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Self-Regulation and Unification Discussions in Canada s Accounting

british resume photo This page explains how to write a British-style CV (curriculum vitae, or resume, or personal history) and covering letter, used when applying for jobs in Writing profession unification the UK. Author: Corinne Mills. Date: January 2009. Author: Tracey Whitmore. Publisher: How To Books Ltd. Your CV ( curriculum vitae ) is Personal for high school mission, a summary of your work experience and education, used for Writing profession unification, job applications. Number? A resume (properly written as resumé) is an Writing in accounting profession, American English term for a CV. A covering letter is a letter sent with your CV which explains details about your application to a particular company. A reference is a formal letter to hut customer service contact an employer, from somebody who knows you well, describing your character or ability. A referee is a person who provides a reference for you.

How should I design the layout of my CV? There are many ways to design a CV. Writing Profession Unification? This section gives an statement essay school, example. Print your CV on good quality white paper. The paper size should be A4 (this is 21.0 cm wide and 29.7cm tall).

Usually you should not attach a photograph. Leave wide margins (there should be a gap of at Writing unification least 2 centimetres on statement for money the top, bottom, left and right). A good font size to use is 12 (or 10 if you want to put more information on your CV). Unification? The document should use only one font style, for example Times New Roman. Use bold ( Bold ) or italics ( Italics ) to emphasise important words.

Only underline section titles (or do not underline any words). If you make a list (for example, a list of your job achievements), consider using bullet points. Try to statement resume keep the CV on one side of profession unification, paper, or use two sides if you have a lot of relevant work experience or qualifications. Is Best Website For Doing Homework While? Keep your sentences short and simple. A typical section order is: There is an example CV shown below. When writing your name, always put your own name first and your family name last (even if you write the family name first in your own country). Include the full postcode in your address. Writing Profession? Make sure that you will be able to collect all mail sent to this address (if you move, ask the is best for doing while, owner to forward letters to you). If you have a mobile telephone, put this number on your CV, so that you can be contacted easily.

If you use a voicemail service, it will be easier for callers to profession leave a message for you. If you do not have a mobile telephone, give the number of the telephone at your accommodation. A Critique Paper Essay? The telephone number should start with the area code, written in brackets; for example, a London number should be written (020) xxxx xxxx. Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? If the telephone has an answering machine, make sure that you check the messages every day. If you are sharing someone else's telephone, ask that person's permission before using their number on your CV. Essay For High? Write your e-mail address next to your telephone number, and check your messages regularly. Create two columns. Use the left-hand column for dates. For start and in accounting profession unification, end dates, use either full years (eg 1998-2000) or the homework while, first three letters of the month followed by the last two digits of the Writing, year (eg Jun 98-Sep 00) In the a critique essay, right-hand column, provide information about each of your job roles. Start by writing the name of the company (in bold) and its location. On the in accounting unification, next line you might give a brief description of what the Writing on an article, company does.

You might give a title for your job (and perhaps a department name) on another line (highlighting this in Writing in accounting bold italics) You should list your main responsibilities and achievements within each role (perhaps using bullet points) Give more detail for recent jobs. Statement For Money? Make sure that you mention skills which may be useful in the job for which you are now applying. If possible, avoid any date gaps unless they are covered within the Education section. Don't mention how much you were paid. When describing your achievements, use positive action verbs (for example: achieved, arranged, assisted, co-ordinated, completed, dealt with, developed, established, expanded, handled, helped, implemented, improved, increased, interviewed, introduced, maintained, managed, negotiated, organised, planned, processed, programmed, proposed, promoted, purchased, redesigned, reduced, reorganised, revised, sold, solved, streamlined, supervised, trained, translated, worked, wrote). You should not use the word I on Writing profession unification your CV; this is understood. For example, you might write Increased sales at the shop, but not I increased sales at the shop.

Remember that the person reading your CV may not be familiar with the education system in your country. Create two columns. Use the left-hand column for the dates. For start and end dates, use either full years (eg 1998-2000) or the first three letters of the month followed by the last two digits of the What homework, year (eg Jun 98-Sep 00) In the Writing profession, right-hand column, list the name of the school or university on one line, followed by further details (the course name or the number of exam subjects passed) on paper article the next line. List formal educational qualifications only in this table (eg university and secondary school, but not a language school or part-time courses), stating the most recent (and highest level) qualifications first. If you have been to a post-graduate school or college, put the name of this after a label such as Post-graduate studies: so that the level is unification, clear. Pizza Hut Customer Service? If you have been to a university, use the word University in the name, or put a label such as University: before the name so that the level is in accounting unification, clear. If the university is one of the top universities in your country, state this fact (the interviewer may not know it). Writing In 8 Vivaldi? State the Writing profession, name of the town and country after the university's name.

In the description, put the name of the main subject studied (try to Pizza hut customer service contact number avoid using the words major or minor, which are used in Writing in accounting profession unification American English). If you studied English, the subject should perhaps be described as English language and literature, not just English literature. Avoid mentioning grades unless they are particularly good; if you do mention grades, make sure that they are clear (e.g. 80%, or top grade) - the British university grade system is probably different from that in your country. You should list any schools you have attended between the ages of about 15 and 18, but not before this age. You should add the label Secondary school: before the name of the hut customer service number, school, or include the words High School in the name. If you took exams in Writing unification a wide range of subjects, you may prefer to Writing paper on an article essay list only the number of Writing in accounting profession, subjects passed instead of the subject names, or if you have been to university you may choose not to assignment martin king list any secondary school qualifications. If you are studying in Writing profession unification the UK, you may want to include details of is best website homework while, this course. If so, write this in a line under the main table.

For example, you could write Currently studying English at ABC school, London (since January 2001). In Accounting Unification? If you have other skills or qualifications which you believe may be relevant, you can list these. English exams which you have passed (eg Passed Cambridge First Certificate of English). Computer skills (eg Good knowledge of standard office software, including e-mail and the internet) Typing speed (only mention this if you are applying for data entry or secretarial jobs) An international driving licence (only mention this if you may need to drive for assignment luther king, the job) Create two columns; use the left-hand column for labels and the right-hand column for information.

The exact list of Writing in accounting profession unification, personal details you want to give may depend on your circumstances and College writing essay hours, what the job requires, but the Writing, list below will give you a guide. Write Date of birth:, followed by the day you were born in the second column, eg 3 Feb 1980. Note that the date should be written in British date order (day, month, year), not in contact number American date order (month, day, year). Write Nationality:, followed by your nationality eg Japanese. You may want to write Gender:, followed by Writing unification, Male or Female, if this is not obvious to a British person from your name. Whether you are a man or a woman may be relevant for some jobs. Write Work status:, followed by a description of the status implied by the stamp in your passport, for example, Student visa or EC citizen (no work permit required). Write Interests: followed by website homework while, a short list of perhaps 3 or 4 main hobbies or interests.

As you have come to the UK to study, you can probably include interests such as travel, learning languages, or international cultures. Don't list anything which you wouldn't be happy to discuss at an interview. Include interests which may show the interviewer that you have good social or team-working skills, that show your dedication / enthusiasm / success, or that highlight additional skills that may be useful in the job (for example, computer or language skills). Writing? If you think it is necessary, write References:, followed by Available on request. You should only provide references if your employer asks for Personal for money resume, them. If you do need to give a reference, make sure that you have asked the Writing, person beforehand. Possible referees include a teacher or previous employer.

It may complicate your application if you give the name of Writing on an article essay, a referee who lives abroad; if you want to do this, make sure that the person will be able to provide comments in English, and give an in accounting profession unification, e-mail address so that delays can be minimised. What For Doing Homework While? 52 Orchard Street, London W2 3BT. Telephone: 020-7654 3210; Mobile: 07960 999999; E-mail: · Advised the main shop's customers about organic and health foods. Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? · Developed new business in Personal resume smaller satellite stores, explaining the benefits of supplements and in accounting profession, organic food to potential new customers. · Increased sales at both the main and the satellite shops. Pizza Hut Customer Service Contact? The extra profits were used to Writing profession expand the resume, business by establishing a new shop. · Examined incoming mail and redirected this to the appropriate division. · Translated foreign letters (written in in accounting profession English) into Personal resume, Japanese. · Dealt with customs enquiries and unification, procedures. Computer literate: good knowledge of Word and Excel, as well as e-mail and the internet. Fluent in Japanese; practical knowledge of contact, English and Korean. If you are sending an application directly to Writing in accounting profession a potential employer, you should write a one-page letter to accompany your CV (a covering letter). Writing Nursing Assignment Martin? The covering letter may either be typed (better if you are applying to a large company) or written neatly by hand (better if you believe that a typed letter may appear too formal). There is an example covering letter shown below. State what type of visa you have, so that the Writing unification, potential employer knows that you will be able to work legally.

You may want to mention the level of your English ability. Explain in your letter how you can be contacted. If you are about to change your accommodation, you should ask to be contacted either on your mobile telephone or by e-mail. If you give the telephone number of Personal for high, your host family, you should ask them for their permission first, and you should check if they have an answering machine. In Accounting Profession? EXAMPLE COVERING LETTER. Re: Job as a part-time sales assistant (reference: JBW5014) I would like to apply for the job of a part-time sales assistant in the food section of Fortnum Mason's in Piccadilly, as advertised in Pizza Loot Recruit on 2 August. Please find attached a copy of profession unification, my CV. My previous jobs include two years as a sales assistant in an organic food shop in Japan. This has given me experience of writing in 8 hours vivaldi, dealing with customers, as well as cashier skills and a basic knowledge of food retailing. I have been living in Writing in accounting profession London since last September, and am currently studying English at What is best website homework a language school. I have good English communication skills (recently I passed the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam).

My fluency in Japanese may be useful when dealing with your Japanese customers. I am an enthusiastic worker, and enjoy working in Writing a team. Is Best Website Homework While? My student visa entitles me to work up to 20 hours per week (or longer during my school holidays), and I could start work immediately. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the job vacancy with you on the telephone or at an interview. I can be contacted most easily on my mobile telephone or by e-mail (see details at the top of this letter).

SENDING YOUR APPLICATION. Check your CV and covering letter carefully before you send them. Use the spell-checker on the computer (set the language to British English rather than American English). Ask a native English speaker to check what you have written, and Writing profession, ask this person for What is best while, any comments they may have. If sending your application by post, send it by profession, first class rather than by second class (it shows that you care about getting the job). If you send an What website homework while, application by e-mail, telephone to Writing profession unification make sure that it has arrived, or send an application in the post as well. Alternatively, you may wish to hand in your application personally; if so, use this opportunity to find out more about the company and ask when you can expect to hear from them.

If you have not heard from the company two weeks after you sent your application (or before the closing date for applications, if there is one), telephone the company to check that your job application has been received and that there haven't been any problems contacting you. It is often the case that people are invited for is best website, an interview for in accounting profession, only a small number of the jobs to which they apply. Try not to feel depressed if it takes a long time to get a job. If you are rejected by a company, ask them to give you some comments, so that you can improve the quality of your later applications. Prepare for a job interview: Work/Interview.

Improve your English writing skills: English/Writing.

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How to Write a Bibliography – Examples in MLA Style. Please note, all entries should be typed double-spaced. In order to keep this Web page short,single rather than double space is profession unification, used here. See Bibliography Sample Page for a properly double-spaced Bibliography or Works Cited sample page. Examples cited on this page are based on the authoritative publication from MLA. If the example you want is not included here, please consult the MLA Handbook, or ask the writer to look it up for you. Format for entries: A single space is used after any punctuation mark. Statement For Money Resume? When dividing a long word or URL onto two lines, put hyphen, slash, or period at profession unification, the end of the Personal statement for money resume line.

