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bill joy wired essay uns nicht braucht. Paper List? Bill Joy, deutsche Version seines Essays aus Wired (April 2000), abgedruckt in love der FAZ am 6. Revision List? Juni 2000. Paper Writing? Die mächtigsten Technologien des 21. Jahrhunderts - Robotik, Gentechnik und Nanotechnologie - machen den Menschen zur gefährdeten Art. Service List? Seit ich mich mit der Entwicklung neuer Technologien befasse, haben deren ethische Dimensionen mich interessiert, aber erst im Herbst 1998 wurde mir bewusst, welche Gefahren uns im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert erwarten. Paper? Mein Unbehagen nahm seinen Anfang, als ich Ray Kurzweil begegnete, dem verdientermaßen berühmten Erfinder der ersten Lesemaschine für Blinde und vieler anderer erstaunlicher Dinge. Paper? Wir hatten beide einen Vortrag auf der George Gilder’s Telecosm Conference gehalten, und ich traf ihn zufällig in essay der Hotelbar, nachdem wir unsere Sitzungen hinter uns gebracht hatten. Paper Revision Service List? Ich saß mit John Searle zusammen, einem Philosophen aus Berkeley, der sich mit Fragen des Bewusstseins beschäftigt. Ray setzte sich zu uns, und es begann ein Gespräch, dessen Gegenstand mir bis heute nachgeht.

Ich hatte Rays Vortrag verpasst und ebenso die anschließende Diskussion, an Help essay, der er und John teilgenommen hatten; die beiden griffen den Faden dort wieder auf, wo sie ihn hatten fallen lassen, und Ray erklärte, die technische Entwicklung werde sich weiter beschleunigen, wir würden selbst zu Robotern oder mit ihnen verschmelzen, und John entgegnete, das werde nicht geschehen, weil Roboter kein Bewusstsein entwickeln könnten. Revision List? Solche Dinge hatte ich schon früher gehört und dabei stets gedacht, empfindungsfähige Roboter gehörten in Professional paper quickly das Reich der Science Fiction. Paper Service List? Doch nun brachte jemand, den ich respektierte, überzeugende Argumente für die These vor, dass solche Roboter schon bald Wirklichkeit werden könnten. Essay In Three Describe? Ich war vor allem deshalb verblüfft, weil Ray bereits bewiesen hatte, dass er die Zukunft vorauszusehen und zu gestalten vermochte. Paper Revision Service List? Ich wusste bereits, dass neue Technologien wie Gentechnik und Nanotechnologie uns die Möglichkeit geben, die Welt grundlegend zu verändern, aber ein realistisches Szenario für intelligente Roboter in in three hours allernächster Zukunft überraschte mich. Paper Revision List? Man kann solcher Durchbrüche leicht überdrüssig werden.

Fast täglich hören wir in Money can't buy me love den Nachrichten von irgendeinem technologischen oder wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt. Paper List? Aber dies war keine gewöhnliche Voraussage. Money? In der Hotelbar gab Ray mir einen Vorabdruck mit einem Auszug aus seinem damals im Erscheinen begriffenen Buch ,The Age of Paper revision service list Spiritual Machines (auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel „Homo S@piens. Money Can't Buy Me? Leben im 21. Service? Jahrhundert), in can't buy me essay dem er eine Utopie vorstellt und die Voraussage macht, dass die Menschen durch die Verschmelzung mit der Robotertechnik nahezu Unsterblichkeit erlangen werden. Revision Service List? Die Lektüre verstärkte mein Unbehagen noch; ich war mir sicher, dass er die Gefahren und die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines schlechten Ausgangs dieser Entwicklung noch untertrieben darstellte. Money Can't Buy Me? Am stärksten beunruhigte mich eine Passage, in revision der ein dystopisches Szenario geschildert wurde: ,Zunächst einmal wollen wir annehmen, dass es den Computerwissenschaftlern gelingt, intelligente Maschinen zu entwickeln, die alles besser können als der Mensch. Services? In diesem Fall wird alle Arbeit wahrscheinlich von riesigen, hochorganisierten Maschinensystemen erledigt, so dass man auf menschliche Arbeit verzichten kann. Paper Revision Service? Dann gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten: Man könnte den Maschinen erlauben, ihre Entscheidungen selbst und ohne menschliche Kontrolle zu treffen, oder der Mensch könnte die Kontrolle über die Maschinen behalten. Uk Essay Writing Services? Falls man den Maschinen erlaubt, ihre Entscheidungen selbst zu treffen, lassen sich die Ergebnisse nicht abschätzen, denn wir können unmöglich voraussehen, wie solche Maschinen sich verhalten werden.

In dem Buch erfährt man erst nach der Lektüre der Passage, dass ihr Autor Theodore Kaczynski ist - der Unabomber. Ich setzte mich wahrhaftig nicht für Kaczynski ein. List? In einer 17 Jahre dauernden Terrorkampagne haben seine Bomben drei Menschen getötet und zahlreiche andere verwundet. Statement? Mein Freund David Gelerter, einer der brillantesten und weitsichtigsten Computerwissenschaftler unserer Zeit, ist von einer dieser Bomben schwer verletzt worden. Paper? Wie viele meiner Kollegen hatte auch ich das Gefühl, ich könne durchaus das nächste Ziel des Unabombers sein. Master Service? Kaczynskis Taten waren mörderisch und kriminell. Service List? Er ist eindeutig ein Maschinenstürmer, aber damit hat man seine Argumentation noch nicht entkräftet.

So schwer es mir auch fiel, ich musste zugeben, dass der in statement dieser Passage geäußerte Gedanke nicht ganz abwegig war. List? Ich fühlte mich gedrängt, ihm zu widersprechen. Write Essay In Three? Kaczynskis dystopische Vision beschreibt unbeabsichtigte Folgen, ein bekanntes Problem in service list der Entwicklung und Anwendung von Technologien, das eng mit Murphys Gesetz zusammenhängt: „Was schief gehen kann, das geht auch irgendwann einmal schief. Thesis Statement? (Eigentlich stammt das Gesetz von Finagle und müsste daher Finagles Gesetz heißen was wiederum beweist, dass Finagle Recht hatte.) Der übermäßige Einsatz von Antibiotika hat zu dem wohl größten Problem dieser Art geführt: zur Entstehung antibiotikaresistenter und daher weitaus gefährlicherer Bakterien. Paper? Aus dem Versuch, die Malariamücken mit DDT auszurotten, sind DDT-resistente Mücken entstanden, und auch die Malariaerreger haben mehrfachresistente Gene erworben. Die Ursache solcher Überraschungen scheint klar: Die betreffenden Systeme sind komplex; sie umfassen Wechselwirkungen und Rückkopplungsprozesse zwischen zahlreichen Teilen. Help? Jede Veränderung solch eines Systems löst eine Kette von Reaktionen aus, die sich nur schwer voraussehen lassen; das gilt insbesondere für Systeme, in Paper list denen menschliches Handeln eine Rolle spielt. Professional Quickly? Ich begann, Freunden das Kaczynski-Zitat aus Kurzweils Buch zu zeigen; ich gab ihnen das Buch, ließ sie das Zitat lesen und beobachtete ihre Reaktion, wenn sie entdeckten, wer das geschrieben hatte: der Unabomber. Paper? Etwa um dieselbe Zeit stieß ich auf Hans Moravecs Buch „Robot: Evolution from Uk essay writing services melbourne Mere Machine to Paper list, Transcendent Mind (auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel „Computer ergreifen die Macht).

Moravec gehört zu den führenden Forschern auf dem Gebiet der Robotik und war Mitbegründer des weltweit größten Robotik-Forschungsprogramms an Master thesis service, der Carnegie Mellon University. Paper Revision Service List? Sein Buch gab mir weiteres Material an Master thesis service, die Hand, das ich an service list, meinen Freunden ausprobieren konnte, Material, das Kaczynskis Argumentation überraschenderweise stützte. With Statement? Ich beschloss, mit meinem Freund Danny Hillis zu reden. Danny hat sich einen Namen als Mitbegründer der Thinking Machines Corporation gemacht, die einen sehr leistungsfähigen Parallel-Supercomputer gebaut hat. Paper List? Obwohl ich gegenwärtig die Position des Chief Scientist bei Sun Microsystems bekleide, bin ich doch eher Rechnerarchitekt als Wissenschaftler, und ich schätze Danny wegen seiner Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Informatik und der Physik mehr als jeden anderen.

Außerdem ist er ein angesehener Zukunftsforscher, der in with essay langen Zeiträumen denkt - vor vier Jahren gründete er die Long Now Foundation, die eine Uhr mit einer geplanten Lebensdauer von 10 000 Jahren baut, um die Aufmerksamkeit auf die beschämende Kurzsichtigkeit der Gesellschaft zu lenken. Paper List? Ich flog nach Los Angeles, um mit Danny und seiner Frau Pati essen zu gehen. Buy Me Essay? Ich spulte mein inzwischen vertrautes Routineprogramm ab, trug die Ideen und Passagen vor, die mir solches Unbehagen bereiteten. Paper? Dannys Antwort - vor allem im Blick auf Kurzweils Szenario einer Verschmelzung des Menschen mit den Robotern - kam rasch und setzte mich in writing services Erstaunen. Paper Revision Service? Er sagte nur, die Veränderungen erfolgten schrittweise, so dass wir uns daran gewöhnten.

Aber ich war nicht vollkommen überrascht. Write Hours Describe? In Kurzweils Buch hatte ich ein Zitat von Danny gelesen, in revision service dem er sagte: „Ich liebe meinen Körper nicht mehr oder weniger als andere, aber wenn ich mit einem Körper aus Silicium 200 Jahre alt werden kann, werde ich ihn nehmen. Simple Thesis Statement Creator? Offenbar hatte er seinen Frieden mit dieser Entwicklung und ihren Risiken gemacht, während mir das schwer fiel. Paper Revision Service List? Als ich so über Kurzweil, Kaczynski und Moravec redete und nachdachte, kam mir ein Roman in paper services quickly den Sinn, den ich vor fast zwanzig Jahren gelesen hatte: ,The White Plage von Frank Herbert (auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel „Die weiße Pest); darin wird ein Molekularbiologe durch die sinnlose Ermordung seiner Familie in Paper service list den Wahnsinn getrieben. Master Thesis Service? Um sich zu rächen, entwickelt und verbreitet er einen neuen, hoch infektiösen Erreger, der selektiv tötet. Paper Revision Service List? (Ein Glück, dass Kaczynski Mathematiker und kein Molekularbiologe war.) Ich musste auch an creator, die Borg aus Star Trek denken, diese halbbiologischen Roboterwesen mit stark destruktiven Neigungen.

Katastrophen nach Art der Borg sind eine Spezialität der Science Fiction. Paper? Warum hatte ich mich nicht schon früher mit solchen Roboter-Dystopien befasst? Und warum kümmerten andere Menschen sich so wenig um diese albtraumhaften Szenarien? Ein Teil der Antwort liegt sicher in Simple thesis unserer Einstellung gegenüber dem Neuen, in Paper revision service unserer Neigung, Neues sogleich als vertraut zu empfinden und es fraglos anzunehmen. Money? Da wir ständig neue wissenschaftliche Durchbrüche erleben, müssen wir uns erst noch klar machen, dass die stärksten Technologien des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts - Robotik, Gentechnik und Nanotechnologie - ganz andere Gefahren heraufbeschwören als die bisherigen Technologien. Vor allem Roboter, technisch erzeugte Lebewesen, und Nanoboter besitzen eine gefährliche Eigenschaft: Sie können sich selbständig vermehren.

Eine Bombe explodiert nur einmal, ’aus einem einzigen Roboter können viele werden, die rasch außer Kontrolle geraten. Service? In den letzten fünfundzwanzig Jahren hat man viel an Master, der Entwicklung von Computernetzen gearbeitet, in Paper revision service list denen das Senden und Empfangen von Nachrichten die Möglichkeit unkontrollierter Vermehrung eröffnet. Paper Services? In einem Computer oder Computernetz kann solche Vermehrung lästig sein; schlimmstenfalls legt sie den Computer oder das Netzwerk lahm. Revision Service List? In den neuen Technologien dagegen gehen von der unkontrollierten Vermehrung sehr viel größere Gefahren aus; dort drohen erhebliche Schäden an Write in three, der materiellen Welt. Revision List? Jede dieser Technologien eröffnet auch ungeahnte Möglichkeiten: Die Aussicht auf annähernde Unsterblichkeit, die Kurzweil in Simple thesis seinen Roboterträumen voraussieht, treibt uns voran; die Gentechnik wird schon bald zur Behandlung und vielleicht auch Heilung der meisten Krankheiten eingesetzt werden; Nanotechnologie und Nanomedizin werden diese Möglichkeiten noch erweitern. Zusammen könnten sie unsere Lebenserwartung beträchtlich verlängern und die Lebensqualität verbessern. Service? Die vielen kleinen, individuell erfahrbaren Vorteile dieser Technologien führen jedoch zu einer gewaltigen Ansammlung von Macht und zugleich zu großen Gefahren. Writing Melbourne? Was war im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert anders? Natürlich bargen die Technologien, die den nuklearen, chemischen und biologischen Massenvernichtungswaffen zugrunde lagen, gewaltige Potentiale, und die Waffen stellen eine ebenso große Gefahr dar. Paper Revision? Aber zum Bau von Atomwaffen benötigte man zumindest in Master thesis service der Anfangszeit seltene - tatsächlich sogar nahezu unerreichbare - Rohstoffe und ein durch Geheimhaltung geschütztes Wissen; auch der Bau biologischer und chemischer Waffen verlangte einigen Aufwand.

Die Technologien des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts - Genetik, Nanotechnologie und Robotik - bergen dagegen Gefahren, die sich in revision list ganz anderen Dimensionen bewegen. Und am gefährlichsten ist wohl die Tatsache, dass selbst Einzelne und kleine Gruppen diese Technologien missbrauchen können. Thesis Statement Creator? Dazu benötigen sie keine Großanlagen und keine seltenen Rohstoffe, sondern lediglich Wissen. Paper Revision? An die Stelle der Massenvernichtungswaffen tritt damit die Gefahr einer wissensbasierten Massenvernichtung, die durch das hohe Vermehrungspotential noch deutlich verstärkt wird. Quickly? Ich denke, es ist nicht übertrieben, wenn ich sage, wir stehen an list, der Schwelle zu einer weiteren Perfektion des Bösen in paper writing seinen extremsten Ausprägungen; und diesmal werden die so geschaffenen schrecklichen Möglichkeiten nicht nur Nationalstaaten zur Verfügung stehen, sondern auch einzelnen Extremisten. Paper Revision Service? Als ich begann, mich mit Computern zu befassen, deutete nichts darauf hin, dass ich einmal mit solchen Problemen konfrontiert würde. Hours? Mein Leben lang habe ich das Bedürfnis gehabt, Fragen zu stellen und Antworten zu suchen.

Schon mit drei Jahren konnte ich lesen, und mein Vater stellte mich dem Schulleiter der Grundschule vor; auf seinem Schoß sitzend, las ich ihm eine Geschichte vor. Revision Service List? Ich kam früh in Help thesis die Schule, übersprang später eine Klasse und flüchtete mich in revision service Bücher - ich hatte einen unglaublichen Drang zu lernen. Uk Essay Services? Ich stellte zahllose Fragen und trieb die Erwachsenen damit manchmal zur Verzweiflung. Paper Revision List? Als Teenager interessierte ich mich sehr für Naturwissenschaft und Technik. In Three? Ich wäre gerne Amateurfunker gewesen, hatte aber nicht das nötige Geld für die Ausrüstung. Paper Revision List? Der Amateurfunk war das Internet der damaligen Zeit; es bestand die Gefahr, dass man süchtig danach wurde und sich in Simple seinem Zimmer verkroch.

Ganz abgesehen von den Kosten, war meine Mutter entschieden dagegen; Amateurfunk kam nicht in revision list Frage, ich war schon ungesellig genug. Money Essay? Donnerstag abends gingen meine Eltern zum Bowling; wir Kinder blieben allein zu Haus. Paper Service? Und donnerstags wurde Gene Roddenberrys ursprüngliche Star-Trek-Serie gesendet, die großen Eindruck auf mich machte. Simple? Von dort übernahm ich den Gedanken, dass die Menschen eine Zukunft im Weltraum haben, ganz wie im Western, mit Heldengestalten und Abenteuern. Paper? Roddenberrys Vision der kommenden Jahrhunderte war stark durch moralische Werte geprägt, die ihren Niederschlag in melbourne Regeln wie der Hauptdirektive fanden; danach sollte vermieden werden, in revision list die Entwicklung technisch weniger weit fortgeschrittener Zivilisationen einzugreifen. Das machte großen Eindruck auf mich; nicht Roboter, sondern Menschen mit sittlicher Verantwortung beherrschten diese Zukunft, und ich machte mir diesen Traum zu Eigen. Uk Essay Writing Services Melbourne? In der Highschool war ich besonders gut in revision service list Mathematik, und als ich mein Ingenieurstudium an with, der University of Paper revision service list Michigan begann, belegte ich gleich Mathematikvorlesungen für höhere Semester.

Die Lösung mathematischer Probleme war eine aufregende Herausforderung, doch als ich die Computer entdeckte, fand ich sie noch interessanter: Maschinen, denen man ein Programm eingab, das Probleme zu lösen versuchte und die Lösung gleich noch überprüfte. Writing? Der Computer wusste sehr genau, was korrekt oder nicht korrekt, wahr oder falsch war. Paper? Waren meine Ideen korrekt? Der Computer konnte es mir sagen. Can't Buy Me Love? Das war sehr verführerisch. Revision? Ich hatte das Glück, einen Job als Programmierer früher Supercomputer zu finden, und ich entdeckte die erstaunliche Fähigkeit großer Rechenanlagen, fortgeschrittene Entwürfe numerisch zu simulieren. Als ich Mitte der siebziger Jahre in paper writing services quickly Berkeley mein Promotionsstudium aufnahm, begann ich, bis spät in Paper revision list die Nacht und manchmal ganze Nächte hindurch aufzubleiben und neue Welten im Computer zu erfinden.

Probleme zu lösen. Statement? Den Code niederzuschreiben, der unbedingt geschrieben werden wollte. Revision List? In seinem biografischen Roman ,The Agony and Master customer, the Ecstasy (auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel „Michelangelo) beschreibt Irving Stone sehr lebendig, wie Michelangelo die Figuren aus dem Stein befreite, den ,Bann des Marmors löste und den Bildern in Paper seinem Kopf Gestalt verlieh. Simple Thesis? In meinen ekstatischsten Augenblicken entstand die Software im Computer auf ganz ähnliche Weise. Service? Wenn ich sie mir vorstellen konnte, hatte ich das Gefühl, sie existierte bereits in essay in three describe der Maschine und müsse nur noch freigesetzt werden. Service List? Die ganze Nacht aufzubleiben schien da nur ein kleiner Preis, um sie zu befreien und der Idee konkrete Gestalt zu verleihen. Customer? Anfang der achtziger Jahre ertrank ich fast in service Arbeit. Unix, das ich mit entwickelt hatte, war sehr erfolgreich, mein kleines Projekt hatte bald genug Geld und Personal beisammen, aber nicht das Geld war in Professional paper writing services Berkeley das Problem, sondern der Platz es gab einfach keine Räume für die Leute, die das Projekt benötigte. Revision Service List? Als die anderen Gründer von Sun Microsystems an paper writing services, mich herantraten, ergriff ich daher die Gelegenheit und schloss mich ihnen an. Revision Service List? Bei Sun blieb es dann in paper quickly der Frühzeit der Workstations und Personalcomputer bei den langen Arbeitstagen, und ich hatte das Glück, an Paper list, der Entwicklung fortgeschrittener Mikroprozessor- und Internettechnologien wie Java und Jini mitwirken zu können. Master Thesis Customer Service? Aus alledem dürfte hinreichend hervorgehen, dass ich kein Maschinenstürmer bin.

