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How to Write Better Essays: 6 Practical Tips. The best students enjoy writing essays because they’re a chance to shine; they’re an interesting intellectual exercise in which the writer must craft thoughtful arguments on complex topics within the confines of a prescribed and often restrictive word count. For many such students, each essay brings with it the challenge of making it that little bit better than the last one. The problem is that when you write essays regularly, it’s easy to geography bateman, get stuck in a rut of repeating the same formula each time particularly when you already receive good feedback from the writing night before teachers who read them. So how do you take your essays to the next level and go from Ap human bateman great to brilliant?

Here are some practical tips and techniques that will help you write consistently impressive essays. Offer to share your essays with other people and they may return the favour. Even better: start a study group. Just as the books you read subconsciously help mould your own writing style, so reading other people’s essays can help you develop and build on your own essay-writing style. Try to read a range of Research sale kitchener other essays, including those of your peers and of academics. Read essays on a wide variety of subjects, not necessarily just those that you’re studying; different disciplines might apply different kinds of arguments or styles, so the Ap human help wider you read, the more possible techniques there are for you to pick up and use in essays of your own. As you read other people’s essays, don’t just take them at sale, face value. Be critical: what do you like about them? What don’t you like about them? How persuasive do you think they are?

Is the argument a balanced one, with points adequately supported with evidence? Has the Ap human geography writer used any techniques you’ve not seen before? Another good source of essays is the broadsheet newspapers. Read the opinion pieces and 123 essay change dissect how the writer has supported their points with evidence, and again, be critical; note where they#8217;ve left things out to try to persuade you to a particular opinion. Essays should be balanced, so you can learn from the Ap human geography best of these writers and pick up some techniques to thesis for abortion, help you shape a balanced piece. 2. Build your vocabulary and use it properly. Make use of dictionaries and thesauri. A good vocabulary will allow you to express exactly what you mean, as clearly and geography bateman concisely as possible.

Economy with words is a characteristic of all good essays, because readers (and essay-markers) don’t like having their time wasted with long, rambling points that could have been expressed in half the number of words. Change! One way of ensuring that you can communicate clearly and to the point is through accurate and effective use of advanced vocabulary. A good essay writer should never rest on their laurels when it comes to vocabulary; it’s something you should be working on continually, as there are always new words to learn that could help convey a point more effectively. Help! What’s more, deploying a good vocabulary displays intelligence and allows you to be more persuasive in thesis statement for abortion your essay-writing. Here are some ways in which you can build your vocabulary: Subscribe to a #8216;word a day#8217; email (such as this one from Ap human help bateman Merriam-Webster). Create a folder in your email account for new word emails, so that you can file each email away and have them all in Buy homework accounting one place ready to Ap human geography, flick through and learn from in an idle moment. Type! Read widely, and refer to a dictionary for Ap human geography help, words you don#8217;t know as you go along; this way, you’ll learn the new word as well as seeing it in context so you know how to use it properly. Read different genres of fiction, and non-fiction covering a range of topics, and you’ll have the Language 123 essay change added bonus of Ap human geography help bateman widening your general knowledge as well as your vocabulary. Use a thesaurus if you find yourself using the Research same words over and over again, add variety to your language by looking up those words in a thesaurus and finding other words that mean the Ap human help same thing.

A word of warning: words you find in Strong thesis statement a thesaurus can’t always be used interchangeably; even words with similar meanings can differ subtly in a way that makes them inappropriate in certain contexts, so find examples of a word used correctly before you use a new word for the first time. Geography Help! Learn prefixes, suffixes and roots it sounds boring, but this shortcut will help you learn a great many more words. Many roots come from Latin and Greek words, such as “bene” in Latin, meaning “good”, which gives rise to words such as “benefactor”, “benevolent” and “benefit”. It#8217;s often possible to deduce the meaning of a new word if you know its root and read it in context. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning, such as “semi” or “ante”, while suffixes are added to the end, such as “-able” or “-ance”. Start a vocabulary book you probably have one if you’re learning a foreign language, so why not have one for your native language as well? Buy yourself a nice notepad and use it to collect new words and their meanings.

The act of paper kitchener writing down the definition will help you remember it, and Ap human help you could include an example of how the word is used to assignment, increase your chances of Ap human geography bateman memorising it for use in Difficulties essay essays. It may help to have different sections for Ap human geography help bateman, words on particular themes; you could have a general section, and papers then further parts of the notebook could be dedicated to words of help bateman use in history essays, science essays and so on. The aim of improving your vocabulary is to increase precision and reduce waffle. Essay! Put the new words you’ve learned to good use right away, perhaps setting yourself the challenge of Ap human geography help including a minimum number of new ones in each essay you write. Sql Database Xml Data! This will help consolidate your knowledge at the same time as impressing the reader. One important thing to remember, though: don’t use big words just for the sake of Ap human geography help bateman it. Using a long, obscure word when a simpler one would suffice risks making you sound pompous, which may have the opposite effect to the one intended.

What’s more, be wary of Language 123 essay adding words for the sake of it; cut the geography waffle by reviewing each sentence and removing any words or sentences that don’t add anything to what you’re saying. Ultimately, your goal should be to make your writing as clear and Language easy-to-understand as possible, so that it is a pleasure to geography bateman, read. 3. Words to help develop an argument. Part of sounding intelligent in an essay is not repeating yourself; as you’re writing, focus on Strong statement for abortion, using language effectively to help build an geography help bateman argument and create a sense of structure. Strong Statement! To that end, avoid using the same words every time; many people overuse the word “also”, for example. Geography Help! Vary your language, and use words such as “moreover”, “furthermore” and 123 essay “however”. Such words help develop your argument and make the geography help bateman reader feel they are being guided through the problems on papers, a sort of geography help bateman ‘journey’ to your conclusion.

Would you be able to summarise your essay between floors? We’ve probably all had it hammered into us that we should write an essay plan before we start writing, but before you even do that, you need to know what the assignment argument you’re going to make actually is. Only then can you start writing the structure for an essay that builds up to your overall conclusion. To condense what you’re trying to say into a short, snappy summary for Ap human, you to work from, try making an Language change ‘Elevator Pitch’ style summary of what you intend to write and why readers should be interested in it. The Elevator Pitch is a technique used by salespeople when condensing the Ap human arguments for buying a product into the shortest possible summary of why a customer should consider a purchase.

The salesperson is told to imagine themselves in a lift; in the time it takes for that lift to writing essay before, reach the desired floor, they should have given a compelling argument in favour of that product that would result in the customer buying it, or at least wanting to know more. Your Elevator Pitch for Ap human bateman, your essay should sell the idea of it to a reader, leaving them wanting to read the essay in question. This is quite a tough exercise, as it forces you to be ruthlessly concise in your thinking and choice of words; but you can use this summary to my papers papers toronto, help you write your introduction, and geography help it’ll help you achieve clarity in what you’re trying to say. 5. Sql Database! Tell the reader what other people say. Be aware of who the foremost writers on a subject are, even if you decide not to reference them. For instance, anyone studying Beowulf should be aware of JRR Tolkien’s essay, ‘The Monsters and the Critics.’ We’ve mentioned this on a previous article on essay writing, but it seems pertinent to mention it here too. Essays are a chance for Ap human bateman, you to show off how widely read you are, so make sure you quote other people’s opinions, and original sources, on what you’re writing about. For example, if you were to Research paper sale kitchener, write a history essay on early religious practices in Britain, you could quote original texts on that topic (such as Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People ) and also mention what a range of Ap human bateman modern scholars have to xml data, say about the geography topic.

Contrasting views should be sought; it’s unlikely that everyone agrees on the topic, so show you’ve looked at Difficulties, all the possible angles. Ap Human Geography Help Bateman! For each of the paper kitchener subjects you’re studying, start a page in Ap human bateman a notebook for important people in that field, with a summary of when they lived and writing essay before what their views are. That way, you’ll have something to refer to when you’re writing an essay and Ap human help want to consult appropriate scholars or other writers whose opinions you might wish to include. Don’t quote too much; mix citations with your own opinions so that it doesn’t look as though you have to hide behind other people’s words. It’s fine to disagree with a scholar you quote, provided you can give evidence and reasoning for doing so. Buy Homework Papers Accounting! This shows that you have thought about Ap human geography, it and made your own mind up, rather than blindly accepting what that scholar has said; this demonstrates strong critical reasoning skills, one of the hallmarks of brilliant students.

6. Strong For Abortion! Syntax, punctuation and tone of voice. Be honest: do you find your tone of geography help voice interesting? You may not consciously realise it when you’re reading, but sophisticated sentence structures make the world of difference to how intelligent you sound. As we’ve already said, the most important consideration when you’re writing is making yourself easy for readers to understand; but you can still do this and utilise a range of interesting syntax at the same time. Employ a variety of sentence structures, long and short, but don’t let your sentences become too long and Buy homework papers accounting rambling, or they become difficult to read. Effective punctuation is Ap human geography bateman vital in conveying your arguments persuasively; the last thing a teacher or lecturer wants to read is an essay riddled with poor grammar. What’s more, the reader shouldn’t have to assignment, read a sentence more than once to understand it. You probably already have a tone of Ap human geography voice you use for writing essays, but is it interesting and engaging?

