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Ap European History Summer Assignment 2012. Dustin Winski Jun 26th, 2012 AP Euro AP European History Summer Assignment 2012 Why did trade and travel decline after the assignment fall of Rome? After the fall of statement conclusion Rome, with no government to supply protection or to keep the rads and bridges repaired, travel became difficult and dangerous. This danger, coupled with ignorance and Get your done, lack of desire to change the situation by Essay needed nz the powerful lords, whose manors required little trade, led to the decline in travel and Get your, trade. Who was the a2 level help first “Holy Roman Emperor” and how did he get that title? After restoring Pope Leo III in Rome from which he had been driven by invaders, Charlemagne was crowned by the Poe as “Emperor of the Romans”. The Frankish Kingdom them became known as the Holy Roman Empire, a name that would remain until the Empire was dissolved by assignment Napoleon in 1806. What is the difference between the needed nz Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire? The Holy Roman Empire was started by Charlemagne and Get your, was centered in France. It was called the Holy Roman Empire#8221; due to the fact that the Pope crowned Charlemagne as the Emperor.

What were the connections between “The Holy Roman Empire” and “The Church”? The Holy Roman Empire was an endeavor by the Catholic Church and Christian kings to restore in their own image the crumbled remains of the secular achievements of the ancient pagan Roman Empire. Define feudalism and describe the characteristics of its organization. Feudalism was also a social and economics organization based on a series of reciprocal relationships. The king in theory owned the land which he granted to lords who in return would give service, usually in the form of military aid, to the king. For both, since the essay due tomorrow i have a ten King#8217;s writ didn#8217;t extend directly through a country, they were often reliant on local governing mechanisms. In practice, that usually meant the nobility of the region involved, whose loyalty was to their own family and its privileges rather than to Get your assignment done, the monarchy. What were the benefits supposedly derived from the of me myself and irene online feudal system? Who benefited the most? Feudal manors provided both political and social organization. They also were individual economics units , nearly self-sufficient due to medieval warfare, the difficulties to travel, and the resultant lack of trade.

The feudal estate featured a manor-home, usually a fortified castle surrounded by protective walls, belonging to the lord, surrounded by fields, herds and villages where serfs lived and worked. What was the importance of “The Church” and the Christian religion in the lives of the Europeans in the Middle Ages? Religion and the after-life became the focal point of thought and living. The influence of religion can also clearly be seen in the art, architecture, literature, and music of the time. This was most likely cause because life was so hard on Get your assignment earth, the Summary of me myself and irene peasants endured it concentrating on and longing for done, their reward in the after-life. How did the ritual and sacraments of the Church establish a constant, ongoing relationship with its individual members? The believers of the Roman Catholic Church believed the seven sacraments kept an individual constantly connected to God and Summary myself, the Church from birth to assignment done, death.

The Church led the belief that one could only get to heaven through good deeds and observing the Essay sacraments. How did the Church us the powers of excommunication and interdiction in maintaining its power? The idea of excommunicating individuals kept people from observing the Get your done sacraments which gave them the ability to enter heaven. Also, whole geographic areas could be punished through interdiction which prohibited the statement essay for medical school conclusion performance of Get your assignment any of the sacraments in that district. This made the Church more organized than any other political state in Europe. How was Education, learning and knowledge of Europe preserved during the Essay needed nz lowest point of the Middle Ages, the so-called “Dark Ages”? Education was secured by the people being put into strict division of social classes most notably the Church, peasants, and the bourgeoisie. What was the dominant philosophy of the Get your Middle Ages called? Who was its most outstanding spokesman?

What were its basic beliefs, and how did the philosophy view life and understanding? The dominant philosophy of the late Middle Ages was best articulated by St. Thomas Aquinas and writers needed, known as scholasticism. Get Your. Who belonged to each of the three estates of medieval European society and what was the primary duty of a member of each estate? How was this different from the social classes in modern society?

The first of the estates were composed of the Church. The main purpose for this estate would be to claim the authority of God. The second estate consisted of the nobility of #8216;society#8217;. The primary focus of the nobility were to function as warriors. The third estate had little to no power in writing that time of society and composed of done peasants and laymen. This changed throughout Europe with the coming of feudalism. This differs from modern society for the facts of a more prosperous middle class.

Describe the guilds. Who made up their membership and writing companies, what was their influence on the business practices of the late Middle Ages? In the Get your assignment middle ages, the #8216;Guilds#8217; were labor market intermediaries organizing training, working conditions. These merchants and craftsmen formed the basis for a new class of townspeople, the bourgeoisie. They would be the basis of the growing middle class.

How did the guilds improve the lot of freemen? How did they help business and trade? How did they restrict its growth? The improvement of the freemen could be seen from a point of their increase of help abortion professions. The benefits of this system would be the assignment done systematic control and increase of certain professions that were needed at the time. This order was kept to maintain employment and necesity for the freemen.

However, as a result of the control over the market, restrictions on personal choice ended up restricting its growth. Who were the bourgeoisie? Why did they not fit in the traditional class structure of the Middle Ages? The bourgeoisie were merchants and craftsmen formed the basis for a new class of town dwellers. They did not fit into what would be considered traditional because of their system and plans of growing the middle class. Why was the social structure of Europe challenged by the growing number of free townspeople and the changing economy? With the strengthening control of the Psychology kings, powers and influence of the feudal lords led to leaving more land in the hands of fewer people. This led to Get your assignment done, the even farther decline in the idea of feudalism. Of Me And Irene Watch. How did the Crusades help to begin the change from Medieval society into a modern society? The Crusades stimulated trade by certain political, social, and economic changes. This was achieved by the unknowing attacks on feudal lords and in done turn gave the increased power to the kings.

The changes developed after the Essay writers needed old nobility lacked the wealth to Get your assignment, keep up with the kings. Why are the Crusades sometimes called “Successful failures”? The Crusaders led to the eventual fading out of 8 page essay i have feudal states in the most of done Europe and essay writing, is an important part of Get your assignment done European expansion and colonialism. Why and in what ways did kings and central governments grow stronger at the end of the Middle Ages? The Kings helped facilitate the forming of countries by uniting small feudal states into large kingdoms. They helped develop the idea of a central government within these kingdoms. This centralized government was indeed stronger than the smaller micro-state governments . Of Me Online. What obstacles stood in the way of the creation of strong central governments? Since strong central governments often emerge from weaker central governments or loose confederations a central government may also have to deal with regional lords who regard centralization as an infringement on their own ower.

Why was the Get your assignment re-establishment of trade so important to the transformation of Europe? Re-establishment of trade was very important due to the fact of the bourgeoisie wanting to create a wider middle class. This could not happen because of what current state Europe was in due to Summary of me myself online, the idea of feudalism. Also, where there is any contact between two civilizations ideas will be traded amongst them, giving each civilization new ideas. Haven’t found what you want?

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oedipus guilty essay The Young Marriage of c Ai sh ah. Mother of the Believers. Muslim Answers - Orlando, Florida, All Rights Reserved. T he marriage of the Prophet Mu h ammad (P) to c Ai sh ah bint Abû Bakr when she was at quite a young age has been the focus of assignment done quite a bit of criticism in the West. Unfortunately, in this Neo-Colonialist Age of Smart bombs, MTV and the Big Mac, some of chat room abortion those who profess to be Muslims have themselves become critics. Assignment. Many Muslims, faced with the Essay writers juggernaut of Get your assignment done allegedly universal Western liberal values that have permeated almost everyone around them, sheepishly avoid discussion of such embarrassing Islamic issues. Essay Writing Companies. It is a keenly true observation that even though the European powers have pulled their colonial armies out of Muslim lands and Get your, granted them independence , an even worse plague continues. This curse is Colonialism of the Mind and it is more dangerous since it is much more subtle. Insha'Allah , this article will be a contribution to Computer help chat room abortion, making both Muslims and Get your assignment done, non-Muslims aware of not only the objective facts regarding the essay Prophet's (P) marriage to c Ai sh ah, but how to understand it in light of Islam and life in the modern world. Regrettably, for those of us trying to spread the truth of Islam in the West, we often have to agree with the Orientalist W. Montgomery Watt when he wrote:

Of all the world's great men none has been so much maligned as Muhammad. 1. But here, for a change, were are dealing with something that is an authentic part of Islamic history, not an apocryphal or fabricated event that Westerners have been duped into believing is authentic, such as the so-called Satanic Verses incident. That a man in his fifties would marry such a young girl - especially a man who is supposed to Get your assignment done, be a living example of myself and irene online piety - is not only difficult for many modern Westerners to come to terms with, but it has even gone so far as to stir up disgusting sexual misconduct charges amongst them. Assignment Done. In the face of essay due tomorrow i have a ten such criticism, Muslims have not always reacted well.

In the past century, when so many Muslims were so Westoxicated and ready to monkey Europeans in almost anything, the usual reaction was to done, deny the sources that reported the Psychology help alleged embarrassing problem. To Muslim modernists, who argued that only a legal ruling found in assignment done, the Qur'ân was Islamically valid, brushing aside this aspect of the Prophet's (P) life was rather easy. They simply denied that it had occurred and attacked the sources which reported it. Fortunately for Muslims, the apologetics of these Uncle Toms of Islam has faded to the periphery to a large extent. However, there are still many Muslims out there who try to get around what they see as a problem by ignoring authentic Islamic sources while claiming to be followers of the Personal for medical Ahl as-Sunnah . (which basically means orthodox Sunni Muslims, for done those unfamiliar Islamic terminology).

Many other Muslims possibly wonder whether the story is authentic and Personal for medical school conclusion, how to understand it if it is. The Islamic Evidence Of c Ai sh ah's Marriage. Due to assignment, the apparent ignorance of many Muslims, possibly due to myself and irene watch, reading modernist apologetic literature like that mentioned above, a look at what the authentic sources of Islam say about the assignment done age at which c Ai sh ah married the Prophet (P) is in order. A2 Level Help Aggression. This way, before we move on done, to an analysis of the myself and irene facts, we will first establish what the authentic Islamic facts are. Assignment Done. At this point, it should be mentioned that it is absolutely pointless from an Islamic standpoint to say that the age of c Ai sh ah is myself and irene watch not found in the Qur'ân , since the Get your textual sources of Islam are made up of both the statement school conclusion Qur'ân and the Sunnah - and the Qur'ân tells us that. For those wanting (or needing) to learn more about the status of the Sunnah in Islam, please read An Introduction to the Sunnah , by Suhaib H asan.

Now in regards to Get your, what the authentic Islamic sources actually say, it may come as a disappointment to some modern and cultured Muslims that there are four a h âdîth in S a h î h al-Bu kh ârî and three a h âdîth in S a h î h Muslim clearly state that c Ai sh ah was nine years old as the time that her marriage was consummated with the Prophet (P) . These a h âdîth, with only a2 level help aggression slight variation, read as follows: c Ai sh ah, may God be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet (P) was betrothed (zawaj) to her when she was six years old and he consummated (nikah) his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years. ( S a h î h al-Bu kh ârî , Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 ) Of the four a h âdîth in Get your, S a h î h al-Bu kh ari , two were narrated from c Ai sh ah (7:64 and 7:65), one from Abû Hi sh âm (5:236) and one via 'Ursa (7:88). All three of the a h âdîth in Essay nz, S a h î h Muslim have c Ai sh ah as a narrator. Get Your Assignment. Additionally, all of the a h âdîth in both books agree that the writing montreal marriage betrothal contract took place when c Ai sh ah was six years old , but was not consummated until she was nine years old. Additionally, a h adîth with the same text ( matn ) is reported in Sunan Abû Dâwûd . Needless to say, this evidence is - Islamically speaking - overwhelmingly strong and Get your done, Muslims who deny it do so only by sacrificing their intellectual honesty, pure faith or both. This evidence having been established, there doesn't seem much room for debate about c Ai sh ah's age amongst believing Muslims. Help Room. Until someone proves that in the Arabic language nine years old means something other than nine years old , then we should all be firm in our belief that she was nine years old (as if there's a reason or need to believe otherwise. ). In spite of these facts, there are still some Muslim authors that have somehow (?) managed to done, push c Ai sh ah's age out to as far as fourteen or fifteen years old at the time of Computer abortion her marriage to the Prophet (P) . It should come as no surprise, however, that none of them ever offer any proof, evidence or references for Get your assignment their opinions. This can be said with the utmost confidence, since certainly none of them can produce sources more authentic than the statement essay school conclusion h adîth collections of done Imâms al-Bu kh ârî and Muslim! Based on montreal, the research that I've done, I feel that there is a common source for Get your assignment done those who claim that c Ai sh ah's age was fourteen or fifteen years old at the time of the marriage. This source is The Biographies of Prominent Muslims which is Computer chat room abortion published in book form, on CD-ROM and is posted in Get your assignment done, several places on the Internet.

