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Andy warhol essay documentary

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A Resume for the Modern Art Teacher. If you read this article a while back, you may be thinking, #8220;Can I really pull off a trendy resume like that?#8221; It#8217;s important to strike a balance between professionalism and Andy, creativity. Ghost! When I saw this resume by Kassie, I was blown away! To me, this resume is unique enough to stand out in the crowd, but easy to read and informative for the administrator who is accustomed to the traditional resume. Andy Warhol Essay! Click on this sample to see the details, and thanks, Kassie, for sharing. My favorite part?

The fact that it all fits on one page. Ghost For Books! I always value simplicity (if you can squeeze it all in). Essay Documentary! I hope it inspires you to revamp your resume to essay help on leadership stand out in essay the pile. Help For Assignment! You just never know what opportunities may come about! Is your resume in essay need of some serious updating? Psstt. For College! Come back tomorrow for Andy warhol essay documentary, some job interview tips! Jessica Balsley is the Founder and President at AOE.

She is How to make assignment sheet, passionate about helping art teachers enhance their lives and Andy warhol essay documentary, careers through relevant professional development. Course Recommendations for Blossoming Art Teachers. Bristol! Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: An Art Teacher’s Guide. The Art Teacher’s Ultimate Guide to Getting Hired.

I wish I was brave enough for a resume like this. I just don#8217;t want to get passed up by a traditionalist principal. I have been using the same resume format for 3 years and I am so bored with it#8230;but I don#8217;t know how to make it more functional and fit more info. Plus, I still like it traditional. Any more traditional examples? One creative way to take a traditional resume and Andy documentary, give it a little #8216;flair#8217; without all the bells and whistles is to simply add color. Make your name and heading a color, and all of the sub headings below to match. Something this simple might just do the trick for you. For Books! It#8217;s all about Andy warhol documentary finding what makes you comfortable and allows your greatness to shine through.

I had a more traditional resume, but I added a sidebar of color that included an image of my own artwork, with my contact info below it instead of in a header. That sounds like a nice balance, Marie! Hi Jessica, I#8217;m an administrator in Bristol dissertation an elementary school and I LOVE reading your site. This week we have been interviewing over a dozen candidates for a PE job. I know that if we were interviewing for an art position that I would want to interview the candidate with the resume above. Of course I am in a big system in Maryland (more than 130 elementary schools) so everyone has to move through Human Resources before they come to us. But I think if you are trying to get a job as an art teacher, it is a FINE thing to Andy warhol essay documentary show that you are creative and can make a resume that is make sheet metal, visually appealing and plays to visual literacy skills. Keep up the good work! Hi Jennifer- It#8217;s great to hear your perspective as an administrator. Thank you so much for chiming in. Andy Documentary! You know, I think the times are changing and perhaps sometime soon we will even see the day when there are no paper resumes and we will use Linked in or something similar.

I am a non-traditional 30 yr old Art Education student who is in for assignment the last student teaching placement of the semester and will be graduating next month. Warhol! I was in the corporate world before this and am used to sticking to the #8220;boring#8221; professional resumes while my creative heart and essay help, soul screamed. I started subscribing to your newsletters and following your FB feed sometime in Andy essay documentary the fall. I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of the info you post#8230;. especially this resume!! I was reading your recent post about interviewing tips that led me to this post. Assignment Pdf! This is definitely THEE BEST INFO EVER! Kassie has inspired Art Educators everywhere to create a simple, yet very creative and professional, resume. I have sat many times through student teaching and thought to myself, #8220;How am I going to make my resume stand out?! There has to be a way!

I#8217;m a talented, experienced, and passionate artist that has a knack for teaching. How do I do what I do best think outside of the Andy, box?#8221; I have a graphic design background and knew there had to be solution#8230;. and Kassie has found it. Thank you so much for sharing her resume with all of us. It is seriously a lifesaver! I will have to let you know if I land an interview in the coming months! My daughter is in Bristol dissertation this stage of her life. She wondered how these graphics heavy resumes get past the automatic-resume-scanner-thingies ( my words not hers.).

Any one know? Hi Jessica- Do you know what program/template Kassie used to warhol documentary make this resume? I#8217;m not an art teacher, but I LOVE the College essay service, style she has used here. Thanks!! You can use anything, really. Andy Warhol Essay! Pages on your Mac and even Word if you are savvy. I am a professional resume writer with 20 years experience in Writing a essay for college xat recruiting and staffing. The resume you are highlighting is good for personal presentation but would NEVER get through applicant tracking systems. I would not advise using this type of resume for any on warhol essay documentary line applications. after teaching art for the last 8 years, I am finding myself starting the Bristol best, job search again. Warhol Essay Documentary! as I am updating my resume, I am questioning the length and pertinent information that needs to be included or deleted. my question is: how far back should I go with information? do i include field experience and observation sites, student teaching from 2004-05 school year, now that I have been teaching in essay on leadership my own classroom for the last 8 years? Hey Jessica, The difficult part of being super creative is usually the person you are interviewing with is not. My fear of making my resume too flashy is Andy warhol documentary, not being easy to a essay relate to or navigate.

The example is above is a great in between the corporate world and creative world. Andy Warhol Essay! Thank you for make sheet, that. Essay Documentary! My question would be how much of xat my non-teaching jobs should be on the resume? I obviously don#8217;t want to highlight them but if I don#8217;t include everything will I be #8220;lying#8221;? Did we ever get an answer about whether principals will be able to open these resumes?

I have received great feedback about my resume in person, but I never seem to get interviews when I just email it. I wonder if something is wrong with it.

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How to Andy warhol documentary Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and Bristol, easier. A summary is telling the main ideas of the article in your own words. These are the steps to writing a great summary: Read the article, one paragraph at a time. For each paragraph, underline the Andy documentary main idea sentence (topic sentence). If you can't underline the book, write that sentence on your computer or a piece of paper.

When you finish the article, read all the underlined sentences. Help For Assignment Report. In your own words, write down one sentence that conveys the main idea. Andy Warhol Documentary. Start the sentence using the name of the author and title of the article (see format below). Bristol Best. Continue writing your summary by Andy warhol essay writing the other underlined sentences in qvod your own words. Remember that you need to change both the words of the sentence and essay, the word order. For more information, see video below. Don't forget to use transition words to link your sentences together. See my list of Ghost, transition words below to help you write your summary more effectively and make it more interesting to Andy essay read. Make sure you include the make assignment sheet name of the author and article and use author tags (see list below) to let the reader know you are talking about what the author said and not your own ideas.

Re-read your piece. Does it flow well? Are there too many details? Not enough? Your summary should be as short and concise as possible.

Author Tag : You need to start your summary by telling the name of the article and the author. Here are three examples of Andy warhol essay documentary, how to do that (pay close attention to the punctuation): In “How the Civil War Began, historian John Jones explains. John Jones, in his article “How the for college Civil War Began, says that the real reason. How the Civil War Began, by documentary historian John Jones, describes. First Sentence: Along with including the article's title and author's name, the first sentence should be the main point of the article. It should answer the question: What is this essay about? (thesis). Report. Example: In How the Andy warhol Civil War Began by Ghost writer John Jones, the author argues that the essay documentary real reason for the start of the Help for assignment Civil War was not slavery, as many believe, but was instead the clash of Andy warhol documentary, cultures and greed for cash.

Rest of Summary: The rest of your essay is going to How to assignment metal give the reasons and evidence for that main statement. In other words, what is the main point the writer is trying to make and what are the supporting ideas he or she uses to prove it? Does the author bring up any opposing ideas, and Andy warhol, if so, what does he or she do to refute them? Here is a sample sort of sentence: ___________ is the issue addressed in “( article's title) ” by Bristol best dissertation ( author's name) . The thesis of this essay is ___________ . The author’s main claim is ___________ and his/her sub claim is ___________ . Andy Warhol. The author argues ___________ . Other people argue ___________ . The author refutes these ideas by saying ___________ . His/her conclusion is Help report, ___________ . How Often Do You Mention the Author? While you don't have to use an author tag in Andy warhol essay documentary every sentence, you need to be clear when you are giving ideas that are taken from the article, and when you are saying your own ideas. In general, you want to be sure that you always use the author's name and the article title when you start summarizing, and for assignment, that you use the author's last name in the last sentence as well to essay documentary make it clear you are still talking about the author's ideas. In a research paper, you would then put a parenthetical citation or footnote, which tells the reader you are finished using that source. Men and Women in Conversation: Example response essay to Deborah Tannen's article about how divorce can be prevented if people learn the communication signals of the opposite gender. Response Essay about accounting assignment pdf Getting a Tattoo: Responds to a personal experience article from the New York Times about a man who gets a dragon tattoo. The Year that Changed Everything: Sample paper written by a college English class about an article by Lance Morrow suggesting that three lesser-known events of 1948 had a great impact on history.

How is this written? Who is the audience? Is it effectively written for that audience? If you've done a literary analysis, you can apply what you know about analyzing literature to analyzing other texts. You will want to consider what is effective and ineffective. You will analyze what the author does that works and what doesn't work to support the Andy warhol essay documentary author's point and Financial accounting, persuade the audience to Andy documentary agree. Sometimes, especially when you're just getting started writing, the task of Financial assignment, fitting a huge topic into an essay may feel daunting and you may not know where to start. It may help you to warhol use a thing called TRACE when talking about the rhetorical situation. TRACE stands for Text, Reader, Author, Context, and Exigence: Text , Reader , and Author are easy to understand.

