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A Relationship Between Bipolar Disorder and Childhood Sexual Abuse. Each of these actions may seem completely farfetched to accounting homework help, the average person; however, actions similar to these are a reality for nearly 5. How To Write Introduction! 8 million adults in the United States that suffer from an illness called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, historically referred to accounting homework, as manic depressive illness, is an paper pregnancy, umbrella term used to describe cyclic, recurrent, polarizing mood disturbances that range from euphoria, elation, and mania at one pole to Cheap accounting homework help, irritability, dysphoria, and depression at Cheap essay writers the other. We will write a custom essay sample. on Cheap accounting, A Relationship Between Bipolar Disorder and Childhood Sexual Abuse or any similar. topic specifically for you. This is the case of our client Marya. She suffers from Bipolar 1 which is the worst level of Bipolar disorder. Essays On Abortion Talk! As a class assignment we were assign Madness: a bipolar life written by our client Marya, who has been diagnosed with this debilitating disease as an adult after many misdiagnoses. The focus of this paper will be to understand whether our client Marya was sexually abused as a child.

I will be taking the stand of homework help, her not being sexually abused as a child and that her symptoms can be explained by her bipolar disorder. In researching the topic of childhood sexual abused in relation to bipolar disorder there is Cell phone not enough evidence to support the idea that a child that suffered from sexual abuse will developed bipolar later in life. Accounting Homework Help! The symptoms of our client Marya are strictly symptoms of her bipolar 1 disorder. Some symptoms of bipolar 1 include: flying suddenly from one idea to the next, rapid pressured and loud speech, increased energy with hyperactivity, a decreased need for sleep, inflated self-image, excessive spending, hyper sexuality and substance abuse. According to an article written by David Finkelhor sexual abuse can be defined as sexual contact with a child that occurs under one of three conditions: When a large age or maturational difference exists between the partners, when the partner is in a position of Thesis paper teenage pregnancy, authority over or in a care-taking relationship with the accounting homework, child or when the acts are carried out against the child by using violence or trickery. In reading Madness: a bipolar story I did not get the impression that our clientMarya had been sexually abused as child. Page 2 A Relationship Between Bipolar Disorder and Childhood Sexual Abuse Essay. I did not perceived that any adult had taken advantage of her, sexually or of Thesis statement paper teenage pregnancy, any other form. While sexual abuse can be hard to detect, especially in children because the abuse often occurs in accounting homework secrecy and there is not always anyphysical evidence of the abuse, some child sexual abuse survivors may show symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

They may behave in a nervous, upset way and may have nightmares. Another symptom many be reenactment of the writers uk law, abuse in their play time. They mmay show fear and Cheap accounting, constant worry. Young children may lose skills they once learned and act younger than they are. For example, an for research paper on poverty, abused child might start wetting the bed or sucking their thumb. Cheap Accounting! Some sexual abuse survivors show out-of-place sexual behaviors that are not expected in a child. They may act seductive or they may not maintain safe limits with others. In reading Madness, our client Marya did not displayed any of the above mention symptoms.

As a result of a study from Thesis statement paper teenage The British Journal of Psychiatry named Impact of childhood abuse on the clinical course of Cheap, bipolar disorder. The study was conducted with a sample of How to essay, a 100 patients at an academic specialty centre for the treatment of bipolar disorder. The research found that a history of severe childhood abuse is to be found in approximately half of adults with bipolar disorder with multiple forms of having occurred in about a third. Distinct negative impacts on clinical outcome were associated with childhood physical, sexual or emotional abuse histories, with evidence suggesting more extensive suicidality, rapid cycling and possibly comorbid substance misuse associated with multiple forms of childhood abuse. This study helped me come to the conclusion that Marya was not sexually abuse as a child. In my opinion since the study suggest that only half of the 100 people showed symptoms of severe childhood and sexual abuse was included within this half it is not enough evidence to accounting homework help, conclude that our client Marya has been sexually abused.

While child sexual abuse survivors may show symptoms of PTSD as well as symptoms that may include anxiety, low self esteem, difficulty setting safe limits with others and relationship problems. Survivors may have bad dreams. They may act out aspects of the abuse in their play. They might show other fears and worries. Young children may lose skills they once learned and act younger than they are. For example, an English, abused child might start wetting the bed or sucking his or her thumb. Some sexual abuse survivors show out-of-place sexual behaviors that are not expected in a child. Sexual abuse can be very confusing for children.

For a child, it often involves being used or hurt by a trusted adult. The child might learn that the accounting homework, only way to get attention or love is to give something sexual or give up their self-respect. Some children believe the abuse is essay their fault somehow. They may think the abuser chose them because they must have wanted it or because there is something wrong with them. Marya had childhood that in my opinion was different than most children, like for an example when at the age of four she described that she could not fall asleep due to accounting, a goat being in her room. While going thru these emotions can be difficult, I don’t think it suggest that she was sexually abused. Marya family from Nursing proposal conclusion her father side appeared to have a history of Cheap accounting, mental illness which leads me to the understanding that her bipolar is hereditary. Nursing Dissertation Conclusion! And that her symptoms manifest as a result of accounting homework help, her illness and Philosophy on abortion talk, not as victim of Cheap homework, child sexual abuse. I took the stand of our client Mary not being sexually abused as child, it is important to understand the study of bipolar disorder because it is How to a college essay more common than most people think. Many people often joke with friends and family about the Cheap homework help, possibility of having this disorder but it is an How to introduction, illness that should not be overlooked or ignored.

Many adolescents find themselves happy one day and Cheap accounting help, angry the next. This common change of emotion is a characteristic of bipolar disorder, leading to the drastic fluctuation of emotions. After observing how serious bipolar disorder is and paper piecing von claudia, the negative effects it can have one’s life and the lives of Cheap homework help, those around them, hopefully others will understand the complexity of this devastating sickness. References Garno, Jessica L. , Joseph F. Goldberg, Paul Michael Ramirez, and Barry A. Ritzler . #8220;Impact of childhood abuse on the clinical course of bipolar disorder. #8221; (2005): n. page. Web.

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How to Write a Great Business Plan. Every seasoned investor knows that detailed financial projections for a new company are an Cheap accounting homework act of imagination. Nevertheless, most business plans pour far too much ink on the numbers–and far too little on the information that really matters. Why? William Sahlman suggests that a great business plan is one that focuses on a series of questions. These questions relate to the four factors critical to the success of every new venture: the Nursing dissertation proposal, people, the opportunity, the context, and the possibilities for both risk and reward. The questions about people revolve around three issues: What do they know? Whom do they know? and How well are they known? As for opportunity, the plan should focus on Cheap help two questions: Is the Philosophy essays on abortion talk, market for Cheap, the venture’s product or service large or rapidly growing (or preferably both)? and Is the industry structurally attractive? Then, in addition to schmidt, demonstrating an understanding of the context in which their venture will operate, entrepreneurs should make clear how they will respond when that context inevitably changes.

Finally, the plan should look unflinchingly at accounting homework help, the risks the new venture faces, giving would-be backers a realistic idea of what magnitude of reward they can expect and proposal conclusion when they can expect it. A great business plan is not easy to accounting help, compose, Sahlman acknowledges, largely because most entrepreneurs are wild-eyed optimists. But one that asks the right questions is a powerful tool. A better deal, not to mention a better shot at success, awaits entrepreneurs who use it. Few areas of business attract as much attention as new ventures, and How to write a college few aspects of new-venture creation attract as much attention as the business plan. Countless books and articles in the popular press dissect the topic. A growing number of annual business-plan contests are springing up across the United States and, increasingly, in Cheap help, other countries. Both graduate and undergraduate schools devote entire courses to the subject. Indeed, judging by all the hoopla surrounding business plans, you would think that the only things standing between a would-be entrepreneur and spectacular success are glossy five-color charts, a bundle of meticulous-looking spreadsheets, and a decade of month-by-month financial projections. Nothing could be further from the a college, truth. In my experience with hundreds of entrepreneurial startups, business plans rank no higher than 2—on a scale from 1 to 10—as a predictor of a new venture’s success.

And sometimes, in fact, the more elaborately crafted the Cheap accounting homework help, document, the Thesis paper on poverty pregnancy, more likely the venture is to, well, flop, for lack of Cheap help, a more euphemistic word. What’s wrong with most business plans? The answer is relatively straightforward. Most waste too much ink on numbers and devote too little to the information that really matters to Cheap uk law, intelligent investors. As every seasoned investor knows, financial projections for a new company—especially detailed, month-by-month projections that stretch out for more than a year—are an act of imagination. Cheap Help! An entrepreneurial venture faces far too many unknowns to predict revenues, let alone profits. Moreover, few if any entrepreneurs correctly anticipate how much capital and time will be required to accomplish their objectives.

Typically, they are wildly optimistic, padding their projections. Investors know about the Cell phone, padding effect and therefore discount the figures in business plans. These maneuvers create a vicious circle of inaccuracy that benefits no one. Don’t misunderstand me: business plans should include some numbers. But those numbers should appear mainly in the form of homework help, a business model that shows the phone law essay, entrepreneurial team has thought through the key drivers of the venture’s success or failure. In manufacturing, such a driver might be the Cheap accounting homework, yield on a production process; in magazine publishing, the anticipated renewal rate; or in software, the Philosophy, impact of using various distribution channels.

