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artaud essay When I was in graduate school, I saw a posting on the bulletin board in my department indicating that poets were 50 percent more likely than those in other professions to experience mental illness. In the moment, it didn#8217;t occur to me to Write paper wonder why it was necessary to post these survey results, where any number of poets were liable to see them. Instead, I thought they bore some important news: that poets were the genuine article. Because: nothing was more genuine than mental illness. Where#8217;s the beginning and the ending of the theater, the building which houses this evening#8217;s drama? This is one of the first questions I ask when I#8217;m reading Antonin Artaud. Artaud no longer seems to think of the theater as inhabiting a particular space, just as there is no longer a space in the world uncontaminated by his theater. His is a theater as big as the world. Writing Service Professionals Easy. No part of our lives is untouched by my scholarly, the need for its spectacle.

In senior year of college, I appeared in a production of The Cenci, by Artaud. True, this particular drama is unproducible, generally speaking, and not terribly #8220;good,#8221; according to the standards of conventional theater. Probably The Cenci is an example of the writing easy, failure of Artaud to find a way to apply his ideas. This didn#8217;t stop us, the players of my undergraduate years. In the course of the action I was meant to simulate copulation with an actress who just then happened to my scholarly paper be both my apartment mate and the lover of one of my best friends. Help Writing. I threw myself into it, the simulation.

I believed in the cruelty part of #8220;Theater of Cruelty.#8221; I simulated so violently, one night, that I banged my hand on Write paper login, the set, on the mise-en-scene, as it were, and gashed myself. It took a long while for the wound to Essay writing service heal. When it did, I was launched on the world. I was a graduate. In those days: Genet and Derrida and Barthes and Foucault and Deleuze, as well as Artaud.

Thus, the specific Artaud influence was a general French influence, and the general thrust of that French influence, as I understood it, included trusting in imagination as an anarchic force, the unstoppable force, a force in my scholarly login, the midst of How to paper with an interview, forestalling the Write paper, attempts of society and essay help high senior, metaphysics to control and organize. My Scholarly Paper Login. #8220;Withdraw allegiance from the old categories of the Negative (law, limit, castration, lack, lacuna), which Western thought has so long held sacred as a form of writing on it green, power and an access to reality. Prefer what is Write login, positive and multiple, difference over uniformity, flows over unities, mobile arrangements over systems#8221; (Foucault#8217;s preface to L#8217;Anti-Oedipe ). Admissions. I therefore loved the Write my scholarly login, surrealist manifestos, too. Paper. [ 2] I got bored only Write my scholarly login with the surrealists when the principals became too enamored with politics. Artaud got bored early, too. He turned on them with a vengeance. The spurned lover. My hypothesis: Artaud is part of a European and specifically French intellectual lineage obsessed with the rigors of Help writing a novel month, truth-telling. (#8220;We are born, we live,#8221; he said, speaking to a tradition of paradoxical truths, #8220;we die in an environment of lies.#8221;) Artaud aspires to be a magus of truth, a sorcerer of paper login, truth, and he is admissions help school senior, willing to die for it, or to be driven insane by his perceptions: #8220;I believe that our present social state is iniquitous and should be destroyed. If this is Write my scholarly login, a fact for the theater to be preoccupied with, it is even more a matter for machine guns.#8221; Does he believe what he#8217;s saying exactly as he#8217;s saying it, or does he simply believe that the truth is in Money jason, the avowal, which avowal changes its utterer, makes it nearly impossible for him to bring the message back to the place where it most needs to be brought—the place of mendacity? #8220;Should I be writing like Artaud? I am incapable of it,#8221; Derrida says, #8220;and besides, anyone who would try to write like him, under the pretext of writing toward him, would be even surer of missing him, would lose the slightest chance ever of meeting him in the ridiculous attempt of paper login, this mimetic distortion . Paper. #8221;

Sontag argues that he#8217;s a gnostic (#8220;Artaud wandered in the labyrinth of a specific type of religious sensibility, the Gnostic one#8221;), meaning, I suppose, that he believed in Write, a secret, unimpeded route to with writing on it the divine, that he could have personal access, without requiring the apparatus of the church and its intercessions. Or: gnostic meaning that the divine with which he consorts is a malignancy? A failed demiurge? I#8217;m not always sure which gnosticism Sontag refers to. [ 3] And yet you do feel Artaud#8217;s fealty to the concealed, especially in, e.g., To Have Done with the Judgment of God, his radio play. Likewise the late work generally, Artaud le Momo, and Van Gogh, The Man Suicided by Write, Society, etc. Perhaps the homework, secret he pursues is between things and between the words that describe these things. His secret is unpronounceable and Write login, cannot be passed on, but certain gestures indicate the direction in which we might proceed. Paper Green. Thus his love of hieroglyphics, words that are illustrative, not alphabetical, #8220;And these three-dimensional hieroglyphs are in turn brocaded with a certain number of gestures—mysterious signs which correspond to Write paper some unknown, fabulous, and obscure reality which we here in the Occident have completely repressed.#8221; I was studying a lot of drama, and I therefore remember, reading from the Essay easy, Theater of the Absurd. Pirandello and some Ionesco and paper login, some Arrabal and zweig, some Beckett. I loved these playwrights, even when the absurdist humor was, well, a little juvenile in spots.

Scatological, but perhaps with an emphasis on paper, the logical. I liked the writing a novel month, Arrabal play set in an automobile graveyard. I liked the Ionesco play featuring rhinoceroses. And yet this anarchy was too gentle. The Theater of the Absurd had been tamed by then, and that was obvious, especially so when I came to read The Theater and my scholarly paper login, Its Double, the overture of which ends with a miraculous, life-altering terminus, a terminus which was enough to discredit, in some measure, much of what I loved about the Theater of the Absurd: #8220;And if there is College essay school senior, still one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of being like victims burnt at Write my scholarly paper the stake, signaling through the magazine zweig, flames.#8221; The Theater of my scholarly login, Cruelty, you see, was never tamed. What#8217;s with the before and after photos of Artaud?

Always before illness and then after ? You#8217;d think he was a dieter. Essay School. Yes, Artaud was an incredibly beautiful young man and later, per contra, he was weather-beaten and humbled. Login. Wracked by cancer and decades of addiction, not to mention ECT and other exotic psychiatric treatments. Insulin therapy. Yet perhaps the beaten-down quality is still an write report with, interpretation of Artaud. The photos are a luxury for those who already know what they think.

We imagine there is an my scholarly, appearance to mental illness, though mental illness looks like nothing. Suffering looks like something. But generally mental illness is simply the report with an interview, physical illness that bears no trace. Derrida: #8220;It would certainly be disingenuous to close our eyes, either because of some literary feeling or some absentminded politeness, to what Artaud himself describes as a neuropathological persecution. My Scholarly Login. Moreover, that kind of disingenuousness would be insulting.

The man is sick.#8221; When I was acting in college, there was a certain kind of play, a certain kind of theater, that flattened life and reduced its complexity and How to report with, menace and variety, leaving a mere residue of pabulum. I refer to the issue-oriented parlor drama . My Scholarly Paper Login. The protagonists in these plays sit around yacking about essay help school, abortion or euthanasia or about church and state, and login, someone gives a monologue and then commences to weep. Artaud#8217;s contempt is instructive: #8220;All true feeling is in reality untranslatable. To express it is to betray it. But to writing translate it is to dissimulate it. My Scholarly. True expression hides what it makes manifest.#8221; What would theater be like if there could be a genuine Theater of Cruelty along the lines proposed? I admire, e.g., the Living Theater, at least as I understand them to have been, from school, videos and written accounts. They argue for something like an applied Theater of Cruelty. Paradise Now or Dionysus in 69: these seem to Write login have consisted of Paper with on it, people running around in an audience shouting things. Breaking the Fourth Wall.

Are the words being shouted about Vietnam? The savagery of paper, American capitalism? The iniquities and with writing on it, inequities of human things? They are. My Scholarly Paper. Perhaps this revolution feels quaint now. Why, then, am I so fascinated, so moved, by the idea of any such performance? By the Living Theater and the work of College help high, Jerzy Grotowski, et al.?

Because it#8217;s spontaneous, because it is happening now, because it puts the life back in live theater. Write Login. Psychosis is timeless, psychosis is Paper with writing green, exclusionary, psychosis is isolated, psychosis is excruciating. Not that I have experienced more than the drug-induced kind, but I have shared a room. Psychosis involves torment. It#8217;s hard for the layperson to construct what this variety of torment feels like. [ 4] As if schizophrenia were a contagion, so complete is our recoiling from it. Artaud reiterates this quality of his predicament so regularly, his torment, [ 5] that we become inured to the protestations, and in this way perhaps he is forced into metaphor: #8220;You have seen the hordes of demons which afflict me night and day, you have seen them as clearly as you see me. You have seen what filthy erotic manipulations they are constantly performing on me.#8221; In metaphor, the flourishing of the etiology of Write, torment, as if translated for us.

Later, when I was in the psychiatric hospital myself, I shared the ward with a guy called Herbie. Really nice guy. Magazine Zweig. He might have been my buddy back in high school. He had an impish sense of humor, and a poorly grown-in mustache, but he had taken too much acid, which had gotten to login him, and now he was more or less schizophrenic—depending on the day and on his levels of medication. A Novel Month. When Herbie was not floridly psychotic, he was very badly depressed. He had a good sense of what he#8217;d done to himself, what synapses he had cooked. I spent a memorable evening once watching Herbie attempt to explain playing cards, their meaning, to a catatonic woman. For Herbie, the Write login, words of the explanation existed mainly as sounds, not words, but as assonances and Help a novel month, euphonies. As the explanation was addressed to someone unresponsive, it could not be but successful, if only in a limited way.

Herbie therefore gave himself over to it with great energy. He performed it. How to think of the paper, double in The Theater and Its Double ? Doubling as a figment of a hermeneutically obsessed imagination? The double as the How to report paper, thing behind the Write login, thing? The secret component, the Help writing a novel, true raiment, the my scholarly paper login, aspect of the material realm that shines forth for the chosen ? My own particular emotional difficulty was hermeneutic, in the sense that I thought beneath all men, beneath all masculinity, was savagery that I couldn#8217;t see; all men were rapists, in homework, my own madness (if madness is the Write, right word), and they were temporarily concealing this rapacity; I would see it in them, on the bus, on the subway, each man concealing his bloodthirsty secret. Like many people who are high-functioning but ill, I tried not to writing on it green discuss these thoughts, these things that I was thinking, which made me feel more isolated, in turn more hermeneutical, more preoccupied with the interiority of my inquiries, the illness thus somehow causing the illness, the Write my scholarly paper, lack of a cure preventing the possibility of admissions school senior, a cure. Artaud lost his mind in Ireland, if by paper login, mind we refer to the part of him that could construct experience nonmetaphorically. First there was the trip to Mexico, which must have been a huge undertaking, [ 6] to with on it green pull up stakes from home in Europe for this disorderly New World. There was a lot of intoxication in Mexico, and much sorcery, because this was Mexico, a land of myth, where teenagers are sacrificed, and men are turned into coyotes, and Write my scholarly login, black magic is the Paper with on it green, spectacle.

William S. Paper Login. Burroughs looked for and found similar things there. Artaud wasn#8217;t in Mexico long, just a few months, in part because it was not populated by theatrical adepts, but, in the countryside, by indigenous people trying to scrape by. Not long after Mexico, his trip to Ireland. 1937. A country and a mythological apparatus to which I have made pilgrimages myself.

Artaud didn#8217;t speak English very well, it is said, and while he was there, he had a hard time making himself understood. Maybe this is because he was no longer speaking in Money magazine jason zweig, any recognizable tongue. My Scholarly. What is homework assistance, it about Ireland? On the one hand, like Mexico, it has its substratum of Write paper, ancient stories, druidic symbols, icons, dolmens. And then again it is layered over in the habits of Christianity, with which Artaud much struggled—the old, vengeful Abrahamic god.

August Strindberg was another troubled psychotic of the theater who interested me, back when. I performed in Ghost Sonata in high school, and later in A Dream Play. In college. These were tortured, haunted, deeply unsettling plays. Artaud mounted productions of each. When I was preparing for A Dream Play, I went and read translations of nearly all of Strindberg#8217;s journals and novels. He really did believe that there were gears in the walls of his flat (it#8217;s a very popular hallucination) and that neighbors were trying to drive him crazy with infernal engines. [ 7] Artaud delights in writing month, paradoxes, he gathers them in, devours them, embodies paradoxes. Thus the assault on Write my scholarly paper, the language of the theater and the preference of the Marketing assistance, theater for text over mise-en-scene is Write login, written in the most elevated and perfectly calibrated prose: #8220;What is essential now, it seems to me, is to determine what this physical language consists of, this solidified, materialized language by Money magazine jason zweig, means of which theater is able to differentiate itself from speech.#8221; What#8217;s so horrible about text, you may want to ask, if it permits this gloriousness we have before us, the Oeuvres of Artaud?

In glossolalia, favored by my scholarly, the later Artaud, words become vessels of sound, and the repetition is what#8217;s pleasing. The meaning becomes the Paper writing on it, materiality, and the gesture of the words in their improvised modality brings us close to the original spirit of Write paper, language. It#8217;s like the Latin mass overheard by zweig, a nonspeaker of Latin: Artaud advocates glossolalia well before he employs it. He advocates it in my scholarly, his assault on the textuality of European playwriting, and then later, in his illness, he free-falls into non-textuality, which means: as if at a novel the prompting of God. There#8217;s a way that I always disbelieve Artaud, too, especially now that I am twenty years from my own time in login, the psychiatric hospital. In my disbelief, sometimes he seems just a sick person, and Essay, I want to say that I am no longer willing to be sick for my own art—it#8217;s a young man#8217;s game—and I think the fact that Artaud exists mostly in fragments, the Write login, fact that his plays are often unfinished, unmounted, or critical failures, doesn#8217;t look so good in the harsh light of retrospection.

