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Best Resume Examples for a Variety of Jobs. Do you need to write a resume? Knowing how to start can be the biggest challenge and Website evaluation shore, looking at examples can be very helpful. The following samples are among the best resumes and writing, you can use them as a starting point for creating your own resume. They vary greatly in skill level, profession and format and are filled with inspiration. Evaluation Essay Jersey Shore! Take notes as you browse the examples, this will help you remember what you like and dislike and which elements you want to essay university, include when you begin writing your own. The first step to writing a great resume is to Website evaluation shore, choose the best type of resume for your work history, experience and the jobs you#39;re applying for.

Browse these examples to get a sense of your options before choosing the right format for How to write a history, you. Chronological Resume - A very traditional resume format that focuses on your work experience and evaluation shore, lists previous jobs in order. Paper King Samson! Functional Resume - Focus on your skills and Website essay jersey shore, expertise with a minor emphasis on the companies you worked for. Projects Students! Combination Resume - Combine the elements of chronological and functional resumes to highlight both your skills and previous employment. Targeted Resume - Write a resume tailored to the specific position you#39;re applying for. Website Jersey! Mini Resume - Everyone in your job search does not need to see a full-length resume, use the example to write one that#39;s brief and to the point. Nontraditional Resume - From a video to an online portfolio, discover how to create and use a resume that is Help college nuclear weapons, unique. Essay Jersey! Resume Examples with Specific Highlight Sections. Every job seeker#39;s experience and goals are different and bogdan rusu, it#39;s important to add sections to your resume that highlight what makes you the best candidate. Evaluation Essay! In these resumes, you will find examples of Help nuclear weapons specific sections that can help you direct a hiring manager#39;s attention to what you feel is most important.

Resume with Profile Statement - Give a brief and specific overview of your skills. Resume with Accomplishments Section - Highlight your career accomplishments at the top of your resume to show off your biggest achievements. Resume with a Branding Statement - Create a short, catchy statement that sells you and your skills. Resume Example with Headline - Add a headline to bring attention to Website essay jersey shore, your value as a candidate. Resume with Summary of Qualifications - Summarize your entire resume in a well-written paragraph that gets to the heart of your work experience and skills. Resumes for Help college nuclear weapons, Executive and Management Positions. The following resumes are good examples for individuals in management and executive positions. They can be used when applying for other office and business jobs as well. The highlights of these resumes are the evaluation essay, supervisory experience and business management. These are skills that employers are looking for when hiring business professionals and it is best to include concrete facts and examples of your achievements. The world of business is vast and there is a great variety of positions available in it.

The examples below are a sampling of great resumes used by business professionals. For College! No matter your skill level or the position you#39;re applying for, these resumes should provide inspiration while writing your own. They include various skill sets and Website jersey, experience, which will help you along the way. Positions in the tech industry are particularly competitive and it is extremely important that your resume stands out from your competition. You need to bogdan, be specific about your skills, the programs you#39;re proficient with, and it#39;s good if you can give examples of end results as well. Many resumes in Website essay jersey the technology space include a #39;Technical Skills#39; section in which you list every program, language, etc. Sign up for the Doyle Report and get expert job-hunting advice sent straight to Writing conclusion university, your inbox, with tips on Website evaluation jersey shore, writing a great resume and Environmental chemistry, acing your interview! you know. It gives your prospective employer the chance to quickly understand where your skills lie. Resumes for Education and evaluation jersey, Human Services Positions. If your career is in education or any field related to human services, your resume needs to highlight both your work experience and certifications.

Be sure to include any professional licenses or affiliations you have as well. Help College Nuclear Weapons! You will notice that a number of these sample resumes feature volunteer experience. What you do outside the workplace can have an impact in Website essay landing a great job in these fields, so it#39;s worth noting any volunteer work you do. Careers in healthcare are filled with technical skills as well as patient interaction and both should be highlighted in essay university your resume. Website Evaluation Essay Jersey Shore! Nurses, therapists and medical specialists should include any certifications and licenses you hold as well as details of your work experience. Notebook! Volunteer experience is also a nice addition to healthcare resumes because it shows the hiring manager that you have compassion off the job as well.

If possible, include how you went above the call of duty or add any significant career achievements. Every trade position has a specific set of skills that are required on the job and it is essay, important that you highlight your technical training in essay writing your resume. Include any certifications, licenses, affiliations and achievements that are relevant or necessary to Website evaluation jersey, your field. Notice how the projects for college chemistry, example resumes are very specific when it comes to technical skills. Website Evaluation Essay Jersey! Many also include supervisory and management experience as well as the Writing, adherence to codes and the ability to troubleshoot technical problems. Resumes for Writers, Creatives, and Freelancers. Freelancers, writers, and other professionals in creative fields may have the most difficult time writing a resume. Your jobs may be varied, your experience and skills vast, and it can be difficult getting it all on paper. There are many ways to approach these types of resumes and the examples should help you find a direction that#39;s right for you.

You are a creative, so you need to put some of that ingenuity into writing the most effective resume you can. You might also consider developing a curriculum vitae (CV) and have that available as well. Resumes for Customer Service Jobs. Customer service is a key element in many jobs and Website essay shore, it is important that you focus on that in your resume. Radu Rusu Phd Thesis! Whether you are applying at a restaurant, a hair salon or a local store, the hiring manager will want to know that you will put their customers first. Some of these resume examples also include specific skills required for the position. For instance, a chef may choose to highlight the presentation and Website shore, speed involved in serving meals to nuclear, customers. A stylist will want to focus on special treatments they have learned and evaluation shore, a retail associate may want to show off their merchandising expertise. Also, be sure to include any special honors or achievements you have received. Conclusion Essay! Were you the employee of the month?

Did you reach a high sales goal? Teenagers and recent college graduates may need to write a resume as well and this can be tricky because of your limited work history. You will need to supplement your resume with other achievements. Include volunteer work and accomplishments at school in your resume and use these examples to learn how to feature them. Website Essay Shore! Employers understand that you are young and looking to add to your experience, so give them as much as you can that shows you#39;ll be a valuable employee.

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How to Website jersey, Write a Nursing Resume That Stands Out [Tips + Examples] Nursing is narrative writing, one of the fastest growing jobs on the market and registered nurses are in evaluation essay jersey high demand. So, why would you need to worry about your resume? There are plenty of Writing university jobs to go around. You’ll snag one even if you send the most generic resume possible to Website evaluation shore, the nearest hospital.

Right? It may be easy for nurses to Help college essays nuclear weapons, find job openings, but it’s still a good idea to optimize your resume before applying. See, most nurses, like you, are well qualified.Taking the time to optimize your nursing resume gives you an edge over the competition. What have you got to evaluation, lose? A professional and complete sample nursing resume. How to write technical skills and achievements in your work history. Writing Conclusion Essay? Nursing resume tips on Website evaluation jersey, skill ranking and keywords.

Here's a sample resume for a nurse made using our resume builder. Want to save time and have your resume ready in Writing conclusion 5 minutes? Try our resume builder . It’s fast and evaluation shore, easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips and right vs. Help Nuclear? wrong examples while writing your resume. See +20 resume templates and Website evaluation jersey shore, create your resume here . How to Format a Professional Nursing Resume.

The nursing profession operates in a fast-paced environment that values protocol and essay writing, sanitation. So, it’s important that these values are evident in your resume. Choose a traditional format like the evaluation jersey, reverse-chronological resume format. Such a format places emphasis on your experience and education. Also, go with a layout that makes good use of white space and easy-to-read subheadings. And be sure to choose a classic, legible font. Unless instructed otherwise, save your resume as a PDF to preserve the layout. Use your complete name and job title to name your file. Still not sure about how to format your nursing resume? Want to writing, see other types of resume formats?

Read our guide: “ 3 Resume Formats: How To Choose The Best One [Examples]” Consider Adding Extra Contact Information to shore, Your Nursing Resume. Start with the usual information: Your Name An Updated Phone Number A Professional Email Address. And consider adding your license type and number. Many recruiters still receive applications from under-qualified applicants. That’s because a surprising number of people send resumes without reading the job description. That’s why recruiters prefer seeing licensure information before reading through an entire resume.

It saves them time, so they don’t have to read resumes that don’t meet the requirements. Need more examples of how to put the bogdan rusu, basics on your nursing resume? Need to brush up on your resume making knowledge? Read our guide: “ How To Build A Resume: A Step-By-Step Guide (+30 Examples) ” How to Write Nursing Resume Summary or Objective. Should you write a nursing resume objective or summary statement? Are you a fresh graduate, career changer, or a nurse looking for a niche or specific role? Then you should choose an Website shore, objective for a nursing resume.

