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Jewish blood splatters from the knife.’” Hitler became chancellor of Germany on Do my for me, January 20, 1933, right then, the Franks knew they had to Persuasive essays against abortion escape to a . different country. All of the cheap Frank’s except Annelies moved to the Netherlands in the fall of ’33. Anne stayed back with her grandmother in Germany until February of the next year. She quickly became an outstanding, popular student at Amsterdam's Sixth Montessori School in 1934 when she met up with her family in login website, the Netherlands. She was a happy-go-lucky. Adolf Hitler , Anne Frank , Auschwitz concentration camp 1402 Words | 5 Pages. Bauer Essay One Anne Frank Who would of thought that one story could have such a lasting impression on you? I certainly didn’t . think that a book could change a way a young kid viewed upon homework for me, life. I didn’t happen to really like books or get much interested in reading until the one day in the 7th grade when I was introduced to the story “ Anne Frank, A Diary of a Young Girl.” Anne Frank’s story inspired me and made me thankful for everything I have in my life. Anne Frank said in her diary.

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How Laissez-Faire Made Sweden Rich. Sweden often gets held up as an example of how socialism can work better than markets. But, as Norberg shows, Sweden’s history in fact points to the opposite conclusion. Once upon a time I got interested in theories of Do my homework cheap, economic development because I had studied a low-income country, poorer than Congo, with life expectancy half as long and I need writing a song james, infant mortality three times as high as the average developing country. That country is my own country, Sweden—less than 150 years ago. At that time Sweden was incredibly poor—and hungry. When there was a crop failure, my ancestors in northern Sweden, in Angermanland, had to mix bark into the bread because they were short of flour. Life in homework cheap online, towns and cities was no easier. Overcrowding and a lack of health services, sanitation, and refuse disposal claimed lives every day. Well into the twentieth century, an ordinary Swedish working-class family with five children might have to live in one room and a kitchen, which doubled as a dining room and bedroom. Many people lodged with other families.

Housing statistics from website, Stockholm show that in 1900, as many as 1,400 people could live in homework cheap, a building consisting of 200 one-room flats. In conditions like these it is little wonder that disease was rife. People had large numbers of children not only for lack of contraception, but also because of the risk that not many would survive for long. As Vilhelm Moberg, our greatest author, observed when he wrote a history of the Swedish people: “Of all the wondrous adventures of the Swedish people, none is more remarkable and wonderful than this: that it survived all of them.” 1. But in one century, everything was changed. Sweden had the fastest economic and social development that its people had ever experienced, and one of the fastest the world had ever seen. Between 1850 and 1950 the average Swedish income multiplied eightfold, while population doubled. Help? Infant mortality fell from 15 to 2 per cent, and homework for me, average life expectancy rose an incredible 28 years. A poor peasant nation had become one of the world’s richest countries. Many people abroad think that this was the triumph of the Persuasive against abortion, Swedish Social Democratic Party, which somehow found the perfect middle way, managing to tax, spend, and regulate Sweden into a more equitable distribution of Do my cheap, wealth—without hurting its productive capacity. And so Sweden—a small country of nine million inhabitants in the north of Europe—became a source of inspiration for people around the world who believe in government-led development and distribution.

But there is something wrong with this interpretation. In 1950, when Sweden was known worldwide as the great success story, taxes in Cheap inc, Sweden were lower and homework cheap, the public sector smaller than in the rest of Europe and the United States. It was not until then that Swedish politicians started levying taxes and C assignment for nursing, disbursing handouts on a large scale, that is, redistributing the wealth that businesses and workers had already created. Sweden’s biggest social and economic successes took place when Sweden had a laissez-faire economy, and Do my homework cheap, widely distributed wealth preceded the welfare state. This is the story about how that happened. 2 It is a story that must be learned by countries that want to be where Sweden is today, because if they are to help accomplish that feat, they must do what Sweden did back then, not what an already-rich Sweden does now. In 1763 Anders Chydenius, a young priest from Osterbotten in Finland (then part of Sweden), sat down to write his contribution to an essay contest. The question he would answer was the most important in homework cheap online, Sweden at the time: “Why do so many people leave Sweden?” Emigration had increased and was seen as a big problem.

The common interpretation was that people were lazy and for nursing, greedy, and instead of Do my for me online, assuming responsibility and working hard, they were tempted by promises of an easier life abroad. Chydenius’s response was the opposite. Help For Nursing? There is nothing wrong with emigration, he wrote. The problem is the oppressive and corrupt system that makes it impossible for people to stay in Sweden and build a good life there. In detailing all the homework online, abuses, regulations, and taxes that destroyed opportunity, Chydenius outlined a radical laissez-faire critique of the Swedish government. He showed that privileges, license requirements, and trade prohibitions protected a small lazy aristocracy and stopped hard-working people from Ut homework, making their own luck. High taxes confiscated whatever they managed to create; a corrupt justice system made it impossible for Do my homework cheap online, them to help for nursing win against the powerful; and restrictions on the press made it illegal for for me cheap online, them to I need writing a song james brown complain about it. “Fatherland without freedom and merit is a big word with little meaning,” he pointed out. Chydenius was a modern priest, steeped in Enlightenment ideas. He spread science and medicine to the region and helped farmers to improve agricultural production with modern methods. He was also familiar with the French Physiocrats’ economic ideas.

But most of all his firsthand experience of the suffering of the people accounts for his political and economic worldview. Others thought the poor were lazy and hopeless, at best the object of their pity. Chydenius turned this perspective on its head: The poor are intelligent and hard working—they had to be to survive in such a harsh geographical and economic climate. The problem was that they had to devote most of that energy and hard work to avoiding regulations, taxes, and corruption. Therefore one thing he struggled persistently against was class legislation, which forced the poor to work for online, the aristocrats and big farmers, and prevented them from changing employer or negotiate over Cheap essays inc wages.

Chydenius looked at particular cases of oppression, extending this belief in human liberty to new areas and universalizing it to create a consistently libertarian system of homework cheap, ideas. He wanted a minimal state that guaranteed the essays, “security of our lives and properties,” with its only task to being prevention of “foreign violence and domestic oppression.” Apart from that, the government shouldn’t intervene. The size of Do my cheap, government and taxes should be drastically reduced. Markets and for nursing, trade should be completely free. He opposed subsidies even to economic sectors that he appreciated himself, like farming and fishing. According to Chydenius, even government had to abide by the Seventh Commandment—not to homework for me cheap online steal. Farmers should be given complete property rights to their land, and even the poorest peasants should be given control of their own labor. The country should open its borders and allow people to move freely to and from Sweden/Finland.

People should be free to discuss ideas and make up their own minds. Even in matters of religion, he thought that the government should be liberal and give the same rights to all beliefs. “I speak exclusively for the small, but blessed word, freedom ,” he concluded. 3. What made Chydenius a pivotal figure in Swedish political history was that he was an Term paper, activist and not just a theoretician. His defense of Do my homework cheap, local farmers’ right to trade freely made him popular, and his region’s priests elected him to parliament. In 1765-66 he traveled to Stockholm, where he made a lasting mark on Ap english language released, his country. Do My Homework For Me Cheap? This came during a brief period when Sweden had a weak monarch and a strong parliament. In 1765 the anti-Russian “hat party” lost power to the “caps,” who were a bit more interested in Persuasive against abortion, peace and restraint in government spending, but had no coherent ideology. Online? Chydenius was about to against give them one. Homework For Me Cheap? (The mercantilist, pro-war camp in parliament derided their opponents as “nightcaps”, and in I need james -, contrast they started calling themselves “hats”. Homework? The names stuck.) Because of his political talent and against abortion, several well-formulated pamphlets that he published while in parliament, Chydenius became a leader for the non-aristocratic wing of the cap party.

This led to successful parliamentary votes for trade liberalization, reduced subsidies, and lower taxes. Most important, Chydenius managed to win support for a freedom-of-the-press statute, abolishing censorship in Do my for me, Sweden. As a result, the abortion, authorities’ decisions and documents were made public. That was unique to the world in 1766, and homework for me, Sweden earned a reputation for being a country where debate was free. One pamphlet that Chydenius published was more important than the others. The National Gain was a short but forceful argument for economic freedom. Chydenius explained why a free market is C assignment for nursing self-regulating because the profit motive and the price mechanism keep us all in check and stimulates us to help others by producing the kind of goods and services they want most: [E]very individual spontaneously tries to find the place and the trade in which he can best increase National gain, if laws do not prevent him from Do my for me cheap online, doing so.

Every man seeks his own gain. This inclination is so natural and necessary that all Communities in the world are founded upon help, it. Do My For Me Cheap Online? Otherwise Laws, punishments and rewards would not exist and mankind would soon perish altogether. The work that has the greatest value is always best paid, and research papers, what is best paid is most sought after.… This conception of the National gain, however hard it may seem to be on Do my for me online, our new enterprises, is nevertheless the simplest and easiest in itself. It gives liberty to all lawful trades, though not at the expense of the login, others.

It protects the poorest business and encourages diligence and free trade. It weighs everybody in the same scales, and gain is the right measure that shows who should have the preference. It relieves the Government from thousands of uneasy worries, Statutes and for me cheap online, supervisions, when private and National gain merge into Persuasive essays abortion, one interest, and the harmful selfishness, which always tries to cloak itself beneath the Statutes, can then most surely be controlled by cheap mutual competition. It allows a Swede to essays against abortion exercise the dearest and greatest right in Nature the Do my online, Almighty has given him as man, i.e. to support himself in for nursing, the sweat of his brow in whatever way he thinks best. It snatches away the pillow of laziness from the arms of homework for me, those who, thanks to Persuasive essays abortion their Privileges, can now safely sleep away two-thirds of their time. All expedients to live without work will be removed and homework cheap, none but the released, diligent can become well-off. It makes a desirable reduction in our Lawsuits.

The numerous Statutes, their explanations, exceptions and applications, which fetter trades in one way or another, will then be unnecessary and grow silent, and when the Law is annulled, its breach will amount to nothing. 4. On these simple observations of the power of the price mechanism and the self-regulation of the free market, Chydenius built his worldview of economic liberalism. It was the invisible hand 11 years before The Wealth of Nations , and Chydenius has indeed been called “the Nordic Adam Smith.” According to Eli Heckscher, one of Do my cheap online, Sweden’s most famous economists in the 20th century, the pamphlet would probably have gained an impressive international reputation if it had been translated into a major language at that time. Chydenius’s radicalism alienated the nobility within his own party, and Cheap, he was actually thrown out of parliament by homework for me online the party because he criticized their monetary policies openly.

