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book report forms Why do book reports strike terror in the hearts of assignment assistance most students? Simply, writing a book report is homework ib, not easy. A book report challenges students to think and write critically about Computer assignment assistance technology what they’ve read. In the early elementary grades, extra support is make an essay about yourself, given, often with book report worksheets that prompt students to write about a favorite character and other book details. But as children progress through upper elementary, middle, and high school, they are expected to write book reports independently.

At Time4Writing, we work with students on an individual basis to develop their writing skills through online writing courses. We hope this roadmap helps your child navigate writing a school book report with a minimum amount of Computer terror! How to Write a Book Report. Before you write, read. College Kean! There’s no substitute for reading the book. Choose a book you’ll enjoy—reading should be fun, not a chore! Read with a pen and assignment assistance, paper at your side. How To Yourself! Jotting down page numbers and notes about significant passages will be very useful when it comes time to write.

Remember, unless your book is a personal copy, don’t write in the book itself. Computer! Use a Book Report Outline. How To Write An Academic Paper Qualitative Study! After reading the book, you are ready to start the writing process. When writing a book report, or when answering any writing prompt, you#8217;ll find writing easier if you follow the proven steps of the writing process: prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. In the first step, prewriting, you’ll plan what you want to say. An outline is a great prewriting tool for book reports. Start your book report outline with the following five ideas. Each idea should correspond to Computer assignment assistance technology a paragraph: 2. Service! Summary of Book. 3. Book Details: Characters. Assignment! 4. Book Details: Plot. 5. Evaluation and Conclusion.

In organizing your thoughts, jot down a few ideas for each of these paragraphs. Reminder: Every grade level (and teacher) has different requirements for book report content. Review your teacher’s instructions before you create your book report outline. Most book reports begin with the basic information about the book: the book’s title, author, genre, and publication information (publisher, number of pages, and year published). The opening paragraph is also your opportunity to build interest by mentioning any unusual facts or circumstances about the writing of the book or noteworthy credentials of the How to an essay yourself, author. Was the book a bestseller? Is the author a well-known authority on the subject?

Book reports are personal, too, so it’s perfectly acceptable to state why you chose to read it. In the body of the book report—paragraphs two, three, and four—you’ll describe what the book is about. This is your chance to show you’ve read and understood the book. Assuming you’ve read a fiction book, below are helpful writing tips: Summary: Start this paragraph by Computer assignment technology writing an overview of the story, including its setting, time period, main characters, and plot. Specify who tells the story (point of view) and the tone or atmosphere of the book. Is it a creepy tale of suspense or a lighthearted adventure? Character Details: In this paragraph, describe the main characters and identify the major conflict or problem the main characters are trying to How to an essay about hallucinate solve.

You can also write another paragraph about the other characters in the book. Plot Details: In writing about the plot, you don’t need to tell every detail of the story. Instead, focus on Computer assistance the main sequence of events. You can discuss plot highlights, from the College essay kean university, rising action to the book’s climax and conflict resolution. Make sure you mention the author’s use of any literary devices you’ve been studying in class. Book Reports on assistance technology Non-fiction. If you are writing a book report on essays school a biography or other factual text, you’ll want to devote the body of your book report to a description of the book’s subject and the author’s points of view. Computer Assistance Technology! Use the chapter headings to help you present the How to write an academic abstract study, author’s ideas and arguments in Computer assistance an orderly manner.

As with a fictional plot, you don’t have to cover every argument made by the author. Instead, choose the main ideas and the ones most interesting to you. If you read a biography, write about paper writing answers some of the important events in the person’s life. Personal Evaluation and assistance, Conclusion. You’ll like writing the Personal statement editing advisor, final paragraph because it is here that you’ll be able to offer your own critique of the book. What are the assignment, book’s strengths and weaknesses? Did the book hold your interest? What did you learn from the write paper, book? If you read a work of fiction, how did the book affect you?

If you read non-fiction, were you swayed by the author’s arguments? Try to be balanced in Computer assignment assistance your opinions, and support your statements with examples from the book. Give your honest opinion of the qualitative study, book and whether or not you would recommend it to technology others. Revising, Editing, and Publishing. After you’ve drafted your book report, you’re ready to follow the next three steps of the writing process: revising, editing, and publishing. Begin revising by reading your book report aloud or to a friend for feedback.

As you edit, check your grammar and use of the write an academic, correct guidelines for book quotes and writing the book title. Give enough time to revising and editing, and Computer assistance, your published book report will be that much better. Book Reports: A Type of Expository Essay. A book report is usually written as an expository essay, although it can be written in other forms. In some cases, a teacher will ask students to take a point of view when writing a book report. Here is an example: “Explain why Hoot by Carl Hiiassen is the Custom homework writing ib, best American kid’s novel of the last decade. Please use examples.” This type of writing prompt requires a persuasive style of Computer assignment technology writing. Pay For School! Teachers may also assign book reviews, which challenge students to persuade their classmates to read or not read a particular book.

If writing a book review, don’t reveal the ending! Rely on Computer assignment Your Writing Training to How to paper qualitative study Write Book Reports. Time4Writing#8217;s online writing classes and assistance technology, one-to-one, teacher-led instruction help in building students’ writing skills. When students develop strong basic skills, they can succeed at any writing assignment, including a book report. Time4Writing offers online writing courses for kids in elementary, middle school, and high school, and pairs each student with a certified teacher for personalized writing instruction.

Time4Writing’s eight-week, online writing courses are highly effective in helping students develop their writing skills and building confidence. Find out how Time4Writing#8217;s online writing classes can make a real difference in your child’s writing.

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Nature et culture chez Lévi-Strauss. Lévi Strauss n'est pas un philosophe mais un anthropologue et plus particulièrement un ethnologue. Computer Assignment Assistance. Il va nous montrer que les institutions ne relèvent pas que de la volonté des hommes mais qu'elles s'expliquent aussi sociologiquement. Définition de l'ethnocentrisme: L'ethnocentrisme apparaît comme l'obstacle majeur à l'étude des autres sociétés. Pay For Essays Business School. Lévi-Strauss construit ce concept par analogie avec celui d'égocentrisme. Assignment. L'égocentrisme est cette attitude typique chez les jeunes enfants qui consiste à tout ramener à soi, à voir «je» au centre. Editing Advisor. Dans l'attitude ethnocentrique, ce n'est plus le «moi» qui est au centre mais l'ethnie c'est-à-dire sa société, sa culture. Assignment Assistance Technology. L'ethnocentrisme se définit donc comme une attitude d'origine inconsciente qui consiste à considérer sa propre société comme un modèle et à voir toute différence par rapport à ce modèle comme un signe d'infériorité. C'est l'ethnocentrisme qui conduit à parler de sociétés «primitives», comme si certaines sociétés étaient restées à l'état premier, préhistorique, nous seuls étant parvenus par le progrès à l'état civilisé (voir le libéral Rostov, dont le point de vue est typiquement ethnocentrique). College Review Kean. Lévi-Strauss montre que, parce que notre histoire est surtout caractérisée par un développement des sciences, des techniques et de la puissance économique, nous nous imaginons que les sociétés qui n'ont pas su progresser sur ces trois plans sont des sociétés sans histoire.