Resume objectives are for applicants who don’t have a lot of on-the-job experience. Applicants with experience in the industry should use a resume summary. Pro Tip: A resume summary is also a good place to put your hours of Notebook king samson availability. Nursing is evaluation essay shore, a 24-7 job. Adding your hours of Writing conclusion university availability will help the hiring manager place you better. Jersey? Especially if you’re applying for a general position instead of responding to a job offer. Balance Your Nursing Resume Duties With Achievements. A nurse’s experience section is nothing like what you see on Radu bogdan rusu, resumes for other jobs. In other professions, resumes are achievement-driven. Website Essay Jersey? Nurses must also include basic responsibilities to avoid getting screened out of a job.

It’s important to make sure your professional nursing resume balances both. Nursing is college, a field with a ton of subspecialties. Listing specific responsibilities allows recruiters to know that you have the right skills. Let’s say your job title matches the title on the job description. Even then, the workplace setting might require different technical skills and certifications. So, when you include duties on your nursing resume, follow these steps: Once you’re done, go back and evaluation essay jersey shore, see if you can highlight any of your duties by adding an accomplishment. Want to know how to write accomplishments on a professional nursing resume?

Don’t know what kind of achievements to choose? Read our guide: “ Achievements To Put On A Resume - Complete Guide (+30 Examples) ” Three Things to Add to a Nursing Resume Experience Section. Have you ever worked in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), an Radu rusu phd thesis, Emergency Room (ER), a Labor and Delivery Unit (LD), or a Telemetry Unit (TELE)? Be sure to include the unit type under each job in your experience section. Also, include information about the admittance of trauma patients or overflow patients from other units. That way, recruiters know the type of Website patients you can handle.

Listing the type of unit you’ve worked in illustrates that you have a particular set of basic skills. Nurses assigned to Telemetry Units work with patients that need constant monitoring . The critical nature of some patients suggests that the environment is fast-paced . TELE Nurses can handle several patients at king samson, once and deal with unexpected problems. An Operating Room (OR) Nurse who assists patients and doctors during all stages of surgery. Instead of Website evaluation shore handling several patients, an OR nurse handles one procedure at a time. Different facilities have different environments and daily tasks. Nurses also work with different equipment. So, a nursing home nurse is not going to have the same experience as a nurse working in an urgent care facility. Urgent care facilities are fast-paced with patients coming and going. Nursing homes have permanent residents that require long-term care. Both are demanding jobs.

But the stamina, skills, and certifications are different. Let’s say you work in a facility for Radu bogdan rusu phd thesis, the elderly. You still need to add the type of facility to differentiate your skills. Let’s say you work in an assisted living facility. You don’t need to provide injury or illness-specific care for patients. Evaluation Shore? But nurses who work in nursing homes do.

That’s why it’s important to Radu bogdan, mention the type of facilities you’ve worked for in the past. Sample Nursing Resume Experience Sections. RN Case Manager, In-patient Pediatrics. Northwest Community Hospital, Illinois. Supervised all patient care provided by Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Website essay shore, Nurse Technicians handling a 25-bed unit. Interviewed potential nurses to ensure their experience and skills met the Notebook, demands of our unit. Managed the unit’s revenue and evaluation jersey, budget, including the allocation of Environmental projects funds for Website evaluation essay, patient care, equipment, and Help college essays, staff supplies. September 2015 - Present.

Care Focus - Saint Paul, MN. Conducted initial nursing assessments of new patient admissions. Interviewed nursing applicants. Essay Jersey Shore? Handled unit record-keeping. As you can see, the first candidate added the unit type (In-patient Pediatrics), the Radu rusu, facility type (Community Hospital), and the number of beds (25). Want to make your nursing resume experience section even better? Consider adding action words. Read our guide to find out Website evaluation shore, how to use the best action words on a resume for nurses: “ +80 Examples of Resume Action Words For Every Profession ” How to university, Write Nursing Credentials on a Resume.

Once you move on to your education and qualifications, things can get messy. Nurses can end up with tons of qualifications and certifications. That’s why putting them on a nursing resume in an orderly way can be quite an ordeal. What should go where? Should you put awards, licenses, or certifications first? Should you list them in different sections or together? You don’t want to evaluation jersey, add too many section headers. Let’s say you only have one license. Adding a separate section for Radu bogdan rusu phd thesis, “Licenses” would be a waste of space. Good news. Essay Jersey Shore? The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) anticipated the problem.

So, they created a standardized way to Help nuclear weapons, list credentials. Your Education Section - Your education section should come first. It’s okay to Website evaluation, put it before your experience section when you’re a fresh graduate. Help Essays Nuclear? If you have some experience, it should come after your experience section. Your highest degree should come first on a nursing resume because it’s a permanent qualification. List your highest degree followed by lower degrees. Essay Jersey? If you have two equal degrees, list the Notebook samson, most relevant one first. Your Licensure - Your license can go in your education section after your degrees. You can also create a separate section titled “Licenses.” State Designations - These are certifications that give nurses the authority to practice at more advanced levels in specific states. Website Essay? Examples include Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), Nurse Practitioner (NP), and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) certifications.

Your Certifications - Any certificates that you’ve received or extra training should go in paper this separate section. Awards and Honors: Awards and honors can come from your time at school, from evaluation jersey shore professional affiliations, from rusu nursing organizations, or from previous jobs that you’ve held. Extra Certifications - At the very end, if you still have space, you can consider including other certifications. These would include non-nursing certifications that are relevant to the job you’re targeting. It’s a good idea to organize your resume according to jersey shore, industry standards. Recruiters are expecting resumes organized in a particular way. Conforming means they can find everything they want fast. Want to know what else could go on a resume for nurses? Find out what should always show up on Writing essay university, a professional resume. Read our guide: “ What To Put On A Resume To Make It Perfect [Tips Examples] ” Nursing Resume Tips for Your Education Section.

Are you writing an Website evaluation essay jersey shore, entry-level nursing resume? If yes, your education section will include your biggest achievements to Help college weapons, date - your degrees. Consider putting your education at the top of your resume after the introduction. New grad nursing resumes will be short on experience. So, draw attention to Website evaluation essay, your education instead. Are you writing a professional nursing resume after a few years of experience? In that case, you can put your education lower on Writing conclusion essay, your resume after your experience section. Regardless, always start your education section by Website evaluation essay jersey shore listing your highest degree first. Be sure to include the Radu bogdan rusu, following information: The name of evaluation shore your alma mater. The dates when you entered and left school.

If you’re still at school, write “in progress” as your end date and add your expected date of completion. The degree you’ve obtained. The location of your school. Your GPA if it was 3.5 and Custom narrative essay, above. There are no hard and fast rules about how to order this information. If you went to a fancy school, you might want to lead with that. But the best nursing resume samples lead with the type of degree - BSN or MSN for example. That’s because nursing is a profession that requires you to have a degree.

Recruiters will scan your resume looking for that particular information. Make it easy on shore, them. John Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore Maryland. Still need nursing resume samples of how to add your degree? Want to find out paper king, what kind of extra information can go in an education section?

Read our guide: “ How To Put Your Education On A Resume (Tips Examples) ” The Best Nursing Resume Tips for Website evaluation jersey, Adding License Information. When it comes to licensure, you’ve got two options. The first is to list your licenses in your education section after you’ve listed your degrees. That works best if you have one or two licenses. Otherwise, you can create a separate section for your licenses. Let’s say you decide to add your license to your education section. You can consider titling the section “ Education and Licensure ” instead of “ Education .” That way recruiters know you’ve included information about your licensure in your education section. So, whether you’re making a registered nurse resume or a licensed practical nurse resume - location is the biggest issue. Once you’ve figured that out, the hard part is over.

But how do you make a license entry on your nursing resume? License Type: LPN, RN, Nurse Practitioner (NP), CRNA Licensing State or Body: The state that issued you a license. License Name: The name you used on the licenses. License Number: You’ve already included this in your contact information, but it doesn’t hurt to add it again. Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC): If your license falls under the NLC, you’ll want to indicate that it does so. For College Students Chemistry? Having a license that falls under the NLC allows you to practice in states included in the agreement. That’s especially important for nurses applying for out-of-state jobs. License Expiration Date: The alternative is to put “Active Since” and Website essay shore, add the month and year the license was activated. Sample Nursing Resume License Entry: Registered Nurse (RN): License number 2263731. New York State Board Licensing, Active since January 2012.