But his influence continued to grow, partly because the monetary policies led to a crisis, just as he had warned. Several of the Ap english, most important figures in the cultural elite, who were close to the King Gustaf III, were heavily influenced by Do my for me cheap online Chydenius’s thoughts. That goes for Nils von Rosenstein, an writing a song james -, enlightenment proponent who led the Swedish Academy; and the famous poet Johan Henrik Kellgren, who attacked religious mysticism and conservatives in his plays and poems, and explained why the market should be liberalized in economic essays. Do My Homework For Me Online? Von Rosenstein and Kellgren even started an organization, with themselves as the only members, to mock the occult and superstitious organizations of essays inc, late 18th-century Sweden. It was called “Pro sensu communi” (For Common Sense) and observed August 29 as a holiday—John Locke’s birthday. For Me Cheap Online? Their view was that human beings were rational creatures who need to think for themselves to understand the world and decide how to language live; therefore coercion should be abolished since it forces us to act against our own rational conclusions. The king himself signed a freedom-of-religion bill, drafted by Chydenius, that gave Jews the right to settle in Sweden. He also gave farmers more control over for me cheap their land and liberalized agricultural trade. But the king also ended the era of strong parliament and centralized power in himself. Login Website? After he was murdered in for me online, 1792 by a strange conspiracy between nobles’ who fought for I need a song james brown, their privileges and some who were inspired by the French Revolution, his son, Gustaf IV Adolf, used these powers to Do my online censor political debate and suspend parliament.

But liberal ideas weren’t dead. Papers? Georg Adlersparre, an officer who called his belief in personal freedom and property rights “liberal” as early as 1804, published a controversial enlightenment magazine called Readings on Mixed Subjects . And it was mixed, indeed. Poems and philosophical studies were published next to articles about the need to for me cheap online liberalize the alcohol industry and the first Swedish translation of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations . Adlersparre added footnotes to explain how Smith’s ideas could be implemented in Sweden. When the king’s policies led the website, country to stagnation and conflicts with Russia, Denmark, and France, Swedes grew increasingly hostile to his rule. Taxation and inflation put even heavier burdens on the people. In late 1808 the Swedish military had to abandon the eastern half of the country—Finland—to attacking Russian troops. The resentment against the king who couldn’t wage war but refused to make peace grew even in military circles.

At that time, Adlersparre, who now led the Swedish western army, published a proclamation saying that military conflict and political oppression were about to destroy Sweden. It was a revolutionary manifesto: To save the homework cheap, country, the army should move against the king. Adlersparre and his troops began a popular march toward Stockholm. The king decided to flee southwards, but was arrested by people within the Stockholm bureaucracy. To make sure that this also led to real political changes, Adlersparre continued the Ap english essays, march and Do my online, the army occupied Stockholm until a new parliament was assembled and writing brown, reforms began to be implemented. This was the Revolution of 1809—the only violent revolution in Sweden’s modern history, and Do my cheap online, it was initiated by a liberal officer and publisher inspired by Adam Smith. The path to freedom would not be as straight as the liberals hoped at the time. The parliament restored freedom of the press, carried through some economic reforms, and reduced the aristocracy’s privileges. But the liberals, now united in the Liberal Party, were disappointed—and even more so when Sweden got a new king. Always eager to help for nursing make friends with the strongest powers around, the Swedish Parliament chose one of Do my homework for me cheap, Napoleon’s generals, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (soon to be Carl XIV Johan), as the new king.

He surprised everybody by making peace with Russia (he abandoned Finland but took Norway from Denmark) and also by being hostile to help for nursing enlightenment ideals and further reforms. The liberals were once again in opposition. Do My For Me Online? However, the fact that the revolution had restored Chydenius’s free-speech statute meant that debate was relatively free and inc, that a genuine liberal movement could be formed. Influences from France and England continued to homework for me online build support for libertarian ideas in the early 19th century. Land reforms had given farmers property rights to their land. Writing James Brown? Agricultural production grew more efficient, while many people had to Do my for me leave the land. The unemployed and the poor moved to the cities, only to find that the industries with the potential to grow and provide jobs were stopped by antiquated policies. Essays Inc? Local guilds controlled the urban professions and made all decisions about who had the right to work and what to produce of which quality and at what price.

Rules and regulations stopped the Do my for me cheap online, iron and against, forest industries from expanding, and a lot of imports and some exports were simply forbidden. As a result, opposition to economic controls grew by the day. A growing group among the nobles also began to see the problem with a society built on homework for me online, privileges and hierarchies. C Assignment Help? At the same time, a middle class began to Do my for me online emerge. Farmers who grew richer with increased production, urban merchants who began to make some progress, and language released, civil servants who were neither nobles nor merchants did not feel at home in the old structure or in the corporatist parliament with its four estates: nobles, priests, merchants, and farmers.

Members of these groups had capital, but weren’t allowed to invest it freely. They had ideas, but weren’t free to implement them. These groups began to find one another in the early 19th century. And the man who made it happen was a tall, young, red-haired radical newspaperman, Lars Johan Hierta. Hierta was a successful businessman, always fascinated by the latest technologies, and in the end he became one of the richest men in Sweden because of his business ventures. He was also a politician, always trying to build an opposition alliance in homework cheap, the parliament. But most important, in 1830 he founded Aftonbladet (the Evening Paper), the first modern Swedish newspaper, a bastion of Term research papers goals, Swedish laissez-faire liberalism and the first publication to Do my for me cheap attack not just abuses of power, but political power as such.

Hierta launched Aftonbladet with the Term research papers goals, last of his money—had it failed he would have been ruined. But it was a stunning success. The revolutionary Adlersparre was the first supporter and sponsor. It was the first Swedish newspaper to combine news and advertising, and Do my homework, as an evening paper, it could report on the news that arrived with the morning mail. Ap English Language Released? Because of Hierta’s sense of humor, the paper was satirical and fun to Do my homework cheap online read amidst all the serious criticism. In Aftonbladet , the growing middle class could read the first real “social reports” on paper research papers goals, how the country was doing: the destitution in rural areas, the homework cheap, horrible conditions in the crowded urban centers. Papers Goals? But they could also read about the homework for me, solutions—liberalization and industrialization. Aftonbladet pointed to more liberal countries as positive examples: Norway, England, France and the United States. On his wall, Hierta had a copy of Trumbull’s painting of the C assignment help, signing of the American Declaration of Independence—a declaration Hierta called “the most beautiful truth and foundation for a society”. With his urban enlightenment-liberalism, Hierta became the voice for the emerging middle class. His first proposal in Do my homework cheap online, parliament—dealing with public drinking—says a lot about his worldview.

At that time it was illegal to be drunk in Persuasive, public. Hierta thought that this was class legislation, since only the poor were ever caught by the police. He argued that being drunk shouldn’t be illegal as long as the homework for me online, drinker threatened no one’s life or property. Hierta’s political career was dedicated to extending that libertarian principle to new spheres. He believed in essays, total freedom of cheap online, speech, the general franchise, and equal rights for women. Paper Research Papers? His basic principle was that no group should be allowed to Do my homework cheap online “take money out of others’ pockets,” and he always tried to reign in government spending. He thought that everybody should be free to start a business, including a bank, and to trade without barriers.

This phrase about not taking money out of other people’s pockets was often repeated in C assignment help for nursing, liberal circles. Chydenius had a similar expression : No one should be allowed to stand on the shoulders of others. It summed up the liberal ideology’s central point—equality before the law, government should not take sides. All privileges that guaranteed or denied certain people a position or trade should be abolished. Everybody should have the same rights and should be treated the same. This also set a natural limit to cheap the kind of government intervention they could accept.

Anything that benefited a group at the expense of others was ruled out. The government should instead deal with the kinds of public goods that benefited the entire society. Law and order was something everybody agreed upon. Most liberals also thought that the government should provide basic education, saying that this was something that benefited the entire society. Some infrastructure was also included. Some liberals (though not Hierta’s radical liberals) supported a government-financed national railway system. But even those who did so said that this was only Term papers because it benefited the entire country; the local train routes that benefited particular regions or cities should be financed and for me cheap online, built privately. Hierta’s liberalism was founded on natural rights espoused by John Locke and the French and American revolutions, but he frequently combined this approach with utilitarian arguments from Jeremy Bentham and the classical economists. Authors who combined those two traditions, like the French economist Frederic Bastiat and Richard Cobden and Term, John Bright of the Manchester School, were especially popular with Hierta, and he introduced their ideas in Aftonbladet . Swedish liberalism is distinctive in that it brought together different traditions and ideas rather than following one line of thought all the for me online, way. Inc? (Some would argue that this is characteristic of the Swedish mentality.)

The Swedish variety was a sort of “harmony liberalism” that claimed that the clash between different groups was really an illusion. All groups and classes could make progress together as long as privileges were abolished and people were allowed to make a living and for me, a profit only by I need writing a song brown - serving one another in the free market. This was the political version of the Enlightenment idea of for me cheap, progress, and inc, it got help from classical economics. When Adam Smith explained that it is not from the benevolence of the butcher that we expect cheap and homework online, good meat, but from his self-interest, it was more than an economic statement; it was a worldview, a way of saying that the essays against abortion, butcher is not my enemy. Do My Online? If all trade were voluntary we wouldn’t enter any deal unless both parties expected to I need help a song james benefit. Together, we can make progress and improve the world.

Swedish liberals had this optimistic view of how to deal with social problems. The old safety nets of the guilds had only given security to a small group of people. Do My Homework For Me Cheap? When they were abolished, the liberals wanted to see self-help groups in which workers and families voluntarily organized education and savings for sickness, unemployment, and pension funds. That would not merely help people materially, but also develop a sense of responsibility and an ability to manage one’s own affairs. Other opposition newspapers could be threatened or bought into essays inc, silence, but the Do my homework for me cheap online, regime understood that Aftonbladet was something different, a potential leader of the formerly dispersed opposition forces. Login? In the parliament farmers and merchants used arguments from Aftonbladet to push for Do my homework for me online, reform. As a result, in 1835 the government used an old law from the last war to shut it down. Term Paper Papers Goals? But with the help of homework for me cheap, other individuals, Hierta had acquired permission to start more newspapers, so when Aftonbladet closed, he simply opened The New Aftonbladet . And when that was shut down, he created The Newer Aftonbladet . That was followed by The Fourth Aftonbladet , the fifth, the sixth, and so on. The episode gave Aftonbladet a huge boost, and Hierta became a celebrity and a hero to many. The hard conservatives said that the only way to beat him was to strike down hard and outlaw new papers, but the government didn’t dare to do that in the light of Hierta’s popularity.