When writing the analysis, you need to think about what kind of text it is and what the author wanted to have the audience think, do, or believe. The main question your analysis will answer is, How effective was the author at convincing that particular audience? Context means several things: how the article fits into the history of discussion of that issue, the historical moment in time when the article is written, and the moment in time when a person reads the article. In this context, Exigence is synonymous with assumptions, bias, or worldview. Breaking the large idea down into these five parts may help you get started and organize your ideas. In your paper, you'll probably want to Ghost writer for books qvod address from warhol, three to all five of these elements.

Each of the following elements can be one paragraph of your analysis. How To Sheet Metal. You can answer the questions to help you generate ideas for each paragraph. To make it easier, I've included the last two TRACE elements (Context and Exigence) as part of Author and Reader. How is the essay organized? What is essay, effective or ineffective about the organization of the essay? How does the author try to interest the reader? How well does the author explain the main claims? Are these arguments logical? Do the support and evidence seem adequate?

Is the support convincing to the reader? Does the evidence actually prove the point the author is trying to make? Who is the author? What does he or she know about this subject? What is the author's bias? Is the bias openly admitted? Does that make his or her argument more or less believable? Does the dissertation author's knowledge and background make her or him reliable for this audience? How does the author try to relate to the audience and establish common ground?

Is it effective? How does the author interest the audience? Does she or he make the reader want to know more? Does the author explain enough about the history of this argument? Is anything left out? Who is the warhol documentary reader? How would they react to sheet these arguments? How is this essay effective or ineffective for this audience? What constraints (prejudices or perspectives) would make this reader able to Andy hear or not hear certain arguments? What is the exigence (events in this moment in time which affect the need for Bristol best dissertation this conversation) that makes the audience interested in warhol this issue?

Michael Critchton's Let's Stop Scaring Ourselves argues that we are overdoing caution and fear. See my Sample Reading Response to this essay and also check out Lisa Rayner and Don Fraizier's response. Text : Analyzing the text is very much like doing literary analysis, which many students have done before. Use all of your tools of literary analysis, including looking at the metaphors, rhythm of Writing xat, sentences, construction of arguments, tone, style, and use of language. Warhol Essay. Example: The organization of essay title is accounting assignment pdf, effective/ineffective because ___________ . The essay's opening causes the reader to ___________ . The essay's style is ___________ and the tone is shown by ___________ . Andy Essay. The language used is___________ . The essay's argument is constructed logically/illogically by ___________. The essay is Writing a essay, organized by ___________ ( give a very brief description of the structure of the essay, perhaps telling where the description of the problem is, where claims are made, and where support is located—in which paragraphs—and why this is Andy warhol, effective or ineffective in proving the point ). Author: You’ve probably also analyzed how the author’s life affects his or her writing. You can do the same for this sort of analysis. For example, in Financial my sample reading the response about Michael Crichton's Let's Stop Scaring Ourselves article, students noted that the Andy warhol fact that Crichton is the accounting pdf author of doomsday thrillers like Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park makes his argument that we shouldn't pay much attention to current doomsday scenarios like global warming rather ironic. If you don't know anything about the author, you can always do a quick Google Search to find out.

Sample format: The author establishes his/her authority by ___________ . The author's bias is shown in ___________ . The author assumes an warhol documentary, audience who ___________ . He/She establishes common ground with the audience by ___________ . Reader: You can write this section by inferring who the intended reader is, as well as looking at Writing the text from the Andy documentary viewpoint of accounting pdf, other sorts of readers. For example, Readers are interested in this issue because of the exigence of ___________. Constraints on the reader's reaction are ___________.

I think the Andy warhol documentary reader would react to this argument by ___________. I think that the author's ___________ is Financial accounting assignment, effective. Documentary. ___________ is How to make assignment metal, less effective because ___________ includes ___________. The support is adequate/inadequate and is relevant/irrelevant to the author’s claim. What do you think? Does this article persuade you? Generally, your response will be the end of your essay, but you may include your response throughout the paper as you select what to summarize and analyze. Essay Documentary. Your response will also be evident to the reader by the tone that you use and the words you select to talk about the article and writer. However, your response in the conclusion will be more direct and specific. It will use the Ghost information you have already provided in your summary and analysis to essay explain how you feel about this article. Most of the College essay service on leadership time, your response will fall into Andy essay, one of the following categories: You will agree with the author and writer for books qvod, back your agreement up with logic or personal experience.

You will disagree with the warhol author because of your experience or knowledge (although you may have sympathy with the author's position). You will agree with part of the author's points and disagree with others. You will agree or disagree with the author but feel that there is a more important or different point which needs to Writing a essay be discussed in Andy essay documentary addition to Bristol best dissertation what is in the article. How will this article fit into your own paper? How will you be able to Andy use it?

Here are some questions you can answer to help you think about your response: What is best, your personal reaction to warhol documentary the essay? What common ground do you have with the author? How are your experiences the same or different from the author's and how has your experience influenced your view? What in the essay is new to you? Do you know of any information the Financial pdf article left out that is relevant to the topic? What in Andy essay documentary this essay made you re-think your own view? What does this essay make you think about? What other writing, life experience, or information would help you think about this article? What do you like or dislike about the essay and/or the ideas in the essay? How much of your response is related to Writing a essay for college xat your personal experience?

How much is related to warhol your own worldview? How is this feeling related to the information you know? How will this information be useful for you in writing your own essay? What position does this essay support? Or where might you use this article in your essay? You can use your answers to the questions above to help you formulate your response.

Here is a sample of how you can put this together into How to sheet metal, your own essay (for more sample essays, see the links above): Before reading this article, my understanding of this topic was ___________. Andy Warhol Essay Documentary. In my own experience, I have found ___________ and because of this, my reaction to this essay is for assignment report, ___________. Interestingly, I have ___________ as common ground with the author/audience . What was new to me is Andy, ___________. College Service. This essay makes me think ___________. Essay Documentary. I like/dislike ___________ in the essay.

I will use this article in my research essay for ___________. Summary Analysis Response to Men and Ghost, Women in Conversation. by Virginia Kearney 7. Summary, Analysis, Response Essay Example. by Virginia Kearney 0. Reading Response Sample Paper on Why We Crave Horror Movies by Virginia Kearney 6. How to Andy essay documentary Write a Proposal Essay/Paper. by Laura Writes 40. 100 Argument or Position Essay Topics with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 37. 100 Science Topics for Research Papers.

by Virginia Kearney 108. Virginia Kearney 2 weeks ago from United States. Hi Cathy, I tell my students that you want to include the examples you need to make your point clear, but you don't want to How to assignment sheet summarize everything. Hello, Thank you so much for Andy documentary your guide. Is it necessary to include the author's examples in an analytical argumentative essay? Virginia Kearney 6 weeks ago from United States.

Rodsy, I'm so glad that this has helped you. I hope you will continue to xat use my other guides and sample papers to Andy warhol documentary complete your other projects. Rodsy Karim Taseen 6 weeks ago. Thank you so much for making it easy. Now I along with my group members can complete our assignment on writing summary on a essay xat, different research papers, based on the filed of International Business.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the effort put into your work. :) this will really help me now and in future. Virginia Kearney 4 months ago from United States. Hi, Chloe! It would depend in part what sort of assignment you've been given. Generally, in doing a summary, you do not need to put the information exactly in essay documentary the same order as the original paper. The important thing in summarizing is that you actually understand the information clearly enough that you can put it into your own words. Service On Leadership. I'm guessing that with the title, the article has a number of reasons why we should allow the drugs.

If the reasons can be grouped, into 3-4 types of essay, reasons, that would be your best organization technique. For example, I can image that the reasons to How to metal allow performance enhancing drugs are probably: We can't prevent athletes from warhol, getting around the Writing a essay for college xat rules. We have better athletic contests if we allow drugs. We don't have the right to tell athletes what they are doing with their own bodies. I'm not sure what your article says, but I'm guessing that you could group the reasons around a few themes and organize your summary that way. hi there, i am doing a science report on warhol essay, Why we should allow performance enhancing drugs in writer for books sport and the article has 12 subheadings and i am supposed to summarize all of them. What structure would i put the paragraphs in so it isn't just random information summarizing the Andy essay subsections, and i have an actual format to follow? Thank you :)

Virginia Kearney 4 months ago from United States. Hi, Brad! You are probably needing one of my other articles if you are doing an How to make sheet, argumentative essay. When you do an argument, you actually need to have a main claim that you want to persuade your audience to believe. The analysis part of that sort of warhol documentary, essay means that you evaluate the pros and cons of other ideas about that claim. I don't use the term analytical argumentative essay in my class but I do teach this same idea. I call it persuasive essay, or argument essay and I have several articles that tell you how to Writing write that sort of warhol documentary, essay. How To Make Metal. Look at the links to the side or search for them on Letterpile using my name. Would this be considered an outline for an analytical Argumentative essay?

Virginia Kearney 5 months ago from United States. Hi--If you are doing a summary, analysis, and response, then you do it the same as we've described here except that you would summarize the story and then analyze whether it was told effectively and finally give a response. If you are actually talking about writing a narrative paper about something that happened to you, you need to see my article on How to Write a Reflective Essay with Sample Essays. Search for it on Letterpile or on my profile page. cletusoe12 5 months ago. How can I write a story of a personal encounter in an accident. In narrative essay.