Read through some of your old essays and ask yourself honestly whether you find them absorbing. If they’re not, it could well be because you’ve not established the Language 123 essay right tone of voice. Bateman! Essays constitute a formal, academic context, but that doesn’t mean you have to be boring. A confident tone of voice will help show the Write writing reader that you know what you’re talking about and bateman reassure them that they’re in Research safe hands. Writing in the active rather than the passive voice is a well-known trick of the trade that writers use to Ap human geography, give their writing a sense of immediacy and make it more compelling; you too can deploy this technique in your essays by steering clear of the passive voice (for example, rather than writing “Much work is being done to#8230;”, say “Scholars are putting a great deal of xml data effort into…”).

Over the course of an Ap human geography help entire essay, you’d be surprised what a difference this makes to your tone. Research! We hope you’ve found these tips and techniques useful and that they help you take your essay-writing to new heights. Ap Human Help! If you have any tips you’d like to Difficulties writing essay night, share with us, do let us know by leaving a comment below! 161 Responses to geography, #8220;How to Write Better Essays: 6 Practical Tips#8221; June 10, 2014 at 4:16 pm, Jedi Santos said: Thanks for the tips!I#8217;m looking forward for more! #128578; October 15, 2014 at 6:22 am, preeti said: October 23, 2014 at 4:26 pm, Rosanna said: I am so bad in my English essays, and speech. My teacher thinks I#8217;m stupid and now i don#8217;t know what to do. October 23, 2014 at 4:42 pm, ORA Admin said: We#8217;ve published many articles on how to improve your essay-writing. Accounting! You might be interested in these: There are more in Ap human geography help our extensive archive. Don#8217;t lose heart; if you can figure out a good new approach to take, you#8217;ll be able to change your teacher#8217;s mind yet.

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Book of Life What is Difficulties writing before, life ? Some consider it just to be a living, breathing and moving organism. Others make . life out to be a gift that humans can wake up happy every morning to Ap human geography help bateman, loved ones without any worries. With all kinds of different life styles how do people really know the right way to live life ? People learn to overcome obstacles that life contains thanks to different cultures, religions and Sql database assignment, more. Society learns from the pasts mistakes in order to get by in life . It is the life lessons. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Life , Love 1195 Words | 3 Pages. It’s summer time in the 1960s in this small town located near Boston. The beach is help bateman, near, the assignment xml data type days are hot, and life is boring for a nineteen . year old grocery clerk named Sammy. Sammy is a lost and Ap human bateman, lonely young man, who spent the majority of his work day scrutinizing each and every customer that walked through the door.

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They think that you need to be married to Difficulties writing essay, achieve ultimate happiness. So, what are the differences between being married and being . Geography Help. single? The three most popular arguments between a married life and a single life are freedom, social life and finance. Let’s start with the first difference: freedom, since it is the first thing you give up when you marry to someone. Coming along with marriage is responsibilities, it means that you have to assignment type, take care. Marriage , Philosophy of Ap human geography help bateman love , Single person 774 Words | 4 Pages. Find The Purpose Of Life “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to Sql database assignment, . have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson What is the point of having a TV with no cable? What is the point of living life , if it has no purpose? In order to geography help, make life worthwhile and to get the thesis statement most of it you have to give it purpose. But what is the purpose of Ap human geography bateman life ? The purpose of each individual’s life may be different, but.

2006 singles , 2009 albums , Debut albums 1841 Words | 4 Pages. values that people have and they all tend to have different opinions on them. Papers Accounting. I feel that having values in life is such an important thing. Ap Human. I . Sql Database Xml Data Type. believe that having values, beliefs, and principles in life are all tied together in helping face life's challenges and reaching happiness. My top three values I believe in are establishing relationships with others, valuing one's self, and living your life being honset. My personal values start with establishing relationships. Geography Bateman. It is something I truly value. Charlotte Bronte , Happiness , Human 890 Words | 3 Pages. in Life Mystery of Life Life is a wonderful gift of Research paper kitchener God that given to Ap human geography help bateman, us, even life on earth or . in thesis heaven. Life is the source of existence of every living creature. Help. Life is Buy homework papers accounting, almost close to geography bateman, perfect as I have seen it but you cannot deny the fact that life is not perfect.

However, life has its own mystery and night before, mystery is just unknown truth that we do not know yet or perhaps truth that will remain undiscovered forever. It is the domain responsible for man’s curiosity and stupidity. Our life becomes. Afterlife , Christianity , Heaven 1910 Words | 5 Pages. A MONASTIC LIFE History World civilization before 1650 February 25, 2013 1 Monastic Life When one read . the word, “Monastic” the first thing that comes to mind is the word Monk. Help. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Monastic as – adj. 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a monastery. Writing Night Before. Used often of monks and nuns. 2. Resembling life in a monastery in style, structure, or manner, especially: a. Ap Human Geography. Secluded and contemplative. b. Strictly disciplined or regimented. c. Self-abnegating;. Asceticism , Happiness , Monastery 937 Words | 3 Pages.

Being in assignment the Army has huge differences compared to being in the civilian life . Ap Human. There are many differences and there are some things that are . the xml data type same, being in help bateman the Army and being in civilian life . The average day for a US Army Soldier consists of waking up at assignment, 0400 hours in the morning being to first formation; accountability formation by 0630 hours. Then from 0630 to 0730 hours a Soldier will do Physical Readiness training (PRT), wear as the average wake up time for a civilian would be around 0630. Continental Army , Fort Sam Houston , Military 1045 Words | 4 Pages. Running Head: Life in the Military Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: One can live a normal . life , enjoy and learn while in the military just as anyone else. Life in the military needs an Ap human help bateman open approach and my papers statistics writing, understanding on how to cope with the challenges that come with the military operations. Ap Human. Life in the military may sound as if it is delicate and a very involving job.

It is my papers statistics papers toronto, important however to note that as much as the experience may be different. Battle , Family , Husband 1495 Words | 5 Pages. The good life is a condition in which a person will be the most happy. Ap Human Geography. Both Plato and Aristotle see the statement good life as the state in . which a person exhibits total virtue. Plato reasons that a person will exhibit total virtue when his desires have been extinguished, while Aristotle believes the Ap human geography help perfect state will bring forth the Research paper virtue in men.

Plato argues that the good life springs from love because through love, men can rid themselves of desires. That is Ap human geography help, not to say that every loving relationship creates. Ethics , Friendship , Love 1381 Words | 4 Pages. feel as though the life that we lived on Strong thesis for abortion earth was a good and happy one. This seems like the ultimate goal that we strive for every day. . However, the question arises as to Ap human geography bateman, how we can meet this goal by the way that we live our daily lives. Research Paper Sale Kitchener. If you were to ask random people on the street how they live a good and happy life , each person would give you a different answer. This is Ap human bateman, because everyone has a different perspective of Strong thesis statement what is help bateman, important to make this life a good and happy life , and everyone has. Core issues in ethics , Ethics , Good and evil 1445 Words | 4 Pages. ?Steven Andrews Jillian Wenburg Comp 250 April 11th, 2013 “Greek Life is essay night before, Beneficial for bateman College” Fraternities or “Greek . Life ” can be traced back to the east coast when the original 13 colonies were established. Buy Homework Papers. “The first fraternity, “Phi Beta Kappa,” was founded at the College of William and Ap human help bateman, Mary, December 5, 1776; it’s the second oldest college in writing before America (Web. Alford.).” Since fraternities were initiated, all fraternities were secret societies.

The members of the bateman societies were protected. Fraternal and service organizations , Fraternities and sororities , Fraternity 1935 Words | 8 Pages. To Save a Life Life is precious. It is an amazing phenomenon that has made this planet one-of-a-kind in Buy homework papers the entire . galaxy (at least so far as our knowledge goes at present). Geography Help Bateman. Abortion is strongly criticized by those with strong religious beliefs as they believe that life is a blessing from night God. Ap Human Geography Help. Any attempt to thesis for abortion, destroy or modify a life is seen as meddling with the powers of the Ap human geography help Almighty.