Just another example of why going to the sources is montreal important . . . The Prophet's (P) Marriages In Perspective. To put all of Get your assignment this in perspective - hopefully without undue apologetics - the first thing that one should be aware of is writers nz that c Ai sh ah was the third wife of the Prophet (P) , not the first. Prior to this, the Prophet's (P) first and Get your done, only wife for 8 page due tomorrow a ten twenty-four years was Kh adijah bint al- Kh uwaylid, who was about nineteen years older than him. He married Kh adijah when she was forty and he was twenty-one - which might be called the Get your years of a male's sexual prime - and stayed married only to her until her death. Just after Kh adijah's death, when he was round forty-six years old, the Prophet (P) married his second wife Sawdah bint Zam'ah.

It was after this second marriage that the Prophet (P) became betrothed to c Ai sh ah, may God be pleased with her. She was the daughter of Legit montreal Abû Bakr, one of the Prophet's closest friends and devoted followers. Abû Bakr, may God be pleased with him, was one of the earliest converts to Islam and hoped to Get your assignment done, solidify the deep love that existed between himself and help chat abortion, the Prophet (P) by assignment, uniting their families in marriage. 8 Page I Have A Ten. The betrothal of Abu Bakr's daughter c Ai sh ah to done, Mu h ammad (P) , took place in the eleventh year of Essay writers needed nz Mu h ammad's (P) Prophethood, which was about a year after he had married Sawdah bint Zam'ah and before he made his hijra (migration) to al-Madinah (Ya th rib). As mentioned above, the marriage with c Ai sh ah bint Abû Bakr was consummated in Sh awwâl, which came seven months after the Prophet's hijra from Makkah to al-Medinah. At the time of his marriage to c Ai sh ah, the Prophet (P) was over fifty years old. It should be noted about the Prophet's (P) marriage to c Ai sh ah was an Get your done exceedingly happy one for both parties, as the h adîth literature attests. c Ai sh ah, may God be please with her, was his favourite wife and the only virgin that he ever married. After emigrating to al-Madinah, Mu h ammad (P) married numerous other wives, eventually totaling fifteen in his lifetime. Due Tomorrow I Have. Even though we do not have time to go into the details of each one of them here, each of these marriages was done either for political reasons, to strengthen the ties of Get your assignment done kinship or to help a woman in need. Quite a few of the wives were widows, older women or had been abandoned thus were in need of a home. Computer Abortion. Additionally, it should be mentioned that the same collection of Muslim h adîth literature that tells us that c Ai sh ah was only nine years old at the time of the done marriage tells us that the marriage was Divinely ordained:

Narrated c Ai sh ah, may God be pleased with her: The Messenger of Computer room God (P) said (to me): You have been shown to me twice in (my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth and said to me, 'This is your wife.' I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to myself, 'If this dream is from God, He will cause it to come true.' ( S a h î h al-Bu kh ârî , Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15 ) Thus like everything that the Get your Prophet (P) did, there was wisdom behind it and lessons to be learned from it. The wisdom behind such incidents provides us guidance on the basis of Psychology aggression human morality, exposes the Get your double standards of misguided hypocrites from other religions that criticize Islam and much more. But more on that subject below. . . Criticism Addressed Entertained. Myself and many other Muslims should no longer be surprised by the double standard that Christians display when they criticize the conduct of Prophet Mu h ammad (P) , since we've heard it for Computer abortion so long. To have an atheist, agnostic - or anyone else who does not believe in a Divinely revealed basis for morality - criticize something that is politically incorrect by today's moral standards comes as no surprise. Such people will always find something to criticize, since they simply have a bone to pick with religion in general. Assignment. All of this absolute morality talk gets in the way of them having a good time, so they want to Essay needed nz, mock it, discredit it and do away with it. The criticism of Christians, however, is Get your another matter.

While it is writing montreal true that Christians speak out against the moral relativity which is spreading amongst the increasingly secular society today, they too are unconscious victims of Get your it. The values of most Christians today come from the Essay writers needed nz humanist values of Western Europe (or, at Get your, a minimum, are heavily influenced by them). Their values do not come straight out of the i have a ten Bible - in theory or in practice - regardless of what they may claim. Done. That Christians today try to take credit for writing the so-called Freedom, Human Rights, Democracy and Women's Rights in Europe and America is nothing short of a joke. It may impress uneducated people in so-called Third World countries, but anyone who has studied history knows that these things came about in spite of the Church, not because of it. The way in which many Christians uncritically mix non-Christian values with (allegedly) Biblical values has always fascinated me. One interesting example of this is how nationalism and patriotism are supported amongst the assignment majority of Evangelical Protestant (and even other) Christians in the United States. In America, good Christians are flag wavers. Few, if any, of these fiercely patriotic minds ever seem to realize that narrow-minded patriotism is both selfish and help, non-universal at its core.

That patriotism and Christianity go hand-in-hand in the minds of many people is Get your just an example of how we can be blindly sucked into moral relativism without even realizing it. According to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, right and wrong are ordained by Almighty God. As such, morality does not change over Psychology help aggression time based on Get your assignment done, our whims, desires or cultural sensitivities. In cultures where there is no Divinely revealed ruling on an issue, what is right and what is wrong is myself and irene determined by cultural norms. In such cases, a person would only be considered immoral if they violated the accepted norms of their society. As we will demonstrate, the Prophet Mu h ammad's (P) marriage to c Ai sh ah, viewed both in the light of Absolute Morality and Get your assignment, the cultural norms of his time, was not an immoral act, but was an act containing valuable lessons for generations to come. Additionally, this marriage followed the Summary of me watch online norms for all Semitic peoples, including those of Biblical times. Based on this, and Get your assignment, other information that we will provide below, it is nz grossly hypocritical for assignment Christians to criticise the Prophet's (P) marriage to c Ai sh ah at such a young age. In case Christian readers are under the false impression that their values today are timeless and somehow reflect those of Biblical times, please consider the following points which are directly related to the question of at what age a person is properly ready to writing companies montreal, be married: Keeping in mind the ideas of political correctness and absolute morality, in Biblical times the age at which a girl could marry was puberty. Get Your Assignment. However, during the Middle Ages it was usually twelve years old.

Now in most Christian countries it is between fourteen and sixteen years old. Essay For Medical Conclusion. I live in country where some states allow partners of the same sex to Get your assignment done, legally marry, but consider an eighteen year old boy who sleeps with a sixteen year old girl a statutory rapist. Psychology A2 Level Aggression. So even though Christians might disagree with much of what is becoming all too prevalent in Western society today - whether it be drug abuse, gay marriages or abortion - they too have been swallowed up (possibly unknowingly) by the ugly monster of moral relativism Certainly, they might be giving in less quickly than people who have no Divine basis for their morality, but they're giving in nonetheless. Historically, the age at Get your assignment done, which a girl was considered ready to be married has been puberty . This was the Personal essay school conclusion case in Biblical times, as we will discuss below, and is still used to determine the age of marriage in what the culturally arrogant West calls primitive societies throughout the world. As the a h âdîth about c Ai sh ah's age show, her betrothal took place at least three years before the consummation of the done marriage.

The reason for this was that they were waiting for her to come of age (i.e. to have her first menstrual period). Statement Conclusion. Puberty as a biological sign shows that a women is capable of bearing children. Get Your Done. Can anyone logically deny this? Part of the wisdom behind the Prophet's marriage to aggression, c Ai sh ah just after she reached puberty is to firmly establish this as a point of Islamic Law, even though it was already cultural norm in all Semitic societies (including the one Jesus (P) grew up in). The large majority of Islamic jurists say that the assignment earliest time a marriage can be consummated is on the onset sexual maturity ( bulugh ), meaning puberty. Since this was the norm of all Semitic cultures and statement for medical conclusion, it still is the Get your assignment norm of many cultures today: it is certainly not something that Islam invented. However, widespread opposition to Personal essay, such a Divinely revealed and accepted historical norm is certainly something that is relatively new. The criticism of assignment done Mu h ammad's marriage to statement essay school, c Ai sh ah is something relatively new in that it grew up out of the values of Post Enlightenment Europe. This was a Europe that had abandoned (or at assignment done, least modified) its religious morality for essay writing montreal a new set of humanist values where people used their own opinions to determine what was right and wrong. Get Your. It is interesting to note that Christians from a very early time criticized (again hypocritically) the Prophet's (P) practice of polygamy, but not the marriage to c Ai sh ah. Essay Writing Montreal. Certainly, those from a Middle Eastern Semitic background would not have found anything to criticize, since nothing abnormal or immoral took place.

It is modern Westernized Christians who began to criticize Mu h ammad on this point, not earlier pre-Enlightenment ones. It is upon reaching the age of puberty that a person, man or woman, becomes legally responsible under Islamic Law. At this point, they are allowed to make their own decisions and are held accountable for their actions. Done. It should also be mentioned that in Islam, it is unlawful to chat room, force someone to marry someone that they do not want to done, marry. The evidence shows that c Ai sh ah's marriage to the Prophet Mu h ammad (P) was one which both parties and their families agreed upon. Based on the culture at 8 page i have, that time, no one saw anything wrong with it. On the Get your assignment done contrary, they were all happy about it.

None of the Muslim sources report that anyone from the society at that time criticized this marriage due to Personal essay for medical conclusion, c Ai sh ah's young age. On the contrary, the marriage of c Ai sh ah to the Prophet (P) was encouraged by c Ai sh ah's father, Abu Bakr, and was welcomed by Get your, the community at large. It is help aggression reported that women who wanted to help the Prophet (P) , such as Kh awlah bint al- H akîm, encouraged him to marry the young c Ai sh ah. Due to the Semitic culture in which they lived, they certainly saw nothing wrong with such a marriage. Society's ideas of assignment love, family and marriage are much different in for medical, the so-called modern and civilized West of today than they were in Biblical or Qur'ânic times.

Unfortunately, many of us carry the done baggage of romantic love and ideas about sex that have managed to poison our minds since the Europeans (and their ideas) came to dominate the globe. These ideas have not only penetrated into the minds of Summary of me myself watch Muslims, but actually permeate many of them. Get Your Assignment Done. The European colonial powers have pulled out of almost all Muslim lands, but the colonization of the minds continues! As we mentioned above, the Computer chat room sad part is that most people do not even realize that they are under such un-Godly influences. Just to reference the done way things have changed, a statement in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica makes it clear that values regarding the proper age of Summary of me myself and irene watch online marriage have been changing over the years: . . . in the United States and Get your done, parts of Europe the help association of adult status with sexual maturity as expressed in the term puberty rites has been unwelcome . 2. The significance that sex and sexuality are thought to assignment done, play in human psychology has its roots in Freudian thought. Even though many of Freud's ideas are being heavily challenged today, many of his ideas still play a role in the thinking of many people. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) taught that humans are basically sexual beings whose childhood sexual urges are the key to understanding them.

He developed the Personal for medical conclusion methodology of psychoanalysis and his ideas on sex, repressed guilt and sexuality, the unconscious sex drive, the Oedipus complex and assignment done, other ideas have come to almost haunt the Western view of sexuality (almost as much as the writers needed nz repressive views of the Roman Catholic Church). Needless to say, Freud's ideas have been criticized by believing Jews, Christians and Get your assignment, Muslims since they basically deny human moral responsibility. In Freud's view of things, human beings are prisoners to the effects of unconscious forces and their sex drive. Such ideas are always welcomed by liberals, humanists and others like them. The point of all this in regards to young marriage, however, might be less clear. For Medical Conclusion. What needs to be pointed out is the contradictory modern Western view of sexuality. They are taken aback by the thought of marriage at done, the age of puberty, even though it's an age old custom. However, they have junior high schools where sex education is taught and a society where sexually promiscuous dating is considered the norm.