The model should also address the break-even issue: At what level of Cheap accounting help, sales does the business begin to make a profit? And even more important, When does cash flow turn positive? Without a doubt, these questions deserve a few pages in any business plan. Near the back. What goes at the front? What information does a good business plan contain?

If you want to speak the language of Nursing, investors—and also make sure you have asked yourself the help, right questions before setting out on How to essay the most daunting journey of a businessperson’s career—I recommend basing your business plan on the framework that follows. It does not provide the Cheap accounting help, kind of “winning” formula touted by some current how-to books and software programs for entrepreneurs. Nor is it a guide to Cheap essay writers, brain surgery. Rather, the framework systematically assesses the Cheap accounting homework help, four interdependent factors critical to every new venture: The People. Nursing Dissertation! The men and women starting and running the Cheap accounting homework help, venture, as well as the von claudia schmidt, outside parties providing key services or important resources for it, such as its lawyers, accountants, and suppliers.

The Opportunity. A profile of the business itself—what it will sell and to whom, whether the Cheap help, business can grow and how fast, what its economics are, who and essays talk what stand in the way of success. The Context. Cheap Accounting Homework Help! The big picture—the regulatory environment, interest rates, demographic trends, inflation, and the like—basically, factors that inevitably change but cannot be controlled by the entrepreneur. Risk and Reward. An assessment of everything that can go wrong and right, and a discussion of how the entrepreneurial team can respond. Business Plans: For Entrepreneurs Only? The accompanying article talks mainly about essays on abortion business plans in homework, a familiar context, as a tool for entrepreneurs. But quite often, start-ups are launched within established companies. Do those new ventures require business plans? And if they do, should they be different from the plans entrepreneurs put together?

The answer to the first question is an emphatic yes; the answer to the second, an equally emphatic no. All new ventures—whether they are funded by venture capitalists or, as is the English piecing von claudia, case with intrapreneurial businesses, by Cheap accounting help shareholders—need to piecing, pass the same acid tests. After all, the marketplace does not differentiate between products or services based on who is pouring money into them behind the scenes. The fact is, intrapreneurial ventures need every bit as much analysis as entrepreneurial ones do, yet they rarely receive it. Instead, inside big companies, new businesses get proposed in the form of capital-budgeting requests. Cheap! These faceless documents are subject to detailed financial scrutiny and a consensus-building process, as the project wends its way through the chain of command, what I call the “neutron bomb” model of project governance. However, in the history of such proposals, a plan never has been submitted that did not promise returns in excess of corporate hurdle rates.

It is only after the new business is launched that these numbers explode at the organization’s front door. That problem could be avoided in large part if intrapreneurial ventures followed the guidelines set out in the accompanying article. Thesis For Research Paper Teenage! For instance, business plans for such a venture should begin with the résumés of Cheap homework, all the Cell phone, people involved. What has the team done in the past that would suggest it would be successful in the future, and so on? In addition, the new venture’s product or service should be fully analyzed in terms of Cheap accounting homework, its opportunity and context. How To Essay Introduction! Going through the process forces a kind of discipline that identifies weaknesses and strengths early on and helps managers address both. It also helps enormously if such discipline continues after the intrapreneurial venture lifts off. Cheap Accounting Help! When professional venture capitalists invest in paper von claudia schmidt, new companies, they track performance as a matter of course. But in large companies, scrutiny of a new venture is often inconsistent. That shouldn’t or needn’t be the case. A business plan helps managers ask such questions as: How is the new venture doing relative to projections?

What decisions has the team made in response to new information? Have changes in accounting help, the context made additional funding necessary? How could the team have predicted those changes? Such questions not only keep a new venture running smoothly but also help an Cell phone organization learn from its mistakes and Cheap help triumphs. Many successful companies have been built with the How to essay, help of venture capitalists. Help! Many of the underlying opportunities could have been exploited by large companies. Why weren’t they? Perhaps useful lessons can be learned by studying the world of independent ventures, one lesson being: Write a great business plan. The assumption behind the Cheap essay uk law, framework is that great businesses have attributes that are easy to identify but hard to assemble.

They have an experienced, energetic managerial team from the top to accounting help, the bottom. The team’s members have skills and experiences directly relevant to Philosophy on abortion, the opportunity they are pursuing. Ideally, they will have worked successfully together in Cheap accounting homework help, the past. The opportunity has an attractive, sustainable business model; it is possible to create a competitive edge and defend it. Many options exist for expanding the scale and scope of the proposal conclusion, business, and these options are unique to the enterprise and its team. Value can be extracted from the business in a number of ways either through a positive harvest event—a sale—or by scaling down or liquidating. The context is favorable with respect to both the regulatory and accounting help the macro-economic environments. Risk is understood, and the team has considered ways to mitigate the impact of difficult events. English Piecing Schmidt! In short, great businesses have the four parts of the Cheap accounting homework, framework completely covered. If only reality were so neat.

When I receive a business plan, I always read the résumé section first. Not because the people part of the new venture is the most important, but because without the right team, none of the other parts really matters. I read the résumés of the venture’s team with a list of questions in von claudia, mind. (See the insert “Who Are These People, Anyway?”) All these questions get at the same three issues about the venture’s team members: What do they know? Whom do they know? and How well are they known? Fourteen “Personal” Questions Every Business Plan Should Answer.

Where are the founders from? Where have they been educated? Where have they worked—and for whom? What have they accomplished—professionally and personally—in the past? What is accounting their reputation within the statement on poverty pregnancy, business community? What experience do they have that is directly relevant to the opportunity they are pursuing? What skills, abilities, and knowledge do they have? How realistic are they about the Cheap help, venture’s chances for success and the tribulations it will face? Who else needs to Cell phone, be on the team? Are they prepared to recruit high-quality people? How will they respond to adversity?

Do they have the mettle to make the inevitable hard choices that have to be made? How committed are they to this venture? What are their motivations? What and help whom they know are matters of insight and experience. How familiar are the team members with industry players and dynamics? Investors, not surprisingly, value managers who have been around the block a few times. A business plan should candidly describe each team member’s knowledge of the new venture’s type of product or service; its production processes; and the market itself, from a college competitors to customers. It also helps to indicate whether the Cheap accounting, team members have worked together before. Not played—as in roomed together in college—but worked . Investors also look favorably on a team that is known because the real world often prefers not to deal with start-ups. They’re too unpredictable. That changes, however, when the new company is run by people well known to suppliers, customers, and employees.

Their enterprise may be brand new, but they aren’t. The surprise element of working with a start-up is somewhat ameliorated. Finally, the people part of a business plan should receive special care because, simply stated, that’s where most intelligent investors focus their attention. A typical professional venture-capital firm receives approximately 2,000 business plans per year. These plans are filled with tantalizing ideas for new products and talk services that will change the world and reap billions in Cheap, the process—or so they say. But the fact is, most venture capitalists believe that ideas are a dime a dozen: only execution skills count. As Arthur Rock, a venture capital legend associated with the Philosophy essays talk, formation of such companies as Apple, Intel, and homework help Teledyne, states, “I invest in people, not ideas.” Rock also has said, “If you can find good people, if they’re wrong about the product, they’ll make a switch, so what good is it to understand the product that they’re talking about in the first place?” Business plan writers should keep this admonition in mind as they craft their proposal. Talk about the people—exhaustively. And if there is nothing solid about their experience and abilities to herald, then the entrepreneurial team should think again about Cell launching the venture.

When it comes to the opportunity itself, a good business plan begins by focusing on two questions: Is the total market for the venture’s product or service large, rapidly growing, or both? Is the industry now, or can it become, structurally attractive? Entrepreneurs and investors look for large or rapidly growing markets mainly because it is often easier to obtain a share of a growing market than to fight with entrenched competitors for a share of a mature or stagnant market. Smart investors, in fact, try hard to accounting homework help, identify high-growth-potential markets early in their evolution: that’s where the big payoffs are. And, indeed, many will not invest in a company that cannot reach a significant scale (that is, $ 50 million in annual revenues) within five years. HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case Ebook + Tools. As for attractiveness, investors are obviously looking for markets that actually allow businesses to essay uk law, make some money. But that’s not the no-brainer it seems.

In the late 1970s, the computer disk-drive business looked very attractive. The technology was new and exciting. Dozens of companies jumped into the fray, aided by an army of professional investors. Twenty years later, however, the thrill is gone for accounting, managers and investors alike. Disk drive companies must design products to meet the perceived needs of on abortion talk, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end users. Selling a product to OEMs is complicated.

The customers are large relative to most of their suppliers. There are lots of competitors, each with similar high-quality offerings. Cheap Accounting Help! Moreover, product life cycles are short and ongoing technology investments high. The industry is subject to major shifts in technology and essays customer needs. Intense rivalry leads to lower prices and, hence, lower margins. In short, the disk drive industry is simply not set up to make people a lot of money; it’s a structural disaster area. The information services industry, by Cheap contrast, is paradise. Companies such as Bloomberg Financial Markets and How to write a college essay introduction First Call Corporation, which provide data to the financial world, have virtually every competitive advantage on their side. First, they can assemble or create proprietary content—content that, by the way, is like life’s blood to thousands of money managers and stock analysts around the Cheap homework, world. And although it is often expensive to develop the service and to acquire initial customers, once up and on poverty teenage running, these companies can deliver content to customers very cheaply. Also, customers pay in advance of receiving the service, which makes cash flow very handsome, indeed.

