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learning to Write, write Get via App Store Read this post in English our app! Learning to write a compiler [closed] Preferred languages : C/C++, Java, and Ruby. I am looking for some helpful books/tutorials on how to write your own compiler simply for Write educational purposes. I am most familiar with C/C++, Java, and Ruby, so I prefer resources that involve one of those three, but any good resource is acceptable. closed as off-topic by John Saunders, Ganesh Sittampalam, Bill the Lizard Jun 26 '14 at 12:41. This question appears to English, be off-topic.

The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and Write paper, spam. Instead, describe the business, problem and what has been done so far to solve it. John Saunders, Ganesh Sittampalam, Bill the Lizard If this question can be reworded to Write conclusion, fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question. locked by animuson ¦ Jul 3 '14 at 15:54. This question's answers are a collaborative effort: if you see something that can be improved, just edit the Make assignment marketing, answer to Write term paper conclusion, improve it! No additional answers can be added here.

A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education ¶ Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation $ An Incremental Approach to Answers to geography, Compiler Construction ¶ ANTLR 3.x Video Tutorial Basics of Compiler Design Building a Parrot Compiler Compiler Basics Compiler Construction $ Compiler Design and Construction $ Crafting a Compiler with C $ Compiler Design in C ¶ Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools $ — aka The Dragon Book; widely considered the book for compiler writing. Term Paper. Engineering a Compiler $ Essentials of Programming Languages Flipcode Article Archive (look for Implementing A Scripting Engine by Jan Niestadt) Game Scripting Mastery $ How to build a virtual machine from scratch in C# ¶ Implementing Functional Languages Implementing Programming Languages (with BNFC) Implementing Programming Languages using C# 4.0 Interpreter pattern (described in English for sale Design Patterns $) specifies a way to evaluate sentences in paper conclusion introduction a language Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages Let's Build a Compiler by Jack Crenshaw — The PDF ¶ version (examples are in Pascal, but the business ethics, information is generally applicable) Linkers and Loaders $ (Google Books) Lisp in Write term conclusion Small Pieces (LiSP) $ LLVM Tutorial Modern Compiler Implementation in ML $ — There is a Java $ and C $ version as well - widely considered a very good book Object-Oriented Compiler Construction $ Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide Project Oberon ¶ - Look at chapter 13 Programming a Personal Computer $ Programing Languages: Application and Interpretation Rabbit: A Compiler for Scheme¶ Reflections on Trusting Trust — A quick guide Roll Your Own Compiler for the .NET framework — A quick tutorial from help scholarship, MSDN Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Types and Programming Languages Want to Write a Compiler? - a quick guide Writing a Compiler in Ruby Bottom Up. This is a pretty vague question, I think; just because of the depth of the topic involved. Write Paper Introduction. A compiler can be decomposed into College english help scholarship, two separate parts, however; a top-half and a bottom-one. The top-half generally takes the source language and Write term introduction, converts it into an intermediate representation, and the bottom half takes care of the Assignment, platform specific code generation. Nonetheless, one idea for an easy way to approach this topic (the one we used in paper introduction my compilers class, at least) is to build the compiler in the two pieces described above. Specifically, you'll get a good idea of the entire process by just building the top-half. Just doing the top half lets you get the experience of writing the lexical analyzer and the parser and go to generating some code (that intermediate representation I mentioned). So it will take your source program and convert it to another representation and do some optimization (if you want), which is the heart of a compiler.

The bottom half will then take that intermediate representation and generate the me write, bytes needed to Write conclusion introduction, run the program on a specific architecture. For example, the the bottom half will take your intermediate representation and generate a PE executable. Some books on me write kim kastens this topic that I found particularly helpful was Compilers Principles and Techniques (or the Dragon Book, due to the cute dragon on the cover). It's got some great theory and definitely covers Context-Free Grammars in Write conclusion a really accessible manner. Also, for Answers homework building the lexical analyzer and parser, you'll probably use the *nix tools lex and yacc.

And uninterestingly enough, the book called lex and yacc picked up where the Dragon Book left off for this part. I think Modern Compiler Implementation in ML is the paper conclusion introduction, best introductory compiler writing text. There's a Java version and a C version too, either of which might be more accessible given your languages background. The book packs a lot of useful basic material (scanning and English paper for sale, parsing, semantic analysis, activation records, instruction selection, RISC and x86 native code generation) and various advanced topics (compiling OO and functional languages, polymorphism, garbage collection, optimization and single static assignment form) into relatively little space ( I prefer Modern Compiler Implementation to the Dragon book because Modern Compiler implementation surveys less of the field--instead it has really solid coverage of Write term paper all the topics you would need to write a serious, decent compiler. After you work through this book you'll be ready to tackle research papers directly for more depth if you need it. I must confess I have a serious soft spot for assignment marketing mix Niklaus Wirth's Compiler Construction. Write Term Introduction. It is available online as a PDF. Paper Straws. I find Wirth's programming aesthetic simply beautiful, however some people find his style too minimal (for example Wirth favors recursive descent parsers, but most CS courses focus on parser generator tools; Wirth's language designs are fairly conservative.) Compiler Construction is Write conclusion a very succinct distillation of Make mix Wirth's basic ideas, so whether you like his style or not or not, I highly recommend reading this book.

I concur with the Dragon Book reference; IMO, it is the definitive guide to compiler construction. Get ready for Write term paper introduction some hardcore theory, though. If you want a book that is lighter on theory, Game Scripting Mastery might be a better book for you. If you are a total newbie at compiler theory, it provides a gentler introduction. It doesn't cover more practical parsing methods (opting for non-predictive recursive descent without discussing LL or LR parsing), and as I recall, it doesn't even discuss any sort of Make mix optimization theory. Plus, instead of Write term paper introduction compiling to machine code, it compiles to a bytecode that is assignment mix supposed to run on a VM that you also write.

It's still a decent read, particularly if you can pick it up for cheap on Amazon. If you only want an Write conclusion easy introduction into Help me write my thesis, compilers, Game Scripting Mastery is not a bad way to paper conclusion introduction, go. If you want to go hardcore up front, then you should settle for paper nothing less than the Dragon Book. Let's Build a Compiler is awesome, but it's a bit outdated. (I'm not saying it makes it even a little bit less valid.) Or check out conclusion introduction, SLANG. This is Assignment business similar to Let's Build a Compiler but is term paper conclusion introduction a much better resource especially for beginners. This comes with a pdf tutorial which takes a 7 step approach at Make marketing mix teaching you a compiler.

Adding the quora link as it have the links to all the term paper conclusion, various ports of SLANG, in C++, Java and JS, also interpreters in python and java, originally written using C# and the .NET platform. If you're looking to use powerful, higher level tools rather than building everything yourself, going through the projects and readings for this course is a pretty good option. It's a languages course by the author of the Java parser engine ANTLR. You can get the book for for sale the course as a PDF from the Pragmatic Programmers. The course goes over the standard compiler compiler stuff that you'd see elsewhere: parsing, types and type checking, polymorphism, symbol tables, and code generation. Pretty much the paper conclusion introduction, only thing that isn't covered is to geography optimizations.

The final project is a program that compiles a subset of C. Because you use tools like ANTLR and conclusion, LLVM, it's feasible to write the entire compiler in a single day (I have an existence proof of this, though I do mean. 24 hours). It's heavy on scholarship practical engineering using modern tools, a bit lighter on term conclusion introduction theory. LLVM, by me write my thesis kim kastens, the way, is term paper introduction simply fantastic. Many situations where you might normally compile down to assembly, you'd be much better off compiling to LLVM's Intermediate Representation instead. It's higher level, cross platform, and LLVM is quite good at generating optimized assembly from it.

If you have little time, I recommend Niklaus Wirth's Compiler Construction (Addison-Wesley. 1996), a tiny little booklet that you can read in a day, but it explains the basics (including how to implement lexers, recursive descent parsers, and your own stack-based virtual machines). After that, if you want a deep dive, there's no way around the Dragon book as other commenters suggest. You might want to look into Lex/Yacc (or Flex/Bison, whatever you want to call them). Assignment Business. Flex is a lexical analyzer, which will parse and identify the semantic components (tokens) of your language, and Bison will be used to term, define what happens when each token is parsed. This could be, but is definitely not limited to, printing out C code, for marketing a compiler that would compile to C, or dynamically running the instructions. This FAQ should help you, and term introduction, this tutorial looks quite useful. Generally speaking, there's no five minutes tutorial for compilers, because it's a complicated topic and Buy written straws, writing a compiler can take months.

You will have to do your own search. Python and Ruby are usually interpreted. Perhaps you want to Write introduction, start with an interpreter as well. It's generally easier. The first step is to write a formal language description, the grammar of your programming language. Make Assignment Mix. Then you have to Write term paper introduction, transform the source code that you want to compile or interpret according to the grammar into Help my thesis kim kastens, an abstract syntax tree, an Write term introduction internal form of the Buy written, source code that the computer understands and term conclusion introduction, can operate on. This step is usually called parsing and the software that parses the Make, source code is called a parser. Often the parser is introduction generated by a parser generator which transform a formal grammar into source oder machine code. For a good, non-mathematical explanation of parsing I recommend Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide.

Wikipedia has a comparison of parser generators from which you can choose that one that is suitable for you. Depending on the parser generator you chose, you will find tutorials on me write my thesis kim kastens the Internet and for really popular parser generators (like GNU bison) there are also books. Writing a parser for your language can be really hard, but this depends on Write term paper conclusion your grammar. Kim Kastens. So I suggest to keep your grammar simple (unlike C++); a good example for this is LISP. In the second step the abstract syntax tree is transformed from a tree structure into a linear intermediate representation. As a good example for Write paper conclusion introduction this Lua's bytecode is often cited. Make Marketing Mix. But the intermediate representation really depends on your language. If you are building an interpreter, you will simply have to interpret the intermediate representation. You could also just-in-time-compile it.

I recommend LLVM and libjit for just-in-time-compilation. To make the language usable you will also have to Write term paper, include some input and output functions and Assignment business ethics, perhaps a small standard library. If you are going to compile the language, it will be more complicated. Write Term Introduction. You will have to write backends for different computer architectures and assignment mix, generate machine code from the intermediate representation in those backends. Write Conclusion. I recommend LLVM for this task. There are a few books on this topic, but I can recommend none of them for general use. Most of them are too academic or too practical. There's no Teach yourself compiler writing in paper for sale 21 days and thus, you will have to buy several books to Write paper, get a good understanding of this entire topic. If you search the College english essay help scholarship, Internet, you will come across some some online books and lecture notes. Maybe there's a university library nearby you where you can borrow books on compilers. I also recommend a good background knowledge in theoretical computer science and graph theory, if you are going to make your project serious.

A degree in term introduction computer science will also be helpful. Take a look at the book below. The author is the College scholarship, creator of ANTLR. One book not yet suggested but very important is Linkers and Loaders by Write paper conclusion introduction, John Levine. If you're not using an external assembler, you'll need a way to output a object file that can be linked into Make assignment marketing mix, your final program. Even if you're using an external assembler, you'll probably need to understand relocations and how the whole program loading process works to make a working tool. This book collects a lot of the random lore around this process for various systems, including Win32 and Linux. The Dragon Book is definitely the building compilers book, but if your language isn't quite as complicated as the Write term, current generation of languages, you may want to Help kim kastens, look at the Interpreter pattern from Design Patterns. The example in the book designs a regular expression-like language and is well thought through, but as they say in the book, it's good for thinking through the process but is term conclusion effective really only on small languages.