Do not add a hyphen to a URL that was not originally there. Writing Profession Unification? Never begin a new line with a punctuation mark. Writing Essay? Double-space all lines in Writing unification, a bibliography entry. Do not indent the first line of a bibliography entry, indent second and subsequent lines 5 spaces, or 1/2? (1.25 cm) from the left margin. Please see Chapter 11.

Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography for details. When writing a bibliography, remember that the purpose is to communicate to the reader, in writing essay in 8 vivaldi, a standardized manner, the sources that you have used in sufficient detail to unification be identified. If you are unable to find all the necessary information, just cite what you can find. Click here to see a selection of What is best for doing while, Common Abbreviations used in documentation. For a complete list of Common Scholarly Abbreviations used in Writing in accounting, parentheses, tables, and documentation, please go to Section 7.4 of the 6th edition of the MLA Handbook.

Bell, Stewart. The Martyr’s Oath: The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist . Mississauga, ON: Wiley, 2005. Biale, David, ed. Cultures of the Jews: A New History . Nursing Martin Luther King? New York: Schocken, 2002. Bowker, Michael. Fatal Deception: The Untold Story of Asbestos: Why It Is Still Legal.

and Still Killing Us . N.p.: Rodale, 2003. N.p. Writing Profession? = No place of publication indicated. Capodiferro, Alessandra, ed. Wonders of the World: Masterpieces of Architecture from. 4000 BC to the Present . Vercelli: White Star, 2004. Cross, Charles R. Pizza Service Contact? Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix . New York: Maltin, Leonard, ed.

Movie Video Guide 2002 Edition . New York: New American, 2001. Meidenbauer, Jorg, ed. Discoveries and Inventions: From Prehistoric to Modern Times . Lisse: Rebo, 2004. Puzo, Mario. The Family: A Novel . Completed by Carol Gino. New York: Harper, 2001. Rowling, J.K.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets . New York: Scholastic, 1999. —. Harry Potter and Writing, the Prisoner of Azkaban . Thorndike, ME: Thorndike, 2000. Suskind, Ron. The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of. Paul O’Neill . New York: Simon, 2004. If your citation is from one volume of a multivolume work and each volume has its own title, you need cite only the actual volume you have used without reference to other volumes in the work. Example: The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud comes in Pizza hut customer contact, 5 volumes, written by Peter Gay.

(Title of Vol. 1: Education of the Senses ) Gay, Peter. Profession Unification? Education of the Senses . New York: Norton, 1999. (Title of Personal statement essay for high school, Vol. Writing In Accounting Unification? 2: The Tender Passion) Gay, Peter. The Tender Passion . New York: Oxford UP, 1986. (Title of Vol.

3: The Cultivation of Hatred ) Gay, Peter. The Cultivation of Hatred . London: Harper, 1994. (Title of Vol. 4: The Naked Heart ) Gay, Peter. Personal Resume? The Naked Heart . New York: Norton, 1995. (Title of Writing profession, Vol. 5: Pleasure Wars ) Gay, Peter. Personal Statement? Pleasure Wars . New York: Norton, 1998.

2. Writing Unification? Book with two authors or editors: Bohlman, Herbert M., and martin luther, Mary Jane Dundas. The Legal, Ethical and in accounting unification, International. Environment of Writing essay, Business . 5th ed. Cincinnati, OH: West, 2002. Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal. Leading with Soul: An Uncommon Journey.

of Spirit . Rev. In Accounting? ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Calvesi, Maurizio, and Lorenzo Canova, eds. Rejoice! 700 Years of What is best, Art for the Papal. Jubilee . New York: Rizzoli, 1999. Cohen, Andrew, and J.L. Writing Profession? Granatstein, eds.

Trudeau’s Shadow: The Life and Legacy. of Pierre Elliott Trudeau . Toronto: Random, 1998. Heath, Joseph, and Andrew Potter. The Rebel Sell: Why the Culture Can’t Be Jammed . 2nd ed. Toronto: Harper, 2005. Llewellyn, Marc, and Lee Mylne. Personal For Money Resume? Frommer’s Australia 2005 . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005. Summers, Anthony, and Robbyn Swan. Sinatra: The Life . New York: Knopf, 2005. Book prepared for publication by two editors:

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington. 3. Book with three authors or editors: Clancy, Tom, Carl Stiner, and Tony Koltz. Profession Unification? Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special. Forces . Hours? New York: Putnam, 2002. Hewitt, Les, Andrew Hewitt, and Luc d’Abadie.

The Power of Focus for College. Students . Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, 2005. Larsson, Mans O., Alexander Z. Speier, and Jennifer R. Weiss, eds. Writing? Let’s Go: Germany 1998 . Writing Martin King? New York: St. Writing In Accounting Unification? Martin’s, 1998.

Palmer, R.R., Joel Colton, and Lloyd Kramer. A History of the Modern World: To 1815 . 9th ed. New York: Knopf, 2002. Suzuki, David, Amanda McConnell, and Maria DeCambra. The Sacred Balance: A Visual Celebration of Our Place in Nature . Vancouver: Greystone, 2002. 4. Book with more than three authors or editors: You have a choice of statement, listing all of the authors or editors in the order as they appear on unification, the title page of the book, or use “et al.” from the Latin et alii, or et aliae , meaning “and others” after the hut customer service contact number first author or editor named. Nelson, Miriam E., Kristin R. Baker, Ronenn Roubenoff, and Lawrence Lindner. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis . New York: Perigee, 2003.

Nelson, Miriam E., et al. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis . New York: Hogan, David J., et al., eds. The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures . Lincolnwood, IL: International, 2000. Pound, Richard W., Richard Dionne, Jay Myers, and James Musson, eds. Canadian. Facts and Dates . Unification? 3rd ed. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry, 2005. Pound, Richard W., et al., eds.

Canadian Facts and Dates . 3rd ed. Markham, ON: Rogerson, Holly Deemer, et al. Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary. Series for ESL . Vol. 6. Advanced Level ESL. Is Best Website? Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh P, 1989. 5. Book with compilers, or compilers and editors: McClay, John B., and Wendy L. Matthews, comps. and eds. Corpus Juris Humorous: A Compilation of Outrageous, Unusual, Infamous and Witty Judicial Opinions.

from 1256 A.D. to Writing unification the Present . New York: Barnes, 1994. O’Reilly, James, Larry Habegger, and Sean O’Reilly, comps. and eds. Danger: True Stories of statement essay school mission, Trouble and Survival . San Francisco: Travellers’ Tales, 1999. Teresa, Mother. The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living with Mother Teresa . Comp. Jaya Chaliha and Edward Le Joly. New York: Viking, 1997.

Note abbreviation: comp. = compiler or compiled by. 6. Book with no author or editor stated: Maclean’s Canada’s Century: An Illustrated History of the People and Events. That Shaped Our Identity . Toronto: Key, 1999. Microsoft PowerPoint Version 2002 Step by Step . Redmond, WA: Perspection, 2001. The Movie Book . London: Phaidon, 1999. With Scott to the Pole: The Terra Nova Expedition 1910-1913 . Photographs of.

Herbert Ponting. New York: BCL, 2004. 7. Book with one author, translated by another: Muller, Melissa. Anne Frank: The Biography . Trans. Rita and Robert Kimber. New York: Metropolitan, 1998. 8. Work in an anthology, a collection by several authors, with one or more editors and/or compilers: Fox, Charles James. “Liberty Is Order, Liberty Is Strength.” What Is a Man?

3,000 Years of Wisdom on the Art of Manly Virtue. Ed. Waller R. Newell. New York: Harper, 2001. 306-7. Wilcox, Robert K. “Flying Blind.” Danger: True Stories of Trouble and Survival . Comp. and ed.

James O’Reilly, Larry Habegger, and Sean O’Reilly. San Francisco: Travellers’ Tales, 1999. 211-22. 9. Article in an encyclopedia with no author stated: “Nazi Party.” New Encyclopaedia Britannica . 1997 ed. “Tajikistan.” World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places . 2000 ed. 10. Writing Profession Unification? Article in an encyclopedia with an author:

If the nursing luther encyclopedia is well known and articles are arranged alphabetically, it is not necessary to indicate the volume and page numbers. If the encyclopedia is not well known, you must give full publication information including author, title of article, title of encyclopedia, name of profession unification, editor or edition, number of volumes in the set, place of publication, publisher and year of publication. Kibby, Michael W. “Dyslexia.” World Book Encyclopedia . 2000 ed. Midge, T. “Powwows.” Encyclopedia of North American Indians . Ed. D.L. Birchfield. 11 vols. New York: Cavendish, 1997. 11. Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with no author stated: “100 Years of Writing martin, Dust and Writing in accounting unification, Glory.” Popular Mechanics Sept. 2001: 70-75.

“Celestica to Repair Palm Handhelds.” Globe and nursing assignment luther, Mail [Toronto] 29 Oct. 2002: B6. “E-Money Slips Quietly into Oblivion.” Nikkei Weekly [Tokyo] 22 Jan. 2001: 4. “McDonald’s Declines to Fund Obesity Education on Danger of Eating Its Food.” National Post [Toronto] 18 Apr. 2006: FP18.

“Pot Use Doubled in Decade, Study Says: 14% Smoked Up in the Past Year.” Toronto Star. 25 Nov. 2004: A18. “Secondhand Smoke Reduces Kids’ IQs.” Buffalo News 23 Jan. Unification? 2005: I6. 12. Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with one or more authors: Use “+” for pages that are not consecutive.

Example: When numbering pages, use “38-45” if page numbers are consecutive. Use “A1+” if article begins on page A1, contains more than one page, but paging is Writing assignment martin luther king, not consecutive. For page numbers consisting of more than 3 digits, use short version if it is clear to the reader, e.g. 220-268 may be written as 220-68, but 349-560 must be written in full. Note also that there is no period after the month. The period in “Mar.” is for the abbreviation of Writing in accounting unification, March. If there are 4 or less letters in the month, e.g. Writing Assignment King? May, June, and July, the Writing in accounting months are not abbreviated.

If the publication date is paper, July 18, 2005, citation will be 18 July 2005. Where a journal or magazine is a weekly publication, “date, month, year” are required. In Accounting Profession? Where a journal or magazine is a monthly publication, only “month, year” are needed. Where a newspaper title does not indicate the location of publication, add the nursing assignment martin king city of publication between square brackets, e.g. Daily Telegraph [London]. Square brackets are used to enclose a word (or words) not found in the original but has been added by you. An article in a scholarly journal is treated somewhat differently: Nielsen, Laura Beth. “Subtle, Pervasive, Harmful: Racist and Sexist Remarks in. Public as Hate Speech.” Journal of Social Issues 58.2 (2002): 265.

The above citation shows: Author’s name, Article title, Name of scholarly journal (underlined), Volume number, Issue number, Year of publication (in parentheses), and Page number. If the article is accessed online, add Access date and URL at the end, see 23. Internet citations, or citing electronic sources (e). Bogomolny, Laura. “Boss Your Career.” Canadian Business 13-16 Mar. 2006: 47-49. Cave, Andrew. “Microsoft and profession, Sun Settle Java Battle.” Daily Telegraph [London] Cohen, Stephen S., and hours vivaldi, J. Bradford DeLong. Writing Profession? “Shaken and Stirred.” Atlantic Monthly.

Jan.-Feb. 2005: 112+. Coleman, Isobel. “Women, Islam, and the New Iraq.” Foreign Affairs Jan.-Feb. 2006: 24+. Daly, Rita. “Bird Flu Targeting the Young.” Toronto Star 11 Mar. 2006: A1+. Dareini, Ali Akbar. “Iranian President Defends Country’s Nuclear Ambitions.” Buffalo News. Hewitt, Ben. “Quick Fixes for College writing essay in 8, Everyday Disasters.” Popular Mechanics Nov. 2004: 83-88. Johnson, Linda A. “Fight Flu with Good, Old Advice from Mom.” Buffalo News. 10 Oct.

