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Bioterrorism Free Essay Samples Outline. Essay! Are you an under-graduate, in College, Bachelors or under-taking your Post graduate studies and need someone to help write your essay or research? We offer premium quality essay writing help. All our papers are original, 0% plagiarized uniquely written by our dedicated Masters specialists. My Essay Services is an experienced service with over 9 years experience in research writing of over 97,000 essays over the years. You will receive a plagiarism check certificate that confirms originality for any essay you order with My Essay Services. Fill the calculator on your right to begin placing your order now! Bioterrorism, for this paper, is defined as the deliberate release of Essay websites xat, biological agents or bio agents to cause harm to the environment or people. Due to essay vacation technological advancements, the number of writing xat, biological attacks has skyrocketed globally. Short Essay Vacation! The increased attacks culminate from the availability of tools and materials that are engineered in laboratories.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites are some of the biological agents that are used for such intentions. These bioagents have the power to affect humans in some ways, ranging from allergies to serious effects such as disease or death. It is important to note that most of these agents are found in nature but are altered in laboratories to make them more potent on their targets. Bioterrorism is a major worry for most nations as it can be very hard to detect and contain once an attack happens. During the recent decades, the improvement in for students in poverty biotechnology and genetic engineering has made it easier for scientists to create such agents increasing the threat of bioterrorism (Mugavero et al., 2015). Some of these biological agents can be spread quickly through, air, water or even in the food we consume. Gwerder et al., (2001), found that bioterrorism is one of the most dangerous events that can occur in modern day society due to its characteristics.

According to the author, terrorists may release bio weapons to attack various sites to enable the spread of the virus to other individuals. For instance, terrorists may attack a worksite to enable the virus to spread via air or water to the community, or through secondary infections to other workmates. According to vacation Riedel, bioterrorism is not a new phenomenon as it was used in the past during warfare, as early as 600 BC infectious diseases were recognised to have adverse effects on people and the military (2004). In the early days, cadavers and animal corpses were used to Anger management disorder spread diseases in the enemies’ territories. Areas that were used for drawing and collecting water were also contaminated weakening the opposition. A good example of bioterrorism in earlier times is the Caffa siege of 1396 in modern day Ukraine. The Tartars who had experienced a plague used the corpses of their dead colleagues to spread the disease outbreak in the city.

This move subsequently led to the death of more than 20 million people in Short Europe and answers some parts of North Africa marking one of the greatest instances of bioterrorism documented to date. Equally important, smallpox has also been used by military personnel to wipe out their enemies. For example, in the 15th century, Pizarro delivered contaminated clothing to the South American Natives to eliminate their presence. Essay! Moreover, Amherst, who controlled the Connect homework answers for accounting British forces in North America, decided to use smallpox to eradicate the Indians who were very hostile to the British army; as a result, a considerable number of fomites were evident, and this paved the way for the British army to execute their mission. In 2001, the US suffered Anthrax attacks, which were later determined to Short vacation be acts of bioterrorism. This attack came shortly after the proofreading 9/11 bombings of the same year. In this attack, letters containing Bacillus anthraci, the bacterium, which causes anthrax, were mailed to several media stations and two senators. That attack left five people dead and more than 15 others infected with the disease. Further investigations into the issue lead the FBI to declare that Bruce Ivins, who had been a government scientist as the primary culprit in the attack.

The studies and method of surveillance by the FBI did however not convince everyone that Irvin, who had already committed suicide in 2005, was behind the attacks. Following these attacks, the Short essay vacation US Congress hurriedly passed the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Custom paper Response Act of 2002. Among the significant changes that the law introduced, is the requirement for organizations involved in the food industry must register with Food and Drug department. Short Essay Vacation! The law also requires food importers to provide the government with notice whenever a shipment is to arrive. Cases of outbreaks of bioterrorism attacks are still being documented to date. The latest case of suspected bioterrorism is the Zika virus, which was reported in early 2016.

This virus was found mostly in the tropics where an infected Aedes mosquito, which transmits the Essay websites xat disease, was found. The Zika virus can be passed from pregnant women to their unborn child hence a great danger to the health of both. In the international scene, the virus interfered with the planning of the recent Rio Olympics in Brazil, making some athletes to withdraw from the games. Essay! Many countries have boards, which have the Connect mandate of Short, detecting and responding to bioterrorism attacks to prevent or minimise the threat of proofreading best, bioterrorism, especially on the food system. Applied Entomology and Training Programs (AETPS) bodies, work in close collaboration with health departments in the US to answer to diseases outbreaks, other natural calamities, and bioterrorism.

The health department and AETPS are required to ensure that there is an efficient infrastructure for carrying out routine inspections. According to Sandhu et al., (2003) there were more than 1300 cases related to bioterrorism reported in the US. Short Essay! Although the threat of bioterrorism is mainly in the food industry, hospitals can also be susceptible. Paper Services! The US government, for example, provides funds to local authorities to Short essay aid in preparedness. The bulk of this money is intended for hospitals.

In addition to funding, the proofreading government also came up with other measures to prevent bioterrorism. One of Short, these measures is answers for accounting, community involvement. Community involvement includes educating the public on bioterrorism, its dangers, and prevention and mitigation methods. It requires the whole community to participate in the case of any emergency of Short, this nature. Hospital staff education is another vital area of focus.

Hospital staff education involves training staff on programs such as AETP, how to provide care to Homework for students in poverty bioterrorism patients and drugs to Short administer. Another step initiated by the government is constant disease surveillance. Perhaps the most important step, this helps in early detection of impending bioterrorist attacks and helps in mitigation of these attacks. In dealing with the paper threat of bioterrorism, it is important for bodies given that task to think along the lines of what possible targets exist. As seen in the Caffe siege, which killed more than 20 million people, bioterrorism attacks can cause severe damages when the threat is not detected earlier. Since, a possible bioterrorism attack would aim to cause as much fear, damage and death as possible and would be aimed at a large population, it is, therefore, important for government agencies to put emphasis in such areas. Though not all agents can be altered for bioterrorism, it is vacation, important to conduct further research on the remedies for Editing proofreading all of the Short essay documented bio agents. The legislation also has to disorder be restrictive on persons who are allowed to be in contact with bio agents as they may also use their knowledge to cause harm, as it was the case with Ivin in 2001. Some of the bio agents that terrorist might be interested in due to their functionality; availability and efficiency of destruction are mentioned below. Essay Vacation! Anthrax is caused by a bacterium by Custom the name Bacillus anthracis and Short essay vacation is exceedingly infectious. Anthrax is found mainly in management homework disorder cattle, specifically herbivores but can be transmitted to when there is contact with humans.

As a bioterrorism threat, the first record of anthrax was in Short essay vacation the early 20th century. The Japanese also used it in the Second World War by contaminating the water sources in China. It is not easy to detect as it has similar symptoms to other diseases such as influenza and it has a mortality rate of more than 75%. Connect! It is advisable that health authorities be informed as soon as possible when there is vacation, suspicion of anthrax as it kills in an average of essay for college, 36 hours from the development of symptoms. Smallpox is a viral disease that can also be used be used in bioterrorism.

Unlike, anthrax, smallpox can be transmitted by coming into contact with an infected person. There is a vaccine for Short essay vacation smallpox, and the World Health Organization recommends routine immunisation although the disease was eradicated in the 1980s. In the context of a bioterrorism attack, smallpox may be misdiagnosed since health care workers have not been exposed to the disease since its eradication. Purchase Essay! The terrorist may also use smallpox due to the few numbers of laboratories with the capability of detecting the disease; thus, it would take a long time before it is contained. Vacation! Nordin et al., (2008) recommends three strategies for the surveillance of Purchase, bioterrorism threats and attacks: classification of certain health information, augmenting institution review boards and the establishment of health information agencies. Following the 2001 attacks, Nordin et al. Short Essay! propose the synchronisation of all medical records and a system that reports real-time information on health issues. A Real-time feed of information they reckon, will help in early detection of bioterrorist attacks and curb the spreading of the Anger homework same.

Classification of individual health information will also contribute during an intentional assault, as the enemy will not be privy to the government’s activities. In addition to that, privatisation of such information will reduce access to information on essay vacation bio agents since the for college terrorist’s goal to cause harm although issues of essay, ethics and homework answers for accounting suspicion may arise between the government and its citizens can use such knowledge. Synchronisation of medical records helps in keeping records of attacks, patients, vaccines and essay symptoms of diseases caused by such bioagents. Custom Paper Services! This also helps in predicting future trends in bioterrorism. Short Essay Vacation! Health information agencies will provide people with symptoms of the diseases and measures to take in case of suspicion or diagnosis.

According to Yahav et al., most countries are more susceptible to bioterrorism attacks than conventional forms of Homework in poverty, warfare (2013). The paper also estimates that more than a quarter of the Short vacation population in Editing proofreading essay the US could be affected if an anthrax attack happened. Short Vacation! These statistics show the destructive nature of Custom services, bioterrorism and Short expose the unpreparedness of the health sector. In the event of an outbreak of Connect answers, a disease such as smallpox, it may be hard to determine whether an outbreak is due to natural calamity or an act of terror. We have also seen that diseases such as smallpox and vacation anthrax may be difficult to diagnose since they have symptoms of other diseases. Bioterrorism can also be spread through air, food, water or in some cases contact with infected persons. It is with this understanding that governments around the world should do more to reduce the risk of bioterrorism because the threat has its origins from early years and continues to increase because of higher technological developments. Centers for treatment should be increased to reduce a possible overflow of patients during an attack. Homework Websites For Students! Methods for establishing whether an attack is natural or premeditated should be put in place to aid in the prevention of further attacks. The public should continue being sensitized on the bioterrorism and other related health issues for them to react quickly in case an attack occurs.

Medical practitioners need to be updated on new practices for prevention and treatment of bioterrorism cases. Lastly, funding used for research on biotechnology should be increased to help come up with better solutions in the future. Short Vacation! Gwerder, Laurie Jean, MS,R.N., E.M.T., Beaton, Randal,PhD., E.M.T., Daniell, William,M.D., M.P.H. Connect Homework! (2001). Bioterrorism: Implications for the occupational and environmental health nurse. AAOHN Journal, 49(11), 512-518. Mugavero, R., Sabato, V., Basso, M., D'Amico, W., Benolli, F. (2015). Bioterrorism: New technologies for global emergencies and public health. Journal of Information Privacy Security, 11(4), 262-273. Nordin, James D,M.D., M.P.H., Kasimow, S., B.A., Levitt, M. J., M.B.C., Goodman, M. J., PhD. (2008). Bioterrorism surveillance and privacy: Intersection of HIPAA, the Short essay vacation common rule, and public health law. American Journal of Public Health, 98(5), 802-7.

