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Examples of Paraphrasing

Jan 27, 2018 Need help paraphrasing a paragraph, essay writing service -
Paraphrasing a paragraph - LASER QUEST MATARO

Change Motion in Pre-Socratic Philosophy. The Pre-Socratic philosophers were involved in Need paraphrasing, a search for the true nature of reality. One of the questions they looked for answers to was the problem of change. On one hand, change seems obvious; sensory experience provides ample evidence for Assignment, change. Need Paraphrasing? On the other, change is a denial of stable identity and knowledge. The primary two philosophers who wrestled with this problem, Heraclitus and Parmenides, positioned themselves at opposite ends of a continuum; at one end, with change as a ‘constant’, there is Heraclitus, while at the other end, with a total unity, and only apparent change, there is Parmenides. Through an Assignment use case examination of their remaining fragments, their arguments for, and against change will be highlighted, and some interesting similarities mentioned. To close, a brief summary and evaluation will be presented. Change is fundamental to Heraclitus’ system, however his thoughts are as interconnected as his theory.

To enable a full appreciation of his change doctrine, mention must be made of his epistemological stance and his views on Need help paraphrasing a paragraph ‘the one and the many’ (McKirahan, 2010, p. 129). This will proceed into Descriptive writing city his discussion of change, and the Logos which orders it. Heraclitus leans towards empiricism; he tells us that ‘All that can be seen, heard, experienced – these are what I prefer’ (DK22B55, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 115). Paraphrasing? The correct use of the senses can provide useful information, which must then be analysed through the understanding of the Logos. This is because some, even after they have heard the truth, are like the deaf; they fail to essay writing, comprehend (DK22B34, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 114). Sensory experience must be supplemented through the Logos, which is ‘common’ to all, just as thinking is. (see DK22B2 DK22B113, in McKirahan, 2010, pp. 112, 114). To speak with understanding, one must rely upon this Logos (see DK22B114, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 117).

‘Listening ….. to the Logos, it is wise to agree that all things are one’ (DK22B50, in McKirahan, 2010, p. Need Help A Paragraph? 116); however this unity is not a simple one. It is a unity comprised of many interconnected parts, and can be separated and re-formed. Things taken together are whole and not whole, something that is Abstract for phd being brought together and brought apart, in tune and out of tune; out of all things there comes a unity and out of a unity all things’ (DK22B10, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 116). Need Paraphrasing A Paragraph? While it is important to see the my revi instagram bio, diversity in help, the nature of things, it is just as necessary to see the unity which underlies it. Likewise, it is important to see the Write my revi instagram, diversity within the apparently unified whole. These connections are not always obvious, however this does not deny their power (see DK22B54, in Need paraphrasing, McKirahan, 2010, p. Professional Paper Vs Matte? 117). This unity in diversity concept is highlighted in several statements made by Heraclitus. Whilst seeming to be contradictory, by looking for help, the unapparent connections, through changing perspective, the unity becomes apparent. Professional Paper? While ‘the road up and down is one and the same’ appears contradictory, by understanding it in context of perspective between two places, the contradiction dissipates, and the unity becomes clear. Heraclitus also brings the world’s dichotomous nature to help paraphrasing, the fore.

Without knowledge of injustice, it would be impossible to understand what justice is. Essay? Without disease, health would be unappreciated; without hunger, satiety would be meaningless (see DK22B23 DK22B111, in McKirahan, 2010). This is not just a feature of language; it is a fundamental opposition driving change. All things come to be through opposition, though a constant, equal exchange like ‘… goods for gold, and gold for goods’ (DK22B80, in McKirahan, 2010, p. Help Paraphrasing? 120). This is use case a constant feature of the cosmos; ‘… the ever-living fire is kindled in measures and extinguished in measures’ (DK22B30, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 120), just as the turnings of the cycle of help elements are exchanged for one another, in the same ratios (DK22B31, in Assignment use case, McKirahan, 2010, p. 120). This constant war of all things is Need paraphrasing a paragraph entirely necessary (DK22B80, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 120). This constant cycle of Abstract thesis change and motion, with opposites constantly vying for supremacy, is epitomised in Heraclitus’ river fragment ‘Upon those who step into the same rivers, different and again different waters flow’ (DK22B12, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 118). While the identity of the river is somewhat constant, this quote suggests that the rivers very identity relies upon the constant flow of water. The river could not actually be a river if it was not constantly in motion (Kirk Raven, 1957, p. 194). The change Heraclitus sees has both randomness and order.

While ‘the most beautiful kosmos is a pile of things poured out at random’ (DK22B124, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 117), there is an underlying unified order, the Logos. The logos, therefore, also represents Heraclitus’ ultimate metaphysical principle, in addition to being an epistemological one. It is an incarnation of Need ‘the ever-living fire’, the true nature of the soul, the ultimate power, and york city, the law which judges (DK22B66, in help paraphrasing a paragraph, McKirahan, 2010, pp. 120, 141). For Heraclitus, then, the cosmos is in gambling, a constant and dynamic cycle of change and motion. However this view was challenged by the arguments put forward by Need help a paragraph, Parmenides, who considered rational thought to be superior to sensory experience.

This rationalism led him to the belief that there was no becoming, only ‘what-is’, which remained static. Change and Abstract for phd, motion are impossible for Parmenides. To understand why, his epistemological position must be considered, along with his distinction between reality and the world of appearances. Then his argument on the true nature of reality will be presented, leading into a discussion of his argument against change and motion. Parmenides rejected the notion that the senses could be used to gain true knowledge, which places him firmly with the rationalists. He considered the senses to be a source of illusion, causing the ‘real world’ to appear different to its actual nature. Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph? His goddess warns him not to use case diagram, follow the Need help, path which his senses lead him, as this will send him to the path of essay writing mortal opinion, instead of Truth. For truth, he must ‘not let habit, rich in experience, compel [him] along this route to direct an aimless eye and Need help paraphrasing, an echoing ear and tongue, but judge by reason the much contested examination spoken by me. (DK28B7, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 147). This is not a typical goddess; he is not asked to blindly follow her dictates, but instead is required to critically evaluate the reasoning she provides, and judge by reason.

The path travelled by sensory experience is the world of appearances, to be understood as the ‘mere opinions of mortals, in which there is no genuine conviction’ (DK28B1, in gambling problem, Smith et al. , p. 31). This route allows all manner of incorrect assumptions, including the belief that it is possible to know ‘what is not’. However, it is Need help paraphrasing impossible to Abstract, ‘know what is not […] [or] declare it’ (DK28B2, in McKirahan, 2010, pp. 146, 154). Instead of this path, he is told he should follow truth.

The truth is paraphrasing ‘that what-is is ungenerated and imperishable, whole, unique, steadfast, and complete’. It has no beginning, nor end, because this would require it to come from ‘what is not’, that is, nothing; there is also no reason for it to begin at one time, as opposed to any other (DK28B8, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 147). These comprise the first components of the argument against genesis, that ‘nothing comes from nothing’, and an early form of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. Assignment Diagram? Parmenides’ goddess follows this up with the impossibility of generation; since if something came to be, then this would mean there was a time where it did not exist, and paraphrasing a paragraph, would require creation ex nihilo. This argument can be summarised as follows: Nothing can come to be or cease to be If it did, must be a time when it did not exist If it did not exist at Abstract for phd a prior time, it must have been created from nothing Ex nihilo nihil fit (nothing comes from nothing) There is no sufficient reason for anything to begin at any one time, as opposed to any other what-is is ungenerated and imperishable, whole, unique, steadfast, and complete. The goddess goes on to claim that this totally unified reality is help paraphrasing a paragraph indivisible, because it is Professional vs matte entirely the Need, same as everything else. There is Descriptive essay york no space, no gaps; ‘what is draws near to what is’ (DK28B8, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 147) and it is motionless, ‘without starting or ceasing’ since without a coming to be, or passing away, there is no change; and motion is essentially a type of change. This is essentially the refutation of change and motion; it could be standardised as follows: There can be no change Change implies difference from Need paraphrasing, one time to another There is Research paper gambling problem no difference, it is Need entirely the same, and indivisible. Professional Research Paper? There can be no movement Movement implies a ceasing to be (in one place) and a coming to be (in a different place) There is no space within ‘the limits of great bonds’ (DK28B8, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 147) This leads us to the conclusion that change and motion cannot exist, since they entail difference and a ceasing to be of one kind, and a coming to help, be of a different kind.

This is impossible, because Being is inviolable (DK28B8, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 147), and genesis is impossible from nothing (Kirk Stokes, 1960). From the outlines above, the differences between these two accounts of change are highly visible, though it makes it easy to draw the instagram, conclusion that Heraclitus and Parmenides have nothing in common. However they do have some commonalities, even if they use these towards opposite paraphrasing, ends. Two similarities which become apparent are the distinction between appearance and reality, and the necessity of the Assignment use case, conservation of mass and Need help a paragraph, energy. Firstly, both Heraclitus and Parmenides drew a distinction between appearance and reality. Heraclitus found that ‘humans are like the inexperienced’ when trying to my revi bio, understand him, and the Logos (DK22B1, in McKirahan, p. 112), just as they are unable to grasp how a bow, ‘though at variance with itself, it agrees with itself’ (DK22B51, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 116). Need Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph? This is similar to the conception found in Parmenides Proem, where his Goddess tells him that there are different conceptions of reality; a ‘Truth’, and the way of mortal opinion (DK28B1, in McKirahan, 2010, pp.

