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40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and Ap physics, the way you structure your points. To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered. Developing the language skills to Essay on helping others in english online build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and curve, there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to The primary purpose of a essay is false help you make an instant improvement to Ap physics your essay-writing skills whether you’re a native English speaker or taking your first steps into writing essays in How to write essay about you, English. Let’s start by looking at language for b homework curve general explanations of complex points. Usage : “In order to” can be used to college application is false introduce an explanation for b homework curve the purpose of an argument. Example : “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.” Usage : Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to The primary of a college essay emphasise or expand on Ap physics curve, a point.

Example : “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in purpose of a application essay, the water.” Usage : This phrase is another way of Ap physics curve, saying “in other words”, and Make, can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the curve reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example : “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the Essay on helping in english sun.” Usage : “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example : “Whales are mammals. That is to b homework curve say, they must breathe air.” Usage : Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example : “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. An Essay For Me Look Good. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at b homework curve elephant sounds and their possible meanings.” Adding additional information to support a point. Article. Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in Ap physics b homework curve, support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument.

Here are some cleverer ways of doing this. Usage : Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example : “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of my college essay, research provide compelling evidence in Ap physics b homework, support of…” Usage :This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to write essay you add extra information. Example : “Furthermore, there is evidence to Ap physics suggest that…” Usage : This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example : “What’s more, this isn’t the online only evidence that supports this hypothesis.” Usage : Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned.

Example : “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of Ap physics, this point of view.” Usage : Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example : “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to essay react with surprise to the unfamiliar.” Usage : Use the Ap physics b homework curve phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to Make look good introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Ap Physics. Example : “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of Make an essay look, a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.” Usage : Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”.

Example : “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.” Usage : This wording is used to b homework curve add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of marketing websites list, information. Example : “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to b homework reach the on helping others summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the b homework curve Order of the purpose college application essay is false British Empire.” Usage : Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example : “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…” Usage : This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. Example : “There are many points in support of this view. Write Essay. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z. 16.

Not to mention/to say nothing of. Usage : “Not to mention” and b homework, “to say nothing of” can be used to Make an essay for me good add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example : “The war caused unprecedented suffering to b homework curve millions of people, not to mention its impact on Write essay, the country’s economy.” Words and b homework, phrases for demonstrating contrast. When you’re developing an Article marketing list, argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and b homework curve, interesting.

Usage : Use “however” to good introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example : “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.” Usage : Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. Ap Physics B Homework. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of Essay online, what happened that day.” Usage : Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”.

Example : “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an Ap physics b homework curve, agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the list archaeology tells a different story.” Usage : Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example : “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is Ap physics b homework based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.” Usage : Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example : “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened.

Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.” Usage : This is used in How to a short about yourself you, the same way as “then again”. Example : “The evidence ostensibly appears to Ap physics curve point to this conclusion. Essay Yourself. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at b homework curve best.” Usage : Use this when you want to Write my college introduce a contrasting idea. Curve. Example : “Much of scholarship has focused on The primary purpose application is false, this evidence. Ap Physics Curve. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.” Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations. Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of look good, evidence, or add a proviso. B Homework. Here are some ways of doing so.

Usage : Use “despite this” or “in spite of an essay for me, this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in Ap physics, the evidence. Article Marketing Websites List. Example : “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.” Usage : Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in Ap physics b homework curve, the knowledge of Article marketing, something else. Example : “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to Ap physics the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. Marketing List. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.” Usage : This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the b homework same thing.

Example : “We may use this as evidence to Write english support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the b homework limitations of the methods used to obtain it.” Usage : These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example : “In light of the evidence from the The primary purpose 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…” Usage : This is Ap physics b homework curve similar to “despite this”. Example : “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.” Usage : This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example : “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.” Usage : This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Article Websites List. Example : “Notwithstanding the Ap physics limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the Anatomy online veterinary workings of the Ap physics human mind.” Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to Make an essay look good get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing. Curve. Example : “Some birds migrate to Article list avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and Ap physics b homework, fly south…” Example : “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at The primary purpose college application essay is false the case of…” When you want to demonstrate that a point is curve particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such. Usage : Used to on helping in english online introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example : “Significantly, Tacitus omits to b homework tell us the The primary purpose of a college essay is false kind of gossip prevalent in b homework, Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.” Usage : This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it).

Example : “Actual figures are notably absent from Essay on helping others online Scholar A’s analysis.” Usage : Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example : “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.” You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to Ap physics end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to in english online help you. Usage : Typically used to b homework introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview.

Example : “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Make for me look Argument A.” Usage : Used to signify what you believe to b homework be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example : “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…” Usage : This is Make a useful word to Ap physics b homework use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example : “Scholar A’s point that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain seems to me to How to write about be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.” Usage : Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example : “The most compelling argument is presented by Ap physics b homework curve Scholar A.” Usage : This means “taking everything into purpose college application account”. Example : “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…” How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below!

221 Responses to curve #8220;40 Useful Words and Write essay, Phrases for Ap physics b homework curve Top-Notch Essays#8221; January 09, 2015 at 8:47 am, Jimmy Tan said: January 23, 2016 at marketing list 1:13 am, AN INDIAN said: It is very useful for junior as well as to curve senior.It is awesome#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230; thanks for this. November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: March 10, 2017 at 3:30 pm, Vaibhavi said: May 04, 2017 at 3:54 pm, felix said: September 17, 2017 at 8:02 am, arjun said: April 29, 2016 at 1:13 pm, ron said: September 01, 2016 at 1:18 am, RedKeyMon said: Ty bruv! It#8217;s really useful! November 26, 2016 at 12:00 pm, Ranch Dressing said: This the real RedKeyMon? May 26, 2017 at 2:28 pm, inosh said: September 07, 2016 at 12:04 am, winter the savage said: yeh these words are lit. October 15, 2016 at 6:19 pm, Freya said: Thanks!! I have to right an essay on Make an essay good, the battle of hastings and I really need to Ap physics curve widen my vocab! It really helped December 12, 2016 at application essay is false 1:13 pm, rose said: great thanks,now i know how to use big words in an argumentative essay. April 18, 2017 at Ap physics curve 4:55 pm, nikie said: very very useful!

May 26, 2017 at Article 9:13 am, Anthony said: Thanks for the article! October 02, 2017 at curve 3:08 pm, yoyo said: January 13, 2015 at Anatomy 2:55 am, Amila said: Wonderful. Thank you so much. Keep in touch. February 05, 2015 at 12:36 pm, Tanya said: February 08, 2015 at 8:12 am, Ram said: Thank you very much.

Useful for Ap physics curve my revision. February 13, 2015 at write a short essay you 10:53 am, Lucienne said: Thank you so much, really useful! October 05, 2015 at 12:40 pm, Dhanushreddy said: very useful for students. February 26, 2015 at 9:08 am, Ayanika Arora said: March 28, 2015 at 6:06 am, Abhijeet said: Perhaps #8220;In the Ap physics curve wake of#8221; would have been feasible to look good be included. March 31, 2015 at 11:04 pm, Loli said: it is wonderful, you#8217;ve helped so much. Ap Physics. May 03, 2015 at 10:44 pm, Rihards said: Wouldn#8217;t do as great without this! May 04, 2015 at 1:47 pm, Dan said: Thanks so much, this is really going to help my essay. I#8217;m already a good writer, all I needed was a good source of words, and this was it.

I will recommend this website to my friends and I definitely will be checking what other information you guys have. How To Essay About You. Thanks! May 06, 2015 at Ap physics curve 3:08 pm, Danny said: Thank you for Write your help. My essay will be great! May 08, 2015 at 8:51 pm, Oxford Student said: Thank you, for your excellent choice of words oxford is very hard on you as it is b homework curve one of the top schools so I appreciate these words. May 16, 2015 at 5:31 am, Aleena said: These words are quite knowledgeable to me because when I was writing an essay my phrases are so absurd to Anatomy help online veterinary put it another way these words make my essay beautiful. B Homework Curve. Thank you for providing such words. May 19, 2015 at 4:50 pm, juules said: ostensibly appears? tautologies seem to be a thing in the english language. Write Essay. May 25, 2015 at 8:56 am, gimhan savinda said: This was great, thanks a lot for these meaningful words. Hopefully I can face my exam in good perfect manner.

Thanks a lot for curve the assistant support. December 27, 2015 at 10:55 am, Ikoo said: I need more information about black#8217;s writing .also,his romantic way in nature . Please could you help me ? May 26, 2015 at look 2:39 pm, Mike said: These are reach-me-downs and the ideas you express are poorly connected. For example, #8216;As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.” You link these facts incorrectly they are not a series of points that are additive. They are causally related, i.e. one is a consequence of the other. Others Online. I believe this is better, both logically and stylistically: #8216;Romantic writers, including Blake, decried the negative impact of the Industrial Revolution on, amongst other things, society’s connectedness with the natural world.

Consequently he foregrounded the importance of improving the relationship between humankind and nature.#8217; You also lace your examples with contractions and these have no place in academic writing. Curve. September 19, 2016 at 11:18 am, Helena said: March 23, 2017 at 5:33 pm, Dr. Make An Essay Good. Jim Loving said: You are correct. I have taught writing for 40-plus years, and I find many of b homework, these suggestions wordy and unnecessary. For instance, #8220;In order to#8221; can simply to be #8220;To.#8221; June 02, 2015 at 1:48 am, phertauwete said: Thanks so much, I got it. June 05, 2015 at 5:17 am, william said: Thank you very much, I#8217;m having my O-level English in Essay others, about 2 hours now and curve, you really helped me.

I#8217;m sure i can score an A now #128512; June 07, 2015 at 7:21 am, Lysha said: Great!! Thank you so much for including the How to a short about yourself tips above. June 09, 2015 at 8:40 pm, Suus said: These words will really help me doing my English writing exam well tomorrow! #128578; June 21, 2015 at 11:52 am, Ali Zorab said: Such great tips, indeed. July 02, 2015 at 6:38 pm, Tim said: You did a wonderful job. Keep it up.

Tim Saudi Arabia. July 03, 2015 at b homework curve 10:34 pm, maimunahm said: I am writing my thesis and it really helps me with it, thanks a lot. August 30, 2015 at 4:26 pm, aron said: April 23, 2017 at 9:49 am, Matorankle said: September 02, 2015 at 3:37 pm, Anonymous said: Thank you for Write essay english providing me with these phrases! They will certainly help me with my English paper. Ap Physics B Homework. September 10, 2015 at 3:31 am, Sarah said: what a great help in teaching children in writing essay#8230;#8230; September 16, 2015 at an essay look 8:04 am, josphat lowoi said: Good work..I greatly appreciate. Ap Physics B Homework. September 21, 2015 at 2:45 pm, David said: September 23, 2015 at 1:04 am, haripriya said: Thanks a lot! It was very helpful for my term end English examination!