2004: A1-2. Mather, Victoria. “In Tiger Country.” Photos by James Merrell. Town Country Travel. Fall 2004: 102-111. Mohanty, Subhanjoy, and Ray Jayawardhana. “The Mystery of Brown Dwarf Origins.” Scientific American Jan. 2006: 38-45. Petroski, Henry. “Framing Hypothesis: A Cautionary Tale.” American Scientist Jan.-Feb. Plungis, Jeff, Ed Garsten, and Writing profession unification, Mark Truby. “Caremakers’ Challenge: Green, Mean. Machines.” Detroit News and Free Press Metro ed.

12 Jan. 2003: 1A+. Sachs, Jeffrey D. Hours Vivaldi? “A Practical Plan to profession End Extreme Poverty.” Buffalo News 23 Jan. 2005: I2. Saletan, William. “Junk-Food Jihad.” National Post [Toronto] 18 Apr. 2006: A18. Thomas, Cathy Booth, and Tim Padgett. “Life Among the Ruins.” Time 19 Sept. 2005: 28+. Wolanski, Eric, Robert Richmond, Laurence McCook, and Hugh Sweatman. “Mud, Marine Snow and essay, Coral Reefs.” American Scientist Jan.-Feb. 2003: 44-51.

Wolanski, Eric, et al. “Mud, Marine Snow and Coral Reefs.” American Scientist. Jan.-Feb. 2003: 44-51. 13. Article from SIRS (Social Issues Resources Series): Suggested citation example from SIRS: Bluestone, Barry, and Irving Bluestone. “Workers (and Managers) of the World Unite.” Technology Review Nov.-Dec.

1992: 30-40. Reprinted in WORK . (Boca Raton, FL: Social Issues Resource Series, 1992), Article No. 20. Bluestone, Barry, and Irving Bluestone. “Workers (and Managers) of the Writing in accounting profession unification World Unite.” Technology Review Nov.-Dec. 1992: 30-40.

Work . Ed. Nursing Martin Luther King? Eleanor Goldstein. Vol. Writing Profession Unification? 5. Boca Raton: SIRS, 1992. Art. 20. Put in square brackets [ ] important information you have added that is not found in the source cited. Build-a-Bear. Advertisement.

7 Feb. 2005 GEICO. Advertisement. Newsweek 16 Jan. Writing King? 2006: 92. IBM. Advertisement. Globe and profession, Mail [Toronto] . 29 Oct. 2002: B7. Toyota. Advertisement.

Atlantic Monthly . Jan.-Feb. 2005: 27-30. 15. Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with no author stated: Diabetes Care: Blood Glucose Monitoring . Burnaby, BC: LifeScan Canada, 1997. 16. Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with an author: Zimmer, Henry B. Canplan: Your Canadian Financial Planning Software . Calgary, AB: May use short forms: Rev. (Review), Ed. (Edition, Editor, or Edited), Comp. (Compiled, Compiler).

Creager, Angela N.H. “Crystallizing a Life in Science.” Rev. of Rosalind Franklin: The. Dark Lady of writing essay in 8 hours, DNA , by Writing in accounting unification, Brenda Maddox. American Scientist Jan.-Feb. 2003: 64-66. Dillon, Brenda. “Hana’s Suitcase.” Rev. of Hana’s Suitcase , by Karen Levine. Professionally Speaking June 2003: 36. Foley, Margaret. “Measured Deception.” Rev. of The Measure of All Things: The. Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error That Transformed the World, by Ken Alder. Discover Nov. 2002: 77.

Groskop, Viv. “Chinese Torture – at Five.” Rev. of The Binding Chair, by Kathryn. Harrison. A Critique On An Article? International Express 6 June 2000, Canadian ed.: 37. Hoffman, Michael J. “Huck’s Ironic Circle.” Rev. of The Adventures of Huckleberry. Finn , by Mark Twain. Modern Critical Interpretations of Mark Twain’s.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, Iragui, Vicente. Rev. of Injured Brains of Medical Minds: Views from Within , comp. and ed. In Accounting Unification? Narinder Kapur. New England Journal of Medicine 26 Feb. 1998: Neier, Aryeh. “Hero.” Rev. of nursing, Defending Human Rights in Russia: Sergei Kovalyov, Dissident and Human Rights Commissioner, 1969-2003 , by Emma Gilligan.

New York Review of Books 13 Jan. 2005: 30-33. Onstad, Katrina. “A Life of Pain and Paint.” Rev. of Frida , dir. Julie Taymor. National. Post [Toronto] 1 Nov. 2002: PM1+.

Redekop, Magdalene. “The Importance of Being Mennonite.” Rev. of A Complicated. Kindness, by Miriam Toews. Literary Review of Canada Oct. 2004: 19-20. Simic, Charles. “The Image Hunter.” Rev. of Writing in accounting unification, Joseph Cornell: Master of Dreams , by. Diane Waldman.

New York Review 24 Oct. A Critique Paper On An? 2002: 14+. 18. CD-ROM, DVD: See also 35. Tape Recording: Cassette, Movie/Film on VHS or DVD (Digital Videodisc), Videocassette, Filmstrip. A Place in the Sun . Writing Profession Unification? Dir. George Stevens. 1951.

DVD. Paramount, 2001 . Encarta 2004 Reference Library . CD-ROM. Microsoft, 2003 . Encarta 2004 Reference Library Win32 . Educ. ed. Personal For Money? DVD. Microsoft, 2003. LeBlanc, Susan, and Cameron MacKeen. Unification? “Racism and College writing essay, the Landfill.” Chronicle-Herald. 7 Mar. 1992: B1. CD-ROM.

SIRS 1993 Ethnic Groups. Profession? Vol. 4. Art. 42. Links 2003: Championship Courses . CD-ROM. Microsoft Game Studios, 2002. Toronto-Central West Edition , 1998. CD-ROM. Montreal: 19.

Computer service – e.g. BRS, DIALOG, MEAD, etc.: Landler, Mark. “Can U.S. Companies Even Get a Bonjour?” New York Times , Late Ed. – Final Ed., 1. 2 Oct. 1995. DIALOG File 472, item 03072065. When citing a definition from a dictionary, add the hut customer service number abbreviation Def. after the word. If the Writing in accounting profession unification word has several different definitions, state the hut customer number and/or letter as indicated in the dictionary. “Mug.” Def. 2. The New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the. English Language . Canadian ed.

1988. Short forms may be used, e.g. dir. (directed by), narr. (narrated by), perf. (performers), prod. (produced by), writ. (written by). A minimal entry should include title, director, distributor, and year of release. Writing In Accounting Profession? May add other information as deemed pertinent between the title and the distributor. If citing a particular person involved in for money resume, the film or movie, begin with name of that person. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Dir. Tim Burton. Based on book by Roald Dahl. Perf.

Johnny Depp. Warner, 2005. Depp, Johnny, perf. Charlie and Writing in accounting profession unification, the Chocolate Factory . Dir. Tim Burton. Personal Statement? Based on book. by Roald Dahl. Warner, 2005. Burton, Tim, dir.

Charlie and Writing in accounting profession, the Chocolate Factory . Based on book by Roald Dahl. Perf. Johnny Depp. Warner, 2005. Monster-in-Law . Dir. Robert Luketic. Nursing Assignment King? Writ. Anya Kochoff. In Accounting Profession Unification? Prod. Paula Weinstein, Chris Bender, and J.C.

Spink. Perf. Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. New Line, 2005. Nanny McPhee . Dir. Kirk Jones. Based on Nurse Matilda Books Writ. Christianna. Brand. Prod. College Hours Vivaldi? Lindsay Doran, Tim Bevan, and Eric Fellner.

Perf. Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, and Angela Lansbury. Universal, 2005. One Hour Photo . Writ. and unification, dir. Mark Romanek. Prod. Christine Vachon, Pam Koffler, and Stan Wlodkowski. Perf.

Robin Williams. Fox Searchlight, 2002. Titanic . Dir., writ., prod., ed. Pizza Hut Customer Service? James Cameron. Prod. Jon Landau. Twentieth. Century Fox and Paramount, 1997. The Tuxedo . Dir. Kevin Donovan. Prod.

John H. Williams, and Adam Schroeder. Perf. Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. DreamWorks, 2002. Cite government document in the following order if no author is stated: 1) Government, 2) Agency, 3) Title of publication , underlined, 4) Place of publication, 5) Publisher, 6) Date. Canada. Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan . Ottawa: Minister of Writing in accounting profession unification, Public Works and. Government Services Canada, 2000. United States.

National Council on Disability. Carrying on the Good Fight – Summary Paper from Think Tank 2000 – Advancing the Civil and Human. Rights of Personal statement for money resume, People with Disabilities from Writing in accounting profession unification, Diverse Cultures . Washington: Note: GPO = Government Printing Office in Washington, DC which publishes most of the U.S. federal government documents. In citing a Congressional Record, abbreviate and underline the term, skip all the Writing a critique article details and indicate only the date and page numbers.

Example – for the following record: United States. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 . PL 104-193. Congressional Record. Washington: GPO, July 31, 1996. Cong. Rec . 31 July 1996: 104-193. For examples on how to Writing unification cite more complicated government documents, please see Section 5.6.21 in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. 23. Internet citations, or citing electronic sources:

Basic components of an Internet citation: 2) “Title of Article, Web page or site” in quotation marks. 3) Title of What website homework while, Magazine, Journal, Newspaper, Newsletter, Book, Encyclopedia, or Project , underlined. 5) Indicate type of material, e.g. advertisement, cartoon, clipart, electronic card, interview, map, online posting, photograph, working paper, etc. if not obvious. 6) Date of article, of Web page or site creation, revision, posting, last update, or date last modified. 7) Group, association, name of in accounting profession, forum, sponsor responsible for Web page or Web site.

8) Access date (the date you accessed the Web page or site). 9) Complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or network address in angle brackets. Note: An exception is Personal statement resume, made in referencing a personal e-mail message where an individual’s e-mail address is profession unification, omitted for privacy reasons. Skip any information that you cannot find anywhere on the Web page or in the Web site, and carry on, e.g. if your Internet reference has no author stated, leave out the author and begin your citation with the paper article essay title. Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? Always put your access date just before the URL which is placed between angle brackets or “less than” and “greater than” signs at the end of the citation. Generally, a minimum of three items are required for an Internet citation: Title, Access Date, and URL. If the URL is too long for a line, divide the address where it creates the least ambiguity and confusion, e.g. do not divide a domain name and end with a period such as geocities . Do not divide a term in the URL that is paper on an article, made up of combined words e.g. Profession? SchoolHouseRock . Never add a hyphen at the end of the line to indicate syllabical word division unless the hyphen is actually found in the original URL. Copy capital letters exactly as they appear, do not change them to lower case letters as they may be case sensitive and be treated differently by Writing article, some browsers. Remember that the Writing in accounting profession unification purpose of indicating the URL is for readers to be able to access the Web page.

Accuracy and Personal statement, clarity are essential. a. Internet citation for an advertisement: IBM. Advertisement. Writing Profession Unification? 23 Mar. 2003 TheraTears. Advertisement. 2003.

8 May 2004 b. Internet citation for is best website, an article from an Writing online database (e.g. SIRS, eLibrary), study guide, magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, newspaper, online library subscription database service, or an article in PDF with one or more authors stated: Bezlova, Antoaneta. “China to Formalize One-Child Policy.” Asia Times Online . 24 May 2001. 10 Oct.

2005 Clifford, Erin. “Review of Neuropsychology.” SparkNotes . Contact? 10 Oct. 2005. Machado, Victoria, and George Kourakos. IT Offshore Outsourcing Practices in Canada . Ottawa: Public Policy Forum, 2004.

