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Brainstorming: The First Step to cheat online Writing Your Essay Methodology. Help Beatles! The importance of explaining the Homework cheat website methodology in a research paper or an essay is that it imparts clarity. Methodology is just between you and How to write an economic your sources, it is the approach adopted in preparing the paper. Though essays are generally shorter and cheat website online less elaborate in their content than research papers, they also require a methodology description. Short methodology overview will help you to avoid a lot of questions, like #8220;Why did you use only these sources?#8221;, or #8220;Why didn#8217;t you consider Mr. X#8217;s research on the relevant topic#8221;. This page was designed with the beatles bpm aim to explain you on examples how to write your essay methodology . Navigation through Methodology Example page. Essay methodology examples may be easily accessible on the net. However, trying to adapt an cheat website essay methodology example from the net for your essay may become messy if care is Essay learning katy not exercised. Even if the subject of the example and your assignment are similar, not necessarily the same approach is Homework cheat online used in then. Therefore, though choosing the right methodology that suits your assignment is important.

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The following is an example of a project methodology for problem solving: Developing the problem statement Detecting the causes Recognizing the alternative solutions Deciding the best solution Implementation of the solution Review and feed back. A correct project methodology is a precondition to the successful execution of projects, as it gives the project required degree of consistency. A research methodology section will inform the reader about: Scope of the Study – This lets the reader know your scope of Homework cheat online study. Sources of Data and Who does assignments for money make Information – Whether it is primary and secondary. Tools for Analysis- such as mathematical models, tables, graphs, etc.

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Romans et Contes de Theophile Gautier/Le Pied de momie. Vous avez sans doute jete l’?il, a travers le carreau, dans quelques-unes de ces boutiques devenues si nombreuses depuis qu’il est de mode d’acheter des meubles anciens, et que le moindre agent de change se croit oblige d’avoir sa chambre moyen age . C’est quelque chose qui tient a la fois de la boutique du ferrailleur, du magasin du tapissier, du laboratoire de l’alchimiste et de l’atelier du peintre ; dans ces antres mysterieux ou les volets filtrent un prudent demi-jour, ce qu’il y a de plus notoirement ancien, c’est la poussiere ; les toiles d’araignees y sont plus authentiques que les guipures, et le vieux poirier y est plus jeune que l’acajou arrive hier d’Amerique. Le magasin de mon marchand de bric-a-brac etait un veritable Capharnaum ; tous les siecles et tous les pays semblaient s’y etre donne rendez-vous ; une lampe etrusque de terre rouge posait sur une armoire de Boulle , aux panneaux d’ebene severement rayes de filaments de cuivre ; une duchesse du temps de Louis XV allongeait nonchalamment ses pieds de biche sous une epaisse table du regne de Louis XIII, aux lourdes spirales de bois de chene, aux sculptures entremelees de feuillages et de chimeres. Une armure damasquinee de Milan faisait miroiter dans un coin le ventre rubane de sa cuirasse ; des amours et des nymphes de biscuit, des magots de la Chine, des cornets de celadon et de craquele, des tasses de saxe et de vieux sevres encombraient les etageres et les encoignures. Sur les tablettes denticulees des dressoirs, rayonnaient d’immenses plats du Japon, aux dessins rouges et bleus, releves de hachures d’or, cote a cote avec des emaux de Bernard Palissy, representant des couleuvres, des grenouilles et des lezards en relief. Des armoires eventrees s’echappaient des cascades de lampas glace d’argent, des flots de brocatelle criblee de grains lumineux par un oblique rayon de soleil ; des portraits de toutes les epoques souriaient a travers leur vernis jaune dans des cadres plus ou moins fanes. Le marchand me suivait avec precaution dans le tortueux passage pratique entre les piles de meubles, abattant de la main l’essor hasardeux des basques de mon habit, surveillant mes coudes avec l’attention inquiete de l’antiquaire et de l’usurier. C’etait une singuliere figure que celle du marchand : un crane immense, poli comme un genou, entoure d’une maigre aureole de cheveux blancs que faisait ressortir plus vivement le ton saumon-clair de la peau, lui donnait un faux air de bonhomie patriarcale, corrigee, du reste, par le scintillement de deux petits yeux jaunes qui tremblotaient dans leur orbite comme deux louis d’or sur du vif-argent. Homework Website Online. La courbure du nez avait une silhouette aquiline qui rappelait le type oriental ou juif. How To Essay. Ses mains, maigres, fluettes, veinees, pleines de nerfs en saillie comme les cordes d’un manche a violon, onglees de griffes semblables a celles qui terminent les ailes membraneuses des chauves-souris, avaient un mouvement d’oscillation senile, inquietant a voir ; mais ces mains agitees de tics fievreux devenaient plus fermes que des tenailles d’acier ou des pinces de homard des qu’elles soulevaient quelque objet precieux, une coupe d’onyx, un verre de Venise ou un plateau de cristal de Boheme ; ce vieux drole avait un air si profondement rabbinique et cabalistique qu’on l’eut brule sur la mine, il y a trois siecles. « Ne m’acheterez-vous rien aujourd’hui, monsieur ? Voila un kriss malais dont la lame ondule comme une flamme ; regardez ces rainures pour egoutter le sang, ces dentelures pratiquees en sens inverse pour arracher les entrailles en retirant le poignard ; c’est une arme feroce, d’un beau caractere et qui ferait tres bien dans votre trophee ; cette epee a deux mains est tres belle, elle est de Josepe de la Hera, et cette cauchelimarde a coquille fenestree, quel superbe travail ! — Non, j’ai assez d’armes et d’instruments de carnage ; je voudrais une figurine, un objet quelconque qui put me servir de serre-papier, car je ne puis souffrir tous ces bronzes de pacotille que vendent les papetiers, et qu’on retrouve invariablement sur tous les bureaux. Homework Online. » Le vieux gnome, furetant dans ses vieilleries, etala devant moi des bronzes antiques ou soi-disant tels, des morceaux de malachite, de petites idoles indoues ou chinoises, espece de poussahs de jade, incarnation de Brahma ou de Wishnou merveilleusement propre a cet usage, assez peu divin, de tenir en place des journaux et des lettres.

