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Jan 27, 2018 Stanford mba optional essay, buy essay papers here -
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By Opposing Obama, the Republicans Created Trump. MEMO to Republican legislators biting your nails over the New York primary, wondering if you can finally derail Donald J. Trump’s candidacy with, gulp, Ted Cruz: You brought it on Stanford mba optional essay, yourselves. Not just by failing for too long to take Mr. Trump seriously or by lacking an effective response once you did. That’s well-covered territory. Most important, you created the anger that lifted his candidacy by years of systematically and effectively preventing passage of legislation that might have ameliorated the tough economic state of Mr. Trump’s core voters. Mr. Trump’s biggest supporters are disproportionately white, middle-aged, working-class men without college educations, a group whose fortunes have flagged as globalization and new technology have rendered millions of jobs obsolete and cut into the wages of many more. Strategic Assignment? While the essay, trade agreements that Mr.

Trump bashes have played a role, the mistake was not having entered into them, but having failed to sufficiently help affected workers adjust to the new dynamics. Men and lower-income voters are among Donald J. Trump’s most fervent supporters. Here are groups that have voted for Trump in greater or smaller numbers than his average primary support of 39.1 percent. Figures in percentage points. Help Report Year Of Meats? By The New York Times.

For too many, those new dynamics have been painful indeed. Stanford? In Michigan, where Mr. Trump won big, wages in manufacturing have fallen from a high of $28 per hour in 2003 to $21 at present, after adjustment for chemistry inflation, a stunning 25 percent decline. Mba Optional Essay? Meanwhile, the curriculum, number of manufacturing jobs in the state has fallen from almost 900,000 in September 1999 to Stanford mba optional, just under 600,000 at assignment solution present, a picture that is repeated across the Stanford essay, country. Throughout his presidency, Mr.

Obama has put forward constructive proposals to help those displaced workers. For its part, the Republican Congress has been behaving like Nero. Take, for assignment example, the essay, administration’s 2011 proposal of a $447 billion package of measures including payroll tax cuts and the creation of an infrastructure bank that would have led to the creation of thousands of Strategic assignment solution, construction jobs, as well as other substantial economic benefits. Designed to be bipartisan and fully paid for by higher taxes on rich Americans and some corporations, the American Jobs Act was nonetheless dead virtually upon its arrival on Capitol Hill. That’s not all. During his administration, Mr.

Obama put forth proposals for larger tax credits for child care; community college investments; expansion of the earned-income tax credit; changing retirement plans to be portable across employers and available to part-time workers; and tax credits for manufacturing communities. Average hourly earnings of essay, production workers. Total jobs in manufacturing. Average hourly earnings of production workers. By The New York Times.

All these — and many more — were ignored by management, Congress. Even seemingly obvious steps, like continuing federal emergency benefits for Stanford the large number of Help me with rounds, long-term unemployed, have been blocked. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, 19 states — mostly with Republican governors — have declined Mr. Obama’s Medicaid expansion plan. In its most recent budget, the White House put forth a robust plan for Stanford essay wage insurance, a concept with much support among economists. Help My Book Of Meats? Under it, a worker who lost his or her job and was forced to take a lower-wage one that paid less than $50,000 per year would receive half of the lost wages for two years, up to $10,000. Mba Optional? Like many of Mr. Obama’s proposals, that wouldn’t be a game changer for working-class Americans, but it would have been a constructive piece of a more comprehensive solution.

Recent sessions were the least productive in many decades. Pay For Assignment Project Management? PUBLIC BILLS PASSED. “Do-Nothing” Congress of 1947-48: 906 bills passed. * Through March 31, 2016. Stanford Essay? Source: Resume of Congressional Activity. PUBLIC BILLS PASSED. “Do-Nothing” Congress of 1947-48: 906 bills passed. By The New York Times. Strategic Assignment? The Republican congressional leadership has refused to even hold hearings on the Obama budget.

To be sure, Mr. Obama was successful in achieving passage of mba optional essay, some of his initiatives last year, such as making permanent the project management, earned-income tax credit, the child tax credit and modest assistance for older Americans adversely affected by trade. And Mr. Obama deserves substantial credit for the drop in joblessness on his watch. But that’s not sufficient progress. For one thing, Mr. Trump’s support tends to be concentrated in areas with low labor force participation. For another, with real wages declining for many Americans, the enactment of relatively minor initiatives is small beer. Sign Up for the Opinion Today Newsletter. Every weekday, get thought-provoking commentary from Op-Ed columnists, the mba optional essay, Times editorial board and Pay someone assignment contributing writers from around the world. An error has occurred.

Please try again later. You are already subscribed to this email. Whoever wins the Republican nomination, it’s too late to mba optional, address the concerns of Mr. Trump’s core constituents before November. College Curriculum? The anger felt by so many will not be eased until Washington takes affirmative steps. To ease the immediate pain, we need a much stronger safety net: extended unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed, wage insurance, a higher minimum wage and the like.

Cutting our irrational austerity frenzy to step up investment in infrastructure is Stanford mba optional essay a no-brainer. All of management, this can — and should — be paid for by higher taxes on the wealthy. Stanford Mba Optional Essay? Mr. Trump may have succeeded in directing the anger of his supporters toward Washington in general and President Obama in particular. But Republicans should take heed: Given your shutdown of legislation that would help downtrodden Americans, their anger should really be focused on you. Steven Rattner is a Wall Street executive and a contributing opinion writer. Management? Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.

A version of this op-ed appears in print on April 13, 2016, on Stanford, Page A25 of the New York edition with the Help my book year of meats, headline: Foiling Obama, Congress Made Trump. Today's Paper | Subscribe. We#8217;re interested in your feedback on this page. Tell us what you think.

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Jan 27, 2018 Stanford mba optional essay, order essay paper online anytime -
The Optional MBA Essay, Explained - Poets&Quants

nancy grace resume Edited Oral History Transcript. Interviewed by Stanford mba optional Rebecca Wright. Chevy Chase, Maryland – 15 September 2000. Wright: This oral history is being conducted with Dr. Nancy Roman in her home in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Today is September 15, the year 2000. Pay Someone Do Your! The interview is being conducted for the NASA Headquarters History Office. The interviewer is Rebecca Wright, assisted by Stanford mba optional essay Sandra Johnson.

Roman: Okay. To start with, I’m trying to use my double name again, Nancy Grace. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee, so I was a Southern baby, and in the South they used double names. I always used it in my family and I used it throughout college, but I went to me with my paper rounds graduate school in Wisconsin, and I found Northerners just could not cope with it, so I dropped it. Stanford! Then, oh, maybe six years or eight years ago now—time flies—we had a summer student working with us at the Astronomical Data Center at Goddard [Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland], and she used her double name. I decided, well, if she used it, why can’t I? So I’m trying to me with my book of meats use it again. I will answer either way, and I have to admit, most people don’t use it, but I’m trying. Okay. Wright: Never too much detail. Roman: Oh, yes. So, I, anyway, we had chemistry four periods a day, two periods of lectures and two periods of mba optional essay, lab.

I don’t know. There were times when I dreamed test tubes that summer. [Laughter] But I got through chemistry. As it say, we all did, and, in fact, I passed my freshman college, first-semester freshman college chemistry on Pay someone assignment help the basis of mba optional, it several years later. Wright: When you were asked to head up this new program, did you have the opportunity to set your own agenda, or were there expectations of what the assignment government wanted you to do with this? Roman: Well, it was pretty much a blank check. Now, during the IGY [International Geophysical Year], the National Academy of Sciences had asked scientists, asked all scientists, not just astronomers, to propose satellite experiments. There had been four proposed for astronomy, only one of which could possibly have been carried by Vanguard, and probably not even that. So when NASA was formed, they decided to use these as the basis for mba optional essay, the astronomy program, at least in the beginning. Wright: What about Strategic management assignment staff and budget? Roman: The way NASA Headquarters was set up and still is, actually, as you may know, is a dichotomy between engineers and scientists.

For example, in mba optional essay a particular division, like the Astronomy and Help me with report Astrophysics Division, there would be either a scientist and an engineer as the head and the other as the deputy. Stanford! Below him—it was always a him in Help my book of meats my case—there were two groups. There were the scientists and there were the engineers. Now, they worked very closely together, but they did have separate responsibility. Wright: At what time in mba optional your role were you able to bring ideas for new projects and help see those projects become reality?

Roman: Well, I don’t know if I can think of a particular time. I’d had a lot of me with, discussions with members of the astronomical community about what they might want to do. I did an awful lot of essay, traveling in my early years, trying to visit all of the major astronomy departments in management the country. I also visited industry but that was in a different role primarily. And talking, trying to get them interested in doing astronomy from space, whether from rockets or balloons or satellites, telling them what the Stanford mba optional possibilities and constraints were, finding out what they thought would be important. Then on the basis of that, I tried to formulate the science program that would make sense and what sorts of facilities we needed to Homework time carry out that program.

Wright: I guess it’s a process of evolution. It just keeps moving from one to mba optional essay the other. Roman: Yes, of course, which is the way science works, in general. Wright: Could you give us some ideas of how that happened? As you mentioned when you first started. Maybe take an example of one of the projects and show us that phase, that evolutionary phase of Help rounds, how it moved from gathering information from your travels and then moved into projects that became— Roman: Well, I can tell you about a fairly minor one, because, as you probably know, I’m writing a history on space astronomy, and one of the people I contacted was a person who had done the Stanford mba optional red shift, the Pay for assignment project management rocket red shift experiment. He sent back some fairly extensive comments which were sufficient to mba optional essay refresh my memory on what had happened, which I would not have remembered otherwise. Wright: Yes. Well, sometimes, and many times, people will read, or I will read, the end of a result, but the chemistry curriculum progression of how it got there is somewhat of a mystery to all of us.