Conquest of Mexico, e.g., it might work in film, if you hired some team of digital technicians to design the backdrops and assistance, had all the actors acting in Write paper, front of blue screens, but no one would underwrite such a film, and writing a novel month, anyway film is not theater, has no legitimate spectacle about it, film isn#8217;t live . Write My Scholarly. In 1984, I saw a performance piece by green, Sylvere Lotringer—at the St. Mark#8217;s Poetry Project in New York City—about Artaud. In the course of the evening, Sylvere played a recording of To Have Done with the Judgment of God, Artaud#8217;s radio play and last major work. The radio play was in my scholarly paper, French, but there was a simultaneous translation in Help writing, English (projected). Finally, I heard Artaud#8217;s voice, a deeply scary thing. To me the radio play sounded punk, like Throbbing Gristle, or like Test Department, or like Einsturzende Neubauten. This sound of torment is simulated in punk and post-punk, but in Artaud#8217;s voice, it was anything but: I learned yesterday / one of the most sensational of those official practices of American public schools / which no doubt account for my scholarly, the fact that this country believes itself to be in the vanguard of progress. / It seems that, among the examinations of tests required of a child entering public school for the first time, there is the so-called seminal fluid or sperm test, / which consists of asking this newly entering child for a small amount of his sperm so it can be placed in a jar and kept ready.#8230; When he#8217;s really onto with on it green his subject, he inevitably summons the biological horrors.

What he#8217;s written is written on the body: #8220;The idea of a detached art, of poetry as a charm which exists only to distract our leisure, is a decadent idea and an unmistakable symptom of Write my scholarly, our power to homework assistance castrate.#8221; The stench of fiction is Write, a perfume formulated by my friend Bradford Morrow to describe some artifices of the literary now. Marketing. The shallowness of Write paper login, literary business as usual, the complicity, the smugness, the Money jason zweig, self-satisfaction, the predictability, the consonance with an my scholarly login, existing power structure, the reverence for sentimentality, the melodrama, the bad prose, the total poverty of imagination and innovation, the lack of admissions essay help high school, surprise, the my scholarly paper login, insularity, the flaccidity, the tediousness, the frequent disappointment of literature. Sontag, in her introduction to How to write a good report paper with an interview Artaud, describes the hatred of my scholarly, literature as part of the admissions essay school senior, process for the surrealists, and thus part of the process for a young Artaud. And yet in America, it seems to me, there is login, much left to be done. Our fiction has a more fecal perfume, and when Morrow describes breathing deep of the Paper writing on it, stench, therefore, being able to perceive in it its giardia and streptococcus B, even from a distance, he is also describing what I love about Artaud, the desire to paper login lay siege, and then to delight in assistance, the aftermath. #8220;The Theater and Write my scholarly login, the Plague,#8221; from The Theater and Its Double, is among the a good, most astonishing modern essays on literary aesthetics, and Write paper, it shook my very foundations. Perhaps most arresting is the fact that it does its work entirely by metaphor. #8220;Before the onset of any marked physical or psychological discomfort, the body is covered in Marketing homework, red spots,#8221; the author begins, before detailing at great length the horrors of the affliction, #8220;and these blisters are surrounded by circles, of which the outermost, like Saturn#8217;s ring around the incandescent planet, indicates the extreme limit of a bubo.#8221; It#8217;s only well into the essay that Artaud finally connects the plague to my scholarly paper login his subject, the theater. (#8220;There are other analogies which confirm the College school, only truths that count and locate the action of the theater like that of the plague on the level of a veritable epidemic.#8221;) A simile, wrapped inside a metaphor, inside a metaphor, like a bubo with its rings—literature ought to Write login be like theater, as theater is itself like a plague, as all of life is like theater, is theater. Recently, I had lunch with a schizophrenic guy, an old college friend. It wasn#8217;t so bad. Help. In fact, it was a pleasure. Among other topics, we spoke of the Internet, this friend and I, about social-networking sites in particular. I was expecting him to be suspicious of these sites because it was through them, through connectivity, that the Forces of my scholarly, Evil could locate him and torture him, as he insisted the Forces of write with, Evil already had.

What he instead said about Facebook was: #8220;Those people will know that I don#8217;t work.#8221; The social part of life had become what was insurmountable to him. He had fallen away from the world. Artaud on literature: Written poetry is worth reading once, and my scholarly, then should be destroyed. Books, texts, magazines are tombstones. Dear friend, I detest literature more than you do. Essay Writing Service. The duty of the writer, of the poet is paper, not to shut himself up like a coward in a text, a book, a magazine from Help writing, which he never comes out. One mustn#8217;t let in too much literature. All writing is Write paper, garbage.

People who come out of nowhere to try to service professionals easy put into words any part of what goes on in their minds are pigs. The second day I was in the psychiatric hospital, they made us take a current events test. There was a girl in my scholarly login, there with me, a girl with horrible anorexia and all kinds of scars on her wrists. She was unable to read through a single headline in the newspaper. That was the substance of the test. Read a newspaper article aloud and describe what was in it. She couldn#8217;t even get through a single headline.

Her insurance was about to run out, at which point she was going to get shipped to the state hospital, which was not a treatment-oriented facility. By contrast, I was well enough informed on politics and current events. I could easily read from the newspaper. Money Jason Zweig. And yet part of my sickness was located in my scholarly login, the fact that I found the anorexic girl, so bent on her own demise, glorious, tragic, and luminous. Artaud went to great lengths to defend the word cruelty. Some critics of the manifestos of the How to an interview, Theater of Cruelty were made uncomfortable by the literal associations of the word. Still, there#8217;s a danger, I think, in not taking the word cruelty literally. Artaud intends the force of what he has written—though he seems not to be the Write my scholarly, sort of person who would have been physically cruel to anyone. #8220;Cruelty signifies rigor, implacable intention and decision, irreversible and absolute determination,#8221; he observes, but the sentence, forced on him by those who would have clarification, doesn#8217;t have the Money magazine jason, neon savagery of his finer moments: #8220;Death is cruelty, resurrection is login, cruelty, transfiguration is cruelty, since nowhere in a circular and closed world is there room for true death, since ascension is a rending, since closed space is fed with lives, and each stronger life tramples down the Money, others, consuming them in a massacre which is Write, a transfiguration and a bliss.#8221; Recognizing that paranoid schizophrenic is a term that psychiatrists pencil onto charts or insurance forms, I suppose I would still have to use the term or something like it to describe my college friend Joe, at least if I was bent on oversimplifying. I suppose I would say he is a paranoid schizophrenic, except that he is basically stable, and presentable, if a person of modest means. On the day we had lunch, I first met him on the street corner, he made small talk in the usual way, and then, with a slightly worried grin, he asked, #8220;Rick, what are you doing here?

Don#8217;t you know how dangerous it is?#8221; I said that I was just there to have lunch with him. A Good Report With An Interview. To which Joe said, #8220;Well, then you must be a double, too.#8221; When I argued that I wasn#8217;t a double, he said, #8220;Then why are you here?#8221; In or about 1956, Gregory Bateson conceived of the #8220;double bind#8221; theory to describe aspects of difficulties experienced by schizophrenics: [ 8] according to Bateson, the schizophrenic experiences his symptoms as a result of this causative straitjacketing, a nexus of contradictory social or emotional messages, to which psychosis is a logical response. Bateson suggests that the schizophrenic has #8220;trouble in identifying and interpreting those signals which should tell the individual what sort of message a message is, i.e., trouble with the signals of the same logical type as the signal #8216;This is play.#8217;#8221; [ 9] The psychotic break, in this argument, is the result of the login, strata of difficulties experienced by the patient—in the jason zweig, family, in the home, in the world. But maybe doubling is also built into language, into the exchange of utterances, as in the remark by Bateson, #8220;Language commonly stresses only one side of any interaction. Double description is better than one.#8221; And doubling is also implicit in the gnostic idea (in Hypostasis of the Archons, e.g.), wherein this world is an inferior copy of the more perfect heavenly one. And doubling is likewise central to world literature, and thus its prevalence in Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, Saramago, Hogg, et al. But as the copies are copied, the image becomes muddier, becomes barren. After Ireland, the cast of Write, Artaud#8217;s prose turned dark once and for writing month, all (#8220;I no longer know what is normal or supranormal#8221;). This was also the my scholarly, moment in which he was correcting the proofs of Marketing, his masterwork The Theater and Its Double. As Sontag sketches in her time line, #8220;By the paper login, time The Theater and Its Double appeared, Artaud was interned in Money zweig, the Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris.#8221; Was it his childhood case of meningitis?

Was it getting stabbed, when he was nineteen? Were those trauma enough? Was it the inadvertent opiate detoxification, on the trip to Mexico? Artaud speaks glancingly to this last issue, detoxification, in the sections I have read of #8220;A Voyage to the Land of the Tarahumara,#8221; concerning his travels. And in my own case, if I may speak to it again briefly, the detox was unpleasant, and the stress made me liable to have even more unintelligible thoughts than I#8217;d had before. Drink made depression far worse. My Scholarly Login. But at the same time, once I detoxed, then I really did imagine I heard people calling to me. I thought I was seeing things on the television that weren#8217;t really there, like transsexual prostitutes. Lots of them. Artaud says of the ingestion of peyote (into his newly detoxified system), on the trip into the Mexican interior: #8220;For now that he was dead his double could not wait for these evil spirits to be neutralized.#8230;#8221; And, later: #8220;Peyote, as I knew, was not made for Whites.#8230; And a White, for these Red men, is one whom the spirits have abandoned.#8221; The #8217;30s were eventful. In the first part of the decade, he struggled with opiate addiction and with his acting career, soon abandoned, and then in 1936, he embarked for Mexico.

To see his ideas bear fruit! Laying over in Havana, Artaud received as a gift a small sword, which he came to regard as possessed of magical powers. He detoxified again, in Mexico, having been unable to writing easy secure supply. In due course he relapsed. Back in France, he tried twice again to detoxify, without success. Then, in 1937, he made the trip to Ireland.

There he attempted to employ a staff that he insisted was a religious relic to repel necromantic spells. This did not endear him to the locals (#8220;Now the true christ is he who has given me his own staff, his magnetic magic wand, and he has no connection, I beg you to believe, with the christ of Christianity, or the christ of Catholicism#8221;). In Dublin, he was jailed briefly, and then deported. Upon landing, he failed to recognize his own mother. No theater extant, no theater in history, exists, #8220;which would fulfill Artaud#8217;s desire,#8221; Derrida suggests, #8220;and there would be no exception to be made for the attempts made by Artaud himself.#8221; This is part of why I admired him, especially when young—because his desire was such as to exceed possible fulfillment. But this is why it#8217;s also easy to misread him, as perhaps the Living Theater did, in Write login, thinking that mere provocation will do justice to the ideas. Probably what Artaud exhibits, in the end, is a purely literary construct, and that#8217;s why his sentences are so dazzling, even when he is at his most ill. The sentences are the engine of his desire, but things collapse in his unsturdy vision: living and Money magazine jason, being, body and soul, self and other.

So: I feel what his language means in my extremities, even if I don#8217;t always know what he means in my mind, and that feeling is the my scholarly paper, precondition of being swept away, as in: This century no longer understands fecal poetry, the intestine malady of Paper writing green, herself, Madam Death, who since the age of ages has been sounding the depths of her dead woman#8217;s column, her dead woman#8217;s anal column, in the excrement of an abolished survival, the corpse too of her abolished selves, and who for the crime of not having been able to exist, for never having been able to be a creature, had to fall, the better to sound the depths of her own being into this abyss of foul matter and indeed so pleasantly foul in which the corpse of Write login, Madam Death, Madam Fecal Uterine, Madam Anus, hell upon write a good paper an interview, hell of excrement, in the opium of her excrement, foments hunger, the fecal destiny of login, her soul, in the uterus of her own center. How indelible his assault, his obliteration of pere-mere, his refusal of origin, which leads, by synecdoche, or by syntax, to his body without organs— because if you have no origin, it stands to reason that you have no organs, no materiality, and thus you do not have to produce, and what Derrida says here, refusing biographical resonances while alluding to them, seems unavoidable: #8220;If it is precisely at this point that we recall that Artaud died of writing, cancer of the rectum, we do not do so in order to have exception prove the paper login, rule, but because we think that the status (still to be found) of this remark, and of other similar ones, must not be that of the so-called #8216;biographical reference.#8217;#8221; If Foucault, meanwhile, is correct in College essay help high school, defining madness as #8220;the absence of work,#8221; then Artaud was not mad, as he said himself on occasion (#8220;I want them to understand that I have never been either mad or sick#8221;). He leaves so much behind that constitutes work. Pages and pages of it. Wrestling with his works could fill a life. Write My Scholarly Paper Login. I, on the other hand, was mad, technically speaking, in the period just after being institutionalized, just after colliding with the institution, because in and after, I had trouble writing, couldn#8217;t write, and thus I constituted an absence of Help writing month, work, an inability to reflect, a shortage of will. I thought madness was a prerequisite for poetry, once upon a time.

But if you believe Artaud, the Write my scholarly paper, prerequisite for poetry is essay high, having a body, living in it, fighting against Write my scholarly paper login, its limitations, rejecting it. Many are his legacies in me—an attraction to a certain kind of Marketing assistance, metaphor, a love of physiognomy as a locator for consciousness, and an understanding of the dramatic platform and my scholarly paper, its possibilities. But most foundationally there is the sheer music of Marketing homework assistance, language, at the moment it addresses the outrages. #8220;I can no longer think except in fragments.#8221; #8617; #8220;Surrealism#8217;s confidence cannot be well or ill placed for the simple reason that it is Write paper, not placed. Neither in the palpable world, nor palpably outside of Essay writing, this world, nor in the perpetuity of mental associations which favor our existence with a natural demand or a superior whim, nor in the interest which the #8216;mind#8217; may have in my scholarly paper, sparing itself our transient clientele#8221; ( Manifestoes of Surrealism ). #8617; #8220;Central to Mithraism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and Tantric Buddhism,#8221; she says, without narrowing the field ( Select Writings ). #8617; #8220;Every bath I took was connected with ideas of drowning.#8230; I nearly always entered the bath inwardly afraid that its purpose was to end my life. The inner voices#8230; spoke to admissions help school senior me continuously in this sense and derided my lack of manly courage to carry it out.#8221; Daniel Paul Schreber, Memoirs of My Nervous Illness . #8617; #8220;I am a man who has suffered much from the mind.#8221; #8617; #8220;This mission has to do with discovering and reviving the vestiges of the ancient Solar culture.#8221; #8617; After his own psychotic break, Nietzsche wrote to paper login Strindberg—as if all the magazine zweig, mad writers eventually find their way to my scholarly login one another: #8220;I have ordered a convocation of princes in Rome—I mean to have the young emperor shot.#8221; Strindberg replied with a quotation from the Greek that goes, roughly, #8220;Meanwhile, it is How to write a good report with an interview, a joy to be mad.#8221; #8617; In, e.g., Steps to an Ecology of Mind, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1972. #8617; Ibid., p. 194. #8617; Rick Moody is the Write paper login, author of four novels, three collections of stories, and with on it, a memoir.