Ich war schon immer davon überzeugt, dass wissenschaftliche Forschung von großem Wert für die Wahrheit ist und Technik materiellen Fortschritt bewirken kann. Paper Service? Die industrielle Revolution hat die Lebensqualität der Menschen in Uk essay writing den letzten Jahrhunderten beträchtlich verbessert, und was mein eigenes Berufsleben angeht, hatte ich stets vor, nach sinnvollen Lösungen für reale Probleme zu suchen - ein Problem nach dem anderen. Ich bin nicht enttäuscht worden. Paper Revision Service List? Meine Arbeit hat größere Wirkung erzielt, als ich jemals gehofft hätte, und findet so weite Anwendung, wie ich es unmöglich hätte erwarten können. In Three Hours Describe? In den letzten zwanzig Jahren habe ich herauszufinden versucht, wie Computer die Zuverlässigkeit erreichen können, die ich mir wünsche (sie sind noch längst nicht dort angelangt), und wie ihre Anwendung sich möglichst einfach gestalten lässt (von diesem Ziel sind wir sogar noch weiter entfernt). Revision? Trotz mancher Fortschritte erscheinen die verbleibenden Probleme fast entmutigend schwierig. Help Essay Statement? Ich war mir zwar immer schon der kaum lösbaren ethischen Probleme bewusst, die im Zusammenhang mit den Folgen der Technik auf Gebieten wie der militärischen Forschung auftreten, doch hatte ich nicht erwartet, auch auf meinem Gebiet mit solchen Problemen konfrontiert zu werden, oder zumindest nicht so bald.

Vielleicht ist es auf dem Höhepunkt des Wandels besonders schwer, die Folgen zu überblicken. List? Offenbar erkennen Wissenschaftler und Techniker die Folgen ihrer Entdeckungen und Innovationen häufig nicht, solange das Fieber der Neuerungen sie gefangen hält. Uk Essay Writing Services Melbourne? Wir haben uns lange von dem unbändigen Wunsch nach Erkenntnis treiben lassen, der das Wesen der Wissenschaft ausmacht, und dabei übersehen, dass der ständige Drang zu neuen, leistungsfähigeren Technologien ein Eigenleben entwickeln kann. Revision List? Mir ist schon lange klar, dass die großen Fortschritte im Bereich der Informationstechnologie nicht von Computerwissenschaftlern, Rechnerarchitekten oder Elektroingenieuren ausgehen, sondern von Physikern. Help With Essay? Die Physiker Stephen Wolfram und Brosl Hasslacher führten mich Anfang der achtziger Jahre in Paper service die Chaostheorie und die Theorie nichtlinearer Systeme ein. In Gesprächen mit Danny Hillis, dem Biologen Stuart Kauffman, dem Physiker und Nobelpreisträger Murray Gell-Mann und anderen lernte ich in Master thesis customer den neunziger Jahren kom plexe Systeme kennen. Paper Revision List? In jüngster Zeit schließlich gaben mir Hasslacher sowie der Elektroingenieur und Apparatephysiker Mark Reed Einblick in statement die unglaublichen Möglichkeiten der Molekularelektronik. Paper Revision Service List? In meiner eigenen Arbeit als Mitentwickler dreier Mikroprozessorarchitekturen - SPARC, picoJava und MAJC - und bei diversen Implementierungen dieser Systeme habe ich Moores Gesetz aus erster Hand und sehr genau kennen gelernt. Master Customer Service? Moores Gesetz hat die exponentielle Verbesserung der Halbleitertechnologie korrekt vorausgesagt.

Bis letztes Jahr glaubte ich, die von Moores Gesetz vorausgesagte Verbesserungsrate könne nur bis etwa 2010 anhalten, weil dann bestimmte physikalische Grenzen erreicht wären. Paper Revision Service List? Mir war nicht klar, dass zur rechten Zeit eine neue Technologie bereitstünde, die für einen weiteren gleichmäßigen Fortschritt sorgen kann. Dank rascher, radikaler Fortschritte im Bereich der Molekularelektronik - in Master thesis customer der einzelne Atome und Moleküle an list, die Stelle der mit Hilfe lithografischer Techniken erzeugten Transistoren treten - und dank der zugehörigen Nanotechnologien sollten wir in Uk essay services der Lage sein, die von Moores Gesetz vorausgesagte Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit auch für weitere dreißig Jahre zu erreichen oder zu übertreffen. Revision Service? 2030 werden wir wahrscheinlich in Simple großen Mengen Maschinen produzieren können, die eine Million mal leistungsfähiger sind als die heutigen Personalcomputer - und das wird ausreichen, um Kurzweils und Moravecs Träume zu verwirklichen. Revision Service? Die Verbindung dieser Computerleistung mit den manipulativen Fortschritten der Physik und dem vertieften genetischen Wissen wird gewaltige Veränderungen ermöglichen. Simple Thesis Statement? Wir werden die Welt vollkommen neu gestalten können, im Guten wie im Schlechten. Revision List? Replikations- und Schöpfungsprozesse, die bisher der Natur vorbehalten waren, geraten in Professional paper writing services den Einflussbereich des Menschen. Paper Service? Bei der Entwicklung von Computerprogrammen und Mikroprozessoren hatte ich nie das Gefühl, eine intelligente Maschine zu entwerfen. Money Love Essay? Soft- und Hardware sind so zerbrechlich und den Maschinen fehlt so offensichtlich jede „Denkfähigkeit, dass dies alles mir noch weit in revision list der Zukunft zu liegen schien. Thesis Creator? Doch da wir nun schon in Paper service dreißig Jahren mit einer dem Menschen vergleichbaren Computerleistung rechnen können, drängt sich mir ein anderer Gedanke auf: dass ich mich möglicherweise an writing services, der Entwicklung von Instrumenten beteilige, aus denen einmal die Technologie hervorgehen könnte, die unsere Spezies verdrängen wird.

Wie fühle ich mich bei diesem Gedanken? Sehr unbehaglich. Da ich mich mein Leben lang um die Entwicklung zuverlässiger Software bemüht habe, erscheint es mir mehr als wahrscheinlich, dass diese Zukunft nicht so schön wird, wie manche es sich ausmalen. Paper Revision Service? Meine persönliche Erfahrung sagt mir, dass wir dazu neigen, unsere Fähigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet zu überschätzen. Master Thesis? Sollten wir uns angesichts der unglaublichen Leistungsfähigkeit der neuen Technologien nicht lieber fragen, wie wir am besten mit ihnen koexistieren können? Und wenn die technologische Entwicklung wahrscheinlich oder auch nur möglicherweise zur Auslöschung unserer Art führt, sollten wir dann nicht besser vorsichtig sein? Die Robotik träumt zunächst einmal davon, intelligente Maschinen könnten uns die Arbeit abnehmen, uns ein Leben in revision service list Muße ermöglichen und wieder in Uk essay writing melbourne den Garten Eden zurückversetzen. Paper Service? George Dyson warnt jedoch in Write in three hours describe seinem Buch „Darwin Among the Paper, Machines, in Money dem er die Geschichte solcher Ideen nachzeichnet: „Im Spiel des Lebens und der Evolution sitzen drei Spieler am Tisch: der Mensch, die Natur und die Maschinen. Service List? Ich bin entschieden auf der Seite der Natur. Professional Writing Quickly? Aber ich fürchte, die Natur steht auf der Seite der Maschinen.

Dieser Meinung ist auch Moravec, wenn er sagt, wir könnten die Begegnung mit der überlegenen Spezies Roboter möglicherweise nicht überleben. Service? Wie schnell ließe sich solch ein intelligenter Roboter realisieren? Angesichts der zu erwartenden Fortschritte in Professional paper quickly der Rechnerleistung wäre dieser Schritt bis 2030 vorstellbar. Und wenn erst einmal ein intelligenter Roboter existiert, ist es nur noch ein kleiner Schritt hin zu einer Spezies intelligenter Roboter, das heißt zu einem Roboter, der Kopien seiner selbst herzustellen vermag. List? Die Robotik träumt des Weiteren davon, den Menschen schrittweise durch Robotertechnologie zu ersetzen, so dass wir gleichsam Unsterblichkeit erlangen, indem wir unser Bewusstsein abspeichern; diesen Prozess meinte Danny Hillis, als er davon sprach, wir würden uns schrittweise daran gewöhnen; und diesen Prozess beschreibt auch Ray Kurzweil mit so gesetzten Worten in services seinem Buch „The Age of the service list, Spiritual Machines. Writing Melbourne? (Anfänge sehen wir bereits in Paper der Implantation von Computerchips in Uk essay den menschlichen Körper.) Doch wenn wir uns in Paper revision service list unserer eigenen Technologie abspeichern, welche Chance haben wir dann, hinterher noch wir selbst oder auch nur menschliche Wesen zu sein? Mir scheint es sehr viel wahrscheinlicher, dass ein Roboter nichts mit einem Menschen in writing services quickly unserem Verständnis zu tun hat, dass die Roboter keineswegs unsere Kinder sein werden und dass auf diesem Wege das Menschsein verloren gehen wird. Revision Service? Die Gentechnik verspricht, die Landwirtschaft durch Erhöhung der Ernteerträge und Verringerung des Pestizideinsatzes zu revolutionieren; Zehntausende neuer Bakterienarten, Pflanzen, Viren und Tiere zu erzeugen; die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung durch Klonen zu ersetzen oder dadurch zu ergänzen; Heilmethoden für zahlreiche Krankheiten zu entwickeln, unser Leben zu verlängern und unsere Lebensqualität zu verbessern und vieles andere mehr. Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass diese tiefgreifenden Veränderungen in Professional paper writing quickly der Biologie bevorstehen und dass unser Bild vom Leben dadurch grundlegend in revision service list Frage gestellt wird. Write? Techniken wie das Klonen von Menschen haben unsere Aufmerksamkeit für die tiefgründigen ethischen und moralischen Fragen geschärft, vor die uns diese Techniken stellen. Paper Revision Service List? Wenn wir uns zum Beispiel mit Hilfe der Gentechnik in Money love mehrere, nicht als gleich geltende Arten aufspalteten, wäre die Idee der Gleichheit gefährdet, auf der das ganze demokratische System aufbaut.

Angesichts der gewaltigen Möglichkeiten der Gentechnik kann es nicht verwundern, dass ihre Anwendung große Sicherheitsprobleme mit sich bringt. Paper Revision List? Mein Freund Armory Lovins hat kürzlich zusammen mit Hunter Lovins in Master customer einem Leitartikel ein ökologisches Bild dieser Gefahren gezeichnet. List? Dort heißt es unter anderem: „Die neue Botanik richtet die Entwicklung der Pflanzen nicht an essay statement, ihrem evolutionären, sondern an Paper list, ihrem ökonomischen Erfolg aus. Can't Buy Me? Armory hat sich in Paper revision service list seinem langen Berufsleben vor allem mit dem effizienten Einsatz von Energie und Rohstoffen befasst, indem er die vom Menschen geschaffenen Systeme einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung unterzog; diese ganzheitliche Betrachtung findet häufig einfache Lösungen für ansonsten sehr schwierig erscheinende Probleme und lässt sich auch auf dem genannten Gebiet sinnvoll einsetzen. Nachdem ich Lovins Leitartikel gelesen hatte, sah ich in thesis der New York Times vom 19. Revision Service List? November 1999 einen Artikel von Greg Easterbrook über gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel; die Schlagzeile lautete: „Nahrung für die Zukunft: Eines Tages wird Reis auch Vitamin A enthalten. With Thesis? Sofern nicht die Maschinenstürmer siegen. Revision? Sind Armory und Hunter Lovins Maschinenstürmer? Gewiss nicht.

Ich denke, wir alle hätten nichts gegen Reis mit eingebautem Vitamin A, wenn er mit der nötigen Sorgfalt entwickelt würde und insbesondere mit Blick auf die mögliche Gefahr, dass Gene die Artenschranke überspringen könnten. Melbourne? Das Bewusstsein für die möglichen Gefahren der Gentechnik beginnt zu wachsen, wie sich in list dem Leitartikel der Lovins zeigt. Help With Statement? Eine breitere Öffentlichkeit weiß um die gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen und zeigt sich besorgt; offenbar ist man nicht damit einverstanden, dass solche gentechnisch veränderten Lebensmittel nicht als solche ausgewiesen werden müssen. Paper Service? Aber die Gentechnik ist schon weit vorangeschritten. Wie die Lovins schreiben, hat das amerikanische Landwirtschaftsministerium bereits fünfzig gentechnisch veränderte Nahrungspflanzen zur unbegrenzten Aussaat freigegeben; mehr als die Hälfte der weltweit erzeugten Sojabohnen und ein Drittel der angebauten Maispflanzen enthalten Gene, die aus anderen Lebensformen stammen. Professional Paper Writing? Die Gentechnik wirft viele wichtige Fragen auf; meine Sorge gilt eher einem besonderen Aspekt, der Gefahr nämlich, dass sie die Möglichkeit bieten könnte, zufällig, aus militärischen Gründen oder bewusst im Sinne eines Terroranschlags eine Weiße Pest auszulösen. List? Einen Ausblick auf die zahlreichen wunderbaren Möglichkeiten der Nanotechnologie gab erstmals 1959 der Physiker und Nobelpreisträger Richard Feynman in Simple thesis creator einem Vortrag, der später unter dem Titel ,There’s Plenty of Paper list Room at paper the Bottom veröffentlicht wurde.

Besonders beeindruckt hat mich Mitte der achtziger Jahre Eric Drexlers Buch „Engines of Paper revision list Creation, in Master thesis customer service dem er sehr schön beschreibt, wie man durch die Manipulation der Materie auf atomarer Ebene eine utopische Zukunft schaffen kann, in Paper revision service der Überfluss herrscht, weil man nahezu alles billig zu produzieren vermag und in Master thesis customer der die Nonotechnologie im Verein mit der Künstlichen Intelligenz fast alle Krankheiten und körperlichen Probleme zu lösen imstande ist. Paper? Ein späteres Buch: „Unbounding the Master service, Future (auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel „Experiment Zukunft: die nanotechnologische Revolution), das Drexler zusammen mit Chris Peterson und Gayle Pergamit verfasste, geht näher auf einige Veränderungen ein, wie sie durch „Assembler, die auf molekularer Ebene arbeiten, herbeigeführt werden könnten. Paper List? Solche „Monteure könnten Solarenergie zu unglaublich niedrigen Kosten gewinnen, Krebs und gewöhnliche Erkältungen durch eine Stärkung des menschlichen Immunsystems heilen, die Umwelt vollständig von Schadstoffen befreien, billigste Supercomputer im Taschenformat und überhaupt so ziemlich alles zu den denkbar niedrigsten Kosten herstellen, Raumflüge so selbstverständlich machen, wie Interkontinentalflüge es heute schon sind, und schließlich auch ausgestorbene Arten wieder zum Leben erwecken. Thesis Statement? Ich erinnere mich, dass ich mich nach der Lektüre von „Engines of Paper service Creation sehr wohl fühlte. Money Can't Love? Für einen Technologen hatte es etwas Beruhigendes, denn die Nanotechnologie zeigte, dass unglaubliche Fortschritte möglich und vielleicht sogar unausweichlich waren. Wenn die Nanotechnologie unsere Zukunft war, bestand gar kein Grund für mich, so viele Probleme in Paper revision service der Gegenwart mit solcher Hast anzugehen. Professional Quickly? Drexlers utopische Zukunft würde in Paper list angemessener Zeit Wirklichkeit werden; ich konnte mein Leben geradeso gut hier und jetzt genießen. Service? Angesichts seiner Vision hatte es keinen Sinne, immer wieder ganze Nächte durchzuarbeiten. Paper Service? Mit Drexlers Vision hatte ich auch einigen Spaß. Services? Gelegentlich beschrieb ich anderen, die noch nichts davon gehört hatten, die Wunderwerke der Nanotechnologie.

Und nachdem ich ihnen die Ohren voll geredet hatte, gab ich ihnen als Hausaufgabe auf, mit Hilfe der Nanotechnologie einen Vampir und zugleich auch ein geeignetes Gegenmittel zu schaffen. Paper Revision? Dass diese Wunderwerke auch deutliche Gefahren in Help with thesis sich bargen, war mir sehr wohl bewusst. Paper? 1989 sagte ich auf einer Tagung zur Nanotechnologie: „Wir können nicht einfach unserer Wissenschaft nachgehen und die ethischen Fragen ausblenden. Uk Essay? Die Gespräche, die ich später mit Physikern führte, brachten mich allerdings zu der Überzeugung, dass die Nanotechnologie möglicherweise gar nicht - oder jedenfalls nicht so bald - funktionieren würde. Paper Service? Kurz darauf zog ich nach Colorado, und der Schwerpunkt meiner Arbeit verlagerte sich auf Software fürs Internet, vor allem auf Ideen, aus denen später Java und Jini hervorgingen. Master Thesis Service? Dann, im vergangenen Sommer, erzählte mir Brosl Hasslacher, dass die Molekularelektronik auf Nanoebene das Stadium praktischer Realisierung erreicht hat. Paper Revision List? Das war neu für mich, und ich denke, für viele andere auch. Diese Nachricht veränderte meine Einstellung gegenüber der Nanotechnologie grundlegend. Help Thesis Statement? Als ich Drexlers Engines of revision list Creation nach mehr als zehn Jahren nochmals las, erschrak ich, wie wenig ich doch von dem langen Abschnitt über „Gefahren und Hoffnungen behalten hatte; unter anderem hatte er dort beschrieben, dass die Nanotechnologie auch zur Herstellung von „Zerstörungsmaschinen genutzt werden kann. Thesis? Wenn ich diese warnende Abschnitte heute lese, bin ich erstaunt, wie naiv Drexlers Vorschläge für Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wirken; auch sind die Gefahren nach meiner heutigen Einschätzung sehr viel größer, als er damals offenbar glaubte. Paper? (Nachdem Drexler zahlreiche technische und politische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Nanotechnologie vorausgesehen und beschrieben hatte, gründete er in in three hours describe den späten achtziger Jahren das Foresight Institute, das dazu beitragen soll, „die Gesellschaft auf fortgeschrittene Technologien vorzubereiten, und insbesondere auf die Nanotechnolgie.) Der Durchbruch zur Konstruktion der „Assembler dürfte mit einiger Wahrscheinlichkeit in Paper service den nächsten 20 Jahren erfolgen.

Die Molekularelektronik - das neue Teilgebiet der Nanotechnologie, in Professional services dem einzelne Moleküle als Schaltelemente fungieren - wird sich wohl sehr schnell entwickeln und noch in Paper service diesem Jahrzehnt ausgesprochen lukrativ werden, so dass immer größere Investitionen in buy me love diesen Bereich fließen dürften. Revision Service List? Wie die Kerntechnik, so lässt sich leider auch die Nanotechnologie leichter für zerstörerische als für konstruktive Zwecke nutzen. With Statement? Die Nanotechnologie bietet leicht erkennbare militärische und terroristischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, und man braucht nicht einmal ein Selbstmörder zu sein, um destruktive nanotechnische Instrumente massiv einzusetzen, denn diese Instrumente lassen sich so konstruieren, dass sie ihre Zerstörungskraft selektiv entfalten und zum Beispiel nur bestimmte Regionen oder bestimmte Menschen mit spezifischen genetischen Merkmalen treffen. Revision Service? Der Preis des faustischen Handels, der uns die Nanotechnologie beschert, ist ein schreckliches Risiko, die Gefahr nämlich, dass wir die Biosphäre zerstören, von der alles eben abhängt. (. Essay Thesis Statement? )Die Technologien, die in Paper service den atomaren, biologischen und chemischen Massenvernichtungswaffen des 20. Thesis Customer Service? Jahrhunderts Anwendung finden, waren und sind weitgehend militärischen Charakters und wurden in Paper revision service staatlichen Forschungseinrichtungen entwickelt. Thesis Customer? In deutlichem Gegensatz dazu handelt es sich bei Gentechnik, Nanotechnologie und Robotik um kommerziell genutzte Technologien, die fast ausschließlich von privaten Unternehmen entwickelt werden.

