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Blogging is the New Persuasive Essay. Clairefontaine. As an English teacher, I#8217;ve had numerous conversations with college professors who lament the writing skills of their first year students. But not all writing. Write A Good Essay Conclusion Composition. Most students are capable of solid expository writing. It#8217;s their skill with persuasive writing that#8217;s the Clairefontaine paper problem.

Specifically, they#8217;re weak at writing a thesis statement that can be argued. I spend three years teaching my high school students how to write a persuasive essay. For many students, it takes that long. Write Argumentative Essay Conclusion. (And I#8217;m lucky to have them that long in my school.) Part of the problem is that our current school systems #8212; and not just in Canada #8212; aren#8217;t great at producing independent thinkers. Without this ability, it#8217;s hard to create a great thesis statement, anticipate the ivory paper arguments against kite it, and then compose your own argument in ivory paper light of what you understand about the pros and cons of an issue. So for three years, I write for them, and Homework help uk library, with them. We talk about opening paragraphs, and they learn how to write them with their thesis statement either as the first or last sentence. (The latter requires more skill.) They learn to use transition words, embed quotations to paper support their argument, consider the advantages of active vs. passive voice, vary their sentences, and many other skills, all in the hope of essay creating a strong argument. The truth is lately I#8217;ve come to question the point of much of this. Does the average person, once they leave school, spend a lot of time composing academic essays?

Is this the best way for our students to show their learning? In some places, the paper academic 5 paragraph essay is hailed as the writing answers Holy Grail of Clairefontaine ivory non-fiction writing achievement. Work Help Usc. Yet even if a student can become a great persuasive essay writer, they#8217;re still only paper semi-literate, at least according to Dissertation meaning the definition of 21st Century Literacies. While traditional essay writing may not help alleviate this situation, I think blogging can. Here#8217;s the problem; Blogging is an entirely different beast.

And one of the things I#8217;ve learned about my students is ivory, that they don#8217;t necessarily transfer a skill they#8217;ve learned in one area to another without difficulty, or even prompting. For one, the paragraphing is Literary runner, different. The large, solid paragraphs of prose that can be found in a typical persuasive essay, can feel arduous and cumbersome to all but the Clairefontaine most determined reader. Instead, blog paragraphs tend to be shorter. It allows the piece to feel fluid and speeds up the rate at which your reader reads (often through the glare of a computer monitor or on a phone or tablet screen). And while the Dissertation meaning effective blogger still uses transition words, as many aren#8217;t necessary to provide the piece with a feeling of fluidity and coherence. Sometimes a paragraph is one simple sentence, used for emphasis. Another thing is the ivory paper thesis statement. Its placement, in a blog, is up for grabs. School Work. Did you catch where mine is?

Actually, I haven#8217;t written it yet. Huh?! Blogging also requires a different voice. The way I blog isn#8217;t quite how I talk, but it#8217;s no where close to how I write a formal essay. Furthermore, the voice used in blogging needs to be rich, sharp and Clairefontaine paper, distinct, to gain an audience.

And while some may argue that academic writing could stand to have a bit more colour and Best essay, flair, I#8217;m not sure that#8217;s currently the accepted norm (although I wish it was). In a formal essay, I would never use a sentence fragment. Ever. In a blog, it provides emphasis. Nor would I use slang in an essay.

But here? Yep. In one of my posts, I double-dog dared my readers. Ivory. Could you imagine double-dog daring anyone in an academic essay? If you try it, let me know the result. Good Essay Writing Answers. Another thing that changes is Clairefontaine, providing your reader with evidence to Best college admission 250 words support your points. In teaching the typical formal essay, I show my students how to quote directly, indirectly, and using individual words. Blogs still use direct quotes, but an indirect quote can be as simple as a vague mention and a link.

I think blogging is the new persuasive essay -my thesis, finally. Truth is, I love writing essays. There#8217;s something satisfying about rendering the chaos of thoughts into an elegant form. But I love blogging more. It feels like playing. I also find it more useful. While our students will need to Clairefontaine paper know how to Dissertation writing write essays to Clairefontaine get through university, many won#8217;t use it after that, unless they remain in work academia. Paper. I think writing and help, persuasive thinking skills are important. However, I question the current products we require of students as proof of their learning. Most of the essays written by ivory paper, our students likely end up in the garbage or the computer trash can. Help Usc. And most are for an audience of one.

Blogging has the potential to reach and influence many. Furthermore, it has greater potential for being a life-long skill. And isn#8217;t that our goal in education? People from Clairefontaine all walks and professions blog for School help usc the purpose of teaching, creating, and informing. A number of my recent Masters courses didn#8217;t require papers; instead, they required blogging.

Why? Because blogging is the new persuasive essay. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. If we#8217;re trying to prepare our students to think critically and conclusion, argue well, they need to be able to blog. It allows for interaction. Clairefontaine. It allows for ideas to be tested. And the best posts anywhere in cyberspace tend to have a point that can be argued. I think blogging across the write curriculum, not just in Language Arts, allows for both formative and ivory, summative assessment. Blogs allow us to see the progression in the development of Literary both thinking and writing.

It may actually take more talent and skill to create an interesting persuasive post (or series of posts) on the French Revolution than a traditional essay. We need to teach blogging as a skill. Ivory Paper. Students definitely need to understand how and why the mechanics (and style) of blogging are different. Grade One blogger (Kathy Cassidy) The solution? Blogging needs to start earlier, much earlier.

I read recently of a kindergarten teacher who blogs with her students. Great idea. There#8217;s a teacher in my division who does amazing things with her grade one class. I#8217;m not proposing that you need to do things radically different. Teach whatever you teach for Language Arts, or other subjects, but include a blog component. So if you#8217;re teaching sentence structure, teach your students to create complete sentences while blogging. Blogs, like traditional writing, need great structure. If you#8217;re focusing on capitalization or punctuation, transfer this skill to blog writing as well.

If you#8217;re teaching paragraph structure, teach students the essay conclusion paragraph structure required for traditional essays and that for Clairefontaine paper blogs. They#8217;re different. Explain why. It#8217;s likely they won#8217;t be good at it at first. But there is merit to the quote, #8220;Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly.#8221; A middle years teacher at my school used to stress out when we talked about How to write argumentative essay conclusion composition, student writing. She wanted to know if she was teaching them enough. My reply: #8220;All I need them to do is write solid paragraphs. Paper. If they can do that, I can teach them all kinds of things.#8221; Really, everything I teach is either an Dissertation writing meaning addition to, or a subtraction from, a solid paragraph.

My work builds on her work. I don#8217;t need her to teach what I teach. That#8217;s my job. But without her previous work, mine becomes much more difficult. The same is true with blogging. Starting from scratch with blogging in grade 10 isn#8217;t impossible. But we could do so much more if they already had the basics. In order to write well, you need to Clairefontaine paper write a lot.

If you don#8217;t currently teach your students to blog, please start. Our students need you to. Dissertation Meaning. And if you already teach your students to Clairefontaine blog, keep it up. College Admission 250 Words. Because blogging is an important 21st century skill. Clairefontaine Ivory. It#8217;s the new persuasive essay. Latest posts by Shelley Wright (see all) Are You Ready to Join the Slow Education Movement? - August 26, 2014 Academic Teaching Doesn#039;t Prepare Students for Life - November 7, 2013 Start with Why: The power of School work usc student-driven learning - June 21, 2013. Shelley, I love this!! I started using Kidblog with my 3rd graders last year, and looped up with them this year.

Their 4th grade blogs were much improved, and I enjoyed watching them begin to paper develop their own blogging #8220;style#8221;. I did get some negative comments from both parents and Literary runner, other teachers that this was not #8220;writing.#8221; They felt it was too casual and too unstructured. (I#8217;ll admit, the Clairefontaine ivory Grammar Nazi in me gasped when I saw sentences in your blog beginning with #8220;and.#8221;) In lieu of School work usc a research paper this year, my students created Glogs that contained text boxes with information (well written paragraphs), but also allowed links, images, and ivory paper, a personal design. Writing Meaning. They loved it! I think you are absolutely right that students need to understand the difference. There are times when more formal writing is necessary, so I#8217;m sure to teach it and ivory, require it on certain assignments. Help Uk Library. I love it though that blogging enables them to discover their writing style and Clairefontaine paper, voice. Blogging does feel like playing, and kids love to play. If blogging makes them love to write, I think we#8217;re fools not to encourage it! Thanks for a great post! Thanks, Patti. I think, unfortunately, there are many people who don#8217;t see the help uk library point or value of blogging.

My students, for the most part, have always enjoyed it. What I disgree with is Clairefontaine paper, teaching only help academic writing in Clairefontaine ivory schools. I think there are many formats our students need to learn #8212; blogging being only one. Literary. I think there#8217;s value to ivory academic writing, but most of our kids aren#8217;t going to become academics, and that#8217;s a good thing #128578; Throughout high school I was taught that you couldn#8217;t start a sentence with because or and. Then I went to Homework help uk library university and was told you could. Boy was that a shock! When I was in college I was taught not to use the first person pronoun in paper my writing, EVER. Then I went to graduate school (Harvard) and everybody did it! Shocked again. Patti, thanks for posting links to keep me updated. I would love to try this with my kids this year but I need to be able to do it too!

Great blog post on meaning, writing. I#8217;m constantly trying to Clairefontaine find more and various ways to have students write in my Grade 8 US History class. Help Uk Library. Part of my task is to prepare them for the persuasive essay format on the ACT and the MME (Michigan Merit Exam). Your blog was helpful. Thanks. As I started reading your blog I was thinking, I teach some of those things to my fourth graders. However, it seems after fourth grade the writing drops to Clairefontaine a minimal until it is tested again in Literary essay kite 7th grade. (Or at least that#8217;s the way it appears to me). I introduced blogging to my students 2 years ago and they loved it! It inspired more students to write as they had the global audience (which I think is a big draw).

This year my students enjoyed it as well. However, I never really thought about the difference between writing in a blog and writing formally but will be discussing it with this year#8217;s class. Paper. Really, sharing your writing via a blog is exciting especially when you receive comments. I#8217;ll be sharing your post around as I would love to get more teachers to see the Homework help importance of blogging! Thanks for sharing. Thanks, Nancy! Students having an authentic audience is important. Clairefontaine Ivory. That#8217;s why we normally write.

We have something to communicate to someone, and essay runner, we choose the best medium for it, as well as an appropriate style. I wonder what Language Arts would become if we thought of it as a communications class? This rings true for me in every paragraph. I have recently begun a blogging project with some very able Year 10 students (please have a look at my blog!) and there has been quite a lot of resistance along the Clairefontaine ivory lines of #8220;What#8217;s the point?#8221; Your emphasis on moving with the How to a good argumentative essay conclusion composition times instead of stubbornly sticking to tradition strikes a resonant chord with my own teaching. Please keep this up, you have just made my day! I think, sometimes, kids don#8217;t see the point. They#8217;re not really used to having any of Clairefontaine ivory their work having a point or a real audience. I found that once my students got used to help uk library doing work that was authentic and Clairefontaine, meaningful, the #8220;what#8217;s the admission 250 words point?#8221; stopped. While I agree with much of the fine print of your argument, specifically notions of voice and paper, your ideas about what good writing should feel/sound like, it seems to me that your premise is false. Good Writing Website. The blog/ persuasive essay duality is a false dichotomy. Certainly, students should consider form and purpose when they write, but they shouldn#8217;t learn, and we shouldn#8217;t teach, that blogs are all short paragraphs richly voiced.

Great essays, and great blogs, can also be written with long and well voiced paragraphs. I think we do our students and each other a disservice when we promote, teach, or otherwise create these sorts of false either/ors. Clairefontaine Ivory. (The same is true of the grammar policing we do often at school, evidenced by Patti#8217;s mention of using a conjunction at School work help usc, the beginning of a sentence in a comment above.) Good writing works. We can explore and explain why it works, but it#8217;s never as simple as following all the rules for the particular container or mode or genre. It#8217;s in ivory paper the playful fiddling with all of School work help usc those that good writing emerges. Thanks for engaging my brain here. I agree that good writing is good writing, and I don#8217;t believe that blogs or the persuasive essay is an either/or thing.

I think both should happen, but where I currently work, it doesn#8217;t. Paper. I see too often the academic essay hailed as the most essential skill a student can develop. I think the reason behind it is laudable;students should be able to Good essay answers argue their point of view. But too often there is no authentic audience or task attached to it, and it becomes for students another hoop to jump to get the #8220;A#8221;. I think the thing that bothers me the most about ivory paper, it is the heirarchy that develops around kids who are considered #8220;academic#8221;, those who can write the essay, and those who are not. This is How to, bad for kids and teachers, so lately I#8217;ve come to ask why are we doing all of ivory paper this, and aren#8217;t there more important skills they can learn? I#8217;m not sure I agree with you on Dissertation, the long paragraphs in a blog.

I think you have to be a great writer to pull it off, and I haven#8217;t read a lot of those. But that#8217;s also what I tell my students. I don#8217;t tell them they can#8217;t do it. Instead, I tell them they have to be a strong writer to Clairefontaine ivory paper make it work. And for Dissertation writing some of Clairefontaine them, that#8217;s the challenge they need. They want to see if they can do it because they desire to be a strong writer.

I teach composition at the community college level and trying to break the 5 paragraph habit is How to a good essay conclusion, one of the first things I work with them on. That and the act of critical thinking and Clairefontaine paper, then writing down those critical thoughts. I think a blog is a great way to show students there is more than one way to express themselves. I am also a firm believer in blogging with my students! I have used Kidblog for the past two years with my 5th graders., and it is an Best essay 250 words amazing tool to create motivated writers! #8220;Write On!: Why I Love Kidblog!#8221; I like and appreciate the paper fact that you made your points and also demonstrated them. I agree that paragraphs must be short for continuity, ease of flow and for referring back. I would add that you can include pics, vids, links, graphs, etc. to write add flair and information to your persuasive blog/ opinion post. Also, when I teach blogs in Writers Craft (gr 12) I make them aware that their audience is potentially the Clairefontaine ivory paper rest of the Dissertation world.

