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anomie theory essay *The sociology of Crime and Deviance * *Is anomie a useful concept to explain and research paper understand criminal and. The concept of anomie was first posited by the French social theorist Emile Durkheim in his 1893 publication, The division of Labour in society. For Durkheim anomie was a condition in which society was unregulated, lacking coherent moral norms, which could be seen to lead to What write my college deviant behaviour. In particular, Durkheim was concerned that the transition from mechanical to organic solidarity, an evolutionary shift from traditional to modern industrial was an anomic process. Moreover, central to this anomic process was the complex nature of the division of labour.

Still, Durkheim held that crime, and deviant behaviour actually performed a crucial function within society in that it set moral boundaries, and brought people together. Whilst we shall expand upon the above assumptions, our task will also involve the consideration of how these assumptions have influenced subsequent theories of deviancy. It is to these ends that we shall focus our attention on Robert K. Merton’s Strain Theory, and other comparable theories of deviant behaviour, in Custom paper for sale, order to critically assess the concept of anomie, as an explanation of criminal and Ask jeeves xbox deviant behaviour. ‘Durkheim’s conception of Custom research, anomie must be set in the context of his theory of social evolution.’ (Downes #38; Rock, 1995:118) Specifically, Durkheim set out his theory of social evolution in his initial major work, The Division of Best writing paper, Labour in Society, whereby he distinguishes between two very different types of social organisation. That is, mechanical solidarity, which was representative of an earlier, more traditional form of social organisation, and organic solidarity, the form by which modern, industrialised societies take. On the one hand, mechanical solidarity does not have a developed structure that we would call society, in the modern sense of the word. It is primarily ‘…based upon the similarity of individuals who share a uniform way of research, life and have an identical belief system.’ And on the other, organic solidarity is brought about by medicine, a wide-ranging social differentiation whereby individuals are interdependent on one another for the ‘exchange of services’. Nonetheless, to develop Durkheim’s concept of anomie we need to illuminate the link between the division of labour and the collective conscience, in the ‘transition’ from mechanical to organic solidarity. (Pearce, 1989:60) For Durkheim, the lack of complexity and Custom research for sale structure within mechanical solidarity justified its primitive status. What is more, and key to understanding Durkheim’s concept is the thought that the division of labour was also at a primitive status, after all this was social evolution. Still, Durkheim held the division of labour to have a functional quality in that people attained their roles/ positions by way of Homework solutions complex, natural ability, this in turn was vital to both system and social integration. Moreover, social integration was part of what Durkheim referred to as the collective conscience, a social fact that explained the unifying essence of society. Research Paper For Sale Site! ‘In a society held together by with picture, mechanical solidarity, the conscious collective exists over and above individuals and becomes implanted in paper site, them.’ (Craib, 1997:65) Before we go any further, it will be a useful exercise to expand upon what is actually meant by collective conscience.

We have hitherto explained that the basis for mechanical solidarity was built upon shared social existence and underpinned by a single belief system, religion for instance. However, such a belief system not only influenced the division of labour, but would have been the key to social integration, and the collective conscience. Writing With Picture! In so being, it holds sway not only over the morality of mechanical solidarity, but actually forges it, and to an extent that any behaviour that deviates from it may be seen as deviant and/or criminal. ‘We can, then…say that an act is criminal when it offends strong and defined states of the paper, collective conscience.’ (Durkheim, 1968:80) Nonetheless, for Durkheim deviancy was not only a universal phenomenon, but performed a vital social function in that it strengthened solidarity by defining moral boundaries through the punishment of offenders. (This is a position that was to later influence proponents of labelling theory, as it draws a clear distinction between the act of deviancy, and the reaction to it.) In turn this would lead to creation of law which he thought would have a stabilising effect on society. Having defined what is meant by the collective conscience, we shall now link it to Best writing paper picture Durkheim’s concept of anomie. Paper For Sale! We first see the Get scholarship, use of Durkheim’s concept of Custom for sale site, anomie in the transition of mechanical to Essay in marathi organic solidarity. That is, transition from Custom research paper a primitive solidarity, governed by moral regulators such as religion, and with a primitive division of labour, to a rapidly expanding industrialised society. Do I Application! ‘…its purpose was to signify a lack of integration and adjustment that threatens the cohesiveness of contemporary industrialised societies…’ (McCaghy, 1976:53) For Durkheim thought that such a rapid expansion was not accompanied with appropriate regulation, either economically, or morally, and could not be regulated within, or by, the traditional collective conscience.

This led to people having aspirations that exceeded the opportunities available to them, and that would ultimately manifest in deviant behaviour such as greed or jealousy. Moreover, the division of labour that was based on natural ability had now no means of Custom paper site, being legitimized. Essay And Disadvantages! ‘In short, labor is divided spontaneously only if society is Custom paper for sale site constituted in such a way that social inequalities exactly express natural inequalities.’ (Durkheim, 1968:377) Instead we find in the transition to organic society, a ‘forced’ division of labour whereby external inequalities suppress people from attaining the positions that best suit their natural abilities. In particular this is the case with the stratification of individuals whereby it ‘…inhibits the chances of large numbers of Get scholarship, people attaining positions that fit their abilities.’ (Downes #38; Rock, 1995:119) A symptom of Custom for sale, this would be class conflict. Durkheim’s concept of anomie then, was a state of normlessness that allows for the disorganisation of society. Furthermore, Durkheim held that these anomic processes clogged the arteries of a healthy and natural division of labour, which if not corrected, would inevitably situate society in a pathological condition – excessive deviance. The basic criticisms that we can apply to Durkheim’s concept of anomie, in terms of deviancy, is that firstly Durkheim thought that a healthy division of labour was beneficial to both society and individual. However, it may also be suggested that the Homework solutions website analysis, division of Custom research, labour could equally result in anomie.

That is, a developed division of labour is detriment to the worker and to society because it removes skill, thus motivation from the workforce, and may result in deviant behaviour such as refusal to work, or even strikes. Website Analysis! And secondly, the Custom research for sale, notion that anomie was a result of Ask jeeves games xbox, people having aspirations that exceeded the opportunities available to them is Custom research for sale site also problematic. This statement suggests a certain degree of determinism about the structure of society and the causal links to Ask jeeves deviant behaviour. Specifically, we could say that the Custom research paper, deviant behaviour tells us more about the Get scholarship, dynamics of the structure of society. This is a criticism that we shall exploit further now as we contrast the above concept of anomie with that posited by Robert K. Merton. American sociologist Robert K. Merton borrowed Durkheim’s concept of anomie to form his own theory of deviancy.

The Strain Theory was situated in an article entitled Social Structure and Custom research paper site Anomie, which was published in 1938. However, it differs from Durkheim’s concept in two fundamental ways. First, Merton held that the real problem is not created by a sudden social change, as Durkheim proposed, but rather by What do i my college essay about, a social structure that offers the Custom for sale, same goals to all its members without giving them equal means to achieve them. ‘Merton attributed deviance to a contradiction in the structure of modern society.’ (Katz, 1996:148) Secondly, converse to Durkheim’s assumption that individual’s aspirations were limitless, Merton proposed that anomie results from the strains within the social structure that forces the individual towards unachievable aspirations. We shall now consider these points in question as we determine their relationship in association to Merton’s theory of deviancy. Among the Ask jeeves games, elements of social and cultural structure, two are important for our purposes…The first consists of Custom research for sale, culturally defined goals, purposes, and interests. It comprises a frame of aspirational reference…The second phase of the social structure defines, regulates, and controls the acceptable modes of achieving theses goals. (Merton, 1938:672673) First and do i write my college essay foremost we need to understand that Merton’s theory is set in the context of American society, and more specifically it was concerned with the American dream. For it is in this context that the above elements which Merton calls culture goals, and institutional norms, are best understood. ‘It is the American Dream that everyone, regardless of class origin, religion, or ethnic characteristics can succeed in acquiring material wealth.’ (McCaghy, 1976:55) However, whilst the research, American Dream is assimilated with cultural goals, the means by which to Essay achieve it, institutional means, are not homogeneously distributed throughout society.

For instance, not everybody in society, especially individualistic societies such as America and Custom for sale site Britain will be able to access higher standards of education because of the cost it entails. Predictably then this becomes a handicap in attaining success as one is lacking the institutional means needed. It then follows, the lack of success in a society that materially rewards success, will bring about a sense of worthlessness and despair. It is here that we can appreciate Merton’s proposal of strain between cultural goals and institutional means and the link to anomie. Picture! ‘For Durkheim, deregulation led to infinite aspirations; for Merton, infinite aspirations led to deregulation. Research! The result, for both, was the same: high rates of deviation.’ (Downes #38; Rock, 1995:127) Nonetheless, Merton then applies to his theory a typology of my college essay, differing forms of behaviour in terms of conformity, or non-conformity, to cultural goals and institutionalised means.

These being: 1.Innovation. The accounts for those who except cultural goals but employ illegitimate means to achieve success. For example, embezzlement, or racketeering. 2.Ritualism. Custom Research Site! This refers to Essay on advantages in marathi those who adhere to institutional means, but ignore the goals. For example, working for an employer even though the money and prospects are poor. 3.Retreatism. Withdrawal from society’s goals and means. In this category we may place those who have opted out socially desirable behaviour. For Sale Site! For instance, drug addicts, or alcoholics. Or people like hippies who have chosen an alternative lifestyle.

4.Rebellion. Here we find those who not only reject society’s goals and means, but who actively try to essay medicine replace them. For example, political revolutionaries, or religious prophets. Although Merton was to subsequently re-adapt his typology, what his goals-means schema offers us is an alternative perspective on how to Custom research paper for sale understand deviant behaviour other than Durkheim’s regulation of the social system. That is, it illustrates how individuals adapt to essay the situations to which they find themselves. ‘Merton thus not only explains the source of rule-breaking behaviour, but also suggests the motivations and forms that comprise such behaviour.’ (McCaghy, 1976:57) More importantly Merton presents a concept of anomie that places the paper for sale site, emphasis on the strain between human agency and social structure, thus adding a social dimension to Durkheim’s biological framework. Still, although Merton’s concept of anomie was for many years a major discourse regarding deviancy, and was subsequently improved by sub-cultural theorist Albert Cohen, it was nonetheless, to provoke a variety of Essay and disadvantages of internet in marathi, criticisms, some of which we shall consider now. As with Durkheim, Merton came from a positivist tradition, in that the cornerstone of his theoretical work were empirically based. Moreover, the statistics that Merton used were compiled by Custom research, the police, and often pointed to the lower economical classes, as the predominant category for deviant behaviour. However we can say that such statistics are ambiguous for a number of Homework website analysis, reasons, we shall pinpoint two.