Please can you give me example? Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Hi Mimi--In the Andy warhol documentary response section, you can explain how you are going to best dissertation use that article in your research paper. You might want to Andy warhol essay see my article on How to do an Annotated Bibliography, which also includes a sample. Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from best dissertation, United States. Glad this is helpful to documentary you Flor. I am not currently doing online tutoring but it is interesting for for assignment you to warhol essay ask this because I've been considering setting up a website with videos and some live instruction help.

what a great way to explain you have used here. Are you interested in doing tutoring online? I would love to have the essay on leadership opportunity to be tutor by you. Hello, I am actually working on three articles and essay documentary, my supervisor asked to make a summary including analysis.But what I would like to assignment sheet metal know how can I show that these three articles are related to my future research paper?how can I analyze them?can you please help me? I love the way this website gives steps and examples. I love how you can distinguish all of this into your on understanding. All of warhol essay documentary, this explaining is Financial, a great source for anything. You have to love everything about this site. This is the essay best. Virginia Kearney 9 months ago from United States. Hi Brianna--If you are doing a summary of an article, then I would do that first.

If you are not responding to a particular article, then you should give a summary of the situation around this law and the different sides of the argument. Then pose a question which is Bristol, interesting to you. Your response will be more interesting if you go beyond just the Andy documentary idea of whether this is good or bad. Here are some ideas: Is this an effective strategy for Help for assignment report pro-life groups to use? Does just raising the issue of burial change the conversation about abortion? Should women considering abortion have to Andy think about burying their baby?

How can I come up with a theme for my response paper. I am responding to the Texas new law that requires burial for assignment aborted fetuses. Any ideas? Virginia Kearney 9 months ago from United States. Thanks for Andy warhol letting me know Seza! This type of essay is not very well explained in many textbooks and that is what led me to write these instructions and ask my students to for assignment post examples. Since I've been using these instructions, I've found my students do a much better job at writing these kinds of essays, which is Andy warhol, important because the thinking you do while writing these essays is what prepares you for doing good research.

This post has been of great help for me and my friends. Thank you very much. Excellent lesson. It helped me with reviewing summarizing with some of essay service on leadership, my students who were still having difficulty. I especially liked the Andy warhol chart. However, please change adjective to adverbs. Thanks for the information. Very good insight on analysis description. I want to thank you for your time and effort in helping people be all they can be.

Keep up the great work. Virginia Kearney 12 months ago from United States. Thanks Singapore! I love the fact that what I write and use to teach has helped people all over assignment the world. I'm approaching 8 million views now! Thanks from Andy warhol, Singapore!

It's for literature :) Virginia Kearney 12 months ago from United States. Thanks Simon! I've done a lot of How to, writing over the years and documentary, I enjoy experimenting with different styles. I like the style of your post writing.

It's very rare to find something like this. This my second semester in the university and I have to write. Analysis essay I find your site very helpful for me. Really thank you. Virginia Kearney 16 months ago from United States. Hi Ercan! Since I started writing online in 2008, I've been amazed to see people from all over the world reading my work and being helped by the information I've developed for my students at college here in the United States. Having had students from many other countries in my own classroom, I know that sometimes they have not gotten much instruction from native English speakers. I am glad to Ghost writer be able to essay documentary provide help for free to improve student's written English.

Ercan Oztoktay 16 months ago. Thanks so much from turkey. My first time to write a summary of a 4-page research paper, this useful article really helped me, thanks :) I don't know why I should go to school. This is the right place.

It's helping me in my English composition 2 class.thank you. Virginia Kearney 22 months ago from United States. Hi Ed, I'm not sure what your instructor means by writing with authority. They may mean they want you to quote reliable, authoritative sources. In speech, we show authority by using declarative sentences which tell people what to report do, such as, Be sure you write clear sentences using concrete adjectives and Andy, vivid adverbs. College. I suggest you ask your instructor for some examples of what they want you to do. Hello Professor Lynne. I have to write an Andy warhol documentary, essay with authority, can you advise me why type of words I can use to show my point? By the way the topic is dealing Information Technology. Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Thanks yakul for your comment.

As a writer, I know I am always learning and improving too! Matty Fernandez 2 years ago from Passaic, NJ. I have to turn in a summary page for Critical Thinking. How To Make Assignment Sheet. You've helped me lots! Please follow me.

Christy Maria 2 years ago. I am a student in University right now and I have to essay documentary write response papers so often. This article is extremely useful for me so im going to College essay help service make sure to save it and look back on Andy warhol essay, it when I have my next paper due! Thankyou. Najat 2 years ago from Rottherdam - NL.

i like your hub, great sharing, i love the instructions. greeting from writer, Hijama. Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Aesta--glad to know this helped you. My class is structured so that my students have to Andy essay plan before they write, and then get feedback from peers before re-writing. Many of them don't like that process because they want to get it all done in Bristol best dissertation one sitting, but after they have gone through this process for a semester, they begin to realize that stopping to organize their thoughts first often means that the writing goes much more quickly. Documentary. In the end, it takes less time! Mary Norton 2 years ago from Bristol best, Ontario, Canada. Enjoyed reading your hub as it is really well written and very substantial. I need to digest this information and start applying this in my work.

I often just write spontaneously, no outline, and I organize this after. Armed with these questions to ask as I write, maybe I can really put substance into my random thoughts. Lloyd Jenkins 3 years ago. This was great information, it will help me in my English class this semester. Organization is key in writing a good summary and response.

Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Organised Kaos--do you really live in Tasmania? That seems like a fairy tale place to me. Of course, as I write that, I realize that the places I've lived, Southern California, Texas and Florida may seem like fairy tale places to people in other parts of the world! Good luck on your college career. I went back to graduate school after 10 years of working and warhol essay documentary, found that I enjoyed going to school so very much more than I had when I was younger. I actually enjoyed the chance to learn things.

As a professor, I really enjoy having students like yourself because their life experiences make their writing much more interesting. Actually, that reminds me that last semester I had a student from Australia who was older because he had been a professional Rugby player for several years before coming to the U.S. to go to college and play American football. The whole class enjoyed all of his experiences and I'm sure your classmates will enjoy yours too. Anne 3 years ago from Hobart, Tasmania. Australia.(The little bit broken off the bottom of AUS) Thanks for a great hub. Just about to Help for assignment report go back to college after 20 years and am a little nervous about having forgotten this kinda stuff. Will be following you too as I want to be able to Andy documentary refer at a later date, back to your instruction. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. How interesting Maddie--thanks for letting me know. My husband is a scientist and I love doing technology and science papers with my class in for college xat the second semester.

I will have to think about doing some more topic ideas for science classes. I'm doing this for science. Anarkali Suits 4 years ago. “Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they’ll go through anything. You read and essay documentary, you’re pierced.” This page is a great method to connect to others. Dissertation. Congratulations on a job well achieved. I am anticipating your next. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. B. Leekley--absolutely!

I'm so glad that you recognized that responsive reading doesn't just have to be to texts. Andy Warhol Essay. Anything that provides us something to think about can be put into a responsive reading. Essay Help Service On Leadership. You've reminded me that I need to Andy documentary add my own Hub which responded to a Harvard Study on the effect of going to 4th of July celebrations to my links. Brian Leekley 5 years ago from Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Thank you for this interesting and helpful hub. I have bookmarked it. I can foresee myself writing hubs that are responses to dissertation hubs that argue for a philosophical or political position.

Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. I'm glad! I'm just now grading my student's Summary, Analysis and Andy warhol documentary, Response essays and I'm so pleased that they have really understood how to best do this paper. I'm hoping my directions this semester have been clearer. Warhol Essay. We did two days of peer editing, which I think helped. This paper is similar to accounting assignment the Reading Response paper, and Andy essay, both of these Hubs are are the How to assignment sheet metal very top in number of hits, so I think that many people have trouble on these essays and the textbooks don't always describe them well.

Many thanks made things a lot simpler for me! Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from warhol documentary, United States. johnsdfd--good question. Yes--I should add that to the hub. You do a bibliographic entry in either mla or apa style at the top, then the summary/analysis/response is below. htodd 5 years ago from United States. Great post virginialynne..Thanks. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Glad I helped you nico! My class is just starting on for assignment, this essay now and so I was looking at my Hubviews and warhol documentary, very surprised to find this one had over accounting assignment pdf 3,000!

I really published it for my own classes, but the class I'm teaching now is the first one that will use it. Guess there are a lot of other people out there needing help! Virginia Kearney 6 years ago from United States. Thanks! I think that a lot of the instructions given for essays really don't help you know how to warhol essay documentary organize them. I've actually learned a lot about writing by trying to figure out how to teach other people! Rose Clearfield 6 years ago from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Well written. I like how you break everything down. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and Writing for college, respective owners. Other product and Andy, company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of Bristol best, HubPages, Inc. Andy Documentary. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and assignment, respective owners.

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Adam Simpson - Homework: Should we give it or not? Homework… should we or shouldn’t we? Homework… should we or shouldn’t we? What are the benefits and what are the drawbacks? Are we really helping our learners develop their language skills or are we merely complicating their lives? Here are my favourite four arguments for and against giving learners homework: The case for #1: Class time isn’t enough and learners need extra practice. Homework should, above all else, serve to review and build upon Andy warhol essay documentary, what has been learned in class, or to offer further practice of something that was new and particularly tricky.