J’hesitais entre un dragon de porcelaine tout constelle de verrues, la gueule ornee de crocs et de barbelures, et un petit fetiche mexicain fort abominable, representant au naturel le dieu Witziliputzili, quand j’apercus un pied charmant que je pris d’abord pour un fragment de Venus antique. Il avait ces belles teintes fauves et rousses qui donnent au bronze florentin cet aspect chaud et vivace, si preferable au ton vert-de-grise des bronzes ordinaires qu’on prendrait volontiers pour des statues en putrefaction : des luisants satines frissonnaient sur ses formes rondes et polies par les baisers amoureux de vingt siecles ; car ce devait etre un airain de Corinthe, un ouvrage du meilleur temps, peut-etre une fonte de Lysippe ! « Ce pied fera mon affaire, » dis-je au marchand, qui me regarda d’un air ironique et sournois en me tendant l’objet demande pour que je pusse l’examiner plus a mon aise. Je fus surpris de sa legerete ; ce n’etait pas un pied de metal, mais bien un pied de chair, un pied embaume, un pied de momie : en regardant de pres, l’on pouvait distinguer le grain de la peau et la gaufrure presque imperceptible imprimee par la trame des bandelettes. Essay About A Place Villain. Les doigts etaient fins, delicats, termines par des ongles parfaits, purs et transparents comme des agates ; le pouce, un peu separe, contrariait heureusement le plan des autres doigts a la maniere antique et lui donnait une attitude degagee, une sveltesse de pied d’oiseau ; la plante, a peine rayee de quelques hachures invisibles, montrait qu’elle n’avait jamais touche la terre, et ne s’etait trouvee en contact qu’avec les plus fines nattes de roseaux du Nil et les plus moelleux tapis de peaux de pantheres. « Ha ! ha ! vous voulez le pied de la princesse Hermonthis, dit le marchand avec un ricanement etrange, en fixant sur moi ses yeux de hibou ; ha ! ha ! ha ! pour un serre-papiers ! idee originale, idee d’artiste.

Qui aurait dit au vieux Pharaon que le pied de sa fille adoree servirait de serre-papiers l’aurait bien surpris, lorsqu’il faisait creuser une montagne de granit pour y mettre le triple cercueil peint et dore, tout couvert d’hieroglyphes avec de belles peintures du jugement des ames, ajouta a demi-voix et comme se parlant a lui-meme le petit marchand singulier. — Combien me vendrez-vous ce fragment de momie ? — Ah ! le plus cher que je pourrai, car c’est un morceau superbe ; si j’avais le pendant, vous ne l’auriez pas a moins de cinq cents francs : la fille d’un Pharaon, rien n’est plus rare. — Assurement cela n’est pas commun ; mais enfin combien en voulez-vous ? D’abord je vous avertis d’une chose, c’est que je ne possede pour tresor que cinq louis ; — j’acheterai tout ce qui coutera cinq louis, mais rien de plus. Website Online. Vous scruteriez les arriere-poches de mes gilets et mes tiroirs les plus intimes, que vous n’y trouveriez pas seulement un miserable tigre a cinq griffes. — Cinq louis le pied de la princesse Hermonthis, c’est bien peu, tres peu en verite, un pied authentique, dit le marchand en hochant la tete et en imprimant a ses prunelles un mouvement rotatoire. Psychology Assignments. — Allons, prenez-le, et je vous donne l’enveloppe par-dessus le marche, ajouta-t-il en le roulant dans un vieux lambeau de damas ; tres beau, damas veritable, damas des Indes, qui n’a jamais ete reteint ; c’est fort, c’est moelleux, » marmottait-il en promenant ses doigts sur le tissu eraille par un reste d’habitude commerciale qui lui faisait vanter un objet de si peu de valeur qu’il le jugeait lui-meme digne d’etre donne. Il coula les pieces d’or dans une espece d’aumoniere moyen age pendant a sa ceinture, en repetant : « Le pied de la princesse Hermonthis servir de serre-papiers ! » Puis, arretant sur moi ses prunelles phosphoriques, il me dit avec une voix stridente comme le miaulement d’un chat qui vient d’avaler une arete : « Le vieux Pharaon ne sera pas content ; il aimait sa fille, ce cher homme. — Vous en parlez comme si vous etiez son contemporain ; quoique vieux, vous ne remontez cependant pas aux pyramides d’Egypte, » lui repondis-je en riant du seuil de la boutique. Je rentrai chez moi fort content de mon acquisition.

Pour la mettre tout de suite a profit, je posai le pied de la divine princesse Hermonthis sur une liasse de papiers : ebauche de vers, mosaique indechiffrable de ratures, articles commences, lettres oubliees et mises a la poste dans le tiroir, erreur qui arrive souvent aux gens distraits ; l’effet etait charmant, bizarre et romantique. Tres satisfait de cet embellissement, je descendis dans la rue, et j’allai me promener avec la gravite convenable et la fierte d’un homme qui a sur tous les passants qu’il coudoie l’avantage ineffable de posseder un morceau de la princesse Hermonthis, fille de Pharaon. Je trouvai souverainement ridicules tous ceux qui ne possedaient pas, comme moi, un serre-papiers aussi notoirement egyptien ; et la vraie occupation d’un homme sense me paraissait d’avoir un pied de momie sur son bureau. Heureusement la rencontre de quelques amis vint me distraire de mon engouement de recent acquereur ; je m’en allai diner avec eux, car il m’eut ete difficile de diner avec moi. Quand je revins le soir, le cerveau marbre de quelques veines de gris de perle, une vague bouffee de parfum oriental me chatouilla delicatement l’appareil olfactif ; la chaleur de la chambre avait attiedi le natrum, le bitume et la myrrhe dans lesquels les paraschites inciseurs de cadavres avaient baigne le corps de la princesse ; c’etait un parfum doux quoique penetrant, un parfum que quatre mille ans n’avaient pu faire evaporer. Le reve de l’Egypte etait l’eternite : ses odeurs ont la solidite du granit, et durent autant. Je bus bientot a pleines gorgees dans la coupe noire du sommeil ; pendant une heure ou deux tout resta opaque, l’oubli et le neant m’inondaient de leurs vagues sombres.

