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A Recruiter#8217;s Guide to help revision, Boolean Searching (and the World#8217;s Largest Free CV Database) Carmen Hudson recently highlighted SearchOnTheGo as an iPhone application with real value for recruiters. While it is a literary argument paper a handy tool for completing CV searches on Essay homework revision Google, the essence of the program is that it creates #8216;complex#8217; searches through a point-and-click interface. This is a great simplifier for many, but Boolean search writing is a skill that top recruiters need to know directly in order to get meaningful candidate search results from a wide range of software. Beyond Google, many other systems we use on a daily basis accept Boolean searches. This includes LinkedIn, Monster, and quite probably your internal ATS. SearchOnTheGo won#8217;t help you with these platforms, so if you want to get the most from them you need to know the basics of Boolean searching directly. Therefore, in less than 1,000 words, let#8217;s see if I can explain how to do it! Fully constructed Boolean search strings can look both confusing and complex, but don#8217;t worry, because they aren#8217;t!

The first important thing to appreciate is that there are only five elements of syntax to understand. Essay Writing Cheap! These are: By applying these appropriately, along with the keywords you wish to consider, you can create a huge range of search operations. Homework Help A Good! There is Help no limit to how often you can use any of these elements in a search, so you can create very specific search strings, which will save you a lot of Essay help, time in filtering the results. AND is the simplest function to apply. Any search terms that follow an AND command must appear in the result. For example: engineer AND “senior developer” will give results that include both the word engineer and the phrase “senior developer”.

All search results will include both, and any CVs that have either engineer or “senior developer#8221; (but not both) will not appear. OR provides options into a search. Usage of the OR command allows you to create a list of possibilities for which only Essay service uk one match is important. For example, the following search phrase would give you results that contain one or more of the homework help a good revision, stated words: hospitality OR catering OR hotelier. NOT is the command of How to a literary argument, exclusion.

If there are closely related terms that mean very different things, then usage of the homework a good, NOT command is extremely valuable. An example could be as follows: architect NOT “software architect” This would give you results that contain the word architect, but leaving out any that use the phrase “software architects”. Very useful if you are operating in Accounting help, the construction industry. The one major limitation with the NOT command is that it isn#8217;t recognized by Google. You will have noticed that I have used the “” expression above in some examples already, wrapped around particular keywords. These quotation marks are used to Essay homework a good, capture a phrase that is to be kept intact, in the precise word order stated. Not using “” around a phrase will mean that each word is treated separately, usually with an assumed AND in writers review, between each one. For example: would give results that contain #8216; pork #8216; and #8216; sandwich #8216;, but not necessarily in the same sentence or paragraph! would give results that only contain the phrase #8216; pork sandwich #8216; Using brackets is essential for complex search strings, and it can be their application that causes the most confusion.

Essentially, a clause within brackets is given priority over other elements around it. The most common place that brackets are applied by recruiters is in the use of OR strings. Perhaps a good example would be company names. You have a list of homework a good revision, target companies from where you wish to find your talent, and a candidate can have worked at any one (or ideally several) of them. You might initially construct a command like this: IBM OR Oracle OR “Red Hat” OR Microsoft. These are all large companies though, so any search like this is likely to generate a large number of results. Genetics Quiz! If you wanted to find just individuals who have reached Manager or Director level, then you might use the following command: To combine both commands into one search, we use brackets to tell the homework help revision, search engine that these are separate conditions.

In order to tell the search engine that we want to see results containing either Manager or Director and also one of college genetics quiz, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, or Microsoft, we group them like this: (“Manager” OR “Director”) AND (IBM OR Oracle OR “Red Hat” OR Microsoft) It makes no difference which order the two bracketed sections go; the same results will result either way. So, that#8217;s a whistle-stop guide to the very basics of Boolean searching. I have only Essay help scratched the surface on its usage, and there are many more techniques that can be used by Help quiz smart recruiters. For that, I can strongly recommend the a good, blog of Essay service, Glenn Cathey, the self-proclaimed Boolean Black Belt. To put boolean into practice, play around with Big5Hire is probably the single largest CV database resource in help a good, the world, and it#8217;s completely free! It aggregates the profiles from Help with dissertation statistics several major social networks, as well as CVs accessible through Google. The best value from Essay revision it only tends to with statistics australia, come from applying particularly complex or specific search strings, but that#8217;s simply because there are so many profiles on there. Subscribe to our daily newsletter.

Follow our Facebook Group. You could also check out Essay homework a good revision ReferYes Sourcer at: This tool automates Boolean search strings to find. College! resumes and Essay homework help candidate profiles on top social networks and search engines. Our ATS has an with statistics australia, awesome drag and help a good revision drop boolean search creator for searching your internal resume bank, plus we create links to melbourne, all major search engines and homework revision social networking sites using the same boolean search. In addition to Essay service review, the search composition, we also generate a query cloud for you based on your search terms to help identify other required or optional terms that you might not have otherwise thought of. It is really easy to use, and the results are amazing. One thing that BrightMove does, that not all other search engines do, is Essay weighting of the optional terms. All things being equal, and optional term is just that. However, we place more importance on the first optional term than the last optional term. In this example, 2 candidates with Java and #8220;Software Design#8221; could be returned. But the one with #8220;Oracle 10g#8221; would score better and be returned higher becuase #8220;Oracle 10g#8221; is before #8220;Oracle 9i#8221;, even though they are optional.

This give you the power to not limit your search too much, while bubbling the best resumes to help, the top of your results. Great Article! I would love for Essay help a good, recruiters to know there is Essay service a great boolean tool out there for internal and external searching. We have been told it is the Essay a good revision, best on the market. Timothy, I find it interesting that you consider basic operators and paranthesis/quotations #8220;complex#8221;. Regardless, I find SearchontheGo extrememly useful in quickly identifying qualified folks for my reqs. When I use it as part of my meetings with hiring managers they are impressed by the speed and simplicity as well as the fact that they are working with a recruiter who is Essay paper service using cutting edge tools to serve their needs.

It is homework help one of many tools in my toolbox but one that I regulary find myself going back to. I couldn#8217;t resist posting a comment on the subject! #128578; It#8217;s great that more and more recruiters look into learning the Help college genetics quiz, basics of Boolean search. Essay Homework! I second the recommendation of the now famous Boolean Black Belt blog. Glen Cathey is great! He gives precise, detailed, easy-to-read advice and covers a lot of ground in Help college genetics quiz, his posts. A few things in response to help revision, the article. Boolean logic is Essay marking implemented by pretty much all online sources. The search *syntax*, however, differs between them. Tim, you are right that Google wouldn#8217;t recognize the NOT operator. Homework Help! Google does recognize the NOT logic though; one just needs to use #8220;-#8221; (minus) instead of NOT. Essay Marking! Knowing about the syntax differences between various sites makes a BIG difference for a sourcer.

For those who are in revision, doubt about syntax, using the *advanced search dialog* helps. Assignment Melbourne! As an example, if you play with the advanced dialog on Google you will notice a few things: AND is implied; parenthesis are not needed in most cases; NOT must be written as the minus; quotation marks are not required around single words. Custom search engines like the big5hire that search resumes on Essay help a good revision the web, are, of course, nice tools. Genetics! There is a good number of other #8220;preset#8221; web searches similar to big5hire, that are either free or paid. If you know the search syntax you can find lots of resumes on Google itself, or can even build a custom engine of your own. Essay Help A Good! Saying that the web is the largest CV database may be a bit misleading for a beginner though. No web search will return over paper writing cheap uk, 1,000 results at a time; this is Essay help revision true of custom search engines as well.

In this sense, strangely, your resume database (if it#8217;s large) may return more results than a search on the web in #8220;one shot#8221;. To dig out more resumes out of web searching you will need to manipulate your strings, for example, add or remove keywords, based on the results. Parsing large numbers of resumes found on the web is another critical skill. There are tools to help with that. From what I have seen, the hardest part of Essay review, sourcing on the web is, for most, the specific search operators and homework help a good revision special characters that are used along with the Boolean logic. To search productively, one needs to learn to use a few of assignment help melbourne, them, perhaps 3 or 4 #8220;of each#8221; on Google. Essay Homework A Good! The Boolean logic covered in the article is the with statistics australia, basis of any search, of course. I just tried a few searches on help Big5hire and I did not get a single resume. I did get linkedin profiles on the social media search but the google search brings up job listings etc.

Am I missing something? big5hire#8217;s Google search is assignment help melbourne not the greatest. Help A Good! If you need another way to do that I do like however the number of searches you can do there is limited, while big5hire is unlimited. Help Weather! 1. Essay! use the NOT operator, since big5hire is a custom google search you can write this like this: Python Unix -jobs -submit. This did not work for me as my search got the same results on big5hire as on Google, a mess of tutorials. 2. However click on #8220;Resumes in PDF#8221; or #8220;Resumes in Doc#8221; and it brings up pages and genetics pages of resumes. 3. Essay Help! Put (resume |CV) in front of Help australia, every big5hire search you do. Or (intitle:resume | inurl:resume). This approach has pros and cons. Limitations: a. not a one stop shop, it will not catch the Essay a good revision, html resumes which using Google will. b. How To Paper! The craigslist search relies on Google to find(spider) the resume on craigslist before you can find it, which does not happen instantly. If you prefer a local candidate using the craigslist#8217;s search is going to be more complete.

Very helpful. Thanks Chad. I am going to do more experimentation. Homework Help A Good Revision! This will be very helpful for people who#8217;s starting a career as a sourcing specialist. When i use this (“sql”) AND (#8220;developer#8221; OR #8220;programer#8221;) . I get almost 40k resumes with .net developer and Help with statistics australia all others too. How can i be more specific . Homework Revision! That you should tell what all you require ? for Accounting assignment melbourne weather, example you can specify location , experience other languages etc to filter it more. Homework! Be more precise what is your requirement. Advanced! No of years of experience, location, male or female, nationality. Furthermore you can filter with notice period, age of the candidate. WANT TO SEARCH FRONTEND AND J2ME DEVELOPERS TOGATHER. how we use strings to search that. Essay Help! string would be (FRONTED AND #8220;J2ME DEVELOPER#8221;) ELSE FRONTED AND (#8220;J2ME DEVELOPER#8221;) FRONTED AND #8220;J2ME DEVELOPER#8221; However the first search string is one of the best.

Hope its helpful.

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How to Essay homework a good revision Write a Cover Letter 40+ Free Templates. Writing a smart cover letter can get your foot in the door, even if you have a weak resume. Essay Marking Review. This guide will help you to write the best letter possible. Cover Letter Examples. Professionally-written cover letter samples. Cover Letter Designs.

Beautifully arranged cover letter designs. Cover Letter Builder. Create your cover letter in 15 minutes. How to Write a Resume. Learn how to Essay homework help a good write a resume in 3 Steps. Are you looking for Help college genetics a follow up email or letter instead?

