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bible romans essays The following material addresses issues of historical importance for Paul’s letter to the Romans. This letter is arguably the reviews, most important document of the speech ic, Christian faith; it stands behind virtually all great movements of God in the last 1900 years. Although there is no dispute about Pauline authorship, it may be helpful to rehearse, in brief, why that is the case. Assignment! The ancient writers regularly included Romans in their list of authentic documents. Marcion, the Muratorian fragment, and a steady stream of Online speech, patristic writers beginning with Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus all assume its Pauline authorship without defense. “From the postapostolic church to Assignment expert reviews, the present, with almost no exception, the Epistle has been credited to Paul. If the claim of the essay reaction, apostle to have written the Galatian and Corinthian letters is accepted, there is no reasonable basis for denying that he wrote Romans, since it echoes much of what is in the earlier writings, yet not slavishly.” 1. In other words, once we adopt some letter claiming Paul as its author (on grounds which are unassailable), then we have a standard of comparison. The Corinthian letters and Galatians have been just such benchmarks of authenticity.

And Romans fits in with their style and theological viewpoint; further, it poses no historical or other (e.g., ecclesiological) problems for Pauline authorship. This epistle can be dated with relative certainty. It was written between 56 and 57 CE. Assignment Reviews Writing! Paul states in 15:26-28 that he has just completed the raising of funds for the poor believers in Jerusalem after visiting the mankiw, believers in Macedonia and Achaia. This corresponds to Acts 20:1-2, identifying the time of composition as the Assignment, year after Paul left Ephesus on his third missionary journey. Harrison states succinctly: Fixed dates for the span of school, Paul’s labors are few, but one of them is the summer of A.D. 51, when Gallio arrived in Corinth to expert reviews writing, serve as proconsul of Achaia. After this the apostle stayed in the city “some time” (Acts 18:18). Possibly in the spring of 52 he went to Caesarea and Jerusalem, stopping at Antioch on the way back and probably spending the Essay how to, winter of 52 there.

Presumably, his return to Ephesus was in the spring of 53, marking the beginning of Assignment expert, a three-year ministry there (Acts 20:31). At the Online synthesizer, end of 56 he spent three months in Corinth (Acts 20:3), starting his final trip to Jerusalem in the spring of 57. When he wrote Romans the fund of the Jerusalem church seems to have been finally completed (Rom. 15:26ff.). This may indicate a date in early 57 rather than late 56 for the writing of the letter. (The fund was incomplete when Paul, on the way from expert reviews, Ephesus to Corinth, wrote 2 Cor. 8–9.) 2. Paul was in Greece when he wrote the letter, most likely in Corinth. This is Benefits reaction seen in two incidental comments: (1) Phoebe of neighboring Cenchrea was apparently the letter-bearer (16:1-2) and (2) Gaius, who is Paul’s host (16:23), was a prominent Christian leader at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:14).

Romans 1:7, 15 identify this letter as being sent to the Christians at Rome. They were predominantly Gentile believers as is evidenced by Assignment Paul’s statements to that effect in 1:5, 12-14 and 11:13. Homework! But there was probably a strong Jewish element as well because (1) the Assignment writing, heavy use of the OT suggests this and (2) since Paul did not found this church, most likely the Jewish element would be stronger than in one of his congregations. The occasion and purpose are so intertwined for Benefits of community reaction, this epistle that they must be treated as one. Paul expressed his desire to go west all the way to Spain (15:22-24, 28). Assignment Expert Writing! Since he had already proclaimed the gospel in the major centers in the east, it now seemed good to him to go west. But as was his custom, he needed an “emotional home,” a base of operations. Antioch had provided that in the east and speech synthesizer ic, Ephesus had in Asia Minor; Paul was hoping that Rome would in the west. Consequently, he wrote this letter, explaining his gospel carefully and fully, in the hopes that the reviews, Roman Christians would embrace him and it completely. Further, since his life had already been in much danger from the android, Jews (Acts 17:5, 13; 20:3), Paul may have sensed the need to pen his thoughts about the gospel in a systematic way, rather than due to occasional circumstances.

4. All of the Assignment, above explain why Paul wrote what he wrote to helper how to write, whom he wrote—except for chapters 9–11. Baur suggested that this was the heart of the Assignment expert, epistle, while most today do not know what to do with it. Recently, Paul B. Fowler, formerly of Reformed Seminary, argued that “Paul’s primary purpose in writing Romans was to dispel anti-Semitism” 5 He based his argument on (1) many internal clues (11:13ff., etc., where Gentile pride has cropped up; cf. the whole thrust of chs. 9–11); (2) one main external clue (the expulsion of the Jews from Rome by Claudius a few years earlier—which would certainly continue to have rippling effects, even within the church); and Benefits essay reaction, (3) a chiastic pattern unfolding some of the structure of the book (viz., in chapter 3 Paul asks five questions which are unfolded in reverse order throughout chapters 3–11). What is intriguing is that, concerning this last point (the chiastic structure), although Paul answers in brief the reviews, question of 3:1 (“What advantage has the Jew?”) in the next verse, he really expands on it in chapters 9–11.

Although Fowler goes too far in bronx seeing a response to anti-Semitism as the primary purpose of Romans, I think he is right that this forms part of the expert writing, purpose. Perhaps, in fact, it may be precisely because Paul’s treatment of Israel’s future occupies his mind so much in this letter that he leaves out Essay helper application how to write other eschatological issues found in his other Hauptbriefe . Assignment Expert! In sum, Paul’s occasion-purpose for writing Romans is threefold: (1) he was going west and needed to have a base of operations in a church that shared both his vision and his theology; (2) he knew that his life was in danger and wanted to assignment tracker android, give something of a more balanced, systematic presentation of his gospel, to leave as a memorial; and (3) he detected anti-Semitism arising in the Roman church through the influence of Claudius’ edict and Assignment writing, wanted to give a theologically-based correction to this attitude. In light of How to a perfect about yourself, Rom 15:20, there is no doubt that the church at Rome was not founded by an apostle. Expert Reviews! This suggests that Peter was not yet in Rome. Most likely, the church came into How to write a perfect essay yourself existence through the converts who returned to expert reviews writing, Rome form Jerusalem after the feast of Pentecost in 33 CE (Acts 2:10).

6 But this church would not have been very well indoctrinated. As we suggested in our introduction to Mark, Mark may well have gone to Rome in the early 50s both to precede Paul’s coming and to shore up any doctrinal holes in the converts. 7. There are good internal and external arguments which seem to indicate that Romans ended at chapter 15 (or 14) rather than at chapter 16. These need to be weighed carefully. (1) Even though Paul had never visited Rome, chapter 16 is filled with personal greetings. This may indicate that chapter 16 was part of a letter originally sent to Ephesus (where Paul had ministered for three years). (2) Paul greets Priscilla and Aquila (16:3), who shortly before Romans was written were in Ephesus (1 Cor 16:19). Further, when Paul wrote to Timothy, they are again in Ephesus (2 Tim 4:19). (3) In 16:5 Paul greets Epaenetus, “the first convert in Asia.” This would be a natural greeting if Epaenetus were still in Asia. (4) Rom 15:33 seems to be a fitting conclusion to a letter (“The God of peace be with you all. Law High In The! Amen.”).

(5) The earliest Pauline MS, P 46 , places the Assignment writing, doxology of Law high, Rom 16:25-27 after 15:33. Further, though normally dated at c. 200 CE, Yung Kyu Kim in 1988 argued, on palaeographical grounds, that this papyrus should be dated before the reign of Domitian (c. Reviews Writing! 70s CE)! 8 Not only this, but the Macroeconomics mankiw homework, doxology is found in other MSS at the end of chapter 14 (especially L and reviews, ? ). 9. (6) Marcion’s text apparently did not contain chapters 15 and 16. 10. These data can be variously interpreted. Some suggest that a letter to Law high bronx, Ephesus has been appended to a letter to the Romans. Hence, the laundry list of names in chapter 16. Although this is possible, one wonders why the husk (greetings-list) of a letter (sent to Ephesus) would be preserved while its grain (the doctrinal and ethical core) was not. Expert Reviews! Further, the only other letter in which Paul greets many people by name is Colossians—sent to a church he had not visited. Further, even though P 46 places the write a perfect essay yourself, doxology at expert, the end of Essay helper application write, chapter 15, it still has chapter 16.

In fact, no extant MS lacks these last two chapters. Others have suggested, primarily on the various locations of the doxology, that two editions of Romans had been published by Assignment reviews Paul—the longer one sent to the Romans, the shorter one sent out as a circular letter. Hort went so far as to suggest that the shorter edition was created by a later writer for liturgical (lectionary reading) purposes. Again, although this is possible, it falls shipwreck on the rocks of ic, textual evidence. Every known MS has all 16 chapters of Romans. Assignment Reviews! Something, however, must account for the migrations of the doxology. As we have said, there is evidence that Marcion’s text did not contain these last two chapters.

Further, Marcion was wont to excise any material which did not suit his theological leanings—and there is write about plenty of material in chapters 15-16 which would bring on Marcion’s scalpel. 11 If any copies of his mutilated Romans survived, his fingerprints would not be nearly as detectable as his other mutilations, for the epistle could easily end at chapter 14 or chapter 15. Consequently, in the earliest period, scribes copying Romans might not be fully cognizant of Marcion’s work. As time progressed, the last two chapters (or last chapter) were added to these short editions, but without the concomitant replacement of the doxology. As the most systematic of all Paul’s letters, Romans addresses in detail the Pauline kerygma. Romans 1:16-17, which concludes the salutation/introduction, best articulates the theme of the whole book: “the righteous revelation of God in the gospel.” Paul opens his epistle to the Romans with the longest introduction of any of his canonical works (1:1-17). Here he greets the saints (1:1-7) whom he had never met, and expresses both thanks for them (1:8-10) and a deep desire to visit them (1:11-15). The theme of the epistle (dealing with the righteousness of God), at the end of this introduction (1:16-17), serves as a bridge into the body of the book. The transition is especially seen in comparing vv. 17 and 18: in both something from God is Assignment expert revealed.

In v. 17 it is God’s righteousness; in v. 18, in order to establish the need for this righteousness, God’s wrath is assignment tracker revealed. This second section of the epistle (1:18–5:11), whose theme is the imputation of righteousness (i.e., forensic justification) essentially deals with two issues: sinners and salvation. Paul first elaborates on the sinfulness of humanity (1:18–3:20), demonstrating the universal need of righteousness. He begins by picking the most obvious example: the guilt of the writing, Gentiles (1:18-32). The reasons for this guilt are first mentioned: they have suppressed the knowledge of God (1:18-23). School! The result of such suppression is God’s releasing them to the consequences of their sins (1:24-32). But lest the reviews, Jews think that they are any less guilty, Paul addresses their sin (2:1–3:8). In fact, he argues that, if anything, they are more guilty than the Gentiles because they have revelation from Macroeconomics mankiw, God and expert reviews writing, are his privileged people (3:1-8), yet they are hypocritical about true, internal righteousness (2:17-29). Paul concludes the first half of this major section with proof from scripture that “Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin” (3:9-20). Now that Paul has established the need for synthesizer ic, righteousness for all people, he demonstrates its provision (3:21–5:11). First, it has been revealed through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, being granted to Assignment writing, all who put their trust in him (3:21-26).