Daunting. Clairefontaine. And it makes them want to proofread a lot more and to consider the attractiveness of their blog and college admission 250 words, their writing style. Think about ivory paper, this: It is Best college essay 250 words, incredible that we as teachers can teach writing in paper such a way that the teacher isn#8217;t the only one whoever sees their writing. This is runner, a huge shift and speaks to the way s of the paper world of the next generation. Until someone comes up with an #8220;The Elements of Good website Blog Style#8221; that Bud and Tom and Shelley and Clairefontaine, others agree deserves respect, we don#8217;t have a real standard to go by. Shelley describes what makes sense to her #8212; Bud Hunt, a respected National Writing Project proponent demurs. No doubt others do as well. Tom says that #8220;paragraphs must be short for continuity, ease of flow and for referring back.#8221; I#8217;m not sure it is Dissertation writing meaning, a #8220;must#8221; but in nearly a decade of editing group blogs and online diaries with a hundred or more educators, my sense is that this is Clairefontaine ivory paper, *generally* a good rule of thumb. It seems to me that the blog author needs a very good reason to publish long paragraphs that will appear on a screen at an unpredictable size and width (density) and be viewed by all kinds of eyes with all kinds of vision challenges. Certainly the Best college admission essay 250 words writing will need to be compelling! I don#8217;t know the history of the long paragraph (chances are I#8217;ll be researching it this week to satisfy my demon), but I#8217;m guessing that long paragraphs are the residual of Clairefontaine several thousand years of writing on help uk library, smooth flat rocks and hides and Clairefontaine, papyrus and hard-to-get pulp paper printed a sheet at a time.

Humans crammed as much as they could into the scarce space. Dissertation Writing Meaning. Nothing scarce about cyberspace. Why not change the rules? Nostalgia for writing styles is okay I certainly have some myself. But nostalgia is not a good basis for contemporary rulemaking. Clairefontaine. Here#8217;s an excellent way to create an Good writing website answers authentic audience for your students! #8220;Quadblogging:Creating a Global Connection!#8221; Very interesting food for thought. To be sure, blogging provides a more authentic audience, something that is paper, sorely needed! I also agree that when it comes to writing, there is no #8220;form#8221; with blogs. The issue is Good essay answers, that students, and the rest of us, must realize that when something is written such as a persuasive essay, there should be some points of reference. What I find is, that due to a society that cannot focus but for short periods of time, thoughts are expressed based on unfounded suppositions.

Students have to realize that more formal, traditional writing, gives them practice on Clairefontaine ivory paper, conventions such as writing full words, sentences, etc. and some other standards of grammar. Not old fashioned, but keeps things from work help becoming a free-for-all. I think blogging should provide students with the opportunity to practice using conventions and form #8212; in an authentic context. I don#8217;t think that only formal writing can, or should, do this. I think one of the things we often forget when teaching writing is that we#8217;re teaching them to communicate, and that in writing there is a #8220;code#8221; of Clairefontaine ivory paper communication that has developed over the centuries between reader and writer. There are reasons we write and punctuate as we do. Instead, we often teach rules, rather than the admission essay intimate relationship between reader and writer.

I think the latter is much more persuasive for paper students and creates better thinkers and writers in college admission essay the long run. Thank you for that article. I#8217;ve been perusing articles on education for about three hours now, and I am glad I came across yours.(catching up on my education articles) Not only do we need to move toward the realities of our students experiences, but there is Clairefontaine ivory paper, room for interpretation on how we teach to it. We can argue all day long on the who#8217;s and how#8217;s , but at the end of the day is your writing effective. In whatever form or voice you choose. peoples response to your blog will be the best indicator. Help. Now, how about ivory paper, those poorly constructed e-mails. Would someone please blog on the voice and content of e-mails. If I#8217;m not written into your will, I#8217;m not reading a long drawn out e-mail.

Peter, no one is suggesting that blogging should become a #8216;free-for all#8221;, it#8217;s all about creating enthusiasm for longer pieces of writing that create and sustain a point of view. Of course we should insist on standard English, but we can do that when setting up the success criteria for blogging just as we would for a formal essay. College 250 Words. If blogging gets students to Clairefontaine paper engage with and develop their process of writing, I#8217;m all for uk library it, especially if it helps students understand that they may express themselves in writing through a variety of structures. As a high school teacher I spend an enormous amount of time and energy trying to convince students that not every idea they have needs to be one that can be expressed in five paragraphs. I do worry, however, that the ivory paper informality of blogs may encourage vague and formless expression of feelings and suppositions. Though the academic essay is only one mode of written expression it does teach students important skills that transfer to other modes: the structuring of ideas, the presentation and work, rigorous analysis of evidence, the effects of sentence structure and voice on meaning, to Clairefontaine ivory paper name but a few. How To Essay Conclusion. Of course, having students write blogs can also teach them these skills if their blogs are held to certain standards. The five-paragraph essay may be some dirty bathwater that needs to be tossed, but let#8217;s make sure to save the baby, the hallmarks of good writing. I absolutely agree that blogging is an excellent platform for writing and paper, provides the with an authentic audience. I recently attended the ISTE conference and attended a session on establishing connections through blogging presented by Lisa Parisi Brian Crosby. Your blog just reaffirms everything that I took away from this session.

Lisa and Brian#8217;s students#8217; writing is truly amazing because, as you mentioned, they have the opportunity to use their own voice to take on issues that matter to them, then when they receive responses to their posts, they are further inspired to write even more. Writing. I have the Clairefontaine ivory opportunity to kite coordinate a Teaching American History Grant,, primarily targeted for fifth grade teachers who lay the foundations of American History in their instructional program. One of Clairefontaine our grant goals is to Literary essay kite runner utilize Web 2.0 technology as an instructional and Clairefontaine, collaboration tool. This past year the teachers created their own blogs and have been utilizing them primarily as a means of communicating/collaborating with each other. The goal for this next year is to have each of the teachers create a blog in their classroom (or utilize one they have already created) so that students can utilize this platform for writing, with the goal of having others responding to their blogs. Since persuasive writing is one of the composition types of writing taught in fifth grade, I believe there will be several opportunities for the students to ivory paper utilize these persuasive writing techniques in their blogs. Good Writing Answers. I hope you enjoyed ISTE this week I remember coming back from my first one quite overwhelmed! There are no large conferences like that in Ontario and it took me a while to unpack all that I learned.

Although I have only been blogging for 6 years, I#8217;ve noticed big changes. Blogs or #8216;weblogs#8217; used to be places where folks shared their travels and learning on the web so that others could follow their links and have some understanding of where they received inspiration, new connections or knowledge. Now, you#8217;re lucky to have any links at all shared, and if they are, they are often links back to Clairefontaine ivory paper the writer#8217;s own work! Don#8217;t get me wrong, I love that blogs give students an essay authentic audience (especially since persuasive writing is a part of our curriculum here in Ontario as early as the primary grades) and I#8217;m not a #8216;purist#8217; about ivory paper, them. Answers. I have been using and promoting blogging as a part of balanced literacy since 2006 and believe they can serve many purposes. I just hope that we do let blogs stand apart from some of our traditional forms of writing so that we aren#8217;t trying to do old school things with new tools. Many unread and discarded blogs exist because teachers jump onto the blogging bandwagon without scaffolding students to real conversations and authentic purposes for writing. Thanks for Clairefontaine ivory paper bringing up some important conversations here. #128578; I completely agree with what you#8217;ve said, especially your point, #8220;Many unread and Good essay writing, discarded blogs exist because teachers jump onto the blogging bandwagon without scaffolding students to real conversations and authentic purposes for writing.#8221; I think this is one of those #8220;21st C. skills#8221; that students need. What does it mean to speak and blog authentically? This will be an especially difficult thing for many high school students to Clairefontaine answer since they#8217;ve often had few authentic writing experiences in their academic career.

But this ia an important discussion! This is great! I worked with 4th and5th graders this past year on blogging. They did an amazing job! Really only since Jan#8230;came so far.

Thanks for this thinking! I think writing for more than an audience of 1 changed their effort, energy and enthusiasm! It#8217;s amazing what kids can do in such a short time. Thanks for sharing! I think Wright brings up a lot of good points about writing meaning, blogging in this article. I remember writing persuasive essays and feeling stuck to pick a topic. Clairefontaine Ivory. When I did settle on one it felt so typical of a persuasive argument. We are pushing more and more for authentic practice and work from students and blogging is an excellent way to practice naturally.

There are blogs about everything under the sun that you could allow students to use in order to start with and School help usc, practice blogging. A teacher could then create a class blog and post: Who has the best blog in the class? Hook, line, and sink her! What better way to get kids into it then going right to what they are passionate about. I could only imagine how long that blog would be and Clairefontaine, the many mini-lessons it could contain. Some trouble I experienced with persuasive writing was creating the work help usc opposing sides arguments. Through blogging students will actually have those arguments given and then will have to decide which are viable and should be included or addressed in their own writing. Blogs exist on every topic, even topics that may not be recognizably controversial.

This is paper, another reason why blogging to teach persuasive writing is beneficial to Literary kite runner students. Blogs are less intimidating because they are short bits of paper information and the reader has preference over help which ones to paper give more attention to and which to ignore. Dissertation. I would imagine blogging would lead to critical thinking because you are concisely trying to Clairefontaine ivory make your point. No one wants to read a long blog post. That#8217;s part of Best essay why people blog in the first place. Blogging is also able to reach far more people and cause action than an ivory academic essay whose audience is far less accessible. essays have absolutely no plagiarism whatsoever! Our team of professional writers are not only dependable but provide plagiarism-free papers. To put you at ease, we attach a plagiarism report to each and every order.

Therefore, once you place an order with us, rest assured that you will receive a creative, well-researched and documented essay, term paper, coursework or dissertation. Literary Kite Runner. We are 100% genuine! Hey Shelly, I think this is an excellent blog, I really enjoy your outlook on education and your core beliefs that teachers need to move forward with the 21st century. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. I#8217;m a Grade 10 English teacher in the Middle East and I was wondering if you had any suggestions for Best college admission 250 words websites that would be ideal for ivory getting my students excited about blogging? I think it#8217;s really important when students first start blogging that they research and Homework help, write about things that really matter to them. It might be one way to infuse student choice into the classroom.

Here are some resources that you might find helpful to get started: And this link has pretty much everything you could ever need! Hope this helps! Thank you so much for ivory paper your blog post it was a gift that Carol Mayne sent me as I have had a huge investment in blogging with my classes. Literary Essay Runner. I#8217;m constantly learning and revising the process, but love how it has transformed my class and the writing (and reading) my kids are doing. I look forward to more posts by you! Pamela Hunnisett (Calgary) I just wanted to let you know that this post inspired me in the beginning of the year, and ivory paper, my students are now blogging on an (almost) weekly basis. It#8217;s transforming their writing and my classroom. Work Help Usc. Thank you! That#8217;s terrific to hear! Thanks for sharing your success it helps to propel me forward in ivory my own journey #128578; Can I just say what a comfort to find a person that truly knows what they#8217;re talking about over the internet.

You definitely realize how to bring a problem to light and make it important. A lot more people must look at this and understand this side of the story. It#8217;s surprising you#8217;re not more popular given that you definitely possess the Best gift. Clairefontaine Paper. Shelly, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and too agree that it is work usc, never too early to start teaching our students how to be productive digital citizens. In the age of IM and text messaging I was afraid writing in complete sentences with thought was going to paper increasingly become a lost art. Children at an early age are thirst for knowledge and help uk library, just as they are able to more readily learn another language, digital literacy should be considered one of importance.

The skills that you develop in writing essays should be evident in your blog posts. In fact, these skills should be evident in Clairefontaine paper all of your writing exercises. Beautifully structured paragraphs and concise sentences are always a joy to Dissertation meaning read. My brother suggested I may like this blog. He was entirely right.

This publish actually made my day. You can not imagine simply how so much time I had spent for this information! Thanks for the post. It clarifies my thoughts on the matter, as I sooo agree with your points. (Grammar police on the #8216;so#8217;). previous comments are great I just say that you defined fabulously. This is fact writing can be very helpful just like essay writing which is Clairefontaine paper, something more factor by How to argumentative essay, writing an ivory essay is variation use of punctuation. Writing Meaning. The fact about essay writing is that it really give your english a better role model for student and provide non copy content. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. Blogging has greater potential for being a life-long skill. Shelley! Thank you for writing this.

We#8217;ve started a new project-based academy at The American School of Lima and students are constantly blogging. Best of all, they#8217;re loving it and enjoying writing again. Here#8217;s one of uk library many great examples: Through their blogs, the Innovation Academy students get to reflect on their learning, find their voice as writers, experiment with organization, play with words, and begin to think more clearly and critically. You#8217;ve put into Clairefontaine words what I#8217;ve been discovering through this whole year. THANK YOU! If you know about Best Essay Writing Services. I am now a huge fan of blogging and see the real value of How to essay conclusion composition sharing ideas and resources as a professional and hope to develop my writing skills through new and interesting blogs I create myself. To teach students to blog effectively I think we need to learn how to create interesting blogs ourselves. Blogging Is the New Persuasive Essay Things I grab, motley collection - [. Clairefontaine. ] on Share this:TwitterFacebookTumblrPinterestLinkedInDiggEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like [. ] You Should Read#8230; (June 24, 2012) - [. ] Blogging is the New Persuasive Essay I have said this before, but Shelley Wright is my favourite blogger.

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328 Official GRE Essay Topics to Practice With. ETS has published the complete pool of 328 GRE essay topics which will ever appear on the Analytical Writing section of the test. While these collections of Clairefontaine ivory, prompts provide unparalleled Analytical Writing practice, some test takers may find the sheer number of possible essay topics to be a bit overwhelming. In this article, we’ve assembled over 60 official GRE essay topics for both the Issue and write a good argumentative essay conclusion, Argument tasks and ivory paper, used them to illustrate the 14 different kinds of GRE writing prompts you could see on test day. With this expert analysis, you’ll know how to tackle any GRE essay prompt that comes your way.

feature image credit: Female Typing/used under CC BY 2.0/Resized and cropped from original. GRE Essay Topics Pool: How It Works. ETS has publicly listed all the college 250 words, essay topics that will ever appear on the GRE for Clairefontaine ivory, both the Analyze an Issue and the Analyze an Argument Analytical Writing tasks. There are 152 different possible GRE essay topics in the GRE Issue pool and 176 different GRE essay topics in the GRE Argument pool , which means it’s unlikely you’ll run out of official prompts to practice with. And while there’s only a 1/328 chance that one of the Literary, GRE writing prompts you practice with ends up being on the test, that’s still better odds than if you practiced with non-official prompts, especially if you end up using a lot of practice prompts. Each set of GRE essay topics can further be broken down by the specific task you’re asked to complete in paper, your answer . We’ll start by looking at Best college admission 250 words, the six different possible GRE Issue essay topics. Quick side note: we've created the world's leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and Clairefontaine ivory paper, your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure what to study? Confused by Dissertation meaning how to improve your score? PrepScholar guides you, step by step.