It always helps to— Roman: I think I told you about the OAOs, that they grew out of the essay IGY. The major decision was to chemistry create a standard spacecraft. Stanford Mba Optional Essay! Well, there were four experiments in management the IGY, proposed for the IGY: an ultraviolet photometer; a relatively low-resolution ultraviolet spectrometer; and a high-resolution ultraviolet spectrometer, all for mba optional essay, stars or celestial sources, which were assumed to be stars at that time; and one for the sun. Wright: Funding. Has that ever been an time geometry, issue to continue while you were in position? Roman: Oh, very definitely.

Yes, the early days, funding was pretty flush. Even by the late sixties, well before the Apollo Program ended, funding was becoming a major problem. Most of the missions—well, maybe not most—most of the big missions had to be de-scoped to save funds. I say, save funds. Stanford! Save funds temporarily because the HST is either a horrific or an excellent example, depending on Strategic management solution which way you want to look at Stanford mba optional essay the thing.

We had to cut the costs. Wright: Has that project resulted or lived up the expectation that you wanted— Roman: You haven’t heard about the Hubble? [Laughter] Wright: Not from you. Assignment! [Laughter] Roman: Yes, I think it has more than lived up to the expectations. Essay! I think we have done everything that we said we were going to Homework time geometry do, and more. Wright: It must be very exciting to see that for you and all of your colleagues to watch that. Roman: One thing I ought to tell you.

I think I’ve mentioned this in other interviews, but I still find it interesting. In the early days when we were still trying to get approval through Congress, [William] Proxmire—you might probably remember him—asked why the average American taxpayer should want to pay for the Hubble. It was then the Stanford mba optional ST, Space Telescope. My answer was—and this was all by curriculum mail; I didn’t ever testify in Congress, fortunately, I think—my answer was that for the price of a night at the movies every taxpayer would receive fifteen years of exciting scientific results. Wright: And hopefully they will continue to Stanford essay learn more and of meats more about Stanford essay those results as well. Wright: When you were discussing earlier the first days and assignment solution then, of course, the days that led up to the Hubble, it made me think about the Stanford mba optional different type of spacecraft or vehicles that your telescopes have used to get where they need to go.

How did that change, just that piece of technology, affect how you planned? Roman: Well, of course, in assignment the seventies when all the Stanford mba optional NASA effort was being put on the space shuttle, it was decreed that all missions would be launched on the shuttle. So all of our spacecraft were designed to Strategic use the shuttle. Now, the Space Telescope actually had been planned to use a manned launch and manned maintenance in orbit from its very beginning. Wright: Prior to the shuttle, of course, you had different spacecraft that were going. I know that you mentioned the ATM earlier. Could you tell us about those early days of essay, working with that? Roman: Well, ATM wasn’t exactly early. At the Strategic management solution end of the Stanford mba optional Apollo Program, there were Saturns that had been left. Me With My Paper Rounds! You know, originally they had planned two more missions to the Moon than they actually flew. So those vehicles were left, and the idea was, well, what could you do with them that was useful?

There were suggestions of filling the Saturn, the Stanford last stage, with sand for Pay someone do your help, technological tests. Mba Optional Essay! Well, some of us, some people didn’t think that made a whole lot of sense when you could use them to get things into orbit, in which you’d learn more than you’d learn from a tank of sand, and at the same time would get some engineering experience as to how you launched things. So that is the Pay for assignment origin of ATM. Wright: I think so, and maybe those taxpayers would have something more than sand, you know, speaking of return, and Senator Proxmire as well. Roman: Well, yes, I mentioned that in the beginning I was only responsible for Stanford, the stars and I was only responsible for the ultraviolet optical. Then after the first year, I took over the sun as well and the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

It’s always amused me, [Homer E.] Newell defined astronomy as the study of where you aren’t and Help of meats then proceeded to essay add geodesy to it, which is, of course, the science of the Earth. [Laughter] So I was given the responsibility for the geodetic program, probably because the techniques of geodesy are much closer to those of traditional astronomy than they are to assignment project management the space physics types of mba optional, activities. Of course, relativity just sort of naturally fell in, primarily because nobody else wanted it. So I had really everything outside—well, I was going to say everything outside the solar system plus geodesy, and I guess relativity really is within the help solar system, too. Wright: Goodness, you had quite a galaxy of your own to mba optional take care of. Roman: Yes, I did, and, as far as staff, I had a secretary the whole time, or least the branch did. Strategic Assignment Solution! The first year, as I said, I worked for Schilling.

If I remember rightly, the second year, and I don’t really know for how long, I was alone except for a secretary. Stanford Essay! Then I had an assistant. Then after three or four years I had a full-time assistant, first an astronomer and then an engineer, actually, because I couldn’t find an astronomer, and I hired Nancy [W.] Boggess, who had a Ph.D. in astronomy, but was a mother and do your assignment help didn’t want to work full-time. So she worked, I think, half-time, but her hours were such that she could stay home till the children left in the morning and Stanford be home by the time they came home in the afternoon. So it worked out well for her and it worked out well for me. As her children got older, she began working more, first three-quarter time and then full-time, so that by Help my paper rounds that time I had two full-time technical people working with me, by the time I retired. Stanford! Nancy actually handled most of the [infrared] astronomy program. Wright: I’d like for year of meats, you to elaborate for us and mba optional explain for us a comment that you’ve made often or part of your conversation that you’ve made while we were sitting here, and it goes back to assignment help what the astronomers wanted. I find that very interesting and would like for you to talk to us about that, on how you determine or take what the astronomers wanted and where this group of astronomers came from essay that basically shared with you what they wanted. And if you don’t mind, while you think about that, I think we’re going to change the tape out. Roman: Okay, fine.

I wondered if you wouldn’t have to some time along the me with my book year road. Wright: We’re going to change that out and Stanford mba optional essay let you think about that question for a second. [Tape change] Roman: Okay. Well, there were various ways that I found out what astronomers wanted. As I mentioned, I did in the early days make an effort to visit all the major astronomy departments in the country, talked to them about the possibilities of doing things in space, and tried to interest them in participating. The ones that showed an Pay for assignment, interest in participating, I simply tried to find out what they thought made sense and what sorts of things they’d need to do what they want to do.

Now, obviously some of the things were impossible. Some of the things were possible, but not with the current technology and so forth. Many people were just not interested at all. Wright: Were you able to mba optional submit some of management, your ideas or your— Roman: Well, I never submitted any. Stanford Mba Optional! Well, in my book year the first place, I think it would have been a severe conflict of interest for me to submit any, an Stanford mba optional, actual proposal. But even beyond that, the job at Headquarters was sufficiently demanding that it was just about impossible to assignment do research. When I took the job, I was told that we would have one day a week for research and Stanford every seven years we could have a sabbatical. But to get the assignment project management one day a week for research, you had to work two other days, and to get the sabbatical, you had to find somebody who really wanted to come for a year, which at that time was pretty difficult. Now it doesn’t seem to Stanford essay be so difficult, but at that time it was. My Book Report Year! So I never got either one of those.

Wright: The astronomers that you have referred to, were there many and did that number change as the years moved on? Roman: Yes, it changed in Stanford two major ways. In the beginning, there weren’t many. As I mentioned, there were only Homework time geometry four proposals in mba optional the IGY. Beyond that, when you went into Strategic management, the X-ray and gamma ray fields, you were not dealing with traditional astronomers; you were dealing with physicists. So a fair number of mba optional, physicists came into the program, for two reasons. One, because they had the techniques. They knew the techniques to work in those regions, which traditionally trained astronomers did not. But the second reason is that nuclear physics was ramping down, and they were looking for management solution, new things to do. Roman: I sort of worry that the present system, which puts so much responsibility into people who really do have a conflict of interest.

Even though it may not—you know, they may not be proposing a competing experiment for a particular mission, they do have a conflict of interest, and I guess I feel that that’s dangerous. Wright: Let me take the other side of Stanford essay, that. Curriculum! What was probably the most challenging part of your job? You mentioned that IUE was probably one of the proudest things that you were able to accomplish. Roman: Well, I guess it was also the mba optional most challenging in many ways because I had so very little support. Wright: Yes, the difficulty of that.

Did the continual change of technology, just how different that we do things in Pay someone the seventies compared to Stanford doing things in College chemistry curriculum the fifties, and mba optional essay how technology progressed, did it affect your decisions or did that have a— Roman: Well, it certainly affected what we were able to do in a major way. One of the assignment things I did because of Stanford mba optional, this history project is, I re-read Smith’s book, and I was interested to assignment read something that I had forgotten. Apparently I was almost entirely responsible for the fact that we’re using CCDs [charge coupled devices] for the wide-angle camera, the wide-field planetary camera on the Hubble. Essay! That was, in fact, the first use of CCDs in Help me with my book of meats astronomy. Now CCDs have just completely taken over astronomy since then. But I just did not feel that the intensified Vidicon, which is what most people assumed we’d use, was going to do the job.

It looked to mba optional me like the CCDs should, and they have, obviously. Wright: So much that changed, I know people have a hard time trying to decide what day they’re going to Homework help geometry buy their computer because they know the next day it’s going to be better and cheaper. I was just thinking about that when you were talking about how so much change, you know, of course, you have so much, and, of course, the Challenger stopping things, and you had technology still progressing, how much did you have to go back and redo before you could do what you wanted to do? Roman: I don’t remember too much of Stanford essay, that happening, actually, in spite of the Challenger redesign. As I say, the Space Telescope was pretty well set by the time, oh, it was pretty, reasonably well designed by Challenger, and Help rounds it certainly, yes, it was, yes, I said, I guess I said it was almost finished at the time of mba optional, Challenger, so you couldn’t do much about that. Roman: Because it was working well and was certainly a good satellite, good set of instruments getting good data. Wright: You retired, I believe in 1979. When you retired, did you feel like the goals that you had set for yourself and for your program had been accomplished?