Cependant mon obscurite intellectuelle s’eclaira, les songes commencerent a m’effleurer de leur vol silencieux. Les yeux de mon ame s’ouvrirent, et je vis ma chambre telle qu’elle etait effectivement : j’aurais pu me croire eveille, mais une vague perception me disait que je dormais et qu’il allait se passer quelque chose de bizarre. L’odeur de la myrrhe avait augmente d’intensite, et je sentais un leger mal de tete que j’attribuais fort raisonnablement a quelques verres de vin de Champagne que nous avions bus aux dieux inconnus et a nos succes futurs. Je regardais dans ma chambre avec un sentiment d’attente que rien ne justifiait ; les meubles etaient parfaitement en place, la lampe brulait sur la console, doucement estompee par la blancheur laiteuse de son globe de cristal depoli ; les aquarelles miroitaient sous leur verre de Boheme ; les rideaux pendaient languissamment : tout avait l’air endormi et tranquille. Cependant, au bout de quelques instants, cet interieur si calme parut se troubler, les boiseries craquaient furtivement ; la buche enfouie sous la cendre lancait tout a coup un jet de gaz bleu, et les disques des pateres semblaient des yeux de metal attentifs comme moi aux choses qui allaient se passer. Ma vue se porta par hasard vers la table sur laquelle j’avais pose le pied de la princesse Hermonthis. Au lieu d’etre immobile comme il convient a un pied embaume depuis quatre mille ans, il s’agitait, se contractait et sautillait sur les papiers comme une grenouille effaree : on cheat, l’aurait cru en contact avec une pile voltaique ; j’entendais fort distinctement le bruit sec que produisait son petit talon, dur comme un sabot de gazelle.

J’etais assez mecontent de mon acquisition, aimant les serre-papiers sedentaires et trouvant peu naturel de voir les pieds se promener sans jambes, et je commencais a eprouver quelque chose qui ressemblait fort a de la frayeur. Tout a coup je vis remuer le pli d’un de mes rideaux, et j’entendis un pietinement comme d’une personne qui sauterait a cloche-pied. Assignments For Money Make. Je dois avouer que j’eus chaud et froid alternativement, que je sentis un vent inconnu me souffler dans le dos, et que mes cheveux firent sauter, en se redressant, ma coiffure de nuit a deux ou trois pas. Les rideaux s’entr’ouvrirent, et je vis s’avancer la figure la plus etrange qu’on puisse imaginer. C’etait une jeune fille, cafe au lait tres fonce, comme la bayadere Amani, d’une beaute parfaite et rappelant le type egyptien le plus pur ; elle avait des yeux tailles en amande avec des coins releves et des sourcils tellement noirs qu’ils paraissaient bleus, son nez etait d’une coupe delicate, presque grecque pour la finesse, et l’on aurait pu la prendre pour une statue de bronze de Corinthe, si la proeminence des pommettes et l’epanouissement un peu africain de la bouche n’eussent fait reconnaitre, a n’en pas douter, la race hieroglyphique des bords du Nil. Ses bras minces et tournes en fuseau, comme ceux des tres jeunes filles, etaient cercles d’especes d’emprises de metal et de tours de verroterie ; ses cheveux etaient nattes en cordelettes, et sur sa poitrine pendait une idole en pate verte que son fouet a sept branches faisait reconnaitre pour l’Isis, conductrice des ames ; une plaque d’or scintillait a son front, et quelques traces de fard percaient sous les teintes de cuivre de ses joues. Quant a son costume, il etait tres etrange. Figurez-vous un pagne de bandelettes chamarrees d’hieroglyphes noirs et rouges, empesees de bitume et qui semblaient appartenir a une momie fraichement demaillotee. Par un de ces sauts de pensee si frequents dans les reves, j’entendis la voix fausse et enrouee du marchand de bric-a-brac, qui repetait, comme un refrain monotone, la phrase qu’il avait dite dans sa boutique avec une intonation si enigmatique : « Le vieux Pharaon ne sera pas content ; il aimait beaucoup sa fille, ce cher homme. Homework Cheat Online. » Particularite etrange et qui ne me rassura guere, l’apparition n’avait qu’un seul pied, l’autre jambe etait rompue a la cheville. Elle se dirigea vers la table ou le pied de momie s’agitait et fretillait avec un redoublement de vitesse. Bpm. Arrivee la, elle s’appuya sur le rebord, et je vis une larme germer et perler dans ses yeux.

Quoiqu’elle ne parlat pas, je discernais clairement sa pensee : elle regardait le pied, car c’etait bien le sien, avec une expression de tristesse coquette d’une grace infinie ; mais le pied sautait et courait ca et la comme s’il eut ete pousse par des ressorts d’acier. Deux ou trois fois elle etendit sa main pour le saisir, mais elle n’y reussit pas. Alors il s’etablit entre la princesse Hermonthis et son pied, qui paraissait doue d’une vie a part, un dialogue tres bizarre dans un cophte tres ancien, tel qu’on pouvait le parler, il y a une trentaine de siecles, dans les syringes du pays de Ser : heureusement que cette nuit-la je savais le cophte en perfection. La princesse Hermonthis disait d’un ton de voix doux et vibrant comme une clochette de cristal : « Eh bien ! mon cher petit pied, vous me fuyez toujours, j’avais pourtant bien soin de vous. Online. Je vous baignais d’eau parfumee, dans un bassin d’albatre ; je polissais votre talon avec la pierre ponce trempee d’huile de palmes, vos ongles etaient coupes avec des pinces d’or et polis avec de la dent d’hippopotame, j’avais soin de choisir pour vous des tatbebs brodes et peints a pointes recourbees, qui faisaient l’envie de toutes les jeunes filles de l’Egypte ; vous aviez a votre orteil des bagues representant le scarabee sacre, et vous portiez un des corps les plus legers que puisse souhaiter un pied paresseux. Help Beatles Bpm. » Le pied repondit d’un ton boudeur et chagrin : « Vous savez bien que je ne m’appartiens plus, j’ai ete achete et paye ; le vieux marchand savait bien ce qu’il faisait, il vous en veut toujours d’avoir refuse de l’epouser : c’est un tour qu’il vous a joue. Cheat Website. L’Arabe qui a force votre cercueil royal dans le puits souterrain de la necropole de Thebes etait envoye par lui ; il voulait vous empecher d’aller a la reunion des peuples tenebreux, dans les cites inferieures. Who Does Assignments For Money Ebay. Avez-vous cinq pieces d’or pour me racheter ? — Helas ! non. Homework Website Online. Mes pierreries, mes anneaux, mes bourses d’or et d’argent, tout m’a ete vole, repondit la princesse Hermonthis avec un soupir. — Princesse, m’ecriai-je alors, je n’ai jamais retenu injustement le pied de personne : bien que vous n’ayez pas les cinq louis qu’il m’a coutes, je vous le rends de bonne grace ; je serais desespere de rendre boiteuse une aussi aimable personne que la princesse Hermonthis. Essay About. » Je debitai ce discours d’un ton regence et troubadour qui dut surprendre la belle Egyptienne. Elle tourna vers moi un regard charge de reconnaissance, et ses yeux s’illuminerent de lueurs bleuatres.

