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Brave New World and the Flight from God. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) is commonly seen as an essay reasons for transferring indictment of both tyranny and technology. Huxley himself described its theme as “the advancement of science as it affects human individuals.#8221;[1] Brave New World Revisited (1958) deplored its vision of the over orderly dystopia “where perfect efficiency left no room for freedom or personal initiative.”[2] Yet Brave New World has a deeper meaning: a warning, by way of a grim portrait, of life in a world which has fled from God and lost all awareness of the transcendent. Quality Paper For Ink Drawing? Reading the Buy college signs of his times, Huxley saw awaiting us a soulless utilitarian existence, incompatible with our nature and purpose. Subsequent history has vindicated his pessimism.

Brave New World ’ s significations flow from Huxley’s vision of reality and human nature and its implications for proper living. As Milton Birnbaum points out, by the early thirties, Huxley was in transition from cynicism to Custom, a mystical religion,[3] which held that a transcendent God exists, and that one’s proper final end, as the foreword to essay, the 1946 edition of Brave New World notes, is “attaining unitive knowledge of the immanent Tao or Logos, the essays on education transcendent Godhead or Brahman.”[4] (Indeed, with its religious theme, Brave New World emerges as a milestone in Huxley’s odyssey.) Man, Huxley maintained, is an “embodied spirit.”[5] As such, he is essay for transferring, governed by belief: It is in the light of Accounting assignment our beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality that we formulate our conceptions of right and wrong; and it is in the light of our conceptions of right and wrong that we frame our conduct, not only in the relations of reasons private life, but also in Accounting group online the sphere of politics and Buy college for transferring economics. So far from being irrelevant, our metaphysical beliefs are the write a introduction paragraph for a finally determining factor in all our actions.[6] Moreover, people possess not only essay reasons, a will to self-assertion but also a will to self-transcendence. “In a word, they long to get out of themselves, to pass beyond the limits of that tiny island universe, within which every individual finds himself confined.”[7] This longing arises because, “in some obscure way and in spite of Buy an assignment valid if our conscious ignorance, we know who we are. We know #8230; that the Buy college essay for transferring ground of our individual knowing is identical with the Ground of all knowing and being.”[8] Our mission in life, then, is “upward self-transcendence,” metaphysically upward affiliation culminating in assignment valid only if union with the Divinity. Unfortunately, much self-transcendence is horizontal (toward “some cause wider than their own immediate interests,” but not metaphysically higher, from hobbies and Buy college for transferring family to Best quality paper drawing life, science or politics) or even downward (toward drugs, loveless sex, etc).[9] Huxley saw self-restraint as essential to human dignity and essay proper living. His 1931 essay “Obstacle Race,” published while Brave New World was in progress, depicted nineteenth-century life as “a kind of Buy an only obstacle race,” with conventions and Buy college reasons for transferring taboos restricting behavior being the essays obstacles.

While psychologically painful, it was worth the cost, because “the dignity of man consists precisely in his ability to restrain himself from dashing away along the essay reasons flat, in Custom college papers his capacity to raise obstacles in his own path.” Turning back from those obstacles is often “the most nobly and dignifiedly human thing a man can do.”[10] This resembles Irving Babbitt’s view that “what is specifically human in man and ultimately divine is a certain quality of will, a will that is felt in reasons its relation to his ordinary self as a will to group assignment, refrain.”[11] For both men, this self-mortification was an reasons act of Buy an only if loyalty to reasons, standards, and indispensable for upward self-transcendence. The struggle against How to paragraph essay, adversity which this entails is essential for fulfilling emotional life. The “pleasurable excitements” from surmounting (even sometimes not surmounting) psychological obstacles surpass those of life without such restraints.[12] Huxley did not explain why, but we may speculate: Striving toward God entails surmounting obstacles, overcoming adversity. Hence we exult in meeting challenges; it is essay reasons for transferring, a microcosm of the victorious metaphysically-upward striving which our fulfillment requires. Even before Brave New World , Huxley realized that the main tendency in the West was away from upward self-transcendence. The fundamental beliefs shaping thought and conduct were shifting. Music at Night (1931) observed that Christian beliefs “are now only Best quality drawing, lukewarmly believed in or even rejected outright.” Likewise the once inspiring tenets of Buy college reasons classical liberalism. Instead, “The modern emphasis is on personality. We justify our feelings and moods by an appeal to the ‘right to group assignment online, happiness,’ the ‘right to self-expression.’[13] Western man was also, Huxley pointed out in 1927, embracing substitute religions, from democracy and egalitarianism to the cult of business efficiency.[14] All these, of course, embody horizontal self-transcendence.

Moreover, science, technology, and mass production had seemingly removed many external constraints and essay reasons disciplines, e.g., economic scarcity and the consequences of sexual license. Religion’s decline and applied science’s advance were, Huxley believed, working synergistically to undermine self-restraint by making moral taboos seem absurd (e.g., contraception)[15] and self-indulgence seem good (overconsumption to absorb overproduction).[16] On causality Huxley was undecided. Accounting? In 1927 he averred that “material circumstances are driving all nations” to reasons for transferring, emulate America’s machine civilization. “Fate acts within and without; there is quality for ink drawing life, no resisting.”[17] But “Ideals and the Machine Tool” (1931) rejected economic determinism. Huxley acknowledged “certain definite correlations” between men’s world views and the economic situation. Hence “a correlation exists between the present popularity of the ideal of happiness [identified with comfort] and the rise of mass production.” Unlike goodness, truth, and beauty, pursuit of happiness sustains production. Buy College Essay Reasons? Yet ideals truth, beauty, goodness, happiness arise apart from economics. Economics only determine which ideals shall be prevalent.[18] Brave New World reverted to determinism. Huxley’s wavering is unimportant. What matters is his realization that Western awareness of transcendent Reality was withering.

Huxley divined too that machine civilization, and “liberation” from religion and religious morality, were exacting terrible forfeits. It was axiomatic to Huxley that getting something for nothing is assignment online, impossible.[19] Even before Brave New World he warned that success demands “nothing short of spiritual self-mutilation.”[20] Machinery was inflicting similar mutilations. Essay Reasons? As Richard M. Weaver put it, “What had been created in response to the human spirit and had referential justification began to Sociology essays on education, be autotelic and to make its own demands.”[21] Thus, as Huxley concluded, Fordism, or the philosophy of industrialism, demands that we should sacrifice the animal man (and #8230; large portions of the thinking, spiritual man) #8230; to the Machine. There is no place in the factory, or in that larger factory which is the modern industrialized world, for animals on the one hand, or for artists, mystics, or even, finally, individuals on the other. Of all the ascetic religions Fordism is that which demands the cruelest mutilations of the human psyche #8230; and offers the essay reasons for transferring smallest spiritual returns. Rigorously practiced for a few generations, this dreadful religion will end by destroying the human race.[22] One mutilation he observed was a spreading mediocrity of Accounting online aspiration. Demanding goals -pleasing God, living morally, partaking of high culture were being replaced by lesser ones: “fun,” comfort, conformity.[23] Unfortunately, multitudes are not interested in having their souls stretched by Buy college reasons, either a demanding religion and morality or an quality for ink inspiring high culture hence the great danger that the majority would cheerfully make a Faustian bargain, selling their souls for bread, baubles, comfort and amusement.[24] In particular, American modernity was pressuring higher and more intelligent independent souls to conform to mediocrity.[25] Beyond the evils of value inversion and reasons intelligence emulating stupidity, those most likely to heed calls from the divine Ground were being drawn away from the How to write a introduction essay upward path. With technology, secularization, and affluence flattening the “obstacle course,” people, having neither inclination nor need for self-restraint, were forfeiting their dignity too.[26] And, Huxley warned, life bereft of “exaltations and Buy college essay reasons agonies” would be boring.[27] The worst forfeit, and the true and ultimate peril, of modern history’s main tendency is not political, abhorrent though tyranny and regimentation were to Huxley, but religious. Loss of awareness of the transcendent is cumulative and ultimately total.

Living in a secularized world, immersed in the powerful distractions of quality for ink drawing horizontal and downward self-transcendence presented by a consumption-and-fun economy, with the path of upward self-transcendence increasingly forgotten, people have nowhere to essay, go except into ways of Accounting group assignment life unworthy of beings with souls, utterly incapable of fulfilling a higher purpose: attaining knowledge of reasons God. In Grey Eminence (1941), his biography of Accounting assignment online Father Joseph, Cardinal Richelieu’s adviser, Huxley observed that the West had been increasingly forsaking such knowledge for centuries: The acquisition of one-pointedness and the cultivation of genuine mysticism were tasks no easier in the fourteenth century, or the seventeenth, than under Queen Victoria; they merely seemed more reasonable, more worthy of reasons for transferring consideration by men of culture and intelligence[28] [W]here there is no vision, the people perish; and #8230; if those who are the salt of the earth lose their savour, there is nothing to How to write for a essay, keep that earth disinfected, nothing to prevent it from falling into complete decay. The mystics are channels through which a little knowledge of reality filters down into Buy college essay reasons for transferring, our human universe of ignorance and illusion. A totally unmystical world would be a world totally blind and insane. From the beginnings of the eighteenth century onwards, the essays violence sources of mystical knowledge have been steadily diminishing in number, all over the planet. Buy College Essay Reasons For Transferring? We are dangerously far advanced into the darkness.[29] In Those Barren Leaves (1925), Francis Chelifer’s brooding, culminating in a cynical catechism, shows that, long before Brave New World , Huxley had spotted this danger: Why am I doing this? What is it all for?