Registered Nurse: 173162. Massachusetts Board of Writing conclusion essay university Registration in Nursing. Active until November 2017. For Compact License holders: Registered Nurse: License Number 132779, Active since 2014. Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), Maine State Board Licensing.

Pro Tip: License numbers are in the public domain. Evaluation Jersey Shore? Recruiters can look up your number online via the narrative essay, State’s Board of Nursing website. Putting the number on your nursing resume saves recruiters time and evaluation essay, energy. Show recruiters right away that you have the required licensure. Projects Chemistry? That way they’ll know quicker that you’re qualified for the job. Website Essay Jersey Shore? Win, win. Add State Designations to a Professional Nursing Resume. Let’s say you have a certification to practice at advanced levels in a particular state.

It’s important to put the name of that state on your resume. You can not just put that you are an How to working, Advanced Practical Nurse (APN). That’s because each state has different criteria for essay, subspecialties in the nursing profession. Also, it may be illegal to use certain titles without permission from the Help college nuclear weapons, state’s nursing board. Put the name of the state after your license information to Website evaluation essay, show a state designation. Write Working? Let’s say your state designation matches your license. Then there’s no need to essay, include the Writing conclusion essay university, same information twice. Let’s say that your Registered Nursing license falls under the Nursing Licensure Compact. Website Essay Shore? Then it’s best to include the State Nursing Board that granted your designation.

Sample Nursing Resume Entry: Registered Nurse: License Number 224356, Active since 2008 Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), Kentucky Board of Nursing Clinical Nurse Specialist, 2012, Tennessee State Board of Nursing. Nursing resume tips are great, but you might want to take a second to check out the tips that take any resume from average to amazing. Read our guide: “ 42 Amazing Resume Tips That You Can Use In 30 Minutes [Examples] ” Here’s How to Notebook paper, List Certifications on a Resume for Nurses. Certifications show your ongoing improvements in the nursing profession. They also show that you have specialized skills. Accredited and Website essay jersey shore, nationally recognized institutions issue certifications.

Examples of such institutions include the American Board of Neuroscience Nursing (ABNN) and the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). RNs are not required by law to get certifications to work in specific medical units. For example, you don’t need a Medical Surgical Nursing Certification (CMSRN) to college essays nuclear weapons, work in operating rooms in many states. But many hospitals are willing to pay extra. Some at least focus on evaluation jersey, candidates who have this certification. Include the conclusion, following information when listing certifications on your resume: Name of the Certification and shore, the Acronym: For example, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Certified Occupational Health Nurse (COHN). It’s always best to write out acronyms. You should never assume the reader knows all industry jargon. For College? At the same time, acronyms are important for Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software.

Be sure to include acronyms that you find in Website evaluation essay shore the job description. The Certifying Organization The Certificate’s Expiration Date: You can put the date that you acquired the certificate if there is write a history essay thesis working, it does not expire. The Certification Number (where appropriate) Sample nursing resume certification entries: Basic Life Support (BLS) from the American Heart Association, Current - 2018 Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) certification from the Website, American Association of conclusion Critical Care Nurses, Current - 2017. There are tons of nursing certifications, and it’s impossible to evaluation essay jersey shore, list them all.

So, here are two sources that can give you an idea of bogdan what’s available. The American Board of Website evaluation shore Nursing Specialties - includes a list of king samson organizations and the certifications they issue. The Lippincott’s Nursing Center - includes the organizations’ phone numbers and email addresses. At this point, you may start to worry about resume length. How long should a resume be?

Find out by Website reading our guide: “ How Long Should A Resume Be? Everything You Need To Know ” Be Sure to Include Awards and Honors on Your Nursing Resume. Awards and Honors can include recognition received from school, nursing organizations, social clubs, hospitals, and other healthcare units. List the Notebook paper samson, name of the award, the awarding body, and the date received. Sample Nursing Resume Award Entry: Promise of Nursing Regional Faculty Fellowship Grant, 2012 Foundation of the Website evaluation essay jersey shore, National Nursing Student’s Association School of Nursing Alumni Award, 2010 New York University. One other section you can consider adding is a Hobbies and Environmental projects, Interests section. It adds personality to your resume.

Adding personal interests works best on entry-level or new grad nursing resumes. Read our guide: “ +20 Best Examples Of Hobbies Interests To Put On A Resume (5 Tips) ” Skills for a Nursing Resume - How to Find the Best Keywords. Most of the Website evaluation essay jersey shore, skills you list should come from the job description. These are your keyword skills. How To Write Thesis? They are also the Website, skills that recruiters try to find while scanning your resume. But how do you know which skills are the most important? Sometimes the write essay, job description will tell you that a skill is desirable or mandatory. Website Evaluation? If not, you can try checking out other job descriptions like yours.

You can also check out How to a history essay thesis working, LinkedIn profiles of other nursing professionals. Look for repeated skills. You can assume that these are important skills for a nursing resume. What other skills should you put on a resume for Website essay jersey shore, nurses? Don’t be afraid to How to write a history thesis working, include relevant technical skills not mentioned in Website the job description.

See, you can divide skills for a nursing resume into four categories: Basic Care Job-related Technical Skills or Specialties Administrative Skills Computer Skills. Don’t confuse computer skills with technical skills. Projects Students? Many hospitals are switching to electronic records. Evaluation Jersey? So, having computer skills can give you a leg up. Check the job description for Environmental students, specific types of billing or recording software. If there’s no specific software or program listed, include your computer skills anyway. That way you’re ahead of the game if they’re planning to switch to digital records soon.

Technical skills aren’t limited to essay, those that require extra certifications. Writing? Technical skills can include anything that a person without a LPN or RN license may find hard to Website essay jersey, do. Below is a list of skills for a nursing resume. Of course, the list isn’t exhaustive. Want more examples of Writing skills that recruiters like to see on resumes?

Not sure how to list skills for jersey, a nursing resume? We’ve got you covered. Read our guide: “ +30 Best Examples Of What Skills To Put On A Resume (Proven Tips) ” Don’t Forget to weapons, Add Your Professional Associations. The chances are that you belong to a professional nursing association of some sort. That’s because there are thousands of affiliations for nurses. Some of them are academic affiliations. Others are national organizations or groups for specific kinds of specialists. Regardless, recruiters will want to know if your affiliation with any professional associations. Especially if you’ve received awards or held important positions within the organizations. Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing (Academic) American Association of Critical Care Nurses (Specialist) Michigan Nurses Association (State-specific)

If you decide to add associations to your professional nursing resume, include the following information: The name of the organization. The date the organization admitted you. Any offices that you’ve held. A description of your role within the group.

Pro Tip: There are different ways to order such information on your resume. You don’t need to list the group you joined most recently first. It’s best if you order them according to prestige - personal and Website, perceived. University? Put associations at jersey shore, the top if you held an Environmental for college students, office or had an important role. Website Jersey Shore? You can also lead with affiliations that have prestigious reputations in college weapons the industry. You’re almost finished with your professional nursing resume. But first, you need to tailor it to evaluation shore, the job description. Don’t know how? Read our guide: “6 Proven Tips On How To Tailor Your Resume To The Job Description”

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Nursing Resume. It is still necessary to Environmental projects students chemistry, write a cover letter. For a nursing resume, write a brief letter that focuses on shore, your highest qualifications. Add a few accomplishments from your most recent job. Also, it is worth it to find out who will read your letter so that you can address it to narrative writing, that person. Writing a short, customized nursing resume might be a challenge. But it’s possible if you do your research and use the right strategies. Here’s a recap of the strategies discussed here:

Only use a resume objective if you’re a fresh graduate or are changing specializations. Essay Shore? Include your license type and the number beside your name and contact information. University? Include the number of beds, the facility type, and the unit type for each job you held. Evaluation? List your qualifications in the correct order: education, license, state designations, certifications, and awards and honors. Help College Essays Nuclear Weapons? Prioritize the skills mentioned in the job description. Website Essay? Proofread your resume and write a personalized cover letter.

Do you have any questions on how to conclusion, make a nursing resume? Let us know in the comments! Charley Mendoza is Website evaluation jersey, a freelance writer covering career development and business. Radu Bogdan Phd Thesis? She#039;s an expert in resume writing, interviewing, and negotiating, a topic she covers in publications such as Tutsplus, Business Insider, Brazen Careerist and more.

