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How to write thesis evaluation report

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c eller resume Klokken er et eventyr skrevet af H.C. Andersen i 1845. How To Write! Klokken er et eventyr der handler om et lille samfund, som gentagende gange horer lyden af en smuk klokkeklang inde fra skoven. Essay! Eventyrets forlob handler om samfundets onske og l?ngsel efter at write report, finde klokken og den rejse de forskellige personer oplever nar de tr?der ind i skoven. Heriblandt moder vi kongesonnen og en fattig dreng. Essay In English! Klokken er et kunsteventyr, det kan ses ved at How to, den har en navngiven forfatter og sproget er langt fra talesprog. Derudover kan det ses ved at det er et mere kompliceret stykke. Komposition og handlingsforlob: Klokken er en magisk rekvisit da den er ikke eksisterende og samtidig er den en besj?ling da klokken kan symbolisere naturens and og v?sen. Chemistry Essay! Eventyret er kronologisk og der er ikke flashback eller flashforward. Write Evaluation Report! Der er tre opsplitninger i eventyrets forlob, hvilket kan ses som en talregel.

Eventyret starter i byen her er folk meget overfladiske (taler om penge), herefter starter gaturen pa vej mod skoven og i starten af skoven og eventyret slutter i den dybe del af skoven, ved vandet. Chemistry Essay! Kan bruges som et hjem ude hjem eksempel, da de starter med at thesis report, v?re hjemme i samfundet og horer klokken, herefter rejser de ud for at Do my assignment biology, finde klokken, til sidst finder kongesonnen og den fattige dreng klokken og betydningen af det de sogte. Byen: Sn?vre gader og stor by, det er aften. Write Thesis Report! Og man kan ikke se solen. Uden for extended essay, byen: Husene la l?ngere fra hinanden.

Med haver og sma marker. Skoven: Der er mange piletr?er i udkanten af skoven. How To Write Thesis Evaluation! Nar folk fra byen kommer ud i skoven, og ser klokken som conditeren har h?ngt op, folger de at Aqa biology answers unit 2, det har v?ret en romantisk oplevelse - de er kommet ud fra de faste rammer. Ifolge confimaderne er det dejligste sol skind og fuglene sang. Skoven var sa t?t og sa lovfuld, det var besv?rligt at komme frem, skovem?rker og anemoner voksede n?sten alt for evaluation report, hojt, blomstrende convolvoi og bromb?r-ranker hang i lange guirlander fra tr? til tr?, hvor nattergalen sang og solstralerne legede. Der la store klippeblokke begroede med mos af alle farver og de friske kildevand piblede frem og underligt sagde de ligesom kluk kulk. Aqa Biology Textbook Answers Unit! - Skoven er meget tydeligt og romantisk beskrevet, i forhold til bade skoven og uden for How to write evaluation report, byen. Kongeson: Han er et barn, som er hojt stillede i samfundet. Kongesonnen folger sin intuition, og gar saledes bare ind i skoven for at homework, se hvad alle andre leder efter.

Han leder ikke efter en materiel klokken”, men derimod gar han efter sin fantasi og har sine egene tanker og losninger. How To Write Evaluation Report! Han siger til den fattige dreng: Sa kunne vi ga sammen? Her vises det at Do my homework assignment biology, han ikke lader samfundsnormerne skille ham og den fattige dreng ad. Han er meget upoleret i mods?tning til voksne der er pr?get af fornuft og t?mmet af kultur og samfundet. How To Write Thesis Report! Han er ren i hjertet. kongesonnen bredte sine arme ud mod himlen, mod havet og skoven: Med dette menes der at Write assignment, kongesonnen favner naturen, han oplever den og pa den made opnar han en folelse af harmoni og sammenh?ng. Report! Han er et typisk tegn pa hvordan man sa born i romantikken. Write In English! Born i romantikken tilskrevet en lang r?kke egenskaber som de voksne har mistet. De blev set som uspoleret og spontane, fordomsfrie og fuld af fantasi. Write Evaluation Report! I mods?tning til de voksne der er meget pr?get af fornuft, rationel t?nkning og t?mmet af kultur. Do My Homework Biology! Han er ifort tr?sko og en troje sa kort at write evaluation, man ret kunne se hvor lange handled han havde.

Han vi lige blevet konfirmeret. Kongesonnen og den fattige dreng kendte hinanden. Han er ligesom kongesonnen spontan og aben. Han folger sin intuition og er klar til at ga igennem rigtig meget for at What thesis academic, blive ved med at How to report, folge den, han gar til hojre og igennem den dybe del af skoven hvor han bliver revet til blods af torne tornene reve hans fattige Kl?der itu og Ansigt H?nder og Fodder til blods. Konditoren er ikke en voldsom godt beskrevet i historien, men dog far vi lidt at vide. Han gar meget efter det materialistiske, at Write essay assignment in english, lykken ma v?re en ting - dermed at write evaluation, klokken ma v?re en materialistiske klokke. Han er en typisk voksen beskrevet af romantikken, gar efter det materielle og er pr?get af fordomme, fornuft og rationel t?nkning - han onsker bare at statement for continuing academic success, s?lge sit brod.

Verdensklokkeren er en titel kejseren lover ud til den som kan finde ud af hvor lyden kommer fra ogsa selvom det ikke er en klokke. Men mand fra landsbyen som fort?ller han mener at How to thesis evaluation, det er en visdoms ugle, der siger lydene nar den sidder i tr?et - derfor bliver han kaldt verdensklokkeren. Hans mal er bare at help romans, tjene til dagen og vejen, og ikke at finde den rigtige klokke. How To Write Thesis! - side 1, linje 25-32. Klokken skal ikke ses pa, som en materiel genstand, men som en helhed af det romantiske og smukke i naturen, som noget helligt og guds kirke og som en hyldest til mangfoldigheden, da den bringer forskellige samfundsklasser sammen. Assignment! (Passer godt ind i Romantikkens tid, da der her snakkes om det gode, det sande og det skonne) - side 3, linje 14. Thesis Evaluation Report! Byen er beskrevet som sn?ver hvorimod skoven er beskrevet som storslaet og dyb. How To Setup An Essay! I teksten kan byens beskrivelse understreges pa fa linjer, hvorimod skoven er langt mere detaljeret beskrevet. F.eks.: Solen skinnede, fuglene sang, skovm?rker og Anemoner voxte osv .. Thesis Evaluation! Side 2, linje 4-9. I guldalderen hvor romantikken blomstrede, var der stor forskel pa de sociale klasser. Answers 2! Derfor er det yderst m?rkv?rdigt at evaluation report, kongesonnen og den fattige dreng modes i et f?lles forsog pa at Write essay assignment in english, finde frem til klokken Endnu engang kan vi understrege at How to thesis evaluation, kongesonnen er ren, uskyldig og fordomsfri da han intet har imod at homework help, tale med en lavere rangeret person. Evaluation Report! Samtidig er den fattige dreng ogsa fordomsfri og uspoleret da han ikke har nogen frygt for at in english, tale med kongesonnen. Thesis Evaluation Report! Barn vs.

Voksen (folk fra landsbyen vs. Den fattige og kongesonnen) Man kan beskrive folk fra landsbyen, generelt som typiske voksne i romantikken, de er pr?get meget af fornuft, rational t?nkning og t?mmet af kulturen. Biology! De er meget materialistiske og soger en bestemt genstand i stedet for thesis, en folelse. For at assignment in english, understrege kontrasterne mellem det materialistiske og uspolerede og fantasifulde har H.C. How To! Andersen netop valgt at an essay, bruge konfirmanderne som ligger lige imellem barn og voksen. How To! ” Det var snart ligesom et orgel spillede dertil, lyden kom fra venstre, fra den side, paa hvilket hjertet sidder ” Side 2, linje 23-24. Pa sidste side af eventyret star der saledes: ”Skoven sang og havets sang og hans hjerte sang med”. Dette er et typisk tr?k fra romantikken.

Skoven og havet, bliver gjort til noget levende og idyllisk. Hvorfor er det netop lige kongesonnen og den fattige dreng, som i sidste ende finder klokken? Jo dette er fordi at School homework help romans, de to report, parter, er eventyrets hoved mods?tninger. Aqa Biology Unit 2! De har det til f?lles at report, de begge er konfirmeret, men det er n?sten ogsa det eneste. Setup Judge! Kongeson har hojst sandsyligvis penge nok, hvorimod den fattige ma lane sig til konfirmations toj. Write Thesis Evaluation! Kongesonnen gar vejen hvor solen skinner ned pa ham og han far kun fa rifter, sa sin tur gennem skoven. Hvorimod den fattige dreng gar den mere dyster vej igennem skoven, og river sig til blods.

Dette kan v?re et symbol pa, hvor sv?rt ma v?re at How to an essay judge, v?re fattig i sin sogen pa at write thesis evaluation report, finde lykken. For Continuing! Men dog ser de begge imellem fignerne, at de har voldsom stor samfundsklasse forskel – og finder sammen klokken, da de bruger deres folelser. Materialist vs. How To Write Thesis Evaluation! Folelser. Fornuft vs. What Is A Good Statement For Continuing Academic Success! Uspoleret. Report! Typiske tr?k inden for Chemistry, romantismen: Monisme – mennesket og naturen bliver til et. Evaluation Report! Dette sker sidst i eventyret, nar kongesonnen og den fattige finder klokken.

Den typiske romantiske harmoni. Textbook 2! At kongesonnen og den fattige, formar pa trods sociale forskelle at thesis report, finde sammen. Thesis Academic! Konfirmander. How To Thesis Evaluation Report! De gar fra barn til voksen. Fra det uspoleret til de fornuftige. Extended Essay A! Besj?ling af naturen. Write Evaluation Report! Panteisme – man kommer, t?tter pa gud.

Skoven bliver sammenlignet med en kirke. Skoven og havets sang. How To Setup! Der er mange forskellige mader man kan fortolke ”Klokken” pa. Mange kan v?lge at fortolke den saledes at How to thesis, ”klokken” er en delvis selvbiografi af H.C.Andersen. Extended A! Han kom fra en meget fattig baggrund som skomagerson i Odense, men opnade rigdom og beromthed som forfatter senere i livet, efter en lang kamp for How to thesis evaluation report, lykke. How To An Essay! Dermed kan den fattige konfirmand dreng, v?re et symbol pa den unge og meget habefulde H.C.Andersen der ma k?mpe sig gennem den meste morke og t?tte del af skoven, hvor tornene river hans toj og ansigt i stykker – hans harde vej mod lykken. How To Write Thesis Report! Derimod er Prinsen symbol pa hvordan det bedre borgerskab ”kommer lettere” til lykken.

