2009; Mackie 2009). To overcome this issue, statistical agencies have turned to Help, other public data sources when available. For example, the Bureau of Pay me your homework up, Economic Analysis is considering commercial claims data as a potential data source to measure medical care spending in the national accounts (Aizcorbe, Retus and Smith 2007). Despite the availability of Help, quality data for patients covered by public programs, such as Medicare, there remains a lack of publicly available health care data on the largest segment of U.S. healthcare users: commercially insured patients and their families, who account for an estimated 68% of the Dissertation website, total population. 1 For the commercially-insured population, multiple large proprietary databases exist; however, it is not clear how representative these data truly are.

Before we can confidently rely on these datasets for their sufficient sample size for disease-based pricing, we need to understand more generally how the heath care expenditures in these commercial databases compare with expenditures in MEPS. While some differences are to be expected, if we understand these differences, we may be able to my child homework, adjust for them. This paper compares the 2005 MEPS expenditure estimates of people with coverage through employers to the 2005 Thomson Healthcare MarketScan claims. Our objectives are to better understand how the MarketScan database compares to MEPS and to identify areas requiring further investigation. The data needed for our disease-based spending estimates must have both expenditures and Order of operations homework rap, information on patients' illnesses. While data are typically collected from providers at my child, the encounter level, we need data at the patient level, including information on all the care received from the different types of providers. Pay Me To Do. For commercially-insured patients, the my child, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey is the only government source for this type of information. While the MEPS data are nationally representative, the small sample size precludes examination of health expenditures for all but the Work furniture, most prevalent health conditions (Machlin et al. 2009; Mackie 2009). Commercial claims data, on the other hand, provide much larger sample sizes but at the cost of representativeness (Mackie 2009; Rosen and Cutler 2009). The claims data may be adjusted with sampling weights to provide nationally-representative estimates.

A. Medical expenditure panel survey (MEPS) The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, which is conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for homework, Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is a nationally representative survey of the health care utilization and expenditures of the civilian non-institutionalized U.S. population. The survey sample is Order of operations rap drawn from the homework poem, prior year's National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) sampling frame. The survey uses an overlapping panel design in which the data are collected through a series of five rounds of Work city, interviews; the data from the Help poem, overlapping panels are then used to produce annual estimates. Homework Esl. For each household surveyed, MEPS interviews a single respondent #x02013; the family member most knowledgeable about the entire household's health and healthcare use (Zuvekas and Olin 2009a). The sample includes approximately 15,000 families and 35,000 individuals each year (Cohen, Cohen and Banthin 2009). MEPS provides both household and patient-level data on personal health care expenditures. The survey contains data on health services used as well as the frequency with which households use them, their cost, and how they are paid for.

MEPS actually consists of a family of 3 interrelated surveys: the Household Component (HC), the Help homework, Medical Provider Component (MPC), and college essays, the Insurance Component (IC). The Household Component of the survey interviews individuals and families; the Medical Provider Component supplements this information by verifying prices, but not quantities, from my child poem, medical providers and pharmacies. The final component is the Insurance Component, which collects data from employers regarding the employers#x02019; characteristics and the insurance they offer their employees (Sing et. al.2006; Zuvekas and Olin 2009b; and Cohen, Cohen and Banthin 2009). As a data source, MEPS has some key advantages over insurance claims data. It is a well-known, nationally representative sample, and is generally regarded as a high-quality source of data on high-prevalence health conditions. Another important strength of the MEPS data is mp3 its ability to directly link expenditures from all services (across all types of providers) to Help my child homework poem, patient care events (Mackie 2009; Sing et. al. Can You Purchase College Essays. 2006). Finally, MEPS is the only data set available to capture the expenditures of the uninsured (Cohen 2009).

The Thomson Healthcare MarketScan Research Databases are a nationwide convenience sample of Help my child homework poem, patients from all providers of care. MarketScan collects data from employers, health plans, and state-level Medicaid agencies and Pay me to do your homework, all claims have been paid and adjudicated. My Child. Each enrollee has a unique identifier and can be identified at the three-digit zip code level 2 . This paper uses the Dissertation website, Commercial Claims and Encounters Database portion of the MarketScan Databases, which includes health care utilization and cost records at the encounter level, with patient identifiers that may be used to sum expenditures to the patient level. The Commercial Claims and Encounters Database contains data from employer and Help my child homework, health plan sources concerning medical and drug data for several million employer-sponsored insurance (ESI)-covered individuals, including employees, their spouses, and dependents. These enrollees obtain health care under fee-for-service plans, full and partially capitated plans, preferred and exclusive provider organizations, point of service plans, indemnity plans, health maintenance organizations, and consumer-directed health plans (Adamson, Chang and Hansen 2008). We perform a descriptive analysis to evaluate whether MarketScan and MEPS provide comparable expenditure estimates for individuals with employer-sponsored insurance. This population makes up 91% of enrollees in private insurance plans.

Our analytic files were constructed from the 2005 MEPS) and data on a similar population from MarketScan for 2005. Homework Assignments. We identified individuals with ESI coverage in poem, the MEPS data as individuals who reported having had coverage at any point in College, the calendar year through their current or past job, or through their union. We include all the enrollees in the MarketScan database, since they all have ESI coverage. For both datasets, we excluded patients 65 and over, as this population is measured by other datasets. The final sample sizes included 15,300 MEPS respondents and 24.8 million individuals in my child, the MarketScan sample, representing 165.05 million individuals with ESI coverage. For each of the datasets, we created summary measures of enrollment using data from the enrollment files in the respective databases (the Full Year Consolidated Data File in MEPS and the Enrollment Summary file in the MarketScan data). We grouped enrollees into Help with grammar mp3, demographic groups for age, gender and Help homework poem, region. The age and region variables from the MEPS are self-reported at various points of the year while those in the MarketScan data are only from the beginning of the 2005. We also applied statistical weights to each sample to obtain population estimates. The MEPS data provides sample weights that take into Can you purchase college, account the complex sampling design of the survey making adjustments for survey nonresponse rates (Ezzati-Rice, Rohde and Greenblat 2000). There are similar weights available for the MarketScan data; those weights are formed by comparing enrollment by age, gender, and region groups in the MarketScan convenience sample to those in the MEPS.

The age groups used in deriving the MarketScan weights were broader than those used in our study (0-18, 18-44, 45-64). So, although the weighted datasets should, by construction, give very similar enrollment counts for my child homework, gender and region, we do not expect each dataset's population estimates for enrollment for very granular age groups to to do your up, be very similar. We calculated total expenditures by my child homework poem, summing expenditures that were reported by respondents, and then verified with providers (MEPS), or that were associated with claims submitted by enrollees (MarketScan). Work. We define expenditures as total gross payments to providers for services (rather than just out-of-pocket spending or the Help poem, amount paid by the insurance company). We included service categories that would yield comparable total spending estimates from the two datasets: care at hospitals (inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room), office visits, and with mp3, prescription drugs.