En réalité, toutes les sociétés ont une histoire, même si celle-ci est différente de la notre. Technology. Ainsi, si nous prenions, par exemple, comme critère de développement la parfaite adaptation à un milieu particulièrement hostile, ce ne serait plus les Occidentaux qui seraient considérés comme civilisés mais les Bédouins du désert saharien ou les Inuits de l'Arctique. Answers. Si l'on prenait comme critère la connaissance des ressources du corps humain, les plus civilisés seraient les peuples de l'Orient et de l'Extrême-Orient etc. Computer Assignment Assistance. Toute culture peut se prévaloir d'une supériorité selon un critère qui lui est propre mais, comme aucun de ces critères n'est plus pertinent qu'un autre, aucune culture ne peut se considérer comme supérieure aux autres. College Review. On peut comparer des quantités (telle société a plus de techniques, telle autre connaît mieux le corps humain etc.), mais non des qualités: en quoi est-on plus avancé parce qu'on possède plus de technique que celui par exemple qui a plus de sérénité intérieure, de spiritualité? Ces critères sont trop différents pour être hiérarchisés. Computer. Autrement dit parler de société plus civilisée ne veut pas dire grand chose car nous ne possédons pas de critère d'hiérarchisation. Il faut bien voir que l'ethnocentrisme est une attitude spontanée et donc universelle. Service Advisor. Lévi-Strauss l'exprime en ces termes: «Le barbare est d'abord l'homme qui croit à la barbarie». Computer. On qualifie en effet de barbare les peuples primitifs sans voir que ceux-ci procèdent exactement de la même manière. How To Make An Essay About Yourself. Ainsi, dans de nombreuses cultures, seuls les membres de la tribu sont qualifiés d'hommes (ou de «bon», d' «excellents» ou de «complets»), les membres des autres tribus étant appelés «mauvais», «méchants» voire «fantômes» ou «apparitions», dénominations conduisant ainsi jusqu'à leur priver de toute réalité.

Au moment même où les occidentaux s'interrogeaient sur la présence d'une âme chez les Indiens d'Amérique du Nord, ceux-ci immergeaient des cadavres de blanc, se demandant s'ils étaient comme les leur soumis à la putréfaction. Assignment Assistance. L'idée d'humanité apparaît donc comme une idée tardive et qui n'est d'ailleurs pas elle-même dénuée d'ethnocentrisme. Make About Hallucinate. Lévi-Strauss souligne, par exemple, comment la proclamation de l'égalité naturelle entre les hommes et de la fraternité qui doit les unir sans distinction de races ou de cultures néglige la diversité des cultures et nie en réalité les différences qu'elle n'arrive pas à comprendre. Computer. Les cultures sont bien différentes mais non inégales pour autant. Paper Service Answers. Ramener la différence à l'inégalité ou l'égalité à l'identité constituent deux formes d'ethnocentrisme. Computer Assignment Assistance Technology. . Définition de la notion de structure: La notion de structure est à peu près équivalente à celle de totalité . Personal Editing Service. C'est un ensemble dans lequel les parties n'ont de sens que par rapport au tout et réciproquement, un tout formé d'éléments solidaires tels que chacun ne peut être ce qu'il est que dans et par sa relation avec les autres.

Une structure comporte des lois qui lui sont propres et qui ne sont pas nécessairement semblables aux propriétés de ses éléments constitutifs. Assignment Assistance Technology. Elle se conserve, s'enrichit par le seul jeu de ses transformations. Pay For. Elle s'auto règle sans faire intervenir d'éléments extérieurs à elle-même. L'ethnologie structurale s'oppose à la fois à la sociologie causaliste (celle par exemple de Durkheim et à la sociologie finaliste (qu'on trouve, par exemple, chez Max Weber). Computer Assistance. Pour l'illustrer, prenons l'exemple du mariage. Custom Writing. Pourquoi se marie-t-on? Selon l'hypothèse finaliste, on Computer assignment assistance se marie parce qu'on a l'intention de se marier.

Certes le mobile peut être différent (amour, intérêt#133;) mais néanmoins il s'agit toujours d'une intention. Service Answers. Cette hypothèse n'est nullement convaincante car en réalité nos comportements dépendent du milieu social. Assistance. On n'épouse pas tout à fait qui l'on veut. College Review Kean University. On peut montrer facilement par exemple qu'on épouse statistiquement plus souvent quelqu'un de son milieu social, que l'institution des congés payés a élargi le cercle des conjoints possibles etc. Computer Assistance. Bien plus, dans de nombreuses sociétés on answers ne choisit pas librement son conjoint mais on Computer assignment assistance doit épouser quelqu'un appartenant à tel ou tel groupe d'une façon qui peut sembler arbitraire. School. Si l'on adopte, en revanche, l'hypothèse causaliste, on Computer assignment assistance dira que les gens se marient à cause d'institutions sociales qui les y poussent. Essay Kean University. Mais c'est répondre à la question par une autre questioncar on Computer assistance peut se demander d'où viennent ces institutions. Pour comprendre le mariage, il faut replacer le fait à expliquer dans une structure sociale, une totalité.

L'élément à comprendre doit être resitué dans la totalité structurelle. Essay University. Ainsi, par exemple, comprendre pourquoi dans telle société on Computer assignment technology épouse telle femme et pas telle autre ne peut s'expliquer que dans le cadre d'une structure très complexe dite structure de parenté , dont Lévi-Strauss va montrer, nous le verrons, qu'il s'agit d'une structure d'échange. Homework. L'ethnologie va donc construire des modèles abstraits qu'elle appelle structures qui vont permettre de comprendre non seulement le mariage mais des contenus extrêmement variés. Assignment. La méthode structurale accorde la primauté au système sur les éléments et révèle la permanence des significations. Essay Review Kean. Systèmes de parentés, mythes, masques, relations économiques etc. Technology. répondent donc à une logique qui est étudiable scientifiquement. III Nature et culture : la question de la prohibition de l'inceste. Qu'est-ce qui distingue l'homme de l'animal?

L'homme n'est pas seulement un être naturel (biologique) mais il est un être culturel c'est-à-dire qu'il vit en société. University. Lévi-Strauss montre qu'est naturel chez l'homme tout ce qui est universel et culturel ce qui relève de la règle. Assignment. L'homme est, en effet, le seul être qui s'impose des règles, qui exige la règle pour la règle. College Kean University. Parce que les cultures sont diverses, les règles le sont aussi. Computer Assignment Technology. Presque tout chez l'homme relève de la diversité: notre alimentation, notre façon de nous vêtir, nos attitudes affectives, nos m#156;urs, notre conception du bien et du mal et même notre perception varient énormément d'une société à une autre. Pay For Essays Business. Ce qui caractérise l'homme est la variabilité culturelle. Or un fait avait retenu l'attention des anthropologues avant Lévi-Strauss: il existe une règle universelle, un interdit universel, celui de l'inceste. Computer Assistance. Des tentatives d'explication avaient été énoncées. Homework Writing Ib. On y avait vu par exemple une sorte de principe de droit naturel, l'homme ressentant une répugnance naturelle à l'idée, par exemple, d'épouser sa mère ou son père. Assignment Assistance. Freud, à travers l'analyse du complexe d'#140;dipe nous a montré que cette première explication ne tient pas. Homework Writing Ib. On a voulu expliquer aussi la prohibition de l'inceste par l'existence de risques génétiques, les mariages consanguins augmentant le risque de maladies.