10 Oct. 2005 Marshall, Leon. Unification? “Mandela in Retirement: Peacemaker without Rest.” 9 Feb. 2001. National Geographic 10 Oct.

2005 Thomason, Larisa. “HTML Tip: Why Valid Code Matters.” Webmaster Tips. Newsletter . Dec. 2003. NetMechanic. 10 Oct. 2005 If using an online library subscription database service, add the name of the service, the name of the library or library system, plus the location of the library where the database is accessed, e.g.: Gearan, Anne. “Justice Dept: Gun Rights Protected.” Washington Post . 8 May 2002.

SIRS. Iona Catholic Secondary School, Mississauga, ON. Personal For Money? 23 Apr. 2004. Note: 8 May 2002 = date of publication, 23 Apr. 2004 = date of in accounting profession, access. Indicate page numbers after publication date if available, e.g. 8 May 2002: 12-14. Leave out Writing article, page numbers if not indicated in source. Pahl, Greg. “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. Mother Earth News . 12 Jan.

2003. eLibrary Canada. Twin Lakes Secondary School, Orillia, ON. 10 Apr. 2006. Note: If citing the above source but information is obtained from accessing eLibrary at Writing in accounting, home, leave out the location of the school.

Pahl, Greg. “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. Mother Earth News . 12 Jan. 2003. eLibrary Canada. 10 Apr. 2006. c. Internet citation for an article from an a critique on an article essay online encyclopedia: Duiker, William J. “Ho Chi Minh.” Encarta Online Encyclopedia . 2005. Microsoft. Writing In Accounting? 10 Oct. 2005.

“Ho Chi Minh.” Encyclop?dia Britannica . 2005. Encyclop?dia Britannica Premium Service. 9 Oct. 2005 “Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC).” Britannica Concise Encyclopedia . 2005. Encyclop?dia Britannica. 8 Oct. 2005

d. Internet citation for an article from an online magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with no author stated: “Childcare Industry ‘Should Welcome Men’.” BBC News Online: Education .7 June 2003. 10 Oct. 2005 “Taiwan: A Dragon Economy and the Abacus.” BrookesNews.Com . 8 Dec. 2003. 10 Oct. 2005 e. What Is Best Website For Doing? Internet citation for an article in a scholarly journal:

Nielsen, Laura Beth. In Accounting Profession? “Subtle, Pervasive, Harmful: Racist and Personal for money resume, Sexist Remarks in. Public as Hate Speech.” Journal of Social Issues 58.2 (2002), 265-280. 7 June 2003. f. Internet citation for a cartoon, chart, clipart, comics, interview, map, painting, photo, sculpture, sound clip, etc.: “Islamic State of Afghanistan: Political Map.” Map. Atlapedia Online . 1993-2003.

Latimer Clarke. 7 June 2003 Kersten, Rick, and Writing, Pete Kersten. “Congratulations!” Electronic card. Blue Mountain Arts . 2000. 7 June 2003 Lee , Lawrence. Interview. . Feb.

2003. 10 Oct. 2005. Schulz, Charles. “Peanuts Collection – Snoopy Cuddling Woodstock.” Cartoon. . 25 Apr. 2004 “Woodhull, Victoria C.” American History 102 Photo Gallery. 1997. State. Historical Society of Wisconsin. Statement Essay? 10 Oct.

2005 g. Internet citation for an e-mail (email) from an individual, a listserve, an organization, or citation for an article forwarded from an online database by e-mail: Barr, Susan I. Writing In Accounting Unification? “The Creatine Quandry.” Bicycling Nov. Personal Statement Resume? 1998. EBSCOhost Mailer. E-mail to E. Interior. 11 May 2003.

Kenrick, John. Profession? “Re: Link to” E-mail to I. Lee. 10 May 2003. “NEW THIS WEEK for September 8, 2005.” E-mail to author. 8 Sept. 2005. PicoSearch. “Your PicoSearch Account is Reindexed.” E-mail to John Smith. h. Website For Doing While? Internet citation for an online government publication:

Canada. Office of the Auditor General of Canada and in accounting profession, the Treasury Board. Secretariat. Modernizing Accountability Practices in the Public Sector . 6 Jan. 1998. 10 Oct. 2005 United States. National Archives and Records Administration. The Bill of Rights . 29 Jan.

1998. Writing Hours Vivaldi? 10 Oct. 2005 i. Internet citation for an online posting, forum, letter to the editor: Kao, Ivy. “Keep Spreading the Word.” Online posting. In Accounting Unification? 4 June 2003. Reader Responses, Opinion Journal, Wall Street Journal Editorial Page . 10 Oct.

2005. Seaside Harry . “My Friend Drove My Car with the Parking Brake On!” Online. posting. 10 Oct. 2005. Forum Index – Prius – Technical . 10 Oct. 2005 j. Internet citation for an online project, an information database, a personal or professional Web site: The MAD Scientist Network . Writing Martin Luther? 1995-2001 or 30 Feb. 1906. Washington U.

School of Medicine. 10 Oct. 2005. Profession Unification? O’Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson. “John Wilkins.” Feb. Personal Statement Essay School? 2002. U of St. Andrews, Scotland. 10 Oct. 2005

Officer, Lawrence H. “Exchange Rate between the United States Dollar and profession, Forty. Other Countries, 1913 -1999.” Economic History Services, EH.Net, 2002. 13 Apr. 2006 Savill, R. Richard. “Jazz Age Biographies.” The Jazz Age Page . 23 Oct. 2000. 12 Apr. 2006 Sullivan, Danny. “Search Engine Math.” 26 Oct.

2001. Search Engine Watch . 10 Apr. 2006 Wurmser, Meyrav, and Yotam Feldner. “Is Israel Negotiating with the Hamas?” Inquiry and Analysis No. 16. Writing Vivaldi? 23 Mar. 1999. The Middle East Media and.

Research Institute. 10 Oct. 2005 k. Internet citation for a software download: It is not essential to include the file size. Do so if preferred by your instructor. RAMeSize . Vers. 1.04. 15K. 24 Sept. 2000.

Blue Dice Software. 12 Oct. 2004. l. Internet citation for Writing in accounting unification, a speech taken from a critique on an, a published work with an Writing editor: Lincoln, Abraham. “The Gettysburg Address.” 19 Nov. 1863. Statement For Money? The Collected Works of.

Abraham Lincoln . Ed. Roy P. Writing In Accounting Unification? Basler. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1955. Abraham Lincoln Online. For Money Resume? 10 Oct. 2005 m. Internet citation for Writing profession unification, a work translated and edited by another:

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Personal for high, Hippo. Confessions Enchiridion . Trans. and ed. Albert C. In Accounting Unification? Outler. What Is Best For Doing Homework While? 1955. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist U. Digitized 1993. 10 Oct. 2005

Blair, Tony. Interview. Prime Minister’s Office. 31 May 2003. 13 Apr. 2006. Chirac, Jacques. Interview. Time 16 Feb. 2003. 10 Oct. In Accounting Profession Unification? 2005. Longin, Hellmut. Telephone interview. 3 May 2006. Neilsen, Jerry. E-mail interview. 28 Apr. 2006. Wyse, Randall. Personal Statement Essay For High? Personal interview. 24 July 2005.

State name of speaker, title of lecture in Writing in accounting unification, quotes, conference, convention or sponsoring organization if known, location, date. Bradley, Vicki. “Marriage.” Agnes Arnold Hall, U of Houston. Statement Resume? 15 Mar. 2003. Wilson-Smith, Anthony. “Hello, He Must Be Going.” Editorial. Maclean’s 26 Aug. 2002: 4.

Lange, Rick. “U.N. Has Become Ineffective and Ought to Be Disbanded.” Letter. Buffalo. News 23 Jan. Writing Profession? 2005: I5. Woods, Brede M. Letter. Newsweek 23 Sept. 2002: 16. Kolbert, Elizabeth. “Six Billion Short: How Will the Mayor Make Ends Meet?” Letter.

New Yorker 13 Jan. 2003: 33-37. Geens, Jennifer. Reply to letter of Bill Clark. Toronto Star 29 Sept. 2002: A1. A letter you received from John Smith: Smith, John. Letter to the author. 15 June 2005.

Twain, Mark. “Banned in Concord.” Letter to Charles L. A Critique Paper Essay? Webster. 18 Mar. 1885. Letter 850318 of Mark Twain . Ed. Jim Zwick. 2005. 10 Oct. 2005. Treat citation as if it is in accounting, a book with no author stated.

Indicate if the citation is for a chart or a map. 2004 Andex Chart . Chart. Windsor, ON: Andex, 2004. Canada . Map. Ottawa: Canadian Geographic, 2003. “Dallas TX.” Map.

2005 Road Atlas: USA, Canada, Mexico . Greenville, SC: Michelin, 2005. Components: 1) Name of What is best, composer. 2) Title of ballet, music or opera, underlined, 3) Form, number and key not underlined. Beethoven, Ludwig van. Fur Elise. Strauss, Richard. Traumerei , op. 9, no. 4.

Components for Writing unification, a published score, similar to a book citation: 1) Name of composer. 2) Underline title of ballet, music, opera, as well as no. and op., important words capitalized, prepositions and conjunctions in lower case. 3) Date composition written. 4) Place of publication: 5) Publisher, 6) Date of publication. Chopin, Frederic. Mazurka Op. 7, No. 1 . What Is Best Website While? New York: Fischer, 1918. Ledbetter, Huddie, and in accounting profession, John Lomax. Goodnight, Irene . Personal Statement For High? 1936. New York: Spencer, 1950.

Stier, Walter C. Sweet Bye and Bye . London: Paxton, 1953. Weber, Carl Maria von. Invitation to the Dance Op. 65 . 1819. London: Harris, 1933. 29. Writing Profession? Painting, photograph, sculpture, architecture, or other art form. Components for citing original artwork: 1) Name of artist. 2) Title of artwork, underlined. 3) Date artwork created.

4) Museum, gallery, or collection where artwork is housed; indicate name of owner if private collection, 5) City where museum, gallery, or collection is located. Ashoona, Kiawak. Smiling Family . 1966. McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Brancusi, Constantin. The Kiss . 1909. Tomb of T. Rachevskaia, Montparnasse. The Great Sphinx . [c. 2500 BC]. Giza.

Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique. Odalisque . 1814. Louvre Museum, Paris. Raphael. The School of Athens . 1510-11. Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rude, Francois. La Marseillaise . 1833-36. Arc de Triomphe, Paris. Components for artwork cited from a book: 1) Name of artist. 2) Underline title of artwork.

3) Date artwork created (if date is uncertain use [c. Nursing Martin Luther King? 1503] meaning [circa 1503] or around the year 1503). Writing In Accounting Profession? 4) Museum, art gallery, or collection where artwork is house, 5) City where museum, gallery, or collection is located. 6) Title of hut customer service contact number, book used. 7) Author or editor of book. 8) Place of publication: 9) Publisher, 10) Date of publication.

11) Other relevant information, e.g. In Accounting? figure, page, plate, or slide number. Abell, Sam. Japan . 1984. National Geographic Photographs: The Milestones . By Leah Bendavid-Val, et al. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 1999. Carr, Emily. A Haida Village . [c. 1929].

McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON. The McMichael Canadian Art Collection . A Critique On An? By Jean Blodgett, et al. Toronto: McGraw, 1989. 134. Kasebier, Gertrude. The Magic Crystal . [c. 1904]. Royal Photographic Society,

Bath. A Basic History of Art . By H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, 1991. 412. Leonardo, da Vinci. Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) . [c. Writing Profession Unification? 1503-5]. On An? Louvre Museum, Paris. Favorite Old Master Paintings from the Writing profession Louvre Museum . New York:

Abbeville, 1979. For Money? 31. Michelangelo. Profession Unification? David . 1501-04. Hours? Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence. The Great. Masters . By Giorgio Vasari. Trans. Gaston Du C. de Vere. New York: Park Lane, 1986. 226. Sullivan, Louis.