With this in mind, make sure that whatever homework you assign can be completed by a essay for college xat, learners independently and with relative ease. Homework that gives the student an essay opportunity to further practice what he or she has just learned in class to further fix the concepts in their mind can be extremely worthwhile. Ideally, it should be something that is essay, useful but that might have been boring had it been done in class (such as a gap fill exercise). Does this build on what you did in Andy warhol class? Will they be able to do it after what you did in class, or do they need more input? Is it something that would, realistically, have been a waste of class time, in help on leadership terms of not maximizing their contact with you as their teacher? The case against #1: People need a life. If you teach adults, it’s almost entirely likely that they will have a work life and a social life outside of your classroom. Are you really doing them a favour by eating into essay, this time with your demands that they do extra study? If you teach young learners, these children need unstructured play time to become social creatures more than they need homework from Ghost writer qvod, you.

Homework can have a negative influence on learning experiences. Adults in particular will feel guilty about warhol essay not doing the Financial assignment pdf work you’ve assigned… or resentment about having to warhol, do it when they should be getting on with something else. This will affect how they feel about your class and not in a good way. Children will also be negatively affected by the addition of homework. IF YOU REALLY MUST… Find out a essay for college xat, how much time your learners have to do homework and assign work accordingly. The case for #2: Homework helps learners remember the warhol essay things they’ve learned in class.

Homework can do a great job of reinforcing the College help service on leadership content of warhol, lessons, and provides a valuable opportunity for assignment, extra practice… before they have a chance to forget everything! Basically, homework should always supplement and mentally click that ‘I remember’ button, so don’t assign new material because there’s a big chance that A) they will not understand it, and B) they will become frustrated with the tasks, as well as being less open to discussing the warhol work in class later on. Help Service. This point is particularly important with classes that you see infrequently, as they have many chances to forget what you did in the last class! Is this a useful reminder and revision of a tricky new language point? Does it present new concepts? Does it go over Andy warhol documentary something you did in class but in a slightly different way?

The case against #2: Let’s face it, you don’t really know what you’re doing. As qualified as you might be and Financial accounting pdf with as much knowledge of Andy, teaching pedagogy as you might have, do you honestly believe you know exactly what you’re doing when you assign homework? What objectives are you aiming to Help, cover? How will this further your learners’ ability to Andy documentary, do whatever it is How to make assignment sheet, you’ve done in class? Granted, a lot of coursebooks have workbooks which are largely intended for self study, but you nevertheless have to be careful that there is a definite purpose behind what you’re assigning. IF YOU REALLY MUST… Consult your learners and ask them what they see as an appropriate follow-up task for them to warhol essay, do at home to supplement what you have done in class. Essay. The case for essay documentary, #3: Homework can help learners make more rapid progress in their language acquisition. Homework can provide valuable practice of the skills learned in essay the classroom. We know that we are pushed for time and that each lesson is valuable contact time. We don’t want to be going into too much detail or doing too many tasks on one language point, regardless of whether or not the learners need it. At some point, you need to provide ways for that practice to take place in Andy warhol documentary the learners’ own time, so you can get on with new stuff next lesson!

Does it compliment what you’ve done in class in a useful way? How well does it work as a self reference document that learners can return to at a later point? The case against #3: Homework doesn’t lead to better performance. How To Make Assignment Sheet. Too much homework can be a bad thing. Research indicates there is essay, a weak link between achievement and homework, particularly in young learners. Furthermore, countries that assign more homework don’t outperform those with less homework.

Countries such as America and Ghost qvod the UK have relatively high levels of homework in schools and Andy warhol yet don’t show a correlation with high performance. How To Make Assignment Sheet Metal. Japan is one country that has taken the opposite route, having instituted no homework policies at younger levels to allow family time and personal interests. Finland, one of the most successful nations in terms of international tests, limits high school homework to half an hour per Andy warhol essay documentary, night. While a small amount of well thought out homework can be beneficial, assigning excessive amounts of homework is at best counterproductive. Writing A Essay For College Xat. IF YOU REALLY MUST… A good tactic, particularly for teachers of young learners, is to Andy warhol essay documentary, assign homework for improving study skills, rather than learning. Assign homework that is uncomplicated and short, which involves families or friends, and which above all engages learner interests.

The case for College essay help service on leadership, #4: Homework can allow learners to use materials and other sources of Andy warhol documentary, information that are not always available in the class room. Financial. Some of us have the luxury of computers and projectors in class, others do not. Some exercises that are on the net work best as self study materials anyway. Think about the resource you want learners to use and in particular whether it is more suited to classroom use or for essay, personal study. Furthermore, assigning research tasks that require learners to go out into the wider world and independently find resources that link to what you did in class can be a useful and Financial accounting assignment motivating activity. Does the task work better as homework than it would in the classroom environment? How can you get learners to find a resource that develops on what you did in Andy documentary class? The case against #4: They don’t really need it. People are constantly learning in the 21st Century and traditional homework should become obsolete within the next decade.

Thanks to technology, learning is now a constant in our lives. With access to applications, software programs, as well as educational websites such as the Khan Academy, learning is an ongoing process. So much of a essay for college, what learners can access is warhol essay documentary, through the College essay service medium of English that it is unlikely that they can spend many days of their lives without acquiring some knowledge of the language from their everyday environment. IF YOU REALLY MUST… Instead of assigning homework, utilise the technological tools that your learners use in their everyday lives. Warhol Essay Documentary. Get them doing something in English with their phones or on best dissertation, Facebook.

I’m not the Andy warhol essay documentary world’s biggest fan of Financial accounting assignment pdf, homework, but used correctly it can be a good teaching tool. To use it effectively, you have to ensure that it is warhol, benefiting your learners and that the make metal exercises you give them are not merely busy work. © British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN, UK. © BBC World Service, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH, UK.

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essays magazines Nicholas Handler, is a junior at Yale University majoring in history. Essay Documentary. Handler is active in College essay on leadership social justice organizations and Andy warhol essay hopes to become a human rights lawyer. I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of xat, my generation, or the Andy warhol essay documentary, changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Help Report. Lit Theory is supposed to essay, be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for essay help on leadership, lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco.

That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my iPod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. Andy Warhol Essay. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blase college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one. Letter: Fortunately, College Has Changed. This is in regard to your college essay contest that took place last year. The essay entitled Fortunately, College Has Changed by Financial accounting pdf Matthew Bender from the University of Arkansas has several factual errors and insinuations. Then entire first and second paragraphs are neither chronologically or factually correct. How do I know that there are errors? Because I am Mervin Jebaraj, the person referred to in the opening paragraph.

1. Andy Warhol. A committee of How to assignment metal, students wrote the essay documentary, actual text of a proposed bill not a note. The idea began in November of 2007 and not in the spring. 2. There was no staying up all night, and there was no on campus bbq. How To Make Metal. The committee obtained a meeting with Sen. Madison after a lot of warhol essay, work and didn’t just pass a note to her. The committee also spent months working with her and other legislators. to see the resolution passed. We don’t appreciate the trivialising narrative of report, our work. 3. The resolution never asked for the creation of socially aware investments, the options already existed. 4. Warhol Documentary. The conference I went to was well after the divestment process and was to share ideas about divestment with others as opposed to receiving inspiration for a essay, divestment.

5. There is an implication that I was skinny dipping and smoking marijuana in Belize. Neither is true. I hold the New York times in the highest regard and hope that you will take this seriously. In the future, I hope you check the. veracity of statements made before you publish them. Mervin Jebaraj, Research Assistant, Center for Business and Andy Economic Research. Liz Addison , 38, is a biology major whose goal is to become a large animal veterinarian.

She has trained a winning racehorse and is interested in College essay service American presidential history. Oh, the hand wringing. “College as America used to understand it is coming to an end,” bemoans Rick Perlstein and his beatnik friend of fallen face. Those days, man, when a pretentious reading list was all it took to lift a child from suburbia. When jazz riffs hung in the dorm lounge air with the smoke of a thousand bongs, and college really mattered. Andy Warhol Essay. Really mattered?

Rick Perlstein thinks so. It mattered so much to Bristol, him that he never got over documentary, his four years at the University of Privilege. So he moved back to Writing xat, live in Andy warhol essay documentary its shadow, like a retired ballerina taking a seat in the stalls. Make Assignment Metal. But when the curtain went up he saw students working and studying and working some more. Adults before their time.

Today, at the University of Privilege, the student applies with a Curriculum Vitae not a book list. Shudder. Frankie Thomas , is a junior majoring in cinema-television critical studies, with a minor in gender studies. Her immediate plans include dropping out at the end of the Andy warhol essay, year to write and/or travel. Report. She is a film maker and a blogger, with interests ranging from the social history of the Victorian era to essay documentary, birdwatching to accounting assignment pdf, the novels of warhol essay, Dawn Powell. I had the kind of college experience most people only dream about. Charged by Bristol the atmosphere of intellectual exploration, inspired by professors who pushed me farther than I’d ever imagined I could go, I made fascinating new friends at Skidmore; together we discovered Nabokov and Kafka, Citizen Kane and Dr. Strangelove, and our own literary voices. It was a three-week summer program. I was fifteen.

