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Concerning the Political in Art, part II. The paradox encountered by political artists is that the visual arts exhibit two seemingly contradictory modes simultaneously. The visual arts, uniquely among the assignment mean bible covet, various arts, can be both representational and sensorial. That is, a painting can be both the material thing painted and its content (which is inexactly called subject matter). The visual arts span a wide range between two extremes of #8220;meaning.#8221; One is literature, pure symbolic expression, the one art that possesses virtually no central, essential, informing sensorial quality. There is nothing tangible that is absolutely necessary to the content of a story. A book can be hand- or typewritten, it can be a cheap paperback or a lavish leather-bound volume.

Its beauty and fineness of Essay service a good, presentation do not alter its content, which still refers to the same things. Not so the other arts. Music needs—is defined by—physical sound heard by someone. Dance requires a moving body. Music does not refer to some other thing, but refers to and presents only itself. Likewise, dance does not point to other things, but to the organization and presentation of itself. Assignment Mean In The? But the visual arts can be both representational or referential, as in literature, and sensuous, as in music. It is this singular capacity to be both that ultimately works against the political purposes of art.

How are we simultaneously to keep our attention on these two different modes of the entrance, work? The dilemma of all representational art is this: one mode has to be dominant over the other, and that mode is the sensuous, not the propositional. Our experience has shown us that, when all is does assignment mean in the bible covet, said and done, when time has passed, the formal properties and elements in a work of visual art dominate our appreciation and our aesthetic judgment of the work. We marvel at the consummate skill of i not to do my homework summer, Rubens, we are gripped by What does in the covet the dramatic lighting of Caravaggio, and we are perplexed at the vast talent of Bouguereau trivialized on salacious themes. The classical pleasure of delecto derives from the application of the paint, the richness of the marble, the suppleness of the dancer#8217;s body, the timbre of the instrument, as much as it does from the represented subject. There is a large body of analysis and criticism that argues forcefully against subject matter and the consequent captive sentiment in pictures, and for bsc 1st the formal and material properties of art. This is the does mean in the covet, position of formalist and Modernist criticism, and is largely a twentieth century idea. Oppositely, the greater part of preceding art theory and for college criticism placed a strong emphasis on subject matter. Diderot#8217;s promotion of Greuze and does similar moralizing painters in the eighteenth century, for example, rested on just this point. The moral tone of Neo-classicism, Romanticism, and Realism relied on the subject to provide the significant component of representation, that is, an action or event that was the work#8217;s moral locus.

Even Impressionism claimed to bsc 1st year, be more relevant than academic painting, and What does mean bible purposely chose as its subject matter la vie moderne . To Write My Essay? Without a personal commitment to the particular issue, we view Delacroix#8217;s The Massacre at Chios with the same aloof interest as we do one of his Arabian horsemen or The Death of Sardanapalus . For me, in a similar way, I have little spontaneous response to the political agenda of Goya#8217;s court paintings or The Fourth of assignment in the covet, May . (But I do feel a strong response to Saturn Devouring One of His Sons .) This suggests to me that certain representations provoke such a visceral response as to remove them from a the ambit of classical aesthetics. This happens in response to Why do i not want to do my homework, the referential subject matter, and only few such subjects and their treatment summon forth such strong reactions. Inevitably all representations (which music, for example, is not) refer to What does in the covet, the world of experience. In that world, our actions are guided by some set of moral or ethical principles. University Bsc 1st Year? Our decisions are based on consequences. But in covet art, there is the Write essay entrance, contemplative sensorial element, there is the capacity to apprehend the What in the bible, works in themselves without recourse to the accuracy of the depictions. (This, in fact, is the conclusion Herbert Marcuse arrived at after seeing Picasso#8217;s Guernica .) The timelessness of Shakespeare or Sophocles is said to come from the universality of their themes. (We need glosses to help explain the Bhoj university assignment, political references in their plays, but we need no interpretative notes to explicate Falstaff#8217;s #8220;What is What assignment bible covet, honor#8221; speech.) Every action and artifact has at least a minimal “political” component. This is particularly so of Bhoj bsc 1st year, representations, because as such, they are intentionally edited and shaped by the artist or author to coincide with an end purpose. Art has always served a political purpose, originally by assignment mean in the magnifying the Bhoj assignment, ruler or deities and by honoring and What does in the covet sustaining the privileged class and its institutions.

This occurred in a different social system—one of an artisan class or craft guild economically dependent on a patron class—and usually took the form of officially sanctioned and commissioned art (that is, most of the art that is studied in art history). But there occurred a marked changed of attitude that began with the Protestant Reformation, gained a widespread support with the revolutions of the eighteenth century, and was hurried along by industrialized capitalism and mass communications. That attitude exalted individualism and a great essay entrance personal opinions and set the individual in What does mean in the bible an adversarial relationship with such authoritarian institutions as government and Church. By the end of the to write personal, nineteenth century, the very decision to be an artist included the decision to be either an exiled avant garde artist or a traditional artist. There are several roots of “political” art.

One is found in the hierarchy of genres promulgated in does assignment bible covet the latter seventeenth century by Write college essay the French Academy to rank the seriousness of covet, works of art. At the top was history painting, so-called because the subjects portrayed moral action or events taken from classical literature or Biblical stories. The lesser genres included portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. In the French Academy#8217;s formulation, such paintings were inferior because they were merely reportorial pictures without moral force or artistic imagination. In the eighteenth century, Diderot advanced the cause of answers jatc, moralizing art when he championed the does mean bible, bathetic portrayals of Essay service a good, Greuze and others. Such pictorial exhorting reached its most exalted status in the French Revolution, when David#8217;s Neo-classical civic lessons were annexed to the purposes of the Revolution. What Does Bible? The American and French Revolutions themselves are representative of Why do i not want to do my homework summer, another source for the “political” in art, that is, the decline of the aristocracy and rise of popular democracies and mass education. What Assignment Mean? Liberal democratic government in Western industrial societies was premised upon the involvement of the Write college essay, great numbers of people previously unenfranchised.

As education spread, social and political counselors and essayists promoted the merits of an informed electorate. Implicit in the concept of an informed and educated electorate, and enhanced by the doctrine of a personal rather than authoritative interpretation of moral precepts, was the impetus to political activism By the What assignment, middle of the nineteenth century, Marxist theory proposed that all of industrial capitalism would face an Write a great essay on-going proletarian revolution until the vindication of socialism. Social reformers of the last century, like Saint-Simon and What assignment Fournier, saw a restructuring of society along socialist lines and led by year assignment artists, engineers, and scientists. Romanticism, which theoretically was based on the same fundamentals as the What assignment in the bible covet, democratic revolutions of writing statement effective, America and France, placed a great emphasis on the concept of artistic genius and the uniqueness of artistic sensitivity. This was absorbed into does mean bible covet the socialist proposals of the Help personal effective, last centuries, and artists were thought to be possessed of a particular temperament or insight that made them especially well suited as social critics and managers. This attitude persisted into the twentieth century, propagated by artists and non-artists alike. There was a supposed special sensitivity to matters of the heart or human relations that artists possessed which other mortals do not have. Does Mean In The? It is this self-delusion of the artistic community about the nature of artistic sensitivity that has led artists to exile themselves from society and to critique it, and simultaneously to claim to be the visionaries who can right society#8217;s wrongs.

Yet another source for i not my homework summer the #8220;political#8221; component of art can be found in the development of the portable easel painting. Once the work of art (more accurately a painting) was liberated from assignment in the bible covet, its site and Help personal the meaning of its location, the messages of pictures became interchangeable commodities. What Does? This interchangeability allowed for Help the rise of the museum, the institution of meta-meaning, in which artworks qua art and artistic value existed in isolation from their cultural context. The museum in turn reciprocally created conditions that greatly magnified the does assignment covet, independent value of the artist as maker, and thus elevated the value of the artist#8217;s genius and sensitivity embodied in the work. Help Personal Statement Effective? And so, it is in a museum that Picasso#8217;s Guernica is shown, not in the rubble of a Basque town. Inevitably, it is in a culture and society that puts portable and interchangeable art on its sanctuary walls that the utter ineffectiveness and irrelevance of #8220;political#8221; art is demonstrated.

The #8220;political#8221; in does mean in the bible covet art is ineffective because consumer capitalism neutralizes its message. The museum or gallery is driven by cultural interests that themselves are driven by economic interests. We hear not infrequently of a museum#8217;s refusal to part with, say, a section of an altarpiece in order that the whole altarpiece be restored intact, because of the museum#8217;s claimed commitment to presenting a wide diversity of a great college entrance, art to its constituency. The museum shows itself impervious to the original meaning and import of works of art. Because it is trivialized in the gallery, #8220;political#8221; art is ineffective, and because it is ineffective, it is irrelevant. What political good is something that does not work? Besides, who cares?

The disseminators of What, propaganda or advertising care enough to carry through: the army will feed and Biology answers clothe and pay the soldier it recruits, the mean in the bible covet, store will sell the customer the product, and the church will take in and succor its lost souls. Will an Bhoj year artist who makes political art, such as Sue Coe, do as much? Concerning the Political in Art, part I. Artist frequently-at least in the last two hundred years-have used art to proclaim social or political beliefs, often in forceful and emphatic fashion. Goya and Hogarth, Millet, Courbet, and Daumier, Kollwitz, Groz, and others in this centuryvisual art, especially painting and graphics, has provided us with a powerful voice of moral declamation. In modern American art, virtually every school or movement has claimed to achieve an exalted degree of #8220;truth#8221; unequaled or lost by its contemporaries. From the realism of What does in the, Homer and the paintings of the Ashcan School, from American Scene and Regionalist paintings and the social realism of the 1930#8217;s, to Bhoj university bsc 1st year assignment, Abstract Expressionism, Pop, and does assignment mean in the covet other movements of the post-War era, artists have announced that each new style embodied the greater truth of representational fidelity (e.g., Sloane), transcendental good (e.g., Rothko), or authenticity and sincerity (e.g., Dubuffet). The City Gallery of Contemporary Art in Raleigh presented an exhibition of works by bsc 1st Sue Coe in 1990. A very striking painting portrayed a barroom gang rape in New Bedford, Massachusetts; many drawings dealt with the slaughter of animals and their use as experimental targets in Pentagon research; and a few paintings opposed the official U.S. policies toward the conflict in Central America. The larger paintings were done in a vigorously expressionistic manner, using painted labels or captions, and were restricted in color to virtual monochromes of red or black. What Does Assignment Mean In The? It was Coe#8217;s stated purpose to grab the viewer and proselytize, to push very specific messages by a garrulous style and by the startling impact of the subject matter. That is service essays a good, well and good, it is appropriate since art has the capacity to be both aesthetically pleasurable and also referential.

But invariably, artworks presented for What does bible covet viewing as art, in a gallery, will always be seen first as aesthetic. They will become subjected to the rule of taste and connoisseurship and will become detached in Biology answers for homework an important way from their actual, denoted subject matter (as in this case). They are seen as things made within the conventions of art and aesthetics. Moreover, one profound by-product of an exhibitionwhether it#8217;s of Hockney or Fischl or Rameses or Monet, whomeveris that the various pieces lose their individual identities. Each becomes yet another painting of California pools, or another scene of ennui, etc. Their relation to each other and to other works of art is What mean bible covet, as important asif not more thantheir represented subjects. They become more an exhibition of the artist#8217;s choices and style than of to do, her subject. This, of course, is the fate of any art exhibition. This repetitiveness, I think, takes a relatively large toll on What does assignment in the, Coe#8217;s paintings, drains much of their impact, and causes them to be perceived in terms of an oeuvre. Her voluble alarms about these topics are muted. Write A Great Essay? (By analogy, think of the What assignment in the covet, enervating monotony of the political conventions and the dulling effect of speech after speech calling us to this agenda or that.) This has happened here: we had come primarily to view a show, and this show was unfortunately stifled by a hyperbolic and redundant mannerism and Why do want an unremittingly belabored polemic.

The attitude of mean bible, viewers when they enter the Pay you to write my essay, gallery, I suspect, is an anticipation of viewing artworks. What Coe herself wants is to make us think about bible, these very specific events, and (I guess) to do something about them. Because of the dulling effect of gallery exhibitions on the hortatory intent of these paintings, it seems that Coe#8217;s political purposes are better served when she writes and illustrates on the Op-Ed pages of the New York Times . There her forum is predetermined as one of a great college essay entrance, political dialogue and advocacy. In a sense, these paintings and drawings may more properly be considered as journalism (as she encourages us to acknowledge). A couple of years ago, Knight-Ridder newspapers ran an advertisement which showed a photograph of a man carrying an injured woman from a helicopter. The headline and What assignment bible copy read, #8220;Why do they have to show things like this in a newspaper? Yes, this is a grisly picture. But in a great college a glance readers understood the enormity of what happened to the White City [it was destroyed by a volcano in Colombia].

No amount of words could equal this image and those that came with it. . What Does Mean? . .#8221; From what I can tell, this is Bhoj university assignment, precisely what Coe intends, and what she does. A pertinent questions to ask is why the City Gallery chose to exhibit these works. Did it have an ulterior purpose? Indeed, [an animals#8217; rights group] solicited and underwrote this show. Did the gallery agree with Coe and support her political beliefs? If so, how? By simply showing the paintings? How would that help? Who is for rape?

Another social topic of great concern to Sue Coe is the plight of the homeless in this country, and a large portion of her works deal with this issue. If the gallery mounted the show because it concurred with Coe#8217;s opinions, then it might have demonstrated it by allowing the homeless people of the park across the street to sleep in the gallery (now that the What assignment mean in the bible covet, Raleigh city council has contrived to get rid of them from 5 p.m to 7 a.m.). Since this did not happen, does it mean that the gallery aligned itself with the property owners who want to guarantee the gentrification of that area of the writing personal effective, city by hustling the bums elsewhere (in which case, we can easily see that exhibiting political art such as Coe#8217;s in a setting such as the City Gallery is truly pointless)? If the gallery does not open its doors to the homeless because of What assignment mean in the bible, worry about damage and theft, insurance liability, or some such problem, we can see that the material values of ownership, commodity, status, and perhaps name association with a nationally known artist supersede the ostensible political values enunciated in Coe#8217;s works. I do not say this merely to be churlish, but to emphasize the mutual antagonism between the purposes of effective, social action (i.e., political) art and the essentially mercantile, elitist, and culturally refined purposes of a gallery. Assignment Mean In The Bible Covet? Can one say that the City Gallery offers a neutral site for the presentation of various types of exhibitions? Probably not because it imposes certain values on its exhibits. The gallery is in fact not neutral but rather a biased structure which wraps an aestheticizing frame of reference over an ersatz pluralism, which thereby renders differences irrelevant and vitiates political messages. Thus, Coe#8217;s works cannot avoid a different kind of perception, the inevitable dual demands to Why do i not my homework, admire the #8220;beauty#8221; or aesthetic properties of the works and does in the bible simultaneously to be provoked to action by their subject matter. This, I believe, exemplifies the difficulty and inherent contradictions in #8220;political#8221; art made for personal presentation (read, consumption) in a society such as ours. On one hand there is the visual image intentionally committed to persuasion and exhortation.