Riedel, S. (2004). Biological warfare and bioterrorism: a historical review. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 17(4), 400–406. Sandhu, H. S., Thomas, C., Nsubuga, P., White, M. E. (2003). A global network for early warning and response to infectious diseases and bioterrorism: Applied epidemiology and training programs, 2001.

American Journal of Public Health, 93(10), 1640-2. Yahav, I., Barnes, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E. (2013). Early detection of bioterrorism: Monitoring disease diffusion through a multilayered network. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, , 2561-2570. Client: (Berlin, G.K., CA) Topic title: Leadership shortfalls in Blue Chips

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Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing. Writing short stories means beginning as close to the climax as possible — everything else is a distraction. A novel can take a more meandering path, but should still start with a scene that sets the tone for the whole book. A short story conserves characters and scenes, typically by essay vacation, focusing on Connect just one conflict, and drives towards a sudden, unexpected revelation. Short Essay Vacation. Go easy on the exposition and talky backstory — your reader doesn’t need to know everything that you know about your characters. Do you have a short story assignment due tomorrow morning ? The rest of Anger homework, this document covers longer-term strategies, but if you are in a pinch, these emergency tips may help.

Good luck! (The athlete who wants her team to win the big game and the car crash victim who wants to survive are not unique or interesting enough.) When the story begins, what morally significant action has your protagonist taken towards that goal ? (Your protagonist should already have made a conscious choice, good or bad, that drives the rest of the story.) What unexpected consequences — directly related to the protagonist’s goal-oriented actions — ramp up the emotional energy of the story? (Will the unexpected consequences force your protagonist to essay make yet another choice, leading to still more consequences?) What details from the setting, dialog, and tone help you tell the Connect homework, story ? Things to cut: Travel scenes. (Save words. “Later, at the office, I…”) Character A telling character B about essay something we just saw happening to character A. Anger Management. (Cut the essay vacation, redundancy.) Facial expressions of a first-person narrator. (We can’t see what our own faces look like, so don’t write “A smile lit my face from ear to ear.”) See Writing Dialogue. Homework In Poverty. What morally significant choice does your protagonist make at the climax of the story? (Your reader should care about the protagonist’s decision. Ideally, the Short essay, reader shouldn’t see it coming.) An effective short story (or poem) does not simply record or express the author’s feelings; rather, it generates feelings in the reader. (See “Show, Don’t (Just) Tell.”) Drawing on your own real-life experiences, such as winning the big game, bouncing back after an illness or injury, or dealing with the death of a loved one, are attractive choices for paper students who are looking for Short essay a “personal essay” topic.

But simply listing the Anger management disorder, emotions you experienced (“It was exciting” “I’ve never been so scared in vacation, all my life” “I miss her so much”) is writing websites, not the same thing as generating emotions for your readers to experience. For those of you who are looking for more long-term writing strategies , here are some additional ideas. Keep a notebook. To R. V. Cassill, notebooks are “incubators,” a place to vacation begin with overheard conversation, expressive phrases, images, ideas, and answers interpretations on the world around you. Write on Short essay a regular, daily basis. Sit down and compose sentences for Custom a couple of hours every day — even if you don’t feel like it. Collect stories from Short vacation, everyone you meet. Keep the amazing, the Custom, unusual, the Short vacation, strange, the irrational stories you hear and use them for your own purposes. Purchase Essay Yourself. Study them for the underlying meaning and Short essay apply them to your understanding of the human condition. Read a LOT of Chekhov.

Then re-read it. Read Raymond Carver, Earnest Hemingway, Alice Munro, and Tobias Wolff. If you don’t have time to Homework websites in poverty read all of these authors, stick to Chekhov. He will teach you more than any writing teacher or workshop ever could. In today’s fast-moving world, the first sentence of your narrative should catch your reader’s attention with the unusual, the unexpected, an action, or a conflict . Begin with tension and immediacy. Remember that short stories need to start close to their end. “It is important to understand the basic elements of fiction writing before you consider how to put everything together. Essay. This process is Editing proofreading essay, comparable to essay vacation producing something delectable in essay best, the kitchen–any ingredient that you put into your bowl of dough impacts your finished loaf of bread.

To create a perfect loaf, you must balance ingredients baked for Short essay vacation the correct amount of time and enhanced with the right polishing glaze.” -Laurel Yourke. Your job, as a writer of websites in poverty, short fiction–whatever your beliefs–is to put complex personalities on stage and Short essay let them strut and management disorder fret their brief hour. Perhaps the sound and essay fury they make will signify something that has more than passing value–that will, in Chekhov’s words, “make [man] see what he is like.” – Rick Demarnus. In order to develop a living, breathing, multi-faceted character, it is Homework websites, important to know way more about the character than you will ever use in the story . Here is a partial list of character details to help you get started. Name Age Job Ethnicity Appearance Residence. Pets Religion Hobbies Single or married? Children? Temperament. Favorite color Friends Favorite foods Drinking patterns Phobias Faults.

Something hated? Secrets? Strong memories? Any illnesses? Nervous gestures? Sleep patterns. Imagining all these details will help you get to know your character, but your reader probably won’t need to know much more than the most important things in four areas : Appearance.

Gives your reader a visual understanding of the Short essay, character. Action. Show the reader what kind of person your character is, by describing actions rather than simply listing adjectives. Speech. Develop the character as a person — don’t merely have your character announce important plot details. Thought. Bring the reader into your character’s mind, to show them your character’s unexpressed memories, fears, and hopes. For example, let’s say I want to develop a college student persona for a short story that I am writing.

What do I know about her? Her name is Jen, short for Jennifer Mary Johnson . She is 21 years old . She is a fair-skinned Norwegian with blue eyes , long, curly red hair , and is 5 feet 6 inches tall . Contrary to the stereotype about redheads, she is Homework in poverty, actually easygoing and rather shy . She loves cats and has two of them named Bailey and Allie. She is a technical writing major with a minor in Short essay, biology. Jen plays the piano and is an amateur photographer . She lives in the dorms at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. She eats pizza every day for lunch and homework answers loves Red Rose tea . She cracks her knuckles when she is nervous. Her mother just committed suicide.

Point of view is the narration of the story from the perspective of first, second, or third person . As a writer, you need to determine who is vacation, going to tell the story and how much information is available for the narrator to reveal in the short story. The narrator can be directly involved in the action subjectively, or the narrator might only report the action objectively. First Person. The story is told from the view of “I.” The narrator is either the protagonist (main character) and directly affected by unfolding events, or the narrator is a secondary character telling the story revolving around the protagonist. First Person. Services. “Unites narrator and reader through a series of secrets” when they enter one character’s perceptions. However, it can “lead to telling” and limits readers connections to Short essay vacation other characters in for college, the short story. Short. Second Person. “Puts readers within the actual scene so that readers confront possibilities directly.” However, it is important to place your characters “in a tangible environment” so you don’t “omit the details readers need for clarity.” Third Person Omniscient.

Allows you to explore all of the homework, characters’ thoughts and motivations. Transitions are extremely important as you move from character to character. Third Person Limited. “Offers the intimacy of one character’s perceptions.” However, the writer must “deal with character absence from particular scenes.” Make your readers hear the pauses between the sentences. Let them see characters lean forward, fidget with their cuticles, avert their eyes, uncross their legs . Short Essay. – Jerome Stern. Dialogue is what your characters say to each other (or to Connect answers for accounting themselves). Each speaker gets his/her own paragraph , and the paragraph includes whatever you wish to say about what the character is essay vacation, doing when speaking. (See: “Quotation Marks: Using Them in Dialogue“.) “To the essay, racetrack,” Mary said, trying to figure out whether John was too upset to let her get away with it this time. “Not again,” said John, wondering how they would make that month’s rent. Short Vacation. “We are already maxed out on our credit cards.” Write Meaningful Dialogue Labels.

“John asked nervously” is an example of essay best, “telling.” The author could write “John asked very nervously” or “John asked so nervously that his voice was shaking,” and it still wouldn’t make the story any more effective. How can the author convey John’s state of mind, without coming right out and Short telling the homework, reader about vacation it? By inference. That is, mention a detail that conjures up in the reader’s mind the image of a nervous person. 6. Use Setting and Context. Setting moves readers most when it contributes to essay an organic whole. So close your eyes and picture your characters within desert, jungle, or suburb–whichever setting shaped them. Short Essay. Imagining this helps balance location and Connect for accounting characterization. Right from the start, view your characters inhabiting a distinct place. Vacation. – – Laurel Yourke.

Setting includes the time, location, context, and atmosphere where the plot takes place. Remember to combine setting with characterization and plot . Include enough detail to let your readers picture the scene but only Connect homework for accounting, details that actually add something to the story. (For example, do not describe Mary locking the front door, walking across the yard, opening the garage door, putting air in her bicycle tires, getting on Short her bicycle–none of these details matter except that she rode out of the paper, driveway without looking down the street.) Use two or more senses in your descriptions of setting. Rather than feed your readers information about the weather, population statistics, or how far it is to the grocery store, substitute descriptive details so your reader can experience the location the way your characters do. Plot is vacation, what happens, the storyline, the Editing proofreading essay best, action. Jerome Stern says it is how you set up the situation, where the turning points of the Short essay vacation, story are, and what the characters do at the end of the Custom paper, story.

A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to Short reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance. – Jane Burroway. Understanding these story elements for developing actions and their end results will help you plot your next short story. Explosion or “Hook.” A thrilling, gripping, stirring event or problem that grabs the reader’s attention right away. Conflict. A character versus the answers for accounting, internal self or an external something or someone. Vacation. Exposition. Background information required for seeing the characters in context. Connect Homework. Complication. One or more problems that keep a character from their intended goal. Transition.

Image, symbol, dialogue, that joins paragraphs and scenes together. Flashback. Remembering something that happened before the short story takes place. Climax. When the vacation, rising action of the story reaches the peak. For College Yourself. Falling Action. Releasing the action of the story after the climax. Resolution. When the internal or external conflict is Short, resolve. Brainstorming. Best. If you are having trouble deciding on a plot, try brainstorming.

Suppose you have a protagonist whose husband comes home one day and Short vacation says he doesn’t love her any more and he is paper services, leaving. What are actions that can result from this situation? She becomes a workaholic. Short Essay. Their children are unhappy. Their children want to live with their dad.

She moves to another city. Management Homework Disorder. She gets a new job. Essay. They sell the house. She meets a psychiatrist and falls in love. Answers For Accounting. He comes back and she accepts him. He comes back and she doesn’t accept him.

She commits suicide. He commits suicide. Short Vacation. She moves in Anger homework disorder, with her parents. The next step is to Short essay select one action from the list and brainstorm another list from that particular action. Conflict is the fundamental element of fiction, fundamental because in literature only trouble is interesting. Websites For Students. It takes trouble to turn the great themes of life into a story: birth, love, sex, work, and vacation death. Essay Writing Websites Xat. – Janet Burroway. Conflict produces tension that makes the story begin. Tension is created by opposition between the Short essay, character or characters and Custom paper services internal or external forces or conditions. By balancing the Short, opposing forces of the conflict, you keep readers glued to the pages wondering how the story will end.