However, it is much faster to write an Assignment ethics Interpreter for a small language with this pattern than having to learn about all the different types of term conclusion parsers, yacc and paper straws, lex, et cetera. If you're willing to use LLVM, check this out: It teaches you how to write a compiler from scratch using LLVM's framework, and term conclusion introduction, doesn't assume you have any knowledge about the subject. The tutorial suggest you write your own parser and lexer etc, but I advise you to paper straws, look into bison and flex once you get the idea. They make life so much easier. I am looking into the same concept, and found this promising article by Write conclusion introduction, Joel Pobar, he discusses a high level concept of a compiler and proceeds to invent his own langauge for the .Net framework. Although its aimed at the .Net Framework, many of the concepts should be able to be reproduced.

The Article covers: Langauge definition Scanner Parser (the bit im mainly interested in) Targeting the english help, .Net Framework The Code Generator. there are other topics, but you get the just. Its aimed to people starting out, written in C# (not quite Java) . Term Conclusion Introduction. Let's Build a Compiler . I'd second by @sasb. Forget buying more books for the moment. Why? Tools language. The language required is Pascal and if I remember correctly is homework based on Turbo-Pascal. It just so happens if you go to and download the Pascal compiler all the examples work straight from the page. The beaut thing about Free Pascal is you can use it almost whatever processor or OS you can care for.

Once you have mastered the Write term, lessons then try the marketing, more advanced Dragon Book I found the Dragon book much too hard to read with too much focus on language theory that is not really required to write a compiler in practice. I would add the Oberon book which contains the full source of an Write term paper amazingly fast and simple Oberon compiler Project Oberon. An easy way to assignment, create a compiler is to Write term paper, use bison and Answers to geography homework, flex (or similar), build a tree (AST) and generate code in Write term conclusion C. With generating C code being the most important step. By generating C code, your language will automatically work on all platforms that have a C compiler.

Generating C code is to geography homework as easy as generating HTML (just use print, or equivalent), which in turn is much easier than writing a C parser or HTML parser. Programming a Personal Computer by Per Brinch Hansen Prentice-Hall 1982 ISBN 0-13-730283-5. This unfortunately-titled book explains the design and creation of a single-user programming environment for micros, using a Pascal-like language called Edison. The author presents all source code and explanations for the step-by-step implementation of an Edison compiler and simple supporting operating system, all written in Edison itself (except for a small supporting kernel written in a symbolic assembler for PDP 11/23; the complete source can also be ordered for the IBM PC). The most interesting things about this book are: 1) its ability to demonstrate how to create a complete, self-contained, self-maintaining, useful compiler and paper conclusion introduction, operating system, and 2) the interesting discussion of language design and specification problems and trade-offs in Chapter 2. Brinch Hansen on Pascal Compilers by Per Brinch Hansen Prentice-Hall 1985 ISBN 0-13-083098-4. Another light-on-theory heavy-on-pragmatics here's-how-to-code-it book.

The author presents the design, implementation, and complete source code for a compiler and English paper, p-code interpreter for Pascal- (Pascal minus), a Pascal subset with boolean and integer types (but no characters, reals, subranged or enumerated types), constant and term paper introduction, variable definitions and array and record types (but no packed, variant, set, pointer, nameless, renamed, or file types), expressions, assignment statements, nested procedure definitions with value and variable parameters, if statements, while statements, and begin-end blocks (but no function definitions, procedural parameters, goto statements and labels, case statements, repeat statements, for marketing mix statements, and with statements). The compiler and interpreter are written in Pascal* (Pascal star), a Pascal subset extended with some Edison-style features for creating software development systems. A Pascal* compiler for the IBM PC is Write paper sold by me write, the author, but it's easy to port the book's Pascal- compiler to any convenient Pascal platform. This book makes the design and implementation of a compiler look easy. I particularly like the way the term conclusion, author is concerned with quality, reliability, and Help my thesis, testing. The compiler and term conclusion introduction, interpreter can easily be used as the basis for a more involved language or compiler project, especially if you're pressed to quickly get something up and running. You should check out Darius Bacon's ichbins, which is a compiler for a small Lisp dialect, targeting C, in just over Help me write my thesis, 6 pages of code. The advantage it has over most toy compilers is that the language is complete enough that the compiler is written in it. (The tarball also includes an interpreter to bootstrap the thing.)

There's more stuff about what I found useful in learning to write a compiler on my Ur-Scheme web page. Kragen Javier Sitaker. I remember asking this question about seven years ago when I was rather new to programming. I was very careful when I asked and paper, surprisingly I didn't get as much criticism as you are getting here. They did however point me in the direction of the Dragon Book which is in my opinion, a really great book that explains everything you need to know to write a compiler (you will of course have to master a language or two. The more languages you know, the merrier.).

And yes, many people say reading that book is crazy and you won't learn anything from it, but I disagree completely with that. Many people also say that writing compilers is stupid and pointless. Well, there are a number of reasons why compiler development are useful: - Because it's fun. Paper. - It's educational, when learning how to write compilers you will learn a lot about computer science and other techniques that are useful when writing other applications. - If nobody wrote compilers the Write term conclusion, existing languages wouldn't get any better. I didn't write my own compiler right away, but after asking I knew where to start. Kim Kastens. And now, after learning many different languages and reading the Write paper introduction, Dragon Book, writing isn't that much of a problem. Me Write Kim Kastens. (I'm also studying computer engineering atm, but most of paper introduction what I know about programming is self taught.)

In conclusion: - The Dragon Book is straws a great tutorial. But spend some time mastering a language or two before attempting to write a compiler. Don't expect to Write term conclusion, be a compiler guru within the next decade or so though. The book is also good if you want to learn how to business ethics, write parsers/interpreters. Python comes bundled with a python compiler written in Python.

You can see the source code, and it includes all phases, from parsing, abstract syntax tree, emitting code, etc. Hack it. The LCC compiler (wikipedia) (project homepage) of Fraser and Hanson is described in their book A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation. It is quite readable and explains the whole compiler, down to code generation. Sorry, it is in Spanish, but this is the bibliography of Write term paper conclusion introduction a course called Compiladores e Interpretes (Compilers and Interpreters) in Argentina. The course was from formal language theory to assignment marketing mix, compiler construction, and Write term paper, these are the Assignment business, topics you need to build, at least, a simple compiler: Compilers Design in C. Compiladores.

Teoria y Construccion. Sanchis Llorca, F.J. , Galan Pascual, C. Write Term Paper Introduction. Editorial Paraninfo. 1988. Lenguajes, Gramaticas y Automatas. Un enfoque practico. Pedro Isasi Vinuela, Paloma Martinez Fernandez, Daniel Borrajo Millan. Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana (Espana). Help Kim Kastens. 1997.

The art of compiler design. Theory and practice. Thomas Pittman, James Peters. Object-Oriented Compiler Construction. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1995. Compiladores.

Conceptos Fundamentales. B. Teufel, S. Schmidt, T. Teufel. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. Introduction to formal languages. Gyorgy E. Revesz. Parsing Techniques. A Practical Guide. Dick Grune, Ceriel Jacobs.

Impreso por los autores. 1995. Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler. Stephen C. Johnson. Computing Science Technical Report N? 32, 1975. Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill, New. Lex: A Lexical Analyzer Generator. M. E. Lesk, E. Schmidt. Computing Science Technical Report N? 39, 1975.

Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill, New Jersey. John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown. O’Reilly Associates. 1995. Elements of the theory of computation. Harry R. Lewis, Christos H. Papadimitriou. Paper Conclusion Introduction. Segunda Edicion. Prentice Hall.

1998. Un Algoritmo Eficiente para la Construccion del Grafo de Dependencia de Control. Salvador V. Cavadini. Trabajo Final de Grado para obtener el Titulo de Ingeniero en Computacion. Facultad de Matematica Aplicada. Make Marketing Mix. U.C.S.E. 2001. There's a lot of good answers here, so i thought I'd just add one more to term paper conclusion, the list: I got a book called Project Oberon more than a decade ago, which has some very well written text on the compiler. The book really stands out in the sense that the source and explanations is very hands on and readable. The complete text (the 2005 edition) has been made available in pdf, so you can download right now.

The compiler is discussed in assignment mix chapter 12: Niklaus Wirth, Jurg Gutknecht. (The treatment is Write paper conclusion not as extensive as his book on compilers) I've read several books on compilers, and i can second the dragon book, time spent on marketing this book is very worthwhile. If you are interested in writing a compiler for a functional language (rather than a procedural one) Simon Peyton-Jones and David Lester's Implementing functional languages: a tutorial is an excellent guide. The conceptual basics of how functional evaluation works is term guided by examples in a simple but powerful functional language called Core.

Additionally, each part of the Core language compiler is Assignment business explained with code examples in Miranda (a pure functional language very similar to Haskell). Several different types of compilers are described but even if you only follow the so-called template compiler for Core you will have an excellent understanding of Write paper introduction what makes functional programming tick. This is Assignment a vast subject. Do not underestimate this point. And do not underestimate my point to not underestimate it.

I hear the term paper conclusion, Dragon Book is Buy written paper a (the?) place to start, along with searching. :) Get better at paper conclusion searching, eventually it will be your life. Building your own programming language is English for sale absolutely a good exercise! But know that it will never be used for any practical purpose in the end. Exceptions to this are few and term paper conclusion, very far between. Not a book, but a technical paper and an enormously fun learning experience if you want to business, know more about compilers (and metacompilers). This website walks you through building a completely self-contained compiler system that can compile itself and other languages: This is all based on an amazing little 10-page technical paper: Val Schorre META II: A Syntax-Oriented Compiler Writing Language. from honest-to-god 1964. I learned how to build compilers from Write, this back in 1970.

There's a mind-blowing moment when you finally grok how the compiler can regenerate itself. I know the website author from my college days, but I have nothing to do with the website. I liked the to geography, Crenshaw tutorial too, because it makes it absolutely clear that a compiler is just another program that reads some input and writes some out put. Work it if you want, but then look at Write term paper conclusion introduction another reference on paper how bigger and Write paper, more complete compilers are really written. And read On Trusting Trust, to get a clue about the unobvious things that can be done in this domain. You can use BCEL by the Apache Software Foundation.

With this tool you can generate assembler-like code, but it's Java with the BCEL API. You can learn how you can generate intermediate language code (in this case byte code). Create a Java class with this function: Now run BCELifier with this class. You can see the result on the console for the whole class (how to build byte code The code for the function is this: The Dragon Book is too complicated.

So ignore it as a starting point. It is College english help good and makes you think a lot once you already have a starting point, but for Write term paper conclusion introduction starters, perhaps you should simply try to write an math/logical expression evaluator using RD, LL or LR parsing techniques with everything (lexing/parsing) written by paper for sale, hand in perhaps C/Java. Write Term Paper. This is Answers homework interesting in itself and gives you an idea of the problems involved in Write term paper introduction a compiler. Then you can jump in to paper, your own DSL using some scripting language (since processing text is usually easier in these) and like someone said, generate code in either the Write term paper, scripting language itself or C. You should probably use flex/bison/antlr etc to do the help scholarship, lexing/parsing if you are going to Write introduction, do it in c/java.

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Jan 27, 2018 Write term paper conclusion introduction, write my essay -
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ACT Writing and New SAT Essay Requirements. Write Term Conclusion. The redesigned SAT, with its optional essay, forced many colleges to revisit policies. A major shift has taken place in essay requirements for paper, the SAT and ACT, and there may be additional changes for the classes of 2018 and 2019. Of the 360 colleges and universities in the Compass 360 , fewer than 10% require the SAT Essay or ACT Writing (see below for the complete list). Early on, high profile schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Stanford, and the University of California system affirmed their commitment to the SAT Essay and the recently revamped ACT Writing. Meanwhile, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cornell, Northwestern, and Boston College adopted policies that dropped the essay for both ACT and SAT. College Board and ACT maintain lists of essay policies, but students should not depend upon them. Write Term Paper Introduction. College Board#8217;s is new and very incomplete. ACT#8217;s is Make marketing, old and term paper introduction stale (i.e. includes no information on recent drops). In general, the testing companies do an uneven job in keeping such resources up-to-date.

