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Argumentative Essay about Writing a good admission Why Smoking Should be Banned. Extracts from this document. ?Page | ________________ Ban Smoking in Public Places Smoking is shopping, one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in a good essay for college public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. Write A Research Ppt. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. Admission. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpa's house, but in less than two weeks, she had developed ear infections and started to Essay, cough. Writing A Good Essay. When they went to the doctors' office to find out how she had gotten it, the doctor linked it back to the second hand smoke that she was breathing in. Pre Written About. When my great uncle found out about it, he finally started to care about where he was smoking and who he was with, and decided that he would smoke in a good admission essay for college a secluded place where no one but him may be affected. Essays About. . read more. Though many smokers already know of the health risks that come with smoking cigarettes, but what most of them do not, is how secondhand smoking can affect other people. ?Breathing in low doses of secondhand smoke can increase a person?s risk of Writing essay heart attack? according to a study by Dr. Meyers, a professor of Essay centre Cardiology and Preventive Medicine at University of Kansas (

Smokers should not risk non-smokers for something that they do. In continuation of Dr. Meyers? study is that, ?secondhand smoking increases the likelihood of a heart attack by a good essay for college making the blood ?sticky?, making it more prone to clotting, and reducing the amount of good cholesterol in the body? ( Non-smokers should not be worrying about paying more medical bills, especially in today?s economic situation. Many businesses provide health insurance to their employees.

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Neo-Platonism in “The Tempest” Essay Sample. Neo-Platonism is a collective designation for the philosophical and religious doctrines of a heterogeneous school of speculative thinkers who sought to develop and Writing a good essay synthesize the papers metaphysical ideas of Plato. Writing A Good Admission. Such synthesis occurred especially in Alexandria and included Hellenistic Judaism, as exemplified by the Jewish-Hellenistic philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, as well as other outlooks. The doctrine kept its essentially Greek character, however. By extension, the term is applied to similar metaphysical theories expounded in medieval, Renaissance, and modern times. From the late Renaissance in Medicean Florence to the end of the seventeenth century, the Neoplatonic possibility of uniting “pagan” Classical learning with the Mekentosj papers Christian spirit fascinated such thinkers as Marsilio Ficino. Recently, critics have argued that William Shakespeare’s late comedy The Tempest (1611) may be interpreted in light of such Neoplatonic archetypes as the virginal princess, the young knight, the Writing admission essay for college primitive, and the magus. Shakespeare’s romantic comedy may reflect Ficino’s postulations that there are three modes of human existence (the contemplative, the active, and the pleasurable) and three roads to felicity (wisdom, power, and sensual pleasure). The Renaissance Neoplatonists held that the ideal human existence involved a harmonization of persuasive, these triads.

One may argue, as Soji Iwasaki does in The Political Discourse and the Iconography of Commonwealth in the Tempest , that Shakespeare’s dark comedy is a Neoplatonic allegory about the admission essay necessity for our striving for practical rather than purely esoteric wisdom as a moral principle to live by. The Neoplatonists regarded the poet as a god-like figure in that he had the Essay shopping centre capacity to create a perfect world, a world directly reflecting the divine archetype itself–as Elizabethan critic and novelist Sir Philip Sidney remarks at the beginning of “An Apology for Poetry,” the poets “deliver a golden” world from admission for college, Nature’s fundamentally flawed and imperfect world. Prospero may be regarded as the literature poet, the island his field of creation, and Ariel his agent or means of producing such illusions as the a good admission for college masque for Miranda and Ferdinand or the dance of the islanders for the Neopolitan nobles. Prospero is a magus, an advanced and altruistic thinker, not a practitioner of the black arts, a sorcerer. Through Shakespeare’s development of the character of Prospero we see the human spirit liberated from the desire for power, for control, and for vengeance as he renounces his “art,” forgives his former enemies, and prepares to return to society. His exile and suffering have purified him and enabled him to expiate the crime of abandoning the care of his subjects in shopping centre Milan for the pursuit of esoteric magic, as symbolized by the books that he perused instead of attending to Writing admission essay his duties as duke. These books rather than his robe, his wand, or his servant Ariel are the chief source of his power to create illusions, charms, and spells. In that Prospero’s name means “I Hope,” he represents a melioristic possibility for the human condition.

If Prospero represents the Pre written highest Neoplatonic level attainable by Writing, human beings (the sensible, the rational, and mean in real of contract the intellectual in perfect balance), Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo represent the lowest level, in which the admission for college sensible or sensory predominates; the literature review symbol of their pursuit of Writing admission essay for college, sensual pleasure is the How to about someone else butt of wine, which clouds their self-knowledge and releases the forces of the Freudian Id, the animalistic passions of gustatory and sexual appetite. The story’s fairy-tale prince and princess, Ferdinand and Miranda, represent the Writing rational and the imaginative faculties, bound together in a non-sensual, Platonic relationship, the most complete stage of human love, according to the Greek philosopher Plato. Volumes have been written about what is believed to be Shakespeare’s last play, The Tempest , treating its theme and the significance of its characters all the way from politics through allegories to fantasy. There is a generally accepted view that a famous shipwreck off the Bermudas in 1609 from Mekentosj papers, which those aboard was “miraculously saved” served as Shakespeare’s inspiration. But a deeper meaning in the play is worth considering.

It is surely more than a fairy tale about a duke called Prospero, who had been dispossessed by his ambitious younger brother and exiled to admission a secluded island where he wields magic powers over the elements. Write A Research. Nor is it merely a dramatic narrative of a strange shipwreck which immerses its passengers in the sea yet somehow deposits them dry upon the island; recounts their adventures, amusing and otherwise, and follows the trials of essay for college, one of them in particular, Ferdinand, who eventually meets Prospero’s daughter Miranda, their ultimate betrothal sealing the reconciliation of the brothers. No, it is none of these alone, nor even the dissipation of the island’s peculiarities by Prospero’s extraordinary power of will, when at length he decides to leave for his original home and duties. Prospero is one of Shakespeare’s more enigmatic protagonists. He is a sympathetic character in that he was wronged by his usurping brother, but his absolute power over the other characters and his overwrought speeches make him difficult to like. In our first glimpse of does mean estate of contract, him, he appears puffed up and self-important, and his repeated insistence that Miranda pay attention suggest that his story is boring her. Admission Essay. Once Prospero moves on Pre written persuasive about, to a subject other than his absorption in the pursuit of knowledge, Miranda’s attention is riveted. Despite his shortcomings as a man, however, Prospero is central to The Tempest ’s narrative.

Prospero generates the for college plot of the play almost single-handedly, as his various schemes, spells, and Mekentosj 2 windows 8 manipulations all work as part of his grand design to achieve the play’s happy ending. Watching Prospero work through The Tempest is like watching a dramatist create a play, building a story from material at hand and developing his plot so that the resolution brings the world into line with his idea of goodness and justice. Many critics and readers of the admission essay for college play have interpreted Prospero as a surrogate for Shakespeare, enabling the audience to explore firsthand the ambiguities and ultimate wonder of the creative endeavor. Write Paper. Prospero’s final speech, in which he likens himself to a playwright by asking the audience for applause, strengthens this reading of the play, and makes the play’s final scene function as a moving celebration of creativity, humanity, and a good admission essay for college art. Prospero emerges as a more likable and sympathetic figure in the final two acts of the Mekentosj papers play. In these acts, his love for Miranda, his forgiveness of his enemies, and the legitimately happy ending his scheme creates all work to mitigate some of the undesirable means he has used to achieve his happy ending. If Prospero sometimes seems autocratic, he ultimately manages to persuade the audience to share his understanding of the world—an achievement that is, after all, the final goal of every author and every play. Just under fifteen years old, Miranda is a gentle and compassionate, but also relatively passive, heroine. From her very first lines she displays a meek and emotional nature. “O, I have suffered / with those that I saw suffer!” she says of the a good essay shipwreck (I.ii.5–6), and paper ppt hearing Prospero’s tale of Writing admission essay, their narrow escape from Milan, she says “I, not rememb’ring how I cried out then, / Will cry it o’er again” (I.ii.133–134). Write Paper. Miranda does not choose her own husband. Instead, while she sleeps, Prospero sends Ariel to fetch Ferdinand, and arranges things so that the two will come to love one another.

After Prospero has given the lovers his blessing, he and Ferdinand talk with surprising frankness about her virginity and the pleasures of the marriage bed while she stands quietly by. Writing Essay. Prospero tells Ferdinand to be sure not to “break her virgin-knot” before the How to start a narrative essay for college about someone else wedding night (IV.i.15), and a good admission essay for college Ferdinand replies with no small anticipation that lust shall never take away “the edge of that day’s celebration” (IV.i.29). In the play’s final scene, Miranda is presented, with Ferdinand, almost as a prop or piece of the scenery as Prospero draws aside a curtain to reveal the pair playing chess. But while Miranda is passive in many ways, she has at least two moments of surprising forthrightness and strength that complicate the reader’s impressions of her as a naive young girl. Essay Shopping Centre. The first such moment is in Act I, scene ii, in a good admission which she and Pre written persuasive essays Prospero converse with Caliban. Prospero alludes to the fact that Caliban once tried to rape Miranda.

When Caliban rudely agrees that he intended to violate her, Miranda responds with impressive vehemence, clearly appalled at Caliban’s light attitude toward his attempted rape. She goes on to scold him for being ungrateful for Writing admission for college her attempts to educate him: “When thou didst not, savage, / know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like / a thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes / with words that made them known” (358–361). These lines are so surprising coming from the mouth of start a narrative essay for college about else, Miranda that many editors have amended the text and given it to Writing a good essay Prospero. Mean In Real Estate Of Contract. This reattribution seems to give Miranda too little credit. In Act III, scene i comes the second surprising moment—Miranda’s marriage proposal to Ferdinand: “I am your wife, if you will marry me; / If not, I’ll die your maid” (III.i.83–84). Her proposal comes shortly after Miranda has told herself to remember her “father’s precepts” (III.i.58) forbidding conversation with Ferdinand.

As the reader can see in her speech to Writing admission essay Caliban in Act I, scene ii, Miranda is willing to speak up for herself about her sexuality. Prospero’s dark, earthy slave, frequently referred to as a monster by the other characters, Caliban is the son of a witch-hag and the only real native of the island to appear in the play. He is an extremely complex figure, and Write a research ppt he mirrors or parodies several other characters in the play. In his first speech to Prospero, Caliban insists that Prospero stole the Writing a good admission essay island from him. Through this speech, Caliban suggests that his situation is review much the same as Prospero’s, whose brother usurped his dukedom. On the other hand, Caliban’s desire for sovereignty of the island mirrors the lust for power that led Antonio to overthrow Prospero. Caliban’s conspiracy with Stefano and Trinculo to murder Prospero mirrors Antonio and Sebastian’s plot against Alonso, as well as Antonio and Alonso’s original conspiracy against Prospero. Caliban both mirrors and contrasts with Prospero are other servant, Ariel. While Ariel is “an airy spirit, ” Caliban is of the earth, his speeches turning to “springs, brine pits” (I.ii.341), “bogs, fens, flats” (II.ii.2), or crabapples and pignuts (II.ii.159–160). While Ariel maintains his dignity and a good admission his freedom by a narrative essay for college someone, serving Prospero willingly, Caliban achieves a different kind of dignity by refusing, if only sporadically, to bow before Prospero’s intimidation. Surprisingly, Caliban also mirrors and essay contrasts with Ferdinand in certain ways.

In Act II, scene ii Caliban enters “with a burden of wood,” and Pre written persuasive essays about Ferdinand enters in Act III, scene i “bearing a log.” Both Caliban and Writing a good for college Ferdinand profess an interest in untying Miranda’s “virgin knot.” Ferdinand plans to marry her, while Caliban has attempted to rape her. The glorified, romantic, almost ethereal love of Ferdinand for Miranda starkly contrasts with Caliban’s desire to impregnate Miranda and people the island with Calibans. Finally, and most tragically, Caliban becomes a parody of himself. In his first speech to Prospero, he regretfully reminds the magician of how he showed him all the ins and outs of the island when Prospero first arrived. Only a few scenes later, however, we see Caliban drunk and fawning before a new magical being in his life: Stefano and his bottle of paper, liquor. Soon, Caliban begs to show Stefano the island and even asks to lick his shoe. Caliban repeats the mistakes he claims to curse. In his final act of Writing a good admission essay, rebellion, he is once more entirely subdued by Prospero in the pettiest way—he is dunked in a stinking bog and ordered to start a narrative clean up Prospero’s cell in Writing admission for college preparation for dinner.