After more than three years of cat-and-mouse games, Hierta threatened to publish a new paper if the present one was closed down. Fearing a violent reaction from the public, the government silently dropped the old law without even a decision in parliament. Released Essays? Freedom of the press was reinstated, and everybody could see that the government could be beaten. Step by step, the for me cheap online, strength of the opposition grew. It got support from popular poets and authors like C. J. L. Almqvist, who also wrote aggressive liberal articles for Aftonbladet ; Fredrika Bremer, who explained that Jesus was the first liberal, since he was in favor of individual rights; and E. G. Geijer, the famous conservative who abandoned his friends in 1838, explaining that the modern world, with its trade, industrialization, and a song james -, open debate, seemed like a miracle, which through more democracy and freer markets could be brought to everybody. Authors like Bremer and Geijer introduced religious values into Swedish liberalism. In contrast, people like Hierta were atheists who didn’t speak up much for freedom of religion since they thought that it was mostly superstition.

The next generation of homework, liberals saw freedom of religion as one of the most important reforms. Libertarian views were always strong among the farmers in Term paper papers goals, parliament. In fighting for a more democratic system, secure property rights to the land, and the freedom to trade, they naturally ended up on the liberal side. For a time, opponents called the majority in Do my for me cheap online, the farmer’s estate “the political economists,” accusing them of being more interested in theoretical economic liberalism than practical politics. In the merchant estate the picture was mixed. C Assignment Help? A new group of businessmen who wanted economic freedom to compete and to create challenged the for me cheap, old establishment, which wanted to protect their trades from competition. As time went by, the new group grew and help, soon controlled of the homework for me, estate. The nobles and the priests most often rejected proposals for liberalization, and so the estate votes were often 2-2, blocking reforms. Persuasive Essays Against? But among the nobles the Do my for me, mood was also beginning to change. A group of “moderate liberals” got more influence as opinion in the country shifted and as Swedes learned about the positive results from industrialization in other countries.

Slowly but steadily, liberal majorities were formed to abolish trade prohibitions and to allow new industries to open. The moderate liberals—“the gray”—became even more influential after 1848. The revolution in France scared the king, Oscar I, and the nobility. It helped them to understand that the problems of development were pressing and that something had to be done to avoid a revolution in Sweden as well. But at all cost they wanted to avoid radical laissez-faire solutions and also the new emerging socialism. Cheap Essays? They found their solution in the moderate liberals, who believed in liberalization to modernize the country, but they advocated reform not revolution and were not hostile to homework for me online the king as such. In 1848 their most promising member of parliament, the writing james -, young Johan August Gripenstedt, was appointed a minister without portfolio. An aristocratic lieutenant, always dressed in a black coat with a white scarf, Gripenstedt was principled when it came to goals, but an opportunist when it came to the means. He had been to France and discovered Bastiat’s ideas, which became an important influence in his struggle for free trade and cheap online, free markets.

He was completely steeped in the tradition of harmony liberalism, and believed in login website, the broad liberal program of female emancipation, religious freedom, and a more democratic parliament. But he was a tactician. When the climate shifted in Do my cheap online, a conservative direction, he didn’t press for essays against, his ideas and didn’t complain publicly when liberal friends were forced to leave government. But Gripenstedt was biding his time. He was a skilled politician, who knew how to build alliances and deal with difficult events. For Me Cheap? He made himself indispensible for essays, the government and the king, and the stronger the liberal movement grew, the homework for me, more important it was for C assignment help, the establishment to have a strong liberal politician in the government. Furthermore, the king also favored Gripenstedt’s proposal for a government railway network in Sweden, which many liberals opposed.

In 1856 the next king, Karl XV, promoted Gripenstedt minister of finance. The liberals worked on two fronts. Homework For Me Online? In government Gripenstedt pushed reforms whenever he had a chance. He also opposed the king, promoted his own ideas, and thwarted royal plans for military adventures abroad. The stronger Gripenstedt got, the more risks he could take. He had strong support from the popular Handelstidningen (the Trade paper) in Gothenburg under the effective editorship of S. A. Language Released Essays? Hedlund. At the same time, outside government, Hierta and the more radical liberals constantly pushed for more and complained that Gripenstedt and homework cheap, the government didn’t liberalize further. Persuasive Essays Against Abortion? That gave Gripenstedt more room to homework cheap maneuver, using the threat from outside as an argument against the king and the more conservative forces in government. Paper Research Papers? Mild reforms led to an improved economy and more jobs, which led to acceptance of more reforms.

Soon the government also had a moderate liberal prime minister, Louise de Geer. Together de Geer and Gripenstedt oversaw dramatic changes in Swedish politics, thanks to their skills and the outside pressure. It is no exaggeration to say that Sweden experienced a nonviolent liberal revolution between 1840 and 1865. The guild system was abolished, and anybody could now start a business and homework for me cheap online, compete freely. The regulations that had stopped the development of the timber and iron industries were lifted. Ap English Language Released Essays? Sweden got a joint-stock company law as early as 1848. Homework For Me? Banks were allowed and interest rates were deregulated.

Free immigration and emigration were instituted (and more than one million Swedes soon left for America). The old schools that had the Ap english language essays, mission of making priests or civil servants of the elite’s children were replaced by a practical education for everyone. Freedom of the press and religion were dramatically expanded. Women won the rights to own and inherit property, get an Do my for me, education, and make a career. And just before Gripenstedt had to leave the government because of essays, health problems (probably malaria), he assured that his reforms would be long-lived. After the free traders had managed to abolish the trade prohibitions and lower the for me online, tariffs dramatically, Gripenstedt arranged for Sweden to join the free-trade treaty between France and I need writing a song brown, Great Britain in 1865—a treaty with a most-favored-nation clause, which gave each participant maximum access to the others’ markets. Trade barriers all over Europe fell. Gripenstedt was also instrumental in abolishing the homework cheap online, old parliament based on the four estates and creating a new, more democratic parliament. When Gripenstedt left the government, his critics said he was a coward who got out Ut homework, just when people would begin to see the Do my homework, destructive consequences of his liberal policies.

They predicted that foreign competitors would ruin Swedish industry and that without government control of business, there would be enormous problems with quality and I need james -, coordination. When people in Do my, rural areas were allowed to open shops, the critics of liberalism said, the cities would be doomed because farmers would have no reason to go there buy things. Rarely has a forecast been so embarrassingly wrong. Two hundred years after Chydenius’s first public appearance, Sweden was one of the richest countries on the planet, and papers goals, the moment Gripenstedt stepped down was the precise moment when this economic transformation got going. The real earnings of male industrial workers increased by around 25 percent per decade between 1860 and 1910, and life expectancy increased by 12 years. Do My Homework Online? In total the real earnings increased by 170 percent in those fifty years, much faster than the 110 percent in the next fifty years. And as late as the Ut homework login, turn of the century, central public expenditure in Do my, Sweden was around 6 percent of Cheap, national income. Do My For Me Online? 5. Liberalism had transformed Sweden completely. A society that used to be rigorously controlled—in which all occupations were thoroughly regulated and trade with other countries was practically forbidden—suddenly opened the Term paper papers, floodgates of creativity that had been pent up for centuries.

Creativity was now rewarded, not penalized. Do My For Me Online? Open markets and a minimum of regulations meant that capital could flow to the best ideas and that companies were free to hire and fire. The old trades were mechanized, and Sweden could now export what it did best to Britain and other countries in login website, exchange for imports that Sweden couldn’t produce as well. Farmers who had acquired title to their land started investing in better, more efficient agriculture. The forest industry, which could now export its output, turned its timber—“green gold”—into sawn timber goods and pulp. The mills, now deregulated, made iron and steel out of the ore that generations of people had merely walked on. Do My Homework Cheap Online? Craftsmen, liberated from the ancient guild system, began competing by essays means of homework for me, new solutions, new goods, new designs, and lower prices. Production was electrified in factories that could now mass-produce goods that even the poor could afford. When banks and corporations were permitted, capital was channeled to writing a song brown the most efficient producers, and Swedes started to invest in new machinery and methods capable of producing more and better goods.

This laissez-faire epoch was a good environment for Do my homework for me, creators and entrepreneurs. It engendered one of the loveliest words in essays, the Swedish language: snilleindustrierna —the “genius industries,” meaning businesses founded on an ingenious invention, or the development of one, producing on a massive scale and largely for export. Once the way was clear for borrowing, hiring, producing, and selling, the road from idea to idea-based enterprise, from genius to genius industry, became very short. In certain cases industries were established by polymaths who were both inventors and captains of industry. Homework For Me Cheap? They succeeded both in creating something new and getting it to consumers. Lars Magnus Ericsson invented an automatic telephone exchange and founded L. M. Ericsson. James? Sven Wingquist invented the self-regulating ball bearing and created SKF.

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and built up Nitroglycerin AB (later Dyno Nobel), and Gustaf Dalen invented a flashing apparatus for homework for me, lighthouses and founded AGA. Some entrepreneurs commercialized other people’s inventions: Axel Wenner-Gren, for released, example, built up Electrolux by introducing vacuum cleaners and refrigerators into Swedish homes. It was at this stage that the wheels began to Do my for me online spin on which Sweden rolled into the future. One success came hard on the heels of another. The country now had growth and could do more. Running water and sewerage were installed in people’s homes, and streets and homes were fitted with electric lighting. In 1857 Gripenstedt gave two dramatic speeches explaining that with free markets, access to language essays foreign markets, and modern infrastructure, Sweden, one of the homework for me, poorest European countries, could become one of the richest.

He was ridiculed by the opponents, who called the speeches naive “flower paintings.” But Gripenstedt had the last laugh. As noted, between 1850 and 1950, Swedish income per capita increased eightfold, as the population doubled. Infant mortality fell from 15 to 2 percent, and life expectancy increased by a whopping 28 years. 6. The liberal movement had succeeded, but it was about to fall victim to its own success. In January 1867, with a new, more democratic parliament without a division into estates, liberalism seemed triumphant. Essays Against? Lars Johan Hierta, the oldest member of parliament, delivered the welcome speech in which he celebrated the reforms and online, warned the members not to come up with new ideas on how to take money from the people. One commentator said: “Now there are no parties.

Everybody is a liberal nowadays.” 7. But in a way, this posed problems for classical liberals. It seemed as though they had finished their agenda. The coalition that had brought the ideas to triumph now had other interests. This could be seen in Ut homework login website, the new parties that were formed in parliament. People around the old liberal government started a Ministerial Party, with the goal of defending the Do my homework cheap, reforms but not to go much further. A smaller group started the Neoliberal Party, which was economically liberal and wanted to go extend their principles to cultural and inc, political issues, including more rights for women, more extensive rule of Do my, law, and more democracy. The dominant new party was the Rural Men’s Party, a party for farmers that had liberal elements and wanted to reduce taxes and Term research papers goals, give more power to those outside the Stockholm establishment. Ominously, the liberals split up among all those parties. Do My Cheap Online? Gripenstedt and moderate liberals joined the Ministerial Party.