He plays music in the Wingdale Community Singers. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter. Image: Artaud as the monk Massieu in Carl Dreyer#8217;s The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)

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revenge essay topics These key words preceding Hamlet’s soliloquy go unheard by Hamlet and set the Write my scholarly login irony for his speech. The irony of this scene opened my eyes to jason zweig the irony in much of the plot of Hamlet and also his moral dilemma, which makes him fear being corrupted by the evil that he is trying to my scholarly paper destroy. How To Write A Good Report An Interview? Hamlet’s primary dilemma is Write my scholarly paper login, that he had been ordered to avenge his father’s death upon Claudius, but he is afraid of the implication this will have upon Essay, his own self. Will he be corrupted by the evil he is my scholarly paper login, trying. Consequently, isolation must come when revenge is in the making for the toil and strain of holding the charade together must not be torn asunder by the turmoil of friends, as well as family and dear loved ones.

Furthermore, isolation is quite the proponent to the quieting of Hamlet's mind that he may sort through the clutter to form a precise and intuitive revenge. Moreover, isolating one's self may also isolate others within our respective circles. Moreover, while Hamlet isolated himself in hopes of a fruitful. Essay on Hamlet - The Theme of Revenge. It would therefore not be unusual to an Elizabethan audience when Hamlet says: “The spirit that I have seen May be a devil, and the devil hath power T’assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps Out of my weakness and my melancholy, As he is very potent with such spirits, Abuses to damn me: I’ll have grounds More relative than this, the play’s the thing Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the writing professionals king.” Hamlet decides to determine whether Claudius is guilty or not by having a troupe of my scholarly login players.

Thus proving that to magazine zweig achieve their revenge they had to die and did not get the chance to Write login enjoy any satisfaction they may have had. This play was good it portrayed its themes very well, it was very interesting and kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next. The play left me wondering the answers to certain questions such as; Where Hamlet’s motivation’s to avenge his father’s death truly honourable, or was he just jealous of assistance Claudius? While “putting on his act” and pretending to be mad. 44-45). Hamlet is a man with strong filial love. Write My Scholarly Paper? His love towards his father is illustrated in the beginning of the play, as he mourns so deeply. It is a novel month, because of this love, that Hamlet confronts with the ghost which reveals the murder of his father.

While the my scholarly paper ghost beckons him, he follows it while Horatio and Marcellus remain as onlookers. Both Horatio and Marcellus want to keep Hamlet away from the ghost. Revenge and Vengeance in Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet Essay. It enters Hamlet with the Ghost, [. . .] . For it is nothing less than the revenge form itself that is archaic, not only in the sense I have already suggested, that the revenge play had been out of fashion for at least five years and a good report, just recently revived when Shakespeare turned to it again around 1600, but in a more fundamental sense as well. (105) So we learn that, although defunct for awhile, the revenge tragedy resurrected prior to the date of Hamlet’s composition. The prince has a. Essay on Abstract: Hamlet of William Shakespeare Tragedy Revenge. RELATIONS OF HAMLET TO CONTEMPARY REVENGE PLAYS written by Ashley H. Thorndike provides a comparison of revenge tragedy to the plays the paper login Spanish Tragedy and Hamlet. How To A Good Report Paper With? This articles investigates the relations of Hamlet to demands of the stage and plays of revenge. It states that there is three evidence to be examined to proof which Shakespeare's play Hamlet is a tragedy of revenge. Primarily, the dates of the plays must be examined to show that revenge tragedies were popular when Hamlet was first presented.

Hamlet and the Inner Hamlet Essay examples. Lost love, revenge, familial betrayal, war, suicide and a sense of duty figure into the experiences of the young characters. Erik Erikson identifies Hamlet with youth and an “abortive ideological leader”(Erikson 258). Hamlet has been denied his assumed right to the throne, the possibility of returning to his studies and his love. His purpose in life has been removed leaving him with only youthful ideals that are being shattered by login, the reality that people act often for personal gain instead of for. Hamlet questioned everything, including the validity of his own father’s ghost, and this questioning slowed down Hamlet’s ability to take action. Marketing Homework Assistance? The young prince may have thought too much for his own good at times; he wrestled with many ideas, thoughts, and feelings over the course of the play, delaying any real action until the time, in his eyes, was right.

Hamlet was very much a perfectionist in revenge. He wanted everything to be perfect, and this caused him to take unusual and unique steps. keep an eye on login them, a notion that is explicitly noted in The White Devil, women are like cursed dogs, civility keeps them tied at College admissions essay help school daytime, / but they are let loose at my scholarly paper midnight; then they do most good or most mischied. (Webster, 1612, I.ii). Marketing? In Hamlet, Queen Gertrude is vilified (by her son) for loving her new husband: Why, she would hang on login him, / As if increase of appetite had grown / By what it fed on. (I.ii Shakespeare Wofford, 1994). The love interest in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. In this way ?Shakespeare communicates Laertes’ strong love for his father, which intensifies his ?relationship with Hamlet as he seeks revenge on homework him. This in turn allows for ?Shakespeare to contrast Hamlet’s reasoning with Laertes’ rash action and blinding ?rage, as a way of Write login elevating contemplation and highlighting the devastating effects of ?revenge.? The in which revenge is sought differs greatly between the How to write a good an interview two characters, despite ?their similar goals.

Laertes dives right into action without. Essay about The Nobel Hamlet of Shakespeare’s Play Hamlet. Hamlet not only finds the wedding heartbreaking and improper behavior but thinks Claudius as his mother’s choice for Write paper, king disgusting. Shakespeare develops the inciting moment when King Hamlet’s Ghost explains how Claudius poisons him in his sleep. King Hamlet’s Ghost pleas for writing, Hamlet to revenge his death from this adulterate beast that persuades his mother into marriage and convinces Hamlet he can not rest until justice is my scholarly, served. Marketing Homework? Now, Shakespeare moves on to expand the my scholarly login character further and develops. A Grade as Coursework: #x27;Revenge Is a Confession of Pain#x27; Essay.

Hamlet is Help a novel, portrayed to be grieving heavily for his father’s death shown in Act 1 Scene 2 as he is ‘dressed in black’ and expresses to his mother ‘…all forms, moods, shows grief / That can denote me truly’. The choice of words used by the Prince such as saying that grief wholly ‘denotes’ him suggests that Hamlet is suffering emotionally from the loss of his father and is defined by his pain. The appearance of the Ghost in my scholarly login, Act 1 Scene 5 only confirms the a novel month validity Hamlet’s grief and Write my scholarly paper, heightens the suffering. Essay on Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is sane because earlier in the play he tells Horatio that he is going to feign madness and that if Horatio notices any bizarre behavior from Hamlet, it is because he is pretending and putting on an act. (1.5.166). Hamlet tells Horatio but does not explain why he is going to homework act outlandish around people. Some people believe that Hamlet is going insane due to the love lost of Ophelia and recent loss of his father. Claudius so believes that Hamlet is Write login, truthfully angry and irrational that he. Madness and Insanity in Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet - Insanity in Hamlet.

thou art e'en as just a man / As e'er my conversation coped withal.”), and Marcellus make contact with Hamlet and escort him to the ramparts of How to a good report with Elsinore. At one a.m. the Ghost reveals to the protagonist that King Hamlet was murdered by Claudius, who had a relationship with Gertrude prior to the murder; the ghost requests revenge by paper login, Hamlet: “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.” Hamlet swears to with an interview carry out vengeance on paper King Claudius. The hero resolves to put on How to a good paper an interview an “antic disposition” Madness and Insanity in Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet - Insanity within Hamlet. thou art e'en as just a man / As e'er my conversation coped withal.”), and paper, Marcellus make contact with Hamlet and escort him to the ramparts of Elsinore. At one a.m. the Ghost reveals to the protagonist that King Hamlet was murdered by Claudius, who had a relationship with Gertrude prior to write paper with the murder; the ghost requests revenge by Hamlet: “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.” Hamlet swears to carry out vengeance on King Claudius. The hero resolves to my scholarly paper put on an “antic disposition” Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay. Revenge is so intriguing in the famous play because Hamlet’s morals and want for the truth distract him from Paper with writing on it green avenging his father’s death. Hamlet is known as one of the best revenge plots in history and is among the most powerful and influential tragedies in my scholarly paper, English literature. The real beauty of the play lies in Shakespeare's art of characterization, the powerful dialogues of Hamlet, and the creative twist on a tragic revenge play.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet follows very closely to the dramatic conventions. just like one of them and Money, therefore we become hypocrites because we’ve declared from the beginning revenge wouldn’t be our solution. There are people in the world who choose the moral alternative because of the personal values that are at stake. The choice they make implies who they are to Write paper login themselves and others (Seabright 26). Help? In contrast, Seabright and Schminke explored the other side of revenge. Their viewpoint is Write login, different because they looked into the good side of immorality. This side would. Hamlet, Contrast Between Hamlet, Horatio, Leartes and Fortinbras. Everyone recognizes this.

When the College essay help senior ghost appeared before him and the other men, they urge him to talk to the ghost. In this there is double plot as it asserts Horatio's intelligence and it proves that Hamlet is not just seeing things. Even Hamlet acknowledges his objectiveness by confiding in him and charging him to reveal the truth at Write login the end of the play. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. On It Green? Fortinbras is the soldier, than man of action. fate could go no further. Hamlet, who aspired to Write login nobler things, is treated at assistance death as if he were the login mere image of his father: a warrior. Shakespeare knew what he was about in making the conclusion of Help month his play martial. Its theme has been war as well as revenge. (23) The interpretation of the main theme of the play as revenge is stated by Phyllis Abrahms and Alan Brody in Write paper login, “Hamlet and homework assistance, the Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy Formula”: There are ten deaths in Hamlet, if we include the death.

Macbeth and Hamlet are different men involved in different situations. Macbeth and Hamlet had two different reasons for killing. Macbeth killed people who stood in his way as king. He does not think about murder and the consequences that it brings. When Macbeth was told his prophecy, he also heard his best friend Banqo's prophecy. The three witches said the Write paper login Banqo would not be king but his children and their children would be king. Macbeth felt that killing the king would have been a waste if his.

Hamlet plans on getting rid of his own life, just to How to write a good paper with an interview seek this revenge, which he appointed himself responsible for. This vengeance was appointed by Write my scholarly paper login, Hamlet as his own responsibility, which causes him seclusion from his own life. Hamlet remains in isolation from the world because of his responsibilities. Homework? The bond between a father and a son is one of the strongest relationships in any young person’s life. Hamlet grew up with the guidance of his father, learning so much. Hamlet still would listen. As seen in paper, numerous scenes and occasions in the play, Hamlet has been procrastinating and Help month, hesitating with the murder of Claudius. Shakespeare makes the last soliloquy in paper login, the play vital for the audience’s understanding of Hamlet’s development as a character. In previous acts of the play Hamlet has contemplated the immoral act of murderous revenge and did not murder Claudius when the chance had risen. With On It? In the soliloquy presented, Hamlet accuses himself of forgetting his father’s death and not fulfilling.

another. Hamlet is the more cautious of the two and sits back and waits for further evidence before springing to action. Hamlet strategically plots his revenge, waiting for the opportune moment and until he is convinced his uncle is to blame for his fathers death. In contrast, Laertes seeks immediate revenge of his fathers death and he is used like a pawn by the conniving Claudius to kill Hamlet. Write? Laertes acts on impulse and is driven by anger, which ultimately leads to both his and Paper with writing on it, Hamlets demise. He now listens to it, Speak to Write her, Hamlet. In Hamlet, the supernatural is the How to write paper an interview guiding force behind the Write paper login character of Hamlet. The ghost asks Hamlet to seek revenge for the King's death and Hamlet is thus propelled to Money magazine set into action a series of paper events that ends in easy, Hamlet's death. The supernatural is a re-occurring event in Macbeth. It is present in all the paper login scenes with the witches, the appearance of Banquo's ghost, the prophecies the apparitions bring, and in the air-drawn dagger that. good personality and Paper, a flaw that obviously is going to ruin him.

Hamlet is the perfect hero for a tragedy. He has several qualities that give him the public’s sympathy. He is brave, intelligent and loyal. He is brave because he takes risks by leaving his country. I essentially am not in madness /But mad in craft. (III. iv. 187-8.) He is intelligent because in my scholarly, order to be sure that it is How to write a good report paper with, his uncle who killed his father, Hamlet chooses two ways to proceed. The first is to login pretend to be mad to not. Hamlet is Paper with writing, now wondering about the afterlife. He knows his life is soon coming to an end when he realizes that he has been poisoned.

Hamlet says, “. sleep of my scholarly paper login death what dreams may come” (III.i.66) Unlike Laertes, Hamlet looked into every circumstance. Laertes was so engulfed with anger and a spirit of revenge that he did not realize Claudius was using him. Upon Hamlets death he wanted everyone to Paper with writing know that it was indeed Claudius who killed his father and told Horatio to tell all people of my scholarly login his story. Unfortunately this plan didn’t work after he caught Claudius repenting to god. Hamlet had also warned his friends that he will start acting like a “mad man” which was part of his plan. Help A Novel? “How strange or odd soe'er I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on.”(Shmoop) At the end, none of Hamlet’s plans worked out, leaving the majority of the Write my scholarly people in the town dead.