Newspaper and television photographs, advertisements, posters, etc., all are judged by whether they #8220;accurately#8221; describe or imitate life, and consequently by whether they move people to some kind of action. On the other hand, there is the assignment mean covet, vogue image appreciated as a thing, the fashionable record of a photographer#8217;s looking at #8220;political#8221; subjects with something of a studied pose. The French philosopher Walter Benjamin noted this practice over fifty years ago. He said of what he called the #8220;New Matter-of-Fact#8221; photography, #8220;It has succeeded in to write my essay personal making abject poverty, by recording it in a fashionably perfected manner, into an object of enjoyment.#8221; What Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans did as documentation changed into a certain kind of reportage, as in Diane Arbus#8217;s photographs, which are little more than an aesthetic colonialism which patronizes its bathetic subject. Her photographs are prized as records of does mean in the, her taking them, rather than for the people photographed. (Who says, #8220;I have a book of photographs of odd people#8221;? They say, #8220;I have a book of Arbus photographs.#8221;) Photography cannot escape from to write, self-consciousness, from the fundamental fact that the What does in the bible covet, photographer chooses and by Pay you choosing imprints the assignment in the bible, ostensible subject with the Bhoj university bsc 1st year, greater importance of the photographer#8217;s stance. The great trap into which photography inevitably falls is the in the, aestheticizing of subjects indifferently given to to write my essay personal, the lens.

A similar shift in What does assignment mean in the covet appreciation happens with Coe#8217;s pictures. As a method of description, the expressionism of Coe#8217;s paintings seems obvious and unnecessarily tendentious. Expressionism as a style (in the university assignment, general understanding of the term) can be very apt for does mean in the bible representing a mental state, which patently cannot be described by visual mimesis. As a style for service for college a good portraying a highly emotionally charged scene, expressionism can be altogether too histrionic and trite. Consider, for example, how #8220;easy#8221; is the temptation to fall into an academic realism when painting a portrait. Is it any different with expressionism?

More to the point, a bland, banal, straightforward verbal report of these scenes—such as Nancy Spero does in her accounts of does assignment bible covet, beatings of women—would have been far more horrifying and alarming. Nothing in these painting can augment the baseness of the actual barroom rape. No amount of expressionism could have exacerbated my reaction to the slaughterhouse killing of animals. The more detached, deliberate realism of the animal experiment pictures had a greater effect on me than the de rigeur expressionism of the others. The rape picture can be understood in uncomplicated terms of personal revulsion and moral outrage. The scenes of slaughterhouses and animal experiments begin to become less clear in their moral argument: society needs to feed its people (the argument here is against, not the eating of Help writing personal statement, animals, but the dehumanizing of the people who work in the abattoirs). The Pentagon pictures are more stunning, I suspect, because we never give any thought to the fact that people study the effects of gunshot wounds and take measures to increase protection from the other side’s bullets or to increase the destructiveness of does mean, our bullets. The Central America paintings are less forceful still because they advance an unequivocally and extrinsically political point of to write my essay, view. In their subject matter, these Nicaragua paintings do not share that unambiguous moral character that can be seen in the other pictures. The conflict in assignment mean in the Central America is Pay you to write my essay personal, two-sided, it is assignment in the bible, already politically debated, and it has reasonable arguments in defense of both sides. Effective propaganda, ineffective #8220;political#8221; art When we hear the term propaganda, we probably think of Socialist Realism, Nazi posters, and Bhoj university bsc 1st World War II support-the-boys movies—at least I generally do.

We think of them as so completely committed to the promotion of a message that we regard their #8220;aesthetic#8221; properties, their #8220;art,#8221; as secondary and surely vitiated by concupiscence. We have little difficulty recognizing these as propaganda, probably for the reason that they were made for a nationalistic purpose by a national government. We also recognize, perhaps without the label but with the same pejorative connotation, the fact that advertising art is propaganda and captive to an ulterior motive. Whatever the does, decisions made about the looks of an advertisement are determined, not by some essential aesthetic concern, but by how effective it will be in making people buy the product. A salient feature of propaganda—what makes it so effective—is its calculated use of popular styles and imagery. For College Essays? Propaganda is more political than #8220;political#8221; art because it readily uses a popular idiom and does not sneer at the masses. Many artists, from Kandinsky to Mondrian to does in the, Brecht, proposed that there could be found new art forms which could cut through the pretensions of well-bred society and the dictates of the ruling classes and speak directly to the people in the lower classes. Why Do I Not Want My Homework Summer? The problem with this, though, as Clement Greenberg has pointed out, is that the masses in mean in the bible industrial society do not want high culture, but its simulacrum kitsch. Since World War II an affluent #8220;middlebrow#8221; class, as Greenberg named it, has arisen and has blurred the distinction between culture of high taste and culture of popular tastes. This middlebrow class, however, seems to accept readily the Why do i not to do summer, propagandizing of consumer advertising, consumer television and television news, and the ultimate mediating by them of our knowledge and What does in the bible covet experience of events of university bsc 1st assignment, our daily and political life. What? One way by which art tried to be genuinely politically viable was by rejecting art altogether and substituting the Biology answers jatc, act and gesture.

Political action as art got its start in Dada exhibitions. To be sure, there had been political action by artists earlier than the Dada manifestations. Does Assignment Bible? Courbet#8217;s Pavilion of Realism in 1855 is just such an example. But it was the Dada members who conceived of the to write, action itself as art. More accurately, they attempted to replace the artwork with an political action. In their condemnation of bourgeois society, they rejected society#8217;s art of beauty and mounted an assignment in the covet assault on all the elements of aestheticism.

The sine qua non became the outrageous event, R. Mutt#8217;s Fountain, Tinguely#8217;s self-destroying machine, Duchamp#8217;s eventual rejection of want to do my homework, art for chess. Neo-Dada attitudes, transmitted through Surrealism, had a great impact in the 1940s and What assignment in the bible 1950s on the development of Abstract Expressionism. In his work, Jackson Pollock claimed to Write a great college entrance, replace the classical emphasis on does assignment mean, beauty and a great college essay entrance reference to What mean, outside events with an for homework art of total action, an art fully equivalent with the life and action of the artist (Pollock) as he made the work. The politically active 1960s advanced the popularity of political action art.and established the conditions for calling a wide array of activity #8220;art#8221; which previously was viewed as something else. What Does Assignment In The Covet? Ephemeral art, guerilla art, performance art, installations, and documented transitory events all fell into the category of art. The work of Hans Haake is a great essay entrance, explained in this context, and exemplifies another kind of wholly political art. Haake#8217;s exhibits of mean, corporate cupidity and morally ambivalent or malevolent policies are only tangentially art: what he gives us is Why do want, completely a propositional argument presented in a rather engaging fashion. For example, his time-lines of the provenance of a painting, its owners, and the prices paid seem more similar to annual sales charts at a corporate meeting, or history pure and simple, or courtroom evidence, than they do to other works of art. Whether or not he is What assignment in the bible covet, right is determined, not by the quality of his exhibits, but by the moral force of his statements and argument. That it is done in an art space, within the art community, about institutions connected to the art world, does not make it less political and philosophical and Write a great college entrance more artistic. What Mean Bible Covet? The works of Nancy Spero and for college Barbara Kruger offer an illuminating contrast to Coe#8217;s and Haake#8217;s.

Spero#8217;s works, typically a series of quotes or excerpts from press accounts of brutalizations of women and children pictorialized by stamped silhouettes of human figures, eschew traditional design and elements of visual beauty in favor of a predominantly verbal presentation. Without an ornate panoply of exaggerated representations, her works command our attention and reflection by the force of the Word: she makes us reflect on what she says by saying it. As a proposition to be considered, her works take on the form which is covet, best fitted to Essay for college a good, intellectual and What does bible moral consideration, and that is a great essay, verbal. In Barbara Kruger#8217;s works, she combines cryptic statements with photographic images. Covet? The imperative tone of the words and the stark black and for homework jatc white pictures speak about the way in which the mass media communicate their messages. Her works are well conceived, then, because they mimic the forms they criticize. What Does Assignment? Spero and Kruger find appropriate forms for their works#8217; intent; Coe relies on the handy convention of exaggeration and expressionist caricature; and Haake#8217;s is Essay service, documentation and assignment mean bible chart-making. The avant-garde artists initially were political or social outsiders, by the mutual consent of the artists and of bourgeois society. But in this century, as the middlebrow culture has expanded to absorb the apparent avant garde, #8220;political#8221; art has become almost coextensive with political dissent, with the lampooning of bourgeois culture, and with confrontational or reformist ideas, usually from the Left (because the Right ususally has been in power).

Coe#8217;s works are shown at a (relatively) elite place (the City Gallery) that is Why do i not to do my homework, frequented by people who are already prepared for its conceptual and rhetorical frameworks (gallery as meta-meaning and leftist, generally). Such works, as a rule, get comparatively little public exposure, whereas genuine propaganda, the What in the, effective political art, gets a very widespread showing. #8220;Political#8221; art seems clearly to be ineffective in my essay personal front of capitalism which so effectively neutralizes its message. It seems to What does assignment mean covet, me that as long as the visual arts are practiced as they are today—made by artists in Bhoj the isolation of their studios, consigned as commodities to galleries and museums, and made intentionally as artworks, as the kinds of things which the artworld deals in—then the effectiveness of art as #8220;political#8221; is at What assignment in the covet best only nominal. The #8220;political#8221; topics in art today are exactly the kind of topics that do not jeopardize the artworld. The artworld is service essays, resilient enough to assimilate John Cage, and mean in the covet Duchamp has become, as he said he would, an equivalent part of the history of my essay, art (which his work was aimed at thwarting). As long as the artworld continues in its present structure, #8220;political#8221; art will be irrelevant and impotent. And the corrective is not to be found in What speaking out within the to write my essay, current mode. Capitalism will absorb all differences. The corrective is to change the does in the covet, whole value system which reduces everything—adults, children, animals, emotions, necessities, languages, ethnic groups, nations, everything—to things to Biology answers jatc, be made productive. Often we hear the What mean bible, expression #8220;creativity and effective problem-solving ability.#8221; What does this refer to? Initially, the term strikes us as pretty much a straightforward concept.

But on reflection, we can see that it seems to signify an ill-defined but widely accepted notion of a generally admirable capacity by certain people (#8220;creative types#8221;) to perceive obscure connections between things, to What in the bible, discern aspects of something which to lesser intelligences are imperceptible, to leap past the traditional, conventional, and hidebound to the new expression—in a word, to be innovative. Why do we not say so? Why do we disguise this desirable skill, discernment, with the fuzzier word #8220;creativity#8221;? By doing so, do we try to evoke grander qualities in our work than those which mere discernment, insight, or deduction convey? Has this uncritical use of the term #8220;creative#8221; in fact become a form of intellectual social-climbing? In actuality, we can only know creativity retrospectively. We cannot look ahead and intend to Why do want, achieve creativity, because to do so would be to jump over the actual work we would have to do. What Assignment Mean In The Covet? Quite the contrary: in order for us to encounter our own creativity, we must look back on what we have made, and it is there that we see manifested what we name #8220;creativity#8221; for lack of a more precise word. Nor can we establish creativity as our goal any more than we can aim for articulateness or sensitivity or gracefulness as a goal. That would be akin to aiming for height as a goal of growing up.

Our goal should be to speak articulately, to dance gracefully, to play the piano sensitively, to a great essay entrance, paint #8230; well. Surely, we are misguided when we aspire to paint creatively, because to do that is again to look past the work of the What does mean bible covet, artist to writing personal statement, the manifestation of the work. It in not uncommon to speak of wanting to get more opportunities at work to What mean, do the really creative jobs in Help writing personal effective distinction to the more humdrum. It is misguided to expect to find the opportunity of doing #8220;more creative#8221; in one job work than in another. The opportunity is always there in every job to do #8220;creative#8221; work. Usually one means to say that some jobs are more suited to more overtly spectacular treatment and does assignment mean bible covet qualify for larger budgets which allow more color, or costlier paper, or custom photography, etc. It is this grander treatment that challenges their skills, visual imagination, discernment and taste, intellectual comprehension, and technical grasp of production matters, and which by successfully accomplishing the purposes of the job gives them a greater sense of satisfaction. A Great College Essay? Thus, it is this nexus of does assignment mean, intellectual concentration, sensorial satisfaction, purpose, and moral fulfillment that swells up in the #8220;creative#8221; job that make it more attractive than the mundane, the rote, the trivial. But to be sure, what we call #8220;creative#8221; properly refers to these other properties and aspects. It is Help writing, instructive to look at our usage of these terms.

The OED defines #8220;creative,#8221; but it does not list the word #8220;creativity#8221; at all. The 1969 edition of the American Heritage Dictionary only lists #8220;creativity#8221; as a derivative word under the entry, #8220;creative.#8221; The widespread use of #8220;creative#8221; and #8220;creativity#8221; with its sheer honorific sense is a late-twentieth century phenomenon. What Mean In The Bible Covet? What does #8220;creative#8221; mean? According to the OED, it is the quality of being able to create, the college essay, ability to bring something into being from nothing. What Assignment In The Bible? That kind of creating has typically been left to God (or, the gods); and in its alternate manifestation of Help personal statement effective, #8220;procreating,#8221; it refers to what parents do. It also designates those who make corporations and knights and What does assignment mean in the refers to the first actor to play a part and thereby give the role its characteristic portrayal.

And lastly the OED refers to those whom we deem to be the most creative, the artists, writers, musicians, etc. Well, now, what is going on here? Why do we want so desperately to be allowed to be creative? Why do we want our children to be creative in school? Why do we elevate their drawings to the status of artwork, and Write a great essay entrance exhibit them in the Salon de la Refrigerator Door? Why do we lament mere graphic work and pine for the chance to do #8220;creative#8221; work? Why is it as certain—and as frequent—as the seasons that there will be lengthy discussions mulling the ways to engender and nurture and expand and gain recognition for bible and praise for and more money for Biology answers jatc . . . creativeness? Why do we announce with great alarm the antagonists of creativity, to wit, commerce, management, dullards, in a word, Babbitt?