145,146). This is compounded by the lack of judgement that the mortal ‘hordes’ have, in their inability to use reason (DK28B6, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 146). Secondly, Heraclitus and Parmenides both appear to agree with an Professional vs matte early conception of the ‘law of the conservation of mass and energy’, though they take this concept towards opposing ends. Heraclitus uses the idea of conservation several times; firstly with the notion that the elements are transformed in accordance with the measured ratio of its quantity prior to transformation (DK22B31, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 120), and secondly, that the cosmos is kindled in Need help, measures and being extinguished in measures (DK22B30, in McKirahan, 2010, p. 120). While all things change, or are transformed, these are done in equivalent measures. Parmenides, on conclusion essay the other hand, uses the paraphrasing, concept of conservation to argue against generation or perishing. Descriptive Essay Writing? With the unspoken premise that there is something which exists, any generation or perishing would mean creation ex nihilo, or perishing into what-is-not. Since Parmenides believes he has provided strong reasons for discounting these possibilities, the essential unity of being must be conserved eternally, and so discounting any possibility of change or motion.

There are substantial difficulties in analysing the Presocratics, not least the fragmentary nature of their writing. Heraclitus and Need help paraphrasing a paragraph, Parmenides each offer individual challenges, with the lack of explicitness in their writing, it becomes possible to put forward various alternative interpretations. However, their contribution to my revi instagram bio, science and philosophy has been profound. They presented new ways of thinking, highlighting the ways in paraphrasing, which the world is viewed, and forcing a reinvestigation of those beliefs. They challenge all of science and for phd, philosophy to account for their findings, and help paraphrasing, the fact that these ideas, in some respects, are still relevant to ongoing discussion on the possibility of paper gambling change after more than 2000 years is testament to their worth.

Curd, P. (2009) #8216;Parmenides and After: Unity and Plurality#8217; in M. Need A Paragraph? L. Gill P. Pellegrin, (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 34 55. Curd, P. McKirahan, R. D. (2011) A Presocratics Reader: Selected Fragments and Testimonia, 2nd ed., Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Co. Graham, D. W. (2008) #8216;Heraclitus: Flux, Order, and Knowledge#8217; in P. For Phd? Curd D. W. Graham, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 169 188. Kirk, G. S. Raven, J. E. (1957) The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection Of Texts, London: Cambridge University Press. Paraphrasing A Paragraph? Kirk, G. S. Stokes, M. C. (1960) #8216;Parmenides#8217; Refutation of Motion#8217;, Phronesis, 5 (1), 1 4. McKirahan, R. D. (2010) Philosophy before Socrates: An Introduction with texts and commentary, 2nd ed., Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Co. Write My Revi Instagram Bio? Roochnik, D. (2004) Retrieving the Ancients: An Introduction to Greek Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Smith, N., Allhoff, F. Vaidya, A. J. (2008) Ancient Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary, Blackwell Readings in the HIstory of Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Heraclitus and help paraphrasing a paragraph, Parmenides – Short Essay. From my recent exam – going to do some work on this, add some pieces from my first assignment piece on this, and polish. Heraclitus and Parmenides sit at opposing sides of a dichotomy. Where Heraclitus places emphasis on #8216;becoming#8217;, Parmenides only sees #8216;being#8217;. Heraclitus considers change and motion to be constant in the world. Just as a river constantly flows, so that you are in a #8216;new#8217; river at every step, so too flows nature. This is sharply contrasted by Parmenides, who claims that, while this may be how things appear, this is merely opinion. What is Professional vs matte truth, is that at the fundamental level of reality, there is Need paraphrasing a paragraph only #8216;one#8217;, a unity which is whole, ungenerated and eternal. It is, and cannot #8216;not be#8217;. It is entirely necessary.

Heraclitus in part agrees with Parmenides #8216;unity#8217;, but takes it to paper, the other extreme. There is not a unity consisting of a single thing, it is a unity stemming from the diversity of help paraphrasing a paragraph nature. Write Instagram Bio? #8216;From a unity comes all things, and from all things a unity#8217;. There is a constant interplay of opposites, since knowledge of one half requires its opposite; hot is meaningless without an understanding of cold, justice is meaningless without injustice. Another point of similarity is their #8216;source#8217; of a paragraph knowledge. Both claim knowledge of a #8216;logos#8217; – reason. For both, the logos is an ordering principle, in that to reason correctly, one must understand the Research gambling, underlying order of Need help things. Problem? However, for Parmenides, this is grasped entirely separate from our ordinary sensory experience, since experiential data comes from the #8216;way of opinion#8217;; he is a rationalist, in the sense that knowledge comes from looking within, prior to, and even instead of the empirical data. Heraclitus also thinks reason is required for knowledge of the logos, however first one must consider the sensory data one is presented with.

Only after considering experience, do we have the Need paraphrasing, information to reason with. Heraclitus leans towards Empiricism. This simple dichotomy is again noticed in the arguments against motion. Paarmenides argues that motion is bio impossible, because #8216;what is draws nearer to what is#8217;. There is no space for #8216;what is#8217; to move, so motion is impossible. Like his river analogy states, Heraclitus rallies against this.

One need only Need a paragraph, look to the senses. This notion of constant change and motion has often led to the idea that Heraclitus thinks there is no stability in identity. This is incorrect. What he is saying is that it is this change, this movement, that is fundamental to the nature of every #8216;thing#8217;. A river could not BE a river if it was not moving – it would be something else. A person cannot be a person without change, and motion – being alive requires specific change and thesis, motion. Parmenides would relegate all this to paraphrasing a paragraph, mere opinion, claim his #8216;unity of the one#8217; and take a more idealist route; we are perhaps simply #8216;ideas#8217; or modes of the one. There is only the one thing, perfectly balanced. As noted, Heraclitus considers a multitude of things, we are grounded in this reality through the senses, and like everything else in the cosmos, and we are #8216;lighted in measures and extinguished in measures#8217;.

Balance for Heraclitus is not a whittling away to nothingness, it is the acceptance and maintenance of the natural order of things.

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MLA Essay Format: Help with Writing Your Essay. MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used in writing custom essays, research and term papers in help paraphrasing a paragraph, many fields. Paper. MLA essay format is most widely used in Need paraphrasing, the field of humanities and vs matte, liberal arts. The Modern Language Association recommendations to formatting essays were updated in 2009. Among the new rules of help paraphrasing, formatting, the Works Cited or References list is the requirement of indicating the medium of publication for Descriptive york every cited source. It could be a Print source for Need a paragraph books and articles or a Web source for on-line sources. MLA referencing can be a bit confusing because it can be used with either Chicago/Turabian style footnotes or APA / Harvard style in-text referencing.

Since it can be used with either one, the writer must choose which reference style to use. In MLA formats, using in-text referencing is the more popular choice. By doing this, in-text references will be provided, as will the source list at the end of the essay. However, if you use footnotes instead of in-text citations, you may be allowed to for phd thesis do without Bibliography page. You may follow MLA template to easily adjust your paper to format requirements. Following this MLA template you may easily accustom your paper to Need a paragraph MLA format requirements . You can use the MLA template for making your work look like a professional one. The text in MLA style essay format is typed with a double space. This rule concerns the basic text of your essay, along with the formatting of in-text citations and the Works Cited page. 12-font size is preferable.

Times New Roman or any other standard typeface is used in for phd, the MLA format essay . A Paragraph. One-inch margins are used on all sides of your essay, research or term paper. Remember that the headings in Professional research, the MLA essay format are no longer underlined. According to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association, the headings have to be italicized or typed in bold. Need Paraphrasing. The first line of each paragraph has to be indented a half inch from the left side. You should put page numbers at research vs matte, the top, and help paraphrasing a paragraph, justify it to research vs matte the right. Help. It is not a mandatory requirement, but it is my revi recommended that you type your last name before the page number, if the paper is several pages.Using this MLA template for Word simply change the editable fields and follow the guidelines within the text. Here you may find an example of help a paragraph, proper MLA essay formatting. While citing a book, periodical, electronic source, etc. in an essay written in Research problem, MLA style , you should provide a reference after each citation.

Otherwise, it would be seen as plagiarism, which is absolutely unacceptable. The same concerns indirect in-text references. Be very attentive while formatting your essay. Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph. Remember that your research may fail if MLA citations are formatted in an improper way. The following rules must be observed while writing an essay in MLA style. Short citations If a citation used in the text of a MLA style essay is Assignment diagram short, it should be indicated in double quotation marks. At the end of the citation, you have to state the author’s name and the page number where the MLA citations are from in the text. This information should be enclosed in round brackets (parenthesis) . Example : If you want to quote from a book Greenmantle of John Buchan from 1916. It will look like this: “There never has been, and there never could be a real Superman … But there might be a Superwoman” (Buchan 154).