Roman: Yes, I think so. I had my mother with me by that time, and she was getting older, and Help it was obvious—well, there were a number of reasons for mba optional, retiring, but it was obvious that it was getting pretty difficult to take care of the apartment and her and a very demanding job with a lot of travel. I’m glad I did retire when I did, because I could not normally—it was an early-out period. Assignment Help! I normally could not have retired for mba optional essay, another six years, and by that time I could not have handled things at all. I also felt that I was tired of the job, and I had looked for Pay someone assignment help, other jobs, but there are not that many jobs in the government at Stanford my field and level.

Wright: Could you explain a little bit more about your role there at the Data Center, what you did? Roman: Well, the Data Center archives computer-readable versions of astronomical catalogs. Actually the Homework help geometry first years I simply would review the catalogs, check that they were consistent, reformat them if I thought that would make them more usable, and Stanford mba optional then prepare documentation which would provide enough information to let somebody else use them. But after, I don’t remember how long, five or six years, I guess, the Pay for project management person who was in charge of the Data Center was asked to leave, and for all practical purposes I took over managing it. Now, I wasn’t always the manager in title, although I was for Stanford, a while, but for the most part, I effectively ran the science side of the program.

Wright: Well, you got to Pay for assignment use quite a bit of Stanford mba optional, your talents all in one spot, and possibly not have so many long hours— Roman: That’s true, yes, and Help me with rounds it was even better because I could do a lot of the work from home, telecommuting. Stanford Mba Optional! By that time, Mother couldn’t be left alone for a day, and I did have help so that I could do other things, and I could get to Goddard when I needed to. I went at least one day a week because I felt that I had to interact with the other people in person, not just by e-mail, at least that often. Management! But it helped.

The fact that I could work from here did mean that I didn’t have to have people on those days. She didn’t need the kind of mba optional essay, attention that would keep me away from work for a long period of time, but I had to be here. I had to prepare the meals. I had to help her out of a chair, that sort of thing. Wright: What a great combination. You could feel very relaxed doing your work in, take care of your personal— Roman: Yes, it worked very nicely, and I continued after she died. Help! I continued to telecommute quite a bit of the mba optional time, and now the administrative assistant in Homework help geometry the group telecommutes three days a week, and the primary computer person, although they do have some others working, helping the group now, but the one was primarily working with me, has moved out to Stanford mba optional essay Arizona and is telecommuting. So I started something.

Wright: Your trend continues. What a legacy. Management Assignment Solution! I’m sure they all appreciate that, too. Stanford Mba Optional! It’s nice to Help be able to have great people working for you, and everybody’s happy in that— Roman: Yes, well, I think the group was happy, although the reason I left—as it happened, I think it was probably the best thing in a lot of ways. But the civil service person, this was a contractor, of mba optional essay, course, the civil service person, who had taken over Pay someone do your assignment our part of the contract, and I did not get along. Stanford Essay! I was asked to leave. I think, to some extent, she was jealous of me, but there were other—I mean, we also disagreed in many areas.

Wright: Sure. When we were preparing for this time with you, I read that someone had quoted you as saying that you had categorized your career into Help, three phases: research and teaching and management and support. Do you still feel that way? Roman: Yes, yes, very definitely. Essay! In my period at Yerkes, I stayed Yerkes for six years after I got my degree, did graduate-level teaching and spent most of chemistry curriculum, my time on Stanford essay research. Of course, NRL, the three and Pay for assignment a half years at essay NRL were research entirely except for this informal course I gave. Then I had the Homework help geometry management period, which was very definitely management. Then the support services contractor. Essay! Now I guess I might say I have a fourth area that I’m keeping pretty busy on a whole variety of volunteer activities. Wright: And enjoying those as well? Roman: And enjoying those, too, and also doing other things, but, well, I’m the secretary of the National Capital Astronomers, which is primarily an amateur organization, although it does contain a number of chemistry curriculum, professional.

I’m now, as of mba optional, a few weeks ago, assistant treasurer of our local AAUW branch, but I also manage their web pages. Pay For Assignment Management! I read for the blind and dyslexic because they were anxious to essay get technical readers and they particularly wanted somebody who could read astronomy— Roman: —and I do various other things. Give lectures. So maybe my fourth portion of my career is help as a volunteer. Wright: But all those great credentials, all the previous roles have, certainly will make you a supreme volunteer.

You’ll have so many different opportunities to Stanford essay go for. Roman: Yes, and I have done a little teaching since I—well, I actually did a tiny bit before I retired, but I’ve done a little at Homework time geometry the local community college in the summer, teaching, well, I’ve done one course for Stanford essay, advanced high school students and several courses for College chemistry, high school science teachers. Wright: Oh, what a value for them. That’s terrific. Roman: I’ve been co-teaching those and it’s been fun. As I think I’ve indicated, I’ve always liked teaching, and most people seem to think I’m a good teacher. So it works out.

Wright: Well, you certainly have shared so many of your ideas, which is, of course, the foundation of teaching, is that sharing of information. I was thinking back when you were talking earlier about not quite sure when your interest began to be an astronomer, but certainly it was at a time when there weren’t very many astronomers. What was the perception then of astronomers compared to what maybe the perception of Stanford mba optional essay, astronomy is now? Roman: Well, it certainly was a lot less known, and I guess maybe today people get astronomy and curriculum astrology confused a little less. Stanford Mba Optional Essay! I’m not sure. But, yes, when I joined the International, the International Astronomical Union [IAU] supposedly contains essentially all professional astronomers in the world, when I joined it, that was the first year the membership got over 1,000.

Now it’s pretty close to 10,000. So that’s been quite a change. But the fact that the Help rounds field is small has made it interesting because the fact that the field was small means that astronomers knew each other all over the world. Mba Optional! This has made it very pleasant, and it’s also helped in my job at time geometry NASA because, of course, in our international programs we dealt with astronomers in other countries. The fact that they knew me and I knew them in many cases made things a lot easier. Of course, the other thing is mba optional essay pretty obvious. Project Management! As a woman, I was better known than someone else probably, than a man would have been with the same career. So people remember me. Wright: Out of Stanford mba optional essay, that thousand, I’m sure there weren’t too many women.

Is that—? Roman: No, not too many. Management! There have always a lot of women in astronomy, but in general they’ve had more menial jobs, or they’ve taught in women’s colleges. Stanford! Women astronomers go back a long way. Pay For Assignment Project! I guess the first one is generally acknowledged to be—I can’t even think of her name. She was an Egyptian, about 300 B.C. I guess that was Hypatia. Then there was one in the Middle Ages, but generally there were other astronomers.

For example, Herschel’s sister, did a lot of observing with him, but [Caroline Herschel] also did a lot of mba optional, observing on project her own. Tyco Brahe’s wife [Kirstin Jörgensdatter], after his death, finished his catalog and published it. There were a number of other women who worked with other members of their family. The man got the credit but the woman did her share of the Stanford essay work, to put it mildly. Wright: Well, maybe in the years ahead— Roman: Oh, it’s much, much better now. It’s much better than it waswhen I started, in assignment project spite of the fact that today’s women think they’re terribly put upon. Stanford Mba Optional! Well, maybe they are. Wright: Did you find a lot in Help the years that you were at NASA, see more and more women come into Stanford essay, this field? Roman: Oh, yes, very definitely.

You know, they’re both in NASA and in the universities. Wright: As part of your career, you mentioned you traveled quite a bit. Did you have a chance to Help me with my paper rounds stop your reasons for being there and have a chance to gaze up and look up at the stars from all over the world? Roman: Well, unfortunately, a good num—well, it depended on where I was. A lot of places don’t have very good skies, like Washington, and essay I guess I always—I do look at the stars. Even here I go out every night and look at the sky, and it’s pretty discouraging. Help! I saw one star the other, night before last, and last night wasn’t clear, but that’s another thing I do. I support a program where the amateurs bring telescopes to a national park near here so that the general public can look at Stanford essay the sky. I don’t have a telescope, but I go over and answer questions and talk to them about things. Wright: Yes, well, there’s so much to see, isn’t there?

Wright: You spent so many years day in and day out and then something other people literally reached the stars from one way or the other. Help Geometry! Was there a time that you thought maybe you should have take a different road, or were you always glad to be in Stanford mba optional the path that you were in? Roman: I think I was glad to be in the path. As I said, the period at NRL, I did feel that it was not a field I stay in indefinitely because of the fact that I didn’t have the electronic background, but I enjoyed it. I found it very helpful when I went to NASA because, of course, there I was, in NRL, I was in Pay for an engineering organization, so I was dealing with engineers full-time. Wright: Yes, finding a common language, I guess. Roman: Finding a com—well, yes. It really did need somebody who had some feeling for both sides. So my period at NRL, it was a happy period. Essay! I’m not unhappy about it and particularly in view of the fact that I didn’t see, I thought it was a much better opportunity than I saw anywhere else in the university area.

So I don’t feel unhappy about project management any part of mba optional essay, my career. Wright: Any time at all that you come on something that was possible maybe unexplainable as you were starting to put things together in your research or having maybe the Pay for management proposal people wanted you to mba optional do something that would push the envelope, would maybe answer some questions that people have asked for decades and no one wanted to reach to find those answers? Roman: Oh, well, sure. Pay Someone Do Your Assignment! Certainly some of the Stanford proposals were— in fact, particularly in the early days when we were doing surveys, it was a matter of simply trying to find the me with my book report of meats answers to Stanford the unknown. As far as my research, I made some interesting discoveries, but I guess I wouldn’t say that they were unknowable because I found them out. Wright: Well, they were unknown at one time.

Roman: They were unknown at one time, definitely yes. I think the most—I mentioned that I worked on high-velocity stars. Homework! The way I got into that was that I was studying stars, bright stars not all that different from the sun. The group at Yerkes who had been working with [William W.] Morgan, who was my thesis advisor and whom I continued to work with after my degree, had pretty well divided the types of mba optional, stars by temperature. Different people worked on different temperature groups.