Firstly, the research for sale site, way police statistics are compiled may not reflect neutrality, that is, given that crime is police business then some form of manipulation may occur, either for departmental reasons or political. Secondly, policing of inner city areas will take priority over Best writing paper with, suburban areas; it then follows that the compilation of crime statistics will reflect this. This is not to say that crime is more abundant in inner city areas just that it is more likely to Custom for sale be encountered if there are more police in solutions, the area, leaving suburban areas relatively un-policed. Custom Research Site! It is for these reasons that we can say Merton’s reliance on police statistics is problematic because it would have misguided his theory. ‘A second criticism of and disadvantages of internet, Merton’s theory concerns his assumptions of common culture goals and institutionalised means.’ (McCaghy, 1976:59) Lemert, (1972) points to the fact that because America is not homogenous, it is difficult to Custom research actually define what constitutes a success, or the American Dream. Specifically, America has a multitude of conflicting moral sentiments that far from represent commonly approved goals as is Master zigbee inferred in Merton’s anomie theory. Nonetheless, it is fair to say that America is a capitalist society, and this has an overarching effect on its members no matter how diverse they may be. For example, the research paper for sale site, Hip Hop culture has blossomed in America since the 196070s, and is known for its specific creative/ artistic agenda, that has taken inspiration from Afro American, Jamaican, and Puerto Rican communities. Nonetheless, increased popularity, and corporate interest in Hip Hop has drawn many of its leading proponents away from their roots in search of material gain. ‘Just as with countries, many people within hip hop forgot their history and their objectives. Writing! Hip hop had been uplifted from paper its community and artistic agenda and poisoned with capitalism.’ (Cavazos, 1997) What is more, we may say that this seems to fit in with Merton’s Strain theory, but it is unsure what category a Rap artist would fit into in his typology. Master Thesis Zigbee! Still, this brings us closer to our final criticism as posited by Ian Taylor, Paul Walton, and Jock Young. Custom For Sale! In, Advances Towards a Critical Criminology, 1974, Taylor, Walton, and young confirm what they originally claimed in The new Criminology, 1973 that ‘the processes involved in crime-creation are bound up in…the material basis of contempory capitalism and its structures of law.’(Taylor, et al, 1974:441) This approach, which has its roots in traditional structural Marxism, was concerned with deconstructing the established paradigms of deviancy theory.

Nonetheless, although Taylor et al accept that Merton recognised that concept of anomie results from social processes rather than biological, as held by Durkheim, for them it lacked any real concrete explanation of deviancy. Specifically, they charged Merton with not acknowledging the capitalist dynamics behind cultural goals and website complex analysis institutional mean. ‘The analysis of particular forms of crime, or particular types of criminal, outside of Custom paper site, their context in history and society has been shown in our view to be meaningless activity…’ (Taylor, et al, 1974:462) In sum, Durkheim’s concept of anomie reflected the irregular transition from mechanical to on advantages of internet in marathi organic society. Wherein, the lack of paper site, a division of labour based on zigbee, natural ability halted the functional integration of society. For Durkheim, anomie was deviant behaviour resulting from unlimited aspirations. Conversely, Merton held that unlimited aspirations led to paper for sale site deviant behaviour. This was particularly true of American society whereby cultural goals far outstripped the institutional means of writing, achieving the American Dream. Custom Research! Whilst Both Durkheim’s and Merton’s perspectives on anomie offer us useful concepts of deviant behaviour, one that emphasises human ability, the other, social, neither offered a concrete explanation of essay, crime and deviance. Moreover, it may be suggested that any concrete understanding of criminal and deviant behaviour would need to posit a materialistic explanation of society. Cavazos, R. [1997] ‘The Hip-Hop Culture and a Common Challenge’, League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Custom Research Site! Online. Available from: link [accessed 14/11/04].

Craib, I. 1997. Classical Social Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Downes, D. and Rock, P. Zigbee! 1995. Paper For Sale! Understanding Deviance. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Durkheim, E. Homework Solutions Website Complex Analysis! 1968. Custom Site! The Division of Labour in Society. Trans. G. Simpson.

New York: The Free Press. Katz, J. 1996. ‘Seductions and repulsions in essay medicine, Crime’. In J. Muncie, E. Research Site! McLaughlin, M. Langan. (eds.) Criminological Perspectives: A Reader. London: Sage. 145160. Lemert, E,M. And Disadvantages! 1972. Human Deviance, Social Problems, and Social Control. 2nd ed.

New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2661. McCaghy, C,H. 1976. Deviant Behaviour: Crime, Conflict, and for sale site Interest Groups. New York: Macmillan. Merton, R,K. 1938. ‘Social Structure and Anomie’.

American Sociological Review 3 (5): 672682. Pearce, F. Xbox! 1989. The Radical Durkheim. London: Unwin Hyman. Taylor et al. Custom Research! 1974. ‘Advances Towards a Critical Criminology’. Theory and solutions website complex analysis Society 1 (4): 441476. Taylor et al. 1973. New Criminology For a Social Theory of Deviance. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

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Small numbers mean beginner level. shell (bash, sh, ksh): 11000+, bash since 1995. GNU/Linux, misc GNU tools: 10000+ Linux/UNIX System Administration: 2720 (since 1988; Linux since 1996) Software Configuration Management (SCM): 4000+ yum, rpm: 320+ (as end user) svn (Subversion [CollabNet/Linux;cygwin]): 1900+ ElectricCommander: 30 m4: 400+ jira: 210+ confluence: 200+ rsync: 110. cygwin: 350+ apache: 45 PL/SQL queries: 40 MYSQL, SQL self study: 28 tomcat: 10 XML: 30 bamboo: 70 cruise control: 20 crowd: 20 fisheye: 10 vim: 7000+ emacs: 100 AIX system admin: 60+ HPUX system admin: 200 posting questions to Usenet: 300+ HTML: 35 jetty: 20 NFS: 220. iptables: 40 xen: 3 git: 2.25 vmware: 5 LDAP queries: 25 PostgreSQL: 20 openmake meister: 25 UNIX System Internals, posix: 45 (book-study) Data Structures Algorithms: 4 (book-study) msys: 25 exim: 25 Java Ant Build Deploy: 1900 websphere: minimal. Release Coordination/Management: none perl XML modules: 0.5 perl CGI: 5 perl creating Object Oriented code: 3 maven study: 6 markdown: 12 pandoc: 7 gnome (as end user): 15. Hour by hour, I work in GNU screen, w/several interactive bash shell commandline sessions; and in a tabbed-terminal-vim session w/many open files. At commandline often use: ssh, scp, egrep, perl, tar, make, bash functions or aliases, rsync, awk, find, sort, diff, rcs, shell history; shell one liners w/pipes, subshells, background jobs, special shell options, while, for, and process substitution. Tom S Rodman Key Skills.

Scripting: bash, Korn, and Bourne shell scripting; perl, awk, sed, make, m4, python, expect, tcl, msdos batch (cmd.exe), cgi, strong w/regular expressions. Web: Atlassian Confluence wiki markup, HTML, basic Selenium. Languages: bash shell, korn shell ( tested: high end of 'advanced'), perl ( tested: just below 'advanced'), m4, python, pascal, fortran, basic; some involvement: C, curses, SQL, PL/SQL, CSS, XML, YAML. Configuration Management; SDLC Tools: Mecurial hg, Subversion svn, cvs, RCS, SCCS, Jira, make, bamboo, cruise control, ant, diff, patch, sdiff, some work w/autoconf, Telelogic Synergy (SCM ), Telelogic Change (problem tracking) Databases: Exposure to: PL/SQL w/perl DBI and toad, MySQL, postgresql, and Informix; GNU Linux, HPUX, AIX, GNU tools under AIX, RHEL, Fedora, Centos, 90s era SUNOS, Windows Server: NT 3.51 and medicine all versions through Windows 2003, (7 various UNIXes)

Services: sendmail, NFS, iptables, DNS (bind, named), apache, NIS, ntp, cups, crond, dhcpd, sshd, spamassassin. general skills: svn third party code drops, 3 file code merges, merge conflict analysis, ant java build troubleshooting. Tom Rodman: Tools, Shells, Languages. expert: [ ali at atq atrm awk basename bash bc cancel cat chkconfig chgrp chmod chown ci co colrm comm comp cp crontab d2u date df diff dirname dist dmesg dos2unix du echo egrep env exportfs false fgrep file find fmt fold ftp gawk getopt grep gunzip gzip halt head hostid hostname id kill less ln locate ls make man md5sum mkdir mktemp more mv next nmh passwd ping ps pwd rcp rcs rcsdiff rdate reboot rlog rlogin rm rmdir rsh scan scp 'GNU screen' script send sh shutdown sleep sort split ssh stat strings su tac tail tar tee telnet test time top touch tr true tty u2d umount uname uncompress uniq unix2dos unzip uptime vi vim wall wc wget xargs xterm yes zcat zip. experienced: a2p adduser ash aspell batch bunzip2 bzip2 chfn chroot chsh cksum cmp col conv convert cpan cpio crond dd ddrescue dig dir dnsdomainname domainname dump dumpe2fs e2fsck ed editrights eject ethereal ex expand expect expr fdformat fetchmail find2perl finger formail fsck getfacl ghostscript gimp gnuplot groupadd groupdel groupmod groups gs HTML iconv info ispell join keychain last L A T E X ldapsearch look lp lpq lpr lpstat lsof lynx m4 mail mailx mhbuild mhlist mhshow mhstore minicom mount mutt named netstat nfs nfsstat nice nisdomainname nl nmap nntp nohup nslookup ntfs-3g ntpd ntpdate ntpq od packf par perl pg pgrep Pnews pppd pr printf procmail pwck rcvstore rpcinfo rdist red resize restore rev rexec rmail rpcinfo rpc.mountd rpc.nfsd rpm rsync rxvt rz SCCS sdiff sed sendmail seq setfacl setsid sftp showmount sha1sum spamassassin ssh-add ssh-agent sshd ssh-host-config ssh-keygen startx stty svn mkdir/import/add/ci/co/export/rm svn stat svn diff svn log svnlook svn ls svn cp svn mv sync sz talk tclsh telinit traceroute trn tune2fs tzselect units unlink updatedb useradd userdel usermod uucp uudecode uuencode vigr vipw vimdiff vmstat watch wdiff who whois wiki wireshark xauth ypcat ypdomainname yppasswd ypset ypwhich yum. occasional: alternatives apt automake autom4te blkid cc diff3 free fuser gcc gpg hexdump httpd install ip iptables irssi killall logrotate losetup lsusb lpc lsdev lsof lvcreate lvs markdown merge mkfifo mknod mountpoint mysql naim namei nc newer pandoc patch pvcreate realpath s2p shar since smartd strace svnadmin svn cleanup svn switch tcpdump tic tidy tput vgchange vgcreate wish write yaml. Tom Rodman Key Strengths.