Despite his savage demeanor and grotesque appearance, however, Caliban has a nobler, more sensitive side that the audience is only allowed to glimpse briefly, and which Prospero and Miranda do not acknowledge at all. His beautiful speeches about his island home provide some of the most affecting imagery in the play, reminding the audience that Caliban really did occupy the shopping island before Prospero came, and that he may be right in admission essay thinking his enslavement to be monstrously unjust. Caliban’s swarthy appearance, his forced servitude, and his native status on 2 windows 8, the island have led many readers to interpret him as a symbol of the native cultures occupied and Writing essay for college suppressed by European colonial societies, which are represented by the power of Prospero. Whether or not one accepts this allegory, Caliban remains one of the most intriguing and ambiguous minor characters in all of How to start about else, Shakespeare, a sensitive monster who allows him to be transformed into a fool. The Tempest is one of the most original and perfect of Shakespeare’s productions, and a good for college he has shown in it all the variety of his powers. It is full of grace and grandeur. The human and imaginary characters, the Writing dramatic and Writing a good essay for college the grotesque, are blended together with the greatest art, and without any appearance of it. What Does. Though he has here given “to airy nothing a local habitation and a name,” yet that part which is only the fantastic creation of his mind, has the same palpable texture, and coheres “similarly” with the rest. As the preternatural part has the air of reality, and almost haunts the imagination with a sense of truth, the real characters and events partake of the wildness of a dream. The stately magician, Prospero, driven from his dukedom, but around whom (so potent is his art) airy spirits throng numberless to do his bidding; his daughter Miranda (“worthy of that name”) to whom all the power of his art points, and who seems the Writing a good admission essay goddess of the isle; the princely Ferdinand, cast by Writing a policy paper literature, fate upon the heaven of his happiness in this idol of his love; the delicate Ariel; the savage Caliban, half brute, half demon; the essay for college drunken ship’s crew—are all connected parts of the story, and can hardly be spared from the Essay place they fill.

Even the local scenery is of a piece and character with the subject. Prospero’s enchanted island seems to have risen up out of the sea; the airy music, the tempest-tossed vessel, the turbulent waves; all have the effect of the landscape background of some fine picture. Shakespeare’s pencil is (to use an allusion of Writing a good admission, his own) “like the dyer’s hand, subdued to what it works in.” Every-thing in him, though it partakes of “the liberty of paper ppt, wit,” is also subjected to Writing a good admission essay “the law “ of the understanding. For instance, even the drunken sailors, who are made reeling-ripe, share, in the disorder of their minds and bodies, in Write a research paper ppt the tumult of the elements, and seem on a good admission essay for college, shore to What does mean in real be as much at the mercy of chance as they were before at the mercy of the winds and waves. These fellows with their sea-wit are the least to our taste of any part of the a good essay for college play: but they are as like drunken sailors as they can be, and Essay centre are an indirect foil to Caliban, whose figure acquires a classical dignity in the comparison. No reading of The Tempest can do it justice: Shakespeare’s tale of Prospero’s Island is inherently theatrical, unfolding in Writing admission essay for college a series of spectacles that involve exotic, supra-human, and sometimes invisible characters that the audience can see but other characters cannot. The play was composed by Shakespeare as a multi-sensory theater experience, with sound, and centre especially music, used to a good admission for college complement the sights of the play, and all of it interwoven by the author with lyrical textual passages that overflow with exotic images, trifling sounds, and a palpable lushness. The Tempest is so elusive in its protean ability to accommodate different interpretations that any critic or any worthy reader would account to his own judgment of his reading of the play.

The richness of The Tempest as theater is matched by the extraordinary thematic complexity of its text. The genius of the play is very undoubtedly eluded to the master dramatist Shakespeare. However, the character development of the play and the development of the action throw some light on the mystical nature of the play. Very truly it is often called a “mystery”. However, with the basic concept of neo-Platonism in the very onset, one may judge the Essay characters and for college the plot overview as a step towards neo-Platonism. In Real Of Contract. The play challenges our senses and is self-consciously a performance orchestrated by Shakespeare’s effigy in the master illusionist Prospero. There are, in addition, numerous interpenetrating polarities in the play, most notably between nature and civilization or Art. A Good Admission Essay. These thematic strands come together at multiple points of intersection.

We can but agree with still that the play is an allegory, a poetic “version of the Essay centre universal epic,” and that it deals in values that are “enshrined in admission for college all that is best and most enduring in ancient myth and ritual, in religious concepts and ceremonies, in art and literature, and in popular tradition.” Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order Neo-Platonism in “The Tempest” essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Write paper ppt Neo-Platonism in “The Tempest” Many times throughout The Tempest, Shakespeare would couple his use of a bare stage with music and other various theatrical noises in order to create a deeper connection with his… Humanism characteristcs of prospero. In order to answer the following question one must understand the meaning of Writing for college, humanism and a research paper humanism attributes.

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Transformation by theatre in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” 1. The Transformation of Prospero In Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” the figure of Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, forms the key element of all actions and developments throughout the How to a narrative essay about else play…. Discuss Prosperos journey in Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ Shakespeares so called late plays including works such as The Tempest and The Winters Tale present the audience with a world of incomparable wealth of interest in a good admission the unseen world…

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essays on baldness Tired of writing about the same tired old topics like the ban on smoking in public places, the dangers of texting and Writing essay driving, or gun control? Good. Your professors are tired of reading about Essay shopping centre these topics, too. When you’re writing a research paper, you want to impress your professors with your writing skills, but you also want to Writing a good essay for college offer new insights into a topic. Persuasive! You won’t likely be able to a good admission write anything new and enlightening about these tired old topics in only a few thousand words. So how do you impress your professor if you think he or she has heard it all before? To begin with, try a newer and more original topic. Stumped for fresh ideas? Don’t worry. Pre Written Persuasive Essays! This blog post contains 25 interesting research paper topics to get you started.

5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Local Issues. True, it might take a little more effort to research local issues, but you’re up for the challenge, right? Besides, learning and writing about the concerns of your community not only keeps you informed and involved, but also makes for a great research paper. A great research paper means a great grade, so how can you go wrong? To start researching local issues, head straight to local newspapers and online sources. They won’t provide all the details you’ll need to write an in-depth research essay, but they’re a good place to begin your research. Researching local issues is also another chance for you to practice your interviewing skills. Writing Admission Essay For College! (After all, you’ll need them when you become the Essay centre, next host of The Tonight Show , right?) Seriously though, what better way to get the inside scoop than by interviewing the parties directly involved in the issue? Not sure what types of a good for college local issues to Mekentosj 8 research?

Try one of Writing admission essay for college these. Interesting Research Paper Topic #1. What Does Assignment Mean In Real Estate Of Contract! Local Political Scandals. Has a local politician embezzled money, been charged with corruption, or been involved in a sizzling sex scandal? Interesting Research Paper Topic #2: Local University Dramas. Are employees trying to form (or break) local unions? Are students fighting for lower tuition or book costs? Has the college president (or other administrator) been in the local news lately for any number of Writing admission essay for college issues?

Are police investigating a cheating or athletic scandal? Interesting Research Paper Topic #3: Small Business Struggles and 8 Triumphs. Is a small business a cornerstone in your community, and you want to research its impact on the community? Is a small business struggling due to a new big box store in the area? Interesting Research Paper Topic #4: Local Government Issues. Should local government do more to help its citizens? Should more money be allocated to Writing essay for college fix roads and bridges?

Is the city providing adequate services such as clean water, trash pick up, safe neighborhoods, etc.? Interesting Research Paper Topic #5. Local Public School Battles. Have students and/or teachers been involved in a sexting scandal? Are the school board and/or parents battling over a new curriculum, athletic reform, or some other topic? 5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Health and the Environment.

You can research environmental or health topics ranging from Pre written essays about, small, local and regional topics to large, global issues. For instance, you might research the best practices of Writing admission sustainable cities to Essay shopping explain how your own city might work to essay emulate them. Essay! On the other hand, you might write from a global perspective and examine sustainable cities across the world. If you’re writing about the Writing essay, environment or health, you might consider one of the What estate of contract, following topics. Interesting Research Paper Topic #6: BPA. Due to Writing for college concerns with contaminants such a BPA, are canned foods safe to eat? Should stricter regulations be in place for labeling plastics containing BPA? Interesting Research Paper Topic #7: Hunting Carnivores. Should the Write a research paper ppt, practice of killing carnivorous animals (such as wolves) to a good admission protect farms and livestock be stopped?

Do ranchers have a right to protect their livestock by killing wolves? What are the a research paper, results of allowing wolves to thrive? Interesting Research Paper Topic #8: Sustainable Cities. Are sustainable cities and Writing for college neighborhoods really possible? What are some examples of existing sustainable cities, and what are their best practices? What steps can you take to make your community sustainable? Interesting Research Paper Topic #9: Plastic Bags. Should plastic bags (including plastic grocery bags) be banned in all 50 states? Should grocery stores charge a fee for Mekentosj papers, each plastic bag used at the checkout? What are the Writing, effects of Writing a policy paper plastic bag bans in states that have already adopted the policy?

Interesting Research Paper Topic #10: Mountaintop Removal Mining. Should mountaintop removal mining be allowed to Writing admission for college continue? Is mountaintop removal mining an effective coal mining method? What are the for college about, impacts of this type of mining on a good admission the communities that do it? 5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Social Issues. Social topics impact us all.

If you’re writing about social issues, you will generally be writing about how the topic affects larger groups of people, such as how poverty affects an a narrative essay entire generation. However, keep in mind that social issues might also focus on admission essay smaller groups, such as a city or neighborhood. If you’re feeling a little antisocial right now, spend a few minutes Googling some of these topics to see if they might work for your research paper. Interesting Research Paper Topic #11: High School Dropouts. What social, personal, and political concerns lead to high school dropout rates? What are possible solutions to help decrease the dropout rate? Interesting Research Paper Topic #12: Children and Poverty. How are children affected by Mekentosj papers 2 windows poverty? What can governments do to help reduce child poverty? What can you do to help reduce child poverty? Interesting Research Paper Topic #13: Medical Rights of Youths.

Should 16 and 17 year olds have the right to Writing admission for college refuse medical treatment? At what age do people have the right to determine whether or not they receive medical treatment? Interesting Research Paper Topic #14: Overmedication of Children. Are children being overly medicated? If so, what is the driving force behind the essays, rise in prescriptions? Interesting Research Paper Topic #15: Free College Education. Should a college education be free for all U.S. citizens? How are free universities in Germany and other European countries benefiting these countries and students?

5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Law Enforcement. Researching any issue about government or laws can become overwhelming because of the complexity of the issues and even because of the wording of some laws. Spending time to review sufficient sources (and maybe getting a little help from a political science professor) will help you understand the Writing a good essay for college, topic. Here are 5 topics to get you started. Interesting Research Paper Topic #16: Technology and the Justice System. Is ShotSpotter technology reliable? Should the surveillance technology be admissible in start for college about someone, court? Interesting Research Paper Topic #17: Policing U.S. Law Enforcement. Should all police officers be required to wear body cameras? Will the use of body cameras reduce police brutality, and/or will it create a safer working environment for Writing admission for college, police?

Interesting Research Paper Topic #18: Juvenile Crime and Punishment. Should solitary confinement be banned for juveniles? Should juveniles be exempt from life sentences? Should juveniles be punished as adults for certain types of crimes? Interesting Research Paper Topic #19: Incarceration Rates in the U.S. What factors have led to increasing incarceration rates? How has this affected the U.S. economically and papers 2 windows socially? Interesting Research Paper Topic #20: License Plate Readers. Are license plate readers an essay invasion of privacy? Or, are these readers a necessary tool for How to start essay for college someone else, law enforcement?

5 Interesting Research Paper Topics on Media, Social Media, and Advertising. As with anything involving media, social media, and essay advertising, watch out for biased and inaccurate information. People like to share their opinions on such topics through forums, blogs, and their own websites. Essays About! You know the essay, type: the guy or gal who does nothing but blog all day long about the newest movie, the Essay shopping, newest XBox game, or even the funniest Super Bowl commercial. Though reading some anonymous blog that includes a glowing review of Grand Theft Auto and reading another that includes a scathing criticism of the sexism in a good for college, the game might inspire some creative thought, you shouldn’t consider them credible research sources.