Did I come into the world, supplied with a soul which may very likely be immortal , for the sole purpose of sitting every day at How to a introduction paragraph, this desk? #8230;. Q. On what condition can I live a life of contentment? A. On the condition that you do not think. Q. What is the function of newspapers, cinemas, radios, motor-bikes, jazz bands, etc.? A. The function of reasons for transferring these things is the prevention of thought and the killing of time. They are the most powerful instruments of human happiness.

Q. What did Buddha consider the Accounting online most deadly of the deadly sins ? A. Unawareness, stupidity . (italics added)[30] Seen in this light, Brave New World is a warning that modern life threatens to inflict “the most deadly of the deadly sins”: to annihilate awareness of the transcendent God and divert us from our true purpose. Dystopia’s people live in a continuous state of Buy college essay for transferring “unawareness, stupidity.” Incomprehension, indeed, is Sociology essays on education, one of the novel‘s themes. People are kept unaware of old age, strong feeling, death; they flee anything unpleasant into the drug soma . Buy College Essay? Underlying all this unawareness is essay, deliberately-fostered unawareness of God. Abundant evidence in the novel proves that this, not runaway science or totalitarianism, was Huxley’s actual chief concern. In Chapter 3, World Controller Mustapha Mond’s enumeration of the former world’s discarded features focuses on elements of transcendent religion: God, heaven, soul, immortality. The Henry Ford cult replaced religion, with crosses decapitated into T’s, and Ford’s Day celebrations, Community Sings, and orgiastic “Solidarity Services” as “religious” rites. Just a few pages later, a moronic elevator operator is Buy college essay reasons, overwhelmed by reaching his building’s roof and encountering “the warm glory of Accounting group assignment online afternoon sunlight”: “‘Oh, roof!’ he repeated in a voice of rapture.

He was as though suddenly and Buy college essay reasons for transferring joyfully awakened from quality paper for ink drawing life, a dark annihilating stupor. ‘Roof!”’ To Peter Firchow, this shows that people can achieve fleeting awareness of a different reality despite conditioning.[31] True; but, more profoundly, it is a metaphor for attaining the Beatific Vision. And the elevator operator’s prompt return, duty-called, to darkness and reasons “habitual stupor” warns that our enslavement to machine civilization keeps awareness of paper God fleeting at best. Religious books are “smut,” accessible only to World Controllers. The only self-transcendence permitted is horizontal: social solidarity and Buy college essay service. And it is God’s existence and its implications for conduct, not science, economics, or politics, which dominates the write paragraph dialogue between Mond and the Savage, where the novel’s central argument appears. Essay Reasons? Preventing awareness of God motivates Mond’s suppression of “A New Theory of Biology,” which addresses “the conception of purpose,” as “heretical and #8230; dangerous and potentially disruptive.” Why? Because, Mond muses, #8230; once you began admitting explanations in terms of purpose well, you didn’t know what the result might be. It #8230; might make [intelligent people] lose their faith in happiness as the Sovereign Good and take to quality paper drawing, believing, instead, that the goal was somewhere beyond, somewhere outside the reasons present human sphere; that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well-being, but some intensification and refining of consciousness, some enlargement of knowledge. This dread alternative purpose is none other than attaining unitive knowledge of write a introduction paragraph for a God. That this is life’s purpose Mond deems “quite possibly true. But not, in the present circumstance, admissible.” Blocking awareness of God arguably underlies more mundane awareness-blocks.

As Lenina Crowne and Henry Foster embark on a date, advertising-bearing electric sky-signs keep them “ fortunately unaware” of the “ depressing fact” of a starry night. Afterward, though the sky-signs’ “ separating screen had largely dissolved, soma , which had “raised a quite impenetrable wall between the actual universe and their minds,” enables them to Buy college reasons for transferring, retain “happy ignorance” of the Custom written papers “ depressing stars” (italics added). Why “depressing”? Because a starry night is one of Creation’s classic witnesses for its Creator, before which mundane concerns pale into insignificance bordering on ridiculousness. As Huxley knew, unitive knowledge of God requires silence; distractions are its mortal enemy;[32] and by essay, the twenties life was already distraction-ridden.[33] In his dystopia distraction via synthetic music and television is continuous, a favorite escape from anything disquieting for people sharing Lenina’s determination “to preserve her incomprehension intact.” The careful insulation of civilization’s inmates from awareness of frustration, intense feeling, and death is partly to Buy an if, ensure the individual stability on which social stability and civilization depend: “When the individual feels, the community reels.” But beyond that, beauty, love, heroism, pain, suffering and death are windows and channels to Buy college reasons for transferring, a transcendent reality, to God. Ecstasy and suffering are the whetstones of the soul, sharpening it to a keen edge of awareness. Beauty is on education journal, a directly perceptible experience of, and witness for, God‘s perfection and goodness, and the natural response to it is joyful appreciation; and, beyond this, awe, reverence, and thanksgiving for Buy college reasons, its Creator.

Romantic love inspires, and finds expression in, tenderness, devotion, and reverence for the beloved-self-transcendent sentiments all. Unlike fun and comfort, which make no spiritual demands on us, suffering one’s own or others’ -compels a response; it seldom leaves us where we were. Accounting? It provokes an anguished “Why?” demanding an answer. It prompts reflection on life’s purpose and meaning, its fairness or unfairness in short, upon the ultimate nature of reality. For Transferring? This leads ineluctably to the religious question. All this is Accounting assignment, especially true of death, the most poignant pain of all, irreversible and irrevocable, the for transferring unanswerable proof that reality is not malleable, that earthly existence is in at least some measure tragic, that its fleeting pleasures are not adequate recompense for its hurts. That Huxley knew this is revealed by Mond’s reading to and effect essays on domestic, the Savage from Cardinal Newman and Buy college reasons Maine de Biran on how only the young and prosperous can be independent of write paragraph for a God, and how aging, afflicted, death-conscious people turn to God for compensation. Buy College Essay For Transferring? Mond assures the and effect violence Savage that the moderns have preserved youth and prosperity, hence allowing this independence, and abolished loss, rendering religion superfluous. Reasons? The Savage knows better, having felt the quality paper life reality of loss at reasons for transferring, his mother’s death in Park Lane Hospital: “‘Oh, God, God, God #8230;’ the Savage kept repeating to himself.

In the chaos of grief and remorse that filled his mind it was the one articulate word . ‘God!’ he whispered it aloud. ‘God#8230;”’ (italics added). To which a visiting child, unawareness personified, responds: “Whatever is he saying?” Suffering and death, rightly considered, give the lie to the cult of comfort. Best Paper Drawing? As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn divined: If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to death, his task on earth evidently must be more spiritual: not a total engrossment in Buy college essay reasons for transferring everyday life, not the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then their carefree consumption.

It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one’s life journey may become above all an experience of moral growth: to leave life a better human being than one started it.[34] Once aware of God and one’s proper “task on earth,” this implies, one will forsake “carefree consumption.” But a poor consumer is a threat to Cause on domestic violence, prosperity. Hence not only religion but also awareness of anything that could prompt dangerous sentiments of ecstasy and suffering, which could draw one Godward, must be stifled. Hence the war against awareness. Solzhenitsyn’s words neatly express the Savage’s view. Reasons For Transferring? His intense religiosity, and Huxley’s handling of it, proves further that religion is Brave New World’s true concern. At the Best quality paper for ink drawing life Reservation the flashbacks about his upbringing culminate in his breakthrough to discovering “Time and Death and God,” his mystical, ascetic quest for God in Buy college essay the mountains, and his emulation of Jesus on the Cross. This religiosity is in counterpoint to civilization’s relentless secularism. Cause Essays On Domestic? To “unawareness, stupidity,” he opposes an almost visionarily keen awareness of the Deity; to reasons for transferring, engrossment in material existence, his focus, as Bernard Marx complains, “on what he calls ‘the soul,’ which he persists in regarding as an entity independent of the physical environment”; to Cause and effect essays, self-indulgence and acedie , a ferocious penitential asceticism of purification and flagellation, and a rigorous sense of Buy college for transferring sin. His last words are a remorseful “Oh, my God, my God!’ ’- his last act an atonement-by-suicide, on which, fittingly, the group novel ends. “If you had a God, you’d have a reason for essay reasons, self-denial,’’ he observes. “But industrial civilization is only possible when there’s no self-denial,” Mond retorts. “Self-indulgence up to How to, the very limits imposed by Buy college, hygiene and economics. Otherwise the wheels stop turning.” Machinery, Huxley contends, had forced a choice: stability or death. It had permitted vast population growth, but should the wheels stop turning, famine would ensue.

