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Multiples formations conformement aux exigences de formation continue de l’Ordre des administrateurs agrees du Quebec. Writing Personal Qualities? Universite Laval – La gouvernance des PME (2011) Universite Laval –Diplome du College des administrateurs de societes (2007) Techniques en gestion d’inventaire (1999 Concordia University Executive Training Program) American Production Inventory Control Society (APICS) (1983 Philips Information Systems) Architectures de design de microprocesseurs et programmation en langage machine (1976 AM International) Electrotechnologies – (College Dawson 1971-1974) Membre de l#8217;Ordre des administrateurs agrees du Quebec Membre du Cercle des administrateurs de societes certifies de l’Universite Laval Membre du Cercle des honoraires du Regiment de Maisonneuve Juge pour le concours international d’etude de cas – John Molson School of Blank sheets, Business (2011-2016). Phd Thesis? Centre de recherche Volvox (1991-1993) Membre du conseil d’administration et partenaire technologique Printing Industries of Blank, America (Alexandria, Va. 1993-1995) Electronic Pre-press Council Conseiller technologique et membre fondateur. Review Princeton? Bill Nash pour la Mairie de Hudson, Slogan de campagne 2017.

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Jan 27, 2018 Blank writing sheets, buy essay uk -
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Research Paper Sample “On Oscar Wilde and Plagiarism” “When I see a monstrous tulip with four wonderful petals in someone else’s garden, I am impelled to grow a monstrous tulip with five wonderful petals, but that is no reason why someone should grow a tulip with only Blank writing sheets three petals.” – Oscar Wilde (1) Charges of Oscar Wilde’s plagiarism are certainly not new; they have their origins in his contemporaries’ sharp criticism of his first published volume, Poems (1881). Even if they did not claim any of his poetry had been stolen verbatim from the Romantics and Pre-Raphaelites whose work he adored, commentators grasped that much of his work was highly derivative. The Saturday Review was fairly typical of the critical reception: “The book is not without traces of cleverness, but it is samson, marred everywhere by imitation, insincerity, and Blank bad taste.” (2) At the same time, the on community learning, Oxford Union famously rejected on similar grounds the copy of Poems that its secretary had solicited from Wilde; at Blank writing the Oxford Union, the undergraduate Oliver Elton—later to become a renowned literary historian—asserted that Wilde’s poems were “not by C homework live their putative father at all, but by a number of better-known and more deservedly reputed authors.” (3) Modern scholars have on occasion rebutted Elton’s claim, suggesting that disdain for Wilde’s developing poetic voice or even downright jealousy motivated the writing, outcry. Paper Reviews. (4) Nevertheless, the writing sheets, stigma attached to the reception of Poems has stuck firmly to that work and to many others in Phd thesis, Wilde’s oeuvre. In the late twentieth century, his presumed unoriginality appeared to one scholar as a symptom of his constitutional indolence : “One feels that Wilde was more than usually immature in his slavish regurgitation of diverse and unassimilated poetic tags; one is impatient with his lazy refusal to replace the shorthand of quotation by a carefully thought-out phrasing of Blank, his own; and one is shocked at the effrontery of a would-be literary imposter.” (5) Many observers dismissed the idea that Wilde’s youthful identification with his Romantic and Pre-Raphaelite poetic idols was so strong that his devotion to them—and not a desire to steal from them—resulted in his apparent copying of their writings.

And in a connected point, while charges of College paper services reviews, affectation were frequently applied to Wilde’s aesthetic mannerisms, it seems that few took seriously the writing, idea that the lassitude or nonchalance he embodied was itself affected; his languor was (like the “Double First” degree he earned at Oxford even as he insisted to friends that he would be lucky to escape with a third) the product of intense—if skillfully concealed—effort. From the early 1880s onward, Wilde found it difficult to Mba essays review service princeton escape the entrenched belief that he happily filched other people’s ideas. By far the most controversial conflict in Wilde’s career arose from criticisms that the socially-competitive painter James McNeill Whistler made about Wilde’s unacknowledged appropriation of sheets, his bon mots. The rivalry between the older American artist and the younger Irish author, who moved in similar fashionable circles, developed through a spirited, if eventually bitter, exchange in qualities, the periodical press. On February 20, 1885, Whistler delivered his notorious “Ten O’ Clock Lecture,” whose title indicates the writing, attention-grabbing late-evening slot he chose to deliver his thoughts on art. In particular, Whistler attacked the modern critic: “the unattached writer” who “has become the king, middleman in the matter of Art.” (6) Such an arbiter of taste, in Whistler’s view, could not see the “painter’s poetry” in the artwork, since the Blank, critic treated it as he would “a novel—a history—or an essay qualities anecdote.” (7) Wilde retorted by objecting to Whistler’s belief that only the artist can comprehend aesthetic beauty. “An artist,” Wilde commented, “is not an isolated fact; he is the resultant of a certain milieu and a certain entourage, and can no more be born of Blank, a nation that is personal essay, devoid of any sense of beauty than a fig can grow from a thorn or a rose blossom from Blank writing sheets, a thistle.” (8) In other words, Wilde claimed that cultural traditions created the conditions in learning, which the finest types of art could flourish. Blank. Moreover, he asserted that in these modern times, “an artist will find beauty in ugliness, le beau dans l’horrible.” (9) Challenged, Whistler responded briskly in the World, stating Wilde had implied it was left to modern poets to find “‘l’horrible’ dans ‘le beau.”’ (10) In turn, Wilde sparred back that Whistler had scarcely understood his critique: “Be warned this time, James; and remain, as I do, incomprehensible.

To be great is to be misunderstood.” (11) With intentional archness, in this last line, Wilde drove home his point by quoting—though not explicitly acknowledging—Emerson’s famous essay, “Self-Reliance” (1840) (12), thus further appropriating another person’s wisdom to speak eloquently on Phd thesis his behalf. Toward the writing sheets, end of 1886, Whistler’s temper flared up once more when he detected Wilde’s flagrant appropriation of some of his phrases. “What has Oscar in benefits, common with Art, except that he dines at our tables, and picks from our platters the plums for the pudding he peddles in the provinces.” (13) “Oscar,” Whistler’s barbs continued, “has the courage of the opinions… of writing, others!” (14) Matters did not rest there. Mba Essays Princeton. Years later, the American painter again grew vociferous when he read Herbert Vivian’s reminiscences, which appeared in the London Sun in the autumn of 1889. Vivian recalled a lecture that Wilde delivered almost seven years before, for which Whistler had “in good fellowship crammed him.” In the sheets, lecture, Wilde wryly addressed Whistler as “Butterfly” (Whistler commonly signed his artwork with a stylized butterfly) but failed to give the elder artist credit for his assistance. Services Reviews. (15) Vivian also noted that in “The Decay of Lying,” published in January 1889, Wilde had incorporated, without acknowledging Whistler as the source, the artist’s claim that he had “the courage of the opinions… of others.” (16) Wilde’s alleged offense occurs early in the essay, when his main speaker in this critical dialogue argues that the modern novelist has lost the ability to lie and “presents us with dull facts under the guise of fiction”: He has not even the courage of Blank sheets, other people’s ideas, but insists on going directly to life for everything, and ultimately, between encyclopedias and Mba essays personal experience, he comes to Blank the ground, having drawn his types from the family circle or from the weekly washerwoman, and having acquired an amount of useful information from Notebook paper king, which never, even in Blank writing, his most meditative moments, can he thoroughly free himself. (17) In Whistler’s eyes, the Mba essays, irony could not have been more blatant.

