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argumentive essay of Sure, you’re a lover not a fighter. Write My Essay Money. I am too. Writing A Resume For College Graduates. But that doesn’t mean that you can avoid writing your argumentative essay! Since you have to write an argumentative essay, you might as well learn how to write it well, right? I’ve said it time and time again—there’s nothing worse than staring at a blank page.

Putting together an Need, argumentative essay outline is the accounting vs managerial accounting useful perfect way to turn your blank document into a ready-to-use template. All you have to help write my essay do is Where can i someone to do my homework, fill in the blanks! In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how to Need help create an argumentative essay outline. At the end, I’ll give you a downloadable skeleton outline you can use to get started. Act Writing Reviews. Structure of the write my essay Argumentative Essay Outline. That’s not so bad! There’s really nothing to be afraid of. Here’s how your argumentative essay outline would look if you turned it into Act writing prep reviews, a pretty picture: Each of these four sections requires some important elements. Let’s break those down now.

Argumentative Essay Outline Section 1: Your Intro. Your introduction is where you lay the Need help write foundation for paper mario editor, your impenetrable argument. It’s made up of a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. 1. Hook. Your first sentence is comprised of a “hook.” Don’t know what a hook is? A hook is a sentence that grabs your reader’s attention just like a good Jackie Chan movie grabs the attention of a martial arts fan. Let’s say I’m writing an argumentative essay about why American people should start eating insects. Write Money. My hook could be, “For those interested in improving their diets and Writing a resume for college graduates, the environment, say ‘goodbye’ to Need help eating chicken, fish, and useful operations, beef and ‘hello’ to eating silk worms, crickets, and caterpillars.” If you’re having trouble coming up with a good hook, I recommend reading my blog post How to Write Good Hook Sentences. 2. Need Write Money. Background information. Super. The next part of your intro is dedicated to offering some detailed background information on your topic. Try answering the following questions: What is the issue at hand?

Who cares? Where is Need help write my essay money, this issue prevalent? Why is it important? For example, “Insects are abundant, nutritious, and environmentally sustainable. Currently, people in Writing a resume graduates the United States shun the idea of eating insects as part of their diets, favoring instead less nutritious and environmentally destructive food options, such as beef and pork. The UN recently issued a statement calling for more world citizens to embrace the many benefits of eating insects.” 3. Need Write My Essay. Thesis. Your thesis typically makes up the last sentence of your intro paragraph. This is where you clearly state your position on the topic and give a reason for a resume graduates, your stance. For example, “A diet of insects can help fix problems related to starvation, obesity, and write my essay money, climate change, and therefore, United States citizens should learn to rely on a variety of insects over chicken, beef, and fish as their main source of essay bacon, protein and help, nutrition.” Notice the a history paper proposal word “should” in my thesis statement?

Using this word makes it clear I’m taking a stance on write the argument. You’ll also notice that my thesis statement sets up the three claims I’m going to graduates expand on later: a diet of insects can help fix problems related to starvation, obesity, and climate change. Let’s talk about help write money adding those claims to our argumentative essay outline now. Argumentative Essay Outline Section 2: Developing Your Argument. Now that you have filled in someone my homework economics the general points of your topic and outlined your stance in the introduction, it’s time to Need help my essay money develop your argument. In my sample outline, I show three claims, each backed by three points of writer bacon, evidence. Offering three claims is just a suggestion; you may find that you only have two claims to make, or four. Need My Essay Money. The exact number of claims you choose to include doesn’t matter (unless, of course, your teacher has given you a specific requirement). What matters is that you develop your argument as thoroughly as possible. 1. What is a claim?

A claim is a statement you make to support your argument. For example, “Bugs are highly nutritious and eating them can fix the problem of hunger and malnutrition in the United States.” Great! So I’ve made my claim. But who’s going to Writing for college believe me? This is where evidence comes into play. 2. What is evidence? For each claim you make, you need to provide supporting evidence. Evidence is help my essay money, factual information from reliable sources. It is not personal knowledge or anecdotal. For example, “Researchers at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United States state that ‘Termites are rich in protein, fatty acids, and other micronutrients. Fried or dried termites contain 32–38 percent proteins.’“ My outline shows three pieces of evidence to support each claim, but you may find that each claim doesn’t necessarily have three pieces of evidence to back it.

Once again, the exact number doesn’t necessarily matter (unless your teacher has given you instructions), but you need enough evidence to essay bacon make your claim believable. Once you have gathered your evidence to support your claims, it’s time to Need my essay add the next important element of your argumentative essay outline: refuting your opponents’ arguments. Prep. Let’s talk about that now. Argumentative Essay Outline Section 3: Refuting Opponents’ Arguments. In this section, you state your opponents’ views and Need my essay money, then offer a rebuttal. For example, “Opponents of reviews, insect eating from the Need write my essay money Beef Council of America say that it is can i find someone to do my homework, too difficult and time consuming to Need my essay catch crickets, so it is not easy to gather enough food for a meal, whereas a cow is large and contains a lot of meat for Financial accounting useful operations manager, many meals.” Oh diss!

We know the write my essay money Beef Council just wants us to keep eating McD’s hamburgers and skip the cricket soup. (By the way—I just made that up. The Beef Council did not say that. In your essay, make sure to use real facts.) Now it’s time to Super mario set the opponents straight with a refutation that is full of hard evidence and help write, that will bring them to Writing a resume for college graduates their knees. For example, “According to researchers Cerritos and Cano-Santana, the best time to harvest crickets is to catch them in the hour just before sunrise when they are least active. What’s more, it is easy to develop the infrastructure to farm crickets in my essay money a way that is more sustainable than cattle farming.” Booyah! The Beef Council has been served (crickets). Once you have refuted your opponents’ viewpoints, it’s time to sail to the finish line with your conclusion. Paper Editor. Argumentative Essay Outline Section 4: Conclusion. In your conclusion, you are going to accomplish two important tasks. 1. Restate the importance of your issue.

Similar to what you did in your introduction, you want to Need write my essay restate why this topic is accounting accounting useful operations, critical. For example, “Simply by incorporating insects into their diets, U.S. Need Write. citizens can improve the sustainability and nutrition of the American diet.” 2. Paint a picture of the world if your argument is (or is not) implemented. In the final part of your conclusion, make your audience think about the ramifications of your argument. What would happen if people started eating insects as a staple of Writing a resume for college graduates, their diets? For example, “The world would be a better place if more people ate insects as a part of Need help write, their diets. Fewer people would go hungry, more people would get the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients they need to Where find someone live healthy lifestyles, and our planet would be relieved of the burden of an unsustainable food system. Closing with a clear picture of the money world as you would like it to essay bacon be can leave your reader convinced that your argument is valid.

Download the Argumentative Essay Outline Template. Download this skeleton Argumentative Essay Outline to get started. Before you go off into the sunset and use my outline template, make sure that you are following the guidelines specific to your course. While this is a pretty standard outline, there are other ways to Need help write money outline your argumentative essay. University. If you’re interested in learning more about argumentative essays, I suggest reading The Secrets of Need write my essay money, a Strong Argumentative Essay. Want even more knowledge?

Check out Writing proposal this argumentative essay infographic! If you’re looking for some ideas, check out these argumentative essay examples. When you have your argumentative essay and outline ready to go, you can always have one of our awesome editors give it a second look. Write. Psst. Act Writing Prep. 98% of Kibin users report better grades!

Get inspiration from over Need write money, 500,000 example essays. Reviews. About the Author. Naomi Tepper is a former Kibin editor, the former content manager for the Kibin blog, and Need help write my essay, forever a word nerd. wow this was really help full. Super! I#8217;m really happy to help. #128578; Hi I have a 20 minute presentation to do on the history of cognitive-behaviour therapy. Don#8217;t know where to begin. Is this the same as doing an a resume for college graduates, argument. This sounds more like an expository essay.

An expository essay (or presentation in your case) has the goal of informing the write my essay money audience on a specific topic. Where Can I Find Someone Economics. Usually you don#8217;t take an Need help, argumentative stance for or against these topics. For more information on expository writing visit: hi i need some help on an argument . The topic is University essay writer, internet a guide or a distraction. Money. i hope u can help. Do you think the internet is a guide or a distraction?

I would suggest writing a thesis statement like this: You could focus on economics arguing for the internet: #8220;The internet is help write, a useful guide as shown by Act writing reviews, evidence 1, evidence 2, and evidence 3.#8221; OR you could focus on arguing against Need write the internet: #8220;The internet is an annoying distraction as shown by evidence 1, evidence 2, and evidence 3.#8221; OR, and this is the best option, you could focus on arguing how to accounting vs managerial useful to an best use the internet: #8220;The internet can be both a useful guide as shown by evidence 1 and help, evidence 2, but it can also be an accounting useful to an operations manager, annoying distraction as shown by evidence 3 and evidence 4. Need Help Write. It is important to Act writing prep set personal limits on web use including solution 1, solution 2, and solution 3.#8221; Personal limits could include things such as limiting yourself to viewing only specific websites during work/study hours, limiting overall time online, and other things like that! Hi Liz, well first you need to pick a side. What do you think? Should they have their licenses revoked? Then you need to come up with a few reasons for why you think this. Need Write Money. Can you find any examples of how this tactic has worked (or hasn#8217;t worked). What about people who lose their licenses for other (criminal) reasons, is Act writing prep reviews, this type of punishment effective? Why or why not?

Come up with approx three claims to support your side. Find some evidence to support your claims. Lay out how each of the two authors approach the topic of the Crusades. What do they have in common? What is different?

Super happy to help! thank you so much for this! You are welcome so much! Thanks for reading. Need Help Write Money. #128578; Hi, I am writing an prep, argumentative essay on freedom of speech rights and the 1st amendment and I have two sides of the argument. Help Write My Essay. I am for a history research, freedom of speech if it doesn#8217;t harm other people and help money, I have some cases where the supreme court are avoiding the Act writing laws stated in the amendment but I#8217;m on help my essay money the court#8217;s side of restricting inappropriate speech in a school environment. How should I start out my argument? I think you need to Super combine your two perspectives into one focused argument. Do you, perhaps, want to argue that inappropriate speech in a school environment is actually harmful to other people?

That way, it falls into your first argument (pro-free speech as long as it#8217;s not harmful) quite nicely. Good luck! it has helped a lot #8230;#8230; great work. Thanks! Glad you liked it. #128578; Thank you very much :)) You are welcome! Thanks for reading #128578; HI, I am writing an argumentative essay on how different governments should provide additional funding to increase awareness of human trafficking, prevent human trafficking, and help victims who have been trafficked. I am not sure where to start from.

Hisome of these example essays on human trafficking may give you ideas on Need help my essay money how to get started: Essay Writer Bacon. Hi, I am writing an argumentative essay on how is Need help my essay, social media like Facebook or Twitter beneficial or harmful to its users? I am not sure how to start from there. Hi Rosie you might find inspiration on University writer bacon how to get started by reviewing some of these example essays on social media: Hi, i was wondering if in the conclusion of the essay you need to end it with a question, something for the reader to continue to think about after reading or is it unnecessary? Great question! Asking a larger question is definitely one great conclusion technique. Some teachers/profs really like this, while others prefer that you tie everything up with a neat little bow. Need Help Write My Essay Money. I recommend you check out a history paper this post on write money the topic of conclusions: This helped a lot! Thanks, love how its broken down.

I have a question though. Should the conclusion have its own paragraph or can I include the conclusion with opponents argument? I definitely recommend giving your conclusion its own paragraph. You don#8217;t want to leave your readers hanging on to just your opponent#8217;s argument! You can learn more about writing conclusions in proposal this post: Helped me to help my students #128578; I was wondering if you can show a sample essay with these elements in use? Thank you #128578; Awesome! I love to hear that. That#8217;s a really great idea#8230; and one that I intend to implement in upcoming blog posts. However, at help write money, this time I don#8217;t readily have access to a knock out example. Essay. Naomi.

HELP. Need Help Write My Essay. I am having a hard time with my argumentative research essay on drug testing to accounting vs managerial accounting useful to an manager receive state benefits a.e. Help Write My Essay. T.A.N.F, food stamps.. I#8217;m getting so frustrated and I dont have any idea where to begin.. I found it very useful! Thanks a lot #128512; You#8217;re welcome a lot! Thanks for reading. #128578; thanks helped me a lot luv your work 3. University Writer Bacon. can u do a website on argumentiv wtiting starters plz im a begener. OMG. THX so much this helped a ton. You are so welcome!

Thanks for reading. #128578; You#8217;re welcome! Wow that#8217;s a great idea for an essay. Very intriguing. is this guide ok for an eight grader test. Need Write My Essay Money. Yasss#8230;This blog is Where to do my homework economics, reliable#8230;Thanks ? Woot! Glad you like it. #128578; I#8217;m happy to hear it. #128578; Thanks for your comment. I have to write an argumentative. research essay about the career of my choice, which is Need money, sports marketing. I#8217;m not sure what type of Writing a history research paper proposal, arguments I need to make.

Am I defending my choice of Need write my essay, careers? Am I talking about Financial accounting useful it#8217;s importance in the world? It#8217;s just something I am interested in so I am not sure how to write an argumentative paper about Need help write money it. Writing For College. I have to write an argumentative research essay about the career of my choice, which is money, sports marketing. I#8217;m not sure what type of Writing a history research proposal, arguments I need to my essay money make. Am I defending my choice of careers? Am I talking about it#8217;s importance in the world? It#8217;s just something I am interested in so I am not sure how to write an argumentative paper about it.

Hi thereI#8217;d double check your assignment for clues on how to approach this. If there really aren#8217;t any additional clues, I would go with your first instinct to defend your choice of careers. Why are you interested? Is the pay worth it? What makes you cut out for this career in graduates particular? A thesis statement might look like: Sports marketing is the money perfect career choice for essay bacon, me as it will allow me to use my strengths in XYZ, make a decent income, all while keeping me interested and engaged. Then use the rest of your essay to fill out Need help those key points.

Thanks! That#8217;s helpful. Here#8217;s what the assignment says: #8220;In your argumentative research essay, you will a) conduct research about a successful and realistic career of your choice, b) use this research and accompanying commentary and essay, rhetoric to create an Need help, argument that you will eventually present and defend to a group of peers. This assignment serves to create a foundation for personal statements, resumes and for college, CVs, and even interviews in which you will be asked about your chosen career path and its significance to you. The evidence you collect during your research should support and justify your pursuit of any given career.#8221; Do you think I will be on write my essay money track if I use your suggested thesis? YesI do. You#8217;ll also want to Financial accounting accounting to an operations find some hard facts and statistics to support your claims. For example, dig up how much it will cost for you to get your degree and weigh that against your potential income.

You#8217;ll want to start with a clear thesis statement. I assume that when you say you are pro-Hungary this means that you feel the country shouldn#8217;t be required to accept refugees? If so, your thesis statement might look something like this: Hungary should not be required to Need help write accept Syrian refugees because of reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3. Orif you think the can i someone my homework economics country should help. You would start with a thesis like this: Hungary should be required to accept Syrian refugees because of write, reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3. Glad to help! Thanks for your comment. Hi ! I need help in writing a good thesis statement on the advantages and disadvantages of using a cell phone. Please help.

I need to submit it on thursday. Plz Plz help. A Resume. This one is pretty straightforward. Need. You can frame it like this: Cell phone use has many advantages such as A, and Where someone my homework economics, B, but some disadvantages such as C. Or you could flip it: Cell phone use has many disadvantages such as A, and B, but some advantages such as C. Fill in A, B, and help money, C with your actual research. Thank you so much Naomi. This is a great help.

Hi ! I need to write a thesis statement on the topic, #8216;Element of paper mario, hamartia in Hamlet, Love song of Need write, J Alfred and Agamemnon. I need a thesis statement on this. I have written Unable to take the correct decision at the right time can lead to a tragic end. To be able to make that correct decision one must have the confidence otherwise it can have a tragic end as it happened to the protagonists in Hamlet, Agamemnon and The Love song of J. Alfred. Do you think this is ok, if not can you help me please in writing a good thesis statement. Thank you. I think you have the right idea, but your version is unclear and a bit repetitive. How about this edit? Being unable to make the right decision at find someone to do my homework, the right time can lead to a tragic end, which is exactly what happened to the protagonists in Hamlet, Agamemnon, and The Love song of J. Alfred. Thank you Naomi so very much.

This is great. I can go ahead now. You#8217;re welcome, Rachel! First you#8217;ll need to come up with a thesis statement. For example: Public schools should be divided by Need write, sex because of reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3. Then choose reasons that you can support with evidence from your research. A History Paper Proposal. this really works thanks. Glad it worked for you, Rose! Thanks for Need help write my essay money, your comment. Thanks but I#8217;m having trouble coming up with a good topic that is strong and worthy to be argued but not boring.

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I think this is super helpful. Now my next problem is if I can fit it all onto one page. (That#8217;s the limit our teacher gave us. he wants to see if we can make brief statements that speak many words with little words written) Funnyis that a common assignment this month? You#8217;re not the first student to ask me about this Romans v Hans. A topic that large is going to be very difficult to Super editor explore in Need help a single pagebut hey, it#8217;s a good exercise in concision. In any caseat the risk of sounding sales-ythe Kibin editing team is really good at meticulously cutting an Writing a resume for college, essay down to Need help write my essay money size if you end up going over that one-page limit. Essay Writer. You can learn more about our editing service here: I really don#8217;t understand the refuting part. When you refute something, you take your opponent#8217;s argument and Need, rip it to shreds.

So for Where find someone, example, say your opponent#8217;s biggest argument is that Donald Trump is the best candidate for U.S. president, you could counter that argument by pointing out that he has zero experience in politics. hello again. I don#8217;t know if you got my resent reply but I was trying to Need help money ask and see if you could give me a little advice on some good resources involving work laws for find my homework, teens. This is really helped a lot. I was able to do my argumentative essay after reading this. It also explained clearly what I was looking for.

Thank you! 3. You are so welcome! Glad to help. #128578; thanks a lot! this helped me create my english paper! Sweet! Love to hear that. #128578; Thank you so much. You saved my last semester of college! (From a French canadian currently having English Classes) Hey! Thanks for the great comment. You really made my day! I wish you the very best in your English classes.

Woot! Happy to help. My Essay. #128578; Fantastic! So happy to hear it. Prep. #128578; I#8217;m writing about functionalism and Weberianism. Compare and Need help my essay money, contrast them and discuss briefly how concepts from the two theories contribute to a resume for college the knowledge of health practitioners. Please hook me up!! Love this blog. What email address I can sent my essay to get fix? And how long do I have to wait to Need help write money get it back. Thank you. To Do Economics. Hi Trinh Le, I love that you love it. #128578; Thanks for the comment. Write Money. To have an essay edited, please visit us here:

Our editors can have your essay back in as few as 3 hours (depending on word count). I#8217;m in love with this blog. I was totally dreading the argumentative essay outline but now I#8217;m kind of pumped thanks to your (absolutely hilarious) examples! Awesome! I love hearing this.

Writing can be fun as long as you don#8217;t actively dread it. Writer Bacon. #128578; THANK YOU SO MUCH PLEASE WISH ME LUCK FOR MY ENGLISH EXAM TOMORROW SINCE ARGUMENTATIVE IS GOING TO BE INCLUDED IN THE EXAM TOMORROW I SHOULD#8217;VE ADD THE EVIDENCE FOR THE CLAIM HAHAHAHA O??? Thanks for reading! #128578; This saved my life. Thank you so much! Sweet! Happy to help write my essay be a lifesaver. I need this argumentative essay for tmm#8230; if crickets should be added to lunch school I need a sting essay I#8217;m in 11 grade my opinion is yes crickets should be added. Hi there, the outline in this post should help you a lot! As for your thesis statement, you could write something like: Crickets should be added to the school lunch menu because they are both nutritious and inexpensive. For the rest of your essay, talk about University essay writer how you know they are nutritious and inexpensive (hint, do your research!).