Second, the terms for bestowal of this righteousness (namely, faith) are the same for all, because God is write a perfect about One (3:27-31). Third, Paul backs up this astounding assertion with proof from the life of Abraham (4:1-25). In essence, Abraham is seen to be father both of the Jews and of the Greeks—that is, he is Assignment expert a type of those who are saved by faith. This is illustrated by bronx evidence that Abraham was not justified by works (4:1-8), nor by circumcision (4:9-12), but exclusively by Assignment expert writing faith in Law high bronx the promises of God (4:18-25). So too his spiritual offspring are justified by faith rather than by law (4:13-17, 23-25). Assignment Writing! Thus Abraham is Online assignment tracker seen to be the Assignment expert, universal forefather of all believers, whether Jew or Greek. Paul transitions the faith of school in the, Abraham to our faith in Christ (4:23-25), then concludes the section on justification with the implications of this justification (5:1-11). But the expert writing, “therefore” in 5:1 reaches back behind the illustration of of community service essay reaction, Abraham. In many ways, 3:21–4:25 is an apologetic with 5:1-11 being the application. Since all are sinners and since there is no partiality with God (3:22-23), both Jews and Gentiles must obtain this righteousness in expert reviews the same way and the same God must be God of all (3:27-31). This new revelation of God’s righteousness is affirmed by the OT (3:21) and of community reaction, illustrated by Abraham’s example (4:1-25).

There is no getting around it: if a man has Christ, he has peace with God right now—and the Law adds nothing to his salvation (5:1-2). Consequently, he exults in the hope of the glory of God (5:1-5). This salvation is truly marvelous, for Assignment reviews writing, sinners qua sinners were completely unable to deal with their sin. But Christ came at tracker android, the right time and died for Assignment, such (5:6-8). The eschatological result of this will be escape from God’s wrath (5:9-11). Having established the write essay yourself, basis of God’s pleasure in us, viz., the imputation of righteousness (or forensic justification), Paul now discusses the impartation of righteousness, or sanctification (5:12–8:39). This is the Assignment expert reviews writing, third major section of the epistle.

In some ways there is a neat trilogy found in these first eight chapters. The apostle first discusses justification which is salvation from the penalty of sin (3:21–5:11). Mankiw! Then he deals with sanctification or salvation from the power of sin (5:12–8:17). Finally, he addresses glorification which is salvation from the presence of sin (8:18-39). Writing! 12. Tracker! Paul lays out his views on sanctification using the Assignment reviews, twin themes of reigning and slavery. Law High School In The Bronx! He begins by contrasting the Assignment, reign of grace with the reign of sin (5:12-21). Although many NT students would place 5:12-21 under the second major section (i.e., under “Justification”), “the words ‘just,’ ‘justice’ and ‘faith’ coming from the first part of the quotation [Hab 2:4 in Rom 1:17] as given by Paul, are of very frequent occurrence from essay about girl, 1:17 to 5:11, and almost entirely absent thereafter. Assignment! On the other hand, the terms signifying ‘life’ (and ‘death’) occur regularly in chapters 5:12 to 7:1.” 13 Thus the a perfect essay, apostle seems to be signaling that he is now picking up a new topic.

In 5:12-21 Paul moves beyond the legal issue of justification. What is essential to get here is that imputed righ t eousness addresses the condemnation of the expert reviews writing, law while imparted righteousness addresses the inability of the flesh. That is to say, justification is forensic, stating emphatically that our position before God is one of righteousness. But justification, like the Law, can do nothing against the flesh. That is why Paul now turns to imparted righteousness and service essay, gives the Assignment expert, basis as our union with Christ. Online Assignment! Our union with Christ is more than forensic; it is organic . 14 As Adam was our representative in sin, bringing death to all (5:12), so also Christ is our representative in righteousness, bringing life to all (5:18).

15. Since believers are in Christ—and therefore they are assured of their salvation, why should they not continue sinning? Paul answers this in the second portion of this section (6:1-23). First, they should not continue ( ?????????? ) in sin because of their union with Christ—union in his death and his life (6:1-14). Second, they should not sin at all ( ??????????? ) because such an act leads to enslavement to sin (6:15-23).

This is expert especially heinous because our release from sin’s slavery means redemption for the service of God (6:22), since we have been bought with a price. Having established the reasons why we should not sin, Paul now turns to the issue of how not to sin (7:1–8:17). Negatively, neither our flesh nor the Online tracker android, Law can do anything for us in this endeavor (7:1-25). Assignment Expert Reviews! Positively, we are sanctified through the ministry of the Spirit (8:1-17). A Perfect Yourself Girl! Chapter seven in notoriously difficult to expert writing, interpret. Online Assignment Android! Is Paul speaking here (using “I”) in an autobiographical sense? If so, is he speaking about his former life as an unbeliever or his present life as a Christian? (Can both chapters seven and eight be true of him at the same time?). Or is he speaking figuratively—either of believers in general or unbelievers in general? In my understanding Paul is primarily dealing with the issue of expert reviews writing, how one deals with the problem of present sin—regardless of whether he is Benefits reaction a believer or unbeliever. This is seen in the following way. The most consistent exegesis of this pericope sees the “I” as the same person throughout 7:7-25.

16 If so, then he is the unbeliever before the expert reviews writing, Law was ever given (v. 9: “once I was alive apart from the law”; cf. 5:13)—And therefore not a Jewish unbeliever. But he is Macroeconomics also the unbelieving Jew: “We know that the Law is spiritual; I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin” (7:14). Further, Paul had just gotten done saying that believers are not under the writing, Law (7:5). But he is also the believer (v. 25: “I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law”; v. 18: “I have the desire to do what is good”; cf. also vv. 21-22; contra 3:12). 17 In light of this evidence it seems that Paul is not arguing chronologically in 3:20–8:17 (as if to say, “after salvation, we will deal with sanctification”). Law High Bronx! Rather, he is dealing with two distinct, though intertwined issues: the imputation of righteousness and the impartation of reviews, righteousness. Chapter seven is supremely, then, dealing with the issue of how one fights indwelling sin—and how one attempts to please God.

It has its application for all people who attempt to fight sin/please God by Law high in the subjecting the flesh to external commands, as if this will accomplish anything. The apostle begins chapter seven, however, with a reminder to believers: we are dead to the Law (7:1-6). Since this is so, we do not have to attempt to please God by knuckling under to its commands. But does this mean that the Law is bad? No, it is simply powerless over sin (7:7-13). The Law may be likened to a sterile spoon dipped into a glass of expert writing, water with sediment on the bottom (which represents our flesh). When the spoon stirs up the sediment it does not produce sin ; rather, it merely reveals it (7:13). But at speech, the same time, it is powerless to clean out the Assignment reviews, sediment. Tracker! 18. As good as the Law is, the flesh is equally bad (7:14-25).

And it, too, is powerless to obey the Law. Expert Reviews Writing! The point of 7:7-25 is that regardless of who attempts to fight sin—whether he is a believer or unbeliever—if his method is to subject the flesh to the Law he will fail. Focusing on the Law, an objective, cold standard, necessitates subjecting the flesh to helper application write, it, because the Law is the handmaiden of the flesh. But since believers are dead to the Law, they are able to gain victory over the flesh (7:6, 24-25). Assignment Expert! 19. Now comes the good news: those who are organically connected with Christ are not only not condemned (8:1), but also are set free from the law which could only produce sin and death (8:2). How is this accomplished? By the Spirit of God who enables believers to gain progressive victory over sin (8:1-8), death (8:9-11), and slavery (8:12-17). The Spirit is not an external, objective, cold standard, but a warm, internal witness to our hearts that God is our Father (8:14-17)—proving that we are organically connected to God the Father, not just judiciously excused by Online ic God the Judge.

20. Assignment Reviews Writing! Finally, Paul concludes this section by discussing the synthesizer ic, goal of Assignment, sanctification (8:18-39), which is our future glory—based, as it is, both on forensic justification and organic union with Christ (8:28-30). This glory needs to Online assignment android, be kept in Assignment expert writing mind especially during the present sufferings we face simply because the world is not a perfect place (8:18-27). But lest anyone give up, thinking that his participation in glory is in jeopardy, Paul concludes with a hymn of assurance (8:31-39). The fourth major section now turns to an issue which would have been in the back of his readers’ minds: If God is so righteous, how could he give Israel so many privileges (including unconditional promises) and then reject his chosen people? Chapters 9–11 deal with this issue (note especially 9:6—“It is not as though God’s word has failed”), the vindication of a perfect essay yourself girl, God’s righteousness in relationship to Israel. Although Paul’s primary concern is to vindicate God’s righteousness, he prefaces his remarks by expressing his own deep sorrow over Israel’s unrepentant state (9:1-5). Then he details how God has dealt with the nation in the past (9:6-33).

In essence, God’s choice was completely sovereign and gracious (9:1-29), as can be seen in Israel’s very history (9:6-13), as well as on the basis of the principle of God’s sovereignty (9:14-29). Further, they have rejected their Messiah by clinging to the Law (9:30-33). God’s present dealings with Israel, then, can only be interpreted on the basis of the past (10:1-21). Once again, Paul prefaces his remarks by expressing his desire for Israel’s salvation (10:1). For the present time, Jew and Assignment writing, Gentile have equal access to God (10:1-13). Yet the nation is still unrepentant even though they repeatedly heard the message (10:14-21). This still does not answer the question of Benefits service essay reaction, God’s unconditional covenants with his chosen people. Expert Writing! Will Israel persist in Online tracker their disobedience, or will there come a time when they will repent? Paul answers this in chapter 11.

He points out, first, that God’s rejection of the nation is not complete, for God still has his remnant in the nation (11:1-10). Further, the rejection is Assignment not final (11:11-32). Indeed, the present “grafting in” of Gentiles not only functions to bring salvation to Benefits of community reaction, Gentiles, but also should arouse the jealousy of the Assignment reviews, Jews, hopefully even spurring them on to seek Christ (11:11-24). How To Essay Girl! Once the number of expert, Gentiles is full, then Israel will turn back to God (11:25-32). For this, all believers should be grateful, since the open window of salvation will not last forever.

And God is to be praised for his infinite wisdom in how he deals with both Jews and Gentiles (11:33-36). What remains to be said about God’s righteousness? Only the Benefits of community reaction, very pragmatic matter of how it should be applied by believers (12:1–15:13). First, it should be applied among fellow believers (12:1-21). This is accomplished by a consecration of our lives to God, in light of all that he has done for us (12:1-2). Once we have committed ourselves to reviews, him, we can begin to serve others. This service should be done by the employment of spiritual gifts for the benefit of the body (12:3-8), and with an in the bronx, attitude of sincere love—both for believers and unbelievers (12:9-21). Second, the righteousness of God should be applied in the state (13:1-14). We demonstrate God’s righteousness by submitting even to expert, pagan authorities (13:1-7), and by loving our neighbors (13:8-10).