I'm a process oriented, IT engineering generalist, problem solver/troubleshooter w/wide experience knowledge; used to the unexpected. Strong in research paper bash shell scripting. Master Thesis! 25 years of shell scripting; 18 years of research, bash; 22 years of basic perl. Ask Jeeves Games! Open Source project: Strong skills at the command line w/hundreds of research paper, GNU/UNIX utilities. For example: adept w/regular expressions, ad hoc pipeline commands, text string manipulation; at on advantages in marathi, complex timestamp/regex based multi GB filesystem searches. Strengthfinder 2.0 results:,,,, See: Have years of paper site, tagged, organized, and Get scholarship essay regex searchable personal technical notes, under revision control. Conservative, risk aware, my best practices: careful/workstep level planning; logging system changes and daily work; all application and system config files under revision control. Custom Research Paper For Sale Site! Believe in thesis cross training, in sharing skills (thru wiki or 1:1); a backup person and Custom research paper for sale site a backout plan.

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Analysis of western films #8220;Shane#8221; and #8220;High Noon#8221; Essay Sample. In the genre of western films, the hero plays a key role. In many films the American people have turned their attention to more constructive pursuits, such as battling nature to progress America#8217;s future rather than each other. In between this wild country fraught with danger and corruption lies the role of the hero. The hero is usually portrayed as an individual with exceptional skills who through their abilities rids a town of the corrupt elements that lurk from within. In many cases, however, the hero#8217;s skills are not enough. For Sale Site. His relationship and Homework solutions interaction with the community serves as a marker to research determine how successful he will be. In the films Shane and High Noon with heroes have attempted to integrate themselves into their respective communities.

This gives them away to and disadvantages in marathi identify with the community, giving them incentive to defend their communities from elements which pose as a threat to them. In the film Shane, directed by George Stevens (1953), the hero tries to subtly integrate himself into his community. Instead of paper, riding into town, Shane, (Alan Ladd) is perceived through the young and carefree eyes of Homework analysis, a child. By having Shane first meet Joey Starret, (Brandon DeWilde) he is introduced in a personal manner Shane is motivated through personal reasons. He desires a life free of controversy and war and hopes to live the life of an average settler. The lifestyle of the Starret family and the other settlers amplifies the notions of a simpler life that Shane finds appealing. It offers a way for Shane to paper for sale site escape his past by working to create a simple yet honest community. Shane does not wish to dominate the existence of the Best writing paper with picture other settlers but join them and collectively work together.

It is for this reason he is incensed to defend the research for sale community from Ryker (Emile Meyer). He has become personally involved with creating a community and wishes to see it continue to prosper, even if his choice dictates that he has to leave in order to succeed. Solutions Website. Kane (Garry Cooper), in High Noon directed by Fred Zinnemann (1952), is a more extroverted hero than Shane and has greater plans to paper for sale site reform the town than merely just driving out the criminal element. Kane#8217;s entry to the film is solutions analysis, also much grander. He is a sheriff who cleaned up town, ready to embark on the next stage in his life with his future wife, Amy, (Grace Kelly). Moments after the ceremony he learned that the a dangerous criminal has been released and research paper for sale site is returning to seek revenge. He flees the town, only to return because he wishes to clean out the Get scholarship medicine wickedness and lawlessness and protect his people from corruption.

This creates the allusion of Kane being a much more romantic hero and having greater plans than merely just wanting to Custom research site build a safe community. To do this he introduces reforms that not only remove the criminal element, but also set a moral tone for the community. This establishes him as a community leader who is willing to do whatever is necessary to curb the violence in the town. People do not respect him for who he is and what he has done for the community, and not who he is and disadvantages in marathi, as a person. This fact sets him apart from Shane. Kane#8217;s actions are dictated by his own morals and beliefs, not from Custom paper, any kind of loyalty or friendship to any individuals. The use of and disadvantages of internet in marathi, clocks in High Noon is emphasizes the importance of time and also provides a running commentary for the viewer on how much time Kane has left.

The secondary storylines, such as the break up of Kane#8217;s marriage to Amy, Harvey#8217;s (Lloyd Bridges), resignation as deputy and paper for sale Hellen#8217;s (Katy Jurado) background with Miller (Sheb Wooley), are supported by the use of do i my college application, real time editing. Paper For Sale. Kane#8217;s marriage occurred less than two hours before he heard the news of Frank#8217;s coming. In a short time span, Kane has abandoned his new wife to defend a town which does not really like, or want him. This action shows Kane#8217;s callousness but also his morals of responsibly and obligation. Harvey#8217;s resignation, and ultimate abandonment of Kane in his time of need, is complex, emphasized using clocks because Harvey abandoned Kane an hour before Frank was due to arrive. Custom Research Paper For Sale Site. This highlights not only the cowardice of Harvey, but also the loneliness Kane experienced. Hellen#8217;s background with Miller is not fully revealed, however the audience is aware of its severity due to real time editing. Hellen was preparing to my college application about liquidate her business at half-price, and leave her home town within a few hours after hearing of Miller#8217;s arrival. This demonstrates that she may have been devastated by her past relationship with Miller. Hellen and Amy both prepare to leave town on the noon train the same train Miller is to arrive on. It is interesting that when the Custom research paper site clock strikes noon, the frequent cutting to Master thesis clocks comes to an end.

The climax has been reached; noon has arrived with the train carrying Miller. The majority of the High Noon film, taking place prior to noon, is a build up to the arrival of Miller. As the minutes tick by, suspense and anticipation builds. The action sequence after noon between Kane and Custom paper site the Miller gang, compensates for the loss of the suspense that is Ask jeeves, so critical before noon. In High Noon the audience is encouraged to relate to research site Kane and his feelings of abandonment and loneliness. What Do I Write Application Essay About. Kane is the central character, and none of the other characters are described in much depth. Kane is therefore the only character with whom the audience can relate.

Kane#8217;s isolation in his time of need is amplified by the fact that the research paper for sale site his town people, wife, best friend and write application essay his deputy all abandon him at the first sign of Custom paper site, trouble. Best Paper With. They leave Kane no time to find an alternative. He must battle the entire Miller gang alone. Because Kane#8217;s feeling of hopelessness, the audience sympathizes with him. In Shane, the relationship between Shane and Joey Starret is important because much of his humanity that is shown is revealed through his interaction with the eyes of a child. Through Joey we are presented with the benefits of why Shane should stay with the Starrets.

They represent stability and the predictability of Custom research paper site, life, which Shane attempts to games integrate himself into by the symbolic removing of Custom paper site, his moleskins and the donning of working denims. Shane can also be seen as a rival father for Joey because of the boy#8217;s hero worship of him. This relationship is crucial because apart from allowing us as an audience to see Shane#8217;s human side, it also forces Joey to mature. He loves Shane but is brought to realize that he cannot become a permanent part of his life because of the lifestyle he lives. Shane may be a brave and noble figure who surpasses the Essay in marathi tame daily life of the Starret family, but his lifestyle lacks the stability to successfully raise a family. He understands this and rides out of town, but not before telling Joey to grow up straight. Through his relationship with Joey we understand that Shane is not invincible and is in fact trapped by his life. He is forced to Custom live alone in a world where the skills of a lone gunman are becoming obsolete and a stable domestic life has become the social norm. Frank Miller is also important in High Noon. Homework Solutions Complex Analysis. Instead of being a key character, he is a symbol of the for sale lawlessness that has infested the city.

His relationship with Kane is of a man who is out to seek revenge against the law enforcing figure who put him away. It is Essay and disadvantages of internet in marathi, this that prompts Kane to remain and Custom research paper for sale site fight. Unless somebody is willing to take a stand, things will just get worse and more innocent people will die. For this reason Kane#8217;s actions could be seen as more heroic than that of Shane#8217;s. Get Scholarship Essay. He is willing to risk his life for a principle, making the town safe for women and children, rather than because of personal connections he has made with the films characters. For Sale. Shane#8217;s relationship with the community can also be judged by the way he interacts with the What write my college application essay about film villain, Ryker (Emile Meyer). Custom Research For Sale. At first we judge Ryker to Ask jeeves games be nothing more than a typical thug, who attempts to destroy Starret and the other homesteaders lives for profit. However, as the film progresses we can see many similarities between the research for sale two of them, which also promote Shane#8217;s isolation from society. They are both outdated concepts in a rapidly changing world. . He belongs to a different era, as does Ryker. Games Xbox. While Shane has attempted to embrace a new way of life, Ryker continues to fight the inevitable. This leads to his death at the hands of Shane.

Even Wilson, (Jack Palance) a man who is obsolete and forced to live on the fringes of society. Both he and Shane lived in a different era that has long since elapsed. Shane attempted to change his way, yet throughout the film he discovered he could not escape his chosen way of life. Wilson, who like Ryker chose not to Custom paper site attempt to integrate himself into society, died for his way of life at Shane#8217;s hands. This death was Shane#8217;s final realization of how outdated the life of a gunfighter was. He must live out his life in seclusion, a stranger in a world that no longer needs those adept in the ways of killing. Kane on the other hand still maintains his usefulness to society at the films conclusion. Kane#8217;s role was to protect the town from the lurking corruption and vice.

This validates his role as a gunfighter in society. Best Writing Paper With. He also holds the office of research paper for sale site, marshal and is charged with maintaining law and order. Master Thesis. Unlike Shane, he does not merely kill for those who offer the most money. The innocents and Kane himself are in paper site danger. He is a man with morals, and therefore decides to of internet get involved in ending#8217;s climate of corruption.

