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Born Gay Essays and Research Papers. English Quotation! Born Gay ? Homosexuality on the whole has been receiving a lot of writer wanted attention in English quotation marks recent years due to English narrative essay x, its struggle for English quotation marks multiple paragraphs equal . marriage rights and the question whether or not same sex parents can give a child equal oportunity to grow up and German carry a “normal” life. Even though this is currently the hot topic throughout the quotation, gay and How to write a critical introduction lesbian communities, there still lies a question that no one has come to agree on. English Quotation! This concerns whether or not a person is really born gay and is biologically predisposed. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1051 Words | 3 Pages. Documentation We went to a “ gay event” called KaVogue on August 18, 2013 organized and staged by ESA students in Area 05 in Tomas Morato, . Quezon City. It’s a fund-raiser with proceeds intended to be donated to the Home for the Golden Gays , a Home for aging gay men who call themselves the “Golden Gays ”, probably inspired by the long-running sitcom, the Golden Girls. The event started at 9 PM with entrance fee costing Php 300 per person. The event title is reminiscent of a Filipino gay lingo term “kabog” meaning.

Bisexuality , Gay , Gay community 2499 Words | 7 Pages. Gay Rights By Ashley Bulen Purpose ? Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. They are no less, than anyone . else. ? They shouldn’t be treated less than everyone else, when they are just being who they are. ? Allowing Gay Marriage to be legalized, has brought down divorce rates in seventeen states that legalized it. ? All they want is to be themselves, and ghost writer wanted have the same rights. Main Points ? It could decrease bullying rates if its legalized, because then it won’t be as a big. English! Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 329 Words | 9 Pages. 5/25/12 Gay Marriage Gay marriage has been a very controversial topic between Democrats, Republicans, and people in How to write a critical introduction the . English Quotation Multiple! world as a whole. Democrats favor equal rights for the lesbian, gay , bisexual, and English x transgender community (LGBT) and believe that these people should have the right to marry and adopt children just as easily as a heterosexual couple would. Republicans, however, believe marriage should be between a man and quotation marks multiple woman and for German that reason they do not support gay marriage or the.

Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 1449 Words | 4 Pages. wants us to finish the cycle. English Multiple! Second, there is the homework woodlands, issue of being the caretaker of children. English Paragraphs! A family unit to those who oppose gay marriages . is defined as a man, woman and children. Gay couples cannot, in their opinion, raise children morally in an immoral background or home. Then there are people such as Gay rights groups, who argue that states cannot justify excluding gay and writing lesbian couples from the institution of marriage and the protection it provides. They argue that only English paragraphs, marriage provides a. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 2509 Words | 6 Pages. ? Gay Marriage (Research Paper) Andres Diez 12°B #10 Should there be a constitutional amendment that allows gays and . lesbians to legally marry? All around the Christian ghost writer wanted, world, gay people are struggling to be approved legally and by society; however, their fight is English quotation paragraphs, definitely working, because this union is lab, becoming more and more accepted globally. English Multiple! That doesn’t mean they should stop now, the battle for writing on it these rights is marks multiple, just beginning. Homosexual activities and relationships exist since human origins.

Civil union , Gay , Homosexuality 1755 Words | 8 Pages. Why should we support Gay Marriage? You weren't born knowing how to hate, you were taught how to wanted, hate. I believe in . Gay -Marriage, I was raised knowing that I should be myself, and believe in what I please. I'm not writing this to go against English quotation, anyone else, or to offend anyone's thoughts of essays lab life. I'm just writing my opinion out, just like I was asked to quotation paragraphs, do. This is an essay, I'm writing on why we should legalize Gay -Marriage. As a citizen, I have a right to support Gay -Marriage, I also believe. First Amendment to the United States Constitution , Gay , Homosexuality 1176 Words | 3 Pages.

Professor ……. Class…… 13 April 2013 “ Gay Identity” Throughout the Dissertation proposal help, years, it is English quotation marks, common to see groups stick together and unite around a . common goal or idea. Writer! Strength in numbers is the basis behind it. This is similar to the idea of identity politics. Identity politics is a way of English quotation marks paragraphs organizing together and staying intimately connected to proposal help, the idea that some social groups are oppressed. There is quotation multiple, a general consensus about things our society labels as Taboo. The sort of topics looked down upon range.

Bisexuality , Gay , Gus Van Sant 1835 Words | 5 Pages. Paper Japanese! Words and marks multiple paragraphs phrases like “faggot,” “dyke,” “no homo,” and “so gay ” are used casually in everyday language, despite promoting the continued . alienation, isolation and proposal — in some tragic cases — suicide of English marks sexual and gender minority. The word faggot is used over a critical essay introduction kickass 10 million times a year on English marks paragraphs Twitter. The countless times that those sexuality slurs are used on social media doesn't even compare to the use of them in day to day conversations with your friends during passing periods. How would it make.

Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 1083 Words | 3 Pages. Gay Marriage and the Conservative Case for Gay Marriage. Why Hate Love? Almost every human being is born with rights. Regardless of Buy custom essays lab how extensive these rights are, rights are given none-the-less. . Most people would think that being allowed to love the person you are in love with would be a right, right? Wrong. In Andrew Sullivan’s The Conservative Case for Gay Marriage, he helps to expose the verbal and non-verbal abuse that homosexuals couples are forced to endure day-to-day. Quotation! Most of the defamation is unseen to the public, which would seem to make. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 874 Words | 3 Pages.

Gay Marriage: Should It Be Legalized? Many people often question gay couples, but almost never question heterosexual couples because it is what may people are used to seeing, but . what they do not realize is that gay couples have the same responsibilities as a heterosexual couple. Many gay couples already consider themselves married, no matter what the law states. Everyone should have the proposal help for marketing, right to marry the person they love and be represented as a family, regardless of the gender of the two people getting married. Marriage should be based. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 1109 Words | 3 Pages.

Place To be Gay - BBC Documentary In Uganda, men and quotation paragraphs women who are homosexual goes trough every day with fear of getting beaten or even . killed for being attracted to people with the same sex. Here they see homosexuality as an actual disease and writer death penalty for quotation marks being gay is debated. We watched a documentary to get a new perspective of the life of a homosexual in essays lab Uganda. We followed this man named Scott Milles trough his trip to – what could be - The world's worst place to be gay . Scott. Bisexuality , Gay , Homophobia 1191 Words | 4 Pages. Deviance Gays and Other Victims of Stigma How many gays and lesbians are there in the United States? The answer depends on . the definition of what constitutes being a gay or lesbian. Various studies state a lesbian or gay are a person with one or more of multiple these characteristics: (1) same-sex feelings- being attracted to essay, a person of the English quotation marks, same gender, (2) same-sex behavior- having sex with same-gender person, and (3) identifying oneself as gay or lesbian. Myths about Homosexuality Myth: Gay men are more. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 940 Words | 3 Pages. of lesbians and gay men forming their own families. Buy Custom! Many do this through adoption, foster care, artificial insemination, and other means. . Quotation Paragraphs! Today, researchers have estimated that the number of children living with one gay or lesbian parent is six to essays, fourteen million.

Some have described this current period as a lesbian and gay baby boom. Multiple! However, lesbian and gay parents face many social and legal obstacles (Lambda Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 1997). In the Dissertation help, past, most gay and lesbian parents. Bisexuality , Family , Gay 1717 Words | 5 Pages. for the very promise of English marks multiple America. —Lord L. Jean, executive director, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, 2000^ . The gay rights movement has been an ongoing struggle dating back to the 1920s. Homework! Still in 2014 there is still a stigma attached to gay and lesbian relationships. Our country was founded on equality for all people, yet we still have such bigotry towards gay and lesbians. Everyone has the right to pursue their happiness no matter what. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 904 Words | 4 Pages. RUNNING HEAD: GAY MARRIAGE 1 Gay Marriage Moral . or Immoral?

William Hadley SOC 1120: Intro. to Ethics and Social Responsibility Christine Villasenor July 11, 2011 Ashford University GAY MARRIAGE 2 Marriage has been an important institution throughout the centuries. In the United States, most adults. Gay , Homosexuality , Lesbian 2215 Words | 7 Pages. Gay Marriages Should Be Legalized. Gay Marriages should be Legalized The government says that every citizen of the United States shall receive equal rights. Then, why did . they pass the Defense of Marriage Act?

The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages; in my opinion this act is unjust and immoral because it restricts the rights of gay and lesbian citizens. Quotation Marks Multiple! Many of the reasons offered for opposing gay marriage are based on the assumption that gays have a choice. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 1422 Words | 6 Pages. definition: Gay (adj.) merry: happy and lab carefree; brightly ornamental or colorful; homosexual. (n.) A homosexual. English Marks Multiple! (“ gay ”) . Synonymous definition: Gay (syn.) merry, lighthearted, joyful, cheerful, sprightly, jolly, happy, joyous, gleeful, jovial, colorful, bright. (“ gay ”) Negative definition: Gay (adj.) unhappy, lacking color, heavyhearted Because of the literal definition of the ghost writer wanted, word, people that are homosexual are often seen as “colorful” and multiple “cheerful”. Etymological Definition: Gay (n) usually. Etymology , Gay , Homophobia 1008 Words | 3 Pages. Gay Marriage Hello Teacher and Classmate, I want to talk to English essay, you about English quotation, gay marriage I am a pro- gay marriage . person. Some people feel as though gay marriage is help woodlands, fine and English multiple paragraphs some people feel as is it the worst thing to do. Writing On It! Gay people aren’t hurting people they go about their business just like everybody else, Then again I understand why people are against English marks, gay marriage they don’t want their kids growing up thinking it’s okay to be dating the same sex. If a person is in love with someone then they. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1071 Words | 3 Pages.

(No) Gay News = Good News 2012 has been a year of How to introduction celebration for the LGBT family. Gay news has constantly dominated the . English Marks Multiple! media, became a buzz, and even a topic in the City Forum (????). In March, Anthony Wong proudly shouted “I am gay !” (??????????) on his concert,DJ-turned legislative councilor Ray Chan publicly disclosed his sexual orientation after winning the 2012 legislative election, followed by Gigi Chao announcing her marriage with her wife, Sean, and then concluded by English narrative essay x Denise Ho saying. Bisexuality , Coming out , Gay 1065 Words | 4 Pages. oriented, it’s the personality you fall in English marks love with. I don’t believe anyone is with on it, full heterosexual nor full homosexual, we are all somewhere in English marks between. . There are many reasons why same-sex marriage should be legalised. As a general rule, not just for gays , we shouldn’t have to Dissertation proposal help, suffer because a few people do not like something. How would you feel if there was this one thing that you loved doing but society look down on you for it, they shunned you for being happy and quotation paragraphs forced you into the repetitive, boring. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 886 Words | 3 Pages. In 2008, 190 homosexuals were killed in Paper with japanese Brazil, one every two days, known as a 55 percent increase on the previous year. The annual report on murders of . homosexuals, according to the Grupo Gay da Bahia from Brazil, says that 64 percent of the victims were gay men, 32 percent were transvestites, and English quotation marks paragraphs four percent were lesbians. This is absolutely astonishing.

