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Lined Paper: If They Give You Lined Paper, Write Sideways. The Record Off The Record: Unofficial report of debate and votes in every SD 61 Greater Victoria School Board and Standing Committee meeting, and more. Trustee Voting Records: January 2012 – Present. This is an unofficial summary of all motions brought to Standing Committees and Board Meetings of School District 61 Greater Victoria (City of Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, and part of Saanich) since January 2012, when I started my first term as Trustee, and all Trustees took office, after the Best late to school November 2011 civic elections. This page is now a sticky post. Page links at bottom of page. Page 1 : Backgrounder (you are here)

Page 2 : Motions January 2012 – June 2012. Page 3 : Motions September 2012 – December 2012. Page 4 : Motions January 2013 – July 2013. Page 5 : Motions September 2013 – December 2013. Page 6 : Motions January 2014 – August 2014. Page 7 : September 2014 – December 2014. Page 9 : September 2015 – December 2015. Page 11: September, October, November, December 2016. Page 12: January 2017- June 2017. This post is an pdf with, unofficial summary of all motions brought to Standing Committees and homework late Board Meetings of School District 61 Greater Victoria (City of Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, part of Saanich, and Traditional Territories of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations) since January 2012, when I started my first term as Trustee after the November 2011 civic elections. (Now in a second term of four years, after November 2014 civic elections, results here.)

Minutes are approved or corrected at the next meeting of the same committee / next meeting of the Board. Assignment. SD61 keeps a record of motions that carry but motions that are defeated can be interesting as well. In Camera meetings exclude the public. If there is a motion In Camera to report to the public and the majority approves via vote, specific motions decisions will be reported out in the public meeting. A more general, required report is on the District website for each In Camera meeting as “Section 72 Report” (see Section 72 of the BC School Act). All motions here can be read in context with rationales and highlights of debate in the Lined Paper post for Best excuses to school that meeting.

Most motions on a Board meeting agenda (except for the unusual circumstance of a motion from the floor) have been previously discussed at essays pdf with quotes one of the Standing Committees (Education Policy Development, aka Ed Policy or Operations Policy and Planning, aka OPPS). If amendments are made this often takes place at the Standing Committee level where discussion and Best excuses late to school debate can be more lengthy, and include comments from the public. Motions may be defeated at Writing a Standing Committee, but the mover can still choose to bring that motion to the Board meeting. Motions that are carried by majority vote at a Standing Committee appear on the Board agenda as “recommended”. Excuses Late To School. Sometimes senior administration presents a motion as “recommended”. For Robert’s Rules of Doing on line Order terms defined, see any number of sources online, including Nancy Sylvester’s informative site, and the Robert’s Rules for Dummies site. Best Homework Late To School. The current Robert’s Rules Newly Revised, 11th Edition is not available online. Motions in this post appear in Do book reports need cover summarized form. Ready? September 25/17: Board Meeting: Auditor’s Report, Dress Code In Limbo, Trustee $, 9 Budget Motions.

School Act Part 6 — Boards of Education Division 1 — Corporate Status and Best homework excuses to school Meetings: Meetings and chair : 67 (5.1) Without limiting subsection (5), a board may establish procedures respecting the provision of advice by a district parents’ advisory council to the board. It’s time for assignment buy a new format for Best excuses to school this blog. With the change, here’s some history. When I was first elected in Research for sale 2011, I came to Best to school the School District 61 Board fro a background of consistent application of Robert’s Rules in small meetings and in large meetings of 400 or more people. Everyone understood the quotes procedure of the debate, order was kept, and Best homework to school everyone knew how motions were disposed of. If you didn’t know Robert’s you’d be left behind as there was no patience for Do book reports letters remaining ignorant of required process. As a representative of the teacher’s union local I attended SD61 Board meetings for for several years, thinking that this Board must be so much more sophisticated with Robert’s Rules than I, since I had little grasp of what was going on. The meetings moved very fast. Other attendees could not understand how the meetings were conducted, either. However, once elected and immersed in the process of the Board, it became clear that Board and Committee meetings did not follow Robert’s, required by SD61 Board Bylaw 9368 and hadn’t for some time, which is why no one really understood what was happening. “Out of Order”, used frequently and incorrectly by Chairs of the homework excuses late to school Board and Committees, really meant that the Chair didn’t like the motion and wanted it to go away.

Although enshrined Robert’s, challenging a ruling of the Chair was not allowed. (Bev Horsman , no longer on the board, was horrified by the idea of a challenge to the Chair saying, “That would undermine the Chair’s authority!” Imagine that. ) I brought a motion to the table to revise the relevant Bylaw [ at 8. A here] to include a provision for Challenge of the Chair’s ruling, as it exists in Robert’s rules of Order. Much opposition but eventually carried. Motions were recorded in minutes as simply carried or defeated. Trustee votes were not recorded, so citizens had no idea how people they had elected voted. I made a motion to have names attached to quotes votes and published in the minutes so electors would know how people they elected voted on Best homework late to school issues. University. My motion to record votes [February 2012] failed at Ed Policy in Best excuses late to school 2012 with intense pushback 5-4 [Orcherton: “Individual trustees can decide how transparent they want to assignment jira be to the public.” ] But at the following Board meeting the motion carried unanimously, with five trustees who had argued vehemently against the motion suddenly changing their minds after media attention. Perhaps it became apparent that transparency for Best homework to school elected officials isn’t an option. I initiated [at 8.B here] a motion to have students at the Board table. They are now, not as I envisioned, but the presence is Writing pdf with, even better than I’d hoped. You can imagine given the lack of homework excuses to school rules of engagement and arbitrary actions by Chairs that were supported 5-4, the kind of experiences that in Write university buy camera meetings were. Best Excuses Late. Because I can’t tell you.

A lot more that needed to change, and meetings have changed for reports cover the better, but not without unrelenting focus and effort on applying Robert’s Rules. RRO 11th Edition was bought and given to all Trustees. I’m not sure that even now, all Trustees have read it. It’s not fun but required reading for the job. Just one example, below. Never mind that Board Bylaw 9368 requires that meetings use Robert’s Rules.

Jan 7/13: Motion from the floor: McNally: That any motion to refer be made and conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, with a mover, seconder, debate, and votes recorded. / Defeated. Against: Ferris, Horsman, Leonard, McEvoy, Orcherton For: Alpha, Loring-Kuhanga, McNally, Nohr . So, anything can be referred by a Chair without a motion to do that or a recorded vote, to some other meeting. Some “referred” motions never resurfaced. [As of 2014, Robert’s is in force.] Some Trustees may still believe Robert’s is homework excuses, “bureaucratic bullshit”, but nevertheless the majority now accepts that the essays pdf with Board functions well according to Robert’s Rules. Now, if you know even the rudiments, you can follow debate and disposal of motions. Minutes make sense and Best excuses late are complete. There is no longer a need to record in reports letters detail what happened in the meetings.

The essentials are captured in the minutes of the two standing committees and the Board meeting. posted on the SD61 website. Improving process and Best late updating Policy and Regulations (which the majority bloc – Ferris, Horsman, Leonard, McEvoy, Orcherton – of the Board for the 2011 3 year term said would take too much time, and besides, “Trustees don’t get involved in Write assignment university Policy”) are well underway and continue, with two trustees the committee.Because yes they do get involved with Policy. Present: Ferris, Leonard, McNally, Loring-Kuhanga, Nohr, Watters, Whiteaker. Not Present: Orcherton, Paynter. The agenda was approved with a couple of additions. Minutes of June 26, August 21 approved. Best Excuses Late To School. No business arising, no student achievement presentation. KPMG, the District Auditors, presented their analysis of the District’s financial statements and Group to do jira found them to be in order. In the Community Presentations section, five people spoke to the proposed SD 61 Dress Code motion. During the first presentation by Tasha Diamant, there were abusive comments being made to her that the Board could not hear, but there was apparent body language from a member of the public.

When Tasha had finished her presentation and Best homework late to school was returning to her seat, the man who had been making remarks became more aggressive with his remarks, although people at the Board table still could hear only the Writing essays odd word, not all of what was said. I heard only “weird”, which was bad enough. Two more women presented. Tasha moved away from the commenting man to another seat, stood up and called out what had happened and the man denied it; the next presenter, Max, said what he had heard, supported what Tasha had said, and called for action. The Board Chair was asked to direct the abusive individual to leave, by various people in the meeting. Nothing like this had ever happened in Best homework late this meeting room before.

The chair asked and then directed the man to leave. He argued, two male senior administration rose, and followed the individual and Research paper his friend out excuses to school of the Doing assignment quotes room . The final presenter, Renay, made her presentation in support of the motion. They are all on SD61 video on the website. The incident is in Best homework late Part 1, at 26 minutes 10 seconds. The incident needs close attention in a debrief, development of clear protocol for Group to do such breaches in conduct / threatening behaviour, and possibly a reconfiguration of the homework excuses late room to paper for sale ensure that all in excuses late the room can hear everyone.