Hamlet later died after killing Claudius with a poison sword and a poisonous drink. Hamlet’s. Hamlet uses deception to prevent his own death in the play. Money Magazine Zweig? Deception can be an extremely useful technique in plans for revenge if used carefully. Write My Scholarly? Although these may be the best displays of Hamlet’s use of deception, Hamlet actually starts using deception in act II of the play, as Charles Boyce explains. Shakespeare A to Z by Help writing, Charles Boyce reads, ”Ophelia reports that Hamlet has come to her and behaved as if he were insane” (234). This is Hamlet’s first attempt to draw attention away from his real. William Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet Essay. Hamlet tells his mother about the murder. Gertrude is shocked and promises that she knew nothing of it, she promises to be true to Hamlet and pulls away from Write my scholarly Claudius. Whilst Hamlet leaves Denmark, Laertes returns to seek revenge for the murder of his father, only to Paper learn that his sister, Ophelia has gone mad.

Laertes and Claudius arrange to kill Hamlet, Gertrude interrupts with the my scholarly paper login poignant news that Ophelia has died. Hamlet has escaped from the ship to writing England and is. The Soliloquies of Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet - To be or not to be Soliloquy. “To be, or not to be . . .” It would be easy to stop living. Write Paper Login? To die, to sleep; No more. And by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to . . . But Hamlet has never succeeded in deceiving himself, and he cannot do so now. . . . [He] will not . . . be able to kill himself. He has thought too much about it to be able to service easy take any action. (39) There are seven soliloquies of the prince in the play. The first soliloquy. Hamlet and Write my scholarly, the Greek Tragedy Essay.

three interwoven acts of revenge, all dealing with similar themes and each having a different outcome. In effect Shakespeare gives his audience three acts of revenge, each of which affects the other. Fortinbras attempting to avenge his father's death and deposition from the throne of Norway at the hands of Hamlet's own father in single combat; Laertes determination to avenge the murder of Polonius at the hands of the Crown Prince and of course the central struggle of Hamlet to nerve himself to kill. The Soliloquies of Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet - To be or not to be Soliloquy. Faced with the uncertainty of any action, an uncertainty that extends even to the afterlife, Hamlet, too, finds the “wick or snuff” of homework which Claudius speaks: “Thus conscience” – by which Hamlet means, I take it, not only scruples but all thoughts concerning the future – does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of Write resolution Is sicklied o’er with the assistance pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pitch and moment, With this regard, their currents turn awry. This seems to paper login constitute the central part in Hamlet. Writing? Critics seem to Write paper cling to this detail, as if trying to save the status of Hamlet as a typical Elizabethan tragedy of revenge. By the definition of tragedy, there should exist a flaw in the character of the a good report main hero, who is a great personality that is engaged in a struggle that ends catastrophically.

If Hamlet had no flaw, what kind of Write paper tragic hero is he? No doubt, Hamlet is College essay high, a tragical drama, for my scholarly paper, it has many characters ?°from the top?± ending up. Scene 4, Lines 83-84) From the excerpt, Hamlet also told Gertrude not to tell Claudius that he knows of his murderous evil act. Hamlet's feelings toward his mother during the play was very just even during the closet scene where he was constantly risking her life. The relationship between Claudius and Hamlet had many hidden meanings. The first time that Hamlet offends Claudius in Money magazine, the company of another person is when Claudius was suppose to Write my scholarly paper help Hamlet cheer up.

A little more than kin, and less. PTSD often include changes in jason zweig, self-perception, relationship stressors, and Write paper, frequently revenge fantasies. Marketing Assistance? Hamlet’s emotional state deteriorates over my scholarly paper login, the duration of the play. These changes include increased helplessness and the inability to make decisions as he becomes more ill. Help School Senior? Hamlet exhibits other PTSD symptoms. Hamlet feels inferior to Write my scholarly paper Fortinbras and Horatio, and in his attempts to kill Claudius. Hamlet also isolates himself and becomes more paranoid as the play progresses. Not that being. This would ensure that the villain cannot be saved. Hamlet also organises the play within the play where he is determined to Essay service easy “catch the conscience of the King” and this verifies that he is neither cowardly nor inactive but suggests that his actions assume a form of refined subtlety rather than brutality. In his final soliloquy, the statement- “from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth” also illustrates how Hamlet is capable of throwing off the shackles of Write my scholarly irresolution and tackle.

Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet - The Ambiguity Essay. Interpretations: Hamlet expounds on the ambiguity and mysterious conduct of the hero during the final act: When Horatio responds that Claudius will hear shortly from, presumably that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been executed, Hamlet rather ambiguously [my italics] makes what might be read as a final vow of revenge: It will be short. The interim is mine. And a man’s life’s no more than to say “one.” However this is to be interpreted, Hamlet forms no plot, and. Hamlet – A Psychological Play Essays. (1.2) Soon Horatio and Marcellus make contact with Hamlet.

Based on this meeting of the hero and Horatio, A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy presents convincing evidence regarding the depth of the hero’s melancholy sentiment: Hamlet and Horatio are supposed to be fellow-students at Wittenberg, and to have left it for Elsinore less than two months ago. Yet Hamlet hardly recognizes Horatio at first, and speaks as if he himself lived at Elsinore (I refer to his bitter jest, ‘We’ll. with him. On discovering that someone is spying on them from behind a curtain, Hamlet stabs the homework person thinking that it is Claudius, however it turns out to paper login be Polonius. Later on, Polonius' son Laertes hears about his father's death and swears revenge on Marketing assistance Hamlet. Meanwhile, Ophelia has become genuinely insane over the death of her father and Write login, also her rejection by How to write a good report, Hamlet, and she commits suicide by drowning herself.

Hamlet finds out about her death when he coincidentally visits the grave that is being. Importance of the Ghost in Shakespeare#x27;s Hamlet Essay. speaks to Hamlet in scene v that a more feasible source of the wrong in nature is proposed - that the old king was sleeping, by a brother's hand / Of life, of crown, of queen at once dispatched. Write My Scholarly Paper Login? We as an audience cannot be sure that this is true (as Hamlet himself says later, The spirit that I have seen / May be a devil) but it echoes Hamlet's anger and grief at his mother's swift remarriage as expressed in Act I scene ii and seems horrendously plausible. In terms of the Ghost's role in Hamlet the. the rest of the kingdom. Hamlet makes use of an Money magazine, ambiguous pun that depicts his dislike towards Claudius’s insincerity and Claudius’s attempt to polish over what has happened. Hamlet displays clear hostility, “A little more than kin, and less than kind”, (Hamlet 1.2.64) Hamlet is more than close in relationship to Claudius (an uncle and a ‘father’), but He resents him and has no feelings of Write login liking and kinship for Claudius. Service? (Shakespeare 2008:158) Another Cryptic pun Hamlet makes use of is in his. Hamlet is very aware of his own fate and the fate of all men: to die. He already knows of fatalism, but he cannot accept it.

The thought of paper login death perplexes and frightens Hamlet. But death, to Hamlet, is not a choice to be made. “To be or not to be, that is the question”(3.1.57). “To be or not to be” is not a choice, it is a question and a question is homework, a thought and thus a type of freedom, but death is an end, and Write my scholarly login, thus “none of homework assistance our own.” That death is not a choice and “the undiscovered country” Essay Hamlet: The Dionysian Character. may be justified to some extent about his mother's quick marriage to his uncle, the illogical action of Hamlet to be cruel to his mother and not tell her what he suspects about his uncle. Instead, Hamlet snaps at Write my scholarly login his mother for questioning with a wicked tongue and makes a great effort to Money magazine jason zweig act rude to her (3.4, 13). During that same scene, Hamlet slays Polonius in my scholarly, one of the few instances Hamlet takes action. The action of slaying Polonius conflicts somewhat with the Dionysian character of inaction.

to enlist the aid of Essay Hamlet. Write Paper? There is a social gathering of the court, where Claudius pays tribute to the memory of his deceased brother, the former king, and then conducts some items of Help month business. Hamlet is there dressed in black, the color of mourning, for login, his deceased father. His first words say that Claudius is A little more than kin and less than kind, indicating a dissimilarity in values between the writing professionals easy new king and himself. Even before the apparition of the ghost, Hamlet has a very sour relationship. The Pros and Cons of Revenge Essay. However, some people are against my scholarly login, the act of revenge, having the mentality that “by trying to hurt another, you only hurt yourself” Thane Rosenbaum (2013), author of Payback: A Case for Revenge asks: “What, if anything, distinguishes punishment at Help writing month the hands of the government from a victim’s individual desire for retribution?” (p.?) He argues that revenge is not a problem, but a healthy emotion that law systems express inadequately. (Rosenbaum 2013) Revenge, although characteristic of emotional response. The Character of Laertes in Hamlet Essay.

the father suspects that his son will abandon the path of virtue in Paris. Now that he has been clearly identified in the audience's mind and established in four relationships that will be developed later (with Claudius, Polonius, Ophelia and Hamlet), Laertes is dispatched to Paris and does not reappear until 4.5. His presence is dramatically unnecessary as he has no role to play in the plot while his father lives. However, Shakespeare could not introduce a new character so late in the play as. matter”(I.v.106-111). My Scholarly Paper? He tells his father's ghost that revenge will be the only thing on his mind, and it is for quite some time. His revenge becomes the center of everything, and he always thinks of Essay professionals ways to Write paper get back at Claudius. This theme is displayed in [MOVIE] when character becomes obsessed with revenge. This person did a study on planning out action. “[QUOTE FROM ARTICLE]” explain quote.

Another theme is the mystery of death. Hamlet is Paper on it, unsure what lies beyond death and is therefore afraid. Topics Deeply Hidden in Hamlet by Williams Shakespeare Essay. character that is a foil to Hamlet is Claudius. Claudius shows a willingness to disregard all moral laws and acts decisively for his own personal gains. Claudius kills Hamlet’s father in order to become King, which is very immoral because Claudius killed his own brother. In contrast, Hamlet shows much concern for morality and is indecisive in nature. Hamlet can never actually complete what he wants to do so he is not decisive. The final character who works as a foil to Write my scholarly login Hamlet is Fortinbras. Fortinbras. Laertes shared a strong brotherly love for Ophelia which was evident in writing a novel month, his advice to her and Hamlet showed his love when he said he wanted to be buried with her.

Laertes further displayed his love for Ophelia during her funeral where he fought with Hamlet. Laertes and Hamlet both display spontaneous reactions when angered. Once Laertes discovered his father was murdered, Laertes immediately assumes that the Write my scholarly paper login slayer is Claudius. Marketing Assistance? As a result of Laertes's speculation he.

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Transcript: President Obama's Convention Speech. Transcript of my scholarly President Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, as delivered. Marketing Homework? Source: Federal News Service: President Obama gives his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Write my scholarly paper login Thursday. Alex Wong/Getty Images hide caption. President Obama gives his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Thursday. Alex Wong/Getty Images. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Sustained cheers, applause.) Thank you. Help A Novel? Thank you.

Thank you so much. AUDIENCE MEMBERS: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! AUDIENCE MEMBERS: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. (Cheers, applause.) Thank you. Michelle, I love you so much. (Cheers, applause.)

A few nights ago, everybody was reminded just what a lucky man I am. Paper? (Cheers, applause.) Malia and How to write a good with Sasha, we are so proud of you. (Cheers, applause.) And yes, you do have to go to school in login, the morning. Money Magazine? (Chuckles.) (Laughter, applause.) And Joe Biden, thank you for being the Write my scholarly paper login very best vice president I could have ever hoped for Essay service professionals easy, — (cheers, applause) — and being a strong and loyal friend. Madam Chairwoman, delegates, I accept your nomination for president of the United States. (Cheers, applause.) President Obama addresses the Democratic National Convention, from my scholarly paper, PBS NewsHour. AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (Chanting.) Four more years! Four more years!

Four more years! Four more years! PRESIDENT OBAMA: Now, the first time I addressed this convention, in 2004, I was a younger man — (laughter) — a Senate candidate from Illinois who spoke about hope, not blind optimism, not wishful thinking but hope in the face of difficulty, hope in Help writing a novel, the face of paper uncertainty, that dogged faith in the future which has pushed this nation forward even when the odds are great, even when the road is long. Eight years later that hope has been tested by the cost of war, by one of the worst economic crises in history and by political gridlock that's left us wondering whether it's still even possible to Help writing month, tackle the challenges of our time. I know campaigns can seem small, even silly sometimes. Trivial things become big distractions. Serious issues become sound bites.

The truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising. And if you're sick of Write my scholarly paper hearing me approve this message, believe me, so am I. (Laughter, cheers, applause.) But when all is said and done, when you pick up that ballot to vote, you will face the College admissions school senior clearest choice of any time in a generation. (Cheers.) Over the next few years big decisions will be made in Washington on jobs, the economy, taxes and Write my scholarly paper login deficits, energy, education, war and peace — decisions that will have a huge impact on Marketing assistance our lives and on our children's lives for decades to come. And on Write my scholarly login every issue, the Essay service easy choice you face won't just be between two candidates or two parties. It will be a choice between two different paths for America, a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future. Write My Scholarly? Ours is a fight to How to write an interview, restore the values that built the largest middle class and Write the strongest economy the Marketing world has ever known — (cheers, applause) — the values my grandfather defended as a soldier in paper, Patton's army, the values that drove my grandmother to work on a bomber assembly line while he was gone. Paper With Writing Green? They knew they were part of something larger — a nation that triumphed over fascism and depression, a nation where the most innovative businesses turn out the world's best products, and everyone shared in that pride and success from the corner office to the factory floor. My grandparents were given the chance to go to college and buy their home — their own home and fulfill the basic bargain at the heart of America's story, the promise that hard work will pay off, that responsibility will be rewarded, that everyone gets a fair shot and everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by my scholarly paper login, the same rules, from Main Street to Wall Street to Washington, D.C. (Cheers, applause.) And I ran for president because I saw that basic bargain slipping away. I began my career helping people in the shadow of month a shuttered steel mill at a time when too many good jobs were starting to move overseas. My Scholarly Paper? And by 2008 we had seen nearly a decade in a novel, which families struggled with costs that kept rising but paychecks that didn't, folks racking up more and more debt just to make the mortgage or pay tuition, put gas in the car or food on the table.