Even though homosexuals have chosen an alternative lifestyle, they still deserve to essay, live a normal life without being victimized of physical. Quotation Paragraphs! Bisexuality , Gay , Gay bashing 1657 Words | 5 Pages. Gay Marriage One may argue that same sex marriage is with on it japanese, unconstitutional, and the law discriminates allowing the federal government to pick and English marks multiple paragraphs . choose which marriages it likes and which it doesn't. On December 10th, 1924 The Society for Gay Rights, founded by Henry Gerber in Chicago, is the country’s earliest known gay rights organization. In 1948 Biologist and sex researcher Alfred Kinsey published a document called Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. In his findings we learn that homosexual behavior. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1526 Words | 4 Pages.

Effects of Gay Parenting on Children. family structure in our society; single parenting, unmarried parents, and an even newer trend-- gay parenting. If homosexuals become parents, . what does this information mean to their children? Children learn through watching their parents, so it’s clear that the character of the parent will be reflected in some part on their child. This common knowledge is exactly what sparks the debate about effects of gay parenting on children. If children are being raised by parents without traditional gender roles. Bisexuality , Gay , Gender 1068 Words | 3 Pages. Two editorials were posted in the “New York Daily News” and “Times of Trenton” pertaining to Buy custom, the subject of legalizing gay marriage. Both . articles argue the position against gay marriage and use the same focal point in their articles: the negative effects that legalizing gay marriages will have on children being raised by same sex parents. Also, both articles contain logical fallicies in their argument and use many of the same tactics to argue their point such as scare tactics, statistics, and English quotation paragraphs quotes. Bisexuality , Civil union , Gay 1703 Words | 5 Pages. some people don't get those rights simply because they're gay . Buy Custom! Congress combines church and state to quotation marks paragraphs, make marriage illegal. X! But, people have . different religions, different beliefs, and different views on everything.

Banning gay marriage violates a person's constitutional freedom. The constitute states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Church and state are being combined to rule out marriage for gays . Same sex marriage is illegal in quotation paragraphs all fifty states, and English the. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 1557 Words | 5 Pages. and rearing of quotation multiple paragraphs children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis.” Marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates (between 40% and Christian wanted 50%) (851 . KB) and with 40.6% of quotation marks multiple paragraphs babies being born to unmarried mothers (312 KB) in 2008. Allowing same-sex couples to marry would further weaken the institution. Gay marriage could potentially lead down a slippery slope” ending with giving people in polygamous, incestuous, bestial, and other nontraditional relationships the right to marry. [10] Glen Lavy. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 998 Words | 3 Pages.

Topic: Gay Adoption DEJ #: 6 Essential Question: Should gay and lesbian couples be able to adopt? Works . Cited page citations: Source #1: Pappas, Stephanie N/A. Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents. LiveScience, 15 Jan. 2012. Christian Writer! Web. Quotation Marks Multiple Paragraphs! 15 Feb. 2013. gay -parents.html Source #2: Cody, Edward. France’s Lower House Sends Same-sex Marriage, Gay Adoption Bill to Senate.

Washington Post. The Washington Post, 12 Feb. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 1013 Words | 3 Pages. LEGALIZING GAY MARRIAGE Factors In Favor of and Against Legalizing Gay Marriage in the United States David . Essays! Vance May 28, 2012 Critical Thinking and marks paragraphs Problem Solving Instructor Verhaegh Argosy University Factors In Favor of and Against Legalizing Gay Marriage in writer wanted the United States Proposal/ Issue: Gay marriage should be legalized in the United States. Quotation Marks Paragraphs! Six Reasons For: Weakest to homework help woodlands, Strongest 1. Other countries (Denmark, Canada etc.) have legalized gay marriage. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 1250 Words | 4 Pages. Gay Marriage There are millions of people in the United States, some tall, some short, some rich and some poor. No doubt, there is not one . person that is the same as another. So, why is it that we can find room to accept some differences, but not others? Gays and lesbians may not fit the English quotation paragraphs, traditional ways of the United States, and although gays are becoming accepted much more than previously, we are still denying them the Christian ghost, right of marriage.

The dictionary definition of marriage reads, The state. Civil union , Family , Gay 1300 Words | 4 Pages. De Leon 11-13-13 Mrs.Kidd English 15 Gay Marriage From the discrimination of African-America’s nearly fifty years ago to present day . Marks Paragraphs! hatred towards gays and lesbians - history is Christian wanted, repeating itself. Similar to how African-American’s were not given certain rights because of the color of their skin, gays are also being refused rights based on whom they love. Society seems to always dismiss the English quotation multiple, unfamiliar until it becomes the Paper on it japanese, new normal. The fact that gay and lesbian couples cannot marry because.

Gay , Homosexuality , LGBT 774 Words | 4 Pages. The United States military should encourage the marks multiple paragraphs, fact that gays can now openly serve for their country. Gay Americans were not . always encouraged to join the U.S. military. In the past, gays were not even allowed to sign up to fight for their country because America made it illegal. Even though this is wrong, people would often use it to their advantage to get out of a draft for war. Dissertation For Marketing! The United States military up until not to long ago, had a policy of English multiple paragraphs don’t ask don’t tell. Sexual orientation should. Narrative Essay! Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 897 Words | 3 Pages.

HI everyone, I need help on my argumentation essay. English! Here is the topic: Should gay marriage be legalized ? Feel free to jot down your ideal . and emotions on my essay. If you come up some argues against my points, you can tell me to fix my essay. Write Essay Introduction! Just treat like your essay. When I was 8th grade year in Sunnybrook Middle School, I was invited to a gay marriage of John and David.

On May 1st, 2008, they began their wedding in English multiple paragraphs the backyard of my family in the afternoon. They held hands, hugged. Bisexuality , Family , Gay 2377 Words | 7 Pages. Meanings of English Gay Gay , a word with multiple meanings: A person who is merry and happy, a person who is a homosexual, something . that is lame or stupid, and quotation paragraphs a word that can be used for degrading. Over time this word has been molded and shaped into different meanings in all sorts of directions. Help! The different meanings honestly have no similarities to each other, which makes it strange to see such a word as happy go to meaning a homosexual.

It is strange to see such a word go from meaning happy to a word. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1083 Words | 3 Pages. The issue of adoption has caused much controversy in the United States. There are people who are for it and English multiple paragraphs people who are against it. Each side uses many . arguments to defend in what they believe. People who believe that gay adoption is bad say that letting homosexuals adopt children is bad for the children and it harms them. According to a study done by Paul and Kirk Cameron, children in 48 out of 52 families being raised by homosexuals experience problems that include hypersexuality, instability. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 862 Words | 3 Pages.

If you don’t understand the phrase “pasok sa banga (rough English translation: fits inside the jar), maybe you are not gay or a fag hag (a . woman who likes to Buy custom lab, act gay or hang out with screaming gays ). English Quotation Marks Multiple Paragraphs! If you are gay , maybe you’re not gay enough. “Pasok sa Banga (Wika ng mga Bakla) by Buy custom essays Prof. English Paragraphs! Jesus Federico Fernandez, former chair of the Department of Linguistics of the University of the Philippines, was one of the lectures presented at How to a critical kickass the Sawikaan 2010 in UP Diliman last July 29-30. “Pasok. Filipino language , Gay , Homophobia 935 Words | 3 Pages. Gay Parenting Gay parenting without a doubt is an issue in America. Parenting can be a complex task regardless if the parents . are heterosexual or homosexual. If children of quotation multiple gays and lesbians are different it is because it more relates to how they are raised versus the sexual orientation of their parents.

Gay parenting should not be considered an ethical issue because gays and lesbians can provide a stable environment for children; they can provide a two parent household and in How to write essay kickass spite of a parent’s. English Quotation Paragraphs! Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 773 Words | 3 Pages. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Gays in the Military Edward McIntosh D01644587 There will always be strong feelings and essay x debates concerning the topic . of multiple homosexuals serving in the United State Military. One thing is certain, things have changed. Is it for better or worse? That is up for the individual to decide. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is the name for the former official U.S. policy (1993–2011) regarding the service of homosexuals in the military.

The term was coined after Pres. Clinton in 1993 signed a. Armed forces , Barack Obama , Bill Clinton 1620 Words | 3 Pages. By: Valerie Tickles Soc 215 . Business Ethics December 4, 2008 Gay and Lesbians Marriages What is “ Gay ”? Some would say that it means being happy, joyful, merry, lively, and full of sprit. But the topic that I speak of refers to a person’s sexuality, having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. Is this ethical? As a nation. Buy Custom Essays! Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexuality 1430 Words | 5 Pages. ?Kendall Marquez, COM 268-01, Informal Speech 1. Quotation Multiple! Header A. My topic is about Gay Marriage in Connecticut. It has been an essay ongoing process . trying to pass the same-sex marriage law, and Connecticut is quotation marks multiple, one of the first 3 states to woodlands, pass the law.

B. To inform the audience regarding Gay Marriage in Connecticut. English Marks Paragraphs! C. I am going to Buy custom, speak about how Gay Marriage became legal in English quotation Connecticut, what certain groups believe about Gay Marriage, how people in this world can have their own beliefs and make certain. Civil union , Gay , Homosexuality 1700 Words | 5 Pages. and others who are against gay marriage. On the How to a critical essay introduction kickass, 27th of January 2012, Martina Navratilova wrote an English multiple paragraphs article in homework woodlands the herald sun contending that . gay marriage is a “secular issue and not a religious one.” Martina argues that to deny couples their marriage rights, based solely on English quotation multiple paragraphs their gender is discrimination, and she argues that being homosexual is Christian wanted, not a choice. Martina’s argument is aimed towards homosexuals, Margaret court, and English marks multiple other religious people who don’t believe in gay marriage. In an arrogant. Civil union , Gay , Grand Slam 1166 Words | 3 Pages. Being Gay : What the ghost writer wanted, Filipino Parents Should Understand About the LGBT About 3 days ago, I have read an article in the Philippine Star advising . parents on what to do when they have a gay child. It was written by quotation multiple a local journalist, Tintin Bersola-Babao according to her interview with a “noted psychologist.” The article details how parents should stop all the effeminate ways of their children and how to tell them that they are what “God” made them and they must live a family with only the opposite. Bisexuality , Gay , Gender 1708 Words | 5 Pages.

Should Gays and Lesbians be allowed in proposal help for marketing the military? COM/215 Essentials of College Writing February 28 2011 Government Policy During . the 1992 presidential campaign the multiple paragraphs, previous Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton addressed the issue of gays in the military. “It became one of the first issues Clinton tackled as President, but when the White House attempt to unilaterally repeal the ban stumbled, Congress passed a law to keep openly gay men and women from English narrative, serving” (Webley, 2010, p. 1). English Multiple! On September. Armed forces , Bill Clinton , Bisexuality 1029 Words | 3 Pages. Current Social and Christian writer wanted Moral Issues Final Paper Gay Adoption: Gays Should Be Allowed to Adopt Children . Quotation! Political scientists define political tolerance as the willingness of individuals to respect the democratic rights of groups they don’t like. For example, people are tolerant under this definition if they do not like evangelical Christians, but they are willing to allow group members to run for political office, teach children, or hold political rallies. However, some. Christian Wanted! Adoption , Bisexuality , Family law 2007 Words | 6 Pages. Quotation Marks Paragraphs! The conception that lesbians and gay men may be parents is frequently perceived in today's society as impossible or immoral.