This is the motion that carried at Ed Policy on September 11th, and which the Board intended to Do book reports need debate at this meeting: The Board of SD61 (Greater Victoria) accepts the following recommendation: The School Code of Conduct will not include any other statements regarding expectations of dress, except for the following: Our school is committed to creating a learning community that values diversity and Best homework late to school is free of all forms of discrimination. In line with the BC Human Rights Code which prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s: race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age, promotes a climate of to do jira understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights. Actions through verbal or nonverbal communication (including clothing) must demonstrate support for the BC Human Rights Code. The meeting continued. The Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils President spoke against the motion, and Trustee Deborah Nohr, who had previously spoken against the motion, moved to refer it back to the One Learning Community Committee (which made the recommendation to Best homework excuses late to school adopt it). The motion to refer carried, which stopped any debate, and Writing pdf with quotes stopped anyone hearing any reasons why a Trustee would be be for or against it. Ferris, Leonard, Loring-Kuhanga, Nohr for referral; McNally, Watters, Whiteaker against referral, meaning let’s do this now; it’s been through two Committees.

Audrey Smith, president of the Victoria Confederation of homework excuses to school Parent Advisory Councils , said there hasn’t yet been an official parent representative involved in discussions about the Buy write my essay biz review dress code. The mystifying part is, Smith was at the table and contributed when the code proposal was being discussed in meetings of the Best homework One Learning Community Committee and could have brought up the “official” problem then. Write University Buy. But how much more “official” does it have to get than the President of the Organization that (although it seldom if ever gets quirum at meetings) purports to represent parents of students in SD61? Reportedly Smith has since claimed she was misquoted by the TC reporter, but Trustees weren’t told this. I called the TC and management is investigating. [VCPAC – most parent groups simply go by DPAC, “District Parent Advisory Council” – was unable to get quorum [ a PAC rep from each of homework late to school 15 schools ] for even one VCPAC meeting in the 2016-17 school year, and most of the Doing time in years past . This is an organization that presents itself though the Best President’s statements as “the” voice of parents in SD61.

How was business conducted, if any was? So get out to your school PAC meeting and ask a lot of questions. Buy Write. Only one person gets to take the school PAC vote in issues to DPAC, though . Not one person, one vote. The rest of the meeting dealt with establishing a French Advisory ad hoc committee to meet at least annually [carried], that the Best late to school Superintendent provide a report and recommendation on elementary counselling supports [carried], debate on Doing assignment quotes trustee remuneration framed in excuses late to school the coming impact of 2019 Federal tax changes [carried], a motion to upgrade the upper Esquimalt High School Field [carried] and nine budget related motions [all carried]. [For years, the SD61 structural deficit climbed every year, but the current administrative team directed by current Board decisions have reduced it from over $8 million a couple of years ago to $3,700,000. Assignment Buy. With direction from the Best homework late current Board, paying down the structural deficit is beginning to look very possible.] SD61 Structural Deficit : former Sec-Treas Ambeault. The public question period had three questions, one asking about the legal basis for the district to Group to do assignment jira collect funds from parents for playgrounds and one asking for policy on teachers teaching their own children (there isn’t one).

One was handed in from the floor written as required, something like” explain dress codes “, left behind by the individual who was ejected. [ Ok. Homework Excuses Late. Here.] Trustee Watters gave a Notice of Motion for the next Board meeting: That the Board direct the Superintendent to instruct principals to suspend enforcement of reports letters school dress codes pending completion of the One Learning Community Committee’s consultations and recommendations on dress codes. Adjourned 10:25 pm.

Please make an effort to maintain self-control. Sept 18/2017: Operations Policy Planning: Trustee $ / Long Term Facilities Plan. That the Board support in late principle the Do book upgrading of the upper Esquimalt High School Field and direct the late to school Superintendent to have discussions with community partners regarding the capital requirements of the project. / Carried. Unanimous.(Leonard, Loring-Kuhanga, McNally, Paynter, Watters) Lined Paper is Research for sale, my personal record of and commentary on SD61 Board and Standing Committee meetings. Best To School. Official, approved minutes are on the SD61 website, one month after the meeting. SD61 Greater Victoria School District includes students in Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Victoria, View Royal, parts of Saanich and to do assignment jira the Highlands, and Best homework late to school the Traditional Territories of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. Sticky post: Motions and Trustee Voting Records January 2012 – June 2017.

Motions may be shortened but retain essential information. October 17/16, Whiteaker: That the Group to do jira Board amend Bylaw 9130 Standing Committees to remove the words “with voting rights” from homework late to school Item #4 and assignment buy Item #5. / Carried. Unanimous. This had the effect of allowing only Best late members of the Standing Committee to reports need vote on homework excuses motions, though other Trustees, if they attend, can participate in the debate. The Chair of the Board ex officio member both Committees, with voting rights. Quorum is a majority of Trustee members on the committee. Members: McNally, Leonard, Paynter ; Board Chair Loring-Kuhanga ex officio (vote but not counted for quorum) Absent: Ferris, Orcherton. Dialogue with the Public is pdf with, welcome during Standing Committee Meetings.

2. Best Homework To School. OPP minutes June 12 /17: SD61 minutes here; Lined Paper record here. 3. Business Arising from the minutes: McNally: P5 review of quotes Grtr Victoria Foundation for Best homework late to school Learning mandate report back to Board – timeline? Superintendent: October OPP. 4. Doing On Line Quotes. Presentations to the Committee : [Your chance to homework to school present to the committee and my essay biz review engage in Best homework excuses related dialogue with members of the Committee and other Trustees who choose to attend.] A. District Archives Update: Secretary-Treasurer Walsh and volunteer Wayne Bembridge reported. See Pp 10-11 agenda. (Judy Stevenson unable to attend.) Ina Uthoff work photo M Walsh. SD61 teacher Christina Johnson-Dean has written a series of university buy biographies of women artists including Ina Uthoff.

A. Superintendent introduced Student Rep Saskia Van Beers, Esquimalt High School. A. Teacher Staffing Update: Colin Roberts, Director, HR Services: LOU #17 details terms and conditions associated with restoration of previous contract language. Best Excuses Late. Two career fairs held by SD61 Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Victoria; special attention to teachers of French Immersion. Pdf With Quotes. From January 2017 to September 2017, 340 teachers offered employment in SD61. 7. To School. Finance and Legal Affairs. A. Jira. Parent Education Fund: Deputy Superintendent Shelley Green: 6 pages of reports in on what schools did with the fund ($250 per to school PAC). $5000 of $7000 fund accessed. Paynter: This now a smoothly operating system? Deputy Superintendent: Have cut down some administration processes and awareness has built.

Nohr: Does the $2000 roll over into the next $7000? (Yes.) McNally: What happens if there are rollovers and accumulation of for sale lined money? Deputy Superintendent: Will be reviewed in spring. B. Trustee Expenses and Remuneration: Mark Walsh, Secretary-Treasurer (P 21 agenda): Federal tax changes for 2019. The 1/3 of stipend that Trustees receive will not be tax free for expenses any longer. Trustees will submit expenses starting July 2018. Best. Expenses will be budgeted separately from Trustee professional development. Recommended motions from for sale lined Secretary-Treasurer: 1. That the Board accept expense reimbursement claims as of July 2018 for Trustee expenses associated with carrying out their duties, to be approved by Best homework late, the Chair or Vice-Chair. 2. That the Board approve that Trustees shall submit pro-d requests to the Chair or Vice Chair for Group approval and that pro-d expenses be treated independently of expenses, and.

3. That the Best late Board direct the paper Superintendent to Amend Regulation 8230 Trustee Remuneration and Expenses for changes to the expense reimbursement and professional development procedures, and to Best excuses to school reflect that trustee remuneration, including Chair and Vice Chair remuneration, be adjusted on an ongoing basis for any salary percentage increases received by the BCTF/GVTA, and that trustee remuneration be amended as of biz review January 2 018 to Best homework late reflect the assignment university buy BCTF/GVTA increases that have occurred since the beginning of the current Board’s term. McNally: What happened to excuses late to school Ferris’ motion from around 2013? Secretary-Treasurer: Was never put into Policy or Regulations. McNally: #3 Great deal of difficulty with the reports letters Board Chair or Vice Chair approving professional development “requests”, which implies the Best homework to school possibility of not approving them. Amendment: Strike BCTF as the GVTA is the Group assignment jira local we are concerned with. Best Late To School. Whiteaker: Pro-d needs to essays quotes be approved.What will be included in expenses? Business cards? Printer cartridges? Leonard: Chair and Vice Chair are part of the Board so shouldn’t be in homework late the position of approval. Paynter: [Long discourse] McNally: hoping a motion or two will come from Paynter’s speech. Buy Write My Essay. Would like ongoing updates to homework excuses late Trustees re how much is left in the fund / funds.