From Whistler’s perspective, Wilde could hardly argue for writing sheets artistic originality in the novel when his criticism of such repetitive and mechanical predictable fiction relied on Blank sheets words that he had stolen from his erstwhile master: Whistler himself. Whistler went so far as to call Wilde the criminal “arch-imposter,” the “detected plagiarist,” and the “all-pervading plagiarist”—one who would have violated in America the Writing essay, “Law of ’84.”‘ (18) Yet, to Wilde, Whistler’s “shrill shrieks of writing sheets, plagiarism” were the pitiful sign of “silly vanity or incompetent mediocrity.” (19) No matter how petty Whistler’s gripes may appear, they illuminate the difficulties involved in casting Wilde in the role of a deceitful plagiarist. Whistler described his holding forth at dinner as a type of “cramming,” positioning himself as the workaday instructor of the younger man, raising pressing questions about the service princeton, connection between pedagogy and Blank writing plagiarism: can the teacher accuse his student of this crime because the pupil has parroted the Mba essays review service, content of the Blank, instruction? Is not one’s goal, when preparing intensively for Mba essays princeton an examination, the ability to duplicate with as much fidelity as possible the information studied? Looked at it critically, Whistler’s self-important accusation against Wilde may well appear as an excuse to generate a decidedly public feud, one that Whistler exploited to writing keep himself in the public eye. Nonetheless, Whistler’s insults helped sustain the broad allegation that Wilde’s was not an original mind. Mba Essays Review Princeton. Much later, Frank Harris—who developed a close relationship with Wilde as an writing editor and friend—reiterated the belief that Whistler had done more to princeton shape Wilde’s wit than any other figure: “Of all the personal influences which went into the molding of Oscar Wilde’s talent, that of Blank, Whistler was by live far the most important; Whistler taught him the value of wit and the power a consciousness of genius and a knowledge of men lend to the artist.” In Harris’ view, Wilde enjoyed great success as a writer because of his “great ability” as well as “inordinate vanity”—qualities, it would seem, that no charge of Blank writing sheets, plagiarism could stifle. (20) This success did not inoculate Wilde from claims that his work was unoriginal.

In early 1892, when his earliest Society comedy, Lady Windermere’s Fan, won many plaudits at the St. James’s Theater, Wilde’s apparent borrowings again incensed critics. The fairly liberal-minded A.B. Walkley, for example, claimed that the “staleness of the incidents” came “from half a dozen French plays,” and he observed that Wilde’s female protagonist was “a guileless young bride” who resembled “M. Dumas’s Francillon.” (21) Meanwhile, as far as Walkley could tell, another of Wilde’s characters, Mrs.

Erlynne, appeared to have stepped out from a further play by Dumas fils, L’Etrangere (1876). Elsewhere, one commentator found the drama to be a “not too ingenious blend of the Writing qualities, Eden of Mr. Edgar Saltus, with the Idler of Blank writing, Mr. Haddon Chambers,” together with that other well-known drama of review princeton, adultery, Francillon (1887), once more put in for good measure. (22) Not everyone agreed these were capital offenses. As Frederick Wedmore perceived it, such borrowings were standard fare in the theater, a comment supported by the sheer number of texts cited as sources for Blank writing Wilde’s play. In his view, even if the fan—Wilde’s major stage prop—had a clear antecedent in Phd thesis, Haddon’s Idler (1890), it had “hardly occurred to the least intelligent to suggest plagiarism.” (23) How, then, to make sense of these borrowings? Over the years, the amassing scholarly research on Wilde’s later works showed that many passages echo writings that were essential to his intellectual growth. These inquiries disclosed that parts of “The Critic as Artist,” for example, repeat ideas in Pater’s Studies in the History of the Renaissance. (24) The same might be said of writing sheets, many sections of the paper writing, dialogue where Lord Henry Wotton speaks in The Picture of Dorian Gray. (25) Yet Wilde scarcely concealed the influence that Pater’s Renaissance had exerted on him since his “undergraduate days at Oxford,” as he freely stated in his review of Pater’s Appreciations (1889):

Mr. Pater’s essays became to me “the golden book of spirit and writing sense, the Mba essays service, holy writ of beauty.” They are still this to me. It is possible, of course, that I may exaggerate about them. I certainly hope that I do; for where there is no exaggeration there is writing sheets, no love, and where there is no love there is no understanding. (26) As Wilde suggested, to be impassioned about another writer’s work created for him the possibility of understanding his source of inspiration critically. Writing Essay. In any case, Wilde’s frequent evocations of Paterian phrases hardly resembled theft. Sheets. (27) Consider the many echoes of benefits, Pater’s Renaissance that are detectable in Wilde’s sole novel. It would be difficult to Blank claim that Lord Henry’s advocacy of the “New Hedonism,” for example, evinced the author’s intent to steal surreptitiously from what was a fully-recognizable source. The advice Lord Henry gives to Dorian Gray about the need to paper writing pursue pleasure, which sounds similar to sentences in Pater’s “Conclusion” to his 1873 study, has terrible consequences—ones that are entirely contrary to Pater’s insistence on the “desire for beauty” as the “fruit of a quickened, multiplied consciousness.” (28) Areas more vulnerable to allegations of Blank, plagiarism would be the extensive sections that paraphrase entries from College paper writing services reviews, South Kensington Museum catalogs, a French book on sheets embroidery and lace, and information gleaned from Mba essays princeton, John Addington Symonds’ five-volume Renaissance in Italy (1875–1886). (29) These exhaustive lists—which detail the artifacts, instruments, and writing vestments that capture Dorian Gray’s attention—also evoke the Writing essay, kinds of objects d’art that recur in J.K. Huysmans’ anti-realist novel about an aesthetic collector, A rebours (1884): a well-known work of fiction that counted among several French sources that at least one indignant contemporary reader believed Wilde had plundered. (30) Still, these various allegations of Wilde’s fearless thieving of other writers’ ideas, phrases, and situations stand in contradistinction to his carefully elaborated ideas on literary borrowing, criminality, and creative expression. Writing Sheets. In his reviews from the 1880s, Wilde addressed uninspired borrowing as a demonstration not of an author’s artistic integrity or work ethic, but as an indication of poor taste.

That is to say, both the writers from whom an author chooses to king poach and the finesse with which he commits the act create the proper grounds for assessing this type of Blank, theft. His commentary in reviews, the popular Pall Mall Gazette on two works of poetry reveals this distinction: the one volume ostensibly written by “Two Tramps,” and the other by H.C. Irwin. Here Wilde considered the writing sheets, permissibility of poetic borrowing. By using language pulled directly from his “Chatterton” notebook (another text that has generated charges of plagiarism), he took the “two tramps” to task for mechanical conflating the “defensible pilfering from hen roosts” with the “indefensible pilfering from poets.” (31) “We feel,” Wilde wrote, “that as bad as poultry-snatching is, plagiarism is worse. ‘Facilis descensus Averno!’ from highway robbery and crimes of violence, one sinks gradually to literary petty larceny.” (32) Earlier in his review, Wilde had excused the authors, even praised them, for trying to “annex the Blank writing, domain of the painter” through their aesthetic choices in paper color and binding, but here he suggested that plagiarism was a transgression far worse than that. (33) One reason was that, although the appropriation of colors from the painters led to beauty in the finished product, the plagiarized lines resulted in terrible poetry: the difference between the five-petaled tulip and the three-petaled tulip.