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Want Ryan to personally coach your writing? Academic or General exam Task 1 or 2. Academic or General exam Task 1 or 2. Academic or General exam Task 1 or 2. The essay in this video was written by IELTS Examiner C. Jersey Shore! This question was seen recently in Sydney: These days many people prefer to rent rather than buy their own house. Why is this this so? Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of renting or buying, and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and examples from your personal experience where appropriate. Here is the essay as it appears in How to a history essay thesis the video:

In most major cities in jersey the west, people are opting to rent a home instead of buy. This is conclusion mostly because house prices have increased dramatically while personal income has not, a trend that means mortgage repayments now account for a much larger share of income than in the past. Renters have more disposable income every week than buyers and evaluation essay jersey this is Environmental for college a big attraction. Essay Jersey Shore! However, in my opinion, this is a false economy and in the long run I believe that the advantages of buying a property greatly outweigh the short-term savings to be made by Notebook paper renting. While it is evaluation certainly cheaper week-by-week to rent than pay a mortgage, the renter misses out on the large capital gains to be made when buying a home.

When I took out my own mortgage on my two-bedroom apartment, my repayments on a $400,000 loan were about $600 a week, compared with $500 for rental value on a similar property. However, over the past three years my apartment has appreciated by more than $250,000, greatly outweighing the Help essays weapons, $15,000 I would have saved by renting. In addition to this, my mortgage payments secured an acquisition of property that will remain valuable for evaluation shore, my family into the future. University! Financial growth of this sort is not possible through renting. Renters do not only lose out on capital gains, they also lose in terms of security and peace of mind. The roof over their heads once their lease is over Website essay shore is always at a history essay working, the mercy of the landlord, who might at Website evaluation essay jersey, any time decide to Writing conclusion, sell the property. The landlord can also put up the rent when they feel the Website evaluation jersey, market warrants it. Further, unless the renter invests their savings judiciously, the money they save will be frittered on day-to-day life, leaving them very much poorer than the buyer once retirement looms. In conclusion, while a first mortgage will cost more each week than renting, the advantages of buying, including capital appreciation and housing security, greatly outweigh the short-term savings to be made by renting. The essay in paper king this video was written by IELTS Examiner C. This question was seen recently in Sydney:

These days many people prefer to evaluation jersey, rent rather than buy their own house. Why is this this so? Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of renting or buying, and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and examples from your personal experience where appropriate. Here is the essay as it appears in the video: In most major cities in the west, people are opting to rent a home instead of rusu phd thesis buy. This is mostly because house prices have increased dramatically while personal income has not, a trend that means mortgage repayments now account for a much larger share of income than in the past. Renters have more disposable income every week than buyers and this is a big attraction. However, in my opinion, this is a false economy and in Website essay the long run I believe that the conclusion, advantages of buying a property greatly outweigh the short-term savings to be made by Website jersey renting. While it is certainly cheaper week-by-week to rent than pay a mortgage, the renter misses out on the large capital gains to narrative, be made when buying a home.

When I took out my own mortgage on Website evaluation jersey my two-bedroom apartment, my repayments on a $400,000 loan were about $600 a week, compared with $500 for Writing conclusion, rental value on a similar property. However, over the past three years my apartment has appreciated by more than $250,000, greatly outweighing the Website evaluation shore, $15,000 I would have saved by renting. In addition to this, my mortgage payments secured an acquisition of property that will remain valuable for my family into the future. Financial growth of this sort is not possible through renting. Renters do not only lose out on capital gains, they also lose in terms of security and peace of writing mind. The roof over their heads once their lease is over is always at the mercy of the essay jersey, landlord, who might at any time decide to sell the property. The landlord can also put up the rent when they feel the market warrants it. Further, unless the renter invests their savings judiciously, the money they save will be frittered on day-to-day life, leaving them very much poorer than the buyer once retirement looms. In conclusion, while a first mortgage will cost more each week than renting, the advantages of buying, including capital appreciation and housing security, greatly outweigh the short-term savings to be made by renting. 6+ years of ongoing development and Help college essays nuclear weapons classroom testing 74 pages 10+ band 9 model answers Examiner approved Purchase once; receive all future ebook updates FREE! Have you purchased an earlier copy?

Email me to receive the update FREE of charge: Other questions? Leave a voicemail: 001-888-820-8546 Contact me on WeChat: ieltsnetwork. Buy Ryan’s Task 2 ebook (2017 version!) Click the Website jersey, Table of Contents to see what’s inside: $19 USD! Get an automatic email delivery in two minutes: Did you know I have ebooks for both modules of a history essay thesis working IELTS Writing? Have a look: Thanks to Website essay jersey shore, ‘Examiner C’ for this model.

Here is the essay thesis, essay as it appears in the video: Many people think that public celebrations (like national holidays, festivals, etc.) are a waste of money and Website that the Environmental, government should spend these funds in a better way. Give reasons for your answer and examples from evaluation essay, personal experience where appropriate. National holidays cost countries and their governments a lot of Notebook paper king money. Wages need to essay jersey shore, be paid to employees despite their absence from work, and a national loss in productivity is experienced. For these reasons, some people suggest governments do away with holidays and instead spend the essay university, money on worthy projects. While this might seem at first to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for evaluation jersey shore, a number of reasons. Firstly, it is axiomatic that a country’s production of goods declines when workers are not working; however, this is conclusion essay a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

Productivity is a function not only of hours worked but also of energy, drive, and morale. Website Essay! Thus, national holidays, which give workers a chance to Notebook paper king samson, relax and to celebrate aspects of their country and their lives, make for a happier and more productive workforce. In Australia, for example, the long weekend is Website evaluation jersey shore a tradition that helps to unify society by making all feel rewarded and valued in college essays nuclear a common enterprise and identity. It is for these reasons that labelling public celebrations ‘a waste of money’ cannot be supported. Further, having the financial means to essay jersey, start new national projects is a good thing, but the question of apportioning funds in a manner that an entire society agrees is ‘a better way’ is simply unrealistic. Notebook King! A further consideration is the shore, ramifications of pressure put on workers to work 52 straight weeks a year, a policy that could lead to stress-related illnesses and serious social problems. As this shows, the cancelling of public holidays and redirection of funds is an How to thesis, implausible suggestion. In conclusion, I must affirm that while it is Website evaluation essay shore tempting to realise the short-term increase in How to a history productivity and Website evaluation essay savings that would result from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost greatly outweighs the gains. Buy Ryan’s Task 2 ebook (2017 version!) Click the Table of Notebook samson Contents to see what’s inside: $19 USD! Get an shore, automatic email delivery in two minutes:

Did you know I have ebooks for both modules of IELTS Writing? Have a look: Buy Ryan’s Task 2 ebook (2017 version!) Click the Table of Contents to see what’s inside: $19 USD! Get an Writing conclusion university, automatic email delivery in two minutes: Here is the essay as it appears in the video: Many people believe that a large proportion of a country’s health budget should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give examples from personal experience where appropriate. Modern medicine has evolved along two lines: prevention and evaluation essay jersey cure. Many believe that too much emphasis is placed on the latter and that the balance of national health spending should shift to Custom essay writing, prevention.

I am inclined to agree; however, my support is with the evaluation essay jersey shore, stipulation that an imbalance in the other direction should be avoided. Many modern diseases that require pharmaceutical or surgical intervention, such as diabetes, heart disease and Writing cancer, are induced by poor lifestyle choices. Evaluation Jersey! There is an abundance of evidence that these conditions are brought on by such factors as smoking, excessive dietary fat and sugar, and a lack of physical exercise. I have myself lost several family members to cancers and heart disease caused by smoking. Because the cost of treating these diseases is very high, and Writing university the prognosis uncertain, the need for evaluation essay, preventative intervention is clear. Fulfilling this need could be exercised in a number of ways.

For one, the government could provide more health and fitness centres, and mount a public awareness campaign to encourage people to use them. How To Write A History Essay! In addition to this, taxes could be placed on excessive salt or sugar in processed foods, and special taxes could be added to tobacco products to discourage their use. I believe that measures such as these will in the long term dramatically reduce the incidence of certain deadly diseases. However, it should be remembered that not all examples of modern disease are preventable or predictable, and it is Website critical to maintain research into cures for How to write a history, all diseases. Thus, in diverting health spending from Website essay shore, treatment to rusu, preventative measures, countries should encourage a balanced approach to Website evaluation essay jersey shore, help extend lifespans and Help college essays nuclear weapons maximise quality of life. Evaluation Essay Shore! Prevention may be better than cure, but it can never wholly replace it. Did you enjoy the projects, above exercise? Watch another one for $1 USD (click ‘Rent’ in the top right corner): Here is the evaluation jersey, task and How to write a history essay working response as they appear in the video: Consumers are exposed to an extreme amount of advertising in the modern era. To what extent do you think people are influenced by ads?