I want to be clear - you don't NEED a prep program to ivory, get a great GRE score. But we believe PrepScholar is the best GRE prep program available right now , especially if you find it hard to organize your study schedule and Literary kite runner, don't know what to study. Each Analyze an Issue essay topic “consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to Clairefontaine ivory paper, the issue” (source: ETS). College Admission 250 Words! The specific words used for the topics might be a little different on the test, but in general what you see in ivory paper, the GRE issue pool is what you’ll get. ETS also warns test takers that there might be some mix-and-matching of different issues with different task instructions among the work help usc, prompts , so don’t skip over the prompt if you recognize the issue; it’s possible that you’ll have written about the issue before in response to a different task. The specifics of the task you’re asked to do differ depending on the prompt, but the core of all the Issue tasks is this one question: Do you agree or disagree with this (statement, view, claim, conclusion, recommendation, policy) and/or its basis? There are 152 different pairings of issues and tasks in the GRE issue pool. Among these GRE essay topics, however, there are actually only Clairefontaine paper six tasks you’ll be asked to perform , and not all tasks are equally common. Below, we’ve analyzed these six GRE essay prompts. In addition to presenting each task as it will appear on the GRE , we’ve also determined the Dissertation meaning, likelihood of the task showing up on the test and provided a sampling of the issues that you might see paired with the task.

Donuts/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. Issue Task 1: Agree/Disagree With a Statement. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and Clairefontaine ivory paper, supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with a given statement . Number of topics in Best 250 words, the GRE issue pool on this task : 54/152 ( 35.5% ) Examples of the statements to paper, be analyzed.

To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions. There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts – especially at a great cost in money and jobs – to save endangered animal or plant species. Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an write a good composition appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image. Ivory Paper! Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve. The best test of an argument is the argument’s ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint.

If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people’s efficiency so that they have more leisure time. Dissertation Writing! We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little. True success can be measured primarily in terms of the goals one sets for oneself. goal/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Resized from Clairefontaine ivory paper, original. Issue Task 2: Agree/Disagree With a Recommendation. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the Good writing website answers, recommendation and explain your reasoning for Clairefontaine paper, the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and Literary runner, explain how these examples shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for Clairefontaine paper, agreeing or disagreeing with a recommendation for meaning, a course of action . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 24/152 ( 15.8% ) Examples of the recommendations to be analyzed.

Governments should focus on solving the Clairefontaine, immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the essay, future. Clairefontaine! College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs. Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of help, people. Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. Educators should base their assessment of students’ learning not on students’ grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. Candid/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. Issue Task 3: Agree/Disagree With a Claim.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with a claim . Number of Clairefontaine paper, topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 25/152 ( 16.4% ) Examples of the a good essay conclusion, claims to be analyzed. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study. It is no longer possible for Clairefontaine paper, a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero. Critical judgment of work in How to a good argumentative essay conclusion composition, any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge. Nations should pass laws to Clairefontaine, preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state. Issue Task 4: Which view aligns with your own?

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Dissertation Writing Meaning! In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. What they’re really asking : Explain which two views you most agree with and back it up with reasoning. Number of Clairefontaine paper, topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 18/152 ( 11.8% ) Examples of the views to be analyzed. Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed. Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by Dissertation writing meaning looking at the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. Ivory! Others argue that the help, surest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, the general welfare of all its people. Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the ivory, well-being of the societies and work usc, environments in Clairefontaine ivory, which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of Best college admission essay 250 words, corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.

Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible. Issue Task 5: Agree/Disagree With a Claim and Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the ivory, claim and the reason on which that claim is Literary kite runner based. What they’re really asking : Analyze an issue by explaining your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with not just the claim, but the reason on which the claim is based . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 19/152 ( 12.5% ) Examples of the claims to be analyzed. Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and Clairefontaine, suggestions of their students.Reason: Students are more motivated to Homework help, learn when they are interested in what they are studying. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the Clairefontaine ivory, claim and the reason on meaning, which that claim is based. Claim: Any piece of Clairefontaine ivory, information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.Reason: Much of the Dissertation writing, information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is ivory paper possible without the constraints of Best college 250 words, established habits and attitudes. Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.Reason: We are not able to make connections between current events and past events until we have some distance from both. Want to improve your GRE score by ivory paper 7 points?

We have the industry's leading GRE prep program. Built by world-class instructors with 99th percentile GRE scores, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through machine learning data science, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Try our 5-day full access trial for Homework help uk library, free: Issue Task 6: Explain Your Views on a Policy. Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and paper, explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and essay, supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. What they’re really asking : Explain your stance on a policy . Number of topics in the GRE issue pool on this task : 12/152 ( 7.9% ) Example of a policy to be analyzed. In any field – business, politics, education, government – those in power should be required to step down after five years.

Write a response in paper, which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the Good writing, policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. For the Argument task on the GRE, you’ll be asked to read a short passage containing an argument and then analyze that argument according to instructions. As with the Issue task, there might be some very slight variations in wording between the Clairefontaine, way the tasks are written on the test as compared to the way they are online, but for the most part what you see online is what will be on the GRE. Similarly, there may be some arguments that are repeated across prompts in the GRE Argument pool, but they’ll each be followed by a different task, so it’s important to Literary essay, read the entire essay prompt (including the ivory, task) before beginning your analysis . There are some commonalities across all of the essay prompts on the GRE Argument pool page, even beyond the fact that every task asks you to look at Best college essay 250 words, some kind of argument and Clairefontaine ivory paper, analyze it.

Of the 176 possible Argument topics , there are just eight different tasks you’ll be asked to perform, and of those eight tasks, numbers 3, 4, 6, 8 below are all basically different ways of college admission essay, asking you to “evaluate this stance and explain why you’ve determined whether or not it has a reasonable basis.” Below, we’ve presented each of the eight GRE writing prompts as they will appear on the exam, figured out how likely the task is to show up , and Clairefontaine, given some examples of Dissertation writing, arguments you might be asked to analyze. Argument Task 1: Evaluate an Clairefontaine Argument and Evidence. Write a response in Best college essay, which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the paper, evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. What they’re really asking : Discuss how different, specific evidence could weaken or strengthen the argument. Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 52/176 ( 29.5% ) Examples of the arguments to college essay, be analyzed.

The following appeared in Clairefontaine paper, a letter from a firm providing investment advice to a client. “Homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last year that region experienced twenty days with below-average temperatures, and local weather forecasters throughout the region predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Best College Essay! Furthermore, many new homes have been built in this region during the past year. Because of Clairefontaine, these developments, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and Literary kite, recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil.” The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station. “To reverse a decline in paper, listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current rock-music format. The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement. We must make listeners of these new residents. We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. Instead we should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area.” Three years ago, because of flooding at the Western Palean Wildlife Preserve, 100 lions and 100 western gazelles were moved to the East Palean Preserve, an area that is How to write home to most of the same species that are found in the western preserve, though in paper, larger numbers, and to the eastern gazelle, a close relative of the western gazelle. The only difference in Best admission 250 words, climate is that the eastern preserve typically has slightly less rainfall. Unfortunately, after three years in the eastern preserve, the imported western gazelle population has been virtually eliminated.

Since the slight reduction in Clairefontaine ivory paper, rainfall cannot be the Good, cause of the virtual elimination of western gazelle, their disappearance must have been caused by the larger number of predators in paper, the eastern preserve. The following appeared in a recommendation from the president of Amburg’s Chamber of Commerce. “Last October the city of Belleville installed high-intensity lighting in its central business district, and vandalism there declined within a month. The city of Amburg has recently begun police patrols on bicycles in its business district, but the rate of vandalism there remains constant. We should install high-intensity lighting throughout Amburg, then, because doing so is a more effective way to combat crime. By reducing crime in this way, we can revitalize the declining neighborhoods in our city.” The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of usc, Butler Manufacturing. Ivory! “During the past year, workers at Butler Manufacturing reported 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than workers at nearby Panoply Industries, where the Homework help uk library, work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. A recent government study reports that fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers are significant contributing factors in many on-the-job accidents. If we shorten each of our work shifts by one hour, we can improve Butler Manufacturing’s safety record by ensuring that our employees are adequately rested.” The following appeared in a letter to the editor of Parson City’s local newspaper. “In our region of Trillura, the majority of money spent on ivory paper, the schools that most students attend – the How to write a good essay composition, city-run public schools – comes from taxes that each city government collects. The region’s cities differ, however, in paper, the budgetary priority they give to public education.

For example, both as a proportion of its overall tax revenues and in School help usc, absolute terms, Parson City has recently spent almost twice as much per year as Blue City has for Clairefontaine ivory, its public schools – even though both cities have about the Dissertation meaning, same number of residents. Clearly, Parson City residents place a higher value on providing a good education in public schools than Blue City residents do.” Milk and dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium – substances essential for building and maintaining bones. Many people therefore say that a diet rich in dairy products can help prevent osteoporosis, a disease that is linked to both environmental and genetic factors and that causes the bones to weaken significantly with age. Ivory! But a long-term study of a large number of people found that those who consistently consumed dairy products throughout the years of the study have a higher rate of bone fractures than any other participants in Best admission essay 250 words, the study. Since bone fractures are symptomatic of osteoporosis, this study result shows that a diet rich in Clairefontaine ivory paper, dairy products may actually increase, rather than decrease, the risk of osteoporosis.

The following appeared in a memo at Literary kite runner, XYZ company. “When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resumes and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Ivory! Laid-off employees have benefited greatly from Delany’s services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not. Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in place of School usc, Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the ivory paper, workers we laid off at Literary essay runner, that time found jobs within a year. Moreover, Delany is Clairefontaine clearly superior, as evidenced by School work usc its bigger staff and larger number of branch offices. After all, last year Delany’s clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh’s clients took nine.” An ancient, traditional remedy for insomnia – the scent of lavender flowers – has now been proved effective. In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for ivory paper, three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored electronically. During the first week, volunteers continued to take their usual sleeping medication. They slept soundly but wakened feeling tired. At the beginning of the second week, the volunteers discontinued their sleeping medication.

During that week, they slept less soundly than the previous week and felt even more tired. During the third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than in the previous two weeks. Therefore, the study proves that lavender cures insomnia within a short period of time. Argument Task 2: Examine Assumptions and Implications. Write a response in Good website, which you examine the Clairefontaine ivory, stated and/or unstated assumptions of the essay writing, argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the ivory paper, implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. What they’re really asking : Discuss assumptions made in the argument and how the How to write a good conclusion composition, argument would be strengthened or weakened if the assumptions are wrong . Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on ivory, this task : 50/176 ( 28.4% ) Examples of the arguments to be analyzed. Nature’s Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products, is opening its next franchise in the town of Plainsville. The store should prove to be very successful: Nature’s Way franchises tend to be most profitable in areas where residents lead healthy lives, and clearly Plainsville is such an area.

Plainsville merchants report that sales of website, running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club has more members than ever, and the weight training and Clairefontaine paper, aerobics classes are always full. Finally, Plainsville’s schoolchildren represent a new generation of potential customers: these schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness-for-life program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age. The following was written as a part of an application for a small-business loan by a group of usc, developers in the city of Monroe. “Jazz music is extremely popular in the city of ivory paper, Monroe: over 100,000 people attended Monroe’s annual jazz festival last summer, and the highest-rated radio program in Monroe is ‘Jazz Nightly,’ which airs every weeknight. Also, a number of well-known jazz musicians own homes in Monroe. Nevertheless, the nearest jazz club is over an hour away. Dissertation Writing! Given the popularity of jazz in Monroe and a recent nationwide study indicating that the ivory, typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz entertainment, a jazz music club in Monroe would be tremendously profitable.” The following appeared in essay writing answers, a letter to the editor of a journal on environmental issues. “Over the past year, the Crust Copper Company (CCC) has purchased over 10,000 square miles of land in the tropical nation of West Fredonia. Mining copper on this land will inevitably result in pollution and, since West Fredonia is the home of Clairefontaine, several endangered animal species, in environmental disaster. But such disasters can be prevented if consumers simply refuse to purchase products that are made with CCC’s copper unless the company abandons its mining plans.” Humans arrived in the Kaliko Islands about 7,000 years ago, and within 3,000 years most of the help uk library, large mammal species that had lived in the forests of the Kaliko Islands had become extinct. Ivory Paper! Yet humans cannot have been a factor in Literary essay, the species’ extinctions, because there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the mammals.

Further, archaeologists have discovered numerous sites where the bones of fish had been discarded, but they found no such areas containing the bones of large mammals, so the humans cannot have hunted the mammals. Therefore, some climate change or other environmental factor must have caused the species’ extinctions. The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of marketing at Dura-Sock, Inc. “A recent study of our customers suggests that our company is wasting the money it spends on its patented Endure manufacturing process, which ensures that our socks are strong enough to paper, last for two years. We have always advertised our use of the Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks’ durability, our average customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months. Furthermore, our customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Socks’ stylish appearance and availability in many colors. These findings suggest that we can increase our profits by discontinuing use of the Endure manufacturing process.” When Stanley Park first opened, it was the Literary kite runner, largest, most heavily used public park in town.

It is still the largest park, but it is ivory paper no longer heavily used. Video cameras mounted in the park’s parking lots last month revealed the park’s drop in Best college essay 250 words, popularity: the recordings showed an average of only 50 cars per day. In contrast, tiny Carlton Park in the heart of the business district is Clairefontaine ivory visited by more than 150 people on a typical weekday. An obvious difference is that Carlton Park, unlike Stanley Park, provides ample seating. Thus, if Stanley Park is ever to be as popular with our citizens as Carlton Park, the town will obviously need to provide more benches, thereby converting some of the unused open areas into spaces suitable for socializing. While the Department of uk library, Education in the state of Attra recommends that high school students be assigned homework every day, the Clairefontaine paper, data from a recent statewide survey of high school math and science teachers give us reason to question the usefulness of daily homework. In the district of work usc, Sanlee, 86 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week, whereas in the district of Clairefontaine paper, Marlee, less than 25 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. Yet the students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are the students in Sanlee.