And wheels require attendants, #8230; men as steady as the wheels upon their axles, sane men, obedient men, men stable in contentment. Crying: My baby, my mother, my only, only love; groaning: My sin, my terrible God; screaming with pain, muttering with fever, bemoaning old age and poverty how can they tend the wheels? And if they cannot tend the wheels #8230;. Riding a tiger, daring not dismount, humanity warped itself to fit the machine, forsaking truth and beauty for comfort and happiness. “Mass production demanded the drawing shift. Universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can’t.’’ But this entailed sacrificing the essay reasons divine source of truth and beauty. “God isn’t compatible with machinery and group assignment scientific medicine and reasons for transferring universal happiness. You must make your choice. Our civilization has chosen machinery and medicine and happiness.” Indeed. You pays your money and you takes your choice, as the 1946 edition’s gloomy foreword noted. But “One can’t have something for Custom written papers, nothing.

Happiness has got to be paid for.” Forsaking God and reasons for transferring enslaving itself to its own creation to avoid physical ruin, humanity inflicts on Cause and effect, itself spiritual ruin. For, as the Savage knows, awareness of God precludes allowing oneself “to be degraded by pleasant vices. Buy College? You’d have a reason for bearing things patiently and How to for a with courage #8230;. God’s the reason for everything noble and fine and heroic.” All virtue, all righteous conduct, is Buy college essay for transferring, loyalty to standards of excellence. Excellence, in turn, presupposes a conception of Custom written perfection.

And perfection requires a transcendent metaphysic; a secular, materialist metaphysic will not support it; the imperfection of earthly existence, with its impermanence, its frequently realized potentials of ugliness, evil, suffering and death, is Buy college essay, clear to any awareness above the sensual. The great choice in life as Brave New World makes clear-is between self-transcendence and self-indulgence. Virtue flows from the former, sin from the latter. And without a transcendent God to stretch our souls upward, to demand that we become more than we were, no truly compelling motive to valid, self-transcending virtue exists. As history abundantly demonstrates, the entities inspiring horizontal self-transcendence can inspire sin at least as readily as virtue. And in a reductive, materialist world unaware of God, the prevailing ethic will be pragmatic, utilitarian, self-indulgent, pleasure-seeking, pain-shunning-because that is the only ethic supportable by such a metaphysic. Virtue atrophies for want of compelling or even plausible reason.

All that makes for truly human existence atrophies too. Human dignity disappears. If we are not “embodied spirits,” then we are mere matter, and essay reasons for transferring there is nothing awe-inspiring or reverential about us. Corpses reduce to utilitarian objects. Drawing Life? The Brave New World cremates its dead and recovers their constituent chemicals. Flying with Lenina past a crematorium, Henry Foster sums up rnaterialist reductionism and Buy college reasons for transferring its radical egalitarianism in one phrase: “All men are physicochemically equal.” Live people fare no better. Being mere matter, Lenina, Bernard notes, “thinks of herself that way. She doesn’t mind being meat.” She worries at his seeming indifference, is relieved when he emotionlessly fondles her breasts, and frets constantly about her appearance. Buy An Assignment If? A religious outlook with its emotions of faith, trust, devotion, reverence for essay reasons for transferring, the other, and self-transcendence orients one toward love as unbelief does not.

As the Hound of Heaven warned, “Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.” Only soulless fun and sex remain. In the meeting between the Savage and Lenina, the taut, upwardly stretched, self-transcending, vividly aware soul collides with the Buy an slack, horizontal, self-indulgent, unaware one in perfect counterpoint. He kneels reverently before Lenina and kisses her hand; she leans forward lustfully. He proclaims his desire to perform some service to prove his love and worthiness of her; she listens in incomprehension and Buy college essay reasons for transferring rising annoyance: “At Malpais,” the papers Savage was incoherently mumbling, “you had to bring her the skin of a mountain lion I mean, when you wanted to marry some one. Or else a wolf.” “There aren’t any lions in England,” Lenina almost snapped. “And even if there were,” the Buy college essay reasons Savage added, with sudden contemptuous resentment, “people would kill them out of helicopters, I suppose #8230;. I’ll do anything,” he went on, more and more incoherently. “Anything you tell me #8230;. I mean I’d sweep the floor if you wanted.” “But we’ve got vacuum cleaners here,” said Lenina in bewilderment. “It isn’t necessary.” “No, of course it isn’t necessary. But some kinds of baseness are nobly undergone. I’d like to undergo something nobly. Don’t you see?” She doesn’t see. She recoils in horror at his mention of marriage and greets his profession of love with asexual advance.

Without struggle, without a demanding moral call to self-transcendence, without pain and ecstasy, all vivid interior life disappears. Indeed a corollary theme of Brave New World is that suffering and mortification are the price of transcendence, of fulfillment, of anything worthwhile, and that when life is purged of all occasion for paying this price, attaining these things becomes impossible. Note that Dystopia’s rebels, seeking more intense, meaningful life, choose mortification. Helmholtz Watson adopts asceticism and experiences “a kind of mental excess”; Bernard wants “to try the effect of Accounting group assignment arresting my impulses” i.e., resurrect Babbitt’s “inner check.” The Savage’s discovery of “Time and Death and Buy college reasons for transferring God” comes after being driven from the manhood initiation rite, “despised divine mysteries follows a five-day fast. “The tears are necessary,” he tells Mond, and recounts the tale of the Girl of Mataski, whose troth could be won only by a morning’s hoeing in her garden, enduring magic flies and mosquitoes. “What you need,” he concludes, “is something with tears for Accounting assignment, a change. Nothing costs enough here.” Slackness pervades the Brave New World ; the reasons for transferring “obstacle course” is gone.

Every peaceful self-indulgence is encouraged; no demands are made on anyone. Without passion or purpose, time exists only to be frittered away. With souls slack, high art disappears. Helmholtz Watson, Emotional Engineer, accomplished minstrel of infantile “happiness,” grasps the idiocy of trying to “say something about nothing.” He could, he senses, write something “more important. Yes, and more intense, more violent.” But nothing in his safe, easy l and rejected of men”; his initiation into existence evokes such writing. Paper? Capable of appreciating Romeo and Juliet only as regards literary technique, he laughs when the Savage reads from it, then admits that.

“#8230;one needs ridiculous, mad situations like that; one can’t write really well about anything else. Why was that old fellow such a marvellous propaganda technician? Because he had so many insane, excruciating things to get excited about. You’ve got to be hurt and Buy college essay reasons upset; otherwise you can’t think of the Custom written college really good, penetrating, X rayish phrases #8230;. We need some other kind of madness and violence.

But what? What? Where can one find it?” He was silent; then, shaking his head, “I don’t know,” he said at last, “I don’t know.” Huxley’s dystopia, then, merely extrapolated the flight from God which he had observed for Buy college, years. But whereas the Brave New World had deliberately chosen spiritually suicidal comfortable stupor, the West of the twenties was so exteriorized, so engrossed in affluence and seeming freedom from God, and so unaware of their costs, that it was drifting insensibly toward an oblivion of slack-souled “unawareness, stupidity.” An increasingly mystical, religious man in an increasingly un-mystical, irreligious world, Huxley was warning mankind to turn back before it was too late. Largely misread, the warning went unheeded. (This was partly Huxley’s fault, as Brave New World Revisited stresses freedom, not religion.) The flight from God into a transcendence -purged world has intensified, while countervailing forces have withered. Sociology Essays On Education? Just as the urban America of the Roaring Twenties was for Huxley the prefiguration of essay for transferring humanity’s future, so is America today an index of Custom written heedless progress toward “a world totally blind and insane.” America’s secularization is already familiar. Essay For Transferring? More ominously, our government is assignment only, increasingly persecuting religion an Buy college essay aping of the Brave New World far more sinister than the State’s tightening stranglehold on our economic life. Buy An Assignment? Pursuit of secular Utopia is stronger than ever. Not even in the dictionary[35] when Weaver flayed the “spoiled-child mentality,” “lifestyle” is now on every lip. Our staggering consumer debt, Americans’ increasing gluttony and obesity, and the proliferation of superfluous costly articles (e.g., walking shoes, running tights, skating blades), all confirm Huxley’s warning of over-consumption deliberately fostered to sustain the economy and of the warping of Buy college essay for transferring human nature to fit machinery.

Modern Americans typically see matter, in Custom Simone Weil’s phrase, as “a machine for manufacturing the good.”[36] Technology is the idolized tool for this process, and the advent of essay reasons computers has only intensified our idolatry. Liberalism’s cherished welfare state and the consumer capitalism trumpeted by “Conservatives” share the Buy an valid if Brave New World ’ s secularist-materialist premise: the good consists of pleasant sensations, attainable by optimally arranging matter and services and the purchasing power needed to acquire them. They share too its corollary goal of for transferring purging life of unpleasantness. They differ only in their methods and in who is assigned to serve these goals. As in Huxley’s dystopia, awareness of the mysterious, transcendent significations of life and death is fading.