October 04, 2015 at 4:47 pm, Joanna said: This is purpose application essay is false helpful! Thanks for sharing! October 06, 2015 at 10:59 pm, Joe said: Thanks for b homework the list. Of A College Application. I think it would also be helpful to include a list of words to b homework curve help express the thoughts of the writers being referenced in the essay, for example, #8220;Jacob states that teachers need to consider the learning abilities of look good, all students#8221; or #8220;Williams asserts that reading English texts more often can increase the writing skills of ESL learners#8221;. It sometimes becomes boring to keep saying, #8220;so-and-so states that#8230;#8221; October 12, 2015 at 9:07 am, faiz said: This was useful for me. October 14, 2015 at 3:09 am, Lilow W. said: This article was wonderful. Furthermore, I don#8217;t think my world history grade, as well as my grades in language arts and science, would have been half of what they are now without it. All things considered, this was an amazing article and I recommend it to anyone looking to give their essay an elegant twist. Ap Physics Curve. October 15, 2015 at college application essay is false 3:41 pm, Ayushi said: Thanks!! Really a very useful list!

October 18, 2015 at 3:29 pm, Missy said: Really helpful ……………. Thank you guys. October 19, 2015 at 10:49 am, steven O'Donnell said: I would have also included #8220;in fact#8221; October 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm, Tom Howell said: *Gasp* As someone who has studied and Ap physics curve, takes a modicum of interest in the English language, and having spent a lifetime writing scientific essays, all I can say is this list of veterinary, cliches will not aid you in your academic pursuits. This is a categorical list of English don#8217;ts that will undoubtedly be highlight with a sigh, and b homework curve, a comment something along the lines of #8220;Please, no more#8221; paraphrased of course. Some of these are inescapable and are useful tools, but please use in moderation. If you truly wish to improve your writing, consider the use of Article marketing, language in b homework, literature you may study as part of your academic endeavours be it english or technical based. What makes a writing style worthy of note, and what makes it tedious and monotonous? The use of structure, engaging writing styles, and even metaphors can be true keys to essay success. December 07, 2015 at 8:24 am, Jeff B. said: Tom, I must agree. In my English class such cliches as listed here would be highlighted and returned to the student with an The primary purpose application, admonition to #8220;please use your own words,#8221; or something to that effect.

As I like to joke, #8220;Cliches should be avoided like the plague.#8221; October 20, 2015 at 8:22 pm, yoursif said: October 22, 2015 at 5:00 pm, nur amira said: thanks it was indeed helpful. Ap Physics B Homework. November 02, 2015 at Article marketing websites 1:11 pm, sania said: really..its very helpful. im unanimous in asserting that how this has engendered an Ap physics curve, advantageous my result. November 12, 2015 at 10:59 am, Alex said: This is Anatomy help veterinary so great#8230; thanks for the A grade. November 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm, Chala said: Thanks a lot for this helpful article.

One question though: The example given for phrase 12 #8220;Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.” has a comma included after #8220;X#8221;, but isn#8217;t a serial comma incorrect in a series of two items? November 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm, Yo said: November 26, 2015 at Ap physics b homework 5:29 pm, courage said: thanks very much.very useful we look forward for other posts. November 29, 2015 at Article websites list 1:13 am, Joey said: I don#8217;t really feel comfortable using firstly, secondly, thirdly to Ap physics curve introduce new points#8230; does anyone else feel the marketing websites same? December 07, 2015 at 7:58 am, Jeff B. Ap Physics B Homework. said: While some of the suggestions in this article are valuable, I am going to have to college is false agree with Tom Howell about the use of cliches. B Homework Curve. Many of the Write essay phrases suggested (e.g. Ap Physics B Homework. #8220;To put it another way#8221; and #8220;Another key thing to remember#8221;) are cliches, and should be avoided in original writing.

Another note: this article recommends the use of #8220;In conclusion#8221; to introduce the marketing websites list conclusion. My suggestion is to avoid it, and I am not the only one who feels this way. To quote the Writing Center at b homework Harvard University: summary,#8217; and #8216;to sum up.#8217; These phrases can be. usefuleven welcomein oral presentations. But. readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of online, the. pages, when an Ap physics, essay is about to end. You#8217;ll irritate. your audience if you belabor the obvious.#8221; If your readers cannot figure out that from reading your text that you are presenting your conclusion, then your conclusion has more problems than simply the introduction to it. December 07, 2015 at 8:03 am, Jeff B. said: Note: In my comment above, I should have specified #8220;for college-level writing#8230; and above.#8221; Further, I will say that sometimes, indeed, #8220;In conclusion#8221; can be a useful phrase, but in many if not most cases it should be avoided. December 07, 2015 at 10:43 am, Jeff B. Essay On Helping In English. said: * Assuming, of course, that my #8220;comment above#8221; is Ap physics b homework actually posted after it undergoes #8220;moderation.#8221; Otherwise my note makes no sense#8230; December 07, 2015 at 8:25 pm, pavla said:

put (or set) the record straight. December 09, 2015 at 12:42 pm, Ahsan said: Really great info. Write Essay About Yourself You. I will use these words in curve, content of my site in for me look good, order to get best rankings. December 09, 2015 at curve 8:48 pm, khalid Benameur said: really these are benificial words to use and Iam going to Essay on helping others in english online use them. December 10, 2015 at 1:51 pm, cp8 said: This is Ap physics b homework curve easily the go-to site when I write essays. Thank you! August 05, 2017 at 10:48 pm, abdo raheem said: January 04, 2016 at 2:41 pm, panthe veroski said: Thank you, it#8217;s so useful! January 19, 2016 at 8:33 pm, BOB said: really good, I loved it!

Would really help in my test. January 19, 2016 at 8:34 pm, daddyshrekked said: Fantastic, wouldn#8217;t do that well without it. January 28, 2016 at essay english 12:52 pm, yahya said: it is very helpful idea because i have exam thxn. January 31, 2016 at 3:24 am, Alex Joseph said: THANK YOU so much!! January 31, 2016 at 4:08 am, Jass said: Yes, it really works in Ap physics curve, my essay writing. Thanks, and the best thing is a short you I am finding some more useful vocab words from other#8217;s replies.:) November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: Oke i kno now veri muchh. February 04, 2016 at 3:54 pm, James said: Wow, this is really something valuable to me! I will have to jolt down all this and use them in my academic writing tmr.

February 05, 2016 at 6:26 am, hanna said: AMAZING. B Homework. VERY USEFUL. Purpose Of A Is False. THANK YOU SO MUCH. February 10, 2016 at 9:37 am, Shruthi said: Not useful#8230;I want idioms and phrases please. February 12, 2016 at 9:45 am, ORA Admin said: Thank you for your comment. It is worth bearing in mind that examiners often consider idioms risky, as when over-used (or mis-used) they can place a candidate at curve a disadvantage. You are absolutely correct, however, that learning idioms is Write my college english vital to acquiring fluency in any language you might enjoy our article on some of the b homework more bizarre idioms in the English language!

Best of luck in your studies, February 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm, reyan said: Thanks it came in handy. February 20, 2016 at 5:20 pm, Unknown said: I think this might help me to improve my essays. Thanks to Write english whoever gave such great words#128522; February 28, 2016 at 6:04 pm, Divya said: In all probability I find this this things very helpful which would surely enhance my essay. Curve. February 29, 2016 at 1:28 am, Tanya Roy said: this phases helped me in 10th board icsc examination#8230;.. Essay On Helping Others In English Online. thanks a lot #128512; February 29, 2016 at 2:39 am, shubham said: I think this might help me to improve my essays. Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522; March 03, 2016 at 7:30 pm, Abhishek Mandge said: Its really useful for me.

March 07, 2016 at 11:33 am, ashrin said: March 14, 2016 at 2:03 pm, Lekesh said: Thanks a lot#8230;.Helped me very much !! Really thanks for b homework curve making this!! April 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm, Jiya Goyal said: thanks a lot#8230;,helped me very much!! April 21, 2016 at 3:30 am, Juanaye goodall said: This words are really going to help me in Write, my graded essay tomorrow. April 23, 2016 at 1:29 pm, lyricist chaani said: it was really very usefull for me . Ap Physics B Homework. so i am alluding to other students to use above lines.

April 29, 2016 at websites 1:12 pm, Vape Naysh V/ said: tanks m8 ( ?° ?? ?°) May 01, 2016 at 12:07 pm, Asuna Yuuki said: Very useful for essay writing. Thanks a lot. May 04, 2016 at 3:58 am, SJAll said: Quentin Crisp, upon being asked to Ap physics b homework give advice to look aspiring writers replied: #8220;Never read. Curve. This is very important. if you read books in order to improve your writing style, you will find yourself trying to write literature, instead of saying what you really mean. It#8217;s very important not to get caught up trying to write better American prose.

Don#8217;t do any such thing. Just try to think, Am I saying what I mean? Have I pared away, have I taken away all the marketing words except the Ap physics ones that say what I mean. Essay Others Online. And then your writing will be fine. You have the most wonderful writers in America, really great stylists, people like Damon Runyon, and there#8217;s no floweriness, no literary effect, in the work of Damon Runyon, he is as neat as he can possibly be. Curve. One of his stories begins #8216;Some parties who do not wish him well have put Maury in some quicklime.#8217; March 23, 2017 at purpose of a college essay 5:39 pm, Dr. B Homework Curve. Jim Loving said: Excellent advice. Many writing students would do well to read Zinsser#8217;s book #8220;On Writing Well.#8221; He emphasizes clarity in writing, and no one does it better. How To A Short Essay Yourself. May 04, 2016 at 1:43 pm, angielski said: Very useful to have it in one place. Thanks ! May 10, 2016 at 7:57 pm, Cheese said: Hello Oxford Royale community, Thank you for this extremely helpful guide on improving flow using phrases.

This has helped me improve, overall, as I have now taken these tips to my heart. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. Thanks an awful lot, May 11, 2016 at 9:17 pm, Khirod Maharana said: I greatly appreciate thankful#8230; May 12, 2016 at 12:11 am, Inderpreet said: thnk u for How to write a short yourself the amazing words#8230; May 26, 2016 at b homework 11:11 pm, Georgia Kathleen said: This is really helpful, I#8217;ve been looking to expand and vary the words I use during English exams. Thanks! May 29, 2016 at 5:17 am, Noosh said: i was going to use conventionally but i have already used it so i had to use significantly #128512; June 02, 2016 at 2:24 am, jo sladky said: this is The primary purpose college so helpful, thanks. June 02, 2016 at curve 11:50 am, irisha said: truly very helpful#8230;thanksss loadsss. June 02, 2016 at 2:37 pm, Kannan.P said: Could you please add more pharse. Thanks. Article Websites List. June 04, 2016 at 2:04 pm, Wish said: This was very much useful to me. I pay my regards hundreds and thousands of times.

This has actually a vast collection of effective words and Ap physics b homework curve, phrases to be used in an essay. Essay. Once again thank you. #128214; June 13, 2016 at 6:54 pm, Alan said: June 18, 2016 at 4:48 pm, Sohaib said: It#8217;s really awesome. As well as helpful thanks a lot. June 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm, Tuan said: Thank you so so muchh. June 25, 2016 at 2:00 pm, Ranthimo said: It is b homework my first encounter with these eye opening phrases. Honestly speaking, they are indeed helpful aids that will unfailingly help me speak English fluently. It is Anatomy a well packaged informative tool that will help nonnative English speakers to have good command of English language.Thank you very much for your good effort. June 27, 2016 at 7:18 am, Vivian said: Thank you so much for the useful words to use in curve, essay.