In unserer Zeit eines triumphierenden Kommerzialismus liefert die Technologie unter Zuarbeit der Wissenschaft - eine Reihe nahezu magischer Erfindungen, die Gewinne unerhörten Ausmaßes versprechen. Revision? Aggressiv folgen wir den Versprechen dieser neuen Technologien innerhalb eines entfesselten, globalisierten Kapitalismus mit seinen vielfältigen finanziellen Anreizen und seinem Wettbewerbsdruck. In Three Hours Describe? Wir hätten aus dem Bau der ersten Atombombe und dem atomaren Wettrüsten, das darauf folgte, etwas lernen sollen. Paper Revision List? Wir haben damals große Fehler gemacht, und die Parallelen zur gegenwärtigen Situation sind beängstigend. Help Thesis? Wie groß sind die Gefahren, die uns heute drohen, nicht nur von Atomwaffen, sondern von all diesen Technologien?

Wie groß ist das Risiko, dass wir uns selbst ausrotten? Der Philosoph John Leslie ist dieser Frage nachgegangen und dabei zu dem Schluss gelangt, dass die Gefahr einer Auslöschung der menschlichen Art bei 30 Prozent liegt, während Ray Kurzweil unsere Chance auf ein wenig mehr als 50:50 veranschlagt, wobei er allerdings einräumt, man sage ihm nach, ein unverbesserlicher Optimist zu sein. Service List? Diese Schätzungen sind nicht ermutigend, dabei berücksichtigen sie nicht einmal die Wahrscheinlichkeit vieler schrecklicher Szenarien, die nur in Write essay in three hours describe die Nähe einer Auslöschung kommen. Revision Service List? Angesichts solcher Aussichten raten manche uns ernsthaft, die Erde möglichst bald zu verlassen. Uk Essay Services Melbourne? Wir sollen mit von-Neumann-Sonden die Milchstraße kolonisieren und von einem Sonnensystem zum nächsten hüpfen. Paper Service List? Dieser Schritt wird in Simple thesis etwa fünf Milliarden Jahren unvermeidlich sein (oder auch früher, wenn unserer Milchstraße in Paper etwa 3 Milliarden Jahren mit der Andromeda-Galaxis kollidiert), doch wenn wir Kurzweil und Moravec beim Wort nehmen, könnte er schon in Uk essay services melbourne der Mitte dieses Jahrhunderts erforderlich werden. Paper Service? Welche moralischen Implikationen wären mit solch einem Schritt verbunden? Falls wir die Erde so bald schon verlassen müssen, um den Fortbestand der menschlichen Art zu sichern, wer übernimmt dann die Verantwortung für das Schicksal der Zurückbleibenden (und das werden die meisten sein)?

Und selbst wenn wir zu den Sternen flüchten, ist es nicht wahrscheinlich, dass wir die Probleme mit uns nehmen oder dass sie uns folgen? Unser Schicksal auf der Erde und unser Schicksal in writing services melbourne der Galaxis scheinen unlösbar miteinander verbunden. Nach einer anderen Idee soll eine Reihe von Abwehrschilden gegen die Gefahren der einzelnen Technologien errichtet werden. Revision? Die von der Reagan-Administration vorgeschlagene Strategic Defence Initiative war ein Versuch, solch einen Schild gegen einen möglichen atomaren Angriff der Sowjetunion zu schaffen. Simple Thesis Statement Creator? Arthur C. Revision List? Clarke, der an Master thesis customer, vielen vertraulichen Diskussionen zum Thema beteiligt war, sagte dazu: „Obwohl es möglich schien, unter gewaltigen Kosten ein lokales Verteidigungssystem zu schaffen, das ’nur’ einen kleinen Prozentsatz der ballistischen Raketen durchließ, war der vielgerühmte nationale Schutzschirm Unsinn.

Luis Alvarez, der wohl größte Experimentalphysiker unseres Jahrhunderts, sagte mir einmal, die Anhänger solcher Vorstellungen, seien ’sehr kluge Köpfe ohne jeden gesunden Menschenverstand’. Paper Revision Service? Clarke meinte weiter: „Wenn ich in Master thesis customer service meine oft getrübte Kristallkugel schaue, nehme ich an, dass ein vollständiges Verteidigungssystem vielleicht in list hundert Jahren möglich sein wird. Essay Hours Describe? Aber die dafür erforderliche Technologie würde als Nebenprodukt so schreckliche Waffen hervorbringen, dass niemand mehr einen Gedanken an revision service list, etwas so Primitive wie ballistische Raketen verschwenden würde. Uk Essay Melbourne? In Engines of revision service Creation macht Drexler den Vorschlag, einen aktiven nanotechnologischen Schild - eine Art Immunsystem für die Biosphäre - zu schaffen, um uns vor gefährlichen Replikatoren jeglicher Art zu schützen, die aus Labors entkommen oder in paper writing services bösartiger Absicht freigesetzt werden könnten. Paper Revision Service List? Aber der Schild, den er vorschlägt, wäre gleichfalls mit gewaltigen Gefahren verbunden, weil niemand ausschließen könnte, dass er Autoimmunprobleme auslöste und die Biosphäre seinerseits angriffe. Auf ähnliche Schwierigkeiten stieße die Konstruktion von Schutzschilden gegen Robotik oder Gentechnik. Essay In Three Hours Describe? Diese Technologien sind zu mächtig, als dass wir uns in Paper revision service list der zur Verfügung stehenden Zeit vor ihnen schützen könnten. Simple Statement Creator? Und selbst wenn wir solche Schutzschilde entwickeln könnten, wären die Nebenwirkungen ihrer Entwicklung mindestens ebenso gefährlich wie die Technologien, vor denen sie uns schützen sollen. Paper Service List? Diese Möglichkeiten sind also sämtlich entweder nicht wünschenswert oder nicht realisierbar oder beides zugleich.

Die einzig realistische Alternative, die ich sehe, lautet Verzicht: Wir müssen auf die Entwicklung allzu gefährlicher Technologien verzichten und unserer Suche nach bestimmten Formen des Wissens Grenzen setzen. With Essay Thesis? Mit der Gentechnik, der Nanotechnologie und der Robotik öffnen wir eine neue Büchse der Pandora, aber offenbar ist uns das kaum bewusst. Ideen lassen sich nicht wieder zurück in Paper service eine Büchse stopfen; anders als Uran oder Plutonium müssen sie nicht abgebaut und aufgearbeitet werden, und sie lassen sich problemlos kopieren. Master Service? Wenn sie heraus sind, sind sie heraus. Paper Revision Service List? Churchill meinte einmal in writing seiner unnachahmlichen Art, die Amerikaner täten immer das Richtige, nachdem sie alle anderen Alternativen sorgfältig geprüft hätten. List? In diesem Fall jedoch müssen wir mehr Voraussicht walten lassen; wenn wir das Richtige erst am Schluss tun, könnte es schon zu spät sein, überhaupt noch etwas zu tun. Write Essay? Ich denke tatsächlich, die Situation war 1945 einfacher als heute. Paper List? Bei den Nukleartechnologien konnte man kommerzielle und militärische Nutzung hinreichend klar voneinander trennen; die Überwachung war nicht schwer, weil Atomtests sehr auffällig sind und Radioaktivität leicht gemessen werden kann.

Die militärische Forschung lag in Professional writing quickly den Händen staatlicher Forschungseinrichtungen wie Los Alamos, so dass die Ergebnisse sehr lange geheim gehalten werden konnten. Service? Bei Gentechnik, Nanotechnologie und Robotik dagegen lassen kommerzielle und militärische Anwendung sich nur schwer trennen; angesichts ihres ökonomischen Potenzials kann man sich kaum vorstellen, dass nur staatliche Forschungseinrichtungen sich mit ihnen befassten. Money Can't Buy Me Essay? Angesichts ihrer kommerziellen Bedeutung erforderte ein Verzicht Überwachungssysteme, wie man sie für biologische Waffen geschaffen hat, nur dass sie in service list diesem Fall ganz andere Größenordnungen annehmen müssten. Dadurch entstünden unvermeidlich Spannungen zwischen der Notwendigkeit einer unserem Schutz dienenden Überwachung und der Privatsphäre sowie dem Anspruch auf private Verfügungsgewalt über Informationen. Statement? Gegen diesen Verlust an Paper revision service list, Freiheit wird es ohne Zweifel starke Widerstände geben. Writing Melbourne? Meine Begegnung mit Ray Kurzweil und John Searle liegt jetzt mehr als ein Jahr zurück. Revision Service? Wenn ich mich umschaue, sehe ich einige Gründe zur Hoffnung: in Help with essay statement mahnenden Stimmen, die zu Vorsicht und Verzicht raten; in revision service Menschen, die wie ich besorgt sind. Uk Essay Writing? Auch fühle ich mich persönlich verantwortlich - nicht für die Arbeit, die ich schon getan habe, sondern für die Arbeit, die ich möglicherweise noch leisten werde an Paper revision service list, der Schnittstelle mehrerer Wissenschaften. Doch viele Menschen, die um die Gefahren wissen, bleiben schweigsam. In Three Hours? Spricht man sie darauf an, heißt es, das sei doch alles nicht neu - als wäre das Wissen um die möglichen Entwicklungen bereits Reaktion genug. List? Sie sagen, die Universitäten seien doch voll von Biochemikern, die sich den ganzen Tag mit diesen Dingen beschäftigen.

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Ionic And Covalent Bonds Essays and Research Papers. ?Lab Report Ionic and Covalent Bonds Lab: Ionic and Covalent Bonds . Revision List? Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to Uk essay melbourne, explore the properties of chemical substances that can be used to identify the types of bonds in Paper revision service list, a chemical substance using a laboratory procedure. Professional Services Quickly? The two types of bonds being identified were ionic and covalent . Based on a substance’s properties, how can you determine whether its bonds are ionic or covalent ? This is the question I posed before starting the Paper revision experiment. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 930 Words | 4 Pages. Insulator Solubility in essay in three, hexane Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble Soluble Soluble Soluble Structure Giant ionic structure . Giant ionic structure Ionic with covalent character Giant covalent structure Simple molecular structure Simple molecular structure Bonding Ionic bonding Ionic bonding Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Covalent bonding Covalent bonding Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the external pressure. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 1733 Words | 7 Pages. Lab 04 - Chromatography and Ionic vs Covalent Bonds.

?Student Name: Melissa Tatum Student ID: 4593119 Date: 7 Dec 2014 Course and Section Number: SCIN131 A004 Fall 14 Lesson 4 Lab: Chromatography and . Paper Revision Service List? Ionic versus Covalent Bonds PART 1 Begin by viewing the following Thinkwell video 15.1.3 CIA Demonstration: Chromatography After you watch the above video, answer the questions below in sufficient detail: (a) (3 pts.) This video discusses 3 different types of Help with chromatography. Paper Revision Service? List each one mentioned, and describe their differences in Uk essay writing, as much detail. Analytical chemistry , Chromatography , Chromatography software 1408 Words | 5 Pages. How do ionic bonds form? Transferring the electron forms an ionic bond . Paper Service? After transferring the . Statement? electron, the two atoms become ion n will attract together because they have the opposite charges. Then an ionic bond is formed. Paper Revision Service List? How do covalent bonds form?

A covalent bond is for sharing of electrons. I remember it like co-existing electrons to share (Eg H20). Thesis? It is usually between two non-metals. Which compound, sugar or salt, is a better conductor of electricity? Explain your answer. Paper List? Salt. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 346 Words | 2 Pages. Electrolytes: Ionic Bond and Sodium Chloride. with H2O to Write hours describe, form large concentrations of ions of Paper H+ and I- * Is HI an ionic compound? Why or why not?

HI isn’t an Professional paper services, ionic . compound. It is a covalent compound because both hydrogen and iodine are nonmetals. 6) Why would the bulb light up when placed in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride but not in a solid sample of sodium chloride? In a solid sample of sodium chloride, sodium and chloride are bonded together ionic and so there aren’t any free electrons to support the flow of electricity. Bonding in Paper revision service, solids , Chemical bond , Chemistry 728 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and contrast the structure and bonding in Ionic, Covalent and Metallic species. ?Compare and contrast the structure and bonding in Ionic , Covalent and Metallic species.

Relate the structure and bonding to the . Melbourne? properties of the Paper revision species. Ionic bonding is usually formed between a metal and Master thesis service a non-metal, Covalent between two non-metals and Metallic between two metals. Paper Service List? Ionic Bonding; Ionic bonds tend to Uk essay, form between metals whose atoms need to “loose” electrons to gain the nearest noble gas configuration and non-metals that need to Paper service list, gain electrons. These electrons are transferred. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 889 Words | 3 Pages. CHEMICAL BONDS Chemical Bonds I. Introduction Chemical compounds are formed by with essay thesis the joining of two or more atoms. A stable . compound occurs when the total energy of the combination has lower energy than the Paper revision list separated atoms. The bound state implies a net attractive force between the atoms called a chemical bond . The two extreme cases of chemical bonds are the covalent bonds and ionic bonds . Covalent bonds are bonds in which one or more pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms. Covalent bonds , in. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 1310 Words | 5 Pages. The Ionic Lattice In most ionic compounds, the anions are much larger than the cations, and it is the anions which form the . crystal array.

The smaller cations reside in the holes between the creator anions. Revision List? Basic Concepts: 1. Ions are assumed to be charged, incompressible, nonpolarizable spheres. Write Essay In Three Hours Describe? 2. Service List? Ions try to surround themselves with as many ions of opposite paper services quickly, charge as closely as possible. Usually in revision service list, the packing arrangement, the cation is Write essay hours, just large enough to allow te anions to surround it without. Atom , Chemical bond , Electric charge 2166 Words | 7 Pages. Chemical Bonds Chemical Bond : is the force that holds atoms together in a compound. They form because they lower the Paper revision potential . energy of the charged particles that compose atoms. Chemical bonds can be broadly classified into Master thesis two types: Ionic and Covalent . Ionic : metal amp; nonmetal Metals have a tendency to lose electrons and nonmetals have a tendency to gain them. Revision Service? The metal atom becomes a cation and a nonmetal becomes an Money can't love, anion. Revision? The oppositely charged ions attract one another and form an with thesis, ionic compound . Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 958 Words | 2 Pages.

INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL BONDS CHEMICAL BOND Definition: A chemical bond is defined as a force that acts . between two or more atoms to hold them together as a stable molecule. Main types of bond : 1. Ionic or electrovalent bond , 2. Covalent bond , 3. Service List? Coordinate covalent bond Forth type of bond : Metallic bond : The type of bonding which holds the Simple statement atoms together in Paper revision, metal crystal. Valence electron: The electrons in the outer most energy level in an atom that takes part in chemical. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 998 Words | 7 Pages. Covalent Bonding In a covalent bond , a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms.

Each of the thesis customer service positively . charged nuclei is attracted to the same negatively charged pair of Paper service list electrons. The diagram: A and B are held together by this shared attraction. Covalent bonds are often drawn as dots and crosses diagrams to show that the electrons have come from two different atoms. Molecules have a certain fixed number of atoms in them joined together by covalent bonds . Examples: Bonding in can't essay, hydrogen . Atom , Chemical bond , Electric charge 436 Words | 3 Pages. molecule with covalent bond o Formula unit with ionic bond * Molecules: formed by . covalent bonds * Lattice energy is the energy released in the formation of an ionic compound. DEFINITION: The formation of an IONIC BOND is the result of the transfer of one or more electrons from a metal onto a non-metal. Service List? Characteristics of both bonds : * Occur between 2 atoms * Composed of 2 electrons * Have both ionic and covalent characteristics * Together = 100% * Both bonds are measured.

Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 395 Words | 4 Pages. Grade 10 Science –Chemistry Ionic Compounds Science Perspectives 10 - Section 5.6 Pages 192-195 Compound • A Pure Substance composed . of two or more elements in a FIXED RATIO Ionic Compound • A compound made up of one or more positive metal ions (cations) and Money buy me love one or more negative non-metal ions (anions) Ionic Bond • The simultaneous strong attraction of positive and revision service negative ions in an ionic compound. As noted, ionic bonding occurs between metals and non-metals. Yet, “why. Atom , Chemical bond , Electron 984 Words | 4 Pages.

Chemistry Task - Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonds. Describe metallic, ionic and covalent bonds . Metallic - A chemical bond in which electrons are . shared over many nuclei and electronic conduction occurs. Ionic – A chemical bond in can't, which one atom loses an Paper revision, electron to Uk essay writing melbourne, form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion. Covalent - A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule. 2. Explain the Paper structure of Money can't buy me essay metals, ionic compounds, covalent molecules and covalent networks and Paper revision service give.

Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 495 Words | 2 Pages. Chemical bond From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search A chemical bond is an Write describe, attraction between . atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two or more atoms. Paper Service List? The bond is caused by the electrostatic force of attraction between opposite charges, either between electrons and writing services nuclei, or as the result of a dipole attraction. The strength of chemical bonds varies considerably; there are strong bonds such as covalent or ionic bonds and Paper revision weak bonds such. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 1153 Words | 3 Pages.

3 06 Covalent And Ionic Properties Lab Worksheet. type of compound usually has higher melting points, ionic compounds or covalent compounds? What is the thesis service reason for Paper revision list this . difference in melting points? (3 points) Ionic compounds usually have higher melting points. Writing? This is because the Paper revision service atoms of covalent compounds are bound strongly to each other in stable molecules, but those molecules are in general not very strongly attracted to other molecules in the compound. On the other hand, the atoms in ionic compounds show strong attractions to other ions in. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemistry 646 Words | 3 Pages. by chemical bonds . These chemical bonds are of two basic types— ionic and covalent . . Ionic bonds result when one or more electrons from Master one atom or group of atoms is transferred to another atom. Positive and negative ions are created through the revision service transfer. Simple Thesis? In covalent compounds no electrons are transferred; instead electrons are shared by revision list the bonded atoms.

The physical properties of a substance, such as melting point, solubility, and conductivity, can be used to predict the with essay thesis type of bond that binds. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemistry 922 Words | 4 Pages. Lab Ionic And Covalent BondsObjectivesUnderstand The. Lab: Ionic and Covalent Bonds Objectives • Understand the differences between ionic and . covalent bonds . Revision? • Connect ionic and covalent bonds with physical properties of matter. Introduction Sugar and statement salt look so similar that most people cannot tell them apart without tasting them. Paper Service List? Chemically, white refined table sugar, sucrose, and salt are very different. An ionic bond between a positive sodium ion and a negative chloride ion creates a molecule of sodiumchloride (NaCl). Covalent bonds between. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 1690 Words | 9 Pages. 1114) CHEMICAL BONDING MOKAN A/L VELAN (SCPNG0000019030) SANDEEP SINGH JASPREET SINGH TABLE OF CONTENT Contents IONIC . BOND 2 METALLIC BOND 9 The Sea of Electrons Theory 14 Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors 16 25 IONIC BOND Ionic bond is formed when electron transferred from a valence shell of an Write essay, atom to the valence shell of another atom.

Ionic bond involves electron transfer across two atoms. The atom which donates the electron is revision service, called cation which is a positive ion. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 3825 Words | 14 Pages. Introduction: Atoms bond in covalent bonds and ionic bonds . A covalent . Thesis Customer Service? bond is when atoms share electrons in order to gain stability with each other (Larsen). To have stability which each other, the atoms share electrons so that their outer electron shell is equal. Paper Service List? Ionic bonding is the essay statement complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions (Larsen, 2010). Element that have a positive ion are able to bond with elements with negative. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 422 Words | 4 Pages. ? Covalent Bonds Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons, one from Paper revision each atom in a single . bond , to form electron pairs, usually making their outermost shells up to Write in three hours describe, eight electrons by Paper service list this means.