In short, the homework help, structure of the information services industry is beyond attractive: it’s gorgeous. The profit margins of Bloomberg and First Call put the dissertation, disk drive business to shame. The Opportunity of a Lifetime—or Is It? Nine Questions About the Business Every Business Plan Should Answer. Who is the new venture’s customer? How does the customer make decisions about buying this product or service?

To what degree is the product or service a compelling purchase for homework help, the customer? How will the Philosophy essays on abortion talk, product or service be priced? How will the venture reach all the Cheap homework help, identified customer segments? How much does it cost (in time and resources) to acquire a customer? How much does it cost to produce and deliver the Philosophy talk, product or service? How much does it cost to support a customer? How easy is it to retain a customer?

Thus, the first step for entrepreneurs is to make sure they are entering an industry that is large and/or growing, and one that’s structurally attractive. The second step is to make sure their business plan rigorously describes how this is the accounting help, case. Cell Phone! And if it isn’t the case, their business plan needs to accounting help, specify how the venture will still manage to make enough of a profit that investors (or potential employees or suppliers, for that matter) will want to participate. Once it examines the new venture’s industry, a business plan must describe in Thesis for research paper teenage, detail how the Cheap accounting, company will build and launch its product or service into the marketplace. Again, a series of questions should guide the discussion. (See the insert “The Opportunity of a Lifetime—or Is It?”) Often the answers to Cheap essay, these questions reveal a fatal flaw in the business. I’ve seen entrepreneurs with a “great” product discover, for example, that it’s simply too costly to find customers who can and will buy what they are selling. Economically viable access to customers is the key to Cheap help, business, yet many entrepreneurs take the Field of Cheap uk law, Dreams approach to Cheap accounting homework help, this notion: build it, and they will come.

That strategy works in talk, the movies but is not very sensible in the real world. It is not always easy to answer questions about the likely consumer response to new products or services. The market is as fickle as it is unpredictable. (Who would have guessed that plug-in room deodorizers would sell?) One entrepreneur I know proposed to introduce an electronic news-clipping service. He made his pitch to a prospective venture-capital investor who rejected the plan, stating, “I just don’t think the dogs will eat the dog food.” Later, when the entrepreneur’s company went public, he sent the venture capitalist an anonymous package containing an empty can of dog food and a copy of his prospectus. If it were easy to predict what people will buy, there wouldn’t be any opportunities. The market is as fickle as it is unpredictable. Who would have guessed that plug-in room deodorizers would sell? Similarly, it is tough to guess how much people will pay for something, but a business plan must address that topic. Sometimes, the dogs will eat the dog food, but only at a price less than cost.

Investors always look for opportunities for value pricing—that is, markets in which the costs to produce the product are low, but consumers will still pay a lot for it. No one is dying to invest in a company when margins are skinny. Still, there is homework money to be made in inexpensive products and services—even in commodities. A business plan must demonstrate that careful consideration has been given to the new venture’s pricing scheme. The list of Philosophy talk, questions about the new venture’s opportunity focuses on the direct revenues and the costs of producing and marketing a product. That’s fine, as far as it goes.

A sensible proposal, however, also involves assessing the business model from a perspective that takes into account the investment required—that is, the Cheap homework, balance sheet side of the equation. English Paper Piecing Von Claudia Schmidt! The following questions should also be addressed so that investors can understand the Cheap accounting homework help, cash flow implications of pursuing an opportunity: When does the business have to buy resources, such as supplies, raw materials, and people? When does the business have to pay for Cheap essay writers uk law, them? How long does it take to acquire a customer? How long before the customer sends the business a check?

How much capital equipment is required to support a dollar of sales? Investors, of course, are looking for businesses in which management can buy low, sell high, collect early, and pay late. The business plan needs to spell out how close to Cheap homework, that ideal the new venture is Thesis statement pregnancy expected to come. Even if the answer is “not very”—and it usually is—at least the truth is out there to discuss. The opportunity section of a business plan must also bring a few other issues to the surface. First, it must demonstrate and analyze how an opportunity can grow—in other words, how the new venture can expand its range of products or services, customer base, or geographic scope. Often, companies are able to create virtual pipelines that support the economically viable creation of new revenue streams. Cheap! In the publishing business, for example, Inc. magazine has expanded its product line to pregnancy, include seminars, books, and videos about entrepreneurship. Similarly, building on the success of its personal-finance software program Quicken, Intuit now sells software for Cheap, electronic banking, small-business accounting, and tax preparation, as well as personal-printing supplies and on-line information services—to name just a few of its highly profitable ancillary spin-offs. Now, lots of business plans runneth over on the subject of the new venture’s potential for growth and expansion.

But they should likewise runneth over in explaining how they won’t fall into English von claudia, some common opportunity traps. One of those has already been mentioned: industries that are at their core structurally unattractive. Accounting Homework Help! But there are others. The world of invention, for example, is fraught with danger. Over the essays on abortion talk, past 15 years, I have seen scores of individuals who have devised a better mousetrap—newfangled creations from inflatable pillows for use on airplanes to accounting homework, automated car-parking systems. Few of these idea-driven companies have really taken off, however. I’m not entirely sure why. Sometimes, the inventor refuses to spend the money required by or share the rewards sufficiently with the business side of the company.

Other times, inventors become so preoccupied with their inventions they forget the customer. Paper Piecing Von Claudia! Whatever the accounting help, reason, better-mousetrap businesses have an uncanny way of malfunctioning. Another opportunity trap that business plans—and entrepreneurs in general—need to pay attention to is the tricky business of arbitrage. Basically, arbitrage ventures are created to How to a college, take advantage of some pricing disparity in the marketplace. MCI Communications Corporation, for Cheap, instance, was formed to offer long-distance service at a lower price than ATT. Some of the industry consolidations going on today reflect a different kind of arbitrage—the ability to buy small businesses at a wholesale price, roll them up together into a larger package, and essay take them public at accounting homework help, a retail price, all without necessarily adding value in the process. Whatever the reason, better-mousetrap businesses have an Cell phone law essay uncanny way of malfunctioning. Taking advantage of arbitrage opportunities is a viable and potentially profitable way to enter a business. In the homework help, final analysis, however, all arbitrage opportunities evaporate. It is Philosophy on abortion talk not a question of whether, only accounting help, when. The trick in statement paper on poverty teenage pregnancy, these businesses is to use the arbitrage profits to build a more enduring business model, and business plans must explain how and when that will occur.

As for competition, it probably goes without saying that all business plans should carefully and thoroughly cover this territory, yet some don’t. That is Cheap accounting homework a glaring omission. For starters, every business plan should answer the following questions about the competition: Who are the new venture’s current competitors? What resources do they control? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How will they respond to the new venture’s decision to enter the statement paper on poverty teenage pregnancy, business? How can the new venture respond to its competitors’ response? Who else might be able to observe and exploit the same opportunity? Are there ways to co-opt potential or actual competitors by forming alliances?

Business is like chess: to be successful, you must anticipate several moves in advance. A business plan that describes an insuperable lead or a proprietary market position is by definition written by naïve people. Cheap Accounting Help! That goes not just for the competition section of the business plan but for the entire discussion of the opportunity. All opportunities have promise; all have vulnerabilities. A good business plan doesn’t whitewash the latter. Rather, it proves that the entrepreneurial team knows the good, the bad, and the ugly that the venture faces ahead.

Opportunities exist in a context. At one level is the Philosophy essays on abortion, macroeconomic environment, including the Cheap help, level of essay, economic activity, inflation, exchange rates, and Cheap interest rates. At another level are the statement for research paper on poverty, wide range of government rules and regulations that affect the opportunity and how resources are marshaled to exploit it. Examples extend from tax policy to the rules about raising capital for a private or public company. Cheap Help! And at yet another level are factors like technology that define the limits of what a business or its competitors can accomplish. Context often has a tremendous impact on every aspect of the entrepreneurial process, from identification of opportunity to uk law, harvest. In some cases, changes in some contextual factor create opportunity. Cheap Homework! More than 100 new companies were formed when the paper piecing von claudia, airline industry was deregulated in the late 1970s. The context for financing was also favorable, enabling new entrants like People Express to Cheap help, go to the public market for capital even before starting operations.

Conversely, there are times when the context makes it hard to start new enterprises. Phone Law Essay! The recession of the early 1990s combined with a difficult financing environment for new companies: venture capital disbursements were low, as was the Cheap homework, amount of capital raised in the public markets. (Paradoxically, those relatively tight conditions, which made it harder for new entrants to get going, were associated with very high investment returns later in the 1990s, as capital markets heated up.) Sometimes, a shift in context turns an unattractive business into an attractive one, and paper pregnancy vice versa. Consider the case of a packaging company some years ago that was performing so poorly it was about to be put on the block. Then came the Tylenol-tampering incident, resulting in multiple deaths. The packaging company happened to have an accounting help efficient mechanism for installing tamper-proof seals, and in on abortion talk, a matter of weeks its financial performance could have been called spectacular. Conversely, U.S. tax reforms enacted in 1986 created havoc for Cheap accounting homework, companies in the real estate business, eliminating almost every positive incentive to invest.

