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Billy Budd Essay: Comparing Christ to Billy. I stand for the heart. To the dogs with the head! wrote Herman Melville in his June 1851 letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne (Davis and Gilman 3). Yet, by the time he began writing Billy Budd, Sailor in 1888, Melville must have tempered this view, for Billy Budd depicts the inevitable destruction of a man who is order all heart but who utterly lacks insight. Mla. Melville no doubt intends for his reader to connect this tale with the Essay simple order, gospel of Help with writing college essay length, Jesus Christ. Billy Budd endures a persecution similar to Christ's; he is executed for like reasons, and he eventually ascends, taking the simple order, full rose of the dawn (BB 376). Yet, in creating Billy Budd, Melville forms a character who is Law homework site but a half-Christ, more like show more content Essay about Comparing Billy Budd and Christ. spokesman; on Essay simple every suitable occasion always foremost (1486).

The recantation of Billy manhandling Red Whiskers, who is openly hostile towards Billy, and Help assignment cover subsequent winning of Essay simple, his allegiance, can be viewed as an allegorical tale of Jesus winning over the stubborn Simon Peter into His congregation of Apostles. Billy, like Christ, is with a symbol of peace and order unites the other sailors into a familial contingent: But Billy came; and it was like a Catholic priest striking peace in an Irish shindy. Not that Billy Budd Essay: Close, but no Christ Figure. 'There now, who says that Jimmy Legs is down on me!' 'And who said he was, Beauty?' demanded one Donald with some surprise. Whereat the foretopman looked a little foolish. (1890). In stark contrast, Jesus Christ was not merely human, but also, perhaps incomprehensibly, God. Proposal. Behold you will conceive in your womb and Essay simple order bring forth a Son, and cover shall call His name Jesus. [. . .] [T]hat Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God (968). He lived a life such that one Essay about Comparing Billy Budd and the Life of Essay order, Melville. were being put to a test. He grew to believe that God was cold and indifferent for allowing the proposal, disparities of war to take place. We will see later how the struggle between the good and evil within him parallels the struggle depicted throughout Billy Budd Also significant to Melville's thoughts on the Civil War were his views on the advancement of technology. He distrusted progress and, in many ways, wanted to Essay order, hold on to the past.

He enjoyed the Help length, days of the sailors and attempted to recreate them Essay on the Dilemma of Billy Budd. On trial Billy has this to say for his actions: I did not mean to kill him. But he foully lied to my face and in the presence of my captain, and I had to say something, and I could only order say it with a blow, God help me! This statement illustrates Billy's emotional response to his crime; He shirks the full weight of his action by pointing to his accidental nature. Billy is sorry that Claggart was killed, but he states the utterance as a response without truly feeling apologetic. This statement is between the divine characters of Christ with that of Billy is that, Billy will not intentionally give up his life or sacrifice himself for speech on bullying other people?s good. On the contrary, Christ accepted being condemned to death for people in the world?s salvation.

Another way in which the story of Billy could depict the story of Christ is the story when Pontius Pilate tends to wash his hand to show that he is not responsible for Christ condemnation. Simple Order. On the other hand in Billy?s story, Captain Vere pushed through possible answer for in this paper. I have said that neither Billy Budd nor Captain Vere exhibit remorse following their acts of killing. Immediately following the fatal blow to Help assignment, Claggart we are shown no outlet of emotion stemming from Billy. Simple Order. Whatever emotion he may be experiencing is not accounted for by Melville.

Indeed, he is silent and personal narrative essay birthday nothing is revealed of Essay, his physiognomy as Vere orders Billy to personal narrative essay birthday, exit the scene: This order Billy in silence mechanically obeyed. Simple Order. This is not behavior one would history (the war), a long analysis of proposal, characters, which are followed by intense dramatic action (i.e.; Billy being approached in joining a mutiny, and later killing Claggart). Through such an approach the narrator evokes the atmosphere of the story. Many different themes arise in this tale. Firstly, one most note that Billy was given 3 main ‘nicknames;’ Baby Budd, he was seen as a form of Christ, and as Adam from the Garden of Paradise. When seeing all three in simple, the same sentence it brings one to The blow to his head killed him as he hit the ground. Captain Vere knew that Billy did not mean for him to die but he still calls a trial for murder. Captain Vere knew that Billy was not going to revolt as well but because of the mutinies that had been taking place at Help college application essay that time, Vere did not want to show any weakness. Essay. Billy could have probably gotten off had he turned in university assignment cover sheet, the other men who were actually planning to revolt but he didn#8217;t because of his loyalty to his crew.

He lost the trial It was very unlike Billy to ever do something so rash; he brought out the best in everyone. Captain Vere felt in his heart that Billy’s actions were a mistake, but he could not be sure. Order. The accusation Claggart made was mutiny, and mutiny was a serious crime. Writing College Application Length. Vere had no proof that Billy was not guilty, so for Essay simple order the safety of himself and his crew, he sacrificed Billy’s life. In his decision making, Vere reminded himself he was under the oath of the King, not human inclinations.

If Vere had not Billy is innocent in a sense that he has done no wrong which leads to his blind and naive view of evil. The Dankster tries to warn Billy that ‘nobody’s friend is Jimmy-Legs’ and by saying ‘he is down on you’ but he does not see Claggart to be a threat of any sort. Billy’s innocence and devotion to good do not let him see the Help with writing length, evil in Claggart whom is trying to simple order, destroy him but eventually conflict resulting in the murder of Claggart from a blow by Billy. Billy’s retaliation leads to another conflict

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Sequential Effects in Essay Ratings: Evidence of Assimilation Effects Using Cross-Classified Models. Writing assessments are an indispensable part of most language competency tests. In our research, we used cross-classified models to study rater effects in the real essay rating process of a large-scale, high-stakes educational examination administered in China in 2011. Generally, four cross-classified models are suggested for simple order investigation of Help, rater effects: (1) the existence of Essay simple, sequential effects, (2) the direction of the sequential effects, and (3) differences in raters by Concluding a dissertation mla, their individual characteristics. We applied these models to the data to account for possible cluster effects caused by the application of multiple rating strategies.

The results of our research showed that raters demonstrated sequential effects during the simple order rating process. Speech! In contrast to many other studies on Essay order, rater effects, our study found that raters exhibited assimilation effects. The more experienced, lenient, and qualified raters were less susceptible to assimilation effects. In addition, our research demonstrated the feasibility and appropriateness of using cross-classified models in assessing rater effects for such data structures. This paper also discusses the implications for educators and cover sheet, practitioners who are interested in reducing sequential effects in the rating process, and suggests directions for future research. The ability to write has long been regarded as one of the most important skills marking proficiency in a language. Therefore, writing assessments are an simple, indispensable part of site, most language tests. Commonly, writing assessments request examinees to write essays 1 according to a set of instructions. Then the essays are scored by human raters based on established rating scales.

In an ideal, but over-simplified, view of the rating process, raters first internalize a set of stable and simple order, uniform standards, and then execute them consistently. Although they may be lenient or severe in how they enforce standards, raters should treat all responses impartially. Scores would not be affected by construct-irrelevant characteristics such as the location of an essay in a sequence of responses or the preference of raters. However, research has shown that substantial construct-irrelevant variance is introduced into essay scores as a consequence of the rating process alone (Congdon and McQueen, 2000). Even if the rating rubric has been constructed carefully, the reliability and validity of the rating process still depends mainly on proposal, the implementation of the rating activities (Overall and Magee, 1992). Essay Simple! Because of Help university assignment, variations in both the characteristics and status of raters, together with fluctuations between various rating environments, individual raters struggle to remain consistent across multiple rating processes, and Essay simple order, different raters may assess the same samples differently.

These intra-rater and Help writing essay length, inter-rater discrepancies can have a negative impact on Essay simple order, both the reliability and validity of the resulting scores. Collectively, these discrepancies are called rater effects (Wolfe, 2004). Rater Effects and Sequential Effects. Rater effects comprise a broad scope of effects, including severity/leniency, halo, central tendency, and restriction of range. While these four types of rater effects have attracted the most attention from Modest proposal essay, researchers (e.g., Saal et al., 1980; Myford and order, Wolfe, 2003; Wolfe, 2004), sequential effects are no less important. In the essay rating process, raters allocate scores to Concluding a dissertation samples of responses in a certain sequence. It is likely that the simple scores could be impacted by their location in the rating sequences as well as by their quality. Sequential effects are said to proposal essay be present if the score of an essay is affected by previous ratings from the same rater (Jones et al., 2006; Attali, 2011). Sequential effects may manifest themselves in two ways. On the one hand, previous responses of lower quality can make the current response appear better, and vice versa (Attali, 2011). As a result, raters may give higher or lower scores than warranted because they are referring to the quality of the previous responses.

This phenomenon is known as contrast effects (Aiken, 1996). On the other hand, previous low quality responses may cause raters to give lower ratings to current high quality samples, and previous high quality responses may cause raters to give higher ratings to order current low quality samples. This phenomenon is known as assimilation effects (Attali, 2011). The existence of sequential effects highlights a serious problem: raters do not evaluate essays solely according to the given rubric. Rather, they continuously modify their inner criteria as a result of fatigue or practice. Just like all the other well-known rater effects, the with writing application essay length harm of sequential effects is serious enough that researchers and practitioners must pay attention to them. Sequential Effects in Psychophysics and Essay Ratings. Researchers in the areas of psychophysics and social judgments were the first to investigate sequential effects quantitatively. Most studies in these areas revealed the existence of contrast effects, such as the studies concerning visual perception (Helson, 1964), square sizes (Parducci et al., 1969), attractiveness (Brown et al., 1992; Thornton and Moore, 1993), and Essay simple order, fairness (Mellers, 1986), among others. In comparison, there were some studies that showed the existence of assimilation effects (Parducci and Marshall, 1962) or the coexistence of contrast and assimilation effects (Sherif et al., 1958). Sequential effects were also found in studies of how essays are rated.

In the early studies, sequential effects manifested themselves as contrast effects (Hales and Tokar, 1975; Hughes et al., 1980a,b, 1983; Daly and essay, Dickson-Markman, 1982; Hughes and Keeling, 1984; Spear, 1997). For instance, Hales and Tokar (1975) put the same mediocre essays in sequence behind good and poor essays, and Essay order, then asked college students to Help persuasive score each sequence. The results showed that the essays in the latter arrangement received significantly higher scores. Hughes et al. (1980a,b, 1983) used a set of Essay, essays of moderate quality as a reference, and they arrived at similar conclusions. The arrangements in these studies were very similar to those conducted in psychophysics and social judgments, insofar as most of the studies were conducted under experimental conditions where raters were usually inexperienced and untrained, and a limited number of ratings were made. When it came to the case of essay ratings for large-scale examinations, differences were observed. Attali (2011) believed that the judgments of professional raters rendered during real essay rating processes are often performed in a manner that is unconscious and automatic or semi-automatic, with the result that assimilation effects may appear naturally. While studying the essay rating process for a large-scale standardized test, Attali (2011) found that professional raters tended to Help persuasive speech on bullying rate essays toward the same level as previous scores. Interestingly, longer intervals between adjacent ratings were associated with smaller assimilation effects. Assimilation effects also have been found in simple order, sports competitions where the process of performance judging has strong similarities to rating essays. In a study conducted by Damisch et al. Proposal! (2006) of gymnastics competitions in the 2004 Olympic Games in Essay simple order, Athens, the Concluding partial correlation between scores of present and previous athletes was 0.31.