This contrast was heightened through Wilde’s positive assessment of Irwin’s collection, which, as he put it, “gains her colour effect from the poet not from the publisher.” (34) In Irwin’s poems, Wilde certainly witnessed traces of Matthew Arnold’s works, but he nonetheless praised Irwin for “studying a fine poet without stealing from him—a very difficult thing to do, and though many of the reeds through which he blows have been touched by College writing other lips, yet he is able to draw new music from them.” (35) In other words, even when learning lessons from a master, it was the case that the epigone might transform evident echoes of his idol into innovative art. Such is the meaning that underscores the Blank writing, epigraph to this essay; to Phd thesis transmute and to improve source material, in Wilde’s view, was a perfectly legitimate approach to literary creativity. One of Wilde’s last, and most fascinating, direct engagements with plagiarism occurred in sheets, a series of letters published in the Pall Mall Gazette under the heading, “The Ethics of Journalism.” (36) The episode began on August 5, 1894, with the College paper services reviews, publication of Blank writing sheets, a poem, “The Shamrock,” in the London-based Weekly Sun, which the paper erroneously attributed to Wilde. Soon thereafter, the poem was reprinted in the New York Sun, where an Notebook king samson alert reader recognized the poem as one that “Helena Calahan” had previously published, and he demanded an explanation from Blank writing sheets, Wilde in a letter to the London paper. The Weekly Sun’s editor, T.P. O’Connor (whose paper Wilde clearly disliked), pressed Wilde for a response, which came in a letter the Notebook paper, following month to the Pall Mall Gazette. (37) Wilde noted the ridiculousness of the situation. He faced an accusation of plagiarism from an editor who had published a poem under his name without having verified the authorship of the work, much less having asked for the (ostensible) author’s permission to publish it. Wilde referred to Blank writing sheets “The Shamrock” derisively as “some doggerel verses,” which raised the serious question of authorial and editorial taste in addition to the “ethics of modern journalism.” (38) A letter of rebuttal from the Weekly Sun’s assistant editor quickly appeared in the Pall Mall Gazette. By prefacing his comments first with the on community benefits learning, acknowledgement that the writing, editors “regret exceedingly the suggestion of plagiarism,” the editor explained the circumstance of the attribution: the poem had arrived in the mail with a letter ascribing it to Wilde, and so the Weekly Sun published it under Wilde’s name. Perhaps because of the impeachability of this explanation, the College writing reviews, editor then pivoted to debates about taste, alternately defending the poem’s “melodic charm” and writing “pure and exalted patriotism” and suggesting that the editors’ willingness to Phd thesis mechanical attribute the poem to Blank sheets Wilde was an act of generosity:

So conspicuous, indeed, was its elevation of writing, tone that we were reluctant to believe it could have been the product of a mind like Mr. Oscar Wilde’s, and were driven to take refuge in the charitable belief that it belonged to the period of a forgotten and generous youth. (39) A final missive from Wilde closed the conversation. Writing. He critiqued the Weekly Sun for sloppy editorial practices and blurring the boundaries between ethics and taste. If, he maintained, the paper believed the “fifth-rate verses” to be his, its staff would have asked his permission to service publish. (40) “No respectable editor,” wrote Wilde (himself a former periodical editor), “would dream of printing and publishing a man’s work without first obtaining his consent.” (41) We take from this episode a snapshot of Wilde’s position in Blank writing, the press. Since Wilde had long been a target for College paper services reviews charges of plagiarism, the unscrupulous Weekly Sun suspended editorial integrity in order to catalyze once more a dated public conversation about Blank his artistic inferiority. Moreover, the assistant editor’s letter intimated that the author’s Irish background should be considered the source of C homework help live, this embarrassment.

It is writing, remarkable, even amid all of this sniping, that in the Weekly Sun’s letter to Pall Mall Gazette, in which the assistant editor admitted his fault and apologized for accusing Wilde of plagiarism, a postscript serves as an unabashed advertisement for his own newspaper: “We are giving a number of letters bearing upon Writing personal essay qualities, ‘The Shamrock’ in our next issue, together with the text of the poem and a letter from its actual author.” (42) Such a self-serving apology, clearly enough, sharpens the Blank writing sheets, belief that certain areas of the late Victorian press had little to lose when intervening in polemics about literary plagiarism. 1. Recorded by Robert Ross, “Introduction,” in Oscar Wilde, Salome (1912), xxiii. 2. C Homework Help. Anon., “Recent Poetry,” Saturday Review, 23 July 1881: 118; in Karl Beckson, ed., Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970), 37. 3. Henry Newbolt, My World as in My Time (London: Faber and Faber, 1932), 96. 4. See Merlin Holland, “Plagiarist, or Pioneer?” in Rediscovering Oscar Wilde, ed. George Sandulescu, (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1994), 199. Blank Writing. Richard Ellmann states that the proceedings at Phd thesis mechanical the Oxford Union had a “Swiftian lunacy” (Oscar Wilde [New York: Knopf, 1988], 146). The Union voted against the acceptance of Wilde’s volume by Blank writing a fairly narrow margin: 188 against help live 180 votes. Blank Sheets. Elton proceeded to a distinguished career as a university professor of English; he became best known for his Survey of Phd thesis mechanical, English Literature, 1780–1830, 2 vols. (London: Edward Arnold, 1912). 5. Averil Gardner, “‘Literary Petty Larceny’: Plagiarism in Oscar Wilde’s Early Poetry,” English Studies in Canada 8 (1982): 52.

6. James Abbott McNeill Whistler, “Mr. Whistler’s ‘Ten O’ Clock,”‘ in Whistler, The Gentle Art of Blank writing sheets, Making Enemies, New ed. (London: Heinemann, 1892), 146. 7. Whistler, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 146-47. 8. Wilde, “Mr. Whistler’s Ten O’Clock,” Pall Mall Gazette, 21 February 1885: 1–2; in Journalism Part I, 6:35.

9. Wilde, in Journalism Part I, 6:35. 10. Whistler, “Tenderness in Tite Street,” World, 25 February 1885: 14; in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 162. 11. Wilde, “To the Painter,” World, 25 February 1885: 14; in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 163; and in Complete Letters, 250. 12. College Paper. In “Self-Reliance,” Emerson writes: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to Blank writing do…. King Samson. To be great is to be misunderstood.” Essays: First Series in The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Joseph Ferguson, Alfred F. Carr, and Jean Ferguson (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980), 2:33–34. 13. James McNeill Whistler, “To the Committee of the ‘National Art Exhibition,”‘ World, 17 November 1886, 16; in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 164. 14. Whistler, “To the Committee of the Blank writing, ‘National Art Exhibition,”‘ in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 164. 15. Whistler, “The Habit of Second Natures,” Truth, 2 January 1890, 4-5; in The Gentle Art of review service princeton, Making Enemies, 237; and in Wilde, Complete Letters, 418. 16.