Many previously successful operations went out of business soon after the new rules were put in place. Every business plan should contain certain pieces of evidence related to context. First, the entrepreneurs should show a heightened awareness of the new venture’s context and how it helps or hinders their specific proposal. Second, and Cell phone more important, they should demonstrate that they know the venture’s context will inevitably change and Cheap describe how those changes might affect the How to, business. Further, the business plan should spell out what management can (and will) do in the event the accounting, context grows unfavorable. Cheap Essay Uk Law! Finally, the Cheap, business plan should explain the ways (if any) in which management can affect context in a positive way. For example, management might be able to have an impact on regulations or on industry standards through lobbying efforts.

The concept that context is fluid leads directly to the fourth leg of the Cheap writers, framework I propose: a discussion of risk and how to manage it. I’ve come to think of a good business plan as a snapshot of an event in the future. That’s quite a feat to Cheap homework, begin with—taking a picture of the unknown. But the best business plans go beyond that; they are like movies of the Nursing dissertation proposal, future. Accounting Homework Help! They show the people, the opportunity, and the context from multiple angles. They offer a plausible, coherent story of what lies ahead. They unfold possibilities of action and reaction. Good business plans, in English paper piecing von claudia schmidt, other words, discuss people, opportunity, and context as a moving target. Homework! All three factors (and the relationship among them) are likely to change over time as a company evolves from start-up to ongoing enterprise. Therefore, any business plan worth the time it takes to write or read needs to focus attention on the dynamic aspects of the entrepreneurial process.

When it comes to the matter of risk and a college introduction reward in a new venture, a business plan benefits enormously from the inclusion of two graphs. Perhaps graphs is the wrong word; these are really just schematic pictures that illustrate the most likely relationship between risk and reward, that is, the relationship between the opportunity and its economics. High finance they are not, but I have found both of these pictures say more to investors than a hundred pages of charts and prose. The first picture depicts the amount of money needed to accounting help, launch the new venture, time to positive cash flow, and the expected magnitude of the payoff. This image helps the investor understand the depth and duration of negative cash flow, as well as the relationship between the investment and the possible return. The ideal, needless to say, is to von claudia schmidt, have cash flow early and often. But most investors are intrigued by the picture even when the cash outflow is high and long—as long as the cash inflow is more so. Of course, since the Cheap accounting, world of new ventures is populated by wild-eyed optimists, you might expect the picture to display a shallower hole and a steeper reward slope than it should. It usually does. But to be honest, even that kind of dissertation proposal conclusion, picture belongs in accounting homework, the business plan because it is a fair warning to investors that the writers, new venture’s team is completely out of accounting homework, touch with reality and Thesis should be avoided at all costs.

The second picture complements the first. It shows investors the range of possible returns and Cheap accounting homework the likelihood of English von claudia, achieving them. The following example shows investors that there is a 15 % chance they would have been better off using their money as wall-paper. The flat section reveals that there is a negligible chance of losing only a small amount of money; companies either fail big or create enough value to achieve a positive return. The hump in the middle suggests that there is a significant chance of earning between 15 % and 45 % in the same time period.

And finally, there is accounting homework help a small chance that the initial outlay of Nursing proposal, cash will spawn a 200 % internal rate of return, which might have occurred if you had happened to invest in Cheap accounting homework help, Microsoft when it was a private company. Basically, this picture helps investors determine what class of investment the business plan is essays on abortion talk presenting. Is the new venture drilling for Cheap accounting homework help, North Sea oil—highly risky with potentially big payoffs—or is it digging development wells in essay uk law, Texas, which happens to be less of a geological gamble and probably less lucrative, too? This image answers that kind of accounting, question. Talk! It’s then up to the investors to decide how much risk they want to live with against what kind of odds. Again, the people who write business plans might be inclined to skew the picture to make it look as if the probability of homework, a significant return is Cheap essay uk law downright huge and the possibility of loss is negligible. Homework! And, again, I would say therein lies the picture’s beauty. Cell! What it claims, checked against the investor’s sense of reality and experience, should serve as a simple pictorial caveat emptor. Of course, the accounting homework, future is a college essay introduction hard to predict.

Still, it is possible to give potential investors a sense of the kind and Cheap accounting help class of risk and reward they are assuming with a new venture. English Paper Schmidt! All it takes is a pencil and Cheap accounting homework two simple drawings. (See the insert “Visualizing Risk and Reward.”) But even with these drawings, risk is, well, risky. In reality, there are no immutable distributions of outcomes. It is ultimately the responsibility of management to change the distribution, to piecing schmidt, increase the Cheap accounting homework, likelihood and consequences of success, and to decrease the likelihood and Philosophy on abortion talk implications of problems. One of the accounting, great myths about entrepreneurs is that they are risk seekers. All sane people want to avoid risk. As Harvard Business School professor (and venture capitalist) Howard Stevenson says, true entrepreneurs want to piecing schmidt, capture all the reward and give all the Cheap accounting homework help, risk to others.

The best business is talk a post office box to homework help, which people send cashier’s checks. Yet risk is unavoidable. So what does that mean for a business plan? It means that the plan must unflinchingly confront the dissertation proposal conclusion, risks ahead—in terms of people, opportunity, and context. What happens if one of the new venture’s leaders leaves?

What happens if a competitor responds with more ferocity than expected? What happens if there is a revolution in Namibia, the source of a key raw material? What will management actually do ? Those are hard questions for an entrepreneur to pose, especially when seeking capital. But a better deal awaits those who do pose them and then provide solid answers. A new venture, for example, might be highly leveraged and therefore very sensitive to interest rates. Its business plan would benefit enormously by homework stating that management intends to hedge its exposure through the financial-futures market by pregnancy purchasing a contract that does well when interest rates go up. That is the equivalent of offering investors insurance. (It also makes sense for homework, the business itself.) Finally, one important area in the realm of risk/reward management relates to harvesting.

Venture capitalists often ask if a company is “IPOable,” by which they mean, Can the company be taken public at some point in Nursing conclusion, the future? Some businesses are inherently difficult to take public because doing so would reveal information that might harm its competitive position (for example, it would reveal profitability, thereby encouraging entry or angering customers or suppliers). Some ventures are not companies, but rather products—they are not sustainable as independent businesses. One of the greatest myths about Cheap accounting homework entrepreneurs is that they are risk seekers. All sane people want to avoid risk. Therefore, the business plan should talk candidly about the end of the process.

How will the investor eventually get money out of the business, assuming it is successful, even if only marginally so? When professionals invest, they particularly like companies with a wide range of exit options. They like companies that work hard to preserve and enhance those options along the way, companies that don’t, for example, unthinkingly form alliances with big corporations that could someday actually buy them. Investors feel a lot better about risk if the venture’s endgame is essays discussed up front. Cheap Help! There is an old saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” In crafting sensible entrepreneurial strategies, just the opposite is true: you had better know where you might end up and have a map for getting there. A business plan should be the place where that map is drawn, for, as every traveler knows, a journey is a lot less risky when you have directions. Once a business plan is written, of course, the goal is to land a deal. Cell Phone! That is a topic for another article in itself, but I will add a few words here. When I talk to young (and old) entrepreneurs looking to Cheap accounting homework, finance their ventures, they obsess about the paper piecing von claudia, valuation and terms of the deal they will receive.

Their explicit goal seems to be to minimize the dilution they will suffer in raising capital. Implicitly, they are also looking for investors who will remain as passive as a tree while they go about building their business. On the food chain of investors, it seems, doctors and Cheap homework dentists are best and venture capitalists are worst because of the degree to which the How to write introduction, latter group demands control and a large share of the Cheap help, returns. That notion—like the idea that excruciatingly detailed financial projections are useful—is nonsense. From whom you raise capital is often more important than the terms.

New ventures are inherently risky, as I’ve noted; what can go wrong will. When that happens, unsophisticated investors panic, get angry, and often refuse to Philosophy, advance the company more money. Sophisticated investors, by contrast, roll up their sleeves and help the company solve its problems. Often, they’ve had lots of experience saving sinking ships. They are typically process literate. Accounting Homework! They understand how to craft a sensible business strategy and a strong tactical plan. They know how to Philosophy essays on abortion, recruit, compensate, and motivate team members. They are also familiar with the Byzantine ins and outs of going public—an event most entrepreneurs face but once in a lifetime. This kind of know-how is Cheap help worth the money needed to Cheap essay writers, buy it. There is an old expression directly relevant to entrepreneurial finance: “Too clever by half.” Often, deal makers get very creative, crafting all sorts of payoff and option schemes.

That usually backfires. My experience has proven again and again that sensible deals have the following six characteristics: They do not blow apart if actual differs slightly from plan. They do not provide perverse incentives that will cause one or both parties to behave destructively. Help! They are written on a pile of papers no greater than one-quarter inch thick. But even these six simple rules miss an important point. A deal should not be a static thing, a one-shot document that negotiates the disposition of a lump sum. Instead, it is incumbent upon entrepreneurs, before they go searching for funding, to Thesis statement for research pregnancy, think about capital acquisition as a dynamic process—to figure out how much money they will need and when they will need it.

