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Writing a narrative essay

article review ehow By Vern L. How To Write Essays? Bengtson , University of Southern California, and Shelley M. MacDermid , Purdue University. Here are nine things you should consider as you examine the manuscript and Homework help write your review: Look for the intellectual plot-line of the write pdf article. You can do this from first skimming through the manuscript and then giving it a once-over read. As you do this, ask the five major questions that are central to the research review process: What do the researchers want to find out? Why is homework sheets, that important to investigate or understand?

How are the researchers investigating this? Are their research methods appropriate and adequate to write narrative essays the task? What do they claim to help have found out? Are the findings clearly stated? How does this advance knowledge in the field? How well do the researchers place their findings within the context of ongoing scholarly inquiry about this topic? Look at the organization of the article . Can you find answers to the above questions quickly and easily? Can you trace the logic of investigation consistently from the opening paragraphs to the conclusion? Then go back to the opening paragraphs of the article . Are the research questions specifically stated? Is it clear what the authors want to find out?

Do they make the case that this is an important area for research inquiry? The next section is usually a review of the existing research literature on this topic . Do the write narrative essays pdf authors present a convincing line of Mgt101 financial assignment 2 solution argument here--or does it appear that they are just name-dropping (citing sources that may be important, without a clear underlying logic for essays how they may be important)? Do the Paper help writting zoo authors focus on ideas, or merely on discrete facts or findings? Have they given sufficient attention to How to write narrative essays pdf theory--the cumulative attempts at prior explanations for the questions they are investigating? Are the Essay writing research questions or hypotheses clearly derivative of the theory and the literature review?

In short: How well do the authors set the stage for the research problem they are reporting? The methods and procedures section is usually next; and this is where neophyte reviewers often start (unwisely) to sharpen their knives. The selection of methods by which the researchers collect data always involve compromises, and there are few studies that cannot be criticized for How to narrative pdf errors of commission or omission in terms of textbook criteria for research design and data collection procedures. You could focus on three questions here: Do the authors clearly describe their research strategies? Do they present sufficient detail about the sample from which they have collected data; the operationalization of measures they have attempted to employ; and the adequacy of Ks3 english homework sheets these measures in narrative essays terms of external and internal validity? In addition, there should be no surprises here: The measures should be clearly matched to the research questions or the hypotheses. Are their choices of methods adequate to in writing for english find out what they want to find out in this study? Would other methods provide a substantial improvement; if so, would employing these methods be feasible or practical? Do they provide some justification for the methods they have chosen? Does this appear to be adequate?

The section presenting research results is surely the write narrative essays heart of the article--though not its soul (which the reader should find in for english the opening paragraphs and in How to write narrative essays the discussion section). Reviewers might consider four questions here: Does the results section tell a story--taking the reader from the research questions posed earlier to their answers in financial accounting 2 solution the data? Is the write logic clear? Are the tables and figures clear and succinct? Can they be read easily for help writting major findings by themselves, or should there be additional information provided? Are the authors' tables consistent with the How to narrative essays pdf format of currently accepted norms regarding data presentation? Do the authors present too many tables or figures in the form of undigested findings? Are all of them necessary in order to tell the story of help uk library this research inquiry; or can some be combined? Remember that tables and figures are very expensive (from the standpoint of the journal) and How to write narrative essays that undigested data obscure rather than advance the cumulative development of Homework help uk library knowledge in a field. Are the results presented both statistically and substantively meaningful?

Have the authors stayed within the bounds of the results their data will support? The discussion section is where the authors can give flight to their findings, so that they soar into the heights of cumulative knowledge development about this topic--or crash into write narrative essays pdf, the depths of their CV's, with few other scholars ever citing their findings. Of course few research reports will ever be cited as cornerstones to financial accounting 2 solution the development of knowledge about any topic; but your review should encourage authors to aspire to these heights. Essays? Consider the following as you evaluate their discussion section: Do the authors present here a concise and accurate summary of their major findings? Does their interpretation fairly represent the data as presented earlier in the article? Do they attempt to integrate these findings in the context of a broader scholarly debate about these issues? Specifically: Do they integrate their findings with the research literature they presented earlier in their article--do they bring the Ks3 english sheets findings back to the previous literature reviewed?

Have they gone beyond presenting facts--data--and made an effort to present explanations--understanding? Have they responded to the conceptual or theoretical problems that were raised in the introduction? This is how theory is How to write, developed. Do the authors thoughtfully address the limitations of their study? The writing style is important. Someone? Consider the three guidelines for successful communication--to be clear, concise, and correct---and whether the authors have achieved it: Is the writing clear? Do the authors communicate their ideas using direct, straightforward, and unambiguous words and phrases?

Have they avoided jargon (statistical or conceptual) that would interfere with the communication of their procedures or ideas? Is the writing concise? Are too many words or paragraphs or sections used to present what could be communicated more simply? Is the writing correct? Too may promising scientists have only a rudimentary grasp of How to write narrative essays grammar and writting zoo punctuation that result in essays pdf meandering commas, clauses in Ks3 english sheets complex sentences that are struggling to find their verbs, and adjectives or even nouns that remain quite ambiguous about their antecedents in the sentence. Essays Pdf? These are not merely technical issues of grammar to be somehow dealt with by a copy-editor down the line. Rather they involve the successful communication of a set of ideas to an audience; and this is the basis of scholarship today.

Your evaluation to the editor: Should this paper be (a) rejected for this journal? (b) or does it show sufficient promise for Help revision, in ways that you have clearly demonstrated in write narrative essays your review, to encourage the help writting zoo authors to invest weeks and months in revision for this journal? Your bottom-line advice to write pdf the editor is crucial. Make a decision; state it clearly (in your confidential remarks to the editor on the page provided). Remember that only a few of the articles submitted to a journal will result in publication. Help Writting Zoo? Rates vary from 5% to 25% of initial submissions (for JMF it has averaged 15% over the past few years). Some reasons to reject a manuscript: (a) The research questions have already been addressed in prior studies; (b) the data have been collected in such a way as to How to write essays pdf preclude useful investigation; (c) the manuscript is not ready for Homework help publication--incomplete, improper format, or error-ridden.

Most rejected articles do find a home in other journals. Don't tease authors with hopes for publication in this Journal if you feel it is not likely. A good review is supportive, constructive, thoughtful, and How to write fair. It identifies both strengths and weaknesses, and offers concrete suggestions for improvements. It acknowledges the reviewer's biases where appropriate, and justifies the reviewer's conclusions. Help? A bad review is superficial, nasty, petty, self-serving, or arrogant. It indulges the reviewer's biases with no justification.

It focuses exclusively on weaknesses and offers no specific suggestions for improvement.

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Writing a narrative essay

Jan 28, 2018 How to write narrative essays pdf, custom essay writing service -
Planning a Narrative Essay

My Ed.D. thesis proposal: What does it mean to be ‘digitally literate’? I submitted the second version of my Ed.D. thesis proposal a while back now. I had to re-submit as I failed the first submission. This was a bit of How to write pdf a shock to Help in writing, the system, never having failed anything academically before. How To Write Narrative. It was actually partly my supervisor’s fault – who has now left the University of Durham and doesn’t have a doctorate himself… :p. I was advised to wait until I had the marks back for essay for english, the thesis proposal before posting it on How to write narrative, my blog.

Upon reflection, I could see this was a sensible thing to do, so now I’ve heard back and I’ve passed I’m going to post it in its entirity. I received 63% for the following, which isn’t disastrous but less than I would have hoped for. Because it’s my second submission, however, the mark that’s recorded is 50%. Homework Sheets. At the end of the day, I’m not overly concerned: my Ed.D. overall is pdf, pass/fail… #128578; The comments on the following were: This is a solid proposal which provides a detailed reflection of the relevant literature in which the proposed study is to be grounded.

Although covered in less detail than the Paper help writting literature section, the proposal provides an appropriate methodological base for the research. The proposal suggests a cross-cultural component and it is important in this context that similarities as well as ‘discrepancies’ are identified and that the study does not become unmanageable. In general this is a good solid proposal. The proposal itself follows after the write essays pdf ‘tag’ cloud that is indicative of its contents (courtesy of service uk TweetClouds) What does it mean to be ‘educated’ and ‘digitally literate’? The impact of ICT and the knowledge society upon education in the 21st century. Society is changing at an unprecedented rate. How To Narrative. The nature of the family, how we connect with other people, the ways in which our leaders are held accountable, and the extent to which the media controls our lives are fundamentally different even from 25 years ago. Members of accounting every culture and society have the world of everyday experience mediated by technologies, traditions and cultural norms or expectations. (Petrina, 2007:168; Achterhuis, 2001:71) The technologies which mediate life in the 21st century in first-world nations are powerful communicative devices and are developing at write essays pdf, an incredibly fast pace. This means that the way in which the teach someone an essay world is understood and presented to individuals can be somewhat incoherent and is certainly very different from that of previous generations. In turn, unless they are willing to pdf, change to adapt to the needs and future requirements of learners, schools are in danger of How to teach someone argumentative becoming, ‘even more quaint and shaky against the backdrop of technology.’ (Smith Curtin, 1998:227)

Schools are the How to write essays pdf link between generations: they bridge the gap between the knowledge and skills of the previous generation and that of the next generation. One of the roles of educational institutions is to ensure that young people have the knowledge and skills for the world of work. But education is not simply about Ks3 english sheets, preparing young people for their working life, as evidenced by recent ‘personalising learning’ initiatives that have emerged across the western educational landscape. There remains something more holistic about the education system that aims at producing ‘educated’, ‘literate’ citizens. As we discover more about narrative, how the brain works and about how students learn best, so what we mean by an ‘educated’ person changes. Technology also has a role to play in this, as for some educational thinkers it to a great extent redefines what it means to be ‘literate’. Schools, therefore, are increasingly investing in and exploring educational technology in help an attempt to ensure that they remain relevant to the world outside the school gates. Whilst there is a top-down drive to adopt such technologies, however, their pedagogical use is write narrative essays pdf, still being worked out at a grass-roots level.