Because not all enrollees had prescription drug coverage, the MarketScan data likely underreports drug spending. Inpatient care is self-reported in MEPS and identified in MarketScan as hospital care that involved a room and board charge. The inpatient care category is essentially acute care: the MEPS sampling frame excludes individuals residing in long-term care and the MarketScan data contain very few claims from Help my child poem, long-term facilities. Table 1 illustrates that sampling weights can be applied to convenience samples to obtain better population estimates. The first column of table 1 gives enrollment counts by demographic groups for the 24.8 million enrollees in the MarketScan sample; the second column does the homework assignments esl, same for the 15,300 individuals in the MEPS sample. The population estimates derived by applying the MarketScan weights are shown in the third column. My Child Homework Poem. The distribution of age groups was similar between the sample and estimated population (columns 1 and 3), but the Pay me homework, gender and region distributions were quite different. The percent of enrollees that were female is about 50 percent in the population estimate, or two percent lower than the percent in the sample. The percentage of enrollees living in the South and West regions was lower in the population estimates (a combined 56 percent of enrollees) than in the sample (70 percent of the enrollees).

The MarketScan estimates for the distribution of enrollees in Help my child homework poem, the population were very similar to those derived from the MEPS data (columns 3 and 4). Applying weights to these samples did not provide very similar population estimates for total spending. Estimated total spending according to the MarketScan data was about 10 percent higher than that from the MEPS data ($453 billion and $408 billion, respectively). As shown in table 2 , the differences were not uniform across demographic groups. For example, the MarketScan estimate of total spending by males was 15 percent higher than MEPS and 8 percent higher for females. These differences arose from differences in either the proportion of enrollees that were treated or the average expenditures for those patients. The per person spending distributions varied across the two data sources as well. The MarketScan estimate for mean annual per person spending was higher than that in MEPS: $2,740 (with a 95% confidence interval of $2735 to $2745) in MarketScan and $2,472 (with a 95% confidence interval of $2314 to $2629) in MEPS.

Excluding enrollees with zero spending magnified the Dissertation, differences in mean spending to about $500 per patient (from less than $300 for per patient). The distribution of annual per Help my child homework person spending in each data source shown in Figure 1 demonstrates that these differences existed at most points in the distribution. Focusing on the right tail of the distribution, in the MEPS data, the maximum annual spending per patient was around $345,000 dollars while the maximum spending per patient in the MarketScan data was $4 million dollars. Figure 2 shows the considerable differences across the Can you purchase, two data sources in the distribution of spending in the top 5 th percentile of spenders. The higher spending at the tail end of the distribution in the MarketScan data came from a relatively small number of Help my child homework, patients (20,000, or less than 1% of the total) that had spending higher than the highest spender reported in the MEPS data: $345,882. When we excluded these high spenders from the work, claims data, mean per homework poem patient spending remained higher in the MarketScan data than in the MEPS data ($3,465 and $3,045, respectively). We compared 2005 MEPS health expenditure estimates for homework, people with employer-sponsored insurance to the spending estimates from 2005 MarketScan claims data for a large, convenience sample of individuals with ESI. We found that MEPS underestimated expenditures in the ESI population, particularly at the high end of the expenditure distribution. My Child Homework. Truncating the your homework, MarketScan spending distribution, the differences narrowed somewhat but MEPS continued to underestimate spending relative to Help homework poem, MarketScan, suggesting that there is also some #x02018;across the board#x02019; underreporting of assignments, service use (and associated expenditures) in MEPS.

This persistent deviation is despite a likely undercount in Help, the MarketScan data for prescription drugs (since not all enrollees had drug coverage). Our finding that MEPS underestimates annual expenditures for individuals with ESI is consistent with past research demonstrating MEPS' underestimation of homework assignments, spending on other populations, including non-institutionalized Medicare beneficiaries (Zuvekas and Olin 2009b; Zuvekas and Help homework, Olin 2009a) and Dissertation, Medicaid enrollees (Mark et. al. Help. 2003). More broadly, these findings are consistent with MEPS' known underestimation of NHEA personal health expenditures (Selden et. al. Dissertation. 2001; Sing et. al. 2006). Further, as in these past studies, the results of the current study suggest that the homework poem, underestimation of Dissertation website, expenditures in MEPS is largely a function both of Help my child poem, 1) underrepresentation of Dissertation website, high expenditure cases, and 2) underestimation of spending on Help my child homework, the remaining covered lives. The striking underrepresentation of high cost spenders in MEPS is likely due to multiple factors. 3 While the MEPS sampling frame excludes individuals residing in long-term care facilities, MEPS respondents living in the community can be institutionalized subsequent to their entry into the MEPS sample.

Yet, those MEPS respondents who leave the community for a health care institution (as well as other institutions) suspend their medical care utilization and expenditure reporting while institutionalized. Respondents who eventually return to Can you essays, the community are again eligible for participation and resume reporting medical utilization and spending (Agency for Help, Healthcare Quality and Research 2005). Still, a vast gap in these individuals#x02019; spending remains. Hospital expenditures may also be underestimated because MEPS treats hospitalizations longer than 45 days as an website institutional stay, resulting in the exclusion from MEPS of the costs of these prolonged hospitalizations (Sing 2006). In turn, for high cost individuals who are included in MEPS, total expenditures may be underestimated due to homework, under-reporting of spending in the setting of major health changes. For example, the survey may miss some of the mp3, high cost expenditures that occur just before a sampled person dies or is homework poem institutionalized. Finally, there is some evidence that individuals using such services as renal dialysis clinics, outpatient alcohol treatment, and family planning centers, are not only underreported by households, but these households are not likely to be surveyed at all (Selden et al 2001).

To the extent these are high cost patients (certainly, dialysis patients are), this will further reduce the representation of high cost individuals in MEPS. Even after accounting for up, the poor capture of very high cost patients, MEPS underestimates spending relative to poem, MarketScan data. 4 These differences could be caused by several different factors. The accuracy of survey estimates are inseparably linked to the underlying survey design and response rates; errors may arise from sampling bias, non-response bias, attrition, and Work home quezon city, any of a number of other measurement errors (Cohen 2003). Underreporting of health services utilization is also a matter of import. A recent review of 42 studies identified underreporting as the most common problem affecting the accuracy of self-reported utilization data (Bhandari and Wagner 2006).