So remember, as you’re researching, make sure to look for credible resources. (Read How to Apply the CRAAP Test to Your Essay Sources.) Not sure where to begin to look for ideas for media-related topics? You start with these. Interesting Research Paper Topic #21: Business Exploitation of Social Media Profiles. Are teens (or adults) concerned that their use of social media is being exploited for 2 windows, profit by large companies? How do these new marketing strategies affect consumers and consumerism? Interesting Research Paper Topic #22: Social Media and Self-Esteem. Can the Writing a good, use of centre social media, such as Facebook, lower teens’ self-esteem?

Are there instances where these sites can help to raise teens’ self-esteem? Interesting Research Paper Topic #23: E-Sports. Should e-sports be recognized as college sports? Can a sport that requires little physical ability really be considered a sport? Interesting Research Paper Topic #24: Advertising in Writing a good, Schools.

Should corporate advertising be allowed in public schools? Does corporate advertising provide much needed revenue to schools with limited federal funding? Interesting Research Paper Topic #25: Advertising and Stereotypes. How does advertising perpetuate gender and/or racial stereotypes? Are ad campaigns that attempt to reverse the norms more or less effective?

Closing Tips on Writing an Interesting Research Paper. Remember, an interesting research paper starts with an start a narrative essay about interesting research paper topic. But choosing your topic is only the beginning. Make sure you read How to Write a Research Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide to help you with refining and Writing a good for college researching your topic and writing the final paper. Don’t forget to choose a topic that interest you. If you’re bored while writing your paper, that will definitely show in about someone else, your final product. If you’re excited about the topic, that will show too!

Not sure if you can work with any of the topics here? For more ideas, read 50 Research Paper Topics to Help Jumpstart Your Writing. Looking for for college, additional help choosing and refining interesting research paper topics? Try this resource! Want some additional help finding and narrowing your topic? Read this! After you’ve written your paper and feel it’s complete, have one of about our Kibin editors review it to make sure it’s great!

Psst. 98% of Kibin users report better grades! Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. About the Author. Susan M. Writing A Good Essay! Inez is a professor of English and writing goddess based out of the Northeast. Please help me… our teacher didn’t allowed us to write a research paper that can be search on the internet…she wants us to write a research paper by using books in our library… the Essay shopping centre, problem is our library its too old and the books can’t help that much… I’m not able to write a topic. You’re going to Writing essay for college want to narrow down your topic quite a bit since “media” is very broad. You can see how other students approached the media in their essays by How to a narrative essay for college else checking out these examples: Your perfect thesis will depend on the type of essay that you’re writing and your angle on the topic; “local government functions” is Writing a good essay pretty broad! I’d encourage you to a narrative for college else read and for some inspiration. i really need help on a good essay for college choosing my reasearch topic on the basis of my interest domain.

Hi there! I’d be happy to make some suggestions if you can share more about Mekentosj 2 windows your interest domain #128578; my interest lies more within issues related to women and more importantly related to human psychology. Oh, there are loads of possibilities there! You might consider exploring how a specific psychological disorder or phenomenon affects women differently than men. Writing Essay For College! One thing that immediately comes to mind is the recent research indicating that ADHD presents differently in girls than in boys, for instance. I think that you could also research topics related to how environment (such as being brought up in societies with very traditional views on women’s roles) shapes a woman’s psyche or influences her psychologically.

I hope that gives you some ideas to consider! thanku…for your much needed help !:) You’re welcome. Good luck with your paper! hey I want topic for my thesis actually on social issues I am very tensed as I have to select and find information related to it by tomorrow. “Social issues” is Pre written persuasive a pretty broad term! Any of the social issues topics in a good, this post would be a great place to What mean in real of contract start.

There are some other topics on social issues in Writing a good essay, this post, too: When it comes to writing your thesis, you’ll need to first take a stance on the topic you choose. You can then use the Write a research ppt, Thesis Builder ( to help you write your thesis. A Good Admission Essay! I’d also recommend that you check out How to Write a Thesis Statement ( and check out some of What assignment mean of contract these thesis statement examples ( I have a research paper coming up and the topic has to be on a health topic. I would I definitely want to focus on social health. I am having a hard time narrowing down a topic. Narrowing down a topic can be hard, and social health is Writing essay definitely a pretty broad category. You might check out our post on that narrowing your topic for some tips ( I especially like the who/what/when/where/why/how approach outlined in that article; it’s a really great way to generate some potential topics to write about. Here’s how I might use that approach to come up with some potential topics:

Who: children, women, young adults. What: smoking/vaping, dating culture, school lunches. When: the Essay centre, past decade, the future. Where: United States, Canada. Why: compare to other countries, highlight an emerging issue, analyze a trend. How: How is Writing a good admission essay for college a health issue affecting a certain demographic? How has a health issue changed in recent years? How did a trend start? So looking over those ideas, a few things come to mind: you could look at vaping as an alternative to smoking and how it’s impacting children/adolescents, for instance.

You might look at dating culture and whether it’s affecting adolescents at Writing literature review, a younger age than it did in Writing essay for college, the past (or focus specifically on 8 women). You could compare today’s school lunches with those at a certain point in the past and see if there is a correlation with the childhood obesity epidemic. Those are all just possibilities, but I’d encourage you to try that method and generate some more if none of them are quite what you’re looking for. Happy writing! “Interesting Research Paper Topic #23: E-Sports. Should e-sports be recognized as college sports? Can a sport that requires little physical ability really be considered a sport?” I’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to Writing admission for college my attention. Start! I’ve always been a big supporter of E-sports in colleges and Writing a good admission essay for college one of the essays about, colleges I hope to go to admission essay actually has a sponsored e-sports team. Essay! If there’s any useful articles or information regarding this topic please do email me at [emailprotected] I’m doing an argumentative research paper which will then turn into Writing a good admission essay for college my senior project which I’ll need to find hours for somehow. Thank you!

I’d also recommend that you check out some of our posts on Mekentosj papers argumentative essays (, as they might give you some guidance regarding the Writing a good for college, types of information and shopping support you should be searching for. Happy writing (and gaming)! I need to a good admission for college come up with a topic for my research paper, and my two last choices are: cyber bullying, or GMOs. which one should I choose? Both topics interest me, but I don’t know which one would be more appealing to Write a research paper ppt readers. I have a hard time deciding. Help, please! Those are both great, timely topics. From my perspective, I think that GMOs might be the most appealing to readers. While cyberbullying is certainly an interesting topic, GMOs are more divisive, since few people would argue that cyberbullying is a good thing. Writing about a good admission essay for college GMOs gives you a stronger opportunity to engage with readers and potentially change their minds or challenge their thinking on the topic regardless of your stance (whether you think they’re generally harmless/beneficial or harmful/detrimental). I hope that helps you make your decision.

Happy writing! Thank you so much for What does mean in real, helping me make my decision! You’re welcome. Good luck with your essay #128578; I need to Writing for college write a term paper. If i wanna write about obesity, what can i write about centre it? As you have probably already discovered “obesity” is a big topic. Admission Essay! You’re going to want to narrow your focus in order to tackle it in a way that won’t stress you out. Here is What assignment mean in real of contract a great post about Writing admission for college narrowing your topic down: I think if you follow the advice outlined here, you can get a focus and does assignment in real estate of contract start developing an achievable thesis statement. I’m a medical student and we’re supposed to write a research article on something interesting and not cliche like education or exercise.. etc help??

That’s a pretty wide open assignment ( write about something interesting :). You might start by digging into topics that are super interesting to you. For example, check out some Science podcasts (SciFri is a good one) or YouTube videos (Vsauce is a good admission for college fun) and see if there are any new and interesting research findings for you to dig into. Literature! Or do some searching on Google Scholar ( in topics that intrigue you. Once you come up with a topic, you’ll want to narrow it down to fit your article (and choose an –ahem– interesting angle. Here’s a post that can help you with that: I’m doing MS in Writing admission essay for college, HRM… Today was our first day at university… I have been given an assignment on research… If you have to conduct a research now, what would the topic be? And what factors would influence your choice? (HR related) Words should not exceed 750. Submit by tomorrow.

This is my first research type assignment ever and How to start a narrative for college about else i have very less time in for college, hand for this task :'( I can’t think of any topic to write on. Clueless and maybe brainless :'( I really need some help. What would be the topic?? What should i write?? :'( Hi Saima, first of Pre written all don’t panic. I bet this first assignment is to Writing admission essay for college help your professor determine a benchmark for persuasive about, where you are at now so that he or she can measure your progress through the semester. So just try your best! You’re not brainless, you just need to get acquainted with this assignment. #128578; I found this resource which might help you pinpoint a HR good topic: I hope that helps!

I’d choose something that inspires your curiosity. It’s always easier to write about something that you are curious about. Thanks #128578; I’ll talk to you if i needany kind of essay help. thanks.. xx. hey there, you can send your essay related questions to [emailprotected] I am doing research project and the topic should be problematic and it should have more than one opinion. it should not be related to religion or politician. please help me in finding a good research question. Those 50 argumentative topics are debatable (have more than one opinion). The most important thing is to pick a topic that 1. interests you and 2. has a lot of potential sources so that you can build your evidence. I am doing my final year project for my degree.

The lecturer required us either to What does assignment mean estate choose accounting topic or finance topic. I am decided to look into the topic which are “effect of firm size on firm profitability”. Is this a good topic? Or I will be appreciate if u can recommend me others topic. I am looking forward to your reply and appreciate your valuable opinion! Thanks! This is definitely an interesting topic idea, but I would recommend only taking it on once you are positive that you have enough sources to help you write a compelling paper.

Having enough sources will ensure your successful research. So definitely do some preliminary searching and essay for college start compiling your sources. I’d aim to find about 1 source for every two pages you have to write (so a 10 page paper you should have a minimum of 5 sources to draw from–though you don’t have to pull from all 5, it’s nice to have options). Here is one study I found that possibly relates to your paper: Thank you for your reply! I’m grade 10 student and I need to Write a research paper ppt find a thesis topic. Writing A Good Admission Essay! My last two choices is Chid abuse and Cyber bullying. How To For College Else! What do you think should I choose?

It depends on which topic you have more interest in. I think cyber bullying is a good topic because there are a lot of essay different angles you could choose to examine its causes and essay about else solutions. Here is a helpful post on Cyber Bullying resources: and here are some example essays on cyber bullying (so you can see how other students have tackled the Writing a good essay, topic): hi i’m looking for a topic that will relate everyone especially my classmates I’m grade 10 student by the way. hope you can help me:) Maybe you could focus in on a policy paper review something related to your school or community. Are there any dramas or issues surrounding school lunches, school events, or school sports? Is there something that your school could and should be doing better for its students? If so, do you know any teachers/school officials who would be willing to speak on the issue?

Has there been any news coverage on these issues? A topic that is tied to your school would be very relatable to Writing a good admission essay for college your classmates. Maybe you could do some brainstorming there. Otherwise, there are lots of ideas in this post to choose from! Pick a topic that really gets you interested to learn more. Hi, I have a research paper in a policy paper review, English 111 and I’m looking for help with my thesis statement. My topic is Writing admission essay Policing US law enforcement. Is this a good topic to research on? Can someone help. Hi Shonya–yes this would be an excellent topic since it’s timely and has a variety of opinions. First you need to Pre written essays do some preliminary research on some possible methods for policing US law enforcement and then you’ll want to base your thesis statement on what should be done to hold the Writing a good admission essay, police accountable.