With society in a state of homework sheets flux and of radical transformation schools need to find a way of bridging the gap between their traditional role and How to narrative pdf the technologically-mediated world in which their pupils now inhabit. It is an open problem about which Jacques Delors (Delors, 1996a:172), president of Essay writing canada uk UNESCO wrote in 1996: …there is a decisive issue at stake here, and it is important that schools and How to essays pdf universities should have a central place in a profound change that is Homework, affecting the whole of society. There is no doubt but that individuals’ ability to access and process information is set to become the determining factor in their integration not onlyinto the working environment but also into their social and cultural environment. The concept that shall be discussed in what follows as ‘digital literacy’, therefore, would seem to be a key one for schools and individuals who want to play an active role in the ‘knowledge society’. There is a tension at the heart of school life between preparing students for pdf, an uncertain future whilst continuing traditional notions of what constitutes a school. Successfully resolving this tension should result in educational institutions producing ‘educated’ young people who are ‘literate’ within the domains they shall operate, both now and in the future. However, due to How to teach someone an essay, the scale of social change witnessed over the last 25 years, coupled with the almost exponential rate of technological development and uptake, resolution of this tension is becoming increasingly difficult for schools. What does an ‘educated’ person look like in the 21st century? Are traditional literacy skills enough? Although some work has been done in attempting to How to write, make a traditional curriculum more flexible, coherent and relevant, few explicit identifications of what constitutes a literate, educated person in homework sheets the 21st century have been made (McCain, 2005:49). Having a clear focus as to How to write narrative, what it means to have the requisite tools for life in someone to write an essay the 21st century – to be ‘digitally literate’ – would enable schools to How to pdf, synthesise the traditional and the new more effectively.

Whilst definitions are both historically and culturally situated (Barton Hamilton, 2000:8), it should be possible to identify common usage, at Ks3 english, least implicitly, of what educators and policy makers mean when they talk about being ‘educated’ – and therefore ‘literate’ in a 21st century sense. In contrast to the view satirised by Charles Dickens’ character of essays Gradgrind in Hard Times (‘Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts’), to be ‘educated’ in the 21st century is a more slippery idea to pin down. There is little agreement as to what the purpose of education is in the 21st century. Ks3 English Sheets. Some thinkers on the topic are instrumentalists, seeing education as a means to a (usually vocational) end, whereas others stress the importance of the process. Likewise, as has been argued extensively, (Barton Hamilton, 2000:11-12; Muller, 2000:56; Delors, 1996b:85) ‘literacy’ ranges across domains and applies to much more than reading and pencil-and-paper writing. Agreement upon write essays pdf what it means to be a ‘literate’ person, therefore, is also difficult to find.

To have some clarity as to what it means to How to someone an essay argumentative, be ‘digitally literate’ will help move on the debates taking place at all levels in the western education system. Instead of these conceptions being an narrative essays pdf, updated version of what was learned at school by the previous generation, there needs to be a thorough review of the needs of both students and the workplace. An active examination of the possibilities offered by new (educational) technologies should inform this review in order for it to be as forward-looking as possible. The views of stakeholders and interested parties need to be analysed and compared in order to discover motivations, potential conflicts and areas of agreement. Once these notions of what it means to be ‘literate’ in the 21st century have been resolved then the way forward for Ks3 english, education to move towards new pedagogies and ways of working should become clear. At present, however, the lack of clarity as to what it means to be ‘digitally literate’ means that teachers are subjected constantly to new proposals and reforms that aim to resolve the tension between the old and the new. Write Pdf. Without an an essay argumentative, idea of the purpose of education, it would seem that these efforts are ultimately doomed to fail. To explore claims that traditional notions of literacy are not sufficient for 21st century education. Write Essays. To analyse policy documents from government down to school level in order to Mgt101 financial assignment, discover the level of coherence in write narrative evidence. Accounting Assignment. To highlight discrepancies between pedagogy and practice regarding educational technology in schools. To survey briefly the How to write narrative pdf situation in other countries regarding digital literacy skills.

To come up with workable, 21st-century definitions of homework sheets what it means to be ‘digitally literate’ (i.e. literate in the 21st century) Despite Tony Blair’s famous commitment to ‘education, education, education’, the Labour government in narrative the United Kingdom is notoriously cagey when it comes to defining and financial assignment setting out the purpose(s) of How to write narrative essays pdf education and schooling. Implicit in many of the pronouncements made and reforms undertaken is a focus upon the financial well-being of the individual, and therefore the sheets nation. Achieving ‘economic well-being’ is even enshrined in How to the compulsory Every Child Matters agenda to be implemented by schools (HMSO, 2003). Leaving aside the Help for english use of How to write essays pdf education as a vehicle to economic prosperity, however, at for english, least one of the purposes of schooling must be to produce ‘educated’ young people. What is meant by an ‘educated’ person in the 21st century, however, is difficult to How to narrative essays, define. In the past this was much more straightforward, defined by the educational elite. Today, however, even leading educational thinkers such as David Carr (2003:11-12) have difficulty in pinning down a notion of what it now means to be ‘educated’:

The best we can so far say is that to be educated is to come to writing canada uk, appreciate or value for their own sake the non-instrumental or teleological (intrinsically valuable) features of those forms of knowledge, understanding and skill for which a reasonable educational case has or can be made. Just to have studied or have some knowledge or skill, however, does not make one educated. One must be able to write essays, communicate one’s learning in a meaningful way and Essay uk put it into practice. Carr argues that the notions of ‘education’ and narrative essays ‘schooling’ need to be untangled (Carr, 2003:15,134), much in the same way that clarification needs to be sought over the difference between being ‘educated’ and being ‘literate’. With the multiplicity of ways in which knowledge can be communicated in the 21st century comes new literacies to Mgt101 assignment 2 solution, be able to transmit and receive knowledge in these new ways. It has been fashionable of late to ascribe to ‘literacy’ those characteristics that would have traditionally gone under the guise of being ‘educated’. How To Write Essays Pdf. (Delors, 1996a:174; Snyder, 2002:181; Rodriguez Illera, 2004:49-50) Literacy, with the emergence of new domains of application such as ‘computer literacy’ and ‘visual literacy’, has enjoyed an elevation in status. From being seen originally as being able to read and write or as a means to gaining an education, it is now widely regarded as an Ks3 english homework sheets, end in itself. An understanding of what it means to be ‘literate’ in the 21st century should lead to a greater understanding of what it means to pdf, be ‘educated’, if indeed the latter is something over and above the former. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the adjective ‘literate’ means, ‘acquainted with letters or literature; educated, instructed, learned.’ To many educational thinkers, however, this is an outdated definition. In 1958 UNESCO defined literacy as ‘the ability of an individual to read and write with understanding a simple short statement related to his/her everyday life.’ The difficulty with both these definitions is teach someone, that they categorise people as either literate or illiterate allowing for How to narrative essays, no shades of grey. Literacy is Essay writing canada, defined on a ‘macro’, global level without an understanding of literacy within a given domain or for a specific purpose.

There is no scope with these definitions to be able to describe an individual as literate when it comes to pencil-and-paper-based reading and writing, but almost ‘illiterate’ when dealing within a domain mediated by essays pdf, technology. Understood broadly, literacy can be an elusive human construct: it means different things and involves different skills depending upon the culture and time period within which an individual operates. Whilst in Help for english the western world ‘literacy’ has traditionally meant the ability to read and write with pencil and paper, this makes a nonsense of societies with oral traditions and records. Postmodern educational thinkers have therefore attempted to deconstruct ‘literacy’, understanding it to consist in many different ‘literacies’. Narrative Essays. The main stimulus to this, as Kellner (2002:163) attests, is the widening use of technology in society: As technological convergence develops apace, individuals need to combine the skills of critical media literacy with traditional print literacy and new forms of essay for english multiple literacies to write narrative, access and navigate the new multimedia environments. This depends on an enlarged view of literacy, one that goes beyond the mere functional skills set out in UNESCO’s 1958 definition. Literacy becomes ‘gaining the skills and knowledge to read and interpret the text of the world and to successfully navigate and negotiate its challenges, conflicts, and crises,’ (Kellner, 2002:157) ‘the application of… knowledge for specific purposes in specific contexts,’ (Scribner Cole, 1981 – quoted in Rodriguez Illera, 2004:51), a ‘set of social practices’ that are ‘historically situated’ (Barton Hamilton, 2000:8,13). Literacy in Homework the postmodern view is a fragmented notion: contextually dependent and culturally constructed. New literacies are being formed all the time (Reilly, 1996:218).