Gay . men and lesbians are often viewed as excluded from Christian ghost wanted, having children because sexual reproduction is related to men and English quotation marks multiple paragraphs women only. Help! My approach to this uniquely controversial topic of gay parenting will be that of attempting to quotation multiple paragraphs, analyze the Pro side first. Gays and lesbians are human too and who is to say that they don't deserve equal rights in society. Society has to realize. Bisexuality , Family , Gay 2086 Words | 6 Pages. Buy Custom Lab! much information as possible? Is homosexuality genetic, or does it start in the home?

Although I did not find conclusive evidence to support genetics or . nurture as the cause of marks paragraphs homosexuality, I do feel there is essay, enough logical theory to dismiss the “ Gay Gene” as the English paragraphs, cause of homosexual behavior. Research on this subject was hard to find, but I was able to help woodlands, gather some of the most popularly used material on homosexual genetics. I have analyzed all the information I have gather, looking at English marks multiple the material. Bisexuality , Gay , Gender 1521 Words | 4 Pages. Gays In the Paper writing on it, Military Very often political institutions reflect the English quotation marks multiple, will of narrative x society and quotation marks multiple set the precedent for norms that will be expected . of its members. The United States Military is still enforcing archaic policies which threaten to harm the write introduction kickass, principles our nation was founded upon. The principles of freedom and equality are those that every American holds closest to quotation marks multiple, their heart, that is unless you are in the military and are gay . The issue of How to write a critical introduction gays in English multiple the military has developed into a case. Bisexuality , Closeted , Gay 2032 Words | 6 Pages. Gay Rights Adam and Buy custom essays Eve; not Adam and Steve, is the English quotation paragraphs, argument that many heterosexuals tend to woodlands, use. I have also heard the multiple paragraphs, same old story . argued of Sodom and Gomorrah so much that I could possibly recite it word for write introduction kickass word. If anyone were to quotation, seriously put their prejudices aside and look at that story, they would see that the Dissertation proposal help, sin was RAPE, not homosexuality.

I believe that everyone should have equal rights and that includes gay rights. Homosexuals deserve equal treatment legally and socially. Fight. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1772 Words | 5 Pages. Yet today regardless of our freedom some people choose to discriminate and judge those with a different style of quotation marks multiple life because they do not see those different . groups equally compatible with their same values in life. One of the many reason that the gay and lesbian group grabbed my attention, is the fact that they are discriminated every day of their lives, which is something that a lot of German homework people identify themselves with, such as myself.

Discrimination has been a part of English marks multiple paragraphs my life because this country. Bisexuality , Discrimination , Gay 1163 Words | 4 Pages. Gay Marriage Trellis A. Harris PHI 200 Mind and Machine Thomas MacCarty August 30, 2011 Ethics, or moral philosophy, investigates how . we can evaluate our behavior in terms of right and wrong, good and bad. In short, how we determine what we should do, what we should not do, and how to write a critical essay kickass, tell the difference. (Philosophy 2010 Mosser) In this definition of ethics, it says morally determining your behavior to marks paragraphs, be right or wrong or good and narrative essay x bad, but does this pertain to matters of the heart. Bisexuality , Ethics , Gay 2489 Words | 6 Pages. ? Gay marriage has a major impact on today’s society, in regards to the legalization of it and how it affects the representation of the quotation marks multiple, nuclear . family. In this essay, I will interpret same-sex marriage from a conflict perspective. The first social science article titled, “Same-sex parenting and Buy custom essays children’s outcomes: A closer examination of the American Psychological Association’s brief on lesbian and gay parenting” by Loren Marks, talks about how children of lesbian or gay parents are not disadvantaged. English Quotation Marks Multiple! Family , Gay , Homosexuality 1303 Words | 5 Pages. Gay Conversion Therapy Rough Draft. ?Kimmey Cheng Ms. Bisharat, P.3 English 11A 18 October 2014 Gay Conversion Therapy: For or Against? Our world today has changed drastically . since the times of slavery and essays unequal treatment.

Due to documents such as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, everyone is now allowed freedom of religion, speech, and so on. However, there is still a controversial topic about a certain crowd of people going around media and our lives today. That group is the LGBT community. Marks Paragraphs! Over the Dissertation for marketing, past few years, they. American Psychological Association , Bisexuality , Gay 839 Words | 3 Pages. Marks Multiple! ? Gay Rights Gay rights cover a plethora of topics from same sex marriage, adoption, and German homework help gays and lesbians . partaking in the military. Many believe that gay and lesbian marriage is untraditional and others disagree. Many think gay and English marks lesbian adoption puts children at risk while others think that it is a chance of happiness and hope for a kid that doesn’t have a home or a family. Proposal! Many think that gays and lesbian in the military is wrong and affects the bonds and effectiveness of quotation multiple paragraphs our military. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 2141 Words | 5 Pages.

Usually when you think of marriage you think of a man and essays a woman. I think gay and lesbians should be allowed to English marks multiple paragraphs, marry too. Obviously, not . everybody thinks this way. Gay marriage is a hot topic these days. Some people are totally against it and think it’s gross. I think it is perfectly fine and acceptable. I love gay people. I think they have a certain spunk and attitude about them and they don’t care what anyone thinks.

They are also carefree and narrative essay x show individuality. They are not bothering or hurting. Bisexuality , Gay , Heterosexism 921 Words | 3 Pages. Gay Rights March On Washington Famous Speech by Urvashi Vaid April 25, 1993 Hello lesbian and gay Americans. I am proud to . English Paragraphs! stand before you as a lesbian today. With hearts full of love and the abiding faith in Christian ghost wanted justice, we have come to Washington to English quotation paragraphs, speak to wanted, America.

We have come to speak the truth of our lives and silence the English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, liars. We have come to challenge the cowardly Congress to end its paralysis and exercise moral leadership. We have come to defend our honor and win our equality. But most. Bisexuality , Christian right , Gay 1143 Words | 3 Pages. AIDS.

When AIDS had emerged in the 1980s many of the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding homosexuality had been created. Between 1980 and writing japanese 1990 thousands of . English Quotation Marks Paragraphs! homosexual males had succumbed to the disease, giving the homework help, disease the English marks multiple paragraphs, title “The Gay Plague” (Ojeda, 13). Gay activists began to encourage condom use to the public, lowering the amount of AIDS cases by nearly 20,000. Christian! For many years have homosexuals have been named evil adversaries. Religion and English Homosexuality The idea of homosexuality is German woodlands, typically.

AIDS , Discrimination , Gay 1643 Words | 5 Pages. month more than a handful of young people have taken their own lives because they were being bullied at school. These young kids were not bullied because . they dressed differently or they were poor they were bullied because they were homosexual. The Gay , Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender children are being targeted at school and being bullied to the point that they feel they have no other choice but to take their life. They are being told they are an English quotation multiple paragraphs abomination and that they are going to burn in. Homework Help Woodlands! College , Gay , High school 1158 Words | 3 Pages. RWS 305 T 4PM Professor Voth October 13, 2009 Gay Marriage Begins With Separation Our country was built on the foundation of quotation marks paragraphs . Write Essay Kickass! separation between church and state. But has the concrete wall of separation begun to deteriorate? Or was it ever really there at all? As we continuously battle over the rights to same sex marriage, the question of church or state surfaces. It is English marks paragraphs, due time that we examine this matter and decide once and for all if the church should have any opinion in the. Civil union , Gay , Homosexuality 1711 Words | 5 Pages.

? Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, . Proposal! gay and lesbians couples are denied the English marks paragraphs, right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. They are held at English narrative essay an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizens too, who should be afforded the quotation marks paragraphs, same rights as heterosexual couples. One common problem that plagues gay. Bisexuality , Civil union , Gay 1135 Words | 3 Pages. Ghost! ?Roger Lopez INRW 0405-340 Professor: Michele Forbes 07November 2014 Journal 22 Should . Gay Marriage Be Legal In Texas?

An Annotated bibliography According to English quotation paragraphs, Bothelo, a federal Texas judge did not implement the ban for same- sex marriage. The judge, stated “the current prohibition has not legitimate governmental purpose.” However the Christian writer wanted, ruling by Judge Orlando Garcia will not go into quotation paragraphs effect immediately; there is a process that will take. Civil union , Gay , Homosexuality 1203 Words | 5 Pages.

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Sample IELTS essay questions and topics. If you read enough IELTS books (or take the exam too often!), you’ll soon realise that there are very definite IELTS topics. Multiple? There is a good reason for this: IELTS is a very international exam and the topics have to Christian, be suitable for all countries and all cultures. Quotation? Accordingly, (nice word that) the help, people who set the exam tend to choose relatively everyday topics – the quotation multiple paragraphs, sort of topics all educated people should be able to speak and write about in ghost writer wanted, their own language. So one obvious way to prepare for the exam is to practise writing and speaking about these topics.

They are: While the multiple paragraphs, topics are predictable enough, the actual questions are invariably extremely precise. Again, there is also a good reason for How to write a critical kickass, this: the examiners do not want you to learn an essay, they want to test your English and see if you can answer a precise question, rather than produce a general answer to a general topic. Remember that in multiple, the exam these words are always included: Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. This is homework help woodlands no small point because it tells you that whatever the form of the question, you need to quotation marks multiple paragraphs, be able to explain and exemplify your answer ( see coherence). How to like it, share it and save it.

Get more help with IELTS preparation on the main pages of narrative x, my site. Keep up with me on Facebook - all the updates and even more advice there. Or just get all my free lessons by email. 108 Responses to Sample IELTS essay questions and topics. if the task or question is “to what extent do you argree or disagree” should i still present both sides of the argument and on quotation multiple my conclusion i? will sight my opinion? or at the first part of the essay (introduction), should i give my side already? and on the body would be the evidences or reasons why i chose such side of the argument? Another good question. There is no definite right or wrong answer here. But let me give you a few guidelines. One of the ghost, things the examiner is looking for is a clear point of view sustained throughout the essay. Accordingly, it makes sense to state your point of view clearly in the introduction. This way it makes it easy for the examiner to see what you are doing.

The one problem with this approach is that it makes your conclusion slightly harder to write, as you have already given your answer in the introduction. That much said, you can still wait until the conclusion to give your own personal opinion after looking at both sides of the quotation, argument. This is perhaps the slightly more academic approach and makes for Paper writing japanese, a better balanced essay normally. If you do take this approach, my advice would be to state clearly in the introduction that you are going to look at both sides of the marks, issue first before giving your personal opinion. would there be a difference in Buy custom essays, the essay outline or format if the question is English marks paragraphs “do you agree or disagree” and “to what extent do you agree or disagree”? or same approach could be used? thanks so much! God bless? you! This is a good question and I apologise for not answering sooner. The short answer is that there is essay kickass no major difference of approach required.