How is that accomplished? The trick is for the entrepreneurial team to treat the new venture as a series of experiments. Before launching the whole show, launch a little piece of it. Cheap Help! Convene a focus group to test the product, build a prototype and watch it perform, conduct a regional or local rollout of essay, a service. Accounting Homework! Such an exercise reveals the true economics of the business and can help enormously in determining how much money the new venture actually requires and in what stages. Entrepreneurs should raise enough, and investors should invest enough, capital to fund each major experiment. Statement Paper Teenage Pregnancy! Experiments, of course, can feel expensive and risky. But I’ve seen them prevent disasters and accounting homework help help create successes. I consider it a prerequisite of putting together a winning deal. Among the many sins committed by business plan writers is arrogance. In today’s economy, few ideas are truly proprietary.

Moreover, there has never been a time in recorded history when the proposal conclusion, supply of capital did not outrace the supply of opportunity. The true half-life of opportunity is Cheap accounting homework decreasing with the passage of Cell, time. A business plan must not be an Cheap homework albatross that hangs around the neck of the entrepreneurial team, dragging it into oblivion. Instead, a business plan must be a call for action, one that recognizes management’s responsibility to fix what is broken proactively and in real time. Risk is inevitable, avoiding risk impossible. Risk management is the write a college, key, always tilting the Cheap accounting homework help, venture in favor of write a college essay introduction, reward and away from risk. A plan must demonstrate mastery of the entire entrepreneurial process, from identification of opportunity to harvest. It is not a way to separate unsuspecting investors from their money by hiding the Cheap help, fatal flaw. For in the final analysis, the only one being fooled is the entrepreneur. We live today in the golden age of writers, entrepreneurship. Although Fortune 500 companies have shed 5 million jobs in the past 20 years, the overall economy has added almost 30 million.

Many of those jobs were created by entrepreneurial ventures, such as Cisco Systems, Genentech, and Microsoft. Cheap! Each of those companies started with a business plan. Is that why they succeeded? There is Thesis statement for research on poverty teenage pregnancy no knowing for sure. But there is accounting homework little doubt that crafting a business plan so that it thoroughly and candidly addresses the ingredients of success—people, opportunity, context, and the risk/reward picture—is vitally important.

In the absence of a crystal ball, in fact, a business plan built of the right information and analysis can only be called indispensable. William A. Sahlman is the Dimitri V. D’Arbeloff-MBA Class of 1955 Professor of Business Administration at How to a college introduction, the Harvard Business School.

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Introduction to Cheap homework help, Musical Theatre Essay. The concept of Thesis statement for research paper musical theatre combines the drama and plot of a stage play with a musical component; the extent of this musical collaboration has changed over the years, from operas to orchestras to Cheap, full-fledged plays. From its humble beginnings to its current status as Broadway spectacle, the How to a college essay, art form has carried a great influence in the world of performance. In this essay, a detailed history of musical theatre, from its infancy to now, will be explored. Musical theatre has had a long, storied history; the style dates all the homework help, way back to ancient Greek theatre, back in the 5th century BCE. Thesis Statement For Research. In that time, Greek comedies and homework help, tragedies almost always had a musical component; songs and How to write introduction, dance were common to the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles, who acted as composers and choreographers to their own works.

In Rome in the 3rd century BCE, Plautus wrote comedies that also had orchestrations and Cheap accounting homework help, choreographed dances to their songs. Roman theatre also innovated the process of dancing, creating crude tap shoes called sabilla , which were chips of Nursing dissertation proposal metal attached to the shoes of help performers to Thesis paper on poverty pregnancy, make their steps easier to hear and notice in the large theatres they played in. The Middle Ages saw theatre take a much more mobile, nomadic route to performance; with traveling minstrels moving from town to town and village to accounting homework help, village, performing songs and small routines. Small troupes of performers would do the a college essay, same, offering slapstick-filled, delightful plays they would offer to those who would watch them. The 12th and 13th centuries saw the musical theatre advent of religious dramas, like The Play of Daniel and The Play of Herod ; these dramatic works would have church chants interspersed within them, offering that musical component. This would evolve into the mystery play, which told a story of the Bible in a musical manner. The mobility of performing troupes would also be made more efficient through the advent of pageant wagons. These were mobile stages the troupe would bring with them to provide added production value to Cheap, their plays; they would settle down, perform their show, and pack up. These shows often consisted of poetic forms, prose dialogue, and Cheap essay uk law, musical numbers. In the Cheap accounting, Renaissance, musical theatre took a giant leap forward with the development of commedia dell’arte, a type of Philosophy essays on abortion musical theatre where well-known stories were improvised by actors using the art of clown to create broad humor throughout. Homework Help. Music became a large part of Jacobean and Elizabethan plays; lutes, organs, pipes and more would play during these performances in order to enhance a scene.

Often, if a play was a tragedy or a heavier historical, it would be interrupted with short plays filled with music to add levity. This is where the jig was created; jiggs were broad, farcical afterpieces that followed these heavier works. In the Tudor period, court masques were created, where the first inklings of modern musical theatre were created. In these masques, elaborate set designs were combined with elegant and detailed costuming, as well as performances that combined singing, dancing and acting to music. Cell Law Essay. The purpose of these masques were often to flatter a royal patron or nobility that was in help the audience at the time. The masques were popular types of theatre created by playwrights such as Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare. Soon, just the musical components of write essay introduction masques would be made into operas altogether; acting as sung plays that would be the first templates of musical theatre.

The famous French playwright Moliere created farces that would have musical components to accounting homework, them (song and dance numbers interspersed within the work). These developments led to the creation of English opera; some of the more famous playwrights were Thomas Shadwell, John Blow, Henry Purcell, and more. By 1685, however, English opera started to lose its luster. In the 1700s, musical theatre in England developed into two distinct varieties: ballad operas and comic operas. The Beggar’s Opera by law essay, John Gay is the quintessential example of the ballad opera; it offered new lyrics spoofing the popular songs of the time, the Cheap, olde English equivalent of a jukebox musical. Comic opera, on the other hand, carried a romantic plot set to original music; The Bohemian Girl by Michael Balfe is a fine example of a comic opera. In the meantime, lighter, more fleeting forms of opera were being created, like Comedie en vaudeville and opera comique, which led to the notions of burlesque, melodramas, vaudevilla, and the notion of the music hall. Since many London theatres only Thesis for research on poverty teenage pregnancy got a license as a music hall, plays had to have music in them; therefore, musical theatre became a more popular part of theatrical life in England, and this led to the popularization of melodramas and burlettas. In Colonial America, the first real presence of theatre to Cheap accounting homework help, be found did not happen until 1752, when a theatre was formed in Williamsburg, Virginia by William Hallam, which performed classic English plays.

Soon after, however, they moved to The Beggar’s Opera and phone law essay, other ballad operas and farces in New York. Cheap Accounting Homework. This theatrical presence slowly morphed into what would become Broadway in paper schmidt the 1920s and 1930s. These early plays were the first to be widely recorded and toured, with hundreds of performances in Cheap help a single run for many musical plays. The further evolution of musical theatre came with the development of the essay, operette, which was created in 1850 by the French composer Herve. Accounting Homework. These were light musical comedies that would often provide broad satire and paper schmidt, wit to the stage, combined with bright melodies and high energy. These would be the model for all musical theatre that would come after it. Cheap Accounting Homework. After Jacques Offenbach and Johann Strauss II would develop the style further, it would become popularized in the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, Irving Berlin and Rodgers and Hammerstein. The music hall and Thesis statement for research on poverty pregnancy, musical burlesques would comprise the majority of musical theatre in Cheap accounting homework help 19th century England. The Black Crook proved to Cheap writers, be the very first play that would fit the modern conception of the Cheap help, musical – this combined dance and original music which would supplement the straightforward story being told.

In 1866, this play premiered in New York and became a staggering success. Other musical comedies came out around this year, and the late 19th century saw comedic musical theatre that spoke to the common man, adding legitimacy to the theatrical proceedings. The stories were no longer broad, royal farce; they were meant to write a college essay introduction, be more legitimate, with complex plotting and significant characters. By landing more reputable singers like Vivienne Segal, Fay Templeton and more, they offered significant credentials to those who put on these plays. Once the modern musical was developed, there were other changes to theatrical procedure that allowed for longer runs. With street lights and accounting homework help, electricity, it was safer to come out at night; therefore, night shows became the norm, adding a larger number of performances for each show. With the Cell law essay, money that came from the added revenue these extra shows afforded them, production value of Broadway and West End shows increased substantially. Gilbert and Sullivan began producing large comic opera shows that would become extremely popular around this time; shows like HMS Pinafore and The Mikado , as well as The Pirates of Penzance , were family friendly and very accessible, leading to accounting help, worldwide success.

Due to their unparalleled success, the standards for theatrical popularity changed dramatically. Gilbert and Sullivan also pioneered several conventions of the modern musical as well; in their shows, the dialogue and the lyrics were combined to make the story more understandable and sensible, even with the Thesis for research, integration of music into accounting homework help the performance. P.G. Wodehouse, Ira Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Andrew Lloyd Weber and phone, more would take this particular style of comic opera and develop it further. The Savoy operas in the 1880s began to enjoy considerable success in America as well. Unlike the tawdry sensibilities of previous musicals, these shows were thought to be family friendly and respectable, something that was harder to look down upon. Before these developments, musical theatre was often thought to be for perverts, a much seedier audience; now, theatre was for everyone, especially musical theatre. Broadway saw its fair share of musicals in the 1890s as well; attempting to ape Gilbert and Sullivan, many copycat productions took place, like El Capitan by John Philip Sousa. Ragtime became more popular as a freeform style of theatre, a different, more fast-paced and modern variety of accounting help vaudeville. Musical comedies continued throughout the early 20th century, through Tin Pan Alley-composed songs.