Well, the last group that anybody worked on was the sort of “average” star, let’s put it that way. So I took over that. Nobody else wanted it, and College curriculum so this was a supposedly very uninteresting group of stars. Wright: I was saying that’s fun of astronomy because it’s a endless quest— Roman: Oh, I think any science field is. Wright: Yes, when we look up at the stars, I guess that the one quick place that we know that you’re looking only Stanford a small part and there’s just so much more to see. You were the first astronomer for NASA, the first female senior executive, and Homework geometry your list of firsts go on Stanford essay and on, but looking back, did you at the time realize the ground that you were breaking for so many others? Not just for women but for other astronomers and for people who wanted to move into a field that they loved? Roman: I don’t know. Help Rounds! I think I did but not something that I payed all that much attention to. I guess that’s the best way to put it.

As far as other astronomers, I don’t know to what extent I broke the ice for them. I think the mba optional essay women’s movement generally broke the ice a lot more for them than the few of us who did things early. Wright: Do you feel your field of astronomy is certainly one that’s of value today for people to move into? Roman: Yes, although fresh Ph.D.s will tell you that jobs are very hard to get. They are if the job you want is Help me with report of meats a research position in a university.

But very, very few astronomers are unemployed. So I would say yes. Stanford Essay! What I tell people about astronomy as a career is go in with your eyes open but if you really want to do it and you recognize the problems, do it. I mean, after all, when I graduated there were extremely few jobs in astronomy, to put it mildly, but then, of course, there were a lot fewer astronomers. This was right after the war when we had the influx of Pay someone do your assignment help, GIs coming in and getting degrees. Even at Stanford mba optional that time the help geometry average number of astron—Ph.D.s in the country was about—per year was about twenty-five, male and female. Today, well, it’s probably closer to 1,000.

Maybe not that high, but it’s certainly several hundred. There just weren’t that many jobs either, as you can imagine. Wright: And do you feel like the taxpayers are still getting their money’s worth on— Roman: Well, I guess the Stanford mba optional question is, what do you feel is worth it to the taxpayer? The taxpayer is still learning about the universe. Also, depending on what field the astronomer’s in, he’s learning about things that affect the Earth and affect the help time geometry climate of the Earth and Stanford mba optional essay the problem of solar flares, solar activity and its effect on electromagnetic systems and communications satellites and assignment help things like that. So my own feeling is, yes, but I don’t think you can put a price or a value price on basic science. I think basic science is Stanford mba optional essay like poetry, or like, was it—who, Edison who said, “What value is me with a newborn baby?” So to Stanford essay say, “Is the taxpayer getting his money’s worth?” it’s a question of what he feels his money should be used for management, and what various things mean to mba optional essay him. Wright: So much of it’s an investment to learn more and more, and do your it’s certainly pays for itself, doesn’t it?

Roman: I mean, when you look at the amount of money that’s going into astronomy, including both the space and ground-based program, which is very large by historical standards, and Stanford essay you compare that with the amount of money that’s going into, say, football or baseball or cigarettes or alcohol, it’s trivial. The question is which do you get more from, and I don’t know. It depends on who you are and Help my book year what you want. Wright: What your value is, that’s exactly right. When we were talking about, I was thinking about satellites, and even that word has changed, I guess, in its meaning for lots of people.

I was going to ask you and I forgot earlier about your reaction or what your thoughts were when you first heard about Sputnik and, of course, and how that affected so much more. When you look up at the sky now, there’s more than just stars. You have artificial or man-made objects as well. Roman: Well, I guess mainly I was excited, and I was in NRL at that time and we immediately went over to essay the lab and started listening to it, but I don’t remember much beyond that, except for the excitement. Wright: And, of course, there’s been so many more other objects that are up there now, and then, of course— Roman: Yes. Now they’re sort of routine. You don’t even pay attention to Homework help launches of anything except manned launches. Wright: Is it like what a traveler riding down the street and they have this wonderful landscape they look, but they don’t look at mba optional the billboards? Is that how you do when you see this other space debris, or is that come to block your vision at all when you’re starting to—

Roman: Well, space debris doesn’t block vision, but it’s a problem in Help me with report year of meats satellite safety, and it will be a problem in Stanford mba optional essay other ways eventually. But right now it’s primarily a matter of damage. Wright: I guess the other area that we were just curious about your involvement was the curriculum search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Did that cross your realm of Stanford mba optional essay, possibility? Roman: It did, but not in a very major way. Chemistry! When NASA first became involved with it, I was handling that part of the program, but I never got very deeply involved in Stanford it, and Pay someone assignment help it gradually went over to the planetary program. I have to Stanford mba optional admit that I had and still have mixed feelings about that. I think that the SETI Program is highly unlikely to succeed. I think there is life elsewhere in the universe. College Chemistry Curriculum! I can’t prove it, but I’d be very surprised if there isn’t, but that there would be life sufficiently like us in both capability and evolutionary status to mba optional communicate with us and yet still be near enough to communicate, I think personally is highly unlikely.

On the other hand, there are people whom I respect very highly, scientists I respect very highly, who do think it’s worthwhile. Pay For Project! So, as I say, I have mixed feelings. Wright: Yes, but you’ve had such a very full career and still haven’t finished. You have so many more things that you’re doing now and sharing information. Are there other things that you can think of that you would like to mba optional add or maybe something that we didn’t cover or maybe something we just talked about briefly that you would like to add some other details on? I’m just kind of going through my notes and trying to make sure that—

Roman: Well, I cant’ think of assignment management, anything at the moment, but— Wright: I have one thing that—when you were talking about Stanford mba optional your trip in 1956 to Russia, we talked about it, but you—some of the details. If you could share with us what it was like going to—was that your first trip also outside the me with report of meats country or— Roman: No, it wasn’t my first trip outside the country. My first trip outside the country was in 1955, when I went to the International Astronomical Union meeting in Stanford mba optional essay Dublin and before the meeting I visited, well, I spent a few, I visited observatories in and near Paris and year of meats southern France and in Germany and also visited a friend in Germany and Stanford mba optional a friend in assignment management London before I went to Dublin. Stanford! I guess I, you know, the interesting thing about Pay someone assignment help that trip was that I just sort of assumed it might be my only trip to Stanford essay Europe, because in College chemistry curriculum those days people didn’t travel as much as they do now. It was a major undertaking, not a major undertaking but a major event to fly to Europe. Of course, I don’t how many trips to mba optional Europe I’ve had since, quite a few. Anyway, but, so it wasn’t my first trip. It was my second. Wright: Be a different recipe, isn’t it?

Roman: Yes, and another experience I found interesting was one of the young women there asked me about—I was not at Yerkes anymore, but she asked me about, you know, where I lived when I was at Yerkes and so forth and what did I do about getting home after observing. Chemistry Curriculum! I said, well, I walked. Stanford Mba Optional! And she said, “Aren’t you afraid of the Pay someone do your help wolves.” I said, “No, we don’t have wolves in that area. We have them farther north, but not in that area.” Well, while I was at Stanford mba optional the observatory, one of the dogs was killed by a wolf. So they really were worried about wolves there. Management! Well, those are some of the Stanford mba optional experiences. Wright: What an impression you left. Roman: I surely did. So those are my impressions of my first trip to Russia. Wright: Of the observatories that you had the opportunity to visit, is there one that seems to stand out in your memory as, well, in geometry fact, well, more than one of the others?

And that might even have been influenced by the time that you’ve seen them. You’ve seen them so many times now that— Roman: Yes, as I said, I was—I don’t know. Stanford! I don’t think of any that I feel—I have to Pay for assignment project admit the 200-inch telescope is pretty impressive, its dome, and the other things. Well, you know, the prime focus cage and so forth.

I guess that I would say that was the most impressive that I’ve seen, although, well, I have not seen the really large telescopes in Hawaii, or even the Stanford essay one in Texas, which is a—well, yes, I have seen the one in Texas. Assignment Project! No, no, I haven’t. I saw the 107-inch, but I haven’t seen the new one that they have which is a different type of telescope but very large. So I haven’t seen the really large telescopes that are coming up today. So I guess I would say that in mba optional essay my—things I’ve seen that I would count the Pay someone assignment help 200-inch as the most impressive, although I have to admit that it’s sort of hard to pick one as standing out. Wright: At least it’s nice that they’re changing so you have places to go now and Stanford more things to see and Pay for assignment project management more adventures to Stanford mba optional have and assignment things to learn. Roman: Yes, oh, yes. Yes. I’ve been to mba optional essay Mauna Kea [Hawaii] a couple of times but not since the really large [Keck] telescopes are up.

Wright: Well, we’ll be looking forward to me with my paper hearing about your latest adventures as they become quickly history. You’ll be able to plan more and to do more things. We certainly have learned so much, and we certainly enjoyed speaking with you today. Roman: I’m glad you have. I sort of mba optional, felt that I was rambling, but I’ve been interviewed so many times.

Wright: Not at all. No, it’s been wonderful with the management details and we certainly hope again as we send this to mba optional essay you for your review that if you find more things that you would like include, please do and just thanks again for saving the day for us. [End of Interview] Curator: JSC Web Team | Responsible NASA Official: Lynnette Madison | Updated 7/16/2010.

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Turn your notes into writing using the mba optional Cornell method. This post is by Dr Katherine Firth who works in Academic Skills at the University of Melbourne, with a particular interest in research student literacies. Basically, Katherine is a Thesis Whisperer, like me. Unlike me, Katherine is still an active researcher in her field of 20 th -century poetry. Over coffee Katherine told me about the ‘Cornell Method’ and chemistry, kindly agreed to write a post. I found it enlightening, I hope you do too. I take a lot of notes . Even when I was doing my PhD and I was taking thousands of pages of notes, I took them by hand. I tried using a computer, but there are so many things that are really hard to Stanford essay do on screen (drawing an arrow to Help me with year make a connection between points, for example) that are really quick on paper. Also, you only need one hand to write notes, but two hands to type.

And that free hand comes in useful for holding open books, grasping coffee cups, or stuffing your face with Gummi bears. Now that I’m working with lots of PhD students, I find that they also take a lot of notes. Years and years of mba optional, notes. Notes about Strategic management assignment, field work. Notes about interviews. Notes about lab results.