Shall we proclaim that creativity is what happens when we do our graphic design work. That creativity is what happens when we take photographs and What assignment in the bible design layouts and make a new font and draw a picture. Uh, no. Design is what happens when we do graphic design work. Photography is Bhoj university bsc 1st, what happens when we take photographs. Typography is what happens when we make a new font. Drawing is what happens when we draw. Creativity is that abstraction that allows us to What does assignment mean in the covet, speak about the confluence of Why do want to do, skills, experiences, discernments, sensitivities, perceptions, deductions, sensorial responses, and emotions that envelope the What mean in the covet, act of making something. #8220;Creativity#8221; is the bsc 1st assignment, fancy word we now prefer which replaces the more correct term #8220;making.#8221; There is nothing wrong with making, by the way. Remember, in the beginning, God made the does mean in the, world.

Okay, okay, so he created it—same thing, right? Is this not just a quibble about college essay, words? Why do we care about the difference? Our concern is that precisely when we exalt #8220;creativity,#8221; we reify an does covet abstraction that exists only in our intellects, and Pay you to write my essay personal forsake the reality behind the abstraction. It reminds me of when I was in art school and we all said to each other, #8220;I#8217;m going to the studio and make art.#8221; Well, what we were going to do was paint or sculpt or whatever. We were going to do what we were going to assignment, do. The old aphorism has it right: heroes are made, not born.

That is, they (the heroes) become what they are called later by what they do. We are creative to the extent that we make things. When I am confronted with a design difficulty, I don#8217;t go to a resource called #8220;creativity.#8221; I can#8217;t; it#8217;s not there! Instead, I look at the tangible material things in front of me, elucidate the sticking point, and discern a resolution. When I am painting, at answers for homework jatc some point I may say to myself, #8220;What now? What#8217;s wrong here?

Why am I at does assignment bible a stopping point?#8221; I never ask myself, #8220;What is the creative way out of this muddle?#8221; The good or right way out is the creative, not the Essay service essays, other way around. And what about does, this business of #8220;problem-solving#8221;? Some have described #8220;problem-solver#8221; in vaguely Jungian archetypal terms, viz., the Trickster, who helps others see through their errors to some hidden truth. It is a great error to suppose that there is a metier called #8220;problem-solving.#8221; I am reminded of a scene from the movie Cat Ballou (I think): In the American frontier circa 1880, two men get off a train in Write college essay a western town. They are #8220;facilitators#8221; lately come from Washington to help the town. (Of course, they are comic characters who parody the very notion of What assignment mean bible covet, having people trained in ungrounded skills like #8220;facilitating.#8221;) If I have a car engine problem, I call a mechanic (a car-engine-problem-solver); if I have a plumbing problem, I call a plumber (a plumbing-problem-solver); if I have a heart problem, I call a cardiologist (a heart-problem-solver). If our leader has a Bosnia problem (whatever that may be), I hope he calls on Bosnia-problem-solvers; if he has mad cow problems, I hope he calls mad-cow-problem-solvers. I shrink from the idea of #8220;creative problem-solvers#8221; advising the #8220;leader.#8221; I want knowledgeable people doing that, not Tricksters and Jesters! (c) 1996 Michael Brady. Art, Mere Things, and Truth Requirements.

In his book The Transfiguration of the Commonplace , Arthur C. Danto describes an art exhibition in which some eight identical red square canvases are displayed, each being a different #8220;kind#8221; of representation. One, for example, purports to show the Red Sea after it has closed over university bsc 1st year the Egyptians as they pursued the Israelites, while another is mean in the, a depiction of the center of the Kremlin, and another is a Minimalist geometric painting, while yet another is merely a canvas grounded in red lead by the master Giorgione, etc. Danto asks what makes them works of artor more exactly, what makes us understand them as works of art. For Homework Jatc? He goes on to reject the so-called Institutional Theory, which claims that anything brought within the precinct of the world of art is an art work. Duchamp made a urinal into a work of art, and by the same mechanism anything displayed as a work of art in the setting under which we recognize works of art becomes one. Danto is What does assignment mean in the, dissatisfied with this definition of a work of art and proposes another means to comprehend art, which is that a work of art is Biology, #8220;about#8221; something, it refers to What mean in the bible, something not itself.

I offer a counter example: What is the difference between a police crime-scene photograph and a photograph by, say, Diane Arbus of a crime scene? Both depict the disarray and artifacts of the place where a crime was committed. Both, presumably, are a bit gritty, a bit austere, alienated, aloof. To Write Personal? Before I consider the answer, let us redescribe the two photographs. The first, taken by a police photographer, in all likelihood will be shot with available light, or if that is not sufficient, with an electronic flash unit fixed to What does bible, the hand-held camera. The objects in the photo will not be repositioned, but rather the Pay you to write my essay personal, photographer will move about to get clearer pictures.

In a similar vein, Arbus#8217;s crime photo will be shot in black and white; but only after the police photographer and crime scene analysts have finished their work and left. Or maybe not. Maybe Arbus used one of does assignment mean, her sideways looking cameras and #8220;sneaked#8221; pictures of the stressed out people working over the room. But before we go on, let us imagine several more representations of the same crime scene. One is a series of three photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe, which he set up in his own studio after he saw Arbus#8217;s pictrues from the actual scene. Against a flat backdrop, he has arranged the important and salient items, viz., the bed and bedsheets all pulled aside, the sidetable with the half-finished whiskey, a stubbed-out cigarette, a man#8217;s pajama top, a dogeared novel, and a crucifix over the headboard.

In Mapplethorpe#8217;s pictures, he has set up studio lights and used colored gels to allow him to my essay personal, recreate the mood of the cheap apartment, and he has discarded all of the truly inessential elements like the bottlecap on the sidetable, a piece of dental floss on the pillow (which he has moved to the right about a foot), and a cheap ballpoint pen. When George Segal saw Mapplethorpe#8217;s photos, he constructed a tableau of the same scene. By the time he completed his sculpture, the What mean in the, trial has occurred, and so he had access to entrance, the information about the two men who lived there and does mean in the their lovers#8217; quarrel, and how one person died. Segal chose to show one of the figures standing over the dead body draped over Biology answers the edge of the bed, and taking a cue from some colorful remarks by the defendant in his disputed confession, he painted the standing plaster figure green and the corpse a cinnamon brown on a very dark navy blue bed. The rest of the tableau was painted flat black (he left out the lamp on the side table) Are these four portrayals works of art? What do these have in common? What not?

Danto would argue that they are all art because they are all #8220;about#8221; the crime. The ways in which they convey their #8220;about#8221;-ness differ, it is true, but they all are not the crime in themselves, but only representations of does mean in the bible, it. We must readily acknowledge that Mapplethorpe#8217;s and Segal#8217;s efforts are the Write a great college essay entrance, most clearly artistic representations. Most of us would say that Arbus#8217;s pictures are also art, but probably the police photographer#8217;s pictures are not. All four are tangible, physical objects that are said to assignment mean in the bible, represent something besides themselves. All four exhibit #8220;aesthetic properties,#8221; at least to the extent that any representation does. Biology Answers Jatc? It is easier to see these properties in What assignment mean in the bible the tableau and studio photographs, and by the habit of want to do my homework summer, regarding photographs as aesthetic creations, we readily accept Arbus#8217;s as art. Most of us would only grudgingly agree that the What does assignment mean bible, crime-scene photographs are aesthetic items, because we accept the premise that the overriding value is contained in their documentary transcription of the sights of that night, not in the quality of their presentation.

What kinds of statements may be said about these works? Some may say that Segal#8217;s work is #8220;engaging#8221; or #8220;evocative#8221; or maybe just #8220;pretty.#8221; Some may say that Mapplethorpe#8217;s pictures are #8220;compelling#8221; or #8220;haunting#8221; or #8220;profound.#8221; And some may say that Arbus#8217;s are #8220;disturbing#8221; or #8220;intrusive#8221; or #8220;stark.#8221; Comments like these concern the responses the pictures elicit from the viewer. Some may conclude that Arbus#8217;s are the most #8220;truthful#8221; because they show the actual scene with little or no prettifying veneer; others may say that Mapplethorpe#8217;s are the most #8220;truthful#8221; because they embody the seductiveness of his photographic style to a great, set up a severe contrast with the scene depicted and thereby dramatically increase the does assignment bible covet, horror even as the bsc 1st, photo distances us viewers; and some may say that Segal#8217;s bare tableau has stripped away all of the inessentials, discarding even those that Mapplethorpe retained, and has shown us the quintessential #8220;truth#8221; of the scene, the killer and the killed. In each of these three examples, the #8220;truth#8221; of the representation is predicated in the manner of analogy. What Does Mean In The Bible Covet? All three are mediated truths, so to Help writing personal effective, speak. The #8220;truth#8221; of Arbus#8217;s pictures is the #8220;truth#8221; of ostensibly documentary photographs in does assignment mean in the bible covet the world of other, staged photographs.

Hers are not so much staged as they are #8220;snatched#8221; from the scene. The presence of the photographer at Help personal statement effective the actual scene lends credence and veracity to these pictures, but the picutres themselves propound their truthfulness not by protraying the actual scene so much as by having been taken at the actual scene . Their #8220;truth#8221; refers to their having been made in a certain way. Mapplethorpe#8217;s have a more evident mediation. By using arbitrary lighting and arbitrary editing of surrogate items in a surrogate scene, Mapplethorpe#8217;s pictures propose a #8220;truth#8221; that refers only to a conclusion manifested by the dramatized staging. Segal#8217;s goes one step further and mediates the #8220;truth#8221; by means of sculpturally embodying what he understands to be the What does assignment in the, #8220;essential#8221; elements of the scene and Bhoj year assignment then focuses the viewer#8217;s attention on his conclusions which he presents by means of painted colors, plaster casts, etc. None of these three could be offered in What does assignment mean bible court, as could the i not want summer, police photos, because they cannot claim two things: that there is a definite one-to-one correspondence between a represented item and its actual correlate and that the police photographs are offered exclusively for the corroboration of What assignment in the covet, that correlation.

Not even Arbus#8217;s picyures can do that (although they may in Write fact be able to). Ultimately, the difference between the What does bible covet, artistic representations and the other representation is that, for to do my homework the artworks, the mean in the, #8220;truth#8221; of their portrayals does not depend on someone else being able to verify it in every particular. We say, for example, that the fictional story in this movie or that book is #8220;true to life#8221; because it #8220;captures#8221; or #8220;expresses#8221; the #8220;way things actually happen,#8221; or that it #8220;shows the nature#8221; of this or that relationship. Help Writing Personal Effective? Literature, and art generally, is about generality and generalized truths, whereas nonart representations are always about particularized truth. What? Does the crime scene photograph actually and accurately show the way the bed clothes were strewn around? Does Segal#8217;s sculpture, by contrast, show the disarray typically caused when a lover is murdered and clearly understood by the viewer ? Consider this corollary question: Is your driver#8217;s license photograph a work of art? Why do we not expect to see a portrait by college essay Alice Neel or David Hockney on What does mean in the covet, a driver#8217;s license? The answer, I submit, is that the degree of accuracy to actual appearances is the paramount virtue of a driver#8217;s license picture, and the means of verifying its truthto wit, to compare the photo and its owneris its only test of goodness. Consider this other corollary: Is a piece of driftwood in the uncanny shape of statement effective, President Kennedy a work of art? For that matter, can it be submitted to the same truth criteria as the police photo?

In both cases, we can answer no. But let us note that we would generally deny the driftwood status as art because we would decide that there was no intention to make it into a likeness, and so while Ripley#8217;s Believe It or Not may be intrigued by What assignment covet this curio, it would not be considered art because it wasn#8217;t meant to be art. Nor is it productive to test its truth as we would test the police photo, for the simple reason that we are surprised and intrigued that the i not to do summer, forces of nature affected the wood in such an amazing way that we recognize any likeness at all. We would give great latitude when we compare features, so that we may allow the ears to assignment covet, be too big, and the smile crooked, and Biology answers for homework jatc the annoying fact that all in What does in the all, it looks more like someone else but it bears a sufficient resemblance to a famous person that we prefer to marvel at that particular quantum of similarity. Consider a further corollary: After seeing the Kennedy Driftwood likeness in a local art store, someone goes out and assembles a lot of driftwood into an abstract arrangement. This we would clearly agree is a work of art, partly by virtue of the Institutional definition, that is, the my homework, maker intended that it be art; and mean bible covet partly by virtue of the actual making of it into something that is not functional or otherwise useful.

In this example, by the way, the piece of driftwood abstraction would not be #8220;about#8221; anything (at least nothing more than the university bsc 1st, fact that it is and therefore is #8220;about#8221;its own abstraction). Art and Design: What#8217;s the Big Difference? From time to time, you hear people refer to art and to design interchangeably, as if they were synonyms. Covet? Or they use the term #8220;art#8221; to add a bit of service essays, glory to design work. Most of the time this happens in casual conversation, but it does tend to What does mean in the bible covet, confuse the two terms unnecessarily because, basically, they aren#8217;t the same. What is the difference between art and design? Are they closely related just because they use a lot of the same techniques and appeal to the same aesthetic sense? Or are they essentially different? Well, art and design are different. The differences between art and design lie not so much in how they look as in what they do: They have different purposes, they are made differently, they are judged by different criteria, and they have different audiences. In a 1974 interview, Milton Glaser noted that whereas a design must convey a given body of information, the #8220;essential function#8221; of art is to #8220;intensify one#8217;s perception of reality.#8221; Sometimes, he said, these functions coincide, as in a medieval stained glass window, but in a great essay modern times they have diverged.

Design is utilitarian in a way that art is not. Design is the how of a thing: how to order the parts, how to serve the client#8217;s interests, how to convey the information. Art, on the other hand, is What assignment in the bible covet, its own end. It isn#8217;t utilitarian. It subordinates ordinary usefulness to its own purposes. It doesn#8217;t concern itself with description the way illustration does, nor with the desires of the buyer as does fashion, nor the tastes of the public as does style. Bhoj University Year? We have already accepted this model in both its partsit#8217;s settled law. Since the Renaissance, artists have aspired to the status of philosophers. And beginning the assignment in the bible covet, mid-1800s, many artists chose to stand apart from worldly life in order to critique it, to forsake the programs of patrons in my essay order to set their own programs, to discard the What covet, public moral code to promote a different code.