While MEPS has the Medical Provider and Pharmacy Components to verify household reported costs, it does not use these components to Help my child, verify the quantity of Order homework rap, services utilized; the household reports are the Help my child poem, sole source of quantity data, and underreported quantities will miss the corresponding spending (Zuvekas and Olin 2009b). MEPS may underestimate spending to mp3, a greater degree in my child poem, some service categories than others. For example, laboratory studies are one such source of underestimation. MEPS captures expenditures for laboratory studies billed by physicians offices and outpatient care centers. However, laboratory services that are billed independently - by the laboratories themselves #x02013; are not captured in MEPS (Selden et. al. 2001). Of Operations Homework. In addition, due to complex payment structures and third-party payers, household reports are likely to be inaccurate and surveys of homework, providers and pharmacies do not cover all services, requiring costs to be imputed for certain services.

As with any imputation, this presents problems of both random and nonrandom error in the expenditure data (Zuvekas and Olin 2009b). This study had some limitations of note. First, while we attempted to make the MEPS and MarketScan ESI populations as comparable as possible, some differences may have remained. MEPS is a relatively small sample, but should be nationally representative once weights are applied to account for sample design and nonresponse rate. The enrollee counts in the MarketScan data can also be made representative by applying weights; however, some notable differences remained in the weighted data. The age profiles of the Order of operations rap, MarketScan-based population estimates differed somewhat from those from the MEPS.

Further, a lower proportion of MarketScan enrollees submitted claims than in Help homework, MEPS (78% versus 81%). 5 Our findings beg the question of Pay me homework up, how best to Help poem, combine the power (or sample size) of the MarketScan claims databases with the representativeness of the MEPS household surveys. If differences between the two data sources were uniform across the distribution of spending, statistical adjustments could readily be made to work, correct the Help homework, expenditures in College homework assignments, both. However, the Help homework, expenditure differences are substantially greater at the high end of the spending distribution and more work will be needed to assess the consistency across the remaining distribution. In conclusion, we found that, for individuals with employer-sponsored insurance, MEPS underestimates health care expenditures relative to Can you college, MarketScan. This appears to be a result of underrepresentation of high cost spenders, as well as a more general underestimation of spending across the Help homework poem, distribution of health care expenditures in MEPS.

With the rapid pace of change in the financing and College homework assignments, delivery of health care, the demand for Help homework, more clinically-nuanced measures of health care productivity will be critical for policymaking and planning. To provide these estimates, statistical agencies will increasingly rely on different sources of national expenditure data. The increased sample size provided by MarketScan data will allow for more clinically detailed expenditure estimates, however, the Dissertation, differences between this proprietary claims database and my child homework poem, the comparable population in MEPS suggest the Can you college essays work, need for additional research focused on reconciling key differences. 1 Estimate is Help homework current as of 2008 and is for people ages 18-64. 2 MarketScan User Guide: National Weights (White Paper)

3 A very similar problem arises when forming estimates for wealth, another variable with a highly skewed distribution. Kennickell (2007) showed summary measure of of operations homework rap, wealth derived from the my child homework, Survey of Work home quezon, Consumer Finances administered by the Federal Reserve Board were significantly improved by poem, their oversampling of wealthy households. 4 A similar problem arises with other expenditure surveys. See Garner, Janini, Passero, Paskiewicz and Vendemia (2006) for a discussion of the issues in the context of the Consumer Expenditure Survey administered by Can you college work, the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 5 Some of this difference might be explained by lack of poem, prescription drug coverage for patients in the MarketScan sample.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. Just as with most essays, the Help my child poem, major secret to excelling on of operations homework the SAT essay is to pre-plan the examples and evidence you want to Help my child homework use. Order Homework! But wait! I hear you cry. Can you do that on the new SAT essay? Isn’t the Help, point of the essay that you’re supposed to purchase college be using information from the my child, passage in your answer, which you don’t know about ahead of time? The answer: Yes and no. Furniture! While the specifics of each example will obviously change, depending on the passage, the Help my child poem, types of examples you choose to discuss (and the way you explain each example builds the author’s argument) can be defined, and thus prepared for, ahead of time. In this article, we give you 6 good SAT essay examples you’ll be able to find in nearly every prompt the SAT throws at you. By assembling a collection of these reliable examples that can answer most prompts, you'll cut down on planning time and significantly increase the amount you can write, making you able to walk into every SAT essay confident in your abilities. If you haven’t already read our introduction to the SAT essay prompt, read it now.

This will give you a good idea of what the SAT essay assignment looks like. Then come back to this article. The SAT essay prompts have several important things in Help with english grammar, common: They’re all passages that try to convince the reader of the veracity of the author’s claim They’re all around the same length (650-750 words) They’re all meant to be analyzed and written about in a relatively short period of time (50 minutes) This means that you can have a pretty good idea ahead of time of what types of argument-building techniques you might see when you open the booklet on test day. The main techniques the Help, author uses aren't going to grammar mp3 be overly complex (like the Help, first letter of Help grammar mp3 every word spelling out a secret code), because you just don’t have the time to analyze and write about complex techniques. And because of that, you can prepare yourself with SAT essay examples that’ll be likely to found across persuasive passages about many different issues —we've provided some ideas below. We've chosen two examples of evidence, two examples of reasoning, and two examples of stylistic/persuasive elements you can use as stellar evidence to support your thesis . Play to the features of the my child, passage – if there are a lot of Can you essays work facts/statistics, make sure to discuss that; if it dwells more on personal anecdotes/appeals to emotion, discuss those. For each example below, we also show you how you can use the type of evidence to support your thesis across a range of prompts.

This should prove to you how effective pre-planned examples are. So, without further ado, onto our list of my child homework multipurpose support for any SAT Essay prompt. The most basic way author builds an argument is by your homework up, supporting claims with evidence . There are many different kinds of evidence author might use to support her/his point, but I'm just going to discuss the two big ones I've seen in the various official SAT Essay prompts that have been released. These two types of evidence are Facts and Statistics and Anecdotes . Example Type #1: Facts and Statistics. Employing statistics and facts to bolster one's argument is one of the most unassailable methods authors can use to build an argument. This argument-building technique is particularly common in essays written about scientific or social studies-related topics, where specific data and Help homework, facts are readily available.

Statistics usually show up in the form of specific numbers related to the topic at hand - maybe as percents, or maybe as a way to Pay me to do your up communicate other data. Here're a couple of examples of Help my child homework poem statistics from an official SAT essay prompt, Let There Be Dark by Paul Bogard: Example : 8 of 10 children born in College assignments, the United States will never know a sky dark enough for the Milky Way. Example : In the United States and Western Europe, the amount of light in the sky increases an average of about 6% every year. Factual evidence can also be in the form of non-numerical information. Help Homework! Often, you'll see facts presented with references to the research study, survey, expert, or other source from which they're drawn. Here's another example from Pay me, Let There Be Dark: Example : Already the World Health Organization classifies working the night shift as a probable human carcinogen. Another form of homework poem evidence that is often used as an alternative to actual facts or statistics is the anecdote. This type of evidence is most often found in speeches or other sorts of essay prompts that are written as a personal address to the reader. An anecdote is a short story about a real person or event . When an author discusses own personal experience or personal experience of someone they know or have heard of, that's anecdotal evidence.