Concerning the first, witness the utilitarian Moloch’s hecatomb of abortion; and concerning the second, note Henry Foster’s chirp while passing the crematorium: “Fine to think we can go on being socially plants grow,” informs the Accounting assignment online chilling vogue for reasons for transferring, organ harvesting, which has gone beyond willingness to give an organ posthumously to a family member and is , useful even after we’re dead. Assignment Valid Only? Making becoming almost a social obligation. Death is demystified accordingly, and not even the Buy college reasons for transferring integrity of a corpse is beyond Moloch’s reach. Cause Essays? Which presupposes a broad, deep repudiation of Buy college that hallmark of spiritual decency, respect for the dead and the dogmas of bodily resurrection and assignment of body as temple of the Buy college essay reasons Holy Spirit. Though death is regarded “like any other physiological process,” suffering increasingly terrifies Americans, as witness the rising popularity of Dr. Kevorkian. This is merely the most lurid and ghastly symptom of the comfort cult’s corollary: our national tendency to flinch from anything unpleasant, from valid if, petty inconveniences to essay for transferring, suffering for principles. But virtue, spiritual growth, upward self-transcendence, and unitive knowledge of God cannot be attained by people craving an easy life.

Nor are these attainments open to the unaware, and America is increasingly rendering itself stuporous and grace-proof. Our somas include drugs, drink, TV, and athletics. Valid? Almost throughout their waking hours, Americans are immersed in distractions: TV, radio, tapes, CDs, computers, movies. And if “a crevice of time should yawn in the solid substance of their distractions,” the Walkman tape player will fill it. Buy College Reasons For Transferring? With increasing frequency, one encounters on our sidewalks dead-eyed, blank-faced or Walkman-engrossed specimens, staring mindlessly like zombies. “Virtual reality” technology, uncannily like Huxley’s “feelies,” will only worsen our stupor. Group Assignment? Blocking awareness further is Americans’ accelerating decerebration.

The lack of widespread outrage over our disastrous system of education, and of any serious attempt to undo it, indicates that our educators are giving our slack-souled population what it wants. The popularity of “no-brainer” activities and the cretin-celebrating movie Forrest Gump confirm this. Self-transcending conduct and emotions are increasingly viewed as disruptive. “Civilization,” Mond tells the Savage, “has absolutely no need of nobility or heroism. For Transferring? These things are symptoms of political inefficiency. In a properly organized society like ours, nobody has any opportunities for being noble or heroic.” David Brooks, writing in The Wall Street Journal, disparaged the courage, heroism, even manhood of Buy an valid diehard Communist Russians and Zulus opposing Mandela’s African National Congress. Buy College Reasons? “Today we place a higher emphasis on essays, compromise and for transferring reconciliation, and are not so concerned that people should have fight in write a introduction them.”[37] Better to be “technocratic and for transferring prosaic” epicene sheep docilely turning the wheels and guzzling products, too immersed in commercialized distractions ever to grasp that they have sold their souls for comfort. Sociology Essays On Education? Love is Buy college essay reasons for transferring, withering in an atmosphere of fear, childish self-centeredness, and carnality.[38] The fervent love lauded for centuries in Western high culture is deprecated in self-help literature, and too often in Buy an valid real life, as ”dysfunctional” or “obsessive,” in favor of safe, casual companionability seeking only Buy college reasons for transferring, meaningless fun. Love is frequently replaced by dystopia’s obsessive, casual sex. In this and in popular obsessions with physical appearance, diet, and exercise (which consumes far more of a typical American’s time than religion) today’s Americans see themselves as “so much meat.” Modern America, then, is primarily oriented toward soulless self-indulgence, away from Buy an assignment valid if, upward self-transcendence. Buy College Essay? And the two possible obstacles to this Juggernaut of unawareness, culture and religion, are today, as in Huxley’s dystopia, smoothing its path. For centuries Western high art was inspired and informed by Sociology essays on education journal, a transcendent metaphysic.

Today’s high art bleakly confirms Huxley’s prophecies. Fashionable minimalist art, music, and literature are merely Helmholtz’s “saying something about nothing.” Minimalism may, as Mond says, “require the most enormous ingenuity,” making art “out of the absolute minimum #8230;practically nothing but pure sensation,” but it is also, as Helmholtz, the Savage, and our better critics grasp, “idiotic.” Like Huxley’s dystopian art, it imprisons its consumers in the unremitting banality and barbarism of modernity, instead of opening a window to reasons for transferring, a higher reality. Religion has largely betrayed its mission as the conservator of awareness of the metaphysically transcendent. Roman Catholicism is pervaded by the insidious, seemingly innocuous but devastating heresy that worship is not “vertical” but “horizontal.” Vertical worship seeks after upward self-transcendence, straining toward a God who is metaphysically other. Horizontal worship, “seeing the quality paper Christ in one’s brothers and sisters,” with the Mass as a “meal,” is disturbingly near the “Solidarity Service” ( sans orgy).

It speaks volumes about the Church’s loss of essay metaphysical acumen and vigilance that this heresy spreads unchecked. Much popular religion is infantile and undemanding. Best Quality Paper Drawing Life? Witness the angels fad, which reduces the metaphysically other to relentlessly cute figures on calendars. Essay For Transferring? Mainstream religious morality is attenuated; demanding sanctions, especially in matters carnal, are increasingly jettisoned for fear of being “judgmental.” Religion often merely exhorts us to niceness and “compassion” a horizontalist heresy insofar as it substitutes for and thus forestalls love of God and only upward self-transcendence. Religion’s recent rehabilitation among neoconservatives is not disproof, for essay reasons for transferring, it seeks not after upward self-transcendence. Rather, it has the same pragmatic motive as the suppression of religion in Huxley’s dystopia: to improve social control and stability, the better to keep the wheels turning.

In its essentials, Brave New World is dangerously near fulfilled prophecy. America’s mental and spiritual life increasingly resembles a skyscraper whose inhabitants, having closed the blinds on the “depressing” starry Heaven, with its silent calls to transcendence, are turning out the lights floor by Custom written, floor, as their aspirations descend to the mediocrity of the essay reasons for transferring Brave New World ’ s dark basement of unawareness and fun. Accounting Group Assignment Online? A politically and culturally marginalized reactionary remnant resists, Savage-like; but barring a massive revaluation of values, it seems likely, as Huxley grimly forecast in 1946, that “the horror may be upon us within a single century.” Books mentioned in this essay may be found in The Imaginative Conservative Bookstore . Reprinted with the gracious permission of essay Modern Age (1996). 1. Brave New World (New York, 1946 ed.; 1953 paperback ed.), ix. 2. Brave New World Revisited (New York, 1958; 1965 paperback ed.), 1-2.

3. Aldous Huxley‘s Quest for Values (Knoxville, Tenn., 1971), 166-167. 4. Brave New World , viii-ix. 5. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (New York, 1956), 1. 6. Essays On Domestic Violence? Ends and Means (New York, 1937), 11. 7. The Devils of Loudun (New York, 1953), 67. 10. “Obstacle Race,” The Adelphi , April 193 1, 40,41. 11.

Democracy and Leadership (lndianapolis, 1979). 28. Reasons For Transferring? 13. Music at Night (Garden City, N.Y., 1931), 101-102, 105. 14. Buy An Assignment Only If? “The Substitutes for for transferring, Religion,” in Huxley, Proper Studies (London, 1927), 207-229.

15. Cause On Domestic Violence? “Obstacle Race,” 37. 16. Jesting Pilate (London, 1926), 266-270; “Foreheads Villainous Low,” in Music at Night , 184-185. Buy College Essay Reasons? 17. “The Outlook for American Culture,” Harper’s Magazine , August 1927, 265. 18. “Ideals and the Machine Tool” (1931), in Aldous Huxley’s Hearst Essays (New York, 1994), 14. 19. Proper Studies (London, 1927), 297; “Something for Nothing” (1933) in for a essay Aldous Huxley’s Hearst Essays , 239; The Perennial Philosophy (New York, 1945), 79, 171. 20. Buy College Essay Reasons For Transferring? Proper Studies , 270. Quality Drawing? 21.

Visions of Order (Bryn Mawr, 1995), 80. 22. Music at Buy college reasons for transferring, Night , 159-160. 23. Write For A? See, e.g., Huxley, Jesting Pilate (London, 1926), 266-270,280. 24. For Transferring? Huxley, “Outlook for on domestic, American Culture,” 267. 25. Essay? Jesting Pilate , 279-280; “Foreheads Villainous Low,” passim . 26. “Obstacle Race,” 40. 28. Grey Eminence (New York, 1941), 77.

30. Those Barren Leaves (London, 1925), 106-107. Assignment Online? 31. Essay Reasons? The End of Custom written papers Utopia: A Study of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World , (London, 1984), 24. 32. The Perennial Philosophy , 216-219; Grey Eminence , 70-74. 33. See the Buy college reasons quote from Those Barren Leaves . 34. “A World Split Apart,” in Solzhenitsyn at online, Harvard (Washington,DC, 1980), 19. Buy College Essay? 35.Seethe 1951 Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary . 36. Quoted in George A. Panichas, The Courage of a introduction for a essay Judgment: Essays in Criticism, Culture, and Society (Knoxville, 1982). 32.

37. Buy College Essay Reasons For Transferring? “Last Stand of the Old Believers,” The Wall Street Journal , October 5, 1993; “The Zulus: Victorian Warriors in the Modern Age,” The Wall Street Journal , April 12, 1994. 38. See Kay Hymowitz, “The L Word: Love as Taboo,” City Journal, Spring 1995.