In Broadway, the Thesis statement for research paper on poverty, runs were shorter than in the West End (never reaching thousands of performances like some Gilbert and Sullivan shows), but often would have longer tours with the original cast. In the “Gay Nineties” (the subjectively wonderful 1890s in accounting help England, as they were known), musicals were becoming more popular on the London Stage. George Edwardes took over the Gaiety Theatre, seeking to change it from the bawdy burlesque show that it was and providing a straightforward, light musical alternative to the heavy, absurdist and politically charged Savoy operas that were the flavor at the time. He decided to try doing family friendly, breezy, lighthearted comic romances, combined with style and spectacle. While there were burlesque elements to them, there were also comic opera traditions sprinkled throughout, and on abortion, the replacement of low-class burlesque dancers with respectable dancers and singers.

These types of plays were such a success, they would determine the next thirty years of musical theatre in London. Many of these plays, like The Shop Girl and A Runaway Girl , followed the accounting, tropes of romances where the proposal, poor maiden falls in help love with royalty, and statement on poverty pregnancy, faces many obstacles before finally winning him. These set the tone for musical comedies that would sweep across the face of musical theatre in both England and America, as many other theatres would copy these shows with increasing complexity, including Sidney Jones’ The Geisha and San Toy . During this time, the operetta had been essentially removed from the English stage due to the prevalence of Edwardian musical comedies, but it made a comeback in the early 20th century with the operetta The Merry Widow, which premiered in 1907 in London and Broadway. This success led to accounting help, the direct competition of English paper musicals and operettas for the next few years, with new and old operettas being brought out on Cheap help, the stages of for research paper pregnancy both American and England. New operettas that premiered at this time included the works of Victor Herbert ( Babes in Toyland, The Red Mill, The Fortune Teller ), and homework, modern musical plays that were a bit more intimate. In an attempt to for research on poverty teenage pregnancy, cash in on the still-popular Gilbert and homework, Sullivan-style musical, P.G.

Widehouse, Jerome Kern and Guy Bolton all came out with “Princess Theatre shows,” which offered light entertainment while remaining continuous with its songs and plot, offering a complete, detailed and complex story throughout. Statement For Research. Unlike the broader comedies of the time, and which had come before, situational comedies had a much greater influence, and the characters were more realistic. Accounting Homework. The songs were actually used to law essay, develop the characters or move the plot along; this was a breakthrough in the plotting and accounting, development of musical theatre. With the advent of the Princess Theatre musicals, these lighter shows proved they could integrate song and a college essay, story just as well as Gilbert and Cheap, Sullivan could. The theatre experienced a boom in business with the start of World War I; given the essay uk law, devastation of the battlefield and the front, audiences flocked to the stages in order to get some escapism.

Irene , a play by Harry Tiernet and Joseph McCarthy, premiered in 1919 to widespread popularity, holding the Broadway record for Cheap homework help, longest run (670 performances) for a long time. Write A College Essay Introduction. While those were impressive by American standards, they held nothing to accounting help, the British capacity for holding a musical run; Chu Chow Chow ran for over two thousands performances. Revues started to become popular, as they incorporated light, multi-act performances that offered variety. As the 20th century chugged along, American musical theatre began to take dominance in both popularity and quality. The Theatrical Syndicate, led by Charles Frohman, spearheaded the development of shows like the Princess Theatre shows and many other Tin Pan Alley-inspired musicals. How To Write Introduction. Jazz and Cheap accounting homework, ragtime became a much more popular component of English piecing schmidt modern musicals at the time, and the Gershwin brothers, as well as Irving Berlin and others, started to get shows produced. This shift in American musical theatre’s popularity was due to the changes in society that were happening at the time; the increase in vernacular and naturalism that was desired by audiences of the modern era led to a slow death of the broad, the theatrical and the operatic. Shows and musicals were more direct with their plot, their characters and Cheap homework, their intentions, and essay writers uk law, tradition gave way to innovation. The Roaring Twenties saw the advent of the motion picture, and its rise in popularity; this proved to be a challenge for theatres. Even though they were silent at first, and so could not offer the audio component of theatre, the Cheap accounting homework, creation of talking films like The Jazz Singer meant that it offered a real threat to von claudia, live theatre.

Musicals in that era started to bring in bigger stars and greater spectacle, offering loudness and music hall sensibilities in lieu of complex plotting and character development. Despite the fact that there was not a whole lot tying these glorified revues together, they proved extremely popular and light entertainment. Theatre writers began to Cheap homework, transition into popular music, as most of the music people were listening to at the statement paper teenage, time was what they heard in these reviews and vaudeville shows. Cheap Help. Production values increased substantially during this time, making the musical more expensive to produce than ever. The concept of Cheap essay writers uk law standards became popular in the 1920s; the lighthearted shows were never that memorable ( Sally, Oh, Kay! ), but their songs would stick in the public’s mind. As a result, they would be covered by accounting, a variety of Nursing dissertation conclusion popular music artists, like Cole Porter, Marilyn Miller, Fred Astaire. Operettas also came back into Cheap homework help the limelight for a time, and Noel Coward and essay, other composers started to enjoy newfound popularity. Show Boat in 1927 proved to be one of the most complex mixes of score and accounting homework help, book that there had been to date; even the Princess Theatre musicals lacked this level of paper sophistication. There existed dramatic themes that were told with every component of the show, from the movement to the setting. This integration of Cheap accounting help production value with narrative complexity that rivaled anything that had come before. While this was popular, events like the Great Depression led to Nursing dissertation proposal conclusion, people going back to Cheap accounting homework, lighter entertainment.

When the Great Depression hit, it left people with little money to entertain themselves with; this mean substantially reduced ticket sales. It was also cheaper to go to the ‘talkies’ than see a show, making it even more challenging for theatres to find an audience. Vaudeville was eliminated by proposal, musical films, as they agreed to be filmed for one-off shows that effectively killed future live performances of Cheap accounting homework their work. English Paper Piecing Von Claudia. There were still Show Boat -like shows that were great hits for those who could afford the accounting homework, ticket price; Of Thee I Sing was the first musical that was given the Pulitzer Prize. Anything Goes cemented singers like Ethel Merman, who would become the queen of musical theatre due to her loud, booming voice. English Von Claudia Schmidt. The first Broadway show to star a black person (Ethel Waters), was 1933’s As Thousands Cheer . Porgy and Bess proved to be a very popular musical, created by George Gershwin and released in 1935. Modern musicals like Knickerbocker Holiday by Kurt Weill provided satire of FDR and Cheap accounting homework, detailed the history of New York City.

With these more complex works, there were still lighter hits on Broadway, like I’d Rather Be Right and phone, The Dancing Years . Cole Porter came into popularity with Anything Goes and Cheap, DuBarry Was a Lady . All of these contributions led to the overall success and survival of Cell phone law essay musical theatre, which was a miracle in a time when economic destitution was the worst this country has ever experienced. The evolution of accounting help musical theatre at this time allowed for Philosophy essays, fast-paced music, staging, choreography and more naturalistic dialogue, a far cry from the accounting homework help, overt theatricality and melodrama of previous eras. Musical theatre in the 1940s would hit a new zenith with Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical Oklahoma! Continuing the Show Boat tradition of having complex plotting and Philosophy on abortion talk, serious storytelling amongst musical numbers, the accounting, show offered dream ballets and Thesis for research pregnancy, integrated the Cheap homework help, music more cohesively into the story, rather than providing dance as an excuse for men to Thesis statement for research on poverty teenage pregnancy, see barely-dressed women. Agnes de Mille was the choreographer for this show, and it revolutionized the homework help, format of musical theatre by providing a decided lack of tawdriness and an earnest desire for storytelling that was not present at this level before. In the opening number, there were no showgirls, but instead the actual play began with “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'”. This earnestness and quality of production gave the show rave reviews and unexpected popularity. It got the Pulitzer Prize, and the musical achieved new narrative heights.

It turned into Nursing dissertation the first Broadway show to be considered a “blockbuster,” and was even adapted into Cheap homework film. In the canon of musical theatre, it was the first extremely successful Broadway musical, and it holds a beloved place as a milestone of theatrical history. The success of the play sent Rodgers and Hammerstein into incredible popularity, coming out with a string of Cell law essay further hits, like South Pacific, The King I and help, The Sound of Music. In all of their shows, dark themes were presented in a way heretofore unseen in musical theatre; Oklahoma’s villain was a murderer, and Carousel tackled the Cell law essay, theme of domestic abuse. Due to their vast creativity, everyone else wanted to accounting homework help, emulate them, which meant a string of successive musicals in that vein; this led to the Golden Age of American musical theatre. The war itself was brought to the theatre, with many war-themed shows becoming popular; On the Town showcased a shore leave between soldiers and their women, bringing wartime uncertainty and pathos to the big stage. Annie Get Your Gun, Finian’s Rainbow, Kiss Me, Kate and other such plays were modeled after the Oklahoma! trend of having complex plots with integrated music within, enhancing the Nursing dissertation, overall quality of the musical theatre canon. In the 1950s, shows like Guys and Dolls, Paint your Wagon, My Fair Lady and more continued the tradition of complex characters within musicals; records continued to be shattered, with My Fair Lady running a record 2,717 performances. Each of these popular musicals would have film adaptations made of them as well, bringing in a newfound collaboration between Broadway and Hollywood.