Compass goes directly to the colleges for the latest information. The following table of 360 popular colleges provides a wide range of institutions and policies. In general, we find that less competitive colleges are less likely to require either essay. Despite the decline in colleges requiring an SAT or ACT essay, Compass is still recommending that students make the essay a part of their testing plans. Skipping the essay can leave a student scrambling to homework fit in an additional test date should his or her college plans change. Some colleges requiring the Write, essay will not superscore test dates without the essay. The University of California system alone drives the decision for many of Compass#8217; students. Just as important, it#8217;s uncommon for an ACT or SAT essay to be a significant negative factor on an application. With a minimum amount of practice, most students can reach the 25th 75th percentile score ranges of even the most elite colleges in Assignment ethics the country #8212; something not at all true about other sections of the exams.

In other words, there is more upside to paper conclusion introduction downside when looking at assignment marketing mix, having a longer #8212; and somewhat more expensive #8212; test day. ACT and SAT Essay Requirements - Class of 2018 and Beyond. *School has a Test Optional or Test Flexible policy but may still have requirements for students choosing to Write term introduction submit SAT or ACT scores. Answers. Note: #8220;TBD#8221; or [blank] reflects a policy to be determined by the college or for which Compass has insufficient information. Post a comment or send an email to with questions or recommended changes. The Compass 360 provides New SAT and Write term ACT scores for some of the most competitive colleges in to geography the country.

Subject Test requirements continue to evolve, so Compass keeps an up-to-date list. ACT Writing scores have gone through multiple changes. Conclusion. To try to clear things up, Compass has published ACT Writing Scores Explained. A similar analysis for the SAT is Help me write, also available. Art graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where he was the Write introduction, top-ranked liberal arts student in his class. Art pioneered the College english essay help scholarship, one-on-one approach to test prep in paper introduction California in 1989 and co-founded Compass Education Group in 2004 in order to bring the best ideas and paper tutors into students' homes and computers. Although he has attained perfect scores on all flavors of the term, SAT and paper for sale ACT, he is conclusion introduction, routinely beaten in backgammon. [#8230;] Chart Compiled by Compass Prep [#8230;] Do you think the ACT Board will re-examine the inadequacies of the me write kim kastens, writing score and re-scale so it makes more sense? My daughter rec#8217;d a 27 but it was the 95th percentile. Term Paper. Low number for Make marketing, high percentile.

She also rec#8217;d 10s in each of the Write term introduction, 4 domains. Buy Written Paper Straws. Compass would certainly like if they did #8212; or at least published full data on what they are seeing. Term. My guess is that they will not monkey with the scales, however. Once a scale is set, it#8217;s not a simple thing to reset, as it impacts everyone else who has ever taken the test. ACT has left its other scales unchanged since 1989.

It is regrettable that ACT decided to move to 1-36 for Writing #8212; especially before it was ever administered. Recent experiences have proved what we expected #8212; the essay is Buy written paper, simply not reliable enough to take its place beside the other scores. Keep in mind that everyone is facing the same situation. Writing scores, in general, are more tightly clustered than raw scores on the other tests. Colleges will see this on their reports.

And as you see above, many are dropping their policies and few have ever given much weight to Writing. It sounds like your daughter did quite well, and that remains true even if her 27 is #8220;lower#8221; than her other scores. Thank you for compiling this list and adding to it throughout the term, year as other schools may adjust their essay policies. This information is very helpful. You are welcome! We will stay on top of it. [#8230;] the NEW SAT Writing section, which will not, and which require the ACT writing section. Paper. This list is quite helpful! Compass also maintains a list of colleges that require SAT Subject [#8230;] Thank you for the helpful list.

I was just wondering how you are obtaining your information? I didn#8217;t see anything on Duke#8217;s site about the new SAT essay the College Board#8217;s list doesn#8217;t mention Duke at Write introduction, all. If College Board doesn#8217;t mention the school at Make mix, all on term paper conclusion, its list, do you think it#8217;s risky to assume the essay is not required? Also, do you have any sense of whether schools would ever do a reverse decide to assignment marketing mix start requiring the essay even if they previously didn#8217;t? I#8217;d rather not do the essay, but will if I have to.

Thanks again for your help! Good questions. When we could not find a definitive answer on a school#8217;s website, we contacted the admissions office directly. Duke is notable because it is keeping its ACT requirement but only recommending the SAT essay. It has a convoluted rationale involving the Subject Tests. Term Paper Conclusion. The College Board list is opt-in, I believe. Schools can submit their information to College Board. Me Write My Thesis. As you have found, not all have done so. Write Term Paper Introduction. I also don#8217;t expect the CB list to be maintained as policies shift. We will be doubling the size of our own list (to 200 of the top colleges) within the next week. The reverse is possible only for the ACT, since all old SAT students took the essay (although it is true that not all colleges used the essay).

I know of to geography homework no college moving in that direction, and I think it highly unlikely given the paper conclusion, criticism of the new ACT Writing (1 school out of a thousand, perhaps). My daughter took the ACT with writing and scored a 32 for the composite score but only a 23 for writing. I have two questions. One is whether she can submit the ACT but somehow choose not to submit the Assignment ethics, writing section, and the other is whether it makes sense to pay for them to re-score it. Thanks in advance for Write conclusion introduction, your answer. No, your daughter can only Assignment, submit the test in its entirety. It is up to college policies to determine what they will do with it. I don#8217;t like to be cavalier with other people#8217;s money, but my general advice is that a rescoring is merited if a student is disappointed with his or her score. Personally, I#8217;d like to see every April test-taker march on Iowa City with $50 in one hand and a protest sign in the other. But that last bit has nothing to introduction do with your daughter#8217;s situation. I#8217;d also consider two ideas: 1) College#8217;s think little of the ACT Writing.

Most never used it in the first place, and straws even more are dropping it now that schools no longer have to worry about the paper introduction, (formerly) required SAT essay. Even those that require it put far less stock in straws it than any other test score. 2) The mean score of the Writing is misleadingly lower than that of the Write paper conclusion, other sections. Business. Her 23 is term paper, 83rd percentile according to kim kastens the figures released by ACT. In the other 4 subject areas, scores from 25-28 are at that percentile. Term Paper Conclusion. A 23 seems lower than it is because of our natural reaction to Assignment compare it directly to Write term conclusion other 1-36 scores. Carnegie Mellon has dropped both SAT and ACT essay requirements. Joanna, thank you for the information.

We#8217;ve updated Carnegie Mellon#8217;s policy and will be updating other schools shortly. More and more colleges are firming up policies for class of 2017). My son took the SAT and got a 1500 730 reading/writing 770 Math, but his supplemental wring essay he didn#8217;t far well how much weight will rice University put with that. Rice does not require the Make, SAT essay. Although colleges will still see that score, it#8217;s rare that an essay-optional school would put much weight at Write, all on it. I don#8217;t think you should be concerned about how Rice will view the score.

I have a question regarding the SAT with essay. I have taken the SAT twice. The first time i took the SAT with essay but the second one i did it without the essay. If i want to send my second SAT score to colleges can i use the essay score from my first SAT? Unfortunately, I do not know of any colleges that will combine SAT w/Essay with SAT w/o Essay scores.

This creates a situation where #8212; even though most colleges do not require the assignment, essay #8212; most students are best advised to take the Write term conclusion introduction, essay. This seems like over-testing that could easily be eliminated if colleges decided to superscore essay an non-essay results, but admission offices have not yet come around to that way of thinking. I#8217;m in the same boat as Arvind. Help Kim Kastens. My school required me to take the Write term paper, New SAT in March without the essay. I took the New SAT again in May with the essay. I am really happy with my essay score and my FIRST Reading/Writing and Math score and I want to combine the two components. Colleges tend to move slowly in response to testing changes and essay help scholarship often take direction from the Write term paper introduction, testing organizations.

Until this year, there was no ability to send an SAT score without an essay, so policies on mix, superscoring were irrelevant. There was also the Write paper introduction, sense that #8220;we want all students to be comparable, so if we require ACT w/Writing, then we are going to only accept scores from ACT w/Writing administrations.#8221; Now that both tests are essay optional and mix the essays come at the end of the test (so there is no impact on test performance), it is completely illogical for superscoring colleges not to superscore the essay. But colleges have just not figured it out yet. I took old SAT three times, now i decided to take the new SAT in October. Write Conclusion Introduction. Will the paper for sale, colleges combine my old and new scores? since a lot of schools do not require essay portion, can i just not take it? Thanks! Also, I am looking at Northeastern#8217;s website, it said that it required SAT with writing, does that mean that Northeastern require the new SAT essay portion? Are you looking at This information appears to be for the class of 2016, because it is actually referring to the ACT with Writing.

Northeastern has decided not to require the new SAT essay or the ACT essay going forward. Colleges will not superscore sections across new and Write paper old SATs. They will accept both tests and, in most cases, will evaluate your application on your highest score. The catch is that if any of your target colleges require the essay, then you will not be able to me write my thesis use your new SAT score without an essay. Write Term. Since you already have three old SAT scores, you would be able to use those. It#8217;s unfortunate that the 20% of universities requiring the essay are making it so difficult students to avoid the extra testing and expense.

When a school says that the essay is optional, does that really mean it is not #8220;required#8221; but highly #8220;recommended#8221;. English Essay Scholarship. Because my son plays sports and they have #8220;optional#8221; workouts but really they aren#8217;t optional if you really want to make the team. They are required!! Terri, I really like that analogy. It#8217;s apt for some colleges that claim to only #8220;recommend#8221; Subject Tests #8212; Stanford and Georgetown, for example.

That has not come up on ACT Writing / SAT Essay. Term Conclusion Introduction. We#8217;ve tried to classify as #8220;Optional#8221; colleges that don#8217;t use the essay for admission. Assignment Marketing. There may be several cases where the essay score will be considered if submitted (unfortunately, one can#8217;t leave it off of a submitted test date). More common are schools that #8220;recommend#8221; the essay only Write term paper conclusion, because it is used for freshman composition placement. I have sons that scored 29 and 31 composite but only Assignment business, 17 on the writing. They took it again without writing and went up to Write term paper conclusion 31 and 32. If certain schools they apply to DO require the Buy written straws, writing, do you think they need to retake it with writing again, or is the main focus really on composite score? I#8217;m usually loathe to recommend retesting based on Writing alone, but the term paper conclusion introduction, discrepancy between your sons#8217; Composite and Writing score and the fact that your sons have higher scores on the test without Writing (which means *some* schools that require writing will not use the to geography homework, 31 and 32) makes me think that a retake would be useful. Scores in the low 20#8217;s are common enough that I don#8217;t think colleges will think much of them one way or the other. High scoring students with Writing scores in Write paper the teens may face more stigma.

My son scored a 29 composite score overall on the ACT (32 English, 30 reading, 30 science 25 math) but a 16 on the essay. I believe that most of the schools that he may apply to do not require the writing portion. I am concerned however that a 16 on me write, the essay will hurt his chances. What do you suggest? Also he has a learning disability which impacts his math score. Is the Write conclusion introduction, fact that his math score is significantly lower than his other scores a cause for concern? Should he address it in Assignment business his application? When high scoring students receive Writing scores in the teens, I do grow concerned. In informal discussions with admissions officers, many fully admit that they don#8217;t put much weight on Writing. When asked if they might view a 15 as a red flag, they admit #8220;yes, that would raise eyebrows.#8221; Your son did very well, and I#8217;d hate to see him disadvantaged by the Writing score.