Therefore, all teachers in our high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week. The following appeared in a memo to the board of writing, directors of Bargain Brand Cereals. “One year ago we introduced our first product, Bargain Brand breakfast cereal. Clairefontaine Ivory! Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the answers, companies producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices and although several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to Clairefontaine ivory paper, continue making a profit. Given our success in selling cereal, we recommend that Bargain Brand now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible.” The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to essay, the president of Clairefontaine paper, Acme Publishing Company. “Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the uk library, Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity.

One graduate of the course was able to Clairefontaine ivory paper, read a 500-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in help, under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the ivory, more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read would cost Acme only $500 per employee — a small price to pay when you consider the benefits. Included in this fee is How to write a good argumentative essay a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course.” Argument Task 3: Evaluate a Recommendation and Its Basis. Write a response in paper, which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and uk library, the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. What they’re really asking : Discuss the different, specific questions that would need to be answered to determine how reasonable the recommendation is. Number of topics in ivory, the GRE argument pool on this task : 24/176 ( 13.6% ) Examples of the Homework, recommendations to be analyzed. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of ivory paper, Alta Manufacturing. “During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had thirty percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours.

Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many accidents is fatigue caused by sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta, we recommend shortening each of our three work shifts by one hour. If we do this, our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep.” Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in Dissertation writing, order to decide whether the recommendation and ivory, the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. Since those issues of Newsbeat magazine that featured political news on Literary essay, their front cover were the poorest-selling issues over the past three years, the publisher of Clairefontaine, Newsbeat has recommended that the magazine curtail its emphasis on politics to focus more exclusively on economics and personal finance.

She points to runner, a recent survey of readers of general interest magazines that indicates greater reader interest in economic issues than in political ones. Newsbeat ‘s editor, however, opposes the proposed shift in editorial policy, pointing out that very few magazines offer extensive political coverage anymore. Clairefontaine Paper! Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to Good essay website, be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and ivory, the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to writing, these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. Clairefontaine Ivory! The following appeared in Homework help uk library, an article in Clairefontaine ivory, the Grandview Beacon . “For many years the School work usc, city of Clairefontaine ivory paper, Grandview has provided annual funding for the Grandview Symphony. Last year, however, private contributions to the symphony increased by 200 percent and attendance at the symphony’s concerts-in-the-park series doubled.

The symphony has also announced an Best college admission 250 words increase in ticket prices for next year. Given such developments, some city commissioners argue that the symphony can now be fully self-supporting, and they recommend that funding for the symphony be eliminated from next year’s budget.” Write a response in Clairefontaine ivory paper, which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the help, answers to these questions would help to evaluate the paper, recommendation. Twenty years ago, Dr. Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia. Using an observation-centered approach to studying Tertian culture, he concluded from his observations that children in essay website, Tertia were reared by an entire village rather than by Clairefontaine ivory paper their own biological parents. Recently another anthropologist, Dr. Karp, visited the group of islands that includes Tertia and used the interview-centered method to study child-rearing practices.

In the essay, interviews that Dr. Karp conducted with children living in this group of islands, the children spent much more time talking about their biological parents than about other adults in the village. Dr. Karp decided that Dr. Field’s conclusion about ivory Tertian village culture must be invalid. Literary Runner! Some anthropologists recommend that to obtain accurate information on Tertian child-rearing practices, future research on the subject should be conducted via the interview-centered method. Argument Task 4: Evaluate Advice and Clairefontaine paper, Questions. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the advice and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to Good writing website, explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the Clairefontaine, advice. What they’re really asking : Discuss the School work help usc, different, specific questions needed to determine if the Clairefontaine paper, advice and the argument it’s based on are reasonable . This task is pretty much the same as task 3; the main difference is in the way the prompt is worded (as advice vs. a recommendation being given). Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 2/176 ( 1.1% ) Examples of the advice to be analyzed.

The following appeared in a newsletter offering advice to investors. “Over 80 percent of the usc, respondents to a recent survey indicated a desire to reduce their intake of foods containing fats and ivory, cholesterol, and today low-fat products abound in many food stores. School Usc! Since many of the food products currently marketed by Old Dairy Industries are high in fat and cholesterol, the Clairefontaine, company’s sales are likely to diminish greatly and company profits will no doubt decrease. We therefore advise Old Dairy stockholders to sell their shares, and uk library, other investors not to purchase stock in this company.” Want to improve your GRE score by 7+ points? Check out our best-in-class online GRE prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your GRE score by 7 points or more. PrepScholar GRE is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of ivory, practice questions, 2 official GRE practice tests, and 1-on-1 scoring and feedback on your AWA essays. Check out School work help, our 5-day free trial now: Argument Task 5: Evaluate a Recommendation’s Likely Results.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. What they’re really asking : Discuss specific questions and paper, information that would be needed to show the recommendation would have the expected outcome . Number of topics in essay, the GRE argument pool on this task : 21/176 ( 11.9% ) Examples of the recommendations to be analyzed. The following appeared in Clairefontaine paper, a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to its manager. “One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to How to write a good argumentative essay, restrict the water flow to approximately one-third of its original flow. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the twenty floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further.” The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants. “Butter has now been replaced by Clairefontaine ivory margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States. Homework Help Uk Library! Only about Clairefontaine 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. Homework Help Uk Library! Furthermore, many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for Clairefontaine ivory paper, butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. Clearly, either these customers cannot distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term ‘butter’ to refer to kite runner, either butter or margarine.

Thus, to ivory paper, avoid the essay, expense of purchasing butter and to increase profitability, the Happy Pancake House should extend this cost-saving change to its restaurants in the southeast and northeast as well.” The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council. “An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper! A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where consumption of the plant beneficia is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of beneficia can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the Good writing website answers, daily use of nutritional supplements derived from ivory paper, beneficia. We predict this will dramatically reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces.” The following appeared in an e-mail sent by meaning the marketing director of the Classical Shakespeare Theatre of ivory, Bardville. “Over the past ten years, there has been a 20 percent decline in School work usc, the size of the average audience at Classical Shakespeare Theatre productions.

In spite of Clairefontaine ivory paper, increased advertising, we are attracting fewer and fewer people to our shows, causing our profits to decrease significantly. Literary Essay Kite Runner! We must take action to attract new audience members. The best way to do so is by instituting a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ program this summer. Two years ago the nearby Avon Repertory Company started a ‘Free Plays in the Park’ program, and its profits have increased 10 percent since then. Clairefontaine! If we start a ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ program, we can predict that our profits will increase, too.” Lego Shakespeare/used under CC BY 2.0/cropped and resized from Dissertation meaning, original. Argument Task 6: Evaluate a Prediction and Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and Clairefontaine ivory, the argument on Literary essay kite runner, which it is ivory based are reasonable. School Work! Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction. What they’re really asking : Discuss the specific questions that need to ivory paper, be answered to School work usc, determine how reasonable the prediction and its basis are . Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on ivory, this task : 14/176 ( 8.0% ) Examples of the How to write a good argumentative essay, predictions to paper, be analyzed.

The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of KNOW radio station. “Several factors indicate that KNOW radio can no longer succeed as a rock-and-roll music station. Website Answers! Consider, for example, that the number of people in our listening area over fifty years of age has increased dramatically, while our total number of listeners has declined. Also, music stores in Clairefontaine ivory, our area report decreased sales of rock-and-roll music. Finally, continuous news stations in neighboring cities have been very successful. We predict that switching KNOW radio from rock-and-roll music to 24-hour news will allow the station to How to essay composition, attract older listeners and make KNOW radio more profitable than ever.” The council of Maple County, concerned about the county’s becoming overdeveloped, is debating a proposed measure that would prevent the Clairefontaine, development of existing farmland in the county. But the council is also concerned that such a restriction, by Literary kite limiting the supply of Clairefontaine ivory paper, new housing, could lead to significant increases in the price of housing in the county. Proponents of the Literary runner, measure note that Chestnut County established a similar measure ten years ago, and its housing prices have increased only Clairefontaine ivory paper modestly since. However, opponents of the measure note that Pine County adopted restrictions on the development of new residential housing fifteen years ago, and Good essay writing answers, its housing prices have since more than doubled. The council currently predicts that the proposed measure, if passed, will result in a significant increase in housing prices in Maple County. IMG_2529/used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original. Argument Task 7: Discuss Alternative Explanations.

Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and Clairefontaine ivory, explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for Homework help uk library, the facts presented in the argument. What they’re really asking : Discuss alternative explanations that would reasonably explain the evidence discussed in the argument. Number of topics in the GRE argument pool on this task : 11/176 ( 6.3% ) Examples of the explanation and argument to be analyzed. The following appeared in a memo from the director of paper, a large group of work usc, hospitals. “In a controlled laboratory study of liquid hand soaps, a concentrated solution of extra strength UltraClean hand soap produced a 40 percent greater reduction in harmful bacteria than did the liquid hand soaps currently used in our hospitals. During our recent test of regular-strength UltraClean with doctors, nurses, and visitors at our hospital in Worktown, the hospital reported significantly fewer cases of Clairefontaine ivory paper, patient infection (a 20 percent reduction) than did any of the writing, other hospitals in our group. The explanation for the 20 percent reduction in patient infections is the use of UltraClean soap.” There is ivory now evidence that the relaxed pace of life in small towns promotes better health and greater longevity than does the kite runner, hectic pace of life in big cities. Businesses in the small town of paper, Leeville report fewer days of sick leave taken by individual workers than do businesses in the nearby large city of help usc, Masonton. Furthermore, Leeville has only Clairefontaine ivory paper one physician for write a good argumentative essay conclusion, its one thousand residents, but in ivory paper, Masonton the proportion of physicians to residents is help uk library five times as high.

Finally, the average age of Leeville residents is significantly higher than that of Masonton residents. These findings suggest that the Clairefontaine ivory, relaxed pace of life in Leeville allows residents to live longer, healthier lives. Yes?/used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original. Argument Task 8: Evaluate a Conclusion and How to write conclusion composition, Its Basis. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be addressed in order to decide whether the conclusion and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to the questions would help to evaluate the conclusion.

What they’re really asking : Discuss the Clairefontaine ivory paper, specific questions that need to be answered to determine if the conclusion and its basis are reasonable . Number of Dissertation, topics in the GRE argument pool on ivory, this task : 2/176 ( 1.1% ) Examples of conclusions to be analyzed. A recent sales study indicates that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by 30 percent during the admission essay 250 words, past five years. Ivory! Yet there are no currently operating city restaurants whose specialty is Homework seafood. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper! Moreover, the majority of families in Bay City are two-income families, and a nationwide study has shown that such families eat significantly fewer home-cooked meals than they did a decade ago but at the same time express more concern about healthful eating. Therefore, the new Captain Seafood restaurant that specializes in seafood should be quite popular and admission, profitable. GRE Essay Prompts: 3 Terrific Tips. No matter which of the Clairefontaine ivory, GRE essay topics you encounter on test day, the following tips will help you prepare. When you’re working on Dissertation, practice GRE writing prompts, make sure you stick to a strict 30-minute time limit for each Analytical Writing prompt. If you need to paper, build up to writing within this time limit, you can start out by essay giving yourself extra time and then working your way down to 30 minutes.

However, try not to Clairefontaine ivory paper, only practice with extra time , or you’ll be unprepared for Homework uk library, the real GRE Analytical Writing essays. To get the best practice for the computer-based GRE, you should write all your practice essays on a computer . If possible, use the simple word processor in the PowerPrep Test Preview Tool or practice tests to do every practice essay. You’ll need to get used to the lack of spellcheck and familiar shortcuts or features of your own word processor that you might not realize how often you use, like select all, copy, cut, paste, or undo; it’s surprising to find how much not being able to Clairefontaine ivory, use CTL+A to select all or CTL+V to paste can affect your writing and editing speed. Even if you’re not writing about the GRE essay prompts given in PowerPrep, you can still use the text box and timer in the test preview tool or one of the practice tests to help uk library, write practice essays on other prompts . Just be sure to save your essay into a separate document on your computer so you can go back and read and score it afterwards. Once you’ve written your practice Issue and Argument essays, score them by using the essay rubrics and by ivory paper comparing your writing to runner, the sample essays ETS provides at each score point . The rubrics for ivory, the Issue essay and the Argument essay are similar when it comes to the importance of clarity of writing and adherence to Best college essay 250 words, standard English grammar, spelling, and punctuation; they only really differ when it comes to assessing the specifics of the issue or argument analyses. You can try using the rubric yourself on paper, your own essays and determine where on the rubric your essay fits; alternatively, you can see if you can find a GRE buddy who is willing to grade you and give you feedback based on the rubric, since it’s sometimes easier to be objective about someone else’s work. While the rubrics are useful as guidelines for what to include in your essays, however, it can be difficult to envision what a perfect scoring essay might look like from the laundry list of qualities alone. Good Answers! That’s why the best way to learn what makes a difference between different essay scores is Clairefontaine ivory paper studying examples of Dissertation writing meaning, high-scoring essays, analyzing what they do well, and finding the differences between them and lower-scoring essays on the same topic . We do this analysis for you in our articles on how to Clairefontaine ivory, get a perfect 6 on the GRE Issue essay and Argument essay. The object of grading your essays is not to feel bad that you didn’t live up to the ideals of a perfect essay score but instead to zero in on work help usc, your weak spots so you can improve.

Whether it’s disorganized writing, running out of time (and so not finishing your essay), insufficient analysis, or some other issue entirely, identify the main issues with your essay, then focus your practice on improving those areas. unsheathed/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/resized and cropped from original. Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points? We've written a guide about the Clairefontaine paper, top 5 strategies you must be using to Literary essay runner, have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Laura graduated magna cum laude from ivory, Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and Best admission essay 250 words, earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel and ivory paper, fulfill their college and grad school dreams.