Den grimme ?lling sammen med svanen. Klokken skal ikke ses pa, som en materiel genstand, men som en helhed af det romantiske og smukke i naturen, som noget helligt og guds kirke og som en hyldest til mangfoldigheden, da den bringer forskellige samfundsklasser sammen.

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peter stearns essay The following essay is reproduced with permission of the American Historical Association and Peter N. Stearns. Additional AHA publications are available at . Why study history? By Peter N. Stearns. People live in the present. They plan for and worry about the future. History, however, is the study of the How to thesis, past.

Given all the demands that press in from living in the present and anticipating what is yet to come, why bother with what has been? Given all the desirable and available branches of good for continuing success knowledge, why insist—as most American educational programs do—on a good bit of history? And why urge many students to How to thesis, study even more history than they are required to? Any subject of Aqa biology textbook answers unit 2 study needs justification: its advocates must explain why it is worth attention. Write Report? Most widely accepted subjects-and history is certainly one of them-attract some people who simply like the information and modes of thought involved. But audiences less spontaneously drawn to the subject and more doubtful about why to help romans, bother need to know what the purpose is.

Historians do not perform heart transplants, improve highway design, or arrest criminals. In a society that quite correctly expects education to How to thesis, serve useful purposes, the functions of history can seem more difficult to define than those of engineering or medicine. History is in fact very useful, actually indispensable, but the products of historical study are less tangible, sometimes less immediate, than those that stem from some other disciplines. In the textbook, past history has been justified for reasons we would no longer accept. For instance, one of the How to, reasons history holds its place in current education is because earlier leaders believed that a knowledge of homework certain historical facts helped distinguish the educated from the uneducated; the person who could reel off the date of the Norman conquest of England (1066) or the name of the person who came up with the theory of evolution at about the same time that Darwin did (Wallace) was deemed superior-a better candidate for law school or even a business promotion. Knowledge of thesis report historical facts has been used as a screening device in many societies, from China to the United States, and the habit is still with us to is a good thesis academic, some extent. Unfortunately, this use can encourage mindless memorization-a real but not very appealing aspect of the discipline. History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. There are many ways to discuss the real functions of the subject-as there are many different historical talents and many different paths to historical meaning.

All definitions of history's utility, however, rely on two fundamental facts. History Helps Us Understand People and How to write evaluation, Societies. In the first place, history offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave. Understanding the operations of essay people and report, societies is difficult, though a number of disciplines make the attempt. An exclusive reliance on current data would needlessly handicap our efforts. How can we evaluate war if the nation is at is a for continuing academic, peace-unless we use historical materials? How can we understand genius, the influence of technological innovation, or the role that beliefs play in shaping family life, if we don't use what we know about experiences in the past? Some social scientists attempt to formulate laws or theories about human behavior. But even these recourses depend on historical information, except for in limited, often artificial cases in which experiments can be devised to determine how people act. Major aspects of How to write thesis evaluation report a society's operation, like mass elections, missionary activities, or military alliances, cannot be set up as precise experiments.

Consequently, history must serve, however imperfectly, as our laboratory, and data from the past must serve as our most vital evidence in homework, the unavoidable quest to figure out why our complex species behaves as it does in write evaluation, societal settings. This, fundamentally, is why we cannot stay away from history: it offers the only extensive evidential base for the contemplation and analysis of how societies function, and people need to is a thesis, have some sense of how societies function simply to run their own lives. History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in Came to Be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of write thesis evaluation serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future. Homework Romans? Any time we try to know why something happened-whether a shift in political party dominance in the American Congress, a major change in the teenage suicide rate, or a war in the Balkans or the Middle East-we have to look for factors that took shape earlier.

Sometimes fairly recent history will suffice to explain a major development, but often we need to look further back to evaluation, identify the causes of Aqa biology unit change. Only through studying history can we grasp how things change; only through history can we begin to comprehend the factors that cause change; and only through history can we understand what elements of an institution or a society persist despite change. The importance of history in explaining and understanding change in human behavior is no mere abstraction. Report? Take an important human phenomenon such as alcoholism. Through biological experiments scientists have identified specific genes that seem to cause a proclivity toward alcohol addiction in some individuals. This is a notable advance.

But alcoholism, as a social reality, has a history: rates of alcoholism have risen and fallen, and they have varied from one group to the next. Attitudes and policies about alcoholism have also changed and varied. History is indispensable to understanding why such changes occur. Academic Success? And in many ways historical analysis is a more challenging kind of How to thesis exploration than genetic experimentation. Historians have in fact greatly contributed in recent decades to our understanding of trends (or patterns of change) in alcoholism and to thesis statement academic success, our grasp of the dimensions of addiction as an thesis evaluation report evolving social problem. One of the leading concerns of contemporary American politics is low voter turnout, even for major elections. an historical analysis of Do my assignment changes in How to evaluation, voter turnout can help us begin to understand the problem we face today.

What were turnouts in the past? When did the decline set in? Once we determine when the trend began, we can try to identify which of the Chemistry extended a, factors present at the time combined to set the trend in motion. How To Evaluation? Do the same factors sustain the trend still, or are there new ingredients that have contributed to it in more recent decades? A purely contemporary analysis may shed some light on the problem, but an historical assessment is clearly fundamental-and essential for anyone concerned about American political health today. History, then, provides the only extensive materials available to an essay judge, study the human condition. It also focuses attention on write evaluation the complex processes of social change, including the factors that are causing change around us today. Here, at base, are the two related reasons many people become enthralled with the Write essay assignment in english, examination of the past and why our society requires and write thesis evaluation, encourages the setup, study of evaluation history as a major subject in the schools. The Importance of History in Our Own Lives. These two fundamental reasons for studying history underlie more specific and quite diverse uses of history in our own lives.

History well told is beautiful. Many of the Write assignment, historians who most appeal to the general reading public know the evaluation, importance of dramatic and skillful writing-as well as of accuracy. Aqa Biology? Biography and military history appeal in part because of the How to write evaluation report, tales they contain. History as art and Do my homework biology, entertainment serves a real purpose, on aesthetic grounds but also on the level of human understanding. Stories well done are stories that reveal how people and societies have actually functioned, and they prompt thoughts about the human experience in other times and places. The same aesthetic and thesis evaluation, humanistic goals inspire people to immerse themselves in efforts to reconstruct quite remote pasts, far removed from immediate, present-day utility.

Exploring what historians sometimes call the pastness of the past-the ways people in distant ages constructed their lives-involves a sense of beauty and excitement, and ultimately another perspective on human life and society. History Contributes to Do my, Moral Understanding. History also provides a terrain for moral contemplation. Studying the stories of individuals and situations in the past allows a student of history to test his or her own moral sense, to hone it against some of the real complexities individuals have faced in difficult settings. People who have weathered adversity not just in some work of fiction, but in real, historical circumstances can provide inspiration.

History teaching by example is How to evaluation report, one phrase that describes this use of a study of the past-a study not only of certifiable heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas, but also of more ordinary people who provide lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest. History Provides Identity. History also helps provide identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. Historical data include evidence about how families, groups, institutions and whole countries were formed and about how they have evolved while retaining cohesion. School Romans? For many Americans, studying the history of one's own family is the How to thesis evaluation, most obvious use of history, for it provides facts about genealogy and (at a slightly more complex level) a basis for understanding how the family has interacted with larger historical change.

Family identity is established and homework help, confirmed. Many institutions, businesses, communities, and social units, such as ethnic groups in the United States, use history for similar identity purposes. Merely defining the group in the present pales against the possibility of forming an identity based on thesis evaluation a rich past. And of course nations use identity history as well-and sometimes abuse it. Histories that tell the national story, emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home an understanding of national values and a commitment to national loyalty.

Studying History Is Essential for Good Citizenship. A study of history is essential for good citizenship. This is the most common justification for the place of Chemistry essay a history in school curricula. Sometimes advocates of citizenship history hope merely to promote national identity and loyalty through a history spiced by vivid stories and lessons in individual success and morality. But the write report, importance of How to setup history for citizenship goes beyond this narrow goal and can even challenge it at some points.

History that lays the foundation for genuine citizenship returns, in one sense, to the essential uses of the study of the past. History provides data about the emergence of national institutions, problems, and values-it's the only significant storehouse of such data available. How To Write? It offers evidence also about how nations have interacted with other societies, providing international and comparative perspectives essential for responsible citizenship. Do My Homework Assignment? Further, studying history helps us understand how recent, current, and prospective changes that affect the lives of thesis citizens are emerging or may emerge and Chemistry essay a, what causes are involved. More important, studying history encourages habits of mind that are vital for responsible public behavior, whether as a national or community leader, an informed voter, a petitioner, or a simple observer. What Skills Does a Student of History Develop? What does a well-trained student of history, schooled to work on past materials and on thesis evaluation report case studies in an essay judge, social change, learn how to do?

The list is thesis, manageable, but it contains several overlapping categories. The Ability to Assess Evidence. The study of history builds experience in dealing with and assessing various kinds of evidence-the sorts of evidence historians use in shaping the most accurate pictures of the past that they can. Learning how to interpret the statements of past political leaders-one kind of evidence-helps form the capacity to distinguish between the objective and the self-serving among statements made by homework assignment present-day political leaders. Learning how to combine different kinds of evidence-public statements, private records, numerical data, visual materials-develops the ability to make coherent arguments based on a variety of data. This skill can also be applied to information encountered in everyday life. The Ability to Assess Conflicting Interpretations. Learning history means gaining some skill in sorting through diverse, often conflicting interpretations.

Understanding how societies work-the central goal of How to historical study-is inherently imprecise, and the same certainly holds true for understanding what is going on in the present day. Learning how to identify and evaluate conflicting interpretations is an What is a good essential citizenship skill for which history, as an often-contested laboratory of human experience, provides training. This is one area in which the full benefits of historical study sometimes clash with the How to thesis report, narrower uses of the essay assignment, past to construct identity. Experience in examining past situations provides a constructively critical sense that can be applied to How to write thesis report, partisan claims about the glories of national or group identity. Biology? The study of history in no sense undermines loyalty or commitment, but it does teach the need for assessing arguments, and it provides opportunities to engage in debate and achieve perspective. Experience in Assessing Past Examples of Change. Experience in How to write thesis report, assessing past examples of change is vital to understanding change in society today-it's an essential skill in Chemistry a, what we are regularly told is our ever-changing world. Analysis of change means developing some capacity for determining the magnitude and significance of change, for some changes are more fundamental than others. Comparing particular changes to relevant examples from the past helps students of How to thesis report history develop this capacity.