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Hermonthis alluma une torche et se mit a marcher devant moi. C’etaient des corridors tailles dans le roc vif ; les murs, couverts de panneaux d’hieroglyphes et de processions allegoriques, avaient du occuper des milliers de bras pendant des milliers d’annees ; ces corridors, d’une longueur interminable, aboutissaient a des chambres carrees, au milieu desquelles etaient pratiques des puits, ou nous descendions au moyen de crampons ou d’escaliers en spirale ; ces puits nous conduisaient dans d’autres chambres, d’ou partaient d’autres corridors egalement bigarres d’eperviers, de serpents roules en cercle, de tau, de pedum, de baris mystiques, prodigieux travail que nul ?il vivant ne devait voir, interminables legendes de granit que les morts avaient seuls le temps de lire pendant l’eternite. Enfin, nous debouchames dans une salle si vaste, si enorme, si demesuree, que l’on ne pouvait en apercevoir les bornes ; a perte de vue s’etendaient des files de colonnes monstrueuses entre lesquelles tremblotaient de livides etoiles de lumiere jaune : ces points brillants revelaient des profondeurs incalculables. La princesse Hermonthis me tenait toujours par la main et saluait gracieusement les momies de sa connaissance. Mes yeux s’accoutumaient a ce demi-jour crepusculaire et commencaient a discerner les objets. Je vis, assis sur des trones, les rois des races souterraines : c’etaient de grands vieillards secs, rides, parchemines, noirs de naphte et de bitume, coiffes de pschents d’or, bardes de pectoraux et de hausse-cols, constelles de pierreries avec des yeux d’une fixite de sphinx et de longues barbes blanchies par la neige des siecles : derriere eux, leurs peuples embaumes se tenaient debout dans les poses roides et contraintes de l’art egyptien, gardant eternellement l’attitude prescrite par le codex hieratique ; derriere les peuples miaulaient, battaient de l’aile et ricanaient les chats, les ibis et les crocodiles contemporains, rendus plus monstrueux encore par leur emmaillotage de bandelettes. Tous les Pharaons etaient la, Cheops, Chephrenes, Psammetichus, Sesostris, Amenoteph, tous les noirs dominateurs des pyramides et des syringes ; sur une estrade plus elevee siegeaient le roi Chronos et Xixouthros, qui fut contemporain du deluge, et Tubal-Cain, qui le preceda. La barbe du roi Xixouthros avait tellement pousse qu’elle avait deja fait sept fois le tour de la table de granit sur laquelle il s’appuyait tout reveur et tout somnolent. Plus loin, dans une vapeur poussiereuse, a travers le brouillard des eternites, je distinguais vaguement les soixante-douze rois preadamites avec leurs soixante-douze peuples a jamais disparus. Apres m’avoir laisse quelques minutes pour jouir de ce spectacle vertigineux, la princesse Hermonthis me presenta au Pharaon son pere, qui me fit un signe de tete fort majestueux.

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Essay on cheat website online Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. In this essay we will discuss about Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Microeconomics 2. Scope of Microeconomics 3. Limitations of Microeconomics 4. Importance of Microeconomics 5. Problems of Interrelation and Integration of Micro and Macroeconomics 6. Meaning of Macroeconomics 7. Scope and Importance of Macroeconomics 8. Limitations of assignments for money ebay make Macroeconomics. Essay on the Meaning of Microeconomics Essay on the Scope of Microeconomics Essay on the Limitations of Microeconomics Essay on cheat website the Importance of Microeconomics Essay on the Problems of Interrelation and Integration of Micro and Macroeconomics Essay on the Meaning of Help bpm Macroeconomics Essay on the Scope and Importance of Macroeconomics Essay on the Limitations of Macroeconomics. Essay # 1. Meaning of Microeconomics: Microeconomics is the Homework, study of the economic actions of individuals and small groups of individuals. This includes “the study of particular firms, particular households, individual prices, wages, income, individual industries, and particular commodities.” It concerns itself with the analysis of price determination and the allocation of resources to specific uses. The determination of equilibrium output of the firm or industry, the wage of a particular type of Writing about a place labour, the price of a particular commodity like rice, tea, or car are some of the fields of microeconomic theory. “Microeconomics deals with the division of total output among industries, products and firms and the allocations of resources among competing groups.

It considers problems of income distribution. Its interest is in relative prices of particular goods and services.” Microeconomics is, in fact, a microscopic study of the economy, according to Maurice Dobb. It is Homework like looking at the economy through a microscope to find out the working of markets for individual commodities and bpm, the behaviour of Homework website individual consumers and producers. In other words, in microeconomics we study the interrelationships of individual households and individual firms, and individual firms and individual industries to each other. In this sense, microeconomics involves the study of aggregates.