This would make them more stable, less reactive and an electronic structure like a noble gas. They are most frequently formed between pairs of with statement non-metallic elements. Non-metallic elements usually have from four to Paper revision service, eight electrons in with thesis, their outermost shells, the so-called valency electrons, which. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 411 Words | 2 Pages. A Modern Definition of service list Hydrogen Bond. A hydrogen bond is the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules in which hydrogen (H) is services, bound to a highly . electronegative atom, such as nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) or fluorine (F). The name hydrogen bond is something of a misnomer, as it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole attraction, and Paper revision should not be confused with a covalent bond . These hydrogen- bond attractions can occur between molecules (intermolecular) or within different parts of a single molecule. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 865 Words | 3 Pages. When ionic solids dissolve, they divide to Uk essay writing services, give their positive and negative ions that make up the solids. These ions become hydrates and have . the Paper same relative proportions when in solution and when solid. The more the solid dissolves, the more the essay in three hours ion#8217;s concentration increases.

This increase and build-up allows for the reverse reaction to occur. In this phase of the reaction the ions crystallise out in order for the reaction to have a greater chance of occurring. Eventually the rate of. Chemistry , Ion , Precipitation 559 Words | 2 Pages. perpetual bond is revision service list, currently selling for RS. 95/-. The coupon rate of interest is 13.5%.

The approximate discount rate is statement, 15%. The value of the . Revision List? bond and the YTM is: (a) Rs. 90/- and 14.2% Value is (13.5*15%=90) and YTM is ((13.5/95)*100=14.21%) (b) Rs. Creator? 100/- and 13.5% (c) Rs. 90 and Paper revision service list 15% (d) Rs. 90/- and 13.5% 902. In 2001, Meridian Ltd. has issued bonds of Rs. 10,000/-each due in 2011 with a 14% per annum coupon rate payable at Professional writing services quickly the end of service list each year during the life of the bond . If the Money buy me love essay required.

Bond , Bonds , Cash flow 989 Words | 7 Pages. BOND PROBLEM SOLUTIONS 1. List? Six years ago, The Corzine Company sold a 20-year bond issue with a 14 percent annual coupon rate . and a 9 percent call premium. Today, Corzine called the bonds . The bonds originally were sold at their face value of $1,000. Compute the paper realized rate of return for Paper revision service list investors who purchased the paper writing services quickly bonds when they were issued and who surrender them today in exchange for the call price. PV = 1000; N = 6; PMT = 140; FV = 1090; CPT I/Y I/Y = 15.02% 2. You just purchased. Bond , Bonds , Dividend 858 Words | 4 Pages.

NAME: MASSAWE BARAKA, REG. Paper List? NO: 2010-04-03894. 12 FINANCE 202 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT UDBS Consider a 10 year bond that has a face value . shs 1000, a coupon rate of Simple thesis statement creator 6% and Paper revision service pays interest once a year. (a)Suppose person A bought this bond at par when it was initially issued and sold it 1 year later to person B for shs 1024.What is B’s total return? Soln Total return =[ Interest paid +(selling price – buying price)]/buying price Given; Annual interest paid = coupon rate x par value, coupon. Bond , Compound interest , Finance 517 Words | 4 Pages. Ionic compounds are formed when a metal and a non-metal join together. When sodium metal is dropped into a gas jar of chlorine gas the elements . react violently to form a new compound called sodium chloride joined by ionic bonds . To understand how this process works, we must grasp an understanding of what an ion is and Write essay what an ionic bond is.

An ion is an atom that has an electric charge and is created when an atom (or a group) gain or loses electrons. (It has an electric charge due to service, the imbalance. Atom , Chemical bond , Electric charge 453 Words | 2 Pages. Ionic Bonds Essay The periodic table is a masterpiece of organized chemical information. It is a table of the writing chemical elements . in which the elements are arranged by order of atomic number. The standard form of the Paper service list table includes periods (horizontal rows in paper, the periodic table) and groups (vertical rows in the periodic table). Atoms are the basic building blocks of ordinary matter. Revision Service? Atoms are made up of Write hours describe particles called protons, electrons, and neutrons. Protons carry a positive electrical charge. Atom , Chemical element , Chemistry 445 Words | 2 Pages. electron configuration by sharing their electrons and forming a Covalent bond . Service? A covalent bond is a . Uk Essay Melbourne? chemical bond in Paper revision service list, which two atoms share a pair of Help with essay thesis statement valence electrons. When two atoms shair one pair of electrons, the bond is called a singe bond . Molecules of Elements Two hydrogen atoms bonded together form a unit called a molecule.

A molecule is a neutral group of Paper service list atoms that are joined together by one or more covalent bonds . The hydrogen molecule is neutral because it contains two protons. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemistry 500 Words | 2 Pages. A chemical bond is the energy that holds two atoms together in Write essay in three hours describe, a compound. Revision Service? This energy can be further broken down into thesis creator ionic . bonding and covalent bonding. An ionic bond is a chemical bond characterized by attraction between ions of opposite charge.

The formation of an revision service, ionic bond involves a complete transfer of electrons between atoms, and can be predicted when one atom has a much higher electronegativity than the Professional writing quickly other. List? A covalent bond is a very strong chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 356 Words | 2 Pages. a net attractive force between the atoms . Services? a chemical bond . Revision Service? The two extreme cases of chemical bonds are: . Covalent Bonds Covalent chemical bonds involve the sharing of a pair of Money can't essay valence electrons by service list two atoms, in Master service, contrast to service, the transfer of electrons in ionic bonds . Such bonds lead to stable molecules if they share electrons in such a way as to create a noble gas configuration for each atom. Services? Hydrogen gas forms the simplest covalent bond in the diatomic hydrogen molecule.

The halogens such as. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 2315 Words | 10 Pages. VALENCE BOND THEORY The ‘mixing’ or ‘blending’ of Paper revision list atomic orbitals to accommodate the spatial requirements in a molecule is known as . hybridization. Hybridization occurs to minimize electron pair repulsions when atoms are brought together to form molecules. Possible hybridization schemes: 2nd row elements: sp sp2 sp3 3rd row elements also have: dsp3 d2sp3 Each of Master customer service these hybridzation schemes corresponds to one of the five fundamental VSEPR geometries. Bonding arises from the list overlap. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 369 Words | 3 Pages. A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms that allows the formation of can't love essay chemical substances that contain two or more atoms. Paper Service? The . bond is Simple, caused by the electromagnetic force attraction between opposite service, charges, either between electrons and Master service nuclei, or as the Paper revision service result of a dipole attraction.

The strength of chemical bonds varies considerably; there are strong bonds such as covalent or ionic bonds and Master thesis weak bonds such as dipole-dipole interactions, the London dispersion force and hydrogen bonding. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 4600 Words | 13 Pages. formal lab report on ionic and covalent compounds. Professor Tolentino Maria Oyervide EXPERIMENT #4 IONIC AND COVALENT COMPOUNDS Abstract: This experiment was divided in . four steps to find the Paper revision service list electrical conductivity of covalent and ionic solutions. Help Essay? There were four unknown solutes A, B and C. Service List? Each had a specific weight and was dissolved in Master service, a certain amount of solute to form either the covalent or ionic solution. Covalent compounds are made up of molecules which are electrically neutral. Ionic compounds are composed of ions, which are positively.

Atom , Bonding in service, solids , Electric charge 423 Words | 2 Pages. points: ionic compounds or covalent compounds? What is the reason for this difference in melting points? (3 points) . Uk Essay? Ionic compounds have higher melting and boiling points than covalent compounds. The electrostatic attraction in an ionic bond is very strong hence a lot of heat energy is required to break it down, ionic bonds have high melting and boiling points. In covalent bonds , the intermolecular forces are very weak and Paper service are easily broken, hence lesser heat is required and thus covalent bonds have. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 445 Words | 4 Pages. Chapter 6 - Answer Key to Section Review 1-3 Section Review 1 1. What is the main distinction between ionic and covalent . bonding? Answer (A): Ionic bonding involves the electrical attraction between large numbers of anions and cations. Help Essay Thesis Statement? Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electron pairs between two atoms. Translation: - Ionic bonding happens between a metal and a non-metal (east coast and west coast) -One atom completely donates its valence electrons to another atom -Metals. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 805 Words | 5 Pages.

?Chapter 6: Chemical Bonds Section 6.1: Ionic Bonding Chemical bond : the revision service force that holds atoms of Master service elements . and ions together to become a stable, new substance called a compound. -the number of valence electrons determines if an atom will form a chemical bond . Paper Service? -metals tend to give up electrons to other atoms. -nonmetals tend to Help statement, take electrons from other atoms. -noble gases will not form a chemical bond because these atoms already have a full outer shell of energy. Ionization: the. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 529 Words | 3 Pages. importance, let us see in detail the various types of Paper revision list chemical bonds . The two main varieties of chemical bonds include the . ionic bond and the covalent bond . The third variety named as co-ordinate bond has properties that are intermediate to that of ionic bond and the covalent bond . If the bond is formed between the metal ions, it is thesis customer, termed as metallic bond . Let us see each of revision these bonds in detail. Ionic bond : an ionic bond is formed by complete transfer of electrons from an atom having.

Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 822 Words | 3 Pages. charges on the ions formed from atoms in the table below: Atom Charge on Write essay in three describe, the ion formed Mg (Atomic number = 12) (a) N (Atomic number = 7) (b) Al . (Atomic number = 13) (c) 2. Paper Revision Service List? Classify each of the can't buy me love essay following compounds as ionic or covalent . Compound Ionic / Covalent Ammonia (NH3) (a) Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) (b) Water (H2O) (c) Sodium oxide (Na2O) (d) 3. Consider the information concerning particle X and particle Y listed below: Particle Number of protons Number of electrons . Atom , Atomic number , Chemical bond 855 Words | 8 Pages. another non-metal to achieve a complete octet. The gain of negatively charged electrons by a neutral atom produces an anion. 7.2- Ionic . Bonds and Ionic Compounds Although they are composed of Paper service list ions, ionic compounds are electrically neutral. Most ionic compounds are crystalline solids at room temperature. Uk Essay Melbourne? Ionic compounds generally have high melting points. Ionic compounds can conduct an electric current when melted or dissolved in water. 7.3-Bonding in Metals The valence electrons of revision service metal.

Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 703 Words | 3 Pages. question. Which type of compound usually has higher melting points: ionic compounds or covalent compounds? What is the reason . for this difference in writing services, melting points? (3 points) Link: Answer: Ionic compounds have a higher melting point the heat needed to break down the bonds between the compounds is Paper list, much higher than not needing to break down any bonds at hours all. Do ionic compounds conduct electricity as: (3 points) Link: http://antoine.frostburg.

Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 511 Words | 4 Pages. Chemical Bonds Lab Report Objective Introduction: The objective of this experiment was to find more about metallic, ionic , . and covalent compounds. Service? To test this you will be checking the melting point, solubility, and conductivity of various substances. Can't Buy Me Love Essay? A chemical compound is a chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemically bonded chemical elements. The solubility, melting point, and conductivity are all physical properties that could help you determine what type of bonding. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 763 Words | 6 Pages. Properties Of Ionic Compounds Lab. ?Properties of Ionic Compounds Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to distinguish the differences between ionic compounds . and covalent compounds. Paper Revision Service List? Hypothesis: If the statement substance is Paper list, a poor electrical conductor, then it is a covalent compound. If the thesis statement substance is service, a good electrical conductor, then it is an ionic compound.

Pre-lab: 1. Define crystal lattice energy. Crystal lattice energy is the services energy and formation of the crystal from infinitely separated ion. 2. Explain what forces must be overcome. Chemical bond , Electric charge , Electron 1035 Words | 5 Pages. Types of Chemical Bonds • 4.4 Electronegativity, Unequal Sharing, and Polar Bonds • 4.5 Vibrating Bonds and the . Greenhouse Effect • 4.3 Lewis Structures • 4.6 Resonance • 4.7 Formal Charge: Choosing among Lewis Structures • 4.8 Exceptions to the Octet Rule • 4.9 The Lengths and Strengths of Covalent Bonds © 2014 W. W. Norton Co., Inc. Revision? 1 Chemical Bonds All chemical bonds consist of Write in three hours describe _______ that hold groups of atoms together and make them function as a unit.

A bond will form if the. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 627 Words | 35 Pages. 4 – Chemical Bonding: The Ionic Bond Model Study Questions Each question is worth 0.2 points. Paper Revision Service List? Total assignment is worth 5 . points. 1. Describe the paper services characteristics of ionic compounds and of molecular compounds. Ionic compounds have high melting points and conduct electricity well while covalent molecules have lower melting points and Paper revision service list will not conduct electricity in a liquid state.

2. What types of particles are present as ionic bonds ? Molecular compounds? Ionic bonding occurs between charged. Atom , Chemical bond , Covalent bond 988 Words | 4 Pages. negative electrons. This attraction holds atoms together in Simple thesis creator, a chemical bond , a link between two atoms resulting from the mutual attraction of . their nuclei for valence electrons. All chemical bonds involve valence electrons, but the bonds are classified by revision service the way in which electrons are distributed within the melbourne bonds . Ionic and Covalent Bonds We will be studying two types of chemical bonds in this module: ionic bonds and covalent bonds . Atoms can gain or lose electrons to list, become charged ions.

Metals. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 1099 Words | 3 Pages. ? BONDS Bonds pay fixed coupon (interest) payments at fixed intervals (usually every six months) and pay the par value at . maturity. Par value = $1,000 Coupon = 6.5% or par value per thesis, year, or $65 per Paper revision service, year ($32.50 every six months). Maturity = 28 years (matures in services, 2032). Issued by ATT.

Types of Bonds Debentures - unsecured bonds . Subordinated debentures - unsecured “junior” debt. Mortgage bonds - secured bonds . Zeros - bonds that pay only par value at maturity; no coupons. Paper Revision Service List? Junk bonds - speculative. Bond , Bonds , Cash flow 1024 Words | 4 Pages. broken. d) Cations/Anions: It is an ionic species with a positive charge, example of Help with essay statement Cation/Anions: Anion is an Paper revision service list, ionic . species having a negative charge. e) Electronegativity: It is Money buy me love, a property of an Paper revision, atom which increases with its tendency to attract the Simple thesis statement creator electron of a bond . Paper Revision? f) Polar covalent bond : Polar covalent bonds act between two atoms; the electrons forming the bond are unequally spread. Write In Three Hours? These bonds can lead to the formation of a weak bond which is called hydrogen. Also it will cause. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 636 Words | 3 Pages.

Different Types of Chemical Bonding. Compare and contrast the structure and bonding in ionic , covalent and metallic species. Relate the structure and bonding to the . properties of the revision service list species. Ionic , covalent and metallic bonding are all various types of bonding found between atoms, but there are big differences between how they work, and what atoms they bond . Ionic bonding is when a metal and quickly a non-metal are stuck together by an electrostatic bond . An ion is formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to Paper revision list, another. As electrons. Atom , Carbon , Chemical bond 1093 Words | 3 Pages. Bond By INSTRUCTOR: PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION The purpose of with thesis statement this experiment is to examine the properties of Paper service list six common chemicals based . upon their inherent molecular properties. Customer Service? Though this experiment, we can study and compare the bond properties of these chemicals. This experiment is also an introduction comparison of ionic and covalent bonding through real world testing.

The properties of each type of bond will be exploited to the fullest during these tests. MATERIALS Materials required. Chemical bond , Chemical substance , Ion 1147 Words | 6 Pages. structure and Define the metallic bond ? describe ionic (electrovalent) bonding, including the use of . Service? ‘dot-and-cross’ diagrams ? describe the structure of ionic substances ? relate the physical properties of Master customer ionic substances to their structure and bonding ? write the formula for service list ionic compounds Draw the ionic structure, Describe the structure and Professional paper writing Define the ionic bond Draw the dot and cross diagram for the ionic compound, BaCl2 Write. Atom , Atomic number , Chemical element 514 Words | 5 Pages. Topic 4 - Bonding 4.1 Ionic bonds 4.1.1 Ionic bond : +ve (cations) and -ve (anions) ions . are attracted to each other and revision list form a continuous ionic lattice 4.1.2 Group 1 metals form +1 ions, group 2 metals form +2 ions, metals in Professional paper writing quickly, group 3 form +3 ions . Examples : Li+, Mg2+, Al3+. Greater ease of Paper revision ionisation Li-Cs is due to the increased electron shielding of the writing nuclear attraction caused by revision service list additional inner shells of Professional paper writing services quickly electrons. The easier atoms are to revision service, ionise, the more reactive they. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 1100 Words | 6 Pages.

electrons! Lewis Dot Diagram of an Uk essay writing melbourne, Ionic Compound Lewis Dot Diagrams of an Positive ION (METAL) Positive Ions have no valence . electrons! The Octet Rule REMEMBER! All elements want to be like the noble gases. All elements want full electron shells. All elements want 8 valence electrons. The Octet Rule Atoms form chemical bonds so that they have an octet of valence electrons, either by gaining, losing, or sharing valence electrons.

When atoms bond together, they each want a set of. Atom , Chemical bond , Electric charge 403 Words | 3 Pages. the elements that compose a mixture retain their properties. What is the difference between an ionic and a covalent . bond ? According to our text an Ionic bond is the chemical bond of electrostatic attraction between negative and positive ions. Ionic bonding occurs when an atom of revision service list a metal reacts with an atom of a non-metal. Covalent bonds are usually between two non-metals. Covalent bonds involve atoms that SHARE electrons, these atoms do not loose or gain electrons but instead will share them.

Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical element 1131 Words | 3 Pages. ?Assessment 1) Describe the difference between ionic and covalent bond . Money Can't Love? Ionic . Paper Revision Service List? bonds have electrostatic forces that hold cations and anions together, and are electronic neutral. Covalent bonds are bonds that don’t give or take any electrons. Writing Services Melbourne? In stead they share the elctrons 50) Which of these compounds contain elements that do not follow the octet rule? Explain. a) NF3: 5 + (7*3) = 26 b) PCl2F3: 5 + (7*2) + (7*3) = 40 c) SF4: 6 + (7 *4) = 24 d) SCl2: 6 + (7*2) = 20 The answer is. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 515 Words | 3 Pages. Grade 11- Chemistry Review Chapters 1 and 2. hydrogen, 89% oxygen) Lesson 3 Ionic and Covalent compounds · Chemical Bonds : the Paper forces . that attract to essay in three hours, each other in compounds. o BONDING INVOLVES THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE VALENCE ELECTRONS OF ATOMS WHICH USUALLY CREATES A MORE STABLE BOND THAT AN ELEMENT ON ITS OWN. · Ionic compound: between a non-metal and revision service list a metal where the metal loses an Simple thesis creator, electron and Paper revision list the non-metal gains it o Characteristics of an ionic bond consist of: § Normally happens between. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 963 Words | 6 Pages. Structure Revision Notes 1) Introduction • Atoms form bonds to service, get a full outer shell of electrons • There are three types of . bonding: ionic , covalent and metallic • The structures produced by forming bonds are either giant or simple • The possible combinations of structure and bonding are giant ionic , simple covalent , giant covalent and giant metallic • Simple covalent is sometimes called simple molecular • Giant covalent is sometimes called giant molecular or macromolecular. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 1059 Words | 5 Pages.

Ba2+, Pb2+ D. Which cations generally do not form precipitates? Cations of Paper revision service alkali metals group1 and most of group 2 E. Select 10 reactions . that produce a precipitate, color change, or gas and write balanced chemical equation and a net ionic equation for each. Remember, a reaction may be indicated by the formation of a precipitate, color change, or the formation of Money essay gas. Record the well numbers of the precipitates you chose for your equations. 1. Well number: 1A 2Na3PO4 + 3Co(NO3)2. Blue , Carbonate , Chemical equation 541 Words | 4 Pages. are made up of non-metal atoms sharing electrons to become stable. Paper Revision Service? Open your book to page 201 and take a look at figure 1. The bonds between . ionic compounds tend to services melbourne, be made up of ions of opposite charges. Here however, with molecular compounds, they are made up of neutral charges.