Sometimes sex is simply a natural pleasure to be enjoyed, but at other times it is a ten a psychological demon of assignment far reaching consequences. In short, everything from their private lives to Personal for medical school conclusion, their court systems, have fallen victim to the moral relativity of the psychiatrists and Get your, psychologists. The attitude that any experience in aggression, life can be seen as some sort of trauma is assignment very widespread. Many people go through life constantly obsessed about what sort of essay i have complex they may be suffering from due to experiences they've had in their relatively normal life. The morality which is produced by such attitudes all but does away with human responsibility. People who are guilty of serious crimes, instead of being held responsible for their actions, are themselves considered victims, since they are only doing what their psychological makeup causes them to do. Puberty = Maturity = Marriage. These points having been presented, some additional details on Get your done, a few of 8 page essay due tomorrow a ten them is worthwhile.

An interesting article on the age at done, which people married in Biblical times is Ancient Israelite Marriage Customs , by essay for medical conclusion, Jim West, ThD - a Baptist minister. This article states that: The wife was to be taken from within the larger family circle (usually at the outset of puberty or around the age of 13) in Get your done, order to of me myself watch online, maintain the purity of the family line; This is just one reference to the fact that the onset of puberty was considered the age at which young people could marry. That people in Biblical times married at Get your done, an early age is chat room widely endorsed. Done. While discussing the meaning of the word 'almah , which is the Hebrew word for young woman or adolescent female , Gerald Segal says: It should be noted, however, that in biblical times females married at help abortion, an early age . 3.

In spite of its somewhat arrogant Western talk of primitive cultures , An Overview of the World's Religions makes it clear that puberty is an age old symbol of adulthood: Almost all primitive cultures pay attention to puberty and marriage rituals, although there is a general tendency to pay more attention to the puberty rites of males than of assignment done females. Because puberty and marriage symbolize the fact that children are acquiring adult roles , most primitive cultures consider the rituals surrounding these events very important. Puberty rituals are often accompanied with ceremonial circumcision or some other operation on the male genitals. Female circumcision is a2 level help less common, although it occurs in several cultures. Female puberty rites are more often related to the commencement of the menstrual cycle in young girls. Some female authors agree:

Puberty is defined as the age or period at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction, in other eras of history, a rite or celebration of this landmark event was a part of the culture. Get Your Assignment Done. ( Rites of Passage: Puberty , by Sue Curewitz Arthen) Getting your period marks a rite of passage for young girls entering womanhood. (From the online Women's Resource Center ) Another contemporary reference relating marriage age to puberty is an article on Central Africa, which says: There are many other references which should prove to any intelligent person what anthropologists and historians already know: in centuries past, people were considered ready for marriage when they reached puberty . It should be mentioned that from an Islamic point of view, many problems in assignment, society today can be traced back to the abandonment of early marriage. Due to the way that Almighty God has created man and woman, i.e., with strong sexual desires, people should marry young. In the past, this was even more true since life expectancy was very low (i.e. you were considered old if you made it to 40!) Not only a2 level help does marriage provide a legal outlet for people with strong sexual desires, but it usually produces more children. Assignment. One of the main purposes of due tomorrow a ten marriage is to assignment done, produce children - be fruitful and multiply as the Computer help Bible says (Genesis 8:17). This was especially important in the past, when people did not live as long as they do now and Get your assignment, the infant morality rate was much higher. The Age Of Puberty. Even though we have established that puberty has been the historical, cultural and religious norm for Computer chat abortion indicating readiness for marriage, some may wonder at which age puberty normally takes place. Assignment Done. This is somewhat meaningless in help chat room, regards to Get your done, our specific discussion of Computer help chat Mu h ammad (P) and c Ai sh ah, since the hadith literature makes it clear that she had reached puberty. However, in regards to puberty and at what age most girls have their first menstrual cycle, c Abdul- H amîd S iddiqî says:

Islam has laid down no age limit for puberty for Get your done it varies with countries and races due to the climate, hereditary, physical and social conditions. Those who live in cold regions attain puberty at a much later age as compared with those living in hot regions where both male and female attain it at a quite early age. The average temperature of the country or province, say the well-known authors of the book Woman , is considered the chief factor here, not only with regard to menstruation but as regards the whole of sexual development at puberty. 5. Raciborski, Jaubert, Routh and many others have collected and companies, collated statistics on the subject to which readers are referred. Marie Espino has summarised some of these data as follows: (a) The limit of age for the first appearance of menstruation is between nine and twenty-four in the temperate-zone; (b) The average age varies widely and Get your assignment done, it may be accepted as established that the Essay nz nearer the Equator, the earlier the average age for Get your assignment done menstruation. 6. Additionally, an article entitled Puberty in Girls by an Australian government Public Health organization, says: The first sign of puberty is usually a surge of growth: you become taller; your breasts develop; hair begins to grow in the pubic area and under the arms. This may start from Personal statement essay for medical, 10 years to 14 years - even earlier for some and Get your assignment done, later for others . During puberty, a girl's body changes, inside and out, into the body of a woman . The changes don't come all at once, and they don't happen at the same time for everybody. Most girls start showing physical changes around age 11, but everyone has her own internal schedule for development.

It's normal for changes to start as early as 8 or 9 years of age , or not until 13 or 14. Even if nothing looks or feels different yet, the changes may have already begun inside your body. Many will readily agree with the information above, but still might harbour reservations about whether a marriage to an older man could be happy for such a young girl. Putting aside the modern Western notions of happiness for a moment, the marriage of c Ai sh ah and a2 level, the Prophet (P) was a mutually happy and loving one as in expressed in numerous h adîth and Get your assignment done, seerah books. 8 Page Essay Due Tomorrow. That happy marriages occur between people with a fairly large difference in assignment, ages is known among psychologists: When the differences (in ages) is great, e.g. exceeds fifteen to twenty years, the results may be happier. The marriage of an elderly (senescent) not, of course, an old (senile) man to a quite young girl, is often very successful and harmonious. The bride is immediately introduced and accustomed to moderate sexual intercourse. Essay Writing Montreal. 7. More Wisdom Behind It. In his comments on the ahadith in Sahîh Muslim which mention c Ai sh ah's young marriage to the Prophet (P) , c Abdul- H amîd S iddiqî shows three other reasons for this marriage: c Ai sh ah's marriage to the Prophet Mu h ammad (P) at an early age allowed her to Get your assignment done, be an eyewitness to the personal details of his life and carry them on to the succeeding generations.

By being both spiritually and physically near to the Prophet (P) , the marriage prepared 'Ai sh ah to be an example to all Muslims, especially women, for Essay nz all times. She developed into a spiritual teacher and scholar, since she was remarkably intelligent and wise. Her qualities help support the assignment done Prophet's work and further the cause of essay a ten Islam. c Ai sh ah, the done Mother of the Believers, was not only a model for wives and Personal essay school, mothers, but she was also a commentator on the Qur'ân, an assignment done authority on h adîth and knowledgeable in Islamic Law. Computer Room Abortion. She narrated at least 2,210 a h âdîth that give Muslims valuable insights into Get your done the Final Prophet's daily life and behaviour, thus preserving the Sunnah of Mu h ammad (P) . At that time, this marriage refuted the notion that a man could not marry the Personal statement for medical conclusion daughter of a man who he had declared to be his brother (even in the religious sense). Since the Get your done Prophet (P) and Abu Bakr had declared each other to be brothers , this notion was done away with. 8 Page Essay I Have A Ten. This is demonstrated in the following h adîth: Narrated 'Ursa: The Prophet (P) asked Abu Bakr for c Ai sh ah's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said, But I am your brother.

The Prophet (P) said, You are my brother in God's religion and His Book, but she ( c Ai sh ah) is assignment done lawful for me to marry. ( Sahîh al-Bukhârî, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 18 ) The marriage did away with the pagan Arab superstition that it was a bad omen to be married in the month of Sha wwal. They thought that the month carried this omen since the essay companies montreal word Sha wwal was derived from Sh aala, which carried a bad omen. The authentic ahadith indicate that the Prophet (P) and c Ai sh ah were married in this lunar month. Not Much Ado Back Then. Above, we established the fact that getting married at puberty was an accepted practice amongst not only today's primitive cultures , but specifically amongst the done Semitic (i.e. Hebrew, Arab, Syriac, etc.) peoples of the Middle East. In order to provide additional proof that Mu h ammad's (P) marriage to c Ai sh ah did not raise any eyebrows at that time, I submit here quotations from two Western female scholars who have studied Islam in detail: It is not clear just when the Essay marriage actually took place. According to some versions, it was in the month of Shawwal of the Year 1, that is, some seven or eight months after the arrival at Medina; but, according to others, it was not until after the Battle of Get your assignment Badr, that is, in Shawwal of the second year of the Hijrah . In no version is statement essay school there any comment made on the disparity of the Get your assignment done ages between Mohammed and Aishah or on the tender age of the bride who, at the most, could not have been over ten years old and who was still much enamoured with her play. 8.

In the above quotation, the sources which are given for the latter are Nawawi and Tabari . Both Imâms al-Nawâwî and al- T abarî were great Muslim scholars, but their works contain material that is less than authentic by Islamic standards, which is probably the reason over her questioning which date is authentic. This is Essay needed nz all beside the point, since we've already shown that authentic Islamic sources state that c Ai sh ah, may God be pleased with her, was nine years old . The main point to note is Get your assignment that no version was any comment made on their age difference or on c Ai sh ah's young age. Why? Such an early marriage was normal in all Semitic societies - such as the ones that Abraham (P) , Moses (P) , Jesus (P) and essay writing, Mu h ammad (P) grew up in! Another author, Karen Armstrong, has this to add: Tabari says that she was so young that she stayed in her parents' home and the marriage was consummated there later when she had reached puberty . 9. This further establishes that the marriage took place at puberty and that, as such, no eyebrows were raised.

Tabari , it should be mentioned, refers to Abû Ja c far Mu h ammad ibn Jarîr al- T abarî (225-310 AH / 839-923 CE), who was a great Muslim scholar who is well known in the West for his Qur'ânic commentary and history of the world. It is no surprise that both of the done above authors agree on help, the fact that the marriage of c Ai sh ah and Mu h ammad (P) took place when the Get your assignment former had reached puberty and that this was normal at essay i have, the time. Get Your Done. This is 8 page i have a ten no surprise, since anyone who studies the Muslim sources and Semitic culture would be forced to come to the same conclusion, since it is simply a historical fact. It should be pointed out that both of the above quoted female authors do not hesitate to misrepresent Islam (intentionally or unintentionally) in their other writings. Suffice it to say that if there was some other damaging information available, they would not hesitate to bring it to done, light. Nabia Abbott, who has done some useful research on Islam in myself and irene watch online, some areas, was basically an Orientalist in the classic sense.

Her book which was quoted above, Aishah-The Beloved of done Mohammed , is actually nothing but a disgusting second-guessing of c Ai sh ah's life. If a book with a similar mix of essay due tomorrow a ten speculation and inauthentic sources were written about someone of significance in the West, it certainly would not be sitting on scholarly bookshelves. Get Your Assignment. It has long been established that Orientalists with a bone to pick with Islam liked to decide on Essay nz, the authenticity of a story based on their preconceived notions. If an inauthentic story seemed to assignment, belittle the Prophet of Islam, it became oft quoted. However, any authentic material that contradicted their theories was simply ignored. It's analogous to writing a historical biography of help Jesus (P) and using quotations from apocryphal gospels to Get your done, override the due tomorrow i have Canonical ones whenever whimsically deemed appropriate. This is how Orientalists and Christian missionaries have been treating Mu h ammad (P) for centuries. For those who want to know more about this, please read our article Orientalism, Misinformation and done, Islam . So What's The Verdict? Overcoming cultural bias or admitting your own double standards is not always easy. For some people, it takes years for them to Legit essay, admit that they've been hypocritical.

Hopefully, the thoughts presented here will plant the done seed of reflection in some people so that they may reflect on the truth. Admitting that there's a problem is often half the battle, so before the reader heads off to 8 page essay i have a ten, make a final personal judgment on where they stand on this issue, I want to provide some more food for thought. Get Your Assignment Done. Montgomery Watt, a long time scholar of Islam, had some choice words on how the West should judge Mu h ammad (P) . I have never agreed with many of Watt's conclusions about help aggression, Islam, but I have always viewed him as one of the Get your assignment done more open-minded and open-hearted Orientalist scholars. Possibly, this is because he was more of companies montreal a promoter of understanding than a narrow-minded Christian missionary. Done. Years of studying Islam brought Watt to this conclusion: The other main allegations of moral defect in Muhammad are that he was treacherous and lustful . . . Sufficient has been said above about the interpretation of these events to show that the case against writers needed nz, Muhammad is much weaker than is sometimes thought.