Here's an example of (part of) an anecdote from an official SAT essay prompt that was adapted from a foreword by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: One of the most unforgettable and humbling experiences of our lives occurred on the coastal plain. We had hoped to Dissertation see caribou during our trip, but to our amazement, we witnessed the migration of tens of thousands of caribou with their newborn calves. In a matter of a few minutes, the sweep of tundra before us became flooded with life, with the sounds of grunting animals and clicking hooves filling the air. The dramatic procession of the Porcupine caribou herd was a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife spectacle. We understand firsthand why some have described this special birthplace as “America’s Serengeti.” Even though anecdotes aren't statistics or facts, they can be powerful because it’s more relatable/interesting to the reader to read an my child homework anecdote than to be presented with dry, boring facts.

People tend to Dissertation put more faith in experiences if they can personally connect with the experiences (even though that doesn't actually affect how likely or not a statement is to be true). In the example above, rather than discussing the statistics that support the creation of homework poem wildlife refuges, Jimmy Carter instead uses an Order rap anecdote about experiencing the wonder of nature to illustrate the same point - probably more effectively. By inviting the reader to experience vicariously the majesty of witnessing the migration of the Porcupine caribou, Carter activates the Help my child homework poem, reader's empathy towards wildlife preservation and so makes it more likely that the reader will agree with him that wildlife refuges are important. Order! All authors use reasoning to some extent, but it’s not always a major part of how the author builds her/his argument. It's not always enough just to throw out support for a claim – an author may choose to use reasoning to Help explain how the evidence presented actually builds the argument. Example Type #3: Counterarguments and Counterclaims. Grammar! One way in Help my child, which an author might use reasoning to persuade the reader to accept the claim being put forward is to discuss a counterargument, or counterclaim, to the author's main point. The discussion (and subsequent neutralization) of counterarguments is found in prompts across all subject areas. A counterargument or counterclaim is simply another point of view that contradicts (either fully or partially) the author's own argument. When some might claim, however, or other contrast words and phrases show up in an essay prompt, the Order homework, author is Help, likely presenting a counterclaim.

Here's an example of an effective presentation (and negation) of a counter claim from an official SAT essay prompt, The Digital Parent Trap by Eliana Dockterman: “You could say some computer games develop creativity,” says Lucy Wurtz, an administrator at the Waldorf School in Los Altos, Calif., minutes from Silicon Valley. “But I don’t see any benefit. Can You Purchase College Work! Waldorf kids knit and build things and paint—a lot of really practical and creative endeavors.” But it’s not that simple. While there are dangers inherent in access to Facebook, new research suggests that social-networking sites also offer unprecedented learning opportunities. So how does bringing up an opposing point of view help an author build her argument? It may seem counterintuitive that discussing a counterargument actually strengthens the main argument. However, as you can see in the brief example above, giving some space to another point of view serves to make it seem as if the discussion’s going to Help homework poem be more “fair.” This is home city, still true whether the author delves into the counterargument or if the author only briefly mentions an Help homework poem opposing point of Can you purchase view before moving on. But a true discussion of the counterargument , as is present in Dockterman's article, also shows a deeper understanding of the topic than if the article only presented a one-sided argument . Poem! And because it demonstrates that the author knows the college essays work, topic well enough to be able to see the issue from multiple sides, it means that the reader is more likely to trust that the my child homework poem, author's claims are well-thought out and to do up, worth believing. My Child Homework! In the case of the Dockterman article, the author not only mentions the opposite point of view but also takes the time to get a quote from someone who supports the opposing viewpoint. This even-handedness makes her following claim that it's not that simple more believable, since she doesn't appear to be presenting a one-sided argument. Example Type #4: Explanation of Evidence.

In some cases, the clarity with which the author links her evidence and her claims is integral to the author's argument. As the College homework assignments esl, College Board Official SAT Study Guide says, Reasoning is the connective tissue that holds an argument together. It’s the “thinking” — the logic, the analysis — that develops the argument and homework poem, ties the claim and evidence together. This is one of the trickier argument-building techniques to discuss (at least in homework up, my opinion), because while it is present in Help poem, many essay prompts, it isn't always a major persuasive feature. You can pretty easily identify an author's explanation of evidence if the author connects claims to support and explains it , rather than just throwing out evidence without much ceremony or linking to the claim; however, whether or not the explanation of the evidence is a major contributing factor to the author's argument is somewhat subjective. Here's a pretty clear instance of a case where an Can you author uses explanations of each piece of evidence she discusses to logically advance her argument (again from the Dockterman passage): And at MIT’s Education Arcade, playing the empire-building game Civilization piqued students’ interest in history and was directly linked to an improvement in the quality of their history-class reports.

Unfortunately, the explanation the Official SAT Study Guide gives for how to discuss an Help my child poem author's reasoning is a little vague: You may decide to discuss how the author uses (or fails to home furniture city use) clear, logical reasoning to draw a connection between a claim and the evidence supporting that claim. But how exactly you should go about doing this? And wh y is Help homework, it persuasive to clearly explain the link between evidence and claim? In general, when an author explains the Order, logic behind her argument or point, the reader can follow along and understand the author’s argument better (which in some cases makes it more likely the reader will agree with the Help homework, author). In the Dockterman example above, the author clearly lays out data ( Civilization leads to Can you purchase work improvements in history class), a claim (this is because of engagement with the game and thus the subject material), provides data that back up that claim (retention rate skyrockets when students do things for themselves), and links that smaller claim to homework poem a larger concept (actively browsing pages on essays work a computer or tablet is way more brain-stimulating than vegging out in front of the my child poem, TV).

This clear pattern of Order homework data-explanation-more data-more explanation enables the reader to follow along with Dockterman's points. It's more persuasive because, rather than just being told Civilization leads to improvements in history and having to take it on faith, the reader is forced to Help my child reenact the thinking processes that led to the argument, engaging with the topic on a deeper level. Examples of Stylistic/Persuasive Elements. This final category of examples is the College assignments, top layer of argument building. The foundation of a good argument is Help homework, evidence, which is often explained and elucidated by reasoning, but it is often the Order of operations homework, addition of stylistic or persuasive elements like an ironic tone or a rhetorical flourish that seals the deal. Vivid language is truly the icing on the persuasive cake. Help Homework! As with explanations of evidence, vivid language can be found across all topics of essay prompts (although they usually play a larger role when the passage is Work furniture city, light on facts or logic). Vivid language is pretty easy to Help my child poem spot - it shows itself in similes, metaphors, adjectives, or any words that jump out at you that don’t seem to have purely functional purposes . Here are a couple of examples - the first is Paul Bogard again: …show that what was a very dark country as recently as the 1950s is now nearly covered with a blanket of light. This example is english grammar mp3, relatively restrained, using the metaphor of my child poem a blanket of purchase light to add emphasis to Bogard's discussion of light pollution. A more striking example can be found in my child homework, another official SAT essay prompt, adapted from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech Beyond Vietnam - A Time To Break Silence: Vietnam continued to Pay me draw men and my child homework, skills and Can you purchase, money like some demonic destructive suction tube.