2 COVALENT BONDS The bonds in molecules are called covalent bonds . A covalent bond is a shared pair of electrons between atoms in such a way that it filles the outer shell of each atom. That is, it fills the valence. Atom , Carbon , Chemical bond 416 Words | 4 Pages. Chemistry Bonding Notes and Lewis Dot Structures. CChemistry Exam #2 Study Guide (10/07/12) I. Bonding a. Ionic Bonding i. Electrons are transferred ii. Ions . Paper? are held together by electrostatic force b. Covalent Bonding iii.

Electrons are somehow shared iv. Professional Writing? Electrons are attracted to nuclei (shared) II. Electronegativity c. Paper List? The ability of an Money can't buy me essay, atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons to Paper revision list, itself d. Thesis Statement Creator? Measured on Pauling Scale e. Most electronegative: Fluorine. Atom , Chemical bond , Chemical bonding 792 Words | 4 Pages.

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70 useful sentences for academic writing. Back in the late 90s, in the process of revision list reading for my MA dissertation, I put together a collection of hundreds of sentence frames that I felt could help me with my academic writing later on. Melbourne? And they did. Immensely. After the course was over, I stacked my sentences away, but kept wondering if I could ever put them to good use and perhaps help other MA / PhD students. Revision? So here are 70 sentences extracted and adapted for from the original compilation, which ran for thesis statement, almost 10 pages. This list is organized around keywords. Revision? Before you start: 1. Pay close attention to the words in bold , which are often used in Professional paper writing conjunction with the Paper service, main word. 2. [ ] means #8220;insert a suitable word here#8221;, while ( ) means #8220;this word is optional.#8221; 3. Keep in mind that, within each group, some examples are slightly more formal / less frequent than others. b. There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that ___. Creator? c. As a rebuttal to this point, it could be argued that ___. d. There are [three] main arguments that can be advanced to support ___. Service? e. The underlying argument in favor of / against [X] is that ___. a. Write In Three Hours? In this [paper], I put forward the Paper revision service list, claim that ___. c. There is ample / growing support for the claim that ___. e. Taking a middle-ground position, [X] claims that ___. Master Customer Service? a. The data gathered in the [pilot study] suggest that ___.

b. The data appears to suggest that ___. Service List? c. The data yielded by this [study] provide strong / convincing evidence that ___. d. A closer look at the data indicates that ___. e. The data generated by Professional writing services, [X] are reported in [table 1]. f. The aim of service this [section] is to generalize beyond the data and Write essay hours describe ___. Paper Revision? b. There has been an inconclusive debate about whether ___. c. The question of whether ___ has caused much debate in [our profession] [over the years]. d. With Thesis? (Much of) the revision service list, current debate revolves around ___. a. In this section / chapter, the discussion will point to ___. Master Service? b. The foregoing discussion implies that ___. c. For the sake of discussion , I would like to argue that ___. d. In this study, the revision, question under discussion is ___. e. In this paper, the discussion centers on ___. f. [X] lies at the heart of the discussion on ___. a. The available evidence seems to Write essay describe, suggest that ___ / point to ___. b. On the Paper revision service list, basis of the evidence currently available, it seems fair to suggest that ___. c. There is overwhelming evidence for Money essay, the notion that ___. d. Further evidence supporting / against [X] may lie in the findings of [Y], who ___. e. These results provide confirmatory evidence that ___. a. I will now summarize the revision service list, ground covered in this [chapter] by ___. b. On logical grounds , there is no compelling reason to argue that ___. c. Write Essay In Three Hours? [X] takes a middle-ground position on Paper list [Y] and argues that ___. d. On these grounds , we can argue that ___. e. Help Essay? [X]#8217;s views are grounded on the assumption that ___. a. This study is an attempt to address the issue of ___. b. In the Paper service list, present study, the issue under scrutiny is ___. Statement Creator? c. Paper Revision Service? The issue of whether ___ is melbourne clouded by Paper revision, the fact that ___. d. To portray the issue in [X]#8217;s terms, ___. e. Given the centrality of this issue to [my claim], I will now ___. f. This [chapter] is concerned with the issue of [how/whether/what] ___. Simple Thesis? a. [X] is revision service list prominent in the literature on statement [Y]. b. There is a rapidly growing literature on [X], which indicates that ___. c. The literature shows no consensus on [X], which means that ___. d. The (current) literature on [X] abounds with examples of ___. a. The main theoretical premise behind [X] is that ___. c. [X] is premised on the assumption that ___. d. Paper Revision? The basic premises of [X]#8217;s theory / argument are ___. Statement? e. The arguments against [X]#8217;s premise rest on [four] assumptions: ___. Revision Service? a.This study draws on Uk essay research conducted by ___. b. Although there has been relatively little research on / into [X], ___.

c. Paper Service? In the last [X] years, [educational] research has provided ample support for the assertion that ___. d. Paper Writing Services Quickly? Current research appears / seems to validate the view that ___. e. Research on / into ___ does not support the Paper revision list, view that ___. f. Further research in this area may include ___ and ___. g. Evidence for [X] is borne out by research that shows ___. h. There is insufficient research on / into thesis service ___ to draw any firm conclusions about revision / on Write describe ___. a. The consensus view seems to revision service, be that ___. b. [X] propounds the view that ___. c. Current research (does not) appear(s) to validate such a view . d. There have been dissenters to the view that ___. e. The answer to [X] / The difference between [X] and [Y] is not as clear-cut as popular views might suggest. f. The view that _____ is in line with [common sense]. g. I am not alone in my view that ___. Master Thesis Customer Service? h. [X] puts forward the view that ___. i. [X]#8217;s views rest on the assumption that ___. Paper Service List? If you found this list useful, check out The Only Academic Phrasebook You#8217;ll Ever Need , which contains 600 sentences, as well as grammar and vocabulary tips. E-book and paperback available on Amazon. 171 thoughts on customer “70 useful sentences for revision service, academic writing” This is incredible! Many, many thanks! I#8217;ll start putting these into use immediately in my DipTESOL assignments. Higor, glad I could help. Um abraco!

Thanks for letting out Professional paper writing services quickly such a list. Seems to be of service list great help. Great list, Otavio! Thank you! You#8217;re welcome, Eduardo! #128578; Wonderful! It will help indeed! Thanks very much! Be sure to check out my e-book, too, which contains 600 sentences, as well as grammar and writing services melbourne vocabulary tips: This is very helpful, I wish I had known about this fabulous choice of service list words during my first year of graduate study.

If you feel you need more help, check this out: Thanks, Luiz! This list is gonna be so useful! You#8217;re welcome, Michele! What a marvelous list. Thanks for your generosity. Melanie, thank you! my friend i cant access this book from my country pakistan#8230; can u please tell me another source. Really nice, Luiz. I particularly like #8216;yielded#8217;.

I#8217;ll definitely try to put them to good use during my next assignment. I remember teaching you #8220;yielded#8221; back in 1875, in MAC something. Maybe that#8217;s why. #128578; 1875? You#8217;ve been around awhile. Wonderful Listing Dear Brother #128578; Why were some alphabets left out ? Sure there would have been a GR8 reason ! Am converting this into with essay thesis statement a ppt and share it for many to revision service list, more to access hope no problems brother #8230;. LOL n Laughter all the Write essay hours describe, way from Mumbai, INDIA. Thank you for dropping by.

You can share the revision, list with as many people as you like, of course. Please do acknowledge the source, though, ok? Maybe this will encourage more people to visit the blog. What a wonderful list, very much needed for EAP learners (not to mention any academic writer). I#8217;ll definitely make use of it. Uk Essay Melbourne? Thanks. #128578; Tyson, thank you for Paper revision service, your kind words.

Much appreciated! This is a great source and I will definitely use it in paper services quickly my current literature review class. My professor provide us with your Blog. I am very glad for two reasons, your Blog is a great source, and I think you are Brazilian ? I am from Sao Paulo, and as an International student I struggle written in Paper revision list English. Service? Muito#8230; muito obrigada pelas dicas. Thank you, Dora! Yes, I am Brazilian. Such a great work! It helps me to improve my English#8230;Keep It Up. Data is the plural of Paper list datum.

Therefore, it should read #8220;The data appear#8230;#8221; Thanks for stopping by. Both usages are correct. If one treats #8220;data#8221; as a singular / mass noun, a singular noun should be used. Here#8217;s what the Oxford Dictionary has to say: #8220;In Latin, data is the plural of datum and, historically and in specialized scientific fields , it is also treated as a plural in Master thesis English, taking a plural verb, as in list the data were collected and Money classified . In modern non-scientific use, however , despite the complaints of traditionalists, it is often not treated as a plural. Instead, it is treated as a mass noun, similar to a word like information, which cannot normally have a plural and service list which takes a singular verb. Sentences such as data was (as well as data were ) collected over a number of years are now widely accepted in standard English.#8221; So I think it ultimately depends on the stylistic constraints of the piece of writing at hand and on the norms adopted by the academic institution you#8217;re writing for / on behalf of. But if history is Uk essay writing anything to go by, I think very soon #8220;datum#8221; will be as rare as, for example, #8220;agendum.#8221; What a wonderful list: thank you for list, sharing. I#8217;m going (with your permission) to use it with my EAP class. I have other lists (including from the Manchester phrase bank) but this is a list of phrases that have been used rather than could be used. Customer? Christine, I appreciate your kind words. Of course you can use it!

If you feel that your audience would profit from any of the stuff on this blog (aimed at teachers of English as a foreign language), please just say where the revision service, sentences were taken from, ok? Every little thing than can increase traffic helps! And you#8217;re so right about the #8220;what people do say#8221; vs. #8220;what people could say#8221; dilemma. Before I put this list together, I made a point of googling each one to check its approximate frequency. This alone sifted out at least half of my original list.

Best regards from Sao Paulo, Brazil. These are invaluable, and they#8217;ll be put to immediate use in ICELT tasks. Thanks a million! Jessica, I#8217;m so glad you#8217;ll be able to use some of them. Um abraco! Thanks a zillion for sharing, Luiz! Assessors worldwide will be amazed at how much the quality of candidates#8217; writing has improved! hehehe.

We sure hope so, right, Marcia? #128578; Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for putting this work together. I am preparing my readings for Uk essay writing melbourne, the Dissertation and in my collection your list of phrases will be useful. Very useful Christine and list thanks for sharing. Thank you, Salma. Simple Statement? What a fabulous resource for international students as well! Thank you. Revision Service? Cally, thank you! Just great! Thanks for sharing it.

You#8217;re welcome, Bruno! Thanks for thesis statement, sharing. Definitely I will use some ideas for my TEFL essay. Patricia, I#8217;m glad you found the list helpful! Courageous, generous and Paper service list much appreciated. Thank you for your kind words, Chris. Bonjour, English is not my first language and Master thesis the information contained on this page helps me to construct proper essay sentences. Service List? Obrigada ! Bonjour, Denise.

As a non-native speaker myself, I know the feeling and I#8217;m glad I was able to help! thank you for this! it helps me tremendously #128578; You seriously saved my life when I was writing a paper due the very next day. I have bookmarked it and with essay thesis it will be my go-to blog for future writing assignments! Thank you for your contribution. Glad I could help, Johana! Thank you for this- it is service fabulous! Really helpful tips for writing good research papers also useful to students of literature. Great tips indeed. I think these tips must be shared with every student of literature as there are lot many things they have to Master thesis service, know. Thanks a lot.

What an incredible work!! I will use it with my students #128578; Thank you, Serena. Incredible! Senor Barros, thank you for Paper revision, sharing. Essay Describe? I#8217;ve never seen something like this beforegood prompts for writing. Ken (ESL Teacher from Thailand) Thanks, Ken. Paper? I appreciate your feedback.

These sentences are Fantabulous#8230;. (Thumbs Up For You) Completely agree. Fantastic expressions. Gonna have to study them for with thesis statement, some upcoming papers!! Luizo, it was really generous of you to have shared such a useful collection. English is my third language and was I having difficulty writing my dissertation. Hopefully your gift will help. I cannot thank you enough.

I hope one day I too can help by uploading something this useful, free. You are a saint. Revision Service List? your sentences are great I am going to use them as much as possible. ighly descriptive post, I l³ked that a lot. Will there. 10000 times thanks. Thank you a lot for sharing these useful and practical verbs and phrases ! Habib, glad I could help!

Nice Work! Exactly what I was looking for classroom debates! Honestly, I would seriously LOVE to see the original 10 page list. Write Essay In Three Describe? Thank you so much you have just saved me hours of revision list trying to make my Masters assignment sound convincing! Thanks for Help, what you#8217;ve done Luiz#8230; And give a try at updating the list, if possible. Thank you alto, this is a great list. I prepare for TOEFL but my writing is awful, I hope by using this list it improve. Can I send my writing to you? The list is revision service really wonderfully helpful for any teacher or student in writing a dissertation.

Thank you so much are very goods to my tesis. THANKS FOR HELPING PEOPLE. Help Essay Statement? Thanks so much for Paper list, your generosity. Just about to embark upon Write in three hours describe my MA dissertation and feeling very insecure, nervous and low in confidence: the cosmic kick in the bottom, desperately needed! This is an awesome collection dude! I was looking something like this for my writing in TOEFL test! Thanks for the list! It#8217;ll really give me a boost for my future works! Thank you very much. It is very helpful. Paper Revision Service? thank you for the list, most helpful.

Luella. Paper Writing Services? i been using these for a yr and my grades incresed dramatically now i have got an op 2 i can#8217;t thank u enough for these thank u. This is very useful. IF I rate it I will 10. But I hope u will also common phrases that commonly use in Paper school reporting. Btw, I am a filipino. This is brilliant! thanks! Thank you so much. Great work. Thanks, I find many of the phrases very useful for my own work. However, I see in can't buy me essay general a tendency of being too wordy.

This probably depends somewhat on the branch of science you#8217;re working in. For example, a phrase such as #8220;The available evidence seems to suggest that#8221; uses two hedges (suggest, seem) to mitigate the strength of #8220;evidence#8221;). If there#8217;s a lot of such phrases in revision service a paper, the readers just won#8217;t believe what your saying. First, I would like to Write essay in three hours describe, say thank you so much for revision service, helpful idea and I really need to improve me academic English vocabulary but I t is still problem to improve it. Who will help me that. Very good work and can be updated to Simple thesis, help postgraduate students in their writing. Thank you! There#8217;s some exciting news on Paper service list the horizon, Abdulghadar. Stay tuned! I find the examples very helpfu and would like to have your permission to share these information for my students please.

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Thanks a lot. Glad you found it useful! Kostas, check out services melbourne “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published: Dear LUIZ OTAVIO, Nice list, It could be much greater If you could add any other vocabulary to use for academic writing in Paper revision list you blog. Dear Professor Avinash, check out “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published:

Luiz your list is a time saver. Professional Writing Quickly? you are very thoughtful. Thank you! Diana,check out “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published: Paper Revision List? Thank you so much for posting this list, I#8217;ve been using it for last 3 years of my uni! Mac, check out “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published:

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Sarah, check out #8220;The Only Academic Phrasebook You#8217;ll Ever Need#8221;, which I#8217;ve just published: Sarah, check out: “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published: im impressed Luiz. Service List? Thank you. Check out “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published: Sharing this list with my IELTS students in 3, 2, 1#8230; Thanks, Jorge.

For those who want more sentences + grammar and Master vocabulary tips, you can also recommend “The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need”, which I’ve just published. It#8217;s available on Amazon: Thank you. This is Paper revision a bookmarked item. Be sure to check out my e-book, too: It contains 600 sentences, as well as grammar and vocabulary tips. Thesis? A thousand million thanks. You’re welcome, Pat! If you feel you need more help, check this out: 5 bucks only and it contains 600 sentences + lots of Paper revision list grammar and Uk essay writing services melbourne vocabulary tips. This seems a lot like the book They Say, I Say which was first published in 2006. Hi Joelle. Thanks for Paper, the reference.

Just checked a sample on Amazon. Seems like a great book. The sentences above, however, are all formal. Uk Essay Melbourne? As far as I could tell, They Say, I Say includes a number of more neutral #8220;templates#8221; that students can use, say, in Paper revision high school essays. E-book is not available.. only the paperpack #128577; This is good, it will really help in Help with statement preparing my research manuscripts for publication. Glad you find it useful!

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consumerism essay IN WATCHING the flow of events over the past decade or so, it is hard to avoid the feeling that something very fundamental has happened in world history. The past year has seen a flood of articles commemorating the end of the Cold War, and the fact that peace seems to be breaking out in many regions of the world. Most of these analyses lack any larger conceptual framework for distinguishing between what is essential and what is contingent or accidental in world history, and are predictably superficial. If Mr. Gorbachev were ousted from the Paper revision service, Kremlin or a new Ayatollah proclaimed the millennium from a desolate Middle Eastern capital, these same commentators would scramble to announce the rebirth of a new era of conflict. And yet, all of these people sense dimly that there is services, some larger process at work, a process that gives coherence and order to service the daily headlines. The twentieth century saw the developed world descend into a paroxysm of ideological violence, as liberalism contended first with the remnants of absolutism, then bolshevism and fascism, and finally an updated Marxism that threatened to lead to can't buy me love essay the ultimate apocalypse of nuclear war.

But the century that began full of self-confidence in the ultimate triumph of Western liberal democracy seems at Paper revision service list its close to be returning full circle to where it started: not to an end of ideology or a convergence between capitalism and socialism, as earlier predicted, but to in three hours an unabashed victory of economic and revision service, political liberalism. The triumph of the thesis creator, West, of the Western idea , is evident first of all in the total exhaustion of Paper, viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism. In the past decade, there have been unmistakable changes in the intellectual climate of the world's two largest communist countries, and the beginnings of significant reform movements in both. But this phenomenon extends beyond high politics and it can be seen also in the ineluctable spread of consumerist Western culture in such diverse contexts as the peasants' markets and color television sets now omnipresent throughout China, the cooperative restaurants and clothing stores opened in the past year in Help thesis, Moscow, the Beethoven piped into Japanese department stores, and the rock music enjoyed alike in Prague, Rangoon, and Tehran. What we may be witnessing is Paper revision list, not just the end of the Professional paper writing services, Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of Paper list, human government.

This is not to say that there will no longer be events to writing melbourne fill the pages of Foreign Affair's yearly summaries of international relations, for Paper service, the victory of liberalism has occurred primarily in the realm of ideas or consciousness and is as yet incomplete in. the real or material world. But there are powerful reasons for believing that it is the ideal that will govern the material world in the long run . To understand how this is so, we must first consider some theoretical issues concerning the Money can't buy me, nature of historical change. THE NOTION of the Paper revision service list, end of history is not an original one. Its best known propagator was Karl Marx, who believed that the Uk essay writing services, direction of historical development was a purposeful one determined by the interplay of material forces, and would come to an end only with the achievement of a communist utopia that would finally resolve all prior contradictions. But the concept of history as a dialectical process with a beginning, a middle, and an end was borrowed by Marx from his great German predecessor, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. For better or worse, much of Hegel's historicism has become part of our contemporary intellectual baggage. Paper Revision Service? The notion that mankind has progressed through a series of primitive stages of can't essay, consciousness on his path to the present, and that these stages corresponded to Paper concrete forms of social organization, such as tribal, slave-owning, theocratic, and finally democratic-egalitarian societies, has become inseparable from the modern understanding of man. Hegel was the first philosopher to speak the language of modern social science, insofar as man for Write essay hours describe, him was the product of Paper, his concrete historical and social environment and not, as earlier natural right theorists would have it, a collection of more or less fixed natural attributes. The mastery and transformation of can't essay, man's natural environment through the application of science and technology was originally not a Marxist concept, but a Hegelian one.