Paynter: Are those the only groups we should peg to? Watters: Want a well-educated board. Have been skimping. Value for money – people don’t want to run. Writing Pdf With. Need approval for Pro D for accountability. Best To School. Tying raise to BCTF/GVTA – does that create a conflict of interest?

Whiteaker: Putting motion #2 on Group to do jira the floor. Paynter: Motion to strike an Ad Hoc Committee to Best homework report to OPPS October 2017 to examine practices and related procedures re business expenses and pro-d. Buy Write My Essay. Whiteaker: Motion to postpone Paynter’s motion until later in the meeting. Carried unanimously. For: Leonard, Loring-Kuhanga, McNally, Paynter, Watters.

Leonard: Moving motion #1, with amendment: Period after “duties”. / Carried. For: Leonard, McNally, Paynter, Watters Against: Loring-Kuhanga Leonard: Moving motion #2: McNally: Amendment: Delete “requests”, replace with “plans” or “intentions”. Excuses. Defeated. For: McNally Against: Leonard, Loring-Kuhanga, Paynter, Watters Main motion: Carried. Unanimous. Motion #3 on the floor. Leonard: Amendment: Remove “Chair and Vice Chair”. Chair and Vice Chair already get an allowance on top of the base salary, which should not be part of the salary. / Carried. Unanimous. // McNally: Remove “BCTF”. / Carried. For: Leonard, McNally, Watters Against: Loring-Kuhanga, Paynter Back to Paynter’s postponed motion: Motion to strike an Ad Hoc Committee to examine practices and related procedures re business expenses and pro-d, report to OPPS October 2017. / Carried. Unanimous.

8. Facilities Planning. A. Long Term Facilities Plan: Will be posted here. Secretary-Treasurer: Downtown core exploration. Predicted massive growth in downtown area but no Baragar data. Final manifestation of plan probably a year away. TOR will come to Group to do jira Board for further discussion. Enrolment projections will be included. Nohr: Rockheights is down 130 in enrolment. Excuses Late. Superintendent: Neighbourhood schools serve the Do book need cover letters neighbourhood.

Addressing this. B. Esquimalt High School All Weather Field : Secretary-Treasurer: Recommended motion : That the Board support in principle the upgrading of the upper Esquimalt High School Field and excuses to school direct the Superintendent to have discussions with community partners regarding the capital requirements of the project. / Carried. Writing Essays. Unanimous.(Leonard, Loring-Kuhanga, McNally, Paynter, Watters) Student rep Meghan Scott: Why did the Best late district spend $1.2 million at Oak Bay, and why looking to community for Esquimalt? Secretary-Treasurer: Oak Bay was entirely new school build.

The Ministry contributed $56 million, included amenities. Community also contributed. Esquimalt got windows and a new boiler, since there was no capital pot of $ to do any more. 9. Public Disclosure of Camera Items: None. A. Trustee Questions (to the Superintendent) McNally: Since SD61 schools are at max with International students, how will this affect South American and overseas recruiting trips by ISP staff?

Will this affect the budget in a positive way? Whiteaker: What is the reply to email to Group to do trustees timeline policy now? / 48 hours or 3 days. Watters: Is there a way we can bring Trustees to Best excuses the table with student reps ? / Recommendation on that is coming to the Board. They meet monthly. Trustees are welcome to attend.

12. General Announcements: None. Sept 11/17 Ed Policy: Dress Code, French Advisory Committee, Elementary School Counsellors. Lined Paper is Do book reports need cover letters, my personal record of and commentary on SD61 Board and Standing Committee meetings. Official, approved minutes are on the SD61 website, one month after the meeting. SD61 Greater Victoria School District includes students in Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Victoria, View Royal, parts of Saanich and the Highlands, and the Traditional Territories of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. Sticky post: Motions and Trustee Voting Records January 2012 – June 2017. Motions may be shortened but retain essential information. October 17/16, Whiteaker: That the Board amend Bylaw 9130 Standing Committees to remove the words “with voting rights” from Best homework Item #4 and pdf with Item #5. / Carried.

Unanimous. This had the effect of allowing only members of the Standing Committee to excuses to school vote on motions, though other Trustees, if they attend, can participate in the debate. The Chair of the Board ex officio member both Committees, with voting rights. Quorum is a majority of Trustee members on the committee. Education Policy and Directions Standing Committee September 11 /17. Members: Ferris, Nohr, Orcherton , Whiteaker; Loring-Kuhanga ex officio (vote but not counted for quorum) Dialogue with the Do book reports cover letters Public is welcome during Standing Committee Meetings. 2. Best Excuses Late To School. Approval of Ed Policy Directions Minutes : Lined Paper link here. Minutes of my essay biz review June 5 /17 approved with corrections: Page 5 motion “deferred” should be “Motion postponed to definite time” as per RRO 11th Ed, p 179. [ 100.00 In all meetings of the Board of Trustees, procedures shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, except where provisions of the bylaws of the Board or the Schools Act may conflict, in excuses late to school which case the latter shall prevail. ] A. Write Buy. Student Representative: Superintendent introduces Meghan Scott, Esquimalt Secondary.

Esquimalt Secondary (absent) B. Dress Code: Associate Superintendent Deb Whitten, lead: P 6 agenda (Interesting discussion at June 20 / 16 meeting), coming out of excuses late One Learning Community Ad Hoc Committee and assignment university buy Trustee Watters’ work with the District Gender and Sexuality Alliance and updates to the District’s related policy. recommendation aligns with the District values identified in the Strategic Plan. Recommended (P 6 agenda): School Codes of Conduct will include the following statement:1.Our school is Best excuses late, committed to creating a learning community that values diversity and is free of all forms of Do book need letters discrimination. In line with the BC Human Rights Code which prohibits discrimination on the basis of an Best homework excuses to school, individual’s: race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, sex,sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age,insert school name promotes a climate of Buy write my essay understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights.

Actions through verbal or nonverbal communication(including clothing) must demonstrate support for the BC Human Rights Code. And 2.The School Code of Conduct will not include any other statements regarding expectations of excuses dress. Watters moved to amend; amendment and motion carried : For: Orcherton Whiteaker Against : Nohr. The Board of SD61 (Greater Victoria) accepts the cover letters following recommendation: The School Code of Conduct will not include any other statements regarding expectations of homework late dress, except for the following: Our school is committed to assignment buy creating a learning community that values diversity and excuses late is free of all forms of discrimination. In line with the BC Human Rights Code which prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s: race, colour, ancestry, place of Group assignment origin, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age, insert school name promotes a climate of understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights. Actions through verbal or nonverbal communication (including clothing) must demonstrate support for the BC Human Rights Code. Paynter: For consideration, Oregon Dress Code. Has basic requirements for dress.

Nohr: Recently has been concern at UVic gym re gluteal folds showing with some women’s shorts. A health issue. Concerned with scanty dress in schools on the part of Best excuses some students. Whitten: Opportunity for a conversation with the individual in private, based on respect and dignity. Watters: Each family has its own culture and hopefully decisions will be made in the home as a team. A learning curve for young people going out into the world to present themselves well. Write Assignment. Orcherton: Thanks to Nohr for her points. This are happening quickly in the diversity area. The will be instances where someone is Best homework late to school, not dressing appropriately.

If the recommendation is all there is, it takes away authority. Biz Review. We are preparing students for life in the workplace and inappropriate dress will not be tolerated. Respect is something we teach. First impressions powerful. Best Homework To School. May be leaving it wide open; need some guidelines. Not just students, adults in schools need guidelines too. Can see problems, like the assignment UVic concern with gluteal folds, otherwise known as the “butt crack”.

McNally: Gluteal folds are not a health issue. This is women’s body shaming disguised as a health issue. And allow me to demonstrate where a “butt crack” [“ The intergluteal cleft, also known medically by Best homework excuses, various synonyms and colloquially as the “ butt crack ” … is the groove between the buttocks…” (Wikipedia)] is and where a gluteal fold is. [Does, fully clothed.] Dress codes are aimed at women, based on very old ideas (enshrined in some religions – thinking snakes, apples, women who want knowledge, fig leaves, clothing…) of for sale women as virtuous, and the custodians of men’s behaviour which is Best late, fundamentally debased. Dress codes (“modesty”) bring those old ideas forward, putting women “in charge” and responsible for Research for sale men’s behaviour (though not in excuses late charge of much that counts). Dress codes demean boys and men by pdf with, characterizing them as incapable of focus on anything but a woman’s body and that they need to be protected by homework late to school, more or less shrouding that temptation. Men are socialized from an early age to assignment be “manly” and to react – as one Facebook commentator put it – as “mindless horndogs”.

It’s a great disrespect and demeaning to male / male identifying students to think they can’t stay with the homework excuses late to school physics text if a woman / person identifying as a woman walks by. Dress codes disrespect sexes and genders. In Victorian times the sight of Writing essays pdf with quotes a female ankle was thought to excuses late to school drive men mad with sexual desire. Now we laugh at that. Living for the day when the spaghetti strap type of Write assignment university buy issues and excuses late dress codes are laughable as well. Assignment. Paynter: Back to the Oregon code. Some parts have to be covered. And Human Rights doesn’t cover swearing expressions, references to drugs or alcohol. Excuses. Yes has to be conversation between parents and kids. Male appearing person in public seats: Confused about body shaming.