Notes about books they’ve read. And then they get stuck. Because they have to turn the notes into a thesis. Stanford. And that’s really hard. The reason I think it’s so hard, is because when you take notes you focus your attention on the text (or case study, or thing under your microscope). Solution. You focus towards that thing. Then you have to Stanford mba optional essay turn completely around and face your thesis, and write towards that instead. (See Figure 1). Even if you see note taking and research as a cycle of reading and writing, you still focus towards the research, then towards the essay, then towards the research, then towards the Homework time essay. I’ve tried lots of different ways of getting around this.

For my most recent article I just typed the quotes straight in. Stanford Mba Optional. It was really quick to write, but it was a disaster as far as the bibliography was concerned; and I kept losing content that I edited out and then wanted to put it back in. But then I discovered the Homework help Cornell Method . The Cornell Method was invented about sixty years ago (see Walter Pauk’s 1962 classic How to Study at College, now in Stanford essay, its tenth edition), though I only found out about it last month. It incorporates a lot of what I was doing already—providing spaces for my paper rounds, notes, and margins for mba optional essay, reactions, connections and comments. But it takes it further, and adds some very cool functions. Firstly, the template gives you less space to write notes . You aren’t supposed to record everything you see, or even everything that is interesting. Having fewer lines to write notes encourages you to be selective—just to chose the chemistry curriculum quotes or paraphrases or details you expect to Stanford essay include in your thesis. It’s so liberating.

And it’s so quick. Strategic Management Assignment Solution. In under an hour, I went from opening the book for the first time to producing the mba optional essay notes in Figure 2. Secondly, the template gives you a bigger margin than in a usual ruled note book. This is where you put key words, identify themes, or recurrent patterns . This is Pay someone do your assignment help great to helping you to Stanford mba optional essay analyse what you’re putting down, and to Strategic solution find the essay relevant quote when you go back to it. It also helps you to stay on track. Time Geometry. You can check: ‘are my key words the Stanford same as the ones in my research question / thesis title?’

But thirdly, and most valuably, the Help template gives you a big space at the bottom to write sentences that summarise the page. That is, you start writing your critical response on the notes themselves . When I sat down for hour of Stanford, Shut Up and Strategic solution, Write last week with only this page of notes and my laptop, I didn’t have to essay spend any time thinking about help, how I would turn my notes into my writing, because my notes were already facing in the right direction. My notes were already my writing plan, my topic sentences, my argument. In 50 minutes, I produced 1200 words . That’s a full draft of the whole section. I think that’s a win. Hopefully this is helpful so you can win too! If you are interested, here is some further Reading: So I’m wondering, do any of you use this method to take notes? Does it work for you?

Do you have any tweaks to mba optional suggest? The whole idea behind Scrivener just looks a lot like this. How good! I developed a system in doing my PhD which I am now using for my subsequent research and writing. As a professional writer, the publishable product was always a high priority. My goal was for all notes to be fully searchable and lose nothing. I went close. I have colour coded excercise books for different aspects of the research. These now number about project management, 50 and growing!

As I read any document or do any thinking, I dictate into voice recognition software or cut and Stanford, paste from the article. Confession: as I was reading, I would lightly pencil mark the margin of the bit I wanted to dictate in and then erase the pencil once it was entered. I actually ended up cleaning up lots of library books. I cut and paste the EndNote reference to the top of the document. That habit made sure I had always entered the reference in EndNote and always had the year available for referencing. I use all capitals for key words so they stand out, and page number every part. Every reference is noted at the top and which notebook it is Homework geometry in. I highlight (in Word) key passages and then summarise at the end in Stanford essay, the form which suits the thesis / books / papers.

If I use that passage in the thesis, say, I dictate IN THESIS – CHAPTER 5 as well. I am always aware that may change with editing, but at curriculum, least it gives my original thinking. These bits were then cut and pasted into the Word document for that chapter, later to be worked and reworked into the thesis. Voice recognition becomes very accurate with a lot of use. I then print the summary and glue it into Stanford mba optional essay, the exercise book so I can hand annotate in spaces left, just as for the Cornell Method. For some reason I need things in hard copy. My husband, now doing his doctorate, does a similar process, but has no intention of printing.

I also add images, relevant emails and Strategic management solution, other bits and Stanford essay, pieces into me with year of meats, the note books. I love the feel and mba optional, sound of the do your notebooks as I use them! The beauty of having everything electronically is the Stanford mba optional essay searching. Management. I realised late in the doctorate that one aspect i had not really considered very important, was critical. One search, and I had every summary which included key words. Stanford Mba Optional. I could do the same for authors. It may sound obsessive, but it was much faster than hand writing and Homework help time, became an efficient habit. If I was out and about, I would hand write and essay, then dictate from my notes. Of the 750 or so items in my book of meats, the bibliography, I have over Stanford mba optional essay, 500 summaries.

Some did not warrant summary. All those summaries were in the cloud and I could call up any of Homework help, them on my iPad when travelling for mba optional essay, research, or in discussion with my supervisor or others. Over the Help four years, my system became more organised and efficient. I am now working on essay, a number of books arising from the thesis, and am finding my system really paying off. And I’m adding to it with the new research. Love the Thesis Whisperer! that really is awesome, lynne! i do something similar (without the voice recordings) in notability – it lets you type, handwrite/draw, and highlight. you can also add photos, web clips, textboxes, and recordings (that sync with your typing if done simultaneously), if you like. my ipad has turned into a e-scrapbook with all my notability files organized into folders by course/topic, which are sorted into sections (mostly by term, but i do have one “dissertation” section). since notability already allows me to share with google drive evernote (just two of many choices), the only thing i need is for them to add zotero to Strategic management solution the mix! for now, i can just use one of the Stanford other services as a proxy. (lol, i just realized i’m starting to sound like a notability salesperson. Homework Time Geometry. i really do love that app, though!)

Lynne, that’s an interesting method. But I don’t understand the purpose of gluing the summaries into physical notebooks. Stanford Mba Optional Essay. Would it be possible to share a photo of such a notebook? About using dictation software, that is chemistry also really interesting. However, the challenge here is that it is not always possible to talk aloud (if reading in Stanford mba optional essay, a public place for Help me with my paper rounds, example). I recon that to be the reason of marking the citations. Did you actually write your remarks in the books also, to Stanford be dictated later into a word document? Would it be nice if you could simply highlight the text you wanted to use in Help me with my paper rounds, the PDF, dictate or type your own reflections to that phrase, and somehow tag/thematise it. Stanford Mba Optional. I still miss the perfect note taking tool that would integrate this whole process and would integrate the College chemistry themes/tags with headings in a Word document, automagically sorting the mba optional essay notes/annotations along with the quotes, into project management, your own thesis structure. Such a tool should also integrate a smart phone or tablet for mba optional essay, reading and taking/tagging notes, with a proper pc for doing the structuring and chemistry, writing.

Wow, Lynne, that’s a very organised system! I think having a system is so important–because, as you say, it makes you efficient! Since finishing my PhD, my research projects have become much more ad hoc (a bit of Judith Wright, a bit of Ezra Pound, a bit of Stanford mba optional, TS Eliot, a bit of Adorno, a bit of College curriculum, Dada… just this year). The Cornell method is perfect for that kind of new entry into a project. It’s also amazing how much the cloud and search technology has changed storing and creating knowledge. As a PhD student I had to keep emailing myself my documents to work on it away from my (home) desk, and EndNote lived on my desktop and no-where else… And Scrivener + Cornell… that would be interesting to see how that works for essay, you, knelistonie! yes!

I used to Help me with my book report of meats teach Cornell Notes to mba optional my students as part of my overview of notetaking study skills. I never liked the Help my paper method for my own work – i prefer to scribble all over a pdf using Notability. When I can’t do that, I take notes via Kindle (these are more like what I could just copy/paste into a paper). And, lastly, when I can’t do that, I take in essay, different colors electronically. I’ll put up headers, as needed, move chunks around if my thoughts begin to chemistry curriculum flow.

I used to Stanford mba optional essay love marking up paper books, but I rarely do so anymore because it’s more time consuming to look through tape flags for something I need. …of course now that i think of it, my adding “headings” is sort of like the cornell method; just without the space restrictions. that’s the part that never worked for me, lol. Using Scrivener, I accomplish about the same thing. Pay Someone Assignment Help. The ability to mba optional add metadata, including notes and key words and to colour code sections of writing, coupled with having different “kinds” of sections (note cards, text, etc, plus document metadata for sections within each of these or the whole project) is curriculum hands down a winner. I can add in any drawn or found images/diagrams, including the conceptual diagrams I hand draw on an iPad/iPhone. Mba Optional. Scrivener plays well with Endnote. And add in apps like Notability (mentioned above) or IndexCard, Writer etc and it’s a nice, portable and back-upable system. I still hand write some things, but try to regularly scan/transcribe.

The result is an electronic version of College chemistry, ‘everything’ that is immediately ready for assembly. (my hardest habit to break is redundancy in mba optional, note taking, electronic or hand written. It’s not so much with readings as with my own synthesis/analysis or brainstorming. I bet I’ve written the same thing 12 times before I finally connect all the dots.) For those of you using Notability–what stylus do you use?

That’s my biggest sticking point at me with my paper rounds, the moment! (and yes, like Cam, redundancy is my biggest bugbear! Which is why I love the constriction of the Stanford paper, of the A4 sheet, of the tiny space). i’m using the adonit jotpro. it’s about $20-$25, but writes more like a pen than any of College chemistry, those eraser-shaped styli. and mba optional, it’s heavy so that you feel more connected. Thanks Amanda, I’m ordering one now! TTW: some great ideas here, and i’ve reposted. Thx for curriculum, sharing! RT. Katherine, thanks for this Could you kindly share also the 1200 words you produced?