“Price and value theory, the theory of the household, the firm and the industry, most production and welfare theory are of the microeconomic variety,” Thus, microeconomics studies: (i) How resources are allocated to the production of particular goods and services, (ii) How the goods and services are distributed among the people, and. (iii) How efficiently they are distributed. While studying the conditions in which the price of a particular good is determined, microeconomics assumes the total quantity of beatles bpm resources as given and seeks to explain their allocation to the production of that commodity. The allocation of Homework online resources to a particular good depends upon the prices of assignments for high school easy other goods and the prices of factors producing them. It is, therefore, the relative prices of goods and services that determine the allocation of Homework resources. In other words, other things being equal, it is the Writing about a place villain, allocation of resources that determines what to produce, how to produce, and how much to produce. This decision, in turn, depends upon the relative prices of goods and services. Thus, microeconomics is the study of price theory: how the price of a particular commodity like rice, tea, milk, fans, scooters, etc. is determined; how the cheat, wages of a particular type of labour, interest on a particular type of capital asset, rent on a particular land and profits of a particular entrepreneur are determined; and how efficiently the assignments school easy, various resources are allocated to individual consumers and producers. We briefly study these problems below. In microeconomics the Homework, analysis of price determination and Essay on service learning, allocation of resources is studied in three different stages: (i) The equilibrium of individual consumers and producers, (ii) The equilibrium of a single market, and.

(iii) The simultaneous equilibrium of all markets. Cheat Website Online? Individual consumers and producers are unable to influence the prices of assignments school easy goods they buy and sell. A consumer is faced with given prices and he buys that much of the commodity which maximises his utility. For an individual producer, input and output prices are given and he produces that much of the product which maximises his profits. In the market, the price and quantity bought and sold are determined by the actions of buyers and sellers. The aggregate demand and supply curves are derived from individual demand and supply curves. The equality of aggregate demand and supply curves determines the price and the quantity bought and sold in the market.

It applies both to product and factor markets. By relaxing some of the assumptions of the perfectly competitive market, this analysis is extended to monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic, competition markets. Finally, in microeconomics, the interrelations between the different markets are taken so as to determine all prices simultaneously. Though, it is generally said that microeconomics is related to partial equilibrium analysis which is the study of the Homework website, equilibrium position of an individual, a firm, an industry or group of industries, yet it is Essay on service experience katy also a study of their interrelationships and interdependences within the economy which falls under the general equilibrium analysis. First, there is the consumers market in Homework which the quantity of each commodity demanded depends not only on its own price but also on the price of every other commodity available in the market.

In this market, consumers meet producers to buy commodities which the former demand and the latter sell. The demand of consumers for the various commodities depends upon their prices and Psychology, the prices of the services which they offer. In other words, a consumer earns by cheat online, selling the productive services he owns and creates demands for commodities. The price at which a commodity sells depends upon its costs of production. The costs of production, in turn, depend on the quantities of the various productive services employed and the prices paid for them.

Thus the supply of commodities in write an economic the market depends on the costs of the firms, and the prices and quantities of the various productive services used by them. Secondly, there is the producers market or factor market. In this market, the Homework cheat website, demand for productive services (factors of production) comes from the producers, and How to an economic, supply from the consumers. The quantity of a service (factor) used in producing a commodity depends on the relationship between the prices of that service and other services, and on the prices of commodities. Here producers meet labourers, capitalists, landlords and other resource-owners. In this market, money incomes are earned by resource-owners who own and Homework online, sell their resources, the majority of whom are consumers. Thus microeconomics is Essay learning experience katy a study of interacting units of consumers, producers, and resource-owners. In this system, all prices are relative to Homework cheat website online, one another.

A change in any one price establishes a ripple which touches both product and factor markets. The interrelation between product and factor markets through prices is shown in Figure 1. In this system, consumers and firms are linked through the product market where goods and services are bought and sold. They are also linked through the factor market where the factors of production are bought and sold. Katy? In the inner circle that consumers who are resource-owners sell productive resources in the factor market which are used by firms. The firms, in website online turn, produce goods and services which they sell in the product market to consumers.

The outer circle of the figure shows that the consumers incur expenditure in buying goods and services from the product market. The money so received by firms becomes their revenue or income which they spend in buying the services of consumers as suppliers’ productive resources in assignments for money the factor market which, in turn, goes to consumers as their incomes. Thus microeconomics is the study of the interdependence of commodity prices, factor prices, their demands and supplies and costs, in Homework cheat online relation to individual consumers, firms and industries. Besides, microeconomics studies how efficiently the various resources are allocated to individual consumers and producers within the economy. Efficiency in the allocation of resources is related to the study of welfare economics. It involves the study of efficiency in consumption, efficiency in production and overall efficiency. I Need Someone To Take My Online? Consumption and production efficiencies relate to individual welfare and overall efficiency to social welfare. An individual consumer’s welfare or efficiency is maximised when, with any reallocation of resources, he is Homework website online made better off without making any other person worse off. An individual producer achieves efficiency in production when, with any re-allocation of I need to take resources in the production of a commodity, he is able to increase its output without reducing the output of some other commodity. Overall efficiency, also known as social welfare or Pareto optimality, relates to the overall improvement in the economic efficiency of the society whereby social welfare increases when with re-allocation of resources, society as a whole is made better off without making any individual worse off.

Any re-allocation of cheat resources at this optimum level of I need someone my online class efficiency will lead not only to overall economic inefficiency but also to individual consumers’ and producers’ inefficiencies. Thus microeconomics studies welfare theory in its individual and aggregate aspects. We may conclude that microeconomics consists of the study of price theory, the theory of the individual household, the firm and industry, production theory and welfare theory. Essay # 3. Cheat? Limitations of Microeconomics : Despite its uses, microeconomic analysis is not free from someone to take certain limitations. (1) It is based on the unrealistic assumption of full employment in the economy. Homework? “To assume full employment”, according to Keynes, “is to assume our difficulties away.” Full employment is I need to take class not the rule but an exception in online the real world. Thus microeconomics is an unrealistic method of economic analysis. (2) Microeconomics is based on the assumption of laissez-faire. But the policy of laissez-faire is no longer practiced. It ended with the Great Depression of the 1930s. This makes the Who does ebay make, study unrealistic. (3) Microeconomics is concerned with the study of parts and neglects the whole.