The discussions of assignment done these allegations, however, raises a fundamental question. How are we to judge Muhammad? By the standards of his own time and country? Or by those of the most enlightened opinion in the West today? When the sources are closely scrutinized, it is clear that those of Muhammad's actions which are disapproved by the modern West were not the object of the moral criticism of his contemporaries . They criticized some of his acts, but their motives were superstitious prejudice or fear of the consequences. If they criticized the events at Essay writers needed, Nakhlah, it was because they feared some punishment from the offended pagan gods or the worldly vengeance of the Meccans.

If they were amazed at the mass execution of the Jews of the Get your assignment clan of Qurayzah, it was at the number and danger of the blood-feuds incurred. The marriage with Zaynab seemed incestuous, but this conception of incest was bound up with old practices belonging to a lower, communalistic level of familial institutions where a child's paternity was not definitely known; and Personal statement, this lower level was in process being eliminated by Islam . . . From the standpoint of Muhammad's time, then, the allegations of treachery and sensuality cannot be maintained. Get Your. His contemporaries did not find him morally defective in any way. On the contrary, some of the acts criticized by the modern Westerner show that Muhammad's standards were higher than those of his time. In his day and generation he was a social reformer, even a reformer in the sphere of morals. He created a new system of social security and a new family structure, both of 8 page essay which were a vast improvement on what went before. By taking what was best in the morality of the nomad and adapting it for settled communities, he established a religious and Get your assignment, social framework for the life of many races of men. Personal Statement Conclusion. That is not the work of a traitor or 'an old lecher'. 10. From Abraham (P) To Pick-And-Choose / Feel Good Religion

Everything that we have discussed above logically frees Mu h ammad (P) from the unjust criticism that he has received (at least amongst those who can be intellectually honest and fair-minded). One point, however, still needs to Get your done, be made a bit more clear. Even though we've mentioned it in passing, the hypocrisy and Legit essay writing companies, double standards of Christians who criticize Mu h ammad (P) for assignment done his morality needs to be more thoroughly analysed and exposed. Before moving on to an analysis of Biblical morality, I would like to Personal statement essay conclusion, offer some advice and encouraging words to Get your assignment, my fellow Muslims. My main piece of advice is to not be discouraged by slanderous attacks on Islam or how it is distorted in the media. Certainly, we all hate to see such things occur, but in the Information Age which was brought about by a culture that (allegedly) places a supreme value on freedom of speech, there is Computer chat abortion not much that we can do to stop it. The flip side to this coin is the fact that the assignment done Truth of Islam is still out there and people are finding it.

Yes, Islam is spreading in spite of of me myself and irene online these hypocritical methods that Christians and others are using to assignment, stop it. From the moon god lies of Robert Morey to the almost daily distortions in the media, Islam is still spreading in the West. Actually, the fact that those who make a career out of attacking Islam, such as Christian missionaries, have to resort to lies and distortions when they discuss Islam, is a good sign. Certainly, if they discussed Islam as it was meant to be understood, they would only be hurting their own cause. When Islam is presented by a2 level help aggression, non-Muslims in the West, usually matters of peripheral importance are addressed and criticised.

The core beliefs of Islam, if discussed at all, are presented in a distorted manner. If Islam was just some ridiculous Third World religion with no appeal, they would not have to treat it this way. As a matter of fact, a great deal of the anti-Islamic literature that fills Christian bookstores (and the Internet) is not designed to convert Muslims, but to turn Westerners off to Islam. The people who write these lies are just trying to poison the minds of people so that they won't be receptive to the message of Islam when they hear it. Their methods, however, are failing. Get Your Done. In Europe especially, the Christian religion is in a severe state of stagnation and people are looking for truth elsewhere. Christians have always been embarrassed by their almost complete inability to Psychology help, convert a notable Muslim to Get your, Christianity.

Certainly, they have their converts that they hold up as examples, however all of them seem to have been only nominal Muslims (at best) when they converted. Legit Writing. However, many notable Westerners have embraced Islam, recently as well as in the past. One of the most interesting things about this is assignment many (if not all) of these people could be called Searchers for the Truth. By this I mean that they were the type of chat room abortion people who were spiritual, open-mined and read books on many subjects. They were not brainwashed simpletons who simply wanted to join an easy religion and the dominating culture of the time.

They were people who knew a lot not only about religion, but about history, philosophy and other disciplines. Suffice it to Get your done, say that the truth of Islam is out there, in spite of all the negative press that it gets today. The following is Legit just one testimony that Islam is Get your assignment spreading in the West: Unprecedented numbers of British people, nearly all of them women, are converting to help aggression, Islam at a time of deep divisions within the done Anglican and Catholic churches. The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will rapidly become an important religious force in this country . A2 Level Help. . . Done. Within the next 20 years the number of British converts will equal or overtake the immigrant Muslim community that brought the faith here, says Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher at a Hull comprehensive and the author of a textbook guide to the Koran. She says: Islam is as much a world faith as is Roman Catholicism. 8 Page Essay Due Tomorrow I Have A Ten. No one nationality claims it as its own.

Islam is also spreading fast on the continent and in America. ( The Times , London, Tuesday, November 9th, 1993, Home-News page) Thanks be to God that many of us who are former pew warmers finally decided to go out and investigate what they try to done, spoon feed us from the Essay needed nz pulpit and TV. Get Your Done. Why does Islam succeed in for medical school, attracting Christians and others? Because it's the Clear Way of Abraham . No other religion today can honestly claim this! Islam isn't just a feel good religion where they just tell you what you want to hear and read selected verses from the Bible. Most Christians today approach religion like they do Sunday brunch: they take what they like and assignment done, leave what they don't like. 8 Page Essay Due Tomorrow A Ten. They have this attitude in spite of the Get your assignment fact that Abraham is held up in their Bible as a towering example of faith. Abraham (P) , who was going to sacrifice his own son because Almighty God commanded it, certainly knew the basis of morality.

It is clear in both the Bible and the Qur'ân that Abraham knew that whatever God commands is the right thing to do. However, how many Christians today can say that they honestly believe that on Computer help chat, all issues? How many of them have reflected on the moral ramifications of what is contained in their Bible? Seemingly, not even their learned apologists who attack Islam have reflected on it too deeply! The question What is our basis for morality? is an easy one for Get your assignment those who follow the faith of Abraham (P) - and that's what Islam is. Islam is submission to the Will of Almighty God - We hear and we obey - the faith of our father Abraham. If it was good enough for Abraham (P) , Moses (P) , Jesus (P) and Mu h ammad (P) , then it's good enough for me! It is this truth and this attitude that attracts people to Islam.

The entire basis of Islam, which produces this attitude, is Unity - the Unity of needed Almighty God and the unity of mankind. To be sure, the message of assignment done Islam appeals to the very nature of man. No wonder it is spreading! A Christian theologian, relatively recently, observed: It is probable that early in the twenty-first century Islam will have become numerically the largest of the world religions. 11. Quite possibly, if you count only Sunni Muslims (which are at least 85% of Essay nz Muslims), we are already the Get your done largest religion in the world when compared not to Christians as a whole, but to myself and irene watch, either the Get your assignment done Orthodox, Roman Catholics or Protestants each separately. A Case Study In Biblical Morality.

Now that we've taken a detailed look at Essay writers nz, an alleged moral difficulty in the life of Mu h ammad (P) , for the sake of balance, let's take a look at a moral difficulty in the Bible. We've already made statements above concerning the nature of Biblical morality, but many readers may be unaware of some of its difficulties . For better or for worse, in Sunday school they generally skip the Get your done verses which we are going to deal with below. However, these verses certainly are useful tools in putting intellectually honest Christians in Legit writing, the same moral dilemna that they think Muslims should be in due to Mu h ammad's (P) young marriage to c Ai sh ah, may God be pleased with her. It should be kept in mind that the purpose of assignment done this discussion is the basis for morality, not the inspiration of the Bible (or lack thereof). I Have A Ten. For the Get your assignment done purposes of writing companies montreal this discussion, we accept the Bible as is . Get Your Assignment. However, this should not be interpreted to mean that we are endorsing it as the Word of God in toto . Legit Montreal. On the other hand, it should not be interpreted to mean that we are attacking the Word of God, since we are discussing it simply because Christians consider it to be the Word of God (whatever their particular definition might be). For those wanting more detailed information on done, the Muslim view of the Bible, please click here . The portion of the Bible that we want to look at begins with the Book of Numbers, Chapter 31, verses 17 and help, 18. Here, Moses (P) , following the Lord's command , orders the Israelites to kill all the Get your assignment Midianite male children. The order continues with the following: . . . kill every woman who has known man by lying with him, but all the female children , that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for statement for medical yourselves . One can only guess how the Israelites determined who the virgins were. Most probably, they did it based on age and assignment done, maturity, assuming that all of the 8 page due tomorrow i have female children who had not reached puberty were virgins. Assignment. Keep in Legit essay writing companies, mind that this was done, according to the Bible, on God's command to Avenge the Israelites on the Midianites . Later, God gives Moses (P) instructions on how to divide up the booty, whether persons , oxen, donkeys, sheeps or goats . Based on this command, thirty-two thousand persons in all, women who had not known a man by lying with him were divided up. This was done so that the done Israelite soldiers could have these young girls for themselves . I do not suspect that anyone reading this is Computer help chat room either so naive or ignorant of King James English to done, not know what this means!

Moving along to another great example of Biblical morality, . . . in Deuteronomy 21:10-14 the Biblical God of Love gives the following command: When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and Essay needed nz, the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands and thoust has taken them captive, and Get your assignment, seest among the captives a beautiful woman , and had a desire unto her , that though would have her to thy wife, then though shalt bring her home to thine house . Psychology A2 Level Help Aggression. . Assignment Done. . and after that you may go into her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. But if though have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go. This should serve as sufficient proof that the morality that is taught in the Bible often is Summary and irene not what Christians make it out to be. Assignment. In spite of what they teach in Sunday school, the above mentioned verses demonstrate the following: * Almighty God, at least according to 8 page essay due tomorrow i have, the Bible, ordered innocent babies to be killed; and. * He allowed young women to be forced into sex against their will.

Before moving on, it should be noted that killing women and children in Get your, war is never permitted under Islamic Law (the actions of Summary of me and irene watch online some ignorant Muslims around the world notwithstanding). Some Christians may take issue with the words innocent babies above, since they believe that even babies are tainted with Original Sin. However, this is not the assignment done topic of the discussion at hand. Suffice it to say that Biblical support for the Doctrine of Original Sin is contradictory at Personal school conclusion, best. There are some verses that seem to support it, but there are others that seem to clearly deny it. One strike against Original Sin, besides the fact that it's simply unjust, is the fact that the Jews - who read the Old Testament - never believed in it the way Christians do. But anyway . . . when faced with the Get your problematic parts of the Old Testament, Christians react in various ways. Many offer up the ill thought out Well-That's-in-the-Old-Testament defense.

In spite of the fact that they usually don't brush the Old Testament aside so quickly when they are being shown alleged prophecies which match Jesus (P) , a few other thoughts can be presented. Some of the Legit essay writing montreal things that make brushing aside the Old Testament a bit more difficult (at least for Get your Christians who want to essay for medical school, remain intellectually honest) are: 1) the same God that inspired the Old Testament inspired the assignment New Testament; 2) this same God is unchanging according to the Bible; 3) Jesus (P) in the New Testament endorses the Law and the prophets (i.e. the Old Testament) in several places; and.

4) without the Old Testament there is no basis for nz Christianity. When put in done, this predicament, Christians have one of Computer room two choices: 1) Stop thinking about Get your assignment, it and fall back on a liberal pick-and-choose religion that just makes them feel good but does not answer any of life's more difficult questions; or. 2) Accept the Divinely Revealed morality of the Bible as is . There are Christians out there who claim to Psychology a2 level help, accept the Divinely Revealed morality of the Bible. They understand what's at stake and the issues at hand. If people are allowed to whimsically decide what is right and what is wrong, there would be chaos. Just as importantly, if people decide what is God's Word and what is not His word based on their preconceived notions and done, modern sensibilities, nothing would be left of the Bible. As such, there are Christians who, in principle, say that killing babies is moral as long as God clearly commands it. For someone who understands the nature of of me myself and irene online Divinely Revealed morality, we would have to agree in principle but with certain reservations.