School should be providing excellent learning opportunities. If ankles are distracting we need to talk about that. This proposed lack of assignment dress code is not in the best interest of the safety of homework late my daughters. Write. Think about what these things will do to Best homework late to school families.Talking about people showing up naked at school – using our children as pawns in some political agenda. SD61 schools may not be a safe place for Writing quotes my children. Recommended: That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) establish a French Advisory Ad Hoc Committee to meet at least annually, or as required . / Carried.

For: Nohr, Orcherton, Whiteaker. Superintendent: Not an Ad Hoc Committee – Ad Hocs have a defined TOR that ends when the homework issue has been dealt with and reported on. Burgers: The French Ad Hoc Committee looked as a few issues, boundaries included. Because of French Federal funding, need a place for stakeholders to have input into Group how the money is Best excuses late, spent, and goal setting. McNally: Suggestion s for changes to Group to do assignment TOR: specify the Trustee member will be appointed by Board Chair, and change “Membership shall be renewed annually” to “Representative groups shall appoint a rep annually”. Paynter: Why havng a conversation about Best homework excuses late to school French programs only? Not a good use of scarce resources of the District.

Whiteaker: Won’t be limited to funding. To Do Assignment Jira. Paynter: Make funding part of the mandate. Turcotte, GVTA [and French Immersion teacher]: Funding comes from Ministry of Heritage in Ottawa to the School District.The Funding Guide recommends establishment of an excuses late to school, Advisory Committee. What if the Committee members want to meet more frequently? And some years up to now, hasn’t met at all.

Superintendent: TOR specifies at to do assignment jira least twice a year. [It does; the motion doesn’t.] Like Aboriginal targeted funding, concern on the part of the funder that funds used for targeted purpose. Yes, have same question re why Advisory Committees on some parts of the district’s programs and not others. Best Late. Burgers: So various stakeholder groups to provide feedback and look at models of service. D. Jira. Elementary Counselling Services. Nohr: That the Board request that the Superintendent provide a report on the elementary counselling services within our district for the November 2017 Education Policy and Directions meeting. Revised motion: Superintendent provide report n and recommendations on counsellor support for elementary students and Best excuses late to school their families, by Buy write my essay, November Education Policy meeting. / Carried.

For: Nohr, Orcherton, Whiteaker. Superintendent: Very general motion. Please be more specific . Nohr: 1:1000 students ratio. Students in need neglected and Best late untenable working conditions for teachers. Pdf With. Learning compromised when emotional need not met. Best Homework Excuses Late. Equity issue – some families have benefits and Write assignment university others cannot afford counsellors.Would like grid with student numbers per school and counsellor FTE, as well as some successful outcomes and some gaps identified. Best Homework Late. Watters: Want to now what the plan is to paper address this – agree there is a gap. Orcherton: How to address the gap that exists.

David [public seats]: Would like action plan. Katie [elementary school counsellor]: Elementary school counsellors are teachers too. An extra day at a school makes so much difference in Best excuses late to school being able to support teachers with what may be difficult for a classroom teacher ie discussions of for sale sexual abuse prevention curriculum, other issues.Elementary school counsellors are often parents’ first contact with mental health and family support. Best Homework Late To School. McNally: Taught for 22 years in SD61, and appreciated counsellors; saw the need for more service. Motion seems to be working toward putting more funding into counselling, and buy its needed, but money has to come from one area, so where will it be taken from to Best homework late to school increase counsellors? Hoping some help will be in the provincial government funding announcement in February that will help school districts address this need. Pdf With. Superintendent: Need to re-examine what we ask elementary counsellor to do, and the amount of homework late to school paperwork, but a conversation for another time. [ Possibly linked to a variety of discussions about changing the funding formula for student with designations?

For example: “ Inclusive Education funding is allocated to school authorities through a formula that aims to ensure an Write assignment university, equitable distribution of funding. Funding is not determined through coding. School authorities distribute the funding they receive based on the needs of students within their school communities. “ This model would cut down on paperwork and case management.] We also have YFCs and partners in health – need to enhance participation there – child’s troubles in school often due to Best excuses late family breakdown, so need broader systems approach,comprehensive model. David [public seats] : Has District considered working with Social Workers seconded to schools to address family breakdown? Superintendent: Yes, but MCF struggles for on line resources and has been chronically underfunded. Nohr: Would like school population and FTE of counsellors and YFCs. Just a spreadsheet.

Mitchel duPlessis [elementary school counsellor, Aboriginal Education]: Pleased to now be Aboriginal Nations Education Division counsellor full time. Attention not to the child only but to the whole community.About prevention. E. Vancouver Island School Trustees Association. Watters: SD61 Board has invited VISTA to gather here for late March meeting. As member of VISTA Executive, part of lined planning for event.

VISTA plans Friday might; SD61 Board does the Best excuses rest. Reports Need Letters. Minister of Education Fleming will be featured on Friday night.Some ideas for homework late to school workshops / sessions. Superintendent: Approaching First Nations for territory and paper lined welcome. Student introduction of Minister. Student band, student art walk. Hotel booking research underway. Orcherton: Counsellors are an issue across Districts. How to send in ideas for homework excuses late topics? [To Watters who will collate.] Whiteaker: Invite parent group rep.

McNally: what opportunities for real student participation , not just food service and to do jira entertainment? Scott: Yes wondered also about Best homework late that. Superintendent: That is built in, will be opportunities throughout. Student Rep please take back to students. F. BCSTA Provincial Council re- Early Childhood Education : Whiteaker. McNally: What are pros and cons of taking motion forward to Provincial Council vs spring AGM? [Discussion] Watters: Will put this on next VISTA agenda [Sept 30. 7. General Announcements: Paynter: Send in thoughts on 3 BCPSEA questions re collective bargaining sent out to you. Have heard from McNally. August 21/17: Special Board Meeting: City-Required Easement.

Lined Paper is my personal record of and commentary on Writing essays pdf with quotes SD61 Board and Standing Committee meetings. Official, approved minutes appear on the SD61 website, one month after the Best homework late to school meeting. SD61 Greater Victoria School District primarily serves students in Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Victoria, View Royal, parts of biz review Saanich and the Highlands, and the Traditional Territories of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. GVSD 61 TRUSTEE REPRESENTATIVES AND TRUSTEE ASSIGNMENTS 2017. Board Chair: Loring-Kuhanga Vice-Chair: Ferris. Ad Hoc Committees of the Board and their terms of reference are listed on the SD61 website. (Loring-Kuhanga member of both, ex officio)

Standing Committees operate on less formal Rules of Order than does the Board, ie. no need for a seconder for Best homework excuses to school a motion, and a Trustee can speak as many times as the Chair thinks is reasonable; members of the public and presenters can ask questions of each other and engage in dialogue.The question can’t be called in a standing committee, meaning debate can extend for some time. After a motion to restrict voting in Standing Committees to Write assignment buy only assigned members of the committee (sensible, as if all Trustees are present and excuses vote, it’s an improperly constituted Board meeting), some Trustees have quite consistently chosen to not attend the standing Committee if they don’t have a vote. . Unfortunately, if Trustees choose not to attend a Standing Committee if they don’t have a vote, it’s very possible to Doing on line miss vital information. Trustee salaries (aka “stipend): $20,486/year effective Dec 1/14. Chair and vice-chair receive an extra $3,000 and late to school $1,500, respectively. EXTERNAL TRUSTEE LIAISONS – COMMUNITY 2017. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 2017.


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2002 Apush Dbq Essays and Research Papers. 2002 AP DBQ In the excuses to school, years following the War of 1812, the “Era of Buy write my essay biz review, Good Feelings” evolved between the years 1815 and 1825. In the . first half of this period, there was a strong sense of nationalism throughout the United States. However, political changes and economic differences between the states warped this nationalism into the sectionalism that divided the country into north, south and west regions. Celebrations of unity within the United States soon turned into disagreements concerning representation. American Civil War , Louisiana , Maryland 1460 Words | 4 Pages. APUSH DBQ Lexus Weigand 3/3/14 From 1875 to 1900, there was a new kind of city in America, one that was based on . industry, and industry needs workers.

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Laws passed under Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, would dramatically change this country all the way into excuses to school the present time. As industry became a large part of urban America, many citizens were oppressed. Unfair and Group assignment jira unsanitary conditions. Late To School! African American , Democracy , Franklin D. Roosevelt 973 Words | 3 Pages. ? APUSH Document-Based Question #3 British rule over its American colonies was selfish and unfair. Assignment Jira! They were over Best late to school, three thousand miles away, . ruling from afar.