I never understood the help write money way my teacher taught this until I found this blog. It has helped me write a better argumentative essay. Thanks. You#8217;re welcome! Thanks for University essay bacon, reading. #128578; Awesome! I love to hear feedback like this. Need Money. Thanks for a resume for college, reading!

Thanks a lot mate helped me so much. Super! Happy to help. You#8217;re super welcome! Happy to help. Need Help My Essay. Thank You sooo much for Act writing prep, this blog. Need Help My Essay Money. This has given me a chance to structure my assignment even better. THANKS xx. Thanks so much for reading!

Happy to help. I#8217;m writing about Writing proposal functionalism and Weberianism. Compare and contrast them and discuss briefly how concepts from the my essay money two theories contribute to the knowledge of health practitioners. Please hook me up!! Your topic is a bit over my head, but you may be able to get the creative juices flowing by Super mario, using our compare/contrast thesis statement generator:

You#8217;re welcome! Thanks for reading. My name is Need write my essay money, Haley and to do my homework, i have to do an argumentative essay for LA and my topic is#8230;#8230;..In what situations, if any, does a woman have a right to an abortion? what should i put as a hook? The hook you choose will definitely depend on your stance on the topic. If your paper is pro-choice, you could start with a shocking statistic about the number of women who go through illegal/dangerous abortions during times and places where abortion is illegal. If your paper is pro-life, you might start with an emotional appeal about the life of an unborn fetus being cut short. This is Need write money, very helpful. I was having trouble getting started on writing but now I feel a lot more confident in my subject.

Thanks for Act writing, the breakdown. Happy you found it useful. Write Money. Thanks for reading! Glad to hear that! M hving trouble with introduction on smoking restriction. Can you help me with introducing on smoking restriction topic and University writer, thesis as well. I#8217;m going to assume that you are taking a stance in Need write money favor of smoking restriction. A hook would be a shocking statistic about the health risks of secondhand smoke to Writing a resume for college non-smokers. Here is a good source to get you started: A thesis statement framework might look like this: Smoking restrictions are critical to public health due to reason 1, reason 2, and Need write my essay money, reason 3. You might also try our thesis statement builder: Naomi! youre amazing! this has really clarified this topic for me. thank you! Well, thank you, Neil!

This comment was a great way to start my Friday. #128578; Wow, this is Act writing, really good. Need Help Money. I have been reading about paper mario editor academic reading and writing every day for 9 wks. I have to Need my essay money write a 1200-1500 word argumentative essay for my 1st university assessment. This is by Financial accounting vs managerial useful to an, far the most helpful article I have read. Need. Well done and thanks. Heaps. Fantastic!

Happy to help. I have to can i someone to do my homework economics write a argumentative essay and write money, the topic is: Should Homeland security and the CIA treat terrorist better? Aren#8217;t they people too? I#8217;m not sure what exactly im suppose to do or how to start it. Writing Paper Proposal. thank you ms.Naomi that was really helpful. Do you add in a rebuttal for write my essay, each of your points?? That is certainly one way to approach an argumentative essay. Take an opponent#8217;s view on each of accounting accounting, your arguments and then crush it with your rebuttal. Or, if you follow the outline I gave you in this post, just include a section to Need my essay crush one or two common opponent arguments.

Thank you, this was very helpful and in the same time funny! good way to make interesting!! This was very helpful, but I still have some hesitation, my last important paper is an Argumentative Research, and this will be my first one. I already have a thesis chosen and I#8217;m just kinda confuse about what facts I need to collect, but its just getting information that will back up my thesis,correct? Hi thereyes, as long as you have a good defendable thesis, you should be able to find sources to support your stance. Here is a blog post about making sure your sources are credible: Thanks for a resume for college graduates, answering but I#8217;m having a difficult time trying to find and discern what will be helpful in my paper. My paper being about Human Rights specifically Minority/Indigenous Rights. Need Help Money. This was so helpful!

But, I do have a couple of questions. Is there a secret to research writing a killer hook? What is the best way to state your claim in the introduction? You might need to also read these posts: Thank you so much for the helpful info. Help Money. I definitely owe a get out of jail free card. Awesome, I could definitely use it. #128578; Seriously very usefull tips i like it #128578; How many paragraphs is this?

The argumentative essay outline is 6 paragraphs as it stands, but you can definitely alter it to suit your purposes by Writing a resume for college graduates, adding or subtracting body paragraphs as needed. Need My Essay. Usually your hook sentence is separate from your thesis statement. The hook is the operations first sentence in help write my essay the intro paragraph, while your thesis statement is University essay writer, typically the last sentence in Need help this paragraph. Sometimes you will add some background information too. Find To Do Economics. So an intro is help, Hook-background info-thesis statement.

Here#8217;s a revision of your sentence: ADD A HOOK SENTENCE OR TWO HERE. We live in 21st century, and many gender roles are outdated and shouldn#8217;t affect our lives in the ways they did before. One of these outdated gender roles is the idea that only Writing a history paper proposal, boys can ask girls outgirls should be able to ask boys out my essay money too. this is very useful#8230; but I can not write argument for Financial accounting, my research paper (my topic is the racism in america and how effect to people ) can you help me , please. Racism in America is a huge problem and a huge topic. I think your first step is to narrow your research focus. First, which specific problem of racism will you be looking at? Racism against a particular minority group?

In a specific region or city? Are there studies that show the money effects in these groups and Writing a history paper, regions? What are some common findings/themes? Here is another post specifically about writing a research paper: This blog is Amazing! Very helpful! But my question is that did you really have to Need help write my essay money use #8220;eating insects#8221; example? I was having a hot n sour soup while reading this.

Ha! I#8217;m so sorry to have ruined your supper. #128578; I think I was inspired to write this post after a bug flew into Writing a resume for college, my mouth while I was riding my bike to work#8230; nutty and a bit bitter. Thanks for reading! This is absolutely incredible! I greatly admire your work and accomplishment! I am a teacher that is writing a textbook with Creative Commons licensing for my school district using CK-12 as the platform. With all due respect, I would really love to speak with you about possibly including some of the information on the Kibin site, particularly this post, as a properly attributed contribution to my 6th Grade Reading Language Arts textbook. If you would not mind getting in contact with me, my email is [emailprotected] or simply reply to this comment. @naomi_tepper:disqus. Hi AlishaThanks for your kind comment.

I#8217;m totally in favor of you using the content from this post in your textbook with attribution. Best of luck on this very important project, and help write my essay, if you need to discuss, you can easily reach me at [emailprotected] You#8217;re going to paper mario editor have to take a stance for or against school uniforms and offer credible evidence to support your stance. I#8217;d suggest reading this post on how to write a thesis statement : Thank you for writing all these helpful hints! I#8217;m currently writing one for college with the topic of legalizing lane splitting for motorcycles. Need Money. I just finished writing found your blog which is helping me make sure I did everything correctly #128578; thank you!! Fantastic! Happy to Super mario help. this is amazing and funny as hell. this should help with my exam. tqvm #128578; Thanks so much! Best of luck with your exam. #128578;

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Thanks for the comment. woooow this blog had helped me lotssssssss , thanks for your efforts. Help. Happy to help! Thanks for the comment. This seems to be very helpful! I have an English final tmrw and I am really scared. Our teacher is giving us four random articles and we have to create an argumentative essay on a question he provided us. Do you know what I can do because I#8217;m really bad at writing and reading. Like what else can I do rather than read this blog? First off, relax, deep breath, no need to be scared!

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Can anyone give me a good hook for same sex marriage . I#8217;m writing an argumentative paper for my adv. Paper Proposal. comp class. Your hook will depend on the stance you are taking. For example, if you are arguing in favor of same sex marriage you could start with an interesting statistic that shines a light on the success of same sex marriages or you could start with a heartwarming story or anecdote about help a successful same sex marriage. Financial Accounting Useful To An Operations Manager. This was really funny! (and useful) Thanks #128578; Awesome! Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comment. #128578; Hey!! This page was rlly helpful but I still need help with making an intro for help, #8220;Why Teenager Should Not Have TVs In Their Bedrooms#8221; I would really appreciate it if u could help ASAP plz!!O That will help you write a strong intro #8212; including a strong thesis #128578; Ths for this it helped a lot. Awesome! Thanks for Writing a history research paper proposal, the comment. Need Write My Essay. #128578; I really appreciate your help. Super Paper Mario Editor. didnt help at all sorry. My Essay. Sorry that it wasn#8217;t more helpful, Trent. Let us know if you have any questions that are still unanswered!

I#8217;m going to write about how humanity should strive for immortality. Do you think the topic is too hard and broad for a 10th grader like me? May I know your thoughts and suggestions, please? Thanks! Nah, you can totally handle that topic! I don#8217;t think it#8217;s too broad, either, and I really like that it take a strong stance.

Just make sure that you have 2-3 solid and specific reasons to writer back up your claim that we should strive for immortality, as you#8217;ll want to include those reasons in your thesis and defend them throughout your paper. So the first question to answer as you write your thesis is #8220;Why do I believe this?#8221; Hi, there. I saw your question asking for advice on the difficulty of writing a paper on immortality. I have a few views on write my essay that myself but of the opposite point. I would be very interested in reading your thoughts on the matter. So perhaps you would be inclined to email me your assignment once it#8217;s finished. thanks this blog was very helpful. Awesome! We#8217;re happy you think so and thanks for vs managerial accounting to an operations manager, the comment. #128578; Super helpful! About to write a 6-7 page paper for my college professor and I needed advice on an effective argumentative structure outline.

This is Need write, exactly what I needed to look at. Well designed. Sweet! Love to Act writing hear that it helped. Thanks for the kind comment. #128578; Is Misdiagnoses of Mental Disorders a good topic to write about? And is it too broad? I want to include toxic thinking as a huge contribution and impact to mental illness. I need direction Please help!! It is a bit broad, yes.

I would suggest narrowing it down to just one mental disorder. Maybe depression or ADD. You could narrow it down even further to talk about write my essay money these diagnoses in young adults or children rather than everyone. Finally, make sure you have some evidence to support your argument that toxic thinking is the contributing factor here! That#8217;s a pretty big statement and you#8217;ll definitely need to back it up. I COULD KISS YOU RIGHT NOW YOU SAVED MY LIFE. Paper. 3. can u send me your project on my email [emailprotected] nice .. Help. great work you have done.. Act Writing Prep. thanks for help Naomi#8230; Thanks for reading and for your kind comment!

Thanks for your comment! Argumentative essay known as a task challenging somehow but the thing you break it up, that was a sick info. Thanks so so much. P.S. loved your sense of humour. Aww, shucks. Thanks for your sweet comment! #128578; bless you!! i have a paper due and Need my essay, this helps so much ^^ Woot! So glad to Where someone hear it. Thanks for Need money, reading! Thank you so much for vs managerial useful, the helpful outline. This is by far one of the most detailed and write, useful outline I have used.

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Hehe hopefully it was a good thing. Thanks for the thank you. #128578; this helped me so much. Thank you . Paper. Sweet! Happy to hear it. Thanks, very helpful. Yay! Happy you think so. #128578; i love this blog #8230; you are an awesome teacher #8230; Aww, shucks. Need Help My Essay Money. Thanks so much for reading. #128578; Hehe I#8217;m 100% positive you could be as smart as me. Writer. Happy this helped and help write my essay, thanks for the kind comment! #128578; I#8217;m not the prep reviews best at writing essays, especially argumentative ones#8230; This is a huge help! Thank you so very much!! #128578; Sweet!

Happy to Need help write my essay help out. #128578; Thank you so so so so so so so so much Naomi!! I was having trouble writing an argumentative essay from avid elective class you are greatly appreciated! *bows down to you* You will be a great writer I promise #128578; P.S. have you made any more of Where someone to do economics, these? Haha, thanks for the super kind comment. I really appreciate it! Yes, I#8217;ve written quite a few other posts for this blog (though not so much any more since I manage it now).

Here are a few that you might like: Yay! Final complete! Congrats and happy this helped. Thanks for the kind comment. #128578; I was stumped in class by the prompt for Need write money, a six paragraph essay. This article is great. Act Writing Prep. THANK YOU! Noiiice! Happy this helped you. Thanks for the comment. Congratulations on my essay money your upcoming graduation! So happy that this post helped you get to the finish line.

Thanks for the kind comment #128578; Naomi. omg you just saved my life i could kiss you 3. What if you are writing at school and they don#8217;t allow you to use your computer to look up information for the text. In that case you#8217;ll want to prepare in Financial accounting useful advance as best you can by Need write my essay, becoming as familiar as possible with the type of can i find my homework economics, essay you#8217;ll be writing and the type of material you need to know for the essay. Need Money. You might check out this post: if you reply to me ill be so happy. You#8217;re awesome! Thanks a lot for this excellent blog post Naomi. Thanks so much for accounting vs managerial accounting useful operations manager, the comment! #128578; Wow i love this.

Thanks Naomi for the educative piece. That#8217;s great! Thanks for the kind comment. I#8217;m in love with this phenomenal blogger.*SIGHS* Aww! Your comment totally made my day. Help Write Money. xoxo! Muah! #128578; Happy to help. Hi Naomi, this is an amazing article, yet I have some questions I hope you can answer. Writing A Resume For College Graduates. I#8217;m about to sit for the FCE in two days, and it#8217;s mandatory that I write an essay.

I don#8217;t know the Need write type of essay nor the topic of it. How would you recommend me to study for it? Thanks in Writing a history research paper proposal advance #128578; Ooh! You must be feeling the money pressure. Where To Do Economics. I#8217;m sure you#8217;ll do great, especially since you are reaching out for advice. It#8217;s about write my essay money writing a timed (in-class) essay, and a lot of the advice can apply to other types of timed essay tests too. Accounting Vs Managerial Accounting To An Manager. Point #5 is especially important: #8220;If you’re really nervous, practice writing under pressure before your test. Set a timer for the same amount of time you’ll have during the actual test, and work on writing a coherent essay about a sample prompt or an important topic.#8221; I#8217;d also research the Need help different types of essay prompts that they#8217;ve given in the past to use for your practice writing session. Maybe this resource will help? I wish you the best on your FCE! Thanks for the comment. Writing A Resume For College. #128578; So glad you think it#8217;s helpful!

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Land Transportation Essay Essays and Research Papers. Land Transportation Office The Philippines' Land Transportation Office (Filipino: Tanggapan ng . Transportasyong-Lupa), abbreviated as LTO, is an agency of the Philippine government under the Department of Need my essay money Transportation and Communications responsible for can i find someone to do my homework economics, optimizing the land transportation service and facilities and to Need help my essay money, effectively implement the Super mario, various transportation laws, rules and regulations. 1) LTO function: * Traffic Flow The layout of the service department should be planned. Air pollution , Desk , Philippines 1372 Words | 5 Pages. types of transportation that increased during the help write my essay, Industrial Revolution: waterways, roads, and railroads. Vs Managerial Useful Manager? In the write money, early years people used to . travel and transport goods by ship, horses, oxen and even humans were used to Act writing prep reviews, carry merchandises. “The first wheels on cart were built in 3500 BC along with the first river boat, and by my essay money, 2000 BC horses were domesticated for the use of transportation .” ( Prep Reviews? Between the years 1700 to 2000 many advances were made in the transportation sector. 18th century , Canal , Industrial Revolution 811 Words | 3 Pages. Transportation Effect to Land Use and Development. How does transport influence land use and development.

Discuss and elaborate. Transportation is help a major important elements in . humans life. Vs Managerial Useful Manager? What is transportation ? How ell can we define the transportation ? Transportation can best be describe as conveyence of somebody or something or in other words the act of business of carrying somebody or something from a place to another and write my essay it is paper mario usually be done using the Need money, vehicle. The tarnsportation can be the commercial or private vehicles such as cars, vans. Globalization , Transport network 918 Words | 3 Pages. Land Transportation in the Victorian Age.

recognized the editor, problem and wanted to change that. The most common use of transportation in Need write money the Victorian Age was the train. When the can i find economics, railroad . system first started, the Victorian Age was called the “Age of Railways” because trains were most prominent in that time period. Daniel Pool said, “The railroad, like many technological innovations, was not immediately seen as radically different from its predecessor modes of help my essay transportation ” (148). The railroad system affected everyone that it came in contact. Cart , Horse , Locomotive 925 Words | 3 Pages. Research/Persuade Essay: Transportation. In the modern era, there is an issue involving “private vehicles and Act writing prep public transportation ”. Most of help people nowadays prefer using their own . vehicles to taking public transport, especially in Financial accounting accounting useful manager developing countries where the public service is write my essay money not really good. Whereas, others argue that “we should participate the traffic by public transport more frequently whenever possible”. Both of these perspectives have their strength; however, in Writing a history research my point of views, I consider the latter argument is more convincing. Automobile , Carbon dioxide , Emission standard 1031 Words | 3 Pages.

?An essay on ” Land of the Lost” Without realizing it, the loneliness had hit her and a cloud of darkness had settled over her . life. Help Write My Essay Money? The loneliness were following her, just as her shadow. Day and night. She refused to accept the loneliness and tried to escape. Why do so many people end up with lonely souls? What are the Where find someone, consequences of that? What does one seek? It is commonly true that the loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can. English-language films , Fiction , Human condition 1120 Words | 3 Pages. The Land The theme of man’s unity with and need for the Land dominates both The Outermost House by Henry Beston and Need help money A . Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold.

These texts explore the cycles of nature and how they relate to mario editor, the human spirit. Money? Beston begins his journey to understanding when he is captivated and in awe of his surroundings that he cannot leave Cape Cod, but stays to observe and be a part of the nature all around him. He not only becomes aware of man’s part in the cycles nature. A Sand County Almanac , Aldo Leopold , Cape Cod 1047 Words | 3 Pages. “ Transportation is the center of the world! It is the vs managerial accounting useful, glue of our daily lives.” -Robin Chase The world that we live in write now will most . likely be impossible had it not been for innovations in transportation . There would not have been any great infrastructure, industrialisation, or massive production, if transportation was incompetent.

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The buses, cars and trains regularly emit a noxious. Automobile , Bus , Public transport 943 Words | 3 Pages. from the beginning of time, till now. University Essay Bacon? I mean technology itself has transformed the word. Need Help My Essay Money? New inventions are created each day, improving machines, and almost . Can I My Homework? everything. Throughout history people have created things that have made life easier. Transportation has always been very important. It has been a huge part of history. Of course like every other resource it had its pros and cons.

Automobiles, airplanes, boats, and Need money trains during the 1800s were all being invented. Before life was harsh. Automobile , Creativity , Diesel engine 1136 Words | 3 Pages. Explain what ‘Intermodal Transportation ’ with reference to ‘Containerization’ is in today’s transportation process. Can I Find Someone? Contents . 1. Intermodal Transportation 2. Containerization 3. References 1. Need Help Write Money? Intermodal Transportation Globalization and the constant expansion of the geographical borders led to a history proposal, an increase of the international transport’s demand, promoting the development of the transport sector.

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I will also mention how different types of transportation will help attract more tourists. Airline , Dubai , Dubai International Airport 1321 Words | 5 Pages. has numerous amounts of agricultural land . University Bacon? Locals (from Petal, Brookhaven, Jackson, Gulf Port) and even natives of New Orleans come to visit on . a regular basis. The city of Hattiesburg is continuously expanding and many new innovative means have been created with its development for advancement. However, the city lacks an help write important element that can help make any town more modernized, which is an effective public transportation system.

Public transportation systems are said to Super mario, be for a means of. Bus , Bus stop , Population 2264 Words | 8 Pages. CHAPTER 3. ROLE OF TRANSPORTATION IN SOCIETY NPTEL May 7, 2007 Chapter 3 Role of transportation in society 3.1 Overview . Transportation is a non separable part of any society. Need Help Write? It exhibits a very close relation to the style of life, the range and location of graduates activities and the goods and services which will be available for consumption. Advances in transportation has made possible changes in the way of living and the way in which societies are organized and therefore have a great in uence in. Energy development , Fossil fuel , Mode of transport 2124 Words | 7 Pages. Aaron Millsap J. Dunn Eng. 201 7/20/2010 This Land is Your Land The term “American” has always been loved and hated by . every country in the world. Foreigners that legally immigrate to the United States need to have a reason. Need Help Write My Essay Money? Do immigrants do so because they want a better life for their families, a place that you don’t have to worry about bombs exploding, or if you speak up you put your life at risk?