The protagonist against another individual The protagonist against nature (or technology) The protagonist against society The protagonist against God The protagonist against Purchase, himself or herself. Mystery. Short Essay Vacation. Explain just enough to for college tease readers. Never give everything away. Empowerment. Give both sides options. Short. Progression. Keep intensifying the number and type of obstacles the protagonist faces.

Causality. Anger Disorder. Hold fictional characters more accountable than real people. Characters who make mistakes frequently pay, and, at least in Short essay, fiction, commendable folks often reap rewards. Surprise. Provide sufficient complexity to prevent readers predicting events too far in Custom paper services, advance. Empathy. Encourage reader identification with characters and scenarios that pleasantly or (unpleasantly) resonate with their own sweet dreams (or night sweats). Insight. Reveal something about human nature. Universality. Present a struggle that most readers find meaningful, even if the details of that struggle reflect a unique place and time.

High Stakes. Short Essay. Convince readers that the outcome matters because someone they care about could lose something precious. Trivial clashes often produce trivial fiction. This is the turning point of the story –the most exciting or dramatic moment. The crisis may be a recognition, a decision, or a resolution. The character understands what hasn’t been seen before, or realizes what must be done, or finally decides to do it. It’s when the worm turns. Timing is homework answers, crucial. If the crisis occurs too early, readers will expect still another turning point. If it occurs too late, readers will get impatient–the character will seem rather thick.- Jerome Stern. Jane Burroway says that the crisis “must always be presented as a scene.

It is “the moment” the reader has been waiting for. In Cinderella’s case, “the payoff is when the slipper fits.” While a good story needs a crisis, a random event such as a car crash or a sudden illness is simply an essay vacation, emergency –unless it somehow involves a conflict that makes the reader care about the characters (see: “Crisis vs. Conflict“). The solution to the conflict . Websites In Poverty. In short fiction, it is difficult to Short provide a complete resolution and services you often need to just show that characters are beginning to change in some way or starting to see things differently. Yourke examines some of the options for ending a story. Brendan’s eyes looked away from the priest and up to the mountains.

Resolved. Clear-cut outcome. While John watched in despair, Helen loaded up the car with her belongings and drove away. Parallel to Beginning. Similar to beginning situation or image. Short. They were driving their 1964 Chevrolet Impala down the highway while the wind blew through their hair. Editing Essay Best. Her father drove up in a new 1964 Chevrolet Impala, a replacement for Short essay the one that burned up. Homework For Students. Monologue.

Character comments. I wish Tom could have known Sister Dalbec’s prickly guidance before the dust devils of Sin City battered his soul. Dialogue. Characters converse. Literal Image. Setting or aspect of setting resolves the plot. The aqueducts were empty now and Short vacation the sun was shining once more. Symbolic Image.

Details represent a meaning beyond the literal one. Looking up at the sky, I saw a cloud cross the shimmering blue sky above us as we stood in the morning heat of Sin City. Comprehensive Web site that offers solutions to beating writer’s block such as various exercises (not necessarily physical), advice from prolific writers, and how to know if you really have writer’s block. Precise, short list of ways to start writing again. Learn through Schooling.

Some online colleges and universities offer creative writing courses. Proofreading. Look for ones that offer creative writing courses that cover the plot and Short essay vacation structure of essay best, short stories. Regular access to essay an instructor who is a published author, and a peer group that is motivated to read your drafts, might just be the extra motivation you need to develop your own skills. If you are counting on the credits transferring to help you complete an academic program, check with your university registrar. Dec. 2002 — submitted by Custom, Kathy Kennedy, UWEC Senior. (for Jerz’s Advanced Technical Writing class) Jan 2003 — edited by Jamie Dalbesio, UWEC Senior. (for an independent study project with Jerz) May 2003 — edited by Jerz and vacation posted at Editing essay, Seton Hill University.

Jan 2007 — ongoing edits by Jerz. May 2008 — reformatted. Sep 2010 — tweaked Writer’s Block section. Mar 2011 — reformatted and further tweaked. Jun 2017 — minor editing. Are “Keds” still a recognizable brand of kids shoes? Don’t just tell me your brother is funny… show me what he says and does, and let me decide whether I want to laugh. Essay Vacation. To convince your readers, show , don’t just tell them what you want them to Connect for accounting know. There. Essay Vacation. I’ve just told you something. Pretty boring, huh?

Now, let me show you… Short Stories: Developing Ideas for Short Fiction. A short story is tight — there is no room for long exposition, there are no subplots to explore, and by the end of the homework for accounting, story there should be no loose ends to tie up. End right at the climax, so that the reader has to imagine how a life-changing event will affect the protagonist. Creative Writing Forum. Have a story you’d like to share? Looking for feedback? Feel free to vacation post in this creative writing forum. For Accounting. Technical Writing: What is It?

Technical writing is the presentation of Short vacation, information that helps the for college, reader solve a particular problem. Scientific and technical communicators write, design, and/or edit proposals, reports, instruction manuals, web pages, lab reports, newsletters, and Short many other kinds of professional documents. Usability Testing: 8 Quick Tips for disorder Designing Tests. If you already have a prototype and you want to conduct a usability test, and you’re eager to learn how to make the Short vacation, most of your opportunity to learn from your users, then this document is for you. Keep… Quotations: Integrating them in MLA-Style Papers. The MLA-style in-text citation is a highly compressed format, designed to Homework websites for students preserve the smooth flow of your own ideas (without letting the outside material take over your whole paper). A proper MLA inline citation uses just the author’s last name and the page number (or line number), separated by a space (not a comma). Titles for Web Pages: In-Context and Short essay Out-of-Context. Most writers know the value of an informative title, but many beginning web authors don’t know that each web page needs two kinds of titles.

The in-context (IC) title always sits at the top of homework answers for accounting, a page, with the rest… Active and Passive Verbs. Active verbs form more efficient and more powerful sentences than passive verbs. Vacation. This document will teach you why and how to Essay xat prefer active verbs. * The subject of an active sentence performs the action of the essay vacation, verb: “I throw the Anger disorder, ball.” * The subject of a passive sentence is still the main character of the sentence, but something else performs the Short, action: “The ball is thrown by Custom, me.” Blurbs: Writing Previews of Web Pages. On the Web, blurbs are compressed summaries of what the user will find on vacation the other end of a hyperlink. Good blurbs don’t harangue (“Click here!”) or tease (“Learn ten great tips!”). You’re reading a blurb now. If it helps you decide whether to click the Connect homework for accounting, link, it’s done its job. Short. MLA Style: Step-By-Step Instructions for Formatting MLA Papers. People decide to read or trash e-mails in seconds.

From the subject line to the closing, offer a focused, scannable message that puts your reader’s needs first. 771 thoughts on “ Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing ” Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Essay Improve Your Creative Writing | Jerz’s Literacy Weblog 10 Ways to Improve Your Short Story. Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing | Jerz’s Literacy Weblog #writingtip. RT @Dream_Craziness: Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to essay vacation Improve Your Creative Writing | Jerz’s Literacy Weblog #writingtip. RT @Dream_Craziness: Short Story Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing | Jerz’s Literacy Weblog #writingtip.

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To Understand a Scandal: Watergate beyond Nixon. In the early hours of June 17, 1972, police officers arrested five men suspected of Short breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington DC’s Watergate office building. This building would lend its name to the subsequent political scandal that led, just over Essay writing two years later, to Richard Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974. To date, Nixon is the only president of the essay vacation, United States to have resigned from Essay writing office. He did so as a direct consequence of his involvement in the attempted cover-up of the links between the arrested men, the White House, and the Committee to Re-Elect the President (officially named CRP, it became aptly known as CREEP) during the 1972 presidential elections. In the process, more than forty members of Nixon’s administration, including some of his top advisors and Short essay a former US attorney general, were investigated and nineteen of them were indicted. The Watergate imbroglio was marked by the tremendously polarizing figure of homework answers for accounting Nixon himself; the high drama of essay widely watched congressional hearings; tales of abuses of power allegedly involving various branches of the nation’s secret services; reports of Homework websites for students in poverty colorful language emanating from the oval office; and Short vacation the much publicized exploits of heroic journalists determined to track down the real story. It mesmerized Americans at paper services the time, and ever since it has remained a fixture in the nation’s collective psyche. Even today, four decades after the events, it still symbolizes all that is, and might be, wrong with the workings of the federal government, elected officials and, ultimately, with the political system itself. Yet, we cannot understand Watergate and its consequences in isolation from the historical context in which they unfolded.

These included powerful political and cultural forces such as the movements against the Vietnam War and in favor of civil rights for the nation’s minorities; the counterculture; and the expanding “credibility gap” separating high national politics and politicians from the electorate. As Richard Nixon and his supporters often claimed in their own defense, such abuses were anything but oddities in American politics. In a particularly incensed fashion, Nixon’s most loyal defenders have sought to Short vacation exonerate the disgraced ex-president by emphasizing that all the great Democratic-progressive administrations, including those of Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson, had indulged in Homework for students, similar under-handed tactics to essay vacation gain and retain office. Nevertheless, by the early 1970s, neither a significant part of the press nor the great majority of the American public were prepared to accept that kind of behavior in public life. An overview of the events that surrounded the Watergate scandal is followed by an examination of the Anger homework, key elements that help explain why a president endowed with considerable intellectual talent and an ample electoral mandate was politically destroyed by—or, more accurately, self-destructed through—the fallout from what Nixon’s press secretary, Ron Ziegler, labeled a “third-rate burglary.” In fact, “break-in” is a more appropriate description, since the objective of the “burglars” was to plant listening devices in the hope of gaining information useful to Nixon’s electoral campaign, and nothing was stolen from the Short, DNC offices. How a “Third-Rate Burglary” Led a President to “Twist Slowly, Slowly, in the Wind” On June 20, 1972, three days after the arrest of the five men who had illegally broken into the DNC offices, Bob Woodward reported in the pages of the Washington Post that the FBI had found the name of Homework in poverty E. Howard Hunt in the agendas of Bernard Barker and essay Eugenio Martinez, two of the alleged burglars. Disorder? A former CIA operative, Hunt had been hired as a security assistant by the White House on the recommendation of presidential counsel Charles Colson in vacation, 1971, and Essay writing xat had subsequently moved on to work for CRP. Vacation? Woodward, we now know, had been tipped off by Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI. The Bureau had itself become involved in for students, the investigation of a mere burglary because once the police found wiretapping equipment, the Short essay vacation, investigation fell under its remit. A few months later, in September, harried by the press and despite the best efforts of the White House, the FBI arrested both Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, a former FBI agent who had become CRP’s general counsel first and its finance committee’s counsel later thanks to the support of White House counsel John Dean.[1] Yet, despite the tantalizing reports in the Post and best the arrests of Short essay vacation relatively senior CRP personnel, the rest of the press corps believed the White House’s vigorous denials of any involvement in or knowledge of the paper services, issue, and failed to vacation pick up the Editing best, story.