Britain used the assignment university buy, colonies to get ahead economically and Best excuses to school didn’t care what happened to the colonies. They taxed the colonists and passed laws that the colonists believed infringed on their human rights of freedom. Many people believe that the Write assignment, Revolutionary War was a result of social and political differences and controversies. However, the. American Revolutionary War , British Empire , Colonialism 736 Words | 3 Pages. 990 DBQ Jackson’s followers were common men who believed in the rights for the lower and working classes, strict interpretation of the . constitution,and democracy instead of a republic. Many of his followers were inspired when Jackson rose from little education and social opportunity and took President, and excuses they knew he would protect their rights and fight for the “Common man ,” instead of the Write buy, elite.

Supporters and followers of Andrew Jackson believed they were the guardians of the Constitution. Democracy , Second Bank of the United States , Social class 789 Words | 3 Pages. 9/30/14 A.P. U.S. History . 240-01 1993 DBQ In the 17th century, all of the 13 colonies in America were under British rule and shared the Best homework, same religion, culture, language, and origin. By 1700, different colonial regions were developing different societies. Motivational, economical, and political. Connecticut , Massachusetts , Middle Colonies 923 Words | 3 Pages. ?James Dougherty APUSH Period 1 Mr. Young “p2406From 1781 to 1789 the p2407Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an . effective government.

Using the documents and your knowledge of the period, evaluate this statement. From 1781 up until 1789 the United States government was based off of the principles of the Articles of Group jira, Confederation which were created after the Revolutionary War. The articles of confederation created a republic which limited its leaders from much of. Articles of Confederation , Federal government of the United States , President of the Best homework excuses late, United States 1147 Words | 4 Pages. ?Krista Angeliadis 12/17/14 APUSH Period 8 The era from 1860 to Write buy, 1877 was a time of . reconstruction and revolution in America.

Many constitutional developments aided the reform movement, such as the Best homework excuses late, ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which granted African Americans voting and civil rights. Though these changes seemed like a step in the right direction, social values such as white supremacy didn’t allow things to go as planned. Paper Lined! Despite. African American , Black people , Jim Crow laws 1031 Words | 4 Pages. Chapter 10 DBQ The ratification of the constitution in 1788 did not end the debate over the nature and functions of the . Best Homework To School! government. Majors concerns arose from the ratification mainly involving too much federal power and Writing essays pdf with not enough rights for African Americans.

Though the constitution had many critics, I believe that constitution was fundamentally sound but just in excuses late to school, need of minor adjustments. In the constitution slaves were given freedom, they just needed citizenship rights. For Sale Lined! Another. Federal government of the United States , President of the United States , Thomas Jefferson 871 Words | 3 Pages. answer be sure to Best excuses late, address the political, social, and economic effects of the Revolution in the period from 1775 to 1800. Notes from Mr. Doing On Line! Williams: This . essay was g iven to 2 nd period APUSH on their first in - class essay.

Included were 10 documents (if interested in seeing them, please come into class). The DBQ writer needed to Best homework excuses late, take ideas and topics from the documents, and ADD significant outside fact and Doing on line quotes analysis. Notice that this writer does a complete job. He/she deals with the entire question. Homework Excuses To School! American Revolution , American Revolutionary War , Nationalism 259 Words | 2 Pages. ? APUSH – DBQ’s SINCE 1995 1995 – Analyze the changes that occurred during the 1960’s in the goals, strategies, and support of the movement . for reports letters African-American civil rights. 1996 – In what ways and to what extent did constitutional and social developments between 1860 and 1877 amount to a revolution?

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New England Colonies The English had no desire to colonize the new world prior to biz review, defeating the Spanish . Armada. However, once they defeated the Spanish in 1588, thus ending Spanish colonization, the English became the rulers of the Atlantic and a newly found patriotism flourished in Best excuses to school, England. The English had tried desperately to colonize the new world, failing two times before succeeding in Writing quotes, Jamestown, Virginia, one of the Chesapeake Bay colonies. The northern most. British America , Chesapeake Bay , Colonialism 856 Words | 3 Pages. Late 19th century America was a time of both prosperity and homework poverty. Although it is often remembered by the luxurious lives of those like the Rockefellers . and Carnagies, the majority of the population was a struggling working class.

Entire families worked for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in dangerous, unsanitary factories just to Do book need cover, have enough money for dinner and Best homework excuses the issue of upgrading these working conditions quickly came to the forefront of American reforms. The movement towards organized labor. Collective bargaining , Eight-hour day , Employment 1962 Words | 6 Pages. DBQ The American Revolution changed the American society between 1775-1800. The areas in the American society that were changed were . economical, political, and social. ways. The new country had to set up their own government and Buy write my essay biz review deal with the problems that came along with it since it was inexperienced. That brought problems between the society and political side. Native Americans and women had their own concerns and opinions.

Therefore, the American Revolution changed the American Society. ‘ . American Revolution , Articles of Confederation , John Adams 386 Words | 2 Pages. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe Newman Schmalbach: Chapters 5 (pg 83) -8 QUIZ DATES (subject to change) Chapter 6 (and part of Best, 5): Tuesday, . October 15 EXAM DATES Chapter 7: Tuesday, October 22 Chapter 8/9: Wednesday, October 30 Unit 2 DBQ : Monday October 28-Tuesday, October 29 Unit 2.1 IDs: Friday, October 25 Unit 2.2 IDs: Monday, November 4 Unit 2 Multiple Choice: Wednesday, November 6 Unit 2 Essay: Thursday, November 7 1. Which of the social changes brought about by the Revolution. American Revolution , Articles of Confederation , Native Americans in Research paper, the United States 558 Words | 2 Pages. I have been asked to speak on the question how to make the best of life, but may as well confess at once that I know nothing about it. Best Homework Excuses! I cannot think that I . have made the best of my own life, nor is it likely that I shall make much better of Write university, what may or may not remain to me. I do not even know how to make the best of the twenty minutes that your committee has placed at my disposal, and as for life as a whole, who ever yet made the best of such a colossal opportunity by conscious effort and deliberation. Afterlife , Consciousness , Death 2360 Words | 6 Pages.

The colonies in New England were settled by Best late, a group of separatists called the Puritans, which were a tightly knitted community based on strong faith. Do Book Need Cover! . This community of New England Puritans influenced religious liberties, education, and obedience in the colonies from the Best late, 1630's-1660's by relating them to their religious morals and beliefs. ` As the Puritans began forming their governments and rules, much of assignment on line, New England was just beginning to be settled. Best Late To School! Although in document E the Puritans. Christianity , Freedom of religion , God 869 Words | 3 Pages. ? DBQ In the time period 1925 – 1950 Chinese peasants, and Chinese created a bad relationship with each other. Peasants were stronger than the . Chinese Communist party supported by documents one, five, and six, peasants were the reports need letters, prime target for Best homework late to school attacks instead of the Chinese Communist party supported by documents four, eight, and nine, and the peasants were more willing to fight the Japanese while the Chinese Communist party was not so willing supported by documents two, and Research paper for sale lined three. Peasants and homework late to school the. Chen Duxiu , Chinese Civil War , Communism 828 Words | 3 Pages. Do Book! ?Ariana Biagioni DBQ : Topic A: The Ancient Near East November 24, 2013 Professor Goldman During the time of Dynasty 18 in Egypt, many . religious, economic, and social connections were created amongst the various regions in the Near East. Best Homework To School! In these regions, new groups of pdf with, people, religions, and empires were formed.

The Near East helped surface civilization. It established centralized governments, law codes, and writing systems. The Ancient Near Eastern Empires introduced the methods of agriculture. Ancient Near East , Assyria , Babylon 1120 Words | 4 Pages. APUSH - Cornwell FEB 16-24, 2011 1. INDUSTRIAL AMERICA in the LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY • Corporate consolidation of industry • . Effects of technological development on the worker and workplace • Labor and unions • National politics and Best excuses to school influence of corporate power • Migration and immigration: changing face of the nation • Proponents and opponents of the new order (e.g. “Social Darwinism and Social Gospel”) AMSCO pp. 333-347 (CH 17) EV pp. Doing Assignment Quotes! 543-573 (CH 18) ESSENTIAL. Capitalism , Chinese Exclusion Act , Collective bargaining 495 Words | 4 Pages. Best Excuses Late To School! Kevin Li 1994 DBQ APUSH To what extent was late 19th century and early 20th century US expansionism a continuation of past US . expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? Over the years the United States expansionism has experienced many different changes.

The United States has expanded for many different reasons such as the economy, land, and university buy even God. Expansionism is now a continuation of past United States expansionism but was more so a departure. The United States. Atlantic Ocean , Manifest Destiny , Monroe Doctrine 680 Words | 2 Pages. APUSH DBQ ESSAY From 1775 to 1830, the United States gained their independence and Best homework began their formation of essays quotes, a new country. . During this period, the ideas of the Revolutionary War had an influence on the African Americans. A number of African Americans were freed but the institution of slavery spread due to social and economic reasons. Both the free African Americans and enslaved confronted and endure the challenges they faced as they fought for excuses late to school rights and equality. The Revolutionary War was a. African American , American Civil War , Black people 712 Words | 2 Pages. APUSH : DBQ ­ 1st Semester Final DISCLAIMER: This is NOT the only way to do this essay, don’t take any of this as gospel. We . are people.

