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How to Write the Best Conclusion Chapter of your Dissertation

arrow of god essay Arrow of God (1964) by Chinua Achebe, a political and cultural novel, is set in Nigeria in your, the early twentieth century when colonization by British government officials and Christian missionaries was well underway. In this novel two cultures confront their differences. Achebe portrays the disrupting effect an Harvard essay externally imposed power system (the British) has on an internally imposed power system (African tradition and conclusion your, customs). Conflicts within the Igbo society coupled with repercussions from external invasion result in disaster for the Igbo society which disintegrates from within and reorients itself to Christianity. This reorientation will lead not only to the assimilation of Western values and beliefs, but also to the eventual loss of the Igbo cultural identity. Arrow of God , Achebe's third novel, is an intricate and complex narrative. Ezeulu, the main character, is the chief priest of Ulu, a god created by the people almost a century before when the six villages of Umuaro united to withstand the Abam slave raiders.

As chief priest, Ezeulu is responsible for safeguarding the traditions and rituals of the people. For example, Ezeulu watches each month for the new moon. He eats a sacred yam and beats the ogene to Student write paper, mark the beginning of conclusion each new month. Only the Writing your graduate statement, chief priest can name the day for the feast of the Pumpkin Leaves or for Dissertation help the New Yam Feast, which ushers in the yam harvest. Ezeulu considers himself merely a watchman (3) for Ulu. His power was no more than the power of a child over hrm a goat that was said to be his (3). Achebe is interested in investigating this power and how a priest determines the gods' decrees (Interview with Lewis Nkosi 21). Structurally, Arrow of Dissertation conclusion help God begins en medias res with a flashback to explain a disagreement between Ezeulu and Nwaka five years before. Nwaka is write paper good, a prosperous man and a supporter of conclusion help your Ezidemili, the chief priest of the god, Idemili.

The initial conflict between the two men is over a land dispute between Umuaro and Letter of assignment hrm, the nearby village of Okperi. Nwaka leads a group of villagers who want to Dissertation conclusion help, go to war against Okperi. Ezeulu opposes them. All six villages of Umuaro side with Nwaka and override Ezeulu. Akukalia, an emissary from Notes about Umuaro, is Dissertation help, sent to Okperi to announce the war. Feeling as if he was not properly received, Akukalia, in a fit of anger, breaks one of the my custom paper, villager's personal gods which prompts the people of Okperi to kill the messenger from Umuaro igniting open conflict. The war ends abruptly when the British get involved.

Captain T.K.Winterbottom, the help your, District Officer, stops the war and breaks all the guns in Okperi and Umuaro. Ezeulu later testifies on Government Hill that the people of Umuaro had no claim to Okperi land, thus impressing Captain Winterbottom with his lack of bias. Ezeulu, on his part, was also impressed with Captain Winterbottom. All of this, told in Notes about books utopia, flashback, foreshadows the future conflict between Ezeulu and his people, which will fracture the community. Ezeulu has four sons-Edogo, Obika, Oduche, and conclusion your, Nwafo.

Ezeulu sends Oduche to study Christianity with the white missionaries led by Letter Mr. Goodcountry. Ezeulu initial motive is so that Oduche might learn the wisdom of the help your, white men (42). Later, he realizes that if the white men take over the country, as it seems obvious they will, it would be prudent to have one of his own sons in the inside circle. I have sent you to be my eyes there (189) he says.

Ezeulu's old friend, Akuebue discourages Ezeulu's decision to about books, send Oduche to the white men. When you spoke against the war with Okperi you were not alone . . .But if you send your son to join strangers in desecrating the land you will be alone (134). Dissertation Conclusion? Nevertheless, Ezeulu sends his son. Oduche is instructed by Mr. Services Abu Dhabi? Goodcountry to kill the sacred python. Oduche places a python in a footlocker, but the Dissertation conclusion your, snake is good, discovered and Dissertation conclusion help, is released unharmed. Even though everyone in Writing school, Umuaro knows that Oduche is responsible for this desecration of a sacred symbol, Ezeulu does not punish his son.

The incident further fuels the divide between Ezeulu and his enemies. Your? Shortly after this, Ezeulu is summoned to Marking, Okperi to Government Hill for a meeting with Winterbottom who wants to make Ezeulu a puppet chief. The British attempted to instigate a policy advanced by Lord Lugard, governor-General of Dissertation your Nigeria from Letter 1912-19. The idea of indirect rule allows the colonizers to Dissertation, rule the colonized people through appointed native chiefs (Maja-Pearce 18). Before Ezeulu leaves for Okperi, Ezeulu's enemy, Nwaka draws attention to Ezeulu's friendship with the white men who are taking the Igbo land.

Ezeulu angers Winterbottom by delaying his departure for services abu dhabi Okperi. When Ezeulu arrives on Government Hill he is imprisoned. Winterbottom has become ill and is in the hospital. Assistant District Officer Tony Clarke makes the offer to Ezeulu that the British would like to make him a ruler. Ezeulu declines to be a white man's chief (175). Dissertation Help? Ezeulu angers the about books, British administration, which detains him for two more months. Dissertation Help? During his imprisonment, Ezeulu cannot eat the sacred yams or announce the Notes about, new moons. Angry with his people for letting the British detain him, Ezeulu refuses to conclusion help, eat the yams. When he is released he stubbornly moves the New Yam Festival forward two months.

By refusing to announce the feast, the admission, yams cannot be harvested and they rot in Dissertation conclusion help your, the fields causing avfamine. You all know our custom, Ezeulu says, I only Letter of assignment hrm, call a new festival when there is only one yam left from the last. Help? Today I have three yams and so I know that the time has not come (207). Aware that he is punishing and hurting his people, Ezeulu likens himself to the arrow in the bow of Ulu. Abu Dhabi? The people become divided between their loyalty to Dissertation conclusion help, Ulu and their loyalty to the survival of the community. They begin to Harvard admission essay, question the chief priest and ask that the custom be altered. While the people argue and starve, Ezeulu's son Obika dies suddenly while performing as Ogbazulobodo, the Dissertation help, night spirit, in a ritual for a funeral. The people take Obika's death as a sign that Ulu had either chastised or abandoned his priest and that no man however great was greater than his people; that no one ever won judgment against his clan (230).

Ezeulu is a tragic hero who imperiled his community to make a point. Letter Hrm? Because Ulu failed them, the people of Umuaro turned to Christianity, harvesting the yams and taking a sacrificial offering to Mr. Goodcountry who received them with open arms. Dissertation Conclusion Your? Of the ending John Updike says that the events of the conclusion proved unexpected and, as I think about them, beautifully resonant, tragic and theological. Admission Essay? That Ezeulu, whom we had seen stand up so invincibly to both Nwaka and Clarke, should be so suddenly vanquished by his own god Ulu and by something harsh and Dissertation help your, vengeful within himself, and his defeat in a page or two be the fulcrum of a Christian lever upon Marking his people, is an help your ending few Western novelists would have contrived (Letter from John Updike 56). Achebe's achievement, then, in this novel, is to portray his obvious love and respect for the Igbo people balanced with an of assignment honest representation of their lives, conflicts, and culture. Examining the influence traditional canonical texts had on Achebe leads to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Dissertation help your Darkness (1902) (http://www.heartofdarkness.html). When studying the venerated Conradian text, Achebe realized that the African characters are stereotypes and that Conrad is Notes about, giving the typical colonial view of the natives.

In contrast to Conrad's half-naked, silent, spear rattling savages, Achebe creates complex and complicated human beings existing within an equally complex and complicated society. As if pointedly playing with Conrad, Achebe presents his European characters, Winterbottom, Clark, and Wright as one dimensional stereotypes. So successful is he that one critic misses the apparent irony and takes Achebe to Dissertation, task saying, Once again the Writing your school personal, white characters are not much more than parodies, though perfectly fair ones . . . some day Chinua Achebe must give us a white man whom he takes as seriously as he does his Ibos, rather than a series of dei ex machina (Moore 52) . Another traditional text that influenced Achebe is Joyce Cary's Mister Johnson . This novel, also set in Nigeria, struck Achebe as a most superficial picture of-not only of the country-but even of the Nigerian characters, and so I thought if this was famous, then perhaps someone ought to try and look at Dissertation conclusion help this from the inside (Pieterse and Duerden 4). Conducting a dialogue with Achebe's other novels shows that all of graduate school Achebe's texts look at Nigeria from the inside. Arrow of God is the third of four novels Achebe wrote between 1955-1965, which are about Nigeria from the beginning of British colonization in the 1890's through the military coup in the 1960's. Achebe's first novel, Things Fall Apart (1958) (http://www.thingsfallapart.html) is set in pre-colonial Nigeria and addresses the first encounters of the Igbo people with the conclusion, British invaders.

The main character, Okonkwo, like the main character Ezeulu in Arrow of God , is destroyed by Student paper good setting himself apart from his people. The two main characters, however, have totally different reactions to colonization. No Longer at Ease (1960) (http://nolongeratease.html) is set in both the Nigerian capital of Lagos and in Umuofia, a Nigerian village. The main character is an educated Nigerian man who attempts to negotiate a past and Dissertation conclusion, present Nigerian society in the 1950's-a time of great political change. A Man of the People (1966) (http://www.manofthepeople.html) investigates the impact of politics on native culture. The action is set in contemporary Nigeria after achieving independence from admission on nursing British rule. Anthills of the conclusion help, Savannah (1987) (http://www.anthillsofthesavannah.html) raises questions about about books utopia power and military rule in Nigeria after independence from Britain.

Comparing Achebe's Arrow of God to Rigoberta Menchu's I, Rigoberta Menchu (http://www.irigobertamenchu.html),one of the Dissertation conclusion help your, best known Latin American post colonial texts, there are similarities and differences. One obvious difference is genre. Arrow of God is a novel, while Menchu's text is a testimonio. While both texts deal with a colonized situation, Achebe's novel does not idealize the indigenous African people as Menchu's text idealizes the Guatemalans. Achebe's characters have both good and bad traits, which are equally exposed and explored in admission, the novel. Achebe's point is that the Igbo people were in some way susceptible to assimilation by Western culture because they could not reconcile the internal discord within their own culture. Perhaps the same dissension within led to the subjugation of Menchu's Mayan culture by the Spanish, but it is not a theme she explores as readily as Achebe. Dissertation Your? Menchu admits that the Indians are separated by Notes books ethnic barriers, linguistic barriers, that there's no dialogue between us (143), and that the government uses these divisions within the culture to exploit the people (143), but she does not draw any conclusions from the implications. Instead, she places the blame on the government, saying this is what the Dissertation conclusion your, White Man did; it's the fault of the White Man (69). Menchu, of course, is not an artist in the sense Achebe means, nor was she writing a novel. However, by her failure to be more balanced, or, at Writing least slightly detached, Menchu opens the door for detractors who feel her testimony at times borders on propaganda.

It is well for the reader of Menchu to keep in mind that Menchu is on a crusade and that her anger is a sort of righteous anger that fuels the emotion of her story, but may not give a completely balanced view of conclusion help reality. This conflict between 'two brothers' is one Menchu does not elaborate on. When the villagers capture the Notes books utopia, government soldier she says that for Dissertation conclusion the pregnant girls raped by the soldiers, the baby was like a monster, something unbearable (148), implying that the bloodlines could not mix, yet she later says the soldier was also an Indian, not from a different race at abu dhabi all. Why brother is fighting against brother, why Igbo betrays Igbo is a cultural psychological question, one Menchu sidesteps but Achebe tackles head on. Another interesting textual dialogue is to compare Achebe's text with other counter narratives.

Arrow of God , like the Latin American text of Miquel Angel Asturias' Men of Maize (1949) (http://www.menofmaize.html), is a counter narrative. Both Achebe and Asturias investigate the colonization of indigenous peoples by Europeans. Both texts present counter narratives and help your, counter histories to the official European narrative. Neither Achebe nor Asturias demonizes the colonizers; instead, both authors show the Marking, faults within the indigenous culture they represent. Chinua Achebe, novelist, short story writer and essayist, is considered one of Africa's most important novelists. He is so important that many scholars believe him to be the originator of modern African literature (Gikandi 2), even though there were many impressive African writers who preceded Achebe such as Amos Tutuola, Thomas Mofolo, Sol Plaatje, and Dissertation help, Peter Abrahams.

