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Cahiers d’histoire. Cards Nyc! Revue d’histoire critique. Compare Essay Introduction Night! 1 Dans l’Angleterre de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, quatre enfants (Lucy, Edmund, Susan et Peter) sont places aupres d’un vieux professeur et de sa severe servante dans une grande et lugubre demeure. Best Quality For Business! En jouant, ils decouvrent une armoire et un passage vers un univers parallele : le monde magique de Narnia, peuple de nains, minotaures, cyclopes, trolls, centaures, geants, satyres et autres animaux qui parlent ! Narnia est plonge dans un hiver severe depuis un siecle par la Sorciere blanche. Help Eyre! Les enfants decident finalement d’apporter leur aide au lion Aslan pour vaincre ce sort et liberer cet univers merveilleux. Paper For Business Cards Nyc! 2 Ce film, tire d’une serie de sept romans ecrits dans les annees 1950 par C.S. Common Application Help! Lewis, est un tresor d’imagination. Quality For Business! Ces livres ont eu un enorme succes, avec plus de 85 millions d’ouvrages vendus, notamment dans les pays de langue anglaise. Ut Homework! 3 Le realisateur des Schrek 1 et 2 a pleinement reussi l’adaptation d’un episode de cette saga. Il a beneficie de moyens considerables. Cards! Apres deux annees de preparation, le tournage a dure six mois en Nouvelle-Zelande et deux semaines en Republique tcheque.

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Le contenu chretien du roman a ete au c?ur des debats. Best Paper For Business! En effet, quand C.S. My Research Paper! Lewis, professeur de litterature, decide d’ecrire un roman pour sa filleule en 1950, il s’est converti au christianisme sous l’influence de son collegue et ami J.R.R. Tolkien, auteur de la celebre serie Le Seigneur des Anneaux . Best Quality! Jamais il n’a dissimule son orientation spirituelle. To Write My Research On John! Aux Etats-Unis, des groupes fondamentalistes choisissent de faire de ce film un instrument de campagne en faveur de leurs options. Best Cards Nyc! Le Monde de Narnia devient alors, malgre lui, une sorte d’anti- Harry Potter : un film avocat du bien ! Des Eglises incitent leurs fideles a aller le voir, achetant meme collectivement des billets. Essay Service Online! Le groupe Disney surfe sur cette vague et s’associe pour sa promotion a une entreprise de publicite proche des milieux chretiens ultraconservateurs.

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Revue d’histoire critique [En ligne], 102 | 2007, mis en ligne le 22 juin 2009, consulte le 02 octobre 2017. Best Quality Paper For Business! URL : Essays Help Jane Eyre! 2017 134 135 2016 130 131 132 133 2015 126 127 128 129 2014 122 123 124 125 2013 120 121 2012 118 119 2011 114 115 116-117 2010 111 112-113 2009 107 108 109 110 2008 103 104 105-106 2007 100 101 102 2006 98 99 2005 94-95 96-97 2004 93 2003 90-91 92 2002 86 87 88 89 2001 84 85. ISSN electronique 2102-5916. Nyc! Informations Titre : Cahiers d’histoire.

Revue d’histoire critique En bref : Revue developpant une histoire reflexive du fonctionnement des dominations sociales dans leurs dimensions politiques, economiques et culturelles.

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Personal values, belief and paper for business cards, attitudes Essay Sample. As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the writing world. As community services workers, we are often working with people who are vulnerable and/or who may live a lifestyle that mainstream society views as being different or unacceptable. If, as community services workers, we are to provide a service that meets the needs of quality paper for business nyc our target groups and helps them to feel empowered, we need to Mba admissions essay be aware of our own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and be prepared to adopt the professional values of our industry—and not impose our own ideas on Best quality for business, our clients. What are values? Values are principles, standards or qualities that an help eyre individual or group of people hold in high regard. These values guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. Quality Cards! A value may be defined as something that we hold dear, those things/qualities which we consider to be of worth.

A ‘value’ is What on john commonly formed by a particular belief that is related to the worth of an idea or type of behaviour. Some people may see great value in saving the world’s rainforests. However a person who relies on Best quality for business, the logging of a forest for Essays eyre, their job may not place the same value on the forest as a person who wants to save it. Values can influence many of the judgments we make as well as have an impact on the support we give clients. It is important that we do not influence client’s decisions based on our values. We should always work from the basis of supporting the client’s values.

Activity: What are some of my values? 1.Manners—are they old fashioned? Do they hold a high or low value in your life? 2.Pride—are there things you need to quality paper for business nyc be proud of? Do you value pride or do you value humility? 3.Clothes—how important are clothes at work? At play? 4.Behaviour on the sports field—what behaviours do you value? Sportsmanship? Winning? Team spirit?

Individuality? 5.Family life? What do you value about writing service online, family life? Write down some of the values you hold in Best cards nyc, these areas. Talk to friends and family members. Ask them these same questions. Online! Do the answers differ? Where do values come from? Our values come from quality for business cards nyc, a variety of sources.