It would be interesting to see how you got from notes to mba optional essay your own text. Hi Peter, I’m afraid those words are now drafted into oblivion–and are in press as I write. What I normally do, though, is Help my book report use my summary sentence as a topic sentence. Then I plug in the quotes / facts / points from the keyword tags and notes. Then I expand them to explain what the quotes mean (very important when it’s poetry). Finally, I string them together with some pointing phrases, a couple of howevers, therefores and (my writing tic) moreovers. Then I do it again. Thanks, Katherine. Interesting approach to writing. This is actually pretty close to what many academics do, instinctively. (One of the joys of my job is Stanford mba optional essay being allowed to ask people ‘How do you write?’.) I’ve just codified it.

We loved this post from the Thesis Whisperer and wanted to share it with you! The Thesis Whisperer is a newspaper, published once a week, which focuses on everything related to writing a thesis. Check it out! This can be really helpfull. I will try this for me with, the next papers to wirte. Currently I am facing the same stress (actually, I am in the “Shut up and Write” stage of my current paper, not working at essay, all, as you can imagine when you see me writing this comment). Anyway, tahnks for that info. I will try to test it. Reblogged this on fyeyes und kommentierte: Ein wirklich erfrischender Artikel uber das Schreiben einer Dissertation / Abschlussarbeit und das dazugehorige note-taking!

that’s the best way to Pay someone help apply this method in a digital way? or is it possible only essay with a note book? You actually make it seem so easy along with your presentation but I find this topic to be really one. thing which I think I might by no means understand. It seems too complicated and extremely wide for me with of meats, me. Stanford Essay. I’m taking a look forward to your next submit, I’ll try to get the dangle. hi hows it goinI amamazingi love your weblog. I’m having a great deal of problem with the reading, noting, writing process related to my PhD lot review (education doctorate) so much so that I’m considering giving up and doing something else.

Is the Cornell method meant to result in my paper rounds, approximately one sheet per paper read? When I take notes I write a lot and by the time I read, note and write up my notes into retrievable segments I’ve probably taken 2 or 3 days and forgotten why I was reading the article in the first place. By the way I’m doing a part time PhD with a full time job (50-80 hour per week). So is the aim one page of noted per Cornell sheet per article? Yes, the aim is to reduce the essay amount of notes you take. It sounds to Help my paper rounds me like you are reading without a theme or two to guide your note taking and are, instead, essentially recording the article in your own words. Essay. I’d recommend generating a couple of keywords and my paper rounds, using those to decide if you take a note or not. Best of luck. Hi, FYI you can create free online Cornell Notes on mba optional,

I am really surprised most people make do with a more or less random way of Help, taking and reviewing notes (when I see people highlight every other line of essay, their notes, it’s really annoying!) Hi there just wanted to give you a quik heads up and let you know a few. of the images aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show. the same results. Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon Strategic management assignment your blog and wished to say that.

I have truly loved browsing your blog posts. In any caqse I will be subscribing tto your rsss feed and I am hoping you. wrte again soon! Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an extremely log. comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show.

up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over Stanford essay, again. Anyway, just wanted to say fantastic blog! This is very interesting, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and look ahead to. in thee hunt for me with of meats, extra of Stanford mba optional, your great post. Geometry. Additionally, Ihave.

shard your site in my social networks. Thanks for Stanford mba optional, providing the best tips. Help Rounds. These will sure help me in improving of my writing skills. Just starting my PhD and Stanford, I am finding a combination of Scrivener, Endnote and Pay someone do your assignment, MindNode working really well. MindNode is mind mapping software (you have to be comfortable with spatial representations). My early stage process is find a document that is interesting – journal articles for me at Stanford, the present time.

Attach the doc to an Evernote note with Article Title as heading. Open the time geometry pdf and mba optional, use mark up tools etc. to annotate the Help me with my book report pdf as you read. Mba Optional. Save. Copy the note link. Go to the mind map that contains the logical structure of what you are working on – Lit Review for me. Make a new node in the best logical location. Assignment Project. Insert the Stanford essay Evernote note link. This link will then click through to the article on Evernote. Add more commentary or write the paragraphs in the mind map that will become the draft thesis text in the same or another node. Use the Strategic mindmap to restructure your logic and connect/reconnect the mba optional essay logic. I am not yet at this stage but I intend bringing this material into Scrivener.

The Scrivener cards approach some of the assignment solution functionality of the mind map but don’t provide the same spatial flexibility. Interested to know other’s methods. We stumbled over here by a different page and thought I might check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Stanford Mba Optional. Look forward to Help my book year checking out your web page for a second time. I’ve finally written the Stanford essay first draft of my first chapter of my honours thesis and I have found that my method of note taking has really worked for me so far. As I’m reading something, I had a Word doc open and I will put quotes in there and then discuss my opinion, do I agree, disagree, why, why not etc, and then discuss how this point is relevant to my thesis. Not just quotes though, If a particular thing in a book or article raises an idea, I will go ahead and type. Me With Of Meats. My first chapter was written in a matter of Stanford mba optional essay, hours because all I had to do was go back and management, look at my notes and there all the material was, with page numbers etc. I also forgot to note that the word doc only holds notes for one article or book etc.

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I think this is among the Homework geometry most significant information for. me. Stanford Essay. And i’m glad reading your article. Butt wqnt tto remark on Help me with rounds, some general things, Thhe web. site style is ideal, the articles is really nice : D. Good. We’re a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your website offered us with valuable info to work on. You’ve done. a formidable job and our entire community will be thankful to you. What’sup it’s me, I am also visiting this web page regularly,

thiss web site is Stanford really nicfe and the people are genuinely sharing nice thoughts. Well this was quite enlightening! Thank you for sharing this great way of taking notes and turning them into a usable structure. I have implemented it and Strategic assignment solution, I found taking notes in one column and then taking notes on my notes in the other works best for me right now. Stanford Mba Optional Essay. I am sure it will evolve some more but right now it serves the purpose of making new connections and constantly clarifying what I’m writing and why I’m writing. This is really very informative blog which I have found luckily while searching something similar on the net. Very interesting.

I always take notes and key word for reference when I read or study. The Thesis Whisperer is dedicated to helping research students everywhere. It is edited by Dr Inger Mewburn, director of research training at assignment management, The Australian National University. The Thesis Whisperer has contributors from around the world. Read our about page if you are interested in writing for us.

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4 Steps to Writing a Job-Winning Resume. Stanford! Writing your resume, or even updating your resume, can be a scary, daunting task. College Chemistry! But with the right approach and know-how, you can create your own standout document in no time. And the mba optional good news is we’re here to Pay someone assignment help. We’ve broken down the resume-writing process into 4 simple steps to Stanford make it easier for you to get started! Our Resume Writing Guide gives you an overview of each section of your resume, followed by some quick tips and actual resume examples that you can use as model for your own resume. Every great resume begins with a strong summary statement. This is a short description of who you are professionally that includes a brief list of your top skills. Your summary statement is the first thing that recruiters will see.

So think of it as your big chance to catch someone’s attention. Pay For Assignment Project! You also want to show hiring leaders that you’re a great fit for the job. Stanford! You can do this by using the chemistry curriculum skills and keywords that are in the job description in your summary statement – just make sure you only Stanford mba optional use those that reflect your experience (no exaggerating or lying on your resume!). Your statement can be written in either sentence form or bullet-point form and should be short, but effective – no more than 3 sentences or bullet points; it should also contain the following information: Your professional title Top 2-3 skills Specific expertise, professional traits, accomplishments. Need help writing your own professional summary statement? Our Resume Builder has hundreds of my book report of meats, expertly written summary statements and career-specific phrases that you can easily and Stanford mba optional essay quickly add to Pay someone assignment help your resume. Registered nurse with 9 years of experience in Stanford essay medical centers and operating rooms ICU and ER experience in 40+ bed units Strong organizational and interpersonal skills. Dedicated assembly line worker with 5 years of experience. Well-versed in machinery assembly and production line efficiency . Fast learner who picks up new processes and technologies easily.

Senior Sales Associate with excellent customer relations skills in business-to-business sales Increased global sales by 20% over the last two years, exceeding goals each quarter for curriculum the past year Seeking new sales challenge with management opportunities. Experienced veterinary technician with 3 years of experience in essay delivering comprehensive care to animals at animal rescue facilities and Pay for project shelters. Seeking to use shelter experience and formal training at a respected veterinary office. Stanford Mba Optional! Responsible cashier experienced at managing front-of-store needs in busy environments. Friendly and energetic with strong communication and organizational abilities. Seeking role of increased responsibility where strengths in service and sales will be valuable. Motivated sales professional with 8 years of fashion retail sales experience who truly enjoys helping customers find their best fit and style. Highly results-oriented and energetic, with unsurpassed customer relations skills.

The skills section – often called the #8220;Qualifications#8221; or #8220;Areas of Expertise#8221; section of your resume is a list of your top skills. This section of College chemistry, your resume is your chance to mba optional essay showcase your abilities to employers in a quick and management assignment solution easy-to-read way. Although this section is typically short and concise (think two columns of 3 to 4 bullet points), it contains very important information about your ability to perform a particular type of job. Hiring managers should be able to Stanford mba optional scan your resume and find this list of skills easily. Here are a few helpful tips for writing a skills section that will get you noticed. Target your skills to the job : This is one of the best ways to College customize your resume for the job you are applying to. Read the Stanford essay job description and list all of the required and desired skills for the position. Then, see if you have any skills that match up with those on your list; these are the abilities you should include in your skills section.

This way, when hiring managers skim your resume, they will see that you have the skills they’re looking for in a candidate. Include transferable skills : Transferable skills are skills that cross from one career field to another. These skills can be applied to a variety of positions. Some examples include communication skills, presentation or public speaking skills, any foreign language skills you have, social media skills, organizational and planning skills, and management and leaderships skills. Use keywords : If you are applying to a job online and are asked to upload your resume or fill in an application online, chances are you are entering your information into an application tracking system. This is a machine that companies use to chemistry scan a resume for keywords specific to the job.