After he and his wife have defeated the corrupt figures on research paper their own and the town has been cleaned up, they ride into the open road. Gunfighters like Shane may be obsolete, but lawmen like Kane who are willing to risk their lives for a moral cause are in great demand. This validates the transitional nature of solutions website complex, frontier America. While society may frown upon murder for profit or malice, it accepts death if it allows them to research for sale site remain safe and enjoy the lifestyle they have created for themselves. Romantically, Shane is again an essay medicine outcast of society.

This is again because of the lifestyle he has chosen. He may have feelings for Mrs. Starret played by Jean Arthur, but he has buried them beneath his desire to live the life he has made for himself. Custom Paper. Shane recognizes that Mrs. Starret needs the stability of domestic life, not the company of complex analysis, a man who could soon be killed in a gunfight.

Another reason he does not act upon his feelings for Mrs. Starret is that he is conforming to the social codes of the day. Paper Site. Shane is forced to live alone on the fringes of society without any kind of lasting human connections or comfort. Kane is again more successful in obtaining a romantic interest throughout the course of High Noon. His actions are justifiable and he can be seen as a romantic hero because of his honesty.

Clearly Kane wears a badge but this by no means grants him respect. The badge on his chest indicates justice and Best writing with picture a responsibility to the truth and the law. This raises his status above that of a gunfighter. He lost the people#8217;s support, as they are the one#8217;s who made him marshal. Despite his role, his community lacks to support him when he needs them most and his quaker wife, who too vowed never to associate herself with violence came to Custom research paper site her husbands aid at the last possible moment. Shane is forced to live an isolated existence because he is not a representative of the law, whereas Kane who represented the law left his town because his services were not appreciated. Shane and Kane portray opposite Ask jeeves xbox characters. Shane kills for paper site a living and his lifestyle have no fixed points that anchor them anywhere, where as Kane portrays a figure who upholds the law. Both Kane and Shane, however, do not have the respect of the community and nor their support to fight their oppressors.

Kane relinquished his badge and therefore he was not given the authority by his community to medicine lead them in this fight against Custom paper dangers, but rather he took control on his own accord. Shane has to be content with being a social outcast. He may be heroic but society does not accept him, even looking down on him because he has the ability to kill without anybody#8217;s authorization. Kane lacks the Homework popularity of being the paper site peoples hero, where as Shane has to xbox live in the shadows, doing the more distasteful jobs because even though he may do the same job as Kane, he does not have a tin star that represents social authority. Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order Analysis of western films #8220;Shane#8221; and research paper for sale #8220;High Noon#8221; essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Analysis of western films #8220;Shane#8221; and #8220;High Noon#8221; There is an old African or Asian expression about how only mad dogs and website complex analysis Englishmen stay out in the hot midday sun. In the outstanding 1952 western movie “High Noon”,#8230; “High Noon” (1952) by Fred Zinnemann. Soon after its inception the genre of film became perhaps the for sale most dynamically developing form of modern popular art. I suppose that one of the reasons for this may be#8230;

The Concept of Good Versus Evil. I think that it is in all of games, us as humans to do right but, at research for sale the same time I think that we all can be evil and have been#8230; Sinclair Ross#8217;s Praire Isolation by Symbolism: #8220;The Lamp at Noon#8221; #8220;The Lamp at Noon#8221; is a short story that focuses on the reality of the desiccated, secluded, and expansive prairies. Medicine. Set on the haunting Canadian prairies, weather emulates the emotions#8230; Expressionism In Films. Expressionist films have heavily relied on Custom for sale realism as a source of their effect. Yet this movement has added other techniques to the expression of reality in thesis order to create an#8230; #8221;Darkness at Noon#8221; by Arthur Koestler. Research Site. Upon reading Arthur Koestler#8217;s Darkness at Noon and studying other works written on Soviet society in the 1930#8217;s it is evident that it was a time dominated by violence, fear#8230;

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essay on the wire Jason Mittell calls David Simon’s bluff: to what degree is The Wire really like a “televised novel”? To what degree is it more like a video game? Why not classify it as what it really is - a genre-spawning “masterpiece” in the medium of television. The Wire (2002-2008) is paradigmatic of research paper site a critical darling - few people watch it (at least in the numbers typical of commercial television), but it generates adoration and evangelism by nearly all who do. Do I Write Essay About! Television critics have taken it on themselves to lobby their readers to paper site give the show a chance, asking reluctant viewers to Essay on advantages overlook its dark and Custom, cynical worldview to see the truth and Get scholarship essay medicine, beauty offered by its searing vision into the bleak heart of the U.S. city. Paper Site! Thankfully for us scattered fans, HBO has allowed the show to continue for five seasons, even without a clear sense that the show’s dedicated fandom leads to overt profitability. Write My College About! This chapter was composed in the interim between seasons four and for sale, five, and thus only refers to the show’s first four seasons. The author would like to thank the readers of paper picture his blog, Just TV, for paper site the thoughtful feedback posted about a draft of Best this chapter as well as the comments by this volume’s editors.

What is most interesting to me about the critical praise deservedly lavished on The Wire is not how it may or may not yield an increase in viewership but how the critical consensus seems to Custom research site situate the show distinctly within the frame of another medium. For many critics, bloggers, fans, and even creator David Simon himself, The Wire is best understood not as a television series but as a “visual novel.” As a television scholar, this cross-media metaphor bristles - not because I don’t like novels but because I love television. And I believe that television at Get scholarship its best shouldn’t be understood simply as emulating another older and more culturally valued medium. The Wire is a masterpiece of television, not a novel that happens to Custom research paper site be televised, and thus should be understood, analyzed, and and disadvantages, celebrated on its own medium’s terms. Yet thinking comparatively across media can be quite rewarding as a critical exercise, illuminating what makes a particular medium distinctive, and how its norms and assumptions might be rethought. So before considering how the paper site show operates televisually, what does thinking of Ask jeeves The Wire as a novel teach us about the show? And might other cross-media metaphors yield other insights?

The Wire ’s novelistic qualities are most directly linked to its storytelling structure and ambitions. As Simon attests in research site frequent interviews and commentary tracks, he is looking to tell a large sweeping story that has traditionally been the purview of the novel, at least within the thesis realm of culturally legitimate formats. He highlights how each season offers its own structural integrity, much like a specific book within a larger epic novel, and each episode stands as a distinct chapter in that book. The model, modestly left unspoken, might be War and research for sale, Peace , a vast narrative containing fifteen “books,” each subdivided into at least a dozen chapters and released serially over five years - Simon has less modestly mentioned Moby-Dick as another point of thesis zigbee comparison, although that epic novel was neither serialized nor subdivided into books. In The Wire , each season focuses on a particular facet of research paper Baltimore and solutions complex analysis, slowly builds into a cohesive whole. An episode typically does not follow the self-contained logic of most television programming, as story lines are introduced gradually and major characters might take weeks to appear. “Novelistic” is an apt term for describing this storytelling structure, as we rarely dive into a novel expecting the first chapter to typify the whole work as a television pilot is designed to for sale site do. Simon emphasizes how the show requires patience to allow stories to build and themes to accrue - a mode of engagement he suggests is more typical of Get scholarship reading than viewing.

Enhancing the show’s novelistic claims is the Custom research for sale presence of well-regarded crime fiction writers like George Pelecanos, Richard Price, and Dennis Lehane on Get scholarship medicine, the staff, and Price’s novel Clockers is surely an influence with its dual focus on research paper, a criminal and a cop in thesis zigbee the urban drug war. This parallel to the novel brings with it not just an imagined structure and scope but a host of assumed cultural values as well. While the novel’s history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries featured numerous contestations over Custom paper for sale site the form’s aesthetic and cultural merits, by the time television emerged in the mid-twentieth century, the literary novel’s cultural role was firmly ensconced as one of the Get scholarship medicine most elite and Custom research for sale, privileged storytelling formats. As the Essay on advantages and disadvantages of internet in marathi most popular and culturally influential form of research paper for sale site storytelling, television has usurped the role that the early novel played as a lowbrow mass medium threatening to corrupt its readers and demean cultural standards. By asserting The Wire as a televised novel, Simon and critics are attempting to legitimize and validate the demeaned television medium by linking it to the highbrow cultural sphere of literature. The phrase “televised novel” functions as an do i write essay oxymoron in its assumed cultural values, much like the term “soap opera” juxtaposes the extremities of art and commerce into a cultural contradiction. For The Wire , especially in site its context of HBO’s slogan “It’s Not TV, It’s HBO,” the link to solutions website complex the novel rescues the show from the stigmas of its televised form, raising it above the commercialized swamp of research for sale ephemera imagined by do i application about many as typical television. But I would contend that emphasizing the literary facets of The Wire obscures many of Custom research paper for sale site its virtues and website complex, qualities, setting it up to fail when measured by research paper for sale site some of the aesthetic aims of the novel. While any form as diverse as the novel cannot be firmly defined as dependent on any singular theme or formal quality, we can point to some key features common to many novels that The Wire seems not to share. Novels typically probe the interior lives of Master thesis zigbee their characters, both through plots that center on character growth and transformations, and through the scope of narration that accesses characters’ thoughts and beliefs. Even novels about a broad range of people and institutions often ground their vision of the world through the experiences of one or two central characters who transform through the narrative drive - for instance, a Charles Dickens novel like Bleak House examines institutions like the legal system, but does so primarily through the experiences and perspective of a central character.

These features of characterization and interiority are certainly not unique to Custom research novels, and probably apply to with picture many television series as well, but if The Wire is held as exemplar of the televised novel, we would assume that it shares the novel’s core treatment of character, which I believe it does not. Simon has suggested that The Wire is a show about the relationship between individuals and Custom research paper, institutions - a claim that the program seems to uphold. But I would argue that the point of emphasis is much more clearly on institutions rather than individuals, as within each of the social systems that the show explores - the games police, the Custom site drug trade, the docks, city government, and the educational system - the institution is brought into focus through the lens of numerous characters. Certainly Jimmy McNulty is a central point of access to understand police bureaucracy and functions nominally as the show’s main character, but by season four he is in the margins while characters like Cedric Daniels, “Bunny” Colvin, and Bunk Moreland provide alternate entry points to explore the police system. Games! Likewise, we experience the drug trade through a range of characters from D’Angelo Barksdale to Stringer Bell, Omar Little to Bodie Broadus.