Achebe, christened Albert Chinualumogu, was born at Ogidi in Eastern Nigeria November 16,1930 to Isaiah Okafor and Janet Achebe. His father was a catechist for the Church Missionary Society and his mother was also a convert to Christianity. His father was in charge of the website to do paper, village school run by the Church Missionary Society. Dissertation Help Your? Growing up Achebe felt the impact of living between two cultures-the traditional Igbo culture of Ogidi and the European Christian culture his parents both embraced. He says, On one arm of the cross we sang hymns and read the bible night and day. On the other my father's brother and his family, blinded by heathenism, offered food to Letter, idols. That was how it was supposed to be anyhow ( Morning Yet on Creation Day 68). After being educated in the village school, Achebe went to Government College in Umuahia in Eastern Nigeria during the years, 1944-1948. Conclusion? He originally intended to admission, study medicine, but changed his major to the arts.

By the time he graduated in 1953 from University College at conclusion Ibadan, a British style university, he had been taught that European values and culture were superior to Marking abu dhabi, his native Igbo culture. Achebe took issue with this point of view. He felt that canonical literary books did not accurately or adequately represent Africans as anything other than stereotypes. He began to think about Dissertation conclusion help writing a new African literature in which African culture and people were realistically represented. In 1954 Achebe became Talks Producer for write good the Nigerian Broadcasting Service and studied in London with the BBC in 1956.

In 1958 he published Things Fall Apart which is about the effect of British colonization on conclusion help, the Igbo culture. Notes About Utopia? During 1960-1961 he went to Dissertation conclusion help your, East Africa on a Rockefeller Fellowship. In 1961 Achebe married Christie Chinwe Okoli and became Director of External Broadcasting for write good the Nigerian Broadcasting Service. In 1963 Achebe traveled to the United States, Brazil and Britain. In 1964 he published Arrow of God. After the Dissertation conclusion, military coup in Nigeria in 1966, Achebe returned to Eastern Nigeria and became a spokesman for Biafra. In later years Achebe became Visiting Professor of Literature at school personal statement the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and help your, the University of Connecticut, Storrs. Admission Essay? He has continued to publish books, short stories, children's books and Dissertation, essays.

His latest book, Anthills of the Savannah was published in 1989. Achebe received the website writing, Nigerian National Merit Award for intellectual achievement. Achebe is committed to helping create a national African culture through African literature. The worst thing that can happen to any people is the loss of their dignity and Dissertation your, self-respect. The writer's duty is to help them regain it by showing them in website to do my custom paper, human terms what happened to them, what they lost. There is a saying in Ibo that a man who can't tell where the Dissertation help your, rain began to beat him cannot know where he dried his body. The writer can tell the people where the rain began to beat them (The Role of the Writer in a New Nation 158) In his novels, and as an African writer, Achebe shows his people where and how they lost their identity.

He can also assist them in reclaiming it. I'm an Igbo writer, he says, because this is my basic culture; Nigerian, African and a writer . . . Services Abu Dhabi? no, black first, then a writer. Each of these identities does call for Dissertation conclusion help a certain commitment on my part. Excellent Website Writing? I must see what it is to be black-and this means being sufficiently intelligent to know how the world is moving and how the black people fare in the world. This is what it means to be black. Or an African-the same: what does Africa mean to the world? When you see an African what does it mean to a white man? (Appiah Achebe's goal, then, as a writer is to instruct. He says, I would be quite satisfied if my novels (especially the Dissertation conclusion help your, ones I set in the past) did no more than teach my readers that their past-with all its imperfections-was not one long night of savagery from which the first Europeans acting on Student write paper good, God's behalf delivered them (The Novelist as Teacher 45). Achebe's novels not only teach Africans, they also enlarge the knowledge and understanding of non-Africans about the Igbo culture, as well as about universal truths of human nature. There are three main ethnic groups in Nigeria-the Hausa-Fulani, the Yoruba, and the Igbo.

The Igbos, or Ibos, of Dissertation your southeastern Nigeria are one of 250 tribes. Admission? These many diverse tribes each have their own dialects, culture, and political systems. Each village has its own marketplace, gods, and shrines. Dissertation Help? The Ibos have one supreme god, Chukwu. Each Ibo, male and female, is given a chi at birth-a personal god who controls that person's fate (Innes 2) British colonization between 1900-1910 formed the many tribes into the one nation of Nigeria. Paper Good? The British set up a system of direct rule.

In 1918 direct rule was replaced with indirect rule as the District Commissioners appointed native chiefs as puppet rulers within each village. This system remained in effect until 1960. For more information on the Igbo's see: J.C. Anene, Southern Nigeria in Transition (1966); Richard Henderson, The King in Every Man (1971); Igbo Traditional Life, Culture and Dissertation conclusion help your, Literature, edited by M.J.C. Echeruo and E.N. Obiechina (1971); E.N. Obiechina, Culture, Tradition and Society in the West African Novel (1975). The following sites give a brief summary of the history of Nigeria: ( and ( This site is maintained by Boomie Olunbunmi. Contents are extensive and include: Geography, Patriotic information, People, Languages, Names and Origins, Marriage, Food and write, Drink, Recipes, Healthcare, Education, Holidays, Festivals, Attire, Transportation, Sports, The Arts, Music, Pictures, Brief History, Government, Historical Government, Democracy Watch, Legal system, Economics, Agriculture, Telephone, Travel information, Tourist Attractions, Famous Nigerians, Notable Women of Nigeria, Other links, Nigerian organizations, Kidzone, Humor, Stories, Proverbs, Games.

This site has a discussion of Pre-colonialism, colonialism and Dissertation, Post-colonialism and website writing paper, a Nigerian History Overview. There is also information on women's history with a detailed look at the role of help Nigerian women in Excellent my custom, pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial Nigeria. This site has Biographies, Chat Rooms, Classified, Codes of Honor, Culture, Education, Embassies, Ethnic Groups, Folk Tales, Government, Literature, Message Center, Music, Nigerian News, Personals, Polls, Quizzes, Recipes, Religions, Nigerian Nation Store. This site provides information about Dissertation your teaching African Literature. Also, under Selection of Resources on the World Wide Web one can find background information and current affairs on Africa. About Books Utopia? Proverb links include: Arrow of God can be taught in many ways.

Some teachers prefer to confront the primary text and allow it to explicate its own background information; some prefer to goround students with background reading and supplemental texts before reading the primary text. This section will examine both techniques, as well as the strategy of approaching the book as a counternarrative. In teaching any cultural text the teacher is confronted at the outset with the Dissertation conclusion, reality that the student will need background information. Without understanding the write, culture represented in the text, a reader may fail to comprehend or appreciate its significance. Assigning reports on help your, Nigeria, the Harvard, Ibos, Achebe, British colonization in Africa from a pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial perspective, examining the role of the family and women in Ibo society or how the British invasion upset the natural checks and balances within the Ibo culture would be one way to help students beginlearning more about the time period and the conflicting cultures Achebe portrays. However, since the text itself is a place of cultural interaction some instructors might opt to forego background information and help, immerse the students directly in the text. If so, it would be helpful to Harvard essay, raise questions at the beginning that the student can keep in mind as he reads. Such questions might be Who is the arrow of God? Could Ezeulu disobey Ulu? Did you sympathize with Ezeulu or the starving people?

Why did Ezeulu not eat the Dissertation your, sacred yams? What will be the result of Umuaro's conversion to Christianity? After the Student paper good, students have read the text in depth analysis can be assigned examining narrative techniques, rhetorical techniques, historical/cultural contrasts and comparisions, character analysis, theme, point of view, the your, interrelationship between literature and politics. The students could analyze Ezeulu's character and compare it with his sons' characters; compare and contrast the protagonist, Ezeulu, and the antagonist, Nwaka; identify other protagonist/antagonist conflicts in the text; identify the central conflict. Another focus might be to Excellent website to do writing paper, examine Achebe's use of language.

One could study African folktales, songs, and proverbs. Achebe uses proverbs as a way to communicate the African oral tradition within the frame of the western novel. In Things Fall Apart , Achebe writes, Among the Ibo the art of conversations is regarded very highly and proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten (7). An examination of how proverbs work in conclusion help, the novel would be a way to discuss theme, clarify character, and explain the culture. Achebe says, when I use these forms in my novels, they both serve a utilitarian purpose, which is to reenact the life of the people that I am describing, and also delight through elegance and aptness of imagery. This is what proverbs are supposed to do (Lindfors 67). For a detailed analysis of Achebe's use of proverbs see Austin Shelton's 'The Palm-Oil' of Language: Provrebs in Chinua Achebe's Novels. Modern Language Quarterly 30(1969): 103.

Another suggestion is to explore the text as a counternarrative. To do this it would be beneficial for the instructor to become acquainted with Achebe's article The Novelist as Teacher. Harvard On Nursing? In this essay Achebe explains his purpose in his novels. He wants to Dissertation, portray Africans as real human beings in order to correct their misrepresentation in canonical literary texts. Having the students read Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness , then read Achebe's essay An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Notes Darkness would be an ideal way to conclusion help, compare and contrast Arrow of God with a canonical literary text and confront the stereotypes Achebe points out. Services? Other novels about British colonization would work as well, for example, Rudyard Kipling's Kim, E.M. Dissertation Help Your? Forrester's Passage to India , George Orwell's Burmese Days , or Olive Schreiner's Story of an African Farm . Of Assignment? Examining how Arrow of God works as a counternarrative is an excellent segway to studying Point of Dissertation your View. One could even broaden the scope to include Latin American counternarratives such as Asturias' Men of Maize or Castellanos' Nine Guardians. To find the latest articles and books on Achebe consult the abu dhabi, MLA International Bibliography, the Journal of Commonwealth Literature , and Callaloo . For biographical sources, interviews, Igbo studies, background studies on anthropology, history, politics, religion, critical commentary sources, and information on audio visual aids see Bernth Lindors' Approaches to Teaching Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1991. Achebe, Chinua. A Man of the People. Dissertation Help Your? London: Heinemann, 1966. ___. An Image of Africa: Racism in write paper good, Conrad's Heart of Dissertation conclusion help Darkness. Hopes and Impediments Selected Essays . New York: Doubleday, 1988. Letter Of Assignment Hrm? 1-13. ___.

Anthills of the Savannah . London: Heinemann, 1987. ___. The Novelist as Teacher. Hopes and Impediments Selected Essays . New York:Doubleday, 1988. 40-46. ___. Dissertation Conclusion Your? Interview with Lewis Nkosi. Africa Report . July 1964. ___.

Letter from John Updike. The Writer and his Community. Hopes and Impediments Selected Essays. New York: Doubleday, 1988. 47-61. ___. Morning Yet on Creation Day: Essays. London: Heinemann, 1975. ___.

No Longer at Ease . Admission Essay? London: Heinemann, 1960. Dissertation? ___. The Role of the Writer in the New Nation. Write Paper? Nigeria Magazine. 81 (June1964): 158-79. Dissertation Conclusion Help Your? Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. ___. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. Appiah, Anthony, Ryle, John and Jones, D.A.N.

Interview with Chinua Achebe: Times Literary Supplement , February 26, 1982. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's P, 1989. Egejuru, Phanuel Akubueze, ed. Towards African Literary Independence: A Dialogue With Contemporary African Writers.

Westport: Greenwood, 1980. Gikandi, Simon. Reading Chinua Achebe . London: James Currey, 1991. Innes, C.L. Chinua Achebe . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. Lindfors,Bernth, ed. Approaches to Teaching Achebe's Things Fall Apart . New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1991. ___. Conversations with Chinua Achebe. Jackson: Un. of Mississippi P, 1997.

Maja-Pearce, Adewale. A Mask Dancing Nigerian Novelists of the Eighties . London:Hans Zell Pub., 1992. Menchu, Rigoberta. Your Personal? I, Rigoberta Menchu An Indian Woman in Guatemala. New York:Verso, 1984. Moore, Gerald. Achebe's New Novel. Transition . 4 (May/June 1964): 52. Pieterse, Cosmo and Duerden, Dennis, eds.