Vivid language is an my child effective argument building device because it puts the your up, reader in the author’s shoes and draws them into the passage . If used in moderation, vivid language will also make the topic more interesting for the reader to read, thus engaging them further. In the excerpt taken from Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech above, the Help my child homework, phrase demonic destructive suction tube is startling and provocative, meant to Can you rouse the audience's indignation at the injustice and waste of the homework poem, Vietnam war. If King had left out the second part of the sentence and only said, Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money, his point would not have had as big of an impact. Example Type #6: Direct Addresses and Appeals to the Reader. College Work! The last category I'll be discussing in this article are direct addresses and appeals to Help my child the reader. These stylistic elements are found across all sorts of homework assignments esl different passage topics, although as with the previous category, these elements usually play a larger role when the passage is light on facts or logic. Direct addresses and appeals to the reader are wordings or other stylistic devices specifically designed to Help homework provoke a response (often emotional) in the reader . This category covers many different elements, from appeals to emotion to rhetorical questions. Here's an example of an Work furniture quezon appeal to emotion, taken again from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech: Perhaps a more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and to die in homework poem, extraordinarily high proportions relative to homework the rest of the population. And here's an example of a rhetorical question (from the Help my child, Paul Bogard article): Who knows what this vision of the night sky might inspire in each of us, in homework rap, our children or grandchildren? Appealing to the emotions , as Martin Luther King, Jr. does in Help homework poem, his speech, is an alternate route to persuasion, as it causes readers to emotionally (rather than logically) agree with the author . By describing how the Pay me to do, war was causing their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and die, King reminds the reader of the terrible costs of war, playing upon their emotions to get them to agree that the Vietnam War is a mistake, particularly for the poor.

Rhetorical questions , on the other hand, get the readers to step into the author's world. By reading and thinking about the author's question, the reader engages with the topic on a deeper level than if the reader were just given a statement of what the author thinks . In the case of the Bogard example above, the rhetorical question draws the reader into homework, thinking about homework rap, his/her descendants, a group of people for Help my child homework poem whom the reader (presumably) only wishes the best, which then puts the reader into Help english mp3, a positive mood (assuming the reader likes his/her descendants). As you can see, these examples of different argumentative techniques can be extracted from a lot of different article types for Help homework a wide range of topics . This is because the examples themselves are so meaningful and complex that they can be used to discuss a lot of issues. The main point is, you don't have to wait until you see the prompt to develop an arsenal of website types of argument-building techniques you can use to support your points. Instead, preparing beforehand how you’ll discuss these techniques will save you a lot of time and Help my child poem, anxiety when the Dissertation website, test rolls around . If you're reading this article, you probably want to excel on the SAT essay. We've written a bunch of detailed guides to make sure you do. Took the Help, old SAT and not sure how the new essay compares to the old? Start with our article about what’s changed with the new SAT essay, then investigate the purchase essays, SAT essay rubric for further edification. Want to score a perfect SAT score?

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concept essay self Are magazines for young men likely to reinforce stereotypical, 'macho' and sexist attitudes in their readers? Men don't define themselves as men in what they read, they define themselves as people who are into cars, who play golf or fish. Successfully launching a general men's magazine would be like finding the Holy Grail -- Zed Zawada (campaign 29/8/86 p.41)[1] If this was the case in 1986 what has changed that has resulted in the men's magazine market becoming one of the fastest growing magazine sectors? The number of general interest magazine titles for Help homework poem men, such as Loaded , FHM , Men's Health , and GQ to Help english grammar mp3, name a few, has risen from obscurity over the past 10 years. Previously, the term 'men's magazine' referred to publications designed to interest men, such as car, fishing or DIY magazines. The new breed of magazines were aimed directly and overtly at a male readership, using masculinity as a marketing tool. Homework Poem. These magazines are seen by some to be a negative force in society as they objectify women and are openly sexist. This essay will argue that the emergence of such titles is in response to a change in masculinity in Pay me your up, society, reflected in both the Help homework poem, possibility of producing such magazines and within the magazines themselves.

The reasons for the inclusion of controversial material, besides that of entertainment, will become evident through looking at Help english grammar mp3 the development of men's magazines. My Child. This essay will then look both at the style and content of the magazines in terms of the Can you purchase college essays, construction of masculinity they express, 'macho' or otherwise, and the visual and rhetorical representations of homework women. Examples from purchase college essays work, two titles on the market, GQ and Loaded , will be analysed. GQ or Gentlemen's Quarterly is supposed to my child, be at the top end of the market, and Loaded is Pay me your homework leading the tabloid bunch! Do both represent women as sex objects and exhibit a particularly 'macho' masculinity, reinforcing negative stereotypes? If stereotypes are rife, this essay will finally consider whether this has any effect on the attitudes of the readers of men's magazines. Outlining several theories on Help homework, how and why such magazines developed, will help explain why stereotypical and objectifying material is included within the Help grammar, publications. Theorists Judith Butler and Help my child homework poem Foucault argue that gender is fluid, and can change within different contexts and over time. Website. A shift in the attitudes and homework lifestyles of British men over the past 10 years opened up a market for men magazines. Tim Edwards asserts that it is the expansion in the concept and website practice of men's fashion since the Help, mid-1980's, which resulted in the emergence of style magazines such as GQ and Order homework Arena aimed specifically at Help my child the new style conscious male readership.[2] Nixon states that the advertising/publishing nexus focusing on new male readers was an important site for the public formation and development of english mp3 general interest men's magazines.[3] In order to create revenue, magazines have to my child, attract advertisers and to attract advertisers they have to have a high readership.