View all posts by Laura Staffaroni. Subscribe and get FREE tips to crush the GRE! Join our Facebook GRE Study Group. Our Top 10 Most Viewed GRE Posts Ever. Grad School (28) GRE Analytical Writing (7) GRE General Info (44) GRE Logistics (26) GRE Prep (33) GRE Quantitative (12) GRE Subject Tests (1) GRE Verbal (14) TOEFL (15) © PrepScholar 2013-2017. Literary Essay Runner! All rights reserved. GRE ® and TOEFL ® are registered trademarks of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The ETS does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in ivory, any way with the owner or any content of this site. GMAT ® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council ® (GMAC ® ). The GMAC does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in write a good argumentative essay, any way with the ivory paper, owner or any content of this site. Like what you're seeing?

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Administrative Assistant Resume Example. Paper. Employers in search of an administrative assistant usually look for candidates with a fearless approach to School work help new software platforms, a sense of flexibility, and a friendly, positive attitude. So as you hit the job market, you#8217;ll need to find a way to ivory paper show off these specific traits in essay writing website answers your resume. Start by drafting a brief summary of your most relevant qualifications, and then present a series of Clairefontaine ivory subheadings that highlight your education, past positions, and writing meaning special talents that your employers are likely to find valuable. Don#8217;t skip any capability related to event planning, communication, or budget and Clairefontaine schedule management. Use this administrative assistant resume example as your guide.

Administrative Assistant Advice nbsp; Interested in an administrative assistant role? An administrative assistant handles a variety of important everyday tasks, and play an important part in helping businesses and organizations run smoothly. The resume examples below are geared specifically for a range of administrative assistant positions, including secretaries, executive assistants, personal assistants, and more. Choose from multiple resume template options and find the best choice to help you create your polished, professional resume. Click on any of these resume examples to essay website get started. Paper. Resume Tips for Administrative Assistant nbsp; When it comes to finding jobs as a administrative assistant, or in any part of the country for Dissertation writing, that matter, it will all come down to Clairefontaine the actions that you decide to take. With a bit of Dissertation writing meaning preparation and a deep understanding of the local job market, you can easily simplify your job search. Here are some tips that you may want to follow the Clairefontaine, next time you look for jobs as a administrative assistant.

1. Use your personal network. Friends, family members, and kite runner former clients can sometimes help you find employment. These people can alert you to ivory paper jobs that may not have been posted online yet. Homework Help. 2. Revamping your resume before a job search is Clairefontaine always a great idea. Your resume is your first opportunity to make a good impression, and a poorly written resume can doom your job search €“ no matter how experienced you are. 3. Boosting your online presence can be an effective way of luring potential employers. Homework Uk Library. Companies are increasingly turning to the internet to Clairefontaine ivory paper find new talent and Homework employees. 4. Keeping a positive attitude in ivory paper the face of unemployment can be a difficult, but necessary task. If you approach your job search with pessimism, you will make an unpleasant situation even worse. 5. Dissertation Writing. After losing a job, many people choose to Clairefontaine become their own boss. Self-employment can seem like an unlikely option at first, but if you possess marketable skills and expertise, it can definitely be something to consider.

Administrative Assistant Job Seeking Tips nbsp; Your search for Homework help, jobs as a administrative assistant, or any other part of the country for that matter, can be greatly expedited with the help of a well-written resume. No matter what industry you work in, your resume will decide whether or not you get called in for an interview. Ivory Paper. Here are some practical, yet highly effective resume techniques for jobseekers. 1. Never include the reason why you left your previous jobs. If a hiring manager doesn#8217;t agree with or understand your reasoning, he or she may toss your resume aside. Only give this information if you are asked for it directly. Best College. 2. Be sure to include all of your current contact information somewhere near the top of your resume. Remember to Clairefontaine paper include a professional-sounding e-mail address and Dissertation writing meaning only one primary contact number. 3. It can be tempting to exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of your resume, but doing so will only dash your chances of getting hired.

Always remain honest, and Clairefontaine ivory paper remember that most companies are required to perform background checks and contact references. 4. Try to avoid including unnecessary information. An informative resume is a great thing, but there is such a thing as too many details. 5. Using bullets will help to organize your resume and increase conciseness. They will also help to make your resume more reader-friendly.

Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and Best admission download your resume in multiple formats. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Writing Meaning. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats.

Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Finalize and download your resume in multiple formats. Attract attention with professional resume designs. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Finalize and Clairefontaine download your resume in multiple formats. Improve your resume with our pre-written text. Health Benefits Administrator/ Administrative Assistant to CBO Resume Example. Company: MS Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Date Range: April 2007 to December 2012. Essay Answers. Administration of self insured Medical Plan, and supplemental dental and vision benefits to eligible Clergy and Lay participants of the MS Conference. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. Made determination of eligibility, processed new participants, termination of participants, maintained the benefits information of established participants, both hard copy and electronic updating to writing various secure Third Party websites. Ivory Paper. Generated monthly billing , posted participant premiums, and collector of past due billing and established acceptable payment arrangements based on the rules of the writing answers, medical board. The point of contact for all Medical insurance questions and resolution of those issues concerning medical, dental and vision claims.This was accomplished through research and communication with TPA and/or CBO. Coordination of all Board of Medical Benefits committee meetings including notice preparation, meal arrangements, travel reimbursements and attendance. Ivory. Reviewed monthly statements from Medical, Dental, and Homework help Vision invoices for accuracy and presented to the Assistant Treasurer for payment to vendors. Assist the Conference Benefits Officer in any areas assigned by the CBO. Administrative Assistant/Office Administrator Resume Example.

Date Range: September 2006 December 2011. My position as an Administrative Assistant for igxglobal consisted of many responsibilities to Clairefontaine ivory include global administrative duties in Operations, Marketing and Sales support duties. General Administrative duties include: answering phones and directing calls to write a good argumentative appropriate parties, data entry, filing, scheduling appointments/interviews/meetings, receiving and shipping packages, ordering and maintaining office supplies, and scanning documents as requested. Operations Support duties include: providing courtesy calls, accounts payables and accounts receivable procedures, assisting clients with invoice inquires, tracking and ensuring proper handling of agreements, and reducing expenses i.e. setting up vendor accounts and negotiating prices. Sales/Marketing Support duties include: gathering lists of prospects using search engines, updating, customizing CRM, assisting clients with order related questions, creating/ a. Researched, proposed and implemented vendor services to decrease costs to organization. Frequently used word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software. Clairefontaine. Supplied sales and marketing support to argumentative essay composition a sales force of [Number] sales reps. Compiled and paper analyzed sales and marketing reports. Managed the essay kite runner, CEO#8217;s complex and frequently changing travel arrangements and coordinated the pre-planning of trips. Researched, proposed and implemented vendor services to decrease costs to organization. Clairefontaine Ivory. Directed administrative functions for the directors, principals, consultants and a good argumentative key managers.

Distributed company-wide announcements, booked conference rooms and coordinated catering for annual staff development forum. Located and Clairefontaine paper attached appropriate files to incoming correspondence requiring replies. Coordinated dealer visitations, company special events and other employee morale functions. Developed and maintained an internal client filing system. Homework Uk Library. Administrative Assistant/Benefits Administrator Resume Example. Company: CTCE Federal Credit Union i? Reading, PA. Date Range: 8/1/2004.

Planned travel arrangements for Financial Service Specialist and Management. Drafted meeting agendas, supplied advance materials and executed follow-up for meetings for Board of Directors and Management personnel. Supervised and managed receptionist area, to maintain focus of security to building, including greeting visitors and responding to telephone and in-person requests for information. Served as central point of contact for Clairefontaine paper, all outside vendors needing to Homework gain access to the building for maintenance.Planned meetings and prepared conference rooms.Assisted employees with benefits and ivory conduced Open Enrollment for benefits each year. Maintained databases for Homework uk library, Marketing and management for monthly reports. Maintained an up-to-date department organizational chart.Dispersed incoming mail to correct recipients throughout the office.Made copies, sent faxes and handled all incoming and ivory paper outgoing correspondence.Organized files, developed spreadsheets, faxed reports and scanned documents.Received and distributed faxes and mail in a timely manner.Received and screened a high volume of admission essay internal and external communications, including email and mail.Managed daily office operations and maintenance of equipment.

Created and maintained spreadsheets using advanced Excel functions and calculations to develop reports and lists for Marketing Director, including extensive merge files for distribution to members of the Credit Union. Contract Administrator / Administrative Assistant Resume Example. Company: Pinnacle Entertainment €“ White Plains, NY. Date Range: 06/2004 to 11/2016. Identify contract issues requiring clarification or amendment as contracts are being entered or updated in the company Filemaker Pro database. Reviewed and administered contracts and modifications; prepared contract review records and obtained management approval for any changes. Report status of current contract processes to management.

Analyze potential risks that contract changes may pose to the organization. Create language standards and rules for existing and new contracts. Follow up to ivory guarantee contractual payments have been made. Filing, data entry, answer phones, proof reading. Administrative Assistant Resume Example. Company: Island Environmental Pest Control i? West Palm Beach, FL. Date Range: 09/2011 Current. Writing. Scheduling and ivory paper confirming appointments for entire management team.

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Essay Of Rizal Essays and Research Papers. Larry S.Esperas One hundred fifty one years hitherto, a substantial Filipino in the illustrious epithet of ivory Jose Protacio Rizal . Mercado y Realonda, extricated our predecessors from being slaves by a good essay composition deploying a taciturn yet strapping apparatus. It was for his exertion that we are anon lodging on the snug threshold of freedom. By dint of Clairefontaine paper his literary works ? essays , novels and articles. School Help Usc. He brawled for our territory’s liberty hostile to the Spanish settlers who subjugated us for three hundred thirty. El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal , Manila 1230 Words | 4 Pages. I. Seven (7) reasons/proof why Rizal is ivory, his parent’s child. Runner. 1. He is a religious man like his parent’s; he started reading the Bible at . a very young age. 2. Clairefontaine Ivory. He is college admission essay 250 words, a man of independent thought like his father.

3. He also inherited his passion in rhetoric from ivory paper his mother. 4. He inherited his father’s strength, sturdiness, industry and independence. 5. Dissertation Meaning. He also inherited his father’s deep feeling of dignity, self-respect, serenity and poise, and Clairefontaine, seriousness. . Ateneo de Manila University , El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal 751 Words | 3 Pages. Rizal Notes By fatz18angel | Feb. 2012 Zoom In Zoom Out Page 1 of essay writing website 5 LECTURE NOTES I. Introduction and significance of R.A. . Clairefontaine Ivory. 1425 ( Rizal Law) II.

The world during Rizal’s times local conditions during Rizal’s times LECTURE NOTES I. Introduction and significance of R.A. 1425 ( Rizal Law) II. Work Help. The world during Rizal’s times local conditions during Rizal’s times Chapter 1 Advent of a National Hero Chapter 2 Childhood Years in Calamba Chapter 3 Early Education in Calamba and. Ateneo de Manila University , Bankruptcy in the United States , Calamba City 437 Words | 4 Pages. made an endeavour, a step towards liberty. Thousands of Filipinos died and sacrificed their lives to Clairefontaine ivory paper, satisfy their longing for Best college admission essay 250 words freedom. Heroes like Andres . Bonifacio and Lapu-lapu offered themselves without hesitation only for our motherland. Dr.

Jose Rizal was considered the Juan of change; an eye opener for Filipinos who were allured by all the mendacities of the wolves, but then the eyes was shut when he was killed for paper unfolding the anomalies of the Spaniards. River of flood gushed into the land before. Andres Bonifacio , Emilio Aguinaldo , Filipino language 1250 Words | 5 Pages. 20th century, Rizal in the Philippines in the late 19th century. Essay. In an undated essay on education, La Instruccion, whose . manuscript is preserved in the Philippine National Library, Jose Rizal presented a critique on primary instruction in paper the Philippines during the late 19th century and provided suggestions for its improvement. Before taking further studies in Manila and Europe, Rizal was taught by his mother, private tutors and a small private school in Binan, thus his essay was based on. Andres Bonifacio , Christianity , Filipino language 856 Words | 3 Pages. ?LETTERS TO THE YOUNG WOMEN OF MALOLOS On February 22, 1889, Rizal wrote the writing meaning famous letter now known as “To the Young Women of paper Malolos” . Essay Kite Runner. as per the request of Marcelo H. del Pilar. Ivory. This famous letter was written by Rizal in Tagalog while he was residing in London. The story behind this letter is How to write conclusion composition, as follows: On December 12, 1888, a group of 20 young women from Malolos petitioned Governor-General Weyler for permission to open a “night school” so that they could study Spanish under Teodoro Sandiko.

Emilio Aguinaldo , Filipino language , Filipino mestizo 1596 Words | 4 Pages. Birth and Family Life Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861. Clairefontaine Ivory. It was a Wednesday evening in Calamba, Laguna, and Dissertation, his mother nearly died in the . process. Clairefontaine. He was baptized three days later, on June 22, by the parish priest of the Catholic church in his town, Fr. Rufino Collantes from Batangas. Answers. His godfather, Fr. Pedro Casanas, was a close family friend. Rizal's mother named him after St. Ivory Paper. Joseph, to whom she was ardently devoted.

He was born in Calamba, Laguna (a few kilometers south of Manila) on. Calamba City , Jose Rizal , Laguna 1125 Words | 4 Pages. AN ESSAY ABOUT JOSE RIZAL Who is Jose Rizal to common people? What is the Good essay writing answers impact of his life, woks and paper, . writings? When we ask most average persons today these questions, they might answer something like, he is our national hero, he died in Homework uk library Bagumbayan, and he wrote two great novels. Beyond that nothing more is explicitly said about Jose Rizal . As I read through the Clairefontaine ivory paper chapters of the book I have come discover many more things that is admirable about this man. In his childhood, he wrote a poem to. El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal , Manila 1132 Words | 3 Pages. RIZAL : Filipino patriots who were brutally tortured to implicate Rizal : * Deodato Arellano * Dr. Pio Valenzuela * . Moises Salvador * Jose Dizon * Domingo Franco * Timoteo Paez December 29, 1896 – Rizal was formally notified of the court’s verdict: death. “Imitation of Christ” by School help Thomas a Kempis - always had with him ( Rizal ). Documentary and paper, Testimonial evidence presented against Rizal : * A letter of Antonio Luna to Mariano Ponce * A letter of Rizal to his family . Filipino people , Katipunan , Manila 1159 Words | 5 Pages.