The ability to How to setup an essay judge, identify the continuities that always accompany even the most dramatic changes also comes from How to evaluation studying history, as does the skill to Chemistry, determine probable causes of change. Learning history helps one figure out, for example, if one main factor-such as a technological innovation or some deliberate new policy-accounts for a change or whether, as is more commonly the case, a number of factors combine to generate the actual change that occurs. Historical study, in sum, is crucial to the promotion of that elusive creature, the well-informed citizen. It provides basic factual information about the background of our political institutions and How to write evaluation, about the values and problems that affect our social well-being. It also contributes to our capacity to use evidence, assess interpretations, and analyze change and continuities. No one can ever quite deal with the present as the historian deals with the past-we lack the perspective for this feat; but we can move in this direction by good thesis applying historical habits of How to thesis evaluation report mind, and we will function as better citizens in the process. History Is Useful in School homework help romans, the World of How to Work. History is useful for work. Its study helps create good businesspeople, professionals, and political leaders.

The number of homework explicit professional jobs for historians is considerable, but most people who study history do not become professional historians. Professional historians teach at various levels, work in museums and media centers, do historical research for businesses or public agencies, or participate in thesis report, the growing number of historical consultancies. These categories are important-indeed vital-to keep the basic enterprise of history going, but most people who study history use their training for broader professional purposes. Students of history find their experience directly relevant to jobs in a variety of careers as well as to is a good for continuing success, further study in fields like law and public administration. Employers often deliberately seek students with the kinds of capacities historical study promotes. The reasons are not hard to identify: students of history acquire, by write evaluation report studying different phases of the past and different societies in the past, a broad perspective that gives them the range and flexibility required in many work situations.

They develop research skills, the ability to find and evaluate sources of information, and the means to identify and evaluate diverse interpretations. Work in history also improves basic writing and speaking skills and is directly relevant to many of the analytical requirements in the public and private sectors, where the capacity to identify, assess, and explain trends is essential. Historical study is unquestionably an asset for a variety of work and professional situations, even though it does not, for most students, lead as directly to a particular job slot, as do some technical fields. But history particularly prepares students for the long haul in their careers, its qualities helping adaptation and advancement beyond entry-level employment. There is no denying that in our society many people who are drawn to historical study worry about relevance. In our changing economy, there is concern about setup an essay job futures in most fields. Historical training is not, however, an indulgence; it applies directly to many careers and can clearly help us in our working lives.

What Kind of How to thesis evaluation report History Should We Study? The question of why we should study history entails several subsidiary issues about what kind of history should be studied. Historians and the general public alike can generate a lot of heat about what specific history courses should appear in textbook, what part of the curriculum. Many of the benefits of history derive from various kinds of history, whether local or national or focused on one culture or the world. Gripping instances of history as storytelling, as moral example, and as analysis come from all sorts of settings. Write Evaluation Report? The most intense debates about homework biology what history should cover occur in How to write thesis, relation to identity history and homework assignment biology, the attempt to argue that knowledge of certain historical facts marks one as an educated person.

Some people feel that in order to become good citizens students must learn to recite the preamble of the American constitution or be able to identify Thomas Edison-though many historians would dissent from an How to unduly long list of factual obligations. Correspondingly, some feminists, eager to use history as part of their struggle, want to make sure that students know the names of key past leaders such as Susan B. Anthony. The range of possible survey and memorization chores is considerable-one reason that history texts are often quite long. There is a fundamental tension in teaching and learning history between covering facts and developing historical habits of mind. Because history provides an immediate background to our own life and age, it is highly desirable to learn about forces that arose in the past and continue to affect the modern world. This type of knowledge requires some attention to comprehending the development of a national institutions and trends. It also demands some historical understanding of thesis evaluation key forces in the wider world. Do My Homework Assignment Biology? The ongoing tension between Christianity and Islam, for instance, requires some knowledge of patterns that took shape over write thesis evaluation report, 12 centuries ago. Homework Assignment Biology? Indeed, the pressing need to learn about issues of importance throughout the world is the basic reason that world history has been gaining ground in American curriculums.

Historical habits of mind are enriched when we learn to compare different patterns of historical development, which means some study of other national traditions and civilizations. The key to developing historical habits of How to evaluation mind, however, is having repeated experience in historical inquiry. Such experience should involve a variety of materials and a diversity of analytical problems. Facts are essential in this process, for historical analysis depends on data, but it does not matter whether these facts come from Chemistry extended essay local, national, or world history-although it's most useful to study a range of settings. What matters is learning how to How to thesis evaluation, assess different magnitudes of Aqa biology answers 2 historical change, different examples of conflicting interpretations, and write thesis report, multiple kinds of evidence. Developing the Write essay assignment, ability to repeat fundamental thinking habits through increasingly complex exercises is thesis evaluation report, essential. Historical processes and institutions that are deemed especially important to specific curriculums can, of course, be used to Write essay assignment, teach historical inquiry. Appropriate balance is the obvious goal, with an insistence on factual knowledge not allowed to overshadow the need to develop historical habits of mind. Exposure to certain essential historical episodes and experience in historical inquiry are crucial to any program of historical study, but they require supplement.

No program can be fully functional if it does not allow for whimsy and individual taste. Pursuing particular stories or types of How to write problems, simply because they tickle the fancy, contributes to a rounded intellectual life. Similarly, no program in history is How to, complete unless it provides some understanding of the ongoing role of write report historical inquiry in expanding our knowledge of the past and, with it, of human and social behavior. Extended? The past two decades have seen a genuine explosion of historical information and analysis, as additional facets of human behavior have been subjected to research and interpretation. And there is every sign that historians are continuing to expand our understanding of the past. It's clear that the discipline of history is a source of innovation and not merely a framework for repeated renderings of established data and familiar stories. Why study history? The answer is because we virtually must, to gain access to the laboratory of write thesis evaluation human experience. When we study it reasonably well, and so acquire some usable habits of mind, as well as some basic data about the forces that affect our own lives, we emerge with relevant skills and an enhanced capacity for setup judge informed citizenship, critical thinking, and thesis evaluation, simple awareness.

The uses of Do my assignment history are varied. Studying history can help us develop some literally salable skills, but its study must not be pinned down to the narrowest utilitarianism. Some history-that confined to personal recollections about write thesis report changes and romans, continuities in How to thesis evaluation report, the immediate environment-is essential to Chemistry a, function beyond childhood. Some history depends on How to write evaluation personal taste, where one finds beauty, the joy of discovery, or intellectual challenge. Between the inescapable minimum and the pleasure of deep commitment comes the history that, through cumulative skill in interpreting the unfolding human record, provides a real grasp of how the Do my biology, world works. Holt, Thomas C. Thinking Historically: Narrative, Imagination, and Understanding. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1990. Howe, Barbara. Careers for Students of History.

Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1989. Hexter, J. H. How To Thesis? The History Primer. New York: Basic Books, 1971. Gagnon, Paul, ed. Historical Literacy. New York: MacMillan, 1989. Oakeshott, Michael.

On History. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes and Noble, 1983. Stearns, Peter N. Meaning over Memory: Recasting the Teaching of History and Culture. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. Peter N. Stearns is Heinz Professor of History and dean of the College of homework help Humanities and Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. He also serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Social History . He is author of numerous books on European, U.S. social, and world history and history teaching.

Recent books include Millennium III, Century XXI: A Retrospective on the Future and How to thesis report, Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West . Please excuse the advertising; it helps pay the homework help, bills. © 2001-2016 Michael G. Maxwell, Maxwell Learning LLC.

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19 Websites and How to thesis evaluation Magazines That Want to Do my, Publish Your Personal Essays. They’re all over your Facebook feed, and for good reason. Personal essays by popular authors and novices alike are relatable, engrossing reads. Write Thesis! Sometimes, their heart-wrenching reflections stay with you for days. For reporters or academics, it can be hard to step back from research rituals and write from personal experience. How To An Essay! But a personal essay can endear you to an audience, bring attention to an issue, or simply provide comfort to a reader who’s “been there.” “Writing nonfiction is not about telling your story,” says Ashley C. Ford , an essayist who emphasized the importance of creating a clear connection between your personal experience and universal topics. Write Thesis Evaluation Report! “It’s about telling interesting and worthy stories about the answers unit 2, human condition using examples from your life.” But don’t worry if your life doesn’t seem exciting or heart-wrenching enough to expound upon; think of it as writing through yourself, instead of about yourself. “There are few heroes and even fewer villains in real life,” she said. “If you’re going to How to write report, write about your human experience, write the truth. It’s worth it to write what’s real.” Where to submit your personal essays. Once you’ve penned your essay, which publications should you contact? We’ve all heard of homework, — and likely submitted to How to evaluation, — The New York Times’ Modern Love column, but that’s not the only outlet that accepts personal narratives. “Submit to How to setup an essay judge, the places you love that publish work like yours,” Ford advises, but don’t get caught up in the size of the publication. And “ recognize that at small publications you’re way more likely to find someone with the time to really help you edit a piece. Write Evaluation Report! ” To help you find the right fit, we’ve compiled a list of 20 publications that accept essay submissions, as well as tips on how to pitch the editor , who to contact and, whenever possible, how much the outlet pays.

We’d love to make this list even more useful, so if you have additional ideas or details for these publications or others, please leave them below in the comments! The Boston Globe Magazine Connections section seeks 650-word first-person essays on relationships of any kind. What Is A Thesis Success! It pays, though how much is unclear. Submit to with “query” in the subject line. Send your pitches about breakfast, brunch, or the culture of mornings to or the editor of the section you’re pitching. Pay appears to be around 40 cents per word. This publication is aimed at women over write thesis report, 30. “We aim to entertain, inform, and inspire,” the editors note , “But mostly entertain.” Send your pitch to Aqa biology textbook unit, . Pay varies. Essays — 4,000 words max — should have a “literary quality.” Include your work in the body of your email to make it easy for the editor to How to write report, review, and send to thesis for continuing, How To Write Thesis Report! No pay.

Must-read personal essay: “Call My Name” by Gina Easley. Want to write for this Jewish parenting site? To submit, email with “submission” somewhere in How to an essay judge, the subject line. Include a brief bio, contact information, and your complete original blog post of 700 words max. Suggested word count is write thesis report, 500-700 words. The site pays $25 per post. Assignment! A progressive, feminist magazine that welcomes all genders to How to evaluation, submit content. Email your pitch or full submission. There’s no pay, but it’s a supportive place for Chemistry a first-time essayist.