Check out our comprehensive Follow Up Guide. This is a very simply written guide — follow it, and you will land interviews faster. Don’t forget to double check! Be sure to Essay homework help a good revision use our checklist to easily find out what you may be missing on How to argument paper your letter. Essay Homework A Good Revision. It is Essay review, free to download. Click Here to Download.

Our Cover Letter Checklist. Cover letters are one page documents that you send with your resume when applying for a job. It is meant to: Introduce yourself to the hiring manager. Argue why you’d be a good fit for the job Fill in homework help, places your resume cannot describe Further explain other aspects of marking service, your resume. By hitting those 4 aspects, your letter can be a convincing and powerful companion to a well-written resume. If you want to see how a cover letter in your field should be written, then browse through our cover letter example library.

To begin, include both the employer’s and help revision, your contact information. See the example below: While the example above demonstrates the Help with statistics australia, information you need to include in Essay help a good, the section, there are various ways to format it. Check out the cover letter designs below to get more ideas on how you can structure this section. No spelling or grammar errors! This one really goes without saying. How To A Literary Paper. Spelling mistakes make an awful first impression. Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes for a second. Essay Homework Help A Good. Would you like to be addressed as “Dear Sir or Madame?” or “To whom it may concern?” “Dear Sir or Madame” makes you sound like you’re from the year 1865, and “to whom it may concern” is very irritating to hiring managers.

You can easily avoid this problem by doing your research. Look through the company’s website, LinkedIn, or even give the company a call to ask for Help with dissertation statistics the hiring manager’s name. Even if you get it wrong, it still looks like you’ve made an effort. In the first paragraph, begin by a good, telling the employer the position you are applying for and how you learned about the opportunity. The rest of this paragraph should briefly present basic info about yourself, including: degree, area of study/expertise, and your career goals in terms of Help, how they align with the goals of the company. The second paragraph should respond directly to the job description written by homework, the hiring manager. Describe how your previous job experiences, skills, and abilities will allow you to meet the company’s needs. Help Quiz. To make that easier, you can (and should) literally include words and phrases from the job description in your cover letters. No bombast! The rule of thumb is that you’re allowed to be as boastful as you want – so long as you have the evidence to back it up ! To go the extra mile, do some research about the company, and try to help find out what they are doing — and why — given the current state of Essay paper writing service cheap, their industry. In a third paragraph, explain how you can fit into that schema, and help push the company forward and achieve any goals you suspect they may have.

The final paragraph is Essay help a good, called the “call to action.” Inform them that you’d love to paper get interviewed. Essay Help A Good Revision. Tell them that you’ll be in How to a literary argument, contact with them in a week if you don’t hear back. Thank them for spending the time to read your letter. Aside from the content on the page, the actual look and feel of the document is also an important aspect of the your letter. Elements such as margins, font size and style, and alignment all factor in to the hiring manager’s overall impression of you. Here are a few quick tips when styling your own:

1” – 1.5” margins are always a safe bet. If you are having trouble fitting everything on one page, there is some wiggle room, but be careful not to a good make the content look crammed together. Don’t go below a 12-point font unless absolutely necessary. Anything below 12 can strain the eyes. Font style is really a matter of preference.

Try to choose one that looks professional or that matches what the employer uses on their website. Keep in mind that different styles will change the size of the font. Maintain a uniform alignment throughout. We suggest keeping all paragraphs left-aligned. Formatting For Applicant Tracking Systems. If you don’t know what an ATS is, you absolutely must read up on it before sending in your next job application.

Applicant tracking systems are mostly designed to read through resumes, sifting through keywords and key-phrases to statistically determine whether to let you through to the next stage. 70% of jobs are filled via an with dissertation statistics, applicant tracking system. Some ATS software is designed to read through letters as well, while others are not. Essay Homework A Good Revision. You might as well be completely prepared. The good news is that simply by following the a literary argument paper, instructions we’ve written above, your letter should already be in good shape. Help A Good. If you’ve responded directly to the hiring manager’s job description, and included language from it in your own your letter, you already have a high likelihood of hitting statistically important keywords and Essay paper writing cheap uk, phrases. Yes, someone will read it. Essay A Good. Will they read it carefully?

It depends on the hiring manager. Some use the letters to “weed out” candidates out of a huge stack, while others believe that the candidate’s interview skills are more important. Either way, you’re going to need to Essay paper service cheap write a strong letter, in order to give yourself a higher chance of getting a job. Winning Cover Letter Templates for All – Copy, Paste, Fill in the Blank. Simply click the section that best reflects your current life situation and help a good revision, work experience, then choose the “tone” of cover letter that best suits your personality. Before you start – 5 tips for filling in these template letters:

In our templates, you’ll be filling in the blanks that look like [this]. Here’s some help for filling in these trickier ones: [insert positive trait] – here’s a list of positive traits you can use to describe yourself [insert 1-3 soft skills] – here’s a list of soft skills you can use to describe your abilities [insert 1-3 hard professional skills] – our cover letter samples or resume by industry pages should help you brainstorm [insert GPA] – only insert if your GPA is above a 3.5 [insert your degree] – style it this way, including the parentheses – (BS Engineering) My name is [your name]. I am thrilled to be applying for the [position] role in marking service review, your company. After reviewing your job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for an enthusiastic applicant that can be relied upon to fully engage with the revision, role and Help with dissertation, develop professionally in Essay, a self-motivated manner.

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Overall, I have consistently demonstrated [insert 1-3 soft skills] abilities in every aspect of my [your current job title] role at [your current company’s name], and How to, I invite you to review my detailed achievements in the attached resume. After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and reliable candidate that you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how I can help benefit your organization, and assist your business achieve its goals. Please contact me at [PHONE] or via email at [EMAIL] to arrange for a convenient meeting time. Thank you for homework help revision your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Download HR-Approved Cover Letter Template Designs. We provide 8 free downloadable cover letter designs. Weather. Just click the any template below to download the one that best suits you.

I have “Red Flags” in my work or personal history — should I address them in my Cover Letter? ‘Red flags’ are a critical consideration to make when writing your cover letter. Homework Help A Good. A red flag is something in your professional or personal history that could negatively impact the Help college genetics quiz, way a hiring manager views your job application. While many red flags should be directly addressed in Essay homework revision, a cover letter, some others are best left for the job interview stage. The following list is of 8 of the write paper, biggest cover letter red flags. If any apply to you, click to learn more about how to effectively handle it so it doesn’t become a roadblock in your efforts to secure your next job. i need cover letter for my resume. You can either write your own cover letter with the guide above or use our software to build one instead. If you want to use our software just go to our homepage at What about references? Can they go on Essay homework a good revision the Resume or do I need a separate sheet for those?

References should NOT be included on your resume — nor should you write “References Available Upon Request” on your resume. Assignment Weather. The hiring manager will request that information from Essay homework a good revision you at a later date if they are interested in doing so. (Note: If the employer ASKS you to include references with your application, obviously you should do that.) Thanks for your question! This has given me a better understanding in the resume field! Glad we could help! Good luck on the job hunt!

thanks. you have explained clearly what i need to do. We are glad that the article could help! I just applied for a $14/hr job on Help quiz Indeed. After 6 years of Essay a good, working for the same company for $10/hr…. I’m praying this cover letter is enough to How to write a literary argument land me the job. Homework Revision. I converted the “Sales Cover Letter” into a “Warehouse Manager” cover letter. Of course I tweaked it to my specifications and needs… but it turned out to writers review be one professional piece of work when I was finished. I can’t thank you all enough for this posting. I’ll be back to Essay homework help revision update if I land the job. We are happy to hear that as well! Hope to review hear back from you soon.

Keep us updated throughout the process and let us know if you have any interview questions. Best luck on your job hunt! This was definitely helpful. Recently I came across a job opening and they had asked for a cover letter. Essay Homework Help A Good Revision. I had no damn idea what a cover letter was. Googled it.. Accounting Help. nd came here.. im thankfull to you.. #128578; We are glad that we were able to help you with your cover letter. We hope you get the interview!

I have a significant gap in full-time employment. I need to create a cover letter that can briefly explain that gap. The template of a mother returning to work won’t cut it, IMO. Do you have a template that matches my needs? Thanks in advance #128578; We regret that you weren’t able to find what you were looking for.

The stay at home mom resume is one of our most popular and has received a lot of positive feedback. We suggest that you check out our resume formats page: You may want to homework a good revision consider using functional format to help cover up your work gaps. If you still need help, you may also want to consider signing for a subscription with us. We offer the Advanced review, “Ask The Expert” service, which gives you access to a professional resume writer. Good luck on the job hunt!

Hello I am applying for flight attendant position, but I have never worked in this position before. What title I need to put in Essay help revision, the header of the review plagiarism, resume? Our flight attendant sample has all the information you need to write your own resume. ( Good luck on the job hunt! I only have volunteer work how do I put that in a resume ? thanks you. Check out our “How to Write a Resume” writing guide. Help A Good. ( It should be helpful in answering your question.

Very true and informative. Just googled it and Advanced writers review, no doubt remains now. Cover letter will be easy for me now. Glad you found our cover letter guide useful. Let us know if you have any additional questions. Good luck on the job hunt! This was helpful. is homework help a good revision, it same for Help genetics Student / Entry Level Cover Letter and Internship cover letter?

We are glad you found our cover letter page useful. As far as your question goes, the student cover letter above could be reworked for homework help a good an internship application. Please let us know if you have any other questions. This helped me so much, I’ve never written a cover letter before. Thank you so much RG! We are glad that the information is helpful! Please feel free to read other related articles and let us know if you have any questions.

Hey please i want to apply for a post of an armorer in the ministry of defense in our country advertised in the dailies. It wants people with high school education and i basically have that. Please lead me through… We will need more information regarding the job posting as well as your background to lead you. Hi! Do you have cover letter samples to Accounting help apply as a job intern? Not currently, but it is on our list of samples to add. For now, our student sample above should be helpful in Essay a good, giving you some ideas on how to format your own. Thanks a lot RG this was very helpful. Before today I have never done a one, now I have confidence with putting together a cover letter.

One small question though, what should I name the paper writing cheap, cover letter? We are glad that you found our cover letter resources helpful. You can simply name your it “Deitric (last name)’s Cover Letter.” That way, it will be easier for the employer to spot as they go through all the help a good, applicants in Accounting assignment help melbourne weather, their inbox. Good luck on the job hunt! Hi! I have never written a cover letter before and would like to apply to a “work from home” job–but, have no idea how to homework help revision write it. Please help! We have plenty of industry-specific samples above.

Find your industry and Help genetics, get a few detailed tips on how to a good revision structure your own cover letter. RG I must say this helps me a lot. Quiz. Not sure if I could master it but this would definitely help. Thank you so much for making my day 3. We are really glad to hear that and thank you for your support. Please let us know if you have any question. I remain stumped as to how to address a cover letter in response to a job advertisement that gives neither the company name nor the name of the person in Essay help a good revision, charge of hiring.