In other words, high scores of previous athletes implied high scores for present ones, and vice versa, indicating the existence of assimilation effects. In that study, the appearance order was used as a control variable since the order was correlated with abilities, i.e., the order was not random. Existing Methods for Exploring Sequential Effects. In the existing literature, several methods have been proposed to investigate sequential effects in ratings. In an experimental setting, one commonly used approach has been to place a target stimulus behind a sample of order, criterion stimuli of different quality. Then the university cover sheet ratings under the various settings were compared.

The statistical method used in this approach was an analysis of variance or covariance (e.g., Hughes et al., 1980a,b, 1983; Daly and Essay simple order, Dickson-Markman, 1982; Hughes and Keeling, 1984; Spear, 1997). For real rating procedures, most often it is not feasible to conduct studies in experimental settings. Instead, studies of essay ratings can use a variety of methods to collect and analyze operational data during real world rating processes. One such method computes the Modest proposal essay correlation or partial correlation between present scores and scores made previously by the same raters. A significant positive correlation would indicate the existence of Essay, assimilation effects, whereas a significant negative correlation would indicate the occurrence of contrast effects (Damisch et al., 2006; Attali, 2011). However, the drawback for use of the correlation method is that it is unable to narrative examine the Essay joint influence of multiple previous scores on the present score. The data structure also complicates the analysis when using the correlation method.

During the rating process of most large-scale examinations, typically a multiple rating strategy is employed. For this approach, raters and essays are partially crossed, which violates the Help assignment cover sheet independence requirement for Essay correlation coefficient estimation. If the data structure is Writing essay birthday not taken into account, the resulting standard errors of the parameter estimates will be underestimated, which will lead to inflated type I error rates (Barcikowski, 1981; Scariano and Davenport, 1987; Raudenbush and Bryk, 2002). Because it is so common for raters and essays to be partially crossed, models are needed that can identify both rater and essay effects. Cross-classified models (Raudenbush, 1993; Rasbash and Goldstein, 1994; Browne et al., 2001) have been proposed to handle such structures.

In their applied work, Leckie and Baird (2011) fit cross-classified models to detect rater effects during the rating process of a large-scale examination. In another example, Ramineni (2008) estimated cross-classified models to Essay order the rating data of the United States Medical Licensure Examination, and revealed the existence of Concluding a dissertation, contrast effects. The exploration of sequential effects can prove useful for Essay revealing the university hidden cognitive processes behind rating behaviors. Essay Order! These investigations have theoretical and practical significance for essay ratings. However, large-scale educational examinations present many obstacles for research in this area, and the data collected often do not satisfy the requirements of many commonly used statistical models. Recognizing the significance of investigating sequential effects in essay ratings and nature of the data structures found in Help with application essay, large-scale examinations, our study aimed to explore potential sequential effects in essay ratings by Essay, using cross-classified models. The goal of this research was to explore sequential effects in essay ratings in large-scale, high-stakes educational examinations. Writing Personal Narrative Essay Birthday! The study was designed to illustrate the feasibility and appropriateness of cross-classified models in assessing rater effects for such data structures. The operational data used in simple order, this study were collected from a real rating process (described later in this paper) that employed a multiple rating strategy. The following research questions were addressed: (1) Were the sequential effects of previous scores on subsequent scores positive or negative?

(2) Did raters differ in the sequential effects they demonstrated? (3) Were sequential effects of raters associated with their experience and rating quality? The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce a data structure that occurs commonly in Help persuasive speech on bullying, large-scale essay ratings, along with details of the cross-classified models for handling such a structure. Then we describe our empirical study and present specific details of the models considered. Last, we provide a discussion of the results. The paper closes with our conclusions and suggestions for future work. Often the data structure in large-scale essay ratings is not perfectly hierarchical.

If there exists a perfect or simple hierarchical structure, the lower level units are completely nested within higher level units. As an illustration, we can consider a simple two-level nested structure in essay ratings. Such data may be found in low stakes examinations where each essay is scored by only one rater. The relationship between essays and Essay simple order, raters in such a case is illustrated in Figure 1A. In Figure 1, the Concluding a dissertation mla units of different levels are represented by order, boxes, and the classification between units of different levels is represented by arrows from the Law homework site lowest level units to the classification units. FIGURE 1. Classification diagrams for (A) simple 2-level nested structure and (B) cross-classified structure. In many situations, the relationship between different units is not purely hierarchical. For example, students may be nested within classes, and classes may be nested within schools. However, students may also belong to Essay simple order more than one type of unit at a given level of a hierarchy, as when a student belongs sequentially to a particular primary school and secondary school.

In this case, the classifications in the structure are not completely nested. Such a structure is known as a cross-classified structure. For essay rating, a cross-classified structure is common. As illustrated in a dissertation, Figure 1B, scores are cross-classified within essays and raters. Each score, the lower level unit, is simultaneously classified by two groups at the higher level, essay and rater, while essays and raters do not strictly nest within each other. For data with a cross-classified structure, the application of Essay simple order, cross-classified models has been recommended in order to adjust for Concluding a dissertation mla the data non-independence, improve the Essay quality of with writing college, estimates of explanatory variable effects, and simple, identify components of variance in the outcomes more accurately (Raudenbush, 1993; Rasbash and narrative essay, Goldstein, 1994; Browne et al., 2001; Fielding and Goldstein, 2005). We proposed the following model for Essay simple the essay ratings to account for Modest proposal the complex hierarchical structure with random cross-classifications: where score ijk represents the i -th score for the j -th essay given by rater k. X is the vector of explanatory variables, and #x03B2; is the vector of slope parameters. The random part of the model consists of two level-2 error terms, one for the essay ( u e s s a y ( j ) ( 2 ) ) and one for the rater ( u r a t e r ( k ) ( 3 ) ) , along with the usual level-1 error term for each score ( e ijk ). As the structure of the model grows more complex, the random part can be composed of more components, such as the Essay simple variance of the Modest slopes and the covariance of slope and intercept. Moreover, the variance in level-1 can have a complex pattern, e.g., it could change as a function of predictors or adjacent errors could be dependent to some extent. Methods for Essay simple Estimation and Model Comparison. To estimate the parameters of essay, cross-classified models, both frequentist and Bayesian methods can be used.

Rasbash and Goldstein (1994) proposed a likelihood-based approach that transformed the cross-classified model into a constrained nested model, and then used an iterative generalized least squares algorithm (IGLS) to estimate. Other frequentist approaches included the alternating imputation prediction method (Clayton and Rasbash, 1999), Gauss#x2013;Hermite quadrature within penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) estimation (Pan and Thompson, 2000), and the HGLM framework (Lee and Nelder, 2000). However, all the frequentist methods proposed have had computational limitations. This makes them impractical for data with large numbers of units in each classification (Browne et al., 2001), which is the case for large-scale essay ratings. However, these limitations can be overcome by using Bayesian methods. Bayesian estimation can be implemented for cross-classified models using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique, in which each classification is treated as a random additive term. This approach avoids the order need to construct the Concluding a dissertation mla global block diagonal matrix V used in the IGLS algorithm (Browne et al., 2001). Essay! Moreover, the MCMC method can produce estimates of all the posterior distributions of the unknown parameters, instead of point estimates and standard errors. These advantages make Bayesian methods ideal for Law homework site estimating cross-classified models, and these methods can be applied readily using available software implementations (Rasbash et al., 2015b).

When estimating models with the MCMC algorithm, the deviance information criterion (DIC) is recommended for model comparisons (Spiegelhalter et al., 2002). Essay! The DIC is with writing college a generalization of Akaike#x2019;s information criterion (Akaike, 1974) that can be used to compare both non-nested models and models that have the same response but different structures. With the DIC, a lower value corresponds to a better model fit. For this study, we collected our operational data during the rating process of one writing item that was part of an English test administered in a province of China. The English test was one of four subjects in a national large-scale, high-stakes educational examination. A student#x2019;s total raw score on the four tests as a whole served as the sole criterion for whether the student would be allowed to enter a college or university. The writing section of the English test was designed to measure the comprehensive language competence of high school graduates who learned English as a second language. The writing section was composed of two items. Our study focused on the first item, which was scored on a 20-point scale. This item provided a series of pictures describing an event, based on which students were instructed to write an simple, essay of no less than 60 words with a time limit of 30 min. The present study was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Convention and the Norwegian Health Research Act.

The original data was collected by the official organization that administered the rating process, and each rater was asked to give written informed consent before participating in the process. The protocol was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of Beijing Normal University. The rating process was commissioned by the same official organization that administered the test. All raters involved were recruited by the organization, and were highly qualified. The eligibility requirements for Help assignment potential raters included a bachelor#x2019;s degree in Essay, English, no less than 1 year teaching experience, and district level rating experience. There were 88 raters in the rater group. To ensure the effective administration of the ratings, the raters were divided into seven teams, and Concluding a dissertation, each team was assigned a team leader. In allocating raters to teams, the age, gender, and educational districts were taken into account to ensure the homogeneity of the teams. The rating process in simple order, the study was intensive and lasted for five successive days. Cover Sheet! The start time and end time of each rating were recorded in addition to the rating itself.

The rating process was computer-based, with the essays scanned into electronic files which were then distributed randomly across the whole rater group. The rating rubric divided the 20 points allotted to the writing item into five classes. Scores in the range of simple order, 16 to 20 points were defined as #x201C;high,#x201D; and Concluding a dissertation mla, constituted the first (top level) class. First, all essays were scored independently by Essay simple order, two raters working holistically on the 20-point scale. If an essay was scored twice without issue, the average of the two scores served as the final score. However, if the difference between the two scores given by the original raters was equal to or greater than four points 2 , the mla essay would be scored a third time by another rater chosen at random.

When an essay was rated three times, the final recorded score was the average of the two scores that were within four points of one another. In this situation, the proportion of essays that would be rated a third time depended mostly on the difference threshold. The rating authority believed that a smaller threshold indicated greater consistency of scores for the same essay. Therefore, the threshold was set at four points, which is a strict standard for Essay the full range of 20 points. In the present rating process, 17% of the speech essays were rated a third time. Note that this does not mean that 17% of all scores were contributed by a third rater.

In total, 67,500 valid essays, written by 67,500 students and rated by the 88 raters, were included in the analysis. Simple! Among those essays, 55,733 essays were scored by two raters, and 11,727 essays were scored by three raters. Consequently, 146,727 scores were generated. For this research, cross-classified models were utilized to take the complex hierarchical structure of the data into account. In this way, it was possible to explore rater effects in essay scoring while still accounting for both essay-rater cross-classification and non-independence of multiple ratings for the same essays. Law Homework! The scores of Essay, each essay were used as the response variable, and the proportion of high scores in the nine previous ratings were used as predictors of persuasive speech, sequential effects. The descriptions of simple, all variables included in Modest proposal essay, the analysis are detailed in Table 1. To address the three research questions stated above, four increasingly complex cross-classified models were offered. TABLE 1. Description of variables included in the cross-classified models. Model 1 was an intercept-only model intended to examine score variance due to essays and raters, based on which Model 2 was built and compared. In this phase, we also examined whether level-1 variance was dependent on the rating sequence.

Model 2 was designed to clarify whether sequential effects were present during the rating process, and whether the possible sequential effects were assimilation or contrast effects. This model included three predictors: verbal, writing , and highpro_9 . The variable verbal denoted raw scores in the verbal section of the same English test, which represented general language competence. The variable writing stood for raw scores given on the other essay item of the same test, which served as an indicator of simple, writing competence. The variable highpro_9 represented the proportion of high scores (i.e., scores in the range of 16 to 20 points) in Help assignment cover sheet, the nine scores preceding the present score in Essay order, the rating sequence of the Help persuasive speech same raters. Essay Simple! This variable was added to Model 2 to clarify the existence of Writing narrative birthday, sequential effects. The adoption of highpro_9 as the predictor for sequential effects was inspired by the research of Attali (2011), in which nine previous scores were correlated with the present one, and the work of Ramineni (2008), in which the proportions of extreme scores were used as predictors. Furthermore, the Essay adoption was also based on the following three considerations.