As an advocate of pro- life , such arguments are strengthened by stating that a life begins at conception. Abortion , Abortion debate , Human rights 1408 Words | 4 Pages. Analytical Essay 4/11/12 Dance of Life The painting “Dance of statement Life ”, created by Edvard Munch in 1900, is a painting that . portrays people in different stages of life . It portrays two women who seem sad, a third woman who seems happy, and geography help, a bunch of accounting other women dancing with men. Ap Human Help Bateman. The painting implies that life is difficult and my papers statistics papers service, that it can be depressing at times, but that it always goes on. The arrangement of the women in a half circle represents the phases of life . The women on the end of the half. American films , Circle , Dance 1226 Words | 3 Pages. Life is a Gift Life is Ap human bateman, a gift. It is an paper sale kitchener honor; a spark; an excitement. We all have a world of our own. A wise author, Albert . Camus, once stated, “you will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.

You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life ” (Albert Camus). Life is about living to your fullest abilities; why waste our time looking for geography help the meaning of each breath we take? Each person is a part of life . Each life has a world of its own. Research Kitchener. I believe. Anxiety , Existentialism , Life 1437 Words | 4 Pages. They are generally cut off from the cities and have a different kind of Ap human life . Research Paper Sale. Village life has its own charms. Cowper says, . “God made the country and man made the town.” Villagers live very close to nature. It is in the country that nature reveals all her beauties to man. Natural beauty of the village has been a source of inspiration for poets, philosophers and Ap human help, artists.

The villagers pass a healthy and peaceful life . There is no smoke and noise of the city factories. The sounds of writing essay night scooters. City , Rural , Rural area 861 Words | 3 Pages. The Meaning of Life The meaning of Ap human help life , defined by Write my papers writing service toronto Victor E. Frankl, is the will to find your meaning in life . . It is not the meaning of life in geography help bateman general, but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment. He believes that if you are approached with the question of Strong what is the meaning of my life or in this case, life is Ap human, meaningless, then you should reverse the question to that person asking the question. For example: What are you bringing to me?

What are you as an individual. Alfred Adler , Existentialism , Life 1439 Words | 4 Pages. Jermaine Smith Period 7 The True Meaning of Life What is the meaning of life ? Well known Greek philosphers such as . Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in Strong thesis this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for Ap human geography bateman the next life . Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life . After giving these ideas lots of Strong statement for abortion thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex than either of these; far too complex for any human. Human , Intrinsic value , Life 1401 Words | 4 Pages. For every role that is Ap human, performed in one's life , the antithesis of that role also is performed. As I examine my many roles that I play in . life , I realize that the majority of my time spent on this planet has been filled with learning. We all are eternal students, I guess you could say; this would at least be true in an ideal world. And for every individual whom consumes his or herself with being a student, that person also is a teacher. Too often the definition of teaching gets associated with. Education , History of education , Learning 1755 Words | 4 Pages.

Delilah Johnson: An Imitated Life Imitation of Life can indubitably be considered one of the Research paper sale kitchener most moving and influential . films ever produced in American cinema history. Based on Ap human geography help bateman the 1933 novel by Fannie Hurst, the movie is directed by John Stahl and stars actresses Claudette Colbert and Research kitchener, Louise Beavers; it depicts the help story of two widows, one black and one white, who meet, become friends, and Research paper kitchener, work together to help bateman, obtain their piece of the American dream for their daughters and themselves (Flitterman-Lewis. BEA Systems , Black people , Race 2123 Words | 5 Pages. Comparisons Between Catcher in the Rye and Igby Goes Down The Catcher in the Rye and Igby goes Down are texts of . Bildungsroman. Throughout the to texts we are shown the type elements of conformity, societal expectations and most prominently belonging.

In both texts the protagonists: Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye and Ap human geography bateman, Igby Slocumb in Igby Goes Down are portrayed as anti-heroes. Sql Database Assignment. These two characters share so many similarities that they can be perceived as the help same person. Both protagonists. Amanda Peet , English-language films , Family 1024 Words | 3 Pages. The Value of Life The value of human life is still a mystery and we as a society is Language, still trying to figure it out. Bateman. . Xml Data Type. During early times, life was not valued at all; people were being turned into slaves and treated like nothing. In today’s world many would base the value of geography help bateman life by our achievements, one’s past, or the salary one receives. This shouldn’t be the way we value one’s life . We as a society cannot assign a value on ones life . In today’s society, it can be said that we. Death , Human , Life 1014 Words | 3 Pages. Life Stages Team B Jodie Burt, Karen Gutierrez, Tracy Flathers, and Patrick Allen BSHS/342 March 25, 2011 Meredith Sharp . Writing Essay. Abstract The meaning of LIFE is philosophical question concerning many people, it has been the study and the subject for many decades between researchers and scientist causing different beliefs and controversial opinions just to be theories.

The meaning of geography help bateman LIFE goes from scientific to religious views and everyone's perspective views are different. Xml Data. Some. Ageing , Death , Fear 1940 Words | 5 Pages. The Meaning of Life “The Meaning of Life ” is an excerpt from Richard Taylor’s book Good and Evil: A New Direction, with this . book Mr. Taylor was thought to have adopted a radical subjectivist view of ethics. In this excerpt he explains why existence and life is Ap human help bateman, meaningless and he sheds light into the meaning of writing life . Throughout his explanations Richard uses an example from an ancient Greek myth. Bateman. The myth is about Sisyphus a Greek man who offended the gods and was sentenced to roll a large stone. Absurdism , Human , Life 1259 Words | 4 Pages. Life Span Mc Kel Dean PSY 375 May 9 2011 Linda O’Connor Life Span One of the 123 essay most important things of human development . is help bateman, understanding change. Darwin’s need to assignment type, understand evolution gave light to the study of Ap human geography help bateman lifespan development.

Life span can easily be defined as a period of time starting with conception and ending with death. Strong Statement. Coming up with a definition of lifespan development and describing the characteristics of lifespan perspective all starts with understanding that changes occur. Adolescence , Behavior , Biology 938 Words | 3 Pages. Jane Doe 11/28/12 Alissa M. Ap Human Geography. Ramos Philosophy of writing night before Life In the process of growing up, I have learned that there are an infinite ways to look . at how you want to geography help, live life and how others live it. When I was young I allowed for thesis my parents to control and greatly influence my beliefs and throughout the geography help years I even allowed my friends to do so as well. Now that I am older I have very different views of Buy homework papers life and am only Ap human geography help bateman influenced by one source. I’m sure that just like me others around the xml data world also.

2004 albums , 2008 singles , Free will 1093 Words | 3 Pages. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out. Zuzeth Palomares Goldman AP Lang per 1 30 January 2013 There Is a Light That Never Goes Out. Life is Ap human geography bateman, compared to thesis statement, a . rollercoaster. It has the geography bateman moments of Write my papers writing altitude, where we feel as invincible as could be, but there are also the Ap human moments of decline, where the Write my papers statistics papers writing toronto tension and Ap human, the absolute point of breakage are on the rise. The moment at Write my papers writing, the bottom of the Ap human help pit, of feeling that there is Write my papers statistics writing service toronto, no concrete escape or solution are the moments that create character, fortitude and overall, characteristics and strengths. Absolute , Courage , Drug addiction 828 Words | 3 Pages.

Life can be seen as the defining characteristic that distinguishes living organic creatures from inanimate objects. This significant difference . calls into question many aspects of life , such as: What is the purpose of life ? Does the purpose of life vary between species? Merriam-Webster defines purpose as the reason why something is done, used or exists. Ap Human Geography Bateman. I believe that all humans have a purpose distinguishable from Sql database assignment other creatures. The following paragraphs will look to Ap human, demonstrate how human life is. Brain , Developmental psychology , Human 1492 Words | 4 Pages. Parental Influences in Scout’s Life Who should a child look up to Sql database xml data type, when growing up?

In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the narrator Scout is . a young girl who goes through a series of geography help obstacles in her life to choose whether or not she’s choosing the right path. As life throws obstacles at Scout, she manages to get through them by following suggestions from Write papers writing service her parental influences Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Calpurnia. Although she may cause some problems and geography help, choses the wrong paths, her parental influences. Atticus Finch , Black people , Following 825 Words | 3 Pages. Unreliable Narrator in Life of Pi Life of Pi is my papers writing toronto, told in first person and Ap human geography bateman, because he is the only narrator, readers see what he . does; the problem is, Pi’s reactions and over simplistic method of analyzing events are unrealistic. When readers find the kitchener narrator’s voice to be unrealistic, they question the help book’s validity and in turn the author’s point in creating a character that is papers, untrustworthy. There are many, many examples in the Life of help Pi where Pi forces us to step out of the pages and twist.

First-person narrative , Grammatical person , Narrative 1459 Words | 4 Pages. What is life ? The story of papers a boy meets girl… in rehab. After getting drunk, stealing a car, and crashing into a ditch, . “Mad Dog” Maddie is sent to Spring Meadows, a rehab center to gain control of her life . There she meets her best friend Trish and falls in love with Stewart. But love is never that easy, especially not in rehab. She falls for geography help the right guy at the wrong time. Recovery Road is about Maddie’s struggles to find her identity while also maintaining. Addiction , Alcoholism , Drug abuse 845 Words | 5 Pages. Having Faith Life of Pi explores human experience, society, religion and nature through the eyes of Pi Patel, an Indian boy growing up . in an emerging global society. Thrown into Write papers service, chaos a tragic accident, Pi finds spirituality and the meaning of life through his quest for survival. Amongst extreme adversity, Pi keeps his sanity, refuses to dwell on the depravity of his situation, and looks within himself for guidance. Throughout the book we are reminded of our emerging global society, where.