Magazines have found the Loaded formula i.e. beer, sex and babes, to be the most successful, consequently even the more upmarket titles are beginning to turn more 'laddish'. Others argue that the emergence of such magazines is an attempt to Dissertation, regain male dominance. Lacey suggests that it is the diminishing of men's power that has resulted in such publications. The celebration of 'laddishness' is a desperate attempt to grasp what is left of traditional male identity. Help My Child Homework. He states that the loss of power is a positive issue, but is worried that the Help grammar mp3, danger is a reactionary backlash where angry men attempt to put 'their women' back in the kitchen.[4] Further to Help my child homework, this point Stevenson and Kenny ask 'do we live in an era of homework greater risk' ? stating that feminism disrupts the my child homework poem, certainties of the gender order. This, along with the disappearance of Dissertation jobs for life and the increased visibility of diverse sexuality's, are proving problematic for the once dominant male.[5] The magazines are currently caught between an attempt to construct masculinity as a form of fundamentalist certitude, while simultaneously responding to a world where gender relations are changing.[6] Men's magazines can therefore be seen as a cultural response to social change. It has been argued that men's magazines are not solely responding to gender changes, but are a reaction to feminism and an attempt for Help my child men to regain some of the power they lost through this movement, in other words to return to a pre-feminist masculine ideal. As Stevenson puts it 'a 'blokelash' against home furniture, feminism.' [7] Southwell, former editor of Loaded , admits otherwise, he insists Loaded was never conceived as an anti-feminist backlash, with the swaggering loutish lad ousting the feminised new man.[8] Immaterial of whether these publications were the result of a backlash against feminism, or whether there was merely a gap in market, masculinity is in crisis. Roger Horrocks is one critic who believes that masculinity in western culture is in deep crisis. My Child Homework Poem. With the benefits masculine gender can bring, with it comes a mask or disguise.

The emphasis on Order, male dominance in public areas of my child poem life has tended to obscure the homework up, emotional poverty of Help homework many men's lives.[9] Magazines tend to reflect this in Dissertation, that they portray only Help my child one side of masculinity, leaving out the emotional bit, and concentrating on purchase college essays, the outward display of masculinity. Here one can see that the stereotyping of men within these magazines as macho male and Help homework ignoring the esl, stereotypical 'emotional male' or even 'soft lad', can lead to problems and criticisms. Horrocks asserts that little attention has been paid to the stereotypes that are attached to my child homework, men, or there has been the unspoken assumption that these are preferable.[10] 'In this world, 'real men' are fearless and invulnerable, unburdened by emotion or sensitivity to others.'[11] Buckingham is asserting that to Dissertation website, be seen as a real man, you can not show emotion, and so men's magazines exclude sensitive issues and emotions in order to be seen as magazines for 'real men'. In discussing the release of a new magazine 'Deluxe' in an article for the media guardian, John Dugdale writes 'even though banning babes sacrifices the one sure-fire sales-boosting device in today's men's market, not least by reducing horny schoolboy appeal. Are there really 150,000 soft lads out there.' [12] There appears to be a widely held assumption that if you don't mind the absence of scantily dressed babes from your magazine, then you are a soft-lad.

'What is obviously missing from this celebration of one-night stands, obsessive consumerism and male bonding is how men's needs for reciprocity and poem emotional warmth are to be met.'[13] (Stevenson et al, 2000) Metcalf and Humphries in their 1985 book ' The sexuality of men' describe a masculinity that doesn't seem too far removed from Pay me your homework up, what magazines are portraying today. The authors described a masculinity characterised by aggression, competitiveness, emotional ineptitude and homework poem coldness and dependent on an overriding and college essays work exclusive emphasis on penetrative sex. What also emerged was the side of masculinity that the magazines try to avoid, a sense of the fears, anxieties and pain expressed by my child, these men in relation to established script of masculinity; anxieties about sexual performance, estrangement from emotions, and Can you essays poor relations with fathers.[14] By looking at the style and content of two major men's magazines, the extent to which stereotypes, sexist attitudes and 'macho' masculinity's are used will become evident. Help My Child. Loaded , launched in May 1994, is evidently more anti-style conscious than the other titles, due to a more working class emphasis. Pay Me To Do Your Up. It played a large part in the social construction of the New Lad, a masculinity which Edwards describes as: 'Selfish, Loutish and inconsiderate to a point of infantile smelliness. He likes drinking, football and fucking, and in that order of preference. in short he is that most ghastly of all configuration, defensively working class which also means defensively masculine'.[15] (Edwards, 1997) GQ 's catch phrase is 'the magazine for men with an IQ,' in my child, which it takes pleasure in the more traditional masculinity, including coverage of executive concerns and Work home city pitching itself at a more serious minded conservative older reader than the other titles. Help Homework Poem. At it's release GQ was organised around menswear and style, popular music was absent and Pay me to do your the kind of figures interviewed or profiled in GQ tended to be traditional professionals rather than the media-fashion-art based individuals of other titles.

Visualised representation of women were marginal. It is now evident that it has moved closer towards titles such as Loaded , taking on a more populist approach, but still trying to hold onto its glamour element, and maintain an interest in health and fashion. Edwards believes the primary role of men's style magazines is to encourage and perpetuate spending amongst its readers, evident through the emphasis upon consumption as a means to join the new style elite, the high-profile advertising, and the visual attention paid to commodities. One must wear the my child homework, right suit, visit the right shops, and get seen in the right apparel.[16] This leads to the construction of masculinity in terms of commodities, leading ultimately to masculinity as a matter of how one looks and not what one does. Although Edwards was talking about a previous ilk of magazines in College assignments esl, the late Thatcherite era of Help rampant consumerism, the emphasis on Dissertation website, commodities is still very apparent in today's magazines. There is a difference between the my child homework, commodities promoted by each magazine. GQ includes a section on 'motoring', 'interiors' and a 'style plus' feature, a fashion spread including a further commodity. For example 'Tooled up' (April 2000) features the latest DIY tools. Essays. Figure 1 reveals two aspects of GQ , firstly their target market. The garden furniture featured is aimed at the high earning, garden-proud individual. Secondly the feature uses women to Help my child poem, make it more appealing to your homework up, the reader.

The subtitle states 'Garden feature doesn't have to be strictly for the birds once the summer is over.' The bottom picture includes an abandoned bikini top, and the top photograph features the Help, bare legs of a women. Here one sees that GQ also objectifies women and insinuates sex to try and sell it's product, and Pay me your homework up make a feature on furniture more appealing. Loaded on the other hand focuses on entertainment items, such as computer games, fashion accessories, such as watches and trainers, and personal items such as mobile phones. Figure 2 reveals the accoutrements of the Loaded man. The model is young with large, innocent eyes staring straight into the camera, he is rather self-assured. His pose, with his hands raised, suggests he is admitting he is guilty of being a bit of a player (sexually), suggested by the pack of cards and the play boy wallet. His facial expression, which is rather cheeky, suggests he is my child homework poem unperturbed by this revelation. This man is a ladies man, and rap he is poem not ashamed, in college essays work, fact he is prepared with his condom carrying case, and his toothbrush! Theodor Adorno (1903-69) would be extremely disgruntled with men's magazines.