Note : there is no comma or full stop between the authors’ last name and page number. In cases when the author of a book has been already mentioned in the sentence , just indicate the page number in reference. Example: As Buchan wrote “There never has been, and there never could be a real Superman … But there might be a Superwoman” (154). Long citations. When a citation takes more than three lines of a typed text, it is called a long citation and has to be placed separately from a new line. Quotation marks are not used in this case. However, the author’s name and the page number should still be indicated in Need, round brackets. Example: One of the characters in Kipling’s novel Kim describes the Mutiny in the following way: A madness ate into all the research paper vs matte Army, and they turned against their officers. That was the Need first evil, but not past remedy if they had then held their hands.

But they chose to kill the Sahibs’ wives and children. Then came the Sahibs from over the sea and called them to most strict account (Kipling 77). Reducing of citation If the original citation in a MLA essay is reduced or you simply omit some words in the cited sentence, you should place three periods in york, place of Need help paraphrasing, those words. The omitting of words in my revi bio, MLA citations is used in cases when you are directly interested in only part of the statement of the author in the original source, which is located in the middle of the help a paragraph quoted sentence. In this situation, you can preserve the key information and omit the details that you do not need. Example: Lawrence was compared to “a caliph . . . who had stepped out from the pages of ‘The Arabian nights’” (Thomas 16) Adding information . In the diagram MLA essay , it is help allowable to add your own commentaries or notes within MLA citations, but they should be enclosed in square brackets. Example: When discussing civil rights, it is hard to not mention Martin Luther King Jr., who was a man who was passionate about the Write words of the Emancipation Proclamation: “…a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice” (King 813). More than one source of Need help a paragraph, reference If you cite more than one book in a sentence of a MLA essay , then at the end of the sentence indicate in brackets all references, dividing them with a semicolon. Example : David Lloyd George characterized Lord Kitchener as a a controversial figure who was admired as “a legend of the British empire, to whom the Orient added its greatness”, but at Descriptive york, the same time as a man whose “brain has dried out under the hot sun of the desert” (15; 47).

Books with no author mentioned When you cite this type of work, indicate the title in italics and the page number in the parenthesis. Example: As stated by the presidential commission … (Report 4) In-text citations in Need help paraphrasing a paragraph, a MLA essay usually provide brief information about the reference and they have to correspond to the information indicated in the Works Cited list at the end of essay. To get detailed information about the formatting of Works Cited list in a MLA style read the paper gambling problem paragraph devoted to MLA Works Cited List Format at P rof E The formatting of help paraphrasing, your research or term paper may become rather difficult. In the MLA format essay, both the footnotes and in-text citations may be used. If you are not sure which you should choose, you may ask for for phd thesis professional help from a paragraph P rof E Our writers are ready to assist you in writing and Abstract, formatting your MLA essay, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

P rof E is just one click away when you want to order a custom essay, research or term paper that will comply with all your requirements. Need Paraphrasing. The process of gathering and formatting the information for your custom essay, research or term paper is quite exhausting. Improper formatting of york, citations may spoil the results of your hard work. Order you paper at P rof E and be sure to get a custom essay, research or term paper that will correspond to the latest recommendations of help paraphrasing, formatting a MLA Style Essay P rof E is persuasive ks4 a custom essay writing service provider that will guide you in writing your MLA format essay . Be sure that our custom essay will correspond to all requirements of formatting both in-text citations with the Works Cited List and footnotes. P rof E is the best place to buy MLA format essays of the Need help paraphrasing highest quality. The title page in the MLA essay format is not compulsory, so when there is no special requirement of writing it, never do it. However, there are specific requirements to the first page in Abstract thesis, MLA essay. Learn how to format your MLA Title Page properly with us. Type your name, the name of Need help, your instructor, the title of the course and paper vs matte, the date in Need help paraphrasing, the upper left-hand corner of the first page.

The title of your essay should be indicated within a double spaced interval in the middle of the title page. Professional Research Paper Vs Matte. Remember that the title of your MLA essay is never underlined, italicized or enclosed in quotation marks. The text of your MLA essay comes next to the title with a double space. If your instructor asked you to write an help a paragraph, MLA title page , then you should comply with all the rules of formatting the cover page in a MLA style. MLA Format Outline (Click on paper Image to Need help Enlarge) There might be a working outline , that is usually done and even submitted before writing an essay and a final outline that is submitted together with the essay. Assignment. Needless to say that both can be done in MLA format . MLA outline should be done on a separate page.

The title of the essay should be typed at the top of the page and centered. Introduction and a paragraph, conclusion are numbered in the MLA format outline . Use different types of numbers/letters for different levels of MLA outline . If you want to reflect your sub-points in MLA outline , remember that the section of my revi instagram bio, outline can’t have only one sub-section. Help Paraphrasing. So, logic requires that at Descriptive writing york, each level of the outline if you have sub-section “A” in your paper, you need to have a “B”; or if you have point “1”, you need point “2”, etc. MLA Works Cited List Format (Click on Image to Enlarge) The detailed information about the author, the help paraphrasing title, the year of publication, the publishing house and the overall number of pages in a book, periodical, etc. is provided at the end of your research in writing city, the part called Works Cited, References or Bibliography.

The MLA format sets specific rules of formatting the Woks Cited list. Every essay or manuscript written in MLA style has to implement these rules. All books, periodicals, electronic sources, etc. in cited within the MLA essay format must be arranged in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. In cases when there is no author, the references must be listed alphabetically by their titles. When you are citing several books by Need paraphrasing, the same author , arrange them in vs matte, the Works cited list alphabetically by their title. When you do the help paraphrasing references of this kind, you should put the author’s last name in front of his first name which shouldn’t be shortened. The title of the conclusion ks4 book is a paragraph listed after the author’s name, and then the place of city, publication, the publishing house and the year of publication. Do not forget to italicize the help title of a book. Example: Buchan, John.

Greenmantle. London: Abacus, 1916. Print. Note: According to the update in 2009 for the rules of formatting MLA style essays, the medium of publication has to be represented too (for example, print or web sources). Referencing a publications of several authors. When you deal with a book that has more than one author, the name of the first author in the MLA essay format must be inverted and the names of the second and the third ones have to use case be placed in the direct order. So be attentive to how you place the first name and then only the Need paraphrasing last name of the Assignment use case diagram second author. In cases when there are more than three authors of the book, you can choose to list all names in the Works Cited list of your MLA essay or just indicate the inverted name of the Need paraphrasing a paragraph first author and add et al . Example: Lowi, Theodore, Benjamin Ginsberg, and Steve Jackson. Analyzing American Government: American Government, Freedom and Power. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 1994.

Print. Some books are published by organizations, commissions, associations, committees and other corporate authors. When there is no single author distinguished on the cover page of a book, put the Abstract thesis name of the corporate organization in the first place. Example : Herbert F. Johnson Museum of help a paragraph, Art. A Guide to the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U, 1973. Print. Referencing newspaper/journal articles. The formatting of newspaper articles in Writing ks4, a MLA essay differs a lot from the formatting of cited books. The general scheme of help paraphrasing, citing a newspaper article is the following: at first you should indicate the author’s inverted name, then the title of Professional research paper vs matte, article enclosed in double quotation marks, then the title of newspaper, magazine, journal or any other periodical, then the day, month and year of publication, followed by the number of pages.

Additionally, the Need a paragraph medium of the use case publication has to be indicated in the Works Cited list in regards to the MLA style. Example : Smith, Lewis. “Leading scientist urges teaching of creationism in schools”. Need Paraphrasing. The Times. London, 2008, Sept 12. 6. Print. Note: Do not forget that while you are listing a book cited in your MLA essay, you have to italicize the title of a book, and in diagram, the case of a periodical, italicize the title of the periodical and not the title of the article. The month of publication has to be abbreviated (For example, Jan., Dec., etc.). Only May, June and July are never abbreviated. The qualified writers of P rof E will help you to format your MLA essay according to help paraphrasing a paragraph the adopted rules. The general rules of formatting on-line sources in MLA style written essays coincides with that established to formatting books and periodicals.

The former requirement of representing the URL address of cited on-line source is simplified in the last edition of the Write my revi bio MLA format rules. However, if your instructor still wants to see the Need help paraphrasing URL in your MLA format reference list, you may include this information. The URL has to be indicated as additional information after the author’s name, article title, publisher’s name and year of edition. Some on-line sources may not provide all the york city above-mentioned information. In such cases, list the Need available information. When indicating the medium of publishing, put Web for on-line sources. Example : “MLA Format: Help with Writing Your Essay.” Writing Ks4. 2011, January. . Web. Note: Be sure the Need paraphrasing a paragraph on-line source provides reliable information that will not mislead you. The preference in the choice of Writing ks4, on-line sources is given to the official web sites of organizations, associations, libraries, museums, art galleries, etc. Help Paraphrasing. URL is indicated in angle brackets.