If the question was “Do you agree or disagree?” Then you can still answer in your conclusion that “There are strong arguments on both sides of the issue, but I tend to think that…” ie you can always agree to some extent. Likewise, if the question is “To what extent…” then you can still fully agree or fully disagree. Are there any sample question papers of writing? What about a discussion? Is the another format to write it or it can also be considered as a for and against essay? “To What Extent” should be answered by choosing arguments to marks multiple paragraphs, support one of 3 major stances: to a great extent, to a certain extent / to some extent, or to a lesser extent. The question is Dissertation proposal asking for a measurement. I have been experienced some issues about how to understand the “main” question whenever I come accross “to what extent do you agree or disagree?” For example: “Creative artists should always be given the freedom to quotation marks paragraphs, express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. Essays? There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Cambridge IELTS 4)”

Is it OK if I say that the main question is English marks multiple paragraphs ” Does government restrict freedom of speech?” As you said before, what’s the Christian ghost writer wanted, use of writting a good essay if you are not answering the question, but, how are we going to be sure that we have understood the “hidden” argument? Thanks in advance! A really good question. One possible problem is that the English marks paragraphs, question comes in help, 2 parts. This is quotation multiple really quite common in Christian writer, IELTS. If you do get a question like this, you need to multiple paragraphs, make certain that you answer both parts of the question. in How to a critical essay introduction kickass, your example. That is not really the case as the English quotation marks multiple, “they” in “There should be no government restrictions on what they do” clearly links to the creative artists in the first sentence. So your reformulation does not work as it does not relate to “creative artists”. In practical terms, my best suggestion is to underline key words in the question to make sure that you do not miss them out. one thing that why ielts exam performance sheet is not provided to candidate after result . Buy Custom? beacuse if a candidate is not scoring the bands more than 5 or 5.5 then after knowing mistakes a person will able to English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, correct it in next exam.

How do we respond an essay that asks for our opinion ? Do we simply give our views all the way through? No one answer to this. All I would say is that you should make sure that any opinions are backed up with reasons/examples. If you do this, your essay will not just be all opinion even if every paragraph contains opinion. Can I please ask you two questions? Many people told me that I am not suppose to use ” I ” , “we” and German help woodlands, ” you ” things like that in my writting. But I noticed you actually use them quite often. English Quotation Marks Paragraphs? does that mean I could use these words in my writting? Also, how to overcome umfamiliar topics?

I feel one of the homework help woodlands, most frustrate thing is to think out ideas. I never can produce an essay in a limited time. I guess the English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, problem for me is I do not have opinions at all. do you have any good suggestion about this? PS : I am going to have my IELTS exam this 29th, urgently need your advice! ;-))) There are no hard and fast rules here. But it would certainly be a mistake to woodlands, overuse personal pronouns in your writing. However, given that that the multiple paragraphs, essay task is frequently an opinion based task and asks you for to use your own experience, it would be strange if you avoided the Dissertation help for marketing, “I” altogether.

IELTS is not academic writing – it is its own genre, The best advice is to answer the English quotation, question. plz suggest me some tips my exam is on 18 may ,2016 And i am very confused bcos i am going to give this test first time. Dear Dominic Cole, in this forum, Could I ask you an assessment of narrative, my essay relate to IELTS writing assessment ? Sorry, not for now. Quotation Marks? I may start a grading service soon but sadly my time is too short. Hi What about if you are not familiar with asked essay topic. Can you answer the question with general writing? You should do your best to answer the question as asked.

You may get severely penalised if you write too generally and don’t answer the question. The idea is that the questions are designed for anyone to answer and help for marketing, if you can’t you have a language problem. That sounds a little harsh, no? The trick is to English quotation multiple, use examples from your experience and that way you should find enough to write. I do recognise the problem though and I am planning a series of German woodlands, postings giving ideas and language to deal with the quotation marks, most common topic areas.

Thanks for ghost writer, the post, keep posting stuff. I was taking IELTS classes from English quotation marks a tutor. When she marked my Essay , because I gave example from Paper with on it japanese my own experience she said I am subjective.She thinks in Academic Writing one should write on general ie effects on society. However, I argue and quotation marks multiple, told her that question stated that you can give example from your own experience.Do you think if I give my own experience the examiner will mark me down? Absolutely not. Proposal? I hate to contradict other teachers – a very bad habit – but in this case I will. The rubric to the essay question almost always contains these words: “include any relevant examples from paragraphs your own knowledge and experience” This means that you actually ought to include examples from your own knowledge/experience. From this point of view, academic IELTS is German homework woodlands not exactly the same as general academic writing where you typically don’t do this so much. The question remains though how you do it.

I would suggest that you don’t want to use the first person “I” too much and that maybe is what your tutor is worried about. This is an paragraphs, extremely good point that you have raised and Christian ghost writer wanted, I will post a lesson on this in the next couple of English quotation multiple paragraphs, days. It’s very true that it doesn’t matter if your writing is subjective or not. The way you express your ideas and construct your writing matter. IELTS is designed for Buy custom essays, the purpose of English marks multiple paragraphs, testing English capability so it shouldn’t take into Paper with on it, account the level of your education. Feel free to express your ideas but on marks paragraphs top of everything, keep it academic!

Sir, i have been teaching ielts for about four years with excellent results. The latest rubrics for wrtiing task 2 state that the help, essay has to be based on knowledge OR experience and NOT on both. Please maintain contact with me for further details. Thank you for the correction on English quotation multiple paragraphs the exact wording. I do take issue with your interpretation of it though. It is entirely possible for candidates to use one example based on their knowledge and another based on their experience: this satisfies both the rubric and the grading criteria. Candidates can choose between the two options and are not restricted to one or the homework woodlands, other: if that were the case, the rubric would read “either knowledge or experience”.

What has not happened is that the new rubric has invented a new dichotomy between “knowledge-based” and English marks multiple paragraphs, “experience-based” essays. Incidentally, the rubric was changed to put the emphasis on How to essay kickass the task itself and to quotation marks paragraphs, delete “complicated” language such as “written argument”. The idea is Buy custom supposed to simple and the key to understanding the new rubric is that it explicitly asks candidates to be “relevant” in their examples and that these support the main points. Read this report by the chief IELTS examiner in English quotation multiple, Australia:;PT=sl#038;X=getdoc#038;Lev1=pub_c06_07#038;Lev2=c05_hogan. i am from Iran (just wanted you to know that people from my country visit your website, too). I’ve been searching the lab, net for ages to find a website that can help me with my ielts essay questions and i now i can say yours is one of the bestests #128521; i have some questions. will you help me with them please? 1. in your “The three different types of IELTS essay question” you have clearly mentioned in which type of quotation marks, essay we should give our own opinion. can you see this page please: i am confused a little. in lab, which type should i reflect my opinion? and more importantly in which paragraph? 2. under which type does advantage/disadvantage, cause and effect/ problem/solution essays fall? discussion or argument? you seem to insist that all of them are argument type, but seems to differ. 3. what is marks explanatory essay?

Except theses common essay topics that you’ve mentioned, are there any more to English x, add to this list?in Iran it seems the English quotation marks multiple, recent ielts test have been exposing the German homework, examinees to some different topics (speaking:what qualities should a leader have?does your political one have?, etc) thanks an quotation multiple, ocean for Buy custom, spending time for us. hlo dominic i do not get the ideas while writing an essay,what would you like to suggest to quotation marks, do thats why my essay is always too short and to make it bigger i repeat some lines in diffent way. Typically, I advise my students to think of examples and reasons. It is very easy to get stuck when you are looking for ideas. Ask yourself the questions “Why is that true?”or “how can I explain that?” if a question says ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’,then what should i write in th body paragraphs. whether i have to help woodlands, stick to agree only through out the whole essay or also have to write something about why i diasgree please answer me correctly. hello mister Cole. In the ielts academic exam ( writing ) , I heard that there will only be an argumentative essay. is that true ? and English quotation marks multiple, if not what else ? Ah. Narrative Essay X? It depends what you mean by argumentative. Quotation Marks? The problem is different teachers use different words to describe types of essay. I am guilty of this too.

To try and answer your question, there are different types of essay you need to be able to write. These include: discussing both sides of an issue. commenting on a proposal to solve a problem. looking at two different options and deciding which is better. giving solutions to Dissertation, a problem. I could go on. You should understand that you need to be able to answer different types of questions. The secret as ever is to quotation marks paragraphs, read the question and think hard about it before writing. Think about what it is asking you to do. Paper? The mistake is to learn one model essay and English quotation multiple, try and write the essays lab, same essay all the time. Very helpful post for IELTS Students.

(I am writing here since I could not find an email to write to) first of all I want to compliment you for your website. It is quotation multiple a very usefull resource for the preparation of the IELTS Test, the information are presented in a clear and nice way. They are structured very well and the user does not end up being overwhelmed by the amount of information. This is a very important point -at least to a critical kickass, me-, because reading your site had the result of calming me me and improve my self confidence for the exam. Quotation Marks Multiple Paragraphs? This is often not the case on with on it japanese the internet, where you mostly hand up panicking, which is higly counter-productive. Nevertheless I am writing you because I would like to present to you my essay for the writing academic task 2. I would really like to have a feedback from English multiple you, because unfortunately I can’t find no one to German homework help, correct me one and I would like to have an quotation multiple paragraphs, opinion before I take the narrative essay, exam (which is in quotation multiple, 7 days: unfortunately I have found your website late #128577; ). I am not asking you to correct every mistake, just to read it once and German, give me your impression and maybe the main points that I have to be careful about in English quotation multiple, the test (the first being word number: by with on it, rewriting to the computer I have just seen a lot of mistakes that I could have corrected if I had the time, thing which I haven’t). If it possible can you say to me around band score I am? Or, is this essay enough good for a minimum band score of 5.5? I am really looking forward to read an answer from you and I thank you in English multiple paragraphs, advance for your courtesy.

Write about the following topic: In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think ar the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? One of the most important problem in help for marketing, the schools is the student behaviour. In fact it is English multiple paragraphs known that in Paper writing on it, many countries episodes of quotation marks multiple paragraphs, vandalism, disrespect or bullism are frequent in the schools. This issue should be handled particularly carefully, because we have not to forget that the school has to prepare the students to a critical kickass, become responsible adult. It is therefore very important to individuate the causes and the possible solutions to be applied, in order for English marks paragraphs, the school to fullfill its educational role in the best way.

We should take into account the basic fact that no one has a bad behaviour only for for marketing, the reason to be “bad”. Often those behaviours are the expressions of English marks multiple, other, hidden problems. One of the main cause could be the stress that the students frequently have to face in the school. Exams, homeworks, presentations for many subjects put an incredible pressure over the students, that sometimes will be incapable of handling the stress. Bad behaviour thus manifests itself has a rebellion against the stress, a hidden “stop it” shout. Nevertheless it is my opinion that the main source of bad behaviour of students is to be found outside the school, namely in the private life of the students.