EVENTS Rizal departed for Homework help Spain secretly for two reasons and those were (1) to avoid detection by the Spanish authorities and the friars . and (2) his parents do not know about his departure. Rizal went abroad to observe keenly the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and governments and laws of the Clairefontaine ivory European nations in essay writing website order to prepare himself in the mighty task in liberating his oppressed people from Spanish tyranny. On his travel to Spain, Rizal had seen and. Cortes Generales , Francisco Franco , Jose Rizal 731 Words | 3 Pages. JOSE PROTACIO RIZAL MERCADO Y ALONZO REALONDA Calle Real, Rizal Shrine Calamba, Laguna 0915-5774925 . OBJECTIVE: To share a heart of ivory paper a Filipino nationalist and admission essay, inspire all the Filipino youth today EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1887 Eye specialization course, PhD University of Heidelberg 1885 Philosophy and paper, Letters, PhD 1884 Licentiate in Medicine Universidad Central de Madrid 1878-1882 Opthalmology (undergraduate) 1877-1878 Philosopy.

Bachelor's degree , Filipino people , Jose Rizal 278 Words | 3 Pages. GROUP 2 :RIZAL’S ESSAYS ORTEGA, OLLERO PASTRANA PENALOSA PFLEIDER To the young women of website answers Malolos (London, February 22, . 1889) This famous letter was written by Rizal in Tagalog, while he was reading in Clairefontaine paper London, upon the request of M.H. del Pilar. Homework Uk Library. The story behind this letter is this; On December 12, 1888, a group of twenty young women of Malolos petitioned Goveror-General Weyler for permission to open a “night school” so that they might study Spanish under Teodoro Sandiko. Andres Bonifacio , Bulacan , Filipino language 851 Words | 4 Pages. Jose Rizal is a 1998 Filipino biographical film of the ivory Philippine national hero Jose Rizal directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya and . starring Cesar Montano as Jose Rizal . At the time of its release, it was the most expensive film in the history of Philippine cinema with a budget of over PhP.80 million. The film was an official entry to the 1998 Metro Manila Film Festival. Upon release, the film met a universal critical acclaim. Plot Imprisoned in Fort Santiago under the abusive Spanish colonization.

Cesar Montano , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 959 Words | 3 Pages. RIZAL IN DAPITAN From June 17, 1892 to July 31, 1896, Dapitan became the bare witness to Best college admission 250 words, one of the most fruitful periods in Rizal's life. Ivory. . His stay in Homework help uk library the province was more than he was living in exile. Clairefontaine Paper. It was the period when Rizal had been more focused on serving the people and the society through his civic works, medical practices, land development, promotion of education and of course, coming accross with his one true love, Josephine Bracken. The part of Rizal's life where he came to know. Andres Bonifacio , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 1084 Words | 3 Pages. the important claims of Renato Constantino, which supports his negative thesis of Rizal , was the refusal of the writing meaning latter to align with the . Clairefontaine Paper. Philippine Revolution.

This argument was based on the documentary evidence’s such as Rizal’s manifesto to the Filipino people, and Dr. Pio Valenzuela’s 1896 testimonial. Quibuyen’s article, Rizal and the Revolution the same core Constantino evidences were used to help uk library, debunk the anti- Rizal thesis and further prove Rizal’s participation of the Revolution. Discuss thoroughly. Colonialism , Emilio Aguinaldo , Katipunan 1147 Words | 4 Pages. Carezza Marie P. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. BS Architecture Life and How to write argumentative essay, Works of Rizal MWF | 4:00-5:00 Is Rizal a hero, saint or martyr? Who is Clairefontaine ivory paper, . Rizal ? Jose Rizal , the national hero of the Philippines and admission, pride of the Malayan race, was born on June 19, 1861, in the town of Calamba, Laguna. He was the ivory seventh child in a family of 11 children. Both his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished families. His father, Francisco Mercado Rizal , an industrious farmer whom Rizal called a model of fathers, came from Binan, Laguna;.

Andres Bonifacio , Emilio Aguinaldo , Jose Rizal 808 Words | 3 Pages. Rizal’s Journey in Hong Kong and Macao Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to leave his country for kite the second . time in February 1888. He was then a full-grown man of 27 years of age, a practicing physician, and paper, a recognized man-of-letters. • February 3, 1888 - after a short stay of six months in his beloved Calamba, Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong. He was sick and sad. Writing Website Answers. To aggravate his discomfiture, he was sick during the crossing of the choppy China Sea. • February 7. China , Chinese language , Chinese New Year 871 Words | 3 Pages. RIZAL Chapter7-Paris to ivory, Berlin Chapter 7 Paris to Berlin (1885-87) ? Rizal went to Paris and Germany in Good essay writing website order to . specialize in ophthalmology. ? He chose this branch because he wanted to Clairefontaine ivory, cure his mother’s eye ailment. In Gay Paris (1885-86) ? After studying at the Central University of Madrid, Rizal , who was then 24 yrs old, went to Paris to acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology. ? Maximo Viola – a medical student and Best 250 words, a member of a rich family of paper San Miguel, Bulacan ? Senor. Anthropology , Baden-Wurttemberg , Berlin 876 Words | 4 Pages. Relevance of How to write argumentative essay conclusion composition Jose Rizal Today Dr Jose Rizal , national hero of the Philippines The following article about ivory Dr Jose . Rizal is widely circulated on essay kite the Internet in celebration of Rizal Day which is observed every 30th day of December, the day he was executed in Bagumbayan by Spanish authorities, more than 100 years ago. Ivory Paper. To preserve the originality of the write conclusion report,I am presenting it the same way it is found on the Internet and as written by two sources of information, for which I express my indebtedness.

Andres Bonifacio , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 1964 Words | 7 Pages. administration in the colony. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. In 1853 to 1898, there were 41 political dictum who held office in the Philippines. In 1885 to work help usc, 1896, during the regency of . Queen Ma. Cristina there were four assign to paper, the colonial government and two acting capacity. Write A Good Argumentative Essay. Rizal observes in his Noli Me Tangere that Governor-General was talking to Clairefontaine ivory, Crisostomo Ibarra about his burdens he weigh in write argumentative conclusion his shoulder. About his hardship of pleasing the King Minister and worst is when he consult the mother country about his proposal which.

Andres Bonifacio , Emilio Aguinaldo , Jose Rizal 932 Words | 3 Pages. ? 1. Rizal as a lover ----- was he a womanizer or a chick boy? Defend your answer. Rizal had the impression of Clairefontaine ivory paper being a . womanizer because if his past relationships with many women. (Segunda Katigbak, Leonor Valenzuela, Vicenta Ybardaloza, Leonor Rivera, Consuelo Ortiga, Nelly Boustead, Suzanne Jacoby, Usui Seiko, Gertrude Beckett, and Josephine Bracken). Help Usc. Truly, these were just serial relationships which mean most of them were not serious. Only Josephine Bracken was the only one he lived within. Antonio de Morga , British Empire , Filipino people 1498 Words | 5 Pages. Rizal Submitted by: Jose Marcko Durano Submitted to: Sir Parawan Rizal , American sponsored Hero . Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. | Rizal was an American-sponsored hero | Rector’s Bill |Claro M. Recto Foundation | Why is Rizal the National hero? |Jose Rizal | Discovery in Binyan Jose Rizal |Jose Rizal . Andres Bonifacio , Honore de Balzac , Jose Rizal 413 Words | 5 Pages.

quibuyen's rizal ; by: joyce anne tuliao A Nation Aborted By Floro Quibuyen What was Rizal’s vision? Rizal’s vision was of the nation as . an ethical community, a vision of an Good writing website, inclusive nation without borders, and not of a sovereign nation demarcated by a territory and protected by the armature of the state. He was convinced that the road to national liberation, to freedom and justice, was not via the violent seizure of state power—wherein today’s slaves become tomorrow’s tyrants. The Historians… . Andres Bonifacio , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 894 Words | 3 Pages. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (June 19, 1861 – December 30, 1896) is the most venerated and Clairefontaine paper, acclaimed patriot in the . Philippines recognized for his unselfish and non-violent contributions to the historical and social transformations in the country. He is one of the national heroes of the Literary essay Philippines regarded by Clairefontaine the National Heroes Committee, together with Andres Bonifacio. He was the most prominent advocate for reform in the Philippines during the meaning Spanish colonial era that led. Andres Bonifacio , Calamba City , Jose Rizal 780 Words | 3 Pages. CHAPTER 5 : Rizal in Paris and Germany * Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology, - a . branch of medical science dealing with the anatomy, functions and diseases. * Rizal was just only Clairefontaine paper 24 y/o when he went Paris to study ophthalmology.

STOPOVER AT BARCELONA * To visit his friend MAXIMO VIOLA, a medical student and a member of Literary runner a rich family in San Miguel, Bulacan. November 1885-February 1886 * Rizal worked as an assistant to paper, Dr. Louis de Weckert. Berlin , East Germany , Germany 741 Words | 3 Pages. Works and How to argumentative, Writings 1. Brief . 3. Rizal Life Works Writings Summary 1 - Scribd . Rizal -Life-Works-Writings-Summary-1? * Oct 10, 2011 - Rizal Life Works Writings Summary 1 - Download as Text file (.txt), PDF File (.pdf), Word Doc (.doc) or read online. 4. Summary of Rizal's Life, Works and Writings * This course presents a historical-thematic account of the life of ivory paper Rizal , the society he lived and the works he. Andres Bonifacio , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 543 Words | 3 Pages. Synopsis Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Philippines. While living in Europe, Rizal wrote about the . Homework. discrimination that accompanied Spain's colonial rule of his country. He returned to the Philippines in 1892, but was exiled due to his desire for reform.

Although he supported peaceful change, Rizal was convicted of sedition and Clairefontaine ivory paper, executed on December 30, 1896, at age 35. CONTENTS Synopsis Early Life Writing and School work, Reform Exile in the Philippines Execution and Clairefontaine, Legacy QUOTES . Andres Bonifacio , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 504 Words | 3 Pages. M. Cecilio B .Jose Rizal C. Silvestre Ubaldo D. Doctor Uliman 2. Who wrote the German poem that Rizal translate into . Tagalog? A. Work Help Usc. Fray Rodriguez B. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade C. Father Rector Gregorio Echavarria D. Von Wildenath 3. He is a liberal-minded Spaniard, who knows that Rizal life was in Jeopardy because the friars were powerful. A. Fr.

Francisco de Paula Sanchez B. Von Wildenath C. Governor General Terrero D. Lt. Jose Taviel De Andrade 4. Ivory. Rizal wrote down the uk library findings. Andrade , CALABARZON , Calamba City 803 Words | 3 Pages. RIZAL IN PARIS After completing his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Clairefontaine paper, Paris and Germany to specialize ophthalmology. He studied . this field to be able to cure his mother’s eye ailment. He served as an assistant to famous ophthalmologists in Europe. He also continued his travels and School work help usc, observations on European life and customs, government and laws in Paris and Germany. * In Gay Paris * 24 years old, already a physician * On his way to Paris, he stopped at Barcelona to meet his friend, Maximo.

Berlin , Calamba City , Germany 2149 Words | 7 Pages. CHAPTER 1 : ADVENT OF NATIONAL HERO JUNE 19, 1861 – the day when Jose Rizal was born JOSE RIZAL - The greatest hero of the . Philippines - “many – splendored genius” - dowered by God superb “intellectual”, - “moral” and “physical qualities” - a man of Clairefontaine paper many talents - a martyr and a patriot ? WORLD WHEN RIZAL WAS BORN 1861 PAX HISPANICA – reigned over the archipelago GOV. JOSE LEMERY – the governor general – a good militarist amp; established politico military over Dissertation meaning Visayas amp; Mindanao . Calamba City , Family , Grandparent 1120 Words | 5 Pages. know what happened to Leonor Rivera. His education, work and Clairefontaine ivory, writings of Rizal including his associations with professors, scholars and . scientist made him famous in Europe. He may wanted to see the effect of the ” Noli Me Tangere” in How to essay conclusion first hand to his people and the abusive Spanish authorities. He had a delightful trip from Europe to Manila. It was also a happy homecoming in Calamba, Laguna . However, the Clairefontaine paper family of School usc Rizal knew that they were plotting to be killed because of his writing in “Noli. Calamba City , Dominican Order , Filipino people 3334 Words | 7 Pages. Summary: The film started with a scene showing Jose Rizal writing while narrating about Spanish abuses during his time. The film shows how . the friars mistreat Filipino women, how they beat children and students when being disciplined and paper, how they drag Filipino workers when they are being punished.

In the film, he also narrated how he put himself as a character, Crisostomo Ibarra and Good writing answers, Elias, in his novels because like what Ibarra portrays in the novel, he also wants revolution. When his novel was. Andres Bonifacio , Complutense University of Madrid , Jose Rizal 2282 Words | 6 Pages. The film starts with Dr. Jose Rizal (Cesar Montano) in Clairefontaine paper Ghent, Belgium, supposedly writing his second novel, El Filibusterismo. As the narration . during the essay 250 words opening minutes continued, scenes that illustrate Rizal’s first novel, “Noli Me Tanger” was shown and Clairefontaine, Crisostomo Ibarra and his alter ego, Simoun, (Joel Torre) was introduced. This stood more as a second story of the movie as the said scenes progress throughout the movie as Rizal’s thoughts.

As the two novels spread throughout the writing Philippines. Andres Bonifacio , Cesar Montano , Jose Rizal 1048 Words | 3 Pages. ophthalmologist in Hong Kong Rizal gained many clients •December 1, 1891 -He wrote to Clairefontaine ivory paper, his parents asking there permission to college essay, return to the . Philippines - on the same date he receive news from ivory paper his brother-in-law That Don Francisco, neneng, sisa, and Paciano and other calambeno were rusticated. Christmas 1891 -He was visited by his family in Hong Kong but he was saddened because of his mothers situation. •His family saw the difference in the life of Rizal when he was in help the Philippines. Calamba City , Filipino people , Hong Kong 409 Words | 3 Pages. ------------------------------------------------- Rizal sa Dapitan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article does . not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Clairefontaine. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. School Work. (March 2011) | Rizal sa Dapitan (lit. Rizal in Dapitan), is Clairefontaine paper, a 1997 film adaptation of life of the Filipino national hero Dr.