Wainright Building . 1890-91. St. Louis, MO. Writing Unification? A Basic History of Art . By H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, Tohaku, Deme. Ko-omote Female Mask . Edo period [1603-1867], Japan. Naprstek. Museum, Prague.

The World of Masks . By Erich Herold, et al. College Essay In 8? Trans. Dusan. Zbavitel. London: Hamlyn, 1992. 207. Vanvitelli, Luigi, and Nicola Salvi. Chapel of St. In Accounting Profession? John the Baptist . Is Best Website For Doing? 1742-51. Sao Roque, Lisbon.

By Rolf Toman, ed. Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting . In Accounting? Cologne: Konemann, 1998. 118. Components for a personal photograph: 1) Subject (not underlined or put in quotes).

2) Name of person who took the photograph. Nursing King? 3) Date photograph taken. War in Iraq: Operation Iraq Freedom on CNN. Personal photograph by author. Great Wall of China, Beijing, China. Personal photograph by Cassy Wyse. 28 July 2005. Components: 1) Patent inventor(s) or owner(s). 2) Title of patent. 3) Issuing country and patent number. 4) Date patent was issued.

Arbter, Klaus, and Guo-Qing Wei. “Verfahren zur Nachfuhrung eines Stereo-Laparoskope. in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie.” German Patent 3943917. Writing In Accounting Profession? July 1996. “Conversion of Calcium Compounds into College hours vivaldi, Solid and Gaseous Compounds.” US Patent 5078813. Kamen, Dean L., et al. “Transportation Vehicles and Methods.” US Patent 5971091. 31. Writing In Accounting Unification? Performance: (ballet, concert, musical, opera, play, theatrical performance)

Disney’s The Lion King . Personal Essay For High? By Roger Allers and in accounting, Irene Mecchi. Dir. Julie Taymor. Music and lyrics by Elton John and paper article essay, Tim Rice. In Accounting Profession? Princess of luther king, Wales Theatre, Toronto. Writing In Accounting Profession? 9 June 2002. The Hobbit . By J.R.R. Pizza Hut Customer Service? Tolkien. Dir. Kim Selody.

Perf. Herbie Barnes, Michael. Simpson, and Chris Heyerdahl. Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON. The Nutcracker . By Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Chor. and Libretto by James. Kudelka. Cond.

Ormsby Wilkins and in accounting unification, Uri Mayer. National Ballet of. Canada. Hummingbird Centre, Toronto. 30 Dec. 1999. Phantom of the Opera . By Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lyrics by contact number, Charles Hart. Dir. Harold Prince. Based on novel by Gaston Leroux.

Pantages Theatre, Toronto. 20 Sept. 1998. The Shanghai Acrobats . By Incredible! Acrobats of China. Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON. 4 Mar. 2005.

Components: 1) Title of episode, underlined; or in quotes if appropriate. 2) Title of program, underlined. 3) Title of in accounting unification, series. Assignment Luther King? 4) Name of network. 5) Radio station or TV channel call letters, 6) City of local station or channel. 6) Broadcast date. The CFRB Morning Show . By Ted Woloshyn. CFRB Radio, Toronto. 12 Sept.

2003. Law and Order . Prod. Wolf Film, Universal Television. NBC Television Network. WHEC, Rochester, NY. 16 Oct. 2002. “New Threat from Writing, Osama?” By Jim Stewart. CBS News . WBEN, Buffalo.

“New York Museum Celebrates Life of Einstein.” By Martha Graybow. Pizza Service? Reuters, New York. WBFO, Buffalo. 13 Nov. Unification? 2002. “The Nightmare Drug.” By Bob McKeown, Linden MacIntyre, and Hana Gartner.

The Fifth Estate . CBC, Toronto. 16 Oct. 2002. “U.S.: Tape Sounds Like Bin Laden.” AP, Washington, DC. On Your Side . WGRZ-TV, Buffalo. 13 Nov. 2002. 33.

Recording – Music CD, LP, magnetic tape: 1) Name of author, composer, singer, or editor. 2) Title of song (in quotation marks). Personal Statement For Money Resume? 3) Title of recording (underlined). 4) Publication medium (LP, CD, magnetic tape, etc.). Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? 5) Edition, release, or version. 6) Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. If citing from Internet, see Item 23. Backstreet Boys.

Larger than Life . Millennium. CD. College Writing Essay In 8 Vivaldi? Exclusive Management by. The Firm, Los Angeles, CA. Mastered by Tom Coyne, Sterling Sound, NYC. Burch, Marilyn Reesor. Mosaic . CD. Writ., dir. and prod. Marilyn Reesor.

Burch. Choirs dir. Don and Catherine Robertson. Barrie, ON: Power. Plant Recording Studio, n.d. Burch, Marilyn Reesor. Mosaic . CD. Writ., dir. and prod. Marilyn Reesor. Burch. Choirs dir.

Don and Catherine Robertson. Barrie, ON: Power. Plant Recording Studio, [c. 1997]. Note: “n.d.” means “no date” available. [c. 1997] means “circa 1997.” McDonald, Michael.

No Lookin’ Back . In Accounting Profession? LP. College In 8 Hours Vivaldi? Prod. In Accounting? Michael McDonald and. Ted Templeman. Writing A Critique Paper On An Article? Engineered and mixed by R. ThinkPad ACP Patch for ThinkPad 600, 770, and 770E . Diskette. Vers. 1.0. Tape Recording: Cassette, DVD (Digital Videodisc), Filmstrip, Videocassette. Covey, Stephen R. Living the 7 Habits: Applications and Insights . In Accounting Unification? Cassette.

tape recording read by author. New York: Simon, Audio Div., 1995. Ginger . Solid Ground. Cassette tape recording from album Far Out . Vancouver: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . Dir. Alfonso Cuar o n. Based on novel. by J.K. Rowling. Perf. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson. DVD.

Warner, 2004. Jane Austen’s Emma . Videocassette. Meridian Broadcasting. New York: New Video Group, 1996. Kicking Screaming . Dir. Jesse Dylan. Writ. Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick. Perf.

Will Ferrell and Robert Duvall. DVD. Universal, 2005. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants . Dir. Ken Kwapis. Based on novel by. Ann Brashares.Perf. Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, Blake Lively, and Alexis Bledel. DVD. Warner, Dungaree, 2005. Super Searching the Web . Writing Nursing Assignment Luther? Videocassette.

Lancaster, PA: Classroom Connect, The Wizard of Oz . Dir. Victor Fleming. Based on book by Lyman Frank Baum. Perf. Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton, Charley Grapewin, and the Munchkins. MGM, 1939.

VHS. Unification? Warner, 1999. State author, title of unpublished dissertation or thesis in quotes, label Diss. or MA thesis, name of statement for high school, university, and year. Elmendorf, James. “The Military and the Mall: Society and Culture in Writing, Long Beach, California.” BA. thesis. Hampshire College, 1995.

Jackson, Marjorie. Writing Nursing King? “The Oboe: A Study of Its Development and Use.” Diss. Columbia U, 1962.

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Fixed layout popup button changing wrong graph [MKe]. Clicking on warning icon now opens Activity window [NRi, AM]. In Accounting Profession Unification! Revert menu item now disabled. Cheers, Glen Low --- pixelglow software | simply brillian. Attention TeXy, TeXy peoples: (excuse the mispronunciation; punny licence) It seems that Mac OS X has partially documented issues ( JaxoDraw/Bugparade/bugparade.htm, with the generation of EPS, and I'm trying to College writing hours find a workaround. Writing Profession! The Preview application cannot export to eps, but it can read it (converting it to PDF). If I use Adobe Acrobat to read the PDF generated by Preview, the EPS it generates sometimes (inconsistently) causes dvips to make an unreadable file. Personal Statement Resume! What I'm trying to do is the followi.

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The first step . I'm working with a Mac which has Mac OS X and Writing paper on an, Mac OS 9.2 running on top of the X. I use MS Word and Pagemaker and there's a problem with helvetica italic not displaying consistently. I mean, without any intervention, some days it's visible, other days it's not. I thought maybe it was due to not having the font file, but it seems we do have it. I don't know if this is related, but Adobe Type Manager has also popped up lately complaining about not having enough cache memory. Writing Profession! I looked at the setting and it was 2MB already, but increased it to essay mission 3 MB yesterday. Writing In Accounting Unification! It seems to have.

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I am porting some windows software to mac os 9. My client has only in accounting profession unification mac os 9. I would like to use the mission, URLAccessLib for my development. I find no documentation of in accounting unification it on Apple websites as if mac os 9 has fallen off the Personal resume, earth for them. The apple site says One can develop on mac os x and it is backward compatible. What does this mean ? When I install my code on mac os 9 will I need all the mac os x libraries ? can someone throw somelight ? Thanks The apple site says One can develop on Writing in accounting profession unification mac os x and resume, it is backward compatible. What does this mean ? When I install my code on mac os 9 wi. I am porting some windows software to mac os 9. My client has only mac os 9. I would like to use the URLAccessLib for my development. I find no documentation of it on Apple websites as if mac os 9 has fallen off the earth for them. The apple site says One can develop on mac os x and Writing, it is backward compatible. For Money Resume! What does this mean ? When I install my code on mac os 9 will I need all the mac os x libraries ? can someone throw somelight ? Thanks On 21 Nov 2003, dharmesh wrote: I am porting some windows software to in accounting profession unification mac os 9. Writing Paper On An Article! My client has only mac os 9. I would like to use the URLAccessLib for my development. I find no documentation of it on Apple websites as if mac os 9 has fallen off the earth for Writing unification them.

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95 theses full text The indulgence being marketed by Tetzel distressed Luther because he saw it as misinforming lay people (i.e., non-clerics) about crucial aspects of God's plan for redeeming fallen humanity ­- about, in other words, the whole purpose of profession, history, and about the nature (specifically, the Will) of God. To be misinformed in Pizza service number essentials about the nature of God means that what one ends up obeying is a false image of God. This constitutes a mortal sin (see the note to Thesis 2), and leads (if not corrected) to damnation. Specifically, Albert's indulgence (as represented by Tetzel) encroached on the sacrament of penance. The numbers to the left (in red) refer to the respective theses that comprise the document as a whole. In the note to Writing, Thesis 6, you will find some suggestions about how to think of the organizational strategy Luther follows in listing his first 52 theses.

[References to WH are to What for doing, Matthews and Platt, editors, The Western Humanities , 3rd Ed. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1993. These need updating, since this text is now in at least its 5th edition.] 1. Poenitentiam agite: Do penance. Penitence here means sincerely repenting (detesting, deploring) one's sins, and in accounting, resolving not to return to them in the future. 2. This word: refers to the Christ's word in the saying quoted in Pizza hut customer number the previous thesis, and in profession unification particular to the term penitence ( poenitintia ). Sacramental penance : the sacrament of penance consisted of four elements: confession of one's sins before a priest, sincere contrition (regret) for them, satisfaction imposed by the priest, and absolution (remission of the College writing in 8 hours vivaldi sins in question, or pardon). Luther confines himself to citing here the two elements of Writing in accounting profession, action (confession and satisfaction) that were to What website for doing homework while, be carried out by the penitent (the person undergoing or receiving the sacrament). The term satisfaction refers to penalties imposed by the priest to discharge the debt of punishment owed for the sins in question. Writing Profession. (When carried out, these satisfy or fulfill the justice of God. [Compare the language of the website honor code regulating duels among the European aristocracy: an insult to one's honor requires satisfaction, and the insultee acquires the Writing in accounting unification right to choose what that shall be, within the limits of the prevailing code.]) See WH 217­218 for a capsule description of the medieval sacrament of assignment, penance. (For a far more detailed discussion, covering medieval doctrines as well as the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in the wake of its response [in the Council of Trent] to the Protestant Reformation, consult the article on The Sacrament of Penance in The Catholic Encyclopedia .) Two categories of sin are recognized. Mortal sins involve turning away from the in accounting profession eternal good, or God. (The breach of Faith committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden constituted mortal sin. So did what Cain did to Abel.) The punishment due for turning away from the eternal good is eternal punishment, or damnation.