Canada Reads , Faith , God 913 Words | 3 Pages. ? Life Expectancy April 6, 2015 HCS/551 – Biological and Physiological Aspects of Aging Professor Patricia Harvey . Life Expectancy Life expectancy is Ap human geography bateman, based on many factors from where a person grew up, whether male or female, exposure factors and heredity. Siblings raised in my papers writing the same home will have different life expectancies because exposure factors and heredity will alter their results. Ap Human Help Bateman. There is no real way to Strong thesis statement, determine how long a person will live because there are so many factors. Aging , Death , Demography 1187 Words | 6 Pages. ECE 3 April 10, 2013 Life of a Child I am writing this paper to explain the help life of a school aged child. I took about 30 . minutes to interview a school aged child and ask them different questions regarding their life and their time at school.

The purpose of me doing this interview was to get a perspective of Buy homework papers how things are different for different aged people. I also did this interview to look at the different developments that occur in a child’s life . In a child’s life they experience and geography help, go.

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Wharton MBA Essay Tips #038; Deadlines. Last year, Wharton didn’t change its essays after years of shrinking its application. This year it’s steady state, at least in terms of the essay questions. However, Wharton has made significant changes to its recommendations. Ap Human Help. It asks recommenders to choose from two lists of positive adjectives the three that best describe the Strong statement, applicant. In addition, Wharton asks recommenders for two examples – one demonstrating fit with Wharton and one showing the candidate’s career potential. In discussion at Ap human help bateman the AIGAC conference, Frank DeVecchis acknowledged that on paper sale some level “recommendation” or “evaluation” are misnomers for what Wharton is looking for from the Ap human geography bateman, people asked to provide “recommendation.” They are looking for insight into your character. Change. Not a recommendation or an evaluation. My tips for completing the Wharton application essays are in blue below. What do you hope to Ap human bateman gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words maximum) This question is exclusively “professional.” What do you want to do professionally that you can’t do now and that a Wharton MBA will help you do?

What “soft” and “hard” skills do you hope to acquire at Wharton? How will a Wharton MBA – the Research paper sale kitchener, education, the credential, and the experience – help you achieve your dreams? As with most MBA goals questions , Wharton wants to see how you plan to connect your Wharton education to your future. Keep in mind that Wharton has an Ap human geography incredibly rich curriculum . How will you take advantage of its premier offerings to prepare yourself to achieve your vision for the future? To answer this question well, you need to have professional direction and you need to 123 essay change know which of Wharton’s myriad resources make it perfect as the next stop on your professional journey. Teamwork is at Ap human help bateman the core of the Wharton MBA experience with each student contributing unique elements to our collaborative culture. How will you contribute to the Wharton community? ( 400 words maximum ) To respond effectively you have to Strong understand the importance of clusters, cohorts, and student clubs at Wharton. Students constantly work in Ap human teams and groups in Research paper kitchener and outside of class. Ap Human Geography Bateman. In addition, much learning and networking goes on writing essay outside of class. Finally, Wharton values its community and wants to admit people who will enrich and contribute to it.

When have you contributed to a team? It could be a sports team, a band, a religious or political group. It could be that you spearheaded a fundraiser with a group of peers or started an help exercise initiative at the office in cooperation with others. There are an infinite number of possibilities. However, in order to complement Essay 1, try to choose a non-professional team example. Language. Show how that experience will allow you to contribute similarly to Ap human geography help bateman a Wharton club, resource, or event. Maybe you’ll start a new initiative using the lessons you learned from sale, this previous experience.

Additional Question (required for all Reapplicants): Explain how you have reflected on the previous decision about help bateman, your application, and assignment, discuss any updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements) . Help. (250 words)* The name of the sale kitchener, MBA reapplicant game is geography, Growth and statement for abortion, Improvement. Help. Wharton is asking for Strong thesis for abortion, reflection and you need to provide it, but also show how that reflection led to action and improvement. You need to Ap human geography help bateman be a better candidate this time than last. *First-time applicants may also use this section to address any extenuating circumstances. Write Statistics Papers Service. (250 words) “Addressing extenuating circumstances” means that you should describe those circumstances in a straight-forward way. Ap Human Help Bateman. Give the admissions committee context. Avoid excuses and whining.

If you would like professional guidance with your Wharton MBA application, please consider Accepted’s MBA essay editing and MBA admissions consulting or our MBA Application Packages, which include advising, editing, interview coaching, and Difficulties writing essay night, a resume edit for bateman, the Wharton MBA application. *To be considered for a round, you must submit a complete application by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the day of the deadline. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** Hi Linda, would you please evaluate my profile for Wharton. Would appreciate if I could also get your perspective on Difficulties writing essay my prospects on INSEAD and Stanford, or other suggestions if you think there’s a better fit. I am planning to geography help bateman apply for the batch starting in 2019. 1) I work with Goldman Sachs in their finance division. My role involves corporate accounting and analysis, and preparation of financial statements.

By the time I apply I will have 2 years of full time work experience. 2) 1st attempt in August 2015- GMAT 710 (91%), verbal 85%, quant 69%, AWA 89%, IR 40% 3) Bachelor of Commerce (honours) from St. Strong Thesis Statement. Xavier’s College, Calcutta University, CGPA 7.4/10. 4) Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India), 5) CFA level 2 aspirant. 6) Management/Financial Consulting. Extra curriculars -I am a trained pianist and Ap human geography bateman, have coached students for Trinity Guildhall Music Examinations for 4+ plus years. Have participated and won several debates and corporate simulation events, was an active member of the college debating society, and Language change, core committee and bateman, editorial board member of the Difficulties writing essay before, college commerce society. Hi Linda, would you please evaluate my profile for Wharton. Would appreciate if I could also get your perspective on my prospects on INSEAD and Stanford, or other suggestions if you think there’s a better fit.

I am planning to apply for the batch starting in 2019. 1) I work with Goldman Sachs in their finance division. My role involves corporate accounting and analysis, and Ap human bateman, preparation of financial statements. Accounting. By the time I apply I will have 2 years of full time work experience. 2) 1st attempt in August 2015- GMAT 710 (91%), verbal 85%, quant 69%, AWA 89%, IR 40% 3) Bachelor of Commerce (honours) from St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta University, CGPA 7.4/10. 4) Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India), 5) CFA level 2 aspirant. 6) Management/Financial Consulting.

Extra curriculars -I am a trained pianist and help, have coached students for Trinity Guildhall Music Examinations for 4+ plus years. Have participated and won several debates and corporate simulation events, was an active member of the college debating society, and core committee and editorial board member of the college commerce society. I think your stretching with both programs, but for different reasons. For both programs, but especially INSEAD, your work experience is on the low side. For Stanford, your GMAT is also below average and the competition is stiff. For INSEAD your academic stats are competitive, but your lack of work experience is assignment xml data type, a significant hurdle. Ap Human Geography Help Bateman. Plus INSEAD will want to see multi-cultural (or better yet international) experience.

I don’t know if you have that. You may want to writing before consider CMU Tepper, Rochester Simon, Cambridge and Ap human geography bateman, Oxford. But again for the last two, more work experience is probably necessary. 1) Until May 2017 I was working in IT company for 5 years. For the last 2 years on Marketing Director position, I had 11 people in my team at the time I left. This summer I started my own business – digital marketing agency. I’m also founder of Difficulties essay before, a charity project (I’m not sure whether it’s important since we are on the MVP stage). 2) 650 (quantitative: 47 (63%), verbal: 34 (71%), total: 75% 3) V. N. Geography Help. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), GPA – 3.7, Master degree in Finance. 2013.

4) Currently I’m organizer and speaker of 15?4 event (it’s like TED for assignment type, post soviet countries) in Ukrainian city. 5) I have a few professional certifications – Google Analytics and Hubspot.. if it’s counted. 6) I want to lead tech projects (as founder I hope), and Ap human geography help bateman, it’s more about quality than quantity.. Also, I’m planning to Research paper sale kitchener continue raise my digital marketing company, as marketing is my hobby. Here is the list of schools I consider except Wharton: Berkeley Haas, Chicago Booth, Tuck, Columbia, UCLA Anderson, USC Marshall.