P rof E can easily assist you in writing and formatting MLA essays . Our professional writers always use reliable sources of information and format MLA essay in accordance with the use case standard rules. Though the preferable format of a MLA essay includes the in-text citation, the Footnotes and Endnotes may still be used in the custom essay, research or term paper that is written in the MLA style. Footnotes and Endnotes are marked out in the text by Arabic numbers in superscript. The footnotes are indicated at the foot of every page and help paraphrasing a paragraph, the endnotes are indicated at Descriptive york, the end of your paper on a separate page. Custom essay writing service providers, such as P rof E , will help you to paraphrasing a paragraph format the MLA footnotes and endnotes and to Professional research vs matte write an excellent custom essay, research or term paper. Please do not confuse headings with a header ! A header with author’s name is typed next to the page number at the top of each page. While heading refer to the title of paraphrasing, your paper and the the titles of its sections.

MLA does not have strict regulations regarding the use of headings, just some general norms: The headings of the MLA essay are usually typed in same font and size as the rest of the paper, however you are free to italicize them or type in bold. The title of the MLA paper should be centered. Each word in Abstract for phd, the title should start with a capital letter. Paraphrasing A Paragraph. All headings of the sections in MLA essay should be numbered, including Introduction and Conclusion .

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119 Journal Prompts for Your Journal Jar. There are a myriad of benefits to journaling, and help everyone should consider keeping a journal. However, one of the obstacles that people face when they want to pick up the Professional vs matte, practice of journaling is that they don#8217;t know what to write about. In this post you#8217;ll discover 119 journal prompts to help paraphrasing help you get started in keeping a journal, or as additional inspiration for Abstract, dedicated journalers. Need Help A Paragraph! I recommend that you do the following: Get a beautiful jarit can be a canning jar, a mason jar, or any other jar you have in the house. Print out the prompts below on slips of paper. Place the slips of paper in the jar. Professional Research! Reach into your jar each day as you prepare to write in your journal and take out one of the prompts. Set your timer anywhere from help paraphrasing, 10 to 40 minutes, depending on how much time you have available for journaling. Write anything that comes to paper problem mind as you read each prompt and elaborate on each point as much as you can.

Below you#8217;ll find 119 journal prompts for your journal jar. Sunday Scribblings is Need paraphrasing a paragraph, a site that posts a writing prompt every Saturday. Essay Writing York City! The idea is that on Sunday you create a piece of writing inspired by the prompt, post it on your blog, and leave a comment on the “Sunday Scribblings” site letting them know that you’ve participated. These can also be used as journal prompts. Here are some of help paraphrasing a paragraph their prompts: What scares you?

Do you have a plan? Do you need a plan? Have you had a plan fall spectacularly to pieces? What is your take on soul mates? Are you a worrier? Is there a particular worry that you can’t shake? How do you cope with worry? Dear Past Me . . . Dear Future Me . Writing Conclusion Ks4! . . You can create lists of many things, such as the following: Places you’ve enjoyed visiting. Things you’ve done that you previously thought you could never do. Help A Paragraph! The people you most admire.

Your favorite books. Write My Revi Bio! Your favorite movies. Need Paraphrasing! Your favorite songs. Your top five short term goals. Persuasive Essay! Your top five long term goals. Do you have anything you would like to confess (even if it’s just to the pages of your journal)? Nobody knows that I . Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph! . . Dear ____, it weighs on me that I never told you . . Abstract Thesis! . Need Help! The biggest lie I’ve ever told is . . Write Bio! . Is there anything you feel guilty about? Is there anything you need to paraphrasing a paragraph be forgiven for? What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? What’s your secret desire?

What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done? Look at the following quotes and write whatever comes to mind when you read them: “If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; tell yourself that you are not poet enough to my revi call forth its riches.” — Rilke “I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library.” — Jorge Luis Borges “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. A Paragraph! Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” — Jane Howard “What in your life is calling you? When all the Professional paper, noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned, the lists laid aside, and Need a paragraph the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest, what still pulls on your soul? In the silence between your heartbeats hides a summons, do you hear it?

Name it, if you must, or leave it forever nameless, but why pretend it is not there?” — The Terma Collective “Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul and you answer.” Star Riches. The most terrifying moment of my life was . York City! . . The most fun I’ve ever had . . Help A Paragraph! . The most surprised I’ve ever been . . Professional Research Vs Matte! . Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph! The most disappointed I’ve ever been . . York City! . What are you looking forward to Need a paragraph the most? Leaf through a couple of magazines and cut out any images that catch your attention. Use each one as a prompt. Look through your photographs and choose a few to write about. For Phd Thesis! Buy art books that are at Need a discount and cut them up for images. Conclusion Persuasive Essay! Three things you can’t go without.

Three celebrity crushes. A Paragraph! Three favorite book characters. Three favorite things to essay writing york city wear. Three things you want in a relationship. Need Paraphrasing! If you had to evacuate your home because of a natural disaster, what three things would you take with you? Three pet peeves. Three things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid. Three favorite TV shows. You’re going to Professional paper make lists that will add up to 100 things you love. Make sure you give an explanation for help a paragraph, each of the things you add to for phd thesis your list. For example, don’t just list your favorite restaurants, write down what you enjoy about help a paragraph, each one (the warm bread they serve before the meal, the waiter who always remembers your favorite dish, the whimsical decor, and so on).

10 Activities 10 Restaurants 10 People 10 Foods 10 Games 6 Drinks/Beverages 4 Desserts 10 Paintings 10 Web Sites 10 Writers 10 Famous lines from books/movies. My saddest memory is Writing conclusion essay, . . . Some of the things that make me happy are . . . How do you deal with anger? How easy is Need a paragraph, it for you to forgive those who have caused you pain? What is the dominant emotion in your life right now? My favorite Sunday ritual . . Persuasive Essay! . The Holiday traditions I most look forward to . Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph! . Conclusion Persuasive! . Help A Paragraph! Things I always did with my dad when I was small . . . Things I always did with my mom when I was little . . . If you could have dinner with anyone currently alive, who would it be? If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be? If you could change one thing about your present life, what would it be? If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?

If you could go back in time and change one things from your past, what would it be? What was your favorite toy? Did you ever get lost? Who was your best friend in essay elementary school? Did you ever run away from home? As a child, what did you want to a paragraph be when you grew up? What was your favorite subject in school? Who was your favorite teacher? What’s your first memory?

What was your favorite cartoon? What book did you read over and over again as a child? What is my revi instagram, your most vivid memory of the kitchen in paraphrasing your childhood? As a child, who was your favorite relative? Thinking of the Week That Just Ended. Who made you feel good this week?

What was the biggest mistake you made this week? What did you do this week that moved you closer to Writing conclusion reaching your goals? Is there anything you did this week that you wish you’d done differently? What did you most enjoy doing this week? How did you procrastinate on help paraphrasing a paragraph important tasks this week? What did you learn this week? What’s the funniest thing that happened to you this week? Write a letter to someone you need to forgive.

Write a letter to gambling problem someone who believed in help a paragraph you even when you didn’t believe in my revi bio yourself. Need A Paragraph! Write a letter to conclusion be read by paraphrasing, each of Professional research paper vs matte your loved ones after you’ve passed away. Help! Write a fan letter to your favorite actor/actress. Write a letter to the editor of essay ks4 your favorite magazine telling them what features you would like to see included in the magazine. Is there something you’re reluctant to Need tell someone?

Write a letter to help y0u organize your thoughts. For Phd Thesis! Write about your first dance. Write about paraphrasing a paragraph, your first crush. Write about your first week in college. Write about your first job. My Revi Bio! Write about the first apartment you ever rented. When did you feel truly independent for the first time?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if money were no object? What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes? What’s your wildest dream? What would you do if you could live a day without consequences? What grand adventure do you wish you could go on? If you could become an expert in Need paraphrasing a paragraph any subject or activity, what would it be? What would your perfect day be like? Close your eyes and imagine the kind of world you would like to Research paper problem see. What is Need help paraphrasing a paragraph, it like? What makes you unique?

How do you stand out from the crowd? What are your best character traits? What are you really good at? How would you describe yourself? How would your best friend describe you? What character traits do you need to work on? What are some of your idiosyncrasies? How do you indulge yourself?

Do you need to indulge yourself more often? How do you think others see you when they meet you for the first time? Use your journaling sessions to think about your ideal life. Ask yourself dream triggers, such as the following: How would you like to paper make this world a better place? How can you best share your gifts with the world? What qualities do you want in a romantic partner?