Whistler, “The Habit of Second Natures,” in Blank writing, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 237; and in College paper, Wilde, Complete Letters, 419. 17. Wilde, “The Decay of Lying,” in sheets, Wilde, Criticism, ed. Guy, 75–76. College Paper Writing Services Reviews. Zola writes of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, “c’est un document humain d’une verite universelle, une page arrachee de l’histoire de notre societe” (“It is a human document of the universal truth, a page torn from the history of Blank, our society”): Les Romanciers Naturalistes (Paris: Charpentier, 1893), 143. “[U]ne ouvre d’art est un coin de la creation vu a travers un temperament”) (“a work of College reviews, art is a corner of creation seen through a temperament”): Emile Zola, “M. H. Taine, Artiste,” in Mes haines: Causeries litteraires et artistiques (Paris: Charpentier, 1879), 229. 18. Whistler, “The Habit of Second Natures,” in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 236; and in Blank writing sheets, Wilde, Complete Letters, 418.

Whistler’s reference to Mba essays review service princeton the “Law of Blank writing sheets, ’84” is presumably an ironic one, since it implicitly alludes to C homework Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. Sheets. v. Sarony (1884), in princeton, which Napoleon Sarony, whose studio retained copyright over all of the Blank writing, photographs accompanying Wilde’s 1882 lecture tour, sued because he believed his rights to the images had been violated by a company selling unauthorized lithographs of paper writing reviews, them. The Supreme Court judged in Sarony’s favor. 19. Wilde, “In the Market Place,” Truth, 9 January 1890, 51; in Whistler, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, 239; and in Wilde, Complete Letters, 419. 20. Frank Harris, Contemporary Portraits (London: Methuen, 1915), 104. 21.

A. B. Walkley, Review of Lady Windermere’s Fan, Speaker, 27 February 1892: 257–58; in Beckson, ed., Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage, 120. Blank. Dumas fils’ Francillon, in which the husband consorts with a courtesan, and the young wife responds by keeping company with another man, has arguably a much more risk-taking plot than Lady Windermere’s Fan. 22. [Anon.,] Review of Lady Windermere’s Fan, Black and White, 27 February 1892: 264; in Beckson, ed., Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage, 127. 23. King. Frederick Wedmore, “The Stage,” Academy, 5 March 1892: 236–37; in Beckson, ed., Oscar Wilde: The Critical Heritage, 128. 24. See, for example, the main text and Blank writing the editorial commentary on a passage from ‘The Critic as Artist,” in Wilde, Criticism, ed. Guy, 176 and 499-500. 25.

On the echoes of Pater’s writings in Wilde’s novel, see The Picture of help live, Dorian Gray, Joseph Bristow, ed., The Complete Works of Blank writing, Oscar Wilde (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 3:359–62. 26. Wilde, “Mr. Pater’s Last Volume,” Speaker, 22 March 1890: 319-20; in Journalism Part II, 7:243. 27. For more on parsing the distinction between allusion and plagiarism, see Christopher Ricks, Allusion to the Poets (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), and help live Harold Bloom, The Anxiety of Influence (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973). 28. Pater, “Conclusion,” in The Renaissance: Studies in Blank writing sheets, Art and Poetry, The 1894 Text, ed. Donald L. Hill (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980), 190.

29. For Wilde’s adaptation of these and other sources in his novel, see Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, ed. Bristow, 398–419. 30. “Mr. Wilde resembles the hero of his own romance; he has been unable to ‘free himself from the memory’ of certain books” (“G.,” “The Long Arm of Coincidence,” Scots Observer, 6 September 1890, 410). This critic also detects similarities between sections of Wilde novel and paper writing services Honore de Balzac’s short story, “Massimilla Doni” (1837-39) and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Prophetic Pictures,” which was first collected in Twice-Told Tales (1837). 31.

Wilde, “The Poets’ Corner,” in Journalism Part I, 6:96. For a comprehensive discussion of Blank, Wilde’s “Chatterton” notebook, see Joseph Bristow and Rebecca N. Mitchell, Oscar Wilde’s Chatterton: Literary History, Romanticism, and the Art of Forgery (Yale: Yale University Press, 2015), from C homework, which this article is Blank, adapted. 32. Wilde, “The Poets’ Corner,” in Journalism Part I, 6: 96. Phd Thesis. The Latin translates as “easy is the descent,” and it comes from Virgil, Aeneid, VI, line 126. 33. Writing. Wilde, “The Poets’ Corner,” in Journalism Part I, 6:96. 34. Wilde, “The Poets’ Corner,” in Journalism Part I, 6:96. 35. Wilde, “The Poets’ Corner,” in Journalism Part I, 6:97.

On his aspect of Wilde’s review, Jerome H. Buckley, “Echo and Artifice: The Poetry of Oscar Wilde,” Victorian Poetry 28 (1990): 19. 36. Mechanical. For a discussion of the sheets, events surrounding “The Shamrock,” see Wilde, Decorative Art in king, America, ed. Blank Sheets. Richard Butler Glaenzer (New York: Brentano’s, 1906), 265–267. 37. Wilde realized that there was little point in sending out Notebook paper king review copies of the French edition of Salome (1893) to reviewers who were likely to express hostility toward his work; in early February 1893, he informed his publisher, John Lane, “pray remember it was agreed that no copy of Salome is to be sent either to the National Observer or to Mr. Writing Sheets. O’Connor’s Sunday Sun” (Complete Letters, 547). One of Wilde’s archenemies, W. E. Henley, edited the National Observer.

38. Wilde, “The Ethics of Journalism,” “To the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette,” Pall Mall Gazette, 20 September 1894: 3; in Collected Works, 14:172; and in Complete Letters, 611. 39. [Anon.,] “The Ethics of Journalism,” Pall Mall Gazette, 22 September 1894: 3; and in Wilde, Complete Letters, 614. On Community Service. Millard observes that “The Shamrock” was reprinted, with Wilde’s name, in the Manchester New Weekly: A Journal with Illustrations, 11 August 1893, 3 (Mason [Millard], Bibliography, annotated copy, 3 vols. I, facing 162, Clark Library PR5822 A1M64bi 1914a).

40. Wilde, “The Ethics of Journalism,” “To the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette,” 25 September 1894: 3; in Collected Works, 14:173; and in Complete Letters, 614. 41. Wilde, Collected Works, 14:173, and writing sheets Complete Letters, 614. Sign up and Notebook king samson we’ll send you ebook of Blank writing, 1254 samples like this for free !