Venial sins occur when a person turns inordinately to a mutable good ­ a good subject to change, because, being created, it exists in time. (Such goods are thus also called temporal or earthly goods.) Orthodox teaching holds that every created being as such is is best website for doing while, good, inasmuch as it is the creature of God. But aside from the fact that some created beings (angels and human beings) can sin, any created being, not being God Himself, requires to be loved just in the way ­ i.e., in the degree and circumstances ­ that God ordains. A love of in accounting unification, any temporal being that goes beyond the intensity or occasions willed by God is thus said to be inordinate. Such sin incurs a debt of temporal punishment (a term that you will see often in the theses to follow). College Writing Essay In 8 Hours. The priest (via his ordination by a bishop appointed in turn by the pope) is a designated representative of the pope. (We meet here the general concept of vicars and vicarage, which will become a focus of in accounting, even more fundamental dispute when Luther a few years later comes to attack the even more fundamental notion that the pope is Christ's own designated vicar.) Hence when a priest administering the sacrament of penance imposes satisfaction on the penitent, he is acting on behalf of the pope. This explains why Luther speaks interchangeably of penalties. Pizza Hut Customer Service Number. imposed by [the pope's] own authority (Thesis 5), or of those imposed by himself (Thesis 20), or of penalties of sacramental satisfaction, which are of human appointment (Thesis 34). 3. Can you see the connection with asceticism here, and in Thesis 4? (Of course there are ascetics and ascetics! Remember, Pelagius was an ascetic, too. Profession Unification. In what points of doctrine would Luther and Pelagius part company?) 5. Remittance ­- like satisfaction ­- is writing essay in 8, a term that comes from the world of the balance sheet, of debits and credits.

Both guilt and punishment due are conceived as debts that must be paid. When a debt is Writing, either paid off (by the Personal statement for high mission debtor or someone who does surety for Writing in accounting unification him) or forgiven, it is no longer due. When the creditor or injured party signifies (directly or through his authorized agent) that the debt is no longer due, he is said to remit the sin. (The term remit comes from the Latin word meaning to send back. The custom persists in banking today: when you pay off your house mortgage, the Writing nursing luther king bank will give back to you the loan certificate, now marked paid, along with the deed to the property, both of which it kept in its physical possession until you paid off your debt.) The canons here (and in Thesis 23) are rules established in Writing in accounting profession Canon Law (the law governing the administration of Church affairs) for guiding priests in assigning satisfaction in administering penance. They amount to Pizza service number, a schedule of penalties for different offenses, according to the seriousness of the sin, as determined by various factors they specify. (As such, they are somewhat analogous to the sentencing guidelines for judges, under criminal law in the US today.) 6. Orthodox teaching makes a distinction not only between sins of in accounting profession unification, various degree (mortal and venial) but between the guilt attaching to Pizza service contact number, a sin (sometimes referred to Writing unification, simply as the sin itself) and the penalties attaching to Writing assignment luther, it (the punishments due because of it). The damned, it is held (for example), repent the Writing in accounting profession punishment they suffer for College essay hours their sins but, being confirmed in sin, are not displeased by their sin itself (since their wills eternally now reaffirm and Writing in accounting profession unification, assert it). Debts consisting of punishment due for sin are understood as payable by statement essay for high the sinner who incurred them. The debt of guilt (the debt of Writing profession unification, sin per se ) is not. It can be discharged only when one of two things occurs: either it is either forgiven (by God the Father) or it is taken on and paid off by College in 8 another (the Son) whose wealth is sufficiently great to do so. Unification. (Can you see the connection to what is referred to in Thesis 33). Theses 5 and 6 together turn on this distinction. (So does Thesis 76, later on.) When the pope (represented in the priest) dispenses absolution -- remission of sin (more precisely, of the guilt attaching to sin) -- as part of the sacrament of penance, he does not (according to Theses 6 76) actually effect it himself. Rather he discloses to the penitent what God has done (remitting of Writing luther, guilt).

It is, then, only penalties attaching to sin that the pope himself (whether directly or through his representatives, i.e., priests) can remit. Any indulgences purporting to remit the guilt attaching to sin (the sin itself, so-called) are simply fraudulent. Moreover, within the category of penalties, it is only those that have been prescribed by canon law or that he had the authority to impose in the first place and did indeed go on to impose (again, whether directly or through the priesthood) that he can remit. All other penalties are remittable only by God. And among these other penalties are those referred to by Christ in the quotation in Thesis 1, and described again in in accounting unification Thesis 4. Since this true inward repentance that consists in hatred of self for having committed the sin continues until our entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it continues to be suffered by souls in purgatory. Conclusion: these penalties of sin -- the remorse suffered by souls in Personal for money resume purgatory on their way to heaven -- are outside the power of the unification pope to hut customer number, remit. Any indulgences purporting to remit the suffering of souls in purgatory (penalties for sin being experienced by them, namely, their remorse for having committed them) are likewise fraudulent. But even among the living, this sort of Writing in accounting profession unification, penalty for sin cannot be remitted by the pope -- for statement Christ has commanded us to Writing in accounting, undergo it as long as we live (Thesis 1). Any indulgence that purports to writing essay vivaldi, relieve us of being heartily sorrow for Writing profession unification our wrongs is likewise fraudulent. Worse, it encourages us to violate Christ's express command. (And, since the pope, as the Vicar of Christ on earth, enjoins us to obey Christ's commands, remission of Personal statement resume, these penalties for sin is outside his power as pope.) What remains are those penalties imposed by the pope or the canon law, in the context of the sacrament of penance, as administered by priests. [This is the language of Theses 5 and 20.

Thesis 34 uses the formula appointed by Writing profession man (since the pope and the priests are not God) to describe sacramental satisfaction -- i.e., penalties of the sort the priest declares the penitant to owe).] Coming at this category from still another point of view, authorities described them as temporal punishment. College Essay In 8 Vivaldi. (See the note to Thesis 2.) Referentially, these terms are all synonyms: that is, they identify the in accounting same class of individual things. Their difference lies only in the fact that they pick up these things by different handles, approaching them from different angles, i.e., via different relationships they have with other things. Personal. Theses 7-8 focus on Tetzel's claim that the indulgence he was selling was issued by the pope and had the power to remit guilt for sins. Luther circles back to Writing in accounting, this theme later on, in Theses 75-76. Theses 8-29 focus on Tetzel's claim that that indulgence was issued by the pope and had the power to remit the penalties owed by souls in purgatory.

Theses 30-52 focus on the risks, in Tetzel's behavior, for the people who are induced to buy his indulgences -- i.e., the misunderstandings about justification that are perpetrated among the living. What Is Best While. (In passing -- Theses 35-37 -- his remarks touch again on profession the absurdity of Writing paper article, Tetzel's claims about the purgatory.) The emphasis is upon the peril these misunderstandings pose for the soul of the naive clientele. In Theses 30-40, the chief emphasis here is the unification necessity, for sinners, of a proper understanding of the Writing a critique on an article essay requirement for genuine contrition , and the way in which indiscriminate peddling of indulgences implicitly preaches the contrary. In Theses 41-46, the emphasis shifts the risks that lie in presenting purchase of pardons as instances of good works, when, in Writing in accounting unification their effect on the soul, or what they signify about the condition of the soul, is far inferior to what is accomplished by works of charity. Thesis 52 sums up this line of attack. [??Thesis 47: does it fit in this organizational scheme? Or does it belong with Theses 48-51??] From this point on, Luther's organizational strategy loosens even further. For one thing, it is clear that he likes to return to certain themes within new contexts. Moreover, as we have already seen, he sometimes takes the opportunity to tuck in theses (for example, Theses 50-51) that are marginal to the logical categorization that defines the main line of development at the moment (Theses 30-49 + 52). Sometime the stimulus for doing this seems to be that Luther has entered upon a certain rhetorical device (e.g., the repetition of an opening formula, like Christians are to be taught that . ) which carries its own power of for high school mission, suggestion for unification what could be usefully included at a given moment. After Thesis 52 , there does not seem to be a definite overall pattern of organization at work, although there are clearly stretches within which Luther is focusing on a particular theme (e.g., what are the essay in 8 true Treasures of the Church? [ Theses 56-68 ]) or a rhetorical turn (e.g., Theses 81-91 , where the move is to point out how the pardons being sold by Tetzel bring the pope into disrepute with the laity by stimulating them to sarcastic impieties that nevertheless seem plausible on the false assumption that the pope supports the sale of such pardons). 7. Writing. The priest is God's vicar insofar as the pope is the Vicar of Christ and the priest is a vicar of the pope. See note 5 above.

Thesis 7 says, then, that remission of guilt, though it is assignment, done only by profession unification God, is something God has for a critique paper on an article essay his own reasons chosen to do only for those who submit themselves to the Church, and, as part of doing this, participate in the sacraments (here, specifically, the sacrament of penance, though communion is Writing unification, also a part of what is comprehended here). In other words, there is no salvation outside the for money resume Church. (Cf. Thesis 38.) Later, Luther doesn't abolish the priesthood. Rather, he declares the doctrine of the Writing in accounting unification priesthood of all believers. College Writing Essay In 8 Vivaldi. (He will, however, declare that penance is Writing in accounting unification, not, properly considered, a sacrament.) 20. What Is Best Website. Plenary remission means full remission. (In Thesis 23 the synonymous formula entire remission is used.) Luther concedes the power of the Pope to remit all penalties of only the restricted class of Writing unification, temporal penalties imposed in the sacrament of penance or due under the canons of governing the assignment of satisfactions in penance (in the case of Personal essay for high, sins committed but not yet dealt with by receiving the sacrament of penance). 22. Neither other penalties (for example, those actually due for souls in purgatory) nor guilt attaching to sins (even venial sins ­ Thesis 76) are within the power of the Pope to remit. But all indulgences are issued by the Pope. Therefore indulgences can be effective in remitting either the suffering of souls in Writing in accounting unification purgatory or the guilt itself attaching to sin. Hence the claims Tetzel is making for the indulgence he is peddling in the Pope's name is fraudulent (Thesis 24).

People are being induced to believe these claims at the peril of their soul (Thesis 32). For the doctrine of purgatory , and Personal statement for high mission, its connection with the medieval system of penance, see WH 218 (paragraph 3). Purgatory is the place (or state) in which souls who die in God's grace may expiate venial sins or satisfy divine justice for the temporal punishment still due for remitted mortal sin. Writing In Accounting Profession. The term comes from the past participle of the Latin verb purgare , which means to purge (to purify by getting rid of defilement). How does Luther stand with respect to the bull Salvator Noster (1476)?

Note that Luther's tactic in the Ninety-five Theses is to assume that the Pope is unaware of the doctrinal errors being preached in his name by a mad servant, who is betraying his master. The Pope is being offered the opportunity to repudiate Tetzel's behavior. Compare the implicit characterization given of the Pope's personal dispositions in Thesis 50. 23. Note that Luther concedes here that it is possible for is best website some rare individuals to unification, pass directly to heaven. But he does not go so far here as to claim what the Church had long insisted on, namely, that the saints die in a state of excess of merit, which then passes into the Treasury of is best website homework while, Merit, out of which merits can be drawn to substitute for the temporal penalties that would otherwise be due for sin. How does this re-definition of the concept of saint square with the in accounting profession unification particular theory of the Treasury of Merit set forth in Pope Clement VI's bull Unigenitus (1343)? On the other hand, are we really authorized to attribute to Luther at this moment such a re-definition of the concept of saint as just described?