Jose Rizal , starring Albert Martinez as Jose Rizal and Amanda Page as Josephine Bracken, the screenplay. Creative Commons , Jimmy Wales , Jose Rizal 477 Words | 3 Pages. ? Archaeologist Rizal studied monuments and antique currency everywhere he went. Literary Essay Kite. He drew most of the monuments he saw. An archaeologist is Clairefontaine, . one who investigates the relics of Ancient Peoples and essay writing website, Civilizations, such as old jars, tools, weapons, jewelries, and ruins of buried cities and temples. Rizal acquired his knowledge of archeology from Clairefontaine ivory paper his reading books on history and How to write, archaeology. Clairefontaine. During his exile in essay runner Dapitan, Rizal explored the caves, inlets, and mountains near the town. He made his greatest. Andres Bonifacio , Archaeology , Jose Rizal 853 Words | 5 Pages. in Binan, Laguna, a year before the nation celebrates the ivory 150th birth anniversary of the national hero, Jose Rizal . At the center of the Homework . brewing controversy is an ancient bahay na bato (Spanish colonial stone house) known as the Clairefontaine paper Alberto House. Dissertation Writing Meaning. Obscured by the controversy over the house's sale and ivory, heritage value is the family relationship between Rizal and the Albertos of Binan.

All Rizal biographers agree that there is a blood relationship but disagree on the exact nature of the Good website relationship. Jose. Ambeth Ocampo , Calamba City , Consanguinity 965 Words | 2 Pages. Reform movement did not cause the Revolution DICHOTOMY: REFORM REVOLUTION Renato Constantino Echoed Agoncillo Accepts: Essentialist characterization of . Agoncillo DICHOTOMY RIZAL BONIFACIO 3. NOT based on historical FACTS FACTS: (REFORMIST) Province of Spain NOT for INDEPENDENCE Anti-Friar NOT anti-SPANIARD Not for Armed Revolution RIZAL : El Fili and ivory, Manifesto to the Filipino People Denounced the kite runner Revolution Antonio Luna: x Katipunan 4. Ivory. MIDDLE CLASS Illustrados Economic interest Cautious and conservative. Andres Bonifacio , El filibusterismo , Filipino people 1083 Words | 3 Pages. 1. What do you think is the contribution of Best admission Rizal’s parents’ qualities of the shaping of his personality that made him later hero? When Jose . Rizal is still a child his mother taught him to read a book even if he is only 3 years old of age at ivory that time. His father is called to be “haciendero”, “mercado” and capitanes of the Good essay writing town which they were born. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper. Rizal described his father as “a model of fathers” because his father Don Francisco gave all their needs just to have a good life even if building.

Filipino people , Jose Rizal , Manila 1395 Words | 4 Pages. Town): * A poem wrote by Rizal when he was 15 years old and was a student of Ateneo De Manila. * B. Earliest Childhood Memories . * At the age of three, Rizal was a frail, sickly and work, undersized, so he was given the Clairefontaine tenderest care by his parents. School Work Usc. During childhood memory, he was know how to pray the angelus. The imaginary tales by aya (nurse maid) makes Rizal enduring interest in legends and folklore. Clairefontaine Paper. * C. Hero’s First Sorrow * The first sorrow of Rizal was brought by the death of. Angelus , CALABARZON , Jose Rizal 1116 Words | 4 Pages. ”The leading authority among the oculist of France” It was from him that Rizal learned various types of surgery, including the cataract-surgery . technique he used to treat his mother. How To Write A Good Conclusion Composition. * Dr.

Otto Becker (1828–1890) was a pioneer in ophthalmic pathology who wrote numerous works about the Clairefontaine ivory paper eye. Write A Good. He wrote a text on the anatomy of the normal and diseased lens and ivory paper, collected more than 1,800 pathologic specimens. From him Rizal learned the help basics of ophthalmological examination and Clairefontaine ivory paper, diagnosis. . El filibusterismo , Filipino language , Jose Rizal 581 Words | 3 Pages. social unrest among the natives. Jose Rizal , at age 35 was the greatest political enemy of Spain in the Philippines with his . exceptional linguistics ability and interest in Best college essay the science and arts Rizal was most effective in Clairefontaine paper his campaign for freedom as a writer. His novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were scratching indictments of essay kite Spanish Tyranny and church which came to acquire immense political power.

In Ghent, Belgium 1891 as Rizal narrates while he is writing the Clairefontaine chapter. Andres Bonifacio , Emilio Aguinaldo , Jose Rizal 1368 Words | 5 Pages. Paris to Berlin (1885-87) * Rizal went to Paris and Homework uk library, Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology. * To cure his mother’s illness. . * Barcelona - stopped in Barcelona to visit, Maximo Viola - Befriended Eusebio Corominas – editor of La publicidad. Don Miguel Morayta (owner) - Article on the “Caroline’s Question” * In Gay Paris November 1885 (four months) - Worked as an Clairefontaine, assistant to Dr. How To A Good. Louis de Weckert , leading French Opthalmologist - Visited his friends: Tavera’s. Anthropology , Berlin , Germany 766 Words | 4 Pages. would also be a blessing/ to the future generations.// We remember today/ the legacy of the writer,/ the linguist,/ the Clairefontaine ivory anthropologist,/ the journalist,/ . the biologist,/ the artist,/ the Literary kite son,/ the Filipino icon,/ our national hero,/ Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda.// He was a fighter.// He fought /and died for a nation.// But when he died,/ he left his heart/ and gave his spirit back/ for ivory the people he loved so dearly.// He is our liberator.// Intelligent that he was,/ at Best admission 250 words a young. Filipino people , Jose Rizal , Luzon 1027 Words | 3 Pages.

When Rizal Left New York for London From May 13-16, 1888, Dr. Jose P. Rizal stayed at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. It was one of . the best hotels in New York City at the time and the building is now the location of the International Pencil Factory located at the Madison Park (incidentally where the Filipino Independence Day festival is held every year.) On May 16th, Jose Rizal gathered enough funds for a trip to London onboard the luxurious liner CITY OF ROME. The Statue of ivory paper Liberty was only 2 years. Jose Rizal , Manila , Philippines 894 Words | 3 Pages. A three-hour epic on the life and struggles of poet and argumentative conclusion, patriot Jose Rizal , the national hero and martyr of the Philippines, this film was . commissioned to mark the 1998 centennial of the country's independence from Spanish colonial rule. Rizal was a remarkably educated man; not only was he a writer, but he was also a painter, sculptor, doctor and surgeon, teacher, natural scientist, economist, engineer and theologian. Paper. He was an excellent fencer and Literary, marksman; he studied at colleges in Europe, America.

Cesar Montano , El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal 687 Words | 3 Pages. Tangere is Latin for Touch me not. According to Clairefontaine, Jose Rizal , the Dissertation meaning prevailing culture of injustice and oppression during that time was a . 'cancer' that was killing the Philippine society and culture. As we know, cancer growths should not be touched lest they metastasize to fatal (end-stage) proportions. Jose Rizal was a medical doctor after all. Noli Me Tangere laid the ground work for the two novels. There was actually a third one in the works but Rizal died before finishing it.

In Noli, he gave the reader. El filibusterismo , Harriet Beecher Stowe , Jose Rizal 1956 Words | 4 Pages. frame that says “National Hero – Jose Rizal ” (Figure 1). Clairefontaine Paper. The narrator introduces two main characters – a director and a screenwriter – . brainstorming on Best a Rizal film project. It becomes clear that this is ivory, a meta-film, a film within a film. The two filmmakers embark on an investigative research to explore the cinematic potential of writing Rizal’s biography.

We see a series of eclectic flash-cuts as the ivory paper filmmakers review the “omnipresence” of help uk library Rizal in Philippine culture. Rizal had been canonized as a saint by. Cannes Film Festival , Edgardo M. Reyes , Film crew 2001 Words | 6 Pages. stint as a town doctor in Calamba, Jose Rizal made changes in the plot and edited some chapters of the novel. * Gregorio Zaide noted that . Rizal finished the Clairefontaine original manuscript of El Fili in Biarritz. Ambeth Ocampo, on writing the other hand, wrote that Rizal completed the Clairefontaine manuscript in School work help usc Brussels, Belgium. * It took three years for Clairefontaine Dr. Jose Rizal to How to write argumentative composition, finish El Fili. PUBLICATION OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO * Two Views * Gregorio Zaide * It was Jose Rizal who canvassed printing shops to print.

El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal , Laguna 1163 Words | 4 Pages. Written Report Mariella Mae Corral Vergara II-BEED Rizal in London (1888-1889) Lived in Clairefontaine ivory London May 1888 to Mar. 1889 3 reasons why he . stayed there: 1)To improve the his knowledge of theEnglish Language 2)To study and annotate Morga’s Sucesosde Las Islas Filipinas 3)London was a safe place for him to carryon his fight against work help usc, Spanish Tyranny Filipiniana studies, completing annotating Morga’s books, wrote many articles in ivory paper La Solidaridad Penned Young Women of Malolos Life in London . Calamba City , Emilio Aguinaldo , Filipino language 592 Words | 3 Pages. RIZAL’S ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF THE INDOLENCE OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE Rizal pointed out that long before the coming of the Spaniards, the . Filipinos were industrious and hardworking. It is the Spanish reign that brought about a decline in economic activities because of certain causes. First, the establishment of the Galleon Trade cut off all previous associations of the Philippines with other countries in Asia and the Middle East. How To Argumentative Conclusion Composition. As a result, business was only conducted with.

Emilio Aguinaldo , Faith , Filipino people 1715 Words | 5 Pages. ?Biarrritz Vacation and Romance with Nelly Boustead (1891) (CHAPTER 18) To seek solace for his disappointments in Madrid, Rizal took a . vacation in theresort city of Biarritz on the fabulous French Riviera. He was a guest of the ivory paper richBoustead family at its winter residence- Villa Eliada. He had befriended Mr.Boustead and his wife and help uk library, the two charming daughters Adelina and Nellie. Hewas used to fence with the Boustead sisters at paper the studio of Juan Luna. Homework Help. It was inBiarritz where he had a serious romance. El filibusterismo , Jose Rizal , Philippine Revolution 1998 Words | 6 Pages. First Homecoming From 1882 to Clairefontaine ivory, 1887, Rizal was in help Europe studying.

There he was allured, fascinated and ivory, have all the beautiful memories . throughout his sojourn. Write A Good Argumentative Essay Composition. But this will not make Rizal forget his fatherland and his nationality. After 5 years of memorable adventure in Europe, he returned to the Philippines in August 1887 and practiced medicine in Calamba. Although his life is threatened because his Noli Me Tangere caused uproar especially among the friars, he insists on returning home. He has.

Calamba City , Jose Rizal , Katipunan 1918 Words | 6 Pages. what evil things they’re making out. Unite as one and light up the fire in our mind and paper, soul. How To Write A Good Argumentative Essay Conclusion. Through the elements of the strong, powerful, and very . influential books of ivory Dr. Jose Rizal , we Filipinos, are able to School work, wake up in our long time of sleeping. It is true that pen is paper, sharper than a sword.

It’s been 150 years when Rizal gave his life to our country for us to be awaken in the abuses, wrong doings, and treats of Spaniards to the Filipinos. Dissertation Writing Meaning. It’s been a very long time but his advocacy of opening the. Jose Rizal , Manila , Paciano Rizal 1268 Words | 3 Pages. press Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft F. MEYER- VAN LOO PRESS 11. Token for the financer Galley proofs of the Noli carefully rolled around the ivory . Help. pen that Rizal used in writing it and a complimentary copy. Original Manuscript and an autographed printed copy. Ivory. 12. Critics of the novel ? In citing the Biblical source, Rizal made a mistake. It should be the Gospel of Good writing website answers St. John not St.

Luke. ? Unlike many works of fictional literature, Noli Me Tangere was a true story of Philippine conditions. El filibusterismo , Harriet Beecher Stowe , Jose Rizal 486 Words | 3 Pages. it will be from the hands of the oppressed But, are these people ready for a change like his? Are they free? Or even independent . individuals?

Can they handle a very huge responsibility of taking care of a country. Rizal saw the condition of the world… ***Other countries (super powers) might colonize us … England – in ivory India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai Germany- doesn’t want any conflict with other Super Powers France- in Vietnam . Colonialism , Future , Manila 431 Words | 3 Pages. Reaction About Rizal the Movie - Essay. Reaction about Rizal the movie: First of all, I want to Literary, criticize the whole movie first, the Clairefontaine ivory movie was great so is the stars who acted upon . the essay characters who was born on Clairefontaine paper late 1800’s when Dr. Jose Rizal lived as a hero, a champion to all Filipino from the Spanish tyranny. This movie really portrays the write a good conclusion all the different kinds of emotion exerted by all filipinoes in Clairefontaine ivory paper the hands of the Spanish government. In terms of Rizal’s life, although they didn’t exactly tell all of Literary essay kite his exploits, we can see through. Cesar Montano , Filipino people , Filipinos of Spanish descent 963 Words | 3 Pages. allowed to hold parishes.

June 1872 The hero’s mother was accused and Clairefontaine ivory paper, arrested on malicious charge that she aided her brother, Jose Alberto, in trying to Literary essay kite, . poison Alberto’s wife. She was forced to walk on foot from Clairefontaine Calamba to Santa Cruz. Jose Rizal experienced the injustice of the Spanish authorities. This event in his life was inculcated in his mind and essay, opened his eyes to reality and dreamed to have equality between Filipinos and Spaniards before the paper law. This event shows how Spaniards manipulate. Ateneo de Manila University , Calamba City , Education in Scotland 725 Words | 3 Pages. Philippine Revolution and meaning, Premium Rizal. An Essay On Rizal's Juventud flying. Clairefontaine Paper. The writer exhorts the reader to essay, smash these chains and see the light.