Mais ces risques ne sont pas assez grands pour être visibles empiriquement et ne peuvent être connus que dans les sociétés où s'est développée une biologie scientifique, ce qui n'est pas le cas des sociétés dites primitives. Assistance Technology. Il faut du reste ajouter que si la prohibition de l'inceste est bien universelle, la définition de l'inceste, elle, varie en fonction du groupe considéré. School. Dans certaines sociétés, par exemple, il est requis d'épouser la cousine croisée (fille du frère de la mère ou de la s#156;ur du père) alors que la cousine parallèle (fille du frère du père ou de la s#156;ur de la mère) est rigoureusement interdite. Computer Technology. Le risque génétique est ici pourtant identique dans les deux cas. Par son universalité la prohibition de l'inceste semble relever de la nature, mais par la diversité de ses modalités, par le fait qu'elle relève de la règle, elle semble plutôt relever de la culture. College Review Kean. Lévi-Strauss y voit alors ce qui fait l'articulation entre la nature et la culture, ce qui fait de l'homme naturel un être culturel. Comment expliquer la prohibition de l'inceste? Ce qui importe dans la prohibition de l'inceste est moins l'aspect d'interdiction qu'elle contient que l'obligation qui en est le corollaire: ne pas avoir le droit d'épouser quelqu'un de sa famille, c'est avoir l'obligation d'épouser quelqu'un d'une autre famille.

Le mariage apparaît alors comme un échange, échange qui constitue aux yeux de Lévi-Strauss le fondement social. Mais un fait complique les choses. Computer Assignment. Dans le mariage « on homework writing ne reçoit pas de celui à qui on Computer donne, on homework writing ib ne donne pas à celui de qui on Computer assistance technology reçoit. Custom Writing. Chacun donne à un partenaire et reçoit d'un autre» . Computer Technology. Il existe en fait des cycles très complexes ne réalisant l'équilibre des échanges qu'au bout de plusieurs générations. Essays Business. Lévi-Strauss dégage les structures élémentaires de la parenté en montrant que, globalement, l'échange est toujours réalisé au bout de quelques générations. Ainsi, dans aucune société un homme n'a le droit d'épouser n'importe quelle femme. Computer Assistance. Certaines trop proches lui sont interdites (c'est la règle d' exogamie ). Kean. Mais il arrive souvent que l'homme doive choisir son épouse à l'intérieur d'un cercle bien défini (c'est la règle d' endogamie ). Assignment Technology. Il n'y a donc pas de place laissée à l'initiative personnelle. Pour mieux comprendre ce qu'est une structure d'échange, nous allons prendre pour exemple un système de parenté, celui des Aranda en Australie. Homework Ib. Cette société se divise en quatre groupes (que nous nommerons A, B, C et D), chacun de ces groupes se divisant lui-même en deux: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1 et D2). Computer Assignment Assistance. On compte donc 8 groupes au total. Essays Business School. Chaque individu appartient à une de ces huit classes et ne peut épouser que dans une seule classe.

On peut exposer les règles de mariage et de filiation dans le tableau suivant: Si un homme appartient à la section : il épouse une femme de la section : les enfants appartiennent à la section : Pour la commodité de l'exposé, les hommes sont représentés en noir et les femmes en rouge. En première lecture, notre tableau semble inintelligible. Assignment Assistance. Pourtant on How to make an essay yourself peut en dégager un modèle éclairant qui constitue bien une structure d'échange: On constate deux cycles de femmes sans communication (chaque fille appartient à la même classe que son arrière-arrière grand-mère) et quatre cycles d'hommes eux aussi sans communication (chaque garçon appartient à la même classe que son grand-père). Assignment Technology. Tout est fait de telle sorte que chaque groupe reçoit autant qu'il donne. Personal Statement Advisor. On voit combien est éclairant le dégagement de la structure. Il faut bien voir que les structures d'échange dépassent l'individu et le font agir de façon inconsciente. Computer Assignment Assistance Technology. L'individu de la société Aranda ignore pourquoi il doit respecter ces obligations. Online Paper Writing. C'est l'ethnologue qui fait apparaître que la structure d'échange oblige à épouser dans tel ou tel clan.

L'échange matrimonial n'est bien sûr qu'un des échanges sociaux. Computer. On peut aussi échanger des mots (et le langage définit aussi l'homme selon Lévi-Strauss) et des biens. Paper. Mais l'aspect économique des échanges n'est prévalent que dans nos sociétés. Computer Assistance Technology. Dans bien des sociétés il apparaît comme secondaire au profit de l'échange symbolique. How To An Essay About Hallucinate. Il existe dans de nombreuses sociétés une véritable économie du don qui implique à la fois l'obligation de donner (sous peine de mépris social), celle de recevoir (un cadeau refusé est signe de mépris) et enfin l'obligation de rendre au bout d'un temps donné (et donc d'instaurer l'échange). Computer Assignment Assistance Technology. Le don transforme l'autre en partenaire et ajoute une valeur symbolique nouvelle à l'objet donné. Custom Writing. Il permet à des groupes potentiellement hostiles d'entretenir des rapports pacifiques. «L'attitude la plus ancienne, et qui repose sans doute sur des fondements psychologiques solides puisqu'elle tend à réapparaître chez chacun de nous quand nous sommes placés dans une situation inattendue, consiste à répudier purement et simplement les formes culturelles: morales, religieuses, sociales, esthétiques, qui sont les plus éloignées de celles auxquelles nous nous identifions. Computer Technology. «Habitudes de sauvages», «cela n'est pas de chez nous», «on ne devrait pas admettre cela», etc.; autant de réactions grossières qui traduisent ce même frisson, cette même répulsion, en présence de manière de vivre, de croire ou de penser qui nous sont étrangères. Business. Ainsi l'Antiquité confondait-elle tout ce qui ne participait pas de la culture grecque (puis gréco-romaine) sous le même nom de barbare; la civilisation occidentale a ensuite utilisé le terme de sauvage dans le même sens. Computer Assignment Assistance Technology. Or derrière ces épithètes se dissimule un même jugement: il est probable que le mot barbare se réfère étymologiquement à la confusion et à l'inarticulation du chant des oiseaux, opposées à la valeur signifiante du langage humain; et sauvage, qui veut dire «de la forêt», évoque aussi un genre de vie animale, par opposition à la culture humaine.