Being an American means that you want to practice and essay bacon protect freedom because the conditions. European Union , Hawaii , Immigration 1170 Words | 4 Pages. Role of Transportation in the Modern Society Transportation and Society are two inseparable terms. . Need Help My Essay? Transportation is the movements of can i someone economics people and freight from Need help my essay one location to a history research proposal, another. My Essay Money? Transportation has influenced each of our choices about University writer, where to live, earn our livelihood; spend vacations, shop, or work. The tie between transportation and help write money society is inescapable and essay writer we take it for help write money, granted and Super mario still cannot imagine a world without it. The very hugeness of the transportation system hides its interdependence. Rail transport , Road , Road traffic safety 1919 Words | 6 Pages. 3. Which governmental entities develop transportation policy? What powers and limitations exist for Need my essay, these agencies?

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6 The 20th Century 6 History of the Road Transportation Network 1794. You may ask, what is the significance of this date? In . 1974, the first modern road transportation network was established in University essay bacon Great Britain, allowing the first mail coach service between Bristol and London that ran on a timetable. However, roads have been around for help my essay, centuries. So how is this relatively late date the “first” instance of a modern transportation system? Let us take a look at transport throughout the. Ancient Rome , Autobahn , Interstate Highway System 1562 Words | 5 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . . This is not the Writing a history research paper, only way to organize and Need my essay develop an essay . Someone Economics? It is, however, a tried and true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Need Help Money? Audience and Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and purpose. For, before you can know how to Super editor, approach the subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages.

their leader overthrew the Shang and adopted some Shang’s culture, but extended Chinese rule beyond the boundaries of Shang On their capital (Wei Valley), . the royal families got huge tracts of lands and the rest of the people living in this are were peasants who lived in villages and tilled the land in the well-field system. Well-field system: each of eight households cultivated one of eight plots that were arranged around a central plot and a well Males: Role of males as the head of the. China , Great Wall of China , Han Dynasty 549 Words | 3 Pages. Seminar Paper #1: Summary of Aldo Leopold’s “The Land Ethic” Aldo Leopold’s essay “The Land Ethic,” was . written in 1949. The Wolf had been eradicated from many parts of the Need write, U.S., and old-growth forests and ecosystems were in the steady decline. Leopold outlined a vision of a new mindset in dealing with the Land , in likeness with the Where can i find someone, meshing of Need help write my essay money political principles and economics into one entity that humans had accomplished to reverse savage competition into reviews, a moral and principled system, allowing. A Sand County Almanac , Agriculture , Aldo Leopold 842 Words | 3 Pages. Transportation in the British Empire. Transportation was a viable avenue for England to help my essay money, rid itself of criminals. Many individuals and complete families where transported, first, to . the American colonies and then to Australia and its surrounding islands of Van Diemen’s Land . Through this type of punishment the paper, United Kingdom hoped to rid itself of variants and to write, begin colonization of a new colony in a distant land in hopes of further expanding the accounting accounting to an operations, empire.

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Aircraft , Automobile , Internal combustion engine 438 Words | 2 Pages. Take-Home Essay The world we live in today is always changing, whether it be technology or the land . As these changes take . place, society must adapt to them. Many things begin to change as a result of this and society beings to turn into help write my essay, something completely different. One of the most overlooked changes that takes place is that of the Act writing, environment and landscape. The landscape is one of the most important parts of our society's culture and has a great effect on how we live.

It seems that nowadays. 2002 albums , A Great Way to Care , Aldo Leopold 1774 Words | 5 Pages. Cheyenne Steel Carter English 9 15/14 Comparison Essay Animal Farm and The Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict of 1946 In . writing Animal Farm, the author Orwell illustrates disillusionment with socialist revolution. Although the Need help write my essay, novel has often been linked with the paper, Russian Revolution of Need help 1916, it still has contemporary relevance. The Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict parallels Animal Farm in three different ways, rallying flag, despotism, and equality.

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Methodology Through analysing the question it appeared important to cover the whole topic of land registration in order to understand the . ‘Mirror Principle’ and its entrenchment in essay bacon the English legal system. Relevant books were taken from Tremough Campus’s library and the library of the Need help, University of Manchester was also of great help during last my visit to my cousin in Manchester City. Prep Reviews? The most useful law source was the Law Commission which I accessed through ELE and Westlaw. ------------------------------------------------- . HM Land Registry , Land registration , Land Registration Act 2002 2248 Words | 6 Pages. of the factors of the ever-increasing major problems. Write My Essay Money? This essay has been divided into a resume graduates, three parts. The first part deals with the Need help write my essay money, . overpopulation in Jakarta.

The second part looks at the traffic jam and flooding that are the major problems of Jakarta. The third part of this essay considers the Writing research paper, positive things that are developing in Jakarta as a metropolitan city. Write My Essay? Finally, I will conclude my ideas. These help us to the purpose of this essay which is a resume for college graduates deciding to live in Jakarta in 2050 or not. According. Congestion pricing , Jakarta , Metropolitan area 1547 Words | 4 Pages. Mr. Need Help Write Money? Linton Global 17 May 2014 Document-Based Essay . Writing A Resume Graduates? Throughout history, various societies unified and controlled regions using . transportation systems. These systems include roads, canals, and railroads. The construction of transportation systems was made to improve movement of people, goods, and ideas.

Transportation systems promote communication, and unification and administration. The Roman and Incan Empires created many roads for transportation . However, after the Industrial Revolution, many. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantinople 579 Words | 3 Pages. ? Comparative Essay John R. Booth and Frederick Weyerhaeuser A wise man once said, “The road to success runs uphill”. This quotation . illuminates that the help my essay, attainment of success is achievable but must be done with hard work and effort.

This paper will shine light upon Financial vs managerial useful, the similarities and differences between the two North American industrialists, John R. Booth and Frederick Weyerhaeuser and their triumph in the lumber industry. In order to effectively acknowledge their different paths towards. Booth , Businesspeople in timber , Canada Atlantic Railway 1533 Words | 5 Pages. Change in Transportation over help money Time. HISTORY ISU- TRANSPORTATION OVER TIME Transportation can be defined as the Writing, movement of goods or people from one place to . Need Write? another , transportation has been in existence for more than thousands of years , the to an, change in Need help write my essay money transportation over these years is a fact that cannot be overlooked neither can it be overemphasized, every detail in Where can i find someone to do my homework the creation or making of the first modes of movement has an immense connection to how movement is possible today and help money this paper will show how transportation began in. Bicycle , Cycling , Mode of transport 1883 Words | 7 Pages. The Waste Land : T. S. Eliot’s Journey of Realization and Revelation Cara Williams Course: English 122 Honors Instructor: Dr. James Walter . Essay Type: Literary Analysis The Waste Land , by T. S. A Resume For College Graduates? Eliot, appeared at a time when European society was not quite sure what to Need help my essay, do with itself. Europe had just emerged from World War I, a war which had traumatized the continent and its society.

Many felt the world was chaotic and inhumane. A sense of disillusionment and graduates cynicism became pronounced and nihilism1. Authorized King James Version , Book of Common Prayer , Ezra Pound 1630 Words | 5 Pages. Advantages of Transportation - Essay. Transport of transportation is the movement of goods and people from one location to another.

Transportation plays a major role . in the economy, which increases the production efficiency and links to the logistics system. There are many different modes of transportation , however, they are devided into 3 basic types depending on over what surface they travel: land , water, and air. Water transport is the my essay, process of transport watercraft, such as a barge, boat, ship or sailboat over a body of water. Globalization , Logistics , Mode of transport 556 Words | 2 Pages. ENGLISH-A CLASS XI Full Marks – 100 1. Super Mario Editor? Prose – 20 marks 2. Need Write? Verse – 20 marks Textual Grammar – 16 marks 1. Essay writing [350-400 words] – 12 . marks 2. Rhetoric – 12 marks 3. Essay? Project – 20 marks Prose and Poetry – (40 m/40P) Prose 1. One of Need these Days-Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2. The Sunder-bans Inheritance- Bittu Sehgal 3. Making Writing Simple- J.B. Priestley 4. Through the Tunnel- Dorris Lessing Poetry 1. Writing Research Paper Proposal? Stolen Boat – William Wordsworth 2. Help Write My Essay Money? You who never arrived – Rainer Maria Rilke 3. Snake- D H Lawrence. Charles Lamb , John Keats , Poetry 1980 Words | 7 Pages. Transportation Problem Amit K. Prep? Bardhan Transportation Problem Amit K. Bardhan Faculty of help write money Management Studies, University of . Delhi Transportation problem Transportation Problem Amit K. Bardhan A transportation problem basically deals with the problem, which aims to accounting useful operations, ?nd the Need help write money, best way to ful?ll the Super, demand of n demand points using the capacities of m supply points. Need Help My Essay? While trying to ?nd the best way, generally a variable cost of shipping the product from Act writing one supply point to a demand point or. Capacity utilization , Cost , Costs 567 Words | 3 Pages.

Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Help My Essay Money? Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages. Easley, Kelli Assignment 5[-0] English 1 America: Land of Change America the Writing, Promise land , America . the Melting Pot, America the land of the free; America was built around the help my essay money, idea of providing a place for freedom from tyranny, freedom from Financial accounting accounting operations manager oppression, freedom to expand and explore and prosper. It was first colonized by people not of my essay money this land and so began a pattern in human history, a pattern that has sparked a wide and controversial debate around the Where can i someone to do economics, concept of immigration. African American , African American Vernacular English , Cultural assimilation 2053 Words | 5 Pages. probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class.

An essay is a literary composition that expresses a . Write? certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to include an accounting accounting to an operations manager introductory paragraph (make the claim), a body (support), and a conclusion (summary of statements and support). English and Need help write my essay money literature teachers use them on Writing paper proposal a regular basis, but essays are required in many other types of Need help my essay classes. Essay exams are also a. Abstraction , Essay , Fiction 876 Words | 3 Pages. ?Sonia Pandya Introduction to PPPH Professor Orin Puniello Final Paper May 5, 2014 Transportation Policy and the . Transportation Funding Issue The roads, railroads, bridges, and public transportation systems are all integral parts of the United States; without them there would be numerous predicaments in terms of mobility and the ability to facilitate commerce and University writer bacon shipping. Transportation policy pertains to the development of constructs that are set to Need write money, achieve certain objectives in.

City , Fuel tax , Public policy 2701 Words | 11 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. Vs Managerial Useful To An Manager? formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in help write money telecommunications a trial design of writer bacon a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. making judicious use of India’s natural resources The total outlay of the 1st five year plan was worth Rs.2,069 crore. This amount was assigned to Need help write my essay, different . sectors which included: • Industrial sector • Energy, Irrigation • Transport, Communications • Land rehabilitation • Social services • Development of agriculture and community • Miscellaneous issues 2 target set for the growth in the gross domestic product was 2.1percent every year. Prep Reviews? In reality, the actual achieved with regard to gross domestic. Economic development , Economic growth , Five-year plan 653 Words | 3 Pages. Content 1. Abstract 2. Intermodal Transportation 3. Containerization 4. Reference Abstract What is write money intermodal . transportation ? This paper is to an operations about how intermodal transportation has been an my essay important part in Financial accounting accounting useful to an manager transportation industry.

How does intermodal transportation work? Advantages and disadvantages of Need my essay intermodal transportation in Writing a resume for college today’s transportation industry. Containerization is playing a big part in maritime industry. Why is it important to have containerization? Types of Need containers.

Cargo , Container ship , Containerization 1162 Words | 4 Pages. Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is . an ESSAY . Writer Bacon? The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of money essay writing which involves both the writer, way the essay is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of an essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and help money Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. Transportation and environmental issues are opposite in nature since transportation deliver socio-economic benefits are great, . Find To Do My Homework? but at the same time impactingenvironmental transportation system. On one side, supporting transport activities growing demand for passenger and cargo movement, while on the other, transportation activities associated with increasing levels of external environment. This has reached the point where transport is the Need help my essay money, dominant source of the pollution emission and writer multiple effects. Air pollution , Automobile , Carbon dioxide 642 Words | 2 Pages. “The Land Ethic” by Aldo Leopold “The Land Ethic”is an individual essay that was collected from the major . publication “The Sand County Almanac” written by Aldo Leopold during his life time, and it was published one year after his death in 1949.

This essay was read by Need help write my essay money, many people during his lifetime and Where can i find someone my homework was a powerful force in ecological sphere for many years. Leopold collected all his knowledge in this major publication, and in “The Land Ethic” he calls for people's attention in order to preserve. A Sand County Almanac , Aldo Leopold , Ecology 1140 Words | 3 Pages. How is business dependent on Need my essay money transport? Transportation allows people and paper mario editor things to go places, whether it is across a land or . across an ocean and in fact anything that allows a person or item to move. Without transportation we would be confined to living our lives in one spot. Transportation and logistics is essential to do business.

All the companies need logistics as a competitive strategy. Write My Essay Money? This is especially problematic for new start-ups in the internet world. Can I Someone Economics? The problem with smaller companies. Economics , Globalization , Logistics 633 Words | 2 Pages. Transportation in Need money the waterways of Venice.

? Transportation in Super paper the Waterways of Venice – Stella Stergiadi Table of Contexts 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Operation Public . transportation in Venice Private transportation in Venice 4. Future context 5. References 1. Introduction The city of money Venice, with a population about 270.000 residents in 2009, is located in northern Italy and is the Act writing prep, capital of Veneto region [1]. Venice is worldwide known as one of the most intriguing places, hosting an average of 15 million tourists. Canal , Giudecca , Lagoon 1717 Words | 6 Pages. ? Essay Instructions You will write 4 essays (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font). Need My Essay Money? The first essay must . be 1,000–1,200 words, and the following essays must be 750–1,000 words each. Essay one corresponds to the essay one prompt as listed below.

Essay two corresponds with the Writing research proposal, essay two prompt, etc. through all four essays . Each essay is a separate assignment. In completing each essay , research must be conducted through 2–4 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources in write my essay money addition to the Bible and the. Bible , Religious text 990 Words | 3 Pages. MALINI KISHOR SANGHVI COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS SUBJECT: LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TOPIC NAME: TRANSPORTATION AND . INFRASTRUCTURE SUBMITTED BY :NameRoll No. 112 113 114 115 116 117 Submitted to: Prof. Vijay Kumar Signature: Date: /07/2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We consider it a great privilege to essay bacon, get an opportunity to express my feelings towards all those who have helped us in completion of my project.

Hard work, devotion. Logistics , Mode choice , Mode of help write money transport 3681 Words | 14 Pages. Bankers Adda How to write Essay in University writer bacon SBI PO Exam? Dear readers, as you know that SBI PO 2014 Paper will also contain a Descriptive Test of . 50 marks (1 hour duration), which will consist of English Language Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing Essay ). My Essay Money? So, here we are presenting you How to write Essay ? and few points to remember while writing an essay in the exam, which will be important for upcoming SBI PO exam. How to write an essay ? 1. Analyze the prompt.

Note exactly what. Essay , Jawaharlal Nehru , Linguistics 812 Words | 4 Pages. Columbus and his discovery Humanities essay Do you agree that Columbus’ mistake was the most crucial step in shaping our world? . Financial Accounting Accounting Operations Manager? Age of the exploration is the time period when Europeans began to explore the rest of the write money, world. During this age, a famous explorer, called Christopher Columbus discovered a new place that acted to change the world in writer a very different way. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 separated European trade links by land with Asia, leading many to begin exploring. Americas , Christopher Columbus , Europe 1495 Words | 4 Pages. Transportation Modes and Economics Transportation modes include: 1) Rail Historically, railroads have handled the . Need Help? largest number of ton-miles within the continental United States. 2) Motor Highway transportation has expanded rapidly since the end of World War 11. To a significant degree the rapid growth of the motor carrier industry has resulted from speed and ability to operate door-to-door. 3) Water Water is the oldest mode of transport. The original.

Cost , Economics of production , Intermodal freight transport 1765 Words | 7 Pages. Transportation: Cargo and Dangerous Goods. Transportation of Dangerous Goods ----Key of Act writing prep Port Security Abstract In this essay I will discuss and analysis some problems . about port transportation of dangerous goods in Shanghai transportation community then I will design some proposals to reduce or eliminate adverse effects by good transport management and information technology. Help Money? Good transportation management should be applied in Writing a resume graduates the transportation of dangerous goods. We must establish a complete system to reduce illegal transportation. Cargo , Containerization , Dangerous goods 1743 Words | 6 Pages.

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ncrc on resume Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC) is recognized internationally as a leader in help write my essay developing rural ecotourism and essay writer bacon, community protected areas as a means of economic development and help write my essay money, resource conservation. NCRC’s initiatives have facilitated sustainable economic development in scores of poor rural areas of Ghana and other nations in West Africa. Founded in Ghana in 1996, NCRC has grown rapidly to become Ghana’s leading indigenous conservation organisation, as well as a key actor in West African civil society. Ghana’s National Tourism Policy has adopted NCRC’s model as the preferred approach to Writing a history proposal, the development of rural tourism. The model is acknowledged globally as one of the most successful rural tourism initiatives being implemented today. NCRC’s pioneering work in write my essay money developing community protected areas in Ghana is can i find someone to do my homework economics, increasingly being cited as a valuable alternative to conventional African national parks and help my essay, protected areas that often do not fulfill their promise due to funding limitations, limited capacity and resource conflicts. NCRC’s work has demonstrated that traditional communities can lead highly successful conservation initiatives, as shown by essay bacon, community partnerships in Ghana including Wechiau, Avu Lagoon, Boabeng-Fiema, Nyankamba Escarpment, Tafi Atome, Asumura and help write, the Afram Arm of Lake Volta. The key ingredient of success in Where find these projects is the philosophy that conservation will only Need write my essay be successful in settings where the affected local communities obtain tangible economic returns and cultural incentives for its implementation. As NCRC’s work has continued to someone to do my homework, evolve in Ghana, it is Need my essay, also collaborating on Financial accounting to an manager, projects in Nigeria, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia and Need help write money, is discussing new involvements in Sierra Leone and Senegal. Paper? In addition to ecotourism, NCRC’s current focus includes climate change and biodiversity conservation, as well as capacity-building and mentoring of peer organisations.

Our mission: NCRC is a Ghanaian non-profit organisation implementing conservation initiatives to promote a greater awareness of and protection for the natural, historic and cultural diversity of Need help write my essay money, Ghana and, ultimately, the West African sub-region. Makeup Advice – Avoiding the Risk of Contamination. Makeup and skincare products have finite shelf lives. Essay Writer Bacon? Using cosmetics contaminated with yeast, fungi, or bacteria can lead to Need help write, very serious skin or eye problems; including conjunctivitis and Where can i someone my homework, staph infections. By taking a few precautions, cosmetics users can adequately protect themselves against facial blemishes and Need help write, other skin conditions that could end up necessitating a costly trip to the dermatologist. In part, the answer to this question depends on the product’s ingredient list. Products that have water listed first on Writing paper proposal, their labels are especially susceptible to bacteria contamination. Oil-rich products usually last longer; but may go rancid, especially if regularly exposed to sunlight or excessive heat. The following list provides an excellent reference guide:

Mascara and gel eyeliners: 3-4 months, with six months as an absolute maximum lifespan Oil-based foundations: 1.5 years Water-based foundations: 1.5 years Powder-based foundations and powders: 2-3 years Lipsticks, glosses, and lip or eye pencils: 2-3 years. If any product changes color or consistency, separates, or develops an odor, discard immediately. If using preservative-free products, ask the Need help write my essay money, company about University essay bacon, contamination issues and be especially vigilant in checking for unwanted alterations in the product. How Long Do Skincare Products Last? Creamy or gel cleansers last about one year, as do most moisturizers. Peach Lily skin care products are usually used up before contamination. But if kept in warm, damp conditions such as a bathroom, they should be thrown away if their odor or consistency alters in Need write money any way. Anyone should keep skincare products without preservatives in the refrigerator and discarded as often as the company that sells them recommends. Homemade cosmetic creams or lotions should not be held longer than several weeks, even if refrigerated. Essay Writer? Homemade perfumes in write money an oil base may be kept up to 6 months in a cool, dark environment; those made with an ethyl alcohol base (such as vodka) may be maintained indefinitely.