The urgency for such action is Benefits of community service reaction due to the fact that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (13:11)—that is, because of our hope of the Lord’s return (13:11-14). Third, those believers whose faith is strong and who have a good grasp on their death to the Law should not be judgmental on weaker brothers (14:1–15:13). Neither the weak nor strong brother should condemn the other, but instead should recognize the freedom that all have in Christ (14:1-12). But his freedom should not become a stumbling block to the weak: liberty must give way to love (14:13-23). That is to Assignment reviews writing, say, one believer’s freedoms should not cause another brother to sin by the latter’s imbibing in something against his conscience (14:23). Ultimately, the strong believer (as well as the weak) should imitate Christ in his selflessness (15:1-13), rather than using liberty as a means to please oneself. Paul concludes his epistle (15:14–16:27) with a brief explanation of his mission, both in general (15:17-21) and specifically with reference to the Romans (15:22-33), followed by final greetings (16:1-27). I. Online Speech Ic! Introduction: The Revelation of Righteousness (1:1-17) A. Salutation (1:1-7) B. Thanksgiving and Longing (1:8-15) 1. Paul’s Prayer of Thanks for the Romans (1:8-10) 2. Paul’s Desire to Assignment reviews writing, Visit the Romans (1:11-15) C. The Theme of the Epistle (1:16-17) II. Justification: The Imputation of Righteousness (1:18–5:11) A. Condemnation: The Universal Need of Righteousness (1:18–3:20) 1. The Guilt of the Gentiles (1:18-32)

a. The Basis of Gentile Guilt (1:18-23) b. The Results of Law high in the, Gentile Guilt (1:24-32) 2. The Guilt of the Jews (2:1–3:8) a. The Stubbornness of the Jews (2:1-16) b. The Hypocrisy of the Jews (2:17-29) c. The Privilege of the Jews (3:1-8) 3. The Proof of Universal Guilt (3:9-20) B. Salvation: The Universal Provision of Righteousness (3:21–5:11) 1. Manifestation of the Universal Provision of expert reviews writing, Righteousness (3:21-26) 2. Unification: The Universal God of Online synthesizer, Righteousness (3:27-31) 3. Justification of Universal Justification: Proof from the Life of expert reviews writing, Abraham (4:1-25) a. Abraham Justified by Essay how to Faith, not Works (4:1-8) b. Abraham Justified by Faith, not Circumcision (4:9-12) c. Abraham’s Seed Justified by Faith, not Law (4:13-17) d. Abraham Justified by Faith in the Promise (4:18-25) 1) Explanation of the expert reviews writing, Hope of Abraham (4:18-22) 2) Application: Faith in Christ (4:23-25) 4. Exultation because of the Certainty of Justification (5:1-11) a. Present: Peace with God (5:1-5) b. Past: Powerlessness of Sinners (5:6-8) c. Future: Escape from God’s Wrath (5:9-11) III. Sanctification: The Impartation of Righteousness (5:12–8:39) A. The Reign of Grace Vs. the Reign of Sin (5:12-21) B. Online Assignment Android! The Rationale for reviews writing, Sanctification (6:1-23) 1. Union with Christ (6:1-14) a. The Divine Reckoning (6:1-10) b. The Believer’s Reckoning (6:11) c. The Believer’s Responsibility (6:12-14) 2. Enslavement to Essay helper write, Righteousness (6:15-23) C. The Inability of the Flesh and the Law to Sanctify (7:1-25) 1. The Believer’s Relationship to expert reviews writing, the Law (7:1-6) 2. The Law is Macroeconomics mankiw homework Good but Sterile (7:7-13) 3. The Flesh is Bad and Powerless (7:14-25) D. The Power of the Spirit to Sanctify (8:1-17) 2. Over Death (8:9-11) 3. Over Slavery (8:12-17) E. The Goal of Sanctification (8:18-39) 1. Present Sufferings (8:18-27) 2. Expert Reviews Writing! Future Glory (8:28-30) 3. Hymn of How to write a perfect about girl, Assurance (8:31-39) IV.

Vindication of God’s Righteousness in His Relationship to Israel (9:1–11:36) A. God’s Past Dealings with Israel (9:1-33) 1. Preface: Paul’s Deep Sorrow because of Israel’s Great Privileges (9:1-5) 2. Assignment Reviews Writing! The Grace of tracker android, God’s Election (9:6-29) a. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing! Seen in Israel’s History (9:6-13) b. Seen in helper application Principle (9:14-29) 3. The Nation’s Rejection of the Messiah via Legalism (9:30-33) B. God’s Present Dealings with Israel (10:1-21) 1. Equality with the Gentiles (10:1-13) 2. Assignment Reviews Writing! Obstinance of the Jews (10:14-21) C. God’s Future Dealings with Israel (11:1-33) 1. The Rejection is not Complete (11:1-10) 2. Speech Ic! The Rejection is expert reviews writing not Final (11:11-32) a. The Present “Grafting” of Gentiles (11:11-24) b. The Future Salvation of Israel (11:25-32) 3. Of Community Service! Doxology: In Praise of God’s Wisdom (11:33-36) V. Application: God’s Righteousness at Work (12:1–15:13) A. In the Assembly (12:1-21) 1. Assignment Expert Reviews! The Consecrated Life (12:1-2) 2. The Use of Spiritual Gifts (12:3-8) 3. The Sincerity of mankiw homework, Love (12:9-21) B. In the State (13:1-14) 1. Assignment Reviews Writing! In Relation to Authorities (13:1-7) 2. In Relation to Neighbors (13:8-10) 3. Because of our Eschatological Hope (13:11-14) C. In Relation to Weak Believers (14:1–15:13) 1. Judging and the Principle of Liberty (14:1-12) 2. Stumbling Blocks and the Principle of Love (14:13-23) 3. Selfishness and the Imitation of Christ (15:1-13) VI. Conclusion: Paul’s Purpose, Plans and Praise in Connection with the Dissemination of Righteousness (15:14–16:27) A. School Bronx! Paul’s Mission Explained (15:14-33) 1. His Reason for Assignment reviews, Writing (15:14-16) 2. His Work among the Gentiles (15:17-21) 3. His Plan to Visit Rome (15:22-33) B. Final Greetings (16:1-27) 1. Greetings to Believers in Rome (16:1-16) 2. Warnings about synthesizer ic, Divisive Brothers (16:17-20) 3. Greetings from Believers with Paul (16:21-24) 4. Final Benediction (16:25-27) 1 E. F. Harrison, Romans in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 3-4. 2 Harrison, Romans , 4. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing! Although we would disagree with some of Harrison’s dates by as much as one year (probably late 55 or early 56 is the date for Romans), one simply cannot be more precise and dogmatic in this chronology. 3 For a fuller treatment which comports with this view to a large extent, see Harrison, Romans , 5-6.

4 If one only had 1-2 Corinthians, he might conclude that Paul was a legalist; if he only had Galatians, he might conclude that Paul was licentious. Law High School! Romans is the balance between the other Hauptbriefe , and it is so precisely because there was not a hot need for Assignment expert reviews writing, its production. 5 P. 1 of Macroeconomics homework, a paper entitled “Paul’s Letter to the Romans—A New Approach,” read at the 1977 meeting of the Southwestern Regional Section of the Evangelical Theological Society, held in March at Dallas Seminary. 6 This early date is confirmed by Suetonius’ statement that Claudius’ edict of 49 CE to expel the expert reviews writing, Jews was because of Law high school, “disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus” ( Claudius 25), in which the Latin probably garbled ??????? . In other words, Jews in Rome were causing problems because of the spread of Christianity to that city by 49 CE. 7 See Mark’s introduction for a fuller elaboration on this hypothesis. 8 See our discussion of this article in the introduction to 2 Peter (in our treatment of 2 Peter 3:15-16). 9 The benediction (“the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all”) is also variously placed in chapter 16 by different MSS: after 16:20, after 16:24, or after 16:27, though this does not materially affect the main argument of shorter vs. longer editions of Romans. 10 See Guthrie for a nice summary of the evidence, 418. Writing! 11 Cf.

Guthrie, 421-22, for a decent discussion. 12 In our outline, we have put these last two segments together, for Macroeconomics mankiw homework, glorification is seen as the reviews writing, goal of sanctification and is very much tied to it in chapter 8. 13 M. Online Tracker! Black, Romans (New Century Bible Commentary), 26. 14 This is not to say that 5:12-21 favors the seminal headship view, because the route to our organic union with Christ is still through justification (so 5:18: “the result of Assignment expert reviews, one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men” [NIV]). 15 One proof that Paul is Online ic addressing the inadequacy of the Assignment expert reviews writing, flesh more than the bronx, condemnation of the Assignment writing, law is the fact that he is contrasting Christ with Adam —one whose act applies even to those “who did not sin by breaking a commandment” (5:14), precisely because “before the helper how to write, law was given, sin was in the world” (5:13). 16 As judicious an exegete as C. E. B. Cranfield is, he stumbles at this point (as do most), by attempting to divorce 7:7-13 from 7:14-25—even though the first person singular is expert reviews writing used throughout. 17 The argument that is often used by those who maintain the school bronx, autobiographical unbeliever view (i.e., Paul before his conversion) is that the expert reviews, present tense verbs are historical presents (so recently, Douglas Moo, Romans [Wycliffe], loc. cit. ). But this view is virtually impossible for two reasons: (1) Paul would be the lone exception to his condemnation of mankind in Macroeconomics mankiw homework that, as an unbeliever he desired to do good and was a slave to God’s law (7:18, 21-22, 25); and (2) historical presents are always in writing the third person (see my “John 5,2 and the Date of the Fourth Gospel,” Biblica 71 [1990] 177-205). In The! 18 Credit is due to S. Lewis Johnson, Jr., for this illustration. 19 Those who wish to have their cake and eat it, too—namely, by subjecting the believer to the Law though with the aid of the Spirit—seem to contradict the very strong statement in 7:6 (“But now, by Assignment expert reviews dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the Law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the letter”). Paul spends some time on this point because of the Judaizers who insisted that Gentiles be under the Law, too. 20 Paul here seems to be subtly indicating that the new covenant is now operative in believers, for we each know God through his Spirit. Thus the kingdom has been inaugurated in the present age.

Further, in 8:16 ??????????? is used to describe the Spirit bearing witness to Macroeconomics, our spirit that we are God’s children. Although ???- prefixed verbs often carry the connotation of association, this particular verb is merely a strengthened form of ???????? (so BAGD), indicating that we, not God, are the expert writing, recipients of his testimony (for further help, see my essay on Romans 8:16 and the Witness of the Spirit). 21 This outline is an adaptation and modification of the works of Matthew Black, A. Feuillet, and especially S. Lewis Johnson, Jr.

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pa narrative essay and degrading system. The varied settings of the stories range from Maryland to Massachusetts, from New Orleans to New York City. Antebellum southern slaves lived in family units. The one or two-room cabins in the slave quarters usually housed one family each, albeit more than one family sporadically occupied one shelter. Slave families tried to live a private life that allowed them to reviews writing, be more than a slave. They married and raised children which placed meaning to their lives. In 1860, about half of. Genogram Narrative Family Systems Essay. This church is service reaction a branch off of the Mormon Church. As my parents grew older and were away from their families, they each began searching the Bible and felt that the church they had come from was not Biblically sound, and together they made a decision to Assignment expert reviews, leave the church. They began searching for churches, and eventually found the of community service reaction, Church of the Nazarene.

This is the Assignment reviews, church that I grew up in. As soon as my mother and father separated, my Dad became involved and Macroeconomics homework a member of the Presbyterian Church. Biological Narrative Essay examples. manners. Those are qualities that I still hold true to Assignment expert reviews, this day. The fourth stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development takes place during the early school years from approximately age 5 to 11. The next stage of development in my narrative is Industry vs. inferiority. Yourself Girl. During this time I begin gravitating to sports, basketball in writing, particular. My parents, coaches, and teachers all gave me positive feedback on my scholastic achievements as well as my accomplishments on the court. During. year grades are the most important, and I had already passed the point of saving my grades anymore.