African Writers Talking: A Collection of Radio Interviews. London: Heinemann, 1972.

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Specifications for Thesis Preparation. This entire document can be read from beginning to conclusion, end or particular sections can be quickly referenced by using the Notes about table of contents. This guide has been prepared by Dissertation the MIT Libraries, as prescribed by Student write the Committee on Graduate Programs, to assist students and Dissertation conclusion help your, faculty in the preparation of theses. The Institute is Marking services committed to the preservation of Dissertation conclusion help your, each student's thesis because it is both a requirement for services the MIT degree and a record of original research that contains information of lasting value. The requirements in help your this guide apply to all theses and have been specified both to facilitate the Letter of assignment hrm care and dissemination of the thesis and to assure the preservation of the archival paper copy. Dissertation Conclusion Your! Individual departments may dictate more stringent requirements. Questions not answered in this guide should be referred to the appropriate department officer or to the MIT Libraries (14N-118,, 617-253-5136). The academic department is required to Marking services, deliver the proper number of copies of the thesis to the MIT Libraries within one month after the last day of the term in which the Dissertation conclusion help your thesis was submitted (Faculty Regulation 2.72). One copy is to do kept as part of the permanent archival collection, and the other copy is reserved for future disposition. An online catalog record, which includes the thesis abstract, is prepared for all theses deposited in the MIT Libraries.

This information appears in Barton, our online catalog, which is accessible to researchers at Dissertation, other institutions through the Internet, as well as in the OCLC database WorldCat, an Student write good, online international bibliographic system available to libraries and individuals worldwide. PhD and ScD theses are also listed (with abstract) in ProQuest Dissertations Theses database ( PQDT ) and conclusion, Dissertation Abstracts International ( DAI ). For each thesis received by the Libraries, a digital version is created and made publicly available in DSpace@MIT ( Copies of theses may be obtained through the MIT Libraries' Document Services (14-0551, 617-253-5668;; Students may choose to submit a born-digital PDF of the thesis via the Libraries voluntary submission portal ( However, the utopia electronic version is not considered to be the Dissertation help official copy. Degree candidates must submit the required copies of their theses to the appropriate office of the department or program in which they are registered on the dates specified in Marking services the Academic Calendar. The Academic Calendar may be found in the MIT Bulletin and at September, February, and June are the Dissertation conclusion help only months in website to do writing paper which degrees are awarded.

Additional copies of the thesis may be required by the department. All theses should be turned in to the appropriate departmental office; the office will deliver the theses to the MIT Libraries within a month after the Dissertation last day of term. In this guide, the copy that remains in write paper the Archives is conclusion called the first copy . Additional copies required for books the divisional libraries (see following section) are referred to as the second and (possibly) third copies . The department may ask for copies in addition to those required for the Libraries. The student may, of course, keep personal copies. Not all departments send bachelor's theses to the Archives. If your department does, only one copy should be submitted to conclusion your, the Archives. Please check the requirements of your department. Undergraduate students do not pay a library processing fee.

Number of copies: Normally, two copies are required for the Libraries €“ one for the Archives and your statement, a second for the appropriate divisional library. A third copy is required only when a student is submitting the same thesis to departments or programs from two separate MIT schools (e.g., Management and Engineering). If the departments are in Dissertation conclusion the same school (e.g., Engineering Systems and Mechanical Engineering), only two copies are required. Doctoral theses only: A completed UMI/ProQuest form (see section below) with an additional copy of the title page and abstract stapled to it is also required. Most MIT theses are written by a single author. In those cases where two or more students are responsible, only on nursing, a single copy (for undergraduates) or set of copies (for graduate students) should be submitted to the Archives. The title page of the thesis should bear the help signatures of all authors and thesis supervisors. (Permission to undertake collaborative thesis research must be obtained in advance from the Dean of Graduate Education [3-138, 617-253-4860, Submission of Doctoral Thesis Abstract to International Database: UMI/ ProQuest Dissertations Theses Database. Abstracts of all doctoral theses (PhD and ScD) will be submitted for inclusion in ProQuest Dissertations Theses , an online database used by researchers around the hrm world. PQDT can be searched by author name, subject terms, and all words in your the title and abstract.

All MIT abstracts will contain a note stating that copies of the full text are available from DSpace@MIT or the MIT Libraries' Document Services. Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words; longer abstracts will be edited by UMI/ProQuest. Please complete the Writing school UMI/ProQuest form at conclusion help your,, staple it to a copy of your title page and abstract, and submit it with your thesis. The form may printed and completed by hand or opened and filled out in Acrobat Reader, then printed. When filling out the write good form, choose the appropriate subject categories from the list provided with the form. Please take care both in choosing terms and writing them (if filling out the form by hand). Subject-based access to your thesis will depend on the accuracy of the information you provide and the precision with which it is transcribed by UMI/ProQuest. It is especially important that your name appear on this form exactly as it does on the title page and Dissertation conclusion help your, abstract of your thesis. CHANGES AFTER SUBMISSION OF THESIS. All change made to a thesis, after the Harvard essay thesis has been submitted to the MIT Libraries by the student's department, must have prior approval from the Dean of Graduate or Undergraduate Education.

When the Dissertation your purpose is to correct significant errors in content, the student should create an errata sheet using the form and instructions at and obtain approval from both thesis supervisor or program chair and on nursing, the Dean for Graduate or Undergraduate Education. If the purpose of change is to excise classified, proprietary, or confidential information, the student should fill out the application form at and have the Dissertation your request approved by the thesis supervisor or program chair and the Dean for Graduate or Undergraduate Education. Students and supervisors should vet thesis content carefully before submission to avoid both scenarios whenever possible. Students receiving advanced degrees from MIT are required to pay a library processing fee: $115.00 for a doctoral thesis ($50 for processing and $65 for the UMI/ProQuest abstract fee) and $50.00 for all other advanced-degree theses. Undergraduate students do not pay a processing fee. Thesis charges are billed to the student€™s account when the Student write thesis title is Dissertation help entered on the degree application. Please refer to Notes about utopia, the academic calendar on the Registrar€™s website to review relevant deadline dates. All copies must be submitted to the student€™s department unbound between cardboard covers; the thesis and Dissertation your, covers should be clipped or tied together, NOT stapled or punched. Recycled temporary covers and binder clips are available in services a cabinet in the first floor stairwell of conclusion, Hayden Library, near the circulation desk.

The front cover should be labeled with the following information: author's name, thesis title, course, month and year of graduation, and which copy it is (first, second, or third). The MIT Libraries pay for the binding of theses retained in their collection. Personal copies may be bound in hard or soft cover at MIT CopyTech or many commercial binderies in the Boston area. The Institute's policy concerning ownership of Excellent my custom writing, thesis copyright is covered in Rules and Regulations of the Faculty , 2.73. ( and MIT Policies and Procedures 13.1.3 ( The following are guidelines to assist the student in determining who holds ownership of the thesis copyright: The Institute will hold ownership of the Dissertation help your copyrights to theses if: the thesis research is performed in whole or in part by the student with financial support in the form of wages, salary, stipend, or grant from funds administered by the Institute.

the thesis research is performed in whole or in part utilizing equipment or facilities provided to the Institute under conditions that impose copyright restrictions.. In general, students may retain ownership of thesis copyrights when the only form of admission on nursing, support is (a) teaching assistantships (the duties of your, which do not include research activities) and (b) NSF and NIH traineeships and fellowships (although the trainee or fellow may be required to grant certain publishing rights to NSF or NIH). Actual determination of of assignment hrm, a student's status is conclusion your made by reference to the account from which the student receives support. Books Utopia! Questions regarding restrictions imposed on any of the Institute's facilities or equipment may be addressed to the administrative officer of the laboratory or department or to the appropriate contract administrator in the Office of Sponsored Programs ( Specific questions on permission to copyright should be referred to the Technology Licensing Office (617-253-6966, When copyright ownership is held by the student, the student must, as condition of Dissertation conclusion help, a degree award, grant royalty-free permission to the Institute to reproduce and publicly distribute copies of the thesis, and must place the following legend on about utopia the thesis title page: The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. For such theses, requests for conclusion permission to use portions of the thesis in third-party publications must be addressed to services, and granted by the student author. When copyright is held by the Institute, students and third parties should contact the MIT Technology Licensing Office (617-253-6966, to obtain permission to reuse thesis content in other publications. Dissertation Conclusion Your! However, the student is authorized to post electronic versions of the student€™s own thesis, in whole or in part, on the World Wide Web.

Any further publication of the thesis in whole or in Excellent writing part shall be made only Dissertation, with the authorization of the Notes books Technology Licensing Office, in consultation with the head of the department or course in which the student was registered when the thesis was accepted. Regardless of whether copyright is held by the student or the Institute, the MIT Libraries publish the conclusion help your thesis electronically in DSpace@MIT ( allowing open access viewing and limited downloading/ printing. Students may request a waiver of Institute copyright by written application to the Institute's Technology Licensing Office ( Paper! The waiver shall be granted only if the retained rights of the student as described in help your this guide are inadequate for the student€™s needs and if a license from the Institute to the student would also be inadequate. Any such waiver of the Institute€™s copyright shall be subject to a royalty-free grant from the student to the Institute to publicly distribute copies of the thesis, in essay whole or in Dissertation part. The student must also place the legend above on the thesis title page.

Implementation: How to Copyright a Thesis. Each student should place the appropriate copyright notice on the thesis. Copyright notice consists of Excellent website my custom, four elements: the symbol c with a circle around it © and/or the word copyright, the help year of publication (the year in which the degree is to your, be awarded), the name of the copyright owner, and the words All rights reserved. These four elements should appear together on the title page (or verso of the title page). student is help your copyright owner: © 2008 Jane Doe. All rights reserved.

Institute is copyright owner: © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. See sample title pages. A copyright notice should also appear on any non-paper material (e.g., DVD or CD) included with a thesis. Use of Previously Published Material in a Thesis. Each student is responsible for Student obtaining permission, if necessary, to include previously published material in conclusion the thesis. This applies to most third-party materials (i.e., those created and personal statement, published by someone else); it may also apply to the student€™s own previous work. Dissertation Help Your! If, for Letter hrm example, a student has already published part of the conclusion help thesis as a journal article and, as a condition of Letter of assignment, publication, has assigned title to the journal's publisher, the student has no further rights in Dissertation conclusion your the article. Written permission must be obtained from the publisher to include the article, or any portion of it, in the thesis. Notes Books Utopia! Similarly, permission must be obtained to conclusion, include papers written while the student was employed by a commercial company or non-profit organization if title belongs to the company or organization.

A sample permission letter can be obtained from the Office of the General Counsel ( If the student knows, prior to publication or employment, that such material will be included in a thesis, he or she may wish to retain title to the material or to reserve sufficient rights to use the material. Further information is available at Scholarly Publishing @MIT Libraries ( or by contacting for more information. POLICY FOR TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THESES. Thesis research should be undertaken in light of MIT's policy of open research and the free interchange of information. Written notification of patent holds and of assignment hrm, other restrictions must reach the Institute Archives before the thesis in question is received, since under normal circumstances all theses are open and available for public inspection once they have been received by the Archives. When there is good reason for help your delaying the distribution of admission, a thesis, the procedures below should be followed. For additional details on procedures for temporary restrictions, please see Graduate Policies and Procedures at When MIT holds the rights to any intellectual property contained in a thesis, students and their supervisors must work with the MIT Technology Licensing Office ( to determine if a patent application is to Dissertation conclusion help, be filed. If so, the Marking services Technology Licensing Office will notify the Institute Archives, and the thesis will be withheld from conclusion help your, distribution for up to three months. Paper! If an extension is required, application must be made to the Vice President for Research, who will inform the Archives if an Dissertation conclusion your, extension is approved.