For a while Hierta and the radical liberals joined the Neoliberal Party, and Hedlund and many liberals from outside Stockholm joined the Rural Party. This meant that all parties were influenced by liberalism, and a liberal government still called the shots—but it also meant that liberalism was no longer one coherent, effective force working for C assignment for nursing, one common goal. When the liberals and free traders lost a long and aggressive campaign on tariffs on Do my homework for me cheap, grain in the late 1880s, and a new conservative government was formed, new political alternatives emerged. Economically, the tariffs didn’t mean much. They were not adjusted for inflation and so became smaller every year in real terms, and Ut homework website, the continued reduction in transport costs more than offset the loss from the tariffs.

Sweden’s exports and Do my cheap online, imports continued to grow every year. But the tariffs had more serious political consequences. The problem was that harmony liberalism broke down when one side began to take money out of the pockets of other groups. Essays? Everybody then had an interest in Do my, trying to get rewards and privileges for himself. Cheap? Whoever remained a liberal and wanted a neutral state would see his pockets picked by others. A recent commentator explained that “After the victory for protectionism, the parliament was drowned by a wave of Do my for me, suggestions that had in common that they all wanted the government to be active both here and there.” 8. The liberal movement began to change as a result. Help For Nursing? The natural sympathy of many was with the poor and the workers. Do My Cheap? Now that the government had betrayed them by increasing the cost of I need writing a song, their bread, they must strike back. It now seemed more important to homework extend the franchise since the people wanted free trade, but had lost in an undemocratic parliament.

Some liberals, however, drew another conclusion: Since the government benefited producers with tariffs, it was now time for a counterattack on behalf of consumers. Some wanted to import Bismarck’s social-security ideas and became “social liberals.” At the Ap english released essays, same time, the conservative alternative, which had been seen as dead for more than 20 years, was reborn in cheap online, a more modern, pro-business, pro-tariff version. Where it had once said that only a strong and interventionist government could stop development, now it was said that only such a government could create rapid development. But the strongest new force was the socialists, and interestingly they were organized on a free-trade platform. In 1889 the Social Democratic Party was founded, and one of its demands was “No to hunger tariffs.” It complained that the released, elite had called on for me cheap online, the government to destroy equality before the law by helping business and farms, and therefore the workers shouldn’t be content with just waiting for the rewards of economic growth. Against? They should also ask the government to step in on their side. These diverse interests meant that, on the whole, the liberal system lived on. Conservatives and social liberals fought for Do my for me cheap online, private property and fiscal discipline, and they collaborated to steer Sweden clear away from Ap english language essays, socialism.

And when the Social Democrats got power in 1932, they quickly abandoned their plans to socialize business. For Me? Their leaders thought that an increase in production was essential to pay for their reform programs and paper papers goals, became impressed with the liberal economy’s ability to deliver. They were also heavily influenced by a generation of for me online, independent liberal economists like Gustaf Cassel and Eli Heckscher, who considered Anders Chydenius an intellectual forefather. Interestingly, a few prominent Social Democrats were actually among the most consistent economic liberals and abortion, free traders in Sweden. More than other countries, Sweden held on to free trade, which was necessary for a small economy dependent on both imports and exports. The Social Democrats and the trade unions allowed old sectors like farming, shipping, and textiles to pass away as long as new jobs were created. They settled for a more cautious policy of keeping the for me online, market free to create wealth, allowing the Term paper research goals, process of for me, creative destruction to paper do its work, and only later distribute (a growing) part of that wealth. Do My For Me Online? They knew that a party of class struggle wouldn’t be able to hold on to power in Sweden. Instead, they created social-security systems that gave the Ap english language released, most pension, unemployment, paternal-leave, and sick-leave benefits to Do my for me cheap those with high wages.

Most benefits were proportional to Ap english language released the amount paid in, so the for me online, wealthy middle class would have an interest in supporting the help for nursing, system. Regulations were adapted to benefit the biggest industries—for example, as labor regulations were introduced, exceptions could be made as long as the trade unions agreed, which they often did when it came to the biggest export businesses. In collective-bargaining agreements, wages were made more equal for big modern export-oriented companies and small less-productive companies, imposing a relatively greater burden on the small ones. When taxes were raised they were often on consumption and hence regressive so as not to interfere with the incentives to homework produce. It began as a cautious policy. In 1950 Sweden was one of the richest countries in the world. The total tax burden was still just 19 percent of GDP—lower than in the United States and in other European countries. Ap English? It did not surpass 30 percent until 1965.

It was an open economy with a small government that produced these amazing results, with a little help from having stayed out of two world wars. In his history of economic policy in Sweden, economist Johan Myhrman concludes that despite a growth in government, these policies continued: Under this period (1950-70) Sweden had a liberal trade policy, which meant low tariffs and a benevolent attitude to business, for example with a tax policy that admitted very generous deductions for capital costs. 9. Yes, Sweden today has another reputation. For Me Cheap? But that came later. Help Writing A Song? In the 1970s, with coffers filled by big business and Do my homework for me cheap, heads filled with ideas from the international turn to the left, the Social Democrats began to expand social assistance and regulate the labor market.

Public spending almost doubled between 1960 and 1980, rising from 31 percent to 60 percent of GDP, and high taxes accompanied them. For a while Social Democrats could travel the world and talk about I need help writing a song james brown - how they were able to have both big government and high incomes—but only for a time, because this was also the moment when the model began to run into Do my homework for me cheap, problems. The average growth rate was halved to 2 percent in login website, the 1970s, declining further in the 1980s, and that was before the big crisis in the 1990s. The currency had to be devalued five times to keep industry competitive, by a total of homework, 45 percent. Cheap Inc? In 1990, the year before a serious economic crisis in Sweden, private enterprise had not created a single net job since 1950, but the public sector had increased by more than a million employees. While the knowledge and service economy made it more important to invest in human capital, high marginal tax rates on personal income reduced individuals’ incentives to invest in their education and skills. Do My For Me Online? Generous benefits for those not working eroded the work ethic, and a country with one of the healthiest populations became one of the countries with most people off sick from work. The alliance among big government, big business, and help writing a song james brown, big labor made Sweden less flexible. Encouraging investments in big industry worked well, as long as there was little need for homework for me online, innovation. Once that changed, the Cheap, system ran into trouble and the lack of homework cheap, growing small- and medium-sized businesses became a real problem. The companies that did exist didn’t grow, partly because of the risks and costs of rules that prevented the firing of workers.

The most important Swedish companies are still those that were born during the laissez-faire period before the First World War. In 2000 just one of the 50 biggest Swedish companies was founded after 1970. Meanwhile, services that could have become new private growth sectors, like education and health care, were monopolized and financed by the government. From 1975 to Persuasive essays abortion 2000, while per-capita income grew by 72 percent in the United States and 64 percent in for me, Western Europe, Sweden’s grew by Ut homework login no more than 43 percent. In 1970 Sweden was the fourth richest country in the OECD’s ranking by per-capita income. In 2000 Sweden had fallen to 14th. As the Social Democratic finance minister Bosse Ringholm explained in 2002: If Sweden would have had the same growth rates as the OECD average since 1970, our common resources would have been so much bigger that it would be the equivalent of Do my, 20,000 SEK [$2,700] more per household per C assignment help month. It was not socialist policies that turned Sweden into one of the world’s richest countries.

When Sweden got rich, it had one of the most open and deregulated economies in the world, and taxes were lower than in for me cheap, the United States and most other western countries. The Social Democrats kept most of those policies intact until the 1970s, when they thought that those excellent foundations—unprecedented wealth, a strong work ethic, an educated work force, world-class exports industries, and a relatively honest bureaucracy—were so stable that the government could tax and spend and build a generous cradle-to-grave welfare state on them. They couldn’t. At least not without costs. Because that welfare state began to erode the Cheap essays, conditions that had made the model viable in the first place. And the fourth richest country became the 14th richest within three decades.

Things have looked up a bit since for this small Nordic country. In the Do my cheap, 1990s Sweden had another important reform period in response to C assignment sluggish growth and a severe banking crisis. Both Social Democrats and center-right parties contributed when marginal tax rates were reduced; markets for finance, electricity, telecom, and media were deregulated; the central bank was made independent; the pension system was reformed partly with personal accounts; private providers in health care and elderly care were welcomed; and for me cheap, a school voucher system was introduced. During the last few years, Swedish governments have reduced taxes substantially, from 52 to 44 percent of GDP, and abolished taxes on gifts, inheritance, wealth, and housing. Sweden has yet again increased exports, created private-sector jobs, and seen economic progress that has outpaced the rest of Europe. Sweden has managed the financial crisis much better than most other countries, and paper research papers, public debt is around 30 percent of GDP. But that’s another story—though not entirely, because present-day Swedish liberalization and liberalizers have often been inspired by the history of Swedish individuals, reforms accomplished 150 years ago, and the unprecedented prosperity that they produced. A statue of Lars Johan Hierta has been erected in central Stockholm and a Social Democratic speaker of Do my cheap, parliament has proclaimed Anders Chydenius one of the research papers, greatest pioneers in the history of the Swedish parliament. On the wall of Finance Minister Anders Borg’s office hangs a portraits of Gripenstedt and Chydenius—“the father of Swedish wealth,” according to Borg.

When Sweden liberalizes again, it will be going back to homework for me online the future. That background—and that future—are the most important lessons from Sweden to Ap english language released essays the rest of the world. As Anders Chydenius wrote almost 250 years ago, in the essay contest entry that got Swedish liberalism off to an impressive start: “That which our time tramples on, posterity will pick up, and homework online, that which is Ut homework website now called boldness will be honored in homework, the name of against abortion, truth.” This essay was syndicated by AtlasOne, a project of the Atlas Network. Vilhelm Moberg, Min svenska historia , 1971, p. 72. ? For the Do my online, whole background, see my history of Swedish liberalism, Den svenska liberalismens historia , Timbro, 1998. ? A collection of his most important essays have recently been published as Anders Chydenius, Anticipating the Wealth of Nations (ed. Maren Jonasson Pertti Hyttinen. Routledge, 2011). ? Anders Chydenius: The National Gain , London: Ernest Benn Limited 1931. Translator unknown. kansallinen koko.asp ? Mauricio Rojas, “Sweden After the Swedish Model,” Timbro, 2005, p. 17. ? Anders Johnson: Entreprenorerna : Sveriges vag till valstand . Stockholm: Svenskt Naringsliv, 2002. ? Gudmar Hasselberg: Rudolf Wall – Dagens Nyheters skapare . Stockholm: Bonniers, 1945, p. 232. ? Svenbjorn Kilandet: Den nya staten och den gamla . Stockholm: Almqvist Wiksell International, 1991, p. 205 ? Johan Myhrman, Hur Sverige blev rikt . SNS, 1994, p. For Nursing? 160. ? Johan Norberg is a lecturer, documentary filmmaker, and the author of several books, including the award-winning In Defense of Global Capitalism , which was translated into around 25 languages. Do My Homework For Me Online? His most recent book is Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future (2016). He is also a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute.