Everything felt so hopeless, I thought I had to accept the fact that I would be going to a low-ranked college, face the judgment of my friends and homework family, and make some major changes to writing, the future I had so carefully crafted. However, the more I thought about it, the more it dawned on me that it shouldn’t matter if I wasn’t getting into the top schools of my choice, that comparing myself to. Family Perspectives Essay example. appropriate behavior within the society.” (Anonymous (2007) Pg. 2) “Some people believe that the family is the most important social institution because it is in the bronx our first encounter with socialization processes. Expert Writing. From a sociological perspective, the family is Law high in the not only viewed as an institution, but also as a social system and a social group.” (Eshleman, J.R. (2000) Pg. 380). “While it is true that the Assignment expert reviews writing, family unit in the United States is Essay helper application how to no longer a major economic producing unit, it is reviews writing a significant economic. Understanding of “family businesses” in the national context In Germany family enterprises are defined as enterprises where the owner or a member of the owner family also manages the enterprise. Condition is that the person or the family in question holds at least 50 % of the votes of an enterprise.

These enterprises are called “Mittelstand”. There is Macroeconomics a so called wider definition of family enterprises. The term of control is the same but it is not necessary that a member of the owner family manages. Functionalism and the Family Essay examples. an analogy of the family to a 'warm bath'. This theory suggests that the family relieves the pressures of everyday life and recharges the batteries of Assignment expert writing individuals , just like a warm bath would. However , material from the item shown me that functionalists present a far too rosy and uncritical view of the family life. Feminists and Marxists argue that functionalists ignore the how to, families 'dark side' which involves conflict and exploitation.Marxists like Zaretsky say the family acts as a 'comfort.

The Classical Narrative System Essay examples. The characters of a classic narrative display there personality traits very openly and are very genuine. Characters are always relateable by the audience - the little sister, the guy who doesn’t get the Assignment reviews writing, girl, the strange neighbour. This is important in creating the fictional realism and getting the audience emotionally involved with the assignment tracker, characters. The hero, the protagonist whom the narrative revolves, is always a white, upper middle class man.

His iconography can vary from expert reviews, genre to genre. Review of Family Therapy Essay example. people act in assignment, the ways that are reinforced.” Through this approach family members learned techniques to communicate their issues to each other in health environment. In addition, they learn through both techniques how to challenge their negative or discouraging thoughts in a more positive and meaningful way. CBT is one of the most recognized and Assignment writing effective forms of treatment. The only draw back to this approach would be families have to be willing to do the work, ready to change and Online speech synthesizer ic participate. Mathematics and Family Members Essay example. module.

Program Design: 2. Required outputs: Average family age, names of family members from expert reviews writing, Texas. Required inputs: Family member names, their ages and state where they reside. School In The Bronx. Variable Declartions and defintions: Following variables will be defined: String array s_Names to hold names. Expert Reviews. Integer array i_Age to hold ages. String array s_State to hold state Integer i_Count to hold number of family members The user entering the family names, ages and state of residence will be stored in the. Family Business Models Essay examples. book offer those interested in helper application write, the family business? 1 Chapter 1 History of family business management 4 First perspective: issues facing family business Second perspective: succession planning Third perspective: drafting a family constitution Fourth perspective: governance Fifth perspective: family communication 6 9 12 14 15 Chapter 2 Family business management formula 18 Structural management of the expert reviews, family business Family complexity Business complexity Effects.

Heritage: Family and Life Essay example. The writer uses a lot of imagery to describe her family; often comparing and relating them to a memory or circumstance that she remembers from her life. The descriptive words she chooses come across as emotional; she hasn’t always been confident in her individuality, but eventually comes to the realization that it is her heritage that makes her unique; different from others, but in a positive way. She comes to understand that she is not crazy because she thinks differently than others, but that her. Autism Impact on the Family Essay examples. At a family meeting, one can share their thoughts and service essay reaction feelings concerning the child with autism or any concerns. Assignment Writing. It is important for a child to have special time with a parent, but also important to be together as a family. As the Macroeconomics mankiw, siblings get older, they will become more concerned and may feel embarrassed to be in public with a sibling with autism. Finding activities that can be shared by your child with autism can be a challenge. Parents need time away from their children as a couple and individually. The Influence of Assignment expert reviews writing Media in service, Brazilian Families Essay examples.

this not only affects national but also family identity. By charging the novelas with highly political subtexts and social issues (such as drugs, homosexuality and racism) which are subsequently discussed in almost all levels of society (Creeber, 2001, p.59; Porto, 2010) forces a change of expert reviews behaviour in the private sphere as well. These tools might be seen as reflecting demographic, economic and social changes since the 1970's (Kottak, 2009, p.36), for example, the depiction on agrarian reform and the. The Narrative of the synthesizer, Life of Frederick Douglass Essay example. learned that ignorance is the Assignment reviews writing, worst enemy of all nations and that slavery would not make this world a better place to live. Moreover, world’s population has learned that education is the secret to success and Macroeconomics mankiw homework that moral values are really vital for the family, a fact with which slavery was not clearly understood or slaveholders did not care for Assignment expert reviews writing it as much as they should have because was convenient for How to write about yourself girl them.

As an illustration to ignorance, the author expresses in the book that Mrs. Expert Reviews Writing. Sophia Hugh taught. Structural and Strategic Family Therapy Essay examples. Families are considered rule-based systems whose structure is sufficiently objectively recognizable from the outside and can be influenced and targeted by skillful therapeutic interventions. Therapeutically useful are methods of joining and enactment (Truscott, 2010), prescriptions, confrontations, dealing with secret coalitions, and circular questioning and paradoxical directives (Truscott, 2010). Structural and How to essay yourself girl strategic concepts focus on specific patterns of behavior but differ in their circular. Assess the expert reviews, Functionalist View of the Family. Essay examples. states, the family only have two basic functions which are primary socialisation; where the children are first moulded to Macroeconomics homework, conform mainstream values and Assignment expert writing stabilization of adult personalities; where the two adults balance each other and help sort out stresses of everyday life. Therefore the functionalist view of the family is Macroeconomics idealistic as it ignores the ‘dark side’ of the family; it is Assignment reviews deterministic where it ignores the fact that children actively create their own personalities, and ignores family diversity.

Food Insecurity and the Low Income Family Essay example. food deprivation and overeating, and high levels of mankiw stress can all lead to Assignment, weight gain. The studies show that foods that are more commonly accessed by Essay helper application how to, the low income families are cheaper, higher in fat, calories and in sodium. A diet based on these types of foods leads to weight gain and obesity, which is why the low income family are more affected by obesity than any other group. Skepticism of people’s true need in food insecure households ties into the support of the federal Supplemental Nutrition.

Perceptions of Latino families on Their child#x27;s education Essay example. involved in writing, our students’ education so that these students succeed in school. If there is parental involvement, we need to understand why schools like Sacramento High School and United for Success in Oakland, both which have a high percentage of Latino families, struggle to get parents into events and in Online assignment tracker android, the classroom. Many educators question why they have hard times getting Latino parents to come to school events. “Why can’t. Family in expert reviews writing, Williams#x27; The Glass Menagerie Essay examples. escape to Online, a fantasyland. Assignment Expert Writing. This silly little girl has the ability to run away from a situation and join the creatures, made of glass, and become their friends. Laura?s saying,?

I?have my glass collection (82),? as it is the Macroeconomics homework, only thing in her world is an example of how big a part these transparent animals are in Laura?s life. Her fake world can be seen through her never growing up and staying adolescent with her mother. Reviews. This pathetic mouse of a woman stays out of college and ignorant. When asked where she. Patient and Family Centered Care in Nursing Essay example. develop trust with the patient and family and discuss details about the patient and their treatment. Helper Application. There are ways to improve this type of writing care, but it will take dedication and a hospital wide effort. Implementing mandatory training by professionals on how to give patient centered care should be incorporated into speech synthesizer ic yearly competencies. Secondly, dealing with high patient to nurse ratios need to be examined so the nurse can spend more time with the patient and family. Achieving a first good impression. The Negative Impact of Television on the Family Essay example.

brother and me, it separates the Assignment expert writing, family. Benefits Essay Reaction. Separating the family is Assignment expert reviews allowing family to not bond. From reality to articles, it is school bronx visible that television does hurt relationships because a person ignoring another person in a conversation does negatively affects the individuals. Television had successfully change family’s relationships since it had affect individual lives, especially children in communication and facing their problems. The way children act is a factor why families don’t communicate because.

Assess Functionalsu and New Right View of the Family Essay example. modern functions in the family such as regulating sexual behaviour and the increase in parental involvement in their education. Other includes the being responsible in the rearing of Assignment expert reviews children and caring for dependent people whether young or old. Online Assignment Android. All these factors contribute to the changing family life and their morals. More and more people are starting to argue like Fletcher that the nuclear family is the dominant family structure but that its modifying over time for example mothers are now getting. The Impact of the Modern Family on Life Span Development Essay example. The point is that no matter the Assignment expert, shape size color or origin of the family, the group needs to behave as a family. A family supports each other, but also has rules for acceptable behavior. Developmental Theories Development reflects the influence of several environmental systems, according to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. His theory identifies the family is one of the microsystem in which the Essay helper how to, individual lives.

These Microsystems can also include peers, school, and neighborhood. Adlerian Family Therapy Theorized by Alfred Adler Essay example. The family value shapes and aids in the children’s development. Adlerian concept of expert family value occurs when both parents have similar values they support. Family values are shared by the parents and children learn they are important, children are obligated to take a position on the values. The children may choose to undermine, ignore, support, or defy the values. The common family values are centered on Online assignment android, morals, religion, finances, and education. Family values are important to shaping children’s. colonists’ ongoing need for Assignment reviews writing territory and expansion. Therefore, on June 20, 1675, the King Philips War began (Schultz and Tougias 18). Rowlandson’s narrative begins with the Indians wreaking havoc on How to, the town of Lancaster.

For example, her second line sets a foreboding tone for the rest of her narrative by describing a brutal attack on a helpless family: “There were five persons taken in one house; the Assignment reviews writing, father, and the mother and a sucking child, they knocked on the head; the other two they took and. Example of school in the bronx Braided Narrative Essay. On his days off, my father would take me there to play games and eat pizza. Expert. Filled with bright flashing lights, fun filled games and amazing food; it was a place of fun and a mecca for Essay helper application how to write all young children. Usually, I would just sit and eat pizza and play in the ball pit. Writing. But this particular time that we went, I wanted to essay about girl, play a game. Being the child that I was, I just wanted to hop right up to it and go.

My skeptic father on other hand just sat back and watched the people in writing, front of us play. This. Descriptive Narrative Essay example. She heard people telling everyone else who to vote for, yet she did not hear her name. All of her life, she dreamed of becoming Homecoming Queen, but how could she if she was not even royalty? Everyone voted, yet she still did not put her own name down because she felt as if she should not vote for herself for anything. Lindsay did not want to hear the results of who would be on the court that night, but she was surprised. When the principal announced her name as the third representative of mankiw homework her grade. Training and Narrative Report Essay.

on narrative report OJT in hotel at . Narrative Report For Ojt In Hotel And Restaurant Samples : Hotel . Expert. Speech Synthesizer Ic. Narrative Report For Ojt In Hotel And Restaurant Samples. Hotel And Restaurant Industry. Report For Scottish Executive Education And Young People Research . Assignment Expert Reviews. Example Narrative Report of Ojt for Hotel and Restaurant . - Docstoc Feb 1, 2011 . Example Narrative Report of Ojt for Hotel and. Structure of Personal Narrative Essay. to clearly indicate to the reader what happened first, next, and helper write last. Assignment Reviews. Some time transition words are next, finally, during, after, when, and later. Transitions In a narrative essay, a new paragraph marks a change in in the, the action of a story, or a move from Assignment reviews writing, action to Online synthesizer, reflection.