This has led to the compartmentalisation of different forms of literacy such as ‘computer literacy’, ‘visual literacy’, and ‘critical media literacy’ which served to demonstrate how, for example, an How to write pdf, extremely literate person on the traditional view could be ‘illiterate’ when it comes to communicating with the aid of uk library technology. Whilst the postmodern deconstruction of literacy has been useful for purposes of clarification, something about the original holistic meaning of ‘literacy’ has been lost. Literacy is How to write essays, reduced to a science, as training within a given domain. There remains something of Paper help a binary distinction between those who are literate within a domain and those who are not. How To Narrative Pdf. UNESCO’s most recent definition in its 2004 position paper (UNESCO, 2004:13) recognises and addresses the limitations of both its own 1958 position and that of Ks3 english homework sheets postmodern thinkers: Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to write, develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society. This definition is an Hegelian-type synthesis of the original, 1950s holistic definitions of literacy, and its more fragmented definition under postmodernism.

Literacy is Mgt101 accounting assignment 2 solution, a process, not a state (Rodriguez Illera, 2004) and as such underpins abilities within a given domain. It is better, therefore, to talk of someone having or lacking literacy skills within the domain of digital technologies, rather than ascribing to them a state of being ‘digitally literate’ or ‘digitally illiterate’. Shades of grey within each domain are recognised which build towards an write essays, overarching global ‘literacy’. As evidenced above, recent definitions of what it means to be ‘educated’ by accounting assignment, those in control of write narrative education in Ks3 english homework sheets the UK are hard to How to write narrative essays pdf, come by. Elsewhere in the western world they are more forthcoming, however.

A representative statement is help writting zoo, enshrined, for example, in the definitions set down by Michigan State University as part of its VISION 2004 reorganisation: An educated person is someone who has learned how to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, understand, and communicate knowledge and write narrative pdf information. An educated person has to essay for english, develop skills that respond to changing professional requirements and new challenges in How to write narrative essays society and Paper help writting the world at large. He or she must be able to take skills previously gained from serious study of one set of problems and apply them to another. He or she must be able to locate, understand, interpret, evaluate, and How to essays pdf use information in an appropriate way and Homework ultimately communicate his or her synthesis and understanding of that information in a clear and write narrative essays pdf accurate manner. That is to say that being an ‘educated’ person involves taking skills and knowledge from Homework help one domain and applying them to another, as well as making links between areas of knowledge and keeping up to date with developments within one’s field and those which affect it. Write Narrative. This definition appears to have more in common with traditional conceptions of wisdom than it does with those of literacy (Town, 2003:54). Put simply, becoming literate can be thought of as acquiring the skills to be able to participate in Essay writing service uk the discourse of a particular domain, whereas becoming educated is to be able to range across domains and write essays synthesise the knowledge that has been gained. The domains of accounting 2 solution knowledge within educational schools have traditionally been subject-based. How To Write Narrative Pdf. Teachers are teachers of one or more specific subjects and the knowledge, if not the skills, learned are particular to Homework, that domain. How To. However, as Muller (2000:2) states, knowledge is intrinsically social – which means that the boundaries and uk constituent elements of domains of knowledge are socially determined and write narrative pdf defined.

As a result, literacies change as societal definitions of financial assignment domains of write narrative knowledge change. Paper Help Writting. We view knowledge within a given domain through the lens of current literacies (DiSessa, 2000:65) meaning that what an individual can know and How to write narrative essays understand is limited by and dependent upon their use of semantic and technological tools. Limiting the ‘micro-literacies’ that make up the more holistic view of literacy (‘macro-literacy’) is to How to to write argumentative, limit the ability of the individual to access some of the knowledge within a given domain. For example, using the ‘micro-literacy’ of familiarity with some digital technologies could allow Geography students to communicate in real-time with other students around the world. The knowledge they would gain from this would be of a different order from that which they could construct from the inputs of teacher and textbook. Each ‘micro-literacy’ the students develop counts towards a more global Geographical ‘macro-literacy’. In turn, this would feed into write an ever-higher ‘macro-literacy’ that enables the student to function in the world they inhabit.

To be ‘educated’, therefore, could be understood as making links between various domains, which in turn depends upon help writting both micro- and narrative macro-literacies. Macro-literacies cannot be developed without first developing micro-literacies. If knowledge is information contextualised within a given domain, and domains are dependent upon cultural and societal factors, then knowledge is affected by Mgt101 financial assignment 2 solution, the rate of change of write narrative a society. When the homework rate of societal change and technological innovation is reasonably slow – or at least relatively stable – educational institutions are able to narrative, predict what an educated person will look like in ten to fifteen years’ time and in writing essay for english prepare students accordingly. When the rate of societal change and technological innovation increases, however, these predictions become less accurate and strategies have to employed in write narrative pdf order for educational institutions to be able to function. In practice this means schools sitting on Ks3 english sheets, a spectrum somewhere between reactionary measures and essays pdf furiously attempting to Homework help uk library, keep up with the latest initiatives. The difficulty that schools face, as Bourdieu (1988, cited in Snyder, 2002:178) notes, is How to write essays, that to transform the present one must have a secure grasp upon it. Given the ‘precariousness’ of contemporary life this is difficult to achieve: the ‘sociality’ of knowledge means that domains of knowledge and of enquiry are constantly shifting. As a result educational institutions walk a tightrope between anticipating the world which their students will inhabit and introducing them to the knowledge and skills that have been and are currently being used by society.

The rate of Essay writing change of society in the 21st century is being driven to a great extent by developments in technology. As the OECD report Learning to write narrative pdf, Change: ICT in in writing essay for english Schools (2001:9) noted, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has changed the way we live and communicate with one another: The ubiquitous presence and utility of How to write pdf ICT in modern life are having a significant impact on Paper zoo, the way we live, and How to write pdf even on the notion of an educated person. It has led to the concept of the knowledge society – sometimes also called the learning society or information society. There is a widespread awareness that these developments have profound implications for education, and that schools must change, but as yet little detailed consideration of the extent of the change needed and the advantages that ICT can bring. Homework. The growth of the knowledge society and the pervasiveness of the narrative essays technology represent a major challenge and service canada a major opportunity for How to write essays, education.

Education has a pivotal role to play in society as it is the link between past and future generations. In the past this link has been relatively easy to Mgt101 assignment, achieve, as the knowledge and skills useful to acquire would vary only slightly within a generation. In the brave new world of digital technology, however, fundamental shifts in required knowledge skill sets and knowledge can occur several times within a generation. The most important skill one can have in a world where knowledge has a ‘half-life’ (Machlup, 1962) is to learn how to learn, to have a secure framework or scaffold upon which new knowledge can be grafted and discarded when necessary. This changing nature of knowledge has been described by Siemens (2006) as knowledge having ‘broken away from its moorings, its shackles’. Nowhere is this more evident than in How to write narrative essays pdf the realm of writing educational technology where, using the tools already available in most schools, learners across the world can communicate, interact and share. The feeling amongst many writers uneasy with current western-style education systems is that tools which can (and in most cases should) be used to radically transform the way young people are educated in How to narrative essays pdf the future are being used to help zoo, prop up the How to write narrative pdf existing system. Paper Writting Zoo. Tools which should be used to create new literacies are being shoehorned to supplement or gloss those of the past. Some writers talk of these digital tools being retro-fitted to outdated pedagogies to narrative pdf, produce what could be termed ‘School 1.5’ instead of ‘School 2.0’. Ironically, when these tools do not lead directly to huge learning gains, at least on such measures as school league tables and the like, it is the tools themselves rather than the Paper writting pedagogy and education system which are blamed.

Using relevant technologies is essential in 21st century education when it is the principal way by which the world is mediated to How to essays pdf, individuals; new pedagogies need to be constructed to use the tools and technologies invented and used outside of the school gate. When tools such as online read/write reference resources become more accessible than books and lecture notes, a shift occurs in the way that learners conceptualise not only research, but the accounting 2 solution world itself. As many authors have noted, we use technology to shape the world – but tools, technological or otherwise, also shape us (Burnett, 2002:145; Apple, cited in Darder, et al., 2003:454; Demetriadis, et al., 2003:34; Provenzo, et al., 1999:40; Sutherland, et al., 2004:6) Although he could not have envisaged the online worlds available to us through the Internet, the effect of such tools on learners is narrative pdf, put perhaps most succinctly by Dewey (1925, quoted in Blacker McKie, 2003:235): A tool is Ks3 english homework sheets, a particular thing, but it is more than a particular thing, since it is pdf, a thing in writing service canada uk which a connection, a sequential bond of nature is embodied. It possesses an objective relation as its own defining property. Its perception as well as its actual use takes the essays pdf mind to other things. The use of educational technology, then, mediates the experience of help learners with regard to education and to write narrative essays, knowledge, but then so does the use of any tool. This process of human-created tools mediating human experience has an impact upon education: learners need to Homework uk library, be able to use and shape these tools for their own ends. To be ‘educated’ involves being able to leverage semantic and narrative essays pdf technological tools across domains in order to make connections. To view the possibilities and potential impact of educational technology requires a re-imagining of someone to write teaching and learning. Even with a reconceptualization of what it means to be ‘educated’ and ‘literate’ in the 21st century, what does not change is the human element in learning, a thread that winds its way from the Socratic dialogues through to 21st century classrooms and (virtual) lecture theatres.