Some of these include: •peers (social influences) •the workplace (work ethics, job roles) •educational institutions such as schools or TAFE. •significant life events (death, divorce, losing jobs, major accident and trauma, major health issues, significant financial losses and so on) •major historical events (world wars, economic depressions, etc). Dominant values are those that are widely shared amongst a group, community or culture. They are passed on through sources such as the help media, institutions, religious organisations or family, but remember what is considered dominant in one culture or society will vary to the next. Using the sources listed above, some of your values could be: •family—caring for Best quality for business, each other, family comes first •peers—importance of Ut homework friendship, importance of Best nyc doing things that peers approve of •workplace—doing your job properly; approving/disapproving of ‘foreign orders’ (doing home-related activities in work time or using work resources for home related activities) •educational institutions—the valuing or otherwise of learning; value of self in relation to an ability to learn (this often depends on personal experience of schooling, whether positive or negative) •significant life events—death of loved ones and the impact on what we value as being important; marriage and the importance and What to write on john, role of marriage and children; separation and divorce and the value change that may be associated with this (valuing of self or otherwise) •religion—beliefs about ‘right and wrong’ and beliefs in Best for business cards nyc, gods •media—the impact of Compare and contrast introduction TV, movies, radio, the Internet and advertising on what is important in our lives, what is valued and not valued •music—music often reflects what is occurring in society, people’s response to things such as love and relationships which may then influence the development of our values •technology—the importance of technology or otherwise; the Best paper for business nyc importance of computers and developing computer skills •culture—a cultural value such as the writing importance of individuality as opposed to conforming to groups •major historical events—not wasting anything, saving for times of Best paper for business draught, valuing human life, patriotic values. It is Ut homework solutions important that you develop an awareness of what you value, as these values will be important in informing your relationships with clients, co–workers and employers.

The following is a list of common dominant values in Best quality nyc, Australian society. Tick the values that apply to you and then select the ten most important values you ticked and rank them. (1 = most important, 10 = least important) Click here for the list (.doc 12 KB) Did you learn something about yourself that you didn’t expect? What is important here is your ability to be able to identify the values that are. important to you.

It is important to be conscious of our values. What Paper! This knowledge helps us to: •ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. •identify the consequences of our actions for ourselves and others (including clients and co-workers) •consider other and better options if necessary. It is important to not only have a knowledge of your value system, but to understand that your values underpin your beliefs and beliefs underpin behaviour. How we behave is a reflection of our beliefs and our beliefs are a reflection of quality paper for business cards our values. Exploring your values. We are all influenced in varying degrees by the values of our family, culture, religion, education and social group. Knowing your own values can help you work effectively with clients, resolve conflicts and support the organisation’s philosophy of care appropriately. Wherever our values come from they make us the Ut homework solutions unique person we are today!

Answer the following and then think about what it tells you about yourself, where your values have come from and how people with different backgrounds and quality paper for business cards nyc, life experiences would answer these questions. What On John Steinbeck! There are no right or wrong answers—just answer honestly and be willing to Best quality paper for business cards nyc explore and reflect upon your own values. •With what race do I identify? •Do I know people from a different race to me? •Do I believe people from different races should live together? •What would life be like if my skin colour was different?

•What do I think about Common application essay help resume, marriages and relationships between people from different races? •How many friends do I have from the opposite sex? •If I was a different gender how might life be different? •What is my religion? Do I believe in it? •What is my family’s religion? •Are most people in my community from this religion? •How does my religion influence my life? •What culture do I identify with?

•What do I like and Best paper for business cards nyc, dislike about my culture and traditions? •What other cultures interest me? Do I like learning about them? Why? •What is my first language? •What other languages do I speak?

•Who should decide what language people should speak? •What political party do I support? Why? •Do I believe in the death penalty? Why? •What are my views on introduction night, abortion? Why? •What are my views on homosexuality? Why? •What are my views about paper, illegal drugs? Why?

•What are my view about voluntary euthanasia? Why? Reflect on your answers about where your values have come from. 1.What did this activity tell you about your values? 2.Can you identify some other factors/significant life experiences that have contributed in shaping your values?

3.Why have you decided to become a worker in the CSI? 4.How do you think your values will guide your actions as a worker in the CSI? The aim of What to write paper on john steinbeck this activity is to make you aware of for business cards nyc issues that could arise in the workplace and to write, the differing values workers can have. There are no right or wrong answers, so when completing this activity try to be as honest as you can. Read the following scenarios and rate your reactions by Best nyc, ticking the box which best defines your reaction.

Stan and Russell have become good friends in the residential care facility. They enjoy each other’s company and like to writing service read pornographic magazines together. Stan usually buys the quality cards nyc magazines, but one month Stan did not come into the hostel for care as he usually did. Russell wanted some new pornos to to write my research read so he asked Penny the care worker to buy him some magazines. She agreed and brought some for Best for business nyc, him. What do you think about solutions, Penny doing this for Russell? I think this is not okay. I think this is okay. Wayne is a 49 year old volunteer at an aged care home.

He is an Anglo-Australian, with a disability. He works with Anh, the recreation officer. She Vietnamese and Best, is 20 years old. Wayne and Anh have been going out together and Compare essay, Wayne has told Anh that he loves her. How do you feel about quality nyc, Anh and planner submission, Wayne being partners? Rate your feeling according to their ages: I think this is not okay. I think this is okay. Rate your feeling according to their cultural backgrounds: I think this is paper for business okay.

I think this is Compare night not okay. Rate your feeling according to the fact they work together: I think this is Best quality not okay. I think this is okay. Dawn is a 50 year old woman with Downs Syndrome, and to write on john steinbeck, is a resident at a residential aged care facility. She masturbates in the common lounge area at the facility. She needs to be shown a private place to do this and it is your role to take her to a private room, next time she is masturbating. How do you feel about this? Rate your response according to the factor of Best quality for business cards Dawn masturbating:

I think this is okay. I think this is Mba admissions service online not okay. Rate your response according to the factor of your role as a worker assisting her in Best quality for business nyc, this situation. I think this is okay. I think this is not okay. This activity was useful in helping you identify some strong beliefs you hold. Ut Homework! It is good for Best quality paper nyc, you to be able to reflect on these and think how they might impact on your role as a care worker. For example, if you think that all older people and people with disabilities have a right to express their sexuality, regardless of the way they choose do that, you will want to Mba admissions essay writing service ensure their privacy and dignity is respected.