This is true of many job postings on Craigslist, for example. I dislike “To Whom It May Concern”, but what other greeting would you recommend? Many job seekers also run into this issue. Essay Service Review. When the Essay homework a good, posting doesn’t include a name of the company or hiring manager, try copying some of the college genetics, job description and searching for it on Google. You may find the job ad with the names included. If this doesn’t work, then it is acceptable to homework address the cover letter with “Dear Hiring Manager.” Good luck on How to a literary argument the job hunt,

I normally just put Dear Hiring Manager. I’ve had issues where you call and there are multiple people who do the hiring, so I don’t know who will be doing my interview until the day I have my interview. Homework. If I ask the employee there like, “Oh I’m not sure.” I’m going to Essay service forward this to a client of mine I was just talking to him about homework help, this. Now he’ll know that I’m not just trying to make his life miserable. Great! We hope they find our resources helpful. I have done my resume and now I’m preparing myself to do CL, but I have problem with it, because everything is wrote in review, resume – especialy introduction. It would be the best if I could copy my introduction from resume to CL, because there is almost the same to write. please advise. Some of the a good revision, contents from your resume intro should be used in you CL, but should not simply be copied.

If you read the above guide and download the template pack, you will learn exactly what information should be included. Also, be sure to Advanced review check out our CL samples to give you a better idea on how you can word your cover letter. Good luck on the job hunt! I am trying to write a cover letter for a managerial position in the hospitality field. However, I do not see any examples.

We are in the process of adding new cover letter samples and have included your suggestion in the list. Homework Help. In the meantime, follow the guide above and download one of cover letter templates. Good luck on the job hunt! Basically, a cover letter is writers, a letter of homework a good revision, introduction. Usually I state the Essay marking, name of the position I’m applying for and why I am qualified for the position.

At the end of the help a good, letter, I’ll write something like “If you have any questions or to schedule an paper service uk, appointment for an interview, please contact me at ***-**-****.” Then double space and type “Sincerely” and then space 4 times and type your name. You’ll be signing in the space above your typed name. This has been most helpful. GBU. Glad you liked it. Essay Revision. Share it with you your friends. GBU, too! I am working on a resume for an experienced welder, One of the requirements is write, a valid drivers license, which I do not possess at this time , but if I was hired, I could pay the traffic fine and get my license back with my first paycheck. Should I explain this on my resume or by Essay help a good, telephone or in How to a literary, person or not at mall.

In all honesty, your best bet is to find a way to pay the Essay help revision, traffic fine and get you license back before applying for the position. Thanks for the advice. I was thinking that very thing or appearing at traffic court and setting up a payment plan which would clear the way for a re issue. All about the money. which I happen to Advanced writers review plagiarism be in short supply of. Thanks again. We know the struggle. Essay A Good Revision. Hang in there brother! Try add figures that will impress an employer and that pertain to writers review the position you are applying for.

Best of luck! I live in Thailand and odd numbers here are auspicious so it probably won’t hurt to throw some of them in. I’m still not sure what you all are referring to with bullet point ‘numbers’. Can someone explain? Thank you. thank you so much RG you really shade light on cover letters, i was clueless wat it was so mostly i would ignore it and Essay a good revision, send my applications without one from today i will do thngs differently. Download our cover letter template pack and use the writers, tips written above.

That should get you started. Best of luck! How to address gaps in employment. My mom passed away unexpectedly in 2005. I was incapacitated by depression and Essay homework revision, unable to work from 2005-2008. Marking Review. Got a job in 2008 was employed until 2012 when I had a baby. i have been a stay at home mom. Ready to go back to work again. How do I address the Essay help a good, gaps when posting my resume on job resource sites? I have spent the past six months working reworking my resume. I’ve searched hundreds of resume websites; Resme Genius is, by far, the dissertation statistics australia, best.

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks for the kind words. One of the easiest ways to mask your work gaps is to use a functional format: Give it a try and see what you think. Essay Help. Good luck on the job hunt! How do explain a reason for leaving a company when you hate your job/employer, more management than the job itself. We always recommend not to argument burn any bridges with former employers and to leave on a positive note. So in Essay, that case, we suggest that you explain that you are looking for Essay review an opportunity in a new industry or a different position. Although it may sting, make sure to also thank management for the opportunity you were given. Good luck! Struggling with how to address a cover letter for a summer internship.

I’m not applying for a posted internship, just going to Essay homework show up at How to write a literary argument, an organization that my school advisor suggested I reach out to. I have no idea who I’ll be giving my cover letter to, but I don’t want to say “dear hiring manager” because technically they wouldn’t be hiring me… right? Aside from that, this guide was still very helpful. We’re glad that you found our advice helpful. Homework. In your case, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Madam or Sir” would be appropriate. Good luck! So i have been asked to write argument email my salary requirements, Here is my situation though, I previously worked with this company in the same exact role. I left for another job opportunity ( which built my skill set and experience) about a year ago this month.

They have asked me to come back and fill that position again. How do I compose a salary requirement. In this situation you have the leverage, so it would be fair to ask for homework help a good revision 10-20% more than you were paid before. The skills and experience you gained over the last year make you more valuable than you were before. Good luck!

Hi, I am trying to help a friend who is looking to move into a completely different line of work, he has only writers review, had 1 job since high school, which has nothing to do with what he really wants to do. How do you approach that in a cover letter, since he has no experience in the field? Your friend will have to discuss their general skills or traits that are relevant to the job. I just turned 62 and help a good revision, want to Essay marking retire from my current job, but not ready to retire. Help A Good Revision. Any suggestions on service cheap how to “put my best foot forward” when applying for a new position in an industry I’ve never worked in before? When applying for a position in an industry that you’ve never worked in before, the first thing you should do is come up with a list of the Essay homework help a good, relevant skills that you can transfer over to that industry. From there, you can work on ‘selling’ those particular skills in your cover letter and resume. Good luck! So glad I stumbled upon this. Glad you found it helpful! I’m applying for a new job but the service cheap uk, mining company has different projects.

Would I have the Essay a good revision, company’s address or the project site address? We recommend that you use the address that the cover letter is being sent to. If you are not sure, then use the company’s address. Good luck! Some cover letter here have helped me move on to another level. Through this i had to service pay bills for revision my ailing child . Accounting Assignment Weather. Thanks you have been of great help through the way to help a good revision write a winning cover letter. Great information! My question is I have been out of the write, work force for Essay homework help a good revision about a year and a half due to Accounting assignment help melbourne birthing children and staying home for Essay help revision them. Help Statistics Australia. I am wondering if this is something i should include on my CL to explain my gap in work history or is this information to personal to Essay homework include? Great question! If your work gap is Accounting assignment help melbourne weather, longer than a couple of months, then you should certainly include an explanation in your cover letter.

Don’t spend more than 1-2 sentences on your explanation though. Remember that you want to keep the focus of your cover letter on your experience and Essay homework, qualifications. You can say something like “After taking some time at home with my family,” then express how excited and enthusiastic you are to Essay paper service uk return to the work force and how this position is exactly what convinced you that now is the time to do so. You can use that phrase for maternity leave, or caring for older family members, or even your own issues. Shoot, you can use that even when you didn’t choose to Essay homework help a good revision take a break, so to speak.

Good luck! I’m a college dropout and I couldn’t decide on Essay uk which template to use for my cover letter. I quit school during my sophomore year. We suggest using the ‘Non-Student’ templates. If your college experience is relevant to the job you are applying for, you might consider including it your cover letter. Best of luck on help a good the job hunt! Thank you Resume Genius! what if there is no job description given? how do you start of with the cover application in such a scenario? Even without a job description you can still follow the template above. Look up job descriptions for the same position from other companies to get an idea of what the marking review, employers is looking for.

Unless requested in the job ad, leave your salary requirements off your cover letter. Essay Homework. Good Luck! Fair point – it’s always good to be careful when sending out personal information. Thanks for Help dissertation statistics the suggestion! Share How to Write a Cover Letter #038; 40+ Free Templates Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today’s competitive job market.

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How to Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to download one, but be sure to make small modifications to unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for a man or woman, or do most people simply look for a nice job. 5 Ridiculous Excuses To Calling Out Of Work That Were Surprisingly Successful. Every office is bound to have that one person that abuses the call-out policy. These people go above and. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and with dissertation statistics australia, career tips are regularly featured on help revision some of the Help with statistics australia, world's leading online and offline publications including: Our code geeks and a good, HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market.

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The Impact of Brown vs. Board of Education Essay Sample. All throughout America, racial segregation in a good revision, public educational institutions was considered a norm in Help genetics quiz, the early 1950’s. Even though all the homework help revision, public schools in a particular district were meant to be equal, the majority of black schools were far inferior when compared to their white counterparts. But this would all be changed in 1954 because of the story of Linda Brown who lived in Topeka, Kansas. Linda was a black third-grader who had to walk one mile by way of a railroad switchyard to go to Help quiz her black elementary school, although a white elementary school was just seven blocks away from her home.

Oliver Brown, Linda’s father, attempted to register Linda in Essay homework a good, the white elementary school; however, the principal of the school declined. Thus, Oliver sought the help of McKinley Burnett, the head of Topeka’s branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The group was more than willing to help the Browns since it had long aimed to confront the issue of segregation in Essay marking service, public schools. The NAACP thought that with the Brown’s protest, it had the right plaintiff at the right time (Knappman, 1994). In the year 1951, other black parents united with Brown, and so the NAACP asked for a ruling that would prohibit the segregation of Topeka’s public schools (Knappman, 1994). During the trial on June 25-26, 1951, the NAACP contended that segregated schools conveyed the message to black children that they were inferior compared to whites; consequently, the schools were essentially unequal. One of the expert witnesses, Dr.

Hugh W. Speer asserted that if the black children are robbed of the experience in school of merging with white children, who account for around 90 percent of our national society in which these black children should reside, then the black child’s curriculum is being extremely restricted (Knappman, 1994). However, according to the Board of Education’s defense, since segregation in Topeka and Essay homework a good, somewhere else encompassed several other facets of life, segregated schools merely groomed black children for the segregation they would deal with when they become adults. Moreover, the board likewise contended that segregated schools were not inevitably damaging to black children and that great African Americans like George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, and Frederick Douglass had prevailed over more than just segregated schools to attain what they attained (Knappman, 1994). Because of these arguments, the call for an injunction placed the court in a hard and review plagiarism, complex decision because on the one hand, the help, judges concurred with the expert witnesses since in their decision they wrote that segregation of white and plagiarism, black children in public educational institutions has a damaging effect upon the black children. Hence, a feeling of inferiority influences the motivation of the student to Essay a good learn.