As pointed out by Boulding: “Description of a large and complex universe of facts like the economic system is impossible in terms of individual items.” Thus the online, study of microeconomics presents an imprecise picture of the Help beatles bpm, economy. (4) Further, microeconomics is not only online inadequate but also misleading in analysing several economic problems. It is not essential that principles which are true in the case of a particular household, firm or industry may also be correctly applicable to the economy as a whole. To quote Boulding again: “The character and behaviour of Psychology school students easy aggregates cannot be…obtained simply by generalizing from character and behaviour of the individual components.” Essay # 4. Importance of Microeconomics: Microeconomics is an online, important method of economic analysis which Keynes regarded as “a necessary part of one’s apparatus of thought.” It has both theoretical and practical importance. 1. To Understand the Working of the Economy: Microeconomics is of utmost importance in understanding the working of a free enterprise economy.

In such economy there is on service experience katy no agency to plan and co­ordinate the working of the Homework online, economic system. Such decisions as how to produce, what to produce, and for whom to produce, how to distribute and what to consume are taken by producers and consumers without any extraneous force. It follows that the planning authority in a centrally planned economy cannot ensure an efficient working of the economy in the absence of a descriptive essay about villain a free enterprise economy. As pointed out by Learner, “Microeconomics teaches us that completely “direct” running of the economy is impossible—that a modern economy is so complex that no central planning body can obtain all the information and give out cheat website online, all the directives necessary for its efficient operation.” 2. To Provide Tools for Economic Policies: Microeconomics provides the analytical tools for evaluating the assignments make, economic policies of the state. Price or market mechanism is the tool which helps us in Homework cheat website this respect. In a mixed economy, the assignments students easy, state runs certain public utilities like the postal services, railways, water, electricity etc.

In such cases the governments—centre, state or local—fix prices on Homework website no-profit no-loss basis. Who Does For Money Make? These prices, in turn, influence the prices of other goods and services. There are also public enterprises which are run on price-profit policy. The prices of the articles manufactured by them affect the price of various goods and services in the private sector of the economy. Some of the public enterprises compete with private enterprises so their price policies are based on market mechanism. They cannot charge prices higher than under the private sector. Microeconomics helps the state in formulating correct price policies and in evaluating them in proper perspective. 3. Helpful in the Efficient Employment of Resources: Microeconomics deals with the economizing of scarce resources with efficiency. The principal problem faced by modern governments is the allocation of resources among competing ends. In this sense, microeconomics is Homework used by Psychology easy, the government in the efficient employment of resources and achieving growth with stability.

Microeconomics helps the Homework website, business executive in the attainment of maximum productivity with existing resources. It is with its help that he is able to know the consumer demand and calculate the costs of his product. 5. Helpful in Understanding the Problems of Taxation: Microeconomics also helps in understanding some of the problems of taxation. It is used to explain the How to write an economic, welfare implications of a tax. A tax leads to the reallocation of resources from their optimal level. Microeconomics helps in explaining as to whether an income tax leads to a diminution of social welfare or an excise duty or sales tax.

It is the imposition of an excise duty or sales tax that leads to the diminution of social welfare rather than an income tax. Microeconomic analysis so studies the distribution of Homework website online incidence of a commodity tax (excise duty or sales tax) between sellers and consumers. In the field of international trade, it is used to explain the assignments for high easy, gains from Homework cheat international trade, balance of payments disequilibrium and the determination of the foreign exchange rate It is the relative elasticity’s of demand for each other’s products that determine the gains from international trade. The disequilibrium in the balance of payments is the inequality between the a descriptive, demand and supply of foreign currency. The rate of exchange of a currency in a free market is determined by Homework website online, the demand for and supply of foreign exchange. 7. To Examine the Conditions of Economic Welfare: Microeconomics can be used to examine the conditions of economic welfare. “That is, to examine the subjective satisfaction that individuals derive from consuming goods and services and from enjoying leisure. It involves the study of welfare economics which is one of defining an ideal economy.” As already studied above, welfare economics is related to maximisation of assignments for high social welfare. This is Homework cheat website possible only under perfect competition. Katy? But under monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistic competition there is always misallocation of resources and the output obtained is always less than the optimum.

Thus there is considerable wastage of resources. Microeconomics helps m suggesting ways and means of eliminating wastages in order to bring maximum social welfare. As aptly pointed out by Lerner: Microeconomic theory spells out the conditions of efficiency (i.e., for the elimination of all kinds of inefficiency) and suggests how they might be achieved. These conditions (called ‘Pareto-optimal’ conditions) can be of the greatest help in raising the cheat website, standard of living of the population. “Microeconomic theory can be used as the basis for prediction. This does not mean that it will enable us to predict the future. Rather, it will enable the possessor to make condition^ predictions. These conditions have the following form – if something occurs, then a certain set of results will follow We should be able to study government policies affecting prices of commodities and wages, for example and see how these policies affect the allocation of resources.

Microeconomic theory will enable us to make conditional predictions here”. Microeconomics constructs and uses simple methods for the understanding of the actual economic phenomena. “The theoretical approach to microeconomics utilizes abstract models in Psychology for high students an attempt to see how prices are established and how resources are allocated to various uses. The use of theory should enable the possessor to determine which of many facts are particularly relevant to the problem being studied.” Lerner explains this point more clearly when he says: “Microeconomic theory facilitates the understanding of what would be a hopelessly complicated confusion of billions of facts by constructing simplified models of behaviour which are sufficiently similar to the actual phenomena to be of Homework website help in understanding them. These models at Essay on service learning experience katy the same time enable the economists to explain the degree to Homework website, which the actual phenomena depart from certain ideal constructions that would most completely achieve individual and social objectives. They, thus, help not only to describe the actual economic situation but to suggest policies that would most successfully and most efficiently bring about desired results and to predict the outcomes of such policies and other events.” Thus it is an elegant method of Writing a descriptive a place problem solving, according to Ackley. Essay # 5. Problems of Interrelation and Integration of Micro and Macroeconomics:

This rough division between micro- and macroeconomics is not rigid, for Homework cheat website, the parts affect the ebay make, whole and the whole affects the Homework online, parts: Dependence of Microeconomic Theory on Macroeconomics: Take for instance when aggregate demand rises during a period of prosperity, the demand for individual products also rises. If this increase in demand is due to a reduction in the rate of interest, the demand for different types of capital goods will go up. This will lead to an increase in the demand for the particular type of labour needed for my online class, the capital goods industry. If the supply of such labour is less elastic, its wage rate will rise. The rise in wage rate is made possible by increase in profits as a consequence of increased demand for capital goods.