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DR SUZANNE CHAZAN-GILLIG, anthropologue : A Maurice, les castes sont toujours un sujet tabou. Notre invitée de ce dimanche est le Dr Suzanne Chazan-Gillig, docteur en anthropologie à Paris V et ayant travaillé dans l’océan Indien. Sheets! Après des travaux sur la société malgache, elle a passé six ans à Maurice pour des recherches sur le thème Migrations, échanges et industrialisation dans la mondialisation des marchés . Live! Dans le cadre de son séjour à Maurice, elle a également coécrit avec le Dr Pavitranand Ramhota un livre sur L’hindouisme mauricien dans la mondialisation . Blank Writing! Un livre paru en 2009 dont le MGI était un co-commanditaire, mais qui n’a jamais été distribué à Maurice. Phd Thesis! Dans l’interview qu’elle nous a accordée, le Dr Chazan-Gillig nous résume le contenu du livre et les raisons qui, selon elle, expliquent le fait qu’il n’a pas été distribué à Maurice. J’étais une fonctionnaire de l’Etat français mise à la disposition de l’Etat mauricien et affectée au Mahatma Gandhi Institute sur la base d’une convention de recherche passée entre l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement de Montpelier et le Mauritius Research Council. Blank Sheets! Je devais faire la recherche par la recherche, pas de cours théorique, mais un travail sur le terrain. Paper! C’est dans le cadre de mon affectation qu’avec une équipe nous avons fait des travaux de recherche pour le livre. Quelles sont les raisons de votre actuel séjour à Maurice ? Bien que j’aie 76 ans et que je ne suis pas en bonne santé, je suis revenue à l’île Maurice parce que j’ai une blessure professionnelle. Writing! J’ai travaillé pendant six ans chez vous au MGI avec des chercheurs compétents. Qualities! Nous avons, avec Pavitranand Ramhota, écrit un livre qui est reconnu par la profession et qui a même obtenu un prix.

Le livre a été écrit de 2006 et publié en 2009 et les 200 exemplaires destinés à Maurice et envoyés au MGI par l’éditeur n’ont jamais été rendus publics à Maurice. Writing! Ce livre qui concerne Maurice est distribué partout, mais pas à Maurice. Nous avons écrit ce livre en recueillant des témoignages de toutes les castes de la société hindoue en partant du bas vers le haut. Writing Essay! Ce livre qui parle des castes et de la réinvention de l’hindouisme à l’île Maurice, n’a aucune position particulière sur les castes. Blank! Mais il révèle qu’il y a, à l’intérieur des castes, beaucoup plus de subdivisions qu’on ne le croie et utilise les termes employés par nos témoins. Phd Thesis Mechanical! Ce qui nous est reproché, c’est d’avoir tout simplement parlé des castes, un sujet éminemment tabou ici. Blank Writing Sheets! Je suis avec ce livre la Burton Benedict des années 2000. C’était un célèbre anthropologue américain qui a étudié à Harvard et enseigné à Berkeley. Essay On Community Service Learning! Il a, entre autres, fait des recherches sur Maurice et les Seychelles dans les années 1960. Blank! Le livre qu’il a consacré à Maurice : Indians in Essay learning a Plural Society. Blank! A report on service learning Mauritius et publié en 1962 n’a pas été distribué ici.

Plus de cinquante ans après, le livre que j’ai coécrit avec Pavitranand Ramhota, qui parle de l’hindouisme et des castes, subit le même sort. Est-ce à dire que la société indo-mauricienne qui vit dans le respect, la perpétuation des traditions n’aimerait pas ou aurait peur que l’on étudie son fonctionnement au point de refuser de lire les ouvrages écrits sur ce sujet ? Je pense que si M. Blank Writing Sheets! Uttam Bissoondoyal était encore là, à la direction du MGI, les choses se seraient passées autrement pour ce livre, qu’il a soutenu. Mba Essays! Je crois que le livre n’a pas été distribué, pour ne pas dire censuré, par des administratifs du MGI, en 2009, qui n’avaient pas la qualité intellectuelle nécessaire pour juger de la valeur de ce travail anthropologique. Blank Writing Sheets! Est-ce qu’il y aurait derrière cette mise à l’écart des groupes de pression socioculturels ? Je ne le sais pas, mais toujours est-il que les deux cents exemplaires envoyés par l’éditeur Karthala n’ont jamais été diffusés. College! A tel point que les étudiants qui veulent le lire dans le cadre de leurs études doivent le commander directement à l’éditeur ( Writing! Et je vous rappelle que le MGI a investi une somme dans la publication de ce livre. College Writing Services Reviews! Il faut savoir que ce livre fait partie d’un accord de coopération entre l’IRB et le MGI. Blank Writing Sheets! Au fil de nos recherches, nous avons été amenés à étudier, par rapport aux données recueillies sur le terrain, l’évolution et le fonctionnement des kalimaye qui ont une très grande importance dans la configuration sociopolitique dans les districts du pays. C Homework Help! Pour mieux comprendre cette évolution et son importance, nous avons fait un dossier de l’histoire des élections depuis 1967 jusqu’à l’an 2000 et de l’appartenance castéistes des candidats des grands partis politiques. Autrement dit, vous avez établi une carte du castéisme politique dans ces élections ? En quelque sorte.

Le Bureau des Statistiques ne fait pas de statistiques sur les communautés. Sheets! Nous l’avons fait d’autant plus que c’est la réalité de l’organisation sociale de la société hindoue. College Reviews! Nous nous sommes rendu compte que la symbolique des kalimaye s’articulait avec celle, politique, des districts et la stratégie électorale des grands partis nationaux. Nous savons tous à Maurice que la désignation des candidats aux élections repose sur le castéisme, comme la future lection partielle de Quatre-Bornes le démontre. Sheets! Comment est-ce que le docteur en anthropologie que vous êtes explique-t-telle que dans un pays où l’organisation électorale est basée sur le communalisme, on essay qualities interdise un livre sur ce sujet et qu’on refuse d’en parler ouvertement ? Ma théorie, qui n’engage que moi, est la suivante : j’ai étudié le passage de la colonie française à l’anglaise à Maurice. Blank Sheets! Le système français de l’Ancien monde était patrimonial, centraliste, hiérarchique et esclavagiste. C Homework Live! Au moment de la colonisation anglaise de Maurice, l’élite a signé le serment d’allégeance à la reine d’Angleterre et on writing les a appelés creoles of Essay on community benefits Mauritius , au sens original du terme, mais dans les documents ils étaient qualifiés d’ Europeans . Blank Writing Sheets! Plus tard apparaît le terme general population qui ne veut pas dire grand-chose, alors qu’émerge, en même temps, la catégorie indo-maurician . C’était pour faire la différence avec les indentured labourers qui ont continué à arriver jusqu’à la fin de l’émigration indienne, en 1910. Writing! Cette appellation désignait les enfants des laboureurs indiens qui étaient nés dans l’île, par rapport à leurs parents nés en Inde. Blank Writing! Certains étaient venus travailler plusieurs fois et on live les désignait comme des old migrants . Blank Writing Sheets! Or ces old migrants se sont qualifiés comme appartenant à la haute caste des baboojee maraz . Revenons en arrière.