Unlike later historicists whose historical relativism degenerated into relativism tout court, however, Hegel believed that history culminated in revision service list, an absolute moment - a moment in Uk essay services, which a final, rational form of society and state became victorious. It is Hegel's misfortune to be known now primarily as Marx's precursor; and it is our misfortune that few of us are familiar with Hegel's work from direct study, but only as it has been filtered through the Paper service list, distorting lens of Marxism. In France, however, there has been an effort to save Hegel from Money can't buy me essay his Marxist interpreters and to Paper resurrect him as the Write in three hours describe, philosopher who most correctly speaks to our time. Among those modern French interpreters of Hegel, the greatest was certainly Alexandre Kojeve, a brilliant Russian emigre who taught a highly influential series of seminars in Paris in the 1930s at the Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes .[1] While largely unknown in the United States, Kojeve had a major impact on the intellectual life of the continent. Among his students ranged such future luminaries as Jean-Paul Sartre on the Left and Raymond Aron on the Right; postwar existentialism borrowed many of its basic categories from Hegel via Kojeve. Kojeve sought to resurrect the Hegel of the Phenomenology of Mind , the Hegel who proclaimed history to be at an end in 1806. For as early as this Hegel saw in Napoleon's defeat of the Prussian monarchy at the Battle of Jena the victory of the ideals of the French Revolution, and the imminent universalization of the state incorporating the principles of liberty and equality. Kojeve, far from rejecting Hegel in light of the turbulent events of the next century and a half, insisted that the Paper revision, latter had been essentially correct.[2] The Battle of Jena marked the end of history because it was at that point that the vanguard of humanity (a term quite familiar to Marxists) actualized the principles of the French Revolution.

While there was considerable work to be done after 1806 - abolishing slavery and Simple thesis, the slave trade, extending the franchise to Paper revision service workers, women, blacks, and other racial minorities, etc. - the Uk essay writing services melbourne, basic principles of the liberal democratic state could not be improved upon. The two world wars in this century and their attendant revolutions and upheavals simply had the effect of service list, extending those principles spatially, such that the various provinces of human civilization were brought up to the level of its most advanced outposts, and of forcing those societies in Europe and with, North America at the vanguard of civilization to implement their liberalism more fully. The state that emerges at the end of history is liberal insofar as it recognizes and protects through a system of law man's universal right to freedom, and democratic insofar as it exists only with the consent of the governed. For Kojeve, this so-called universal homogenous state found real-life embodiment in the countries of postwar Western Europe - precisely those flabby, prosperous, self-satisfied, inward-looking, weak-willed states whose grandest project was nothing more heroic than the creation of the Common Market.[3] But this was only to be expected. For human history and the conflict that characterized it was based on the existence of contradictions: primitive man's quest for service list, mutual recognition, the Simple statement creator, dialectic of the master and slave, the transformation and mastery of nature, the struggle for the universal recognition of rights, and the dichotomy between proletarian and capitalist.

But in the universal homogenous state, all prior contradictions are resolved and all human needs are satisfied. There is no struggle or conflict over large issues, and consequently no need for generals or statesmen; what remains is primarily economic activity. And indeed, Kojeve's life was consistent with his teaching. Believing that there was no more work for revision service, philosophers as well, since Hegel (correctly understood) had already achieved absolute knowledge, Kojeve left teaching after the Uk essay services, war and service list, spent the remainder of his life working as a bureaucrat in the European Economic Community, until his death in 1968. To his contemporaries at mid-century, Kojeve's proclamation of the end of history must have seemed like the typical eccentric solipsism of a French intellectual, coming as it did on the heels of World War II and at the very height of the Cold War. Can't Love Essay? To comprehend how Kojeve could have been so audacious as to assert that history has ended, we must first of all understand the meaning of Hegelian idealism. FOR HEGEL, the contradictions that drive history exist first of all in the realm of human consciousness, i.e. on the level of ideas[4] - not the trivial election year proposals of American politicians, but ideas in the sense of large unifying world views that might best be understood under the rubric of ideology. Ideology in this sense is not restricted to the secular and explicit political doctrines we usually associate with the term, but can include religion, culture, and revision list, the complex of moral values underlying any society as well.

Hegel's view of the Uk essay writing services melbourne, relationship between the ideal and Paper list, the real or material worlds was an can't buy me essay, extremely complicated one, beginning with the fact that for him the distinction between the two was only apparent.[5] He did not believe that the real world conformed or could be made to Paper conform to paper writing ideological preconceptions of philosophy professors in any simpleminded way, or that the material world could not impinge on the ideal. Indeed, Hegel the professor was temporarily thrown out of work as a result of a very material event, the Battle of Jena. But while Hegel's writing and thinking could be stopped by a bullet from the material world, the hand on the trigger of the gun was motivated in turn by the ideas of liberty and equality that had driven the French Revolution. For Hegel, all human behavior in the material world, and hence all human history, is rooted in revision service, a prior state of consciousness - an idea similar to the one expressed by John Maynard Keynes when he said that the views of men of affairs were usually derived from defunct economists and Uk essay melbourne, academic scribblers of earlier generations. This consciousness may not be explicit and self-aware, as are modern political doctrines, but may rather take the form of religion or simple cultural or moral habits.

And yet this realm of consciousness in the long run necessarily becomes manifest in the material world, indeed creates the material world in its own image. Consciousness is cause and not effect, and can develop autonomously from the revision, material world; hence the real subtext underlying the Master thesis customer service, apparent jumble of current events is the history of ideology. Hegel's idealism has fared poorly at the hands of later thinkers. Marx reversed the priority of the real and the ideal completely, relegating the entire realm of consciousness - religion, art, culture, philosophy itself - to revision list a superstructure that was determined entirely by the prevailing material mode of Simple statement, production. Yet another unfortunate legacy of Marxism is service, our tendency to retreat into with thesis materialist or utilitarian explanations of political or historical phenomena, and our disinclination to list believe in the autonomous power of ideas. Master? A recent example of this is Paul Kennedy's hugely successful The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers , which ascribes the decline of list, great powers to simple economic overextension.

Obviously, this is true on some level: an empire whose economy is can't buy me essay, barely above the level of subsistence cannot bankrupt its treasury indefinitely. Paper Revision Service? But whether a highly productive modern industrial society chooses to Professional paper services quickly spend 3 or 7 percent of its GNP on defense rather than consumption is entirely a matter of that society's political priorities, which are in turn determined in the realm of consciousness. The materialist bias of modern thought is characteristic not only of people on the Left who may be sympathetic to Marxism, but of many passionate anti-Marxists as well. Indeed, there is on the Right what one might label the Wall Street Journal school of revision list, deterministic materialism that discounts the importance of ideology and culture and sees man as essentially a rational, profit-maximizing individual. It is precisely this kind of individual and Master, his pursuit of Paper service list, material incentives that is posited as the basis for economic life as such in economic textbooks.[6] One small example will illustrate the problematic character of Professional writing services, such materialist views. Max Weber begins his famous book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , by noting the different economic performance of Protestant and revision, Catholic communities throughout Europe and America, summed up in the proverb that Protestants eat well while Catholics sleep well. Weber notes that according to any economic theory that posited man as a rational profit-maximizer, raising the piece-work rate should increase labor productivity. Help With Thesis Statement? But in fact, in many traditional peasant communities, raising the service list, piece-work rate actually had the opposite effect of with essay, lowering labor productivity: at the higher rate, a peasant accustomed to earning two and one-half marks per day found he could earn the same amount by working less, and did so because he valued leisure more than income. The choices of Paper, leisure over income, or of the militaristic life of the Spartan hoplite over the wealth of the Athenian trader, or even the ascetic life of the early capitalist entrepreneur over that of a traditional leisured aristocrat, cannot possibly be explained by the impersonal working of material forces, but come preeminently out customer service, of the sphere of consciousness - what we have labeled here broadly as ideology. Revision Service? And indeed, a central theme of statement creator, Weber's work was to prove that contrary to Paper revision service Marx, the material mode of production, far from being the base, was itself a superstructure with roots in religion and culture, and that to understand the emergence of modern capitalism and the profit motive one had to study their antecedents in the realm of the spirit.

As we look around the contemporary world, the Help essay statement, poverty of materialist theories of Paper service, economic development is all too apparent. The Wall Street Journal school of deterministic materialism habitually points to the stunning economic success of Simple, Asia in the past few decades as evidence of the viability of Paper list, free market economics, with the implication that all societies would see similar development were they simply to allow their populations to pursue their material self-interest freely. Surely free markets and stable political systems are a necessary precondition to capitalist economic growth. Money Love Essay? But just as surely the cultural heritage of those Far Eastern societies, the ethic of work and saving and family, a religious heritage that does not, like Islam, place restrictions on certain forms of economic behavior, and other deeply ingrained moral qualities, are equally important in explaining their economic performance.[7] And yet the intellectual weight of Paper service list, materialism is such that not a single respectable contemporary theory of Uk essay melbourne, economic development addresses consciousness and culture seriously as the Paper revision, matrix within which economic behavior is formed. FAILURE to understand that the roots of economic behavior lie in the realm of consciousness and culture leads to the common mistake of Master customer, attributing material causes to phenomena that are essentially ideal in nature. For example, it is commonplace in the West to interpret the reform movements first in China and revision service list, most recently in the Soviet Union as the victory of the material over the ideal - that is, a recognition that ideological incentives could not replace material ones in stimulating a highly productive modern economy, and that if one wanted to prosper one had to appeal to baser forms of self-interest. But the deep defects of socialist economies were evident thirty or forty years ago to anyone who chose to look. Statement Creator? Why was it that these countries moved away from central planning only in the 1980s' The answer must be found in the consciousness of the elites and leaders ruling them, who decided to opt for the Protestant life of wealth and risk over the Catholic path of poverty and security.[8] That change was in no way made inevitable by Paper service list, the material conditions in which either country found itself on the eve of the reform, but instead came about as the Help essay statement, result of the victory of Paper list, one idea over another.[9] For Kojeve, as for all good Hegelians, understanding the underlying processes of history requires understanding developments in the realm of consciousness or ideas, since consciousness will ultimately remake the material world in its own image. To say that history ended in 1806 meant that mankind's ideological evolution ended in paper writing services quickly, the ideals of the French or American Revolutions: while particular regimes in the real world might not implement these ideals fully, their theoretical truth is Paper service list, absolute and could not be improved upon.

Hence it did not matter to Kojeve that the consciousness of the postwar generation of Europeans had not been universalized throughout the world; if ideological development had in fact ended, the homogenous state would eventually become victorious throughout the material world. I have neither the space nor, frankly, the with essay statement, ability to defend in depth Hegel's radical idealist perspective. The issue is not whether Hegel's system was right, but whether his perspective might uncover the problematic nature of many materialist explanations we often take for service list, granted. This is not to deny the role of material factors as such. To a literal-minded idealist, human society can be built around any arbitrary set of principles regardless of their relationship to the material world.

And in fact men have proven themselves able to endure the most extreme material hardships in the name of buy me love, ideas that exist in Paper service, the realm of the spirit alone, be it the divinity of cows or the writing services, nature of the Holy Trinity.[10] But while man's very perception of the material world is shaped by Paper service, his historical consciousness of it, the material world can clearly affect in return the viability of a particular state of consciousness. In particular, the spectacular abundance of thesis statement, advanced liberal economies and the infinitely diverse consumer culture made possible by them seem to both foster and preserve liberalism in the political sphere. I want to avoid the materialist determinism that says that liberal economics inevitably produces liberal politics, because I believe that both economics and politics presuppose an Paper list, autonomous prior state of consciousness that makes them possible. But that state of consciousness that permits the growth of liberalism seems to stabilize in the way one would expect at Uk essay the end of history if it is underwritten by the abundance of a modern free market economy. Paper? We might summarize the content of the universal homogenous state as liberal democracy in the political sphere combined with easy access to VCRs and stereos in the economic. HAVE WE in fact reached the essay, end of revision service, history? Are there, in other words, any fundamental contradictions in Simple creator, human life that cannot be resolved in the context of modern liberalism, that would be resolvable by Paper service list, an alternative political-economic structure?

If we accept the Professional paper writing services, idealist premises laid out above, we must seek an Paper revision, answer to this question in the realm of Write in three hours describe, ideology and consciousness. Our task is not to Paper revision service list answer exhaustively the challenges to Help with thesis statement liberalism promoted by every crackpot messiah around the world, but only Paper those that are embodied in important social or political forces and Money can't love, movements, and which are therefore part of world history. For our purposes, it matters very little what strange thoughts occur to people in Albania or Burkina Faso, for we are interested in what one could in some sense call the common ideological heritage of mankind. In the Paper revision service list, past century, there have been two major challenges to liberalism, those of fascism and of communism. The former[11] saw the Money essay, political weakness, materialism, anomie, and lack of service list, community of the Write in three, West as fundamental contradictions in liberal societies that could only be resolved by revision, a strong state that forged a new people on the basis of national exclusiveness. Master Customer Service? Fascism was destroyed as a living ideology by World War II. Revision List? This was a defeat, of course, on a very material level, but it amounted to a defeat of the idea as well. What destroyed fascism as an idea was not universal moral revulsion against it, since plenty of people were willing to endorse the idea as long as it seemed the wave of the future, but its lack of success. After the war, it seemed to most people that German fascism as well as its other European and Asian variants were bound to self-destruct.

There was no material reason why new fascist movements could not have sprung up again after the war in other locales, but for the fact that expansionist ultranationalism, with its promise of unending conflict leading to disastrous military defeat, had completely lost its appeal. The ruins of the Reich chancellery as well as the Professional services quickly, atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed this ideology on the level of consciousness as well as materially, and all of the pro-fascist movements spawned by the German and Japanese examples like the Peronist movement in Argentina or Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian National Army withered after the war. The ideological challenge mounted by the other great alternative to liberalism, communism, was far more serious. Marx, speaking Hegel's language, asserted that liberal society contained a fundamental contradiction that could not be resolved within its context, that between capital and labor, and revision list, this contradiction has constituted the chief accusation against liberalism ever since. But surely, the class issue has actually been successfully resolved in the West. As Kojeve (among others) noted, the egalitarianism of with essay statement, modern America represents the essential achievement of the classless society envisioned by Marx.

This is not to say that there are not rich people and poor people in the United States, or that the gap between them has not grown in recent years. But the root causes of economic inequality do not have to do with the underlying legal and social structure of our society, which remains fundamentally egalitarian and revision service list, moderately redistributionist, so much as with the cultural and social characteristics of the groups that make it up, which are in turn the historical legacy of premodern conditions. Thus black poverty in the United States is not the inherent product of liberalism, but is rather the legacy of thesis, slavery and racism which persisted long after the formal abolition of slavery. As a result of the receding of the class issue, the appeal of communism in the developed Western world, it is safe to say, is lower today than any time since the revision, end of the First World War. This can he measured in any number of ways: in the declining membership and electoral pull of the major European communist parties, and their overtly revisionist programs; in Write in three, the corresponding electoral success of conservative parties from Britain and Germany to the United States and Japan, which are unabashedly pro-market and anti-statist; and in Paper revision list, an intellectual climate whose most advanced members no longer believe that bourgeois society is something that ultimately needs to be overcome. This is not to say that the opinions of progressive intellectuals in Western countries are not deeply pathological in any number of ways. But those who believe that the future must inevitably be socialist tend to be very old, or very marginal to the real political discourse of their societies.

0NE MAY argue that the socialist alternative was never terribly plausible for the North Atlantic world, and was sustained for Uk essay, the last several decades primarily by its success outside of this region. But it is precisely in Paper, the non-European world that one is most struck by the occurrence of major ideological transformations. Surely the most remarkable changes have occurred in Uk essay writing services, Asia. Due to the strength and adaptability of the indigenous cultures there, Asia became a battleground for a variety of imported Western ideologies early in this century. Liberalism in revision list, Asia was a very weak reed in the period after World War I; it is easy today to Write describe forget how gloomy Asia's political future looked as recently as ten or fifteen years ago.

It is service, easy to forget as well how momentous the outcome of Asian ideological struggles seemed for world political development as a whole. The first Asian alternative to liberalism to be decisively defeated was the fascist one represented by Imperial Japan. Japanese fascism (like its German version) was defeated by the force of American arms in the Pacific war, and can't buy me essay, liberal democracy was imposed on Japan by a victorious United States. Western capitalism and political liberalism when transplanted to Japan were adapted and transformed by the Japanese in such a way as to be scarcely recognizable.[12] Many Americans are now aware that Japanese industrial organization is very different from that prevailing in the United States or Europe, and it is questionable what relationship the factional maneuvering that takes place with the revision service list, governing Liberal Democratic Party bears to democracy. Nonetheless, the very fact that the essential elements of economic and political liberalism have been so successfully grafted onto uniquely Japanese traditions and institutions guarantees their survival in the long run. More important is the essay thesis statement, contribution that Japan has made in turn to revision service list world history by following in the footsteps of the United States to essay create a truly universal consumer culture that has become both a symbol and an underpinning of the universal homogenous state. V.S. Naipaul traveling in Khomeini's Iran shortly after the revolution noted the omnipresent signs advertising the revision, products of Sony, Hitachi, and JVC, whose appeal remained virtually irresistible and gave the lie to the regime's pretensions of restoring a state based on the rule of the Shariah . Thesis? Desire for access to the consumer culture, created in large measure by Japan, has played a crucial role in fostering the Paper revision service list, spread of economic liberalism throughout Asia, and hence in promoting political liberalism as well.

The economic success of the other newly industrializing countries (NICs) in Asia following on the example of Japan is by now a familiar story. What is important from a Hegelian standpoint is that political liberalism has been following economic liberalism, more slowly than many had hoped but with seeming inevitability. Here again we see the victory of the idea of the universal homogenous state. South Korea had developed into a modern, urbanized society with an Money essay, increasingly large and well-educated middle class that could not possibly be isolated from the larger democratic trends around them. Under these circumstances it seemed intolerable to a large part of this population that it should be ruled by an anachronistic military regime while Japan, only a decade or so ahead in list, economic terms, had parliamentary institutions for over forty years. Even the former socialist regime in Burma, which for so many decades existed in dismal isolation from the with essay thesis statement, larger trends dominating Asia, was buffeted in the past year by pressures to liberalize both its economy and political system. It is said that unhappiness with strongman Ne Win began when a senior Burmese officer went to Singapore for medical treatment and broke down crying when he saw how far socialist Burma had been left behind by its ASEAN neighbors. BUT THE power of the liberal idea would seem much less impressive if it had not infected the largest and oldest culture in Paper revision service, Asia, China.

The simple existence of communist China created an alternative pole of ideological attraction, and as such constituted a threat to liberalism. But the past fifteen years have seen an almost total discrediting of Marxism-Leninism as an economic system. Beginning with the famous third plenum of the Tenth Central Committee in Master thesis service, 1978, the Chinese Communist party set about decollectivizing agriculture for the 800 million Chinese who still lived in the countryside. The role of the state in agriculture was reduced to that of a tax collector, while production of consumer goods was sharply increased in order to give peasants a taste of the universal homogenous state and thereby an service list, incentive to work. The reform doubled Chinese grain output in only five years, and in the process created for Deng Xiaoping a solid political base from which he was able to extend the reform to other parts of the Write hours, economy. Paper Service? Economic Statistics do not begin to describe the dynamism, initiative, and openness evident in with thesis, China since the revision service list, reform began. China could not now be described in Uk essay writing melbourne, any way as a liberal democracy. At present, no more than 20 percent of its economy has been marketized, and most importantly it continues to be ruled by a self-appointed Communist party which has given no hint of Paper revision list, wanting to devolve power. Deng has made none of Gorbachev's promises regarding democratization of the political system and hours, there is no Chinese equivalent of glasnost. Paper Revision List? The Chinese leadership has in fact been much more circumspect in criticizing Mao and Maoism than Gorbachev with respect to Brezhnev and Money essay, Stalin, and the regime continues to revision list pay lip service to Marxism-Leninism as its ideological underpinning.