While all of these characters have depth and complexity, we rarely see much of research for sale site their existence beyond how they fit into their institutional roles. Even romantic relationships seem to foreground interinstitutional links between police, lawyers, and and disadvantages of internet, politicians more than interpersonal bonds that deepen characters’ inner lives and motivations. The chronic alcoholism and infidelity of The Wire ’s police officers offers a portrait less of flawed personalities than of a flawed institution; for research paper for sale site instance, the What write police admire the systematic discipline and paper, coordination of Barksdale’s crew, which is distinctly lacking in the Baltimore Police Department. This is not to suggest that characters in games xbox The Wire are flat or merely cardboard cutouts enacting a social simulation. One of the show’s most masterful features is its ability to create achingly human characters out Custom research paper for sale site, of the xbox tiniest moments and subtle gestures, such as Lester Freamon silently sanding doll furniture, D’Angelo Barksdale picking out his clothes, or Bubbles walking through “Hamsterdam” in a daze trying to find himself.

But the way The Wire portrays its characters seems distinctly not novelistic: we get no internal monologues or speeches articulating characters’ deep thoughts, and few senses of deep character goals or transformations motivating the Custom research paper for sale dramatic actions. Character depth is conveyed through the texture of everyday life on the job - a set of operating systems that work to Master zigbee dehumanize the characters at nearly every turn. As Simon notes, The Wire has … resisted the Custom for sale idea that, in this post-modern America, individuals triumph over Master institutions. The institution is always bigger. It doesn’t tolerate that degree of individuality on any level for any length of time. These moments of epic characterization are inherently false. They’re all rooted in, like, old Westerns or something. Guy rides into town, cleans up the town, rides out of town. There’s no cleaning it up anymore. There’s no riding in, there’s no riding out.

The town is research site what it is. (Quoted in writing paper Mills 2007) In the show’s character logic, the institution is the defining element in a character’s life, externalized through practices, behaviors, and choices that deny individuality and agency - a storytelling structure that seems contrary to principles typical of Custom for sale most literary novels. There are clearly aspects of the novel that have inspired The Wire - the sweeping storytelling scope, the my college about attention to details of systems and research paper for sale site, characters, and the social issue probing of picture works like The Jungle . Research For Sale! Additionally, literary developments in recent decades have opened up the formal and stylistic possibilities of the genre, and thus there are certainly fictional trends that The Wire taps into. Ultimately, however, I contend that we should view The Wire using the thesis lens of its actual medium of site television to best understand and appreciate its achievements and importance. Games Xbox! But viewing a text through the Custom for sale expectations and Best writing paper with picture, assumptions of another form can help us understand its particular cultural logic. Might other media metaphors be similarly useful, within limits, to help unravel The Wire ? Surely journalism and documentary would be apt comparisons, with Simon’s roots as a newspaperman and investment in creative nonfiction. Yet I would like to suggest that it might be useful to view the program using the lens of a seemingly off-base medium, and hence offer a brief detour to answer an unlikely question: How might we conceive of The Wire as a video game? Let me preemptively acknowledge one significant limitation here: watching The Wire is not interactive, at paper least in the explicit mode that Eric Zimmerman (2004, 158) argues typifies games.

But then again, watching a game like baseball is also noninteractive - despite my ritualized efforts to superstitiously trigger my team’s good fortune via carefully chosen clothing, gestures, and behaviors, I have failed to essay medicine alter the outcome of any Red Sox game (at least as far as I know). In thinking about a filmed series like The Wire as a game, we need to Custom research paper site think of the ludic elements within the show’s diegesis, not the interactive play that we expect when booting up a video game. Thus The Wire might be thought of as a spectatorial game, being played on-screen for the benefit of an audience. Games certainly play a more crucial role within The Wire ’s storyworld than literature does, as its characters hardly ever seem to read, but can regularly be seen playing craps or golf, watching basketball or dogfighting. More centrally, nearly every episode has at on advantages of internet least one reference to paper “the game,” a slang term for the urban drug trade that extends to all of the Essay and disadvantages show’s institutional settings. Within the show’s portrait of Baltimore, the research paper for sale game is played in all venues - the corners, City Hall, the police station, and solutions analysis, the union hall - and by a range of paper for sale site players - street-level junkies looking to score, corrupt politicians filling campaign coffers, cops bucking for promotion, stevedores trying to games xbox maintain the docks. “The game” is the overarching metaphor for urban struggle, as everyone must play or get played - as Marla Daniels tries to warn her husband, Cedric, “The game is Custom paper site rigged - you can’t lose if you don’t play” (episode 1.2). Ask Jeeves Games Xbox! Sometimes characters are playing the same game, as the chase between the Custom research for sale site cops and Barksdale’s crew develops into a series of moves and countermoves, but some institutions engage in a different game altogether - in season one, the cops go to the FBI for help busting Barksdale’s drug and money-laundering system, but the feds are only playing the terrorism and political corruption game. Ultimately, Bell is brought down by trying to Best writing paper with play two games at once, and gets caught when the rules of the drug game conflict with the corporate political game.

Simon has suggested that the show’s goal is to “portray systems and institutions and be honest with ourselves and viewers about how complex these problems are” (quoted in Zurawik 2006). While Simon imagines that the televised novel is the form best suited to Custom accomplish such goals, in today’s media environment, video games are the thesis go-to medium for paper for sale portraying complex systems. Xbox! As Janet Murray writes, “The more we see life in terms of systems, the more we need a system-modeling medium to represent it - and the less we can dismiss such organized rule systems as mere games” (quoted in for sale Moulthrop 2004, 64). If novels typically foreground characterization and interiority in ways that The Wire seems to deny, video games highlight the complexity of interrelated systems and institutions that is one of the show’s strengths. Many video games are predicated on the logic of simulating complex systems, modeling an interrelated set of practices and protocols to explore how one choice ripples through an immersive world. Master Thesis! Ian Bogost (2006, 98) defines a simulation as “a representation of a source system via a less complex system that informs the Custom research paper for sale site user’s understanding of the source system in a subjective way” - a formulation that certainly captures the xbox essence of The Wire as a dramatic distillation of Baltimore’s institutional systems viewed through the critical perspective of Simon and his cowriters. We might imagine the paper show as a televisual adaptation of Will Wright’s landmark game SimCity (1989): an array of systems are dramatized, each with changing variables that ripple across the larger simulation model in writing paper picture unpredictable and often counterintuitive ways. SimCity functions as a “God game” at a macrolevel of control over the microdecisions of urban existence.

But The Wire dramatizes its institutions more through the actions of characters in relation to the institution, blending the paper site urban scope of SimCity with the personal focus typifying The Sims (2000), Wright’s most popular iteration of the simulation game genre. Bogost analyzes the cellular structure of simulations, with units operating in solutions website microcontexts coalescing to paper for sale create broader emergent systems. Such is often the case in The Wire ’s Baltimore; in the first episode, for instance, a chance violent encounter between Johnny Weeks and solutions website, Bodie leads Bubbles to research seek revenge on Barksdale’s organization, a small-scale unit operation that leads to major institutional transformations for both the police and drug dealers. Such small occurrences and changes at the levels of Homework solutions website both character and institution are followed throughout the series to model how institutions operate and Custom research paper for sale, infiltrate the xbox lives of Custom research for sale their employees and do i write about, members - a mode of representation blending the logics of SimCity and The Sims . One of the research paper site central elements of games, especially those centered on simulations, is replayability; for a game to be embraced by its players, it typically must allow enough experiential variation to invite multiple passes through its ludic journey. Instead of viewing each of Get scholarship medicine The Wire ’s seasons as a singular book within an epic novel, we could view them as one play through its simulation game. In the first season, we walk through the police’s attempt to take down Barksdale’s drug operation, concluding seemingly in a “checkmate” scene where Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell yield to the police’s final moves (1.12). Yet rather than game over, the move results in a stalemate that no players deem victorious - a few criminals get sentenced, but the Barksdale machine remains intact.

Season three offers a replay with some changed variables and strategies for all sides: What if drugs are decriminalized? What if the drug trade goes legit through a conglomerated co-op rather than violent competition? What if a former soldier repents and research site, tries to give back to his community? Given the show’s cynical vision of corrupt institutions, reform typically produces various forms of failure, as the parameters of the system are too locked in to truly produce social change or allow for games an imagined solution to systemic problems; as Pryzbylewski notes in a later episode, referencing football but also his own life’s work, “No one wins - one side just loses more slowly” (4.4). Yet the ludic joy of the third season is the ability to replay the first season’s narrative through the imagination of new rules and ways to Custom research for sale site play the game - a mode of engagement offered with less imaginative vision and more amoral brutality in season four’s replay of the drug game under the thesis leadership of Marlo Stanfield.

The characters in The Wire , while quite human and multidimensional, are as narrowly defined in their possibilities as typical video game avatars. They each do what they do because that is the research paper for sale way the game is played - Bubbles can’t get clean, McNulty can’t follow orders, Avon can’t stop fighting for his corners, and Frank Sobotka can’t let go of the glory days of the docks. The characters with both the Homework website analysis will and opportunity to change, like Bell, D’Angelo, or Colvin, find the systems too resistant, the Custom “boss levels” too difficult, to overcome the status quo. The show offers a game that resists agency, a system impervious to Best picture change, and yet the players keep playing because that is Custom paper site all they know how to do. The opening scene in the series shows McNulty interviewing a witness to a murder, killed after trying to rob a craps game; even though the victim tried to “snatch and run” every Friday night, the witness says that they had to let him play, because “it’s America, man” (1.1). The game must be played, no matter the cost. Throughout the series, the moments of greatest conflict are where a player steps over the line and breaks the unwritten rules of his or her institution - shooting Omar on Sunday morning, Carver leaking information about Daniels, Nick Sobotka going beyond smuggling to enter the write application essay about drug trade. For Sale! In the show’s representation of Baltimore, the write essay game is more than a metaphor; it is the social contract that just barely holds the world together. Season four offers a replay with an expansion pack complete with new avatars and research for sale site, settings, focusing on the kids of Tilghman Middle School. The introduction of this new system triggers emotional distress - the rules of solutions The Wire ’s simulation logic all but ensure that most of the for sale site children will end up broken and and disadvantages of internet in marathi, damaged, as that’s the way the game is played.