The precedent of Plessy v. Ferguson , on the other hand, enabled separate but equal school systems for both whites and blacks, and no Supreme Court decision had reversed the Plessy decision yet. As a consequence of the precedent of the Plessy ruling , the court felt obliged to Essay marking review rule in support of the Board of Education (Ziegler, 1958). Because of this decision, Brown and the NAACP requested to the Supreme Court on revision October 1, 1951 that their case be merged with other cases that confronted the issue of school segregation in South Carolina, Delaware, and Virginia. On December 9, 1952, the Supreme Court failed to come up with a decision when it first heard the case. Then on December 7-8, 1953, in the raergument, the Court ordered that both sides talk about the conditions surrounding the implementation of the Fourteenth Amendment in the year 1868 (Ziegler, 1958).

However, the reargument provided little additional information regarding the matter. Hence, the Court had to come up with decision founded not on whether or not the authors of the Fourteenth Amendment had integrated schools in assignment help melbourne, mind when they wrote the amendment in the year 1868, but founded on whether or not integrated schools robbed black children of Essay help revision equal protection of the law when the case was finally concluded in the year 1954 (Ziegler, 1958). Then the historic decision came on May 17, 1954, when Chief Justice Earl Warren announced the decision of the unanimous Court that it struck down the “separate but equal” principle of the Plessy case for public education, ruled in support of the plaintiffs, and ordered the desegregation or integration of schools all over America (Kluger, 1976) Although the Advanced writers review plagiarism, Supreme Court’s Brown v. Homework Help Revision? Board of Education ruling did not put an end to segregation in other public places like restrooms and restaurants, nor did it necessitate desegregation or integration of genetics quiz public schools by a precise period, it did proclaim the mandatory or permissive segregation that remained in Essay homework revision, 21 states unconstitutional. It was an enormous step towards total desegregation of public educational institutions.

But even partial desegregation of these schools, nevertheless, was still extremely far away, as would soon become obvious (Kluger, 1976). Brown v. Board of assignment Education declared that separate school systems for white and black children desecrated the children’s constitutional rights. According to homework Kluger (1976), as a special consideration to states, which disputed that reversing long-standing systems of education and school policies would be hard and complex, the Court believed that segregation had to be dismantled with all planned speed. States regarded this wording as an invitation to Help genetics quiz move gradually, or they feigned to Essay help act while in college, fact blocking the decree. States like North Carolina dismantled their independent school systems, however in their place set up systems that uphold segregation in other ways (Kluger, 1976). Rather than sending children to the school near their home, the school districts established “attendance zones” to lead children to single-race schools, in order that by the late 1960s, almost fifteen years after Brown, practically all schools in Essay help revision, the Southern states remained to be segregated. Insights About the Case.

The Brown vs. Board of Education decision destroyed the legal basis for racial segregation in public schools and other public amenities. Help With Australia? By proclaiming that the discriminatory characteristic of racial segregation infringes the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution, which assures every citizen equal protection of the laws, the Brown v. Board of Education laid the basis for Essay homework revision shaping future international and assignment help weather, national policies concerning human rights (Knappman, 1994). Furthermore, the homework help, Brown v. Board of Education did not merely concern education and children. Both all the policies and laws caused by this court decision were outcomes of the human propensities to stereotype, discriminate against, and prejudge other individuals by plagiarism, their cultural, ethnic, physical, or religious characteristics (Knappman, 1994). Putting a stop to this behavior as a legal practice brought about far reaching ideological and social repercussions, which remain to be felt all over Essay a good revision America.

Moreover, the Brown ruling motivated and spurred human rights battles all over the country and all throughout the world (Knappman, 1994). Furthermore, what this legal trial symbolizes is at the heart of United States history and the freedoms we benefit from. How To? This is because the U.S. Homework Help A Good Revision? Supreme Court ruling in Brown started a crucial chapter in the maturation of our democracy as a people and as a nation. The Brown decision reiterated the supreme power of the Help statistics australia, people of our country in Essay homework revision, safeguarding our natural rights from Help quiz arbitrary restrictions and limits forced by both local and state governments. Despite the fact that this case was considered a significant historic milestone, it is Essay revision frequently misconstrued.

All through the write a literary, years, the facts relating to the Brown lawsuit have been outshined by mischaracterizations and myths (Kluger, 1976). Essay Help? As Kluger (1976) stated, first, the Brown vs. Board of Education was not the first test to school segregation since as early as the year 1849, African Americans filed a case (Roberts vs. City of help weather Boston) against an educational system that commanded racial segregation, in the case of Roberts v. City of Boston. Then, Kluger (1976) also said the case namesake, Oliver Brown was only one of the almost 200 petitioners from five states who were part of the NAACP cases filed before the Supreme Court in the year 1951. Actually, the Kansas case was named for Oliver Brown as a legal tactic to have a man lead the homework help a good, plaintiff list. In addition, the Brown ruling started social and weather, educational reform all over the country and was a channel in instigating the modern Civil Rights Movement. Bringing about change in Essay homework help a good, the years since the Brown case continues to be difficult.

Nevertheless, the Brown vs. Board of Education victory brought the United States one step closer to living up to service its democratic principles. Also as stated earlier, the Brown decision decided that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. Homework Revision? The greatest effect of this decision on service schools was felt more in the South because at long last tax dollars had to be utilized equitably (KNEA, 2003). That impacted resources, facilities, and help a good revision, teacher qualification and salaries as well.

In Kansas specifically, schools were integrated right away. However, Topeka’s Washington School continued to be segregated for another year or two. This is Accounting assignment weather because several parents still preferred to keep their children there for the reason that they were afraid of unpleasantries. Essay A Good? Thus, the sad result was that a number of African American teachers were transferred and African American teachers who taught for a period of Help with dissertation statistics three years or less were not maintained. Nonetheless, the homework a good revision, decision triggered dreams of increased hope and cries of fear and resolute resistance. On the one hand, many people believe that the backbone of segregation has been broken because of this court decision. Moreover, Martin Luther King, Jr., asserted that the court ruling was a blissful daybreak after a long and Help dissertation australia, bleak midnight (KNEA, 2003). However, on Essay homework a good the other hand, there were influential voices rising, full of hate and promises of aggression (KNEA, 2003). According to Herman Talmage, provided that he is governor of the sovereign State of Georgia, there will be no integration of the races. Assignment Melbourne Weather? Then Marvin Griffin, Talmage’s successor, threatened to summon the National Guard, Boy Scout troops, State Patrol, and even the School Boy patrol to avert the integration of the races in classrooms.

The Mandate of Desegregation. The court decision on Essay homework a good Brown was promptly and correctly recognized as testing, not on Essay review social science information, but on the belief that all racial discrimination done by a good, government is forbidden. It was this thought that gave it overpowering strength and ultimately acceptance; nobody, before or at present, desired explicitly to oppose the belief. In any case, it is certain that it was because of this belief that Congress passed the famous Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Graglia, 1996). In effect, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 endorsed and made effective the Brown nondiscrimination opinion and extended it not just to discrimination in all federally supported activities but also even to public accommodations and Help genetics quiz, private discrimination in employment. Even though the Court was bold enough to come up with the help, Brown ruling, nullifying the fundamental social arrangement of 21 states, it was not bold enough to try to implement it against disobedient states (Graglia, 1996).

It was extremely doubtful that the marking service, president and Congress would collaborate; certainly, there was basis to be apprehensive that Congress would undertake steps to restrain the Court. In any case, it was obvious that the Southern states had the whole answer to Brown in Essay help a good revision, that they could just end free public education, as they had previously taken steps to do, which would have made Brown a tragedy for the blacks it was intended to assist and support. According to Graglia (1996), however, with the college genetics quiz, 1964 Civil Rights Act, the president and Essay help revision, Congress joined the Court and made Brown effective and enforceable. From then on, school segregation promptly ended; children were no longer anywhere enrolled to schools by means of race. Moreover, racial discrimination was now considered an infringement of federal law in practically all spheres of public life. Thus, it can be said that the Brown nondiscrimination rule had totally triumphed. However, the story of race and weather, the schools and a good revision, of all other racial matters ever since the 1964 Civil Rights Act is an How to write a literary, almost unbelievable story of how this success was transformed into a tragedy.

In maybe the strangest case in point of a good revision judicial misconduct in the history of law, the courts stood the Brown ruling and the 1964 Civil Rights act on their heads, making them contrary to what they were intended to be (Graglia, 1996). Review Plagiarism? The civil rights creation that had grown and flourished in a good revision, the struggle to put a stop to segregation and other racial discrimination was not ready to split up just because its ends had been attained. Moral victories are less possible to create restful satisfaction than a pursuit for further great deeds to be carried out. Majority agrees that the Court had done a great thing in write a literary, coming up with the Brown decision, and homework help a good revision, certainly there were still greater things that, as a consequence, it would now be able to do. Despite the fact that school segregation ended in the South; however, school racial separation, certainly, remained to exist, just as it had at all times existed in the schools of the West and North that had never been separated by law (Moss, 2004).

Thus, to civil rights professionals, Brown immediately came to be considered less as a success than as a failure. Children were no longer prohibited from schools by way of race, and racial discrimination was banned in general, but the cry nevertheless went up that nothing had occurred. If forbidding discrimination would not create integrated schools and Advanced review plagiarism, quick black progress on the whole, the apparent next step for the civil rights professionals was to Essay homework create integration by means of legal fiat. Nevertheless, compulsory school racial integration would denote a return to racial discrimination in argument paper, assignment and consequently, it would appear, an abandonment of Essay homework help revision Brown and the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Graglia, 1996). Open abandonment was clearly improbable, for several reasons. After several years of persisting that all racial discrimination done by government was constitutionally forbidden, the Court could barely abruptly declare that it was not just occasionally allowable, in Essay marking review, any case, but even required. Ruling out segregation could be rationalized as a ban of racial discrimination, but on homework help a good revision what probable grounds could obligatory integration, requiring racial discrimination, be rationalized?

Was Brown Really A Great Decision for Public Schools? The petitioner in the Brown case charged a school board, not a public park commission, although such facilities were segregated as well. But within the private sector, discrimination was persistent. However, nowadays, we can notice evident growth toward racial equality in recreation programs, parks, communications, politics, commerce, and industry but not in write, schools. The paradox is all the greater, inasmuch as the Essay help revision, Supreme Court, in paper writing service cheap uk, making the Brown decision, banned merely school segregation–on the shaky grounds that such segregation damaged the hearts and minds of African American children (Peterson, 2004). However, at a time when the workplace is frequently racially diverse than not, Brown’s educational effects continue to be unsure (Peterson, 2004).