Be sure to pick out keywords from the job description and mba optional your industry and use them in Strategic solution your resume and Stanford mba optional essay application to me with make sure it gets past this machine. Using keywords directly from the employer will increase your chances of Stanford mba optional essay, getting noticed by the hiring manager. Need help writing a skills section that gets you noticed? Our Resume Builder has hundreds of career-specific phrases that you can easily and quickly add to your own resume. While all parts of your resume are equally important, your work history section is where you will be discussing your direct experience and your accomplishments, and it’s critical to get this one right.Let’s start with the basics. Your work history section should include the Pay someone do your help following: Positions and/or titles you held Names of Stanford essay, organizations where you were employed City and state of each organization Employment periods for each job, written as Month/Date – Month/Date Brief descriptions of your experience in bullet format. This section will be a combination of your job responsibilities and duties along with your work achievements. Help Me With My Book Of Meats! Hiring managers will be looking for your achievements and successes, not just your responsibilities, so it’s important to include both. When listing your responsibilities and duties, be sure to mba optional essay use action verbs to report year of meats increase the strength of your writing and make potential employers take notice. Some action verbs to use include: Communicated Negotiated Joined Reported Customized Initiated Planned Budgeted Developed Prepared Contributed Ensured Provided Led. It takes practice and time to Stanford mba optional come up with your accomplishments and successes and to add numbers to Homework help them numbers such as how much money you saved the company, how you increased efficiency, or how many sales you achieved in a certain period of time.

However, using two or three bullets under each job to describe your successes, along with metrics, will land you an Stanford essay, interview. Need help writing a work experience section that shows your value? Our Resume Builder has hundreds of report of meats, career-specific phrases that you can easily and Stanford quickly add to your own resume. Bayle Industries, Hutchins Creek, MD. July 2010 – present. Solution! Prioritized and managed multiple administrative projects while managing day-to- day tasks such as receiving and distributing mail, maintaining conference rooms, managing calendars, and maintaining office supplies. Increased conference room scheduling efficiency by Stanford mba optional, 25% by Strategic management solution, implementing new company-wide online booking system.

Provided travel arrangement support for mba optional 25+ employees per College chemistry, month for mba optional essay offsite meetings and national conferences. Managed operations and logistics for me with my paper annual onsite company conference for 150 employees and 200+ guest attendees. Parkview Elementary School, Summerfields, PA. September 2014 – May 2016. Stanford! Assisted in a classroom of 25 elementary school children, ages 5-6, for two consecutive school years.

Engaged children with diverse and enjoyable activities involving theatrical play, musical instruments and Homework help time geometry hands-on learning. Stanford! Offered detailed weekly reports that outlined each child’s activities and implemented new email letter system to time geometry offer reports online, saving the faculty 4 hours per week. Ft. Hood, Killeen, TX. January 2008 – August 2015. Developed and mba optional essay led 5 new training programs over 12 months in me with rounds preparation for combat. Performed reconnaissance operations in compromised regions to develop combat training programs. Performed as a fire team member during situational training exercises and all infantry dismounted battle drills. Communicated urgent orders and directions effectively to team of 200+ military personnel.

Your educational background can be an important part of your resume and should communicate your background quickly and simply to potential employers. Mba Optional Essay! Even if you don’t have previous experience in Pay for assignment project a particular job, you may increase your chances of mba optional, being considered for the position if you can show that you have taken courses that are relevant to the position at my paper, hand. Here are some tips to help make your education section work for you: List the highest level of education first. This will help catch the hiring manager’s eye and ensure that he or she is mba optional, able to determine your education level quickly. Pay For Project! If you are recent graduate without a ton of work experience, then you can place your education section at the top of your resume for emphasis. Stanford Essay! Include your educational information in this order: Degree or diploma name is listed first. Major(s) follow the degree. If you have minors, these are optional to Help my book report list but it’s recommended to list them if they are relevant to the job you are applying for. Essay! List the date you received the degree or diploma by year (for example, 2003).

If you are soon-to-be grad, you can list your expected graduation date. Help! Employment periods for each job, written as Month/Date – Month/Date Do not include your GPA on Stanford your resume unless you are a recent graduate. If you don’t have a degree, never fear! If you have an associate’s degree, you can list it in the same way as above. It is also perfectly acceptable to list any college experience you do have, even if you didn’t graduate. In the absence of management, a college degree, it’s extremely important to list any professional training or certificates you have received especially if they are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Then, make sure to emphasize your work experience section as much as possible to show employers that you are qualified for the position, whether or not you have a degree. Need help writing an Stanford, education section that shows your value? Our Resume Builder can help you quickly and effectively outline your classroom achievements. More Articles about How to Write Your First Resume. Pay Someone Help! 3 Critical Mistakes to Avoid on mba optional Your First Ever Resume. Tips On Creating A Resume For A New Career.

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Easy Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for Stanford mba optional, over 20 years. She specializes in College chemistry curriculum, helping people write essays faster and easier. Agree or Disagree Ideas. Convincing an mba optional essay Audience Topics. Questions to Answer. Basic Essay Outline. Tips for Thesis and Starting to Help rounds Write.

An easy way to pick a topic for an argument essay is to Stanford take a strong statement and argue for Homework help, or against it. Here are some sample statements from college students that you can argue for or against: Divorce destroys family life. Stanford Mba Optional. There shouldn't be a minimum age to drive a car. God is undoubtedly real. A college education is worth the cost. Pay Someone. Students don't understand how important it is to have privacy on mba optional social media. Management. You aren't defined by your past. Helping others should be an important life principle. College students should be grateful to their family for mba optional, the opportunity to go to college. Social pressures are greater on students today than in the past.

Faith is an essential part of life. You should marry a person with the same educational level as you. Friends are more important than family. Sports should not be the center of family holidays. Assignment Management. Gun registration is a good idea. Stanford Essay. Universities should set an example by recycling as much as possible. College students should try to have as little debt as possible when graduating.

Working while in Strategic management assignment solution, college is something everyone ought to do. Everyone should be trained in mba optional, emergency medical care, like CPR. We should be careful about judging people based on appearance. Joining a sorority or fraternity is something college students should consider. Communism is still something we need to worry about. Penalties for drunk driving need to be increased.

Schools are giving students too many standardized tests. Universities should require every student to take a foreign language. Fine Arts education in music, art, and theater should be expanded. Divorce is not always the result of failed love. Internet use by children should be censored. People have a right to my paper rounds not have to breathe second-hand smoke. Boxing is mba optional a dehumanizing sport. The penalty for drunk driving should be jail time. Standardized tests are poor reflections of Help me with my book report year students' abilities. Celebrities should be allowed to live private lives.

Athletes get paid too much for what they do. Stanford Mba Optional. Private schools are better than public schools. Homeschooling does not prepare students for college. Student athletes should not get special treatment in college classes. Management. Husbands should make more money than wives. Mba Optional Essay. Pornography should be banned. America is overly sensitive about racial issues. Strategic Solution. Grades do not measure how smart you are. Schools should move toward all electronic textbooks. In 50 years, there will be no more use for paper books. Mba Optional Essay. China will soon overtake the U.S. as a world power.

Being a stay-at-home dad is demeaning for men. Caffeine is assignment management bad for you. Child support should include paying for Stanford, college. Binge-watching a T.V. College Chemistry Curriculum. series is better than watching episodes over time. People should read more books. Skateboards (or hoverboards or bikes) should be banned at my school. Online education is as good as a standard college education. Giving Tuesday is Stanford mba optional essay something more people should support. Voting is important. News media is biased.

Ballots with no paper trail should be banned. Representation of Homework geometry women in video games needs to mba optional essay change. Arguments always take place in a certain context. It can be easier to think of reasons for your argument if you imagine a situation when you would argue that position. Here are some argument topics that give you a situation or audience to help you to Strategic management solution organize your essay. Your audience is other students in your college. Write a letter to the school newspaper: Is conversation becoming non-existent in this age of Stanford essay technology? Is technology negatively affecting our ability to form deep connections with other people? You are talking to parents of students in my book report year, elementary through high school: How important are sports in a student's life?

Argue for or against why parents should spend the time, energy, and money to get their children involved in sports. Address an essay audience of incoming high school freshmen: What sort of sport is best for time geometry, students at Stanford mba optional essay your school? Talk to incoming college freshmen: How important is it for college students to keep in contact with their parents? How should they contact their parents and how often? What sort of Help me with my book report year of meats information do they need to share with their parents? Are there some things parents don't need to Stanford know?

Address the Pay someone, faculty at your college: Should college classes that are taken by large numbers of students have a standardized curriculum with the same books, tests, and assignments? Or should each professor teach the class in their own way? You are a newspaper reporter writing an editorial for a major paper: Why don't women make the same amount as men for the same work? Argue for or against the idea that women should make equal money for equal work. Write an article addressed to Stanford mba optional essay parents in a magazine that focuses on Pay someone do your help parenting and Stanford family life: How important is family life for children? Do parents have an obligation to give their children a certain kind of Help me with my book family life? If so, what kind? How can we help children get the type of family life they deserve? Feminists often argue that girls and boys should be raised exactly the same.

What do you think? Argue whether or not you would raise your children with exactly the same sorts of toys, discipline, and activity choices. Should boys and girls be raised exactly the same? If so, why? If not, what sorts of differences do they need? Imagine that some people in mba optional essay, your hometown are proposing to change to same-sex schooling.

They argue that boys and girls learn differently and should get different educations. Write an editorial for or against the idea of instituting same-sex schooling. What are the benefits? Are there better alternative methods? Imagine you are soon to become a parent. Write a letter about your own philosophy of parenting.

How important is it to raise children with strict guidelines? Argue for or against strict parenting. If you are against it, explain how you would discipline children. Help. You are the mba optional, head coach at a high school and you have heard that budget cuts may cause a decrease in funding for athletics. Argue for the importance of Pay for assignment athletics to students in high school.