Remember, clients have a right to receive a professional service regardless of the quality for business attitudes, beliefs and values they hold. After answering the questions, you might find it useful to revisit your answers and Online assignment project, identify where your attitudes have come from. This will help in preventing your personal attitudes from impacting on Best, the way you work with clients. What is a belief? Beliefs come from real experiences but often we forget that the original experience is not the same as what is happening in life now. Our values and beliefs affect the quality of our work and all our relationships because what you believe is what you experience. Eyre! We tend to think that our beliefs are based on reality, but it is our beliefs that govern our experiences. The beliefs that we hold are an quality for business nyc important part of our identity. They may be religious, cultural or moral.

Beliefs are precious because they reflect who we are and how we live our lives. As a care worker in the community services industry, the pre-existing beliefs you may have could be related to stereotypes that have developed for you around issues like sexuality, alcohol and other drugs, ageing and disabilities, independence, health, the rights of application help resume people, your idea of health and what it’s like to be older and/or disabled. These stereotypes could affect the paper for business cards way you interact and Essays help, work with clients. This is because you have assumptions about what your clients can and can’t do for themselves, the way they should think about issues and what is best for them. If you make assumptions as a worker then you are denying clients their rights, respect and cards nyc, dignity. As a worker this would be regarded as a breach in your duty of What my research steinbeck care towards clients. The need for older people and people with disabilities to express their sexuality does not necessarily diminish over time.

The desire for Best quality for business nyc, intimacy can in fact intensify. Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Night! The development of new relationships may occur as a result of living in a residential care setting or as people’s social networks change over time. The right to express sexuality is paper for business a quality of life issue and help resume, is part of Best cards nyc one’s self-identity. The way people choose to Essays help express their sexuality may change over time in a variety of cards nyc ways. Paper On John! Intimate relationships enhance a person’s quality of life and contribute to their feelings of well being. As a care worker it is important to respect a person’s right to Best quality nyc express their sexuality in a way which is help jane eyre appropriate for quality for business, them.

What is an Essays help jane eyre attitude? The word ‘attitude’ can refer to a lasting group of feelings, beliefs and behaviour tendencies directed towards specific people, groups, ideas or. An attitude is Best quality paper for business a belief about something. It usually describes what we think is the ‘proper’ way of doing something. The attitudes that we feel very strongly about planner submission project, are usually called values. Other attitudes are not so important and are more like opinions. Sometimes our own attitudes can make us blind to paper cards other people’s values, opinions and Ut homework, needs. Attitudes will always have a positive and negative element and when you hold an attitude you will have a tendency to behave in a certain way toward that person or object.

You will need to be aware of your own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and how they might impact on your work. It is important to consider the quality for business mapping of your own life – what have been some significant events that have shaped you, what qualities you admire in yourself and others, what beliefs are important to you, what you value and so on. Some examples of these may be personal features such as strength of character, helping people, respect, honesty, wealth, success, health etc. What we believe are important qualities, or what qualities we admire in ourselves and project, others, generally reflect our life experiences and Best quality paper for business nyc, the values which we established in help resume, our early years through the influence of family, teachers, friends, religion, our culture, our education. Given that all of us have differences which have been shaped by our life experiences, we can understand that we will all have different sets of values and beliefs. We do not all think about issues in the same way! To work effectively it is critical to understand your own values and beliefs and to understand the importance of not allowing them to affect the way in which you work with clients. Remember they are your values and may be quite different to the values held by your clients.

In order to remain professional it is necessary to leave your personal values out of the Best quality client/worker relationship. Solutions! This means that it is important that you allow clients to make decisions based on their own values and beliefs rather than decisions that reflect what you think they should do. When we are carrying out our daily duties at work we rarely think about our attitudes, we are immersed in work itself and often remain unaware of Best quality paper nyc just how different our attitudes could be to others around us. As previously defined an attitude is Mba admissions writing service simply a belief, and describes what we think is the proper way of doing or thinking about something. Attitudes vary in intensity. When we feel strongly about something attitudes are called values. Attitudes that are less important to us are called opinions. For example we may feel strongly that older people should give up their jobs when they reach a certain age, so that younger people can get work. Strong attitudes are often very emotional and can cloud our judgement in meeting other people’s needs. This means that some people or clients may be denied their rights to be allowed to make their own choices and quality paper for business nyc, decisions about their life.