Although many artists claim to address their art to for homework jatc, the world, their method has been to take from the world only on their terms and give back as they see fit. What Does Assignment Mean? This is to write, definitely not the way of design, which considers the world#8217;s purpose first and fits the work to that end. How they are made. If the ends of art and design are different, so too are the What does mean, means of getting there. Most of us think, correctly, of the personal, artist standing before the blank canvas, pondering the beginning and the end of the painting all at once.

The artist usually has an end in mindsomething as mundane as a portrait or landscape, or as grand as the outrage of Picasso#8217;s Guernica or the vastness of Christo#8217;s Running Fence . But at the outset, all the options are available without precondition. On the other hand, the designer typically begins with more than a blank canvas or lump of clay from which anything may emerge. Many of the components may already exist, such as the What does mean bible, text, photographs, production formats, and even the basic colors. The designer consults the client on the end use, the audience, the university year assignment, size and scale, and other factors. The designer#8217;s role is to What, envision how these various aspects should come together in Write college a tangible thing and to bring aesthetic sensibility, taste, and technical skills to bear on the production of the job. What Assignment? To put it bluntly, the designer arranges the ingredients. Artists generally have assumed that the work is Write a great essay, a product of their mind and does assignment mean bible covet spirit first, and only secondarily serves the to write my essay, intent of the commission (to edify, to stimulate, to delight, or simply to What does assignment mean bible covet, decorate). A notable example is the 1884 commission of a memorial sculpture, The Burghers of Write a great college essay, Calais, for which Rodin made a striking group of six austere figures.

But when the city fathers saw it, they rejected it: to them it was ugly, indecorous, unceremonial, and insulting to their notion of a heroic civic monument. Rodin had conceived it with his artistic genius, but they refused it out of What does assignment in the bible covet, hand because it appalled their sense of honor. In 1820, Keats wrote, #8221; #8216;Beauty is truth,truth beauty#8217;—that is all / Ye know on earth, and Write entrance all ye need to know.#8221; Older still is the motto, #8220;Ars longa, vita brevis.#8221; Art strives to achieve beauty, which is What does mean bible, truth, which is a noble thing more enduring that life itself. At least, that#8217;s the party line. Assignment? In this century art has emphasized moral purpose, visionary truthfulness, and inward-looking integrity. What In The Bible Covet? Art is judged in Pay you my essay personal terms of beauty and does mean bible truth, of insight and revelation, of Why do i not to do, almost prophetic clairvoyance—when it isn#8217;t being judged as text, subtexts, and social constructs. Utility doesn#8217;t fit this mindset. Practical success is not the hallmark of art, as the What assignment mean, example of Van Gogh attests. Design is judged another way: #8220;Beauty is as beauty does.#8221; If it doesn#8217;t get the Pay you personal, job done, the design is considered not good, or worse, not successful. Does the design serve the What does assignment mean, product? Does it accomplish an end—does it sell, inform, persuade, direct, or entertain?

Typically, lack of success in these ways (often described statistically or quantitatively) is considered a defect in the design. Ultimately, a design must fulfill its primary job of packaging or illustration or instruction, and my essay no amount of aesthetic glamour will substitute for its failure to do so. Assignment Mean Bible? The audiences for Essay essays art and design expect different things. The audience for does mean art wants to look at the artwork or listen to the composition—perhaps to i not want, contemplate and assignment mean in the covet reflect, perhaps to be transported by the power of the aesthetic experience or the scene portrayed—whereas a design#8217;s audience wants to use the information to Write college entrance, find their subway station or select a product. Design may indeed arrest the attention and engage the emotions of a viewer, but at some point, as Beatrice Warde said, the does assignment bible, goblet of design must become transparent, allowing viewers to gather the intended information, rather than to be absorbed by the designer#8217;s layout. Art draws attention to itself deliberately. Its very form is the means to intensify our perception. If a visitor to the Sistine Chapel marvels at the economy of the scene of God separating the light from the dark, she is responding to the Michelangelo#8217;s conception, his artistic free creation. But if she is moved by the Last Judgment because of the profound theological truth it expresses, she is responding to Biology for homework, the Pope#8217;s purpose.

That is, she treats it as information design, as an illustration of doctrine. What Assignment Mean? Art and design differ significantly in to write personal their use materials. Typically, the ultimate work is not made from the same materials as those used during the design process (the paste-up or, these days, the on-screen stuff) but of its manufacturing materials. A book is What does bible, not actually #8220;made#8221; until it is Biology answers jatc, manufactured from paper, ink, and binding. Another kind of design product, the digital document, doesn#8217;t actually exist apart from What does assignment bible, its temporary manifestation on a computer, where its appearance varies from one browser or platform than on another, depending on the monitor, operating system, and Write essay color display tables.

By contrast, a work of art makes a point of reveling in its materials. Certain physical qualities are seen as critically significant, such as de Kooning#8217;s #8220;painterliness,#8221; Pollock#8217;s drips, the encaustic of Johns#8217;s Three Flags , Murray#8217;s metal ribbons, or Schnabel#8217;s broken plates. Size itself is important in an artwork, whether it#8217;s a large Frankenthaler or Kiefer or a tiny Klee or Cornell, but in a way that differs from design. Perhaps it is What does assignment mean bible, better to distinguish between scale, that is, the a good, perception of sheer size (even smallness) in a work of art, and production dimensions in a printed piece, which are very often a function of the budget, the kind of product, the size of press, and other external factors. (And for video, web pages, compter graphics, etc., size is a user-defined parameter.) The difference between art and design is in the way we look at What does in the covet them. Design is meant to be looked away from and art to be looked at Pay you my essay and into. Design graces our lives with the aesthetic presentation of useful and beneficial things, and art graces us with representations of things to ponder and What assignment bible covet perceive. Art and design are closely related but nonetheless separate. It is a good thing to keep them straight. ©1998 Michael Brady. First published in Critique Magazine, 1998. What#8217;s Important and What the Norms Support. Service For College A Good? I#8217;ve begun to think lately of the gap between what careful designers are concerned about and what clients see or object to.

For instance, working on a technical educational report, I realized the author was not very consistent in using subheads, and that led me to think of how convoluted the sequence of heads should be. Five levels, plus a sixth boldface run in? Or at most two levels below the chapter title? Or even only What assignment in the bible, one level, since (a) we do not speak in subheads, and (b) the subhead serves mainly to make a clear topical break in Essay service for college a good the text. In fact, newspaper style hardly ever goes beyond one level of subhead.

And going way back to the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a much smaller range of types and the distinctions in the text were made more by mean covet spacing than by size and font. Pay You? Similarly, the does assignment bible, author of an educational report disliked the wide margins in to write personal the sample layout I prepared. She said the cliched words, #8220;too much white space.#8221; IKYN. Mean Bible Covet? And she also didn#8217;t like the way I used a narrow column of text next to bar graphs, pie charts, and tables. The only force that education can have in matters of community or societal norms is the force of respect and admiration. Good grammar is what is spoken by a great college the most admired people in the group, community, or country; high fashion is what is worn by assignment covet the most admired people (not necessarily what is designed by haute couture designers); the best music, art, literature, and so on is the stuff that is made and supported by the most admired people, too. Graphic design is one of those categories: just look at the vogue for grunge type and layout styles a while back. Bhoj Bsc 1st? Someone adopted it from the street or alternate club scene, and then others concurred, and finally the larger public began to accept what these admired people (the publishers and commentators of #8220;grunge#8221; publications) had adopted. In moral philosophy, the does assignment mean bible covet, will is understood to be directed toward the good (for the individual), whereas the intellect is directed toward the Biology jatc, true. Assignment Mean In The Bible Covet? Desire is an impulse toward a thing, an urge to Biology for homework, acquire or attain it, and assignment mean thus is a manifestation or expression of the will. Writing Personal Statement Effective? It is active.

Beauty, on the other hand, is What does assignment bible, passive. It is an analytical formulation of sensory experience, and thus beauty is a virtue of the intellect. Nothing in service for college essays nature is beautiful. Or ugly. What Mean In The? No natural event is good or bad. Answers For Homework? Spiders and slugs and shit are all alike in being neither beautiful or ugly. A lion eating a gazelle, a fire consuming animals in the trees, crustaceans crushed by does the waves, all of these events are neither good nor bad. And because beauty is a perception that occurs at a distance, it is not a quality that inheres in things in the world but is a human (moral) conclusion about their appearances. Is there beauty #8220;in Nature#8221; (out there, objectively, in the world, etc.)?

If so, is there also ugly? And if there is bsc 1st year assignment, ugly in nature, what things are ugly . . What Does Covet? . in Nature? Creepy crawling things? Slimy things? Dull dun brown stuff? Why would those things (or whatever one might call #8220;ugly#8221;)—why would those things be ugly? As far as I can discern, there are no ugly colors. Nor are there any ugly beasts, or plants, or landscapes, or textures. Why Do I Not To Do Summer? Can something be ugly in smell? or sound? or touch? or taste? Is ugly, and mean in the covet concomitantly beauty, only a property of vision? Can there be beauty without ugly?

Isn#8217;t that like light (luminance), which is only perceived by comparison with dark? Beauty is a property of things perceived by humans, who can judge and university year evaluate abstractly. And since beauty is considered to be a culmination or perfection of specific qualities or characteristics, there is also ugly, the deficiency of those qualities. But these qualities are socially valued. Remember: there are no ugly things in Nature . Artworks embody, make concrete in one way or another, these qualities of beauty and thus isolate them, as it were, from the demands of utility, so that beauty, grace, radiance, quiddity even, can be contemplated.

That#8217;s what Aristotle means by catharsis and mean vicarious violence. Want To Do My Homework? Because artworks do not need to be denotatively truthful —because works of art are fictions, because they do not have to have a utilitarian purpose, because they are free creations—the maker can concentrate on the accidental qualities of appearances, in order to assignment covet, manipulate the degree to which beauty or formal wholeness or another property can exhibit itself. Art moralizes nature. The artist takes the material qualities of things and forms and arranges them in Write a great essay entrance such a way to produce an order to these qualities. Canons and rules and guidelines and other prescriptions are the socializing of the raw, unordered, un-beauty and un-ugly of nature, the What mean bible, making of preferences for and against ways of perceiving these qualities. Art is a social endeavor, and by writing personal statement being social, it subjects its materials (the stuff of What assignment mean, Nature) to the mores of the group, of the Bhoj bsc 1st year assignment, society. Does Assignment In The Bible? Art moralizes nature, imposing preferences on colors and answers shapes and forms that, in What does mean bible covet the wild, occur for bsc 1st year other reasons and purposes. And Nature, which precedes art, is What does bible, indifferent to these moral rules of Art.

From time to time, Nature rebuffs art, Nature supersedes art, Nature is superabundantly more than art, defeating the rules of art: There are no binding canons of portrayal in Nature. To Write My Essay Personal? Ultimately, Nature demoralizes arti.e., Nature de-moralizes art. Does Assignment? Art moralizes Nature. Nature demoralizes Art. Want Summer? The Negotiation Waltz, by David A. Stone. The Spiral of the Seasons, by John Sullivan. Value Pricing, by David A. Stone. A/E/C Megatrends, by Chuck Roberts. Wired to Clients, by David A. Stone.

We use many different kinds of representations—from maps as such (i.e., drawings that graphically depict terrain features) to What assignment, drawings that depict objects, to ad hoc maps (e.g., using the salt and pepper shakers and a knife to represent a street and two buildings). In all of these, one component of the representation is understood to correspond to a specific part of the referent: this curved line corresponds to a person#8217;s shoulder, this curved line corresponds to a road. Language does not work in this way, like a map, but in a different way, as a process of symbolizing and Pay you to write my essay personal then manipulating symbols according to rules of syntax and grammar and does assignment mean in the bible other aspects of usage. Gestures are different, too, ranging from largely unambiguous signs (pointing) to more elaborately abstracted gestures, like wiggling your open hand as you say #8220;iffy,#8221; or undulating your hands and arms as you describe a melody, or simply shrugging your shoulders. Perhaps there is a form of #8220;existential graphing#8221; that describes what I am interested in, some formalized way of establishing discrete correlations between different concepts, A for a , B for b , C for c , etc. Analogies and metaphors break down under the stress of correlating all the Write, elements of one part with the other part, but they are forms of What assignment bible, concept mapping, just as the Why do i not want to do, salt and pepper shakers are crude forms of physical mapping. (The term #8220;existential graphing#8221; comes from What does assignment, Charles Peirce and Why do want my homework summer its parallel with this topic was suggested to me by a student of Peircian philosophy and semantics.) There is a wide range of degrees of #8220;realism#8221; in pictures, from the #8220;highly realistic#8221;—say, a painting by Estes or Bouguereau or any of the many tromp l#8217;oeil paintings, all of which show a great degree of accuracy in emulating the retinal effects of the What does assignment in the covet, subject— to the #8220;very abstract#8221;— say, a drawing by Schiele, which is extremely convincing but clearly not #8220;naturalistically#8221; detailed. I believe that the degree of Biology answers for homework jatc, naturalism in a painting expedites the mental interpretation that immediately follows seeing the painting, and to the extent that the naturalistic qualities vary in different works, the viewer#8217;s interpretation relies more and more on using a kind of What mean in the bible covet, #8220;language#8221; in which the lines and shapes are #8220;read#8221; to #8220;depict#8221; the details of the subject. Thus, on one end of the Write a great college, continuum are the What mean covet, highly mimetic images; in the middle is a large category of pictures that are not #8220;naturalistic#8221; in the manner of tromp l#8217;oei l , but are readily recognized as realistic pictures (Renaissance frescoes, Breughel, American colonial portraits, e.g.); and at the other end are the answers jatc, representational pictures whose forms of mean bible covet, portrayal do not rely on close correlation to the subject (Gaugin, for example, or German Expressionist paintings). I believe we #8220;read#8221; paintings, especially the less #8220;realistic#8221; ones, in a manner of correlating signs more than we see them as some kind of natural-looking proxy or miniature or surrogate image. To Write? I am fascinated by how cartoons and caricatures work, how we see and read them and parse our way through the unrealistic nature of cartoons. I am especially intrigued by the way we recognize public figures in political cartoons, particularly how we can recognize the president or other prominent person in cartoons by different artists.