While the attention of the essay vacation, Washington press corps and the public at Editing essay best large remained fixed on the unfolding presidential campaign, Richard Nixon and senior White House personnel including Chief-of-Staff Bob Haldeman and domestic policy tsar John Ehrlichman devised a strategy to block the investigation. This began to unfold as early as June 23, a mere three days after the break-in. That day, Haldeman proposed to Nixon to “have [Vernon] Walters [deputy director of the CIA] call Pat Gray [director of the FBI] and just say ‘stay the essay, h*ll out of this’ on grounds of ‘national interest.’”[2] Unbeknownst to Anger management most of his staffers, Nixon had installed an audio-activated recording system in the Oval Office that was intended, he subsequently claimed, to Short essay prevent journalists and historians from distorting the legacy of his presidency. For College? Two years later, however, the Short, recording of that conversation between Nixon and Haldeman devising a plan to Homework websites in poverty obstruct the FBI investigation saw the light, became known as the “smoking-gun tape,” and sealed the fate of the President. During late 1972 and early 1973 the White House seemed to essay have succeeded in stalling the homework answers for accounting, FBI investigation.

The official story put forth by the President’s men, however, began to fall apart on February 28, 1973, when L. Patrick Gray, the then-acting FBI director, admitted he believed that John Dean had “probably” lied to the agents investigating the break-in, and also confessed to having followed Dean’s orders to keep the White House informed about the Short essay vacation, evolution of the Homework websites for students in poverty, investigation. Short? Gray’s slip moved John Ehrlichman to pronounce his famous dictum: the White House should leave Gray to essay yourself “twist slowly, slowly, in the wind.” This they did until about a month later, on April 27, when Gray was forced to resign after owning up to having destroyed secret documents removed from Howard Hunt’s safe, again under the orders of essay John Dean and ostensibly on national security grounds. By the time Gray fell into disgrace, James McCord—former CRP security chief and, amazingly, one of the five men already serving prison sentences—broke down and sent a letter to judge John Sirica admitting to having committed perjury during his trial and withdrawing the testimony in which he had blamed the CIA for the break-in. Immediately afterwards, McCord led investigators into the White House, John Dean gave in too and, from Custom April 1973 onwards, began to cooperate with the Short essay vacation, prosecution in exchange for services leniency. Once the Short, dam of management homework lies cracked, it quickly collapsed under the increasing flow of revelations that would eventually drown the vacation, presidency. Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and US Attorney General Richard Kleindienst resigned on the same day (April 30) that Dean was sacked. Shortly thereafter, the White House was forced to Custom appoint Archibald Cox as special prosecutor to investigate the President’s own conduct.

Even worse from Nixon’s perspective, by then the Senate Select Committee on essay vacation, Presidential Campaign Activities (variously known as the Watergate Committee or the Ervin Committee, after its president, Sam Ervin) had begun its nationally televised hearings. By that point, therefore, the Purchase for college, whole affair was being investigated by the Senate committee, Special Prosecutor Cox, and Judge John Sirica, not to mention Woodward and Bernstein of the Washington Post and an increasing number of journalists from essay other major national newspapers. The penultimate act of the Watergate drama unfolded—delivered live to the homes of the American public—on July 13, when Nixon’s appointments secretary, Alexander Butterfield, let slip that the President had installed the soon-to-be-famous recording system. Instantly both Cox and Ervin demanded the tapes, which Nixon flatly refused to hand over, claiming executive privilege—that is, the right of the president to withhold information from Congress or the tribunals on national security grounds. The President’s refusal, which led to his ordering Cox’s dismissal and accepting the indignant resignations of both Elliot Richardson (who had replaced Kleindienst as attorney general) and Richardson’s deputy, William Rucklehaus, in what became known as the “Saturday Night Massacre,” did nothing to improve his public standing. Moreover, it served as further evidence of management homework Nixon’s tendency to abuse the power of his office. What was still a (certainly growing) suspicion became a certainty when, after the Supreme Court in United States v. Richard Nixon ordered the President to Short vacation hand over the tapes, the smoking-gun conversation became public on August 5, 1974. There is little evidence of Nixon approving of, or even having any prior knowledge of the writing xat, break-in, which had been authorized by CRP senior staffers John Mitchell, Jeb Stuart Magruder, and Robert Mardian.[3] Nixon, in fact, can be heard in vacation, the tapes wondering aloud about who could have approved such a foolish action (although, on the other hand, he knew he was being recorded), and it is abundantly clear he was lied to by his subordinates. Yet, even if he had little to do with organizing the break-in, the tape abundantly demonstrated how, in the course of the Anger management homework disorder, subsequent cover-up, the President’s conduct fell within all three articles of impeachment passed by Short essay vacation the House Judiciary Committee: obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.

After a group of senior Republican senators led by Barry Goldwater let him know that they could not guarantee his tenure, Richard Nixon became the first president of the United States to resign from office, on August 8, 1974. The Watergate scandal drew to a close when, to the considerable frustration of many segments of the American public, Nixon’s successor, Gerald R. Ford, granted the disgraced ex-president a full pardon, which put an Custom, end to all further investigations into his conduct in office. Ford’s stated intent for issuing the pardon was to Short end the for college, agony that Nixon had inflicted upon the nation, and to protect whatever was left of the prestige accorded to highest office in the land. As it was, Ford’s decision significantly contributed—as he knew it would—to his losing the 1976 election. Nevertheless, this sacrifice possibly contributed to bringing about much-needed national healing earlier than would otherwise have been possible, and it almost certainly saved the Short, entire political class some considerable embarrassment. Alas, it also fueled the subsequent, and persistent, perception of Watergate as unfinished business. The absence of a Nixon trial has fostered both a sense of injustice and the feeling that not everything (perhaps not even the most important details) is yet known about Watergate.[4]

Understanding Watergate: “A Greek Tragedy” or the Last Imperial Presidency. One of the most consistently repeated and difficult-to-answer questions regarding Watergate is: “Why?” With the benefit of hindsight, we know that Richard Nixon went on in poverty, to win the 1972 election by the largest margin in postwar history and that the wiretaps that the President’s men had installed at Short vacation the DNC did not produce any information useful to the campaign. The break-in was such an improbable, apparently absurd act that both journalists and politicians were actually deterred from Anger management following Bernstein and Woodward’s investigative lead at the time. Vacation? After the passage of decades, even professional historians have strived to figure out rational explanations for an apparently bizarre and ultimately self-destructive decision.[5] Whatever the details of the break-in itself, the known facts point to a complex and diffuse explanation for the events that led to Nixon’s downfall. The one chief cause of the Editing essay best, Watergate scandal was doubtlessly Nixon himself. Short Essay Vacation? He had felt increasingly resentful since his narrow loss in the 1960 presidential election—which he believed had been stolen through electoral rigging by the likes of Mayor Richard Daley of for accounting Chicago—or even since the 1952 election, when he had suffered personal (and ungrounded) accusations of corruption. By 1968 Nixon had grown into a near-paranoid, embattled politician who believed himself at war with the bulk of America’s intelligentsia, including the mainstream media and academia.[6] Throughout his entire first term, as the memoirs left by former White House officials such as speechwriter William Safire and Short head of the disorder, research and essay vacation writing staff James Keogh show, Nixon’s sense of victimization and instinctive aggressiveness toward his critics permeated the Essay websites, whole administration. This, in turn, created a “siege mentality,” dominated by a collective sense of “fear and suspicion” that propelled his advisors to advocate, justify, and sometimes carry out extreme measures—which, perversely, also fueled the fear of the administration on the part of the press.[7] Charles Colson’s suggestion that the Brookings Institution, a progressive-leaning think-tank, ought to be “firebombed” still stands out as a particularly atrocious anecdote.

Yet the essay, more serious efforts to limit civil liberties and expand the Editing essay best, federal government’s surveillance capacities embodied in Short vacation, the infamous Huston Plan were clear signals of Custom a more serious and pervasive malady—one so acute that it alarmed no less than FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, no shrinking violet when it came to treating the civil rights of US citizens with some flexibility. Similarly, Nixon’s obsession with secrecy and disdain for vacation public opinion when it came to foreign policy went far toward explaining the descent into the abyss that led to Watergate. Thus, as early as 1969 and throughout 1970 Nixon, egged on by the then equally aggressive and paranoid Henry Kissinger, had the FBI wiretap some members of the National Security Council after leaks of the air bombings of Homework for students Cambodia appeared in the pages of the New York Times —which in turn had revealed to the public an operation so secret and illegal that the official flight logs had been tampered with and the pilots themselves were misled into believing they were bombing Vietnam.[8] For many, including a significant number of his foes, Nixon’s story is one of Shakespearean tragedy, one in which a president’s inner demons frustrated the Short vacation, promises held by his undeniable intellectual talents and capacity for hard work after he had achieved (twice) his lifetime objective: to lead the nation.[9] Henry Kissinger, not known as a man prone to sentimentality, once famously wondered how great a man Richard Nixon would have been if someone had “shown him some love.”[10] And yet, Richard Nixon and his staff’s paranoid sense of embattlement was not only the product of overheated imaginations. Homework Websites For Students In Poverty? Discomfiting leaks, after all, certainly existed.

Not least that of the “Pentagon Papers,” an examination of Short essay vacation US policy in websites xat, Indo-China collected by the Department of Defense, which acknowledged that four consecutive administrations—from Harry S. Short Essay Vacation? Truman to Lyndon Johnson—had consistently lied to and misled the American public about US policy in Vietnam, that was leaked to the New York Times by former defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg. Although the Nixon administration was not covered in the analysis, the President and his advisors correctly believed that its release would reignite already feverish anti-war sentiment and hamper their own initiatives in Southeast Asia. Nixon’s men reacted by sending the same team of Connect operatives who later broke into the Watergate building (called “the plumbers” after their mission to stop leaks) to burglarize the essay, office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, so as to discredit the leak.[11] At around the same time, as a historian and journalist has graphically reminded us, the White House could be found “literally laagered by a ring of dozens of silver Metro buses” so as to protect it from proofreading best a horde of vacation “half-naked students” quite willing to, for instance, carry around “the bleeding head of a lamb,” not to management disorder mention throwing abuse at federal employees passing by in protest against the war.[12] More dramatically, the President’s Commission on Campus Unrest officially recorded a staggering 8000 student-perpetrated bombings between January 1969 and April 1970. To these must be added the race riots experienced in vacation, locations as varied as Harlem (1964); Watts, LA (1965); and writing websites Newark (1967), not to Short essay mention the disturbances, seen in more than a hundred cities after the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., that burned across the Homework websites for students, inner cities of Short Washington DC, Baltimore, and Chicago. By the time Nixon took office, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1968 dictum that the nation was exhibiting “the qualities of an individual going through a nervous breakdown” seemed rather appropriate.[13] The explosive social and cultural tensions that engulfed the Essay xat, nation as Nixon entered the White House magnified the dark side of the President’s character and Short the baleful effects of his inner demons. The poisonous inheritance of previous administrations’ policies in Indochina had crystallized in a growing “credibility gap” between official lies or half-truths and reality, at a time when civil rights struggles reached their apex and university students were rejecting accepted norms of behavior in disorder, areas ranging from family relations to essay vacation accepted hierarchies.[14] Nixon was singularly ill-suited to lead the nation at this transitional moment, during which government excesses on behalf of national security and Essay websites low political “dirty tricks” were becoming no more acceptable than Jim Crow or women’s submission to their husbands.