I would recommend retesting if his schedule allows. If his learning disability impacts his math grades and testing overall, then you may find an opportunity to address it in the application. If you are only paper conclusion, concerned that it impacted his ability on Make assignment, a speeded test like the ACT, I would not recommend making an issue of it. I scored 1350 in jun sat. is it an ok score for an international student aspiring to get in to a reasonably good university with computer science. Write Term Paper Conclusion. I am also planning to take math level 2 and Buy written physics subject adv. I would recommend looking at our college profiles with estimated new SAT score ranges. In general, you#8217;ll be competitive #8212; which is not the same thing as saying that you#8217;ll be admitted #8212; at colleges where your scores are closer to term paper introduction the 75th percentile than the Assignment business, 25th percentile. Write Term Paper Introduction. Students and parents often don#8217;t realize that the scores of admitted students are actually higher than the reported scores for Help me write my thesis, enrolled students (we use the latter because not all college provide figures for admitted students). Keep in mind that test scores are only conclusion introduction, one part of your application. They tend to have a bit more weight for international students, because admission officers are not always as familiar with the curriculum and grading standards of other countries. You have Georgetown University listed as required for both essay portions.

However in the paragraph on page one it states: #8220;Other schools such as University of Chicago and Help me write Georgetown never adopted ACT Writing in the first place, ignored the original SAT essay, and will ignore the New SAT Essay. #8221; Can you clarify which is correct? We posted a set of updates yesterday that apparently had the faulty info on Write term introduction, Georgetown. They definitely DO NOT require the SAT Essay or ACT Writing. Thank you for catching that error. We#8217;ll review today to see that nothing else got flipped by mistake. I am hoping to to geography homework apply Early Decision to Columbia this fall. I have taken the ACT and paper recieved a 34 composite but I got a 21 on the writing. I#8217;m not sure how this is possible as I received a 36 on marketing, the English section, so I obviously understand language arts. Anyways, should I retake the test? I know the percentiles are shifted on term paper conclusion introduction, the writing but it seems like a 21 would be a red flag. Also, I have not yet taken subject tests as most schools do not require them when submitting the kim kastens, ACTs.

Should I plan on taking those too? Would it be detrimental to my application if I have not taken them? Thank you so much for your help! This list is so useful! As you probably know, Columbia does not require the Writing. It will still be submitted with your ACT score, but the Write introduction, fact that it is marketing mix, optional for test takers gives you an idea of conclusion how important Columbia considers it #8212; not very. The essay task and scoring system on the ACT writing are quite suspect, and business colleges recognize it. We see many students with you composite, and the writing scores fall all over the board. I don#8217;t think the Write term, 21 will serve as a red flag. Columbia does not superscore the ACT, so this may impact your decision a bit.

Retaking will only help you if you can raise your composite. Help. Although retesting can#8217;t hurt you at Columbia (they will consider your highest scores), you#8217;ll need to consider the policies at term introduction, the other schools on your list. Because so many students at the top universities have great ACT or SAT scores, I do recommend that students *consider* Subject Tests. You#8217;ll only for sale, want to worry about them if you think that they can improve your testing portfolio. In the case of elite schools like Columbia, that means 750+ (or at least 700+). You can try tests from the Official Guide published by College Board. Fewer schools than ever are requiring the Subject Tests #8212; especially with ACT scores. It would be a little challenging to term paper introduction fit them in (including preparing for them) as senior year starts and College scholarship application season begins, so you may want to just sit tight with your ACT score. Write. I recently read your post on the new ACT writing test and found it to be very thorough and a little unsettling.

I had two quick questions: My son is quite interested in the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. He took the Help me write, ACT in September. His ACT composite was 31 #8212; solidly in the school#8217;s range #8212; and he scored a perfect 36 on either the English/Reading component. But his writing score was 6 #8212; which, I think, falls somewhere in Write the 40th percentile. Not strong. After reading your post, I#8217;m wondering how reliable those scores are.

Do you recommend that he should take the test again? And on help, this post, you indicate the writing test portion is #8220;optional#8221; for the Coast Guard Academy. But its website says it is required. Can you shed some light on that? Thank you. I#8217;ve got an term paper email into USCGA to see if they can help clarify. You are correct that they appear to English be in Write paper conclusion the #8220;Require#8221; camp, and we will update our information. They had previously left things ambiguous and Buy written paper straws have still not stated their policy on the College Board website.

The other question I have for them has to do with consideration #8212; is the essay used for admission? The superscoring example that they give in their testing FAQ and Write term paper the score range summary only mentions CR and M from the Make assignment, old SAT. Write Term Introduction. Did they also use Writing or was it just for placement or research? Is the same true of the ACT Writing? I#8217;d recommend contact them yourself, too. It#8217;s in the 6 range where I do start to have concerns. Probably less of one in your son#8217;s case because his ACT score is very solid for the Academy. It sounds like his ELA score would be strong despite the low essay score. It#8217;s highly likely that he could improve his essay score upon retesting. I would try to push admissions for their take. Unless you can pin them down that it won#8217;t matter much, your son may want to think about taking the English, ACT again.

I hate to see students commit to extra testing just because of Writing, but I#8217;d also hate to term introduction see your son not have everything working in Make marketing his favor. Please update if you find anything new. Write Term Conclusion Introduction. I#8217;ll do the to geography, same. USCGA got back to me with the Write paper conclusion introduction, following response: #8220;The requirement to take the writing section is just to essay put all applicants on the same playing field, it is not heavily weighed when considering an applicant’s competitiveness.#8221; It sounds like it would be unlikely to impact your son#8217;s application #8212; especially since, given his other scores, there would no concern about Write term conclusion, his verbal abilities. Thank you for this very helpful post. Just wondering about Reed; the Help me write kim kastens, table specifies the writing sections as #8220;optional#8221; but the Write term paper introduction, Updates paragraph includes Reed in the list of for sale colleges for which the requirement for the SAT essay has recently been added? Thank you for pointing this out. We had originally had misinformation on Reed#8217;s policy. Our table was corrected, but the paper conclusion introduction, paragraph had not been fixed. Reed is english essay scholarship, essay optional for both the SAT and ACT.

My son will be applying to Harvard and term paper conclusion other schools. He took the new SAT in March and Assignment business received a 790 CR, 800 Math and a 17 on the essay. He retook the new SAT in June and received a 770 CR, 790 Math and a 21 on the essay. Should he submit both scores so that Harvard sees the higher essay score? Or should he just submit the first score of 1590 with a 17 on conclusion introduction, the essay? Thanks for me write my thesis kim kastens, the help. Term Paper. This is very confusing! Given your son#8217;s circumstances, I would submit both scores. First, Harvard superscores the SAT, so that makes the decision far easier. Even if the don#8217;t superscore the writing, your son would be no worse off. Buy Written Straws. Second, neither of his non-essay scores is a concern, so it is not as if Harvard would see a score that would scare them off.

While the difference between the 17 and 21 is minimal and is unlikely to impact your son#8217;s chances for term paper conclusion, admission, there is no reason for him to put his best scores forward. If it#8217;s any solace, it#8217;s just as confusing for admission offices. Hello. I have done the new SAT with essay on October, and Make marketing have got the required score for term, the essay, but not a good score for business, the SAT. If i retake the SAT without essay on December, would i be able to include the essay score which was done on October, Combined with the New SAT retaken score ( without essay) to Write colleges that requires the Assignment ethics, Essay.

Thank you. Paper Conclusion Introduction. There is not a universal policy on this and colleges have not always clarified things. Some essay-requiring colleges #8212; the University of Assignment ethics California system is a prominent example #8212; do not accept test dates that do not include the essay. Superscoring institutions are more likely to mix-and-match as long as a student has taken the essay. Write Term Introduction. As much as I hate recommending additional testing, retaking the essay in English for sale December ensures the most flexibility. It#8217;s unlikely that a lower essay score would hurt you, whereas it would defeat the purpose of conclusion introduction your December testing if you can#8217;t use your EBRW and Math scores.

Hello. The CR and Writing portions of the NEW SAT are two separate scores (out of 40). Buy Written Straws. Do colleges that superscore also superscore between CR and writing. For instance if I got a 35 CR and conclusion a 37 writing, then a 37 CR and a 36 writing would they view the highest scores separately (the 37#8217;s) or would they only look at the highest overall score out of 800 (720). I have not heard of any college that will be superscoring Evidence-Based Reading and Answers to geography Writing #038; Language separately. My head is swimming and I feel we have been worried for Write conclusion, 2 years already. Thank you for the list, it is very helpful. My son has a learning disability, which puts him at a complete disadvantage for for sale, the writing portion#8230; even with accommodations at 100% time and Write term paper conclusion introduction the use of Buy written paper straws a computer/word processor to type#8230; his problem is such, that he does not retain spelling and grammar when translating them for term conclusion introduction, practical use. The kicker, he is brilliant and a brilliant writer, aspiring to write novels, plays, and for Answers to geography, film and television.

However, he uses many learning tools to reach his end product. This writing portion is just a nightmare for term conclusion introduction, us in general and a source of high anxiety. So, if you could, please help me to Buy written paper clarify a few things; when you say, #8220;Compass expects that fewer than one-third of competitive colleges will require a standardized test essay for the fall of 2017 admission class.#8221;, are you referring to the students who will be attending College/University in the fall of term paper introduction 2017, or applying in 2017/18 for attending fall 2018? My son will be graduating June 2018 and attending University that coming fall. Paper For Sale. How do these current tests guidelines apply to my son? Somehow, I was under the term paper, impression by spring of 2017, the essay portions were being eliminated entirely from the SAT and ACT. College English Help Scholarship. Is this correct?

I thought it was understood, if we waited until March 2017 or later to test, there would not be any requirements for Write term introduction, an essay portion on either test. Therefore, College/University would not have the option to even require the for sale, written portion from the students beginning the application process in fall of 2017. Or am I completely turned around? Thank you for term introduction, your time and attention. Let me see if I can help. There are no impending changes to College essay help the SAT or ACT essays.

The ACT has always been optional for test-takers, and introduction the SAT became optional as of Answers homework March 2016. Neither will be dropped from the tests unless ACT and paper conclusion introduction College Board suddenly come to their senses. English For Sale. Once the SAT essay became optional, however, many colleges reevaluated their requirements and Write term paper decided to make the essay optional for their applicants. This shift happened in a big way. The #8220;fewer than one-third#8221; is a huge understatement that I should probably correct. Business. Of 360 of the top schools in the country, we#8217;ve found 24 that required an Write conclusion essay for class of 2017 (those applying right now).

And that counts every UC campus independently! The percentage of schools outside the 360 who require the essay is even lower. I do not expect any college to add an essay requirement, and we may see a few more drops. Paper For Sale. If your son is planning on applying to Harvard or Duke or UCLA, then he will likely need the essay. If he is not applying to those 24 schools, though, you can#8217;t chalk it off the list of concerns. It doesn#8217;t sound like your son is in a position to Write term paper just do some additional practice and ace the essay, so the best thing to paper for sale do is to bypass it (and I don#8217;t say that very often).

What if he has his heart set on one or some of term conclusion introduction those 24 colleges? Here is the plan I would recommend. If he has not already tried the essay, then he should. If you are near one of Compass#8217; CA offices, we can provide proctored testing. If you are not, we also do fee-based testing with online proctoring.

We grade essays in the same way that the College Board and ACT do. You may find that your concerns are overblown. If you don#8217;t, then I would recommend a two-pronged attack. Make plans for your son to take the official SAT or ACT without the essay, and to English then take it with the essay. The idea of the first is that he can focus on acing the test without the stress of the essay looming over him. Then he can take the test with the essay so that he has an exam for the colleges that require an essay. First, though, I would think carefully about where he is Write term, applying and for sale whether the whole essay nonsense (and it is nonsense) can be avoided. Do colleges superscore with the essay? For example, I took the new SAT in Write paper conclusion introduction October and December and I want to English paper for sale use my composite score from Write paper December and my essay score from October.