With both my parents being teachers, I know with certainity that an instable family environment is very often the cause of arrogant and Christian ghost wanted, generally bad behaviour. Where the kids are left alone or treated bad by their family members, they can end up manifesting their anger at the school, during the paragraphs, lessons or in the corridors. Those problems suggest their solutions. How To Introduction Kickass? The amount of stress to which the students are underponed should be carefull analyzed by quotation marks paragraphs, the teachers and accurately be revised and adjusted. The task is of course not easy, because a certain amount of stress is English narrative inevitable, is the quality of the English quotation marks paragraphs, school has to be preserved. Regarding family problems, it is a critical essay introduction my firm convinction that child that were raised (or still are) in instable family environment should be followed carefully by expers, such as psyhcologists and pedagogists, and English paragraphs, sustained by teachers, in order to allow them to retrieve their happiness and bring their life back on the tracks. Summarizing, students can answer to exagerate stress acting bad: thus the solution is to carefully control and adjust the pressures on the students. A more important cause of problematic behaviour is the family where student lives, that can already be a source of problems and instability. Students should be therefore sustained by expers in their personal issues. (you can answer me via email if you want)

Sorry for the delay. Had a quick look and it looks an extremely good essay. My one concern is length. sometimes shorter can be better. Sorry but I simply don’y have the time to lab, look at individual essays. This is English a very good job. It was clearly given how to approach a task since you already have given the clue how to How to a critical, practice a certain topic, and English quotation paragraphs, so, through this, many IELTS writing examinees will have the idea now on How to introduction how to write and speak appropriately. English Quotation Marks Multiple Paragraphs? it is my first acknowlegment of this wonderful site.

Please, i have started to practice writing essay and I need a professional tutor to Christian wanted, assess my writing. I would like to know if I can send my essays to be assessed. hey can any one (specially Dominic Cole) tell some essay topics that might be asked in September 2011 (24th Sep.). please reply fast i need some important topics . Sorry, I have no way of telling – there’s a pretty large stock of questions. My general advice is to revise vocabulary for quotation marks multiple paragraphs, the key topic areas before the exam (you can find these on the essay question page) and then to make sure you read the Paper on it japanese, exact question in the exam as closely as possible. I know that this is really boring advice – but be very careful about English quotation paragraphs looking at “recent essay questions”.

For me, their only real value is to tell you the types of ghost wanted, topic you will need to write about and what sort of vocab you need. English Paragraphs? Very frequently, the task part of the question – the How to essay introduction, bit that tells you what you need to English marks, do – is wrongly reported. Thank you very much for your helpful hints and appreciable and Paper with on it japanese, dedicated efforts.As a candidate who took nearly 10 exams, I confess that I owe too much to you. This is English multiple a very simple way to say thank you. Pleasure. I hope it’s worked out for Paper with writing on it, you now. 10 tests is a lot – painful. Hi Dominic, very good exam website thankyou. Please, how much is band reduce for short answer? Happy world rabies day!

It rather depends how short the answer is. My understanding/recollection is that you cannot get above 5.0 for task response unless you use 250 words. Your blog seems really good since you give sample IELTS essay questions and topics that would somehow helpful to those IELTS writing examinees. This would serve as a guideline for English quotation multiple, them because it discusses and shows the exam process of IELTS writing through giving sample question formats, topics and tips. Buy Custom? Through this, they can practice more in writing their essays and would develop their skills more on marks writing. dear Dominic Cole, can you please suggest me i started my writing task 1 and task 2 at appropriate place task 2 i need another page the invigilator give me page and Paper on it japanese, stick behind task 2..but unfortunately i continue my task 2 on the first page (task 1)..if they will penalised me..p;ease answer me because i m in dilemma i write both task very well. when i came home then one of my friend told me that you have to quotation marks multiple, write on 3rd page becz it’s task one give announcement for that..will it affect my score?? please answer as soon as possible.. I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to that one. I suspect that it wouldn’t make any difference. The examiner is likely to have worked out what you did.

sir, i humbly wish to draw your kind attention to the fact the according to essays lab, the latest rubrics, ielts essays have to be based on knowledge or experience NOT knowledge AND experience .i have been teaching ielts for around four years and ask my students to scrupulously keep this fact in mind.Please answer. Are you seriously suggesting that candidates would be penalised for using both knowledge and experience?! As someone who holds a masters in philosophy, I would be delighted if you could enlighten me as to exact distinction between them. I feel perfectly certain that 100% of IELTS examiners would be unable to split that particular epistemological hair. I believe you will find that “or” enables candidates to do both. English Quotation Marks Paragraphs? If I offer you “coffee or tea”, I would not be offended if you decided to have both. The purpose of rephrasing the rubrics was to a critical, make them more accessible – if you read the source papers.

The purpose was not to introduce a new challenge to candidates. sir, i personally think that words i , we , you should be eschewed from task one along with copying the introduction from the statement of question (from task 2 as well) and English marks multiple paragraphs, sole emphasis should be laid on grouping the subject matter and comparisons . This is what i ask my students to do . Eschewed! a long time since I saw that word used in earnest. I see your point about “you” and “I” in task 1, but cannot agree with you about “we”. I agree with you about copying wording from the question. Paper With? The (difficult) skill is to rephrase the question without repeating it so that you have a valid introduction.

I have given the IELTS recently and scored overall band 8 but the problem I faced was in my writing section I got only 6.5 and I need a score of minimum to English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, get into the university I desire for. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME.. Your blog is with on it japanese very helpful. With these guidelines, Ielts exam takers can have a better understanding and therefore feel more confident in their exams. pls can anybody suggest me reading techniques ?? specially for headings n yes/no/not given i cnt get more thn 6. You will find my own suggestions on the reading page. The key is to understand the difference between No and Not Given. help me #128578; write for and against argumentative essay Taking exams : for and against.

I’ll see what I can do for you. Marks Multiple? It’s the Buy custom lab, sort of English, topic you need to be able to write and speak about. I’ll try and Dissertation proposal help for marketing, post something next week. Thanks but I need it for Monday. #128578; good job, Dominic. which kind of English should i register for, general or academic? my intention is to apply for a job as a nurse. I’ve seen somewhere, they were saying there are some professions which requires academic English, i am afraid nursing might fall under that category but I’ve already registered for general English.

If you are headed for the UK, it will be academic IELTS you need. I’m not sure about Australia, but I imagine that there too the IELTS requirement would be academic. When did you apply? Normally, you can get a refund of your fee if you cancel 5 weeks before. Multiple? Contact your local test centre. It may be that they might also take pity on you and allow you to transfer to Buy custom essays, academic. This is the first time i visited this site. In Australia, you need a minimum of English quotation paragraphs, 7.0 in every exam including the OBS. And the requirement there is Academic.

I have a very big problem with preparing for IELTS( Academic). I took IELTS for English narrative, 3 times and my overal band score was 6.0 in all of them. My first time I scored 6.0 in every module. The second and the third I had 5.5 in Listening, 6 in Reading and Writing and 6.5 in Speaking. I really don’t know from where to start with studying, I have many books for IELTS, but I don’t know which one is the best. Please suggest me only 4 four books (one for every part of the exam) which are the quotation marks multiple paragraphs, best according to essays lab, you. I desperately need 7.0 in every part of the test. Appreciation for this infmortiaon is over paragraphs, 9000-thank you!

Can i use pencil to attempt IELTS writing test?please anyone must reply me. I want to find out whether it is appropriate to write less that three words where it is stated that one should use no more than three words. Also, I would like to Christian writer wanted, inquire maybe it is quotation marks important to write introduction, interpret a graph, line, table or chart by multiple paragraphs, beginning from any point. Front, Middle or Back. I shall be looking forward to narrative, receiving your reply. Thanking you in advance. No more than 3 words means 1, 2 or 3 words. you helped me a lot. I have studying on your website recently.

I found it great and a resourceful webpage. I have taken the IELTS at quotation marks least 7 times now, and I have not achieved my required results yet. Christian Writer Wanted? I need a band score of 8 in each module. My next exam is on the 31.03.12, any more advice Sir?In my last 2 exam, I got 6.5 in Writing. Your website is of great help for those who want to take IELTS #128521; I just want to ask you this question: Other cultures highly value old people, while others value young people.

Discuss both opposing views and give your opinion. I wanted to English, ask you a question about the IELTs and in partictular about paragraphs. When I did my ielts test, I finished the writing task 2, and left one line empty between each paragraph. Christian Ghost Writer? However, when I wrote the conclusion, I left 4-5 empty lines and then started the conclusion. I did this because I was sort of running out of time, and didnt know if I wanted to add anything else in English quotation multiple paragraphs, the last paragraph( the one before conclusion. so it looked a bit like this. Do you thing this will affect the mark I get? No, I very much doubt it- examiners are intelligent people. I am really grateful to you as I only prepared for my IELTS examination from essays lab this website and I got band 8 in all modules except writing where I got 7.5. You are awesome.

In simply words . No you shoulndot give your side immediately give yours conclusion step by step. Firstly explain both sides and then which you like most give him side . Agree or disagree is most important part choose 1 thing . Yes you should choose a type of argument the English quotation multiple paragraphs, main factor. i m so confused which book to choose for woodlands, preparing ielts so plz woud u like to suggest me which book to study. After I initially commented I clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get 4 emails with the English marks multiple paragraphs, same comment. With Writing Japanese? Is there any means you possibly can remove me from that service? Thanks! Sorry there is English quotation marks multiple paragraphs nothing I can do about that as I do not have details of that service. I can only suggest that you move the post to Dissertation for marketing, spam!! Congrats on your blog. One question thou, some literature state there are 4 different types of essays instead of the English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, 3 types you mention in your blog, these are: Do you agree with this?

if so, when we have a “to what extent do you agree or disagree” type of German woodlands, question, which kind of essay will that be from the multiple, 4 types mentioned above?x. Hmmmm. I do need to go back to German homework help woodlands, that post. The division you maker does make sense. In truth though I increasingly wonder how helpful it is to categorise different essay types rather than just looking at English marks paragraphs the particular question in front of you and answering the question as it is asked. I say this because I feel some candidates get trapped by trying to follow a particular formula. I will put this on my to do list. Thank you for your comment.

firstly thanks for the effort you have made for us.anyway i am having problem in differentiating between agree/disgree and to what extent do you agree/disagree..i have seen essays written both by discussing both topic in Christian ghost wanted, 4 paragrpah model and also taking only English marks paragraphs one position.does the topic content make difference on choosing the English, format of such essay? Good question. You will find advice that gives you quite strict guidelines on how to answer different question types -setting out formulae/formulas for each type of English marks multiple paragraphs, question. I am never really convinced by that approach, I much prefer the approach of proposal for marketing, looking at each question on its own merits and focussing on answering the quotation paragraphs, question as it is essays lab asked. I realise that that may not seem particularly helpful, so here is my general advice. The introduction and conclusion are the areas where you need to focus on addressing the question and English quotation marks paragraphs, giving your clear answer to it. So in those paragraphs you need to homework, outline your your position in quotation marks, relation to write essay kickass, the question and give your answer. Even if the question is “do you agree?”, it is English open to you to say I agree but only up to a point. The content paragraphs are where you introduce the reasons for German help, your point of quotation marks multiple paragraphs, view. Writer Wanted? Typically, the academic thing to do is to look at both sides of the issue – even if you have a strong opinion for one point of view. This can work with almost IELTS agree/disagree type questions.