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?JOSE RIZAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS SUBJECT (3 units): History 23 COURSE TITLE: Life and Good writing, Works of Rizal I. . Course Description Objectives A study of the life of Clairefontaine paper Dr. Jose Rizal , national hero and martyr, and write a good composition, of his important works, particularly the Noli Me Tangere and ivory, the El Filibusterismo in their unexpurgated editions. At the end of the course, the student is expected to: 1. Good Writing Answers. Understand the life, works and writings of Rizal particularly his moral and intellectual legacies. Andres Bonifacio , El filibusterismo , Filipino people 504 Words | 2 Pages.

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country essay Where is the most ideal living? if you have two choices: living in city or in country, which one will you choose? I think the most important decision to a happy life is where you choose to spend the rest of Clairefontaine, your life and how you want to live. In the country, you can have as many pets as you want, and you can play your music as loud as you want without the neighbors complaining. The country life is quiet and peace, country living look like a nice dream: hearing natural music, seeing sights, and planting trees.. However, big city life is more appealing for the younger generation. Many young people would be bored to tears if they had to live in a country setting.

The big city is full of Literary essay kite runner, exciting activities for the younger crowd, such as a variety of clubs, pubs, concerts, football games, and Clairefontaine paper, hanging out with their friends at the local mall. A big city exudes more energy, sparkle and glamour for those who seek living in metropolis surroundings. I also think country life is more healthy. There are less pollution, fewer factories and less noise in the country. Trees are more abundant in the country, which means cleaner air to breathe. You can sleep better at night without all the noises of the city.

There is Dissertation writing, far less crime in the country, making it a safer place to live. country people look younger than their ages and longer life because they enjoy relax living, fresh food and fresh air, In contrast, people in Clairefontaine ivory paper, city are able to look like young by doctors, and have longer from taking care healthy systems and hospitals, Hospitals in the big cities are abreast of the times, have more new technologies and innovations, and just at five minutes from your house. in addition, some people think that city life has more benefits than country's. Writing Answers? City life is bustling with people, traffic, noise and pollution. Paper? Yet more people prefer to live in the city. They prefer to live near the malls, coffee shops, cafes, universities, bookstores, public transportation, and many food stores, movie theatres, doctor’s offices, and post offices are more accessible. Your neighborhood grocer is right down the street, and so is your dry cleaners, your favorite fast food place, and most of all, you have a department store, for instance your neighborhood Wal-Mart is Homework help, always nearby.

Talk about work may be more difficult if you live in the country. The job market in the country is smaller than the ivory paper, job markets that could be found in the cities. In the country people have their farm and even their own stores but in the cities people are mostly working for companies operated or even owned by a bigger company. In the kite, city people believe that they have high education schools, hunting jobs, good opportunities than country people. In summary, there are many different reasons to choose a living place. Some people like fresh air, less pollution, natural and peaceful places, while others want a convenient life. in my mind, I always think that it is the city rather than the country. If you have two choices: living in city or in country , which one will you choose?

Some people think that city living has more benefits than country's. However, some people agree that country living is a real life like a nice dream: hearing natural music, seeing sights,and planting trees. Clairefontaine Ivory Paper? Today I will tell you what similarities and differences between city and country living , so we can get more widen views. First similarity is convince. What is convince to you ? some ones say immediately this is only in city living. School Help Usc? Nonetheless,it is not always true. Convince between city life and ivory, country life are showed very different. For example, in city, most all people like to buy serviced food and it is Dissertation writing, easy to Clairefontaine, have a meal in few minutes, but they rarely can cook them well. Whereas, in country, people gradually cook many kinds of food at home , so they can cook better than city people, save a lot of help uk library, money and enjoy their own meals.

Getting cooking experiences and improving cooking are able to do in country living. Clairefontaine Ivory? Some city people believe that they have high education schools, hunting jobs, good opportunities than country people. These are not wrong . In contrast, how can they have good services? almost all these are not free, they need paying many bills. Writing Meaning? That is why they have to have not only paper, one job but also more two ones. They work hard and it is often more pressure than country people although they can have more advantages. Money not only Homework help uk library, brings people in city many convince but only takes away time and physical labor. Country living is cheaper than city life,however, services are not enough like city living. Ivory? Besides, you don't have to be worry too much about paying bills because you don't many services.

Without too much headache about money is convince of country people. More relaxing and enjoying with less advantages are in country different from more stressed and competitive with many advantages. Both city living and country living have convinces, but these are reflect differently. Second similarity is life conditions. Some old people design that life in country is magic like poems: seeing alive animals around you, sleeping on admission essay grass and enjoying light winds.The sound is alike interesting, romantic,and attracting. On the other hand, some young people oppose that nothing can do in country where is boring and Clairefontaine, sad. Help Uk Library? In addition, people in country breath fresher air and have quieter than people in city with pollution from crowded traffic, factories,and population.

Both people in city and Clairefontaine, country can get long life and young appearance . Because country people enjoy relax living, fresh food and fresh air , they look younger than their ages and work usc, longer life. In contrast, people in city are able to look like young by doctors, and have longer from taking care healthy systems and hospitals. Clairefontaine Paper? Although doing different ways, not only city people but also country people can good life conditions. Third similarity is people's characteristics. Almost all people say that people in Good essay, country are more friendly than people in city. Talking to neighbors, making good friends and Clairefontaine ivory paper, sharing experiences are usual in essay kite, country living.

While city people who are also friendly , they say hello or how are you? to neighbors because most of Clairefontaine ivory, people don't have much time, and time is money for them. College? These are two different lifestyle between country and city living. In conclusion, neither city living nor country living is the best. Both of these are similar good about paper, convinces, conditions, and people's characteristics though there have many ways to show these good similarities.Whatever they bring benefits people's lives. In my view, I think that every things in life always exist two sides:a good side,and another bad side. Nothing is writing, perfect even people; depending on your thoughts and Clairefontaine, hobbies. Meaning? you can choose where you love and can adapt easily is the best choice to you. The country lifestyle is much better and Clairefontaine, relaxed than city lifestyle.

These two different types of livings have a lot in differences; the job market, the Best admission essay, environment and even the people are where most of these differences could be found. The job market in ivory paper, the country is smaller than the kite runner, job markets that could be found in Clairefontaine, the cities. In the country people have their farm and even their own stores but in Homework uk library, the cities people are mostly working for Clairefontaine, companies operated or even owned by a bigger company. Also in the country people are more open in exchanging goods and services in return for such and in the cities it is only the money that makes everything possible. Peace of mind also comes free in the country simply because there is less to worry and stress about. The environment in the country is by Good writing answers far beyond comparison with the cities, there are less pollution, fewer factories and less noise in the country; where as the cities are filled with cars and factories which are the essential reasons to noise and pollution. At last but not least the people living the different lifestyles in both cities and the country have a huge difference. The people n the country are less stressed and ivory, more happy simply because there is School work, less items in their mind and life to deal with and they also tend to Clairefontaine paper, be more friendly towards others, but the people in the city have a lots to deal with and it sometimes gets over their shoulders and a good composition, this causes them to be more on their guard and sometimes hurt others. It is ivory, with proving of the reasons above shown very clearly that the country lifestyle is much better than the city lifestyle. How To Write A Good Argumentative Essay? But than again it is a choice made by people based on their personality and their way of ivory paper, life where they would like to settle and work usc, live.

City living has it’s advantages. There are a variety of people who prefer to live in the country compared to city living. City life is bustling with people, traffic, noise and pollution. Yet more people prefer to live in the city. They prefer to live near the Clairefontaine paper, malls, coffee shops, cafes, universities, bookstores, public transportation, and Dissertation meaning, many food stores. Movie theatres, doctor’s offices, and post offices are more accessible. Your neighborhood grocer is right down the street, and so is Clairefontaine, your dry cleaners, your favorite fast food place, and most of essay writing website answers, all, you have a department store, for instance your neighborhood Wal-Mart is always nearby.

Big City life is Clairefontaine ivory, more appealing for the younger generation. Many young people would be bored to tears if they had to live in writing meaning, a country setting. The big city is full of exciting activities for the younger crowd, such as a variety of clubs, pubs, concerts, football games, and hanging out with their friends at the local mall. A big city exudes more energy, sparkle and glamour for those who seek living in Clairefontaine, metropolis surroundings. There are known disadvantages to living in Good website, a metropolitan city. Driving in big city traffic can be a nuisance if you have to commute to ivory paper, work when there is a risk of being stuck in traffic on your way to work, or if you’re trying to get somewhere on time. Crime is always higher in a big city than in small country towns, and is another known disadvantage. Some poeple may say that city living is better than living in the country, or vice versa. I believe it depends on the person, and School help, their preference of how they want to live. In the country, you can have as many pets as you want, and Clairefontaine ivory, you can play your music as loud as you want without the neighbors complaining. Work? The country life is quiet, and serene.

Peace is the subject of desire for those of us who want to live without the noise of the ivory paper, big city. I can picture myself in essay writing answers, the country sitting on Clairefontaine the front porch of my country cottage, overlooking a nice pond, on a sunny day with a glass of lemonade, or just sitting and listening to the chirping of crickets and other noises on a cool summer’s night. I can think of a number of activities and more positives of living in a country setting. There is essay, horseback riding, fishing, hayrides, and Clairefontaine ivory paper, rodeos. Most people with their own homesteads are beekeepers, breed livestock, vegetable growers, and have plenty of country pets. Country living is most definitely the healthier way of life in regards to cleaner air, growing and Good writing answers, eating your own food, especially if it’s grown organically.

Trees are more abundant in the country, which means cleaner air to breathe. You can sleep better at night without all the noises of the city. There is far less crime in the country, making it a safer place to live. There are numerous hobbies for a country dweller. Most country ladies enjoy quilting bees, craft fairs, bake sales, country fairs, bazaars, while the men are out tending to paper, the livestock, or hunting or fishing.

After all the consideration of city living in comparison to country life, I can say that city life is Good, more upbeat with people moving about at a faster pace, full of life and Clairefontaine, vigor, whereas country life is more peaceful but allows for Good essay writing website, plenty of activities, although in the form of a more laid back style of living. Clairefontaine Paper? The two have their own advantages. I was just thinking the other day: Everyone I know in the country is weird. At least for my town, which has no stoplights and one main intersection, we are a little strange, I think. We don't get out much. We think running across the freeway is a thrill. I grew up playing in Literary runner, mud with frogs and snakes.

Is that weird? I feel like my friends and I have had a somewhat difficult time in Clairefontaine paper, mixing with others. Writing Meaning? I almost feel like if I had lived in the city, I might understand more about other types of Clairefontaine ivory, people (as I've said before, I am the only Asian in my town, along with my brother) and how they think and interact. I feel at Best college admission essay, times that I am behind on a lot of Clairefontaine ivory paper, things, including how to Literary essay runner, be cool. *buckteeth* I feel fortunate at the same time that I have grown up in a rural area. Paper? I would never trade in my memories of playing in a stream, climbing trees galore, swimming in the river, and hiking up hills for a breathtaking view. all within a half mile from my house. I sometimes feel sorry for my friends who were surrounded by asphalt, concrete, and power lines. I also think city life is much less healthy, what with all the Best college admission, waves radiating from wireless items like cell phones and Bluetooth, smog, gross water (tap water in the country is so much better than city tap, I can't even explain the difference), garbage. the Clairefontaine paper, country is so CLEAN. The sky is so expansive and the hills so extensive that I couldn't imagine such a thing as disease. The only people I know in my hometown with sicknesses smoke, color their hair, and eat too much aspartame. The people who grow their own vegetables and sit outside during the evenings are pretty healthy, as far as I can see.

Work may be more difficult if you live in the country - things get pretty dirty, and there's probably more yardwork (we have a big yard with bushes and help uk library, trees and Clairefontaine ivory, roses and more). You also have to uk library, look out for mountain lions and coyotes where I live. though I guess you have to battle traffic and other such things in the city. It can be hard to bond with people in the country due to the physical differences between homes, but at Clairefontaine, the same time, there are so few people, you can't help but get together sometimes, and we are so close to our neighbors - even our city neighbors with weekend homes - that it's hard to believe. There are some fascinating structures in writing, Urbania - beautiful buildings, great shows and parades, and breathtaking lights and signs. Clairefontaine? I envy the diversity as well, in every aspect from essay, ethnicity and culture, sexual orientation (anyone homosexual where I live are considered. different), political views, and Clairefontaine ivory, more. It's also nice how much people have in common where I live, though. I do like that I can set my own pace while living in the country. In the city, it seems like you're on a zillion schedules, and you have to depend on essay runner traffic, coworkers, prices. city life is too fast sometimes, but that can be exciting in a good way, too. There are pros and cons of city and country life. Please tell me some of your own benefits and/or disadvantages you may know of!

Some people say that living in the countryside is the best choice, because it is better for our heath. From my point of Clairefontaine paper, view, I agree with this statement, because living in the big city is more advantageous than living in the countryside. I will show you the reasons why living in the big citi is Best essay 250 words, better in the following. The fact that the countryside has fewer shops and Clairefontaine ivory, services means that the How to write argumentative conclusion, people have fewer employment opportunities, and Clairefontaine ivory, now with the crisis this is very important unless, you are a millionaire. Essay Kite Runner? Living in big cities is easily to connect the several services such as the hospitals, the filling stations, the cinemas, the restaurants and the department stores because of the better communication and transport system.

If the people in countryside want to connect these services, they have to take a long distance probably the Clairefontaine, nearest hospital is at least at 30Km, and if you have an writing, emergency, this is ivory, a lot of time. Hospitals in the big cities are abreast of the times, have more new technologies and innovations, and just at five minutes from your house. In addition, living in the big city offers you a variety of things to do in Good website answers, comparison to country living like shopping centers (where you can go when it is Clairefontaine ivory, a cold day and you want to go for a walk with your girlfriend). In the countryside during the day you can walk, run or go with your bike. Essay Runner? But when it gets dark you have to stay at home. However, people have different reasons for choose their place for living. Some like the peaceful places, fresh air, less pollutions and natural while others like the convenient life. Choose the appropriate place for you and your family life styles. Where do you imagine the most ideal living; in Clairefontaine paper, the country or the city? The most important decision to a happy life is where you choose to spend the rest of your life. So where is the Good essay website, most exemplary place to live?

I believe it is the Clairefontaine, country rather than the city for numerous reasons. The country has so many advantages including recreational activities, environmental factors, and the small peaceful communities.

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