Thanks in advance! I’m concerned about your GMAT quant score at all your target schools. Ap Human Bateman. Any chance you’d consider retaking it, focusing on the quant and trying to raise it? I could try, as I got higher quant during preparing. But in this case I could apply for R2 only I guess, as I took GMAT on Sep 7 (so there are 16 days to Buy homework papers wait for another chance), and there are less chances in R2 I suppose:( Regarding #1, you could not apply R2 to the school that reject you R1. You’d need to wait until next year. I would go with #3.

But only apply to programs that you support your goals and where you are competitive with your current score. If no such schools exist, that just leaves #2. Thank you Linda! Kindly Evaluate my profile : 1) 3 years of international experience in the largest oil field service company (Forbes 500 with a market Cap of Ap human geography help bateman, 110 B USD) 2)GMAT : Mock scores 730. Expected Score 730 with quant 51 and verbal 38-41. 3)Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur graduate with a GPA OF 8/10. Major in paper industrial Engineering and Management. Ap Human Geography. Year of graduation 2014. 4)Head of Sports Fest and collected a 50%+ amount of sponsorship individually. Led a team of Buy homework papers accounting, 24 Members with 115 Volunteers.

Total Sponsorship $30000. Vice President of my Department: Managed all the finances and Organized the Tech fest of our Department. Volunteer and Mentor in UDAAN, an Ap human geography bateman NGO for essay, educating the underprivileged. With them since 1 year. Organized Health Camps, Annual Functions. Ap Human Geography. Gathered donations worth INR 40000. 6)Post MBA Goal is to set up my father’s business (currently at a very low scale, operating in 1 basement). Expand it along with my brother who is a chemical engineer. This has been our goal since High School.

Thanks in advance for your efforts. Kindly Evaluate my profile : 1) 3 years of statement for abortion, international experience in the largest oil field service company (Forbes 500 with a market Cap of 110 B USD) 2)GMAT : Mock scores 730. Ap Human Help. Expected Score 730 with quant 51 and verbal 38-41. 3)Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur graduate with a GPA OF 8/10. Major in industrial Engineering and Management. Year of graduation 2014.

4)Head of Sports Fest and collected a 50%+ amount of sponsorship individually. Thesis. Led a team of 24 Members with 115 Volunteers. Total Sponsorship $30000. Vice President of geography help bateman, my Department: Managed all the finances and Organized the Tech fest of our Department. Volunteer and Mentor in my papers statistics service UDAAN, an geography help bateman NGO for Difficulties writing essay before, educating the underpriveleged. Geography Help Bateman. With them since 1 year. Write Writing Toronto. Organized Health Camps, Annual Functions. Gathered donations worth INR 40000. 6)Post MBA Goal is to Ap human help set up my father’s business (currently at a very low scale, operating in 1 basement). Expand it along with my brother who is a chemical engineer. Write Service Toronto. This has been our goal since High School.

Thanks in advance for your efforts. You have a competitive profile for Wharton, but your goal needs to be more specific. When you write your essay, you need to say what your dad’s business is and how you intend to grow it. What will the impact be of help, that growth? Thanks for your reply Linda, what further schools you can suggest that I can try to get in and have a realistic chance. Write My Papers Papers Service Toronto. My father’s business is in detergents. Ap Human Geography Help Bateman. Thus my brother chose to do chemical engineering.

I also suggest you consider CMU Tepper, UNC, UT Austin, Cornell Johnson, and UCLA and USC. Thanks for the additional information on your father’s business. However while helpful it doesn’t say how you want to grow his business. Again, that’s Ok for this post, but it won’t work in your goals essays. Do you intend to take it outside your home state? India?

Introduce environmentally friendly practices? What are you going to do that will take a business that resides in a basement (and probably has done so for years) to an entirely different level? Yes I intend to first make it environment friendly and then expand it outside India as I have seen from being in oil industry that pollution and environmental depletion in future is gonna increase and Sql database, I realize that these environmental concerns which are being raised currently are very real. Help. So wanted to work towards that. In fact I have started this by opening a lab and my brother left his job to work for accounting, it. Thanks in advance for Ap human help, your insight. Below is my profile: 1) I am a healthcare consultant working in the federal space. I have been at my Big 4 firm for assignment xml data, one year, and was previously working for two years in geography bateman the commercial healthcare space. 2) GMAT 720 (highest score, 3rd time taking it): Q47, V42.

IR of 7 and AWA 6. 3) UNC Chapel Hill. GPA of 3.62. Language 123 Essay. Health Policy and Management major in School of Public Health, graduated 2014. 4) Undergrad: Full merit-based scholarship for geography help bateman, tuition + room and board; acapella group for 4 years; co-president of Millennium Village Project organization for 2 years; campus tour guide for 2 years; hospital volunteer for 2 years. Post-grad: United Way volunteer for two years; started as pro bono consultant for nonprofits for about 3 months ago. 5) no certifications.

6) Very interested in innovation and the role of writing, disruption in the healthcare landscape. I spent the last 3 years of my career learning the geography help bateman, ins and outs of the healthcare as a private/public industry, including the regulatory infrastructure and the limitations it brings to growth and innovation in this industry. Change. I want to go to business school to geography help acquire the skills to be able to think strategically about a healthcare organization and its mission within the current infrastructure, but also to align myself with organizations (such as startups and healthcare data analytics companies) that aim to writing essay night change the framework of healthcare itself (much like the way Netflix did for at-home movie viewers). Happy to provide more info as you need it. Thank you! Thanks in advance for help bateman, your insight. Below is my profile:

1) I am a healthcare consultant working in the federal space. Change. I have been at my Big 4 firm for one year, and was previously working for Ap human geography, two years in the commercial healthcare space. 2) GMAT 720 (highest score, 3rd time taking it): Q47, V42. IR of 7 and AWA 6. 3) UNC Chapel Hill. GPA of Language, 3.62. Health Policy and Ap human geography bateman, Management major in School of statement for abortion, Public Health, graduated 2014.

4) Undergrad: Full merit-based scholarship for tuition + room and board; acapella group for 4 years; co-president of Millennium Village Project organization for 2 years; campus tour guide for 2 years; hospital volunteer for 2 years. Post-grad: United Way volunteer for two years; started as pro bono consultant for Ap human geography, nonprofits for about 3 months ago. 5) no certifications. 6) Very interested in innovation and the role of disruption in the healthcare landscape. I spent the last 3 years of my career learning the ins and outs of the 123 essay, healthcare as a private/public industry, including the regulatory infrastructure and the limitations it brings to growth and innovation in this industry.

I want to Ap human geography help go to statistics papers writing toronto business school to acquire the Ap human help bateman, skills to be able to think strategically about a healthcare organization and its mission within the current infrastructure, but also to align myself with organizations (such as startups and sale, healthcare data analytics companies) that aim to change the geography help, framework of healthcare itself (much like the way Netflix did for at-home movie viewers). Happy to provide more info as you need it. Type. Thank you! You have a competitive profile for Wharton. Also consider Duke Fuqua, Haas, Ross, CBS, Georgetown, and NYU Stern.

Thanks, Linda! Am applying to Fuqua Round 1, but don’t feel ready enough for Wharton till Round 2 deadline. Ap Human Bateman. Do you think that would hurt my chances? And what do you think I could do to emphasize my quant abilities in the meantime? Thanks for your help. You’re welcome. My understanding is assignment xml data, that there is Ap human bateman, no statistical difference in acceptance rates between R1 and Strong, R2 at Wharton. At the same time, I recommend you provide in geography bateman the earliest round possible PROVIDED that you don’t compromise the quality of your application.

If you feel your app will be stronger R2, wait until R2. To bring out quantitative abilities: 1. Highlight analytical achievements (as well as leadership rolls in your resume. 2. Ask your recommender(s) if they can highlight an event that displays your quant ability. Strong Statement. Given Wharton’s question, that may not be so easy, but it’s worth a try.

3. Take a class that requires math ability and earn an A in it. Calculus would be great if you remember the geography, requisite math. Statistics for Business is type, another good one. 1. 2 years working as an Ap human bateman Investment Analyst for an Ivy League university (HYP) endowment ( investing $25 billion that supports university financial aid, operations). 2. GRE: 168 V (98%) 166 Q (91%) 3. HYP; 3.63 cumulative, graduated magna cum laude; History major, class of 2015. 4. Violinist – volunteered before, during, and some after college to play at nursing homes and paper sale kitchener, homeless shelters; Co-led student group of professional freelance journalists for 3 years in college; member of a university community service organization (lots of help bateman, projects, including volunteering post-Hurricane Sandy); co-editor of university bioethics journal. 6. Goal: Leading (or starting) an organization helping to alleviate student debt.

Also considering HBS, GSN, and Strong thesis, CBS. You have a competitive profile for all your target programs. Geography Help Bateman. (I assume that GSN is a typo and you mean Stanford GSB. ) While your experience is excellent, for Wharton and CBS it’s on the low side and that could hurt you this cycle. Thanks for your response (GSN was a typo — apologies). On a separate note, is 500-600 words an appropriate length for an HBS personal statement, or is that too short? Thanks again for your help. It could be appropriate. I can’t say without seeing it and knowing much more about you.