Paragraphs should connect to Assignment expert reviews, one another. For example, the How to write a perfect about yourself, end of one paragraph might be: “I turned and ran, hoping the bear hadn’t noticed me”, and the start of the next might be: “There are many strategies for expert reviews surviving. How they’re being treated like they’re not humans. Tubman wants them to o something to stop slavery. How To Write Essay Girl. Another element was how they would emphasize the cruelty of the slave masters in the slave narratives. Many accounts go in to detail of many of the Assignment expert reviews writing, things the masters did.

For example, many recall witnessing or experiencing the whipping themselves. Benefits Service. 'It is better that a dozen slaves suffer under the lash, than that the overseer should be convicted, in the presence of the Assignment writing, slaves, of having been at. Narrative therapies can consist of Essay application breaking down the problem in Assignment expert writing, the creation of a new narrative that creates a new story in about yourself, the client’s life. Part One: Narrative Therapeutic Approach Daniel (2009) states, narrative articulation of a client’s experiences are an essential component in many forms of therapy. Expert Reviews. Narrative Therapy’s foundation is Law high school in the centered upon the “narrative metaphor – the idea that our sense of reality is organized and Assignment expert maintained through the stories by which we circulate knowledge. arrived back at our condo around ten. Write. The best part about that night? The fact that no one remembered there key thinking that surely someone else would bring theirs. Every locksmith in town was closed so we ended up sleeping in the Escalade. The family adventure of ‘07 turned out to be so much more than what any of us had bargained for. Besides the few predicaments above, there were many other miscellaneous mishaps on the way home as well.

However, as crazy as that trip may have been, I had more. and went back closer to the mother. I held her daughter’s hand and expert could feel the energy of how scared she was. All I could think about was the worst-case scenario: what if she died? Where would this precious little girl go? Did she have other family to take care of her? The ambulance. return back home to visit should not be called a return, but merely a passing by. By changing from “Dee” to “Wangero”, it is as if she has never existed in the first place. Another similarity I found is a bit complex, but also relates to a sense of family. It occurs when Dee says, “I couldn’t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me.” (280).

This means that Dee feels she is being held back from her culture not being named something more close to what her background is and essay about yourself girl that. Essay on Book Critique Family to reviews, Family. In the final chapter of the book, the writers detail the importance of Biblical based evangelism for all of those persons involved in the family unit. The writers advocate what they call the FIRM approach to evangelism, which involves: F - ask about family, I - ask about their interests-listen, R - ask about religion-listen, and M - share the message (114-115). Lastly, the writers provide some practical methods for sharing the Gospel, which include some scripture memorization and tips on a salvation-testimony. For example one day I met a girl in university that was the first day of my university life when I met that girl the first thing that came in my mind is that she will be very polite and sincere friend of mine. I observed her many times and always she proved herself. Law High School. That was my talent by which I got a very nice and expert reviews writing good friend. Law High School In The. Observing ability saved me from many hurdles. Assignment. It saved me from bad company and falling into Online many bad habits.

My talent also saved me from cheaters. It helps me to build self-confidence. Comparing the writing, Narrative Voice in Benefits of community service essay reaction, The Storm and Hands Essay example. The narrator utilizes a subtle approach that leaves the Assignment reviews writing, reader believing that Calixta’s love for Alcee is still alive and that the effect of the storm arouses the former passion in the unsuspecting couple. This is quite evident in the narrator’s description of Online assignment android Calixta’s emotional state as she glanced up at Alcee the fear in her liquid blue eyes had given place to a drowsy gleam that unconsciously betrayed a sensuous desire (Chopin 363). Alcee is also aflame with passion when he looked in her eyes. discontinuation of the family name is an extremely strong suggestion that they cannot be deemed a family at all. For the Assignment expert reviews, two rarely come into contact; very much satirized in the novel and a subject of irony. Law High In The Bronx. Frank had never visited his father in his home and it is heavily suggested that Frank’s later residence is only because of the convenient location of his lover, Jane Fairfax, who is also situated in Highbury.

The evident weakness of family relationships within the discussed families can be used. impact they have on the audience, not because of the nature of the expert reviews, story but because the audience will see it from different perspectives allowing the How to essay about girl, viewer to draw his/her own conclusion unlike linear narratives where the viewer is forced on a ‘what you get is what you see’. Crash is Assignment expert writing a perfect example to demonstrate the opposite of this, since the film strongly revolves around racism the viewer sees the story from the stereotyped ‘young black gangsta’ and the ‘white racist cop’ instead of only seeing. Personal Narrative - Graduation Day Essay example. This is one of the Online assignment tracker, most important rites of passage in my life and I don’t feel the difference. The only expert kind of change I felt was being uncomfortable. We all had to dress up in underneath our robes and helper how to write I was sick of expert writing it. I knew that I would start to become sad but not until later. Amber is already sad and almost crying over any mention of the future and leaving friends. She’s the one of the three who is personable and Ann and I knew she would deeply feel the Essay helper application how to, affects of graduating.

Even though Ann. Personal Narrative - Randomness of Human Relationships Essay example. It's merely an excuse. It allows us to think of friendship as a connecting force that flows through the reviews, universe, inviting already-compatible people to of community service essay reaction, make acquaintance. [The in] allows us to think of friendship as a connecting force that flows through the Assignment reviews writing, universe, inviting already-compatible people to make acquaintance. School Bronx. Consider how you met your friends. You probably remember most meetings as lucky encounters in which you were statistically quite fortunate to meet someone so similar. If we. In this way, narrative therapy is comprehensive since it does not merely focus on Assignment reviews writing, the future, and only the future. It also explores the past as a means of dealing with the future in a more effective way. The belief by Online, narrative therapists that the narrative is Assignment reviews multi-dimensional allows great latitude for those that are trying to solve their problems, rewrite their stories, and move forward with their lives (Morgan, 2000). II.

Origins of service essay Narrative Therapy The history of narrative therapy is very. Essay on reviews writing, Integration of Narrative Therapy Hristian Counselling. Narrative therapy’s philosophy fits within the parameters of this terminology. Narrative Therapy is quite unique in its philosophy and techniques (Payne, 2006, p.158) Michael White and David Epston re-considered numerous reputable therapies that were used with families throughout Europe and North America, and implemented fundamental aspects within narrative therapy, these included “history of ideas, postmodern philosophy, social psychology, anthropology, feminist theory and literary theory” (White. Though I cannot speak for other families, I can cite my own family life as being part of the reason for the problems that I work through today. As Ehrenreicht says the Family is the place where we go for comfort and to essay yourself girl, relax, but it is that very notion of family being a safe haven makes it all that much worse when problems inevitably arise. The popularity of therapy groups that Ehrenreicht refers to really show that there is a major problem with our ideas about family. Expert. Knowing that there is a problem.

madwiggins/sister_flowers.html) When she chose to smile on me, I always wanted to thank her. Macroeconomics. ( madwiggins/sister_flowers.html) “The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.” ( madwiggins/sister_flowers.html) “The last way narrative is different from descriptive writing is they both captures the audience attention and give detail information about the essays. It appeals to expert reviews writing, your sense of smell, taste, hearing, seeing, touch. “My judgment is that rich undergo cruel trails and. The rules of every family operate to a set of principles. An example may be that when dad talks, everyone listens, and this rule differs from culture to culture. The role of Online tracker every individual in expert reviews writing, the family varies and Macroeconomics each family member has a role they must adhere to. Many families alter the writing, rules and roles as time changes within life. Both verbal and non-verbal communication is important in Essay helper application how to, family structure because this is the way information is passed between one another. Expert Reviews. Proximity plays a large.

Essay Photographers Build a Narrative Story. morbid piece for the Victorian era, constructed from five different negatives to create a scene depicting a girl on her deathbed surrounded by her family. While this was not accepted by critics and audiences at Macroeconomics mankiw homework, the time due to believing it was not a suitable subject, the photograph shows the early interpretations of constructing and Assignment expert writing staging a narrative type image in a photographic form. It could be considered as a very early suggestion of a cinematic still, where we as an audience are questioning. Narrative Standpoint Mill on a perfect essay, the Floss Essay. autobiographical, it is not just a regurgitation of Eliot’s life. Maggie, after all, never permanently runs off with the man she loves. In many ways Maggie is the expert writing, version of Eliot that never break off with her family and struck out on essay about yourself girl, her own.

The Mill on the Floss is a novel whose characters and narrative styles ties in with autobiographical details of George Eliot. Expert. The narrator provides us with an in depth perspective into all of the characters and gives us knowledge their thoughts and. Compare and a perfect essay girl Contrast: the Advantage of Narratives over Descriptive. are in free form while in narrative writing, are more structured. While narratives typically use the Assignment reviews, first person point of view, descriptive essays generally use a second person point of view. Narratives are interesting because they tend to application how to write, be written in different voices either first person or third person. Typically, narratives are written in first person. Writing in first person gives the essay personality.

In “I Want a Wife”, the author uses this technique. For example: “I want a wife who will.

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17 Ways to Make Your Resume Fit on One Page. You may look at your resume and think that everything on it is too important to be left off. But let#8217;s get real. You#8217;re looking for an internship or entry-level job, which means you have just a few years experience. While we#8217;re all about making your experience relevant, there isn#8217;t a single recruiter out there who thinks it#8217;s ok to have a resume longer than one page for an internship or entry-level job. You may have plenty of Assignment writing experience for your level, but you don#8217;t have that much experience. Resumes longer than a page are only appropriate for homework, those who have been in their industry, say, 10 years. So how do you cut down your resume to something readable, while still getting across how awesome you are?

These easy tips will help you easily achieve such a lofty goal. 1. Only talk about relevant experience. Even if you have a ton of writing internship experience, it probably doesn#8217;t all need to be on your resume. How To Write Yourself Girl. Read the job description carefully and highlight keywords and skills they#8217;re looking for. Then, look over your experiences and Assignment expert writing, only include the Online tracker android, ones that demonstrate your ability in reviews writing, those areas. If you#8217;ve had similar roles at different companies, you probably had some similar tasks. That#8217;s great! It means you have lots of experience in those areas. However, recruiters do not need to read #8220;Strategized social media content for various clients#8221; or #8220;Wrote and distributed press releases#8221; two or three times. Online Speech Ic. If you had the same responsibilities at Assignment two different jobs, only mention the Law high school in the, one where you had the best results. 3. Leave out writing, #8220;References available upon request.#8221; Many people will use an entire line (and probably a blank space above it) to Macroeconomics mankiw, write this phrase.

If you#8217;re struggling to fit your resume to a page, those two lines are valuable real estate. If an employer wants references, they#8217;ll request them. Assignment Expert Writing. It#8217;s rare for Online assignment, an applicant not to Assignment expert reviews writing, have a single reference available, so don#8217;t waste precious resume space with this phrase. Many people choose to write their name across the top of their resume in 13940292 pt font. We get it it#8217;s dramatic, eye catching, etc., etc., but it#8217;s a total waste of space.

It#8217;s plenty attention-grabbing to write your name in bold, maybe one or two font sizes larger than the rest of your resume. Of Community. Recruiters know they can find your name at the top of the page, so you don#8217;t need to make it so obvious for them. We#8217;ve heard plenty of mixed feelings from recruiters on the objective. Some find it helpful, some say it#8217;s a waste of space. We happen to side with the latter. Let your experience show your objective. If your experience doesn#8217;t seem obviously relevant to the position, then use your bullet points to demonstrate how those roles apply. Expert Reviews Writing. Review the job description and of community service essay, reshape your bullets to reviews writing, show your relevant skills. Law High. Plus, your cover letter is the perfect place to elaborate on how your experience fits.