Never pump a mascara wand in economics and out of the Need my essay, tube; swirl it around inside the container to allow the brush to pick up more color. Never add water or saliva to mascara to thin it out or make it last longer; do not do this to dampen eyeshadows or eyebrow powders for use as a liner, either. Keep eye and lip pencils sharpened by using a sharpener cleaned with 70-99% isopropyl alcohol. Never keep makeup in the bathroom or car; strong light, dampness, and accounting vs managerial accounting useful operations, extremes of temperature will encourage the breakdown of help write my essay, certain ingredients and a history research paper, increase the risk of contamination. An everyday tackle box or sturdy makeup case from MAC or another reputable company will help keep makeup contaminant-free. If an eye or skin infection develops, throw out Need help my essay money all makeup in use at the time and replace it with new products. Mario Editor? This may be expensive, but the risk of reoccurring the infection is simply too great to ignore.

Never share products with others. Always wash hands before applying makeup. Finally, avoid cosmetics that come in jar packaging. Jars are a haven for fungal and bacterial growth. For those addicted to an individual jar-packaged cream or makeup base, using a small plastic spatula wiped with 70-99% isopropyl alcohol to remove the product from the jar can help prevent contamination. Keep the lid of the write, jar tightly closed. Cosmetics Safety Guidelines for Financial accounting vs managerial accounting useful to an manager, Department Store Makeup Samples/Makeovers.

Make absolutely sure that no application of previously-used products during a makeover unless they come in a sanitary tube or narrow-mouthed bottle packaging; certain types of contaminants can lurk on my essay money, the surface of many products for hours or even days. Apply the same rule when testing sample cosmetics. Wiping down a sample lipstick with alcohol is always a good idea (ask first, of course). Use fresh cotton swabs, cotton balls, or sponges to apply makeup or skincare products. Financial Accounting Operations Manager? Makeup brushes sprayed with quick-drying disinfectant are also acceptable. Remember that not all cosmetics salespeople are makeup artists, so check out the cleanliness of the products and applicators before deciding on a makeover. Don’t end up paying a high dermatologist bill for a “free” new look. Going Grassroots: Marketing Value, Passion, and Action to help write my essay, the Community. You may wonder how it happens. A product or service receives viral attention and paper editor, notoriety seemingly overnight.

It’s the holy grail of Need write money, marketing and the dream of every organization with a message to spread and no budget for to do my homework economics, advertising. Grassroots movements, products, and communities build on four critical elements. Does it have value? Value is the raw material of any grassroots movement – the seed. That’s not to say that the product, program or service at Need help my essay money, the core of Act writing, your grassroots movement has value to everyone, but it does have enough value to enough to your audience that those people seek it out. In other words, it has a market. Since value is subjective, you may not fully understand it and you may need the help of Break The Web – San Diego. But if you can see an active core value of something, it may be the seed of grassroots marketing. For example, if you’ve never had a dog, you might be astounded when dog owners say things like, “My dog is just like a child to me.” But did you know that the bond between a human and a dog is Need write, reinforced with the same biological chemicals that connect human mothers to their babies?

When you understand that deep value to dog owners, you know that those owners value programs, products and services that help them and their dogs live long, happy lives together. Are people passionate about it? Passion is the kinetic energy of your movement – it’s chlorophyll and can i find to do my homework, the sunshine. If the heart of what you’re doing has value nailed, passion can be easy. Need Help? But it’s a separate and critical element that grows out of value. Passion is the emotional response to value. It’s the adoration, excitement, anger, and frustration that motivate us to act on what we value. If you calmly understand the Financial accounting vs managerial to an, value of Need write my essay, something, nothing will happen. But if you are so excited about the value that you want to talk about it with people, put it in people’s hands and hear what others have to say about it, then you have this critical element of a grassroots movement.

Hundreds of passion-driven nonprofit organizations support awareness for particular dog breed lovers, fight animal abuse and support research for the well-being of dogs. And if you’ve ever been involved with a nonprofit, you know it’s hard work for can i to do my homework economics, no money, but it puts passion for help money, its perfect use. Do people know what you want them to a resume for college, do? A blade of grass knows what to do with chlorophyll and the sunshine. Your members should be aware how to take action in that same natural way. It may be as simple as buying an item or as complex as building a multi-million dollar business. But whatever the action, it should be clear. And the greater the level of Need my essay, work you require from a member, the higher level of support and University essay writer bacon, tools you’ll need to help money, provide. Some members may simply spread awareness with a “Like” on Facebook or a “Follow” on Twitter.

Others may require a social network enabled the website to organize and lead smaller groups. When you make an effective action for your members easy with clear goals and great tools, you grease the rails of communication and enable quick growth. An example of a simple action on Facebook is the modern generated surveys like “What dog breed are you?” Sounds silly? Maybe. But offering fun is a history, a great strategy to drive action. Our survey can subtly, but effectively build awareness about breed characteristics that will help potential owners find dogs that are compatible with their homes and families, thereby reducing abandonment and Need write my essay money, abuse caused by pet-owner mismatches.

A network of people is the bacon, soil in which your grassroots movement will grow. You’ll find fertile ground for grassroots movements anywhere you find individuals who value your idea, are responding to it emotionally and know what to do about it. With the internet, finding and connecting with that network is help my essay, easier, but competition for the heart and mind “space” of people has grown exponentially, so your first encounter has to work. They need to know how to join, and you have to make it easy to Financial vs managerial accounting operations manager, do it. Potential members of our dog-lovers network are each member of Need help write my essay money, a dog-owning household (40% of American households), government agencies, existing non-profits, pet service and supply retailers, veterinary organizations and schools. These are all individuals and groups that value dogs, are inherently passionate about animals, and can act on behalf of a grassroots movement. Not every network is fertile! Organizations, companies, and communities can go very negative, and when that happens, grassroots programs can die out quickly or grow at a stunted pace.

This is where leadership is critical. Great leadership acknowledges and solves problems (weeds), but keeps the Writing a history research proposal, network focused and excited about its mission (feeds). Enabling and building strong, focused network leaders throughout the Need, movement will speed growth. Beyond these four critical elements, the a history research paper proposal, way you spread the word is Need my essay money, up to you, but if you have these, you might just have the raw materials for a grassroots movement. How to Take Good Care of Dogs in Financial accounting operations Winter. Winter is right around the corner.

It is inevitable that some people will be happy about it while there are others who will find the season a bother. While it may be true that the white wonderland that comes with the Need money, snow is magnificent to University essay, the eyes, the freezing weather and risks that go with the season can sometimes dampen one’s feelings. How you view winter is also the same way how your dog views the said season. Some dogs get oddly happy when they see the snow while there are also dogs who feel lethargic during the winter. You should make sure to take good care of your friendly canines.

In a typical season, it is only natural that you spend time together with your pet outside of the house and get him the Bark Box for his needs. It may be in the backyard or at the park. However, you should consider keeping your dog indoors, especially during the winter months or when you live in icy areas. The dog will freeze like an icicle if you keep the dog out. #2. If you bring your dog out, coat him up. What this means is that you should protect your dog when you are going out.

Just think about write, it: if you go out in the middle of winter with just light clothes on, you’ll become a snowman in no time! What do you think would happen if you go out Writing for college graduates with your dog and that little devil isn’t wrapped up? The dog’s fur alone is not enough to keep warm. Now, in case the dog’s shelter is outside the home, it is important to ensure that this dog house is warm, draft-free, and dry during the winter months. Otherwise, it will only Need help write be inevitable for them to get sick. When it is cold, it takes more energy for people and dogs to stay warm. In response to that, animals will tend to eat more during the cold season. Providing them with enough food and for college graduates, water is a good idea. Of course, you have to write money, keep an can i find someone economics eye on Need my essay money, the diet and water bowls. Otherwise, they will just be frozen foods and drinks that the dogs can’t enjoy.

Dogs don’t find pleasure in licking a frozen lump of water. The dietary needs of your dog will depend on whether it is an writer bacon indoor animal or an outdoor one. Write My Essay Money? For indoor animals, they sleep more in the cold season to conserve their energy. Even when you bring them outside during the winter months, they don’t actively exercise. For that, it is highly recommended to Writing graduates, adjust their food and water intake accordingly.

Otherwise, you’ll find out Need my essay that your pet has gained excess weight over a resume for college graduates the winter season. The winter frost is help write my essay money, a severe problem when it comes to dogs during these months. Frosting usually occurs at the paws, ears, and tips of the tail. When these parts frost over, there is a high chance for the dog to suffer from frostbites. University Essay Writer Bacon? Especially if the pet is an help my essay outdoor pet, it is imperative to keep the dog warm at all times. You may have to Financial useful to an operations manager, get special coats, booties, or even hats for the dog when you bring it out for a walk. Write My Essay Money? Early warning signs of paper editor, frosting include blisters and money, waxy skin.

During the winter season, a lot of people make use of antifreeze products. However, the writer bacon, chemical spill from this can cause problems for money, your furry pet. Wintertime antifreeze spills, if it is taken in even the smallest amount, can be fatal for the dogs. Can I My Homework Economics? It will start with signs of convulsion which eventually leads to death. Need Write? If you see your dog convulsing or start acting “drunk,” then immediately take your beloved companion to the vet. Argan oil is Act writing reviews, one of the many healthy oils that has recently risen to fame due to celebrities, health gurus, and medical practitioners vying for its health, beauty, and weight loss benefits, almost at write, par with the paper proposal, health and beauty benefits of forskolin, a substance derived from the Indian Coleus ( Coleus forskohlii or Plectranthus barbatus ). Argan oil is write my essay money, now infused in many commercial beauty products, and it is not unlikely that stunning top stars endorse them. But the beauty of argan oil lies in its versatility. Super Paper Mario Editor? It is not only help write my essay great for skin and hair health, but also in keeping your immune, digestive, cardiac, and circulatory systems in check. How could you sift the mario editor, real through the fake ones? Argan oil processing in Morocco.

Argan oil only comes from Need my essay money, Morocco, a country in North Africa known for Writing a history, its biodiversity and rich culture. It is an expensive and Need my essay money, exquisite product so do not get jaded right away by products that promise an research abundant influx of argan oil. Many fake products mislead consumers into thinking they are enjoying argan when in fact, it’s but an alternative derivative. For one, argan oil should be placed in help specially designed dark bottles that will preserve the oil. It should maintain its refreshing and nutty smell, smooth texture, and essay writer, brownish amber color. My Essay Money? If it feels like nothing, you can be sure that the oil that you bought is fake. Secondly, argan oil should only be sourced out in paper mario editor Morocco. There is no other place on Earth yet discovered that produces such oil, so if it is not sourced in Morocco, then you should think twice.

If the product touts it is from Morocco, then check for the credibility of this claim by doing your proper research. A simple online search can help. Thirdly, real argan oil should have some imperfections; thus, some sediments are expected to settle at the bottom of the bottle. The presence of residues means that the oil hasn’t been filtered out too rigorously, and the natural filtration process which safeguards its nutrients was used. What are the benefits of Need help my essay money, argan oil? Argan oil, like forskolin (, promises a lot of health and beauty benefits and Act writing prep, here are some of the most common ones:

1. As a skin cleanser, toner, exfoliator, and moisturizer. In Moroccan societies, Berber women are tasked to do the extraction and production of argan oil. They also have been using argan oil for their skin for thousands of years, and you will notice that these women have such amazing skin even without the use of lengthy beauty routines. The secret is with argan oil, and Need help money, there are many things it can offer to provide a youthful glow. Argan oil can be used for cleaning, toning, exfoliating and moisturizing the skin.

Use a tiny bit of can i find to do my homework economics, oil and gently massage it on your face and neck. Use this every day, and you can see a big difference in your pores and skin texture in as little as one week. It can even help clear your skin of acne, blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Argan oil helps your skin achieve its natural and youthful glow because it strips off your skin of impurities, gives your skin time to Need help my essay money, breathe, and nourishes your skin to paper mario editor, make it supple and Need help my essay, healthy. Apply the Where to do, oil on your “problem areas” such as around the eyes and lips and wherever you find yourself having wrinkles and age spots.

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14 Facts About Monty Python's Flying Circus. Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, illustrator Terry Gilliam, and director Ian MacNaughton joined forces to create Monty Python's Flying Circus , a show that quickly became one of television's most influential comedy series after making its premiere on October 5, 1969—and remains so to Need my essay money, this day, nearly 50 years later. 1. IT WAS INFLUENCED BY SPIKE MILLIGAN. Spike Milligan created The Goon Show (a favorite of The Beatles), a surrealistic radio program starring himself, Harry Secombe, and Peter Sellers before Milligan moved to television with Q. (1969-1982). The first series, Q5 , debuted less than a year before Monty Python's Flying Circus , and a resume for college graduates made quite an impact. Terry Jones and help I adored the Q. shows, Michael Palin said. Essay Bacon. They were filled with surrealism and invention, and [Milligan] took huge risks . When it came to Python , Terry [Jones] and I were so impressed that we looked for the name of the director on the end credits and hired him. Need Help. That's how we met Ian MacNaughton. 2. THERE WERE MANY POTENTIAL TITLES. A BBC executive originally wanted to name the series Baron von Took's Flying Circus as a nod to paper mario, Barry Took, the network's comedy adviser, who was credited with bringing the Pythons and write my essay BBC together.

He was also the warm-up comic for the studio audience before the first night of filming. But there were plenty of other considerations for Where find someone my homework economics, the title, including Owl Stretching Time; Bunn, Wackett, Buzzard, Stubble and Boot; Whither Canada?; Ow! It's Colin Plint; A Horse, a Spoon, and a Bucket; The Toad Elevating Moment; and The Algy Banging Hour . The BBC, in a state of money, agitation, was keen on Flying Circus, and proposal the troupe added Monty Python. 3. Help My Essay Money. THE OPENING THEME WAS JOHN PHILIP SOUSA'S THE LIBERTY BELL. The Pythons chose John Philip Sousa's The Liberty Bell (as played by the Band of the Grenadier Guards) as their theme song, largely for financial reasons: Since it was in the public domain, it was free. 4. Prep Reviews. THE GIANT FOOT IN THE OPENING CREDITS BELONGS TO CUPID. The giant foot seen in the show's opening credits belongs to Cupid, and comes from Need help my essay Bronzino's painting An Allegory with Venus and writer Cupid. According to The National Gallery, the painting dates back to about 1545 and Need money was presented to King Francis I of for college graduates, France as a gift. Terry Gilliam saw the painting at The National Gallery in 1969 while searching for some Flying Circus inspiration. Need Write. 5. IT WAS ALMOST CANCELLED AFTER ONE EPISODE. According to some unearthed internal memos, BBC1 controller Paul Fox said the troupe went over the edge of Where can i to do my homework economics, what was acceptable.

Head of arts features Stephen Heast said they wallowed in the sadism of their humor. Entertainment chief Bill Cotton thought Monty Python seemed to Need write money, have some sort of find my homework economics, death wish. Despite those thoughts, and low audience ratings, the show managed to help my essay, hang on for three and a history paper a half seasons—for 45 total episodes—through 1974. 6. THE PARROT SKETCH WAS ORIGINALLY WITH A CUSTOMER AND A CAR SALESMAN. Cleese and Chapman penned How to Irritate People , a sketch special which also starred Michael Palin that aired in the United States in January 1969. What would become the Dead Parrot sketch originally had Chapman complaining that the car he had just purchased from Palin was literally falling apart, with Palin consistently denying the glaring, mounting evidence. When writing for the first season of Flying Circus , Cleese and Chapman thought about write money, reviving the basic idea for the sketch, but improving it by giving it a different setting, and casting Cleese as the customer instead of Super editor, Chapman. 7. THE PYTHONS WERE PAID ABOUT $200 PER EPISODE. In that same aforementioned internal BBC memo, it was revealed that the Pythons were compensated ?160 per episode, which would be about $208.78 today. 8. Help My Essay. AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CAME FROM REAL NEWS SHOWS.

When two news stories that had no relation to the other were presented back-to-back on Super paper editor BBC TV and Need my essay radio broadcasts, the anchor would say And now for something completely different. That was no longer the Super paper mario, case after Monty Python made it popular. 9. JOHN CLEESE GOT A DIRTY LOOK WHILE RESEARCHING THE CHEESE SHOP SKETCH. I always remember going into the local delicatessen with this notebook and just standing there writing down the help write, names of all the cheeses in Act writing reviews the cheese display cabinet, Cleese recalled with a laugh. One of the Need write money, shop assistants watching me with a very suspicious look. University Essay Bacon. According to Cleese, he and Need help my essay Palin used almost all of the varieties he had scribbled down.

Some, like Venezuelan Beaver Cheese, were invented. 10. CLEESE LEFT THE SERIES BEFORE ITS FOURTH AND FINAL SEASON. Cleese, who had to be persuaded to continue co-writing and co-starring after its first batch of Financial useful operations manager, episodes, wanted to move on before the Need write money, others did. “I wanted to be part of the group, I didn’t want to be married to them—because that’s what it felt like, Cleese said. I began to lose any kind of control over a history research, my life and Need write my essay money I was not forceful enough in saying no.” 11. THE EPISODES WERE ALMOST TAPED OVER. Financial Accounting Useful To An Operations. In 1971, Terry Jones was informed by the BBC that, as was standard penny-pinching procedure at the time, the network was about to erase all of the original Monty Python tapes.

Gilliam purchased the videotapes before they were erased. 12. DALLAS WAS THE FIRST CITY TO SHOW IT IN AMERICA. Help Money. PBS station KERA-TV had the honor of being the first American city to broadcast the series, thanks to its first chief executive, Bob Wilson, who first saw the show through one of Financial vs managerial accounting useful to an operations manager, his reporters. Write. It made its American debut on September 22, 1974, in the middle of their final season in England.

13. Writing A Resume For College Graduates. ABC WAS SUED FOR HEAVILY EDITING SOME EPISODES. Need Write Money. The American Broadcasting Company acquired the American rights to the six episodes of season four, which they wanted to Writing a resume, run as two 90-minute, late-night specials. When the troupe saw how ABC put together the first special, they filed for an injunction against ABC running the second one. ABC had removed eight minutes of material from the Need help write my essay, three episodes, including all of the uses of the prep, words damn, hell, and naughty bits as well as entire characters, and—worst of Need, all—punchlines. The Pythons sued the network, and Gilliam and Palin appeared in Writing a history research court in Need help New York. The judge watched both versions, and laughed more at the original British cuts, but ruled in Where ABC's favor anyway. By the help write money, time the U.S. Super Mario. Court of Appeals heard the Need write my essay, case in December 1975, the second special had already aired. In a settlement, the rights to those episodes went back to the Pythons, who sold it to PBS. 14.

THE SHOW HAS MADE ITS MARK IN THE COMPUTING WORLD. When Guido van Rossum first implemented his programming language Python, he was reading published Flying Circus scripts. It's widely believed that unsolicited emails became known as spam thanks to the multi-user dungeon online community back in Super paper mario the 1980s. Spam was used to describe pointless data flooding. It was a reference to the classic Monty Python sketch (above).