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If you’re struggling, check out these tips for cutting your content down , or work with a designer to see how you can organize your resume to fit more in less space. Can’t figure out how to tell your whole story on one page, or want to language released essays be able to for me cheap include some visual examples of your work? Instead of trying to have your resume cover everything, cover the most important details on that document, and then include a link to research your personal website , where you can dive more into what makes you the ideal candidate. Do My Homework? We’ll talk about getting creative in order to stand out in a minute. But the most basic principle of good resume formatting and design? Keep it simple. Use a basic but modern font, like Helvetica, Arial, or Century Gothic.

Make your resume easy on Ut homework login website hiring managers’ eyes by using a font size between 10 and 12 and leaving a healthy amount of white space on the page. Do My For Me Online? You can use a different font or typeface for your name, your resume headers, and the companies for help writing a song -, which you’ve worked, but keep it simple and keep it consistent. Your main focus here should be on readability for the hiring manager. That being said, you should feel free to… Really want your resume stand out from the sea of Times New Roman? Yes, creative resumes—like infographics, videos, or presentations—or resumes with icons or graphics can set you apart, but you should use them thoughtfully. If you’re applying through an ATS, keep to the standard formatting without any bells and Do my homework for me cheap, whistles so the I need help -, computer can read it effectively. If you’re applying to a more traditional company, don’t get too crazy, but feel free to Do my homework for me add some tasteful design elements or a little color to essays against make it pop. No matter what, don’t do it unless you’re willing to for me cheap online put in the time, creativity, and design work to make it awesome.

10. Make Your Contact Info Prominent. Paper Papers Goals? You don’t need to include your address on homework for me cheap your resume anymore (really!), but you do need to language released essays make sure to include a phone number and professional email address (not your work address!) as well as other places the hiring manager can find you on the web, like your LinkedIn profile and Twitter handle. (Implicit in this is for me cheap, that you keep these social media profiles suitable for prospective employers.) You’ve heard before that hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time on Persuasive essays against abortion each individual resume. Do My Homework? So help them get as much information as possible, in as little time as possible. Inc? These 12 small formatting changes will make a huge difference. Know that design skills aren’t your strong suit but want your resume to Do my homework for me cheap online look stunning?

There’s no shame in getting help, so consider working with a professional resume designer. This is arguably the most important document of your job search, so it’s worth getting it exactly right! 13. Keep it Recent, Keep it Relevant. As a rule, you should only Cheap essays, show the most recent 10-15 years of your career history and only include the experience relevant to homework for me cheap online the positions to which you are applying. And remember to allocate real estate on your resume according to importance. If there’s a choice between including one more college internship or going into more detail about your current role, always choose the latter (unless a previous job was more relevant to the one you’re applying to).

14. No Relevant Experience? No Worries! Don’t panic if you don’t have any experience that fits the bill. Instead, Zhang explains , focus your resume on C assignment for nursing your relevant and transferrable skills along with any related side or academic projects, and then make sure to pair it with a strong cover letter telling the homework cheap, narrative of Term paper research goals why you’re ideal for the job. No matter how long you’ve been in Do my cheap a job, or how much you’ve accomplished there, you shouldn’t have more than five or six bullets in a given section. Research? No matter how good your bullets are, the recruiter just isn’t going to get through them. Check out Do my online, these tips for writing impressive bullet points . You may be tempted to Ut homework website throw in tons of Do my homework for me industry jargon so you sound like you know what you’re talking about, but ultimately you want your resume to Persuasive essays against be understandable to the average person.

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But being a “strong leader” or an “effective communicator” are important characteristics you want to get across. Think about how you can demonstrate these attributes in your bullet points without actually saying them. Zhang demonstrates here how you can show five different qualities with the same bullet point—try it yourself until you get the result you’re going for! 20. Don’t Neglect Non-Traditional Work. There’s no law that says you can only put full-time or paid work on cheap your resume.

So, if you’ve participated in a major volunteer role, worked part-time, were hired as a temporary or contract worker , freelanced, or blogged? Absolutely list these things as their own “jobs” within your career chronology. If every bullet in essays against your resume starts with “Responsible for,” readers will get bored very quickly. Homework For Me? Use our handy list of Persuasive essays against abortion better verbs to mix it up ! Use keywords in Do my homework for me online your resume: Scan the job description, see what words are used most often, and make sure you’ve included them in your bullet points. Not only is this a self-check that you’re targeting your resume to the job, it’ll make sure you get noticed in applicant tracking systems. Stuck on which words to include? Dump the Ut homework, job description into a tool like TagCrowd , which will analyze and spit out the most used keywords.

What words shouldn’t you include? Detail-oriented, team player, and homework for me, hard worker—among other vague terms that recruiters say are chronically overused . Ut Homework? We bet there’s a better way to describe how awesome you are. 24. Experience First, Education Second. Do My Homework For Me Cheap? Unless you’re a recent graduate, put your education after your experience.

Chances are, your last couple of jobs are more important and C assignment help for nursing, relevant to you getting the job than where you went to college. 25. Also Keep it Reverse Chronological. Usually, you should lay down your educational background by listing the Do my for me cheap, most recent or advanced degree first, working in reverse chronological order. But if older coursework is more specific to the job, list that first to grab the reviewer’s attention.

Don’t list your graduation dates. The reviewer cares more about whether or not you have the Ap english released, degree than when you earned it. Homework Cheap? If you graduated from college with high honors, absolutely make note of released essays it. While you don’t need to list your GPA, don’t be afraid to showcase that summa cum laude status or the fact that you were in homework for me online the honors college at your university. 28. Include Continuing or Online Education.

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essay on skellig Care and Feeding of the Spirit in Skellig. Section 1: Close Reading. I found him in the garage on a Sunday afternoon. It was the day after we moved into Falconer Road. The winter was ending. Mum had said we'd be moving just in time for spring. Nobody else was there. Homework For Me Online? Just me. The others were inside the house with Dr. Death, worrying about the baby (1) . David Almond's Skellig begins with a passage that contains the seeds of several essential elements of the paper research goals, story we are about to hear from its central character, Michael.

The passage does not tell us who Michael found in the garage-or that his name is Skellig. That tidbit is Do my not revealed until we arrive on page 87--nearly halfway through the story. Skellig may be an angel, or an owl, or a man. He may be a combination of all three--or none of the above. Skellig may be an released, Old Norse word for courage or hope. It could be a term that symbolizes renewal or resuscitation after grave disappointment.

In the homework for me, end, what Skellig is remains an enigma; he is unique and defies classification. As the story unfolds, Michael is for nursing distraught. He hadn't suspected the winter was ending. Do My Online? Michael is alone with his sad musings when he finds Skellig in research goals, a ramshackle outbuilding not unlike a manger. It is Sunday, the Lord's day. Michael's family has just moved.

Like Moses, he is a stranger in a strange land. It is cheap online literally a strange land because he has just moved there. But, it is figuratively a strange land as well because he is bewildered by what is going on around him. He does not understand what is happening inside himself. He does not understand Dr. Login? Death. He suspects that something is wrong with his baby sister, but his parents are evasive about her condition-or they know little more than he does. When he finds Skellig, the latter is as helpless as a baby (baby Jesus?) and attended only by spiders and bluebottle flies. Michael's newborn baby sister is attended by Dr.

Death. As the story unfolds and we learn that Skellig has huge wings under his filthy overcoat, we begin to suspect that he has come to Falconer Road on a mission. He has been in Do my homework online, the cobwebs and dust of the garage for some time. Cheap Essays Inc? Maybe he was sent there to help the former owner of Michael's new house and for me online somehow botched the job. Skellig has lost hope and I need a song brown let himself go to Do my for me cheap ruin. He will not save the world, but he may help Michael learn how to live in it.

Michael does not yet realize that Skellig is his rescuer. Unwittingly, he becomes the good Samaritan and rescues Skellig. He puts his concern for a stranger ahead of his own concerns. He feeds him 27 and 53 food of the gods. (29) . When Michael discovers Skellig, his luck begins to change. Ut Homework Login? Winter was ending. The season of death and dormancy (especially for Michael and Do my Skellig) is Cheap essays inc about to give way to the rebirth of spring-a kind of second innocence. Michael's discovery of Skellig, and what he learns from him, is his alone. Nobody else was there. Just me. Homework For Me Cheap Online? He is about to embark on I need help writing a song james brown, a journey from timeless innocence to the temporal experience of mortality.

He will be guided by a fallen angel who needs Michael as much as Michael, unknowingly, needs him. And while Michael pursues his journey from innocence to experience and on to a higher innocence (a la Blake) in Do my homework for me online, close proximity to his family, their focus is inside (themselves) with Dr. Death worrying about the baby. The opening lines are a paraphrase, a bare outline of the story that follows. The speaker has an archangel's name. He has moved to Falconer Road. A falconer is someone who trains winged creatures. Michael helps the Persuasive against abortion, winged creature, Skellig. Owls join in the care of Do my for me, Skellig. Michael's friend Mina (Myna, bird) chants Blake's verses about a caged bird and language observes and draws birds.

Birds represent freedom, flight, the soaring spirit. To attain its freedom, a bird must leave the nest (the old house) and find its place in the world (the new house). It is time for Michael to exit the golden cage of childhood and soar up into the terrifying and beautiful world of maturity. It is time for innocent children (Michael and Mina) to resuscitate a winged creature that has given up hope. Love is the vehicle that gets the job done. But, it is for me online a special kind of love, a love that asks for nothing in return. It is a love that worries about the baby, that worries about the I need james brown -, desiccated stranger, the love of parents and parent birds, the love of a girl like Mina or a doctor whose name is not really Death after all. It is a love like the love espoused by Blake and Jesus. When David Almond has Michael say, I found him in the garage on a Sunday afternoon, he seems to be reminding us that Jesus was found in a similarly mundane setting, and Moses was found in an obscure place.

They were the messengers of great goodness in the world. The answers to our confusions and miseries lie within ourselves, in how we conduct ourselves through the world. They lie in how we love our neighbor. That conduct is innate in the lives of animals (in this case, birds), but it must be learned by humans. Do My Homework For Me Online? It is a message propounded by Blake, and Almond seems to be using Mina as his Blakian messenger. Blake makes selfless love and joy a central part of login, his message.

It is no wonder then that Michael's parents eventually choose Joy as the newborn's name. The parallel themes that begin with the Do my for me online, opening paragraph continue throughout the story. Everything seems to have a double meaning at the very least. The owls hoot to each other and help call attention to their caring behavior. Aping the owls, Michael and Mina hoot to each other as they go about Do my cheap their ministrations. I Need Writing A Song? They feed Skellig, and the owls feed Skellig. Homework? The secular winter is ending, and abortion Michael's spiritual winter is ending. Skellig's spiritual winter is ending too.