What are the Need help paraphrasing, top ten characteristics that you look for in a romantic partner? What are the top ten qualities a friend should have (treats people with respect; listens but doesn’t judge; has a quirky sense of Abstract humor; is an artist; lives with passion; doesn’t sweat the Need help paraphrasing a paragraph, small stuff; is loyal and trustworthy)? What would make you feel spiritually fulfilled? What famous world festivals would you like to research paper vs matte attend? You#8217;ll find 1000 dream triggers, covering 10 different life areas, here. My eBook, #8220;Create Your Life Story#8221;, contains 444 memory prompts, covering several life areas, to Need help a paragraph help you get started recording your memories and writing your life story. They can also be used as journaling prompts. Here are three of the prompts that you#8217;ll find inside: Was there anything noteworthy about your mother’s upbringing she grew up in extreme poverty or extreme wealth; she grew up during the Great Depression; she grew up surrounded by artists, philosophers, or politicians; her family moved around a lot when she was growing up; and conclusion so on? Write down three of your father’s favorites (it could be his favorite singer, his favorite book or author, his favorite movie, his favorite time of the year, his favorite basketball player, his favorite artist, his favorite meal, his favorite dessert, and so on). Do you have any famous or high profile family members?

If so, write about them. Keeping a journal is a great tool for changing your life for help paraphrasing a paragraph, the better. In addition, keeping prompts in a journal jar will make journaling easier. The prompts above are a great place to thesis start. Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe to Need paraphrasing “Daring to Live Fully” by clicking here and essay writing city get free updates. Comments on this entry are closed. Awesome. I Love this! I also had an idea as I read through some of these prompts that I think I#8217;m going to Need help use some of Research gambling them to do a #8220;get to know you better#8221; game with my siblings. As we are getting older and paraphrasing a paragraph are now spread so far apart there is so much I#8217;d love to diagram know in a deeper way about them.

The easier things I know, but I#8217;d like to Need paraphrasing ask things from like #8220;The Sky#8217;s the paper, Limit#8221; along with a few other deeper questions. Hi, I#8217;m 14 and my teacher said we needed to find some journal prompts. I stumbled upon this website and thought I#8217;d say that I would be using it a lot for myself. I love to write and journal. It#8217;s my passion and one day my future job. So thanks for making this website #128578; Hi there! I#8217;m at work browsing your blog from Need a paragraph, my new apple iphone!

Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the superb work! Marelisa, thank you for this wonderful list!! I#8217;m guest posting about Professional research vs matte, journals at help Or So She Says on Monday (February 11) and I#8217;m linking to your list! Hope you don#8217;t mind. Thanks again and have a great day! Hi Brooke: It would be great if you linked to my post, thank you. it was wonderful reading your journal prompts. thanks a lot. The post really assisted me. Excellent list of prompts. I appreciate all the hard work that went into conclusion persuasive essay this.

Thanks for Need help, your hard work! I#8217;m modifying some of these for my classroom journals. Excellent work. kudos. Paper! Been into keeping a journal since I was 21 in 1987 and found that I am sometimes still in the mood to write even after I#8217;ve already updated my journal with what#8217;s going at the present moment in my life. I think this is a great way to expand those journal horizons, so to speak. Need Help! Although I#8217;ve probably mentioned most of these things in gambling problem my journals over the years, it#8217;s nice to have a consolidated and organized theme I can follow such as this. Thanks!

This site is really awesome. I was just thinking that I wanted to make a list of journal prompts so I googled journal prompts and found this. Now I have a whole bunch of help paraphrasing great things to write about. THANKS! Marelisa Fabrega is a lawyer and entrepreneur.

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Compare and Contrast the Character Traits of Jason and Medea in the Argonautica. Typical of help a paragraph, all mythical heroes, both Jason and Medea are of royal blood. Jason is a prince whose father, Aeson is the essay york rightful king of Iolcus until the usurpation of his power by Pelias, Aeson’s half-brother a very power-hungry man who wishes to Need paraphrasing gain dominion over all of Thessaly. Jason is trained by a powerful master, Centaur far from home for Assignment, the fear that Pelias might kill him and Jason only returns to Iolcus now to reclaim what is rightfully his, thus as a prince he did not get to enjoy a luxurious life. Help A Paragraph! Medea however is my revi instagram bio a lady who enjoys the joys and luxury of being brought up by her father, Aeetes and therefore has no problems to worry over till Jason arrives in Colchis.. . Sister Flowers / Someone’s Mother In this essay we will discuss the comparison and contrast of two stories, Sister Flowers and Someone’s Mother. One of the easiest comparisons is that both of these stories were written in the first person by the authors. In Sister Flowers the author tells a tale of the struggle she had dealing with a traumatic event.

In the same way, Someone’s Mother tells of the struggle the author had in leaving an elderly woman lost and alone. Also, both stories show a person’s genuine concern to help someone in need. Sister Flowers deals with a woman helping a child to find her voice in life. Need A Paragraph! Likewise, Someone’s Mother shares the story of a woman who helps a hitchhiker who has seemed to have lost her way. Though both stories showed similarities they also were different in many ways. One of the ways in which the for phd two stories contrast is that both took place in different parts of the country and in different eras.

Sister Flowers is set in Arkansas in around the 30’s; however, Someone’s Mother was further north in New York and took place in 2007. Another difference between the stories was they both had different agendas. Someone’s Mother was more of Need help, a story dealing with the characters compassion. In Sister Flowers you felt the story leaning more towards the inner struggle of the character. In conclusion, you can see that there are many similarities as well as differences in these stories. Both were thoroughly enjoyable and should be recommended for all to. Words: 268 - Pages: 2. . While Barbra Mellix article “From Outside, In, discusses the differences of where she was raised, the Writing conclusion persuasive country, and the language used compared to the language that she was to use when in the city or certain family.

Mellix also wrote about how learning the proper English language and writing had become beneficial in help a paragraph her life. In turn, Perri Klass article, “Learning the Language reveals how in the medical field or community there is a certain language that is used between co-workers that only they understand. Bell Hooks article “Teaching New Worlds/ New Words” there is the cultural background that is discussed, how the bio white culture was pushed upon the blacks in order to fit into their standards. It is apparent by these three texts that there is an paraphrasing a paragraph, apparent similarity in how language can be beneficial to some but when pushed into for phd, a culture change some are more willing to go against. When it comes to Klass and the article Learning the Need help paraphrasing Language, it seems as if it should be very easy to relate to any type work in any type of field. It is not just the medical fiels that has its own jargon between workers. Knowing the language and the slang of your surrondings is very important. Compare this to Mellixs' article and how she was able to change her language depending where she was and whom she was with. When working in such a fast pace environment it is easy to Write my revi instagram bio shorten a conversation when you might not have the time to stand and chat. Help Paraphrasing! Klass uses the way medical students have to. Words: 893 - Pages: 4.

Compare and Contrast the Character Traits of Jason and Medea in the Argonautica. . The Voyage of essay writing city, Argo was written in the middle of the third century BC by Apollonius of Rhodes who was the pupil of Callimachus, another great poet. There are many reasons why an epic is written, as a history like Homer’s Iliad tells of the Trojan War or as a way a poet can demonstrate his intricate literary abilities. The reason why Apollonius of Rhodes wrote the Argonautica is not clearly known but many scholars say it was closely associated with Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad. As a librarian Apollonius may have come across works by other epic poets and picked up some elements of epic which he used as a guide for his poem. Such elements include the Need help paraphrasing a paragraph use of similes, digression, epithets and exceptional characters.

The importance of Abstract thesis, these characters is reflected in the roles and traits that are assigned to Need help paraphrasing a paragraph them. This is Research because the plot is Need help a paragraph developed by the distinctive character traits displayed. Abstract! In the poem Jason and Medea turn out to be the main characters whose roles are very crucial to the development of the plot. This write-up would therefore try to bring out the distinctive similarities and differences in Need help character traits of Jason and Medea both in deeds and words of Apollonius Voyage of Argo. Typical of all mythical heroes, both Jason and Medea are of royal blood. Jason is a prince whose father, Aeson is the rightful king of Iolcus until the usurpation of his power by Pelias, Aeson’s half-brother a very power-hungry man who wishes to gain dominion over all of Descriptive writing, Thessaly. Jason. Words: 2206 - Pages: 9. . Comparison Matrix | Article 1 | Article 2 | Title/Author(s) | A National Perspective on the Effects of High-Stakes Testing and Standardization on Need a paragraph Elementary Social Studies MarginalizationFitchett and Professional vs matte Heafner | Social Studies Education in the Age of Testing and AccountabilityBurroughs, Groce, and Webeck | | | | Persistent GCU Library Link | | | | | | Purpose of the Need help paraphrasing a paragraph StudyWhat is the author’s rationale for selecting this topic? Does he build a strong case? | The authors of this journal article purpose was to examine and explore the Writing conclusion persuasive ks4 trend within the United States towards social studies in elementary school (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) and how it has become marginalized.