But anyone familiar with the outlook and behavior of the new technocratic elite now governing China knows that Marxism and ideological principle have become virtually irrelevant as guides to policy, and that bourgeois consumerism has a real meaning in that country for Write essay in three, the first time since the revolution. The various slowdowns in Paper revision, the pace of reform, the campaigns against spiritual pollution and crackdowns on political dissent are more properly seen as tactical adjustments made in the process of managing what is an extraordinarily difficult political transition. By ducking the question of political reform while putting the economy on a new footing, Deng has managed to avoid the breakdown of authority that has accompanied Gorbachev's perestroika . Yet the pull of the liberal idea continues to be very strong as economic power devolves and the economy becomes more open to the outside world. There are currently over 20,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S. and other Western countries, almost all of them the children of the Chinese elite. It is hard to believe that when they return home to run the country they will be content for China to be the only country in services, Asia unaffected by the larger democratizing trend. The student demonstrations in Beijing that broke out first in December 1986 and recurred recently on the occasion of Hu Yao-bang's death were only the beginning of what will inevitably be mounting pressure for change in the political system as well. What is important about China from the standpoint of revision list, world history is not the Professional writing quickly, present state of the reform or even its future prospects. The central issue is the fact that the People's Republic of China can no longer act as a beacon for service, illiberal forces around the thesis statement, world, whether they be guerrillas in some Asian jungle or middle class students in Paris. Maoism, rather than being the revision service list, pattern for Asia's future, became an anachronism, and it was the mainland Chinese who in thesis, fact were decisively influenced by the prosperity and dynamism of service, their overseas co-ethnics - the ironic ultimate victory of Taiwan. Important as these changes in China have been, however, it is developments in the Soviet Union - the original homeland of the essay, world proletariat - that have put the final nail in the coffin of the revision list, Marxist-Leninist alternative to liberal democracy. It should be clear that in terms of Money can't love essay, formal institutions, not much has changed in Paper revision service, the four years since Gorbachev has come to power: free markets and the cooperative movement represent only a small part of the Soviet economy, which remains centrally planned; the political system is still dominated by the Communist party, which has only begun to democratize internally and to share power with other groups; the Help essay, regime continues to assert that it is seeking only to modernize socialism and revision service list, that its ideological basis remains Marxism-Leninism; and, finally, Gorbachev faces a potentially powerful conservative opposition that could undo many of the changes that have taken place to Professional writing quickly date.

Moreover, it is hard to be too sanguine about the chances for service, success of Gorbachev's proposed reforms, either in the sphere of economics or politics. But my purpose here is not to Simple thesis statement creator analyze events in the short-term, or to make predictions for policy purposes, but to look at underlying trends in the sphere of ideology and consciousness. And in revision service, that respect, it is clear that an astounding transformation has occurred. Emigres from the Soviet Union have been reporting for at least the last generation now that virtually nobody in that country truly believed in can't buy me love, Marxism-Leninism any longer, and that this was nowhere more true than in the Soviet elite, which continued to mouth Marxist slogans out of sheer cynicism. The corruption and decadence of the late Brezhnev-era Soviet state seemed to matter little, however, for as long as the Paper, state itself refused to throw into question any of the Write in three, fundamental principles underlying Soviet society, the system was capable of functioning adequately out of sheer inertia and could even muster some dynamism in the realm of foreign and revision list, defense policy. Marxism-Leninism was like a magical incantation which, however absurd and devoid of meaning, was the only common basis on which the elite could agree to rule Soviet society. WHAT HAS happened in the four years since Gorbachev's coming to thesis customer power is a revolutionary assault on the most fundamental institutions and principles of Stalinism, and revision service list, their replacement by other principles which do not amount to liberalism per se but whose only connecting thread is liberalism. This is most evident in in three describe, the economic sphere, where the reform economists around Gorbachev have become steadily more radical in their support for free markets, to the point where some like Nikolai Shmelev do not mind being compared in public to Milton Friedman. There is a virtual consensus among the currently dominant school of Soviet economists now that central planning and Paper revision, the command system of allocation are the root cause of economic inefficiency, and that if the Soviet system is ever to heal itself, it must permit free and with essay statement, decentralized decision-making with respect to investment, labor, and prices. Revision? After a couple of Master customer service, initial years of ideological confusion, these principles have finally been incorporated into policy with the promulgation of new laws on revision, enterprise autonomy, cooperatives, and finally in thesis, 1988 on lease arrangements and revision service list, family farming.

There are, of course, a number of fatal flaws in the current implementation of the reform, most notably the absence of a thoroughgoing price reform. But the problem is no longer a conceptual one: Gorbachev and his lieutenants seem to understand the economic logic of marketization well enough, but like the leaders of a Third World country facing the IMF, are afraid of the social consequences of ending consumer subsidies and Simple, other forms of revision list, dependence on thesis, the state sector. In the political sphere, the proposed changes to the Soviet constitution, legal system, and party rules amount to much less than the Paper, establishment of a liberal state. Gorbachev has spoken of democratization primarily in thesis customer, the sphere of internal party affairs, and has shown little intention of Paper list, ending the Communist party's monopoly of in three hours, power; indeed, the political reform seeks to Paper revision service list legitimize and therefore strengthen the CPSU'S rule.[13] Nonetheless, the general principles underlying many of the reforms - that the Master thesis service, people should be truly responsible for their own affairs, that higher political bodies should be answerable to lower ones, and not vice versa, that the revision, rule of law should prevail over arbitrary police actions, with separation of powers and an independent judiciary, that there should be legal protection for property rights, the need for open discussion of Master thesis customer, public issues and the right of public dissent, the empowering of the Soviets as a forum in which the whole Soviet people can participate, and of a political culture that is Paper service, more tolerant and pluralistic - come from a source fundamentally alien to the USSR's Marxist-Leninist tradition, even if they are incompletely articulated and poorly implemented in practice. Gorbachev's repeated assertions that he is doing no more than trying to Uk essay writing restore the original meaning of Leninism are themselves a kind of Orwellian doublespeak. Gorbachev and his allies have consistently maintained that intraparty democracy was somehow the essence of Leninism, and that the various lib era1 practices of open debate, secret ballot elections, and rule of service, law were all part of the Leninist heritage, corrupted only later by Stalin. While almost anyone would look good compared to Stalin, drawing so sharp a line between Lenin and his successor is questionable. The essence of Lenin's democratic centralism was centralism, not democracy; that is, the absolutely rigid, monolithic, and disciplined dictatorship of a hierarchically organized vanguard Communist party, speaking in the name of the demos.

All of Write essay in three describe, Lenin's vicious polemics against Karl Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, and various other Menshevik and Social Democratic rivals, not to mention his contempt for bourgeois legality and freedoms, centered around his profound conviction that a revolution could not be successfully made by Paper, a democratically run organization. Gorbachev's claim that he is seeking to Master thesis service return to the true Lenin is perfectly easy to understand: having fostered a thorough denunciation of Stalinism and Brezhnevism as the service list, root of the USSR's present predicament, he needs some point in Soviet history on service, which to anchor the legitimacy of the CPSU'S continued rule. But Gorbachev's tactical requirements should not blind us to the fact that the democratizing and decentralizing principles which he has enunciated in both the economic and political spheres are highly subversive of some of the revision, most fundamental precepts of both Marxism and Leninism. Indeed, if the bulk of the present economic reform proposals were put into effect, it is hard to know how the Soviet economy would be more socialist than those of other Western countries with large public sectors. The Soviet Union could in no way be described as a liberal or democratic country now, nor do I think that it is terribly likely that perestroika will succeed such that the with thesis, label will be thinkable any time in the near future. But at revision the end of Master thesis customer service, history it is not necessary that all societies become successful liberal societies, merely that they end their ideological pretensions of representing different and higher forms of human society. And in this respect I believe that something very important has happened in the Soviet Union in the past few years: the criticisms of the Soviet system sanctioned by Gorbachev have been so thorough and devastating that there is very little chance of going back to either Stalinism or Brezhnevism in any simple way. Gorbachev has finally permitted people to Paper list say what they had privately understood for many years, namely, that the magical incantations of Marxism-Leninism were nonsense, that Soviet socialism was not superior to the West in any respect but was in fact a monumental failure. The conservative opposition in the USSR, consisting both of simple workers afraid of Simple statement, unemployment and inflation and Paper service list, of party officials fearful of losing their jobs and privileges, is essay hours, outspoken and may be strong enough to force Gorbachev's ouster in the next few years. Revision Service List? But what both groups desire is tradition, order, and authority; they manifest no deep commitment to Marxism-Leninism, except insofar as they have invested much of paper quickly, their own lives in Paper service, it.[14] For authority to be restored in the Soviet Union after Gorbachev's demolition work, it must be on the basis of some new and vigorous ideology which has not yet appeared on the horizon.

IF WE ADMIT for the moment that the Master, fascist and communist challenges to liberalism are dead, are there any other ideological competitors left? Or put another way, are there contradictions in liberal society beyond that of Paper revision list, class that are not resolvable? Two possibilities suggest themselves, those of religion and nationalism. The rise of religious fundamentalism in recent years within the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions has been widely noted. One is inclined to say that the revival of religion in some way attests to paper quickly a broad unhappiness with the impersonality and spiritual vacuity of liberal consumerist societies. Revision List? Yet while the emptiness at the core of liberalism is most certainly a defect in the ideology - indeed, a flaw that one does not need the buy me love essay, perspective of religion to recognize[15] - it is not at revision service list all clear that it is remediable through politics. Modern liberalism itself was historically a consequence of the weakness of religiously-based societies which, failing to agree on the nature of the good life, could not provide even the minimal preconditions of in three hours, peace and stability. In the contemporary world only Islam has offered a theocratic state as a political alternative to both liberalism and Paper revision, communism. But the in three, doctrine has little appeal for list, non-Muslims, and it is hard to believe that the movement will take on any universal significance. With Thesis? Other less organized religious impulses have been successfully satisfied within the sphere of personal life that is permitted in liberal societies. The other major contradiction potentially unresolvable by liberalism is the one posed by nationalism and other forms of racial and ethnic consciousness.

It is certainly true that a very large degree of conflict since the Battle of Jena has had its roots in nationalism. Two cataclysmic world wars in list, this century have been spawned by Uk essay melbourne, the nationalism of the developed world in various guises, and Paper service, if those passions have been muted to a certain extent in postwar Europe, they are still extremely powerful in the Third World. Nationalism has been a threat to Money can't love essay liberalism historically in Germany, and continues to be one in isolated parts of post-historical Europe like Northern Ireland. But it is not clear that nationalism rep resents an irreconcilable contradiction in the heart of liberalism. In the first place, nationalism is not one single phenomenon but several, ranging from mild cultural nostalgia to the highly organized and Paper service, elaborately articulated doctrine of thesis customer, National Socialism. Only systematic nationalisms of the latter sort can qualify as a formal ideology on the level of liberalism or communism. The vast majority of the world's nationalist movements do not have a political program beyond the revision service list, negative desire of independence from some other group or people, and do not offer anything like a comprehensive agenda for socio-economic organization. As such, they are compatible with doctrines and ideologies that do offer such agendas. While they may constitute a source of conflict for liberal societies, this conflict does not arise from Money can't buy me love liberalism itself so much as from the fact that the liberalism in question is incomplete.

Certainly a great deal of the world's ethnic and nationalist tension can be explained in terms of peoples who are forced to live in unrepresentative political systems that they have not chosen. While it is impossible to rule out the sudden appearance of new ideologies or previously unrecognized contradictions in liberal societies, then, the Paper revision service, present world seems to Uk essay writing melbourne confirm that the fundamental principles of sociopolitical organization have not advanced terribly far since 1806. Many of the wars and revolutions fought since that time have been undertaken in the name of ideologies which claimed to be more advanced than liberalism, but whose pretensions were ultimately unmasked by history. In the meantime, they have helped to spread the universal homogenous state to the point where it could have a significant effect on the overall character of international relations. WHAT ARE the implications of the end of history for revision service list, international relations? Clearly, the vast bulk of the Third World remains very much mired in history, and will be a terrain of conflict for many years to come. But let us focus for the time being on the larger and more developed states of the world who after all account for the greater part of world politics. Services Melbourne? Russia and China are not likely to join the developed nations of the West as liberal societies any time in the foreseeable future, but suppose for Paper list, a moment that Marxism-Leninism ceases to be a factor driving the foreign policies of these states - a prospect which, if not yet here, the last few years have made a real possibility. How will the overall characteristics of Help with thesis statement, a de-ideologized world differ from those of the one with which we are familiar at revision service list such a hypothetical juncture?

The most common answer is essay thesis statement, - not very much. For there is a very widespread belief among many observers of international relations that underneath the skin of ideology is a hard core of great power national interest that guarantees a fairly high level of competition and conflict between nations. Indeed, according to Paper one academically popular school of international relations theory, conflict inheres in the international system as such, and to Help essay thesis understand the prospects for conflict one must look at the shape of the system - for example, whether it is list, bipolar or multipolar - rather than at the specific character of the nations and regimes that constitute it. This school in paper writing quickly, effect applies a Hobbesian view of politics to Paper revision international relations, and assumes that aggression and insecurity are universal characteristics of human societies rather than the product of specific historical circumstances. Believers in this line of thought take the relations that existed between the participants in customer service, the classical nineteenth century European balance of power as a model for what a de-ideologized contemporary world would look like. Charles Krauthammer, for Paper service list, example, recently explained that if as a result of Gorbachev's reforms the USSR is shorn of Marxist-Leninist ideology, its behavior will revert to Professional paper that of nineteenth century imperial Russia.[16] While he finds this more reassuring than the threat posed by revision service list, a communist Russia, he implies that there will still be a substantial degree of competition and conflict in the international system, just as there was say between Russia and Britain or Wilhelmine Germany in the last century.

This is, of course, a convenient point of view for Master thesis service, people who want to admit that something major is changing in the Soviet Union, but do not want to accept responsibility for recommending the radical policy redirection implicit in such a view. But is Paper revision list, it true? In fact, the notion that ideology is a superstructure imposed on a substratum of permanent great power interest is a highly questionable proposition. For the way in which any state defines its national interest is not universal but rests on some kind of prior ideological basis, just as we saw that economic behavior is determined by a prior state of consciousness. In this century, states have adopted highly articulated doctrines with explicit foreign policy agendas legitimizing expansionism, like Marxism-Leninism or National Socialism. THE EXPANSIONIST and Simple creator, competitive behavior of nineteenth-century European states rested on no less ideal a basis; it just so happened that the ideology driving it was less explicit than the doctrines of the twentieth century. For one thing, most liberal European societies were illiberal insofar as they believed in the legitimacy of imperialism, that is, the right of one nation to rule over other nations without regard for service list, the wishes of the ruled. The justifications for imperialism varied from nation to nation, from a crude belief in the legitimacy of force, particularly when applied to non-Europeans, to the White Man's Burden and Europe's Christianizing mission, to the desire to give people of color access to Uk essay writing services melbourne the culture of revision service, Rabelais and Moliere. But whatever the particular ideological basis, every developed country believed in the acceptability of higher civilizations ruling lower ones - including, incidentally, the United States with regard to Master thesis service the Philippines. This led to a drive for pure territorial aggrandizement in Paper revision service, the latter half of the love essay, century and played no small role in causing the Great War. The radical and deformed outgrowth of nineteenth-century imperialism was German fascism, an ideology which justified Germany's right not only to rule over non-European peoples, but over all non-German ones.

But in retrospect it seems that Hitler represented a diseased bypath in the general course of European development, and since his fiery defeat, the legitimacy of any kind of territorial aggrandizement has been thoroughly discredited.[17] Since the Second World War, European nationalism has been defanged and shorn of service, any real relevance to foreign policy, with the consequence that the nineteenth-century model of great power behavior has become a serious anachronism. The most extreme form of nationalism that any Western European state has mustered since 1945 has been Gaullism, whose self-assertion has been confined largely to the realm of nuisance politics and culture. International life for the part of the world that has reached the end of history is far more preoccupied with economics than with politics or strategy. The developed states of the West do maintain defense establishments and in the postwar period have competed vigorously for influence to meet a worldwide communist threat. This behavior has been driven, however, by paper quickly, an external threat from Paper list states that possess overtly expansionist ideologies, and would not exist in their absence. To take the services, neo-realist theory seriously, one would have to revision service list believe that natural competitive behavior would reassert itself among the OECD states were Russia and China to disappear from the face of the earth. That is, West Germany and France would arm themselves against each other as they did in the 193Os, Australia and New Zealand would send military advisers to block each others' advances in Africa, and the U.S.-Canadian border would become fortified. Such a prospect is, of course, ludicrous: minus Marxist-Leninist ideology, we are far more likely to see the Common Marketization of world politics than the disintegration of the thesis creator, EEC into nineteenth-century competitiveness. Indeed, as our experiences in dealing with Europe on matters such as terrorism or Libya prove, they are much further gone than we down the road that denies the legitimacy of the use of force in international politics, even in self-defense.

The automatic assumption that Russia shorn of its expansionist communist ideology should pick up where the czars left off just prior to the Bolshevik Revolution is therefore a curious one. It assumes that the evolution of human consciousness has stood still in the meantime, and that the Soviets, while picking up currently fashionable ideas in Paper revision, the realm of economics, will return to foreign policy views a century out of date in the rest of Europe. Buy Me? This is certainly not what happened to China after it began its reform process. Chinese competitiveness and expansionism on the world scene have virtually disappeared: Beijing no longer sponsors Maoist insurgencies or tries to cultivate influence in distant African countries as it did in the 1960s. This is not to say that there are not troublesome aspects to Paper service contemporary Chinese foreign policy, such as the reckless sale of ballistic missile technology in the Middle East; and the PRC continues to manifest traditional great power behavior in its sponsorship of the Khmer Rouge against Vietnam.

But the former is explained by thesis, commercial motives and Paper revision list, the latter is a vestige of paper services quickly, earlier ideologically-based rivalries. The new China far more resembles Gaullist France than pre-World War I Germany. The real question for Paper revision list, the future, however, is the degree to which Soviet elites have assimilated the consciousness of the Help with thesis statement, universal homogenous state that is post-Hitler Europe. From their writings and from my own personal contacts with them, there is Paper service, no question in my mind that the creator, liberal Soviet intelligentsia rallying around Gorbachev have arrived at the end-of-history view in a remarkably short time, due in no small measure to the contacts they have had since the Brezhnev era with the Paper revision service, larger European civilization around them. New political thinking, the general rubric for their views, describes a world dominated by economic concerns, in which there are no ideological grounds for major conflict between nations, and in which, consequently, the use of military force becomes less legitimate.

As Foreign Minister Shevardnadze put it in Simple, mid-1988: The struggle between two opposing systems is no longer a determining tendency of the present-day era. At the modern stage, the ability to build up material wealth at an accelerated rate on the basis of front-ranking science and high-level techniques and technology, and to distribute it fairly, and through joint efforts to restore and protect the resources necessary for mankind's survival acquires decisive importance.[18] The post-historical consciousness represented by new thinking is only one possible future for the Soviet Union, however. There has always been a very strong current of great Russian chauvinism in Paper service list, the Soviet Union, which has found freer expression since the advent of glasnost . Statement Creator? It may be possible to return to traditional Marxism-Leninism for a while as a simple rallying point for those who want to restore the authority that Gorbachev has dissipated. But as in Paper revision, Poland, Marxism-Leninism is dead as a mobilizing ideology: under its banner people cannot be made to Uk essay writing services work harder, and its adherents have lost confidence in themselves. Unlike the Paper revision list, propagators of traditional Marxism-Leninism, however, ultranationalists in the USSR believe in their Slavophile cause passionately, and one gets the sense that the Write in three hours describe, fascist alternative is not one that has played itself out entirely there. The Soviet Union, then, is at a fork in the road: it can start down the path that was staked out by Western Europe forty-five years ago, a path that most of Asia has followed, or it can realize its own uniqueness and remain stuck in history. The choice it makes will be highly important for us, given the Soviet Union's size and military strength, for that power will continue to preoccupy us and slow our realization that we have already emerged on the other side of history. THE PASSING of Marxism-Leninism first from Paper service list China and can't buy me essay, then from the Soviet Union will mean its death as a living ideology of world historical significance. For while there may be some isolated true believers left in places like Managua, Pyongyang, or Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Paper revision, fact that there is Money buy me, not a single large state in which it is a going concern undermines completely its pretensions to being in the vanguard of human history.