First, the proportions of high scores represented the joint influence of several previous scores, and their use also avoided the potential problem of collinearity when nine individual scores were added simultaneously to the model. Writing Personal Birthday! Second, the Essay simple order adoption conformed to the nature of the rating process. Mla! During the present rating process, all raters were asked to follow three steps before achieving a final score: read an essay, allocate it to one of five classes, and calibrate a final score within the class. During the intensive and exhausting rating process, it was easier for raters to have an Essay simple, overall impression of the several previous scores they gave. Finally, in assignment sheet, a high stakes educational examination like the present test, a difference of one or two points within the higher class could decide whether a student would be allowed to Essay simple order enter a college or university. In contrast, score differences within the lower classes did not have such critical influence on final decisions concerning enrollment. As a result, high scores could cause a deeper impression on site, raters than low scores. In Model 2, the slopes for all three predictors were set to be fixed.

The slope of the simple order predictor highpro_9 indicated the existence or non-existence of sequential effects. If the credible interval for university the slope did not include zero, then the proportion of high scores among the previous nine scores were associated with the present scores. Essay Simple Order! In other words, a positive slope for highpro_9 indicated that higher proportions of high scores were directly associated with higher present scores, suggesting the presence of assimilation effects. Conversely, a negative slope for highpro_9 suggested the presence of contrast effects. In Model 3, the slope of highpro_9 was allowed to vary across raters in Concluding mla, order to explore whether or not there were individual differences with respect to sequential effects. Essay Order! If the credible interval for the resulting variance of slopes did not include zero, that result provided evidence that raters differed in sequential effects expressed by the association between the proportions of high scores and persuasive on bullying, the present scores. Model 4 included three rater variables in Essay, order to Law homework examine which factors could have an influence on sequential effects. The first variable was experience , defined as the number of times the simple order rater had participated in writing application essay, rating high stakes educational examinations at the provincial level at least. The second variable was scoremeans , an indicator of Essay simple order, severity, defined as the Help university assignment mean score of all essays scored by a rater. Essay Order! The last variable was trirate , and sheet, operationalized as the proportion of Essay simple order, essays rated by a third rater out of all the essays marked by a specific rater.

In addition to considering these variables in Modest essay, the cross-classified models, interaction terms between the rater variables and highpro_9 were considered. All models in this study were estimated using the MLwiN (2.34) MCMC procedure at its default setting (Rasbash et al., 2015a). In all models, default flat priors were used for the fixed effects parameters. Standard diffuse priors (inverse gamma or wishart) were assumed for the variance parameters. Both the burn-in length and order, the sample chain length were set as 50,000. Convergence was monitored and explored for each model by checking information on MCMC trajectory plots, such as the autocorrelation function (ACF), the partial autocorrelation function (PACF), the Raftery#x2013;Lewis diagnostic, the Brooks#x2013;Draper diagnostic, and the effective sample size measure (ESS) (Rasbash et al., 2015b). The DIC (Spiegelhalter et al., 2002) for each model was presented and used to compare model fit between models. Model 1 included only a constant term in the fixed part. Modest Proposal Essay! As shown in Table 2, significant variance existed between both the raters [ #x03c3; u ( 3 ) 2 = 0.309 , 95% credible interval (CrI): (0.227, 0.420)] and order, the essays [ #x03c3; u ( 2 ) 2 = 9.983 , 95% CrI: (9.779, 10.181)]. Considerable residual variance was also present [ #x03c3; e 2 = 8.962 , 95% CrI: (8.887, 9.038)]. The between-rater variance was much smaller than the between-essay variance, indicating that the influence of raters on scores was much smaller than the influence of essays themselves.

The former accounted for Help cover sheet only 1.6% of the total variance, while the latter accounted for 51.9%. To some extent, this finding provided evidence for the validity of the resulting scores. Additional analyses showed that level-1 variance did not depend on the rating sequence, and that adjacent errors in level-1 could be assumed to be independent. TABLE 2. Parameter estimates (SE) for Essay model 1 and Help with college application length, model 2. Model 2 added three fixed covariates: verbal , writing , and simple order, highpro_9 . The DIC of Model 2 decreased dramatically, indicating a substantial improvement in model fit. As seen in Table 2, all three covariates had a positive association with the response variable. The effect predictor highpro_9 had a positive influence [#x03B2; 3 = 1.788, 95% CrI: (1.716, 1.863)]. This finding meant that higher proportions of high scores in the previous nine essays were associated with an personal narrative essay birthday, increased score on the rating of an essay, suggesting the existence of simple, assimilation effects. Specifically, if an essay had nine previous essays with a high score, all else being equal, its score was expected to be 1.788 points higher than if none of the nine previous essays had received a high score.

On the whole scale of the present essay item, the estimated effect (1.788 points) amounted to 40% of one standard deviation for Law homework site the scores analyzed. Essay Simple! The case of an essay having nine high previous scores in a row was rather extreme, and essay, accounted for only 0.2% of the total cases. Essay! The cases with four or more high previous scores accounted for 18.6% of total cases, while the cases with no or a single previous high score were very common, accounting for nearly half of the total cases. Hence, comparing the more common setting of four previous high scores to mla the case of one previous high score, the simple order score of the target essay was expected to be 1.788 #x00D7; (0.44-0.11) = 0.590 higher, about 13% of one standard deviation for the present scale. Evidence of Individual Differences in Assimilation Effects. The results of Model 2 showed that raters demonstrated assimilation effects during the rating process. However, we also needed to proposal essay consider whether the Essay raters differed in the demonstrated effects. To investigate this issue, the slope of the Concluding mla predictor highpro_9 was set to vary across raters, and order, Model 3 was developed. The fit of Model 3 was improved compared to Law homework site Model 2, with a substantially lower DIC.

The slope of highpro_9 was still positive [#x03B2; 3 = 1.740, 95% CrI: (1.522, 1.949)], and the results from fitting Model 3 indicated that not only were sequential effects present in terms of assimilation effects, but the strength of these effects also varied between the Essay simple order raters [ #x03c3; u ( 3 ) ( 3 , 3 ) 2 = 0.857 , 95% CrI : (0.608, 1.199)]. To facilitate the interpretation of the results from Model 3, the individual rater slopes were calculated and plotted in Figure 2. In the figure, the slopes were ranked and plotted with the corresponding 95% credible interval (vertical thin lines). Speech! As seen in Figure 2, the results suggested that the slopes varied substantially across raters, ranging from 4.516 [95% CrI (3.954, 5.079)] to Essay simple 0.061 [95% CrI (-0.433, 0.536)]. With Writing Application Essay Length! Among the 88 raters, seven had 95% credible intervals for the slope of highpro_9 that included zero, indicating that these seven raters did not demonstrate sequential effects. FIGURE 2. Slopes of Highpro_9 for individual raters (black triangle) plotted in ascending rank. Each slope is presented with a 95% credible interval (vertical thin line). The Influence of Experience and Essay, Rating Quality on Writing personal narrative, Sequential Effects. During the rating process, information about the raters was collected. The variable experience denoted the number of times a rater had served as a rater on Essay order, similar tasks.

The variable trirate denoted the proportion of essays that was rated by a third rater, and the variable scoremeans denoted the average score awarded by a rater. In essence, trirate indicated rating consistency with the other raters, and scoremeans indicated the Modest proposal severity or leniency of Essay order, each rater. In order to explore whether rater characteristics had an effect on the estimated sequential effects, the main effect term of the three rater variables was included in Model 4, along with the interaction terms between the rater variables and highpro_9 . All slopes of the newly added terms were set to be fixed. Writing Narrative Essay Birthday! The results are given in Table 3. Compared to Essay simple order Model 3, Model 4 had an university assignment, improved model fit, indicated by Essay simple order, a lower DIC. Model 4 was the best-fitting model among all those considered. Compared to Model 3, the between-rater variance was reduced by 80.2%, and the variance of the highpro_9 slopes decreased by 48.3%. Hence, the inclusion of the rater variables successfully explained the persuasive speech on bullying individual differences of sequential effects among raters. TABLE 3. Simple Order! Parameter estimates (SE) for model 3 and model 4.

As shown in Table 3, the slope of highpro_9 was still positive [#x03B2; 3 = 1.692, 95% CrI: (1.527, 1.849)] and still varied among the raters [ #x03c3; u ( 3 ) ( 3 , 3 ) 2 = 0.443 , 95% CrI : (0.291, 0.646)] when the new variables were included in Law homework, the model. Furthermore, the results provided evidence that the newly added variables had an influence on the estimated assimilation effects. First, although experience had no significant main effect on the response variable [#x03B2; 4 = 0.017, 95% CrI: (-0.017, 0.050)], it could moderate the simple order influence of highpro_9 , i.e., a unit increase in experience would reduce the effect of highpro_9 by 0.117 [#x03B2; 5 = -0.117, 95% CrI: (-0.209, -0.028)]. These results suggested that even if raters with various levels of experience did not differ in terms of severity or leniency, the raters did differ in their inclination to give scores that were influenced by previous scores they had given. The more experienced raters were less susceptible to site sequential effects. Second, scoremeans had a positive effect on the response variable [#x03B2; 6 = 0.773, 95% CrI: (0.665, 0.879)], indicating that the simple more lenient the raters were, the higher the scores they gave, which was consistent with the operationalized definition of the variable. The results also implied that scoremeans had a negative impact on assimilation effects since an increase in scoremeans by one point was associated with a decrease in the slope of highpro_9 by 0.355 [95% CrI: (-0.640, -0.062)]. The variable scoremeans had a range of 7.71 to 10.22, which meant that the difference between the most lenient and most severe raters would have a difference in the slope of highpro_9 of 0.89, nearly half of the effect estimated for the rater group as a whole. These results suggested that even if lenient raters as a whole gave higher scores, they were prone to giving lower scores once they had just given several high scores. Finally, the variable trirate was negatively associated with scores [#x03B2; 8 = -5.358, 95% CrI: (-7.144, -3.602)], indicating that raters less consistent from personal essay, others were prone to giving lower scores.

In addition, trirate had a positive influence on the slope of highpro_9 , which indicated that less qualified raters were more susceptible to simple sequential effects. When trirate increased by 0.01 ( trirate was expressed as a percentage and ranged between 0.11 and 0.26, with a mean of 0.17), the slope of highpro_9 increased by 0.162 [#x03B2; 3 = 16.235, 95% CrI: (11.441, 20.878)]. More specifically, there would be a difference of 2.43 in the slope of essay length, highpro_9 between the simple most qualified rater and the least qualified rater, if evaluated only with trirate . The results of this study strongly suggested that cross-classified models have an advantage over other methods for investigating rater effects in real essay rating processes for large-scale, high-stakes educational examinations. Cross-classified models can take into account the complex structure of the application essay data in simple, large-scale essay ratings. Similar to the work of Attali (2011), our results turned out to be distinct from most previous studies (e.g., Hales and Tokar, 1975; Hughes et al., 1980a,b, 1983; Daly and Dickson-Markman, 1982; Hughes and Keeling, 1984; Spear, 1997). During the rating process used in our study, raters displayed a tendency to give scores that tended toward the previous scores they just gave. In other words, raters demonstrated assimilation rather than contrast effects when scoring the a dissertation mla essays. The results also were contrary to those obtained by Ramineni (2008), who found contrast effects with a similar method and similar predictors. The results of the present study were consistent with a few earlier studies, but inconsistent with others, indicating that the occurrence of assimilation or contrast effects may depend on Essay order, the situation. Several existing studies suggested that assimilation effects tended to take place in persuasive, situations when perceived similarities existed between target and reference stimuli (Mussweiler, 2003), when judges were confident and certain about Essay simple their judgments (Pelham and Wachsmuth, 1995), and when judges lacked motivation or cognitive resources to compare targets with references (Martin et al., 1990). The present rating task shared similarities with all of the above three situations.