Au début de la colonisation anglaise, l’élite locale blanche et de couleur il y en avait parmi ses membres était désignée sous l’appellation creoles of writing services Mauritius , mais Europeans sur les documents. Blank Writing Sheets! Puis il y a les indentured labourers dont les enfants, nés à Maurice, sont qualifiés d’ indo mauritian . College Paper Reviews! Comment qualifiait-on les autres natifs de l’île, ceux qui n’étaient ni blancs ni d’origine indienne ? Les créoles pauvres, non répertoriés dans une catégorie par les Anglais. Blank Sheets! Ceux dont on paper king samson a dit par la suite qu’ils étaient les anciens esclaves émancipés par les lois d’abolition. Blank Writing! Avec l’arrivée des Anglais et au moment de l’abolition, l’élite blanche avait perdu de sa puissance et de son éclat. Benefits Learning! Mais comme elle maîtrisait totalement la culture de la canne et sa transformation en sucre, elle a reconstitué ses lettres de noblesse économique, tout en étant dominée par les Anglais. Sheets! C’est à ce moment qu’elle s’est fait appeler communauté franco-mauricienne . College Writing Services! Par ailleurs, les Indo-Mauriciens, soutenus par les lois britanniques, se sont développés et ont pris une importance grandissante dans le pays. Sheets! Le terme créole a alors désigné ceux qui n’étaient pas libres de couleur le terme exact est mulâtre, mais on Writing personal qualities ne l’utilise jamais à Maurice et les descendants d’esclaves. Writing Sheets! Pour l’élite, puisque ces hommes qui étaient des esclaves n’ont pas été affranchis par eux, mais par la loi anglaise, elle les considérait toujours comme des esclaves et les traitait comme tels. Samson! Vous me demandiez pourquoi la communauté hindoue perpétue des traditions anciennes, tout simplement parce qu’on arrive difficilement à changer les mentalités à Maurice.

Les mentalités c’est, comme le terme l’indique, une structure mentale qui a besoin de beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup de bouleversements pour être éradiquée. Blank Writing! C’est pour cette raison qu’il y a encore aujourd’hui des pratiques encore raciales et castéistes qui empêchent Maurice d’avoir une intégration nationale. Je crois que ce ne sont pas seulement des hindous conservateurs qui n’aiment pas qu’on fouille dans leur Histoire qui ne doivent pas souhaiter la diffusion de votre livre Maurice ! Expliquez-moi pourquoi les hindous ont reconstruit à Maurice le systme castéiste, qui est défavorable à la majorité d’entre eux, puisqu’à Maurice les hautes castes sont minoritaires ? Pour comprendre la religion hindoue, il faut savoir une chose. Essay On Community Service Benefits! D’abord cette religion n’est pas prosélyte et la deuxième chose elle a une capacité de réinvention extraordinaire. Writing Sheets! D’ailleurs, la réinvention sur le lieu de l’émigration montre sa capacité à intégrer les innovations venues de l’extérieur et à les naturaliser. Personal Essay! C’est une société relativement fermée qui absorbe, digère, mais reste ce qu’elle est, ne change pas de structures.

Regardez l’Inde, cet énorme continent qui n’a pas d’intégration nationale, où chaque composante culturelle et religieuse veille jalousement à rester ce qu’elle est dans son état ou sa province. Blank Sheets! Pour revenir à Maurice, il y a eu une réelle réinvention et avec les Blancs chrétiens, qui leur ont donné des bouts de terres, pour ériger leurs autels. Phd Thesis Mechanical! Les coolies ont reconstitué la religion hindoue. Je vous repose la question de départ : pourquoi a-t-on peur de ce qu’il y a dans le livre que vous avez coécrit avec Pavitranand Ramhota pour ne pas le diffuser à Maurice ? Je vous réponds par une question : pourquoi est-ce qu’une basse caste est aussi contente de son statut qu’une haute caste ? Je suis incapable de répondre à cette question. Je vais vous dire : tout simplement parce que dans chaque espace religieux et culturel de la société hindoue, il y a le même mode de fonctionnement, avec des divinités différentes. Writing Sheets! C’est-à-dire qu’à l’intérieur de la caste se joue une mobilité sociale assez intéressante qui permet aux familles de ne pas avoir le sentiment de rester toujours en bas de la hiérarchie. Paper! Il y a, à l’intérieur des castes, des dominances. Writing! A l’intérieur, il y a des systèmes de valorisation interne, des jeux de stratégie familiaux qui sont suffisamment importants pour être acceptés. Princeton! Je reviens à la question de départ : le livre n’a pas été accepté, à mon sens, pour deux raisons.

C’est tout d’abord une ou des personnes de l’administration du MGI qui n’aiment pas qu’on parle des castes, surtout des basses castes. Blank! Par ailleurs, certaines personnes auraient contesté le livre parce que nous parlons de divinités secondaires et principales. Personal Qualities! Mais toutes les informations du livre proviennent d’entretiens sur le terrain avec des personnes qui ont expliqué le fonctionnement des kalimaye, des temples et l’importance des divinités. Writing! Tout a été fait pour analyser le produit verbal, c’est-à-dire l’entretien, dans les meilleures conditions. Review Service! Le compagnonnage intellectuel avec Pavitranand Ramhota nous a permis de travailler avec efficacité. Blank Writing Sheets! Lui de l’intérieur, puisque Mauricien et hindou, et moi de l’extérieur puisque étrangère avec ce que cela suppose de recul. Live! Ce livre n’existerait pas si Pavitranand Ramhota n’avait pas accepté les règles de la recherche en anthropologie et ne s’était pas totalement investi dans ce projet.

Est-ce que vous vous attendiez à ce que le livre soit rejeté ou interdit à Maurice ? Non. Blank! J’ai fait lire le texte par des collègues, dont des anthropologues avant de le remettre à l’éditeur. College Paper Services Reviews! Ils l’ont bien accueilli. Writing! Je pense que même un non-anthropologue qui ne connaît pas l’hindouisme peut comprendre le contenu du livre. Paper Samson! Nous ne nous attendions pas Pavitranand Ramhota et moi à ce que la polémique, pour ne pas dire le rejet du livre, viendrait de la question des castes. Writing! Que ce serait le sujet qui fâche dès le départ.

Je suis quelque part ravie d’avoir le même traitement que Burton Benedict. Writing Personal Essay! Mais j’ai travaillé six ans à Maurice loin de ma famille en France. Blank Sheets! J’ai travaillé comme une bête avec les chercheurs sur le terrain nuit et jour. Mechanical! Le jour nous faisons les entretiens le soir j’entrais les données sur l’ordinateur et consultions les ouvrages de référence. Sheets! Nous avons fait un immense travail pour avoir, passez-moi le terme, un coup de pied là où vous savez ! C’est un mépris d’un travail scientifique incompréhensible intellectuellement. Live! Je suis aussi venue à Maurice pour dire cela. Vous êtes également venue Maurice pour participer au colloque de l’université de Maurice sur les 50 ans de Maurice. Writing Sheets! Vous étiez invitée par qui ? Par personne ! J’ai entendu parler de ce colloque, j’ai écrit pour proposer ma candidature et un thème, Ethnicité et créolité , j’ai envoyé un résumé qui a été accepté. Paper Samson! Je suis venue en payant mon billet et mon hébergement et en apportant une trentaine d’exemplaires du livre, juste au cas où. Sheets! Au colloque, ça s’est mal passé : j’avais seulement quatorze minutes pour développer mon thème, c’était totalement insuffisant. C Homework Help Live! J’ai dû couper mon sujet en deux pour respecter l’horaire.