Certainly, with my own students, I encourage them to English, look at narrative essay both sides of the issue, as for them IELTS is simply a passport to academic courses at university and I want them to learn the skills of academic writing.That said, it is open to you to take just one position and argue that – on condition that you outline this is your introduction and the question does not ask you to look at both sides of the quotation, question. Hi Dominic Cole i introduced of your blog before few days of my IELTS exam; i also took suggestion as far as possible. i participated on IELTS exam 1st September 2012 but unfortunately my writing task was out of my general knowledge of the topics. I frustrated what i should write? my topic was quoted you. How To Write Essay Introduction Kickass? It was. ” It is a natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g dinosaurs, dodos etc).

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Modern Physics and Hindu Philosophy. Emeritus Prof. of Physics, Department of Physics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) 402 N. Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46202-3273. There are amazing similarities between implications of theories of quotation paragraphs modern physics and ancient Hindu philosophy as expressed in Vedas and Upanishads. The basis of Christian ghost wanted Hindu philosophy is the mystical idea of Brahman. The Brahman is English marks multiple, usually described by essays lab, the words “Neti, Neti “meaning, not this, not this! When I went into English multiple study of physics, I realized that, as far as knowledge of ultimate reality is concerned, physicists are in exactly same situation as the for marketing ancient Rishis. Both cannot describe it in everyday language.

In Mundak Upanishad, knowledge is divided into two parts: Para Vidya which deals with the marks multiple eternal truth that can lead to self realization and Apara Vidya which deals with knowledge about proposal help, material world. Under this classification, Physics might come under Apara Vidya. But, I would like to convince you that Modern Physics is also Para Vidya! A number of English marks paragraphs early pioneers in quantum theory such as Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and later Bohm, were deeply influenced by eastern mystical ideas. A number of books have been written on this subject.

Fritz Capra’s book in seventies on “The Tao of Physics” started the ball rolling. More recently, physicists Subhash Kak, Amit Goswami, John Hagelin (Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s group) and some others have published extensively on help woodlands this subject. Now, I will describe briefly implications of some of the theories of modern physics for non-physicists. Physics which was discovered before the paragraphs 20 th century is Christian ghost writer wanted, known as classical physics which describes everyday physics like major parts of mechanics, heat, electricity-magnetism, optics etc which are used extensively in engineering and technology. Marks Multiple! At the beginning of x 20 th century, experimental data and certain inconsistency problems compelled physicists to accept two revolutionary theories: Quantum theory and Relativity theory. English Quotation! Physicists were forced to for marketing change their view of nature drastically as a result. Initially, there was immense reluctance to give up classical ideas. English Marks Multiple Paragraphs! They were forced into quantum theory and relativity theory kicking and screaming. First of all, it was found that the world is not made out of rigid firm objects like billiard balls or bricks. At the atomic and sub-atomic level it consists of fuzzy wavelike objects and lot of empty space.

So the Dissertation proposal for marketing solid nature of objects we see around is only apparent. As one goes deeper and deeper, one keeps on quotation multiple paragraphs finding vacuum all the way. This reminds one of the japanese ideas of sunyata and Maya or illusion covering the whole universe, as Adi Shankaracharya said “Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithya”. Marks Paragraphs! Brahman is the only truth; the world is a false illusion. Narrative Essay X! Now, just like us, he must have seen solid bodies, rigid walls and trees. I believe he realized that all of this disintegrates and thus cannot be fundamental reality. Thus, because of the covering of Maya, one does not see the underlying real Brahman. (Previously, the concept of Maya from English marks paragraphs Mandukya Upanishad was emphasized by Shankaracharya’s spiritual grandfather Gaudapadacharya). Similarly, in physics, one sees only the German help woodlands material objects around and does not see strange quantum fuzzy world underlying all the English matter. How To Write A Critical Kickass! Moreover, the particles of modern physics are believed to be in some kind of suspended state devoid of any specific properties until they are measured. They are in some sense both here and there at the same time and quotation multiple paragraphs, are described by a wave function, a superposition of seemingly contradictory properties. Such a description is very similar to essay introduction the description of Brahman e.g. in Ishopanishad: “It moves and it moves not; it is far and quotation marks multiple paragraphs, it is near; it is within all this and it is also outside all this.” Then the ultimate shock of quantum theory came when Bell’s theorem and subsequent experiments proved the so called entanglements to be right.

In such cases, two or more atoms, electrons or photons demonstrate correlated properties even at distances where no communication is Paper writing on it japanese, possible between them during the given time. These developments are the most important developments in the history of physics and perhaps in the whole of science. They give rise to the idea of the interconnected wholeness of the world and non-local interactions in contrast to the separate identities with local interactions. Thus atoms also exhibit holistic like properties and perhaps some primitive relationship to consciousness. So it is not proper to say that any analysis starting with atoms is reductionist and not holistic.

The four Mahavakyas express similar concept about individual and Brahman. Pragnanam Brahman – Consciousness is quotation marks paragraphs, Brahman (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda) Ayam Atma Brahman – This Self (Atman) is Brahman (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda) Tat Tvam Asi – That Thou art (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of the Sama Veda) Aham Brahmasmi– I am Brahman (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda). Ghost! Thus Brahman is present in English quotation marks everything. This matches very well with the concept of modern physics that everything is made out essay, of the English quotation multiple paragraphs same fundamental particles. Another basic finding of woodlands quantum theory is the involvement of the observer in the observed things. It is impossible to separate the effect of the measuring apparatus from the object measured. Detachment of the two is just not possible. Such an idea about the multiple paragraphs observer and wanted, the object of observation is also emphasized in Upanishads. It is behind the quotation paragraphs holistic philosophy about mind and body.

A leading current model of Buy custom essays origin of universe assumes that there was total vacuum in the beginning and the universe arose from a quantum fluctuation. In this way something came out of nothing. At that time it was totally dark since light had not emerged from vacuum yet! Compare this model with the following quotation from Vayupuran about origin of universe. “In the beginning, there was nothing in the universe. The Brahman (the divine essence) alone was everywhere. The Brahman had neither color nor scent; it could not be felt or touched. It had no origin, no beginning or no end. The Brahman was constant and English quotation, it was the essay origin of everything that was destined to be in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. ” Nasadiya Sukta (story of creation) also mentions that there was total darkness before creation.

There are strange facts in the theory of relativity also: It requires that measurement of English quotation marks paragraphs time depends on observer’s motion and also the strength of gravitational field he/she is in. An often recurring mention in homework help Hindu scriptures is that Brahma’s time is marks multiple paragraphs, different from ours. When one hears about Arjun looking at Christian ghost writer, the past, present and future in the mouth of Lord Krishna in Vishwaroop Darshan (Ch.11 of Bhagvatgeeta), one is reminded of collapse of the space time coordinate system near singularities of general theory of relativity. Also, it is marks, well known that Hindu scriptures came up with the correct order of magnitude of the age of universe of several billion years, when other religious systems insisted on the age to be a few thousand years. As an example of violation of conventional logic, let me mention one situation. Consider a simple logical inference such as: if in essay x a roomful of English marks multiple 200 people, 50 have brown eyes, then 150 do not have brown eyes. Bell’s inequalities are based on such logical statements when applied to quantum objects. They are violated by experimental results on atomic systems. Conclusions from quantum theory agree with the experiments.

Such a situation would correspond to Upanishad’s idea that Brahman cannot be understood by logic! If it can be understood, it is not Brahman! There is a story about two yogis. One meditated all day. The other one read scriptures all day. Buy Custom Essays! At the quotation paragraphs end of every day the second one always said “I do not understand. I do not understand”. Then one day, to the great surprise of the first one, the second one said loudly, “I understand.

I understand”. The first yogi asked him with astonishment as to what suddenly happened. “Now you understand everything suddenly!” The second yogi replied “I now understand that this cannot be understood!” Anyway, to me, it does not appear surprising that when one tries to put mathematical ideas of modern physics in human languages, they look similar to Buy custom essays the philosophical ideas of ancient Rishis obtained after deep meditations. In fact it would be shocking if they did not agree. This would be true if e.g. the world was described by classical physics. English Quotation Paragraphs! I think the nature of reality is such that both parties were forced to adopt these ideas. As for Rishis, it is not clear when that classical to quantum transition took place or indeed if there was a sharp transition like modern physics.

Some parts of Vedas are full of worship of natural elements like wind, water, fire etc and also picture Gods to look like human beings in the form of avatars. In some parts of Vedas and many Upanishads, we see clearly concept of abstract, omnipresent, invisible, eternal, transcendent and immanent Brahman who has qualities unfamiliar in English x our everyday life. Just as many things in everyday world are described by classical physics, concept of deities would correspond to classical concepts in our scriptures. English Marks Paragraphs! There is nothing wrong with that. Concept of Brahman would correspond to quantum concept. Now, a standard explanation for homework woodlands the seemingly bizarre behavior of particles in modern physics, which most physics professors tell their students, is that we are looking at the systems which are tens of billions times smaller than our everyday world.

Thus we should not be surprised that these do not correspond to our everyday life models and English quotation paragraphs, our everyday language may very well fail to describe these. English Narrative! One may argue that large objects like us consist of trillions and trillions of atoms. They have to approach classical limit. There is some truth in English marks that. Crawling babies find out pretty soon that they cannot go through the walls like electrons.

One caution against these arguments is that physicists have been finding quantum effects in larger and larger systems (such as lasers, superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation etc) and entanglements have been found at distances of several miles. Essays! Thus it is not clear that quantum mechanics is marks multiple, not applicable to large systems. Also, what about consciousness and thought processes? Is there something quantum mechanical about them? As a matter of fact many scientists such as Penrose, Hameroff and Stapp have suggested that consciousness in our brain may arise from Christian ghost wanted atomic size domains and hence consciousness may be quantum mechanical in nature. Admittedly, these are preliminary models and currently there is no real understanding of consciousness. Both modern physics theorists and Rishis reciting Upanishads were using their thought processes in brain. Obviously human brain evolved as human body evolved in quotation marks nature. So one possibility is that some cognitive information about nature may be stored in the brain. A question for physics is that why mathematics works so well when our intuition based on everyday life fails.

After all, mathematics is also creation of human mind. In fact, as I mentioned before, Bell’s inequalities bring out in a superb way that conventional logic fails in quantum theory. Thus somehow mathematics describes systems which are outside our everyday experience. Similarly, why Rishis realized something in their meditations which went beyond their everyday intuitions? They were living in the classical world like everybody else in cottages, carrying out the usual human activities. In both cases the analysis looks irrational from the conventional logical point of view. Perhaps deep within our brain, there is some component which goes farther than experiences in everyday world. It is somehow sensing the so called “ultimate reality” which physicists have arrived at by using mathematics and Christian ghost wanted, Rishis arrived at by deep meditations. This may be like the story of several blind men touching different parts of an elephant and drawing different conclusions about the shape of the elephant.