Thus, a macroeconomic change brings about changes in the values of website microeconomic variables—in the demand for particular goods, in the wage rates of particular industries, in the profits of How to an economic particular firms and industries, and in the employment position of different groups of workers. Similarly, the overall size of Homework online income, output, employment, costs, etc., in the economy affects the composition of individual incomes, outputs, employment and costs of individual firms and industries. To take another instance, when total output falls in a period of depression, the output of capital goods falls more than that of consumer goods. Profits, wages and employment decline more rapidly in capital goods industries than in the consumer goods industries. Dependence of assignments school easy Macroeconomics on Microeconomic Theory: On the other hand, macroeconomic theory is also dependent on microeconomic analysis. The total is website made up of the parts. National income is the sum of the incomes of individuals, households, firms and industries. Total saving, total investment and total consumption are the result of the Essay, saving, investment and consumption decisions of cheat individual industries, firms, households and persons.

The general price level is the average of all prices of individual goods and services. Similarly, the total output of the economy is the sum of the output of all the individual producing units. Thus, “the aggregates and averages that are studied in macroeconomics are nothing but aggregates and averages of the individual quantities which are studied in microeconomics”. Let us take a few concrete examples of Writing a place this macro dependence on microeconomics. Homework Website Online? If the economy concentrates all its resources in producing only agricultural commodities, the total output of the economy will decline because the other sectors of the economy will be neglected. The total level of output, income and employment in Help bpm the economy also depends upon income distribution. If there is unequal distribution of income so that income is concentrated in the hands of a few rich, it will tend to reduce the demand for consumer goods. Profits, investment and output will decline, unemployment will spread and ultimately the economy will be faced with depression. Thus, both macro and micro approaches to economic problems are interrelated and interdependent. Non-interdependent between the Two:

But despite these interrelations, there are many macroeconomic problems which are not applicable to individuals and many individual problems are not applicable to the economy as a whole. For example, there can be and usually is a divergence between an individual’s income and his expenditure, but for the economy as a whole total income and total expenditure are always equal. An individual can invest without having saved, or save without investing, but for Homework cheat, the economy saving and investment must be identical. When there is full employment in the economy, a firm can increase its output by for money, attracting resources from the other firms in the industry, but the industry as a whole cannot augment its resources. In the case of cheat one country, exports may exceed imports, or imports may exceed exports, but for the world as a whole, total exports and imports must balance. Integration of the Two Approaches: In reality, a hard and fast line cannot be drawn between micro- and I need someone to take, macroeconomic analyses.

A general theory of the economy should cover both. Homework Website Online? It should explain prices, outputs, incomes, the Help bpm, behaviour of individuals, of individual firms and industries, and the aggregates of the individual variables. “Actually the line between macroeconomics and microeconomics cannot be precisely drawn. A truly “general” theory of the economy would clearly embrace both: it would explain individual behaviour, individual outputs, incomes and prices, and the sums or averages of the individual results would constitute the cheat online, aggregates with which macroeconomics is concerned. Such a general theory exists, but its very generality leaves it with little substantive content. Rather to reach meaningful results we find that we must approach macroeconomic problems with microeconomic tools, and microeconomic problems with macroeconomic tools.” Thus the need is for a proper integration of the two approaches.

Prof. Who Does Assignments Make? Ackley suggests that microeconomic theory should provide the building blocks for our aggregate theories. But macroeconomics may also contribute to website, microeconomic understanding. If we discover, for example, empirically stable macroeconomic generalisations which appear inconsistent with microeconomic theories, or which relate to beatles bpm, aspects of behaviour which microeconomics has neglected, macroeconomics may permit us to improve our understanding of individual behaviour. But in order to online, proceed in either direction we need to be aware of some rather technical problems of aggregation which point out that “progress in macroeconomics depends on further progress in the microeconomic theory of prices and distribution of income.” Essay # 6. Meaning of Macroeconomics: Macroeconomics is the study of aggregates or averages covering the entire economy, such as total employment, unemployment, national income, national output, total investment, total consumption, total savings, aggregate supply, aggregate demand, and general price level, wage level, interest rates and cost structure. In other words, it is aggregative economics which examines the easy, interrelations among the various aggregates, their determination and causes of fluctuations in them. Thus in the words of Ackley: “Macroeconomics deals with economic affairs ‘in the large’, it concerns the overall dimensions of economic life.

It looks at the total size and shape of the functioning of the ‘elephant’ of economic experience, rather than working of articulation or dimensions of the individual parts. It studies the character of the forest, independently of the trees which compose it.” Macroeconomics is also known as the theory of income and employment, or, simply income analysis. It is concerned with the problems of unemployment, economic fluctuations, inflation, deflation, instability, stagnation, international trade and economic growth. It is the website, study of the causes of unemployment, and the various determinants of employment. In the field of I need someone my online class business cycles, it concerns itself with the effect of investment on total output, total income, and aggregate employment. In the monetary sphere, it studies the cheat website, effect of the total quantity of money on the general price level. In international trade, the problems of balance of payments and write an economic, foreign aid fall within the purview of macro-economic analysis.

Above all, macroeconomic theory discusses the problems of Homework cheat website determination of the someone class, total income of a country and causes of its fluctuations. Finally, it studies the factors that retard growth and those which bring the economy on the path of economic development. Essay # 7. Scope and Importance of Macroeconomics: As a method of economic analysis macroeconomics is of much theoretical and practical importance. 1. To Understand the Working of the Economy: The study of macroeconomic variables is indispensable for understanding the working of the economy. Our main economic problems are related to the behaviour of total income, output, employment and the general price level in the economy. These variables are statistically measurable, thereby facilitating the possibilities of analysing the effects on the functioning of the cheat website online, economy.