Must-read personal essay: “ My Body Dysmorphia, Myself ” by Joanna C. Valente. This U.K. magazine has a helpful contributor’s guide . Unsolicited submissions, while rarely accepted, are paid; if an editor likes your pitch, you’ll hear back in 24 hours. The popular Modern Love feature accepts submissions of 1,700 words max at How to write evaluation report, Write! Include a Word attachment, but also paste the text into your message. Consult the Times’ page on pitching first, and like Modern Love on Facebook for even more insight. Rumor has it that a successful submission will earn you $250. How To Report! (Correction added Oct. 9, 2014: Payment is $300, The New York Times writes on its Facebook page .) Amy Sutherland’s column, “ What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage ,” which ran in Aqa biology, 2006, landed her a book contract with Random House and How to write thesis evaluation a movie deal with Lionsgate, which is in School homework help, preproduction. How To Evaluation Report! “I never saw either coming,” Sutherland said. Another option is the homework romans, Lives column in the New York Times Magazine. To submit, email

Salon accepts articles and story pitches to the appropriate section with “Editorial Submission” in thesis, the subject line and Aqa biology textbook 2 the query/submission in the body of the email. Include your writing background or qualifications, along with links to three or four clips. Thesis Report! “I was compensated $150 for my essay,” says Alexis Grant, founder of The Write Life, “but that was several years ago. All in all, working with the editor there was a great experience.” Who Pays Writers reports average pay of Chemistry extended, about 10 cents per word. Indicate the write thesis evaluation, section you’re pitching and “article submission” in your subject line, and send to Average reported pay is about 23 cents per word. Each print issue has a specific cultural theme and extended essay welcomes both fiction and nonfiction.

Stories and essays of 5,000 words max earn up to $250. How To Write Thesis! Review periods are limited, so check their submission guidelines to make sure your work will be read with the next issue in mind. Submit online . Must-read personal essay: “ Fire Island ,” by Do my homework biology Christopher Locke. The Billfold hopes to make discussing money less awkward and more honest. Send your pitch to . Who Pays Writers notes a rate of about 3 cents per word , but this writer would consider the experience and exposure to be worth the low pay. Motherwell seeks parenting-related personal essay submissions of up to 1200 words. How To Write! Submit a full piece; all contributors are paid. Must-read personal essay: “ The Length of the Pause ” by Tanya Mozias Slavin. This publication focuses on California’s Bay Area. Strong POV and a compelling personal writing style are key.

Pay varies. Write Assignment! Email Submit essays of 800-2000 words to this lifestyle site geared toward women. Pay averages about 5 cents per word. Focuses on essays that “intersect culture.” Submit finished essays online in the category that fits best. Wait three months before following up. Must-read personal essay: “ Not a Widow ” by Michelle Miller. This personal-finance website welcomes submissions that discuss ways to make or save money.

Read the guidelines before emailing your submission. Pay varies. Submit a story or essay of 10,000 words max in either September or March. Wait six days before emailing to check the status of your submission. Cover letters should include a word count and indicate whether the submission is fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Must-read personal essay: “ More with Less ,” by Rachel Yoder. Narratively accepts pitches and complete pieces between 1,000 and 2,000 words that tell “original and untold human stories.” Pay averages 6 cents per word. Still looking for ideas? Meghan Ward ’s blog post, “20 Great Places to Publish Personal Essays,” is worth perusing. MediaBistro also offers a section called How to Pitch as part of their AvantGuild subscription , which has an evaluation annual fee of $55. This post originally ran in October 2014.

We updated it in How to an essay, December 2016. Have other ideas or details to add? Share with us in the comments! Lisa Rowan is How to thesis evaluation, a writer, editor and podcaster based in answers unit 2, St. How To Write Thesis! Petersburg, Florida. Unconventional Guide to Write, Freelance Writing.

While it#8217;s easy to start a freelance writing business, it#8217;s much harder to actually run one. This guide will help your business thrive #8212; not just survive. Wow, excellent list! But no mention of Huffington Post. How To Write Thesis! They don#8217;t pay but the exposure is excellent, esp some of thei subcategories like Huff/Post50. Good add, Mithra! Are these US -only? Does anyone know of How to an essay judge, any such a range for UK? Each publication will vary, although I#8217;ve heard that many will accept submissions from How to report, around the world! Thanks a lot to Lisa and How to the writelife website. I#8217;m a new writer, I#8217;ve just finished writing a personal true life story about my mom who#8217;s passed away in 1995.

We are Chinese. Write Thesis! I was educated in United States decades ago, still here. Would Write Life like to receive a small part of Do my homework assignment, my mom#8217;s story as submission, if so, how much will I get paid?! We don#8217;t accept submissions like yours, but one of the publications mentioned in this post may be happy to receive your work! Thank you so much for write thesis this information. I was wondering if I could send my articles and travel writings somewhere. This list is very helpful Lisa Rowan and thanks. I would like to add if I may to this list.

It#8217;s a platform I created for regular people in What good statement for continuing success, the black community to submit content to inspire and inform the black community diaspora. We launched on December 15, 2015. Write Thesis Evaluation! Mam I#8217;m from India and very enthusiast to write of any topics like as essay or books.but so far have no idea where I pushed to Write assignment, select one of the best platform where this can get select it for all. As I here want to know give me email or website where I can write personally on about Nature as I topics is How to write evaluation report, #8220;Neighbour of the water#8221;.in that title I am written about 500+words.this is based on short story so that it can published any of journal or more like I appraise or got fame#8230;plz help me in this regard.Thanks! Hi Lisa mam I am from INDIA and want to write an article on working Indian women and their lifestyle along with what their family members think specially in-laws and children. Well I just want to know whether such article will be accepted if I apply in thesis academic, any of the INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES. Thesis Report! Thanks for this great list, Alexis!

Mithra I have scoured the good thesis for continuing success, HuffPost page looking for submission guidelines but have come up empty. The #8220;Send us a blog-pitch#8221; link is not working either. Any suggestions? Thank you! I can help you out.

I frequently post to The Huffington Post and How to write report many writers have asked me how I did this. I#8217;ve written a blog post with some suggestions. It#8217;s been successful for quite a few. Hope it works for Do my homework assignment biology you and if it is, let me know! Thanks so much for responding, William!

I will take a look at your blog post and let you know if I am successful. Thank you William#8230; William, Thank you! I emailed the link to write evaluation report, myself to have it handy after I#8217;ve familiarized myself with items that made it onto Huffington Post. I#8217;d be proud to have something of mine show up there, to homework help, get a chance to support them. I mostly write fiction novels but I#8217;ve been published in FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE (a non-fiction piece) and am not averse to opening up my market. fiction novels. That#8217;s an oxymoron! I just checked out your blog. Great information. Thank you so much.

I will look into evaluation report this. I#8217;ve been writing for years but have yet to publish a thing. This list gives me a much-needed push to get moving on Chemistry extended, this. Thank you! Can anyone email them or its only for people living in How to evaluation report, US like i live in What good statement for continuing academic success, kuwait (middleeastern country )so can i send my any written work ?? In response to your questions about submitting to the Huffington Post, you might be interested in this link explaining how things have recently changed for prospective bloggers/contributors to the Huffington Post. I myself was invited to evaluation report, blog for them a little over What is a thesis academic success, a year ago, following an article of mine that their #8220;blogging editor#8221; came across in another publication. How To Thesis! Per this link, it was possible to sign up until recently to just try and Chemistry essay become a contributor through this new portal they had created. However, now this seems to be closed to thesis evaluation, new requests since Arianna Huffington has left.

Things seem to be evolving, so my only suggestion is just to keep tabs on it, write to editors, try and make an inroad. Frustrating, yes. Assignment Biology! Good luck! Thanks for the great list! Thanks for the list and valuable information. I will be making some pitches to these publication real soon. #128521; The Write Life continually surprises me.

There#8217;s always very informative useful content #128578; Hi Julie #8212; Thanks! I am obsessed with this post#8230; I#8217;m going to use it to place some pieces of thesis report, my travel memoir. Kudos to Write in english, Lisa for How to write thesis evaluation putting together such a valuable list! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU LISA! I have been searching for School homework months for this sort of guidance.

I write travel based narratives, but so many magazines are looking for #8220;round ups#8221; and other helpful articles, it was feeling like good old story telling was being sent to the sidelines. How To Write Evaluation! I think I#8217;m now obsessed too Alexis! Time to get pitching. Good luck everyone. I#8217;m glad you liked the post, Gai. Best of School homework help romans, luck with your pitches! TWL Assistant Editor. Write Report! To add to the list: Creative Nonfiction! We#8217;re always reading and often are looking for personal essays on specific themes.

We#8217;re just about to announce some new calls for submissions. Thanks so much for help this idea, Hattie! (P.S. Love your name #8212; that#8217;s one that runs in write thesis evaluation, my family!) Ooh, another good addition. Thanks for chiming in! my name is Lucinda and I am 10 years old. I am a Passionate writer an I can tell anyone that finding websites that I can post my stories on Do my assignment biology, can take me months but now you have posted these websites I can finally find the perfect website to thesis evaluation, post my stories on. so from the bottom of my heart I thank you Lisa. You go, Lucinda!

Best of luck to you and your writing. It#8217;s worth mentioning that there is a $25 fee to SUBMIT to Creative Nonfiction. I know it#8217;s a reputable magazine and is a thesis academic success many writers would love to be included in their fine collection of personal essays, but I find this fee offensive. There are many of write thesis report, us writers willing to Chemistry, write and submit for How to thesis free for the exposure alone but to have to How to an essay, PAY to even be considered? Shame on them. Helpful list!

Thanks, Lisa. This is such an How to write awesome list, particularly because it#8217;s well-supported by sample essays against each publication. Just today, i put my personal story to pitch as a guest post, and here i#8217;m with such a wonderful list. I just loved it Lisa. Thanks for putting it all together. Great suggestions. Thank you!

I#8217;m trying to get the Write essay in english, word out about my upcoming book, Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery, and essays are a great way to do that! Thanks for this list, I#8217;ll definitely pursue writing a personal essay. I#8217;ve got some ideas that I#8217;d like to develop. I#8217;m from the UK and you mentioned The New Statesman, do you know of any other British sites that accept personal essays? Or do you think a US site would give me a chance? Don#8217;t limit yourself when submitting—if sites or pubs want writers from a certain location only, they should specify in their submission guidelines. Especially in our technological state of being able to work from around the world, your location shouldn#8217;t be an issue! Thank you for the encouragement. Loved your article. I am looking for an outlet that would accept a piece I#8217;ve written concerning a right-leaning political view of things.

It is an interesting piece but I know must publications are on write evaluation, the left end of the School help romans, political spectrum. Any ideas? Thanks for your question, Rossana. I don#8217;t know of any outlets off the top of my head, but many are interested in diverse ideas and opinions, so I wouldn#8217;t write off all the publications on this list. Another option would be to ask the members of our Facebook community #8212; they may have some ideas! TWL Assistant Editor. How To Thesis Evaluation! If you write conservatism-based pieces, the perfect place for you is They are a brand new website that is less than 3 months old and judge they already have 250,000/day, and it#8217;s growing rapidly. They don#8217;t pay for the first 10 articles, but after that, they do. How To Write Thesis Report! We are always looking for more like-minded writers to join us. Find us on facebook at biology, Conservative Push Group and one of the editors/staff will direct you on how to get started.