The influence of attitudes. Our attitudes develop over time and not only reflect where we have come from i.e. the influence family, friends and writing, experiences have had on our attitudes, but also how we will proceed with our life in the future. Attitudes are therefore a powerful element in our life, are long enduring and hard to change—but not impossible! The problem with attitudes. One of the problems with our attitudes is we often ignore any information which is not consistent with them—we become selective in the way we perceive and respond to events and issues—and lose our ‘objectivity’ about the quality nyc world. By developing insights about our attitudes we reduce the risk of making decisions at work based on our unconscious, pre-existing perceptions, allowing us work more professionally with clients. Awareness of personal attitudes. It is application essay good practice to think about your attitudes and beliefs: it helps you to Best quality paper for business cards understand yourself better. It is beneficial to Common essay reflect on your life, identify some of the Best significant events that have shaped you, consider what qualities you admire in yourself and others and be mindful of Mba admissions essay writing service what values and are important to you. Your identity has shaped the person you are today! Here is a checklist that will help you assess how your identity has developed. (.doc 25 kB)

The exercise you have just completed will have given you some sense of where your own identity has come from. Think about this as you answer the following questions. 1.From the values you chose above, list the ones that would apply to your role as a care worker. 2.Why is Best quality paper nyc it important for community services workers to to write steinbeck have a sense of their own identity and where it has come from? 3.What issues can you identify for yourself in having to quality paper nyc work with people and help, clients who have grown up differently form you, have a different identity and therefore different beliefs? Taking into quality cards, account personal values and help resume, beliefs. One of the Best for business nyc responsibilities of workers is that we do not impose our own values and beliefs on the people we work with. That is, that we don’t provide options and services based on what we feel is right, but that we work with people in relation to what is right for them. We should always remember that it is their life and only they should make decisions about help, how they should live their life. If you try to impose your own moral values on clients, you are likely to make them feel judged and to damage their self-worth.

Moreover, they are likely to reject you and to reject your values too. If you are able to quality paper cards nyc accept your clients, with whatever values they have, you may well find that as time passes they move closer to you in jane, their beliefs. This is Best quality paper cards inevitable because we are, whether we like it or not, models for our clients and we have a responsibility to jane be good models. Regardless of who the client is, and regardless of quality paper cards his or her behaviour, he or she deserves to be treated as a human being of worth. If you respect your clients, they will, through feeling valued, be given the Mba admissions writing optimum conditions in Best paper, which to maximise their potential as individuals.

It is essential that you are aware of your own values and beliefs so that you do not impose them (deliberately or unintentionally) on the people you are working with. In order to leave your personal values out of the client/worker relationship, you need to aware of the impact they may have when you come across clients that do not behave in ways that you agree with—that is, clients who have different values and beliefs to you. You may find that with such clients you become judgemental or notice that you are encouraging clients to make a decision that reflects what you think they should do (based on your values and beliefs) rather than working with the client to come up with their own ideas about and contrast essay introduction night, how to Best cards resolve the issue. That is why it is Compare essay introduction night so important to Best quality for business cards nyc have ethical standards, so that we are operating by a professional set of Mba admissions guidelines, not what we personally think is right or wrong. Activity: Professional values. What would you consider to be the Best for business values and Mba admissions essay writing service, attitudes that are critical for someone who works in the community services industry? Respecting the beliefs, attitudes and values of others. Everyone is entitled to their own values, attitudes and beliefs. Paper For Business Nyc! It is important to accept and Common application essay help resume, respect that other people may well have different attitudes, values and beliefs than you. We do not have the right to expect that others change their values, attitudes and paper nyc, beliefs just because they are different to Compare and contrast ours. It is quite possible that you may face situations at work that either challenge or compromise your own values, attitudes or beliefs when working to support people with a disability.

It is not always easy to avoid communicating your beliefs and values to clients, but it is something you need to be very aware of. It can be very easy to Best for business influence clients in subtle ways. Simple things like body language, gestures, the way you say something, or even actions, can give a client the Common application essay help impression you agree or disagree with their values or beliefs. A disability support worker, Sally, was assisting Harry, a client, to Best quality cards nyc decide what movie he was going to essay service online see on the weekend. Harry loved horror films. Sally hated them. During the conversation Sally shook her head every time Harry pointed to a horror film in quality paper nyc, the paper. In the end Harry decided to go and see a comedy. Even though Sally did not directly say that she disapproved of Harry’s movie choice, when she shook her head she indicated that she did not approve of Harry’s choice. The support you give to clients should be, as much as possible, in line with their values, attitudes and beliefs, while also in line with your community services organisation and the law. Impact of values and philosophies on service provision.

The way that the above values and philosophies are acted upon in services affects the quality of the service provided to clients. Mba Admissions Essay Writing Service Online! The more these values are promoted and reflected in the way the service operates, the more positive the experience for the client. Activity: Identifying the impact of values and philosophies on service provision. Phong is Best paper cards nyc a 29 year old Vietnamese man who was injured in a serious car accident eight months ago and sustained a brain injury. This means that he has great difficulty with his short-term memory and with organising his thoughts. Writing Service Online! He also needs to use a wheelchair because of a neck injury.

Phong is now living back at home with his family. Best! Most of his friends don’t come around anymore and Phong hardly gets out. He is eyre unable to return to work as a mechanic. Phong has been referred to a community access program, designed to help him deal with his brain injury and integrate back into the community. Is this the perfect essay for you?

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Also, because the extra $5.88 monthly charge is posted on What to write paper the company’s site, this disclosure allows it to make the paper for business, “Didn’t you read the Compare night, TC’s?” rebuttal. However, as several Ripoff Report testimonials attest, the site also posts fake job postings on Best cards nyc Craigslist and Compare and contrast essay night, asks job applicants to quality cards use OneBuckResume to properly format their resumes prior to sending them off to the hiring company. And Contrast Essay Introduction? Unsuspecting job applicants pay the $1 fee and send their resumes to Best cards the provided email- only to have those emails bounce back to them as unrecognized. After 7 days, the mysterious $5.88 monthly charges begin. Another resume site, TheLadders, was sued in solutions, district court on March 13, 2013 for not only posting fake, unauthorized and/or misleading $100K job opportunities but for nyc, also not delivering on its resume writing service promise. To Write Paper Steinbeck? TheLadders, as noted by Barbara Ward (the Plaintiff), …promised a free “expert resume critique” for its premium members. However, TheLadders did not actually review resumes that were submitted by paper for business cards, its premium members. Instead…TheLadders sent its members a form letter that failed to provide any resume criticism responsive to members’ individual resumes.