Dans les deux cas, on Custom homework refuse d'admettre le fait même de la diversité culturelle; on technology préfère rejeter hors de la culture, dans la nature, tout ce qui ne se conforme pas à la norme sous laquelle on essay review university vit.(#133;) Cette attitude de pensée, au nom de laquelle on Computer rejette les «sauvages» (ou tous ceux qu'on choisit de considérer comme tels) hors de l'humanité est justement l'attitude la plus marquante et la plus distinctive de ces sauvages mêmes. Essays School. On sait, en effet, que la notion d'humanité, englobant, sans distinction de race ou de civilisation, toutes les formes de l'espèce humaine, est d'apparition fort tardive et d'expansion limitée. Assignment Assistance Technology. Là-même où elle semble avoir atteint son plus haut développement, il n'est nullement certain - l'histoire récente le prouve - qu'elle soit établie à l'abri des équivoques ou des régressions. How To Make About Yourself. Mais, pour de vastes fractions de l'espèce humaine et pendant des dizaines de millénaires, cette notion paraît être totalement absente. Computer Assignment Technology. L'humanité s'arrête aux frontières de la tribu, du groupe linguistique, parfois même du village; à tel point qu'un grand nombre de populations dites primitives se désignent d'un nom qui signifie les «hommes» (ou parfois - dirons-nous avec plus de discrétion - les «bons», les «excellents», les «complets»), impliquant ainsi que les autres tribus, groupes ou villages ne participent pas des vertus - ou même de la nature - humaines, mais sont tout au plus composés de «mauvais», de «méchants», de «singes de terre» ou «d'#156;ufs de pou». Paper Qualitative Study. On va souvent jusqu'à priver l'étranger de ce dernier degré de réalité en en faisant un «fantôme» ou une «apparition» «Posons donc que tout ce qui est universel, chez l'homme, relève de l'ordre de la nature et se caractérise par la spontanéité, que tout ce qui est astreint à une norme appartient à la culture et présente les attributs du relatif et du particulier. Assistance. Nous nous trouvons alors confrontés avec un fait, ou plutôt un ensemble de faits, qui n'est pas loin, à la lumière des définitions précédentes, d'apparaître comme un scandale : nous voulons dire cet ensemble complexe de croyances, de coutumes, de stipulations et d'institutions que l'on désigne sommairement sous le nom de prohibition de l'inceste.

Car la prohibition de l'inceste présente, sans la moindre équivoque, et indissolublement réunis, les deux caractères où nous avons reconnu les attributs contradictoires de deux ordres exclusifs: elle constitue une règle, mais une règle qui, seule entre toutes les règles sociales, possède en même temps un caractère d'universalité. How To Make About Yourself Hallucinate. Que la prohibition de l'inceste constitue une règle n'a guère besoin d'être démontré ; il suffira de rappeler que le mariage entre proches parents peut avoir un champ d'application variable selon la façon dont chaque groupe définit ce qu'il entend par proche parent ; mais que cette interdiction, sanctionnée par des pénalités sans doute variables, et pouvant aller de l'exécution immédiate des coupables à la réprobation diffuse, parfois seulement à la moquerie, est toujours présente dans n'importe quel groupe social.»

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mini extended essay If you are a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know I’m all about finding systems and structures to make challenging things less challenging. Or, to put it more simply, I like to do things the assistance technology easy way. To that end, I want to service show you how to make a few tweaks to your average extended essay and earn top marks for it. The following are some advanced techniques that many International Baccalaureate (IB) extended essay supervisors might forget to share. And many aren’t aware of them. Before reading this blog post, I suggest reading my post on getting started with your extended essay.

That article explains how to assignment assistance choose a good essay question, among other things. This article is about advanced techniques, the polish that can raise your grades (to a high B or an A). But if your foundation is off no amount of polishing is about, going to assignment assistance technology be enough. How To Paper Qualitative Study? So again, make sure you get off to a good start. By now your Extended Essay contains the assignment assistance technology best sources that you could get your hands on.

You’ve used them to analyze and draw conclusions. You’re satisfied with them. But you shouldn’t be. Even though you included the Pay for essays school best information you could find (and you don’t want to look lazy) you should be the one (rather than your Extended Essay grader) to point out the weaknesses in your research. Computer Assignment Assistance Technology? This defies common sense, but do it anyway. You might think this is rather like going to a job interview and pointing out why you’re a bad employee, but it’s not like that at all. Pointing out the weaknesses in your research shows that you know how to Pay for business improve next time (which impresses us) and it shows that you’re taking an academic approach (you are able to be objective) rather than a self-conscious approach.

Weaker students, students that haven’t put in my effort into Computer assistance, their work, won’t want to do this because they know there are tons of weaknesses in their research. But if you’ve done a reasonable amount of work, using primary and secondary sources, it only helps you to essay be critical. To help you with this, there is a great checklist you can use called Test Before You Trust (link here) to help you ask important questions about your sources (i.e. Assistance? Is the site free of advertising? Is the Pay for business site one-sided or balanced). You can use the assignment technology questions as prompts for ib your Extended Essay writing. For example, Question 14 asks, “Are sources given for statistics?” If you answer no, you can write in assistance your Extended Essay something like, “Article X was written in an academic way and it was available on a site that was free of advertising and therefore perhaps less likely to be biased.

However, the article did not provide the sources or raw data they used to calculate their statistics. So it is essay review, not possible to Computer assignment technology verify their accuracy.” See? 2) Dip your toe into some real academic stuff. Few high school students have ever used Google Scholar (their site for research, i.e. from Online paper service answers, university professors in your subject). Why? Because it can be boring. I’ll give you that. However, it is very, VERY impressive when high school students can read and understand and explain aspects of real academic articles. So try to find just one that relates to your Extended Essay, print it out, take a couple of hours with, Wikipedia, and Google and try to figure out what the article’s talking about.

And (intelligently) use a couple of quotes from assistance technology, it in your Extended Essay. It’s perhaps worth asking your parents or an older sibling to help you track down this article, because finding one that directly relates to your Extended Essay can be quite difficult (because you don’t yet know the meaning of Online writing all of the related key words). This might seem like a lot of work, but it sends a strong signal to your marker that you’re as serious as any university student. When you hear the word “proxy” you might think of Computer assistance VPN’s (Virtual Private Networks) that let you surf the web more freely. Proxy sources similarly allow you to essays business research a bit more freely. Let’s say your Extended Essay is about the launch of a new organic lettuce in Singapore. You’ve looked around and there isn’t any data about lettuce in Singapore at all.

In this case, an example of proxy research would be if you could find research on the sales of organic cucumbers . Assignment Assistance? You can simply point out that no info on lettuce was available, and that you’ve made an an essay assumption that the Computer assistance technology market for both items is similar. And then you can go on to make all kinds of insights into the market for lettuce, using the cucumber data. Proxies can be used (but rarely are actually used) in most Extended Essay’s. College Essay Review? Even if you were able to find a lot of data, there is probably a way to use a proxy to assignment strengthen your analysis. 4) Become an expert on the Extended Essay criteria. This one is self-explanatory. How To An Academic Paper Abstract Study? Just like on all of your exams, if you want to earn the top marks, you need to get into the head of the examiners. -What impresses them? -What are they actually giving marks for? -Is it possible you (and your supervisor) have overlooked (or misinterpreted) one of the criteria? -Could you tweak one of your sections (i.e. your conclusion) to make sure you’re going to get full marks for it? Talk to your friends and parents and teachers and your turtle about this.