If you disagree, go ahead and do it your way. That will work too. We are not responsible for your essay, that is your job. Research Paper! We are simply here to Best to school, get a headstart. Paper Lined! What is late needed for a better DBQ ? more analysis beyond the basic information from the documents. ? look at relationships (this caused what to my essay biz review, happen or emerge as a result of. ) even if the DBQ doesn't ask you to. Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War , Andrew Jackson 757 Words | 3 Pages. Kibby 1 Pierce Kibby Thursday, February 28, 2013 Expansionism DBQ APUSH Expansionism Throughout American . history, growth has always been present in industry, economics, technology and Best excuses many other fronts.

This of course began when the first European settlers of America came from England. The most important growth our country has undergone is the growth of size. Starting at a few settlements and evolving into a world power in just a few hundred years illustrates the rate at which. Doing Assignment On Line! Great power , Louisiana Purchase , Military 925 Words | 3 Pages. Colonial America before 1763 (Brinkley- Ch. Best Homework Excuses! 1-3) Mrs. Group Assignment Jira! Hedley- APUSH Unit I: Overview Overview of the late, Time Period: This unit focuses on jira the . settlement of the New World and early colonial history. It was during this time period that the original thirteen colonies were founded and excuses began to evolve into three distinct areas divided by Group to do assignment, diverse cultural, economic, religious, political, and social differences = SECTIONALISM. Your Objectives: 1. Best Excuses Late! To become familiar with the people, places, and events.

British Empire , British North America , Colonial history of the United States 1135 Words | 7 Pages. Buy! APUSH 29 November 2012 Slavery DBQ At the end of the Revolutionary war against Great Britain, the United States of America . was created as an independent country. Thus began the homework excuses, roots of an entirely new American identity. Taking influence from Doing assignment on line, its former mother countries, the United States began its own system of representative government. Homework Late! Furthermore, the American identity, shaped in the early years of paper lined, 1775 to 1830, incorporated the ideals of agrarian farming, laissez-faire economic standpoint. American Civil War , American Revolutionary War , Native Americans in the United States 944 Words | 3 Pages. Best Excuses Late To School! Paige Reinfeld Jacksonian DBQ The uproar of the people of the U.S. Writing! was heard after the corrupted elections of 1824. It wasn’t until 1828, . the late, year the Jacksonians came into reports need cover letters power and satisfied the popular demand after a mudslinging battle against Best late the aristocrats.

The Jacksonian Democrats claimed they were guardians of the Constitution, political democracy, individual liberties, and equal economic opportunity, but the 1820’s and 1830’s put those claims to the test. To Do Jira! The Jacksonian Democrats claimed. Andrew Jackson , Democracy , Democratic Party 599 Words | 2 Pages. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Period 1 15 April, 2013 Mrs. Nelson Civil Rights Take Home DBQ In the years before the Best late to school, 60’s, the African Americans . living all over the country were treated as less than every white person because of their skin color and their historical background of slavery and Buy write biz review servitude. During the era of the homework, 1960’s, the African Americans and part of the white community fought for equal civil rights. Average Americans, Black and White, stood up against the opposing population to voice their. African American , Black people , John F. Kennedy 576 Words | 2 Pages. Jimmy Herrmann APUSH DBQ Essay Mrs. Rudolph The immediate years after the Civil War, 1860-1877, saw the United States . through a revolution. Reform movements and changing states of mind among the American people contributed to the revolution with regards to constitutional and social aspects of life at that time.

The passage of Civil Rights Legislation such as the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments; and, ironically, the KKK and other social events helped with the reform. Alone these things couldn’t. African American history , American Civil War , COINTELPRO 585 Words | 2 Pages. 1991 DBQ In the aftermath of World War I, during the years 1917-1921, President Wilson advocated the Treaty of Versailles, which called for . the principle of self-determination, the formation of a League of Write university, Nations, and general amnesty towards Germany, as the solution for peace. However, his unwillingness to compromise led to widespread disagreement. Best Homework To School! The opposition forces in the U.S. senate consisted of the reservationists, who were willing to ratify the Treaty of Versailles with amendments, and. Paper Lined! Central Powers , League of Nations , Paris Peace Conference, 1919 671 Words | 2 Pages.

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Capitalism , Collective bargaining , Employment 667 Words | 2 Pages. During the 1600s, British citizens left England and began settling in the Chesapeake and New England regions, yet these regions developed differently. . To School! Migrants came to the New World with distinct motives that, in effect made the regions develop differently; the New Englanders came in search of religious freedom while the assignment, Chesapeake settlers came in search of economic prosperity. The New Englanders search for religious freedom caused them to develop a diverse economy, societies with tightly bound. Best Homework Excuses Late To School! England , Human migration , Massachusetts 1052 Words | 3 Pages. Morgan Ridley APUSH Gold 11/7/14 John Marshall as Chief Justice . On Line! America is in a time of governmental crisis between the Federal and State governments, and under one branch, the line between these is Best excuses late dictated by constitutionality. Do Book Need Letters! John Marshall the chief justice under the legislative branch of the united states ruled over many cases which established precedents for national supremacy over states rights, defined the roles of the homework late, Supreme Court and Congress, and jira provided the constitutional foundation for . Best Homework Excuses Late! Federal government of the United States , President of the United States , Supreme Court of the United States 725 Words | 2 Pages. AP US History DBQ Essay Even though the loyalist opposed the pdf with quotes, American Revolution, Patriots wanted to create a nation with equality and a . complete different society compared to the Great Britain (Doc B).

They expressed the importance of people’s rights, economic strength, and freedom for excuses to school every citizen. Assignment On Line! However, the American Revolution did not meet the needs and hopes that they had expected; they have suffered from economic instability, failed to control their alliances with other countries, political. American Revolution , Articles of Confederation , Native Americans in the United States 689 Words | 2 Pages. Booker T. Washington and Best homework excuses late to school W.E.B. Du Bois offered different strategies for dealing with the my essay biz review, problems of poverty and discrimination faced by homework excuses late, Black Americans at . the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries.

Using the documents and reports need letters your knowledge of the excuses late, period 1877-1915, assess the Research lined, appropriateness of each of homework excuses, these strategies in the historical context in which each was developed. In reference to the years between 1877 and 1915, I assessed that, based on between each of. African American , Black people , Negro 1318 Words | 4 Pages. For many years before the actual Revolutionary War, the Americans and the British already had built up grievances and hate between each other. Some may argue . with such tension, war was inevitable. In the famous Declaration of Buy write my essay, Independence, the Americans not only to school, declared their freedom but also included a list of their grievances addressed to King George III. The events leading to these accusations explain the complaints leveled against the King and prove their validity. One of the charges against.

American Revolution , Benjamin Franklin , Boston Tea Party 1479 Words | 4 Pages. The Labor Movement generated opposition from both the government and reports letters the public since them both saw unions as violent and lawless. The government used force . to control the unions showing their disgust for the views and actions of these organizations. Well- organized and homework excuses growing businesses took the advantage in Group to do, the struggle with labor, so the workers started labor unions. The very first labor union, The National Labor Union was started in 1866. Excuses Late! This union lasted for reports need cover six years and had 600,000 members. American Railway Union , Employment , Eugene V. Debs 930 Words | 3 Pages. ?A Discourse to Promote Colonization (1584) 1. Hakluyt’s arguments for colonization included agricultural use of the Best homework excuses, land, spread of their religion, easy to . travel to (for trade), it would increase money in the economy because they would stop trade with other countries, they could increase their realm with their wealth that they earn from colonization of America, and they could defeat their enemies with their new found wealth. Some of the my essay biz review, arguments are more persuasive the others after four hundred. Native Americans in the United States 1613 Words | 5 Pages. Ganigan, Li, Wong 1 Anastasiya Li, Kaili Ganigan, Vanessa Wong Miss Conner AP US History 10 December 2014 . Best Excuses To School! Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the for sale, War of 1812 the “Era of Good Feelings.” Evaluate the Best excuses to school, accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of essays, nationalism and sectionalism. Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1815­1825 to construct your answer.

The Era of Good Feelings, which took place during James Monroe's two terms serving as President of the United States. Marxism 814 Words | 7 Pages. “From 1781 to 1789 the Best homework excuses late to school, Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an effective government.” This statement is quite bold considering that the . Assignment University! Articles lasted only eight years. In some ways this form of government was effective and in some ways it was not. It did provide the newly formed American colonies with the means to govern themselves in the manner that they wished to be governed and set the rules for operations of the United States government. On the other hand, it was ineffective. Articles of Confederation , Massachusetts , Northwest Ordinance 832 Words | 3 Pages. Conflicts Between Great Britain and the North American Colonies During the 18th century, many conflicts arose between Great Britain and Best homework excuses late the North American . colonies. These conflicts are eventually what led to the American Revolution. These tensions between Britain and the colonies were a combination of both economic interests, and political/social differences. Economic conflicts between the two included “The Navigation Law”, “The Sugar Act”, “The Stamp Act”, restrictions on trade, and jira more. Best Homework To School! Political.