Firstly, he would suggest that it is the culture industries that churn out these unsophisticated magazines, replacing the more critical art forms which might lead people to actually question social life. Further, he would say that it is the culture industries that cultivate false needs in people. These are needs that can be fulfilled by the capitalist system, and replace and suppress the true needs of creativity, independence and genuine happiness. My Child Poem. Adorno would be unhappy with the commodities that the magazines promote, and Dissertation the idea that you are the Help, man you are through what you buy. Not only is this satisfying ones false needs, but it also displays commodity fetishism, in that social relations and esl cultural experiences are objectified in terms of money. The readers are delighted by Help my child homework poem, products because of how much they cost.[17]

Sexism is an infamous trait of men's magazines, and it is Can you purchase college essays work believed that this will inevitably produce sexist attitudes amongst the readers. The April 2000 edition of Loaded includes 'The Stockings World Cup' (Figure 3), a competition to find the winning stockings from '32 qualifiers played over 64 legs' . The judges objectify the winner remarking 'Karen showed us how much they make us fancy her'. The only worth of this article was that readers got to see 32 pairs of stockings photographed. Southwell states that a lot of what could be called sexism in my child poem, Loaded is just a joke, he continues 'if some reader takes it as normal conversation then they don't get it and they're never going to get it' .[18] But isn't this the assignments esl, problem? Those who take these derogatory comments concerning women at face value will think this is Help my child normal behaviour and so transfer such attitudes into the real world. Lacey believes so, 'whether the distancing effect provided by irony legitimises Loaded , and its ilk, is doubtful; irony appears to be lost on the bog standard 16 year old.' [19] Peter Howorth, the previous editor of Esquire attempts to justifies the objectification of women by Help, saying 'Any good magazine must offer a balance of Help my child homework poem content, and part of that balance, if it is to reflect the interests of men, will inevitable be articles on beautiful women' .[20] This suggests that the magazines are just reflecting the readers interests. Feminists have argued that whatever the psychology of the men who rape, the background to its prevalence must be located in societies which define 'masculinity' at least in purchase work, part, in terms of the assertion of heterosexual power, and which continue to produce images across all forms of representation depicting women as the prototypical object of Help homework poem sexual desire, men as its prototypical subjects.[21] This can be seen in figure 4, where Jordan, merely famous because she is beautiful, is seen staring at the viewer in a pose which could be seen as soft porn. Pay Me To Do Your Homework Up. Segal argues in response that masculine power may be privileged in our culture, but men are not merely sexual predators, nor women merely sexual prey, and Help poem that this view fails to accommodate contradiction and diversity.[22] A further characteristic evident through the style and content of both magazines, and all men's magazines in general, is that they assert the heterosexuality of their readers.

Edwards states this is due to the high level of with mp3 anxiety concerning the possibility of off-putting their heterosexual readers if homosexuality is too overtly or openly condoned.[23] The magazines stress the Help homework poem, virtues of website a single lifestyle, as Stevenson et al state 'The great prize of bachelor hood is represented as a life where one has little responsibility for others and Help my child homework where one is truly free to do as one chooses, further, marriage is viewed as a form of social constraint, preventing men in furniture quezon, their early 30's from living a life of consumption and sexual freedom.' [24] This could be seen as merely reflecting society rather than truly advocating single life. Whereas Edwards sites consumption as the major site of masculinity's in my child homework poem, magazines, Sean Nixon believes that it is within the fashion photography that the new coding's of masculinity, and there is more than one, are most extensively elaborated.[25] Menswear is homework seen primarily in terms of utility. Help Poem. The main example is the suit, both a symbol of College esl masculine sexuality and a uniform of respectability. GQ focus quite strongly on the suit within its fashion pages. Figure 4 depicts Brett Anderson, the lead singer of suede, modelling Gucci's latest collection. By using Brett as a model it raises the profile of the shoot immediately, and involves an element of aspiration. In this photograph Anderson is situated in a large, panelled room. Many signifiers within the picture go against the 'macho' male mould. Anderson looks introspective and pensive, and the full body shot reveals a vulnerability.

Figure 6is a sharp contrast to the previous photograph, it depicts a fashion shoot titled 'lounging' which featured in homework, Loaded (April, 2000). It depicts casual wear, as opposed to Pay me your, the respectable, working suit featured in GQ . All that is featured of the model is his feet, but he is obviously relaxing on a sofa with his feet up, suggesting an my child homework poem, untroubled, relaxed man. The main element of the photograph is the extreme close up of the mp3, women's face on the television screen, her lips are parted and her eyes are closed. It is a very sexual face, again highlighting the fact that women are used throughout the magazine, even within fashion shoots, as objects for men to look at, and highlighting the laddish masculinity of the male. Edwards believes that Loaded is taken too seriously by those who don't know better. But does the content of homework Loaded effect its readers? Adorno would argue that such material keeps its audience passive and preserves the home furniture quezon city, dominant of capitalism at Help homework the expense of rap true happiness for the reader. Foucault, would structure his argument around power.

In 'The History of Sexuality' he argued that people do not have power implicitly, individuals engage in it. He argues that there is no hierarchical power establishments stating: 'power comes from below; there is no binary and all-encompassing opposition between rulers and ruled at the root of Help my child poem power and serving as a general matrix - no such duality extending from the top down and reaching on more and more limited groups to the very depths of the social body'. [26] (Foucault,1981) Further, he would argue that the individual person has power to resist the media, 'where there is to do your homework power there is resistance .'[27] This rejects the elitist view of the homework, Frankfurt school, who believed the culture industry had an effect of website anti-enlightenment, Adorno asserts 'it impedes the Help poem, development of autonomous, independent individuals who judge and decide consciously for themselves.' [28] John Fiske is another theorist who would reject Adorno's notion of a mass negative effect on the audience of mass media, and would see the audience as individuals who read their own meanings into a text. In his work 'Moments of Television' Fiske discusses his theories in relation to television, but these can also be applied to other media.

'Making sense of popular television, then, is the process of activating meanings from it, and this process is controlled within more or less determined boundaries by with english, the socially situated viewer. adequate space for different people to my child homework poem, make different meaning'.[29] (Fiske, 1989) Further he would reject Adorno's notion of corporations deciding what is popular culture and stress that popular culture is made by the people for the people. 'It cannot conceive of the text as a site of struggle for the power to make meanings, or of the College esl, notion that what finally determines the meanings and pleasures provoked by a text is the Help poem, social situation of the viewer-reader, not the Help grammar, interests of the producers and their ideological investment in consumer capitalism.'[30] (Fiske, 1989) It is evident that magazines for young men do include stereotypical images of both men and women. They depict a fearless, competitive, 'laddish' masculinity, ignoring the emotional, sensitive male, and women are depicted as objects for men's contemplation and enjoyment.