The authors compare social studies marginalization to the stronger emphasis placed upon reading, mathematics, language arts, and science. Paraphrasing! The authors of the Descriptive writing city article suggest that there is a trend in elementary schools is to give little to no social studies instruction within the primary grades (Kindergarten-2nd Grade) and then progress the amount of Need a paragraph, instruction in the intermediate grades (3rd Grade-5th Grade). Conclusion Ks4! The authors build a strong argument based on the amount. Words: 1098 - Pages: 5. The Protagonist Qualities of Medea and Jason. . Cassandra Jackson Humanities Dr. Help Paraphrasing! Mathew Roberts August 15, 2013 The Comparison of for phd, Qualities of the Protagonist in Odyssey by Homer and Medea by Euripedes The comparison of Medea by Euripedes and Need help paraphrasing Odyssey by Homer show many similarities as well as differences. Let’s begin with the character of Medea. After reading Medea by Euripedes the character of Medea shows that she was a barbarian by nature, and she was considered a foreigner. Medea states that “I am the mother of your children, wither can I fly, since all Greece hates the barbarian ( Medea tells this to Jason after the king tells her she must leave his kingdom.

She was a beautiful intelligent woman, but she was a woman scorned. She displayed a woman who could not accept rejection, or by no means could she forgive. Medea was a mother, a lover a wife. She also was a loyal person. She displayed this by research paper vs matte, no matter what it took to help Jason, she took all necessary steps to fulfill her wishes so that she would be able to be with him. Help Paraphrasing! You ask yourself was Medea this way before Jason, yes I believe she was. This goes back to Assignment use case diagram the fact that she really was a barbarian in a foreign land. In this story I came to the conclusion that Medea actions showed a woman who was truly mad.

She was not aware of the help cruel and barbaric actions she took out on people she knew and love. Write My Revi! I felt. Words: 1071 - Pages: 5. . Need Help Paraphrasing! Compare-Contrast Essay The thought of doing an essay for most people can at be quite intimidating because of the need to Assignment use case be technically proficient, following the mandatory expectations outlined and some might find them boring because they feel like it is too restrictive in paraphrasing nature. That is merely just a common misconception though, there are several different styles of essays and the two that are going to be discussed are descriptive and narrative essays. The narrative essay's main purpose is to Writing essay tell a story using characters and a plot, where perhaps a problem is given, and the events that unfold eventually explain a solution to Need help paraphrasing a paragraph the problem or issue presented. In contrast the descriptive essay can be very powerful in conclusion the fact it is written using the five senses (visual, audible, taste, tactile sensations and Need help smells) this allows the author to bring a scene or object to for phd life in the mind of the reader. While narrative essays are almost like a movie that is played out in the judgment of the Need help a paragraph reader, the descriptive essay paints a vivid photograph or place the Write instagram reader can experience and this is help why descriptive essays are the superior of the two styles.

One of the best qualities that narrative essays are able to Write instagram bio offer over descriptive essays is they are structured to appeal to the simplest of mankind's urge to share a good story. There are various forms in which we can find a narrative writing example such as a poem, play, novel and the obvious essay. There are. Words: 2121 - Pages: 9. . Compare and Contrast Christopher Smith University of Phoenix COM-170 COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION I January 14, 2014 Regina Vega Compare and Contrast Growing up, there are countless young boys, who have the dream of help paraphrasing a paragraph, someday being a professional football or baseball player. Going outside and letting the imagination of being on the big stage and making the final pitch to win the World Series or the final Hail Mary throw to win the Super bowl. As a young kid, the dream of one day being the best and be paid to essay ks4 play a sport they grew up loving and playing. Although the sports of football and baseball are both very popular, there are a substantial amount of differences between them.

Compared to baseball, football is the Need help more popular sport in the country. In 2012, Super bowl XLVI had an estimated average of 111.3 million people watching as the Giants beat the Patriots. Essay York City! However, the World Series that year only managed to paraphrasing average 12.7 million viewers to watch the series between the Professional vs matte Giants/Tigers. So looking at the two championship events in both individual sports the super bowl was clearly the more popular championship game of the Need two sports. Due to such a high amount of viewers, Super Bowl commercials can cost advertisers millions of dollars for a commercial spot in the Super Bowl. In last year’s super bowl XLVII, the cost for a thirty second commercial slot during the super bowl cost around 3.5 million to Abstract thesis 4 million. Words: 1083 - Pages: 5. . punishment are Punishment I and Punishment II. In contrast, punishment is when the increase of something unwanted attempts to cause a decrease in the behavior that may follow. The negative punishment is Need a paragraph characterized by my revi bio, when a “favorable outcome or event is removed after an undesirable behavior occurs” (Matson, 2012, p. 9).

Differently, the positive punishment is when unfavorable outcomes or events are given in order to weaken the help a paragraph response that follows. Skinner believed the Abstract thesis goal of “punishment is for help paraphrasing a paragraph, the behavior to decrease” (Passos, 2012, p. My Revi Instagram Bio! 106). In operant conditioning, a voluntary response is then followed by a reinforcing stimulus. This way, the voluntary response such as studying for an exam, is more likely to be done by the person. The development of B. F. Skinner's learning theory of operant conditioning explains the concept of optimization in learning which has a “distinction between short-term and long-term of the overall learning strategies” (Edwards, 1970, p. 214). Operant conditioning can be defined as a process that attempts to modify a person’s behavior through the “use of Need paraphrasing, positive and the negative reinforcement” (Ramirez, 2013, p. 76). Through operant conditioning, a single person makes an association between a particular behavior and a consequence. An example can be a parent awarding their child with money for having good grades. Another example is when a teacher awards points to students who are well behaved but the students eventually realize that. Words: 1155 - Pages: 5. . Savannah Borel Dr. Turkel English 1301-81 October 31, 2014 Sister Sister How often does one look like their relative?

My sister, Carlee, and I, however, donaˆ™t resemble each other at all. Our opposite ks4 personalities, different lifestyle, and contrasting appearance define our differences. People say we look alike until you collapse out help paraphrasing a paragraph, lifestyle into the little things and Writing essay find out how different we really are. The first difference is our character. I would describe my personality as very outgoing and social. I am easy to talk to and a good listener. I understand people and Need paraphrasing a paragraph I make friends very easily. Carlee, in contrast, is much more calm and mellow. She comes off shy to people she doesnaˆ™t know, and keeps to herself most of the writing time. We both like being neat and organized with our life.

Also, we both enjoy nature and paraphrasing a paragraph spending time with our family. Second difference is what we spend doing everyday. I play volleyball for a travel team, as well as attend college. I work full time Monday thru Friday and stay very busy all the time. I try to save my money and bargain shop very often. Carlee, on the other hand, is a cheerleader for the freshman squad in high school. She doesnaˆ™t work, but I would consider her homework as her job. Any dollar she gets is research paper vs matte spent within a day. Need Paraphrasing A Paragraph! She rarely ever tries to come across a good deal, either. We both live in the same house and usually watch the same television shows.

The third difference is the way both of ks4, us look. I have long brown hair and. Words: 434 - Pages: 2. . Need Help A Paragraph! Jubin John Ms. Writing York City! Diomande Compare Contrast Final Draft 10/22/14 Creation vs. Evolution Today many scientists would have to believe that evolution is the Need paraphrasing a paragraph only reasonable explanation of the universe. Scientists, like Stephen Hawking, claim that they proved that evolution is the only correct answer to the origins of life and the universe, yet evolution is a theory proposed by scientists to explain the origin of all species. Evolution is Write instagram not the only answer but in fact, the creation theory is based on Need help paraphrasing a paragraph the bible and that God created the Research gambling problem universe. This is the idea of a paragraph, creationism which is supported by religion. Creationism offers a more credited answer to the development of the universe than the evolutionary theory because creation has the support of the bible. Write My Revi Instagram Bio! To make a decision on which theory is more appealing to them, people must choose either religion or science. The creation theory is solely based on the bible.

The Bible, in fact, is Need paraphrasing a paragraph actually one of the most proven books in history. Creationism is the theory that God created the universe and it's creatures in use case diagram six days. For example, in Genesis 2:7 it states In the beginning, God created the Need help a paragraph heavens and Abstract for phd thesis the earth. Need Help Paraphrasing! The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over Writing conclusion persuasive essay ks4 the face of the deep. Need Paraphrasing A Paragraph! And the Research Spirit of help a paragraph, God was hovering over the face of the waters. Essay Writing City! The Bible is not considered a science book, but many consider it to be scientifically correct. For instance, the Old Testament is quoted in several. Words: 848 - Pages: 4. . Describe the different ways we can view Medea’s character in the opening of the play (to page 25) The opening of the play sees Medea viewed in several different ways.

Medea is portrayed as being victimised as she has been betrayed by Jason as he chose to marry Creon’s daughter to elevate his social status. Medea can also be seen as dangerous because in Need the past she killed her brother and diagram deceived her father. In the play Medea is shown as victimised because of her treatment by Jason. When the nurse states Wails aloud for her dear father, her own land and home, which she betrayed and left to come here with this man who now spurns and Need help a paragraph insults her she explains that Medea left her former life to be with Jason and raise a family. It also shows that Medea is left alone, homeless and Writing conclusion persuasive ks4 victimised. Need Paraphrasing! Medea’s physical state is further shown when the nurse says She will not eat; she lies collapsed in agony, dissolving the long hours in tears This portrays Medea as being physically unable to do anything and as being emotionally distressed. It also explains how heartbroken and distraught Medea is. Jason’s betrayal towards Medea is Descriptive essay described when the nurse says Jason has betrayed his own sons and my mistress for Need help paraphrasing, a royal bed, for alliance with the King of Corinth This shows that Jason betrayed Medea so he would become closer with the Writing royal family. It also explains how both Medea and her sons have been victimised by help paraphrasing a paragraph, Jason. Medea is shown as dangerous at the beginning of the play.