Stars like Julie Andrews and Judy Garland dominated musicals at Cheap accounting homework, this time. Off-Broadway musicals also came to prominence, with shows like The Threepenny Opera and The Fantasticks proving that a show does not have to be part of the Broadway system to be critically and financially successful. Proposal. The orchestras were smaller, and the scale was toned down, but they could still work. Accounting Homework. West Side Story adapted Romeo and Juliet into a modern New York City setting, and How to a college introduction, brought home significant box office returns and myriad Tonys. This cemented Stephen Sondheim’s reputation as a master composer for Cheap homework, musicals. The 1960s saw even greater popularity and experimentation on the part of musicals. More blockbusters, such as Fiddler on the Roof, Hello Dolly!, Funny Girl and Man of La Mancha would be created, and some of the overt sexuality of the Thesis for research teenage pregnancy, burlesque would come back with the popularity of Cabaret . The rock musical would then usurp these musical styles by Cheap homework help, the end of the 1960s. Stephen Sondheim and Jerry Herman would significantly shape the pattern of musicals in this decade and the next, through the darker themes that he would explore in works like Sweeney Todd and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum . These plays were bloody, cynical, and gritty, eschewing the sunny dispositions of earlier musicals to make plays about singing surprisingly dark and brooding.

Into the Woods and Assassins explored these themes further, showcasing a sophistication in lyrics and music that belied the overall exclusiveness of some of the Cheap essay writers uk law, plays’ themes. Soldheim tried a number of new things during this time, including reverse-engineering shows and breaking the fourth wall to accounting help, the audience, all things that made musical theatre challenging and intriguing again. With the start of the musical Hair , rock music would be incorporated into musicals. Also, the Vietnam War was brought up as a theme, something which would prove controversial and also indicative of musical theatre’s propensity to challenge societal attitudes at the time. Cheap Essay Uk Law. Racial tolerance was found in many Golden Age musicals, which were then resurfaced ( The King I, South Pacific , and more).

Racial integration finally occurred in the end of the 1960s; homosexuality was first openly explored as a theme in Hair , and then moved onto Cheap, other shows. In the 1970s, with the advent of the rock musical, The Rocky Horror Show, Jesus Christ Superstar, Godspell and more started to bring in for research on poverty teenage pregnancy this rapidly popular style of music to the theatrical realm, bringing with it an added edge that was never before seen onstage. Some of these plays, like the Who musical Tommy , tended to work more towards concepts of Cheap accounting homework help opera than they did musicals, with little spoken dialogue and most of the Philosophy essays on abortion talk, story and character conveyed through song. African-Americans got their own musical representation onstage, portraying the black experience through The Wiz, Dreamgirls and more. As the Broadway canon expanded, more and Cheap accounting help, more variation occurred, with musicals of every genre coming into prominence. A Chorus Line proved to Cheap essay writers uk law, be a giant among contemporary musicals; released in Cheap 1975, the play, which was about an audition for a musical, broke narrative conventions in a fascinating way, also providing with it amazing music and spectacle, busting box office records and reaching incredible critical acclaim. This led to more plays along that same style, such as Chicago, Pippin, Nine, Evita and Nursing proposal, more. These were risque, tawdry yet liberating pieces, bringing sensuality to the stage without it being classless or inaccessible. In the 1980s and 1990s, pop music began to invade musicals to a larger degree, and larger production values brought incredible spectacle to these productions, like falling chandeliers in The Phantom of the Opera . Novel and Cheap accounting, literary adaptations were beginning to be the norm, and European influences were more and more prevalent. Nursing Dissertation Proposal. Andrew Lloyd Webber became an Cheap accounting, incredible mega-hit musical creator with Cats and Evita , The Phantom of the Opera and more.

A greater emphasis on adaptations has been put forth as the 1990s rolled along; corporations began to get into the Broadway game, with the Disney Company allying with Broadway to adapt their musical films to the stage; Julie Taymor’s production of The Lion King stands out among that canon. With the greater opportunities available for for research on poverty pregnancy, smaller playwrights to create small-scale musicals, musical theatre split into larger, spectacle-based musicals of Broadway, and the quirkier, smaller musicals of accounting homework off-Broadway. Law Essay. Little Shop of Horrors , Bat Boy: The Musical , and others provided smaller scale but interesting stories that eschewed overly elaborate set pieces for small sets of characters and Cheap accounting, developed storylines. Incredible innovations would come from dissertation proposal conclusion shows such as these, and a new niche audience was created for them. In order to attract younger audiences, Rent was released on accounting homework help, Broadway and the West End, a dramatic tale of New York bohemia, rock music, and AIDS. The incredible success of the musicals invigorated the theatre scene with a much younger demographic, leading to the advent of interesting, new and unusual shows. Urinetown and writers uk law, Avenue Q brought modern, crude but wacky humor to smaller stages, Spring Awakening and other shows doing the Cheap homework, same. While Broadway continued to play it safe with their familiar shows, the rise of adaptations began to surface. Wicked , The Producers, Spamalot, Hairspray and others indicate a modern, ongoing trend of taking an established property and making it into a musical.

The point of this is to offer something familiar, which audiences already know from dissertation proposal established material and have a fondness for, and offer a musical component to it. The jukebox musical, exemplified by Mamma Mia! and others, continues this trend of offering familiar songs framed around a new story.

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Essay Writing Advice (for ECPE and C2 EFL exams) Here we tell you how to write an accounting homework, essay that will get good marks in an English language (EFL/ESL) exam such as the Michigan ECPE. The advice would be the statement for research on poverty pregnancy same for the essays that candidates have to accounting homework help write in on abortion talk other EFL/ESL exams such as the IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge CPE exams. First, let's have a look at Cheap, some actual ECPE exam writing tasks so that we can see the different types of essay that we might have to write. Topic 1: In most families there is one family member who doesn't follow society's rules and Cell phone law essay, often embarrasses the rest of the Cheap help family by Thesis statement for research paper teenage, doing or saying something unusual or funny. Describe one of your relatives who is like this. Include several examples of this person's behaviour.

Topic 2: Pesticides are chemicals used to kill insects that damage food crops. Some people say farmers should not use pesticides because the pesticides harm the environment and people who eat the food. Others say that if we stop using pesticides, insects will destroy large quantities of our crops. Do you think farmers should stop using pesticides? Explain the reasons for your opinion. Topic 1: There is a saying, Curiosity killed the cat, meaning that when a person is overly curious (eager to Cheap help learn, know, or investigate something or someone) it can lead to trouble. Describe a situation when curiosity got you or someone you know into trouble.

Topic 2: The production, distribution and for research paper, use of illegal drugs is an international problem that affects almost every country. Help! What actions should be taken to reduce the production, distribution or use of illegal drugs around the English piecing world? Discuss. Topic 1: Everyone has different opinions about what makes someone a good parent. What three qualities do you think are the most necessary to be a good parent? Why are these qualities important?

Discuss, giving examples. Topic 2: Unemployment is a problem facing many countries today. Should the homework help government and/or businesses take an active role in reducing unemployment? Discuss, providing reasons. Topic 1: Some psychologists believe that there is more to intelligence than what traditional intelligence tests measure (mathematical verbal ability). They say there are many kinds of intelligence and many ways to be smart. Cell! Besides mathematical and linguistic intelligence, in what other ways do you think people are smart?

Be specific in your discussion and provide concrete examples. Topic 2: Most people agree that it is important for homework help, co-workers to piecing von claudia have good relationships. Cheap Accounting Homework! However, a recent survey suggested that friendships at work can also cause problems. In what ways can friendships at work be harmful. Philosophy Essays Talk! Discuss, giving specific examples. 2004 (Only one topic provided in the sample from ELI-UM) The United States government recently passed a law that would punish schools whose students do poorly on national exams. Some people think that schools should not take all the blame. Cheap Accounting Homework! In your opinion, what factors influence students' performance?

Discuss, giving specific examples to support your point of view. 2010 Topic 1. Some people believe that body language shows more about peopleaˆ™s true feelings than spoken language. Body language includes peopleaˆ™s facial expressions, hand gestures, and posture. Do you believe we can tell more from paper on poverty body language than from what people say? Be specific and give concrete examples in your response. Topic 2. Every generation of Cheap help, people is different from the previous one. Cell Phone Law Essay! What is one important way in which your generation is different from your parentsaˆ™ generation? How will this difference affect your country or culture? Give specific details and reasons to support your viewpoint. Looking at these examples, there are two obvious types of essay question: descriptive and discursive (i.e. presenting arguments and opinions). Some students who have experience of creative writing in their own language may find it easy to write the descriptive essay, but in our experience the majority of students feel more comfortable with the Cheap accounting discursive essay, partly because it is a college essay introduction, usually possible to use a formula and a number of set phrases.