In reality, different examiners are going to have slightly different interpretations of the criteria. So if you really want the grade be as safe as possible. Read the Computer assignment assistance criteria a few times, looking for key words that some examiners might focus on Online paper writing service answers and adjust your writing so it would satisfy any marker. Assistance? (That’s easy for me to say. Obviously, it’s not completely possible to anticipate all different interpretations. So just do a little of this and then go back to enjoying your life.) I’m about to recommend something shocking. Ready. “ You’re going to Custom homework have to read your extended essay. Computer Assignment? ” I’m sorry. Personal Statement Service Advisor? I know it’s really long. Every year I read Extended Essay’s that are just horrible. They make almost no sense.

They repeast themselves. Computer Assignment Assistance Technology? They bring tears to my eyes and not in writing answers a good way my friend. Assignment Technology? As you read your Extended Essay take a pen to it and mark it up like you were me. -Find grammar and spelling mistakes. -Cross out superfluous writing. Could you say the same thing in fewer words?

Yes. This is essay review university, always true of your writing. And for assignment mine. Start by How to an academic abstract deleting most of your introduction, for example. And then look for times when you say things you’ve already said before. -Look for times when you used sources (even when it’s not for Computer assignment assistance a quotation) but you haven’t cited it. Paper? -You know what I’m saying here. Mark it like your teacher would mark it. Don’t think that this is your teacher’s job to do this for you.

In this case it’s really not. We can’t give you line-by-line advice. Just general feedback. And even if you’re lucky enough to assistance have a teacher who will give you a lot of feedback, you’re wasting their time and yours. It’s much better to hand in a well-written, edited piece of work so your teacher can focus on helping you with the smart (rather than the silly) mistakes you’ve made. 6) Read two Extended Essays that are better than yours. Exemplar Extended Essays (ones from previous years) are a great resource. You’d be crazy to Custom writing not avail yourself of these. Look for assignment assistance anything they’ve done well that you could emulate. For example, have they structured their work in a clever way?

Does their conclusion tie together the mini-conclusions they’ve made throughout the essay? If you're doing your EE in business my videos will take you through all the advice I give my students. This course has been excellent and of so much help to Pay for me.” - Kanika V. (India) This saved my life. 10/10. -Harold L (Hong Kong) Thanks a ton! I have used this article to guide me for my last 2 IA's and when I was assigned my 3rd and final Econ IA, the Computer assistance technology first thing I did once I got my Econ article, was open this page.

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Dear Mr. Woods, your initiative is assistance, highly appreciated and needless to university say, the Computer assignment resources on this website are helping thousands of students tremendously. As for me, I thank you sincerely for your notes on make hallucinate IB Economics, the Extended Essay and for Theory of Knowledge. Assignment Assistance? Hats off! Nothing better than spreading wisdom! Congratulations! Everyone at my school in service Mexico uses your Structure for TOK essays. I've used it on all of mine and I've never gotten lower than an Computer technology A-. I just wanted to thank you for Custom writing being a lifesaver.

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11 Epic Life Lessons For My Kids From #8216;The Sandlot#8217; Image via 20th Century Fox. “You#8217;re killing me, Smalls!” What I wouldn#8217;t give for our world today to technology, be as innocent and essay review university, pure as it was in The Sandlot . It#8217;s a perfect slice of 1960s Americana, when neighborhood kids rode their bikes to Computer assignment, the pool, had treehouse sleepovers and played baseball all summer simply for the love of the game. I would love to live in How to make an essay about hallucinate a time when I could feel completely at Computer assistance, ease if my son poked his head inside the screen door to yell, “I#8217;m going to play ball, Mom!” and not worry about him until dark. We introduced The Sandlot to Online, our sons recently, and they really loved it. It held their attention the entire time, and they have asked to see it again and Computer assignment technology, again. I keep saying yes. I won#8217;t bore them with all of the life lessons that can be gleaned from watching it, but I hope these epic lessons from the paper movie are soaking in: 1. Show up and try. After quick eye contact and assignment, a polite nod from neighbor Benny Rodriguez, self-described “egghead” Scotty Smalls takes a leap of faith and grabs his plastic toy mitt to join the other neighborhood boys in a baseball game at the sandlot. He had never played before, so it took tremendous courage for him to take a chance and show up anyway. How To Make An Essay About. 2. Invite the new kid to Computer assignment assistance technology, play. How To An Academic Abstract Qualitative Study. Smalls ran away when the other kids made fun of his baseball skills.

Benny came to his house the next day and invited him to come back and play with them. “If it wasn#8217;t for Benny, I never would have made a single friend that summer, ” is a line from Smalls that really stands out to me. It can be a relief to new people to be invited along or included, and they will remember your kindness forever. 3. Don#8217;t overthink it and keep trying. Benny told Smalls he was thinking too much and that was why he couldn#8217;t catch or throw. He kept at it and was quickly accepted as a peer player by Computer assignment the other guys on the team after he relaxed and paper qualitative study, made a great catch. Keep trying! Even if you start out as an L-7 weenie. 4. Believe you are worthy of a dream mate. Oh, Squints, you large-spectacled, toothy lovestruck kid.

I would never condone a fake drowning to get the attention of the lifeguard woman of technology your dreams, but in the long run it did work. He was much too young for her at the time, but he believed and write abstract, dreamed it was possible. He grew up later on and pursued it and did marry the lotioning and assistance, oiling Wendy Peffercorn. 5. Go above and beyond for your friends. These boys worked tirelessly to try and How to make about hallucinate, save Smalls#8217;s hide when he confessed about taking the baseball “signed by assignment assistance technology that lady Baby Ruth” from his stepdad#8217;s trophy room. They fought valiantly to get the ball back from the How to make an essay about yourself neighbor#8217;s yard without having to provoke The Beast on technology the other side of the fence.

That#8217;s true friendship. 6. Use your imagination. Kids often have limited resources, but in the movie they came up with a bevy of homemade baseball-fetching devices and worked together with things like cereal-box periscopes and broom handles and saucepans taped together to retrieve it. They also rigged vacuum cleaners to try to suction the ball from the yard. It showed great teamwork and communication, regardless of editing service advisor how Ham pronounces “mallow.” 7. Assignment Assistance Technology. Chaw makes you sick on fair rides. Custom Homework Writing. I#8217;ve gotta say, I was really grateful for this illustration.

Taking a big wad of Computer assignment technology chaw before getting on a big whirly fair ride makes you throw up. Paper Writing Service. I hope that translates simply into “chaw makes you throw up” to my kids#8217; memories. Done. Sorry, Big Chief! 8. Confront your fears. Sometimes it takes a little push, like a dream from your hero Babe Ruth, to get you out of assignment assistance your comfort zone. Editing Service. But you should face what you#8217;re afraid of, or at Computer assignment assistance technology, least try to outrun it. Benny was determined to get that ball back with his pumped up kicks, and if he hadn#8217;t, the boys never would have seen The Beast for College essay review, what he really was: a T-Rex-sized lap dog. 9. Things aren#8217;t always what they seem. “So you#8217;re the ones making all that racket?” The boys fearfully approached their neighbor to return his escaped dog and assistance, tell him they knocked down his fence.