Winter is also ending for Michael's parents as well as for the baby, Joy. Mina finds a kindred spirit in Do my cheap online, Michael, and her season of Cheap inc, isolation ends. As the opening lines predict, we are just in time for the season of renewal, the joy of spring, the Do my cheap, resurgence of hope. In fact, hope does spring eternal in Ut homework website, this tale. Even Dr. Death (another symbol of winter) becomes Dr.

Life after all. And his actions in saving baby Joy find a parallel in Michael's god-like act of recreating his sister as perfectly as he is able in clay. Michael begins by informing the Do my cheap online, reader that he found him in the garage. But, soon Michael and Mina move Skellig to a safer place. Dr. Death moves Joy to the hospital because her life is in danger where she presently resides. For Nursing? Both moves are shown to allow the caregivers a better opportunity to do their jobs. The results are equally successful. The good doctor(with Skellig's aid) cures Joy and Skellig defeats his nemesis Arthur Itis with the aid of a pair of owls and a pair of children. Of course, the story begins when Michael and his family move from a settled life on homework for me cheap, Random Road to the new house on Falconer Road. They are able to make the move because the former owner, Ernie Myers, has moved to the next world.

Michael and Mina are able to move Skellig because Mina's grandpa has also moved to the next world. Another parallel theme concerns possession. Michael says he alone found Skellig. But he soon realizes that Mina has come to possess him once they move him to her Grandpa's house. Mina has the key. Once the baby is moved from the house to the hospital, she belongs to the doctor. The doctor's skill at heart surgery is the key to the baby's life.

Finally, there is the theme of connection. I Need Help James Brown -? From the outset Michael has felt the baby's heartbeat in Do my homework for me online, his own body. I Need? After the operation, he feels his own heart stop. The baby's heartbeat is now solely her own. Michael and Mina have become deeply connected, but they quarrel. For a while they hate each other. But, they are able to patch it up with the Do my homework for me online, recognition that they are two separate beings, not one. Mina tells Michael that sometimes friends hate each other. Cheap Essays? Sometimes things go wrong; it's part of life. Do My Homework Online? There is a similar falling out between Michael and essays his friends, Leakey and Coot. Their relationship changes.

Michael even drifts away from Skellig momentarily, but Mina brings them back together for a parting dance. In the end, everything has changed. Skellig departs. Michael returns to school. Joy sleeps peacefully out of danger. And the scene of Michael's opening discovery changes. The garage is demolished and hauled away. It has served its purpose, and like Skellig, it is no longer needed. The winter had ended.

It was just in Do my for me cheap online, time for the spring (1). Section 2: Questions and Answers. Q. How does an investigation of the title help us to attain a deeper understanding of the C assignment for nursing, story as a whole? A. The title of a creative work always adds something to the work. Even when it is repeated in homework online, the body of the work, it is emphatic. The author chooses the title to call our attention to something important.

In the case of Skellig, the against abortion, title not only informs us of the name of a major character, it emphasizes the Do my homework for me cheap online, spiritual nature of the tale. If we merely accept Skellig as the name of a character, we can still come away from the story with a deep understanding of the writing james, author's intent. But if we add to the text the homework cheap online, following information, our understanding is enriched. The noun skell is slang for a homeless person who lives as a derelict. The adjective form of derelict means: 1. Deserted by Persuasive essays against an owner or keeper; abandoned. 2. Run-down, dilapidated. 3. Neglectful of duty or obligation; remiss. Do My Cheap? The noun form means: 1. Abandoned property. 2. A homeless or jobless person. A skellum is a rascal; a rogue. Much of the above information merely delineates what we already know from reading the text.

But the third definition gives a hint about why Skellig is found in a storage shed and in such a dejected frame of mind. It is a reinforcement of paper research papers, our suspicion that he has perhaps come to Do my cheap online this state because he failed in I need help james -, his duty to protect Ernie Myers, the former owner of the house on Falconer Road. A search of the Do my for me cheap online, Internet provides further verification of the mood and timbre of the essays, story. I refer to Skellig Michael, the site of an ancient monastic hermitage on a tiny island off of Ireland. It is Do my for me online a place where, legend has it, a man once lived alone on a tiny ledge 700 feet above the sea in an attempt to live as close to God as possible. It is no stretch to refer to released the ledge as an aerie, a bird's nest or a household perched on a high ledge. And the Do my homework for me, man lived alone. Every character in website, Skellig has a solitary interior life and a quest for a spiritual rudder. And of homework online, course the two central figures are Skellig and Michael or Skellig Michael.

Seeing with the mind's eye is an important faculty that Michael needs to. learn as he grows into adulthood. The old house (childhood) was familiar to Michael. The new house (adult world) is Cheap strange and unfamiliar. He is being asked to see the potential in the world around him.

It is time for Michael to actively participate in the business of living. When he sees the terrible condition of the new house, he wants to go back to the security of the old place. He is comfortable with that world. Michael's dad is a grown-up and will show Michael that he can initiate changes that will make the place more to his liking. Through the metaphors of remodeling and repainting, Almond directs Michael's attention to active participation in the world.

Unpleasant situations can be changed. That is what grown-ups do. Ernie Myers moved a toilet into the dining room because he was dying. That reminder of death can be removed and the dining room restored for the new lives that have taken Ernie's place. Skellig can be restored to his former self by 27 and 53 (29). But he cannot feed himself; he needs the help of others who care about Do my homework cheap him. Dr.

Death will operate on little Joy to alter the course of her life. Michael and Mina will change Skellig's future-and their own. They will do it with their own personal skills and with love. It demonstrates Michael's personal growth. He is beginning to understand. the depth and complexity of life.

And he is language released essays beginning to reflect on his own inner life as it may or may not be seen by others. He is also realizing that he and others are basically the same; he is homework cheap becoming connected to the rest of essays, humanity. Skellig's overcoat is online part of his exterior or appearance. It hides a fundamental part of his true nature, his wings. It does not reveal his nature until Michael gets close enough to help for nursing touch him in some important way. Almond implies that each of us wears an overcoat that hides our true nature. Online? Dr. Death's somber appearance seems to Michael to be connected with the imminent demise of his baby sister. In fact, he is her savior.

Skellig's overcoat is a reminder that you have to look with your mind's eye. Literally, she is referring to her mother's belief in home schooling. Figuratively, she is reiterating the C assignment, theme of growing up, the homework for me, need to personally experience the essays, world in order to understand and live in for me, it. She is reminding the reader of Blake's notion that growth has three stages: innocence, experience, and a higher state of innocence that is a synthesis of the first two. Experience can only essays inc come from being in Do my for me cheap, the world, not in the cage of Persuasive against abortion, a protective environment like the classroom. Her illness introduces Michael to the reality of the presence of death in the.

world. Michael first sees that death exists when his parents buy the new house. Ernie Myers died on the kitchen floor. Online? But this is, after all, only a distant story in which Michael played no part. However, when his baby sister arrives prematurely and in a feeble state of health, death becomes a palpable presence in Michael's life. He is so intimately connected to her tiny life that he has attached her tenuous heartbeat to himself and feels it inside his own body. In doing so, he has invited the reality of death inside as well. A. They are there as background for Michael's recognition of the presence of death in the world of the past that reaches into the world of the I need help james -, personal present. Ernie's death made the house available to Michael's family. Mina's father created Mina and disappeared before she was born. Mina's grandpa left his house to her, and she uses it to shelter Skellig from danger or possible death in cheap, the garage.

All three of these deaths are distant events that remain outside of Michael and Mina's personal experience. A. It is a way to make Skellig credible. We don't know what he is or where he came from. But we are reminded that there once was a dinosaur that flew, and evolution can produce many different forms of strange beings. It just may be that Skellig is the paper, last of an ancient species, something akin to an angel. It is also a way to connect his story to for me the much older story of the evolution of humans and the personal evolution of Term research, understanding the ephemeral nature of being. exemplify his ideals? Mina is taught to cheap online educate herself by direct experience and careful. observation of life without any institutional intermediary to translate her experiences for her. She gives free reign to her curiosity and spirit and I need - draws Michael to her by directing him to examine his own education at school. She exemplifies Blake's belief that each of us will find our own way to wisdom if we are left unhindered to follow our own desires.

This is born out by the success that Mina and for me cheap online Michael have with Skellig. As Michael says, the world's full of amazing things. I've seen them (108). It is the seeing that is far more important than learning about it from the experiences of others. The winter was ending (1). New life was bursting forth on every side. Michael had been through a period of dark experience and Cheap confusion. But, now all was well.

It would not stay that way of homework for me, course. Michael had learned that life has cycles of growth and dissolution, and eventually everything dies. Essays Inc? The story of Persephone is online a tale of suffering and hope, pain and renewal, struggle and triumph and loss repeated forever. It is the crucial lesson that Michael learns about life that year. Cheap Inc? The seeds of the pomegranate are like Persephone's life and Do my homework cheap online all life. Each seed contains both sweetness and bitterness in equal measures, and they are not separable. We must eat them both to live in the world. Rationale for Questions and Answers. Question ten, for instance, first calls the login, reader's attention to the fact that toward the end of the novel there was a story involving someone named Persephone who may or may not have existed.

Likewise, Skellig may or may not have existed. Persephone ate pomegranates, and they surely exist. Both Persephone and Do my homework for me cheap online pomegranates are metaphors for the ever-present theme of travail and renewal that constitutes an essential lesson that all of us must learn if we are to Ut homework be successful with our lives. It would be easy to overlook this small part of the larger story. But, once it is called to our attention, and we look at Do my for me online, it closely, we discover that it is the same story told in a slightly different way. It is my hope that the reader will then take the leap to a higher level of understanding and look for other metaphors within the context of the story and make connections between them and his/her own experience of the world. Section 3: Developmental Issues. Random Road represents a kind of scenario for Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It is Term paper research goals a place of physical security for Do my homework online Michael. He was born there and took its existence for granted.

He was the only child and so was the focus of his parents' love. They provided for his needs, and he had no reason to released discover that life could ever be different. It is a kind of Garden of Eden prior to the knowledge of good and evil. But, as Erikson points out, personal development comes from the appearance of a series of psychosocial crises that must be grappled with and successfully resolved. Failure to do so results in failure of the child (in this case, Michael) to reorganize his early inner perceptions to Do my homework for me cheap online fit into the newly discovered external world (Falconer Road) where he must henceforth function and Ap english language essays reside. Michael's first crisis is represented by the new house, which must be extensively remodeled (reorganized) to make it comfortable. The realtor, Mr. Stone, (as in written in stone?) instructs him that he must view his new situation with the mind's eye. In other words, he must adjust his schemata (enter Piaget) to increase his knowledge of the world. His next crises appear almost simultaneously. He finds a strange starving creature that he must help, and his baby sister arrives unexpectedly early and damaged.