As mentioned above, Almighty God - according to Get your done, Islam - never commands the killing of innocent children. That is one difficulty that I am glad that Muslims don't have to explain their way out Computer, of! Killing babies is okay as long as God commands it. Assignment Done. So much for having Christians as baby-sitters! The bottom line is that morality comes from Almighty God and from Him alone. A2 Level Help Aggression. However, if ones studies the Bible, it is plain to see that it is not a foundation for morality. Get Your. The examples above are just a few that can be provided from both the Old and the New Testament.

The people who promote Biblical morality pick and choose from the text as they please. Only in Islam can one with good conscience accept the whole package without ignorantly or hypocritically denying things that they don't like. This is how true internal peace and balance are achieved. Online. If one belongs to a religion without accepting everything in its scripture (real or alleged) one is not only bearing false witness against oneself but against assignment, God Himself. With all the false ideas in the modern age, it's easy to be lead astray.

The liberal Western morality that has now touched all corners of the globe is, culturally speaking, something like an eight-hundred pound gorilla. It's very hard to statement school conclusion, stand in its way or speak out against it. However, being encouraged by others to follow vain desires has been an eternal problem for assignment done mankind, as Almighty God makes clear in the Qur'ân: Say: 'I will not follow your vain desires: if I did I would stray from the of me myself and irene path and be not of the Get your assignment done company of those who receive guidance.' Guideposts To Be Thankful For. The Prophet Mu h ammad (P) was a great example for all of humanity and writers needed nz, peoples of different cultures (from modern Europeans to the aborigines of Get your done Australia). Not only was he a great Prophet and 8 page i have, Messenger, but he was also a statesman, military leader, ruler, teacher, neighbor and friend.

Family life was one of the most important areas where he was a great example, since he was both a husband and a father. Due to God's wisdom, His last and final prophet experienced a wide array of marriages and family situations. Get Your. Due to this, he is an example for people who are monogamous, for those who are polygamous, for those wishing to marry those older than themselves and for those wondering how early someone can rightfully marry. Mu h ammad (P) reestablished the Religion of Abraham (P) so that it would continue to the Last Day. As Muslims, we should be thankful for these guideposts in our moral journey through life. Reflecting on them aids us in avoiding being led astray into moral relativism . This is a very dangerous thing, since it can lead to the worst of all sins - associating others with Almighty God in worship, belief and/or Lordship. Due Tomorrow I Have. By knowing the Get your Prophet's (P) life we can see how to stay within the boundaries laid by Almighty God and stay on the Natural Religion of Islam which was made to suit the natural disposition ( fitrah ) of mankind. I pray that we, as Muslims, make Almighty God's limits our limits, and that we are not influenced by other societies and cultures. Legit Essay Writing Companies. If it was good enough for Abraham (P) and Moses (P) , then it's good enough for me . . . That's the assignment done way I see it, but God knows best . . . 4 Central Africa , The New Encyclopaedia Britannica , 15th Edition (1987), Volume 15, page 646. Of Me Watch. See also Aboriginal Australia , The New Encyclopaedia Britannica , 15th Edition (1987), Volume 14, page 425. For additional references to the marriage customs in Biblical times, see Israel: Its Life and Culture , by Get your, Johannes Pedersen, Volume 1, page 60ff.

5 Herman H. Ploss, Max Bartels and writers, Paul Bartels, Woman , Volume I, Lord Bransby, 1988, page 563. 6 English-translation of Sahih Muslim , Volume 2, International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, page 715.

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How to Find Resumes on assignment done the Internet with Google. Want to learn how to Essay needed nz find resumes on the Internet using Google? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you are new to Get your assignment searching the for medical, Internet for resumes or you are a veteran Interent sourcer, I’ve included some tips, tricks, and done observations for Psychology a2 level aggression the novice and expert alike. When using Google to search specifically for Get your assignment done resumes, it’s a good idea to begin by searching for the word “resume” in the title and/or the url of web pages.

For example: (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) Here is a sample result to illustrate how this works – we can see the word “Resume” in the blue TITLE line, as well as in the green URL line. The first line of Essay needed nz any search result is the title of the Get your done, webpage, and the url is the specific web page’s address. Targeting the word “resume” in the title and/or url is very handy, because for many people, it’s simply common sense/instinct to either title the web page containing their resume with the help aggression, word “resume,” and/or save their resume using the assignment done, word “resume” in the name of the file. Eliminating False Positive Results. A “false positive” result is a search result that contains your search terms, but does not match the “essence” of what you are actually trying to find. For example – if you’re searching for resumes, there are many sites that will be returned in your search results that are in fact not resumes, such as sites advertising resume samples and myself watch online job postings that mention phrases such as, “submit resumes to…”

In order to remove most non-resume false positive results, you can use Google’s version of the Boolean NOT operator, which is the minus sign, to prevent your search from returning results with words such as sample, job, etc. (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) -job -jobs -sample -samples. Other ideas of terms you can try to eliminate that may return false positive results: -eoe -submit -free -”resume service” -template -”resume service” -“resume writers” -“resume writing” Some people who decide to make their resume available on assignment done the Internet also decide to publish a phone number. To find these folks, you can try and Essay writers needed nz include local area codes in Get your assignment done, your search in attempt to find them. Here is an example of a search using area codes to target people who live in Northern VA: (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) -job -jobs -sample -samples -“resume service” (703 OR 571) What you’ll notice, however, is that searching for area codes can easily produce false positive results, as can be seen in the screenshot below – which are the first 4 results from the search.

Result #3 and #4 mention the number 571, but it’s not referenced as an Computer help room area code, so they are false positive, non-local results. To clean up the false positive results that mention 571 or 703 but are not of Get your assignment done resumes of people who live in VA, you can add the Personal essay for medical conclusion, state and state abbreviation to the search as well as exclude more non-resume terms and phrases: While there are still a good number of Get your assignment non-resume false positive results, this can be expected because we didn’t even search for any keywords/skills. Once we do, we will notice a significant drop off in false positives. Another way to of me myself watch online search for assignment local resumes is to target a zip code radius. While Google doesn’t support true zip code search functionality, we can leverage the fact that Google supports searching for numbers within a range, otherwise known as “numrange” search. You can perform a numrange search on Summary of me watch any sequential (low to high) set of numbers by Get your assignment done, typing two periods between the numbers without any spaces. This is especially helpful because we can exploit this search functionality and adapt it to performing a zip code radius search. For example, take your target zip code and use this handy zip code radius lookup application, which you can use to search for zip codes in a radius and and irene sort the zip codes within the radius from low to Get your done high. Using a central zip code of 75201 in Dallas, TX and targeting a 20 mile radius, we can use that zip code radius application to needed get a range of zip codes from a low zip code of Get your assignment 75001 to nz a high zip code of 76155. Using Google’s numrange search syntax, here is an Get your done example of a search string targeting people within a 20-mile radius of 75201 in Essay needed nz, TX:

Sample results: you can see the Get your, zip code search worked beautifully: Here are a couple of things to Summary of me myself watch keep in mind when searching for local resumes: Not everyone will publish a phone number on their resume If they do publish a phone number on their resume, it could be a cell phone with a non-local area code if they relocated from another area – this is why is can be helpful to search for Get your assignment done zip codes as well as area codes If they don’t publish a phone number at all, they should at least mention a city and/or state. Targeting Resumes That Are Not Titled As “Resume” Although plenty of people do title their resume or the web page containing their resume with the word “resume,” there are some people who don’t.

After searching for needed all of the results that DO contain the word “resume” in assignment, the URL or title of the web page, you need to try to eliminate them from future search results using Google’s NOT operator, the minus sign, to specifically target the results that don’t mention resume in 8 page due tomorrow i have a ten, the title or URL. Done. For example: Don’t be tempted to try and write that as -(inurl:resume OR intitle:resume), because Google will not read that search string in the manner in which you intend. Instead of eliminating results with the word “resume” in Essay writers needed, either the URL or the title, Google will in fact will do the exact opposite. Click here to see the sad reality. Sorry Google.

Next, you’ll have to think about Get your words that are commonly found on resumes, such as “objective,” “summary,” “experience,” “employment,” “skills,” “history,” “education,” etc. Then you’ll have to Computer chat room abortion try and reduce false positive results of job postings, resume sample sites and such, and also target local results. Assignment. Putting it all together, your search string could look like this: First page results: We can see that the Psychology, first result is essentially of Get your a resume, yet the person saved their work history as “biodata.” See? Some people don’t use the 8 page i have a ten, word resume. :-) Looking at Get your assignment done the second result, we can see that the word “resume” is needed actually highlighted in assignment, the url of the second result – which technically should not happen, as we coupled Google’s NOT/- operator with inurl:resume.

Yet more proof that Boolean search does not = Internet search. That’s 2 strikes, Google. The third result is definitely not a resume – it is a LinkedIn directory by name, within which is at least one positive hit on our search terms. While there are no doubt resumes on the Internet that do not mention the word “resume,” anywhere within them, I have found that when you stray from targeting the word “resume” in 8 page due tomorrow a ten, web page titles and URLs, you can quickly find yourself swimming in a sea of assignment done false positive results, which is a huge time drain. I believe the help aggression, 80/20 Pareto principle solidly applies here: You will get 80% of your viable results from targeted resume searches and the other 20% from searching without targeting the Get your assignment done, word “resume.” Likewise, you can easily waste 80% of your time trying to sort through the sea of false positives in order to writers needed nz dig up the 20% of resumes that do not mention the term. I’ve provided you with a quick overview of Get your assignment done how to effectively utilize Google to Essay writers search for resumes on the Internet. Be aware though – all is not perfect in Get your assignment, when hunting for resumes in Google land – if you have not already, please read these 2 posts: The Internet has Free Resumes – So What?and Boolean search does not = Internet search. For those of you who read this post and asked why I: didn’t talk about searching for Legit writing companies montreal CV’s didn’t suggest using the tilde.

operator in Get your done, conjuntion with the word “resume” didn’t use - job when trying to eliminate false positive results didn’t talk about targeting filetypes didn’t talk about just searching for the word “resume” without using it in school conclusion, conjunction with inurl: or intitle: didn’t mention Google CSE’s. Excellent Article! Real insight seen in the description and also hands on expertise. I believe this way you could simply recruit using an internet connection and nothing else. Get Your. This is very impressive. Also you will be able to needed nz get better candidature as opposed to people using job boards. Thanks Glen! This really was a value addition to my efforts! I have tried the search as ‘ Java -intitle:resume -inurl:resume (objective OR summary) (experience OR history) education -job -jobs -sample -samples’ which you have mentioned. But I didn’t get any result from linkedin site.

If I modify the assignment done, search keyword as ‘ Java -intitle:resume -inurl:resume -job -jobs’ then I got result from 8 page a ten linkedin site but it displays events also along with candidates. I found this article very interesting and appealing as I have been trying to learn ways to do sourcing for resumes on the internet. I am trying to learn ways to form such a string on either google or any other tool/site. I am new to this and can hardly understand all the requirements.Could you be kind enough to done post an myself and irene watch article for the same? I have already subscribed on this site. Thanks a lot for your article, i have heard about resume search in google but i dont know how to do it. After reading your article i have got an idea to do it.. i will try. please post me the articles related to this search and job search in Get your done, US. i do appriciate your help… Thank you so much. Hey, thanks a lot for all the information you are sharing with.

Its real cool. How ever I would like to know more about sourcing the resume. Please help me out. I’m really great full about this article. I’m currently new in the field of Human Resource. And I’m currently using an online subscription based resume search.

But unfortunately, it’s not enough to Essay writers needed fullfill my search. I’m currently looking for a faster and Get your assignment done accurate resume search. Excellent article, with a ton of great search refining information. I have what seems like a dumb question that I must ask. I am searching Google for Android engineers and have used the following string: android engineer OR Mobile Programmer resume filetype:pdf -guide -events -hire -amazon -job -jobs -manual.

I have returned ok results… Here is my question, how do I eliminate European countries and Canada from my results? I look forward to your reply. Thanks again. Internet Resume Search 2.0 does all the writers needed, internet search work for you using the done, major search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing at: Thank you so much for this article. Can you send me few tips with example to my personal gmail id Great article! Thank you for Psychology help sharing this knowledge. It’s going to be very useful for my searches.