The concept of the optional SAT essay is still new enough that not many colleges have explicitly stated their policies. In general, I think it is safe to assume that superscoring colleges like to view scores through the #8220;most favorable#8221; lens and business will consider your highest essay score. Also, keep in mind that your essay score is by far the least important score on your report. Write Term Conclusion Introduction. You don#8217;t mention your scores, but they might make a difference. For example, if you received good essay scores in December, it may not be worth submitting your October scores. My son took the SAT with essay in November. English Essay Scholarship. He plans to retake the SAT with out the essay in the spring. He is applying to schools that do not require the essay. We are confused by superscoring. Will colleges superscore the SAT with essay and the SAT without essay, or are they considered two separate tests that can not be superscored? As far as I know, all superscoring schools where the essay is term conclusion introduction, optional will superscore between essay and non-essay exams.

The tricky part is when colleges require the essay. In those cases, some college superscore (I#8217;d say that this is the majority), but a few do not. Buy Written Paper Straws. It sounds like your son is in good shape. Boston University no longer requires the ACT writing. Thank you, I#8217;ve updated our table. My son did well on the SAT (780, 780) but only a 16 on the essay. Is it worth taking the conclusion introduction, ACT? He also has AP Language this year, and it seems like a good grade and a good score on the AP will show he can write. He is looking at assignment marketing mix, Stanford and paper conclusion Princeton as reach schools. (It probably doesn#8217;t matter to his safety schools) Thank you for insight.

The essay score is a very, very small part of a testing portfolio. His 16 may not be the score he wanted, but it is not so far off the English paper for sale, norm for top scorers that I recommend a retest #8212; and certainly not a switch to the ACT given his strong SAT score. I expect 25th-75th percentile scores for enrolled students at even schools such as Stanford and Princeton to be in the 15-21 range. The benefit of being higher in that range is dubious. My daughter was recently approved for time accommodations and took the SAT yesterday for the first time. Paper Conclusion. Because this would be her initial effort, we thought the best course, given the long day, would be to have her take the SAT without essay this first round. The concept was that she#8217;d take some subject tests in May, then retake the homework, SAT WITH the essay in June or August. I hadn#8217;t realized that she would be unable to superscore the two SAT#8217;s. This will be irrelevant if her second set of scores are higher across the conclusion, board, but I now see that it could be problematic if that#8217;s not the case. I#8217;m trying to English find a silver lining here, because nothing is to be done about Write term conclusion, yesterday. Only a few of the schools on her preliminary list require the English paper for sale, essay.

For those schools, would there be any utility in sending in both sets of scores for general consideration, even if one set doesn#8217;t have the paper conclusion introduction, essay? The changing regulations certainly make for mix, a muddle of Write term testing. Thanks for any insights you have to offer. Your site has been a great resource! She may not have a problem superscoring between her two administrations #8212; colleges have not always been clear on the topic. The UC system requires all scores to come from a single administration, but the University of Michigan, on the other hand, simply wants to see at least one Essay score. Given the trend in requirements and Buy written paper straws the number of colleges that will likely superscore between the two administrations, I would not worry much about her decision to skip the Write term conclusion introduction, March essay. It sounds like it was the right decision for English paper, her first SAT.

The new August test also provides a nice added opportunity for the class of 2018. I agree with you about the muddle. Term Introduction. Thank you! What are your thoughts on Spanish with or without listening. The November test date for listening forces students to take the Assignment ethics, test the fall of junior without completing a full year of term paper conclusion Spanish 4. Georgetown uses the score for language placement. Should a non-native speaker bypass the November test date, complete Spanish 4, and Answers to geography take the test in June?

I am a former Spanish teacher and looked at the practice tests. Having A full year of Spanish 4 is extremely beneficial. Term Conclusion Introduction. What are your thoughts? Please ignore my original replay, as I misread your comment entirely. The Spanish Subject Test #8212; like the other foreign language exams #8212; is to geography, challenging enough for students to do well on even with 3 full years of high school language. I would definitely recommend that students take the additional 7 months and wait for the June date. If Listening is important, then it can always be taken in November of senior year (it dates to a time when senior year testing was more the norm). The FAQ section for Brown has some conflicting info.

They state that the SAT or ACT with writing is required. They also provide the Write term conclusion introduction, link to the College Board which indicates that Brown neither requires nor recommends the writing section. Do you have any idea which one is correct? I see what you are referring to. It seems that on this page and on the first-year application page, Brown is saying that they do require the essay/writing. Homework. That conflicts with what we found last year and with the College Board information to Write introduction which they link. I have contacted Brown in an effort to Buy written get clarification. I#8217;ve confirmed with Brown that the requirement of Write paper SAT w/Essay or ACT w/Writing is new for the class of 2018. The College Board information is outdated.

We#8217;ll be changing the information on homework, our site, of term conclusion introduction course. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Trying to add to Assignment the info on Write term paper, your site, because your site has helped me. My son (in FL) scored 1540 on the first SAT but 17/24 on the essay. He retook the test on English paper, the #8220;SAT School Day#8221; (so it was free) . He told me that the free version was much more difficult than the earlier test that he had taken. His recent score of 1460 reflected his assessment. But we looked into the essay and what we learned is below. His essay score on the recent SAT was 24/24. He went from a 17/24 to a 24/24 after doing this. (I am not associated with anyone, just a parent trying to paper help my son.) Maybe this info will help some other parents or kids taking the SAT.

I am no expert, and my son#8217;s writing did NOT improve in 2 months time. He just gave the reviewers what they wanted in a format to Buy written allow them to Write term paper introduction check boxes. Write longer#8230; +700 words if possible. Be positive about the speech / work that you are reviewing (never negative) Don#8217;t analyze the speech (what they could have done better), point out how he/she elicited or what they did/said to elicit the response that he/she wanted. Looks like the easiest/best way to do this is: (intro/body/conclusion style) Paragraph 1 = Introduction, short summary of essay help how he/she elicits reaction.

Paragraph 2-4 = pick a few specific examples and elaborate on those examples from your introduction (how they elicited the response/ or intended to) Paragraph 5 = conclusions say what a great job they did, and confirm some of the Write conclusion, introduction. You may want to quickly outline your 3 body paragraphs first then start on your introduction, so you don#8217;t miss something in your introduction and to geography homework are erasing/trying to go back and include it. Watch the videos in this series: Look at these essay examples: Thank you, Kelly. I#8217;ve shared your suggestions. Conclusion Introduction. Hi Art. Paper. My son who is term conclusion introduction, class of 2018 took the SAT w/o the essay, scored well at a 1460. He did take the essay with the ACT however got 32 composite and 10 on the essay (in the fall so using the new ACT essay score). If he#8217;s applying to Answers homework one of the colleges that requires an essay, will the fact that he did take the Write term conclusion introduction, ACT essay fulfill the essay requirement?

Or will he HAVE to submit an SAT essay score too? Thanks for a new and interesting twist on this question. Marketing Mix. I#8217;m quite sure that I haven#8217;t seen any college specifically address the it #8212; other than, perhaps, the UC system which has always demanded that scores be from Write term paper conclusion introduction a single administration (so an ACT essay won#8217;t be combined with an SAT total score). My guess is that most essay-requiring colleges would look askance at a mix-and-match approach. His ACT score is just as strong has his SAT score, though, so I#8217;m not sure that it is paper for sale, much of a concern. If he decides to repeat the SAT, I would advise him to Write paper take the essay. Do superscoring colleges superscore the SAT essay? My daughter got a better SAT score in March (1560) but only 17 on essay. Last November she got 1520 but 24 on essay. Ethics. Not sure how colleges will view this.

Also for colleges that need one score, will the term conclusion introduction, 1560 with 17 on essay look bad? Any advise is Make assignment marketing mix, appreciated. It#8217;s a question that only a few colleges have addressed directly. To my knowledge, there are no superscoring colleges that have said that they will not superscore the Write paper introduction, essay. Colleges that superscore choose to view students#8217; scores in the most favorable light, so I don#8217;t think they will choose to handle essay scores differently. Your daughter#8217;s 24 is extraordinary; her 17 is inline with what we see from many top-scoring students.

It should not be a concern. My daughter is English, a Junior and term conclusion introduction took the January 2017 SAT and scored a 1280 (640 and 640 splits) but scored a 23/24 on the Essay. In March 2017, she scored a 1450 (750 Evidence based reading writing and 700 Math) but did not retake the essay. She is also looking to retake the Buy written paper straws, SAT again in August to try to boost the Math section. Do you know how some of the Write term introduction, top colleges will view this (particularly those requiring the Buy written paper, essay) as her best sitting score wasn#8217;t on the same date as her essay? Also if her Math improves in August, she will have her best three components on term paper introduction, three different dates.

Will this hurt her chances at some of the top schools? Colleges that superscore will generally look at Make assignment marketing, the highest scores across each section #8212; including the Essay. Some schools that require the Essay simply want the Essay taken at least once (University of Michigan falls in Write term paper introduction this group). Buy Written Paper Straws. Other colleges #8212; such as the University of California system #8212; will only consider test dates that include the Essay. Write Paper Introduction. Colleges have not been particularly helpful in nailing down their policies.

Keep in mind that some colleges #8212; Yale and Help me write my thesis kim kastens Stanford, for example #8212; will require all her scores and consider them in a more holistic fashion. The #8220;hurt her chances#8221; part is Write paper, glass half-full/empty. Having her best scores on a single test date would make things cleaner all around. On the other hand, a higher Math score in August will still be a higher score. She certainly showed great progress from January to assignment mix March, so it seems like she can put up good scores. I would recommend that she take the Essay again. Even if she scores lower (and the statistics on the Essay make it likely), my feeling is that it is more important to conclusion introduction have a test date that can be used everywhere than it is to business ethics skip the Essay because she already nailed it. For example, at Write paper, a Score Choice college, I#8217;d be more comfortable seeing a student submit only a 730ERW / 730M 6/6/6 Essay than having to also submit the 640/640. Our situation is a bit the reverse of Brad#8217;s. My son scored a 1350 on his first SAT (740 Math, 610 Evidence Based Reading Writing) and a 5/3/5 on the Essay. He then took his second SAT at school (in NYC), and scored 1540 (780 Math, 760 Evidence Based Reading Writing) but the NY DOE did not offer the Essay.

Is it possible to Make mix Super score, using the Write term paper introduction, complete second SAT (1540) and the Essay from the first SAT? And if so, can we extract that Essay score on its own, or will we need to send the entire SAT scores from the first test (1350) ? Would prefer for schools not to see the lower score at business, all, but at least to submit the Essay from that test would be what we need. [Edit: Art, I read many of the questions from the conclusion, others after I sent you mine, many of which are similar. Just to paper for sale clarify I was asking this: if colleges don#8217;t super score the optional essay from one test with another entire SAT test (no essay taken), and my son wants to apply to schools where Essay is paper, required, would you suggest we send both complete SAT tests? Thanks again!] Many thanks, Diana. I#8217;m sorry to hear that the NY DOE did not offer the english scholarship, Essay. There is no ability to send just the Essay score. The only case where he would not send the first SAT is introduction, where a college does not require the Essay. His second scores are better all around, so he can ignore the first exam in those cases. The school policies would determine how favorably his scores get treated. In the case of college superscoring across tests w/ and w/o essays, he is in excellent shape. His Essay score is, perhaps, a little weak given his overall scores.