The essays being scored possessed the same topic and similar content, so it was difficult to discriminate between essays of personal, different quality. All raters had direct experience and were skilled in scoring essays. Furthermore, rating tasks under the present situation were, to some extent, intensive and exhausting, so raters were likely to lack motivation or cognitive resources to prevent fatigue or boredom. In short, when this kind of Essay order, real, high-pressure rating task is performed automatically or semi-automatically by professional or semi-professional raters, assimilation effects occur more commonly than contrast effects (Attali, 2011). Apart from most previous studies, this study went further to explore the individual differences that could exist for sequential effects. The results showed that individual differences for persuasive on bullying sequential effects existed based on three rater characteristics variables: rating experience, scoremeans , and trirate . #x2022; Raters with different levels of experience differed from each other. Rating experience is a domain-specific experience that has an influence on both the long-term competence and the short-term behavior of raters (Weigle, 1998; Lumley, 2005). That experience had a negative influence on assimilation effects suggested that more experienced raters were less likely to refer to limited samples in their short memory unnecessarily, and could conform to the rating rubric consistently. #x2022; The negative influence of scoremeans indicated that lenient raters were less susceptible to assimilation effects, which was not in line with the observation that lenient raters usually gave higher scores. The finding that there was a high proportion of high scores did not necessarily mean that average scores were high. #x2022; The variable trirate was included in the model to represent the Essay simple degree of consistency of the present rater with all the persuasive speech on bullying other raters as a group.

This variable#x2019;s positive influence on assimilation effects revealed the relationship between assimilation effects and rating quality. Inferior rating quality resulted from the fact that raters did not apply the rating rubric strictly and consistently, and assimilation effects were just the tip of an iceberg. Differed in Essay simple order, the sequential effects they demonstrated, the more experienced, lenient, and site, qualified raters were less susceptible to assimilation effects. These results had the following implications for Essay simple order the rating practice of educational examinations. First, experience should serve as one criterion for the selection of potential raters. Second, sequential effects may act as one indicator of rating quality as they have a close association with rating quality.

Third, severe raters should be given more attention during the monitoring process because they demonstrate the severity effect, and also have greater inclination to show sequential effects. Fourth, because sequential effects resulted from the tension and anxiety of the rating process to some extent, changing the raters#x2019; working pace might help to reduce the effects. For example, extending the intervals between essays or lowering the workload of raters should be considered. Modest Proposal Essay! Finally, sequential effects, together with all the order other rater effects, were present partially because raters did not understand and reinforce the rubric properly. In this respect, improving the quality and with writing, efficiency of training may be a desirable choice.

Constructive items, including essay items, are indispensable components of modern examinations. The scoring of constructive items requires the labor of human raters, which inevitably introduces rater effects. To maintain the reliability and validity of order, examinations, it is vital to detect rater effects in the rating process and adjust the resulting scores when necessary. Among various rater effects, sequential effects are somewhat special, since their existence reflects the essay subtle cognitive processes underlying rating procedures. As human beings, the memory of raters cannot be erased, so it is inevitably that their ratings might fluctuate. Sequential effects in the rating process directly imply that raters do not fully comply with the pre-established rating standards, and the effects constitute an obvious source of construct-irrelevant variation. Furthermore, the rating process of large-scale, high-stakes educational examinations commonly employs a multiple rating strategy to ensure fairness, which results in a sparse cross-classified data structure. To accommodate this structure, specialized statistical models must be used, and cross-classified models are a feasible solution.

In this paper, in addition to detecting sequential effects in essay ratings, we have also sought to order demonstrate to researchers and practitioners specializing in essay rating and other subjectively evaluated performance tasks that cross-classified models are appropriate and feasible to apply when the data have this type of structure. An advantage of a dissertation, multilevel modeling is that predictors of various levels can be added. In fact, if cross-classified models can be applied successfully to order such data structures, we can imagine that other rater effects such as severity, accuracy, and central tendency can also be explored directly via fixed and random terms in the model. University! In addition, the fluctuation of rater effects over time can also be modeled by choosing relevant time predictors. Such extensions are of Essay simple order, great interest for a dissertation future research. In this study, we explored sequential effects with cross-classified models in a real essay rating process for a large-scale, high-stakes educational examination in China. The scores given by raters to an essay item were used as the Essay order response variable. Help Speech On Bullying! The proportion of high scores among the nine previous scores made by simple, the same rater was used as the predictor of sequential effects. The results demonstrated the feasibility and appropriateness of using cross-classified models in assessing rater effects for such data structures.

While this research contributed information about rater performance that can be applied to improve the overall rating process, our study did have some limitations. In the Help writing essay present study, the proportion of high scores among previous scores was used as the effect predictor. Nevertheless, this did not mean that low scores were meaningless to Essay raters. They were not included in our models partly because of the limited capacity of the study. Another limitation of the Help assignment cover sheet present study was that the rater characteristics included were far from comprehensive.

Times of rating similar tasks could provide only one aspect of rating experience. The variables scoremeans and Essay, trirate could only Help on bullying give a rough indication of rating quality. Finally, the present study was based on data collected during a real rating process, which set too many constraints for experimental manipulation. Essay Simple! Future research might be designed and conducted under more controlled experimental conditions in which different patterns of essays calibrated previously would be allocated to raters to ascertain the net impact of sequential effects. In summary, more information must be collected, and in-depth analysis should be carried out to Help university assignment sheet explore the mechanism behind sequential effects. All authors listed, have made substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and Essay, approved it for Modest proposal publication. The manuscript is supported by order, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. Application Essay! 31371047). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of Essay simple, interest.

We thank LetPub ( for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript. ^ In the present study, the site term #x2018;essays#x2019; denotes the responses of examinees to a writing assessment task or a writing item. ^ The difference threshold was set according to official guidelines issued by the National Educational Examination Authority of China. The guidelines demanded that when essays of national educational examinations were scored, the simple order differences of scores given by two raters should be less than one sixth or one fifth of the total of the item. The writing item in our research was assigned a total of proposal essay, 20 points, so the difference threshold was set at four points. Aiken, L. R. Simple Order! (1996). Help University! Rating Scales and Checklists: Evaluating Behaviors, Personality, and Attitudes . New York, NY: John Wiley #x0026; Sons.

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Wolfe, E. W. (2004). Simple! Identifying rater effects using latent trait models. Law Homework Site! Psychol. Sci. 46, 35#x2013;51. Keywords : cross-classified models, large-scale educational assessment, multilevel modeling, rater bias, rater effects, sequential effects. Citation: Zhao H, Andersson B, Guo B and Essay simple order, Xin T (2017) Sequential Effects in Essay Ratings: Evidence of Assimilation Effects Using Cross-Classified Models. Front. Psychol. 8:933. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00933.

Received: 23 January 2017; Accepted: 22 May 2017; Published: 07 June 2017. Martin Lages, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Ben Kelcey, University of Cincinnati, United States. Avi Allalouf, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Israel.

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This might also be referred to as a Text-Only copy. An E-mail Version , another plain text copy, but this one is specifically formatted for the length-of-line restrictions in Essay simple, e-mail. This is also a Text-Only copy. This is the same document presented in four ways, each formatted for a specific delivery purpose. You could just use the forms most databases provide to build your resume in their system, but resume expert and author Susan Ireland doesn’t recommend you do this for Modest essay several reasons. Spell-check: Preparing your resume in advance using your own word processing program allows you to spell-check your resume and order, revise it as needed until you are happy with it. Format: Most online forms and builders insist on proposal, a chronological resume, which focuses on work history. Career changers who would prefer a functional resume with its emphasis on skills will be at a disadvantage. Reusability: If you build it in their database using their form, you’ve done a lot of work for only one site, which means you will have to repeat your effort for every database you encounter. That’s a lot of typing! Prepare it in Essay, advance on your own computer and you have it to use as much as you like.

We have instructions on converting your Word document to 2 different Plain Text documents suitable for pasting in to email and posting in databases. Many job seekers are creating webbed resumes in the hopes of being discovered or as a place to refer an employer who might want to see more than what is proposal, usually found in simple order, a resume. An HTML version of your resume works particularly well for persons in the visual arts or programming, but it could serve anyone, provided it is done right and for the right reasons. Doing it right means starting with a basic HTML version of your designed resume, not an overloaded page of Help persuasive, Shockwave and Java effects, huge graphics, and audio files that takes more than 2 minutes to download on your DSL line and blasts out your computer speakers. Doing it for Essay simple order the right reasons means turning your resume into a portfolio, complete with links to former employers or projects already publicly available online. Be sure you are not violating any copyright or confidentiality clauses by putting information online without prior approval. The biggest problem with HTML resumes is TMI – too much information . Many people make their resumes part of their personal web site, loading it where there is all kinds of information an Help writing essay employer does not need to know before you are hired, like your marital status, ethnic background, religious affiliations, personal interests, past or present health problems, and much more. Essay Order! Allowing an employer to Help university assignment learn so much about you can lead to potential discrimination problems that you may never be aware of for the way you look, your political or religious beliefs or any number of other reasons. I know some career management professionals advocate the use of photos plus personal biographies for executive clients, stating this is the same information you would find in an executive bio released by simple the company for publicity purposes. However, I still urge job seekers to be both conservative and conscientious about what you are telling prospective employers before you actually get called into an interview. Always remember, your resume presents the image you want employers to see.

For this reason, it is important that you keep your presence entirely professional, never linking your resume to any personal information. If you decide to add an HTML resume to Law homework your campaign, post it in simple order, a location separate from your personal web site, and narrative, do not link between the two. The fastest way to respond to Internet job listings is to Essay order e-mail your cover letter and resume to the person or organization indicated. Concluding! However, there are some simple rules to follow before hitting the Essay simple send key. Look at it this way. You have 15 or 20 seconds to get someone’s attention using email. Help Persuasive! In that time, you must convince the recipient to. open your email read your message not delete your email. Do it wrong, get into order, the wrong mail box, or make someone’s job harder, and the best resume in the world from the most qualified person in the world will be trashed. Getting your email opened, read, and actually considered really comes down to some simple rules.

Use the right Subject. Seeking employment is not an acceptable subject. Help Persuasive Speech On Bullying! If you are responding to an advertisement, use the job title or job code cited in Essay, the advertisement to make it easy for your e-mail to be recognized and personal narrative essay birthday, routed to the appropriate person. Essay Order! If you are cold calling an employer, put a few words stating your objective or in the Subject line ( materials engineer seeking new opportunity ). Modest Proposal Essay! Include a cover letter in your email and address it to the recipient. Here’s my resume, please tell me if you have any jobs I might fill is not a cover letter and does not encourage anyone to look at your resume. Whether or not you are responding to an advertised opening, the simple order cover letter will introduce you, specify how you meet the needs of the employer, and a dissertation mla, will encourage the recipient to simple read your full resume. Writing Narrative Essay! Always send your resume in the body of the e-mail message, not as an Essay order attachment. Force someone to open an attachment just to Help university cover get to know you and your 20 seconds are over before they even start. Order! Put that resume right in the message so the recipient will see it as soon as he or she opens the message. Law Homework Site! This technique also helps you get through e-mail systems that reject all attachments in this day of rampant computer viruses.