Most HBS essays that I have seen, however, are longer. 1) 6.5 Years as nuclear submarine officer in US Navy. 3) Tulane ’11, Finance, 3.56 (cum laude) Univ New Mexico, MS Information Systems, 4.05/4.33. 4) Undergrad: Tulane Rugby Team – 4yrs, B-School Student Govt – 2 years (elected) 6) Strategy Consulting. Currently working at Univ New Mexico and was able to get a Masters for Language, free, so I was looking to fill a gap in my IT/CS knowledge. What are you doing for Ap human, the Univ of New Mexico? Have you separated from the Navy?

I work at the NROTC on campus. The masters was a perk to working there. I am still active duty for sale kitchener, another 8 months. 1) 6.5 Years as nuclear submarine officer in US Navy. 3) Tulane ’11, Finance, 3.56 (cum laude) Univ New Mexico, MS Information Systems, 4.05/4.33. 4) Undergrad: Tulane Rugby Team – 4yrs, B-School Student Govt – 2 years (elected) 6) Strategy Consulting. Currently working at Univ New Mexico and was able to get a Masters for free, so I was looking to fill a gap in my IT/CS knowledge. You have a competitive profile for Ap human geography bateman, Wharton and other top MBA programs. If you would like help with your application, please let me know.

If any readers would like a profile evaluation for Research paper kitchener, Wharton, please provide the following info: 1) 2 years and 8 months at one of the Big Four. Currently a Tax Senior. 2) 720 overall, Quantitative- 49 (77%), Verbal 40 (91%), AW 6 (90%), IR 8 (92%) 3) UC Davis, 3.76, Managerial Economics and geography help bateman, Spanish Double Major, 2014. 4) a. Founder and President of Challah for Hunger chapter at UC Davis. A nonprofit with 13 board members and over 300 student volunteers a year baking approximately 100 challah loaves a week. Raised over $8,000 in the first year as President. b. Co-President of the UC Education Abroad Association- Coordinated student efforts across all 9 U.C. campuses to educate students about Study Abroad.

Put on 123 essay change 9 events at the UC Davis campus including an awareness concert on the UC Davis campus with over 100 attendants. c. Stock Market Investment Teacher- started teaching my own investing courses to geography UC Davis students about the benefits of a Roth IRA. Later put on type a course at my employer’s office for interested employees. d. Geography Help Bateman. Finance Department Intern for the City of thesis statement, Davis. e. Intern at the Institute of International Cooperation and Development- Performed NGO research as the only American in a professional Spanish-speaking organization. Evaluated the use of bilateral and triangular international cooperation.

Did this during my year abroad studying in Ap human geography help bateman Madrid, Spain. 6) Start my own investment partnership. 1) 2 years and sale kitchener, 8 months at Ap human geography help bateman one of the Big Four. Currently a Tax Senior. 2) 720 overall, Quantitative- 49 (77%), Verbal 40 (91%), AW 6 (90%), IR 8 (92%) 3) UC Davis, 3.76, Managerial Economics and Spanish Double Major, 2014. 4) a. Founder and President of Challah for Hunger chapter at UC Davis. A nonprofit with 13 board members and over 300 student volunteers a year baking approximately 100 challah loaves a week. Raised over Research paper kitchener, $8,000 in the first year as President. b. Co-President of the UC Education Abroad Association- Coordinated student efforts across all 9 U.C. campuses to educate students about Study Abroad. Put on 9 events at the UC Davis campus including an awareness concert on the UC Davis campus with over 100 attendants.

c. Stock Market Investment Teacher- started teaching my own investing courses to UC Davis students about the benefits of a Roth IRA. Geography Help Bateman. Later put on a course at my employer’s office for interested employees. d. Finance Department Intern for the City of Davis. e. Intern at the Institute of International Cooperation and Development- Performed NGO research as the only American in a professional Spanish-speaking organization. Evaluated the use of bilateral and triangular international cooperation. Did this during my year abroad studying in Madrid, Spain. 6) Start my own investment partnership.

You have a competitive profile for Wharton. Language 123 Essay. Your academic stats are solid. Your work experience is a little on the low side, but not terrible. Your community service is geography help bateman, impressive. I’m not sure if you have continued since graduation, which would be helpful. I hope that you are also applying to other top MBA programs. Consider Booth, CBS, NYU Stern, MIT Sloan, Duke, Cornell Johnson, Haas, UCLA, and UNC. Info: Indian male, 29 years. Target Schools: Wharton, Booth, Stern and Columbia. 1. I’ve 6.5 years of work experience in IT consulting. .played different roles.

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Planning to apply for Ap human help bateman, round 2 so that I can improve GMAT score and also it buys me sometime to work on essays. I’m concerned about Sql database type, undergrad GPA and bateman, my masters degree is not from a top tier US school. Thanks for your time! Info: Indian male, 29 years. Target Schools: Wharton, Booth, Stern and Columbia. 1. I’ve 6.5 years of work experience in IT consulting.

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Planning to Write my papers statistics service apply for round 2 so that I can improve GMAT score and Ap human geography, also it buys me sometime to work on essays. I’m concerned about undergrad GPA and my masters degree is not from Language 123 essay, a top tier US school. Thanks for Ap human geography, your time! I share your concerns. Where did you earn your masters? What GMAT do you think you will apply with? Was there any trend to your undergrad GPA? Do you have any leadership roles either at work or in the NFP where you volunteer or elsewhere? Thanks for your response! Please find below responses. Masters from Texas AM International University.

I’m aiming at 750 GMAT. My GPA trend was upward. I was team lead in my previous job, right now I moved to a different role so I’m not the papers accounting, lead. AT NFP, I’m a certified insurance counselor for medicare program, we conduct sessions on medicare processes and Ap human geography help, help individuals in their medicare needs. I’m still concerned that you are aiming high with Wharton.

If it’s your dream school, go ahead and accounting, give it a try. But also apply more realistically. While a 750 GMAT would certainly help, especially at Booth and Stern, it’s still not a guarantee. Like many applicants you have some pluses and some minuses. I’m just not confident that even with a stellar GMAT the pluses will outweigh minuses especially at Wharton They might, but… apply realistically. Bateman. They are no safeties on your list, but Stern is probably your most like admit, and it’s an excellent program.

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essay setting out Read the topic and Ap human help, sample essay, then study the comments. Click on the highlighted text for comments about academic writing conventions; click on 123 essay change the notes in the margin for commentary on the essay. Birth rates are falling in developed countries. There is one simple reason for this - young people nowadays are just too selfish and too self-centred to have children. And this is particularly true of geography help bateman, women. To what extent do you agree with this view? Support your argument with relevant readings and evidence. Countries in Research paper sale the developed world have seen a big shift in attitudes to population growth.

Several generations ago, it was generally believed that too many babies were being born, and that societies should try to reduce their populations. Nowadays, however, the concern is the reverse - that birthrates are falling too low and that urgent action is needed to encourage people to have more children. But what are the Ap human, causes of this trend? And how much are the attitudes and Strong thesis, lifestyles of young people to blame? This essay will consider a number of explanations for the so-called baby crash. Ap Human Geography Help Bateman? My argument will be that to hold young people responsible is neither valid nor helpful.

The best explanation, I believe , is to be found in the condition of increased economic insecurity faced by Difficulties writing the young. The birth rate has fallen dramatically in many parts of the world. To take several examples, in Europe in 1960, the total fertility rate (TFR) was about 2.6 births per female, but in 1996 it had fallen to 1.4 (Chesnais, 1998) . In many Asian countries, similar declines have been experienced. Japan now has a birthrate of only about 1.3, and Hong Kong#039;s has fallen to below 1.0 (Ichimura and Ogawa, 2000) . A TFR of below 2.0 means that a country#039;s population is not replaced, and thus there is a net population decline. This ageing of the population has the potential to create serious problems. Fewer children being born means that in help the long term, a smaller proportion of the papers writing service toronto, populace will be economically productive, whilst a larger proportion will be old and economically dependent - in the form of pension, health care and other social services. Most experts agree that these greying societies will not be able escape serious social and economic decline in the future (Chesnais, 1998). So what are the causes of this trend and what can be done to stop it? One common approach has been to lay the blame on young people and their supposedly self-centred values. It is argued that in developed societies, we now live in a post-materialist age, where individuals do not have to be so concerned about Ap human geography help, basic material conditions to survive (McDonald, 2000a).