On the positive aspect, the majority of school areas have become as incorporated as city demographics permit. However, the Essay homework help a good revision, price paid for argument this integration has been certainly high–involuntary busing that divided schools from communities and families; white flight; big, difficult-to-manage school grounds; and help, lowered prospects for students of all social upbringing. But what is distressing is that the writing cheap, performance of African American students has remained to trail that of white students. Even though the gap got thinner in help revision, the 1980s, it increased again in the 1990s, a period when the ideals of Help genetics quiz Brown must have been steadfastly established (Peterson, 2004). According to Peterson (2004), there are opposing views on racism. On the one hand, conventional liberals hold the politicians responsible for insufficient funding or society for its enduring, if now hidden, racism. Yet, money has hardly ever bought educational progress, and one will have a hard time rationalizing the existence of racism in schools when it is on homework the wane somewhere else.

On the other hand, conventional conservatives are more likely to hold the Help genetics quiz, victim responsible, insinuating that the child-rearing customs of the African American family are the Essay homework help revision, main reason. However, the differences in white and with statistics, black achievement are least among preschoolers–the age at which family pressures are marked and school influence nil. Meanwhile, learning is Essay a good revision better promoted when schools set boundaries that detach classroom life from the assignment help weather, street-culture opiates. Since good private schools have uncovered this secret, African American students who go to these schools are much more probable than their public school peers to finish college. Regrettably, several people still oppose school preference on the basis that African American families are excessively ill-informed to choose good schools.

However, knowledge, commitment, and help, interest will come as expected to all parents, once preference is made available. Assignment? To declare otherwise is tremendously racist. Definitely, school preference is the civil rights issue of Essay homework help our time (Peterson, 2004). Realistically, we can say that Brown pushed open the doors of opportunity for democratic and Help dissertation statistics australia, citizenship rights that helped introduce the Black political and social movements of the periods 1950s, ’60s, and Essay help a good revision, ’70s (Orfield and Chungmei, 2004). The Brown decision produced a feeling of Essay writing pride and unity amongst minority groups. These minority groups were able to realize that they had a right to be in college and to be respected and treated with dignity. These days, there are a lot of homework a good minorities who have taken advantage of a college education compared to those in marking, the past, and diversity is inherent to nearly all mission statement in higher education. However, tomorrow if we are to be truthfully diversified in higher education, we should recognize that diversity is basically justice and liberty.

Indeed, it is an Essay homework a good revision, objective worth making sacrifices for (Clark, 2004) Furthermore, numerous sectors of society, consisting of education, political, civic, business, and college genetics quiz, religious are pausing to recognize the Brown ruling and help a good, what it has intended as a historical marker for our country. The Brown decision established a societal shift, the consequences of which are still being felt to this very moment. Moreover, there are now widespread efforts create unitary schools systems where each child is given an equal educational opportunity and is not deprived of this chance as a consequence of Help college genetics quiz his or her race, national origin, or color. The concern here is that despite the fact that there have been numerous improvements in public education, the guarantee of Brown has not yet been accomplished (Flake, 1997). According to Robledo Montecel (2003) and others (Orfield and Chungmei, 2004; Cortez and Robledo Montecel, 2004) there are several means in which the Essay homework, guarantee of equal educational opportunity still evades us in practice although the laws are basically in place. One may possibly practically believe that the Essay paper cheap, separateness and duality of public education by class and race are a common part of homework revision our national nature. If class and race are such strong determiners of a child’s access to quality education, it tragic at with dissertation, worst, yet nevertheless completely important for the legally-mandated work of the equity assistance centers to carry on. The equity assistance centers were established based on Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of Essay homework help a good 1964.

These equity assistance centers are considered to be the oldest technical assistance unit purposely established to offer technical assistance, consisting of training to public school systems that are integrating and attempting to become unitary in the spirit of the 1954 Brown decision. Irrespective of their name or structure in more than the paper writing service, 40 years of their survival, it is these centers who have sounded the call for excellence for all learners regardless of homework a good revision race, gender, or national origin, equity in marking service, access and treatment in public schools, and equal educational opportunity in help revision, public education whether the appeal was to develop America’s public schools or to “leave no child behind” (Scott and assignment help melbourne weather, Cortez, 2000). Due to the Brown decision, the principle of Essay homework “separate but equal” was dead, and every law commanding segregation by any method was a denunciation of the review, equal-protection clause. The case included an original verdict: it allowed psychological evidence of the detrimental nature of revision segregation to the self-worth of black children and, consequently, found racially segregated schools unconstitutional without consideration to the objective of the local school board. How To Write? With the Brown case, the high court gave a blueprint for future application of desegregation to northern cities with big minority populations, which consistently resided in residentially segregated neighborhoods. It can be concluded that two of the most obvious lessons of the Brown case and the whole civil rights experience are that segregation does not work and Essay homework help, attaining desegregation needs clear and lasting commitment. Essay Writing Uk? Evidence around us confirms that segregation is worse and that there are much better possibilities, not merely for blacks but for white students as well, in desegregated schools. Today, we are not dealing with the Essay homework help, problems the Court confronted during the time of Essay cheap Brown.

At these modern times, there are established models of what works. We can see communities and whole metropolitan areas that have had experienced tremendous success for Essay help a good revision more than a few decades. Moreover, there are millions of paper service uk students who have in fact had desegregated educations. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are still some traces of segregation in our country, even in schools. Thus, there is still so much to homework a good revision be done to fully execute the promise of the Brown decision. Clark, W. (2004). Brown as Personal Narrative. Black Issues in Higher Education . Comtex News Network. (January 13, 2004).

The State of America’s Children 2004: A Continuing Portrait of with Inequality 50 Years After Brown vs. Essay Homework A Good Revision? Board of Education. US Newswire via Comtex . Cortez, A., and M. Robledo Montecel. (Fenruaru 2004). Texas at a Crossroads Excellent and Equitable Schools – or Merely Adequate. IDRA Newsletter. San Antonio, Texas: Intercultural Development Research Association. Flake, F. (January 1999). No Excuses for Failing our Children . Policy Review . Graglia, L. (March-April 1996).

The Triumph and Defeat of the Nondiscrimination Principle. Society . Kansas National Educational Association. (November 2003). Making Public Schools Great for Every Child. KNEA . Issue 4, Volume 21. Kluger, R. (1976).

The History of Brown vs. Board of Education and Black America’s Struggle for Essay paper writing Equality, 1 st ed. New York: Knopf. Knappman, E, (ed.) (1994). Great American Trials. Detroit: Visible Ink. Moss, O., Jr. (November 2004). Brown vs. Board of Education: Celebrating a Half-Century of Hope. USA Today . Orfield, G., and L. Chungmei. (January 2004).

Brown at 50: King’s Dream or Plessy’s Nightmare. Cambridge, Mass.: The Civil Rights Project: Harvard University. Peterson, P. (September 27, 2004). Brown: A Great Decision Except for Schools. National Review . Robledo Montecel, M. Help A Good? (November-December 2003). Fulfilling the Promise of Brown vs. Board of Education. IDRA Newsletter.

San Antonio, Texas: Intercultural Development Research Association. Scott, B., and J.D. College? Cortez. (September 2000). Equity Challenges Continue. IDRA Newsletter . San Antonio, Texas: Intercultural Development Research Association. Ziegler, B. (ed.) (1958).

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Quick Guide 25 Ways to Stay Well Abroad in Pictures. A person is no longer contagious for cholera when they have no cholera symptoms and homework a good, no detectable Vibrio bacteria in their stools. Cholera, in general, usually lasts about one week, unless severe symptoms develop. Service Review! Although a person may be no longer contagious for cholera, the a good revision, infection does not provide enough immunity to prevent the How to write argument, person from coming down with cholera again if reexposed to the bacteria. Cholera is an acute infectious disease caused by a bacterium, Vibrio cholerae ( V. cholerae ), which usually results in a painless, watery diarrhea in humans. Some affected individuals have copious amounts of diarrhea and develop dehydration so severe it can lead to death. Essay Homework Help A Good! Most people who get the disease ingest the organisms through food or water sources contaminated with V. cholerae . Although symptoms may be mild, some previously healthy people will develop a copious diarrhea within about one to five days after ingesting the bacteria. Severe disease requires prompt medical care. Hydration (usually by IV for the very ill) of the patient, and antibiotics in review some individuals, is the key to surviving the severe form of the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has maps of homework help a good current and past areas with cholera outbreaks (see WHO reference).

It is Essay marking service review estimated that about 1.4 million to 4.3 million people are infected worldwide each year, with approximately 28,000-142,000 deaths per year. Only about one in 10 people infected with cholera develop the typical signs and Essay help a good revision, symptoms. Outbreaks of cholera in 2015-2016 include South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, and Help genetics, Kenya, with over 216 deaths and most recently, 121 people diagnosed with cholera in Iraq, their first outbreak since 2012 and in Cuba, the first outbreak in over 130 years. The term cholera has a long history (see history section below) and has been assigned to help a good revision, several other diseases. Marking Service Review! For example, fowl or chicken cholera is a disease that can rapidly kill chickens and other avian species rapidly with a major symptom of Essay homework help revision diarrhea. However, the disease-causing agent in fowl is Pasteurella multocida , a gram-negative bacterium. Similarly, pig cholera (also termed hog or swine cholera) can cause rapid death (in about 15 days) in pigs with symptoms of fever, skin lesions, and seizures. This disease is caused by a pestivirus termed CSFV (classical swine fever virus).

Neither one of these animal diseases are related to plagiarism, human cholera, but the homework revision, terminology can be confusing. Cholera has likely been affecting humans for Advanced writers many centuries. Reports of cholera-like disease have been found in India as early as 1000 AD. Cholera is a term derived from Greek khole (illness from bile) and homework help revision, later in assignment help melbourne weather the 14th century to help a good revision, colere (French) and writers, choler (English). In the 17th century, cholera was a term used to describe a severe gastrointestinal disorder involving diarrhea and Essay help revision, vomiting. There were many outbreaks of cholera, and by the 16th century, some were being noted in historical writings. England had several in How to write a literary argument paper the 19th century, the most notable being in 1854, when Dr. John Snow did a classic study in London that showed a main source of the homework help a good, disease (resulting in about 500 deaths in 10 days) came from at least one of the major water sources for London residents termed the Broad Street pump.

The pump handle was removed, and the cholera deaths slowed and stopped. The pump is still present as a landmark in London. Although Dr. Snow did not discover the cause of cholera, he did show how the assignment help, disease could be spread and how to stop a local outbreak. Essay! This was the beginning of modern epidemiologic studies. The last reference shows the map Dr. Paper! Snow used to identify the pump site.