Make sure your resume is properly formatted for e-mail. Plain text resumes not formatted for email can be unreadable, and unreadable resumes will most likely be deleted. Take the time to make sure it will look as good on order, all computers and in all email systems as it does on your screen. Concluding! This means shorter text lines, spacing between sections, and text-based highlights. If responding to an advertisement, read the application instructions and follow them. Failing to follow application instructions not only delays your resume, it labels you as someone who doesn’t take direction well. It’s the Essay order Trash bin for you.

They might specify an email address and job code to use. They might even actually ask you to send your resume as a Word attachment. Assignment Cover! Whatever they want, you do. Always remember: It only takes a second for someone to delete an e-mail message . Don’t give them a reason to trash you! Think before you respond!

Posting your Resume: Placement vs. Privacy. With all of the possible posting sites available online, you can saturate the Internet with your resumes. Order! Is this a good thing? There are two issues to consider when posting your resume online.

Placement: where should you post it? Privacy: how public do you want it to be? What’s the problem? The more exposure you get, the better, right? Not necessarily . Recruiters get tired of Help speech, finding the same resumes for the same people in every database they search. If you get labeled a resume spammer, you won’t be considered for job openings they are working to fill. Essay Simple Order! Also, the farther your resume spreads, the less control you have over it and Writing narrative, the more likely it is to be discovered by Essay simple someone you had hoped wouldn’t see it, like your current employer. And yes, people do get fired. Some problems can be avoided by merely limiting where you post your resume (Placement), others by limiting the information in your posted resume (Privacy), but the two issues must be addressed hand-in-hand. It is possible to birthday be visible but private online, but how visible you want to be vs. Simple! how comfortable you are in public is a question only you can answer.

Limiting your posting is Modest proposal essay, a good way to protect your privacy, but it is also important to select those few sites with care. Susan Joyce , author of, encourages job seekers to simple order carefully evaluate the job sites used and to be aware of the university cover information presented in the resume. The following tips include information excerpted from her articles on simple order, Choosing a Job Site and Your Cyber-Safe Resume. This information was used with her permission. I highly recommend a visit to her site to Concluding read the full articles. Limit where you post. Simple! Post your resume in essay, the databases of only one or two large popular job sites. At the same time, post it in the databases of one or two smaller job sites targeted to your specific industry, occupational group, or geographic location. Essay Simple Order! This will give you both maximum exposure (many employers crossing industries and regions) and targeted exposure (employers looking for university cover a smaller yet more highly qualified candidate pool.) Read Privacy Policies . Note what personal or individually identifiable information they will collect, how it may be handled, and whether or not they reserve the simple right to sell it. Some sites are good and promise to Concluding mla never sell your info, but others reserve the right to sell your personally identifiable information to third parties.

Avoid sites that force you to register a full profile (i.e., your resume) before you can do any search of the simple job database. You should be allowed to evaluate a site to make sure it’s a good fit to you before adding your information to their database. Avoid sites that offer to blast your resume. Such wide distribution may offer little, if any, control on essay, where a copy of Essay, your resume could end up. Limit access to a dissertation your personal contact information. Options range from blocking access to just the contact information to keeping your resume completely out Essay of the database searched by employers.

Choose the Help assignment cover sheet option that works best for you. Remember that if you go for full confidentiality, it may be up to simple order you to remember to essay delete contact info from your resume. Many job seekers trip up here because they fill out simple order a form with their contact info, then cut and paste the whole resume into the box, forgetting about the contact info here. The database’s protection of Modest proposal essay, your contact info only refers to what you put in the form, not in Essay simple order, the box. Modify the contact information you put on your resume. Remove all standard contact information — name, address, phone numbers — and replace your personal e-mail address with an Law homework site e-mail address set up specifically for Essay simple order your job search. This is where those services like Yahoo! email come into play. Make sure you use an appropriate e-mail name like Names like or are not good names for serious job seekers. College Length! Modify your employment history.

Remove all dates from your resume. Then, remove the order names of all employers and replace them with accurate but generic descriptions. Nuts n’ Bolts Distributors, Inc. becomes a small construction supplies distribution company and IBM becomes a multinational information technology company. If your job title is unique, replace it with an accurate but generic title, so New England Regional Gadget Marketing Director becomes multi-state marketing manager of gadget-class products. Don’t let your resume sit there. Since many databases sort resumes by date of submission with the newest fir t, renew your resume every 14 days. If you don’t get any response to your resume within 45 days of posting, remove it from Writing narrative, that location and post it elsewhere. It could be that employers are not looking for people with your skills in simple, this particular database, but it could also be that there is too much competition between candidates with the same skills and your resume is not rising to the top. Site! When your job search is over, delete all resumes out there. Do not continue to dangle the hook and see what offers may come up.

Your new employer may find you still fishing and demand an explanation. Essay Simple! Some people are adding a posted DATE on the bottom of resumes they register online, but you will still have a tremendous amount of explaining to do if your resume is found to still be circulating. Whether or not you were planning a fast exit, you may find yourself on Help persuasive speech, the way out the door. Always remember that most job sites make their money by selling access to the resume database! Many want you to post your resume in their database, but few really work for you.

When it comes to posting your resume, You Rule . Be choosy. Copyright by Margaret Dikel; portions copyright by Susan Ireland and Susan Joyce. Essay! Permission to reprint this article must be obtained from all authors; each author will offer his or her terms for granting permission. Please read the Help writing application essay length complete copyright statement for additional information.

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43 Resume Tips That Will Help You Get Hired. When you haven’t updated your resume in a while, it can be hard to know where to order start. What experiences and accomplishments should you include for the jobs you’ve got your eye on? What new resume rules and college application trends should you be following? And seriously, one page or two?

Well, search no more: We’ve compiled all the resume advice you need into one place. Read on simple order, for tips and tricks that’ll make sure you craft a winning resume—and help you land a job. Help Application Length? Your resume should not have every work experience you’ve ever had listed on Essay, it. Think of your resume not as a comprehensive list of Help assignment cover your career history, but as a marketing document selling you as the perfect person for the job. Essay? For each resume you send out, you’ll want to highlight only the accomplishments and Help university skills that are most relevant to the job at hand (even if that means you don’t include all of your experience).

Job search expert Lily Zhang explains more about what it means to Essay order tailor your resume here . 2. But Keep a Master List of All Jobs. Since you’ll want to essay be swapping different information in and out depending on simple, the job you’re applying to, keep a resume master list on your computer where you keep any information you’ve ever included on a resume: old positions, bullet points tailored for different applications, special projects that only sometimes make sense to include. Then, when you’re crafting each resume, it’s just a matter of cutting and pasting relevant information together. Sheet? Think of this as your brag file . 3. Put the Best Stuff “Above the Fold” In marketing speak, “above the fold” refers to what you see on the front half of a folded newspaper (or, in the digital age, before you scroll down on a website), but basically it’s your first impression of a document. In resume speak, it means you should make sure your best experiences and accomplishments are visible on the top third of your resume. This top section is what the simple, hiring manager is going to see first—and what will serve as a hook for university assignment sheet, someone to Essay simple keep on reading. So focus on Concluding mla, putting your best, most relevant experiences first—and then check out these five other marketing tricks to get your resume noticed . According to Zhang , the only occasion when an objective section makes sense is when you’re making a huge career change and need to explain from the Essay simple, get-go why your experience doesn’t match up with the position you’re applying to. In every other case?

Consider whether a summary statement would be right for you —or just nix it altogether to save space and Help persuasive speech on bullying focus on making the rest of your resume stellar. There are lots of different ways to organize the order, information on your resume, but the good old reverse chronological (where your most recent experience is narrative essay birthday, listed first) is still your best bet. Unless it’s absolutely necessary in your situation, skip the skills-based resume—hiring managers might wonder what you’re hiding. Simple Order? The two- (or more!) page resume is a hotly debated topic , but the bottom line is this—you want the information here to be concise, and making yourself keep it to one page is with college essay, a good way to Essay simple order force yourself to do this. If you truly have enough relevant and important experience, training, and Law homework site credentials to showcase on more than one page of your resume, then go for it. But if you can tell the same story in less space? Do. If you’re struggling, check out these tips for cutting your content down , or work with a designer to see how you can organize your resume to fit more in less space.

Can’t figure out how to tell your whole story on one page, or want to be able to include some visual examples of your work? Instead of trying to have your resume cover everything, cover the simple order, most important details on that document, and then include a link to your personal website , where you can dive more into what makes you the a dissertation mla, ideal candidate. We’ll talk about getting creative in order to stand out in a minute. But the most basic principle of good resume formatting and design? Keep it simple. Use a basic but modern font, like Helvetica, Arial, or Century Gothic. Make your resume easy on hiring managers’ eyes by using a font size between 10 and Essay simple order 12 and leaving a healthy amount of white space on a dissertation mla, the page. Simple? You can use a different font or typeface for your name, your resume headers, and the companies for university, which you’ve worked, but keep it simple and keep it consistent.

Your main focus here should be on readability for simple order, the hiring manager. With Writing Essay Length? That being said, you should feel free to… Really want your resume stand out from the sea of Times New Roman? Yes, creative resumes—like infographics, videos, or presentations—or resumes with icons or graphics can set you apart, but you should use them thoughtfully. If you’re applying through an ATS, keep to the standard formatting without any bells and whistles so the computer can read it effectively. If you’re applying to a more traditional company, don’t get too crazy, but feel free to add some tasteful design elements or a little color to Essay simple make it pop. No matter what, don’t do it unless you’re willing to put in the time, creativity, and Modest proposal design work to make it awesome. 10. Make Your Contact Info Prominent.

You don’t need to include your address on your resume anymore (really!), but you do need to Essay simple make sure to include a phone number and professional email address (not your work address!) as well as other places the hiring manager can find you on personal narrative birthday, the web, like your LinkedIn profile and Twitter handle. (Implicit in Essay, this is that you keep these social media profiles suitable for prospective employers.) You’ve heard before that hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time on each individual resume. So help them get as much information as possible, in as little time as possible. These 12 small formatting changes will make a huge difference. Know that design skills aren’t your strong suit but want your resume to look stunning? There’s no shame in getting help, so consider working with a professional resume designer. This is arguably the with essay length, most important document of your job search, so it’s worth getting it exactly right! 13. Keep it Recent, Keep it Relevant.

As a rule, you should only show the most recent 10-15 years of your career history and only include the experience relevant to the positions to which you are applying. And remember to allocate real estate on your resume according to importance. If there’s a choice between including one more college internship or going into more detail about order, your current role, always choose the latter (unless a previous job was more relevant to Modest essay the one you’re applying to). 14. No Relevant Experience?

No Worries! Don’t panic if you don’t have any experience that fits the bill. Instead, Zhang explains , focus your resume on your relevant and transferrable skills along with any related side or academic projects, and then make sure to simple pair it with a strong cover letter telling the narrative of why you’re ideal for the job. No matter how long you’ve been in a job, or how much you’ve accomplished there, you shouldn’t have more than five or six bullets in Modest essay, a given section. Order? No matter how good your bullets are, the recruiter just isn’t going to Law homework get through them. Check out these tips for writing impressive bullet points . You may be tempted to throw in tons of industry jargon so you sound like you know what you’re talking about, but ultimately you want your resume to be understandable to the average person.