What would concern me is if he applies to Answers colleges where only tests with Essays are used. The difference between his EBRW scores is substantial. I#8217;d suggest at least considering repeating the SAT. As you#8217;ve likely read, I prefer students not re-take the Write introduction, SAT just to raise an Essay score. But the Answers homework, 190 point difference in total score is impossible to ignore. This only matters if your son is applying to colleges that will not combine his scores. Write Term. For example, UCLA would only consider his 1350. That#8217;s the exception, though, so I would recommend examining his target colleges closely. Thank you for all of this useful information! My son took the ACT 3 times: 1) 34 C 35 W 35 M 35 R 31 S (no essay) 2) 34 C 35 W 36 M 35 R 28 S (essay 8) 3) 35 C 35 W 36 M 34 R 35 S (essay 8) Do you see any reason to send anything other than the Assignment business, third score?

I know that his reading was one point higher on the first two but not sure if that matters. Term Paper Introduction. Thanks so much! I really appreciate any insight. No, I don#8217;t see any reason to send scores 1 or 2 (except where a college requires all scores). In theory, score #2 provides a slightly higher R, but it would not change his overall composite of 35 even at schools that superscore. There are problems with the other scores (the 28 Science on #2 and the lack on an essay on #1) that make me think your son should keep it simple. My son is interested in UVA and mix was wondering if he needs to take SAT subject tests to apply this school. Paper Conclusion Introduction. The subject tests are optional for UVA. Also he took SAT math2 in May and paper straws received 740. Is 740 an ok score? Thank you so much!

Your son does not need to take Subject Tests. UVA used to #8220;strongly recommend#8221; the introduction, tests, but they have downgraded their policy to #8220;Subject Test optional.#8221; As with many #8220;recommended#8221; or #8220;optional#8221; colleges, Subject Tests can demonstrate a student#8217;s strengths. Yes, a 740 is strong enough that I think it is my thesis, worth sending. If your son has academic strengths in other areas #8212; chemistry or biology, for example #8212; then he might consider trying the exams. I am a student who recently scored a 35 composite score on the ACT without writing. I took it without writing because it was my first time and I was expecting to get a lower score that I could later improve upon. I would like to submit this score to Write term the colleges I am applying to, but some of the colleges require the writing portion and to geography homework will therefore not accept my 35 composite without writing. I plan on retaking the ACT with writing, but I am afraid I will score less than a 35. Paper Conclusion Introduction. If I score less than a 35, should I send both my 35 without writing and my lower score with writing? Will colleges like Brown and Stanford even accept this? Thank you for your help.

Sorry to hear that the lack of a Writing section poses a problem, but congratulations on Answers homework, your great score! Since you are applying to Write paper colleges that require Writing, you know that you will be repeating. I would focus on the positive. While colleges have not been good about stating policies on Assignment business ethics, the topic, most seem to be leaning toward considering all scores (the UC system is a notable exception). As an Write term paper #8220;all scores#8221; school, Stanford emphasizes the Answers to geography homework, testing portfolio, so I#8217;d be surprised if they ignored your 35. There is no reason *not* to Write send your 35 unless you do even better next time. At the paper straws, very worst, a college can ignore it, but I would encourage you to put it in term paper introduction their hands. I#8217;m shaping myself on my application as a writing student. I#8217;m Editor-in-Chief of two publications at assignment, my school and term paper conclusion have won a few prestigious writing competitions. I got a 1580 on my SAT, but a 6/5/6 on Make assignment mix, my essays. I want to paper conclusion go to UPenn and am wondering if I should retake the SAT to bump my essay score.

I don#8217;t know if my good writing extracurriculars will outweigh my poor essay score or if my poor essay score will delegitimize by good writing extracurriculars. What should I do? Please do not retake the SAT. Me Write. Your editorships, writing awards, and term paper conclusion application essays will do the work, and your essay scores will not get in the way. In fact, should you go to Penn, you#8217;ll likely find that your essay scores are the exact median of your classmates#8217; scores. Marketing Mix. The SAT Essay is a task in search of a mission. Don#8217;t let it distract you from yours. Write Term Paper Introduction. Hello Art Sawyer, My son took ACT couple times in his 10th grade and got composite scores for 35 and 36. Answers Homework. His essay scores both times was 8. He is term paper conclusion, thinking of essay applying for engineering major at University of Michigan, Stanford and UC Berkeley. Wondering how are the Write paper conclusion, chances with low essay score and do i need to send both scores to universities.

Appreciate your insights. Stanford expects students to send all ACT scores unless it will be a financial burden (because ACT requires payment for each reporting date). The UC#8217;s and Michigan will look at your son#8217;s highest scores. I would send both scores simply because it allows you to do the same things for all schools (there is paper for sale, no college where a 35 will hurt him). Term Paper Conclusion Introduction. His 8 is at the lower range of enrolled students at those colleges #8212; which would see a range of 8-10 for for sale, 25th to 75th percentile. This means, though, that at least 25% of enrolled students have an 8 or lower. Even that distribution is more a reflection of the term paper, applicant pool than it is the importance of the essay. I would not worry about the score.

I have taken the ACT three times but only the Assignment ethics, first sitting was with Writing. For schools I#8217;m interested in that are #8220;writing optional#8221; such as BC and Notre Dame I#8217;m assuming the admissions process will consider all my test dates regardless of Write paper introduction whether that date had he writing section scored or not? For some schools Harvard, Princeton, Duke and Dartmouth, will they not consider scores from the dates I didn#8217;t take the Buy written straws, writing section? You are correct about the writing optional schools. Things are a little dicier when it comes to schools that require the essay, and admission offices have not been great about communicating policies. The elite schools you mention often take a #8220;portfolio#8221; approach.

While they will often emphasize your higher scores, they like to evaluate the Write conclusion introduction, full record. In your case, this works in your favor, as they will likely consider your test dates without Writing. If a college requires ACT with writing and English paper does not superscore (website says they look at the highest composite score from one sitting) does this mean they will not consider any ACT scores that were not taken writing? There is not one answer. If you want to name names, I can at least let you know if I have any firm word on that school. The most obvious example of must-be-on-the-same-test-date is the University of California system. Write Term Paper Introduction. My son took the new SAT w/Essay got a 1590 but a 15 on Essay. Took two subject tests: Math2: 730, Chemistry 710. Unweighted GPA 4.0, Took 15 AP#8217;s: APLang 5, APLit 5, AP CALC AB and BC 5 on both, AP Chem 5, AP Bio 5, AP Physics 1= 4, plus many more (all 5#8217;s except for a 4 on homework, Latin) but not relevant to my question. Should he retake either of the Subject tests in the case of Write conclusion introduction Harvard or Princeton and if majoring in Biomedical Engineering, or do they weigh in paper straws his AP scores as well in that regards, or what if he decides to paper conclusion introduction major in straws law, would that change anything.

I believe they use this formula for a thing called the Academic Index Score based on Subject Tests, SAT, GPA, and paper conclusion class rank, his school does not rank so his Academic Index score comes to 231. Is that good enough? Does Harvard and paper Princeton even utilize this AIS anymore since they now say they are taking a more holistic approach? On another topic I have another child who scored 1460 SAT w/essay (21), she plans to retake SAT. She is interested in Stanford and we wanted to term paper introduction know if she took it again without the essay if they would superscore the two SAT#8217;s and they said yes. Here was their response: #8220;Hello, We require ALL the business, scores from ALL the tests taken and will consider the highest scores from all the results, including the term introduction, tests without the writing portion. Best, Office of Undergraduate Admission Stanford University#8221; The Academic Index Score causes a great deal of confusion.

AIS is not used for Help me write kim kastens, admission (with an exception important for only a slice of students). The Ivy League is, first and foremost, a sports league. Paper Conclusion. In order to maintain parity and academic standards, the universities have agreed on straws, how to compare student athletes to Write term conclusion introduction the rest of the student body. The holistic factors for admission aren#8217;t of paper much use here. How do you compare #8220;Her essay blew me away#8221; at Dartmouth to the same reaction at Harvard? How do you compare the perception of academic rigor or legacy status or artistic ability etc.? So the universities have a straightforward formula of GPA and test scores.

Because the AIS is used for athletes, it can come into term paper conclusion play in the case of recruited athletes. A useful article at The Crimson is here. Back to your son#8217;s Subject Test scores. I do think there is room for improvement. While they are good scores, they would probably put him toward the Assignment ethics, lower end when compared to admitted students. Write Introduction. AP scores can be thought of homework as a part of Write term introduction his coursework than part of College english help his testing portfolio. APs are not designed to be admission tests. Most colleges will at Write term conclusion, least take a look at them, but his grades in those courses are likely more important than his test scores. Thank you for the update on Stanford. To Geography Homework. I#8217;m glad to introduction add another college to Buy written straws the common sense category regarding the essay (although dropping it might be even better).

Despite Stanford#8217;s all caps ALLs, the answer neglects to mention that they mean SATs and ACTs. They specifically do not require reporting of all Subject Tests. His grades in the AP Classes that correlate to Write paper conclusion the subject tests were high A#8217;s (without the AP score incorporated), since his school incorporates the AP score into the final grade on the transcript. One thing that concerns me for paper straws, a few other classes where he had a 92 before the AP was incorporated (which is considered an A- at his school, but with the AP score incorporated it got bumped up to an A) is Write term introduction, that I#8217;ve read that colleges don#8217;t like that and prefer that the paper straws, class grade be separate from the AP score. Do admissions sometimes request the Write term paper conclusion introduction, high school give them the class grade without the AP incorporated? Colleges typically use unadjusted GPA when looking at transcripts.

For example, some schools give an A in an AP class a 5.0 rather than a 4.0. Your school#8217;s situation sounds like it may be different. If the only course grade on assignment marketing mix, your son#8217;t transcript is an A and Write paper introduction your school reports this as a 4.0, then I#8217;m not sure how a college would work backwards. This falls out of my area of English expertise, though, so I don#8217;t want to make any definitive statements. Art it looks like my son will be a NMSF from Virginia and he scored 1570 on his SATs. Write Paper. Unfortunately, he only Answers to geography homework, got a 14 on the essay, because he did not prepare at all. He is Write term paper, planning to apply to Buy written the most competitive schools including schools that require the essay. He is planning to retake the essay, but is worried that his SAT scores will drop. Any recommendations for us?

As you#8217;ve probably gleaned, I usually try to talk students out of Write conclusion repeating the SAT when the only goal is to increase the essay score. It#8217;s far less important than the paper, EBRW/Math components even at colleges that require it. Write Conclusion. It is hard to imagine that many scenarios where it is the decision maker. The 25th-75th score range for the essay is likely to be 5-7 (in each area), so your son#8217;s score is not that out-of-whack. As you may also have gleaned, I#8217;m a believer in supporting students. If your son wants to my thesis kim kastens raise his Essay score and is willing to Write term conclusion introduction repeat the College essay help, SAT, then I#8217;d encourage him to term paper conclusion focus on for sale, the positive. He is a Semifinalist from VA and paper scored a 1570, so he knows his stuff. A #8220;drop#8221; is not going to be significant and is completely irrelevant for superscoring colleges. My only recommendation would be to make sure that he continues preparing for the V/M as he tries to improve his Essay. He can#8217;t go into the test just thinking #8220;gotta do great on essay help scholarship, the Essay,#8221; especially since the Essay comes at the end.

I#8217;m sure he#8217;ll do fine. very helpful. thanks so much. Hello Art My daughter plans on applying to several ivies. Write Paper Conclusion Introduction. On her first SAT with Essay she received 22 on her essay, but was not happy with her overall SAT score. Recently, in August, she retook the SAT without the Answers homework, essay. She is happy with her August SAT score of 1550. Will Yale, for example, allow her to use the August SAT score along with the essay score from her previous SAT test? I understand she must submit all her scores when she applies and am hoping her essay score will be accepted although it was not taken with her August SAT. Thank you!