And the death of this ideology means the growing Common Marketization of international relations, and the diminution of the likelihood of revision, large-scale conflict between states. This does not by any means imply the Write essay in three hours describe, end of international conflict per se. For the world at that point would be divided between a part that was historical and a part that was post-historical. Conflict between states still in service list, history, and between those states and Master, those at the end of history, would still be possible. There would still be a high and perhaps rising level of Paper list, ethnic and writing services, nationalist violence, since those are impulses incompletely played out, even in parts of the post-historical world. Palestinians and revision service, Kurds, Sikhs and Tamils, Irish Catholics and Walloons, Armenians and Azeris, will continue to thesis service have their unresolved grievances. This implies that terrorism and wars of national liberation will continue to be an important item on the international agenda. But large-scale conflict must involve large states still caught in the grip of history, and they are what appear to be passing from the scene. The end of Paper revision service list, history will be a very sad time.

The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one's life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands. In the post-historical period there will be neither art nor philosophy, just the perpetual caretaking of the museum of human history. Help With Essay Statement? I can feel in myself, and see in revision service list, others around me, a powerful nostalgia for thesis customer service, the time when history existed. Such nostalgia, in Paper list, fact, will continue to fuel competition and conflict even in the post-historical world for some time to come. Even though I recognize its inevitability, I have the Professional paper services, most ambivalent feelings for the civilization that has been created in Paper service, Europe since 1945, with its north Atlantic and Asian offshoots.

Perhaps this very prospect of Uk essay services, centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started once again. 1. Kojeve's best known work is his Introduction a la lecture de Hegel (Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1947), which is a transcript of the Ecole Practique lectures from the 1930's. This book is available in English entitled Introduction to the Reading of Hegel arranged by Raymond Queneau, edited by Allan Bloom, and translated by Paper revision list, James Nichols (New York: Basic Books, 1969). (back to text) 2. Help Thesis Statement? In this respect Kojeve stands in Paper revision, sharp contrast to contemporary German interpreters of thesis statement creator, Hegel like Herbert Marcuse who, being more sympathetic to Marx, regarded Hegel ultimately as an historically bound and incomplete philosopher. (back to text) 3. Kojeve alternatively identified the end of history with the postwar American way of life, toward which he thought the Soviet Union was moving as well. (back to text) 4. This notion was expressed in the famous aphorism from the preface to the Philosophy of History to the effect that everything that is rational is real, and everything that is real is rational. (back to text) 5. Indeed, for Hegel the very dichotomy between the ideal and material worlds was itself only an apparent one that was ultimately overcome by the self-conscious subject; in his system, the Paper revision service, material world is itself only an aspect of mind. (back to text) 6. In fact, modern economists, recognizing that man does not always behave as a profit -maximizer, posit a utility function, utility being either income or some other good that can be maximized: leisure, sexual satisfaction, or the pleasure of philosophizing.

That profit must be replaced with a value like utility indicates the cogency of the idealist perspective. (back to text) 7. One need look no further than the recent performance of Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S. school system when compared to their black of Hispanic classmates to realize that culture and consciousness are absolutely crucial to explain not only economic behavior but virtually every other important aspect of Uk essay writing services, life as well. (back to text) 8. Paper Revision Service? I understand that a full explanation of the Uk essay, origins of the reform movements in China and Russia is a good deal more complicated than this simple formula would suggest. The Soviet reform, for example, was motivated in good measure by Moscow's sense of insecurity in the technological-military realm. Nonetheless, neither country ion the eve of its reforms was in such a state of material crisis that one could have predicted the surprising reform paths ultimately taken. (back to list text) 9. It is still not clear whether the Soviet people are as Protestant as Gorbachev and will follow him down that path. (back to text) 10.

The internal politics of the Byzantine Empire at the time of Justinian revolved around a conflict between the so-called monophysites and monothelites, who believed that the unity of the with thesis, Holy Trinity was alternatively one of nature or of will. This conflict corresponded to some extent to one between proponents of Paper revision, different racing teams in the Hippodrome in Byzantium and led to a not insignificant level of essay statement, political violence. Modern historians would tend to seek the roots of such conflicts in antagonisms between social classes or some other modern economic category, being unwilling to believe that men would kill each other over revision service, the nature of the Trinity. (back to paper quickly text) 11. I am not using the term fascism here in its most precise sense, fully aware of the frequent misuse of this term to denounce anyone to the right of the user. Revision Service List? Fascism here denotes nay organized ultra nationalist movement with universalistic pretensions - not universalistic with regard to its nationalism, of course, since the Master thesis customer, latter is exclusive by definition, but with regard to the movement's belief in service, its right to Write hours describe rule other people. Hence Imperial Japan would qualify as fascist while former strongman Stoessner's Paraguay or Pinochet's Chile would not. Paper? Obviously fascist ideologies cannot be universalistic in the sense of Marxism or liberalism, but the structure of the love essay, doctrine can be transferred from country to country. (back to text) 12.

I use the example of Japan with some caution, since Kojeve late in his life came to conclude that Japan, with its culture based on purely formal arts, proved that the universal homogenous state was not victorious and that history had perhaps not ended. See the long note at the end of the Paper revision list, second edition of Introduction a la Lecture de Hegel , 462-3. Write Hours Describe? (back to text) 13. This is not true in Poland and Paper service, Hungary, however, whose Communist parties have taken moves toward true power sharing and pluralism. (back to text) 14. This is particularly true of the can't love, leading Soviet conservative, former Second Secretary Yegor Ligachev, who has publicly recognized many of the deep defects of the Brezhnev period. (back to text) 15. I am thinking particularly of Rousseau and Paper revision service list, the Western philosophical tradition that flows from him that was highly critical of Lockean or Hobbesian liberalism, though one could criticize liberalism from the standpoint of classical political philosophy as well. (back to text) 16.

See his article, Beyond the Cold War, New Republic, December 19, 1988. (back to text) 17. It took European colonial powers like France several years after the war to admit the illegitimacy of their empires, but decolonialization was an inevitable consequence of the Allied victory which had been based on the promise of a restoration of democratic freedoms. (back to Uk essay writing services text) 18. Vestnik Ministerstva Inostrannikh Del SSSR no. Revision? 15 (August 1988), 27-46.

New thinking does of course serve a propagandistic purpose in persuading Western audiences of Soviet good intentions. Write In Three Describe? But the fact that it is good propaganda does not mean that is formulators do not take many of Paper service list, its ideas seriously. (back to text)

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Indian School of Business (ISB) Essays – Tips for 2017-18. Average GRE Score. If you are seeking for Indian School of Business admission for the year 2017-18, do not forget to take note of ISB 2018 deadlines that are listed in list this page. Make sure that you have your application processed in time so that you do not miss the ISB 2017-18 deadlines for your Indian School of Business admission. Note: ISB Essays 2017-18 remains the same as previous year and there’s no additional essay required for the re-applicants.

ISB Essays Questions 2017-18 (For Class of 2018): If we were to admit just One more candidate to Money buy me love the Postgraduate Programme (PGP) at the ISB, why should it be you? (400 words max) The objective of this essay is to gauge the value-add the candidate will do to the classroom, peer group and enhance the value of ISB community at large. Paper Revision Service. The candidate must showcase his/her individuality demonstrating how it stands out and differentiated from the rest by highlighting one’s accomplishments, which reflect qualities of leadership potential, problem solving skill, perseverance etc. Write In Three Hours Describe. A direct link between the Paper revision service list, qualities one choose and ISB’s academic or non-academic resources elaborating how exactly he/she will contribute to experiences of the student body has to be substantiated. For instance,

An HR professional can help CAS (Placement committee) in organizing Pre-placement talks and campus interviews for the school in a smooth manner. Help Essay. An Economics or Finance major can take part in leading Finance club and driving its activities. This is the platform for the applicants to best persuade the admissions committee of their worthiness from their personal/professional experiences. Key qualities/traits looked at are penchant to service list learn, management ability, leadership quality, initiative, collaborative mindset, and achievement orientation. Other points to be considered for this essay. Given that it’s a 400 word limit essay, one can articulate 2-3 attributes with examples. The experiences should focus be more on impact, challenges, learnings, showcasing drive – pushing the Master service, limits and challenging the norm with determination. Can write about something significant/ consistent extracurricular (Quizzing, Social Work, Sports) which one is truly passionate about and can speak volumes about and how he/she can contribute to revision service the various professional and Help with essay statement social clubs of ISB. Good if there is a demonstrated consistent upward trajectory of the aspect being mentioned. Paper Service. Not to Help essay repeat the mere facts which are covered in other part of the application unless there is a need to Paper elaborate in writing this essay. Describe your your short and long term career plans.

How does the revision list, PGP fit in with those? (300 words max) The purpose of thesis customer, this essay is Paper gauge the clarity of goals and purpose of an MBA. Customer Service. The applicant has to weave a compelling theme that suits his/her career vision with gaps identified between one’s previous professional experiences and future goals and it should all be knit very logically with an Paper service list MBA from buy me love essay ISB serving as a bridge. While articulating how ISB fits the whole scheme of things, he/she has to be specific about the industry and type of Paper revision, role looking forward to immediately after graduation from ISB. It is very important from perspective of both the Admission Career advancement councils of ISB, as they bear big onus of placing 900+ students. Key things evaluated are. How the candidate has developed this goal? Why it appeals to him/her? How ISB PGP will contribute to achieve the stated goals? Is the applicant prepared well enough? Other points to be considered for this essay.

Can mention some of the Write essay, unique offerings of ISB that would be relevant to his/her aspiration. How ‘One year MBA’ suits your career (Stating its benefits) Extensive ISB Networking opportunities Faculty model, academic services Professional and Social Clubs – Picking one or two clubs Specific electives, ELP and FIRP Industry Specialization – Healthcare/Manufacturing/Public Policy Mention of list, personal interaction with the school’s alumni, ISB’s Information sessions, do highlight – Has to be justified if asked during interview Avoidance of general mention of great faculty, interactive classes, good peer group, etc Particularly applicants with 8+ years of work-ex has to justify a clear career path with methodical explanation of career progression from the present to with essay the planned future. Please use this space to provide any other information not covered elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB. Note: It is not necessary for Paper revision, you to write this essay. Please use this space only writing, if there is something really significant that you would like us to know. (200 words max) ISB Essays Questions 2015-16 (For Class of 2016): ISB Essay 1 Topic: If we were to admit just one more student, make a compelling argument as to why that student should be you by describing a (only one) challenging experience you’ve had in your personal / professional life. How were you tested? What did you do that sets you apart from others? What did you learn? (up to 400 words)

Analysis: Think about your strength(s) . Paper Revision Service. Where did you exhibit this strength(s). What were the challenges and service how overcoming this enhanced your soft skills and/or hard skills. How having this skill makes you stand out from rest of applicants. Revision List. How does your experiences add to the culture at Uk essay melbourne ISB and enriches the incoming class. ISB Essay 2 Topic: Describe a (only one) defining moment in service list your personal / professional life when you had to Write in three hours describe make a risky decision, and explain what you did and why? (up to Paper 300 words) Analysis: What was the importance of this task to you/company/your team.

What were the consequences of failure. Talk about thought process (Collaborative/alone) to manage risks. Actions taken and love result. In the end sum up learnings. ISB Essay 3 Topic: What are your post-MBA career plans and how will your past experiences and the Indian School of Business programme contribute to taking you there? (up to 300 words) Analysis: An essay like this wants you to be discreet . Mention about functions and/or sector you will be targeting. Revision List. What key skills gained at quickly pre-MBA affect your choice.

How will academic and Paper revision list non-academic life at ISB help you achieve your post-MBA career plan. ISB Optional Essay 4: Please use this space to: Explain any career breaks / provide any other information not covered elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB. Note: It is not necessary to write this essay. Simple Thesis Statement. Please use this space only if there is Paper revision service list something really significant that you would like us to thesis statement know. (up to 200 words) Analysis: Reapplicant : If you had asked for feedback after the Paper, reject last time try and thesis creator talk about how you have overcome the weaknesses. How your profile has changed since last time and how you are a strong contender for the seat. If applying for revision service list, first time : If you have very high academic qualifications, extra-curricular activities , entrepreneurship experiences as this add weightage to the application.

However if you have covered all the hours describe, attributes you wanted to revision highlight in your other ISB essays , it is Help essay thesis statement not necessary to attempt this just for the sake of attempting. ISB Essays Questions 2014-15 (For Class of 2015): Essay 1: Innovation or doing things differently it is said is a key to future success. Could you substantiate or negate this idea based on Paper revision list your experience. Please provide examples from your own experience – either examples of your own innovation or examples of others whom you have worked with. (300 words max) This essay gives the Write essay describe, candidate the opportunity to showcase his/her ‘Out-of-the-box’ thinking and Paper service list ability to go against the tide when required. This essay holds the key to differentiate yourself from the peer group in terms of creative problem-solving abilities. A key point to highlight in this essay is Help with essay your ability to Paper revision get buy-in from Help with essay thesis statement other stakeholders, as innovative ideas usually face some criticism/opposition from various quarters (since they are ‘different’ by their very nature).

Bringing forth this point would further highlight your convincing capabilities. Essay 2: Applying to and enrolling in a Business School is an important career decision. Critically look at your career to date, the Paper service list, choices you have made, the key influences behind those choices, your goals for the future and how you expect to benefit from the ISB experience in essay achieving your goals. (300 words max) This essay is important to Paper service list showcase that the candidate has charted out his/her career goals and Master customer service is clear about what s/he is looking to achieve professionally and how ISB features in Paper revision list this journey. Use this essay to highlight your long-term planning abilities and demonstrate to the ISB admissions committee how you would achieve your career goals. This is with essay thesis statement also an opportunity to showcase how ISB would play a critical role in Paper revision list helping you achieve your professional goals.

We suggest that you highlight your career goals immediately after MBA and weave them into your long-term goals to demonstrate how you are a long-term thinker. Essay 3 One of the following: A) This experience completely changed my way of thinking. Here you may choose to write about an achievement, a failure or just an experience which has led you to in three change your way of thinking and the manner in which you approach life (personal or professional). While describing the situation is important, detailing your learning from the Paper service, experience will help the statement creator, admissions committee understand the significance of your achievement. Paper Revision. Here’s your chance to project your depth of learning basis the Professional writing services, experiences you have been exposed to.

B) An instance when you went out of the ordinary to achieve something significant, but in hind sight feel you could have done better. This essay will help the admissions committee understand your maturity of thought and your ability to objectively appraise yourself. While writing this essay, please focus on describing the achievement, the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Mention gaps in Paper service your approach and statement how plugging those gaps would have helped you improve results. C) Tell us about your role in a team that made a significant contribution to the organization.

Here’s your chance to showcase a situation when you contributed significantly to an organisation as part of a team. While it is important to show how you as a team succeeded, don’t forget to highlight the innovations/ solutions you suggested and quantify their results. D) Contribution to Paper peer learning and engagement with the ISB student body are important aspects of the ISB experience. What contribution do you expect to Uk essay make in this direction during the one year at ISB. (200 words max) Choose a passion, hobby, skill or just your unique personal/ professional experience to talk about here. Read about the project work and clubs at the ISB and revision list clear mention how you will be able to contribute to these activities because of your unique background. Essay 4 (Optional) Please provide additional information, if any, that will significantly affect the consideration of your application to the ISB. Statement Creator. (200 words max) If you do attempt to write this essay, then please choose at most 2 pieces of additional information not highlighted in any application essay. Paper Revision List. The additional information could relate to your family background, personal experiences, professional experiences or hobbies.

While writing this essay, please be sure to detail how your skills, background or experiences will help you contribute to Money love the ISB. ISB Admission Help, Guides and ISB MBA Essays. How Should You Plan To Apply For ISB 2017 Round 1 Application? ISB admission season is now gearing up and MBA aspirants are planning for 1st round of revision list, application. Here are some quick facts and tips that are going to thesis help in Paper revision list preparing your ISB application for thesis creator, 1st round. – Continue Reading… Know about average GMAT cut off in revision list ISB to apply with an average academic profile. Every year numbers of applicants apply to ISB PGPM and only few of them qualify and being offered the customer service, admission.

Parameters considered while shortlisting candidates are GMAT Score, work experience, academic score, extracurricular, achievements and overall application including essays, recommendations and interview performance. Read the full blog to know the average GMAT cut off required to list apply in ISB if you have an average profile – Continue Reading… ISB Hyderabad – A peek inside the Uk essay melbourne, business school. ISB Hyderabad was started in 2001 with a PGP batch of 128 students only. And now, we find this b-school name among top b-schools names like IIM, XLRI and many more. Revision Service List. ISB is thesis statement now associated with best b-schools around the world, lets find it in detail here – Continue Reading… ISB Hyderabad vs. ISB Mohali – A Comparison. Which campus should I opt? This question bothers a lot to MBA aspirants who are looking admission in ISB.

Let’s compare both campuses…Continue Reading… Interview with Chandrika Sharda – the first ever admitted candidate through ISB’s prestigious YLP programme and part ISB PGP Class of 2015. Chandrika Sharda is part of the ISB PGP Class of 2015 and is part of Paper service, ISB’s first YLP cohort. From being one of the youngest students in the batch, to sizzling on the stage with. ISB Admission Process and PGP Essays (2015) Get to know Indian School of Business (ISB) PGP selection criteria, admission process and the changes that ISB has made this year(2014) in with thesis PGP Essays. ISB PGP Round 1 application deadline is approaching soon in September month. So, start drafting your essays and to know tips on how to draft ISB PGP essays in detail. Continue Reading…

ISB is known to accept the candidates with more than 4 years of work experience. However, this year ISB has relaxed this criteria by introducing ISB EEO(Early Entry Option) program. Continue Reading… ISB or IIM? Which one is better for applying MBA.

IIMs had only a less number of seats for their PGPX programs, while ISB has more than 700 seats for Paper revision list, the aspirants which made the candidates attracted toward it. Unlike IIMs the selection criteria was not too strict which allowed the ISB to Money can't buy me love gain confidence. Continue Reading… New ISB Application Essays for PGP 2015-2016. New ISB application essays for PGP 2015-16 year is live now, this time essays have been changed by Admission Committee. These new ISB essays will bother MBA aspirants, but we are here to help you. Continue Reading… Why you should apply in Paper revision service round 1 to ISB?

Many applicants stay confused in Round 1 and Round 2. Our consultants advice to Simple apply in Round 1 because MBA applicants get enough time to try their admission chances in other top B-schools. Continue Reading… Tips: Preparing your ISB application (ISB Application Help) The next few months are very crucial for a ISB applicant as everybody is focusing on Round 1 process. If you need ISB application help and preparing tips, we will help you in Paper service list making an Uk essay services melbourne excellent ISB MBA Application. Continue Reading… Importance of Extracurricular In ISB Application. To get into Indian School of Paper revision service list, Business (ISB) PGP, GMAT score is not only the parameters. Extracurricular plays an thesis statement important and equal part on your ISB application essays . Read more to revision list know how important are extracurricular in an MBA application.

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