Thus people, especially the young, have become more focussed on the values of thesis for abortion, self-realisation and Ap human geography bateman, the satisfaction of Research paper kitchener, personal preferences, at the expense of traditional values like raising a family. A strong version of this view is put forward by bateman Japanese sociologist, Masahiro Yamada (cited in 123 essay Ashby, 2000) . He uses the term parasite singles to Ap human geography bateman, refer to grown children in their 20s and Sql database assignment, 30s who have left school and are employed, but remain unmarried and continue live at home with their parents. These young people are spoilt, he says, and interested only in their own pleasure - mainly in the form of shopping. According to Yamada , it is this focus on self, more than any other factor, that is responsible for geography help, Japan#039;s languishing birth rate (Ashby, 2000). In other developed countries, there is Language change a similar tendency for the young to geography help, remain at home enjoying a single lifestyle - and Research sale kitchener, a similar tendency for older people to Ap human bateman, interpret this as selfishness (McDonald, 2000a).

But is it reasonable to attribute the baby crash to the pleasure-seeking values of the young? The problem with this view is that whenever young people are surveyed about their attitudes to family, not only Research sale kitchener do they say they want to bateman, have children, they also express preferences for family sizes that are, on average, above the replacement level (McDonald, 2000a). As an example, McDonald quotes an Australian study that found that women aged 20-24 expected to have an average of 2.33 children in their lifetime. Findings like this suggest that the values of the young are not at Research kitchener, all incompatible with the idea of having a family. Bateman? It seems then that, as young people progress through their twenties and thirties, they encounter obstacles along the way that prevent them from fulfilling their plans to be parents. Some conservative thinkers believe the main obstacle is the Difficulties essay night, changed role and status of women (eg. Norton, 2003). According to this view, because young women now have greater educational and career opportunities than in previous generations, they are finding the idea of family and Ap human help bateman, motherhood less attractive. Thus, educated middle class women are delaying marriage and childbirth or even rejecting motherhood altogether. Language 123 Essay Change? It is Ap human geography help claimed that women#039;s improved status - which may be a good thing in itself - has had the unfortunate consequence of writing essay night before, threatening population stability. But there are several problems with this argument.

For one, the help bateman, lowest TFRs in Europe are found in Spain and Italy (around 1.2), both more traditional, male-oriented societies, which offer fewer opportunities to women. In comparison, Sweden which has been a leading country in advancing the rights of women enjoys a higher TFR (1.6 in 1996) - even though it is still below replacement. Chesnais (1998: p. 99) refers to this contrast as the feminist paradox and concludes that empowerment of women [actually] ensures against a very low birth rate (my emphasis) . Another problem with trying to link improved education levels for women to low birth rates is that fertility in developed countries seems to Difficulties, be declining across all education and Ap human bateman, class levels. In a recent survey of Australian census data, Birrell (2003) found that, whereas the accounting, non-tertiary-educated group was once very fertile, its rate of partnering is geography help now converging towards that of tertiary educated women. We can summarise the discussion to this point as follows: Young people today, in spite of what#039;s said about their values, still express a desire to have children.

However, few end up having as many as they say they would like. The improved education and Language 123 essay, career opportunities for Ap human, women does not seem to be the decisive factor in reducing the number of children that a woman has. These conclusions suggest that there must be something else involved. Essay Before? Many writers are now pointing to a different factor - the economic condition of young people and help, their growing sense of insecurity. Peter McDonald (2000a) in his article #039;Low fertility in Australia: Evidence, causes and policy responses#039; discusses some of the things that a couple will consider when they are thinking of having a child.

One type of thesis, thinking is what McDonald calls Rational Choice Theory, whereby a couple make an assessment of the relative costs and Ap human bateman, benefits associated with becoming a parent. In traditional societies, there has usually been an Research sale kitchener economic benefit in having children because they can be a source of labour to Ap human bateman, help the family. In developed societies, however, children now constitute an economic cost, and so, it is argued, the benefits are more of a psychological kind - for example, enjoying the 123 essay change, status of being a parent, having baby who will be fun and will grow up to love you, having offspring who will carry on the family name etc. The problem, McDonald suggests, is that for many couples nowadays the economic cost can easily outweigh any perceived psychological benefits. McDonald (2000b) discusses another type of decision-making - Risk Aversion Theory - which he says is also unfavourable to help, the birth rate. According to this theory, when we make important decisions in our lives life, if we perceive uncertainty in our environment, we usually err on the side of thesis statement for abortion, safety in order to avert risk. McDonald points to a rise in economic uncertainty which he thinks has steered a lot of Ap human geography bateman, young people away from essay, life-changing decisions like marriage and parenthood: Jobs are no longer lifetime jobs. There is a strong economic cycle of booms and busts.

Geographic mobility may be required for employment purposes (McDonald, 2000: p.15). Birrell (2003) focuses on increased economic uncertainty for men. Referring to the situation in Ap human Australia, he discusses men#039;s reluctance to form families in my papers papers writing toronto terms of perceived costs and Ap human help bateman, risks: Many men are poor - in 2001, 42 per cent of men aged 25-44 earnt less than $32,000 a year. Only two-thirds of men in this age group were in full-time work. Young men considering marriage could hardly be unaware of the Language change, risks of marital breakdown or the long-term costs, especially when children are involved (Birrell, 2003: p.12). And Yuji Genda (2000) in Japan, responding to Yamada#039;s analysis of parasite singles, argues that the failure of young Japanese to Ap human geography help, leave home and thesis for abortion, start families is not due to self-indulgence, but is an understandable response to increasingly difficult economic circumstances. Genda (2000) notes that it is the Ap human geography bateman, young who have had to bear the brunt of the decade long restructuring of the Japanese economy, with youth unemployment hovering around 10% and a marked reduction in paper secure full-time jobs for the young. Young people around the world seem to have an increasing perception of economic uncertainty and contemplate something their parents would have found impossible - a decline in living standards over their lifetime. According to a 1990 American survey, two thirds of respondents in the 18-29 age group thought it would be more difficult for their generation to live as comfortably as previous generations (cited in Newman, 2000: p.505).

Furthermore, around 70% believed they would have difficulty purchasing a house, and around 50% were worried about their future. Findings like these suggest that the younger generation may be reluctant to Ap human geography, have children, not because they have more exciting things to do, but because they have doubts about their capacity to thesis for abortion, provide as parents. If we accept that economics has played a significant role in geography help young people choosing to have fewer babies, then the Write my papers papers, key to reversing this trend is for governments to take action to geography, remove this sense of insecurity. A number of policy approaches have been suggested. Some writers have focussed on Language 123 essay the need for better welfare provisions for families - like paid parental leave, family allowances, access to child care, etc (Chesnais, 1998). Others have called for more radical economic reforms that would increase job security and raise the living standards of the young (McDonald, 2000b). Ap Human Bateman? It is hard to know what remedies are needed. What seems clear, however, is that young people are most unlikely to reproduce simply because their elders have told them that it is selfish to do otherwise.

Castigating the young will not have the effect of making them willing parents; instead it is likely to just make them increasingly resentful children. Ashby, J. (2000). Parasite singles: Problem or victims? The Japan Times. 7/04/02. Birrell, B. (2003). Fertility crisis: why you can#039;t blame the blokes.

The Age 17/01/03 p. 14. Chesnais, J-C. (1998). Below-replacement fertility in the European Union: Facts and Policies, 1960-1997. Sql Database? Review of Population and Social Policy, No 7, pp. Ap Human Geography Help? 83-101. Genda, Y. (2000).

A debate on Japan#039;s Dependent Singles, Japan Echo, June, 2000, pp. 47-56. Ichimura, S. and Research paper kitchener, N. Ogawa (2000). Policies to meet the geography, challenge of an aging society with declining fertility: Japan and Language 123 essay, other East Asian countries. Paper presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, USA. McDonald, P. Geography Help Bateman? (2000a). Low fertility in Australia: Evidence, causes and policy responses. People and Place, No 8:2. pp 6-21.

McDonald, P. (2000b). The toolbox of paper kitchener, public policies to impact on Ap human help bateman fertility - a global view. Paper prepared for Difficulties writing essay night, the Annual Seminar 2000 of the European Observatory on Family Matters, Low Fertility, families and Public Policies, Sevilla (Spain), 15-16 September 2000. Norton, A. (2003). Student debt: A HECS on fertility? Issue Analysis No 3. Melbourne: Centre for Independent Studies. Newman, D. (2000). Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life. California: Pine Forge.

Notice what the question is asking students to do - in this case saying how much they agree with the #039;view#039; in the topic. What do you think? Is this a reasonable explanation for the declining birthrate? Hint: always spend some time looking over and thinking about an Ap human bateman essay topic before you start your planning and reading for it. As part of this thinking, you should give some thought to what your position (argument) could be. Notice how in the introduction, this student writer: introduces the 123 essay change, topic area in Ap human geography help a general way (ie. declining birthrates) introduces the thesis, main issue to be covered in the essay (ie. why this is happening).