On October 17, 1999, HBO aired a mockumentary special called Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm . They liked it so much that they picked it up as a 10-episode narrative series, which premiered on October 15, 2000 with a slightly truncated title. Need Write My Essay Money. On and off for eight seasons (it’s been on Where can i someone my homework hiatus since 2011), Larry David has played a very candid—if somewhat exaggerated—version of himself, with every episode revolving around him angering somebody. Need Help My Essay. Here are some real facts about the improvised show, which will make its triumphant return to HBO tonight for Writing a history research proposal, a ninth season. Need Help Write Money. 1. “LARRY DAVID” IS AN “IDEALIZED” VERSION OF LARRY DAVID. Super Paper Mario. Sure, there are some obvious similarities between TV Larry and help my essay money real-life Larry, but David told Rolling Stone that it wouldn’t be smart for him to Act writing prep, be TV Larry all the time. “The character really is me, but I just couldn't possibly behave like that,” he said. “If I had my druthers, that would be me all the time, but you can’t do that. We’re always doing things we don’t want to do, we never say what we really feel, and so this is an idealized version of write, how I want to be. As crazy as this person is, I could step into Where find, those shoes right now, but I would be arrested or I’d be hit or whatever.” 2. THE MOCKUMENTARY FORMAT WAS LOST ON SOME OF CHERYL HINES’S FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS. Larry David tapped documentary filmmaker Robert B. Weide to direct the Need help my essay, original Curb Your Enthusiasm special (Weide stayed on Writing for college for most of the series run as both a director and Need help write money executive producer), which was supposed to chronicle David’s returning to the stand-up comedy circuit. Weide didn’t understand why David wanted to “torture himself like that” but finally realized that “he wanted to face down some old demons, now that he had nothing invested in it.” David had already locked in a commitment with HBO to do a special on his stand-up, but it evolved into being more of Financial accounting accounting useful to an operations, a mockumentary than a documentary. As Weide explained, people who knew Cheryl Hines thought it was too real. “She had friends in Florida who saw the show and were upset to Need help write my essay, find out that Cheryl had married a big TV producer and they were never invited to the wedding.” 3. CHERYL HINES DIDN’T THINK SHE WOULD GET HIRED AS CHERYL DAVID. Hines’s background was with The Groundlings improv, and she had an inkling as to who David was. “I wasn’t very stressed out paper, about the audition, because I thought 'It’s not going to happen,'” Hines said during a conversation at The Paley Center.

Neither she nor her agent thought she “was right for the part.” At the time of her audition, Hines was working as a personal assistant to Rob Reiner’s family. Four hours after reading for the part she got a call that she’d won the role. Write My Essay Money. “I know now that they were looking for essay writer bacon, an unknown, so it worked in my favor that I had absolutely nothing on my resume,” she said. 4. Help Write My Essay Money. CHERYL DAVID IS NOT BASED ON LAURIE DAVID. Writing A History Research Paper Proposal. In an Need my essay money interview with Rolling Stone , Cheryl Hines said that she did not meet Larry David’s former wife, Laurie, until after the a resume, show began production. “It was confusing to people because people would ask me what kind of Need help write, research I did on Laurie before I started playing her. And I had to say I wasn’t playing her,” Hines said.

At one point Hines asked Larry if she should be hanging out with Laurie, and Where can i David said “no.” 5. Need My Essay Money. EACH EPISODE IS BASED ON AN OUTLINE, AND NO DIALOGUE IS EVER WRITTEN. Curb Your Enthusiasm became a milestone show because of its mostly improvised format. David wrote rough outlines for each episode and let the actors fill in the rest. “I write the scenes where we know everything that’s going to happen,” David told NPR. Essay Bacon. “There’s an outline of about seven or eight pages, and then we improvise it.” “We do a rough camera blocking before we start shooting, but I tell the actors just to ‘blah-blah' the help my essay money, dialogue until the cameras roll,” Weide explained. “My fear is that if they make up a wonderful piece of dialogue, then they'll be self-consciously trying to hit the same mark once we’re filming and we’ll lose the spontaneity.” 6. Financial Accounting Vs Managerial Accounting To An. THE SHOW’S TITLE HAS TWO MEANINGS. David titled the series Curb Your Enthusiasm as an ode to Need, Seinfeld fervor, meaning that people shouldn’t expect this to be another Seinfeld. A History Research. “Also, people should keep enthusiasm curbed in Need my essay their lives,” David told Time . “Always keep it. To not is unattractive. It’s unseemly.” 7. DAVID DIDN’T WANT HIS TV MARRIAGE TO BE TOO HAPPY. “I want people to Writing research, think we’re happy, but not that happy,” David said during The Paley Center cast QA. “I don’t want to see anybody that happy, because it makes me a little sick. I’m trying to strike the balance that you believe the marriage, that they really like each other, but he’s really not that happy.” David also admitted that his on-screen marriage and real-life marriage started to Need money, mirror each other. Prep Reviews. “It’s [the marriage] mitigated a little bit by the kids in help write my essay my real marriage. It’s much easier for me to play a guy without kids, though … the wives, they’re getting closer and closer.” 8. THE MARY, JOSEPH AND LARRY EPISODE IS BASED ON A TRUE STORY. Cheryl Hines told TV Guide that her favorite episode of the series was the 2002 Christmas one where her family visits and Larry eats a cookie version of baby Jesus. “When I was home in Florida, my family had made a manger scene out of cookies and everyone was walking around saying, ‘Don't eat baby Jesus.’ And I immediately called Larry and said, ‘If you were at Writing a resume for college my house right now, you would eat baby Jesus and my family would go crazy.’ And then we started talking back-and-forth and he [loved it].” 9. LARRY DAVID DIDN’T WANT TO BE MARRIED ON THE SHOW IF HE WASN’T MARRIED IN REAL LIFE.

In real life, Larry and Laurie David got divorced in 2007, which he integrated into the show: the seventh and my essay eighth season arcs involved David separating from and then divorcing his wife. Essay Writer. “Larry works on a very deeply unconscious level that even he’s not aware of,” Susie Essman told Rolling Stone . “As an outsider, I can see it. He doesn’t want to analyze it, that’s not his personality, he’s not analytical, but I think that that’s basically it. That if he’s not married, he doesn’t want to be married fictitiously, either.” But Hines told The A.V. Club she thinks the couple belongs together. “Who else is Need my essay going to love him? And, by the way, he is very entertaining.” 10. University Writer. SUSIE ESSMAN CONSTANTLY TELLS FANS TO “GO F**K” THEMSELVES. Need Help Write. Essman’s character, Susie Greene, has a foul mouth and Where can i someone my homework makes a regular habit of unleashing streams of help write my essay money, expletives on Larry and paper proposal her on-screen husband, Jeff (Jeff Garlin). Essman explained to The Paley Center audience how fans constantly come up to her and Need help ask to be berated. “My life has become extremely bizarre that people just come up to writer, [me] wherever I am, begging me to money, tell them to go f**k themselves. Essay Writer Bacon. It’s like, I’m buying produce, I’m shaking a melon. ‘Call me a fat f**k.’ I’m not always in the mood.” During an help write my essay interview with Esquire , Essman said that, “People are visibly disappointed that when they meet me I’m not this screaming, yelling crazy person.” 11. Super. JEFF GARLIN THINKS JEFF GREENE IS A “BUFFOON.

During the cast’s Paley Center QA, Garlin claimed that Larry forced him to co-star and produce the show against his will. My Essay. Garlin also shared how he feels about his character, Jeff Greene: “He’s an idiot. He’s not a good guy. He wants to get laid constantly, by anyone, any time. He wants to please his clients. That’s all he works on … I’m a decent guy so there’s some niceness underneath. I have no respect for this guy. He’s a buffoon, that’s all.” 12.

THE SHOW HELPED TO EXONERATE A MAN WHO WAS ARRESTED FOR MURDER. In 2003 Juan Catalan was arrested for murdering a teenage girl, even though he swore he couldn’t have been at the purported crime scene because he was with his daughter at a Los Angeles Dodgers baseball game. Curb Your Enthusiasm just happened to reviews, be filming at the game on the very same day, and five months after Catalan’s arrest, the raw footage from the filming proved that Catalan was indeed where he claimed to be. Need My Essay Money. In 2007, Catalan was awarded $320,000 in a lawsuit he had filed against the city of Los Angeles and Writing a history proposal its police department. 13. LARRY DAVID AND RICHARD LEWIS USED TO BE CHILDHOOD RIVALS. In 2000, David came over to comedian Richard Lewis’s house and help my essay money personally asked him to star on prep reviews the show. But before they were friends, they were teenage rivals. Write My Essay. The men attended a sports camp together when they were 12 years old, and Writing paper proposal did not get along. “I despised the guy and Need help my essay he hated me,” Lewis told OC Weekly . “It was like Curb Your Enthusiasm , but at 12.” The two men had forgotten about each other until they reconnected a decade later, when they both started doing stand-up. “We then traced our childhoods and then it hit me like a ton of bricks!

I was like, ‘Ohhhh you’re Larry David from that camp!’ The odds that we would become best friends was so unique and so crazy, it bonded us forever. You can see that on Curb Your Enthusiasm . Ninety-nine percent is me fighting with him because we do it in real life.” 14. IN 2015, GARLIN SAID THERE WAS A 51 PERCENT CHANCE THAT THE SHOW WOULD RETURN. At the 2015 TCA (Television Critics Association), Garlin said he’d love to do more Curb Your Enthusiasm and University essay bacon prophesied that the Need my essay money, chance of David signing on for another season is around 51 percent. “Larry David is University essay so goddamned rich he doesn’t have to do anything unless it’s good,” Garlin joked. 15. Write. DAVID HIMSELF ONCE PUT THE ODDS OF A NINTH SEASON AT 6-1. At the end of 2014, David told Grantland , “I guess, right now, the odds would be against University writer it, probably 6 to 1,” and stated he has no desire to do another episode “to wrap things up.” In 2015, HBO's then-president of programming Michael Lombardo saw Larry David and told The Hollywood Reporter that David had pointed to a notebook and said he was working on Need help my essay a new season of Curb . “I don’t think it’s out of [Larry’s] system,” said Lombardo. Writing Paper. “I think he wants to Need write my essay money, have something to Super editor, say.” In 2016, a ninth season of the Need write money, series was officially greenlit and on July 10, 2017, HBO confirmed that the new season would begin on October 1, 2017 and dropped a teaser trailer: Netflix subscribers are already counting down the Super mario, days until the premiere of the new season of Stranger Things . But, as always, in order to Need write money, make room for the near-90 new titles making their way to the streaming site, some of your favorite titles—including all of 30 Rock , The Wonder Years , and Malcolm in the Middle —must go. Here’s everything that’s leaving Netflix in October . binge ‘em while you can! A Love in Times of Selfies. Across the Universe. University Writer. Cradle 2 the Grave.

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essay on realism art HOWARD DAVID JOHNSON'S COMPLETE ESSAYS ON HISTORY, MYTH, REALISTIC ART. Personal Opinion Essays on Need help write money HISTORY, MYTH, MORALITY, ART yesterday and today by the artist. ( These essays are never meant to offend, but to spur thought and democratic debate in a spirit of fun. ) Those who are enamored of practice without science are like a pilot who goes into a ship without rudder or compass and never has any certainty where he is going. Practice should always be based upon a sound knowledge of theory, of prep which perspective is the Need write money guide and gateway, and without it nothing can be done well in any kind of painting. Click on the topic that interests you or stay here to read them all . Art and Technology: From the Camera to the Computer.

A brief overview of the shifting cultural attitudes toward Realistic Art in the last 150 years. Essay #8 by can i someone my homework economics, Howard David Johnson. The first decade of the 21 st Century has seen a grass-roots counter-revolution in Need write the art world which has overthrown the stranglehold elitist proponents of Act writing Abstract expressionism gained on academia, the Need my essay money media and the art world at large in the early 20 th Century. Realistic Art was declared obsolete and irrelevant at the beginning of the 20 th Century due to the easy chronicling of persons, places, and events by the Camera - in spite of this new technology empowering the greatest era in Realistic Art history. The “Modern Day Artist” refused to die and began to explore realms of the heart and mind the camera could not record.

The proponents of Abstract Expressionism gained control of elite art collector’s markets followed by academic institutions and the media leading to the abandonment of centuries of classical teaching methods and traditions in our universities. Reviews? Even the help write my essay best realistic art was later denounced and ridiculed as the dismissive and often even hostile Art establishment created elitist scorn for Realistic Art in general. This created a disconnect with the general population who could not relate to the tenets of Abstract Expressionism. The advent of the prep reviews internet broke the absolute domination of the opinions of the Abstract School on media and academia and opened the floodgates of artistic expression and free opinions. Free at Need my essay last from institutionalized condemnation, more and more artists began to choose realistic treatments and a tidal wave of fabulous new realistic art has been created in every conceivable visual art media for museums, galleries, books, movies, and video games.

As the camera became commercially available in the early 19 th Century it became clear that the visual artist was no longer an indispensable member of Writing for college graduates society. Help My Essay? Just about anyone could point and shoot this device at persons, places, and things and get very fast and very realistic results. Financial Vs Managerial Operations? Resentment from Need, thousands of years of artists’ social and Where someone economics political influence fueled the notion that visual artists should be declared obsolete. Write? The adoption of the camera as an artist’s tool and the advent of an era of glorious and unprecedented realism in painting did not stop the movement to crush the political and social influence of the artist. Great realistic artists like Pablo Picasso and prep others like Vincent Van Gogh courageously answered this challenge by exploring concepts that could not be photographed with brilliant and visionary works. Help Money? It was from for college, these honest and ingenious notions that the schools and sub-schools of help my essay money Abstract Art developed. The freshness and innovation of this movement took the art world and academia by storm. The excitement of defining the tenets and the delight of essay bewildering the masses gave rise to an elite class of critics who could control the lucrative art collector’s market with obfuscation and intellectual snobbery. This wealthy art collector’s market gave credence to Abstract Expressionism’s “high art” status and the advice of well placed critics became extremely valuable and they formed an alliance with like-minded academics. As time passed, this trendy movement whose concepts were so hard to argue with gained control of the my essay money establishment and elitism took root. It was not long before traditional painting methods were not taught in universities any more as realistic art was no longer considered “Real Art” and reviews tenets like; “Art must be ugly”, Art must be new” Art must be obscure”, and “The best Art is my essay money offensive” took hold in schools and printed media.

Not satisfied with control over the most lucrative galleries, collector’s markets and academia, these elitists moved from dismissive to openly hostile attitudes toward those who still loved and created realistic art. The merciless and unprovoked rebukes of great realistic artists like Norman Rockwell, N.C. Wyeth and so many others are well documented in 20 th century histories. That’s not “Real Art” and why do you waste your talent on University bacon “Mere Illustration” were some of the nicer comments. Need Money? Illustrators in the 20 th century wore these rebukes like badges of honor, like black eyes gained from standing up to schoolyard bullies, knowing in their hearts what they were doing was worthwhile and the narrow minded views of their critics were not the a history paper proposal only valid opinions. By the end of the help 20 th century, the long apprenticeship tradition was broken and classical realistic art methods were lost forever. The Shock Art movement in the 1990’s carried the tenets to new extremes as “ART” became a dirty word. U.S.

Government Endowments for the Arts were discontinued. Abstract Art had become the norm with its obfuscated themes and was then itself considered irrelevant and academically worthless. Art programs were then removed from countless public school curriculums to make time for standardized test preparation. There is no way that mandating more math, requiring more reading, or scheduling more science will replace what we have lost as a culture. At the turn of the to do 21 st Century the Abstract Expressionists had been in control for generations with a thought control blockade in books, newspapers, radio, television and schools. Anyone who disagreed with them was told they were too stupid to understand “Real Art” and help my essay money theirs was the only voice to paper mario editor, be heard. What had begun so beautifully and Need my essay sincerely was hijacked and violated until it became a byword for research, vulgarity. Then came the help my essay money internet and the realistic artists, long silenced began to express their views. It was like the boy who cried: “The Emperor has no clothes!” This revelation spread like wildfire through the cultural consciousness.

Suddenly, it was no longer a disgrace to hold something other than those narrow views. Galleries on the internet showcased generations of repressed artists realistic works in a tidal wave art history calls: “the Realistic Revolt”. Of course, Abstract Art still flourishes today especially on college campuses, but the Act writing prep narrow views of its most fanatical proponents are no longer cruelly dominant. The Realistic Revolt has brought the return of respectability to illustration and realistic landscape and portraiture. Need Write? When I see the works of today’s vast multitude of realistic artists coming from a thousand different directions at once, tears come to University writer, my eyes, for I have worn the title “illustrator” as a badge of write my essay honor for decades and am deeply moved to have lived to see new developments in art and technology drive the bacon visual arts to levels of quality beyond my wildest dreams. Need Help Write? I predict 3D and digital media will grow more and more realistic until photos seem noticeably inferior. Paper Proposal? The internet has not only opened the floodgates for artistic expression, but employment and untold artists are earning a living shattering the “Starving Artist” stereotype so engrained in our cultural consciousness.

The beginning of the 20 th century saw technology threatening the survival of the professional artist and the end of it saw the unbridled tenets of Abstract Expressionism like “Art must be offensive” threatening the Need help my essay money very existence of art as a part of Where someone my homework economics our culture, the modern day artist has once again refused to Need help my essay money, die and has embraced technology to create a rebirth of realism that Art critics, collectors, academics and everyday folk can all embrace and celebrate in ways I once feared had been lost to us forever. Howard David Johnson (2012) Painting, in art, the action of laying color on a surface, or the representation of objects by a history proposal, this means. Considered one of the fine arts Painting. noun. 1.) The act or employment of laying on colors or paints. 2.) The art of forming figures or objects in colors on canvas or any other surface, or the help write my essay money art of representing to the eye by means of figures and colors any object; the work of an illustrator or painter. 3.) A picture; a likeness or resemblance in shape or colors. 4.) Colors laid on. 5.) Delineation that raises a vivid image in a history research paper proposal the mind; as in word painting.

Webster's Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. A Brief essay dealing with attitudes toward Traditional Realistic Paintings, Pastels, Colored Pencils and today's Digital Art Media. Did you know the help my essay Greek word Photography means Painting with Light? Today with the advent of computers it truly lives up to Writing a resume for college, it's name. Due to developments in Art and Technology, combined with a general lack of public education, I contend that a broader definition of painting is needed than that which is found in common usage. In addition to his mastery of traditional realistic art media, Howard David Johnson now combines drawing, painting, photography, and digital media with more than thirty years of experience in these fields to create his Realistic Art Numrique in help money 21st century paintings and pictures.

Announcing Art Numrique -an exciting merger of traditional visual art and cutting edge technology. a new art form for the twenty- first century. Art Numrique is research not limited to realistic art but also offers limitless horizons for everything from cartoons to abstractions. Help My Essay? It is the paper proposal most dramatic development in the visual arts since the Renaissance. In the words of Al Jolson in the movie world's first talking picture You ain't seen nothin' yet! Snobbism in the arts is nothing new. Some people will tell you that oils are the only valid medium for realistic paintings. That Colored Pencil, Digital, and other Realistic Painting and Drawing Media are not valid for real art. Young artists, Don't let them bother you.

Their forerunners used to condemn Pastels before they gained acceptance and called them crayons when Johann Alexander Thiele (1685-1752) invented them. Mercilessly disrespectful art critics of the time could not stop the Experimentalists no matter how viciously they attacked and derided them. My Essay Money? Crayon-painting as it was called in England was practiced early on a history research paper proposal by persecuted pioneers in Switzerland and many other nations. What a debt we owe to these master artists who refused to knuckle under to the pressure of those short-sighted critics during those historic and Need money experimental times. It took until 1870 with the founding of the Societe` Des Pastellistes in editor France that respect came at last to these heroic immortal visual artists. In England the liberation of the Pastellists from slight regard and undeserved disrespect came with the first exhibition of The Pastel Society at help write my essay the Grosvenor Gallery in 1880.

Pastel Painters like Mary Cassat and others from University essay writer, America and other nations forever silenced the snobs with their masterworks and gained recognition at long last for Thiele's invention as a valid art medium. I am persuaded that history will repeat itself. Need Help Write My Essay Money? Like Pastels, I believe these wonderful new colored pencils and University essay writer bacon even Digital Realistic Art Media will one day receive the recognition they deserve as powerful mediums of artistic expression just as pastel paintings did. What is your definition of art? Have you thought about it?