This help me a lot. June 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm, Chris Speck said: Great stuff, thanks. For Me Good. July 01, 2016 at 2:16 pm, Pius Ndeti said: In light of the Ap physics b homework curve new learning, I am not only inspired, but also enthralled. Websites List. July 12, 2016 at 10:06 am, Fernando said: July 19, 2016 at 8:01 pm, ashok kumar said: very useful guidelines. thank you so much. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. August 10, 2016 at 8:41 am, Widya said: very useful, thanks a lot. August 16, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Prabanya said: They were very simple.. But, good.. They helped me..

August 19, 2016 at 5:44 pm, ananay chhetri 7 said: It was very use full tu me #8230; Keep in list, touch #8230;. I scored 18/20 in essay n letter. August 22, 2016 at 2:09 am, Tanya Roy said: It#8217;s really useful for me#8230; thnkiew so much..#128522;#128522;#128522; September 05, 2016 at 12:16 pm, Mounika said: Very useful. Thanks a ton #128578; September 15, 2016 at curve 4:28 am, Student said: This was SOOOO helpful, I got an A. September 15, 2016 at 4:29 am, Student said: I think that these are amazingly helpful. Make For Me Look Good. You should add a few words though. September 15, 2016 at 4:31 am, Yhandamene said: i am not ameracan and i am a xchang student, this was good for mee. September 15, 2016 at b homework 4:33 am, Tinye Rae said: My writing literately changed immensely bro. peace#8230;

September 15, 2016 at 4:36 am, Emerjihlia said: Wish you had more words on this, otherwise it made my essay from an F to Article marketing websites list an A+. I guess I had to do some work to though, that#8217;s some effort! September 16, 2016 at 1:39 am, joe anchany said: the b homework curve word more plausible and supplementary. September 16, 2016 at 1:46 am, kira Mayfield said: I believe think that you should add exclusively. September 16, 2016 at Write my college english 1:47 am, kira Mayfield said: I think that you should add exclusively. September 17, 2016 at 2:59 pm, Rowan said: I use these words all the time in my undergrad papers, yet my lecturers always complain that theses words are high school level writing. :/ September 20, 2016 at 2:30 pm, Tanmay said: Would like to add a few more#8230;. ‘ a sharp irony #8216;.

Meaning- a sharp contrast. ‘ inspite of the b homework curve fact that#8230;.#8217; September 21, 2016 at 5:10 pm, moomina said: the best thing on Essay others in english online, internet i found so far is this article , I must say its a brilliant peace of work . hands up for the writer. October 04, 2016 at 5:19 am, Tanyu Gracious said: Amazingly great one..(^_^) Not only curve, my essay but my language has also impproved. October 19, 2016 at 9:45 am, Achyuth said: October 26, 2016 at 4:50 am, Stormy said: Are you kidding. As an essay english, English professor, these are all overused phrases that I WOULD NOT want my students to use. I teach my students how to be original rather than use cliche phrases. Ugh! Not helpful. You#8217;re perpetuating the worst in writing.

November 01, 2016 at 1:17 am, sylvia said: majority, it helped a lot of Ap physics b homework curve, people!! December 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm, Hope said: you#8217;re the one who#8217;s kidding not the one who provided us with them. Essay Others. English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of writing especially for non native . And please if you see them a joke provide us with what#8217;s beneficial. Above all #128521; Thanks . December 21, 2016 at 8:16 pm, Hope said: you’re the one who’s kidding not the one who provided us with them. English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of Ap physics b homework, writing especially for non native . Essay Online. And please if you see them a joke provide us with what’s beneficial. Above all #128521; Thanks . October 26, 2016 at Ap physics curve 4:52 am, Carol said: These cliche phrase will NOT help you write a top-notch essay. Make An Essay For Me Look. Do NOT use these. October 26, 2016 at 11:52 pm, KittyKat300 said: Awesome tips I got a great grade!

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Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. Your resume is an essential part of your job search toolkit and its importance should not be underestimated. You will need one for b homework curve, whatever kind of job you are looking for. If written properly, it's the document that will move you to a job interview and Essay on helping others in english, potential employment. Do not approach the task of writing the resume lightly.

By now you should have taken the time to identify your hard and soft skills. If you cannot identify at least 20 job-related skills at Ap physics b homework curve this point, your first task is to revisit the Make Identifying Your Skills chapter and create your list. Be aware that your resume is never really done. You have to customize it to match the qualifications and skills sought by employers for specific jobs. Job seekers start out at different points when preparing resumes. Some will have a resume a few months or a few years old. Others may have been employed for several years or decades and don't have a current resume, or may have one saved somewhere in an old computer or in a file in their home office. Regardless of where you’re starting in writing a resume you first have to b homework, organize and store lots of different types of job-related information in an electronic file. 1. Employment History — List all your jobs for the past 10 to 15 years in a reverse chronological order, with dates of employment and various positions held within various companies.

If you have held a lot of jobs or have had a varied job career, list the last three or four jobs and skip your earlier career, or shorten it into Make an essay look a single line: “U.S. Bank, Minneapolis, MN, teller, 2005-2010.” 2. Skills — Take the b homework curve list of the an essay 20 job-related skills you identified using the information in Chapter 3. B Homework Curve! Future employers want to know what skills you displayed in your work and whether those skills saved money, improved efficiency, led to a more motivated workforce, or whatever. Ask yourself these questions: What skills did I use in my previous positions? Are they important to the employers or jobs that I am considering? 3. Accomplishments/Achievements — Penelope Trunk, the Write job search author, encourages you to look at your past jobs and Ap physics b homework, “list achievements, not job duties … anyone can do a job, but achievements show you did the marketing list job well.” A case in point is when a job seeker writes: “Managed two people and b homework curve, created a tracking system for marketing.” Instead, consider this: “Managed the team that built a tracking system to decrease marketing costs 10 percent.” The second example obviously sounds more impressive. Using accomplishment statements helps the hiring authority understand how you made a positive impact on business operations or outcomes. Mark Zappa, who works at the Minnesota WorkForce Center, points out Essay others in english online, that an accomplishment can be an Ap physics curve actual testimonial from a supervisor — a nice break from the usual standard resume information.

An accomplishment statement might read: “Identified learning resources and of a application essay is false, developed productive partnerships within a closed, individual-driven department.” 4. Job Search Goals — Establish clear objectives for Ap physics curve, your search. What kind of company do you want to work for? What size? In what field?

What sorts of jobs are you seeking? After you complete these steps, you’ll have a list of your previous job titles, dates of The primary purpose application essay, employment, the employer’s name and address and a list of at least 20 of your job-related hard and soft skills. A good resume has critical content elements that must be complete and compelling. B Homework! There are a few general guidelines for showcasing your experience and skills on just one or two pages of How to a short about, text. Resumes are fairly predictable in features and information, but some choices have to be made. B Homework! They are not typically documents used to show off your innovative design or creative writing skills.

The one exception to this rule might be if you're pursuing work in a creative field. Yet even then these resumes must remain cautiously creative. Now we're going to websites list, deconstruct a resume, section by Ap physics b homework curve section, and even line by line. We'll start at the top, end at the bottom. Don't worry about the final look or format of your resume just yet. Start with the core content. After you have this core information, you can fine tune or customize each resume for each job opening. This is called targeting your resume. There are two types of fonts, serif and sans serif.

Serif fonts have tails or feet and sans serif fonts do not. Use a serif font for your name because that style often looks more prominent. Article Marketing Websites List! For the b homework curve rest of your resume, pick a font that's easy to read in print and online. Resumes that use a sans serif font may scan better and subsequently look better when the employer retrieves them from an essay, their applicant tracking system database. Put your full first and last names on its own line at the top of the page. Choose your favorite professional-looking font.

For ideas, look at the list to your left of common, readable fonts that work well for resumes. Your name can be in a different font than the body of the resume. Type your name in Ap physics bold or CAPITAL LETTERS to How to write, make it stand out, and make it larger point type than the body of the resume. Your address should not contain abbreviations. Include all 10 digits of your landline phone or mobile number. Ap Physics B Homework Curve! It should be a number where you can be reached at help all times. Use a professional personal email address. Some job seekers have an email address that is Ap physics b homework, solely used for their job search. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile address.

You may hyperlink these links to make it easy for an employer to contact you by email. 1443 HireMe Lane. Employmentville, Minnesota 55555. Include an objective when you are pursuing a specific job goal and when you know the exact title of the position you are applying for. The objective statement helps target your resume. When applying for a specific job, use the title in your objective and Essay in english online, even add the curve name of the Article marketing websites list company as in Ap physics b homework curve the following example: Objective: Landscape Design Specialist at Creative Environments Inc. Article List! Some online job application forms and job posting websites require an objective statement.

Here are a few examples of objective statements that indicate precisely what kind of position the job seeker wants. Customer service representative Manufacturing sales representative Office manager Senior admissions and enrollment officer. Your resume should include an b homework curve effective Summary Section that briefly highlights your recent work experience (including industries you've worked in), applicable certifications, achievements and skills that best match the position for which you are applying. That means you'll have a customized Summary Section for Write my college essay, each job you apply for. The summary should be slightly longer than the objective statement, containing two to Ap physics b homework, four lines or a series of phrases and can be used instead or combined with an objective statement. Name this section Professional Summary, Professional Profile, Summary of help veterinary, Qualification, Career Summary or Career Profile. Below are two examples: Objective: Landscape Architect. Summary: Certified and innovative Landscape Architect with extensive knowledge in Ap physics b homework construction, engineering and design. Recognized for creatively solving design and Essay others in english online, sustainability challenges, reducing project management expenses by Ap physics 25 percent and Essay on helping others online, having a positive, customer-focused attitude. Certified Nursing Assistant with over two years long-term care experience caring for elderly and b homework curve, vulnerable adults.

Excellent client care; works well with bedridden, physically-challenged and memory-impaired residents. Anatomy! Commended for superior safety and attendance record. Friendly, caring and compassionate, with excellent interpersonal communication skills. Flexible: available days, evenings, weekends and holidays. Maintains confidential information. Include a skills section to quickly and effectively communicate your experience and make yourself stand out from other applicants. Match your skills (used in volunteer and paid positions) from the list you have already created with the requirements and Ap physics b homework, preferences included in the job posting. Formats for skill lists include: 1. Bullet Point List with Results.

Format your skill section as a list of bullet points- that is three lines to five lines long. Limit each entry to two lines. Choose action verbs that demonstrate responsibility. For example, managed, coordinated or designed. Vary the action verbs that you choose. Marketing Websites! This helps make your abilities sound more diverse and curve, adds depth to others, your resume. Use the curve list of action verbs provided in a short yourself you this chapter and in the job opening itself for curve, ideas.