Almost all of the admission offices that we have talked to are happy to see at Write conclusion introduction, least one testing with an Assignment ethics essay and Write are ok if other sittings do not include an essay help scholarship essay. The UC system is a major exception, and UCLA now gets more applications than any school in the country. I have not spoken to Yale, but it has its #8220;send all scores#8221; policy because it prefers to take a holistic review. There is no reason to think that Yale will ignore her 1550. I appreciate your reply. Thank you! What Your ACT Score Report Looks Like to Colleges. 2017 Compass Education Group. Write Term. SAT, PSAT, ACT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT and AP are registered trademarks not owned by Compass Education Group.

The trademark holders were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this website.

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Free Information Technology essays. P2P networks can be classified as unstructured, loosely structured, and highly structured based on the control over data location and network topology Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing applications, such as Napster and term paper conclusion, Gnutella supports millions of users to search and download desired data. Flooding is the predominant search technique in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. P2P full-text search schemes can be divided into two types: DHT-based global index and Answers homework, federated search engine over unstructured protocols. DHT-based searching engines are based on distributed indexes that partition a logically global inverted index in a physically distributed manner. Due to the exact match problem of DHTs, such schemes provide poor full-text search capacity. Federated Search Engines over unstructured P2Ps.

In federated search engines over unstructured P2Ps, queries are processed based on flooding. Write Conclusion Introduction. Unstructured P2Ps are commonly believed to be the best candidate for supporting full-text retrieval because the query evaluation operations can be handled at the nodes that store the relevant documents. However, search recall is not guaranteed with acceptable communication cost using a flooding-based scheme. If we measure performance as the number of Help my thesis kim kastens exchanged messages per distinct response, flooding with small time-to-live performs well in regular networks. Replication strategies are extensively utilized to improve search performance in unstructured P2Ps. Term Introduction. The existing replication strategies can be divided into College help different categories. ‘ strategies towards Query popularity awareness. ‘ WP(With Pointers) scheme. The items with high query rate are highly replicated for Write term paper conclusion introduction future query searching in query popular aware repletion strategies, thus popular items are improved for search performance. However, the for sale strategy is inefficient for Write term solving insoluble queries, the assignment marketing mix queries for rare items.

Moreover, in practice, the query frequency is difficult or even impossible to obtain in a distributed P2P system. The second type of replication strategy is independent of the Write term paper introduction popularity of the query, such as the WP scheme. By replicating data and query replicas randomly across a P2P network regardless of the query rate of the data, such kind of schemes improve search recall of queries no matter they are popular or not. In WP scheme, the term query replica is used to differentiate a query message transferred across the network without performing and a query that evaluated in a node. English. A query replica will be performed by the node holding it. The WP scheme utilizes random walk technique to deploy replicas. Paper Introduction. The problem of random walk based scheme is that it is not fault-tolerant. Another problem of the to geography homework existing replication strategies is that simply replicating document reference or selected metadata cannot successfully support full text retrieval. Term Conclusion. To support full text retrieval, the existing replication strategies need to replicate the full document across the Buy written paper straws network, raising possibly unacceptable communication and storage costs.So a better system is required that can support full-Text Retrievals in Unstructured P2P Networks without the shortcomings of Popularity Aware and WP schemes. To address the problems of the term paper conclusion introduction query popularity independent replication strategies, we propose a novel strategy, called BloomCast, that implements Bloom Filters in WP scheme to support efficient and effective full-text retrieval over unstructured p2p networks. Different from the WP scheme, BloomCast hybridizes a lightweight DHT with an unstructured P2P overlay to Answers support random node sampling and network size estimation.

Furthermore, we propose an option of using Bloom Filter encoding instead of replicating the raw data. Using such an option, BloomCast replicates Bloom Filters (BF) of a document. The Bloom Filters is a lossy but succinct and efficient data structure to represent a set S, which can efficiently process the conclusion membership query such as ‘is element x in set S.’ By replicating the encoded term sets using BFs instead of raw documents among peers, the communication/storage costs are greatly reduced, while the English paper for sale full-text multi keyword searching are supported. WP scheme utilizes random walk techniques which is an overkill of resources of the query initiating peer, because these techniques are implemented irrespective of topologies and network size. Basically, every new technique is Write term paper conclusion inspired from either flooding or random walk. Mainly they are distinguishing as techniques based on selection and techniques based on underlying topology changes Most searching schemes in unstructured P2P networks are forwarding-based and are different variations of flooding. Flooding is the predominant search technique in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. If we measure performance as the number of exchanged messages per distinct response, flooding with small time-to-live performs well in regular networks.

Forwarding schemes in unstructured P2Ps can also be classified as blind search or informed search. Blind searches, such as k-walker random walk and modified random BFS, nodes do not keep any information about the data location. Informed searches, for example, directed BFS and SQR, nodes store some hints that facilitate the search. The directed BFS utilizes simple hints while SQR takes advantage of complicated hints. Hence we use the random walk technique for the search. Simulating a random walk has been proposed as an alternative search technique. The performance of the random walk simulation method appears to be better than the performance of flooding in the Regular topologies. In addition, the random walk simulation method scales well and has excellent granularity. We consider hybrid schemes which can be viewed as a random walk of substantially shorter length combined with very shallow floodings on every step of the random walk ( fig . 1d ) Fig. 1. Figure 1a represents search by flooding. Flooding has good performance for small values of time-to-live.

Figure 1b represents search by random walk. The response time is proportional to Buy written the length of the walk. Figure 1c represents a general search scheme, which is introduction flooding amplified towards a critical direction. This is suitable in the case of Help kim kastens clustered topologies, where the critical direction leads flooding outside a cluster. Figure 1d represents a shorter random walk with local floodings. This decreases the response time and is particularly suitable when combined with 1-step replication. The simulation of a short random walk with shallow floodings on every step performs particularly well. Conclusion. The idea is the following.

Naturally, we expect that the time to discover a certain number of Answers to geography nodes using a random walk with shallow floodings will be somewhat smaller than in the simulation of a random walk without local floodings. We study normalized flooding, where a vertex of small degree forwards a query to all his neighbors, while a vertex of Write term paper introduction large degree forwards a query to a small subset of its neighbors chosen uniformly at random. Straws. On the other hand, we noted that flooding has poor performance when there is discrepancy in Write paper introduction the degrees of the underlying network. The performance of flooding in the case of a sparse network with a few vertices of large degrees. We study normalized flooding, where a vertex of small degree forwards a query to all his neighbors. Normalized flooding with 1-step replication achieves performance comparable to random walk with 1-step replication, further indicating that the gaining in paper for sale 1-step replication comes from the paper conclusion introduction bias of large degrees, and English, further strengthening the paper conclusion introduction suggestion to use a small number of super nodes. We use the graph models some crucial structural properties that will be later used in Answers homework the proofs. 2.1 RANDOM GRAPH MODELS. We introduce random regular graphs, which aim to capture the behavior of Write term paper conclusion introduction a typical regular topology, and random graphs with supernodes. We review the Answers to geography graph theoretic notion of Write introduction expansion and relate to Help me write the performance of flooding. This is a standard model in the theory of random graphs as well as networking.

Particularly for conclusion introduction denoting the degrees of a graph on n nodes. Essay Help. First consider mini-vertices corresponding to nodes in the natural way: the first d1 minivertices correspond to node 1, the next d2 mini-vertices correspond to node 2, and so on. Write Term Paper Conclusion. Let d be a constant. By random regular graph, denoted Gn,d. A random graph in the configurational model, with Futhur we introduce the Random graph model for graphs with the super nodes. Consider the ?? and ?? and and , called large vertices, and all the remaining nodes of degree d, called small vertices. Help My Thesis. Random regular graphs and Write term paper conclusion, random graphs with supernodes have sum of degrees D=dn and homework, respectively, hence they are sparse, in the sense that the sum of the degrees of their vertices is . Paper Conclusion. Throughout this paper, ‘ means 1??o(1).

We need the following definitions. Let G(V,E) be an undirected graph, with |V |=n. Let S be a subset of vertices, S V , and let be its complement, = V S. The structural facts for graphs with supernodes are Lemmas are used and a detailed below. Lemma 2.1: Let G = G n,d. be a random graph with supernodes, and let ‘ be any constant ‘ max . Then, with all but exponentially vanishing probability, every large vertex of G has distinct large neighbors. Lemma 2.2: Let G = G n,d. be a random graph with supernodes. Then, with all but exponentially vanishing probability, every large vertex of Assignment ethics G has edges incident to (not necessarily distinct) small neighbors. Lemma 2.3: Let G = G n,d. be a random graph with supernodes. Then, with all but exponentially vanishing probability, every large vertex v has. 2.2FLOODING AND NORMALIZATION. Flooding is the predominant search technique in unstructured peer-to-peer networks. In particular, a node initiates a search by propagating a request, together with a time-to-live ?? , to Write term paper introduction all his neighbors Flooding proceeds as follows.

The first time that a node receives a request with time-to-live t, the node responds to the request and, if t 0, the node propagates the same request to me write my thesis kim kastens all his neighbors. If a node receives the same request multiple times, then it will neither respond nor propagate it. We quantify the performance of flooding by the number of responses, the response time (we assume that the delay of a particular response is proportional to the number of hops between the initiator of the query and the responding node), and by the number of propagated messages. Write Term Paper Conclusion. When a graph is not regular, then the performance of flooding deteriorates. Tthese cause a sudden sharp increase in the number of neighbors they introduce (hence poor granularity), which, in turn, causes a lot of shared edges. Hence therefore consider normalized flooding which is the following algorithm. Assignment Business. In normalized flooding, when a node of degree dmin receives a query, the node propagates the query to term paper conclusion all his neighbors (except the one which forwarded the query). In the case of higher degree has receive the query, Then the node propagates the Assignment query only to the dmin to Write term introduction all of the neighbour nodes. Hence as we introduce the good behavior of flooding in my thesis regular graphs. The proof of this theorem is directly based on known structural properties of random regular graphs. Our intension is to Write introduction translate these properties in the context of the flooding.

As we want the Make marketing maintain the upper bounds in the theorem to differentiate the time-to-live, and suggest to guarantee the flooding. To generate the distinct responses we maintain the paper lower bounds for flooding in the graphs with supernodes to indicate that, without normalization. A large vertex is discovered for a very small value of time-to-live, hence even poorer granularity. Flooding with effective time-to-live for distinctive responses the no.of minigroups can be seen and expectable small vertices for to assignment marketing attain the flooding with propability. It Indicates the normalized flooding in graphs with supernodes can rectify the performance of flooding. Introduction. It brings the performance of normalized flooding, up to order of magnitude, to english essay the performance of flooding in regular graphs. 2.3 RANDOM WALKS AND REPLICATION. Everything else being equal, the Write best way to search a graph would be by essay help scholarship, uniform sampling. Assuming that a random node of the network could be generated efficiently, we could take k such samples simultaneously at cost one message per sample. By the Write introduction well known coupon collection theorem. For any 1 K n, the expected number of the Buy written paper samples to Write term conclusion introduction visit all the nodes of Buy written paper straws nlogn, for any constant 1, then expected no.of samples visit to . Paper Conclusion. The amount of network overhead per distinct response can comearbitrarily close to 1. In additional we can retrieve drawn samples simultaneously.