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100 Argument or Position Essay Topics with Sample Essays. Buy College. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Sociology Essays. For your paper, you will pick an issue to Buy college essay reasons, research. You will need to be sure that this is an arguable issue, which means it is one that people hold different views about. As you read through information on this issue, you should be narrowing your topic into a single statement which states your position. Best Quality Paper Drawing. This could be a claim of fact, definition, cause, value, or policy. Note: Some teachers use the term argument essay and others call it a position essay. These terms mean the same thing and are used interchangeably in this article. Is there a way to reduce abortions without legislation? (policy) Does a police officer's racial background make a difference in how they do their job? (value) Should the racial make-up of a police department be the same as the community they serve? (definition) How can pro-life and for transferring, pro-choice groups work together? (values) Should Barbie be banned? (value) Should reality T.V. shows have regulations? (policy) What is quality true beauty? (definition) Is video gaming good or bad? (value) Are beauty contests a positive thing for young girls? (value) Are participation trophies in athletics a good idea? (policy) Are overbearing sports parents helpful or harmful? (definition) Should young children be pushed to compete at Buy college essay athletics? (policy) Should children have scheduled activities or be left more time for How to paragraph, free play? (value) What is the cause of the increase in reasons for transferring child obesity? (cause) How can we encourage children to be more active? (policy) Should people on Sociology welfare be required to submit to drug testing? (policy) Why do so many celebrities have terrible life problems? (cause) Should media coverage be regulated? (policy) What is the effect of media coverage on elections? (fact) What is human trafficking? (definition) How can human trafficking be stopped? (policy) How do elected female officials differ from elected males? (fact) How important is it to have equal representation of genders and races in political office? (value) How can we support the Buy college, election of more females to Custom written college papers, political offices? (policy) How can we get more minorities to Buy college essay, become police officers? (policy) How can the rights of artists and writers be protected on the Internet? (policy) Why should you pay for your music? (value) Does religious persecution exist? (fact) Should people be allowed to make designer babies? (value) What can be done to reduce unemployment among young African American men? (policy) Should the minimum wage be raised or lowered? (policy) This essay argues that sometimes, a nursing home can be the best choice.

Poor Across Oceans. This essay argues that we need to care more for life, people in developing countries. Reasons. Hunger Hurts. How can we solve the problem of hunger? Should we have a national high school exam? (policy) Is private school tuition (elementary, high school, or college) really worth it? (value) Does statewide testing (like the TAKS/STAAR test in Best quality paper for ink Texas) really increase student knowledge? (cause) Should colleges abolish reliance on SAT and ACT scores in admissions? (policy) How should the country's school system be reformed? (policy) Should the U.S. adopt an educational system like Europe's? (policy) What causes students to Buy college essay for transferring, graduate from high school without basic skills? (cause) How do American students compare with students from Sociology essays on education journal other countries? (fact) What role should technology play in education? (value) What is the value of a liberal arts education? (value) Should students be required to take foreign language courses (or any other type of specific course)? Does adding days to the school year really improve learning? (fact) Should schools continue to spend money on fine arts? (value) How should students whose first language is not English be taught in public schools? (policy) Should college athletes be paid? (policy) Cell phones control our relationships. Essay Reasons For Transferring. (definition) Computers are changing the way humans think. (fact) Texting and cell phone use has caused young people to Best quality paper, be less able to concentrate and reasons for transferring, focus (or you can do the reverse—has caused them to essays, be able to for transferring, handle multi-tasking more effectively and assignment valid if, efficiently). Buy College. (cause) Cell phones have changed the way we relate to each other in positive ways. (value) Cell phones, texts, and assignment online, emails are not as good as talking face-to-face. (value) Textbooks should be replaced by i-Pads and online resources. For Transferring. (policy) How are online technologies changing the way we live? (policy) How is technology changing our definition of what it means to assignment valid, be human? (value) What laws should we have about cell phone use in essay reasons cars? (policy) How is essays on domestic social media changing family relationships? (definition) Should parents limit teenagers' use of essay reasons for transferring social media? (policy) What privacy policies should be upheld by social media companies? (policy) What should (and should not) be posted on Facebook by college students? (value) Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos? (value) What is nanotechnology? What are its applications and Best quality drawing, possible uses in the future? (definition) Which kind of reasons for transferring topic are you most interested in?

Is China the Next Superpower? (Fact) How should we respond to the global problem of essays violence illegal immigration? (policy) Would a border fence solve the immigration problem in Buy college essay for transferring the U.S.? (fact) What is the relationship between immigration and nationality? (definition) What causes people to immigrate illegally? (cause) Should the U.S. Custom Written College. have a visitor work program? (policy) How has immigration affected the history of the U.S.? (definition) Should all states have laws giving policemen the right to require people to prove their legal status? (policy) How can legal immigration be streamlined? (policy) Who should be allowed to immigrate? Who should not? (value) How many illegal immigrants live in the U.S.? Who are they and Buy college essay, where do they live? (fact) Toilet Video Games? Have We Gone Too Far? Is war inevitable? How does war become integral to Cause and effect essays on domestic violence, society? (definition) How do people justify war? (value) What might help establish peace? (policy) Should the U.S. continue to act as a policeman for other countries? (value) How should the United States defend itself against terrorism? (policy) Is drone warfare ethical? (value) How is cyber warfare becoming more important? (fact) Is the U.S. engaging in cyber attacks on Buy college other countries? (fact) How did 9/11 change the way Americans feel about How to paragraph, themselves as a world power? (definition) Should military spending in the U.S. increase or decrease? (policy) How important is race to American identity? (fact) To what extent does individual identity depend on ethnic affiliation? (definition) How does immigration from Latin America affect the culture of Buy college America? (fact) Why do Americans think in terms of a person having one race when so many Americans have a mixed racial, cultural, and/or ethnic background? (value) Is it a good idea for people to group online, adopt children from another ethnic group? (value) What is culture? (definition) What is the value of Buy college essay reasons for transferring knowing your racial and Buy an, cultural heritage? (value) Should schools be required to Buy college reasons for transferring, teach multiculturalism? (policy) Should churches work harder to be multi-racial? (value) How can parents help raise their children to be appreciative of other cultures? (policy)

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Especially look for ideas that can be turned into questions that you can argue pro Buy college essay reasons for transferring or con. Whether you go online or look at a paper copy, you can use the and effect essays on domestic, news to Buy college for transferring, give you an idea of what to write about. Just remember that if you are doing a research paper that you will need to cite any sources that you use, so make sure you keep a copy. How to Write an Evaluation Paper with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 15. How to Write a Reflective Essay with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 21. by Virginia Kearney 14. by Virginia Kearney 5. 100 Problem Solution Essay Topics with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 42. How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples. by Virginia Kearney 56.

Virginia Kearney 2 weeks ago from United States. Hi Rosie--You have a good topic and an interesting personal connection. I'd suggest that you do a frame story introduction and conclusion. Start with your situation and then stop part-way through and ask the question: should you call CPS? Then do your answer and tell why or why not. Finish with telling the end of your story.

See my articles on How to write an argument paper and How to How to write, write a position paper for full instructions. Wondering how to essay, write a position essay. Topic should you call Child Protective Services. In my personal life we are going through a situation where we called the child protective services but much is not being done. Was thinking if I choose this topic I could write some of our family's frustration about the situation, don't know how to go about writing this essay.

Virginia Kearney 5 weeks ago from essays on education journal United States. Khen--You can find help if you look for reasons for transferring, my articles about how to write different kinds of position or argument papers. I have several different articles that can lead you step by step through the write a introduction paragraph essay, process. Can you please help me in my position paper? Virginia Kearney 2 months ago from United States. Essay Reasons For Transferring. Roami, You have an quality for ink drawing life interesting idea. I think one way for you to get some good information to start your paper is to research why local languages are not included in the instruction first. Next, you might want to interview some people to find out Buy college essay their positions and to get some quotes on this topic. Finally, you might want to get some research articles which show whether or not using a local or home language of a student helps them to on education journal, learn better. In the United States, research has shown that students who receive some instruction in their own language at least at first often do better in essay reasons the long run than a child who is fully immersed in English. In my own experience as a teacher, I discovered that children who came to an all-English classroom before grade 2 or 3, generally was very competent in paragraph for a that language by age 12.

However, if they entered an all English school later, they were often not able to catch up. However, that only essay for transferring works if the child is in a school where no one else speaks their native language (as is often true in and effect essays violence the U.S. but not true in a school where all the Buy college for transferring, children speak their local language together). On Education Journal. You have a wonderful topic and one that is essay reasons for transferring very important for your country to consider. I wish you great success in your paper. pls, i need u to essays, look into this position topic for Buy college for transferring, me. Should local languages be made as compulsory as religious languages in schools. Virginia Kearney 4 months ago from United States.

Hi Sam, you might want to try my article about Funny Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas, or else do the negative of any idea here or in one of Accounting group online my many other argument essays. In a devil's advocate paper, you want to go against what most people think. Here are a few ideas just to get you thinking: Why Trump will be regarded as one of our top 5 presidents. Why we should leave ISIS alone. Why race is less a problem in Buy college reasons for transferring America than Europe. Sociology. Why the leader of essay reasons for transferring North Korea isn't really crazy. Accounting Assignment. I have this assignment of playing the essay, role of devil's advocate and I can't think of a good topic! ( I personally prefer a political related topic). Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Aidyn-You add a very interesting position topic. I had not thought about schools making rules against fasting but it certainly could hurt a child's performance in Accounting group assignment online school if they were fasting for a longer period than a day or two.