V. cholerae was first isolated as the cause of cholera by Filippo Pacini in 1854, but his discovery was not widely known until Robert Koch (who also discovered the homework revision, cause of tuberculosis), working independently 30 years later, publicized the knowledge and the means of fighting the disease. Help Dissertation! The history of cholera repeats itself. The U.S. National Library of Medicine houses original documents about multiple cholera outbreaks in the U.S. from the 1820s to Essay help a good revision, the 1900s, with the last large outbreak in review 1910-1911. Since the 1800s, there have been seven cholera pandemics (worldwide outbreaks). Cholera riots occurred in Russia and England (1831) and in Essay a good Germany (1893) when the people rebelled against strict government isolation (quarantines) and burial rules. Accounting Assignment Help! In 2008, cholera riots broke out in Essay homework help revision Zimbabwe as police tried to disperse people who tried to withdraw funds from a literary, banks and help a good revision, were protesting because of the collapse of the health system that began with a cholera outbreak. Similar but less violent public protests have occurred when yellow fever, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis quarantines have been enforced by health authorities.

Multiple outbreaks worldwide continue into the 21st century with outbreaks in India, Iran, Vietnam, and several African countries occurring over plagiarism the last 10 years (some recent outbreaks occurred in Essay homework help a good Haiti and Nigeria in 2010-2011, and Cuba in 2016). Why is cholera history repeating itself? The answer can be traced back to Dr. Snow's studies that show a source (water or occasionally food) contaminated with V. cholerae can easily and rapidly transmit the cholera-causing bacteria to many people. Until safe water and food is available to all humans, it is marking review likely that cholera outbreaks will continue to happen. Quick Guide 25 Ways to Stay Well Abroad in Pictures. What are cholera symptoms and signs? The symptoms and signs of Essay revision cholera are a watery diarrhea that often contains flecks of whitish material (mucus and some gastrointestinal lining [epithelial] cells) that are about the plagiarism, size of Essay pieces of rice. The diarrhea is termed rice-water stool (See figure 1) and smells fishy. The volume of diarrhea can be enormous; high levels of diarrheal fluid such as 250 cc per kg or about 10 to Essay service uk, 18 liters over 24 hours for a 154-pound adult can occur.

People may go on to develop one or more of the following symptoms and signs: Watery diarrhea (sometimes in large volumes) Rice-water stools (see figure 1) Fishy odor to homework a good, stools Vomiting Rapid heart rate Loss of Advanced review skin elasticity (washer woman hands sign; see figure 2) Dry mucous membranes (dry mouth) Low blood pressure Thirst Muscle cramps (leg cramps, for example) Restlessness or irritability (especially in children) Unusual sleepiness or tiredness. Other symptoms that may occur, especially with more severe disease, include the following: Those infected require immediate hydration to prevent these symptoms from continuing because these signs and symptoms indicate that the person is becoming or is dehydrated and Essay, may go on Essay service to develop severe cholera. People with severe cholera (about 5%-10% of previously healthy people; higher if a population is compromised by poor nutrition or has a high percentage of homework revision very young or elderly people) can develop severe dehydration, leading to acute renal failure, severe electrolyte imbalances (especially potassium and sodium), and coma. Help College Quiz! If untreated, this severe dehydration can rapidly lead to shock and help a good, death. Severe dehydration can often occur four to eight hours after the first liquid stool, ending with death in about 18 hours to a few days in undertreated or untreated people. In epidemic outbreaks in underdeveloped countries where little or no treatment is available, the mortality (death) rate can be as high as 50%-60%. What causes cholera, and Essay uk, how is cholera transmitted? Cholera is caused by the bacterium V. cholerae . This bacterium is Gram stain-negative, comma-shaped, and has a flagellum (a long, tapering, projecting part) for motility and pili (hairlike structures) used to Essay homework help a good revision, attach to tissue.

Although there are many V. cholerae serotypes that can produce cholera symptoms, the O groups O1 and O139, which also produce a toxin, cause the most severe symptoms of cholera. O groups consist of different lipopolysaccharides-protein structures on the surface of bacteria that are distinguished by immunological techniques. The toxin produced by these V. cholerae serotypes is an Advanced writers review plagiarism, enterotoxin composed of help a good revision two subunits, A and B; the genetic information for the synthesis of these subunits is encoded on plasmids (genetic elements separate from the bacterial chromosome). In addition, another plasmid type encodes for writing service uk a pilus (a hollow hairlike structure that supports bacterial attachment to help a good, human cells and facilitate the movement of toxin from V. cholerae into Help human cells). The enterotoxin causes human cells to extract water and electrolytes from the body (mainly the upper gastrointestinal tract) and pump it into the intestinal lumen where the fluid and electrolytes are excreted as diarrheal fluid. Homework A Good! The enterotoxin is similar to toxin formed by bacteria that cause diphtheria in that both bacterial types secret the toxins into their surrounding environment where the toxin then enters the human cells. The bacteria are usually transmitted by marking service review drinking contaminated water, but the bacteria can also be ingested in a good contaminated food, especially seafood such as raw oysters. What are risk factors for cholera, and where do cholera outbreaks occur? Everyone who drinks or eats food that has not been treated to eliminate V. cholerae (liquids need to help weather, be chemically treated, boiled, or pasteurized, and foods need to be cleaned and cooked), especially in areas of the world where cholera is present, is at Essay revision risk for cholera.

Outbreaks occur when there are disasters or other reasons for a loss of sanitary human waste disposal and the lack of safe fluids and foods for people to ingest. Haiti, a country that had not seen a cholera outbreak in over 50 years, had such circumstances develop in 2010 after a massive earthquake destroyed sanitary facilities and water and food treatment facilities for many Haitians. V. cholerae bacteria eventually contaminated primary water sources, resulting in over 530,000 people diagnosed with cholera that resulted in Advanced review plagiarism over 7,000 deaths. This cholera outbreak spread to homework help, Haiti's neighbor, the Dominican Republic. The Vibrio cholerae strain was closely related to Advanced review, a strain found in Nepal and leads some individuals to blame Nepalese troops that helped with the earthquake disaster as the source of the Haiti cholera outbreak. In third-world countries, hunger can lead people to inadvertently eat contaminated food and/or drink contaminated water, thus raising the Essay homework help, risk for cholera to infect malnourished populations. There is some evidence that V. Dissertation Australia! cholerae can survive in saltwater and have been isolated from shellfish; eating raw oysters is homework help a good revision considered a risk factor for cholera, especially in underdeveloped countries and occasionally even in developed countries. A few people are diagnosed with cholera every year in the U.S. Most of the individuals diagnosed are travelers who were exposed to Accounting melbourne weather, cholera outside the country, but occasionally, isolated cases are traced to contaminated seafood, usually from states that border the Gulf of Mexico.

Some individuals are at homework help a good higher risk to statistics, become infected than others. People who are malnourished or immune-compromised are more likely to get the disease. Children ages 2-4 seem more susceptible than older children, according to some investigators. In addition, researchers have noted that patients with blood type O are twice as likely to develop cholera as others. The reason for this blood type susceptibility is not completely understood.

People with achlorhydria (reduced acid secretion in the stomach) and people taking medicines to reduce stomach acid (H2 blockers and others) are also more likely to develop cholera because stomach acid kills many types of bacteria, including V. cholerae . Quick Guide 25 Ways to Essay help, Stay Well Abroad in Advanced review plagiarism Pictures. It takes about 100 million V. Essay Help! cholerae bacteria to Essay writing service cheap, infect a healthy adult. Because of this high number, significant contamination of food or water is a good revision required to with statistics australia, transmit the disease, and direct person-to-person transmission is Essay a good revision thought to be uncommon except in outbreaks. In outbreaks, cholera-causing bacteria become highly contagious indirectly and directly by the fecal-oral route because of widespread fecal contamination of food, water, and paper, items like contaminated bedding and clothing. What is the incubation period for cholera? The incubation period (time period from homework a good, exposure to the bacteria to the development of symptoms) may vary from a few hours (about six to 12 hours) to five days, with the average incubation period being about two to Accounting help melbourne weather, three days. About six to 12 hours is considered a very rapid incubation period and may suggest that rapid/immediate intervention is homework a good revision required for recovery. What is the contagious period for cholera? The contagious period for cholera begins as soon as organisms are excreted in the feces.

This can occur as early as about six to 12 hours after exposure to the bacteria and can last for about seven to Accounting assignment help melbourne weather, 14 days. Some individuals who are asymptomatic (infected but not having symptoms) will also excrete contagious organisms for about seven to 14 days. What physicians usually treat cholera? Because most individuals have either mild or no symptoms, these people are either not treated or treated by their primary-care physician. Essay Homework A Good Revision! However, in some children and in individuals who have more severe disease, besides the primary-care physician or pediatrician, an infectious-disease specialist, a critical-care specialist, a gastroenterologist, and/or an internist may be needed to help the team manage and treat the patient. In addition, specialists in travel medicine and/or epidemiology can help individuals avoid cholera and/or can give advice about prevention, treatment, and prognosis to those individuals traveling to or living in endemic areas. How do health-care professionals diagnose cholera?

Preliminary diagnosis is usually done by a caregiver who takes a history from the patient and observes the characteristic rice-water diarrhea, especially if a local outbreak of help melbourne cholera has identified. Essay Homework Help A Good Revision! The diarrhea fluid is often teeming with motile, comma-shaped bacteria (presumptively V. cholerae ) that can be seen with a microscope. The definitive diagnosis is Essay paper writing cheap uk made by isolation of the bacteria from diarrhea fluid. All state health department laboratories in the U.S. are able to perform tests for Vibrio cholerae . Readers may see terms like serotypes Inaba, Ogawa, and homework help a good, Hikojima to describe V. Assignment Help Weather! cholerae ; they simply indicate which O antigens (O antigens designated A, B, or C) are found on these strains of V. cholerae . PCR tests have also been developed to detect the genetic material of cholera, but currently they are not as widely used as the immunologic tests based on type-specific antiserum. Definitive diagnosis helps to distinguish cholera from other diseases caused by other bacterial, protozoal, or viral pathogens that cause dysentery (gastrointestinal inflammation with diarrhea). What is the treatment for cholera? The CDC (and almost every medical agency) recommends rehydration with ORS (oral rehydration salts) fluids as the Essay homework help a good, primary treatment for cholera. ORS fluids are available in Advanced writers review plagiarism prepackaged containers, commercially available worldwide, and contain glucose and electrolytes. The CDC follows the guidelines developed by homework help the WHO (World Health Organization) as follows: Children 2-9 years: 100 mL-200 mL, up to 1,000 mL/day. Patients 9 years: As much as wanted, to 2,000 mL/day.

Infants 4 mos-11 mos (5 kg-7.9 kg): 400-600 mL. Children 1 yr-2 yrs (8 kg-10.9 kg): 600-800 mL. Children 2 yrs-4 yrs (11 kg-15.9 kg): 800-1,200 mL. Children 5 yrs-14 yrs (16 kg-29.9 kg): 1,200-2,200 mL. Patients 14 yrs (30 kg or more): 2,200-4,000 mL. Age 1 year: 30 mL/kg within 30 min*, then 70 mL/kg over two and a half hours. *Repeat once if radial pulse is still very weak or not detectable. Reassess the patient every one to Help dissertation, two hours and continue hydrating.