Piaget would be right at homework for me cheap, home with Michael in his new environment. He would readily recognize that Michael is beginning to develop the ability to deal with the difference between appearances and their underlying reality. Immediate dilemmas for abortion Michael pop up like toadstools. What is online Skellig? What's wrong with his baby sister? Who is C assignment Dr. Death (Dr. Dan), and why does he frighten Michael so much? Why is everything changing except school?

Why is there suddenly so much evidence of death in the new environment? Michael's journey is classic Piaget. He begins by discovering the world and moves on to relating to the newly discovered world by shifting from self-centered behavior to observing what is happening around and to him. Next, he takes direct action to save Skellig and includes his new friend Mina in his formerly private world. He begins to homework cheap online question many of his assumptions and adjusts his schemata to reflect his new knowledge and experience. Michael keeps his own counsel, but he does not hesitate to engage adults when he recognizes his own ignorance. He asks a doctor about arthritis and quizzes a teacher about evolution and shoulder blades. And he learns from his mistakes. He may never know who or what Skellig is, but he knows that Skellig is good; he helped his sister, joy.

And he knows that he was wrong about language essays Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan was there to help keep Joy in the world in the same way that Michael was there to homework cheap be Skellig's guardian angel. When the curtain comes down on the last punctuation mark of Skellig, we are assured that Michael will continue to develop as a fine human being. We are assured because he has shown us that he wants to learn about himself and Ut homework login the world of homework cheap online, other people. Cheap? And he has no desire to for me cheap online do harm. Of course, reading the book teaches the reader the same lessons that Michael has learned. And that is essays what the author had in mind. My reading in the arena of developmental theories has not been extensive. Do My Online? A year ago I wasn't even aware of the field, but I believe I have benefited from what I've read so far.

It is particularly interesting to me to Cheap inc discover that many of the homework, ideas and strategies about Term paper papers goals how children learn can be applied to a critique of the way in which major characters and themes are developed over the course of a good novel, play, or short story. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me; after all, fiction is modeled on life, and life is a series of learning experiences whether we sign up for the classes or not. Somehow the circular nature of it escaped me, until now. In any case, it occurs to me that if we, as English teachers pay as much attention to how our students develop as we do to how our characters develop in the stories we teach, we can't go wrong. The stories and those who teach them are really there for the same purpose-to develop the Do my for me cheap online, skills for a successful life among others in the world. Section 4: Synopsis.

Our narrator is a young lad named Michael, and help for nursing his story begins when his family moves to their new house in the English countryside. Michael's mum has recently given birth to a baby girl. An air of concern surrounds baby's health. Something about her isn't right, but no one is talking about it. Michael longs for his old school pals Leakey and Do my homework for me cheap online Coot.

The new house is a fixer-upper; its former owner was found sprawled under the kitchen table a week after he'd fallen over dead. No one is smiling, except the real estate agent. He tells them, You have to Term paper research papers see it with your mind's eye (2) . He has the homework for me cheap, right idea for help for nursing the wrong reason. Michael is an acute observer of his surroundings, which is why it is he who discovers Skellig desiccating in online, the cobwebs of the ramshackle garage at their new house. Skellig is pallid, squalid, and apparently too weak to stand or move about without assistance; curled up in his filthy overcoat, he reminds us of Ap english released essays, a derelict wino. He has been moldering in the dust for some time.

The discovery of Skellig introduces the first theme of the story. Skellig is not easily defined; Michael is beginning to realize the complexity of the homework, world that he is growing into. Released Essays? Skellig, Michael's parents, Dr. Death, the baby, even the online, people on the bus: I thought how you could never tell just by looking at them what they were thinking or what was happening in their lives (13) . Language Released? He too, is anonymous, I knew if somebody looked at for me, me, they'd know nothing about me, either (13) . And though recently there have been big changes in his life school stayed just the same (13) . That is, until he met his new neighbor Mina. She is about Michael's age, but she is being home-schooled. Ut Homework? Mina carries a notebook to write in and draw in. She likes to sit in trees, and freely quotes William Blake. Her parents believe schools inhibit the natural curiosity, creativity, and intelligence of children (49) . Michael's baby sister goes to the hospital, and he is excused from for me cheap online regular attendance at his school because of the family crisis.

He begins feeding Skellig left-over Chinese food 27 and 53 (19) that he and login his father have been getting since his mother moved to the hospital to be near his baby sister. For Skellig, it is food of the gods compared to Do my for me cheap the bluebottle flies and spiders that were his mainstay previously. Michael falls readily under the spell of Mina's Blakian influence and takes her to meet Skellig. Together they hatch a plan to nurse him back to health, seemingly against his will. When they move him to a safer location, they discover that Skellig's overcoat hides a huge pair of Term paper research papers goals, wings. Perhaps he is a guardian angel or an as yet undiscovered species of owl. What he may or may not be does not concern Michael and Mina. He will die without their help. When he has recovered, he returns the favor in a surprising manner.

Almond's prose is lyrical to the point of approaching fine poetry. It encompasses many of the central themes associated with the power of love and understanding, initiation into for me cheap online the world of other people, the strength of family, metaphysics, the dichotomy of self and other, symbiosis, and C assignment help for nursing the miraculous healing properties of for me cheap, Chinese cuisine. He explores the mysteries of life and death, friendship/betrayal, compassion, letting go, trust, growing up, following your heart, but most importantly, the power of love to heal. Option A. Biographical Investigation. I began this research paper with a close reading of the opening paragraph of Skellig because I felt that it contained the essential skeleton of the larger story that follows. As I made my way through the remaining story, using the Cheap inc, opening paragraph as a flashlight, there were a few moments when I began to Do my cheap doubt my original thesis.

By the time I was done, only the ghost of a lingering doubt remained. That ghost was vanquished recently when I read an language released, Achuka interview with David Almond. The interviewer asks Almond if the writing of Skellig had somehow released him from his former overly self-conscious approach to writing. He was referring to online Almond's earlier statement that he began writing the story of Skellig with the opening sentence, and the rest of the Ut homework login website, book seemed to write itself. Almond goes on to recount how the subsequent writing flowed with such great pace and certainty that he quickly realized he wasn't really in conscious control of the characters or events. He had left his old way of writing behind.

When I read that statement I thought immediately of the plight of his narrator, Michael, and the frustration and anxiety he felt about his family's move and his baby sister's tenuous hold on her new life. Almond's Skellig writes itself and drags the author along while Michael's life appears to have broken loose and taken its owner helplessly along for cheap online the ride. In both cases the protagonist experiences a lack of Persuasive essays against abortion, control over cheap online events that eventually resolves itself into a new confidence. The confidence that Almond gained from writing Skellig helped him to maintain control of all the different strands in the complex plot of Term paper papers, his next highly successful YA novel, Kit's Wilderness. It also gave him the courage to plunge deeper into Do my for me cheap online the subject of death. Michael and Almond follow their best instincts and let the story unfold on its own terms. The result is a new confidence borne of its benefactors' good intentions. Almond recalls that once the story began to flow properly, it suddenly developed several levels, and he wondered for a time whether he was capable of Term research, pulling it off. In the same way, Michael follows his instinct to Do my homework for me cheap help Skellig even though he has no idea who or what Skellig might be. He doesn't even know for certain that he can be of any use to Skellig, but like Pip in login, the opening of Great Expectations, he takes personal risks to bring sustenance to someone in desperate need of assistance. And like Pip, Michael is ultimately rewarded for his ministrations.

His mysterious charge later becomes his benefactor. In similar fashion, it seems that Almond's muse just needed to cheap get a foot in the door and a running start to propel him noticeably further on for nursing, in his personal development as a writer. Almond had been writing stories for adults and had found a select audience for them. The body of Do my homework cheap, his work consisted of a sequence of stories about his own childhood called Stories From The Middle Of The World. He has said that when he finished the help for nursing, sequence, Skellig lay in wait.

It is Do my homework cheap online interesting to recall the similarity of his description with Michael's introduction to Skellig. For Nursing? Michael too moves from a familiar childhood world into a new environment. And he discovers Skellig almost immediately. When he finds Skellig, he says that he looked as though he had been there forever. Another way of saying it is, Skellig lay in wait. And he needed Michael's assistance to be restored to his original nature. Do My Homework? Almond had reached the end of his childhood tales for adults and needed a push for further development. He decided to essays inc try writing for Do my for me children because it made him focus on the elemental nature of stories. Prior to Ut homework website writing Skellig, Almond had been reading a good deal of homework online, early Christian history, including lives of saints, etc.

It may've been during this time that he read about or heard about the hermit of Skellig Michael and his desire to live like a solitary sea bird high in a crag on paper research papers goals, an uninhabited geological projection to be close to God. He did say that the best images/metaphors arise organically and Do my online almost unconsciously. This would seem to aptly fit that description. When questioned about the quasi-angelic character of Skellig, Almond acknowledges that he grew up in an extended Catholic family where angels were spoken of I need help writing a song james brown -, quite openly. His childhood was rife with stories that featured angels. He was brought up to accept that angels watched over his family caring for them and helping them through life. And, of course, angels kept a journal of everyone's actions on earth.

He remembers his neighbors speaking of occasional angel sightings in the streets and Do my for me cheap online houses of the town where he grew up, especially when someone had died. This recalls Michael's statement, the world's full of papers, amazing things. I've seen them (108). But Skellig hardly fits the usual angel stereotype, and for Do my homework for me online Almond, as well as many of his readers, it is a good thing. For a time he was a little concerned that he might be accused of getting on the current, sickeningly, sentimental angel bandwagon. Luckily, as the essays, muse filled Almond's head with Skellig's tale, his bestial characteristics turned out to be just as strong as his angelic side. Almond gave more weight to homework online Skellig's worldly nature and kept his classic angelic qualities in soft focus.

Whether conscious or unconscious, that choice has probably widened his audience considerably and paper research goals left open the Do my for me cheap online, tantalizing mystery of Skellig's nature. As if to emphasize that point, Almond includes in Persuasive essays against, his story the great mystery of archaeopteryx, the dinosaur that flew (98). Shortly after Mina introduces archaeopteryx, she tells Michael There's no end to evolution. We have to homework for me online be ready to move forward. Maybe this is not how we are meant to be forever (99). She then whispers Skellig's name three times. It is not difficult to imagine a similar scene in released essays, Almond's own childhood. It is a quiet Sunday afternoon, and Do my for me cheap little David is seated on his grandma's lap peering at an illustration of an angel in the book of bible stories she has opened across his chubby knees. Grandma is ancient; her wrinkled skin is desiccated. Against Abortion? The angel before him has all of the homework for me online, familiar features of a normal person. But out of I need help james, its shoulders rise a massive pair of spotless, pale wings.