I do have one question though, how do I narrow a search for Get your done a SEO expert who needs to have worked on one of the top Alexa 100 sites? Basically, how do I add criteria to my search? how to type the keywords for the need requirment……… Designing was passion so got it worked for, have a look on the new trends of essay a ten Designers. Hi Glen; I tried your string on done Google and indeed was very helpful i getting resumes in USA, but i mostly work on European requirements, can you please advise how to source if i am looking out for profiles in Personal statement school, multiple countries in done, Europe with Bilingual language option. Thanks. Very informative, that’s exactly what i am looking for. Specially in 8 page essay i have, finding that quality resume which sometimes tends to be not so inviting after all,. You got a good theme but sometimes fail in editing, that’s sometimes the sickness of a resume. You’re right.

And, are you kiddin’me, i’ve been looking that information for weeks. Great Post plus i like the website’s layout. I’m going to bookmark this up for the reliable information that i think i’m gonna be needing sooner or later. Awesome! I was looking for Boolean for zipcode and radius and got here exactly what I was looking for plus lot of additional new stuff..Excellent way of done putting the concept and explaination..Thanks for the article! I am looking for guides on recruitment sales techniques such as how to close a candidate or a manager… does anyone can help? Thanks a lot in advance for your help! I learnt a lot from Personal this article…..thanks a lot…… Finding the Get your assignment done, resume is Legit companies easy but finding the assignment done, good resumes with all the Summary of me and irene watch online, contents is very difficult!!

Need job send your resume to resumes@reclutaconsultant, For what type of Position and Company? there is an advanced search in google homepage…u can search for resumes from Get your assignment there in different formats and techniques…try them till u find the right one. Essay Nz. thanks. Thank you so much for writing this article! It is by far the most useful and easy to understand introduction to Boolean I have found. I have a bit of a tailored question for you, what is your success in using Boolean to find data scientists? I’ve been having a hard time finding them and was wondering if I was doing something wrong or if they just don’t tend to post their resumes online. I would greatly appreciate any insights you have to offer! (I didn’t see an article about this in your blog but sorry in advance if it is in there and I missed it.) can u please mention the assignment done, strings to search resumese with complete details. oh i need to fix my problem in various ways, how could help me in Summary of me, this situation … Cathey is a sourcing and recruiting thought leader with over 16 years.

of experience working in large staffing agency and Get your assignment global RPO. environments (1,000 recruiters and Computer room abortion nearly 100,000 hires annually). Starting out his career as a top producing recruiter, he quickly. advanced into senior management roles and now currently serves as the. SVP of Get your Strategic Talent Acquisition and help abortion Innovation for Kforce, working. out of their renowned National Recruiting Center with over 300.

recruiters. Often requested to speak on sourcing and Get your done recruiting best. practices, trends and strategies, Glen has traveled internationally to. present at many talent acquisition conferences (5X LinkedIn Talent. Connect – U.S. ’10, ’11, ’12, Toronto ’12, London ’12, 2X Australasian. Talent Conference – Sydney Melbourne ’11, ’12, 6X SourceCon, 2X. TruLondon, 2X HCI) and Computer chat room is regularly requested to present to companies. (e.g., PwC, Deloitte, Intel, Booz Allen Hamilton, Citigroup, etc.). Get Your. This.

blog is his personal passion and does not represent the views or. opinions of anyone other than himself. Essay Companies. – See more at: Good afternoon, this seems very interesting. Done. I am a recruiter and trying to search for a position within a certain area – how do I do this? Maria Gomez.

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Administration Is Seeking $700 Billion for Wall Street. Done? WASHINGTON — The Bush administration on Saturday formally proposed a vast bailout of financial institutions in the United States, requesting unfettered authority for the Treasury Department to buy up to $700 billion in distressed mortgage-related assets from the private firms. The proposal, not quite three pages long, was stunning for Computer help chat room, its stark simplicity. It would raise the national debt ceiling to $11.3 trillion. And it would place no restrictions on the administration other than requiring semiannual reports to Congress, granting the Get your assignment Treasury secretary unprecedented power to buy and resell mortgage debt. “This is a big package, because it was a big problem,” President Bush said Saturday at a White House news conference, after meeting with President Alvaro Uribe of 8 page essay due tomorrow i have a ten, Colombia. “I will tell our citizens and continue to remind them that the risk of Get your, doing nothing far outweighs the risk of the package, and that, over a2 level help time, we’re going to get a lot of the Get your assignment money back.” After a week of stomach-flipping turmoil in the financial system, and with officials still on Essay nz, edge about how global markets will respond, the delivery of the administration’s plan set the stage for a four-day brawl in Congress.

Democratic leaders have pledged to Get your assignment approve a bill but say it must also include tangible help for ordinary Americans in essay for medical school conclusion the form of an economic stimulus package. Staff members from Treasury and the House Financial Services and Senate banking committees immediately began meeting on Capitol Hill and assignment done, were expected to work through the weekend. Congressional leaders are hoping to recess at the end of the week for the fall elections, after approving the bailout and a budget measure to keep the government running. With Congressional Republicans warning that the bailout could be slowed by efforts to tack on additional provisions, Democratic leaders said they would insist on Legit writing companies montreal, a requirement that the administration use its new role, as the owner of Get your assignment done, large amounts of mortgage debt, to help hundreds of thousands of Psychology a2 level help, troubled borrowers at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure. “It’s clear that the Get your done administration has requested that Congress authorize, in very short order, sweeping and a2 level, unprecedented powers for the Treasury secretary,” the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi of California, said in a statement. “Democrats will work with the administration to ensure that our response to events in Get your the financial markets is Essay, swift, but we must insulate Main Street from Wall Street and keep people in their homes.” Ms. Pelosi said Democrats would also insist on “enacting an economic recovery package that creates jobs and returns growth to our economy.” Even as talks got under way, there were signs of how very much in flux the plan remained. The administration suggested that it might adjust its proposal, initially restricted to purchasing assets from financial institutions based in the United States, to enable foreign firms with United States affiliates to make use of it as well. The ambitious effort to transfer the bad debts of Wall Street, at least temporarily, into Get your assignment, the obligations of American taxpayers was first put forward by the administration late last week after a series of 8 page due tomorrow, bold interventions on behalf of ailing private firms seemed unlikely to Get your assignment done prevent a crash of world financial markets. A $700 billion expenditure on distressed mortgage-related assets would roughly be what the country has spent so far in direct costs on the Iraq war and more than the Pentagon’s total yearly budget appropriation.

Divided across the population, it would amount to more than $2,000 for every man, woman and child in a2 level the United States. Whatever is Get your assignment, spent will add to a budget deficit already projected at more than $500 billion next year. And it comes on top of the Essay needed $85 billion government rescue of the insurance giant American International Group and a plan to spend up to $200 billion to shore up the mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Get your, Freddie Mac. At his news conference, Mr. Bush also sought to portray the due tomorrow i have a ten plan as helping every American. “The government,” he said, “needed to send a clear signal that we understood the instability could ripple throughout and affect the working people and the average family, and done, we weren’t going to let that happen.” A program to help troubled borrowers refinance mortgages — along with an $800 billion increase in the national debt limit — was approved in July. But financing for it depended largely on fees paid by Fannie Mae and of me watch online, Freddie Mac, which have been placed into a government conservatorship. Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said in an interview that his staff had already begun working with the Senate banking committee to draft additions to the administration’s proposal. Assignment Done? Mr. Frank said Democrats were particularly intent on Legit writing montreal, limiting the done huge pay packages for corporate executives whose firms seek aid under the new plan, raising the prospect of a contentious battle with the White House. “There are going to be federal tax dollars buying up some of the bad paper,” Mr. Frank said. “They should accept some compensation guidelines, particularly to Psychology aggression get rid of the perverse incentives where it’s ‘heads I win, tails I break even.’ ” Mr.

Frank said Democrats were also thinking about tightening the language on the debt limit to make clear that the assignment additional borrowing authority could be used only for the bailout plan. And he said they might seek to revive a proposal that would give bankruptcy judges the authority to modify the help room abortion terms of primary mortgages, a proposal strongly opposed by the financial industry. Get Your Assignment Done? Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who attended emergency meetings with the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Summary Myself Online? Paulson Jr., and assignment done, the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, on Capitol Hill last week, described the proposal as a good start but said it did little for regular Americans. “This is a good foundation of a plan that can stabilize markets quickly,” Mr. Myself Online? Schumer said in a statement. “But it includes no visible protection for taxpayers or homeowners. We look forward to talking to Treasury to see what, if anything, they have in Get your mind in Legit writing companies these two areas.”

Ms. Pelosi’s statement made clear that she would push for an economic stimulus initiative either as part of the bailout legislation or, more likely, as part of the assignment done budget resolution Congress must adopt before adjourning for the fall elections. Such a plan could include an increase in unemployment benefits and spending on aggression, infrastructure projects to help create jobs. Some Congressional Republicans warned Democrats not to overreach. “The administration has put forward a plan to help the American people, and it is now incumbent on Congress to work together to solve this crisis,” said Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader. An error has occurred. Please try again later. Get Your? You are already subscribed to this email. Mr. Boehner added, “Efforts to exploit this crisis for political leverage or partisan quid pro quo will only delay the economic stability that families, seniors and small businesses deserve.” Aides to Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the Democratic presidential nominee, said he was reviewing the Essay writers needed nz proposal. In Florida, Mr.

Obama told voters he would press for a broader economic stimulus. “We have to make sure that whatever plan our government comes up with works not just for Wall Street, but for assignment done, Main Street,” Mr. Obama said. “We have to make sure it helps folks cope with rising prices, and sparks job creation, and a2 level help aggression, helps homeowners stay in assignment their homes.” Senator John McCain of Essay needed, Arizona, the Republican nominee, issued a statement saying he, too, was reviewing the done plan. “This financial crisis,” Mr. McCain said, “requires leadership and action in order to restore a sound foundation to financial markets, get our economy on its feet, and eliminate this burden on hardworking middle-class Americans.” If adopted, the bailout plan would sharply raise the stakes for the new administration on the appointment of a new Treasury secretary. Personal Statement For Medical School? The administration’s plan would allow the Get your assignment Treasury to hire staff members and engage outside firms to help manage its purchases. And officials said that the essay administration envisioned enlisting several outside firms to help run the effort to Get your buy up mortgage-related assets. Officials said that details were still being worked out but that one idea was for the Treasury to hold reverse auctions, in which the government would offer to buy certain classes of distressed assets at a particular price and firms would then decide if they were willing to sell at that price, or could bid the price lower.

Mindful of a potential political fight, Mr. Paulson and Mr. Bernanke held a series of Personal for medical school conclusion, conference calls with members of Congress on Friday to begin convincing them that action was needed not just to help Wall Street but everyday Americans as well. Republicans typically supportive of the administration said they were in favor of approving the plan as swiftly as possible. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, said in a statement, “This proposal is, and should be kept, simple and clear.” The majority leader, Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Get your, Nevada, said that the bailout was needed but that Mr. Bush owed the public a fuller explanation. Some lawmakers were more critical or even adamantly opposed to the plan. “The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America,” Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, declared on Friday. It is far from clear how much distressed debt the government will end up purchasing, though it seemed likely that the $700 billion figure was large enough to send a reassuring message to the jittery markets. There are estimates that firms are carrying $1 trillion or more in bad mortgage-related assets. The ultimate price tag of the bailout is virtually impossible to Psychology aggression know, in part because of the possibility that taxpayers could profit from the effort, especially if the market stabilizes and real estate prices rise.

Lehman Can Sell to Barclays. Get Your Assignment? A federal bankruptcy judge decided early Saturday that Lehman Brothers could sell its investment banking and trading businesses to Barclays, the Psychology a2 level big British bank, the assignment done first major step to wind down the nation’s fourth-largest investment bank. The judge, James Peck, gave his decision at the end of an eight-hour hearing, which capped a week of financial turmoil. The deal was said to be worth $1.75 billion earlier in the week but the value was in flux after lawyers announced changes to the terms on Friday. Writing? It may now be worth closer to Get your $1.35 billion, which includes the $960 million price tag on Lehman’s office tower in Midtown Manhattan. Computer Room Abortion? Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. on Monday filed the biggest bankruptcy in United States history, after Barclays PLC declined to buy the investment bank in its entirety. Assignment Done? Reporting was contributed by Jeff Zeleny from Daytona Beach, Fla., and Michael Cooper, Carl Hulse, Stephen Labaton and Summary and irene, David Stout from Washington. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Administration Is Seeking $700 Billion for Wall Street in Possible Record Bailout. Order Reprints | Today's Paper | Subscribe. We#8217;re interested in your feedback on this page.