And when the house of Write paper login cards collapsed in help senior, the Great Recession, millions of innocent Americans lost their jobs, their homes, their life savings, a tragedy from which we're still fighting to recover. Now, our friends down in Tampa at login the Republican convention were more than happy to talk about everything they think is a novel, wrong with America. My Scholarly Login? But they didn't have much to say about Essay easy, how they'd make it right. (Cheers, applause.) They want your vote, but they don't want you to know their plan. And that's because all they have to offer is the same prescriptions they've had for Write my scholarly login, the last 30 years. Have a surplus? Try a tax cut. Deficit too high — try another. Feel a cold coming on?

Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning. (Cheers, applause.) Now, I've cut taxes for those who need it — (cheers, applause) — middle-class families, small businesses. But I don't believe that another round of tax breaks for Help, millionaires will bring good jobs to Write login, our shores, or pay down our deficit. I don't believe that firing teachers or kicking students off financial aid will grow the essay high economy — (cheers, applause) — or help us compete with the scientists and engineers coming out of China. After all we've been through, I don't believe that rolling back regulations on Wall Street will help the small-businesswoman expand, or the laid-off construction worker keep his home. We have been there, we've tried that, and we're not going back. We are moving forward, America. My Scholarly Paper Login? (Cheers, applause.) Now, I won't pretend the path I'm offering is quick or easy. I never have. You didn't elect me to tell you what you wanted to month, hear. You elected me to tell you the truth. (Cheers, applause.)

And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over Write login decades. It'll require common effort, shared responsibility, and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one. Writing? (Cheers, applause.) And by the way, those of us who carry on Write paper login his party's legacy should remember that not every problem can be remedied with another government program or dictate from Washington. But know this, America: Our problems can be solved. (Cheers, applause.) Our challenges can be met. (Applause.) The path we offer may be harder, but it leads to a better place, and I'm asking you to choose that future. (Applause.) I'm asking you to rally around a set of goals for Essay, your country, goals in Write paper login, manufacturing, energy, education, national security and the deficit, real, achievable plans that will lead to new jobs, more opportunity and rebuild this economy on a stronger foundation. How To Write Paper With An Interview? That's what we can do in the next four years, and that is why I am running for Write my scholarly paper, a second term as president of the United States. (Cheers, applause.) We can choose a future where we export more products and outsource fewer jobs. Money Magazine? After a decade that was defined by what we bought and borrowed, we're getting back to basics and doing what America's always done best. Write Paper? We are making things again. A Novel? (Applause.) I've met workers in Detroit and Write Toledo who feared — (cheers, applause) — they'd never build another American car.

And today they can't build them fast enough because we reinvented a dying auto industry that's back on admissions help school the top of the world. (Cheers, applause.) I worked with business leaders who are bringing jobs back to America not because our workers make less pay, but because we make better products — (cheers) — because we work harder and smarter than anyone else. (Cheers, applause.) I've signed trade agreements that are helping our companies sell more goods to millions of new customers, goods that are stamped with three proud words: Made in Write paper login, America. (Cheers, applause.) AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (Chanting.) USA! USA! USA!

USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! PRESIDENT OBAMA: And after a decade of decline, this country created over half a million manufacturing jobs in the last 2 1/2 years. Help A Novel? (Cheers.) And now you have a choice. We can give more tax breaks to corporations that shift jobs overseas PRESIDENT OBAMA: — or we can start rewarding companies that open new plants and Write my scholarly paper login train new workers and create new jobs here in the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.) We can help big factories and small businesses double their exports.

And if we choose this path, we can create a million new manufacturing jobs in the next four years. You can make that happen. (Cheers, applause.) You can choose that future. You can choose the Help writing a novel month path where we control more of our own energy. After 30 years of login inaction, we raised fuel standards so that by the middle of the next decade, cars and trucks will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. (Cheers, applause.) We have doubled our use of renewable energy, and thousands of Americans have jobs today building wind turbines and essay high senior long-lasting batteries. (Cheers, applause.) In the last year alone, we cut oil imports by my scholarly login, 1 million barrels a day, more than any administration in recent history. (Cheers, applause.) And today the United States of writing easy America is Write my scholarly, less dependent on How to write with an interview foreign oil than at any time in the last two decades. (Cheers, applause.) So now you have a choice between a strategy that reverses this progress or one that builds on Write it.

We've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration in the last three years, and we'll open more. But unlike my opponent, I will not let oil companies write this country's energy plan or endanger our coastlines or collect another $4 billion in corporate welfare from write a good an interview, our taxpayers. (Cheers, applause.) We're offering a better path. We're offering a better path where we — a future where we keep investing in wind and solar and clean coal, where farmers and my scholarly scientists harness new biofuels to power our cars and College high senior trucks, where construction workers build homes and factories that waste less energy, where — where we develop a hundred-year supply of my scholarly natural gas that's right beneath our feet. Writing Service Professionals Easy? If you choose this path, we can cut our oil imports in half by 2020 and support more than 600,000 new jobs in Write login, natural gas alone. (Cheers, applause. And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the report with an interview carbon pollution that is heating our planet, because climate change is Write, not a hoax.

More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. (Cheers, applause.) They are a threat to our children's future. And in writing professionals, this election, you can do something about it. (Cheers, applause.) You can choose a future where more Americans have the chance to my scholarly paper login, gain the Paper writing green skills they need to compete, no matter how old they are or how much money they have. Education was the gateway to opportunity for me. (Cheers.) It was the gateway for Michelle. Write My Scholarly Login? It was — it was the gateway for most of you. And now more than ever it is the gateway to a middle-class life. For the first time in writing a novel month, a generation, nearly every state has answered our call to raise their standards for teaching and learning. (Cheers, applause.) Some of the worst schools in the country have made real gains in math and reading. Millions of Write my scholarly paper login students are paying less for How to a good paper, college today because we finally took on a system that wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on banks and lenders. (Cheers, applause.) And now you have a choice. We can gut education, or we can decide that in Write paper login, the United States of Marketing America, no child should have her dreams deferred because of a crowded classroom or a crumbling school. No family should have to set aside a college acceptance letter because they don't have the money. (Cheers, applause.) No company should have to Write my scholarly login, look for workers overseas because they couldn't find any with the right skills here at home. (Cheers, applause.) That's not our future. That is not our future. Homework Assistance? (Cheers, applause.)

A government has a role in this. My Scholarly Paper Login? But teachers must inspire. Money Jason Zweig? Principals must lead. Parents must instill a thirst for learning. And students, you've got to do the Write my scholarly login work. Paper Writing? (Cheers, applause.) And together, I promise you we can outeducate and outcompete any nation on earth. (Cheers, applause.) So help me.

Help me recruit a hundred thousand math and science teachers within 10 years and improve early childhood education. (Cheers, applause.) Help give 2 million workers the Write my scholarly paper login chance to learn skills at their community college that will lead directly to a job. Help us work with colleges and universities to cut in half the growth of writing green tuition costs over the next 10 years. We can meet that goal together. (Cheers, applause.) You can choose that future for America. Paper Login? (Cheers, applause.) That's our future. You know, in a world of new threats and new challenges, you can choose leadership that has been tested and proven. Four years ago I promised to Marketing homework assistance, end the war in Iraq. We did. (Cheers, applause.) I promised to refocus on the terrorists who actually attacked us on paper login 9/11, and we have. (Cheers, applause.) We've blunted the Taliban's momentum in Afghanistan and in 2014, our longest war will be over. Marketing Homework Assistance? (Cheers, applause.) A new tower rises above the New York skyline, al- Qaida is on the path to Write my scholarly paper, defeat and Osama bin Laden is dead. (Cheers, applause.) And tonight we pay tribute to the Americans who still serve in harm's way. We are forever in debt to a generation whose sacrifice has made this country safer and with writing on it more respected.

We will never forget you, and so long as I'm commander in chief, we will sustain the Write my scholarly login strongest military the world has ever known. (Cheers, applause.) When you take off the uniform, we will serve you as well as you've served us, because no one who fights for this country should have to fight for a job or a roof over their head or the care that they need when they come home. Around the Help writing a novel world, we've strengthened old alliances and forged new coalitions to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. We've reasserted our power across the Pacific and my scholarly paper stood up to China on behalf of our workers. Marketing Assistance? From Burma to Libya to South Sudan, we have advanced the Write rights and dignity of all human beings — (cheers) — men and admissions help high school senior women; Christians and Muslims and Write my scholarly Jews. (Cheers, applause.) But for all the progress that we've made, challenges remain.

Terrorist plots must be disrupted. Europe's crisis must be contained. Our commitment to Israel's security must not waver, and neither must our pursuit of peace. Homework Assistance? (Cheers, applause.) The Iranian government must face a world that stays united against paper login, its nuclear ambitions. Help A Novel Month? The historic change sweeping across the Write my scholarly paper Arab world must be defined not by write with, the iron fist of a dictator or the Write my scholarly hate of extremists, but by Help writing, the hopes and aspirations of ordinary people who are reaching for the same rights that we celebrate here today. (Cheers, applause.) So now we have a choice. My opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy. Write Login? (Laughter, applause.) But from Essay easy, all that we've seen and heard, they want to take us back to an era of blustering and blundering that cost America so dearly. After all, you don't call Russia our number one enemy — not al- Qaida, Russia — (laughter) — unless you're still stuck in a Cold War mind warp. (Cheers, applause.) You might not be ready for diplomacy with Beijing if you can't visit the Write paper Olympics without insulting our closest ally. (Laughter, cheers, applause.)

My opponent — my opponent said that it was tragic to end the war in Iraq. And he won't tell us how he'll end the war in Afghanistan. Well, I have, and I will. (Cheers, applause.) And while my opponent would spend more money on military hardware that our Joint Chiefs don't even want, I will use the money we're no longer spending on war to pay down our debt and How to write a good report with an interview put more people back to work — (extended cheers, applause) — rebuilding roads and bridges and schools and runways, because after two wars that have cost us thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars, it's time to do some nation building right here at home. My Scholarly Paper? (Cheers, applause.) You can choose a future where we reduce our deficit without sticking it to the middle class. (Cheers, applause.) Independent experts say that my plan would cut our deficit by $4 trillion. (Cheers.) And last summer I worked with Republicans in Congress to cut a billion dollars in spending, because those of us who believe government can be a force for good should work harder than anyone to reform it so that it's leaner and homework more efficient and more responsive to the American people. (Cheers, applause.) I want to my scholarly paper, reform the service easy tax code so that it's simple, fair and asks the wealthiest households to Write my scholarly paper login, pay higher taxes on incomes over $250,000 — (cheers, applause) — the same rate we had when Bill Clinton was president, the same rate we had when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs, the biggest surplus in history and help high school senior a whole lot of millionaires to boot. Now, I'm still eager to reach an agreement based on the principles of my bipartisan debt commission. No party has a monopoly on wisdom. No democracy works without compromise. I want to get this done, and we can get it done.

But when Governor Romney and his friends in my scholarly, Congress tell us we can somehow lower our deficits by spending trillions more on new tax breaks for College admissions essay high senior, the wealthy, well — (boos) — what'd Bill Clinton call it? You do the arithmetic. (Laughter, cheers, applause.) You do the Write paper login math. I refuse to go along with that, and as long as I'm president, I never will. Magazine Jason? (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to ask middle-class families to Write my scholarly paper login, give up their deductions for owning a home or raising their kids just to College admissions essay help school, pay for another millionaire's tax cut. (Cheers, applause.) I refuse to my scholarly, ask students to pay more for write a good with, college or kick children out of Head Start programs to eliminate health insurance for millions of Americans who are poor and elderly or disabled all so those with the most can pay less. I'm not going along with that. (Continued cheers, applause.) And I will never — I will never turn Medicare into a voucher. (Cheers, applause.) No American should ever have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies. They should retire with the care and the dignity that they have earned. Yes, we will reform and strengthen Medicare for the long haul, but we'll do it by reducing the cost of health care, not by asking seniors to pay thousands of dollars more. (Cheers, applause.) And we will keep the promise of Social Security by taking the login responsible steps to a novel month, strengthen it, not by turning it over to Write, Wall Street. (Cheers, applause.) This is the choice we now face. This is with writing on it green, what the my scholarly login election comes down to.

Over and over, we've been told by our opponents that bigger tax cuts and fewer regulations are the Marketing only way, that since government can't do everything, it should do almost nothing. If you can't afford health insurance, hope that you don't get sick. (Murmurs of disapproval.) If a company releases toxic pollution into the air your children breathe, well, that's the price of paper login progress. If you can't afford to start a business or go to college, take my opponent's advice and borrow money from your parents. (Laughter, mixed cheers and boos, applause.) You know what, that's not who we are. That's not what this country is about. As Americans, we believe we are endowed by Money magazine jason, our Creator with certain inalienable rights, rights that no man or government can take away. We insist on Write paper login personal responsibility, and we celebrate individual initiative. We're not entitled to success. We have to earn it. We honor the strivers, the writing a novel month dreamers, the risk- takers, the entrepreneurs who have always been the Write paper login driving force behind our free enterprise system, the greatest engine of growth and Essay service easy prosperity that the world's ever known. But we also believe in something called citizenship — (cheers, applause) — citizenship, a word at the very heart of our founding, a word at the very essence of Write paper login our democracy, the idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations.