The study of how caricature works comes all the way around and touches again on the idea of #8220;reading#8221; pictures, almost as if they were composed of letters, because the cartoonist relies on repeated set-piece forms, from Obama#8217;s big ears to What does assignment in the, Bush#8217;s upper lip with its pointed septum to Clinton#8217;s chubby cheeks and Biology for homework bulbous nose, etc. I respond to all writing in some degree in an aesthetic way. Writing is representation in a two-stage process: The first stage begins with the writer#8217;s vague and indeterminate ideation, which becomes mental images and words. The second stage occurs when the mental ideations are transformed into written words. The reader experiences these two stages in reverse order, first by What does mean covet perceiving the written symbols and interpreting them as words, and then by constructing the words as ideas.

A fundamental aspect of this process is that the representation (picture, mental ideation, word) is not the Bhoj year, thing represented. The two are distinctly different. More than that, the representation cannot fully capture or manifest, depict or portray the thing represented. It is What bible covet, less than the referent. As such, the Essay service, maker of the representation chooses the degree and mode of abbreviating the referent.

The maker arbitrarily declares that all of X in What does mean in the covet the referent is contained in X#8217; in the representation. The representation, in fact, serves as a map to answers for homework jatc, the referent. The representation stands independently and can be apprehended as a thing in itself. The very components of a representation can be appreciated for themselves as aesthetic objects. The critic#8217;s words provoke aesthetic reactions. I suppose for many, the provocation and response occur well below the limbic horizon, until perhaps the writer turns a particularly vivid phrase. Why do some political speakers so catch the public#8217;s attention? (I#8217;m thinking of Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama, mainly, and perhaps Reagan. Throw in Cuomo and a few others.) I believe the answer is that, besides the in the bible covet, ideas and topics covered, the aesthetic properties of their speeches are so overabundant and evident. Now consider the clumsy and plodding speakers (almost all the rest) and note their lack of the theatrical and textual achievements. Regardless of their poor qualities, their speeches also have an #8220;aesthetic experience#8221;: it is a properly called #8220;dreary.#8221; But beyond delivery and presentation, the words and the way they are written are themselves aesthetic. Turgid writing is Write a great college, #8220;aesthetic#8221; too, aesthetically bad, whether it#8217;s in a novel or an essay of art criticism.

Sensate objects evoke aesthetic responses, and does assignment mean in the covet we actively engage them. We look or listen to the thing out college essay entrance there, and What does assignment in the bible then we engage our mental and Bhoj university bsc 1st year assignment physical awareness (which is What assignment mean in the, a response that may occur almost instantaneously). I believe that the interior #8220;aesthetic experience#8221; (as it is often called) points to an action on the perceiver#8217;s part independent of the #8220;art status#8221; of the stimulus. I believe that the term art designates a type of (usually) representational human artifact that does not depend on exact and specific external correlation and truthfulness. A work of art is completely free of the necessity to be truthful. In other words, calling something a work of art does not point to a minimum, threshold degree of quality in a thing, but rather to its manner of representation and expectation of verification. Thus: anything can be experienced aesthetically; lack of awareness of one#8217;s aesthetic response does not mean that the object did not evoke any response; nonfiction writing in itself can be aesthetcially pleasing; and designating something by the term #8220;art#8221; does not depend on my essay personal, its #8220;aesthetic properties,#8221; which it and everything else has. English, the does assignment in the bible, Great Multicultural Endeavor. Write A Great Entrance? Year in and year out, like the appearance of insects in the spring, someone circulates a clever email message lamenting the confusing complexity of English spelling.

A long time ago, some wag concocted the word #8220;ghoti,#8221; that is, #8220;fish,#8221; which was composed of the /f/ sound of #8220;gh#8221; in #8220;tough,#8221; the /i/ sound of What does assignment mean bible, #8220;o#8221; in #8220;women,#8221; and the /sh/ sound of #8220;ti#8221; in any #8220;tion#8221; word. English spelling is so whacky. Let#8217;s fix it! How wrong-headed that complaint is. The English language is the world#8217;s greatest multicultural project. Any word can come from anywhere else and Help personal statement effective stay at any of five main English residences: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and interjections. (For structural reasons, the smaller English enclaves of pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions are highly restricted—nobody#8217;s been in or out in a long looooong time.) If you#8217;re a foreign word, you are free to come in—no immigration controls, no quotas, no visa restrictions. There are only a few rules: If you dress in a non-Latin alphabet, you#8217;ll have to change into Latin clothes; if you walk across the page from right to left, well, you#8217;ll have to do it the other way #8217;round; if you like to make odd sounds that aren#8217;t among the 45 or so English phonemes, then the natives will find some for you that sound almost the same. English will also let you keep the What does mean in the bible covet, letters that make you what you are (i.e., foreign) in your own original order—that#8217;s right, you can keep your own spelling! At first, you#8217;ll be walking stooped over, in Biology answers what is called the What does assignment in the covet, #8220;italic#8221; mode. But after a while, that#8217;ll wear off and you can walk upright. To Do My Homework Summer? Eventually you#8217;ll even forget to wear all those strange diacritical marks, too.

Think of that: You can keep your foreign appearance because ultimately, English speakers aren#8217;t really worried about the does assignment mean, wildly inconsistent spelling in English, which is caused mostly because foreign words aren#8217;t forced to change to essays, follow basic English practices. But foreign words do have to agree to accept a few things, mainly English plurals (that applies to you, nouns and verbs), possessives, and English syntax and grammar. What In The Covet? (English sometimes allows a bit of leeway on that, like the French habit of putting the adjective after the noun. It#8217;s not like English imposes a date certain by which a foreign word has to follow all the a great, rules, you know.) So whenever you feel the What, onrush of a public outcry to to do my homework summer, bemoan that wacky English spelling, just remember that English is the greatest multicultural experiment around. Perhaps it#8217;s like this: aesthetics : canon : art :: rhetoric : grammar : language. Both pictorial art and language are #8220;free creative#8221; acts, that is, each of them forms and shapes its products (images, words) completely separately from the things pointed at. Over time and within a relatively contiguous community of recipients, norms of how these forms should look or sound arise and are endorsed and retained—canons, standards, conventions, grammars, preferred pronunciations, and ultimately the cultural phenomenon of taste.

Consider how often, and how unnoticed, it is that certain constructions are almost entirely conventional, not truly imitative or #8220;representative,#8221; yet they do not arrest our attention. Outlines themselves are an invisible convention; hatch marks for shading are sometimes an invisible convention. In language (I#8217;ll use English, which I#8217;m most familiar with), structural words (prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) tend to remain invisible until, through repetition, odd locution, or misuse, the reader or listener becomes aware of them. Rules and guidelines eventually develop to describe how images or language work, why certain forms or presentations can appear to be defective and others quite extraordinary. Mean? I suspect the Write, rules were developed as teaching aids to instruct the student how to work efficiently and what to avoid, as practical lore and folk wisdom based on What assignment covet, previous success or failure. That#8217;s how the warning against splitting infinitives or ending a sentence with a preposition takes root as hard and fast prohibitions. They were introduced as guide for students, who observed the injunctions with deep reverence, but eventually the wise advice became linguistic fetishes enforced with the power of taboo. Curiously, mastery of technical details, and especially prescriptive rules, has become more highly regarded than true expressive excellence: a cursory review of bsc 1st, many academic and policy texts will demonstrate that fact. We are at the 25,000th year of a long history of teaching and refining techniques—and absorbing new modes and practices from elsewhere—about making and does assignment in the using art and language in society, and the guidelines have become very detailed, extensive, and complicated. Knowledge of them has taken on bsc 1st year, the trappings of esoteric learning, and adepts are honored publicly. I#8217;ve often run into the situation that a non-artist really likes one of What in the bible covet, my paintings that I think is poor because of this and that—blemishes or clumsiness or poor technique or other things I can easily see but that the other person just isn#8217;t attuned to.

The other person isn#8217;t schooled in the conventions, and thus is less aware of departures from a norm, from Essay service a good, those guidelines that form part of the in the bible covet, foundations of taste and aesthetics. Fixed fuzziness and the precision of flux. When you attend carefully to Why do i not to do my homework summer, things in motion or in flux, like spoken language, you#8217;ll observe that at any discrete moment, the image or sound or feeling is indistinct, lacks a precise edge or boundary, is seemingly incomplete. But when it#8217;s taken in the greater flow, in the flux and What assignment mean motion, you easily process and coalesce the whole stream of perceptions and impose an Pay you to write my essay organization so that it seems distinct and precise. Listen to What mean covet, the way people speak: slurred consonants, mushy vowels, missing syllables, warbling pitch, but their utterances seem complete and coherent to you. Likewise, the fuzzy brushmarks in the painting, the brutal chip marks in the stone, the Bhoj bsc 1st, peripatetic vowels in the song. Words are spoken in long strings of sounds that aggregate and blend together.

But because we can move small sections of the sounds around—what we call words—we disaggregate the What does, whole stream. Orthography has followed suit: word spaces were introduced into writing long after entire sentences and thoughts were inscribed on monuments in an unbroken parade of marks. Nowadays, we hear separate words with the reinforcement of having seen the Pay you personal, words written as separate entities. (I#8217;m sure you#8217;ve had the experience of What does assignment covet, not being able to figure out what the song lyric says until you read the words on the album cover. Then you can #8220;hear#8221; the sung words as meaningful, rather than as a muddle of unfathomable sounds.) Somehow, our attentive faculties enable us to perceive things clearly as they blur by. But when those transient things are made to Pay you to write my essay, be static, when the does in the bible covet, passage is halted, what we perceive undergoes a metamorphosis. Things in flux become like a snapshot of a friend that makes him look odd or funny, because his face is frozen with one eye squinted and the tip of the tongue sticking out of his lips. We don#8217;t see those small details when he speaks, but the photograph records the Essay for college, instantaneous transformations between one stable pose and another. News photographs are particularly susceptible to this kind of freeze-frame exhibitionism. (On opinion and commentary sites, it#8217;s very common to see a photograph of an What in the opponent taken at an unflattering moment and a much more complimentary photograph of a great college entrance, a favored person, used for rhetorical effect.) Sounds, by the way, are harder to stop in a #8220;freeze-frame#8221; manner because we hear them across a span of does mean in the covet, time. If we halt a sound recording at my essay personal a specific instant, we will hear a continuous, unvarying tone without any way to does mean in the covet, construct a full context. In a photograph, despite the interruption to the motion, the full visual field is preserved and we can form a complete context for it.

We construct clarity and precision out of fuzziness every day. I extolled the virtues of Formal in an earlier post. Now I#8217;d like to extol more, this time the Linotype face Sprint: Sprint reminds me very much of Formal 436. Here#8217;s a comparison of a few glyphs.

Click on writing, each image for What assignment in the bible a 300dpi version. All materials on the website are © 1974–2015 by bsc 1st assignment Michael Brady or the publishers or owners. All rights reserved.

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Interview: Robb Wolf Talks Paleo, Low-Carb, CrossFit #038; Caffeine Addiction. The ability to constantly analyze your beliefs and update or even abandon them when the evidence dictates is assignment mean in the bible covet, a sign of intellectual strength, honesty and maturity. I Not Want. Unfortunately, far too many people in the diet and health arena become attached to pet beliefs, then cling to them with the type of blind faith that would make any religious fundamentalist proud. When confronted with conflicting information or opinions, these people often become reflexively angry and What does mean in the, alarmingly vitriolic. Robb Wolf is a refreshing exception. He's a successful athlete, conditioning coach, gym owner and best-selling author who has walked the walk and continues to do so. His recommendations are based, not upon Internet chat or his own personal experiment-of-one observations, but scientific research and firsthand observation of the hundreds of people he's successfully trained over the years. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Robb, and am delighted to share the resultant exchange with my readers.

Enjoy! A: Hey Robb, thanks for gracing us with your most esteemed presence today! R:Ha! Honour to do the interview. Hopefully I do not bring property values down too much. A: Robb, before we launch into the guts of the interview, can you give my readers a quick rundown of who you are and what you do?

R: Oh man, a very Readers Digest version, lacking in sentence structure but rich in Biology answers jatc, commas: I’m a former California State powerlifting champ, amateur Thai boxer, did a biochem undergrad which led into lipid metabolism research surrounding cancer and autoimmunity. In The Bible Covet. Unfortunately for me, I nearly did myself in eating a vegan diet…ulcerative colitis, sky high triglycerides and a blood pressure reading of 140/80. All at Biology answers for homework the ripe old age of What assignment in the covet, 28. In a desperate moment, this concept of a “Paleo Diet” popped into my head. Bhoj University Bsc 1st Year. I did a bit of research (this was 1998), and found some indications grains and legumes might be problematic for gut health in a number of people. I tried a Paleo diet, saw a shocking improvement in my health and performance, started sharing this idea with folks, jumped out of research and opened a gym (NorCal Strength Conditioning), wrote a book, been blogging and in the, podcasting for a number of years now. A: One of the reasons I wanted to do this interview is because you and I have traveled very similar paths. We’ve both spent extended periods of time on diets that turned out to be far less awesome than their promoters claimed.

Most notably, we were once big fans of low-carbohydrate diets, but then cooled off on them considerably as we realized they weren’t all they were cracked up to be. Bsc 1st. I’ve shared my experiences with my readers, tell us what you experienced in this regard. R: Yeah, I see our path through all this being really similar. So, as I mentioned above, I was really sick at one time. The gastrointestinal problems I had were epic, I had terrible blood sugar control. I was a mess.

My first foray into “Paleo” was actually just your standard Atkins, low carb approach. I’m not a religious person but the change in my health that occurred when I dramatically dialled down my carb intake and What does mean covet, entered ketosis was so shocking I might have believed there was a God! All the gastrointestinal problems evaporated, I had rock solid energy and Essay essays a good, cognitive function. I was sold. I read about assignment mean in the bible some cyclic low carb approaches and Essay service for college essays, started tinkering with that and was able to get really lean and What does bible, have great performance for what I was doing at the time: some weight lifting , Capoeira and gymnastics. For Homework. I used a low carb approach with clients and the results were fantastic for assignment in the bible folks who were metabolically broken.

For my hard chargers though…folks doing Crossfit or MMA, I just could NOT get the low carb or even really controlled low carb approach to work. The extremes of food intake did not seem to lend themselves to a really hard training (glycogen predominant) athlete. So my prescription looked pretty mainstream as far as macros, but I definitely saw benefit from getting the bulk of those carbs from “Paleo” sources. I still really like low carb as a therapeutic intervention for the right folks, and we have a lot of metabolically broken people. But I view it as a tool instead of Pay you to write my essay personal, a panacea. A: What’s all this talk I hear about you having had a “caffeine addiction”? Did you suffer some kind of adrenal burnout at some point, or is this just another BS Internet rumour? R: OH! I tried to commit suicide by caffeine intake! We had opened the gym in What does, Chico which was growing like gang-busters (we were picked as one of Men’s Health “Top 30 Gyms in essay, America”).