Review your list of accomplishment statements to an essay look good, quantify your results. 2. Grouping Skills by Topic. Consider grouping your skills as job-specific qualifications below headlines such as Accounting Qualifications, Consulting Qualifications or Teaching Qualifications. Relate your skills and work within that profession, with perhaps a general skill or two. This format is Ap physics b homework curve, often used to for me look, list your competency using computers. Employers presume that applicants are proficient with word processing, spreadsheet usage and email applications, but if these skills are listed in the job opening, include them on your resume, Consider listing specific names of business applications (such as Excel 2010, SharePoint 2013 or Salesforce) or industry specific skills (such as CNC machine tools or types of CAD software). Use a bulleted list, three to five lines long. List your most recent employment first. B Homework Curve! A general standard is to chronologically list in reverse order the last three to four jobs or those you have had over the past 10 years.

Name the purpose of a application employer, location, your official position and Ap physics curve, the years you worked there. If you have worked for only one employer in the last decade or more, show your recent promotions. If your job title did not change in help online the last decade you can still show job progression by Ap physics showcasing how you took on veterinary, more complex job tasks and increased responsibilities. How much information should you give about your past jobs? Focus on what you did and your accomplishments in various positions. Make your employment history sound more impactful by using action words such as maintained, led, worked, performed, developed, directed, established, functioned, monitored and b homework curve, trained. Use bullet points and my college english, make your sentences one line. Ap Physics Curve! Sentence fragments like specialized in training employees to purpose of a college essay is false, use proprietary software that resulted in curve a 15 percent reduction in data entry errors work fine.

List no more than four to list, six bullet points in describing your last job. Then use two to three points for subsequent positions. Although contact information is typically given on an application or reference sheet, many resumes still list the employer name, city and state. Other job seekers might limit this information to b homework curve, keep the resume focused on skills, accomplishments and qualifications that best match the job opening. The choice is yours.

There is no single standard that fits all situations. If you are a first-time job seeker or re-entering the workforce after a gap in employment, use this section to emphasize professional capabilities, but still include some past employment or volunteer history. Job seekers with established job search goals often seek out a volunteer opportunity that is a close match to the paid job that they want. If more of your skills and experience come from employment, list employment first and education last. List education first if you are a student, recent graduate, or pursuing a career with educational emphasis. Article Marketing List! Include the name of the institution, location (city and state), graduation date or projected graduation date, degree(s) earned, field of study and GPA (if over 3.0).

If you haven't been to school in years, you can list education after your professional experience and skip the year you graduated to avoid potential age discrimination. You also can list relevant training or certifications that might impress employers or relate to the position you're applying for. For job seekers who did not graduate from undergraduate or graduate programs, a simple disclosure is best: Attended the University of Ap physics b homework, Minnesota, 2010-2013. Write My College English! It shows you have ambition even though you didn't graduate. If you never went to Ap physics curve, college or finished high school you can list yourself as a high school graduate as long as you have a GED or another type of high school equivalency certificate. List the name of the school, school district or state where you earned the GED or high school equivalency certificate.

Do not include an education section if you did not finish high school and had no formal training either in school or from an employer. Individuals currently taking classes or pursuing a degree related to Essay on helping, their job goal should include that information. List the skills acquired, academic accomplishments and the projected date of b homework, completion. List organizational memberships related to your job goal. Avoid using non-employer-related or controversial organizations. Don't mention specific religious or political affiliations or other potentially controversial groups unless they directly relate to the job you want. Include military experience on your resume as part of of a application is false, your work history. If you are targeting a job within the defense industry, feel free to use military jargon. The defense industry likes candidates who understand the lingo. If you are targeting a job outside of the defense arena, you will need to civilianize your military language to b homework, show that your skills and experience match the employer's needs.

See the Transferring Military Skills document for for me look, a list of military-to-civilian job skills. Volunteer experience can fill in any gaps in employment. It can demonstrate responsibility and help highlight skills that may not have been used in your work career. Served as an officer of the PTA? Or a coach at your children's school? That shows leadership, even if your career may not have offered you any opportunities in b homework curve leadership roles. Include hobbies and personal interests if they're employment-related, not controversial, and show skills and experience. Do not include your references or the phrase references available on request on the actual resume. The Primary College Essay! It is assumed by employers that you will provide this information if requested. Once an b homework curve employer asks for your references, provide the names and contact information of purpose college, three to Ap physics b homework, five people who can speak favorably about online veterinary your attributes. Let the employer know of any awards or recognition you have received (employee of the month, industry awards, and so forth).

Those are accomplishments worthy of mention. Targeted resumes are a necessity for most job openings. Why? Busy employers and networking contacts plus improved technology have changed the b homework curve way resumes are written and used in a job search. Your resume has to communicate a lot of english, information in Ap physics curve the 10-second glance it gets from a networking contact or a prospective employer. If the employer uses an applicant tracking system (ATS) it first has to successfully pass electronic screening and How to write a short essay about yourself you, resume ranking before it is read by the hiring authority. Your resume might be in for a rocky trip before you are selected for an interview for a job opening. It takes more time to write a targeted resume that includes important keywords, but it is well worth the effort. Use keywords such as industry jargon and words commonly found in titles of jobs for positions you are applying for. The keywords in your targeted resume will help you stand out in an ATS because it's set up to identify specific skills of applicants. These software programs help an employer identify individuals with certain traits and backgrounds that fit job openings.

Many of these systems accept more resume copy than you typically can fit on a one- or two-page resume. Use this opportunity to Ap physics curve, include more of Write english, your relevant experience and skills. Avoid putting keywords in white around the margins of Ap physics b homework, your resume because eventually, your ATS resume will be read by hiring decision makers. An ATS allows companies to avoid having to essay about you, look at hundreds of resumes, many from people poorly qualified. If the targeted position is unavailable, your resume may be stored in curve another section of the ATS database called a Talent Management System. Make! Highlight your desire for a specific job and to be considered for other related openings in your cover letter. That gives your resume a chance to Ap physics, be found in the Talent Management System later and indicates the flexibility many employers seek.

You have all the core content to Essay in english online, build an attractive and multipurpose targeted resume. Use any one of b homework curve, a number of resume templates to create a visually pleasing and college, easy to read resume document. Ap Physics! After you have completed the on helping others online resume, you will have the flexibility to distribute your resume in plain text, save it as a PDF, send it as an email attachment, cut and paste sections of it for online job applications, or print it for networking meetings, postal-mail job applications or an interview. Your targeted resume with keywords should be used when you have a networking contact meeting or cold-call prospective employers. If you have worked in an industry, your resume will showcase your knowledge of that industry's keywords. Ap Physics B Homework Curve! If you are changing careers, looking for an entry-level job or re-entering the workforce, you'll need to research a specific employer's or an industry's needs. Sources of information include company websites, position descriptions, employer profiles on social media sites, industry publications, other networking contacts and informational interviews. Use this information to adjust your skills and experience content to fall within the needs of the employer or industry.

Your targeted resume will quickly and effectively communicate your experience, skills and job search goals to write, a networking contact or prospective employer. Giving networking contacts your resume containing targeted content helps your contacts better understand what they can do for you. These contacts are pipelines to what is called a warm referral - that personal connection to another contact or an employer who has a job opening. Ap Physics Curve! Networking is strongly advocated by job search experts because personal contact has a history of leading to a new job. When applying for a job, you will fine tune your targeted resume to mirror the requirements of that specific job opening. Your content must include not only your relevant experience and skills that the employer wants, but the keywords used in the job opening announcement. Your job is to show that your qualifications and Essay others online, experience match what the employer is seeking because employers look for b homework curve, resumes where the applicant has all (or nearly all) of the qualifications and experience that are in the job posting.

Start by carefully reading the write essay you job posting. Job postings tend to follow a pattern. Employers usually summarize the job responsibilities followed by the required and preferred qualifications for Ap physics b homework curve, all applicants. Look for the most important requirements at the top of the Article marketing list job posting and curve, the least important at Anatomy help veterinary the bottom. Ap Physics! Targeted resumes that use the same words that the Anatomy help employer used to curve, summarize the job responsibilities, qualifications and skills have a better chance of moving forward through an ATS or a manual candidate screening process. Resumes should be sent to marketing websites, a specific person. Use their name.

Avoid sending the resume to a job title such as Production Manager. It will take extra effort, but do your research and find out the name and title of the appropriate person to whom your resume should be sent. If asked, send your resume to human resources. Then also send a resume to the person in charge of the department in Ap physics b homework curve which you want to work. Most of the time, human resources do the screening, but it's the college application is false department manager who is the final hiring authority. When mailing your resume, always send it with a cover letter. Mass-mailing your resume to employers does not work.

The statistics are that for curve, every 1,000 resumes you send to employers you can expect to get two interviews. Make An Essay! Target a smaller pool of employers instead of haphazardly mass mailing to a random list of names. Follow up your resume submissions with a phone call to the employer. Be courteous, professional and persistent about selling your qualifications. Be sure to ask for an interview. When directly contacting employers, always have a copy of Ap physics b homework curve, your resume available and take the initiative to offer it to them. Always bring extra copies of write essay, your resume when directly contacting employers. When applying for a job with a paper employment application, attaching your resume is a good idea. The resume will add impact and should complement the application. If you're asked to fill out an application, never write on Ap physics b homework, it See resume. Filling out the entire application is still required.

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Xenophobic violence in democratic South Africa. Xenophobic violence against foreign nationals in South Africa has worsened. South Africa witnessed widespread xenophobic attacks since 1994 in Ap physics, provinces such as Gauteng, Western Cape, Free State, Limpopo and KwaZulu Natal. There has been this and much speculation of the an essay good, causes and curve triggers of the How to essay about yourself, violence. A number of reports have highlighted various issues contributing to xenophobia; some of which include poor service delivery and competition for resources. The type of leadership within communities might have an impact on whether or not xenophobic attacks occur in curve, certain communities, which talks to issues of governance. Write Essay About Yourself. The issue is Ap physics, not only about foreign nationals and their rights, but about the safety of list, all who live in b homework curve, South Africa. My College Essay. Most incidents of violent attacks have been carried out by black South Africans. The history of refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa dates back to the 1980s when the country was home to b homework curve a number of Mozambican refugees, an The primary of a college essay estimated 350,000, of whom approximately 20% have since returned home. South Africa did not recognise refugees until 1993 and when it became a signatory to the United Nations (UN) and Organisation of African Unity Conventions on Refugees in curve, 1994. The number of college is false, refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa has increased in the past years, puts the total number of cross-border migrants in b homework curve, this category at not more than 150 000.

The issue regarding the The primary is false, number of Ap physics, undocumented migrants in the country has proved to be a controversial one in South Africa. Central to this debate is the unquantifiable nature of this group of migrants together with a number of credible myths widely accepted as reality in South African society. South Africa is Africa’s most industrialised country, and it attracts thousands of foreign nationals every year, seeking refuge from poverty, economic crises, war and How to a short essay about you government persecution in their home countries. While the majority of them are from elsewhere on the continent, such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Ethiopia, many also come from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Xenophobia is generally defined as ‘the deep dislike of Ap physics b homework, non-nationals by nationals of a recipient state.’ This definition is marketing, also used by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).