Here’s an example structure you could use: There is no question that U.S. law enforcement requires oversight to a narrative essay for college about else mitigate the abuse of power; cities should implement METHOD 1 and a good admission essay for college METHOD 2 to hold police officers and law enforcement accountable. Do you have any life experiences that might translate well into about a project of this nature? For example, have you ever had a friend or family member who has experienced a social care related problem, and you now have (maybe vague or seedling) ideas for how to improve that type of a good admission essay experience? I feel like the best topics are ones that you actually care about because at some point or another you’ve had (or still have) some skin in papers 2 windows 8, the game. If you could find a topic that resonates with you, you’d be golden. Hi, for my final year project I’m designing/creating a social media application which doubles up as a travel agency and need to think of a good admission essay a research question to write about and to help with creating the What does assignment mean in real estate of contract, app. Not sure if it should be related to Writing admission for college the design of the essays about, application or if it should be about travel. A Good Admission For College! I had a question but was told it was too broad: “Importance of User Interface Design on Social Media in Pre written persuasive, regards to user satisfaction” Any help is appreciated cheers. I don’t have a precise answer for you because (as you know), it would take a lot of research to get up to speed on your topic. That said, you might find this post helpful to learn how to formulate a better, more specific research question:

Hi, I’m studying sustainable design and Writing essay I’m interested in doing my research on food waste. I’m having difficulty in finding the Essay shopping centre, correct topic for a good admission essay, it. I think the correct topic will be one that you find particularly interesting. Sometimes when I’m looking for a topic to write about Pre written , I turn to the news to see what’s on the cutting edge of the subject. Here is a great list of Writing for college topic ideas based on papers NPR’s recent coverage of food waste: (seriously, artisanal food waste?? who would have thought!? #128578; You can start with a news story and reverse engineer it back into the science and research to come up with a compelling project. A Good Admission Essay For College! The most important thing is to shopping approach your project from a place of curiosity (and not stress!). i’m in my last year and Writing a good admission i need a research question for the dissertation and i want it to does mean in real estate be on social media but i’m struggling with finding a good research question. “Social Media” is a pretty big topic that could go a lot of a good admission different directions, so you’re going to want to How to a narrative essay for college else narrow your topic and choose your angle.

Here’s a helpful post that should help you build your research question: Here’s a great post about narrowing your topic: Finally–here are some angles that other students have taken on for college writing about social media, maybe one of these examples can help jog your imagination on the direction you want to take: Hi, I have research paper to write. Centre! I am struggling to find a good topic. Writing A Good Admission Essay! I want to literature write something in IT Governance Framework or Project Management. How I do start? any suggestions? Looks like you have a broad topic idea in mind, so now you just need to narrow your focus: Thank you, Naomi. Essay! I will check the links.

Hi, I’m in a project based school, and shopping centre they wish for Writing admission essay, me to What assignment mean in real write a science paper, preferably on the brain. I cannot find a topic I just “need” to write about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The brain is such a fascinating topic! You’re so lucky to have an assignment like this. The difficulty is admission essay there are soo many different ways you could approach a topic as broad and as complex as “the brain.” Your first mission will be to narrow your topic: If it were me, I’d start looking into start a narrative essay for college someone else some interesting, recent research on the human brain. NPR, for example, covers some cool brain related topics in this podcast: If you scroll through the shows, you might find something interesting that will lead you back to admission for college credible scientific research and a topic that you can wrap your mind around. The important thing is to approach this topic with a sense of curiosity and choose an a policy literature review angle that actually piques your interest.

There are lots of potential ways to essay approach that topic. You could write about Write a research how the media is changing in Writing essay for college, the age of the Internet and the role that citizens play in How to start a narrative essay someone, reporting (such as cell phone videos, etc.). Another interesting angle would be how social media is used/covered by the media, either in general (a more broad approach) or in a specific context, such as the current US elections. Lastly, another timely topic would be the a good admission, ethics of reporting on information gained through hacks/leaks. Does the media have a responsibility to share this information with the public? I hope these give you some ideas! Please i really need help, I was given a task to find and write on a topic… And the topic must have Security / Privacy challenges affecting it… Please what topic do you advise i choose? Hi, I am studding bsc occupational safety health and environment. I need to paper ppt write research project but I am struggling to find topic. my topic need to Writing for college be on health safety. About! please give me some ideas. You definitely have a lot of Writing a good essay for college options!

One suggestion I have is to look over this list of topics related to papers occupational safety and health from the CDC and see if anything interests you: Then, once you’ve decided on a topic of discussion, this blog post can help you narrow your focus: For instance, maybe you decide to write about “Green, Safe, and Healthy Jobs” — one of the CDC topics. Writing Essay! You might decide to examine how “old” health and safety guidelines apply to “new” green jobs, or what kinds of new considerations workplaces have to make in “green” environments that didn’t apply to traditional work environments. I hope that gives you some ideas for What does mean in real estate, uncovering a topic! Hi,I have a research paper in my English class and I’m looking for a good for college, help with my thesis statement. My topic is Autonomous Cars and the influence in economy . Is this a good topic to research on? can someone advise me and Writing a policy paper literature review give me some ideas… I think this is Writing a good a brilliant idea and What estate one that will be quite interesting to Writing admission essay for college research. Autonomous cars are becoming a reality and paper literature their economic impact is sure to be widespread from essay for college, how they will affect ownership of What does mean vehicles to economic-environmental impacts to Writing admission how they will affect the does assignment mean in real, sharing economy.

One challenge you might be up against is there probably isn’t a ton of credible research on the impacts yet since this is such a fledgling technology. However, there have been some pretty fascinating articles on Writing admission for college the topic:;ion=1#038;espv=2#038;ie=UTF-8#q=impacts%20of%20autonomous%20cars%20on%20the%20economy. You’ll want to make sure that the shopping centre, resources you do cite are credible and essay for college authoritative. If you’re not sure how to figure that out, here’s a helpful resource: Thank you for How to start a narrative essay for college about someone else, your response, but please can you give me an idea on a possible thesis about essay my topic?

I will really appreciate it. A general structure for your thesis statement in favor of Essay shopping centre autonomous cars might look like this: While there are fears that autonomous cars will be terrible for the economy because of FEAR 1, in fact research shows that this technology will result in Writing a good admission, an economic gain as evidenced by REASON 1, REASON 2, and essays REASON 3. Can you help me ?What is the best topic for Writing essay for college, a research peper of AB English student.The topic must be connected to AB English field..’Modern English’ can that topic be possible? Help me please.I need a topic on my research paper.The topic must be related to my course which is AB English.Can the topic ‘Modern English’ be possible? Thanks in advance. “Modern English” is pretty broad and vague, so you’re going to want to focus it better to make it work for paper, you.

Here is Writing admission essay for college a helpful post about Write a research ppt how to do just that: Thanks for reading, and good luck! Can you give me some examples of a specific topic that is related to AB English course ..please? How about a topic ‘British Language’? or ‘English Literature’ ? Is that possible? Please help me..I have no one to ask to .I know you can help me.I would really appreciate it. Can you give me some examples of a specific topic that is related to AB English course ..please?

How about a topic ‘British Language’? or ‘English Literature’ ? Is that possible? Pleaae help me..I have no one to ask to .I know you can help me.I would really appreciate it. If you want to a good pursue a topic in English Lit, you would be smart to focus in on Write the work(s) of Writing a good essay for college a specific author or comparing the works of two authors. You need to focus your topic down (so I hope you read the post I linked you to yesterday). Also here are some great ideas for specific topics in English Literature so you can get an idea of what it means to narrow your focus: Ask yourself, have you read any interesting works in English Lit? Which ones stood out the most to What does estate of contract you and why? Do you feel connected to or identify with any characters?

Why? It’s super important that you question and examine your experience with English Literature in Writing admission essay, order to flesh a topic out that will be fun to write about in Pre written about, your AB English course. Also, don’t hesitate to Writing a good admission essay for college talk to your teacher about essay for college someone your ideas too! I’m sure he or she can give you direction as well. Ok .Thank you so much. You’re the best #128578; Efficiency of English language teaching to the students in MSU . Can that topic be possible? Origin of Writing a good admission essay for college English Language ..that could be a possible topic right?

That’s still rather broad — I’m afraid that once you start digging you’ll find that it’s a really big topic! Like Naomi said, the Pre written about, best paper will be something that you’re really interested in. Writing Essay For College! If you have questions about the origin of Write English, I’d start with one of those: maybe “When did English become its own distinct language”? Answering that question alone could be a research paper’s worth of Writing a good admission for college info! ah can i use that question instead as a topic for my research paper?

“When did English become its own distinct language”? hi, I’m a marketing student. Can you plz tell me whether “digital marketing involvement in customer engagement” is paper a good research topic? please… It’s the a good admission essay, start of a good topic, yes, but it’s a little broad right now. You might pick a specific type of digital marketing to focus on — social media, ads in mobile apps, emails, etc. — to focus on so that your topic is something more like, “Do ads in Pre written persuasive, mobile applications have an effect on the level of customer engagement with a product?” Honing your focus to a specific type of marketing will result in a more detailed and admission essay more interesting research paper. Hi, My Teacher has given me an assignment…I have yo make a presentation but the Writing paper, topic is free of choice….But I want to Writing a good admission do something that no one could copy like something unique but I want every one to be entertained, I want it to be interesting as well….so please help me getting ideas…..Thank You.

The best thing you can do to create an entertaining/interesting presentation, essay, or anything else is to pick something that *you* find interesting, because your enthusiasm will shine through. That said, I think that many of the Write paper, topics in this post could be covered in an interesting or entertaining way. Another way to generate ideas is to scroll through the Writing a good for college, news on Essay shopping centre any major news website, or maybe a website in admission essay, a niche that interests you, such as technology. What kinds of questions pop into your head? If you’re curious about them, they could be great topics to papers 2 windows research. Once you have a broad idea of what you want to cover, you can also check out essay for college, this blog post on narrowing your topic: Thank you very much Erin, it helped me really well and I got an A on my report, thanks to Mekentosj 8 you…..Appreciate it.

Hi, I am doing a research paper for my English class and I thought about doing my paper on crime against cops. A Good! Would this be a unique paper and where would be some good resources for this topic? Yes, I definitely think you could write an What does assignment mean estate excellent essay on a good essay crimes against police officers. The trick is going to be picking what angle you want to shopping centre write about. You might start by essay for college narrowing your focus (here is a great post about how to do just that: Are you focusing on the solutions to reducing crimes against police officers? Are you focusing on the reasons crimes against police officers may be on the rise (or decreasing)? Maybe you want to zoom on Write paper a single city like Chicago or Detroit and pick apart the trends, causes and solutions to this problem there? What about the relationship between gun control (or lack thereof) and crimes against police? (For example, do they have more or less crime against police in Writing admission essay for college, places with open carry laws such as TX and paper literature Alaska compared to states with stricter gun control laws such as California)?

A good place to find some credible and admission relevant research would be Google scholar. Those sources are likely to pass the Writing a policy paper literature, CRAAP test ( News articles could also give you some great sources of information, but you want to Writing admission essay make sure they are credible as well. I think I’d start by identifying your purpose: maybe you want to Mekentosj 2 windows focus on the effectiveness of your local government. You could start by gathering research about these issues, whether by attending meetings, interviewing local officials, downloading the minutes of local government meetings online, or reading local news articles about issues handled by your local government. Then, you might choose two or three main issues that support your stance (that local government is effective, or that it isn’t), and use your research to build your defense of that stance. I hope this helps!

Good luck with your paper. Hi, I needed a research topic for the competition I am entering for admission essay, where the main criteria is to Mekentosj papers 8 be innovative primary data collection. I am thinking about something related to colleges, college student because it is easier to Writing a good gather data. I am thinking about “College Fests”. Could you suggest to How to start essay me how can I use it as a research topic?

P.s.- Any other suggestions for research topic is welcome. I think that “college fests” is a good starting place, but it could probably be a little more specific. Writing A Good Admission For College! What if you, for instance, researched access to persuasive about campus facilities for holding festivals? Do all groups/organizations have equal access to those facilities for their events, or is a good admission essay for college it easier for certain groups to access the papers, resources they need? As for gathering data, you could interview organizers or administrators who are involved in the planning or resource allocation for these events, or you could request budget records, etc. from various groups or authorities. If you decide to take another avenue, then I’d recommend that you check out Writing admission essay for college, How to Narrow a Topic and Writing a policy paper literature Write a Focused Paper: Happy writing (and researching!). Hi! I am studying Business Economics. I really need help with my thesis statement. I want to Writing for college do something about poverty or unemployment but the setting is within our local community. is this a good topic to study on?

I’m having a hard time constructing my title #128577; Actually, the fact that you’re focusing on your local community is even better, as that helps to narrow down those pretty-broad topics significantly. Before you write your thesis statement, you should really focus in on How to for college about someone your topic. For instance, you could focus on a good essay the decline or rise of What assignment mean of contract unemployment (or poverty levels) in your community over a specific period and determine what has contributed to it. I’d recommend that you check out How to Narrow a Topic and Write a Focused Paper ( for some pointers. As for your title, I always recommend that you write it *last*. There’s no reason to a good for college let it stress you out before the hard work is done, and shopping sometimes you’ll have a great phrase in a good admission for college, your paper that turns out to be an awesome title. Okay! Thanks so much! #128578; I am zubair from UCP. I am interested in cricket but not much literature is Pre written about available so it is difficult for essay for college, me to choose a topic kindly guide me.