When a student holds the rights to any intellectual property contained in his or her thesis, application for permission to withhold a thesis must be made to the Dean for Graduate Education for graduate theses or the Dean for Undergraduate Education for undergraduate theses. If the hold is granted, the hrm dean will inform the Archives, and the thesis will be withheld for a period of three months. Dissertation Help! If an extension is required, application must be made to the Vice President for Research. A student should not embark without prior approval on a thesis that requires government restrictions. The Institute recognizes that certain government agencies which sponsor research may require that theses be submitted for security review before they can be placed in the Libraries or published. Occasionally, on Letter completing a thesis, a student may believe that its distribution will jeopardize the privacy or safety of the conclusion your author, other individuals, or organizations. If the your graduate personal thesis cannot be rewritten to remove the problematic material, the author and supervisor should submit the thesis to the director of the program, who will prepare a recommendation for the Dean for Graduate Education for conclusion your graduate theses or the Dean for Undergraduate Education for undergraduate theses, who will then consult with the Vice President for Research. The appropriate office will advise the Institute Archives of the restricted period. In all cases the restricted period should be kept to a minimum.

The title page is always considered to be page 1, and every page must be included in the count regardless of good, whether a number is physically printed on a page. The entire thesis (including title page, prefatory material, illustrations, and all text and appendices) must be paginated in one consecutive numbering sequence. Theses should be prepared double-sided whenever possible. In a double-sided thesis, both sides of every page (starting with the title page and including any pages that have been left blank) must be accounted for in the numbering sequence. Therefore, in a double-sided thesis, odd-numbered pages are always on the right and even-numbered pages on the left. Pages with illustrations may be single-sided, but both sides should be counted. Single-sided theses should be numbered only on Dissertation the front of every sheet. When using thesis templates on Marking Athena, use caution and verify that the pagination requirements are being met.

Your work will be a more valuable research tool for other scholars if it can be located easily. Search engines use the help words in the title, and sometimes other descriptive words, to locate works. Therefore, be sure to Notes, select a title that is a meaningful description of the content of your manuscript; and when possible, use word substitutes for formulas, symbols, superscripts, Greek letters, etc., which do not appear on most computer keyboards and would make your title more difficult to search. The Effects of Dissertation conclusion, Ion Implantation and essay, Annealing on the Properties of Titanium Silicide [not TiSi 2 ] Films on Silicon Substrates Radiative Decays of the J/Psi [not J/ ψ] to Two Pseudoscalar Final States The title page of the first copy must bear the original signatures of the author, supervisor, and chairman; a photocopy of the Dissertation conclusion help your signed title page is acceptable for the second copy. The title page should contain the title, name of the author, previous degrees, the essay degree(s) to be awarded at Dissertation conclusion, MIT, the date the degree(s) will be conferred (June, September, or February only), copyright notice, and Student write paper, appropriate names and signatures.

For candidates receiving two degrees, both degrees to be awarded should appear on the title page. For candidates receiving degrees across departments or programs, all degrees and departments or programs should appear on the title page and your, the signatures of both department heads/committee chairmen are required. Whenever there are co-supervisors, both signatures are required. Each thesis offered for a graduate degree must include an abstract, preferably one single-spaced page, but never more than two pages (generally less than 350 words). The abstract should be thought of as a brief descriptive summary rather than a lengthy introduction to your graduate school statement, the thesis. Doctoral abstracts are submitted for inclusion in UMI/ProQuest€™s Dissertation Abstracts International and ProQuest Dissertations Theses database ( PQDT ). Doctoral candidates should keep their abstracts under 350 words. Longer abstracts will be edited and shortened by UMI/ProQuest . Databases such as PQDT provide full-text searching of Dissertation help, abstracts, so the presence of significant key words in a short abstract will facilitate access.

The abstract should immediately follow the title page. Biographical Note and Student paper, Acknowledgment. Although not a requirement, each thesis may contain a short biography of the candidate, including institutions attended and your, dates of attendance, degrees and Harvard admission essay, honors, titles of publications, teaching and professional experience, and Dissertation help, other matters that may be pertinent. An acknowledgment page may also be included. These sections may be single-spaced. Please note that your thesis will be publicly available online at DSpace@MIT, which is regularly crawled and indexed by Marking services Google and other search-engine providers.. The style of quotations, footnotes, and bibliographic references may be prescribed by your department. If your department does not prescribe a style or specify a style manual, choose one and be consistent. Further information is available on the web site of the MIT Writing Center ( NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES. Whenever possible, notes should be placed at the bottom of the appropriate page or in the body of the text.

Notes should conform to the style appropriate to the discipline. If notes appear at Dissertation conclusion, the bottom of the page, they should be single-spaced and included within the specified margins (see section below). It may be appropriate to place bibliographic references either at Letter, the end of the conclusion help your chapter in which they occur or at the end of the thesis.. The same paper size and quality, pagination, margins, notes, and illustration requirements apply to Writing your graduate, appendices. They support the conclusion help your research in your thesis and Excellent website to do my custom paper, should be as readable and reproducible as the rest of your work. Page numbering should continue the consecutive pagination of the thesis. For the main body of the text, including appendices and front matter, font size should be at least 11-point and conclusion help your, should not be script or italic. Italics may, however, be used for short quotations or to highlight variables in an equation, for example. Website To Do My Custom Paper! Notes and the text in conclusion help tables, etc., should not be smaller than 10-point. Top, bottom, and both side margins must be at least an inch wide (1) to allow for binding and trimming.

All information (text headings, notes, and illustrations), excluding page numbers , must be within the text area. Theses should be prepared using both sides of the paper (double-sided) whenever possible. Oversize sheets must be folded to come within the text area so the folds will not be trimmed off or bound in during the binding procedure. The text of the utopia thesis may be single- double- or one-and-a-half-spaced. Dissertation Your! The abstract, biography, notes, bibliography, and acknowledgment should be single-spaced. If you are writing your thesis on Athena, follow the formatting and typeface instructions under the LATEX or FRAME olc stock answer topics by typing the command olc_answers on any Athena workstation. If you are preparing your thesis on Athena, follow the instructions under the LATEX or FRAME olc stock answer topics by typing the command olc_answers. Harvard Admission! When using Athena templates, be sure the format conforms to the required specifications, especially for the title page and Dissertation help your, pagination. Final copies should be printed on the printer Thesis (11-004), which is Marking services abu dhabi stocked with acid-neutral, Libraries-approved thesis paper. First copy: For the first copy the paper must be chosen for its permanence and durability. This is the copy that should bear the original signatures.

The paper must be (a) acid€‘neutral or acid-free, (b) watermarked, (c) at least 20-lb. weight, and (d) contain at Dissertation conclusion help your, least 25% cotton. It may contain some post-consumer waste (pcw) recycled material. The following 20€‘lb. About! watermarked acid€‘neutral papers are examples of those that are acceptable. Mohawk Via Bright White (available at CopyTech, 11-004) Xerox Image Elite Crane's Thesis Paper Hammermill Bond Strathmore Bond. Second copy: The paper for the second copy should be (a) acid-neutral or acid-free, (b) at least 20-lb. weight, and help, (c) contain 25% cotton. It need not be watermarked. The following are not acceptable for Excellent to do my custom writing paper either copy: MIT bond, erasable paper, or regular paper from photocopy machines. The paper used should be sufficiently opaque so that text and illustrations on one side do not impair readability on the other.

If there are any questions about the acceptability of paper, contact the Institute Archives (, 617-253-5136). The standard size for theses is 8˝ by 11 inches (see section on oversized pages). DOUBLE-SIDED OR SINGLE-SIDED PRINTING. Double-sided printing is strongly recommended. However, the paper should be sufficiently opaque so that text and illustrations on one side do not impair readability on the other side.

A single-sided illustration page in a double-sided thesis should be numbered on both sides. When creating a double-sided copy, be sure that the page numbers are either in Dissertation conclusion help the center or on your statement the outside edge of Dissertation, each page. Charts, graphs, tables, etc., should be reduced whenever possible to Harvard, an 8˝-by-11-inch format. If material is not reducible, oversize sheets must be folded to come within the text area so the folds will not be trimmed off or bound in during the binding procedure. Acceptable 11-by-17-inch watermarked paper can be requested at CopyTech (11-004). Students may print their theses in full color. Dissertation Help Your! Theses containing color figures, illustrations, and photos will be scanned in color and converted to color PDFs for inclusion in DSpace@MIT. Please be aware that heavily saturated color graphics may €śbleed through€ť and compromise legibility for double-sided pages. In such cases, use of single-sided printing or heavier, less transparent paper stock is advised.. Pages containing photographs should be numbered as regular pages. A single-sided photograph page in a double-sided thesis should be numbered on both sides.

All graphics must respect the 1€ť margins. Digital and magnetic materials such as cassette tapes, CDs, and DVDs may accompany the written text of the thesis; one should accompany each copy of the thesis submitted . Notes About Books Utopia! No guarantee can be given that the Libraries can preserve, reproduce, or make this information available in the future. Therefore, when feasible, the information that is in these forms should also be represented in the written text of the thesis. A label containing the author's name, the date of the thesis, and the copyright notice must be applied to all material in non-paper format. The label should also include any relevant technical information, such as software or hardware specifications. Is the your author€™s full name on the title page and the abstract? (See sections on title page and abstract.) Before submitting to your department. Are all necessary signatures on the title page of Student write paper good, each copy? (See section on title page ) Institute Archives and Special Collections. Technology Licensing Office. One Cambridge Center.

Cambridge, MA 02142. Office of the General Counsel. Office of the Dean for Graduate Education. Dean for Dissertation help Undergraduate Education. Office of the Vice President for Research.

Prepared by the MIT Libraries. as prescribed by the Committee on Excellent paper Graduate Programs.

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6 Partial Parsing and conclusion, Interpretation. In processing natural language, we are looking for structure and meaning. Two of the most common methods are segmentation and labeling . Recall that in tokenization, we segment a sequence of characters into tokens, while in tagging we label each of these tokens. Moreover, these two operations of Harvard essay, segmentation and labeling go hand in hand. We break up a stream of Dissertation conclusion your, characters into Notes utopia linguistically meaningful segments (e.g., words) so that we can classify those segments with their part-of-speech categories. The result of such classification is represented by adding a label (e.g., part-of-speech tag) to the segment in question. We will see that many tasks can be construed as a combination of segmentation and Dissertation, labeling.

However, this involves generalizing our notion of admission on nursing, segmentation to Dissertation conclusion, encompass sequences of tokens. Suppose that we are trying to recognize the names of people, locations and organizations in a piece of text (a task that is your school, usually called Named Entity Recognition ). Many of these names will involve more than one token: Cecil H. Green , Escondido Village , Stanford University ; indeed, some names may have sub-parts that are also names: Cecil H. Green Library , Escondido Village Conference Service Center . In Named Entity Recognition, therefore, we need to be able to conclusion help your, identify the Marking abu dhabi beginning and end of multi-token sequences. Identifying the boundaries of specific types of word sequences is also required when we want to recognize pieces of syntactic structure. Suppose for example that as a preliminary to Named Entity Recognition, we have decided that it would be useful to Dissertation help your, just pick out noun phrases from a piece of text. To carry this out in a complete way, we would probably want to use a proper syntactic parser. But parsing can be quite challenging and computationally expensive #8212; is there an easier alternative? The answer is Yes: we can look for sequences of part-of-speech tags in of assignment a tagged text, using one or more patterns that capture the typical ingredients of conclusion help your, a noun phrase. Student Paper. For example, here is conclusion your, some Wall Street Journal text with noun phrases marked using brackets: From the point of Letter hrm, view of Dissertation conclusion your, theoretical linguistics, we seem to have been rather unorthodox in our use of the term noun phrase; although all the bracketed strings are noun phrases, not every noun phrase has been captured.

We will discuss this issue in more detail shortly. Essay On Nursing. For the moment, let's say that we are identifying noun chunks rather than full noun phrases. Conclusion. In chunking, we carry out segmentation and labeling of multi-token sequences, as illustrated in Figure 6.1. The smaller boxes show word-level segmentation and labeling, while the large boxes show higher-level segmentation and labeling. It is these larger pieces that we will call chunks , and the process of identifying them is called chunking . Figure 6.1 : Segmentation and Labeling at both the Token and Harvard admission, Chunk Levels.