It may indeed be true enough that the CRP did nothing on behalf of Richard Nixon that had not been done before by Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, or Lyndon B. Johnson. It is also reasonable to note that the frenzied attack against essay, the administration as Watergate unraveled was fueled by an instinctive, growing dislike of the President (which Nixon took good care to Essay writing websites feed) on the part of a significant sector of the vacation, press and the intellectual classes. Websites Xat? Yet the fact remains that the President’s actions, and those of his subordinates, were both wrong and criminal. Watergate, in truth, is a testament to Short the enduring resilience of liberal democracy in the United States. Custom Services? The Watergate investigations were doubtlessly influenced by political partisanship and Short essay the pursuit of self-aggrandizement on the part of some of the President’s adversaries. Despite this, and indeed perhaps because of it, it remains a prime example of the capacity of American institutions to adjust and evolve in in poverty, response to essay vacation demands for greater individual freedom and stricter standards of conduct on the part of government officials and public representatives.

After Watergate, presidents cloak themselves in Essay websites xat, imperial robes and take freedom of the press and the separation of powers lightly at their own peril. [1] Jeb Stuart Magruder, An American Life: One Man’s Road to Watergate (New York: Atheneum, 1974), 170–171. [2] As quoted in Short essay vacation, John Ehrlichman, Witness to Power: The Nixon Years (New York: Simon Schuster, 1982), 346. [3] Magruder, An American Life , 195. [4] See for paper instance David Greenberg, “The Unsolved Mysteries of Watergate,” The New York Times , June 5, 2005. [5] See for instance Joan Hoff, Nixon Reconsidered , 301–346. [6] After the leak of the Pentagon Papers, for instance, Nixon believed Daniel Ellsberg was part of a “conspiracy” going back to the days of the Hiss case. H. R. Haldeman, The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Short essay, Nixon White House (New York: Berkley Books, 1995), 368, 377, 381.

[7] Raymond Price, With Nixon (New York: Viking Press, 1977), 188–191; James Keogh, President Nixon and the Press (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1972), 39, 132–145; Magruder, American Life , 196–197; Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, All the President’s Men (London: Bloomsbury, 1998), 87, 233. [8] Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power: Kissinger in the White House (London: Faber, 1983), 61–62, 86–88, 319; Matthew Dallek, Nixon and Connect homework Kissinger, Partners in Power (New York: Penguin, 2007), 118–124. [9] See for instance Ron Briley, “Nixon and essay Historical Memory,” Perspectives 36, no. Websites For Students In Poverty? 3 (1996). [10] Henry Kissinger, Years of Upheaval (Boston: Little, Brown and Short essay vacation Company, 1982), 1184. [11] Hersh, 383–401, and David Greenberg, Nixon’s Shadow : The History of an yourself, Image (New York: W. Short Vacation? W. Norton, 2003), 114–116, 323–29. [12] Godfrey Hodgson, The Gentleman from New York: Daniel Patrick Moynihan, A Biography (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000), 151. [13] As quoted in Essay writing, Robert Mason, Richard Nixon and Short essay the Quest for a New Majority (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), 22. [14] See for instance Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 (London: HarperCollins, 1973).

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2017 MBA Essay Question: UVA Darden. 2017 Darden MBA Essay Question Class of 2020. Vacation! A new one! And thankfully they#8217;ve given you a full 500 words for it (unlikely some stingier schools!): #8220;When preparing for class at Darden, students formulate an opinion on each case before meeting with their learning teams and class sections. When encountering different views and perspectives from services, their own, opinions frequently shift. Tell us about a time when your opinion evolved through discussions with others.#8221; This is a VERY challenging question that Darden is essay vacation asking! This is somewhat similar to what some other schools are asking about Anger homework, how your perspective has changed based on differences with others. This question is Short essay vacation ideal for a discussion of Editing any cross-cultural experiences you have had #8212; or, what about Short, politics?

They#8217;re clearly inviting you to talk about how you have been open-minded and flexible and receptive to xat, others#8217; ideas (or even better, a time when you were not! and you had to change!). Essay Vacation! The most important advice we can offer is don#8217;t just make this a conceptual or intellectual discussion. Instead, the best way to present your story of how your opinion evolved is to show what you did differently as a result. We will go into a full layout of ideas, pitfalls and opportunities for paper this question in vacation, the Darden MBA essay guide (which we will be updating soon!). See discussion of past season Darden application questions below if you want to understand what they#8217;ve asked before that can often give you insight into what a school cares about, and Connect for accounting may even trigger some ideas for Short essay vacation how to handle this year#8217;s essay. Darden also appears to have overhauled its website (at least, it#8217;s way better than we recall from the Homework last time we saw it). There is a lot of info and it#8217;s clearly laid out in easy to follow sections. Be sure to study the information they#8217;re offering to Short, you there.

Darden also typically has some important questions within the application itself. We discuss what those have been in past years in the Darden application guide (which has not yet been updated for services 2017, but it will be!). The Darden GMAT score for Short essay vacation the Class of 2018 is 712. All-time high, and Editing proofreading essay best they did it with a larger class size than ever before. Round 1: October 5, 2017 this is Short essay around the same time as schools like Columbia. Homework For Students In Poverty! Rd 1 interview invites are typically released mid-November through the decision day in essay, mid-December. They issue invitations to U.S. residents first; you#8217;re expected to travel to Charlottesville for your interview. The second wave is invites to international applicants, and writing websites those interviews are either with an vacation alum local to you or via Skype with someone on campus.

Round 2: January 9, 2018 yay Darden for maintaining their applicant-friendly slightly-later Round 2 date! That#8217;s awesome , says EssaySnark (and future BSers). Best! For Round 2, don#8217;t expect interview invitations to start coming till well into February. Essay! Darden made our list of Custom paper services 5 favorite business schools in Fall 2014! University of Virginia Darden MBA General Info. Our 2017 Darden guide has been rewritten from the ground up to help you with this year#8217;s unique essay question about changing perspective! from the EssaySnark blahg: For Reference: Darden#8217;s Past-Season Questions. Included in case anyone wants to see what UVA asked before. Click to view 2016 questions. Same question as last year! Describe the most important professional feedback you have received and how you responded to this feedback. Short! (500 words maximum) When Sara Neher introduced this question last year, here#8217;s what she offered as advice: Warning: If your essay topic even remotely resembles the essay for college example she gave#8230;. that#8217;s not gonna be so great for you.

See discussion of past season Darden application questions below if you want to Short essay, understand what they#8217;ve asked before that can often give you insight into Custom what a school cares about, and Short essay may even trigger some ideas for writing how to handle this year#8217;s essay. Darden also typically has some important questions within the application itself. We discuss what those have been in past years in the Darden application guide, which is a great opportunity for Short you to prepare some meaningful answers both for Essay writing xat the application dataset and also potentially for your interview experience. Essay Vacation! You probably want to go for our 2016 Darden MBA essay guide which includes a complete discussion of best practices (and some gotchas to avoid!). [end discussion of writing websites last year#8217;s questions] Click to view 2015 questions. Describe the most important professional feedback you have received and how you responded to it. (500 words maximum) Now here#8217;s a question that allows you to show your maturity! It#8217;s also a really hard question to vacation, answer (at least, to answer well!). And here#8217;s Darden#8217;s Admissions Director giving you great advice and an example from her own life: Warning: If your essay topic even remotely resembles the example she gave#8230;. that#8217;s not gonna be so great for you. You should be aware that this one essay isn#8217;t the extent of the writing you#8217;ll do for Darden.

They also typically have some questions within the application itself, though that hasn#8217;t been released yet so we#8217;re not sure what those will be this year. You just need to warn your recommenders about an error in the Darden process, though! So EssaySnark is on bschool QA duty today? Heads up @DardenMBA: The email your app sends to recommenders has LAST YEAR#39;S DEADLINES in management disorder, it. [end discussion of Short 2015 questions] Click to view 2014 questions. 2014 Essays EssaySnark#8217;s Analysis. Describe the most courageous professional decision you have made or most courageous action you have taken at work . Editing Proofreading Essay! What did you learn from vacation, that experience? (500 words maximum) NOTE 6/25/14: The words in bold above were ADDED after the question was originally posted on the Darden website . PAY ATTENTION TO THOSE WORDS WHEN YOU#8217;RE FIGURING OUT WHAT TO TALK ABOUT IN YOUR ESSAY!

This question is a great change 2014 and it#8217;s also a very refreshing alternative to the trend that#8217;s been happening with other schools that have few essays all focused on goals and the school. This question actually a) will make you do some thinking, to come up with a great story, and b) has the potential to let you share something interesting and useful for the Darden adcom. Bravo to Sara Neher and answers for accounting her team for this. More bravo to Short essay, Sara for Purchase for college this: #8220;How to Approach Darden#8217;s 2014-15 Essay Question#8221; Man, we almost don#8217;t need to update the essay guide, when we get great stuff like this from the Short vacation adcoms! (But of course, we did!) [end discussion of 2014 questions] Click to view 2013 questions. Connect Homework Answers For Accounting! 2013 Essays EssaySnark#8217;s Analysis. Here#8217;s what we said when the Short vacation 2013 questions came out. Homework! UVA has had just one essay in its MBA app for years. Short Essay Vacation! Here is this year#8217;s version: Share your thought process as you encountered a challenging work situation or complex problem. Homework! What did you learn about yourself? (500-word limit) They also have some questions within the vacation application itself.

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essay media new new What's New About New Media? Lisa Gitelman and Goeffrey Pingree. In the short space of a current college student's lifetime, the internet has gone from a specialized, futuristic system to the network that most significantly structures how we engage daily with the world at large. It is now obvious to Short vacation, anyone who uses a computer that intellectual exercises as basic as reading the newspaper or doing research have become fundamentally different activities largely because of the internet. So too have our views of communication in general; the very notion of globalization, so consuming in today's world, is predicated on the possibilities engendered by a technology barely twenty years old. Anger Homework Disorder! Such is the nature of new media. Computers, and the digital systems and products for which they are currently a shorthand, are what most of us think of when we hear the words new media . And why not? The world of computer hardware, software, email, and ebusiness is for Short most of paper services, us the latest communication and information frontier.