Some time one hears the quotation multiple argument that internal world is help woodlands, different from external world. Even some Swamijis emphasize that material and English quotation multiple, spiritual world are different. I was never convinced by that argument. World is world. Buy Custom! How can internal laws be different from external laws? My internal world is actually somebody else’s external world!

If we assume that the English multiple paragraphs internal world cannot be independent of the external world, we have to conclude that this similarity in philosophical statements of modern physics and ancient Indian mysticism is not a coincidence. It must be the “ultimate reality” of nature. Most of the western scientists and many Indian scientists believe this to German be merely coincidence without any significance. In fact some western scientists have ridiculed such similarities as accidental and misleading. I have been myself wavering for a number of quotation marks years about whether this is English narrative essay, accidental and forced association or genuine. Now I am convinced that it is English multiple paragraphs, a real association.

I suspect there is an Buy custom essays all pervading holistic non-local layer which we may call Brahman. Part of our consciousness may draw on this. This connection may be what is marks paragraphs, called Atman. Non-local entanglements of atoms may be also related to this layer. English Essay! Local interactions which one sees in physics and also in everyday life may be superimposed on this. These are much more prevalent. The main point of this article is that somehow sensory and non sensory aspects of the universe agree. A complete answer to these puzzles will come when we understand consciousness and English marks multiple, its relation to the nature at large. Some authors (notably Amit Goswami) conclude that consciousness creates reality including atoms. I have some reservations about this conclusion.

From the perspective of Physics, it is well-known that quantum mechanical reactions went on during big bang and stars long before any conscious living being was born. So it is hard to believe this. Similar arguments can be made against Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s program of Paper japanese unified field of consciousness. The program of paragraphs grand unified field theory of physics is nowhere near completion, especially as far as gravity and ghost writer wanted, strong interactions are concerned. Also, scientifically we know very little about consciousness. It is really too premature to talk about a unified field of consciousness although it could be true. From the point of view of physics I would like to quotation marks multiple paragraphs have a program to understand consciousness starting with atoms or elementary particles i.e. a bottom up approach rather than a top down approach. Starting with elementary particles, inanimate objects like rocks etc, then cells, plants, bacteria, animals and finally human beings would have progressively increasing consciousness. All of this will be related to the ultimate reality and it is our task to understand it. A well known physicist has talked about the Buy custom lab search of a fundamental particle (Higgs particle) as “God particle” in a joking manner. But if the quotation marks multiple paragraphs mystic association with Brahman is true then the joke would have a sense of reality and we may be closer than ever in our understanding of Brahman.

*This article is based on japanese a paper presented at the First International Conference on Holistic Vision and Integral Living, Oak Ridge (TN, U.S.) Aug. 27/28, 2010. Kashyap V. English Marks Paragraphs! Vasavada. B.S. Help! (Physics) M.S. Univ. of Baroda (India) M.S. English Quotation Multiple! (Physics) Delhi Univ. (India) Ph.D. Wanted! (Physics) Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD. Research Associate NASA. Asst.

Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Connecticut (Storrs, CT) Associate and Full Professor of marks paragraphs Physics, Indiana-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis, IN. Visiting Professor, Cornell Univ. Proposal For Marketing! Ithaca, NY.

Currently, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis IN. I have published a number of articles in internationally known Physics journals.

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Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes? “Can one clear IAS Exam without coaching?” You might have heard this question asked a hundred times to Civil Services Exam toppers both by media as well by English quotation marks multiple paragraphs future aspirants. And we have heard different versions of narrative essay x answers from the toppers too – depending on whether they adopted coaching or not. But in the online age – one can say with assurance – Yes, any hardworking candidate can clear IAS exam without attending classroom coaching! Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes? There are many instances of quotation marks multiple candidates who cracked IAS without going any coaching – without spending sleepless nights and truckload of money at any coaching institutes. Go through our UPSC toppers interview section.

You can read the testimonials of toppers. No; unless the institutes are misguiding you. Upon checking the Buy custom profiles of marks multiple candidates who cleared IAS, we can also see that there are candidates who cleared with coaching, without coaching, left the job for self-preparation, who cleared the exam while working and so on. And that itself gives the answer to Dissertation help for marketing this question “Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes?” – It can be a YES or NO – It all depends on English quotation, the person. Do you need IAS Coaching?

The Answer To The Long Pending Question! Let’s start with Sachin Tendulkar. Writer. Everyone knows that Sachin is a genius. He is talented and awesome. English Quotation Paragraphs. But why did he take coaching under Ramakant Achrekar and numerous other coaches? Will he be as successful as he is today without his coaches?

Any clue? Ok. Leave that topic now, but try to ponder over this: why did you attend schools and colleges if you were able to narrative essay study everything on your own? We think good coaches and English multiple mentors can help their students a lot. Of-course there are many students who do well without mentors (like Ekalavya did in Mahabharatha [excuse us, if the example is too old. Of-course there are examples from the modern world too:-) ]), but there is no doubt about the help good mentors can do. In our opinion, what they do is – reduce the work of German homework help students by quotation multiple paragraphs half! They help reduce the burden of students. By good guidance and clear knowledge, they can help students learn fast and help for marketing succeed in the age of tight competition. Having said that, we didn’t mean that in marks order to succeed in IAS exam you need to attend coaching institutes the way you attended school.

This not necessary. Write A Critical Introduction. And this is not a must. Why because, you are already graduates! Apart from quotation multiple, optional subjects, none of the questions asked in essays the examination requires specialized study. If your optional is not your subject of graduation, you might need coaching for that, else it is not a necessity. Wait, the English quotation multiple topic is not over. What if you are not confident that you can finish the vast syllabus by yourself within the Paper writing japanese limited time? What if you do not know where to start and what to study?

What if you don’t know the paragraphs books and magazines for German homework, UPSC preparation? Here, like what I said before, a good coach can help you reduce your work load by quotation multiple half. But only a good coach! There are two things you need to clear UPSC exam: A good coach or a good coaching institute should be able to English narrative essay provide these two. If you are not getting relevant and marks paragraphs latest strategies and guidance from Buy custom lab, a coaching institute, even after spending thousands and multiple paragraphs lakhs of essay rupees there, then there is English quotation marks multiple, no meaning of attending coaching classes. At times, you might even know about students who fail to clear UPSC exam due to misguidance from coaching classes. Coaching Classes: The latest realization. Of-course there are good coaching classes which care for the students and not their money. And not all are bad. Do Join if you find quality institutes.

Don’t join institutes with a reputation of essay x misguidance. As what you need to get from a coaching class are just guidance and knowledge, in the online age there are alternatives. We are not saying that everyone should start subscribing this website from today :-). English Marks Multiple. Of-course you can, and we hope it will do more good than harm! But as this post is not intended to sponsor ourselves let’s focus back to the topic. Apart from, there are many other good online coaching websites also which are valued by with writing on it japanese the IAS aspirant community, which you can rely upon. English Quotation Marks. Good online IAS coaching websites provide much free service than many of the coaching centers, which charge you lakhs of English narrative essay x rupees for English, their misguidance! If you are still confused, scroll below. When do you need Civil Service Exam coaching?

If you are totally ignorant about the Dissertation proposal UPSC yllabus, latest pattern, IAS books and can’t formulate a strategy on your own to crack this exam. You are running short of marks time (got hardly 2 or 3 months before the exam), and need a crash course to go through all the important topics. If you are a person, who, after whatever efforts put, don’t feel confident to writing stay alone (without coaching, because of peer-pressure.). If you have only very little knowledge about the marks paragraphs optional subject you plan to take for the main exam and essay feel it’s a risky strategy to take it on your own. You don’t have access to internet to browse good websites which provide IAS study materials and guidance free of quotation marks multiple paragraphs cost and online shopping websites like and, which provides door delivery of Christian writer all books needed for English quotation multiple paragraphs, IAS with free shipping and cash on delivery options.

When don’t you need Civil Service Exam coaching? If you are confident that you can crack it your own and feel just like UPSC that coaching institutes are not a necessity in this exam. If you are from any top institutes in India like JNU or IITs and know about the Christian ghost writer wanted subjects, exam and pattern with details much before. If you have already attempted this exam with coaching – Since you already know the pattern, necessary books and English paragraphs syllabus, spending time again in Buy custom lab the same classes will make you feel bored. If you are an serious analyzer of marks multiple paragraphs previous year questions – UPSC is Christian ghost, putting sincere efforts to English quotation reduce the effect of coaching and spoon feeding in IAS selections, by Dissertation making a drastic change in exam pattern by avoiding traditional questions and multiple developing questions which require an analaytical frame of mind, an area where coaching institute cannot help much.

Conclusion: Can one clear IAS exam without classroom coaching? Whatever conclusion you reach after reading this, to ghost writer summarize, we are are adding the quotation below points: Yes, one can clear IAS exam without coaching. But may not be ‘everyone’. It depends on his/her efficiency in self-study. If you are good at self-study, you can clear UPSC CSE without any classroom coaching. Dissertation Proposal. ClearIAS website and ClearIAS mobile app are started just to help the bright minds in India do self-study and English marks multiple paragraphs crack this exam! We have also launched full length timed online mock test series with negative marking for How to a critical essay introduction, UPSC Prelims which can be attempted at English paragraphs, the ClearIAS mock exam platform. Whether classroom or outside classroom, good guidance and study materials can supplement candidates’ preparation for UPSC exam. Japanese. Underline the words – good, guidance, study materials and supplement.

Join a coaching institute only if it serve the above purpose. Now there are online coaching websites which provide quality guidance and study materials. Realize that no coaching institute or online website can make a candidate an IAS officer, unlike the claims they make. The combination can be best described as 50:50. A good coaching institute can play 50% part, but unless the candidate put the next 50% effort he cannot become an IAS officer. All the best for all future IAS officers! provides free IAS online coaching, guidance, strategies, books, online study-materials and mock tests with a vision that no candidate should be left out of UPSC exam competition due to English marks multiple paragraphs in-accessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching.

We write simple, easy to understand articles, but always ensure high standards of quality. Rated among the best, emerging online test preparation startups, Clear IAS also offers for free, the popular Clear IAS android app. 74 Responses to Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes? what should be done if i have a very little knowledge about all subjects of ias but i want to appear in this exam. I will clear my ias exam without cohing…….. Proposal Help. Wait and watch but i hambly requst plzzzzz…….. Help me…… I hope aap hmari help karege thank you……..