Although there were fears in the early 1970s when computers first began to be integrated into the mainstream that society would become dehumanised, the narrative essays former still serves as a tool to the latter. In fact, using ICT is more than just a tool, as computers and other digital devices are flexible enough to adapt to the user and present them with many different communication and processing options. It is Help in writing essay, perhaps better visualised as a plethora of many intellectual tools. How To Narrative Pdf. This nuanced view is unfortunately missing in much of the discussions surrounding educational technology and the use of computers in schools more generally. Lemke (2002:45) perhaps demonstrates the Homework uk library most balanced understanding of the ways that educational technology can be used to enhance learning. New technologies can often do the How to pdf job of simulating and talking about the typical activities of the community far better than the average teacher in the average classroom. Technologies will not, however, be able to Paper writting zoo, substitute for direct participation, nor will they be able to replace thoughtful guidance of How to essays pdf students’ critical reflection and analysis, nor the emotional encouragement of achievement and How to to write an essay argumentative creativity that live teachers provide. The difficulty is that the majority of educators do not understand the revolutionary potential of How to write narrative essays pdf ICT to sheets, their day-to-day teaching.

What they see as akin to the television or overhead projector has, if not the ability to ‘blow up the school’ (Papert (1984), cited in Cuban, 1986:72), then certainly the ability to pdf, help create an environment where learners can construct their own educational tools. Micro-literacies can be thought of as having the ability to create, or at least modify, tools in order to make sense of the Help essay knowledge within a given domain. Teaching youngsters how to use existing, outdated tools when a culture is undergoing radical change, is at best anachronistic (Claxton, 2002:23). Educational technology is not the answer to everything – a teacher’s pedagogical outlook and teaching ability is still the biggest determinant factor in the quality of a learner’s education – but technology does allow different kinds of ‘ecologies’ to be created. These are more likely to be focused on learning than on write essays pdf, ‘teaching’. (Burnett, 2002: 145) ‘Learning ecologies’ demand a different approach to education than has been possible previously, and is reflected in some of the ‘personalising learning’ agendas that have made their way into policy in Help for english some areas of western education. Instead of the school or teacher-centred model of learning that mass education has been built upon thus far, a learner-centred ecology has been mooted, especially by narrative essays, constructivists. The driving force behind this has been the possibilities opened up by ICT, which has driven curriculum change (OECD, 2001:15) and a rethink of what we mean by Essay writing canada uk, ‘literacy’. The difficulty lies in what Levin Riffel (1997:18) call the ‘logic of confidence’: schools can remain fundamentally unchanged so long as they are seen as embodying the right kind of activities and processes. Write Narrative. Instead of uk library taking steps to improve learning, tests are taken as a substitute.

Progress is How to write narrative essays, measured by teachers becoming adept at getting learners through examinations at writting, increasingly higher levels. As politicians also have an interest in these examination results, the whole system becomes somewhat of How to narrative essays a charade. Given this barrier, the greatest bequest of ICT to education thus far may have been simply to point out in writing for english how stale and boring traditional teaching actually is (Burniske Monke, 2001:258). Whilst educational systems remain in the straightjacket of results and are inextricably linked to a country’s political system, the possibilities of new technologies are likely to be directed towards existing hegemonic power structures. However, as Blacker McKie (2003:241) argue, ICT may provide the perfect, invisible, weapon: a tool presented as neutral, but actually fundamentally value-laden and used to perpetuate the How to write narrative essays position of the elite within society. Uk. Whilst those in pdf positions of control can manipulate the Mgt101 education system and the political process to continue their hegemonic power, then the potential of technology and other innovations are likely to be minimal. Whilst the How to narrative pdf use of technology is not inevitable, as a society we have made a decision to put it at the centre of our culture – much in the same way as we did with the automobile in the 1950s. (Balle, quoted in Eraut, 1999:89) To ‘jump off the wagon’ and consider a change of help uk library direction (Apple, quoted in Darder, et al., 2003:456) would involve a radical change in our civilization. Educators need, therefore, to use the tools available – especially those being used outside the school gates, the cultural experiences of the majority (Beavis, 1998:242). To do otherwise is to prepare young people for a reality that no longer exists – something that is perhaps best illustrated by the following tale told by Benjamin (1971, quoted in Tiffin Rajasingham, 2003:117), …a prehistoric tribe… decided to introduce systematic education for its children.

The curriculum was specifically designed to meet particular survival needs in the local environment and How to write narrative pdf so included such subjects as sabre-tooth-tiger-scaring-with-fire. Help Writting Zoo. But the climate of the region changes and the sabre tooth tigers perish. Attempts to change the curriculum to meet new survival needs encounter stern opposition. There will always be opposition to major reforms or a new direction: tradition and the status quo are powerful conservative forces. But education in the 21st century is about using knowledge and making connections to create educated people in a sense relevant to today’s society. To be ‘literate’ is a relative notion depending both upon the domain within which one is operating and the relevance of write essays that domain to contemporary life. Uniquely, in Mgt101 financial accounting assignment the 21st century we could be faced with a literacy problem despite over 99% of How to essays pdf people in western society being able to read and write.

Whilst it will remain possible, at least for the time being, for individuals to be considered ‘educated’ without using ICT, these individuals will miss out on a large chunk of Mgt101 2 solution what it means to be ‘literate’ in the 21st century. The micro-literacies they lack, involving the ability to connect and understand the world mediated by digital devices, will serve as barriers to communication and expression. Technology introduces new ways for humans to communicate and create, introduces new micro-literacies that contribute to the wider ‘macro-literacy’ construct and, as a result, redefines what is meant by an ‘educated’ person in How to narrative the 21st century. What does it mean to be an ‘educated’ person in the 21st century? Is there such a thing as ‘digital literacy’? How do ‘micro literacies’ feed into wider ‘macro literacies’? What is the most appropriate learning theory for the 21st century? The proposed thesis will be non-empirical; policy documents, official reports, and scholarly works will provide the data required. Whilst this negates problems surrounding ethical treatment of research subjects, issues remain as to how to Mgt101 financial assignment, approach and make sense of the data.

There are two main methodological paradigms to make sense of research data: the quantitative approach and the qualitative approach. A purely quantitative approach assumes that objective descriptions of ‘reality’ can be made and that context-free generalisations are possible. A purely qualitiative approach, on How to narrative essays, the other hand, denies any reality external to that created by the enquirer. Financial Assignment 2 Solution. On top of this resides dialecticism, a meta-paradigm dependent upon the first two – and Pragmatism, more an heuristic to guide research using these paradigms. To attempt to narrative, understand domains, societies and digital spaces within the confines of Homework a positivist quantitative paradigm would seem to be overly-restrictive.

When discussing the physical world it is possible to hold a post-positivist approach, acknowledging the reality of the external world whilst holding that our relations to it can only ever be subjective. When discussing arenas that include digital spaces and connections, however, it is difficult to see how even this nuanced view of the positivist project can be sustained. On the other hand, the qualitative paradigm also seems to suffer from a poverty of write narrative pdf descriptive power when it comes to canada uk, the ‘blended’ digital/physical arenas that constitute the ‘knowledge society’. People do agree upon the way the world is, connect meaningfully, and experience things in How to broadly similar ways. To take a blindly poststructuralist/postmodernist view and to insist on the subjectivity of the in writing essay for english external, therefore, would be to lose the ability to describe blended arenas and spaces in a meaningful way. How To Write. A dialectical approach, meanwhile, whilst appearing attractive in synthesizing approaches, seems teleological which is Help in writing for english, something to write narrative, be avoided. Certainly given the radically democratic nature of the Internet, for example, no individual or group can direct the ends of the masses.

At the same time, the technology itself does not dictate what it is used for; this depends upon the human user(s). Perhaps the best approach to take, therefore, is the Pragmatic one. Service Uk. This is How to narrative essays pdf, a ‘multi-methodology’ that looks to understand the world from many viewpoints, therefore building up a more coherent picture. This fits in well with the idea discussed above of ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ literacies and also gives more of a picture of what it means to be ‘educated’ in the 21st century. Pragmatism was originally formulated by Charles Sanders Peirce in the pragmatic maxim:

Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the uk library whole of our conception of the object. Narrative Essays Pdf. (quoted in Potter, 1996:94) By this, Peirce meant that concepts (and therefore knowledge statements) emerge from the effects of things such as tools and objects. We need, therefore, to know how tools – digital and otherwise – are actually being used rather than how it was that they were intended to be used. Objects and concepts cannot be separated and considered to have a separate ‘reality’ from the sum total of the effects they have upon people and the environment. As a result, considering these effects from multiple points of view allows us to understand better those objects and concepts.

In terms of ‘digital literacy’ this means analysing how government pronouncements work in practice, how policy documents translate into ‘reality’, and considering how representative are surveys and studies making claims about learners in the 21st century. The thesis, then, shall include data collection in the form of analysis of policy documents from government down to grass-roots level. An adaptation of the Help in writing for english eight-step process outlined by write narrative, Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) shall be considered as a model to move from research question through to analysis. This, briefly stated is: Formulation of research question(s) Outline of purpose of mixed research Selection of research methodologies Data collection Data analysis Data interpretation Legitimation Final report with conclusions drawn. The data being collected in this non-empirical thesis comes from a multitude of for english sources.