Like tokenization, chunking can skip over material in the input. Tokenization omits white space and punctuation characters. Chunking uses only a subset of the conclusion your tokens and leaves others out. In this chapter, we will explore chunking in some depth, beginning with the definition and representation of chunks. We will see regular expression and n-gram approaches to chunking, and will develop and Writing your statement, evaluate chunkers using the CoNLL-2000 chunking corpus. Towards the end of the chapter, we will look more briefly at help, Named Entity Recognition and related tasks. 6.2 Defining and Representing Chunks. Chunking is akin to parsing in the sense that it can be used to build hierarchical structure over Letter of assignment hrm text. There are several important differences, however. First, as noted above, chunking is not exhaustive, and typically ignores some items in the surface string. Dissertation Conclusion Help. In fact, chunking is sometimes called partial parsing . Second, where parsing constructs nested structures that are arbitrarily deep, chunking creates structures of fixed depth (typically depth 2).

These chunks often correspond to the lowest level of abu dhabi, grouping identified in the full parse tree. This is illustrated in (2b) below, which shows an np chunk structure and a completely parsed counterpart: A significant motivation for chunking is its robustness and efficiency relative to parsing. As we will see in Chapter 7, parsing has problems with robustness, given the difficulty in gaining broad coverage while minimizing ambiguity. Parsing is also relatively inefficient: the time taken to parse a sentence grows with the cube of the length of the sentence, while the time taken to chunk a sentence only grows linearly. 6.2.2 Representing Chunks: Tags vs Trees. Figure 6.2 : Tag Representation of Chunk Structures. IOB tags have become the standard way to represent chunk structures in files, and we will also be using this format. Dissertation Your. Here is an example of the file representation of the information in Figure 6.2: In this representation, there is one token per line, each with its part-of-speech tag and Marking services, its chunk tag.

We will see later that this format permits us to represent more than one chunk type, so long as the chunks do not overlap. As we saw earlier, chunk structures can also be represented using trees. These have the benefit that each chunk is conclusion help, a constituent that can be manipulated directly. An example is shown in write good Figure 6.3: Figure 6.3 : Tree Representation of Chunk Structures. NLTK uses trees for its internal representation of chunks, and provides methods for reading and writing such trees to the IOB format. By now you should understand what chunks are, and how they are represented. In the next section, you will see how to build a simple chunker.

A chunker finds contiguous, non-overlapping spans of related tokens and groups them together into chunks. Chunkers often operate on tagged texts, and use the tags to Dissertation conclusion, make chunking decisions. On Nursing. In this section we will see how to write a special type of regular expression over part-of-speech tags, and conclusion help your, then how to combine these into a chunk grammar. Then we will set up a chunker to chunk some tagged text according to the grammar. Chunking in NLTK begins with tagged tokens. Next, we write regular expressions over tag sequences. The following example identifies noun phrases that consist of an Marking abu dhabi, optional determiner, followed by any number of adjectives, then a noun.

We create a chunker cp that can then be used repeatedly to parse tagged input. The result of chunking is a tree. Remember that our program samples assume you begin your interactive session or your program with: import nltk, re, pprint. Dissertation Conclusion Your. A tag pattern is a sequence of Marking services, part-of-speech tags delimited using angle brackets, e.g. DTJJNN . Tag patterns are the same as the regular expression patterns we have already seen, except for two differences that make them easier to Dissertation your, use for chunking. First, angle brackets group their contents into atomic units, so NN+ matches one or more repetitions of the paper good tag NN ; and NN|JJ matches the NN or JJ . Second, the period wildcard operator is conclusion help, constrained not to cross tag delimiters, so that N.* matches any single tag starting with N , e.g. NN , NNS . Writing Your School Personal Statement. Now, consider the following noun phrases from the conclusion your Wall Street Journal: We can match these using a slight refinement of the first tag pattern above: DT?JJ.**NN.*+ . Excellent Website My Custom. This can be used to chunk any sequence of tokens beginning with an optional determiner DT , followed by zero or more adjectives of your, any type JJ.* (including relative adjectives like earlier/JJR ), followed by one or more nouns of any type NN.* . Notes About Books. It is conclusion your, easy to find many more difficult examples: Your challenge will be to come up with tag patterns to cover these and other examples. A good way to learn about tag patterns is Letter, via a graphical interface nltk.draw.rechunkparser.demo() . 6.3.2 Chunking with Regular Expressions.

The chunker begins with a flat structure in which no tokens are chunked. Patterns are applied in your turn, successively updating the chunk structure. Once all of the write patterns have been applied, the resulting chunk structure is returned. Listing 6.1 shows a simple chunk grammar consisting of help, two patterns. The first pattern matches an optional determiner or possessive pronoun (recall that | indicates disjunction), zero or more adjectives, then a noun. Notes About. The second rule matches one or more proper nouns. We also define some tagged tokens to be chunked, and Dissertation help your, run the chunker on this input. The $ symbol is a special character in Writing personal regular expressions, and therefore needs to be escaped with the backslash in order to match the help your tag PP$ . If a tag pattern matches at overlapping locations, the first match takes precedence. For example, if we apply a rule that matches two consecutive nouns to write, a text containing three consecutive nouns, then only the Dissertation conclusion help your first two nouns will be chunked: Once we have created the chunk for money market , we have removed the context that would have permitted fund to be included in a chunk.

This issue would have been avoided with a more permissive chunk rule, e.g. NP: . Creating a good chunker usually requires several rounds of development and testing, during which existing rules are refined and new rules are added. On Nursing. In order to diagnose any problems, it often helps to trace the execution of a chunker, using its trace argument. The tracing output shows the Dissertation conclusion help rules that are applied, and uses braces to show the chunks that are created at each stage of processing. In Listing 6.2, two chunk patterns are applied to the input sentence. The first rule finds all sequences of three tokens whose tags are DT , JJ , and NN , and admission, the second rule finds any sequence of tokens whose tags are either DT or NN . We set up two chunkers, one for each rule ordering, and Dissertation your, test them on the same input. Admission. Listing 6.2 ( : Two Noun Phrase Chunkers Having Identical Rules in Different Orders. Help Your. Observe that when we chunk material that is already partially chunked, the chunker will only create chunks that do not partially overlap existing chunks. In the case of cp2 , the second rule did not find any chunks, since all chunks that matched its tag pattern overlapped with existing chunks. Admission Essay On Nursing. As you can see, you need to be careful to put chunk rules in conclusion your the right order.

You may have noted that we have added explanatory comments, preceded by # , to each of paper, our tag rules. Dissertation Conclusion Help. Although it is not strictly necessary to do this, it's a helpful reminder of what a rule is meant to do, and it is used as a header line for the output of your school personal, a rule application when tracing is on. You might want to test out some of your rules on a corpus. One option is to use the Brown corpus. However, you need to remember that the Brown tagset is different from the Penn Treebank tagset that we have been using for our examples so far in this chapter; see Table 3.6 in Chapter 3 for Dissertation conclusion your a refresher. Paper Good. Because the Brown tagset uses NP for proper nouns, in Dissertation conclusion help this example we have followed Abney in personal labeling noun chunks as NX . #9788; Chunk Grammar Development: Try developing a series of chunking rules using the graphical interface accessible via nltk.draw.rechunkparser.demo() #9788; Chunking Demonstration: Run the Dissertation conclusion help your chunking demonstration: nltk.chunk.demo() #9788; IOB Tags: The IOB format categorizes tagged tokens as I , O and B . Why are three tags necessary? What problem would be caused if we used I and O tags exclusively? #9788; Write a tag pattern to match noun phrases containing plural head nouns, e.g. many/JJ researchers/NNS, two/CD weeks/NNS, both/DT new/JJ positions/NNS. Try to do this by Excellent website writing paper, generalizing the tag pattern that handled singular noun phrases. Conclusion Help. #9681; Write a tag pattern to cover noun phrases that contain gerunds, e.g. To Do. the/DT receiving/VBG end/NN, assistant/NN managing/VBG editor/NN. Add these patterns to the grammar, one per line. Test your work using some tagged sentences of your own devising. #9681; Write one or more tag patterns to handle coordinated noun phrases, e.g.

July/NNP and/CC August/NNP, all/DT your/PRP$ managers/NNS and/CC supervisors/NNS, company/NN courts/NNS and/CC adjudicators/NNS. Now you have a taste of what chunking can do, but we have not explained how to carry out Dissertation conclusion, a quantitative evaluation of website to do my custom writing, chunkers. For this, we need to get access to a corpus that has been annotated not only with parts-of-speech, but also with chunk information. We will begin by looking at the mechanics of converting IOB format into Dissertation conclusion help an NLTK tree, then at how this is done on a larger scale using a chunked corpus directly. We will see how to use the corpus to score the accuracy of a chunker, then look some more flexible ways to manipulate chunks. Our focus throughout will be on scaling up the coverage of of assignment, a chunker. Dissertation Conclusion Help. 6.4.1 Reading IOB Format and the CoNLL 2000 Corpus. Graduate. Using the corpora module we can load Wall Street Journal text that has been tagged, then chunked using the IOB notation.

The chunk categories provided in conclusion help this corpus are np , vp and pp . As we have seen, each sentence is represented using multiple lines, as shown below: A conversion function chunk.conllstr2tree() builds a tree representation from one of these multi-line strings. Moreover, it permits us to abu dhabi, choose any subset of the three chunk types to use. The example below produces only np chunks: We can use the NLTK corpus module to access a larger amount of chunked text. The CoNLL 2000 corpus contains 270k words of Wall Street Journal text, divided into train and test portions, annotated with part-of-speech tags and chunk tags in the IOB format. We can access the data using an NLTK corpus reader called conll2000 . Here is an example that reads the 100th sentence of the train portion of the corpus: This showed three chunk types, for help your np , vp and pp . We can also select which chunk types to read: 6.4.2 Simple Evaluation and Notes books utopia, Baselines. Armed with a corpus, it is now possible to carry out some simple evaluation. We start off by Dissertation conclusion help, establishing a baseline for the trivial chunk parser cp that creates no chunks: This indicates that more than a third of the words are tagged with O (i.e., not in an np chunk). Now let's try a naive regular expression chunker that looks for tags (e.g., CD , DT , JJ , etc.) beginning with letters that are typical of noun phrase tags:

As you can see, this approach achieves pretty good results. Services Abu Dhabi. In order to develop a more data-driven approach, let's define a function chunked_tags() that takes some chunked data and sets up a conditional frequency distribution. For each tag, it counts up the conclusion help your number of times the tag occurs inside an on nursing, np chunk (the True case, where chtag is B-NP or I-NP ), or outside a chunk (the False case, where chtag is O ). It returns a list of those tags that occur inside chunks more often than outside chunks. Listing 6.3 ( : Capturing the conditional frequency of NP Chunk Tags. The next step is to Dissertation conclusion your, convert this list of tags into a tag pattern. To do this we need to website my custom writing, escape all non-word characters, by preceding them with a backslash. Dissertation Help. Then we need to join them into a disjunction. This process would convert a tag list [ 'NN' , 'NN$' ] into the tag pattern NN|NN$ . The following function does this work, and returns a regular expression chunker: Listing 6.4 ( : Deriving a Regexp Chunker from Notes Training Data.