We believe that when a CEO pays his autoworkers enough to buy the cars that they build, the whole company does better. (Cheers, applause.) We believe that when a family can no longer be tricked into signing a mortgage they can't afford, that family's protected, but so is the Help writing value of other people's homes — (cheers, applause) — and so is the entire economy. (Applause.) We believe the little girl who's offered an escape from poverty by a great teacher or a grant for college could become the my scholarly login next Steve Jobs or the scientist who cures cancer or the College essay help high senior president of the Write my scholarly paper United States — (cheers, applause) — and it is in our power to give her that chance. (Cheers, applause.) We know that churches and charities can often make more of a difference than a poverty program alone. On It Green? We don't want handouts for people who refuse to help themselves, and paper login we certainly don't want bailouts for with writing on it green, banks that break the rules. (Cheers, applause.) We don't think the government can solve all of login our problems, but we don't think the government is the Marketing homework assistance source of all of my scholarly login our problems — (cheers, applause) — any more than our welfare recipients or corporations or unions or immigrants or gays or any other group we're told to a novel, blame for Write my scholarly login, our troubles — (cheers, applause) — because — because America, we understand that this democracy is zweig, ours. We, the people — (cheers) — recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which asks only, what's in it for Write my scholarly paper login, me, a freedom without a commitment to Marketing, others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and Write those who died in their defense. (Cheers, applause.) As citizens, we understand that America is not about what can be done for us. How To Paper An Interview? It's about what can be done by us, together — (cheers, applause) — through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of Write my scholarly self-government. Write Report? That's what we believe. So you see, the Write my scholarly paper election four years ago wasn't about me.

It was about you. (Cheers, applause.) My fellow citizens — you were the change. (Cheers, applause.) You're the reason there's a little girl with a heart disorder in Phoenix who'll get the surgery she needs because an insurance company can't limit her coverage. You did that. (Cheers, applause.) You're the reason a young man in write a good, Colorado who never thought he'd be able to afford his dream of earning a medical degree is about to get that chance. Write My Scholarly? You made that possible. (Cheers, applause.) You're the reason a young immigrant who grew up here and went to Essay easy, school here and my scholarly pledged allegiance to our flag will no longer be deported from the only country she's ever called home — (cheers, applause) — why selfless soldiers won't be kicked out of the military because of Paper with writing on it green who they are or who they love, why thousands of families have finally been able to say to the loved ones who served us so bravely, welcome home. (Cheers, applause.) Welcome home. You did that. You did that. (Cheers, applause.) You did that. If you turn away now — if you turn away now, if you buy into the cynicism that the change we fought for Write my scholarly paper login, isn't possible, well, change will not happen.

If you give up on on it the idea that your voice can make a difference, then other voices will fill the void, the lobbyists and Write paper login special interests, the people with the write a good paper with an interview $10 million checks who are trying to buy this election and login those who are trying to make it harder for Paper writing on it green, you to vote, Washington politicians who want to decide who you can marry or control health care choices that women should be making for themselves. (Cheers, applause.) Only you can make sure that doesn't happen. Only you have the power to move us forward. You know, I recognize that times have changed since I first spoke to this convention. Times have changed, and so have I. I'm no longer just a candidate. I'm the president. My Scholarly Paper? (Cheers, applause.) And — (applause) — and that's AUDIENCE MEMBERS: Four more years!

Four more years! PRESIDENT OBAMA: And that — and that means I know what it means to send young Americans into battle, for I've held in my arms the mothers and fathers of those who didn't return. I've shared the pain of families who've lost their homes, and How to write a good with an interview the frustration of workers who've lost their jobs. If the critics are right that I've made all my decisions based on my scholarly paper login polls, then I must not be very good at How to a good paper reading them. (Laughter.) And while I'm proud of what we've achieved together — (cheers) — I'm far more mindful of Write paper login my own failings, knowing exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, I have been driven to College admissions, my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go. , for I have held in my arms the mothers and fathers of those who didn't return. I've shared the pain of my scholarly families who've lost their homes, and the frustration of workers who've lost their jobs. Writing? If the critics are right that I've made all my decisions based on polls, then I must not be very good at reading them.

And while I'm proud of my scholarly login what we've achieved together, I'm far more mindful of homework my own failings, knowing exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go. (Cheers, applause.) But as I stand here tonight, I have never been more hopeful about America. (Cheers, applause.) Not because I think I have all the answers. Not because I'm naive about the Write my scholarly login magnitude of our challenges. I'm hopeful because of you. The young woman I met at a science fair who won national recognition for her biology research while living with her family at Essay writing a homeless shelter — she gives me hope. (Cheers, applause.) The auto worker who won the lottery after his plant almost closed, but kept coming to work every day, and bought flags for his whole town and one of the cars that he built to surprise his wife — he gives me hope.

The family business in Warroad, Minnesota, that didn't lay off a single one of their 4,000 employees when the recession hit — (cheers, applause) — even when their competitors shut down dozens of plants, even when it meant the owner gave up some perks and some pay because they understood that their biggest asset was the community and the workers who had helped build that business — they give me hope. Paper Login? (Cheers, applause.) I think about the young sailor I met at Walter Reed Hospital still recovering from with writing on it green, a grenade attack that would cause him to have his leg amputated above the Write my scholarly login knee. And six months ago we would watch him walk into a White House dinner honoring those who served in Iran (sic; Iraq) — tall and 20 pounds heavier, dashing in report an interview, his uniform, with a big grin on his face, sturdy on his new leg. And I remember how a few months after that I would watch him on a bicycle, racing with his fellow wounded warriors on a sparkling spring day, inspiring other heroes who had just begun the hard path he had traveled. He gives me hope. (Cheers, applause.) He gives me hope. I don't know what party these men and women belong to. I don't know if they'll vote for me. Login? But I know that their spirit defines us. They remind me, in the words of Scripture, that ours is a future filled with hope. (Cheers.) And if you share that faith with me, if you share that hope with me, I ask you tonight for your vote. If you reject the notion that this nation's promise is Paper with on it, reserved for the few, your voice must be heard in Write my scholarly paper login, this election. (Cheers, applause.)

If you reject the notion that our government is month, forever beholden to the highest bidder, you need to Write paper login, stand up in this election. (Cheers, applause.) If you believe that new plants and factories can dot our landscape, that new energy can power our future, that new schools can provide ladders of opportunity to this nation of dreamers, if you believe in a country where everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share and Money everyone plays by the same rules, then I need you to Write paper, vote this November. (Cheers, applause.) America, I never said this journey would be easy, and I won't promise that now. Yes, our path is harder, but it leads to a better place. (Cheers.) Yes, our road is longer, but we travel it together. (Cheers.) We don't turn back. We leave no one behind. (Cheers.) We pull each other up. (Cheers, applause.) We draw strength from our victories. (Cheers, applause.) And we learn from admissions school, our mistakes.

But we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon knowing that providence is my scholarly, with us and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on earth. Thank you, God bless you and God bless these United States. (Cheers, applause.)

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10 Free Business Plan Templates for Startups. Business plans can seem daunting to someone who has never written one. Write? The business idea itself might be fairly simple to explain, but if you want to apply for a loan, raise investor capital, or simply have a solid, documented direction for your company, you#39;re going to need to write a business plan. Luckily for entrepreneurs, there are templates out there that allow you to plug in all of the information, instead of struggling with formatting and How to report with figuring out what you need to include. My Scholarly Paper Login? There are web-based business plan tools, but you may find it easier to use Microsoft Word and professionals easy PDF-based templates. Here are 10 free templates you can download and use to create your first business plan. [See Related Story: The Dos and Don#39;ts of Writing a Great Business Plan], known as the authority on business plans, offers a free Word business plan template, complete with instructions and a table of contents. It also offers standard business plan sections such as executive summary, company summary, products and services, market analysis, strategy, management summary, and financial planning. Write Login? Once you register, you will be able to download the materials and choose from a wide range of businesses in different industries in Paper writing which to base your plan. Whether your business is my scholarly paper online, service-based, or a food establishment, Bplan#39;s Word business plan templates are comprehensive and are a great option for beginners and new business owners. provides business tools, with a collection of business plans free in PDF, PowerPoint and Word. The templates can be viewed can downloaded through the assistance SeamlessDocs platform.

The site includes a template for a variety of my scholarly paper login, specific business types, a business plan model that outlines the different parts of a business plan, and customizable templates that allow users to add their logos and Money magazine zweig business information. If you need a guide to writing a business plan, also provides a download for that. This step-by-step business plan builder, offered by Law Depot, covers structure, product marketing, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), operations, and Write login details specific to your business in How to a good report with their templates. Once the my scholarly paper template is complete, you can download and print. The plan builder asks specific questions to help focus your answers and makes your business plan concise and comprehensive. MOBI, or My Own Business Institute, is part of Santa Clara University#39;s Center for Help writing month Innovation and Entrepreneurship. They offer a fifteen-section business plan template, including the business profile, licenses/permits and location, which are available for free download in Write my scholarly paper Word as individual templates, or as a larger all-in-one document. All download are compatible with current and older versions of Word (2003 and earlier).

MOBI also covers topics associated with startups, but also provides information on how to run a business, including employee management, how to professionals easy, handle problems, and my scholarly login e-commerce. Money Magazine Zweig? Office Depot#39;s Business Resource Center contains free business plan samples for retailers, manufacturers and service providers. The business tools include downloadable rich text format (RTF) business plan templates, which is Word compatible. Excel business plan financials are also available for manufacturers and service providers, while the retailer business plan template is complete with forecasting and financial tables, but this requires Microsoft Word version 6.0 or later. Catering to businesses owned by women,;s free one-page business plan templates can be used by anyone who wants to start a business. The PDF templates come filled in with example information for my scholarly paper small consulting businesses, boutique clothing stores and nonprofit organizations, but you can delete that information to Help month, be left with a template that works for any business venture. The template has space for my scholarly paper information such as vision, mission statement, objectives, strategies and action plans.

When you create a free business plan with Rocket Lawyer, you get the advantage of an attorney#39;s advice to Marketing homework, make sure your document is legally sound. The template is questionnaire-style and asks for key information about your business such as founders, structure and industry, marketing plans, financial projections, etc. Rocket Lawyer not only aims at helping you create a blueprint for your business, but also for investors. Write My Scholarly Paper? Your completed document is available for download as a Word document for free with a trial subscription, which can be cancelled during the one-week trial period at no charge. Write Paper With? The document is Write my scholarly login $10 on its own without a subscription. SCORE is a small business resource website that aims to help entrepreneurs launch and grow small business across the United States.

Their collection of business planning tools includes free Word business plan templates for startups and established businesses. They also provide a sales forecasting template, competitive analysis charts to determine your business#39; strengths and weaknesses, and financial planning templates such as startup expenses, profit and loss projections, and zweig financial statements. You can then use these business templates to meet with a Score mentor for expert business planning advice. The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers an Write online business plan template and guide to help you build your business plan, step by step. Once you create an account, you complete the cover page by filling in your company name, owner name and contact information, and College help senior then upload your logo. There are six business plan sections to choose from (Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Research, Product/Service Line, Marketing and Sales, Financial Projections), and you can save and work on your file anytime you want. The $100 Startup#39;s One-Page Business Plan. My Scholarly Paper Login? Looking for a no-fuss business plan template that gets straight to the point?

The $100 Startup, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller, offers the a novel month One-Page Business Plan, a simple form that asks several questions you can quickly answer to get up and my scholarly paper running. Admissions Essay Help High School Senior? This free business plan template covers everything from my scholarly login, your business overview to finances, marketing, goals and challenges. Other resources that The $100 Startup offers include a one-page consulting business plan, one-page marketing plan, product launch guide and more. Additional reporting by Sara Angeles and How to report paper an interview Marci Martin. Editor#39;s note: If you#39;re looking for my scholarly login information to help you with business plan services, use the questionnaire below to have our sister site provide you with information from homework assistance, a variety of my scholarly paper, vendors for writing free. Jennifer Post graduated from Rowan University in 2012 with a Bachelor#39;s Degree in my scholarly paper login Journalism. Having worked in the food industry, print and online journalism, and Money marketing, she is now a freelance contributor for Business News Daily.

When she#39;s not working, you will find her exploring her current town of login, Cape May, NJ or binge watching Pretty Little Liars for the 700th time.

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coursework websites Content for the general CourseWork user. The next generation of CourseWork (CourseWork v5) is based on an open source development effort, called the Sakai project. In 2003, Stanford University joined forces with a consortium of Write my scholarly, universities including MIT, UC Berkeley, University of homework, Indiana, and University of my scholarly paper login, Michigan, to service professionals easy, develop the paper login next generation of teaching and learning tools for the higher education community. The advantages for Stanford being a part of this open source development effort include: * Control our own destiny: Share in software ownership, participate in design, build, testing and magazine jason zweig release of new tools and sidestep the my scholarly limitations imposed by proprietary software. * Leverage leadership in teaching and learning: Participate in a community of Money magazine, peers at the cutting edge of Write login, teaching and learning that possess the intellectual capital necessary to develop enterprise online teaching and learning environments. * Get back more than we give: Benefit from using a richer set of tools created by writing, other higher education institutions, achieve developmental economies of scale and cost savings implicit in inter-institutional cooperation on software solutions for paper login, common academic processes and problems. While CourseWork v5 provides virtually all of the capabilities of the College admissions essay help high school senior old CourseWork (CourseWork v3.3), it also adds a host of new features that members of paper, our academic community have been requesting. Some of these new features/functionalities include: * Ability to upload/download multiple documents at a time through a desktop interface (WebDAV). * Ability to notify students via email when new content is added to course materials.

* Ability to add file attachments to course announcements. * Ability to calculate grades, rather than just recording them, using the Gradebook tool. CourseWork v5 also offers an expanded set of new Web-based tools that will save instructors time and afford them flexibility in managing course content. These new tools include: * Drop Box: facilitates the download of all student paper submissions and the return of commented papers via a few drag and writing a novel drop actions. * Web Content: public web sites that are referenced frequently in my scholarly paper login a course can now be displayed within the content frame of a site for quick access. * My Workspace: a private workspace where course-related documents could be stored prior to being published to a specific course. The old CourseWork system ( will remain available in read-only mode.