I was working 6am-10pm every day, blogging, travelling the weekends doing seminars all over the world, doing my own training…I wrote a New York Times best selling book…I did a lot of cool stuff but I seriously hammered myself in the process. What Does In The. One day I realized I was drinking 3-5 pots of espresso per day (I use one of to write personal, those Bialetti stove top espresso makers…the 9 cup variety…). I was counselling my clients on What does mean in the bible, the importance of Help writing, sleep, food and stress control and I was the worst example you could imagine on What does bible covet, the stress and sleep side of things. I did some testing and Biology jatc, my ASI indicated a stage 2 adrenal fatigue (elevated cortisol in the PM, low in the AM, DHEA-S going down). I went off coffee (no joke, I had auditory and visual hallucinations for a few days) and cut back my schedule. Three to four months of does assignment mean in the covet, tinkering and my ASI came back bullet proof. I like to Bhoj year think of this as a good “learning experience” as I encounter people all the time doing similar things that I did. I know some of the internet trolls like to hold my old coffee intake up as an example of the failure of my nutritional approach, but the does assignment mean failure was in me not taking the a great essay entrance advice that I’d helped so many people with. I opened a gym and do the writing and What does assignment mean bible covet, whatnot in an effort to help people, but the ironic un-intended consequence was that it became very hard to to write my essay personal manage my own health and fitness.

Over time I’ve learned balance and assignment mean in the bible covet, when to push stuff off my schedule instead of adding more just because a project looks like an interesting opportunity. Comedian Bruno Lucia on caffeine. A: When I started realizing low-carbohydrate diets definitely had their pitfalls and Essay for college, that some of the most cherished tenets of low-carb were in fact nonsense, a whole bunch of assignment mean, people from that segment of the dietary arena got their panties in a bunch and started saying all sorts of Bhoj year assignment, nasty things about me. Have you attracted any such hate from people pissed that you abandoned the “low-carb cause”? Or was I the poor bastard who had to go first, cop all the initial crap, and ensure subsequent renegades like yourself had a far less rocky path to travel? [Laughing] R: Honestly, I think you helped refine folks’ aim when they decided to try to take my head off on this topic, thanks! It’s funny, for does assignment in the years I’ve talked (via the Help writing effective podcast mainly) how low carb has incredible value for the metabolically broken, but is likely a disaster for the athletic crowd, particularly the very glycogen dependent activities like Crossfit or MMA. I never received ANY push back from that but recently I wrote what was intended to be a two-part series on “My thoughts on What does bible, Low Carb and Paleo” . The vitriol I received from this was jaw dropping. Friends I have in the blogosphere forwarded emails to university year me from irate people who were calling me a sell-out and asking how I’d been duped! All I said in Part 1 was that there are and are not appropriate places for assignment in the low carb.

HOW that is Biology answers for homework jatc, selling out is mean covet, beyond me. So, the two part series became three parts with Part 2 just being a curb-stomp on my part towards the people who either have terrible reading comprehension OR a religious like attachment to low carb as a panacea for all situations. The precipitator for me writing this piece was an email from a high level Crossfit Games finisher (female) who contacted me with essentially the following email: “Hi Robb. I’ve been doing a ketogenic diet for 3 months. Help Personal Statement Effective. My performance has tanked, I’m always cold and I lost my cycle…should I up my fat?” I lost my shit momentarily, told her to get a TON of carbs back in the mix, and to never, ever do something new with her food without running it past me first. Assignment. Two weeks later she was back up to her old PRs. Luckily. I think a constant problem we face is to write my essay, we have a lot of sick, broken people who DO benefit from What does assignment mean in the bible covet, LC, at Help least initially.

So, the assignment bible largest signal going out into the world is “low carb is good.” When athletes go looking for a performance boost they see testimonials of Write college essay, people who were sick, but now doing great on LC. So, these athletes get in and give it a shot…inevitably finding the same type of results most people do on What assignment in the bible, this program. It’d be nice to get people to understand these macro shifts are a tool and that all tools are not appropriate for all situations. Pay You To Write Personal. I suspect we have lots of job security in this unfortunately! And for the folks reading this I know they will ask if I’ve read the Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance and the answer is “yes’. Does Assignment Mean. I even like it (Anthony, I know you have written on this).

I am very intrigued by Write a great college essay the research in LC/ketogenic performance. What Mean Bible. I think there might be an application here for activities that last looong time (days, tens of hours). But I have NOT found this methodology to be at all helpful for things like Crossfit, MMA, BJJ, soccer etc. Biology For Homework Jatc. If the activity is of sufficient intensity to demand significant glycogen I just have not seen any type of ketogenic approach work for What mean in the covet these glycogen dependent sports. Service Essays. In Part 2 of the series I wrote, I laid down a challenge: If you are a coach who has produced a better resume than I have and What assignment mean bible covet, use a strictly ketogenic approach, let’s compare notes. But if you do not have a better record, let’s can the internet pontificating until we have something solid to discuss. A: I think you might be waiting a long time for a valid response to bsc 1st year assignment that challenge! Anyway, enough of low-carb, let’s talk about the What assignment covet subject of “Paleo” nutrition. Essay Essays A Good. You’re well known as something of an expert in this area, and assignment in the covet, have even written a book on the subject - The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet . For College Essays A Good. What I’m going to do is give you my thoughts on the subject of Paleo nutrition, then get you to tell me what you think. So here I go:

When I first came across the mean in the bible Paleolithic diet paradigm a dozen or so years ago, I thought it was a breath of fresh air. Instead of being some screwball diet based on some chubby celebrity doctor’s irrational musings, it seemed to Write college essay entrance be based on both science and commonsense. Unless you are a creationist, it’s hard to What assignment in the bible covet argue with the concept that human beings evolved eating certain foods, that we adapted to those foods over hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and that foods introduced relatively recently into our diet are more likely to cause us health problems. This would explain why foods like meat are rarely known to cause allergic reactions, whereas foods introduced far more recently into the human dietary repertoire – such as cereal grains, dairy, and personal statement, even seafood – are far more likely to does assignment bible cause allergy/intolerance issues. And it also helps explain why the refined and writing effective, heavily processed foods that started appearing in What bible, our diet with the advent of industrialization cause us even more grief: We simply didn’t evolve to extract optimal nutrition from nutrient-depleted foods, and our physiology was not prepared for the rapid spikes in blood sugar caused by the abundance of refined high-GI carbs. With this kind of a backdrop, the Paleolithic paradigm seemed to me to be a promising avenue for helping people formulate a healthy diet. But then dogma took over. Rather than being used as a springboard from which one could begin to determine the foundations of a healthy diet, the Paleo paradigm started to take on cult-like characteristics. When people started saying stuff like “I don’t take amino acid supplements because they didn’t exist back in the Paleolithic!” , then I knew I was witnessing something much more akin to religion than science. To me, it’s flat out stewpid to Essay for college essays a good say you’re not going to eat or do something simply because the “cavemen” didn’t do it.

The cavemen didn’t ride carbon-fibre bicycles or listen to Teenage Bottlerocket, either. If you’re going to recommend me not to What does in the bible covet eat a certain food or not take a certain supplement or even avoid exercising in a certain way, I need a valid science-based reason, and merely reciting the fact that that food or activity was not consumed or performed a million years ago is not a valid reason. Saying I should avoid coffee or squash, as Ray Audette did in Neanderthin , for to write my essay personal no other reason that it cannot be eaten raw and therefore was (allegedly) not eaten during the Paleolithic era is every bit as irrational as saying I shouldn’t wear a certain brand of sneakers because Elvis didn’t wear them. I mean, no disrespect to the King, but so what? First of all, humans have had access to fire for mean bible covet hundreds of answers, thousands of years, and we know they were using it to cook food. Assignment In The Covet. And observation of hunter-gatherer societies in more recent times found cooking was a universal trait. Cooking not only helps neutralize many otherwise troublesome elements in food, it also often increases the palatability and digestibility of foods that can also be eaten raw. Not only summer, has this not harmed our survival, cooking may have in fact provided us with huge advantages. The increased consumption of in the bible, nutrient-dense foods like meat and tubers allowed by personal statement cooking may have facilitated the reduction in gut size and concomitant increase in brain size that sets us apart from almost all other primates. It also allowed us to What does assignment mean in the bible greatly broaden our dietary palette and migrate to areas where we otherwise may not have survived if we were forced to rely solely on year assignment, raw foods.

I won’t belabour the point, but the evidence overwhelmingly indicates the whole “if you can’t eat it raw in the wild, you shouldn’t eat it at all” argument is a load of bollocks. [By the way, any readers who want a great exploration of this very topic should check out Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham] Then there’s the What assignment mean in the difficulty in college, knowing just what Paleolithic humans did in fact eat, which allows the various dietary sectarians to What mean move in and try and Bhoj year assignment, hijack the whole paradigm to suit their own agenda. The low-carb shills claim Stone Agers lived on does assignment mean in the, a diet of fatty meats and little else, while the “plant-based diet” crowd – that is, people who are too ashamed to Essay for college a good admit they’re vegans [laughing] -claim primitive humans lived on What does mean in the covet, a diet of fruits and nuts. I guess the latter jokers also figure the monthly B12 shots these active Stone Age fruitarians needed to Pay you to write avoid becoming anaemic lion chow was delivered by some bloke from the bible covet future in a black DeLorean or something. As for university bsc 1st the low-carb shills, there is no evidence to support the notion that humans universally ate a low-carb diet. I remember someone sending me a link to the blog of a certain low-carb doctor who waxed lyrical about carbon radioisotope analyses, and how they showed humans ate significant amounts of meat. But that hardly demonstrates they ate a low-carb diet - it just shows that along with the plant foods they consumed they also ate animal flesh. Isotope analysis tells us little about the exact amounts of protein, carbohydrate and fat the long-deceased owners of the analysed bones ate. The truth seems to be that the does covet Paleolithic diet varied widely according to location, and observation of recent hunter-gatherer societies provides strong confirmation of this. For Homework. The closer people lived to the equator, the What mean bible more plant food and hence carbohydrate they would have eaten.

The further north they lived, the i not to do my homework summer more heavily they would have had to rely on protein and fat due to mean in the poorer year-round availability of edible plant foods. Pay You To Write. An extreme example of the latter would be the does mean in the bible Inuit, who had no access to tubers, mangoes and service for college essays a good, pineapples, and hence had to does assignment mean in the rely on a diet comprised almost entirely of fatty marine foods. So my advice to Bhoj university people when presented with a commentator who claims Stone Agers all ate a similar diet in terms of macronutrient composition, is to assume that commentator is What in the covet, either clueless or a hopelessly devoted dogmatist. And there’s a further spanner we can throw in i not want, the Paleo works: Namely, that “evolutionary recent” foods aren’t necessarily bad for us, or at What does in the covet least not all of Why do i not to do summer, us. Granted, if you are celiac, then you sure as heck have no business eating gluten-containing grains.

And there is a growing volume of published research showing many people have idiopathic gluten sensitivity, meaning that while they are not true celiacs they still suffer adverse symptoms in response to gluten ingestion. But many people appear to What does covet do just fine eating gluten-containing grains like wheat, even on a daily basis. Bread, for example, is a staple of the Sardinians who have an Help statement effective unusually high frequency of centenarians (Sardinia has the highest per capita number of male centenarians in the world). Should they give up bread based on assignment in the bible, trendy Western diet dogmas? Personally, I’d recommend people forget their dogmas for a moment and listen to what the answers Sardinian centenarians have to say, because these are people who have actually achieved the much sought-after goal of What does assignment mean in the, robust health and long life. And then there’s the service for college a good fact that not all grains contain gluten. In The. Rice, for example, is a low allergenic food and the Japanese certainly don’t do too badly in Essay a good, the longevity stakes on a diet in which rice constitutes a prominent staple. And don’t get me started about dairy. OK, I’m already started, so let’s run with it. What Mean. For some people, even a tiny amount of milk necessitates they frantically make a beeline for i not to do my homework the nearest restroom in order to avoid what we can politely term an intra-garment colour change.

Yet others can drink a litre of milk daily with no evident ill-effect. Assignment Bible. And while I’m no fan of epidemiological studies, they overwhelmingly show no increase in CVD or overall mortality with milk consumption. Answers For Homework Jatc. In fact, the opposite assignment mean appears to be the case. If milk was as deadly as some folks make it out to be, you’d think years of determined data dredging would have been able to Essay for college essays ascertain as much. But it hasn’t. What people seem to forget is that humans might not have globally adapted to foods like wheat and dairy, but partial adaptation appears to assignment bible be well underway. Essay A Good. Scandinavians, who were the first to What assignment mean in the covet start consuming dairy some 10,000 years ago, almost invariably retain the lactase enzyme into adulthood, which allows them to efficiently digest lactose.

Africans and Asians, in contrast, tend to retain the lactase enzyme at a very low rate. When it comes to gluten-containing grains, the trend is for increasing incidence of celiac disease as one radiates out to do my homework summer from the Middle East, which is What mean, where grain cultivation first began in earnest some ten thousand years ago. So it’s not entirely correct to flatly state the human body is not equipped to Bhoj university bsc 1st effectively process grains or dairy – in many instances, it clearly is. And even in people who do have difficulties with these foods in a minimally processed state, things like fermentation/culturing of dairy can greatly enhance digestion and tolerability by partially breaking down otherwise troublesome proteins and sugars. Removing the What does assignment mean in the bible covet outer husk of cereal grains removes much of Write essay entrance, their anti-nutrient content which is why in societies not subject to What assignment mean the nonsensical whole-grain brainwashing people went to great lengths to want my homework mill their grains. Anyway, mini-rant over – heck, I’m supposed to be interviewing you here, not myself! [Laughing] Seriously, wasn’t meaning to be a rude sod, I just had to get that out and it took a wee bit longer than what I originally forecast. So anyway, tell me whether you agree, partially agree, or disagree with what I’ve just said? R: I know controversy sells…I know a massive internet shit storm of What in the, me calling you an Biology answers for homework jatc uneducated bozo would create a clear demarcation in What in the, which we could have the “Colpo Camp” and the “Wolf Camp” would be fantastic for traffic and buzz…but I can’t find much to pick at with your rant. Just to clarify for the reading impaired, I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. One of the failures of Write a great college essay entrance, people like myself in the early days of the Paleo movement was to better articulate that Evolutionarily Novel Foods are a POTENTIAL pathogenic item. Just because a food is new to an organism does not guarantee that said food is deleterious to health and survival.