What measures would you suggest to Website essay jersey, protect them? Modern approaches to university, marketing have become increasingly intrusive, and this has exposed people to more advertising than ever before in history. Because many of jersey these advertisements successfully manipulate the Help essays nuclear weapons, viewer’s lifestyle and Website opinions, I feel their influence is profound. This essay will analyse examples that demonstrate this influence. How To Write A History Thesis Working! It will also offer suggestions regarding how society can guard itself against the powers of evaluation advertising. The influence of advertising can change lifestyles and societal values in dangerous ways. For example, fast food, such as that served by McDonald’s and KFC, is often presented as the Radu phd thesis, diet of athletic people.

To the public, these images normalise and validate what many scientific studies have confirmed is Website shore a very unhealthy dietary choice. In addition to altering lifestyles, marketing campaigns can also confuse the public about important societal events. For instance, a recently released video depicts a group of marching protestors defusing a confrontation with the college essays, police by giving them a Pepsi. Many people correctly pointed out that such imagery trivialises the purpose of protest and Website evaluation jersey the professional role of the police, images that could dangerously alter the opinions of impressionable young people. Thus, as the above examples show, advertising in the modern era is extremely influential. To protect people from these negative effects, one approach is to regulate the number of times a marketing campaign can target a specific person’s social media account. Conclusion Essay University! This has been effective in Canada, where marketers are only allowed to present their promotional Facebook imagery to people old enough to know they are being advertised to.

A second strategy could be to create awareness programs in high schools that educate young people about advertisements and their influence. These two policies would help preserve the public’s ability to remain critical of what they see. Although advertising is an economic necessity, its influence should be recognised and Website evaluation kept under control. Help Essays Nuclear! As the above has shown, societies should work to guard their freedom to make decisions unaltered by the interests of large companies. My online IELTS course file has been updated to include Task 1 and 2 questions seen in late 2016 and Website evaluation essay jersey early 2017! Download the file and university then buy a corrections pack to get started: After your payment clears, send your work to I will return a full cleanup and comment to you within 36 hours. Please remember to evaluation essay jersey shore, send me your success story after your IELTS. Rusu! Here is one I received this week:

I must give all my gratitude to you and if I had not used your correction service, I would definitely have not achieved writing band 7 so smoothly! If you need any testimonial, just feel free to ask me to do that. I have recommended your website, YouTube video lessons and correction service to many of my clients, who also have the same IELTS requirement for the migration purpose. One thousand thanks are not enough for you, indeed. Here’s another one from a few weeks earlier: I am writing this email to genuinely thank you for helping me crack IELTS writing. I wouldn’t have been able to do that, if it wasn’t for your ebooks.

I scored 8 in writing only because I followed your blogs, watched writing videos and read your ebooks for task 1 and task 2. Website Essay Jersey Shore! It took me six months to Writing, raise my score in writing from 7.5 to 8 but it was all worth it. I was in desperate need for this perfect score so I could become eligible for Website evaluation, my permanent residency application process and bogdan rusu now I can gladly say that I am. So thank you for the amazing work that you are doing to help out thousands of people who are struggling to achieve their target score. Big congratulations on the success and thanks for sharing, guys! #128526; Here is the template seen in this video (scroll down for the full text of the essay): Do you feel the money governments spend to protect the environment would be better used elsewhere?

_____________ the Website evaluation, world over typically _____________. There are reasons to support and refute this practice. Using examples from_____________, I will discuss both positions before declaring a personal stance. Firstly,_____________ is beneficial for many reasons. For example, in for college students _____________, _____________, such as _____________. This _____________ is important because it not only_____________, but it also _____________. Because such _____________ are common among most countries, it is clear why __________________. However, despite these benefits, _____________ has undeniable merit. In _____________, for example, _____________. Similar _____________ can be seen among _____________, such as _____________. Thus, it is clear that for _____________, _____________ may be better _____________.

Following this examination, I support _____________, but I strongly feel this _____________. This is _____________, and I hope to see it _____________. Do you feel the money governments spend to protect the environment would be better used elsewhere? Governments the world over typically allocate a portion of evaluation essay jersey their spending to preserving the environment of Notebook paper their respective countries. Essay Shore! There are reasons to support and refute this practice. Using examples from my country, I will discuss both positions before declaring a personal stance.

Firstly, government-funded protection of a country’s environment is beneficial for many reasons. Radu Phd Thesis! For example, in my country, the Canadian government has spent a tremendous amount of money to ensure large swathes of land, such as Algonquin Park in evaluation essay Ontario, are inaccessible to Radu bogdan rusu phd thesis, resource-hungry companies and city sprawl. This policy is evaluation important because it not only ensures the natural beauty and wildlife of essays nuclear weapons Canada are maintained for future generations, but it also preserves Canadian identity, which is tied closely to the vastness and jersey untainted nature of the projects for college students, land. Because such values are common among most countries, it is clear why many people the world over support government-funded protection of the environment. However, despite these benefits, reallocating such funding to other needs has undeniable merit. In Canada, for example, preserving the evaluation jersey shore, integrity of the environment seems somewhat hypocritical when so many First Nations peoples, who have been historically driven off the land, are in need of resources that allow them to preserve and pass on their languages and Help nuclear cultures to their descendants. Similar needs can be seen among the native populations of other nations formed out Website jersey shore, of the colonial period, such as the United States and Australia.

Thus, it is Custom essay writing clear that for select countries, government funding may be better channeled to the preservation of not only the land but also its indigenous peoples. Following this examination, I support the government-funded preservation of Website evaluation a country’s environment, but I strongly feel this funding should also be directed to promoting the health of other aboriginal facets, namely the cultures and languages of a nation’s indigenous peoples. This is Environmental for college students a much more holistic approach to Website essay shore, environmental preservation, and Help college essays nuclear I hope to see it adopted by countries around the world. Here is a transcript of the Website evaluation essay jersey shore, conversation heard in rusu phd thesis the video: Please give me your identification.

Thank you. Now, in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. Do you come from Website shore, a large or small family? My family is essay thesis relatively large. There are 5 of us: my parents, brother, sister and me. OK. And do the members of your family live together? No. My parents live in evaluation shore the same house I grew up in. This house is in a town called Pembroke. At the moment, my sister is living there, too.

But she is only there because she is on break from her studies at university. My brother lives and works in Toronto, and I am living in Toronto, too. Do you have a lot in common with the other members of your family? Umm, not really, but we are nevertheless very close. We always love getting together and catching up on each other’s news. My parents have a quiet, country lifestyle. Radu Bogdan Rusu Phd Thesis! It’s very different from the Website evaluation jersey shore, busy city lifestyle of Toronto. Essay Thesis Working! My brother enjoys watching sports and essay jersey shore camping and hiking in university the mountains; he’s very outdoorsy.

My sister is a bit of a socialite, so she likes going out with friends and arranging little get-togethers. I’m a bit on the quiet side. At the moment, I mostly just focus on my studies. Are you currently working? I am, but only evaluation jersey part time. I am a part time university student. Can you tell me about your studies? Well, I’m completing an undergraduate Arts degree with a major of Custom narrative writing criminology. Because. I am a part time student, I only have 9 hours of class a week. I have three-hour lectures every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and I am really enjoying the courses.

The professors are interesting. That’s wonderful. And what sort of part time work do you do? I am waiter in a restaurant on the campus of my university. I see. Do you enjoy that kind of work? Honestly, not really. I’m not naturally a very social person, and waiting tables tends to demand this sort of personality. Also, university students do not tend to leave handsome tips.

But, I shouldn’t complain. It’s a job and it does help fund my studies. Let’s talk about friends. Do you have many friends at your university? Yes, I have a small handful of friends. But I suppose I would describe our relationship as more study partners than friends . Jersey Shore! We don’t really socialize outside of Help essays weapons course-related topics. Do you think friendships change as people get older? Yes, definitely. I think life often makes demands of people and this can pull friends closer or push them away.

A good friend of Website jersey shore mine recently had a baby. I am very happy for him, but I know that this new development in Environmental projects chemistry his life will mean he and evaluation shore I will spend less time together. This is fine, I mean, of course he needs to spend time with his baby, but I think these sorts of life developments can change the bogdan rusu, dynamics of Website essay jersey a friendship. What sort of person do you easily make friends with? I like people that have opinions. I enjoy talking with people about different subjects and hearing what they have to How to write working, say about Website evaluation jersey shore those subjects. I think I easily make friends with people that are good communicators. I don’t think we need to like all of the same things, but if we do share a few interests, that is obviously a plus.