The final step is to train this chunker and test its accuracy (this time on the test portion of the corpus, i.e., data not seen during training): 6.4.3 Splitting and Dissertation conclusion help, Merging (incomplete) [Notes: the above approach creates chunks that are too large, e.g. the cat the dog chased would be given a single np chunk because it does not detect that determiners introduce new chunks. Excellent. For this we would need a rule to split an np chunk prior to any determiner, using a pattern like: NP: .* . We can also merge chunks, e.g. NP: NNNN .] Sometimes it is easier to Dissertation conclusion help, define what we don't want to include in hrm a chunk than it is to define what we do want to include. In these cases, it may be easier to build a chunker using a method called chinking . Following [Church, Young, Bloothooft, 1996], we define a chink as a sequence of Dissertation conclusion your, tokens that is not included in Marking abu dhabi a chunk. In the following example, barked/VBD at/IN is a chink:

Chinking is the process of removing a sequence of tokens from a chunk. If the sequence of tokens spans an entire chunk, then the whole chunk is removed; if the sequence of Dissertation help, tokens appears in the middle of the paper chunk, these tokens are removed, leaving two chunks where there was only Dissertation help your, one before. If the sequence is at the beginning or end of the of assignment chunk, these tokens are removed, and a smaller chunk remains. These three possibilities are illustrated in Table 6.1. Three chinking rules applied to the same chunk. In the following grammar, we put the entire sentence into conclusion your a single chunk, then excise the chink: A chunk grammar can use any number of chunking and chinking patterns in any order. 6.4.5 Multiple Chunk Types (incomplete) So far we have only developed np chunkers. Of Assignment. However, as we saw earlier in the chapter, the CoNLL chunking data is also annotated for pp and vp chunks. Dissertation Help. Here is an example, to show the structure we get from the corpus and the flattened version that will be used as input to good, the parser. Now we can set up a multi-stage chunk grammar, as shown in Listing 6.6. It has a stage for each of the chunk types.

An easy way to evaluate a chunk parser is to conclusion help, take some already chunked text, strip off the chunks, rechunk it, and compare the result with the original chunked text. The ChunkScore.score() function takes the correctly chunked sentence as its first argument, and the newly chunked version as its second argument, and compares them. It reports the fraction of actual chunks that were found (recall), the fraction of hypothesized chunks that were correct (precision), and a combined score, the F-measure (the harmonic mean of precision and recall). Writing Your Graduate. A number of different metrics can be used to Dissertation conclusion help your, evaluate chunk parsers. We will concentrate on a class of Student write, metrics that can be derived from two sets: guessed : The set of chunks returned by the chunk parser. correct : The correct set of chunks, as defined in the test corpus. We will set up an analogy between the Dissertation help your correct set of chunks and Harvard on nursing, a user's so-called information need, and between the set of returned chunks and a system's returned documents (cf precision and recall, from your Chapter 4). During evaluation of a chunk parser, it is useful to flatten a chunk structure into a tree consisting only of a root node and Excellent my custom paper, leaves: We run a chunker over this flattened data, and compare the resulting chunked sentences with the originals, as follows: ChunkScore is Dissertation conclusion help your, a class for scoring chunk parsers. Of Assignment Hrm. It can be used to evaluate the output of a chunk parser, using precision, recall, f-measure, missed chunks, and incorrect chunks. It can also be used to combine the scores from the parsing of multiple texts.

This is Dissertation conclusion, quite useful if we are parsing a text one sentence at a time. The following program listing shows a typical use of the ChunkScore class. In this example, chunkparser is being tested on each sentence from the Wall Street Journal tagged files. The overall results of the evaluation can be viewed by printing the ChunkScore . Harvard Essay On Nursing. Each evaluation metric is also returned by an accessor method: precision() , recall , f_measure , missed , and incorrect . The missed and incorrect methods can be especially useful when trying to improve the performance of a chunk parser. Here are the missed chunks: Here are the incorrect chunks: #9681; Chunker Evaluation: Carry out the following evaluation tasks for any of the chunkers you have developed earlier. (Note that most chunking corpora contain some internal inconsistencies, such that any reasonable rule-based approach will produce errors.) Evaluate your chunker on your, 100 sentences from a chunked corpus, and report the precision, recall and F-measure.

Use the chunkscore.missed() and chunkscore.incorrect() methods to identify the abu dhabi errors made by your chunker. Dissertation Help Your. Discuss. Compare the performance of your chunker to the baseline chunker discussed in Excellent writing the evaluation section of Dissertation help, this chapter. #9733; Transformation-Based Chunking: Apply the n-gram and Brill tagging methods to IOB chunk tagging. Instead of services abu dhabi, assigning POS tags to conclusion, words, here we will assign IOB tags to the POS tags. E.g. Letter Of Assignment. if the help tag DT (determiner) often occurs at the start of a chunk, it will be tagged B (begin). Evaluate the Harvard admission essay on nursing performance of these chunking methods relative to the regular expression chunking methods covered in Dissertation help this chapter. #9788; Pick one of the three chunk types in school personal statement the CoNLL corpus. Inspect the CoNLL corpus and try to observe any patterns in the POS tag sequences that make up this kind of chunk.

Develop a simple chunker using the regular expression chunker nltk.RegexpParser . Discuss any tag sequences that are difficult to chunk reliably. #9788; An early definition of chunk was the Dissertation help your material that occurs between chinks. Develop a chunker that starts by website to do my custom, putting the whole sentence in a single chunk, and then does the rest of its work solely by your, chinking. Essay. Determine which tags (or tag sequences) are most likely to Dissertation conclusion help your, make up chinks with the help of your own utility program. Compare the performance and simplicity of this approach relative to a chunker based entirely on chunk rules. #9681; Develop a chunker for one of the chunk types in the CoNLL corpus using a regular-expression based chunk grammar RegexpChunk . Use any combination of rules for chunking, chinking, merging or splitting. Letter. #9681; Sometimes a word is help your, incorrectly tagged, e.g. the head noun in 12/CD or/CC so/RB cases/VBZ. Instead of requiring manual correction of tagger output, good chunkers are able to Marking services, work with the erroneous output of taggers. Look for other examples of Dissertation, correctly chunked noun phrases with incorrect tags. #9733; We saw in the tagging chapter that it is possible to establish an upper limit to Letter of assignment hrm, tagging performance by looking for ambiguous n-grams, n-grams that are tagged in more than one possible way in the training data.

Apply the same method to determine an upper bound on the performance of an n-gram chunker. Conclusion Your. #9733; Pick one of the three chunk types in Letter the CoNLL corpus. Write functions to do the following tasks for Dissertation conclusion help your chosen type: List all the of assignment tag sequences that occur with each instance of this chunk type. Count the frequency of Dissertation help, each tag sequence, and admission essay on nursing, produce a ranked list in order of decreasing frequency; each line should consist of an integer (the frequency) and help, the tag sequence. Inspect the high-frequency tag sequences. Use these as the basis for developing a better chunker. #9733; The baseline chunker presented in the evaluation section tends to Excellent website my custom writing, create larger chunks than it should. For example, the phrase: [every/DT time/NN] [she/PRP] sees/VBZ [a/DT newspaper/NN] contains two consecutive chunks, and our baseline chunker will incorrectly combine the your first two: [every/DT time/NN she/PRP] . Write a program that finds which of these chunk-internal tags typically occur at the start of a chunk, then devise one or more rules that will split up these chunks. Combine these with the existing baseline chunker and re-evaluate it, to Letter, see if you have discovered an improved baseline. #9733; Develop an np chunker that converts POS-tagged text into a list of tuples, where each tuple consists of a verb followed by a sequence of noun phrases and Dissertation conclusion help, prepositions, e.g. the little cat sat on the mat becomes ( 'sat' , 'on' , 'NP' ) . #9733; The Penn Treebank contains a section of tagged Wall Street Journal text that has been chunked into noun phrases. Notes. The format uses square brackets, and we have encountered it several times during this chapter.

The Treebank corpus can be accessed using: for sent in Dissertation conclusion help your nltk.corpus.treebank_chunk.chunked_sents(file) . These are flat trees, just as we got using nltk.corpus.conll2000.chunked_sents() . The functions nltk.tree.pprint() and nltk.chunk.tree2conllstr() can be used to create Treebank and IOB strings from a tree. Write functions chunk2brackets() and chunk2iob() that take a single chunk tree as their sole argument, and return the Excellent website writing paper required multi-line string representation. Dissertation Conclusion Help Your. Write command-line conversion utilities and to do writing, that take a file in Treebank or CoNLL format (resp) and convert it to the other format. Conclusion. (Obtain some raw Treebank or CoNLL data from the NLTK Corpora, save it to a file, and utopia, then use for line in open(filename) to access it from Python.) Our approach to chunking has been to try to detect structure based on the part-of-speech tags. We have seen that the IOB format represents this extra structure using another kind of Dissertation help your, tag. The question arises as to abu dhabi, whether we could use the same n -gram tagging methods we saw in Chapter 3, applied to a different vocabulary. In this case, rather than trying to determine the correct part-of-speech tag, given a word, we are trying to determine the correct chunk tag, given a part-of-speech tag. Help Your. The first step is to get the Marking services word,tag,chunk triples from the your CoNLL 2000 corpus and map these to tag,chunk pairs: We will now train two n -gram taggers over Writing your personal statement this data.

To start off, we train and score a unigram chunker on the above data, just as if it was a tagger: This chunker does reasonably well. Let's look at conclusion your, the errors it makes. Consider the opening phrase of the first sentence of the CONLL chunking data, here shown with part-of-speech tags: Confidence/NN in/IN the/DT pound/NN is/VBZ widely/RB expected/VBN to/TO take/VB another/DT sharp/JJ dive/NN. We can try out the essay unigram chunker on Dissertation, this first sentence by creating some tokens using [t for t,c in chunk_data[0]] , then running our chunker over Notes about books them using list(unigram_chunker.tag(tokens)) . The unigram chunker only looks at the tags, and tries to add chunk tags. Here is what it comes up with: NN/I-NP IN/B-PP DT/B-NP NN/I-NP VBZ/B-VP RB/O VBN/I-VP TO/B-PP VB/I-VP DT/B-NP JJ/I-NP NN/I-NP. Notice that it tags all instances of NN with I-NP , because nouns usually do not appear at the beginning of noun phrases in the training data. Thus, the first noun Confidence/NN is tagged incorrectly. However, pound/NN and dive/NN are correctly tagged as I-NP ; they are not in the initial position that should be tagged B-NP . Dissertation Conclusion Help. The chunker incorrectly tags widely/RB as O , and it incorrectly tags the infinitival to/TO as B-PP , as if it was a preposition starting a prepositional phrase. [Why these problems might go away if we look at the previous chunk tag?] Let's run a bigram chunker: We can run the bigram chunker over the same sentence as before using list(bigram_chunker.tag(tokens)) . Here is what it comes up with: NN/B-NP IN/B-PP DT/B-NP NN/I-NP VBZ/B-VP RB/I-VP VBN/I-VP TO/I-VP VB/I-VP DT/B-NP JJ/I-NP NN/I-NP. Essay. This is 100% correct. #9681; The bigram chunker scores about 90% accuracy.

Study its errors and try to Dissertation conclusion help your, work out why it doesn't get 100% accuracy. #9681; Experiment with trigram chunking. Are you able to improve the essay performance any more? #9733; An n-gram chunker can use information other than the Dissertation help your current part-of-speech tag and the n-1 previous chunk tags. Investigate other models of the your graduate school personal context, such as the n-1 previous part-of-speech tags, or some combination of previous chunk tags along with previous and Dissertation help, following part-of-speech tags. #9733; Consider the way an n-gram tagger uses recent tags to inform its tagging choice. Now observe how a chunker may re-use this sequence information. For example, both tasks will make use of the information that nouns tend to follow adjectives (in English). It would appear that the same information is being maintained in two places. School Personal. Is this likely to Dissertation your, become a problem as the size of the rule sets grows? If so, speculate about any ways that this problem might be addressed. So far, our chunk structures have been relatively flat.

Trees consist of tagged tokens, optionally grouped under a chunk node such as NP . However, it is possible to build chunk structures of arbitrary depth, simply by creating a multi-stage chunk grammar. These stages are processed in the order that they appear. The patterns in later stages can refer to a mixture of part-of-speech tags and chunk types. Student. Listing 6.7 has patterns for noun phrases, prepositional phrases, verb phrases, and sentences. This is a four-stage chunk grammar, and can be used to conclusion, create structures having a depth of at about, most four.

Unfortunately this result misses the vp headed by saw . It has other shortcomings too. Let's see what happens when we apply this chunker to a sentence having deeper nesting. The solution to these problems is to get the chunker to loop over its patterns: after trying all of them, it repeats the process. Dissertation Conclusion Help Your. We add an optional second argument loop to specify the number of times the set of write good, patterns should be run: This cascading process enables us to create deep structures. However, creating and debugging a cascade is quite difficult, and there comes a point where it is more effective to Dissertation conclusion help, do full parsing (see Chapter 7). As a result of processing this text, we should be able to your graduate personal, add the pair #9001; Brookings Institution , Washington #9002; to this relation. As we will see shortly, Information Extraction proceeds on the assumption that we are only looking for specific sorts of Dissertation conclusion, information, and these have been decided in advance. This limitation has been a necessary concession to Letter of assignment, allow the robust processing of unrestricted text.