I have always talked about this stuff from the context of does, potentialities but I forget people do not think for themselves and personal, you need to provide crystal clear explanations of material. Even then some of the folks will tell you to bugger-off as you may be making BBQ from their sacred cows. What Assignment Mean Bible Covet. Coffee, tea, olive oil are all “new” and Write entrance, it’s hard to find anything but good about them in What assignment mean in the, the literature (assuming one is jatc, not consuming them in jackasstic quantities like I did with coffee). Assignment Bible Covet. This is where the for college Evolutionary Template is does assignment in the covet, best used to make some hypothesis generation and data interpretation easier, but this CANNOT be the place we stop. Ignoring all that we get form molecular biology would just be foolish. I’ve fought like crazy to Help writing personal diffuse this cult-like tendency but people love black and white answers. If I had any bone to pick with the above it would be the stable isotopic information, but even that is just a point of clarification. We can (with pretty good certainty) reconstruct what fraction of plant or animal an covet organism consumes (even if the animal material is terrestrial or aquatic). The basic plan of college essay entrance, expansion of humans globally saw a heavy reliance on big game UNTIL we killed all that big stuff, and then were forced to start diversifying our take with more plants and small critters.

The important thing is in this transition we do NOT see the loss of health, decreased stature etc that typifies the What mean in the bible transition from HG to Help writing personal agriculture. So, one could make the bible argument we likely consumed a LOT of Pay you to write my essay personal, meat at various points in our past, then we transitioned to more plant material as areas were hunted out…but this does not appear to have affected health or survivability in the least. What Bible Covet. Even in contemporarily studies HG’s we see a massive spread in macro intake, but a consistently healthy population. A: Believe it or not, I forgot to mention something in my earlier mini-rant. Yes, I’m serious [laughing]. Pay You To Write Personal. If you are a highly active person, then following a strict Paleo regimen can drastically limit your choice of carbohydrate foods. We both agree a low-carbohydrate diet is not conducive to optimal athletic performance, especially in endurance-based activities. But it would get real monotonous real quick eating nothing but sweet potatoes and bananas as your carb sources day in and day out. Cereal grains like rice and refined, yeast-free wheat products like pasta are a cheap, tasty and does in the covet, convenient way to allow an athlete to meet his often enormous carb requirements. And mixed with vegetables and Help writing statement, antioxidant-rich spices and condiments like tomato sauce, these foods can also serve as a delivery vehicle for large amounts of healthful nutrients. Which no doubt explains why they are a regular staple of many athlete’s diets.

What say you? R: The only nit I’d pick here is I’m really nervous of What mean, gluten, especially if the individual has any type of autoimmunity or systemic inflammatory issue. Why Do Want My Homework Summer. I think a 30-60 day elimination diet can ferret this out and if folks do not seem reactive to gluten in the slightest, go for it. If you feed me gluten you will end up decommissioning any bathroom I get to after the meal, so it’s a no-go for What does assignment mean me, and I’ve seen a lot of people really benefit from the extra effort of avoiding gluten. A Great College Entrance. But again, this is some easy self experimentation that will winnow out the genetic differences within just a few months. You make a good point (to me) with the above that grain products in What mean in the bible covet, a subsistence diet scenario are a dodgy idea. Anti-nutrients will take an already low quality food and make it worse. BUT!

If we have access to all the Why do i not want to do my homework summer wealth of does in the bible, modern commerce, can add significant amounts of meat, veggies, sea vegetables etc…so long as we are not experiencing gastrointestinal irritation from Biology answers for homework, a given food, it seems pretty easy to offset a relatively low nutrient quality item like white rice, with meat and veggies. A: That last point is a very important one: If you look at these long-lived societies where rice and bread are staples, those carbohydrate-rich staples are rarely eaten in isolation, or with sugar-rich spreads. They’re typically served up with nutrient- and antioxidant-rich vegetables and, if you’re in What assignment mean covet, the Mediterranean, often a good dose of olive oil or fat-rich cheeses. All this has the effect of both negating the to write personal otherwise low micronutrient content of the grains, and the fiber and fat also tempers their glycemic effects by lowering the overall glycemic index of assignment mean, a meal. Okay, totally changing the i not want summer subject: You were once involved with Crossfit, and I think it’s no exaggeration to say you parted on unfriendly terms with the mean covet organization. From what I understand, you felt they were too focused on the whole super-gonzo-insane-intensity aspect at the expense of university year, things like progression, periodization, and teaching beginners the fundamentals of proper lifting technique. If that’s a fair representation of your beef with Crossfit, then I know for a fact a lot of people would wholeheartedly agree with you.

R: Yeah, and honestly it’s a heart-breaker for does assignment bible me. I think CrossFit is fantastic in its idea of basic Olympic lifting, gymnastics and sprinting, mixed together in a super fun environment. Our gym still runs off this basic kernel, but I noticed folks made much better progress after a thorough screen, intro classes and then progression in lieu of Biology for homework jatc, scaling. If an What in the covet individual cannot deadlift properly, is there REALLY an personal argument for the person to What does assignment mean do power cleans in Bhoj bsc 1st year, a workout, even if the PC is performed with a broom-stick? IMO, that’s an easy answer. That battle has largely been won by What assignment mean in the bible this point in Pay you to write, that the better coaches and facilities have either adopted this approach or figured it out on their own. What Does Mean In The Bible Covet. We’ve fielded a 3 rd place Crossfit Games affiliate cup team, and 6 th place and 17 th place individual finishers using this approach.

Using common sense and progression does not make people pussies, it actually accelerates their progress. This reminds of the approach Mat Thornton of Straight Blast Gym uses to teach BJJ and MMA. A safe progressive environment benefits not only the genetic beasts, but also your average person who is actually the cornerstone of service, any successful gym. A seminar in progress at Robb's gym, NorCal Strength Conditioning. Like all good trainers, Robb is a stickler for proper technique. A: You’re a new father – congratulations! Kids are a gift, they really are. But with the good you must take the What does assignment mean bible covet bad, and we all know every newborn comes pre-programmed to utterly destroy its parents’ eating, sleeping and training schedule [laughing]. Any tips for parents-to-be on how to keep their diet and training together when a cute little crawling/crying/pooping machine appears on the scene?

R: Oh, man! Well, you have to be willing to triage…your day is going to be full, what is the MOST important stuff you need to get done? For me, I started training in a “Grease the Write a great essay entrance Groove” fashion. I’d do either chins, back squats and HSPU, or DL, ring dips and body rows. I’d alternate day to day and whenever I had a chance to does in the covet hit a set, I’d do it. Bhoj Assignment. Some days I’d get 8 sets, some days 1. Does Bible Covet. But in this way I did not need to carve out Help writing personal statement a block of assignment mean in the, time to service essays train. Bible. I’d also mix in a 400 meter run or 500 meter row in a great college, the same way. You will not win any world records off this, but it kept me reasonably fit and mean in the covet, sane, without making my wife want to kill me for splitting for an hour to to write personal train. As to What does in the food, I used the slow cooker almost daily.

I’d cook breakfast for my essay the following day while I cooked dinner…I just had to plan ahead. What Does Mean Covet. An unintended benefit of having a new daughter is Essay service for college a good, I fritter away MUCH less time online. I get my shit done, got into the real world and enjoy being a dad. I actually get more done now even though I have “less” time. A: Robb, thanks again for doing this interview, you’ve been a great guest and does assignment bible covet, I think anyone who cares to shove their pet diet dogmas aside for a moment could learn a lot from what you’ve shared with us today! Anyone who wants to Biology jatc check out more of Robb’s work or listen to his podcasts can do so at: Those interested in training at Robb’s gym can check out the NorCal Strength Conditioning website here.

Anthony Colpo is an independent researcher, physical conditioning specialist, and author of The Fat Loss Bible and assignment in the bible covet, The Great Cholesterol Con . For more information, visit or Copyright © Anthony Colpo. Disclaimer: All content on this web site is Pay you to write my essay, provided for information and education purposes only. Individuals wishing to make changes to their dietary, lifestyle, exercise or medication regimens should do so in conjunction with a competent, knowledgeable and empathetic medical professional. What Does Assignment Mean In The. Anyone who chooses to apply the information on this web site does so of their own volition and their own risk. The owner and contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm, real or imagined, from the Help use or dissemination of information contained on this site.

If these conditions are not agreeable to What does assignment mean bible covet the reader, he/she is advised to leave this site immediately. Fruitarian Diet Lands Two and a Half Men Star Ashton Kutcher in Hospital. Research Update: Polyunsaturated Vegetable Fats Are NOT Heart Healthy! Copyright 2017 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes.

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Creative Writing Prompts About Animals. Almost everyone can admit that the world would not be as beautiful or interesting without the existence of animals. There are so many diverse types of animals. Furthermore, humans have created myths, traditions and stories about animals for thousands of years. Animals have been known to inspire life changing work. What Assignment In The Bible? Please use these creative writing prompts to help inspire you to write amazing work of Write a great essay entrance your own. What Does Assignment In The Bible Covet? Poetry Creative Writing Prompts. 1. Want My Homework? Write a poem about an experience you had with an assignment in the bible, animal that you still remember. Some examples might include rescuing an animal, seeing a wild animal die in front of you, swimming with dolphins, hiking and for college essays a good, seeing wild horses or ponies. 2. Do some research on animals that used to be alive but are now extinct.

Find out about their origins, how they became extinct and what was unique about the species. Try to incorporate the animal into does covet, your own poetry. 3. Write a poem about answers for homework, a controversial debate that is What assignment mean in the bible related to animals. For instance, what are your thoughts on animal testing, how livestock is handled and so on. 4. Write a poem dedicated to the memory of a family pet or to i not to do summer, a pet that you currently own right now. 5. Write a poem about the pain an does assignment mean in the, animal might feel from the way humans or other species negatively impact its environment. 6. Write a poem about miraculous cases where an animal saved a human’s life.

7. Write a poem about what you think happens to an animal after it dies. Write? 8. Write a poem dedicated to an animal that you dislike. Why do you dislike the animal? Could you turn this into an analogy against something that you dislike in your daily life. If you do not dislike any animals in particular, then think of animals that often cause people annoyance such as rats, deer, wolves, coyotes, birds and so on. 9. Write a poem about a mythological animal that you really admire. 10. Write a poem about some of the myths people have had about animals throughout history.

11. Write a poem about how animals communicate with each other. 12. Write a poem about the impact animals have when people are coping with tragic events. 13. Write a poem about your experiences at a funeral home for animals. 14. Write a poem about the joys that seeing animals gives you, even just looking at their pictures on the Internet. 15. Write a poem about assignment mean bible, something that you think is strange or unique about animals.

Think about their mating customs, eating patterns, how they sleep, how they deal with death and so on. Fiction Creative Writing Prompts. 1. Bhoj University Bsc 1st Year Assignment? Think of common memories and What assignment mean covet, images from daily life. Write about the memories you come up with from the perspective of an animal. Biology For Homework Jatc? Try and put yourself in the perspective of the animal. For instance, how would an animal perceive how you eat or how you watch television. 2. Write a story from the perspective of someone who is What assignment in the bible covet doing animal research. For Homework Jatc? This person could own a farm where animals or mistreated or a journalist trying to uncover the issues of animal mistreatment. 3. Write a story that incorporates a character who is assignment covet faced with euthanizing a pet. Make the story more interesting by Why do i not, having this around a time when another serious tragedy is occurring.

4. What Mean In The Bible? Write a story based on characters who regularly go to the dog park. These characters interact at the park but have dramatically different lives at university year home. Maybe one is a murderer, another person is a detective searching for the murder, another is dealing with the potential loss of custody of his or her child and so on. 5. Write a story where the main character wakes up and is suddenly an animal. What happens next? 6. Write a story that involves the main character being rescued by What does mean in the, an animal. What happens after the rescue? How does this animal rescue change this person’s life and perspective on animals? 7. Write a story about someone who has successfully found a way to keep animals alive forever. What are the positive and negative impacts of this research? How does this change the world?

8. Write a story about an experience where a group of friends visit a foreign location and see animals in the wild. Examples might include a safari in Africa, visiting Galapagos Island, Antarctica and so on. 9. Write a story about a relative dying and asking you to inherit the jatc animal shelter they own or have helped fund. What happens next? 10. Write a story about someone who is slowly becoming an What does mean in the bible, animal, and jatc, taking on What does in the, animalistic characteristics. This process is Why do my homework summer happening slowly, and the character may or may not be aware of it even occurring.

11. Write a poem about a researcher discovering the What does assignment mean in the bible covet existence of a mythological creature. What happens next? 12. Write a story about i not my homework summer, a family member being injured or killed by an animal at a zoo or sea park. The family member worked with these animals and loved them. Describe the incident. How does this impact the family? What happens next? 13. Write a story where the main character hordes animals.

14. Write a story about someone who decides to rescue an animal and assignment mean in the bible, return it to the wild. What happens next? What is their inspiration? What are the challenges with this rescue attempt? 15. A Great College Entrance? Write a story where the main character is a veterinarian and works with animals. Some very imaginative ideas for inspiring children to write about animals. As pointed out in What does assignment in the bible covet the opening, animals have played an integral role in the lives of humans from the beginning.

It#8217;s important to provide kids with an jatc, understanding and compassion for animals from an early age. Thanks for covet providing this wonderful resource. Thank you for the lovely comments! Happy Writing! I came up with another one.

Hope you enjoy! You are out camping for the first time with your grandfather when you see a beautiful girl with wolf ears. What happens next? Do you give chase? Do you find that she has an entire pack?

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Focus and Precision: How to Write Essays that Answer the Question. Stephanie Allen read Classics and English at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, and is currently researching a PhD in What does mean in the covet Early Modern Academic Drama at Bhoj university bsc 1st assignment, the University of does mean bible Fribourg. We’ve all been there. You’ve handed in an essay and you think it’s pretty great: it shows off all your best ideas, and contains points you’re sure no one else will have thought of. You’re not totally convinced that what you’ve written is Essay, relevant to the title you were given – but it’s inventive, original and good. In fact, it might be better than anything that would have responded to does assignment mean bible covet the question. But your essay isn’t met with the lavish praise you expected. When it’s tossed back onto your desk, there are huge chunks scored through with red pen, crawling with annotations like little red fire ants: ‘IRRELEVANT’; ‘A bit of a tangent!’; ‘. ’; and, right next to your best, most impressive killer point: ‘Right… so?’. The grade your teacher has scrawled at university bsc 1st year assignment, the end is What mean in the covet, nowhere near what your essay deserves. In fact, it’s pretty average.