That could cause a school to Buy college reasons, be concerned. Thanks for your comment and idea. Aidyn Krikorian 6 months ago. I greatly appreciate your website, and I have a suggestion for a topic. Only If. Should we allow fasting or other religious acts in schools? This topic facsinates me and I do hope you will consider it. I have chosen a topic to use for a paper from this webpage and will be returning. Thank you, Aidyn. Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Rose--You did not mention what aspect of culture you are writing about which makes it hard to help you.

However, for example, if you are writing a paper arguing to people that only like modern music that classical music is worth listening to, you could start by talking about what you agree with about modern music and acknowledge why people of your generation might prefer to Buy college essay reasons, listen to it. Then you could explain why they would actually enjoy classical music if they gave it a try or explain how they could grow to appreciate that kind of music. I need help on my regerian Argument eassy on culture. I dont now how to start it, Does anyone knows how.thanks. Preston Heard 8 months ago. These are great topics for the upcoming research essays. Group Assignment. I will definitely be using one of them.

Thank you for Buy college for transferring, this resource! Aaron Gibson 8 months ago. Excited for your class this semester! Matt Hartman 8 months ago. This article along with many of the Buy an only if, other articles you have written will be very helpful this semester! I'm looking forward to your class! Virginia Kearney 11 months ago from essay reasons for transferring United States.

Look for my articles about how to write argument or position essays for lots of ideas on how to introduce essays and find sources. Luckily, Google Scholar has lots of excellent peer-reviewed essays that are good sources, but you can also find many good sources that come from government, Universities or published journals that post online (look for .gov, .edu or a journal that also appears in print). One easy way to start your introduction is to assignment valid only, tell a story about a student who is generally shy (or maybe bullied) but gets excited (and more included by Buy college for transferring others) when they are able to share about their own culture during a multiculturalism unit. I am doing an How to paragraph essay Apa essay on should schools be required to teach multiculturalism any idea on how I should start my intro and what sources I should use? Virginia Kearney 11 months ago from United States. Bebe--You don't tell me whether your paper is a research paper or not, but I've written many articles on how to write different sorts of for transferring essays. You can use the search engine on HubPages to find them, or look at the links that usually appear when you pull up one of my articles. Search Argument essays or How to Write a Position Essay or just type in on education journal VirginiaLynne. To start a paper on your topic, I think I would use a story in the introduction showing a miscommunication when people don't talk face to face. Hey . Can you please help me in my position paper . I dont how to start . My topic is cellphone,texts and for transferring, emails are not as good as talking face to face . It is from Sociology yours sample :) thank you. I think that is video gaming good or bad is a great topic to Buy college essay reasons for transferring, choose.

Virginia Kearney 19 months ago from United States. Yes Alsaifl, I think that What is Sociology essays on education journal beauty? could be a topic. You are right that your answer would be a definition claim. Jumanah Alsaif 19 months ago. Is the topics What is true beauty? (definition) a good topic for a position paper? I was thinking of Buy college reasons for transferring writing how the definition of and effect beauty is different for essay reasons, each individual. On Education. Brittany Adams 14 2 years ago. Thank you so much for posting! This helps a lot with my writing!

Tariq Ali Khan 2 years ago. Excellent work buddy! Thank you so much ! Kristen Howe 2 years ago from Buy college essay for transferring Northeast Ohio. Great topics for and effect essays violence, a variety of essays for everyone who needs to be inspired. Voted up for essay reasons, useful!

That Tom Hanks video is How to a introduction paragraph for a essay hilarious. These ideas are very thought-provoking and inspiring! Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from Buy college essay United States. Cindy A. So glad I was able to give you some good information! Unbelievable. You have helped me enormously.

Thank you so much. Thank you for these great topics. VJG 2 years ago from Texas. This would be an interesting article for school students. They always seem to Custom, struggle for essay ideas.

Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from essay United States. Best Quality Paper For Ink Life. Hi Safa--Here are the main steps: 1. Essay Reasons For Transferring. Choose a question you are going to write about. Paper For Ink Drawing Life. Then think about what your answer to the question is going to essay, be. Best For Ink. 2. Decide what you want your reader to think, do or believe after they read your essay. That is your thesis (the answer to essay, your question). 3. Decide who you want to Sociology essays, persuade to believe this (that is essay for transferring your reader or audience). Think about what that reader already knows and believes about your topic. That will help you develop your arguments. The reader should not be someone who already believes what you do. If they do, you aren't really arguing are you? 4. Think of at least 3 reasons why your reader should believe your thesis.

Those reasons will be the main body part of your essay. 5. Think of examples or evidence which supports each of How to write for a essay those reasons. That is what you will use to essay, support those three reasons. Written College. 6. What objections will your reader have? Write those out and Buy college essay for transferring, also your answers to those objections. This will be a paragraph after your reasons. 7. For your conclusion think of what good will come if your reader believes you. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Hi katha- if you look at the bottom right blue box I have the links to sample essays. These are student essays so they are published by my students under their own names here on hubpages.

Maybe I should move these up on the page so you can find them more easily. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Custom College Papers. Samarah--Yes I think that vaccinating children is a very good topic. You can also narrow that to for transferring, particular types of vaccinations that are new like the chickenpox vaccine or the HPV. Another possible argument on this topic is whether or not it is true that vaccines are the main reason for better health in people today than in papers the past. Essay For Transferring. Is the right to vaccinate children a good topic? Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. I think you can do something related to a introduction for a, obesity or how different types of for transferring food are good or bad for your health. Or you can talk about GMO foods or organic or locally grown produce. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States.

Xstatic--I love the Best quality drawing, fact that you do have a position on everything--I like to look at all sides of things and that is Buy college essay for transferring great as an instructor teaching positions, because I can play the devils advocate, but sometimes I do need to just nail down my own point of view! Jim Higgins 5 years ago from online Eugene, Oregon. A great how to for position papers. I have not written one for years, though I have a position on almost everything. Useful Hub and well done as usual. Buy College Essay. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and Accounting, company names shown may be trademarks of Buy college their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.

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How to Write Your Transfer Essay for the Common App | Essay Hell

Jan 27, 2018 Buy college essay reasons for transferring, expert essay writers -
How to Write Your Transfer Essay for the Common App | Essay Hell

SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. The personal statement might just be the essay, hardest part of your college application. Mostly this is essays violence because it has the least guidance and is the reasons, most open-ended. Valid If? One way to essay reasons understand what colleges are looking for when they ask you to journal write an essay is to check out the essays of students who already got in—college essays that actually worked. After all, they must be among the most successful of Buy college reasons, this weird literary genre. In this article, I’ll go through general guidelines for what makes great college essays great.

I've also compiled an Best quality paper, enormous list of reasons, 100+ actual sample college essays from Buy an valid, 13 different schools. Finally, I’ll break down two of these published college essay examples and explain why and Buy college essay for transferring how they work. With links to 125 full essays and essay excerpts , this article will be a great resource for learning how to craft your own personal college admissions essay! What Excellent College Essays Have in Common. Even though in essays on domestic many ways these sample college essays are very different from one other, they do share some traits you should try to emulate as you write your own essay. Building out from a narrow, concrete focus. You’ll see a similar structure in many of the essays. The author starts with a very detailed story of an reasons for transferring, event or description of a person or place. After this sense-heavy imagery, the essay expands out to make a broader point about the author, and essays on education journal connects this very memorable experience to the author’s present situation, state of reasons, mind, newfound understanding, or maturity level. Knowing how to tell a story.

Some of the experiences in these essays are one-of-a-kind. College? But most deal with the stuff of everyday life. What sets them apart is the way the author approaches the topic: analyzing it for drama and humor, for Buy college essay its moving qualities, for what it says about the author’s world, and for written college papers how it connects to the author’s emotional life. A killer first sentence. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: you have to suck the reader in, and the best place to do that is the first sentence. Reasons? Great first sentences are punchy. They are like cliffhangers, setting up an exciting scene or an unusual situation with an unclear conclusion, in order to assignment valid only make the reader want to know more. Buy College Essay For Transferring? Don’t take my word for it—check out these 22 first sentences from Stanford applicants and tell me you don’t want to read the rest of those essays to find out what happens! A lively, individual voice. Custom Written College? Writing is for readers. In this case, your reader is an admissions officer who has read thousands of essay reasons, essays before yours, and will read thousands after.

Your goal? Don’t bore your reader. And Effect On Domestic Violence? Use interesting description, stay away from cliches, include your own offbeat observations—anything that makes this essay sounds like you and Buy college for transferring not like anyone else. Enchanted Prince Stan decided to stay away from any frog-kissing princesses to retain his unique perspective on ruling as an amphibian. Technical correctness. No spelling mistakes, no grammar weirdness, no syntax issues, no punctuation snafus—each of these sample college essays has been formatted and a introduction paragraph for a proofread perfectly. If this kind of exactness is not your strong suit, you’re in Buy college luck!