A #8220;widow#8221; is reviews, one word that has it#8217;s own line. In resumes, this is often seen in the #8220;skills#8221; section, and it#8217;s a major waste of space. Try reformatting sections like that to make the most of your space. For example, write your skills on one line and separate them with dots, slashes, or lines. If you do this, however, be careful when uploading to application systems that pull the content of reaction your resume into a text box. The system may mess up your formatting, so be sure to check it over and update it before submitting.

Very rarely is your high school going to be relevant to a position you#8217;re applying for. Unless you went to Assignment expert writing, a very specialized high school, or you know that the How to write a perfect essay about yourself girl, recruiter reviewing your application also went to your high school, there#8217;s no reason to include it. Your work experience and college education say a lot more about you than where you went to school when you were 16, so just leave this out. 8. Put information about each position on Assignment expert reviews, one line. You might like the way your resume looks when the company, duration of Essay your position, location, and your title each have their own line. Expert Reviews. But if it#8217;s pushing your resume over a page, it#8217;s time to How to a perfect essay girl, move things around. Play around with ways to fit this information on one or two lines. Doing this for each of your positions will save you a ton of Assignment writing space. Online Speech. 9. Format relevant leadership experience under work experience. Assignment Expert Writing. Having a separate #8220;leadership experience#8221; section uses more space than necessary. Evaluate your leadership and see which roles are truly relevant to the position you#8217;re applying for.

Then, move the most relevant ones into your #8220;work experience#8221; section. Cutting out that header and selecting only the roles that are actually relevant will free up some room on the page. It might seem scary to have tiny margins it#8217;s against everything you learned in school but it actually makes your resume look much more impressive. Try making your margins 0.5#8243; and see how much space you suddenly have. You can also play around with spacing between bullet points and sections.

Single spacing your bullets but putting slightly larger spacing between sections will keep your resume readable without sucking up the space that double spacing does. Just based on the formatting which is synthesizer ic, all you see at first glance which of expert these is more likely to catch your eye? Spacing can make a huge difference. Speech Synthesizer Ic. 11. Reviews. Put your contact information on one line. Essay Helper How To Write. The traditional address format is not your friend when putting together your resume. Use the writing, same trick we used earlier for putting your skills on one line, and separate your contact information using dots, slashes, or lines. Macroeconomics. Just because 12 pt font was standard for your college essays doesn#8217;t mean the same goes for your resume. Play around with 11 or 11.5 pt font instead. Assignment Writing. You#8217;ll find that it#8217;s readable and gives you more room to play with. 13.

Don#8217;t feel pressure to put three bullets. It may look nice to of community essay, have at least three bullet points under each title you#8217;ve held, but it#8217;s not necessary. If you didn#8217;t have three separate and relevant roles in each position, then you don#8217;t need three bullets. If two of your bullet points are similar, try combining them into one line. 14. Use bullet points that make you stand out. Forget the bullets that everyone in that sort of role performed. Only include ones where you had great results (#8220;Increased ticket sales by 200%#8221;) or the context is expert reviews, impressive (#8220;Worked the door for a 500+ person event#8221;). 15.

Only mention self-explanatory awards. Having awards on your resume is nice, unless you#8217;re using up all your space explaining what they#8217;re for. If the Online assignment tracker, name of an Assignment expert reviews award doesn#8217;t obviously explain what it#8217;s for, and Macroeconomics mankiw homework, you find yourself adding bullets under it to expert reviews writing, explain, then just leave it out write a perfect yourself, altogether. 16. Leave off irrelevant experience (yes, again!). Seriously. This one is so important, it#8217;s worth repeating. If I#8217;m considering you for an editorial internship, I don#8217;t need to know that you were a member of your school#8217;s ballroom dance club. Expert Reviews. Unless you can clearly show in your bullets how the How to write a perfect yourself, experience applies to the role, don#8217;t include it. 17.

Submit it as a PDF unless otherwise specified. Once you#8217;ve made all these changes, save your resume as a PDF. Employers want to see PDF resumes 99% of the time, so unless the application specifically says to submit it as a Word Document, you should save it as a PDF. Nothing says #8220;careless#8221; like submitting a Word document that highlights typos, and you never know if the formatting will change on the recruiter#8217;s computer, making it look sloppy and possibly over one page. Submit a PDF so you know exactly what they#8217;ll see when they open it. Remember, you can always add more to your LinkedIn to cover additional experiences. Make sure you include your custom LinkedIn link in the contact section of your resume so employers can easily find out more about you. About the author of this article, Christina Madsen. 2 comment on “ 17 Ways to Make Your Resume Fit on expert reviews, One Page ” My question on this is that if you aren#8217;t applying to a entry level position or an internship does the lack of speech synthesizer introduction summary on your resume still apply? As I am applying to different jobs and I have heard that most of the time when you write a cover letter, it gets seen by the first person to receive your application but then they discard it and just keep the resume, sometime being the person who looks at the cover letter will say, #8220;she/he meets the criteria we are looking for Assignment writing, based our advertisement#8221; then hands it to the person without the cover letter who actually does the mankiw, hiring. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing. I am trying to get used to the different ways to speech synthesizer ic, present a resume at Assignment expert this moment being originally from australia where some things in terms of the application process differs.

Thoughts or advice? Thank you. How To. Hi Johanna! That#8217;s a great question. Unfortunately, the short answer is Assignment writing, that it#8217;s different for Law high in the, every company.

Some recruiters love to read cover letters, others never read them. I would say that if you#8217;re trying to Assignment reviews writing, make your resume fit on how to write, one page and have to make a choice between including really great work experience and including an objective/summary, go with the experience. It will show why you#8217;re right for the job better than a brief summary. Again, that#8217;s a personal opinion and writing, everyone will have a different view on ic, the matter. But go with your gut and include what you think shows that you#8217;re the best candidate!

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colorado state essay A Case Study of reviews writing, Medieval Japan through Art: Samurai Life in Medieval Japan. Medieval Japan: An Introductory Essay. by Ethan Segal, Michigan State University. Medieval Japan may call to how to, mind honorable sword-wielding samurai and stealthy ninja assassins. These figures, often seen in popular movies and games about Assignment writing, pre-modern Japan, are only loosely based on reality. Benefits Service Essay? In fact, many different types of Assignment, people helped shape the medieval period. Over 400 years, from the late twelfth to the late sixteenth centuries, emperors and priests, women and merchants, poets and playwrights, and, of course, samurai created a complex yet fascinating society. Samurai governments administered the country in tandem with the older imperial administration. Warriors’ rise to power led to an increase in violence, and by the mid-fifteenth century, warfare was constant.

But other aspects of society flourished in spite of the breakdown in civil order. Buddhism enjoyed the in the, strong support of both samurai and commoners. Such new cultural traditions as the tea ceremony became popular. The arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century forced the Japanese to change their view of the Assignment expert, world. The term medieval may seem curious, since it was originally applied to European history. It described a “middle” period between the Benefits service reaction, fall of the Roman Empire and the start of the Assignment writing, Renaissance.

During this period, central government was weak and society was divided among feudal rulers. Sixteenth-century Japan was divided among warlords known as daimy#333; , and Europeans who visited Japan at that time felt it resembled medieval Europe. Early twentieth-century Japanese scholars also saw these similarities. They adopted the term medieval to Macroeconomics mankiw, describe the period when Japanese imperial authority was weak and reviews writing, warriors played an important role in governing society. These were the years of Japan’s first two warrior governments: the Kamakura (1185-1333) and the Muromachi (1336-1573) shogunates. What were those warriors like? What roles did they play in Japanese history? To answer these questions, we must turn to the creation of Japan’s first warrior government in Macroeconomics, the 1180s.

As late as the 1170s, no one could have guessed that warriors led by the Minamoto clan were about to reviews writing, establish an independent government. Most warriors served as middle-level officials in the provinces, working as managers on government-owned public lands or on private estates ( sh#333;en ). They owed their positions to central government aristocrats and powerful temples. If a warrior disobeyed his superiors, he would be labeled a rebel and his lands given to rivals. Thus, for most of the twelfth century, imperial officials controlled the warriors. By 1179, Kiyomori had made himself a virtual dictator. In 1180 he forced the imperial court to Essay helper how to write, make his grandson (the child of his daughter who had married an expert writing, emperor) the next emperor. That same year, a disgruntled imperial prince, upset that he had been passed over for the throne, issued a call-to-arms. How To A Perfect About? Yoritomo, exiled head of the Assignment reviews writing, Minamoto clan (and now an adult), mobilized warriors to join him in helper write, attacking the expert reviews, Taira. The Minamoto and Taira fought the length of the country for five years in a conflict known as the Genpei War. When the Taira were finally defeated, Yoritomo went on Essay helper write to found Japan’s first warrior government. The real significance of the expert writing, war, however, was the warriors’ first steps toward independence from the imperial government.

Yoritomo convinced many eastern warriors to follow him by promising to guarantee their lands and jobs. As a result, warriors who felt insecure under the old system chose to assignment tracker android, join the Minamoto, even if they were not actually part of the Minamoto clan. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing? In many cases, their local rivals joined the Taira side (even though they weren’t members of the Taira family) just to oppose them. Macroeconomics Mankiw? So the Genpei War was, more than anything, about warriors asserting themselves against neighbors and the central government. The imperial court, at a loss to stop such violence, turned to the only warrior capable of restoring peace: Yoritomo. In exchange for helping to bring order to the countryside, Yoritomo secured authorization for his own warrior government in expert writing, the eastern city of Kamakura. His government is known as the Kamakura bakufu or shogunate.

Its primary duties included supervising warriors and deciding lawsuits. Yoritomo rewarded loyal warriors by appointing them as jit#333; (military land stewards) on private estates. These jit#333; served as police and tax collectors. While jit#333; worked on individual estates, Yoritomo later began appointing other warriors as shugo (military governors) over entire provinces. Shugo investigated major crimes (such as murder or treason), summoned warriors for Online ic, guard duty, and collected information for Kamakura. Yoritomo himself held several titles, including shogun. Later that title would be passed on Assignment expert reviews writing to the head of the warrior government. When Yoritomo died in 1199, his sons succeeded him, but they proved to be weak leaders. Law High In The Bronx? Real power was maintained by the family of Yoritomo’s wife, H#333;j#333; Masako. Expert Reviews? Together with her father and Benefits of community service reaction, brother, Masako created the position of regent for the shogun.

Male members of the H#333;j#333; family served as regents from 1203 until 1333. Masako herself was never regent, but she was a very influential person wielded much authority in Kamakura. For much of the thirteenth century, the Kamakura government kept the peace. It never eliminated the imperial government in Assignment expert reviews writing, Kyoto, but instead shared power. Kamakura managed warrior affairs while Kyoto supervised the aristocracy, temples, and civilians. The bakufu also created an advanced legal system. Trials relied on testimony, cross-examination, written documents, and precedent. Outcomes could be appealed. Although it was a warrior government, great energy went into keeping warriors off the Essay write, battlefield. In 1221, however, a retired emperor tried to muster an Assignment expert, army to destroy Kamakura. His forces were defeated and he was exiled, leaving the warrior government even stronger.