As a result, the Pragmatic method will allow for research from various backgrounds to be juxtaposed and synthesised where appropriate to give a bigger and more coherent picture. Steps 4-6, data collection, analysis and interpretation will therefore be somewhat combined rather than in distinctive ‘steps’. Pdf. Step 7 (Legitimation) will have to come at the same time as Step 3 (Selection of methodologies) to give credence to the entire project. This will result, therefore, in a five-step process: Formulation of research questions(s) Outline of purpose of research Selection and legitimation of Essay writing uk research methodologies Data collection, analysis and interpretation Conclusion. This process within the Pragmatic framework will allow an understanding to narrative pdf, be gained of how the many stakeholders, interested parties and pressure groups within the UK education system conceive of ‘digital literacy’ and what it means to be ‘educated’.

A multi-methodological approach should ascertain the Paper extent to which these conceptions are diverse. How To Write Narrative. At times, ‘hard’ data – such as that provided by research from Homework uk library a predominantly quantitative perspective – will be analysed and at others a ‘thicker’, more descriptive perspective will be required. The thesis will not attempt to make general and sweeping claims about the write essays whole education system but instead, where appropriate, highlight conflicts, disagreements and disparities in the wording and implementation of policies surrounding digital literacies. This should inform what it means to be ‘educated’ in the 21st century. Finally, a comparison shall be drawn with other countries in terms of varying approaches to 21st century education and Homework what it means to be ‘digitally literate’. Difficulties shall certainly arise here in terms of ease of access to policy documents below governmental level. However, where it would seem that the policies and incentives evident in another country or culture would benefit the educational system in England and Wales, these shall be highlighted.

Those countries that it would be worth researching initially, it would seem, are Singapore (government commitment to digital infrastructure), the United States (for purposes of write narrative comparison), and financial assignment another European country such as Sweden or Norway. This, whilst not the main focus of the How to essays thesis, should nevertheless give a flavour of global links, issues and concerns and Mgt101 financial accounting 2 solution situate the rest of the discussion in a context. The proposed thesis shall focus upon the concept of ‘digital literacy’, using a Pragmatic method in an attempt to understand the educational landscape within which it resides in England and Wales. By comparing and contrasting research, governmental policy documents, the narrative pdf views of various groups within education and on the fringe, and what goes on in schools, a broad view of what literacy means in the 21st century should be obtained. These shall then be compared and Ks3 english contrasted both internally and with other countries, especially economic competitors to the UK as a whole. Achterhuis, H. (2001) Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn (Indiana University Press) Apple, M. (2003) ‘Is the New Technology part of the solution or part of the How to write problem in education? (in A. Darder, M. Baltodano R.D. Torres, The Critical Pedagogy Reader; London) Barton, D. M. Hamilton (2000) ‘Literacy Practices’ (in Barton, D., Hamilton, M. Ks3 English. Ivanic, R. Essays. (eds.), Situated Literacies: reading and writing in context, London) Beavis, C. (1998) ‘Computer games, culture and curriculum’ (in I. Snyder (ed.), Page to Screen: taking literacy into the electronic era; London, 1998) Blacker, D. J. McKie (2003) ‘Information and Communication Technology’ (in N. Blake, et al. (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education; Oxford, 2003) Burnett, R. (2002) Technology, Learning and Visual Culture (in I. Snyder (ed.), Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, London) Burniske, R.W. Help In Writing Essay. L. Monke (2001) Breaking Down the Digital Walls: learning to teach in How to pdf a post-modem world (New York) Carr, D. (2003) Making Sense of Education: an introduction to the philosophy and theory of education and Essay teaching (London) Claxton, G. (2002) ‘Education for the Learning Age: A Sociocultural Approach to Learning to Learn’ (in G. Wells G. Claxton (eds.), Learning for Life in the 21st Century, Oxford, 2002) Cromer, A. (1997) Connected Knowledge: Science, Philosophy, and How to write pdf Education (Oxford) Cuban, L. (1986) Teachers and Machines: the classroom use of technology since 1920 (London) Delors, J., (1996a) Choices for education: the political factor, in J. Delors (ed.), Learning:The Treasure Within (UNESCO, France) Delors, J. (1996b) The Four Pillars of Essay canada Education, in J. Delors (ed.), Learning:The Treasure Within (UNESCO, France, 1996) Demetriadis, S., et al. (2003) ‘ Cultures in negotiation’: teachers’ acceptance/resistance attitudes considering the infusion of technology into schools’ (Computers Education, 41, 2003) Dickens, C. (2007 ed.) Hard Times (London) DiSessa, A.A. (2000) Changing Minds: computers, learning, and literacy (London) Eraut, M. (1991) Education and the Information Society: a challenge for European policy (London) Friedman, T.L. (2005) The World Is Flat: the globalized world in the 21st century (London) Johnson, R.B.

A.J. Onwuegbezie (2004)’Mixed Methods Research: A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come’ (Educational Researcher, Vol. 33, No.7, 14-26) Kellner, D.M. (2002) ‘Technological Revolution, Multiple Literacies, and the Restructuring of Education’ (in I. Snyder (ed.), Silicon Literacies: communication, innovation and education in the electronic age, London) Lemke, J.L. (2002) ‘Becoming the Village: Education Across Lives’ (in G. Wells G. Narrative Pdf. Claxton (eds.), Learning for Life in the 21st Century, Oxford, 2002) Levin, B. J.A. Homework Sheets. Riffel (1997) Schools and the Changing World: struggling toward the future (London) Machlup, F. (1962) The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States (New York) McCain, T. (2005) Teaching For Tomorrow: teaching content and write narrative pdf problem-solving skills (Thousand Oaks, California) Michigan State University (2004), VISION 2004 statement (, accessed 3 October 2007 – cached at Muller, J. (2000) Reclaiming Knowledge: social theory, curriculum and education policy (London) OECD (2001) Learning to Change: ICT in Schools Okan, Z. (2003) ‘Edutainment: is learning at risk?’ (British Journal of homework Educational Technology, 34:3) Petrina, S. (2007) Advanced Teaching Methods for How to write essays pdf, the Technology Classroom (New York) Postman, N. (1993) Technopoly: the surrender of culture to technology (London) Potter, V.G. (1996) Peirce’s Philosophical Perspectives (New York) Provenzo, E.F., et al. (1999) Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change: an introduction for teachers (London) Reilly, B. (1996) ‘New Technologies, New Literacies, New Patterns’ (in C. Fisher, D.C. Dwyer K. Yocam (eds.), Education and Technology: reflections on computing in classrooms (San Francisco) Rodriguez Illera, J.L. To Write Argumentative. (2004) ‘Digital Literacies’ (Interactive Educational Multimedia, number 9 (November 2004) Siemens, G. (2006) Knowing Knowledge (, accessed 24 August 2007) Smith, R. P. Curtin (1998) ‘Children, computers and life online: education in a cyber-world’ (in I. Snyder, Page to Screen, London) Snyder, I. (2002) ‘Communication, Imagination, Critique – Literacy Education for write, the Electronic Age’ (in I. Snyder (ed.), Silicon Literacies: communication, innovation and education in the electronic age, London) Stonier, T. Financial. C. Conlin (1985) The Three C’s: children, computers, communication (Chichester) Sutherland, R. InterActive project team, ‘Designs for Learning: ICT and knowledge in the classroom’ (Computers Education, 43, 2004) Tiffin, J. L. Rajasingham, (2003) The Global Virtual University (New York) Town, J.S. (2003) ‘Information Literacy: definition, measurement, impact’ (in A. Martin H. Rader (eds.), Information and IT literacy: enabling learning in narrative the 21st century, London, 2003) UNESCO (2004) ‘The Plurality of Literacy and its Implications for Policies and Programmes (France) Wow Doug – looks pretty darn impressive to me. Also looks like a heck of Ks3 english a lot of work. Well done! How dare they fail your first submission – it was a masterpiece ;o)

PS love the quotation in your new header – very amusing :oD. Thanks for the praise, Jenny and Lisa! #128578; @Lisa: This is How to narrative essays, actually the help uk library one of which you kindly agreed to proof-read a draft. Have you noticed that the quotation in narrative the header changes when you refresh the page? :-p. I subscribe to George Siemens elearningspace and received an email today, with a link to Paper, your blog. It’s come at an opportune time, I’m considering concept papers for write pdf, my ed.D. as well (at Nova Southeastern Uni).

For a course leading up to Ks3 english homework, my concept paper, I wrote papers on social networking, globalisation and How to write narrative technological progress as well as trends in education. ON another note, where I teach ( an International School in uk library Kuala Lumpur) is moving towards at pdf, 1:1 program. We’ve visted 3 different schools, where terms such as “21st century learners” and “21st century literacy skills” are mentioned, however not articulated. I loved your proposal, similar to the direction where I am heading. Hi Bron, glad you liked the in writing essay proposal and you found it useful! #128578;

George Siemens has linked to essays, this proposal, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to have shown up with a trackback… :-s. Thought your proposal was great. I’m starting my research for my Ed.D in primary schools in the West of Homework help uk library Scotland. Write Narrative Pdf. My topic is very similar to yours, ‘The impact of life on literacy practices: Digital Literacy in primary schools’. I’ll send you my first paper soon.

I’ll send you my first paper soon. That would be great Jane – thanks! It’ll be interesting to compare and contrast not only essay, primary/secondary issues, but those of the Scottish/English systems. #128578; I#039;m leading an initiative at my universtiy that aims to define and deliver Digital Fluency as a core graduate attribute. 6 months into this work and people here are now getting really interested in the concept and its relevance to 21st century learning. Let me know if you#039;d be interested in this -happy to share what we#039;ve learnt so far. That sounds very interesting! With Jane at the Primary level, myself at the Secondary level and you at University level, we’ll have it all covered. Do get in touch via the essays pdf contact form directly to let me know what you’re up to. #128512; quite impressive, indeed. would like to know what the evaluators thought to be the missing 37 % ? I sympathise on the failure thing. Check out my post on the subject.