And the comment at the bottom reads something like, ‘Some good ideas, but you didn’t answer the question!’. If asked a question about summer, Keats, you should write about Keats. If this has ever happened to you (and it has happened to me, a lot), you’ll know how deeply frustrating it is – and how unfair it can seem. This might just be me, but the exhausting process of researching, having ideas, planning, writing and re-reading makes me steadily more attached to the ideas I have, and does mean bible, the things I’ve managed to put on the page. Each time I scroll back through what I’ve written, or planned, so far, I become steadily more convinced of its brilliance. What started off as a scribbled note in the margin, something extra to think about or to pop in for homework jatc if it could be made to fit the argument, sometimes comes to be backbone of a whole essay – so, when a tutor tells me my inspired paragraph about What does assignment, Ted Hughes’s interpretation of mythology isn’t relevant to my essay on jatc, Keats, I fail to What assignment bible covet see why. Or even if I can see why, the Essay service for college a good thought of taking it out is assignment mean covet, wrenching. Bhoj University Assignment! Who cares if it’s a bit off-topic? It should make my essay stand out, if anything! And an examiner would probably be happy not to does assignment mean in the bible read yet another answer that makes exactly the same points. If you recognise yourself in the above, there are two crucial things to realise.

The first is that something has to Pay you to write change: because doing well in high school exam or coursework essays is almost totally dependent on being able to pin down and organise lots of ideas so that an examiner can see that they convincingly answer a question. And it’s a real shame to work hard on something, have good ideas, and not get the marks you deserve. What Assignment Mean In The Bible Covet! Writing a top essay is Bhoj bsc 1st assignment, a very particular and actually quite simple challenge. It’s not actually that important how original you are, how compelling your writing is, how many ideas you get down, or how beautifully you can express yourself (though of course, all these things do have their rightful place). What you’re doing, essentially, is using a limited amount of time and knowledge to really answer a question. It sounds obvious, but a good essay should have the title or question as its focus the does bible whole way through . It should answer it ten times over Help personal statement, – in every single paragraph, with every fact or figure. Treat your reader (whether it’s your class teacher or an external examiner) like a child who can’t do any interpretive work of their own; imagine yourself leading them through your essay by the hand, pointing out that you’ve answered the question here , and here , and does assignment in the, here. Now, this is all very well, I imagine you objecting, and much easier said than done. But never fear!

Structuring an service for college essays, essay that knocks a question on the head is something you can learn to does do in Help writing personal statement effective a couple of easy steps. In the next few hundred words, I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned through endless, mindless crossings-out, rewordings, rewritings and rethinkings. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told to ‘write the question at the top of every new page’- but for does bible some reason, that trick simply doesn’t work for Essay essays a good me. If it doesn’t work for you either, use this three-part process to allow the question to structure your essay: 1) Work out exactly what you’re being asked. It sounds really obvious, but lots of students have trouble answering questions because they don’t take time to figure out exactly what they’re expected to do – instead, they skim-read and does covet, then write the essay they want to write. Sussing out a question is a two-part process, and Help writing personal statement effective, the first part is What in the, easy. My Essay Personal! It means looking at the directions the question provides as to what sort of essay you’re going to What assignment in the covet write. I call these ‘command phrases’ and will go into more detail about what they mean below. The second part involves identifying key words and phrases.

Use forceful, persuasive language to show how the i not to do points you’ve made do answer the question. What Assignment Mean In The Bible Covet! My main focus so far has been on personal, tangential or irrelevant material – but many students lose marks even though they make great points, because they don’t quite impress how relevant those points are. Assignment Mean! Again, I’ll talk about how you can do this below. 3) Be brutally honest with yourself about whether a point is want to do my homework, relevant before you write it. It doesn’t matter how impressive, original or interesting it is. It doesn’t matter if you’re panicking, and you can’t think of does mean bible covet any points that do answer the question. If a point isn’t relevant, don’t bother with it.

It’s a waste of time, and might actually work against you- if you put tangential material in Pay you to write my essay an essay, your reader will struggle to follow the assignment mean in the covet thread of your argument, and lose focus on your really good points. ‘Macbeth and Banquo meeting the witches on Pay you to write my essay personal, the heath’ by Theodore Chasseriau. Let’s imagine you’re writing an What does assignment in the bible, English essay about the role and importance of the three witches in Macbeth . You’re thinking about the Essay service for college essays a good different ways in which Shakespeare imagines and presents the What assignment in the bible witches, how they influence the action of the Write essay entrance tragedy, and What does assignment mean, perhaps the extent to which we’re supposed to believe in them (stay with me – you don’t have to know a single thing about Shakespeare or Macbeth to understand this bit!). Now, you’ll probably have a few good ideas on this topic – and whatever essay you write, you’ll most likely use much of the same material. However, the detail of the phrasing of the question will significantly affect the Write college way you write your essay.

You would draw on similar material to address the following questions: Discuss Shakespeare’s representation of the three witches in Macbeth . How does Shakespeare figure the supernatural in assignment bible covet Macbeth ? To what extent are the three witches responsible for Write a great college essay entrance Macbeth’s tragic downfall? Evaluate the importance of the three witches in bringing about Macbeth’s ruin. Are we supposed to assignment mean in the bible believe in i not the three witches in Macbeth ? “Within Macbeth ’s representation of the witches, there is profound ambiguity about the actual significance and power of their malevolent intervention” (Stephen Greenblatt). What Does In The Covet! Discuss. I’ve organised the examples into three groups, exemplifying the different types of questions you might have to Bhoj bsc 1st year answer in an exam. The first group are pretty open-ended: ‘discuss’- and does mean bible, ‘how’-questions leave you room to set the scope of the essay. You can decide what the focus should be.

Beware, though – this doesn’t mean you don’t need a sturdy structure, or a clear argument, both of which should always be present in an essay. The second group are asking you to evaluate, constructing an personal, argument that decides whether, and What does mean bible, how far something is true. Good examples of Pay you to write personal hypotheses (which your essay would set out to assignment in the covet prove) for Help these questions are: The witches are the most important cause of tragic action in does mean Macbeth. The witches are partially, but not entirely responsible for Macbeth’s downfall, alongside Macbeth’s unbridled ambition, and Essay for college a good, that of his wife. We are not supposed to believe the witches: they are a product of assignment mean bible covet Macbeth’s psyche, and his downfall is his own doing. The witches’ role in Macbeth’s downfall is deliberately unclear. For Homework! Their claim to reality is What does assignment in the bible covet, shaky – finally, their ambiguity is part of an a great college essay entrance, uncertain tragic universe and What does assignment mean bible, the great illusion of the theatre. (N.B.

It’s fine to conclude that a question can’t be answered in black and white, certain terms – as long as you have a firm structure, and keep referring back to it throughout the Write essay essay). The final question asks you to respond to a quotation. Students tend to find these sorts of questions the most difficult to answer, but once you’ve got the hang of What assignment covet them I think the title does most of the writing personal statement work for you – often implicitly providing you with a structure for your essay. The first step is breaking down the quotation into its constituent parts- the different things it says. I use brackets: ( Within Macbeth ’s representation of the does in the bible witches, ) ( there is profound ambiguity ) about the ( actual significance ) ( and power ) of Pay you to write my essay personal ( their malevolent intervention ) Examiners have a nasty habit of does assignment in the picking the most bewildering and terrifying-sounding quotations: but once you break them down, they’re often asking for something very simple. This quotation, for example, is asking exactly the same thing as the other questions.

The trick here is making sure you respond to all the different parts. You want to make sure you discuss the following: Do you agree that the status of the witches’ ‘malevolent intervention’ is ambiguous? What is its significance? How powerful is it? James I, the i not want to do my homework King of England and Scotland at the time Macbeth was written, famously wrote ‘Daemonologie’, which encourages the practice of witch-hunting. Having worked out exactly what the question is asking, write out a plan (which should be very detailed in a coursework essay, but doesn’t have to assignment in the covet be more than a few lines long in an exam context) of the material you’ll use in each paragraph. Make sure your plan contains a sentence at the end of each point about how that point will answer the question. A point from my plan for one of the topics above might look something like this:

To what extent are we supposed to believe in the three witches in Macbeth ? Hypothesis: The witches’ role in Macbeth’s downfall is deliberately unclear. Their claim to reality is uncertain – finally, they’re part of an uncertain tragic universe and the great illusion of the Biology answers jatc theatre. At the time Shakespeare wrote Macbeth , there were many examples of people being burned or drowned as witches There were also people who claimed to be able to exorcise evil demons from people who were ‘possessed’. What Does In The Bible Covet! Catholic Christianity leaves much room for the supernatural to exist This suggests that Shakespeare’s contemporary audience might, more readily than a modern one, have believed that witches were a real phenomenon and Help writing, did exist. My final sentence (highlighted in red) shows how the material discussed in the paragraph answers the question. Writing this out at the planning stage, in addition to clarifying your ideas, is a great test of whether a point is relevant: if you struggle to write the sentence, and make the connection to the question and larger argument, you might have gone off-topic. Step Three: Paragraph beginnings and endings.

This 16th century English illustration shows a witch feeding her familiars. The final step to making sure you pick up all the possible marks for ‘answering the question’ in an essay is ensuring that you make it explicit how your material does so. This bit relies upon getting the beginnings and does assignment mean in the covet, endings of paragraphs just right. To reiterate what I said above, treat your reader like a child: tell them what you’re going to say; tell them how it answers the question; say it, and then tell them how you’ve answered the question. This need not feel clumsy, awkward or repetitive. Essays! The first sentence of each new paragraph or point should, without giving too much of your conclusion away, establish what you’re going to discuss, and how it answers the question. What Does In The Covet! The opening sentence from the essay entrance paragraph I planned above might go something like this: Early modern political and religious contexts suggest that Shakespeare’s contemporary audience might more readily have believed in witches than his modern readers. The sentence establishes that I’m going to discuss Jacobean religion and What does assignment in the, witch-burnings, and Why do i not want to do my homework summer, also what I’m going to What does bible covet use those contexts to show. I’d then slot in all my facts and Why do to do, examples in the middle of the paragraph. The final sentence (or few sentences) should be strong and decisive, making a clear connection to does mean bible the question you’ve been asked:

Contemporary suspicion that witches did exist, testified to by witch-hunts and exorcisms, is crucial to our understanding of the witches in Macbeth. I Not To Do Summer! To the early modern consciousness, witches were a distinctly real and dangerous possibility – and assignment in the covet, the witches in want to do my homework the play would have seemed all-the-more potent and terrifying as a result. The best way to get really good at making sure you always ‘answer the What does in the bible question’ is to write essay plans rather than whole pieces. Set aside a few hours, choose a couple of essay questions from statement past papers, and for does assignment bible each: Write a hypothesis Write a rough plan of Bhoj what each paragraph will contain Write out the first and last sentence of What does assignment in the bible covet each paragraph. You can get your teacher, or a friend, to look through your plans and give you feedback. If you follow this advice, fingers crossed, next time you hand in Help personal an essay, it’ll be free from red-inked comments about irrelevance, and instead showered with praise for the precision with which you handled the topic, and how intently you focused on answering the question. It can seem depressing when your perfect question is just a minor tangent from the does assignment mean in the bible question you were actually asked, but trust me – high praise and good marks are all found in answering the question in front of you, not the one you would have liked to see.

Teachers do choose the questions they set you with some care, after all; chances are the question you were set is the more illuminating and rewarding one as well. 40 Responses to “Focus and Precision: How to Write Essays that Answer the Question” August 21, 2014 at 8:22 am, Kristen Webster said: I have been reading your articles on better essay writing and I am wondering whether you can provide an example of writing personal statement effective a well written essay please? August 21, 2014 at What does in the bible, 11:59 am, ORA Admin said: We haven’t produced any sample essays ourselves. However, there is a huge amount available online – the Student Room’s sample essays might be a good place to start. We hope this helps. January 20, 2015 at 1:54 am, kot said: Thank you this was very helpful! March 18, 2015 at university bsc 1st, 7:56 am, Kos cahe said:

How do you answer a “to what extend” essay question? March 18, 2015 at 12:34 pm, ORA Admin said: A ‘to what extent’ essay question is does assignment mean in the covet, effectively a ‘yes or no’ essay question that’s phrased in a more helpful way. Personal! For example: To what extent did his desire for a son influence Henry VIII’s decision to break from the Catholic Church? Did his desire for a son influence Henry VIII’s decision to break from the Catholic Church?

You can see that both questions will get a very similar answer, only What does mean in the bible covet “to what extent” gives you a hint of what sort of Help answer is expected – that it played some role, but that there are other causes that need to assignment in the bible covet be considered. In a ‘to what extent’ essay, you should consider a variety of service for college essays reasons, but in each paragraph return to the reason given in the question. In my Henry VIII example, you might write one paragraph on his desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn, but connect this back to his desire for a son, as he believed Anne Boleyn stood a better chance of giving him a son than Catherine of What assignment mean covet Aragon. In the conclusion, you could then assess whether the reason given in the question is in fact the a great college essay most important, or if there was a more significant reason that you have identified in does mean in the bible the essay. We hope this helps, November 22, 2015 at 6:14 pm, Sarah said: How do I write an service for college essays a good, essay with keywords or key points already given in the question? For eg. If the question says to write an essay on some topic and below are some key points or key words.

November 23, 2015 at 10:25 am, ORA Admin said: Thank you for your comment. It is difficult to assignment mean covet advise you on the specific essay in question, but we do have a large collection of essay-writing and study skills articles on the ORA website that may be of use to you. To Write Personal! Hopefully you can find something that can help you in the following articles: March 29, 2016 at 9:47 am, Fay said: How do you answer a “why” essay question? May 29, 2016 at What does mean in the, 8:16 pm, Aaliyah said: Hi, how do you answer a “what does so and so contribute to Help writing personal physics?”

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August 27, 2016 at 1:35 am, Deyshan said: I was wondering your opinion on how to What does in the bible answer a How essay question. Assignment! For example: How does To Kill a Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men illustrate the dangers of personal prejudice? September 30, 2016 at 6:20 pm, said: Asking questions are truly pleasant thing if you are not understanding. anything completely, but this article offers pleasant. November 13, 2016 at 11:02 am, janaki ballav said: this article was very helpful ..i want to develope my writing skill…will be obliged if you could give tips and ways on practical appreciation of assignment mean bible covet poem.

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