Consider Thesis 58. 27. One of the jingles attributed to Tetzel went like this. (The rhymes, incidentally, are basically the same in German and English.) As soon as the coin in writing in 8 vivaldi the coffer rings, The soul from Purgatory springs. 32. Writing Profession Unification. Letters of pardon are the Personal statement for money documents certifying the granting of an indulgence. (See also Thesis 52.) In this Thesis, is Luther accusing Tetzel and Writing in accounting profession unification, his customers of committing venial, or mortal, sins? 33. The inestimable gift of luther, God by which man is reconciled to God is the in accounting unification divine grace conveyed in the blood of Christ shed in the Crucifixion. 35. By now you should be imagining for Writing assignment martin king yourself what kind of sales pitch Tetzel relied on in convincing people to pay good money to get souls out of purgatory. Whose souls would he be pointing to? How would he paint them?

A confessional license would exempt the Writing in accounting holder from the necessity for confession. Why would Luther insist that confession is an essential element in the process by College essay vivaldi which one achieves justification? 36. Compunction is a synonym for contrition, regret, repentance. (See note on penitence at Thesis 1.) Why does Luther insist that this is an essential element in the process of justification? 42.

Along what lines could a case be made that contributing to the Church (and receiving an indulgence) is in profession itself a work of mercy? (What, supposedly, would the Church be using the contribution to support? [What is the divinely ordained purpose of the is best website homework Church in the first place, according to traditional doctrine? What is its role in history ?]) 43. Does it strike you here that Luther (writing on this particular occasion, at this particular phase in his thinking) seems to be according a positive value to at least some items in the category of works ? What do you understand to be Luther's ultimate position on the value and effect of works in the salvational scheme? Is this Thesis inconsistent with that position, or can it be construed in a fashion that can be made to square with that position? 50. Here we find a claim that must have resonated strongly with those who resented the Writing in accounting profession flow of capital from the German North to Italy. 52-56. Here Luther lays out a theory of what constitutes the Treasury of the Church.

How does it compare with the theory elaborated by Personal statement school Clement VI in the bull Unigenitus (1343)? 62. Notice that it is not clear in the Ninety-five Theses themselves what a crucial role Thesis 62 will play in future Lutheran theology: Luther does not explicitly spell out the implications. But, retrospectively, can you see how this claim was destined to become the central bombshell in the breach between Luther and the Church of Rome? 65. What does Luther mean here by the phrase men of in accounting unification, riches? Is he referring to people with lots of money and property? How would you explain your answer ­ in the context, for example, of the thesis that follows this one, #66? 83. What does Luther consider mistaken about the practice of Writing paper on an, performing funeral masses and anniversary masses for the deceased (masses for the dead celebrated on the anniversaries of the death of the person in question)?

What is the purpose of these ceremonies? (What is profession unification, prayed for nursing king in them?) In what sense is it a confidence game to accept money for performing such services? (Is the issue of simony also at stake here, i.e., separately and Writing in accounting profession, distinctly?) 86. Does the tone here strike you as completely consistent with that in Thesis 50? 93. If we read this thesis carefully in the context of for high school, #92, which immediately precedes it, and which is unification, couched in grammatically parallel form, what are we to understand as the Personal statement essay mission sense of the included claim that there is no cross? 94.-95.

Can you see how Luther has crafted his conclusion to Writing unification, collaborate with Theses 1-4 at the very beginning, to form a frame for the rest? Does Luther think it is essay hours, correct and spiritually healthy for Writing in accounting profession unification a person to seek to escape just punishment? (What evidence can you give for your answer?) What is the proper attitude to take towards the Personal essay school suffering that results from Writing in accounting unification Original Sin? What elements of it are we under an obligation to website for doing homework while, resist? What elements of it are we under an obligation to accept ­ even to affirm? The force of your answer will come home to you to the degree that you explicitly recall for yourself what the effects of Original Sin are, according to the theology we constructed in the spirit of Augustine upon the Genesis account of the unification Fall of Mankind. Writing A Critique Essay. Go to the Home Page for English 233 (Introduction to Writing profession unification, Western Humanities: Baroque Enlightenment). Suggestions are welcome.

Please send your comments to Personal statement for money, . Contents copyright © 1997 by Lyman A. Baker. Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.

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Carnival in Brazil: Selected Sources. Carnival, the annual celebration before Lent, is in accounting unification perhaps the most widely attended of Brazilian festivals and certainly the most widely recognized internationally. Scholars and writers from various disciplines continue to examine Carnival, Carnaval in Portuguese, as both a reflection and a distortion of national identity. This bibliography is intended to help the service contact, reader locate materials that describe the history, music, and images of Carnival, and Writing unification, its role in Brazilian popular culture. Many more sources can be located through the General Libraries online catalog, UTCAT.

The basic search term is CARNIVAL--BRAZIL. For items related to Pizza hut customer a specific city, use CARNIVAL--BRAZIL--[city name]. Other useful subject terms are FESTIVALS--BRAZIL, SAMBA (DANCE)--BRAZIL, FREVO (DANCE), and BRAZIL--SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS. Most publications cited are housed in the Benson Latin American Collection (LAC). A bibliography of works published during a twenty-five year period with an in accounting profession emphasis on humanities, social sciences, and in 8, fine arts. Includes books, pamphlets, serials, government publications.

Journals listed only if the Writing profession, entire issue pertains to the subject. Essay? Arranged in Writing in accounting broad subject categories with author and subject indexes. Informative annotations vary in length from one to hut customer service number seven sentences. See subject index for entries on Carnival and samba. Z 1671 H39 1991 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. Levine, Robert M. Profession? Brazil Since 1930: An Annotated Bibliography for Social Historians . New York: Garland Publishing, 1980. This bibliography, divided in resume nine sections, deals primarily with social and political change since 1930. Includes brief citations to books, papers, journal articles, and government publications by Brazilians and Writing unification, Americans. See Carnival (13 entries) and Samba (9 entries) in the index. While? Also valuable for general works on in accounting profession, Brazilian music.

Z 1671 L488 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. One of the earliest works in essay vivaldi English on Brazilian folklore and popular culture. Detailed annotations of 344 items published between 1843 and 1940. Concentrates on Writing in accounting unification, the social psychology of the a critique on an article essay, highly-populated Atlantic coast, especially Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Does not include the Amazon region. Profession? Mostly Portuguese entries due to the lack of English-language scholarship at the time. Contact Number? Five entries on samba and seven on Carnival. G016.398 G674F LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Cascudo, Luís da Câmara. Dicionário do folclore brasileiro . 5th ed. Belo Horizonte: Editora Itatiaia, 1984.

Alphabetically-arranged volume includes entries on dances, myths, legends, native figures, music, literature, and customs. Provides a historical and ethnographic perspective on the meaning of Carnival. One of the few works to include the origins of celebrations outside Rio de Janeiro (i.e. Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte). In Portuguese with some untranslated English quotations. Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? Includes bibliography and cross-references.

Several editions of this work have been published, the first in 1954. GR 133 B6 C33 1984 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. Colonelli, Cristina Argenton. Bibliografia do folclore brasileiro . São Paulo: Conselho Estadual de Artes e Ciências Humanas, 1979. Bibliography is service arranged alphabetically by author's last name with analytical index. The analytical index has ten broad sections.

See numbers 16 and 18m under Mœsica and number 6.1 under Lœdica for entries on samba and carnival. Forty-three works on Carnival are listed. Also valuable for general works on folklore and popular culture, and for Writing in accounting unification studies of Afro-Brazilian culture. GR 133 B6 C6464 LAC-- Benson Collection stacks. A resource similar to the World Almanac, valuable for its current political, social, and cultural information. International in scope, with emphasis on Brazil. The 1996 edition of this annual publication includes the entry, Carnaval (pp.

255-256), which offers a brief historical introduction, and a discussion of Carnival in different regions of Brazil. Service Number? Excellent description of samba schools and their sections, called wings (alas). Includes a list of Carnival winners from 1945-1995 in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Also lists the number of victories of the top samba schools in Rio. The entry Samba (p. 722) surveys the origin of the word, musical influences, and major composers. Profession Unification? Cross-references and index. AY 624 A53 1996 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. Coelho, Marisa Colnago. Bibliografia do Carnaval brasileiro . Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Arte e Cultura; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1992. (Série Referência 3) Contains 1131 bibliographic citations without annotations.

Most are works found in the collection of the Biblioteca Amadeu Amaral da Coordenação de Folclore, of the Writing nursing luther king, Instituto Brasileiro de Arte e Cultura. Preface indicates that the bibliography includes books, periodicals, and newspaper articles published between 1900-1991, but most of the citations are to newspaper articles from the 1960s to the 1990s. Since Brazilian newspapers are infrequently indexed this is a valuable resource for tracing recent transformations in profession unification Carnival, and for examining the treatment of Carnival by the press. GT 4233 A2 B521 1992 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Mello Moraes, Alexandre José de. Festas e tradiç›es populares do Brasil . Belo Horizonte: Ed. Itatiaia; São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 1979. A Critique On An Article? (Coleção Reconquista do Brasil, vol.

55) Examines festivals as part of four broad categories: religious and popular festivals, traditions, and street celebrations. Profession? See O Carnaval (pp. 29-38). The essay provides a detailed description of early forms of Carnival, such as the masked balls and entrudo. Compares Brazilian Carnival to similar European celebrations. GT 4833 M4 1979 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Memória do Carnaval . Rio de Janeiro: Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro; RIOTUR; Oficina do Livro, 1991. Prepared by the tourist organization responsible for organizing and promoting Carnival, this work is a valuable source of facts and statistics. Describes the origins of the samba schools, as well as the songs, themes, floats, and various sections. Contains a directory of samba schools with the address, school colors, foundation date, and brief history.

Also has a yearly list from 1932-1989 of the names of Personal, schools that participated, the titles of their theme songs (samba-de-enredo), and the points received in the competition. A map and description of the Sambódromo, the cost of the parades, and the prizes offered are included. Writing In Accounting Profession? Bibliography and is best website homework, index. GT 4233 R5 M46 1991 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Niceas, Alcides.

Verbetes para um dicionário do Carnaval brasileiro . Sorocaba, SP: FUA, 1991. 176 p. Defines words directly and indirectly related to Carnival. Identifies the origin and Writing profession, provides bibliographic citations at on an article essay, the end of entries when possible. Many definitions are actually mini-essays. Helpful to keep on hand while reading other works. GT 4233 A2 N53 1991 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks.

Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture . 5 vols. Barbara A. Tennenbaum, editor-in-chief. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1996. 5,300 signed articles each followed by a brief list of Writing profession unification, references. Valuable entries to consult include Carnival, Frevo, Percussion Groups, and Writing a critique paper on an essay, Samba Parades.

Entries are incisive and up-to-date. Includes historical antecedents of Carnival and samba, the contributions of various racial and ethnic groups, and government manipulation of the international image of Carnival. Cumulative index in Volume 5. F 1406 E53 1996 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. Historical and Sociological Aspects. An impressive historical study of Carnival from its origins to the 1950s, examining it through its music, clubs, costumes, dances, and so forth.

Two chapters describe the friends of Carnival (the press and business) and its enemies (rain, police, and pessimists). Notes the influence of Writing, Carnival on Writing article essay, art, theater, and literature, and vice versa. Originally published in 1957. No index, some illustrations. G394.25 M791H LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Goldwasser, Maria Julia. O palácio do samba: estudo antropológico da Escola de Samba Estação Primeira de Mangueira . Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores, 1975. A detailed description of the Writing in accounting unification, samba school as an administrative and bureaucratic component of Carnival. Describes, in College essay in 8 vivaldi particular, the internal organization of the school.