Cricket is a pretty broad topic. You’re going to want to narrow down what aspect of the sport you want to cover. For example: Are there any rules of the game that should be changed? If so, what are these and Mekentosj 8 why do you propose they should be changed? Do you want to Writing a good admission for college write a research paper on shopping centre the cultural impacts of the sport of Writing a good for college cricket on a given city or country?

Or perhaps you want to discuss the ways that cricket could be expanded to a larger audience? You see? These are just a few ideas about how to approach this topic, but there are many more. Whatever direction you choose, make sure you can find enough evidence to support your research. thank you for giving direction but unable to choose because i cant find gap so tell me a topic on which gap is shown related to restaurant industry. I’m not quite sure what you mean by “gap” here?

Are you talking about a gender or income gap? Or something else? I am quite confuse so i am mixed two things so i am change my topic with the help of my class fellow now i decided “Effect of organizational justice on employee performance” did you think it is more better than last night. I think that’s a strong, specific topic, yes! Nicely done. If you want to a policy paper literature review narrow it even further, you might choose a specific industry to focus on, too. Thank you very much.

You’re welcome! Thanks for reading. I think there will be information out Writing a good for college, there on ANY of those topics, so I’d recommend choosing one that is most interesting to you, because the paper will be stronger if it’s something you’re really interested in researching and a research paper ppt writing about. Personally, I’d be really interested to read about whether the performance of a company depends on the quality of the CEO — you could compare the success of a good admission for college corporations before/after CEO changes or perhaps examine the traits that successful CEOs tend to have. Discrimination in the workplace is Pre written about a perennially interesting topic, too (though I’d narrow that down — maybe a specific type of Writing a good admission essay discrimination that is particularly relevant today, such as that based on gender identity).

That’s an Mekentosj papers 8 interesting topic! You definitely want to Writing admission essay define your issue — maybe “Should people be allowed to papers 2 windows ‘design’ the a good admission, genetics of their children?” — and then do some examination of your values, etc. to Mekentosj papers 2 windows 8 decide how you feel about it. If I were going to a good admission essay take a “pro-engineering” angle, then I might start such a paper with a description of Write a research paper ppt a genetic issue that could be solved through such “engineering,” which would lead into my thesis about why parents should be allowed to make genetic decisions. If I were going to Writing a good essay write a paper about why it shouldn’t be allowed, then I might start the paper with a surprising fact/statistic about start essay for college someone else genetic engineering, an a good anecdote about a case in which it hasn’t gone as planned, or even a fictional scenario that shows what could happen (though I’d be sure to papers provide evidence in your paper to show why this is a possibility). A Good Essay! You could also look for an interesting quote from Mekentosj, a scifi movie/book on this topic — Gattaca comes to mind! You have lots of essay for college potential topics that you could tackle! I would say that you focus on an area that interests you most. In this post, I think that the BPA, sustainable cities, plastic bags and mountaintop mining topics would all be excellent ones to consider, since they’re all related to the field of science.

The most important criteria to remember when choosing your topic are: 1) it should be interesting to a policy review you, 2) there should be existing information about it, and 3) you should be able to formulate a question about the topic to answer through your research. Hi,good day im a student of a 2 year course w/c is business office administrative service. Our teacher told us to give atleast 3 topics relevant to our course, can you please help me, i really appreciate it..thanks. I’m afraid there is no short cut to getting out there and digging into Writing essay the research topics to find three that you like and that are relevant to your course. Hi, my chosen topic is What does mean in real of contract all about Dreams. Yet, I dont know how to start it. Do you have any idea how can I start it? Also, Is this a good topic to research? Dreams are definitely worth researching, I think, but I would definitely narrow down your topic first, because there’s so much you could possible cover. I’d recommend that you take a look at this post on narrowing your topic:

As for how to start it, every essay needs a great hook! Depending on admission how you focus your topic, I think that a perfect way to lead into an essay about dreams is to describe one — people love hearing about other people’s dreams, and they tend to does assignment estate of contract be strange enough that this would serve as a great attention-grabber #128578; HI, I have a research paper to do based on trends that the Writing essay, class observed in a media studies survey. Two trends observed were:the increased usage of apps to access media content and the increasing access of newspapers through online platforms. Write Paper Ppt! How could I create an interesting thesis statement based on these particular trends? You could argue that the for college, newspaper isn’t dead, but that this form of media has been reborn through online platforms (such as…) and How to a narrative essay for college is stronger than ever. Hi, In my research class, we are required to do a research proposal and my topic was Social media. can you help me make a research topic out of social media that will relate with business? please.

I badly needed help. I can see why this is going to Writing a good admission essay for college be a challenge. Social media and business is a pretty wide open topic that can go in many different directions. First thing you need to do is a policy paper review some preliminary research and brainstorming to help you narrow your topic down. You can also look at Writing admission for college, how others have tackled this type of research. For example, here are the 2 windows, results for admission essay for college, the query “social media and business” on Google Scholar:;q=social+media+and+business#038;hl=en#038;as_sdt=0,5. One interesting angle might be to examine how a business can manage its reputation on social media and how a poorly thought out Tweet or social message can do major damage to a business’ reputation. Hi! We are going to write a library research paper and my topic is about the mining industry but it is Mekentosj still too broad. Can you recommend a specific topic/s about mining and to a good admission how I would start it? Btw I’m in the anti-mining side.

Thank you. It will prompt you to answer some questions about how you want to approach the topic. Off the top of my head, I’d want to know what kind of mining you are talking about, which communities you are concerned about, and How to essay someone what benefits would be had by eliminating this type of mining in these communities. Hi mam , Am studying M.phil (Commerce). am going to a good for college do my dissertation in marketing field . can you suggest some different topics in related to advertising and branding. so please advise some purposeful topics.. This university professor has some really great questions and What assignment mean in real of contract topic ideas that could point you in Writing admission essay for college, the right direction here: You might also read this post about narrowing your topic since “advertising and branding” is obviously very broad and Mekentosj papers 2 windows wide open with possibility: Thanks you so much mam ..

Hi, I’m gonna make a research paper in my Research class and I’m having an hard time searching for a good essay, an catchy or interesting title and descriptive title about paper ppt business or investing or stock market. A Good Admission For College! Can anybody help?? Thank your very much. Here are a few ideas: 1. Pre Written Persuasive! How has technology impacted the tourism industry? Have there been any surprising developments or effects due to the Internet, travel apps, etc.?

2. How do travelers choose a destination for travel? What factors are most important? 3. How does marketing for “dark” tourism destinations, such as ghost tours or the sites of Writing essay major tragedies, differ from Essay shopping centre, marketing for Writing a good, “happier” locales? I hope these give you some ideas to chew on! It sounds like you’ve really thought about shopping your topic, and it sounds like you’re on Writing admission essay for college your way to an interesting paper with some solid reasons to back up your claims about the industry policy. Well done. That is an interesting topic to research! A few ideas that come to Essay mind for making your topic narrower and more specific: 1. Do food cravings vary based on sex or gender? 2. Do food cravings result from deficiencies in essay, specific nutrients? (This is a common notion, but I’ve always wondered if it’s true or not!) 3. Are there any benefits or drawbacks to giving in to Essay shopping a food craving (or not giving in)?

I’m trying to a good for college do a Persuasive research on Artificial Intelligence related topic, do you think below topic is a policy paper literature a resanable topic? Is society going to be controlled by Artificial intelligence? Ooh A.I. should be a very fun topic. Since you’re writing a persuasive paper, you just need to Writing admission pick a topic that allows you to take a stance on one side or another. For example, is artificial intelligence ultimately positive or negative for society? Does it pose any threats or dangers? Should A.I. Write Paper! be accepted and at a good admission essay, what level? It’s a pretty big topic, so you’re going to want to narrow your focus and ppt choose a debatable and specific focus to zero in on.

Here is Writing a good admission a post about Mekentosj papers 2 windows narrowing your topic: and here is one about persuasive essay writing: Thanks for essay, replying, #128578; Hi, I have an assignment wherein I am supposed to start someone make an overview of essay for college 5 suggested topics for our qualitative research. I thought about these topics: 1) Food Cravings. 2) One-Way Learning Method on persuasive Students (using books only) 3) Maturity Level of Teenagers Nowadays. 4) Preparedness of a good admission essay a Community in Essay shopping centre, Times of an admission essay for college Earthquake. 5) How Different Types of mean of contract Parenting Affect a Student’s Academic Performance. I would really like your help on admission how I’m supposed to explain my overviews for these topics I’ve listed down.

And if they are really suitable enough for conducting a qualitative research? Thank you very much for your advice. #128578; God bless and I hope you continue inspiring us with your articles. #128578; Wow, writing is such a vast universe that your possible topics are pretty infinite here. What type of class is this for? What types of What does assignment mean of contract topics have you studied in the class? That might give you a clue of how to narrow down your topic.

For example, if you spent the semester reading a lot of fiction, you might write an a good admission essay for college essay related to methods of fiction writing: how to dream up characters, ways to stop procrastination, a study of a particular author’s approach to writing a specific book. What type of essay are you supposed to write? An argumentative essay means you’d have to choose a topic that you can defend, for example an essay arguing that public schools need to improve their writing programs. Write A Research Paper Ppt! A reflective essay, on the other hand, would call on you to write about your own writing journey and discuss how you have improved and what you have learned about writing. If you can answer the above two questions, that will help you narrow down to Writing for college a topic. You might also want to read this blog post about about how to Writing a good admission for college narrow a topic: One approach would be to make an argument that something *should* be done about the problem of adolescents suffering from Write a research paper, alcoholism.

If you go this route, your thesis statement template may look like this: Schools/families/communities (who exactly?) should approach the problem of a good adolescents suffering from alcoholism seriously and apply SOLUTION 1, SOLUTION 2, and SOLUTION 3. The rest of your paper would be used to discuss each of the papers 2 windows 8, solutions using supporting evidence. Or you might just be writing a paper discussing the causes of youth alcoholism, in which case your template may look something like: There are three main contributing factors leading to alcoholism in adolescents including CAUSE 1, CAUSE 2, and a good admission essay for college CAUSE 3. The rest of your paper would be used to Mekentosj papers 2 windows 8 discuss each of the causes using supporting evidence. These are just a couple of Writing example approaches you can take. The important thing is to determine the Essay, purpose of your paper. Are you taking a stance? Are you proposing a solution?

Or are you just trying to for college understand the What of contract, causes? Hello, can anyone help me what is the Writing essay for college, best title for Mekentosj, my research in thesis..our topic research theme Operation Reasearch, technology and knowledge management, service inovation and management, e-business and e-commerce? True, that’s a tough topic to title (how’s that for Writing a good admission, alliteration?) Maybe you can get some inspiration from this post about writing essay titles: Hi good day #128578; My professor told us to give topics that’s about persuasive essays I decided to admission for college choose Social Media Marketing but I’m having a hard time constructing a title.My professor didn’t want the other two titles I passed.Can you help me get a right title for my topic..some suggestions on What assignment mean estate how My title would revolve about my topic.. Thanks. Sometimes writing the title is the hardest part! hi! good day, i have my research topic which is about the influences of parenting styles on students academic performance. is it a good topic to Writing research on? please help. I think this is a great idea as long as you are able to find some quality sources to back up your research. You also need to make sure you’re very specific about Pre written essays about which parenting styles exactly you will be evaluating. You might have the best luck by selecting two very specific and Writing admission opposing ones to compare.

Thanks Ms. Naomi, this help a lot #128578; Hi can you give me topics related to essays about tourism and hospitality management? New topic only please. Hi can you help me give research topics for tourism and hospitality management? Thank you new topics only please. Hi can you help me give research topics for tourism and hospitality management? Thank you new topics only please. Maybe you could talk about the boom of Writing a good admission essay for college medical tourism or maybe you could talk about the persuasive, specific technologies that have made tourism easier. A Good Admission For College! Speaking of, how has AirBnB changed the face of the hospitality industry? Should it be regulated?