Character wise, I prefer quiet people to weapons, loud people. Thank you. OK, let’s change topics. What do you do in your free time? I have several hobbies. Jersey Shore! I enjoy jogging. I try to get a jog in university every day. I also have a dog, so I spend quite a bit of Website evaluation jersey shore time at the park.

Um, I enjoy reading and surfing the net. I keep an online blog. It is a diary of my day-to-day life. I enjoy watching movies. I guess those are the main things I do in my free time. What sort of pastimes are popular among Canadians? Most Canadians like to play and watch hockey. I would say this is a very popular pastime. Canadians also like the outdoors, so hiking in the mountains, camping and canoeing are all popular hobbies. Um, Canada is a multicultural place, so I feel there are a lot of cross-cultural hobbies.

Many Canadians like learning how to Environmental projects students chemistry, cook foods from evaluation, other countries, for. example. These are probably the most popular Canadian hobbies. Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you to speak one to Help essays nuclear, two minutes on a topic. Normally, you would have one minute to plan your answer, but for Website evaluation essay, the sake of conclusion essay this recording we are going to skip this step. Your cue card reads: Describe someone who has had an important influence on Website evaluation essay jersey shore your life. -Who the person is. -How long you have known him/her.

-What qualities this person has. Explain why they have had such an influence on you. Remember you have one to two minutes to deliver this monologue. Conclusion Essay! I’ll tell you when the time is up. Start speaking now, please. I am going to talk about my high school music teacher, Mr. Website Jersey! McGrady, and narrative essay writing how he has influenced my life. Jersey Shore! I have known Mr. Paper King Samson! McGrady for about five years. He is a very patient man and an excellent teacher, and I feel he instills music appreciation and understanding in evaluation jersey all of the Custom narrative essay, students he teaches. He is also a very dedicated teacher.

I remember he would come to school early four days a week to evaluation shore, conduct our high school band. In doing this, I think he demonstrated a lot of commitment and leadership, and I believe these qualities rubbed off on the students he taught. I haven’t seen him in a few years, but I do not doubt he is just as much the positive image today as he was when I was his student. For me personally, Mr. College Nuclear Weapons! McGrady has influenced the way I see the Website evaluation essay jersey shore, subject of music. I played saxophone in the high school band, and by watching Mr.

McGrady interact with the Notebook samson, different instrument groups, I saw first hand how these orchestral sections operate and come together to create music. Mr. McGrady was also always trying to push students outside of their comfort zones, and Website evaluation jersey shore this greatly influenced me. For example, he encouraged me to join a singing group that he had organized. Help Essays Nuclear Weapons! I couldn’t sing then and I can’t sing now, but it was encouraging to feel that he believed enough in me to ask me to join. So, overall, I feel Mr. McGrady, firstly, acted as a wonderful role model. Secondly, he taught me how to look at music differently.

And thirdly he pushed me to try new things. Website Essay! These are the three main ways he influenced me, and I’m very thankful I had a teacher like him. Thank you. You mentioned you hadn’t see Mr. McGrady in Help a few years. Do you think you will see him again?

I hope so. Evaluation Shore! I know he’s busy teaching his classes these days. Writing Essay! I should drop by my old high school and see him and thank him again for the things he has done for me. How important is it for people to have positive role models during their formative years? I think it is quite key. Young people are very impressionistic, in my opinion. They are willing to mimic the Website, actions of those around them. Surrounding a young person with positive role models gives these young people something healthy to narrative, aspire to be.

Do you think the Website evaluation essay shore, role models young people look up to today are similar to Environmental chemistry, the role models young people looked up to Website essay shore, 25 years ago? Hmm, that’s an Help weapons, interesting question. I would say that the evaluation essay jersey shore, core values of today’s role models are the same as 25 years ago. I think qualities like integrity, diligence, benevolence and reliability will always be considered positive. I suppose a difference today is that young people are exposed to more people through different media channels, so the essays, pool of Website evaluation jersey potential role models increases. I would say this is Writing conclusion a positive thing, so long as parents ensure the role models young people look up to are healthy ones. Website Jersey! But to Writing conclusion essay university, answer your question, yes, I would say the majority of today’s role models are more or less the same as 25 years ago. What sorts of people make poor role models in your opinion? People with serious personal problems, I think. Anger problems or people that have become generally disappointed with life.

I don’t think they inspire hard work or ambition. Of course, people with substance abuse problems. Role models should be individuals that you can aspire to be. If that person has serious problems, then aspiring to be like them may not be healthy. Do you think pop icons make good role models? By pop icons you mean… Well, I think they can be role models.

But the fact that they aren’t completely accessible to young people makes them significantly different. Young people can’t call up a pop icon and ask them for advice, for example. But, so long as the star is Website evaluation essay jersey a good person, I don’t think they are a negative influence on a young person. So, yes, pop icons can make good role models. But young people also need role models they can talk to Environmental projects students, and learn directly from. Are you anyone’s role model? Am I anyone’s role model… Yes. My cousin has a son, named Ethan. He’s 5, and I see him every other week because they live here in Toronto. I think Ethan looks up to me.

I guess that’s partly because I am a man in his life that is a little younger than his father. I try my best to be a positive person so that he will aspire to be one, too. Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test. Here is Website essay shore a transcript of the IELTS Speaking demonstration seen in this video: Good morning. I’m Ryan Higgins. Please call me Ryan.

Thank you. What country are you from? Please give me your identification. Thank you. Now, in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. Are you working or are you a student? OK. Can you tell me about your studies?

Sure. I am currently a fourth year student at the University of Toronto. I’m completing a Bachelor of Science and majoring in chemistry. I thought about doing a minor in English Literature to branch out my education a bit, but I decided against this when I discovered how heavy my chemistry workload would be. Are you enjoying your studies? Yes, very much so.

This semester, I spend three days of every week studying in a lab, which I find interesting. My professors are terrific and very passionate about both chemistry and teaching. So, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from How to a history, them. Essay Jersey! In fact, I’ve enjoyed them so much that after graduating I am going to Notebook king, pursue a Master’s degree. Oh, that’s wonderful. And what do you plan to do with these qualifications? Well, that’s a very good question. I’m sort of feeling it out as a go along. At times I think about perhaps becoming an academic and teaching at a university. I think the theatrics of instructing students in a university lecture hall would be exciting. But other times I think I would like to apply my skills to a research company, develop new chemical ways of doing things.

That could also be interesting. So, to answer your question, my plan is currently a work in progress. Thank you. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Yes, I do. I like to read a lot. I mean, read books unrelated to my studies. For example, I like reading about history.

I’m currently reading a book on 20th Century American history that is quite good. But aside from reading, I like to evaluation jersey, play ultimate Frisbee, which is a sport that is quite popular on campus. It involves a lot of running, so it is good exercise in addition to being fun. Um, I’m keeping up with this TV show called Breaking Bad. My friends and I usually get together every week to watch the new episode. So, I suppose those three things are what make up almost all of my free time. Do people usually continue their hobbies when they get older? I imagine many people do, although these hobbies may evolve. For example, people may continue the hobby of reading, but they may read about different things.

I know I don’t read about the same things I did 5 years ago. Custom Narrative Writing! I also think people experiment less as they get older. Website Essay! People find things they like to do and then continue to do them. So, to answer your question, yes, people continue their hobbies. Thank you. Can you tell me a little bit about your life at university? Well, I live on campus. Nuclear Weapons! I like living on Website evaluation jersey shore campus. It is convenient for me to get to class.

I also have a meal plan, which means I do not have to worry about Environmental projects students chemistry preparing dishes for Website essay, myself. I have several friends in Notebook king my program, so we often form study groups to review what we learned in our lectures. We also use the university gym and library a lot. So, my university life is somewhat of a microcosm. Everything we need is here. Is there anything you would change about your life at university? Actually, very little. I suppose the residences do get a little chilly in the winters. Sometimes it can be a drag marching to class in wet snow. Evaluation Jersey! But, hmm, honestly, there are very few things I would change. Do you ever interact with students studying in other programs?

Again, not really. How To A History Thesis Working! Chemistry students at U of T often keep to themselves. We might on occasion meet other science majors. But, no, we sort of share a small existence among each other. Thank you. Jersey Shore! Now I’d like to ask you to speak one to two minutes on a topic. Normally, you would have one minute to plan your answer, but for the sake of this recording we are going to skip this step. Your cue card reads: Describe a special day in write your life.

-What impact has this day had on shore your life? Please share any details you feel help describe this day. Remember you have one to two minutes to deliver this monologue. I’ll tell you when the Custom, time is up. Website Essay Jersey! Start speaking now, please.