The site primarily supports Ted Cruz, but that#8217;s only How to evaluation, one facet. There are categories for everything, including lifestyle, opinion, pro-life etc. Homework Help Romans! Many of the authors, myself included, are getting exposure, especially for new writers. The writing on evaluation, the site is exquisite and we are all like a family. Come on by and check us out. I can#8217;t wait to see what you submit. #128578; try Pick Me Up Magazine. They have a digitized version, too. Your list was very helpful-thanks!

Thank you for this fantastic list Lisa and for going above and beyond by including the sample essays. This is a very valuable post. I#8217;m not quite sure if I#8217;m here in School romans, the right forum (but since I#8217;m here, I may as well continue!) I#8217;m fairly new to write evaluation, #8216;online#8217; writing (I have a total of 10 articles submitted and published online, through 3 different sites). Aqa Biology Textbook Unit 2! At some point in time here, though, I hope to bring my writing to a bit of a #8216;higher#8217; level. Thesis Report! I have a cousin that has had quite a colorful history in employment, and life in general, and textbook unit I am pondering writing about some of these events. He has been an underwater welder (and had gotten the write, #8216;bends#8217; at one time); he#8217;s been a logger here in the rugged U.P. of What thesis for continuing, Michigan (and still does this in his #8220;off#8221; time), and How to thesis report is an airline pilot at Spirit Airlines now (current, but pretty much in the retirement side of is a statement for continuing, his career). I was thinking about asking him if I could write up something about this colorful past (and current life, for that matter) that he has had. Can you offer any ideas or advice about this? Any help would be appreciated.

I don#8217;t really know where I want to go, or can go, from How to write thesis, this point. Thank you for your time. Jeff, I would look at publications that focus on careers and School romans personal finance. I#8217;ve written a few pieces for The Billfold, which is anything-goes when it comes to write thesis evaluation report, jobs, making ends meet, interesting careers, and homework assignment so on. I always find myself chuckling at The Billfold, too. It sounds like he#8217;s done a bit of How to write report, traveling to participate in Aqa biology textbook unit, these lines of work, so you might consider travel sites or regional publications.

Think of it as bringing an unexpected line of work or way of life into the light! Good luck- sounds like fun! I believe the New York Times sill has its column Lives, which accepts personal essays. There#8217;s also Global Comment, where they accept a lot of different articles, including personal essays. They pay $50 for write thesis featured posts. Write Essay Assignment! Helpful list! I would add, it has great stories! TWL Assistant Editor. Thanks for How to sharing this opportunity, Karin! TWL Assistant Editor. awesome list.

What are the odds of getting into Tge Sun, or Brevity, or Creative Non-fiction? This is a great place to School homework help, start. Thank you. I#8217;m not sure of the odds, Gloria #8212; but if I find a resource, I#8217;ll share it here! TWL Assistant Editor. I would encourage you not to worry about the odds- just submit! I once mentioned that I was looking for #8220;smaller#8221; or #8220;more niche#8221; places to thesis evaluation, pitch than some of good for continuing success, my favorite, big-time websites. A colleague asked me what I had to lose by pitching the #8220;big guys.#8221; I didn#8217;t have an answer for her. #128578; Great point, Lisa #128578; TWL Assistant Editor. You might want to How to evaluation report, add #8220;; to your list. They pay minimimum and are difficult but6 have published several of my essays.

Boston Globe Connections pays $500. I published there in August 2014. Great experience with the Do my assignment biology, editor. Thanks for sharing, William! TWL Assistant Editor. I just submitted a piece to Veronica Chao at thesis report, the Globe for the Connections column. How quickly did she/they get back to you after submission? I heard back four days after sending my submission in textbook answers unit, and Veronica is the correct person to send your submission to. What I loved was the custom artwork that goes with your piece. Thesis! Good luck!

Thanks, William! I sent it four days ago, but know she just got promoted to Editor of the Sunday Magazine, so I#8217;m hoping her response-time was pushed back and that I#8217;ll still hear from her. How To! I read your Connections piece. I can see why it was accepted. Wonderful writing and such a fresh idea! hello william, thanks for your post. Write Evaluation Report! I#8217;ve a piece i#8217;ll love to send to Global connection but i don#8217;t know how to start because this is my first and i want to make it right. Can u help me pls. Not sure exactly what you are looking for in terms of help. But your post should be around 650 words and revolve around some type of an essay judge, personal connection that you have made (parent, child, friend, loved one). Send it to How to write thesis evaluation, and Chemistry essay just include a brief bio. Best of thesis, luck!

Beautiful essay by you. Loved reading it. Write Essay Assignment In English! Fantastic list and resource. Thank you! TWL Assistant Editor. We are always looking for great writers as well at BonBon Break. Thesis! Thanks for Do my assignment biology sharing, Val! TWL Assistant Editor.

I just finished a personal essay. How To Write Evaluation Report! Thank you for Write in english the super list. I love the other magazines chiming in with a call for How to report submissions. We#8217;re happy to hear from other magazines as well #8212; it#8217;s great to see so many options for personal essays! Good luck with your submission! TWL Assistant Editor.

You#8217;ll also get a free copy of The Freelance Writer’s Pitch Checklist.

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dna destiny essays International Socialist Review Issue 38, November#150;December 2004. Genes, Evolution, and Human Nature. THE IDEA that human society and behavior are to write thesis evaluation some significant degree determined by our biological inheritance is both widely believed and enormously influential. One version of this argument bases itself on evolutionary theory, claiming that human evolution has made such characteristics as social hierarchy, gender inequality, competition, and violence inevitable features of every social system. Claims of this kind are closely linked to arguments that claim that significant aspects of help, human behavior#151;from alcoholism to criminality#151;are genetically determined.

1. Newspaper reports and write evaluation, TV programs, for example, inform us almost daily that scientists have uncovered evidence for the genetic basis of one human characteristic or another. Sometimes the characteristic in question is a disease, such as cystic fibrosis or Huntington#146;s disease. But just as often the reports are about psychological characteristics and patterns of behavior, such as violence and criminality, or sexual orientation. A Time magazine cover story asked Why Are Men and textbook unit, Women Different? It Isn#146;t Just Upbringing. New Studies Show They Are Born That Way. The picture showed a little girl in a dress watching a little boy make a muscle.

2 The following month, a Newsweek cover story was headlined Is This Child Gay? Born or Bred: The Origins of Homosexuality. 3 Another Time cover pictured a cracked wedding ring and proclaimed Infidelity: It May be in Our Genes. 4 And U.S. News and World Report ran an article titled Sex: It#146;s All in Your Brain, claiming that men and women think differently and that Every social explanation has been exhausted. It is innate.

5. Leading U.S. scientists have made similar claims. James Watson (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA and former head of the Human Genome Project) says, We used to evaluation think that our fate was in our stars. Now we know, in large part, that our fate is in Chemistry essay a, our genes. 6 Daniel Koshland, former editor of How to evaluation, Science , the most prestigious scientific journal in the country, has claimed that genetic research can help to eliminate key social problems.

According to Koshland, the homeless are impaired#133;. Indeed, no group will benefit more from the application of textbook answers, human genetics. 7. There is no question that there have been important advances in genetic research in recent years. But the How to write report claim that these advances contain the solution to pressing social problems is not only Write essay assignment in english, false, but dangerous. Such claims are deeply ideological.

They are, in effect, an attempt to How to write report use the prestige of science to defend the status quo, which is why they are given prominent coverage in the media. The attempt to explain important features of society in setup an essay, evolutionary or genetic terms#151;biological determinism#151;has two goals. First, it tries to convince us that the social order is a consequence of unchanging human biology, so that inequality and injustice cannot be eliminated. Second, in the case of problems that are impossible to ignore, it tells us to write evaluation look for the solution at the level of the individual and not at the level of social institutions. The problems lie not in the structure of society, but in homework assignment biology, some of the individuals who make up society. Write Thesis! The solution is thus to change#151;or even eliminate#151;the individuals, not to Chemistry essay a challenge existing social structures. From eugenics to genocide. The claim that biology holds the key to solving social problems and the related claim that biology demonstrates the limits of social reform and the impossibility of thesis, radical change, both have a long history, going back even before the How to setup an essay judge birth of modern genetics. In 1865, Charles Darwin#146;s cousin Francis Galton published an article called Hereditary Talent and Character 8 in which he claimed that talent is biologically determined and How to write thesis report, proposed improving society through better breeding. A few years later he introduced the term eugenics#151;meaning good birth#151;to describe his proposal.

9. In his most famous book, Hereditary Genius, 10 Galton attempted to demonstrate that intelligence is inherited by textbook answers unit 2, tracing the genealogies of well-known English families and showing that, generation after generation, the members of such families tended to How to thesis evaluation acquire prestigious social positions. The alternative explanation, that what is inherited is How to an essay, not intelligence but access to social power and influence, seems not to How to write thesis evaluation have occurred to him. Thesis Academic! Since biological theories of this kind assume that existing inequalities reflect fundamental facts about human nature, it is not surprising that Galton reached racist conclusions. He claimed that [T]he average intellectual standard of the negro race is How to report, some two grades below our own, 11 and that the Jews are specialized for Write a parasitical existence upon other nations. 12. Despite the fact that there was no evidence whatsoever for the underlying assumptions of eugenics, organizations promoting better breeding gained numerous supporters by the early part of the thesis twentieth century.

Eugenics was adopted most enthusiastically in the U.S., where it was used by the nativist movement as part of its attack on immigration. One of the principle advocates was the Write essay assignment in english biologist Charles Davenport, who was the founder of the How to write thesis evaluation report Cold Spring Harbor Lab and the Eugenics Record Office. Aqa Biology Unit 2! The latter#151;which was financed by the widow of the railroad magnate E.H. How To Write! Harriman#151;gathered information on thousands of American families for genetic research. An Essay! Davenport was a serious scientist. He demonstrated the heritability of eye, skin, and hair color. But he also held that characteristics such as pauperism, criminality, and feeble-mindedness were biologically inherited. Davenport even claimed that the capacity to How to evaluation report be a naval officer is an inherited trait, composed of two subtraits: thalassophilia (love of the setup sea) and hyperkineticism (or wanderlust). Write Evaluation Report! Because there were no women in the navy, Davenport concluded that the trait is thesis academic, unique to write evaluation males. School Homework Help! 13.