I think it would be smart for you to sit down and brainstorm a list of potential topics that are tied to Write a research ppt your interests. Then you’ll want to do some cursory research to admission essay for college see if you’ll be able to find adequate sources on a policy these topics. Writing Admission! Finally, go with the papers, one that offers the most resources. Hi, I have a research paper in my English class and i’m looking for some topics on technology? Thank you for essay for college, your time. “Technology” is a very broad topic so you could take this in a zillion different directions. Check out these example essays to see how other students have approached the topic of technology in their papers: Also, you might benefit from reading this blog post about narrowing your topic: Hi! I have research paper in my major class and I’m looking for a social issues Topics! Please help me.Thank you.

There is a section devoted to paper ppt Sociology that might get you started. For example, Do governments with more women in Writing a good admission essay, positions of paper review power rule more fairly? or Is solitary confinement effective for dangerous inmates? You might also want to Writing a good admission essay narrow down your topic. Check out this blog post that will walk you through that: For my university i have to search for an interesting topic and put the basis for mean in real of contract, a future market research. I don’t have to a good essay collect any data but I have to explain my topic, the method that I will use for the market research and how collect data. One topic that i found interesting it’s “neuromarketing” and all the “tricks” that advertisers use to Writing a policy literature review increase selling and a good essay brand recognition. Persuasive Essays! The question is: which aspect should I analyze in order to a good essay get a nice and intresting work?

Hi there, Matteo, Wow sounds like you are traveling an Essay interesting road with this one. I like it! One thing you might do is some cursory research on Google Scholar to see what potential topic directions are out there.;hl=en#038;as_sdt=0#038;as_vis=1#038;oi=scholart#038;sa=X#038;ved=0ahUKEwjG78Wvl6fRAhVIqVQKHYoIDmsQgQMIGDAA. For example, I’m seeing a lot of references trying to determine the future of neuromarketing. The more credible sources you can find to support your intended focus, the better you will be.

I don’t know anything about neuromarketing, so I’m sorry that I can’t offer more specific advice than this. Half the fun is the discovery. is it okay to write about extra terrestrial stuff? Nothing much of admission essay aliens just about stars and planets and stuff like that. Pre Written! If yes, then what could i write about? A specific topic as suggestion would be very helpful. Definitely — as long as it’s interesting, specific enough, and you can find information about it, you can write a research paper about it #128578; Writing about stars and planets is fine, but those are pretty broad subjects on their own.

A few space-related topics that come to mind would be: – How close are we to being able to form colonies that support human life on Mars (or another planet)? – Which obstacles do we need to overcome in order to colonize space? – Which known planets are most likely to support life? I hope these give you some ideas that you can chew on for your paper. Happy writing! Hello, just yesterday the 12th of January, our teacher gave us topics on our research paper so I have chosen the topic “Wildlife Conservation: HUNTING”. Now I am having a hard time making an Writing admission essay introduction with its thesis, will someone help me ? This is my first time making a reasearch paper and I really can’t understand the paper ppt, guides #128577; . First, you need to Writing essay take a stance. Do you think that hunting is good or bad for wildlife conservation? There are valid arguments on both side of shopping that topic. Your thesis statement could look something like this: “Hunting is an effective wildlife conversation method because of A, B, and C.”

OR “Hunting is detrimental to wildlife conversation evidenced by A, B, and C.” Choose arguments (A,B, C) that you can defend with your research. Once you have your thesis statement developed, you’ll be able to Writing admission essay build your paper. I suggest doing your introduction last. Here are some helpful resources: As part of my SACE, I have to Essay shopping centre research a topic of my choice for a semester and present with a 2000 word essay (along with a few other things, but they aren’t as important at this stage).

I have recently taken an interest in where my food actually comes from, and Writing a good admission essay have done some digging into the contribution of factory farming in relation to global warming. Do you think that “to what extent has factory farming contributed to climate change/global warming” is mean estate of contract a good proposal question? Should I add a timeframe to Writing a good essay for college the question, and what length of time would be most appropriate? I think that’s an excellent topic, yes. What Does Assignment Mean Estate Of Contract! It’s never a bad idea to make your topic as specific as possible; adding a timeline is one way to admission essay do that, sure. You could narrow your topic to “To what extent has factory farming contributed to climate change/global warming in the past 25 years”, for does in real estate of contract, instance — the exact length of Writing a good for college time would sort of Mekentosj papers 8 depend on what the research you’ve done suggests. Admission For College! If it seems like the Mekentosj 2 windows, most damage has been done within the past 10-15 years, it might be more appropriate to focus your efforts on describing that timeframe. Another way to approach the topic might be focusing on large-scale industrial farming, which has primarily been a phenomenon of the past couple of decades (factory farming itself has been around longer, albeit on a smaller scale) so there would be a bit of an implied timeframe. Something like: “To what extent has large-scale industrial farming contributed to Writing a good for college climate change/global warming”? Sounds like you’re on the way to a great paper! Hi!

I need a topic for my research paper and 2 windows 8 I was thinking about of Writing a good writing about GMO. How To A Narrative About Else! Do you think this topic is possible or should I change it? Can you recommend ways on how I can talk about this topic. Writing Essay! Do you think I can relate this to food cravings and food starvation? I really appreciate your help.

Thank you. Yes, GMO is a great topic because you can take it in many different directions. Writing A Policy Paper Literature Review! I’m not sure about food cravings/ starvation but if you have done some research and found good resources to Writing a good essay help you make an argument around that, I say go for it! Also check out these example essays on GMO: You could get ideas of how to approach your essay from them. Hi, in Mekentosj papers, my english subject we are actually required to make a research paper and for college can i ask if cyber bullying is a good topic? how should i start it? this is Essay shopping centre my first time so it’s a new thing for me. thank yoi. Yes, you can write an admission essay excellent essay on the topic of cyber bullying. However, it’s a pretty broad topic, so you’ll want to Writing paper take some time to narrow your focus down to something specific to talk about.

Here are some helpful articles for you: And here is a post about narrowing a topic: Hope this helps and admission happy writing! Hi, I need a topic for may research paper and I am confused on Write ppt where to start. Writing A Good For College! Can I ask for some suggestions and ideas about a thesis title and statement. Thank you.

I’d pick something that 1) you are interested in Writing a policy review, 2) that you can support with research and 3) that is relevant to your course (if necessary). I know it’s difficult to a good admission come up with an idea when you can choose from anything under the sun. Thank you for the suggestions. I cant still narow down something. Write A Research Paper Ppt! My course is Writing admission psychology and What of contract I still bother on the topic that I would choose. Thank you. Maybe you can look at some example essays written by admission essay for college other students in the subject of psychology. This may give you some ideas for your own essay.

Thank you for the suggestions. But Can I ask if this good for research paper. Write A Research Ppt! Effects to the criterion of women beyond deminism and authority. or Coping Mechanism of a good admission battered women? How I formulate my objectives with this? Thank you for What does assignment of contract, your help. I’m not sure I understand the first topic you suggest, but the second one “coping mechanisms of battered women” could yield a good research project. I suggest you do some preliminary research to make sure you can find enough information on Writing essay the topic before you proceed.

Hello, maybe I can ask for help how can I formulate research questions regarding a tpoic “Coping mechanism of shopping centre battered women”. Thank you. It would be big help. Yes, I think you could turn this into a good admission for college a good topic. First, you’ll want to do some research to Essay shopping find out if there are any resources that you can use as evidence. A quick look into Google Scholar tells me that you should have no trouble there:;q=social+media+self+esteem#038;btnG=#038;as_sdt=1%2C5#038;as_sdtp=#038;oq=social+media+self+ Then you’ll want to Writing a good admission essay for college take a stance on this.

Are you going to argue that social media has a positive or negative impact on literature social media? Why? This will be the root of your thesis statement. I am taking part in a research competition based in UAE and i have to come up with a topic that would further develop the country’s innovation systems. Can you please suggest me a topic that would fulfill the criteria of the contest. Essay For College! The competition is direct support of the Pre written persuasive essays about, UAE government’s drive towards fostering innovation and it should benefit the country in terms of development and progress. Also, I am planning to pick the Writing a good essay for college, topic Small Business Struggles and Triumphs specifically in Pre written essays about, UAE! but not sure about it.

Would love to know from you..if you have a better topic. Lastly, For the topic i mentioned above…How do i make it extensive to the criteria of the contest? How do i relate UAE’s Economic development through this topc “Small Business Struggles and Writing Triumphs” Thank you for the ideas and your time. I am really looking forward to paper your views. It seems that you are on a great track with your project so far, you just need to refine and focus.

To further refine your topic of small business struggles and triumphs while also relating it to UAE’s economic development maybe you can investigate ways that the UAE government can and should foster small business development. Here are some questions for you: How can the Writing a good essay, UAE help small businesses succeed? How can these small businesses, in turn, help the UAE innovate and What assignment mean in real estate grow? Are there specific small businesses that you can focus on? How are these specific small businesses innovating and what exactly can the Writing a good admission essay for college, UAE government do to literature review help them mitigate their struggles and be more triumphant in the end? You might also find this post helpful as you narrow and refine your topic: Hi again!! Thank you soooo much for responding! Your reply was indeed very helpful. Unfortunately, my teacher wants me to work on the topic that ‘she’ selected for me.

And the topic given to me is Financial Literacy. Basically, it is Writing a good admission essay for college about how Financial Literacy Program can help solve Debt Problem of UAE. But the main thing is…the title of the project should be powerful enough to attract the audience. Can you please help me frame a title….that could attract and make the reader WANT to What assignment in real read my project….and also..I would be utterly grateful if you could give me some ideas on what all i could include in my project and how i can relate it to UAE? I really respect and Writing admission appreciate the help you have given. and Thank you again for your time… As far as titles go, you might find this post helpful as you come up with yours: However, I probably wouldn’t worry about the title until after you’ve written the essay since there’s a good chance you’ll find inspiration from your content! A few questions for you to answer: What is Essay centre financial literacy? Where and when should students begin a financial literacy program? Who should organize the financial literacy programs?

What exactly should the financial literacy program entail? Finally, how will this financial literacy program address and prevent debt in the UAE? I think if you could find answers to the above, you’ll be off to a good start. As far as the topic you choose, you’ll want to make sure that it’s of interest to a good admission essay for college you, that you can find plenty of evidence to support your research, and that it fits your assignment guidelines. How To A Narrative Essay Else! If none of the 25 topics listed here helped you, you might try this post: hi, i have an assignment about research method, but this is my first time by Writing admission essay for college doing this particular assignment. the scope that has been given to assignment estate me is about english language in a good essay for college, my college, can you give some example of topic that suitable to What assignment in real my scope… i done several topic but its not quite good, and Writing admission hello from Essay, malaysian student :), hope you can help me #128578; Hi Mike in Malaysia #128578;

First you need to narrow your topic down to something that is interesting and Writing admission manageable. I’d suggest reading this post to Mekentosj papers 2 windows help you with that process: Ask yourself questions like: Is there anything you would recommend to improve English language studies at your school? If so, what would that be? Are students from your college graduating with high levels of English language proficiency? Why or why not? What types of jobs do students from your school get?

How many of these jobs require English? If you can start digging into some questions and Writing considerations about the English language program at your school, you should be able to narrow in on a good research topic. Hi I have a research paper in Project Management, my topic is The impact of load shedding by eskom(service provider) on Government projects on the debt owing municipalities(local government). Im having difficulty in proposing solutions to does assignment estate local government. I hate to say it but for a research project like this, there really isn’t a shortcut for Writing a good admission, doing your research. You won’t have the Write paper ppt, answers until you really immerse yourself in the topic. I’d approach this by doing as much reading as you can for at least a few hours and starting to jot down possible solutions.

For example, after reading this article , you might determine that a potential solution is a “better alignment of schedules” you might then try to Writing essay find other evidence to prove this point. Come up with three solid solutions backed by evidence from your research and you should be in great shape to write this paper. Here are some other resources on how to write a research paper: Thesis getting real, huh? You’re going to need to Write a research paper sit down and start brainstorming topics.

Visiting this post was a good start, but here are a few more ideas: You might also try looking at example essays written by other students. Writing A Good Admission! You can start a search here: Once you have a general topic idea, you’ll need to a policy paper narrow it down. I highly recommend reading this post to learn how: Most importantly, choose a topic that interests you and Writing that you can find plenty of credible research on.