They assumed they would be chopped to bits, but instead, they gained a new friend that loved baseball as much as they did and found out How to write an academic paper abstract qualitative study, all they had to assistance technology, do was knock on his door to get the ball back. An Academic Abstract Qualitative Study. 10. Own up to your mistakes. Smalls confessed to his dad about the ball from the trophy room. He did get in assistance technology trouble for it, but his honesty scored a lot of Personal advisor points with his dad, as did the replacement ball signed by Murderers#8217; Row—a gift from their new friend with a slamming baseball collection and Computer assignment assistance, baseball career to support it. Custom Writing Ib. All in Computer assistance technology all, honesty was the right decision, as it always is. 11.

You have to leave the house to Pay for essays, make friends. Does it get any better than Smalls#8217;s mom pushing him to get out and make friends and get into a little trouble? If she were content with him just staying in his room all summer being good and building robots, he would likely never had taken that plastic mitt to the field in the first place. That#8217;s a lesson for us all, kids and parents. Why I Think I#8217;d Be OK With The #8216;Before#8217; The Name Dame Uncovers How Weird Names Are Becoming The New Normal. Mom’s Honest Instagram Post Reminds Us To Embrace The Chaos Of Parenting. Model Proudly Shares Photo Of Her Cellulite Because Hello, Everyone Has It. We Need To Remember That Our Kids Are Not Mini Adults. You Can Stop Caring If Your Kids Are Popular Because It Doesn#8217;t Matter. Keep Your Sick Kids Home Before You Kill Somebody.

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cognos 8 4 resume Atlanta, GA 30338. Accomplished Senior IT professional with a background in business intelligence, reporting systems, data quality (including ETL), software design and full life-cycle development. Capable of Computer assignment technology managing numerous projects while leading cross-functional teams to meet and exceed overall IT initiatives. How To Abstract Qualitative. Demonstrated consultative process skills with emphasis on technical, written, and relationship development. Business Objects Enterprise ETL (Data Services -- BODI / BODS, SSIS) Reporting (Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, Crystal Reports) Highlights of skills: Business Intelligence Data Warehousing Process Improvement Team Leadership Effectiveness.

Strategic Planning Analysis Reporting Systems Architecture Process Implementation Software Design Development. Business Objects 4, XI r3, r2, r1, 6.5, …; WebIntelligence 4, XI, 6.5, …; UDT/IDT; Data Integrator 6; Data Services 4, XI 3.2, 4; DQM; SAP HANA; SSIS; Ab Initio; BEx Query Designer; PowerDesigner; Sagent; BrioQuery; Cognos; Genio; Erwin; Crystal Reports 2011, XI, 8.5; Xcelsius 2008; Lumira; IIS; Visio. Basic 6; PL/SQL; SQL; Transact-SQL (T-SQL); ASP; JavaScript; VBScript; HTML; DHTML; Ajax; JQuery; CSS; JSON; XML; XSLT; eBay, Indeed, YQL, Google APIs; SAS; Cobol. SQL Server 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000, 7.0, 6.5; Oracle 11g, 10g, 9i, 8, 7; Teradata; Neteeza; SAP HANA; Hyperion Essbase; MySQL; MS Access; UDB; DB2; Sybase; Filemaker. SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Salesforce; Oracle ERP. MM, MDM, FICO, PI, PUR, COPA, CAPEX, MFG, SD, PP, QM, PM, MRP, UOM, WM, HCM, SCM, VM. Windows Server 2012/2008/2003/7/Vista/XP/2000/NT/98/95/NT; Unix/Linux; Mac OS; Mainframe. OLTP, OLAP, ODBC, ADO, RDO, OLE DB, SOAP, SSL, SAP Bank Analyzer, Forecasting, Trend Analysis, Star and Snowflake Schemas, Executive Dashboards, CDC (change data capture), 3-Tier Programming, TCP / IP, FTP, HTTP, ISO, LDAP, SSO, RPC.

Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Inmon, Kimball, object oriented programming (OOD), rapid application development (RAD), Accelerated SAP (ASAP). Consumer Products, Banking, Lumber, Legal, Logistics, Health Care, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Dept. of Defense, Energy, Electric, Automotive, Government, Politics, Insurance, Data Quality, Telecommunications, Building Materials, Financial Services, Commodities, Fleet Management, Furniture, Food Beverages, Mining, Coal, Debit Credit Cards, Pet Food, Animal Feed, Incentives, Marketing, Education. Teradata Certified Professional, Teradata Certified SQL Specialist. Development of BODS objects supporting multiple change data capture styles that include thousands of mappings and over Computer seventy SAP DSO destinations. All information sourced from and writing to SAP HANA.

Created BODS specific portions of mapping documents, including CDC information. Design (modeling) and construction of SAP HANA tables, functions, procedures, and views using a combination of Data Services, PowerDesigner, and HANA Studio. Performed modeling with HANA, using attribute, analytic, and write an academic abstract qualitative study, calculation views. Migration of Computer technology information from multiple source systems (out of Online service answers SAP HANA) into SAP Bank Analyzer, with various data profiling and quality checks and use of a composite table to ease maintenance/LI Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SAP HANA, SAP Bank Analyzer, DB2, PowerDesigner, Windows 7. Creation of executive dashboard illustrating volumes, imbalances, accounting details, and customer information related to acquisition. Improvement of existing dashboards – organization and bug fixes. Ensured data accuracy and assignment technology, providing of most important and review kean university, up to date details by meeting with business analysts and management in multiple locales. Computer. Developed several multi-source IDT universes referencing relational databases, containing derived tables. Provided key and timely details in user-friendly dashboard to help management make informed decisions. Conversion of Personal statement editing service existing dashboards from Computer assignment Xcelsius to How to make about yourself Lumira, for comparison purposes.

Environment: Xcelsius 4.1, SAP Lumira, IDT, MS Access 2012, SQL Server 2012, Windows 7. Successful and Computer, rapid conversion of multiple Ab Initio processes to Data Services, implementing methodologies to increase maintainability, including simplification, logging, and inline documentation. Data analysis, modeling, and How to write study, profiling using SQL Server and assignment assistance technology, Data Services, to provide new and improved structures and aid in data quality checks related to conversion efforts. Cost savings through replacement of scheduler with scripting involving file watcher loops and, or database flag checks, moving files to staging and production folders, and emailing of Online paper results, including attachments. Executed technical leadership on the use of the Computer assignment assistance technology, technology platform and tools, mentoring in optimal use of BODS in a SQL Server, SAP, and Unix environment. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, SAP, Ab Initio, Acorn, Windows 7, Unix. Created and optimized executive summary and several linked dashboards, including hierarchical selectors, flash variables, and dynamic sales and marketing information based on How to paper qualitative study, live SAP BPC data. Built Crystal Reports detail reports connected to BI services pointed at Web Intelligence blocks containing BEx query details. Reports launched by and received prompts from Xcelsius dashboard.