Davenport#146;s tendency to postulate a genetic basis for nearly everything would be amusing if the consequences had not been so tragic. Against evidence that pellagra, an often deadly disease that was at epidemic proportions in the South, was caused by dietary deficiencies, Davenport (who was also head of the U.S. Pellagra Commission) argued that there was a genetic susceptibility to the disease. Successive administrations used Davenport#146;s false claims to avoid spending money on nutritional programs. As a result, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, died unnecessarily between the time of the First World War and the New Deal, when the policy was finally changed. Eugenicists such as Davenport encouraged nearly thirty states to write evaluation enact laws permitting the forced sterilization of answers unit, thousands of people in How to write thesis report, prisons and mental hospitals who were judged to be feeble-minded or defective in some other way.

The first sterilization law was passed in Indiana in 1907. A quarter of a century later, the German Nazis used laws such as these as a model for their own racist legislation. Eugenicists in the U.S. also urged the federal government to biology restrict the immigration of undesirable races and thesis evaluation, played an important role in helping to pass the viciously racist federal immigration laws of 1921 and 1924. Their arguments dovetailed with those of psychologists like H.H. Goddard and Lewis M. Terman, who developed the first standardized intelligence tests, which unsurprisingly reflected the racist and How to setup an essay, cultural biases of write, their designers. Even when testing led to School help the conclusion that half the U.S. population#151;including most Blacks and immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe#151;were of substandard intelligence, the results were taken seriously.

Terman advocated vocational training and placement for such unfortunates, warning that they could drift easily into How to thesis, the ranks of the anti-social or join the army of Bolshevik discontents. Carl Brigham of Princeton University (who later developed the Scholastic Aptitude Test, SAT) warned that [t]he average intelligence of succeeding waves of judge, immigration has become progressively lower and that the situation was made worse owing to the presence here of the negro. Brigham advocated not only How to write thesis, severely limiting immigration but also prevention of the continued propagation of the defective strains in the present population. 14. The passage of immigration restrictions also didn#146;t satisfy Davenport, who complained in 1925 that. our ancestors drove Baptists from Massachusetts Bay in to Rhode Island but we have no place to How to setup drive the Jews to. Also, they burned the witches but it seems to be against the mores to How to thesis evaluation report burn any considerable part of our population. 15. This was not mere hyperbole. Earlier he had written that. though capital punishment is Do my homework biology, a crude method of grappling with the difficulty [of those with inferior genes] it is infinitely superior to that of training the feeble-minded and How to thesis, criminalistic and then letting them loose upon society and permitting them to Write essay assignment perpetuate in write report, their offspring these animal traits.

16. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that a few years later, leading U.S. Homework! eugenicists were praising Nazi race laws in report, Germany. The Eugenical News called the Nazi sterilization law of 1933 clean-cut, direct and #145;model.#146; In 1935 the American Eugenics Society argued that crime and dependency keep on increasing because new defectives are born, just as new cancer cells remorselessly penetrate into sound tissue, and it reminded its members that we treat cancer by means of the Write essay surgeon#146;s knife. Frederick Osborn, secretary of the How to evaluation American Eugenics Society, wrote in 1937: The German sterilization program is apparently an homework, excellent one. Taken altogether, recent developments in Germany constitute perhaps the most important social experiment which has ever been tried. And Charles R. Stockard, president of the board of the How to thesis Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, warned that the human race faced ultimate extermination unless low grade and defective stocks could be absolutely prevented from reproducing. Eugenicists in the U.S. continued to advocate the sterilization of millions of Americans right up until 1940.

17. Thus the idea that society#146;s problems are due to defective individuals played an important role in is a good thesis statement for continuing success, paving the way for the Nazi Holocaust. But largely because the Nazis took these ideas to their logical extreme, by the end of the Second World War, biological determinism in general and the eugenics movement in write, particular became completely discredited in the eyes of most mainstream scientists. Do My Assignment! Yet this period in How to write thesis evaluation report, which biologists rejected racist pseudo-science was remarkably short-lived. The return of homework assignment, biological determinism. Biological determinism first began to make a comeback in the late 1960s as part of the ruling-class response to the movements for social change in the U.S. and elsewhere. In 1969 Arthur Jensen, a professor at Stanford, published a paper arguing that Blacks are innately less intelligent than whites, based on the fact that the write thesis evaluation average African American IQ score is consistently lower than the average score for whites and the claim that IQ has a high degree of heritability.

18 Soon afterwards, the Harvard psychologist Richard Herrnstein defended the view that socioeconomic status is homework help, a direct function of inherited intelligence. Thesis Evaluation! In future generations, said Herrnstein, the tendency to be unemployed would run in families just like the tendency to have bad teeth. 19. But these claims that social inequalities have a biological basis were no better supported than the earlier claims of the eugenics movement. Jensen claimed that IQ is 80 percent heritable, citing as evidence research done on Chemistry essay, identical twins by the British psychologist Sir Cyril Burt. How To Write Thesis! According to Burt, the IQs of identical twins who were separated and raised in Write essay assignment, distinct environments are much more closely correlated than the IQs of write thesis evaluation report, other individuals from the two environments. But Burt#146;s data seemed suspicious to the Marxist psychologist Leon Kamin, and Chemistry essay, a careful examination of How to evaluation, Burt#146;s research revealed that it really was too good to be true. For example, Kamin discovered that even though Burt#146;s sample sizes got bigger, some of the correlation coefficients he claimed to Chemistry extended have calculated stayed identical to three decimal places. 20 It soon emerged that Burt#146;s work had been perhaps the biggest scientific fraud of the twentieth century. Thesis! His supposed coauthors and research assistants did not exist, the twins he claimed to have studied were fictitious, and his data had been completely fabricated.

21. Not only is the claim that IQ is highly heritable unsupported, it is also irrelevant to homework assignment biology Jensen#146;s main conclusion, which was that compensatory education programs are doomed to How to write evaluation report fail. Even if IQ was highly heritable, it would not follow that differences between groups could not be overcome by improved educational opportunities. Heritability is a measure of the variation in a trait due to genetic differences within a group, and is irrelevant to the issue of whether a characteristic can be altered by changing the environment. The same genotype (or collection of genes) may be expressed differently in different environments, so heritability estimates apply only to a specific population in a specific range of environments. Hereditarians such as Jensen simply assume that we have already done all we can to alter the textbook answers 2 environment#151;a laughable assumption when it comes to education.

More generally, the write thesis report idea that IQ tests measure an individual#146;s innate and fixed degree of intelligence, or that intelligence can be measured on a single scale, are equally dubious. 22. Who knows what IQ measures? asked the biologist Stephen Jay Gould. It is a good predictor of #145;success#146; in school, but is such success a result of intelligence, apple polishing, or the assimilation of values that the leaders of society prefer? 23 Historically, IQ tests have been used to justify existing social hierarchies.

The tests are calibrated to ensure that those who occupy more privileged positions in the hierarchies receive higher scores. The scores are then used to claim that social inequalities reflect natural differences. The philosopher of science Hilary Putnam has argued that the notion of IQ is built on the assumption that there are a few #145;superior#146; people who have this one mysterious factor#151;#145;intelligence#146;#151;and who are good at everything, and Do my homework assignment biology, a lot of slobs who are not much good at anything. If this assumption seems plausible to some people, it is only because we live in write thesis evaluation report, a society that is highly stratified. In fact, ordinary people can do anything that it is in their interest and do it well when (1) they are highly motivated and (2) they work collectively. Homework Help Romans! As Putnam points out: That motivation plays a decisive role in acquiring almost any skill is a matter of everyone#146;s experience. The importance of working collectively is How to thesis evaluation, also evidenced in many ways. The Black and Latin prisoners in Attica Prison are presumably part of [what Herrnstein calls] the low IQ residue. But they organized brilliantly. Every popular revolution in history makes the same point#151;that ordinary people in a revolution can perform incredible feats of organization, planning, strategy, etc.

But collective intelligence is not restricted to the context of revolution. Since the essay 1950s a series of studies have shown that even in the context of modern capitalist production, workers perform better, and find their jobs less dissatisfying, when the managerial hierarchy is reduced. 24. The claims of Jensen, Herrnstein, and other biological determinists, were simply an attempt to rationalize race and write thesis evaluation, class inequalities as more or less inevitable. As genuine science, they lacked all merit. 25. From sociobiology to essay in english evolutionary psychology. From the mid-1970s, new attempts were made to use biology to How to write evaluation explain social phenomena.

In his widely read book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, 26 the What Harvard entomologist E.O. Wilson attempted to extend evolutionary explanations of social behavior in non-human animals to explain human behavior as well. Write! Wilson argued that certain forms of human behavior are universal, and that the best explanation for this is that they are the result of natural selection and hence are coded for in our genes. Like the eugenicists of the early twentieth century, Wilson postulated genes for a wide variety of success, traits, including entrepreneurship, creativity, spite, conformity (human beings are absurdly easy to indoctrinate#151;they seek it), xenophobia, and homosexuality. 27 Again, like the thesis earlier eugenicists, Wilson claimed that these supposed biological facts made certain aspects of Aqa biology textbook 2, society, such as male domination of public life, all but inevitable. My own guess is the genetic bias is intense enough to cause a substantial division of labor even in the most free and egalitarian of future societies, he wrote shortly after Sociobiology was published. Thus, even with identical education and report, equal access to romans all professions, men are likely to play a disproportionate role in political life, business, and science.

If we attempt to create a more egalitarian society, Wilson continued, we will place some personal freedoms in jeopardy. Thesis Report! 28 Concerning Marxism in essay assignment in english, particular, Wilson reportedly joked later, Wonderful theory. Wrong species. 29. Sociobiological claims about human society received massive attention in the media. Report! A Time magazine cover story was headlined Why You Do What You Do. Biology! According to the accompanying article, the theory can explain loyalty to evaluation report church, corporation and nation.

30 BusinessWeek soon claimed that sociobiology provided A Genetic Defense of the Free Market. Sociobiology means that individuals cannot be molded to fit into socialist societies without a tremendous loss of efficiency. Bioeconomists say that government programs that force individuals to be less competitive and selfish than they are genetically programmed to be are preordained to fail. 31. Even Playboy got into the act: Do Men Need to School homework help romans Cheat on Their Women? A New Science Says Yes. Inside, the magazine#146;s readers were told that. Males are#133;driven by their genes to reproduce.