If hydration is not improving, give the IV drip more rapidly. 200 mL/kg or more may be needed during the first 24 hours of treatment. After six hours (infants) or three hours (older patients), perform a full reassessment. Switch to ORS solution if hydration is improved and the patient can drink. In general, antibiotics are reserved for more severe cholera infections; they function to reduce fluid rehydration volumes and may speed recovery. Although good microbiological principles dictate it is best to treat a patient with antibiotics that are known to be effective against the infecting bacteria, this may take too long a time to accomplish during an initial outbreak (but it still should be attempted); meanwhile, severe infections have been effectively treated with tetracycline (Sumycin), doxycycline (Vibramycin, Oracea, Adoxa, Atridox, and others), furazolidone (Furoxone), erythromycin (E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab, PCE, Pediazole, Ilosone), or ciprofloxacin (Cipro, Cipro XR, ProQuin XR) in conjunction with the following antibiotics in Essay conjunction with IV hydration and electrolytes: Many antibiotics are listed; however, because of widespread antibiotic resistance, including multi-resistant Vibrio strains, antibiotic susceptibility testing is quiz advised so the appropriate antibiotic is homework a good chosen. Writers! In addition, quinolones (for example, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin) should not be used in children if other antibiotics can be effective because of help a good possible musculoskeletal adverse effects. Is it possible to prevent cholera? Are cholera vaccines available?

Yes, cholera can be prevented by several methods. Developed countries have an almost zero incidence of cholera because they have widespread water-treatment plants, food-preparation facilities that usually practice sanitary protocols, and most people have access to toilets and hand-washing facilities. With Dissertation Australia! Although these countries may have occasional lapses or gaps in homework a good these methods, they have prevented many disease outbreaks, including cholera. Individuals can prevent or reduce the Advanced plagiarism, chance they may get cholera by thorough hand washing, avoiding areas and people with cholera, drinking treated water or similar safe fluids, and eating cleaned and a good, well-cooked food. Dissertation Statistics Australia! In addition, there are vaccines available that can help prevent cholera, although they are not available in the U.S., and Essay a good, their effectiveness ranges from genetics quiz, 50%-90%, depending on the studies reported. The vaccines are oral preparations, because injected vaccines have not proved to be very effective. Two vaccines (Shanchol and Dukoral) are composed of killed V. Essay Help A Good Revision! cholerae bacteria and don't contain the college, enterotoxin B subunit.

Unfortunately, both offer protection for only about two years, although one report suggests that Shanchol is about 65% effective over a good five years. Both vaccines are usually given in two doses, about one to six weeks apart. Unfortunately, the Accounting assignment weather, vaccines have limited availability; their recommended use is for people going to a good revision, areas of Essay service review known outbreaks with the likely possibility the person may be exposed to cholera. Homework Help Revision! Some researchers suggest this limited oral vaccine availability should be changed and cite data that oral vaccine may help limit outbreaks, even after they have begun. Research is ongoing; a research study in plagiarism Haiti will try to determine if a two-dose vaccine in people will suffice to protect a difficult to treat (rural poor) population from Essay homework help a good, cholera and thus save many lives.

There are over 30 universities researching this disease (cholera's epidemiology, pathology, immunology, vaccine production, and Advanced writers review plagiarism, other problems) currently worldwide. In 2015, about 2 million doses of oral cholera vaccine were shipped to various outbreak areas, and currently available information suggests that there was a significant reduction in transmission of endemic cholera; the homework help, study will be concluded in 2018. In June 2016, the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the first vaccine available in Accounting assignment melbourne the United States to prevent cholera. The vaccine is Essay homework termed Vaxchora and Essay paper cheap uk, is manufactured by PaxVax Bermuda LTD. It can be used in adults age 18-64 who are traveling to cholera-affected areas of the world.

The vaccine is a live, attenuated (weakened) dose of V. cholerae serogroup 01, the most prominent cause of cholera worldwide. The vaccine is administered orally in about 3 ounces of fluid. Help A Good Revision! It is about 80% effective in individuals challenged with Vibrio bacteria three months after vaccination. The vaccine should be administered at college genetics least 10 days before the individual travels to a cholera-endemic area. The prognosis (outcome) of cholera can range from excellent to poor, depending on the severity of the dehydration and how quickly the patient is given and responds to treatments. Death (mortality) rates in Essay help a good revision untreated cholera can be as high as 50%-60% during large outbreaks but can be reduced to about 1% if treatment protocols (see above treatment section) are rapidly put into help melbourne action. In general, the less severe the Essay help a good, symptoms and the less time people have dehydration symptoms, the better the prognosis; in many people, if dehydration is paper service cheap uk quickly reversed, the prognosis is often excellent. Where can people find more information about Essay homework help a good, cholera?

The following links can provide additional information about cholera: Subscribe to MedicineNet's General Health Newsletter. By clicking Submit, I agree to the MedicineNet's Terms Conditions Privacy Policy and understand that I may opt out of MedicineNet's subscriptions at any time. Stomach Pain Quiz: Nausea Other Causes. Learn about digestive diseases and stomach problems such as acid reflux, GERD, gas, Crohn's disease, gall stones, and ulcerative colitis. Learn symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments. Read more: Stomach Pain Quiz: Nausea Other Causes.

What were the symptoms and signs you experienced with cholera? What treatment has been effective for your cholera? What types of tests or exams led to a diagnosis of cholera in you or someone you know? Post Cholera - Prevention in Community. If you live in Help college quiz a community that experiences cholera outbreaks, how do you prevent an infection? Protect Your Eyesight Warning Signs of Common Eye Conditions. Migraine or Headache What's the Difference? Psoriasis See What It Looks Like and How to Treat It.

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lds mission resume Today I am working on my Resume. The Thing is, I have my mission on there. I have it like this: -Volunteer Work Cebu City, Philippines 2000 aˆ“ 2002. Assistant to Essay homework help revision, the President; Zone Leader; Volunteer. Promoted moral concepts and family values in one-on-one and dissertation group scenarios. Recruited local people as volunteers and members for LDS Church. Worked with the local communities to improve living conditions, to build housing, to help with employment, and to teach English. Taught basic computer skills to underprivileged children, including MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, and HTML.

aˆ? Trained and Essay homework gave motivational speeches to approximately 200 volunteers over Advanced review plagiarism, a six-month period for the purpose of accomplishing the Essay homework revision organizationaˆ™s mission. aˆ? Kept records of organization achievements and Essay paper service cheap uk budget in Essay homework revision Microsoft Excel. aˆ? Learned Cebuano Language, became fluent. aˆ? Supervised and managed the review plagiarism activities of approximately 200 volunteers. aˆ? Facilitated the resolution of volunteers issues using effective interpersonal skills. aˆ? Coordinated all travel, transportation, and lodging arrangements for Essay homework a good revision 200 volunteers. Should I have it?

Is that pompous? Should I drop it? How long is your resume? I’ve been out in the work force for 8 years and it is only two pages. If this is a CV, maybe at this point that much detail is appropriate, but it looks like you are trying to fill space.

Especially if the person reading it is Mormon. Comment by a random John — June 1, 2007 @ 7:34 am. I live in San Antonio, the Help quiz odds of a mormon reading my resume are pretty low. Homework Help Revision? My Resume is 2 pages, on the dot. Comment by plagiarism Matt W. Essay? — June 1, 2007 @ 8:20 am. Get rid of “Promoted moral concepts and family values in one-on-one and Essay marking service review group scenarios. Recruited local people as volunteers and members for LDS Church.” Those two sentences allow a reader to Essay help a good revision, identify the specific organization for which you performed volunteer work and How to a literary paper do not contribute to Essay homework help revision, demonstrating your competence. I have always been couseled to include volunteer activities but not to identify the Help college specific organization on Essay help a good revision, the off chance that a screener may take issue with a specific organization. Comment by How to write a literary argument paper endlessnegotiation — June 1, 2007 @ 9:00 am.

I have reviewed a lot of resumes and hired kids your age. Ditch the entire thing and put in one line that says something like “Volunteer Service for Church of Essay homework revision Jesus Christ of paper service Latter-Day Saints.” Sorry, Mark, but when I got 50-100 resumes and had an hour to tear through them, whenever I got a resume that had something like this in it I immediately tossed it. Trying to make Church volunteer service look like professional experience doesnt fly. You are going for a professional job, they are interested in your professional experience and Essay homework a good skill set . If they want to know more about your missionary experience, they will ask. They probably wont. And, do cut your resume down to one tight, easy to read page.

I hated sifting through multipage resumes. If you are going for melbourne an entry-level job, you have to Essay homework help a good, take into account that whoever is How to write, looking at your resume is looking at 50-100 more just like it. Keep it to one page, keep it tight, no fluff. Dont use fancy fonts, something plain, blocky and a good readable. And if your GPA isnt above a 3.0, dont list it. Comment by How to a literary argument Kurt — June 1, 2007 @ 9:28 am. matt – A lot would depend on the type of job you are trying to get. A few questions and help a good revision comments. 1) Do you REALLY need a 2 page resume? Do you have a lot of weather publications to Essay help revision, your name? Other research credits you need to list? (which also begs the question, if so – why this much detail on genetics quiz, the mission?).

I have been working in help a good revision my field for 6 years (including during law school), detail about law school and undergrad and only have a one page resume (granted I tightly edit so it only requires one page). 2) I would take out the job titles, certainly Zone Leader and probably Assistant as you can show this in your duties. AP and assignment melbourne Zone leader mean nothing to a non-mormon, and will probably hurt you more than help among the Essay homework revision mormon community. If I saw this on a resume, I would be wondering why in the world this was on a resume 5 years after the mission. 3) Tailor the duties to the specific job you are looking for. It is ok to have multiple versions of a resume (I have 3, one in my sub-field, one for melbourne weather a sub-field I would like to homework help revision, bridge to, and one GP one). 4) cut the statistics description. Essay Homework A Good? Delete the para – and have ONLY bullets – Take some of the info perhaps and txfr it to Essay marking, the bullets. Language can go into Essay homework help, skills/licenses section.

Condense down. Comment by Jay S — June 1, 2007 @ 9:30 am. I second everything Kurt says. Comment by Advanced writers review plagiarism Jay S — June 1, 2007 @ 9:31 am. I agree.

Putting down “two-year mission to Guatemala for the LDS Church” has always led to great questions and discussions. It’s been a great door-opener for me. I agree with Kurt here as to homework help a good, the description of marking review your mission experience. Revision? (You will, of course, still want to mention that you spent two years in college genetics quiz the Philippines. In other words, keep your first line, ditch the rest, and Essay a good revision use Kurt’s line as your second.) You should also note, somewhere, that you speak Cebuano fluently. You employer likely will not need this skill set, but it is indicative of someone who is bright and write a literary argument paper can learn new things. Finally, I could not agree more about keeping it to a single page.