Part of our experience of digital media is the Short vacation experience of their novelty. Yet if we were asked to think of other new media, we might have a harder time coming up with obvious examples. We would have no problem citing instances of old media: typewriters, vinyl record albums, eight-track magnetic tapes, and the like. And we would have a point: These are, from our current standpoint, old media. But they were not always old, and studying them in terms that allow us to understand what it meant for them to be new is a timely and culturally important task, an exercise that in this volume we hope profitably to apply to media much older than we are. As our title suggests, this collection of essays challenges the Essay websites notion that to study new media is to study today's new media. All media were once new media; and our purpose in these essays is to consider such emergent media within their historical contexts#151;to seek out the past on its own passed terms. We do so, in Short essay part, to counter the narrow devotion to the present that is often evident today in new media studies, a growing field whose conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry are heavily influenced by experiences of digital networks and the professional protocols of the social science of Anger disorder, communications.

But we undertake this inquiry mainly to encourage thinking about what newness means in the relationships among media and societies. There is a moment, before the material means and the conceptual modes of new media have become fixed, when such media are not yet accepted as natural, when their own meanings are in flux. At such a moment, we might say that new media briefly acknowledge and question the Short vacation mythic character and the ritualized conventions of existing media, while they are themselves defined within a perceptual and semiotic economy that they then help to transform. This collection of essays explores such moments in order to Purchase yourself, enrich our contemporary perspective on what media are, and on Short essay vacation when and how they are meaningfully new. New Media, 1740-1915 focuses on the two centuries before commercial broadcasting because its purpose is, in Essay writing xat part, to recuperate different (and past) senses of media in transition and thus to deepen our historical understanding of, and sharpen our critical dexterity toward, the experience of modern communication. Indeed, we have marked the essay vacation years between 1740 and 1915 as boundaries for our project because this period is crucial to understanding how electronic and digital media have come to mean what and how they do. The term media itself hails from precisely this period, as do the Custom structures of today's entertainment and information economies. Thus, the essay vacation media forms and practices studied in this collection are new in a double sense: First, they newly receive the scholarly attention they deserve; and second, they are considered within their original historical contexts, their novelty years. In this, these essays provide a new perspective on the meaning of newness that attends to all emerging media, while they also tell us something about what all media have in common. Yet our intention is not only to acknowledge the initial novelty of websites for students, diverse media, but also to understand better how such media acquire particular meanings, powers, and characteristics. Drawing from Rick Altman's idea of crisis historiography, we might say that new media, when they first emerge, pass through a phase of identity crisis, a crisis precipitated at Short essay, least by the uncertain status of the given medium in relation to established, known media and their functions.

1 In other words, when new media emerge in a society, their place is at first ill defined, and answers their ultimate meanings or functions are shaped over time by that society's existing habits of media use (which, of course, derive from experience with other, established media), by Short vacation shared desires for websites for students new uses, and by the slow process of adaptation between the two. The crisis of a new medium will be resolved when the perceptions of the medium, as well as its practical uses, are somehow adapted to existing categories of public understanding about vacation what that medium does for whom and why. This collection, like Carolyn Marvin's wonderful When Old Technologies Were New focuses on such moments of crisis. 2 While it begins with the zograscope and ends in the heyday of silent cinema, the management homework volume does not aspire to cover all forms of media that emerged during the years named in its title. Indeed, New Media, 1740-1915 addresses only obliquely some of the more influential media of its period, print media in particular.

Most of the foliowing essays (unlike Carolyn Marvin's work) focus on media#151;zograscopes, optical telegraphs, the physiognotrace#151;that failed to survive for Short essay very long. They are, in Bruce Sterling's words, today's dead media. 3 Yet because their deaths, like those of all dead media, occurred in Connect answers for accounting relation to Short vacation, those that lived, even the most bizarre and the most short lived are profoundly intertextual, tangling during their existence wlth the dominant, discursive practices of representation that characterized the total cultural economy of Homework websites for students in poverty, their day. Despite their inseparable relations to surviving systems, however, failed media tend to receive little attention from historians. Lacking the validation that comes with imitation, Altman notes, unsuccessful innovations simply disappear from historiographical record. His suggested corrective for this excessive focus on, for Short essay vacation example, cinema-as-it-is, is an attention to cinema-as-it-could-have-been or cinema-as-it-once-was-for-a-short-time-but-ceased-to-be. New Media aims to apply some of this could-have-been and was-for-a-short-time kind of thinking to past new media.

Because our understanding of what media are and paper why they matter derives largely from our understanding and vacation use of the media that survived#151;those devices, social practices, and proofreading essay forms of representation with which we interact every day#151;the importance of Short vacation, this kind of analysis is easy to overlook. By getting inside the identity crises, by websites exploring the failures (in some cases) of older new media, the essays in this collection will help to counter what Paul Duguid has warned are two reductive futurological tropes characteristic of the experience of modern media. The first trope is the essay vacation idea of paper services, supercession , the vacation notion that each new medium vanquishes or subsumes its predecessors. Services! From this idea follows the current belief that in the digital age the book is doomed, or, according to the peculiar auguries of earlier times, the conviction that typewriters would replace pens or that radios would replace phonographs. The second futurological trope is the idea of increasing transparency , the assumption that each new medium actually mediates less, that it successfully frees information from the essay vacation constraints of previously inadequate or unnatural media forms that represented reality less perfectly. 4 This notion#151;that because of their greater transparency, newer media supersede their predecessors#151;shapes both the experience and the study of media today. Editing Proofreading Essay Best! Both of Duguid's tropes point to a frequent and shared misconception, which supposes the Short essay value and Homework websites for students (at least theoretical) possibility of pure avenues of information, pathways that allow knowledge to pass without interruption or interference-free of mediation.

This assumption creates an interesting paradox. The best media, it would seem, are the ones that mediate least. They are not, as we think of them, media at all. A new medium therefore supersedes its predecessor because it is more transparent. Few would disagree, for example, that a conversation with a friend on the telephone allows for a greater exchange of personal, idiosyncratic information than a dialogue conducted via telegraph. And to a large degree, this thinking is persuasive.

New media generally are more efficient than their predecessors as means of communication. Vacation! Yet there is more to understanding what happens when people communicate through a given medium than merely ascertaining what level of accuracy and amount of data the exchange involves. This observation#151;that there is more than accuracy and amount to any exchange#151;comprises a founding rationale for the field of media studies, whether characterized aphoristically by proofreading Marshall McLuhan (the medium is the message) or more recently expressed (and complicated) in Short essay Derridian terms, that the supplement #151;the specific characteristics of material media#151;can never be mere supplement; it is a necessary constituent of [any] representation. 5 To put it simply, looking for content apart from context just won't work. Owing in part to Editing proofreading, the linear progress unthinkingly ascribed to Short essay vacation, modern technology, media (so offen referred to portentously as the media) tend to erase their own historical contexts. Whether shadows in a darkened cave or pixelated images on a luminous monitor, the Anger management homework disorder media before us tend, anachronistically, to mediate our understanding of their past. In the Short process, we lose any understanding of the writing websites nuanced particulars of Short, specific media. In part, we forget what older media meant, because we forget how they meant. Once they emerge and become familiar through use, media seem natural, basic, and therefore without history. Of course we say Hello? when we answer the telephone; of course we hear a dial tone when we pick it up to place a call.

Media seem inevitable in for students an unselfconscious way; we forget that they are contingent. Short Vacation! Alexander Graham Bell apparently wanted people to say Ahoy! when they picked up the phone, but English speakers settled on Hello? through the sort of unthinking social consensus that attends the uses of all media. Homework For Students In Poverty! In a similar fashion, the Short vacation dial tones, 12-volt lines, and modular jacks we use today all were shaped historically by Homework websites for students a complex of forces#151;technological, to be sure, but also social, economic, and representational. When we forget or ignore the histories of each of these new media we lose a kind of understanding more substantive than either the Short commercially interested definitions spun by today's media corporations or the websites xat causal plots of technological innovation offered by some historians. 6 For example, it is undoubtedly important to be able to note, as many scholars have, how the invention of the cinema is linked to past practices of, say, lecturing with slides, as well as how it predicts certain elements of future practices. But what we often overlook are the kinds of things that only a deep analysis of specific media cases can offer#151;how interpretive communities are built or destroyed, how normative epistemologies emerge. No medium new or old exists as a static form. Short! Each case invites consideration of numerous and dynamic political, cultural, and social issues.

We might say that, inasmuch as media are media of communication, the emergence of writing websites, a new medium is essay vacation always the occasion for the shaping of a new community or set of communities, a new equilibrium. As we have suggested, when a new medium is introduced its meaning#151;its potential, its limitations, the publicly agreed upon sense of what it does, and for whom#151;has not yet been pinned down. And part of the lure of a new medium for any community is surely this uncertain status. Not yet fully defined, a new medium offers possibilities both positive (one of our authors argues that zograscopes helped construct polite society) and negative (another traces the Custom paper threat telephones posed to Amish communities). In other words, emergent media may be seen as instances of both risk and potential. Today, for example, the vacation internet offers unprecedented possibilities for essay yourself global villages to coalesce, even while it threatens national or ethnic cultural traditions and provokes anguished discussions of Short vacation, privacy in a connected age.

The same sorts of services, issues and anxieties surrounded the emergence of essay vacation, other media. Indeed, it seems that technological change inevitably challenges old, existing communities. The particulars of each case, however, are valuable to our larger understanding of Custom services, how media help to shape and reshape culture. Essays in this collection therefore examine media as socially realized structures of communication, where communication is culture#151;as James Carey explains it#151;a cultural process that involves not only the Short essay vacation actual transmission of information, but also the ritualized collocation of senders and recipients.' 7 Habits of communication mediate among people, pragmatically and proofreading best conceptually. How do structures of communication reflect, challenge, reinforce, or mystify authority?

How do they help imagine community? How do they help construct the aesthetic, or the mimetic? How do they orient the essay production and experience of proofreading best, meaning? How do they acquire and carry epistemological authority? These are just some of the questions raised by New Media, 1740-1915 , which presents an open and vacation diverse interrogation of emerging media as sites and as agents of cultural definition and of cultural change. Ultimately, then, this is a book about framing: about how particular habits and for college media of communication frame our collective sense of time, place, and space; how they define our understanding of the public and the private; how they inform our apprehension of the real; and how they orient us in relation to competing forms of representation. We have selected the Short essay cases of new media that follow because they support these inquiries, casting such habits and media into relief, affording a vantage point from which better to see how cultural meanings are negotiated. But this collection is also about how we frame our own discussions of new media, for if this interrogation of Custom services, emergent media is genuinely to Short essay vacation, illuminate our understanding of cultural definition and of cultural change, then we must be responsible about Purchase for college our own language. We must, in other words, acknowledge the key terms that are in play in our own discussions and attempt to define and deploy them as precisely as possible, not only for Short vacation us now, but as they were used in earlier#151;and different#151;contexts.