Hint: there are many different ways you can begin an essay - if you are stuck, try beginning with i) and ii). In the last part of the introduction, the student introduces his argument. Notice how he disagrees with the explanation in the topic, and help, then offers an alternative explanation. Hint: in the introduction it is always a good idea to state what you intend to argue. In this paragraph, the student considers the first part of the topic - that birth rates have fallen. This is presented as background information.

Notice how the student begins the paragraph with a claim (that the birth rate has fallen dramatically in many parts of the world) and then supports this with relevant evidence (statistics from Europe and Asia). Hint: in your writing be aware when you are making claims - be aware also of the essay, need to support them with some evidence. After giving some background in paragraph 2, the student reminds the reader what the main issue is - why birthrates have declined? Notice also that the student has seen the issue as a #039;problem#039; - and asks What can be done about it? Hint: always be aware what the main issue is help you are addressing in your work. This paragraph mainly summarises the ideas of those who think young people are to Buy homework accounting, blame for declining birthrates. Notice how in the first part of the paragraph, these ideas are discussed in a general way. In the second part, the student focuses on the ideas of a single writer (Yamada) as a specific example of this view. Hint: always try to find opportunities in your work to engage with the ideas of Ap human geography, individual writers.

The previous paragraph was concerned with summarising some ideas. Notice how in this new paragraph, the student provides a critique of these ideas. (Recall the Difficulties writing before, student#039;s argument in the introduction: . to hold young people responsible is neither valid nor helpful). Notice too that the student provides some supporting evidence for this critique - mainly from the work of McDonald. Hint: it is quite OK to criticise the ideas of other writers - in fact many essay topics will specifically ask you to do this. But if you are going to be critical, you need to geography bateman, provide good reasons for your critique. Recall that the topic suggested that young people were to blame for declining birthrates - and then went on to single out Sql database xml data type women. In this paragraph, the student takes up this gender issue. Hint: aim to structure your essays so that all issues in the topic are covered - and in some logical sequence.

In this paragraph the student seeks to geography, dismiss the view that young women are to blame. (There are several problems with this argument).Notice that the student then goes on to explain these problems (For one. Writing Service? ; Another problem is that . ). Hint: the providing of a well-organised critique is something your lecturers will value highly in your work. Recall the second part of the student#039;s argument stated in the introduction: The best explanation is to be found in geography help bateman the condition of increased economic insecurity faced by the young. The student now elaborates on this part of the Buy homework, argument. Hint: remember that the argument is the key to any essay you write. In the body of your essay, you need to be sure that your argument comes through clearly. Providing evidence for the argument.

The student is arguing that economic insecurity experienced by young people is the main reason why the birthrate is in decline. Notice how in the rest of the essay, he seeks to support this argument with various forms of evidence. The student presents a range of evidence: several theories discussed by McDonald some research by Birrell comments by Genda results of a US survey. Hint: it is important to have an argument in your essay. But it is equally important to provide support for what you are arguing. Your essays will be judged mainly on your ability to do these two things. There are a number of things happening in the conclusion.

In the geography bateman, first sentence, the student restates his argument - if we accept that. . He then goes on to discuss what could be done to deal with the problem. Difficulties Writing Essay Night Before? In broad terms this is a discussion of the implications of the students#039; argument. Notice also how the student mentions the negative implications of the blaming approach. Hint: a conclusion that only help restates the argument can be a bit uninteresting. You might also like to consider the implications of your argument - but you should do this briefly. Think: I have argued for paper sale, this position - so what might follow on from this. You may have noticed that this essay is quite tightly structured.

Its paragraph structure can be set out thus: Introduction Background to issue Explanation point 1 - summary student#039;s critique Explanation point 2 - summary student#039;s critique Student#039;s alternative explanation - Evidence 1 - Evidence 2 - Evidence 3 Conclusion. Hint: always try to map out a structure for your essay. Do this before you do too much writing. You may have noticed that the essay is bateman free of spelling, typographical and grammatical errors. Hint: always read your work very carefully before you submit it.

Avoid doing your editing on the screen. Always print out and paper sale kitchener, edit from a hard copy. Note in the references section, you need to list all the texts you have referred to (cited) in the essay - not all the texts you have read, as some students mistakenly believe. Notice that the sample essay refers to a total of nine texts. This is a good number, and Ap human geography help bateman, indicates that the student has done a fair amount of reading. Hint: try to include a reference to Difficulties writing essay night, most of the texts that you read for an essay - so that you can build up a reasonable list of Ap human, references. Of course, all references have to be relevant to xml data, your argument.

Notice how the student uses I in his essay: The best explanation, I believe, is. And in Ap human geography help the previous sentence, another first person pronoun is used: My argument is that . Some students have the Difficulties writing essay night before, impression that they are not allowed to Ap human geography help bateman, use these words in Buy homework accounting their written work. But in fact they can often be found in academic writing. In general, the help bateman, best place to use them is in the introduction - when you are presenting your argument. But if you are concerned that it is not OK to use I, you can use other expressions - which avoid self-reference, but which mean much the kitchener, same thing, e.g. This essay will argue that . Ap Human Geography Help? Remember though, that the Buy homework accounting, really important issue is not the bateman, words you use to Language, present your argument - but that your essay actually has a clear argument.

Try to geography help bateman, keep your paragraphs a reasonable length. (Most paragraphs in this essay are around 7-8 sentences long.) Citations are used to accounting, indicate the source of the ideas you have used in your essay. Ap Human Geography? Note that there are two main citation systems: the author-date system (also known as Harvard); the footnote system (also known as Oxford). In this essay, the author-date system has been used. (Always check which system is required in each of your subjects.) Citation 2 (Ichimura and Ogawa, 2000) Citations can be set out in a number of ways. One method is to writing essay night, present some information and then provide the citation immediately after it to indicate the geography help bateman, source. These are known as #039;information-prominent#039; citations eg: Japan now has a birthrate of only about 1.3, and Hong Kong#039;s has fallen to below 1.0 (Ichimura and Sql database, Ogawa, 2000).

Other formats are considered further on. Citation 3 Masahiro Yamada (cited in Ashby, 2000) This citation means that the student is dealing with the ideas of Yamada, but actually read about them in Ashby#039;s text. Whilst you should make an effort to read ideas in their original form, this is not always possible. In such cases, use the Ap human geography, #039;cited in#039; format. When you are summarising the kitchener, ideas of a writer, you need to use reporting expressions like the ones used here:

He [Yamada] uses the term . According to Yamada. You use these to distance yourself from certain language. eg. when you are using an informal expression, or a term used by others that you don#039;t necessarily agree with. In this paragraph, the geography help, student wants to Sql database assignment xml data type, reject the geography help, view in the topic - that young people#039;s selfishness is to blame for the declining birthrate. Notice how he does this in a careful way, by using expressions like: Findings like this suggest that . It seems then that . Being careful about the way you express your claims is a distinctive feature of academic style. When you quote an author (like Chesnais here) you need to use quotation marks, and indicate the exact page number in the citation. Sometimes you may need to change the wording of the quote slightly so that it fits into your sentence.

If you need to add/change any words, use [ ]; if you need to delete words, use . (Whilst it is OK to change the Buy homework papers, wording of a quote, you must never change its sense.) Use italics when you want to Ap human geography, emphasise a word. (When you do this in a quote, you need to indicate that it is your emphasis.) It#039;s OK to use dot points in an essay (or numbered points here), but use them very sparingly. Citation 4 Peter McDonald (2000a) . Thesis For Abortion? discusses. Notice how in Ap human geography help bateman some citations the author can be part of the sentence: Peter McDonald (2000a) . discusses some of the things etc. This is xml data type known as an #039;author-prominent#039; citation and is very common in academic writing.

Notice the use of reporting verbs in help bateman this citation type (discusses). Use #039;inverted commas#039; for the title of an article. Use italics for the title of a book. Notice some of the other reporting expressions used in Write my papers statistics toronto the student#039;s summary of Peter McDonald#039;s ideas: . what McDonald calls. . McDonald points to . . which he thinks. It#039;s very important to make it clear to your reader when one paragraph ends and a new one begins.

In this paragraph (#9), there is some potential for confusion. Notice how the student has used indenting to make this clear. Quotes of more than one sentence in length should be separated from the main text. Notice how these are indented and are in a slightly smaller font. Again you should indicate the Ap human geography, page number. You only Language change have to provide a separate list of references when you use the Ap human, author-date system. Entries should be set out in alphabetical order. Each entry should generally be set out in Sql database assignment the following order and geography bateman, format: Author family name, Initial. (date). Title. Place: Publisher.

It is becoming increasingly common for students to refer to sources from the world wide web in accounting their essays. Ap Human Help? In addition to Research paper kitchener, providing author and title of geography help, site, you need to include: the URL for the site when you accessed the site. Although web references can be very useful, you obviously need to exercise some caution - there is a lot of junk around. Check all sites carefully to essay night before, be sure the information provided has credibility (.edu and .org sites are generally the more reliable). Problems? Questions?

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