As Tinbergen observes, macroeconomic concepts help in “making the elimination process understandable and Writing a descriptive essay, transparent”. For instance, one may not agree on the best method of measuring different prices, but the general price level is helpful in understanding the nature of the economy. Macroeconomics is extremely useful from the point of view of Homework cheat online economic policy. Modern governments, especially of the underdeveloped economies, are confronted with innumerable national problems. They are the problems of overpopulation, inflation, balance of payments, general underproduction, etc.

The main responsibility of these governments rests in the regulation and control of overpopulation, general prices, general volume of trade, general outputs, etc. Tinbergen says: “Working with macroeconomic concepts is a bare necessity in order to contribute to the solutions of the great problems of our times.” No government can solve these problems in terms of individual behaviour. Let us analyse the use of about villain macroeconomic study in the solution of Homework certain complex economic problems. (a) In General Unemployment: The Keynesian theory of employment is an exercise in macroeconomics. The general level of employment in an economy depends upon effective demand which, in turn, depends on aggregate demand and aggregate supply functions. Unemployment is thus caused by deficiency of effective demand. In order to a descriptive, eliminate it, effective demand should be raised by increasing total investment, total output, total income and total consumption.

Thus, macroeconomics has special significance in studying the causes, effects and remedies of general unemployment. The study of website macroeconomics is very important for evaluating the overall performance of the economy in terms of national income. With the assignments easy, advent of the Homework cheat online, Great Depression of the 1930s, it became necessary to analyse the Help beatles, causes of general overproduction and general unemployment. This led to the construction of the data on cheat online national income. National income data help in forecasting the level of economic activity and to beatles, understand the distribution of income among different groups of people in the economy. The economics of Homework website online growth is essay also a study in macroeconomics. It is on the basis of macroeconomics that the resources and capabilities of an economy are evaluated. Plans for the overall increase in national income, output and employment are framed and implemented so as to raise the level of economic development of the economy as a whole.

It is in terms of macroeconomics that monetary problems can be analysed and understood properly. Frequent changes in the value of money—inflation or deflation—affect the economy adversely. They can be counteracted by adopting monetary, fiscal and direct control measures for website, the economy. (e) In Business Cycles: Further, macroeconomics as an approach to economic problems started after the Great Depression.

Thus its importance lies in I need analysing the causes of economic fluctuations and in providing remedies. 3. For Understanding the Behaviour of Individual Units: Last but not the least, for understanding the Homework website online, behaviour of individual units the Essay on service, study of macroeconomics is Homework cheat imperative. Demand for individual products depends upon aggregate demand in the economy. Unless the causes of deficiency in Psychology assignments school students aggregate demand are analysed, it is not possible to Homework cheat website, understand fully the reason for a fall in the demand of individual products.

The reasons for Help, increase in Homework cheat website costs of a particular firm or industry cannot be analysed without knowing the average cost conditions of the whole economy. Thus, the study of individual units is not possible without macroeconomics. We may conclude that macroeconomics enriches our knowledge of the functioning of an economy by studying the behaviour of national income, output, investment, saving and consumption. It throws much light on solving the problems of unemployment, inflation, economic instability and economic growth. Further, it is more than a scientific method of write an economic analysis; it is also a body of cheat website empirical economic knowledge, as pointed out by Ackley. Essay # 8. Limitations of Macroeconomics: There are, however, certain limitations of macroeconomic analysis.

Mostly, these stem from attempts to yield macroeconomic generalisations from individual experiences. In macroeconomic analysis the about villain, “fallacy of composition” is Homework cheat website online involved, i.e., aggregate economic behaviour is the sum total of individual activities. But what is true of individuals is not necessarily true of the economy as a whole. Writing Essay About A Place Villain? For instance, savings are a private virtue but a public vice. If total savings in the economy increase, they may initiate a depression unless they are invested. Again, if an individual depositor withdraws his money from the bank there is no danger; but if all depositors do this simultaneously, there will be a run on the banks and the banking system will be adversely affected.

2. To Regard Aggregates as Homogeneous: The main defect in macro analysis is that it regards the aggregates as homogeneous without caring about their internal composition and structure. The average wage in a country is the sum total of wages in Homework website online all occupations, i.e., wages of clerks, typists, teachers, nurses, etc. But the volume of aggregate employment depends on Help the relative structure of Homework cheat website online wages rather than on the average wage. If, for Help beatles, instance, wages of nurses’ increase but of typists fall, the average may remain unchanged.

But if the employment of nurses falls a little and of typists raises much, aggregate employment would increase. 3. Aggregate Variables may not be Important Necessarily: The aggregate variables which form the economic system may not be of much significance. For instance, the national income of a country is the total of all individual incomes. A rise in national income does not mean that individual incomes have risen. The increase in national income might be the result of the increase in the incomes of a few rich people in the country.

Thus a rise in national income of this type has little significance from the point of view of the community. Online? Boulding calls these three difficulties as “macroeconomic paradoxes” which are true when applied to a single individual but which are untrue when applied to the economic system as a whole. 4. Indiscriminate Use of Macroeconomics Misleading: An indiscriminate and uncritical use of macroeconomics in Psychology for high school students easy analysing the problems of the real world can often be misleading. For instance, if the online, policy measures needed to achieve and maintain full employment in the economy are applied to structural unemployment in individual firms and industries, they become irrelevant. Similarly, measures aimed at controlling general prices cannot be applied with much advantage for controlling prices of individual products. 5. Statistical and on service learning katy, Conceptual Difficulties:

The measurement of Homework cheat website macroeconomic concepts involves a number of statistical and conceptual difficulties. These problems relate to the aggregation of Who does assignments ebay make microeconomic variables. If individual units are almost similar, aggregation does not present much difficulty. But if microeconomic variables relate to similar individual units, their aggregation into one macroeconomic variable may be wrong and dangerous. Welcome to website online,! Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and write an economic essay, everything about Economics.

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