The sole purpose of the Compare and contrast essay night, form letter was to up-sell members into Best paper cards, useless paid resume re-writing services… Resume scams abound because, in this crappy economy, it’s very easy to take advantage of people who are scrambling to find work. The scammers often play on people’s fears, telling them that their resumes lack important “action items” that will prevent them from being hired. Even when professionally written resumes are submitted to these scam sites, they are ripped up and cited as needing extensive work. Of course, a scam site will naturally rip up any resume, even its own generated resume, in order to make a quick buck. And the bucks, in this case, aren’t just $30 or $40; in the case of TheLadders, members who sent their resumes to Common application help be re-written were charged about $700! Where can you find legitimate resume writing services? Hardcore resume writers are often certified members of the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA) and/or the Professional Association of Resume Writers Career Coaches (PARW/CC). These writers don’t hide behind a resume writing site (although they may be employed by it); typically, you’ll find writer profiles and work examples on Best quality paper for business cards nyc the site’s “About Me/Us” page. The better resume writers will be industry-specific and solutions, have some kind of Best quality for business cards nyc, education or experience in their chosen focus (e.g., law). Granted, with almost everyone being online now, you are bound to have some online forms to essay resume fill out when you start working with a resume writing service.

However, the writer working on your resume should contact you personally to obtain additional information from you. This typically includes several phone interviews spanning a total of 3-5 hours for a top-notch resume site. Local agencies may also schedule you for an in-person session with the writer. Even a budget resume writer should speak with you personally for at Best quality paper nyc, least half an hour. Beware of resume sites that are online only and where you cannot reach anyone over assignment submission project the phone. Quality Paper For Business? Typically, this indicates that the writers (if any) are being paid slave wages by the site and have limited English language speaking/writing skills. While working with a “resume mill” does not exclude you from obtaining a meaningful resume, it will probably require that you do significant editing and application help, formatting of your own document (this issue has been reported for the resume mill, which pays its writers Taco Bell wages for resumes worth $155). This negates much of the paper cards nyc, reasoning behind hiring a resume writer in the first place.

Google knows all, as I like to essay night say. Best Quality Cards Nyc? Before you consider working with any resume site, do a quick online search of that site with the word “scam” plugged into your search query. If you find testimonial after testimonial from dissatisfied customers or even records of a lawsuit, steer clear of that agency. Questions to ask before you pay any money. Even “good” resume writing sites can be riddled with issues. Before you hire any resume service to online take on your resume, be sure to ask the following questions of the writer: 1. What are all the steps of quality for business cards nyc, this process and to write steinbeck, associated fees? Alternately: What do you charge per hour and what does that cover?

2. What advantages do you personally offer when compared with other resume writers? 3. Cards Nyc? Can I speak with your previous clients and/or see their “before and after” resumes? If a writer cannot provide either, find another writer/service. 4. What guarantees do you offer (e.g., limitless revisions, money back if not satisfied)? Other things to keep in mind. As the potential client, you should expect a free evaluation of your resume before you plunk down any money. Once you become an actual client, however, up-front payment is required from to write on john steinbeck most resume writing sites. Quality Paper Cards Nyc? Expect the Online assignment planner project, entire resume critiquing to writing to revision process to paper for business cards take anywhere from two weeks to even over a month; good results don’t happen overnight (or in “less than 5 minutes”).

Finally, be sure to keep your receipt; resume writing services are viewed as a legitimate employment-seeking activity through the eyes of the essay, IRS and are tax-deductible. I was offered a resume editing for $79 by paragon resumes? i haven’t seen any red flags, has anybody used them before? I used them last year, they were great. Paragon resumes and Australian resumes are the same company. For Business Cards? They operate out of India and they use the Compare essay introduction, same website just with changed names, if you look at their testimonials, they are the same on Best quality paper for business cards nyc both sites!! DO NOT USE OVERSEAS OPERATORS PRETENDING TO BE AUSTRALIAN. I connected with Dillard and Associates about doing my resume. Online Assignment Planner? I gave them required documents, payment 11 days ago, and not so much a draft. I’ve emailed and called, but they keep making excuses.

Spoke to owner today he claimed he emailed it, but when I told him there was nothing in my box he changed up. He keeps trying to hurry up and get off of phone. Trying to stay calm, but getting very irritated. Unprofessional and I want my funds back. I have been fighting with e-resume for weeks… they simply refuse to quality for business nyc make any changes to their first draft, which looks like an apocalypse at an ant farm, there is so much text jammed onto the page. Their response to every request is, “do it yourself”. What To Write Paper On John Steinbeck? Meanwhile, several potential employers have specifically told me that the resume e-resume gave me needs to be replaced, as it is unreadable. Best Nyc? My advice is to find a local service through yelp rather than use any of the Online planner, on-line companies. I’m a professional resume writer that worked with JC 3 years ago – just after my certifications. You are expected to maintain a daily quota of 3 or more ‘professional’ resumes per Best paper cards, day at to write paper on john steinbeck, a payout of 25.00 per resume.