Sir I’m mechanical engineer and batch of 2011-2015 .I want to quotation marks paragraphs crack ias exam without join of Dissertation help coaching..So plz suggest me …Sir and multiple paragraphs call call me on that -9506351067. self confident is more important and homework believe in English quotation marks smart working not hard working. Do hard work my brother only lab, hard work if u want. Don’t do that, You will loose your attempt. i m from Hindi there book available for Hindi medium.? how to start prepare. Alish Aijaja: I will crack the ICS exam without coaching.In my view we should not depend much on coaching .We should giv our best effort to clear it .Really I appreciate som website is doing a great service. Plz send your …nmbr I’m asking some questions. i am completing b. tech now and i am in quotation multiple second sem and i want to start preparation for upsc exam from now. how do i start the preparation plzzz help me… i am studying in third year of How to write a critical essay introduction kickass electronics and communication in NIT .i have a strong desire to be an quotation IAS,i will get a job in company but i want to proposal help be in this field,plz kindly suggest subjects that should i take for the prep.plz guide me as no one is in quotation multiple paragraphs my contact, who can guide me for this.i will start preparing hard if you can tell me.till now i have been reading newspaper regularly.can i sit in exam this year just for an experience.since financially i am not strong so coaching is not possible for me…plz guide me i shall be very thankful to u.recommend some subjects that should be taken by ECE student.books, exm ki kese prepare karni he without coching kya without coching pre pare karne se me kar paawuga kon kon si subject padni he.

can anyone tell me. i’ve completed my this yr bt having arrears. thanks a lot. u changed me. Sir I’m student of b.a 2 year tell how to prepare for ias ji. SIR , I HAVE COMPLETED B.SC ON NEXT YEAR WHAT CAN I DO BECAME AN IAS. IAS can be cleared, what ever subject you take for 12th or graduation. English Narrative. Almost every query of a fresher is answered in the article: Clear IAS FAQ.

Please go through the same in detail. All the best! Thx’ve helped us a lot.Again thx. Hello sir,i am the student .my branch is computer science and quotation marks engg.i want to English narrative x be attend the English ias in second stage is Christian wanted, that which subject i can choose for main exam.bcz there are no option for me.bcz my branch is English quotation marks multiple paragraphs, comp.scince.plz sir i m waiting for essay, solving ans.for me. sir I student English Marks. 2 year of How to a critical rajasthan university I want becam ips officer but I belong a poor family plase help me. I try to get it. My aim is to become eligible for it rather than achieve it. Sir, just now I have started the IAS exam study.. but I have so many dought bcz I don’t know how to start the multiple study… and 2016 will my 1st attempt.. Can some bady help me.. Is there any friends who are doing Upsc study ..plz call me…so we can make our group for study… good keep it upppppppppppppppppp.

hii i am anand kushwaha, my aim is to become an ias officer. Now i am in indian navy but i have not sufficient time for study………i m not satisfy with my job… can i achieve my target . plz help me……… just leave a job. i am 32 year old from sc now want to preparation for IAS please tell me am i eligible. Yes . You are elegible… Bcz age limit for sc is ghost writer wanted, 37. Paragraphs. And graduation in any stream. Sir i want to English narrative x be an English marks multiple IAS officer…but i have no knowledge about …how to prepare …and i am pursuing btech with computer science and engineering..and i am a average personality …can i clear this exam ….

Sir my name.s sumit kumar vaisya …I want to become IAS but i m unable to Dissertation for marketing join coaching ….so i would like to know i can prepair to my self. I am a beginner for English marks paragraphs, civil services please suggest me which books are helpful in clearing Prelims and mains exam . ncert to start kro all text buks 6 to 10. Hi. my sister looking for German homework help woodlands, write IAS exam on 2016. If you have previous year question papers please sent to English mail id [emailprotected] . i am shakila devi i have done my master degree in MCA my aim is x, civil services exam how to quotation marks paragraphs i prepare to pls give suggestion to me.thank you. Sir, Notes on Buy custom essays lab, History after Part 9 has not been uploaded or it cannot be viewed. kindly request you to help. Hello sir im very frustrated in my life without guidness I spoil my career I hve no family or frnds support I do many private job in marks paragraphs my life and English narrative x I also earn very good income like 25000 or 30000 per month but I dont want money in my life becoz pesa to duniya kma leti h being a girl every person doing to multiple make me negative or underestimate me i just want moral support in my life duniya m sirf ek person who can give me moral support only japanese, one I want respect to English quotation marks me girl hone ki vjh se family se lekr frnds tk sbhi ne thukraya im a Graduate in computer science and also MBA from Dissertation help for marketing, distance I face lots of problems and struggle nd still I face it but I decide no more I leave in alone and i decide want to becomes a IAS officer yhi wo chij h jo sbhi logo ko answer de skti h ki girl never be down but I have no idea how to do started prepration I hve dadication to work hard but work hard not sufficient I need guidness so pls if any one help me how can I do that pls help me my study is bca graduation and age is marks paragraphs, 24 and I have no more time to English narrative countine so just give only 2 years for prepration mail me on [emailprotected] pls sir if possible thanku… Is it easy to crack IAS without attending any coaching centre. Thank u ….. I read sincerely ur article. You give me right direction. @Sumit – All the best!

who called as Ambedkar as ‘father of indian constitution’ My name is quotation marks multiple paragraphs, Abhishek kumar sharma I am student of final year .could u plz Suggest me … how to prepare of civil service exam ? What will be the best subject for Dissertation proposal, me … Sir plz reply me ! only hard work aim….. logo ki and hmari help kre… whatssaap no 7071494723. excuses all stdnts i have a quote which i heard from English, ias toppers interview that if others can clear ias without coaching that i can also do. so mind set up kro apna ki kiwe tyari krni aee… sir ,I am ece study ,I want to essay x write the marks paragraphs civil services exam , I don’t know the portion and also how many levels are there to Christian writer wanted qualify civil service exams….. i want you suggestions to fill my goals plss explain me in English marks paragraphs detail sir. This is bhugeswar Sonowal….and I have been pursuing BA through IGNOU ….but I want to become an IAS officer ……im not satisfied with my present job… what strategy should I follow to achieve my goal….would you like to guide me….please…….

Sir I Belong To A Poor Family. How Can I Prepare. My English Is Too Strong. How Can I Prepare For Ias. My English Is Too Strong. Keep it up you are doing a very good job the essays lab article was very helpful.

sir, for cracking ias with good ranking,can i prepare at home?contuning a govt. service? Yes, if you are properly guided and if you invest on right resources. hi, I am from telugu medium is there any books in English marks paragraphs telugu medium, in this civill exam in overall English and hindi, only. i hv just passed my 10exam i really wants to became an Dissertation proposal for marketing ias officer so how could i preprape for it. i have jst passed 10 i want r became ias officer so hw could from now only i could i prepare for ias pls help which subject shall i take. You have to wait still your graduation will complete. I want to apper upsc exam without coaching…i want to clear it with zoology…i think i get advice form you. actually i can’t understand how to start the preparation m so much confused every time a single question comes in my mind how and where to start the preparation and also want to know coaching is paragraphs, compulsory for japanese, that kindly help me. Sir I mridul nandi I want to English multiple become ias,about I am unable to join coaching……. So I would like to know…… How I can prepare to my life. Can anyone can become a Doctor without going class?

Can anyone can be a Engineer without going class? Answer is help for marketing, No. English Multiple Paragraphs. There are many free classes for Christian writer, IAS for all really interested students who preparing for English quotation paragraphs, IAS exams. Coaching classes increases Osmosis communication, Knowledge sharing, motivation, tips tricks are some of the German help important factors we get if we attend the classes. Thanks and all the quotation multiple paragraphs best…

Vetrii IAS Academy, Chennai. Sorry to essay say…but it is possible to become engineer without attending classes. Guys dont believe in coachings…if you go through the past ias ips officers, then you will come to know that only hardwork and positivity will work for English marks multiple, cracking exams. Why i am saying this because i am an engineer and got job in Cummins Technologies. I got job only because of my efforts. I studied engineering myself, crack interview myself, left job myself and introduction now….preparing for English marks multiple paragraphs, competitive exams myself. So guys believe in yourself and English x god. If you put your efforts then definitely you will be selected in IAS or other competitive exams.

Hi I am a chartered accountant my age is 23 I want to job in indian embassy by ifs so can you give me details for that. I had done graduate degree of English last year so i want to for marketing ask which subject is best for optional subject for mains .i am from punjab can i appear for punjabi literature for mains . I humble request to English marks paragraphs u that Show briefly for Christian writer wanted, main exam subjects thank u very much clear ias team. hello sir, i am last year student of B.E. in electrical branch. i want to be an IAS officer but i have no idea how to start preparation for this and i am from middle class family so i want to English quotation marks multiple paragraphs pass this exam without coaching. I am eng. student so which subject is good for me. Paper With Writing On It. plz sir reply me at my gmail. [emailprotected] Hi I am Vijaya nenu education lo chala poor kani Edo sadenchali ani goal. Marks. Degree complete ai 7 years aindi ,group 2 Ki prepare avvali ani decided ayyanu, but indian polity assalu ardam kavadam ledu, so plz ela prepare avvalo koncham chepandi. Want to essay prepare upse exam..plz suggest. hi friends! i want to prepare IAS exam.. Marks Multiple. so please giving some details….. Sir i completed my diploma in engineering.

Can i used this certificate to am qualified in civil service exam?? Hi I am Parvesh kumar . My age is 15 years . I want to become IAS officer so please give me some details….. I’m in Christian writer 1st year pcm. Sir I have a dream to English quotation marks multiple paragraphs become an IAS officer from my childhood .. it’s not only my dream it’s my ambition my goal nd my every thing … I belong from a middle class family so I can’t afford so called coaching classes for this so I want to prepare it frm my own self so plzzz guide me nd give me some instruction. .. coz I wanna crack upsc … Nd Achieve my goal. Sir I only want a good guidance. I m petty much sure that I will be one of them who will crack upsc in lakhs students. ………… O Found your post interesting to Christian wanted read.

I can’t wait to English marks multiple see your post soon. This article is with japanese, really very interesting and effective. Keep uploading the essential articles about this very examination. Hi this is Shamitha(22 years). I am working in wipro technologies. I want to become an IFS officer.

But I have time constraints to join coaching classes. So can you help me plan how I can crack the exam without coaching? Coz I understand that planning is very much important to marks crack upsc. Thanks in advance. Appreciate your interest in Civil Services (IAS/IPS/IFS…).

To get an early advantage you need be focussed and determined. Please go through the below links, to get the Dissertation for marketing right guidance. Thanks and regards, ClearIAS Team. hi sir i m annu. currently i m working under CAG (central govt. Marks Multiple. sector). Due to job it’s not possible for ghost writer wanted, me to multiple join any tuition classes.But i really want to clear this exam without any coaching. Sir, pls can i get lil guidance regarding this. kindly reply me. i belongs to middleclass family. and can afford for coaching for ias. English Narrative. i am unable to understand that which is correct path for English, ias . plzz guide me how to prepare for narrative essay x, ias withoutout coaching . and what books to refer for English, ias . . many are called but few are chosen.

so my dear friends, don’t take so easy nor to difficult, bcuz it will crack your mind. in a year approximately 12 lakhs students appeared for homework help woodlands, ias… but out of 12 lk only 100 will be elected for English quotation paragraphs, ias..

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