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Free Essays on Heroes And Villains. Gothic Villain Who is the Gothic Villain ? Is he a villain /hero? Is he a dangerous lover? The villain is usually dark and handsome, though he might have some tell-tell sign that warns he is wicked. The villains ranged from dark priests to mysterious bandits.

Some start out as heroes but turn. Why Heroes and Villains Are Codependdent. Dakotah Boff English 1000 April 5, 2013 Why Heroes and Villains are Codependent By definition, heroes are anyone, be they men or women, who have extraordinary human qualities that other human beings do not possess. Heroes are courageous, virtuous and assignment, superior. They can show extraordinary characteristics. Why People Love the Villain: a Synthesis Essay. Jasmine Brewton ENC 1102 Fitzgerald 12 March 2013 Why People Love the Villain : A Synthesis Essay The Joker, Batman's nemesis, is far from a golden example of good. In fact, he's more of a madman out to watch the world burn as he causes chaos, which he calls “justice”. And even though he is. Magneto: hero or Villain ? When we think of villains there are several that quickly come to mind. For Batman there is the Joker, Superman has Lex Luthor as his great revel, and Spider-Man fights the Green Goblin.

Yet no other character is as complex as the X-Men's villain , Magneto. From they very beginning. Heroes and Psychology help aggression, Villains in Vampire Diaries. In literature, characters are always portrayed in such a way so that the reader is more or less able to Get your, classify them. Heroes and villains have played an important role not only in literature, but also in other of the many forms of animation and even visual arts. If we look up these words in Psychology help aggression, the dictionary. English 1020-52559 M. Olmstead October 02, 2007 Contextual Essay Heroes As a child, when we think of heroes , we think of Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, not to mention all the other evil fighting heroes that make the cut that we would like to model ourselves behind.

Then as we. Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain. Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain ? Dear Milford Board of Education, Was Christopher Columbus really the hero that everyone perceived him as? Or was he really just a scoundrel who was not accepting of others? And should we celebrate Columbus Day or should we not? Most are innocent to the facts. How stereotypical heroes and assignment, villains influence youth today. Stereotypical heroes influence the youth negatively through helping to create the perfect image that only exists in fantasy. Youth have been tricked into believing something that doesn't exist.

The ideal role model, which is the stereotypical hero, was created through imagination. Psychology Aggression! People create such. ? Heroes and Heroines: A study of Gender Roles in Historical Folklore Historically, fairy tales and other folklore have followed relatively strict gender role profiles. The heroes or heroines of the Get your done, story all tend to Legit companies, be handsome or beautiful, compassionate and kind, which always wins out. Meanwhile the. more from a creative perspective. All superhero films are formulaic, to Get your assignment done, a degree.

Danger emerges, hero rises to meet the challenge, hero fights villain , and, perhaps through some horribly convoluted slight of plot necessity, hero ultimately wins the day. Of course, Marvel’s better than that. They’ve. Vladimir Propp's 31 Functions of Dramastic Personae. the danger. Legit Essay Writing Montreal! 3. VIOLATION of Get your assignment INTERDICTION. The interdiction is violated ( villain enters the tale). The hero ignores the interdiction (warning not to do something) and goes ahead. This generally proves to be a bad move and the villain enters the story, although not necessarily confronting the hero.

Perhaps. cape or be able to fly to be a hero. Someone does not need to of me and irene watch online, wear black and have an evil laugh to be a villain either. Get Your Assignment Done! Today, an ordinary, everyday person can be transformed into a hero or villain almost instantly. Writers Needed! A catalyst is definitely needed to perform this transformation. An event usually has. Personally I would opt to Get your assignment, be a hero any time. Help Room Abortion! Honestly there are heroes around us all the time. Being a hero doesn’t require super powers, vast resources, mighty muscles or any of the stereotypical aspects we thinkk of with the Get your assignment, word hero.

Heroes are those people who help heal others, be their wounds physical. they don’t want to be by their own doing or by 8 page due tomorrow a ten others mischievous ways? As people who see the good in everyone, and can be easily deceived, tragic heroes are a part of society and we look up to Get your assignment done, some of them. 8 Page Essay I Have! They also can allow us to assignment, admit we, too, have flaws. Webster’s Dictionary defines a tragic. to all heroes ; the writers, instantly disliked individuals that serve as the counterpart in every piece of literature that has ever seen the light of day.

Of course these individuals are more commonly referred to as the villains . Assignment Done! The necessary evil required to make any good story. But what makes a villain ? Is it. forms of essay montreal storytelling. Beneath this, there are a variety of counterparts that might be a response to the ubiquitous heroes . Get Your! This essay will explore a number of issues surrounding these heroes . Primarily, it will look at Psychology help, the history of the Get your assignment, superhero, and Essay needed nz, how he came to be the most often used form of storytelling. bring to people. When you mention heroes in mythology, there are many different attributes so I am going to compare and contrast mythological heroes to the modern heroes of Get your done today. Being brave, strong, alert, determined, honest, bold, are all the things that made them heroes . Today, if you look at the men.

his own people, killed along racial, ethical and sectarian lines. Personal Statement Essay School! He practically murdered his own people. The bottom-line is; there are heroes and there are villains , and Saddam Hussain was no hero. Then why would the Muslims or the Iraqis remember him as a hero? A simple rationale is that he was unfairly. leader Hitler’s face showing America was leading the charge to take him down and his spirit is Get your, his shield which has the American flag on it. A2 Level Help Aggression! How many heroes can say that they punched Hitler in the face? Only the done, Liberty Sentinel himself.

On the badge, there was a pledge that read, ‘I solemnly pledge to. Today’s Heroes according to the Media Lindsey Hammonds ENG 121: English Composition II Jason Romero July 22, 2013 Today’s Heroes according to the Media What the media makes out to be a hero is not always true. In today’s era the words “hero” and “heroism” are tossed. genre, from Stephen King and Dean Koontz to Richard Frost and Summary and irene watch online, Walt Whitman. Whatever mythical story you have read, or heard, has had a villain . Whether the villain was another human, monster or demi-god, they were there to destroy the hero. When we were young we were taught about Get your assignment done good/right and evil/wrong.

How Far Do Films and Television Portray People and Situations in Personal school conclusion, Real Life? that they are laughable. Ordinary film-shows almost always have to have heroes and villains . Everyone loves a hero like James Bond who seems to be able to get out of every sticky situation without a scratch. We see the Get your assignment done, heroes get knocked, punched, shot and Legit writing, otherwise abused. However, their wounds would. Paragraphs A. Done! Women are typically portrayed as helpless “damsels in writers, distress” that constantly find themselves in impossible situations. i. ( Heroes for Hire #13) ii. Get Your Done! “Females [in comic books] are all the same…helpless” (Mayo Interview) iii. “Women are always in need or rescue—they. Should Batman Kill the Joker? - Summary.

isn’t it only school, right to see him put away for Get your, good? Although he is a murderous villain he still is a human being. Therefore he deserves at least the minimal level of respect and humanity. Essay Due Tomorrow I Have A Ten! This argument applies to real life heroes today in our society; such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, and. Adonis and Aphrodite. It usually hinges around great and brave heroes or monsters. A Myth can be based on real or unreal stories, which happened in the past. A Hero can fall into two categories. Assignment Done! On the one hand, there are imaginary heroes endowed with superpowers and who are in charge of saving the planet. Americans settlers vs. Indians, humanity vs. nature, civilization vs. wilderness or lawlessness, schoolteachers vs. saloon dance-hall girls, villains vs. heroes , lawman or sheriff vs. gunslinger, , and farmer vs. industrialist to name a few.

Typical elements in westerns include hostile elements (often. Heroes are not supposed to do bad things; that’s what villains are for. “In any story, the villain is the catalyst. The hero’s not a person who will bend the rules or show the Legit essay companies montreal, cracks in his armor. Get Your Done! He’s one dimensional intentionally, but the villain is the 8 page essay, person who owns up to what he is and stands by. Native Americans vs. Federal Government. the Native American's history is a moralistic concern.

The Americans, with the Get your assignment, federal government to back them up, were the villains . Legit Writing! While the Get your, American's Indians were the heroes , trying to keep up their long-standing ways of living in sync. Only two times, reported in their history, did the Americans. superhero? Does a higher gross in statement essay school, profits equate to a higher quality movie? Do special effects have everything to done, do with the success the comic book heroes are now experiencing? We will look at Essay, several different criteria to hopefully get a clearer idea. Iron Man 3 debuted in 2013; take place in current. everyone loves to Get your assignment, love. Or can you? The truth is, just as in writing companies montreal, real life every woman has her own taste in men, every romance reader has her own taste in heroes . One woman’s dream date is another’s nightmarish evening. The hero I sigh for done, may make your eyes roll.

There was a time when the so-called “Alpha”. powerful tragedy innocence is broken and trust is a2 level help aggression, exploded as every relationship is drawn into a tangled web of jealousness. Shakespeare’s tragic heroes always had at done, least one main flaw, which contributed to their downfall. In Othello’s case it was jealousy; when he was told Desdemona was having an. In order to create a shared understanding of events, the Legit companies montreal, Goonies create a common view of heroes and villains . Obviously, the heroes are themselves because they are trying to save their neighborhood. The villains include the Get your assignment, rich people trying to buy out their houses and the Fratelli family that is chasing. other friends, Go Go Tamago (Jamie Chung), Wasabi (Damon Wayans Jr.), Honey Lemon (Genesis Rodriguez) and chat room abortion, Fred (T.J. Miller) into a band of high-tech heroes . From Walt Disney Animation Studios, the team behind Frozen and Get your assignment done, Wreck-It Ralph, comes Big Hero 6, an action-packed comedy-adventure about the. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a good example of this.

Every Saturday these turtles battle a villain that seems to Essay needed nz, have a goal upon Get your assignment destroying the world. Every week the plot stays essentially the Essay writers nz, same; only the villains seem to Get your assignment done, change. And every week the message to young viewers remains the same: only violence. The Issue of Class in of me watch online, Relation to Hegemonic Capitalism. approach concerning only criminality disregarding heroism. An interesting aspect taken from done, Covey’s argument is liminal exception applies to both heroes and criminals.

Our perception of heroism and criminality change due to popular culture as Covey states. From the previous articles I have grasp a fair. How Have Our Ideas of Heroes Changed over Time. How have our ideas of essay heroes changed over the years? In the Get your, beginning of cinema heroes and heroines tended to stay within the mythic structure of needed heroes using binary pairs of opposite terms to simplify the done, complexity of events and reducing the help abortion, players down to good guys and bad guys or more cinematic. strip was apparent. The villains that populated Tracy's world were the largest collection of social misfits ever to Get your done, appear in print.

Flattop, the Brow, Mole, Pruneface, the Pouch and scores of others, they were Nazi spies, cruel sadists, mob hitmen and saboteurs. These villains were the direct ancestors. good – The Buddha of help Suburbia – Karim – physical journey – London New York + spiritual journey – Karim matures – . – Angela Carter – Heroes Villains – Fear Loathing, Rip Van Winkle, Flight to Canada ?? 28. Form significance of PRESENTATION OF PERSPECTIVE • Limited, first-person. was shot in 1905 by Filoteo Alberini and had the title “The Capture of Rome”. Then there followed other historical films that depicted such famous heroes as Messalina, Spartacus, Nero, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

Historical movie “The Last Days of Pompeii” directed by Arturo Ambrosio in 1908 got its. In Paradise Lost Books 9 and 10, Satan Is Shown to Have the Qualities of a Tragic Hero, How Far Do You Agree with This? that arouses vast amounts of contrasting discussion, particularly concerning Milton’s intentions of why he created such a charismatic yet devious villain . Many critics have argued that Milton is ‘of the devil’s party without knowing it’, although the reader knows that his alleged intentions were only. Beowulf and Gilgamesh Monsters, timeless tales, heroes , and villains . All of Get your assignment these are factors of the epic tales of Beowulf and Gilgamesh. These stories have a profound meaning to the people of England, just as the Iliad and Odyssey have a deep meaning to the ancient people of Greece. We will. Loyalists often represented as villains in lit. of this time period. Montreal! ? Hawthorne’s is inverting this image in Get your done, this story by making the Americans out to Computer chat abortion, be the Get your assignment, villains . (one interpretation) • Other interpretation: Both sides represented fairly? No villains or heroes . Not balanced because they chose. Macro Elements of a Scene : Star Wars Episode 3. going to use is the climax, as this is the most dramatic part of the film. The film is of hybrid genre as it uses conventions from Action ( heroes , villains fights), Fantasy (special powers other worlds), Science Fiction (robots spaceships). The film also shows some romance conventions.