Another threat came in the late 1260s, when the Mongol leader Kubilai Khan tried to intimidate the Japanese into submitting to Law high bronx, his empire. Expert Reviews Writing? Japan’s warriors rejected Kubilai’s diplomatic efforts, so Mongol-led armies attempted to How to a perfect about yourself, invade Japan in 1274 and 1281. Writing? In each case, samurai defenders fought off the invaders with some help from typhoons. Because the Japanese believed the bad weather was sent by the gods to defend Japan, they called those storms kamikaze (divine winds). Samurai of the Kamakura Period. Medieval war tales and other accounts tell us a lot about the early samurai. Leading warriors were usually mounted archers. Although they carried swords, they valued the Macroeconomics homework, bow and arrow over other weapons. These samurai were quite independent.

They supplied their own weapons, armor, provisions, and attendants. There was no “samurai code” at writing this time, and you can find tales of bravery as well as treachery among Kamakura warriors. Many fought in order to earn fame and rewards. For that reason, they often wore distinctiveeven colorfularmor and clothing to enable others to easily recognize them. Warriors were witnesses for each other so that reports of battlefield valor could be confirmed and brave warriors rewarded. Consider, for example, the write a perfect essay about, personal account of Takezaki Suenaga, a samurai who fought against the Mongols.

In his version of events, he makes no mention of fighting to defend Japan. Instead, he fought to make a name for himself, be witnessed, and earn rewards. Since most battles were fought between Japanese, it was relatively easy to reward the winnersthey would receive the property or positions of the losers. But the Assignment, Mongol invasions proved much more challenging. Kamakura’s samurai fought off the Essay, invaders, but they did not capture any Mongol lands they could claim as rewards. Meanwhile, the economy started to expand, and many warriors found themselves in financial difficulties. Some had to use their lands as collateral to borrow money.

If they failed to repay loans, they had to forfeit their property. At the same time, the H#333;j#333; family took advantage of the invasion crisis to further solidify its own hold on government, excluding members of reviews writing, other warrior families from of community service essay reaction top positions. These problems led many samurai to expert reviews, become increasingly frustrated with Kamakura by the early fourteenth century. New Directions in Benefits of community essay reaction, Buddhism. Religion underwent significant growth and change during Japan’s medieval period. Assignment Reviews Writing? The major Buddhist temples and Shint#333; shrines controlled estates in the provinces. In earlier times, they relied on the taxes from school in the those estates for much of their income. Samurai, however, started interfering with temples’ ability to collect tax income. As estate taxes became increasingly unreliable, religious houses needed to find additional sources of income. Some sects, such as Pure Land Buddhism, found new ways to appeal to the common people.

Others, such as Zen, gained popularity among the warriors. Of course, religious thought also played an important role in the evolution of Japanese Buddhism. Many people believed in the cycle of rebirth (reincarnation) as a form of Assignment expert reviews, cosmic justice. About Girl? Depending on how you had lived your previous life, your soul might be reborn into better or worse circumstances. The goal was for each person to attain enlightenment ( nirvana ) and be freed from the cycle of rebirth. However, another influential idea was that Japan had entered mapp#333; , the final days of the law. Mapp#333; was a degenerate age in which the teachings of the historical Buddha were so distant that people were no longer able to fully comprehend them. Expert Reviews? Therefore, it was almost impossible for individuals to achieve enlightenment on Macroeconomics their own. For many Japanese, medieval warfare and the breakdown of civil order were proof that they were living in degenerate times.

One response was Pure Land Buddhism. Pure Land came from the teachings of a religious reformer named H#333;nen. Expert Reviews? Unlike the Buddhist establishment, H#333;nen saw little value to study in the age of Essay helper application how to write, mapp#333; . He taught his followers to place complete faith in the Buddha Amida. Assignment Reviews? Amida had vowed to save others before achieving enlightenment. Thus, Pure Land practitioners believed that by repeatedly expressing their faith in him, they would be reborn into Amida’s western paradise. Anyone could say the phrase (known as the nembutsu ) that professed beliefyears of training were not requiredso Pure Land became quite popular among common people. Shinran, one of H#333;nen’s students, took this logic a step further. Write Essay Yourself Girl? He claimed that repeating the expert reviews, nembutsu was unnecessary, since that still meant that salvation depended on individual effort. True faith in Amida’s mercy was the only hope for mankind.

Therefore, according to Shinran, one absolutely sincere expression of belief was all that was necessary. His teachings became True Pure Land Buddhism and gained widespread acceptance, especially among the peasantry. Nichiren was another important Buddhist who taught that salvation came through faith. A nationalist, he taught that, although Buddhism had originated in India, it would achieve its highest form in Japan. Tracker? He valued the Lotus Sutra above all other Buddhist scriptures. Nichiren openly criticized other Buddhist schools and was very dogmatic; this led to expert reviews, his eventual exile. But his conviction won him followers, and his sect remains popular in Japan even today. Zen Buddhism also won acceptance in synthesizer ic, Japan during the medieval period.

It was based on Chinese Ch’an Buddhism, and the great Japanese Zen priests Eisai and D#333;gen both trained in China. The faith they brought back to reviews, Japan promoted meditation ( zazen ) and the contemplation of questions with no logical answers ( k#333;an ) as paths to enlightenment. The emphasis on self-reliance and discipline appealed to many warriors, and the samurai became some of Zen’s most loyal patrons. The warrior capital of Kamakura contained many Buddhist temples, some of Law high, which still stand today. A major shrine, dedicated to the Shint#333; war deity, was built at the heart of the city. Numerous Zen temples were constructed during the thirteenth century. Women were just as involved as men, and one famous temple, T#333;keiji, became a site of refuge for women seeking divorces. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing? The proliferation of speech synthesizer, temples reflected sincere religious devotion, but the dedication in 1252 of a bronze Buddha figure over 40 feet high was surely also intended to rival the great Buddha at T#333;daiji Temple in Assignment reviews writing, Nara. The building that housed the Kamakura Buddha was swept away by a tidal wave in the late fifteenth century, but the bronze figure remains, sitting outside ever since. Poetry remained the speech, most important literary form.

Members of the imperial court were the best educated and most skilled, but samurai also began to Assignment, take an interest. The third shogun, Sanetomo, was considered a very skillful poet. His teacher, the courtier Fujiwara Teika, compiled one of Japan’s greatest imperial poetry collections, the Shinkokinsh#363; . Prose literary works reflected the Buddhist influence of the medieval age. The Tale of the Heike was the most popular. It described the Genpei War and the Taira clan’s downfall.

Its stories are quite exciting and Law high in the bronx, seem to offer an reviews writing, intriguing view of twelfth-century warfare. But the tale cannot be read as an accurate account of the war. Buddhist chanters composed the Online speech ic, tale many decades after the war had ended. They sang it as they played biwa (stringed instruments similar to lutes) to illustrate Buddhist themes of impermanence and show how the mighty will fall. Similar themes can be found in Kamo no Ch#333;mei’s philosophical essay, “An Account of My Hut.” Few works by women have survived. A notable exception is the memoir of Lady Nij#333;, a court attendant. Expert? Her work is lively, frank, colorful, and offers a valuable view of life in Kyoto and the provinces.

Painting and sculpture reflected the influential roles of Buddhism and the samurai in Essay write, society. Illustrated scrolls ( emaki ) used pictures to show how temples were founded and expert reviews, how violent conflicts destroyed parts of Online assignment tracker, Kyoto. Takezaki Suenaga, the samurai mentioned above who fought against the Mongols, even commissioned an illustrated scroll to tell his tale. Another important art form was raig#333; , paintings that showed Amida welcoming people who had just died to his western paradise. Assignment Expert Reviews? The influential Kei school of write a perfect, sculptors used graphic realism in Assignment writing, their work. Their famous guardians at T#333;daiji look quite intimidating, even hyper-masculine, with detailed bulging muscles, fierce expressions, and crystals set in the eyes to make them look real. Kamakura’s Demise and the Muromachi Bakufu. The Muromachi bakufu was never as stable as Kamakura had been. The shogun was not powerful enough to rule the country by his own force of arms.

Eastern Japan and the island of Ky#363;sh#363 were both semi-autonomous. The shogun’s authority was contingent on his maintaining the school, support of writing, a strong coalition of shugo . These shugo were much more powerful than their Kamakura period predecessors. Their posts were now hereditary, and one individual could rule more than one province at a time. They also had the right to Online ic, levy special taxes on Assignment reviews writing estates to cover their military expenditures. Three of the most powerful shugo familiesthe Hosokawa, Hatakeyama, and Shibaalternated in serving as deputy shogun ( kanrei ), a position designed to help mediate between the synthesizer ic, shogun and his shugo . Yet the shugo needed the legitimacy that they gained from the Assignment expert writing, shogun’s support to help them fend off local warriors in school bronx, the provinces under their control. Yoshimitsu is Assignment reviews, widely recognized as the assignment android, strongest and most successful Ashikaga shogun. He ended the warfare of the divided imperial court and crushed those shugo who opposed him. He reopened diplomatic relations and official trade with China. Writing? Yoshimitsu was an accomplished poet and a great sponsor of the arts.

His patronage of a particular performing troupe helped give birth to Noh theatre. He also is Benefits of community service, credited with constructing the expert reviews, Golden Pavilion, one of Macroeconomics mankiw, Japan’s most famous medieval buildings. Yoshimitsu took it over as a retirement villa in Assignment reviews writing, the 1390s, covering it with real gold leaf (it is part of a Zen temple today). His other great construction project, the Palace of Flowers, reflected Yoshimitsu’s ambitions to outdo, and perhaps replace, the emperor. The shogun’s palace was built across the street from the imperial palace but was twice as large and far more sumptuous. Perhaps Yoshimitsu’s most controversial decision was to accept the title “king of Japan” from the Online, Chinese emperor. In the Chinese view of foreign relations, only one ruler could have the title “emperor,” and that was the emperor of China. Other rulers had lesser titles, such as king. When Yoshimitsu attempted to re-establish formal relations and trade with China, he agreed to take the title king of Assignment reviews writing, Japan. Many Japanese of the time objected since it implied that Japan was subordinate to China. Yoshimitsu’s motives are not entirely clear.

Some suggest that he did this in order to bolster his legitimacy at home. Others think that he was so eager to trade with the Chinese that he ignored the political implications of the title. Another theory is that he hoped to monopolize foreign relations as part of his plan to replace the How to, Japanese imperial family with his own line. Yoshimitsu died before he could realize any plans to expert reviews writing, replace the imperial family, and his son backed away from Law high in the bronx his father’s bold policies. Reviews Writing? But shogunal authority remained strong until 1441, when the sixth shogun, Yoshinori, was assassinated. After Yoshinori, only the eighth shogun, Yoshimasa, stands out as a memorable figure. He ruled for over 20 years and was a great sponsor of the arts, including Noh theatre and the tea ceremony. He built the Silver Pavilion, another important cultural property in Kyoto, but plans to cover the Macroeconomics, villa with silver leaf were never carried out.

Yoshimasa may have matched his grandfather Yoshimitsu’s flair for architecture and the arts, but he lacked Yoshimitsu’s skill at politics. It was during Yoshimasa’s tenure as shogun that an 11-year civil war broke out, heralding the end of expert reviews writing, strong central government in Japan for write a perfect essay girl, over a century. Muromachi Arts and Culture. In earlier times, the arts were dominated by the emperor and his courtiers. This changed in the Muromachi period, however, as other groups brought new ideas to the cultural landscape. Many samurai, now living in Kyoto, developed a taste for the arts.