Xenophobia is also a manifestation of Ap physics curve, racism. Racism and xenophobia support each other and they share prejudiced discourses. They both operate on the same basis of profiling people and making negative assumptions. The profiling in the case of racism is on the basis of race, in the case of xenophobia on the basis of nationality. When the xenophobic violence in South Africa occurred, the victims were not only Article foreigners in the sense of a different nationality are attacked but in fact everybody not belonging to the dominant ethnic groups in the main cities, Zulu or Xhosa, was attacked.

Members of smaller ethnic groups in South Africa are also viewed as foreigners by fellow South Africans. White people are not viewed as foreigners in the context of xenophobic violence.There had been attacks on South Africans who 'looked foreign' because they were 'too dark' to be South African. Reasons for the attacks differ, with some blaming the contestation for scarce resources, others attribute it to the country’s violent past, inadequate service delivery and the influence of micro politics in townships, involvement and complicity of local authority members in Ap physics b homework, contractor conflicts for economic and political reasons, failure of early warning and prevention mechanisms regarding community-based violence; and also local residents claims that foreigners took jobs opportunities away from local south Africans and they accept lower wages, foreigners do not participate in the struggle for better wages and Article marketing websites working conditions. Other local South Africans claim that foreigners are criminals, and they should not have access to services and Ap physics police protection. Foreigners are also blamed for their businesses that take away customers from local residents and the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Other South African locals do not particularly like the presence of refugees, asylum-seekers or foreigners in their communities. Cases of xenophobic attacks. In December 1994 and January 1995, armed youth gangs in the Alexandra Township outside of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, destroyed the homes and property of suspected undocumented migrants and marched the individuals down to the local police station where they demanded that the foreigners be forcibly and immediately removed. In September 1998, two Senegalese and a Mozambican were thrown from a moving train in Johannesburg by a group of individuals returning from a rally organised by a group blaming foreigners for the levels of unemployment, crime, and even the spread of AIDS. In the township of my college essay, Zandspruit, a township in of Johannesburg, residents went on a rampage burning down shacks of Zimbabwean foreigners living in the settlement with the intention of driving out foreigners they claimed were stealing their jobs and causing crime. In 2000, seven xenophobic killings were reported in the Cape Flats district of Cape Town. Curve. Kenyan Kingori Siguri Joseph died in Tambo Close, Khanya Park in Gugulethu after being attacked and shot. In separate incidents, two Nigerians were shot dead in NY 99 in Anatomy veterinary, Gugulethu. Prince Anya, 36, who owned a restaurant in Sea Point, was hijacked with his wife Tjidi and their toddler in Adam Tas Road, Bothasig.

In Mdolomda Street in Langa, two Angolan brothers were trapped inside their house and burnt to Ap physics curve death. Nguiji Chicola, 23, and Mario Gomez Inacio, 25, were in their house when it was set alight by several men who then ran away. Article Marketing List. The brothers burnt to death. On May 11 2008, an outburst of xenophobic violence in the Johannesburg Township Alexandra triggered more xenophobic violence in other townships. Firstly, it only spread in the Gauteng province.

After two weeks, the violence spread to other urban areas across the country, mainly Durban and Cape Town. But it also emerged in townships in more rural areas such as Limpopo Province. The violence consisted of attacks both verbally and physically by inhabitants of the townships on other inhabitants. The victims were called foreigners, referring to their nationality being non-South African and predominantly Zimbabwean and Mozambican.As a result many houses were burnt, 342 shops were looted and 213 burnt down. Hundreds of people were injured, thousands chased away and the death toll after the attacks stood at 56. Mozambican Ernesto Alfabeto Nhamuave, who was 35 years old, was beaten, stabbed and b homework curve set alight in Ramaphosa informal settlement on the East Rand.

Nobody had been arrested for his horrible murder. Police closed the case on 27 October 2010 after concluding that there were no witnesses and no suspects. In all, 62 people were killed. On 24 May 2008, Spaza shops owned by Pakistan, Somalis, and How to a short essay you Ethiopians were attacked, their stocks were looted and Ap physics b homework the doors ripped down. The looting was widespread in Sebokeng, Orange Farm, and Evaton areas South of Johannesburg. From 14 to my college essay 17 November 2009, 3000 Zimbabwean citizens living in the rural community of De Doorns, an informal settlement near Breede Valley Municipality, in Ap physics curve, the Western Cape was displaced as a result of write a short essay about you, xenophobic violence. It selectively targeted Zimbabweans despite the Ap physics, presence of other foreign nationals (e.g. Lesotho nationals) living and working in the same area.

There had been destruction and looting of Zimbabweans dwellings by Essay on helping online, their South African neighbours. Violence occurred in Ap physics curve, three informal settlements: Ekuphumleni, Stofland and Hasie Square located in Ward 2 of De Doorns, Breede Valley Municipality, Western Cape. The first wave of attacks took place on 14 November 20009 in Ekuphumleni, displacing 68 Zimbabwean nationals. On 17 November 2009, the violence intensified, spreading to Stofland and Hasie Square. This second wave displaced approximately 3000 Zimbabweans. While the displaced initially sought protection at the De Doorns police station, they were moved to a local sports field called Hexvallei Sportklub on 18 November 2009 as numbers increased. Shelter and humanitarian assistance were provided at the sports field. On 27 February 2013, eight South African police officers tied the 27 years old Mozambican man, Mido Macia, to the back of a police van and dragged him down the road. Subsequently, the purpose college application essay, man died in a police cell from head injuries.

The incident happened in Daveyton, East of Johannesburg, South Africa. Ap Physics. On 26 May 2013, two Zimbabwean men were killed by my college english, South Africans mob in xenophobic violence in Ap physics curve, Diepsloot, South Africa. In January 2015, a Somali shop owner shot and killed a 14-year-old boy, Siphiwe Mahori, during an alleged robbery in Soweto Township. Make An Essay For Me. The boy was shot in the neck and died within 15 minutes. Lebogang Ncamla, 23, was another victim when he was shot three times in b homework, the arm. The incident triggered waves of attacks and looting of foreign owned shops. An estimated 120 Spaza shops owned by online veterinary, Somalis and Bangladeshis across Snake Park, Zola, Meadowlands, Slovoville, Kagiso, Zondi and Emdeni in Soweto were looted.

It was also reported that police actively stole goods and helped others raid the shops during the curve, worst attacks on foreigners. In Zondi Section, the police instructed looters to queue outside a foreign-owned shop and allowed four of Write essay, them in at a time to prevent a stampede. Police arrested a suspect accused of killed 14-year-old Mahori, along with a number of looters and foreign nationals for possessing three unlicensed firearms. On 5 March 2015, xenophobic attacks occurred in Limpopo Province. Foreigners on the outskirts of Polokwane left their shops after protesting villagers threatened to burn them alive and then looted them.

Violence erupted in the Ga-Sekgopo area after a foreign shop owner was found in possession of a mobile phone belonging to a local man who was killed. Villagers demanded answers as to how the shop owner got the killed man's phone. They didn't know whether it was sold to him or was brought there to Ap physics b homework be fixed. My College. Violent protests erupted with villagers sending all the foreigners packing and b homework pushing them out of 11 villages in help, Sekgopo. Ap Physics Curve. One of the shop owners reported loss of stock. On 21 March 2015, Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini made comments that foreigners should go back to their home countries because they are changing the nature of South African society with their goods and help veterinary enjoying wealth that should have been for b homework curve, local people. This horrified foreigners who have been dealing with a spate of xenophobic attacks around the country. On Helping Others Online. King Zwelithini made these comments at the moral regeneration event in Pongola, Kwazulu Natal Province.

The king’s statement came while Congolese nationals were mourning deaths caused by a series of xenophobic attacks. Noel Beya Dinshistia from Congo, a bouncer at a local nightclub, was doused in Ap physics b homework curve, a flammable substance before being set alight while on duty two weeks ago. On 8 April 2015, the spate of xenophobic violence increased. Purpose Of A College Application Essay Is False. On 10 April 2015, two Ethiopian brothers were critically injured when their shop, in Ap physics curve, a shipping container, was set on fire while they were trapped inside. One of the men died while in How to a short essay about yourself you, hospital. Ap Physics B Homework. The other is fighting for his life. Women protest as rioting and looting is marketing list, quelled during anti-foreigner violence in b homework curve, Durban, April 14, 2015 Source. On 12 April 2015, Attacks on purpose of a application essay is false, foreign nationals continued in KwaZulu-Natal when shops in Umlazi and KwaMashu, outside Durban, were torched. In V Section, a shop owned by Ap physics b homework, a foreign national was set on fire by a mob of suspects. There was another fire which we believewas set by of a college application essay, local people at a foreign-owned property in G Section.

Almost 2,000 foreign nationals from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Burundi have been displaced as a result of the violence. Five people have been killed. On 14 April 2015, Looting of foreign shops spread to Verulam, north of Durban following a day of clashes between locals, foreigners, and Ap physics police in Write essay english, the city centre, KwaZulu-Natal. About 300 local people looted foreign-owned shops, and b homework only two people have been arrested. A 14-year-old boy became the latest fatality. Article Websites. He was shot dead during looting in b homework, KwaNdlanzi, allegedly by two security guards. Essay On Helping Others Online. In Durban's Central Business District (CBD), a car was set alight and police fired rubber bullets, stun grenades and teargas canisters in clashes between looters and foreigners. Four refugee camps have been set up by the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government to house the Ap physics b homework, displaced foreigners who say they are destitute, with some saying they want to go home. At least 28 people were arrested on purpose college essay, Sunday night during xenophobic violence in which Somali, Ethiopian and Pakistani people were attacked. • Cornish, Jean-Jacques. (2015). South Africa: Xenophobic Attacks Erupt in South Africa's Limpopo Province.

Available at: [accessed on 14 April 2015] • Misago, J, P. (2009). Violence, labour and displacement of Zimbabweans in De Doorns, Western Cape. Migration policy brief 2 . Forced migration studies programme, University of the Witwatersrand. • Valji, N. (2003). Creating the Nation: The rise of violent xenophobia in b homework, the New South Africa.

Unpublished Masters Thesis, York University. Available at: [accessed on 14 April 2015] This article was produced for South African History Online on 17-Apr-2015.

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20 Useful Words and b homework, Phrases for Essay on helping in english online Top-Notch Essays. In this blog entry I’m going to talk with you about transition words. These are the linking words which bind our ideas together and illustrate the relationships between the information in our sentences. I have to be really careful, however, to make it very clear that they are not magic ‘smart’ words but if you can understand them they can really give you a lot of power to articulate your ideas. These words are nothing but pretence when you use them carelessly.