Great shared work Madam Susan, acknowledged. Thanks for essays, reading #128578; Hi, am Benson from Nkumba University, I have a research to do, wanted to a comment on my topic whether its a good topic to get on. This is my research topic, AN EXPLORATION ON THE BETTER METHODS TO STOP TOBACCO AND MARIJUANA SMOKING IN UGANDA. I think your topic sounds promising! You might make it a little more clear/concise, something like: An Exploration of a good admission Improved Methods to Stop Tobacco and Marijuana Smoking in Uganda or An Exploration of the Best Methods…

Which one you choose will depend on whether you’re arguing that the current methods have been improved or whether you want to focus on the very *best* and most effective methods. I have some research topics for my final project work and would like to Pre written persuasive essays about know your views about it from University of Ghana- LegoN. DIVORCE AND ITS EFFECT ON THE DEVELOPMENT ON CHILDREN. THE SECOND IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SAFETY PRACTICES AMONG HOUSEKEEPING STAFFS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SETTINGS (PANTRY). THE THIRD IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SAFETY PRACTICES AMONG HOUSEKEEPING STAFFS OF 3 OR 4 STAR HOTELS IN ACCRA. I think that all three of those topics sound promising. The one about divorce is probably too broad, however; if you decide to choose that one, you might narrow the topic by focusing on Writing admission divorce’s effects on children in a specific age group or location. My advice is to select the Writing a policy, topic that is most meaningful and interesting to you personally — the best papers are the ones where the author’s interest in the subject shines through. Hi, I have to get a good research topic preferably related to health and medicine. Writing A Good Admission For College! I need ideas please.

Hello.. I’m so depressed now in choosing my research topic #128577; can you suggest some? I prefer more on social science related in my school ..thank you #128578; Have you also read ? There are some sociology/anthropology topics listed there that might be of a narrative for college someone interest to you. What are the Writing a good admission essay for college, possible Research Topic Proposals related to 2 windows Plastic bags.

Or What are the Writing essay, best possible research topics for STEM (Science And Technology Mathematics curriculum)…. Please help! Still New! See #9 above! There are quite a few ways to approach the “plastic bag” topic listed there #128578; Omyyghaaash! Thanks Erin! hi bessy what are you grade now? im grade 6 now im doing research in the class. hi all i need some topics that so easy.

The “easiest” topic to write about will be one that you’re already interested in! That goes a long way since you tend to enjoy the research process more. If your teacher gave you topics to choose from, then I’d pick the one that sounds most interesting to you. If you get to pick your own topic, then I would start by listing a few of your interests/things you want to know more about — if none of the ones in this list sound too interesting, I would also read for more ideas! Uhmmm! What could be the How to start a narrative essay for college about someone, best research proposal that will impress teachers that is a good admission essay for college also easy. Mekentosj Papers 2 Windows 8! Please Reply… Thanks! #128578; For High School. Hmm, tough one.

I think the way I’d approach this is to first pick a problem that you want to solve — something that you feel at Writing a good, least somewhat strongly about! So using the plastic bag example from Mekentosj papers 8, yesterday, maybe your new product could have something to do with recycling plastic bags quickly — what if you could stuff 20 in a machine at the grocery store and it would spit out Writing a good admission for college, a sturdy, reusable bag? You could take the same approach to lots of problems: an alternative to disposable packaging on one of your favorite products, a way to Mekentosj 2 windows reduce littering from vehicles (like, I dunno…a built-in trash compactor!), etc. I think any idea that you’re a little excited about that solves a clear problem will be pretty dang impressive #128578; Happy writing! My topic is psychology do you think i can have a successful outcome? Psychology is Writing admission for college a really broad topic, so it’s hard to a policy say for Writing a good for college, sure how successful your paper might be. Centre! I think you’ll have the best success with a narrower topic. I’d encourage you to check out this post: Hi, i am a senior high school student and admission essay we have a research subject. we already have a topic for qualitative research, but we can’t get the right term for people who have jobs that are not related to their degree/college degree. 8! For example, you graduated in education but your current job is an office manager. what do you think is the right term for them. we thought it is “underemployed”, but our teacher said, its not the right term. do you think you can help us? we will really appreciate any help from you #128578; That’s a really good question!

Honestly, I don’t think there is an agreed-upon term for such employees. Your teacher is Writing a good essay right that “underemployed” doesn’t really work, as that describes someone who doesn’t have enough work (like someone who wants to work full-time but can only shopping achieve part-time hours). I think this would actually be a cool opportunity to brainstorm/create your own term — researchers do this all the time! The first word that pops into my head is “outfielders” — that’s obviously a term borrowed from the Writing essay, sport of baseball, but I think that you could define it in a research, your research as someone who works outside the field in which they studied. Writing Admission Essay For College! Then you’ll have a word, a type of What does assignment mean shorthand, for this type of worker without always having to write “people who have jobs that are not related to their degree” #128521; No matter how you choose to a good label these workers, be sure to explain why/how you’re using the label in your paper so that your readers understand. My teacher requires us to about do research paper as our final requirement this semester and I can’t still construct a particular topic perfect for a good admission for college, it. Can you help me? Whenever I give her a topic she will always say that my topic is start about someone too broad and that it should be narrowed down. What should I do? Can you share a little more about the Writing a good essay for college, class/the specific assignment? The topics above are a good starting place for narrow, specific topics.

There are 50 more here: If none of those are quite what you’re looking for, then I would recommend that you read for persuasive, some good advice on narrowing a topic that you find interesting #128578; Hello, I need your help. I’m struggling on constructing a good title for my topic. Writing Essay! My topic is about teenage stress. We, the researchers, want to know the main causes of stress to the students. Writing Paper Review! Also, we want to know how the students deal or overcome with the stress. Is it a good topic? By the for college, way, our teacher said that our research should be qualitative and quantitave (mixed) research.

I hope you can help me asap. Thank you #128578; It sounds like you’re on 2 windows the right track with your topic; one suggestion is to specify the Writing for college, population you’re studying in start essay for college about someone else, a bit more detail: are they high school students? high school students at a specific school? high school students in a particular class at a specific school? You get the for college, idea #128578; Questionnaires that include both close-ended questions (such as scales, yes/no questions, etc.) and open-ended questions (short-answer) could help you to What assignment mean estate achieve the mixed research requirement. For instance, you might ask students to identify how many courses they’re taking on a scale of 1-8 and admission for college ask a series of a policy literature yes/no questions regarding specific behaviors, and then you might ask a few questions that ask students to write out Writing a good for college, short responses to the questions (such as “What do you do when you feel stressed?”). Best of Mekentosj luck with your research! Thank you for helping me, Ms.

Erin. I have contructed my title already. “Physiological and psychological effects of stress on Writing a good admission essay NHS-SHS (our school) STEM (track) students” “The effects of stress on NHS-SHS STEM students’ physical health and a policy literature review academic success” Is my title good enough? ???. I think the first title is Writing admission for college perfect! Thank you very much Ms. Erin Hempfling! I’m sure gonna acknowledge you in my research. You really did help me a lot!

Have a good day #128578; Thanks for the kind words; glad I could help! #128578; Hi! I’m lost. Need help. I don’t know what topic to How to a narrative else work on for a qualitative research. This should be about school matters. I actually have something i mind, but I don’t if it’s good or if it can be for qualitative.

I would like to Writing admission essay know about the effectivity of e-books in a narrative essay about someone, student’s learning. Are books installed in admission for college, their iPad better than hard copies? Are e-books more helpful or distracting? What should be my title? Also what can be my thesis statement about this? I will really appreciate your response. Thank you very much in advance! One common approach for conducting qualitative research is to use a questionnaire. Mekentosj Papers 2 Windows! Could you ask some students some open-ended survey questions about a good admission their experiences with e-books? Thank you very much. Hi everyone so I can’t think of a research title even though our teacher said we have a good research problem.

How can we make a interesting and good research title? Hi from Write ppt, ST. A Good Admission Essay! AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA, i am expecting to do my research about start a narrative else 1. the essay, impact of social media on accuracy reporting in Essay, journalism ,2. social media and a good the influence rural development,3. the impact of social media on freedom of centre expression in admission essay for college, Tanzania,4. political enviroment in Essay shopping, social media 5 the impact of social media on yellow journalism. Writing Admission For College! would you plzz suggest a good topic for Writing review, me. and give me some idea on how to conduct my research?? It seems like you’re trying to a good for college cover a LOT in papers 2 windows 8, your paper. That might be okay if it’s very long, but otherwise, I’d recommend that you narrow that down a bit. Here is Writing a good admission for college a great place to start: As for conducting your research, I would recommend that you start with scholarly sources since they’ll be the most credible.

Here are some good recommendations to help you get started: i hahe decide to choose one topic. the IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREA. is start essay about else this good for research topic? and what it could be the statement of problem. That’s an interesting topic! To state the problem, you might first consider what led you to Writing a good admission essay choose this topic: do you think that social media helps or hurts agricultural development in rural areas, for does assignment mean in real, instance? Do you know of an area that’s facing problems with agricultural development? How can I state theoretical frame work. Hi . I’am struggling with my thesis title it is all about literature and I dont know how to start, What should be my topic for qualitative research. can you please help me#128534; Literature is *really* broad!

What are you focusing on within the literature realm? If you’re struggling to a good admission for college nail down your topic, I would read — it should help you a lot! So I’m doing this research paper on drug abuse and criminal behaviour patterns, but I’m stuck #128577; I really want to write on persuasive essays this topic but the lack of data (criminal records and such) in my country limits and degrades the quality of admission essay for college my paper. What should I do? That does sound frustrating! I think that I’d step back from the topic a bit and consider the Essay shopping centre, resources you *do* have on this topic: journal articles, articles in credible newspapers, etc. and how you could best use those to approach your topic. A Good Essay! Also, you might consider doing some first-hand/primary research by interviewing people in your community who have been affected by shopping centre drug abuse and/or criminal behavior patterns. Hello, my teacher wanted me to research about the admission essay, violations of language policy in our school publication. How can I state this as a topic? And I can’t think of the dependent and independent variables #128577; please help huhu. I’m not super-clear on your topic, specifically what you mean by “violations of Mekentosj 2 windows language policy”.

Do you mean that there are instances of Writing for college biased language slipping into the school publication, for instance? If you can clarify your topic a bit I’d be glad to give you a hand! I think you’re right about social media and self-esteem, though it could still be an Writing a policy paper literature review interesting unique topic as long as you take a narrow approach to it! For instance, if you focused on the effects of social media on the self-esteem of middle-school-aged girls (or any other specific demographic), the approach is narrow enough to be unique. I agree that “racism” by itself is really broad, though again, with a narrow approach it could certainly work. I think your national hero idea is a good one, particularly if it’s okay for you to take an argumentative approach in your research essay.

It’s narrow, it’s interesting, and if there has already been some debate on the topic, then it sounds like a good issue to a good essay discuss in Write paper, your paper #128578; hello. im trying to start a thesis for a good admission essay, my course Painting but i;m stuck and cant think of good ideas. is the correlation between selfies and ppt self portraits good enough? if not, how can i improve or make a better statement of the problem for essay for college, it? or would you know any better ideas than that one? Hi, we have a thesis in operations management, can you help me with our thesis title? Hi, we have a thesis in operations management, can you help me with our thesis title? Hello guys need help for my language research. Will you help me guys to construct title or topic about English? Any will do as long as the english as subject is there. thanks in. my research topic is. THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREA. can this be a good research topic. Hi, on research topic, “the impact of social media on agriculture development in rural area”.

Can you help me to write the research question and start about someone objective please!!

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Custom Blink by M Gladwell essay paper writing service. In the age of organizational complexity, managers need to develop unique thinking abilities and decision making talents, in order to Writing admission essay catch up with the changeable demands of business reality. More and more professionals develop recommendations to improve managers’ decision making skills. This paper provides a brief report on Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink: The Power of What does assignment mean in real estate of contract, Thinking without Thinking. The paper discusses possible reasons for writing the book, its main themes and tasks, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible implications for managers. Blink by M. Writing Admission For College? Gladwell.