Quel était l’argument de votre communication au colloque de l’université ? Partager mon sentiment sur le terme créole à Maurice qui a plusieurs origines et interprétations. Writing Sheets! Que veut-on dire exactement quand on College writing services reviews utilise le terme créole à Maurice ? Mais faute de temps, je n’ai pas pu développer ma théorie. Vous revenez à Maurice après quatorze ans. Blank Writing! Qu’est-ce qui vous frappe, qu’est-ce qui vous choque dans votre domaine de compétence ? Par rapport à ce que j’ai entendu au colloque, je crois pouvoir dire qu’il y a eu une diminution du niveau universitaire. Essay On Community Service Benefits Learning! Les Bissoondoyal, les Reddi, les Chan Low ne sont plus là et on Blank a le sentiment que les universitaires actuels soit non pas eu de bons profs, soit n’ont pas le niveau. J’entends monter de l’université la clameur suivante : Son livre n’a pas été distribué par le MGI et elle est venue se venger en critiquant les universitaires ! Mais je dis tout de suite que ce qui se passe à Maurice au niveau universitaire n’est pas unique. C Homework Help! Je ne suis pas surprise de la baisse de niveau puisque de manière générale, les sciences sociales ont été pratiquement éliminées des universités.

Je tiens à dire que je ne suis pas venue me venger et à mon âge je n’ai aucune illusion sur rien et je n’ai pas une attitude revancharde. Blank! Je suis blessée pour moi et pour toute l’équipe qui a consacré des années de travail à ce livre qui n’a pas eu de présentation publique, de lancement, de séance de dédicace. Writing Personal Qualities! C’est un livre qui n’a jamais été lancé, niant ainsi le travail de toute une équipe pendant six ans. Blank! C’est ça ma blessure. Notebook Paper King Samson! C’est un travail qui mérite sa place dans les bibliothèques du pays. Je termine en vous provoquant un peu : est-ce que Maurice peut vivre sans le système des castes, qui n’existe pas officiellement tout en étant rigoureusement pratiqué ? Je vois mal, pour le moment, la société hindoue ouvrir les portes à d’autres configurations sociales.

Pour ma part, je souhaite que l’île Maurice continue à vivre et à se construire en ouvrant toutes grandes ses portes.

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Harley Davidson has long been an American Icon Essay Sample. Harley-Davidson was founded in Blank sheets 1903 by review service princeton, Arthur and Blank writing Walter Harley and William Davidson. During its first years of Writing essay qualities, existence the company experienced an enormous amount of growth. Harley-Davidson gained its popularity two ways. The reputation of the firm was linked to Davidson riding Harley’s motorcycle to victory in a 1908 race. The second reason, even more important, was by providing innovations to marketed products such as the V-twin engine, clutch, internal expanding rear brake, and the three-speed transmission.

By 1918 Harley-Davidson became the Blank writing sheets world’s largest motorcycle company by Notebook paper king, producing 28,000 motorcycles annually. In the early 1940s (during WWII) Harley-Davidson had another chance to writing increase production. The company’s motorcycles were used by service princeton, the military as dispatch and writing scout bikes. In 1943 the Essay on community learning firm noticed growth of production to 29,000 units. This promising trend was one of the reasons behind the firm’s decision to open a plant in Blank sheets Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. After War World II, for College services the first time in their history, Harley-Davidson faced competition pressures from Europe. American GIs stationed in the United Kingdom had developed a taste for smaller and writing sheets more efficient British motorcycles such as the Norton and the Triumph. Despite weak demand and European competition Harley-Davidson stayed the undisputed leader in the American market with over 60% of the market share and $20 million in sales. From the beginning, since the review princeton company first came into existence up until 1950s, Harley-Davidson had created an image of “raw power”. There was a lot of aspects which set Harley-Davidson apart and created the mystique of the bikes.

Let’s just recognize a couple of them such as: the sheets heavy use of chrome, the low- profile appearance, the style tail fenders and the extension of Phd thesis, fork beyond plumb. Someone who loves motorcycles is Blank sheets able to understand what it means when a Harley-Davidson engine sounds like “bassoprofundo thumb”, while at the same time other motorcycles sound like “sewing machines” – the Harley’s engine was and still is a masterpiece, a company’s reason to review service princeton be proud. The U.S. military, highway patrol officers, the Hell’s Angels, and Hollywood rebels all using the bikes helped to cultivate an image of Blank sheets, Harley motorcycles as “tough”. As a continuation of what was just said, the motorcycle was often associated with a kind of person living to break traditional mold or living on the edge. Writing Personal Essay Qualities! After all these years on the market Harley-Davidson deserved to become a part of American iconography (associated now with the American flag). An association with the American symbols has resulted with amazing brand loyalty.

The last but not the least reason why Harley’s motorcycles became so popular and unique was that bikes were mostly handcrafted and this is something that helps to distinguish them from Japanese competitors. Even now some parts of the Harley-Davidson’s bikes have been made in this way and. Writing Sheets! What is very important for riders, customers are able to buy selected parts in stores – it gives them chance to “work on their own Harley” at service benefits, home. Towards the end of the 1960’s and the beginning of the 1970’s Harley-Davidson was facing stiff competition from the Japanese. Blank Writing Sheets! The company needed to College writing services reviews raise capital to compete more effectively and for writing sheets this reason decided to go public. When this did not produce the Phd thesis mechanical desired result. The company allowed themselves to be purchased in a friendly takeover by AMF. Although the case does not mention how much effort went into making the decision whether or not to be acquired by another firm.

It seems that with the undesirable consequences that followed, Harley-Davidson should have tried other means of raising their much needed capital. The company could have tried to cut cost in Blank writing sheets their production, marketing and other operational areas first. Following a cost cutting strategy could have been a sure way to help to bring the company back in services reviews line financially. New markets should have been looked into first before going public. Blank Writing Sheets! During the post World War Era, Harley-Davidson faced pressure from European companies in the motorcycle market. This was a clear indication that there were other markets in other countries that needed to be explored more fully.

The company was mistakenly being reactive rather than proactive. Harley-Davidson needed to look more at its Internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. This would have helped the company to prepare a plan to fend off the Japanese onslaught. The company didn’t realize that some of the changes that it’s parent company made were harmful to the companies strengths and hindered opportunities. A weakness that could have been turned into a strength was in the area of quality. Instead of increasing production four-fold the Phd thesis company should have concentrated on the process used to make a quality product that more clients could look forward to owning. During the AMF reign the writing Harley mystique was overlooked. The AMF company stopped marketing to the rough biker crowd that made Harley-Davidson famous. One thing a business doesn’t want to do is lose it’s current customer base and that’s what AMF effectively did. The types of bikers who read ‘Easy Rider’ and other such magazines felt alienated from Mba essays review, this new Harley-Davidson image that was being pushed. Harley-Davidson should plan marketing strategies in the future that would capitalize on one of there major strengths – the Harley mystique.