The random walk method has been proposed as a practical alternative to English paper for sale implement uniform sampling. In several random graph models mixing time of the Write paper conclusion random walk, which is the number of ethics simulation steps in order for the random walk to reach a distribution close to uniform, is O(log n). Which means that we may simulate the k uniform sampleswith O(logn) random walk steps for Write term paper conclusion introduction uniform sampling. the random walks can be simulated in me write kim kastens parallel, and assuming that the response delay of a random walk is proportional to the number of simulation steps of the walk. Hence we may get maximum response time O(logn), Overhead atmost of term conclusion O( klogn ). The drawback of this. approach is the network overhead which scales as O(log n). On the positive side, the theory of to geography homework cover times , complexity theory, and extensive experimentation suggest that this overhead can be reduced to a constant by paper, taking O(log n) steps to randomize and then using k successive steps of the random walk. In the Existing system, To address the problems of the query popularity independent replication strategies, we propose a novel strategy, called BloomCast, that implements Bloom Filters in WP scheme to support efficient and College help scholarship, effective full-text retrieval over unstructured p2p networks.

Different from the WP scheme, BloomCast hybridizes a lightweight DHT with an unstructured P2P overlay to Write term introduction support random node sampling and network size estimation. Furthermore, we propose an option of using Bloom Filter encoding instead of replicating the for sale raw data. Using such an option, BloomCast replicates Bloom Filters (BF) of a document. A BF is a lossy but succinct and efficient data structure to represent a set S, which can efficiently process the membership query such as ‘is element x in paper conclusion introduction set S.’ By replicating the Buy written straws encoded term sets using BFs instead of raw documents among peers, the communication/storage costs are greatly reduced, while the full-text multi keyword searching are supported. WP scheme utilizes random walk techniques which is an overkill of resources of the query initiating peer, because these techniques are implemented irrespective of topologies and network size.

4. Proposed System. So we propose to use Flooding, Long random walk, General search scheme(suitable in the case of clustered topologies), Short random walk with local flooding(decreases the response time and is particularly suitable when combined with 1-step replication) schemes in accordance with varying p2p topologies and Write conclusion, network sizes. we are interested. in characterizing the performance of searching. We. choose some distinct random nodes and perform searching starting from these nodes with the algorithms. Straws. We measure the number of distinct peers visited per searching per node, which we call hits. The hits directly related to the standard definition discovered the no.of specific object copies, assuming that the copies of the requested information are placed at random in the network. In addition, we measure the response time of the searching, i.e. the Write conclusion maximum time it takes for the query to complete.We use the Buy written following Specific metrics.

‘ Median and Mean number of distinct peers discovered (hits). It should maximize the median and mode no.of distinct peers and conclusion introduction, median is the most more robust metrics degrees, it is possible to Help my thesis measure relatively large mean values because few searches may reach a very large number of Write term paper introduction users and increase the mean value. ‘ Minimum, Maximum, and Standard Deviation of the number of hits. A large minimum value is important in order to guarantee that the algorithm will have a good worst case performance. The variation of the maximum value and minimum value is measured using the standard deviation. ‘ Number of messages. In order to perform a fair comparison of the different searching algorithms we require that they use the same number of messages. we require that the expected number of messages used in english help scholarship each experiment is approximately the same for all algorithms.

‘ Granularity of Write term paper conclusion introduction number of messages. This is a qualitatively and Buy written paper, not quantitative metric, it. is difficult to control the Write term paper conclusion introduction parameters of the algorithm, usually the time-to-live, to use a pre-specified number of messages. Algorithms with finer granularity are preferable for essay help scholarship searching. We also measure the maximum running time of each algorithm.

Each node receives queries from its neighbors and at the same time processes them and term paper introduction, forwards copies of the queries, if necessary, to its neighbors. We are interested in studying the performance of the searching algorithms in networks with irregularities in the node degrees and in networks. Both cases are typical in complex and unstructured communication networks. Typically, these users have a much larger number of neighbors. A common pattern that appears in every unstructured communication network is the clusterness of the topology. We will use the following synthetic topologies to compare the searching algorithms. Random d-regular Graphs.

Extensive analytical work has shown that random d-regular graphs have good properties, including low diameter, good connectivity. We will use d-regular random graphs as a canonical model of a well connected network. The topologies of third generation peer-to-peer networks, like BitTorrent, how the Buy written straws topology is formed. Power Law Graphs. Many seemingly complex networks, including the Internet, the Web Graph, and. many others, have been shown to be characterized by powerlaws. The power-law is usually characterized by a parameter ?? called the powerlaw exponent. For ?? = 3.0 the largest degree in Write term 1M nodes graph is less than 100, which brings the parameters close to homework real peer-to-peer networks. Clustered topologies.

We assume that there are clusters of term paper introduction users with very good connectivity inside each cluster. In particular, we assume that the network is composed of a small number of clusters, and each cluster is paper a 3-regular random graph. Bimodal topologies. We assume that there are two types of nodes in the network. Few nodes are. connected to a large number of other nodes and Such nodes are typically called ultra-peers. The rest of the users have few neighbors. The performance of Write term conclusion introduction normalized flooding to standard flooding, Both schemes perform similarly in regular topologies. When the topology contains nodes with high degrees, which is common in large unstructured communication networks. With normalization it is easier to Help me write kim kastens control how many nodes will be reached by the flooding. We give the Write term paper conclusion introduction mean number of unique peers discovered as a function of the initial time-to-live for topologies.

Where as in Buy written paper straws the other topologies. however, which contain nodes of high degree, the increase in the number of peers is very fast after the search reaches a high degree node. Paper Introduction. Increase in the. TTL by 1 or 2 will result in discovering a large part of the network. Hence it shows the tremendous increase comes at the cost of reduced efficiency in the search process. A large number of paper for sale messages reach already discovered nodes. Normalized flooding behaves better than standard flooding with respect to other metrics.

Consider the paper introduction example the standard deviation is much smaller with normalized. Flooding. Moreover, the to geography number of peers discovered as a function of the Write paper conclusion introduction initial time-to-live follows a more predictable behavior. In Figure 2 we plot the Buy written paper number of nodes visited by the flooding as a function of the initial time-to-live. Fig. 2. Number of unique peers discovered as a function of the Write term initial time-tolive. Make Assignment. In the case of normalized flooding the number of unique peers increases exponentially with the TTL, and, moreover, the term paper conclusion introduction increase is predictable and consistent for all nodes. Make Assignment Marketing. In the case of Write paper conclusion introduction regular flooding, the increase is much faster and depends on the node that initiates the flooding.

The straight line in the case of normalized flooding indicates that the horizon of the search increases exponentially. Observe that in order to discover the same number of nodes with normalized flooding as with standard flooding. Since the increase of the horizon is more predictable and can be roughly computed by either knowing the properties of the topology. Replication of one step is a practical way to improve the performance of searching by allowing each node to answer queries on behalf of its neighbors. Kim Kastens. The advantage comes at Write term conclusion the cost of for sale replicating information about the content of the neighbors. Write Term Paper Conclusion Introduction. This cost is paid once when a new neighbor arrives and is amortized over a large number of messages that go through the node. The advantage of 1-step replication becomes clear in graphs with large degrees, like the power-law graphs and the bimodal graph. The main.

reason is that both methods, flooding and random walks, quickly discover the nodes of high degree and Make marketing, through them discover a large portion of the nodes in the network. Write Conclusion Introduction. In the cases of Buy written graphs with large degrees the performance of normalized flooding is Write paper conclusion introduction better than random walk (in the worst case by approximately 20%) An extension of the previous scheme is to perform a short random walk with local floodings, We call this random walk with lookahead. we do not think that it is Assignment business realistic to maintain replicas of your neighbors’ neighbors, therefore we charge the algorithm for Write conclusion all the messages generated by both the random walk and the local flooding. The main observation is that the performance of the Answers to geography homework random walk with lookahead is similar in Write term paper conclusion introduction terms of unique peers discovered to performing a long random walk without lookahead. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Information Technology essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you.

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If you feel the need to add more information to your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the most compelling details are on term paper, the first page and that it’s not crowded with words. In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and homework relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of years, try to list only the term introduction, most relevant jobs within the past 5-7 years on english essay help scholarship, the first page and either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon Write term, request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is assignment marketing mix so inclined to read it. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and irrelevant details take away from the razzle and Write term paper introduction dazzle of the first page of Answers to geography homework, your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to Write term introduction, know the capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Help my thesis, Your Curriculum Vitae.

You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to Write term paper conclusion, sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Make Assignment Marketing? Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and Write conclusion pieces of concise and relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer. Refer to the job description and other material posted by your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the Answers homework, same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and Write term introduction job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and applicable skills and job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on paper, the job description by your prospective employer, consider leaving them out.

If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the conclusion, first page. Instead, attach them at the top of the help scholarship, page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for conclusion, your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and make every word count. Assignment? In order to accomplish this, you need to use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of Write, horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and email address at the top in the center. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and College essay help scholarship long term employment with a company in Write conclusion, which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated. Because that sentence will take the paper, entire width of the term paper, page, your next sections should be small and centered. This would be a great place to English for sale, list your skills.

If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Write Introduction? Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in Buy written, the left column and your job duties on the right. Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references. Term Paper Introduction? If there is Answers any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Term Paper Conclusion? Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review.

You can post a sentence on the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested. If you have room on paper, the page after leaving plenty of space in term, between each section, increase the font size of your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and any other relevant piece of Make, information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae. Write Conclusion? Cover letters are easy to disregard if an employer isn’t interested, and Buy written they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an interest in learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to fill out per application. Save the outline and consistent information in a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for it. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word. For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the word ‘Company’ with each different place to which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter. Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in Write paper introduction, today’s economy.

Writing a great cover letter is probably the most important step you can towards landing the job of their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at your resume. Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only Buy written paper straws, a potential employer to read your resume, but also gets you invited for term conclusion introduction, an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text. To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space.

You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and Buy written paper straws double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead. Your letterhead should be the same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and only chance to name drop, so take advantage of it. Paper? Potential employers want to know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for paper for sale, this position. Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to be a rebel. Finally, set the tone for the rest of the letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing..

If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea. If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to Write term conclusion, link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken. Determine which aspect of your education is most important to the position you’re applying for straws, and present it here. A fourth and Write term introduction even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to Buy written, present additional relevant information. Just remember to develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page.

This is Write term paper your opportunity to paper for sale, tie everything together, leading the reader to paper, invite you to an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to an interview. Finally, state the easiest way for the employer to reach you, referring to the phone number and paper straws e-mail address in your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check.

Place the cover letter aside for paper introduction, a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at business it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter. Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and ultimately invite you to an interview. The rest is Write paper conclusion up to you! How to prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and effort to make a solid impact.

You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in paper, this case is the term introduction, organization. Your first job as the seller is to sell yourself. You need to stand out from the English paper for sale, other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in term paper conclusion, a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and English paper cover letter is in a pile on a desk with plenty of others, therefore you must find a way to rise to the top. You need to put yourself in a stronger position, instead of you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to take it. Write Term Conclusion Introduction? Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray. Scholarship? If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to the next step, however, too arrogant and doors will close. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and Write term paper introduction determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about business ethics five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to Write term paper introduction, the organization. By researching and probing how you can make an impact in the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of most candidates.

Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position. After the interview, you want to English for sale, leave the Write paper introduction, impression that you can start the job tomorrow. You want to contact somebody who does the same job at me write my thesis kim kastens the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions. It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for Write term paper conclusion introduction, the position within the organization and the industry as a whole. The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by proving that you not only did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude. Be prepared to Help me write my thesis, go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the homework you have done. Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top. Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Term Paper Conclusion? Many employees have innovative ideas about how to perform their jobs better, tap into Assignment, that information for introduction, free and then add your own spin.

Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. College Help Scholarship? If you want to Write term paper conclusion introduction, make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. English Paper For Sale? Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out Write term paper introduction natural. Landing an offer in Answers homework, a tough economy requires considerable effort. If you can demonstrate you can make an Write term paper conclusion impact in your interview, your name will rise to the top of the pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster All the Curriculum Vitae templates are at your disposal without any guaranty.

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