Acted as go-to for the team for technical concerns and idea development. Significant contributions to dashboard and ETL architecture and assignment, design, including best practices. Constructed reusable templates to speed batch and real-time ETL development in BODS and provide auditing functionality. Led training sessions explaining usage of templates and gathering ideas for improvement. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Dashboard Designer (Xcelsius), Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT, IDT), Crystal Reports 4, SQL Server 2008, Neteeza, XML, Windows 7. Provided administrative assistance, including fixing of scheduling errors, performance tuning, permissions management, and migrating jobs between systems. Creation of new repositories and configuration of existing ones. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Oracle, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7. Constructed website to create, update, and delete batches of listings to eBay through XML using the College essay kean, eBay API and process related responses.

Added code to Computer assistance technology send and process listing status checks to eBay. Created code to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information used in website. Developed code in writing website, stored procedures, and functions that wrote results to SQL Server database. Scheduled listing creation (based on database contents) and assignment assistance, status checking. Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, JQuery, XML, JSON, eBay API, SQL Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7.

Converted data conversion processes from BW to ECC sources, using Data Services integrated with SAP. Created reporting system, including data model and dictionary, ETL, and WebI reports, based off SAP ECC material master information. Involved frequent discussions with offshore team members and business analysts. Statement Editing Service. Troubleshooting of reporting, universe, and ETL issues with onshore and Computer assignment assistance, offshore engineers. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT), Oracle, SAP BW and ECC, Windows 7. Acted as systems/software engineer for system architecture planning, technical design, software development and editing service, test, and software, hardware, and interface integration.

Installation and configuration of Business Objects Enterprise and Data Services, including Data Quality. Creation, improvement, and documentation of HR reports and related universe, including standardization and applying best practices. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2, SQL Server 2008; Win Server 2008. Engineered conversion projects, using a self-designed standardized process, for migrating information between SAP 4.7 and Computer assistance, 6.0. Paper Abstract Qualitative Study. Converted information from SAP modules, including manufacturing, material master, basic data, fico, general plant, mdm, mrp, purchasing, qm, sales data, units of assistance measure, warehouse mgmt, and work scheduling.

Built and implemented validation projects to ensure quality data migration. Service. Frequent daily interaction with SAP functional analysts and business to review requirements and results. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Oracle 9i; SQL Server 2008; SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Win XP. Converted and enhanced Cognos into technology, WebI, Crystal, and Xcelsius reports with SAP data (HCM and SCM). Mapping of reporting requirements from business terms into SAP objects. Online Paper Writing Answers. Creation and maintenance of OLAP universes sourced from BEx queries. Writing and editing of SAP BEx queries using Query Designer. Writing of assignment assistance test scripts for accuracy, formatting, and performance.

Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SAP ECC 4.7 – HCM, SCM, SD; SQL Server 2008; Win XP. Guided and played key role in design document production, including ETL field mappings for 500+ fields in four systems (2000+ fields total), data dictionary, universe and report documents, and DDL scripts. Constructed universe and related star schema database, with focus on user-friendly configuration of classes and business school, objects. Universe automatically updated with self-created automation tool. Led report development effort, including creation of many Web Intelligence reports. Designed and implemented Business Objects architecture, including hardware and assignment assistance technology, software requirements, CMS information, security, and migration from XIr2 to XIr3. Championed standardization of field mappings, data dictionary, and universe and report documents.

Coordinated offshore ETL efforts, including meetings and answering of daily questions. Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Designer SDK; Crystal Enterprise SDK, Win XP. Designed, created, implemented, and tested dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs for multiple projects. Troubleshooting and performance tuning which reduced several jobs from several hours to less than one. Full lifecycle project focusing on surveys, including Data Services and Designer (universe) components. Migrated dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs between repositories. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Windows Server 2008, Windows XP. Created and ran ETL jobs to load and manipulate Material Master and Vendor SAP information. Online Paper Service. Generated, put into successful production, and trained others in data validation / testing tool, using Data Services and SQL Server procedures and functions.

Administration and assignment assistance, configuration of multiple datastores and servers. Upgrade of First Logic / Data Quality to How to an academic paper qualitative study Data Services, with data and Computer assignment assistance technology, multiple country address cleansing. Developed, published, and scheduled batch and real-time jobs. An Academic Abstract Study. Produced contact duplicate checking ETL project, including match transforms and adjustable parameters. Constructed dashboards to review data validation results. Environment: Data Services XI r3.1, 3.2; SQL Server 2005; SAP (extracts); Xcelsius 2008; Windows XP. Directed and coordinated organizational strategies of employees responsible for conceptualizing, designing, constructing, testing and Computer assistance technology, implementing business and technical solutions for telecommunications data. Homework Writing. Partnered with software and assignment assistance technology, architectural teams to plan and Pay for essays business school, build out new systems, understand scalability and constraints of software, and manage disaster recovery and business continuity planning.

Acted as key developer, leading a team of four (mostly remote) developers in the creation of Webi reports, universes, and assignment assistance technology, Xcelsius dashboards consisting of proprietary telecommunications information. Personal. Implemented ETL related to numerous systems, including creating and manipulating tables with raw SQL/SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and conversion of SAS into packages and SQL. Guided and developed the Business Objects teams, including providing hiring recommendations, training, mentoring and monitoring staff performance to effectively adhere to assistance company’s “best practice” initiatives. Environment: Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Designer, CMS, Admin); Crystal Reports XI; Crystal Xcelsius 2008; SQL Server 2005; Teradata; SSIS; Netezza; SAS; Aqua Data Studio; Windows XP. Responsible for creating Business Objects universes and Personal, reports to provide information on clinical trials.

Successfully migrated universes and reports from development to test to production. Created Oracle functions and assignment assistance, stored procedures to supply comma-delimited lists and How to an academic qualitative study, date information. Created functional and technical documentation for all reports and universes, outlining processes to create an easily readable roadmap of all procedures for end users. Environment: BusinessObjects XI r2; Oracle 9i; ARISg; Windows XP. Led efforts in the successful extraction and Computer, transformation of How to write paper qualitative information from Excel to Computer assistance SQL Server database, designing a database geared towards OLAP reporting and paper writing service answers, later Essbase loading. Created over two thousand transformations to Computer assignment assistance alter information extracted from Excel. How To About. Developed ETL program using VB with features for types of processes to display and run, status lists, storing metrics, HTML help, and options to skip process with errors to convert text values to zero’s. Environment: SQL Server 2005; Visual Basic 6; Hyperion Essbase; Microsoft Excel 2003; OLAP; Windows XP. Responsible for gathering customer requirements, architecting prototypical solutions, acquiring customer acceptance, and managing software processes from initial design to final implementation and deployment. Primarily responsible for migrating Sybase, Business Objects (6.x), and Oracle Sagent data warehouses to Computer assignment assistance provide commodities-related financial information to client and internal business users.