I’m going to narrative essay writing, talk about Website shore my first day as a university student. My parents drove me from Radu bogdan rusu, our home in Ottawa, so the journey took about 5 hours. I remember feeling a bit anxious because I didn’t know what to expect. It was also my first time living away from home, so this added to my nervousness. Anyway, the day was special because it very quickly made me feel welcome in a new community. As you know, the first week of Website essay jersey shore university is sort of essay university a period of orientation, so it is a time when all of the second year students make all of the new first year students engage in crazy activities that help them make friends and feel welcome and get to know the culture of the university. So when my parents and I drove onto the campus, we saw second year students wearing bizarre costumes and essay dancing in strange ways. I’m not quite sure how to describe it. They were singing strange songs and encouraging the first year students to get involved.

We first year students were grouped into teams and given team T-shirts and essay instructed to do crazy things, like throw jelly at each other or make up a crazy dance on the spot. The impact this day had on my life is significant. Website Essay Jersey Shore! As I mentioned, I feel this day introduced me to an institution and to people I will be attached to for the Help essays, rest of my life. It also showed me that taking people out of their comfort zone can help them quickly develop friendships with others. So, overall, this day is a moment in my life I will always reflect upon fondly. Thank you. Do you think it is important for universities to arrange this week of orientation?

Yes, definitely. As I mentioned, I think it helps people to quickly develop friends. Friends can really ease a person’s transition into university life. Evaluation Essay Jersey! Because the bizarre games you play during orientation week happen on different parts of the campus, you rapidly get to know the layout of the university and where the narrative essay, different buildings are. So yes, I think it is very important for Website essay shore, universities to samson, dedicate a week to orienting students. Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you a few more questions about moments in life. What do you think are the most important decisions a person makes in their life? Hmm, that’s a deep question. Let me think for a second. Jersey Shore! Well, choosing a person to Radu rusu, marry is of course a very big decision.

You need to choose someone that shares the evaluation shore, same values. Environmental Projects Students Chemistry! Hmm, I suppose choosing a career is also important. I think it is Website essay vital that a person is passionate about the weapons, work they do. Spending your life doing a job you don’t really like would be depressing. I suppose those would be the two most major decisions a person typically makes. Do you think making these decisions is easier today than 25 years ago? Umm…No, I don’t think so.

I suppose people are more social today and there are more avenues for being social, so meeting potential marriage partners is easier. But I think that this actually makes it harder for people to evaluation, settle down and get married. 25 years ago, people didn’t have so many options. Choosing a partner was easier. And as far as a career is concerned, I also think there are way more options today than there were 25 years ago. So this can make the conclusion, decision more difficult. How about between cultures? Do you think making these decisions in one culture would be easier than in another? Umm…let me see. Yes, I suppose so. Website Shore! Considering that in some cultures people aren’t able to make these decisions for themselves.

In some cultures, a person’s parents decide whom they will marry and what they will do for work. Essay University! I guess this may be easier, but I’m not sure easier is always better. You mentioned that there are more avenues today for communication between people. Do you think this is, on evaluation essay shore the whole, a good thing? I think the overall effect is conclusion essay a positive one. The exchanging of ideas is evaluation essay jersey shore never a bad thing. It is accelerating the rate at Notebook samson, which the human family is shore developing. I think it is also encouraging cultural exchange, which promotes peace between nations. I suppose there may be a few small drawbacks. For example, I’ve heard that Internet addiction has become a serious problem among increasing numbers of young people in several Asian and I think even many western countries.

It discourages face-to-face communication, and this can cause all sorts of behavioural issues among young people. But as I said, this small drawback is far outweighed by the benefits. So do you think Internet use among young people is essay something that should be restricted? I wouldn’t say “restricted”. It should be “monitored”. I feel young people should know how to evaluation jersey, use the Internet. Knowing how to look up information is conclusion university a key skill in the modern world, so I feel completely restricting young people from using the Internet would be a mistake. So long as they aren’t using it excessively, I do not think Internet use is a very big problem. How do you think people will communicate in the future?

I imagine that face-to-face communication will always have a role in basic human interaction. But, that said, I feel people are going to increasingly use electronic devices to talk with one another. Website Essay Shore! Today, I use Facebook and How to write essay thesis working my mobile to keep in Website evaluation touch with family and friends around the world. I think I talk to them by projects students voice less than I would if I did not have tools like Facebook and Twitter and Whatsapp. Evaluation! So, I feel that in the future, electronic device use is going to narrative writing, become increasingly central to how we communicate with one another. Are there any negatives to this trend? Um, well, I suppose there are some negatives, but these negatives are far outweighed by the benefits. I suppose for people that communicate electronically the evaluation shore, majority of the time, these sorts of people may feel nervous or awkward when in situations that demand face-to-face communication.

But I feel the Custom narrative essay, positives of using technology to communicate with others far outweighs the negatives. I mean, prior to the smart phone, I wouldn’t have been able to Website essay jersey shore, chat with distant friends throughout the day and send instant photos to them. Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test. Conclusion Essay! Students listening to Website essay jersey, this recording may now play the second version of this test to practice their speaking. Here is the college essays nuclear weapons, essay as it appears in the video: Nowadays, all new town planning should include public parks, shopping malls and sports facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Designing the layout of a new town is an extremely intricate process.

The question of what should and should not be included sets the foundation of the town’s identity forever. In my opinion, the addition of public parks, shopping malls and sports facilities is Website jersey shore essential to the incubation of community and the encouragement of healthy lifestyles. I thus agree that these items should be included when a new town is being planned, and I will share examples to prove this. Firstly, public parks and How to write a history thesis working shopping centres help new towns foster a sense of community. For example, my small Canadian town has a very nice park near its centre. At weekends, the open context of the park environment makes it possible for evaluation jersey shore, people to meet each other and create friendships. This sort of organic community building is seen in my hometown’s shopping mall, too. Shopping malls encourage interaction, and thus they are great forums within which people can mingle and have experiences that could evolve into friendships.

Thus, the helpful role public parks and essay writing shopping malls play in the establishing of a new town is clear. Secondly, sports facilities catalyse positive lifestyle choices among townsfolk. For instance, the central location of my small town’s football pitch is a regular reminder to people passing by that exercise is important. Children in the town are visually aware that sport is accessible to them, and Website jersey shore thus they engage in physical activity regularly. This is a clear advantage to town designs that include sports facilities. As the How to essay thesis, above shows, public parks, shopping malls and sports facilities are helpful in many ways to the establishment of a town. Their inclusion in the planning of new towns is thus highly recommended.

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Frederick Buechner once stated that “When a child is born, a father and a mother are born”. The role as a parent starts months before the child is born and/or when the child is in the mother’s womb, however the paper king samson parents of Website evaluation essay jersey shore a child begin the Custom narrative real role parenting the instant their child arrives in the world. .. Once the baby is born the parents begin to essay, make all the Radu rusu phd thesis parenting decisions regarding their child. Evaluation Essay Jersey! For example, should the child be given mother’s milk or the artificially prepared milk? Should the mother breast-feed the child or let him drink from the bottle? How many times should the child bathe? All of these concerns are valid when one is preparing to raise a child. At this stage a strong emotional bond is built between the parents and the infant. Parents have multiple concerns while the child is young.

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YOU are at Website evaluation essay shore the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages. Exemplification Essay Exemplification means to provide examples about something. Writing an Help college weapons exemplification essay typically . involves offering many examples to support a generalization about something. In this type of essay , examples act as supporting material to explain or clarify the generalization. An exemplification essay (or illustrative essay ) uses examples to show, explain, or prove a point or argument (the essay thesis). Website Evaluation Jersey? The key to a good exemplification essay is to use enough detailed. Automobile , Essay , Essays 1268 Words | 6 Pages. the rare southern English dialect forms to narrative essay writing have come into evaluation essay jersey standard English, vixen is also the only survival of this type of feminine noun in the modern . language. To my mind, the best essays are deeply personal (that doesn’t necessarily mean autobiographical) and deeply engaged with issues and ideas. Write Thesis? And the Website evaluation jersey shore best essays show that the name of the projects for college genre is also a verb, so they demonstrate a mind in process--reflecting, trying-out, essaying. James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son (originally appeared.

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Provide one quote from the essay . 2. Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the conclusion essay following senses: a. visual b. taste c. hearing d. touch e. smell 3. Website? Write down the author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I. Essay , Following , Plutarch 1249 Words | 4 Pages. Gifts Essay The reason why I chose the two pictures with the food, is because in the essay Emerson stated that “Food is for college, one of evaluation jersey shore . the Notebook paper king samson necessities that we need in essay jersey order to survive.” And he also said that “It is also important to the giver and the person who is essay, receiving it. Emerson also stated that “Food is a way to say welcome and food has that balance.” Emerson also states in the essay that “Food is a reward.” In the evaluation essay first paragraph, in the middle of the Radu rusu second sentence, Emerson said “I do not think. Essay , Faith , Love 864 Words | 3 Pages.

Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to evaluation be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. Notebook Samson? This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and evaluation jersey shore back it up with concrete examples. Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Essay Writing By: Agha Zohaib Khan Introduction to Essay Writing ? What is Essay ? The Word . Essay means to Attempt. ? Definition Essay is an attempt to bogdan compose the relevant ideas in correct, concise, comprehensive and evaluation jersey shore concrete way. ? ? Essay is just a literary composition of How to a history essay any given Topic Essay cannot be attractive unless you do not give lightness, grace and ease.

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After a considerable amount of time attempting to tweak and expand on the first essay , I finally understood. Essay , Essays , Paper 1398 Words | 4 Pages. 4 Steps to an Effective Scholarship Essay Typically speaking, the scholarship essays which students turn in king samson are, well, to put it . mildly, not that good. I'm going to Website evaluation essay jersey shore generalize, but you should know this. They're typically boring, underdeveloped without sufficient details, and very unpersuasive. Students? Remember, the Website evaluation essay jersey shore scholarship essay is a piece of How to a history essay persuasion. The people reviewing your essay will be going through a bunch of applications, and you need to distinguish yourself. Essay Jersey Shore? You need to Notebook paper samson make the reader care. English-language films , Essay , Essays 1357 Words | 4 Pages. ?Writing Essays Always begin with an essay plan.

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my essays were about summarizing a chapter from a book or writing a short story. Evaluation Essay Shore? There was no set length it had to be and there were not any . specifics to focus on such as to focus on a strong introduction or to focus on being organized when writing. The essays that I wrote in high school were just for a quick grade or to help out our grade. Custom Essay Writing? I did not really have that much experience in writing essays . In the past semester I have grown more as a writer than I have in the past years. My essays have.

Better , Essay , Essays 1419 Words | 4 Pages. An Essay is a piece of Website shore writing which is Custom, often written from an Website evaluation essay jersey author's personal point of view. Essays can consist of for college students chemistry a number of . Website Evaluation Essay Shore? elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of essay daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. The definition of an evaluation essay is vague, overlapping with those of an article and conclusion university a short story. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g.

Alexander Pope's An Essay on. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 746 Words | 3 Pages. 1113/Comp. 1 February 12, 2015 I H8 Txt Msgs: How Texting Is Wrecking Our Language Analysis “They are destroying it: pillaging our punctuation; savaging . our sentences; raping our vocabulary. And they must be stopped.” This quote from John Humphrys' essay “I H8 Txt Msgs: How Texting Is Wrecking Our Language” clearly shows where he stands on the subject of evaluation essay how “texters” are ruining our English language by abbreviating a lot of our words.

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Argument Analysis Essay ENG 215 October 18, 2010 4.5 points I enjoyed reading this paper very much. It made excellent points about . Jersey? opinion and fear. However, it experienced some problems as noted in the text. Also, it did not use any outside research to support the position presented in Notebook paper samson the essay and depended solely on personal opinion and quotes taken directly from the Website essay shore essays . Nice job! Argument Analysis Essay Expressing your opinion is the Help college essays nuclear weapons foundation of an excellent essay . Your opinion. Anxiety , Audience , Belief 835 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Development Learning Team B COM/172 September 10, 2010 The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to essay jersey . the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing our college papers?

Planning is the most important tool we can use to create an rusu phd thesis effective essay . When we plan accordingly, we are setting the right expectation for completing our assignment. Shore? We take the time to create an effective outline and use. Begin , Essay , Pop music 1304 Words | 4 Pages. I need in order to narrative present the Website message I need to convey to Custom essay writing my audience in my essays , I did not know how to have sentence variety, and last but . not least I thought it was not an important thing to back up my statements with real examples. My first writing assignment grade proves that I had a lot to learn my freshman semester at Georgia State University. My first writing assignment for Website English 1101 was to write an essay about a personal characteristic that made me unique.

It sounded like an university easy. Creative writing , Essay , Grammar 1197 Words | 3 Pages. GRADUATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS ESSAYS Preparation Before applying, understand why attending graduate school makes sense to jersey shore you. To clarify why . you want to attend graduate school at essay university this point in essay jersey your life, try answering questions such as: • What will this degree enable you to achieve? • What do you plan to do with your advanced degree? Be able to express what about you and your experiences will help you to succeed in the program: • Make lists of professors, courses, research projects. Bachelor's degree , College , Essay 675 Words | 2 Pages. “A Word About Words” Havel Evaluation Havel's essay entitled “A Word About Words,” Havel came to write a history essay the conclusion. We have an evaluation jersey shore ethical duty . to always be suspicious of words. The three arguments Havel makes to Radu phd thesis support this claim are that we've always believed in the power of words to change history, and all events in Website shore the real world always have their prologue in narrative writing the realm of words.

This conclusion needs a lot of support and Website evaluation essay strong examples that are relevant, reasonable, and How to a history essay sufficient. Evaluation Essay Jersey? Havel's. 2002 albums , Argument , Czechoslovakia 910 Words | 3 Pages. ENG 102 WP-1 - Evaluation Essay Write an Help essays weapons essay that evaluates the evaluation jersey shore value or effectiveness of essay university something according to criteria . you establish or identify in the essay . The Genre: You’re familiar with the book and movie reviews that appear in evaluation essay jersey shore newspapers, magazines, and websites. They are just one kind of evaluative writing, but from them we can identify the Custom essay key components of the genre. First, there is the Website essay object to essay university be evaluated. Often this is a single thing—a music CD, a scholarly study, a corporation—but. Academia , Academic publishing , Essay 768 Words | 3 Pages. ?WRITING AN ESSAY (See simplified example at the end) Intro: Actually state the question or title that you are going to answer Say what you . are going to do: State that you will define the key words and evaluation essay shore concepts That you will discuss the background to the key concepts and Environmental projects students chemistry major, relvant, opposing theories That you will weigh up the pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, arguments for and against And state that you will then summarise the Website evaluation essay jersey shore question, i.e “…in order to summarise and amswer.

Debate , Emotion , Essay 644 Words | 2 Pages. writing essays BASIC OUTLINE OF AN ESSAY ? Essays will have different purposes but most follow the Writing conclusion same . basic outline, that is: 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Conclusion BASICS OF ESSAY WRITING INTRODUCTION ? Introduction – introduce the topic in an interesting way, attract the reader somehow. You can try to catch the Website evaluation essay reader?s attention by for bogdan rusu example presenting som interesting/shocking facts or by telling a personal story. ? Thesis statement – present what your essay is about. Essay , Essays , Formal system 544 Words | 6 Pages. Writing a Research Essay in Economics You've been given an economic research essay topic for your assessment task and completed . your research. Your textbook and Website evaluation essay jersey shore syllabus outline should be the bogdan rusu starting points for the research. Make sure you read the criteria on which you will be assessed. You are now ready to organise your ideas and the information you've collected into a logical sequence. But where do you start?

It is useful to begin with an essay outline. The Structure of the Essay Outline The. Consumption function , Debut albums , Economics 1577 Words | 5 Pages. writers gave bold imagine about evaluation essay jersey, how environment looked like twenty years ago. From our perspective that environment is better in old days so; however did . Narrative Writing? anyone concern about Website essay, environment twenty years ago? Let’s take look at two authors’ essays to Help essays weapons discuss. Evaluation Jersey? The first essay is A Fable for Tomorrow, written by Rachel Carson (1907-1964), another one is “But a Watch in the Night”: A Scientific Fable, written by James C. Rettie (1904-1969). To begin with I will provide a brief background about two authors. Earth , Essay , Essays 1804 Words | 5 Pages. 12/05/12 Critique of Essay Who’s going to hell?

That is the question. Well, it is at least for Bernard Lewis, Author of “I’m right, you’re . Essays Nuclear Weapons? wrong, Go to hell’—Religions and the Meetings of Civilizations”. In the essay Lewis discusses the different views of Website jersey shore religions and how the conclusion essay subdivisions of those religions affect it as a whole. It is Website jersey, apparent to see that this topic arouses the author, as he exudes much passion and noticeable knowledge of the subject matter. Radu Bogdan Rusu? The point of the essay is not very detailed. Argument , Christianity , Civilization 958 Words | 3 Pages.

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