Potential applications of Information Extraction are many, and include business intelligence, resume harvesting, media analysis, sentiment detection, patent search, and email scanning. A particularly important area of current research involves the attempt to extract structured data out of electronically-available scientific literature, most notably in the domain of biology and Dissertation conclusion your, medicine. How do we go about identifying NEs? Our first thought might be that we could look up candidate expressions in an appropriate list of names. About Books. For example, in Dissertation help your the case of locations, we might try using a resource such as the Alexandria Gazetteer. Depending on Notes books utopia, the nature of our input data, this may be adequate #8212; such a gazetteer is likely to have good coverage of international cities and many locations in the U.S.A., but will probably be missing the names of obscure villages in conclusion help your remote regions. However, a list of names for people or organizations will probably have poor coverage. New organizations, and new names for them, are coming into existence every day, so if we are trying to Letter of assignment, deal with contemporary newswire or blog entries, say, it is unlikely that we will be able to help your, recognize many of the NEs by using gazetteer lookup. A second consideration is website writing, that many NE terms are ambiguous. Thus May and North are likely to be parts of NEs for DATE and LOCATION, respectively, but could both be part of a PERSON NE; conversely Christian Dior looks like a PERSON NE but is Dissertation help, more likely to be of type ORGANIZATION. A term like Yankee will be ordinary modifier in some contexts, but will be marked as an NE of type ORGANIZATION in the phrase Yankee infielders . To summarize, we cannot reliably detect NEs by looking them up in Excellent to do my custom writing paper a gazetteer, and it is also hard to develop rules that will correctly recognize ambiguous NEs on conclusion help your, the basis of their context of occurrence.

Although lookup may contribute to a solution, most contemporary approaches to Named Entity Recognition treat it as a statistical classification task that requires training data for good performance. This task is facilitated by adopting an appropriate data representation, such as the IOB tags that we saw being deployed in the CoNLL chunk data. For example, here are a representative few lines from the Writing school statement CONLL 2002 ( conll2002 ) Dutch training data: As noted before, in this representation, there is one token per Dissertation, line, each with its part-of-speech tag and its NE tag. When NEs have been identified in a text, we then want to extract relations that hold between them. As indicated earlier, we will typically be looking for relations between specified types of NE. One way of approaching this task is to initially look for all triples of the form X , #945;, Y , where X and Y are NEs of the paper good required types, and Dissertation, #945; is the string of words that intervenes between X and Y . We can then use regular expressions to pull out just those instances of #945; that express the relation that we are looking for. Harvard Admission On Nursing. The following example searches for strings that contain the word in . The special character expression (?!b.+ingb) is a negative lookahead condition that allows us to disregard strings such as success in supervising the Dissertation help transition of , where in is followed by a gerundive verb. Services. Searching for the keyword works in reasonably well, though it will also retrieve false positives such as [ORG: House Transportation Committee] , secured the most money in Dissertation help the [LOC: New York] ; there is unlikely to be simple string-based method of excluding filler strings such as this. In this chapter we have explored efficient and robust methods that can identify linguistic structures in text.

Using only part-of-speech information for words in the local context, a chunker can successfully identify simple structures such as noun phrases and Notes books utopia, verb groups. We have seen how chunking methods extend the same lightweight methods that were successful in tagging. The resulting structured information is Dissertation help, useful in information extraction tasks and in the description of the syntactic environments of words. The latter will be invaluable as we move to full parsing. There are a surprising number of ways to chunk a sentence using regular expressions. The patterns can add, shift and remove chunks in many ways, and school, the patterns can be sequentially ordered in many ways. Dissertation Conclusion Your. One can use a small number of Notes books utopia, very complex rules, or a long sequence of Dissertation your, much simpler rules. One can hand-craft a collection of rules, and your graduate, one can write programs to analyze a chunked corpus to help in the development of such rules. The process is conclusion help your, painstaking, but generates very compact chunkers that perform well and that transparently encode linguistic knowledge. It is paper, also possible to Dissertation help your, chunk a sentence using the Excellent my custom techniques of n-gram tagging. Instead of Dissertation, assigning part-of-speech tags to words, we assign IOB tags to the part-of-speech tags.

Bigram tagging turned out to be particularly effective, as it could be sensitive to the chunk tag on the previous word. This statistical approach requires far less effort than rule-based chunking, but creates large models and delivers few linguistic insights. Like tagging, chunking cannot be done perfectly. For example, as pointed out by [Church, Young, Bloothooft, 1996], we cannot correctly analyze the structure of the sentence I turned off the spectroroute without knowing the meaning of your graduate school personal, spectroroute ; is it a kind of road or a type of device? Without knowing this, we cannot tell whether off is part of a prepositional phrase indicating direction (tagged B-PP ), or whether off is part of the verb-particle construction turn off (tagged I-VP ). Your. A recurring theme of this chapter has been diagnosis . The simplest kind is manual, when we inspect the tracing output of a chunker and observe some undesirable behavior that we would like to fix.

Sometimes we discover cases where we cannot hope to get the correct answer because the part-of-speech tags are too impoverished and do not give us sufficient information about the Harvard admission essay lexical item. Dissertation Conclusion. A second approach is to write utility programs to analyze the Writing your school training data, such as counting the number of times a given part-of-speech tag occurs inside and outside an np chunk. A third approach is to evaluate the system against some gold standard data to obtain an overall performance score. We can even use this to parameterize the system, specifying which chunk rules are used on Dissertation your, a given run, and tabulating performance for different parameter combinations. Careful use of these diagnostic methods permits us to optimize the performance of on nursing, our system. We will see this theme emerge again later in chapters dealing with other topics in Dissertation help your natural language processing. For more examples of chunking with NLTK, please see the guide at . The popularity of chunking is due in great part to pioneering work by essay on nursing, Abney e.g., [Church, Young, Bloothooft, 1996].

Abney's Cass chunker is available at The IOB format (or sometimes BIO Format ) was developed for np chunking by [Ramshaw Marcus, 1995], and was used for the shared np bracketing task run by the Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) in 1999. The same format was adopted by CoNLL 2000 for Dissertation help annotating a section of Wall Street Journal text as part of a shared task on np chunking. Section 13.5 of [Jurafsky Martin, 2008] contains a discussion of chunking.

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Custom Pharmacists in Hospital Discharge essay paper writing service. Medication inconsistencies are regular at the hospital discharge and could end in some confrontational incidences, clinical readmissions, and Dissertation conclusion urgent unit appointment. Clinical analysts have been pushed to write paper good characterize medicine inconsistencies at help hospital discharge and study the write paper good, effects of the pharmacist’s interference and help your involvement in Student paper good the healthcare usage after the certain discharge. The clinical admission and the following discharge to the patients’ respective residences frequently engages the cutoff of nursing care and Dissertation your medication, numerous alterations in medicine schedules, and insufficient patient training 7 (p. 43) . These aspects of clinical discharge could guide towards the confrontational medication incidences and evadable healthcare usage. The main objective of this paper is to scientifically analyze recognize the particular functions and differences in the roles of Writing your personal statement pharmacists and doctors who are responsible for discharging patients to their respective homes. Through some discharge prescriptions, the following research will compare the TTO’s (to take out’s) of pharmacists and doctors.

This way, the conclusion help your, audits written by both medical professionals will reveal whether pharmacists make fewer inconsistencies than doctors and nurses when it comes to recording the TTO’s 7 (p. 43) . Pharmacists are able to website to do writing play the leading role in the community close to federal leaders because they are involved in the decline of the patient care threats. This reduction guides towards the maximization of the safe role that medicine management structures play when aligning pharmacy services with the countrywide initiatives. Help Your! These policies quantify and compensate the valuable performance of medical professionals 4 (p. 31) . While trying to use TTO’s to figure out whether pharmacists are responsible for causing more inconsistencies when discharging patients than doctors in hospitals do the admission essay, establishment of a seeable and maintainable secure medicine management structure and system in the fitness setting is mandatory. The enhanced endurance of pharmacy care includes the increment in communication links between the inpatient and outpatient environment that can enhance the suitability of the medical treatment. As a result, the number of critical and help your hostile medication events will decrease and as well the clinical admissions and unprepared office appointments for vulnerable patients with fatal illnesses.

Due to this impact, the following research paper will analyze the Letter of assignment hrm, inconsistences under the argument that pharmacists make fewer discrepancies than doctors and nurses do while putting down the TTO’s (discharge prescriptions) 4 (p. 31) . Basing this research on your the facts provided by Letter hrm the literature examination, it has beens discovered that certain actions taken by your prosperous pharmacist leaders have upgraded the patients’ safety 13 (p.565) . This was realized through carrying out an arbitrary test of 178 patients released from the large training hospital to their respective homes from the overall medication service. Patients in the intercession group received the pharmacist advising at discharge and the continuation phone call three to five days afterwards. Intercessions aimed at verifying the medicine schedules, evaluating indications, directions and likely side effects of medicine. Screening for limitations to devotion and untimely side effects and supplying patients’ advising and the response from physicians when most suitable.

The main outcome of employing this method of the arbitrary test was the rate of the preventable ADEs 13 (p.565) . Another method that had been employed in the research was the to do, utilization of a forthcoming optional month of the quasi-experiential design to contrast the results of patients receiving the intercession. This experiment used the variables n=358, with the controls n=366 8 (p.955) . Help Your! All patients discharged from hospital to their homes were discovered to be vulnerable to medicine that they had been prescribed; the numerous medicine changes in the course of hospitalization, or the issues organizing courses, the transmission for commitment worries, the patients’ advising and academic training, and the post-discharge telephone continuation. The main results were the 14-days’ and the one month readmission rates and critical unit appointments within three days of discharge. Medicine inconsistencies taking place at discharge were also typified. Pharmacists, nurses and doctors informed the pharmacy scholar on the moment a patient would be released from the pharmacist. Based on the quasi-experimental study, the pharmacy scholar would instantly survey the patients’ clinical documentation to realize whichever drug or medicine associated illnesses and disorders. Hrm! Any issues or pharmaceutical intercession required were instantly forwarded to a pharmacist’s attention 13 (p.565) . This similar method asserted that if there were no illness issues brought up by the patient after the discharge, the conclusion help, discharge advising procedure would proceed further 8 (p.955) . Letter Hrm! Afterwards, the method considered the home medicine discharge to get from the patients’ medical documentation. The patient data fliers were collected from several medical institutions. Dissertation Conclusion Help Your! Once the patient used as a subject in the test provided permission for paper good advising, a pharmacist and the pharmacy scholar would commence the advising session.

A discussion was carried out between the pharmacy scholar and the monitoring pharmacist before the session to guarantee that the Dissertation help, accurate data would be offered for the study 8 (p.955) . In the course of abu dhabi this therapy session, the pharmacist would be prominent outside the patients’ room and pave the way for the pharmacy student to enter the room on his or her own, and advise the patient. The pharmacist would have to be close to the student and the patient to observe and hear what the advice session is all about 8 (p.955) . Ultimately, the session would end with the pharmacist entering the room and correcting or confirming any data. Nevertheless, some occasions would not require the pharmacist to walk into the room because the student performs averagely, as it was anticipated. The patient obtained the data that were either verbal, or put down every medicine prescription, as well as the novel medication the patient was to commence on following the discharge from hospital. A fundamental advice session covered the main issues. The main issues addressed included the name of the patient, the description of help your medication, and the approach of administering the Letter hrm, medicine, the dosage procedure and time of Dissertation conclusion medicine therapy, administration and usage by the patient, some regular fatal side effects of your personal statement interrelations, salutary contraindications that might be faced, as well as their evasion 13 (p.565) . Following every explanation of every medication expected to be taken by the patient after being discharged, the patient was stimulated to recap the details to claim the conclusion your, verbal comprehension of the details provided (this is called as Jadad scoring method) 8 (p.955) . Another method tagged along with the advice session is a short-lived question-answer period at the finishing point of the advice session. This method has the patient provided with some published directions on his or her medicine from the certain large hospitals, and the patient was allowed to get discharged from the hospital.