Consider dancing. it can be a little skip in the step or rise to the level of the incomparable Russian Ballet. Did you know that just the materials alone for a single oil painting cost up to a thousand dollars these days? Even paying the artist less than minimum wage no one but the super rich can afford them anymore. Something's got to give. Need Help? Realistic paintings in oil have been highly prized for centuries and the appeal and following of realistic art is undiminished to this day. Oil paintings featuring Abstract Art and Realistic Art are generally the most treasured form of all the visual art media and with good reason. But snobbish art critics favoring abstract art have declared that realistic paintings, or illustrations are not art for a century. With so many representationalist paintings by so many immortal master artists hanging in the Louvre, the Hermitage, and the British Museum and others I think the disrespect for realistic illustrators that dominated the 20th century is academically ridiculous as well as vain and Where find someone to do my homework intolerant, insisting theirs is the Need my essay money only valid opinion. What is Financial accounting manager your definition of Art? I believe almost any form of Need help money human expression can be raised to the level of high art especially visual art and Realistic illustration. By my own definition of art, which is: anything that makes you feel or think most abstract paintings are not real art to me personally , because abstract paintings usually neither make me feel or think, usually focusing obsessively on technique and avoiding any coherent content.

I usually draw a complete blank mentally and Super mario editor emotionally when I look at them. In 1979 the Houston Metropolitan Museum of Art displayed a triptych of 3 giant paintings they paid fifty thousand dollars for- three blank white canvasses entitled untitled. Then there was The incredible new artistic Genius with an I.Q. of my essay 62 . Coco the a history chimpanzee with his gala New York art exhibition. an elaborate prank played on the Snobbish American Art critics about a generation ago by research scientists in help my essay money the field of primatology. Essay Bacon? Imagine how upset they were when he created one of his ingenious masterpieces right before their eyes. ( My Source for this is the Time Life Science Library volume entitled The Primates. ) Art education has been almost completely removed from Need help write, American Schools as a result of generations of this kind of fabulous nonsense contributing to America's cultural illiteracy crisis. Editor? Now, the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, and other notables are being removed from school libraries. After generations of this, most American college graduates today cannot name even one living visual artist, abstract or realistic. There is no way that mandating more math, requiring more reading, or scheduling more science will replace what we have lost as a culture.

But how do all these new Art media fit in with formal definitions of Art? Art ( noun ) [ Middle English, from Old French, from Need help write, Latin ars (stem art-). ] 1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. 2. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a history paper proposal a manner that affects the sense of beauty; specifically, the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. 3. The product of these activities; human works of Need help my essay beauty, collectively. 4. High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value. 5. Any field or category of art, such as painting, music, ballet, or literature. Act Writing Reviews? 6. A non-scientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts. Money? 7. a. A system of principles and methods employed in a history research paper proposal the performances of a set of activities: the art of building. b. A trade or craft that applies such a system of Need money principles and methods: pursuing the baker's art.

8. A specific skill in adept performance, conceived as requiring the exercise of intuitive faculties that cannot be learned solely by study: the art of Financial accounting accounting operations writing letters. 9. Need Help Write My Essay Money? a. Usually plural. Artful devices; stratagems; tricks. b. Artfulness; contrivance; cunning. 10. In printing: Illustrative material as distinguished from text. The American Heritage College Dictionary of the English Language. Special note: 21st century professional art critics are not repeating these mistakes of history and Super editor are blessing and encouraging artists working in all styles and money mediums, even including digital media. To them I say: Bravo! If only our world leaders could learn from the reviews mistakes of the past as you have. Realistic Art : The Rebirth of Realism in the 21st Century.

More thoughts on realistic art yesterday and Need help my essay today by the artist. Art History has entered a new era with the birth of Art Numrique, or digital art media in the 21st century. Artists never stop exploring with mediums. Artists have been developing techniques, experimenting with different tools since at least twenty- five thousand years ago, when the first artist picked up a charred stick and scratched a picture out on the wall of his cave. You'd think everything would have been tried by now, but it hasn't. Exploring new mediums this very day is just as exciting, just as full of freshness and newness as it ever was. The rebirth of realism was fueled by the advent of the Writing a resume digital era. Need Help Write Money? Now, for the first time in almost two centuries, an artist or illustrator could earn a decent living again with his realistic art.

This is historic. Realistic art is not going to go away, especially now that photography has truly merged with traditional realistic visual art. Photography comes from the Greek words meaning painting with light. Now with the advent of digital media the Financial vs managerial accounting useful operations capability of realistic art has become almost limitless, truly, painting with light. The merger of all the world's art forms to Need my essay money, realize the potential of motion pictures has come now to still realistic art media. This website for example, combines music, prose, poetry, photography and traditional realistic art media to create an experience beyond merely looking at realistic paintings. The twenty- first century is already seeing a new renaissance in Where economics the arts because of the world wide web. There has never been anything like it. Abstract art, computer art, photographic art, and Need help write my essay money realistic art are continuing to be separate schools of art but are also blending to create exciting new horizons.

Although Digital art does offer completely new horizons to the artist in essay bacon the 21st century it does not mean the end of our time honored art traditions. Need Help My Essay? Instead, it offers additional ways to keep these traditions and schools of thought fresh and alive. More Personal Opinion Essays - on History, Myth, and Art by the artist. As a professional Illustrator I am called upon to illustrate Legends of History and Mythology, Fact and Fantasy, the University essay writer Sacred and Need write the Profane. In as much as I have endeavored to sort them out accordingly, it has become one of the more fascinating challenges I have ever faced. A brief essay by H. Writing Graduates? D. Johnson. As a professional Illustrator I am called upon to illustrate Legends of History and Need help write my essay Mythology, Fact and Fantasy, the Sacred and the Profane.

In as much as I have endeavored to sort them out accordingly, it has become one of the a resume more fascinating challenges I have ever faced. As I am ever mentioning, the advances of science are constantly giving us a clearer view of the past even causing Mythology to become History as in the case of the Need help money Trojan Wars, the legendary Helen of Troy, and the Trojan Horse. The archaeological excavations of Troy may prove the existence of the city of Troy and the Trojan War. They in no way make The Iliad a history book however, because of the un-provable spiritual and religious occurrences in the narrative. This sorting out of myth and legend from history is no less difficult today because of their intertwining influences on Super paper mario one another. Consider as a more recent example of this problem, 20th century American President Theodore Roosevelt. He lives in history because of my essay money his heroic charge up San Juan hill with his legendary roughriders. When this story was printed in William Randolph Hearst's newspapers it catapulted him to fame and University essay ushered him into the White House as a glorious American War Hero.

Everyone has seen the paintings and statues of Teddy Roosevelt and his roughriders dressed in khaki, mounted on Need help my essay horseback and Act writing prep charging fearlessly forward waving their swords. In reality, it was a group of Heroic African American Buffalo Soldiers who took San Juan Hill in spite of their heavy casualties. They did not wear khaki. They were not mounted on horseback, but were foot soldiers in the same dark blue uniforms of the U.S. cavalry as worn during the Indian Wars. Roosevelt's group actually took a nearby Hill against light resistance but Hearst said that would not sell newspapers so he created an American Myth. So as we see, here is something taught to children in schools as history is just not true at Need my essay money all, but yet, this myth shaped the true history of the world in the 20th century and beyond. If Teddy Roosevelt had not been elected president, neither would his nephew, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who provided very real and crucial leadership during the Great Depression and the Second World War. Neither would Theodore Roosevelt have built the Panama Canal or established the conservation of Financial accounting accounting useful our natural resources. Need Help Money? So here we see Modern Myth not only influencing, but creating History. In reality, I perceive Theodore Roosevelt was a much greater president than history gives him credit for. Although it is Where can i economics true his kindness created the Teddy Bear, He really was also fit and trim, vigorous and active, and write my essay a very tough president in his foreign policies.

He was instrumental in America's emergence as a world power. It is also true that he came from the a resume for college graduates upper upper class - old money in New York with a background of great wealth and limitless luxury and chose to be an outdoorsman, a cowboy, and soldier. When he was given office, he embraced the concept of being a good Shepherd , of seeking justice for all Americans - for write my essay, this he was called a traitor to his class. Actually, he is the savior of his class. In my estimation, it is President Theodore Roosevelt who is most responsible for the end of the Act writing reviews then imminent threat of communist revolution or takeover in America. Throughout the early 20th century Socialist Revolutions were sweeping across the globe. Conditions for the workers in America were appalling. Child Labor, dangerous working conditions, ungodly long hours, degradation, and shockingly low pay.

When Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto he never dreamed of an affluent MIDDLE class. A middle class that is comfortable and savoring, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not going to Need write my essay, rise up in murderous anger and Storm the Bastille. What Global Communism could not contend with was America's happy and prosperous middle class. Theodore Roosevelt practically invented America's affluent middle class and eliminated the threat of Communist revolution in essay bacon America. Although he was well loved, he was also hated and caught tremendous heat from the wealthy elite for Need help my essay money, sharing a small portion of their wealth with the Writing graduates common man. Need Write My Essay Money? He saved them from Financial accounting to an operations, a Second American Revolution by customizing capitalism to a kinder, gentler form than the horrors of the late 19th century.

Like General Winfield Scott, who won The American Civil War before it started, he defeated his foes with an Need help my essay, idea. If the Robber Barons had had their way, their greed could well have caused America to fall to communism. Today, we have a new generation of robber barons but no Teddy to stand up for the little guys. I feel the true history about American President Theodore Roosevelt is more amazing than the myth, but they are interwoven and Super editor inseparable, without the one, we would not have the Need my essay money other. He was both a glorious and a tragic figure. As a leader and graduates as a man I believe he is badly underestimated. It was only when his beloved son, nicknamed Quinnykins died fighting in World War One that he finally saw through all the Need help money myths and glamour to Writing proposal, see the awful truth about war face on. He never got over write my essay money, his guilt for glorifying war to his son. We could all learn a lot from his experiences. War costs money. trillions of dollars.

War takes human lives. millions of Writing a resume for college graduates them! War makes children old, breaks parent's hearts, kills morale. War destroys cities, art treasures, civilization! The first world war alone cost thirty million lives and 4 trillion dollars when adjusted to the buying power of write my essay modern U.S. Where Find Someone? dollars. With the money at money the time we could have built a three bedroom two bath house furnished with fine hardwood furniture on five acres of quality land for every family in The United States, Canada, Australia, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany and Writing a history proposal Russia. There would have been enough left to build and help write money stock a first class library and a proper university in Financial accounting vs managerial accounting useful operations manager every town of 20,000 people or more. Out of the balance we could pay the salaries for life of 125,000 teachers and 125,000 nurses. The remaining balance could have bought 1919 Belgium and France and everything in them. I see History as an endless waltz. Three beats over and over.

War, Peace, and Revolution. Three beats over and over in write my essay money an endless cycle of death, destruction, and regeneration. An Endless Waltz. and those who do not learn the Super mario lessons of history are doomed to dance this deadly waltz and pay this Frightful price for War. Help? As modern technology such as jet aircraft and thermonuclear missles make the world smaller more dangerous everyday, tolerating each other's racial, social, religious differences living together in paper proposal peace has now become key to the continued survival of mankind through the 21st century. H. D. Need My Essay? Johnson worked as a scientific research consultant for the University of Texas at San Antonio through the 1970's under the guidance of Where my homework top Texas Scientists illustrating reconstructions of Paleontology and Need help my essay money Anthropology, oddly enough, he then worked under the guidance of the world's foremost Biblical Scholars for the Center for Judeo-Christian Studies. The two dramatically different experiences back to back caused him to wonder.

W ith respect to its great contributions to Financial accounting vs managerial useful operations manager, society, I think it is important to make a case that science is really affecting society more like a religion now than a field of study or a resource base of useful information. Need Help? Many everyday people do not understand it at all and Writing a resume for college graduates accept ALL its teachings on Need help write money faith. To Do My Homework Economics? Science is supposed to be a tool and a path of study for the benefit of mankind and it is. I love Science and greatly appreciate it's benefits. I feel strongly that many scientists are heroes and deserve honorable mention and some truly deserve places of great honor in the hallowed halls of help money history. University Writer Bacon? Breakthroughs in medical science are saving lives everyday in ways undreamed of Need help money just to name only Writing paper, one of so many valuable fields. Unfortunately some scientists have also been criminals or have brought things into the world we all know about Need money that we would have been better off without such as thermonuclear weapons and writer pollution. I believe it has also become things it should never have become.

I shall briefly try to explain what I have seen that has made me feel that science is really affecting society more like a religion now than a field of Need help write my essay study. The major criticism of science with regards to The Bible has been that it requires a leap of faith to believe that GOD created the world, yet Science also has several leaps of faith of it's own. The Big Bang theory cannot be proven as world renowned cosmologist Steven Hawking has stated and, if it cannot be proven - believing in it - in Hawking's own words requires a Leap of Faith . Until a theory is Writing proven in a lab or in the field, it is Philosophy, not Physics. EVOLUTION IS NOT A LAW OF SCIENCE. Darwin's Theory of Evolution was proposed in 1859 and almost a hundred and fifty years later it has still never achieved the status of a Law of Need my essay Science . This is because of the Writing a resume graduates Missing Link. There is no proof of a link between man and ape, hence the term The missing link. This blind faith in Evolution has been taught with religious dogmatism in the public schools for generations and is still merely a theory . The Theory of Evolution, not the Law of write my essay money Evolution is a mere UNPROVEN hypothesis, which the dictionary defines as a mere assumption or guess or a proposition, or a group of proposals, offered as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena. Yet this mere assumption or guess is taught to children in public schools and young adults in colleges as if it HAD been proven beyond any doubt.

It was once a Law of Science that the can i someone economics atom was the my essay money irreducible particle of matter. At Alamogordo, New Mexico in 1945 the atom was split and the atomic bomb explosion in Financial vs managerial accounting to an manager the desert blasted that Law of Science out of Need write money existence. Now, if a Law of Act writing prep Science is so unreliable, I ask you, why is a mere theory like Evolution regarded so highly? Simple. It is Need my essay money about political control, not about truth. In 1912 A.D. a respectable geologist named Arthur S. Woodward and a lawyer named Charles Dawson offered their new “fossil discovery” to the London Geological Society . The “artifacts” included a thick portion of a human skull, a fragment of an ape-like jaw, some animal remains and some primitive stone tools. Paper Mario? These items found in southern England in a place called Piltdown were estimated to be 500,000 years old. For 40 years the remains were accepted by the academic community as an important part of our evolutionary development. Piltdown Man was declared genuine and called the “missing link” between apes and man by important scientists of the time. Because of this newfound “proof” men of God were openly ridiculed as ignorant and improperly educated.

Piltdown man was debunked four decades later by chemical tests proving the jaw and skull were not the same age, nor very old. Need? It was a DELIBERATE fake. The bones had been chemically treated and thoroughly stained to make them appear prehistoric. Recognizable anatomical features were broken off and filed down. Why did this fraud by lawyer Charles Dawson fool the experts? For many reasons, but it was never seriously questioned because the scientists of the time were delighted by the way it validated their evolutionist beliefs.

For more details of the debunking read: ”The Piltdown Forgery” by J.S. Weiner, the classic account of the Financial accounting vs managerial useful operations most famous and successful hoax in science. The new and Need my essay money revised 2002 edition is commonly available. Today, the term “Piltdown” is a term of ridicule, used to label fraudulent research, but the impact on the lives of billions of trusting people has had powerful political implications to this day. The prover proves what the thinker thinks and prejudice and political power seem more important than the truth or the consistent practice of the scientific method. If truth were important to them, they would use the scientific method when criticizing The Bible but they do not.

The scientific method requires going to the source. Yet for these famous disparagements they use the King James version instead of the original Hebrew. Translated in 1611 by non-Christian King James of England for political reasons the K.J.V. is a history research proposal one of the Colossal monuments of English Prose. The King James Translation is not at all accurate enough to use as the Need help my essay sole source for the defense of the Biblical Text. Consider this example: One of the greatest conflicts between Science and the Bible is the teaching that the world was created in six solar days of 24 hours each. The word yom in the source, the original Hebrew text, which was translated as Solar Day had 56 other choices. Modern English has more than 60,000 words.

Biblical Hebrew had 3,000. The average English vocabulary has 6,000. My favorite choice of the 56 other options: an accounting operations manager, unimaginably long but complete period of time harmonizes with science perfectly. Another choice is: time itself. So as we can see, going to the source and using the Scientific Method brings very different results than not going to the source. Getting past this, the order in which life appeared was identical to write my essay money, the theory of evolution's claims in the Book of Genesis, leaving us to discuss the stars, the next main source of conflict between Science and the Bible. The Hebrew text says a swaddling band around the Earth dissolved, revealing the stars. Where Can I Someone To Do? The Prover proves what the thinker thinks. Here's a fun thought - What if GOD is in control of evolution? What if it's his hobby? What if there is really no conflict between Science and Religion?

The scientists cannot disprove the existence of GOD any more than they can prove the Need write money Big Bang happened. Albert Einstein saw no conflict between science and religion. Like Galileo, Newton and other immortal greats of can i someone to do my homework science before him, Einstein believed in GOD. Therefore, I present to you this idea: Modern Scientific beliefs are based upon a leap of faith in help write money the big bang theory. Writing A History Research Paper? It has become a belief system based on faith and therefore another form of religion. Scientists, like priests can explain their beliefs but the everyday people accept it all on faith. Scientists and doctors are the priests of this new religion, getting angry and crying heresy when anyone respectfully disagrees with them.

I once had one of my supervisors in the UT anthropology department explain to me for three hours on a research expedition in mathematical terms how something could have ALWAYS existed, needing no beginning point. Help My Essay? When we agreed that the Super editor math was good he then made a COLOSSAL leap of faith, saying This proves the Universe has always existed and there is no GOD. In one second I countered; I could just as easily jump to the conclusion that this proves the help write my essay existence of an eternal GOD. It is this jumping to prep reviews, conclusions or as Steven Hawking put it; making leaps of faith. that infuses philosophy with their physics. Help Write My Essay Money? Then there is the infusion of politics; a perfect example is. The Myth of Carbon 14 dating: Educated people know that carbon 14 dating is essay bacon totally irrelevant to the theory of Need my essay money evolution.

Scientists never state that carbon 14 dating offers proof for Writing a resume for college graduates, the theory of evolution. Ignorant evolutionists, however, believe carbon 14 dating proves the Need help write money theory of evolution, and stubbornly make that claim based on faith in what they were told in our learning institutions. They were DELIBERATELY lied t o to gain POLITICAL POWER. I will explain; Carbon 14 dating is ONLY reliable for five thousand years as even its creator himself admitted in 1972. Carbon 14 or Radiocarbon Dating was first devised in 1949 by Dr. Where Can I My Homework Economics? Willard Libby. It is based on the rate of decay of carbon 14 or its half-life of 5730 years. Help Money? This method offers reliable dates up to 5,000 years ago, but its results require correction since Dr.

Libby's belief that the Super paper levels of carbon-14 in Need write the atmosphere were identical through the Act writing ages has long since been disproved. Volcanoes and floods for example skew the results to the point where guesswork or leaps of faith are required even in dating organic material from historic times. Dr. Write My Essay? Libby once expressed his shock when he found that radio carbon dates for human artifacts extended back only 5000 years and older dates were found to be unreliable. [W.F.Libby, `Radiocarbon Dating', (Chicago, 1952), pp. 4-9] [CRSQ, 1972, 9:3, p. 157] By this time tens of thousands of C-14 dates had been published from tests in Act writing prep laboratories around the world. The textbooks and curriculums have yet to be revised. Need Write My Essay Money? Instead, a MYTH is being taught in our schools. There are exciting new methods but wild guesses about the amount of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere do not PROVE anything. Believers in GOD are called foolish and ignorant on the political strength of this deliberate lie that Carbon 14 dating proves evolution. The gross disrespect and intolerance I have seen of certain members of the scientific and academic communities and their disciples toward anyone who disagrees with them is just as arrogant and for college graduates abusive as racial, sexual, religious, or any other kind of Need help write my essay prejudice. Here's a great example: Around 1910 in educated circles it was considered a mark of for college graduates ignorance to believe the Biblical record.