Nonetheless, it will be valuable to Ap physics b homework curve develop your understanding of how to marketing list use these words to serve your writing. They can be important tools which enable you to lead your reader through your progression of Ap physics curve, logic persuasively and The primary of a college application essay is false, succinctly. I want to illustrate this point by sharing with you a funny story about Ap physics something a very witty woman, with whom I work on campus, told me about transition words and high heels. While marking a number of mid-term papers, she turned to me and, with a sigh, lamented her students’ poor use of linking words. She told me that reading them could be like watching young drunk women trying to walk in high heeled shoes. She cringed as she spoke of how awkward they appeared when they are not accustomed to walking on them when sober, let alone while intoxicated. She added that, in veterinary, her opinion, women could look striking and elegant while wearing heels but that young woman often didn’t appreciate that walking in them is Ap physics b homework a skill which requires practice. She surprised me when she likened their attempts to walk to those of Anatomy, newly born calves. Transition words are wonderful tools. Ap Physics B Homework Curve? Throwing them into of a essay is false your essay carelessly can make your writing look worse than it is and if you are not sure how to Ap physics b homework curve use them, it is How to write a short essay about better to stick to simpler options.

However, if you learn to use them thoughtfully, they can afford your writing the elegance of top-notch essays. It is not that you add them, but that you employ them to support your flow or progression of logic. 20 Examples of Important Transition Words. There are many linking words which can lead us into additional information and while it is b homework useful to Article marketing websites list vary your vocabulary beyond ‘ and ,’ these words are not mere replacements for Ap physics curve ‘ and The primary of a application essay, .’ They have nuanced differences, thus, by these particular meanings, we can offer a more delicate illustration of the relationships between our ideas. ‘Furthermore’ is b homework used to add information that expands upon the previous point. It precedes information that expands upon that already given. It usually occurs at the beginning of an independent clause. An Essay For Me? ‘Moreover’ and ‘More so’ are both similar to ‘furthermore’ while giving special emphasis to the greater importance of the following clause. “Despite cutting back on Ap physics b homework other staff, her father gave her a position, furthermore , he gave her an enviable office while still not having a role for her.” Writers also sequence additional information. ‘Firstly,’ ‘secondly’ and ‘thirdly’ are obvious options used to achieve this, however, there are others.

For example, we can look into the past with ‘previously,’ ‘until the others, present’ or ‘preceded by.’ “Present growth in the company was *preceded by Ap physics b homework curve several quarters of purpose of a is false, stagnation”* ‘Meanwhile’ and ‘simultaneously’ talk about things which are happening at the same time as another, while ‘concurrently’ does this while emphasizing that the two ideas have played out in conjunction with one another. Usually, ‘incidentally’ is used to add relevant information while downplaying its significance compared with that of other ideas. Ap Physics? “The priority of the zoo had been to protect species’ from extinction. The panda breeding program was enjoying some rare success, while simultaneously , other programs to increase the Essay others online, numbers of endangered species were being trialed. Meanwhile , the zoo was being visited by an influx of tourists who were, incidentally , able to enjoy seeing the Ap physics b homework, young animals.” ‘Subsequently’ and ‘afterward’ lead into information after the fact. When writers need to illustrate similarity they can employ words such as ‘in like manner,’ ‘comparatively,’ and ‘correspondingly.’ Whereas , when they wish to highlight difference they have phrases like ‘on the contrary,’ ‘however,’ ‘notwithstanding,’ ‘nevertheless’ and ‘on the other hand.’ Notwithstanding the vehement opposition to The primary purpose college application essay online education programs being made available to inmates, considerable improvements were made to the re-employment prospects of b homework, many offenders who benefited from the trial. Anatomy Help Veterinary? On the contrary, prisoners who were not able to access education while incarcerated were found to be more likely to reoffend and Ap physics b homework, return to prison.

When it comes time to for me good clarify an argument or point, some of the transitional phrases which are used are, ‘to reiterate,’ ‘specifically,’ or ‘inasmuch as.’ When we have lead our reader through our flow of logic, there might be nothing more rewarding than driving our point home by showing consequence or concluding our arguments. There are a lot of strong phrases such as ‘accordingly,’ ‘hence,’ ‘thus’ and ‘thereupon’ which can do this. I hope you will feel encouraged, by this article, to b homework curve continue to further your understanding of how transitional words can work to guide your reader through your flow of logic. When used well, they add power and order to your argument and can add to the result you see from your work. If it is becoming difficult to The primary purpose application get everything done before the deadlines, know that help is available. Ap Physics? Your journey to learn how to Essay others online study and articulate yourself well through your writing should be enjoyable. Throughout your academic and professional career you will continue to improve and you will find new challenges. Don’t let setbacks in Ap physics, your life cause you to english lose faith in yourself and give up on your studies. Ap Physics B Homework? Ask write your essay from EssayPro and focus your efforts.

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Posted in essays based on b homework, the movie. Strange text following some pattern of analyzing stories that is totally unknown to me. It is full of repetitions and somehow difficult to understand, however sometimes I wish I had that kind of “intellectual toolkit” to work with… What is unusual, the author concentrates on the relation between Chris and Barnes, leaving Elias almost completely out of the equation, giving him merely the function of a katalyst. Storytelling Output Report for “Platoon” In an apparent dilemma story, the on helping others main character believes the problem to b homework be in the environment when it is really within him or herself. Chris believes that going off to fight in Make an essay look good the Vietnam War will lead him to what he’s searching for–to find a cause to engage in and support that he can be proud of, however, fighting in the war isn’t going to solve Chris’ problem. He has to realize he needs to find pride within himself before he finds it in Ap physics b homework curve war, or anywhere else. Article. (…)

Women will empathize with “Platoon” because the main character is faced with increasingly limited options to find a sense of pride within himself, let alone survive the Vietnam War. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. (…) This is a really strange statement. The women I knew empathized with the movie, but on a far wider basis than Chris’ “limited options”. An illustration of how delusion acts as the catalyst in the objective story is when Bunny paints a fantasy about an old woman and Write english her crippled son being the leaders of the village and agents for b homework curve, the Viet Cong army. After doing so, he commences to beat and kill the my college innocent civilians. (…) An interesting observation: I never paid much attention to what Bunny said, but indeed what he’s doing is fabricating a fake backstory to support his actions. I understood his statement as irony, but he probably really believes in his own words. Of course the story HAS some validity as is curve surely happened that innocent looking people in villages were VC. Once I’ve read someone’s negative critic mentioning that Chris is a passive character, being dragged through the story instead of actively shaping it. Here is a contrary view: Main Character Approach as it relates to my college essay Do-er: There are a number of examples illustrating how Chris prefers to deal with situations externally, and looks for physical solutions to his problems.

For instance: Chris drops out of college and enlists in b homework curve the military to do something positive for purpose of a college application, his country; He shoots his rifle at Ap physics curve the feet of a young, retarded man he finds hiding. This is done as a means of Anatomy veterinary releasing the tension and frustration that has built up from horrific ordeals he and his platoon have recently experienced; While his platoon pillages a small village, Chris rescues a young village girl from being raped by some of the men in his platoon; When Sgt. Elias is missing in the jungle, Chris sets out to find him until he’s stopped by Sgt. Barnes; Chris attacks Sgt. Ap Physics B Homework. Barnes when Barnes confronts him and others about killing Sgt. Elias; In the film’s climatic battle, instead of relying on the safety of his foxhole, Chris leaves to engage the enemy in hand to hand combat; Ultimately, he ends up murdering Sgt. Barnes in an act of revenge for Elias and for himself. (…)

This is also quite right, there was no proof of Barnes killing Elias. Chris knows that when he responses to Doc in Anatomy help the discussion after Elias’ death. He knows he couldn’t say “proof is in the eyes” in Ap physics any serious courtroom in the world; Even if Barnes somehow admitted it in Essay in english his “I am reality” speech, he still haven’t said anything which would be a valid guilty plea. So Chris decides to take the justice in b homework curve his own hands, but his action is Write english — as mentioned before — based on assumption: Chris presumes Barnes killed Elias as if it were a fact. But in actuality, he doesn’t know for sure that Sgt. Barnes killed Elias, it’s just a feeling that Chris has about him. (…)

Even though he didn’t see Barnes actually shoot Elias, or has any physical proof of the crime , Chris still knows Barnes murdered Elias. Chris’ beliefs are derived from the tense, volatile relationship between Elias and Barnes, and b homework curve the horrible scene where Elias runs from the jungle only to get killed by the enemy soldiers pursuing him. This sight directly contradicts Sgt. Barnes questionable account of Make for me how he earlier found Elias dead in b homework the jungle (…) For Barnes, conflict will decrease between the two as soon as Chris can prove himself to be more like a soldier willing to set his morals aside while fighting in application Vietnam. Chris accomplishes this when he blows Barnes away. He does not, however, prove Barnes’ crimes in curve a way that would allow justice to triumph, which lends to his failure to resolve his personal angst. (…)

This, again, shows that maybe we should pay more attention to the role Chris plays in the story and his relationships to other characters, instead of concentrating on Elias vs. Article Websites. Barnes conflict: Chris Taylor has joined the platoon to fight for his country, and like Sgt. Barnes, he wants to “be all that he can be.” He falls short as a soldier in Barnes’ eyes, and further, by Chris aligning himself with the Ap physics b homework compassionate Sgt. Elias, Chris and Article marketing websites Barnes come into curve, conflict. The conflict between the two escalates, to the point of each operating on raw nerves. Barnes is directly responsible for Elias’ death, and Chris, who has become more like his nemesis than his mentor, kills Barnes in a murderous reflex action of revenge. (…) Both the main character [Chris] and the obstacle character [Barnes] see each other as the cause of the The primary application is false problems they are experiencing in their relationship. Barnes’ blatant disregard for ethics of war and his dysfunctional code of morals are like a nagging toothache on Chris’ psyche: CHRIS: Not just me… it’s the way the whole thing works.

People like Elias get wasted and people like Barnes just go on making up rules any way they want and b homework what do we do, we just sit around in Essay others online the middle and Ap physics suck on others, it! We just don’t add up to Ap physics b homework a rat’s ass. (…) Barnes views Chris the same way he views Elias, an agent out to challenge his way of war, a crusader causing dissension among the men, undermining Barnes’ efforts, and placing the platoon in jeopardy. (…) Worth accelerates the How to write conflict between Chris Taylor and Sgt. Barnes.

There are many times when Barnes views Taylor as a hindrance and liability to the platoon, and he ultimately tries to kill him. For example: when Chris throws up and can’t physically handle himself the first time he sees a rotting corpse (…); When Chris allegedly falls asleep on his watch, (…); When Barnes realizes Chris knows he lied about Elias being dead; When Barnes overhears Chris trying to convince the others that Barnes killed Elias, and in one of the final battle scenes where the tension between Barnes and Ap physics b homework curve Chris comes to a head and Barnes tries to kill Chris during the Essay online commotion of hand to Ap physics curve hand combat with the Viet Cong. Conversely, there are several times when the actions and beliefs Barnes embraces provokes Chris to Make an essay look good evaluate Barnes’ worth to b homework the platoon and acts as a catalyst in Make an essay for me good the tension between the two. For instance, Chris is appalled when Barnes shoots a village woman in the head and then threatens to shoot a young village girl (…); Chris tries to convince some of the other men that Barnes killed Elias, and that they need to kill Barnes who is becoming an evil, immoral, out-of-control liability to Ap physics the platoon. By the end of the on helping film, Chris’ moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to Ap physics b homework curve kill Sgt.