But it should be remembered that Stereotypes can be seen as an unavoidable part of Help my child mass media representation. Further these magazines are merely trying to entertain the reader, they are not seriously on a crusade to return to a pre-feminist ideal, or to harm anyone in an attempt to Dissertation, provide entertainment. Former editor of Loaded James Brown describes the magazine as 'all about having the best fucking time of your life.' [31] Further, the inclusion of sexist material and stereotypical images are enjoyable to the reader but are not likely to change their attitudes towards society. The readers have the power to reject such material and are able to make their own, individual meanings from the homework, messages within men's magazines. Therefore, men's magazines can be seen merely as entertainment for, and an escape for, the heterosexual male. Buckingham, D. Homework Assignments Esl. Reading Audiences: Young People and The Media (Manchester, 1993) Carter, H. 'New Man, Old Myth?' in Help, 20:20 Media Magazine , winter 1996, pp.14-15. Dugdale, J. 'Middle Man' in Media Guardian, March 30 1998.

Dugdale, J. 'Time to Reload' in Media Guardian, November 30 1998. Edwards, T. Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997) Fiske, J. 'Moments of College Television: Neither the text nor the audience' in Seiter, E, et al, eds., Remote Control: Television, Audience and my child homework Cultural Power (London, 1989) Foucault, M. 'The History of College esl Sexuality' p.92-102 in Storey, J ed. Cultural Theory and Help my child poem Popular Culture, A Reader (Hemel Hempstead, 1981) Horrocks, R. Masculinity in Crisis: Myths, Fantasies and Realities (London, 1994) Kenny, M. and Stevenson, N. 'Masculinity: A Risky Path to Take?' in Rutherford, J, ed. The Art of Life: On Living, Love and Death (London, 2000) Lacey, N. ' Loaded Lads and Lasses', in In The Picture , no. Work Furniture. 29, winter 1996, pp.

16-17. Nixon, S. 'Exhibiting Masculinity' in Help poem, Hall, S, ed., Representation: Cultural Representations and your homework Signifying Practices (London, 1997 ) Nixon, S. Hard Looks: Masculinity's; Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption (London, 1996) Stevenson, N; Jackson, P and Brooks, K. 'The Politics of 'new' men's lifestyle magazines' in European Journal of Cultural Studies (London, 2000) Strinati, D. 'An Introduction to poem, Theories of popular Culture' (New York, 1995) Van Zoonen, L. 'Gender and Media Reception', in Feminist Media Studies (London, 1994)

Jones, D, ed. ' GQ ' magazine, April 2000. Jones, D, ed. ' GQ ' magazine, July 2000. Southwell, T ed. ' Loaded ' magazine, April 2000. [1] Edwards, T. Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997) p.72. [2] Edwards, T. Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997) p.5.

[3] Nixon, S. Hard Looks: Masculinity's; Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption (Essex, 1996) p.145. [4] Lacey, N. ' Loaded Lads and Lasses', in In The Picture , no. 29, Winter 1996, pp. Dissertation. 16-17. [5] Kenny, M and Stevenson, N. 'Masculinity: A Risky Path to Take?' in Rutherford, J, ed. The Art of Life: On Living, Love and Death (London, 2000) p.135.

[6] Stevenson, N; Jackson, P and Brooks, K. 'The Politics of 'new' men's lifestyle magazines' in European Journal of Cultural Studies (London, 2000) p.377. [7] Kenny, M and Help Stevenson, N. Essays. 'Masculinity: A Risky Path to Take?' in poem, Rutherford, J. ed. The Art of Life: On Living, Love and Death (London, 2000) p.137. [8] Dugdale, J. 'Time to Reload' in Media Guardian, November 30 1998, p.2. [9] Horrocks, R. Masculinity in Crisis: Myths, Fantasies and College Realities (London, 1994) p.26. [11] Buckingham, D. Reading Audiences: Young People and The Media (Manchester, 1993) p.89. [12] Dugdale, J. Help My Child Homework. 'Middle Man' in Media Guardian, March 30 1998, p.4. [13] Stevenson, N; Jackson, P and Work furniture city Brooks, K. 'The Politics of homework 'new' men's lifestyle magazines' in European Journal of Cultural Studies (London, 2000) p.379. [14] Nixon, S. 'Exhibiting Masculinity' in home city, Hall, S, ed., Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (London, 1997 ) p.295. [15] Edwards, T. Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Help homework poem Consumer Society (London, 1997) p.82.

[16] Edwards, T. Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997) p.74. [17] Gauntlett, D. 'Theory, gender and identity resources - Theodor Adorno' at (accessed: 9 November 2000) [18] Carter, H. 'New Man, Old Myth?' in 20:20 Media Magazine , winter 1996, pp.14-15. [19] Lacey, N. ' Loaded Lads and Lasses', in In The Picture , no. 29, pp. 16-17. [20] Stevenson, N; Jackson, P and Brooks, K. Order Of Operations Rap. 'The Politics of 'new' men's lifestyle magazines' in European Journal of Cultural Studies (London, 2000) p.376. [21] Segal, L. 'Sexualities' in Woodward, K. ed., Identity and Difference (London, 1997) p.208. [22] Segal, L 'Sexualities' in Woodward, K, ed., Identity and Difference (London, 1997) p.208. [23] Edwards, T Men in the Mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997) p.75. [24] Stevenson, N; Jackson, P and Brooks, K 'The Politics of 'new' men's lifestyle magazines' in European Journal of Cultural Studies (London, 2000) p.378. [25] Nixon, S Hard Looks: Masculinity's; Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption (Essex, 1996) p.4.

[26] Foucault, M. 'The History of Sexuality' p.92-102 in Help homework poem, Storey, J ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, A Reader (Hemel Hempstead, 1981) p.166. [28] Strinati, D. 'An Introduction to Theories of popular Culture' (New York, 1995) p.54. [29] Fiske, J. Purchase College Work. 'Moments of Television: Neither the text nor the audience' in Seiter, E, et al, eds., Remote Control: Television, Audience and Cultural Power (London, 1989) p.58. [30] Fiske, J. 'Moments of Television: Neither the text nor the audience' in Seiter, E, et al, eds., Remote Control: Television, Audience and Cultural Power (London, 1989) p.61. [31] Dugdale, J. 'Time to Help homework poem, Reload' in Media Guardian, November 30 1998, p.2.

Unfortunately, most of the images from the original essay could not be reproduced here. Dissertation Website. This is what they were: Figure 1 GQ interiors 'Keep off the grass' in GQ July 2000. Figure 2 Loaded fashion article 'Picked Pockets' in Loaded April 2000. Figure 3 'The Stockings worldcup' in Help poem, Loaded April 2000. Figure 4 'Who is Kate Price' article on furniture quezon, Jordan in Loaded April 2000. Figure 5 GQ fashion spread 'He's in my child poem, Fashion' in GQ April 2000. Figure 6 Loaded Fashion Spread 'Lounging' in Loaded April 2000.

This essay was written in autumn 2000, when Lucy Brown took the to do your homework, module 'Communications Theory' at the Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds, UK.

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