This means that you will only be able to view and download content. For those who have taught and had CourseWork sites prior to Summer 2007, your course content (home, course materials, assignments, syllabus) has been migrated to the new CourseWork (v5) system. Access to CourseWork v5 requires SUNet ID authentication. SUNet ID is a unique 3-8 character account name that identifies you as a member of the Stanford community, with access to the Stanford University Network of computing resources and services. Full-service SUNet IDs are available to current, registered students, and to regular and emeritus faculty and staff. Anyone who is How to a good with not University-eligible and needs to use SUNet resources in Write login support of legitimate University work can be sponsored for a SUNet ID. A Good! Please contact your department or school for SUNet ID sponsorship.

Go to login, and click the login button located on the upper right-hand corner of the Money magazine jason zweig screen. If you have not already authenticated via Stanford WebAuth (i.e., WebLogin), then you will be prompted to enter your SUNet ID and password. My Scholarly Login! You will then see a redirecting URL. Click on this URL to access CourseWork. Computer and Connectivity Requirements: - Screen resolution set to 1024x768 or greater. - PCs should be running Win XP Pro, Win XP Home, Win 2000. - Macs should be running OS X (10.4 and Marketing homework assistance above is preferable) - Internet connectivity for off-campus access: DSL or Cable at paper minimum. Web Browser Requirements (Web browsers are free to College high school senior, download): - PC Users: Internet Explorer 6.x, Firefox 1.x and up. - Mac Users: Firefox 1.x and up. CourseWork v5 is designed to function independently of your web browser's buttons.

Use the buttons within the CourseWork application to my scholarly login, navigate back and forth among list items or return to the main list. Also, use the buttons within the CourseWork application to cancel an Paper with green, action should you change your mind about a task, such as posting an announcement. If you ever want to return to the starting point of a tool, click the Reset button. The Reset button appears to the left of the name of the tool you're using, and looks like two opposite-facing arrows. Instead of seeing a My Courses page after logging in to CourseWork, you will now see CourseWork sites to which you have access as individual tabs laid out horizontally across the course site navigation bar. Course sites are ordered from left to right, first by term in ascending order, then alphabetically by Write login, course subject area. Course names follow the convention of Term-SubjectArea-Course#-Section# (e.g., F07-CEE-199-03). Money Jason! Course sites not displayed on the course site navigation bar may be found by clicking the My Active Sites tab to the far right. NOTE: To trim down the list of viewable sites on the course site navigation bar, go to the Preferences tool in your My Workspace site, click on Customize Tabs, then move the my scholarly paper courses you do not wish to see into Sites Not Visible in Tabs. If you can't find your course sites from the magazine jason zweig current term easily or would like to hide your sites from Write paper previous terms (i.e., remove from site navigation), please follow these steps:

Go to My Workspace and select Preferences in the left navigation. College Admissions Essay High School Senior! Select Customize Tabs at the top of the page. Select and move all the CourseWork site tabs that you don't want to Write, see to the Sites not visible in Tabs box. You can also reorder tabs with the Essay writing service easy up/down arrows. My Scholarly Login! Click the Update Preferences button. In CourseWork v5, each user has his or her own private site called My Workspace. After logging in to CourseWork, you will automatically be taken to admissions help high school, My Workspace. This is the space where the CourseWork support team may post important messages. Additionally, this space may be used to Write my scholarly, do the following: * Via Announcements, view announcements from all of your sites. * Via Membership, join CourseWork sites that grant access to Stanford members/affiliates without needing to homework, register in Axess.

* Via Preferences, customize which course tabs show up on the horizontal navigation bar as well as choose how you would like to Write my scholarly paper login, be notified of College essay school senior, new or changed items (e.g., announcements, materials) on sites to which you belong. * Via Schedule, view an integrated calendar for all sites in which you participate. If you are an instructor or staff member, the following capabilities are available to you in My Workspace: * Via Materials, store course-related documents prior to being published to a specific course. * Via Worksite Setup, set up CourseWork sites. Stanford Syllabus was released to the Stanford community in Write my scholarly Fall 2006. Paper With On It! Conceived by Write paper login, the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy (C-USP), funded by the Provost's Office, and high school senior developed by Academic Computing, the goal of the Write my scholarly paper standalone Stanford Syllabus application is to provide a centralized online repository of syllabi for Stanford University courses. On March 7, 2008, a new version of Stanford Syllabus, which is integrated with CourseWork, was released. This latest version allows uploaded syllabi to be accessible from a novel month both the external Stanford Syllabus application and CourseWork system. Instructors will only need to Write login, post their syllabus once and the syllabus will show up in both systems. The Contact Us (HelpSU) link, located at the bottom of every CoruseWork page, is the best way to get in touch with the College admissions help high senior CourseWork support team with questions or problems. Help resources in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Quick Start Guides, and full documentation are also available under the Help link in the left navigation bar of every CourseWork site.

For additional training needs, send an email to The CourseWork team is available to give presentations, demos, and workshops to any department or academic group interested in learning more about CourseWork. We can customize content and presentation length according to paper login, your group's needs. Help Writing A Novel Month! Possibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Brief overview of Write my scholarly paper, CourseWork Update on what's new in CourseWork Demo of CourseWork basics Workshop on particular feature/task (e.g., How to Create Assignments) QA Session. If you are interested in Money magazine jason zweig having the CourseWork team present to your group, please email

For all other questions or issues, please submit a help ticket by using the Contact Us (HelpSU) link at the bottom of any CourseWork page. Content items especially relevant to instructors. CourseWork sites are not automatically created. Stanford faculty and staff need to create CourseWork site(s) for their course(s). See How do I create a new course site in my scholarly paper CourseWork v5? in our FAQ section for more details on Paper with green, site creation. Go to Write my scholarly, and login. College Admissions High School Senior! You will automatically be taken to a site called My Workspace . If you are a Stanford faculty or staff member, you will see Worksite Setup among the tools in My Workspace. Click on Worksite Setup , then click New . Write My Scholarly Paper! You will be stepped through the assistance process of setting up a site. At the end of the process, a CourseWork site will be created. The site will display any available Axess enrollment data, as long as you are the instructor of my scholarly paper login, record. If you are not the instructor of record, the site will be requested rather than created.

A verification email will be sent to the instructor of record and the CourseWork team. When the magazine course site has been verified by the CourseWork team, Axess enrollment data will then be made available. When materials are imported from another site, they are designated as hidden by default (indicated by gray text). That means they are not visible to Write paper login, students and report with guests, but are still accessible to instructional staff. This change was implemented in Spring 2009 to my scholarly paper login, match the functionality of our old system and to How to write report, prevent unintentional release of materials to Write my scholarly paper, students, about which there were many complaints. You can make individual or multiple items visible by checking the box(es) next to the item(s) and clicking the Show link at the top of the screen. Showing a folder will also show all the items within the homework folder, unless an item is individually designated as hidden.

Alternatively, you can show an Write paper, item by going to Actions Revise Details , selecting the Show option, and clicking the Update button. If you manage section registration of discussion, lab, or other non-lecture sections in Axess, you can pull that data into CourseWork. Then, changes in section membership will be reflected automatically in the CourseWork site. You will need to have the Instructor, Course Admin, or TA role to complete these steps. NOTE: If the site was created by someone other than the Paper writing green instructor of paper login, record, the instructor will need to approve the site request before any additional rosters can be added. Go to the desired course site and click Site Info in the left navigation bar. Click the Add Roster(s) link at the top of the Site Info page. Writing Service! Select the roster(s) you want to Write login, add to the site. Click Continue , then Add Class Roster(s) to confirm.

You will also need the Marketing assistance Section Info tool added to my scholarly login, your site and set to Automatic Management to make use of this data. If you don't already have the homework Section Info tool in your CourseWork site, go to my scholarly login, Site Info Edit Tools and add it. Then, click Section Info in the left navigation bar. Click the Options link at the top of the Section Info page. College Help High School Senior! Select the ' Automatically manage sections and memberships ' option. Write! Click Update , then Automatically Manage to confirm. CourseWork v5 affords you flexibility in defining course site access. You can limit site access to Money magazine, course participants only OR allow anyone with a valid SUNet ID to join. If you limit access to course participants, students will only have access to your site if they are officially registered through Axess or if you add them to your site manually. If you give access to anyone with a valid SUNet ID, students can use the Membership tool in their My Workspace to join your site.

See How do I add people to my CourseWork site? in our FAQ section for more details on adding site participants manually. Go to your CourseWork site, click Site Info in the left navigation bar, then click Add Participants at the top of the login page. Zweig! Enter the SUNet ID of the person you want to my scholarly paper, add in the given text box. You can add more than one SUNet ID at a time, one per line. Choose a role for each person. Select whether or not to send email notification to the participants being added, then verify information and click Finish . In CourseWork v5, there is no toggle available to instructors to see a student view. The major difference between student and on it green instructor view is that only instructors and users with administrative privileges (e.g., course admin) can see the administrative links under each tool. For example, students will not see the Add, Merge, Options, Permissions links under the Announcements tool whereas instructors do see these links. Grades you enter in CourseWork DO NOT get sent to Axess , the system used for submitting official grades. You will need to log into Axess and Write my scholarly login enter grades there to fulfill your grading obligation.

Please see the this helpful guide on a good with, Recording Submitting Grades in my scholarly paper login Axess for further instructions. In CourseWork v5, content within the following tools can be made available to the general public: The access designation can be set for each item separately when added via the web interface. To view your site’s publicly available content, go to, then click on Search Sites in the left navigation bar (BEFORE logging in). Search for your course site, then click on your course site’s title. Money Magazine Jason Zweig! NOTE: Make sure your course site’s access setting is login set to ‘Publish.’ Otherwise, your course site will not show up under Search Sites. CourseWork v5 utilizes a web protocol called WebDav to allow you to access your site’s Materials or Drop Box tool as a local folder from which you can drag and drop files in or out. 1. Get the WebDav URL for your CourseWork site: * Go to your site.

* Click the Materials tool on the left. * Click the Upload-Download Multiple Materials link at magazine jason zweig the top. * Copy the SiteID for your site. 2. Make a WebDAV connection to your site’s Materials or Dropbox tool, following the instructions under Upload-Download Multiple Materials. 3. Drag and drop files from your local desktop to your Materials or Drop Box folder to upload them to your site or download files from your site to your local desktop. There is a 12 MB limit per file upload via the Discussion tool. There is a 40MB limit per upload request via the paper login web interface. The upload quota in CourseWork v5 does not work on a file-by-file basis. It works on a request basis.

This means that if you try to upload 5 files at once, the quota is applied against the SUM of these files. Content items especially relevant to students. If you can't find your course site(s), here are the most common reasons. Please keep these in mind before submitting a HelpSU ticket. Not every course at Stanford has a CourseWork site , since the use of CourseWork is Help writing month optional and at paper the discretion of the instructor. Please ask your instructor if CourseWork will be used for your course. There is a delay of at least a few hours between the time you register for a class in Axess and assistance the time you are added to paper, a CourseWork site. If it has been more than 24 hours, please submit a ticket to the CourseWork team. If you are a member of more than 4 sites, additional sites may be found by clicking the My Active Sites tab at Money the top right of the Write paper screen. If an Marketing, instructor has said you can join a CourseWork site without signing up for the class in Axess, please use the following instructions for joining a site. Assuming the instructor for the course has chosen to create a CourseWork site, you will automatically be added to the site if you have enrolled in the course through Axess.

If you just registered, please allow up to 24 hours for the information to be reflected in CourseWork. Write My Scholarly Paper Login! If you do not see a site for your course after 24 hours, verify with the instructor that CourseWork will be used for the course before submitting a HelpSU ticket to the CourseWork team. If you were originally added to Essay professionals easy, the CourseWork site through Axess registration (i.e., you did not add yourself to the site through CourseWork's Membership tool), you will be removed automatically when you drop the Write paper login course in Axess. Please allow up to 24 hours for changes made in Axess to be reflected in CourseWork. Some CourseWork sites are open to Help a novel, anyone in the Stanford community with a valid SUNet ID. If you can not find the course site you are seeking in the list of joinable sites, either the site is not set up to allow students to add themselves or the my scholarly paper login instructor has not created a CourseWork site. Go to My Workspace and click Membership in the left navigation bar. Click the Joinable Sites link at Money jason the top of the Write paper Membership page.

To find the Essay site you want to join, either browse the list of joinable sites using the navigation buttons on the right side of the page or use the search box. PLEASE NOTE: The search string must match the site title. If you want to join W08-PWR-2-29, then searching for W08-PWR, PRW-2, PWR-2-29 would work (or use the whole site title). However, PWR 2 would not work because there is no space in the site title. Click the Write paper login Join link under the name of the desired course site.

The course site will now appear as a tab in the site navigation bar (or will be listed under the My Active Sites tab if you already have quite a few course sites). You can also click on My Current Sites at Marketing the top of the Membership page to Write my scholarly paper, confirm that the course site is now in your list. Instructors with CourseWork sites have the assistance option to make their syllabi publicly available. There are two ways to search for syllabi. To find out whether a site has public content, go to and click on Search Sites in the left navigation of the Write my scholarly paper login gateway page (BEFORE logging in). Search for the course site, then click on the course site’s title. You should see a brief description of the course as well as any content that is jason publicly available. You can also search for syllabi at Go to Write paper login, your CourseWork site and click Section Info in the left navigation bar.

You should see sections listed here with descriptive information, such as meeting times, days, and locations. Sign up for a section by clicking the Join link next to the section description. The Join link will be replaced by the Member label to indicate you have successfully joined the section. If you do not see Join links next to section descriptions or do not see the Section Info tool in your site, please ask your instructor about Marketing how section sign-ups will be handled. Go to your CourseWork site and click Section Info in the left navigation bar. You should see sections listed here with descriptive information, such as meeting times, days, and locations. The Member label will display next to the section to my scholarly paper login, which you currently belong. Click the Switch link next to green, your preferred section to login, switch your membership. You may only belong to one section of each type available (e.g., 1 Lecture, 1 Discussion, 1 Lab). By choosing Switch you will be removed from your current section of that type.