Remember that the first person who sees your resume might be a recruiter, an Essay order assistant, or even a high-level executive—and you want to Writing essay be sure that it is order, readable, relevant, and interesting to all of them. Help Assignment Sheet? Use as many facts, figures, and numbers as you can in your bullet points. How many people were impacted by your work? By what percentage did you exceed your goals? By quantifying your accomplishments, you really allow the hiring manager to Essay simple picture the level of Help speech on bullying work or responsibility you needed to achieve them. Even if you don’t actually work with numbers, here are some secrets to adding more to your resume . People hire performers, so you want to show that you didn’t just do stuff, but that you got stuff done! As you look at your bullet points, think about how you can take each statement one step further and Essay add in what the benefit was to your boss or your company. A Dissertation? By doing this, you clearly communicate not only what you’re capable of, but also the Essay, direct benefit the employer will receive by hiring you.

If you’re not sure how to explain your impact, check out Help persuasive, these tips for turning your duties into accomplishments . Describing soft skills on simple, a resume often starts to Help university cover sound like a list of meaningless buzzwords, fast. Essay Simple Order? But being a “strong leader” or an “effective communicator” are important characteristics you want to get across. Think about how you can demonstrate these attributes in your bullet points without actually saying them. Zhang demonstrates here how you can show five different qualities with the same bullet point—try it yourself until you get the result you’re going for! 20. Don’t Neglect Non-Traditional Work.

There’s no law that says you can only put full-time or paid work on your resume. So, if you’ve participated in a major volunteer role, worked part-time, were hired as a temporary or contract worker , freelanced, or blogged? Absolutely list these things as their own “jobs” within your career chronology. Persuasive Speech? If every bullet in simple, your resume starts with “Responsible for,” readers will get bored very quickly. Concluding Mla? Use our handy list of better verbs to mix it up ! Use keywords in Essay simple order, your resume: Scan the job description, see what words are used most often, and persuasive speech on bullying make sure you’ve included them in your bullet points. Not only is this a self-check that you’re targeting your resume to the job, it’ll make sure you get noticed in applicant tracking systems. Stuck on which words to include?

Dump the job description into a tool like TagCrowd , which will analyze and spit out the most used keywords. What words shouldn’t you include? Detail-oriented, team player, and hard worker—among other vague terms that recruiters say are chronically overused . Simple? We bet there’s a better way to describe how awesome you are. 24. Experience First, Education Second. Unless you’re a recent graduate, put your education after your experience.

Chances are, your last couple of jobs are more important and relevant to you getting the job than where you went to Writing birthday college. 25. Also Keep it Reverse Chronological. Usually, you should lay down your educational background by Essay simple order, listing the most recent or advanced degree first, working in reverse chronological order. But if older coursework is more specific to the job, list that first to grab the reviewer’s attention.

Don’t list your graduation dates. The reviewer cares more about whether or not you have the degree than when you earned it. If you graduated from college with high honors, absolutely make note of personal narrative essay it. Essay Order? While you don’t need to list your GPA, don’t be afraid to showcase that summa cum laude status or the fact that you were in the honors college at your university. 28. Include Continuing or Online Education. Don’t be afraid to Concluding mla include continuing education, professional development coursework, or online courses in your education section, especially if it feels a little light. Simple? Kelli Orrela explains , “Online courses are a more-than-accepted norm nowadays, and your participation in them can actually show your determination and motivation to Help persuasive on bullying get the Essay simple order, skills you need for your career.” Be sure to add a section that lists out all the relevant skills you have for a position, including tech skills like HTML and Adobe Creative Suite and any industry-related certifications. Just make sure to skip including skills that everyone is expected to have, like using email or Microsoft Word.

Doing so will actually make you seem less technologically savvy. If you have lots of skills related to a position—say, foreign language, software, and Law homework leadership skills—try breaking out one of those sections and order listing it on Modest essay, its own. Below your “Skills” section, add another section titled “Language Skills” or “Software Skills,” and detail your experience there. Simple? Again—we’re going for skimmability here, folks! Feel free to include an Writing personal narrative birthday “Interests” section on order, your resume, but only Concluding add those that are relevant to simple order the job. Assignment Sheet? Are you a guitar player with your eye on simple order, a music company? Definitely include it. But including your scrapbooking hobby for a tech job at a healthcare company? Don’t even think about Modest proposal, it. 32. Beware of Interests That Could Be Controversial.

Maybe you help raise money for your church on the reg. Or perhaps you have a penchant for canvassing during political campaigns. Yes, these experiences show a good amount of work ethic—but they could also be discriminated against by Essay simple order, someone who disagrees with the Help university cover sheet, cause. Zhang explains here how to weigh the Essay order, decision of whether to include them or not. Do include awards and accolades you’ve received, even if they’re company-specific awards. Just state what you earned them for, e.g., “Earned Gold Award for persuasive speech on bullying, having the company’s top sales record four quarters in Essay simple order, a row.” What about personal achievements—like running a marathon—that aren’t totally relevant but show you’re a driven, hard worker?

Zhang shares the proper ways to include them. Gaps and Other Sticky Resume Situations. If you stayed at a (non-temporary) job for only a matter of months, consider eliminating it from your resume. According to The New York Times ’ career coach , leaving a particularly short-lived job or two off your work history shouldn’t hurt, as long as you’re honest about your experience if asked in an interview. If you have gaps of a few months in essay, your work history, don’t list the simple order, usual start and end dates for each position. Use years only (2010-2012), or just the number of years or months you worked at your earlier positions. If you’ve job-hopped frequently, include a reason for leaving next to each position, with a succinct explanation like “company closed,” “layoff due to downsizing,” or “relocated to new city.” By addressing the with writing essay length, gaps, you’ll proactively illustrate the reason for simple order, your sporadic job movement and make it less of an Concluding mla issue.

Re-entering the workforce after a long hiatus? This is the perfect opportunity for a summary statement at the top, outlining your best skills and accomplishments. Then, get into your career chronology, without hesitating to include part-time or volunteer work. See more tips from Jenny Foss for simple order, killing it on your comeback resume. Don’t try to creatively fill in a dissertation, gaps on Essay simple, your resume. Help Assignment? For example, if you took time out of the workforce to raise kids, don’t list your parenting experience on your resume, a la “adeptly managed the growing pile of laundry” (we’ve seen it).

While parenting is as demanding and Essay simple order intense a job as any out there, most corporate decision makers aren’t going to take this section of personal narrative your resume seriously. 39. Ditch “References Available Upon Request” If a hiring manager is interested in you, he or she will ask you for Essay order, references—and will assume that you have them. There’s no need to address the obvious (and doing so might even make you look a little presumptuous!). It should go without saying, but make sure your resume is Concluding a dissertation mla, free and clear of Essay simple order typos. And don’t rely on spell check and Help assignment cover grammar check alone—ask family or friends to take a look at it for you (or get some tips from an editor on Essay simple order, how to perfect your own work ). Site? If emailing your resume, make sure to always send a PDF rather than a .doc. That way all of your careful formatting won’t accidentally get messed up when the hiring manager opens it on his or her computer.

To make sure it won’t look wonky when you send it off, Google’s head of HR Laszlo Bock suggests, “Look at it in Essay order, both Google Docs and Help university Word, and then attach it to an email and open it as a preview.” Ready to save your resume and send it off? Save it as “Jane Smith Resume” instead of “Resume.” It’s one less step the hiring manager has to take. Carve out some time every quarter or so to pull up your resume and Essay make some updates. Writing College Essay? Have you taken on new responsibilities? Learned new skills? Add them in.

When your resume is updated on a regular basis, you’re ready to Essay simple order pounce when opportunity presents itself. And, even if you’re not job searching, there are plenty of good reasons to keep this document in tip-top shape. Proposal Essay? Photo courtesy of Essay Hero Images / Getty Images . Erin Greenawald is a freelance writer, editor, and Writing personal narrative essay content strategist who is passionate about elevating the standard of writing on the web. Erin previously helped build The Muse’s beloved daily publication and led the company’s branded content team. Order? If you’re an individual or company looking for help making your content better—or you just want to go out to tea—get in touch at Hmmm, seems you#39;ve already signed up for this class.

While you#39;re here, you may as well check out all the Help university cover, amazing companies that are hiring like crazy right now.

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Your recruiting profile is just a click away! University of Miami. Your recruiting profile is Essay simple order, just a click away! How to Write the Perfect Recruiting Email. Jeff Duva August 6, 2017. Jeff Duva June 27, 2017. Your recruiting profile is just a click away! Football Scholarships Baseball Scholarships. Basketball Scholarships Soccer Scholarships. Volleyball Scholarships Softball Scholarships. Golf Scholarships Tennis Scholarships.

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How to Increase Your Chances of Help assignment, Receiving an Athletic Scholarship for order, College. Currently more than 2,000 college and universities nationwide support athletic programs and offer Athletic Scholarships and financial aid packages for Writing narrative essay, high school prospects. Unless you are one of those rare athletes that is a Five Star prospect and is receiving multiple scholarship offers early in Essay order your high school career, chances are you will need Exposure to get recruited. For every one athletic scholarship there are many student-athletes that qualify for each scholarship offered but unless college coaches have access to your information, video, stats and grades chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process. Proposal? In today's age of Essay, information and technology it is personal narrative birthday, vital that college coaches have access to all of your pertinent information and that they are updated on a regular basis as to the process you are making. Your Roadmap to simple order, Get Recruited for a College Athletic Scholarship. Just like any other venture in life, you have to have a plan to be successful.

If your goal is to Modest proposal essay, receive an athletic scholarship for college you have to have a plan and be willing to do the necessary things to get recruited. That plan includes knowing how many colleges participate in your sport and offer athletic scholarships for Essay simple, the sport you play, knowing important academic requirements, recruiting guidelines, signing dates and the list goes on. Help? Tens of thousands of athletes like you are vying for college sports scholarships so the Essay order better prepared you are, the better your chances will be of receiving an athletic scholarship for college. CSA-PrepStar offers a wealth of free resources for Help assignment sheet, you to take advantage of. You will find everything you will need to know about athletic scholarships for simple, NCAA, NAIA and university assignment cover NJCAA programs. Using our free resources, you will find everything you need for recruiting. We have helped thousands of athletes receive full scholarships, partial scholarships, financial aid packages for Division 3 schools and even preferred walk-on opportunities at Essay simple order, elite college and universities nationwide. CSA-PrepStar -- the Nation's #1 Athletic Recruiting Service.

If the recruiting process for college athletic scholarships wasn't confusing enough already, now athletes and their parents have to navigate through a bevy of Help, companies that claim to simple order, be the best recruiting service of it s kind. Unfortunately, most companies are nothing more than database aggregators that compile as many names and athletes as they can and then sell their information to Concluding a dissertation mla, corporate sponsors. Essay Order? Other companies operate as boiler room hard sell closers who pressure families into Modest proposal essay buying a service that will never benefit them with their future college goals. Order? Many of these companies claim to work with tens of thousands and even millions of student-athletes each year. These types of Writing birthday, services will never provide the individual attention and service you need to really be considered as an athletic scholarship prospect for the next level. CSA-PrepStar works with no more than 350 athletes per sport per year. Order? Our Elite PrepStar 350 is comprised of qualified, verified college-bound student-athletes who can play and compete on the next level both athletically and proposal academically. Our company enjoys a 98% success level in placing athletes with athletic scholarships because we only work with and represent legitimate college-bound prospects! More than 850 Division I, Iaa, II, III, NAIA and order JC colleges and birthday universities compete in college football every year. Order? Approximately 12,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year. If your dream is to receive a college football scholarship and live your dreams of proposal essay, playing college football then CSA-PrepStar may be the Essay simple right choice for Law homework, you.

Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and Essay simple order financial aid packages. To receive a football scholarship you need to Law homework, be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a football scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to simple, view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by PrepStar as football scholarship prospects for site, the next level. Essay? Division I and Iaa programs offer full-ride athletic scholarships and have a set number of roster players that may receive athletic scholarship aid. Division I programs may have a maximum of 85 roster players that receive football scholarships and Modest proposal 1aa programs may have a total of 63 players that receive football scholarships.

Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of 36 full-ride athletic scholarships on their roster at any one time. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a football scholarship. More than 1,700 Division I, Iaa, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in men's and Essay order women's college basketball every year.

Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year. If your dream is to receive a college basketball scholarship and Law homework site live your dreams of Essay order, playing college basketball then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a basketball scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and narrative birthday a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to simple, view information on prospects that have been verified and Help qualified by PrepStar as basketball scholarship prospects for Essay, the next level. Division I programs offer full-ride athletic scholarships and have a set number of roster players that may receive athletic scholarship aid. Division I programs may have a maximum of 13 roster players that receive basketball scholarships. Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an speech on bullying, equivalency of 10 full-ride athletic scholarships on their roster at any one time for both men's and women's programs.

Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Order? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for personal narrative essay birthday, them. Essay Simple Order? NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a basketball scholarship. Nearly 1,500 Division I, II, III, NAIA and Help with essay length JC colleges and universities compete in college baseball every year. Essay? Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year. If your dream is to receive a college baseball scholarship and live your dreams of playing college baseball then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Help Application Essay? Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for simple, college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages.

To receive a baseball scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to assignment cover, view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by simple, PrepStar as baseball scholarship prospects for the next level. Law Homework? Division I programs offer athletic scholarships and may have an simple, equivalency of application, 11.7 roster players that receive baseball scholarships.

Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of simple, 9 full-ride athletic scholarships on their roster at any one time. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Personal? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for simple, them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to university assignment cover sheet, receive a baseball scholarship. Nearly 1,600 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in college volleyball every year.

Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year. If your dream is to simple order, receive a college volleyball scholarship and live your dreams of proposal, playing college volleyball then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a volleyball scholarship you need to simple order, be qualified both athletically and proposal essay academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in Essay the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of Modest essay, each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to order, qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship.

We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to university cover sheet, view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by PrepStar as volleyball scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs offer full-ride athletic scholarships and have a set number of roster players that may receive athletic scholarship aid. Division I programs may have a maximum of simple, 12 roster players that receive volleyball scholarships. Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of proposal, 8 full-ride athletic scholarships on Essay simple order, their roster at any one time. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and university divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for order, their programs.

Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a volleyball scholarship. Over 1,200 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and personal essay universities compete in men's college soccer every year and over 1,300 women's programs compete in college soccer every year. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for men's and Essay simple order women's soccer. If your dream is to writing college application essay length, receive a college soccer scholarship and live your dreams of playing college soccer then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you.

Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for Essay, college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and Help persuasive financial aid packages. To receive a soccer scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and simple academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Help Assignment Cover Sheet? Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. Essay Simple Order? We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and Concluding a dissertation mla qualified by PrepStar as soccer scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs offer athletic scholarships and have a set number of players that may receive athletic scholarship aid. Division I men's programs may have an equivalency of 9.9 soccer scholarships. Women's programs may have an equivalency of 12 full-ride scholarships Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an simple, equivalency of 9 full-ride athletic scholarships for Writing personal essay birthday, men and 9.9 for women's programs. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for order, their programs. Writing Personal Narrative Birthday? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a soccer scholarship.

Nearly 1,500 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in college softball every year. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for college softball. If your dream is to receive a college softball scholarship and live your dreams of playing college softball then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and simple financial aid packages. To receive a softball scholarship you need to essay, be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of Essay, each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to with writing essay, view information on prospects that have been verified and Essay simple qualified by PrepStar as softball scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs may offer full-ride athletic scholarships and have a set number of roster players that may receive athletic scholarship aid.

Division I programs may have an equivalency of 12 softball scholarships. Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an site, equivalency of 7.2 full-ride athletic scholarships. Essay Simple Order? Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for with application essay, them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for order, athletes looking to university assignment sheet, receive a softball scholarship. Every year 1,150 Division I, II, III, NAIA and Essay simple JC colleges and universities compete in college golf for men. There are nearly 800 programs that compete in women's golf each year. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and university assignment cover financial aid packages each year for order, college golf. If your dream is to receive a college golf scholarship and proposal live your dreams of playing college golf then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you.

Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a golf scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and simple order academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of with writing application essay, each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and Essay order honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the with college application essay length recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by simple order, PrepStar as golf scholarship prospects for university assignment cover, the next level. Division I programs may have an equivalency of 4.5 golf scholarships. Essay Simple? Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of 3.6 full-ride athletic scholarships. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and Modest proposal essay academic grants for athletes looking to receive a golf scholarship. Over 1,000 Division I, II, III, NAIA and simple JC colleges and universities compete in college tennis for men and 1,154 colleges and universities compete in college tennis for Modest essay, women . There are nearly 800 programs that compete in women's tennis each year.

Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for college tennis. Simple? If your dream is to receive a college tennis scholarship and live your dreams of playing college tennis then CSA-PrepStar may be the Law homework site right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. Simple Order? To receive a tennis scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of application length, each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an simple, athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and Help assignment qualified by PrepStar as tennis scholarship prospects for simple order, the next level. Help Sheet? Division I programs for men may have an equivalency of 4.5 tennis scholarships. Division I programs for women may have no more than 12 athletes on full-ride or partial scholarships each year.

Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an simple order, equivalency of 4.5 full-ride athletic scholarships for men and Law homework site 6 full-ride athletic scholarships for Essay simple order, women . Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a tennis scholarship. Track Scholarships Cross Country Scholarships. Over 900 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in college track and Writing personal narrative essay birthday field and Cross Country for men and 925 colleges and universities compete in college track and field and Cross Country for women . Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for college track and field. If your dream is to Essay simple order, receive a college track and field scholarship and Help university assignment cover sheet live your dreams of simple, playing college track and field then CSA-PrepStar may be the Writing personal narrative birthday right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a track and field scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and simple order academically. Help University Cover Sheet? Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in Essay order the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by PrepStar as track and Help field scholarship prospects for the next level.

Division I programs for Essay order, men may have an equivalency of 12.6 track and field and Help persuasive speech on bullying cross country scholarships. Division I programs for women may have an equivalency of 18 full-ride scholarships each year. Division 2 colleges are allowed to Essay simple order, have an equivalency of 12.6 full-ride athletic scholarships for both men's and women's track and site field and cross country. Essay Simple? Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and Help persuasive speech on bullying divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for Essay, their programs. On Bullying? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for Essay simple, athletes looking to receive a track and field scholarship. Every year nearly 500 Division I, II, III, NAIA and proposal essay JC colleges and universities compete in college swimming for men and 548 programs for women's swimming. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and Essay simple order financial aid packages each year for college swimming. If your dream is to receive a college swimming scholarship and live your dreams of playing college swimming then CSA-PrepStar may be the Writing narrative essay right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for Essay, college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in college application athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a swimming scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically.

Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. Simple? We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by Law homework site, PrepStar as swimming scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs may have an equivalency of 9.9 swimming scholarships for men and 12 for women. Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of 8.1 full-ride athletic scholarships. Essay Simple Order? Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for Law homework site, their programs. Essay Simple Order? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to sheet, athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and order academic grants for athletes looking to receive a swimming scholarship. Every year nearly 300 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in Law homework college lacrosse for men and 345 programs for simple order, women's lacrosse. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for college lacrosse.

If your dream is to assignment sheet, receive a college lacrosse scholarship and live your dreams of playing college lacrosse then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. Essay Order? To receive a lacrosse scholarship you need to persuasive, be qualified both athletically and simple order academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of each year's recruiting class. Site? Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by PrepStar as lacrosse scholarship prospects for the next level. Essay? Division I programs may have an equivalency of 12.6 lacrosse scholarships for men and 12 for women. Personal Narrative? Division 2 colleges are allowed to simple, have an equivalency of 12.6 full-ride athletic scholarships for men and 9.9 for women. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and with writing application academic grants for athletes looking to receive a lacrosse scholarship.

Every year 80 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and order universities compete in college water polo for men and 58 programs for Concluding, women's water polo. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and financial aid packages each year for Essay simple, college water polo. If your dream is to receive a college water polo scholarship and live your dreams of playing college water polo then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Site? Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for Essay simple order, college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. To receive a water polo scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of Writing essay, each year's recruiting class.

Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the Essay recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to persuasive, receive an athletic scholarship. Essay Simple Order? We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by PrepStar as water polo scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs may have an equivalency of 4.5 water polo scholarships for men and 8 for women. Division 2 colleges are allowed to have an equivalency of 4.5 full-ride athletic scholarships for Concluding mla, men and Essay order 8 for speech on bullying, women. Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Essay? Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to receive a water polo scholarship. Field Hockey Scholarships.

Every year 116 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JC colleges and universities compete in college field hockey for men and 258 programs for persuasive on bullying, women's field hockey. Approximately 10,000 high school student-athletes receive athletic scholarships and Essay simple order financial aid packages each year for college field hockey. If your dream is to receive a college field hockey scholarship and live your dreams of playing college field hockey then CSA-PrepStar may be the right choice for you. Since 1982 CSA-PrepStar has helped more than 50,000 student-athletes receive athletic scholarships for college totaling more than One Billion Dollars in athletic scholarships and financial aid packages. Law Homework? To receive a field hockey scholarship you need to be qualified both athletically and academically. Also, without exposure as a basketball scholarship prospect chances are you will go overlooked in the recruiting process unless you are one of the rare 5 star prospects that make up less than 1% of Essay simple, each year's recruiting class. Highlight video, grade transcripts, stats and honors, and a CSA-PrepStar scouting report are all part of the recruiting solution we offer to qualified college-bound student-athletes that are looking to receive an athletic scholarship. With Writing Application? We will also create your own personal recruiting website where college coaches go to view information on prospects that have been verified and qualified by Essay order, PrepStar as field hockey scholarship prospects for the next level. Division I programs may have an narrative birthday, equivalency of 12.0 field hockey scholarships for simple order, women. Division 2 colleges are allowed to Writing essay, have an equivalency of 6.3 full-ride athletic scholarships for simple, for women.

Therefore, these programs will typically offer partial scholarships and a dissertation divide their scholarship money among many players so they may recruit more players for their programs. Division 3 programs do not offer athletic scholarships but they will offer academic grants to athletes that qualify for them. NAIA programs offer both athletic scholarships and academic grants for athletes looking to Essay simple order, receive a field hockey scholarship. Copyright © 2017 Collegiate Sports of America, Inc.

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collectivistic essay All online transactions are done using all major Credit Cards or Electronic Check through either PayPal™ or Moneybookers™. These are safe, secure, and efficient ways to make payment online. Purnell’s Theory for Cultural Competence. Description of the Theory. The Purnell Theory for Cultural Competence began as an organizing framework during 1991 when the author, Purnell Larry, was lecturing undergraduate students and identified the need for staffs and Essay students to have a framework through which they could learn about the cultures of their patients including their families as well as their own cultures.

Basing on comments on comments from students, Purnell was convinced that cultural competence and Modest proposal ethnocentric behavior was inexistent. As a result, the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence was developed as an organizing framework having precise questions and a format that could be used to assess culture in clinical practice settings. All healthcare disciplines place an emphasis on communication as well as the need to know the ethno-cultural beliefs of patients. After its initial development, meta-paradigm and schematic concepts and cultural competence scale were incorporated in the model. The major assumptions of the Essay order Purnell’s model for cultural competence draw on a broader perspective, which implies that they are applicable in all environmental contexts and practice disciplines. In this regard, a healthcare provider who is Modest essay cultural competent tends to be aware of Essay his/her thoughts, existence, environment and sensations and does not let these factors influence the patient receiving care.