I reckon this is a good topic, but potentially broad. There’s certainly a wealth of someone to write an essay argumentative material on the blogosphere that you could use. There are quite a few analogies with functional literacy that can be drawn. First if all: your work looks very good. I don’t understand what your evaluators might want more… I’m working (and it will be very probable also part of my PhD..) on a project about the concept of pdf “digital competence”. We are developing also tests and other assessments. Maybe it could be useful share our works… 1. Is DL the same at all age levels (e.g., high school graduate vs college graduate)? 2. Is DL the same for accounting assignment 2 solution, all professions?

3. Who is to define DL — you? Pretty subjective and not very research based. 4. Put all research results in a table to How to write pdf, see which one says what skill is needed. 5. Won’t your results be outdated almost by the time you’re finished? Thanks for the questions and feedback. Ks3 English Sheets. My response: 1. That’s certainly something I’ll be looking at. How To Write Narrative. My gut feeling is that they’d all be on the same spectrum, yes.:-) 2. I’d need some counter-examples to prevent me simply saying ‘yes’.

In the same way that ‘literacy’ ranges across domains, so ‘digital literacy’ does, I think. 3. I’ll be looking at how others have defined digital literacy and whether definitions of uk library other terms come close to what I’m getting at. I’ll be looking for consensus, common sense and tentative suggestions, not dogmatic statements about what I believe – so I hope it will be research-based and moving towards some type of objectivity. :-p. 4. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate? 5. Perhaps, but hopefully not! Also, I’m undertaking the Ed.D. for a variety of reasons. How To Essays. One of the strongest is for my development and so I interact with a wide range of literature and resources.

It’s as much about me grappling with issues as it is about contributing something original.:-) 4. Homework Help. If you’re going to research what others say about DL and what skills are included in those definitions, then it makes sense to essays pdf, put that info into a table so that you can compare visually across columns/rows. I’m due to start my Ed.D next year. Writing Uk. It’s really interesting and useful to read your proposal. At present I’m considering focusing on the relationship between the primary school and parents (stakeholders) in write narrative light of the Ed changes since 1988. Your proposal is impressive.Incidentally,I just passed my Ed.D proposal.I am studying at Homework help uk library, the university of Sheffield.I am focusing on boys and literacy.But I am curious:How can a non doctoral research supervisor manage the work of a doctoral student?

@Andre: Exactly! I haven’t been too impressed with the How to write lack of urgency in finding myself a new one, either… #128577;

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The Narrative Essay

confederation essay Professor Emeritus, Virginia Tech. Director, Virtual Jamestown. Over the past decade or more, “Atlantic World History” has provided a new framework to study the past in write pdf, a comparative, cross-disciplinary, and transnational context. Help Uk Library! The Atlantic-centric approach to history is mindful of the rise of essays, American social history during the 1960s and Paper help writting zoo, 1970s. Social history freed the discipline from the clutches of elite- and politico-centric, discipline-bound, atheoretical, and nationalistic approaches to the past and moved the compass needle.

New coordinates arose on the historical map. Write Narrative Essays Pdf! “History from the bottom up” presented a rare opportunity to emphasize social origins and connections to help writting zoo the forces of change and continuity that surrounded them. Sub-fields emerged in narrative essays pdf, the history of the family, labor, immigration, urbanization, childhood, and other fields. Borrowings from the fields of writing service canada, cultural anthropology, economic and social theory, psychology, sociology, and How to write pdf, other disciplines informed historical inquiry like never before. As a young graduate student who had somehow escaped from these same social origins, it was inspirational to see scholars newly engaged in studies on indentured servants, slaves, factory workers, immigrants, white and black farm laborers, women, and others long ignored. Likewise, Atlantic history has been no less inspiring and it has greatly influenced current research and writing on colonial American history in Help for english, general, and the Americans (used interchangeably with Indians and native people) in particular.

Atlantic World scholars have drawn attention to How to write narrative essays pdf how the process of someone an essay, history washed over the “New World” landscape bringing with it its own compelling sources of change and continuity. The Atlantic World approach to colonial history brought with it a distinct set of assets and liabilities. On the one hand, it reinvigorated interest in the colonial world and opened new vistas of inquiry. Write Narrative! On the help zoo other hand, ironically in some iterations it has inadvertently reinforced some of the Eurocentrism and nationalism, especially with regard to the history of native peoples, that its approach seemed well-positioned to correct. Students of How to write narrative essays pdf, indigenous populations face significant obstacles. Writting! Of the most formidable is the biased textual record the invaders left. Almost everything we know about sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Indians emanates from European chroniclers. Comparing multiple first-hand accounts in a comparative i.e., French, English, Spanish, and Dutch writings context can overcome some of the bias naturally built into one-sided perspectives. Archaeological evidence can provide some correctives. Perhaps most promising of all is ethnographic analyses of Indian behavior. Studying Indians up close in discrete contexts, what social historians have called “thick description,” provides more certainty and sure-footedness in interpreting scant evidence and overcoming the How to essays attitudes and paying close attention to local circumstances and conditions from their unique historical perspective.

In other words, thick description means not just describing behavior, but analyzing behavior in its context in ways that can be understood today. It requires an service uk ethnographic approach, the system of meanings encoded in material and essays pdf, spiritual culture. Historians like Karen Ordahl Kupperman provide a good example of ethnogenetic analysis. Writing Service Canada Uk! In a chapter on “reading Indian bodies, Kupperman looked at hair styles, posture, dress, tattoos, and other signifiers of “self-presentation.” The author has also used this same approach to pursue the ethnogenesis of American Indians broadly in sixteenth century North America. Critical Appraisal of Atlantic History. The most recent critical appraisal of Atlantic history gives preference to essays pdf John Elliott’s definition: the study of the creation, destruction, and re-creation of communities as a result of the homework sheets movement, across and around the Atlantic basin, of people, commodities, cultural practices, and values. The appraisal list five objections to Atlantic history: 1. lack of coherence or unity; 2. uncertain boundary or entity; 3. imperial history in new clothes; 4. Ignores or deflects attention from indigenous populations; and 5. links areas of write, Atlantic or transnational relations in border zones at expense of developments in discrete areas. Let’s examine three ways Atlantic-centric approaches have shaped interpretations of early colonization with special attention to North American Indians. First, setting colonial settlements into a broader, transnational, Atlantic World context has raised new questions and challenges to previous interpretations. Alan Taylor, for example, has pointed out that the in writing essay for english North American population from 1492 to 1776 actually declined.

Many readers will be surprised to hear this statement, given the large numbers of immigrants in the period, especially after the 1700s. Despite this influx of immigrants and the thousands of How to essays pdf, Africans forcibly transported the service losses of essays pdf, North America’s native people, decimated by Paper help, disease, warfare, and a massive uprooting of Indian communities, more than made up for narrative essays pdf these additions. Consequently, colonial American history, cannot be appropriately cast as the “peopling” of America. Such an interpretation is a good example of the persistence of Eurocentric perspectives still present in Homework help uk library, early generation Atlantic World studies. Indeed, rather than the essays pdf settling of America, it was really the unsettling that was roiling the seventeenth century continent. Second, the Atlantic World approach shifted the emphasis upon small colonial settlements to sweep over entire continents: Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. Characteristically, early Atlantic World scholarship underscored the theme of Homework help, victimization. The most influential work in this vein has been Alfred Crosby’s Columbian Exchange, emphasizing “the biological and cultural consequences of 1492.” Crosby charted the extraordinary impact of Columbus’ voyages on the ecosystem. Pestilential diseases like smallpox, measles, and influenza devastated native populations. The most stunning and write, controversial part of the Help essay Columbian Exchange concerns the death rate of Indians of How to essays pdf, uncertain dimensions.

Pick a number between one and 25 million in Mexico and Peru and another one to 12 million in Homework uk library, North America, the exact figures are still unclear, but numbers so large it is impossible to comprehend losses on write narrative essays, such an unparalleled scale. The speed and scale of the projected losses “boggle the mind,” according to historian Colin G. Calloway, one reason researchers may have been reluctant to accept them for so long, he observes. Crosby’s work deserves the homework sheets recognition it has received for bringing such a catastrophe to the world’s attention. Crosby considered both sides of the How to narrative essays pdf equation, but the Columbian Exchange is essay for english essentially a narrative of victimization. For the most part, only plants, animals, and diseases were exchanged.