They tend to be more promiscuous because in time past that was their best way to reproduce the How to evaluation report most offspring. If you get caught fooling around, don#146;t say the devil made you do it. It#146;s the devil in Do my homework assignment, your DNA. Thesis Evaluation! 32. Like their eugenic predecessors, these sociobiological speculations lacked any serious evidence in School homework romans, their support. 33 Consider for instance the claim that supposed human universals have a genetic basis. The mere fact of universality (if it is a fact) does not show this, since there might easily be a non-genetic explanation. How To Write Thesis Report! German speaking is nearly universal in Germany, but the Write essay in english explanation is How to evaluation, not that inhabitants of the statement academic country are genetically predisposed to How to write report speak a particular language. Often sociobiologists claimed that non-human animals share the characteristic in question#151;aggression, for instance#151;and that this shows that it probably has a genetic basis.

But this kind of reasoning is quite unpersuasive, as Wilson#146;s Harvard colleague Richard Lewontin has pointed out: How do we decide that slavery in ants and ant queens are like human slavery and like human royal families? How do we decide that the coyness we see in people is the setup an essay judge same as the behavior in evaluation report, animals called coyness? What happens is that human categories are laid on Do my homework assignment biology, animals by evaluation, analogy, partly as a matter of homework, convenience of language, and then these traits are discovered in animals and laid back on humans as if they had a common origin. There is in fact not a shred of evidence that the anatomical, physiological, and genetic basis of what is called aggression in rats has anything in common with the German invasion of Poland in 1939. 34. Similarly, there is no convincing evidence for the claim that various behaviors have been selected for in humans because they increase our biological fitness. How To Write Evaluation! Sociobiologists were initially interested in the question of why some animals are apparently willing to Write essay assignment in english reduce (or even give up) their own chances of reproducing in order to benefit others. An extreme example is the existence of sterile members of insect colonies. How could such traits have evolved? One possible explanation is that an individual might give up its own prospects of reproducing in order to increase the chances of its relatives reproducing, thus passing on How to thesis report, some of its genes to the next generation indirectly.

These are known as cases of kin selection, in contrast to cases of individual selection, in which the organism attempts to pass on its genes directly by Write essay in english, having offspring. Another possible explanation in cases in write thesis report, which the essay assignment in english sacrifice is temporary is that the individual that benefits is likely to reciprocate in How to thesis, the future. This is known as reciprocal altruism. Kin selection and How to setup an essay judge, reciprocal altruism are important ideas in evolutionary biology, but whether or not they are the correct explanation for any particular trait has to be demonstrated. But sociobiological explanations of human behavior simply assume what they need to prove. When we combine individual selective advantage with the possibility of kin selection and write thesis, reciprocal altruism, it is hard to imagine any human trait for which a plausible scenario for its selective advantage could not be invented. The real problem is to find out whether any of these stories is true .#133; At the very minimum, we might ask whether there is any evidence that such selective processes are going on at the good thesis statement for continuing academic present, but in fact no one has ever measured in any human population the write thesis report actual reproductive advantage or disadvantage of any human behavior. All of the sociobiological explanations of the evolution of human behavior are like Rudyard Kipling#146;s Just So stories of how the camel got his hump and how the elephant got his trunk. They are just stories.

Science has been turned into a game. 35. But perhaps the most basic point is that the homework romans behaviors that sociobiologists claimed are coded into our genes, are not universals at all. Not every human society has exhibited the same sexual division of evaluation, labor as our own. And not every human society has been capitalist or even competitive. For example, the anthropologist Peggy Sanday conducted a survey of about 150 different societies going back as far as the sixth century BC to see whether they were male-dominated, female-dominated, or based on collective decision-making. She found a huge diversity of sex roles in these societies, showing that such roles derive not from human nature, but from homework specific historical and political circumstances.36 More generally, there has been tremendous cultural evolution in the past few thousand years that cannot be explained in biological terms because there simply hasn#146;t been enough time for natural selection to How to write thesis operate. 37.

Sociobiology reinvents itself. Sociobiology, however, has proven too ideologically useful to die, and How to judge, it has reemerged over the past decade renamed as evolutionary psychology. Books by New Republic editor Robert Wright, 38 science writer Matt Ridley 39 and Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker 40 have popularized the ideas of evolutionary psychology for a general audience. Pinker is particularly pugnacious. How To Thesis Evaluation! He claims that inequality and conflict are inevitable features of human society. He attacks Marxists, academic feminists and Aqa biology answers 2, cafe intellectuals and says The standard Marxist theory of How to evaluation, human nature has probably been refuted by many sources of evidence, including the anthropological record and Darwinian theory. 41. Evolutionary psychology claims to be an advance of old-style sociobiology in at least two respects. First, it proposes that it is not specific behaviors but underlying psychological mechanisms that are shaped by natural selection.

This leads evolutionary psychologists to adopt a modular theory of the human mind, which sees it as consisting of a large number of distinct informational processing devices (or modules), each with a specialized task#151;in other words a Swiss army knife model of the mind. There is considerable evidence that at homework least some aspects of the mind#151;such as language abilities and the visual system#151;are independently functioning modules, but evolutionary psychologists take this idea to absurd extremes, proposing such modules as a cheater detector (able to write tell you when someone is deceiving you) and a sexual attraction module (which supposedly leads human males to be attracted to young females, and females to be attracted to high-status males). Setup! Even more modest versions of the modularity thesis leave us with a picture of the evaluation mind that is homework, atomized and relatively inflexible. 42. Second, the more technical work in evolutionary psychology makes use of sophisticated mathematical models in order to determine what kinds of psychological mechanisms would have been optimal for our ancient ancestors to thesis evaluation report evolve in the supposed environment of evolutionary adaptation that they had to face. The underlying assumption is that the Chemistry human mind evolved to solve the problems faced by hunter-gatherers hundreds of How to write evaluation, thousands of years ago in the Pleistocene era and Do my homework assignment biology, that its basic psychology has remained unchanged ever since. Thesis Evaluation! Contemporary social problems are thus rooted in the fact that we find ourselves with a Stone Age mind in an increasingly complex modern world.

43. But this whole approach is highly problematic. First, we have very little detailed knowledge of the environment of evolutionary adaptation faced by our early ancestors, so anything we say about this is highly speculative. Second, just like sociobiologists before them, evolutionary psychologists often ignore alternative explanations of human behavior, as well as evidence that the psychological characteristics that they claim were built into the human mind hundreds of Aqa biology textbook unit 2, thousands of years ago are not universal after all. I#146;ll consider just one example#151;violence. It is certainly true that human history is report, characterized by high levels of violence#151;including war, blood feuds, and extended, murder#151;much of which seem on the face of it highly irrational.

So why have generations of human beings killed each other rather than cooperating in ways that might have been mutually beneficial? Here is one possible explanation. Our distant ancestors, hundreds of thousands of years ago, found themselves in an environment in which violence was necessary to survive. Those individuals who developed a psychology that distinguished between members of their own group and How to write evaluation, strangers, and Do my biology, who were psychologically prepared to use deadly violence against the latter, were better adapted to this environment than those less inclined to use violence, and so these psychological characteristics were selected for in early humans. This tendency to violence continues to evaluation exist in modern humans even when it is no longer beneficial and the only way to Write assignment keep it under control is to set up a strong central state that can, at least to some extent, hold these tendencies in check. How To Evaluation! That, in a nutshell, is the story that Steven Pinker tells about violence in homework help, his most recent book The Blank Slate , where he argues that human beings have a bloody prehistory stretching back hundreds of thousands of years and that violence in humans is#133;part of our design. 44. Unfortunately for Pinker, and fortunately for the rest of us, this view of human prehistory is quite simply a myth.

In support of the claim that long before history began murderous strife was universal and unending, 45 Pinker cites the work of the thesis University of Illinois archaeologist Lawrence Keeley, who claims that humans have always made war. 46 In fact, Keeley demonstrates nothing of the kind. His evidence consists of Do my homework, a compilation of various instances from the archaeological record in which humans died violent deaths at the hands of others. How To Report! But what Keeley fails to show is that these cases were typical or common, rather than relatively isolated aberrations. According to the Rutgers anthropologist R. Brian Ferguson, probably the leading expert on the early history of war, the global archaeological record contradicts the idea that war was always a feature of Aqa biology textbook answers, human existence; instead, the record shows that warfare is thesis evaluation, largely a development of the past 10,000 years. 47 In a continuing global survey of all the available archaeological evidence, Ferguson has so far discovered no evidence of setup an essay judge, systematic violence in pre-historic human societies in thesis report, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, or North America. Ferguson argues that warfare became a feature of human society only as a consequence of specific historical developments, including the establishment of permanent settlements with accumulated wealth and the emergence of social hierarchy, an elite, perhaps with its own interests and rivalries. The fact that for most of human existence there is no evidence of systematic large-scale violence, totally undercuts Pinker#146;s theory, which is really just a restatement of Do my homework biology, one of the oldest elements of ruling-class ideology#151;that states exist to protect us from thesis evaluation ourselves, not to School homework help protect the interests of the elite and to keep the mass of the report population in its place. But the problem is thesis statement success, not just what Pinker says about violence. The whole idea that human psychology is relatively rigid and How to thesis report, unchanging#151;one of the central claims of evolutionary psychology#151;is incompatible with what we actually do know about Aqa biology textbook unit, human evolution. The first modern humans are believed to have evolved in write thesis evaluation report, southern Africa about in english, 120,000 years ago.

According to Marta Lahr, Professor of Evolutionary Studies at Cambridge University, these creatures had the potential of write report, invention that we have. And I think that#146;s actually what makes them modern#151;they [could] invent solutions to new problems. Write Assignment In English! 48. Around 50,000 years ago groups of modern humans began to migrate from How to write Africa and disperse around the world, coming into contact with other hominid species that had left Africa about Chemistry essay a, a million and a half years earlier. Modern humans arrived in How to write thesis evaluation, Europe around 35,000 years ago, where they lived side by side with Neanderthals, a closely related but distinct human species. Neanderthals, unlike modern humans, were physiologically well adapted to the cold European climate, but they were intellectually inferior to our ancestors. According to the archaeologist Paul Mellars, the most remarkable thing about What good thesis success, Neanderthal technology is the way it hardly changes significantly over about a quarter of a million years. You get essentially the same shapes of tools made by the same techniques over evaluation report, this whole period. Now as soon as you get modern humans on the scene you get a whole range of dramatic changes. They suddenly start producing new shapes of stone tools obviously designed for different functions, and they start producing tools from bones, antler and ivory, which had never been used before. 49.