In order for Blank Harley-Davidson to Phd thesis mechanical continue their current success must pay attention to the various past mistakes in order to avoid them in sheets the future. Essay On Community Service Benefits Learning! On such past mistake was that of not entering the European market or even considering overseas market opportunities. Harley-Davidson would have not only increased their sales by entering into the European market, but they would also have expanded their customer base, as well as entered a new market. In addition, another huge mistake made by Blank sheets, Harley-Davidson in the past was the decision to pay large dividends (10%+) while ignoring RD as well as increasing the company’s capital. By giving out dividends of only five percent, Harley-Davidson would have been able to not only make their shareholders happy, but also would allow for money to mechanical be placed back into the company, and bettering the Harley-Davidson product. Moreover, while Harley-Davidson may have faced difficulties and were struggling to writing sheets maintain a profit, merely joining into a partnership with anyone was not the solution. Harley-Davidson should have made sure to research whomever it was joining up with and paper make sure that the partnership was truly a partnership, and not merely one side trying to sheets dominate the other. Mba Essays Review Princeton! Moreover, Harley-Davidson should have made sure that whomever they were partnering up with would look after the needs of the company and not veer away from what Harley-Davidson both stood for, or was good at.

Finally, in order for Harley-Davidson to continue to be successful as well as learn from a past mistakes, they need to make sure that they do not stray from their core competency. Ever company has their own unique ‘charm’ or various core competencies, which is not only Blank, unique to personal that company, but also gives that company a competitive advantage. Thus, in order for Harley-Davidson to maintain it’s competitive advantage it needs to both be aware of Blank writing, its core competency, and not strain from it. Analysis – Open European Factory or Export from the United States. The international heavyweight market has been growing, and appears to be a market to invest heavily in. Mba Essays! The current idea is to build a factory in Europe or export more motorcycles to the international market. The company should run an estimated break-even analysis for opening a factory in Europe, and compare it to exporting to the international market. The second step is to Blank sheets evaluate a assessed values chart, and then make a decision. The analysis that we will show on our slide presentation is an College paper services reviews, example of the writing sheets possible outcome of that analysis. The chart for C homework exporting the motorcycles shows a low fixed cost and a high variable cost, with the Blank sheets break-even mark for a motorcycle which costs $15,000, to Writing be 5,000 motorcycles.

The chart for opening a factory in Europe shows a high fixed cost, and Blank writing sheets low variable cost, with a break-even mark for a motorcycle which costs the same ($15,000), to be 4,500 motorcycles. Although this analysis supports the decision to open a factory, Harley-Davidson must take other considerations into its decision. Through our analysis of the past, Harley-Davidson cares most about the quality, image, and the trademark of “made in the USA”. Although the cost savings are greater by opening the service benefits learning factory, and producing motorcycles overseas, the values of Blank writing, quality, image, and the trademark are more significant than cost savings. By evaluating Harley-Davidson’s assessed values we decided that it is best to Essay on community service benefits learning export the motorcycles rather than to open a factory. Harley-Davidson’s present business state is a tribute to the hard work and Blank vision of their executives, they must continue this work in order to guarantee their future success. There are several avenues in which they can go in order to ensure this. Most importantly, they should consider vertical and horizontal integration. While Harley-Davidson has been involved in the manufacture of the parts for their motorcycles, they still have certain items fabricated by other organizations and delivered to their plants for assembly.

One of the possible alternatives to ensuring future success is to consider horizontal integration. Harley-Davidson should consider expanding its place in the market of parts production. By producing items such as tires, etc under their own roof, they have the Essay benefits learning potential to save costs and guarantee the quality of the sheets workmanship in producing these items. Harley-Davidson can achieve vertical integration by acquiring other US motorcycle companies such as Indian Motorcycle Company, et al in order to Writing personal capture a greater percentage of the market. While they are the sheets largest US producer of motorcycles, by acquiring those other companies, they will ensure their future success. Harley-Davidson should also conduct extensive Market Research to find new markets and opportunities, as well as to gain information on customer likes/dislikes. One of the mistakes in College writing services reviews the past was to allow the Japanese (Honda, Suzuki) to capture untapped markets and to exploit them.

There is a good likelihood there additional markets that Harley-Davidson has not discovered. This could be a source of Blank writing sheets, additional customers and Essay on community learning revenue for the company. At present, the Harley-Davidson customer is divided as follows: Men under the age of 30 account for 44% of all sales. Therefore, a great opportunity exists here because of the group’s needs and desires and should be tapped. Men between the ages of 30 and 50 represent about 50% of present sales. The motorcycles most frequently purchased are the heavyweight bikes and the cruisers. Market research can tell us if there are other types of Blank writing sheets, bikes this group would consider purchasing.

Men over the age of 50 account for about 11% of motorcycle sales. Phd Thesis Mechanical! The heavyweight touring class and the middleweight road bike categories account for most of the sales here. Women- this group is a segment that is growing at Blank, a fast rate, thereby representing an paper king, opportunity area. Although some attempt to market to women has been performed in the past, market research can tell if there is different styles or types of bikes this group would prefer. An additional mistake of the past is what appears to be a lack of assessment of Harley-Davidson’s external and internal environments including a SWOT Analysis. Blank Writing! They allowed the Japanese manufacturers to tour their plants without even realizing the deficiencies that were present. Paper King Samson! This allowed the foreign competitors to Blank writing sheets recognize Harley-Davidson’s weaknesses and to correct them in their own production environment. Mechanical! If Harley-Davidson’s had been more aware of their own weaknesses they might have been able to compensate and not lose their competitive advantage. An assessment of Harley-Davidson’s external environment would also ensure their future success by assessing those areas where opportunities are present and threats exists. In addition to the opportunity in the European market as well as continuing threats by the Japanese manufacturers, Harley-Davidson needs to be aware of the other American motorcycle companies such as Indian.

While Harley-Davidson is the largest manufacturer in the United States, not considering others in the US could lead them down the same road they had traveled in the past, i.e. not being aware of who their competition and threats are. Additionally, the company should consider the expanded markets (i.e. performing market research) as a way of assessing their environment and to keep ahead of what is transpiring around them in their industry. Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order Harley Davidson has long been an writing sheets, American Icon. essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Harley Davidson has long been an American Icon. A comparison of two direct competitors in the motorcycle market, Harley Davidson (a fortune 500 company) and Honda, a producer of cars and motorized vehicles, reveals through the analysis of… The Harley-Davidson case presents a unique example of a unique company that, due to their remarkable customer loyalty, was able to go from nearly bankrupt to successfully gaining a substantial…

The Davidson brothers, William D., William S., Walter and Arthur founded Harley Davidson, Inc. in 1903. In the first year, only three motor cycles were produced. In 1904 production increased… Harley Davidson Case Study. 1. Introduction Established in 1903, The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company has travelled a somewhat rocky road to Phd thesis mechanical success. Saved from the brink of Blank, bankruptcy by a management buyout in 1981, Harley… Harley Davidson: Software Selection Process. “This case focuses on Mba essays review princeton a change program and Blank writing sheets selection of an enterprise software vendor. The decision of which partner to writing services reviews choose to help the company change the writing way it purchased… Harley-Davidson bikes are to the extent that as item.

The organization enjoys intensely steadfast clients, and about as faithful representatives. Samson! The organization commended its centennial year in 2001, which in…

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