Words: 527 - Pages: 3. . John Nicolet June 5, 2015 Compare and Contrast 1. Compare and contrast the Magna Carta to the U.S. Ks4! Constitution. A.The 6th amendment of the Constitution reads In all criminal prosecutions, the Need paraphrasing a paragraph accused shall enjpy the right to be confronted with the witness against him. Also it was in essay the Magna Carta that No freeman shall be taken or imprsioned or exiled or in any waydestroyrd except by Need, the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. B. In Paragraph 29 of the Magna Carta it reads as follows, No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice. It reads the same in Amendment 6 that In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the paper gambling problem right to a speedy and public trial..wherein the help paraphrasing a paragraph crime shall have been committed. 2. Compare and contrast the English bill of rights of 1689 and the U.S. Constitution. A.The Bill creates separation of powers, limits the essay writing york powers of the king and queen, enhances the democratic election and bolsters freedom of speech as well in the Constitution it talks about the seperation of power of each branch of the government.

For example in Article 3 Section 2 talks about the Judical branches power and powers that the Supreme. Words: 701 - Pages: 3. . Two Protagonists Compare and paraphrasing Contrast Essay Arthur Jeremy Moore July 15, 2015 GEN220 Sophia Mavrogiannis Two Protagonists; Compare and Contrast Essay There are several charters within iconic novels written for the purpose of individuals to identify with. The main character may be a hero or a villain, male or female, human or animal, but always an interesting character learning about themselves in a way that causes the reader to relate. The most intriguing part about reading is how individuals get lost in the fantasy of a characters role, and manage to finish the book; all while learning so much about one’s self. Changes might need to be made in their life, or acceptance should be attempted for heartache or sorrow; somehow readers find a way to compare themselves to these protagonists and mold the fantasy they are reading within their own reality. Abstract For Phd Thesis! (Duke, 2010).

There are two iconic novel characters who stand out in a way most individuals can relate to. A Paragraph! Holden Caulfield and young Ralph. When we cannot hold onto our youth and Writing conclusion persuasive essay we must watch it slip away, do we as humans embrace the changes or fight it every step of the way? The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Paraphrasing A Paragraph! Salinger, was published in 1951.

Holden Caulfield is Write a young male character who is obsessed with the loss of his youth. Similar to Caulfield is Need help paraphrasing a paragraph young Ralph, a character portrayed in the 1954 novel, as The Lord of the Flies iconic protagonist. Conclusion Ks4! Ralph is a twelve-year-old English boy who is elected leader of a. Words: 1069 - Pages: 5. . comparable. The skeptics between traditional and online classes are also easing their arguments in areas such as interaction between students, and especially between students and instructors, via email, much like with online classes. Most traditional courses require books, along with some handout materials. However some online courses also require books and traditional reading materials, in help addition to or sometimes instead of providing reading materials online. Persuasive Ks4! Currently many traditional courses are beginning to offer course materials via the Need Internet or in files which can be downloaded by students, either to conserve paper or to cut costs for Write instagram bio, students and the schools. Need Help Paraphrasing! There are many pros and cons to for phd online education, as well as traditional education.

In many scenarios, online education may be more affordable than a traditional educational environment. There are the obvious savings on transportation costs, such as gas, and parking fees. There is no need for expensive housing or meal plans since most would not be living on or near a college campus. Tuition costs can vary greatly among online institutions. Need Paraphrasing! Once you have decided upon a field of study, it is possible to Write my revi instagram bio compare the Need paraphrasing costs of diagram, comparable programs online.

Many times, there is no need to Need paraphrasing purchase expensive college textbooks. Most often you have the my revi instagram ability to download all the resource information required directly from the internet. An important fact to keep in mind is that many online education programs offer the. Words: 1213 - Pages: 5. . Help Paraphrasing A Paragraph! Dwight Eisenhower- Self-Conquest- Hyemi Lee (1:30) How can self-conquest help someone to become successful and have a strong will. The focus of this research is to study how self-conquest can help someone to Abstract for phd become successful and have a strong will in their life.

Character Trait Research Character traits can easily be observed through actions or responses to a situation or even how a person acts around you or others. It can be defined as strong, Humorous, kind, or else. For this character trait research, I chose strong/strength as a character trait. The definition of strong/strength is that the quality or state of being physically and mentally strong. Person can be strong at the ability to resist being moved or broken by a force or the person can be strong the quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined and Need paraphrasing a paragraph effective way. Getting the strong as solid character trait requires a lot of mind control. Usually when people sees the person who has a strong characteristic or trait either physically or mentally, they want this person to be strong all the time or at least believe that they are strong no matter what happens.

For example who is strong as mentally, if something urgent situation occurs this person can solve the Descriptive york situation and find the way through out. And people sees this and help a paragraph expect this person to be strong at this type of situation. So staying strong all the Assignment time requires mind control saying that I am good at this or I am strong on.

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Faire un business plan : exemple de business plan. Le business plan est un v©ritable acte de foi du cr©ateur d'entreprise, il doit d©montrer la solidit© de son initiative en exposant les diff©rentes informations de mani¨re tr¨s structur©e. Help Paraphrasing? illustre pour vous un exemple de business plan, ©tape par ©tape. Research Paper Gambling? Suivez le guide ! Le business plan est le document de r©f©rence avant de cr©er une entreprise qui va vous permettre, vous, votre entourage et aux futurs investisseurs, d'avoir une id©e juste du projet. Help Paraphrasing? Le business plan a pour principal objectif de s©duire le(s) investisseur(s) potentiel(s). Diagram? C'est gr¢ce ce document qu'ils vont d©cider (ou non) d'aller plus loin avec vous.. Vous devez commencer cerner l'importance capitale de ce document. Paraphrasing? De sa qualit©, de son exhaustivit© et de la qualit© des informations qu'il contient, va d©pendre le succ¨s de votre demande de financement pour cr©er votre soci©t©. For Phd Thesis? C'est pourquoi il est important de soigner autant que faire se peut, son business plan . Construction d'un business plan : comment structurer le business plan ? La construction du business plan suit g©n©ralement un raisonnement logique, qui d©montre ©tape par ©tape que : L€™activit© envisag©e peut g©n©rer des b©n©fices importants : il existe un besoin fort non satisfait; la solution envisag©e r©pond ce besoin et est suffisamment attractive pour d©clencher un acte d€™achat; ce besoin concerne un nombre de clients potentiels important; cette activit© g©n©rera un chiffre d'affaires important et sera rentable; L€™©quipe comporte des profils compl©mentaires qui rassemblent : les comp©tences techniques, commerciales et financi¨res n©cessaires; l€™exp©rience et les contacts sur le march©; L€™entreprise aura une part de march© importante et durable : les concurrents av©r©s ou potentiels sont identifi©s; l€™entreprise b©n©ficie d€™avantages concurrentiels;

Quels ©l©ments inclure dans le business plan ? Un mod¨le de business plan. Il n€™existe pas de mod¨le universel de business plan convenant tous les projets. Need Paraphrasing? Celui-ci peut comporter les chapitres et ©l©ments suivants : Une pr©sentation du porteur du projet et des personnes cl©s de l€™entreprise. Essay? Avec un r©sum© des CV. Need? Il est bon de montrer que ces profils sont compl©mentaires, que l€™©quipe est exp©riment©e et qu€™elle r©unit l€™ensemble des comp©tences n©cessaires. Une pr©sentation des produits et / ou services propos©s : € quels besoins r©pondent-ils ? Quelle est l€™offre existante ? Quel est le caract¨re innovant des produits/services, les avantages et inconv©nients par rapport l€™offre existante ? D©crire le contexte, pr©ciser l€™opportunit©, pourquoi ces produits n€™ont-ils pas d©j ©t© propos©s ? Le march© est-il prªt ? Cette partie a pour finalit© de d©montrer la capacit© de l€™entreprise cr©er de la valeur par son activit©, g©n©rer un chiffre d€™affaires important et une forte rentabilit©. Research? Les points suivants peuvent donc ªtre d©velopp©s : Les sources de revenus de l€™entreprise; Les canaux de distribution; La politique de prix : prix de vente des produits ou services; La strat©gie commerciale; La concurrence : Concurrents directs et indirects; Barri¨res l€™entr©e pour de nouveaux entrants; Mise en valeur des avantages concurrentiels;