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How This Simple Resume Model and homework cheap, Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job. Need a resume makeover? See the Ut homework website, before and after of a resume transformation. Use this powerfully simple resume model and Do my homework for me cheap, career portfolio as your guide. The days of slapping together a resume and getting results long gone. The days of against just having a resume are pretty much over as well. Meet Ken Cordova. As he finished his master’s degree, he wanted to put himself out there to explore new career opportunities. His problem?

His resume. Here’s his resume before: Here’s his powerfully simple resume after: Ken went through a resume transformation. Online! He developed a simple resume and career portfolio to land his dream job. Help Writing A Song -! I’ll walk you though how you can do the same. Ken supplemented his resume with a great career portfolio.

It took some time and effort, but it quickly paid off as he soon landed a dream job. In fact, he turned down interviews at for me one point. I’ll walk you through what Ken did to Ut homework website build this simple resume model and career portfolio example. As I always say, simple is hard. I’ll keep it as easy as possible for you and show you how to replicate these as well as the tools he used. Even if you aren’t in the job market, I still recommend you keep your resume updated and build a career portfolio. At some point, you’ll likely need both. Don’t wait until that time to start frantically building them. Components of a Powerfully Simple Resume Model. Recruiters and hiring managers are scan readers. They need to check a ton of Do my homework resumes in a short time so they skim most of a song james brown - them.

If something catches their attention, they’ll actually read the resume, which drastically increases your chances of Do my homework for me cheap online a first interview. The resume content and keywords are important but scannability is critical. If you can’t get a hiring manager’s attention, great content gets you nowhere. Ap English Language Released! The importance of content comes to play after you’ve caught their attention. So what do you do? Rethink your resume design by understanding how people initially scan a web page. Without knowing the science of how people read web content, which version of Ken’s resume would you be more likely to read? Remember, you have hundreds of resumes to homework cheap go through in Ut homework a short period. What makes a simple resume powerful?

How easy it is to visually scan. Not only is the new, simple resume more visually appealing, it’s also easier to Do my homework cheap scan. Here’s the essays against, science behind it. Content is Do my homework for me online organized in inc an ‘F’ formation. Although it might sound odd to design a simple resume as a web page, hiring managers use the same approach as people use to scan a website. According to Do my cheap a Nielson Group study, people quickly scan web content in Term paper papers goals an F-shape pattern. After the scan, they decide if they commit to reading the content in more detail. Now doesn’t this sound like the typical hiring manager approach I just described? Hiring managers scan content like users scan content on a web page before deciding to commit. Ken’s more simple resume makes it easy to homework for me cheap scan the content.

The GIF image below simulates for you a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Click on it to activate it. Click on Term research, the image to activate an animation that simulates a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Which one would make you stop? Visually, which one is most appealing and stands out most? Ken’s simple resume is easy to scan. As you design your resume, make it easy to scan. Ken’s resume is easy to scan and homework for me cheap, digest the login, content. Given the Do my for me, ‘F’ pattern, here is how a typical person scan’s his resume: This resume model is easy to scan which makes a commitment to reading more likely.

The first scan is likely to Cheap essays inc go from left-to-right. His picture is at the end, which catches attention and online, continues the scan. You might try putting a headline with this first scan as well. Keep this section as simple as possible as to not overwhelm the reader. Scan 2 and 3 can go either way. Ap English Released! Likely, there is a slight scan down to cheap online the left and goals, then off to the right. Do My Homework For Me Cheap Online! That second scan catches keywords such as: If you were hiring someone for a leadership position, wouldn’t you want to keep reading after quickly scanning those words?

He made great use of not only the keywords but the placement of them based on how people scan a resume. Depending on where scan 2 started, the third scan is slower (especially based on paper research goals, the resume keywords and Do my, placement). This is where commitment to finish reading his resume happens. Visually organized resume content. Ken’s more simple resume is login website visually organized. This makes the for me online, content easier to login read and digest. Once the scanning stops, the reader has to decide if it is going to be ‘easy to read.’ This resume model is organized into three sections.

Much like a website header, this resume header gives a visual sign of order and a quick overview. Homework Online! The picture is a powerful way for someone to put a person to Cheap the page. Ken’s resume model makes effective use of a sidebar that is visually separated by the background color. The information has great keywords and summary information for Do my online, anyone scanning this content. He further separates the content into C assignment for nursing, sections with headers. Do My Homework For Me Cheap Online! Easy to scan and easy to digest. Ken separates the essays, main content with a white background.

He further organizes content with separators. Although there is plenty of content here, it appears brief and easy to read thanks to the visual organization. Ken uses the action-result formula for his resume structure instead of simply listing tasks. Homework For Me! He quickly tells a story of the value he brings to login website the business. Tools resources to build this simple resume. For developing content, keywords and homework online, organizing this resume model, Ken used a collection of resume strategies I developed. He also didn’t rush it. He took his time and went through each part thoroughly. As a part of the toolkit, Ken discovered hundreds of C assignment templates at Canva. He used a combination of the pre-designed templates.

The service and templates are free. I also have a list of other free templates in a resume development toolkit chapter on cheap online, resume design and customization. I list lots of options there! So the Term paper papers, question that many of you are probably asking is: How did he fit 20+ years of experience on a one-page resume?

He didn’t and you don’t need to either. Pick the most recent and relevant experience based on your position targets. Ken made fantastic use of a supplemental professional career portfolio. Here’s how he did it and why you should do it too. Career and Professional Portfolio Example. With the latest trends in homework for me online talent acquisition moving to digital, people want to know you before they meet you. Persuasive Against Abortion! The first thing people will do is Google you. Make sure they immediately find the right information. A career portfolio is a digital display of your professional experience and for me cheap, accomplishments. Professional portfolios range in help - length from homework for me online a single page to a thousand-page website that includes case studies, references and visual galleries (especially for photographers).

Most people hear ‘website’ and think ‘I. It’s not difficult. I’ll show you a simple way of creating a simple but powerful career portfolio. Why is a career portfolio important when looking for work? When someone types your name into a search bar, the displayed results are called SERP (Search Engine Result Page). The more authoritative web properties associated with your name, the more information displayed in your SERP. Here is the SERP for login website, Kris Fannin as an example:

A career and professional portfolio will increase your exposure, authority, and SERP when people search for you. Why does your SERP matter? Because I guarantee people will search for you while looking for work. A career portfolio helps them find what they want and learn more about Do my homework, you as a person and a professional. Additionally, a professional portfolio provides you exposure even when you aren’t looking for a job. Term Research! It brings opportunities to you and cheap, not you chasing opportunities down in a reactive way.

Career portfolios are not just a copy and paste of website your resume, although they should contain your resume. Ken did an excellent job of developing a simple yet powerful portfolio together. Homework Online! He used the Wix platform for building and hosting his site. The current version of Ken’s portfolio can be found here. He had never built a website before, although you wouldn’t know that looking at it. At the end of this section, I’ll give you some other options to build yours.

Let’s walk through the sections and content so you can use a similar format. Career portfolio ‘Home’ and introduction page. Use this section to give a brief introduction and catch their attention. Be professional and personable. A career portfolio is a perfect complement to a scannable, simple resume. Just under the introduction, Ken provides a CTA (Call to Action) to learn more about him. Include a simple contact form and link to your active social profiles as well. Career portfolio ‘About Me’ – be human.

This is an area to let people know the Persuasive against abortion, value you bring as a professional. Notice – and this is very important – Ken did NOT just copy and paste the content of his resume. He gives a short overview of his career, what he’s looking for and personal traits that make him successful. He has another CTA that invites the user to explore his resume. He includes some personal information below, which I highly recommend. Why? Hiring managers are looking for an organizational culture fit.

They want to know more than your skills and experience. They want to know you as a person. This is also an opportunity to connect with a potential employer as a human – not just a resume. Seriously? How could you NOT start to like Ken after seeing and reading this? Make sure your career portfolio includes some personal content. It helps to connect with the person reading it and makes you an Do my for me cheap online, actual human. Career portfolio ‘Resume’ and Ut homework login website, ‘Skills’ sections. Ken broke these into two different pages, and Do my for me cheap online, there is a reason.

First, he has a page with his resume content. Notice, it is not exactly the same as his actual resume which is Persuasive against abortion key. Be slightly more descriptive. He also added a video background to the header of the page. Do My Homework Online! Because this content can be more ‘dry,’ this is a great strategy to engage a user immediately. He then takes it a step further by adding a ‘Skills’ page. Why did he separate the Persuasive, two? Because he made it conversational.

It has great wording and visuals and further builds his ‘case’ to a potential employer. Make your career portfolio conversational and appealing. Ken added a separate ‘Skills’ page to his portfolio which further engages a potential employer and for me online, builds his case. Career portfolio ‘Education’ and I need help brown -, ‘Contact’ sections. Although rather straightforward, these are important sections for a professional portfolio. You might be tempted to Do my for me cheap put them on one page, but I recommend you separate them. Separate sections allow you to go into more detail. Additional sections to consider for your career portfolio.

Although not included in for nursing Ken’s, some extra content and sections to consider adding to your portfolio include: Video or a video introduction . What better way for someone to ‘get to know you’ than a video introduction? If you decide to include one, I would put it on the first page. These aren’t difficult to Do my for me cheap online make. Just dress professionally and fire up your webcam. FAQ section . Papers! What questions do potential employers ask you? What are some unusual questions you’ve been asked in an interview that you are confident you answered well? Include them in an FAQ section! You could also answer each question on video. Take a look at Intelivate’s FAQ section for ideas on how to organize them.

Alternatives to a dedicated website. If you don’t want to Do my homework for me build a dedicated site, here are a couple of research papers goals great alternatives. All three have free and premium products. You have just about everything you need to build a great, simple resume and homework for me online, career portfolio. I know it can be overwhelming, so take it one step at a time. Ut Homework Login Website! Bookmark this and come back to it as you start each part.

Remember, even if you aren’t in the job market, please do both of these proactively now before you ‘need’ them later. Do My Homework For Me! At the least, you’ll open the Term research, door to new opportunities. I know I gave you a lot of information here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know over on Twitter or Facebook. I’d love to connect as well!

Don’t forget to subscribe above to get more business and career insights delivered directly to you. Related solutions to Do my for me help you with your resume and career portfolio. Stop Destroying Your Job Satisfaction – 6 Ways to Becoming Happy. 20 Ways to Build Your Core Leadership Competencies With Trust. “What to Do With My Life?” Tap Into Your Fears to Term papers Find Your Career Path.

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