As we watch the season progress, the choices that the Custom research paper kids make and the actions that are enacted on them all function as unit operations, microinstances that begin to coalesce into larger systemic forces. We watch in Best paper with hope that they each choose the right moves, play by rules that we know well after three seasons, but realize that nobody wins - it’s just about who loses more slowly. It is a tribute to the efficacy of the show’s logic of emergent systems that the end result of each child’s fate is both entirely unpredictable from the outset and Custom research paper, completely inevitable given the way each played - and was played by - the game. As viewers, we also play along in rooting for particular players, tracking the near misses that could have changed each of their lives along the Essay way, and research paper for sale site, learning the lessons of the show’s simulation rhetoric. As Bogost (2006) observes, simulations make arguments and reinforce ideologies through their underlying rules and assumptions; The Wire serves as a prototype of a persuasive game, making arguments about the inefficacy of the drug war, the class politics of urban America, and the failure of xbox U.S. education under the regime of testing, all rhetorically framed within the metaphor of a game to be played and lost. If the video game medium offers such insight into what makes The Wire an innovative and successful program, why wouldn’t Simon or other critics highlight this cross-media parallel as well as the novel? One answer is Custom paper for sale obvious: it helps legitimize the show by comparing it to the highbrow, respectable literary form rather than the more derided and marginalized medium. And of course, I do believe that Simon and his cowriters do conceive of their practices as fitting with their conceptions of what the solutions analysis novel can do, with “the game” serving as mostly a metaphor for the desolate lives of their characters and institutions. But through my own little game here, reading The Wire for the anthology Third Person through the analytic lens of its previous game studies iteration of Custom research paper site First Person , we can see both the possibilities and limitations of analyzing a text through the framework of what it is not. Ultimately, the best insights about the Ask jeeves xbox show can be found not by Custom research paper looking at solutions analysis it as either a novel or a game but in terms of what it truly is: a masterful example of television storytelling. Placing The Wire in the context of television storytelling helps us understand why Simon felt compelled to Custom for sale site frame his series as atypical of television beyond the implied cultural hierarchies.

On the show’s debut in Homework solutions analysis 2002, television was in the midst of a distinctive shift in its storytelling strategies and possibilities, exploring a mode of narrative complexity that I have analyzed elsewhere (Mittell 2006). Simon’s previous work in television was primarily on the NBC series Homicide: Life on research paper site, the Street , which was based on his journalistic book; Homicide ’s producers were constantly battling network requests to make plots more conclusive and uplifting, adding hopeful resolution to its bleak vision of urban murder. But in the decade between Homicide ’s 1993 premiere and The Wire ’s debut, many programs offered innovations in essay medicine complex long-form television storytelling, including The X-Files , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , The West Wing , Alias , 24 , and most important for Simon’s own program, HBO’s critically acclaimed offerings of Oz , The Sopranos (1999-2007), and Six Feet Under (2001-2005) as well as his own miniseries The Corner . Thus, while Simon frames his series primarily in novelistic terms in Custom research paper site opposition to his frustrations working on Homicide , there were many key televised precedents for long-form gradual storytelling for him to draw on. The Wire does, of thesis course, draw on Custom site, a number of televisual traditions, mostly in its position within genre categories. The police drama is an obvious link, but an uncomfortable one; unlike nearly all cop shows, The Wire spends as much time focused on the criminals as the police, and as seasons progress, other civic institutions take over the dramatic center. The show belongs more to a nonexistent category of “urban drama,” documenting a city’s systemic decay; thematically, police dramas are nearly always about fighting the tide of decay, rather than contributing to its demise. In spirit, if not in execution, The Wire harks back to the critically hailed yet little seen social issue dramas of the do i write my college application essay about early 1960s, like East Side/West Side and The Defenders , but given the new industrial framework of premium cable television, The Wire can survive (if only barely) as a bleak social statement without reaching a mass audience - a luxury that its 1960s’ network counterparts could not afford.

What the show shares most directly with many cop show precedents is its focus on procedure. Research! Dragnet (1951-1970) pioneered the zigbee television cop show in Custom research paper the 1950s, inventing both the formal and cultural vocabulary of the police procedural. Although it reads as a mannered caricature today, in thesis its time Dragnet represented the height of Custom research site gripping authenticity, offering viewers a gritty noir view into the underbelly of Los Angeles and on advantages and disadvantages of internet, a celebration of the police who protect it. The show’s narrative scope focused on the functional machinery of the police world, presenting a form of “systemic realism” that sublimated character depth to research for sale site institutional logic (Mittell 2004, 137). Essay On Advantages Of Internet! While Dragnet did distill the larger institution into Custom for sale site the perspective of Detective Joe Friday and his assorted partners, creator/producer/star Jack Webb designed the show for Friday to be viewed as “just one little cog in a great enforcement machine” (quoted in ibid., 126), and thesis, downplayed the character to generate a level of for sale emotional engagement appropriate for a cog, redirecting viewer focus on to the minute details of police procedures. The legacy of Dragnet ’s procedural tone lives on in the long-running Law and on advantages and disadvantages of internet, Order and CSI franchises, each of which offer just enough emotional investment in their institutional workers to engage viewers, but hook them with twisty mysteries each week to Custom research paper for sale be solved by effective forensic detection or prosecution. The Wire manages to produce both emotional investment in do i my college essay its characters and a detailed eye for procedures. The opening credits of each season typify the Custom for sale site show’s focus.

The characters are obscured and abstracted into a series of unit operations: close-ups of body parts, machinery, gestures, and What do i essay about, icons of city life. What matters in the credits, and arguably the series as a whole, is less who is doing the Custom paper actions, but more the xbox practices of research site institutional urban life themselves: the policing, drug slinging, political bribing, and bureaucratic buck-passing that comprise the essence of the show’s portrait of Baltimore in decay. The Wire offers a veritable how-to lesson on the police procedures of wiretapping, waterfront tracking, and surveillance as well as the less sanctioned practices of drug distribution, smuggling, and bribery. A real New York drug ring even modeled their strategy of dumping cell phones after the practices of Barksdale’s crew - a connection that police learned about picture while listening to research paper dealers recap the previous episode via a wiretap (Rashbaum 2005). While traditional police procedurals have documented the practices of detection and prosecution as evidence of a functional and robust criminal justice system, The Wire ’s procedural detail shows official systems that cannot match the discipline, creativity, and flexibility of criminals, thereby offering a cynical vision of a police system playing out a losing hand. The show’s formal style supports its claims to authenticity. While it avoids Dragnet’s procedural voice-over narration, The Wire shares a similar commitment to underplaying drama, and allowing the write application on-screen dialogue and action to tell the Custom research story. The show refuses to use nondiegetic music except to conclude each season, and minimizes camera movement and Get scholarship medicine, flashy editing, allowing the Custom research paper site performances and writing to tell the in marathi story with a naturalistic visual style.

Unlike many of its contemporary shows employing complex narrative strategies, The Wire avoids flashbacks, voice-overs, fantasy sequences, repetition from multiple perspectives, or reflexive commentaries on the narrative form itself (see Mittell 2006). In terms of how the show stylistically tells its story, The Wire appears more akin to conventional procedurals like Law and Order than contemporary innovators like The Sopranos or 24, sharing a commitment to authenticity and Custom site, realism typified by a minimized documentary-style aesthetic that Simon (2006) summarizes: “Less is more. Explaining everything to the slowest or laziest member of the audience destroys verisimilitude and Homework solutions website analysis, reveals the paper movie itself, rather than the reality that the movie is Get scholarship trying to convey.” While its attention to procedural details, authenticity, and verisimilitude might rival any show in television history, The Wire diverges from one defining attribute of the police procedural. Typically procedurals, whether focusing on police precincts, medical practices, or private detectives, are devoutly episodic in structure - each week, one or more cases gets discovered, processed, and research paper site, resolved, rarely to reappear or even be remembered in subsequent episodes. On The Wire , cases last an entire season or beyond, and everything that happens is remembered with continuing repercussions throughout the storyworld - lessons are learned, grudges are deepened, and the stakes are raised. The show demands audiences to and disadvantages invest in their diegetic memories by rewarding detailed consumption with narrative payoffs; for instance, a first season bust of an aide to Custom research paper for sale Senator Clay Davis adds little to that season’s arc, but it sets up a major plotline of seasons three and four. If Dragnet represents the prototype of the episodic procedural with hundreds of interchangeable episodes, The Wire is on the other end of television’s narrational spectrum, with each episode in and disadvantages of internet the series demanding to research paper for sale site be viewed in xbox sequence and strict continuity. Thus, The Wire functions as what might be television’s only example of a serialized procedural.

Also debuting in 2002, The Shield blends the procedural with the serial by mixing ongoing conflicts into its focus on the workings of a corrupt branch of the Los Angeles Police Department. The Shield , however, offers far more episodic closure than The Wire , with single cases introduced and resolved in most episodes - a plot convention that never occurs in The Wire . How does The Wire structure its balance between serial and episodic story lines? In many examples of television’s contemporary narrative complexity, individual episodes maintain a coherent and steady structure, even when they primarily function as part of a larger storytelling arc (Mittell 2006; Newman 2006). Individual episodes typically offer one self-contained plotline to be resolved while others function primarily within larger season arcs; for example, each episode of Veronica Mars typically introduces and paper site, resolves one new mystery, while longer character and investigative arcs proceed alongside that week’s self-contained plot. Other shows use structural devices to website complex analysis identify distinct episodes, such as Lost ’s designation of a specific character’s flashbacks each week or Six Feet Under ’s “death-of-the-week” structure. The Wire offers little episodic unity. Although each episode is certainly structured to deliver narrative engagement and payoffs in specific beats and threads, it is hard to research site isolate any identifying characteristics of a single episode in the way that a show like The Sopranos has particular markers, such as “the college trip” or “the Russian in write application about the woods.” In this way, The Wire does fit Simon’s novelistic ideals, as individual chapters are best viewed as parts of a cohesive whole and not as stand-alone entries. The Wire is therefore at once one of television’s most serialized programs, yet also uniquely focused more on institutional procedures and Custom research, actions than character relationships and emotional struggles that typify most serialized dramas.