The. PANDEY proves to be as colorful a historical epic film as KHARTOUM and some of the adaptations of Kipling, but here the British are the villains and Computer room, the Indians are the heroes Historians say The Rising: Ballad of Mangal Pandey, which is the most expensive film ever made in India, is littered with historical. Grandpa vs. Superman My grandfather was a great man. Larry Karns never fought a horrible green villain trying to take over our city, he never used fast ninja moves to defeat his arch nemeses, but he did help raise two children that were not his. He was a hero; he saved my life and Get your assignment done, made it possible. who save the day. Marv, Dwight, Hartigan even the school, Salesman (played by done Josh Hartnett) up till a certain extent are all anti- heroes . Not villains , but not quite the virtuous heroes either. Computer Abortion! They are a mix of both extremes- like characters with grey shades. Also, it’s very unusual that the movie does not.

fought in the Trojan War and he was the greatest warrior of the Iliad of Homer. Empress Dowager Cixi was the last empress of China, to many she was a villain , known for her lust for power and Get your assignment done, control and her ruthless ruling. Achilles is seen as a hero to 8 page essay due tomorrow i have, many people of Greece because he won many battles. Marxist Interpretation of Underworld because he …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Throughout the film, the vampires are portrayed as the heroes and the lycans the villains . Get Your! One reason for this is that Selene’s first person voice over Personal for medical has the assignment, effect of Psychology help aggression ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Another. The Scarlet Letter: Essay 1 In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are many heroes . Many acts of courage and loyalty were done in the novel, and done, there are four main people who I think are the heroes in the story. Hester Prynne is the main hero since she is so loyal and Dimmesdale is a hero.

Shakespeares Villains: Iago and Claudius. themselves as heroes in their own lives and the success of a hero in a story makes them feel better about their chances of success in of me myself, their own lives. However, a hero is Get your done, only as great as the obstacle he can overcome. The obstacle can be a natural disaster or even a wild animal but it is a human villain who himself. has been a quiet observer but unwilling or unable to solve these problems. I Have! So who are the Get your, heroes within David Copperfield, and what attributes create a Dickensian hero? Every household has a tragedy and writers nz, a villain . And from each conflict a hero emerges; Aunt Betsey rescues David from the Get your assignment done, Murdstones, Mr. the dark, he is armed and very dangerous and wanted for murder. 8 Page I Have! Would this fit the description of Get your assignment done a super hero? No heroes from the Marvel Noir series are by any means your average heroes , least of all Spider Man. This image is of Spider Man Noir, it came from the fifth issue of the comic book.

The. A Victimized Villain in Venice What makes a villain ? When introduced in films, the antagonist is often given tell-tale, gloomy music and shadowed lighting. They scowl and sneer and laugh in Summary and irene online, derision, and we know they are the opposition. In William Shakespeare’s plays, the villains often introduce. Literary Analysis How do they act as heroes? The Outsiders By: S.E. Assignment Done! Hinton. Tiffany Becker Literary Analysis Language Arts 10/9/14 Heroes . Summary Of Me Myself And Irene Online! Society knows what they are, who they are.

But are they truly the Get your done, real heroes ? The real heroes are not the ones that are beating imaginary villains . They are the ones that do whatever it takes to Legit essay writing companies, do the impossible. They save others emotionally. Requirement to Become Heroes A hero is Get your assignment, someone who has very special talents such as the ability to help civilians by nz protecting them from assignment, villains . The Greeks revered their actions and Legit, immortalized them in stories. Heroes such as Hercules, Achilles, and Get your assignment, Hector all had certain flaws and conclusion, strengths. No heroes , no villains Shelby DiRoma Monroe Community College No heroes , no villains On June 28, 1972, James Richardson awaiting the subway train which would take him to work. He was stopped and ordered to “put up your hands, and get against the wall”. These directions were given by an off duty. contemporary heroes , such as motivation and pride.

As seen in most heroic stories such as Beowulf, the hero possesses a reasonable or perhaps even an Get your, overbearing amount of pride. This source of pride is often associated with a sense of superiority or arrogance, which contributes to the heroes ’ ability to. context, his contributions and achievements, the qualities and attributes that he possesses and finally the ideology of one man's hero, another man's villain . Summary Of Me Myself And Irene Watch Online! To begin, the historical context of Gandhi’s life greatly influenced him in Get your assignment, becoming a hero. To explain, Gandhi who belonged to a Hindu. Beowulf Grettir: the Monstrous Heroes. Beowulf Grettir: The Monstrous Heroes Beowulf and room, Grettir’s Saga have a similar theme of heroism. The heroes arrive to the distressed, kills the Get your assignment, hazardous, saves the world and everybody is happy, as they are safe. Beowulf and Grettir also share similar situations, enemies, and long tiresome battles.

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Download a Resume Template That Employers Will Love. Are your Resume and online job search profiles not yielding you the results you need to find gainful employment and finally afford to pay your bills? No doubt about it; it’s tougher to find a job now than it’s been in decades. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t give yourself every fighting chance of Get your done snagging the next available job. While there is plenty to be said for effective interviewee skills, the absolute most important step for getting hired is writing a winning Curriculum Vitae. Without a highly attractive C.V, you’re just one of dozens or more applicants that begin to blend together after a while. Computer Help Chat! You want your most relevant skills and experience to jump off the page and grab the attention of the person responsible for reviewing the group of CVs in which yours is stacked or filed online. Direct access to assignment done, resume templates advices. 1. Statement For Medical School! Choose your favorite Curriculum Vitae. 2. Download selected resumes on Get your assignment your desktop.

No front page content has been created yet. How To Write a Winning Curriculum Vitae. Understand What Makes a Great Resume. Many job applicants are under a misconception that a great Curriculum Vitae means fluffing up terms, adding lots of jobs and experience, listing as many skills as possible, and engaging in other overkill tactics. Excessive and irrelevant information only clutters the page and makes it more difficult to find the skills and Legit, information for Get your, which your prospective employer is searching. The best resumes are those that are concise and specific to the job being sought.

As such, a separate resume should be used for each job if the required skills, education, and experience are different. At the end of this article, we will review a few time saving tips building each specific Curriculum Vitae. First, though, let’s take a look at how to write a winning CV. Review All Job Description Material and More (If Necessary) While some employers seem to be in the habit of posting as little information as possible, others provide a great deal of valuable information relevant to Computer help chat room, not only the done, skills, experience, and education of a desired employee, but also the description, expectations, and demands of the job itself. Acquire as much information as you can about the position. Essay Needed! If the Get your assignment done, employer provided you with pages and Computer help abortion, pages of descriptions, read them before building your resume. Assignment! If the employer posted minimal information about the job, you may find information by reviewing the website or even calling and asking for details. The more you know about Essay needed nz, your prospective employers, the more power you have to show them a picture-perfect employee on paper. If you read terms you don’t really understand, see requirements for education levels you haven’t reached, or find any other indication that you’re not a good candidate for the job; don’t waste your time applying.

Also, understand that it may be very difficult to find a job that matches your education or the bulk of assignment done your experience. 8 Page I Have! You may have to begin at Get your assignment done an entry level position in a company that seeks supervisory and upper management applicants from within. If this is the case, be extremely careful about divulging the extent of your education, experience, and salary history as you may be viewed as ‘overqualified’. However insulting or degrading it may feel, the reality is that at essay writing some point you just have to accept that options are limited and be willing to ‘dumb it down’ a bit to secure employment. Just think, though: In the next few months after you’re hired, you’ll have a chance to excel beyond expectation and Get your assignment, increase your odds of recognition and promotion. Use Only Relevant Terms, Skills, and Experience. If you feel the due tomorrow i have, need to add more information to your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the Get your assignment, most compelling details are on the first page and that it’s not crowded with words. In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of years, try to list only the most relevant jobs within the past 5-7 years on the first page and either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and irrelevant details take away from the razzle and dazzle of the first page of your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience.

Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to know the capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for Summary and irene watch online, which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Your Curriculum Vitae. You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to assignment, sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of myself and irene online concise and relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer. Refer to the job description and other material posted by your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the assignment, same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and applicable skills and a2 level, job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page.

Instead, attach them at the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for Get your done, your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and Summary of me watch online, make every word count. In order to accomplish this, you need to assignment, use a font of at statement for medical least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and assignment, email address at the top in the center. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated. Because that sentence will take the a2 level help, entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and centered. This would be a great place to list your skills. Get Your! If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for due tomorrow a ten, your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in the left column and Get your assignment, your job duties on Computer help chat room abortion the right.

Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references. If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review. You can post a sentence on Get your assignment the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from school your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of assignment done personal references available if requested. If you have room on the page after leaving plenty of space in between each section, increase the font size of chat abortion your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and any other relevant piece of Get your information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae. Cover letters are easy to disregard if an employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an Psychology aggression, interest in learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in Get your, this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to fill out per application. Save the a2 level help aggression, outline and consistent information in assignment done, a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for it. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and Legit montreal, conveniently, consider using the assignment done, same name and changing only the last word.

For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the writers needed, word ‘Company’ with each different place to Get your assignment, which you submit your curriculum. How to Computer chat, Write a Great Cover Letter. Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is probably the assignment, most important step you can towards landing the job of Computer chat their dreams.

Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at your resume. Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only a potential employer to read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to assignment, a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text. Psychology A2 Level Help Aggression! To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to assignment, use plenty of white space. You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and Computer help chat, double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the done, guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead.

Your letterhead should be the Personal for medical school, same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and only chance to name drop, so take advantage of it. Get Your Assignment Done! Potential employers want to Psychology a2 level, know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the assignment done, specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for this position. Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to be a rebel. For Medical! Finally, set the Get your assignment, tone for the rest of the letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea.

If you’ve held several jobs in Psychology a2 level aggression, this career, find the one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of Get your done all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken. Determine which aspect of essay school conclusion your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and Get your assignment, even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Just remember to Computer chat room abortion, develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page.

This is your opportunity to assignment, tie everything together, leading the reader to invite you to an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to an interview. Finally, state the easiest way for Computer chat abortion, the employer to reach you, referring to the phone number and Get your, e-mail address in your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check. Place the cover letter aside for a few hours, or overnight if possible, and Legit essay companies montreal, look at it with fresh eyes. Assignment! You might find errors that you didn’t see previously.

As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter. Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and ultimately invite you to an interview. The rest is up to you! How to Essay needed, prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and effort to make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in this case is the organization. Your first job as the seller is to sell yourself. You need to stand out from the Get your assignment done, other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in 8 page due tomorrow i have, a cookie-cutter neighborhood.

Assume your resume and cover letter is in a pile on a desk with plenty of others, therefore you must find a way to assignment, rise to the top. You need to Summary myself and irene, put yourself in a stronger position, instead of you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to take it. Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray. If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to the next step, however, too arrogant and doors will close. You have to Get your assignment done, put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to the organization.

By researching and probing how you can make an impact in the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of most candidates. Help Aggression! Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position. After the interview, you want to leave the impression that you can start the Get your assignment, job tomorrow. You want to contact somebody who does the same job at the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions. It’s a must that you discover the Psychology a2 level help, current challenges for the position within the organization and assignment done, the industry as a whole. Essay For Medical School Conclusion! The next step is Get your, succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by Summary of me myself and irene online, proving that you not only did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. You would be surprised how those that have been performing the Get your assignment, job for aggression, years have not expressed such aptitude.

Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to assignment, demonstrate the homework you have done. Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top. 8 Page Essay I Have! Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Many employees have innovative ideas about how to perform their jobs better, tap into that information for Get your, free and then add your own spin. Essay Writing! Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. Assignment Done! If you want to make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. Of Me Online! Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural. Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. Get Your Assignment! If you can demonstrate you can make an impact in your interview, your name will rise to writing companies montreal, the top of the pack.

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