Elite warriors joined aristocrats in sponsoring painters, playwrights, poets, and other men of talent. The growth of trade and the economy enabled merchants to Assignment writing, participate in the world of culture too. As the unstable political situation brought men of different classes together, aristocrats, warriors, and merchants interacted to create new cultural traditions. Previously unthinkable mixingsuch as a nobleman renowned for his calligraphy collaborating with a painter of humble originsled to some of the great art of the Muromachi period. Warriors, including the Ashikaga shoguns, became important patrons of the arts. Macroeconomics Mankiw Homework? They hosted lavish parties at which the attendees participated in reviews writing, linked verse poetry competitions or contests to homework, distinguish among similar things ( monoawase ). Tea was also quite popular. Eisai, who founded an important Zen sect, is expert reviews writing, credited with having made tea popular in Japan.

By the fourteenth century, warriors were hosting tea parties in large banquet halls in order to display their prized Chinese tea implements. Merchants responded by homework favoring native Japanese wares. The grass-hut style of serving tea, which we associate with the tea ceremony, emerged in the fifteenth century. It is attributed to Murata Shuk#333;, who may have served tea for Ashikaga Yoshimasa. He and other late medieval tea masters emphasized simplicity, humility, and self-awareness. Properly serving tea demanded discipline and offered spiritual fulfillment, resembling Zen practices. People began to speak of a Way of Tea. The most famous master, Sen no Riky#363;, came from a merchant family but taught tea to the great warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Riky#363; served tea in Assignment expert reviews, a small, rustic hut. The entranceway was purposefully tiny so that everyone, regardless of status, had to crawl inside.

All participants were required to prepare and Online tracker android, serve the tea. Riky#363;’s student, however, saw things differently. Assignment Writing? Eager to display his wealth and power, Hideyoshi had his own tea hut gilded in gold. Noh theater was another new cultural tradition that benefited from samurai patronage. It drew upon many performing traditions, including court comics and Law high bronx, peasant farm songs. Expert Writing? In the late fourteenth century, Kan’ami’s troupe attracted the notice of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Kan’ami and his son, Ze’ami, became two of Noh’s most important playwrights.

Noh performances incorporate spoken dialogue, dancing, and music. Few props are used. An actor might simply state that he is Online, leaving for a long journey and, with a few stamps of his feet, quickly announce that he has arrived. The plays generally illustrate such Buddhist themes as the dangers of pride or lingering attachment. The main character might be a once-beautiful old woman who cannot forget her youth, or the ghost of a warrior who cannot let go of his military glory. Assignment Expert Writing? Other plays centered on Buddhist priests overcoming demons. Often several plays were performed over the course of a full day, with short comic pieces called ky#333;gen staged between the major Noh plays. The Medieval Japanese Economy. The Japanese enjoyed a growing economy during the medieval period. Online Synthesizer? Markets began to develop around the expert reviews writing, country.

These were often at assignment tracker crossroads or near rivers so that sellers could easily bring their goods to the markets. They also were often located near temples in hopes of avoiding interference from political or military figures. Reviews Writing? In the Kamakura period, markets met infrequently. For example, they might be opened only on days ending in fours (i.e., the 4th, 14th, and 24th of the month) or another number. But over time, markets became increasingly common and were open on more days of the month. Improvements in agriculture also contributed to the expanding economy. New strains of rice better resisted drought and disease. Online Speech Ic? Improved fertilizers allowed double cropping of fields, and reviews writing, better irrigation techniques helped farmers produce more.

In addition, the spread of Online assignment, metallic money made it easier for estates to sell extra produce in the marketplaces. Starting in the twelfth century, Japanese began importing copper-alloy coins from China. The round coins had square holes in the middle so they could be strung together in units of 1,000 for large purchases. Reviews Writing? Metallic money had several advantages over rice, silk, or other goods the Japanese used as money in Online assignment android, Heian times. Coins were easier to transport, more durable, and rarely led to disputes over quality. By the Muromachi period, most urban residents used coins. Assignment Expert Reviews Writing? Even many rural estates paid their taxes in Law high school in the bronx, cash. The Ashikaga shoguns’ desire for more coins played an important role in the re-opening of Assignment writing, formal relations with China in the fifteenth century.

The Muromachi bakufu , and later several major temples and daimy#333; , sent merchant ships to China in hopes of obtaining copper coins. In exchange, the Japanese sold raw materials including lumber and sulfur, some finished art objects such as lacquerware, and swords and ic, armor. Chinese officials regulated the trade by requiring Japanese boats to carry government-issued tallies; merchant vessels without the tallies were turned away from Chinese ports. On the whole, merchants did well during the expert reviews, medieval period. The breakdown in central authority may have reduced the power of Benefits of community essay, political authorities to tax and regulate them. Assignment Reviews? In some cases, such as the city of mankiw, Sakai, merchants were able to form their own communities and even enjoy a limited form of reviews, self-government. Women’s Status in Medieval Japan. Over the course of the homework, medieval period, women seem to have lost many rights. In ancient times, women served as rulers.

By the Heian period, women had few official roles in government, but aristocratic women were educated, could own and writing, manage property, and could choose their own heirs. Married couples often lived at android the home of the wife’s family or maintained two residences; the wife’s family usually helped raise the children. Female writers of the reviews writing, Heian period created some of ic, pre-modern Japan’s greatest works of prose and poetry. But conditions gradually began to change. In the early Kamakura period, women of samurai families held jit#333; posts. As violence became more common, however, women were no longer allowed to hold warrior posts or manage their own property.

And as land became increasingly difficult to acquire, families began bequeathing property to only one heir, usually the eldest son. Married women were expected to join the family of their husbands. Lady Nij#333;’s memoir from the early fourteenth century is Assignment reviews writing, one of the write a perfect essay about yourself, last important literary works by a woman of the Assignment expert reviews writing, medieval period. Not even Buddhism offered much hope, since most Buddhist sects taught that women faced more obstacles to helper how to write, enlightenment than men. By the end of the medieval period, women retained almost none of the rights they had enjoyed earlier. The #332;nin War and reviews, the Age of Warring States.

From 1467 to 1477, rival coalitions of powerful samurai fought in a protracted conflict known as the #332;nin War. The violence began when leading shugo families supported different candidates to succeed Yoshimasa as shogun (as well as for Law high in the bronx, some other important posts). The violence centered on Kyoto, and Assignment expert, much of the city was destroyed during the war. After some time, the issues became irrelevant, as seen by leading warrior families on each side switching to support other candidates. Yoshimasa felt that the shugo were beyond his control and, rather than make serious efforts to stop the conflict, he retired to his villa to enjoy the arts. The war solved nothing and write, left all central government institutions extremely weak. By the late fifteenth century, the shogun had little real power outside of the central Japanese provinces that he directly controlled. The last century of the Muromachi period, from the #332;nin War to 1573, is known as the Age of Warring States. During this time, provincial and regional warlords known as daimy#333; dominated Japan.

Some daimy#333; families had formerly been shugo , others had been lieutenants or deputies, and Assignment reviews writing, some were truly self-made men who had risen through the ranks. These new warlords differed from shugo in that they did not owe anything to the shogun or emperor. During the Warring States period, warlords could only claim authority over lands they could actually defend. They had to be continually vigilant against their neighbors as well as their subordinates. The age is sometimes characterized by the term gekokuj#333; , which means the lower replacing the Online tracker android, higher (or those of humble origins replacing their superiors). This period, perhaps more than any other, seemed to resemble the feudalism of medieval Europe. Central authority was weak and divided, men survived by strength of arms, and warlords rewarded loyal samurai with appointments and lands. Portuguese sailors blown off course in expert reviews, the mid-sixteenth century were the first Europeans to set foot in Japan. The Spanish soon followed, and eventually the Dutch and the British found their way to Japan too. European merchants established a flourishing trade by buying and selling goods amongst the various Asian nations.

Missionaries also came to Japan, hoping to convert the Japanese to Online speech synthesizer, Christianity. They enjoyed some success in the southwestern island of Ky#363;sh#363;, where a few daimy#333; became Catholic and ordered those living in Assignment, their domains to convert as well. Online Speech Synthesizer Ic? The Europeans were strange curiosities to the Japanese, and Assignment expert, folding-screens of themknown as namban by#333;bu show them as Japanese artists saw them, with balloon pants, high frill collars, long noses, and people of Online speech synthesizer, color attending them as slaves. Christianity did not last in Japan. Opposition by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu (see below) led to the persecution and elimination of most Christians by the early seventeenth century. But the Europeans did affect Japanese society. First, they introduced new shipbuilding techniques, firearms, eyeglasses, mechanical clocks, and other devices. Second, Europe’s existence forced the Japanese to change their view of the world. Maps from the expert reviews, time reflect the shift from seeing a world including only Japan, China, and Online tracker android, India to seeing one extending far beyond Asia. Third, interest in reviews, that world led Japanese merchants to speech ic, begin trading in Southeast Asia.

Some Japanese even emigrated, establishing communities in the Philippines, Cambodia, Siam (Thailand), and Annam (Vietnam). From Medieval to Early Modern Japan. Three warlords succeeded in unifying the country and bringing an end to Assignment writing, the violence of the Warring States period. They are often referred to as the “three unifiers”Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and android, Tokugawa Ieyasu. Nobunaga ruled a small domain in central Japan, but his brilliance as a strategist enabled him to defeat much larger armies. He was the first warlord to writing, successfully use firearms to win a battle. His innovations in castle development also led to the emergence of grand Japanese castles, with stone ramparts, donjons (central structures), and school in the bronx, more. In 1573 he took Kyoto but kicked out the last Ashikaga shogun, bringing the Muromachi bakufu to expert reviews, an inglorious end. Many believe that only Nobunaga’s assassination at the hands of a vassal in 1582 kept him from bringing the Online speech synthesizer, whole country under his rule. Hideyoshi came from a peasant family, but rose through the ranks to become one of Nobunaga’s top generals.

He avenged his lord’s death and Assignment reviews, finished the Online speech synthesizer ic, job of unifying the expert reviews writing, country. However, Hideyoshi did not succeed through force alone. He used marriage alliances, political treaties, and other means to Online speech synthesizer, secure his position and bring peace to the country. Many of his policies paved the way for early modern growth and stability. For example, he carried out new land surveys so that proper rates of expert reviews writing, taxation could be determined. He also ordered all peasants to turn over their weapons, creating for Benefits of community service essay, the first time a sharp distinction between warriors and farmers. Assignment Writing? In his later years, Hideyoshi set out to conquer China. When the King of Korea refused to help him, Hideyoshi sent armies of Essay helper application how to, samurai to invade Korea. The result was the devastation of the Korean peninsula. The Japanese invasion was only expert reviews, called off upon Hideyoshi’s death in 1598.

Ieyasu had been allied with each of the two previous unifiers, but his patience (and long life!) clearly proved a great asset. In 1600 he maneuvered warlords loyal to Hideyoshi’s young son into a major battle at Sekigahara. Ieyasu’s forces won that battle, making him the most powerful daimy#333; in Japan. In 1603 he was proclaimed shogun and established the last of Japan’s major warrior governments, the Tokugawa (or Edo) bakufu . The unifiers’ policies, and the peace that followed in Benefits service essay reaction, the seventeenth century, led to expert reviews writing, profound changes in Japanese society and Macroeconomics, the start of what most scholars refer to Assignment reviews writing, as the Law high school, early modern period. Copyright 2008 Program for Teaching East Asia, University of Colorado.

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