A third more recent direction in Atlantic World History is providing a corrective to the agentless perspective that victimization underscored. Scholars have begun to approach the study of Indians, not simply as victims or objects but, as one Indian chief put it when 2007 planners asked why Virginia Indians objected to the use of the term “celebration” for the 400th anniversary at Jamestown: “because we helped the write narrative essays English survive and build a nation.” Recently, it is this direction that has been taken in the study of North America’s native people during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In Daniel Richter’s eloquent phrase, when we “face east from Indian country,” we open the door on How to teach to write argumentative, what James Merrell has called the chance to observe and illuminate a “new world” for Indian people. This approach turns away from using the telescope to view Europeans up close and Indians from afar and instead reverses the lens to examine Indians up close with Europeans in the distance. Part of my research focuses upon How to write narrative essays pdf a group where agency might least be expected: the liminal Algonquians. Liminals and the Algonquian Exchange. The Algonquians constituted a large and diverse array of speakers who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Labrador to North Carolina and homework, along the northern and narrative essays pdf, western margins of help, Iroquoia to Lake Superior. From New England to North Carolina they practiced a mixed economy in which hunting and gathering supplemented horticulture or fishing and sustained many large and permanent villages. When the French, Spanish, Dutch, and English invaders came, they immediately became dependent upon How to write narrative local natives for knowledge of the writing area and narrative essays, good relations with the local population. Often their very survival depended upon the native people.

In order to ensure success, the Europeans typically brought with them, or found them shortly after arrival, figures they had previously abducted or new captures to use as guides, interpreters, trade negotiators, and cultural translators. Algonquian figures occupied the social, economic, and diplomatic space between Europeans and Algonquian nations. Often forced to serve two masters, despite being victims at times of colonial imperialism, ironically Algonquian liminals found agency despite their predicament and became vital instruments in the course of colonial American history. This perspectival turn in examining Algonquian history presents an Paper help writting opportunity to privilege agency as the genesis of what may be called here the Algonquian Exchange. For interpretive and analytical purposes, the Algonquian Exchange might be seen as the contrapuntal force to the Columbian Exchange. In this usage of the term, we move beyond, although do not dispute, the abundant evidence of victims and their “contributions” to history, towards a deeper search for the evidence of the many ways that Indians, in this case Algonquians, became part of the DNA of America, influenced its development, and carried forward their genetic cultural markers in the core culture.

Algonquian Creoles: Pocahontas, Tisquantum, and Pacquiquineo. The most intriguing, elusive, and underappreciated figures in the history of Atlantic World colonization are those individuals we might designate as Algonquian creoles. These were men and women who served as the interface between two worlds. How To Pdf! At times suspected by both and usually trusted by neither, they served in a variety of capacities. Creoles could speak English (or Spanish or French), were familiar with the ways of the invaders, understood how to deal with fellow Algonquians, and were thoroughly familiar with local geography.

Algonquian creoles were usually forced into the brokerage role. In 1609, Smith’s men captured Kemps and Tassore, two “Chickamanians,” and they “daily wrought and taught us how to order our fields.” Sometimes brokers were arranged exchanges. Examples of Help, this type are Namontack who traveled with Christopher Newport back to England in write narrative essays, 1608. Thomas Savage, an English boy, was left with Powhatan in homework sheets, exchange for Namontack. Uttamatommakin (also known as Tomocomo or Tomakin) went with Pocahontas to England in 1616 and 1617 as Powhatan’s envoy and write pdf, “reporter.” The most famous Algonquian creole at Jamestown, Pocahontas was abducted, sent to homework sheets the English fort near Richmond where Rev. Alexander Whitaker instructed her in write narrative essays, Christianity. Later, she was baptized in a public ceremony at Jamestown’s church and grew into the brokerage role, as she moved from playing innocent games with English boys as a child and morphed as an adult into the most effective and influential broker in the Virginia colony. New England had creole figures just as valuable as Pocahontas. Tisquantum (“Squanto”), a native Patuxet lived at present-day Plymouth. The Patuxet belonged to help uk library the Wampanoag confederation of tribes. His early life is obscure.

In 1614, his story begins with the arrival of Captain John Smith and men on several ships who came to map Cape Cod and vicinity. After Smith completed his work, he left for England, leaving in charge, Captain Thomas Hunt with instructions to engage the How to write pdf Indians in trade. But Hunt had other ideas. Accounting! He lured 24 Nauset and Patuxet Algonquians onto his ship with an essays offer to trade beaver and took them captive. He stowed them in the hole of the ship and sailed to the Straits of Gibraltar and on to Malaga, Spain, where he sold as many as he could into canada, slavery. Luckily for a few, friars in Malaga discovered what had happened, took custody of the rest and instructed them in essays pdf, Christianity. Back in America, the in writing essay for english Nauset and Patuxet tribes were furious. English and French ships were no longer welcomed in Cape Cod and Plymouth and narrative essays, the beaver trade came to a halt. In 1617, an unwitting French captain wrecked his ship on the north shore of Cape Cod. The Indians burned the crippled ship, killed all of the crew except three or four who were kept as slaves. One of the Essay writing canada French mariners who had learned enough of the Algonquian language to communicate with them felt moved to tell the survivors that “God was angry with them for their wickedness, and would destroy them and give their country to How to write another people.” A sachem spurned the help prediction, assembled his tribe on a nearby hill, and write essays, challenged the French to prove that his God had such power over so many people.

The Frenchman assured them that he “surely would.” Within three years, everything the Paper writting zoo mariner predicted had come true: a disease epidemic, variously attributed in historical sources to How to write essays tuberculosis or smallpox or both devastated the tribe. Tisquantum, one of the Indians Hunt had abducted, survived the plague and made his way from Spain to England where he learned English and Homework uk library, signed on with the treasurer of the Newfoundland Company colony as an interpreter and expert on North American natural resources. There he met Thomas Dermer, a ship’s captain who had worked with John Smith when he mapped Cape Cod. Essays! The New England Company, headed by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, wanted to reestablish the beaver trade with the Massachusetts Algonquians and realized that Tisquantum could be a valuable asset to smooth the way as a peacemaker; they could use his strong English skills as interpreter with the still angry Patuxets. Like the Atlantic creoles of West Africa who served in the slave trade, Gorges saw that Algonquian creoles like Tisquantum could act to broker trade exchanges between Indians, fur dealers, and the Newfoundland Company. After bringing Dermer and Tisquantum back to England briefly to make plans, he sent them in 1619 to reestablish trade and map out the natural resources that the New England Company hoped to exploit. Mgt101 Financial! But when they arrived at Tisquantum’s town, they found everyone dead from the How to narrative essays pdf plague. Tisquantum located Massasoit and his brother Quadequina, the How to teach to write heads of the Wampanoag Confederation and took up with them. Soon after Tisquantum’s return home, the Mayflower pilgrims arrived at Provincetown Harbor in November 1620.

As they sent out their own expedition parties, on the third foray they were attacked by the Nauset. All escaped unharmed but the How to write narrative essays pdf Pilgrims continued their expeditions around Cape Cod, eventually ending up in Patuxet territory in the area named Plymouth on Smith’s map. The Pilgrims worked out of the Mayflower for months, rarely seeing an Indian, before they moved onto land in March. On 16 March an Algonquian named Samoset surprised them when he walked right into the colony. Samoset knew a little English picked up from the fishermen around the harbors, enough to tell the Pilgrims about Tisquantum and his superior language skills. On 22 March, Tisquantum came with Massasoit and Quadequina to the English colony. Together the Pilgrims and the three Indians negotiated a peace treaty to Help in writing essay establish trading relations. Tisquantum soon became a key figure in How to write narrative essays pdf, the trade alliance and an integral member of the Plymouth Colony, translating and negotiating between Plymouth’s governors, including William Bradford, and tribal leaders like Massasoit. He made peace with the Nauset and with a number of other Indian leaders in the Wampanoag Confederation. He also taught the Pilgrims how to manage local resources, catch eels, plant corn, and Ks3 english homework, use fish fertilizer to improve production.

Without Tisquantum, the Plymouth Colony may not have survived. The same might be said of Pacquiquineo, an Algonquian creole who figured most prominently in the English settlement of Jamestown. In 1561, winds blew a Spanish caravel off course on the South Carolina coast and drove the vessel several hundred miles north. The Spaniards anchored “in a large river, possibly the Chickahominy.” There they encountered a group of Algonquians and How to write pdf, two of them “(‘a principal and his servant’) were forced or “agreed to accompany them on Help, their voyage.” The principal was named Paquiquineo, a boy of about 12 years of age. Since he was reported to have a servant, he was obviously of high status. How To Write Narrative Essays! He was of the Paspahegh tribe. Mgt101 Financial Accounting! Paspahegh was the name of the entire area on the Powhatan (James) River extending southeastward from the How to write narrative essays mouth of the Chickahominy to Paper help writting zoo well beyond the peninsula that later became Jamestown. In 1570, Spanish Jesuits returned to Chesapeake Bay, with Paquiquineo as an interpreter and guide to establish the Ajacán mission in Virginia to convert the Indians to Christianity. How To! The Jesuit priest Father Juan Rogel headed the Virginia mission and another priest, Father Juan Baptista de Segura, reported to for english him from the field.

Both had worked to establish missions at St. How To Narrative Pdf! Augustine and help, Santa Elena. The group also included Father Luis de Quiros, and six lay brothers (Gabriel Gomes, Sancho Cevallos, Juan Baptista Mendez, Pedro de Linares, Gabriel de Solis, and Christobal Redondo). They took with them Paquiquineo and narrative essays, Alonzo de Olmos, son of a Florida colonist and an altar boy who did not want to be separated from the help uk library priests he had served. The location of the Ajacán mission was near the write essays pdf Indian town of Kiskiack on Homework, the Pamunkey (York) River. Segura and his fellow Jesuits labored under difficult conditions.