Barnes, who he sees as a worthless human being. (…) There are different opinions about Barnes trying consciously to kill Chris in the final battle. From the authors POV, it seems to be a logical consequence of the Anatomy help online veterinary conflict between them. I still wisch stone would make a clearer point here, at least in the commentary… on the other hand it gives us something to curve ponder about. Write My College Essay English. #128578; Some fragments that seem to negate the popular opinion about Barnes as a “Frankenstein Monster” or “cardboard Satan”, the author deal with the possible reasons for Barnes’ behaviour: Barnes leads his troops by taking on and acting the tough, hard, insensitive persona he feels is necessary to get his men to respond to Ap physics him, and to the activities of war in a way that will allow them to actually win. (…) Sgt.

Barnes is the antithesis of Hamlet. He relies on his knowledge of The primary purpose of a essay is false war to react and perform quickly. He’s not one to sit around and consider, contemplate, or ponder situations. (…) Cause drives Sgt. Barnes. Whenever he gets involved with what he feels is the reason for a situation being a certain way (the cause), it really gets under his skin. This is why he is so bothered by Elias. Elias has his own take on particular causes the Ap physics curve platoon faces. Since these two view the war differently, their view of certain causes is a source of tension for them. (…) Effect will end the source of Sgt. Barnes’ drive and motivation.

By reprimanding the platoon on the all night ambush, Barnes feels he will be able to get his men to perform better on their missions; By denouncing and challenging Lt. Wolfe’s authority, Barnes will secure more control over the platoon; The effect of killing Elias will prevent Barnes from having to deal with any “crusaders” in his platoon. (…) When two more platoon members are killed by Make, a booby trap in curve an abandoned enemy bunker, Chris notices Sgt. Barnes sitting down, lost in a thought. Barnes is obviously affected by the deaths of more of his men, enough so to make him momentarily lose his tough, military sergeant facade and expose a slight vulnerability. (…) Hmmmm, not sure about that: “Death… What do y’all know ’bout death?” is Anatomy help online what Barnes asks Chris and the others of the “head” when he confronts them about Elias. What Barnes is really saying to the men is b homework “You don’t know about death.

Only I know about death.” Whenever Sgt. Barnes comes across as the old wise one, it really doesn’t play well. If there’s one thing these men know, it’s that anyone can die at Anatomy veterinary any time, and death has no loyalties. Barnes seems to think he owns an b homework, exclusive insight to websites death. B Homework. This often undermines his own credibility when he tries to impose his wisdom on others. (…) To me he seemed to have a lot of credibility, even if the most of his background reminds unsaid, he definitely knows more, having faced death more often and closer than any of the other guys. This is purpose college essay is false one of the few points about Elias vs. Curve. Barnes conflict: Sgt.

Barnes and Sgt. Elias get into an altercation over Write my college essay, Sgt. Barnes’ controversial behavior and questionable leadership in the village. Ap Physics B Homework. As a result, the platoon becomes cloaked in civil war. Half the platoon sides with Sgt. Elias, and the other half with Sgt. Barnes. Morale among the platoon is bad. Suspicion and hate cause them to turn on each other. The way events are progressing, the outlook does not look good for the platoon. (…)

When the all night ambush goes awry, Sgt. Barnes focuses on Chris’ preconscious responses as being the cause of the problem. Barnes believes that Chris fell asleep during his watch, allowing the enemy to sneak up on the platoon . Essay Is False. Even though this isn’t true, Barnes blames Chris’ inability to curve resist his impulse to sleep as the cause of the platoon’s two casualties (…) IMO Barnes knew EXACTLY who fell asleep. Essay Others In English Online. He just don’t bother to discuss it in front of the men, maybe even to b homework avoid the possibility of being openly blamed by Elias for sending the new guys on the night ambush. Sgt. Barnes’ impact on Chris eventually dehumanizes him to Essay on helping others online the point where he is Ap physics b homework curve capable of killing his commanding officer, fully conscious that he is committing the Article same type of immoral act that Sgt. Barnes has engaged in. (…)

Yeah, “only Barnes can kill Barnes”. Another dissertation based on a dissertation… Started to curve google “sickle-shaped scar” and found this: NORTHROP FRYE GOES TO THE MOVIES By MARK HAMILTON. Northrop Frye, in his Anatomy of Criticism , identified four main myths: Comedy, Romance, Tragedy, and Irony/Satire. These were essentially genres, each of which move through six phases.

Frye believed a critic could simply organize literature into these phases to show that literature formed “an ideal order” For each of these phases, Frye identified typical narrative structures and characteristics–primal myths with which humanity was and Make for me is consistently concerned. Comedy is the reconciliation of the protagonist with his community at the end, Romance chronicles what seems like a knight’s quest, Tragedy shows us a hero’s separation from his society, and Irony/Satire gives us the everyday difficulties and dissembling of life. (…) This dissertation has shown that the Ap physics curve Anatomy of Essay on helping others online Criticism could categorize not only written literature but also 20th century film. Specifically, these Western films were matched to Ap physics Frye’s Romance phases, War films to How to write about yourself Frye’s Tragedy phases, Film Noir films to Frye’s Irony/Satire phases, as well as Comedy films to Frye’s Comedy phases. P latoon is Ap physics curve a “world of shock and horror” and a “demonic epiphany”. The most shocking thing about this world is simply the realization, as in Apocalypse Now , of an essay for me look how evil human beings can be, without checks and balances in civilization to restrain them. B Homework Curve. Barnes is the one with the “demonic epiphany.” Like Kurtz in Apocalypse Now , Barnes has realized that it is easier not to good think about his actions than to endure the emotional pain of trying to confront moral problems.

Barnes simply does what he feels like he should do, even if that means killing many innocent people. Elias has resisted the demonic epiphany of Barnes and Kurtz and remains willing to struggle with the moral ambiguities of Vietnam, although even Elias admits that he loves the moments where he can relax from his moral tension. He tells Taylor, in a scene Avent Beck describes as “ a quiet scene suggestive of Jesus and b homework curve Peter in the garden of Gethsemane “: “I love this place at night. Article Marketing Websites. The stars … there’s no right or wrong in Ap physics curve them. They’re just there.” See? See? hardly I say something that I think is an original thought, it appears elsewhere written by someone else… Even if I don’t agree that Kurz stopped to think (reference). Still have to read – maybe not the whole text, but at least more about the concept. As well as about the Northrop Frye’s Theory of Archetypes. Battleground Masculinity: Gendertroublers and Gatekeepers in purpose of a essay is false Oliver Stone’s Platoon.

by Christina Judith Hein, 2007. Interesting perspective — from a German website. QUOTE: On the pictorial level, Elias’s masculinity is Ap physics curve coded as deviant and somewhat queer, especially in relation to the conventions of the genre. In excess of representing moral integrity, or, with Mat-Ami, the rehumanizing power in a dirty war, then, Elias might be considered to bear certain traits conventionally perceived as feminine: he is sensuous, emotional and caring, he promotes singing and dancing, and he cherishes romantic settings, as in the intimate conversation he has with Chris under a densely starred night sky with its obligatory shooting star. (….) Platoon , while still offering itself as a realistic and authentically scripted representation of the Vietnam experience, does address as well as negotiate the in english construction of maleness in Ap physics b homework a heteronormative environment. Essay On Helping In English. The way that the film brings to the fore issues of masculinity and Ap physics b homework discusses the repressive forces inbuilt into any social system makes it stand out among mainstream films of any genre. (…) The very sober execution of The primary purpose of a Barnes at b homework curve the movie’s end, mainly in full shot, stands in stark contrast to the spectacle of Elias’s death. And while Barnes, tellingly, is How to write yourself you killed after he has received a bullet wound uncomfortably close to the crotch, after an attack at Ap physics curve his virility, that is, Elias maintains his queer position…

Religion And Politics In Films About The Vietnam War. A looong thesis “RELIGION AND POLITICS IN FILMS ABOUT THE VIETNAM WAR” with some new ideas. Starts to Write essay english be interesting from the page 10 down. QUOTE: The metaphor of motion pictures helps explain a two-sided emotion: the feeling of Ap physics participating in events far beyond ordinary experience (blown up on a huge screen) yet being powerless to control the outcome of the story. He feels at once the heady self importance of the movie star and the helplessness of the moviegoer, impotent to affect the actions unfolding on the screen. By the late sixties, soldiers turned against the war in droves.

Many of them wrote UUUU on their helmets, representing the unwilling, led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary, for the ungrateful. Evil In The Early Cinema Of Oliver Stone… …Platoon and Wall Street as Modern Modality Plays. From: Journal of Popular Film and Television | Date: 6/22/2000 | Author: STONE, JOHN. Moreover, in films that appear so conscious of essay using the camera and making editing decisions that prompt the b homework curve viewer to essay english accept the authenticity of the setting and the characters, it is noteworthy that these are the only characters to be treated with nondiegetic filmic manipulations. Gekko’s final offer to Bud to b homework join him as an on helping others online, inside trader is marked by a sudden and inexplicable fading of backlight. As Gekko stands in total darkness, with a hard sidelight now casting his face with ominous shadows, his apocalyptic offer to Bud, “get dressed and Ap physics b homework curve I’ll show you my charts,” is punctuated by a sudden clap of thunder that clearly originates outside the story-world. Likewise, at very purposeful points, Barnes is depicted with eyes that are optically printed as angry red points–synecdochically cast as “the essence of evil: wrath, obsession, anger, fear, hatred, [and] permanence” (Stone 123). It is The primary purpose of a application a very good article, sadly it’s not free. Which leads me to a rant:

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AP Physics B Review Sheet - Cobb Learning

Crimson Tide Review of Leadership Roles. A leader can express their power in various manners, in French and Raven’s (1959) Five Base Model of power, a characterization of power in leadership and management, defined in five bases and b homework, citied by veterinary, Hinken and Schrieshiem, (Bass, 1990) as followed: * Expert power is having the capability to administer to other individuals facts, knowledge based information, or expertise. * Referent power is having the capability to administer to other individual’s feelings of personal acceptance or recognition. Reward power is, having the capability to administer to b homework curve, another person’s desires or to remove or decrease things he/she does not desire. * Coercive power is, having the capability to administer to individual’s things he/she does not desire or to remove or decrease things he/she does desire. Write Essay. * Legitimate powers are, the ability to administer to another person’s feelings of obligation or responsibility. (pg. B Homework Curve. 232) This paper is an analysis of the leadership roles and for me look, the influence of Ap physics curve, power that the leading characters in the movie Crimson Tide (Scott, 1995) possess. We will write a custom essay sample. on Crimson Tide Review of Make an essay, Leadership Roles or any similar. topic specifically for you. The leading actors and their characters are Gene Hackman (Captain Frank Ramsey), Denzel Washington (Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter), and George Dzunda (Chief of the Boat Cobb). In this movie analysis, we will analyze the leadership roles of each character and how they interact among each other and the other officers on Ap physics the submarine, and the power that they have over them and Essay others in english, each other.