In a work on new media, terms such as media, culture , public , and homework for accounting representation will appear often. But insofar as this collection seeks to understand how the very idea of media evolves over time, we wish to employ such critical terms with care and to bring questions about their use and meaning squarely into the discussion itself as it proceeds. Our use of the essay vacation word technology is for accounting a good example. Short Vacation! This term denotes, as Leo Marx suggests, a necessary but hazardous concept; in this book the websites in poverty term helps organize our thinking about the Short material, instrumental conditions of modern life, yet for many readers it will also come larded with less considered shades of essay best, meaning, assumptions about Progress with a capital P, or about technology as a preeminent cause in history. 8 Thus although we rely on this term as an organizing device in this collection (the essays proceed from technology to technology as a form of Short essay, convenience), we also wish to Anger homework, urge particular awareness of its hazards. Likewise with other key critical terms.

We know that we cannot exhaustively define media, for instance, any more than we can completely pin down culture (a notion that is, as Naomi Mezey observes, everywhere invoked and virtually nowhere explained). Indeed, the cases we offer are about culture as struggle and media as means in that struggle#151;a fabric continually rewoven according to the interests of Short vacation, a given time and place. Rather than fixing such terms and pinning them to Anger, moving targets, however, we can frame our discussions of such pervasive concepts in self-conscious ways that make our attempts to understand them more useful. 9. In this volume we offer cases that foreground the Short vacation relationship between material and idea, between what people think or believe or wish and what they feel with their hands or see with their eyes or hear with their ears. Each of the essays in the collection thus reveals, in some fashion, the strong relationship between the contexts for some material, technological development, and shifts in self-imagining and Anger management disorder public understanding. Erin Blake, Wendy Bellion, and Laura Schiavo, for vacation example, consider the proofreading essay cultural meanings of essay, perspective and representation in Homework in poverty the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by focusing on the emergence of particular visual media (zograscopes, the physiognotrace, and stereoscopes, respectively) and discussing how such media influenced notions of individual identity. Patricia Crain, Katherine Stubbs, and vacation Diane Umble, by contrast, consider the cultural meanings of communication by Anger homework focusing on the arrival and adaptation of Short essay vacation, particular networked media (optical telegraphs, electric telegraphs, and telephones, respectively) that helped shape notions of identity in relation to larger communities. All of the authors engage new media as evolving, contingent, discursive frames, sites where the Custom services unspoken rules by which Westerners know and enjoy their world are fashioned. Such rules continually change, as new media become situated and as such adjustments inevitably redraw the essay boundaries of communities, including some individuals, and excluding others.

Each new medium in Connect homework answers for accounting effect helps to produce a distinct public. Erin Blake's work on zograscopes, for example, elaborates the idea that media assist in vacation the construction of the modern, Western public sphere, with its corresponding liberal subject (today known as the consumer). Although she draws upon Editing best the work of Jurgen Habermas, Blake ignores the often-mentioned circulation of Short, print media as the basis of the public sphere, instead looking to proofreading, shared social practices to understand how space is visualized. Her public is literally a sphere; in her essay the bourgeois circles of eighteenth-century London pop into Short essay vacation, 3-D as they enter the rational and impersonal arena of public space via engravings glimpsed through new optical devices. This new medium, according to Blake, helps the Essay writing public to map itself. Essay Vacation! Wendy Bellion's work on the physiognotrace depicts an American public that also maps itself, but this public is one more complicated by its own experiences of both graphic and political self-representation. By analyzing the American reception of this profile or silhouette-tracing device, Bellion introduces her readers to the cartography of the public sphere, showing the ways in which new media are adapted within the very discursive conditions, the very rules that they help to transform. The rules for inclusion, for drawing the boundaries of websites for students, a public sphere, are less concealed in Patricia Crain's essay, which examines how elaborate pedagogical systems designed to resemble new media interpellated and located their subjects, in this case by making them perform as optical telegraphs within larger, oppressive systems of cultural replication. Like the essay tinfoil phonographs of Essay writing websites xat, Lisa Gitelman's essay, optical telegraphs were more powerfully imagined than they were implemented.

Very few were ever built or used, yet the vacation idea of them circulated widely within the mentality, the public imagination, of their age. Joseph Lancaster's classroom telegraphs literally disciplined students, while even broader disciplinary measures may be read in their controlling institutional contexts, as well as glimpsed in homework for accounting the titles of early American newspapers like the American Telegraph [Conn.], Hillsboro [N.H.] Telegraph , and Lincoln [Me.] Telegraph . (None of these titles referred to electrical telegraphs, which had not yet been invented.) In Benedict Anderson's formulation, the essay vacation circulation and ritualized consumption of newspapers like these assisted in the imagination of a national community. What their titles and Lancaster's system suggest, according to Crain, is that the imagination of media conditioned the imagination of communities. Newspapers were imagined in Purchase essay for college circulation, while optical telegraphs were outright imagined. The perceived promise of any new medium can have wide-ranging import, even if those promises eventually go unfulfilled. To many observers, the tinfoil phonographs of 1878 promised a new, more modern and immediate type of Short, text, as recordings might indelibly capture speech, without the intercession of literate humans wielding pencils and paper.

To other observers, the telephones that spread to rural America around 1900 promised to enlarge the very communication practices that self-defined Amish and Mennonite communities themselves attempted to regulate. The wide popular reception of the essay for college first promise, Lisa Gitelman speculates, challenged and helped to essay, transform vernacular experiences of writing and print, while raising questions about the instruments and the subjects of Editing proofreading best, public memory. The Old Order perception of the second promise, Diane Umble shows, helped divide the vacation aggregate Amish and homework answers Mennonite population, for this perception coincided with the ongoing regulation of intra- and inter-group communication and Short essay vacation excommunication. Although so often the focus of great attention and optimism, new media are not, as these authors pointedly demonstrate, inherently benign; they bite back. 10 They thrive amid unforeseen consequences, often despite the best, most vigorous intentions of their inventors, their promoters, their initial consumers, or of the customary arbiters of public intelligence. Nowhere are the Homework websites unforeseen consequences of new media more obvious than when they engage the culturally authoritative practices of science, with its Enlightenment logic of rational inquiry, objective experience, and accurate representation. The stereoscope, for instance, emerged from the laboratory of British scientist Charles Wheatstone as an optical instrument charged with explaining new theories of vision.

To scientists, the stereoscope could be used objectively to demonstrate that vision is subjective, that the body can produce its own experiences of depth when presented with the right cues. As Laura Schiavo puts it, Wheatstone's stereoscope newly insinuated an arbitrary relationship between stimulus and sensation. Yet within the context of commercially exploited and popularly apprehended photography, stereoscopes were ultimately recast as mimetic amusements that tendered to consumers an instructive and positivist model of how their eyes actually worked to see the essay vacation world as it really is. Vernacular discourse, in other words, completely inverted the meaning of what the stereoscope proved. This inverted meaning helped to make the stereoscope popular, fueling its commercial success as later nineteenth- and Editing proofreading best early twentieth-century viewers consumed stereograph images as a form of virtual travel, appropriating the world through pictures. Short Essay! At stake was far more than the prestige of Wheatstone or the anti-intellectualism of the marketplace. The rules by which the West knew the world had again come into websites, play. Vacation! The popularity of stereoscopes helped redraw the very category of the real, the Purchase essay yourself consensual practices of accurate representation.

Assumptions about essay what count as rules, about proofreading what is real or accurate or normal, are no less at vacation, issue when new media are less popular than stereoscopes were or less patently involved in describing normal human perception. Media emerge and exist in ways that both challenge and regulate notions of essay, what it means to be human. Gregory Radick's essay provides a clear-cut case. An amateur ethologist using the new medium of essay, recorded sound set out to learn the language of monkeys and stumbled into one of the hottest debates in websites for students Victorian evolutionary biology and essay vacation linguistics: How is Purchase for college yourself language uniquely human? In the course of his research, Richard Garner's recording phonograph became an instrument of knowledge deployed in various philosophic and scientific controversies#151;in the essay tension between amateur and professional science, for example, or in the dispute over whether abstraction or instinct founds thought and language, or in discussions about the fundamental differences between humans and animals. Anger Management Homework Disorder! Garner worked on monkeys, but not without meddling with the Short vacation category of the human in two ways.. First, he raised anew the for students definition of Man as the talking animal; second, he wielded his phonograph as if it were a necessary#151;and better#151;third ear. As Garner's third ear suggests#151;and as many authors have noted#151;new media can be viewed as an endeavor to improve on human capabilities.

Like a telescope added to the eye of an astronomer or a microscope added to the eye of Short essay, a biologist, media can extend the body and its senses. Management! Yet media do more than extend; they also incorporate bodies and are incorporated by them. 11 Media are designed to fit the human, the way telephone handsets or headsets literally fit from Short essay, ear to mouth, but also the way telephone circuits, satellites, and antennas fit among their potential consumers, as integral parts of communication/ information networks that literally shape what communication entails for individuals in the modern age. And if media fit humans, humans adjust themselves in various ways to fit media, knowingly and for students not. Hands physically adjust themselves to different keyboards, different keypads, and different pointing devices, while users subtly adjust their sense of who they are. Some of these complexities may be glimpsed in essay Katherine Stubbs's essay, which reads the history of electrical telegraphy in the United States against and within the homework for accounting fiction that appeared in Short telegraph trade journals. Published during the Purchase yourself 1870s and Short essay vacation 1880s, telegraph fiction shows how new media can remain new through the disorder agency of Short essay vacation, users. Amid ongoing conflicts between labor and capital arising in part from the feminization of the workforce, telegrapher-authors both used and represented the telegraph as a means to explore identity in its relation to the body. In remaking themselves, by negotiating gender-at-a-distance-and-by-telegraph, for Essay writing websites xat instance, telegraphers kept the character of their medium unsettled. In other words, the newness of new media is more than diachronic, more than just a chunk of history, a passing phase; it is relative to the oldness of old media in a number of different ways. As many have noted, media often advertise their newness by depicting old media.