Now I’m twenty, halfway toward graduating from University of Southern California, and if I had a thousand dollars for every college student I know who Struggles With Depression…well, I still wouldn’t have enough money to Andy documentary, pay my full tuition. But it would keep me going for a semester or two, assuming I didn’t lose my own struggle and drop listlessly out. As our SATs would have put it, “depression” is to College service on leadership, “college campus” as “consumption” is to “Victorian orphanage,” and ours is a generation of wheezing waifs. Max Lance , 23, is a freshman at USC’s School of Andy documentary, Cinematic Arts, majoring in Help report writing for film and television. He hopes to warhol documentary, make his mark either with a “life-changing TV show” or by “marrying someone rich.” When I dropped out of college three years ago I would have completely agreed that college isn’t the cultural experience that it was hyped up to writer qvod, be.

As I return this September, I’ve realized that it’s a good thing it isn’t. I completely agree that college as America used to know it has come to Andy warhol, an end, but I believe that schools have changed for the better. The problem I had when I quit school the first time around was that I never adjusted to how schools have changed. I dropped out because of my mislaid expectations; the same ones that Rick Perlstein is nostalgic for. I’m going back to school because I’ve realized what the college experience is like today and I’m now more than prepared to Ghost, abuse it. Like nearly everyone in my graduating class, I attended higher education because that’s what we did next.

College seemed more like 13th grade rather than a place where I would be opened up to radical people and ways of essay, thinking. I spent my freshman and sophomore years doing what I needed to best dissertation, do to get good grades because that’s all I had done since kindergarten. And even though I worked hard to earn a 3.7 GPA, I dropped out of New York University because of a complete lack of passion for what I was studying (journalism, via process of elimination). Travis Weinger , 21, is a senior majoring in history, with a concentration in war, revolution and social change. His minor is political science. He is a founder of the Triton, a newspaper at documentary UCSD, and of the xat, Symposium, an on-campus discussion group. Rick Perlstein’s article, boiled down, is simply an extended version of the bitching that every generation hears from the one that preceded it: “Back when I went to school, we walked uphill in the snow both ways…” In sum, college mattered back when Mr. Perlstein went to it because that was when he went to Andy warhol essay documentary, it.

Since college has changed from when he remembered it, he wants us to believe that it has somehow degenerated into irrelevance. The vast majority of Perlstein’s complaints fit under the How to assignment, above rubric. Our college experience is not as liberating as his was (no longer can we simply phone public intellectuals and bully them into visiting our dorms). Our activists are not as radical as his were (we don’t take over enough buildings). Our connection to the Sixties isn’t as strong as his was (our band members aren’t former revolutionaries). We are not as alienated from Andy warhol essay, society as he was (we engage our world, not whine about it). Perlstein’s claim that his experience was in accounting some way both richer and harder than the next generation’s is an old one, and is continuously echoed by every generation. Like most complaints of this type, it is largely groundless and mildly insulting. To respond to it bit by bit would validate his nostalgic whining to Andy warhol essay, a degree it does not deserve. The Cultural Contradictions of American Universities. For the past twenty to thirty years, we have seen the great degradation of post-secondary education.

Conventional wisdom suggests that the problem lies simultaneously within the hands of the politicians and the students. This narrative does not account for the history of college. Throughout the modern age, the role college played in the national debate was minimal. To this date, there has only been one president with a Ph.D., and writer for books qvod both The New Deal and Truman’s Fair Deal did relatively little for college and education in general (with the exception of the G.I. Bill).

And even today, most candidates on both sides of the Andy warhol documentary, isle have the same prescription for college: the problem is lack of funding, therefore, the solution is to increase funding. It usually ends at that. In order to find the true crisis of Help for assignment report, college, we must first look at its true purpose. A few months ago, Charles Murray wrote a controversial series of columns in the Wall Street Journal arguing, not that college had been written out of the Andy essay documentary, national debate, but that its role is too great. Essentially, too many people are going to college who did not need college, but instead needed vocational training.

There are serious problems with his logic to report, be sure, not the least of which is warhol essay his obvious IQ-ism. While it is true that college is in need of some serious reforming, focusing solely on IQ will not solve them, for Help report, IQ is not the only purpose of college. For example, there are, what a professor of mine called, “latent overtones.” That is, those unexpected, and unintended consequences of college learning. For example, one might discover a great philosopher that he’s never heard of, or another collegiate finds that they enjoy a field of study which they did not expect. Andy Warhol Essay. But this is, of course, part of the intellectual journey of Bristol best, students.

College exists not, as conventional wisdom suggests, to Andy essay documentary, change the culture. It exists to writer qvod, create a new breed of intellectuals. All politics aside, students should exit college not knowing simply what to think, but how to think. This is where Mr. Murray and Andy essay documentary I agree. He hits the nail on the head when he describes the purpose of college, that college is created to train the elites to for college xat, do their jobs. However, this purpose has been lost in a quagmire of watered-down curricula and essay documentary fluff courses. Essay On Leadership. And this brings us to the real problem of college: the Andy warhol, searing anti-intellectualism of the youth. Education is the single most important factor in the growth of Financial assignment pdf, our country. Specifically, higher education paves a future and Andy documentary provides opportunity for students that attend college and gives them a shot at a career. 50 years ago, college was strictly for make assignment sheet, the elite, high class Americans.

Now, it seems that every common household has at Andy essay least one family member attend college. But with the service, increasing drop out rate today, students seem less interested in learning at warhol essay documentary college and their priorities change from their original goal of graduating. The importance of education today is a growing factor because the College help on leadership, future of this country depends on the students in college today. College is misunderstood by many incoming freshman. All of the essay documentary, television advertisements and billboards encouraging students to attend college are used as bait to a essay xat, reel in student’s tuition. Parents encourage their kids to attend college after graduating high school because they want to see their kids have a shot at success. However, college is not cut out for everyone. More freshman than ever are dropping out after their first year because college can be overwhelming through everything that takes place within campus boundaries. The pressures of Andy essay documentary, college whether it’s to essay on leadership, impress parents or maintain a high GPA grasps hold of many students while they are in Andy documentary college, freezing them from work and assignment attending class regularly. Back in the 50’s and Andy warhol documentary 60’s when college was becoming so popular, people attended college solely to improve their education and learn through the xat, college experience, in hopes of Andy warhol, obtaining a career after graduation.

Now, people attend college because their friends or girlfriend go there. Many people attend college just to party as much as possible. College can be misleading for teenagers fresh out of writer, high school, and people who feel that continuing their education isn’t the most important factor in attending college should not apply. College matters because without a thoroughly educated society, America would fall to its knees and regress into deep depression. Jobs would flounder because the people applying for them wouldn’t get accepted without college degrees. Pat Brown expanded university development in California in 1966 to encourage people of every social class to attend college and gain a higher education. The reason for his rapid expansion was because the number of essay documentary, college students doubled from 1957 to 1967, and Brown decided in essay service on leadership order to improve society and warhol essay keep America running, more universities should be built to attract new students. However, in 1997, only 54 percent of How to make sheet, students that attended college as freshmen graduated with a degree six years later, 30 percent not even finishing their freshman year.

Once students enroll in college, dropping out is the worst decision they can make. The opportunity cost of dropping can be detrimental to warhol, a student’s financial standing. Dropping out also means dropping tuition, and students are often left with debt to pay off depending on which year they dropped out. Bristol Dissertation. Entering in a low paying job, drop outs must slowly pay back student loans, which is why college is so important to stick to and graduate once enrolled. The likelihood of students being able to pay off student loans quickly after graduating is much greater than the Andy warhol essay documentary, likelihood of Financial, a drop out warhol documentary, paying off loans.

Drop outs sometimes will only make enough money per paycheck to Bristol, pay off previous college debts, not leaving any left over cash for leisure activities. Once choosing the decision to attend college, remaining in warhol college is the most important decision a student can make, in Help for assignment report order to avoid living a below average lifestyle. Young adults are fed by change. No matter how resistant or welcoming I am to warhol documentary, change, when all is said and done change sustains me. Two years as an undergraduate student at assignment pdf Fordham University have been made slightly easier by essay documentary knowing this about myself, because college means change. Even with the still shrinking cyber community and the ‘real world’ opportunities offered to many young people today, nothing can replace the rush of change attached to the college experience. College students are encouraged to make noise. When interviewed by Rick Perlstein for an article entitled ‘What’s the Matter With College” students were very vocal. Hamilton Morris, a New York bred college student, described a college experience where many students hate school “with a passion” and “don’t leave”. Perlstein writes that Morris’s feelings are proof of a “culture of enervation” which overwhelms many campuses today. Instead of assignment sheet metal, seeing what Perlstein describes, students without hope or the warhol essay, will to pursue their studies, I see Morris as describing a culture of restlessness.

Students who claim to best, hate college but still do not leave are experiencing a kind of restlessness which comes with the warhol documentary, package. Students experience change so quickly–changes of passions, opinions and interests. They are bound to assignment pdf, become restless, especially when the off-campus world is Andy warhol within arm’s length. I often smile to think the world is at my fingertips when I am surfing the internet, but the truth is my fingers are touching my keyboard, and I am planted in my kitchen chair drinking Diet Coke. College offers me the opportunity to shake hands with the leaders of business, art, science and medicine–something the internet can not give me.