You are an elementary school teacher and you have been informed that all your students will get an Stanford essay iPad next year. Pay Someone Assignment Help. Argue for Stanford, or against whether this technology will be helpful in your classroom. Report Year. You are a college student talking to your parents who are concerned about whether you are studying enough. Argue for a balance between social life and school. How important is it for children to have two parents? Address a couple that is about to mba optional essay divorce and explain how their relationship decisions will affect their children. Addressing the assignment solution, people in charge of food at your college, argue for what can be done to make the food choices healthier. What can be done to mba optional help students avoid the Freshman 15? Can people overcome their pasts?

If a person had a bad childhood or a rough upbringing, are they doomed to repeat their past? If not, why not? Argue how an individual can overcome their past, and how other people or institutions can help them. Americans today are less healthy than they were in the past. Not only is Help there an obesity epidemic, but Americans are less fit. A recent study says that school-age children are 90 seconds slower in Stanford, running a mile than their parents were at that age. How can a college help its graduates to be fit for life? Argue for three things your college needs to do in order to management assignment solution help students to be healthy now and to make healthy lifestyle choices in the future. Your audience is parents of college students or your parents. Mba Optional Essay. Argue for Homework help geometry, the value of social life and being involved in school activities. What is the benefit of taking time out of studying to essay do extracurricular activities?

How can a student find a balance between school and Help me with my book report of meats social life? Address students who are interested in becoming a doctor. Explain why some of them should choose a different career. Stanford. What are the qualities a person needs to be a doctor? What should their motivation be? Why should someone not become a physician? Address freshman that are considering rushing for a sorority or fraternity. Argue for or against the importance of being a part of one of these organizations on your campus. Help Rounds. What are the benefits? What are the disadvantages?

As a college student, address students at your former high school. Stanford Mba Optional. Argue for the value of a college education. Why should students work hard in high school? What are the College curriculum, benefits you've already received from college? What benefits do college graduates receive compared to people who don't go to college? You are addressing someone who likes a different sport than you do.

Argue why your favorite sport is the best. Is it both the best one to play and to watch? Why is it a superior activity? (Example: Explain why football is mba optional better than basketball, why baseball is better than football, or why American football is superior to soccer.) Address teachers at your high school or college. Me With My Book Year Of Meats. Argue for the best way to teach a class. Should teachers lecture, have group work, use media presentations, go through work with students, or use some other method? What makes a great class and Stanford what makes a superior teacher?

If you want, you can focus on one particular subject. Is stopping cheating important? Address students and faculty at your college. Argue for Help my paper rounds, whether or not policies against Stanford essay cheating work. Is there something else that should be done to prevent cheating? Should students be on the honor system? Address college men. Argue for or against the idea that men should be prepared to College chemistry be stay-at-home-dads if their wives make more money or if their wives want to work after having children. Stanford. What are the benefits of men staying at home? What are the negative consequences?

You are a doctor writing a letter to your congress person. Argue for or against Obamacare. How will the Help of meats, Affordable Care Act help or hurt your ability to care for the health of your patients? You are a person running for mba optional, office. Your audience is the voters. Argue for or against gun control laws. Curriculum. You are a minority student. Argue for or against the fact that your college favors white male students. Is there something that your college administration needs to do to make the college experience more favorable to other students? Are there some things that other students can do? You are a sportswriter, and your audience is the voters who select the Heisman winner.

Argue for Stanford, who should win the Heisman this year. You are an NFL player. Your audience is the sports media and the situation is the bullying controversy in the NFL. Argue for what needs to be done about this situation. Should hazing be allowed to Homework geometry continue? What is the value of Stanford mba optional rituals like hazing? You are the college president. Argue for or against the policy of having finals at the end of the semester.

What is the best way for faculty to me with report year judge how well students have learned the Stanford mba optional, material? You are running for office and speaking to Pay someone do your assignment voters in your district. Argue whether or not voters should have to show an ID when they vote. Are there any changes to Stanford mba optional essay the current voting laws in your state that need to be made? A final way to pick an easy essay topic is to Help me with my book year of meats use a question/answer format for your thesis. Mba Optional. The question can be used for your title. Then, in your paper, you can put the answer to the question as your thesis. Using the question and answer format helps you to clearly organize your essay. The body of your paper will be the reasons for your answer.

What does it mean for a person to be a feminist? Are you a feminist? Are there good (or bad) ways of Pay for assignment management being feminist? What causes some young people to mba optional essay have a negative self-image? Are parents to Help blame? Or is it images in the media, social pressure, some internal hormonal imbalance, or bullying at school?

Do special education students get enough challenging work? Is it a good idea to Stanford put special education students into a regular classroom? What is the Homework, best way to meet the needs of special education students? Is breaking stereotypes an essential value in our society? How can we break stereotypes of race, culture, and gender? Statistics show that for the past fifty years, African-American men and women have had twice the unemployment rate of white men and women, whether the economy was good or bad. Argue for why this is true. What can we do about it? What is the best reason for choosing a college? Argue for why your college is the best choice.

What sort of student would do especially well at essay your college? What makes an activity a sport? Are cheerleading and horseback riding sports? Pick an activity that some people don't consider a sport and argue for or against Strategic assignment it. Why do some people allow themselves to become morbidly obese? Argue for what can be done to help the obese improve their health and live happier lives. Why do some people pass the buck rather than take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and problems? Argue for why accepting responsibility is essay important. What do you think people need to take responsibility for?

Is there a way to Help me with rounds solve the illegal immigration situation in mba optional essay, the United States? How can it best be solved? What should be the goals of Help my book report year immigration legislation? Which is the most powerful argument strategy: pathos (emotion), logos (logic), or ethos (authority and ethics)? Pick a forum such as politics, news, or advertisement and argue which of Stanford mba optional these strategies operates most effectively in that venue. How much pressure should parents put on their children to get good grades? How much responsibility should be placed on the student. What sorts of punishments or restrictions should be given by parents? How can parents best help their children do well in school?

How important is it for chemistry, schools to work to keep high school students in school? Is it important that all students graduate from Stanford high school? Should there be alternative degrees for students who are not college-bound? Are standardized tests helping or harming the bottom 25% of students ? Do these tests discourage these students or help them get extra instruction? Do they make students feel like failures and cause them to management assignment solution drop out of Stanford essay school early? Why do people not do things they know they should do to be healthy?

Why don't they eat right, exercise, or get enough sleep? When should you step in to Help year prevent someone you know from doing something harmful to themselves? Should you step in when your friend is Stanford mba optional missing class or not studying? Should you prevent a friend from drinking too much? Should you intervene when someone is in an abusive relationship?

Can we eliminate stereotypes? What can we do to prevent ourselves from looking and time judging others based on appearances? Does giving back to the community make your life better? Do givers get more than they receive? Should cell phone use while driving be restricted nationwide? What should the laws be concerning cell phone use? Is technology making us dumber? Are young adults less able to write and speak in standard English? Is it important that they learn to communicate effectively in essay, formal ways?

Should airlines let passengers check luggage for free, get free meals, and receive other privileges that used to be offered? Is leaving home an curriculum important part of the college experience? What do young adults learn from being on Stanford mba optional essay their own away from parents? Is it important to have close friends who have different beliefs from yours? What do we learn from people who think differently? Is diversity helpful or harmful in forming your belief system?

Do video games contribute to violence in society? Should there be restrictions on who can play certain games? Should realistic violence in games be banned? How are these games related to time real life shootings? Is organic food really better for mba optional, you? Is it worth the higher cost? Got your topic? You can follow the full instructions in my article, How to Write an Argument Paper.

Here is an assignment project easy outline: Introduction: Tell a story or paint a vivid description of the subject. Make sure you explain what the argument is about. Stanford. End this introduction with your thesis statement (what you want the reader to think, do, or believe after reading your essay). You might want to frame this as a question and answer. Body: The body should be 3 or more paragraphs. In each paragraph give a reason for why your reader should believe your thesis.

Write these reasons as a single sentence first, then expand on them by adding examples, logical explanations, and facts. Conclusion: Be direct and tell the reader what you want them to take away. To make your paper really firm, give a final example or story that backs up your thesis. You might also want to tell the Help me with report year of meats, reader what you've personally decided. Why Social Life Is Important in College. Introduction: Tell a story about a student who graduates and but is Stanford mba optional essay unable to get a job because he/she did nothing in do your assignment, college but focus on studying. Because of this he/she did not develop a social network or social skills. Thesis question: Is getting involved in social life good or bad for college students? Thesis answer: Not only are sororities, fraternities, and mba optional other social organizations at college good for students, they actually play an Homework help time important part in teaching students how to be ready for life after college.

Social organizations are important because they help college students develop social skills, gain friendship networks that can help them later in life, and learn how to balance work and fun. Social organizations are not just for fun because developing social skills in college is an important part of becoming successful in gaining and keeping a job. Success after college happens not just because people study hard, but also because they develop a network of contacts that can help them find jobs and learn about new opportunities. Being a part of mba optional essay a college social club helps prepare students for a lifetime of chemistry curriculum balancing their needs. They will learn how to Stanford essay work hard on their jobs, while also finding time for family, friends, and hobbies.

Tell a personal story about what you have learned by being part of a social organization in college. Tell the audience of parents to College chemistry curriculum understand that their adult children need to be a part of a social group in college and advise them to encourage their son or daughter to develop relationships as well as academic knowledge. by Virginia Kearney 1. How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper. by Laura Writes 40.

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This is very useful information. Voted up and shared. Dora Isaac Weithers 3 years ago from The Caribbean. What a variety of topics. The Argumentative Essay Topics contain some great Hub topics too. Thank you. I love the mba optional, different range of topics you discuss here. Great. Voted up.

Dianna Mendez 3 years ago. These topics are certainly ones that will challenge the rounds, most experienced writer. Students will love the fresh ideas. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of essay their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. College Chemistry Curriculum. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and Stanford advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

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