12 The first printed books looked like manuscripts, radios played phonograph records, and the Web has pages. Ellen Gruber Garvey and Paul Young each explore less familiar instances in Short vacation which the new represents the Custom old in order to Short vacation, understand more fully the purchase that newness has on the process of representation. As Garvey's account of scrapbooks explains, scrapbook-makers took old media#151;literally the old books and periodicals they had lying around#151;and made them into new media in the form of scrapbooks. Newness in this case resonated as much with personal and domestic experiences as it did with public and collective apprehensions of novelty, posterity, or periodicity. Scrapbook-makers tampered with the meanings of the scraps they collected by collecting them, a practice Garvey refers to as gleaning and connects to the composition and use of the Web today. Young, on the other hand, presents a telegraphic history of early American cinema, reading filmic representations of Editing proofreading best, telegraphs as only the most obvious link between these two media, which seem, in Short retrospect, so different.

As he explains, these media shared a history as the Connect subjects of technological presentations and electrical spectacles. From the start, both became instruments of Short essay, news reportage, one in the transmission of proofreading essay best, stories on the wire (that is, by telegraph wire services like the Associated Press) and the other in the projection of stories onto the screen in actualities and essay protonewsreels. Newness in websites for students in poverty this case resonated with emergent conventions for representing narrative time, with experiences of currency (of news as either new or old), and with new technology#151;all experiences that transform our sense of time and space. We hope these essays will help to broaden the inquiry of media studies by calling attention to the ways media are experienced and studied as the subjects of history. No ten essays can do more than open the question, but opening the question is crucial, we think, particularly as today's new media are peddled and saluted as the ultimate, the end of media history. Newness deserves a closer look.

To that end, we include a brief section of documents for discussion. These documents are not illustrations of our text as much as they are artifacts that themselves point toward the rich and diverse record available to media historians. We hope that they will suggest specific historical and cultural meanings for essay media and promote a broader discussion of media history. Like the essays in this volume, our captions to these documents are meant as initial gestures toward that broader discussion. We include them to remind readers that the history of websites, media is an ongoing, highly self-reflexive conversation about Short essay vacation what we mean and#151;literally#151; how we mean it. 1. Rick Altman, A Century of Crisis, How to websites in poverty, Think About the History (and Future) of essay vacation, Technology (February 2000), and Essay writing xat Crisis Historiography, unpublished MSS., personal communication, May 1, 2001. 2. Essay! Carolyn Marvin, When 0ld Technologies Were New: Thinking about Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century (New York: Oxford Llniversity Press, 1988). 3. See Bruce Sterling, The Dead Media Project: A Modest Proposal and a Public Appeal, n.d.,, June 2001.

4. Material Matters: The Past and Futurology of the management Book, in vacation The Future of the Book , ed. Geoffrey Nunberg (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), 65. 5. Timothy Lenoir, Inscription Practices and Materialities of Communication, in Inscribing Science: Scientific Texts and the Materiality of Communication , ed. Timothy Lenoir, 1-19 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998), 7-8. 6. As Walter Benjamin cautions, Newness is a quality independent of the xat use value of the commodity. It is the origin of the illusory appearance that belongs inalienably to essay vacation, images produced by Custom paper services the collective unconscious. It is the quintessence of that false consciousness whose indefatigable agent is fashion.

This semblance of the new is reflected, like one mirror in another, in the semblance of the ever recurrent. The product of this reflection is the vacation phantasmagoria of 'cultural history' in which the Editing best bourgeoisie enjoys its false consciousness to the full; The Arcades Project , ed. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin, trans., Rolf Tiedemann (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 11. 7. James W Carey, Communication as Culture: Essays on Media and Society (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1988). 8. Leo Marx, Technology: The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept, Social Research 64 (fall 1997), 965-988. 9. Naomi Mezey, Law as Culture, Yale Journal of Law the Humanities 13, no.

1 (2001): 35. See also Raymond Williams, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985). 10. Bite back is from essay, Edward Tenner's title, Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996). 11. The trope of bodily extension or prosthesis is not an anachronism applied to new media. Homework Websites! As James Lastra shows, it is one of Short, two tropes that have played a normalizing role in the emergence of modern media (the other is that of inscription); Sound Technology and the American Cinema: Perception, Representation, Modernity (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000); see Introduction and chapter 1. See also N. Katherine Hayles on Purchase for college incorporating practices and embodied knowledge, 199-207 in How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1999).

12. The remediation of one medium by another newer medium has recently been explored by Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin in Remediation: Understanding New Media (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999). As Rick Altman explains so succinctly, Anything that we would represent is already constructed as a representation by previous representations (A Century of Crisis, 5; see note 1 above).

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Download a Resume Template That Employers Will Love. Are your Resume and online job search profiles not yielding you the results you need to find gainful employment and finally afford to pay your bills? No doubt about it; it’s tougher to find a job now than it’s been in decades. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t give yourself every fighting chance of Short vacation, snagging the next available job. While there is plenty to be said for homework effective interviewee skills, the absolute most important step for getting hired is essay vacation writing a winning Curriculum Vitae. Without a highly attractive C.V, you’re just one of dozens or more applicants that begin to blend together after a while. You want your most relevant skills and experience to jump off the proofreading essay, page and grab the attention of the person responsible for reviewing the group of CVs in which yours is stacked or filed online.

Direct access to resume templates advices. 1. Choose your favorite Curriculum Vitae. 2. Essay Vacation! Download selected resumes on services, your desktop. No front page content has been created yet. How To Write a Winning Curriculum Vitae. Understand What Makes a Great Resume.

Many job applicants are under a misconception that a great Curriculum Vitae means fluffing up terms, adding lots of Short essay vacation, jobs and experience, listing as many skills as possible, and Essay xat engaging in other overkill tactics. Excessive and Short vacation irrelevant information only clutters the page and makes it more difficult to Anger management homework disorder find the skills and information for which your prospective employer is searching. The best resumes are those that are concise and essay vacation specific to the job being sought. As such, a separate resume should be used for for college each job if the Short, required skills, education, and experience are different. Homework Websites! At the end of this article, we will review a few time saving tips building each specific Curriculum Vitae. First, though, let’s take a look at how to write a winning CV. Review All Job Description Material and vacation More (If Necessary) While some employers seem to be in the habit of posting as little information as possible, others provide a great deal of Editing proofreading, valuable information relevant to not only the essay, skills, experience, and education of a desired employee, but also the description, expectations, and demands of the job itself. Acquire as much information as you can about the position. If the employer provided you with pages and management homework pages of descriptions, read them before building your resume.

If the Short essay, employer posted minimal information about the job, you may find information by reviewing the website or even calling and asking for details. The more you know about your prospective employers, the more power you have to essay show them a picture-perfect employee on paper. If you read terms you don’t really understand, see requirements for education levels you haven’t reached, or find any other indication that you’re not a good candidate for the job; don’t waste your time applying. Also, understand that it may be very difficult to find a job that matches your education or the bulk of your experience. You may have to begin at vacation, an entry level position in a company that seeks supervisory and upper management applicants from within.

If this is the case, be extremely careful about divulging the management homework disorder, extent of Short essay vacation, your education, experience, and salary history as you may be viewed as ‘overqualified’. However insulting or degrading it may feel, the reality is that at some point you just have to accept that options are limited and be willing to ‘dumb it down’ a bit to secure employment. Proofreading Best! Just think, though: In the next few months after you’re hired, you’ll have a chance to excel beyond expectation and increase your odds of recognition and promotion. Use Only Relevant Terms, Skills, and Experience. If you feel the need to add more information to your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the most compelling details are on the first page and Short vacation that it’s not crowded with words. In addition to homework your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of years, try to list only the most relevant jobs within the essay vacation, past 5-7 years on Custom paper, the first page and Short vacation either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it. Purchase Essay For College! Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and irrelevant details take away from the razzle and Short essay vacation dazzle of the first page of your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to know the capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Your Curriculum Vitae.

You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of concise and relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer. Refer to the job description and other material posted by homework disorder, your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and applicable skills and job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by essay, your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page.

Instead, attach them at Editing essay best, the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and make every word count. In order to Short essay accomplish this, you need to use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the Homework websites for students, next by essay vacation, staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and email address at the top in the center. Writing! For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated. Because that sentence will take the entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and centered. Vacation! This would be a great place to list your skills. If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Custom Paper Services! Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs).

Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in the left column and your job duties on the right. Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in Short, speaking with your personal references. If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review. You can post a sentence on the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested.

If you have room on the page after leaving plenty of space in between each section, increase the font size of Essay writing websites xat, your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and any other relevant piece of information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae. Essay! Cover letters are easy to Connect for accounting disregard if an essay vacation employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an interest in homework answers, learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the vacation, outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to Editing proofreading fill out per application. Save the outline and consistent information in Short essay, a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for Editing a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for essay vacation it. Homework Disorder! To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and essay conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word.

For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the word ‘Company’ with each different place to websites xat which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter. Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is probably the Short, most important step you can towards landing the job of writing, their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at essay vacation, your resume. Purchase! Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only essay, a potential employer to read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview?

Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of Anger homework, text. To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space. You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead. Your letterhead should be the same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and only chance to name drop, so take advantage of it. Potential employers want to know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for this position.

Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to be a rebel. Finally, set the tone for the rest of the Short essay vacation, letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea. If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to writing xat link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of Short essay vacation, all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken. Determine which aspect of your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and homework even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Just remember to develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page.

This is your opportunity to tie everything together, leading the reader to invite you to an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to an interview. Vacation! Finally, state the easiest way for the employer to reach you, referring to the phone number and e-mail address in Connect homework for accounting, your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check.

Place the cover letter aside for vacation a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter. Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to Custom services read your resume and ultimately invite you to Short essay vacation an interview. The rest is up to you!

How to prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and websites xat effort to make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in this case is the organization. Short Essay Vacation! Your first job as the seller is to sell yourself. You need to stand out from the other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and cover letter is in a pile on essay for college, a desk with plenty of vacation, others, therefore you must find a way to homework answers rise to the top. You need to put yourself in a stronger position, instead of Short essay, you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to take it. Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray.

If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to Connect homework answers for accounting the next step, however, too arrogant and doors will close. Short Essay Vacation! You have to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about Connect homework for accounting five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to the organization. By researching and vacation probing how you can make an essay impact in essay vacation, the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of most candidates. Your resume should announce that you are qualified for Connect homework for accounting the position. After the interview, you want to Short essay leave the Custom paper services, impression that you can start the Short essay, job tomorrow. Proofreading Best! You want to contact somebody who does the vacation, same job at the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions.

It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for the position within the organization and Custom paper the industry as a whole. The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to show initiative by suggesting ideas for Short vacation the position. Websites! Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by proving that you not only did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. Essay! You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude. Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the homework you have done. Homework Websites For Students! Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top.

Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Essay Vacation! Many employees have innovative ideas about how to perform their jobs better, tap into Purchase that information for free and vacation then add your own spin. Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. If you want to make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural. Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. Homework Answers For Accounting! If you can demonstrate you can make an impact in essay, your interview, your name will rise to the top of the pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster

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