La Soci©t© ou l€™Entreprise : Structure : forme juridique, date de cr©ation, d©but d€™activit©; Capital, nature des apports; Actionnaires; Plan d€™action : Strat©gie de l€™entreprise, les facteurs cl©s de succ¨s, objectifs chiffr©s; Plan de Recherche et D©veloppement (RD) : investissements et moyens n©cessaires; Production : site de production, co»ts de production des produits ou services, investissements mat©riels et humains n©cessaires; Marketing et la communication : objectifs, plan de communication, cibles, messages, supports, budget de communication, plan d€™action marketing, campagnes pr©vues, suivi des performances, budget marketing, taux de conversion, co»t de recrutement des clients; Plan d€™action commerciale : objectifs commerciaux, organisation et animation des ©quipes de vente, processus de vente; Gestion des ressources humaines; Plan de d©veloppement international; Cette partie d©montre la rentabilit© financi¨re de l€™entreprise. Need A Paragraph? Elle fournit habituellement des pr©visions trimestrielles sur trois cinq ans : Estimation des revenus : en coh©rence avec le mod¨le de revenus d©crit pr©c©demment, partir d€™hypoth¨ses prudentes, d©taill©es et justifi©es; Estimation des charges : en coh©rence avec le plan d€™action d©crit pr©c©demment ; Point mort: Quand sera-t-il atteint ? Sous quelles conditions ? Compte de r©sultat pr©visionnel; Bilan pr©visionnel; Plan de financement : besoins financiers et sources de financement pr©vues, capitaux propres, autofinancement, aides€¦; Plan de tr©sorerie (pour la premi¨re ann©e, mensuel). Opportunit© d€™investissement : Capitaux n©cessaires pour mener bien le projet, le montant recherch©, l€™utilisation des fonds; Potentiel du projet, les risques identifi©s surveiller, les raisons pour lesquelles l€™©quipe va r©ussir; Retour sur investissement; Sc©narios de sortie envisag©s. Business plan : les conseils et les erreurs ©viter pour construire votre Business Plan. Comment commencer son business plan ? Trouver des experts pr¨s de NOISIEL (77186) Charte d'engagement des Correspondants Locaux Petite-Entreprise.Net.

COMP‰TENCE : ils accompagnent les cr©ateurs et dirigeants de tr¨s petites entreprises (0-19 salari©s) R‰ACTIVIT‰ : ils r©pondent aux demandes dans les 48h PROXIMIT‰ : ils se d©placent pour rencontrer les chefs d'entreprise chez eux TRANSPARENCE : ils acceptent de r©colter et de diffuser les avis de leurs clients ENGAGEMENT : ils proposent une premi¨re rencontre gratuite et sans engagement. Félicitations pour votre lancement dans l'entrepreneuriat ! En effet nous pouvons vous aider à réaliser votre business plan afin de démarrer du bon pied votre nouvelle entreprise. Professional Vs Matte? Je vous propose de contacter mon collaborateur Fabrice au A Paragraph? Il saura davantage vous expliquer. Merci de votre commentaire et bonne journée ! J'aimerai svp créer une entreprise de services spécialisée dans le nettoyage et la fourniture des employés de maison. Conclusion Essay Ks4? J'ai besoin de votre aide dans la réalisation de mon business plan svp merci. Nous ne fournissions pas directement de business plan, puisqu'il nous faut connaître votre situation avant tout.

Mais nous pouvons vous aider à créer votre entreprise tout simplement (business plan, prévisionnel, statut juridique. Need Help Paraphrasing? ). Essay City? Mon collègue Fabrice peut vous apporter davantage d'informations à ce sujet. A Paragraph? Je vous propose de le contacter par téléphone 0368616161 (appel gratuit) ou de lui envoyer un message via notre formulaire Question/réponse en haut de cette page web. Je vous remercie pour votre commentaire et à bientôt sur Un business plan est différent pour chaque entreprise, qu'elle soit en reprise ou non. For Phd? Mais mon collègue Fabrice peut vous apporter davantage d'informations à ce sujet. Help? Je vous propose de le contacter par téléphone 0368616161 (appel gratuit) ou de lui envoyer un message via notre formulaire Question/réponse en haut de cette page web. Je vous remercie pour votre commentaire et à bientôt sur j'aimerai créer une boulangerie; j'aimerais que vous puissiez m'aider à faire le business plan ou m'envoyer un model de business plan.

Si vous souhaitez créer une boulangerie en France un de nos Correspondants Locaux proche de chez vous pouvons vous accompagner dans cette démarche. My Revi Instagram? Contactez mon collègue Fabrice au, il saura vous expliquer plus en détails. Merci pour votre commentaire, je vous souhaite une agréable journée ! merci bcp pour ce site. j'aimerai créer une boulangerie patisserie; j'aimerais que vous puissiez m'aider à faire un plan d'affaire. Si vous souhaitez voir d'autres fiches pratiques sur le business plan, je vous invite à taper dans la barre de recherche en haut de cette page web le mot-clé business plan.

La liste de toutes nos fiches pratiques sur le thème du business plan s'affichera. Bien cordialement, Joanna. Si vous souhaitez ouvrir un salon d'esthéticienne en France, un de nos Correspondants Locaux peut vous apporter son aide en réalisant avec vous votre business plan et vous trouver un financement si besoin. Need Paraphrasing A Paragraph? Il saura vous conseiller. Thesis? Je vous propose donc de contacter mon collaborateur Fabrice au 0368616161 afin qu'il vous mette en relation avec un professionnel du conseil dans la création d'entreprise, proche de chez vous. Help? Bonne journée à vous et à bientôt sur

Je veux créé une entreprise dans le milieu de l'esthétique . je suis esthéticienne et j'aimerais ouvrir un salon d'esthétique. Professional Paper? Pour ce fait je solicite votre aide pour pouvoir faire mon business plan afin d'avoir un financement.2. Vous souhaitez devenir entrepreneur ? Bravo ! Nous pouvons justement vous accompagner dans la création de votre gîte. Need Help? Afin que vous ne soyez pas seule pour démarrer et surtout que vous démarriez directement du bon pied ! Je vous propose de contacter mon collaborateur Fabrice au 0368616161 pour qu'il puisse vous expliquer. Bonne journée et à bientôt sur ! Si vous souhaitez créer une entreprise dans le bâtiment en France, nous avons la possibilité de vous mettre en relation avec un de nos Correspondants Locaux, le plus proche de chez vous, afin qu'il vous aide à monter votre business plan et à bien démarrer votre nouvelle activité. Je vous propose de contacter mon collaborateur Fabrice au 0368616161 ou via notre formulaire Question/réponse pour qu'il puisse prendre en compte votre demande. Bonne journée et à bientôt sur J'aimerais créer un établissement de bâtiment aidez moi à monter un business plan. Merci pour votre commentaire. Si vous résidez en France nous avons sûrement un Correspondant Local près de chez vous qui pourra vous accompagner dans la réalisation de votre business plan. Assignment Use Case? Contactez mon collaborateur Fabrice au 0368616161 pour savoir ce qu'il en est.

Bonne journée et à bientôt sur ! Tout d'abord bravo pour votre lancement dans l'entrepreneuriat ! Pour vous aider à créer votre entreprise un de nos Correspondants Locaux peut vous accompagner. A Paragraph? Je vous propose de contacter un de mes collaborateurs au 03 68 61 61 61 ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez tout simplement formuler votre demande via notre page Questions/réponse. Merci de votre commentaire et à bientôt sur ! Je vous propose de contacter un de mes collaborateurs au numéro suivant 03 68 61 61 61 pour que nous puissions répondre au mieux à votre demande. Paper? Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez tout simplement formuler votre demande via notre page Questions/réponse. Merci de votre commentaire et à bientôt sur ! Je vous propose de contacter un de mes collaborateurs au numéro suivant 03 68 61 61 61 pour que nous puissions répondre au mieux à votre question. Need Help A Paragraph? Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez tout simplement formuler votre demande via notre page Questions/réponse. Merci de votre commentaire et à bientôt sur ! Merci pour cet article bien expliqué, bon courage à vous.

Merci pour votre commentaire. Nous ne pouvons pas vous produire de business plan, ce n'est pas notre métier. Descriptive Essay City? Mais je vous propose en contre partie de parcourir nos fiches pratiques sur les business plan. A Paragraph? Vous les retrouverez ici : Bonne journée et à bientôt sur ! Je vous invite à entrer en contact avec l'un des Correspondants Locaux proche de chez vous via notre Répertoire National des Professionnels du Conseil ou à consulter notre info pratique Prévisionnel : Modèle de Prévisionnels disponible à l'adresse : L'équipe de vous remercie. Je souhaite mettre en place un site e-commerce. Paper Gambling Problem? Serait-il possible d'obtenir un business model s'il vous plait ? Par avance merci.

J'aimerais agrandir ma salle de jeux, et j'ai. besoin de conseil et de financement pour y. parvenir alors j'aimerais travailler en. collaboration avec une personne a fin de réalisé je suis techniquement en chômage depuis 2 jours, je veux pas rester pour longtemps alors j'ai décédé de faire un investissement créer un atelier de fabrication de couche bébé. Help A Paragraph? que dois je faire.

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