College professors do not want students to accounting, be excited about school and theory alone–they want them to take their passion into warhol essay documentary the world beyond the campus. For Assignment Report. I am not writing this commentary for my school newspaper. I am writing it for New York Times Magazine, a publication Journalism majors like me aspire to work for. College urges me to aspire, to Andy, voice my opinions, and yes, to change. The problem with colleges in the 21st century is convoluted with many deciding factors, resulting in a more complex position for How to make metal, current college students to experience, unlike any previous generation of warhol, college students. In my opinion, being a college graduate student and one who has been involved in my school, I can honestly say that the biggest problem with our generation is the a essay for college, sense of nihilism, which is Andy plaguing the our very core of for books, our being. It is important to realize that this comes not only from college campuses, but the Andy documentary, society in general; people just don’t care. If they do care and want to be involved, societal pressures, mostly economic, is what keeps them from being invoked with the spirit of the previous generations. There seems to be no sense of How to sheet metal, urgency when it comes to our generation.

Nihilism will do that to everyone. Warhol Documentary. I also find it interesting that the people who do want to be involved do not necessarily know what to get involved with. In the 60s, it seemed to be clear cut what the problem was; racism, sexism, or the war in Vietnam. A contrast between the 60s generation and essay on leadership us now is that people do not what the Andy, problems really are. Essay. The mentality when speaking to college students; they seem to focus more on trying to get that 80K a year job then the socio-political issues affecting us. It is evident that we value the dollar more so than we value the human struggle. So apathy also plays a role.

It is warhol important to realize that we must do something, otherwise everyone suffers. Sending your child to college is not an option in American society, and it’s hardly a privilege at that. In today’s fierce and fast paced world it is assignment a necessity For most parents, thought goes into how they will even fund such a venture within the first few months of the Andy warhol essay documentary, child’s conception. College funds and savings bonds, money from relatives and graduation parties, this all gets stored until an accounting assignment entire portion of that funding goes towards expensive college visits. Warhol. Not only does the child want to service, go to college, that child has picked out 10 in warhol documentary which there is an orientation at report each for prospective parents. Andy Warhol Essay. They want to see where their money is going, as well as where their child will sleep, learn, and become the successful adult they were meant to be.

What is wrong with college? As a successful student at a prominent Chicago school, I, for one, have plenty of opinions on the matter. Let’s look at “our war” by first taking a retrospective glance at Vietnam. My father, a student at the time of Vietnam, was a conservative at a very conservative Indiana school. He still wore his GDI shirt most days of the week and talked highly of the report, camaraderie between fellow students. There were protests that were actually allowed on his campus. When the students died in the Kent incident he remembers rallies against the war in Andy documentary their honor. He also remembers reading the names of the dead soldiers with the rest of his class, keeping in somber memory the fight his country was in.

Bands of Ghost writer for books, students were scared, there was a draft in essay documentary effect. Everyone had war on the mind and as those 18 year olds took on their first years of college, they had a lot more to worry about than where the weekend’s keg party was taking place. College. They were learning, growing, and forming opinions on the world they were entering by knowing their current events and being passionate about them. Of course, without the internet, their local papers brought them more world events and less Lindsay Lohan. Being passionate about the world takes a certain naivety that forms when someone does not already have the opinions of others so easily accessible. The internet has taken so much of this away from current students. In my experience, you only have to make a choice on which websites to read. Looking at our war today, many students walk away from it, choosing not even to recognize that it affects their daily world.

There are many more cliques, many more places to falter, and many more reasons not to care. Hold a pen in Andy documentary front of accounting assignment, you and look at it; notice its size and color in particular. Now, slowly move it away until you have your arm fully extended. Notice anything different? Probably not, and that is how it should be. If we remember back to middle school science class, color is partially dependent upon Andy documentary, the angle that light hits an object.

But we just moved an object, causing the angle to best dissertation, change from our perspective, and essay documentary did not notice any change in color. The pen also moved further away without any apparent change in size. I forgot the intricate details that explain why this happens, something to do with a portion of the brain that keeps our perceptions fluid . What I do remember, and will never forget, is how cool this all seemed and how much more there is to the world when you get past the surface. College is a pretty different place today than it was for my parents thirty years ago. Then again, so were the two worlds in pdf which we were raised. Most kids in my generation were not raised in the Sandlot. We did not hang out at the malt shop after school.

And we definitely did not attend any sock hops (or if we did, best believe we did not call them that). Andy Documentary. Instead, we started out playing on jungle gyms with woodchips and Writing a essay xat protective rubber flooring underneath. Eventually, we found ourselves being chauffeured to organized baseball practice, in a minivan. By high school, the importance of getting into a good college had been seared into us and serious attention had to be allocated toward after-school activities and other kinds of enriching events to make sure that we were “well- rounded”. Here’s a fun game that anyone my age can play: ask your parents what they got on their SATs.

If they can, you win! Basically, it is like hitting the lottery, since your parents have to be like one out of a million. High school students in the 60’s did not pay $1,000 for an SAT class and definitely did not go to any Independent College Consultants. As Mr. Perlstein stated, college was seen as a place sort of apart from the rest of the world. Kids went there and were met with new people, ideas, and situations. Warhol Documentary. Back then, as I understand it, college was not seen as a stepping stone or a rung on the ladder. You did not go with the mindset that it was simply a means to end, a place to simply collect good grades and then experience the ‘director’s cut redux edition’ of college admissions in the form of graduate school, an internship or a job. Why College Matters: A Response to “What’s the qvod, Matter With College”

I suppose I should begin by saying that I don’t go to a real college. I mean, I don’t feel like I go to a real college. I don’t take real classes. Andy Documentary. I don’t live on a real campus. I’m a music major and attend the Peabody Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Peabody is an established music conservatory, one of the schools of Johns Hopkins University (despite what I say about it not being a “real” school). In his essay, Perlstein is best dissertation making it seem that today’s college undergraduates and the ideals we pursue are somehow deficient. That we’re missing out.

He’s especially concerned that we’re nothing like the students of the 60s and 70s. Warhol. He’s right about that, but that is nothing to be ashamed of. We’re students who want (or carry) the iPhone. We are environmental activists. Bristol Best. We’re more technologically savvy than Perlstein’s generation. Andy Warhol Essay Documentary. We get our information and Financial accounting communicate in a totally different way. We’re amazing jugglers. We’re a new breed. It is interesting to read that the defining issue for the 1966 California gubernatorial race was college. For my sake, and I’m sure for the sake of a lot of my peers, I wish it were still that way. College sounded romantic and fun.

My friends argue that things have changed in the past 40 years, and that there are bigger fish to fry. The war, for example. Making a living once college ends. Andy Warhol Essay Documentary. When they start complaining, however, about classes and stress, I ask them, “aren’t there bigger fish to fry?” at which they sigh outwardly, roll their eyes, and throw their hands up in the air. I understand where their frustration lies.

We still feel young in the scheme of things, and not ready to plan out our lives after college. It feels like we’ve been doing nothing but planning since freshman year of accounting, high school. Andy Documentary. Who has time to worry anyway? Right now, I am worrying if I have enough money to pay the rent this month. Many of my classmates worry how to Ghost for books qvod, pay for the next semester. To be honest, when it came to college, most of us never really had a choice. Where I grew up, in Andy essay Greenwich, Connecticut, there was never the option of “college vs. no college.” The choice was “Ivy League vs. A Essay For College. state school,” or something along those lines.

The whole getting-ready-for-college experience was important. As you thumb these pages, reader, loyal subscriber, conscious citizen with an appetite for inquiry and thoughtfulness, or may I say fellow American, you tell yourself that you want to Andy warhol essay, sample a young student’s intellect. Certainly I do believe that my own college experience has been important, even critical, to my life and to my thoughts here and now, but young and impressionable does not necessarily partner with a tame, meaningful sense of hindsight… My college experience has fostered some growth. But for the nation? Lend me some relevance. Help For Assignment Report. Am I to accurately describe my confusion with you over coffee to Andy essay documentary, tell you how this all breaks down–I fit in the puzzle and I’m one of the corners, right? Politics. We don’t have movements, and we don’t have causes. Financial Accounting Assignment. A choice between higher education and higher purpose has been made; show me one text message, fellow student, that you have wanted the whole country to read. Children live at school.

Especially if they don’t have much of a home life to live in the afternoon or evening, kids live and learn at school. College isn’t so different, only first graders aren’t expected to shape up all by themselves when they appear to be wasting time. Oh, college students aren’t either? Pity. Documentary. I guess higher education isn’t all that important.

Maybe the College essay service on leadership, problems of higher education are just fronds atop a mirage of public schooling. Talk to Herbert Kohl, Jonathan Kozol, John Taylor Gatto, men who are trying to wake this country up, and they’ll show you what’s happening to warhol essay documentary, my younger brothers and sisters. Content in the shade, college students loaf, while in more dangerous environs, under the pretext that they are to learn, children sit down in their desks each morning in the arms of a crumbling system. In college, we choose to sleep in, not to participate, excel, regress, etc. If higher education is Writing a essay for college important to the nation, why don’t more people act like it?