Views Carnival as an integrating aspect of Brazilian society, with the samba schools as the mediators between two extremes, the favela (slum) dwellers and the upperclass apartment residents, providing opportunities for Writing social participation frequently denied the majority of the population. GT 4233 R5 G58 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Matta, Roberto da. Writing? Carnavais, malandros e heróis: para uma sociologia do dilema brasileiro . Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores, 1979. An anthropological study of Brazilian national identity.

Describes Carnival as a celebration that provides the Writing profession unification, marginalized population with an opportunity to protest symbolically against racial, class, and gender inequalities. During Carnival the nursing assignment luther king, social structure is inverted as people use costumes to take on different identities: the poor are royalty, the Writing unification, wealthy are maids, adults are children, and statement for money resume, men are women. Carnival is the profession, creation of Writing paper on an article essay, a separate reality that provides opportunities, however brief, for social integration. HN 283 M36 1979 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Oliveira, Nilza de. Quaesitu: o que é escola de samba? Rio de Janeiro: Prefeitura, Secretaria Municipal de Governo, 1996. Examines the samba schools, focusing on several aspects of their performance in the Carnival parades (desfiles). Their evolution over in accounting unification, time, their sambas de enredo, choreography, and costuming, are among the topics treated. Pizza Hut Customer Service? This is a general, rather impressionistic work, intended for the casual reader. GT 4233 A2 O448 1996 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks.

Pereira, Leonardo Affonso de Miranda. Writing In Accounting Profession Unification? O carnaval das letras . Rio de Janeiro: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; Departamento Geral de Documentação e Informação Cultural, Divisão de Editoração, 1994. (Coleçao Biblioteca Carioca, 33.) A social history of Carnival based on statement for money resume, late nineteenth century writings in newspapers and literary journals. The author concludes that intellectuals at the turn-of-the-century distorted the reality of Carnival celebrations in an attempt to create a more European national identity or character. Writing In Accounting Unification? He maintains that accounts from the time are not always trustworthy given the motives of the mostly elite writers. Winner of the Prêmio Carioca de Monografia in 1993. Includes extensive bibliography. GT 4233 R5 P474 1994 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Queiroz, Maria Isaura Pereira de.

Carnaval brasileiro: o vivido e o mito . São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 1992. A sociologist uses a historical approach to Writing paper on an her study of Carnival. Emphasis is on Rio de Janeiro, although author also bases work on her memories and observations of Carnival in her native city of São Paulo. Writing In Accounting? Concludes that Carnival is a mixture of social myth and statement resume, reality: it is bound to the socio-economic structure of the Writing in accounting profession unification, country; as that structure changes, so does Carnival. Extensive bibliography without annotations. GT 4233 A2 Q4519 1992 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Brief short stories, essays, chronicles, and excerpts from memoirs by thirty-four writers including Machado de Assis, Jorge Amado, and Alexandre José de Mello Moraes (Mello Moraes Filho). Most of the Writing a critique paper on an, works date from the turn-of-the-century or early decades of the twentieth century.

A brief biographical sketch and introduction to the work precedes each story. Emphasis is on Rio de Janeiro, but also includes sketches of Carnival in Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, and Bahia. Writing? Valuable for intellectual and artistic view of nursing assignment martin, Carnival in profession its early years. G394.25 L939A 1965 LAC-- Benson Collection stacks. Dictionary of Brazilian Literature . Irwin Stern, editor-in-chief. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.

Examines Brazilian culture as depicted through the country's literature. Contains 300 alphabetically-arranged entries written by American, British, and Brazilian scholars. Personal For Money? Describes the most significant writers, events and movements with an Writing profession unification emphasis on the twentieth century. Includes a historical and literary chronology, an introduction to the culture of Brazil, and bibliography on hut customer service number, literary and linguistic topics. Discusses Carnival as a central theme in in accounting profession unification the writings of six authors. See Carnival in the index for specific entries. PQ 9506 D53 1988 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection.

The author, a native of Mexico, writes frequently on Writing assignment, Latin America for The New Yorker. This work provides a fascinating account of the year she spent in Writing in accounting profession Rio with the Mangueira Samba School. Describes the history of the in 8 hours, school, the contemporary politics of Carnival, and the financial and artistic struggles of the school and unification, its members as they prepare for the parades. Perceptive commentary on Brazilian society and culture. GT 4233 R5 G85 1990 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks.

Krich, John. Why is this Country Dancing? A One-Man Samba to the Beat of Brazil . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993. Based on travels in Brazil, Krich writes about his experiences of Carnival in is best website while Salvador, Recife, and Rio de Janeiro. Not a particularly insightful commentary, but useful for descriptions of profession unification, various cities. Also includes lists of Music to Read By at the end of each chapter.

F 2517 K75 1993 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. More than 100 striking color photographs accompanied by Personal for high text written by an anthropologist. Discusses origins of Carnival festivities and describes current celebrations in various states highlighting Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco. Describes contributions of various ethnic and racial groups to creation of Brazilian culture. Somewhat stiff English translation. GT 4833 A2 G66 1987 LAC-- Benson Collection stacks. Meireles, Cecília. Batuque, samba e macumba: estudos de gesto e de ritmo, 1926-1934 . Rio de Janeiro: FUNARTE/Instituto Nacional do Folclore, 1983.

Brief essays accompany this work of color drawings by Meireles. A noted poet, she was also instrumental in the creation of a National Commission of Folklore in Brazil, and among the first intellectuals to examine the material culture of the popular classes. Before other anthropological works had been done, she noted the Writing, role-switching and Pizza hut customer service, reversal of social status that characterizes Carnival. Most of the works reproduced here are from an exhibit held at in accounting, the Museo Pró-Arte in nursing assignment king Rio de Janeiro in 1933. Writing Unification? Drawings depict typical figures of Carnival celebrations and macumba ceremonies.

-Q- GT 684 M45 1983 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Lengthy essay by noted scholar of Latin American music offers an excellent overview of the development of musical forms in the region. Personal Essay School? The musical origins of samba and in accounting unification, its first composers are discussed on essay for high school mission, pp. 11-12. The essay includes a literature review that highlights samba on pp. Profession Unification? 22-25. F 1408.3 H316 1985 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection; additional copy in UGL. Enciclopédia da mœsica brasiliera: erudita, folclórica e popular . 2 vols.

São Paulo: Art Editora, 1977. Although now somewhat dated, this encyclopedia continues to be one of the most useful reference works on while, Brazilian music. Includes events occurring up to July 30, 1975. Carnival (p. 153) is examined from a musical perspective focusing on the gradual union of Carnival and Writing in accounting, samba, followed by statement a list of the most popular sambas from in accounting profession unification 1889-1975. Entry on samba offers an excellent, extensive discussion of its origins and the variations that have developed. College Hours? Also see the entry on the first official samba, Pelo telefone (p. Profession Unification? 599). Biographical sketches of major artists include partial lists of their works. Personal Statement For Money? Alphabetical arrangement with extensive, unannotated bibliography in Vol.

2. Writing Profession Unification? Also includes a list of song/score titles with composer and date. ML 106 B7 E525 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection. García, Florencia Oscar. College Writing Essay In 8 Hours Vivaldi? Samba: A Bibliography with Introduction . Albuquerque, NM: FOG Publications, 1992. Brief work with entries organized alphabetically by author. The lack of an arrangement by subject or format diminishes its usefulness. Unification? Fortunately, the work is short enough to skim for titles of interest. Includes discography. ML 128 D3 G3 1992 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. McGowan, Chris, and Richard Pessanha. The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova, and the Popular Music of resume, Brazil . Writing? New York: Billboard Books, 1991.

Information on samba centers in Rio de Janeiro (Chapter 2: Samba: The Heartbeat of Rio). Text tends to be superficial and, at times, overly simplistic in its analysis of Personal essay for high school, Brazilian society. However, it contains recent information on Carnival in Rio (e.g.: the Sambódromo or samba stadium), the escolas da samba, major composers, instruments, and musical antecedents. Also explains the history and various elements of the Carnival parades. Includes glossary of musical and Portuguese terms, many illustrations, and selected bibliography and discography. ML 3487 B7 M4 1991 LAC -- Latin American Reference Collection; additional copy in Fine Arts Library. Muniz Jœnior, J. Sambistas imortais: dados biográficos de 50 figuras do mundo do samba . São Paulo: Cia. Brasileira de Impressão e Propoganda; Cia. Lithographica Ypiranga, 1978-.

The first volume of Writing profession unification, this work, the only one available for review, explores the lives of for money, fifty sambistas (important figures in the samba world). Includes two to four-page biographical essays with photos. Discusses samba schools founded, music composed, and significant events. GV 1796 S25 M965 V.1 LAC -- Benson Collection stacks. Isto é . Writing In Accounting? São Paulo: Encontro Editorial. 1976-. Weekly. One of the two most widely read currrent events magazines in Brazil. Includes world news but focuses on Brazilian politics and culture. AP 66 I886 LAC -- Current issues in Periodicals Reading Area; others in luther king Benson Collection stacks.

Jornal do Brasil . Rio de Janeiro. This daily newspaper provides extensive coverage of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro during the holiday period and news related to it throughout the year, as well as more limited coverage of Writing in accounting profession, Carnival celebrations in other Brazilian cities. Current issues in Periodicals Reading Area, Newspaper section; for earlier issues ask at Circulation Desk. Manchete . Rio de Janeiro: Bloch Editores, 1952-. Weekly. Popular magazine includes many photographs.

Articles frequently highlight celebrities: sports figures, artists, society figures. Its Carnival issue, featuring lavish color photographs of parades, prize-winning costumes, and prestigious bailes do Carnaval (Carnival balls) is a newsstand best seller. G056.81 M312 LAC -- Current issues in Periodicals Reading Area. Veja . Writing Essay? São Paulo: Editora Abril, 1968-. Weekly. Widely read news magazine reporting on world and Brazilian politics, economics, science and technology, education, the in accounting profession, arts, sports, and religion.

AP 66 V442 LAC -- Current issues in Periodicals Reading Area; others in Benson Collection stacks. Contains bibliographic citations from the following sources: HAPI: Hispanic American Periodicals Index , the Writing a critique paper on an article essay, Benson Latin American Collection catalog , and the Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS) . Citations from the latter usually include annotations, the others do not. The version of the HLAS included on this CD-ROM covers only 1990 to the present. Writing In Accounting? The Latin American Studies CD-ROM is the best source for locating journal articles related to statement essay school mission Carnival. See the first page of this bibliography for subject terms. Available on Writing profession, Information Stations throughout the General Libraries. Yaih? O diretório da internet Brasil e América Latina . This Brazilian WWW search engine allows searching by keyword or through its subject tree. Type in CARNAVAL (note Portuguese spelling) for a wealth of Personal statement essay for high school, pages related to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Recife/Olinda, Fortaleza, and Salvador. Other sites highlight individual samba schools, carnival-related events, sambistas, musicians, record companies, and travel in Brazil.

Netscape. Available on Internet-connected Information Stations throughout The General Libraries. Handbook of Writing in accounting unification, Latin American Studies (HLAS) . This resource, compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, is an annotated bibliography of books, chapters of books, reports, and articles in the humanities, and Writing nursing luther, social sciences pertaining to Latin America. Two electronic versions are available. The CD-ROM version offers volumes 1-53 (1936-1994), while the World Wide Web version ( ) includes bibliography for Writing unification 1936 to the present. The version of the HLAS included on statement for high, the Latin American Studies CD-ROM described above covers only 1990 to Writing unification the present. Available on the CD-ROM Jukebox in the Benson Latin American Collection and on Personal for money, Internet-connected Information Stations throughout The General Libraries. 1996 by The University of Texas at Austin.

This material may be quoted or reproduced without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given. The General Libraries -- Benson Latin American Collection -- January 1997.

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