There was little scientific evidence available then to support the write my essay Bible's claims and academic circles decided that was the end of the matter and University writer bacon as the decades moved on, the scientific and academic communities stubbornly ignored tidal waves of new SCIENTIFIC evidence. One excellent example is in what the Bible says about Abraham. In the early 20th century experts in the field of archaeology insisted that no civilization even existed in Need help my essay UR of the Writing a resume for college graduates Chaldeans when the Bible records that Abraham lived there. On the Need my essay money basis that no evidence was currently available they declared Abraham a mythical character. 20th century evidence however has proven beyond any question the existence of an advanced civilization in UR of the Chaldeans during the 21st and 20th centuries B.C.-That was Abraham's day! Abraham's historicity is also confirmed by ancient inscriptions that bear the names of almost very town mentioned in Ch. 12-14 of can i find my homework Genesis and write one even has his father's name. Archeological discoveries also show these towns were in vs managerial accounting operations manager existence until about 2,000 B.C.- but not later!

No longer can the Need money Bible's critics get away with accusing us of being naive or foolish today when we believe what the Where can i find someone to do my homework economics Bible says about Abraham like they used to in the 20th century. This is critical to Need help money, the belief systems of the world's great monotheistic religions Islam, Judaism and Christianity who all claim ascendancy from Abraham. Why isn't this commonly taught in schools? Many scientific professionals openly abuse the authority of their positions to push their personal beliefs and find my homework ignore the confirmed scientific data to hold on to political power. Other Biblical confirmations from modern Archaeology include: Date and manner of Jericho's fall, The exodus from Egypt, Major characters from the Need write my essay book of Daniel and many others. The SCIENTIFIC proof is all there waiting for you if you take the University writer time to look it up.

Certain scientists and Need help write money academics like to University bacon, act like they know everything about the origins of the Earth. They don't. Many of our long taught ideas about planetary science have recently been proven completely wrong. Did you know that The Gas Giants on Need write my essay the outside of our solar system and the surface of the Super mario editor Planet Venus are DRASTICALLY different than what I was authoritatively taught about money them as a boy in school? If they can't even tell us reliably how the solar system is today how can we rely on their ideas about its distant unobservable origins?

Yet even in writer bacon the face of Need help my essay constantly changing SCIENTIFIC evidence most scientists are prone to accounting vs managerial accounting operations manager, UTTER DOGMATISM about their belief system. Science is help money supposed to be the sum of the best knowledge we have at the time - incomplete but always learning, always growing- but sometimes making serious mistakes. Super Paper? Why admit things were COMPLETELY wrong about planetary science within the solar system but NEVER MENTION the discovery of the unreliability of Carbon 14 dating or the discovery of Need write money archaeological evidence of Abraham being a historical figure? Simple. Accounting Vs Managerial Useful To An Operations Manager? There is no danger to the foundation of the belief system of write my essay this new religion or it's social and political power base. Mankind's only hope for continued survival on this planet is to learn to accounting accounting, tolerate each others differences and live in peace with one another and in harmony with the environment. We're all in the same boat.

I do not believe that scientists should be exempt from this challenge to be tolerant, since they created the very things that could well destroy us, such as thermonuclear weapons pollution. We all have a lot of work to do if we are to survive. I write this in defense of Need my essay my faith and of the faiths of others which have been disparaged by research, these attacks on the sacred writings of the world's great religions. Help Money? If we're going to have a better world we're going to need both better leaders and better citizens. I personally believe that any belief in a higher power that must be answered to makes us better citizens than if we believed that we are the ultimate life form in the Universe. Sensuality, Violence, Morality, and their relationships with the someone to do economics Arts in 21st century American Society.

A case for the sacredness, purity, and beauty of the human form. A brief personal opinion essay by the artist. In our 21st century western society the disparity between the moral attitudes toward images and actions is amazing to me and I will examine in money this article just how unfair they really have become and how political correctness is destroying our cultural heritage. In history, the a history Classical or Greco-Roman school of art is distinguished by the notion that the human form is the ultimate arena for artistic expression. Unclothed figures were very common in Classical art and their culture was very comfortable with it in Need help my essay general. A Resume For College? The Victorians in contrast have always stood out in my mind for their extreme prudishness and help my essay money puritanicalism. They invented the tablecloth to prevent men from looking at a table's legs because they feared a table leg might make men think dirty thoughts. Financial Accounting Accounting? In spite of this, 19th century Victorian Art did allow some unclothed figures in statues and paintings within certain bounds.

One of the Need help write my essay money principal attractions of fairy paintings for the Mid-Victorians was that they made possible highly realistic and Super paper mario editor erotic pictures of unclad females that would have otherwise been inadmissible. In the 20th century the sensual revolution eliminated all of these traditional boundaries. Need Money? I can see how the radical transformation of society by the total liberation of the subconscious was a bit too much for Where find someone to do, most people. In 21st century America however, the sight of a healthy partially unclad woman is taboo even as an innocent or religious depiction in write my essay money the visual arts. I find this very interesting considering they way American society is so comfortable with violence- even children viewing extreme violence and gore on television and in motion pictures. It's terrible- disembowelments, exploding heads with splattering blood and paper guts, cut off arms and Need help my essay legs are deemed just fine for find someone to do my homework economics, prime time children's viewing. Need Money? But not to worry- the Super mario profanity has been edited out. It seems too arbitrary to me. If the human body is torn apart or cut to pieces it is all right. Desecration of the human body is embraced or tolerated while appreciation or adoration even in art, is condemned. I think the human form is sacred.

The average American child sees 20,000 violent deaths on television alone by my essay, the age of 10. I find it interesting that America feels that while tolerating and even embracing extreme violence and greed that we are outraged at the sight of Where can i find someone to do my homework a beautiful young woman and the healthy uncovered female human body is a dirty, filthy thing to be ashamed of. Help Write? I disagree. Since the source for this stigma about images of Super paper editor women is supposed to be the influence on help money our society's laws by University essay, the sacred writings of the Judeo-Christians, I present to you the idea that this is not what these actually teach and they are also being treated as arbitrarily as a buffet line and will use illustrations. This attitude comes from Jesus' saying: If a man even look at a woman to lust after her, he has already committed adultery in write money his heart. A History Research Proposal? By this same standard, just thinking about robbing the poor and the elderly is a sin, but in our society the help act is research paper considered a good business move. Don't misunderstand me, he taught that his commandment was to love one another, and basically that if you did that the ceremonial law was fulfilled. A more positive approach; if you love someone you won't murder them, falsely accuse them, etc., etc., If your heart is full of covetousness for a woman, a car or anything it is likely you will transgress this law in practice. Cheating, stealing, torture, and even murder in actual practice are taken in stride by our society, but seeing a woman's left bosom exposed is an outrage.

If the Ten Commandments are the standard we're going by as they say- Children are diligently taught to dishonor their parents on every family television show. It is taboo now- yes, it is help write actually considered wrong to portray a good father in American movies and reviews television with only the Need help write my essay money rarest of essay exceptions. What is so terribly wrong about a portrayal of a good dad? To me, this is an outrage. Stealing the retirements of thousands of Need help my essay citizens who have worked hard all their lives is a good business move. What about thou shalt not murder? (Interestingly, it doesn't say#148; kill in the original Hebrew text, but murder . Paper Mario Editor? ) I won't dwell on write money war here, but In Nazi Germany, six million people- Jews, Christians, and essay writer bacon politicals were secretly murdered in write money the death camps, but in modern America, more than forty million baby boys and girls have been publicly murdered by essay writer bacon, willing citizens in abortion clinics and we call that a #147;choice. If history called that the Holocaust, how will history judge us?

Judeo-Christian morality, and Need help write that's what we're talking about here as the most influential source of America's laws, ONLY justifies killing in self-defense. The child in the womb is defenseless. Again, I find this astonishing that we as a society can tolerate or even embrace such horrific and gruesome acts and then make such a big issue out of mild nudity in Writing for college a painting or statue. Our society treats sacred writings like a buffet line choosing what is politically expedient to write my essay money, their cause and ignoring the rest. I ONLY bring these up as an examples of the Super editor disparity between society's acceptance or tolerance of these violent and gruesome things I've mentioned to contrast them to the intolerance of the help write my essay sight of a peaceful woman#146;s uncovered bosom celebrated for it's natural beauty in an innocent setting through the visual arts. Why is the Act writing prep sight of a naked man's chest considered to be decent and not a woman's? I think there is a disparity here too in our attitude toward images. If the sight of a woman's chest is an outrage why is a man's permissible in help money ANY situation?

I am told certain works of Leonardo Da Vinci are pornographic now because of a nipple but I see romance novel covers in the grocery store with photos of University bacon naked men climbing in bedroom windows to commit adultery-why are those considered acceptable? If images are wrong because there is a chance a man might think of sex, why are romance novels written glorifying vile acts of sexual betrayal for NO OTHER REASON but dirty thoughts acceptable? Why are sleazy soap operas on television available to children day and Need night on Where can i find someone economics broadcast television with sexually explicit scenes glorifying adultery acceptable? The answer is simple- its double standard. As a man, I believe that women are the brightest and loveliest of Need write my essay money all of GOD's creations. The sight of a healthy young partially uncovered girl on television even for a split second is reviews considered a CRISIS and we hear public outrage? Implying the human body itself is filthy; Think about it.

Since the basis of this sight of Need help write money a healthy human body taboo is supposed to be of Judeo-Christian religious origin, I want to debunk this outrageous doctrine that the human body is filthy. Research Proposal? In the Bible's first book, Genesis, it says, they were naked and were not ashamed and it teaches us that men and women were made in Need help write money the image of Act writing GOD. To follow this line of reasoning, GOD would also have to help my essay, be filthy. Case closed. I don't think what I perceive to be the University writer crowning achievement of GOD's creation, the woman - is filthy, but is instead pure and beautiful. What I believe to be GOD's greatest creation is considered filthy, and not people's minds?

These outrageous boundaries chosen by our society are so poorly thought out that Michelangelo's statue of David is now deemed pornography and books with such immortal works of art are being removed from our public school libraries because of Need help write my essay politically correct activists. I'm not suggesting that we remove these boundaries again like in the 1970's, Heaven forbid! Only that these newest ones are ill conceived and badly placed and I would personally prefer to return to the traditional ones and avoid all these extremes. Copyright Law and Where can i find to do my homework economics the Visual Arts in the Computer Age. An introduction to the Millennial Copyright Act for Artists. A brief essay on 21st century legal boundaries, guidelines, and western art traditions by the artist. Our shared cultural heritage, great works of help write art, literature, music and drama, cinema, folk tales and fairy tales are all drawn upon again and again by the creators of new works. These works in the public domain are both a catalyst and a wellspring for creativity and innovation. Research? Since the public domain is a treasure trove of information and resources to be used by future generations, many advocates are concerned that its stagnation through lawsuits will make it more and more difficult for future generations to find creative inspiration. All art is ultimately some form of imitation, even if you are an expressionist painter imitating an abstract vision in your own mind.

These new visual art creations of mine take their inspiration in part from the realistic paintings of the old masters just as The Lord of the Rings comes from write money, The Ring of the Nibelung and European folklore and Writing a history research proposal West Side Story came from Romeo and Juliet, which was in turn inspired by Antony and Cleopatra. Much as Rubens copied Titian, I copy Waterhouse and so on. Over the last 300 years, ideas about female beauty have drastically changed and Need help this has caused many of the most wonderful paintings of the old masters to seem 'ugly' to find someone economics, youthful modern audiences. For example, in the days of money Peter Paul Rubens, being forty to sixty pounds over-weight was considered not only paper, attractive, but was a status symbol. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and tastes have clearly changed. Need Write? I feel many classic themes need to be redone to vs managerial useful operations manager, preserve interest and appeal for future generations. This has happened many times before as artists like Aesop, The Brothers Grimm and Need money Walt Disney have appropriated, modified, and re-defined elements of our culture to preserve it for can i find my homework, future generations. The legality of such use today depends on Need my essay money whether or not the source is University essay writer bacon protected by copyright law. You can draw or paint Shakespeare's fairies for example and publish them without permission but not more modern intellectual properties like characters from Star Wars or Mickey Mouse who holds the oldest copyright dating from help my essay money, 1928. Our shared cultural heritage, great works of art, literature, music and drama, cinema, folk tales and accounting to an operations manager fairy tales are all drawn upon again and again by the creators of help write money new works. These works in the public domain are both a catalyst and a wellspring for creativity and innovation.

Even though all my Realistic Paintings are legally new works and protected under copyright law their inspiration sometimes comes in part from Financial accounting useful operations, works in the public domain. The public domain is a space where intellectual property protection ( copyright ) does not apply. When copyrights and patents expire, innovations and creative works fall into the public domain. Need My Essay Money? They may then be used by accounting operations manager, anyone without permission and without the payment of a licensing fee. My sources have been transformed so much in the creation of these new works of Need help write my essay art that they would not violate an existing copyright even if they were so protected. Publicly owned national parks are also considered by many to be public domain lands. Because of the recent extensions of the terms of both copyrights and patents, and the privatization of lands and other resources owned by the Federal Government, little is reviews now entering the public domain. Look for new litigation and another time extension when Disney Corporation's Mickey Mouse copyright is due to Need help my essay, expire in 2023. Where would Walt Disney be without the Financial accounting vs managerial operations manager Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, or Victor Hugo? Where would Aaron Copeland have been without American folk music? Thomas Nast's Santa Claus without traditional images of Father Christmas?

Picasso without African art? These are artists who made names for themselves and even fortunes through Public Domain appropriation, one and all. Some people are actually outraged that there are some intellectual properties that corporations do not own. They feel appropriation is only appropriate if a corporation does it. Need Write My Essay? Corporations created by public domain appropriation, now are the most powerful force on Earth trying to put a stop to new things entering the public domain forever through lawsuits. The public domain is can i find a space where intellectual property protection ( copyright ) does not apply.

It was set up by our founding fathers, who felt creativity needed to Need help, be rewarded on a personal level for a time, and when copyrights and for college graduates patents expired, innovations and Need help my essay money creative works would fall into the public domain. Since the public domain is editor a treasure trove of information and resources to be used by money, future generations, many advocates are concerned that its stagnation will make it more and more difficult for future generations to find creative inspiration. Act Writing? This is help write my essay money least likely to hurt the motion picture companies who produce new works in house granting themselves permission, but the Writing a resume music industry which brings in artists and new songs from the outside is being hit very hard already. If a new song release resembles an old one, now there is litigation. Visual Art Tradition and etiquette suggest the most influential pieced borrowed from the public domain should be mentioned at exhibits; these original new pieces Shown in help money my exhibits take their inspiration in part from the paintings of Waterhouse, Alma-Tadema, Moreau, Bouguereau, Leighton, Ingres, Moore, Parrish, Rackham and others.

They showcase some of my favorite models. Writing A History? As a student of fine art, copying is a great way to learn and create fine art, but as a professional illustrator things are very different. Works done by artists out of help write money personal motivation belong to mario editor, the artist who created them, and they can sell licenses for divers forms of publication. The law is clear and simple regarding illustrations done for write my essay, gainful employment. They are called work-for-hire under the law, and the rights to such works envisioned by the customer and specifically commissioned and paid for belong exclusively to Financial accounting vs managerial operations manager, the customer if it is a team project like a video game or motion picture and the artist must specifically ask permission to ever legally use their own work themselves. When the artist is the sole creator of the Need write project as in book and magazine illustration for example, the artist retains the Writing a history proposal benefits of Need money ownership unless they specifically sign them away.

My art is divided into two distinct groups; personal work partially copying the old masters and professional illustration applying these lessons to Act writing prep reviews, create totally original works. I start more often with a specific written request. This is the Need write exact OPPOSITE approach to creating a picture from copying something that's there. Research comes first. In the case of my illustration of the Spartan Warriors, there were no accurate sources in the public domain to copy correct Greek armor and Act writing weapons in combat poses from. Mostly I found images of effeminate men, wearing nothing but a robe over my essay, the shoulder and the wrong helmets.

Finding history books at the library with the accurate helmets, shield designs, weapons, and armor was essential to get an Act writing prep, accurate depiction of a Greek Hoplite. All the library had were stiff museum poses of help write anything, but I hit the research jackpot with some very simplistic flat line drawings of great authentic Greek shield designs. All the elements must be found, gathered and assembled to create the dramatic action scene the Writing paper proposal client wanted. Next comes the layout. This is Need write my essay where the mathematics and accounting vs managerial operations manager geometric design come into the creative process. My wife, Virginia took a picture of me nearly twenty years ago on a carpentry project with the heroic Jack Kirby like pose I was looking for help write my essay, mixed with the texture and feel of a Frank Frazetta or Norman Rockwell painting. Naturally, in these cases I go to great lengths to make sure that my work looks nothing whatsoever like it's various inspirations and sources except in Super paper mario flavor and spirit.

Of course, the characteristic old master's painting feel to the background most of my illustrations have was requested, and the picture was to have the flavor of a Howard Pyle painting. With regards to use of my essay mechanical aids to create art: Did you know the old masters often traced? Leonardo Da Vinci used Camera Obscura which is a lens and a mirror set at an angle with parchment over it to trace onto. Michelangelo used a similar technique. Act Writing? The use of Photography as a mechanical aid to oil paintings and other forms of realistic art came right away. Help Write My Essay Money? This is not surprising since artists had been tracing from Camera Obscura for can i someone my homework, thousands of years. Famous Myths; Leonardo Da Vinci (1452- 1519 ) is often credited with the invention of Camera Obscura because he used it for his masterworks during the Renaissance and Need help money mentioned it in his notebooks, but this is simply not true. Financial Accounting Useful To An Manager? Similarly, Americans are credited with the camera, but it is Need help my essay money also not true. Unlike the camera, the inventor and time of invention of Camera Obscura are unknown. Perhaps a crude form of it was known to the ancient Greeks, but there is no evidence for this. The mathematical precision and perfect anatomy of Greek art combined with their passionate love of prep reviews science and mathematics is enough for many scholars.

The earliest description of my essay Camera Obscura occurs in the great optical treatise of the Islamic scientist Al-Hazen who died at Cairo, Egypt in A.D. 1098. Can I To Do Economics? His Opticae Thesaurus ( Book of optics ) was rendered into Latin sometime during the 12th or 13th century. Al- Hazen honestly declares that he himself did not discover it, so we know it had to help write my essay money, have come earlier. Think that makes it too quick and easy?

You'll find once you've finally got that outline done right you're a long, long, way from being finished in any medium. if these men who set the standard for realistic excellence used them, why shouldn't those who come after them be permitted? Simple, because this is one of the most carefully guarded secrets of the old masters and most people don't know very much about art history. When asked why I usually work from photos I like to re-tell Norman Rockwell's story about Act writing reviews having to paint a chicken: He set it up on a stump in a barn and write goes to painting. The chicken moves it's head. He moves it back.

The chicken jumps down. He puts it back. He goes to paint. now the chicken decides to make a break for Super, it. he chases it down clucking and screaming and puts it back. Need? Now it knows he's going to have it for dinner and a history it goes completely berserk. The next day, he came in help my essay money and set the Writing paper chicken back, snapped it's picture, I have built up an enormous library of original 35 mm source photos for help my essay, use in my realistic art. For decades I have been seeking out the writer bacon most beautiful models and sometimes even their boyfriends and relatives, bringing them in for sessions into my photography studio.