In addition in terms of leadership and Ap physics, compliance, we will discuss the role nuclear submarines play in present society, and Write essay, what was the function it served in the film prior to the vital action, and after the vital action. The incident that took place on the nuclear submarine raised an issue involving Navel procedure that caused the board of the Ap physics Navy distress. Discussion of the issue, the roots, and how it has run its course since then will be discussed. How To Essay About Yourself You. Movie Plot Captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman) was the Commander of the submarine, USS Alabama, equipped with missiles. Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) replaced the b homework curve Executive Officer from the Alabama due to Anatomy, an attack of appendicitis. The Alabama, wasassigned to intercept the rebel Russian troops who captured nuclear missiles of the former Soviet Union.

Page 2 Crimson Tide Review of Leadership Roles Essay. While on the mission, the USS Alabama receive a preliminary launch order, however, the EAM radio contact was lost prior to a confirmation or abort order was received. EAMs are messages sent digitallyfrom the Pentagon in the event of nuclear war, the messages are picked up by the submarines with a special antenna. This lost radio contact brought about the most infamous scene in the movie. Ap Physics B Homework Curve. Do to the fact that the required confirmation was incomplete, Captain Ramsey pushed forward and ordered for the launch of the missiles. For the ordered to be fully completed, the launch must be “concurred” with, and repeated by the Commander, and Executive Officer of the Boat. This was Hunter’s first position in the field and my college essay, once again new to the Alabama. The entire crew was loyal to Ramsey who has been in curve command of the write essay yourself you Alabama for numerous victorious missions. “When a new person comes into an organization or the work group, various means are used to teach the new person how we do things around here” (Schein, 1999). Ramsey used his transitional leadership methods to try and enforce his point of view of Ap physics b homework, what should be correct.

Now Hunter could have easily said, “I concur”, and went ahead with the missile launch. However, Hunter did not, he fostered the How to write about yourself use of proper military protocol and maintained that the Ap physics b homework curve launch be delayed till the EAM radio transmission could be confirmed and fully received from Washington. This is Anatomy help, where leadership roles and power come into play, and how Ramsey, Hunter, and Cobb the Chief of the boat became part of the most infamous scene in the movie. When Hunter refused to “concur” the orders and stated his opinion, he sited Navy procedure, telling Captain Ramsey that based on operating procedures when releasing nuclear weapons they cannot launch missiles unless both agree. Ramsey then states, “As commanding officer of the U. S. S Alabama I order you to place the Ap physics curve XO under arrest under the charge of mutiny” (Wikiquote, 2013). Hunter then yelling louder than Ramsey states, “Backed by for me, the rules of precedents authority and command, regulation 08150H6 of Navy regulations, I relieve you of command, Captain” (Wikiquote, 2013).

This Texan standoff had all the officers in an uncomfortable situation, do they on the Captain’s side and remain loyal, or do they ally themselves with Lieutenant Commander Hunter. Chief of the boat Cobb was put in a precarious position, which left him no other choice than side with Hunter, but, not for the reasons you might think, we will discuss that further later. Captain Frank Ramsey The concept of Ap physics curve, power is an applicable leadership concept. Leaders use power to decipher whether they have the ability to acquire the commitment or obedience from their workers/officers. Leaders that are educated or trained under the old-paradigm, have low levels of expectations of others around them, and The primary of a essay is false, tend to use power to dominate and control. Leaders that are educated or trained under the b homework curve new-paradigm are human-relations leaders; these leaders have a high level of Anatomy help, employee expectations; with the use of power leaders are encouraging, engaging, and inspiring for the followers/officers (Vecchio, 1988). Gene Hackman (Captain Frank Ramsey) is Ap physics, a character that used coercive power to force the officers into doing what he wants them to do. Ramsey was educated under the old-paradigm, he uses power to dominate and control the about yourself individuals around him. Ramsey, who threatens his minions’ job security by using his coercive power; coercive power is Ap physics curve, a power that is a characteristic of transactional leadership behavior that fosters compliance in lieu of commitment from the essay english officers. Ramsey has power, but how he used that power is a decision that his character chooses to make.

Hackman’s role chose to be a dominate force and control by Ap physics b homework curve, amplifying his legitimate power. Ramsey follows transactional leadership, expecting structure and subordinates from his officers. Ramsey’s role as a transactional leader is to retain authority, dictate the Write essay english manner in which task should be performed, he makes decisions without input from others, and curve, he discourages input from other officers; Ramsey is an autocratic leader (McGregor, 1960). Transactional leadership, emphasizes the Article websites role of supervision and works within a group or organization. Under this form of curve, leadership followers perform the best when the chain of command is definite and clear, Ramsey is known by his crew as a stern commander to say t nicely. Ramsey is is false, a leader, a leader who expects when an order is given that it is followed, his officers and commanders should be obeying the Ap physics b homework curve orders given and follow in line. Make An Essay Look. This was not the case when it came to Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter. Hersey and Blanchard (1979) stood by the fact that there were a wide variety of b homework, leadership styles. Where Ramsey was a leader that could be characterized as a rigid leader, Hunter was a leader who concentrated on building a strong foundation among the crew. Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter. Denzel Washington (Lieutenant Ron Hunter) demonstrates referent power demonstrating ethically, morally, and Article marketing, sensibility towards the officers.

Hunter displayed desirable characteristics; he displayed integrity and Ap physics b homework curve, treated the officers with respect. Hunter does have a component of coercive power because he removed the Captain from his position and had him locked into his quarters, however Denzel Washington’s character is based on honor. About You. Hunter displays referent power; referent power being a component of transformational leadership that fosters commitment from the officers. Transformational leaders focus on the follower/employees/team members, making the point to motivate them to excel and achieve their goals, and in the process help them mature as individuals. In the transformational leadership model, the leader provides “influences (charisma), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration” (Avolio amp; Yammarion, 2002). Transformational leadership gives the leader the opportunity to step-up and become a role model for curve, their followers/employees/team members. In addition, they have the college is false capability to encourage and inspire their followers/employees/team members. One characteristic that is pertinent to possess when becoming an effective leader is genuine concern for the feelings of others, a leader must be considerate and care how their follower/employees/team members are doing. Hunter is a transformational leader that has a high level of performance and the other officers are satisfied by the manner in which Hunter is leading the Ap physics b homework curve submarine. The transformational leadership theory in others addition theorizes, “how leaders exert motivational effects through linking follower’s self-concepts” (Avolio amp; Yammarion, 2002) to promote the title of the transformational leader.

Transformational leaders have positive expectations for their team members/follower, so they lead their team with the mindset that they will succeed; there is no room for failure. Transformational leaders empower, inspire, and motivate their follower/team member/employees to excel above the average level of performance. At one point in the movie Hunter was discussing with a Petty Officer Third Class Russell Vossler (Lillo Brancato Jr. ), a EAM radio controller, on how he was going to fix the damaged controller. Hunter kept an open dialog with Vossler making the association of Ap physics b homework, Star Trek and the need of warp speed. Hunter possesses the aspects of veterinary, a transformational leader. Chief of the Ap physics b homework Boat Cobb Chief of the for me look boat Cobb (George Dzundza) was put in a difficult position when Captain Ramsey and Lieutenant Commander Hunter were in the process of trying to remove each other from their positions. When Cobb spoke up and stated that the Captain could not fire the missiles with out Lieutenant Hunter concurring with the order. The Captain was surprised with Cobb’s admittance, and Ap physics b homework, then was removed from his post. Hunter then went over to Cobb and said thank you for backing him up.

Cobb then told Hunter the only reason that he did was because the The primary purpose college Captain did not have the right to replace him to fire the missiles. Cobb has respect for legitimate power; he has respect for authority and not on relationships that are formed on a more personal level. Much like Hunter, Cobb has respect for curve, Naval procedures, but he has been with Captain Ramsey on numerous missions, and he respects him as a leader. Cobb is a task-oriented leader, he structures the work tasks and roles making sure to clarify the work processes and procedures and ensures that the officers comply with policies (Denison, Hooijberg, amp; Quinn, 1995). Role of Navel Nuclear Submarine The navy nuclear submarine fleet is power-driven by nuclear energy and signifies contemporary, proficient and operational weapons in Anatomy help veterinary the military arsenal. The difference between a nuclear submarine and a conventional submarine lies in the area of the driving force and several maintenance functions. The submarines are driven and controlled for the most part, the same as a conventional submarine. A nuclear submarine has the ability to operate unobtrusively, expeditiously, self-sufficiently, and for a prolonged length of time, and at a depth of 1500 feet (The National Museum of American. History, 2000). The weapons systems both include torpedoes; however, the nuclear submarines have nuclear capabilities. The electronic systems for communications and discovery and defense are all modern.

The contemporary nuclear submarines are technologically advanced compared to the old submarines (Answers, 2013). Ap Physics B Homework. “Determining the cost of advanced military technological systems, a 1998 study estimated that the United States spent $2 trillion dollars in 1996 on all strategic nuclear forces throughout the my college essay english Cold War” (The National Museum of American History, 2000). In the movie Crimson Tide, (1995) the Ap physics curve nuclear submarine the U. S. S Alabama is sent to the Pacific Ocean because a radical leader and How to write a short essay, his followers are trying to takeover the Russian government and is intimidating Russia and b homework, the United States with a threat of firing nuclear missiles. The Alabama is sent to troll the waters so that if the Russian missiles are launched the of a college application essay United States and counter-attack instantly. A practice drill is carried out, Captain Ramsey is b homework, not happy with the on helping in english online results and asks Lieutenant Commander Hunter to have the crew to keep practicing the drills. Then the Alabama gets an order to fire missiles, however, in the middle of receiving its orders the submarine in Ap physics b homework curve damaged and was unable to get the a short about full message. In the Ap physics b homework process of waiting for for me good, the confirmation of the orders Hunter ends up taking part in rebellion and defiance and b homework, is countered by Article marketing, mutiny.

Like stated before, having the crew split-up and Ap physics curve, taking sides in an awkward situation, goes against everything they were trained to do. Training involves harmony in something as momentous as launching missiles. How To Yourself You. As of current date there had not been mutiny on a United States warship. US Navy Board of Inquiry After the standoff on the Alabama Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter and Captain Ramsey were called in front of a review board. The panel was convened so that the Navy could investigate the Ap physics curve events that happened subsequent to the conditions for strategic missile launch, the write a short yourself you panel was headed by Admiral Anderson (Tommy Bush). B Homework Curve. Testimony was taken from the officers aboard the Alabama, as well as Captain Ramsey, and Anderson made his recommendations to SUBPAC (Pacific Submarine force) without Lieutenant Commander Hunter’s testimony. The main concern of the panel was the fact that the system the Navy put into place had failed due to essay about yourself, the fact that two senior officers could not work together and handle their differences while preserving the chain of command. It was Anderson that said it best, “A mutiny aboard a United States nuclear submarine, violation of nuclear launch protocol.

This is the dilemma that will occupy this panel, this Navy, and this country’s armed forces as a whole long after you leave this room”.

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