What are the impacts of this unique narrative form of the serialized procedural, beyond just a formal innovation with its own pleasurable rewards? Dragnet and subsequent police procedurals represent law enforcement as an efficient machine - a perspective that the narrative form reinforces; by offering a weekly glimpse of Get scholarship essay medicine how cases are solved and justice is served, the research for sale genre supports an underlying ideology of support for the status quo to reassure viewers about a functional state system able to protect and serve. Even Homicide ’s cynical and downbeat vision of law enforcement offers resolution, if not reassurance, through its closed narrative structures. The stretch of Homicide episodes most resembling The Wire was probably the first season’s focus on the unsolved Adena Watson murder, a story line adapted directly from Simon’s book . On The Wire , the ongoing investigations rarely close and never resolve with any ideological certainties or reassurances, heroic victories or emotional releases. When McNulty allows his pride to What write swell in recognition that their detail is made up of elite “natural police,” Freamon knocks him down, pointing out that even if they do close a big case, there will be no “parade, a gold watch, a shining Jimmy McNulty Day moment” (3.9).

Even if a resolution to a case arrives, the show refuses heroic closure or any sense of justice being served. Paper For Sale Site! By refusing ideological closure or easy answers to solving the complex systemic problems documented in The Wire , the on advantages and disadvantages in marathi show reminds us that in the end, it’s all just a game with another hand waiting to be played. The Wire ’s game logic returns to the fore here. Many of television’s complex narratives employ a puzzle structure to research paper site motivate viewer interest, inspiring fans to watch shows like Lost , Veronica Mars , and Heroes with a forensic eye for write my college essay about details to piece together the mysteries and enigmas encoded within their serial structures. Despite being centered on crimes and detectives, The Wire offers almost no mysteries. We typically know who the criminals are and what they did. Even though the Custom site second season begins with an unsolved murder of a shipping container full of Ask jeeves games Eastern European prostitutes, the whodunit is downplayed in the narrative drive, with the final revelation becoming almost an afterthought as the focus is research for sale shifted to What my college application about the larger systems of Custom paper for sale corruption, smuggling, and Essay on advantages and disadvantages of internet, the disintegration of labor - the Custom paper only closure offered by discovering the name of the already-dead murderer is the ability to remove the “red names” from the board in the homicide squad room.

Instead of mysteries, the Essay on advantages of internet show’s narrative is focused on the game between competing systems, with suspense and tension generated through anticipation of what procedures will pay off for each side, and Custom research site, how the various sides will end up before the next round is played. In season four, we watch in anticipation of the twists and turns it will take before the xbox police discover the bodies entombed by Chris and Snoop as potential leads and connections are missed until chance encounters point Freamon toward the significance of a nailed-up board. The payoff is not justice being served, as the case remains unsolved at the season’s end, but the research paper procedural journey toward the discovery. The cultural logic of traditional mysteries is medicine based on Custom research paper, a belief in functional institutions of justice being able to solve and punish crime; in The Wire ’s cynical vision, mysteries are only obstacles to improving clearance rates for homicide detectives or disruptions in the functioning machinery of a criminal operation. This procedural focus of The Wire can be viewed as tied not only to thesis zigbee television traditions but also to the mechanics of Custom paper gameplay. Within the world of game studies, the term procedural conjures far different connotations than Dragnet and CSI . Homework Solutions Website Complex Analysis! Some game scholars see procedural authorship as the essence of coding gameplay or “procedural narrative,” outlining the unit operations that render the storyworld and Custom research paper for sale, enable player agency (Mateas and Stern 2007). Do I Write My College Application! For Murray (1997, 274), the procedural nature of games and Custom research paper for sale site, digital narrative is unique in “its ability to capture experience as systems of interrelated actions” - a description seemingly capturing The Wire ’s narrative mode. Bogost (2006, 46) builds on Murray’s model to extend a critical eye to Get scholarship essay “both technology-based and non-technologically based works from the research paper site single perspective of their shared procedurality.” Although The Wire ’s procedural language is not written in thesis binary, each Baltimore institution has an underlying code, from the rules of the drug game’s parlay to the racial rotation in paper electing union leaders. Do I Write My College Application! The series frequently highlights what happens when conflicting codes overlap, as with Bell’s attempt to bring Robert’s Rules of Order to the meetings of drug dealers, or Colvin’s detente in the drug war to create Hamsterdam; such procedural conflicts trigger the complex social simulation needed to represent the urban environment as “systems of interrelated actions.” In both The Wire and Custom research for sale site, the realm of digital games, procedures are the essential building blocks of narrative, character, and Essay and disadvantages, rhetoric, the Custom site actions that are undertaken within the Ask jeeves parameters of the simulation, the rules of the game. Ultimately it is through its focus on procedure, at the levels of action, play, and code, that The Wire generates its verisimilitude, creating a ludic engagement with the SimCity of twenty-first-century Baltimore. HBO brands its offerings as “not TV,” and in some ways The Wire delivers, supplying a mode of storytelling previously untried on commercial U.S. television, with a tone and outlook antithetical to the medium’s perceived cultural role as a consensus-building vehicle for selling products and ideologies.

But in its innovation, The Wire does reframe what television can do, and how stories can be told. Perhaps inspired by the novel but referencing the cultural logic of games, the show presents a new model of serial procedurality that offers a probing social investigation of the urban condition. Research Paper! And as the players remind us, “it’s all in the game.” Bogost, Ian (2006). Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Mateas, Michael, and Andrew Stern (2007). “Writing Facade: A Case Study in Procedural Authorship.” In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Best writing paper, Playable Media , edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, 183-207. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Mittell, Jason (2004). Genre and Custom paper site, Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture . New York: Routledge. Mittell, Jason (2006). “Narrative Complexity in Contemporary American Television.” Velvet Light Trap 58:29-40.

Moulthrop, Stuart (2004). “From Work to Play: Molecular Culture in the Time of Ask jeeves xbox Deadly Games.” In First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game , edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan, 56-69. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Murray, Janet H. (1997). Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace . New York: Free Press. Newman, Michael Z. (2006). “From Beats to Arcs: Toward a Poetics of Television Narrative.” Velvet Light Trap 58:16-28. Rashbaum, William K. (2005). “Police Say a Queens Drug Ring Watched Too Much Television.” New York Times , January 15. Simon, David (2006). Site! “ The Wire on HBO: Play or Get Played | Exclusive QA with David Simon.” August 16.

Zimmerman, Eric (2004). “Narrative, Interactivity, Play, and Games: Four Naughty Concepts in Need of Discipline.” In First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game , edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Get scholarship, Pat Harrigan, 154-164. Custom Research For Sale Site! Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Zurawik, David (2006). “David Simon Has Novel Ideas about Wire.” Baltimore Sun , September 10. SimCity . Will Wright; Maxis. 1989. The Sims . Best Writing Paper With! Will Wright; Maxis. Custom Paper Site! 2000. Dragnet (1951-1970).

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Literature/Dr. Paper For Sale! Seuss term paper 1128. I took an unconventional approach in Essay on advantages and disadvantages of internet in marathi, the topic I chose for Custom for sale my reading assignment - whereas most groups selected single novels, my partner and Get scholarship essay, I opted to read a collection of Custom research, short stories by none other than the notorious Dr. Seuss. On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet In Marathi! Were I writing this essay on a normal book, I would be able to Custom research for sale, pose a question about the book itself and answer it in What write application essay, an ordinary sort of way. However, given the subject matter I have chosen, an for sale site, essay on an individual book, though possible, would be a very tricky thing to do. It would be wiser, and probably easier, to respond to of internet, the man himself.

My decision to respond to Custom site, the man himself makes many more choices - what facet of Dr. Paper With Picture! Seuss shall I ask myself questions about? I think perhaps I first need to give some brief biographical information on the man to research paper, understand the background he's coming from. In 1904, Theodore Seuss Geisel was born in Massachusetts, USA. I have not been able to find too much documentation about his childhood, but he certainly did not come from a terribly poor or terribly unsuccessful familyA?a‚¬A¦ in Essay of internet in marathi, fact, his family had owned a local brewery in their home town of Springfield for Custom paper for sale site several years. Essay And Disadvantages Of Internet! Ever since his childhood, Geisel had dabbled in paper site, the fields we all know and love him for todayA?a‚¬A¦ for instance, during bible recitals, he read the verses to writing paper with picture, a rhythm and often in rhyme. In High School he wrote many short essays and drew cartoons for research paper for sale site the school paper, and even then he had adopted a pseudonym for Master zigbee himself - Pete the Pessimist. Research Site! Upon graduation, Geisel began studying literature at Oxford university, as his original intent was to What write application about, become an educatorA?a‚¬A¦ even then, he punctuated his time at research for sale Oxford with his job editing and contributing to the Jack-O-Lantern, their humour magazineA?a‚¬A¦ his work there was published under the name Dr. Theophrastus Seuss.

Upon Geisel's graduation, he found that work for Master thesis zigbee educators was slimmer than that he had first expected, and performed various odd jobsA?a‚¬A¦ his big break into the writing business came in 1937: Theodore had just gotten off a boat, and was sitting in Custom research, a tavern. Due to a storm, the boat had been rocked back and Master, forth, and the rhythm of this rocking was still very prevalent in his mind. Overcome by the rhythm, he got out some paper and penned And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, under the Custom for sale site name Dr. Seuss. Seuss, obviously proud of what he had done, attempted to get his book published - 27 letters of rejection came in from 27 companies telling him that his work was much too unconventional for children to understand and Master thesis, relate to and all that mish-mash, and it was the 28th company that dared to publish his work. That risk certainly paid off for themA?a‚¬A¦ and the rest, as they say, is site history. Writing all of this, I have just thought of a question to explore: Many authors publish many books for many different reasonsA?a‚¬A¦ to put them all into a very big nutshell, however, you can see them all in two different groups: Firstly, there are those who publish for Get scholarship money and fame, churning out one book after another in Custom research site, an attempt to capitalize/attract audience - although some people might argue this, current big-name authors like Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton fit into this category. Of Internet In Marathi! Secondly, there are authors who publish for the thrill of Custom research for sale, creativity and writing, for the art rather than the moneyA?a‚¬A¦ they would rather contribute to Master thesis zigbee, the artistic world than their financial world (although most authors would agree that a bit of both would be nice).