Better yet, if education is so important to the nation’s future, why is it neglected? Important as it is, I feel proud to remember the words of Thomas Jefferson, who often can remind us of politicians’ and Andy warhol essay citizens’ true responsibilities: “It is highly interesting to Bristol dissertation, our country, and it is the duty of its functionaries, to provide that every citizen in essay documentary it should receive an education proportioned to the condition and pursuits of his life.” He speaks to the politician, tells him to take a good look at his fellow Americans. What sort of education will he provide to match the condition, the quality of life? If the quality be poor, will he stick to poor schooling until lifestyles rise to the occasion? Try downtown Anywhere, where elementary schools have been forced to remove social studies and arts in favor of apparently year-round test preparation, for standards in English and mathematics. The “need to know” world and the world of standardization are one in the same, and columns of darkened bubbles are in no short supply, though there’s still a need to live. The Problem with College: Why We No Longer See Ourselves As “Part of” a Community. One anomaly of American society is that our universities play only a marginal role in our culture. In other nations, like France where intellectual life is Ghost writer not centered on their institutions of education, this may come as no surprise, but the virtues of American universities are indisputable. Academics wonder why they are allowed to be the Andy essay, nation’s intellectual leaders, but not its leaders, or even advisors, in the political or ethical arenas. Some are resentful of the mainstream society, thinking it apostate, as though they were priests of some outworn creed, but this alienation, which has developed in tandem with the evolution of academia, did not come because the for assignment report, society rejected the university as a social or moral authority, but rather because the university ran out of the energy it took to function in this role.

This occurred, at warhol essay documentary least partially, because those of us in college found that the values we shared were not strong enough to unite us. From the time of Plato, the purpose of the university has not been to represent the Bristol, society or culture in which it exists but to pursue truth. Most academics, who may disagree on what truth is in warhol essence, would agree that it is Financial accounting assignment a noble and worthy objective. And, since truth is their goal, many of them think themselves justified in being alienated from mainstream society. This does not mean their views are homogenous; I can testify that, at the University of Idaho (to name one example), the politics of professors in the College of warhol documentary, Business are not shared by Financial assignment pdf the English instructors; but what the two departments have in Andy essay common is writer for books their distance from America’s political center. This is warhol essay largely because specialists in any field, whether that field is philosophy or political science, tend to Financial pdf, feel invalidated if anyone could reach the same conclusions that they do.

It is a telling fact that, at least until recent years, there was a higher percentage of warhol essay, self-described Marxist literary critics than blue-color workers. Nonetheless, this desire for academic innovation benefits the university in Bristol that it makes professors’ research original; it is for this reason that, whenever universities are rated according to Andy warhol documentary, prestige, the United States constantly is found to have the greatest number of help on leadership, prestigious institutions. Even so, there is another facet to a professor’s job, teaching. This requirement creates a dilemma for essay documentary, many professors: their strenuous educations and meticulous research has caused many of sheet metal, them to become opinionated, but, at the same time, they need to warhol essay, keep their students pacified while educating them in Financial accordance with principles which the warhol, students may not share. Thus, they (and the students) learn that it is assignment sheet easier to ignore worldview-related issues. In searching for the least common ethical denominator among the group, the instructors and the instructed clandestinely agree that the values which they hold as specific to their Weltanschauungs do not apply to everyone, and, if they do, the value of placidity applies even more.

As Allan Bloom wrote in 1987, “[A]lmost every student entering the university . . Andy Warhol Documentary. . says he believes . . . Writing. that truth is relative” (1). While this outlook may work in as far as it prevents conflicts, it is an ineffective communal bond. Warhol Essay Documentary. This is because the values of the classroom are provisional and–most students cannot help but feel–artificial. They haven’t the power to unite the students and make metal faculty in a community, which requires common interests and mores. In July, The Magazine published What's the Matter With College, an essay by the historian Rick Perlstein, online and Andy warhol essay invited college students across the Help, United States to respond.

Some 600 undergraduates did -- many agreeing with Perlstein's assertion that college as America used to understand it is coming to an end, many dismissing his argument as so much nostalgic pap, still others taking the occasion to critique higher education from an insider's perch. To continue the conversation, we're featuring the winning student essay and four runners-up, and posting another 450 of the warhol essay, entries in make assignment a searchable format. Andy Essay. (The other entries were withdrawn by their authors or did not follow the contest's rules.)

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La gestion des erreurs dans Excel. Dans ce tutoriel, vous allez apprendre les types d'erreurs pouvant survenir dans Excel (formules et macros) ainsi que les outils disponibles pour grer ces erreurs. Tous les exemples proposs ont t tests avec Excel2002. Article lu fois. Publié le 25 fvrier 2007 - Mis à jour le 1 er avril 2007. Des erreurs peuvent parfois apparatre dans les formules de calcul ou lors de l'excution d'une macro.

L'erreur peut tre la consquence d'une saisie errone, mais peut parfois aussi tre invitable: Exemple des formules dans un tableau de bord prrempli et complt chaque fin de mois. Andy Essay! Les cellules contenant des formules pour les prochains mois peuvent logiquement renvoyer une erreur car les donnes ne sont pas encore renseignes. Pdf! De la mme faon, une macro qui vrifie l'existence d'une feuille peut logiquement renvoyer une erreur si l'onglet n'existe pas. Un petit triangle vert, dans l'angle suprieur gauche, permet de visualiser rapidement les cellules contenant des erreurs. Les formules Excel renvoient des valeurs d'erreur spcifiques en fonction du problme rencontr: Survient lorsque vous spcifiez une intersection de deux zones qui, en ralit, ne se coupent pas. * Par exemple lors de l'utilisation d'un oprateur de plage incorrect ( =SOMME(A1 A10) ). Documentary! Il manque les deux-points (:) dans la formule pour sparer la rfrence de la premire cellule de la rfrence de la dernire cellule. Survient lorsqu'un nombre est divis par zro. Survient lorsqu'un argument ou un lment de la formule est inappropri. * Vous avez attribu une plage un oprateur ou une fonction qui exige une seule valeur et non pas une plage. * Les lments de la formule ne sont pas compatibles (Par exemple =10+mimi ).

* Il s'agit d'une formule matricielle qui doit tre revalide: Dans ce cas slectionnez la cellule, touche F2 puis appuyez sur CTRL+MAJ+ENTRE. * Les dimensions de la matrice sont incorrectes. Survient lorsque les coordonnes d'une cellule ne sont pas valides. * Lors de l'utilisation d'une liaison non valide (Vrifiez le format de la liaison ='C:dossier[NomClasseur.xls]NomFeuille'!$A$1 ). * Lorsque la liaison vers une rubrique d'change dynamique de donnes (DDE ou Dynamic Data Exchange) n'est pas disponible. * Aprs la suppression ou le collage de cellules auxquelles d'autres formules font rfrence. Survient lorsque l'application ne reconnat pas le texte dans une formule. * Vrifiez l'existence et l'orthographe des cellules et plages nommes.

* Vrifiez l'existence et l'orthographe des fonctions utilises. * La formule contient une rfrence vers une fonction personnelle inexistante (Vrifiez que les fichiers xls ou xla contenant la fonction complmentaire sont bien ouverts. * Vrifiez la prsence deux points (:) ncessaires pour rfrencer une plage de cellules. * Vrifiez que l'utilisation des tiquettes est bien autorise: Menu Outils/Options/Slectionnez l'onglet Calcul/Cochez l'option Accepter les tiquettes dans les formules./Cliquez sur le bouton OK pour valider. * Vrifiez que les textes sont encadrs par des guillemets (Par exemple =RECHERCHE(mimi;A:A) ).

* Si la formule fait rfrence des valeurs ou des cellules d'autres feuilles de calcul ou d'autres classeurs dont le nom contient un caractre non alphabtique ou un espace, vrifiez que vous avez bien plac une apostrophe (') de part et d'autre du nom ( ='Nom Feuille'!C9 ). Survient si formule ou une fonction contient des valeurs numriques non valides. * Lorsqu'un nombre est trop grand ou trop petit pour tre reprsent dans Excel. Financial! Les valeurs doivent tre compris entre -1*10 307 et 1*10 307 . * Lorsqu'une fonction qui s'excute par itration ne parvient pas trouver un rsultat. Pour rsoudre le problme, dans le menu Outils/Options/onglet Calcul/Cochez l'option Itration. * Lorsqu'un argument est incorrect dans une fonction qui exige un argument numrique. Survient lorsqu'une valeur ncessaire au bon fonctionnement de la formule est manquante. * Si la dimension des plages de cellules n'est pas identique dans les formule matricielles: Par exemple, =SOMMEPROD((A1:A10=dvp)*(B1:B9=number one)) renvoie une erreur. Warhol Essay! Vous devez crire: =SOMMEPROD((A1:A10=dvp)*(B1:B10=number one))

* Si des cellules rfrences dans la formule contiennent des valeurs #N/A ou NA(). * Si une fonction personnalise n'est pas disponible. * Si un argument obligatoire est absent, ou d'un type inappropri dans la fonction. * Si les fonctions RECHERCHEV, RECHERCHEH ou INDEX effectuent une recherche dans une ligne ou une colonne non trie. Spcifiez la valeur FAUX dans le dernier argument de ces fonctions. For Assignment Report! Elles peuvent ainsi effectuer une recherche dans une ligne ou une colonne non trie. * Survient lorsqu'une colonne n'est pas suffisamment large pour afficher la totalit d'une donne numrique: Modifiez tout simplement la largeur de la colonne afin de rgler le problme. * Survient lorsque les calculs sur les dates et les heures donnent des rsultats ngatifs.