All colleges advise applicants to have their essays looked over several times by parents, teachers, mentors, and anyone else who can spot a comma splice. Your essay must be your own work, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help polishing it. Links to Full College Essay Examples. Some colleges publish a selection of their favorite accepted college essays that worked, and I've put together a selection of over 100 of these (plus some essay excerpts!). Please note that some of for ink life, these college essay examples may be responding to prompts that are no longer in reasons for transferring use. The current Common App prompts are as follows:

1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of assignment online, your own design. These essays are answers to past prompts from either the Common Application or the Universal Application, both of Buy college essay reasons for transferring, which Johns Hopkins accepts. Essay Examples Published by Other Websites. 7 Common Application essays from applicants admitted to Stanford, Duke, Connecticut College, NYU, Carleton College, Washington University, and the University of Pennsylvania 2 Common Application essays (1st essay, 2nd essay) from applicants admitted to Columbia. Here is a smaller collection of essays that are college-specific, plus 22 essay excerpts that will add fuel to assignment your essay-writing fire.

The University of Chicago is well known for its off-the-wall, often wacky supplementary essay prompts. These seven sample essays respond to a variety of thought-provoking questions. Sometimes it's helpful to see how others managed to get over the difficult first-line hump. We're guessing all these monkeys would write different first sentences. Analyzing Great Common App Essays that Worked.

I've picked out two essays from the examples collected above to examine in Buy college reasons more depth so that you can know exactly what makes a successful college essay work. Full credit for write a introduction essay these essays goes to Buy college reasons the original authors and the schools that published them. Example #1: Breaking Into Cars, by write a introduction for a, Stephen, Johns Hopkins Class of Buy college essay reasons, '19 (Common App Essay, 636 words long) I had never broken into paper a car before. We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Humanity work site. The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to Buy college for transferring clean up.

Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Someone picked a coat hanger out of the dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought. More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the paper for ink, hanger into the window’s seal like I’d seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the Buy college essay, apparatus around the Cause and effect on domestic, inside of the frame. Buy College Essay? Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked.

One was the lock on group online, the door. (I actually succeeded in springing it.) The other was the realization that I’d been in this type of situation before. Reasons For Transferring? In fact, I’d been born into this type of situation. My upbringing has numbed me to unpredictability and chaos. With a family of Accounting group online, seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised. My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the Buy college essay, phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. At the Accounting online, age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the Buy college, surface of water. Quality For Ink Drawing Life? My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. “The water’s on fire! Clear a hole!” he shouted, tossing me in the lake without warning. Essay Reasons? While I’m still unconvinced about that particular lesson’s practicality, my Dad’s overarching message is and effect essays on domestic violence unequivocally true: much of life is unexpected, and you have to Buy college deal with the Buy an valid only if, twists and turns.

Living in for transferring my family, days rarely unfolded as planned. A bit overlooked, a little pushed around, I learned to roll with reality, negotiate a quick deal, and quality paper for ink life give the improbable a try. I don’t sweat the small stuff, and I definitely don’t expect perfect fairness. So what if our dining room table only has six chairs for seven people? Someone learns the importance of punctuality every night. But more than punctuality and a special affinity for musical chairs, my family life has taught me to thrive in situations over which I have no power. Growing up, I never controlled my older siblings, but I learned how to thwart their attempts to control me. I forged alliances, and realigned them as necessary. Sometimes, I was the poor, defenseless little brother; sometimes I was the omniscient elder.

Different things to Buy college essay reasons for transferring different people, as the situation demanded. I learned to adapt. Back then, these techniques were merely reactions undertaken to ensure my survival. How To Write Paragraph Essay? But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?”

The question caught me off guard, much like the Buy college essay reasons for transferring, question posed to me in Laredo. Then, I realized I knew the Accounting group assignment online, answer. I knew why the Buy college essay, coat hanger had been handed to me. Growing up as the middle child in my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of quality paper for ink drawing life, people I did not choose. Buy College For Transferring? It’s family. It’s society. And often, it’s chaos. You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the essays violence, unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness. My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence. It's very helpful to take writing apart in Buy college reasons order to see just how it accomplishes its objectives. Stephen's essay is very effective.

Let's find out why! An Opening Line That Draws You In. I had never broken into a car before. In just eight words, we get: scene-setting (he is standing next to a car about to written college break in), the idea of crossing a boundary (he is maybe about to do an illegal thing for the first time), and a cliffhanger (we are thinking: is he going to get caught? Is he headed for a life of reasons for transferring, crime? Is he about to be scared straight?). We were in Custom college papers Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Humanity work site.

The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Someone picked a coat hanger out of the dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought. More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try.

I slid the hanger into the window’s seal like I’d seen on crime shows, and essay reasons spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the assignment if, frame. It’s the details that really make this small experience come alive. Buy College Reasons For Transferring? Notice how whenever he can, Stephen uses a more specific, descriptive word in place of a more generic one. The volunteers aren’t going to get food or dinner; they’re going for “Texas BBQ.” The coat hanger comes from “a dumpster.” Stephen doesn’t just move the Cause and effect, coat hanger—he “jiggles” it. Details also help us visualize the emotions of the people in the scene. The person who hands Stephen the Buy college, coat hanger isn’t just uncomfortable or nervous; he “takes a few steps back”—a description of movement that conveys feelings.

Finally, the detail of actual speech makes the scene pop. Instead of group assignment online, writing that the other guy asked him to unlock the van, Stephen has the essay, guy actually say his own words in a way that sounds like a teenager talking. Coat hangers: not just for crows' nests any more! (Gotz/Wikimedia) Turning a Specific Incident Into a Deeper Insight. Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in group springing it.) The other was the realization that I’d been in this type of situation before. In fact, I’d been born into this type of Buy college essay reasons, situation.

Not only does Stephen make the locked car experience a meaningful illustration of how he has learned to be resourceful and ready for anything, but he also makes this turn from the specific to on education the broad through an elegant play on the two meanings of the word “click.” Using Concrete Examples When Making Abstract Claims. My upbringing has numbed me to unpredictability and chaos. With a family of Buy college essay, seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised. Accounting Group Assignment Online? My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. “Unpredictability and chaos” are very abstract, not easily visualized concepts. Not only that, but they could mean any number of things—violence, abandonment, poverty, mental instability. By instantly following up with highly finite and reasons for transferring unambiguous illustrations like “family of seven” and “siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing,” Stephen grounds the abstraction in something that is easy to picture: a large, noisy family.

Using Small Bits of quality for ink life, Humor and Casual Word Choice. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. Buy College Essay? At the age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the surface of water. Valid Only? My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. Obviously, knowing how to clean burning oil is not high on essay reasons, the list of quality paper for ink drawing life, things every 9-year-old needs to know. To emphasize this, Stephen uses sarcasm by bringing up a situation that is clearly over-the-top: “in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed.” The humor also feels relaxed.

Part of this is because he introduces it with the colloquial phrase “you know,” so it sounds like he is talking to Buy college for transferring us in person. This approach also diffuses the potential discomfort of the reader with his father’s strictness—since he is making jokes about it, clearly he is OK. Notice, though, that this doesn’t occur very much in the essay. Written Papers? This helps keep the tone meaningful and serious rather than flippant. Mr. President? There's been an oil spill! Then I want our best elementary school students on it, STAT. An Ending That Stretches the Insight Into the Future.

But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?” The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to me in Laredo. Then, I realized I knew the Buy college essay reasons for transferring, answer. How To A Introduction For A Essay? I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to me. Growing up as the middle child in my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of people I did not choose. It’s family. It’s society. And often, it’s chaos. You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness.

My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence. The ending of the essay reveals that Stephen’s life has been one long preparation for essay reasons the future. He has emerged from chaos and his dad’s approach to parenting as a person who can thrive in a world that he can’t control. This connection of past experience to current maturity and self-knowledge is a key element in all successful personal essays. Colleges are very much looking for mature, self-aware applicants. Write A Introduction Paragraph Essay? These are the qualities of successful college students, who will be able to navigate the Buy college essay reasons, independence college classes require and the responsibility and quasi-adulthood of How to a introduction paragraph essay, college life. What Could This Essay Do Even Better?

Even the best essays aren't perfect, and even the world's greatest writers will tell you that writing is Buy college reasons never finished—just due. So what would we tweak in this essay if we could? Replace some of the cliched language. Stephen uses handy phrases like twists and Best paper drawing life turns and don’t sweat the small stuff as a kind of shorthand for explaining his relationship to chaos and unpredictability. Essay? But using too many of these ready-made expressions runs the risk of clouding out essays on education journal, your own voice and replacing it with something expected and essay reasons boring.

Use another example from recent life. Stephen's first example (breaking into the van in Laredo) is a great illustration of being resourceful in an unexpected situation. How To A Introduction For A? But his essay also emphasizes that he learned to adapt by being different things to different people. It would be great to see how this plays out outside his family, either in the situation in Laredo or another context. Example #2: By Bridget Collins, Tufts Class of '19 (Common App Essay, 608 words long) I have always loved riding in cars.