Key Projects: Migrated three reporting systems to Custom Business Objects XI and assignment assistance, Crystal Reports XI, with Oracle 9i. College Essay Review. Administration using Central Management Console to schedule reports, configure user and group security, and Computer assistance technology, manage categories, folders, universes, and licensing. Created and How to write an academic paper abstract qualitative study, tested reports and universes with information about commodities, futures, and options. Computer Technology. Installed, tested, and maintained Business Objects XI (including Crystal) client and Pay for business, server software. Environment: Oracle 9i; Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Crystal Reports, Performance Management, SDK); Sagent; Visual Basic 6; Scripting (VB, Java, batch); ASP; HTML; XML; CSS; SDLC; Cisco VPN; Windows XP. IT Consultant 1995 to 2006. Key Clients: LeasePlan, Lockheed Martin, WPAFB (Air Force), Haworth, HPFS, ATT, Travelers, CIT, Cigna, Anheuser-Busch, Peabody Group, MasterCard, Ralston Purina, Maritz, Davis Interactive Client:nbspnbsp LeasePlan -nbspAtlanta, GA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2005 to 2006) Created a Business Objects data warehouse to provide leasing information to 100 key clients. Designed and rolled out an innovative reporting system using Webi, including linked reports. Created conversion utility supporting improved (Excel) and Computer assignment assistance technology, unavailable formats (Word and HTML).

Client:nbspnbsp Lockheed Martin (US Navy) -nbspNew Orleans, LA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2004 to 2005) Gained acceptance of a conversion of an Access reporting system into Business Objects. Developed, documented, and performance tuned thirteen reports and Pay for, associated universes. Assignment Assistance Technology. Conducted qualitative and Custom, quantitative analysis to define project scopes and technical criteria. Created many Data Integrator jobs, workflows, and dataflows supplying source data for assignment assistance technology, systems. Personal Statement Service. Collaborated with key internal and external decision makers to recommend process enhancements, including creation of conversion utility for perfecting Word and Computer assistance technology, Excel files from Excel exports. Recipient of the “Lockheed Martin Outstanding Performer” Award (2004). Client:nbspnbsp WPAFB (US Air Force) -nbspDayton, OH,nbsp Business Objects Technical Support Analyst (2005 to Pay for essays 2006) Provided expert analysis and assistance for Computer assistance, the Air Force Knowledge System application, supporting over 450 tickets arising from over 300 users. Tested and troubleshot WIS and INF errors, training, and network, database and universe issues. Troubleshot invalid data resulting from universe and database problems. Client:nbspnbsp Haworth -nbspHolland, MI,nbsp Data Integrator Developer (2005 to 2006) Gathered specifications and developed, tested, and rolled out transformations and an essay about yourself hallucinate, universes for AP, PO, and FA segments of Oracle Financials using Business Objects Data Integrator and Designer. Computer Assistance Technology. Client:nbspnbsp HPFS -nbspMurray Hill, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Served as financial reporting analyst, balancing data related to an essay hallucinate a conversion of assignment assistance a loan system.

Provided support to users for report requests and maintenance, creating and How to write an academic qualitative study, testing 30 reports. Analyzed, documented, and implemented recommendations for SQL Server DTS scripts. Assistance Technology. Client:nbspnbsp ATampT -nbspBedminster, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Reporting analyst/administrator for a data warehousing project targeted to analyze and improve call center performance and processes. Responded to statement editing daily maintenance requests, streamlining processes through the installation, administration and configuration of assignment Business Objects, including Publisher. Pay For School. Client:nbspnbsp Travelers -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Business Analyst (2002 to 2003) Main point of contact in a Focus mainframe, SAS to client-server (Business Objects, Crystal Reports) migration and conversion of the Annuity Reporting System. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop 42 reports including prototype creation, testing, documentation, performance tuning, and requirements gathering and design. Conducted in-depth data analysis including data dictionary, physical data model, entity relationship diagrams, and PL/SQL queries for balancing and reviewing integrity of data. Client:nbspnbsp CIT Group -nbspLivingston, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2002) Served as lead financial reporting analyst in a Citation mainframe to client-server (ALS) Business Objects implementation of a data warehouse (Oracle, Sybase) for Computer assignment, leasing.

Partnered with end-users and key internal decision makers on How to yourself hallucinate, requirements gathering. Full life-cycle development and performance tuning of 54 flawless reports using Business Objects Reporter, Designer, Supervisor, and assignment assistance, Broadcast Agent. Trained, mentored and monitored new and existing developers, instilling “best practices” to adhere to internal protocols and procedures. College Essay Kean University. Client:nbspnbsp Cigna -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Data Warehousing Consultant - Genio / Brio (2001 to 2002) Responsible for the enhancement and maintenance of assignment assistance a customized Brio data warehouse reporting application for How to make an essay yourself, investment data, including transforming source data (Genio). Gathered scopes and specifications to test and provide daily support of Brio and Genio. Taught end users on the capabilities, enhancements, and limitations of Brio.

Client:nbspnbsp Anheuser-Busch, Inc. -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Senior Business Objects Developer (1999 to 2001) Implemented full lifecycle design of Computer assistance technology a 60 report data warehouse for pricing and promotions, that aided retailer sales tracking and Custom homework, marketing applications. Administered Business Objects repository, security, setup, universes, and assistance technology, report scheduling, including an upgrade from How to make an essay hallucinate version 4 to Computer assignment assistance 5. School. Constructed automated universe and Computer assignment, report documentation with Business Objects SDK. Write Abstract Qualitative Study. Participated in Oracle ETL (transformation) related efforts, including creation of Computer assistance PL/SQL functions, packages, stored procedures, views, tables, indexes, explain plans, and types. Client:nbspnbsp Peabody Group -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Business Objects Developer (1999) Production included report creation, design, and prototyping security, universe maintenance and origination, data definition and statement editing, manipulation, testing and Computer, layout. Client:nbspnbsp MasterCard -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1998 to 1999) Accountable for the conception of financial reporting system and associated graphical user interface, generating financial reports using Crystal Reports, VB, and Oracle.

Client:nbspnbsp Davis Interactive (Interchange Technologies) -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1995 to Personal service advisor 1999) Responsible for design and support of assignment assistance technology multimedia projects with Macromedia Director and writing service, VB. Created graphical user interfaces and database engines to interact with databases and kiosks. Assembled software for reusable client incentive system (CIMS for Windows). Computer Assignment Technology. Performed database administration, including backups, scheduling tasks, and How to paper abstract qualitative study, setting up users and Computer technology, groups. Designed, developed, and tested reports and paper study, associated interface using Visual Basic and Crystal Reports. Produced reusable Visual Basic tools, including batch form dynamic link library, report executable creator, system administration form creator, data source creator, and SQL Server administrative software. Environment: Visual Basic 6; Crystal Reports; SQL Server 6.5; Filemaker; Windows NT. B.S. Accounting; Minor: Business Management, December 1996. Recipient of technology Academic Scholarship.

Tutor: General Statistics, 1995-97. Teradata Certified Professional; Teradata Certified SQL Specialist.

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