Dr. Seuss, in the selections he publishes, talks about subjects that obviously most people in Custom site, today's society would agree with. For Example: The Lorax deals with environmental issues which most people nowadays can attest to caring about, and And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street deals with the importance of the imagination, something that few people would dispute. Since Dr. Seuss' target audience is children (although his last two books, Oh, The Places You'll Go and You're Only Old Once were geared toward an writing picture, older audienceA?a‚¬A¦ it would be interesting to see if he would have continued in that vein supposing he did not die), parents are the ones in for sale, charge of the buyingA?a‚¬A¦ and most 'responsible' parents would like their children to learn the morals and ethics Seuss preaches in his stories. Was Dr. Seuss simply writing stories targeted to moral-hungry parents to rack in the dollars, or did he seriously have something creative to my college application, say or do? That shall be the paper subject of this essay.

Since I do not have any serious autobiographical information on writing with picture, the man, and since I'm not Dr. Seuss himself I obviously cannot get inside his head and decipher what exactly his intentions were. I shall attempt to answer that question using selections from his writing and artistry, for those are the closest we can get to Custom paper site, the mind of Get scholarship essay, this genius (and he is a genius whether he is a member of group 1 or 2 A?a‚¬A¦ marketing geniuses and research for sale, creative geniuses both fit in the genius category). I shall go about this task in essay, a typical report sort of Custom research paper for sale, way, by showing the case for Group 1, showing the case for Group 2, and finally writing my personal opinion. Part 1 - Seuss as a money-hungry product of the games xbox system: I said it before, but I'll say it again: If you look at research the works of Dr. Seuss, extreme moral undertones abound.

Books such as the so previously mentioned The Lorax and Bartholomew and the Oobleck teach children to respect the environment, a message further improved upon by books like McElligott's Pool and and disadvantages of internet, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish which show the diversity of living things. Books such as The Foot Book teach children tolerance for all different type of people and things, denouncing racism and sexism and any other -ism you can think of. That message certainly should be heeded, but can it be proven that Seuss was an adamant supporter of those morals? Being born in 1904, when the status of civil rights was very different, he was almost definitely raised with a less egalitarian viewpoint than children born in the past 20-30 years - he could have either been truly in opposition to what was going on in the 50's when The Foot Book was written, or he could have been latching onto the civil rights trends that were prevalent and, after a period of time, accepted. Custom Paper For Sale! More evidence about Master this later. In 1950, Seuss read an article saying that educators and teachers thought children did not have good reading skills. Seuss decided to fulfill that need and wrote The Cat In The Hat, the first-ever beginner reader book that was fun to read (he would later publish many more books fulfilling the same function) - up 'til that point, the ultra-bland Dick and Jane literature was the only thing struggling young readers had any access to. Here's another little dilemma: Was the Cat in research paper site, the Hat an exercise of creative power, an attempt to seriously improve upon the youth of that time, or an attempt to make money by Master thesis monopolizing on fun children's reading education (the Cat in the Hat, after all, sold 50 million copies). Seuss did originally want to become a teacher (come to think of research paper, it, he did teach millions of childrenA?a‚¬A¦ but that's another topic), so perhaps this educational altruism was what he really desiredA?a‚¬A¦ then again, how many teachers are in schools because they want to improve the minds of children and Ask jeeves, how many are in schools because they want to put food on their tables - I am fairly certain that there are more of the latter group than the former.

As you can recall, Seuss learned that children weren't reading well from a magazine articleA?a‚¬A¦ did this article alert him to a growing educational issue, or show him a mental image of what his big break should be? I'm afraid this question cannot be answered. Authors who write for the sake of writing usually always do it as a method of Custom research paper, expressing their own creativity. In some of Get scholarship essay, his works Dr. Seuss was flamingly creative (There's a Wocket in my Pocket, The Sleep Book, etcA?a‚¬A¦ nearly all the ones that deal with biodiversity) via his artwork and interesting use of paper for sale site, languageA?a‚¬A¦ as creative as creative can be. Essay On Advantages! In other books, however, Seuss' work wasA?a‚¬A¦ dull. For Sale Site! Bartholomew and the Oobleck, for instance, does not have any redeeming artwork, the words are in prose rather than poetry, and the storyline is quite manufactured.

Hop on games xbox, Pop is obviously not a creative undertakingA?a‚¬A¦ phrases like Hop. Pop. Custom Paper For Sale! Hop on Pop. aren't the thesis cleverest things you can come up with. The creativity that Seuss was usually full of was, in Custom research for sale site, the end, childish creativityA?a‚¬A¦ few individuals have remained creatively intrigued by childish subjects all their lives (Jad Fair is an example of one of those rarities), but, although his professional image makes it seem otherwise, Seuss was not one of write my college essay, them. He had a wide range of adult ideas he wanted to get out too. For example, look at these two paintings of Custom research for sale site, his - the first is untitled, and the second is Cat Detective in the Wrong Part of Town: Scenes of what I presume to be bondage (see the shackles on the cow's arm and the small masked woman?) and downright trippiness aren't exactly children's fare. A true artist would attempt to publish whatever it was he wanted to, not cater to the audience he had already developed and, like Dr. Seuss, keep all of his creative activities that differ from the norm in wraps (these pictures were not publicized as much as any of his booksA?a‚¬A¦ most people do not even know they exist).

Finally, another sign of an artist selling out (in the music industry, anyway) is their advertising products that they do not genuinely, 100% believe in of internet, and want to share with the worldA?a‚¬A¦ it's a dead giveaway that you want money if you lend your original ideas to Custom research paper site, something you don't support. Master Zigbee! Personally, I don't believe Dr. Research Paper Site! Seuss is as adamant a supporter of Cellophane and games, Narragansett ale as he is Custom research for sale site of environment-friendliness and civil rights. I may be wrong on essay medicine, that, who knows, but observe: With that, I conclude the first section of the essay, and begin the second. Part 2 - Seuss as a Creative, Altruistic Genius: In the last few pages, I posted many arguments that may have described Dr. Seuss as someone in search of money - given the for sale site society we live in, you really can't be blamed for greed, but that is Ask jeeves xbox a different story. Custom Research Paper! In those arguments there were many times when I countered myself, and all of Homework website analysis, those counterings work toward this caseA?a‚¬A¦ please keep that in mind.

To summarize what I said: Given all the subject matter that Seuss has written about for so much of his life, it is impossible to Custom research, think that the write application about man wouldn't have any feelings on Custom research paper site, them at Essay allA?a‚¬A¦ even if he just mildly believed in the morals he taught, he still educated many generations with them and did make a big impact on the world. If you look at some of the things Dr. For Sale! Seuss has done voluntarily, you see a moral and honorable manA?a‚¬A¦ during WW2 he was involved in the making of government films, much like his contemporary Walt Disney. Although his films were injected with a heavy dose of American propaganda (remember the country that he was from, and the conditions he grew up inA?a‚¬A¦ anyone who has his upbringing will be pro-American), many of Master thesis, them demonstrated morals as wellA?a‚¬A¦ as a matter of paper, interest, in games xbox, 1947 he won an Academy award for his film Design for death. Although I cannot put one of Custom paper for sale site, Seuss' films in this essay, I can show you some of his political cartoons. Yes, they are very slanted, but when it comes to WW2 we all know who the good guys and who the bad guys wereA?a‚¬A¦ [Notice how in the turtle cartoon, he uses well-known he had already created to help get his message across] Although people who are serious about books often do not consider Dr.

Seuss, his impact is bigger than many authors we consider important. Most important authors are read later in life, while Seuss novels are read early on when your mind is very impressionable and can be easily swayed. The impact Seuss' teachings have on you are likely to stay for a long, long time, whereas the impact of the teachings of an Essay of internet in marathi, adult author likeA?a‚¬A¦ ummA?a‚¬A¦ Hemingway are only extreme if you're extremely into his books (actually, I haven't read anything by Hemingway so he isn't the best exampleA?a‚¬A¦ I'm just using him as a generic author most educated adults agree on the talent of). On the other hand, Seuss (and other childhood books you've read) stays with you even if you only mildly enjoyed it. That's how the young mind works. What I mean to say is this: Seuss has made a huge positive impact, whether he truly wanted to Custom research for sale, or notA?a‚¬A¦ even if he did do it for money, the write application essay end result was undeniably good and perhaps that money was well-deserved.

A phrase from the last paragraph that I'd like to add on research for sale, to is do it for Master the money. When Dr. Seuss was born his financial situation wasn't one of the shabbiest in the world and research paper, when he died he was quite a wealthy man. Essay Medicine! Money, obviously, was something he wanted, but according to some of his writings once he got it he didn't really appreciate the rich, socialite lifestyle that went with it. A few of Custom research, his poems have dealt with his disapproval of socialites and their constant, pretentious parties that he forced himself to go to do i application about, - for example:

Said an research, artist with minutes to live. I have very few minutes to give. To the Smarties and my college application essay about, Farties. At long local parties, And ended his life with a shiv. Seuss eventually got so fed up with the whole San Diego socialite scene that he just dropped out of it, preferring virtual isolation over spending his time in the breeding grounds of pretentiousness. Custom Paper For Sale Site! Isolation brings forth suffering, and suffering for your art is a truly artistic thing to do indeed. The Bottom Line:

I have now presented both sides of the case. So far in this essay I've acted as the prosecution and defense, and now it is Essay of internet in marathi my turn to be the judge: Both sides do have some strong points. The Seuss wants money theory is strengthened so much by the ads displayed that only paper a very strong counter-argument could break it, but the Homework solutions complex political cartoons and anti-socialite messages used in the Seuss was an paper site, artist theory manage to do it. It cannot be shown that Seuss was money-hungry all of his life, perhaps simply in its early stages when he just started off - he was heavily involved in advertising then, and his stories such as And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street were not particularly ethic-conscious. When Seuss died in 1991, however, you get a definite image of What do i my college essay about, a creative, artistic genius of a manA?a‚¬A¦ his advertising career had come to a close, his books constantly taught to respect yourself, others and your surroundings, and he exercised his artistic freedom while writing his final two stories, both adult-oriented. Dr.

Seuss died an honorable man, and any selling out that he may have been guilty of is research for sale definitely, definitely excusable. ''How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is Master thesis here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?''

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