It was this creativity and ingenuity of our ancestors#151;also exhibited in their elaborate ornaments, art, and burial rituals, and the complex networks of trade and exchange they established#151;that explains why they survived and the Neanderthals did not. When temperatures in Europe began to plummet with the onset of a new ice age, Neanderthals were unable to adjust to the new conditions. But modern humans continued to thrive, even in mountainous areas. By 28,000 years ago the last remaining Neanderthals had disappeared. Homework! Similar developments took place around the world, where modern humans replaced other hominid species. Thus the key to our ancestors#146; success was their enormous flexibility and write evaluation, ability to learn, not patterns of behavior hardwired into their brains. 50. Sociobiologists and evolutionary psychologists distort Darwin by adopting an ultra-adaptationist view that tries to explain every significant aspect of homework, human behavior or psychology as a biological adaptation, shaped by natural selection. But while human intelligence was surely the subject of natural selection, it is highly implausible to write thesis evaluation think that specific behaviors or psychological characteristics are hardwired into our brains. Good Statement For Continuing! As Stephen Jay Gould once put it: The central feature of evaluation report, our biological uniqueness also provides the major reason for doubting that our behaviors are directly coded by specific genes.

That feature is, of course, our large brain. [M]arkedly increased brain size in human evolution. added enough neural connections to convert an inflexible and Write essay in english, rather rigidly programmed device into a labile organ, endowed with sufficient logic and memory to substitute non-programmed learning for direct specification as the ground of social behavior. Flexibility may well be the How to thesis evaluation most important determinant of human consciousness; the direct programming of behavior has probably become inadaptive. 51. The evidence for sociobiology and evolutionary psychology is homework assignment biology, just as weak as for earlier versions of How to thesis report, biological determinism. Next issue: The New Eugenics. Phil Gasper is essay assignment in english, a member of the ISR editorial board. He teaches philosophy of write, science at Notre Dame de Namur University and is an associate editor of the an essay judge online journal Human Nature Review ( 1#9;The arguments are linked because natural selection can only operate on characteristics that have a genetic basis. 2#9; Time , January 20, 1992.

3#9; Newsweek , February 24, 1992. 5#9; U.S. News and World Report , February 27, 1995. 7#9;Quoted in How to write evaluation report, Evelyn Fox Keller, Nature, Nurture, and the Human Genome Project, in Daniel J. Is A Good Statement! Kevles and write thesis evaluation report, Leroy Hood (eds.), The Code of Codes (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992), 282. 8#9;Originally published in Macmillan#146;s Magazine , 12, 157#151;66, 318#151;27, available online at homework assignment 9#9;Francis Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development (London and New York: Macmillan, 1883; second edition, Dent and Dutton, 1907), 17. 10#9;Francis Galton, Hereditary Genius (London and New York: Macmillan, 1869; second edition 1895). 11#9;Ibid., second edition, 338.

12	Correspondence With Alphonse de Candolle, from the Web site Life of Francis Galton by Karl Pearson, Vol. 2, 1884, available online at 13#9;On Davenport and the history of the eugenics movement see Allan Chase, The Legacy of Malthus: The Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism (New York: Alfred A. Write Report! Knopf, 1975), Daniel J. Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of academic success, Human Heredity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985), and How to evaluation report, Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America#146;s Campaign to Create a Master Race (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003). 14#9;Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man (New York: Norton, 1981), 182, 227, and 230. 15#9;Letter to Madison Grant, April 7, 1925, quoted in C. E. Write Essay In English! Rosenberg, No Other Gods: On Science and How to, American Social Thought (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976), 95#151;96. 16#9;Quoted in Chase, The Legacy of Malthus , 159#151;60. 17#9;All quotations from this paragraph are from Barry Mehler, Eliminating the Inferior: American and Nazi Sterilization Programs, Science for the People (Nov#151;Dec 1987), available online at Osborn, incidentally, was also one of the founders of The Pioneer Fund, which still promotes theories of How to an essay judge, black inferiority and is a major financial supporter of the ultra-right Federation for American Immigration Reform. 18#9;Arthur Jensen, How Much Can We Boost IQ and report, Scholastic Achievement? Harvard Educational Review 39: 1#151;123. 19#9;Richard Herrnstein, IQ, Atlantic Monthly , September 1971, 43#151;64.

20#9;Leon J. Kamin, The Science and textbook unit, Politics of IQ (Potomac, MD: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1974). 21#9;Gould, The Mismeasure of Man , Ch. 6. R.C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin, Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature (New York: Pantheon, 1984), 101#151;06. Other genuine studies of write thesis evaluation report, identical twins are problematic on other grounds. See for example Lewontin, Rose, and Kamin, 106#151;16 and Jay Joseph, Twin Studies in Chemistry essay, Psychiatry and Psychology: Science or Pseudoscience? Psychiatric Quarterly , 73:1, Spring 2002, 71#151;82. 22#9;The originator of IQ tests, the French psychologist Alfred Binet, viewed them as simply a diagnostic tool to determine which school children needed additional assistance, not as a measure of fixed intellectual capacity.

It was only when the write thesis evaluation report tests were adopted in the U.S. in the early twentieth century that American hereditarians began interpreting the results in this latter way. See Gould, The Mismeasure of judge, Man, 146#151;58. For the most influential critique of the idea that intelligence is a single entity or capacity, see Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of How to, Multiple Intelligences (New York: Basic Books, 1983; second edition, 1993). 23#9;Steven Jay Gould, Racist Arguments and homework romans, IQ, in Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History (New York: Norton, 1977), 245. 24#9;Hilary Putnam, Reductionism and the Nature of Psychology, Cognition 2:1, 1973, 141#151;43. 25#9;This, of course, did not stop either Jensen or Herrnstein from continuing to get a respectful hearing for their pseudo-scientific views. Thesis Evaluation! Jensen elaborated his views at length in School homework help, Bias in Mental Testing (New York: Free Press, 1979). Write Thesis Evaluation Report! Herrnstein later collaborated with the right-wing pundit Charles Murray to Write essay assignment write the racist tract The Bell Curve: The Reshaping of How to write thesis report, American Life by Difference in What statement for continuing success, Intelligence (New York: Free Press, 1994). Jensen#146;s views are demolished by Stephen Jay Gould in How to evaluation report, Jensen#146;s Last Stand, in An Urchin in the Storm: Essays about Books and Ideas (New York: Norton, 1988).

For an equally devastating demolition of The Bell Curve , see Ned Block, Race, Genes, and IQ, Boston Review , December 1995/January 1996, available online at 26#9;E.O. Write Essay Assignment! Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975). 27#9; Sociobiology , chap. 27. 28#9;Quoted in Human Decency is Animal, New York Times Magazine , October 12, 1975. 29#9;Quoted in J. Getlin, Natural Wonder: At Heart, Edward Wilson#146;s an write thesis report, Ant Man, Los Angeles Times , October 21, 1994. 30#9;Time, August 1, 1977.

The article also reported a claim by the sociobiologist Robert Trivers that feminism was going to decline because feminists were not having children and, therefore, would not pass on their feminist genes! 31	A Genetic Defense of the Free Market, BusinessWeek , April 10, 1978. 32#9;Do Men Need to Cheat on Their Women? A New Science Says Yes, Playboy , August 1978. Essay In English! In a 1981 issue, Playboy went further, claiming that rape is How to write thesis evaluation, very likely genetically based. a strategy genetically available to low-dominance males that increases their chances of reproducing by Do my biology, making more females available to write thesis report them than they would otherwise acquire.

Claims of this kind remain a staple of sociobiology and its more recent descendant evolutionary psychology, most notoriously in Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer, A Natural History of Rape (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000). For a thorough critique of Thornhill and Palmer see Cheryl Travis (ed.), Evolution, Gender and Rape (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003). 33#9;The most comprehensive critique of sociobiology is Philip Kitcher, Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for Human Nature (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985). Kitcher, who is How to setup an essay, perhaps the most respected contemporary philosopher of write evaluation report, science, concludes that most human sociobiology is extended a, based on unrigorous analyses, problematic concepts, dubious connections, and spurious arguments. Also see Marshall Sahlins, The Use and Abuse of How to thesis report, Biology: An Anthropological Critique of assignment biology, Sociobiology (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1976), and Lewontin, Rose, and Kamin, Not in How to write thesis evaluation report, Our Genes, Chap. 9. 34#9;Richard C. Lewontin, Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA (New York: HarperPerennial, 1993), 95#151;96. 35#9;Lewontin, Biology as Ideology , 100. 36#9;Peggy Reeves Sanday, Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of Sexual Inequality (New York: Cambridge University Press, l981). 37#9;Attempts by sociobiologists to deal with cultural evolution have not been successful. See Kitcher, Vaulting Ambition , Chap.

10 and Gould, Genes on the Brain, in An Urchin in the Storm . 38#9;Robert Wright, The Moral Animal: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology (New York: Pantheon, 1994). 39#9;Matt Ridley, The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature (New York: Simon and a, Schuster, 1994). 40#9;Steven Pinker, How the write thesis Mind Works (New York: Norton, 1997) and Aqa biology answers unit 2, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (New York: Viking, 2002). 41#9;Quoted in John Horgan, Darwin on His Mind, Lingua Franca , November 1997. 42#9;For critiques of evolutionary psychology see Hilary Rose and Steven Rose (eds.), Alas Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology (New York: Harmony Books, 2000); David Buller, Evolutionary Psychology, in Marco Nani and Massimo Marraffa (eds.), A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind (An official electronic publication of the Department of Philosophy of University of How to write thesis report, Rome 3, 2000), available online at; John Dupré, Human Nature and Write assignment, the Limits of Science (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001); and Travis (ed.), Evolution, Gender and Rape . Buller#146;s forthcoming book, Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), due out in 2005, promises to How to write thesis evaluation be the Aqa biology unit 2 most comprehensive critique to date. 43#9;Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer, available online at

Buller calls this the Flintstone theory _of human nature. 44#9;Pinker, The Blank Slate , 306 and 314. 45#9;This is a quotation from Winston Churchill with which Pinker begins his chapter on How to write evaluation report, violence. School Help Romans! The quotation, together with the fact that most of the evaluation report chapter borrows heavily from the pessimistic seventeenth century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, suggests that Pinker#146;s views reflect old prejudices rather than a careful assessment of the available scientific evidence. 46#9;Lawrence Keeley, War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996). 47#9;R. Brian Ferguson, The Birth of War, Natural History , July/August 2003, available online at 48#9;Quoted in Dawn of Man: The Story of Human Evolution , a BBC/The Learning Channel documentary, originally broadcast on TLC in August 2000.

Also see Robin McKie, Dawn of Man: The Story of Human Evolution (New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2000). 49#9;Quoted in How to setup, Dawn of Man . 50#9;For more on the Neanderthals see Paul Jordan, Neanderthal: Neanderthal Man and thesis evaluation, the Story of Human Origins (Stroud, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1999). For an up to date guide to what is currently known about human evolution see Roger Lewin et. al., Principles of Human Evolution, second edition (New York: Blackwell, 2004). 51	Potentiality vs. Determinism, in Ever Since Darwin , 257.

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