I didn’t work for her very long, or any online company for Best paper for business cards nyc, that matter before I opened my own business. On line companies are a lot of hype. They overcharge the client for little or no personalized services, such as one-on-one consultations and/or critiques and Online assignment, expect the writer to develop something beneficial to the client. As a professional resume writer I can tell you – that’s ludicrous. Best Quality For Business Cards? There is NO way you can do that. For those serious about What my research on john, resume writing – join a nationally recognized affiliation such as the NRWA and start your own company. Best Quality Cards? Don’t waste time degrading your professional image by being forced to project put out shoddy work due to time restraints. Clients deserve our very best – and Best paper nyc, that’s what they pay for. You will always win by Compare and contrast introduction, providing top-quality service at for business, a price that everyone can afford…and the referrals will definitely keep you busy. Glad to have learned so I can share with others.

Dawn, what is your site and Compare and contrast essay, or resume service contact information? I’d like to enquire about your services. You should let others know about Best paper for business cards nyc, it on as many reviews sites as possible. JC Resumes has morphed into TopResume which owned by Talent Inc which also owns JC Resumes which runs offers on Groupon. They contract out their work to freelancers and sometimes people get lost in the shuffle. TopResume is rated “F” by the BBB. You can see their profile here: Here is another scam. Amazon,, Amazon Local, JC, J. Melissa Cooper, Discount resume service not such a deal.

Company offers same price without offer. Internet. Amazon Local is offering $227 in resume services for $79. Offer tag B00LH56DGM. And Contrast Introduction? This may seem like an excellent deal until you look at the total package.

This offer is a ripoff for the following reasons: 1). The discount is not real. You can see multiple resume websites run by J. Melissa Cooper here: J. Best Quality For Business? Melissa Cooper created just for this deal.

She sells resumes on Compare and contrast introduction for quality for business nyc, the following prices: A resume costs $49.99. Cover letters are $29.99. Follow-up letters cost $9.99. Thank you letters are $9.99. So when you compare the regular price to the “Amazon” price instead of saving $148 (65%) like the ad says, you are saving $20.96 or 21% and since the follow up letters and thank you letters are the same for everyone you are really getting $79.98 worth of services for jane eyre, $79! A whopping savings of 98 cents. It’s like saying we give you 50% off of paper for business cards nyc, everything that is jane, double priced. 2).

The offer is not local. Amazon Local is for Local deals. is located in Naples, Florida although the deals are tagged local for New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Boston, Dallas as well as many other cities. This is a deceptive as those who sign up for emails for these deals enter a city and zip code to receive deals from Best paper for business local vendors. To send them a deal that is tagged as local and really hundreds of miles away creates distrust among users. 3). The offer includes a guarantee that is not a guarantee. It states, get an interview in 60 days or they will make a second new resume for free.

First of solutions, all, if they can’t figure out how to create a resume that works and they waste 60 days of potential employment time, how are they going to Best quality paper for business cards create an effective resume later. It’s like saying if your plane crashes we will give you a new ticket out on the next flight! Second of all, the guarantee is not redeemable. In order to qualify, you need to prove that you looked for a job. The only proof accepted is application resume, certified letter receipts or fax receipts.

No one looks for jobs using this method and it would cost nearly $200 to quality for business cards send out certified letters to Compare and contrast essay meet the requirement for Best paper for business, a free rewrite. So in other words there is no real guarantee. They can say no one has used the guarantee because it is unrealistic and unreasonable. The Better Business Bureau has indicated that this type of guarantee advertising can be construed as deceptive. A company which offers a similar guarantee was cited by to write paper on john steinbeck, the BBB. You can see the Advertising Review here:

4). This company does business under multiple names, but you can’t find who is in cards, charge. This company operates under different names and changes tactics when they get bad reviews. They started as Jaime Cooper Resumes, then J. Mba Admissions Service Online? Melissa, then JC Resumes. Quality? They operate Jaime Cooper Consulting, R2H, Inc.,, Essays Jane? The do not offer addresses, direct contact information, telephone numbers and quality paper cards, register their domain names under proxies so they can’t be identified. 5).

No phone support is offered. The pricing is listed similar to services offering full interview, editing and finalization services. In this service, you submit your information and deal only by email. You can not choose your writer, discuss your needs or get advice. The information you provide is poured into a template, edited and returned to you with a generic thank you letter and follow up letter. Common Application Help Resume? It’s like ordering a discounted grand piano and upon arrival the package is the size of paper for business cards nyc, a tissue box (this has happened and Online assignment planner submission, was justified because the picture in the ad said “actual size”). In the end, you can imagine the time a writer has to produce 4 documents at Best quality paper for business cards nyc, an average pretax pay of $30. Beware of potential quality issues. The good news is that Amazon backs all their transactions. Compare And Contrast Essay? If you have any concerns about Best quality paper for business cards, this purchase, contact Amazon directly to assignment submission determine your recourse.

I recently used the service of a so called SCAM site: They also offered a 14 day-trial for quality paper for business cards, 1$ + 3.95$ and in very fine-print say that you will be charged 34.95$ per month if you don’t cancel your auto-subscription. You never receive a warning or receipt for this “additional” auto subscription and after seeing this on Ut homework solutions my credit card billing, I talked to their customer service who simply refer me to their terms of service and eventually did not even answer me. This is terrible customer service, intentional misdirection and misleading. Beware of Best cards nyc, – It’s a scam site that will auto-charge your credit card without your approval and without notifying you at assignment planner submission project, all. Thanks for the information, Gilad!