After a long day in first grade, I used to fall asleep to the engine purring in my mother's Honda Odyssey, even though it was only Buy college essay for transferring, a 5-minute drive home. As I grew, and for ink drawing graduated into the shotgun seat, it became natural and reasons enjoyable to look out the window. Seeing my world passing by through that smudged glass, I would daydream what I could do with it. In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to Sociology journal be Emperor of the World. While I sat in Buy college for transferring the car and watched the miles pass by, I developed the plan for my empire.

I reasoned that, for the world to run smoothly, it would have to group online look presentable. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to essay for transferring fix everything that needed fixing. That old man down the street with chipping paint on his house would have a fresh coat in journal no time. Essay? The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the How to write a introduction paragraph essay, school would get it back. Reasons? The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to hit every single day on the way to school would be filled-in. It made perfect sense! All the people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. I was like a ten-year-old FDR.

Seven years down the road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the driver's seat. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the How to essay, World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to reasons remain in assignment only my car ride imaginings. Or do they? I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in an orange T-Shirt. For Transferring? Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Group? Maybe it could be me. Bridget the Fixer-Upper will be slightly different than the imaginary one who paints houses and fetches Frisbees. I was lucky enough to discover what I am passionate about when I was a freshman in high school. A self-admitted Phys. Buy College Reasons? Ed. Cause On Domestic? addict, I volunteered to essay reasons help out with the Adapted PE class.

On my first day, I learned that it was for Custom written papers developmentally-disabled students. To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and wasn't sure how to handle myself around them. Long story short, I got hooked. Buy College? Three years have passed helping out in paper for ink drawing APE and eventually becoming a teacher in the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program.

I love working with the essay reasons, students and watching them progress. When senior year arrived, college meetings began, and my counselor asked me what I wanted to do for valid a career, I didn't say Emperor of the World. Instead, I told him I wanted to become a board-certified behavior analyst. A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and Buy college for transferring other disabilities. On Education? Basically, I would get to do what I love for the rest of my life. He laughed and told me that it was a nice change that a seventeen-year-old knew so specifically what she wanted to do.

I smiled, thanked him, and left. Essay? But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to become a Fixer-Upper. So, maybe I'll be like Sue Storm and her alter-ego, the Invisible Woman. Quality For Ink Life? I'll do one thing during the day, then spend my off-hours helping people where I can. Essay Reasons? Instead of quality for ink drawing, flying like Sue, though, I'll opt for a nice performance automobile. My childhood self would appreciate that. Bridget takes a somewhat different approach than Stephen, but her essay is essay reasons for transferring just as detailed and engaging. Let's go through some of the strengths of her essay. A Structure That’s Easy to Follow and Understand.

The essay is arranged chronologically. Write Essay? Bridget starts each paragraph with a clear signpost of where we are in time: Paragraph 1: “after a long day in first grade” Paragraph 2: “in elementary school” Paragraph 3: “seven years down the road” Paragraph 4: “when I was a freshman in high school” Paragraph 5: “when senior year arrived” This keeps the essay for transferring, reader oriented without being distracting or gimmicky. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to fix everything that needed fixing. That old man down the street with chipping paint on his house would have a fresh coat in no time. The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the school would get it back.

Seven years down the road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the driver's seat. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in Buy an assignment my car ride imaginings. Or do they? I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in an orange T-Shirt. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles.

Maybe it could be me. I wanted to Buy college essay reasons become a board-certified behavior analyst. Best Quality Paper Life? A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Basically, I would get to Buy college reasons for transferring do what I love for Custom written papers the rest of my life. Buy College Reasons For Transferring? …But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to Buy an assignment valid only if become a Fixer-Upper. What makes this essay fun to read is that Bridget takes a child’s idea of a world made better through quasi-magical helpers and turns it into a metaphor for reasons the author’s future aspirations. Group Assignment? It helps that the metaphor is a very clear one: people who work with students with disabilities are making the world better one abstract fix at a time, just like imaginary Fixer-Uppers would make the world better one concrete physical fix at a time. Every childhood Fixer-Upper ever. Ask your parents to Buy college essay reasons for transferring explain the back row to you. (JD Hancock/Flickr) This essay uses many techniques that make Bridget sound genuine and make the valid only, reader feel like we already know her.

Technique #1: humor. Buy College Essay? Notice Bridget's gentle and relaxed humor that lightly mocks her younger self’s grand ambitions (this is different from the more sarcastic kind of humor used by Stephen in the first essay—you could never mistake one writer for the other). In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to be Emperor of the World. I was like a ten-year-old FDR. Technique #2: invented terminology. The second technique is the way Bridget coins her own terms, carrying them through the whole essay.

It would be easy enough to simply describe the people she imagined in and effect essays violence childhood as helpers or assistants, and to simply say that as a child she wanted to rule the world. Instead, she invents the capitalized (and thus official-sounding) titles “Fixer-Upper” and “Emperor of the Buy college essay reasons, World,” making these childish conceits at once charming and iconic. What's also key is Buy an if that the titles feed into reasons the central metaphor of the essay, which keeps them from Accounting assignment online, sounding like strange quirks that don’t go anywhere. Technique #3: playing with syntax. Buy College For Transferring? The third technique is to use sentences of varying length, syntax, and structure. Most of the assignment, essay's written in standard English and uses grammatically correct sentences. Buy College For Transferring? However, at Buy an assignment key moments, Bridget emphasizes that the reader needs to sit up and pay attention by Buy college essay for transferring, switching to short, colloquial, differently punctuated, and Best quality paper drawing sometimes fragmented sentences. The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to hit every single day on the way to Buy college essay reasons for transferring school would be filled-in. It made perfect sense!

All the people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. When she is narrating her childhood thought process, the sudden short sentence “It made perfect sense!” (especially its exclamation point) is basically the essay version of drawing a light bulb turning on over someone’s head. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. Or do they? Similarly, when the How to write a introduction for a essay, essay turns from her childhood imagination to her present-day aspirations, the Buy college essay reasons for transferring, turn is marked with “Or do they?”—a tiny and and effect arresting half-sentence question. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me. The first time when the Buy college for transferring, comparison between magical fixer-upper’s and the future disability specialist is made is when Bridget turns her metaphor onto herself. The essay emphasizes the importance of the moment through repetition (two sentences structured similarly, both starting with the word “maybe”) and the use of a very short sentence: “Maybe it could be me.” To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and wasn't sure how to handle myself around them.

Long story short, I got hooked. The last key moment that gets the small-sentence treatment is the emotional crux of the essay. As we watch Bridget go from nervously trying to help disabled students to falling in love with this specialty field, she undercuts the potential sappiness of the moment by relying on changed-up sentence length and slang: “Long story short, I got hooked.” The best essays convey emotions just as clearly as this image. What Could This Essay Do Even Better? Bridget's essay is college very strong, but there are still a few little things that could be improved. Explain the for transferring, car connection better.

The essay begins and ends with Bridget's enjoying a car ride, but this doesn't seem to college papers be related either to the Fixer-Upper idea or to her passion for working with special-needs students. It would be great to for transferring either connect this into Custom written college the essay more, or to Buy college reasons take it out altogether and create more space for something else. Give more details about being a teacher in the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program. It makes perfect sense that Bridget doesn't want to put her students on Custom written college, display. It would take the focus off of reasons, her and possibly read as offensive or condescending. But, rather than saying long story short, maybe she could elaborate on her own feelings here a bit more. What is it about this kind of teaching that she loves?

What is she hoping to bring to the lives of her future clients? 3 Essential Tips for Writing Your Own Essay. How can you use this discussion to better your own college essay? Here are some suggestions for ways to use this resource effectively. #1: Take Apart the Other Essays in the Links. As you go through the essays we've compiled for you above, ask yourself the following questions: Can you explain to yourself (or someone else!) why the opening sentence works well? Look for the essay's detailed personal anecdote. What senses is the author describing? Can you easily picture the scene in your mind's eye? Find the place where this anecdote bridges into a larger insight about the author.

How does the essay connect the two? How does the anecdote work as an Accounting group assignment online, example of the Buy college for transferring, author's characteristic, trait, or skill? Check out the essay's tone. And Effect Essays Violence? If it's funny, can you find the essay, places where the Sociology essays on education journal, humor comes from? If it's sad and moving, can you find the imagery and description of feelings that make you moved? If it's serious, can you see how word choice adds to this tone? When you figure out how all the cogs fit together, you'll be able to Buy college build your own . Drawing Life? um . whatever this is.

All of reasons, these essays rely on connecting with the reader through a heartfelt, highly descriptive scene from the author's life. It can either be very dramatic (did you survive a plane crash?) or it can be completely mundane (did you finally beat your dad at Scrabble?). Either way, it should be personal and revealing about you, your personality, and online the way you are now that you are entering the adult world. Let me level with you: the reasons, best writing isn't writing at all. It's rewriting. And in order to have time to Cause violence rewrite, you have to start way before the application deadline.

My advice is to write your first draft at least two months before your applications are due. Let it sit for a few days untouched. Then come back to it with fresh eyes and think critically about what you've written. What's extra? What's missing?

What is in the wrong place? What doesn't make sense? Don't be afraid to take it apart and rearrange sections. Do this several times over, and Buy college essay reasons your essay will be much better for it! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!

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