A severe six-year drought plagued Virginia. Famine among Algonquian populations often accompanied these periods of sparse rain and high temperatures. The Virginia Algonquians had come to How to narrative pdf depend upon crops of corn, beans, and squash to someone supplement their hunter-gatherer diet and compensate for the periodic scarcities of game and fish. Unfortunately, low rainfalls also meant poor agricultural yields so that drought brought intense competition for all available food sources. Roving bands of Indians, some from the write narrative pdf North, attacked town populations to rob their fields and storage bins for their own needs.

The arrival of missionaries and soldiers during these times, as was the case at Jamestown, exacerbated already attenuated environmental conditions and made Indians far less charitable that might otherwise have been the case. Upon arrival, Pacquiquineo learned of hardships the Paspahegh were undergoing, suffering greatly from the effects of drought and famine. During these times of distress, Indian religious leaders rose in importance in their communities to give spiritual explanations to canada unusual phenomena like famine, disease, and the sudden appearance of strangers in their midst. Epiphenomenal conditions among native populations translated readily into spiritually signifying explanations. Paquiquineo’s reappearance surprised local Algonquians. The combination of famine, strange visitors, and the sudden visitation of an Algonquian figure long since vanished suggested supernatural forces at work. Write! The Paspahegh reasoned encouraged by in writing for english, interpretations of their shamans -- that he had returned from the How to narrative pdf dead. His arrival at such a time likely signaled some kind of spiritual sign, something equivalent to writing uk the Ghost Dance phenomenon that Plains Indians of the late nineteenth century experienced. He may have been seen as a prophet, for narrative essays pdf example, who would lead them and show the way out of their misery of famine, warfare, and invasion. Of course, the Essay service uk Jesuits had no appreciation for how local environmental and social conditions and write narrative, Algonquian spirituality might intersect. For them behavioral manifestations of distress in the forms of religious dances, prophecies, and spiritual awakenings would likely be seen as signs of Ks3 english homework, paganism.

Moreover, they clearly did not see in Paquiquineo any signs of doubt and alienation. How To Write Essays Pdf! For several years, Paquiquineo had cleverly practiced the art of accounting 2 solution, dissimulation, kept his real feelings to himself, while openly he expressed his eagerness to convert his people. Within five days of the group’s arrival, to the utter surprise of the How to write essays pdf Jesuit priests, Paquiquineo turned quickly away from his captors, and Homework help uk library, crossed back into the world of the write narrative essays Paspahegh. He simply disappeared, and when he did not return in a few months, the three priests, now in need of supplies, went to find him. It was a tragic mistake; the Paspahegh followed the priests and killed them. Ks3 English! Five days later, they arrived at the Spanish Virginia mission and exterminated everyone in the camp, except for Olmos, the boy who lived to tell the story. Thereafter Paquiquineo disappears from all historical records. But did he really disappear or did he reappear as a different person? Catholic legend paints a not unexpectedly dark image of Paquiquineo.

An account of lay brother Juan de la Carrera years later referred to him as “a wretched native” and a “second Judas.” Carrera reported that he went off and lived a pagan life with his uncle “a chief in a country far distant from How to write essays ours,” where he engaged in “marrying many women in teach an essay, a pagan way.” The Powhatan practice of chiefs taking multiple wives was just another sign of paganism to Catholics. Looking at pdf, it from Paquiquineo’s perspective, he might have responded that if the Jesuits had been more like their namesake, he would have been far less likely to have acted like Judas. Help In Writing Essay For English! After all, he was aware of Indians in Florida being labeled as devil worshipers and the commonly reported abuse of soldiers. He had witnessed the contradiction between the message of kindness and humanity and the practice of cruelty, slavery, and violence, especially against those who opposed the invaders. Time does not permit a fulsome explication of the Algonquian exchange.

Yet, based upon a few examples, it is clear that Algonquian creoles provide a promising window on How to narrative pdf, agency, indigeneity, and help, some of the features of the Algonquian exchange. Pocahontas saved the Jamestown colony from devastating attacks at write essays pdf, critical moments. Her marriage to John Rolfe ensured years of peace. Thomas, her son, became a Virginia landowner, fought in an alliance against Indian attackers, and accumulated a substantial estate. Without question, the Algonquians helped the coastal invaders survive and uk, build a nation. How To Essays! At vulnerable moments in Virginia and New England, when the Algonquians might have snuffed out the fledging colonies, they acted instead to provide what was needed for the invaders to Ks3 english survive: corn and seed, peace and How to write pdf, trade negotiations, and Mgt101, interpreters and guides to the terrain, language, and cultural practices of the essays pdf Algonquians. They taught the invaders fishing and Ks3 english sheets, hunting skills, how to How to essays pdf cultivate “new world” crops, avoid contaminated water, and live under conditions of drought.

Without Tisquantum, the Pilgrims at Paper help writting zoo, Plymouth would have been unable to establish peace with local Indians, engage in the fur trade, or even survive. Without the intervention of Pacquiquineo, the Spanish might have made Virginia a Spanish colony and write narrative pdf, consolidated their control of the North American coast from Virginia to Florida. Instead, he assured the success of English competition with rival European powers that allowed the in writing essay for english Chesapeake colony to essays pdf become the first permanent English settlement in North America. Recent research has discovered evidence of how Algonquians influenced Euro-American family and child-rearing practices and political organization, and made additional contributions to the Algonquian exchange in folk medicine, astronomical observations, map making, and other areas yet to Ks3 english homework sheets be explored. Clearly, we stand to learn much more about the Algonquian exchange when we face east from Indian country. The author wishes to thank the British Association for How to write essays pdf American Studies, British Association for Canadian Studies, and the Eccles Centre at Mgt101 assignment 2 solution, the British Library for the award as Eccles Centre Visiting Professor in North American Studies 2008-2009, which made possible the research, reflection, and writing of parts of this essay.

A version of the essay was presented at Professor Dennis Hidalgo’s Atlantic World Colloquium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, 26 March 2012. On the theory of thick description and his own method of write, ethnography, see Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures; Selected Essays (New York: Basic Books, 1973); on the ethnography of Virginia Indians, see Karen Ordahl Kupperman, Ch. 2., “Reading Indian Bodies,” in Indians and Ks3 english sheets, English: Facing Off in Early America (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2000), 41-76; see also Crandall Shifflett, : “Clothing and Self Presentation,” in American Centuries: The Ideas, Issues, and Trends that Made U.S. History , ed. Karen Ordahl Kupperman (New York: Facts on File, 2011), 31-37.

John Elliott, Afterword, Atlantic History: A Circumnavigation, in How to write essays, David Armitage and Mgt101 assignment 2 solution, Michael J. Braddick, eds., The Atlantic World, 1500-1800 (New York: Palgrave, 2002), pp. 233-249, esp. 239. See James C. Kelly and Barbara Clark Smith, “Introduction,” in Kelly and Smith, Jamestown.Quebec.Santa Fe: Three North American Beginnings (Washington and How to narrative essays, New York: Smithsonian Books, 2007), 10-15, on these perspectives that are summarized and elaborated here. Mgt101 Financial Accounting Assignment 2 Solution! On the present state of the narrative essays field, see Jack P. Greene and Philip D. Morgan, Atlantic History: A Critical Appraisal (New York : Oxford University Press, 2009), esp. Ks3 English Homework! “Introduction: the Present State of Atlantic History,” 3-33. Alan Taylor, American Colonies . The Penguin History of the United States, Eric Foner, ed. (New York: Viking Penguin, 2001), xi. Bernard Bailyn, The Peopling of British North America: an Introduction (New York: Knopf, 1986) and Bailyn with the assistance of Barbara DeWolfe, Voyagers to the West: A Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution (New York: Knopf, 1986). On Virginia as an Atlantic colony, see April Lee Hatfield, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004). For an overview and assessment of the How to essays pdf various estimates of disease-related population loss, see Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the help uk library Americas Before Columbus (New York: Vintage Books, 2005), 107-112. On “boggle,” see C. G. Calloway, One Vast Winter Count: The Native American West before Lewis and Clark (Lincoln: University of How to write essays, Nebraska Press, 2003), 415. James H. Merrell, “The Indians New World: The Catawba Experience,” WMQ , 3d ser., 41(1984), 537-65.

Daniel K. Richter, Facing East from to write Indian Country: A Native History of write, Early America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001). Taylor, American Colonies , 93. Quotation: Nathaniel Philbrick, Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War (New York: Viking Penguin, 2006), 52;, retrieved 9 March 2012. For descriptions of the Spanish visits and the documents in the Spanish archives, see Conway Robinson, An account of discoveries in the West until 1519, and of voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from 1520-1573 . (Prepared for “The Virginia historical and philosophical society.” Published by the society. Richmond: Shepherd and Colin, 1848), quotation, 486n. Bruce Trigger’s studies have linked spiritual explanations and epiphenomenal behavior in premodern Indian populations.

See Bruce G. Trigger, “Early Native American Responses to uk library European Contact: Romantic versus Rationalistic Interpretations,” Journal of American History 77:4 (March 1991), 1195-1215. For quotations: “wretched life,” “second Judas,” “chief in a country”, and “marrying” see Horn, A Land as God Hath Made It , 7, and How to write, “rising fortunes,” 3. For quotation “missions to discover,” see Robinson, An account of essay, discoveries , 486. Lewis and Loomie, Spanish Jesuit Mission in Virginia , 109, 119, and 134, refer to the Jesuit mission as a “day and a half away” and “10 leagues” (30 miles). Narrative! This may or may not be reliable.

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