Hopefully, ITT readers will take note of this site as well. Offers a 14-day trial for $1.95 but charges $34.95 a month unless membership is cancelled. Auto billing is automatic once you sign up for quality cards nyc, free trial. BEWARE. Thanks for a superb post. I agree that NRWA and PARW/CC membership are definitely a good sign. I would also check the company’s info on essay the BBB website. Usually, bad resume services tend to Best cards nyc leave a long trail of consumer complaints and that’s a huge warning sign. I've Tried That was started in 2007 to help protect consumers from falling victim to online scams. We've written hundreds of Online, articles, received millions of page views, and have stopped a countless amount of money from falling into the wrong hands.

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Examining Hamlet and for business, The Great Gatsby Essay. According to Roger Lewis, “The acquisition of money and love are both part of the same dream, the will to return to the quintessential unity that exists only at birth and at death” (41). Compare And Contrast Essay Night! In both William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, and F. Best Quality Paper For Business Cards Nyc! Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, the submission project, protagonists are willing to sacrifice all that they have in order to achieve their unrealistic objectives and quality, ambitions, resulting in their tragic demises. Essay Introduction Night! While there are many themes and concepts relevant to both Hamlet and The Great Gatsby, their parallels regarding their aspirations stand out for further evaluation. The concept of sacrificing all that a person has, not limiting to their own life, is ever present in Best paper for business nyc, these works. Both Hamlet and Gatsby make evident that they are willing and are capable of sacrificing all that is themselves to possibly reach their ultimate goal.

Throughout William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark is set on his goal of achieving vengeance and justice for his father’s murder, without the realization that his obstinate aspirations eventually lead to his own downfall. Unlike many other characters, Hamlet is very analytical; he makes very calculated and thoughtful moves before he acts, ultimately leading him to his death. Ut Homework Solutions! “Hamlet represents the type of man whose power of direct action is paralyzed by an excessive development of his intellect” (Freud, Sigmund). Quality Paper Cards Nyc! This is furthermore supported when Hamlet is given a golden opportunity to attain vengeance for his father, but does not kill Claudius, the king of Denmark, for Hamlet mistakenly assumes that Claudius is praying. Hamlet: Now might I do it pat. Now he is a-praying. And now I’ll do’t. And so he goes to heaven. And so am I revenged, That would be scanned. A villain kills my father, and, for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send, To heaven.

Oh, this is hire and salary, not revenge. (Hamlet, III, iii, 74-80) Hamlet misses an opportune chance to application essay, complete his mission, one to which he would have no opposition, but loses his chance due to his over-excessive thought process. On the other hand, Jay Gatsby is a person who appears to be motivated by only his urges and emotions; no other forces drive him more than his ultimate love lust. “Gatsby does not appear as a man of quality for business cards nyc ordinary disposition acting under the direction of ordinary, explicable impulses. He appears instead as one under the spell of some enchantment” (Langman, F.H.). In other words, Gatsby himself was driven by a mighty inner need to Online planner submission project, reattain his once lost love. Through this, we see that Gatsby was not controlled by Best quality for business cards anything but his heart; his heart controlled his actions and thought process, and had completely consumed his entire life since his breakup with Daisy. Gatsby was willing to adjust himself to what Daisy seemed to Mba admissions writing, desire at that moment. He hadn’t once ceased looking at Daisy, and Best paper cards nyc, I think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of Compare and contrast essay night response it drew from her well-loved eyes.

Sometimes, too, he stared around at his possessions in a dazed way, as though in her actual and astounding presence none of it was any longer real. Once he nearly toppled down a flight of stairs. (Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 112) In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby has made it his life mission to donate all of quality paper cards his possible energy and resources to Mba admissions essay writing, attempt to acquire his love once lost. According to Carla Verderame, “The novel concerns itself with the struggles of paper cards nyc reinventing oneself to Ut homework solutions, attain the dreams and pleasures of one’s youth. In Gatsby’s case, the effort goes terribly awry.” Gatsby, throughout the novel, strives to retrieve his long lost love; he is willing to conform himself to whatever means he must conform to in order to achieve his end desired goal. “The poor boy who becomes a millionaire by extra-legal activities endeavors to recapture Daisy Buchanan by means of his newly acquired wealth. Paper Cards Nyc! This ostentatious, mysterious character becomes the exemplar of the American dream and its flaws” (Bruccoli, Matthew J.).

Jay Gatsby spends years of his life involved in illegal activity in order to accumulate enough wealth to be able to throw many parties, all for a possible chance to see his love once lost, Daisy. In this, both Jay Gatsby and application essay, Prince Hamlet are willing to Best quality for business, sacrifice all that they have, not limited to Online assignment planner project, themselves, in order to achieve their unrealistic goals. In comparison, Hamlet is content with altering his life and his current relationships, all for the sake of being closer to his ultimate goal, vengeance for his father. “Hamlet lacks faith in G-d and himself. Consequently he must define his existence in terms of others… He would like to become what the Greek Tragic hero is, a creature of situation. Hence his inability to act, for he can only ‘act’”, i.e., play at possibilities” (Auden, W.H) Hamlet is willing to act mad, ruining all of his relationships, not limited to his romantic life, for a futile opportunity to get close enough to Claudius to kill him. Although both Jay Gatsby and Best quality paper cards, Prince Hamlet are willing to sacrifice all for their aspirations, Gatsby puts on a false front, while Hamlet covers his; Gatsby pulls a facade as though he had been wealthy throughout his entire life, while Hamlet feigns insanity. Gatsby has attempted to pull a facade of him having always been wealthy, thus allowing him to be part of Daisy’s circle. Gatsby claims to have inherited his vast sum, hiding that he had actually self accumulated it over Essays help jane eyre, the years. For Business Cards Nyc! By pretending to Compare essay introduction, be wealthy to belong in Best quality paper cards nyc, an elite class, he is hoping for the opportunity and chance to have the ability of mixing in with Daisy, his lost love. “Past the last door to the last room and Gatsby’s facade is still up; he is still marshaling, even in his bedroom ‘many colored disarray’, literally pilling up: there is Common application resume, no end to Best quality for business nyc, his ‘soft rich heap’…But despite all the wealth they embody, they remain piles of things” (Lhamon Jr, W.T., 58).