After the advice session, there is write paper good a clinical recording and Dissertation conclusion the pharmacy automated system, which were mutually cosigned by a pharmacologist. A brief telephone quality guarantee survey was finished after the patient has discharged. The review assessed the patient’s comprehension of the advice details provided, contentment, opinion concerning the value and Excellent to do my custom writing paper profits of the advice session 13 (p.565) . Seven studies were recognized assessing the outpatient or post-discharged dispensing chemist's services for the patients with heart failure 14 (p. 392) . In this study, medication was delivered before discharging the patients with either following the phone call or the domestic appointment continuation. The study involved the role of pharmacist at the professional heart failure outpatient medical institution. The focus on a residential-grounded intercession produced some optimistic results like reductions in unintentional hospital readmissions, death rates and greater compliance and conclusion medication information. The illustration of these outcomes did not reveal any variation in essay on nursing the number of conclusion help your hospital admissions’ amid intercession and governing groups.

The worth of facts provided from the results of the arbitrary test governed studies was evaluated with the use of Jadad scoring method. All tests researched when trying out these methods and studies accomplished a score exceeding 2, out of an extreme 5, indicating some impending biasness 14 (p. 392) . In the course of the study period, 3,873 patients were evaluated for Letter of assignment entitlement. Out of this summed up figure, 749 patients were randomized and conclusion help your registered for the study. Out of the registered patients, 376 of them were involved in the normal care group, and services abu dhabi 373 of them were involved in the intercession group. Eleven of these subjects had to be removed because of the patients’ requests to be cleared from the infirmary, leaving 738 patients for the study. The projected two-third of (62%) the proportion of the patients in the study communicated with the pharmacist and of these, 65% had a medicine issue and more than a half had the prescription issue that required the corrective action from the doctors. Time that was needed for the test was around an hour and Dissertation a half for each subject for the DA and 25 minutes for admission every subject for Dissertation your the medical pharmacist.

Subjects in the intercession group were discovered to have a lesser rate of hospital usage than those receiving the normal care. Intercession subjects were more inclined to be informed concerning their diagnosis and had the stronger communication links with their main care providers 12 (p. 343) . Medicine inconsistencies at discharge points were realized in 33.5% of intercession patients and 59.6% of monitored patients, with P0.01. Even though all inconsistencies were solved in the intercession group before releasing from the institution; the readmission rates did not vary decisively between the groups at two weeks periods. The urgent appointments that doctors had with patients after being released from the hospital did not carry any inconsistencies as well. On the other hand, pharmacists were observed to Letter of assignment have the subsequent medication-associated issues in the intercession group: unsolved inconsistencies between the patients’ preadmission medicine schedules and the acquittal medicine briefings in Dissertation conclusion help your 49% of patients, some unresolved inconsistencies between the cleared medicine catalogues and post-discharge schedules in 29% of patients, and the treatment non-adherence in 23%. Contrasting the test results for a month following the discharge, the preventable ADEs were detected in 11% of patients in the administration group, and essay on nursing 1% of patients in the intercession group, with P=0.01 12 (p. 343) . No variations were discovered between the groups in a sum of the ADEs or the total healthcare utilization. There is an increasing figure of excellence and the patient security principles, together with the measures that concentrate particularly on the medicine utilization and medicine 5 (p. 1373) . Dissertation! Healthcare institutions are obliged to be conscious of the notable assets that pharmacists offer, and of the complicated nature of medicine management. Write Paper! There are several initiatives that were realized successfully in help your determining the inconsistencies caused by prescriptions from doctors at healthcare institutions, and assisting in the accomplishment of the set objectives and missions of the medication.

From the study, the outcomes indicated that some drug-linked illnesses have the associations with unsolved inconsistencies between the patients’ healthcare details and Student write paper medicine schedules. The variations and comparisons made during the conclusion help, tests have produced the positive outcomes that support the thesis initially founded by the research study. Doctors have been discovered to bear more inconsistencies when discharging patients from the hospital than pharmacists 14 (p. Student Paper! 398) . Most of the Dissertation, patients cleared from hospitals do not know the side effects or interrelations of the books utopia, medicine they were consuming or administering 1 (p. 231) . Help Your! Following the medication, all patients articulated the contentment instantly following their advice session and actually valued the information concerning their prescriptions. A single patient who has been admitted to the hospital for the second time due to hrm the inconsistencies and underprivileged comprehension of medications have caused the insufficient discharge and advised for the patient by the doctor. The advice session offered by Dissertation help the pharmacy scholar verified the about books, patients’ wrong intrusion of treatment. Dissertation Help! In this particular case, the about books, advice given to the patients created a big difference and enhanced the patients’ comprehension of the treatment. Dissertation! The numerous advice sessions took their place for 30 to 40 minutes depending on Notes about books utopia the number of help your discharge medications. On a single occasion, the session took place for an hour. Patients were inquired in the course of the advice sessions, and the concentration was established to Student write good evade the dialogue that would deviate from concentrating on medication and its administration.

The review findings depicted that a huge majority of patients concurred or intensely concurred with the advice being beneficial for Dissertation conclusion them. About Books! The advice seemed to offer some clear instructions on administration and side effects, and help your the advanced general comprehension of to do writing paper treatments 1 (p. 231) . The same governed test discovered that an array of services given during their release, in addition to a supplement of the post-discharge medicine prescriptions, decreased the rate of following hospital re-admissions and urgent unit appointments. The examination was conducted in Pennsylvania and it discovered that pharmacy scholars are not able to advice their patients on medicine devoid of the observation from some authorized pharmacists 7 (p. 43) . In numerous hospitals, other healthcare experts are provided with the work giving the discharge advice to patients due to the present pharmacists’ deficiency.

Pharmacy scholars in their last year of training are exposed to Dissertation conclusion help deeper coaching than other health care experts on medicine. This study has served as an indicator that might assist pharmacy scholars, as an unexploited resource, and that are able to Letter of assignment hrm offer the Dissertation conclusion help your, efficient patient discharge advice in the hospital surrounding. Future studies require the evaluation of the efficiency of pharmacists and the students’ relationship discharge advice amongst a bigger patient populace and the effect of executing a particular procedure. Frequently, this protocol engages the pharmacist-offered discharge advice as a part of the discharge procedure. This study has made us becoming well aware of the Excellent, fact that a particular percentage of patients discharged from the small American hospitals will be post-discharged 7 (p. 43) . The outcomes of these intercessions involved the subjects being mature, and the overall patients registered clinical patients admitted to one huge hospital in the United States 12 (p.

343) . Dissertation Help! The criteria that were keenly observed included eligibility amongst the patients. The patients had to Marking abu dhabi be English-speaking, to have the access to telephone, and projected the discharge to conclusion help your the community. They were randomized following their admission to the intervention or standard healthcare. The inside part of the hospital had the study involved into the delivery of results by the nurse discharge advocates, particularly trained to conduct the intercession 1 (p. 231) . The intercession was aimed at coordinating the release plan with the infirmary care providers, train and arranged for the subjects discharge from the institution. The procedure comprised of the preparation of an entire summary that had been conveyed to the main healthcare provider on the day of releasing the subjects. The subjects were then communicated with using the about books utopia, telephone two to four days following their release by conclusion help a clinical pharmacist, to back up the discharge plot and to cope with some medicine associated illnesses.

The main result of the research was the rate of hospital usage, as the sum figured of some urgent unit appointments per subject within the month period of the guide discharge 7 (p. Admission On Nursing! 43) . During the course of the study period, 3,873 patients were evaluated for their entitlement. Out of conclusion your this summed figure, 749 patients were randomized and registered for the study 5 (p. 1375) . Out of the registered patients, 376 of Writing them were included in the normal care group, and 373 of them were included in the intercession group. Eleven of these subjects had to be removed because of the patients’ requests being discharged from the help, hospital, leaving 738 patients for Letter of assignment hrm the study.

An estimated two-third (62%) proportion of the patients in the study communicated with the pharmacists and of these, 65% had a medicine issue and more than half had a prescription issue that required the corrective action from doctors. Time that was needed for the test was around an hour and a half for each subject for the DA and 25 minutes for every subject for the medical pharmacist. Subjects in the intercession group were discovered to have a lesser rate of the hospital usage than those receiving the conclusion help, normal care. Intercession subjects were more inclined to be informed concerning their diagnosis, and they had the stronger communication links with their main care providers 10 (p. 314) . From the preceding outcomes of hrm this study, it can be settled that the intercession reduced the Dissertation help your, hospital utilization within a month period of discharge amongst the overall clinical patients from their hospital population by almost 30% 1 (p.

231) . Essay On Nursing! The incidence of heart failure is growing for Dissertation conclusion your advanced nations. Among the elderly, the heart failure is a widespread illness and a cause for the hospital admission and website paper readmission. In conjunction with the post-discharge case, the heart illnesses can impose a significant expense problem to the patient. The unsuitable medicine management and medication of associated illnesses have been realized as a huge backer to the hospital readmissions. So as to develop the care and medical results, and to decrease the costs of therapy, the management programs of the heart failure illnesses have been initiated. It is commended that these programs implemented a multi-disciplinary strategy and the pharmacists with their knowledge of medicine management. Dissertation Conclusion Help! This management could play an important role in the post-discharge healthcare of Student write paper good aged patients. Dissertation Conclusion Help Your! The DMPs conducted by about pharmacists have played a part in providing the optimistic results for those patients who have emphasized the worth of lengthening the conventional functions of pharmacists from the provision of the expertise guidance to the delivery of continuity of Dissertation care through an advanced, all-inclusive and straightforward strategy 1 (p.

236) . To endorse some more efficient healthcare changes, the Joint Commission currently calls for the credited amenities to correctly and fully resolve the prescriptions across the continuum of healthcare. The Society of Hospital made the certain commendations officially public for the release of elderly patients 4 (p. 31) . The joint society of hospital medicine, alongside with the society of general medicine continuity of care task forces also recently have made a methodical evaluation officially to public. The review had the commendations for enhancing the handoff of the patient information at discharge, relevantly to a wide range of patients who look forward to providing good healthcare in the course of their release from the medical institution and graduate personal statement the following period of change. Conclusion Help Your! Grounded on Excellent website my custom writing the most favorable facts, evidence and concrete results of conclusion help your this study, the discrepancies that arise as a result of prescriptions have been found for the prescriptions from doctors who do not make their efforts of improving their communication with their patients. The expedition of the healthcare change for to do mature inpatients being discharged requires the constant communication between a primary care provider and a patient. Pharmacists have found to maintain this trend more than doctors from the medical institutions. The whilst out intercession advanced the quality of the patients' discharge by recognizing and Dissertation conclusion help merging medication prescriptions inconsistencies at discharge, there was no precise outcome on hrm post-discharge healthcare resource usage 4 (p. Conclusion Your! 31) . Essay! The pharmacist prescriptions assessment, the patient advice, and the telephone continuation were linked to the decreased rate of the avoidable ADEs within a month period following their release from the clinical institution. The prescription discrepancies prior to and following the discharge of conclusion your patients from pharmacists and hospitals were the widespread targets of intercession. Essay! From the case study, there are some steps that pharmacist leaders can pursue in order to establish the seeable and maintainable secure prescription management system and coordination.

Doctors need to recognize and alleviate some prescription management threats and perils to decrease the avoidable injury on patients. The clinical admission and the following discharge to the patients’ respective residences frequently engaged the cutoff of nursing care and medication, numerous alterations in medicine schedules, and the insufficient patient training. Dissertation Your! These aspects of the Excellent website to do my custom writing paper, clinical discharge could guide towards the confrontational medication incidences and the evadable healthcare usage. Dissertation! The main objective of this paper is to scientifically analyze the particular functions and differences in the roles of pharmacists and doctors being responsible for discharging patients to their respective homes . Buy Pharmacists in Hospital Discharge essay paper online. Do you want to get an.

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