Si vous utilisez le calendrier depuis 1900, les dates et les heures doivent imprativement tre positives. 1ere solution. Warhol Essay! Modifiez le format de la cellule contenant la formule: Clic droit dans la cellule/Format de cellule/ Onglet Nombre/Slectionnez la catgorie Standard par exemple/Cliquez sur le bouton OK pour valider. 2eme solution. Pdf! Passez en calendrier depuis 1904: Menu outils/Options/Onglet Calcul/Cochez l'option Calendrier depuis 1904. II-B. Essay! L'aide la rsolution des erreurs^ Vous pouvez utiliser l'aide Excel (F1) pour obtenir des informations trs dtailles sur chaque type d'erreur.

Cliquez sur ce bouton pour afficher un menu d'aide la rsolution des problmes. * Description du type d'erreur. * Afficher l'aide Excel associe l'erreur identifie. * Modifier la formule. * Evaluer la formule. * Masquer la balise et le petit triangle vert. * Reprer les antcdents contenant des erreurs. * Afficher la barre d'outils d'Audit des formules.

* Afficher la bote de dialogue d'options pour la vrification des erreurs. La barre d'outils d' Audit des formules propose aussi plusieurs outils pour identifier les erreurs. (Menu Outils/Audit de formules/Afficher la barre d'outils) Slectionnez la cellule contenant la formule puis cliquez sur le bouton Reprer les antcdents . La commande dessine des flches d'audit partir des cellules qui fournissent directement des valeurs la formule active (antcdents). Une flche rouge signifie que la cellule antcdente contient une erreur. Pour reprer les formules qui fournissent indirectement les valeurs la formule de la cellule active, cliquez nouveau sur le bouton Reprer les antcdents . Les paramtres et les rgles de vrification d'erreurs sont accessibles depuis le menu Outils/Options/Onglet Vrification des erreurs. II-C. Help For Assignment! Les formules pour grer les erreurs^

Excel dispose aussi de fonctions spcifiques pour identifier et grer les erreurs. Renvoie VRAI si la cellule contient une erreur (autre que #NA). Renvoie VRAI si la cellule contient une erreur (#NA compris). Cette formule affiche dans la cellule si la division A1/A2 renvoie une erreur: Formule valider par Ctrl+Maj+Entree. Slectionnez toutes les cellules, puis le Menu Format/Mise en forme conditionnelle.

Dans le champ La formule est:, saisissez =ESTERREUR(A1) Puis Format/Police/Slectionnez la police blanche. Cliquez sur le bouton OK dans les diffrentes botes de dialogue. Les valeurs d'erreur sont dsormais toutes masques. Vrifie si la cellule contient une erreur type #N/A (Renvoie VRAI ou FAUX). Renvoie une valeur en fonction du type d'erreur dans la cellule. #DIV/0! : renvoie 2. #VALEUR! : renvoie 3. #NOMBRE! : renvoie 6. La fonction renvoie #N/A si la cellule ne contient pas d'erreur.

Renvoie la valeur d'erreur #N/A dans la cellule contenant cette formule. La fonction NA permet de marquer les cellules vides et vite d'inclure involontairement des cellules vides dans les calculs. Vous pouvez aussi saisir directement #N/A dans la cellule. Les erreurs d'excution se produisent lorsqu'une instruction tente d'accomplir une opration non valide. Chaque erreur d'excution provoque l'arrt des macros. Essay! La ligne incrimine est surligne en jaune et un message d'alerte s'affiche l'cran. Le numro d'erreur ainsi qu'une description courte s'affichent dans la bote de dialogue. Le bouton Fin permet de sortir immdiatement de la procdure. Le bouton Dbogage ferme le message d'alerte et affiche la ligne qui a dclench l'erreur.

Le bouton Aide ouvre l'aide associe au code d'erreur. C'est l'instruction On Error qui valide la gestion d'erreur. Financial Accounting Assignment! Le gestionnaire est ensuite activ lorsque survient une erreur. Effectue un branchement vers une ligne spcifie. Warhol! Par exemple On Error goTo errorHandler. On Error GoTo errorHandler doit tre plac juste aprs la dclaration des variables, ou au moins avant la premire ligne de procdure risquant de provoquer une erreur.

errorHandler: doit tre plac en fin de procdure, ventuellement prcd par l'instruction Exit Sub . Invalide le gestionnaire d'erreurs prcdemment cr par l'instruction On Error Goto. Chaque erreur d'excution provoque l'arrt des macros, aprs la ligne On Error GoTo 0 . Permet de continuer la procdure et passe directement la ligne suivante, en cas d'erreur. Par exemple, lorsque vous vrifiez l'existence d'une feuille dans le classeur: Cette instruction doit tre employe avec prudence car elle masque tous les bugs qui peuvent survenir dans la procdure. Financial Accounting Assignment Pdf! Vous ne recevrez aucune information pour localiser une erreur qui pourrait avoir une influence sur le rsultat final de votre macro. Essay Documentary! Utilisez On Error Resume Next seulement si vous ne pouvez pas faire autrement, ou de faon cible sur une ligne prcise (Comme dans l'exemple prcdent). L'objet Err contient des informations sur les erreurs d'excution. For Assignment! Lorsqu'une erreur se produit, les proprits de l'objet Err stockent d'une part des informations qui identifient l'erreur et d'autre part des informations permettant de grer cette erreur. La mthode Clear rinitialise le contenu de l'objet Err la suite du traitement d'une erreur.

Les proprits de l'objet Err sont alors remises zro ou remplaces par des chanes de longueur nulle. * Tout type d'instruction Resume. * Exit Sub, Exit Function ou Exit Property. * Toute instruction On Error. La proprit Description renvoie ou dfinit un chane de caractres qui correspond une courte description de l'erreur.

La proprit HelpFile renvoie ou dfinit le chemin d'accs complet un fichier d'aide. La proprit HelpContext renvoie ou dfinit l'identificateur de contexte associ une rubrique d'un fichier d'aide. La proprit LastDllError renvoie un code d'erreur systme produit lors de l'appel d'une bibliothque de Liaisons Dynamiques (DLL). La proprit Number renvoie ou dfinit une valeur numrique spcifique en fonction du type d'erreur. Warhol! Il s'agit de la proprit par dfaut de l'objet Err . Consultez le chapitre III-D-1 si vous souhaitez lister les codes d'erreurs dfinis dans Excel. La mthode Raise est utilise pour gnrer une erreur d'excution dans la macro. La syntaxe: Err.Raise Number, Source, Description, HelpFile, HelpContext. Identifie la nature de l'erreur.

La plage de 0 512 est rserve aux erreurs systme. A Essay For College Xat! La plage de 513 65535 est disponible pour les erreurs dfinies par l'utilisateur. (Facultatif) Nomme l'objet ou l'application l'origine de l'erreur. (Facultatif) Spcifie la chane de caractres qui dcrit l'erreur. (Facultatif) Dfinit le chemin d'accs complet au fichier d'aide associ cette erreur.

Si ce chemin n'est pas indiqu, la procdure adopte le fichier d'aide de Visual Basic. (Facultatif) Dsigne l'identificateur de contexte contenu dans le fichier d'aide. La proprit Source renvoie ou dfinit une chane de caractres indiquant le nom de l'objet ou de l'application qui a gnr l'erreur. La fonction ERL permet de rcuprer le numro de ligne qui a provoqu une erreur dans la macro. Vous devez avoir pralablement numrot les lignes de procdure dans l'diteur de macros. ERL renvoie 0 s'il n'y a pas d'erreur dans la procedure. ERL renvoie 0 si aucune ligne n'est numrote dans la macro. III-D-1. Andy Warhol Essay Documentary! Lister les codes d'erreurs dans une feuille de calcul^ Les codes d'erreurs rcuprables sont stocks dans le fichier d'aide VbLR6.chm (Excel2002).

III-D-2. College Essay On Leadership! Identifier automatiquement l'apparition des erreurs dans la feuille de calcul^ Cette procdure vnementielle Worksheet_Calculate affiche un message d'alerte ds qu'une formule provoque une erreur. Une option permet d'ouvrir l'aide Excel. (Ou Menu Outils/Audit de formules/Supprimer toutes les flches) III-D-3. Andy Warhol Documentary! Retrouver les cellules qui contiennent des erreurs^ La macro suivante retrouve les cellules qui contiennent des erreurs dans la plage spcifie. La fonction Error renvoie le message correspondant au numro d'erreur spcifi. Si le numro d'erreur n'est pas valide, une erreur se produit. College Help On Leadership! Si le numro d'erreur est omis, le message correspondant l'erreur d'excution la plus rcente est renvoy.

Si aucune erreur d'excution n'est survenue, ou si la valeur est gale 0, la fonction Error renvoie une chane de longueur nulle (). La fonction IsError renvoie une valeur de type Boolean qui indique si l'expression spcifie est une valeur d'erreur. La fonction CVErr renvoie une donne de type Variant et de sous-type Error contenant un numro d'erreur spcifi par l'utilisateur. Il est particulirement interessant de prendre en compte les erreurs lorsque vous devez grer et anticiper toutes les manipulations de l'utilisateur final. Andy Warhol! Dans ce cas, une rflexion doit tre mene en amont pour identifier les problmes qui pourraient survenir.

Faites tester le classeur par plusieurs utilisateurs (de prfrence non spcialistes) et possdant des configurations diffrentes afin de valider votre gestionnaire d'erreur. Vous avez aim ce tutoriel ? Alors partagez-le en cliquant sur les boutons suivants :

inserted by FC2 system