If you do not see Switch links, your instructor has not permitted switching sections within the CourseWork site. You will need to ask the instructor about professionals signing up for a different section. CourseWork v5 utilizes a web protocol called WebDav to allow you to my scholarly paper, access your site’s Materials tool as a local folder from homework assistance which you can drag and drop files. 1. Get the Write my scholarly WebDav URL for your CourseWork site: * Go to College admissions essay, your site. * Click the Materials tool on the left. * Click the Upload-Download Multiple Materials link at the top. * Copy the SiteID for your site. 2. Make a WebDAV connection to your site’s Materials tool, following the Write my scholarly login instructions under Upload-Download Multiple Materials.

3. Drag and drop files from the Materials folder to your local desktop.

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Free Resume Guide 2017 with Amazing Tips and Examples. Searching for a new job is one of the Write my scholarly hardest things you’ll have to do in your career and College high school it’s no easier this year. It is also the most important. Write My Scholarly? That’s why we decided to create our Free Resume Guide 2017 with tips, examples and write a good report paper with an interview all the information you need to create the perfect resume or CV. The right job is one of three things that contribute most to your happiness in Write login life.

Which is a novel month why you need to do it right. Besides you, your resume is your most important tool in a job search. It is your first impression with employers. It is the Write paper difference between an interview for your dream job or the College high school senior recycle bin. A great resume makes searching for a job easy, while an ineffective resume will leave you with nothing to show from hundreds of applications. Applying to a job without a good resume guide is a waste of time and can add months (or even years) to my scholarly paper login your job search, leaving you frustrated and demotivated. The following is a guide to creating a stand-out resume that gets you hired. Let’s start with the a novel month basics.

A resume is your professional highlight reel - presented in an easily understood and standardized format. Your resume needs to solve a problem for employers (which is why they’re hiring). It is your most important tool to landing an interview, and ultimately a job. There are three standard resume layout types. Chronological: Focuses on work experience in reverse chronological order. My Scholarly Paper Login? Functional: Focuses on homework skills and Write my scholarly paper experience, and writing a novel month not chronological work history. Used by Write paper people with gaps in employment or are changing careers. Combination: Enables you to highlight the skills and College high experiences that are relevant, while still showing work history in the format that employers prefer. Which type of resume layout is best depends on paper the situation.

For each job application, choose the layout that best represents you in the context of the job you’re applying for. Long gone are the days when recruiters and employers sit in uninterrupted silence and with carefully read multi-page resumes from cover to cover. Nowadays, interruptions and distractions are the norm, and recruiters' time is increasingly crunched. 90% of large corporations use Applicant Tracking Software that to my scholarly paper manage their recruiting process, which means you need to Marketing homework assistance get through an automatic screen before your resume is even seen by an employer. If you make it past that step, studies have shown that recruiters spend 6 seconds on average reviewing a resume. Studies show that recruiters spend on Write login average 6 seconds looking at a resume. They need to quickly pull out key facts, and make a split second decision that could decide your future. We think there are two key resume guidelines you need to keep in mind when building your resume. Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Once it does, you still need to hold their attention to College admissions essay help high make it to the next steps. Your resume needs to be sharply focused, compelling, and paper entirely relevant.

What is an applicant tracking system? An applicant tracking system (ATS), is software that organizations use to Help writing month manage their recruitment process. Vendors include Taleo, The Resumator, Smart Recruiters, and many more. Most applicant tracking software uses a process called resume parsing, which extracts your resume data into a format readable by the software. My Scholarly? Resume parsing pulls your contact information, work history, and skills from the writing a novel month resume. When a recruiter is searching within their applicant tracking system for a candidate, those that best fit the Write my scholarly paper login keywords of the job description will show up first in the search results based on writing month the parsed resume data. This is Write login why thinking about these guidelines is important in optimizing your resume for Help a novel month, each application. If you’re unsure about your career objective or haven’t quite settled on a goal, you’ll find that writing a powerful and Write my scholarly paper effective resume is extremely difficult.

Remember, your resume must present just the Help month right mix of Write paper login, meaningful information relevant to your goal. Without a goal, you don’t know what information to include, what skills or successes to highlight, and what details to omit. You’re forced to include everything, and the end result is usually a resume that does not capture interest because it’s not focused. Have a clear goal before writing your resume. Employers want to know what you want to do ; it’s not their job to figure that out. Take the time to define a goal (or multiple goals) before writing your resume. See our How to essay school senior get a better Job for more exercises and resources for Write my scholarly login, deciding what you want from Money magazine your career. Once have a clear goal for your resume, move on to the next step. In the context of Write my scholarly login, your resume, “who you are” usually refers to a job title. Are you a Software Engineer? Corporate Finance Executive?

Customer Service Representative? Be sure to include this critical information right up front, as a headline or in the first sentence of your introduction. Your goal is to immediately communicate to employers the essential information that creates the context for Money, everything else they will read in your resume. For example, if you define yourself as a “Sales Professional,” employers will be looking for key qualifications such as sales results, communication skills, relationship-building abilities, territory management experience, and so forth. If you define yourself as an “Accountant,” they’ll be looking for paper login, something entirely different accounting and finance experience, knowledge of Help a novel, accounting software, attention to detail, and strong analytical skills.

By defining yourself up front, you establish expectations and help readers better appreciate and absorb the information that follows. Paint the picture of an ideal candidate. Study the job description and decipher what problems the employer wants solved. Employers don’t care about you. They care about solving their problems. Write Login? This is the assistance only reason why they are posting a job. Get into their heads, and try to understand their pain. Why are they posting this job? Who is the ideal candidate for the job? Which skills does the ideal applicant have?

Write down a brief description of the ideal applicant in my scholarly paper login the third person, all the way down to zweig what they’re wearing. This will help you decide how to represent yourself when creating your resume. Having defined your “ideal self,” consider what information you can place “front and center” on your resume to support your claim. What credentials, qualifications, experiences, knowledge, and accomplishments do you possess that will prove you are, in fact, an effective Marketing Management Professional? Your goal is to create a “snapshot,” a capsule portrait that conveys the most essential information to your readers. In essence, you want to quickly portray that you are an ideal candidate for the types of jobs you are pursuing. In your job search, you will need to create a distinct resume for Write, each job application . This enables you do do the How to write a good report with following:

Tailor each resume to suit the job description Optimize your resume keywords for applicant tracking systems Choose a distinct style to Write paper suit the company. To make this easy, start by building a Master Resume to Marketing homework work from. This will be an ever-evolving resume that contains all your work history, accomplishments, and skills that you can tailor for each application. Let’s start building a Master Resume. The following section will outline the key components of a resume, and provide examples, tips and best practices for writing these components. Your resume should first include the most important information - Your name! Your name should be the Write my scholarly login largest text on the page. The header also includes basic contact details and links to other relevant online profiles. For a European CV, the Money magazine jason zweig header will also include a professional profile picture. Do not include a picture for a traditional North American application. For a web based North American resume, a picture is acceptable.

An objective statement is no longer acceptable on your resume summary or resume introduction. Employers know your objective is to get the job. Instead, you have two options. Write a summary or introduction that highlights your most valuable accomplishments and skills. Do not include a summary or introduction. The introduction goes after the header information, and should serve the following purposes:

Highlights your the most valuable aspects of Write my scholarly, your resume Draws the with reader in, and encourages them to my scholarly login read more. Bad example: Experienced professional seeking employment in Essay writing easy the financial services sector. Good example: Experienced financial planner who has consistently generated above market returns for clients. Thrives in my scholarly login a team-oriented and Essay service high pressure environment. Bad example: Passionate marketing manager and creative problem solver who loves to work with great people.

Good example: Results-driven marketing professional with over 10 years experience working with blue-chip clients including Nestle, Google, and Intel. Remember, the introduction is not a necessary element. Write Login? If you’re going to use it, do so wisely. No introduction is better than a poor one. The most valuable section of your resume is the admissions high work experience section. It is usually the most important factor in getting a job.

Highly relevant experience in a field is the first thing employers look for. Even for my scholarly paper login, entry level jobs employers want to How to write a good report with see relevant experience. Most commonly, work experience is Write my scholarly paper displayed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. Magazine? If you do have a highly relevant position, there is Write paper login no rule against write an interview, re-ordering your work history to put the most relevant job first. Each work history entry should include: Employer Name Dates of Employment Job Titles Job Descriptions Accomplishments. The most crucial aspect of your career history is to Write write accomplishments, not history.

Your job title and Help writing a novel regular duties don’t matter - what matters is your most impressive achievements in those positions. Ensure your accomplishments are compelling. Accomplishments are best written in bullet-point format, underneath each job title held. Resume Example Accomplishment Statements. Bad example: Promoted to senior account manager with full responsibility for the company’s #1 client. Good example: Promoted to Write senior account manager to writing service manage #1 client, growing the business from $3 million to $6 million in 2 years. Bad example: Completed all projects under time and my scholarly paper under budget.

Good example: Averaged 7% under budget while completing 100% of projects on How to report paper schedule, 65% ahead of schedule. Bad example: Managed a portfolio for blue-chip clients that generated high returns. Good example: Responsible for $5 million in assets for high net worth clients that generated a return of over 12% in 2013. Good example: Increased referral rates by 15% and maintained a customer satisfaction rate of over 95%. Writing effective Resume Accomplishment Statements. The following section is a series of questions designed to help you quantify your performance in a position to write better accomplishment statements.

Spend an hour answering these questions in relation to Write my scholarly paper login each job you’ve held. This will give you “ammunition” to work with when writing your resume. Questions to quantify performance. Did you make money for magazine, the company? Did you increase market share? Did you improve your ranking in Write login comparison to other departments, branches, or competitors? Did you suggest any ways to cut costs in write report with an interview your team, department, unit, branch, or company? Did you regularly meet all your deadlines? Did you improve the efficiency of your job, team, or department? How did your performance compare to prior years?

How did you rank against the competition? How did you rank against industry averages? What were your performance goals? Did you meet them? Exceed them? How did you contribute to the bottom line? Questions to reveal success factors:

What are you most proud of? What did supervisors compliment you for? What do your performance evaluations say? What are you known for? What do you do that others can’t or don’t do? What would “fall apart” or “slide downhill” if you weren’t at your job for my scholarly paper login, a week? What do you have “bragging rights” about?

Where you the How to paper with first, best or most effective in Write my scholarly any particular function or organization? Questions to create strong introductory statements. What is the most important thing I accomplished in that job? What was I initially hired to College admissions essay school do? Did I do it?

What major challenge was I presented with? Or what major challenge did my company or industry face, and how did I surmount that challenge? What happened to my company or department as a result of my effort in that job? These are helpful verbs to Write my scholarly paper login use when writing your accomplishment statements. Always start your accomplishments with a verb. The majority of your resume writing time should be spent writing compelling accomplishment statements. Pro tips for writing accomplishments. Focus on College admissions help high school senior performance and results.

Use specific examples with real numbers. Use Power words (not passive ones). The education section contains some or all of the my scholarly paper following: Name of School Degree Earned Major Course(s) of Study Academic Distinctions Extracurricular and Leadership Activities Training and essay Certification Additional Professional Development. Keys for login, the education section: The more senior your career, the Help fewer education details to include. For younger professionals, add in paper distinguishing information such as achievements or leadership roles. Don’t let your education shadow your experience, and never inflate your credentials. You should have a listing of your skills on your resume, that includes your level of competency of each skill.

Skills are extremely important to match with the job description - it’s what employers are looking to hire. Extras are additional facts and How to write a good report with an interview information that don’t fit into one of the previous categories but might be important to Write paper include, such as: Professional Affiliations and Money zweig Industry Leadership Presentations and login Publications Language Proficiencies Technical Competencies Community Activities and Leadership Positions Personal Interests. As you are gathering the material for your resume, organize it into these rough groups; but keep in mind that you don’t have to admissions school follow a strict formula! You can create new sections, add in paper unusual information, or come up with creative ways to present your qualifications. The purpose of the resume is to tell your story and describe your capabilities in the way that is most beneficial to you and How to write an interview meaningful to employers. The number one question to ask: How is your resume solving an employer’s problem? Which resume design should you use?

It depends. Use your judgement to decide which resume design best suits the my scholarly login job you’re applying for. For a creative job, a more creative resume is recommended. For an accounting job? Use a more classic design. Once you’ve written the right content, pick a design that best shows off your unique capabilities and fits the position you’re seeking. Having multiple version of your resume is essential for jason zweig, a successful job search. Here are the Write my scholarly login versions you should have: A online resume (web based). Magazine Jason? A master resume with lots of paper login, detail.

A custom resume for each job application. How long should my resume be? The standard North American Resume is 1-2 pages in length. A more detailed academic CV can be much longer. However, don’t try to cram your resume into a shorter version just because of conventions. A well-laid out, efficient resume will perform better than a crammed 1 page resume. Do I need a picture on my resume? In North America, no. In fact, having a picture on your resume could limit your chances of landing an interview. For a web based resume, a picture is fine. However if you’re applying in a traditional way, create a version of your resume that does not include a picture.

Do I need an objective on my resume? No! Your objective is to get the job. Employers know that! Replace the objective with a summary of your skills and experience. Should I include references? No. As a general rule, including references (or “references available upon request” is redundant. Writing? Keep your limited space for Write paper login, selling yourself. What format should I submit my application in? PDF is your best option for submitting a resume to an employer or an ATS.

You won’t risk losing formatting from a Word Document, and it gives you the most control. Should I customize my resume for each application? Yes. Studies show that tailoring your resume for Marketing homework assistance, a specific position is login much more effective than sending a generic application. It takes extra time, but is help high senior worth the effort. Do you have resume guides for specific applications. For example a resume guide for teachers, it, architects, students, nursing, freshers, internships, designers, engineering, tour guide or no experience? *No. However, we do have an amazing resume samples directory with resume samples for paper, every occupation or situation.

Check it out here. Step by step, section by section, you’ve built your resume. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get that dream job. We’ve got just the guide for you.

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