American Revolution , Boston Tea Party , British Empire 1147 Words | 4 Pages. The American Revolution shocked the world; no one had ever expected a small group of colonies to fight for and win their own independence from the seemingly . greatest and most omnipresent country on earth. Buy Write My Essay Biz Review! Americans had worked for and thought about the moment of their freedom for years, and their sense of individuality ran deep. Best Homework To School! By the eve of the American Revolution, colonists in America had developed a strong sense of Writing pdf with quotes, identity as Americans, but only somewhat of unity as a single country. In events. Late To School! American Revolution , Benjamin Franklin , Boston Tea Party 969 Words | 3 Pages. During the Washington, Adams, and reports letters Jefferson administrations (from 1776 to 1807) neutrality was America’s main foreign policy. In determining that neutrality . was the overall focus of American diplomacy, one must assess the deviations from, as well as the excuses to school, success, of to do jira, neutrality. Neutrality was originally implemented by George Washington in excuses late, order to maintain the young country’s best interests. However, lapses in neutrality occurred when the government was forced to favor one foreign power, either Great. American Revolutionary War , Europe , George Washington 1401 Words | 4 Pages. ?Throughout America’s history, few things have left the nation in such controversial turmoil as the pdf with, Vietnam War.

With an American death toll of almost . 60,000 troops, the Vietnam War has gone down in infamy as one of the most tremendous struggles Americans have faced both overseas and on the home front. Homework Excuses! Because of the assignment, tumultuous controversies caused by the war, Americans split into two social factions – those against homework to school the war and those who supported it. During the years of 1961-1975 - the paper for sale lined, era in. Cold War , Gerald Ford , John F. Kennedy 884 Words | 3 Pages. Best Excuses To School! Democracy on Doing assignment on line quotes a Leash (Wethersfield DBQ) Connecticut. Above observation could not be brushed off as the comments from an Anglican clergyman, as the laws of 1770 clearly spell these. In essence, the . religious freedom was severely curtailed from 1750-1780.

Source: ( DBQ ) Congregational church , Connecticut , Connecticut General Assembly 919 Words | 3 Pages. APUSH DBQ As World War II was coming to homework excuses to school, an end during 1945, the creation of one of the most destructive weapons known to Writing essays, . humanity occurred within the United States. This weapon, known as “the atomic bomb,” was used on the two Japanese cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in homework excuses to school, a death toll unprecedented by Writing essays quotes, any military weapon used before and an immediate, unconditional surrender. Some historians believe President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb in order to intimidate the Soviet Union whereas. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Cold War , Franklin D. Roosevelt 949 Words | 3 Pages.

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20th century , Cold War , Essay 1442 Words | 4 Pages. Sam Maney APUSH 10/24 Block C Both nationalism and sectionalism increased during the Era of Good Feelings, however, nationalism became . of greater importance in economics and Writing essays quotes politics. This is shown in many documents from excuses late to school, this time period. They talk about “Our Country” and the US as a whole instead of individual states. The documents also talk about Do book reports need letters, “Us” not just states individually. Also about creating a “American System” and and American identity, which helps to Best homework excuses late, prove nationalism was of.

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Free Essays on How Did The Show Trials Consolidate Stalins Power. ?Why did the homework late to school regime resort to to do mass terror in 1936-1938? The regime resorted to mass terror in 1936-38 mainly to counteract perceived threats. Homework Excuses Late. These threats were both viewed as external and for sale internal. Externally, the soviet regime felt threatened from ‘capitalist encirclement’ and acted to prevent the. actions.

In this composition, I will reveal to you many of Joseph Stalin ' s important contributions and how they relate to the actions of Napoleon from Animal Farm. I will break this topic down into the following three parts, their rise to power , Stalin's Five Year Plan, and their use and abuse of authority. Stalin- Purges (Causes and Consequences) which took place in Russia from 1936 to Best 1938, with Stalin as the mastermind behind it. Buy. Firstly I will be talking about the three causes that led to Best homework late the event; stopping the assignment jira reading of homework late to school Lenin’s will, Stalin’s need to get rid of individual threats to his power and also his need to weaken key groups in the USSR. Parallelism of Stalin and Napoleon.

based on the people, politics and happenings during the Do book cover era of Stalin . In the novel Animal Farm, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin who was the Best homework man who became a tyrant ruler and led many people to assignment on line quotes their deaths. The devastations committed by Stalin can be compared to homework excuses the devastations committed by Napoleon in. Role of Stalin in Russian History. Joseph Stalin , the Man of Steel, is one of the assignment buy most powerful dictators in history. Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union’s sole leader from 1924 until his death in 1953. Stalin is one of the most controversial figures in Russian history; he is still the subject. Ideological Differences Played Little Part in the Origin of the Cold War.’ How Far Do You Agree with This Judgement? an idea can be formed to show the main origins of the Cold War.

Originating from the late early 20th century, if not before, a general mistrust and suspicion between the Soviets and reports need West lingered, adding to the fragile allied relationship. The characters of the leader’s in power was also an important cause. vulnerability after the war. Best Homework Late To School. In Germany, Adolf Hitler rose to power through his hypnotic talent as an orator and like Mussolini, promised to Writing essays pdf with protect Germany from communism. And in the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin secured himself as leader through a bitter power struggle with Leon Trotsky. After World War I, heavy. in your revision: 1. The post- Stalin thaw and the bid for peaceful coexistence in 1950s: a) USSR: Khrushchev b) USA: the responses of homework late to school Dulles, Eisenhower and Kennedy. the continuation of the Cold War in the 1950s following the retirement of Truman death of Stalin , despite the bid for improved relations. How far do Stalin’s fears and suspicions account for the extent of the biz review terror in the USSR in the years 1936-39? ? How far do Stalin’s fears and suspicions account for the extent of the Best homework excuses late to school terror in the USSR in the years 1936-39? One of the definitive factors of Stalin’s Russia is the mass array of terror he cast over his nation during his tyrannous reign which was fuelled by purges of people from all walks of life;.

After Lenin’s death, Bolshevik entered a period of power struggle. Although Trotsky, according to the testament of Lenin, was believed to be the potential leader, Stalin still became the party leader at biz review the end. Stalin’s raise of Best homework to school power was a result of his political influences, social influences, his. “the Berlin Blockade Was the Turning Point in the Outbreak of the Cold War in the Period 1945-1949.” How Far Is This Statement Accurate? “The Berlin Blockade was the Buy write turning point in the outbreak of the Cold War in the period 1945-1949.” How far is this statement accurate? The Berlin Blockade (June 1948 – May 1949) marked the first time when the first underlying tensions between the superpowers after the German Question threatened.

How far do you agree with the view that Truman's decision to intervene in Korea War s spontaneous response to an unexpected decision? (25) How far do you agree with the view that Truman’s decision to intervene in Korea was a spontaneous response to an unexpected invasion? (25) The spontaneousness of Truman’s decision and the expectedness of the excuses late invasion was arguably interconnected by other concerns and need cover letters actions of the US, the USSR, China. Analyse the factors that lead to homework excuses late to school Hitler’s initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933-34. Hitler’s initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933-34. On 30 January, 1933, Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany.

However, initially he did not have absolute control, as he headed a cabinet of political opponents who did not believe in handing Hitler total power . As a result, through luck and jira the. Why Did Stalin Gain the Struggle for Power. Why did Stalin win the Struggle for Power ? When Lenin died in 1924 his most likely successor was Trotsky. Best Late. Trotsky was liked by the Russian people and biz review he was the 'organising genius behind the Red Army during the Best homework excuses late to school Civil War'. After Lenin's death Trotsky made mistakes which allowed Stalin to win the struggle. The Role of Propaganda and assignment Terror in Best late Hitler and Stalin. THE ROLE OF PROPEGANDA AND TERROR IN HITLER amp; STALIN Propaganda was considered vital in maintaining control and favour. The dictators who implemented terror and propaganda to their tyrannical regimes were Stalin amp; Hitler. Propaganda is the pdf with quotes organized and Best homework to school controlled spreading of information.

Introduction: Joseph Stalin was one of key figures in 20th century history. He transformed Russia during his time in power . In this essay, I will be discussing the violence Joseph Stalin had imposed against the Soviet Union and the world. Stalin had a long life and a long political career too. Stalin started off. Joseph Stalin Rise the Scope of His Dictatorship. Joseph Stalin Rise the Scope of his Dictatorship (1924-1934 : An Introduction During Stalin rise and strengthening of his power , he put into operation several drastic policies and modus operandi so as to realize his objectives these policies had a deep influence on assignment buy, Russian culture and homework late traditions. ? Hitler and Stalin Joel A Souza Eng220 May 5, 2015 Jeffery Jack Hitler and Stalin The era before World War II saw the rise of two national leaders, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin . Both of these men rose to power and drastically transformed their countries. Each leader had their own. work together. Organizations need offer new rules to Research lined solve barrier of cross culture (Hosfstede Kolman, 2003).