Cultural competence entails adapting care in a way that it is Concluding a dissertation consistent with the patient’s culture. The following are the major assumptions of the Purnell’s model for Essay simple cultural competence: All healthcare disciplines require the same information regarding cultural diversity. Help Speech On Bullying. All healthcare disciplines make use of the same meta-paradigm concepts of health, person, family, community and the global society. There is no culture that is better than the other; instead, they are merely different. There are core similarities across all cultures. There are differences within, between and among cultures. Cultures are subject to change gradually in a society that is stable; The level to which a culture differs from the dominant culture is determined by the secondary and primary characteristics of culture. Essay. If patients are co-participants in Help application length health care and are given the Essay order choice in site selecting health-related interventions, plans and goals, then, there will be an improvement in health outcomes.

Culture exerts a significant impact on a person’s interpretation of healthcare and how he/she responds to care. Families and Essay order individuals fit in numerous cultural groups. Each person deserves to be respected for Concluding a dissertation mla his/her cultural heritage and uniqueness. Essay Simple. Caregivers require both specific and persuasive speech on bullying general cultural information in simple order to offer care that is both culturally competent and sensitive. Assessments, plans and interventions that are culturally competent tend to improve patients’ care. Learning cultures is a continuing process that can be achieved in numerous ways but mainly via cultural encounters; Biases and prejudices can be lessened through cultural understanding.

Effectiveness of care can be improved through reflecting on distinctive understanding of the life ways, beliefs, and values of individual acculturation patterns and diverse populations. Cultural and racial differences need the essay birthday adaptations of the standard interventions. Cultural awareness tends to improve the self-awareness of the caregiver. Associations, organizations and professions have their individual cultures that can be evaluated using a grand nursing theory. The Purnell’s model for cultural competence draws upon several theories and simple order a research base of family development, communication, administrative and organizational theories including other disciplines such as linguistics, economics, history, religion, pharmacology, nutrition ecology, biology, physiology and anatomy, psychology and Help persuasive speech on bullying sociology. The primary characteristics of culture comprise of concepts such as religious affiliation, age, gender, color, race and order nationality whereas the secondary characteristics of culture comprises of concepts such as occupation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, political beliefs, military experience, parental and marital status and physical characteristics among others. The schematic that is used to Help persuasive speech depict the Purnell’s model for cultural competence (figure 1 below) consists of a circle having an outlying rim that represents the global society, a second rim that represents the community, third rim that represents the family, a fourth inner rim that represents the individual and the mete-paradigm concepts. The inside of the concentric circles comprises of Essay simple order 12 pie-shaped wedges that are used to depict the cultural domains and their respective constructs. In the Concluding a dissertation mla model, domains are interrelated and that each domain is influenced by order a number of Modest essay other domains. The centre of the Purnell’s model for cultural competence is Essay order empty; this denotes the unknown facets of a given cultural group. The bottom of the model has a saw-toothed line that is used to denote the level of cultural consciousness.

The saw-toothed line is linked to Modest the healthcare provider. Since the simple meta-paradigm concepts in the Purnell’s model for cultural competence draw upon a broad perspective, they are not a reflection of a specific ethnic, cultural or national values and beliefs. The model acknowledges that there are a number of cultures that lack directly transferrable phrases for the meta-paradigm concepts. As a result, caregivers may be compelled to Modest adapt the Essay simple meta-paradigm concepts to match the cultural needs of the university patient. For instance, the definition of Essay order a person may be different for individualistic and collectivistic cultures. A case in point is in Western cultures, whereby a person is defined as a standalone unique individual whereas in other cultures, a person may be defined with respect to a family or any other group.

The following table summarizes the 12 domains in university cover sheet the model. Published Studies that Have Tested or Used Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence. Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, C., Fullilove, M., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J. et al. (2003). Culturally Competent Healthcare Systems: A Systematic Review. Essay Order. American Jourbal of Preventive Medicine , 24 (3S), 68-78. Theoretically, culturally competent healthcare systems (those providing linguistically and culturally appropriate care services) have the Writing essay birthday potential of reducing ethnic and Essay racial health disparities. In instances where patients have no understanding of what caregivers are informing them. In addition, when caregivers are not able to peak the Help cover patient’s language and inconsiderate of the order cultural differences, it is highly likely that healthcare quality will be compromised.

In this regard, Anderson et al (2003) performed a systematic review of five interventions aimed at university cover improving cultural competence of care systems, which included use of healthcare settings that are culturally specific, utilization of culturally and linguistically appropriate health care education materials, providing cultural competence training to healthcare providers, using interpreter services, and recruiting and retaining staff to mirror the cultural diversity of the community being served. Purnell’s model for cultural competence was the theoretical framework for the systematic review. Anderson et al (2005) established the effectiveness of Essay these culturally competence interventions using measures such as health outcome improvements, patient satisfaction, and racial and ethnic healthcare disparities. It is evident from the findings of the review are consistent with the Help application length assumptions outlined in Purnell’s model for cultural competence. Beach, M., Price, E., Gary, T., Robinson, K., Gozu, A., Palacio, A., et al. (2005). Cultural competence: a systematic review of health care provider educational interventions. Medical Care , 43 (4), 356-73 . Beach et al., (2003) performed a systematic review with the main objective of synthesizing the findings of studies that evaluated the interventions that are used in improving the cultural competence of order caregivers. Personal Narrative Essay Birthday. Beach et al (2003) used Purnell’s model for Essay cultural competence and reviewed studies between 1980 and 2003. The review comprised of 34 studies, and reported significant evidence indicating that cultural competence training helps to improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals. In addition, the findings also reported that cultural competence training plays a pivotal role in improving the skills and attitudes of Help persuasive speech healthcare professionals.

The findings also pointed out that cultural competence training has a positive impact on patient satisfaction. Overall, it is apparent that the findings reported in Essay simple order the study are consistent with the Law homework assumptions held by the Purnell’s model for cultural competence, which implies that the simple order Purnell’s model for cultural competency functioned extremely well with regard to the objectives of the Writing narrative study. Cultural competence provides a framework for improving the simple order skills, attitudes and Law homework knowledge of health professionals. Sunil, K., Cheyney, M., Engle, M. (2009). Cultural Competency in Health Care: Evaluating the Outcomes of a Cultural Competency Training Among Health Care Professionals. Journal of the National Medical Association , 101 (9), 886-892. Sunil, Cheyney Engle (2009) undertook a study to simple explore the effectiveness of a cultural competence training program, which was designed with the aim of improving the skills and knowledge of healthcare administrators and providers who engage in Help persuasive speech on bullying trans-cultural clinical encounters. The study used 43 healthcare professionals, who attended a training workshop lasting four hours on cultural competency.

The results of the study point out that the cultural competence training resulted in a significant improvement in the skills and knowledge associated with cultural competency among healthcare professionals. Overall, the results of the simple order study are consistent with the assumptions of Purnell’s model for cultural competence in a dissertation the sense that culturally competent healthcare professionals understand the healthcare experiences of Essay simple order clients coming from different backgrounds and are effectively equipped to work in trans-cultural clinical settings. Clinical Case that is Appropriate for the Application of Modest Purnell’s model for Cultural Competence – Offering Culturally Competent Care for Native Americans Giving Birth in Clinical Settings. Giving birth is considered a significant life event for Native American women as well as their families. As Mim Iron (2006) explains, the experience associated with giving birth can be negatively or positively influenced by the care that they receive; this has an impact on succeeding encounters with healthcare providers.

According to Beach, et al. (2005), culturally competent care during all stages of giving birth (prenatal, during birth, and post natal) is vital to quality healthcare provision. The socio-cultural and political factors affecting the Native Americans have exerted a negative impact on their traditional values, cultural identity and education including their health. Recently, there has an increase in the number of Native American women visiting hospitals for purposes if giving birth. This presents an ideal case for the application of Purnell’s model for cultural competence, for Native American women giving birth in order American hospitals (Beach, et al., 2005). When dealing with Native American patients, there are numerous barriers that are likely to hamper the provision of quality care such as Native Americans’ belief in traditional spiritual healing systems; communication barriers; and other culture-specific factors associated with Native Americans that is likely to have an impact on personal narrative birthday, the provision of care. Application of Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence in Essay simple the above Clinical Case: Nursing Assessment and Interventions. In order to have cultural challenges when administering care to Native Americans, caregivers need to be culturally competent, which in this case, entails adapting nursing assessments and interventions to meet the particular needs of Native Americans.

The first approach to provide culturally competent care to Native American women giving birth in hospitals is for the caregiver to have an understanding of the holistic view associated with the Modest Native American culture. Campinha-Bacote (2005) identified seven dimensions that are vital when developing nursing practices for Native Americans; they include holism, connection, traditions, caring, trust, respect and spirituality. In the context of Native Americans, spirituality is the most significant; but it is least understood by Essay simple caregivers. A Dissertation. Customarily, the relationship with the child is simple perceived to commence prior to birth. Proposal. Some of the preparations that can be used to simple have a good birth and the delivery of a healthy baby include taking care of oneself in a manner that is spiritually healthy; being physically active; paying attention to old women’s teachings; and with college essay length stress avoidance (Campinha-Bacote, 2005). Caregivers also ought to have an understanding of respect in Native American terms and apply respect in all interactions. For Native Americans, respect is considered a reciprocal process, which recognizes, in action and words, the equality of Essay order communities and persons. Respect is also communicated via behaviors like undertaking legitimate attempts to understand the patient’s view, active listening, and offering precise explanations as well illustrating personal integrity (Campinha-Bacote, 2005). Effective communication is also vital when providing culturally competent care to Native American women giving birth in American hospitals. In order for Native Americans to be involved wholly in their own medical care, health services ought to be available in Native American languages. According to Campinha-Bacote (2005), language and cultural differences can result in Law homework site miscommunication, improper treatments and simple order misdiagnosis.

Moreover, it is Writing personal narrative imperative for the caregiver to understand the elements of non verbal communication such as eye contact norms, and voice tone. For the case of Native Americans, caregivers ought to speak softly and avoid eye contact; this should not be confused with avoidance (Mim Iron, 2006). In addition, many Native Americans are reluctant to express pain; consequently, it is imperative for Essay simple the healthcare professionals to cover understand that the Essay order absence of complaints about pain does not necessarily imply that the patient is not experiencing pain (Campinha-Bacote, 2005). In this regard, caregivers should be alert with respect to physiological and nonverbal signs of pain. Caregivers should always seek for Law homework permission of the patient before touching any part of the Essay order body; this is because touching is considered extremely personal among Native Americans. In addition, caregivers should ask for permission before moving or touching their objects because some are considered spiritual artifacts such as jewellery, hair and some regalia (Weaver Day, 2012). Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, C., Fullilove, M., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J. (2003). Culturally Competent Healthcare Systems: A Systematic Review. American Jourbal of Preventive Medicine , 24 (3S), 68-78.

Beach, M., Price, E., Gary, T., Robinson, K., Gozu, A., Palacio, A., et al. (2005). Cultural competence: a systematic review of Modest health care provider educational interventions. Medical Care , 43 (4), 356-73. Campinha-Bacote, J. Essay Simple. (2005). A biblically based model of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services. New York: Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates.

Mim, D., Iron, P. (2006). Strategies for Cultural Competency in Indian Health Care. Washington, D.C: American Public Health Association,. Sunil, K., Cheyney, M., Engle, M. Modest. (2009). Cultural Competency in simple order Health Care: Evaluating the Outcomes of a Cultural Competency Training Among Health Care Professionals. Journal of the National Medical Association , 101 (9), 886-892.

Weaver, H., Day, P. (2012). Application. Health and the American Indian. Essay Order. New York: Routledge .

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