Note that there is not always a descriptive essay option, but (as far as we know) there will always be at least one discursive essay task. On the homework help rest of Cheap essay writers uk law, this page we will concentrate on the discursive essay. Plannning can seem like a waste of time, but it isn't, especially when time is short and there is no possibility of Cheap homework, redrafting the essay. So after you have made sure that you have understood the topic correctly, give yourself a couple of minutes to Philosophy on abortion talk note down some ideas you could mention in Cheap your essay. English Von Claudia! If you can quickly think of five or six, pause to decide which two or three you want to develop in your essay. Choose ideas that you know you have the vocabulary to discuss. If it is appropriate or necessary to help mention examples, choose ideas that you know you have examples for. You will get marks for Cell law essay, how well-organised your essay is, which means you are likely to lose marks if you just start writing about the first idea that comes into accounting your head. Every discursive essay needs an introduction and a main body. Normally a final paragraph that rounds off the English paper von claudia essay is needed, but examiners know that time could easily run out Cheap accounting homework, before you manage to round off your essay. Not having a concluding paragraph will probably not matter much; not having a good introduction will matter a great deal.

Begin by English paper piecing, redescribing the phenomenon, the homework trend or the debate that is the Nursing conclusion focus of the essay question. In a short ECPE essay this might only need one or two sentences. In the Cheap help past, it seemed obvious to many that the only reliable test of write a college, intelligence was one which assessed a person's ability to reason, especially the ability to Cheap homework help see patterns in words, numbers and symbols. In recent years, however, there has been a growing suspicion that those IQ tests assume a conception of Cell, intelligence that is homework help, too narrow. End your introduction either by: 1 briefly stating the point of view you are going to English piecing schmidt defend. As I see it, musical and sporting abilities are two of the skill areas that deserve to be regarded as forms of intelligence. 2 stating what you are going to do in Cheap accounting the rest of the essay.

In this essay I will look at How to write, two skill areas that deserve to accounting homework be regarded as forms of intelligence. 3 stating the two different points of view that you are going to consider. Although the Cell phone vast majority of farmers look upon pesticides as invaluable, some consumers and Cheap homework, pressure groups have spoken out against them. 4 stating the question you are going to answer. This raises the Cell law essay question of whether the homework help benefits of pesticides outweigh their drawbacks. If the essay question specifically asks about your opinion, it might be better to briefly state this at the end of the Cheap essay writers uk law introduction, without giving any details or arguments (but it is not absolutely necessary, especially if you don't have a firm opinion).

If you want to look at help, different points of view before you weigh them up and law essay, give your final assessment, it might be better to use techniques three and four above. This needs two paragraphs, each of Cheap accounting help, which should develop one point. Depending on the essay task, you might need to conclusion describe examples (as in the question about Cheap accounting homework help intelligence), discuss different points of Philosophy talk, view, describe causes, make suggestions, and accounting homework, give reasons for conclusion, your point of view. Below are examples of paragraphs that do each of these things. The exceptional bodily control seen in accounting homework help some athletes and dancers could definitely be viewed as a form of intelligence.

The ability of Thesis statement teenage, a ballerina, for instance, to maintain perfect balance and turn her movements into a work of art can only be developed with years of strenuous training. In a sense, ballet has its own language, and it seems reasonable to compare the homework skill of using this language with the skill of using the verbal language that has been traditionally tested when measuring a person's IQ. Essay! Admittedly, performing in accounting homework help a ballet does not involve as much thought as solving problems in an IQ test, but that does not seem to me to be a good reason to law essay exclude this as a form of homework help, intelligence. Discussing different points of view. There are those who argue that the government should not interfere much in Cheap writers the economy, even if there are concerns about the level of unemployment. Cheap Accounting Homework Help! It is said that the rate of unemployment will fall naturally if there is economic growth, and the best way to guarantee economic growth is to allow the market to develop without government interference. Writers Uk Law! Those with this point of view accept that the government has a responsibility, but they insist that it should not go beyond providing a minimal unemployment benefit to those who are temporarily out of work. Describing causes and homework help, making suggestions. One of the reasons why some children fail at school is poverty. Students will only make good progress if they do their homework well, but a child from dissertation a large and poverty-stricken family who does not have a quiet room at home in which to study will not be able to do her homework well.

Furthermore, in poor families the parents sometimes have a very low level of education and Cheap help, may even have a negative opinion about the importance of education. In these cases, they will not be able to give the help and encouragement that the child needs. Giving reasons for your point of view. One very powerful argument against pesticides is that they are harmful to humans. Chemicals can only be used as pesticides if they are toxic either to plants or animals.

These are poisons, and it is hardly surprising that chemicals that are poisonous to some forms of plant life, for instance, also have detrimental effects on human health. Eating rice that has been sprayed during storage and Cell law essay, transport to prevent it being eaten by insects may not make us ill immediately, but by continually eating sprayed fruit and vegetables it is almost certain that we increase our risks of suffering from cancer. Use this paragraph to re-emphasize the main point or points you want to make, or to accounting homework help weigh up the opinions presented earlier in the essay. Then add a comment about, for instance, why this is so important, or about how difficult or easy it will be to change things, or about the likely consequences if we do nothing. In conclusion, for the sake of statement paper on poverty pregnancy, both the environment and human health drastic reductions in our use of pesticides must be made. Admittedly this will not be easy, since they have become such an homework, important part of Cheap essay writers, modern agriculture. However, if there is enough investment in research into alternatives I am optimistic that we will be able to phase out the use of these harmful toxins. Try to accounting help avoid simply repeating what you have already said.

This can be particularly difficult, especially when the essay task merely involves describing different aspects of something (like the forms of intelligence). To sum up, it is clear that the ability to do the old-fashioned IQ tests is not the dissertation proposal conclusion only form of intelligence. Not only are music and Cheap accounting homework help, movement areas where we can see how smart people are, but there are also many others. It is wonderful that we are now appreciating this variety instead of giving a privileged place to statement for research on poverty teenage pregnancy one narrow set of abilities. When writing academic essays the usual advice is to avoid expressions that are considered informal. For instance, expressions with get are considered quite informal, so instead of saying kids will get bad marks, it would be better to say, children will receive a poor grade. One good reason for following this advice is that most of the language you have been learning on your proficiency course is formal, and so by choosing a formal register (as we call it) you give yourself more opportunities to Cheap accounting homework show what you have learnt on the course. However, you may be surprised to see that the sample essay from Michigan which was given an honors grade begins with a very informal conversational style. OK, so your son got a low score in his IQ tests.

Don't be discouraged since this does not mean he is not intelligent. It simply means they may not have tested his main intelligence. More and more reassuring news is coming from new research. These new studies indicate that there is more to intelligence than the traditional mathematical and linguistic intelligence. In his notes, the examiner calls this a strong beginning, but not everybody would agree. (By the way, the rest of that essay didn't use a conversational style.) Our advice is to use more formal and sophisticated language wherever you can because this will give better proof that you have become a proficient user of the kind of Cheap writers uk law, academic English that makes up most of the ECPE exam. Do make sure you have understood the task correctly. Do ask if you are not sure about the task.

Do spend a couple of minutes thinking of ideas, choosing the Cheap accounting homework help best ones and the order you will discuss them in. Do try to have a good introduction. This creates the first impression on the examiner, and first impressions are very important. Do show that you appreciate how complex the on poverty pregnancy topic is (vital if you want to get a rating of Cheap accounting homework help, A or B) Do make sure that each paragraph in Cell the main body of your essay has a clear topic. Do develop your ideas by giving arguments for the opinions you mention, and/or giving examples, or drawing a contrast, or by acknowledging the opposite point of Cheap help, view (if you have not planned to do that in the following paragraph). Do imagine that you are writing for someone who is not quite as well-informed as you are, so that you really have to make your points clear. Do try to use a good range of vocabulary. English Piecing Schmidt! Do not just use the help simplest expressions that come to mind first, and avoid repeating the Cheap essay writers uk law same words if you can. Do find ways to avoid the sort of repetition seen here: A major health hazard nowadays is pesticides. Cheap Accounting Homework! Pesticides are widely used in modern agriculture.

Do use expressions such as On the Cell law essay one hand, Secondly, By contrast, Furthermore, Last but not least, All in all, etc, where appropriate, to make the connection between your sentences perfectly clear. Cheap Accounting Homework Help! See our list of useful phrases for essays. Do vary the length of your sentences. If all your sentences are either very short or very long, the essay will be boring to read. Do use some of the lovely proficiency structures you have learnt throughout the course. See our essay grammar structures to get a few ideas. Do not use phrases like, As I said above, which just prove that either you didn't plan the essay or the plan was a bad one.

Do not use extremely general sentences that say nothing about your particular topic (sentences such as There are two sides to every coin. Everything has its drawbacks. Nothing is perfect. etc). Send queries, comments and gentle reminders about spelling mistakes to: About Fullspate: - Fullspate is actually one man with a PhD and a laptop who grew tired of the uk law bland contents of EFL coursebooks, decided to write slightly more engaging stuff for his English students, and then thought it might be nice to share them online. The sites of some of Cheap accounting homework, our friends: Show your generosity by giving us the thumbs up on our Facebook page and do leave a message. It's the feedback that makes it all seem worthwhile.

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