This research report aims discusses how to late to school manage organizational culture through explanation of organizational culture definition, discuss its functions and analyze its impact on buy, operation. How Far Do You Agree That Socialist Realism Was Stalin’s Most Important Method of Best excuses to school Social Control? Stalin had several methods of social control that gave him such a powerful rule in Russia that even today he still has supporters. Socialist Realism was an essential method to lined create this, although it was not the most important method of social control. Socialist Realism was the second most important. Thursday 9th July 2009 Explain why Stalin and excuses late to school not Trotsky emerged as Lenin’s successor? In this essay I am going to explain why Stalin emerged as Lenin’s successor.

There are many reasons for this from eliminating opposition and taking sides with the NEP. At the start it looked as if Trotsky was. The Following Were All Equally Important Reasons Why Stalin Was Able to Hold on to Power in the Soviet Union: equally important reasons why Stalin was able to essays pdf with hold on to power in the Soviet Union: the purges and homework excuses late show trials the secret police propaganda and Doing assignment on line quotes the cult of personality Stalin’s economic Explain how far you agree with this statement. Late. Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet. Stalin Had No Choice but to assignment on line Lauch the Great Terror, Discuss. How far do you agree that Stalin had no choice but to launch the Great Terror to secure his position as leader of the Soviet Union? The Great Terror was the period of ‘cleansing’ and ‘purging’ the Soviet Union from ‘impurities’. This translated to the arresting and killing of 20 million people. On. What Reasons Did the Best excuses United States Have for Using the Aromic Bombs Toward Japan 1945? A Plan of the investigation What reasons did the US. Writing Quotes. have for using the atomic bombs towards Japan in homework excuses to school 1945?

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By 1938 Stalin himself was the only original who hadn’t been killed, exiled or disappeared. The montage of the 1917 Central Committee entitled “ STALIN , THE EXECUTIONER. How similar were the causes and consequences of the Hungarian uprising and the Prague Spring? [50] How similar were the causes and consequences of the to do Hungarian uprising and the Prague Spring? [50] The Hungarian Uprising of 56 and Prague Spring of 68 share and differ on a number of causes and consequences in terms of political, economic, social and physical themes. Having entered a period of reform. How is George Orwell’s Animal Farm a Satire of the Russian revolution Research Methods – IAUCTB Hossein H. K. Jabbari – June 2013 Introduction This research paper aims to clarify that George Orwell's Animal Farm is a political satire, which was written to criticize totalitarian regimes. Intro: Education and Propaganda were tools used by Best homework excuses late to school, Stalin to maintain and consolidate his power in Russia.

The exact year as to when Stalin was in power is controversial. For the purpose of this paper, Stalin will be recognized as in power of Russia in 1929, the year when most of need letters his oppositions. History Essay - Stalin: Rise To Power. LEADER 192 9? OF T O THE PR EUSSR ! ! ! In 1924, Stalin had begun his rise to power properly. Best Homework Excuses Late. At this time he was also one of the seven members of the Politburo. The seven members of the politburo were: Stalin , Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Bukharin, Rkyov and Trotsky. By 1930 he. What Were the Causes of the 1905 Revolution? Why Did the Revolution Fail to Doing assignment quotes Overthrow the Best homework late Tsarist Regime? This essay will cover the reasons in which I think the Write 1905 Russian revolution was a failure.

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This essay will discuss how far the period marks a significant change in relations. To What Extent Was the Success of Stalin in Retaining Power in Doing assignment on line quotes the Ussr Through Fear? of Stalin in homework late retaining power in Group to do jira the USSR through fear? Section A It is assumed by most from a Western prospective that Stalin was the Best excuses late to school sole creator of the Great Purges and Research for sale his regime was held together by the constant and consistent fear he infiltrated through it. Many historians put Stalin forward. Why Did Stalin Rather Than Trotsky Emerge as Leader of the Ussr by 1929? several of fights in between the party the resultant leader was Joseph Stalin who due to his political skills and his personal characteristics managed to become the leader of the communist party. Along this essay, the emergence of Stalin as a leader of the USSR by 1929 rather than Trotsky will be analyzed.

Case Study- How Diet Effects Mental Health After Pregnancy. March 25, 2010 How Your Diet Can Raise The Risk of Postpartum Depression The MGH Center for Women's Mental Health has written a great analysis of recent research into the impact of homework late diet and nutrition on mental health. They take a look at two different studies, one published in the Archives of my essay General. this revolution to identify how much Lenin and Trotsky had done to prepare and consequently carry out the October Revolution. According to Isaac Deutscher, a writer well known for his biographies of Trotsky and Stalin , Trotsky did not contribute to the revolution as much as did Lenin. Homework Late. He states “the years. Paper Power : Good or Bad? There are all types of influences that play an important role on Writing, the political, economical, and cultural well-being of homework late a society.

However, when these influences take on a superior stronghold a community can be subject to unjust or corrupt power . In 1887, John. The Ego, the Law, a Trial and Franz Kafka. The ego, the assignment on line law, a trial and Franz Kafka. He who devotes his heart to this world will be subjected to three conditions: endless grief, unquenchable desire and futile hope. - Imam al-Sadiq (may God have mercy on him) The Trial is a text, which brings a sense of trouble and unease to the reader. How Far Do You Agree That a Study of Russia in the Period from 1855 to homework excuses to school 1956 Suggests That Change Was Always Imposed from Above? How far do you agree that a study of Russia in the period from 1855 to paper lined 1956 suggests that change was always imposed from excuses late, above? Throughout the period 1855-1956, it’s clear that with both the quotes Tsars and the Bolsheviks, change was, often implemented from both the leaders and Best homework late to school the people, However, under. The Main Factor That Allows Stalin to Rise to Power.

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happen to the world. In each of these two novels he attempts to accomplish a certain goal. In 1984 Orwell warns against leaders who are hungry for power . These people would not hesitate to deprive individuals of everyday freedom if it meant prolonging their control, he also warns against excessive censorship. goal and in need of a strong leader” No one was a match for Stalin Lenin stricken in mind and body and scarcely able to Best excuses work realised to late the essays pdf with true nature of his quote ‘wonderful Georgian’ Many acknowledge that Trotsky underestimated Stalin The administrative approach Ward: P.21 Stalin’s accumulation. day and homework excuses late they are not strong economically either, mainly because they focus on developing their military. However, China is a growing economic super power . The Communist Party of China goes all the way back to 1921. Soon after the party was created, a civil war broke out in China. Doing Quotes. The Communists defeated. Purges and Show Trials In 1931-1932, Stalin's brutal collectivisation policy began to be criticized by some Communist Party members. Stalin gradually becmae more isolated and paranoid.

After Sergei Kirov's support at the 1934 Party Conference, he was assassinated. It is thought that Stalin organized. Why did Stalin launch the Great Terror, 1936-38? very good for Stalin ; the First Five Year Plan was complete, the peasants had been collectivised and Stalin was the 'boss' and firmly in control. However, there was still a little opposition in the Communist Party and a Party member called Ryutin circulated criticism of Stalin and how he ran the Party. The main features of Communism and excuses late to school how far these principles were put into practise by one Communist ruler between 1900 and 1990. itself is to train experts and industrialise the need letters country. Stalin was one of the first Communist leaders, and followed Marx's ideas quite closely. Best Homework Excuses. When the Communists took over in Russia in 1917, the Do book reports cover letters country was very backward and inefficient. Homework Late. Stalin ordered collectivisation of everything from farm tools.

The Contest for Power after Lenin’s Death. To What Extent Did Ideology Play The Key Role In The Contest For Power After Lenin’s Death? In this essay I will be writing about how ideology played a key role to the contest for power in assignment the USSR. Excuses Late To School. Trotsky, Bukharin and Stalin are the leading figures in the race to become the leader after Lenin’s. Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as leader of the USSR in 1929? Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as the leader of the USSR in 1929? A power struggle for control of the Bolshevik party began after Vladimir Lenin's death in Doing assignment 1924.

Among the Best homework to school several contenders, two of the most important names in this struggle were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin . Ultimately. Terror and Doing on line Repression in Nazi Germany. through other terms. Best To School. Brutality was often reserved for minority groups as per Nazi ideologies presented under Hitler. The SA and for sale SS had ever increasing power over these groups. Homework. In 1921 Adolph Hitler formed his own private army called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). The SA were instructed to disrupt the.

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He did this because he saw that the nationalists seemed to offer a better opposition to Japanese expansion in China. Hence for the soviets, national interests took precedence over ideological solidarity. But it is important to note that Stalin did see the CCP.

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