Though Jay Gatsby indubitably pretends he fits into the elite rich’s circle, he did not belong there in Essays jane eyre, the least. Cards! Gatsby goes so far as to change his name, the one part of a being that will always be himself infinitely. He had gone so far as to change his name and identity as though it could be almost impossible to separate the fake facade from the real being. While delving so deep into a lie and false pretense, one can presume that likely at a point the two merged, creating a sort of and contrast introduction night equilibrium state, as though there had genuinely existed a ‘Jay Gatsby.’ “[Gatsby’s] parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people- his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at quality paper cards nyc all. The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God… he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. So he invented just the essay, sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to quality nyc, this conception he was faithful to the end.” (Fitzgerald, F. Scott) In contrast, Hamlet has dissembled his true noble self in order to feign madness to draw Claudius near. Help! Hamlet is far superior than any other characters in Hamlet, intellectually and Best for business, with a potent inner strength. He embodies many incredible capabilities and abilities; Hamlet can be considered a paradoxical character, being both witty and cautious, kind but stern, etc. “[Hamlet] is endowed with the finest sense of propriety, susceptible of essay resume noble ambition, and open in the highest degree to an enthusiastic admiration of that excellence in others of Best quality nyc which he himself is essay online, deficient.

He acts the paper cards nyc, part of madness with unrivaled power” (Schlegel, August Wilhelm Von). Hamlet is inherently a noble and Mba admissions essay service, imperial being, therefore, for him to dissemble himself and conceal it enables him to feign his insanity, for insanity is much less noble than nobility. Hamlet appears to be a strong character, both physically and quality for business cards nyc, mentally. He is and contrast night, a very elegant thinker, who is by far more intellectual than his peers. “The character of Hamlet stands quite by itself. It is Best quality paper for business cards nyc, not a character marked by strength of will or even of What to write my research steinbeck passion, but by quality for business cards nyc refinement of Essays help jane thought and sentiment” (Hazlitt, William).

Hamlet is a very unique character in regards to his highly mature and noble sophistication. While it seems that Gatsby was not deserving of his vastly enourmous wealth along with the status that accompanied it throughout the paper for business cards, book, on the contrary it is possible that he might in fact had been. To Write Paper On John! One could argue that in reality he was a nobel character, deserving of his status in elite circles . Whether or not Gatsby had indeed inherited his sum or had invested legally or illegally, he truly did acquire an enormous sum of cash. Gatsby had come into life with almost nothing to his name, and had left it with enormous wealth. He was an honored individual who served his country and truly can be referred to as the epitome of the American Dream throughout his life. Gatsby ‘represented everything,’ Nick says, for which he feels “an unaffected scorn.” Even when he tells Gatsby, on their last meeting, that he’s ‘worth the whole damn bunch put together,’ Nick continues to disapprove of him on a social level. Gatsby has redeeming qualities, however… Parts of his fantastic story turn out to be true. He had been a war hero, and has the for business cards nyc, medal from Montenegro to prove it. He had actually attended Oxford—for five months, as a postwar reward for military service, and produces a photograph in assignment, evidence.

Above all, there was nothing phony or insincere about his dream of Daisy (Donaldson, Scott). That being said, it is important to also reanalyze Hamlet’s position; Hamlet could well possibly have not been concealing his true self, but rather trying to quality cards, develop his plan cognitively. Although the question remains if he had truly become consumed by his ‘madness charade‘ or if it had been an act all along, William Shakespeare gives no indication in Ut homework, his work. “Hamlet, a very unconventional hero whose eloquence and endless deliberation on why he cannot consummate the revenge his father desires underscores his essential rhetorical role in the play. While Hamlet so eloquently describes his feelings, the question remains as to quality cards nyc, whether he actually feels them” (Bloom, Harold). Although it may appear that he had lost himself, if not beginning with his escapade concerning his old girlfriend then with his seemingly drivel conversations, it is highly likely that Hamlet had just been playing a part. Application Essay Resume! This is seen when Hamlet is able to not only save his own life from the decree put forth by his uncle, but to complete his mission in Best paper for business nyc, the end as well. While there are many germane ideas present in both literary works, their parallels to each-other regarding their willingness to Essays help, achieve their aspirations are regarded as a main point to be extracted for further assessments. Both protagonists were willing to do about quality for business cards anything, including altering their destinies, in order to achieve some aspiration of theirs, regardless of Mba admissions service online how unrealistic it may be. According to paper cards nyc, Khalil Gilbran, “To understand the heart and Common help, mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to.” (97) This being said, both Gatsby and Hamlet are intricate characters with much to delve and dissect on; though they both died tragic deaths, their deaths were not in vain for their legacies continue onward. Auden, W.H. Hamlet. qtd in Lectures on Shakespeare” ed.

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