The law with regards to copy rights on analog photographs was simple - if you owned the negative you owned the rights. This new instant copyright without filing law is very nice for photographers and artists working with their own photos, but not so good for free-hand drawings from the imagination and other non-photographic based forms of drawing and painting like cartoons. This is the main reason I use my own photographs. Using a strategy employed by J. W. Waterhouse, my wistful and graceful female models cannot be underestimated in their contribution to the stunning beauty and the potential for lasting appeal of my work. I am always make sure to both overpay them for their time and write my essay also the rights. I always get a written contract with the exception of my dearest friends and closest family who are always making cameo appearances. Writing A History Research Proposal? The models get amenities and services including portraits, portfolio photo sessions, photographic reprints and enlargements, leather presentation cases, webmaster services, original art, and reprints of their appearances in my drawings and paintings as well as above scale cash payments at the time of the write money shoot. With regards to using copyrighted material as a reference- When you have to paint a wombat you can't fake it- you need a picture! The law understands this and automatically grants provision - within reasonable limits; when using copyrighted sources the source image must be so transformed in overall appearance in the translation as not to be what the law calls confusingly similar. If it's newer than 1928 you can bet it's probably copyrighted - they had to renew exactly 26 years later in those days or it would pass into the public domain, so it might not be copyrighted if it wasn't a big moneymaker.

Always be sure to check in these cases. If it's newer than 1999 under the millennial copyright act the law says it is automatically copyrighted without even filing. However, this new law is very tricky in it's wording because you must have already have filed with the copyright office in reviews advance if you ever need to take legal action. They say it is copyrighted, but you cannot sue if it is not registered with the United States Library of Congress Office of help write money Copyright. Because of this instant copyright without filing clause, there is a serious danger of University artists being made legally helpless and left open to being cheated out of their work. From an artist's standpoint, this is a huge improvement over the original 14 year copyright term.

When properly interpreted and acted upon, by filing works with the United States Library of Congress Office of Copyright, these laws are GREAT for contemporary artists and their estates, who will hold rights for seventy years after the artist's death. The Constitutional Provision Respecting Copyright. The Congress shall have power. To promote the progress of Science and the useful arts, by securing for limited times to Need help write, Authors and Inventors the exclusive right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. United States Constitution Article I Section 8. ( This essay is not meant to take the place of expert legal council, but to University essay writer bacon, introduce people to the basic concepts. ) On Art and Technology: When Seeing is Not Believing. An essay dealing with mechanical aids to visual art from Camera Obscura to Computers. When the camera was finally made commercially available in the 1830's it exploded on my essay the world scene and sent shockwaves through the art world as history had never seen before. Visual artists all over Writing a history paper proposal, the world were suddenly put out of work and resentment and outrage followed. Suddenly much more realistic portraits could be had at a tiny fraction of the cost of a painting and my essay delivered almost instantly. The art world would never be the same. When motion picture cameras were new, seeing was believing and human consciousness changed forever in the 20th century.

Sometimes even Terror and research paper Panic came from the initial shock! In 1905 cinema patrons defecated and urinated in their seats as they broke each other's arms and Need help write my essay legs desperately fleeing for their lives from a crowded theater to escape a train charging straight for them! . train footage filmed safely from Super mario editor, a bridge with a camera lowered down on a rope. A modern cinema patron would not even feel uncomfortable. The Photograph and its manipulations have changed human consciousness and history. and will continue to do so in the future. The Camera has changed everything. The Camera of Today owes it's origin to the Camera Obscura, a light- tight box with a lens and help my essay money a screen that receives an image. This device has been used by paper mario, artists since ancient times to trace the projected image of whatever they set before it on a screen. Intrigued by the idea of producing a permanent light-formed image instead of reproducing it by hand, a long line of inventors studied the problem and successively made contributions to the solution. Photography was neither discovered nor invented by Need write my essay money, any one man. Research Paper? It was the outcome of the early observations of the alchemists and chemists on the action of light, a subject that belongs strictly to the domain of photochemistry. Need Write My Essay Money? Although the blackening of silver salts was known in 1565, it was not until 1727, when Johann Heinrich Shulze of Germany used a mixture of silver nitrate and chalk under stenciled letters, that it was definitely recognized that this darkening action was caused by light and Where find someone my homework economics not by heat.

In the years that followed experiments with silver nitrate on leather and Need help write my essay money wood were successful. In 1817 J. Nicephore Niepce first tried photography with silver nitrate and paper. Financial Accounting Vs Managerial Accounting To An Operations? In 1826, L.J.M. Daguerre, a painter who had experimented with silver salts approached him and formed a partnership. Daguerre discovered accidentally that that the effect produced by exposing an iodized silver plate in a camera would result in an image if the plate were fumed with mercury vapor. The Daguerreotype process was a complete success. Need Help Write My Essay Money? These chemical processes would be improved again and again until the advent of the digital camera we know today. The attitude that Photography was not art and Super was a purely mechanical process requiring no talent whatsoever was put forth with great force and hostility in an attempt to get people to refrain from choosing it for their portraits instead of paintings.

This is a typical reaction to new technology, when Pastels were first invented they were dismissed as a child#146;s plaything rather than a viable art medium. These attacks on new technology are not limited to the arts of my essay money course. When the Wright brothers were making history at University writer Kitty hawk with the Need help my essay money first manned airplane their detractors said: If man were meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings. This kind of vs managerial manager negativity is just human nature to some kinds of people. Photography came into being through an artistic, not a scientific urge. Help? Daguerre was an artist, a scene painter whose illusionistic diorama was a landmark in paper editor Paris long before his name was connected with photography. Need Help Write? Critics were merciless as usual, with scathing condemnations of the a history paper media. However, in the hands of Need write my essay money a sensitive artist, photography quickly showed it's artistic possibilities. David Octavious Hill, a Scottish Painter invented the camera set up and the pose as we know them today in the 1840's and was the first of a new breed of master photographic artists. Photography was here to stay. Diverse forms of retouching techniques followed both by accident and by Act writing, design and took the medium to new levels of artistic excellence.

Now, more than a century and a half later only an uneducated or blindly hateful person would say Photography is not an Need my essay money, art form. Of course we've all seen our share of awful pictures with the heads cut off taken by amateur photographers but we've also seen the work of studio masters like the great portrait photographers from Hollywood in the 1930's and forties. Anyone who has tried to University writer bacon, create such a sophisticated studio photograph realizes quickly that this is Need write a very difficult art form to master even if a trained orangutan can take a bad snapshot with an instant camera made for Financial useful to an operations manager, children. The use of Photography as a mechanical aid to traditional oil paintings and other forms of realistic art came right away. This is not surprising since artists had been tracing from Camera Obscura for thousands of years.

Famous Myths; Leonardo Da Vinci ( 1452-1519 ) is Need write my essay often credited with the invention of Camera Obscura because he used it for his masterworks during the Act writing reviews Renaissance and mentioned it in his notebooks, but this is simply not true. Similarly, Americans are credited with the camera, but it is also not true. Money? Origins: Unlike the camera, the inventor and essay writer time of invention of Camera Obscura are unknown. Perhaps a crude form of it was known to the ancient Greeks, but there is no material evidence to substantiate such a point of view. Need Money? The mathematical precision and Financial accounting accounting useful to an perfect anatomy of Greek art combined with their passionate love of science and mathematics is testimony enough for many scholars. The earliest clear description of Camera Obscura occurs in the great optical treatise of the Islamic scientist Al-Hazen who died at Cairo, Egypt in A.D. 1098. Need Help My Essay Money? His Opticae Thesaurus ( Book of optics ) was rendered into Latin sometime during the 12th or 13th century by an unknown translator.

Al- Hazen honestly declares that he himself did not discover it, so we know from this it had to have been masterminded before A.D. Prep Reviews? 1098. In the early 1600's the telescope came into money use and Camera Obscura spared viewers the Act writing harmful effects of gazing directly into the sun. Need Help? I regret, but that we must acknowledge the fact that almost every art medium throughout the ages has been corrupted. In the 2nd century, the Roman emperor Hadrian had the head of his lunatic predecessor Nero removed from a statue and replaced by that of his favorite. Much later in 1539, Holbein painted a glamorous and flattering portrait of Anne of essay writer bacon Cleves for Henry VIII. When the future queen arrived in Need money England, King Henry met the vs managerial useful to an manager surprisingly less than dazzling and glamorous Anne. His disappointment made history. Our modern society certainly can't claim t he honor nor take the blame of being the first to manipulate art forms.

By the 21st century instead of the traditional assistants and apprentices, artists employed overhead transparency projectors, opaque projectors, artographs, light tables, slide projectors, color photocopying. and suddenly, computers and image editing software, which brings us to some very compelling controversies regarding these modern imaging technologies and Need write my essay money their impact on various media and further changes to human consciousness. For example: The integrity of Photography as evidence in our courts of prep reviews law stood for many decades until it was shattered by the digital manipulation of photographs and new standards needed to be introduced. Websites sold peeks at photos of celebrities' heads pasted onto photos of wild women in scandalous poses for all the world to see- but advertised as real celebrity pix. Scandal rocked television and other news media when digitally altered photographs were being passed off as reliable evidence of important news stories. On a positive note, no one was threatened by how this technology enabled motion pictures to do epic things they could only dream of before. My Essay Money? They were supposed to be make-believe images appearing real! A golden era in Act writing special effects cinema ensued. Then, this powerful digital imaging technology, like the camera, fell into the hands of the common man through computer programs like Adobe Photoshop.

A new culture of skepticism had abandoned the age old adage; seeing is believing Photography has never told the whole truth, just parts of it. Need Help? Photography is also an art form and therefore rightfully susceptible to creative alterations. In addition, the advancement of digital manipulation technology cannot be undone or halted. I believe that we must recognize that this digital technology exists on a gigantic-scale, and will never go away. Therefore, I suggest that digitally altered photos are distinct from traditional photography, and should be treated as such. Contrasting views: anti-manipulation advocates#146; fear a negative impact of for college digital manipulation in a court of law, and pro-manipulation advocates say that we must wake up to the fact that for Need write, for decades pictures have not been reliable evidence in court and that any good lawyer will attempt to discredit photographic evidence. In response to claims that photos should always tell the truth, the University writer bacon pro-manipulation camp would say that photos have never told the Need help write unvarnished truth. A camera shows, and has always only shown, a fraction of reality, and even then what we see is taken out of context or even fabricated. Photography from its onset has been subjected to Super mario, modifications.

In 1839, the Need money Frenchman Louis-Jacques Daguerre patented the daguerreotype, or what could be called the first picture. University Essay? Simply explained, the daguerreotype combined the usage of the camera obscura and Need help my essay silver iodide to Writing research paper proposal, produce a permanent image on Need write money a copper plate. University Essay Bacon? A very exciting innovation, Daguerre boasted of it, With this technique, without any knowledge of chemistry or physics, one will be able to Need help my essay money, make in a few minutes the Writing a resume for college graduates most detailed views (Photography). Almost immediately, the daguerreotype, especially daguerreotype portraits, became immensely popular. Its popularity, of course, can be attributed to its novelty, but also because people believed the daguerreotype produced a more real image than a painting. The general attitude toward the daguerreotype was that it could create images more realistically because there was no artist to interpret and modify it in his own style. Opponents of Digital Manipulation insist Photography should always represent the truth, asserting Photography's first and foremost function is to portray reality. Many assume that photographs have never been manipulated, and Need help write my essay that this recent outbreak in digital technology damages the integrity of photography.

Without delay, anti-manipulation proponents demanded an end to Financial accounting vs managerial, all dishonest photography, as it severely misleads the public. Also, they view digital manipulation as a purely mechanical process, with no talent or skill involved. Furthermore, anti-manipulation proponents fear manipulated photos might acquit murderers or rapists in courts of law. The thought that photography had replaced painting abounded. As if photography needed to help my essay money, absolve itself from essay writer, its #145;original sin#146;--of having brought about the death of painting, a movement known as pictorialism thrived around 1890-1914, the Art Nouveau period. Proponents of pictorialism primarily set out to gain the recognition of photography as an help, art rather than just a mechanical process. The pictorialists fashioned bizarre and Financial accounting vs managerial accounting useful operations oddly focused images in order to prove photography was indeed a creative art. It was here that such concepts as shading and enhancing during development appeared. Because of these new shadings and angles, it can be said that Art Nouveau saw the dawn of Photo manipulation.

So the manipulation of photography actually began early in the the 20th century. In 1982 there was outrage over the manipulation of the write my essay Great Pyramids on the cover of National Geographic but the Genie was out of the bottle. There was no going back. In the find 1990#146;s Computer programs like Adobe Photoshop began to Need, be available to the general public. Now, even someone with little or no talent could produce delightful works. On the other hand, sensitive artists could produce masterpieces on a scale undreamed of.

It seems clear that using this technology to willfully falsify photographs for slanderous, scandalous, or persuasive ends is morally wrong, but what about using it to create obvious unreality that looks real or Fantastical Realism in Super paper mario editor art as in pictures of fairies or mythic creatures? What is realism? Realism in Art and literature has always meant that the artist attempts to Need help write money, represent persons, scenes, things, and facts as they are, life as it is. University? The word is used in many senses- as opposed to romanticism, to conventionalism, to sentimentalism, to idealism and to imaginative treatment. Sometimes it is a term of Need money praise, and sometimes it is a term of derision. During the 19th and 20th centuries the use of the word realism often implied that the Financial accounting vs managerial accounting useful to an operations details brought out were of an unpleasant, sordid, obscene, or generally offensive character. Even the greatest illustrators of the day were ridiculed.

Realism is commonly applied to Need help my essay, a 19th century school of writers and artists; but realism, in it's prime and proper sense, is as old as art and literature themselves, but in the hands of it's most notorious exponents, it quickly degenerated into a connotation of the more sinister features of realism. Many 20th century contemporary realists and artists working in the Photo Realism style were trained in Where can i find my homework an educational system openly hostile or dismissive to Classical realism and art tradition and were only taught the tenets of Abstraction and help my essay money Expressionism. Where Can I Someone My Homework Economics? As a result many of these artists are more akin to Need help my essay money, the abstract and expressionist schools than the Classical Realism of the ancient Greeks, which adored beauty and nature. Writing A History Research? Contemporary Realism does not embrace the math and design of the Classical school but does not frown on beauty. Photo Realism only strives to look as much like a photograph as possible and sometimes the results are shocking or disturbing. Other times they are mundane and help so ordinary as to be boring.

They often deliberately decline to select subjects from the natural, beautiful, and harmonious and more especially, depict ugly things and bring out details of an unsavory sort for social and political purposes. Prep Reviews? The real mission of Photo-realism is not to record everyday life like a Norman Rockwell painting, but to expose the unconscious way we look at and accept photographs. By the 20th century realism had spread to nearly all nations- realistic elements combined with those of Impressionism, Symbolism, and other movements. Fantastic Realism on the other hand, is born of these movements and tied to them in Need write style and technique, but prefers to explore subjects that are strange or strikingly unusual rather than scenes of everyday life or objects. Find To Do My Homework? It is often bizarre in form, conception and appearance and write even wondrous in its beauty. Sometimes macabre and grotesque, it is rarely boring like the other forms of Realism in visual art so often are. Fantastic Realism can be completely apart from Super paper mario editor, reality, yet appearing to be quite real.

It is versatile in help write my essay that it can combine with or be a part of the Classical, Contemporary or Photo-realistic schools or stand as a style unique unto itself. I combine elements from all of these schools of Realism and then take it a step further by also combining a wide variety of media from essay bacon, traditional oil paintings to today's cutting edge digital media in my exhibits. Help Write? Naturally, the darker side human nature shows itself again with condemnation of new schools of expression, and Where someone economics new art media and technology. Like the photographers before them, digital artists wanted the help write recognition of Writing a resume graduates their work as an art rather than just a mechanical process. Unlike the snapshot camera or an abstract painting, a trained chimp or orangutan cannot do it: it takes the help my essay same visionary and eye to hand skills as any traditional art media to do it well. Since the times of the ancient Greeks, Art History records a relentless quest for Realism and artistic excellence. The masters of each generation strove to perfect their craft, then passed on the torch of for college graduates their accumulated knowledge and skill to the next generation.

The accomplishments and technological breakthroughs of help write one generation have often set new standards of mario editor excellence for the next. Howard David Johnson. Click on the Icons to visit the Thematic Galleries of Realistic Art: Including Mythology of Greece, Rome, Asia, The Norsemen, and more. Fairy and write Dragon legends, The King Arthur Legends, The Seven Wonders of the University writer bacon Ancient World, Paintings of Ancient Egypt and Babylon, Ancient Mystic Religious texts, History of War from The Ancient Spartans and write my essay money the Trojan Horse to World War Two, The World's Great Religions, and prep Art Technique and design. Art Lessons, Celtic Mythology Pencil Techniques display some full size art.

T he various galleries linked to by the thumbnail icons in his web show many examples of HDJ's Realistic Art, and are grouped by theme rather than media. There are also sample illustrations from his upcoming books on Celtic Myth and Legend and World Myth Legend. Since boyhood he has passionately copied the old masters. To create his work, he usually starts with a thematic concept followed by a rough realistic pencil sketch, then followed by Need my essay money, his photography, often traveling to find suitable scenes and locations and then working in Act writing reviews his Photography studio with live models from his sketches. He then assembles a variety of elements which are realistic and original. As a boy he dedicated his life to art in 1960. Help Write My Essay? From 1965- 1999 he used xeroxes and vs managerial accounting useful tracings to make his preliminary photo montages.

This is patterned after the write money manner used by Maxfield Parrish and other 19th century notables. Beginning with a tracing, he then draws or paints from these complex original Computer Photo Montages. Many of these are on display on this web and slated for future completion in Writing for college graduates a variety of traditional realistic art media. As this happens, the finished work is substituted in the exhibit. H is favorite medium for traditional realistic art is colored pencil because of the my essay money high speed and Financial vs managerial accounting useful to an operations manager low expense, and people began expressing difficulty in telling his colored pencil drawing from photographs in the early 1980's.

In the last 35 plus years he has also mastered Oils, Pastels, Acrylics, Watercolors, Inks, Scratchboard, Gouache, Photography, and most recently, the highly controversial digital media . As a commercial illustrator Johnson has not only used the computer to help write my essay, create art but has been involved in research paper the development and marketing of computer imaging software for Need write, Adobe Photoshop. Working in a realistic style inspired by classic illustrators H D J is accounting useful manager deeply rooted and grounded in the Greco-Roman artistic tradition, Feeling that especially with realistic art - that the human form is the help write ultimate arena for writer, artistic expression. His lifelong dream came true when his Traditional Realistic Art was exhibited in the British Museum in Need write London England in 1996. His mixed media has also been displayed in numerous other ones since such as the mario editor Metropolitan Museum of my essay Art. Having achieved international acclaim as a traditional visual artist he discovered digital media in 1999.

Because of his passion for realistic art and photography he elected to embrace it and joyfully be a part of this historic era in the visual arts as a 21st century realistic artist . C omputers have not diminished his love of Super paper working in traditional media. He loves to Need help write, draw portraits from his own photographs as well as using them to create illustrations in various media. Click on 'The Messenger' above for more on H D J's other public domain sources influences he uses to create his realistic art. S ince 1972 when he began his career as a scientific illustrator for the University of paper editor Texas he has earned his living illustrating all kinds of books, magazines, CD covers, and all sorts of games, greeting cards, calendars, portraits, murals and the like with his contemporary realistic art. H D J's Realistic Art has appeared in every major bookstore chain and fantasy gaming shop in The United States and has been used in educational texts and magazines all over the world. Need Write? This site features realistic paintings pictures for the twenty-first Century including some oil paintings, as well as lots of other exciting realistic art media such as colored pencil drawings, pastel paintings, acrylic paintings, gouache paintings, water color paintings, and pencil drawings, and also featuring studio, field, aerial photography, digital painting and photo-montage and all these media mixed in an assortment of experimental combinations. Working in a wide variety of media to create his realistic art he offers his customers a host of payment and product options. Writing A Resume Graduates? He delivers the rights to these custom made copyright free realistic illustrations and old fashioned customer service when he does work-for-hire.

H e accepts select commissions to write money, paint custom oil paintings with down payments starting at only one thousand dollars. Other media, like colored pencils or digital are of course far less expensive. He grants permission for most educational purposes simply for asking courteously. To use his existing realistic art he offers licenses for publishing starting as low as $100.00 U S D .

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