The paradox of homework help a good resumes — people will read more if you give them less. How To Write A Literary? Truth is that people rarely read beyone the homework headings anyway. Comment by Randy B. Paper Writing? — June 1, 2007 @ 10:10 am. Question: while people do not read beyond the headings, computers are used more and more to Essay homework a good revision, read resumes. My Resume which I currently use was designed to use many key words for a project manager type position. Writing Service? Plus I have had 4 jobs in 5 years… So, Do I write my resume for the man or the Essay homework help a good machine? Comment by Matt W. — June 1, 2007 @ 10:36 am.

I’m a recruiter for a,um, large software company in the northwest :) and, I have to disagree with those who said not to Advanced, include such volunteer work. It looks AMAZING on a resume. It can be what sets you apart from all your peers who basicly have the same trainging and work experience. What I wouldn’t do it try to Essay homework a good, make it look like it was a ‘job’. Make it a smaller blurb. On a personal note, my husband has had them ask about his mission in every job interview he has ever had and the things they were impressed with were the ‘diverse’ experience, language ability, and leadership skills he gained. And you are right about keywords.

Your resume won’t make it to my desk unless it pulls up in Essay marking service my search. Essay Help A Good? Once it does that though, I read them pretty thouroughly. Different industries recruit diffrently, so just know how yours works. If its software/high tech, don’t worry about it being more than a page, because no on in this industry prints resumes. Weather? Its all about how it reads on homework help, the computer screen, so formatting helps – length doesn’t matter. But definitly highlight your mission. Comment by Veritas — June 1, 2007 @ 11:20 am. This is what cracks me up about writing, resumes, you finally find people who have experience hiring and they all tell you different things.

When I was looking for work I had two resumes, one I printed out and handed to people during interviews, and one I posted to databases online. Help? They were formatted entirely differently and the one for computers was longer with more attention paid to keywords. In general, I concur with Kurt though. I would keep it on one page if it is going to be printed by anyone. My tendency and training tell me one page is always better. Essay Writing Cheap? I don’t think there is homework revision, a problem with listing some of your skills and Accounting help melbourne weather experience, though, from the mission. Keep it to 2-4 bullet points at Essay homework a good, most, don’t do the position titles, and find a way to get relevant info from the paragraph into bullets. I’ve never been averse to a little expansion on this experience because it IS good experience that can be brought to with, bear in a professional setting. Just don’t blow it up too much. I agree, though, that each industry is different. I am never one to say that you ought to hide it completely because international experience is often valued, because you do gain skills and a good have valuable experience, and because I am not one to want to hide our religion to keep others happy.

We can share what we did without screaming I’M MORMON! :) Kurt nailed it. With Dissertation Statistics Australia? To me, it looks like you are trying too hard. With that level of detail about the mission, it wouldn’t be such a stretch to include “Deacon’s Quorum President” etc etc. Although, on the other side, if you are going to mention that you were AP, a sample of homework a good revision some of the new mission programs you initiated might make quite an impression. Glenn, lol. For those who don’t know why it is funny, see Glenn’s post about Essay service, when he was an homework AP. I strongly disagree that it looks like you are trying to hard. How To A Literary? If your resume is set up chronologically, this could be part of your ‘work experience’. I think anyone who leaves this OFF their resume is making a mistake.

I would make it a little shorter, so they can see ‘in a glance’ how this item on homework help revision, your resume is relevant. But – and especially for young professionals with less relevant work experience- you probably gained your most valuable assets as an employee on your mission. It would be a tragedy not to highlight this to prospective employers. And also, Diversity is everything in HR right now and young people with ‘diverse’ experience are highly coveted. You aren’t just another american kid with the same old degree and experience as everyone else – you have management/leadership experience, you have proven work ethic (2 years working 24/7!), you have language experience, lived in a foreign country – seriously these are GOLDEN elements on How to paper, a resume. These are the things that can help you land the interview when your resume is pulling up with the Essay help a good revision other 200 candidates with your same degree but more experience. As for length – it is NEVER more important that content. How To Write? If you grab the attention with the beginning of your resume, whoever is reading it will skim to the end.

Never leave off information that could get your hired because your worried about it being too long. Know who you are submitting your resume too – if its recruiters or hiring managers, their process will be slightly different. I look at homework help, thousands of resumes a week (I also used to work writing resumes), so to give you some insight let me tell you my process: – I do a keyword search (always the same one, usually a very long string including basic qualifications for paper writing service cheap the job, like a programming language or degree, and I search by date. Essay Homework Revision? If you upload your resume into monster or a companies career site, update it every couple of Help statistics days so it keeps coming up in searches.)

-I read the top first – I love resumes that have a good summary that in a few short sentences lets me know if I should keep reading. -Then I look at their most recent experience (always put this at Essay homework help revision, the top – many times no one cares about anything but this) and see if it is relevant. I look at the company and melbourne weather job title and then skim for keywords (in my industry that is easier – Im usually looking for specific tools and languages). If your current job has an homework revision ambiguous title, change it to Accounting assignment, a more universal title (like program manager, consultant etc – research where your applying to and try to Essay homework help a good, make it match their similar positions) -Then I skim for the education – I look at the degree, and sad to Advanced writers review, say it, the school. If its a top tier school I read the resume. If its not, but a good degree or has some distiction (summa cum laude, awards etc), I read.

-Then, I go skim over homework help a good, the companies/job titles, awards, patents, published articles etc. on the rest of the resume for anything that stands out. -Then I either keep or move on. I have to Accounting help melbourne weather, say though, if you don’t have actual work experience but have strengths that make you a great candidate, I need to know those. The summary at the top of your resume is homework a good revision, critical (and I would mention in genetics there your mission experience so the reader looks for it later). If you have 10-15 years of great experience, the mission is homework a good revision, not so important.

But judging from paper writing cheap uk, when you went, I would say you are still at a junior level and the mission is important. Sorry so long, but, I have alot of advice on the subject :) Comment by Veritas — June 1, 2007 @ 5:45 pm. PS – I also used to do recruiting in Texas. I might have contacts that could be useful to you. What type of Essay help a good project manager position are you looking for – what field? You can email me if you’d like. Comment by genetics quiz Veritas — June 1, 2007 @ 5:53 pm.

I personally find the recommendation at the U of U’s Career Services site quite appropriate and use a variation on the wording in my own resume. aˆ? Volunteer experiences need not be long term to be relevant. They can demonstrate leadership and help revision teaching skills. Cite experiences on campus, in the community, at church, or in any other organization. aˆ? When listing an experience with a religious organization, use lay terminology rather than aˆ?churchaˆ? lingo (e.g., aˆ?Volunteer Church Representative aˆ“ Selected to supervise 20 fellow representativesaˆ? rather than aˆ?LDS Missionary aˆ“ Zone Leaderaˆ?).” Comment by Essay marking service review Jon in Essay a good Austin — June 1, 2007 @ 10:28 pm. No resume should EVER EVER EVER be more than one page. Essay Marking Service? As a former corporate recruiter and head hunter, no one ever reads past the first page, EVER. If you would like to send it to me, I would be happy to work with it. I disagree with the idea of calling missionary work “Volunteer Service”.

It seems like you are trying to help, pass off what everyone knows to be a religious recruitment program as somethign it is not. Be honest, but brief. Missionary, Church of Jesus Christ of Help Latter-day Saints. Cebu City, Phillipines,2001-2002. Comment by homework help a good Ry Robb — June 2, 2007 @ 6:44 am. I did a brief stint sourcing resumes for the financial/banking industries at an executive level and what you said applied – keep in one page and brief. But thats simply not true in an entry level project manager position at help melbourne weather, a engineering company, a Software Development Engineer, or a sales manager for a large retail chain as just a few examples. But even then still – the recruitment process has changed in Essay help a good recent years. Hiring managers and review recruiters alike want to know what you contributed and what your life experience will bring to the organization.

Especially for more entry-level candidates, who you are trying to see if they would be someone you could envision growing and contributing to the company long-term. And missionary work IS volunteer service. Calling it ‘missionary’ work flies against every rule in the book. Many people reading your resume won’t have a clue what that even means. It was a volunteer job that lasted two years – and homework a good revision the most important element is paper writing service cheap, that hiring professionals want to know WHY its on Essay help a good, your resume and how its relevant to how you might perform your job. Comment by Veritas — June 2, 2007 @ 8:22 am. Veritas, I’ll send you an writing cheap uk e-mail on monday. Thanks for offering to help. Comment by Matt W. — June 2, 2007 @ 12:33 pm. I have worked in the semiconductor industry for Essay help revision over 25 years–still working and have read a lot of help weather resumes.

The #1 reason for including this on your resume is that you need to account for your time since high school if you are a NCG, (new college graduate). Homework A Good Revision? Holes (undocumented times in one’s history) in Accounting assignment help melbourne history are a red flag to hiring managers. Essay Help? The #2 reason is Essay marking, if your career or area of employment view the a good revision skills learned on a mission as an asset. I agree with Veritas–use ‘volunteer’ not missionary work–Gentiles understand volunteer, they do not understand ‘missionary work’ and you are placing information on writers plagiarism, a resume about religion which is very sensitive information. An employer cannot discuss religion in a job interview without being on Essay homework, very, very thin ice, because of discrimmination. Comment by Mac McKeen — June 5, 2007 @ 3:29 pm. Some people might misinterpret “fluent” to mean that you speak Cebuano at help melbourne weather, a native level, which I highly doubt is the Essay case.

Most missionaries only obtain a sub-native level of foreign language proficiency. Most non-Mormon Americans know about Mormon missionaries. So I think it’s good to Essay writing service uk, just say what you really were, a “missionary” to teach people about the Essay homework LDS Church. “Volunteer” makes it seem like you were in Essay service review the peace corps or something. Comment by John Williams — June 6, 2007 @ 3:48 pm. On my resume I simply put: Your mission here 19xx-19xx. And then I put a couple line about being a volunteer and homework a good revision teaching English. I think that looks fairly neutral, yet gets the point across. Comment by AH — June 6, 2007 @ 8:57 pm.

Just saw my Mormon friend’s resume when he came to my work place to interview. He place his missionary experience on Help with australia, the near top of the page and out of date order of his other employment. It jumped out at me like a flaming orb. Homework A Good Revision? This company has a ‘religious’ affiliation that is positively not Mormon. I think it is an error, depending upon the job sought, to place in a prominent position, a religious affiliation. The interview person was not here, so he gets another chance – and to not print it in blue instead of black.

Comment by Don-ola — August 2, 2007 @ 1:13 pm. where i put the picture? at the last page before my name? and what size to Help dissertation statistics, put to my resume? Comment by moses — August 15, 2013 @ 7:04 am. Comment by moses — August 15, 2013 @ 7:05 am.

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