Rapid changes in business and market environments place new demands on managers. Contemporary managers must think fast and act fast, in order to be a step ahead of their competitors. Only the Essay centre, most creative, innovative and decisive will have a chance to succeed in the era of business complexity, and it comes as no surprise that more and more professionals publish their recommendations to improve managers’ decision making skills. Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking is a bright example of the so-called “easy-to-read” textbook on how to develop and improve thinking and decision making abilities. Gladwell tries to expand the boundaries of human imagination and prove that even unique human talents can be learned and taught. Unfortunately, much of what Gladwell writes in his book lacks empirical support and requires further scientific validation; for this reason, Gladwell’s recommendations can hardly become a foundation for developing practical decision making strategies for managers. Malcolm Gladwell’s book is titled Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking.

The book was first published in 2005. The author does not share his reasons for writing the book, but it seems that the book is an attempt to Writing a good for college close the existing gap in literature and expand the boundaries of managerial decision making in contemporary organizations. Gladwell (2005) begins his book with a story of the Essay shopping, J. Paul Getty Museum in California and the statue of a Greek kouros that stirred huge controversy among art professionals, scholars and critics. Despite the abundance of scientific evidence supporting the authenticity of the statue, the Writing admission for college, prevailing majority of outside experts felt that something was wrong with it. Some experts called it uniquely ‘fresh’, whereas others claimed that the statue looked as if it had been dipped in the very best Starbucks’s caffe latte (Gladwell, 2005). Gladwell (2005) describes experts’ reactions as a moment of revelation, an intuition that blinks, and an impression that falls on them out of the blue and has no rational explanation. Yet, everything has its explanation. Essay Shopping Centre? It would be fair to assume that the reason why Gladwell (2005) writes his book is admission essay for college, because he wants everyone to know that this professional intuition is called the Writing paper literature review, “adaptive unconscious”, and it can be taught and used by managers to meet their professional and organizational goals. This “adaptive unconscious” is the central thread of a good admission essay for college, Gladwell’s (2005) story and the theme around which all events, tales and How to start for college about someone anecdotes in admission for college, Gladwell’s book actually revolve. The author investigates the numerous sides of human consciousness and unconsciousness and tries to prove that the “adaptive unconscious” carries an unprecedented decision making potential. According to Gladwell (2005),

the adaptive unconscious is not to be confused with the unconscious described by Sigmund Freud, which has a dark and murky place filled with desires and memories [] this new notion of the adaptive unconscious is [] a kind of giant computer that quickly and quietly processes a lot of the data we need in Pre written persuasive, order to admission for college keep functioning as human beings. (p.11) Every day during their lives, humans experience moments when, the faster they think the more likely they are to escape troubles. These are the Mekentosj papers, moments when, according to Gladwell (2005), there is no time to gather and process evidence. These are the moments when decisions should be made quickly. Gladwell (2005) is convinced that, without the “adaptive unconscious”, humans would have never survived as a species. This “adaptive unconscious” is a kind of higher-level thinking, an auto-pilot of consciousness and cognition that does not require any input from humans (Gladwell, 2005). According to Gladwell (2005), the whole world judges the quality of decisions, based on the time and effort spent on investigating the alternatives. Yet, the “adaptive unconscious” has the potential to for college speed up decision making processes and become the source of the most relevant decisions, when there is no space for thinking.

Gladwell’s (2005) book is Essay shopping centre, intended to fulfill three important tasks. First, Gladwell (2005) tries to convince the public that decisions made quickly and immediately can be as good as those made cautiously and Writing admission essay deliberately. However, not all human instincts are inherently good, as they often have to compete with other emotions, interests, and sentiments. For this reason, the second task of the book is to Mekentosj 2 windows 8 teach the reader how and admission when to trust their instincts and when to be wary of them (Gladwell, 2005). What Estate Of Contract? The author believes that it is possible to Writing a good essay learn when to trust the “adaptive unconscious” computer and when to avoid its instinctive recommendations. A Narrative Essay? The third, and most important, task of Gladwell’s (2005) book is to prove that the “adaptive unconscious” is a skill that can be learned, taught, educated, managed and controlled.

Gladwell (2005) claims that as humans are able to develop better decision making capabilities, they can also teach themselves to make better snap judgments. Whether or not Gladwell (2005) succeeds in this mission will become clear by a good essay for college the end of the book. As of now, the a policy literature, author makes a very promising beginning and implies that the a good essay, book may have far-reaching implications for managers. What Gladwell (2005) writes in his book holds a promise to teach managers to make better use of What does, their abilities and talents. Basically, Gladwell (2005) implies that the “adaptive unconscious” can teach managers to find patterns in a good admission essay, behaviors and situations, based on extremely narrow slices of evidence, experiences and impressions. Simply stated, Gladwell’s (2005) book can become a guide for managers who want to learn how to make fast but reasonable decisions. This is also what Gladwell (2005) calls “thin-slicing” a unique ability to mean in real make fast decisions in a short time.

However, not all decisions are good by nature. At times, the chain of thinking is interrupted by impressions and feelings that have nothing to do with rationality (Gladwell, 2005). Essay For College? Gladwell (2005) promises to teach readers to deal with their experiences in ways that distinguish rationality from shopping, prejudice and bias in the most controversial situations. For example, managers need to take fast decisions when they try to pick up the admission, best candidates for a job. Gladwell (2005) claims that, in these situations, the first impression can be equally beneficial and damaging for business. Gladwell (2005) writes that prejudice and What does mean bias represent the dark side of the “adaptive unconscious”, and his book can teach managers to make a difference. Bearing in mind the Writing a good admission for college, importance of human resource decisions in organizations, these skills and abilities can eventually lead managers to become perfect leaders, perfect followers, and perfect human resource specialists. With the help of the “adaptive unconscious”, managers can avoid the unconscious bias affecting employee selection decisions and shopping sustain perfect relations with customers (Gladwell, 2005). All these things are possible if managers learn to change and regulate their first impressions. They can do it, by for college altering the start a narrative else, way they thin-slice their experiences and changing the scope of experiences comprising these impressions (Gladwell, 2005).

Gladwell (2005) assumes that rapid cognition has an enormous decision making power, both for good and bad, and it is imperative that managers take active steps to admission for college regulate and control their impressions. Again, whether or not the book can become a real source of knowledge and learning for managers will be discussed later. At this point of analysis, the book is filled with interesting stories and anecdotes, whose main intention is to confirm the validity of Write paper, Gladwell’s adaptive unconscious assumptions and teach managers to manage their cognitive and emotional resources more wisely. One of the most interesting aspects of the book is in the way Gladwell (2005) describes the a good admission, “adaptive unconscious” experiences. It seems that the “adaptive unconscious” phenomenon transcends all aspects of for college about, human activity. Gladwell (2005) describes managers, architects, art experts and doctors, and the “adaptive unconscious” seems to be affecting the prevailing majority of a good admission for college, routine decisions and acts. Even more surprising is the fact that Malcolm Gladwell, a professional journalist with no psychological education or background, tries to discuss the Writing a policy review, subject that requires a deep psychological insight. This is also one of the major strengths and weaknesses of a good admission essay, Gladwell’s book. Mekentosj? On the one hand, the lack of psychological education reduces the risks of professional bias and admission essay for college enables the writer to present his findings in an easy-to-read format.

On the Writing a policy literature review, other hand, with no degree in psychology, Gladwell (2005) cannot grasp the Writing admission for college, complexity of the emotional, cognitive and unconscious processes in the human brain. Gladwell’s (2005) book is Writing a policy literature, unique in the sense that it expands the boundaries of managerial thinking and motivates managers to achieve new decision making frontiers. Gladwell (2005) discovers a new side of managerial thinking that has been obscured from the nonprofessional public. The knowledge provided by Gladwell (2005) can lay the groundwork for the creation and implementation of new “adaptive unconscious” models. Unfortunately, Gladwell’s (2005) book is only potentially useful for managers. Potentiality is the key source of Writing a good admission for college, criticism in Gladwell’s Blink. Reasons why the book is How to start a narrative about, only potentially useful for admission for college, managers are numerous and diverse. To begin with, the absence of theoretical and does in real empirical support is the main weakness of Gladwell’s book. Included in his argument are numerous situations, cases, experiments and examples, which lack solid theoretical and empirical support. Writing? Certainly, it is possible to say that the current state of research into the “adaptive unconscious” is Pre written essays, still in for college, its infancy, and no theories of the “adaptive unconscious” have been devised so far. However, the abundant examples in Gladwell’s book suggest that the theoretical point is still missing.

As a result, and with no theoretical systematization, these examples and cases are nothing but a sequence of anecdotes that fail to Mekentosj papers 8 create a developed plot. Another major weakness of Gladwell’s book is in the radical statements and assumptions made by Writing a good admission for college the author. At the beginning and in paper review, the middle of his book, Gladwell (2005) discusses the main implications of the “adaptive unconscious” for medical practice. From what Gladwell (2005) writes, medical professionals no longer need to ground their decisions on the evidence coming from numerous blood counts, ECG, and other investigations. Gladwell (2005) claims that snap judgments can suffice to produce relevant diagnoses. The tragic consequences of snap judgments in medicine are not difficult to predict; therefore, much of what Gladwell (2005) recommends in his book should be taken with caution. Apparently, the book is more flawed than flawless and more challenging than useful. As a talented journalist, Gladwell (2005) was able to produce a piece of writing that is wordy but refined in its language, but language and wordiness alone cannot make the book useful for readers. Gladwell (2005) shows that snap judgments can be as good as the decisions taken slowly and Writing a good essay for college deliberately, but he fails to teach the reader how to make snap judgments work in real-world situations. Gladwell (2005) fails to teach the reader how to deal with the dark side of the “adaptive unconscious” and to distinguish positive instincts from negative ones.

Gladwell’s book (2005) is merely a suggestion that something in this world can improve the quality of organizational decisions and enhance managers’ ability to make fast and correct judgments. Yet, again, this is merely a suggestion that requires further analysis and validation. Despite these weaknesses, I would recommend the book to the rest of the a policy paper, current and future managers. The book can help them to discover how and why they make snap judgments and why these judgments lead to the desired or undesired results. For many readers, the book can become a worthy object of Writing a good admission for college, pleasant reading and a unique way to look behind the human unconscious. Simultaneously, taking it seriously is the biggest mistake the reader can make when faced with Gladwell’s Blink. Intuition and snap judgments are not as good as Gladwell (2005) tries to show. Essay Shopping Centre? Love at Writing a good admission for college first sight can have tragic consequences for marriage. More serious are the consequences of intuitive decisions in multinational business, politics and international relations.

Contrary to what Gladwell (2005) tries to say, taking deliberate decisions based on evidence and thorough analysis is still a preferable option for essay about else, many managers. In the world of rational decisions and information availability, blaming intuition for Writing a good, the major strategic failures is a nuisance, as well as the sign of does assignment, unprofessionalism. When everything is becoming interconnected, even the slightest interruption with the “adaptive unconscious” processes can cause a domino effect, a chain reaction leading to irreversible consequences for a good for college, hundreds and thousands of people. Thus, think twice before you take a snap judgment that can potentially affect the future of What does assignment, your business. The book is Writing admission for college, structured as follows: Introduction: The statute that didn’t look right. Chapter One: The theory of thin slices: How a little bit of knowledge goes a long way.

Chapter Two: The locked door: The secret life of does mean, snap decisions. Chapter Three: The Warren Harding error: Why we fall for tall, dark, and handsome men. Chapter Four: Paul van Viper’s big victory: Creating structure for spontaneity. Chapter Five: Kenna’s dilemma: The right and wrong way to ask people what they want. Chapter Six: Seven seconds in the Bronx: The delicate art of mind reading. Conclusion: Listening with your eyes: The lessons of Blink.

Afterword. Gladwell’s Blink was called an outstanding parade of Writing a good admission essay, anecdotes and scientific research. A Narrative For College Someone Else? However, the latter seems to be the Writing a good essay for college, biggest problem of Gladwell’s book. Start Essay Someone? With so many stories and anecdotes, scientific research is pushed to the background of the author’s unconscious realities. By the end of the book, many readers may find themselves tired of numerous stories, impressions and admission for college situations that are too abundant to What assignment estate be useful. Simultaneously, Gladwell’s contribution to understanding human cognitive and decision making processes should not be disregarded. Blink implies that snap judgments have the Writing a good admission, potential to speed up organizational decision making and expand the cognitive boundaries of organizational growth. Yet, years may pass before snap judgments become a rational supplement to the existing decision making models used by Writing a policy paper review managers to advance themselves and their organizations.

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